#mutuals i summon thee
lordoftablecloths · 1 month
where is my forehead kiss
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Meat Marionette Design Thoughts 1
Specifically thinkin about the batkids growin up. Gonna just focus on a few at a time to cut back on length lol
Now like, it’s been previously discussed that when going from Robin to Nightwing he shoots up in size and starts to rapidly lose his body feathers over a few months, alongside his colors starting to turn darker. But I was thinking about how like, he gets his name (in this Au) from his wings and such having patterns akin to a night sky with stars. But I am also thinking about like, the rest of his body and thinkin’ about the originally soft lighter chitin shifting to a deep blue instead of a dark black like the rest of his body, almost mimicking the suit canon Nightwing has. And his domino pattern also shifting to a blue while the black spreads across his body. Like he’s not quite an adult yet, he still does have feathers but his chitin is no longer soft and the down covering him to help him keep warm is gone. Like I am saying full on molting like a mixture of a snake and bird and bug where there is large chunks of the previous ‘skin’ coming off alongside thick tufts of fuzz. Also thinkin about how his electrical organs develop, and if like, he’d get these long, thin spikes along his spine that act like rods for said electricity. 
So I am imagining some centipede vibes for her, but not in the way you think. I am saying like, chest cavity where the ‘ribs’ open up like extra limbs and goes all the way down her tail. Like she can pick up an entire person or two without her arms or wings, chest just opens and grips onto them. Also pondering about almost like, unfoldable needle-like spikes inside said cavity where she could dose someone with either the cure to something or poisons. Like I am thinking about Oracle being this rarely seen absolutely terrifying ambush predator that you can only tell coming from the repeated click-click-click of claws and bone. The thing that won’t leave my mind though is just, her having almost organic ‘wiring’ that are more like tendrils with needle-esque spikes that can produce electricity similar to Nightwing’s that allows her to disrupt and hack into different electronics. 
Au is a combo of mine and @phoenixcatch7 go check them out as soon as you can <3
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pettyprocrastination · 2 months
OH FUCK I'm having an idea
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banesberry-anomoly · 4 months
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I was gonna wait until I added more to the ref sheet but yall havent been fed in a while and Im impatient 💔
Were gonna ignore the fact that I spelled Piccolo wrong in the drawing
Throws our 963 at you, this is my husband. Its in one of our partner systems and I lob him
The Medallion isnt in the ref cause I didnt fuckin draw it cause Im lazy, but its made of orange fire opals and changes shapes for some fucking reason. It most often looks like this but brighter orange. I lost the image of its other main shape but Ill update this post if I find it
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Some fun facts under the cut
- Over 7 feet tall. They TOWER over me
- Hes extremely lanky and yes the hand is purposely drawn with long fingers
- The medallion is hot to the touch
- Magnus Archives Spiral & Desolation core. If you dont know what TMA is then go listen to it *holds you at gunpoint*
- Hotheaded, quite literally. May I interest you in some fire hair? (Only happens with extreme emotions)
- Were also married to our wife Kondraki. Shes transfem. TransMasc x Genderfluid x TransFem is real in this house
Still hammering out details cause fictive memories go brrr and also Im running on a total of 9 hours of sleep in the past like 50 hours or somethin so this def isnt our best work (and by work I mean writing shit down) lmao
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soverane · 5 months
i'm so excited for penacony but i also don't want to close the xianzhou chapter yet. i need answers! i need updates! i want complete high-cloud quintet lore! complete, accurate timeline of events! bailu companion mission part 2! imbibitor lunae companion mission part 2! i want knowledge of continued investigation of tingyun's disappearance! do xueyi or hanya even know who jingliu is considering that they're judges from the ten-lords commission (they should know right? or has jingliu turned into a She Who Must Not Be Named just as yukong said, hence no voiceline about her from the judges themselves?) WHERE IS JINGLIU. WHO IS LUOCHA AND WHAT'S IN HIS COFFIN. WHAT DID THEY DISCOVER BEYOND THE STARS TO TEAM UP IN THE FIRST PLACE.
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notbrucewayne48 · 5 months
I would like to thank you for actually interacting with my posts
You are literally like the only one
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no way im the only one, your posts are great!people just dont appreciate good things
can any of my mutuals who see this post go follow this post go follow them, please?
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carpeossa · 2 months
asks open
I’m about to draw and need to warm up, any suggestions on the doodle?
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alexthescaredenby · 5 months
reblog this post with you signature outfit that anyone will recognize you in (definitely not using this to redesign all ya’ll’s characters)
@anonnzone @shadowthegay @auseryoumayknow @anartistwithamask @finnslay @splittersplatter @moonysfavoritetoast @asmallcanadiangremlin @catinasink @shrimpysstuff @eternal-nyxx @cruciomyself @copper-ichor @you-need-not-apply @willowszplants
mine is a yellow/orange hoodie, black watch, leather bracelet, t-shirt, cute socks, cargo pants, orange Vans high-tops and glasses
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my-beloved-fandoms · 7 months
i summon thee, mutual
i need outfit advice
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Meat Marionette continues lol
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I like to think that the baby robins' chitin and fur mimic exposed musculature, which would help them camouflage with the Hive, but they also have bright wing feathers as a warning. Similarly Bruce has a bright yellow pattern on his wings as a warning of hey, this big predator is venomous so back off.
Bruce's spikes can flatten like quills I think, so he can pick up things and people without worrying about accidentally stabbing whatever is in his hands. He's very careful even if Dick has the habit or leaping into his arms gives him mini heart attacks. Honestly that might be what makes him start carrying him (and the other kids) via his mouth and in the spine cavity.
Eventually Dick will grow and his chitin will darken to his Nightwing colors, but for now he's covered mostly in fine fur and feathers. Though if one looks closely at his wings they'll see there is membrane underneath said feathers. There's also hidden claws between the feathers too similar to Bruce's though less curved. He'll eventually get bigger and evolve more but for now he's a tiny buddy.
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Even with Bruce's cavity, they do still have several bags full of supplies and even more hidden batarangs and other items hidden around the city. Mostly in areas one would need to be able to fly or have very long limbs to reach or even both. Bruce also of course deserves his cloak, long enough to shelter all of the kids, his own or otherwise.
Click on photos for a larger pic
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pspspspsps @phoenixcatch7 I summon thee dear mutual for opinions <3
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ansixilus · 7 months
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @peyurtle thank ye kindly. I benefit here from a habit for poetical naming, though I have to pull from several sources since my organization is as scattered as my muse's time-share schedule.
Black Wings in Twilight
Topsy Turvy, Purple and Red
Dancing on Cracking Glass
Not What We Seem
Waxing Moon
Summoned, Newmade
Dragon Below, Horizon Eyes
Lines in the Fog
The God Machine
Raythe Wormwood
Xenophon's Song
My Beloved Desert
A Touch of the Beyond
We're Monsters, Not Monstrous
The Monarchs
Keystone Research
Raindrop on a Bending Leaf
Glass Masks
System Ghost
My Roommate, the Unspeakable Horror
Who Cares if I was Raised by a Wolf
Overthrow the Reign of Madness
Never Dead Which Eternal Burns
Stitching Together Fates and Shadows
And these ones don't exactly have WIPs, but they're rattling about in my head no less
The End of Wars
Thumb Bone Doorways
A Second Chance at Happiness
I'm A Magic Man
Okay, you made me trawl through my WIP folder and dig up stories long forgotten, fair enough. No, they aren't in much of any order, so the developed ones I'm actually working on are scattered in amongst the old snippets.
I'm pretty sure I don't know enough other writers, nor writer-adjacent folk, let alone as mutuals, but I'll try:
@asexualmonsterfucker Dearest friend, woe be upon thee
@humormehorny I think you're writer-adjacent???
@ernmark I think that's your writer aspect?
@yourozness you're in fandom, close enough
@lynnestra44 Finally, an unambiguous person I sort of know who writes things!
@mageofeternity I think I know who you are under there
@wizardlyghost wait, no, you're, but, who? I? Wha?
@esgiel if you're who I think you are... and if not oh well
@imsorrywhatsalifeagain I think you do stuff???
@stormfalcon2018 cheap shot, ayyyy!
@ageblue You're in my notes and therefore my field of fire, have fun!
@kingofthesafetypins do you do things? I don't remember
Okay I'm running out of time this will have to do okay I love you byebye!
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gmanwhore · 9 months
Half Life mutuals I summon thee
Do any of you wanna hear about Adrian's best friend and/or Judith's wife I am and/or Otis' nephew
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vinegar-on-main · 9 months
Mutuals I summon thee.
@beantothemax @sombrerokiwi @soup-for-ghosts @bewilderedgrace
I need a cool name for my dnd character who I say looks like Cu Chulainn/Tam Lin. I was thinking something Celtic to lean on with the base mythology but I’m all out.
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crazyufokid · 2 months
OK SO i have made a discord server. message me if u want an invite also i have no idea what im doing. lol
i only made a server cuz i wanna talk to people more. mutuals i summon thee.
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nebusokuxp · 4 months
Since my mutuals like Milori here's a sketch dump
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MUTUALS I SUMMON THEE @w-meth @theboxingdead
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hartmannyoukaigirl · 2 months
Mutuals. I summon thee to the boopening
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