#mushroom prns
🍄 Mushroom Themed Pronouns!! (Medium List!)
A bunch of mushroom based neopronouns that I made after not finding enough in my search! Enjoy :]
so or spo/spore/spores/sporeself
- shroom/shroom/shrooms/shrooms/shroomself 
- roo/shroom/rooms/rooms/mushroomself
- roo/mush/rooms/rooms/mushroomself
- myco/myco/mycos/mycos/mycoself
- cel/mycel/mycels/myceliumself
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spadecentral · 1 year
🥣 Bisque Break | Jade Leech x Reader
>> requested: no >> a/n: happy birthday @oepionie!!!
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>> masterlist: here!! >> summary: you escape from eating more of jade's mushroom soup >> reader prns: they/them >> warning(s): none(?)
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You had tried about seven of your boyfriend's mushroom dishes that afternoon. Now, there was nothing wrong with his food. He's an amazing chef! But, eating mushroom dish after mushroom dish had begun to become a bit... exhausting. So when Floyd randomly walked into the kitchen, you knew you had found your escape.
"Hey Floyd! How are you doing?"
"Shrimpy!!" he smiles, walking over to squeeze you.
"Floyd." Jade's voice cuts in, stopping his brother in his tracks. "Don't."
"Fiiiine," Floyd pouts, but he doesn't squeeze you. "Watcha doin'?"
"I'm making some new recipies," Jade smiles.
You had never seen Floyd so quiet before. So, you decided to use this moment as your opportunity to gain freedom.
"Babe, I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a moment." you smiled as you slid off of your seat. "I'll be back shortly!"
"I'm gonna go with Shrimpy," Floyd smiled at his brother. "Can't have them getting caught up with the wrong people."
Realizing that this could ruin your opportunity of freedom, you quickly ran your mouth until you came up with a solution. "Floyd, why don't you uh— don't worry about— just... keep your brother company. I'll be back before you know it."
Sliding out from the door and sliding it shut, you made a mad dash for the exit in case Floyd had decided to follow you out anyway.
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Under a tree, you choked on air as you breathed heavily. You had been running as fast as you could for the last ten minutes, and that was sure to take quite the toll out of you.
Leaning on the tree, you felt a pair of arms snake around your torso. You jumped, surprised, and stepped on your captors foot.
They didn't seem to pay any mind as they tightened their grip and kissed the top of your head. "My, my, you don't have to be so harsh with me."
In the midst of your panic, you realized that it was just Jade. "You absolute ass!"
"You love this ass," you could feel his mouth quirk up into a smirk.
You laughed, rolling your eyes at his comment. "Hell yeah I do."
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>> twst taglist: @tulipluvlettr | @ghost-hyacinth | @oseathepebble | @ventisaircurrent | @epelys | @pastelmages | @xphantasmagoriax | @atlasnessie | @divinesapph | @ze-maki-nin | @booming-spam | @furoidoleech | @queerlordsimon | @kyraxiyn | @rayisalive | @menherasy
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sesshous · 7 months
what’s blue, has multiple... 'layers' and... has a connection with a dendro archon? (hint: it may or may not be some kind of vegetation, or a guy with a very subjective personality) [wanderer x reader]
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summary: the mysterious guy doesn't have a name, so you try and come up with one for him
genre: fluff(?), crack (no prns)
a/n: reader is a lil ditzy(i based reader off my genshin oc sorry lmao), my jab at trying (keyword: trying) to be funny, wanderer is kinda a dick but when is he not? ending is also kinda lame womp womp
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“but if i had to give you a name, what would you want to be called?”
“like i said before, i don’t care what you call me. are you hard of hearing, or do you just not pay attention?”
“this guy truly was something else.” you thought. “not dressed as a sumeru native, having a really rude grumpy personality and now he won’t tell you his name, because he doesn’t have one? is this guy serious?”
“fine then! what about…” analysing his appearance once more, your eyes widened as something clicked in your head. “wait! hold on, you know what you remind me of?” perking up at him. you could already tell that he was going to be annoyed by what you were going to tell him. he let out a sigh, “what do i remind you of?”
“you remind me of some of sumeru’s native plants!”
“your whole colour scheme is blue! and some of sumeru’s native plants are blue! i can call you rukkhashava, because you look like rukkhashava mushroom! no wait- what about kalpalata? because of the petals- but wait! the petals of a nilotpala are really pretty…i could call you nilo- no, nevermind, someone is already pretty popular with that name…” complete silence from him. you didn’t even notice his blank stare due to your rambling. 
the way you talk about it makes it sounds like you’ve make the biggest and greatest discovery in all of teyvat. right now he feels as though a floating fungus would have more brains than you. well, he guess it was a change from people calling him ‘hat guy’ all the time-
“i can’t decide on what i wanna call you… oh well, for the time being, i’ll just call you ‘hat guy’!” anddd there it was. he scoffs and rolls his eyes at you.
“hmph, whatever.”
“humans are never the most creative creatures, are they?” 
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peony-templates · 5 months
medium / long, nature-y mushroom themed system member description template for PK or SP
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text under cut
🍄 :﹒* : 。 **NAME / NAME** *!!* ☆
. . . or *name, name* • 🌿
。:*﹒: 🌾 prn/prn, prn/prn ! *role*
. . . info *info* info *info 🪻
🌻 ☆ **triggers** . . .
*mention w/ care:* x, x, x
*light blacklist:* x, x, x
*heavy blacklist:* x, x, x
*do not mention:* x, x, x
🌷 ☆ **boundaries** . . .
*dms:* yes/no/ask
*touch:* yes/no/ask
*source talk:* yes/no/ask
*front call:* yes/no/ask
🌱 :﹒* : 。 *!!* ☆
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idkwhatimdoingtf · 2 months
TMNT Stuff!!!!
BASICALLYYYY i made an AU off of someone else's AU lmao, @idiot-mushroom Teenage Turtle Ninja Mutants AU to be exact! (GO CHECK IT OUT its soo supa dupa cool and fun and lovingly drawn!!!!) *read more so i dont clog up ppl's dash :]]*
Its unoriginal ik but i got inspired and it'll become its own thing pretty quickly. Imma call it... Teenage Ninja Turtle Yokai AU!! its a 'What If Draxum Took All The Turtles!' Again, not the NEWEST thing but imma do it anyway!!! Too shy to show art js yet so take these facts!!
•Kinder and nicer than Canon+TTNM Draxum :] (not that TTNM Drax is bad, TNTY is js WAYYY more protective+overbearing)
•Does NOT let them go outside the Hidden City, told them places beyond the City dont exist
•Talks to Big Mama more, she babysits when Draxy-poo has work to do :]] (btdubs she's the best babysitter+gramma forever and EVER!!)
•Doesnt talk abt Splinter/Yoshi AT ALL. When the turts ask abt him (cuz Drax put up pics of him and Yoshi while still human) he js calls him "Someone I Miss.."
•Still loves Yoshi lots, sometimes he caves and sneaks to NYC to try and visit but he can never seem to find him..
•Trains the turtles the moment their powers start to show, so they can control them WAYYY better now xp
HOKUSAI (aka Leonardo)-He/Him-Gay-15
•No real leaders of the group, so he has no role besides being a good bro X]
•Hangs w/his friends a lot, usually out of the house
•Wants to explore soooo bad, 3rd to truly believe there's more beyond the Hidden City
•Not rlly a bully but makes lil pranks+teases his bros lots XP
•Trains his power w/Chiho lots, rlly dedicated to it
•Will throw his life on the line for his fam, maybe not SACRIFICE but get a good hit
•Tends to break the rules a bit, usually comes home to a lecture ready and waiting for him from Draxum lol
CHIHO (aka Raphael)-She/He-Queer-16
•Listens to Drax lots, not too big on rule breaking
•Big ol sweetipie, gives the best hugs trust🙏🏽
•Trains her power the most due to it being seen as harmful in his eyes (she hates to hurt accidently ppl (ुŏ̥̥ŏ̥̥) )
•WILL in fact stop the others from sneaking out (atleast not w/o him-) but Hokusai is js a bit too slick for her tastes... (they'll spar abt it l8r)
•Loves his home and his fam, doesnt rlly want anything more.. thinks abt it tho, js a little.. 4th/last to believe there's more beyond the city
•Used to put lil plushies or marshmellows on her shell in order to not scratch nobody or her bros, only rlly does that when going out now
YAYOI (aka Michealangelo)-Any prns-Queer-13
•Loves roam around and spraypaint the walls of the Hidden City
•Usually goes out w/Hokusai if not messing around w/a new hobby they discovered
•WILL treat his fam like royalty when upset (physically or mentally), this boy will bake up a STORM for his ppl💪🏽💯🥶
•Loves Drax lots, rlly looks up to and trusts him (∩_∩)
•Goes under the alias 'c0w@bUNg@' on social media (which is ran by Takashi)
•Loves meeting new ppl and making bonds
•1st to believe there's more beyond the City, truly rlly wants to leave and see for herself
•Uses its powers for everything but fighting lmao, will make a swing outta chains
TAKASHI (aka Donnatello)-They/Them-Bisexual-15
•Knows a bunch of yokai and Hidden City history you'd think they were there for it all
•Relies on tech to make bonds, thinks no1 will like em if they're js a turtle kid☹️😔
•2nd closest to Drax due to similarity in work (Alchemy/Science+Inventing/Tech. Also Yayoi is the closest to Drax)
•Only rlly goes out for materials to build, after that they are in DESPERATE need to touch grass😞
•Has a bunch of anime related stuff Drax would bring for them (every1 gets human gifts but Takashi has the most due to watching+observing human life most and being more interested in humans than other places)
•Knows humans exist, js not where, this leads them to being the 2nd to believe there's more beyond the Hidden City. Claims its cuz "nO tHeOrIeS cAn Be LeFt UnQuEsTiOnEd!🤓👆🏽" but we all know its cuz they wanna get more 'Mob Psycho 100' merch
And thats abt it!!! I'll prolly add to this and make more for the other characters but other than that, this is all i got rn! Hope this AU does good and you all enjoy it!! Again please check out @idiot-mushroom for his TMNT AU that heavily inspired this one (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡ love ya, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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stxrmonster · 2 months
INTRO !! <3
(yes we r single + looking :0)
collective name ;; Ace
origin/s ;; Mostly traumagenic partial neurogenic
collective prns ;; he/vamp/cloud/bat/strawberry/fog/star/fang/bite/mushroom/moon/they/xe/it
dni ;; basic dni !, 19+, -12, seggsual accounts, exclusionists !
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yourdarlingness · 9 months
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✦ Mori kei ~ themed prns — titles
╰ requested by @dollgirlsmind !
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PRNS ︙ fe / forest . doe . bun . fae / fairy . pix / pixie . her / herb . nae / nature . ce / cottage . lace . mu / mushroom . shro / shroom . spro /sprout . bue / butterfly . sun . pop / poppy . boo / bloom . bun . che / cherry . tu / tulip . lea / leaf . de / deer . bam / bambi . ny / nymph . flo / flower . mo / moss . 🍄 . 🍂 . 🌱 . 🌷 . 🌻 . 🌸 . 🍀 . 🐇 . ☁️ . 🦋
TITLES ︙ the forest fairy . the wood nymph . the one who treks the forest/woods . the one who cares for all . prn who lives in the woods . prn who cares for animals/ mother nature . prn who loves nature . the nature-loving one . the protector of the woods . prn who is ethereal . prn elegance . prn who admires nature . prn who is admired by animals
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btw "one" can be replaced by any nouns u want !
ex . the ghoul who cares for all ; the nature-loving girl ; etc
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pallweople · 4 months
Hi, we're the pall weople!
We're a group of silly wall lurkers that branched off from the hurricane family, and we love chaos and our special interests !!! We're currently looking for new members! The walls are empty since some members left, send an ask or dm to join the blog and discord if ya want! <3
Asks: Open / anons on
Basic DNI: queerphobes, ableists, racists, terfs. Shitty people will not be tolerated here :)
(Pall members please notify (post/discord message) if we have a new member)
More info under the cut <3
-Members List- (please keep alphabetical and neat names/prns/url only and if I missed someone please add them!)
-Ajax (he/him) @ajxrn
-Arson (any) @arsonisticscholar
-Astral/Jaylin (they/she) @astral-catastrophe
-Bailey (she/her) @baileyboo2016
-Cal (they/them) @treasure-goblin
-Clover/Soup (any) @6leafclover/@soupyboiiiii
-Ghost (any) @smolchildonmonster
-Hyper (any) @qsmp-tubbo (deactivated?)
-Katnip (she/her) @fingerfuck-the-function
-Ridoc/Links (he/they) @linksarehere
-Mi (she/they) @blondealtgremlin
-Multi (he/she) @ichangenameseveryfiveseconds
-Mushroom (she/her) @mushr0oms-and-m0ss
-Nene/Vio (any) @anime-obsessed
-Potato (any) @is-apotato
-Zen (any) @hero-dualies-pog
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plural-templates · 1 year
Can you make a Undertale Asriel themed description? We need one for one alter that recently formed! /Nf !!!
:basket:﹤ name :⥽ ⥂;age ﹕:black_heart: :mushroom:﹒ prns ﹒ prns ﹒ prns ﹣∠ ∋−﹐ source __ alt. type …:herb:
:heavy_multiplication_x:﹕boundary . 1 :: y|a|n .∂ ⥼∮,boundary . 2 :: y|a|n﹒:tulip: :basket::boundary . 3 :: y|a|n﹒⥂
∞﹐ txtxt ﹒:wilted_rose:∙ :skull_crossbones: ~ txtxt !⁽⁺⁾
i hope this is good! :D it looks like this when filled out!!
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important info post <3
names are sky nd water related stuff !! prns r they/them
dni ( will add to ) :
extremisr ( this probably wont do anything but yk )
believe in zodiac signs
country humans
anti furry (obviously)
nicknames ive been called (im thinking abt deleting this :P)
"maple" by @meltymaple
"babs" , "mipy" , "soap" , "jeebweezer" and "little guy" by @trashbins-stuff
"switzerland" by @astridcookie
"bloody bunny" by @rose-anon11
"bon bon" by @skeezpyuff
"carpet" , "rug" , "floor" , "ceiling tile" , "lamp" "bedside table" and "that piece of dust thats just found in the most random places" by @din0s-in-space (they said i give off room decor vibes and that feels like a complement so- /positive)
"buddy" and "lil mushroom" by @thegremlinunderyourbedhehe
please please please use tone tags with me! (link to list of tone tags)
tags :)
#as [name] the character im using in a roleplay (i dont rp anymore tho :P)
#[name] smth to do w a chara
#me when im doing i am doing (obviously)
#me when i lie iwony :3
#excessively needless stroy
#arfarfarfaraffararafararfafarataf excitement !!
@goybutalsothebirl is a deactive blog where i pretend to be my oc ash , and im probably gonna make an oc ask blog once i figure out what to name it so look out for that :]
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scythidol · 6 months
TIGHNARI PRNS & TITLES . . . for anon!
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dendro/dendros . forest/forests . leaf/leaves . fungus/fugus' . moss/moss' . lecture/lectures . rain/forest . bo/botany/botanies . flower/flowers . mushroom/mushrooms . eco/ecosystem/ecosystems . dew/dews . fox/foxes . flora/floras . vine/vines . bloom/blooms
the verdant strider . the chief officer (of the forest rangers) . collei's mentor . they* who prefer to live a solitary life (in the depths of avidya forest) . the avidya forest watcher . the botanical scholar . the amurta graduate . they* who patrol the rainforest . they* who can guide even the dullest of pupils . they* who hear everything . they* who cant stand loud sounds
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lyshasgf · 5 months
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The first is my Trollsona, second is my gfs and third is my bestie's :)
Other Info under the cut
(The blue-haired troll)-Aephen, nicknamed 'Eclipse'. Pansexual, Any Prns.
Pop troll, lives in Pop village.
Book enthusiast
Usually quiet but his personality is like Poppy's once you get to know her
Knew about the other tribes due to books, dated Caurel since before the World Tour.
BroZone Fan
(Her mask is a fashion choice cus I also like to wear a mask while going outdoor Lmao. I lowkey look better with it)
(The Black/Red-haired troll)-Caurel. Lesbian, She/He.
Rock Troll, lives in Volcano Rock City.
Plays Electric Guitar
Usually quiet(as quiet as a rock troll can be ig) but can and will be speak his mind if needed
Knew about the other tribes but never saw them until Aephen(I'm pretty sure that all the tribes other then Pop taught their people about the other tribes.)
Eclipse gave her a matching mask but It was red instead
(She likes wearing masks when going outdoors irl too)
(The brown-haired troll)-Lily, nicknamed 'Amanita'. Bisexual [male pref]. She/Her.
Putt Putt Troll, lives in Putt Putt Village.
She hunts other animals to get her anger out(and to eat ofc) goes to therapy because of this(do they have a therapist?? Idk)
She says her thoughts out loud a lot but can keep a secret when needed(trolls have thought she has killed other trolls before. She hasn't but probably could)
Did not know about the other tribes until she was introduced to Pop Village.
Eclipse gave her a matching mask but It was a dirty white-ish colour.
(She also likes wearing masks when going outdoors irl too. And she's nicknamed Amanita because Amanita is the name of a poisonous Mushroom!)
These characters are litterally based on all our personalities lmao.
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spadecentral · 1 year
🍄 A Mushroom-Loving Boy | Jade Leech x Reader
>> requested: no >> a/n: yayyy happy birthday @epelys!!
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>> masterlist: here!! >> summary: youre goddamn smitten for jade >> reader prns: they/them >> warning(s): second person; yuu ≠ you; reader is depicted to be shorter than jade
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As eccentric as you were, you didn't know if this was going to be the best idea. Staring at the field of flowers, you didn't know which ones to pick for your crush. You knew that if you didn't pick the right ones, there was a high chance he would hate you for all of eternity. Reaching down to pick a hydrangea, you paused.
It had finally hit you, that he didn't like flowers. For the seven's sake, he had a club that ventured into the mountains! On top of that, he's even offered you some mushroom soup! Standing back up, you made a bee-line for Ramshackle dorm.
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Entering the building, you went up the stairs two at a time.
"Is everything alright?" Yuu hollered up from the bottom of the staircase.
"Yeah, don't worry about it!" you yelled back, rummaging through the things in your room. "Just looking for— Aha!"
You held up a small woven basket that was covered in dust, claiming to be victorious. You coughed as you brushed off the dust, and then walked down the stairs.
"What were ya lookin for?" Grim inquired, looking around Yuu's legs.
"Just an old basket," you smiled, heading towards the door. "I've got some foraging to do."
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Now in the mountains, you searched everywhere for mushrooms, picking every other one you found. carefully, you arranged them inside your wooden basket using immense care so you didn't rip one in any way.
After a while, you stopped to stare at your haul. With over 20 different mushrooms in your basket, you figured that it was a good enough gift for Jade.
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"Ah, Floyd!" you call out the next day.
The teal haired boy turned around to see you running up to him. "Shrimpy?"
"Floyd, could you tell me where your brother is?"
"Why d'ya wanna know that?" he bends to your height and ruffles your hair. "He's over at the garden, but why don't ya say heeeeeereee—"
"Thank you so much, Floyd!" you smile before dashing off.
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"Jade?" you cautiously step into the botanical garden, wary of stray tails.
Getting no answer, you wander around the garden until you spot a head of teal hair. "Jade!"
"Ah, yes?" he smiles, lifting his goggles off of his eyes.
"I brought you something!" you lift up the basket filled with mushrooms. "I thought you would like to cook with them.
"Oh! What a lovely surprise!" he takes the basket from your hands. "Did you know, that this mushroom is used to poison people? And this one is..."
You stopped listening as he talked about the mushrooms, only dopily watching his face light up as he talked. God, were you so in love.
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>> twst taglist: @tulipluvlettr | @ghost-hyacinth | @oseathepebble | @ventisaircurrent | @pastelmages | @xphantasmagoriax | @atlasnessie | @divinesapph | @ze-maki-nin | @booming-spam | @menherasy | @jeidoleech | @oepionie | @queerlordsimon | @kyraxiyn | @rayisalive
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sillykittyco · 7 months
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵✿ · · ♡ · · ✿‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
Rho(dotus) - Rosie - Nettelle - Peach - Thorn - Cap - Bud - Mycie - Coral - Webbette - Veineche - Bloodesse - Sporelle
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵✿ · · ♡ · · ✿‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
Peach/Peachs - Blood/Bleed - Rot/Rots - Beau/Beautiful - Decay/Decays - Vein/Veins - Rose/Rosies - Web/Webbing - Stem/Stems - Gill/Gills - Frill/Frills - Spore/Spores
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵✿ · · ♡ · · ✿‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
The Frill-Capped Fungus - Prn who Grows on Rotting Redwoods The Pink Mushroom/Fungus - Prn who Bleeds Droplets - Prn With a Peach-Colored Crown of Thorns
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stealingyourstoats · 3 months
Uh so pinned post thing
I'm orie! Welcome to my blog! :)
I'm bi and prns are she/her
I like writing, drawing, listening to music and videogames
ASKS are welcome!!! DMs are welcome especially from moots!!
Under the cut are some more things about me!
Favourite medias - characters
- Resident Evil - Mr X and Lady Dimitrescu [have only played RE1R, RE2R, Biohazard and Village]
- Ace Attorney - Damon Gant, Manfred von Karma and Dick Gumshoe [have only played the PW trilogy, please don't spoil]
- Danganronpa - Sakura Oogami, Nekomaru Nidai and Gonta Gokuhara [in that order]
- The Legend of Zelda - Ganondorf [have only played some 3d games]
- Chicago: The musical - Mama
Other things I like
- Caparezza (fav song - Cacca nello spazio)
- Mushrooms
- Maths
About the characters/things I like: I don't mind you following even if you dislike them, as long as you don't post hate in the tags we're golden (this is especially about MvK)
#orie has the mic/ - Textposts made by me, will usually contain rambles
#orie has the pencil/ - Drawings and writings by me. I post rarely in this one, but will in the future!
#orie's faves/ - Posts I really like
#orie answers/ - Answering asks
Will add if needed!!
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confusionyx · 8 months
introductory post!!
hi! im nixen, or just nyx. ive been lurking on here for like, a year or so, and decided to finally do something and fill this empty blog with stuff! ill mostly reblog stuff, and most likely wont really do any posts of my own ''^_^
first off, my pronoun page! definitely check this first, it's got some important info about me
now uh. some fun facts about me! :]
I have autism and have a hard time deciphering tone over text; tone tags help out a lot!
i almost exclusively listen to my liked songs on spotify. i have many. too many
i like making ocs n stuff! theres so much information held in my brain that i just havent gotten to really type out,,,i also like writing stuff sometimes! drabbles about my ocs and interps/headcanons about existing media are prominent examples
i get very anxious interacting with people both online and irl
i rlly like moths and mushrooms and koalas. and the color blue. idk why i feel like saying this but whatever
uhhh. yeah, i think that's it. ill update this if i ever need to in the future. ill leave you with a picture of my koala plush that i've had for so long and love so so so much :]
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