#mummy fanfiction
mummy-bi-bi-bi · 6 months
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Ai generated images of my OC, Sadie O'Connell
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dd122004dd · 1 year
Without you, There is no me
After the battle with Imhotep the Medjai return home to their beloveds. Even Ardeth has someone waiting for him.
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: Hello! This was a requested fic. Unfortunately my tumblr acted up and ate up the request and I can’t exactly recall who sent it, so if you’re the person who told me they loved the way I wrote Ardeth Bay and that they wanted a fluffy romantic fic with a fem reader, please do dm me and I’ll tag you in this fic. Also, thank you for your lovely request, I tried to encapsulate the feelings I felt while reading your request and apologies in advance if this is a little shorter than usual.
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The sun slowly melted into the golden dunes of the desert as the sky was bathed in a heady mix of crimson, tangerine and mahogany. The hot desert air slowly cooling as the glowing rays faded, descending further into the horizon. Darkness descended over the camp as the stars arose, twinkling gently alongside the moon.
The plagues upon the land had disappeared, the Medjai officials in the government working swiftly to cover up its mystical origins, yet the only word the Medjai camp had received was that the warriors were coming home and that Imhotep had been imprisoned once more.
A woman paced within her tent, constantly glancing at the entrance before returning to pacing. Eventually she tired, laying against her soft mattress and watching the entrance with rapt eyes. Breathing slowly, she rubbed her hands against her swelling stomach, impatience thrumming through her veins. As the sky changed shades and the moon illuminated her doorway her breathing slowed and her body relaxed, her bodily aches momentarily forgotten as her mind escaped into the chasm of dreams where she dreamt of warm arms and ebony irises.
She was slowly drawn from her slumber by feathery kisses upon her cheeks. Groggily opening her eyes she saw the face of the man she adored. His lips drawn into a smile as he gazed at her.
“Hello sweet wife,” he whispered with a husky voice.
“Ardeth?” She whispered full of disbelief.
“I’m here,” he said, smiling at his wife.
Overjoyed at his presence she pulled him to her arms, her grip around him tightening and unwilling to let go.
“I thought you’d- I thought-“ she stuttered out, sniffling as her mind brought forward her worst fears.
Rubbing her back he soothed her, “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m back and no one, not even an ancient mummy or Anubis himself could keep me away from you.”
Pulling away from her, he gazed into her eyes, vowing, “You, my sweet wife, are my very life. The air within my lungs and the sand beneath my feet. Without you, there is no me and I will never let you or our little one go.” Saying this he bent towards her stomach before placing soft kisses along her skin, feeling the little flutters of their baby’s movement along his hand he whispered, “I’m here, little one. I won’t leave you.”
Slowly moving away he cradled his wife against his body as he told her the tales of his recent death-defying adventure and as the stars looked down at the lovely couple, the desert breathed peace.
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Favorite niche book genre
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the-maddened-hatter · 2 months
OOC this, OOC that, have you ever considered "To be loved is to be changed"???
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thenotebookwizard · 5 months
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The first time I saw you I knew love at first sight must be true (Ardeth Bay x reader)
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To read my other works, check my MASTERLIST !
Paring: Ardeth Bay x reader
Universe: The Mummy (1999) / The Mummy Returns (2001)
Word Count: 1243
Requested: No
Warnings: mention of guns, blood and death of characters - just “The Mummy” plot
If I forgot about anything feel free to write to me. Your wellbeing is important to me!
Summary: The one where two parts of the soul found each other after thousands of years. 
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They felt like all the air was taken from their lungs, and everything they heard was the beating of their own heart. Her eyes couldn’t leave the silhouette of the man standing before them. They only saw his dark eyes, and even if they saw them for the first time, they felt like they knew them better than anything. They watched how he raised his tattooed hand and uncovered his face, and they couldn’t help the small smile that came into their face. Masked people could start shooting every second, but at that moment, they could die as a happy person - they just saw the most handsome man on this planet. They saw it for the first time when they were awake but knew it was a face they had seen in their dreams. At the sound of his raspy voice, their heart lost a beat. The warrior moved closer, walking behind his people when Rick behind them said:  “I already told you I got him”. The Egyptian looked at them and felt silent for a moment. They could see a surprise in his eyes - as some memories had come to him. Both of them felt like everything was on the right track. It didn’t matter that the creature was alive - two parts of one soul found each other. They never wanted to believe in love at first sight, but when he stood before them, they couldn’t stop their heart from longing for him. Ardeth made himself raise his eyes at the American.“Know this, this creature is the bringer of death. He will never eat, he will never sleep, and he will never stop.” He moved his eyes at the women between them. “If you want to survive, leave this place.” At this moment, they could only watch his dark eyes, and then they nodded.“We will.” They hated how weak their voice sounded at that moment, but they could swear that the corner of his mouth rose just for a second, like he’d stop himself from smiling. They looked at each other before he turned and walked after his people. They didn’t turn their eyes, watching his silhouette disappear in the darkness. They couldn’t stop thinking about him the whole ride to Cairo. They tried to be helpful when Rick and Evelyn argued - they helped to patch up poor Mr Burns and rested a little before they’d tried to help Evy find a solution. They heard the woman screaming that it was their obligation since they woke up the monster, and they couldn’t agree more. When they were washing their hands, the water turned into blood, and they couldn’t stop a scream from their mouth. They were terrified when the fire started falling from the sky. It was a shock to see the man from the Hamunaptra in the museum. They exchanged a few looks, and it was enough for them to find a little peace in this madness, and for the first time in days, they felt safe. Madiaj told them the story of Imhotep and they started to get hope that they really could find a way to come out of this alive. When they finally agreed on what everybody needed to do and started walking to the car, they looked back at him one more time and smiled when they realised that he was watching them. “Miss/Mister…” he came closer to them, and they knew that Evy and Rick slowed a little while waiting for them, “Are you hurt?” At their surprised look, he moved his hand to point to a bloody stain on their clothes.“Oh, no... I’m not hurt. I was washing my hands when the water turned into blood...Thank you for asking. It’s very kind of you, Mr…” They smiled gently and noticed that the corners of his lips moved a little, just like he was close to smiling. “Ardeth Bay.” Her smile grew wider when they told him their name. The longing of their heart for him was surprising, just like how their body responded to even the smallest smirk. They wanted to know him better, even if they already felt that strange similarity in his presence.“I hope that all of your people are alright.” They wrapped their arms around themself to stop themself from trying to touch him. “They are.” They breathed with relief, nodding. “But they won’t hesitate to die if it will stop this creature.” Ardeth saw that pain came into their face hearing this sentence. He wanted to take it away from them, to hold them and keep them safe. He didn’t understand why he felt so attracted to them, but it was a nice feeling. They were like a breath of fresh air in the heat of the desert, and he wanted, no, he needed to feel it again. “I hope it won’t be necessary.” They heard Rick calling their name, and they turned to look at him. They knew that it was the moment that they should go. With every minute, Imhotep was closer to winning. They nodded at him and moved their eyes to the Egyptian. “Mr Bay, please be careful. I… I hope we meet again.” They gently touched his arm and moved to join Rick and Evy. Before they left the room, they looked again at Ardeth and smiled, and they could swear that for a few seconds, he did the same. Not everything worked in their favour. Egyptologist and Henderson were dead, Imhotep was nearly regenerated, and the only idea to beat him was only a legend. They anxiously walked after Rick and the rest of the team. Twisting their fingers, they watched how Evy tried to find the location of the Book of Amun-Ra. They were so lost in their mind that they didn’t notice Ardeth coming closer to them. He gently touched their elbow, making them jump. He looked at them apologetically, and they smiled nervously. “We met again.” He smiled at them, and they couldn’t help but laugh quietly. “We did. However, I hoped it could happen in a little calmer situation.” They looked straight into his eyes and felt like their heart had stopped for a moment. “I… I know it will sound weird if anything in that situation could be normal. I feel like I know you. Not from now, but like… like my soul finally was whole just by meeting you. It’s probably a wrong time to say it, but I felt like I had to do it.” They looked down at their shoes, feeling ashamed. They were afraid of his reaction, but who knows how long they would live. However, they didn’t see the smile forming on his face. He gently touched their chin and made them look at him again. “I know this feeling. Of everything being completed and in peace only because… you are here, next to me. I don’t understand it wholly, but maybe it also was destined in ancient times.” “Maybe that is the answer.” They smiled and touched his hand. Not caring about decency, they rose on their tiptoes and connected their lips. They felt his other hand fall on their hip, and their heart started beating faster. They found him, and they knew that whatever waits for them in future will end up happily. Two souls destined to stop the evil from ancient times found each other again. Like many times ago, they find a way to win.
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Author’s note: Thank you  so much for reading! If it’s not too much trouble, I would love to hear your thoughts about it. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and motivate me to work.
I am sorry about every grammar mistake and misspellings. English is not my first language.
Klaudia  💜
Taglists are always open! If you want to be added fill this up or send me an ask!
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queerfanfiction · 10 months
I created a masterlist of my works and linked it on my page (/masterlist). However, I thought I would post it as it's own post, too.
Wednesday (TV 2022):
Larissa Weems x Reader/OC
Love Notes You’re a music teacher at Nevermore that makes encouraging handwritten notes and mix CDs for Larissa anonymously. Will Principal Weems ever find out you are her secret admirer? Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 Ch 6 Ch 7 (currently writing)
Topic of Study Arriving to Nevermore on fellowship is a normie PhD student writing their dissertation on Normie/Outcast rhetoric and relations. The best way to research is hands-on, so reader has decided to make Principal Larissa Weems their main object of study. Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5 (currently writing)
Mummy Issues (one shot) (request)
Guardian Angel (one shot) (request)
Game of Thrones (TV 2011)
Brienne of Tarth x Reader/OC
Angel in the (K)night (one shot)
The Sandman (TV 2022)
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader/OC
Possessed (one shot) (request)
Flying (one shot) (request)
All works above are also crossposted to AO3.
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
hiya there sorry if this seems like a big thing to ask of but do you know which sonic characters do have like, official halloween outfits? Like, have been officially published/endorsed by sega.
I know Metal has the Reaper, Shadow has the phantom-vampire hybrid looking costume, Rouge has the witch, Knux has the mummy and Omega is just a big ol' cute pumpkin.
hmm well it depends on what youd count as official by sega i guess, like if youre only counting stuff from games or if other official artwork counts too.. but ill just assume that anything from official media counts. so firstly theres a decent amount of halloween themed sonic channel art that has the characters dressed up:
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i think theres at least one more sonic channel wallpaper of reaper metal sonic but im too lazy to track it down.. anyway theres also halloween skins in sonic forces speed battle and theyre all based on existing halloween looks but most of them are a little different from the original, heres the ones that are different:
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and sonic usually wears a black cape for halloween art or events, sometimes he has a hat sometimes he doesnt
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and theres also a halloween themed cover for an issue of idw sonic, here are the outfits that werent the same ones from existing halloween art:
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the outfit amy is wearing is actually based on an outfit from sonic runners but i dont know if it was intended as a halloween thing before so i didnt show it .. also big and froggy are from an early version of the cover the final version replaced them with silver which is why amy and cream are on there twice
and theres also an upcoming idw sonic halloween special, since its not out yet there could be stuff im missing but we do get to see vector espio and charmys costumes in the preview
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there could be stuff im missing but this is everything i know about in terms of official halloween costumes for sonic characters
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lady-bess · 4 months
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LadyBess' Masterlist 📖
Hello, and welcome to my Masterlist! Grab a snack, two fingers of whiskey, and take a look at what I've got to offer! 🥃
I write predominantly for Pedro Pascal characters at the moment, but this is a multi-fandom blog, so characters in and out of the 'Pedro-verse' are featured here too!
My works are often 18+ and each fic comes with its own content tags and warning. Minors, please DNI ✨
For ease of navigation, I have used a Traffic Light System to rate these works 🚦
💚 Green is for General/Teen rated content 🧡 Orange is for more Mature works 💋 Red is for anything rated Explicit
My writing is mainly reader-insert content, but I have a mix of Female, AFAB, and Gender Neutral (GN) reader inserts 💜
Not all of these works are on Tumblr yet, but feel free to check out my A03 profile for all works!
Please enjoy, and come back regularly to see what's new!
Current Series: Fallout (Jack Daniels x F!Reader) Recent One-Shot release: Trust (Din Djarin x F!Reader)
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"Petals" - Jack Daniels x F!OC (Tumblr Ask/Prompt) "Something Sweet" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Departure" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader "After Hours" - Jack Daniels x GN!Reader (A03) "Fright" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Swing" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "The Perfect Fit" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Homeward Bound" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader "Restless" - young!Jack Daniels x F!Reader "The Lodger" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader "Dessert" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Chasing The Sun" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Afternoon Intrusions" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "A Lesson Learned" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Closing Time" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Bound" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03) "Disciplinary" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader (A03)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Jack-mas Christmas Drabbles" - Jack Daniels x AFAB/ F!Reader (A03) "Fallout" - Jack Daniels x F!Reader
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"Birthday Wishes" - Joel Miller x F!Reader "The Headache" - Joel Miller x GN!Reader (A03) "Foolish" - Joel Miller x F!Reader
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"Getting In A Pickle" - Javier Peña x F!Reader "Take A Seat" - Javier Peña x F!Reader "Hot Nights in Colombia" - Javier Peña x F!Reader (A03)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Monday Morning" - Javier Peña x F!Reader (A03) - collaboration with @joels-darlin 💕
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"Drive Me Wild" - Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03) "Return To Me" - Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03) "Longing" - Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03) "Sundress" - Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03)
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"Birthday Boy" - Javi G x F!Reader (A03) "Behave Yourself" - Javi G x AFAB!Reader (No pronouns used)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Heist" - Javi G x F!Reader - COMING SOON
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"Three's A Crowd" - Jack Daniels x Joel Miller x F!Reader (A03)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Just A Date" - Multiple Pedro Character fic x GN!Reader "Mutually Beneficial" - Javier Peña x Frankie Morales x F!Reader (A03)
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Much loved characters, but so far only 1-2 fics to their name 💜
"Understanding" - Marcus Pike x F!Reader (A03) "Now You See Me" - Marcus Pike x F!Reader (A03) "Clean Up" - Max Phillips x F!Reader (A03) "Hypercharged In Hyperspace" - Din Djarin x F!Reader (A03) "Trust" - Din Djarin x F!Reader "Rookie Mistake" - Tim Rockford x F!Reader
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"A Brand New Start" - Agent Ortega x F!Reader (A03)
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"Salvation" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) x Clara Oswald (A03) "Run" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) x F!Reader (A03) "Rose Petals Blossom" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) x Rose Tyler (A03) "Precious Moments With You" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who) x F!Reader (A03)
Multi-Chapter/ Series'
"Paint The Town Red" - Ginger Ale (Kingsman) x F!Reader
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The Mudman
Wife and I just watched the 1999 cinematic masterpiece The Mummy, starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. Which, in turn, reminded me of this interaction I had with the incredible @weeinterpreter (back before ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask so I was still on anonymous). Anyway, I wrote this thing.
A hot, dry wind blew through the dirty streets, stirring up dust and sand in every nook and cranny throughout the seaside port. Holly shook her head in an attempt to ward off a swarm of some sort of flying pest. She would have raised her hand to protect herself, but she was so laden down by luggage that she didn’t have a hand to spare.
“What a dreadful place,” complained the man beside her, dropping a net from the brim of his Jacobsen hat to protect his face. “I don’t believe I’ve felt a breeze so hot since… well, I’m not entirely sure that I’ve ever felt such an awful heat.”
“Oh Artemis, you must be exhausted, especially considering all that luggage you’re hauling around,” Holly grunted, staring pointedly first at her brother’s empty hands, then down at his trunk that she had been lugging along with her own.
Artemis didn’t even have the decency to look embarrassed. “I am, thank you for commiserating,” he answered with a long-suffering sigh, refusing to rise to her challenge. “I don’t know how I manage to survive all these hair-brained adventures of yours.”
“You certainly don’t mind all of the money you’ve made off of my hairbrained adventures,” Holly reminded him with a prod of her elbow.
Her brother smiled, his pale skin and sardonic grin appearing even more vampiric than usual in the harsh sunlight of the port. “But of course, dearest sister,” he hummed. “Someone must keep the family’s financial affairs in order, after all. If it weren’t for me, who would fund your incredible adventures?”
“Truly you are the most valuable member of this expedition,” Holly praised him with a roll of her eyes. She looked around the port, dropping the luggage she had been hauling as they reached the plank of the ship they were to board. “So,” she said, wiping her hands clean of dust on her canvas pants, “where is this contact of yours? You always find such unsavory, unhelpful people to work with. What was the name of this one again? Something ridiculous… Plank? Carp?”
“Kelp,” answered a voice from directly behind her.
Holly wheeled around, her shoulders hunching and a bashful grin crossing her lips.
The man behind her was tall, with short brown hair and eyes of such dark blue that in the sunshine they almost looked purple. He grinned down at her with surprisingly perfect teeth and a distractingly strong jawline. “Don’t worry,” he reassured her, brushing a strand of hair back into place from where it had fallen across his forehead, “I’m well aware that the name is ridiculous. Just wait until you hear my first name.”
Holly’s mouth worked open and shut a few times, but she just kept staring at him in stunned silence.
“Well,” Kelp said, that smug, frustratingly handsome grin still not leaving his face, “this is our ship. Can I help you with your bags?” Without another word he stooped down and grabbed both of their trunks, hauling them up the plank to their ship.
Artemis smirked, reaching up with two fingers to close Holly’s open mouth for her. “Just as you said,” he remarked with a grin. “Terribly unsavory.  A horribly unpleasant sort.”
She rounded to bite something sarcastic back at her brother, but whatever her angry remark would have been was cut short when a grubby hand landed on her shoulder. She looked around in confusion before casting her eyes down to see an extraordinarily hairy little man smiling up at her, displaying a row of startlingly large teeth and mischievous eyes.
“Artemis, do we know this one?” she asked in surprise.
Her brother sighed dramatically, lifting one hand beneath his portable bug screen to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Mister Diggums, our financier for this particular expedition,” he said by means of introduction. Then he leaned toward the small, furry man and whispered, “I was under the impression that you were going to be a silent partner on this excursion.”
“Nonsense, my boy,” Diggums laughed heartily, clapping Artemis on the shoulder with his other hand. “You’ve known me long enough by now to know that I am never silent. I shall be joining you to protect my investment.” With that, the newcomer trundled up the ramp behind Kelp.
Holly shot her brother a glance. “Well, come on then,” she said, knocking him ahead with her shoulder. “This is going to be fun.”
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mummy-bi-bi-bi · 7 months
Chapters: 3/6 Fandom: The Mummy (Movies 1999-2008) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Ardeth Bay/Sadie O'Connell, Ardeth Bay/Original Female Character(s), Ardeth Bay/Reader, Evelyn Carnahan O'Connell/Rick O'Connell, Rick O'Connell & Sadie O'Connell, Rick O'Connell (The Mummy) & Original Character Characters: Ardeth Bay, Original Female Character(s), Sadie O'Connell, Rick O'Connell (The Mummy), Evelyn O'Connell, Original Characters Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, could be stand alone, Canon Compliant, Forced Proximity, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Period-Typical Racism, Period-Typical Sexism, Slow Burn, Pre-Relationship, Canon-Typical Violence, Missing Scene, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Ancient Egyptian Literature & Mythology, Variations on Ancient Egyptian Religion, Mentions of PTSD, she fell first he fell harder, Mild Sexual Content Series: Part 2 of Mummified Memories Summary:
Imhotep is defeated and with their newly found riches, Rick O'Connell and Evelyn Carnahan make a home for themselves. Meanwhile, it doesn't take very long before Rick's sister, Sadie feels that familiar pull back to Egypt and so she returns to Cairo in an attempt to reconcile with some of her old ghosts. Unintentionally, one of those ghosts runs into her.
The story and chapter titles are based on the cover song 'Strange' by Celeste, the inspiration behind this fic. Not a songfic.
I do not own the Mummy's plot, lore, and/or characters. All rights go to their respective creators. I only own my original character, Sadie.
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dd122004dd · 9 months
Broken & Betrothed
So, this is in response to a post I had made asking if ya'll would read a past life Ardeth Bay fic, well, it's finally here, part 1 of it. Hope ya'll enjoy it and so sorry for the wait. Summary: She is the sister of Nefertari and in love with her private guard but its forbidden and so they have to hide their relationship but her father, the pharaoh has betrothed her to another, so with a heavy heart she has to tell her lover that her father has betrothed her to someone else
Warnings: Angst, Heart break, Part 2 (THE HORROR!!!)
Part 2
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The young Medjai strode across the alabaster stone floors. His footsteps were precise and silent. A pair of daggers attached to his hip glistened in the moonlight as he traced his way through the palace. Hidden by the shadows he moved swiftly, a destination in his mind as he entered her chamber.
She stood at her balcony, her hair shimmering in the dark as she gazed at the night sky.
‘The moon is a gift from Khonsu’, she told him once, ‘it guides travelers across Kek’s darkness.’ Silently he had motioned her to continue as he kissed her shoulder gently, ‘I wish I was a traveler; I wish I could see all the beautiful places I hear about. I want to see where the luxurious clothes I wear come from, I want to know how their strings are woven together, to see color bleed into their very strands. I want to know where the jewels I’m adorned with come from, where the spices on my tongue are grown, but most of all I want to see your hometown, the place where you grew up, the place you recall with such fondness in your eyes.’ That night he held her as she told him of her dreams, knowing that her duty, her royal blood bound her to her gilded cage.
Gazing at her his heart ached as she hummed a soft tune, it was a familiar tune, one he’d heard multiple times when the priestesses of Hathor worshipped her. Lost in her voice, he continued gazing at her, his limbs softly swaying with her voice, the jangle of his daggers accompanying her voice to form a symphony unheard of before.
Slowly the song dwindled into a comforting silence, the pair basking in it as if afraid to break this moment of comfort. “Will you simply stand there, Ardeth?” she finally asked, breaking the silence. “What would you command of me, Princess? I am but your servant.”
“Princess? You haven’t called me that in a long time.” She said sadly as she turned to look at him.
“I’m afraid it is time I start addressing you by your title, Princess. I have been remiss in my duties and have allowed myself to become too familiar with the one I was destined to serve.” He said formally, trying to distance himself, trying to hold himself back from comforting his lover.
“You’ve heard.” She stated simply, realizing why he was so distant that night.
“You are betrothed,” he stated monotonously as the very words he mumbled ripped his heart apart yet he held out hope that she’d reject his allegation, that she’d take him in her arms and strip away his doubts.
“Yes,” she shakily said as tears welled in her eyes. Stepping forward she reached out to him, silently begging for comfort. Despite his own bleeding heart, he enveloped her within his arms as she shook from the force of her sobs. He hugged her closer as though he wanted to merge her into himself, as though if he held her close enough, she wouldn’t be ripped apart from him, as though his arms could protect her from the hands of the Pharoah, from her father, from her fate.
Tears dripped down his face as the pair sank to the floor, clutching onto each other as if, if they’d let go for even a moment the strong currents of the Nile would part them. In that moment he cursed the gods, wondering why they’d let such pain befall an innocent such as her, wondering why they’d make him pay for his countless sins by putting her through so much pain. For many nights they had laid together, falling deeper into each other till their very souls melded into one, till even the blood within their veins was shared, their bodies and minds now one. They had prayed to Hathor, the goddess of love, to never separate them, yet the coy goddess refused their prayers. Rather, she made them love each other only to have it ripped apart before their very eyes.
Perhaps the most painful thing about this was that both of them were alive, for what was more torturous than seeing your beloved in the arms of another when all they crave is your arms around them?
“I-I don’t want t-to marry-y him, A-Ardeth,” she said, hiccupping. “I can’t.”
“It is your duty and your Pharaoh’s decree,” he said, hating the words coming from his mouth with a burning passion.
“You’d rather me marry someone else? Someone who’s not you?” She asked, feeling hurt at his complacency as she rose to her feet, anger and hurt radiating from her body. Staring at him through reddened eyes she cradled herself in an attempt to comfort herself.
Feeling her rip herself apart from him, the dam holding back his emotions burst as he desperately crawled towards her and wrapped his arms around her hips. Burying his face against her soft stomach he wept bitterly. He pulled her closer as she wrapped her arm around his head, slowly soothing him as she brushed her fingers through his onyx locks.
He looked up at her with red-rimmed eyes as desperation filled his gaze, “I’d rather you lived in the arms of another man than be buried alive within my embrace.”
“I’d rather enter the afterlife bound to you than separated from you.”
“Do you not see you are my very reason to breathe?” he asked desperately.
“Do you not see, without you, I cannot live? You are my reason to live. To survive. To fight,” she stated with conviction.
“I cannot and will not sacrifice your safety, My Princess. In this life or the after-life.” He stated, rising to his feet as his eyes tried to convey his emotions.
“So, you’d rather see me in the arms of another man? Some pompous King from a distant land?”
“I’d rather see you alive and unhappy than dead,” he stated with finality as he walked away from the love of his life. His chest felt void with every step he took away from her, refusing to look back for if he did, he knew his resolve would crumble and he’d try to run away with her, consequences be damned. Yet, deep down even he knew that she did not deserve a life of hardship and that was the only life he could promise her.
“Don’t you see? I’d rather spend my afterlife in your arms than be bound to a marriage I detest, in this life and the next.” She whispered to an empty room, her knees tucked under her chin as she wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to shield herself from the growing emptiness in her chest.
Weddings were an exciting affair. They were supposed to be a happy affair, commencing with a feast at the bride’s home before she departed with the wedding gifts to live with her husband as his wife. It was a period of excitement where families came together to celebrate, it was supposed to be a time of happiness yet she couldn’t seem to muster a spark of joy within her soul.
In public she played the role of the perfect princess, the beautiful blushing bride yet with every smile, with every chuckle, with every compliment she got she felt like crying, like ripping her jewels off and baring her soul for everyone to see. She desired to bare her heart to the world, to show everyone who’s name was truly carved into her heart, yet she could not. He left her, refused to fight for her, for them.
He had been avoiding her. He had traded shifts with another guard till one day she awoke to a new personal guard. On inquiring about the change, the new guard, Naten, told her that Ardeth had requested the change. Whenever she saw him lurking in the corridors he simply walked away, pretending she didn’t exist. Perhaps that’s what hurt more than being apart from him. His refusal to acknowledge her.
During the day she was a blushing bride, but at night she grieved the living lover she lost. Her mournful cries merged with the wails of widows along the streets of the city. Unheard and unseen she shed her tears till finally one day someone saw. It was her sister, Nefertiri, who found her nestled on her windowsill with her knees tucked against her chest. She gazed at the moon once again, but this time she sung a mournful tune. Trails of kohl long-dried on her face as she sniffled.
“Nefertiri?” she asked, startled by her appearance.
“Why are you crying?”
“I’m not crying.”
“Don’t take me for a fool. Tell me. What has caused you so much pain?”
“Nothing, Nefertiri. Just leave it alone.”
“I cannot, you are my sister and it’s my duty to protect you,” she said, staring into her sister’s eyes with sincerity. She snorted at that word again, duty, the very thing that doomed her.
Looking into Nefertiri’s eyes, tears welled in her own as she cuddled into her sister’s nostalgic embrace, a reminiscent of when she used to comfort her when they were children. Her sister gently hushed her, slowly rocking her back and forth as she cried.
Hours passed by as the night slowly dwindled into day and Ra’s boat, Mandjet, came forth from the underworld. It was then she finally confessed, unburdening herself of the burden she carried. She poured her heart out to her sister about the lover she was tragically torn apart from.
Her sister could only look at her in sympathy, knowing that their father’s word was law and that she would not be able to help her. All she could do was offer her comfort. For the first time the powerful princess, Nefertiri, Lily of the Nile and wielder of the spear of Shapneh was helpless, she couldn’t do anything to interfere in her sister’s fate so she simply offered her comfort.
A new face had appeared in court, a beautiful woman by the name Anck-Su-Namun, the daughter of a noble at court. She was as graceful as she was deadly, trained in combat she was a skilled woman, impressing the court with her prowess. Quickly she caught the eye of the Pharaoh. Her alluring appearance and saccharine words appealed to the older widower. She consumed his thoughts till she became his most favored concubine. Soon, she was to be the Queen, bound to bear a male heir to the throne. Men lusted after her and Pharaoh’s harem envied her, yet all the wealth of Egypt was not enough for her, she desired more, something different, someone different.
Anck-Su-Namun was Princess Nefertiri’s combat instructor before she caught the Pharaoh’s eye so as a part of her wedding celebrations, a martial display between Anck-Su-Namun and Nefertiri was organized by the Pharaoh.
It was that very night that Pharaoh had been slain by his favorite lover and his trusted High Priest. The Medjai rushed to save him but they were too late. The Pharaoh bled out on the stone floors.
Nefertiri bore witness to the event, her eyes burning with rage at the death of her father. Leading the Medjai in pursuit of the priest who sought to perform a perversion against the very gods themselves, raising someone from the dead and ripping them away from the judgement of Anubis, she finally caught the priest, ordering the Homdai, the most terrifying of curses, a cursed death, a half-life, an eternity of torment.
The entirety of Egypt was in mourning, with the Pharaoh gone, who would lead them? In this moment of turmoil, Nefertiri rose to the challenge, becoming the Pharaoh herself. Like any new ruler she had to establish herself as capable, yet she did it with an unfaltering grace soon becoming beloved by her people.
Her first act as Pharaoh was breaking her sister’s betrothal. Her betrothed was not pleased and demanded compensation for the betrothal which was granted to the man in the form of a different bride, a far more willing cousin of the Pharoah who had yet to be wed.
With the betrothal ended she could breathe a sigh of relief, now she remained untethered, yet the man of her desires still refused to look at her.
Perhaps he was consumed with shame or guilt or even self-loathing. Perhaps his pride kept him from her. Perhaps he believed himself unworthy. Whatever the reason was, his avoidance was getting infuriating, so with a sense of new-found determination she decided to find him, or like her sister said, “Grab him by his ear and make him listen.”
Part 2
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angel-0f-verdun · 3 months
Master List of Master Lists
Top Gun Fanfiction
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Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Don't Fear the Reaper
My call sign is Reaper, don't ask me how I became the Reaper. My ticket to Top Gun was a surprise to not only myself but everyone around me. My commanding officer believed that a female deserved a chance to prove herself to the many men that had already graduated from the prestigious training school. I've flown with many of them on prior occasions. Although I will make sure to create a legacy for myself this time, I took the chance and will prove to myself and those around me that a woman can have it all: a man, a plane, and prestige. Maverick x OC. Ongoing story
The Mummy Fanfiction
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Rick O'Connell Fanfiction
Rick’s Kryptonite [Book 1]
I am the adopted sister of Evelyn and Jonathan Carnahan. I never thought I’d be pulled into such a crazy adventure in the hot Egyptian sun. I had no idea that I’d fall in love and run into some lost friends along the way.
Here We Go Again [Book 3]
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Alex O’Connell Fanfiction 
Stained Love (continuation of Rick’s Kryptonite) [Book 4]
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Nick Morton Fanfiction (The Mummy 2017)
Liquid Mercury (continuation of Rick’s Kryptonite) [Book 5]
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Ardeth Bay Fanfiction
Ardeth’s Weakness - Evy & Ardeth (continuation of Rick’s Kryptonite) [Book 2]
Evelyn and Ardeth’s growing love story.
Desert Umbra
I am the sister of Rick O’Connell. I was thrown into this adventure unwillingly by my brother, to Hamunaptra where I met this beautiful man who is the protector of evil adn in ancient days the pharaoh’s bodyguard. But there is a darkness surrounding us, something sinister that I cannot quite pinpoint. Good for me, the darkness has always been my friend. (ongoing story)
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wingsyouburn · 7 months
For the fic ask game:
8. “This will be permanent,” for Rick/Evy/Ardeth (THE ot3) if you can!!
I'm sorry this one took me so long - you know how you write most of a fic but then just don't finish it??? Yeah, that happened here. I hope you enjoy!
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Title:Permanent Fandoms: The Mummy Series Characters: Ardeth Bay, Evelyn Carnahan O'Connell, Rick O'Connell Pairing: Ardeth Bay/Evelyn Carnahan O'Connell/Rick O'Connell Rating: Gen AO3 Tags: Tattoos, Slice of Life, Post-Canon, Post-Movie: The Mummy Returns (2001) Summary: Evy wants a tattoo, too. Notes: Written for accidentallylita on tumblr, for the prompt: "This will be permanent." I hope this suits you!
The needle hovers over Evy’s pale skin. Ardeth hesitates, deep eyes flicking to hers. “This will be permanent,” he reminds her, softly. Evy rolls her eyes. “Of course it’s permanent,” she says, “it’s a tattoo, for gods’ sake.” Her gaze shifts from Ardeth to Rick, standing behind him. “It’s not like the two of you are strangers to the concept.” “It’s different than having it slapped on you in a Cairo orphanage.” Rick shrugs. “You get a choice.”
Read more at AO3!
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roselynnthornwood · 3 months
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Author IG: roselynnthornwood_author
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Artist IG: drea.d.art
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I’ll be at your side (Ardeth Bay x fem!reader)
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To read my other works, check my MASTERLIST !
Paring: Ardeth Bay x fem!reader
Universe: The Mummy (1999) / The Mummy Returns (2001)
Word Count: 1105
Requested: No
Warnings: mention of pain, gunshot, blood, attack on village and being held captive. 
If I forgot about anything feel free to write to me. Your wellbeing is important to me!
Summary: The one where she was hurt.
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She woke up with a throbbing head, feeling her mouth dry. She looked around, and after a few seconds, she realised she was in the bedroom she shared with her husband. She tried to sit up, but suddenly stabbing pain rose in her arm, making her fall onto the bed breathlessly. She tried to recall what happened, moving her hand to a place that hurt and found a bandage under her fingers. A few days ago, Ardeth and a few of his trusted men went to check on some illegal digging. Not long after it, some travellers came into their village. With one of her best friends and great warrior, Rashid, she kept an eye on them. She provided them with the help they needed and did everything to keep as much information about Medjai secret. All at once, everything went south. They took out the guns, screaming to prepare all the goods for them. She tried to talk them out, to calm the situation, but it didn't help - soon, one of them kept his gun to the head of a local girl. The chieftess' heart stopped in her chest when she tried to take her place. What the attackers didn't know, they chose the worst time they only could. By the corner of her eye, she noticed Fahran - the right-hand man of Ardeth, and that meant that they all were back. He quickly took the attacker's attention to himself as she jumped to help the girl. She hit him in the nose and took the girl in her arms, shielding her with her body. She moved them to leave this place when her eyes met the well-known irises of her husband. She smiled softly, knowing that now everything should be better. However, fate had different plans. A loud bang was heard, just like the scream of the girl next to her. She felt a burning sensation at the top of her chest. She looked down and saw the red stain start showing on her chest. The last thing she heard before she fell on the floor was Ardeth screaming her name. 
She tried to move, trying to sit against the headboard. Her tired mind noticed movement by the door, and she moved her head to the side. She looked at Farhan, who smiled at her and then shouted for his chief in Arabic. Not even a minute later, Ardeth came into the room and fell on his knees by the bed. 
"Ya Hayati*. You're awake!" He gently caressed the side of her head, and she closed her eyes at this reassuring gesture. "How are you feeling?"
"Tired… And my arm hurts." She looked up at him and noticed how worried he was. She smiled when he moved the hair away from her face and kissed her forehead. 
"Would you like to drink something?" At her nod, he stood up. He leaned over her, carefully wrapping his arms around her and helped her to sit. He tried to gently support her body, but a quiet groan left her lips nonetheless. He mumbled an apology, kissing the side of her head while she caressed his back. He brought a cup to her lips, and she gratefully drank its contents. She immediately recognized the taste of the tea that women in the village made to get rid of pain, and she was grateful to have it now. When she had enough, Ardeth whipped the drops that fell on her chin. 
"How is that girl? Was someone hurt?" She was watching him when he placed the cup on the cupboard and sat next to her. 
"She is alright." Ardeth took her hand in his and squeezed it. "A little shaken up, but nothing happened to her. Rashid already checked on her twice." He chuckled softly, and she couldn't stop smiling forming on her lips. "Aziz got himself a black eye, but no one was injured. Except for you." 
"Twice? He must be bewitched by her." She bit her lip, mindlessly starting caressing the back of his hand with her thumb. "I feel like she was in danger because of me… I should do more to stop them, to make them go away much faster." 
"Ya Hayati, you did nothing wrong. You gave them the help they needed, and they used your good heart. You made sure that our people could run when they took guns. You shielded this girl with your own body. It was not your fault." Ardeth brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. She looked into his eyes and nodded, trying to believe in his words. "You scared me terribly…"
"I'm sorry, ya Amar*. I'd promise it won't happen again, but it probably would be a lie." She smiled sadly, squeezing his hand. "I was so relieved when I saw Farhan and you."
"I'll keep you safe. This time I won't fail."
"Ardeth Bay, you never failed me. And I would argue more about it, but I'm too tired right now." He couldn't help but chuckle. "Would you lay with me? I missed you."
Her one look was enough for him to agree. He knew he should check if the whole situation were cared for. He should go and tell their friends and family that she was awake and only needed a lot of rest. But even the thought of leaving her alone was too much right now. He helped her move a little on the bed and lay down. Her every hiss of pain went straight to his heart. With his help, she found a comfortable position that allowed her to snuggle into his side. He placed a few kisses on her head until she looked up. 
"You know that you can kiss me? I mean a proper kiss." 
They exchanged lovesick smiles, so similar to these at their wedding. Ardeth placed his hand against the side of her head, caressing her cheek with his thumb. He leaned his head, gently tucking her nose with his. He  knew how impatient she was for his touch, and he smirked when she tried to catch his lips with hers. He kissed so lightly the corner of her lips, and at her disgruntled grunt, he finally kissed her. He kissed her slowly but deeply. He cherished that she was by his side after these few days and that she was alive. He perfectly knew that if this bullet hit her a little lower, he could lose her, lose part of himself. It was all that mattered, they were together, and he promised himself he would double his efforts to keep her safe. 
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Translation (by google, and some page on the Internet):
* ya hayati - my life
* ya amar - my moon
Author’s note: Thank you  so much for reading! If it’s not too much trouble, I would love to hear your thoughts about it. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and motivate me to work.
I am sorry about every grammar mistake and misspellings. English is not my first language.
Klaudia  💜
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