#multishipper thoughts
umbramus · 2 months
For Sonic x Shadow x Infinite, Sonic and Infinite start dating first and then they add Shadow when he finally realizes they've both been flirting with him despite dating each other
For my 1 Dog/3 Hog AU (Sonic x Shadow x Silver x Infinite), it's Sonic x Silver, then Shadow joins with a little less obliviousness on his part, and then Infinite
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dumpster-lizard · 11 months
Being a multishipper with a favorite ship is wild cause with Ganondorf i have so many great choices like:
Ganondorf/Link - Classic enemies fated to fight - im loving the role swap AUs where link goes to the past in ToTK and just. They're rly good. Esp cause Ganondorf was a hero of the Gerudo apparently? If the circumstances were different they'd be friends and theres a lot of angst and fluff potential
Ganondorf/Zelda - didnt originally consider this but a few artists convinced me- i especially like the arranged marriage AU by s-kinnaly. Same "enemies fated to fight" scenario but different dynamic if that makes sense? Add in a conflict for Zelda where she realizes that the imperialism is Not Right but also wants to protect her people in the future and her family in the past.
Ganondorf/Rauru - Divorced couple. There is a LOT of spicy power dynamics that can go here. Some interesting implications of the Ancient Hero's aspect being Zonai but resembling Ganondorf if you want to go into that.
Ganondorf/Ghirahim - a rarepair for ToTK and not one I've put too much thought into unfortunately. But- the idea of an ancient sword seeking out a master in this new era and finding Ganondorf again? Could make for a variety of interesting dynamics
... but the ship I have actual brainworms for is, of course, Ganondorf/Vaati. Sparing yall with the readmore but i can go on for a WHILE about them.
There's just. Man oh man their dynamic would be great. They're both hard-headed dramatic assholes with god complexes and its great.
The particular flavor i like is Vaati being from the original hyrule prior to it's destruction and recreation by the Zonai. He knows the Ganondorf from OoT and FSA, and had less than pleasant relationships with them. (His memories are also a bit messed up from the timelines converging)
This Ganondorf, however, doent know him. He travelled the depths in his younger days and found legends of the ancient demon Gufuu, but aside from a slight sense of familiarity there's nothing.
Theyre joined by the common desire to destroy the kingdom while its young but have conflicting ideas on how to do so. Vaati, having been beat down by heros in the past, wants to stop there. Ganondorf doesnt. Big siurce of conflict that ultimately separates them til post-ToTK
I could go further but yea im obsessed with them
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lucky-fy · 8 months
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Please enjoy :)
Two more with spoilers below
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nerdicornnoir · 10 months
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The ml polycule
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fanciestgeckofella · 9 months
man i love how most of q!forever shipps are like sun/moon coded. like, he just keeps getting into intense and interesting relationships with the cold/logical crowd y'know?? philza, cellbit and badboyhalo are so clearly the shade, the logical ones, and forever just does such a good job of being an ever pulling sun to them
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clfixationstation · 4 months
twt ems on their "shipping ea is inherently misogynistic" bs again
sorry I'm just going to rant about twt silliness for a bit
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ah yes, preferring another Eren ship means that you're misogynistic & hate Mikasa, because if you ship ea it must be because you hate her
I understand this criticism because I know this specific flavor of misogyny is very common in fandoms. But truthfully, I haven't seen any of that sentiment from eas. I've seen it with many other mlm ships, but luckily not with ea. Most eas I've encountered either love Mikasa, or simply criticize some of the misogyny in her writing & wish she was written better because she's really cool as a concept.
for me at least, I haven't been able to fully get behind em (despite really trying) because I adore Mikasa. I think she deserves better than how Eren treats her for much of the show - it's sad to me to see such an incredible girl devoted to someone who refused to show her affection beyond jealousy & protective violence for most of the show (+ scarf ig). That is my own perspective based on my own experiences, and other people are allowed to have their own interpretations. on the other hand I want em because that's what Mika wants :(
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also, hate to break it to you, but eas don't see Mikasa as competition - either because that's a stupid and misogynistic view, or because she's not even a contender in their view of ema. Many also enjoy aruani and love annie, some prefer jeankasa or mikannie or mikasasha, and some even like em too - they aren't throwing Mikasa under the bus because they hate her. They're simply focused on ea (as many ems are focused on em) or they're expressing critique and disappointment in the writing of Mikasa's character, which is not inherently misogynistic!
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In my own posts, until they're ea specific, I tend to include Mikasa. Partially to counter that perception, but also because I like her and understand her role in the story and in ema
Irritation or resentment among eas tends to come from homophobia and heteronormativity in writing and in fandom, and/or from the very overwhelming em fandom. Again, not at Mikasa, who is a fictional character subject to the whims of a studio!
also, sometimes people are queer and just prefer queer ships, simple as that
but hey, at least it's free entertainment!
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marimeeko · 6 months
I have a sudden, unsolicited opinion on the moment where Ochako admits that she fell in love with Izuku. Since it has been going around as one of those context-less, surface level articles on Google(I spotted it too)
So it's talking about the moment when Ochako is fighting Toga and she tells her that she fell in love with Izuku.
Does she use the exact wording? Yes.
Does that mean it's an end all declaration? Does it mean she is endgame with Izuku? I do not think so.
I don't think it's the final nail in the coffin to the argument for any other ship involving Izuku or Ochako. Here's why:
The admission is so anticlimactic.
We have known for a while that Ochako has complicated feelings about Izuku. We know that it has been a bit of a crush. And that has led to ANTICIPATION to see what becomes of those feelings.
But along the anticipation, we have also seen her going through some feelings of discomfort about the whole thing...unusual, for a supposed love interest of a Shonen manga!
So the audience has been waiting for a LONG time for something, anything, to happen between Ochako and Izuku that rewards that anticipation and that waffling on Ochakos part.
And for something like a supposed love confession, a line like "I fell in love with Izuku Midoriya", to heppen....
But NOT in a moment between Ochako and Izuku themselves, just also does not reward the anticipation that was built up.
She did not confirm and admit these feelings TO izuku. She admitted them to Himiko.
And that is the first time the audience hears her positively confirm that she had those feelings, blatantly.
But it TAKES AWAY from the actual relationship because Himiko received that confession...not Izuku.
We didn't get a charged confession between Ochako and Izuku. The relationship was STILL not mutually developed. It's still just a quality of Ochako, it says nothing about Izuku. The anticipation of Ochako having a crush, and changing, complicated feelings for Izuku and where that would eventually climax, where it would reach its peak for Ochako and Izuku both, instead is diverted. Kind of literally. Because it didn't happen at either chance they had to talk it out, to confess, she sent Izuku away when Himiko tried to trap him into a love discussion. She didnt bring it up before the war began even though they had such a calm moment to be able to do so. It didn't come out in the logical places. And now in the endgame, they have split up to fight different battles...Ochako has even exhausted everything she has right now to save Himiko and likely is out until we receive the wrap up.
So, the anticipation I mentioned, again, does not have a payout in the form of even a rushed battlefield confession because the two of them are fighting different battles.
Instead the audience is given the confirmation of "I fell in love with him" when he is not even present, when Ochako is not confessing to him or confronting him. It comes out with Toga, when she Is trying to reach out and level with her, it almost could read as a "I had a crush on the same boy" kind of statement. It comes out when saving Himiko is Ochakos main priority.
What I'm saying here is that Ochakos love confession for Izuku, which is usually a big deal in any story, is in the back seat to prioritize each of their other relationships and goals. Which is great that it is not forced upon us when there are bigger things happening, however it just does a disservice to the pairing itself when most of the feelings are expressed onesidedly, and an actual statement of love, if it's not even outdated because of changed feelings, means a lot less when it's not filling the gap between the two people in question. When the confession doesn't reach the other person.
(And I will go ahead and say that is kind of similar to how bkdk is right now as well, bc we have SO MUCH material on Katsukis side, about how he feels and how much he cares about Izuku, but not a lot on what Izuku feels or allows himself to feel about Katsuki. I will call that out as well.)
Like at this point, the best we could hope for, for Ochako and Izuku being a couple, is a very open note about it in the aftermath. Like maybe Ochako asks Izuku if he would like to get crepes with her. That's just enough given context clues to suggest to the audience that yes there are still some feelings there, she heard what he said about crepes and holding hands and took note of it, but also that Izuku himself is willing to explore those feelings as well. It would be Ochako finally choosing her feelings for Izuku, but without it being too sudden for Izuku to accept. This whole time we are not shown Izuku crushing on her at all it would be strange to have him suddenly initiate.
But anything more romantic and profound than that? Any dramatic reveal/confession of feelings, any chance for them to have a moment in the midst of war to have the "i love you" discussion? That has been bypassed time and time again. Horikoshi COULD HAVE WORKED IT IN, IF IT WERE A PRIORITY TO HAVE THEM ENDGAME. While no, romance doesn't have to be a priority in a Shonen, and Ochako has flipped the script on how she handles her feelings as a shonen love interest, Hori has demonstrated that threads and concepts of romance ARE part of his narrative.
And right now? Hot take, but the most romantic thread that Izuku, his main character, finds himself in, is whatever the hell is going on between him and Katsuki Bakugou.
You'd just think if the mc was going to be with a romantic partner, a girl, by the end of the story, something would have happened.
I feel like I'm going in circles past my point, but it boils down to Izuku not having any indication of interest in Ochako besides friendliness....the fact that the audience received confirmation of Ochako loving Izuku from her telling a 3rd party and NOT her subject, and the anticipation of that confession, built up for YEARS of this manga and animes run, of supposed feelings not really being paid off, if the two are meant to be the romantic end game. It also boils down to the fact that the anticipation of the confession had a CHANCE to occur with Izuku, the subject, multiple times. It boils down to again, ochako and Izukus relationship being romantic in anyway being little more than an after thought.
AND! it doesn't even guarantee that her feelings of love for him are still the same! We don't know for sure if she STILL loves Izuku!
So yeah. I hope this made sense, but it sure feels anticlimactic to have a love confession(supposedly) not even occur while the subject is present, where the audience can view it and celebrate that long awaited conclusion.
As always, these articles that pop up on Google leave a lot of context out, and are very face value. They saw Ochako say the L word and called it endgame. There is a reason I don't read them.
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410armada · 23 days
Soooooo...for the first time ever I was disappointed (briefly) to see Eddie show up at Buck's door and I don't know what to do with that.
Maybe it's because I was already spoiled on the Eddie cheating story arc and I knew he was leaving Chris with Buck to go cheat but...I have never EVER been disappointed to see Eddie show up at Buck's before. Like???
Tommy Kinard, what have you done to me???
I kinda can't stop thinking about these two being cute and happy and free while Eddie figures himself out. I love Buddie, I adore Buddie, but I like the potential of Buck and Tommy too. And now I'm trying to figure out how this can all play out in a way where everyone is happy and I still get Buddie endgame.
What am I saying abc would never...👀
Sidenote, Eddie actually had decent chemistry with Kim in the one scene compared to multiple scenes with Marisol and I could have gotten behind them if a)Eddie wasn't drawn to her because she looks like Shannon and b)Eddie wasn't cheating to be with her.
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God fucking damnit I KNOW Im never gonna find someone to talk abt my stupid little SP ships with if I dont come clean abt shipping them SOME TIME but I also REALLY DON'T WANT TO because NO MATTER WHAT I SHIP I feel like SOMEBODY'S gonna start HARASSING ME ABOUT IT OH MY FUCKING GOD-
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Has anyone written anything stalker Tim Drake around the song “obsessed with you” by the Orion experience yet, or is this an untapped market?
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addamsology · 4 months
i love most wednesday ships!
except for wavier. i don't fw that shit
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allamericanb-tch · 2 months
so american but it’s jily
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theggning · 8 months
Different anon than who spoke to sapphire-weapon but holy shit give me ALL of your metaltango thoughts from both OG and Remake please! That pairing is somethin' else.
ALL of them? Oh, anon, there's far too many for that... I do have plenty of thoughts though so if there's any specifics you might like do feel free to ask.
What I will do here is lay out some differences between Leon and Krauser's relationship (hypothetically romantic or otherwise) between OG and the remake and thus two different flavors of metaltango. Because Leon and Krauser are both pretty different characters between versions, *especially* Krauser, the differences make for some really interesting contrasts.
Leon and Krauser literally meet for the first time during Operation Javier (Darkside Chronicles version.) They are much more equal in standing and prestige, where Krauser is a career soldier with years of experience under his belt and Leon is the government's golden boy. There is kind of a gesture towards Krauser feeling jealous of Leon for this reason, but... well, there's kind of a lot of vague gestures made about Krauser's motivations that have always struck me as silly. (Poorly executed, to say the least.)
Because they meet for the first time on OJ and Krauser is immediately injured, any canon-compliant relationship between the two is going to have to happen in the aftermath/weeks and months after the mission. I've always kind of liked the idea that Leon befriends Krauser and they spend this time hanging out while Krauser is sidelined/in rehab to recover from his injuries. This has kind of been my go-to headcanon here, because otherwise there just really isn't any time for these two to even befriend one another apart from what's depicted in canon.
Once he decides to join up with Wesker to get his arm fixed/POWERRRR, Krauser fakes his death in a helicopter crash. This is presumably the source of the scars on his face in OG. Also, because he was discharged from the military, we are left to assume this helicopter crash happened while he was doing mercenary work (OG Krauser is said to work as a mercenary when he's not on duty with the military, because he feels unfit for normal society outside of the battlefield.)
OG Krauser works for Wesker, is genuinely loyal to him, and seems to genuinely enjoy his job. He joins up with the cult perhaps a few weeks before Ashley's kidnapping... and it is implied that the kidnapping was his idea to begin with to win Saddler's trust? Which it does not, incidentally. But I guess Saddler decides to opportunistically capitalize on the kidnapped head of state's daughter anyway. (OG Los Illuminados are a bunch of incompetent chucklefucks and their plans are completely doomed from the get go, ask me sometime.)
OG Krauser is sent by Saddler specifically to kill Leon, a task which he takes up with gusto due to... I don't know actually. If there's one constant with Krauser it's that his hatred for Leon is never really adequately explained, though at least the remake gives us a boatload of subtextual interpretations. I think OG metaltango is funniest if you interpret Krauser's grudge against Leon as the over-the-top actions of a jilted ex who left Leon on read when he got the breakup text (and also faked his death.) Anyway, one thing that really strikes me is how much fun Krauser seems to be having in OG. He's like, genuinely delighted to be attempting to murder Leon and with his plans to hand Leon's corpse over to Wesker once he's dead. (Put a pin in this one, it's a BIG change in remake.)
Leon is a lot more irritated with Krauser in OG and at least doesn't show an *unwillingness* to fight back. Only once Krauser has fallen does he lament that he "used to be a good guy..." He also seems really upset at Saddler boasting that he never trusted Krauser and the implication that Saddler was only using him.
Ada being the one to "really" kill Krauser in OG is dumb and has always been dumb, imo, and is more than likely an artifact of OG SW's clumsy development and what assets they had to work with.
okay there is... a LOT more to work with here. Chiefest and most obviously, Krauser is now Major Krauser, and was Leon's commanding officer/mentor. This gives the two of them a much closer and more personal relationship, as well as 4+ whole years to work with, timeline-wise (Operation Javier happened in 2002.)
The mentor/student relationship provides another really delicious power dynamic to work with, shipping-wise. Yes, it's inappropriate for a military officer to have an affair with one of his subordinates, but we are also right in the middle of Don't Ask Don't Tell here so it's also literally forbidden for a soldier to be anything but heterosexual and still keep their job. Also consider, it's hot? Also like, bruh... if you're looking for Pure Wholesome Shipping Dynamics you are looking in the wroooooong ship.
Krauser is fulltime military this time around, no merc work to speak of (or at least no evidence of it.) He also never fakes his death in the remake. He has current contacts within the Secret Service AND is running around using his REAL NAME and ACTUAL military credentials to buy ordnance for Saddler (per SW,) there is absolutely no way we're meant to believe this man is legally dead.
There is evidence that Krauser showed special attention or favoritism to Leon, at least a little bit. Not only is Leon allowed to keep his hair while training (getting your head shaved/your hair cut short is like Basic Training Day One stuff,) but in the opening cutscene we see Leon and Krauser training in private in what appears to be a storage room- not a normal training space. Leon is the government golden boy here, but Krauser is also in charge of a whole unit of special forces guys. Somebody is getting private tutoring from the Major.
Leon respects and trusted Krauser. Krauser is said to have always been "an asshole" but also a man of honor. He is suggested to have been a difficult commanding officer, but also one who cared very deeply about his men and is traumatized by their avoidable deaths in OJ. (This one's my personal opinion, but I really can't stand the interpretation of Krauser having been an awful abusive piece of shit from the get go. Kind of wrecks the tragedy of his fall for me when he was always a cruel bastard. Why exactly would Leon trust, respect, want to emulate, or mourn such a person?)
So you could kind of intuit some trauma into OG Krauser, if you squinted. But there is absolutely no question that remake Krauser is suffering from some pretty massive PTSD. Along with his general unhingedness, all of his actions fit perfectly when viewed through a lens of a very, very traumatized man, used and abandoned by the government he trusted, desperate to gain the power that could have saved his men, and himself-- and the power to keep himself relevant so he can't be used and hurt again. I interpret that Krauser had his face scarred in OJ as well (he doesn't have the scars in the flashback scene with Leon.)
Remake Krauser joined Los Illuminados of his own free will, because they offered him the power to fix his crippled arm-- and the aforementioned power to unsuccessfully "fix" his trauma. But also, maybe it's just me, but I feel like remake Krauser does not give a fuck about the cult. He's loyal to Saddler, yes, but he openly disbelieves the cult religion ("Faith is for the weak, only power matters.") He commands the island mercs and helped set up the defenses, but he's also out here buying warheads under his own name. There is no way he doesn't think he's going to be caught by the U.S. sooner than later-- he just doesn't care. None of his notes read to me like somebody who genuinely thinks the cult has a chance to take over the world. Krauser joined these idiots so he could drink the juice, now the juice is all gone and he's still empty inside.
OG Krauser seemed to be having fun and set up his Leon deathmaze/training ground/mating display for a laugh. Remake Krauser, on the other hand, seems absolutely batshit out of his mind at this point-- alternating between the maze being a "final lesson" for Leon and a deathwish enactment mechanism for himself. Like... between Krauser's general demeanor and the "finish what happened two years ago" talk, this does not feel like a fight that Krauser wants to walk away from, whether or not he kills Leon. If OG Krauser killed Leon, he planned to bag him up and present him to Wesker like a trophy. If remake Krauser did... like, what's he going to do? Can you possibly picture him washing his hands of his blood and going back to work for Saddler? Because I sure can't. (I have a much longer meta piece in mind for this point... like I want to dissect the remake Krauser boss fight and his motivations therein at some point. Let me know if this sounds interesting.)
Remake Leon absolutely does not want to fight Krauser. Krauser forces every single encounter the two of them have. Even though Leon says "you won't get away with this" after Luis' death, he has absolutely no desire nor intention to hurt or kill Krauser back. He asks, over and over, if Krauser is "sure about this" and tries to talk sense into him. He is ready to straight up run away from the boss fight the first chance he gets.
I could probably write a whole other essay on Krauser's final moments and Leon stabbing him, which was one of the most shocking and powerful moments of the remake for me for several reasons. Like... god damn. Did anybody else think Leon was going to do the whole "I'm not like you and I won't do it" thing? (Though arguably it was more heroic/merciful/kind of Leon to put Krauser out of his misery here. Krauser clearly wanted it!!)
I was going to go to Capcom and chain myself to the doors in protest if they put the dumb stupid Krauser boss fight redux in Separate Ways after THAT absolutely poetic ending for him. Glad they didn't. Glad they actually showed Wesker picking up his corpse this time rather than handwaving it offscreen years after the fact.
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If somebody has a heterosexual explanation for that picture of Leon in Krauser's tent, I'd certainly like to hear it. Because... bruh.
Well that felt extremely disjointed and pointless... But I hope it was useful or at least gave you some delicious food to feast on? (Or other ideas to interrogate me about, lmao.) Krauser is my favorite RE villain. For OG Krauser it was mostly for comedy reasons, but I am absolutely delighted that the remake gave him some real genuine pathos and a really compelling relationship with Leon.
Anyway, tl;dr metaltango, OG or remake: I ship it and I think it would be hot if they banged.
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lucky-fy · 9 months
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made it gayer
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iwantasquaresbar · 1 month
911 7x06 Episode cuts
I’m so sad they seem to have cut a bunch of the bachelor party stuff from the episode. Like the logical part of me 100% gets it like yeah it’s maddie and chims wedding we want that to be the focus, and I’m so excited for that so it makes sense to cut the less plot relevant scenes but at the same time why did they promote the hell out of the karaoke and bachelor party scenes if it’s just gonna be cut that’s what irritates me more like I know why it’s being cut but why promote the shit outta it if it’s gonna get taken out.
I really am hoping they still include like a cut down version or a montage of all the drunkenness etc because I feel like it’d be a loss if not. And I mean there might be a chance we get the karaoke scene released as a clip at some point so at least there that.
Urgh I do have to say i know I’m gonna be so mad if I have to listen the buckley parents yap on for extended periods of time when we could have had buddie karaoke like im so sure the actors are lovely but I will slam my head into a wall if that’s the trade off.
Also I’m not too worried about stuff for madney getting cut unlike other ships because it’s their episode but I really am hoping for like a more light hearted sweet scene with them where they just get be happy because I love them so much and I’m worried the episode is going to be really sad and dramatic which I love but like I want happiness to they deserve it I just hope that isn’t sacrificed for drama
Anyway when it come to the buddie stuff since that’s what’s realistically probably been cut I’m choosing to listen to the extremely delusional part of my brain that is deciding it because the whole bachelor party Ryan and Oliver had way to much chemistry and way to much fun that it came across to buddie like and actually messes up a potential slow burn and the fact that both buck and Eddie are in relationships so they just had to cut it
Also final thing I swear to fuck if we also get a buck and Tommy kiss or slow dancing cut out as well I will cry they deserve a slow dance.
Ahh why couldn’t this season be longer and this be a 2 parter.
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cutepastelstarsalior · 10 months
Spiderverse ship headcanon
Aka I got shipper fluff on the brain
I, a silly multi shipper think Miguel x Peter x MJ x Lyla is very cute
They have m any dynamics!!! Like with Miguel and Lyla, they have this teasing bond
Or with Miguel and Peter is a slow coworker x friend x lover type of deal!!
I like to think that MJ and Lyla would get along, MJ think that Lyla is a cool and awesome AI/person while Lyla amare how kind and patient MJ is
It’s a bit hard to show Lyla affection since she’s an AI but her partners give her compliments and air kisses
There is a lot of unintentional flirting??!!?
It’s MJ and Lyla’s fault.
They can’t help it! They love to flirt with their boyfriends
They like to see Peter being flustered while Miguel try’s to be stoic only to break into a smile
The group is very physical, be it any kind.
Also mayday has like 4 parents now. It’s great and may loves her family
Lyla, Peter, and Miguel would absolutely buy anything for mayday if she ask. They love their kid.
Mayday would also grow up in a bilingual household
Mj likes to dance and she’s grab any of her partners to dance with her
Cue random 3am dancing since half of this group has shitty sleep schedule
They have lots of nicknames for each other.
Another ship I think is cute is Gwen x Miles x Pavtir x Gayatri
I image that ship is like to the max fluffy and teeth rotting cute.
Pav makes flower crown? Aw gotta make some for my datemates!!
Gayatri doing her modeling? You know miles, Gwen and Pav would be in the front being awestruck
Separately each couple would be physically hold or have lingered touch and cute little nicknames
But all 4?? There going to be a hour long cuddle session (unless someone is have a bad day or is overwhelmed by to much touch)
So. Many. Nicknames. (Baby? Yeah? No I was talking to Gwen, oh! Sorry honey.)
I can see Miles and Gayatri being decent cooks while Pavtir and Gwen being good bakers
They all like to give each other treat to taste test.
They all have match brackets or necklaces
And sweaters and hoodies
Which leads to many “boy-stealing hoodie” moments. Non of them mind, unless said article of clothing was needed at that moment
I can see them playing or braiding each others hair???? Like putting beads in Miles’s hair or braiding Gayatri’s
Miles is the type of make a bunch of drawing as gifts of his partners while Gwen like to make playlists as gifts
Pavtir like to take photos and make a big photo album
Other ships
Hobie x Noir aka powerful nerds
Peni x Margo aka nerdy cyber girlfriends
Hobie and noir would definitely dance and sing to the radio and vinyls
Hobie gives Noir a jacket with a few patches
Peni and Margo would be the type of gf who just like to be in each other company
Penni working on a project? Margo is sitting bye while reading
Margo talking about fashion? Peni is laying down on her bed and listening
Peni and Margo would also cuddle and binge watch/rant about anime.
They try to find the worst anime and the best from each other’s universe
Hobie and Noir would also like to be in each other company too
Noir is reading? Hobie has his legs in Noir’s lap
Hobie is playing his guitar? Noir is leaning his back against hobie’s.
Hobie and noir are more action then words couple
Peni and Margo are more of a words over action.
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