#mr stabs
freebirdyance · 2 years
It’s always interesting to watch the ones who get caught. The ones who don’t make it away as fast as they should. It’s a secondary obsession for Murdock, to watch those who’ve failed so he can figure out more. The details weren’t released on Yancys trial, but he gets the gist of it. 
Abusive parents, kid finally snaps, kid gets the wrong end of the justice system. People like Yancys parents were part of his MO, so it’s a keen interest to talk to him. 
Maybe it’s considered stalking, finding his way to Yancys place of work, and maybe it’s obsessive that he convinced other workers he’s related to Yancy (Not that they don’t look that similar anyways).  @murderinthemaking
Yancy is in his office, tidying up his desk before he heads out to lunch, when there's a knock at his open door.
"Hey boss, your cousin is out in the lobby, says he's supposed to meet you for lunch?"
Immediately, he freezes, because several things were wrong with that sentence. Yancy wasn't in touch with any of his 'family'. And whoever is out there not only knows where he works, but when he takes his lunch. Would his family really be stupid enough to send a hit man after him after all this time?
Maybe. But he doesn't think the hitman could be stupid enough to make themselves known in such a way. Yancy had changed his identity, used falsified records to get this job...who was this and what did they want?
"Ah...yeah. Thanks for lettin' me know." Yancy shows the best friendly smile he can manage as they leave his doorway. Once gone, Yancy makes sure he has his extendable baton on him...and his butterfly knife he keeps in his desk, goes in his pocket.
Yancy leaves his office and begins making his way to the lobby, wondering what was in store for him.
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zippocreed501 · 3 months
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I just couldn't get this out of my head...
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disappointingcabbage · 5 months
Fellas, is it gay to live inside another man forever with Satan himself by my side?
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stealth-black-leg · 4 months
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Twelve times the trans community saved Luffy (and the one time it didn't)
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queer-cosette · 3 months
was gonna send Sort-of-Boyfriend a 'happy ides of march babe have fun at D&D' message but then I remembered he's been stabbed like three times in the last two years and one occasion it was a then-girlfriend who did the stabbing so it might come off a bit threatening sksksksksksks
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1000fingers · 2 months
I could write a five page essay on arthur leaving the same scars on others that he leaves on himself but i dont think the world is ready
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thegoldenduckie · 3 months
please please please draw roman and remus doing anything im so normal about them
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Them doing karaoke! Idk what song they are singing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ thanks for the request!
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nellasbookplanet · 8 months
Okay but a thought of mine given new rise by the animated intro after having it niggle at the back of my mind for months now are Ludinus and Otohan as villains and who’s going to be standing as the final big bad at the end of the campaign, the way Vecna and Lucien did for c1 and c2.
Because the obvious answer is Ludinus. He’s the instigator, the leader of the cult, a villain in the making for 2 whole campaigns and over a thousand years (not to mention the one who's actually interacted with the party outside of fights). But Otohan is the one standing center stage of the villain line-up in the opening. She’s the one shown actively fighting the party. And, more importantly (as narrative matters more than barely glimpsed easter eggs), she's the one tied to the history and setting of Marquet, who has actual stakes in the people there and has fought for (and against) them before in the Apex War (while the place Ludinus called home was torn down centuries ago, leaving him caring for seemingly nothing but his ultimate goal since). She’s the one who’s actually Ruidusborn, and she’s tied to the Luxon as well with her strange magic. And despite all this, she’s mostly passed under the radar so far, given very little developments or motives or history or even personality. She’s little more than a cool aesthetic and a handful of threats.
And here’s my thought: maybe that’s on purpose. Ludinus, in his great arrogance, has placed himself as the greatest threat, and he’s being treated as such by the Hells. But is he? He steals immortality, appropriates the very concept of being Ruidusborn while holding a secret resentment for lacking the very powers it grants. He barely knows what he’s doing, and certainly not what he's about to unleash. And is there anything more satisfying than seeing a deeply arrogant and hubristic villain taken down by his own folly in underestimating those around him? So what if, as the final fight edges closer, the person actually holding the powers Ludinus pretends to steps up out of the shadows she placed herself in, keeping her motives to herself, barely remarked upon by Ludinus or the Hells or the audience, and personally cuts him down and takes her place as THE exalted Ruidusborn?
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iamironmanlol · 9 months
Ngl I think I’ll always feel robbed of the Peter and Loki interaction we deserved
Peter: oh man, you’re the one that tried to invade earth and take over back in like 2012
Loki: yes.
Peter: …you’re not like, still into that, are you?
Loki: on a good day.
Peter: what do you- what do you do on bad days?
Just imagine. The potential I believe these two had. (Add a little sprinkle of irondad Tony freaking out bc his kid is talking to the god that killed 80 people in 2 days)
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kipowolfton · 4 months
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He don't want it
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It is so unbelievably sweet that Kenji still calls Darius' mother every week because she took him in and treated him like a son.
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femslashspuffy · 4 months
How did Mark Hoffman not IMMEDIATELY fuck Peter Strahm when he won the unwinnable trap
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captain-astors · 1 year
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Happy Ides of March Trigun fans. 
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youronlylie · 1 month
I'm seriously struggling on what faction to pick for this fnv play through.... like Caesars fuck ass legion is gonna fall under when he dies anyways, the ncr is only a good faction with your help and Mr house can suck my platinum chip.
Idk might do yes man.
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