#mosquitoes are also in the air but ignore that
getodrools · 3 months
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You're round and heavy with another coddled baby, again... and the tot that was already a year old hanging on your hip was screaming, again... and finally, to add to such chaos, the third child that just turned four has now tripped, and is also now crying, again.
You sigh. Heavily. Again.
Even though Sukuna was resting, the pain throbbing in his chest annoys him out of nestled dreams — and the ruckus, "Shut him up. And you, get up, you're fine." Your husband grabs the collar of his son's shirt; twists the fabric around, and lifts him right up to his little feet with ease. His tiny limbs dangled at the short air time, but they went right to work soon as he plopped him down, watching how he mindlessly ran back into whatever adventure his little head could get into... But motherly eyes, mostly see how the freshly ironed Spiderman top now wrinkled and sagged around your little boy's body.
You went to shoot the grump slugging towards you a glare, but the obvious leak dribbling through hard peaks forces you to suck in your lips.
"You're... —"
"We both are." Sukuna waves an arm around as another pair reaches for the wailing chub lashing in your hands. He ignores how snot slobbered down his forearm in the process… But free from the baby, you glance down and also see that you are in fact, soaked with running milk too... Again.
The cries instinctively had your perk breasts stimulate an activation on cue... Used to it yourself, but seeing that big, grouchy man also leak just how you did, bewildered your thoughts! The multiple outcries must've sent Sukuna’s tender pecs to dampness and it was quite a sight for you.
“I didn't know you—”
The hiss Sukuna belches in the baby's face with fangs peaking out, a wrinkled nose, and curling lips force your hand to launch at his broad shoulder.
“Like an annoying mosquito.” His throat rumbles into a deep chuckle at the attempt.
You stick your nose up, “Be nice— and dont hold him like that!” You moved quick, forcing his arms to cushion out instead of holding the baby like a damn flimsy piece of paper in the air…
“He stopped that ugly crying, sweetheart. I think I'm doing something right,” Sukuna pecks at your forehead, feeling the heat rise against tender lips, “Go get washed up.” And you want to admire his stupid smug face, and that odd fatherly nature all the boys so seemed to find comfort in, but you couldn't help but huff.
“Why do they like you so much. I birthed them.”
“I too would listen to a man who has four arms and was titled the King of curses.” He had a point, but it felt much deeper than that… They truly loved their father, watching the youngest yawn out of tears and nuzzled to his chest—
“Ah! The little shit bit me.” Sukuna hisses again and you snort into a fit of laughter how the baby tried to latch itself on something he had no business hooking for…
It was chaos, again.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
Okay... Every. Single. Time. I see the hickey ask on an IF blog I follow, I feel the NEED to post this follow up:
What if very shortly after that, the ROs catch / hear the MC asking someone (or even if the MC asks THEM, depending on the context) if they have something to soothe mild allergic reactions to mosquito bites, because they got one on their neck.
So basically, how would they react when faced to the reveal it wasn't a hickey at all but a dumb mosquito bite!
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Here goes out to all of you hickey anons and non-anons 🤭❤️ Also, the link to the infamous hickey ask is here for those who haven’t read it!
“Wait, wait, Ash!” They hear MC calls out to them and they stop in place. Oh, how they just want to bolt away from this nightmare, but maybe this is also a chance to just face it head-on.
“Ash, what’s wrong?” MC asks as Ash turns around to face them. Ash doesn’t really know what kind of face they’re wearing right now.
“Who was it, MC?” They ask, voice hoarse.
“Who, what?” MC asks in genuine confusion, which just irritates Ash even more.
“The one—The one who gave you… those marks!” They gesture at MC’s neck.
MC’s eyes widen. “What?! No! Nobody gave me these marks. These are goddamn mosquito bites,” MC explains as they scratch their neck. “I swear once I get my hands on those bastards…” They mutter under their breath.
Ash just stands there dumbfounded. “M—Mosquitoes?” Those are not… They glance down and just notice MC is holding a can of bug spray. Oh… Oh no… How could you think the worst of MC, Ash?
“Yeah, pesky bastards. Don’t tell me you didn’t have any in your room last night?” MC says, scanning Ash up and down for a second before concluding, “Oh, you didn’t, don’t you?”
“N—No,” Ash replies truthfully.
“Motherfuckers probably thought your blood is too hot to drink or something,” MC mumbles irritatedly. “Well, I’m gonna spray the whole penthouse now, if you don’t mind.” MC raises the can in their hand like a weapon.
“Uh… Yeah, please do that,” Ash says stupidly. “And, uh… Just forgot what I said earlier…” A surge of relief washes through their whole body, but it soon gets tainted by embarrassment.
“Aww, were you jealous?” MC smirks teasingly.
“Uh—Um…” Ash stammers. “I—I gotta go! See you later, MC!” They splutter in panic before bolting away for real this time.
Oh my God, MC is not gonna let them live this down, won’t they…
Rin decides not to embarrass themself further and chooses to just ignore MC, pretending not to see or notice them entering the room. They’re not going to lower themself to ask MC about the marks.
Honestly, they’d rather MC leave them alone for now. But of course, the opposite of what they want always happen. They groan inwardly as they see MC walking over to where they’re standing from the corner of their eye.
They steel themself for an unwanted conversation. They’re good at that.
“Hey, Rin,” MC greets them and they just grunt softly in reply. MC doesn’t even notice their curt reply, seemingly distracted by something else.
Oh, I bet their mind is still filled by whatever happened last night…
“Uh, this might be a weird question,” MC begins sheepishly as Rin just keeps staring at them unamusedly. “But, do you know any kind of salve or medicine that can help with these mosquito bites?” They ask, scratching at the marks on their neck.
Rin blinks. There’s no way that excuse would work on them. “Really?” They reply skeptically as they gesture at MC’s neck. “You’re bitten by mosquitoes in your penthouse?”
“I know right? I don’t even know how they managed to get in considering my penthouse is like… at the top floor of a skyscraper,” MC agrees, missing the point Rin is insinuating. “Probably through the elevator or the air vent or something. Anyway, Uncle Luka said he’ll personally get a professional pest extermination service to deal with that.”
Well, Rin did catch their father talking with Luka on the phone about choices of professional pest extermination services available in the city. For some reason, Luka asked their dad as if he knows anything more about it than Luka does. Maybe MC is telling the truth and it’s their paranoia and distrust running rampant once again…
Rin uncrosses their arms—when did they even cross them in the first place? “Uh… Tiger balm works wonder for bug bites,” Rin advises.
“Tiger balm, huh?” MC repeats. “Alright, I’ll just go get it at the nearest drug store. Be right back,” they say before swiftly making their way to the elevator.
Meanwhile Rin is left standing there, still processing what has just happened in the span of a few minutes.
“Hey, Santana!” MC greets them as they walk over to where Santana is standing.
Santana is already cringing inside at the potential awkwardness of the conversation. They’ll still try their best to try talk normally with MC, but it’s kinda hard with the hickeys still heavy in their mind.
“Um… Hi, MC,” they greet back cordially.
“So, how was your night? Had enough sleep?” MC asks them.
“Well, like usual,” they answer distractedly. “How about you? Seems like you had a wild night…” They gesture at the general direction of MC’s neck.
Oh my God, Santana! What the heck are you doing? Asking about the thing you wanted to avoid talking in the first place?! You idiot!
“Oh, you won’t believe this,” MC begins enthusiastically. “So, I was sleeping pretty soundly for like half the night, before my neck started to feel really itchy. I kept getting dragged out of sleep as I scratched at it. Woke up the next morning, and lo and behold, I just got frickin bitten by the most vicious mosquitoes of Elysium City,” they complain, tilting their head a bit to show them of the “hickeys” which turn out to be mosquito bites.
“Huh?” Santana remarks intelligently as they stare at the marks. Okay, now that they can see them better and closer, they do seem like bug bites instead of hickeys.
“I know right?” MC agrees, with… what? Santana is not sure because their mind is blank right now. “Don’t ask me how the mosquitoes managed to break into my penthouse, which, mind you, is located at the top of a skyscraper.”
“That… That is indeed weird,” Santana replies, chuckling in a mix of amusement and relief. It seems like their fear is unfounded after all.
MC continues their rant about the pesky mosquitoes and their plan on eradicating them from their penthouse. Santana just smiles softly as they listen to every word.
Skylar quickly makes their way to MC before anyone else manage to make a conversation with them. MC stops in their track as they notice Skylar approaching.
“Hey, MC!” Skylar greets in faux-cheeriness.
“Oh, hey, Skylar,” MC greets back. “What’s up?”
“Well, I should be the one asking you that,” Skylar says, the grin on their face feels very strained but they hope it won’t show and that it still looks charming on the surface. “Who’s the lucky person?” They ask straight to the point, gesturing at the general area of MC’s neck.
“Certainly not me,” MC groans as they rub at their neck. “Just had one of the worst nights of the month.”
“Oh?” Skylar prompts, hopefulness crammed into that one single sound.
Inside, they’re gleeful though. It seems like whoever MC was sleeping with last night must’ve sucked balls—no possible pun intended. Well, this is their time to shine! Skylar would be more than happy to show MC how it’s really done!
“Yeah! I kept waking up at the middle of the night because these annoying mosquito bites were so damn itchy!” MC complains, scratching at their neck again.
Skylar nods before stopping. Wait, what? Mosquito bites? “What?” They ask, dumbfounded. The marks… they’re not…
MC doesn’t seem to notice Skylar’s confusion as they continue ranting, “I don’t even know how they managed to get in! My penthouse is located at the top of a fricking skyscraper!”
A sense of relief floods through Skylar, and their strained grin has shifted into a mischievous one. “Well, I know of a remedy to help with the bites.”
“Wait, really?” MC looks at them curiously. “What’s that?”
“I heard kisses can work wonder.” Skylar winks before pursing their lips and making kissy noises. “I’m always available to help, you know. Just give me a call whenever you’re ready.”
Skylar can practically see the blood surging up to MC’s cheeks. “Y—You—” they stammer. “You idiot! T—That’s not real! If you’re not going to help, then I’ll go to buy some real medicine for these bites instead!” MC harrumphs adorably, turning away to walk to the elevator.
Aww, MC is soo cute! It makes Skylar feels warm and gooey inside as they chuckle to themself. “Well, my offer will always be open! Whether you have more bug bites in the future or not!” They call out to MC’s receding back.
MC doesn’t even turn and just flips them the middle finger instead before stepping inside the elevator. Oh, they love MC.
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
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I goofed this post alfksakfk (iykyk) so! Back to it. This is very fun to think of! also ignore my romeo + juliet indulgences
So, Asa's always been a fairly indulgent and lenient father. He hadn't minded your going off on dates, as long as you were home at a reasonable hour. Yes, you're an adult, but getting your own place was still out of the question unless you were staying at the dorms at college. He never had to worry about you, either. The boys were always the same; college boys, sons of the rich acquaintances in your family's circle, some newcomers at the country clubs. Always the same types.
He never thought his princess would even think of getting involved with gangsters and bootleggers. Asa kept that part of his life very separate from his family. Even if you knew, your mother hadn't a clue. She wasn't the one who'd go along with Asa to the Maribel Hotel for years. Initially you loved it because it meant going to a fun, exciting place with your father, and getting fawned over by the staff. Then it meant getting to see the Marigold Room.
"Listen," your father began gruffly. "I know what you girls get up to nowadays, but - if you're going to be dancing, best do it here. Stay with your friends and no funny business, understand?"
Always too permissive, not that you had a habit of raucous drinking and partying. Getting access to the Marigold Room made you something of a hot commodity at school now, and it led to something else: a cold, club-shaped metal pin being dropped in your palm.
That's how you met him. This too-skinny, too-smiley, too-chatty violinist who played at the Lackadaisy club. You nearly made him forget about the next performance.
You sought him out the next few visits, but it was just easier to meet outside the club. That was like going to the next step with Rocky. He wasn't just some guy you flirted with for a night, you actually wanted to take him on dates. You knew lots of places to take him, and there was just something so .. so cute about how earnest and endearing and affectionate he was. There was no stuck-up airs or obsession with this family or that or thinly veiled condescension. He wasn't dating you because that's what was expected. And while you had plenty of swanky cafes to take him, he had all sorts of places you'd never seen on the "other" side of town.
(There's so many stars once you drive a few miles outside of the city. You two fell asleep naming them and just talking... then woke up hours later in full panic. You snuck back into the dorms at the crack of dawn, covered in mosquito bites and beyond giddy.)
Uptown girl with downtrodden city boy cliche? Yes, absolutely. Neither of you cared.
News that Atlas May was shot frightened you. You'd heard it before reading it in the papers - well, overheard your father's shock as he talked to someone on the phone. Your first thought was some kind of police raid on the speakeasy, and if Rocky was hurt. Asa didn't want you going to the clubs after that, even the Marigold room. He seemed spooked. That was fine - you were seeing Rocky more in the daytime hours, anyway.
Right, your father still didn't know about him ... at least he was too distracted with work to notice your happy mood and the pep in your step lately. Your mother certainly did, and she was harder to avoid. She was so sure it was some college boy. "What's his name, sweetie, we can invite his family for dinner. Oh! Maybe have a lovely afternoon boating. Or brunch at the club, with the Robinsons? What do you think?" Honestly, you'd rather throw yourself from a window.
You'd heard about the troubles Rocky was having at the Lackadaisy, and a few times you asked why he just doesn't perform at the Marigold Room. Okay, you were half just saying that because you wanted to see him more, risky as it'd be. The other half is you were a little worried about some of the things he was getting up to. You noticed the scratches and dents in his car, and his own bruises and messy clothes.
(He'd never wear the clothes you bought him during these little bootlegging adventures, though. He didn't want to mess up the things you so lovingly picked out. They were also the only nice ones he had.)
On that topic, it's really fun to dress Rocky up. You aren't trying to be patronizing or act like he's a charity case, but - he just looks so nice cleaned up, and look, you can't take him to a nice cafe when he both looks and smells like he rolled in dirt (and ... syrup?). So, sure, you bought a shirt here and tie there and maybe a jacket and well obviously he needs pants to match that and it really means nothing that they just happen to fit so well, you definitely weren't measuring him when he was asleep or anything. Rocky isn't bothered by it at all, he loves the gifts and attention. And it kind of does something to him when you smooth out the creases and make sure the tie is straight and hook your arm around his and walk down the street, totally happy and proud of him, not embarrassed in the slightest.
You know he wouldn't fight it if you kept him some kind of dirty secret forever. It'd hurt him so much, of course, but Rocky would let you do it. You knew he'd just smile and pretend it was fine, like he does when you mention your parents keep trying to set you up with this hotshot lawyer's son. You see the flickers of disappointment and hurt when you joke about how your parents would kill you if they knew where you were right now, then he tries to cover it up.
Rocky deserves better, you know. And this really isn't a fun little fling anymore, is it? It's getting serious. He has so much love he's nearly bursting from it and you really, really don't want that to be ruined.
God, what are you going to tell your parents? "It's fine, he's only been a bootlegger for almost a year, before that he was a perfectly honest dirt-poor fiddler! We're disgustingly in love already and he's better than all those snob-nosed spineless trustfund bozos you keep setting me up with!" Yeah that'll go over Thanksgiving dinner just great.
As if fate's sense of humor couldn't get any better, it's Mordecai who finds out first. That shadowy, really unsettling (and actually kind of dorky ...?) gunman your father keeps around. Mordecai is good at remembering faces. When Asa introduced you two, he knew he remembered your's. He saw you once or twice at the Lackadaisy, though he hadn't known who you were at the time. You stood out because you were actually chatty with that ridiculous violinist, where most were exasperated with him.
Mordecai recalls that, and Asa idly complaining about his daughter always ditching the dates her mother set up for her, when he spots you and Rocky out and about. Broad daylight, not trying to hide, but certainly not where the more affluent friends and family of Asa's would go. You were even dressed down and weren't wearing any jewelry.
Yeah, he's not getting in the middle of this. Even as things heat up between the Marigold Gang and Lackadaisy.
Note, Rocky is very aware of who your family is. You never hid it back when you met him, and as far as he's concerned, you're the picture of innocence and can't be blamed for anything your father or the gang do. He's trying to be cute when he calls you 'princess' or 'my lady' and it is cute, but... you also feel kind of guilty. Reciting plays and poetry is fun and games until he brings up Romeo and Juliet again. It used to be romantic, but now it just claws at something in you. "Rocky, come on, you remember how that ends, right?"
(Oh, and there's a matter of keeping this all hush-hush from the Lackadaisy crew, who already know Rocky has a sweetheart because he can't shut up about you, but they don't know who you are exactly. It's best Mitzi or Viktor doesn't catch sight of you, because they'll spot the family resemblance right away..)
And then there's your father finding out. It had to happen eventually, especially with Lackadaisy getting in on the Marigold's suppliers. He makes it clear to Mordecai that if some accident were to happen to "that boy", then you're young, and you'd get over it. This is just some late teenage rebellion, he tells himself. A fling you'll forget all about once the excitement wears off and your school work picks up. Mordecai isn't so sure about that.
He actually tried to warn you about it, but the thing is ... Mordecai is Mordecai. He's staring intently and of course he cornered you as you were leaving the hotel at night and he's deadpan as he says, "I'd begin reconsidering your choice of paramours; there isn't any way that this will end well for him."
"Mordecai Heller, are you threatening me?"
"What? No?" He's startled by the tone of your voice. Did you just pull a knife on him? From your purse? "Put that down - I'm giving you practical advice."
"Oh. .... Maybe next time, don't do it in a creepy alley?"
It's like ice water drops on you when your father brings it up. He just lets out a heavy sigh, the most perfect cliche noise that says he's not mad, just disappointed. Right away you know he thinks this little dalliance has only been around for a few months, if that. "Really, pumpkin? What about that lawyer's son we told you about, he's not half bad looking. Or that rowing team captain, you remember him? He really took a shine to you. Look, I know a guy with a cousin whose son is--"
You get the whole lecture: You're too good of a girl to run around with unwashed gangsters and besides, what about your studies? Think about what your mother would say. Do you really want her finding out? Or the country club, or god forbid, her little society ladies? He'd be sleeping on the couch and you'd be in a nunnery. Some scrawny hoodlum isn't worth all that trouble, is he?
Asa doesn't raise his voice and actually get angry until you defend Rocky, until you actually say his name. He actually slams his fist on the desk, making the candy jars and his name plaque rattle. The conversation is done, so you leave. And of course you go straight to Rocky and don't come home on Sunday for the usual family brunch, or the next one. Your father makes excuses for you. It's little consolation, because you know exactly what the gangsters he employs are capable of. And you don't think for a minute they'll spare Rocky. Why couldn't he have just taken the job at the Marigold Room ...
Onto pleasanter things. One of the greatest nights in your life (so far) was the massive city charity gala that the Maribel Hotel hosted every year. It stopped being fun for you years ago, but this time you had a date. You told Rocky to leave it all to you. Yes, your dad was attending, but he was always off schmoozing with his associates. Besides - this year's theme was a masquerade, no gangsters would be there, it's crowded, and you had Rocky dressed to the nines. No one would notice! It'd be great. This was a little secret you'd been hiding for a month, you just knew he'd love all the music and the ridiculous fancy foods and you just wanted to share something magical with someone you loved. Because you were very, very sure you loved him.
And Rocky looked so handsome you just couldn't keep away from him, and you two danced and laughed at the prissy food and absurd people like you'd imagined. Anyway, it was cut short when you were nearly spotted by Mordecai - who looked wonderfully out of place without a mask and dressed like a funeral director, but you'd laugh about it later. You grabbed Rocky's hand and just ran, and bolting up the backrooms and stairwells of the hotel you knew so well.
Maybe you should have been deflated. A silly, childish desire for a fairytale evening came crashing down thanks to reality, even if you knew Mordecai wouldn't shoot Rocky dead. But it was hard to feel too disappointed when you both were still giddy and laughing, gleefully stealing 'hidden' champagne from the general manager's office and climbing your way up the rickety fire escape - even with your heels and his suit you spent way too much money on - and spending the rest of the evening making out and giggling and watching the city from high above.
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cursedbyastro · 10 months
semi-square/octile 🦋 the butterfly effect 
© cursedbyastro 2022 - all rights reserved
the semi-square (∠) aspect in astrology is where two planets are 45° degrees apart 
a semi-square is the result of dividing a circle by 8. essentially, it is half of a the square aspect. because of this, squares indicate blocked energy or friction between two astrological bodies. 
the number 8 in numerology represents balance in the spiritual and materialistic world which is a key theme of this aspect. the semi-square aspect's tension aligns with the transformative nature of the number 8 in numerology, both pushing for growth, balance, and a harmonious integration of seemingly opposing forces.
samely with the semi-square aspect, this energy appears to be even more deeply blocked and manifests as external events. 
can bring irritation or agitation kinda like having a mosquito bite that’s itchy, but if you itch it, it can become even more painful
it can also be like when two people are sitting really similar to each other, but they can stand each other despite their similarities. they're not quite on the same page. they're not exactly fighting, but there's a bit of tension in the air. sorta like a friendly disagreement. 
can indicate blocked internal energy or sometimes areas of stubbornness or inflexibility to changes especially 
a series of chaotic circumstances and events can occur, sometimes repeatedly, because of this aspect when the demand of change is ignored instead of looking at this a way to look at something in a new way 
with these aspects, the individual often develops great persistence, endurance, growth, and productive results in their efforts to control and reconcile these difficult combinations of energy.
it can cause motivation for resolution to get things done and find a positive solution to whatever problem can be caused by this aspect in innovative ways, but one must put in the time and dedication. 
patience & maturity are key with this aspect to understand these energies to find a solution that does not causes any more problems
natal sun semi-square subtle tension between your ego, self-image, and how you identify and your emotions, inner self, and instincts. this aspect might lead to inner conflicts when expressing yourself outwardly while dealing with your internal feelings. difficulty harmonizing your self-image with emotional needs could result in moments of feeling misunderstood or struggling to express your genuine emotions. this aspect can motivate you to understand and integrate your feelings with your sense of self, leading to personal growth. balancing your logical expression with emotional intuition becomes important, though occasional mood swings and challenges in articulating emotions might arise. balance your projected self-image with your inner vulnerabilities, urging you to practice effective communication and healthy emotional outlets. this aspect presents both challenges and opportunities, ultimately encouraging you to bridge the gap between your identity and emotions for greater self-awareness and decision-making.
composite  mercury semi-square venus shows potential tension when expressing thoughts and ideas might clash with the desire for peace and agreement, causing disagreements that stem from miscommunication or differing values. There could be moments of confusion or difficulty finding the right words to convey affection, potentially leading to misunderstandings. However, this aspect also brings opportunities for growth. The challenges it poses can encourage the partners to work on their communication skills and understanding of each other's viewpoints. Over time, the effort to bridge the gap between thought processes and expressions of love can lead to a stronger emotional bond and greater mutual respect. With patience and a willingness to address differences constructively, this aspect can be a driving force for developing a more profound and authentic connection.
thank you for reading, leave an feedback below. stay cursed, riri ✬
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cloveroctobers · 7 days
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A/N: where is the fandom on this site? Nowhere to be found and only on Twitter! Easily became my fav fem character of the series and would have loved at least ONE MORE SEASON. Would definitely watch if they decided to do a crisis one spin off in the future. Anyways Vic deserves all the love she can get and it’s a special month so here I am—if you catch my drift 😉
SYNOPSIS: life in DC has taken some time getting used to but thanks to having Travis by Vic’s side she manages—although she’s sure she would have figured it out regardless! Vic has begun navigating Crisis One on her own and being in charge of a team leads to her spending the weekend with a member Vic’s not entirely sure likes her but decides to push her pride aside through persuasion of her best friend…later bringing on further rejection?
WARNINGS: curse word dropped + fem reader has southern roots + a few OC’s added just for the purpose of this mini story + mentions of injuries and procedures & Travis still being Travis…
<- read my previous summer anthology fic here.
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A few bruises, a very large angry mosquito bite, and the stench of a cigarette is the first thing Vic notices when she spots you looking out into the distance above the river. You’re not far from where your RV is parked along the growing grass and Vic snorts to herself, realizing that you weren’t bullshitting when you chatted about your ride/home down at the center. You were the first to show up before everyone else on the official start of crisis one (always on your electric scooter with a seat attached and a small wired basket in the back) tipping your, “bless your heart,” trucker hat in greeting along with a apple lollipop hanging in between your lips.
Granted the crisis one team would all receive their uniforms in due time but it certainly wasn’t what Hughes was expecting just based on your file and word of mouth from HR. Vic liked to say she handled herself well trying to work with this new team but there was something about the woman from Texas that liked to throw Vic for a loop.
“Just go over there and hint at the idea of spending some one on one time together,” Travis whispered to Vic who threw her hands up in the air in annoyance.
“We’re not even supposed to be down here! The event is back that way and I don’t even know why I let you talk me into taking a walk.”
Travis gave her a side eye, “hey, I stopped you from jamming a foam board over Duke’s head, you should be thanking me.”
Duke Conway was another member of Crisis One, a bit of a airhead surfer dude that came from a wealthy family that also helped fund this program. The event held vendors that showcased many programs over the state that didn’t mainly cater to mental health services but also just health in general. There were pamphlets, foods proven to uplift your health, demonstrations, games and even other various of activities for all sorts of ages! It was a beautiful scorching hot day out here at the recreation area that felt as big as Central Park! It also started off as a good day until Duke began blabbing to the others about how he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to purchase this new surf board on this salary (yes in DC!), purposely ignoring this elderly woman who wanted more information on crisis one.
That ticked Vic off since she always has a soft spot for the elderly, her personable trait coming into play as she assisted the woman, apologizing for Duke’s actions and answering most of her questions before Travis took over so Vic could tell Duke a thing or two. That of course led to Duke still being oblivious and Vic ready to flip on him since he’s done nothing but kick back and act as if this was some chill weekend outing.
Which led to Travis leaving the booth in Vic’s second or third in command—Travis always assumed it would be you and should be since you two seemed to work together best besides the few times you agree to disagree but instead it went to Duke’s cousin on his mother’s side, Arlington Wraith. Who was a bit of a classist snob but agreed with Vic on their cousin’s stupidity but felt they should be the only one that got to say it—despite Vic out ranking the both of them.
To cool off, Travis and Vic decided to take a walk and now Vic felt like maybe this wasn’t the best idea. The braided haired leader wasn’t sure where you ran off to since one minute you were there with the rest talking to a man that approached the vendor and then in the next you were yards away.
“Thanking you for what exactly?” Vic pulled her bottom lip into her mouth by her teeth, then used a finger to scratch at her scalp in confusion, “Trying to meddle with my love life?”
A freckled face Travis lolls his head around, “Vic it’s been how long since we’ve been in DC?”
Vic lifted her shoulders exasperated, “I dont care and I don’t need to constantly be in a relationship.”
“Who said anything about that?” Travis replied with a frown, “You two may just have sexual chemistry.”
Vic rolled her eyes at this, finding this statement to be so typical of her best friend.
“Again, been there and done that! And this isn’t even what this day is about. I’m supposed to be working and she should be too which means we should only have our heads in the game.”
Travis shrugged, “well maybe your head can be in her game.”
Vic twisted her face in disgust as Travis laughed to himself, “I can’t believe you just said that cringy garbage to me and if you want to be horny—save it until one of your late nights down at those clubs you spend twelve hours in, it’s like you think we’re in Europe or something.”
“Hey, I’m single and like to have fun.” Travis argued with his hands raised.
Vic mumbled, “Yeah that’s your problem.”
Travis fires back, “And your problem is not being laid enough.”
Vic pinched the space in between her brows, “Travis…I love you truly and i broke my celibacy a while ago and still chose to focus on my work even after that but we’re older now. Supposed to be smarter even! I’m pretty sure I’ve had this conversation with you before but I think I’m ready for more than just a lay again. I’ve worked so hard to be here and sure of myself and I want to share that along with having an endless love that lasts until I’m ready to kick the bucket.”
Travis softens his teasing as he reaches to grip Vic’s shoulders and then caressing them, “that’s sweet and I love that for you but how do you expect that to happen if you don’t take another leap of faith with someone that’s right in front of your face?”
“Again!” Vic yells, “Did the whole dating a co-worker and someone that works in the same field as me.”
Travis nods his head knowing of Vic’s dating history, “fair but you’re the one that thinks she doesn’t like you…and you could at least try to be friends since it’s actually nice having someone in your corner in the work place. I mean hey look at us! So go over there and just try.”
“You’re acting as if I’m some kid at the park that’s scared to go play with the other kids or something.”
“Well I think you are honestly,” Travis states making Vic raise her brows in disbelief, “it’s just you and I out here and I know someday will be the day where you’ll want to build a family—outside of me—with someone else and she might be the answer to that.”
Travis didn’t mean that in the sense of having children since he was sure that really wasn’t in Vic’s cards. She liked being the cool aunt to Maya and Carina’s kids and basically being the godmother to Pru, who she shared conversations with every other day but a family didn’t always have to mean producing children, it could be with the people you already surrounded yourself with.
“What exactly am I even going to say? It looks like she’s in deep thought along the horizon and I’m not sure I want to disrupt that.” Vic makes excuses now, molding her lips together as she awkwardly swayed her hands back and forth.
Travis gives her shoulders a shake, “you’re Vic Hughes…I’m sure you’ll manage,” before he circles around Vic to lightly shove her in the direction of a potential love interest, “I can confirm that they also identify as queer.”
Vic whipped around to face her best friend who grins at her, “how? What? That doesn’t automatically mean—
“Sure it doesn’t but I didn’t exactly get the chance to ask if you’re her type.”
“Uh, I’m glad you didn’t! You’re so embarrassing.”
“That’s my job. Now shoo!”
Vic glares at Travis who sends her a thumbs up in encouragement. Turning to face where you stood, it appears that you’re now facing in their direction, watching their exchange but Vic isn’t sure for how long. You pluck the cigarette forward, leaving Vic to pause and shake her head as she now charges forward to stomp it out.
“Seriously?” She holds her hands down at the stomped out lipstick covered cigarette.
Your hands goes to your hips as you await for Vic to get closer, “what?”
“Not only are you killing the environment but also your lungs and possibly other organs, you do realize that don’t you?”
“Sorry mom,” you respond while Vic rolls her eyes.
Vic fans the air before taking an inhale, “What’re you doing all the way out here instead of you know, helping back at the vendor?”
You blink, “it’s actually my day off but I pushed myself to be there since I’ve been parked out here for awhile.”
“What?” Vic looks off to the side in thought, “I don’t remember that on the schedule.”
You joke, “ah, forgot all about me as soon as Duke and Arlington showed up instead huh?”
“Yeah because they give me ulcers.”
You chuckle, “And what do I give you?”
“Hmm…Second-hand smoke?”
“That’s my first one in six months!”
Vic folds her arms, “You’re right, I remember you saying that you quit so that adds more to my disappointment.”
“Oh no, what will I ever do without the approval of Victoria Hughes?”
“Okay, I’m the only one that gets to be sarcastic here.” The brown eyed woman points, leadership kicking in just a bit.
“It was more snark but—
“Whatever! I’m here to ask about your well-being.”
You stare at Vic then, “You don’t need to do that.”
“I know I don’t but if everything doesn’t flow right then I need to check on the state of my team to make sure that it does and I can tell you’re not exactly thrilled about that but…you’re on my team.”
Watch this curveball, “Right…and you’re deflecting from what you really came over here to ask me.”
“Excuse me?”
You’re waving your hand about now, “You and Travis really know how to use your outside voices so…go on ask me already.”
Vic blinks rapidly and tightens her crossed arms as she studies your shell of a face with a clear of her throat, “I don’t even know what you’re taking about I—okay.” She exhaled before continuing, “Would you like to go on a date or hangout with me sometime…even though I’m not sure you even want to be bothered with me?”
“Wow you’re really selling it,” you snort, “what’s the matter, been out the streets that long?”
“Okay, never mind. Screw this.” Vic whips around, ready to walk away until you speak again.
“I would have said no anyway.”
Vic halts and turns back around, arms still crossed as she sways from one leg to the other as the sun burned the back of her bare arms, “What was that?”
You shake your head with your eyes closed, “And not because I don’t like you or find you unattractive because that would be a huge lie. I’d say no considering I also put in time off because I’m getting surgery.”
Vic frowns for another reason now and not just at the rejection although her mind is still spinning, “oh…is everything alright?”
“Cataract surgery…I know that’s usually an older person’s problem but I beat the odds.” You unconsciously rub at your blurry eye, “They said it’s a mixture of genetics but mainly from trauma—
Vic exhales, “from that call we received a month ago? You mean to tell me you’ve been dealing with this since then? You were cleared, I saw that paperwork.”
Vic remembered that day, witnessing you double over after a schizophrenic patient rammed a pen right into your eye. The patient was calm until you turned back around to assist with wheeling them out of the home. Everyone seemed to miss checking the pockets of her robe, where a pen with a frog top was pulled and aimed right at an off guard version of you.
It felt careless and stupid and most of the team knew this. Errors were meant to be made and it should have been one of the first things they checked after securing her but it was a small pen that held quite the damage.
You nod, “yeah guess I wasn’t as cured as they thought. It’s only in that eye so it’ll take less amount of time.”
“When is it?”
“And you’re working up until that time?”
“Well send me the information so I can check up on you.” Vic holds out her phone while you take it with a curious stare.
“This a way to get my phone number?”
“I can get it anyways,” Vic honestly answers, “but i also want the details…you do have someone looking in on you afterwards right?”
You shrug, not wanting to get too personal, “I’ve got Uber and Limbo.”
“My ferret.”
Vic says, “You have a ferret…of course you do, you live in a freaking RV!”
You laugh as you send a text to your own phone, listing the details in the message before handing it back over to grab your own phone to send a thumbs up emoji, “if this is your idea of a date you’re more of an oddball than I am.”
“This isn’t a date! It’s simply checking in.”
“After I told you that I’m going to be preparing myself to get my eye scrapped like nails on a chalkboard.”
“I did not need that mental image.” Vic winces.
“I know,” you smirk.
“Are you nervous about it?”
“Do I seem nervous?” You question.
Vic does that thing where she talks fast but in this circumstance was to hide the fact that she may or may not being caring in different ways about you, “Some people tend to hide their emotions better than others so I can’t exactly tell.”
You lift your shoulders, “not really afraid of a little surgery but I’m open to you holding my hand later…if that’s not crossing a line that is.”
“It is crossing many since I’m essentially the head of crisis one but I was also the one who approached you about going on a date or hang out.” Vic exhales in realization that this was basically another pattern that she ultimately wanted to avoid.
Yet here Vic was acting up in the summer time with the stamp of approval from a best friend who still hasn’t gotten their own love life together.
Funny stuff, really.
You reminded, “Which I sorta rejected.”
“Until a later date.” Vic added.
“Until a later date,” you echo meeting Vic’s eyes, “…for now do you want a shot of whiskey? I’ve got some of the best in my humble abode…and don’t worry I’ll bring it out to you to avoid any other problems.”
Vic emphasized, “We’re on the job…”
“You’re on the job.”
“And you’re about to get me into a world of trouble aren’t you?” Vic laughs with her head thrown back, somewhat scared but excited to jump into what’s to come.
There’s a glint in your eye at that as you step even closer to Vic now who feels like she should be breathing regularly but knows that she’s not, “you’ll learn to love it if you haven’t already, Victoria Hughes…so? What do you say?”
She inhales with a pretty smile, “I say sure, I’ll take a shot but just one. I don’t know much about how you Texans get down.”
“I’ll teach you.” You wink, which makes Vic’s belly flutter.
“I have no doubts about that.”
“…I’m gonna walk away now so you don’t kiss me.”
Vic scoffs but her face is tight with humor,“Please get over yourself.”
You walk backwards to your RV, “Never, it’s what makes you so fascinated with me.”
“Oh god…I didn’t realize your head was so abnormally big!”
“With the brains to match.”
Vic pushed her lips out not even mad at that comeback, “…Alright I’ll let you have that one.”
You hum with another wink, leaving Vic for a few moments while Vic peers down at her phone at the text message, adding a name to match the number. When she glances over her shoulder, Travis is nowhere to be found—which actually makes Vic relieved until the creaking of your door hits her ears.
Down the steps you go, making your way back to Vic with your baggy ripped shorts, holding two shots of brown. Vic carefully takes it and holds it out to the center, “what are we toasting to?”
“Better beginnings?”
Victoria nods with crinkles by her eyes, “Better beginnings.”
“Should I be cheesy and say, together?”
“Please don’t.” Vic groans, “I’ve had enough corny for today.”
They clink their glasses as you tell, “make sure you make eye contact or it won’t seal the deal.”
“So you’re superstitious?” Vic makes a mental note of that.
“To a certain extent but it’s common courtesy.”
“Fine.” Vic comments with a sigh as they briefly break eye contact to place their glasses to their lips before holding each others stares again.
One winces while the other grins, “to better beginnings.”
༄。° ༄。° ༄。° ༄。° ༄。° ༄。° ༄。° ༄。° ༄。°
Continue with my summer anthology writings & prompts here.
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vladdyissues · 1 month
Good time of day or night! I want to say 'thanks you' for rising my interest to mermaids! I've always believed in their existence (I wrote you before that Jack and Maddie could hunt for halfmers to eat them) but didn't find it intriguing. Like, "well, there're also elephants in Australia or emu in Australia; so what?". But now, I'm thinking to create a horror story about mer-hunters (not as au, original), so, I was searching some info about mermaids that I'd like to share with you as mer au took you over.
First of all, Times mermaids have been spotted in Real life (just ignore that hell-thing and fake on 5:17, 6:17 and 11:07): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uPBr9ycl0c
Secondly, I collected best photos of mermaids corpses for you (some of them were in museums): https://www.tumblr.com/yourfrutoto/749840487191576576/the-collection-of-mermaids?source=share
And some facts:
* Fishers say the fried mermaids tastes as tender veal;
* They have human type teeth but sharper;
* As you can see from mermaids' skeletons they are the product of human and Osteichthyes hybridation or humans with atavisms, so, their legs was transformed into 2 small fins and there's no bones in the terminal fin. Other fins on the tail are spine growths;
* Mermaids ears have fins (beauty? I really can't see any reason for it). Their origin also isn't osseous, it's cartilaginous;
* They grow up a little wider shoulders;
* Mermaids have scales over the whole body, even on the face. Just the size of scales smaller or bigger;
* Their tailes aren't rainbow party. Tails and whole skin have only 2 pigments: melatonin (like a human has) and guanin (it gives shine for scales and eyes like fish have** ). Of course, if you feed them many-many carrots or red algae they got some orange pigment, the same for blue pigment.
Let's take a break from this morphology!
* People believes they afraid of hot Fe (who's not?) and Artemisia (I understand: even mosquitoes are and tea with this plant can cause intestinal bleeding);
* Mermaids reproduce the human way;
* Mermaids can live in the wide range of salinity;
* But they can't survive on the land because they lost the ability to obtain water. They dry out fast. So, despite that they can use oxygen from air they still suffocates on the beach because any animal need wet lungs (or skin) to absorb oxygen.
I hope my review was informative to you! Of course, keep drawing these water-cutie-angels of yours, I like them this way! And thanks, again ;)
** Cats have this pigment in their eyes, too. And according to modern research Felidae familia is the most close relative to Primates, so, people can unlock this gene, hehe. And YES, mermaids better see in the dark
Sounds like you're off to a great start, anon! Mermaid AUs are a ton of fun. The only limit is your imagination 🌊
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kadavernagh · 11 months
Mosquito in the Gazebo || Regan & Xóchitl
TIMING: A couple weeks ago before Regan lost her necklace LOCATION: The Common PARTIES: Xóchitl and Regan SUMMARY: Don't stop to sniff the roses. Regan finds a pixie who seems determined to cause trouble, and Xóchitl ends up wrapped up in the fae's mischief along the way. Does anyone have a fly swatter and a new shirt?
Most of the time it was the pull of death that steered Regan off course, but today, the prickling along her skin meant something else. Normally she’d do her best to ignore it, but out here? In the middle of the Common? She didn’t even see anyone around. So just what or who was she feeling? She let her senses guide her, looking from one group of flowers to the next in search of any that felt odd. Finally she stopped in front of some vivid pink geraniums. Why was it coming from –
In a flash, something burst out from between the flowers and zigzagged around her head before settling in the air in front of her. The tiny creature would have fit in her palm; it had huge eyes and buzzing wings and she immediately loathed it. It, however, didn’t feel the same. “Friendfriendfriendfriendfriend.” It made up for its tiny voice with its tiny, shrill voice and rapid delivery.
“Pixies”. Regan said it aloud without intending to. They were lesser, Cliodhna said, but still ought to be respected. Previously, she’d swiftly discarded that suggestion and it turned out the pixies didn’t take kindly to being called mutated insects. They turned her hair bright orange and it took months for it to revert back to normal. It was an experience Regan didn’t care to repeat, but she also wasn’t willing to concede. She smacked at the air like swatting a bug, and grimaced at the tiny being who made her skin crawl. “Leave me alone. I am not your friend. I am no one’s friend, and I don’t need anything from an insect.” 
The pixie puffed out its cheeks like it was annoyed by the comment, but this one seemed less ill-mannered than the ones that had tormented her around Saol Eile. “Least I don’t hide my wings,” it countered, “where you keepin’ them anyway? Are they in your weird neck tube?” Before Regan could ask a bewildered what? the pixie took a nosedive toward Regan’s head and squeezed itself into her turtleneck. She sputtered, and the thing’s tiny head poked out next to her own. “Ya know, my great great great great great grandfae had neck wings. It’s only a little embarrassing. I don’t see yours, though.” Regan’s hands flew to her neck as she tried to dig the pixie out of her shirt, but it kept slipping through her fingers. Meanwhile, it had a better grip on what was happening around them than Regan did. “Someone’s comingggg.” The pixie sang.
“Oh fu–” There was someone. “-un day for a walk. Here I am, walking. In the Common. Yes. Fun.” The woman came closer, and Regan tried not to squirm in response to the pixie kicking around inside of the tight neck of her shirt. But the damn thing decided to pinch her neck, and Regan grit her teeth, unable to hide her surprise. “Lots of, um, bugs around here. Annoying ones.”
The Common was a good place to walk, mostly. Xóchitl knew that realistically she couldn’t avoid all curated outdoor spaces, even if for a while, she’d wanted to. Even if she’d refused (screamed, even) to go to the Common or the Public Gardens back in Boston. Which was, of course, not exactly the best way to behave as an eight-year-old who actively enjoyed sitting for hours listening to classical music in rooms full of mostly adults – though thankfully her parents had always been incredibly patient with her – likely more patient than she would’ve been with herself, but that was neither here nor there right now.
The day was nice (or nice enough – too much optimism was simply no longer in her emotion bank at this point of her life), and she’d taken the day off of work – for no particular reason other than the fact that she just didn’t want to work, and there were other psychologists at the hospital, and she hadn’t had a full schedule today either. Xóchitl could vaguely hear a faint buzzing sound coming from one of the patches of flowers – but it was summertime, and bees and flies were to be expected. Though she wasn’t sure if flies loved flowers in the same way that other insects did. 
Walking towards one of the flower patches, she heard a woman’s voice remarking to her about what a fun day it was for a walk. “Here I am, walking in the Common, too.” Thankfully, she’d developed a solid ability to at least mostly avoid looking confused during moments where she desperately wished to ask what the hell could’ve been going on. “It is a beautiful day. Or - fun, like you said. I don’t usually think of everyday days as fun, per say, but I like that perspective on things.”
If nothing else, it was a perspective that certainly felt refreshing. “Annoying bugs are the worst,” she offered sympathetically. “I have – actually, no, sorry, I left it at home. I was going to say that I had bug spray but I’ve failed at being prepared for the outdoors at least on that account.” She could still hear a faint buzzing sound. “Should we… maybe walk away from the flowers, see if that does anything to improve the situation?”
“Right, no, not fun. Never fun.” Regan scratched at her neck, where the pixies wings were chafing against her skin. She wished the mention of bug spray would scare the thing away, but unfortunately it seemed the other woman didn’t have it with her. “That’s – it’s okay. Yes, let’s get away from here.” She eyed the flowers, wondering if the pixie had friends over there. It probably was a good idea to get away from them, though it wouldn’t do anything to shake her current parasite. She wandered over closer to where the benches were, but she could still feel the pixie against her skin, buzzing with excitement.
“Wow lady, you’re so big!” The pixie chirped from Regan’s neck. She tried to squash the thing with her hand again but it dove back in before she could grab it. Damn it. “Wait, I didn’t say that!” Regan insisted. “I mean, I didn’t – uh, mean to, uh, say that… out loud.” Her stomach bent with an intense cramp and she winced. “You’re tall. That’s all. I’m observing that you’re tall. You know, maybe we should go find some bug spray. Others around here might have some.” She glanced around, noting that there actually weren’t many people out and about. A jogger or two dotted the Common. “I want your name! Give me your name!” It piped up again. “I’m Snickers. They call me that on account of I found a shiny shirt that said Snickers once and it smelled real nice.” 
Regan looked up at the sky, silently pleading – though not to a higher power she most certainly did not believe in – and prepared herself for the pain she was about to feel. “Sorry. That was my impression of a Snickers bar.”
“I mean, I’m all for hiking but yes. But when bugs decide to cause trouble…,” she made a small face. “It’s not a mosquito, is it? Those can carry diseases and make you itch quite a whole lot if you get bitten.” At least the other woman had the good sense to want to move away from the bugs. It was unfortunate, because the flowers had seemed very ideal for looking at (which felt more than a bit ridiculous to think, because going to the Common was not just to stare at flowers without any thoughts). Still, Xóchitl focused on her newfound and unexpected companion. 
There was a high-pitched squealing sort of voice then, calling her big. Which she shook her head at, confusion crossing her face. “Ah. Yes, I suppose I am a bit tall, but you aren’t so tiny, but - yes.” Xóchitl didn’t especially enjoy being caught off-guard even when it wasn’t anything too much to worry about, but she elected to shake her head and refocus on the discussion. Except then the woman - or someone near the woman - was talking about Snickers bars and she could only look at her with deep-set confusion. “I - that’s alright. It was a good impression. I mean, I don’t know what I’d do for that, but you did well. From a non-expert standpoint, of course.”
“Not a mosquito, no.” Regan slapped her neck but Snickers evaded her fingers once again. “Think it just bit me though.” Okay, so bug spray was not going to do anything, and she could feel the pixie wiggling its way from her collar down to her – “Hey!” Regan hissed, hitting her sternum with a fist. But the pixie was already quite a bit lower than that, and she did not appreciate where she could feel the tickle of its wings against her skin. There had to be a way to lose the little bug. They weren’t leaving fast enough. Regan tapped the woman’s shoulder and motioned away from the flowers and toward the gazebo, which looked to be vacant. Privacy. Good. Maybe she could shake the pixie out of her clothes without someone seeing.
As if Snickers could read Regan’s thoughts, it zipped past her breasts and down her sleeve, poking its head out by her wrist. She wasn’t fast enough to grab it. “Lady lady! You never gave me your name, lady!” Regan’s forehead creased deeply. This was humiliating. She didn’t really think that squeaky little voice was coming from her, did she? “Ya know, being in here, it’s boring. Just a whole lotta white fabric, how do you not die of boredom?” Snickers heaved dramatically but before Regan could smash the pixie with her fist it was gone. “I’ll fix it!” It was a mumble from beneath her shirt, and Regan looked at the woman, wide eyed, and had to wonder if her sanity was being questioned right now. Maybe it should have been. It would be so much easier if she was imagining this.
With a flash, Regan watched the woman’s shirt go from a respectable white to exploding with color. Looking down, her own had done the same. It was a rainbow of colors swirling together and it sparkled under the sunlight like someone had doused it with glitter. Regan’s jaw dropped open. But Snickers bounced around under her shirt, wings zipping in delight. She needed. It. Gone. Regan turned to the now very colorful woman. “I understand this is forward of me, but I would like to remove my clothes and be nude.”
“You’re going to have to forgive my ignorance at not knowing what other sorts of bugs bite, but are you okay?” It wasn’t the time to whine about her lack of skill in the field of entomology; it wasn’t a field Xóchitl had ever felt a particular fondness for, outside of general curiosity of the inner workings of the whole world. The woman was motioning for the two of them to move away, toward the gazebo, and she saw no reason to not follow her. Especially since whatever bug was here was causing her a terrible amount of pain, trouble, or some combination of the two.
She’d never seen bugs with heads that big. “I - no. I - what?” Xóchitl couldn’t entirely process all that was going on around her, and she liked to think of herself as someone who was acutely aware of the world around her. (Not to brag, or anything). This bug was flying and yelling and Xóchitl wondered, for a moment, if she’d had enough coffee that morning, or if she’d accidentally skipped a meal (which she never did, food was too beautiful to do that), which meant she had to be imagining things, or she was letting the rumors in this town get to her. Mackenzie wouldn’t have wanted that. Her moms had been some of the first to encourage her to think about what happened to her friend as a freak accident, not something explained by storybooks. So whatever was happening now – well, it didn’t make much of any sort of sense.
Except that then this bug was off and making her shirt glitter. Her nice, sensible, white shirt now looked like something out of a circus, or an insipid children’s cartoon. “I don’t know about nudity, as I think we can get arrested for that, but I’m very much down to take off my shirt.” So Xóchitl did so, without hardly a second thought. “This - do you take it to the cleaners, or what? I like my simple, respectable clothing. I don’t think I’ve worn glitter since I was maybe…” well, eight. “Eight.” 
Regan appreciated the woman’s lack of hesitation and responded in turn, shimmying off her sparkly, prismatic shirt and in the process trying to peel the pixie away from her. The thing was stubborn and tried to cling to her skin, but short of her bra, there was nowhere for it to hide now. Regan, meanwhile, was grateful the gazebo would at least partially conceal that the two of them were stripping down. 
The small spit of a fae came tumbling out of the folds of fabric and catapulted through the air. It took a second for it to get its bearings, but it ended up in a clumsy hover in front of the two of them, looking around with a wild and very pleased expression on its tiny face. Regan wanted to lunge for it, clapping it down, but some speck of hesitation prevented it. She didn’t want to kill it. Which was stupid. How many animals had she ended just in the last month? But Snickers was a little more than a deer or a squirrel, and even she couldn’t deny that. So instead Regan frowned deeply at it, her eyes narrowed in a threat she couldn’t carry out. “Get away from me. We are not friends.” She lashed out into the air with her shirt, trying to swat it, and had to wonder if her companion thought she was speaking to her instead of the pixie. But they weren’t friends. That shouldn’t have mattered either. 
The pixie paused for a moment, and Regan hated that uncanny feeling of making eye contact with something so small, something that shouldn’t be remotely sentient. Then its stupid little tongue came out of its mouth and it pffft’d a big raspberry before dive bombing right into the other woman’s hair. 
She’d never been especially shy about her looks, and this wasn’t even a time to focus on that, but instead to rid herself of an absolute fashion disaster. Looking hot while doing so was just an added bonus to the unfortunate afternoon that Xóchitl had found herself part of. The gazebo ensured that they likely wouldn’t get ticketed for public displays of indiscretion, or something. She wasn’t sure if that was an actual thing people got tickets for, but if she didn’t have to find out, that was all the better.
Maine hadn’t had bugs like this when she was growing up. Xóchitl wondered if this was some sort of new invasive species – the New York Times talked about those, sometimes, though she didn’t pay tons of attention to those sections, preferring culture, op-eds, among other things. Whatever this flying thing was, she was none too pleased with it, especially when it dive-bombed right into her hair.
“Hey!” She exclaimed, hands running through her hair, trying to grab whatever was in there and yank it out. Retrospectively, she should have been more gentle, but when she was frustrated, she didn’t always think before she acted, and so she grabbed the giant bug, which looked weirdly like it had a nearly humanoid face, and it started swatting at her hand right away, and so Xóchitl shook it off of her, only to have it come flying back up to her face and swat her nose three times. She was pretty sure she could hear it say something about being too big and tall again, but that much she knew she had to be imagining. The bug-thing flew up to the other woman then, giving a sharp tug at her hair as if to try and gain her attention.
As soon as the woman’s hands managed to grab Snickers, Regan knew this was not going to be pretty. If that little bug was willing to chew on the fingers of a “fellow fae”, what would it do to this poor, oblivious woman? It zigzagged around her head and dive bombed her face a few times, all the while blowing more raspberries. Then Snickers made a sound like a vuvuzela right in the woman’s ear. “That’s enough!” Regan shouted at the thing, her voice screeching an octave too loud. Snickers giggled at her volume, hovering playfully in the air. “Do it again! Do it like those sky explosions! The colorful ones!”
While Snickers seemed to be thinking about fireworks, Regan made a swift grab for one of the obscenely colorful shirts and whipped it over the tiny pixie like a net. She tied off the sleeves and openings and she could feel the tiny thing careening around inside. At least its annoying voice was finally muffled again. “Got it!” Regan hissed a sigh of relief and looked at the woman. Appreciating for the first time that she was not wearing a shirt. Right. And the shirt in her hands was not a turtleneck. So… “Oh, um – do you want – I mean, you can wear my shirt. To leave. If you want. I’ll figure something out. I think we’re in agreement that this bug needed to be caught.” She looked down at the shirt in her hands, which was thrashing around like a cat trapped in a bag. “I’d like to hang on to yours for now, if you don’t mind.” What she intended on doing with it, she wasn’t sure yet. Leave it here at the gazebo for someone else to find? Bring it to the cabin? Release it in the woods? Maybe there wouldn’t be any questions.
Xóchitl winced at the sounds the bug made in her ear, just moments before the other woman screeched, too. There was lots more noise than she would have expected, running into a stranger and a bug, but this town did that, she supposed. That was, throw the absolute unexpected at her, whether or not she wanted it. At least her companion in all of this seemed to be taking it in stride, and seemed to be confident in her actions.
In a swift move, the bug was captured, and Xóchitl could only breathe a sigh of utter relief. “Thank you. God, I’m apparently more useless around bugs than I might’ve thought.” She nodded. “Absolutely agreement. I don’t need to borrow your shirt - not to sound conceited, or anything, but I’m not ashamed of how I look, and I don’t exactly mind showing off. But I do appreciate the offer.” Which she did. “Yes, of course. Feel free to keep it. I’m not exactly the biggest fan of things quite that… flashy. So you’re welcome to it, and the bug inside of it.” Her hand carded through her hair, “I’m Xóchitl, by the way. Sorry if this is too forward, but would you like to get coffee or tea or some drink some time? Away from bugs. As for the outfits, whatever you’re comfortable with works for me. How’s that sound?”
"It's fine," Regan said with a shrug, "I'm sure you are useless at many other things, too. There is no reason to feel especially– uh, I mean – sometimes our circumstances test our resolve." She could practically hear Reilly chiding her. It probably wasn't very nice to tell someone they were useless, even if it was true. It wasn't the woman's fault she would expire after leading an ordinary life. At least she had no shame in her form, which most people could stand to emulate. Regan thought of her wings and frowned. "I'll keep it, then. Just be cautious leaving, even if you don't mind being seen, public indecency is still a concern." Snickers struggled against the bounds of the shirt and Regan tightened her grip.
Oh, right, an exchange of names. She considered for a moment, and offered her first name instead of the last as she often did. "Regan. Meeting you has been acceptable, despite the circumstances." From inside the shirt, she could hear muffled sobbing. "Why would that be forward? People require nourishment in the form of beverages. It would only be forward if you were asking me on a –" Oh. Her cheeks flushed with heat and she shifted her weight between her feet. It occurred to her, more than before, that she was not wearing a shirt. Neither of them were. She stared at Xóchitl and then felt strange about the fact she was staring and then stared at the ground instead. It didn't look nearly as soft. "I don't, uh– I'm very busy and – oh, but it's not that – I mean, you're objectively –" She clamped down on her lip with her teeth and nearly dropped the shirt-swaddled pixie.
It had been many years since Regan had been on a date, and with time, she had only grown worse at navigating the prospect and turning down the occasional interest that was displayed. Cliodhna had expressed in no uncertain terms that such entanglements would lead to swift and utter failure in her training. Only after achieving perfection could she consider inviting such a connection into her life, and overlaps not even then. Cliodhna herself was a woman of few affections. Regan never had to wonder if her grandfather had been loved by her.
"What I mean to say is, um, perhaps someday." Wait, did that sound like a yes? "Not soon. In the future. The distant future. Possibly." There. That probably came across more clearly. Regan inhaled a big breath, her muscles relaxing as the threat passed her by. But what if they both needed to leave in the same direction? Shirtless and together and with more questions about coffee and longing looks? Just the thought of such an awkward situation made her stomach turn all over again. The solution, she decided, was to not leave. "So long," Regan said, trying to prompt Xóchitl’s departure. "I'm going to stay here, in this gazebo. For a very long time."
“You’re right, I’m certainly useless at other things too.” She waved it off, not intending for it to sound self-deprecating, but rather factual. It was true, even if Xóchitl liked to think of the positive aspects of who she was (the bad ones were obvious and easy, so showing the best parts was just a nicer overall experience). “You are welcome to it. Yes, that’s a good point, but this is just like wearing a bikini, and I’ve got no intention of trying to go in any places of business, so the ‘no shirt’ rule will be safe – I wouldn’t want to break that.” Which, while true, seemed like something her companion would be in favor of, and so extra highlighting of it couldn’t hurt either of them.
“Meeting you has been a bit more than acceptable on my end, but I’ll take ‘acceptable’. Gives me something to work on improving.” Which was true enough, and there was something about this woman that intrigued her, even if Xóchitl couldn’t quite place her finger on why. “I was asking you on a date, yes, though it doesn’t need to be something serious. Objectively hot? I’ll just fill in that word, since you’ve left me hanging.” The smile she offered was somewhere in the realm between mischievous and kind. 
“Possibly someday in the distant future works for me. But would you like to get drinks, with our clothes on, sometime?” She looked at the other woman with a brief moment of concern. “Just, you know, we both need to stay hydrated, or else it’s bad for your body, or something, so just figured I’d ask just in case you wanted to participate in the daily ritual of hydration together. Just with beverages more fun than water.” The other woman seemed keen on Xóchitl leaving, and she supposed she could give into that, at least this once. “Don’t stay too long. I’ll be gone soon enough, then you can come out fully clothed and with the ability to go into any shop you want on your way home.” She gave a nod. “Despite the circumstances, it was good to meet you, Regan. I hope to meet up with you again sooner rather than later.”
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citynewsglobe · 22 days
[ad_1] Within the bustling metropolis of Sharjah, because the inhabitants grows, so do pests. You possibly can ignore their existence, however the issue will not go away until you cope with pests promptly and appropriately. That is why the occasion you believe you studied a pest infestation, take motion and go for the finest pest management Sharjah. Let’s delve into the highest indicators you might have a pest downside so you may deal with the difficulty earlier than it will get out of hand!How To Know When You Have A Pest Downside – A Easy InformationYou don’t need to be an professional in widespread family pests to know these are hiding in your house. Pests are sneaky, however not excellent—and they'll reveal themselves in by hook or by crook. So, what are the indicators of pest infestation? Pests Roaming Round Your House It goes with out saying, however one of many indicators of pest infestation is the pests! A single incidence (or two!) of a roach or rat scurrying indoors or open air just isn't normally a trigger for alarm. Nonetheless, because the age-old idea goes, the place there’s one you see, there are ten you don’t. Knowledgeable inspection will prevent an enormous headache down the highway. And if you happen to see pests usually, then there is no doubt about it: you might have a pest infestation in your house. Ants and cockroaches are most typical within the kitchens. Some pests enter properties through drainage traces. Rodents normally transfer round within the basement and attic, or open air. Droppings & Impression On Self/Belongings The right way to know when you might have a pest downside if there are not any pests in sight, ever? You search for what they depart behind. When you see bizarre, unexplainable droppings within the corners of your property, particularly the kitchen, you could be pest waste.If all of the sudden you begin waking up with purple, itchy bumps in your pores and skin, you'll have a mattress bug challenge. Fleas and mosquitoes are additionally the explanations behind immensely irritating bites. Although these do not get to people until we're speaking a few widespread infestation, mice and rats normally simply injury your stuff (electrical wiring, paper, and many others). Termites are well-known for his or her high-destructive results on picket furnishings and décor. When you spot off-white or yellow powdery stuff close to picket gadgets, you could be a termite downside. Fixed Unusual Odors Round The House One other option to resolve your doubts in regards to the doable existence of pests in your house with out seeing any is unusual odors. Many pests depart behind disagreeable smells in your house. When you catch a whiff of unusual scents with none probably sources in sight, these could also be indicators you might have a pest downside. Practically all pests depart behind some scent. Ants depart a path of odor for different ants to comply with of their tracks, detecting which relies on your sense of scent. Cockroaches are the probably culprits if the air in any room of your property unexpectedly begins smelling musty. Rodents depart urine and droppings, and the scent turns into very apparent in case of a big inhabitants of rats or mice. Mild Scattering Sounds, Squeaks, & Extra Have you ever seen uncommon sounds in your own home, these days? Pests are most energetic at night time, so that's when it is best to hear them. When you hear distinct squeaks and scurrying sounds, you'll have a rodent downside. In case you might have a yard, maintain your ears strained for leaves rustling paired with squeaking.Whereas indoor sounds may be because of the wind and out of doors sounds could also be a stray animal passing your property's threshold, listening to noises usually can imply pest hassle. In case of a termite infestation, you could even hear faint noises coming from the partitions. Play it secure and go for an expert inspection service by pest management Sharjah municipality permitted. Any probability of a pest infestation will come ahead, even when within the earliest levels.
Garbage, Smudges & Soiled Trails Many pests are extraordinarily messy issues. Be diligent about indicators you might have a pest downside, and examine for buildup of dust and dirt alongside corners of your property. Take note of anywhere with gaps and cracks close by. Roaches, rats, and varied crawling bugs depart smudges of dust alongside the partitions and furnishings.Additionally, are you seeing meals crumbs out of your kitchen ending up elsewhere of the home? Or meals crumbs which are solely unexplainable? Many pests, even teeny ants, normally depart proof within the type of meals droppings. Some pests construct nests, so any dust trails together with wooden, paper, grass, and different stuff could also be on account of—you guessed it—pests! Ultimate Ideas: What To Do In Case Of Indicators Of Pest Infestation?Regardless of how sure you're that there's a pest infestation in your house, rent an expert pest management firm in Sharjah for an inspection. Their consultants will assist put your thoughts comfortable if there are not any pests—and supply an distinctive pest management remedy in case your hunch seems true. It’s a win-win both means! [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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magnusrosen-blog · 7 months
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Blog 11
"The Tree Of Life Tour" together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine.
The Amazonian morning was warm where the heat caressed so gently at the breakfast table. What was served was fruit of various kinds, juices, coffee, some bread but also omelette.
This night I didn't sleep very well for some reason, there was nothing wrong with the room nor the air conditioning which gave cool air. Perhaps it was the soul of the Amazon rainforest that visited the stranger this night. I don't feel tired but it might come a little later in the day.
Now the Rainforests await us with their waterfalls and wonderful vegetation.
Made a stop at a girl named Rosangela! here in the Amazon. Her dishes were from the deep jungle. She talked about the western man who came and took their land. Stories about their traib (tribe) as both deep in the jungle, where in the past they also ate people. You might think it was the enemy you ate. Her story felt magical and spiritual. There are still civilizations in the Amazon rainforest that have no contact with the world we live in. Before we left there, we brought some beautiful natural necklaces that she had made.
The day has now become very hot 😅.
We rolled on from her studio / workshop / residence to a paradise inside the jungle with water passages and caves. Listen, we filmed for quite a while with bass playing in all sorts of places. The film crew used stationary and moving cameras but also drones. The heat inside the jungle was now immense so I next ran down the rock ledges by the stream that meandered through nature. So beautiful but also so warm.
Our music video / documentary: We have now also had time for several interviews that will be included in our film of approx. 9-12 minutes. Die both tears and laughter tell of the vulnerability of the Amazon.
We want to bring the reality of the jungle and those who live around it. Their words about dreams, visions and faith in the future! This is our way of carrying the voice of these people forward.
Just now Global TV appeared out of nowhere it seemed. The believer was someone in the film team who contacts them. With Brazilian TV, our message will be brought forward, which is gratifying.
Shouldn't belabor it, but it feels like people both hear and recognize there because of my past. Something that I absolutely did not expect at all. This means that there will be some photos with 🤘other people everywhere during the day, which feels a bit fun. Am so surprised that they remember me in the buzz of bands and musicians.
The incredibly hot day took us further to a place where I would be hoisted up into a very tall tree to take some scenes. " A way to call attention” Yes, we were here for hours. Climbing trees, the guys didn't get the hanging equipment, which slowly but surely started to feel a bit difficult. Yes, you don't want to fall down or get stuck up there due to ignorance or bad equipment.
But so far we had hope and trust. In the meantime we took a bath which was wonderful, a bit cold which was really needed while we waited for all the rope harnesses etc to be ready. They say that if you bathe in the Amazon jungles, the inside is also cleansed of dark spiritual beings.
In the end it was still time to hang me. Now the sun began to slowly set, which also attracted the mosquitoes. This did not feel very comfortable, even if you take malaria tablets. Finally I had the harnesses on, the ropes were connected so now it was time. "But" here I was sitting in the middle of lots of plants, palm leaves, tree trunks, etc. Yes, they simply didn't get me. Time passed further and the shadows began to grow long due to the low position of the sun. After I had sat there half a meter superior, I started to feel a little uncomfortable. They haven't got things sorted until now after several hours. how safe this feels, I thought.
Finally, we said, enough is enough! phuuuuuuuu 😅 I thought. Hanging high up in a tree in the Amazon with people who didn't really know what they were doing, hm, maybe it didn't feel very safe. So we blew everything off for this day. A sensible decision, we thought.
Now we are on our way through the darkness to Manaus, where we have booked a couple of hotel nights. Sleep well is just the first name after this long and very hot day of filming.
Monday morning! At 06.10 radio p4 called for an interview, a little tired but happy I (we) had a small conversation before the pillow was waiting to welcome me.
I believe human rights is Peace. if you cant find a peace solution then its wrong people round the table!!! Thats what i believe!!!
Make the world a better place 🌍 Love Peace Understanding Questions give knowledge Free Speech is given a Free World
For those interested in the following, Sweden Rock Magazine's page is: https://www.facebook.comswedenrockmagazine     Green-Cross www.green-cross.se
Magnus Rosen - Ambassador for Green Cross www.magnusrosen.com ​
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pesticoo · 8 months
Disease Spread by Common Pests
Pests, like ants, cockroaches, and rats, are not just annoying; they can also spread diseases. You can get sick from even the smallest mosquito or cockroach, but there is a way to minimize insect-related diseases. Termites are one of many pests that, if you ignore it can ruin your property. Experts have the latest techniques to eliminate them and keep them from coming back. In this blog, we'll talk about the health risks posed by common pests and why it's crucial to consider pest control Kolkata to keep your home safe. Let's dive into the world of disease-spreading pests and learn how to protect our loved ones.
Common Diseases Caused by Pests: Understanding the Risks
Dengue is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes, particularly the Aedes species. It causes symptoms like high fever, severe headaches, joint and muscle pain, and in severe cases, it can lead to dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome.
Salmonellosis is an infection caused by Salmonella bacteria, often transmitted through contaminated food or water. Cockroaches can carry these bacteria and spread them, leading to symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and abdominal cramps.
Cockroaches are known carriers of dysentery, a gastrointestinal disease causing symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and fever. It can make you feel unwell.
Houseflies can contaminate food and water with their excreta, spreading diseases like cholera. Cholera leads to severe diarrhea and dehydration, which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.
Malaria is a well-known mosquito-borne disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite. Symptoms include high fever, chills, sweats, headache, and fatigue. Malaria can be deadly if not treated promptly.
Chikungunya is another mosquito-borne disease, and it causes symptoms like severe joint pain, fever, muscle pain, and rash. It can make you feel very uncomfortable.
Skin Allergies:
Bed bugs are known to cause skin allergies. Their bites can lead to itchy red welts, rashes, and discomfort. These bites can be a real nuisance. While bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases directly, their bites can cause itching and discomfort. Scratching these bites can lead to infections. 
Termites and similar bugs can release harmful spores in the air, which can trigger asthma attacks. If you have asthma, it's important to keep your home pest-free. To avoid respiratory issues, consider a termite control service.
Hantavirus and Plague:
Rodents like rats and mice can carry diseases like Hantavirus and Plague. Hantavirus can lead to severe respiratory problems, while Plague can cause fever, chills, weakness, and swollen lymph nodes.
Why Pest Control in Kolkata is Important?
Now that we've discussed the diseases spread by common pests, let's talk about why pest control Kolkata service is essential for your family's well-being.
Health Protection:
By getting rid of pests, you reduce the risk of diseases they carry. Protecting your family's health should always be a top priority.
Peace of Mind:
Living in a pest-free environment brings peace of mind. You won't have to worry about pesky pests invading your home.
Property Preservation:
Some pests, like termites, can cause significant damage to your home's structure. Investing in termite control services can save you from costly repairs down the road.
Better Quality of Life:
A pest-free home is a more comfortable and enjoyable place to live. You can relax without the constant irritation of pests.
Preventative Measures:
Professional pest control services not only eliminate existing infestations but also implement preventive measures to keep pests from coming back.
Pests are not just an annoyance; they can pose serious health risks. Flies, cockroaches, rodents, ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, and bed bugs can all spread diseases. Protecting your family's health and well-being should be your top priority.
Consider hiring pest control Kolkata services to ensure a pest-free home. Whether you need to tackle an existing infestation or want to prevent future problems, professional pest control is the key to a healthier and happier living environment. Don't wait until pests become a problem—take action today to safeguard your loved ones.
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Welcome, to the Tintin book with both the most slavery, and the most submarines
It’s time for the Red Sea Sharks, and I know I say this a lot, but this is actually my favourite Tintin.
So Tintin and Haddock run quite literally into General Alcazar, who drops his wallet, and in their attempt to return it, discover he’s here to buy arms, the seller of which turns out to be Dawson, from all the way back in book five, The Blue Lotus.
Tintin has a sneak around, finds some de Havilland Mosquitos, and discovers that Khemed, from all the way back in book fifteen, Land of Black Gold, has been coup d’étated by Sheikh Bab El Ehr, with the help of some de Havilland Mosquitos.
So Tintin&Co promptly fly off to Khemed, where they get turned around at the border, and their flight back explodes from a time-bomb in the luggage, but only after one of the engines spontaneously combusting forces them down.
Tintin&Co sneak back into Khemed, and shelter from the armed street patrols with Oliveira de Figueira.
They escape the city with the aid of crossdressing and horses, and make it to the secret city in the mountains where the Emir has been hiding out.
He explains that the coup was becuase he chucked out an airline that was involved in slave trading, not because of the whole slavery thing, but because they wouldn't put on a private air-show for his son.
So anyway Tintin&Co get on a boat, which gets Mosquitoed, but Tintin shoots one down with what appears to be an AK-47, and they escape the burning wreck with a raft.
They rescue the pilot of the Mosquito Tintin shot down, Skut, and then get rescued by the yacht of the owner of that slavery airline, the Marquis di Gorgonzola, who promptly dumps them on a cargo ship, the crew of which promptly set it on fire and abandon it in the night.
So Tintin&Co put out the fire, take control of the ship, discover a cargo of slaves, rescue them, have a quick fight with a submarine, and are saved by the USS Los Angeles, which has a $\frac {1}{4}$ chance of being a airship.
Haddock bashes a diver with the anchor, somehow doesn't kill them, a shark explodes, Gorgonzola is revealed to be Rastapopoulos, who escapes by yet another submarine.
So, the only new major character here is Skut, who, like most Tintin characters, has a relatively bland personality, but I do appreciate having a character with slightly less black-and-white morals than usual.
Things I like
First and foremost, the water, being a book set mostly at sea, there is naturally a lot of water, and it all both looks excellent, and behaves in a seemingly quite realistic way.
Things I don't
You know the drill, it's stupid nitpick time!
On Page four, panel two, the speech bubble is intended to be read as coming from the telephone, however it is not made clear, as the tail points to the same place as panel 1, with only the texture of the bubble to differentiate them, moving the origin of the bubble on panel one to the other side of Tintin's head would have easily alleviated the issue
The plane not only has an engine catch on fire, but also makes a successful crash-landing seemingly without a single injury
Silly bits
Haddock greets the Thom(p)sons with a hosepipe
Calculs arrives to breakfast via roller-skate
Milatary equipment is advertised in a mainstream newspaper
Tintin trespasses on private property
Haddock becomes highly relatable
Canon femboy Tintin
Two armoured cars are distroied by a poor telephone network
Calculus steerable roller-skate
Once again, I must reiterate, the Emir, friend and ally of Tintin, does not take issue with slavery, but does with airlines not putting on private air shows for his son at the drop of a hat
The Emir believes commercial air-liners are able to safely loop the loop while loaded with passengers
Truly, this is the best Tintin, and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot, just ignore all the times I said otherwise.
de Havilland Mosquitos
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A few unwanted roofing issues that make roof restoration Dandenong a necessity
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Any work related to roofs is mostly dreaded. One only goes for roof restoration Dandenong if it is absolutely needed. Whenever someone goes for any sort of repair or reconstruction, it creates a huge mess. This is especially true when it comes to the roof of a building. But certain roof conditions need immediate attention. If neglected for a long time, it can turn into a disaster. Today, in this blog we will discuss a few roofing issues that make roof restoration Dandenong a necessity.
Blisters- any roofing issue is extremely dangerous, and some look nothing, but with time can harm a lot more. Sometimes due to the incorrect way of installation or not having proper maintenance done regularly, you will notice bubbles on your roof. Those roof bubbles are nothing but blisters on the roof. They may look harmless now but if ignored for a long time, this may lead to a big disaster.
Leak- if you ever notice some watery stain on your roof, that might be the sign of a leaky roof. Roof leakage is the most common sign of roof damage. You can understand that there is a leakage but tracking it down to its root is the most difficult task. There are several forms of leaks that can be found on a roof. Even in winter in a cold area, leaks can form on the roof. Those are especially found during warm winter weather and are called ice dams. The main problem with leaks is that even the small ones can grow fast damaging the entire roof.
Pond-ponding is another reason for roof damage. It happens when water gets accumulated in a particular part of the roof. Incorrect installation of air conditioning is one of the main causes of ponding. This water ponding can also give birth to mosquitos and molds. This ponding can be a major concern due to its capacity to damage the roof. Only a good and proper roof restoration Dandenong can solve it.
Animals- possums, birds, insects, and other types of animals can cause great damage to your roof. If these animals build their shelter inside your roof, they can destroy your roof formation in no time. For this reason, it becomes highly essential to get your roof restored. You don’t want to live under a roof that has sheltered wild animals.
Leaves- trees only bring betterment for the environment and society. But that, if not properly checked and cleaned, they can cause little damage to your roof. Leaves when getting stuck in the gutters can be a huge problem. This may result in clogging of your drains. One should never let this situation go out of hand because then the possibility of bushfire increases.
These are some of the few unwanted roofing issues that make roof restoration Dandenong a necessity. We encourage you to talk to us and learn more about our roof restoration Dandenong today.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
batfam as types of beds?
Dick: an air mattress that you can't find the leak for even with a fucking high-power magnifying glass and this is why you don't buy $25 air mattresses on Craigslist from someone who refused to even meet you in-person when you grab it
Jason: those nail beds at science museums that are supposed to demonstrate a feat of physics but also they're letting children near them??? also, tetanus much???
Tim: the top bunk at a boarding school because 8-year-old you thought that was the jackpot but now your nose is four inches from a cobweb and you already regret your short existence
Damian: a bed of roses with the thorns still attached like why did you think this was a good anniversary gift for Bruce and Selina you should've listened to Babs and bought a card
Duke: the extra rolling bed at Best Western when you refuse to share with your family, which you cram in the slot between the two beds and wind up waking up in the middle of the night to your sibling's foot on your face
Cullen: sleeping bag with a mosquito trapped inside and you wanna take care of it but the camp counselor already told you off for too much rustling and everyone's sleep so you surrender yourself to Dracula's bugsona
Stephanie: a body pillow so big that you mistook it for a really soft bed so you just stuck it into your bed frame and slept on it until your friend pointed it out and you feel like the biggest dumbass on the planet
Cassandra: your weird friend's sofa bed that has a smell that's not bad but not great either but strong as hell so you're lying awake at two A.M. wondering what in all holy heaven it could possibly be
Barbara: those Google office nap pods that look and sound like a good idea but the underlying principle behind it is actually quite dystopian when you think about it
Harper: the backseat of a van that you put down because you wanted to go on one of those aesthetic #vanlife road trips but instead you return from vacation needing a chiropractor
Carrie: water bed filled with fruit punch because in your head you thought it'd be fun so you manifested it, completely forgetting about this little thing called mold
Kate: a military cot that's sagging where physics shouldn't allow and it's pressed next to this other person who's snoring in your ear with hot breath that smells like Kraft singles
Selina: a secondhand mattress that looked fine when you bought it and works like a charm, until you accidentally tear it and discover it's full of hair, and in that moment it dawns on you the true meaning of "ignorance is bliss"
Bruce: literally just a block of memory foam. not even like a cover or anything. he deadass industrially cut a block of foam for the purposes of feeling like sinking into a tub of macaroni
Alfred: a really nice reclining chair. i bet you're wondering after this whole list what the catch is. there isn't one. it's just a fucking phenomenal chair that you wanna live in forever like a dad after his kids go off to college
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edwardskhakipants · 3 years
Forks, Washington. August 2004.
Esme and Carlisle stood in the middle of their grand living room, waiting for their five vampire children to arrive. Alice arrived first—prompt as usual. She settled herself gracefully onto the tufted sofa Esme had recently acquired, only to be immediately jostled by Emmett who heaved himself onto the cushions. A breath caught in Esme’s throat—she had lost many pieces from her beloved collection by that action—but it looked like this one was still in one piece. For the moment. Jasper took Edward’s normal spot in the only armchair, forcing Edward to wedge himself between Alice and Emmett.
“What?” Rosalie grumbled as she perched on the armrest of the couch beside Emmett, “Are we having another one of those How to Respect the Telepath in Your Life meetings again?”
“No,” Edward answered, fully aware of the intent of this meeting since it hatched in Carlisle's mind two days prior. “But there’s never a bad time to bring that up. Christ, Emmett, if you’re going to have a song stuck in your head for over seventy-two hours, the least you can do is learn the correct lyrics.”
Emmett’s eyebrows knit together, asking his brother a silent question.
“It’s ‘mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido,’” Edward answered.
Emmett’s brow furrowed doubtfully.
“No.” Edward shook his head, answering Emmett’s thoughts. “Why would he eat a beetle?”
Emmett grinned playfully and tilted his head towards Edward.
Edward wasn’t amused. “You know what it means.”
A silly grin plastered on his face, Emmett elbowed Edward in the ribs, silently egging him on.  
Edward’s eyes darted to Carlisle, then Esme, and he shifted in his seat. “Sexual desire,” he muttered.  
Emmett howled with laughter and clapped his hands once, “Wow, Eddie! You’re just going to say that in front of Esme!?” Edward scowled as Emmett’s bouts of laughter echoed through the room.
Esme ran a hand through her youngest’s ginger hair. “Boys,” she warned, and Emmett sucked in his laughter.
“Our meeting today has to do with all of you,” Carlisle began.
“We simply wanted to go over the rules of attending school with you kids before you start your second year at Forks High School,” Esme explained, unfolding and re-folding her hands in front of her. “There are already whispers, and we don’t want those whispers to turn into rumors.”
“I thought the only whispers about us at school were whether or not Edward liked girls,” Rosalie said, earning an eye-roll from Edward.
“No,” Alice chirped,” Some kids think we’re a cult.”
Jasper leaned back heavily in his chair. “We haven’t heard that one since the Seventies.”
“Kids are getting more creative these days.” Emmett nodded appreciatively.
Esme held up one, delicate finger. “Which is why it is best to take preventative action.”
Carlisle took the floor. “We thought a few reminders would be helpful before you started your first day of your second year,” Carlisle said. “We don’t want another incident like the one we had at the end of last year.”
Every head in the room turned towards Emmett.
“What?” Emmett threw up his hands in exasperation, “The water gun fight was the senior prank—I wasn’t the one who brought them to the school. Hell, I wasn’t even the only student who got suspended!”
“That’s true,” Carlisle agreed, “but you were the only student to shout, ‘Sit down, kids! Daddy’s gotta tinkle,’ and shoot the stream of the gun from your crotch.”
Jasper snickered—the sound was immediately silenced by a single raised eyebrow from Esme.
“I still don’t see the problem,” Emmett continued, “That’s not necessarily a vampire thing.”
Edward—who often mistook himself as the third vampire parent rather than the youngest son—sighed, “Yes, but it brings unnecessary attention to the family. Which is the first rule: do not bring attention to yourself.”
Esme ran her fingers through her son’s hair once more, “Yes, darling, you are especially good at keeping to yourself.” Edward’s eyes widened, despite Esme’s gentle touch, already aware of where her point was headed. “So much so, that I have been given the names of several child therapists to help my son through his depression. One was recommended for his exceptional work on spotting and treating the early signs of sociopathic behavior.”
Esme grabbed her son’s chin and forced him to look at her. “You have to talk to other people.”
Knocked off his high horse, Edward flinched back from Esme’s hand. “Friendship with humans never bodes well for us.”
“We’re not asking you to create lifelong friendships with humans,” Carlisle clarified, “We are simply asking you to be likable.”
“A nearly impossible feat for Edward.” Rosalie grinned. The comment went unnoticed, save Edward’s slight flinch. But the quick, little tick was satisfying enough for Rose.
“Look at your father,” Esme gestured towards Carlisle, “At every hospital he works at, he goes out of his way to ensure he is well-liked among his colleagues. He forces down countless lunches and coffees, solely to make sure they’re comfortable around him.”
Carlisle took over. “And your mother, a beloved member of her gardening club and a prized member of the PTA.”
“And neither of us have rumors started about us, and do you know why?”
All five teenagers grumbled the ingrained response. “Humans don’t want to spread rumors about people they like.”
“Exactly.” Esme nodded.
“I try!” Alice whined, “But Edward never lets me talk to any humans.”
“That’s because every, single thing that is about to come out of your mouth is incriminating. You might as well walk around with a neon sign that says, ‘I’m a psychic vampire’.”
Alice scoffed, “Is not!”
“You wanted to tell Nihal Howard not to audition for the musical.”
“And he broke his leg on opening night,” Alice challenged.  
“You were going to tell Christiana Ward that pink was not her color.”
“And she lost prom queen to Ashley Kirby.”
Jasper put a comforting hand on his wife’s knee. “Maybe try not to meddle so much, darlin’. Natural relationships, first.”
“They would have been!” Alice wailed, “I would have played it cool and casual and made friends and you all would have seen it! But everyone’s hurt and I have no friends at all because Edward won’t let me try!”
Edward rolled his eyes.
Carlisle suppressed a heavy sigh. “You have to let your sister try, Edward.”
Edward’s mouth fell open. “You cannot seriously be siding with her on this!”
But Carlisle stood his ground. He and Edward stared at one another for a few seconds, engaged in a silent conversation. In the end, Carlisle tilted his chin and Edward slumped back. Victorious, Alice used both pointer fingers to jab Edward in the side several dozen times at vampire speed.
Rosalie flipped her golden locks over her shoulder. “I don’t know how you all struggle so much. I have no issues with becoming well-liked at school while remaining inconspicuous.”
“Oh yeah, you’re so inconspicuous,” Edward grumbled, now extra-petty that he had been called out two times in one meeting. “You dress like you're on your way to brunch at your second husband’s country club in Beverly Hills and you make out with your foster brother. The perfect picture of discretion in Forks High School.”
“At least I don’t dress like a sad, old man.” Rosalie grimaced, disappointed in her comeback. The light, humorous insults that were required in family situations were Emmett’s forte; Rosalie’s insults were meant to emotionally cripple a person.
Edward sat up in his seat on the couch and turned to face Rosalie. “I think you missed the main takeaway in that you make out with your foster brother.” Edward turned back. “I can read your minds, and I still don’t understand what made either of you think it was okay to bring your relationship to school?!”
Emmett smiled, unperturbed. “It’s hot.”
“It’s disturbing,” Edward disagreed.
Esme frowned, “You kids don’t really do that, do you?”
“Would it help if Jasper and I became an official couple too?” Alice suggested.     Jasper perked up at the idea of being able to hold hands with Alice in public again.
“No!” Edward yelled at the same time Emmett and Rosalie muttered their acquiesce.
“It wouldn’t seem as weird if there were two couples,” Emmett agreed.
Edward dug his fingers through his hair. “Oh my god!”
“...maybe not, kids,” Esme intervened, but was ultimately ignored.
“So should we come out today like it happened over the summer, or make a little show out of it?” Alice asked Rosalie.
Rosalie waved a hand in the air. “Oh, it’s way more fun if you play up the theatrics.”
“A little more realistic, too,” Emmett agreed.
Alice looked to Jasper for his opinion. “It might be better if we were discreet about it,” she said. “Like we knew it was wrong, but we wouldn’t let anything stand in the way of our love.”
Jasper scooted forward to the edge of his seat. “Or we could let it be quiet and drawn out. Let others see our mutual pining, and root for us to be together.”
Gazing deep into the golden eyes of her soulmate, Alice sighed, “I love that.”
“If people wanted us to get together, it would normalize Emmett and Rosalie’s relationship.”
“Or Rosalie and Emmett could stop,” Edward suggested, bitterly. “That would be normal, too.”
“Oh, Edward,” Alice patted his shoulder, “You’ll find love someday, too.”
“That is not at all what bothers me about the situation.”
Carlisle made the decision for everyone. “Rosalie and Emmett, break up at school. Alice and Jasper, remain friends and siblings.”
Disappointment filtered into the room through Jasper.  
“I heard that,” Edward grumbled at someone’s thoughts.
“You were supposed to,” Rosalie shot back.
“We are also initiating a new rule,” Esme brought the room back to the conversation at hand, “No more correcting your teachers.”
A chorus of complaints rang from the couch.
Esme clicked her tongue, “I’m tired of defending you all from entirely preventable issues. I have emails from curious teachers wondering why my foster daughter is taking French 101, when she already appears to be fluent.” Esme looked at Rosalie, who immediately tucked her bottom lip between her teeth. “Or why my son, at the tender age of sixteen, could not only deadlift three hundred pounds in his first weightlifting class, but also give his coach tips on improving his posture.”
Emmett glanced over at Edward before he realized Esme was, in fact, addressing him. “What!?”
Jasper snorted. The sound was a mistake, for it brought Esme’s wrath onto him. “And not to mention the emails from not one, not two, but three teachers warning me that my foster son has an intimate understanding of the mechanics of a point fifty-eight caliber rifle-musket.” Esme held out her hands, almost pleadingly, “How does that subject keep coming up, Jasper?”
A noncommittal grunt was the only answer Jasper had for that question.
“No more,” she commanded. “You can get good grades but keep your extra knowledge on any subject to yourself. Whatever your teacher teaches is all you know. Understand?”
“But what if we—” Edward started.
“Understand?” Esme repeated.
The five teenage vampires understood, even if they didn’t want to. 
“I believe that all five of you will graduate from Forks High School!” Esme cheered.
The kids stared back, unable to muster the zeal Esme had over the prospect.
“Meeting adjourned!” Carlisle announced, and faster than fast vampire speed, the kids bolted from their seats. 
Esme was able to get in a few more reminders as her children flitted around the house and filed out to the silver Volvo.  “Remember to buy lunch with cash and not your credit cards. Emmett, please do not joke about being mauled by a bear. Do not address your teachers by their first names—I don’t care if you’re older than they are, Edward. Alice, please wear something a bit more causal, pet.”
When the house was finally empty, Carlisle pulled Esme backwards into his chest and began massaging her temples. The gesture wasn’t needed, but any touch from her husband was always welcome.
“Do you think they’ll listen?” she asked her husband.
“Not a chance.”
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navegandoaciegas · 3 years
Not so shy now
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!Reader
Summary: You’ve been pushing Bucky’s buttons for days, and he finally snaps.
Warnings: smut, 18+, watersports, omorashi, dom!Bucky, brat!reader, a lil’ bit of humiliation and daddy kink, outdoor sex, rough sex.
A/N: I don’t usually write dom!Bucky, but I hope you’ll like this!
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You weren’t one for the outdoors, that Bucky had found out the hard way a couple hours into your mission together, being the sole witness to your bitching and complaining for hours on end.
10 days later, all he wanted to do was bludgeon you to sleep until the mission was over.
Or alternatively, fuck you stupid until you’d all but forget about your backpack being too heavy, the bugs being gross, the blisters in your feet too painful and the meals too bland.
He’d been painfully hard for days and his ears just needed a break from your endless complaints, and stuffing your loud mouth with his aching cock seemed like a practical solution to both problems.
And Bucky was nothing but a practical man.
“Barnes,” you huffed, voice coming out in a childish whine, “Bucky? Buck? Let’s take a break, I need to pee.”
And of course, the biggest problem that had surfaced in your time together: you drank like a camel but your bladder had the capacity of a toddler’s.
“You went less than an hour ago, you can’t be serious right now.”
You, on the other hand, watched in amusement as Bucky turned around, a murderous glint in his eyes. You wondered how much more he could take, how much more you could push, until your grumpy but collected colleague would finally snap.
You felt giddy with excitement imagining all the ways that vibranium arm of his could put you in your place. Would he slap you, choke you, pull your hair? Would he be condescending or mean, how much would he degrade you, and most importantly how much could you take before you broke?
“I couldn’t really go,” you shrugged, feigning innocence, “I was scared that a bug would crawl up my ass, to be honest. And I have a shy bladder, you know. Can’t pee if you’re hovering behind the trees.”
“I wasn’t hovering,” he cried out in disbelief, crossing his arms over his middle.
You smiled wryly, following the flexing muscles of his bulging biceps with your eyes.
“You kind of have a hovering problem, Barnes. A staring one too but we can unpack all that later, I really need to pee right now.”
You stomped over to him, swinging your backpack over your shoulder and hitting him square in the chest with it, mumbling a ‘thanks’. He let out a wheeze, stumbling back as you kept walking.
“You fuckin’ brat,” you heard him grumble, “Been gettin’ on my damn nerves all week.”
You heard a loud thump behind you, and before you could turn around, you were yanked by the arm, and your back hit the trunk of a tree as Bucky caged you against it with his beefy frame.
“It’s about time someone put you in your place, isn’t it? You’ve been running your mouth, so loud and so fuckin’ annoying, bitching and moaning about everything.”
You opened your mouth to sass back at him, but his rough, callous hand grabbed your jaw, shutting you up.
“I’ll give you a reason to bitch and moan, sweetheart.”
Before you could process it, Bucky slanted his mouth against yours in a messy kiss, all clattering teeth and drool, his hands forcefully roaming over your body, you tightly clutching his biceps for support.
You were dripping already, panties ruined with the amount of slick that leaked out of your pussy.
You’d been fantasizing about this moment for nearly a year, and in the end it had only taken you 10 days to crack your colleague. Although, as one of his hands groped your breasts and the other kneaded your ass, you had the feeling that he would be the one to crack you. And your back, and neck.
His hips bucked against yours, and your walls fluttered against nothing as you felt his hard length press on you. You’d accidentally seen him before, and you knew he was going to fill you up like no one ever could before him.
You could ignore the pressure in your bladder and the simmering pain in your lower belly for the moment, in favor of losing yourself in the warmth of his built body, in the shivers that ran down your spine with every one of his rough touches.
In a blur, your t-shirt was discarded, your bra ripped and your pants and panties shoved down your legs, while he stood completely clothed over you.
His thick fingers weren’t delicate when they cupped your cunt, harshly pressing down on your engorged clit, but he was so intoxicating that you could forget the scratch of his nails and the mosquitoes tormenting your ankles.
Fuck, neither of you smelled like roses after a whole day of hiking, but all that you could feel was Bucky and the goosebumps and love bites he left behind.
He leaned back just to watch his fingers dip into your dripping folds, smirking at the way you shuddered.
“Fuck, I just knew you were a fuckin’ whore, you’re so wet for me.”
He plunged inside you, feeling your walls clamp down on his hand.
“What, cat’s got your tongue? You’ve been pestering me all week, if I knew this would get you to shut up I would have done it before, doll.”
You moaned his name when his fingers curled inside you, and the tingly sensation in your lower abdomen made your eyes widen in realization.
You still needed to piss. A lot. And the more Bucky’s vibranium hand jerked inside your pussy, the more your urge grew, the pressure so painfully, maddening pleasant.
Bucky latched his lips onto your pulse point, sucking a bruise on it. You clenched your thighs, whining in shame and need, as you fought the urge to release in his hand.
If you accidentally pissed on him, you’d just quit your job and change identity.
You couldn’t bear the shame of it, brows scrunching as you willed your tense muscles to hold in.
Bucky was none the wiser, continuing his ministration and mistaking your heaving chest and copious sweat for pleasure.
It was delirious, brain turned to mush as part of you wanted to let go and cum (and piss), while the other restrained your urges, and witheld your orgasm.
Bucky’s thick fingers inched you closer and closer to your release, but you bit on your lip and dug your nails in his back to stop you from falling off the edge.
“Don’t hold yourself back, doll. I wanna see you fall apart on my fingers and on my cock, wanna make you cream my fingers, pretty girl. I know you can do it.”
Your entire body shook as he doubled his efforts, panting against your ear as his arm vibrated inside your pussy.
You squeezed your eyes shut, body on fire as you tried and failed to conjure any gross image that could sour your mood. None of it worked, though.
A sharp yet somewhat delicate slap on your face brought you face to face with Bucky’s pissed expression.
“Damn brat, never doing what she’s asked,” he tsked, shaking his head, “You’re lucky you’re so pretty.”
You whined in disappointment but internally cheered when his fingers slipped out of you, and despite the emptiness he left behind, your aching bladder could finally sigh in relief.
Relief that was short lived when he manhandled you again, spinning you around and slamming you front against the tree, ass up in the air.
“I’ve been waiting for this for so long,” you heard him mumble as he tugged his sweats and boxers down to free himself, “Wanted you for so long.”
He slapped his leaking cock on your ass, hot and heavy.
“Please, Bucky, please,” you whimpered, parting your legs wider.
You should have been begging for him to stop, but the ache in your pussy was too unbearable, and the prospect of his fat cock splitting you in half too appetizing.
“I like the sound of that, c-could get used to this.”
You felt as the breath had been knocked out of you when he breached your entrance, your gummy walls sucking him in. He felt better than you’d imagined all those lonely nights with your fingers down your panties, his name on your tongue as you made yourself cum imagining his hand instead of yours.
His breaths tickled the back of your ear as he gave you time to adjust, bracing one arm against the tree and the other on your shoulder.
Once he started thrusting inside you, the ache returned, stronger than it had been before.
His cock hit all the right spots inside you, which also meant that it jammed against your bursting bladder with each forceful snap of his hips.
The heat in your core was so great that you couldn’t feel the bark scratch against your chest, or the sweat trickling down his hair onto your back.
Again, you wanted to beg him to stop but words failed you, and all you could muster were some broken whimpers as your tongue lolled out of your mouth and you lost your mind on his dick.
The more he pistoned inside you, the more your need to cum grew, the more the idea of pissing all over yourself and Bucky seemed less scary.
“I can feel your tight pussy clamping down on me, doll. So tight, so good to me. Fuck,” he groaned, lost in his own pleasure, cock swelling inside, “‘M all yours, all yours.”
His arm snaked around your waist to pull you flush to his chest, which proved to be an awful move when his hand pressed against your bladder and you shrieked, a spurt of piss erupting out of you.
“God, you’re squirting? Oh God, fuck,” he grunted, clenching his teeth, “I’ve never made anyone do that before.”
You wanted to laugh, and cry.
“Bucky, Buck, stop, please, stop, I can’t, I-“
“Yes, you can, you’re doing so good for me, c’mon.”
“Bucky, no.”
Your tone was much harder than before, and Bucky froze like a deer caught in the headlight behind you.
You could feel his heaving chest on your back, and could sense his confusion in the air.
“But I thought…?” he muttered, pulling out of you, “Did I hurt you?”
You debated lying to him, but settled on telling the truth despite how humiliating it could be.
“No,” you hesitated, drawing in a deep breath, “‘S just, I really need to pee, I can’t hold it anymore.”
The air was still for a moment. You gulped, not daring to meet his eyes. After what felt like a century, you heard a low growl behind you.
“You and this damn piss,” he grunted, “Gettin’ on my nerves again, you fuckin’ brat. Always drinking water and whining like a child.”
His fingers dug painfully in your hips, surely leaving bruises behind. You were too speechless to protest.
“‘Bout time I teach you a lesson, sweetheart. I’ve been too good to you, and like the little brat you are, you’ve taken advantage.”
Bucky slammed his cock inside you again, pistoning his hips with brutal force while his hand found your front again.
The pad of his callous finger traced the bulge of your bladder, tickling the skin before pressing down on the swelling.
You had no time to think or react before your body acted on its own, releasing another spurt of hot piss against the tree.
You clenched your muscles to hold the rest of the piss in, and Bucky groaned behind you, feeling your pussy throb around him. You could tell he was getting off on your humiliation, watching you struggle to keep your dignity as he played your body like a fiddle.
“And I thought you were squirting,” he chuckles, “C’mon, piss all over yourself like the dumb bitch you are, princess. Show daddy how stupid his little toy is.”
Had you been more conscious, his alternating moods would have given you whiplash, but your sole reaction was to clamp down harder on him, biting on your lips until you could taste your blood on your tongue.
His cock dragging up and down your walls, the pressure in your cunt, the pain in your bladder, his hand on your belly, it was all becoming too much.
You opened your mouth to scream and all that came out were incoherent mumblings as you released all over yourself and his cock, your hot piss coming out in spurts as he kept fucking you.
“Dumb fuckin’ brat, you’re gonna be a good girl and cream all over daddy’s fat cock, aren’t you?”
You nodded, trembling head to toe with the sweetest release you’d ever felt, mind completely wiped as you lost control over your own body.
“Daddy, daddy please,” you wailed, “Make me cum, please.”
Your voice didn’t sound like your own as you begged, Bucky’s words lost on you when the ring in your ears got louder and louder.
You didn’t realize you were cumming until waves of searing hot pleasure crashed through you, the orgasm so intense you felt like you were going to black out.
You had the impression of being underwater, blissfully disoriented from reality, Bucky’s cock being to only thing to ground you.
You felt him throb and grow inside you, and he came with a grunt, filling your cunt with his hot cum so much that it began spilling out of your pussy while he was still hard inside you.
You both slumped against the tree, his arms around your chest, his head on your shoulder.
You were covered in dirt, piss, sweat and cum, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
“Not so shy now, that bladder of yours, hm?”
Pease let me know if you enjoyed the filth! Leave some feedback and reblog if you can! ❤️
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gallifreyriver · 3 years
If Yondu came to Earth
I just had a funny idea. Earth is space Australia/Humans are Space Orcs meets Guardians of the Galaxy.
Like what if Yondu came to Earth once after taking Peter (Idk why he’d do that, maybe the boy got homesick, maybe he considered taking him back for a minute after he decided not to hand him to Ego, but regardless of why, let’s say he did.)
Like I can just picture the Yondu and Kraglin taking Peter to Earth and getting introduced to spicy food. Peter tries to warn them, but they’re all like “I’m man enough to take this wimpy Terran food, boy!” and then they order the spiciest foods they can in a form of dick-measuring contest.
They end up soon regretting that decision, because maybe capsaicin is unique to Earth, or it’s just way stronger here, and their meal quickly turns into the equivalent of a ghost pepper challenge video (I also think it’d be funny if the “spiciest thing they could order” was just spicy nuggs from Wendys and Peter just laughs at their reaction while he enjoys the same meal without consequences.) 
Anyway, then Peter gets them some milk to stop them from whining about the burning and it works, but oh no... apparently aliens are lactose intolerant, and they wind up spending the next three hours on the shitter.
Once that’s over they decide to walk about for some fresh air (I mean, who’d want to be trapped inside with the aftermath of that???) only they ignore Peter when he suggests they wear sunscreen.
They should have listened to him, because it’s the middle of July, and both Kraglin and Yondu wind up getting sunburns, Yondu getting the worst of it on top of his bald head, and to make matters worse they also get ate up by mosquitos.
By the end of the day they’re dragging Peter back on the ship yelling, “How the hell did ya survive on this death planet, boy!? We ain’t ever coming back here!”
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