#monk gets grounded
boyswhowawa · 9 months
Request #12: Ants
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Done for a friend on discord!
Monk is sometimes a bit *too* naive, someone save that boy...
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Obviously, DnD characters are wish fulfillment and lots of people don’t want to address the slow senescence of the vulnerable human form in their fun games. That being said, narratively, I do think that levels should probably fluctuate over the course of a lifetime. The level twenty world-saver is going not going to stay level twenty into their old age—that’s not how athletes and retirement work! Wisdom and Charisma casters maybe, but your STR/CON/DEX builds are going to soften with age. They might still be the spryest bastards in the old people tai chi group, but “terrifyingly in shape 70 year old” is not the same as “deadliest man on the planet”. Drop those old folks a few levels, give them some creaky bones and presbyopia. It’s good for them, promise.
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radioactivepeasant · 3 months
Snippets Thursday: Meddling Mar (part 1 of 2)
A two-part piece to avoid a super long post, jumping ahead to how Damas and Phobos got their suspicions about the boys confirmed (part two is Damas confronting Jak over it)
The net thumped against the supports of the dock as Phobos hauled it upward. The catch was small for the evening; normally she wouldn't have even considered bringing it in so early. But the scanners had picked up a storm blowing in, and the last thing she wanted was for her net to get dragged out over the reef -- or for the Scylla to get any ideas about free snacks if she decided to shelter in the lagoon. Small though the catch may have been, it would just have to suffice until the weather was more favorable. Phobos supposed she could always take another overnight trip for larger fish later in the week. Maybe Jak would agree to let Mar tag along.
Phobos's hands stilled over the net of wriggling greenbellies. She stared out at the water without really seeing it as her thoughts drifted to the two boys who had drifted into their lives. Or, drifted back into their lives.
She knew her son when she saw him. He could have been five or eight or twenty-five and she would have known him. Denial at this point was foolish. But what she couldn't understand was Jak.
Phobos knew the child she'd borne. Knew every curl on his head, every dimple and birthmark. But to her knowledge, she'd only given birth once. And Jak...
Jak looked at her with Mar's eyes. He smiled with Mar's left-cheek dimple. And according to Damas, beneath the scarf he never took off, Jak had Mar's portwine stain on the back of his neck.
Phobos didn't need the blood results from the monks to know who Jak was. What she didn't understand was why.
Why had the Precursors given their lost son back, in two different bodies? Why did the older Mar call himself Jak? How had he come to be? And did he even know the impossibility of his own existence?
The wind began to pick up, sending a spray of salt into Phobos's face. She sputtered and spat. Served her right for getting distracted. Grumbling to herself, the angler slung the net over a pole and balanced it across her shoulders. It was getting to be time to take shelter, and her dawdling meant she might not make it to the tower before the sands picked up.
As she trudged through the West Market, shops closed their shutters and people nailed down tarps over stands. The walls and cliffs would protect most of Spargus from the winds, but the West Quarter was open to the sea. Things sometimes got a little dicey on the coast.
"Captain!" Someone called across the street, and Phobos spotted one of the summer semester teachers for the little ones.
"Oye, Captain Phobos!"
"Wind's picking up, Korah," Phobos warned her, "Is everyone home?"
The younger Spargan shook her head with a worried frown. "Not yet! I've got Seek with me -- the new boy? Seek? -- he refuses to go home! Says he needs you."
Phobos dropped the net immediately.
"Clean the net and those are yours," she said hastily to the startled shopkeeper beside her. Then she raced across the street.
Sand was beginning to carry along the wind, stinging her face as she caught up to Korah.
"Where is-" She caught herself quickly before saying Mar. "Where is he?"
The teacher gestured with the stump of her right arm. "I convinced him to wait in the Chime Sisters' place so I could look for you. I'm sorry, Captain. I know you're busy. The little guy's really taken a shine to you, though."
She ducked into a half alley between shops, looking for some relief from the wind.
"Don't know if he's showed you any of his classwork or not, but he picked you for his presentation on important roles in the community."
Despite her worry, a warmth filled Phobos's chest. "I uh. I know," she answered, just a little bashful. "It's taped up in my boat cabin."
So much had changed. Mar didn't suck his thumb anymore. He didn't respond to old nicknames. He didn't snuggle anymore, or want to be carried. He didn't call her Mommy -- that one hurt most -- but something, something was still there. Perhaps it was instinct. Or perhaps she'd rebuilt it with her own two hands by simply being present.
Phobos followed Korah to the two story building that held the Chime sisters' shop and apartment. Just as the teacher had said, Mar sat just inside, huddled next to the door with his knees drawn to his chest. He looked sullen. Like he couldn't decide between anger and sadness. Immediately, Phobos knelt in front of him with a worried frown.
"It's about to storm, minnow," she said, "Why aren't you home? Where's Jak, he usually picks you up by now, doesn't he?"
Apparently this was the wrong thing to say. Mar's brows fell into a fierce scowl.
"Jak left me!" he answered in short, terse signs.
That didn't make any sense. Jak was devoted to his little brother! Phobos glanced at the women sheltering around her and then back at Mar.
"I'll take him up to Damas’s," she said. "We'll get this straightened out after the storm blows over."
Nadia Chime clucked her tongue and nodded. "You get that little sprout out of this weather, cap'n!'
Phobos held her hands out to Mar. "Come on, you. Let's go see Damas, eh? Bet you he kept Jak late for training again."
Mar shook his head angrily. This time, tears beaded up in his eyes. But he reached out and grabbed Phobos's hands anyway, using them as leverage to propel himself into her arms.
Something was very wrong.
"Hey, hey," Phobos murmured, returning the embrace, "It's okay, baby, I've got you."
She shoved down the beginnings of anxiety fluttering in her stomach. The sooner she got to the tower, the sooner she could regroup with Damas.
"We need to move fast if we don't want to get sandburn. Can I carry you, minnow?"
Silently, Mar nodded into her chest. Phobos took a breath, scooped up her little boy, and made a dash for the residential sector.
Something's wrong with Jak. He's hurt, or he's sick, he must be. He wouldn't leave Mar. He wouldn't!
By the time she'd made it to the bridge tunnel that led to the tower door, the storm was beginning to sweep across the eastern part of the city. Wind howled down streets an alleys like a dune-wolf looking for prey, and kangarats scurried for cover while Leapers bedded down and covered their heads with their vestigial wings, as they did in the wild. Phobos hefted Mar higher in her arms and made for the door marked with the great spiral wyrm.
"Almost inside, Mar," she said, trying to comfort him.
Just as he had every time she'd slipped his name into conversation before, the child failed to correct her.
The walls of the tower were thick, almost erasing the wind entirely. Phobos stepped into the elevator and sat down as it rose. She set Mar down on her lap and took advantage of the silence to ask, "What did you mean "Jak left"? Is he on a mission?"
Mar still looked angry, but tears stained his dusty cheeks. "He left!" Stupid Haven's stupid governor whined about all the trouble happening -- but it's only happening because they tried to kill us, so stupid Jak left to keep them away from Spargus because they're all so STUPID!"
Phobos felt a knot forming in her stomach.
"Haven?! Why the- why in the world would Jak listen to them? And why would he try to keep them away from the city by himself?"
And with that, the dam burst. The silent trickles of tears turned into sobs that shook Mar's little body as he signed, "Because of me. I'm a bad brother."
"What?! No, nonono you are not a bad brother!" Phobos wiped tears from round cheeks and rocked her son back and forth. "Why would you think that?!"
"Cause it's my fault he left!" Mar hiccuped, and his signs shook. "The Council guys in Haven are looking for me, cos I go where Jak goes. And he- he- he-"
"He left so the council would look for you somewhere else," Phobos guessed grimly.
A fresh flood of tears soaked the front of her tunic as Mar cried. He clung to her the way he used to as a toddler, wailing into her chest. The elevator locked into place and Damas was already running towards them, having heard the cries, before Phobos even had a chance to stand up.
"Pho! What's wrong? What's happening?"
Phobos's face was pale as she looked up at him.
"Daym," she asked, "When did you last see Jak?"
Damas’s blood ran cold.
Part Two
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akkivee · 2 months
a couple of questions
what is dream rap battle? is it the arb switch port, did they just rename it?
are there new graphics for all divisions for the game like the bat ones? 💖
dream rap battle is a completely new mobile game separate from arb!!!! it’s going to have 3d in game models and a feature a new story set in the virtual world!!! you can read all the information we know about it here lol, and can also find the new sprites for all the characters on the site!!!!!
also check out the pv they dropped during the live to see what the models are working with lol
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luhman16 · 7 days
ancient artifact
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tibialtybalt · 1 year
🎶✨When you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, publish. Then, if you’re comfortable, send this ask/tag 10 of your followers✨🎶
Thank you @oraclebell17 for tagging me!! And sorry the original post was getting long so I'm starting a new post loll. In no particular order:
Frankenstein (The Mechanisms)
Gwen's Theme (Guild Wars 1 OST)
Blood in the Wine (AURORA)
Mariner's Revenge Song (The Decemberists)
Corrupted Monk (Sekiro OST)
And I'm tagging: @hoidingaroundthecosmere @floffybean @wild-moss-art @skyofdarkmatter42 @sir-buh @sun-dari @mankillercalledbunny @hartro-owns-my-heart-ro @nellyrue @bannerman-for-the-band
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
What if right after Tuvok woke up from his lil coma in “Riddles” he saw all the flowers and what to him must seem like gifts? adornments? around him and heard from the doctor how Neelix had been by his side every day he was unconscious and immediately assumed Neelix was his husband? What then?
Picturing that Tuvok’s wife guy instincts never go away so he remembers vaguely that he loves someone very much and this man is kind and cares for him and has given him all these beautiful things which Tuvok likes .... this must be the person he loves! Good v_v Also if you wanna really get into it - what if Tuvix factors into this in that Tuvok can remember (after touching Neelix in some way which he seems eager to do in ‘Riddles’, touching things in general I mean) Neelix’s crush on him which he definitely has and just assumes he must feel the same way since he does love someone quite fiercely and it doesn’t seem like anyone else is paying quite so much attention to him. I imagine that after ‘Tuvix’ Tuvok knows Neelix had/has a crush on him (it’s on and off but also constant) but they never talk about it because Tuvok would never want to talk about it and if Neelix coyly asked if he knew he’d avoid the question and if Neelix asked outright he’d straight up lie. So I’m picturing in ‘Riddles’ Tuvok talks about Neelix a lot while being treated and the doctor is amused, saying he never used to speak so highly of him and Tuvok’s horrified...he’s like !? What kind of husband was I??? And the doctor would spit out a drink if he had one.  Then he helps Tuvok access his personnel file bc he won’t believe he and Neelix aren’t married. He has a /wife/?? Where is she?? Why isn’t she on the ship?? Huh?? (the horrors, the unending horrors. He has to be sedated because of the horrors, sorrow, etc.) Neelix chuckles when Tuvok tells him the anecdote (minus the horrors) and is like why did you think we were married?? And Tuvok points out the flowers, how kind he is, how he was his only visitor, how he played his favorite music and gave him gifts and stayed/stays by his side always and knows so much about him and - ( “O K ay that’s enough~!” ) - and the fact that Neelix harbors romantic feelings towards him. Neelix stares in absolute shock. “I’m sorry. Was that secret?” “H ow....why do you think that?” Tuvok explains that he can sometimes...feel things when he touches people. And sometimes even...see, things? And when he touched Neelix he remembered seeing...himself! For the first time and thinking he was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. (Which is my personal Neelix-has-a-Tuvok-crush headcanon. He saw him and IMMEDIATELY got a crush on him. Handsome alien who gives him water!) Neelix kind of wants to throw himself into a hole but he’s like “o ohh...haha. yes w ell. Me and you aren’t even...friends...so.” Tuvok frowns and gently pats Neelix’s hands and says it...hurts, when you cannot be with the one you love. He says he cannot even remember who T’Pel was, and yet he yearns for her. He doesn’t know which is worse - a love agonizingly close or a love unfathomably far away - both, for all intents and purposes, unrequited. Neelix says that T’Pel still loves him! And Neelix’s little crush isn’t even half as important as the love between Tuvok and T’pel. Tuvok blinks at him sadly and says there are many different types of love. Then he kisses Neelix’s forehead (not the Vulcan way) and thanks him for being so attentive and kind despite how it isn’t returned by the other Tuvok. The favor or his feelings. Also to be so real with you someone left a comment to the effect of ‘What if Tuvok thought Neelix was his husband in riddles’ but what REALLY spurned this on???? If we can be SO painfully real for a second??? Was hearing the song “Once Upon a Dream” which I’d NEVER heard before and my dumb ass’s first thought was wooow just like Tuvok @ Neelix in that riddles episode. SO THERE. “But if I know you, I know what you’ll do...you’ll love me at once! The way you did once upon a dream...” <- Tuvok remembering Neelix’s big stupid crush on him that he found out about when they were Tuvix and subsequently buried
#also side note (watched the start of riddles to make sure Neelix really did that gay shit/affectionate) but yeess Voyager crew lore#they have a game called 'species starship or anomaly' where you have 15 questions to guess if what the other person's thinking of is one of#those 3 things!#ALSO we get a DRAMATIC Tuvok eyeroll!!!!#Love how he says 'MIS-ter neelix'#I find myself saying that every so often#ALSO the way Neelix has a 'riddle voice' is so funny...announcing it all dramatic#HEHEHE He's SO pleased at stumping Tuvok ... and Tuvok tried to get away with giving an answer that he /knew/ wasn't right#An underrated character trait about Tuvok is how he's a sore loser <3#Tuvok: -writhing on ground after being attacked-#Me: BABYGIRL NOOOOOOh my god is he wearing heeled boots~?#Also an EXTREMELY underrated character trait of Neelix's is how quick he is to accept or assign blame to himself...he feels guilty a lot#and is often apologizing or saying he's responsible for things#'If anyone can provoke Tuvok mr Neelix...it's you.' <3 Frenemies...hatedates.... <3<3#Tuvok has a proto-vulcan drama book in his room...'clash of fire planes'....interestinginteresting#EVERYTHING'S FROM HIS ROOM EXCEPT THE FL OWERS....NEELIX WENT TO AIRPONICS BAY AND PICKED THOSE HIMSELF#WAAAA.....WAAAAAAAA.....#-snaps out of it- One of Tuvok's 'favorite' songs is MONKS CHANTING!??!?! CATHOLIC CODED. WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM <3#Also Neelix going 'Nice picture! You should see mine...it's awful~' HOW DO Y'ALL HATE THIS MAN#'(resigned) yes I did {interrupt}....you were pondering. v_v'#Tuvok: (definitely remembering all those flowers and stuff Neelix surrounded him in when he first woke up) We...weren't friends??#Neelix: W ell........Imean I had a HUGE crush onyou <- THIS IS TRUE. THIS IS A FACT.#'I certainly felt affection for you' OKAY. BISEXUAL MOMENTS.#Tuvok (sore loser-core): -wakes up from brain damage- FUCK Neelix stumping me with that fucking riddle. I /will/ one up him somehow.#CanNOT get over the fact that the writers literally made Tuvok say all he wants is to have fun with Neelix....what ELSE are they implying if#not some sort of crush????#ALSO the fact that Neelix knows Tuvok feels emotions and /does/ have fun and everything but just calls it something else or doesn't express#it.....GOD....#Also also autistic Tuvok moments (not responding when spoken to at the end of the episode)#OK THATS ALL BYE
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yandere-sins · 2 months
Do you know which concept I‘m going feral over again at the moment?
[Warning: Yandere + Violent & Lewd content]
It‘s really just about the absolute depravity of these priests.
A priest who‘s knuckles turn white as they grip the altar so hard to not just jump his darling on the spot while they are in the middle of a sermon. But their darling is sitting in the front row and they can smell their perfume and it‘s driving them absolutely insane and their cock so hard that they can‘t concentrate on their speech to the point they have to cut the service short. Everyone is so concerned about them but when their darling steps up to ask if they are okay or need something, they almost orgasm in front of everyone. (They‘ll make sure that their darling is the only person to take care of them, that‘s for sure. And while the priest is at it, they can invade their darling‘s home and life to the point of no return.)
Or confessional boothes where their darling is spilling all their worries and heartache, which is not only ideal for the priest to know to manipulate them later, but also because they can't help jerking off pitifully to their darling's voice. Imagining them on their knees sucking them off like the little devil his darling must be to turn the priest away from god. Yet the priest will be panting and gasping for air by the time they absolve their darling from the 'sins' they comitted, the priest hoping they'll be back soon with more.
A cult priestess who notices one of the followers turning away from the cult and it happens to very their darling. So they start sacrificing all their darling‘s friend and family, making them the outcast. Making sure they feel so threatened and scared that the moment the priest opens their arm for them, they run and confess all their sins. They are an outcast that the priest can take back under their wing, reform back to their faith and at the same time manipulate and gaslight them to the point that they won‘t want to leave the priests side anymore, which gives room for them to demand the ultimate sacrifice of the darling—their whole being.
A very beloved priest and their caretaker!darling. Priest is the chosen of god but they‘ll refuse to do anything they are supposed to if their darling isn‘t in reach for them at all times. Darling who was forced into this role but is now pressured into doing everything for the priest so the latter may provide the village with divine guidance. Darling that wants to escape but is dragged back and beaten into compliance. And a priest who basks in the glory of getting away with all the lewd and terrible things he does to them with no one to help the darling.
But it goes to other religious figures as well!
Angels that begin to fall from grace without realizing it because they start to simp for their darling and they really shouldn‘t. But the darling looks so cute and the angel loves it when you laugh. They're really trying not to favor them with divine intervention whenever their darling is having a bad day, but seeing their frown turn into a smile when they see a rainbow or pet a stray cat that thee angel led to them, they just can't help themselves from making their darling's life a little easier. That is, until the darling starts to truly commit sins (like fall in love with someone that is not the angel), and they have to do worse things (like watch over them as the darling undresses or masturbates) and they don't even realize just how much they are losing their angelic-ness, because the angel suddenly longs to be more than just a silent observer.
Nuns/Monks that are taking care of a lost sheep on their priests demands and start to forget about all their vows and duties, wanting to only be with them and stalking them around the grounds. Sneaking into their rooms to frolick in their darling's sheets and lick their spoon after dinner, their nethers tingling with lust as more and more depraved thoughts come into mind. Them sitting next to their darling at the sermon, their knees touching and the yan unable to keep themselves from panting and salivating over their darling, developing a desire to deprave them in the same way as the darling has the yan.
Anyway, I'm super normal about it but,
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nanaslutt · 8 months
nsfw <3
i cant stop thinking abt suguru’s hair…
Geto’s hair is so pullable.. always in that topknot bun, silk pressed strands caressing his shoulders.
His hair literally reaches his ass likeee.
I know he takes such good care of it too, he babies his scalp w one of those shower scrubbers used to massage in shampoo.
Spending his hard earned money pretending to be a monk on only the best products.
So I KNOWWWW his head is so sensitive from being treated so pristinely all the time.
I bet if you just pulled on in while you rode his cock he would cum right then and there.
Pulling his pretty locks when he goes down on you???? cumming in his pants.
better yet, riding his face and using his mouth to get yourself off while you tug and tug at his hair??? his eyes are rolling back and he’s coming untouched all over his pretty stomach.
Feeling ur nails run along his scalp when you made out???? underwear=ruined.
And i know he sounds absolutely filthy when you do it too
I’m talkin sounds straight out of a porno leavin his pretty lips, face so flushed at the manhandling NGHHHHHHHHHHH
geto gasping against ur lips when he cums in his pants unexpectedly the first time you ever pull his hair.
you didn’t even even mean to do it, he just sucked your tongue into his mouth and it felt soooo good you needed something to ground yourself
whatever you do don’t imagine him humping his hips into your clothes cunt while he rode out his high from just tugging on his hair
pulling back his mouth, panting and drooling, so looking fucked out when he asks you to “please do that again.”
endless possibilities of what you could do with this new information flooding your brain.
ohhhhhhhhh my gof i need him
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wombywoo · 1 month
do you have any ghostsoap favorite fics, perhaps?
boy do I....
I should preface this by saying that I'm pretty...particular with what types of fics I enjoy reading (I only like certain character interpretations/tropes/writing styles, etc) so bear with me...
These are all mostly canon-compliant, non-AUs, ones that I regard highly~
Seasons--by StinglessWasp: This is pretty much my go-to fic rec for anyone into CoD and ghostsoap in general. It showcases everything I love about these characters, in a setting that feels as authentic to the games as possible, while also exploring the depth and sincerity hidden under the surface. So well-written and paced--the dialogue and military references all contribute to that 'feels like a mission out of the game' experience. Plus, I just love this interpretation of our boys--the humor, the inner struggles, the intimacy--Wasp 100% *gets* these characters and it's a joy to read <3
Except You, You Can Stay--by Iravaid: While this one isn't *technically* ghostsoap until the last chapter, in my opinion, it's required reading for anyone who gives a shit about Simon Riley. This is *the* character study--an intimate dissection of Ghost's past that seems so realistic and grounded, you forget how ludicrous those comics really are. Ira takes such care in treating these heavy topics with delicacy and effectiveness. Each chapter has you going 'oh wow, this is even better than the last', but as a whole--it's a stunning, fleshed-out glimpse into Simon as the character he was always meant to be. And the final chapter which eases you into his relationship with Johnny is so authentic and sweet, it just makes perfect sense that they should be together, and that this poor poor man deserves some goddamn love <3
bleeding in the house of god--by revolvermonkcelot: This is a really great 'missing scene' fic, a perfect opportunity to explore the in-between moments that the game so carelessly chooses to gloss over. I can't praise Monk's writing enough--it's slick and crisp and very tasty; the imagery just jumps off the page and you can practically feel the sweat. Plus, the dialogue exchanges between our two boys are so well-timed and in-character--love all the slang and British references~ This whole fic reads like an addition to their mission flirting, and I'm all for it! You can truly tell this author has such deep understanding and experience with this franchise (winkwinkwink, this is a joke) Read it--it's good!
The Dead are all Living--by Kabbal: This fic blew me away when I first read it. It's such a unique take on the retirement trope, I just adore this interpretation of Simon as an aging recluse while he builds his home. I tend to lean towards more subtle, grounded characterizations of Mr Riley, and this really fits the bill. All of these glimpses and fragments into his post-military life contribute to an overarching love story; the scenes with Johnny are so poignant, it's like you're pining alongside them both. I love how not-perfect they are; flawed and difficult and real. There are some moments and lines that just....struck something in me so deeply. I'm sure I'll still be thinking about it for a long long time <3
Portrait of Taction--by a_platypus: Another Simon-centric fic that I absolutely love. The character voice in this is off the charts, I can hear him so vividly in all of his inner dialogue and stunted attempts at conversation. Simon is so endearingly dense in this fic, you're just waiting for him to finally get his act together, but the clumsy, oblivious steps he takes in his relationship with Soap are truly a treat to read. I love this version of Johnny too--confident and considerate, but still hopelessly crushing on his superior. It's comedic, well-written, and the paragraphs describing Soap's journal give some of the best insights into his character I've seen <3
come on, haunt me--by flyby2: This was a really good long fic that I took my time savoring. What could have been a typical 'on leave' fic instead took time to develop a unique spin on the backstories as well as throwing our boys into some wholesome encounters. Both Soap and Ghost felt very true to character, and I appreciate the exploration of PTSD and the subsequent struggles that come along with...all that. There was a really nice balance in having their romance spread across the chapters, and I can promise a very sweet, happy conclusion <3
in the mess of it all--by flowersferns: A lovely one-shot that exhibits some of my favorite aspects of these two characters. I'm a sucker for 'one of them is hurt, the other is freaking out, they are both idiots in love, etc'. There are some really great dialogue and character moments in this, plus the overall prose hits hard. Love this take on their romance--the mutual trust, the familiarity of their bond. And just the general theme of impermanence--the inevitability of what this relationship means for them--two soldiers, willing and ready to sacrifice their lives at a moment's notice, still clinging to each other because...god...that's all they have---big fan of this :'D <3
Lapsus--by Lisbetadair: Another really great one-shot and 'missing scene' fic. The authenticity in the writing is spot-on--it's like you can feel Soap's pain right off the bat. I love how smoothly the banter flows between the two, and the attention to detail and references all help lend to that 'hardened military man' exterior. Ghost smelling like flowers because of a face wipe is such a delightful addition, plus the scene where Soap is, ah, donald-ducking it in just a t-shirt with his jewels out is such a funny mental image, I still think of it fondly from time to time. It's funny, it's surprisingly cute, it's very in-character. Stick around for some awkward but adorable cuddles <3
I'm sure I have more to recommend, but these are the ones I can personally endorse for now~
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partycatty · 4 months
Johnny cage and mayB some others being mind numbingly in love
Like they talk to reader and everytime just feel so stupid afterwards because theyre so in love and do stupid shit to impress
i love stupid men anon this works so well for me
johnny, raiden, kung lao, syzoth > stupid in love
warnings: big stupid hot sexy men (what else is new?), bojack horseman minor spoiler?? LMFOAMOF
+ bonus surprise character at the very end
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johnny >
• have you guys LMAO have you guys seen the. DLGHSDKJ the episode of bojack horseman where bojack gives diane the D in from the hollywood sign?? johnny is SO extra like that and for WHAT.
• "reader, reader are you watching - reader, reader watch -" as he's like about to absolutely FUCK UP a nerds rope or some stupid shit
• okay i'll be fr. johnny is by far the most concerningly extra of the entire group. he will put himself in stupid danger just to impress you.
• "watch me take on all these guys at once!" he'll call out to you during your time at the academy, surrounded by a dozen monks. he's in a sling and bandages the next day.
• "kenshi, i bet you sento that i can jump from the roof like bi-han did!" BAM.
• he'd randomly give you expensive gifts out of absolutely nowhere. or he'd give his one of many glasses away to you because he "has no use for them" or they're "out of style" (he's lying, he just wants to see you wear something that's his).
• oh? you briefly mention you're a tad chilly during training? oh no, johnny's top fell off, i guess he has to give it to you now. you know, to stay warm. oh, you don't want his top? okay, here's a comically fluffy, expensive coat! and it just so happens to be your size...!
• lowkey i headcanon johnny as, despite being an actor, pretty blushy if someone matches his energy or really gets under his skin. you'll pass by him with a witty comment about his fighting style, or even just to tell him he cleaned up nice after getting his ass kicked by raiden. johnny just stands there with steam spitting from his red ears, hand on his chest as he fights a stupid grin.
• he is down ASTRONOMICALLY. not even the elder gods can stop this man from being so drunk in love when you're around. he makes it everyone's problem.
raiden >
• we see how flustered he gets when he's called out by kitana. he's a grown man with dick and balls but he's also flustered very easily! he'll be decently vocal about his affection for you, but then word trickles down to your ear, at which point it's so over for him.
• walks into walls when he's so entranced by you training. like face first into a wall, his hat fluttering to the ground. kung lao loses it.
• he can't even hear what you're saying when you speak to him, it sounds like an angel muffled by the clouds of heaven. raiden's also not the greatest with his powers granted by the amulet. if you go in to touch his arm playfully, a jolt of electricity pricks your palm and you yelp. raiden can only sputter apologies as he bows down, his cheeks tinted.
• he's the type to do little favors for you, ones you barely notice. your spot at the table is tidied, the training dummy is prepped for your fighting style, or he's the first one to bring you something if you forget it. that, and tiny favors to butter you up to him.
• "reader, you said you were nauseous last training. i prepared you some tea," he'd slide the small cup over to you, fighting a goofy smile. he rehearsed his script a few times, so he sounded more static than intended.
• will ask you questions about training or the weather just to hear your voice. he couldn't even recall what you were saying, he just loved the way your lips moved.
• kung lao pokes at him for this often, nudging him or making comments about you being his partner when you're not. raiden will stomp on his foot to keep him from talking about his infatuation if you're around. as if you don't already know.
kung lao >
• he's totally the bouncing on his heels type of man. he'll stare at you with a stupid grin, like a kid in a candy store.
• "was there something you needed, kung lao?" you'd ask as you tended to your own duties, organizing various equipment into baskets.
• "ah, no, not at all," he'd wave you off with a grin. "just enjoying... the view."
• you cringe at his words, chuckling to yourself as he speaks you in a daze. his mouth runs off before his brain can stop it from happening, so his biggest downfall with his crush is yapping. he'll sit there and explain his family history to you, or how much he hated farming cabbage, or his favorite meal at madam bo's just to keep you around long enough.
• kung lao always has this desire to keep you close by, so he continuously does stupid shit to keep you by his side. including but not limited to accidentally slicing his hands on his hat, one that he swore was a genius idea. in concept, probably.
• he wants to impress you so bad. SO BAD. anything he does is deserving of a bragging right if he's the one to do it. lao would totally try to shrug it off so you could gas him up more. any compliment, forced or not, was music to his ears.
• "yeah, i totally beat raiden," he'll check his nails nonchalantly as he leans against the wall, telling you the story of the cabbage competition for dinner against his best friend. "really swept him."
• "that's just not true," raiden would try to interject when he heard lao's version of the story. kung lao just holds eye contact with you, grinning, as he shoves raiden aside by his face.
syzoth >
• you hear thumping when you're around, though you're never able to find out where it's coming from, so you chalk it up to the monks landing blows against the wooden dummies.
• but the sound lingers when you're at dinner. the table is... rattling.
• you look up to see if anyone else notices or if you were hit too hard during training. but, you see everyone staring past you. just down the table, syzoth is sitting with a pile of bugs on his plate, his tail thumping in and out of view.
• "syzoth," kenshi will gently say, leaning into his ear to whisper something. syzoth flushes a green tint and tries to resume to his meal, the bugs scurrying out of his chopsticks as he struggles to keep it together.
• out of respect for his dignity, you hold your tongue at his obvious affection. syzoth tries to keep it under wraps but he can't help it when you're just so cute!
• he'll stand close by you, inching closer and closer until you notice. he'll slip you little trinkets and flora with a small smile. anything from a rock that matches the shades of your eye, to a flower he picked by the gardens, to a stick. a nice stick, to be fair! you wonder if this is zaterran courtship.
• "it reminded me of you," he'd lean into your ear. your bedside table is decorated with various... outside decor.
BONUS! kitana >
• kitana knew she couldn't get entangled with the umgadi after seeing how risky mileena is with tanya, but my god were you breathtaking.
• you would often accompany her in the carriages as she waved to her people, eyes transfixed on her. you're devoted to her protection. it is your god-given duty. your eye contact was too much at times, and kitana would often catch herself staring at you, her hand suspended in the air. she'd forget to wave.
• "is everything alright, my princess?" you would ask innocently, in a low tone to avoid raising suspicion. kitana's mind short circuits when you call her... yours. even if you're referring to the umgadi's worship. she shakes her head and clears her throat, pulling her mask up higher to conceal her blush.
• if she were to give speeches on her mother's behalf or otherwise, she'd find herself forgetting what the rehearsed, or hell, struggling to rehearse. you were the one she'd come to for help with speeches, yet you made things ten times harder when you'd lean in to listen to her better. it makes her mind absolutely numb.
• "and you tell me to steer away from the umgadi," mileena would rasp into her ear as the sister sat on their thrones, you positioned by her side and eyes forward. "it seems you picked a favorite, sister."
• "i'm not the only guilty one," she'd hiss back to her sister, nodding at tanya. "it won't get in the way of duties, as long as mother doesn't know."
• you'd fight to netherrealm and back for your princess. as you fight off intruders or threats, kitana forgets to escape, instead transfixed on the way your muscles would contract and flex with each blow.
• she wants to be the one to care for your wounds. the power imbalance means nothing to her, you're her equal.
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chatsukimi · 3 months
scars: "ᴛʜᴇʏ ꜱᴀʏ ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴋɪʟʟᴇᴅ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ ʟɪꜰᴇ"
Sukuna x deceased reader. pt 1.
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Sukuna whose flames are unleashed solely on special occasions. One day, when Yuji wonders aloud why he has two, he tells the brat to "shut up and get yourself your first technique before asking for seconds." Yuji winces, shutting up nevertheless.
Sukuna who quietens next to the bonfire on New Years. The open conflagration bursts and wanes. He peers at the sparkling flames, dancing before Yuji's worn out sneakers. He wills the boy to let him switch places- one minute, just as he had promised when Sukuna restored his heart. Now the Devil will restore his own.
Sukuna who appears, silent, next to a mossy pillar in the middle of a redwood forest; a trick of Cursed Technique, long lost. He only has a minute: prepare the incense, plant the prayers, spare one longing gaze at your statue. He clenches his teeth as he hears Yuji banging on inside his mind, but it's the one chance he has of being with you, alone.
Sukuna who had always been concentrated compared to the other Special Grade sorcerers, capable of miraculous devotion. Suffice to say, he likes it best when there aren't passerby's, mistaking zeal for shortcoming.
He sinks to the ground, bowing his head, pressing his palms together, before wisps of flame start drifting from between them, touching every candle and incense to life. Wisteria scents float over him.
In this forgotten corner of the world, all who remember you are the monks who tend this shrine, and the strongest of them all.
When Yuji wakes up, on the stone floor of the Fujiwara Clan's tombs, sputtering at the cold. Shocked, later on, by the violent burn in the middle of his chest he had never seen before.
"Curious..." Gojo murmurs, inspecting the wound. "Yuji, you're growing more and more like him."
This used to be his scar.
Sukuna who doesn't come out for days when Gojo informs Yuji about the Fujiwara Clan's destruction. What was he doing at the shrine? Why did he kill them all, the children, the soldiers, the wives?
Everyone assumes Sukuna's just tired of Yuji's moral clamouring. No one suspects he is drowning in the shadows of his domain, his head collapsed back onto the animal skulls, exhales spilling out in long drawn out phrases, in the nightmare he created.
Sukuna who used to hate fire because it quashed the dark, until he saw you manoeuvre flames and arrows as though they were a second skin. He was the Disgraced One, but you- you were kind.
Sukuna who was killed by you, when he killed your clan. He was promised your technique when he said he would protect you. He made a vow. He had to keep it.
So, when it came time, he had simply let you press your burning hand upon his chest and feel him recline in agony. He knew it would be the last time you touch him. He wanted to feel it burn.
"Sukuna, you told me you would try to get better. You told me you didn't care how the others saw you, about us- how could you lie to me?"
He never wanted to lie to you, of all souls. If it makes you feel better, he still thinks of you when he uses your flames, only on special occasions. Your strength, your grace, and the look you wore as you killed him, they all come wobbling, like moth to a flame. Like a lowly cast-away boy on his way, in rage, to destruction.
Sukuna who thinks to himself, "you have given your technique to me, but what if I had asked for your soul with mine forever?", looking for your voice in the flames.
It only cracks and cackles.
It is Yuji who first notices you on the street.
"Hey! Hey!"
You turn around. A boy with pink hair is jogging towards you. He waves.
"Oh. Hi, do I know you?"
"Don't think so. You just look really alike to someone I saw a while ago at a shrine."
You can't pinpoint what but the slit on his face... you can't tear your eyes from it. You shake your head. What is wrong with you today?
"I don't go to shrines," you say. Your fingers itch to reach out to graze his cheek. "... that's a cool scar you've got there. Both sides of your face. They say scars are where you were killed"
"Oh I've got many scars," he mutters sheepishly. "A big one on my chest, s'kinda lame though, 'cause I don't remember how I got it."
You laugh. "Me too." You drag your T-shirt neckline down just an inch, pointing at it with your thumb. "I was born with mine."
A scar.
A burn.
A flaming arrow.
Right above your heart.
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f1reladymai · 2 months
Aang getting so, uncharacteristically angry when Appa was taken by the sandbenders wasn’t just because of his love for his sky bison. Of course, that was a big part of it. Appa is more than just a pet to him, he’s his best friend and soulmate, someone who’s been around since Aang was very young and is meant to be a “companion for life”.
But, Aang ran away on a random Tuesday, got caught in a storm and it changed the whole trajectory of his life. He ran away because he was upset his life was changing so rapidly, he suddenly had all this responsibility at 12 years old that he wasn’t ready for but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t have gone back. We don’t know what would have happened; he could have needed a few days to cool off, he could have seen the start of the war and stepped up (from what we know of Aang, there’s no way he would have ignored it for his own needs), but that didn’t happen.
He got caught in the ice for 100 years and when he woke up he discovered that not only was everyone he knew and loved were dead, but brutally murdered in an act of power. That everyone from his teachers, friends (children, like him) and animals, were gone. Not only that but his whole culture; traditions, foods, clothing, music… everything important was eradicated and possibly most of the documentation of the culture, too. He’s suddenly handed this new responsibility on top of being the Avatar, trying to uphold this culture (as literally the last airbender alive) and grieve at the same time.
And Aang grieves very privately, in fact, does he even give himself a chance? He discovered the horrible truth and his immediate response it so go have some fun, maybe because he knows if he thinks too hard about it and gives into the pain, he’ll turn into something he’s not, he’ll forget what the monks taught him and he can’t let that happen.
So he tries to channel all his grief and anger into being the Avatar, even if he still has his reservations, and by his side is Appa. The only thing keeping him tethered to his life 100 years ago and his culture. He’s been with him through everything, and will continue to be, like I said “companion for life”.
And then he’s gone, he’s taken, and all of a sudden Aang cannot keep the crushing weight of his loss at bay anymore and he… snaps, he loses control. He gives into the avatar state because not only is everything he knew and loved gone, taken from him for nothing more than political gain, but now his soulmate that represented everything he lost is gone, too and he doesn’t know what happened to him. Is he dead? Is he scared? Is he fed? Who knows.
Aang losing Appa with the final straw and his grief, something he was ignoring and refusing to deal with, was brought to the forefront when he lost Appa, making it impossible to ignore and if it wasn’t for us friends trying to ground him and remind him of who he was, who knows what would have happened.
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niqhtlord01 · 5 months
Humans are weird: The illusion of Pain
“The monastery is secured.”
“Excellent.” Vil said over his shoulder. “What of the survivors?”
“We’ve gathered them in the main hall.”
With that Vil waved away his underling and returned his gaze to the outside. Situated atop the tallest mountain range on the planet Vil had to give the humans credit for a truly majestic location to build a temple. He was also grateful that it was so isolated which made raiding it even easier. The nearest terran league outpost was a system away and since his pirate crew disabled the temple’s transmitter in the opening volley no distress signal had been sent out.
Turning from the view the pirate captain began walking the corridors to the main hall. He strode past several of his men ripping tapestries from the walls or carrying several large golden artifacts under their arms. Vil was not concerned with gathering loot himself. Once all the loot had been gathered aboard his ship he would get first pick of the treasure, and if any of his crew had kept loot for themselves before he had his pick they would find themselves the guest of the airlock chamber.
A short walk later and Vil had reached the main hall. Gathered at the center were a dozen or so human monks. They had offered no resistance to his crew when they attacked and as such none had been killed during the attack; though some bore a few new bruises from his crew’s “encouragement” to comply with their orders.
“You have all complied with my orders and as such I will give you a chance to earn your freedom.”
The gathered humans looked amongst themselves in confusion at Vil’s statement. “We are going to play a game.”
Vil entered several keys on his wristband and an energy barrier appeared around his person. It was capable of stopping level three plasma energy shots as well as the occasional thrown knife. He had known a few pirates who had neglected that last feature and had paid the price for their carelessness.
“If any of you can reach through this shield and touch my person, I will set you all free and return your possessions to you.”
Several of the humans looked up at this but Vil raised a taloned finger to forestall them.
“However,” Vil continued, “should none of you be able to complete this task you will be sold into slavery for profit.”
The sudden jubilation at potential freedom was just as quickly quashed by this statement and Vil grinned. He may not be a vindictive pirate, but that didn’t mean he had other ways to enjoy a bit of sadism now and then.
“I will give you until the final setting of the sun to win; you may begin when ready.”
His crew watched the humans whisper between each other before one of them finally stepped forward. Like the rest he wore a simple orange robe and had his head shaved to the skin.
Vil stood silently and watched the human approach him. He stopped just outside of the barriers range and reached out with a hand cautiously. The moment his finger touched the barrier a shower of sparks erupted from the point of contact and the human withdrew their hand immediately.
The surrounding crew guarding the humans laughed at the foolishness of the human monk. Looking down at his singed finger the human was horrified to see the top layer of skin for his entire digit was missing. The red pulsating muscle surrounding his bones was now clearly visible and the monk wept from the pain.
Vil looked down at the monk and shook his head. “If this was an easy game it would be no fun.”
The first monk retreated back into the group nursing his wound as a second monk approached. He walked as close as the first monk and stopped, taking several deep breaths and closing his eyes. Reaching out with his right hand the monk touched the barrier but unlike the first monk continued moving his hand forward as the energy barrier began to spark. He had made it all the way to his wrist before he finally gave out and screamed in pain; retracting his now flayed hand and collapsing to the ground.
Vil grinned and turned to his crew. “Anyone want to start a side wager?” he chuckled. “I bet fifty credits not one of them will get past their shoulder.”
His crew laughed and joined in on the side wager, placing all sorts of bets from which one will be the first to die to which would piss themselves from pain.
On and on this went as the sun slowly set in the distance and the room grew darker save for the light generated by the energy barrier. Vil watched as every monk stepped forward and tried their best to reach him. Many could not handle the pain after mere inches; while others tried repeatedly each of their limbs had been flayed in some manner by the barrier. One had even gone so far as to sprint at Vil in an attempt to use his forward momentum to reach Vil. That human had lost their footing just as they leapt at Vil and had merely grazed the barrier, and in the process flay half his body as he flew by the pirate captain.
“If there are no more contestants,” Vil finally declared as the sun was just about to set, “I think we can end this game.”
Vil was just about to deactivate the barrier when a voice gave him pause.
“I believe it is my turn.”
Vil looked up from his wristband to see an elderly monk slowly make his way through the crowd of humans. His pace was slow yet precise as the old man finally stood before Vil.
“You are the leader of these humans?” Vil asked the elderly human.
“Yes, I am the master of this temple.” They replied in a throaty voice dimmed by age.
Vil tilted his head to the human in recognition. “A pleasure to meet you,” Vil began as he waved a hand at the injured monks, “but I must ponder the nature of a master who allows his students to come to harm before he intervenes.”
To his surprise the elderly human shook his head. “A true master will let their students test what they have learned, rather than deny them the chance of enlightenment.”
This was not the response he had expected. “Then tell me, wise one, what have your students learned?”
“They have learned the meaning of pain,” the human replied, “but have yet to master the means of overcoming it.”
Without saying another word the elderly human walked forward. He did not outstretch his hand or leg as his students had but simply approached Vil with his back upright and his breathing calm.
The energy barrier sparked to life as the master stepped through it with his entire body as if it was nothing more than a gentle stream of a waterfall. Vil’s eyes went wide as he watched the skin from the human be peeled away by the barrier from his head to his toes in an instant. Yet what was more astonishing was that the human made not a single sound aside from his deep breathing, even as his clothes burst into flames and fell from him in clumps of ash.
His crew stood silent as the elderly human reached out with a now shriveled hand and touched the forehead of Vil with a single finger. They had never seen any being perform such a feat before and watched with baited breath for their captain’s next words.
“How…..” was all Vil could manage as he watched the flayed man standing before him.
Through lidless eyes the master looked up at Vil.
“Pain is a great unifier amongst the many peoples of the star ways; yet only when you realize that it is an illusion can you truly begin to experience the universe.”
He motioned to his gathered pupils who were still nursing their wounds. “Our order has been persecuted long before we reached the stars and in doing so has taught us much of pain.”
“And yet you appear to be the only one who has overcome it.” Vil remarked.
The flayed old man looked at him and smiled. “That is why I am the master.”
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
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SUMMARY : Flirty intros with reader that’s Goddess reader. Reader is goddess of sexual love and beauty. Raiden and Fujin are her younger brothers. This is based off MK 11. If this gets enough likes I’ll do women
ABOUT CHARACTER : (Y/N) is able to put people under love spells. It is also hinted that when she has sex with warriors, she gains their power. (Y/N)’s beauty makes her very conceited and flirtatious than from the other Gods. (Y/N) is good neutral. This means she is mainly good but works with villains. She also has glowing tattoos along her body that symbol love and sexual freedom.
CHARACTERS: Liu Kang, Kano, Kung Lao, Kabal, Johnny Cage, Erron Black, Shao Kahn, Noob Saibot, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Jax, Geras, Nightwolf, Kotal Kahn, Shang Tsung, Kollector, Baraka, Raiden & Fujin (obviously brother and sister banter for them)
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(Y/N) : I can feel the sexual tension between us, monk
Liu Kang : I find you very beautiful Lady (Y/N)
(Y/N) : You’ll find out the rest of me is soon enough
(Y/N) : Ever lay down with a goddess?
Liu Kang : It was never really on the bucket list
(Y/N) : Well add it and then check it off
(Y/N) : Kitana is such a bore
Liu Kang : Then who’s more interesting?
(Y/N) : Look right in front of you
(Y/N) : My brother was right in choosing you
Liu Kang : I’ll honor him for his decision
(Y/N) : Honor me instead
(Y/N) : Hello, gorgeous
Liu Kang : Are you flirting with me, Lady (Y/N)?
(Y/N) : Just wanted to compliment you before I destroy that beautiful face
Kung Lao : If I win, you have to let me take you on a date
(Y/N) : If I win, you have to go down on me
Kung Lao : So I win either way?
Kung Lao : Double date with Liu Kang and Kitana?
(Y/N) : You could not handle a woman like me
Kung Lao : Oh I think I can
(Y/N) : You’re quite handsome
Kung Lao : And you’re quite beautiful
(Y/N) : Such a shame I’ll have to ruin that pretty face
(Y/N) : You’ll be one of the first I breed with
Kung Lao : *chuckles* Of course
(Y/N) : Confidence is a trait all my children will share
(Y/N) : Are you jealous of the chemistry I share with Liu Kang?
Kung Lao : Hardly. You know you are mine
(Y/N) : Oh am I?
Kano : Aren’t you lovely to look at
(Y/N) : You can look but you can’t touch
Kano : I like me a challenge
Kano : You know, you don’t act high and mighty like the other Gods
(Y/N) : Is that a turn on for you, Kano?
Kano : Very much
(Y/N) : You’re loyal only to yourself
Kano : I got some loyalty to fit you in, love
(Y/N) : I will make you the most loyal of them all
Kano : So are you the dominant or submissive one?
(Y/N) : I’m the one that puts you in the ground
Kano : I’m feeling you’re more like a switch
Kano : Hello, baby. You miss me?
(Y/N) : Maybe. Did you miss me?
Kano : A lot, lovely
Kabal : You got me under some spell, babe?
(Y/N) : You are not worthy for that kind of witchcraft
Kabal : Well damn
Kabal : Screwing me wont make you faster
(Y/N) : Actually that is precisely how it works
Kabal : Ah, shit
Kabal : You’re cute when you dress in all white
(Y/N) : You’re cute when you keep your mouth shut
Kabal : Ha. Got you to admit I’m cute
(Y/N) : Are you prepared to die Black Dragon?
Kabal : Not gonna lie. That voice is sexy
(Y/N) : It will be the last thing you hear
(Y/N) : Kneel before your goddess
Kabal : Not gonna lie, that’s tempting
(Y/N) : Cute
Geras : Beauty will not save you
(Y/N) : So you admit you find me beautiful?
Geras : *sighs*
Geras : I have never seen a God full of themself before
(Y/N) : It is merely fact that I am better than the rest
Geras : It is truly a wonder
Geras : I am immune to all your powers
(Y/N) : As if I need them against you
Geras : Making a grave mistake
(Y/N) : Kronika’s minion
Geras : My purpose is more than you know
(Y/N) : I do not care for your purpose
Geras : In the New Era, you will be more humble
(Y/N) : Is that apart of your imagination?
Geras : Soon will be reality
(Y/N) : Johnathan Carlton
Johnny : Ooh. Not the government. What’d I do?
(Y/N) : Practicing for when I scream it
(Y/N) : Are you always this insufferable?
Johnny : Come on. You know you like me
(Y/N) : Like is a very strong word
Johnny : Why are goddesses always so hot?
(Y/N) : I am the only goddess you know of
Johnny : Well yeah. Still hot
Johnny : Flowers or chocolates?
(Y/N) : Neither, Earthrealmer
Johnny : How bout me?
(Y/N) : You couldn’t handle a goddess
Johnny : I beat Shinnok. I think I got this
(Y/N) : I still cannot believe that happened
(Y/N) : You know that gun won’t kill me
Erron : You don’t like a little foreplay?
(Y/N) : As if you can get there with me
Erron : What I gotta do to prove I like you?
(Y/N) : Kneel before me
Erron : I got no problem getting on my knees for you
Erron : Fighting a pretty lady just ain’t my style
(Y/N) : Then maybe we should find another way to get physical
Erron : You ain’t gotta tell me twice
Erron : Women with tattoos are always hot
(Y/N) : I will make you regret even breathing
Erron : Yeah, still hot
(Y/N) : How much is on my head?
Erron : More than a lifetime
(Y/N) : How disappointing you’ll lose out on the money
Fujin : Stay away from Shao Kahn, sister
(Y/N) : He wouldn’t dare to harm me
Fujin : You think that
Fujin : Raiden and I are only trying to look out for you, sister
(Y/N) : I’m the older sister, Fujin
Fujin : You sure don’t act like it
Fujin : Shang Tsung will say anything to have your soul
(Y/N) : I am aware, brother
Fujin : Then why are you bonded to him?
(Y/N) : When will you and Raiden admit that I’m the better one?
Fujin : When hell freezes over
(Y/N) : I guess Sub-Zero will have to take a trip down in the Netherrealm
(Y/N) : You and Raiden don’t know how to have fun
Fujin : You’re just a childish, spoiled, god
(Y/N) : I know you are but what am I?
Shao Kahn : Join my concubines
(Y/N) : *laughs* You could not handle all of this, Shao Kahn
Shao Kahn : You will bend to me eventually
(Y/N) : Sindel is a catastrophic bore
Shao Kahn : A bold statement
(Y/N) : An accurate statement
Shao Kahn : You are far too beautiful for me to believe you are Raiden’s sister
(Y/N) : It is something I haven’t found the pleasure in bragging about
Shao Kahn : Let me take you away from that fool
Shao Kahn : A woman like you belongs with a man like me
(Y/N) : How so Shao Kahn?
Shao Kahn : Our power combined will be beyond imaginable
Shao Kahn : Kung Lao is not worthy of your affection
(Y/N) : And you are?
Shao Kahn : I will break his neck again
Raiden : I believe Nightwolf is interested in you
(Y/N) : No overprotective speech brother?
Raiden : Out of all the suitors, he is most worthy
Raiden : Stay away from, Liu Kang
(Y/N) : He is not just your chosen one
Raiden : I do not need him distracted right now
Raiden : Sister
(Y/N) : The non fun brother
Raiden : Here we go again with this
Raiden : The Black Dragon are not to be trusted
(Y/N) : I know this, brother
Raiden : So stop hanging around Kano and Kabal
(Y/N) : You’ve let rage consume you completely
Raiden : I do it to protect Earthrealm
(Y/N) : Some protection you are
Noob Saibot : Such beauty like yourself is rare
(Y/N) : Are you flirting with me, shadow?
Noob Saibot : I will bring you to death to live in your beauty for eternity
Noob Saibot : I’ve been looking for you
(Y/N) : Looks like I am found
Noob Saibot : Come with me
Noob Saibot : The shadows yearn for your touch
(Y/N) : They cannot have me
Noob Saibot : Yet
Noob Saibot : Death clings to your embrace
(Y/N) : Only for you Bi-Han, I will grant it
Noob Saibot : That is all I want
Noob Saibot : Join me in death
(Y/N) : Not happening
Noob Saibot : I’d hate to do this the hard way
(Y/N) : I like men that have fire
Scorpion : I will not entertain your advances
(Y/N) : A fireball fool rejects me?
(Y/N) : I think my sign is a Scorpio
Scorpion : Why does that matter?
(Y/N) : Ugh. You are so difficult to flirt with
(Y/N) : Takahashi Takeda is your best student. I bet he’d be great at other things
Scorpion : You will stay away from him
(Y/N) : Jealous Hanzo?
Scorpion : You are playing with fire
(Y/N) : Aren’t you the expert in that?
Scorpion : Playing with a man’s emotions will cost you
Scorpion : I will not indulge in your pyromaniac fantasies
(Y/N) : It’s almost as if you can read my thoughts
Scorpion : A goddess and a scorpion will not work
(Y/N) : It’s getting a little hot in here
Sub-Zero : What does that have to do with me?
(Y/N) : Sorry. That line was for Scorpion
(Y/N) : I bet you’re good with your hands
Sub-Zero : I can show you in Kombat
(Y/N) : Please. Demonstrate
(Y/N) : Frost is a lost cause
Sub-Zero : There might be hope for her
(Y/N) : The hope is shattered
(Y/N) : So cold I feel goosebumps
Sub-Zero : You will feel more than that
(Y/N) : Are you speaking of kombat or something else?
(Y/N) : You are in the presence of greatness
Sub-Zero : That I am
(Y/N) : Now submit
Shang Tsung : (Y/N)
(Y/N) : Stay away from my brothers
Shang Tsung : Yes. We should keep this between us
Shang Tsung : Come closer
(Y/N) : What will you do if I don’t?
Shang Tsung : You cannot resist me for long
Shang Tsung : Liu Kang admires you well
(Y/N) : Of course the chosen one does
Shang Tsung : He cannot admire you for long
(Y/N) : You cannot have my soul, sorcerer
Shang Tsung : I was thinking of something else
(Y/N) : *laughs* You are not worthy of that
(Y/N) : You have affections for Sonya?
Shang Tsung : Am I sparking something in you, goddess?
(Y/N) : Just can’t believe you’d be interested in someone so boring
(Y/N) : Well aren’t you easy on the eyes
Jax : Is a goddess really flirting with me?
(Y/N) : Very much so
(Y/N) : You and I keep crossing paths
Jax : I’m not complaining
(Y/N) : I bet you’re not
Jax : There ain’t nothing more attractive than a goddess
(Y/N) : You flatter me, Jax
Jax : I can do more than that
Jax : So how many rounds can you go?
(Y/N) : With my power? About ten
Jax : You know I’m talking about Kombat right?
(Y/N) : Put those arms to use, Briggs
Jax : And do exactly what, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : You know what
(Y/N) : Low life thief
Kollector : I will steal what is left of you when I am finished
(Y/N) : You’ll never have all of me
Kollector : You are the true embodiment of a goddess
(Y/N) : Yes, I know
Kollector : I will break you apart and sell your parts
(Y/N) : To what do I owe the displeasure
Kollector : The Kahn wants you
(Y/N) : If he wants me then he can come get me himself
Kollector : Pretty girl
(Y/N) : Ugh. You
Kollector : You will regret your distaste
Kollector : And what do we have here?
(Y/N) : Someone worth more than your life
Kollector : We’ll see about that
(Y/N) : Baraka
Baraka : Shao Kahn’s concubine
(Y/N) : Ha. He wishes
(Y/N) : Creature
Baraka : Submit to the Tarkata
(Y/N) : My standards aren’t low enough for you
(Y/N) : Keep looking, Baraka
Baraka : You are not all that, goddess
(Y/N) : How dare you!
Baraka : Face me in kombat
(Y/N) : You must have a death wish
Baraka : My wish is for you to die
Baraka : You are unworthy for the tarkata
(Y/N) : You dare call a goddess unworthy?
Baraka : Rightfully so
(Y/N) : Kotal Kahn
Kotal Kahn : You will stay away from Jade
(Y/N) : I can make you forget all about her
(Y/N) : You are Kahn no more
Kotal Kahn : Kitana takes my place
(Y/N) : Which means you are unworthy
Kotal Kahn : Shao Kahn only brings out destruction
(Y/N) : You’re no more innocent than he is
Kotal Kahn : The innocents are damned
(Y/N) : Why do all men fancy boring women?
Kotal Kahn : Jade is not boring
(Y/N) : Your heart desires for a common assassin
Kotal Kahn : You are truly breathtaking (Y/N)
(Y/N) : I do not need a fallen Kahn to remind me of that
Kotal Kahn : But your mouth is ugly
(Y/N) : Be on your guard, Nightwolf
Nightwolf : You really are stunning
(Y/N) : Yes. And deadly
(Y/N) : My brother claims that you are interested in me
Nightwolf : I um..that is interesting
(Y/N) : Don’t turn back on me now
Nightwolf : I’ve never met anyone like you
(Y/N) : *chuckles* Are you flirting with me, Nightwolf?
Nightwolf : Would that bother you, my Goddess?
(Y/N) : Are you going to let me win like you let Scorpion win?
Nightwolf : I would never pose kombat on you, Goddess
(Y/N) : Shame. I like being wrestled to the ground
Nightwolf : We shouldn’t fight
(Y/N) : This is merely an exercise
Nightwolf : I will prove I am worthy, Lady (Y/N)
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A/N: I hope you guys liked this. It took me a long time to make
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overwatch ratings based on how they would date
did this a while ago but spent too much time on it for it to not be posted. this is just a personal opinion and personal ratings based off lore and bias tbh. this will be updated with every hero (if I remember to lol)
D.VA: 6/10. Caring and loving, fun gaming dates, but gets recognized a lot, and if it came down to it she’d choose her job to protect south korea over her lover
Doomfist: 4/10. He’d be a gentleman but probably only in it for sex or to be a sugar daddy. He’d treat his “lover” with respect tho so not a total loss i guess.
Junker Queen: 7/10. After the shit she’s been thru i think she doesnt really want a partner cuz shes afraid they’re just using her to get to the throne or that she’ll lose them. She’s protective and caring but also a bit overprotective to the point where it’s like okay calm down. Also might get into a few fights but eh.
Orisa: 0/10. she thinks it would be cute to be in a relationship but knows she cant be in one due to being the “protector of numbani”. so no.
Ramattra: 8/10. Deadass depends if it’s an omnic or not. If his lover is an omnic he will cherish them and take care of them, knowing that they’re one of the few things he loves in this life. If it’s a human then theres some. Problems. He doesnt open up easily and while he’s still protective and caring he can sometimes get very distant towards them because he fears that they only got close to him to use him or kill him.
Reinhardt: 9/10: Perfect gentleman. Treats you with respect and love, and cherishes you no matter what. -1 is because he can be really loud sometimes even when he doesnt mean to be
Roadhog: 5/10. I think of him as aroace but he would try and give it a shot just to feel what it’s like. Hes very quiet but also very calm. He would listen to his lover and do his best to help them, but he moves around a lot thanks to junkrat now and might cut off communication with you just to keep you safe when he's on the run
Sigma: 5/10. A real gentleman, would treat his lover with respect and kindness and love. Only downside is when he has one of his mind breaks and breakdowns. He forgets who he is and just focuses on violence. Also his control of gravity in that state is very fucky so if he’s having a breakdown his lover might get throw to the ground. He feels like jackshit afterwards and probably realizes it’s best not to have someone he cares about so close to him
Wrecking Ball: 0/10 no. he would simply not even if he wanted to. Aroace hampter 
Winston: maybe a 1/10. i feel like he doesnt want a romantic relationship with anybody and just wants friends (aroace monke)
Zarya: 6/10. Protective and caring but would focus too much on her job. would also pick her country over her lover if it did come down to it
Mauga: 8/10: Would treat his lover right and give them anything they asked for. Free beach house, gifts, and a loving, protective, obsessive bf. -2 because slight yandere vibes and can get too possesive-
Ashe: 6/10. Partners in crime kinda thing but if you’re not really into that stuff she’s probably not that into you. She has BOB watching you when she cant during a fight but shes always next to you when she can be.
Bastion: 0/10. Dude just wants to live in the woods with his bird he doesnt want that stuff.
Cassidy: 8/10. Southern sweetheart. Treats his partner with love and respect. Only downside is that he’d be out a lot doing his job, but he would let somebody else do it to be with you if it’s a special occasion or if he really wants to stay with you.
Echo: 2/10. Not big on romance but would try it out for science. Sadly in the end it’s not real love so. Oof
Genji: 9/10. Probably doesn’t want a relationship at first because of his body but he gets used to it and opens up his heart. Honestly very good boyfriend would be there to listen and help you with stuff. -1 cuz he might be out doing overwatch stuff a lot and also might not be the most exciting person to be around if you're a hyper person.
Hanzo: 6/10. Can’t see him getting in a relationship after everything thats happened but if he did he’d be kinda bad at it but you could tell that he’s trying his best.
Junkrat: 5/10. I love him but i cant really see him *staying* in a relationship for long. He doesn’t know how to stop sometimes and can get really annoying really quick but he loves making things for his lover and would do his best to keep them away from the dangerous bombs. He loves them a lot but doesn’t know how to turn the love down. Really clingy so if youre into that cool.
Mei: 9/10. Absolute sweetheart. Loves you to bits and takes you out to her favorite restaurants and stuff. -1 cuz you had to have a long distance relationship due to her being in Antarctica and the fact she slept for years with no communication with her lover-
Phara: 4/10. Cares about her job more but would be an okay girlfriend, doing the basics.
Reaper: 1/10. He’s done with love and would probably just just be a sugar daddy or just be there for sex. Even if he did find himself feeling something he’d ignore it and move on
Sojourn:5/10. Not interested in dating or finding love but if it finds her she’ll go for it. Pretty nice girlfriend, makes sure to take care of her lover but does focus on her job a lot more sometimes.
Soldier:76: 0/10. Not interested and has made sure to break off any past relationships. Doesn’t want the people he cares about to get hurt. So he still cares but doesnt go see them.
Somba: 7/10. Would be a pretty good girlfriend if she wanted to have a relationship. She keeps all people she cares about far away and unaware of her deeds at Talon. So a long distance relationship until she can take some time off to go see her lover and vibe.
Symmetra: 3/10. Doesn’t know how to even start a relationship and doesn’t really want to. Her job is important to her so she wouldn’t want distractions from it.
Torbjorn: 6/10. His wife and him had a few children and have been married for a while so he’s probably got the whole love thing covered.
Tracer: 9/10. Probably one of the best on this list. She’s loving and caring and makes sure to spend a lot of time with her partner. 
Widowmaker: 3/10. Last partner she had was um. killed by her so. +3 if you could break down her walls and see the real her but very low chance
Venture: 8.5/10: Would talk to you about rocks, fossils, and everything else they can think about. They’d even let you name rocks around the house. -2 cuz they’ll talk your ear off about rocks n stuff while also bouncing around everywhere. They can also be gone for long periods of time but always makes sure to call. If you can deal with the infodumping and adhd then 9.5/10 for you 
Ana: 5/10. She doesn’t want a relationship but she’d be very loving and caring to her lover.
Baptiste: 8/10. Great boyfriend, lovers needs always come first and he’s very open and always has an ear out to listen. -2 because he’s constantly on the run and the relationship could get stressed.
Brigitte: 5/10. Mostly focused on her work but would make a pretty good girlfriend if she finds the right person. The relationship would mostly be a test one because she lowkey doesn’t understand it.
Kiriko: 4/10. Would love to be in a relationship but protecting her home is more important than finding love to her.
Lucio: 9/10. Actual sweetheart. Would make music for you and would cancel shows last second if something came up and you needed something. If you need anything he’ll be there to help.
Mercy: 8/10. She’s really focused on her work but no matter what would take time to come stay with you for a while. -2 because sometimes too focused on work and sometimes doesnt have time to see you for a long time.
Moira: 0/10. Not looking for a relationship and would probably lie just to get you strapped to a table and butchered.
Zenyatta: 7/10. Would make a decent boyfriend but he can’t have relationships due to being a monk. He’d be there to listen and to give advice when you needed it.
Lifeweaver: 9/10. Perfect boyfriend in every way. Like no competition. -1 cuz he's on the run from multiple governments so he won't be able to talk all the time or be with you much to his dismay. multiple texts a day tho
Illari: 4/10. Tbh I can't see her getting into a relationship after everything. She's too scared that something will happen with her powers again and hurt her lover
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