#ml monarque
familyagrestefanblog · 11 months
God damnit! I knew Monarque’s facial expressions looked familiar!
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Even the eyebrows are the same!
It’s actually quite remarkable that the show manages to let Adrien/ Chat Noir and Gabriel/ Hawkmoth (as civilians or whatever miraculous forms) have such individual designs - not even resembling each other too much at all - and yet through the facial expressions, the way they talk and their body language they naturally share one can still consistently recognize them - at least on some subconscious level - as father and son.
Come to think of it. This entire scene of Monarque being fake-kind to Chloé to use her was in general top notch in this regard:
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I mean, YEAH. This is absolutely Adrien’s / Chat Noir’s evil and manipulative father.
And the only way to show and convey kindness/ politness this man would acknowledge to be “worthy” of himself to use in a situation like this is either the way his own “perfect” son behaves, or at the very least Gabriel knows exactly what type of kind and polite behavior HE is demanding from Adrien.
I dont have a gif of Adrien moving in the subtle ways like Gabriel copies in the upper one but it’s definitely closer to Adrien’s body language than Gabriel’s own (though by instinct it 300% reminds me of CatWalker
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but maybe that's influenced by Monarque being a miraculous identity and so was CatWalker who - as we know - is the perfect [and desperate and completely submissive] prince Adrien was raised to be so my point still stands).
And the second gif is 100% the move we long know from Adrien and also one we know comes from the way Gabriel teached Adrien to express himself for formal politness towards a woman:
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ML French dub/English sub: S5E04 - 🐷 Jubilation
FanSub Project: Subs-de-Ladybug-et-Chat-Noir
Join the server to gain access to the French dub episodes of Miraculous with faithfully fan-translated English subtitles
Transcribed by:  @2manyfandoms2count
Translated by: @2manyfandoms2count
Proofread by: @cakemousse
Video edited by: @cakemousse
Host gremlin: @familyagrestefanblog
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bananagreste · 7 months
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days of marinette dupain cheng #204 >> insect on insect violence
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I have a new favorite ladrien moment.
When Adrien ripped the Miraculous de la Coccinelle from Monarque’s ears and passed them to Bikerbug, and Monarque looked back and saw it was his own son who’d defeated him. When Ladybug returned in her full glory.
This is what I wanted from ladrien. This is beautiful.
The betrayal in Monarque’s eyes as all his abuse comes back to bite him, his son in Ladybug’s corner. The trust and unity Ladybug and Adrien have built in every side of the love square helping them utterly overwhelm their enemies.
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dailymlgifs · 1 year
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requested by @landofanimes
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xhanisai · 10 months
The real reason why Adrien wasn’t physically there when Ladybug confronted Gabriel is because the second he gets a glimpse of Bugnoire, he’s gonna beg her to marry him AND Marinette 
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landofanimes · 1 year
The decay of the Miraculous though...
Every unique jelwelry starts safeguarded in a super cool antique box
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Then they are put in a giant ladybug-printed egg
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Now they’ve all been pulverized and re-shaped into identical rings
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Somebody help!!!!
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mila-beedoodling · 2 years
Goofing on the discord channel ends up with you doing this:
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araninara · 1 year
OK, um sooo, is time...... *checks her gift for the umpteeth time* Come on Arani, you can’t wait forever *take a deep breath* alors, C partie.....
Hello @maskeddeviant013 ! I’m your @mlsecretsanta and I’m finally, after several hours of internal debate (lol), going to post your long awaited gift 🎁 ! I tried painting something digitally, so first times, don't expect anything incredible ^^".
But less talk, more action, so here goes...
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...YOUR DRAWING! First I didn't had ideas, so I got a little inspired from my list-of-idea-of-drawing-that-i-should-do and used a little bit of imagination to do it.
Anyway I hope that my drawingis good enough and that you like it!
English isn't my native language, sorry if I made some misspelling or somethings like that ^^*.
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lostuntothisworld · 5 months
A List of ML Crack Theories I Am Considering
The moon represents Adrichat, and not the Love Square or LadyNoir like the fandom theorizes
Anne-Jeanne Theoxanne du Bocquale is a time traveling adopted daughter of Lukadrien Adrienette
Bob Roth is gonna make good on his promise that Luka is going to sing for him no matter what.
Adrien's bedroom in the Agreste Mansion was originally the Master Suite
Adrien is going to intern at the Dupain-Cheng bakery. It will not end well.
Luka is going to work for the new flower shop next door, by doing flower deliveries. This will end better because of... reasons.
Felix was created out of jealousy over Gabe and Emilie's conception of Adrien, which means it's possible he doesn't love Kagami for herself or the fact they "are the same," but because Kagami was meant for Adrien.
The ring Felix gave Kagami isn't actually her amok, but an identical copy.
Felix's character arc of villain-to-antihero-to-hero will take another twist. He might even team up with Lilamoth. Either way, his character arc is that he is still being controlled by his father, even though he has his amok, and his father is dead. This will be a direct parallel to Adrien's character arc.
Luka's nightmare (which we never find out in the season 5 finale, oddly enough) is that his actions reveal Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities, Monarque finds out, takes advantage of this and secures the Miraculous and makes his wish... Somehow Luka finds out about Ephemeral, and is horrified that his actions caused the end of the world. He goes to Marinette and she tells him that "the timeline doesn't exist anymore," so he shouldn't feel bad that his actions caused the wish to occur. "Everyone makes mistakes." We as the audience know she is trying to make herself feel better about her choices in the season 5 finale. She begins a word salad about how even Chat Noir flooded the entire planet and nearly destroyed the universe in Chat Blanc, but the timeline no longer exists and it's all okay now! So now both boys know they ended the world in deleted timelines.
The main conflict of season 6 will be the reveal of Ephemeral and Chat Blanc. Season 7 will end in revealing The Truth to Adrien. Season 8 will be about figuring out how to sever Adrien's connection to his amoks, and the Peacock Miraculous.
Luka will be the one to reveal The Truth to Adrichat
Luka will help Adrien sever his connection to his amoks and the Peacock Miraculous. The Miraculous Ladybugs can't bring back a sentimonster after the amok has been destroyed, but Second Chance can give them infinite tries to figure out how to sever the connections.
Human sentimonsters can do and be anything a normally created person can do EXCEPT reproduce. Sentimonsters cannot create life.
The Peacock Miraculous broke because Emilie tried to create two sentimonsters at the same time: Adrien's and his twin sister's embryos. Adrien was created second, and thus the reason the miraculous broke.
Adrien is his own dead twin sister, which is why he has two amoks
Adrien was not his original planned name. He was actually named after his dead twin sister Adrienne, once his parents learned he was connected to both amoks. I'm partial to his original planned name being Celeste, which is a unisex name in France.
Emilie and Amelie (identical twins) are both sentimonsters who share one amok (The moonstone star brooch that Emelie wears)
The actual moon is a sentimonster, and Adrien will time-travel 4 billion years into the past to recreate the Theia Impact in a future season after a long character arc of personal growth, healing, and accepting The Truth. (I'll admit this one is more wishful hoping than anything else lmao)
The light that Lila/Iris saw at the end of the finale is her time traveling future self (I messed up the exact details of how she gets ahold of the Rabbit Miraculous in my original post, but I still think it's plausible)
Ladynoir is dead. Marichat is dead. Ladrien is dead. I think they're going to kill Adrienette sooner rather than later.
Adrien falls in love (or thinks he falls in love) with Marinette due to an amok order by a time traveling Lilamoth. (Adrienette getting together pretty much opened the way for Gabe to get his wish, and thus Lilamoth's acquisition of the Butterfly Miraculous.)
After a rewatch, and studying the transcript, I think there's a possibility Maribug would have kept The Truth from Adrien even if Gabe never asked her to.
Gabe failed his redemption character arc of moving on and letting go of Emilie. Emilie's dying wish was for Gabe to move on, properly parent Adrien, and allow him to choose his own happiness. Instead, Gabe made his own wish in order to be with her in death, abandoning Adrien. But before he did that, he gave Marinette his blessing to be with his son, with stipulations that she never tell him The Truth. I think Gabe ALSO passed on his failed character arc to Marinette. She is going to have to learn to let Adrien go.
25. Lukadrien is Endgame
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kilfeur · 6 months
Mon avis sur ML special Paris (my opinion about ML Special Paris)
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Je l'ai pas mal apprécié dommage que j'ai pu trouvé la version anglaise et non la version française. Bien que la performance de Cristina Vee Bryce Papenbrook sortent du lot. Mais ce special a des points forts que j'apprécie. Par exemple la relation entre Toxinelle et Griffe Noire qui sont alliés que par un concours de circonstance et semblent plus professionnels malgré leurs disputes. Croyant que leurs pouvoirs viennent de la chance ou de la destruction qu'autre chose. Il y a aussi le moment où Toxinelle est en proie en doute quand Betterfly essaie de les convaincre de rejoindre sa résistance. Où quand elle lit le journal de son alter ego, qui elle semble avoir une meilleure vie qu'elle au premier abord. Au début je pensais que sa vie était assez isolé et peut être même qu'elle connaissait pas ses parents. Mais en fait elle est belle et bien isolé, pas de mamam aimante, pas de petit ami ou de meilleur ami. Toute seule subissant le harcèlement de Chloé et c'est là que je trouve que l'idée du Suprême est intéressante. Car c'est justement ce genre de profil que ces organisations s'intéressant pour ensuite les convaincre et les recruter. Le suprême était l'espoir pour Toxinelle jusqu'à ce qu'elle découvre la surutilisation du Lucky Charm et le souhait qui peut pas être utilisé. Mais Marinette lui parle de sa propre expérience, disant que ça n'a pas été facile mais qu'elle a quand même essayé encore et encore. En voulant changer et évoluer, elle a pu changer ce qui l'entoure et avoir une vie où elle peut souffler un peu malgré les difficultés.
Griffe Noire est plus intrépide voulant jouer les cools mais aussi un poil suicidaire. Le fait qu'il se cataclysme lui même en est un peu la preuve, se montrant plus violant que son alter ego. Et ne supportant pas sa partenaire, le cafard qu'il adore appeler. Surtout que son cataclysme semble être plus puissant que Chat Noir ! Toutefois toute sa colère, cette haine cache une certaine douleur. Il veut ramener sa mère et croit que son père n'en a rien à faire. Alors que tout ce qu'il souhaite c'est la revoir or il y a un prix à payer et Adrien lui fait bien comprendre qu'elle n'aurait pas voulu. De plus j'ai bien aimé le fait qu'Adrien s'ouvre un peu concernant sa douleur aussi mais l'utiliser pour aider son alter ego. Et réconforte sa partenaire qui est en proie en désarroi quand elle n'a pas de plan. Il se pose des questions sur ses pouvoirs mais ça l'empêchera de faire ce qui est bon pour aider les gens.
Alya joue aussi un grand rôle en étant l'aide et aussi le soutien morale de sa meilleure amie. Ça n'a pas dû être évident une fois qu'elle a du faire la passerelle dans les autres mondes. Mais cela montre une fois encore que le personnage d'Alya a été important pour Marinette et que peu importe ce qui se passera, elle sera toujours à ses côtés pour l'aider. Aussi la scène où elle essaie de se cacher et où elle enregistre le plan de Monarque est bon. Quand Betterfly, je sens venir les gens dire que les scénaristes essaient de montrer que Gabriel est quelqu'un de bien. Et il l'est dans un autre univers ! Il a aussi ses fautes, lui même le dit. Vu qu'il était avec le suprême (d'ailleurs je me demande quel genre de relation il avait Toxinelle et Griffe Noire avant) mais son monde est différent, les miraculous sont gardés en tant que secret. Le suprême a un système corrompu et c'est probablement la mort d'Emilie qui l'a fait réalisé donc c'est pour ça qu'il a fondé la résistance en voulant garder l'espoir. Je trouve qu'il est solide en tant que perso bien que j'aurai aimé un peu plus sur son passé ou bien plus d'interactions entre lui et le mauvais duo. Quand à Monarque, je pense qu'ils l'ont fait exprès de ne pas les faire interagir pour montrer la différence entre ces deux là. Et puis c'est agréable d'entendre la voix de Keith Silverstein du côté des héros pour une fois.
Après il y a pas mal de questions en suspens comme le suprême, comment le système a été mit en place pour cibler des personnes fragiles et ainsi de suite. Bien que vers la fin avec Monarque tu sens que l'équipe s'est amusé à tabasser à répétition Monarque dans chaque univers qui est sympa mine de rien. Mais c'est pas plus mal un peu de mystère, raconter tout de A et Z est un peu ennuyeux je trouve. Mais bon ça peut toujours être exploré en fanfiction.
I enjoyed it quite a bit, too bad I was able to find the English version and not the French one. Although Cristina Vee Bryce Papenbrook's performance stands out. But this special does have its strong points, which I appreciate. For example, the relationship between Toxinelle and Griffe Noire, who are only allied by circumstance and seem more professional despite their arguments. Believing that their powers come from luck or destruction rather than anything else. There's also the moment when Toxinelle is plagued by doubt when Betterfly tries to convince them to join his resistance. Or when she reads the diary of her alter ego, who seems to have a better life than she does at first sight. At first I thought her life was pretty isolated, and maybe she didn't even know her parents. But in fact she's quite isolated, with no loving mum, boyfriend or best friend. She's all alone, suffering Chloé's harassment, and that's where I think the idea of the Supreme is interesting. It's precisely this kind of profile that these organizations are interested in convincing and recruiting. The Supreme was Toxinelle's hope until she discovered the overuse of the Lucky Charm and the wish that can't be used. But Marinette tells her about her own experience, saying it hasn't been easy but she's still tried again and again. By wanting to change and evolve, she has been able to change her surroundings and have a life where she can breathe a little despite the difficulties.
Griffe Noire is more intrepid, wanting to play it cool, but also a little suicidal. The fact that he cataclysms himself is proof of this, proving to be more violent than his alter ego. And he can't stand his partner, the cockroach he loves to call. Especially as his cataclysm seems to be more powerful than Chat Noir! However, all his anger and hatred conceal a certain pain. He wants to bring his mother back, and thinks his father doesn't care. All he wants is to see her again, but there's a price to pay, and Adrien makes it clear that she wouldn't have wanted it. I also liked the fact that Adrien opens up a little about his pain, too, but uses it to help his alter ego. And comforts his partner who's in disarray when she doesn't have a plan. He wonders about his powers, but that will stop him from doing what's right to help people.
Alya also plays a big role in being her best friend's helper and moral support. It can't have been easy once she had to make the transition to the other worlds. But it shows once again that Alya's character has been important to Marinette, and that no matter what happens, she'll always be by her side to help. Also the scene where she tries to hide and records Monarque's plan is good. When Betterfly, I can feel people coming up and saying that the writers are trying to show that Gabriel is a good person. And he is in another universe! He also has his faults, as he himself says. Since he was with the Supreme (I wonder what kind of relationship he had with Toxinelle and Griffe Noire before), his world is different, the miraculous are kept as a secret. The Supreme has a corrupt system and it was probably Emilie's death that made him realize this, so that's why he founded the resistance, wanting to keep hope alive. I think he's a solid character, although I'd have liked a bit more on his past or more interaction between him and the bad duo. As for Monarque, I think they did it on purpose not to make them interact to show the difference between those two. And it's nice to hear Keith Silverstein's voice on the heroes' side for once.
After that, there are quite a few unanswered questions, such as who is supreme, how the system was set up to target vulnerable people and so on. Although towards the end with Monarque, you get the feeling that the team had fun repeatedly beating up Monarque in each universe, which is nice, by the way. But there's something to be said for a bit of mystery. Telling everything from A to Z is a bit boring, I find. But you can always explore it in fanfiction.
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Oh, I love that! Look at Gabriel at the end of “Adoration” in the shot where we see him from the outside in Marinette’s POV:
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He stands there in a way that we the audience recognize as a visual reference to his Monarque transformation pose and the shadows create a butterfly-like form. The black space between Gabriel’s legs and right under his hands, which are also in a visually similar position again, create the illusion of his staff.
Plus the shadow over Gabriel’s chest leads your eyes right to his tie where of course his Butterfly miraculous is hidden.
But the most interesting I find Gabriel’s hands in combination with the shadows and details of the french bacony (so..regualr balcony in this case? lol). It’s an optical trick depending on you remembering how his hands look like in the transformation pose so your mind makes sense out of the kinda visual mess that doesn’t properly check out when we see him standing there. From afar it looks like Gabriel is once again laying his right hand (with the wedding ring) on top of his left one - as per usual. But when you look closer, that’s not the case: Gabriel’s left hand is on top of his right, which is of course what he has to do to control Adrien with the amok object in this very scene.
All Gabriel is doing is holding his hands in a way that doesn’t make it obvious.
And to really drive that point home, right afterwards after Marinette left we see Gabriel holding his hands in front of his chest:
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Reminding us which hand the ring is on and what he obviously has been doing just now.  
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So binge read odnlb and
First of all how dare you make me more invested in your Kagami and Felix dynamic than any other ship??? How could you do this to me?? I have been ruined as a shipper. RUINED. I will never, ever be able to get over your Felix and Kagami in this fic and how wonderfully they interact with all their bluffs and pride and calculations and CONSTRAINED FEELINNNGSS I - this is it for me. I’m done. I’m gone.
You wanna know how I’ve been ruined?? You wanna k n o w ? I will never be able to ship either of them with anyone else now. It feels wrong. It feels like a betrayal after seeing how HEART ACHINGLY BEAUTIFULLY they could click and the amazing angst they could work and
And you know this really small thing which hurt me so much is that whole thing you pulled where she has never had trouble differentiating the two because FELIX HAS A HARDNESS AND SHARPNESS THAT MAKES HIM HIS OWN PERSON like not because she recognised Adrien easily! oh no! twas not her ex she recognised easily, no no noooooo, it was because she recognised FELIX easily, FELIX, like it’s almost as if her own hard edges recognise the soulmate in his sharp edges okay that brOKE ME IN TWO like why why whyyyy would you do this to my innocent shipper heart, how could you make me more invested in Kagami and Felix than the actual lovesqUARE?!
Like but at the same time I shouldn’t blame you because I love both characters a lot individually -I love their complexities, how Kagami is Good with a little ruthless in her and Felix is Ruthless with a little good in him- I just never opened my eyes to how well their opposite symmetry two sides of the same coin mirror opposite chess masters dynamic works as a ship until you wrOTE MY SHIPPER’S RUINATION LIKE DAMN HOW CAN I COME BACK FROM THIS?!
I mean yes of course I still care about Marinette and Adrien but I know I’ll enjoy them in this fic and on top of that they’ll always have canon and other fics too, whereas I will never be able to enjoy your Kagami and Felix outside your writing because the ml writers don’t have half the brilliant characterisation or good taste in ships and other fanfic writers just cannot pull this dynamic off okay, like
Like I genuinely don’t think anybody else can pull off this characterisation of how Kagami and Felix are in a way two sides of the same coin - they are both fully on the side of (their own idea of) Justice and they will be a little cruel if they need to be to do so, but at the same time they are both so dedicated to protecting the people they love - and this is the most interesting bit because I feel like what you’re implying is that if it’s for the people they love then Felix and Kagami actually both have the potential to become a bit of a hypocrite against their values (I mean Felix I think it’s almost outright confirmed he has/does this rn with him working for Monarque but I’m intrigued how far he will go), like not compromising on the bottom line, I think neither of them will ever compromise on what they think is Absolute Injustice, but they may compromise enough to bend their morals just a bit, so long as they don’t Cross That Line (for Kagami I wonder if she will ever even get near that line while for Felix I wonder if he’d be willing to move the line signpost by an inch or two)
While we are on the subject how dare you imply Felix has kept her at an arm’s length this whole time because he’s insecure about being a senti and now you’re going to have her take his ring, and he won’t just be hurt or betrayed (as you’ve hinted he kinda already expects the betrayal bc he knows where Kagami’s values stand) he will be humiliated just like Adrien neevr wanted LB to look at him like that (and LB doesn’t even KNOW-know), for Felix to have his deepest darkest secret blasted on full volume to the ONE PERSON he never wanted to find out, and for her look at him as if he was LESS of a human even if it was just for a moment, even if it is just in that second of the initial shock - I- I need a minute
No I’m genuinely tortured by this, I keep thinking of all the potentials of how that scene would go like just imagining- like how do amoks work? does Kagami realise whose amok it is the minute she touches it? I feel like Luka’s suspicion of her mean her betraying LB on a small-medium degree is inevitable, so this could be her moral bending point, her freaking out and deciding to keep Felix’s secret and taking a ring lookalike to LB instead which isn’t an amok and is just waved off as a sentimental ring of his mother’s.
(even better if Felix doesn’t know know that She Knows and continues with his farce none the wiser so Kagami has the time to adjust to the revelation and my boy is spared some PAIN)
And Kagami can rationalise it against her sense of justice because forcing someone to divulge information against their will is just evil, really, and she can’t let LB do that as she knows she inevitably will and it doesn’t hurt their cause for her not to know Felix is a senti so why not keep that on the downlow? Though I imagine it must absolutely backfire/blow up in her face later
(Also Luka would have no right to judge Kagami for keeping secrets to protect the ones she loves considering but I feel like he still totally would 😂 that would be funny if he called her out later and someone was like Uhhh pot meet kettle?)
BUT THEN there is the alternative where you don’t figure out whose amok it is when you touch it and I’m like does Kagami hand the ring to LB first without realising first and they all find out only when LB commands “Adrien” to come to their location?
Ngl part of me wants to see Kagami wounded by her own betrayal - like her being shocked and appalled when Felix is forced to show up instead of Adrien as they expected, seeing the humiliation and betrayal on his face, and LB obviously doesn’t care bc Felix isn’t Adrien, LB doesn’t think there’s any good in him, so she’s not gonna show mercy because this is her CHANCE to find out the truth, everything about their identities and hideout has all just fallen into her lap, she’s totally ready to force Felix to bend to her will and interrogate the pants off him, and HONESTLY I would metaphorically DIE if at that point Kagami just snaps ‘no’.
Like silk over steel low-key feral protective Kagami saying no you are not about to take away his free will I don’t care if it’s for the greater good or not, no okay, N - O, squaring off against feral vengeful LB who may just lose it and actually Hurt Her because she is so close, SO CLOSE, to finding out the name of the man she has to murder for her kitty and the girl she thought was her ally just cares about her villainous boyfriend. bug vs dragon almost fight over peacock’s ring? 😬
Lol also it would be funny if we had indignant Luka in the background like I TOLD U NOT TO TRUST HER (pot, kettle) and I can just imagine Felix dryly saying to Kagami ‘it’s a bit rich of you to try and stop her now when you’re the one who gave the ring to her in the first place’ (I’m so convinced sarcasm would be his coping mechanism 😭)
Like see this is the interesting thing about Felix and Kagami that we don’t have with the lovesquare, it’s seeing how they interact within the context of their clashing morals, bc LB and CN are usually morally aligned in that they agree on what is Right, but Kagami and Felix aren’t like that, they Really Do Not Agree on what’s Right so it’s interesting if/how far one or both will compromise for the other, and how that will affect their relationship with each other and others
But like I don’t even know if either of the two scenarios above are even close to the mark bc there are clearly so many layers to each of their characterisations and idk if I’m even interpreting half of it right, like but the beautiful thing us I could be totally wrong and still love them because you can tell you’ve put so much thought into their interactions and motivations
and I’m so sad about this like I’m so in love with a ship that’s doomed to exist only in this fic, do you know how tragic it is to be addicted to a drug with only ONE supplier for a limited period of time???? I guess I can kinda think of it as like shipping a movie ship but I still cannot get over this personal tragedy okay don’t judge me
To sum up I am more invested in this fic’s feligami than s5’s lovesquare at this point and honestly I feel victimised ;-;
YESSSS I GOT ANOTHER ONE!!! beloved anon, welcome to the feligami circus <3
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the idea of feligami was born when i saw this in s4 "Gabriel Agreste." me and my sister thought it was hilarious how they glared at each other once, then ignored each other the rest of the time. idk if i've said this, but it's actually at my sister's request (plus my own wish fulfillment) i wrote feligami into one does not love breathing. (i tried to put them into my other fic What Makes a Monster last year, but had no room D: )
you really said what i love about my felix and kagami best. i'm just. in AWE. not only do you understand how i have them diametrically opposed as players in monarque & ladybug's game, but you also understand how they function as characters!! i don't even think i could have stated it better, really, which is why i was grinning like an idiot while reading your ask.
taking what you said about "it’s almost as if [kagami's] own hard edges recognise the soulmate in his sharp edges" & "FELIX HAS A HARDNESS AND SHARPNESS THAT MAKES HIM HIS OWN PERSON like not because she recognised Adrien easily!" -- THIS WAS IMPORTANT I'M RLY GLAD IT GOT TO YOU! something felix uses to his advantage is his identical appearance to adrien. take that away from him with kagami, and what does he really have left? this "levels the playing field" between them, so to say, and i think that was what initially drew him to kagami. that she could tell felix was felix not by recognizing adrien, but by seeing him for who he really is <3
"Kagami is Good with a little ruthless in her and Felix is Ruthless with a little good in him" <- aaahh this GOT me, anon! and it's why i ship them & made them main side characters in the fic. by placing them on opposing sides yet weaving their storylines together, we get to see them bring out their true selves in each other. felix needs that; he's always being sneaky/has a trick up his sleeve, while kagami is blunt and direct and doesn't put up with bs. the more involved they get with one another, the more we see them bringing out those opposing qualities in each other; felix coming clean, and kagami sneaking around as a double agent. makes me think of this line of analysis: "I think neither of them will ever compromise on what they think is Absolute Injustice, but they may compromise enough to bend their morals just a bit, so long as they don’t Cross That Line." YES ABSOLUTELY!!!! aaahahah it's SO fun to write anon!! i'm glad you enjoy it as much as i do heheheheh.
i do dare imply. i dare all the implications. you guys are getting pretty good at guessing what my plans are, i must say. i've even taken some of your theories/guesses/hypotheses and pasted them in my notes doc so i can pack more of a punch when the time comes :DD HOWEVER you will never get me to admit to anything! NEVER! but i can promise that it will hurt, yes. i can promise that whatever u think felix and kagami are planning, it will indeed blow up in their faces (rip to your metaphorical death, anon). and i also promise this fic gets softer. i swear. that goes for feligami as well ;))
i'm sorry for your struggles. thank you for loving my feligami as much as i do. we can be in the post odblb feligami desert together (until i write them into another fic, or find another BETTER one).
thank you for this essay anon it made my day <33 there's nothing i like better than reading analyses on my own work before it's even done. and also thank you for binge reading odnlb! i hope you're ok bc most people seem to not be & i'm really getting worried for you guys.
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bananagreste · 6 months
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days of marinette dupain cheng #207 >> insect on insect violence
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Monarque’s too stupid to use Second Chance!
I can’t believe that’s the canon reason we hadn’t seen it. He tried. Repeatedly. Ladybug and Chat Noir never noticed because his plans don’t improve with foreknowledge.
The more advantages he has, the more Gabriel sucks.
Funniest episode all season. I love it.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Monday 25 June 1838
11 ½
fair but rain threatening morning F68 ½° at 5 40 am off from Tours at 6 ½ - at 6 ¾ cross the Cher good stone bridge good river – Montbazon 1 street poor little town – nothing there like an Inn – Sorigny  a farm house and 1 or 2 little cottages – from there to Ste. Maure hilly, fine country – stopt à la poste at 9 12 – no Inn – I had been asleep or should have seen this – the horses put to again, and drove to the other end of the Faubourg to the cheval Blanc (at 9 20) a neat looking small hotel or auberge where we found ourselves très bien – Marshal Soult and his wife here 3 weeks last Xmas he taken ill in the night, erysipelas in his face – he had sent them a great many people – the woman of the house talkathon  and civil – her husband faisait le cousiner when it was worthwhile (for the marshal, and would for us if we staid there) he learnt at Tours and was renormé for his cooking – we had excellent café and milk and butter just made very good – not quite ready when we arrived – off again at 10 ¾ - the town of St. Maure and its goodish looking church at a little distance behind our cheval blanc – at 11 ½ cross good stone bridge over the Creuse, and enter the Department of the Vienne  (river) and the nice village of Port-de-Piles – fine open country, corn and grass – aux Ormes at 11 ¾ - neat good little village, the toll-box dropt off as we stopt à la poste, and getting the strap-holders sewed on again delayed us 35 minutes – off again at 12 ¾ - pretty river Vivienne close right – fine broad wooded (chiefly rye) corn and grass valley – vines on the hill side (right) – Sandy land all hereabouts – not naturally fertile – during this stage (right) observed 2 or 3 little white flags or poles as if for railroad – oats and barley short and thin – handsome stone bridge over the Vivienne at Châtellerault , and just after passing the bridge (and the 2 old round towers at the end of it) stop at the Poste which is also the hotel du Grand Monarque at 1 ¾ - one of the main-bolts of the off back spring (fixed to the bed of the under carriage) broken – what with the torment of blacksmiths to mend this and women up against the carriage windows with cutlery, one had enough to do more especially as it rained (just began to rain) pretty smartly – went into the hotel – desired the mistress to send for the man she herself employed on these occasions and in about ¼ hour had agreed with him to do the job for 12/. + 1/. pour boire for the workmen – to be done in 1 ½ hour – went afterwards twice to see that all was going on right – it was good 2 ½ hours before the job was done and then the men begged so hard gave dix sols over of pour boire – very heavy rain almost all the time – at lease from 1 ¾ to 4 ½ it rained almost incessantly – from 2 35 to 3 ¼ inked over my travelling accounts from Friday (22nd instant) up to now – then half asleep on the sofa – then at 4 went (2nd time)
to look after the carriage then at a plate of (large – white) strawberries A- having had hers before – off again at 4 ¾ - Châtelleraut seems a good town – much improved – much new building since 1830 – would not be teased into buying any cutlery, but it looks better finished and of a higher order of make than it was in 1830 – nice looking small penknives and scissors – really looking like English – en sortant enter forest which continues far towards La Tricherie, nice, neat, good little village – fine country all today – walnut trees in good bearing along the road side, and now from la Tricherie are fine, large, healthy, handsomely formed trees, like forest trees – along the road and at a little distance park-like – the great quantity of poplars (Italian and others) pruned to the very top, a striking [feature] ever since Paris – indeed all over France? no sight of the Vivienne since Châtelleraut except perhaps one peep – very fine country – Clan one long row of good village houses – the poste at the far end, a little distance from the other houses, good looking largeish house – Left, en sortat, the Clain, nice little river – a few drops of rain since leaving Châtelleraut – vines on the hill sides – at 7 the Vivienne and its tall Italian poplars (close left) forming a high hedge, and (right) high, hoary, calcareous picturesque rock interspersed with gardens and fine walnut trees – very picturesque approach to Poitiers on the hill just above us – at 7 10 pass the iron grille barrier gate into the city, and pass thro’ old, ill built, ill paved (with little boulder strong very slippery the horses could scarcely stand) steep, narrow streets – steep ascent to the hotel de France (at the top of the hill, near the grand Place) at 7 20 – off to the cathedral with a boy guide in 10 minutes and there along narrow streets on the descent, in ¼ hour at 7 ¾ -
Cathedral founded by Henry 2 of England in the 11th century –
the only one I ever saw of the kind – the 2 side aisles (only 2) very nearly as high as the nave – short church – and short transepts – the oval iron railed choir extends ¾ breadth of transepts into the nave having the transepts on each side of it – and the pulpit is against the great transept –nave column (south side) – 4 large arcades of nave – then the large arcade between the transepts, then 3 more large arcades of which the 2 next the transepts and ¾ of the arcade between the transepts form the choir – adossé to the 3
large arcade (at the back of the choir) the apse is very small (little more than as it were a swelling out) that contains the virgins chapel – only 2 side aisles, and no side chapels – the great altar is near the entrance into the choir – and there is an altar at the end of each transept – Organ in the west end, in dark oak tribune taking up the whole of one arcade of nave and aisles – Exterior of the cathedral plain, except west end the 3 doorways much carved as at Rheims – 7 steps down to platform 6 or 8 yards broad up to the church door then 5 steps down from the door (west end) into the church – very ancient – painted windows in the transepts and round the east end – large marigold window over the richly carved centre doorway (west end) and open round-gothic-arched galling around the top between the 2 plain gothic towers – ¼ hour there – then to the church of Ste. Radegone femme de Clotaire, and descended by 18 steps down from the nave and 6 steps up from the nave to the choir so that the chapel is loftyish for a souterraine to her tomb below the choir in a small very ancient looking chapel 2 candles burning over the tomb of old, dark, porphyry? polished lying like a plain 3 sided coffin (sharp edge upper most) on the tomb – they tried to break this in la grande revolution but could not and one of the men dined in the chapel (said the young man (sacristan) who seeing us enter the church had come after us – he then shewed us the chapel of the ‘pied de dieu’ – our saviour appearing to St. Radegonde foretelling her death and that she should be a pearl in his crown left the print of his on the stone which stone is encadrée and has a wire guard in the made form of a shoe or little basket put (locked) over it – the footmark is deepish cut – whether the man really believed or not, I know not he looked as if he did and thought I did too – the church of Ste. Radegonde is evidently very ancient and the ground has risen much about it, as at the cathedral – from Ste. R- to the r. de Arènes to the house that has written over it ‘Aux Anitiquités Romaines’ I remembered the place – went into courtyard – and thro’ the stables into the ground and remain of the old Roman amphitheatre – the garden within very nice – all much done-up and cleared out and improved since 1830 – all about is now tidy – just peeped at the fine promenade – handsome public baths and other new buildings thereabouts just out of the grille gate barrier – too dark to see very clearly but A- bore the walk exceedingly well – she was interested – voilà tout – home at 9 – dinner at 9 ¼ - came to my room at 10 ½ - fine day till the heavy rain between 2 and 3 pm afterwards fine afternoon and evening – F67 ½° at 11 5 pm
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