#minus belphegor
eetheon · 2 months
WARNING: manipulation, gaslighting, toxic relationship, minor suicide and depression mentioned, cannibalism
A/N: pretend that the poster said chapter 1 teehee 🕳️🚶
MiNUS: is a story mixed between greek mythology and bible (with jewish mythology creature idk) about a newborn son of Nyx actually caring about the world's situation between the gods and sets an impossible ambitious goal
the story is not accurate to the original and can only see as an alternative story between the two major stories
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As the tears of the primodial goddess, fell and rest upon her bare hands, the hands of a mother that lost her beloved daughter. Nyx mourned for such long time until her heart could no longer ache anymore, both of her palm rest in front of her very core as it's cosmos' power and rule blooms in sadness and spread throughout the whole night nation, her brows furrowed in frustration thinking about.. her long gone daughter
-Oizys, was a sad and poor girl. Her cosmos rule enable her to feel every negative emotions of every being on earth and could be used as her cosmos power, but she could never feel any positive emotions other than neutral and negative. She was the daughter that Nyx loved the most, having her passed away broke Nyx’s motherly heart in every single way as painful as possible, yet she couldn’t just sit and cry and expect it to bring her daughter back to life, though there’s much more important things approaching, much more heartbreaking for her to take even if she already know what it is.
That’s why she’s creating a new deity, a new god, a new son. The new god of negativity, depression and misery.
But unlike her daughter, he has a separable senses which called core in the vocabulary of god. She destined for him to be able to take out the core that senses the feeling of sadness, and also the core that transfers every negative feeling into his cosmos power, the power core. But because of the harm that was coming, she destined him to grow within a year making him the youngest child. But at that time she was too messed up to write his cosmos identity properly as she immediately released the newborn god to the world with a command, “balance the world’s sentiment, alongside your partner, goddess Euphrosyne.” Right after her words, he descended to the world with a confused and unknowing feeling.
Nyx' hiccups and cries continued to slip out of her mouth as her body weakened, plunges down onto the floor and drown into the ‘felt like’ eternal despair and desolation, without anyone to lift her up into their limbs, or so she thought she was alone.
As a presence of the second known primordial god, one who swore to protect her yet, he stood there behind her and spoke softly, “replacing our youngest precious child already? You must’ve been miserable my love.” He said while walking forward to her inadequate body.
“Dear, for what you’ve done, it’s not only for the child’s sake nor ours. But you benefited me quite astoundingly, say me my dear, were you to voluntarily assist me, into achieving the highest authority of the whole expanded universe?” Nyx look at him with the same sorrowful eyes the same as the few minutes before, while he caress her right hand to lift her up gently. She opened her mouth to let out shaky words
“But Erebus… we know you can’t do that… it’s entirely impossible to reach that high dear-“
—“So you’re not willing to help me? Aren’t I your most beloved one my dear?"
“N-no it’s just that- it already happened to Momus—“
“Are you willing to assist me or not?”
Nyx flinched as Erebus’ voice echoed through the chamber’s emptiness, his expression remained stoic, while his free hand rose up to caress her almost-dried tear stained cheeks softly, but barely affectionately
“Yes dear…”
Erebus smiles softly, but plain, he nodded as a gratitude for her beneficial distribution, even if it was forced, the obscured sadistic desire of his, craving of his for obedience whether it was her or not. Erebus whispered her a sweet adieu, au revior as if she would wanted to acknowledge his presence anywhere, yet, she loved him as much as she was forced to
The embodiment of the darkness lord vanished into the other destination of his, she looked at the entrance of the large chamber again, just to perceive yet another presence
“ how long have you been here, child” she asked the much younger man coldly, dragging her gaze away along with her head
“Enough for me to hear everything” the man said while trailing his gaze down, his head tilted down to the floor, his adam’s apple budged as he swallowed deeply while pondering to himself for a moment before asking his dear mother
“I’d really appreciated it if you open up to me, mother”
Nyx clenched her jaw slightly, she wanted to do that, she wanted to run into her dearly beloved child’s arms and express all of her imprisoned, excluded from sights of a sentiment to him. He knew how badly she craved for even a slightest genuine love and comfort, that’s why he wanted to persuade her to actually let out all of her agony.
But his presence, his aura, his appearance and part of his personality just tragically recalled someone who just happened to left right before she noticed her son’s presence
“You assume that your mother is in need of such help? Thanatos?”
“Mother, when I said I heard everything, It doesn’t go past my ear and left forgotte-“
“Take your leave and exclude yourself out of my sight, young man.”
Her son, Thanatos’ expression was filled with guilt and pity, he felt bad, he understands why she disliked him in someway, it is for her own good to push him away, but he felt worthless to not be able to help his mother even if he offered her everything she needed, yet, she denied everything from him. He loved her and he’s certain that she does too, but he missed the way she fill him with motherly affection and care, he missed everything before Erebus loses himself to his greediness, but he can’t and won’t be ready to understand his father just why, …..——
Thanatos sighed and didn’t say anything further, he bid her a farewell, knowing she would avoid seeing him even more, if only he could embed this splintered family
If only he could do anything about it
If only he could intervene
‘Dear the newborn, I entrusted that ability to thyself.’
Thanatos descended to the depths of the underworld while the dawn is shining
The newborn felt everything. Sadness, anger, grief, sorrow, pain, suicidal feelings, anxiety and many more than what words can describe, he was drawn towards the miserable feeling, it’s like he belonged to it even if he was just born few minutes ago, though, those feelings made him never wished to be born at all
The God’s sadness was multiplied by a lot, just how much have many suffered for him to feel this way? He wondered what kind of things each creatures here could have been through
That is when he felt much more greater pain towards the ground, beneath the upperworld, it was a different negativity that he felt
He felt sins, sins that many souls committed and was sent to suffer beneath the land, obscured from many’s eyes
The feeling was intense and the deity couldn’t resist to chase it. The divine presence roamed through the land, looking for an entrance, and that is when he came across the river, known by many as the river styx, the deity lean towards the cave hole to see nothingness, raven pit of void with nothing to discover, though, the closer he lean towards the pit, the more he was drawn to the feeling. Curiosity and stubbornness strikes, the deity jumped down into the pit, darkness covers his sight, mysteries below him are waited to be found
Soon enough, multiple cool-toned lights and torches lit throughout the land beneath him, it was dark yet beautiful, most of the dimmer lights are souls or known as shades, grouping up and forming in a few lines, many scattered across the landscape, brighter lights are mostly from torches and plants, he fell deeper and more further into the ground, he saw a many small old fashioned houses, the lights from the houses shine below him, though the eye catching and curious sight might distract him a little too much, he fell face first right into one of the house and crash into the first floor of it “what the heck?!” Loud word echoed across the room he crashed into, what misfortune, it was a bathroom
“…sorry” he says quietly while he quickly got up and ran away
Once he got out, he was surprised by how beautiful the town is up close, he noticed a large gloomy castle at the end of the land which is far away from him there are several houses and even a marketplace, yet, it lacks a literal term of life, there are few souls roaming around, a few gathered to look at him, an outsider isn’t new here, but he was different, there were many negative energy flowing in him that it attracted the souls too, this caused a little commotion in the area, curious, he doesn’t understand himself yet, but he could tell that his presence sparks curiosity in them, yet, disturbing for them
Again, the sudden shock of feeling magnet-like wave attracted him to go down further, the current place isn’t to his attractions yet, there’s more, beneath him, way lower than where he’s already standing, just before he can move forward, he heard a gentle male voice coming outside the crowd of shades
“Please, make way” the other male squeezed in the crowd of souls and make his way to him, he smiled gently and let out a small sigh, “I expected for you to be here, though.. there’s a little business I wanted you to attend” the male spoke, he noticed he had a beautiful long raven hair, his face mark is similar as his and his appearance.. “you look like my creator… but also like me” he spoke quietly, ignoring his earlier request, the male’s eyes expanded slightly “I do? That was the first time someone said that” the male chuckle slightly and held out his hand for the other male “let’s go, we can chat while we walk” he took his hand as the crowd of shades back away and some went back to do their things
A loud sigh echoed through the large chamber, a ruler clenching his fist with his pen in it, many pictures flashing in his head, the presence of the young newborn god, only a step in this realm, his power wave already damaged every creature in this realm, or even lower than the underworld, “Persephone…” the male in the chamber sighed out a name, trembling slightly, his quivering hand reached one of the devices and called someone
“Pardon me, but, do you mind bringing your newborn son back? I’m afraid he wandered off into the wrong place”
“Apologies, Hades, contact Thanatos to get the boy here” and Immediately, the other side hung up on him as if she didn’t want to talk, or in a hurry. Hades sighed again as he tries to maintain his sanity, the waves of negativity that that god is spreading is unbearable, it provoked memories he didn’t want to think about again, he lift his head up tirelessly and looked at the vase of flowers on his working table, many more pictures flash in his mind, the colors of it, texture of the vase, the memory when she gave him that vase and the eternal flower, irritatingly he swept the vase out of his sight, falling from the table and broke apart, millions of shards scattered on the floor, laying burden and meaningless while holding a bitter sweet scent of sorrow in it
“My lord, you called?”
Hades perked up to see Thanatos standing at the chamber entrance. “You seem troubled sir”, The king sighed and lean his head to rest on his fist, his eyes wander on the table as he hesitated to speak anything "Nothing to worry about, there's more important matter for you" Hades said while running his eyes up to look at his servant, Thanatos who put all the pieces together, doesn't need to be told anything, he simply let out an expression to express that he understands what the order is and simply bow and turn around to exit the chamber.
"I'll be holding this meeting in Lucifer's place, we wouldn't wait for him any longer"
Beneath the underworld lies an important figures, sitting together in their divine meeting as they discuss about the same trouble that Hades has been facing currently. One of the figures stood up and rest his hands on the table
"But he isn't in the good state right now, and neither of us too. For the plan, I have a new plan for the war, though I should be discussing this to Lucifer and Big brother first, but it's best for me to leave them for a while" a male with many gold jewelry said with a slight concern in his eyes
"I'm hoping for this meeting to actually be useful, Mammon" the youngest of them said with an unamused expression, crossing his arms and lean back against the chair, the ruler of greediness eyes shift to his younger brother with a furrowed brows but quickly went back to the topic right after
"As i was saying, we have a new plan on the war, and with this current strange situation, it could be very useful in the plan, and i think Lucifer would very love it" Mammon said while his eyes wandered at the table, trying to catch the presence of the new born god so he can elaborate further
"The greeks had a new deity, and that deity is the one causing us to trigger our negative emotions and memories right now, but i figured that if we got that deity, take it and make it one of us, with that amount of power we'll be able to go against them with a lot less struggle"
After Mammon's words, the siblings began thinking and discussing to each other for a moment, most are agreeing with each other
"Just how much we'll achieve after bypassing them" Mammon said with a soft smile, letting himself lost into the dept of his thoughts, after what Mammon said, his twin brother couldn't help but agree with him "true... we can eat as much angel wings as much as we want" but maybe his other siblings doesn't really agree with that
"Beelzebub, what the fuck."
Mammon look at his twin brother with a disturbed expression, not really liking what he said, though, they're already used to this
"Alright, so our current plan is that we'll go up and find that deity to make them our ally, is that clear" Mammon changed his expression back to more serious one, along with his tone, his eyes moving along to look at his brothers, waiting for their response. The sleepy demon who's next to Mammon lean back to his chair lazily, tilting his head to the left to look at his brother who was standing "Belphegor says we'll have to let the deity adapt with that power, if he can't handle nor control his power yet, then we're no different with him" the third person referring himself said with a tired smug, as much as Mammon wanted to argue him since he wanted to learn the deity's power as soon as possible, he knows that Belphegor is no different from what he wanted and what he said was precise, he chose to agree
"what Belph said is true, so I'd say we wait for a few months"
The feminine demon raise his brow at Mammon's word, questioning his suggestion "Few months? wouldn't that be too fast?"
The greed demon think to himself for a moment after the lust demon's question, he wasn't so sure about the time yet, "Then that few months is our minumum time to check that deity, we'll have to plan for a way to watch them on earth, or any other realm" Mammon said with a slight smile, huffing his chest again as he felt like he found a good plan, he wasn't the only one who agrees with himself
"mmm I mussh agree with shyou"
Beelzebub said while feasting on his raw food, disturbing his fellow brothers again with an oblivious eyes, Mammon clenched his teeth in disgust, then the few other brothers nodded their head in agreement, taking Mammon's attention to them
"very well, I'll report this meeting to Lucifer and big brother, our discussion ends for now, you guys can go do whatever you want"
Right after Mammon ended the meeting, the brothers soon take their leave to do other activities to their liking, leaving Mammon to be the last to leave, before he could step out, another figure appears in front of him
"Oh, the meeting's already ended?"
"Yeah, and the audacity for you to show up right after that"
Mammon look at the younger demon with a gut wrenching expression, he was not pleased with the demon's unprofessional behavior, "Oh well, I bet you guys didn't make any improvement without me" the demon shrug his shoulders, smiling and swallowing his own narcissism
"actually we got a plan"
"I bet that plan is going to fail soon"
Mammon scowls are becoming more visible, clenching his teeth as he was close to snapping at the demon at any moment, but he took a deep breath and calm himself down for a second, but before he knew it, the demon had already turned his back to walk away, Mammon took a step forward where the demon's direction headed and raised his voice
"The plan involved the new deity that is causing the commotion right now, it can be our ally or one of us if we convinced it"
Mammon's word stopped the demon who's on his track, making him hesitated for a moment and turn back to the greed demon, before he can open his mouth to say anything, Mammon cut him off with more bribing
"It can grant us freedom after the war, and even more other goals, I think you've already imagined all of it"
The demon eyes expanded slightly, but then he chuckles, causing Mammon to question whether he laughs out of joke or a prideful laugh
"Alright! that sounds amazing, guess you're not that bad after all" last words spoken by the demon before he turn back to his destination and move foward
Mammon grunts, but smiles warmly at the demon once he turn back to the opposite way, walking his way to the exit of the larger chamber, as his mind wanders into deep pit of his thoughts
“I am Thanatos, personification of death, I am your brother and your creator is our mother, which is why we’re similar” the long haired male spoke while leading him to an isolated island from the previous one, the newborn god look at him for a brief moment before his eyes shift away and look around the land, it was a floating island-like landscape, filled with a different kind of plants and a different scenery from the previous land, he remembered that one of the plants where he was standing is similar to the ones back when he was created, the place was as beautiful, but his eyes only filled with curiosity
In the middle of the land, there's a large spiral staircase, leading up to the mystery beyond his knowledge. Thanatos who noticed that the newborn deity drink up the scenery for a while, decided to rest at the staircase, he smiles warmly at his brother's curiosity
"You can always ask me you know"
The newborn deity shift his eyes to his brother, nodding as he walked foward to sit beside his older brother
"What's down there? I feel drawn to the place beneath us"
Thanatos' smile dropped slightly as he looked at his brother with a soft glaze "Just another realm, it's nothing for you to question about, nor a place for you to just jump off into" the younger god's eyes avoided Thanatos' after the last sentence, he turned away in embarrassment
"Curiosity is common among humans, even gods" Thanatos responded after he catch his brother's reaction, reassuring him while let out a small chuckle, the young deity nodded in response, his head tilted slightly downwards to think of a conversation
"Do I have a name?"
Thanatos looked back at him with the same soft smile, humming as an expression of thinking, he wasn't sure if he should name him himself, but he also think that Nyx couldn't careless enough to name him. Thanatos let out a soft sigh, finally answering the curious deity "not yet, but who would you like a name from?" Thanatos responded back with another question, though, he couldn't say that he wasn't hoping for the answer to be him
"you" The young deity answered without hesitation, leaving Thanatos' eyes widened slightly, he paused for a brief moment before letting out a chuckle, "alright, since you're here then, how about Dyavolos?"
"Wouldn't that be too long?"
"I think it's cool"
the younder deity ponder for a second, the name is nice, but he didn't like it, nor he had the ability to do so, he also didn't hate it, it's just okay for him
with a few seconds, he nodded and looked at his brother who was smiling wider after his previous movement "alright, Dyavolos it is then" The young deity said with a slight smile, making Thanatos grin proudly, his gaze shining at his brother, his hand travel up to Dyavolos' head and pat his head dearly, before bringing his hand back and lean backwards to rest his back against the staircase uncomfortably
"Is this the place you wanted to bring me to?" Dyavol asked his brother with the same curious expression, this time his gaze is softer than before
"Oh, right" Thanatos replied as he realized that he had forgotten about his order, chuckling embarrassingly, he got up and positioned himself to move upward on the stairs, waiting for his brother to follow his movements
Dyavol got up briefly after him, looking up at the staircase with curiosity, but he chose to stay silent, Thanatos turn back and began entering a place where it was disconnected from the earth, bonding the path between the Hades and the next land, a familiar one.
Before the young god could blink again, he suddenly appeared in a dark chamber, with only a bit of light, but he was able to see everything clearly, he was reminded from the architecture of the palace, it was similar to the place where he was created, he turn back to look for his brother but was left with a nothingness
He panicked a bit, anxiety strikes silently as Dyavol realized that he was alone, or was he tricked? but Thanatos seems genuinely trustworthy, just when he was about to ponder any further, he heard a voice from the outside of the chamber, curious, he moved foward to the outside hall to see his brother again, he noticed that Thanatos was talking to another person. Dyavol realized that Thanatos was talking to his creator, or their mother to be exact, he noted that Nyx seemed to feel uncomfortable talking to Thanatos even if he tried to appear as harmless as possible, he felt like Nyx didn't hate him but she just hate who she sees in him
The young deity was frightened when both of them began moving towards the chamber that he's staying in currently, panicked, he lean back and sit on one of the couch, pretending that he was just sitting and waiting for them. Not so long after, both primodial deities enter the chamber, glancing at the young deity softly, but the other glaze is off to somewhere else, before running it back to Dyavol who was sitting with a silent anxiety
he can feel it
he can feel the negative energy from them
guilt and dejection
but he can only identify two, as there are too much more for him to grasp his hand to, he tries to ignore all the sentiments that are spurring in their minds, because of his core that can absorb the negative vehemence around him, it's hard for him to control it due to how overwhelming the moment is
Thanatos took notice and quickly went to the point so he could get this done and not letting his brother ache any further, putting up a smile to reassure Dyavol and spoke up "I'll get straight to the point, what makes you feel like this right now is because of your core. Currently you have two cores, cosmos core and power core, your cosmos core allows you to feel every negative emotions of every creature on earth, and transfer them into the power core, your own negative emotions can also be transferred into the power core as well" Thanatos describes as he point his hand towards Dyavol's exposed core on his chest, frowning, he brings his hand back behind his back and lean back to stand beside Nyx. The mother move foward to converse with the younger god
"your flaws are your emotion sensitivity, it'll be more intense than others" The goddess spoke with a stoic expression, finishing Thanatos' sentence, her hand brought up to his power core, forcing upon it as the large amount of energy flow around it, as it slowly ascended out from his chest and rest upon her bare hand, Nyx exhaled and backed away, she turned around to step foward out of the chamber and only left the two a small glimpse of her glance
Panicked, Dyavol felt the sudden bare feeling of energy, the overall feeling was indescribable for him, but because of the sudden loss of the core, his body felt weakened. His eyelids became heavy as he had a hard time maintaining his balance
before he could bring his hand up to brace the empty space of core, his body fell foward slowly, his eyes shutting completely as his vision turned black, allowing him to dive deep into the lack of real world and physical reality, the only last thing he saw was Thanatos who quickly dashed foward and crouch slightly to expand his arms and capturing the unconscious young deity into his warm embrace. The older deity sighed and sink into the silent moment, glancing at his brother from the side with a frown.
He'll take care of him as best as he can even if the fate is restraining him to do so, it's only an elder brother's duty to do.
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chifuyudck · 9 months
the brothers being caught jerking off content is sooo good, would you be down for writing a reverse where MC gets caught jerking off thinking of the brothers? (and the dateables!)
the brothers + dateables (minus luke) reaction to walking in on MC touching themself.
the brothers + dateables x gn!reader
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summary: caption guys.
warnings: embarrassment, masturbating, stuttering, cocks, eating out, fingering.
a/n: guys school started so i didn't really write a lot and my laptop crashed a few mins ago while i was almost done with writing and it didn't autosave, i'm so thankful for all the love on my other posts. i tried to keep this as genderneutral as possible. requests are still open!! --------------------------------- LUCIFER
he knocks on your bedroom door but doesn't give you enough time to fix your pants.
you stare at each other for a bit until he clears his throat and looks away so you can fasten your pants again.
while waiting for you to fix yourself a tent is forming in his pants, thinking back on the way you laid splayed out, hair stuck on your forehead, cheeks rosy colored, making his clothed cock twitch.
might as well call you to his office later to talk about it, maybe add some physical touch too, since his cock won't stop bulging in his pants at just the thought of you.
knocking? what's that?
when he catches you in the act, hand still on your private part, he needs some time to realise what just happened.
shakes his head in disbelief, thought you were a saint who would never do this, will not stop thinking about it when he's alone in his room.
secretly hopes you're busy with yourself again, every time he enters your room, so he can ask if he can join you, since he regrets he didn't ask it the first time.
doesn't knock either, and just storms into your room.
he doesn't even realize what you were doing until he sees how red your face is, the way your eyes are glossy from embarrassment, your pants still open, and your intimate part still visible.
literally just runs away and stays in his room the whole day, doesn't go to dinner either, just because he's embarrassed to see you.
all that time alone with his own thoughts about you has his dick going hard, he might as well be fisting his cock the whole day while thinking about you, alone in his room.
normally does knock, but of course, the one time he doesn't, this happens.
''oh... how unfortunate.'' 🧍‍♂️, he says that while he knows he loves it, sees how embarrassed you are so he just leaves you alone.
when he tries to read his books, he catches himself re-reading the same sentence four times now. he just can't stop thinking about you.
will definitely make remarks, and tease you but more in an indirect way, so it stays between you two.
of course he won't knock, why would he? what do you have to hide from him anyways?
''you were doing this, without me?'' he pouts as he comes closer, closing the door behind him.
if you allow him, he'll show you how good he is with his hands, fingers softly stroking and teasing.
if you don't he'll just watch you masturbate, since you look so cute when you do so.
ended up in your room after following the amazing scent he had been smelling.
is a bit shocked when he realizes where it's coming from.
''can i try it out?'' he asks you with puppy eyes, he was so excited to feel it in his mouth after he's been so eager to find this scent of your arousal.
is unsurprisingly good with his mouth, tongue lapping around, swirling, sucking and he won't stop. it's like endless plates of food for him, it isn't until you have to beg him to stop, that he stops.
suddenly he's wide awake when he sees what's going on.
loves the view, stands with arms crossed in the doorstep as he licks his lips, tells you to keep going, no matter how embarrassed you are, and doesn't even understand what you're so embarrassed of since you look so damn good.
his pants start pressing up against his crotch, so he'll have to release his hard cock now.
whenever mammon brags about how he's your first man, he'll definitely ask him if he ever saw your private part too, now he has something to be first in with you too.
stands there for a bit, not sure of what he's supposed to do.
when he sees how embarrassed you are he leaves.
but comes back in your room fully naked, now you won't have to feel embarrassed anymore, right?
wrong. you feel even more embarrassed, this will now forever remain as a core memory.
knocks, definitely knocks.
the way your appearance looks messier than usual doesn't go unnoticed by him, and he quickly connects the dots and realizes what you've been doing.
he smiles softly, happy that you're feeling comfortable enough to do so.
will add a light aphrodisiac in your tea, so you can continue where you started off when he leaves.
''oh, mc! i'm so sorry!'' he says as sweat buds appear on his forehead, he's in so much distress and embarrassed about what happened.
after you calmed him down and told him it's alright he still doesn't leave. ''you can continue, i don't want to be a burden.''
you awkwardly continue masturbating after he's been so eager for you to do so.
will chant your name and cheer you on when you climax.
there's no way you didn't do this on purpose. that's what he thinks even though he is the one that walked in on you.
he tells you how cute you look when you masturbate, and doesn't even care that you're super embarrassed.
a bulge starts forming in his pants and he swiftly releases his cock with a soft groan.
''mc, wanna help each other out here?'' he asks with a big grin.
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devildom-moss · 5 months
Words to break their hearts
Have some headcanons about what MC could say that would break the characters' (minus Luke's) heart.
"I trusted you more than anyone. I guess that just made it easier for you to let me down."
"I loved you so much, but after everything, it doesn’t feel worth it."
"I tried so hard to love you, but you kept fighting me back every time. I wanted to fight for you – not against you."
"I don’t understand you. You keep trying to be perfect and proper. I don’t even recognize you, and I can’t keep trying to unmask you."
"You’re so beautiful that you blind anyone who tries to look at you. I saw you, and I don’t want to look anymore. It hurts."
"You’ll consume anything to feel better, won’t you? One day, I won’t be able to stop you, so I’d rather get out of the way now."
"It’s draining to be around you, and I don’t have anything left to give."
"I believe in you, and I know you’ll succeed one day. I just can’t stand by your side while you do it. I don’t want to bear witness."
"You tried. I know you did, but I feel like I’ve wasted so much time waiting around for you. I wish I was more patient, but I’m not."
"Why do you think sacrificing yourself will make everything work out? This isn’t one of your books. You can’t make it all okay because it’s a better story."
"I know you weigh the lives of your loved ones with the human world, and I know that you use the fact that I’m human to rationalize with yourself that no matter who you save, I’d be a part of it. It’s not true. It’s possible you won’t choose me, just like it’s possible I won’t choose you."
"When my flame starts to go out, let it. When my soul starts to disappear, let it. I don’t want you to keep it."
"I was so worried I would corrupt you this whole time. I never expected you would ruin me. I’ll always see you as an angel of destruction. That’s all you know how to do."
"I’m sorry. I knew how you felt, and I still loved you more than anyone. I wanted to understand you, but not like this."
Fluff version:
(Words to melt their hearts)
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pinkaditty · 17 days
Random HCs About Obey Me! Dateables (minus Newspaper Club)
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a/n: hello my lovelies! me again! im writing as much as i can 2 re-accommodate myself 2 posting and such. lack of motivation and executive dysfunction have really been hitting hard lately, so id appreciate lots of love on my recent works! i need a good boost i think. wah anyway, im working on your requests! im working on multiple at once which is why its taking so long. ill be pumping out three at once, with any luck! please cheer me on raaaaaahhh!!!!
summary: a little blurb about some hcs i have for the demons, humans, and angels of Obey Me! minus Luke and the Newspaper Club. I promise 2 make more content of them later though! most of these hcs are anatomy and personality based.
cw: nsfw (MINORS DNI), suggestive, mentions of monsterfucking, seduction, monster traits (slit pupils, scales, feathers, wings, pointed ears, fangs, etc), as well as detailed descriptions of odd bodily morphisms. its probably not as bad as i have listed here but viewer discretion is advised regardless. NOT PROOFREAD! there will probably be lots of typos :(
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IMPORTANT INFO BEFORE WE BEGIN that I hc that the brothers and other demons all have different demon forms. Like, they have their mostly human forms (Form 1), but then they have their in-game demon forms (Form 2), and then on top of that, they have a second, less humanoid, more monsterish demon form (Form 3), and then past that, they have a full monster demon form (Form 4, monsterfuckers unite!!!1!). ill get into those hcs later. side note that i also believe the demon dateables have heat cycles and will make a separate post detailing that.
General overview (a more thorough one will be created later):
Form 1: Human form that the demon dateables have in-game. Some monster traits are still there, such as unusually large teeth and fangs, pointed ears, and odd morphisms (strangely shaped pupils, strangely shaped tongue, strangely colored flesh, retractable claws and teeth, etc).
Form 2: Humanoid demon form that the demon dateables have in-game. More monster traits are revealed, such as scales, horns, tails, fins, wings, and any other traits, including more exaggerated traits that are suppressed in their humanoid form (longer and pointier ears, more obvious slit pupils, sharp fangs and retractable teeth and claws no longer repressed, etc).
Form 3: Monster-like demon form, but still vaguely humanoid. Whatever demon features they have are extremely exaggerated instead of repressed, and scales, feathers, or any other features they have become more prominent, widespread, and obvious. 
Form 4: Full on Monster demon. They become the animals they represent. For example, Leviathan literally BECOMES the monster leviathan, the impossibly large sea serpent. Asmodeus would become a manticore, Beelzebub would be a fly-bull hybrid, Belphegor is a cow minotaur but more monsterish, if that makes sense. etc etc im sure you have got it figured out. 
Anyways, lets get into it!
Demon Brothers:
His feathers r constantly shedding. like. constantly. when he transforms into his demon form it's just a burst of feathers. 
when he's in his humanoid demon form (Form 2) he'll have wings behind his ears. they're small and heavy. 
Surprisingly doesn't mind when MC preens his feathers or horns and genuinely enjoys it. He purrs at the feeling. will not encourage you to do it though.
achy back because his wings, while smaller, became heavier. sits down a lot and relaxes his back muscles often. will never have incorrect posture bc of this.
has a tail but it's like. just feathers. he's slightly embarrassed about it because it sticks straight out and he cannot manipulate it whatsoever.
Has small feathery spots on his body when he's in humanoid demon form (Form 2). Like, the center of his chest, back of his neck, cheekbones, and his ankles all grow feathers when he transforms.
only wears reading glasses. his eyesight actually isn't that bad, it just helps him see things clearer. 
hates it when his room smells like him like he just can't stand it. on occasion his brothers will come in and just randomly spend time in there when he's not working. the smell of family helps him relax.
actually enjoys the nickname Lucy but won't admit that. 
is genuinely a good cook just doesn't do it often because of all the work he has to do.
bleeds a deep blue with a thin red sheen. black gums and oral flesh. not due to health issues they're just like that; the fall physically altered their bodies in more ways than one. also has retractable fangs but they're non-existent when retracted. his mouth is just incisors literally. 
long, flat tongue. pointed and sharp at the end. 
hates the color green. nothing wrong with anyone wearing it but he cannot stand the color anywhere in his room or on him. 
has partial tritanopia. it mostly affects his red/purple vision. can see most colors pretty okay, though. especially green and god he hates it. 
ok please hear me out: he's got bad eyesight. you will never catch him without contacts or glasses because he will not be caught lacking ever again. 
has pointed ears. very sharp and long. 
he actually does have a tail, but not in the humanoid demon form (Form 2). when he gets to the next stage, a more humanoid monsterish demon (Form 3), his tail sprouts from his lower back. not very long, but very sharp, scaly, and has spines on the back.
has and will use his horns as corkscrews. easy solution! 
has retractable claws in his hands and feet
flaps his wings indignantly to get attention, especially around MC or to overpower overlapping voices. something about them commands attention and he's proud of it.
bleeds gold and has a black tongue like Lucifer, but golden oral flesh. can't explain it i just feel it in my soul. 
his blood is naturally corrosive. will literally burn not only your skin, but the skin of his brothers as well. can dissolve metals in seconds. do not let him bleed around you. 
has generally sharp teeth, his canines being longer and sharper. teeth have a nice golden sheen to them. the first time you saw his teeth u were convinced he was wearing grills cuz???? 
thick black forked tongue but fork is not very prominent. presents more like a split tongue than a fork. 
his tongue is also super abrasive. has tiny keratin projections like a cat's tongue. won't really hurt if he licks you but it's a weird sensation. 
can't hear well above ground and needs a greater water pressure to hear better. he's a deep sea demon so it's a little obvious.
responds better to light than color and actually also can't differentiate between colors very well. deep sea thing, it's the light that matters more than the color of it. he can still see color, just that physically speaking, flipping his lights on and off will get his attention quicker than holding a paper in front of his face.
since he's a deep sea demon, and there's lots of pressure in the deep sea, his body expands when he's above sea level, hence: he is slightly chubby (round face, protruding pudgy tummy, you can't exactly tell because he always dresses baggy). argue with the wall. 
pupils are more slit-like. still rounded in humanoid form (Form 1) but definitely slit-like. become fully slits when he's in his humanoid demon form (Form 2). 
has two sets of eyelids; 2nd set is clear and behind his normal eyelids. they close horizontally and are used to protect his eyes in saltwater and allow him to see. 
has gills (located on neck and sides of his torso) and therefore has a greater lung capacity than any of his brothers. his gills are also sensitive and somewhat erogenous. ask before you touch them please or else he'll jump out of his skin.
neck is very long. is actually the second tallest of the brothers, you just can't tell because of how much he slouches. 
has fins behind his ears, on his forearms, and on his calves and ankles. they are large, shimmery, and a blue-purple color. not super sensitive but be gentle when you touch them bc they're privy to tear. 
can flap his fins and does this when he's excited.
has scales all over his body in humanoid demon form (Form 2), randomly placed in thick groups (shoulder blades, cheeks, neck, hips). they are small, smooth, shimmery, and midnight blue.
will often swim around in his aquarium. is on good terms with every creature he has in there and is always bringing a new one. 
he constantly looks wet because his scales and fins are so shimmery but he's not wet he's just shiny. 
tail is actually very thin and brittle at the end. will grow back if it breaks off but he's not fond of that happening. it's much stronger and heavier at the base. he can crush a human femur with that.
pointed ears like Mammon, even in his humanoid form (Form 1). 
bleeds orange, has lavender gums and oral flesh. seven rows of fangs, and the lesser four are retractable. also has the longest fangs of his brothers. 
forked tongue forked tongue!! it's very very long and thin and deep blue. his taste buds are scattered among the inside of his mouth rather than on his tongue. 
it's also abrasive, like Mammon's, but his tongue will actually hurt. like, actually, unless it's the underside. 
can't remember where I saw this but someone said his feather boa is a collection of Lucifer's feathers and I wholeheartedly agree. that's exactly what they are. he does this out of spite. 
his hands are abnormally large, on par with Beel's size. all the better to destroy with!
i know what the website says but they're taller in my hcs anyway. and I headcanon that he's the shortest. he's the smallest. by like, one inch shorter than Asmo (who i hc to be abt 6'2-5, so Satan is just under that range). it's so unfortunate BUT he grows into the second tallest when he transforms into his full demon form :] (Form 4)
can hear and see very well. has one of the most heightened senses of the brothers.
also has slit-like pupils like Levi.
has retractable claws in both his hands and feet. 
has two thick, protruding black ridges on his back leading to his tail. they are scaly and of the same material as his horns. they present more like a heavily ridged spine in his humanoid form (Form 1), but they become more obvious in his humanoid demon form (Form 2).
loves to stare at cats at midnight because his eyes are the same shape as theirs at that time. will often sneak out to find a cat and simply stare.
his tail is scaly, but not like Levi's. the scales are much bigger and thicker, like uneven chunks of metal. 
the end of it is pointed
his tail isn't really sensitive, but it is ticklish if you can get to the skin underneath the scales.
has small gauges. can't explain it, these are the only piercings he has. 
bleeds a bright, sickly green. has forest green gums and oral flesh. Teeth are normal but his canines are heavily pronounced, longer and sharper than the surrounding teeth. his molars are also abnormally sharp, the edges pointed and elongated. 
tongue is forked like Mammon's in that it presents more like a split tongue. his is barely there. also, has teeth on his tongue. small fangs along the sides of it. it's a sickly green. Mammon hates watching Satan talk. 
His pupils are horizontal bars, like that of a goat. surprisingly unnoticeable unless you stare.
has never gotten a single blemish on his skin ever but that doesn't stop him from using skincare products anyway!
naturally smells like roses, but around humans, he smells like their deepest desires.
his wings are not very strong. he can't fly for very long or very high either.
he has a birthmark the shape of a lipstick kiss mark on his left hip. he's so proud of it and will show it off unprovoked.
has very light, almost unnoticeable freckles. doesn't like to cover them up because when he goes full manticore demon form (Form 3 and 4), his whiskers show up in the same area. it's uncomfortable.
his ears are pointed slightly. not as much as Mammon's, but still pointed.
very frail. not necessarily a bad thing, just surprising. his health could shatter instantaneously. while he may not die from something, he could be bedridden for a while. 
bleeds a glittery pink and his blood is a natural aphrodisiac. gums and oral flesh appear normal but are actually an unsettlingly bright pink color. has fangs, most of his teeth are slightly pointed. they're the sharpest fangs of the brothers. 
forked tongue except it's in three segments. they're all shaped like normal tongues but abnormally long and the middle one is the longest. bright pink and slightly abrasive. also pretty thick. has some of his taste buds on his bottom jaw.
also has horizontal bars for pupils. also strangely unnoticeable unless you stare. 
the largest, tallest, and bulkiest of his brothers, but weighs slightly less than Mammon and Lucifer because their wings are particularly heavy. 
you never have to worry about him choking because he won’t. it always goes down the right pipe i promise.
is a great cook! can never finish though. the ingredients are gone before he’s finished. hes the type to make cookie dough and then eat the dough. never making the cookies. it’s not his fault though he’s just super hungry.
MC and Belphie work together to provide Beel with a secret stash of food so that he doesn’t always clear out the fridge. it’s a win-win.
wings are very lightweight, as are his horns. he never beats his wings because he sounds like a giant fly when he does and it has disturbed more than enough people at this point. will buzz them when eating particularly good food. he can’t help that. 
has antennae along with his horns. long, thin, and black. almost invisible if you don’t pay attention. 
can communicate with flies and other small insects but doesn’t bother to do so very often. will tell them to stay away from MC if MC doesn’t like bugs. 
bleeds red, but an odd oversaturated and bright red. gums and oral flesh are the same color, but his tongue is black. not forked, but very flat and long, allowing for more room for food in his mouth and down his throat. 
all of his teeth are fangs except for his molars for grinding. his molars, however, have elongated sharp edges like Satan’s. teeth are stained red at the roots so it appears that his teeth are bloody. they’re not, they’re just like that. 
when starving, his saliva and blood are extremely, extremely acidic. will dissolve skin in seconds. when just typically hungry, it's about as acidic as gastric acid. 
can switch back and forth between normal vision and negative light vision. usually sees in negative because his eyes are too tired and everything is constantly bright :(
also has horizontal bar pupils like Beel and Asmo. 
eyes droop downwards and have a hypnotizing look to them (both Beel and Asmo have this as well). the three younger brothers are particularly good at human seduction because of this trait.
is the youngest and therefore has the youngest brother attitude. iykyk. 
is probably more of a troublemaker than Mammon is. Mammon may be in financial debt but Belphie is in moral debt. Will embarrass all of his brothers (except Beel sometimes) and think nothing of it. doesn’t always get away with stuff though. what goes around comes around…!
would not be as close with Satan as he is canonically if they didn’t have hating Lucifer in common. but because they do have that in common, they’ve found other things to like about each other. Satan will keep quiet reading in the library if Belphie is napping there and in turn Belphie will spare Satan from the next round of exposing his brothers. win-win.
he resembles a satyr in his humanoid demon form (Form 2). his lower half is covered with spotted cow fur and his feet become hooves. 
tail is a mix of scales and fur. the scales are closer to the root of his tail, on his body, and eventually becomes more fur as it reaches the tip.
when angry or upset, will whip his tail around and crack it on the nearest hard surface (floor, table, wall, etc) multiple times. it sounds like a whip and is very startlingly loud. 
gets angry a lot. is also surprisingly very very expressive. 
has vitiligo and his spots are where the fur in his full demon form are lighter colors. 
has retractable claws but doesn't often use them.
bleeds purple with a red sheen. gums and oral flesh are black, but his tongue is purple.
has fangs, but they're probably the least prominent of his brothers. closest to normal human canines. however, he has the second strongest bite force of the brothers (first strongest is beel, third is satan). 
Dateable Side Characs:
naturally high body temperature. constantly warm. how does he not sweat so much? we'll never know.
his horns at the base are very sensitive. like, extremely. he'll jump 10 feet if your fingers brush against them.
his laugh is naturally extra like that. he doesn't mean to be extra it's just like that.
secretly really wants to make a pact with MC but obviously can't, for multiple reasons. feels left out :/
his yawns are almost as animated and ridiculous as his laugh is. he's so silly.
totally a morning person. ask him to stay up late and he will conk out immediately.
very fond of and fascinated with humans and is enamored every time he talks to MC or Solomon. never lets it show. Barbatos knows, though.
is only one more inch taller than Beel. 
ik it's canon that none of the brothers are as strong as Dia but I like to hc that he'd have a hard time fighting any of them, Beel especially. if both of them were lucid and fully aware, Dia would eventually come out on top, but not without a grueling struggle.
his bodily fluids are as hot as magma. didn't even notice because of how warm he is until MC got burned from eating off the same spoon as him.
bleeds a brighter gold than Mammon. gums and oral flesh are also gold, but his tongue is black and forked similar to Mammon's.
huge fangs. they stick out of his lips sometimes.
his eyes aren't like the younger three demon brothers, but they can be very hypnotizing. he can't turn it on or off, so everyone usually ends up relenting to him because of it. except Barbatos and Thirteen, they are the only two immune to it. 
in contrast to Dia this guy is constantly freezing. like touch his hands or neck and you'll feel like you've got frostbite. 
it's physically impossible for him to offer body warmth so just accept his tea instead
is a total tea enthusiast. even he doesn't know why. he just loves finding new teas to make.
similarly enamored with humans, but particularly with MC. less so with Solomon because he’s just not like other humans.
his power is definitely on par with Dia’s, if not more. this is why he was absolutely a necessary ally to Dia. Barbatos would be far worse as a neutral party or enemy.
there isn’t much he isn’t good at except board games. for whatever reason, if it’s not chess, he just can’t get the hang of it. even monopoly confuses him but he always somehow ends up owning the boardwalk. dumb luck or his sin? we may never know.
has gills like Levi along his neck and sides. his are much larger, however, and grow into patterned grooves on his back.
he has long hair. i know it's short in canon but in my heart? his hair is longer, like down to his mid-back. all of his hair is like a gradient, except it's slanted, if that makes sense. more hair will be teal on his left than on his right, and the gradient continues at an angle.
haaaaates taking off his gloves unless it's to touch people he loves. for example, he'll slip them off to pat Luke on the head or squeeze Dia's shoulder or to hug MC. 
his hands are perfect, btw. inexplicably perfect. something about the bone structure in his hands is just so alluring.
his tail is cold and constantly slimy. not unhygienic, just slimy. also very strong. he can lift and hold heavy things pretty well with it.
hates rats AND mice. both are committers of unforgivable crimes to him. but he's a bit of a scaredy cat. will yelp and hide behind the closest person (except Luke and most of the demon brothers) if a rat or mouse appears suddenly. 
bleeds a shimmery paris green. gums and oral flesh are the same color. his teeth are a blinding white, though. hard to look at.
tongue is similar to his tail in appearance and shape, except segmented into three like Asmodeus’s tongue. it's also freezing cold.
yk how i said asmodeus has the sharpest fangs of the brothers? well this guy has the sharpest fangs period. literally. his tongue and oral flesh is a bit thick to prevent his teeth from constantly cutting the inside of his mouth.
hair is really coily. idc what his hair looks like canonically. it's coily to me. also naturally soft and perfect like he has effortlessly perfect coils. 
lips are pretty thick, probably has the thickest lips of all characters. suuuuper kissable. two-toned. 
he is naturally constantly the perfect amount of warm. cuddles and hugs and small touches from him are always perfect because he's always the right temperature.
has the toothiest, goofiest grins ever. he doesn't grin often though. usually he just smiles.
is surprisingly super petty and will not let shit slide. will not. don't try it bc he's not the one. 
he KNOWS his outfit is a little revealing. he KNOWS when you're looking. and no, he won't stop you nor is he ashamed of it, but he will chide you if you go too far. 
will always be bad with technology and will always beat Barbatos in board games. except chess.
began writing TSL as an outlet for his wrath. it was therapeutic and worked to dissolve his wrath, but he does continue to struggle with it.
is actually super clever and knowing. on par with Barbatos and Solomon in terms of sheer knowledge. it just isn't readily apparent about him.
isn't exactly fond of stormy weather because his outfits include elaborate capes and he hates it when they get caught up in the wind and no longer appear elegant
dresses like a fall christian girl when it's cold out. sweaters and skinny jeans galore.
has normal oral flesh and gums, the only difference is that unlike other angels, Simeon has unusually sharp and long canines. 
normal tongue too, nothing to worry about.
he knows how to cook. he just loves how doing it incorrectly always manages to piss people off. he gets a good kick out of it.
has been alive for a very long time but still can't read analog clocks right, especially ones without numbers.
will occasionally disguise himself as a college student and attend classes to keep himself up to date with what is being taught. usually erases memories of students and teachers once he's done attending.
he knows he's immortal but he likes to live like he can die via regular things that could kill a human.
isn’t exactly an asshole, is just somehow an expert at pissing everyone off. he’s genuinely likeable, he’s just never gotten enough of how funny it is to piss people off. 
is still human but hanging around demons and angels has changed him in odd ways. for example, he’ll have an oddly strong sense of virtue, but at the same time value corruption.
obviously is on the side of humans, no matter what happens. its why he’s so attached to MC despite MC being very close with the brothers. secretly, he wants MC to choose him, too. 
normal human anatomy unfortunately. 
pays for his immortality in purity. it is why Thirteen mentioned his flame still sparkles, but it’s different. his soul becomes less pure and more corrupted the longer he lives on. ultimately this has no effect on his health, but it simply states that there’s really only one option for his afterlife. 
totally normal human anatomy. is surprisingly really healthy and doesn’t often get sick. 
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a/n: wellllll that's all for now yippee!!!!!!!!! i hope you all enjoyed my little hcs. ive had this in the drafts for, like... a very long time, but just never got around 2 posting it, so i hope you all enjoy this. please leave a like, comment, and a reblog if you liked this post! i love 2 know that you all enjoy my works! also, if u have hcs about the demon dateables that you'd like to share, PLEASE TELL ME!!! i love sharing and discussing hcs, especially anatomy ones! its so much fun!!!
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tasteforambrosia · 23 days
Ranking who in the gang you should leave your drink with at the club.
This is not an opinion, this is a fact :)
12. Luke obviously because he ain't getting in that bar in the first place. Baby is watching Looney Toons while MC getting wasted.
11. Solomon, he wouldn't let anyone tamper with it. HE'D tamper with it. Not out of malice, but to spice it up, and now you're dead. Remember to be careful of Solomon at bars.
9. Mammon. He is absolutely protective of MC, but let's be honest, if he was offered a good sum, he'd definitely consider it. Though he'd probably not give the drink to you BUT STILL WASTED LIQUOR.
8. Asmodeus. While he might be the demon with the most club experience, that man would get swept away by his fans in a second.
7. Our favourite teddybear, Beelzebub. Once again, he wouldn't EVER give it to someone else, but he would drink it himself. HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO SAY ALCOHOL AIN'T CHEAP.
And now we get to the somewhat good choices.
6. Satan would definitely be reliable, but I do think he would get caught up with networking, but at least he doesn't drink it :')
5. Poor Levi, he'd be absolutely terrified at the club, like absolutely overstimulated and at the corner. He'd definitely keep the drink safe, he'd probably leave if anyone even tried to approach him.
4. Simeon, even though he's kind, he's not oblivious. He would keep the drink safe but minus points because I could see him commenting about the amount of drinks consumed during that night.
3. Lucifer, my man. No one would even DARE try to spike a drink when he's holding it, at least if they like having their head on their shoulders. But minus points for either - drinking it, because we all know this single father has alcohol issues. OR if Diavolo is with him, he'd pull a Simeon and scold MC about drinking responsibly (Like a traitor.)
2. Barbatos could see into the future to alert the authorities if there were any scumbags around, and unlike Lucifer or Simeon, I'd see him holding his tongue on commenting about drinking at a club.
Diavolo supremacy. Even if he was careless, he has Barbatos AND Lucifer making sure things go smoothly. BUT EVEN WITHOUT IT HE WOULD BE SUPER DETERMINED TO KEEP THE DRINK SAFE AND HE WOULDN'T CHASTISE MC OVER IT. Truly a dream man.
I want to hear your thoughts! And also remember to keep your drinks safe!
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solomonhater · 3 months
Obey me romance trope
Okay so here are tropes I would give the OM Playable characters (minus Luke) feel free to put any input. I struggled with Diavolo so much 💀 also wanted to give Solomon the “Right person, wrong timing trope” but was struggling with Barbie…..
• Lucifer - Last love
• Mammon - First love
• Levi - Online dating
• Satan - Academic Rivals
• Asmo - Fake relationship
• Beel - Boy next door
• Belphegor - Enemies to Lovers
• Dia - Sunshine x Grumpy
• Barbatos - Right person, wrong timing
• Simeon - Forbidden Romance
• Solomon - Love at first sight
For some I will give more context on why I feel like this trope fit them with MC a lot and give them more tropes to make it more complete.
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vylithscat · 1 year
their colognes and smells - obey me! hcs
prompt: you’ve spent your time around demons, angels and even a human sorcerer so often that you've begun picking up the smells that signal they're nearby. genre: general, slight fluff, you/your pronouns pairings: bros, dateables (minus luke) & sides word count: 1.5k
Lucifer doesn’t pile on his cologne, he prefers a lighter one with faint traces of citrus and cedarwood. As long as the scent will get you clinging to his side and commenting on it, he’ll try it once. His chest puffs out slightly each time you do, a smile tugging on his lips as he mumbles a thank you. When he isn’t going out, and your face is buried into the crook of his neck as he works, you can pick up traces of the ink he uses and a faint hint of rose and lilac. It’s almost dizzying how well everything gently mixes together, and it helps you drift to sleep in his lap before he carries you to his bed.
Mammon’s cologne is the heaviest of anyone around you. You can tell when he’s approaching, and when he’s found his way next to you. He often prefers smells that are pleasing to you; warm and an after scent of spices like nutmeg and cinnamon. It compliments him well and doesn’t hurt your nostrils. Despite how much he piles on, when it finally begins to dwindle and you stuff your face into his hair, you can smell Grimm. It’s subtle, carefully acknowledging how much of his time is spent around the currency. The metal doesn’t burn, and the paper smell of it is all the more subtle, but you can still smell what he’s around the most, besides you.
Leviathan never really wears cologne. He finds it stupid and a waste of his time, adding some random scent to yourself. If you like it, he won’t care, but he’ll snip a comment about his brother’s cologne from time to time, especially if they pile it on and burn his nose. Since he doesn’t wear any, the only thing you can smell when you’re laying with him is shampoo. A gentle mix of hibiscus and mint greets your nose when you rest your head near the demon, the scent grows a slight bit stronger if you mess with his hair and his chirp of embarrassment sends a smile across your face.
Satan doesn’t care much about cologne and sticks to the same one if he likes its fragrance. The only time he’ll try something new is if you hum over a different bottle’s scent. It’s applied sparingly but you can tell when he’s around. He often prefers earthy, woody scents that carefully compliment each other. When it’s faint and the two of you are together, carefully wrapped up in blankets, you can smell his books and their papers gently wafting off of him. It was like waves, carefully cascading over you and helping you feel at peace as you nuzzled deeper into the blankets, stirring the demon next to you with a soft groan.
Asmodeus prefers perfume over the smell of cologne. The smell is more intense and concentrated, and has more pleasing scents to him. He prefers the floral scents, as they’re more common, but won’t hesitate to try something new or even lend you one if your interest is piqued. When he isn’t wearing anything, which is rather rare, he smells like a freshly run bath, the smell of eucalyptus relaxing your body as if you stepped into a spa. A faint trace of rose petals will often compliment it, the smells mixing together perfectly to help lure you to sleep.
Beelzebub rarely ever puts on cologne. He doesn’t mind it, but it’s not his thing in the slightest, but he doesn’t need it. When you’re walking, you can tell when he's soon to follow. A light trace of meats follows him anywhere. Anything he eats will often be picked up by him, and it will all carefully compliment each other throughout the day until he ends up falling asleep. Even as he sleeps, a new day of foods and sweets follows him, mixing to make the most delicious smelling meal you could think of.
Belphegor doesn’t wear cologne. Doesn’t care for it, never has. However, he doesn’t need to care about adding a scent onto him, as he always smells like fresh linen, a gentle trace of freshly cut grass and morning dew following. The smell is the strongest at his waist and hair, and if you were to bury your face in to pick up more of it, you would hear a soft giggle escape the demon’s lips before he tried to hold onto you. The smell helps you feel at ease and will make you sleepy, even more so if he curls himself around you.
Diavolo wears a lot of cologne, it overpowers those around him but its scent is lovely. It’s the scent of amberwood, carefully brushing against you when he comes up to greet you. When it finally dims, and the scent is faint, you can smell a mix of ink, tea and demonus. On some days, the ink and tea is stronger, and freshly out of a party, all you can smell is demonus. When all together, they come at you in waves, none too strong, but not too subtle. You know he was hard at work when ink hits you first, the scent stronger than anything else.
Barbatos wears colognes that are heavy but refreshing when he passes by. He prefers those that smell like citrus and fruit, his favorite is a careful blend of apple, lemon and plum with a gentle amount of floral following it. When it becomes faint, it compliments the teas he owns that he picks as he goes about his day. The occasional day where he’s in the kitchen, cooking his heart out, his cologne manages to mix together perfectly with his food, especially those of the sweeter kind. When you’re able to huddle close to him, every scent will fill your mind and make you forget what you were doing for a second, until he coaxes you to a seat to serve you, even for a brief moment.
Simeon wears his cologne very sparingly. His preferred type smells the most like sage and rosewood, and it compliments the smell of bread that often follows him. Considering where he lives, it’s not much of a surprise he smells like food. Although bread is the strongest, focusing in and nuzzling your face into his side brings out the sweeter, gentler scents. He may smell like a freshly baked pie or a cupcake depending on the day, but they all manage to mix together into the perfect combination.
Solomon has been through a dozen different colognes throughout his life, and he’s managed to settle on one that’s gentle on those around him. Its strongest scents are cucumber and camelia, carefully mixing together to compliment each other. When it dims and you’re curled up studying with him, he smells like a different mix of woods, almost like you had stepped into a forest. In the morning, if you stayed with him overnight, you can often smell coffee and caramel wafting off him. The woods are still there, making you bury your face into his shoulder to mix everything together into the perfect cabin getaway.
Raphael’s cologne is another of the lighter scents. He doesn’t pile it on, which makes it hard to pick up the amber and citrus from him, but if you’re able to get close enough, it’ll all mix together nicely. Coming by to visit him at night will greet you with a gentle lavender scent, if he’s freshly out of the shower, it’s even stronger. Messing with his hair will have you hum as it rolls off a little stronger than before. He often gently grumbles and glances at you, asking if you’d like to see what he uses. Aside from his hair, it’s subtle on his shoulders and back, making it a little easier to catch the scent.
Thirteen has never worn perfume or cologne, she finds putting it on a little stupid. The only way to convince her is during some big event, and even then, she may not agree. In general, she smells like a field of grass and flowers, almost like she had just walked through one. When you first met her though, she smelled like nothing. A faint trace of iron and sulfur floating around her, but not overpowering any earthy or rock smells from her cave. She’s always a dice roll on what she could smell like, day after day, you’re greeted with something new, but you always smell a subtle amount of grass when near her.
Mephistopheles wears a heavy amount of cologne that it burns ever so slightly. His favorite smells strongly of oakmoss, cedarwood and musk, and it overpowers other smells around you when it’s fresh in the morning. As the day goes on, and his cologne is barely clinging on, when you get closer to him a trace of demonus brushes your nose and sends you looking back at him. He may snap at you when you stare for too long, but the prideful look on his face when you compliment his cologne sends a smile to your lips. The strongest scent of his cologne and the demonus can be found at his jaw and crook of his neck, but good luck getting that close out of nowhere.
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devildom-drabbles · 1 year
Snippet - Favorite Spots for Kisses
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, here's a headcanon of where on the body each of the brothers and dateables (minus Luke) like to kiss and be kissed by MC the most, with brief explanations for their reasoning. This is meant to be purely fluff, nothing suggestive. Enjoy! 💕
What are everyone's favorite spots to give and receive kisses with MC?
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Give: Lips - A kiss in this spot is exclusive only to a close romantic partner, so Lucifer is filled with pride at being the one who can claim MC’s lips as his.  He pours his heart out into these kisses as well, no longer needing to restrain himself or keep up a stoic front since no one else is watching him.
Receive: Forehead/Temple - Whenever MC kisses him in this area, his headaches and fatigue practically melt away.  It puts him in a better mood and reminds him of just how much he loves and appreciates MC.
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Give: Lips - When his words fail him due to his tsundere personality, kissing MC here allows Mammon to fully express the love he has for them.  He also has a habit of kissing repeatedly once he starts, even more so if he hasn’t seen MC in a while.
Receive: Jawline - He hates how much he loves this spot, especially if it’s a series of slow kisses that traces along his whole jawline.  At first he’ll be flustered by the act of affection, but as it goes on, he’ll never want it to stop, which is evident by how abnormally quiet he becomes.
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Give: Cheek - It’s the easiest place for Leviathan to kiss MC since the two of them are side-by-side quite frequently (playing video games, watching anime, etc.). He’s also less likely to hurt them as much if he accidentally crashes his lips there out of nervousness.  
Receive: Forehead - He likes it when MC brushes his bangs aside to kiss him there, better revealing his eyes for when they gaze at him afterwards.  It makes him feel as though they don’t want him to hide away and that they want to see every part of him—even the parts of himself that he hates.
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Give: Forehead - It’s readily available when MC is reading, studying, or cuddling with Satan, so it basically becomes a habit for him to kiss them there.  He especially enjoys doing it after he notices that they’ve fallen asleep next to him.  
Receive: Between his eyebrows - That’s where wrinkles form whenever he’s angry, but MC’s kiss there always manages to calm him (even if only a little) and help him refocus, thus smoothing out the creases.
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Give: Everywhere All over MC’s face - Asmodeus just loves MC so much that it’s impossible to choose only one favorite place to kiss them, so the best he can do is narrow it down to their whole face. It always starts as a peck somewhere on their cheek, then a few more around that spot, and quickly progresses into peppering kisses everywhere, usually ending on their lips. No spot should be left unloved, if you ask him!
Receive: Lips - There’s lots of different ways to be kissed here, ranging from short and sweet to deeper and more passionate. He finds excitement in this variety and in wondering what kind of kiss MC will give him each time.
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Give: Lips/Corners of mouth - This is the best area for Beelzebub to taste any traces of food MC has recently eaten, and it can actually ease his hunger for a while.  Sometimes, however, it can make him hungry for their affection instead.
Receive: Cheek - Kisses here never fail to put a smile on his face.  A good luck kiss from MC before a big Fangol game?  A quick peck because he looks like a happy hamster while he’s eating?  A kiss just because MC is passing by him?  They're all great to him!
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Give: Neck - This is where Belphegor likes to bury his face while cuddling with MC, so it’s easy to kiss no matter how tired he is.  He also feels immense relief and gratitude in knowing that MC trusts him in this spot despite how he hurt them in the past.
Receive: Eyelids - He loves it when MC kisses him here to wake him up or wish him a good rest, as it makes getting up more bearable or gives him the best sleep he’s ever had.
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Give: Crown of head - Diavolo enjoys cradling MC’s face in his hands so that he can place a kiss here.  Also, it demonstrates his love for the one who he hopes will someday wear a crown in that exact spot as they rule the Devildom by his side.
Receive: Anywhere Cheek - The demon prince is starved for affection, so he’s more than delighted to be kissed anywhere.  If he must choose, though, then he’ll pick his cheek because it gives him the opportunity to ask MC for two kisses (one for each cheek) and thus receive more of their love and attention.
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Give: Back of hand - Barbatos commonly presses his lips here—which can include MC’s knuckles and fingers sometimes—as a greeting, a farewell, when making a promise, and even when MC just hands an item to him.  Ultimately, he uses this gesture to remind MC of his loving devotion to them no matter how busy he may become when serving Diavolo.
Receive: Forehead - It allows him a brief respite from his work since he usually has to pause whatever he’s doing for MC to kiss him there.  He especially likes it when MC’s hands cup his cheeks or gently move aside his bangs since he relishes their touch.
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Give: Cheek - Simeon enjoys the warmth that radiates from MC’s cheeks and how it increases after he’s kissed them there a few times, even more so when MC is feeling cold and he’s able to provide them additional warmth through his kisses. He's most comfortable kissing here when others are around, as well. (Luke won't be as startled either if he happens to catch Simeon kissing MC on the cheek compared to their lips, for example.)
Receive: Tip of nose - His heart skips a beat whenever MC surprises him with a kiss here.  He can’t help but lightly chuckle afterwards and feel compelled to express his love for MC in his own ways in return.
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Give: Shell of ear - Solomon will start off by leaning over to whisper a loving tease in MC’s ear and then kiss this spot before sauntering off as if nothing happened.  It’s perfect for making them blush and chase after him, which turns him into their sole focus.  (He’ll do this even if MC is deaf/hard of hearing because it’ll still prompt them to go after him and demand him to sign or write down whatever he just said to them.)
Receive: Lips - Kissing here is one of the more intimate gestures of affection, and it tells him that MC has chosen to love him over all the powerful beings who vie for their attention, which makes him happier than he’s ever been.
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caffeinetheif · 1 year
I'm back :3c
Angst idea - Mc struggling to feel like their own person after the whole reveal of them being Lilith's descendent. The slight slip ups from the brothers (minus Satan, obv he didn't really know her,) the small comparisons from the angels that might've known her that make it appear that mc is now a stand in for her or that their new-found worth/importance only comes from their relation to Lilith.
You know me so well. I love angst so much lol. GN!MC as always <33 Since this got so long, the entire fic is under the cut lol. Might continue in a part 2 if this gets enough attention. If you notice my bias for solomon, no you don't
Am I Even Me?
WC: 1.5K
No Romance, but it could be romantic/platonic between Solomon depending on interperitation
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 16, existential crisis/MC knows that they aren't the original MC, some harm done to MC by Lucifer (nothing extreme, just bruising), CURSING, Escaping/running away, talks of murder/death, MC gets compared to Lilith
The brother’s behavior is different than it used to be. Verbal and physical mannerisms have changed, both subtly and not. 
At first, you didn’t notice it and thought that the brothers were just warming up to you even more. It was hard to notice at first, but the more it happened, the harder it was for you to ignore.
When receiving little trinkets and candies and treats from the brothers that you never knew existed became more frequent, you started to suspect something was up. For example, Beelzebub goes out of his way to make special snacks and treats just for you. Asmodeus has given you articles of clothing and accessories that are definitely not your style and it has gotten to the point where you need to store them in a box under your bed. Every time you look at them or any other gift the feeling of not being seen as your own person crawls up your neck.
However, Belphegor’s behavior is the most noticeable. You find him unpredictable, off kilter in a way. When you first met, he seemed lonely and in need of company. You were blindsided when the switch flipped and he started to rant about how much he despised humans like you. He killed you, then you came back, told the story your ancestor Lilith told you, and now everything seems hunky dory. Just like nothing happened. You never really felt safe alone with him since then, even with his new sweeter mannerisms. 
How many times have the brothers almost called you Lilith? The ‘L’ being slurred in before your name is getting annoying. Sometimes you hear Beel and Belphie whispering to each other about you reminding them of their younger sister. Mammon is the least guilty of it and Satan has never compared you to her. It’s hard to compare someone you know to the sister you have only heard of.
The angel Simeon isn’t without fault, either. When he said that you hold yourself similarly to Lilith has played on repeat ever since he mentioned it. It makes you feel like you aren’t your own person. You’re tired of it, but you have to endure.
But you can’t help but think. Are they seeing you as you, or as her?
When dinner time rolls around and you join the brothers at the table, you idly chat about classes with Satan and Mammon. The chatting continues as you and the brothers pass around the various dishes of food and take your servings before passing it on. 
Cutlery clinks against the plates and bowls once everyone begins to eat. It’s the peaceful type of quiet that doesn’t need to be filled with chatter. AS usual, the silence doesn’t last forever.
“Could you pass the gravy, Lilith?” Leviathan asks. 
He quickly realizes his slip up. Leviathan stammers as he corrects himself.
That was the stick that broke the camel’s back. Every other time the brother’s have caught themselves before her full name slipped out. It was never subtle, but they tried to stop themselves from saying her name. 
You have had enough, “Do you think I haven’t noticed?” 
Beelzebub is the one to reply, “What do you mean, MC?”
Your anger grows and you announce, “Do you think I haven’t noticed that you all have been giving me things I have never asked for or talked about? Foods that I have never heard of or sweets that don’t exist in the human realm? They were all for Lilith, weren’t they?”
It’s Asmodeus that speaks this time, “Oh, MC. We didn’t mean… You just-” 
“Just what? Just remind you of her? Even Simeon has mentioned her to me.”
Mammon looks like he wants to say something too, but stays silent.
Tears collect on your lashes, “Is that all I am? A replacement for your dead sister?”
Every single one of the brothers falls quiet as they are caught off guard by your outburst.
Frustrated with the silence, you demand, “Answer me! Am I a stand in for your fucking sister!”
Lucifer breaks the silence first by slamming his hands on the dining table, silverware and dishes clinking as a result. “MC, that’s enough!” 
“No! If anything, you’re one of the worst about it! Everyone has been ignoring the fact that Belphegor fucking killed me! That whole incident has been just swept under the rug! And on top of that, you all have slipped up and nearly called me her name except Satan.”
Beelzebub stands, about to defend his twin when Satan stops him with a hand on his shoulder.
You take a step towards Lucifer and continue, anger and confusion getting the better of you, “Am I even me? I saw my own dead body! I don’t even belong in this damn timeline! What if I wanted to stay in my timeline? What if the Belphegor in that one didn’t hate my guts and didn’t want me dead? I can’t remember my own life because I was forced to take the place of the MC your brother fucking killed!” 
“MC, I said enough!” Lucifer bellows and grabs your wrist.
You wince as his hand wraps around your arm. His grip is strong, much harder than necessary and you know it will bruise. You know how he can be when he’s angry, and the sudden reality of what he could do hits you. Anxiety pulls at your lungs. None of the brothers move, though they look like they want to interfere. 
“Oi, Lucifer. Let MC go!” Mammon demands, getting up from his seat and preparing to jump the table at the eldest.
The break in his concentration allows you to wrench your arm from Lucifer’s grip. You run. You recognize the voices of the brothers yelling out to you, but you pay them no mind. Your legs carry you out of the dining hall, up the stairs, and down the halls.
You slam your door and slide the lock in place. It wouldn’t hold against the brothers’ strength if they really wanted to get in, so you take time to shove your armoire in front of it. The piece of furniture is heavy and takes time to move. By the time you have it where you want it, your adrenaline has worn off and your arms are shaky.
With your DDD in hand, you call the only other human you know in the Devildom. It wouldn’t be long before one or more of the brothers would try to talk to you. Eventually, you would need to talk to them about it. Just not tonight.
As your DDD rings, you hastily pack clothes into a duffel bag. It’s difficult with one hand and a bruising wrist, but you manage. Just before the last ring, the other line is finally picked up.
“MC, why are you call-”
“Solomon,” you sniff, cursing yourself for still crying, “can I stay at Purgatory Hall tonight?” 
Despite his arrogant facade, you can hear concern creeping into his voice, “Is everything alright?”
“I… Yes? Just come get me. Please. And be quick. I don’t know how long my door will hold.”
“I’ll be there in a minute. Call me again if something happens.”
Solomon hangs up and you finish packing your essentials. You pace with your bag over your shoulder, thinking he will appear in your room any second. Your thoughts are interrupted by your DDD ringing once again. You pick up.
Solomon starts, “I’m under your window. I’m unable to teleport into your room. There is a strong protection ward over the dorms.”
You hang up and run to your window and unlock it. Opening the window, you spot the sorcerer down below. Solomon opens his arms and motions for you to toss your bag down. He catches the falling luggage with ease.
Solomon faintly mutters something and a thick plant sprout shoots up to your window and forms a little platform in front of you. His magic never ceases to amaze you as you climb out of the window and onto the little step. The sprout shrinks back into the earth, bringing you down with it. As soon as your feet touch the ground, Solomon’s hand grabs yours and he gives you a quick warning before the two of you are teleported to Purgatory Hall.
The two of you arrive just outside the front entrance to Purgatory Hall and Solomon leads you inside. He shows you to the common room and sets your bag down besides the couch.
“I’ll be right back,” Somon says, “I’m going to go start some tea. Please make yourself comfortable in the meantime.”
You nod and he leaves the room. You sit down and rub the dried tears off of your cheeks. Out of curiosity, you check your DDD to see several messages from Mammon. He’s always been the most protective. Emotionally drained, you power down your DDD to avoid any messages or incoming calls.
A few minutes pass and Solomon comes back with a tray of fresh sweets and tea. You’ll deal with the fall out tomorrow.
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How would our favor Yan demon brothers be when seeing their lil sheep mc wearing something cute and modest for once when they have their human body back ( minus the sheep parts like her horns and fluffy tail )
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Finally Barbatos has given you a more refined version of the potion and now you look like a normal human. Now you can finally get rid of all the immodest outfits they had you wearing because of your fluffy sheepy bits and horns. Finally able to wear the clothes you want to wear you proudly pose. 
“So boys? What d’ya think?”
“I’m happy for you, I’m sure you’ll delight in being taken more seriously.”
Lucifer will miss it 
just a lil’ bit
But nonetheless you are still the human he fell in love with from the beginning
And he’s not at all disappointed when he gets previews of the new (Y/n) calendar
Especially when you are willing to wear a copy of his normal outfit
“Now that you are back to normal would you like to try on this?
“Won’t get as much as those sheepy pics but this works too!” 
Mammon’s still excited 
You’re just so pretty 
He’s definitely getting outfits so expensive he’ll have to work to pay off for a lifetime
But it's worth it to see you walk by wearing what he’s got you
“Y-yeah I bought that for them! Of course, the Great Mammon has such good tastes! Y-you l-look half-descent a-at least.”
“Perfect! Now you really can be Ruri-chan! Properly this time!”
Leviathans elated
He’s been waiting for this day for far too long
He’s ready to recheck all your measurements as he preps the different cosplay he wants you to try
It is hard to style around your horns and wool without making it a part of the outfit
“Now I can properly get the (Y/n) experience!” 
“Good to know. Now I’ll be looking into making you part-cat next.”
Satan’s joking he’s not
He would often imagine what’d you’d be like without the sheepy bits
Of course, it just felt like an over-the-top censor bar 
But who is he to complain
Now you are unobstructed
“Here in the meantime, you can wear this headband and cattail. You’d look just fine.”
“Yay! Now wear this! What! This is going to make your little human butt look the  cutest!”
Asmodeus is not phased at all by the change
In fact, he was ready for it 
Already lining up the outfits in his closet that you could wear
And you are wearing it
Modest or not
After all you are a weak little human compared to the avatar of lust
“I’m ready to see all of you baby! Don’t run!”
“You don’t look like cotton candy now.”
For Beelzebub, Nothing’s changed much 
You’re still weak to him 
Still eating impossibly less than he
All he knows is that you no longer look like the carnival treat
You still look just as cute with food spilled on you
“I’ll help you clean up. It’d be a waste to not lick you this food up.”
*Yawn* “Doesn’t matter to me your just as soft.”
Belphegor feels really pleased
He always liked your more human parts
Especially your skin
He sleeps on wool and cotton all the time 
So he’s happy all of you are just you
Though he’d really prefer it if you didn’t want to wear clothes anyway
“You don’t need this, do you? Or your shorts, right? I just want us both to be comfortable before we nap.”
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gr3ml1ngu7z · 3 months
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Drew some deadly sins +paimon before the fall with what I think each type of angle would look like (minus the seraphim bc we know what they look like) also drew mammon bc I just think he’s neat okay😔
Ps fun fact ‘saten’ and belphegor are archangels and Leviathan is a Cherubim according to some text of the bible.
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voonroo · 5 months
⌐ Obey Me — OM —➤
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⌐ おべいみー!→
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Random Headcanons — WC: 408 — All Brothers
Things They Do As Just “Friends” — WC: 154 —All Brothers
“If you steal my blanket-” — WC: 55 —Belphegor
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Random Headcanons — WC: 408 — Minus Thirteen, Raphael, & Mephistopheles
Things They Do As Just “Friends” — WC: 154 —Minus Thirteen, Raphael, & Mephistopheles
Rough Late Nights — WC: 564 —Solomon
Palm Kisser — WC: 726 —Simeon
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olivyh · 1 year
You’re Safe Here
A/N: Sorry for the improptu hiatuses! I'm currently struggling with a housing issue so most of my energy has been put into that! It's been a rough couple of weeks since I returned from London so I wrote this little tidbit to cheer me up! I enjoy all the time I get to write, though, and they lift my mood so much so a huge thank you to everyone for all the support even when I'm not active :) Out of all the brothers, Lucifer is the one who I could see most as my own older brother (even though both of mine are nothing like him), and I have found a lot of comfort in that since I started playing the game. Because of that, this fic is probably one of the many brother! luci fics that I'm gonna write
Lucifer's head felt as though it were going to split in two from the migraine that had been building up all day. Meeting after meeting, he could barely find the time to eat a quick snack or drink a sip of water (which he often hesitated to tell his younger pbrothers, knowing all too well they would take the situation into thier own hands and, without meaning to, would make matters much worse than if he'd just handled things on his own). Once he finally found time to settle down at dinner, his hands were shaking so badly from the exhaustion he had to simply pack his meal away (somehow avoiding suspicions from the other residents of the House of Lamentation, minus his sixth youngest brother, who shot him a worried glance from across the table). In his office he was greeted with a stack of paperwork so high he began to question how Barbatos managed to sneak the whole stack in without any of it falling down or alerting Cerberus to the sudden intrustion.
By the time he finished the stack, it was already late into the night. The inky black of the Devildom's night sky seemed to silence the world outside of the sins' safe haven (the darkness being one he believed he could never get used to, no matter how many centuries would pass). It was far too dark, even for the beings who could see in the dark, only broken by purple and golden stars that flickered and shone down upon the residents. If he strained his pointed ears he could make out the vague sounds from the house; faint music from Levi's room, with a shout here or there; Mammon's snoring (which he could hear even from the other side of the house, a feat which he would never not be impressed by); a thud from Beel followed by faint crunches and the rustling of wrappers; another thud followed by a soft groan, likely Belphegor sleepwalking once more and being lifted by his twin to return to their shared room; the only brothers of his who he couldn't hear were Asmodeus and Satan, the former likely getting his 'beauty sleep' and the latter likely silently reading (a hobby which Lucifer appreciated for the lack of noise and the distraction it gave his mischevious younger brother).
The demon sighed, loosening his tie and folding it on his desk, standing and stretching his arms above his head. The bones cracking along his spine and joints seem to relieve some of that tension. He heaves a sigh, finally releasing the breath that had been held prisoner in his lungs from the moment he woke up- an anxiety he was far too used to dealing with. He swallows briefly, the dryness of his mouth and throat making it a near impossible task. Had he had any water that day? He recalled taking a sip or two at dinner, however...
Shrugging off his vest, he folds it over the back of his office chair and begins his trip to the kitchen. Lucifer doesn't bother turning on the lights- even if he couldn't see in the dark, he knew this house better than the back of his own calloused and scarred hand. Each hall and hidden passageway was mapped in the back of his mind at all times. Every dent in the corners and tears in the wallpaper from his brothers and their fights, some of them he hadn't bothered to fix due to the memories they held.
His favorites were the ones which his brothers had made, like the dent in the wall from when Mammon, upon the first decade of the Fall, had decided it would be fun to ram his horns into the wall to see if they would stick (and they did, they all learned, after having to pry the demon out of the heavy stone behind the wallpaper); Or the lipstick stains that Asmo had drunkenly left on the wall around the large mirror that hung in the hallway.;The small dents left in the floorboards from Beel dropping one of his weights, or the chip in the tiles of the bathroom from when Belphie fell and smashed a tile with one of his horns, the outline of a book that Satan threw into the wall after a particularly horrible ending, and the carving of a strange symbol into the florboards from a bored Levi- all of them held stories of his brothers being themselves, not simply the embodyments of the sins.
The one he adored most was one in a storage room in the back of the house, one everyone (aside from Lucifer) hardly visited. Early in their new lives, they had all attempted to repaint a small portion of the house. It was chaotic, yes, and they ended up painting anything but the walls. During the last moments, his brothers all decided to leave their handprints on the wall.
Lucifer wasn't sure if they remembered it was there, but he knew it all too well (and he had placed a spell on it to ensure it's survival, no matter what happened to that portion of the house- neither fire nor flood could wash those handprints away).
He was surely too sentimental for a demon.
A part of him wished to have something of his younger sister on the wall as well, a handprint of her own to markwhat was now their home for the rest of their lives.
Another part considered asking the human who lived with them to add theirs- knowing of their fleeting existence and wanting a permanent reminder of them.
It pained him deeply to think about, the human who he started to see as a younger sibling. Not a replacement for who was gone, no, but an addition. Just as Satan became an addition all those centuries ago, they had wormed themselves into the family as well.
Eight siblings, he pondered most nights, the thought warming the heart he believed to have lost during the war, the heart he had locked away swelling in content (whether of his own accord or due to the nature of his sin, he truthfully did not know). For reasons unbeknownst to him, his hardened persona had softened to them and their bright smile. He knew it would be futile to resist it, so he had slowly started treating them like a sibling. Scolding them and one of his brothers when the had done something stupid, diligently ensuring that they were sae whenever they left the house, saving them a little extra food during dinner so they wouldn't go hungry (even when they insisted they were alright).
How could a creature, so susceptible to the gaping maw of time, make him, the most powerful of all his brothers and feared by most (if not all), a being who could flatten entire civilizations with a snap of his fingers if he so wished, turn into such a fool?
Perhaps he was weakening with time, or he was simply too worn from his brothers to notice how they became a part o fhis family, how they became someone he wanted to protect.
He was so lost in his thoughts that, by the time he'd arrived to the kitchen, Beel was already back for round two of his bedtime snack.
"Beelzebub," Lucifer chides, deep voice breaking the peaceful silence of the night (if the clinking of jars and opening of cabinets had not broken it enough). "We'll barely have enough for breakfast at this rate," His younger brother simpered for a moment, smiling innocently and scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"I know," The redhead mutters. "Sorry." Lucifer feels his eyes on the back of his head as he reaches into the cabinets, grabbing a glass and promptly filling it. "Lucifer?"
"Yes?" The man takes a sip of the chilled water, sighing softly at how different he felt from the simple action alone.
"Can you check in on Mc?" His brother's voice dips softly, as though he was worried they were listening to the conversation. It was unlikely, despite the proximity of their room to the kitchen. "I... their room smelled... salty, like tears."
"Tears?" The older man paused, turning his attention fully to his brother, pointed tips of his ears turned to the sky as they were piqued in concern.
"I tried checking in on them but they told me they were okay..." Beel looks away guiltily, biting the corner of his lip with one of his fangs until it nearly bled. "I asked again but..."
"They told you to leave?" The black-haired man mutters in disbelief. His human... no, their human... would never turn one of the brothers away. The thought formed a lump in his throat as he sat up a little straighter, nodding towards the glutton. "I'll check on them. Thank you," Beel nods, bidding his eldest brother goodnight as he leaves the kitchen.
Lucifer looks down to his water hopelessly, watching his darkened expression swim in the glass. Sighing, he dumps the rest down the drain before grabbing a second glass, filling it and making his way out of the kitchen.
To his dismay, Beelzebub was right. Lucifer could hear faint sniffles from the other side of the door, a sound which brought him physical pain in the center of his chest as his stomach clenches painfully. Swallowing thickly, he raps his knuckles on the back of the door.
"Mc, it's me," He murmurs against the oak door. "May I enter?"
When he gets no response aside from a soft shuffling of fabric from the other side, he allows himself entry. Mc is nothing more than a pile of soft blankets and pillows piled atop their bed. He slowly walks closer to them, placing the water on their desk and taking a seat on the edge of the bed, watching as their form trembles beneath the layers.
"Mc," He whispers, gingerly placing his hand on the blanket atop the pile (It was Belphie's, he recalled. One of the youngest's favorites). "I ask that you remove yourself from there, it cannot be easy to breathe under all of that and I will not allow you to do anything detrimental to your health in such a way." He knew he sounded harsh, the end of his words holding a bite that was reserved for scoldings and sighs of annoyance. He reprimands himself for that fact. Their response is a heartbroken sob, one that send a pang so sharp through his chest that he was certain he had just been struck by one of his heavenly brothers once more. His mind is muddled, memories of comforting his brothers and sister during times like these flashing through his mind.
As though subconsciously, he lifts the edge of the blanket, smiling softly when their tear-streaked face framed by soaked hair that clings to their skin meets his own. Their wide-eyed, anguished expression is nearly enough to make him falter in his steps. In their time in the Devildom, he had forgotton how young the human truly was in compared to them. Despite their magical strength and resilience in the harsh environment they were thrown in, they were still such a small thing in the world of demons and angels and sorcerers, so inexperienced in the cruel world Lucifer and the others had grown accostumed to.
He mentally berated himself for forgetting such a thing, for this moment to be the one to bring him to the reality of their existence. They were quite generous, weren't they? To spend their very few years in the land which most humans would pray they never caught a glimpse of.
Generous, and oh so strong.
He should have guessed that strength came with their moments of vulnerability, should have planned for this moment.
"L-Luci?" Their voice shakes from the heaving of their breaths between hiccups and sobs (how long have they been like this? Lucifer thinks bitterly).
"Yes, it's me, little lamb," He murmurs.
"I-I-" Their voice breaks into more sobs as they bury their face into a plush pillow, alrerady damped from ters from who-knows-how-long-ago. He runs his hand over thier forehead, wiping their tears with his thumb as he hushes them softly. Lucifer feels the harsh retaliation of his sin, clawing away at it's confines at the display tenderness that it despises so much.
"It's alright, you don't have to speak to me if you don't wish to," The demon moves the blanket away from their face, allowing them to catch a quick breath. "However, I will be staying here." They hum an affirmation as their sobbing resumes. "May I hold you?" His soft voice is met with another weak nod as he shifts them into his arms, cradling their head into the crook of his neck as he rocks softly. Their tears seep into his collar as he rubs his free hand along their side.
"Everything is going to be okay, Mc," He mumbles into their hair, pushing back some stray tears once their sorrow is reduced to hiccups and short breaths. "I'm here."
"I-I-I'm so sor-so sorry," They mumble into his collar.
"No need to apologize," He quickly hushes them with another soft swipe of his thumb over their features. "It's not healthy to hold back tears." He understands the irony of his words, he didn't know the last time he has cried in that way, or any way, for that matter. If they hear the strain in his voice, they don't comment on it, only choosing to nestle their face further into his tear-soaked shirt. Their shaking shoulders don't cease, despite their breathing getting slower and more controlled.
He reaches over gingerly, grabbing Belphie's blanket from the top of the stack and wrapping it around their trembling form, resuming the rocking once he's finished.
"Would you like some water?" He asks softly. They shake their head, making the man frown. He was well aware that humans needed to stay hydrated after events such as these, however... he didn't want to push their limits in their fragile state. He makes a mental note to give them the big glass at breakfast in the morning rather than the smaller glass they normally choose. When their sniffles return, adding on to the air of distress around the human he and his brothers adored so, he resumed his rocking.
The demon began to hum a soft song, one that drifted in the slightly chilly air of the bedroom (has it always been this cold?) and rested on the flowers above their bed. It was an old song, even older than what the humans would consider ancient, in a language weaved from light and the prayers from below, a solemn psalm only known to those granted the right to be born in the skies. He was shocked that he'd kept that privilege after the Fall.
Not that any of the brothers still used it, as the undulating sounds and breathless whispers between the words spoke of memories they all would rather not taint with the consequences of their rebellion.
The song, however, was still held deep within their hearts. It was a lullaby for cherubs, for freshly created beings unsure of the roles they were given. A pathway to a silent sleep filled with dreams of purple clouds and golden stars.
Lucifer felt a wave of deja vu, a flash of warmth and sunlight, the shadow of a small angel in his folded arms, her soft snores the harmony to his music.
"When my brothers and I were first created," He murmurs against their forehead, feeling the deep need to express the pressure within his chest. "We would have lots of nights like these," His voice is soft, reminescent of the times they had spent in the sun, flying amongst the clouds and telling each other stories of humans and angels alike until they would all fall asleep (mostly in Lucifer's room, which he didn't mind at all. In fact, he felt better knowing where they all were). "I cared for them just like this, cradled them in the same way I'm doing to you now."
He notices that their breathing had begun to even out, yet had not fallen into the steady rhythm of sleep.
Good, Lucifer thinks.
"They all had their own reasons. It was quite stressful in the Celestial Realm, despite what many humans believe and are told," He recalls the work that was provided for them, the countless days in and out of carefully treading around the rules and guidelines set by their Father. Questions left unanswered out of the fear of sin, every move perfectly calculated and planned so as to not make any slight mistakes.
They were created for one purpose, and it was expected of them to fulfill those perfectly.
"It went the same every time," He sighs. "Levi would be the hardest to coax out of his room, and I was lucky if Mammon spoke one word to me when he got upset," He remembered sitting outside of Leviathan's door for hours on end, sitting cross-legged on the floor and completing his work there until he heard his younger brother's sniffles cease and he would open the door for the older brother; Mammon curled up, refusing to face Lucifer while he wailed into his pillows. Lucifer remembered how hopeless he felt, left only to rub the younger's back until he calmed down enough to fall asleep. "The others would come to me, which I never minded," The memory of Asmodeus, porcelain face tear-streaked and hair messy as he crawled into his brother's bed, weeping into his shoulder as Lucifer would pet his hair down; Beelzebub shyly asking Lucifer for a hug, and, the moment his brother's arms wrapped around the larger man's shoulders, the tears that would begin to flow; Belphegor, who wouldn't say a word as he came into Lucifer's room and curled under the blankets, hugging the eldest's arm to his chest like his life depended on it.
Lilith, who he would rock and hum to until her tears stopped flowing down her rounded face, holding his hand and playing with his fingers as the sun slowly rose above the clouds.
"I do wish you would tell us when you're hurt, or scared," The man sighs. "I- we truly care about you." The words felt like claws as they scrambled up his throat and out of his mouth. His heart seethed at the curse of his sin, at how agonizing expressing the simple fact was. Lucifer would prevail. "Beelzebub asked me to check on you. He was worried."
"I'm sorry," The human whispers, nearly a whine as their jaw quivers and eyebrows knit on their forehead. "I didn't mean to make you both worry."
"I am not telling you these things to make you apologize," He smiles softly, the lines around his face shifting in the candlelight that dimly illuminates the room. "These are simple facts. You are family to us now- even as a human. And even when you pass on-" The phrase gets lodged in his throat, their mortality was such a burdensome thought to all the brothers. He takes a breath, calming his thoughts. "We will still love you, angel or demon."
They stay silent, making Lucifer question their belief in his words. Did they truly not feel the same? All the laughter, all the joy and memories they'd created together- as a family- did they think he thought nothing of them still? Perhaps he should have made it more clear to them (if his brothers hadn't proven so enough times).
"I love you guys too," They whimper, silenced by a sniffle.
"Thank you," The man murmurs into the crown of their head, placing a small kiss on tha spot afterwards. "If there is truly anything wrong, tell us. We'll protect you, always," I'll protect you always, the small voice between his words said (what he couldn't say aloud, damn the curse of his sin).
"Promise?" Their human's voice was small, hopeful as they gazed up at him with wide, watery eyes- red and puffy from the tears. He always thought they looked too sweet, too innocent to be trapped in such a place. Up until recently he'd believed that to be true. He had changed that mindset in the past couple of years, having watched them grow into the powerful sorcerer they were today. However, looking into their eyes at this moment, he felt as though he couldn't be more wrong. Protect them, his mind screamed, perhaps the part that had remained angelic after the Fall.
"I promise." His rocking paused upon hearing their soft snores, peaceful as they nestled deeper into his chest. He casts a soft glance over to the clock, unwilling to let them go just yet and relishing in the warmth they offered (he told himself that humans tend to run warmer than demons, is all, opting to ignore the way his heart swelled at seeing their form curled against his own. "I'll protect you," He whispers, barely a sigh in the night air as he kicks off his shoes and lays down on the matress, pulling them closer to his form and hushing their whimpers and groans as they stir in their sleep.
"You're safe here."
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
the brothers with a mc who is afraid of spiders
-> brothers x mc
-> mc is scared of a spider and the brothers try to help
mc's gender is not mentioned and this is not proof read
content warnings: spiders, arachnophobia, killing of the spiders, burning the house down
he is that one person who doesn't get why you'd be afraid of a spider
but, lucifer will jump into action if you are genuinely scared, no matter how small or far away the spider is
he straight up whacks it with a shoe, newspaper or any other object with a flat surface and then proceeds to vacuum it
lucifer one time whipped a spider
if you're still feeling shaky from the spider, he will hold you until you feel better
he honestly is a little scared of the spider himself, but will never pass on an opportunity to play your knight in shining armor
so, when you call him over in panic to get rid of some spider, he walks in all macho with fake confidence
the fake confidence crumbles the second the spider moves even a tiny bit
mammon ends up screaming and throws a nearby lying object at it, and it does do the job
you and mammon hug each other while shaking a little bit afterwards
at least the spider is gone now
if it is a small spider, levi will calmly put it in a cup and release it outside
if it is a large one, levi will act like mammon 2.0 minus the fake confidence
he will hide behind you and screech if it moves
levi will appear more afraid than you
so, somebody else ends up coming to the rescue
you and levi spend the next two hours paranoid of possible other spiders nearby
he is another spider-killer
only he squishes them with a tissue or piece of toilet paper and then flushes them
satan will lowkey get mad at the spider for scaring you
when the spider is really small, he will srate at you, questioning why such a tiny thing scares you
he gets rid of it regardless though
he is also afraid of spiders, good luck having him get rid of them
the best he can do is grab a bottle of deodorant and try to gas the thing from a distance
sometimes, he misses or the spider doesn't die, in those cases you and him both stand hugging on a table, screaming the whole time until somebody else comes to save you
if the spider is really big, asmo is jokes about burning the house down, where there's one, there's many he will say
he will save you
grabs the spider with his bare hands and releases it outside through a window
if you're still shaken up, he will offer you some snacks to distract you
literally the best option you got to remove spiders
he is too lazy to put it outside, so he squishes it with whatever object he can find
sometimes he refuses to help because he's tired, but he will feel guilty afterwards
he will cuddle with you if you're really scared to calm you down
you both end up falling asleep
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officialdaydreamer00 · 9 months
OM! characters who i think would slay a strawberry dress
preface: i put the boys in strawberry dresses :D
characters: lucifer, mammon, levi, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor
warnings: simpery, irene and identity's commentary
comment: @identity-theft-101 you're in this with me bestie >:3
the dateables + guests
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lucifer: 3/10
- no he does not serve
- he just looks weird
- very weak slay energy
- he gives grandpa trying to look cool in front of his grandchildren
mammon: 9/10
- yassssss kinggg
- ate and barely left any crumbs
- man's a model, he knows he would slay
- i firmly believe he had a gig with strawberry dresses at least ONCE in his demonic lifetime
leviathan: 8/10
- slays a moderate amount
- he cosplays, so we both believe he can pull it off :D
- he would probably cease to exist if anyone saw him like this lmao
satan: 4/10
- like lucifer, very weak slay energy
- another one who would look weird in a strawberry dress
- bro please don't wear the cat things i-
- ... my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
- justice for the strawberry dress 😔✊🏻️
asmodeus: 10/10
- serves the best out of his brother
- it's to be expected ngl
- ate and left no crumbs
- keep slaying, king <3
beelzebub: 9/10
- oh, great heavens 😳
- man's killing the dress
-booba windows tend to do that to buff people
- he serves, better than most of his brothers (minus asmo)
belphegor: 4/10
- no
- weak ass slay energy like his will to live
- man's does not serve any of the dresses
- wonky ass images that makes me want to memory wipe
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taglist🏷️ @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @siren-serenity @cookiesandbiscuits @minimallyminnie @leonistic @ang33333333l
reblogs are appreciated!
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djtheabishai · 5 months
Obey Me Ships: Who I Do and Don't Ship
Who I ship:
Simeon x Barbatos
Duh, my page is filled with the ship. My O.T.P. (One True Pairing). Others call it the "Dad Ship" and I can see that. Because they both are parent figures to Luke.
I don't know what it is about the ship I like so much. (that's a lie, I just don't want to give into details)
Lucifer x Diavolo
I can definitely see it. It's fun to watch Diavolo gush over Lucifer in both the main game and Nightbringer. It's also a fun crack ship in my universe when not paired with my twins.
Asmodeus x Solomon:
Like with Dialuci, I can definitely see it. Hell, it slaps you across the face with it sometimes.
Simeon x Solomon
TO A SMALL DEGREE. It's a good crack ship when I'm not gushing over Simebarb. I see pictures and I'm like... "Aww, that's adorable, but Simeon is Barbatos's, you can't change that."
Barbatos x Beelzebub
Like with Simeon x Solomon, but EXTRA SMALL. Barbatos is Simeon's and you can't change that.
Who I Don't Ship:
Simeon x Brothers
I find Simeon to be Lucifer's big brother (don't make me go into detail about family with the OCS, it's confusing) and since Lucifer is big brother in the Devildom, Simeon is big brother to every brother as well.
Simeon x Lucifer
Like I said, Simeon and Lucifer ARE BROTHERS!! (I don't give a fuck what the chat name between them is in the original game. They Are BROTHERS!!)
Simeon x Other Brothers
.... Read the one above it.
Brother x Brother
Ok, I'm NOT into incest, Okay?! I don't care if they "Aren't actually related.". I see them with the Step Brothers bond. If you had a step sibling, would you date them?! No?! Ok then!
Simeon x Diavolo
I can kinda see it, but how I placed these two in my storys is... yeah no...
Diavolo x Barbatos
Another I can see it, but after Nightbringer confirmed that Barb known Dia since the prince was a literal child, it's awkward. Especially since he raised him. And that I see these two with the Uncle and Nephew role.
Barbatos x Solomon
Read what I said about Barb x Dia, but switch out Uncle and Nephew for Father and Son.
Diavolo x Belphegor
I mean... I don't see it.. Belphie resents Diavolo so much that I don't think it can turned around.
Barbatos x Brothers (Minus Simeon)
I.. don't see it.. maybe with Lucifer, but not enough to actually dig and see..
Luke is literal, confirmed CHILD!! If you're shipping him with ANY ADULT IN THE GAMES, YOU'RE FUCKED IN THE HEAD!! AND DON'T BE UPING HIS AGE EITHER!!
If Luke has relationships with the people, it's platonic, non romantic.
It's DISTURBS me to find out people romanticly pair Luke with any one. Especially with Barbatos...
Like no, Barbatos is your father and NOT in a kinky way either!!
I would do the others, but I don't know know them well enough to cover..
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