#mile is sugar daddy. i said what I said
multifariousqueer · 1 year
can you write miles 42 having readers bank account, card ALL that on his phone and gets mad if she purchases shi with money he didint give her. its really crazy but its miles 42....what do you expect??? hehe
Sure love!!!
A/n: y’all I love you so much but I need you guys to start requesting regular miles fanfic pls. Although 42 miles owns my 🩷
It was just a simple necklace. It was the Vivienne Westwood necklace that you saw everyone around you wearing and wanted so badly. You knew Miles would get it for you in a heartbeat but a part of you wanted to get it for yourself. It had been a long, stressful semester but you struggled through it all and got to a point where ou were passing with A’s and B’s. Coincidentally, you had gotten a job at Starbucks after months of applying and you had about $1000 saved up of your own money that you were waiting to spend on something special. That was, until that “something special” came along in the form of Miles.
You never knew what he did but you knew he was making 8x your salary in a month. It seemed like anything you wanted, you got when you were with Miles; shoes, clothes, books, makeup any and everything you wanted, it was yours in a matter of days. It’s worth mentioning that Miles is extremely overprotective and wants to know everything about what you’re doing and buying because he loves you and cares about your habits.
Even on Miles’s birthday when you dipped into your savings to get him the latest Jordan’s, he was furious that you had to use your own money:
“Damn Ma, these are valid. How much were they?”
“Oh don’t worry about it” you said
“I said, how much were they.” His eyes narrowing in on you because he knew how much they were because he was gonna buy them 2 weeks ago but decided not to.
“$500. I’ve been saving for them for you, baby. It’s all good” you tried to assure him
“Aight. thank you.” He said, pulling you close to him, the scent of the Dior Sauvage cologne you also bought him, filling your nostrils
But deep down you knew he was pissed off and mad that you spent your own money, so after a long talk about how he should be able to keep tabs on you and keep you safe, you gave him your Apple Pay and banking info for emergencies only but of course it’s Miles and being the overprotective boyfriend he is, he checks it everyday for any “extravagant purchases” made by you or someone else.
Of course he isn’t crazy, he set a $25 limit for you before he steps in and asks what’s up. Once, you were at a mall with your friend and found the cutest shirt at Urban Outfitters and decided to buy it. The price tag read $50 but you went ahead and got it; the same happened at Bath and Body Works and Tilly’s and as you made your way to the bathroom, you got a text from Miles:
Miles: did someone take your card?
You: no why??
Miles: why’d you spend $150 in an hour??
You: I’m at the mall
Miles: so? I pay for your shit
You: dawg it’s $150. It’s not that deep 💀
Miles: I ain’t yo “dawg” and yes it is when Yk I buy you shit
You: you aren’t my sugar daddy
Miles: I basically am atp. I’m sending you $1000, buy something cute
You contemplated leaving him on seen but you remembered how he hates that so you replied:
You: Okay
You had saved up enough to get the necklace and when you got it, you were ecstatic. You thought about all of the possible outfit combos and how good it will look against your brown skin but your thoughts were interrupted by a certain someone:
Miles: what’d I tell you, Mami?
You: ?
Miles: don’t play dumb, yk I would’ve bought you that necklace in a heartbeat but instead you wanted to be miss independent and buy it yourself. I guess since you’re so independent, I’ll stop sending you that $1000 every week. How about that?
You: ok
Miles: ?
You: we can discuss this when I get home
Miles: K
You: k
It was a long ride home but eventually you accepted that Miles was gonna rip your head off and there wasn’t anything you could do about it.
When you got home, he had three of the necklaces, two huge teddy bears, a bouquet of your favorite flowers and the newest pair of Jordan’s waiting for you:
“What’s all this?” You smiled and asked
“I told you I’ll pay for your shit, y/n” miles said, with a small smirk on his face
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teenytinyjimin · 2 months
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i miss you, i’m sorry (j. jungkook)
nothing happened in the way i wanted
every corner of this house is haunted
and i know you said that we’re not talking
but i miss you, i’m sorry.
summary: the first time seeing each other after the breakup is always the hardest. but seeing each other when you're still in love? an absolute nightmare
pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2k
tags: angst, smoker!jk, brokenhearted!jk, equally as brokenhearted!reader, why did they even break up in the first place?, featuring reader’s bestfriend!jimin, also jimin is sexually ambiguous let's keep it that way please
warnings: none, alcohol/nic use but nothing too intense, kinda sad but it's a happy ending i promise
author’s note: idk why i keep making my fic names and stuff inspired by songs, i guess it just helps me beat writers block.
also i wrote this in second person, lmk if you guys prefer that over third. i personally find third person fics easier to write, but i'm sure second person is easier to read for some of you. enjoy my angels!
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Bars weren't really your thing.
If you were going to be honest, they were miles better than nightclubs, but still not your thing. It was something about the air that just rubbed you the wrong way. Perhaps it was all the creepy old men that turned you off of them, or just the fact that there's not much to do besides sit, drink, sit some more, maybe play some pool and... sit.
Jimin, on the other hand, loved bars. He loved being able to sit there, look pretty, and watch as absolutely anyone and everyone flocked over to him to start a conversation. It admittedly fueled his ego, and he loved the feeling of being the center of attention. However, he didn't love being at bars alone. Being so drop-dead gorgeous meant that about twenty times the amount of creeps bothered him than the average bar patron. Many of them figured that a pretty boy like him was sitting there waiting to be swooped up by a sugar daddy. Let's get one thing straight – that wasn't him. He had plenty of money. He just wanted to have a little conversation, give a little kiss here and there maybe, and dip at the end of the night with his bar companion by his side.
Unfortunately for you, that bar companion was usually you. It was certainly a compliment for Jimin to want to bring you along with him instead of any of his other gazillions of friends and other social connections, but it was quite exhausting for you to be in a bar pretty much every day of every weekend. He liked the attention, but you didn't. If it were an empty room with nothing but you and a bottle of rum, you'd have a blast. But what bar in Itaewon was going to be like that?
Alas, here you were, sat at the end of a bar with your friend sitting next to you. Something about the light in the building made him look extra beautiful tonight, his skin shimmering like the most precious of diamonds and his eyes deep and full of allure. At the moment he was making small talk with a lady on the other side of him, one who was definitely at least twenty years his senior but didn't look a day past thirty. Sighing, you drop your head down to look at your drink, a half-full martini glass that held a rather disappointing cosmopolitan (you weren't a vodka fan anyway, it wasn't the bartender's fault).
You wanted to be home. That was the only place you ever wanted to be these days. At home, cuddling your darling kitty in bed, and sleeping your days away. Maybe a year ago you would have loved being out and about, but now it feels more like a burden than a fun activity. And you know that Jimin doesn't mean any harm in doing what he does, but seeing him talk with so many people over the course of the night and being so happy is almost a bit gut-wrenching for you because you can't be as happy as him.
You began to feel the blood rush to your ears and your face get warm. Something was wrong, you could sense it. Everyone has those gut instincts when something isn't quite right, and this wasn't just an instinct, it was like a neon sign. A neon sign that read DANGER. Perhaps it was just you feeling rather anxious and overwhelmed, but either way you were craving the comfort of your home.
"Hey, 'Minnie, can we-" Just as you turned to Jimin to softly ask him if you could go home or at the very least switch bars, you felt a presence behind you. It wasn't just an I'm here to order a drink presence, but rather an I'm here for you one. Realizing that Jimin wasn't even listening anyway, you froze, waiting to see what would happen. And that's when you heard a familiar voice that you thought you'd never hear again.
You didn't want to turn around. You tried to stay as still as a statuette for as long as possible, however the more you thought about the man behind you the more you felt the urge to turn around and take a bite of the forbidden fruit. Taking a deep breath, you slowly turned until you were face-to-face with your ex, Jungkook.
"Want to talk outside?" Not yet looking at him directly, you hesitantly nodded before quickly looking back to Jimin and then standing up. You left your purse there, figuring that your friend would grab it if he changed locations, and began trailing after the tall tattooed figure that navigated his way toward the door.
As the two of you stepped out into the cool autumn air, you crossed your arms and leaned against the building. Your heart was between your ears at this point, buzzing at what felt like 200 beats a minute. It was stupid for you to have even left Jimin's side, you thought, because now you were alone with your ex of all people and God knows what this boy has up his sleeve.
"You look good," Jungkook said gently as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and placed one between his lips. "And I know what you're going to say, you're so full of it Kook, but I mean it."
"Since when have you started smoking?" You asked, ignoring his previous two statements and gesturing toward the pack in his hand. He shrugged. "Couple weeks after I last saw you maybe? Not a big deal."
"You know that stuff's bad for you."
"I don't think sitting here third-wheeling with Jimin and his beau of the night is any better."
"You don't know Jimin, don't act like you do," You said, completely taken aback and offended by the words coming out of his mouth. "And I'm having a good time, thank you very much."
"Doesn't seem like it. Weren't you about to ask him if you guys could leave?"
"I was having- What?- Is there a reason you asked to talk to me out here?" You were struggling to form a complete sentence. This man always knew how to leave you speechless, but now it was just irritating. You watched as Jungkook leaned back onto the building with you and shook his head, giving you a toothy grin before lighting the cigarette in his mouth. "Nah. Just figured you'd have more fun out here talking to me and getting a break from it all."
"You know he's waiting for me, right? I should go back inside." You stand back up straight and begin walking back into the bar, however you feel a warm hand wrap gently around your wrist and tug you back. "Hey hey hey," Jungkook called. "He'll survive a few minutes without you. Just chill with me. I'm not asking you for anything, just a second of your time."
You turned to face your ex-lover, your eyes finally meeting his for the first time that night. Even after all this time of being apart, those beautiful doe eyes still yearned for you, and yours for him. With a shaky sigh, you brush his hand away and return to where you were standing. "Exes don't hang out like this, Jungkook."
"Woah, you're pulling out the full government name on me now?" The boy teased, puffing a cloud of smoke from his mouth. "Should I be offended?"
"I'm setting boundaries," You crossed your arms and kicked at the ground beneath you. "Nicknames are for friends or more than friends, which we aren't."
"We aren't strangers either though."
"That doesn't matter. Not friends."
"Alright, fine," Giving up, Jungkook looked down at his hand and flexed it awkwardly. "Just trying to be friendly."
"Friendly?!" You said frantically, finally having enough of his antics. "You don't need to be friendly. We broke up and that's the end of it. Exes aren't friends. They go their separate ways and when they see each other again – if they see each other – they ignore each other. I don't get why you're doing this psychological warfare bullshit on me."
"Exes can be friends," He breathed out in protest. "Can you even tell me why we broke up in the first place?"
You remained silent. The truth was that you didn't know why you broke up either. It had been almost a year since the whole ordeal went down, and you were still confused more than anything else, even more than you were hurt. All you can remember is that you guys went through some bullshit ‘mutual breakup’ that apparently neither of you wanted in the first place. The only reason you even agreed to it is because somewhere within you, you felt like perhaps you weren’t deserving of such a wonderful relationship. And the only reason Jungkook agreed to it is because he thought that it’s what you wanted.
"No, seriously. What went wrong? What did I do? I just want some closure..." His voice became increasingly softer as he kept speaking, which only meant one thing. You stared at the ground intensely, refusing to look up and see his teary eyes.
You felt his hand gently wrap around yours and tug on it as a plea for your attention. Jungkook was your weakness, the only person you'd willingly do anything for, and he really loved to take advantage of that without even realizing he was.
You peered up at him hesitantly, worried that you'd find yourself in tears the second you saw the ones pouring from his eyes. Sure enough, when the eye contact began, you were driving yourself forward into his strong arms and dampening his shirt with your tears.
Jungkook's embrace felt the same as it did the last time you felt it. It was still so warm, so inviting, so loving. Never once did you feel unsafe in his arms and this moment was not an exception. As you sobbed into his shirt you felt his hand move from around your waist to the top of your head, stroking your hair gently.
The two of you stood there for what seemed like hours, simply letting all emotion out while enjoying the company of one another. While Jungkook has been exceptionally transparent in expressing the fact that he's heartbroken about the situation between the two of you, it's safe to say that you feel equally as devastated. This man was once the love of your life and the only one you ever needed, but now everything about him except for his embrace feels foreign. This was someone you once saw yourself building a life with, but now it's shattering to think that he has a life after you.
You pulled away after a while, refusing to make eye contact as you wiped the tears from your eyes. This all felt entirely pointless. It was obvious that nothing went wrong in the relationship yet here you were, no longer in one. You couldn't begin to imagine what Jungkook had been going through since you guys broke up considering the fact that for you, your entire world turned upside down.
"I'm sorry," You managed to choke out before you felt Jungkook's hand gently guide your face up to look at his. You watched him stare at you for a moment, taking in your features, before his lips began to curl into a soft smile. "Mmm. Yeah. You're way too pretty to let slip through my fingers."
Feeling your face turn hot as a blush crept to your cheeks, you let out a soft giggle before you were cut off by a familiar pair of lips meeting yours.
"JUNGKOOK?" You heard a voice call out. The two of you pulled apart, eyes wide. Shit. You forgot about Jimin.
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transfemarmin · 10 months
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INSPIRED BY: @cyb3rspyd3r
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU whenever you leave your phone with him when you leave the room, he’s going through.. in a way to make sure you’re behaving the way you promise him you are, to see what new numbers you have in your phone, to see if you talk about him with your friends, anything that shows him he isn’t wasting his time by being with you.. don’t mistake that for him not trusting you… he does, he’s just a nosy bastard.
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU his mood can be adjusted by the sheer sight of you, let’s say he’s mad about something.. maybe his counselor was feeding him bullshit about his future; that he needed to mention the fact he was struggling in order for colleges to give him any kind of time of day… that pissed him off, because who are you.. to tell him that he’s just a struggling poor kid but the second he laid his eyes on you.. he was smiling again, and forgot why he was mad in the first place
“ whatchu smilin’ all hard for?”
“ nothin… I just.. like being around you, mama.”
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU the littlest things will remind him of you, miles morales.. who is so in love with you.. that he once gave you a rock he found on the ground because it had a smooth front, and he remembered the time your arms were smooth after shaving.. that he couldn’t stop touching them, even when you wore long sleeves; he’d just sneak two fingers into your sleeve and run them down your arm.. it would usually be a surprise too..
“ eek- what! miles?! can you get your cold ass fingers off me.. please..”
“ mami.. c’mon, you feel so good though.. like a countertop or sum.”
“ boy… you stupid if that’s the only thing you can compare it too..”
“ stupidly in love with you.. that’s the only thing I’m stupid in.. don’t play with me before I fuck you up.”
“ nigga.. miles shut the fuck up, you ain’t touching me niggatron..”
“ …”
“ yeah exactly..”
“ oh, no.. trust.. I will take care of that attitude.. but what the fuck is a niggatron..?”
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU that he takes pride in being your ‘ mini me’ every single saying that you have said around him; he’s said it around his friends, his uncle, everyone.. it just slips out, like one time he accidentally said one thing you say quite often around his uncle, after his uncle
“ girl..you did not eat that.. you thought you did, but I still see the lil ceasar’s hot and ready on the table.. why is that?”
“ nigga what?”
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU he never says no to you, whatever you want.. he will get it.. if it’s within his budget.. he’s fifteen years old not a sugar daddy, as well as the fact his mother is struggling with the bills so most of his money goes towards her; but with the extra money she refuses to take from him.. you’re spoiled with it.. if he hears you need a new lip liner, he’s asking what color.. suggesting a reddish brown or a black, his favorite colors on you.. if you want a new stuffed animal he’s buying one from the nearest store, while he usually has to stretch his dollar, and most trips are made with him asking you which one you need more.. a teddy bear.. or chick fil a, and he gets whichever one you want more.
“ mama..”
“ you can’t rush perfection, miles! I’m thinking..”
“ girl.. perfection? I asked you if you wanted ice cream now or chipotle later..”
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU he tells everyone who will listen all the wonderful things about you.. and by wonderful I mean everything you did.. whenever his girlfriend is mentioned or the possibility of hanging out with someone who isn’t you.. he will start yapping about you
“ hey man.. you coming over to TJ’s? we gon be playing basketball.. and then going down to the mall.. “
“ nah man, my girl said she wanted to come over tonight.. meet my ma n shit..”
“ man.. didn’t you have your girl over last night too? “
“ yeah .. she comin to meet my mami tonight though.”
“ she couldn’t have met her last night?”
“ my ma be at work.. ion think she even remember me telling her about my girl, to be honest with you mane.”
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU he steals his uncle’s car to see you late at night, he knocks on your window at two in the morning, because his uncle is working… not a normal job but that job, so he drives over there.. illegally may I add; since he’s 15, he only has his learners. he does this just to lay in bed with you, to spoon you and tell you how much he loves you.. how much he lives for you
“ I love you.. so much, [name] you make my life.. so easy.. so tolerable.. I’m not as.. sad and depressed now that you’re with me, I love staying and being with you. you make my world brighter, you make my life better.. I love you, I can’t imagine a world with you.. cariño..”
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU he asked you to marry him one day, he had gave you a plastic ring he got from one of those coin machines when he was going to wash clothes with his mom; he had got a pretty one that had a plastic gem shaped into a heart.. he told you how much he valued you.. how much he cared, how he never wanted to lose you.. how he knew you two were only teenagers.. but he wanted to be with you forever nonetheless.
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU that he has your face plastered on every social media platform he has, your face is his profile picture on the very few he has. ( instagram, twitter, & tiktok.. he has snapchat too, where the main things he posts are just recycled videos he already sent you, and a private story with all the girls he knows has a crush on him added, and he just show cases your love)
MILES MORALES WHO IS SO IN LOVE WITH YOU after the first date, he walked into his room with a big grin on his face. you two had went to the aquarium, and he saw a shark plushie he wanted but didn’t have enough money for.. and you had bought it for him.. no hesitation.. he was so in love with you in that moment.. that he had named it after you.
“ I don’t give a fuck if this shark a boy.. his name gon be [name] today.”
overall.. he’s just so in love with you.. he’d do whatever it takes to make sure you know he loves you.
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suguru-getos · 6 months
Fluffcember with Satoru Gojo
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Prompt: Reassurances
Summary: You are in the early phases of your relationship with Satoru where you haven't even kissed each other yet. Taking things comfortingly and achingly slow. Unfortunately for you, you’re reminded of his ‘Uncommitted Fuckboy’ & he reassures you through it. Warnings: None really, just extreme fluff and comfort and Satoru being a care-giver and a Daddy pro max!
Your brother came back from a gathering of sorts, it was all related to Jujutsu High and being a third-year there, he was privy to a lot of information you weren’t. Though now that you’re dating his Sensei without actually telling him, your questions & curiosities have increased a tenfold. “So, how was your day?”
Your brother came in, opened the fridge like a racoon in a dumpster & took out a Coke zero, clearly tired & a tad annoyed. “S’ good.” He chuckles, rolling his eyes. “Something very funny happened today.”
You irked a brow, mostly all the funny things are related to your now boyfriend. "What happened?" You asked, curiosity bubbling behind your eyes.
"There's this sorcerer- her name's Mei Mei, she flirts with Sensei so hard it's hilarious!" He cackled, manspreading on the dining table seat after microwaving the sandwich and sighed. "She was all like- 'of course Satoru kun, you can help me can't you?' because she was assigned a mission which was seemingly hard." You felt a pang of anxiety touch your chest at that, nodding with a faked smile. Can't show your brother you're affected by this after all.
"H-heh, funny… what did he say?" You inquired, and your brother shrugged. "Said he would help." You bite your lip, of course- Satoru is not someone to refuse his aid to anyone. Even you knew that about him… but clearly, did he not pick up the signals? "Shyeah- of course." You waved your hand dismissively. "I think they have done it definitely." Your brother snickers. "I mean- Sensei is so popular I'm sure all the female sorcerers would've wanted a piece of him." He groans, "So annoying to me though."
You smiled, not able to maintain this conversation without it affecting your core. Satoru was gorgeous, he could pick a finger at anything and would get that for himself. There was absolutely no doubt about it. Which is why… it's concerning as to why he is dating someone like you. Someone so normal, someone miles away from the Jujutsu world. Someone who had no place in his world. He was utterly sweet to you as well. So far you haven't had any arguments with him either. A defeated sigh escaped your parted lips as the thoughts multiplied and cluttered your mind. You went to your room to sulk. As if being a Corporate baddie wasn't enough. Now you also need to take account of what's happening in Jujutsu world with your boyfriend. Sickening…
As if to balm your insecurity with reassurance, Satoru's name flashed on your phone screen in a phone call. "Hello.." You answered the phone hesitantly.
"Oh hello Little One! How are ya? Just checkin' up on you. Hope you don't mind that mm?" "No, not at all, I've just come home from work. How are you?" You tried to sound as normal as you can, the lower octave of your voice not gone unnoticed despite you stiffening yourself up to sound as normal as you can. "Something the matter Princess?" The nickname slipped out of his lips so easily, right now you wonder if it's so easy because its meaningless. "Nah, nothing's the matter. My brother just came home you know? So I was just talking to him about er- school and stuff." You answered half-truth. Satoru's head tilted to the side, tongue clicking. "Something that pissed you off?" He asked softly, and you nodded your head yes, but your voice lied. "Nah, s' al good. Don't worry. Maybe I'm just really tired you know?" "Mhm, gotcha~ maybe, you are tired… you know what can help? A sugar rush." Satoru snickered over the phone and you sighed. There is no way you can escape this man's gaze if you were to meet him right now. "Nah, really tired. Headachey too…" You excuse yourself, biting your lip and squeezing your eyes shut at the silence on the other side. "Alright, take rest." Satoru sounded genial and soft, and with that you heard the beep of the call disconnecting.
You were starting to get angry at yourself, why does it even matter. You two haven't even been together for a month yet. This is truly pathetic…
You shoved all the thoughts off your head, journalling them off. Whatever… who cares. Yeah, whatever…
The next few days you tried your best to ignore Satoru, picking up his calls and answering in one-word sentences, declining his proposal to meet for dates or to just catch-up. Until you finally saw him one day at your home. You gasped, blinking when you opened the door and found him manspreading on the couch as if he owned the place.
"Sah- Satoru what`" "He's just here to be a nuisance." Your brother's voice chimed in from his room. "He needs something from me." You glanced at Satoru, who quickly removed his blindfold and made sure his eyes stared right into you. "Well, not my fault you can't search for the scroll I handed to you brats." He shrugged, of course an excuse… he wanted to come and see you. "Hello, Y/N san!" He chirped excitedly, and you waved him a Hello right back; gulping. "How have you been?" Satoru asked again, you nodded with a half-smile. "I'm good, Gojo San, are you good, too?" "No, I'm not… and you know why." His tone was soft, tender, as if he didn't want the pressure of his words to get to you.
"I- I see…" You looked down at your feet, looking back up at him. "You said you'll work late today." He almost whispered, shit- you completely forgot about that excuse you made for him,
"Oh yeah- ahem, well yeah… I will freshen up and login again." You grinned, trying to save your sorry ass.
"No" Satoru simply denied your statement.
"You are going to freshen up, and then utter why you're behaving this way." He didn't sound easy this time, you were hearing him speak to you sternly and seriously for the first time ever. You can't blame him though, he's worried… and it only warms your heart more that he is worried.
Before you could open your mouth, your brother came back to the drawing room. Stomping and giving him the damned scroll. Ugh- timing!
"Jaa- see you two!" He grinned, head-patting your brother and looking into your eyes.
Before you could say anything further, you found yourself back in your room. Answering his call…
"Are you getting out of the house or should I carry you out myself in front of your brother?" Satoru almost sung, and you knew there was a tad bit of a truth laced to that threat.
"I'm getting out." You rolled your eyes.
"Aw, that's a good girl."
The moment you were outside, Satoru teleported beside you, hand intertwining with yours and helping you walk in fucking air. You blinked, not registering how this is happening. It was like invisible stairs that take you to the breath-taking sky. Stars have just started to pop up as the night blanket wraps the city of Tokyo.
"What's bothering my baddie?" Satoru hums, and before you could answer, he interrupted again. "Don't say nothing else I'll start being really paranoid and restless, that's no good is it?" He coos, leaning in to make you feel more comfortable.
You finally decided to speak up, pouting and telling him everything about Mei Mei and what your brother told you. Then telling him how that made you feel truly.
He chuckles, rolling his eyes and cupping your face preciously. You blinked, taken aback by the sudden stance of affection but not leaning away. You wanted this… you wanted him to touch you, to soothe your worries away. "I can't believe my silly little girl would be so stressed about something like this It's nothing. Even if Mei Mei flirted, I would never return her affections or anyone else's." He smiled, "You know why? Cause I really want no one else but you Little One. I would never lose this." His eyes observed you once more, hands squeezing your face tenderly. "For something meaningless… I would never do anything to risk this, never. I promise you."
His words echoed in your ears and you couldn't help but nod a little with a smile. "Sorry- I just, you know it's not been a lot of time to us and-"
"So what!" Satoru giggles, "Time is a construct, and definitely not a measuring parameter when you're dating someone like me. Or if I am dating someone as amazing and kind and yet, fierce and firm as you." He winked.
"I promise you sweet Princess, I would never, ever… let anyone near me." His sincerity touches your heart, and you leaned in, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug.
"Aw! I get a hug! Good sign!" Satoru beams, kissing the crown of your head and rubbing your arms comfortingly.
"Let me show you now the skyline looks, neh?"
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tainted-liquor · 10 months
'La Princesa De Mi Corazon⋆˙⟡♡
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E42!Miles Morales x Daddy's Girl!BlackFem!Reader Ingredients: Sugar, kisses, n a lil bit of smiles ! TWs: Cursing, realistic teenage dates (he didn't spend no 5k cmon now) W/C: 2.4k A/N: This can be read as an autistic reader if u squint rllly hard ! Another lovely request I got!! Enjoy luvs
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For as long as you can remember, you've never actually been told the word "no" by your father. When your mother didn't wanna get something for you, you'd just ask your dad! Since you were the youngest and first daughter in your parent's long line of sons, with you having 4 older brothers, there were times when you didn't even have to ask, it was just yours before you could even think about it. Clothes, phones, shoes, makeup, perfume, all of it was yours. You were a daddy's money girl, with everything in the world right at your fingertips. So naturally, you tended to avoid serious relationships with boys due to your insanely high standards that had been curated since birth. Until you met him, Miles.
Miles was the complete opposite of you and your aesthetic. Where you were giddy and childish, he was serious and mature. You possessed everything under the sun in the shade of pink, where he barely had anything besides black and purples in his closet. Originally he didn't fuckin' like you, like, at all. He thought you were a 'spoiled air-headed dressed up money drowned bimbo' due to his experience in 'working' with rich people. They all seemed to act the same way and wanted the exact same thing, money or power.
But that view dropped immediately when he saw you interact with others. You weren't rude, you definitely weren't stupid, and you were the kindest most giving person he had ever seen before. People all in your circle constantly praised you for how sisterly you were, handing out gifts and words of wisdom like candy. Your only 'flaw' was your ignorance, living blind to the world around you due to being so heavily protected by your father. Sure, there was crime everywhere and New York was a walking murderhouse, but you didn't know that!
You were casually talking to one of your best friends Brenna when you bumped into someone, knocking you straight on your ass and causing him to stumble back a little. "I am so so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" you empathized as you picked yourself up and immediately offered to help the stranger. He shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket as he spoke, his voice quiet and steady as he did. "Oh my bad, It's all good. Just be careful." You gave him a warm smile and a brief nod before setting off again, assuming that would be the last time you two spoke. And damn were you wrong.
The next time you'd see Miles, you were at the mall the following Saturday with a shit ton of bags in your hands. You practically skipped through the concourses of the mall, smiling and giggling with Brenna. You were in a brand new off-white dress and rounded the corner to see Miles waiting for a Cinnabon in line. As soon as you saw the blue and white logo of the bakery, and the smell of sweet sugar and baked goods kissed the tip of your nose, you stopped what you were doing and stood behind the familiar set of twin braids. "Hey, Miles!"
Miles looked over his shoulder, his eyes widening a fraction when he saw over 10 bags on each of your arms. "Yo…what's up with all your bags? You don't feel your circulation gettin' cut off?" he asked with a bewildered expression, "Damn, how much money you spent here?" he gawked. Truth is, you weren't sure. All your dad said was to have fun and he didn't necessarily…give you an amount to spend, he just handed you the card and told you the PIN. "I actually don't know. This has to be a minimum of 600 dollars, Daddy just kinda told me to have fun with it!" You shrugged like that was completely normal.
Miles stared for a minute, analyzing the 20 bags you had in total from various stores. he sighed with a small smirk, shaking his head in disbelief as you sort of merged with his spot in line. Neither of you realized, but you unknowingly recruited Miles in your shenanigans at the mall as soon as you both left the bakery with a series of sweets. You three set off to the nearby sneaker outlet, buying everyone a minimum of 4 pairs of sneakers to match every outfit they'd ever make. If Miles didn't know before, he knew now that you were the gift god when it came to generosity and Daddy's money.
His entire perspective of you changed that day, with you more actively talking his ear off and surprising him with random shit you got with your dad's credit card. He knew then and there that your standards were sky high and anyone who ever fell in love with you would be up for a bullfight ahead of them. He saw how your dad showered you with absolutely anything you asked for, with you even having a real-life princess crown from 2011 plated with morganite and rubies stationed in a plastic case on a high shelf in your room. But as he spent more time hanging out with you or spending time over at your house with your brothers, it hit him like a fucking truck. He knew whoever found themself head-over-heels for the pretty pink princess of her family would be in for a fucking hell of a time, he just never expected it to be HIM.
The day he realized he loved you was just like any other day, with you speeding up to him whenever you saw him. Your usual poofy dress skirt flows behind you like something out of a Disney animation. As soon as he knew to grab you so you didn't send the both of you falling to the ground, he felt a sudden warmth in his face. No, not you smushing your face against his as you gave him a spine-breaking hug, but a new kind of warmth that screamed danger. He suddenly became aware of your perfectly fitting style and the way each of the features on your face harmonized perfectly to create the perfection that is you.
Even though you came from completely different backgrounds, you never ONCE in your life dared say something about his situation. There were nights when he would just watch you as the prowler, skipping through his neighborhood like you didn't hear any of the gunshots, screams, explosions, or see anything wrong at all with where you currently were. It's not that you didn't notice, but you were completely aware that not everyone was as fortunate as you were, so you had no right to look at situations that weren't identical to yours any differently. And despite how "uppity" you looked on the surface, you truly thought of everyone as a new friend.
You, on the other hand, were crushing HARD. On some, you actively got quieter and sometimes just shut the fuck up entirely when Miles was nearby. You knew that you were probably making a mistake by genuinely loving someone so fully in this age of infidelity and communication issues, but you couldn't help it! He was just so pretty and listened to everything you had to say and he never once asked you for anything! Ever! You didn't know how Miles would behave in a relationship, but you damn sure weren't prepared for it.
When Miles asked you out on a date, you were a squealing mess. You threw on a pretty pink dress and quickly threw your goddess braids into a quick bun. When your dad watched as you eagerly checked your outfit in the mirror, he was a little taken aback when you told him that you were going on a date. He gave you a warm smile, telling you to be safe and if he tries anything that he'll blow his fuckin' top off. You laughed at him being so overprotective, calmly explaining to him that Miles wasn't like that at all.
You silently pondered where Miles was planning on taking you. You didn't want your first date to be all fancy, because that made them look like they were trying way too hard. But you also didn't wanna sit in some random diner, either…you didn't know what you wanted. All you did was hope that he paid attention to any of your conversations as you patiently waited on your velvety couch. You immediately perked up at the sound of the doorbell, flying to the door and waiting a couple of seconds before swinging it open.
"Mírate! La princesa de Nueva York! You love your dresses, huh?" He asked with a small smile, bracing himself as you dove straight into his arms. You giggled as you did a small little spin, showcasing the new silk dress. "I was debating on a different babydoll dress I have or this one. This one just felt more fitting!" you shrugged as you closed the front door behind the both of you. Miles had no idea what a babydoll dress was, but he made sure to let you know that you looked stunning in this seashell shade of pink. You follow closely behind Miles, loosely wrapping both of your arms around his left arm as you begin to break down the various types of dresses, and which one was your favorite.
"I didn't even know dresses had names…What's your favorite kind?" He asked with a small amused smile. Not only was this the first time someone had actively listened to you rant about your love of dresses, but he made an effort to even ask what your favorite one was? Lord, he was in for an earful. And he clung to every single word you said like it was the sweetest of melodies. When you finished your long-winded rant regarding pink flowy sundresses, he nodded with a bashful grin. "So a puff-sleeved peasant dress made of chiffon?"
You nodded eagerly as you realized he had been listening to you the entire time. "Yeah! I drew it in my sketchbook a little while back, I think I'll show you when we walk back." You chirped as you slowly began to approach what looked like the most gorgeous candy store of your life. It smelled like heaven and looked just like eye candy. You didn't even get the chance to point before Miles gently guided you through the frosted glass double doors. You beamed as you immediately set off (taking him with you) toward some of the pastries.
You filled up two mini bags with various types of candy, croissants, and two rock candies, one in purple and one in pink. "Miles, what's your favorite candy?" You asked as you scooped gummy sharks into your bag. "Uhh…those sour airhead stripes," he replied as he grabbed two near-frozen sodas from the wide commercial fridge. You got two packs of his favorite candy and slipped it into one of your candy bags, skipping over to him to pay for everything at the counter. You rummaged through your bag for your wallet, looking up to realize Miles already had planted his card in the reader.
"C'mon, this is like, so much stuff! Let me pay!" you insisted as you went to open your wallet. He gave you a firm glare, zipping your entire wallet closed and stuffing it back in your bag. "You good? I'm taking YOU on a date, not the other way around" he asked as you intertwined your hand with his, allowing him to lead you back out of the candy store. You played back his words in your mind, processing each syllable and just how much it meant to you. You giggled to yourself as Miles told you that you were gonna go rollerskating before he took you back home!
There was no actual problem, you loved the idea of going skating with Miles! The issue was…you couldn't skate. Miles laughed loudly as he watched you attempt to meet him on the rink, trying not to bust your ass on the soft and neon carpet. You froze in complete terror, holding both arms out and vaguely resembling a confused cat with its ears back. Miles glided over to you between a fit of giggles, holding out his hand for you to hold onto.
You firmly grasped his hand, holding on for dear life as he slowly guided you to the shiny hardwood floors of the rink. "Miles I'm gonna fucking cry," you state, wide-eyed and afraid as your legs seem to weaken as he gently pushes you forward. "Alright, hold on mama. I gotcha, just drag your legs forward," he instructs as he glides forward like clockwork. He takes both of your hands within his, laughing as you fight back the urge to scream as you look down at the ground. "And here I thought you loved skating!" he laughed.
"I do! I swear I do! But I can't…oh my god I'm gonna faint…" you sighed as you wrapped both arms firmly around his torso, squeezing him like your life depended on it. "Alright, c'mon. Te ayudaré." he shrugs as he propels the both of you forward as slow as he knows how to. It was amazing, and your face lit up when you realized how fun it was to 'rollerskate'. You hadn't realized when, but you naturally picked up the rhythm of Miles's legs, adapting his style of skating slowly but surely. And when you realized you weren't even holding on to him anymore, your face lit up brighter than any star in the world.
When you packed everything up and returned both of your skates, you were giggling like a child and buzzed off nothing but sugar. You wildly explained how much fun you had and how you felt like a flying fairy on the skating rink, thanking Miles over and over for being so fun. He dropped you off at your house, holding a brief conversation with your parents as you skipped upstairs to find your sketchbook. You eagerly showed him the plethora of dresses you had cooked up in your head, explaining every one of them.
"Damn, you really are a princess huh?" He chuckled as you flipped through the many beta designs of dresses comparable to that of Princess Diana's. "I'll just have to get you one of these next time then huh? Tú eres la Princesa de mi corazon." he chuckled as you waved goodbye. You didn't know what he was saying, but you couldn't help but beam at the affectionate energy radiating from his words. He gave a formal goodbye to your parents before disappearing as swiftly as he arrived.
"I like that kid. He's very proper." You heard your mother exclaim. "Will he be over more often?"
You nodded eagerly as you ran up to your room to scream more into your pillow.
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yunjardi · 1 year
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my heart bel♡ngs to daddy [series]
[young sugar daddy jake x fem.reader au]
[click here for this series's masterlist to read previous chapters, general warnings, and playlist]
[‼️chapter warnings‼️: smut [mdni], fluff, DADDY KINK, jake is a little possessive (???), going on a flight, public-ish sex, teasing, spanking, fingering, grinding, handjob, dirty talk, unprotected sex, mile high club 👀, lmk if i missed anything!]
*sorry for any grammar errors
chapter 13: love phobia
"but you love me because i'm an idiot, right?"
your mind has been racing ever since jake uttered those words.
your stomach filled with butterflies from simply hearing him say the word 'love,' so what more if he told you that he loves you or vice versa? you didn't even fully know if you loved him for real or if he was just so kind, which you weren't used to, that you just think you love him.
love is not a word to use lightly, so you use it sparsely or not at all.
now that you had graduated university, you had way more time alone with your thoughts. the only thing standing between you being completely alone with your thought was your job at the bar which you were now wary of. you would quit your job because of those horrible incidents but if jake ever left and cut you off financially, you would barely have enough money to keep yourself afloat. those tips and your regular salary could only get you so far.
speaking of work, you should be focusing on serving drinks at your first night shift in awhile, but you can't seem to get your head straight, thoughts of jake floating in your brain with seemingly no end.
"earth to y/n," yeji said in a ghostly voice, snapping you back into reality, "your next round of guests are here." she laughed as she looked at your dazed expression.
you quickly got your shit together, unbuttoned your shirt lower to appeal to the guests, and went over to serve them.
"good evening, everyone," you greeted them whilst pulling out your notepad and pen to write down what drinks they wanted to order, "would you like to know our weekly specials or-" your voice stopped itself once you looked up at the group you were serving.
you didn't pay any mind to them until you locked eyes with the one and only sunghoon.
but it wasn't over yet.
sitting next to him was none other than mr. choi yeonjun.
at this point, you were sick of your worlds colliding with one another.
you tried to keep things casual and act like you didn't know them, but sunghoon just had to say something.
"oh hey, y/n," he greeted you with a smirk, his sharp fangs showing through, "you never struck me as the type of girl to work in a bar." you smiled sheepishly and simply nodded, trying so desperately to eliminate the awkwardness. "ah, i'm sure this place keeps you busy, doesn't it?" yeonjun chimed in with a smirk painted on his face, "you should call me whenever you have free time, though." he so casually flirted with you. the rest of the table didn't seem to pay any mind to you and sunghoon though you wished someone, anyone else, would just say something.
"so, um," you started with a painfully awkward chuckle, "is everyone ready?" you asked to which the rest of the table, thankfully, nodded. you took their orders as fast as you possibly could before practically dashing off to your side of the bar to begin mixing drinks. unfortunately, sunghoon and yeonjun both decided to follow you over to the bar like two puppies following behind their owner.
"i haven't seen you in awhile," sunghoon sighed out sarcastically as he rested his chin on his palm, "we should catch up." yeonjun nodded as if you didn't just see him a few weeks ago.
"that's probably not a good idea," you sheepishly laughed as you turned around to pour liquor into your drink shaker, "isn't it a little awkward after what happened? isn't jake literally one of your best friends?" you tried to keep your voice low. "oh yeah, of course he is," sunghoon said casually, "he kept calm around you, but he definitely didn't take the fact that we fucked lightly. he's so adamant about no other guy touching you or whatever. we made up, of course, but it's still a sensitive topic; he'll quite literally leave a room if it's ever brought up. but man, i've never seen that guy be so serious about anything." he shrugged. you were fully appalled at how he so easily talked about the situation.
"i had no idea that you were this kind of girl, y/n," yeonjun pointed out to which you cocked your head in confusion at his statement, still shaking and pouring drinks, "the type of girl who likes to have multiple guys, you know?" your eyes widened. "ah, it's not like that, i promise," you smiled weakly followed by a sigh, "just a coincidence, maybe?" 
"in case you aren't aware, literally every guy who's seen you and jake's little videos wants a taste of you," yeonjun remarked as he took a sip of the drink he ordered. "and rightfully so," sunghoon added under his breath, recalling his time with you at the sex club. 'pervs,' you internally rolled your eyes and scowled as you finally finished making the last of the drinks. 
"i'm not sure you realize how popular you are amongst men," yeonjun said breathily.
yeah, you didn't know and you didn't want to know either. you didn't log onto social media that often, but that messy situation led you to not open it for months; you weren't ready, or ever will be, to hear what the public thinks about you and your relation to jake.
you didn't even exactly understand what all the fuss was about; it was just a few dirty videos, so why were people making such a big deal over something you're trying to forget. like come on, it felt like that situation happened ages ago. 
after mixing the last of the drinks for sunghoon and yeonjun's table, you went over to serve the others who accompanied them and left the situation as soon as you possibly could. 
that's when you remembered that jake was supposed to pick you up after your shift ended, and he, of course, always arrived earlier than he should whenever he'd pick you up.
shit, shit, shit.
you hoped and prayed that he wouldn't think there was something going on with sunghoon and yeonjun if they were still at the bar by the time he showed up, which they likely would be. in your frantic state, you were able to spot yeji across the bar to which you dashed in your direction. she was quick to notice how frantic you were as you walked toward her, putting down the drink tray she was holding to check on you.
"hey, yeji," you started with a sheepish smile, "we have a bit of a situation." her eyes widened. "which is?" she questioned with curiosity. "potential drama alert," you whispered to her, "sunghoon and yeonjun just so happened to be part of my assigned table. do you mind covering from me so that jake doesn't think there's anthing suspicious going down whenever he gets here? i'll go check up on them once last time before i hand them over to you if that's cool with you?" you looked around the room as discreetly as you could just in case. "of course, y/n," she agreed, shaking your shoulder playfully, "the last thing you need in your life is more drama." you let out a sigh of relief as you began to approach the table one last time before officially clocking out.
"is everything okay over here? anything else i can get you tonight?" you asked, hoping with your entire being that they'd say no.
"well..." yeonjun let his voice drift off as he pretended to think, "another cocktail would be nice if you don't mind." you gave him a sheepish smile followed by a nod. 'actually, i do mind,' you thought to yourself, annoyed. "sounds good," you lied, "i'll have that out for you asap." you tried to walk away alone, but of course both yeonjun and sunghoon wanted to come and join you.
you pulled your drink shaker out from behind the counter and began to pour alcohol and ice into it, trying to mix as quickly as you could. "actually," sunghoon started, "i'd like one too." at this point, they were both just teasing you. now you had double the work all because sunghoon wanted to be a difficult piece of shit.
you were fully aware that you probably looked goofy by the way you were trying to quickly mix two cocktails basically simultaneously, but you stopped caring after remembering why you were rushing in the first place. you just let sunghoon and yeonjun keep staring at you do whatever you were doing, but you were soon sent into a panic once you saw jake enter the bar.
'please don't come any closer, please don't come any closer,' you repeated to yourself in your mind, but alas, your begging to the universe was not successful. you could see jake getting closer and closer from the corner of your eye, but you decided to avoid eye-contact until he reached your bartending counter.
"oh," you heard jake start speaking, "i didn't expect to see you here, sunghoon." it was obvious that he was trying his best to keep his composure. "oh, hey, bro," sunghoon reached out to do a weird handshake thing with jake, "i didn't expect to see you here either. here for a drink?" sunghoon questioned. "actually, i'm here to take y/n home whenever her shift ends," jake seemed to brag as he sat on one of the barstools nonchalantly, trying not to seem bothered, "just let me know when you're ready to go, princess." he emphasized the nickname he had for you. "actually," you started as you wiped down the counter one last time, "i'm ready now." sunghoon and yeonjun seemed surprised at your answer considering that you were technically their hostess and they hadn't finished yet.
"don't worry, you two," you tried to seem as reassuring as possibly, "yeji will take care of you for the rest of your time here." you flashed them a forced smile as you untied your short waist apron and headed over to the break room with jake.
once you got inside the break room, you walked over to the labeled hooks on the wall and hung up your apron, but before you could turn around, you heard the door lock.
"jake?" you asked, watching his hand leave the doorhandle. "mhm?" he responded, "something wrong, princess?" he questioned as he approached you. "n-no," you stuttered out, "just wondering why you locked the door is all." jake looked down at you and smirked before beginning to speak again.
"any particular reason those two were making eyes at you while you were mixing drinks at your station?" jake questioned as he cupped one of your cheeks with his big hand. your face grew hot at the tone of voice he used. was he jealous again? "of course not," you responded shyly, "they just happened to be at the table i was serving at and they decided to follow me to my station. nothing going on, i promise, jakey." he stepped closer to you. "hmm," he pretended to think as he let his hands wander your body, "i don't like how flirty they were being toward my princess. you weren't thinking of doing something behind daddy's back, were you?" jake asked amorously with a hint of sarcasm. "n-no!" you shook your head frantically, "n-never." jake smirked at your answer, slowly backing you into the back of the break room's couch. without warning, he lifted one of your legs so that your knee was resting on the back of the couch. slowly, he began running his hands up and down your inner thighs, ever so slightly swiping your entrance with one finger which made you let out a quiet yelp.
"please touch me," you begged him as you looked up at him with your pretty eyes. "what do you mean, princess? i already am," jake responded with sarcasm as he continued to tease you gently, "how do you want daddy to touch you?" you turned your face away from him, not wanting him to see how bashful you were getting simply because of his words, but that was soon reversed when jake took it upon himself to tilt your chin back over so that you were looking at him again.
"tell me, princess," jake repeated, his tone more firm than before, "you know daddy always gives you exactly what you want."
not wanting to verbally respond because you felt too shy, you let your hand trail down his thigh, feeling around until you could feel his hard through his jeans. jake's body grew goosebumps from your soft caresses. he kept on rubbing his big hand on your ass and letting his knuckles brush past your clothed entrance until he worked up enough courage to spank you, earning another yelp from you. 
"daddy, please?" you begged again, "w-want your fingers." jake let out a sexy chuckle as he continued to rub circles on your ass and thighs, eventually pulling your panties to the side to feel how wet you'd gotten for him. "so wet for me already," jake smirked, his accent turning you on further, "do you like when i scold you for letting other men be all over you, hm? do you like making daddy jealous?" jake asked you as he left hard spanks on your ass, making you whimper in pleasure. "n-no," you responded in a squeak, "n-no, i promise."
jake let his hands wander more, eventually cupping one of your tits as he slickly slipped one of his fingers into your dripping wet pussy. you let out a breathy moan at the sensation of him fingering you while playing with your breast. you let out a moan to which jake moved his hand from your breast to your mouth, covering it up. "shh, princess," jake whispered in your ear, "you have to be quieter; no one can hear us in here, right?" you nodded as jake removed his palm from your mouth, gently telling you to hush once more before continuing to finger you again.
"jake," you breathed out as you reached out to grab his wrist, "i need you... please?" you begged him as he let out a light sigh of pleasure at your submissiveness. "i could never say no to you," jake kissed your neck, "but we have to make it quick, okay? and i need you to be as quiet as possible, yeah?" you whimpered and nodded.
you let jake bend you over the arm of the couch, his arm holding you steady as he unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down. the clanking of his expensive designer belt buckle always turned you on further because that noise always meant that he was gonna let you have it until you couldn't remember your name.
"keep quiet, okay, princess?" jake hushed once more before pumping his cock a few times before slowly letting his tip enter your tight entrance. he hissed at the feeling, placing one of his hands on top of yours once bottoming out.
at this point, you were trying to control your moans with ever ounce of your being, but you couldn't help but let a few escape your lips to which jake tilted your head to the side so he could swallow every sound that you let leave your lips. it didn't help that jake was beginning to speed up so you two could finish faster in fear that someone would start knocking.
'no one knock, please,' jake thought to himself as he fucked your tight hole, almost at his high.
"daddy, slow down," you mewled almost silently, "i c-can't control it." the 'it' being your moans. there was something different about being pounded from behind by jake that sent your body into a frenzy. jake tilted your head up to his and gave you a kiss on the lips as he slowed down his pace, not wanting you to get too overwhelmed.
your request may have seemed simple enough, but not many guys would have been respectful enough to fulfill your request, opting to make excuses as a way to manipulate you into agreeing to their ideas/ideologies. jake was not that type of guy, though, making sure that he catered to your every desire whether sexually or generally.
"is that better, baby?" he asked after kissing your lips to which you nodded, still trying to keep your noises to a minimum. after your response, jake continued to fuck you steadily. pumping his cock into your tight pussy at a gentler pace turned him on further, getting to feel every little bit of you.
"fuck, i'm close," jake let out a breathy groan, "where do you want it?" a stupid question for him to ask considering the fact that he always finishes inside you. "i-inside," you mewled as you pushed your ass back at him, causing him to hiss at the feeling. jake wanted so badly to spank your pretty ass, but he knew that it would make you moan out loud so he had to control himself.
it became increasingly hard by the millisecond for you to stop yourself from moaning and crying out for jake as he continued to fuck you at a steady pace. you couldn't help the tiny, breathy moans that subconsciously escaped your lips as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. "jake," you mewled ever so quietly, "n-need to cum." jake bent himself down to kiss your neck, whispering in your ear for you to let loose for him before he let his seed leak into you. obeying, you came for jake, your body twitching and quivering from the extent of how much you were controlling yourself.
once jake was certain that he emptied all his seed inside of you, he helped you get cleaned up with some tissues that were stored on a shelf.
"you did so good for me, princess," jake praised you as he assisted you in straightening out your outfit. your face turned warm as jake flashed a smile at you.
"now don't think you have to go around and make me jealous just to get me to fuck you like that again," jake let out a light chuckle as he tightened his belt. "i wasn't trying to make you jealous, jakey," you pouted as you held into the sleeve of his shirt, shaking it around playfully, "i would never do it on purpose."
"i believe you, y/n," jake reassured you with a sweet tone, "but regardless, i don't like when other men touch my princess in ways that only i should be touching her." jake seemed to go quiet for a second, worried that he sounded overly possessive over you, but he just let the words fall out of his mouth without thinking beforehand.
was he implying that he wanted you all to himself?
as another day came, it meant another day to think about how you feel about jake, another day to think about how jake makes you feel, and another day to ponder if jake was telling you the truth or just trying to get you to swoon over him with his sweet-talk. (which was working like a charm)
you wished that you could stop thinking about jake for just for one measly second, but your mind always had other plans.
you kept letting thoughts circulate in your mind as your fingers toyed with the fabric of the short silk nightdress you were dressed in that, of course, jake bought for you.
he was literally everywhere with you though not being physically present.
the clothes you wore? jake bought them.
the diamonds that lay cold on the skin of your neck and wrists? jake bought them.
the several pairs of shoes that you'd never thought you'd own in a million years? jake bought them.
the vintage accessories from all your favorite brands? jake bought them.
all the money.
all the spoiling.
everything was because of him.
jake reeled you in with his charm and his money, but why did it feel like something more than just a sugar daddy and sugar baby relationship? maybe you were just delusional and blinded by his actions to think straight.
after all, your life had been molded into a fantasy because of him practically over night; something that some could only dream of. you felt like you were living every girl's dream life while barely having to life a finger.
you went from working 12 hour shifts at the bar to barely be able to afford paying for school and your home to being affiliated with one of the richest men in the country.
all because of sex in exchange for a diamond necklace.
some would call you pathetic and a gold-digger, which you often felt like in all honesty, but you knew in your heart that this was something more.
or at least it felt like it was something more.
but in all honesty, you didn't want to feel anymore; you wanted to truly know. you wanted so badly to find inner peace in regards to anything that was related to jake whether it was him admitting that he (allegedly) wants to be more than friends, or, if that isn't the case and he's just been stringing you along all this time, basically leaving everything behind if you wanted even the slightest chance of forgetting about him.
you want jake, but you also feel like you don't or maybe shouldn't.
your ears perked up at the sound of your phone vibrating as you scrambled to find where it was on your bed.
once you found it, you didn't even bother to check who was calling before pressing the green button.
"hello?" you asked once answering the phone, "sorry it to me awhile to pick up." you chuckled sheepishly. "don't worry, princess. i'm just glad you answered," the person responded to which you realized the familiar accented voice.
ah, jake. who else could it have been?
"oh, hi, jake," you smiled as if he could see your giddy expression, "did you need something?" you asked, curious as to why he decided to call you because it's rare that he does so; he usually just shows up to your front door. "hmm," jake's voice trailed off, "i was wondering if i could come see my favorite girl today, maybe pick her up and take her to my house, go out to town with her, possibly have her spend the night?" he rambled on and on. each time he made a statement, you felt yourself blushing more and more until your cheeks became the equivalent of a ripe strawberry.
hearing jake say the phrase 'my favorite girl' made your stomach erupt with butterflies. he made you feel so special, so pampered, so... loved?
wanting to seem as if you weren't trying viciously to control yourself from giggling into your pillow, you slickly responded to him with a flirty tone.
"hmm... maybe drive over to her house and find out."
the sound of knocking on your door came to the front of your mind after a few seconds of being distracted by fixing your hair. you sped over to the front door from the bathroom to open it up, a bit eager to see jake. you were greeted by jake's smiley face as he held out some luxurious roses that he'd bought for you.
"aww, puppy," you gushed with adoration as you melted into a puddle of bashfulness, making jake blush in return, "so sweet." jake pulled you closer upon placing the bundle of roses onto the counter next to perry's bowl.
"i missed you," jake pouted before pulling you into a kiss, his soft, plump lips sending a swarm of butterflies into your whole body. "jake, we saw each other two days ago." you pointed out with a light chuckle after breaking away from the kiss. "well," he started, "i always miss you when you're not around."
you felt your stomach do a flip upon hearing jake tell you that information. of course, you felt the same way, but you definitely weren't going to voice it because you didn't think you'd physically be able to.
"you don't have to miss me anymore," you smiled against his chest, "we get to spend the whole day together." jake let out one of his excited giggles as he trailed his hands down to your lower back in a somehow non-sexual way; it felt more comforting than sexual if anything.
"well, i have some news before we start our day together," jake announced, his hand trailing up to your chin to tilt it upward, giving you no choice but to look at his pretty face as you nodded for him to continue, "i'm going to japan for a business conference, and-"
"wait, when? when are you leaving? how long are you gonna be there? ... when are you coming back?" your mouth spilled out questions because of unexpected worry, causing you to interrupt jake before he could even finish his statement.
"hey, hey, don't worry, princess. you didn't let me finish," jake reassured you with a pretty smile, "i was gonna ask if you wanted to come with me, silly."
your eyes lit up and widened at the thought of going on a trip with jake. him asking you to come to japan with him felt like a dream in itself.
without any hesitation, you responded with "i'd love to!" to which jake gave you a toothy grin as he held you close, his heart feeling just as eager as yours at the thought of going on your first trip together. he took a second to ponder everything that he wanted to do with you in japan.
going out for walks at night when the city is all lit up, trying out a new restaurant, going to a cute little animal café, shopping (of course), and, most importantly, getting to watch the beautiful cherry blossoms together which is something he's always wanted to do with you.
jake could barely hide his excitement before making you throw on an outfit, that matched his, of course, and dragging you out to buy new clothes for the trip.
"i think this one is perfect, yeah?" you let out a content sigh, smiling as you spun around for jake to see the pretty garment from all angles. "it's hard for me to give an opinion considering that i think you look beautiful in everything," jake chuckled shyly as he adored you, "besides, you can choose any and all the clothes you want; no limits. so i'm sure we'll find a bunch more things that look perfect on you even after we buy this one."
you always loved going out shopping with jake, not just because you could literally buy everything you laid your eyes on, but also because jake always made you blush with his sweet compliments that never failed to give you a bit of self confidence.
the shopping trip was far from over, and let's just say that you two were about be the best-dressed people in japan for the duration of your stay.
after purchasing the garment, you two moved from store to store all throughout the shopping center until you felt content with all the pretty clothes and accessories jake bought for you. he even took it upon himself to get a few pieces of clothing for himself that coordinated with the outfits you chose. along with everything else the two of you bought that day, jake decided that the last touch should be something matching, so he took you into a dior store and let you pick out a pretty diamond choker then finding one for himself that looked similar to the one you chose.
going on shopping sprees with jake never failed to astound you; it seemed that the final price at the end of the day got higher and higher after every individual shopping session that you two have gone on. were you getting used to it? yes. do you still have underlying guilt for spending that much money? absolutely.
after spending what felt like, and probably was, millions of dollars, there was one more stop that jake wanted to make before going back home.
he led you into a fancy, luxury lingerie store that made you gulp nervously, not knowing what he had up his sleeve. jake was very mischievous when it came to stuff like this, so you wouldn't be surprised if he had some dirty intentions.
jake approached the counter as he waved at the employee who was working behind it. you watched as she blushed over jake once he began to talk to her, making you feel a bit of discomfort at the way jake seemed to talk to her with such finesse. her building flirtatiousness took over your mind, causing you to subconsciously pull jake closer to you. jake immediately noticed your nonverbal action and knew exactly what was bothering you, after all, you two spent a majority of your time together so of course he eventually began to pick up on your body language.
"anyway," jake smiled, "i'm here to pick up and order that i placed a few days ago." the employee seemed to be caught off guard by jake's sudden change in demeanor but still proceeded to ask him for his order details although she had zero time to process why his tone switched so suddenly. she turned around to check the shelf with neatly placed boxes that were tied off with gold, shimmery ribbons to look for the box that was labeled with his name.
"is it this one?" she asked, undoing the bowtie to reveal the contents of the, very extravagantly decorated, box. your eyes widened upon seeing the garments, them specifically being custom lingerie sets. you couldn't control the way your face was beginning to turn bright pink upon laying your eyes on the pretty panties that had 'jake,' 'daddy's girl,' and 'princess.' embroidered on the fabric in shimmery pink thread. you thought it was over, but nope, there was another layer of tissue paper covering more of the box's contents. jake gently moved the tissue paper to the side only to reveal more risqué garments.
pink lace lingerie, thigh garters, sheer bralettes, more custom embroidered panties decorated with cute, tiny bows, basically everything that he wanted to see you in.
jake is such a horndog for buying all this stuff for you, but you couldn't lie and say it wasn't making your stomach jump at the thought of what was going through jake's mind when he was ordering everything.
"yup this is the one," jake smiled innocently as if he didn't do anything cheeky.
once the employee turned the box to face her so that she could tie the ribbon back up, her face immediately turned bright red at the sight of what was inside the box. she scrambled to knot the ribbon and quickly pushed the box back toward jake. you couldn't tell if the look on her face was one of jealousy, flustered-ness, or both.
"you are such a dirty boy," you scolded jake with a light smack on his bicep as he giggled, "i can't believe you actually bought all that." jake couldn't help the smirk that formed on his face as he looked down at you, your face still pink from being flustered. "i can't tell if you're pleasantly surprised or surprised in a shocked sense," he chuckled as he held you close to him while the two of you walked back to his car. "a bit of both," you laughed in response.
"oh, the things you drive me do, y/n... you have no idea."
you, stupidly, decided to pack for your trip to japan last minute which caused you to scramble around to make sure you had everything you needed before jake came to pick you up.
honestly, it was a lot easier to pack since you had way more clothes and outfits that jake curated for you; digging through your wardrobe for decent clothes to wear on vacation was now a thing of the past. you were done packing before you expected to be, so you had a bit of downtime before jake would arrive.
just before you pulled your phone out of your pocket, you felt it vibrate.
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you let out a light chuckle after your little text conversation with yeji ended, but you couldn't help but begin to think about those cheesy things even though they were far from your reality. you wondered if that's how you and jake looked like from an outside perspective.
a couple.
just as you were about to get lost in your thoughts again, the doorbell rang. 'thank god,' you thought to yourself as you ran to answer the door. you opened up the door, surprised to see that jake had suddenly changed his hair color again.
"woah, since when were you blond again?" you chuckled as you pulled jake closer to you, hugging him and letting his cologne blind your senses. "since earlier this morning," jake responded with a sheepish smile, "just wanted to change things up again. d-do you like it?" he asked with a nervous tone to which you giggled. "i love it," you reassured him as you played with strands of his freshly dyed hair, "as much as i love your natural hair, i've missed the blond; it makes you look like a cute fuzzy puppy." jake's ears began to turn pink at your sweet compliment which made you giggle and give him another tight hug.
"we should get going now," jake pointed out as he glanced at his expensive cartier watch, "lemme get your bags for you." you let out a hum in response, a smile subconsciously growing on your face due to jake's gentlemanly gesture. the fact that this was how he genuinely acted without request always made your heart beat a bit quicker than usual.
he's sweet.
jake is so sweet.
getting into the car, jake began to head over to the airport. your stomach couldn't help but feel funny due to a bit of flight anxiety.
odd for you considering you've never been on a plane before.
"i'm kinda nervous," you voiced with a light chuckle, "i've never..." jake looked over to you with wide eyes, shocked at the new piece of y/n lore. "so... it's your first time?" jake joked cheekily, earning a light smack on the arm from you as became red in the face. "yes, it's "my first time," jake," you bickered back jokingly.
"i promise you'll be okay, princess," jake reassured you with a kiss on the cheek while you two waited at a traffic light, "i'll be there the whole time."
once you pulled into the private parking lot of the (rich people) part of the airport, you were unpleasantly surprised by a decent-sized swarm of reporters with cameras. you looked over at jake with a bit of a concerned expression on your face.
"oh, that," jake smiled nervously, putting one of his hands on the nape of his neck, "whenever one of the company's heirs goes on a business related trip without the head of the company, it's seen as a huge deal. oh and also-"
knock, knock, knock.
jake was interrupted by knocks on the window, startling both you and him. looking over, you saw the face of the man who you'd rather not be seeing at the moment.
excited, jake opened his door, hopping out of the car to greet one of his best friends. it made you feel rather uneasy to witness them interact; not because you didn't like or sunghoon or anything like that, but because you wondered how things could be so chill between them even though you unknowingly fucked jake's best friend.
were you the only one who couldn't get over it? the only one who still felt gut-wrenching guilt?
jake peeked his head into the car, smiling at you nervously before telling you the not-so-great news that you, him, and his friends would all be flying in the private plane together.
you felt your stomach drop, knowing that you'd be stuck in a floating metal tube with his friends for roughly two hours. and on top of that, it's your first time flying. you just shook everything off, remembering that jake was kind enough to let you tag along. that's all that matters, right?
once you were done freaking out, you opened the car door to step out. you so badly wanted to avoid the paparazzi, not ready for the press to be writing about you and jake again, and it'll probably be worse this time around considering that you're with him alongside his friends. 'stay calm,' you scolded yourself as you walked over to help jake unload the luggages from the trunk of his car.
"don't worry, i got it, princess," jake smiled warmly after tucking some of your hair behind your ear and leaning in for a peck on the cheek. it made you nervous to be kissed by jake with so many cameras around. you hoped and prayed that they didn't get a shot of it because of obvious reasons. people who worked for the private flight company began to load the plane with everyone's bags as you, jake, jay and heeseung (jake's two friends that you'd met previously) and of course sunghoon started to head over to the plane's entrance.
jake held your hand while leading you over to go up the ladder to get into the plane, continuing to hold your hand with every step up you took. you could practically feel the cameras all over you and jake, but he didn't seem to mind for some reason.
and as if the situation couldn't get any more shocking, you were pleasantly greeted by the interior of the private aircraft.
private seating if you wanted to be alone, group seating if you wanted to mingle with the other people who you're on the flight with, and two little closed off cabin rooms which was crazy because you didn't think that was a real thing.
"go ahead and sit wherever you want, princess," jake told you, letting you pick out where you wanted to spend the duration of your plane journey. "can we maybe," you looked down, becoming bashful, "use one of the rooms." you shyly suggested to which jake couldn't help smirk. "whatever my princess wants, she gets," jake remarked, giving you a passionate kiss on the lips, "go ahead and wait in there for me, okay?" you looked into his pretty eyes and nodded, opening the door to reveal a comfy looking bed, overhead storage, and a little window. closing the door behind you, you went to go sit on the bed.
"is this actually my life now?" you asked yourself quietly as you looked around at your surroundings. you still weren't used to it despite all the time you've spent with jake. more often than not, you were wondering how you, a, now graduated, broke college student working at a bar, managed to end up in this situation. you were thankful, yes, but it still left you feeling overwhelmed by everything that came along with living this type of lifestyle. midway through getting lost in your thoughts, you heard the door handle twist, being greeted by jake's pretty face.
"we'll be taking off now, okay?" jake informed you as he walked over to the bed and pulled you close, "i'll be here if you're nervous." you nodded, cuddling up to him while fearing the fact that you were about to be so high in the sky. simply hearing the plane engine start was enough to freak you out. jake felt you tense up as the plane began to take flight.
"hey, hey," jake comforted you, "focus on me, okay? you'll be alright." you nodded though you grew shy from looking at his pretty face. jake chuckled, pulling you on top of his lap and holding your face in his hands. "that's right, my pretty girl."
instinctively, you pushed your hips onto his, prompting jake to bring his hands to your waist. "needy?" jake asked, "in this situation?" he teased. "i-i didn't mean to," you sputtered out nervously to which jake shut you up with a passionate kiss. "well, do you want to?" jake asked curiously as he ran his hands all of your body, eventually trailing them down to your ass. "mhm," you responded, "please?" jake kissed your neck as you continued to grind on his clothed member. you don't know when or how, but your clothes were now discarded to the side, your lips on jakes as you stroked his length with your hand. you loved the groans and light whimpers that jake let out as you pleased him with your hands, and you were eager to let him use your body.
when he felt like the time was right, jake lifted you up and sat you down on his length, causing you to moan out as you held onto his shoulders. "so warm and wet for me," jake spoke lowly in your ear, sending shivers down your whole body. "just for y-you," your voice quivered as you roughly moved your hips on his, wanting to feel him deep inside you. "mhm, all for daddy," jake smirked while squeezing your pretty ass, "no one else but me." you nodded with a whimper in response.
jake pushed your hips further down onto his, wanting his tip to perfectly hit your little sweet spot. you whined as your thighs trembled, already feeling overstimulated from his length. you found yourself glancing to the side at the small window to which jake placed his hand on your chin to face back at him. "focus on me, baby," jake said softly, giving you a peck on the lips and rolling his hips against yours. you gasped and moaned out at the sudden waves of pleasure traveling from your inner thighs to your core.
"turn around," jake demanded after lifting you off of him to which you, of course, complied. you pushed your hips toward him as you arched your back eagerly, begging him to fuck you more. "that's a good girl," jake smirked, teasing your entrance with his swollen tip before fully pushing himself inside. "s-so good," you stuttered out in between moans and whines, "w-want your cum so bad."
jake bent forward to lift you up, your back now against his chest as he thrusted upward into you. you tightly gripped onto one of his forearms while he kissed your neck, your pussy aching. "mmh," you moaned out, "feels so good, daddy." jake groaned for you as he caressed your inner thighs, causing you to shiver. "i know, princess," jake chuckled sexily, "fuck, it feels so good to be deep inside you. it's your first time flying and all you can think about is being stuffed with my cock, huh?" you nodded and whimpered in response. "m-mhm," you managed to sputter out between moans, "always want you s-so bad."
it wasn't long until jake finally let loose, ropes of his hot cum painting your walls white.
putting you down, he gave you some time to catch your breath before giving you a few kisses.
"you're so cute," jake said out of nowhere. "where did that come from?" you questioned with a chuckle as your cheeks turned pink. "just wanted to point it out," he shrugged with a smile, "now go ahead and rest for the remainder of the flight, princess."
once the flight landed, you were forced to wake up from your nap which you weren't very happy about. upon getting off the plane and into the car that would take you and the others to the fancy airbnb, jake decided to keep you separated from his pestery friends because he knew that they'd only make you grumpier.
you spent the duration of the car ride with your head on jake's shoulder, trying not to fall asleep yet again and wanting to enjoy the view of the sunset over the city. unfortunately, you ended up drifting off to sleep again which jake found cute after watching how desperately you tried to keep your eyes opened. upon arriving to the place you would be staying at for the duration of the trip, jake, still keeping you a good distance away from his friends, brought you into one of the rooms so you could lay down and rest. he assisted you in getting changed into one of his shirts before you laid down on the cloud-like bed.
"you're so cute when you're sleepy," jake gushed as you wrapped yourself in the duvet, "i'll be right outside in the lounge area with the guys; we're gonna catch up a bit before we go to sleep. i'll be here later, okay?" you nodded sleepily in response, grabbing him closer by his hoodie sleeve so that he could give you one last kiss before leaving the room.
your drowsiness was really getting the best of you, causing you to expose your vulnerability and yearning for jake and his presence. you felt queasy at the thought of jake possibly thinking that you were being too needy. you also felt an odd sense of uneasiness from all the intimate moments that you and jake shared throughout the whole day because it felt almost wrong to be so intimate with someone who isn't even your boyfriend. jake isn't your boyfriend, but why do you feel so comfortable giving yourself to him? you began to feel somewhat guilty about your natural instincts when it came to being around him, but you couldn't seem find it in you to stop. why did it all feel so natural?
your thoughts were brought to a halt when you felt jake touch you.
"oh, and one more thing," jake added, "i need you to hold something for me until i get back in here." confused, you cocked your head to the side, squishing your face deeper into the pillow.
jake motioned for you to hold out your hand, and once you did, he gave you a kiss on your palm, rolled your hand into a fist, and let you move your hand back toward yourself.
you couldn't control the way your stomach flipped and the amount of blood rushing to your cheeks as jake flashed his cute smile.
"and you can give that kiss to me later when i come back."
you found yourself in a haze and half awake after what you presumed was a few hours. jake still wasn't in bed with you, but you could hear him chatting with his friends just outside your room which put you at ease. as much as you tried not to, you ended up eavesdropping on their conversation and were shocked to hear that you were the topic of discussion.
"poor y/n," one of his friends joked as he took a sip of alcohol, "jake really dragged her all the way out here because he can't survive 5 minutes without her." his friends laughed in response as jake's face turned red.
"hey!" he sulked, "i-it's not that." he responded shyly, taking a small sip of his drink.
"then what is it, hm?" another one of his friends questioned with a smirk plastered on his face.
"well, i-i just thought it'd be fun to go on a trip, y'know? s-she's never been here before, so i wanna show her around, right?" jake sputtered out, the mild interrogation being enough to make him sober from the alcohol him and his friends had been drinking, "i already have some things planned out; i just wanna show her a good time."
"a different kind of good time for once," one of the guys joked again, "c'mon, man, we all heard the two of you earlier." hearing one of his friends admit that made him get shy again as they all continued to tease him. "hey, we gotta give jake some credit," another friend chimed in, "he knows what he's doing if you know what i mean. not every guy can make a girl moan like that-"
"okay," jake said with panicked chuckle, stretching out the last syllable of the word he spoke, "i think it's time we all got some rest. after all, it's getting a little late, right?" his friends laughed at his bashfulness but agreed that they really should get some rest. "wait, don't turn off the lights yet," jake said holding out one of his hands, "i need to get a glass of water to put on y/n's bedside table." one of his buddies let out a light sigh followed by a wholesome chuckle. "how do you manage to remember all these little things about her?"
"well," jake's voice trailed off as he poured a glass of cold water for you,
"she's my everything."
a/n: chapter 13 is finally here after literal months! thank you all for being so patient with me throughout these past few months :,) it means a lot that you've stuck around with me 🩷 now that school and exams are over and it's officially summer break, i'll have an abundance of free time to write for you all! pls look forward to more updates from me 🩷
taglist: @axartia @jjhmk @valiantwastelanddelusion @jayroseyy @ayohahaha @asaheyow @lhsng @i-dalso @bunhoons @red-xherry @duolingofanaccount @lix-freckle3 @l0st-h0p3s @leeis @muffinminnie @green-orangeade @imbaeksbae @sunghoonmybeloved @tum73er @dilftime @qoh3 @sjakewrld @markleeisdabestdrug @futuremodeldiary @jeondolly @lil-iva @lalalalawon @noirgray @jckeplanet @teddy-lhj @meinapricity @jjkshies @bubbleseo @cherryunie @mqndnolia @bently-baby @fluffypiesstuff @ihrtk1ve @wonkiluvr @teti-menchon0604 @lovienikitty @rjsmochii @omgjwon @sunshine-skz @wy1999t @lv4rin @oceanyocean @nyfwyeonjun @mxshimoo @multifandombtvh @donghyckl @iloveoceaneyesss @jakeswhore @jinsfavoritedoll @brownsugarbaybee @heehee01 @mesopret @heesitation @heeverseblog @yoursjaeyun @mklhyvn @jungwon-xo @crazydelulu (some accs were unable to be tagged)
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jacevelaryonswife · 1 year
ㅤCatch me if you can, working on my tan, Salvatore.
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The summer's wild and I've been waiting for you, all this time, I adore you, can't you see you’re meant for me?
∴pairing: Sugar Daddy!Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
∴warnings and notes: age gap, reader is 20+ but her age isn’t mencioned, smut. Inspired by Salvatore from Lana Del Rey.
The first time you saw him was at an exhibition at the Targaryen foundation, which depicted life in Old Valyria. He was magnetic, intense and almost too attractive. Truly inaccessible, you thought, however, life wanted to positively surprise you with the opposite of that. You weren't used to going to sophisticated places, although you were a girl with expensive and demanding tastes, so when your friend invited you to the event your heart almost jumped out of your mouth. It was so exciting to be among such a select few of New York's elite, you could almost relax for a moment. Almost.
Underneath the subtle makeup and cheap clothes — perfectly chosen for the occasion —you were scared. Not out of fear of discovering your humble nature, after all that never embarrassed you, but fear of rejection, of the superb and elitist look in your direction, fear of humiliation by unhappy and mean people. At the start of the exhibition your figure stood alongside your friend and her friend, Aegon Targaryen, a fully representative specimen of the rich fuckboy stereotype — at least he was funny. However, as the evening progressed and people became more relaxed, you assumed you could move around and mingle with less tension around people. You've talked to some of the Targaryen/Velaryon youths closer to your age. Two of them, Jacaerys and Daeron were genuinely adorable and even a little flirtatious, which made you slyly recoil upon realizing their interest.
In this way, finding yourself in a corridor away from the small crowd, you began to contemplate some paintings placed on the wall that didn’t belong to the exhibition. One of them caught your attention and captured you for a long time, it was a night city in a cyberpunk aesthetic in the shape of the upper part of a male silhouette. You've never seen anything like that.
"Do you like it?" A male voice asked very close to you, on your side actually.
And then he appeared. Tall, thin, short hair, with a discreet smile.
“Uh, I'm not a big art connoisseur, but I appreciate a beautiful painting,” you said.
“And what do you think of this one?”
You returned to contemplate the painting again, before replying: “I like the futuristic aesthetic. It's aggressive, rowdy and intimidating, it reminds me of works like Altered Carbon, it's chaotic and dark and I can't stop admiring it. I don't really know if it's futuristic at all, but it resembles me. I think it was my favorite so far.”
He didn't hide his satisfied expression upon hearing your opinion, looking away from his handsome face to the screen in question.
“The reference was a troubled phase of my youth, I spent nights awake in galleries in downtown New York, Chicago and Paris. It was more underground than it is today and I certainly have some scars, but nothing that time can put us back on track.”
His eyes sparkled in self-realization. That was not only the author of the painting, but he was also a Targaryen. How did you not notice before? The short gray hair and violet eyes were distinctive enough to give away a Valyrian for miles. Maybe it was some mechanism in your brain to avoid associating him with a descendant of the dragon and making you nervous again, but it didn't matter now, not when he was already beside you in that beige linen shirt with the long sleeves and collar and sophisticated posture.
“Daemon Targaryen,” he said, holding out his hand.
You introduced yourself with a shy smile, greeting him back. “Are these all yours? They are very good."
He didn't need to look at the other pictures in the hall to nod. “Only a few, most are in my gallery.”
“Oh,” was all you said. “How long have you been painting?”
“I like to say I was born with brushes for fingers,” he chuckled with a hint of smugness. “And as for you, what were you born to do?”
"I don't know. I never really knew. I like my field, although I haven't graduated yet, but I never had a big dream or talent for arts in general.”
The look he gave you was understanding, almost affectionate, nodding. You stayed the rest of the night together, and even though you hadn't lived a third of what he had told you, the oldest Targaryen didn't make light of your experiences and aspirations for the future, quite the contrary, he asked a lot about your tastes, your dreams, your preferences and desires. Even if you were apprehensive about being around the most charming man you'd ever seen, Daemon was good enough to break through your preoccupation and wrap you up in a spiral of seduction veiled in sophisticated words and good conversation. By the gods, how you longed for that night not to end and you had to return to your simple and unglamorous life, to your heavy routine of studies and tiredness with uninteresting boys unlike the handsome man at your side.
“You have a beautiful face, you know, I would love to have you in one of my paintings,” he said as he rested his glass of white wine on the shelf beside him, “and I can already imagine how.”
"How?" You smiled in ecstasy, especially when he moved a piece of your hair to your ear and caressed your face. Your heart froze a beat and your mouth parted, a part of the smile still visible. It seemed too unreal to be true, but you would never object to what was about to happen.
“I'd love to show you,” he said before cupping your face and pressing his lips to yours in a kiss that made you float. You grabbed the back of his neck to pull him closer and rose on tiptoe to reach him properly, only to find yourself deliciously pressed against the wall as he stole the breath from your lungs in the sexiest, most demanding way possible. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that your reality seemed fully magnified as he pulled back and stared into your face, still so close you could only get intoxicated on his expensive woody cologne. “Come to my apartment, I need you babygirl.”
Oh dear, an indecent sound nearly escaped your mouth at the nickname, your breathing turning into wheezes immediately. You've never been in a relationship with an older man, not for lack of interest, but there weren't any such attractive options close until tonight. It felt like a sensual dream, especially when he traced circular patterns on her neck with his thumb.
Daemon glared fiercely before pulling you gently around the waist and out of the room, opening the door for you to say goodbye to your friend and Aegon, hating the knowingly slutty look he directed at your figure. Your heart pounded with each traffic light the luxurious red convertible crossed, impressed by the ruby, blue and green lights that illuminated that part of town and even more by the large hand that was on your bare thigh. How you wished it would rise a little higher...
Luckily his dazzlingly modern apartment wasn't far away, with beautiful floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out over the sea of buildings and skyscrapers of the world's greatest metropolis. It was breathtaking. You couldn't help but walk to the center of the room, gently tapping the glass as a smile left your lips. "It's so beautiful."
“No more than you, I promise,” he whispered into your hair, next to your ear, sending shivers through the body. He curled one hand in front of your body, caging you between the glass as he brushed your hair away from your neck to sensually kiss your erogenous spot, making your eyes close and your hands rest on the glass. His vague hand ran over your waist and breasts, squeezing your flesh deliciously. “Have you been with a man before, babygirl? A real man, not these fuckers who don't know how to satisfy a girl properly.”
“No, I never have been,” you replied breathlessly, looking at him through the reflection.
“I will make sure you never forget this night.”
Daemon turned you around to kiss you, demanding to taste, lick, suck, and bite each of your mouths. He'd like to taste your sweet pussy right there, fucking your beautiful body against the glass, but he wanted more, so much more, he wanted to lay you on the bed while the blue light outside illuminated your body just like the painting he'd imagined. And so he did. He stripped you of your clothes before laying you on the white sheets, drinking in the masterful image before you. He leaned down to kiss and suck on your neck as he slid his hand down the length of your body to the wet spot between your legs, spreading your wetness with his fingers before massaging your clit incisively with the palm of his hand, making a long, breathy moan out of your throat as you held him from behind, desperate for more friction. He removed his hand from your legs to grab your breasts and bring them to his mouth, but was quick to repeatedly grind his clothed manhood against your needy, wet pussy. He smeared saliva on your breasts and continued to tread south, kissing and stroking your stomach with his big hands.
“Fuck,” he growled at the sight of your shimmering femininity, so eager for his attention. “So fucking pretty,” he said before kissing the inside of your right thigh, holding your hips in place to dip like a bee on your flower, eating you like no other has. You moaned loudly and squeezed your eyes shut, holding onto his hair as your legs unconsciously tightened around his head. He never wavered, devouring your pearl like a starving man only to feel your body relax beneath him, your orgasm coming so hot and wet it had you moaning pathetically as he licked for another moment. A proud smile appeared on his features, which was met by a shy and satisfied smile before your hands struggled to remove the last physical obstacle that separated them.
“Ready for me, love?”
You nodded during the long look at his beautiful member. How he would love to thrust into you with no hindrance, but that would be asking too much for a first night, he knew that. So when he returned to the bed with the condom on and settled himself between your legs, his hand on your knees, there was nothing to look forward to but losing himself in your wet heat, so deliciously hot and tight. He let out a guttural growl as you let out a sly moan, sagging in glee as your pussy was filled in a steady rhythm.
“Daemon,” you cried breathlessly, pulling him in for a sloppy kiss. He became deeper and faster in his movements. “Oh! Don’t stop!" Your whisper had him moaning in your ear and biting down on your bottom lip, fucking your sensual body hungrily.
“Fuckin' hells,” he growled as you squeezed him and milked him wet all over his cock, kissing the sensitive spot on your neck. He didn't last long after that, allowing himself to fully enjoy your heat to come hard over your body, rolling over to discard the condom and lying next to you, pulling you into his chest.
“That was amazing,” you said, smiling wide and tired, feeling your warm intimacy relax completely.
He just smiled and nodded silently, draping an arm over your shoulder. You didn't bother too much to stay awake, however, Daemon's low voice caught your attention.
“You said you never had great aspirations, but you also told me of dreams to be fulfilled, desires, everything you would like to have, see and live. Let me do it, babygirl, let me help you.”
Your eyes widened, looking up to meet his calm features. "Are you serious?" We don't even know each other well, this is a big step for both of us,” you said.
“We have enough time for that, I just need to know if you want it.”
This is definitely the best night of your life. Of course I do, holy shit I want it so bad. “Yes! I want it! I want it so much!” You kissed him sleepily, smiling against his lips. And that's how the dynamic between you began.
tag: my bestie @valeskafics cause she planted the idea of sugar daddy daemon in my head with this work here, check out her work! She's the queen of hotd content.
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pahtoosh · 10 months
In one of your lates work lee said she is a brat.. can I request something based on this?
Like when she gets upset that HE her DADDY called her something mean . How does he earn her trust and forgiveness back? 🥺
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[image ID: a gif of lee bodecker frowning by tumblr user UnEarthlyDust. /.end ID]
wc: ~1200 words
warnings: name-calling, lee gets very mad in this, apologies and tears with one reallyyy long hug. gets a little preachy at the end which i normally don’t vibe with but it felt appropriate for this au
a/n: i cannot even BEGIN to tell you how excited i was when i read this request! i tried writing it immediately but the story got away from me several times🤭 anyway today i managed to stay on track! woo! thank you so much, lovely anon. i hope you like this one🫶
pairing: lee bodecker x gn!little!reader
summary: lee takes his frustrations out on you and accidentally calls you something mean
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“And look! Now Bingo Bunny has a hat to match his brown pants.”
“That’s nice, sweetheart-“
“Oh! I forgot his brown glasses too!” You ran back to your room to pick up yet another tiny accessory to show Lee. Ever since he got home an hour ago, you were running back and forth between his office and your room to show him your new treasures. Each toy had a story that reminded you of another toy which also had a story that connected to a totally different toy.
Lee sighed. He’d seen your entire toy collection by now. This little show-and-tell had started with the toys you bought by yourself today and devolved into a near encyclopedia of your entire collection.
Lee wanted to indulge your need for attention, but he needed to make one last phone call before he was officially done with work for today. Lee found he could never truly relax if he knew he had something to do or somewhere to be.
“I got the glasses! Look at Bingo, Daddy!” You held the bunny out and made him do a little dance.
“He’s lookin’ sharp, sugar.” He beckoned you over and leaned a little closer, then began to speak as if he were telling you a secret. You stopped buzzing for a moment to give Lee all of your focus, he knew just how to excite you and get your attention.
“Why don’t cha make a few more outfits for Bingo and do a fashion show for me later, yeah? Spend a long time on ‘em now. Make sure they’re perfect.”
“Okay, Daddy!” You left your daddy’s office once again, unaware that he was just trying to distract you.
Lee took advantage of this moment to swiftly lock his door and make the phone call. The sooner he could get this over with, the sooner he could be a proper daddy to you.
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
What was supposed to be a ten minute call ended up getting to forty minutes. Lee and Deputy O’Connolly were trying to review the security plan for the county fair, but they kept running into issues. Lee was nearing the end of his rope.
“What kinda idiot put Burke and Smith on entrance security? Those two ain’t nothin’ but trouble. Put ‘em together and add the pretty girls entering the fair into the mix and the line’ll grow ‘till it’s near half a mile!”
“I tell ya, this is the last time I trust anyone else to do shift assignments,” Lee groaned.
The two men continued talking as they made edits to their respective paper copies of the security plan. Then, Lee heard your little hand trying to wiggle open his office door.
“Hold on a second.” Lee covered the receiver and shouted to you, “I’m a bit busy right now!”
You shouted a response, but your voice didn’t project as well as Lee’s and it was muffled by the door.
“I’ll be out later, bunny! Just give me ten more minutes!” Lee thought that was the end of it, but you continued shaking the doorknob and started trying to push the door in.
“For the love of- I’ll call ya back later, Deputy.” Lee hung up the phone and stomped to the door, opening it with a huff.
You were still leaning on the door, but you managed to find your footing after the wood abruptly slipped away from you.
“Oh! Daddy, hi!”
“What is it? Is there a fire?”
“I got Bingo all dressed up! Come look!” You tried pulling Lee’s hand so he’d follow you, but he stayed rooted in his spot.
“Not now, bunny. Daddy’s on a very important phone call.”
“But you said-“
“Well now I’m sayin’ ‘not now’, aren’t I? You know the rules. Ya can’t interrupt Daddy at work unless it’s an emergency and ya sure as hell can’t go around trying to break down every door that stands in your way!”
“I just wanted to show you my Bingo,” you said quietly.
“And I’ll look at him later, but right now I’ve gotta explain to Deputy O’Connolly why I hung up on him ‘cause you’re too much of a damn airhead to know what a locked door means!”
You froze in front of Lee, too stunned to react.
He closed his eyes and ran a hand over his face. “Shit. Baby, I-“
Before Lee could continue, a whimper made its way out of your mouth, breaking you out of your trance and allowing you to run away.
Your daddy watched as you sped into your room and shut the door. He felt pathetic for taking his anger out on his baby. The sheriff wasn’t used to the feeling of white-hot anger and shame rolled into one. These weren’t the actions of the man he prided himself on being.
Lee took a few deep breaths before trying to open your door. You’d taken a page out of his book and locked it this time. You didn’t usually do this. Even when you were upset, you’d leave it unlocked, not even thinking to keep Lee out.
“Bunny, please open the door. Daddy wants to say somethin’ to ya.” Lee leaned his head on the door.
“Daddy gonna say somefin mean ‘gain!” you sobbed.
“No I’m not, I wanna apologize to ya.” Lee sighed. “I’m gonna get the key to your door okay? I need you to hear this.”
“No! No! Don’t wanna hear anything! Just leave me alone!”
Lee’s heart broke at the realization that he had lost your trust. He was your daddy. He was supposed to love you unconditionally and protect you from people who said mean things: people like him.
A tear slid down Lee’s cheek. “Baby, I’m sorry,” he said, his voice cracking slightly. “Daddy’s so fuckin’ sorry he said those mean things to ya. You’re not an airhead. You’re my smart, sweet, beautiful baby. I don’t deserve a perfect little thing like ya.”
Lee leaned against the wall. He was willing to wait as long as it took for you to let him in. To his surprise, not a minute later were you bursting through the door and wrapping your arms around him.
“Hey there, bunny. There’s my sweet baby,” Lee cooed.
You were still crying as you clung onto him. Lee continued soothing you with his words and touch.
“I know, I know.”
“Daddy’s so sorry, baby.”
When the last sobs left your body, Lee apologized again. It wasn’t perfect. Lee was never great with words. But it was soft and real. A gentle whisper in your ear while he hugged you so tight that you felt his tummy rumble with each passing syllable.
“I forgive you, Daddy.”
“You don’t have to, bunny. Daddy was awful to ya. Give me some time to make things right.”
You shook your head against his chest. “I forgive you,” you repeated, stubbornly.
Lee was at a loss for words. How could he ever repay your love? He settled for kissing your forehead and lingering for a moment. He thought about how lucky he was to have you and, for the first time in a while, Lee prayed. He prayed to someone, anyone, that he’d be able to make this up to you.
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vivalarevolution · 1 year
𝓦𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓭 𝓖𝓪𝓶𝓮
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Recom Miles Quaritch x Na’vi Reader
Request: „Can we get some recom Quaritch being a boobs man 18+ fic (with fem na’vi reader)‟
A/N: A request from anon. This is my first time writing for this character but I hope that by some miracle I will reflect his nature and behavior well. I hope you will enjoy this work and enjoy reading it.
Remember, english is not a language that I speak every day. Mistakes will or may happen. It’s smut, so minors don't interact.
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She wasn't sure what was real anymore and what was just her imagination.
The oily substance on her chest mixed with the saliva, was making her feel so dirty and ashamed.
His large hands pressed against the flesh of her breasts, leaving a burning sensation behind him when his palms shifted even for a moment.
-Are you with me sugar? - he asked in a low, murmured voice, almost purring into her molested skin.
-Mhm - she replied quietly, but it didn't sound like the answer the man above her wanted to hear.
-I asked you a question - he growled, slapping her sensitive nipples, making her squeal as she tried to hide herself, but Quaritch's strong hands prevented her from moving - Don't be a brat and answer daddy.
-I'm sorry daddy - she whimpered, looking at him with teary eyes - It feel so good daddy, so so good - she confessed, trying to touch him, but the belt from his pants entwining her wrists prevented her from any movement of her arms.
Seeing her poor efforts, he only looked down at her, and a malicious smirk appeared on his lips as he bent over the woman's trembling body.
-Something wrong, sweet pea? - he asked, rubbing his lips against hers, soft and full, made to be harassed by him - Mobility issues, I believe. Don't worry, you don't even have to lift a finger. Daddy will take care of everything.
Y/n let out a soft sigh, sinking onto the mattress below her. She watched helplessly as he continued to abuse her sensitive chest, which was marked with purple hickeys and bite marks everywhere. His tongue slid between the valley of her breasts, lingering on her collarbones, which he felt were too clean and empty, kissing the skin there and sucking his lips on it, his fangs gnawing at the firm skin, feeling the need to mark her even harder.
-Daddy - she whispered tearfully, trying to get his attention - Daddy, please.
-What is it baby girl? - he asked, suddenly shifting his full attention to her face, looking intensely into her eyes - What do you want from daddy , hmm?- he said, and she shyly looked down, after a while looking at the man again - Come on ,don't by shy now buttercup. Tell daddy what you want.
Y/n lowered her eyes down again, finally allowing the burning sensation between her thighs to spread like wildfire, leaving her lying in a pool of her sweet juices.
-I want you to touch me daddy - she confessed, moving her hips impatiently - Please touch me.
-But I'm touching you, sugar - he pointed out aptly, his fingers gliding over her trembling body.
-Not here ... - she whispered embarrassed, nudging him with her tail.
Quaritch chuckled under his breath, though it sounded more like an animal growl mixed with the very voice of a devil ready to destroy the last drops of innocence she had in herself.
-Then tell daddy where - said the man - Here? - he asked, touching her neck, gliding his fingertips towards her left breast - Or maybe here? - he murmured, stroking her ribs and hips - Or...here - he whispered, kneading the skin of her inner thighs, sticky and wet from arousal.
-Closer daddy, please closer - the woman moaned, trying to reach his hand by moving her loins.
The man firmly grabbed her pelvis, immobilizing Y/n and preventing another move if she wanted to make one.
-Do you want daddy to touch your pretty pussy? - he asked, stroking her soft skin with his thumb.
-Yes please - she whispered, looking at him with doe eyes.
-So say it - he replied, bringing his face closer to hers, grabbing the nape of her neck with his free hand - Say you want daddy to touch your pretty pussy.
-I want you to...touch my pretty pussy daddy - she said quietly, embarrassed.
-Good girl - he praised her, stroking her warm cheek gently.
Unexpectedly, Quaritch spread her legs wide, making her exposed, letting his eyes feast. Her womanhood glistened with her juices, quivering with excitement and the need to be touched.
-Please - she whimpered, wiggling her hips as best she could, trying to lure him.
He knelt in front of her, staring shamelessly at her femininity, running two fingers agonizingly slowly over her sensitive folds, making her squeal.
-So wet. I could go inside you in one swipe because you are dripping so much sugar - he said, massaging the button between her legs, making her legs stiffened.
-Yes please, daddy! - she answered almost screaming, by the feeling of harassing her clitoris with rough fingertips.
Man watched her for a moment, observing her body move before slipping his free hand into his pants, the other undoing the zipper to release his manhood that hit him in the stomach, standing hard and leaking from his head, causing the woman to involuntarily clench her legs, trying to form the friction she desires.
-Oh, princess, you're not going to do that - he said, placing her legs on his broad shoulders - This little pussy is just daddy's and daddy will take care of it.
-Yes, only yours, daddy. Only yours - she moaned, feeling his shaft rub against her puffy folds.
Quaritch tortured her for a while longer, even though it took ages for her. His manhood was soaked with her arousal, causing him to slither inside her once or twice, driving her insane.
-Daddy will fuck you deep and hard - he murmured, thrusting himself fully inside her, making her body arch, and the outline of his member appearing on her abdomen - You're such a good whore for daddy. Taking me so well.
Y/n felt as if the air had left her lungs, resulting emptiness that was filled by the man, filling her so deeply that she felt as if with each movement he was closer and closer to her throat, tearing her apart.
Only broken moans and crying escaped from her throat, which intensified when Quaritch's mouth found its place on her chest, full of various marks, dirty and wet with the amount of substance that adorned her. She balancing on the edge of pain and pleasure, feeling her body burn with every slam of his pelvis against her pubic bone and every new scratch of his fangs against her abused skin.
-You squeeze me so tight. You were made for me, weren't you sugar? - he murmured into her collarbone, pressing against her breasts even harder, causing her legs to widen even more, allowing her feet to move limply - God, I love those sweet tits, I can't resist them, especially when I feel your warm pussy.
-Daddy - she moaned, almost crying - So close, oh so close - she gasped as she collapsed onto the mattress beneath her.
At those broken words, he began to move even more brutally, growling as his manhood was caught in the tight embrace of her wet walls, refusing to let him go.
-I feel how much you want to cum- he said, kneading the flesh of her firm breasts, gliding his lips over her pebbled nipples - So cum for daddy, come on. Daddy needs to feel you so he can spilled out deep inside you.
Those words worked on her like a spell.
-I'm cumming, I'm cummin, I'm cumming, ah! - she screamed, clenching her thighs around his waist, not wanting to let go, needing him close.
Quaritch bit down on one of Y/n nipples, feeling the fluid inside of her push his manhood out, making him cum right on her clit, getting himself wet from the waist down.
-Look at that baby girl, you squirted - he remarked pleased, looking at her tired form.
Her body trembled intensely from the pleasure flowing through her veins. Her eyes were clouded with lust, and her puffy folds were painted with his semen, which lazily flowed under her, making an even bigger mess.
She looked as if she had had enough, as if she was going to pass out at any moment, as if her body remained and her mind had left it long ago.
But even so, Quaritch was far from finished.
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kth1 · 1 year
BR: Red Eyes (m) | KTH
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Red Eyes [Taehyung x Reader]
⟶ Genre: Vampire Au | Smut | 18+ ⟶ WC: 20k+ ⟶ Warnings: slight sugar daddy taehyung, slight dom/sub themes, shower scene, soft massaging, featuring vamp!jin and vamp!jungkook, oral (f), fingering, biting, name-calling, descriptions of rough sex, blood warning, nipple play, creampie, semi aftercare, vamp blood can be used as a heal and could be a hallucinogen, etc ⟶ Summary: You begin to figure out that Taehyung is a man of his word. Slowly but surely you’re slipping further into the expanse of his expensive world. But are you willing to accept? ⟶ Beta: Thank you all for assisting me through this fic and pointing out the areas I need to work on. This has come a long way but I'm happy to get it out into the world! @amourtae @jeonjcngkook @caelesjjk​  ⟶ Author’s note: Surprise! Over a year and a half later after the release Black Ravens, I finally decided to dedicate myself to a series! I never stopped thinking about the what ifs with vampire Tae, especially the one I wrote. I hope people give love to this, I really do. If I forgot any warnings, please contact me.
Series Masterlist ◈ Mail Box ◈ Masterlist
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It’s dark beneath your eyelids, but you’re too lazy to open them. 
Something — a distant noise of some sort — stirs you from your sleep. 
The smell of burnt incense mixed with freshly turned earth fills your nostrils as you take in a heavy breath. Your head rolls to the side, landing on an even softer cool plush of — what feels like — a pillow crafted by the Gods themselves. It cradles your head delicately, like placing a newborn baby down in its crib for a sweet night.
Deep voices whisper about; hushed tones purposely low to avoid your ears. It all sounds faint, muffled from your hazy sleep-state. You couldn’t care less about what’s to be said. The bed you're residing in feels like it stretches for miles as it makes sure to hold you captive in its undeniable comfort anyways. 
There’s no question how much your body is begging for rest; you can barely move to a new position without a strong ache protesting against your muscles. The comforter draped over your limp body is cool to the touch, a soft fur-like fabric cuddling every inch of your body. Thankfully, it hordes all your body heat underneath it.
But, who dares disturb your slumber at this time? 
It’s hard to make out the words each voice speaks at first. Both are deep with respect, conducting a tune to your ears like a lullaby. 
“Are you sure about this?”
“I’m positive.”
“She’s not going to be happy about her.”
You register the melodic tune of one of those voices. No doubt in your mind it sounds exactly like Taehyung. Oddly, with that knowledge of his presence you feel slightly more at ease. Ready to admit defeat to Mr. Sandman with no hesitation.
“Just… don’t worry about it. It’s my choice, not hers.”
There’s a pause between the two voices. It feels as if you caught yourself napping and missed out on the rest of their conversation. You beg your own body to get comfortable once again, clutching your arms needily around a nearby pillow as you hold it closer to your frame. The soreness of your muscles ache, body feeling beaten and ravaged. You feel the tightness of your neck and back grinding with the way you bend, objecting to any sudden or harsh movements.
The pain comes from the last thing you remember – being pinned down and clutched by a leeching vampire by the name of Taehyung.
A single palm comes resting against the top of your head, lengthy cool fingers pet away the stray hairs falling into your face. You feel frozen from the gesture, though the hand feels like it’s encouraging you.
With a voice that reaches straight to your bones, you hear the calming words, “Go back to sleep, kitten.” 
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You’re not positive when you fully come back to your senses. Blaming the sweltering heat rising from under the covers, you push off the fabrics piece by piece until only a thin sheet rests over your frame. The uncomfortable tightness in your lower abdomen constantly reminds you of an urgent need, begging for you to relieve the tension before it becomes too painful holding it in. Once your eyes flutter open, wiping away the hard crusts that formed, you begin to ponder your surroundings. 
A burning fireplace sits at the far end of the room, crackling wood bends at the fire’s warmth. Ash gray walls surround you, hinted with intricate etchings on the baseboards and a collection of black and white paintings. A sheer black canopy falls loose off the top of the bed frame, draping down around the mattress of which you still lay.
Everything that you set your eyes upon just screams the word expensive.
You don’t recall a place as such, most definitely not your own room nor any from Black Ravens. As you start to search for answers, you twist your head to view a row of black blinds shut tight against a large window. Perhaps seeing outside would help, maybe you can recognize the area.
Slowly, you’re able to shift your body up the bed even though your pain argues against the actions. When your legs manage to hang off the side, seconds from your feet touching the darkened wood flooring, a soft noise startles you.
To your left, nearly blending in with the curtain of the bed, stares two copper eyes. The sound you hear is nothing but a soft meow from an observing cat batting its tail slowly. Its whiskers pucker as it sniffs the air just before it stands up, stretching its lengthy limbs and scooting itself off the covers. You watch the line of its path straight to the crack of a doorway as its paws pad softly against the flooring. 
Through the opening crease, you notice the amenities of a bathroom. Instantly, it reminds you of how badly your body needs to be taken care of, and now with direction, you follow the innocent feline into the separate room.
You wince at the light that clicks on, blinding your sight momentarily and causing you to stumble into the side of the sink’s counter. You curse under your breath, hand covering your eyes until you bypass the cat which sits promptly up on a towel drawer until you find the seat of the toilet.
Surprisingly, you find that you aren’t wearing any underwear. Only an abnormally large plain shirt thrown on you, loose like a dress and drops low to accommodate your body and covering the important parts. You recognize it as one of Black Raven’s “cover up” shirts, mainly worn after a participant's clothes have been ruined. You hoist the fabric upon sitting down, ready to do your deed, until you lock eyes with the waiting cat.
“Are you just going to sit there and watch me?” Your poor fragile voice sounds more hoarse than you anticipated. Your vocal cords strain roughly.
You huff to yourself, shaking your head a little at the ridiculousness of questioning the animal. But as if it understands you, it turns its head away from you as if you’re not good enough for its attention.
Your eyes scan down and disapprove of all the markings left on your legs, wounds all pinched shut and coating over with fresh layers of scabs. One bite mark looks particularly angry, it hurts to the touch. As you lift the fabric on your body higher, you notice more.
“Taehyung really went to town on me…” you mumble to yourself.
Bruises litter your hip, even a scratch mark rakes down your waist. If you weren’t so into the pleasurable state of sex, you’re sure all these blemishes would have been more painful. More noticeable.
Pieces of your memory mold back together the more you wake up. Finishing yourself with the toilet, you find yourself staring far too long into the lengthy mirror above the sink. You study the discolored markings, how drained your face looks as it stares back at you in the reflection. The liveliness of your body looks as dull as ever, these grotesque markings are no help at all thanks to Taehyung.
Well… you remember three were from his elusive coven mate, Jimin.
The clear glass of the shower door calls your attention in the background of your scenery. What you would give to shove your entire face under the showerhead and watch the water swirl down the drainage pipe. To have the hot water cascade across your cold skin and to be engulfed by the steam hovering your own body.
However, those blissful thoughts snap in two when the cat meows at you once again. 
It stands proudly, jumping down and out the door. When it doesn’t feel your presence following suit, it calls to you again. 
So the cat is leading you around now, is it?
It paces quickly to another door hidden from the view of the bed and begins scratching at the bottom edge of the frame. The poor thing must have been locked inside of here with no way out, you think. 
Ignoring the pains pricking at your muscles, you step up to the door to twist the crystalline knob and open it just enough for the feline to step through. The crack is just enough to give you a view of a lengthy hallway, endlessly trailing to God knows where. 
You close the door as silently as possible before rushing yourself back to the bathroom for that heavenly shower you desperately need. Collecting all the materials you may want to use, mainly a few towels to wash and dry your body that you found in a nearby closet, you briskly twist the shower’s nozzle and test the temperature of the running water.
“You’re awake,” a deep voice comes out from behind you. 
It nearly causes you to jump forward into the glass shower door, but luckily you catch yourself from being too dramatic.
“I… uh –” 
“– Good evening,” Taehyung smiles. His eyes trail your figure, watching the way you hold the towels closer to your body the moment you look back at him. “How are you feeling, kitten?” 
You nod slowly while you take a more casual stance as you face him. His gorgeous hazel eyes melt you like butter sitting in the sun for too long, turning liquidy the longer you stare back into those crisp irises. 
“Not going to speak?” He lifts an eyebrow as he takes a step inside the bathroom. His foot kicks the door closed behind him as he begins to shrug out of the denim jacket he wears. The fabric collides with the tile floor below as he continues his actions with other pieces of his clothing. “It’s quite alright. Take your time warming up to me.”
“A–Are you going to take a shower?” You blink at him, trying to process the reason why one by one his clothes are being thrown off his body. He doesn’t hesitate at all, minding you no business as all you can do is watch him as you stand there stunned.
“We are,” he tosses you a toothy grin.
The second his underwear slinks down his lengthy legs you immediately shoot your eyes up to the ceiling. As if you have never seen this man naked before and that you owe him the decency of privacy. Or maybe, you are just too terribly nervous with how fast paced and nonchalant the situation turned into.
“We?” You repeat with a higher tone than anticipated. 
He chuckles softly, combing his fingers through his hair to push back those curly strands before looking at you. He hums in approval as he steps in front of you, hands coming to touch along your arms. You smell a whiff of his woodsy aroma, a scent you can never pinpoint, but it is the only smell you associate this vampire with. 
Unique to him and him alone. 
There’s amusement on his face as he looks over you, pulling your body closer to his until you’re pressed against his front. 
“Is someone worked up?” He quizzes you as one hand comes down to clasp the hem of the massively oversized shirt you’re wearing. “I can hear your heart racing. I bet you can hear it too.” 
He’s swift at pulling the towels away from your arms, and even quicker with pulling up the material of your shirt even when you protest a second too late. It is up and over your head before you realize it, clasping your arms across your chest and immediately burying yourself into his frame to hide any inch of yourself that you can. 
“Tae!” You screech. All your muscles yell back at you with all of the sudden movements your body makes. “Wait, no. Please!”
He places his large hand on the side of your head, tilting your face to look at his. The other palm soothes over your back and down your spine, pressing you softly into him as the two of you stand there completely bare. 
“There, there, kitten. You’re safe with me,” he grins as he turns your head, hooking his thumb under your jaw. His eyes trail over the marks on your body, humming to himself every time he spots a discoloration to your skin. “Let’s get you cleaned up. You have been out for a while and I haven’t been able to properly wash you.” 
Lightly, he places a kiss on your temple. 
“What do you mean I’ve ‘been out for a while’?” 
You watch through the corner of your eyes at the way his free hand opens the glass door and reaches in to twist the nozzle. Water comes rushing out of the top of the area, replicating a waterfall from a cluster of rocks. Matching tiling from the floor compliments the earthy coloring of the walls. A few eucalyptus plants hang from one small section right above a built-in slab that serves as a seat or placement for shower products. 
“You’ve been asleep for about a day and a half,” he admits.
Taehyung inhales deeply against your hairline, placing one last peck to your head before moving the two of you into this extravagant shower. Surprisingly, the water didn’t need time to warm up – instantly being the perfect temperature to heat up your cold body. He allows you to step under first, letting you rinse off. The more your body intakes the new found warmth the more it loosens up your muscles.
“Really?” You chirp back with astonishment, voice cracking angrily at the force. “Wait, it’s Sunday now?” 
Before you can step away, Taehyung holds you in place with his hands. He joins you under the falling water, dipping his face under the rushing liquid before whipping it away. 
“Where are all my things? I’m not supposed to be here. I had plans for… Oh, he’s going to ki –” 
Taehyung hushes you, using his hands to knead into your arms and up to your shoulders. “Don’t worry. All of your belongings are with me. I took care of your absence by replying to your friend and letting them know you weren’t feeling well. Besides,” he grins when your body twists in pain from the massage he is giving you, “I did a number on you and I told you I’m going to take care of you.”
His hands are like corrupting black magic, wielding you like a puppet. You’re not sure what to blame between the ache in your muscles or tiredness you continue to feel, but the sorcery of twists and turns his fingertips do to you makes you thaw completely into his palms. Making you forget how important your plans are and falling head over heels for the tall vampire before you.
You’ll deal with the consequences of your failed plans later.
“Where does it hurt?” He speaks softly as he tests out areas of your back and neck. 
You respond in the same tone, fluttering your eyes whenever he flicks over a taut muscle, “Everywhere.” 
He pulls you forward along with him, taking the opportunity to sit himself down on the stone slab and you sideways on his lap. Taehyung is faster than you, as usual; his quick movements allow him to snatch a loofah and bar of soap all while pressing a button on the side of the wall. It changes the location and direction of waterflow. He grips a metal faucet that hooks off from the wall, twisting it from its hinge and dragging the spray of water to aim across you.
Taehyung analyzes each bite wound on your body as the spongy loofa glides over them. If it were any other time, you’d begin to feel a nervous tension between the oddly domesticated silence the two of you share – but for now you bask in the attention. Savoring every small caring detail he gives you. 
“Is this your home?” You question as your eyes are trained to the tiles below.
“One of many,” he responds.
“It’s nice…” you trail off.
You feel shy with the way his lengthy fingers flutter over your skin with the soap, washing away the surface scuffs and leaving suds in its path. He hums a ‘thank you’, chuckling at the way he places his face closer to yours on purpose to make you show your bashful side. 
He notices how you still hover your midriff, already given up on hiding your breasts by placing your arms and hands strategically over areas of your body you’re not ready to expose just yet. Taehyung gives you your space, even though he’s infiltrated the majority of it. 
“I’ve arranged for one of my servants to gather you some basic necessities, but within the month you’ll be brought out to shop for whatever you’d like. I’d advise you to rest well until you fully recover, take your time adjusting.”
“You… you didn’t need to do that for me,” you twist your head to finally look at him. 
You don’t think you’ll ever get used to the way Taehyung looks, regardless of what setting or lighting he’s portrayed in. He always has been nothing but beautiful, drop dead gorgeous. But right now, he stares back at you with sincere eyes, wet curly locks that twist every which way, and beads of water trailing down the sides of his face. For a second, you completely forget about the conversation. Admiring only him and the glow of his perfectly sculpted features. 
“What do you mean by ‘adjusting’?” 
Slowly, your body starts leaning closer to the vampire. Your eyes are set on his parted lips, pretty and round. He allows you to inch closer, seeing how blindly you wish to kiss him. 
“Your life,” his voice drops an octave. Even his Adam’s apple bobs with the way he speaks. He’s nothing but serious, eyes scanning down your face to your neck and collarbones. “You’re mine now. Your current life needs to change to be with me,” he grins.
“I… What? Tae, I can’t just do something so drastic like that,” you scrunch your eyebrows together. “I have so much going on, you don’t have a single clue.” 
“But I do,” he hushes you with a kiss. It catches you off guard with how warm his lips feel against yours. “I’ve known about you for a while now, kitten. Your records at Black Ravens only told me so much. I had to do some studying.” Taehyung’s hand sneaks up to the back of your neck, lightly tugging on your skull to tilt your head back. He takes the handheld showerhead to wash over your hair, damping it in preparation for shampoo and conditioner. “You’ll adjust well, I believe. I have everything you could ever need.”
“I care for you, Y/n. I really do,” he soothes over his words with the trickling water. “I’m sorry for taking you in on such short notice, but I would have never left you bleeding out on a Black Raven’s bed. I want you to know I had nothing but true and good intentions while I took you back to the comfort of my home. I apologize if this makes you uncomfortable in any way,” he speaks with sincerity and kindness. Taehyung’s voice remains soft as if he’s speaking to a worried child. “Please know that I wanted nothing more than to keep you safe.”
Taehyung doesn’t allow you to process much further because he twists you in your place, making you face forward and away from him. He lathers up your hair delicately as you remain quiet; you try processing what all has been said to you as he rinses and repeats the action with his shower products.
There’s something in the back of your mind that concerns you, sends you a word of caution the more you ponder over everything you have going on with your life. Family, friends, working towards your career, classes, and beautiful memories. Did you really just wish yourself away from all of those by accepting Taehyung?
As if he can read the stress levels radiating off of your body, Taehyung speaks up. “We can talk more about it later,” he soothes, petting your head. “Relax with me. Tell me, are you in any pain from these?” He references the array of bite marks as his finger lightly trails across them. 
You shake your head no, not worried about the small blemishes compared to how fatigue your body feels. It’s not the first time you have had multiple wounds like this on your body. 
“I’m okay. Just tired,” your eyes flicker down to your lap. The mark between your thighs still emits a dull pain. “Well, there’s this one.”
You feel Taehyung’s chin rest on your shoulder, peering down from behind you to see where your fingers point to. They lightly prod at the nasty scab that sticks out, softened by the water of the shower.
“Would you let me fix it for you?”
You’re confused with what he’s asking you, questioning him with how on earth he plans to fix your wound. He snakes his hand over your thigh, prying it apart from the other to view the full blemish. Briskly, he removes the crusts that cover the openings and rips open a faint batch of blood. You flinch with the action, seething between your teeth.
“It’ll be fine. You won’t feel a thing in a few seconds,” he laughs. 
Taehyung then pricks his thumb on one of his fangs, drawing his own scarlet blood. It drips lazily down his finger as you watch him with awe. He places it over the bite mark, and like a miracle, you watch before your eyes how the small puncture wounds on your leg seal together in seconds.
“What the – How? Where did it go?” 
Your hand scoots past Taehyung’s to press into the soft flesh of your thigh. The mark disappeared completely before your eyes. Even the litter of marks around the area tend to fade with each passing second.
“Give it a little bit and your body will be healed up. It was only a little bit, but it will still do its job.”
“Tae,” you begin with a shake of your head. “Tae, where did the bite mark go?”
He sighs as he cages his arms around your frame, hugging you from behind.
“A vampire’s blood gives us various abilities… and is our life essence. Healing is one of many things it can do for a human.”
“Can it save people too?”
Taehyung’s fingers find yours before interlocking them together. He allows the water to cascade down on the two of you, holding another in an embrace of comfort.
“Depends on your definition of saving. It’s not a known existence to the world. Many people are unaware of the abilities of a vampire’s blood and we try to keep it that way for several reasons,” he licks his lips between words, “How are you feeling?”
You breathe as you absentmindedly take in the information while staring at the steam collected on the shower’s door. Yes, your muscles seem to have untensed faster than you think they would have without this magic blood. But you remain skeptical about it.
“I’m alright,” you state.
Taehyung makes a disgruntled noise beside you as his thumbs run circles on the tops of your hands. You’re unaware of the shift in his mood but you soon discover his eyes roaming back to a few marks in the junction of your neck.
“I’m afraid to give you more,” he huffs. His lips come dangerously close to your outer ear as he continues to talk to you. “Too much vampire blood and it can cause several different effects. Even a small dose can heighten your senses,” he smirks as goosebumps grow on your skin, “increase ones strength,” he whispers as he squeezes you tighter in his hold, “and can even make sexual experience a lot more… intense.”
You swallow hard at his words. Each delectable syllable tingles your eardrums. The way his hands slide over your skin heats you up even further without doing much at all. Your body feels good, very good, with what tiny bit of blood was given to you. Denying its influence to your body is a foolish thing to think about.
Taehyung finds amusement as he watches you battle with whichever thoughts flood your mind. You feel as if you’re in a cloud of nothingness – or is that just the visible steam fogging up around you to blame? Each bead of water heightens those sensations radiating in your body. Your heart beats faster with each ticking moment.
“I do warn you, each person gets affected differently. It also depends on the dosage. Many humans take it as a drug to see hallucinations and to feel something, to feel more. It’s powerful, but it eventually dies down. Becomes addictive. Even taken in a large dose… the human can metaphysically or spiritually bond with the vampire they drink from. The vampire community has kept the healing properties a secret so it wouldn’t encourage humans to hunt vampires for their blood.”
Turning your head, you’re met with a pair of beautifully crafted hazel eyes. They stare deep into yours, catching your gaze and begging for you to not break it. Penetrating you in your spot. When Taehyung hears no response from you, he pushes the topic further while his eyes trail down to your lips.
“I can trust you, can’t I?”
You part your lips to speak, though nothing comes out. You’re nearly mesmerized by how Taehyung looks. A deep cardinal desire picks at your brain as your eyes can over his features, admiring the beauty before you. You feel sweltering hot as if your skin is threatening to melt off your bones.
Blinking hazily at his face, your hand comes up to cup his cheek. You can’t describe exactly what you are feeling; it’s like you are drunk and high at the same time but with no negative effects. Your mouth runs dry, parched from how thirsty you’ve become in the matter of minutes.
“Y/n?” Taehyung’s smooth baritone voice flutters your heart as he speaks your name.
“I won’t tell anyone,” you mutter under your breath.
Your fingers press firmly to pull his head closer to yours. Lips seeking him with no questions asked, planting them securely against his. There’s an eagerness scratching in the back of your head. You fight to twist your body on his lap, grounded by the two strong palms now resting on either side of your hips.
“Are you aroused, my little kitten?” 
His mouth hovers yours, mere centimeters away. The accusation stirs you, how guilty you suddenly feel. You want nothing more than to tangle your tongue with his at this very moment. Your breath shudders when you inhale; it feels as if you were catching your breath after running a marathon.
You don’t need to answer Taehyung, your actions speak louder than any word that can come out of your groggy throat. Fluttering your eyes shut, you pull him to reconnect his lips to yours. Your tongue stretches into his mouth, licking past his teeth and meeting his with a warm greeting.
He hums a small laugh, his smirk unable to hide his high spirits.
“Kitten, I don’t want to use this against you. I was only trying to heal you up. Plus, aren’t you exhausted…” Taehyung takes a hand and travels it toward the apex of your thighs, “Down here?”
His thumb toys with the idea of running it along the bend of your thigh, edging it closer towards your crotch. The sensation feels otherworldly, magical. Heighted to a new extreme as the water trickling down above you feels like you’re under a waterfall.
Each physical sensation blesses your nerve endings, making them vibrate with mirth throughout your skin. A strangled moan escapes your mouth when you allow a curse to fall out of your lips.
“Fuck,” you breathe. Your chest rises and falls with desperation. “Fuck, don’t…”
Taehyung hums, his face pressing against yours and he nudges your head to lean back against his shoulder. 
“Don’t what?” He whispers, halting his actions. “I won’t touch you –”
“Don’t stop,” you seethe through your teeth.
He witnesses the way your nipples stand erect. How the twitch of your legs help open them wider as if you’re welcoming his hand to slide further. Your heart pounds with every waking moment, beating hard on the inside of your ribcage as your body sends itself into a state of bliss. You can imagine yourself in a rainforest, hearing tropical birds chirping as the smells of fresh mulch and soil fill your nostrils. Sun rays beaming down bright against your skin as you lounge yourself atop a lily pad floating on a pond. Bold, vibrant colors paint the world around you, and the only thing pulling you back to reality is the man splitting your legs wider with his feet as he leans you back against his chest.
“What are you seeing?” He questions calmly, unable to read the blown out pupils of your eyes.
Taehyung uses one hand to grip your chin softly, tilting your head to look up at him. With the vampiric blood dancing in your system, his features look even more amplified. More gorgeous – and you’re unsure exactly how. Taehyung glows like how you imagine an angel might, ethereal and stunning. His eyes twinkle like a thousand little suns having a fiesta together.
“You,” you admit. “I only see you.”
Taehyung keeps his focus on you, wanting to give you the ultimate pleasure you deserve. He’s sure to keep slow and not push the limits; he is aware of the draw-backs of what happens with a human on vampire blood. He wants to show you how he intends on keeping his promise of taking care of you to all ends, even when he is ignoring his own hard-on pressing against your backside. Maybe one day he’ll experiment sex with his blood in your system, if you so wish it, but for now – he knows you only need the bare minimum of happiness.
Seeing as you can have everything and anything you want right now.
Taehyung’s hand drops down to collect your breast in his palm. He doesn’t even need to toy with it much at all before having you gasp out loud from the sensation. Your nipples remain painfully erect, calling to Taehyung to stroke over them one by one just to turn up your pleasure some more.
You groan with excitement and feel your body quake with shivers running down your spine. Your hands rush to grab at him, moaning out a plea for him to continue his actions.
“Touch me, please.”
He shushes you as his other hand reaches for the detachable showerhead. From underneath you, his feet hook around your ankles to spread your legs wider. The heat of the shower touches your exposed pussy, revealing the dampened mess between your folds. It doesn’t last long there, not with how Taehyung runs the showerhead over your body. Teasing your skin all over before centering it above your cunt.
The blasts of water jetting out of each rubber hole presses against your lower lips and clit. A constant pressure applied right to the place you needed it the most. Your grip tightens as you inhale a whine, swallowing harshly as your body undergoes the sudden and shocking impact. You shake in Taehyung’s hold while reaching down between your legs to grip his wrist. His strength holds you back as his other palm latches over your mouth, muffling your beautiful whines and keeping you pressed against his body.
He rubs the showerhead over you slowly at a deliciously dangerous pace. Taehyung’s lips kiss against the side of your neck while you strangle a moan that fails to escape.
“That’s it…” he coos. “Accept it. Let your body fall into it.”
You screw your eyes tight as the words laced into your ears hit you. Beckoning your orgasm to release instantaneously and rolling over you like a bulldozer. Taehyung supports your body no matter which way you convulse; he’ll make sure you ride it out with no worries.
The hand placed over your mouth catches all your weeps and sobs, muting you from the world. Your nails pierce into Taehyung’s wrist as you anchor yourself, holding onto him for dear life. It’s as if the waterfall you once were under sweeps you off your feet and drifts you out and over the rocky slopes of a river and into a bottomless pit of an ocean. Where those raging rapids of your orgasm begin to calm down and smooth out into slow luscious waves. Sailing you out into the void on the surface of the water.
You hear Taehyung’s voice echo in your head. It sounds beautiful and serene, his voice coaxing over your senses as if it’s the only thing able to ground you.
Your chest heaves as you catch your breath through the thick steam of the shower. Collapsing your head back against Taehyung’s shoulder, you relish in the pure bliss of everything around you. His hand slips from your mouth to guide your jaw towards him as he simultaneously removes the showerhead from between your legs and back to the hook nearby. A soft, yet playful smile, dresses his beautiful lips. Even his eyes flash delight and mirth.
“You’re so sexy when you enjoy yourself,” he comments.
Delicately, his lips press onto yours once again. His mouth feels possessive, like he’s ready to eat you entirely. Meanwhile, his hands cage around you, pressing into your skin and holding you flush against his front.
The compliment floods you with a wave of embarrassment. Vulnerable and under the penetrating gaze of a vampire who can literally do whatever he wants with you at any given moment.
“T-Thanks…” you hush your words against his plump lips.
“Anytime,” Taehyung smiles.
He allows you a moment's rest just to relax with him; he completely ignores his strong hard-on pinched between your two bodies. A malicious and violent being – from what you’ve grown to know – makes you skeptical on how such a tender and soft man Taehyung truly can be. Even when he has only displayed his dominating sides… seeing something like this throws your head into a spin of confusion.
It surprises you.
But you don’t question any of his actions. Taehyung shows no real threat, not now… now when you’re dripping wet and naked on top of him, shaking from a mouthwatering orgasm that took less than a minute to achieve under a new influence. 
On top of that, you only had the smallest amount of his blood in your system. You can’t even imagine how more would affect you.
“Let’s finish cleaning the rest of you off,” he addresses as he grabs a conditioner bottle. “I’m sure by now my servant has fixed you with some food and something to wear.”
Taehyung takes his time with you, holding you close every step of the way. He caters to you as if you are a broken doll. Careful to not break you further, but graceful enough to make you feel his compassion with every tender touch. 
He whips you away with his spoiling behavior. Washes you from head to toe; peppering affectionate kisses across your skin.
Perhaps this is his way of apologizing.
When the two of you finally exit the bathroom, disregarding the trail of wet feet marks that follow you out the door, you’re welcomed with newly found clothes on a properly made bed. A small tray of juice and small food sits on a small desk. You stroll towards the mattress, happy to not feel your body aching with every movement. You plop down on the side of the bed as your eyes scan the laid out clothing, still wrapped up in your towel.
Taehyung moves steadily over to his closet. His robe hugs around his frame as his arms search aimlessly through his drawers and hung up clothing. You can see him shuffling through fabric after fabric, analyzing and processing which colors to coordinate with another. 
“I’m afraid I have some business to attend to tonight,” he drones out. He sounds less than enthused about whatever it is he has to do. “I’ll be back before dawn. Feel free to wander the house. I’ll entrust you with Jin.”
You blink over at him, giving Taehyung a puzzled face when he catches your wandering gaze. 
“Wait, what? Hold on, I have a few questions before you disappear on me.”
The tone in your voice shows how concerned you are feeling. Disorientated feels like an understatement.
Taehyung walks out of his closet with a pair of dress shoes and suit pieces hanging off of a few hangers in his hands. A camel tan jacket and matching pants paired up with a white button up long sleeve and black gucci shoes. He tosses them on the bed beside you as he hums. 
“What questions do you have for me, kitten?” 
He tilts his head as his eyes find yours. He raises his eyebrows with all attention on you. He stands at the foot of the bed, legs spread in a stance to make him look wider. Like he’s making a statement without having said it. Crude humor you think, especially when his long lengthy fingers begin tightening around the band holding his robe together. He toys with the idea of teasing you by pulling it out of its knot and allowing the material to lax naturally. Opening a slit that reveals his skin from chest all the way down to between his legs.
You stare at him with determination and a bit of fear. Because you’d be damned if you admired the view of his hanging appendage that he shamelessly gives opportunity for you to see.
“I… I – You’re coming back when?” You stumble over your words momentarily.
The audacity of his whole demeanor spills out confidence and carelessness all at the same time. He smirks when you finally direct your line of sight to something far away from him. It’s the only way you know how to talk with him without feeling some kind of way.
In your peripheral you can see Taehyung shrugging off the material of his robe and allowing it to drop down to the ground. He stands there naked and you’re well aware of it. You tighten your grip on your towel involuntarily as you concentrate on your speech.
“What time is it now?” 
“Sometime after the sunset.”
“That’s… not helpful. Where’s my phone? All of my belongings that I had at Black Ravens. They’re not here? I also need to go back home.”
Taehyung huffs a laugh as he slips up his trousers and buttons them securely. The humor laced in his voice throws you off as you try to stay serious on the matter. 
“It means it’s sometime at night,” he grins. His hands run through his hair, brushing out the damped tendrils away from his face. “Your belongings are with me. No need to worry about them right now, kitten.”
He’s dismissive. You also notice the way he ignores the last thing you said, which twists your curiosity even more.
“Tae. I need my phone,” you state.
Slowly, he rounds about the bed to your side. Taehyung steps in your line of sight and moves closer to you. He’s sliding an arm through the sleeve of his button up as he fixes his stance before you. His finger comes out to tap under your chin, beckoning you to look up to him.
Your eyes scan across the sliver of his stomach all the way up towards his sharp collar bones. His neck looks desirable, kissable. But when you meet his hooded eyes, you feel heat strike your nerves. His face shows no signs of that playful humor lingering in his voice as he stares down at you.
“I’ll tell you what. Be a good kitten for me and stay here until I get back. Then I’ll give back your phone and bring you home.”
You hesitate to respond to him. The scowl that covers your face shows your displeasure and frustration. The split second you go to twist your head out of Taehyung’s finger, he grips your jaw.
Taehyung levels himself with you, bending down to look you straight into your eyes. His eyes look hazed over with some sort of clouded anger as they bore into yours. 
“Y/n. I need you to stay here for me,” his voice drops to a stern ring. It shakes you all the way to the core. “Do you understand?”
You shake your head slowly as you accept his request. There are no words that can describe the things Taehyung’s presence does to you, let alone his words alone. The way it always feels like he has a claim over you. The way he can boss and control you with just a simple snap of his finger if he demands it.
A creeping smirk grows on Taehyung’s pleased face. The importance of subordination and lack of patience is something you note in the back of your head.
“Good girl,” he praises. Taehyung leans in more to place one last kiss to your lips, humming satisfaction as he gets his way. “Now, behave,” he warns as he removes himself from you.
“Why don’t you go choose a necklace for me from one of the valet boxes I have in the closet,” he insists as he sits himself down to focus on slipping into his shoes.
You remain propped right in your spot on his bed as you clutch the cloth of the towel surrounding you. Watching the back of Taehyung’s head, you find yourself frozen in place from wanting to move.
“Who’s Jin?”
Visibly, you can see the way Taehyung’s shoulders shrug as if he’s letting out a sigh. He shakes his head to himself as he finishes putting on the last piece of his clothing – his jacket – and adjusts the cufflinks.
“My eldest brother.”
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After Taehyung leaves you alone in his bedroom, you sit for a while before wanting to actually make yourself presentable. You feel sluggish, whether it be from tiredness or the lazy state your body settles in after having that mind-blowing orgasm from a showerhead. Of course, you take your time moving around his room. You even take a few more bathroom visits to finalize your look with whatever toiletries you manage to find.
You grow bored of the bedroom surroundings just how you grow bored of the lack of social interaction. Placed in an area that you are completely unknown to, the only person you’ve managed to see is Taehyung. Even when he claims there is a servant on-hand, they’ve yet to come back to the room at all. Leaving you curious about what lies outside of the bedroom door… and hungry with the need for food.
The door opens gracefully, it doesn’t even creak at the hinges when it swings. You’re met with an empty hall, only simplistic flower paintings hang in an orderly fashion along the length of the wall. You take a look up and down the expanse, seeing as you’re smackdab right in the middle of the hall.
From the right, it looks to be a dead end. A lonely black counter sits at the far end wall with one singular clear vase set in the middle and a mirror secured to the wall. To your left, there’s an opening far beyond you can see.
Your feet step haphazardly as you trail down the wooden flooring. It smells like any other normal house would, just with a hint of cleaning solution lingering in the air. Nothing seems out of place, everything perfectly set in alignment. Not even a speck of dust flies in the air throughout the illumination of the bright lights above.
Eventually, you creep further into the house. You find yourself walking into an empty entranceway, the front door completely black in color with a golden handle. All the windows are boarded up, seal tight. The reminder of Taehyung’s request echoes in your mind, telling you not to leave.
That he needs you here.
You stare at the door for longer than you admit, mind racing with interest. But you're drawn to a muffle noise that resounds in the air. It snaps your attention to another direction. As if the house itself is your usher, the walls guide you away from the front door and down the next corridor.
Emerging around a corner, you instantly see a countertop with a display of utensils laid out. The closer you step, the more of the kitchen is presented to your eyes. An island sink and stove, refrigerator, and at least two tall cabinets that are presumably filled with food.
Your mouth begins to water with the ideas of something fresh, something delicious. Maybe a set of snacks are waiting for you just inside those doors.
However, you still aren’t forgetting the strange noises you hear that continue to grow as you step into the kitchen.
You come faced with a window in the wall above a section in the kitchen. It peaks into some sort of gathering area, like a living room you guess. But what you see isn’t anything you expect.
The muffled noises are from people. They are in front of a fireplace, lit to a bright flame, yet they’re either half or completely naked. A woman is on her knees right before a male standing tall. His hands are mangled within her auburn locks, guiding her head vigorously into his pelvis. The noises you heard, are nonother than two people fucking – face-fucking. Their moans and aggressive groans amplify the longer you stare.
His backside mainly faces you; you can barely make the features of these two strangers. His sharp calves flex through his tight jeans as he balances himself, so does his marvelous thighs. The elastic band around his thin waist hangs enough to expose his member, plunging deep into the willing woman’s mouth.
But the scene itself makes you fumble over your footing as you back away. You accidentally slap your arm against the countertop as you try to anchor yourself from falling over, knocking into the array of utensils and causing a ruckus.
It surely gains the male’s attention as you watch his head look over his shoulder abruptly. Dark locks hang over his ruby red eyes as a piercing gaze penetrates you where you feebly stand. Blood smears across his parted mouth, sharp teeth bearing themselves to you.
Like a deer caught in headlights, your eyes look back at him. Widened and scared.
His hips continue to roll into the woman’s face while his hands keep guiding the head of the woman onto his cock. You can’t see it, but you can surely hear the way the woman gags around something several times. It’s rough, you can tell with the type of savagery the male puts into his thrusts. But she sucks it in like she's drunk on lust; bite marks littering her flesh.
“I-I, uh –” you stutter as you hoist yourself up into a normal stance. Your hands scurry across the countertop to gather the utensils in a haste as the leering gaze of the male glares at you.
“I am so sorry!” you blurt out. 
The second you look down, you feel a gust of wind beside you. To your right, a bare chest enters your peripheral view. A masculine hand slaps itself down on top of yours, pinning you to the countertop. Even with a quick yank, you cannot move a single centimeter away from the weighting pressure on top of your hand.
You scream out a yelp of pain before your eyes snap to the man who leans in beside you. Bright scarlet eyes stare at you like a dagger ready to pierce skin. Blood dribbles down his chin and drops to his smooth chest as he smiles a devilish smile down at you. He doesn’t even have the decency to cover up his hardened cock, it stands out of his pant’s zipper as they lay low on his dainty waist. You’re embarrassed to even take in the sight of the sculpted abdomen of the male, let alone the proud dickhead pointing right at you.
Quickly, he makes his way around your frame to corner you against the island countertop. Both his arms cage you in, barricading your body against two hard places.
Fear strikes all your nerves, quickening your heart rate and causing a panic.
The name comes out shaky, just like how your limbs begin to do. You quiver between the male and the countertop. He leans in, grinning to himself as his eyes scan up and down your body. He presses himself closer, even brushing his hardened dick against your front.
“I can be Jin if you want me to, baby,” his voice comes out deadly and smooth. It curls your insides, sends red alert noises in your brain.
Instantly, it tells you that his identity must not be Taehyung's eldest brother. Now, you’re concerned with who exactly this other vampire is.
Taehyung never mentioned someone else.
You try to squirm out of the male’s hold. You’re being violated in so many ways by this unwanted presence. Even the fist you form with your free hand does nothing to the side of the male’s face. It only creates a loud smacking sound as your knuckles contact his jaw.
The man tilts his head back to level it with yours. Any sign of amusement he has completely vanishes. His nose scrunches as he inhales deeply.
“You’re going to regret –”
“– Jungkook!”
A voice cracks through the intense male before you. His gaze fades out momentarily as he listens to the call of his name. His shoulders rise with irritation and aggression.
Another male’s hand comes to grab Jungkook’s forearm before ripping it away from surrounding you. He easily pushes the attacker off, giving a few feet space between the two of you.
“Don’t,” the newest male warns as he stares back at the other.
The male’s back is away from you, but you can tell he’s taller in stance. He, too, has dark hair – at least it looks styled. His body is lathered in a light blue silk shirt that’s tucked into black dress pants and a thin belt. He radiates authority with the way he stands.
“Jungkook,” he warns as he senses the vampire getting agitated. “I command you to not lay a single finger on her. You’re not allowed to harm her in any way.”
They exchange a heated stare with another. However, to your surprise, you notice Jungkook standing straighter. Submission. A cocky, yet pissed off look, suits his face as he uses the opportunity to tuck himself back inside his pants and zip his zipper.
His eyes glance over to you, frozen and unable to move from your spot, while he expresses his annoyance towards you.
“With all those little noises I heard earlier, I expected you to be another whore.”
The male in the blue shirt swiftly and fluidly backhands Jungkook in a blink of an eye. The power alone splits Jungkook’s cheek open, blood spraying out with the movement of Jungkook’s head.
You stare in shock, tears brimming in your eyes. Slowly, you are able to edge your body away from the counter and back the way you come. But you’re halted in your tracks by the male in the blue shirt.
“Stay, Y/n,” he calls out.
It’s the first time he faces you, turning in his spot as he adjusts the sleeve of his shirt. You’re met with another gorgeous looking male, almost too serene. You can peg Taehyung for ethereal, but this man seems to outstand any words you can form.
He looks at you with serious and determined eyes. They’re a delicious brown pecan color, kind to look at.
“I’m Jin,” he begins to explain as he looks back at Jungkook. “I apologize for the rudeness from my progeny. He is still a child. I assure you, he won’t bother you again.”
You look back at Jin worriedly. Afraid to look over at the blood-covered Jungkook and afraid to go against Jin’s request.
“Jungkook,” the elder male cocks his head to the side. “Go clean up your mess in the living room. Clean yourself up while you’re at it. She’s our company.”
As Jungkook goes to turn on his heel without a second thought, Jin speaks to him again.
“But first,” his tone lingers in the air above everyone’s heads, “Apologize to Y/n. After all, she isn’t a whore like you assumed.”
You can tell the resistance on Jungkook’s face when he turns back. Those scarlet eyes that once penetrated your soul dwell down to a sterling gray color. They’re clouded with uncertainty and anger, but if you look past all his chiseled nakedness and gruesome bloodstains across his body he doesn’t look quite as scary.
Very handsome matter of fact; yet his actions alone already painted him in such a dull light that you’re completely comfortable not exploring any more details about him.
Jungkook stares at you through the corner of his eye, fueled with displeasure as he’s forced to obey Jin.
The apology comes out dry, you’re aware it’s definitely not sincere. You say nothing in response. But from the smug grin Jin has on his face, you can tell he’s enjoying the control.
“Now, carry on,” Jin waves with his hand. He takes a step towards you as he continues to talk to Jungkook. “The one in the living room leaves the house alive, Jungkook,” he reminds. “We don’t want any mistakes like last time.”
You watch as Jungkook disappears from the kitchen and returns to the auburn haired woman who has collapsed on the floor. If you look through the opened wall window you will be able to see the way Jungkook lazily picks up the fallen woman.
Jin steps around the kitchen to look throughout some of the cabinets and shelving units. He hums to himself while he searches.
“I admit, you had me thinking you’d stay cooped up in that room all night for a second there. You must be hungry, hm? I’m sure we have something in here for you.”
He peaks over at you, who is still lingering in the same stunned spot, and gives you a pained expression.
“You can come closer. It may be hard, with what you just witnessed, but try to get comfortable. I’m not going to do anything to you.”
You swallow thickly while your eyes flicker over from Jungkook to Jin. You’re uncertain, as you should be, but the moments you just endured still feels very much real for you. It shakes your core.
“What about him?” You nod towards Jungkook’s direction.
There’s a small pleased grin that creeps up on Jungkook’s face at your question while he hoists the woman up and over his shoulder. She mumbles words you cannot understand, whether it be another language or a very thick accent. But Jungkook never looks back to you, his mind is on other things now.
“He won’t hurt you,” Jin exhales. He gathers together some eggs from inside the fridge and a few pieces of meat. “I’ve commanded him. So even if he wanted to, he’s bound to listen to my order.”
You take a step in to lean against the nearest wall. Though you see Jin wave you on towards a stool sitting across from where he settled to cook at. Slowly, you tip-toe over to where Jin’s pointed look guides you.
“Because you ‘commanded’ him?”
Jin works around the built-in electric stove with a few pans on the heated plates. He cracks open an egg, then two.
“I am his maker. I have that ability over him,” he says. “Jungkook is still a newborn. Doesn’t have much control over everything just yet. Incredible strength… insufferable lack of tolerance to the rules of the world though. It’s a bit of a challenge but he has much more training to do.”
“What do you mean you’re his maker?”
The eggs sizzle in the pan as Jin continues to add random pieces of food to it. Some form of omelet from the looks of it. It already smells appetizing and it’s not even fully cooked yet.
“I turned him into a vampire,” he says nonchalantly. 
Jin softly smiles as he flips over the egg to fry the other side. He gathers you a glass of water, but tells you that there are options of juice in the refrigerator. The cup clinks down on the countertop right next to a plate Jin grabs.
“There’s forks in the drawer beside you,” Jin voices. “Now tell me how our little Taehyung came to find you.”
The neatly made omelet slides out of the pan and onto your plate before you. Jin hands over salt and pepper shakers as well as a napkin for you. After he turns off the stove and briefly cleans up the area he works at, he rests back on the opposite counter with crossed arms. He waits for you to happily take your food while waiting for your response.
You feel your stomach twist in eagerness, starving to taste the deliciously made food. With your fork, you cut into the omelet before stabbing the first piece and placing the appetizing egg into your mouth.
“Black Ravens,” you state in between bites.
“Ah –,” Jin smiles. “Interesting.”
Jin watches you, analyzes you. His haunting beauty would normally make you nervous, kind of like how it is when you first got to learn about Taehyung. You can’t place your finger on it, but somehow you feel the needed trust your mind wants to be reassured you are in good hands.
“How long?”
You stop chewing your food as you look at Jin. A puzzled look begins to carve itself on your face.
“How long have you worked at Black Ravens?” He clarifies.
You’re nearly done with your plate of food by now. Even the glass of water beside you sits half empty as you straighten your posture in the seat you sit at.
“A few months…” you ponder more to yourself as you recollect the memories.
“Resorting to a job like that… my curiosity is getting the better of me,” Jin hums again. Suddenly, you see a flash of something black run across the floor before it hops up on the counter beside Jin. He smiles warmly, petting the frisky feline that stares back with its round eyes. “Did you join Black Ravens for money or pleasure? Or perhaps… it turned into a bit of both?”
You don’t answer the question, seeing as Jin gives you a knowing look as he looks you up and down. He already knows. The question is deemed rhetorical. You shouldn’t be here if it is strictly for money… Now would you?
“Is that your cat?”
“Her name is Stella,” Jin affirms as he gives the feline soft scratches under her chin. “I’m sure she kept you company while you were asleep, she enjoys Taehyung’s room for whatever reason.”
You nod briefly, smiling to yourself. Stella had kept you accompanied more than just at your bedside. But she is friendly in the end.
“She did,” you admit. You admire the stark black shorthair who purrs into Jin’s palm. Thoroughly enjoying the pets and love he shows her.
Gracefully, Stella hops from counter to counter. Jumping towards you as she sniffs the air. She inspects the residue on your plate as she steps closer to you. Leisurely, Stella makes her own room on the island by laying down just in front of you. Her tale wags with sass as she stares back at Jin across the kitchen.
You lightly pet her from head to tail. Making sure not to offend her with any temping tummy rubs.
Jin grins from ear to ear as he reads the house cat language. He’s entertained with the attitude, it gives Stella characterization.
“She enjoys you,” he comments. “Lucky for you.”
“Maybe it’s because I work with animals…” you trail off.
“Do you now?”
“I work in a vet’s office. Started as a receptionist then wanted to become a veterinary technician. Now I want to be a veterinarian.”
“So a stable job and you still work at Black Ravens?”
“I needed the money. College funds here aren’t cheap… and I'm barely getting by with my position at the vet's office. Not with the cost of living and bills to pay.”
Jin nods agreeably.
“So he agreed to pay for you. In return for…?”
“Who? Taehyung? No. It’s not like that,” you furrow your brows.
“You came here with several bite marks on you. I’m surprised to see they’re all gone,” Jin comments on your appearance. “You must mean something for Taehyung to willingly shed blood.”
You’re all washed up and clothed. You can’t imagine the state of your body after collapsing in the Black Raven’s feeding room, but you’re sure it wasn’t a pretty sight. With Jin’s perception, you assume that maybe he was the other person in the room when you were barely awake in Taehyung’s bed.
“I don’t know what he wants with me,” you state. “I barely know him. He is just a regular at Black Ravens. Last night…last night was the first time he really opened up. And it wasn’t much. I knew he was an expensive client, but I didn’t know he was the owner.”
“The coven owns Black Ravens. Not just him. It’s in fact under my name,” Jin smiles. He scoffs as he finally takes your used dishware and places it in the sink. He runs the faucet water and adds a dab of soap before shutting the water off. “This kid… he’s something else. I’m sorry if Taehyung did anything unpleasant towards you.”
“I don’t think anything was necessarily unpleasant. I think he brought me back here because of the other vampire. He was more… more determined with his –”
“– There’s another?”
Jin’s hands rest on the edges of the countertop as he leans in towards you. His interest spikes and you can see it on his face.
You sigh to yourself as you continue to pet Stella, “Yeah. His name is Jimin? Taehyung interrupted the feeding.”
“Ah,” Jin laughs. His eyebrows raise to his hairline as the man chuckles lightly. “Oh, Jimin. Well I can understand why Taehyung brought you here now. Those two seem to always be at it.”
“I could tell Taehyung wasn’t happy with him,” you half-laugh with him.
“He’s never happy with him,” Jin exaggerates. Though with the glint in his eye, you feel like he's telling you he’s serious.
“Can I ask why?”
There’s a moment of silence that passes between you and Jin. The only noise you hear is the constant purring of Stella as she lounges her lengthy body across the counter space. You see the way Jin’s eyes narrow ever so slightly, giving you the hint to not press anymore on the topic.
“When you feel comfortable, I’d advise you to ask Taehyung himself. It’s not my business to spread,” Jin quickly looks down at the watch on his wrist to gauge the time. “He should return sometime in the next two hours, before daybreak.”
Jin walks himself around the island you sit at, his palm facing up toward you to take. He steps beside you with a duchenne smile; he nearly looks like a charmed prince giving you his blessing. Excitement is evident, and you fall for his swift persuasion.
“Now before then, let me accompany you around the mansion. I imagine you’ll be here more often than you think. I promise to steer you away from Jungkook.”
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After a tour around the neo-gothic styled modern mansion from Jin, the two of you entertained each other until you settled yourself on one of the expensive couches in the family room. You listened and talked with Jin, shared some small enlightening topics but nothing too detailed. Throughout your walkthrough you managed to meet a few of the house servants, one of which delivered you some clothes to change into. You truly must be so tired, because during the midst of conversation you have dozed off; being just a mere human would explain it.
You remember rising from your slumber with a few taps to your nose. Your vision is blurred at first until it adjusts to the figure before you.
In front of you, you’re met by the toothy smile of Taehyung – bent by the knees to level his body with yours. His hazel eyes greet you with mirth as he raises his eyebrows.
“Good morning, kitten,” his deep baritone voice rings in your ears. His palm cradles the underside of your chin, thumb rubbing softly along the edge of your jaw. “Still tired?”
It warms your heart and flutters the wings of the butterflies that fly in your stomach. Seeing him instantly makes you want to leap across an ocean to hug him, but you catch yourself from doing anything.
Because you’re not sure why you’re feeling the strong desire to touch him. How his presence feels all too familiar and safe.
You blink at him, taking in the beautiful features across his ageless face. What excites you even more is how Taehyung seems completely delighted to see you once again.
“Just a little,” you admit.
It’s subtle in the way he licks his lips. He brushes his fingers past your ear to sway strands of your hair away from your neck. Taehyung senses your brief fit of worry but assures you that he is only just checking as a precaution.
“Let me get you back home,” he states coolly. Holding up your cellphone with his other hand, he dangles the near-dead device in front of your face. “I keep my promises.”
A sting of anger zaps through your body as you recall Taehyung holding your electronic hostage all this time – along with all your valuables you had carried with you to Black Ravens. With vigilance, you grip the phone from his lengthy fingers. You tap on the screen to see the battery life of the device, but you fear opening it up near him.
“Come,” he requests with a wiggle of his forefinger.
He stands up as he straightens out the wrinkles in the jacket you saw him leave in. Taehyung grabs hold of a set of keys left on a glass end table as his heels click on the floor below him. He practically drips pure gold with the weight of each stride. Lavished in the finest clothes, you appreciate the view of Taehyung walking away from you.
You make sure to apologize to Jin about falling asleep as you walk out the door after Taehyung. He doesn’t seem like he minds, even though he watches you leave with caution in his eyes.
The dark chilly early morning greets you as well as a gust of brisk wind. Small puddles cover the walkway from a fresh drizzle of rain. The sun hasn’t even peaked itself through the sky yet but it leaves a pretty view; a deep blue melting into the beginnings of a soft peach orange. A perfect crescent moon floats right above the layout of trees surrounding the thicket of woods with roaming dark clouds. A guarantee of scattered storms for the oncoming day.
You appreciate the outside of the house as you step behind Taehyung’s long strides. Abstract designs correspond and compliment another in colors of black, browns, and beiges. The windows show clean glass but continue to be boarded up for the forthcoming sunlight. Hidden in nothing but dense forest, you’re led to ponder how deep you are from the city you live in.
Taehyung ushers you over to the passenger side of a matte black Mercedes AMG GT coupe. Each window is tinted, shutting out any light. His eyes watch you as you place your foot through the door, but his hand grabs your arm before you can descend down into the seat.
“Hey,” his voice is low. Taehyung draws your attention to him, his eyes leer down through his long lashes. “Are you feeling better?”
You swallow while nodding your head. The wind wisps the loose waves of Taehyung’s black hair in front of his forehead. It exposes his eyes more, makes you fall in love with how asymmetric they are to another. One monolid and the other a double eyelid; giving his overall appearance a striking aura.
“I do,” you softly smile.
Taehyung’s eyes trail down to the curve of your lips. They linger there while silence skirts around the two of you; the only noises are of early birds chirping and the breeze running through the leaves overhead.
You can feel the intensity radiating from him. Yet, Taehyung does nothing about it. He releases his grip on your arm to let you into the car, pushing the door shut after you settle in.
Taehyung enters through the driver’s side, fitting comfortably in as his fingers begin toying with the screen on the dashboard and glowing widgets on the center console. The interior is smooth, a cool black color surrounds you entirely. He starts the engine up with a press of a button.
“What’s your address?”
He looks over to you as one arm reaches towards the steering wheel while the other hovers towards the screen of the dashboard. Taehyung tilts his head towards you, a creeping smile plays at the corners of his lips. One eyebrow quirks your way and you instantly feel captivated by him.
Taehyung’s vehicle takes you through aimless roads among more aimless roads until you find yourself nearing a familiar area. The highway takes you closer towards exit signs that welcome you. Numbers flash overhead, warning you as you approach your turnoff as you admire the view of the beautiful sky. Light rain trickles on the windshield the deeper Taehyung drives you into your residential city. It’s only one exit off from the notorious Black Ravens; roughly a 25 minute drive from place to place without traffic in the way.
The directions call out to Taehyung as the two of you sit in comfortable silence. Your head leans on the headrest as you stare out the window. Taehyung’s palm comfortably resting on your bare thigh; hardly covered by the overlength tee shirt you were dressed in.
“Can I ask how you were able to talk to my friend?” You look down at your phone clutched in your palm. You hesitate to open the device, having half a mind to think Taehyung already went through the contents. “Did he call?”
Taehyung’s features never change in the slightest while humming to a tune. Even his thumb taps lightly over the steering wheel while the vehicle cruises down the lengthy road.
“Your phone recognized your face when you were asleep which then unlocked the screen,” he says calmly. “He did not call. I only responded through text about your absence.”
You sigh while adjusting yourself in your seat. Hands fidgeting with the cellular device, but you choose not to look. Afraid to read the disappointment – if any – that may be messaged in the thread you share with your friend.
Even when you contemplate with yourself, Taehyung is attentive to you. Analyzing and watching the way your body language speaks.
“What’s got you so worried? Is the guy someone you’re involved with?”
You scrunch your eyebrows together at the thought. Immediately, you follow with a curt response – diminishing any existence of that being an idea for you.
“Not at all. He’s my best friend.”
Taehyung remains quiet, but you thank him for not entertaining the idea further. You also express your gratitude for letting your friend know you aren’t around.
Shortly, you arrive at your destination as rain begins to pour. Taehyung parks on the curb of the street in front of your apartment; his car sticking out like a sore thumb among the rest of the inexpensive cars around. It looks and feels completely out of place. But at least he has a car, unlike you who’s become accustomed to your local bus stops.
Before you can even reach your handle, Taehyung turns off the ignition and is out of the driver’s side. Stepping around the front of the car to approach your door. The weather doesn’t phase him one bit.
“Mademoiselle,” he smirks as he assists you exiting his car. He’s even kind enough to shut the door behind you and gather a bag of your belongings from the trunk of his vehicle.
You can’t help but smile to yourself from the pampering. Little do you know, this is only the beginnings of his hospitality and generosity.
Fishing out your set of keys out of a side pocket of your canvas bag, you fumble between the metals before finding the appropriate one to slide through the lock of your door. Taehyung stands ideally behind you, but his presence is very much evident. The tension back at the mansion carried all the way here, to the entrance of your home. 
He stands closer in your proximity, you feel as if he’s practically breathing down your neck. But in reality, upon turning to look at him after twisting your door handle, he’s further away than you expect. Taehyung’s eyes scan the darkness of your house through the crack of your door.
“I, um…” you begin. You turn more to face Taehyung, tightening your hold on your bag. 
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you whisper.
Taehyung’s eyes flick over to you, those hazel irises drip so wickedly. They’re unmatched and unfair; you have never seen anything quite like them before. There’s something magical about them.
“I told you I’ll take care of you, kitten,” he half-laughs.
His deep voice shakes your core, makes you feel smaller in the spot you stand. Taehyung’s fingers grip your jaw before you can turn away from his gaze.
“No need to thank me,” his eyes stare down to your lips as you aimlessly blink at him. “What do you want next?”
Your breath hitches, “What do you mean?”
Taehyung’s tongue comes to swipe over his lips before biting back a smile. He stops himself from rolling his eyes, but instead he takes his thumb and lightly pulls down your bottom lip.
“You look at me with these desperate eyes sometimes, and whenever you do – I can’t stop myself from thinking about them. So, what do you want me to do next? Are we just going to stand here under the cold rain or are you going to invite me inside?”
He sighs when he senses the way your heart rate paces even faster. Taehyung steps closer to you, eyes narrowing through his pretty long eyelashes. You would give anything and everything for him to kiss you right then and there. Plant his delicious soft lips straight onto yours and eat you up. You’re unsure what you are to Taehyung, and it feels weird seeing him in a different setting other than Black Ravens… but it doesn’t take him much persuasion to get what he wants.
Because simply… it is the same thing you want as well. Whether you like to admit it or not.
You nod your head softly while your hand pushes your door open wider. He allows you the opportunity to walk into your apartment, giving you three steps into the hall before he clears his throat. Turning on your foot, you notice he’s still at the door frame – unable to step through.
“You need to invite me,” he raises his eyebrows.
You scrunch yours in return, unable to process why you need to say it. You thought your body language already let him know he’s accepted to come inside.
“It’s a weird thing with vampires. We need to be invited in when a house is privately owned by a human. And seeing as you are a tenant, you technically are signed onto a portion of this house. Making you a partial owner.”
Taehyung leans against the doorframe with his hands as he speaks with you. The gloomy darkness of the weather trickles around him, giving his aura a more sinful look. His soft curls in his hair begin to lose their volume as rain soaks up portions of his locks. But you do not miss the flash of red that beats in his eyes under the blanket of his bangs.
You should be scared; that’s what all the world tells you when it comes to vampires. A selfish, devious, and vicious creature of the night. They take what they want, live how they wish. If they really wanted to, you’re positive they could corrupt the entire planet with their virus.
But when you stare back at Taehyung with a pounding beat to your heart, your fear is nothing but full of excitement. The dread of knowing and not knowing what comes next with him electrifies you. How somehow, in some way, this nightly beast has already tainted you.
Staring back, you swallow thickly before your mouth opens up with an open invitation.
“Please come inside.”
Within a blink of an eye, Taehyung moves himself in front of you, dropping your bag of belongings with a thud. His arms envelop your body as one of his hands snake along the back of your neck. The tips of his fingers graze over your scalp softly, drawing goosebumps in their wake. Taehyung smiles to himself as he presses your body against his, ripping the breath right from your lungs with a salivary kiss.
He comes with such force that it nearly knocks you off of your feet, but Taehyung is there to hold you. His wicked tongue presses through the seam of your lips and past your teeth, tasting you as much as he can as his body backs you up deeper into your apartment. It’s small, comfortable and affordable for one living person to stay in. So it doesn’t take very long for Taehyung to figure out the placement of your bedroom the second his eyes scan over the living room that sits only a two-seat couch and entertainment center with a television propped on it. One lone entryway shows signs of counter space and a fridge whereas the single door adjacent to there remains cracked open.
Taehyung’s hands touch and grope along your body, squeezing at the necessary areas like your curves and thighs. You match the pace of his tongue with your own, devouring the taste of him as your feet stumble the more he pushes you through your living space.
“Ignore my apartment,” you meekly speak between breaths.
It’s slightly a mess and there is no way in hell you are expecting company this early in the morning.
“I’m not focusing on your apartment,” he bites – literally – as his teeth nip at your bottom lip.
Taehyung’s fingers toy with the hem of the tee shirt, raising it higher up to expose your bottom half. He places his palm along the side of your hip, nails scratching over your skin as he continues to escort you into your room. 
“Tae –” 
“– Mmf,” he mumbles as his lips press against the corner of your mouth.
Even in the darkness of your room, Taehyung expertly maneuvers the two of you around as if he’s been here before. Knowing the exact places to step and weave your bodies around until he’s able to support you onto your bed.
“Tae, wait!” You chirp the moment your thighs hit your mattress.
You sit down while Taehyung’s face follows, placing fluttering kisses along your jawline and pressing into the side of your neck. It sparks heat to your body, a sensitive spot you naturally go weak at. He shrugs off his jacket, tossing the expensive material to the side as if it isn’t worth anything to him.
“Let me have you,” he persuades with each tangible kiss of his lips. “I’m not making you nervous, am I?”
Your heart flutters as your mind fogs with ideas of pleasure and pain. Even in the short amount of time, you feel drunk on the idea of Taehyung bedding you once again. The idea of him being in your bed and not some rented out room feels more intimate. 
More special.
“I just,” you stutter as you feel Taehyung’s teeth grind over your sensitive skin. His breath heats you up as it fans out of his mouth. “Usually, I’m more prepared for something like this.”
“Your body says otherwise,” he mocks lightly.
“No, not like that. I mean, this morning I was just so tired. I wasn’t… I didn’t pay attention,” you mumble to yourself more than to Taehyung. Creeping anxiety builds in your chest the more you ponder about your appearance.
“Kitten, are you scared about this?” Taehyung smirks against your neck when his hand forces your legs open enough to cup your pussy. His palm pressing firmly against it, the moistened arousal leaks gleefully onto him as he slowly rubs his entire hand up and down.
It’s abrasive, yet you love it. Your mouth drops open with a gasp, hands baring you upright as they shoot out to stop your body from falling backwards onto your bed. You shiver with the contact, breath hitched in your throat as warmth takes over your entire body.
“This will never bother me, kitten. Your sweet pussy will always be delicious regardless of how maintained you are here. But I am flattered with the thought of you wanting to please me,” he says truthfully.
Taehyung gathers your hands in his, linking them across another as his fingers grip your wrists tightly. He pulls out a small scarf from the pocket of his pants, placing the blue silk fabric over your skin.
“Hold still,” he speaks calmly.
He binds your wrists together, snuggly. It’s comfortable, but tight enough to keep you locked in. Unable to break free from the constraints.
Taehyung hoists your body up with him, ushering you completely to lay normally on your mattress. He eyes the small bars of your headboard with a grin plastered on his face.
He guides your hands above your head, “Hold it,” he commands.
Your hands grip a single metal bar, linking your fingers to keep hold of yourself. It feels like a usual practice between you and Taehyung. There isn’t a time you don’t remember when Taehyung hasn’t tied your limbs up before indulging himself on your body. Limiting your access to him even though he’s inches away from you. Frankly, you never thought too much into it – assuming he has a strong kink for bondage. You have no complaints because you’re guilty of experiencing some of your own while entwining your body with his.
You breathe deeply, chest rising and falling as you stare over Taehyung who kneels near the end of your bed. He edges closer to you, crawling his way up the length of your body as he drinks you in. Dim lighting and musical rain drops cascade on the windows as the air in your room thickens.
“I’m going to try something new,” he begins as his fingers skim up the side of your body. “I need you to trust me,” Taehyung coaxes with his baritone tune.
The moment you see Taehyung shift towards your bedside table, you begin to panic.
“Go easy on me,” you beg.
Taehyung quirks an eyebrow toward you, amusement evident in his features. He continues to grab hold of a small candle that sits comfortably on your table, dust collected on the top of it showing that you’ve hardly used the poor thing.
“Hm,” he fake ponders to himself. “Why? Was the last time too much for you?”
Taehyung lights the candle with a match set laying beside it, giving a warm comfortable glow to a small portion of your room. He laughs to himself, but assures you with a kind gesture of cuffing your cheek that he’ll be kinder to you.
“I’m only teasing,” he comments. Taehyung lowers himself level with you; his body slots itself between your thighs as he holds himself over your chest. Slowly, he lowers his face to meet yours; his eyes grow to a warm red. “I know what your body can handle. If I see you in any way uncomfortable, I’ll stop myself. I won’t push you like I did the other night.”
“I’m just sore,” you bite back a smile. “Even after the shower and after having some of your… When you gave me a bit of your blood.”
Taehyung hums in acknowledgement. “It was only a very small bit, if I had given you more then you’d probably be suited for a different type of night,” he winks, “But don’t worry, kitten, I’ll take good care of you if you let me have you.”
You nod your head as you swallow heavily. Instinctively, you grip the bar in your grasp tighter. Slowly, Taehyung connects his lips to yours once again. This time it’s softer, tentative. He feels like a cloud of smoke infiltrating your nostrils. Inflaming your lungs and airways all throughout your body.
As if you breathe him in as another source of life. Where oxygen cannot even compete.
“Can I hear you say it?”
You chase his mouth as he pulls away to look down at you. Your eyes are drawn to the sharp teeth that stand out in his mouth, how they protrude eagerly. Ready to draw blood.
“You can have me… On one condition,” you speak up.
“Oh?” Taehyung smiles. His palm drags from your thigh up to your lower stomach, moving your shirt up along your body. “You’re not really in a position to negotiate with me,” he smirks.
“You said we’d talk about what you meant by ‘adjusting’.”
“And you want to talk about that now?”
“Well,” you blink up at him, “We haven’t had the chance to yet.”
Taehyung sighs as his hand rests on your stomach, circling small traces into your skin with his fingertips. His eyes grow redder, more hungrier, the longer you hold him back.
“Kitten, I’m not sure you understand the severity of this situation. I don’t expect you to know. I can’t afford to lose you now that I finally have you,” he says while analyzing your face. “But for clarity, I need you to know that everything you see right now – your bed, this room, your apartment… You don’t need anymore if you just let me take care of you.”
Taehyung’s hand eventually slides up to cuff one of your breasts, drawing your clouded mind out from the worries that dwell in the deepest corners of your brain. He squeezes it firmly, earning a soft hum from you.
To seduce you further into the realms of sin, he raises the material of your shirt completely above your chest so he can begin placing soft and tender kisses to your cleavage. His mouth engulfs your flesh wherever it lands, sucking in pieces of your skin as his tongue slides around.
He latches himself on one of your nipples, biting the bud with his front teeth. Taehyung repeats his actions to your other boob, making sure to give the same loving treatment.
“You’re mine,” he states smoothly. “I’ll take care of everything for you. Treat you just how you need to be treated,” – he kisses your sternum – “I want you to be with me. But I won’t expect this to happen so soon,” – he kisses lower, down towards your stomach – “I’ll take my time with you.”
“Tae,” you breathe in with a gasp. His lips travel even more lower, tickling your stomach with promises of him moving down toward the apex of your thighs.
He looks up at the call of his name, his stunning red eyes shining in the low glow of the candle’s light. How do they do that? You’re not sure. But they reflect like a beautiful moonlight, tainted in a devious red. Taehyung’s tongue reaches out of his mouth to lick your stomach, swiping a long line of saliva across your skin.
Taehyung does nothing but entices you. Tempts you to crack under his ministrations like a good girl he knows you are. You’ve done it so many times already, it’s no surprise when you finally cave in.
Before Taehyung can descend down between your thighs, he leans back up to give you one last parting kiss. 
His voice shakes your core when he speaks next. His control over you stimulates such a thrill in your entire being that you’re wiggling with anticipation while waiting for him to ravage you.
“I want you to forget your surroundings and only think of me,” his hands continue to pull the fabric of your shirt higher.
Taehyung continues to slide the length up your arms, nearly flipping the material inside-out – but it’s enough to cover your face entirely. Blocking your sight from seeing anything as it shields you. Your chest rises and falls with early signs of labored breath as the material creates a cone around your (thankfully your arms help keep it loose and not tight) around your head. 
“Kitten, I want you to only focus on me. My touch, my voice, my smell,” he lists one right after another with the perfect level of desire.
“– Feel me.”
“Okay,” you breathe out, feeling the heat of your breath envelop your narrow space.
Keeping your eyes open or shut has no difference when you can’t see anything around you. You’re forced to use your other senses as if you’re in survival mode. Every other one heightens their abilities to accommodate the restricted one.
You feel Taehyung’s head move as his body shifts to lay flatter against you. His hands touch you tenderly, but possessively. Making sure that every inch of your undamaged skin gets the attention it deserves.
The chill of his cool fingers almost tickle you with how soft they are when they map their way around your body. Drawing lines and circles as if he’s sketching out his game plan. Rising goosebumps to your skin and hardening your nipples once he slithers his way towards your belly button.
Taehyung smiles to himself, watching the way your body reacts to his minuscule touches. His body slots nicely between your legs, spreading them and leaving your core open for his hand to slide down between you two. He teases the idea of touching you between your lips, using his fingertips to run around your lower region. But he doesn’t dive deeper for you, even when you voluntarily open your legs wider to give him the hint.
“You’re being so good right now,” he comments with a low chuckle. It makes you mewl on the inside, chest tightening at the small praise. Taehyung’s two fingers dip low enough to spread open your lower lips, exposing your pussy to his view. It’s leaking slightly with a shiny sheen of arousal. 
“You smell so good right now too.”
Your breath hitches when you feel Taehyung grip your clit between his two fingers. It’s soft, but jolts your body nonetheless. Your hips jerk towards him, body rising as you twitch in your place.
“Shit,” you curse between your teeth.
“Easy,” he warns as he releases your clit, “Don’t get too ahead of yourself, kitten.”
Taehyung leans down as he laughs, lips kissing across the skin of your torso. Your arms twitch, something in you wanting to immediately wrap your arms around him but you know better not to. So you tighten your grip on your headboard’s bar, your nails threatening your skin to forewarn you to stay sane.
To stay alert.
Suddenly, you feel a hot sensation touch your chest. It stings and lingers there in a sparking burn. You twist your body, but Taehyung pins you down.
Another hot feeling hits your skin again, this time between your breasts, and you groan at the impact. You gasp as it trickles down towards your navel, cursing Taehyung’s name as you squirm.
“What is that?” You question through parted lips. Your breath creates a thick air under your shirt, making it harder to breathe comfortably. “Tae?”
“Just pouring some candle wax,” he announces as he drips some more across your left nipple.
You cough at the prickling pain, body begging to be soothed by a cool touch. When the candle wax hardens after it chills, it sticks to your skin as if it belongs there.
Taehyung’s thumb runs across your skin to pluck the dried wax off of you, only to repeat dripping some more in the same areas.
“How does it feel, kitten?” He questions curiously. Taehyung places the candle back down on the table beside the bed, “Do you like it better than my mouth?”
“It’s nice,” you admit as you breathe heavier. Your body feels like it’s under the summer’s sun at its highest point in the sky, melting in the heat of its raging light.
“It’s different,” you add.
Taehyung’s lips skim over your skin, outline the edges of your body as he creeps closer to your neck. His free hand runs over the curves of your side while the other makes its way back down to the junction of your thighs.
You swallow thickly when you feel Taehyung’s head press against your shoulder and neck, inserting himself so he can breathe against the material that separates the two of you.
“And my mouth?” He repeats with a hint of annoyance.
His fingers slide further down, finding the dip of your pussy to swivel his fingertips across the entrance into your vagina. He teases and torments you with the possibility of plunging them straight into your core, but he’s waiting for your response.
“I love your mouth,” you sigh.
Your pussy clenches around nothing yet, just greedy to gain pleasure. Taehyung hums his acknowledgement, smirking into your skin as he applies further pressure with his fingers.
He groans softly while he lays his head against your chest, listening to your rapid beating heart. You’re worked up, being winded tight like a gear cranking to its last knot.
“You better,” he purrs as he finally dips his two fingers into your pussy, “Because you’re making me quite thirsty.”
A moan escapes your mouth when you feel his digits vanish inside of you, touching you against your wet velvet walls. They glide effortlessly, sinking straight to the knuckles before pressing up.
“Fuck,” you slur like an person intoxicated. You haven’t had a lick of alcohol yet you feel the dizzy spins as if you had. It’s just your body trying to comprehend reality.
Taehyung turns his head, shoving his face against your chest to find one of your tits. He mouths the mound, flicking his tongue around your nipple while simultaneously thrusting his digits into you. He pumps slowly, gathering your dripping juice around the base of his fingers while wetting your breast to tease your body.
You moan with pleasure. Trying to battle your inner needs of wanting to move. Needing to follow his guide whichever way he desires to have you. Taehyung sucks in your nipple, twisting it lightly with his teeth and taunting the idea of his fangs piercing you. You keel over, even when pinned down, at the contact. Your shirt becomes like a hot-box of heat; your face tingles with nerves and light traces of sweat. You feel Taehyung as much as he truly wants you to. Exactly how he expects you to.
His palm slides hard into your cunt, knocking your body with the force and waking up your neglected clit. You choke out a moan of pleasure and huff a laugh at yourself.
“Can I taste you?” He smiles against your skin. You know what he’s requesting, and you gladly want to give it to him. “Right here?” He emphasizes with a kiss on the thicker side of your breast.
He also persuades you with the slow rubbing of his fingers pressing into your vaginal canal. It’s enticing, beckoning you to surrender to him.
“Please,” you chuckle. You toss your head to the side, hoping to find an airway that gives you fresher air. “Please bite me.”
Upon request, he takes no chances in wasting time. His teeth sink delicately into your flesh, poking open two puncture wounds to access your warm blood. He groans when the flavor touches his tongue, nearly animalistic at first. Though Taehyung controls that beastly side of him, never losing his focus on getting what he wants all the while he pleasures you to the extreme.
You’d be lying if you said his noises of indulging in your blood scares you. In some way, it fuels your mind that you’re desirable and tasty. At least, it confirms that he’s relying on you at this very moment. That you are needed and wanted.
And knowing this, you smile with the pain. Smirking as creases in your forehead form with anguish from the throbbing wound surrounded by Taehyung’s mouth. He pushes his fingers further in you, using his palm to roll flat against your clit as he sucks in your bleeding blood.
He can hear the way your breath begins to pick up and he likes it. Taehyung continues to bite into another section of your tit without notice, dragging out more blood from you.
“Delicious,” he comments while his tongue laps up a small trail of blood that escapes.
The obvious sucking of your skin slowly bruises from his lavishing lips. But he pulls away momentarily to admire the small grotesque scene.
Your hips roll into the pace of his fingers, cunt clutching with a vise grip. You can feel a coil deep inside of you twisting tighter the more he fingers you. The bed below you shifts as you feel Taehyung move his body to lay between your legs. His lips kiss your hips before descending closer to your pussy as he keeps his fingers lodged in you.
“Is this what you want too?” His voice comes out gravelly as he draws attention to your engorged clit. Blowing softly against it.
You pinch your legs together as much as you can given the fact Taehyung is placed between them. A small whine, very low, comes out of your nose. How your pussy practically sucks his fingers in further, he doesn’t need to hear the words of affirmation to know how badly your body wants him.
“Yes,” you breathe out, “I want it!”
“You want my mouth here?” He asks, annoying you and leading you on at the same time with his teasing.
Taehyung continues to move his fingers at an agonizingly slow pace, but the tiny contact of the tip of his tongue touching your clit for a second – and only one second – has you rolling up into him with fever.
“Yes!” You peep up louder, voice gruff as you practically pant under the fabric of your shirt.
You thrash your head around, trying your damn hardest to obey his silent no touching rule. You huff when you begin to feel his lips on your inner thigh, away from the place you really want him. 
“Tae, please put your mouth on me,” you whisper as you jerk your hips towards him.
He giggles to himself when his mouth hovers over the soft flesh of your thigh, using his hand to prop your leg up. You feel the cool lick of his tongue as he tastes your skin again, running his lips over the area as he prepares for his meal.
“Oh, I will,” he says with a smile. 
With that, he takes a bite into your thigh. It’s not as rough as the last time, but still, it stings the same. The more you struggle, releasing a sharp yelp from your mouth, the worse the pain becomes. It not only shocks you, but you find yourself immediately shooting your tied hands down towards the area of the prickling burn. Your shirt moves with you, releasing your face into the fresh air of your room and granting you the chance to breathe freely. Your body thrusts up; a call to Taehyung has your eyes watering for a split second until you see the sharp daggers of his blunt red eyes looking up from where he’s latched onto you.
Your hands are centimeters away from his head before you stop yourself from nearly touching him. He startles you with a single look, daring you to defy his command.
Slowly, he releases his mouth from your thigh and his eyes never leave yours. He doesn’t even bother to blink when he withdraws his fingers from you as well. Though you stay there, sitting up in your spot on the bed as Taehyung takes his leisure time to level his head with yours. You feel small pieces of your hair sticking to the sides of your face and back of your neck, but from the way the vampire glares at you – you are sure the rest of the hair on your body sticks straight up.
Blood dribbles down the corner of his parted mouth as Taehyung leans closer to you. If it were any other time you would be admiring the way his luscious black locks have been pushed back from his forehead, exposing his full beauty even in the dimly lit room. But for now you feel like a prey being stalked by its apex predator – cornered with nowhere left to run.
Frozen in place, you muster the courage to blurt out a cracked, “I-I’m sorry!”
Taehyung cups your jaw abruptly, forcing your mouth open with how he places his fingers. The two digits he put inside of your pussy now presses past your teeth and down on your tongue. Forcing you to taste your own flavor.
“I know you are, kitten,” he expresses with a cracked smile. “You just want so much right now, don’t you? But,” Taehyung uses his hold on your head to lean you back down to the pillows, “You’re not allowed to.”
You nod your head as you understand his words. He’s right after all. You practically want everything when it comes to him, don’t you? With the record list between the two of you, it's always Taehyung who has ultimate control.
“Now,” – he grabs your bounded hands once again and lifts them above your head – “I will litter your skin with my bite if you even think about breaking my rule. I will not clean you up. I will not heal you like I did earlier. You’ll be left looking like a mutilated mess. Do you understand me?”
Fucking Hell… You do! You completely and entirely understand him. And you most certainly believe every word spoken.
Why is it that he can say such things and place such control over you and get away with it all? While not one other person in your life can make you break like this… Or make you feel so down and dirty?
“Yes,” you manage to speak with two fingers pressing onto your tongue, “I won’t do it.”
“That’s my good girl,” he coos, removing his fingers from your mouth. “You know when you behave, I give you more.”
“And I like that…” you confess, heat rising to your cheeks.
Taehyung lifts your leg by the underside of your knee to hook around his shoulder. He grins from ear to ear with how you own up to enjoying his treatments. His eyes peer down to the leaking blood from his bite mark, watching how it smears against anything it touches.
“You’ve sedated me for now, my little kitten, but I’ll be coming back for more. That is a promise,” he whispers in his low baritone voice.
He freely removes the button from his pants before sliding his bottoms down enough to release himself. His cock hangs from his body, proud and erect. The length alone can tell anyone that it’s a heavy appendage. His free hand wraps around the base to begin stroking himself as he looks over your naked body. You’re so far beyond distracted that you don’t notice how he stares at you watching him touch himself. Lost in the appreciation of how he touches himself with you in his mind.
You mentally prepare yourself for having his cock impale you. Clenching erratically the more you ponder the way his dick will stretch your pussy open. 
“Do you want this?” He quips up the question with a smug smile.
The more he pumps himself, squeezing tightly at the head of his dick, the more his breath begins to match yours. He leans himself closer, bending your leg with his advance toward you. His cock inches away from your cunt makes you wring your hands together. 
“Fuck, yes! Yes I do,” you express with passion.
Taehyung slaps the underside of his cock against your spread pussy, tapping it in a taunting manner. He even pushes it roughly against you, mushing his hardened dick on top of your clit and rubbing himself against you.
Your body is so desperate that you’re arching your back and hips to accommodate the angles you need to try and get Taehyung to slip right into your entrance. A poor attempt at getting what you want, even though you’ve clearly stated the obvious.
“Taehyung, please!” you nearly yell at him. 
Who cares about your neighbors? Who cares what time it is right now? All you care about is having Taehyung fulfill your carnal desires by plugging you up with his lengthy cock.
A harsh slap hits your asscheek. You whine at the contact while Taehyung groans.
“So eager,” he comments as he angles his cockhead against your entrance. “What happened to being my good girl?” he snorts. “I’ll leave you high and dry. I can make sure you won't finish yourself off either. Is that what you want?”
“No!” you drone. Tossing your head to the side, you purposely expose more of your neck toward him. “I’m just so ready to go – to cum. You can do anything, just please let me cum.”
Taehyung leans down enough to meet your face, his lips brushing against your cheek as he stretches your leg. You can feel the tension of his cock resting right at your hole, hardly enough to break open your wall and slide itself inside. But he gives it to you, just how you want it.
With one tiny push of his hips, Taehyung enters you. Stretching your elastic walls open and diving into your wetness.
“So generous,” he judges. His mouth kisses down your jawline and meets the column of your neck. Blood rushes through your vein that protrudes out enough for him to kiss. “Offering me your neck so freely?” Your heart skips a beat thinking he’ll take the bait and sink his fangs into you, but Taehyung does no such thing. Instead, he softly kisses you right above your pulsepoint. Sucking your skin in a delicate caress as his cock plunges to the hilt.
He fills you up so nicely, so fully. Sometimes it even feels like it’s too much – although right now it feels just right. He feels incredibly right.
You gasp out loud, even stutter a moan as you adjust to his cock. Your nails dig into your palms with the tension built up inside of you. With one single thrust, Taehyung already has your body feeling like it’s levitating. Primed to lift itself all the way to rapturous pleasure.
“Fuck –” you curse with a cloudy brain, “– you feel so good.”
“Mmm,” Taehyung hums as he drags his cock out of you. He waits a moment before sliding himself back in – in one easy stride for his hips to slap into you.
You tighten each and every time he does. Pacing himself to his own beat as his mouth caresses the side of your neck. You’re forced to tense your body with anticipation. Strained like how your vocal cords were the other night when he showed you no mercy.
There’s a particular thrust that has your body jerking toward Taehyung to meet his cock. Whether it be the angle he adjusted himself with or your body finally calling the shots on its own behalf, you’re unsure.
But you do feel the knot building deep inside your abdomen winding itself tighter and tighter. Hardening the longer and harder Taehyung pushes himself up in you, seconds from combusting.
“Do you feel me?” Taehyung quizzes.
His question feels completely stupid… of course you can feel him. How could you possibly not at a time like this?
Taehyung’s hand snakes up to touch your tit, squeezing the round of it and swiping away the trickling bloodspill.
“Yeah, I do…” you groan.
Taehyung leans himself up to get a better look at your body once again. His knees hold his body upright as your leg dangles over his shoulder while the other rests open toward the other side of his body. He grips one hand around your thigh as the other hovers over your lower abdomen. He slants his palm so that his thumb can reach your clit while the rest of his hand can push down against you.
He’s slow and sensual about it while applying pressure to make it feel tighter for you. You dare to peek over at how he looks hovering above you. The candle’s flame does nothing but illuminate his beautiful features in a sexy light. His mouth hangs open as he breathes out short breaths while his hips swing into you naturally.
You can feel yourself losing your vision the closer you’re pushed to the edge of your release. With all the help Taehyung gives you, there are no complications to reaching that divine orgasm.
“I’m gonna – I’m gonna!” you warn with every last bit of rationality inside of you.
Your nails scratch hard into your clenching fists as you’re hit with a wave of tingly delight. Thumping sensations blast through your nerves while heat floods your entire body. You tighten your body as it tries to figure out how to correspond to the sensations, wriggling in your spot as Taehyung holds you firm.
Taehyung’s name leaves your lips in a moan as your body shakes. You sweat and pant while he fucks you through your orgasm, smiling down at your writhing body while he continues to impale you with his cock.
“It’s so lovely to see you enjoying yourself,” he praises. But even he is holding himself back on indulging himself further and from tearing another orgasm out of you. He'll do one right after another if your body will allow it, but he knows you're in no shape for that. Taehyung can feel how you feel.
He slows his strokes as he witnesses streaks of cum dress his thick shaft. Taehyung pulls out only halfway for his palm to wrap around his base to stroke himself.
“W-Why’d you stop?” You turn to look at him with concern.
“You’re tight against me,” he comments as he slightly nudges his cock into you again. “If I pry you open again, it’ll hurt.”
“I can handle it!” You retort. “It’s ok, we’ve done it before!”
Taehyung huffs as his hand continues to jerk the rest of his cock. He stares into your eyes when he recites the word ‘no’ to you. You can feel how his fist smacks lightly into your cunt as he flicks his wrist along his shaft.
“Next time,” he declares in a low tone. You can sense that he’s drawing near to his own climax from the pace of his tugs. “But for right now just lay here and look pretty for me.”
It doesn’t take much longer for Taehyung’s breath to catch up to speed. For his orgasm to roll into him and his semen to spill inside and over your cunt as he pulls out. His short-winded noises breeze into the air around you as he presses his cockhead against his cum, rubbing it messily around the folds of your pussy.
Your pet name drips softly out of his parted lips with a deep groan. Taehyung stares down at the junction of your thighs, admiring the lewd painting he’s created with the mess of you two.
A hand cradles your face while the other begins to untie the scarf around your wrists. He softly strokes your cheek with his thumb, basking in the warmth of your body.
“Do you have anything you can eat in your kitchen? Any natural juices? I’ll grab some while I look around for something to clean you up with.”
The sun begins to beam just a tad through the blinds in your room. The cloudy sky keeps most of the rays at bay, but it serves as a reminder to Taehyung that he must find coverage away from the scorching light when it decides to shine.
“I don’t have much, I usually purchase things from the local convenience store down the road.”
You watch as Taehyung redresses himself as he shuffles around your room. He analyzes his surroundings, peeks at some of your looming decorations and unkept closet and dresser. While he makes himself presentable once again, all you can manage is swiftly pulling the oversized shirt back down your body and ignoring the slippery mess that’s mushed between your thighs.
“Stay,” he orders. His finger points to you.
“Tae, I’m fine. I can walk,” you reassure as you lean up, letting your legs hang off the edge of the bed.
Globs of cum spread more between your thighs the more you move around. But your independence is a hard trait to shake down when you’re used to doing most things on your own.
The second you push up and off the mattress, a swift hand lands on your shoulder to hold you down. Firmly, Taehyung holds you in your sitting position, eyes which turn back to their normal state drills his demand into yours.
“Just… stay. I’ll be back in two seconds.”
Frustration fuels you momentarily. Within a flash, you witness how Taehyung’s body nearly vanishes with unimaginable speed. Your bedroom door swings with the wind once he returns.
A small cup filled with cool water, topped with two ice cubes, is presented before you. One small towel from your bathroom sink is clutched in his other hand. With a pointed look, you take the generous liquid from him as he maneuvers his body closer to you.
“Sip on that for now,” he requests. “And spread your legs so I can clean you up.”
Taehyung is already pushing your thighs apart before you can reject him. Cloth delicately running over your skin and whipping up what remains he’s left on you. The sensitivity that runs through your lower region makes you wince slightly from the pressure of his hand. You tip the glass to your lips, taking a few sips of icy water to cool you down.
It’s weird. Having someone do nearly everything for you. It almost makes you feel useless or unskilled. But that’s the stubborn mindset you’ve gained within your years of growth; adjusting to your world and what experiences you had to endure. The individuality of yourself is what makes you feel important; you never really enjoyed depending on others as guilt washed over you. So you learned to take care of yourself – for the most part. Figuring out life how most try to do, and keep trying to do.
But as you stare at the way Taehyung, a man you are slowly getting to know – someone who is completely willing to sweep you off your feet and treat you like you’re untouchable to everyone but him, takes care of you… You begin to feel the slightest of ease when you allow him to take control. Not allowing you to lift a single finger.
“All clean,” Taehyung comments with his soothing voice. He inspects the wound on your thigh, tracing the outline of his bite with his forefinger. “I hope you don’t mind me leaving these here. It’ll be a nice reminder for you.”
You feel heat prick at your cheeks from his statement. A flush of embarrassment creeping out from within.
“It wouldn’t be the first time,” you murmur under your breath.
He cracks a smile at that, surely pleased with himself. Taehyung gently tosses the used towel towards a pile of laundry you’ve yet to wash while returning his attention back toward you.
“I want to give you something,” he begins. His hand slips through a pocket in his jacket to pull out his wallet. He flips through the folds until his fingers land on a plastic card, yanking it out and handing it over to you. “Take this and treat yourself while I’m gone. Whatever you want or need.”
You stare at the credit card with a dumbfounded look to your face. With a quick shake of your head, you automatically decline the offer. 
“I don’t need that,” you state.
As your hand pushes him away, somehow, Taehyung fiddles his fingers with yours. Managing to slip the card from his grasp and into yours. He squeezes your palm around the thin card, not taking rejection for an answer.
“Keep it, you need to get yourself some proper groceries. Unless you want me to send over a servant to do it for you. Your choice.”
“... This doesn’t feel much like a choice.”
Taehyung huffs a laugh, patting your head with amusement. His smile could light up the night sky when he’s like this; getting his way that is.
“Tae, I really can’t take this –”
“– Kitten, I want you to have this,” he reasons. His hand slides down the side of your face and cups your jaw. “I won’t be around for the next few days. But consider this as a part of your ‘adjusting’. Get used to me wanting to pamper you and please, let me take care of you.”
You blink up into Taehyung’s eyes that flicker in the dim candle light left on your bedside table. The softening sun rays glow in your room as light rain trickles against the windows. Taehyung looks not only handsome but he also looks more real. Especially when the shadows on his face somehow add warmth to his complexion and his beautiful eyes soften with genuinity.
There’s a feeling in your heart that strains against giving in to such a proposal. Even though the idea of having everything done for you sounds pleasing, wouldn’t it become boring to have no reason? To not do something on your own? Would the constant displays of service become not enough and unsatisfying for you in the end? 
Any normal person would say this is something too good to be true. To take up on the offer. But there is something blocking you from fully accepting Taehyung. 
You’re not ready yet.
Taehyung sighs out of his nostrils when you remain mute. He straightens his posture and retracts his hand from your jawline.
“It’s there if you need it,” he references to the card still in your hand. “I placed my contact information in your phone also.” Taehyung turns to leave your room, talking over his shoulder to you as he departs. 
Something pulls against your heart as you see his back fade further away from you. 
“Wait!” You frantically stand up. You take nearly three steps until you run into the back of Taehyung who freezes in his spot, twisting his head to look down at you. Your fist manages to grab a hold of the sleeve to his jacket, alerting him with a quick tug. “I’m sorry!” – you begin with uncertainty in your voice – “I just… I just don’t know what’s happening. What could happen. I don’t know what this all means or what will come of this.”
“Kitten,” Taehyung quietly speaks. “I’ve already told you. I’ll give you whatever you want. I can see you need to process it more and I won’t rush you. Sadly, I must head out. The day isn’t a vampire’s friend. But do know, little kitten,” he takes a finger and dances it along the length of your arm and down towards your wrist. Taehyung lifts the back of your hand to his mouth, placing an everlasting kiss to your skin. “You’re already mine.”
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Moodboard inspiration and credits fully to @caelesjjk​ 
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© 2022 All rights reserved under @kth1​ - do not copy, repost, modify, edit, or translate any of my work without my direct consent. This TUMBLR and AO3 are the ONLY places my fics are posted.
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redfurrycat · 8 months
🤠🪅👨🐓Sugar Daddy Fic Recs🐓👨🪅🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Chase_acow, Ginnydear, Hangmanbradshaw, LulaluzHazel, Mackwinnon, Renai_chan, Thegeckbros.
I'm a babygirl in a daddy's world > Daddy Klnk
leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream by ginnydear {E}
“Getting old,” she replies, humming again. “I guess that means you’re entering a new era of hook-ups though.” “What on earth are you talking about?” Bradley asks, turning down the television. “Come on Bradley, you know you’re gonna find some hot twenty-something who wants you to fu-” “Okay!” Bradley says, laughing a bit as Natasha sputters and laughs too. “I get it. You don’t have to continue.” “Don’t be such a prude,” Natasha says primly. “I was going to say ‘fund their grad school dreams’ before you so rudely cut me off.”
The Only Exception by mackwinnon {E}
Organized crime AU. Escort Jake meets Bradley in a club while he's with another client. Bradley's instantly intrigued and makes Jake an offer he can't refuse. It's just business. Until it isn't.
nothing’s good until it hurts by thegeckbros {E}  
there's money for the taking (and the happiness we all deserve)
“So, what, one of the richest dudes in New York wants to be your sugar daddy?” “Kinda?” Jake sits back up, straightening up and turning his body towards Javy. “He doesn’t want like sex or anything. He just needs someone to pretend to date so his uncle and PR team get off his back about his reputation.” Or a sugar daddy au in which jake is a struggling law student, bradley's a billionaire, and they weave a tangled web
you do it all your life and you never get through it
The silver lining, if there is one to be had, about watching his dad die in front of him is that the worst thing to ever happen to Bradley is over before his life has really begun. Every shitty breakup or spectacular fuckup, every broken bone or missed flight. None of it will ever come close to even touching the worst day of Bradley’s life. And then, 15 years after the worst thing that’s ever happened to him, it all happens again. Or scenes from bradley's life, before and after jake
We're Crashing Like Waves by Renai_chan {M}
Jake is a movie star looking to get some surfing lessons and Bradley is a surfer living a quiet life in Hawaii. Like the land and the sea, they come together on the edges of O‘ahu.
Sugar Daddy Bradshaw by chase_acow {E}
Cutting to the Chase
“I’ll agree to pay for one semester if you make me look good and let me touch your ass. I suppose I’ll have to live with the disappointment of no blowjob,” Bradshaw sighed, his shoulders slumping as he adopted a hangdog expression, for exactly five seconds before he grinned again. “But think about it. I can’t be your sugar daddy if you don’t give me the sugar.” “You’d be interested in something long term?” Jake asked doubtfully, wondering if he’d somehow been involved in a terrible accident and this was all a hallucination from his desperate brain low on oxygen. “Based on what I’ve seen so far, you might be sweet enough to pay through to your doctorate,” Bradshaw said with a shrug of his shoulders as if he didn’t care one way or another about throwing a hundred thousand dollars at someone he just met.
Party Favor
Bradley needed him to go to New York on a business trip, but first Jake had to have a suit that wouldn’t make the people they were meeting laugh. So Jake spent a very uncomfortable afternoon at the tailor playing a life-sized Ken doll while Bradley and the old man with too many straight pins talked about him like he wasn’t there. The suits he ended up with each cost more than his car. The bruises he ended up with when Bradley pulled him into the changing room and lifted him up to wrap his legs around his waist had faded by the time Jake got on the private plane for the trip. Earning his membership to the mile high club was kinda cool, too.
Ride 'Em Cowboy
Bradley had some work to finish, but he joined Jake in time to start the football game. As the Longhorns ran out on the field, Jake found himself sitting pretty in Bradley’s lap. His skin felt a hundred times more sensitive after staying naked and having Bradley prime him for so long. The mustache at the nape of his neck made him shiver. “Do you think you can come once for each quarter?” Bradley asked, hands on Jake’s knees to situate them to his liking. He licked his palm and then took Jake in hand, “I think you can do it.” * “Your team’s winning, baby. What do you have to cry about?” Bradley teased after they’d watched more of the game. One hand pet across Jake’s belly while the other twisted Jake’s head around so he could lick at Jake’s tears. “Is it too much?”
Know Better
“You can come, but I am not fucking you in my mom’s home,” Jake said, leaning into his stern voice. He’d learned enough about how to wrangle the older man in the last couple of months to know he had to start out solid and then stick to his guns. “And we don’t have time to fool around now. So repack, and you’d better pick at least one shirt that isn’t going to blind everyone with the print.” Bradley smirked, and Jake should have known better.
that little farm where every wish comes true by hangmanbradshaw {E}
Jake's only wish that holiday season was simple- to keep his family christmas tree farm. He never expected that wish would be granted via a man with deep pockets, an amused smile, and commitment issues a mile wide. He never expected to like him. He definitely never expected to love him. Hell, he never expected Bradley Bradshaw. Or Hallmark Christmas Movie but make it sugar (daddy) and spice and everything nice.
Serendipity by LulaluzHazel {E}
During his second year at university, Bradley found himself with no room or a place to live. Venting to his co-worker, a handsome customer overheard his problems and offered him a sweet deal: to stay at his flat in exchange for looking out for his cat. But why did his new landlord have to be a naval aviator of all things? Couldn't he just be a regular rich kid?
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newtonsheffield · 7 months
Unfortunately…. Or very fortunately… I think we need a spicy Sunday/Saturday/weekend request for Mary and Tharman from Mile High 🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸
Anonymous Asked: Can we see Mary and Tharman for spicy Sunday??
I think it’s time.
She could feel his gaze prickling along her skin.
She’d been feeling it every second since she’d slipped through the door this morning and Kate had run towards her, tiny feet pounding across the carpet.
“Katie-Kat!” Mary sing-songed back, lifting her up and settling her on her hip. “What are we going to do today?”
“Umm…” Kate hummed, her face crumpling adorably, “Maybe we could… get some new books?”
“A trip to the bookstore today huh?” Mary had looked over at Tharman, her eyebrows raised to make sure he was fine with her taking Kate out the way she had so many times and the moment their eyes met she’d felt her stomach drop. His eyes were dark as he stared at her, his eyes flicking down her body and his hands clenched at his side. Mary swallowed, winking at him as Kate sighed.
“Appa! Bookstore!”
Tharman startled at the sound of his daughter’s voice, blinking at her before he sighed, teasing his daughter, “And, Miss Sharma, how are you planning to pay for these new books?”
Kate closed one eye, “I’ll give you hugs?”
“Oh, well,” Tharman clicked his tongue, taking his wallet out of his pocket and leaving a few notes on the counter, “I’m getting a deal.”
Mary’s heart fluttered in her chest as she watched Tharman kiss his daughter on the forehead,
“Maybe we can have chips for lunch?”
Tharman closed one eye, scrunching his face up just like Kate had, “Maybe I’ll pretend to be sick and I’ll come home early. We’ll see what I bring home.”
Kate gasped and scrambled out of Mary’s arms and running off, “I’m putting my shoes on! Get ready Mary!”
They were alone, both of them too aware of it and Mary’s spine shivered when he reached out and put his hand on her hip, tugging her closer until their lips brushed. “Hey.”
“Hey.” She let herself relax against him before she sighed, “Why are you coming home early?”
He leaned into her, pressing her against the kitchen counter and his teeth nipped at her neck, “I don’t want to go to work. I just want to hang out with my girls. I missed you last night.”
She wanted to roll her eyes but she couldn’t quite manage it. “Well, I left you with a present.”
“I enjoyed my present.”
“I can’t keep waking up at 5am.” Mary chuckled, “I’m getting huge bags under my eyes, which isn’t cute, and my Dad is starting to wonder why I’m responding to his messages then. I told him I’d taken up running.”
Tharman chuckled, kissing her again, “You’re stunning and you know it.”
“Well,” Mary said, ducking out of his arms, “If you don’t go to work; How are you going to be my sugar Daddy?”
He swallowed, reaching for her again, “Is that what I am?”
“You’re definitely a fucking Daddy.”
“Well, I-”
“Daddy!” Kate stamped into the room, breaking the spell between them, “Go to work! Mary and me are busy!”
She’d thought about him all day, which really wasn’t any change from before they’d started this secret little relationship. The only difference was that now she didn’t have to imagine what his hands would feel like as they moved over her body. She didn’t have to imagine the taste of him on her tongue or the weight of him against her, she didn’t have to imagine the look on his face when he fell apart for her.
Mary trundled down the street with Kate on her back, a bag of books clattering against her hip with every step.
“Appa!” Kate called out suddenly and Mary snapped to attention to find Tharman on the porch, waiting for them to come home.
“Katie!” He called back clearly delighted as Kate leapt down and wrapped her arms around him before she snatched the brown paper wrapped parcel off him and sprinted inside.
Lunch seemed to pass slowly, with Tharman’s hand on her thigh under the table, his fingertips light on her skin as they slipped under her skirt. Mary could feel her cheeks burning as he moved closer and she cleared her throat, standing quickly.
“Katie, honey, it’s time for a nap.”
Kate nodded, her eyes already fighting to close from the excitement of the day and the long walk they’d had. She let her father pick her up and carry her upstairs and Mary took a shuddering breath, dropping the dishes into the sink. She let the water wash over her hands, trying to clear her head as she focused on her task.
“She’s asleep.”
She didn’t startle at the feeling of his arms around her, rather she expected it. She expected his lips on her neck and his hands pressed against her stomach.
“She’s tired.”
“Are you tired?”
Mary chuckled as he tugged her back against his chest, his arm firm around her, “I can see that you aren’t.”
The groan he let out shivered down Mary’s spine, “I’m definitely not tired.”
Mary felt her hands clench on the edge of the sink and her eyes fluttered closed and her voice sounded weak, “Well, I’m working. You do actually pay me to do a job for you.”
“I thought I was your sugar daddy.”
His fingers had slid under her shirt now, tickling to skin as they walked up towards her chest until she let out a noise halfway between a groan and a gasp.
“We can’t do this, she’s just upstairs.”
“She’ll be asleep for at least an hour.” Tharman’s teeth bit into her neck and Mary felt her stomach drop, “Let me take care of you, Babe. I can take care of you.”
Mary nodded before she could stop herself and she had to bite back a moan as his other hand gripped her thigh roughly. His fingers started walking up her thigh leaving the skin burning in their wake until his thumb moved softly against her underwear.
He let out a satisfied hum as she leaned into his touch, “Say yes, Babe. Ask me to take care of you.”
Mary felt her teeth bite into her lip and her voice sounded rough, “Please.”
“That’s good enough.”
His fingers slipped under the edge of her waistband and their moans mingled in the air at the first touch. His hands were soft as they moved over her, even if the motions weren’t truly gentle, and she was sure that she didn’t want them to be. All she could feel was him. She could feel his chest like a firm wall behind her and the hand still moving gently over her chest held her in place against it, leaving her no room to move. She could feel her pulse pounding in her ears as heat crept through her entire body. Her knees felt weak as her hips started to grind against his hand.
Tharman’s fingers pressed against her and his foot nudged her legs further apart and he let out a satisfied little noise as a desperate moan fell from Mary’s chest.
“Good girl. That’s it, come on baby.”
He was crooning in her ear and his thigh felt firm under her, pushing more pressure on his fingers as they dipped inside her and he pushed her closer and closer to the edge with every second.
The side of the sink bit into Mary’s hands as she fought to stay upright and her gasps and moans echoed through the kitchen, bouncing off the tiles.
“Fuck, these little skirts used to torture me. Stay with me tonight.”
Mary nodded, words failing her completely as she dangled over the edge, her hips grinding down against him desperately, the moment suspended in time.
“Mary. I asked you a question.”
She fell apart with a sharp moan, and her entire body shuddered against him until she slumped against the sink, gasping for breath.
“Jesus,” Mary groaned after a long moment, “When you get back on the horse you really get right back on, hey?”
Tharman turned her gently in his arms and let his tongue tangle with hers when he kissed her. He pulled back, sucking his fingers a little smugly. “Yes. And now that we’ve agreed you’re coming back to me tonight: I’ll be having that for dinner.”
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Baby gazing part 2 The weekend
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Just fluff mentions of pregnancy, babies brief mention of changing diapers and some good-old nature fooling 18+ just incase . Chris wvans as a father if that's a warning Comments Welcome and reblogs welcome to not repost translate or publish anywhere
Part 1 here
With our little one on my hip I poke Chris awake with one foot.
He groans
But the minute she giggles his head pops up
"Is that a giggle my little Oh come to daddy:
He holds his hands open then its like he sees her on my hip and freaks instantly so:
"You shouldn't he hold her like that give her to me, come on."
"Chris I-"
"Give her to me and you sit relax."
"Chris I have to chang-"
"I'll change her you sit there relax I'll bring her back to be fed then ill make us breakfast. just relax"
"No buts I got her baby." He kisses me on the forehead
"You ready to get changed all cleaned up baby? yea we gunna dress you cutie hu? ill put you in a cap. shirt." He bounced her as he walked out of the room.
Why argue when he wants to do everything? I could get used to this again. He hasn't been like this since the first few weeks after bringing her home but to be fair we are both sleep deprived and now were gunna be more so because- shit I had to make sure things were ready for Miles. But they won't be here till 2. Though ah no worries its easy just an extra.
Baby we'll tag team.
Chris comes back in with her and while I. Ferdinand her he comes back with a huge breakfast.
Did the fridge break or something.
"No I just wanted to make sure we had enough food here. It's not just you, you have to worry about."
He wrapped his arms around me and then petted her on the head she looked up at him and then smiled as much as she could. Which is unusual as she doesn't like to be disturbed when she is eatting.
So much fruit and sweets my brian is wanting the sweets but the baby- God she'll be too hyper with sugar from the fruit. Maybe some will be ok.
When she was done Chris took her back
Chris wa-
Let me hold her
Babe no I'm holding my baby
"She's my baby too" I pouted
"You always hold her let me"
"I want to"
"No, please babe," he gave me this sad woe is me look.
"Fine fine but if she has to be changed."
"I'll be all over it."
"Oh you will?" I thought." I've been eating broccoli the past two days and boy is Chris in for a surprise.
She kept reaching for me but Chris said no she tried to crawl but nope daddy dragged her back to his side. He had 2 girls who aren't happy right now. Both of us pouting and fo once I wasn't going to try and make her laugh she has good reason to pout- daddy has to learn.
He insited on putting her down for her nap and me taking a nap- who was I to argue with that. Ill take any nap. Then the glass alarm woke me up leaving me to wonder what he did to our guard-baby now....Then he came running in with her
"Ok it's ok see look mommy is right there" he came standing right next to the bed but wouldn't give me her. I'm wondering where the tissue box is so I can knock him over the with it then she had screamed so loud and high
"Here here here's mommy" he has never handed me the baby so fast in her life. The second I brought her to me she quieted down.
"I hope your happy your made your baby girl cry."
"I wasn't trying to I just-"
"It doesn't matter"
"But I"
"right now she wants her mommy all day she's been wanting her mommy"
"Honey but... look Let's just lets all lay down ok."
Then He slid his hand to support her belly and her and was able to move her enough to that a lot of her weight was on him and not me. I still didn't get it but hey he wants her butt in his face let it
He he was rubbing her butt, which is also his way of checking her diaper, then she shot him a dirty look and shuffled towards me more ans layed her head down on my chest. Her favorite pillow. I couldn't help but laugh.
Not like that I smacked his shoulder
But the rest of this day he was going crazy not letting me get up. I had to sneak to make sure we had stuff for Miles.
"What are you doing"
I jumped hearing Chris voice behind me hold our baby who had reached for me but Chris put her arms down.
"Chris what are you doing? Give me my baby!"
"No you're supposed to be resting-"
"Christopher Robert Evans I swear-"
The door bell rings. Great it's gotta be Jamie and Kyle and Miles.
"This is not finished" I point. pushing past him and walking to the door.
"No honey whose here? you shouldn't be around people its flu season." He comes after me.
"Hey guys"
Miles reached out for me.
"Hi Miles,"
"Someone got an admirier" Jamie said handing him to me
"Who wants a baby biscuit?"
His face lights up. This is going to be an easy weekend.
Nah I just give him cookies. I found it works on dogs and men. Uh that's not what I meant," I chuckled
"Babe no what are you doing?"
he tries to take Miles from me.
"Chris stop what are you doing"
"You shouldn't be holding him"
" What come on."
"Fine gime me her-"
"Chris we have company "I say through my strained teeth.
"But you still shouldn't be holding him. Think of the baby."
They look at me.
I shrug my shoulders. I
"fine but put her down please."
"Its fine I can handle two. i'll have to get used to it anyway."
Kyle and Jamie give me a look my shoulder goes up and down. I'm completely lost.
"Alright its just the weekend."
"Ok he is expecting a baby biscuit it is in the pantry ill get it"
"No you sit I don't want you straining"
"Ok ok"
Chris puts both of the babies down in the play pen and then to go get then thier cookies.
"Come on you guys sorry about him I wish I had an excuse he's just acting nutty today."
"You guys want coffee" He yells from the kitchen. They both nodd thier heads.
I reply "3 coffees"
"Nice try"
"That man is pushing me right now. I'm allowed the odd coffee while breast feeding and right now I need it or he'll need a new place to live. He driving me nuts Won't let me hold her at all."
"Are you- He's acting like you're pregnant again"
"Oh you have no clue I mean the breakfast me made it was so huge and -oh god."
"You aren't"
"No no I made a joke last night I totally forgot it was about watching miles that we'd have 2 babies in the house I made a joke hed have less than 9 months who knew he'd not realize this morning we have everything ready for miles I swear just-Wait a minute this could work."
They look at me
"I get a weekend off and Chris plays daddy for two babies oh this would really work. You think I can pull this off all weekend?"
"Oh yes," Jamie nods "You have to for women everywhere."
Chris comes back in to give the babies their cookies in the pen and then returns,
"two coffees and a non caffeeinated slightly sweetend ice tea for you."
He sits down and puts one hand on my stomach. Yep he thinks I'm pregnant.....
This is going to be a fun weekend.
Taglist (sorry if I missed you let me know if you want to be added
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit @coltrainbat @hawkeyes-queen
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brbzonedout · 10 months
More 42 Miles Headcanons
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I see everyone writing about Miles basically being a sugar daddy but let’s roll back to reality for a moment. He’s not buying you the world, he might want to but he’s somewhat sensible.
However, say you’re talking about something you’ve had your eyes on he’d probably show up with it the next day. As long as it’s reasonable y’all know Rio monitors his bank account! (This could work for both of them).
“Oh shit I almost forgot…here”.
Miles set down his book bag and reached in digging around for a moment. After a few seconds, he pulled out an unreleased Lego botanical flower set.
“You’re fucking with me!” you said staring straight at him with a shocked expression.
He grinned and handed over the set.
You took it out of his hands gently and admired the sleek detailing of the box.
“How did you cop this these aren't even out yet?!”
“I have my ways,” He shrugged off the question. “Do you like it?”
“Of course I do! I love it thank you.”
You lunge at him with a hug and kiss his cheek all at once. After a few seconds you think to yourself if this isn’t out yet it must have been pretty expensive.
“Hol’ on Miles…how much was this?”
He pulled back slightly and chuckled rubbing the back of his neck.
He’s very subtly compassionate. He doesn't always express his love verbally but will definitely hold your hand while walking around the block or have his arm around while next to him. Just little gestures but they mean a lot.
He’s a homebody in the morning and honestly prefers to go out at night. It's quiet and not as busy.
He’s low-key spoiled, don't kill me I'm not saying his overall life isn't tough based on everything he does for work. What I mean is after Jeff died Rio codled the hell out of him and Aaron really stepped up making sure he was taken care of. He's not bratty toxic spoiled he just usually gets what he wants.
As a little kid, he was the only younger cousin allowed to hang out with the older ones. They thought he was funny so they kept him around.
Going along with the cousins thing, now that he's a little older the little ones always want to be around him at events.
Unfortunately, Bro gets nightmares. But I also headcanon that's how his dimension works I'll elaborate on this in another post.
He was signed up to speak with the school counselor for a while by Rio after Jeff died but he didn't feel like talking so, he lied about his progress in order for the counselor to write him off as ok.
Once he gets really comfortable with someone he can be just as expressive as 1610 Miles, obviously because that's the same nigga.
That’s all I just had these in the back in my mind. Remember requests are open right now so don't be shy! THANK YOU FOR READING!!
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pinkandpurple360 · 7 months
Ozzie is a good partner to Fizzarolli but Fizz paired up with him really do gives off the feeling of “fangirl pairs off a character to another character so they don’t get in way of her favorite ship” which tends to happen to best friends of characters that’s apart of said favorite ship from what I’ve seen of
Pretty much exactly what’s happening, because they’re miles more dynamic and interesting with each other than with either of the Goetias and we can’t have that.
Given the fact that Stolas has no other possible pairing, he only interacts with B Via and Stella. Blitzs keep getting shot down and Viv is marrying Fizz off to Ozzie, yeah seems like this is exactly what’s happening.
Fizz is pretty lucky Oz chooses to be kind to him honestly, because he would never escape the abuse from Ozzies peer otherwise. I wish I had a millionaire sugar daddy to save me from my old abusive boss. Just have a read of this snippet from a fic I read
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This relationship is a bit much for me…considering the disability and caregiver dynamic, Fizz couldn’t leave if he wanted to. Blitz can’t leave stolas and he wants to. And don’t forget who made these Fizzbots either. We can hardly pin blame entirely on mam.
Both Fizz and Blitzø are pretty forced into these relationships for survival, while being forced apart from each other. And this is the case within the story and by the actual writing team.
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Here’s the full fic by the way it’s really cute https://archiveofourown.org/works/50270902
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max-millers · 2 months
- struck the match
April 25th, 2024
Dear Mister Maximilian Miller, the staff of NYU Grossman School of Medicine is pleased to inform you that you were successfully matched into a residency.
Compared to the feeling of getting into medical school, match day tastes much more bitter. Max can't quite remember when he's last forced himself into a suit, but today, his shoes are polished, pants and shirt are ironed, and his tie is perfectly straight.
The blonde is not quite sure what he's dressing up for. His hopes of matching into his first choice is little, or rather zero. With his recent crash back into addiction (and the last three weeks sober again), his last few grades may have ripped that dream right out of his hands. He's not mad at himself, or anyone else. It is what it is, he tries to tell himself, while nervously fixing his tie for the third time in a row.
[ Dad -> Maximilian ] I'll get there by myself, like we discussed. [ Dad -> Maximilian ] Proud you let me be a part of this day. Love you, son. [ Maximilian -> Dad ] i'm glad ur coming, cu
The sun is starting to sink down the sky as Max exits his apartment, and then the house the apartment is in. Fresh air hits his face, and the stern expression on his face changes into something more relaxed for a second. Deep breaths, he reminds himself as he gets into the Uber he's called, and some pressure falls of his shoulders when he chats with the driver, talking about what's about to happen.
What's about to happen, though, is..
[ Dad -> Maximilian ] Can't make it, sorry.
Max gets the message as he exits the Uber, and the laugh he lets out is devastated, and somehow relieved. He'd expected this to happen, and still. There's no plan B. No Miles called, or Zane, or Luis, or Zed, or Kelly. He's all alone now, and there's no way to change it. And maybe, it's a good thing. Or so he thinks, until he sees everyone with their family, all happy and excited.
He's not excited. He's just nervous.
Maybe he's got Lenox Hill, or Lower Manhattan. Or, or. Please let it at least be Lenox Hill.
Why in all world Grossman chose a stage to announce, is what Max asks himself seconds later. He's sick to his stomach, and on his way up to the conference room, his fingers grip the handrail so hard his knuckles turn white.
"Hey, Max!", someone calls, and he turns around to find Connor, a fellow medical student, who pats his back hard as he walks by, "Here all by yourself?" Yes, Max answers, My Dad couldn't make it. A phrase said like it's recorded, over and over again tonight.
And when Professor Simone hands him his white letter, Max does feel like throwing up.
Shaky fingers and shaky legs lead the way up onto the stage, and he stops in front of the small microphone. There's not as many students as there is family members, and Max does spot a few familiar faces in the crowd. Spotlight on, and he's the lead actor - just for the glimpse of a moment.
"Hi, I'm Max.", he says into the microphone, and there's some cheers, "I matched into Anesthesiology." Still shaky fingers rip the paper open, and all his head repeats is Lenox Hill, Lenox Hill, Len- "No fucking way." Laughter erupts in the crowd, and Max grin is wide and teary eyed as he raises his voice once again; "I'm staying here in New York!"
It's not Lenox Hill, no - it's the hospital Zed works in the most. His first choice. The first choice he thought he'd never get. It's a rush of the stage then, followed by cheers and some shoulder pats, and Max doesn't stick around for chats, no.
He goes straight home, and sends a few texts:
[ Max -> Zeddy ] [photo of the letter attached] you're so not getting rid of me any time soon [ Max -> Luis <3 ] fuck matched in texas [ Max -> Luis <3 ] jk i'm staying in ny [ Max -> Luis <3 ] are u free [ Max -> Miles ] [photo of the letter attached] i'm so gonna be ur sugar daddy [ Max -> Zane ] [photo of the letter attached] told u i'm the smarter brother [ Max -> Caleb ] [photo of the letter attached] got my first choice [ Max -> Gael ] [photo of the letter attached] !!!!!!! [ Max -> Esme ] [photo of the letter attached] i made it, thought you'd may like to hear, hope you're doing okay - max
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