#mighty valkyries
valkyrie and jane smacking their badass weapons together after having a heart2heart and a little dance party while standing in a doorway was better than that entire shot of the “she’s got help” women in endgame I’m just sayin
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osthejukeboxgod · 2 years
List of things from Thor: love and thunder that drive me insane:
1)giving Zeus an Italian accent.
2) love and thunder.
Love and fucking thunder.
3) korg and Dwayne.
4)giving Zeus an Italian accent.
3) it's not lady Thor!!!!! ITS THE MIGHTY THOR!!!!!
6)the damn goats and their incessant screaming
7) that scene? With Valkyrie and Jane with the speakers and the music and the head bopping. Fucking adorable
Okay some of you mentioned these in the reblogs i can't believe i forgot about them but.
8) the insanely superpowered army of literal children. The laser eyed teddy bear. That was. Peak cinema. I love this movie :')
9) OH!!!!stormbreaker and mjolnir and their personalities. It's VERY magnus chase and the gods of Asgard.
10) okay and of course, that little hand smooch val gives the Greek lady in omnipotent city
Edit 2:
Thank you to the 20 something people telling me it's a Greek accent. If 20 more do the same in the comments I might consider continuing to do absolutely nothing about it.
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I can’t stop thinking about the fight scene in the Shadow Realm. That scene ate so much up. 
The black and white only ever briefly interrupted by the lightning from Stormbreaker, Mjolnir, and Thunderbolt. Gorr using EVERY BIT OF HIS POWER to fight three of the greatest warriors in the universe. His prior monologue which had me on the edge of my seat, terrified. THOR ODINSON. KING VALKYRIE.
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nerdside · 2 years
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legionofpotatoes · 2 years
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A ballad of love ♥️⚡️
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headcanonthings · 10 months
Bruce, drunk: So, how big are you? Thor: 6'4" Bruce: No I mean in bed Thor, confused: Still 6'4", just sideways Valkyrie, watching them:...Jesus Christ
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sunshinewands · 2 years
u don't understand how i much i wanted to scream every time she was on screen shdhfkdkdj when they made her canonically queer? I almost fainted. when she kissed the hand of one of zeus' maids? me found dEAD. like the power valkyrie holds- the chokehold she has on me- all i'm saying i definitely would thank her if she stepped on me
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merememberjust · 2 years
Thor Love and Thunder Spoilers:
Never would I have thought that Thor would be the “let’s talk first, punch later” guy
While Dr. Jane Foster (aka Mighty Thor) is like “HELL YEAH LETS FIGHT!”
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imhereformarvel · 2 years
Based on how the critics were behaving I fully expected to be disappointed by Thor: Love and Thunder and then I saw it and I LOVED it, like what the hell. It was so good! My theater cracked up the whole time and I liked the pacing and plot. I felt that it really honored the comic run that it’s inspired by.
Not very spoilery highlights for me included:
-A genuinely haunting villain.
-Mighty Thor/Natalie’s Mighty ripped arms! Damn girl!
-Australia’s Ass™️
-an extremely cool battle in the shadow realm that was, for me, one of the most memorable MCU action scenes ever
-Tessa Thompson existing
-a very sweet and surprising ending that leaves your heart feeling all warm.
-2 great post credit scenes
Go see it!!❤️⚡️
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uglydwarfsblog · 2 years
I truly believe that if you didn’t like Thor: Love and Thunder you just don’t like fun. Was it a masterpiece? No. But it’s an MCU movie it’s not supposed to be the hight of cinema. I simply suggest you take the stick up out of your ass and enjoy the gay rock sex, hot women, and Russell Crowes bad (yet beautiful) accent. Just a thought 🤷🏻‍♀️
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osthejukeboxgod · 2 years
I'll tell you what. Korg participating in the kronan version of gay sex on screen is the best gay rep we got from Marvel. Forget the gay kiss in eternals this is straight up baby making sex.
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andwiththatileave · 2 years
Thor Love and Thunder No-Context Spoilers
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Bonus: MCU Phase Four In a Nutshell
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aleksmaximoff · 2 years
how many comic book bros do you think walked out of the theater at the mention of Korg's gay dads? and how many of those ended up seething when they went home and found out Korg is also gay?
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bbyboybucket · 2 years
I genuinely don’t get the all the “criticism” for Love and Thunder. To me, it was absolutely everything I could’ve asked for and more. It was well written, both in plot and character arcs. It was funny, emotional, heart warming and breaking, and also a bit scary at times. It had so many layers but it was still so FUN. Visually stunning and attention grabbing. It gave representation that didn’t feel forced or like it was a “hey we’re diverse” card, it just felt natural and in character. It carried its own story beautifully while setting up greatness for the future of the mcu (spoiler: imo I think big potential for Love being a young avenger member). There’s just so much nitpicking I could do in praise but I’m being general right now. In my personal opinion, it’s flawless and my new favorite marvel movie. I know everyone has different opinions and tastes, so some might have some dislikes. However, I think this movie was objectively good and enjoyable overall. And Taikia (as well as the writers) did a great job catering to all sides of the mcu audience, pleasing all the different kinds of fans (like the ‘dude bros’ but also us tumblrinas). I just- it’s so amazing to me
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headcanonthings · 1 year
Valkyrie, doing a crossword: I need a 4-letter-word for disappointment Bruce, no hesitation: Loki. *silence* Valkyrie: It fits Thor: *trying really hard not to laugh*
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