#medicine for cough
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lifeaveda · 2 years
ayurvedic medicine for cough
Buy Ayurvedic products online at Life Aveda's ayurvedic store. Order Ayurvedic medicines online anywhere and get delivered across India. Shop Now
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ihatebrainstorm · 10 months
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"The Caduceus. Commonly mixed up with the Rod of Asclepius."
Guys I think it'd be really funny if Pharma and Ratchet had the same voice
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letitbehurt · 4 months
That little moment when Whumpee is in so much pain that they’re grabbing onto anything within reach.
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spaceshipkat · 26 days
yknow what we’re all sitting on? the fact that Bucky sent at least one (1) letter to Buck—when he asked him to bring that unicorn in the box to the sergeant in that Greenland bar
editing to add i wrote a whopping 25k fic about this and you can read it here
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hitlikehammers · 4 months
a Valentine's-flavoured cuddly-loose-lipped-secret-spilling-hopped-up-on-cold-medicine!Eddie
(and his ever-devoted boyfriend Steve who he's been crushing on since high school but that part's a secret was a secret)
for @thoroughlycollected: featuring the (actually kind of horrible) way schools would sell carnations for $1 or something for Valentine's Day to anonymously deliver to your crush
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It turns out that Eddie under the influence comes in a variety of flavors.
High Eddie is languid, touchier than he’s normally prone to which is fucking saying something, and weirdly philosophical. He talks about alternate universes beyond the Upside Down as a meta-something concept. He theorizes how maybe he died in another dimension but some weird particle-subversion-something-something-whatever couldn’t survive re-sublimation in the Right-Side-Up and honestly when the big-brain bullshit skirts the edges of Eddie’s mortality Steve is here for all of none of that part, because Eddie’s heart was beating under Steve’s hands the whole goddamn time, sometimes maybe coaxed by Steve’s hands but from the moment Steve found him and Dustin to the moment he let go at the hospital he didn’t not feel Eddie’s heart beating, and he knew that not least because he would have come apart at the seams if that’s happened, he would have crumbled entirely for losing, or almost-losing, or thinking even close to losing the potential, the promise between them they’d barely skirted but that’d rooted heavy and at home in Steve’s chest already and fuck, fuck—
When Eddie philosophizes in general usually Steve just hangs on his every word, mesmerized by the beauty of him top of bottom, inside and out: somehow all Steve’s. But when his philosophizing leans toward that Steve’s own heartbeat does some weird shit that the weed can’t claim whole credit for and he grabs Eddie hard every time and kisses him until he’s dizzy with it, until they both are, until Eddie’s reduced just to blinking for at least five whole minutes and by that point High Eddie’s on to another topic altogether.
Which is for the best.
By comparison: Drunk Eddie is a lovelorn bastard, a little bit teary with it sometimes even, but always clingy and a touch extra possessive, sappier than he gets on even his most sappy days. One time he told Steve that no, he couldn’t let him go to take a piss because, and Steve remembers this word for word: there’s stardust in my body that’s in your body and that shit’s like magnets, Stevie, like magnets or whatever so my heart’s like pulled to your heart and if you go away without me ever you’ll rip my heart out—because like, a guy remembers that kind of declaration shouted into his ear over the music at a bar that’s safe enough that they’d get away with the excuse that Eddie was plastered, for the way he was hanging on Steve, but thank fuck the lighting was shitty enough that no one could see the flush on Steve’s cheeks, and thank fuck even more that no one could see his magnet-heart and how pounded something wild for the way Eddie draped over him and pressed full against his chest and nuzzled under his chin and made the kind of declarations that Steve had kinda been searching and hoping for all his life.
Drunk or not.
But then there’s another flavor, a specific one: and that’s medicated Eddie. And that Eddie, that cough-medicine-soaked-to-the-gills Eddie?
He’s an adorably giggly little fuck, is what he is.
“I’ll feel better by Saturday,” he lolls his head over to Steve’s shoulder where they sit beside one another, Eddie properly bundled in three blankets with a Sprite in hand. “Pinky-promise,” he slurs a little, but it might just be the stuffed-up nose doing the heavy lifting on garbling his words, and then fuck, of course the dipshit reaches up to seal the deal like the absolutely irresistible goofball he is, and always: snot-coated and all.
“Just rest up, babe,” Steve pulls him close with an arm around around his shoulder, dropping a firm kiss to his forehead: still warmer than Steve would like, in all honesty: “forget about Saturday,” and he means that with his whole chest, because fuck reservations and flowers and boxes of the chocolates Eddie likes best from the city—his boyfriend is sick, his boyfriend is hurting, and there is kinda not a single more important thing than that, than attending to that and making it hurt even the slightest bit less of he’s able, if it’s in his power.
“But we had,” Eddie sniffles heavily, loud and almost painful-sounding; “we had plans,” he whines, and turns toward Steve with overbright-eyes, far too watery:“our first,” he says it like it’s a heartbreak unto itself, bottom little quivering, and fuck.
Steve smiles though he hurts for Eddie right now so hard, want to take all the aching into himself it to spare this beautiful man for a fucking second, just he reaches and traces lilting patters around Eddie’s eyes, his browbone, his jaw, slow down to press soft at his lips:
“You not planning on having many more?” Steve asks soft, a little playful, a little leading: he likes to hear it, and often: that Eddie’s in this as deep and true and Steve is. For the long haul.
“All the more,” Eddie sing-songs sniffily, which is both pathetic and adorable, tugs at Steve’s heartstrings and the corners of his lips alike; “alllll of the more, Stevie-baby,” he draws out in promise, crosses his heart uncoordinated for feeling fuzzy with his cold and being fully cocooned in blankets and again: adorable and pathetic and perfect.
The man’s fucking perfect, even when he’s all stuffed-up and curled sick on the couch.
“Got you the best presents,” he adds on dreamily with a little chuckle, the high-pitched airy kind that float in the air between like bubbles; “so much better than all the other ones,” he adds kinda petulantly, pouts full around the words and maybe it’s the cough medicine, or the fuzziness Steve knows well comes with both the cold itself and the remedies to help alike; he brushes his lips against Eddie’s forehead just to be safe and Eddie giggles a little and leans full-bodied into Steve, unbalanced for the swaddling of most of his frame and that just makes him laugh all the more: he’s no more feverish than he had been, which was admittedly barely, just more than Steve liked, but: yeah.
Yeah, that’s…he kinda guesses it all could combine to have Eddie spewing kinda nonsense, and he probably should just smile and pull his boyfriend closer in his arms and cuddle him some more but he’s both curious and concerned, which turns out to be a potent mix, so:
“Other ones?”
“Mmm,” Eddie hums long and warm as he snuggles up to Steve a little closer, and Steve stretches an arm around him wholly, settles him flush to his chest: “but shh, don’t tell, okay?”
And Eddie sounds breathless, which piques Steve worry alongside the bright flush he finds on Eddie’s cheeks when he looks down: his eyes are fairly clear and…no, forehead’s still the same temperature, not clammy or anything, and Eddie’s just preening as he lazily tips his face up to receive more kisses, mostly unaware that Steve’s attentions serve any other purpose than loving on him.
And , well, no: they really don’t, it’s just the love’s multi-layered here, just now. It’s love, and it’s devotion, and it’s dedication to Eddie’s general wellbeing all wrapped into one. So: yeah.
“Swear,” Steve decides to play along, hoping for clues as to just how loopy Eddie’s ended up for one end of the sick-stick or the other; “what’s up, baby?” he draws circles over the harsh jut of Eddie’s clavicle, little massages that Eddie eats up with a dimpley grin as he sighs, back to the dreamy-tone again:
Steve buries a little smile into Eddie’s tangly tresses, because like…
“You got me flowers?”
No one’s ever really gotten Steve flowers.
“Noooo,” Eddie giggles and shakes his head under Steve’s chin as he buries closer into Steve’s chest, stretches Steve’s already mostly unbuttoned shirt out to damn well nuzzle the fuzz of curls beneath, and he makes this fucking…soft little half-whine that’s almost a purr, that vibrates straight through Steve’s ribs and his heart goddamn flutters, fucking hell—
“But that’s a great idea, can you remind Eddie tomorrow?” he pulls back with those fucking button eyes so big, as he talks about himself like he’s another person with such innocence then chuckles, burrowing against in Steve’s chest:
“I’d love to buy you good flowers, the nice kind, not the ones in a ten-gallon bucket sitting getting brown,” and his voice is all frown but…adorable, fuck, he’s such a fucking adorable drugged-up sicko, Steve can’t really handle this shit.
“And it was so sad,” he sniffles against Steve’s chest, and hell if Steve knows if it’s congestion or something like…mounting? Because he’s so sad? “The white ones, because they got brown so fast and, and,” and his words get caught up as his lungs rebel, as he sneezes, shakes from his core and Steve’s hands grab for him, tighten around him fiercely and Eddie gives into that protective instinct in Steve like clockwork, magnetic and automatic and Steve loves him so goddamn fucking much.
He presses his lips to Eddie’s temple as Eddie catches his breath and groans a little; kisses his over-warm skin just because.
“Carnations,” Eddie sniffles once he gets his bearings back enough; “are symbolssss,” he draws out long like a sloppy hiss; “of devohhh,” and he coughs a little, and pouts at being interrupted so he huffs heavier on the last syllable: “shun.”
De…devotion? Fucking…carnations?
Shit, Steve hasn’t seen a carnation, at least not knowingly; not since—
“And white ones mean pure,” Eddie rambles, all nasally but indignant anyhow, somehow; “so white carnations would be pure devotion,” and Eddie untucks himself from Steve’s chest for a second to look at him straight on with a little wobbly grin.
“You didn’t even notice, did you,” Eddie says, and there’s no sadness in it; but fuck, Steve…
Steve might fucking, like, start fucking crying.
Because he knows exactly what Eddie’s talking about, now.
“I noticed,” because it was the fucking carnations, the last time he thought about them: Hawkins High School, where they decided to hold up the horrible preteen tradition of anonymous flowers delivered for Valentine’s Day, so three people could be reminded they were the top of the fucking food chain with a pile of crushed flowers still dripping from their buckets of water, the little colored-paper tags soggy with the writing unreadable, while the rest of the school got to feel less-than when they got nothing, and Steve got more than his share even in the years after he toppled from on high in the social hierarchy, but they’d never mattered to him, they’d kinda made him feel uncomfortable. Except—and he could never explain it, but it was predictable, it happened every fucking year—in the collection of reds and pinks there was always one that stood out, all on it’s own.
A white one; Steve never even caught that they’d gone brown at the edges.
“Every year I noticed,” he exhales, and breathes Eddie in from the top of his head because, because—
Every year? Meant…meant every year. Freshman on up.
“My heart used to do this thing,” Steve murmurs against Eddie’s scalp, kinda; and yeah, it’s basically doing the same goddamn thing right now, a little trippy and dizzy and just…it’d scared him a little.
He recognizes now it’s how his chest feels when what he’s doing, where he is, who he’s with, who he holds inside tight close with him: it’s how his chest feels when what he’s doing is right.
“When I saw the white ones,” Steve whispers, and kisses against Eddie’s hair again, and again, because god; “only one person ever sent those.”
“Sometimes I’d have to run, like, hide in the gym showers so no one would know it was me,” Eddie matches his whisper, almost conspiratorial as he reaches out for Steve hand and Steve’s more than happy to meet him, to grasp tight, so tight; “hated gym, did you know that?”
“Oh, I had no idea,” Steve deadpans as he nuzzles Eddie’s hair, while Eddie goes back to nuzzles his chest, and Eddie’s breathing starts to even out and Steve thinks maybe he’s asleep, but then—
“Yeah, baby?” Steve wraps his arm around Eddie a little tighter.
“You’ll remind me about the flowers?” he asks, so goddamn soft; “wanna buy the best white carnations you’ve ever seen in your whole life.”
And Steve promises, yeah, of course—except: he kinda thinks maybe he already got the best ones years ago, again, and again.
He won’t discourage more of the very best, though, so long as Eddie’s the one next to him, handing them to him face to face, no hiding anywhere, just: them.
Pure devotion.
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✨ ao3 link here
permanent tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson
divider credit here
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Fair warning, these were made under the influence of some truly disgusting shots.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 7 months
So I was at this like, class thingy at the rec center that is best described as a mix of chemistry and a practical effects course for people wanting to go into that industry, and they were doing a thing about how people in movies are able to be set on fire without dying, and use the clip of Giles attacking Angel from this
Buffy behind the scenes/blooper/whatever the fuck it’s called reel as a demonstration, so while the teacher person was trying to like, talk about how it worked, you just heard the sound of a baseball bat thwacking air in the background.
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sleepyorc · 7 months
People talk about the war on christmas as if that's a real thing but they ignore the fact that christmas decorations go up in stores well in September, before Halloween has even happened, and the Halloween sections in stores have gotten smaller and smaller in my experience too. The real war is on Halloween, and baby, we need the Skeletons to fight alongside us once more.
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year2000electronics · 5 months
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heso habdsome
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its-coda · 5 months
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Zhaohan drawn with my zhao brush :3
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Zhao brush.
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mindblowingscience · 2 months
Researchers have identified a new complex-carbohydrate biomolecule, or glycan, that plays a key role in the nasal colonization of the Bordetella bacteria responsible for whooping cough. The discovery could make it possible to create a new drug or vaccine that interferes with the glycan to greatly reduce or even stop ongoing Bordetella transmission. Bordetella pertussis is the cause of the respiratory infection pertussis, which is widely known as whooping cough. Today's pertussis vaccines keep people from getting severely sick, but they don't eliminate the bacteria because it excels at colonizing, growing and persisting inside the nose. This means that despite more than 99% of people being vaccinated in the U.S., whooping cough continues to spread, leading to infections among vulnerable populations, particularly infants and elderly people.
Continue Reading.
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hood-ex · 4 months
That fic where Blockbuster is strangling Dick and then Jason shows up and kills Blockbuster is sooo...
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puppyeared · 4 months
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fuck it. plaguesona
#i thought of this a couple weeks ago on the bus a couple seats away from someone loudly coughing into the open air#i think something snapped and i decided to make a fuckin. medieval ass plague sona. horseman of pestilence fursona#this is also why i was asking abt animals with medical symbolism.. originally i wanted a two headed snake like the staff of caduceus#but it turns out thats actually hermes symbol. the real symbol for medicine is the rod of asclepius which looks pretty similar#the difference is that theres only one snake and its twined around a stick. ironically mercy from overwatch's weapons are named after#the caduceus despite the misconception LMAOOO#snakes were the most consistent medicine related animal i could find even across multiple cultures so it couldve really worked#if i could actually draw scalies.. one of my earliest sketches had a cobra with a syringe at the end of its tail like a rattlesnake#and it had markings similar to the syringe tube but i didnt have much else going on so i scrapped it#i was also recommended animals with less obvious ties to medicine like jellyfish and horseshoe crabs and learned something new ^_^#im not confident i could pull off a non-mammal furry but they were really good ideas i might put into smth else.. i also thought of#axolotls bc of their regenerative thing and growing back limbs but i think that would suit smth like a surgeon or amputation...#possums and bats were also an option bc theyre actually really resistant to most diseases like rabies but i feel like ppl wouldnt know that#if they saw it so it looks a little ironic at a glance. rabbits rats and mice were my second option bc of animal testing and lab rats#less obvious reference but the moon rabbit in chinese mythology is loosely connected to medicine bc it makes the elixir of life#otherwise lab mice in a pharmacy / modern medicine setting seemed fitting and jerboa tails remind me of cotton buds#and. ironically. jerboas are more closely related to elephants than rats and mice. can you believe it#my art#myart#my oc#sona#plaguesona#cottonbud#fur#furry art#character design#ref sheet#oc ref sheet
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wigglesdtuff · 1 year
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Oh phew I almost thought I wouldn't be able to draw her tonight
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