#me @ me: their ass is NOT shading skin correctly
days-light · 10 months
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@tma-girls-week day 4: ocs
My vast girl eleanor who loves the night sky a very normal amount. Feeds her entity by snapping people's consciousness into space and back before they can comprehend what happened, mostly in the hope that they'll see and understand the beauty of it. If they end up completely terrified instead well it's not her fault
(text says "isn't it wonderful to know we are nothing?" in case the letterings weird ik it's kinda thick)
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iliektehhaxs · 4 months
Cockwarming with the MK1 boys
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Kuai Liang
Cockwarming? Never heard of it.
You have to explain it before the visual clicks in his head, and it’s only then you see him nod in agreement.
Surprisingly receptive to the idea, it doesn’t take him much convincing. He enjoys the idea of close intimacy.
When would you like to start?
“Now? If you say so, little bird.”
There’s a peace that blooms in him, despite the salacious position you’re in. Hands rubbing into your bare back, nose buried into your neck as he inhales your scent, the hitch in your breath as you adjust yourself on his length.
It would be relaxing, if the feeling of your pussy wasn’t currently driving him up a wall. Everything is heightened this way, every breath making you clench against him, every movement making him shudder in bliss, a repetitive loop of sensations that keep the both of you trapped in each other’s embrace.
You move, he follows. You whimper, and he tastes the sounds on his tongue. You stay like that until you fall asleep, where he wakes up and the first thing he feels is the warmth of your cunt.
Confusion is painted on his face when you tell him your idea.
Eyebrows raised, he didn’t know you to be the type to be so forward, surprised at just how eager you were.
“Hm, seems simple enough.”
At first he didn’t understand the appeal—if you wanted to have sex he could easily hold you hostage to the bed.
But fine, he would indulge you.
As it turned out you are far more creative than he gives you credit for. He might enjoy this newfound position more than he thought.
Every time you squirm, it’s another slap to your ass. The sound rings loudly in your ears, the clash of skin only dwarfed by your whimpering.
“Bi-Han, please—“ you beg, arms wrapped around his neck, scared to move anymore in fear of your husband’s wrath. “Just a little bit, I need more—“
Another hand comes down on your backside. You jump in response, then shiver when Bi-Han’s cold hands soothe the aching flesh.
“You decided the rules darling, no moving.”
You almost want to argue, but the look in his eyes freezes you in place. You’re forced to obey, shaking with anticipation for the moment Bi-Han finds you ready and fucks you like you need.
“You want to what?”
Poor Tomas, his face turns a shade of red you’ve never seen before. He has to ask you to repeat yourself to make sure he heard you correctly.
When you do he becomes even more flustered, but it does spark a certain…curiosity.
He’s open to anything when it comes to you, and he would be a liar if he said otherwise.
As sweet as Tomas can be, it’s like he’s a different person when you’re like this—possessive, greedy even. He holds you by your ass and refuses to let go, kissing at your face when you shudder at the feeling of his cock inside you.
So big, so fucking full.
“Is this what you had in mind?” He grunts, barely stopping his hips from forcing you to bounce on his length. You can see it in his eyes, the barely-held back urge to dig his fingers into your skin and fuck you like he wants to, it’s only your pleas that keep him complacent for the time being.
You see shades of the sweet man you’ve come to love, almost overshadowed by the lust that pools in his very being. He wants to cum so bad, but more than that he wants to be good for you.
Johnny Cage
“You’re not kidding right? Please tell me it isn’t April.”
He’s over the moon, he’s actually thought about it before but was worried you wouldn’t be up for it.
But hearing you ask for it? You’ve given him far too much freedom, and you might regret that in the future.
Safe to say that it becomes his new favorite pastime.
Johnny was the one who invited you over in the first place, something about “needing to focus on his newest script.” A very obvious lie, but you suppose that hindsight is 20/20, especially where your boyfriend is concerned.
Instead of focusing on memorizing his lines, he instead memorizes what makes you tick, what buttons he has to press before you’ve become a writhing mess in his arms, how far you fall on his cock before your legs start shaking.
“Can’t help it baby,” he says, rutting into you softly. “You’re just feel too damn good.”
You almost want to beg him to fuck you, but you know him better than anyone—if Johnny says he’s going to keep you on his lap, he means it. So even if he’s barely focused on the script in his hands, you can be sure as hell you’re going to be sat on his cock until he’s had his fun.
Kenshi Takahashi
He laughs a bit, entertained at the thought.
You, sat pretty in his lap? It makes his heart beat faster.
He asks if you know what you’re getting yourself into, asking him a question like that, but your excited nod is enough of an answer for him.
“Okay then, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Kenshi feels the heat that spreads through your body, a benefit of losing his sight. He knows all your weak points, his heightened senses aware of every reaction you have to his touch.
He knows you better than you know yourself, even without sento he knows how desperate you are to move.
“This is what you wanted, right?”
He coos in your ear, tattooed hands rubbing circle against your shaking hips, a gentle squeeze reminding you to keep still. You nod in reply, but it doesn’t stop the soft noises leaving your lips.
Turns into a shade of pink you didn’t know existed
Lost for words, it takes him a moment to register what you’ve said before responding
“Well, if you’re interested, I wouldn’t mind…”
Poor man, he doesn’t know how to express himself, but he is very on-board!
He tries his best, really he does, but how exactly is he supposed to stay still when you pulse around him so deliciously?
He knows he’s supposed to enjoy this, but being unable to move is driving him up a wall. You have to scold him like a child every time his hips try to move higher.
He stares at the ceiling, head tilted backwards in an attempt to calm down his racing heartbeat, afraid that even the sight of you will make him lose control. In, out, his breathing is labored, your voice doing nothing to quell his urges.
“Relax baby,” you say, running your fingers through his hair. “We still have the rest of the night.”
Kung Lao
You’ve never seen him smile that wide before.
“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”
If you didn’t ask him, he would’ve. He’s just glad you saved him the effort.
The moment you two walk into the bedroom he’s pawing at your pants. He’s impatient, and can you blame him?
“Kung Lao, calm down!”
You try to plead with your boyfriend, but it goes in one ear and out the other. What was meant to be a relaxing past time is now a struggle to keep his wandering hands to himself.
“Come on, don’t you want me to touch you?” He teases. His lips find their way to your nipple, lapping at the pebbled nub while his fingers slide between the two of you.
“This wasn’t the plan,” you whine in response, unknowingly pressing yourself into his greedy fingers. “I wanted us to enjoy this…”
“And we will,” he promises, circling your clit with a twinkle in his eye. “Just want you to feel as good as possible baby.”
Liu Kang
He’s heard of the act before, but never really gave it any thought.
“You sound like you’ve thought about this often, darling.”
He can’t help but tease you a bit, but he’s completely in agreement.
When he has a moment of free time he invites you to sit on his lap, grinning when his fingers dance across your skin.
For a god, Liu Kang sure can be a tease.
In his private quarters he keeps you close to him, one of the rare moments where he has no obligations and can simply enjoy himself. You thought this would be a perfect time to act on your little suggestion, and he thought the same.
Where you erred however, is misjudging a god’s patience.
Two hours ago you eagerly stripped for your husband, and in those two hours you’ve been left teetering on the edge, every time you close your eyes for a moments peace Liu Kang finds it fit to let his fingers remind you of where you are.
A repetitive cycle with no end in sight.
Your clit throbs with an incessant need, but you’re unable to do anything except take what he gives.
Beg your pardon?
You literally see his pupils dilate at the thought
“Really? Are you sure?”
He has his own misgivings about the idea, still ashamed of his ancestry as a Zaterran. It took him a while to become intimate with you but this…
You assure him that this is something you want, and he eventually agrees.
You gently coax Syzoth onto the bed, making your hips flush with his. You can see the doubt begin to flood his mind, until you drag his hands from the bed and onto your body.
“There’s no rush baby,” you murmur, resting your head on his chest. “Let’s just stay like this, hm?”
You hear his heartbeat return to its natural rhythm, his hands slowly brushing against your spine. Tentative, testing the waters, as if you’d shatter if he held you too tight. As the minutes pass he becomes more comfortable with your position, the feeling of your warmth enveloping him.
“I admit, there is something very peaceful about this…” he hums. You make a noise in agreement.
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abitohoney · 1 year
I Suck at Poetry
(A prequel to the prequel to Roses are Red)
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4, Ch5
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This chapter is NSFW, MDNI Sevika x female reader 1k words (Sevika's POV)
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Sevika sits in her booth at The Last Drop, working on repairs to her arm. Or at least that's what she's supposed to be doing. Yet she can't seem to stay focused. Her eyes keep drifting over to where you work behind the bar cleaning and prepping for tonight, oblivious to her eyes on you.
You caught her interest the moment she saw you on your first day. Your smile. Your laugh. Your eyes. Your skin. Your body. Sevika liked it all. She wanted it all.
She wanted to know how you felt beneath her hands, pressed against her body. How you smelled when she ran her nose along your skin, in your hair. How you tasted on her lips, her tongue. How you sounded when her name spilled from your parted lips, begging for her touch. How you looked when she made you cum, completely ruined by her.
A thousand scenarios play in her mind. So many ways to have you. So many ways to make you hers. So many ways to tease and please you.
Sevika adjusts the spread of her thighs in her seat, the annoying ache between them threatening to break her will to wait things out. To observe you. Gather enough information before making a move.
"Hey ogre."
Sevika bristles, brows furrowing deep and pinching at the bridge of her nose.
The fucking bane of Sevika's existence. Always causing mayhem and leaving her with more work than if she'd just taken the tasks on herself. Slowly, she turns to regard the blue-haired menace from where she takes a seat in a chair across from her, propping her big ass goofy boots up on the table.
"Ya know, you'd probably have better success if you actually approached her. Or at least dropped some hints. Maybe gave her a little somethin'."
Sevika ignores Jinx, but kicks herself mentally for letting the brat catch her watching you.
"I honestly don't know whatcha see in her. I mean she's a cutie, but she's clearly not smart. I mean, she's into you so-"
"What?" Sevika cuts her off, unsure if she heard that last statement correctly.
"She's dumb for liking you."
"That's not-" Sevika grunts in frustration. She has no patience for Jinx and she knows Jinx is purposefully egging her on. "What do you mean she's into me?"
"Wow. You two really are perfect for each other. Both dumb as sump rats. No. Sump rats are definitely smarter," Jinx replies with an enthusiastic nod to herself.
Sevika's glare intensifies and the death grip on her precision screwdriver threatens to snap it in two. Jinx either doesn't notice or doesn't care as she blathers on.
"She's got damn hearts for eyes everytime she looks at you. And she looks at you like… a whole lot. It's pretty gross." Jinx sticks her tongue out as if she's tasted something unsavory.
Sevika's attention returns to her arm, hoping Jinx will get bored and just fucking leave. Seems her hopes are for naught.
"Girls like flowers. Poetry. You want to get her attention, give her some of her favorite flowers. And write her somethin' poetic."
"I have no fucking clue what flowers she likes," Sevika snaps, back to glaring at Jinx who just simply smiles back like a clueless child.
"Favorite color?"
"No. I don't know what her fav-" Sevika pauses, a memory manifesting in the forefront of her mind. Not more than a few days ago she had been waiting at the bar for you to fix her drink when she overheard you talking to another woman. Telling her how lovely you thought her jacket was. That it was your favorite color. It was some shade of… "Blue."
"Well there ya go. Get her some blue flowers. Make sure you mention in a note that you know that's her favorite color. She'll be all goo goo ga ga." Jinx pauses for a moment to pick at something in her teeth with the bright blue nail of her pinky finger. "Then give her a little poem on Valentine's day and next thing ya know she's having your babies."
Sevika's eye twitches at that last comment, and she debates whether or not it's worth her time to try to correct that idiotic statement. Wanting nothing more than to end this conversation, she opts to stick to the original subject.
"I don't do poetry."
Jinx laughs- more like cackles- a bit too loudly, and Sevika's gaze darts to the bar. Seems at some point you had left through the back. She's disappointed at the loss of such a great view, but she's also grateful you're not around to bear witness to this disaster.
"It's easy. Just make up a cute poem or somethin' like 'roses are red, violets are blue,' and then two more lines that end with a rhyme. Somethin' that lets her know what you think of her." Jinx reaches into her pouch, pulling out a collection of brightly colored chalk markers. "Here." She tosses them on the table and then rips a chunk of paperwork off a clipboard on the table. Paperwork that happened to be a shipping manifest Sevika was supposed to bring to the docks Topside later.
"Why are you trying to help me?" Sevika asks, eyeing Jinx suspiciously.
"Maybe you'll be less of an ogre if you get laid."
Sevika scoffs at that, but before she can retort, Jinx leaps to her feet and skips off, braids swinging wildly behind her.
Rolling her eyes, Sevika picks up a red pen, staring blankly at it for a moment before looking back to the empty bar.
Sighing in defeat, she uncaps the pen and slowly starts to write.
Next chapter >
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violetsystems · 2 days
Being back at work again is an adjustment but not terrible. When you sit around for three years with people acting like you are a worthless human being, it is nice to get justified through a paycheck. I have health insurance so I've been able to book an appointment to see the dermatologist again in the moderately near or far future depending on your idea of timely. A trip to the dentist worked into my probationary period for employment is in order as well. But we're talking having all that and then having it taken away by covid. A long period of time defines you of course. And there's things in my life that have been there longer than any of it. Which is why I try to occasionally write and keep up with how bad or good things are with me. I definitely liked it more when I didn't have to worry about getting to work or waking up to an alarm. But for the most part, I don't have much else going on in my life outside of here. And you know it hits me some type of way when I'm completely left alone. But ultimately being your own person and independent is a goal and probably more desirable than being an invasive species. And I don't purport publicly to anything really other than what I imply here in good faith. But my experience in society and how it interprets my significance is warped by now. It is it's own thing and it rear it's head whenever I step out in public. Regardless of where I am in my skin care routine or light sensitivity. And that is pretty much the same for everybody. Stepping into somebody's space because you have a vendetta, agenda or interest in their existence is an all or nothing affair. And I get this feeling lately that everyone feels entitled to invade my space for reasons I can't really explain. It is just a given at this point and I accept it. I accept a lot of things without saying much about it. It doesn't mean I'm ok with things out there. In here, it is part of the unspoken culture. And I care about it more than most things. I feel like I've been less than ideal the last few years people stuck with me silently.
It really is tempting in this environment sometimes to say that I'll never be better than who I was. People actively target you in public to erase this hope for a reason that is obvious and insidious at the same time. You compare yourself in a third market city and that's your own fault. But when you walk out the door into public, people don't leave you alone. And it's one thing to find a job and go to work. It's another thing for people to waste your time singling you out for things they don't completely have the respect, care or attention to understand. And this is America in general. I walk outside of work in a mask and somebody feels compelled to tell me that they don't work. Not knowing I'm wearing it because I'm sensitive to UV due to some medication I'm on. That person is just an ass. And ultimately we've embellished and accepted to the obvious jack-assery or explain it all American culture. Spoiler alert. I know everything about that guy who rides the train. So does artificial intelligence. And even it doesn't apply what it knows correctly. Why do people feel compelled to talk about me like they're my personal publicist when they have nothing to offer but static in return? Spoiler alert again. It's hate. And you'd never guess who is throwing the shade or how much debt they're in. I guess that's being famous in the modern age. So many people want to be sports players, rock stars, or influencers that normal people are more authentic than Hollywood. Reality hell. Society is hallucinatory. The job market isn't much better and they're both linked in a death spiral. To have a job where beyond your basic politics and reluctance to want to be working more than enjoying life is gold. I'm still stuck in this mindset where I'm brainwashed into thinking the only way I'll survive retirement is by giving rich people more money. I have had the displeasure to have my life savings sucked out of the stock market like everyone else. I don't know that saving for retirement makes any sense other than putting it in a piggy bank with these interest rates. I try not to spend too much money. I work off an excel spreadsheet like an adult. But aside from hiding in my apartment, I don't want to give my money out to people who have no love for why I even try. And I generally have found how to make those judgements through massive trial and error.
When they say "invest in yourself" and I interpret it to my own situation? I don't know anyone who hit this much of a brick wall alone and figured out salary wise what they were worth by accident. Knowing what I know now and what is worth it to me? If I didn't move on with another job my resume would be worthless. I like what I do now and it seems like people appreciate it. Working hybrid can be a real pain to justify but I made that a priority early on. When I do go out and commute, it is like taking a flight sometimes especially if I go to Millennium Station. But it really is the city and some of the people sometimes that can't just keep to themselves. And as much as I'm always looking for that reset, I feel it isn't relevant to think about. Spending a month and a half rewriting your routine and there's noticeable change once you reduce the chaos. Skin doesn't clear overnight. Neither does your attitude. But really without me in the picture, nobody would be doing what I do. And that is a lot that nobody really cares to ask specifically about. And I'm not really asking anyone for advice particularly when it comes to wearing a mask. I still don't drink. I workout when I don't want to. I take a one a day multivitamin and occasionally devour an entire Costco frozen pizza. Of course, I have space for more. Like what? Going out to a bar and trying to reconnect with a bunch of people who don't care what happened the last three years? I don't really either. I moved on and got paid. I don't need a Netflix drama to explain my Internet habits for the last ten years. People out there smoking menthols on the train in 2024. You do you and I'll move to another car. When white people invade your entire data sets to start an economic micro war based on your taste making legacy so they can change the valuation of a stock by two cents? Just what kind of pitiful shit is the world on anyway? I don't know. That's why I like staying put, counting money and genuine clicks. That's my legacy that nobody other than me can speak on. Genuine clicks. Never underestimate the power of that when everyone is watching everything you've ever done. Free will is a mother fucker. The time I invested is well spent just like the company I keep that people don't see unless it's to gossip about. I just spent three paragraphs gossiping about myself. Bottom line. Not terrible. Just star crossed. <3 Tim
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biofreak659 · 4 months
Okay I shall put it here...
My goofy and as of yet unnamed story about Jedi and such
Holche Vro knelt down and placed the transparent gorrick frog into a patch of crystaline grass. Then, she dusted off her hands, walked across the encampment, and retrieved another gorrick frog from the shade of a supply crate. She turned around, and walked back to the edge of the camp, and placed it into another patch of grass.
"You're making me dizzy." A Republic trooper complained, head swiveling as he tracked her across the camp. "Don't have anything better to do than play with toads?"
"These are frogs," she corrected him, "and the only thing I can do until Dorock Vares arrives is pace and become nervous. This is more useful. What are you doing, Seargent Kreel?"
Kreel scoffed. "Resting my ass. They expect us to jump half across the galaxy to grab some Jedi, no offense, and then jump half back to some glittery backwater on a moment's notice and with no fuel. I deserve a sit."
"Then sit, by all means." Holche found the last frog stranded by their sudden presence and returned it to its damp home.
Kreel scoffed. "Yeah. Like that'll last long."
The deafening roar of a drop ship landing overhead drowned out whatever he was complaining about, but his expression was fun to watch.
Holche turned to watch the ship land.
By all rights, she should have been placed in the AgriCorps, she mused as the engines shut off, leaving silence ringing in their wake. It was simply a fluke of luck that she was occasionally gifted with foresight, and a good head for investigation. She could fight too, of course, but combat wasn't what made a Jedi Knight.
"Holche!" A tall Trandoshan man strode out of the shuttle, ignoring the harried troopers trying to force him to follow procedure. He hopped down from the ramp before it was fully extended. He flung his arms out. "I almost couldn't spot you; you were made for this planet. How have you been?"
"Dorock," Holche bowed slightly to him, then accepted his shoulder jarring handshake. "I trust you traveled well?"
"I never do, on Navy ships." Dorock groused, rubbing his back. "They never install the dampeners correctly. Yanked from my life of luxury to play messenger boy on some backwater."
"How will you ever recover?" Holche said drolly. Dorock was, officially, the Jedi liason to the Republic Senate. He represented them as a neutral party in Galatic government affairs. Contrary to his griping, it was far from a glamorous job, and mostly consisted of getting into shouting matches about Mandalorian incursions and catching his daily twenty minutes of sleep in his office chair. This must have felt like a vacation.
"Perhaps I'll finally take time off. I've accumulated enough leave to vanish to Scarif for a year or two." He jerked his head. "Let's take this to the command tent."
"Of course. And then your Scarif vacation."
"I want a tan. My scales are so dull. Coruscant is awful on my skin." Dorock held open the tent flap, and sealed it behind her.
Holche walked over and turned on the old holomap projector. It whirled to life, cranking out heat as it did.
"This won't last long before it overheats and we need to shut it down." She said. "Speak quickly."
"Alright." Dorock tapped a section of the planet, expanding the region. "This is the Gorrick deepwell. It's an unmined crystal field. The way the conflict with the Mandalorians is ramping up, the Republic wants to secure fuel for the Armada."
"And somehow I factor into this?"
"There's a mining operation already in place, but it's been abandoned. I'd like you to look into it; see why no one ever pulled anything out of there."
"You want me to look into it?"
"The Senate does."
"Not the Council?"
"No. This is a favor. A gesture of goodwill." Dorock sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Revan going rogue and leading that little cult against the Mandalorians is making noise. The Senate wants to mobilize the Jedi as a military."
Holche's eyes widened. "We're peacekeepers, not soldiers."
"I know." Dorock shut down the map. "Look, I promised Senator Bak I would get him a fuel deposit. He'll back my vote against militarizing the Jedi, and his backers will back him. It's all politics."
"The Jedi are independent." Holche said. "The Senate can't command that we go to war."
"No," Dorock agreed, "but they can collect rent and tax on the temple on Coruscant. They can remove me from the Senate. They can demand the system of taking younglings be formalized and bog you down in so much bureaucracy that the Order never takes another Padawan. Trust me: we need to stay in their good graces."
Holche nodded. "I understand, but why couldn't this conversation be over holo? I don't see why you had to come in person to tell me to investigate a mine."
Dorock shook his head. "Not just this mine. I'm using this planet as a base of operations. There are a few non-Republic planets in this sector who could be convinced to formally join, especially if we can promise protection from the Mandalorians. That's my half of the favor."
Holche patted his shoulder. It was stiff and very tense under the layers of opulent fabric. "Please try and rest, before you go. It's no use playing diplomat if you collapse from exhaustion midway through your speech."
"I could say the same to you. You look pale." Dorock said, snorting at his own joke.
Holche exhaled and rolled her colorless eyes. "Yes, that's a very original joke. I've never heard it before."
"I'm sure." He handed her a bulky comlink. It weighed about two kilos, and wrapped around her waist like a belt. She tugged the lead up through her tunic and attached the pickup to her neck, and placed the speaker in her ear. She tuned the comlink to the base's operating frequency.
"This is Holche Vro, testing communication, over."
"Holche Vro, this is Seargent Loow at the communication tent, we read you loud and clear. Over."
Loud and clear it was; Holche could hear the woman shouting into the microphone from across the camp.
"Understood. Out." Holche removed her hand from the activator and turned back to Dorock.
"That's high tech," he said, "don't break it."
"I'll do my best. Good luck with your diplomacy."
"Thanks. I figure you'll have an easier time of it getting lost in that old mining complex."
"What, you want to switch?"
Dorock laughed. "Absolutely not."
Holche shook her head and absently waved her hand, then exited the command tent to the small tent she shared with the two female Republic soldiers. Seargent Loow was on duty in communication, but Lieutenant Jormmun was in her bunk. Her eyes flashed open when she heard Holche enter the tent.
"Here for your shuteye?" She mumbled, voice thick with sleep.
"Just my supplies." Holche found her backpack, already packed with rations, water, and a survival kit.
"Too bad." Jormmun rolled over, exposing her bare back. Holche turned away to give her her privacy, and found the glowrod that had rolled under her cot.
She clipped it on her belt beside her lightsaber, then hefted her backpack over her shoulders and exited the tent. She quietly borrowed one of the speeder bikes, and left without telling Dorock. He had his own problems to deal with, and Holche would gladly leave him to his politicians.
She walked the speeder to the edge of the camp before swinging a leg over and gunning the engine. Gorrick was a pale, crystalline planet. Silicone, as opposed to carbon, was the molecule of life. Holche sped past translucent grass fluttering up to her hips, and dodged massive spires of quartz. She emerged from the relatively protected area where they laid camp into an open field.
Exhaling, she flung her arms out to the side and threw her head back, laughing from the exertion of it. Her cloak fluttered madly behind her, and she pulled her hair stick out. Her braid whipped back and forth in the wind.
The speeder jostled under her as it zipped over a rock, so she stopped playing and put both hands back on the controls.
There was a small building in the distance: the mine office. Holche wound her hair back up and parked the speeder bike about thirty meters away from the building. It was about five meters cubed; a neat little building, all things considered. It was blocky and unpleasant next to the wild beauty of Gorrick, but Holche could appreciate the simplicity. She carefully opened the door and stepped inside, shining her glowrod around the building. There was a small control station with a cracked moniter, and a large industrial lift platform, which took up the bulk of the space.
Holche half-heartedly pressed the power switch, and was unsurprised when the system remained dead.
She peered down the lift shaft. Dark. Again, unsurprised. She weighed her options, then went with her gut impulse and dropped her glowrod down the shaft. It illuminated the tunnel as it fell, revealing the jagged cut of the shaft. It hit the ground and bounced, then the light cut out. Holche grimaced, but carefully dropped down the tunnel regardless, concentrating on her feet and legs as she landed, so as not to shatter them on impact. Her commlink didn't pick up signal underground, but she'd expected that. Even if she had been too incompetent to climb the rough cut walls out, she had a grapple attached to her belt.
Holche shook her head and stepped blindly forwards. Her toe kicked the glowrod, and she knelt down to pick it up. It was dead, probably broken, so she clipped it to her belt and instead ignited her lightsaber, holding it in front of her. The tunnel loomed in front of her.
An odd tension twisted in her stomach. Something… was going to happen. Not here. Further in the tunnels.
"As you wish." She muttered to herself, and let her feet follow where the Force led. Holche took a long and twisting path through the tunnels. Solid chunks of crystal jutted out from the walls of the tunnels. This was eventually processed into some component of hypermatter, and by Holche's untrained eye, must have been worth a fortune. The fuel was here, but why had no one ever mined it? And for that matter, where were the miners? Droids were used for the initial extraction, and Holche could see old signs of them, but sentients were better at retrieving the delicate crystal. They were cheaper, too.
Holche put aside her criticisms of the Republic and came to an open chamber. Well, open was a bit of an exaggeration. Massive crystals speared across the room, taller than some of the buildings on Coruscant. A tiny crack at the surface of the cavern let a few thin rays of sunlight filter through the crystals.
Holche's eyes went soft, and her throat went dry at the beauty of it.
The Force twisted her stomach.
She dropped, crouching on her knees.
A slug narrowly flew over her head and shattered a nearby crystal. Holche rolled and twisted, bringing her lightsaber up, then immediately extinguishing it and dropping to her stomach as another slug flew overhead.
Slugthrower. She scrambled behind a crystal and held her breath, listening hard.
Heavy boots crunched over the shattered crystal. Her assailant emptied the shells, which bounced musically across the ground, then reloaded with a solid thunk.
Muffled breathing, the subtle creak of oiled happabore leather, the metal scrape of beskar… A Mandalorian.
Why was there a Mandalorian on Gorrick?
A shard of crystal fell from the cave ceiling and answered her question: obviously, for the same reason she was here.
The Mandalorian silently stepped forwards, just out of sight of her shelter. Of course, the Mandalorian knew she was here. There was nowhere else to go. Getting too close was dangerous. She had a sword. The Mandalorian had a gun. Probably more than one.
Holche palmed a crystal shard, then lunged out from behind the crystal, throwing the shard at the Mandalorian's head and darting further into the cavern.
Some of the crystals brushed the ceiling. If she could make it up, she could escape through the small crack in the ceiling. That, she thought, hurdling over a crystal, or she could double back and exit through the lift shaft.
A shot shattered the crystal next to her face, blocking off her path and forcing her to venture deeper into the cavern.
Or she could get shot. That too.
Holche rounded the next turn and slid under an outcropping. She covered her mouth and nose and waited. Sure enough, the Mandalorian slowly approached.
He was methodical. Unrelenting. Holche reached into the Force. Don't notice me.
The Mandalorian reached her hiding spot, and stilled. Holche projected boredom. Nothing to see here but a few more crystals.
The Mandalorian moved on. Holche ripped herself out of the crevice and hooked the Mandalorian's boot with her foot, sending him toppling to the ground with a grunt. She yanked away the slugthrower with the Force, and tossed it off into the distance.
"Who are you?" She said, trying to hide the adrenaline shake in her voice with the snap-hiss of her lightsaber igniting. The Mandalorian barely shifted, but Holche could feel him glance disdainfully down at the lightsaber at their throat.
"Roll over," she said, pulling a pair of binders from her belt. The Mandalorian's hidden gaze raked over her. Holche felt a curl of disgust. She had been judged, and found wanting. "On your stomach. Put your arms behind your back."
The Mandalorian moved, and for a foolish half-second, Holche actually thought he was complying. Gut instinct slammed her to the ground before the Mandalorian's spiked toe could drive up through her throat. She rolled back, only to catch the Mandalorian's fist with her stomach.
Holche gagged, curling around the Mandalorian's arm. She managed a few, weak blows to the joints of the Mandalorian's armor, but none of it seemed to do much. Holche pushed herself away, one hand cradling her abdomen, and held out her lightsaber.
They circled each other wairily. The Mandalorian blocked her way back to the entrance. Her only exit now was up. Holche's eyes darted past the Mandalorian, eyeing the tunnel that would lead out.
The Mandalorian scoffed, metallic inside his helmet, then dropped and tackled her without warning. The Force screamed the second her back hit the ground. Her lightsaber flew out of her hand, clattering off in the distance.
Holche worked her leg free, and kneed the Mandalorian in the side. The Mandalorian grunted, then wrapped his hands around Holche's throat and squeezed.
Holche's eyes bugged, and she scrabbled at the Mandalorian's hands, trying to break that beskar grip. The hum in her head grew louder, and her vision narrowed in on the Mandalorian.
There was a crack. For a delirious second, Holche thought it was her throat.
Then the ground under her back collapsed, and she realized why the mine was inactive.
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lawscorazon · 2 years
tagteam - ace x reader
2,765 words | afab reader/femme presentation, no pronouns, but “my girl” is used | nsfw
cw: mention of alcohol, blood, violence and murder, sadism, temperature play, oral (fem receiving), creampie
summary: you and ace decide to bring a little more action into the bed room.
a/n: i have no words, just horny. i’m sorry i’ll see myself out 🚶🏾‍♀️
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The bar was alive with energy. A group of pirates had taken over the establishment, celebrating a recent victory. They were chanting, singing, and the drinks were flowing endlessly. You were familiar with the group -  the Jet Pirates was their name if you recall correctly - they were infamous in the Grand Line. And there was their pirate captain, Jet Marcus, licking the salt off your fingers before shooting his tequila shot, you raised the lime to his mouth for him to suck.
He was a rugged yet handsome man, with a raised scar over his right eye presumably from a knife or dagger. His dark curly hair was slicked back with one lone curl falling over his forehead. He was dressed handsomely as well, wearing a black tailored suit with an emerald green dress shirt that was unbuttoned slightly, revealing his burly chest that was adorned with several gold necklaces. His energy was heavy and menacing, but the perceived danger was incredibly alluring. He sat next to you in a red leather booth in the dimly lit corner of the bar with his arm wrapped behind you, resting on the back cushion.
“Have a drink with me,” he purred into your ears, with dark gravel and thickly accented voice. The sudden warmth on your neck caused goosebumps to spread over your skin. He raised a finger stacked with jewel-studded rings up to your face to gently push your hair out of your eyes.
You nodded and the brooding man beckoned one of his crewmates over to bring you a pint of ale. He took the wooden mug, then raised the bottle to your lips.
You obeyed, wrapping your lips around the wooden rim, taking in the nutty liquid with a subtle sweetness. The fizzy drink tickled its way down your throat and a warm buzz started to spread its way through your body. Marcus watched you intently, admiring your beauty. Your lips were tinted the perfect shade of red, the rest of your makeup was chic and minimal. You wore your hair loose and curly in its natural state, falling perfectly to accentuate your cheekbones. His eyes moved down to trace the curves of your body; your breasts, your waist, your thighs. He loved the way the black velvet fabric clung to your figure, leaving nothing to the imagination.
His trance was broken as he noticed the golden liquid spilling from the corner of your lips and down your neck, trailing into the cleavage of your little black dress. He removed the drink from your lips to lean in and trail his tongue up the streak and left a wet kiss on your jaw. You grabbed the man’s head, leaning into him, humming in appreciation.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a familiar orange cowboy hat exit the bar.
You turned toward the pirate, placing a delicate hand on his chest. “Let’s go somewhere more private,” you posed, whispering seductively into his ear and tugging at his gold hoops with your teeth. “It’s a little loud in here, don’t you think?” A wicked grin emerged at his lips. He grabbed your wrist, dragging from the booth and out of the bar, excusing himself from the festivities.
You ushered him through the dark streets of the town to the small motel that you were staying at. You climbed the stairs quickly and found your room on the second floor. You opened the door and rushed inside, locking it behind you and flicking on the lights. As soon as the door closed, Marcus was all over you. He grabbed and groped at your body, kneading your ass in his firm hands. His lips crashed into yours and he walked you further into the room towards the bed. He broke the kiss and pushed you back onto the mattress, almost knocking the air out of your lungs. He towered over you, removing his jacket and throwing it on a chair in the corner. He stared down at you with hungry eyes, surveying you as if you were his prey and he was about to go in for the kill. You watched up at the dangerous man lecherously, nibbling your bottom lip. The sense of imminent danger sent chills down your spine and straight to your core that was already beginning to dampen your panties.
He crouched down onto the bed, dragging you into his clothed crotch by your thighs. He pushed your dress up over your ass, and hooked his fingers to remove your underwear. You held your hands over his, stopping him from proceeding further.
“I’m not a patient man, sweetheart. What are you waiting for?” he growled, becoming irritated at your reluctance.
You looked past his shoulder and giggled as you saw your boyfriend, Ace, mosey out of the bathroom. Marcus started to turn his head to follow your gaze, but Ace yanked him by the collar causing him to choke, and then smashed his head into the footboard of the bed.
“What the fuck??” Marcus yelled in confusion at the sudden ambush, clutching his hand in his head.
Ace dragged his body to the floor and began to beat the shit out of him. The man tried to fight his way out, but Ace had held him with a boot on his chest and death drip around his neck.
“Jet Marcus, you son of a bitch.” he grunted, continuously landing punches to the other pirate’s face. “First you steal from me, and now, you want to steal my girl?”
Marcus choked and gasped in pain, flailing under him, unable to defend himself having been caught in such a compromised state. From the bed, your view of his body was hidden, but you watched as Ace continued to strike him, warmth pooling between your legs.
Ace was laughing hysterically and his face contorted into a demented grin. “I told you that I’d find you and that I’d kill you. This will be the last time you steal from me you  fucking. piece of. shit.” He enunciated his words in time with his punches. His fist lit up in flames to deliver the final blow, killing the pirate.
He shot up from his previous position, flicking his dark hair out of his face. His bare chest heaved as he started to steady his breath. He hoisted his black cargo shorts back onto his hips and adjusted his hat to hang behind his neck. Noticing the blood pooling out of his knuckles, he raised his hand to his mouth to kiss it off and caught your gaze out of the corner of his eye.
“Whew,” he exhaled, letting out a small chuckle, “I got a little carried away there.”
He kicked the body away from the bed and flashed you his million-dollar smile before crawling on the mattress to meet you and pulling you onto your knees in a searing kiss. You moaned into his mouth and allowed his tongue to slip between your lips, the metallic taste spurred you on.
The Ace you just saw was so vastly different from the Ace you were experiencing now. Seeing him so enraged with passion was incredibly arousing and he looked so sexy while doing it. The way his muscles flexed, the grunting, the anger. You burned the memory in your brain and even recalling it now made your core clench around nothing. You needed him. Now.
But not here.
“We should go before his men show up,” you advised between peppered kisses. You pulled away and Ace pouted at the loss.
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I’d take you right here in front of him” he sneered, motioning his head over to the dead man mere feet away from you.
He gave your ass a quick smack before pulling down your dress and taking you by the hand. Together you ran out of the motel and down the street towards the dock to the Spadille where the rest of the Spade pirates were already looting the Jet’s ship. Ace dragged you by the hand onto the ship, acknowledging his crew with a wave, before disappearing into the captain’s quarters.
He closed the door and pulled you in his arms, snaking his hands around your waist and grabbing at every inch of you.
“You did so well, baby, thank you for helping me. You should be an actress,” he praised, grabbing your face and placing a kiss on your lips. “And watching you almost fuck that guy was kinda hot. We might have to experiment with that sometime,” he added with a waggle of his eyebrows. You laughed at his quip, and pulled him into another kiss, picking up where you left off at the motel.
As you made out, the two of you quickly started undressing, hat and shoes discard leaving a trail as Ace backed you further into the room. He brought you to a nearby desk and hoisted you up on it, you gasped at the sudden movement. He continued to kiss you feverishly, moaning in your mouth.
“You look so fucking sexy, right now. I would let you lead me to my death any day,” he continued to praise between kisses. He pulled your dress over your ass and squeezed it firmly.
He began to travel his kisses down to your neck, sucking on it harshly and soothing it with soft licks, causing you to gasp in pleasure. He pulled the straps of your dress down to kiss along your collarbones and slid the rest of it down to pool at your waist, uncovering your breasts. He took one of them in his mouth and began circling his tongue around your pert nipple and took the other one in his hand to knead it firmly. You let out a hiss at the sudden pleasure, tangling his hair in your fingers to hold him there. He released your breast with a lewd pop and moved to grab the fabric pooling at your waist and pull it off of you, you lifted yourself slightly to help him.
He then kneeled between your legs, opening them slightly, and placed a kiss over your clothed heat. You bucked into his face, silently begging him for more.
“Someone’s antsy,” he teased, his voice muffled between your thick thighs. He hooked his fingers over the band of your panties, pulling them away from you before incinerating them, the black ashes of what was your underwear floating in the air. You yelped at the sudden flash of heat before it dissipated.
“Ace, what the fuck?” you scolded, smacking the back of his head, half irritated and half turned on. That was the tenth pair of underwear that he’s destroyed. You might as well go commando at this point.
He looked up at you playfully and shrugged. “What? They were in my way.”
You opened your mouth to retort, but you choked on your words feeling Ace’s tongue run a slow stripe through your lips, when he reached the top, he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked gently. Your head fell back and you exhaled a long moan. You’d forgive him for now.
As he continued making out with your clit, he slid his fingers through your lips, playing in your slick before slipping into you slowly. You hummed in response, returning your hand to his hair. You felt his fingers warm up as he started fingering you, igniting the nerves in your already sensitive walls further. Him and those damn devil fruit powers would be the death of you… Your moans filled the room. Intense pressure was building in your belly but it wasn’t enough to send you over the edge. You needed more.
“Ace,” you whined, pulling on his hair, “please.”
He removed his fingers and his lips from you. “You’re really not gonna let me take my time with you, are ya?”
He stood up, leaning in to kiss you, but you’d had enough. You were aching and in need of release. The alcohol in your system and the thrill of your escapade had your nerves firing up, the adrenaline still coursing through you, heightening all your senses. Each touch felt absolutely electric over your body and it was driving you mad with lust.
You pushed him away from you and hopped off the desk, your legs wobbling a little as you hit the ground. Ace fell back onto the floor into the side of the bed. He looked up at you with confusion and anticipation, a devilish grin pulled at his lips, studying your body as you swaggered over to him. You kneeled before him on the ground, your deft fingers making quick work of his belt buckle. He looked down at you with amazement. Seeing your need making you act so boldly made him painfully hard. Together you worked to wriggle his cargo shorts off his slender hips and his body. His erection sprung up, hitting his stomach.
You scooched up to straddle his body. Taking him in your hand, you slowly sank onto his length, your eyes fixed on your boyfriend. You both moaned at the feeling of your bodies meshing together. You reveled in the agonizing pleasure of him slowly splitting you open inch by inch. Your movements stilled once you had taken all of him, letting yourself relax around him. His dick throbbed with anticipation against your tight walls. Once the sting had dissipated, you began rolling your hips against his. Ace groaned at the feeling of your cunt fluttering around him and squeezing him oh-so tight. It took all of his willpower to not grab your waist and begin rutting into you.
He let out a string of curses as you sped up, grinding against him harder and faster. You grabbed onto his shoulders for stability and his hands snapped to your waist. His fingers dug into you in a deliciously painful way as he guided your movements, eyes fixed on where your bodies met. He rested his head on your chest and screwed shut reveling in the pleasure of your tight, wet heat.
“Fuck, you feel so good, baby.” he panted.
He slid down further against the side of the bed, tilting his hips slightly. You gasped at the new angle. His was dick dragging against your walls grazing that certain spot that had you seeing stars. You felt the pressure in your belly increase, so close to exploding.
Ace was not far from you. He picked his head up to rest it on your forehead, wrapping his arms around you tightly. Lifting you slightly, he began fucking into you at a torturous pace, grunting through his clenched teeth. You stared into his eyes, wrapping one arm around his neck and the other placed on his freckled chest clawing long red scratches on him that he would wear proudly like a battle scar. Wanton moans escaping your lips, shallow and hurried.
“Fuck, Ace, I’m gonna cum,” you whimpered, eyes glassy from all the intense pleasure that you’re feeling.
“Cum with me,” he said, staring lovingly into your eyes, before locking his lips with yours.
The sound of skin slapping skin filled the room as the two of you chased your orgasms. The pressure in your belly was building, and building, and building. Your mind flashed back to just a few moments ago when Ace had killed Jet as you watched from the bed, squeezing your thighs together trying to suppress your arousal. The feral grunts, the bloodthirsty look in his eye, the way his muscles flexed, the way he flipped his damp hair out of his face smugly. He was so fucking sexy.
You snapped out of your stupor as Ace rammed into your G spot in rapid succession. You instantly exploded around him, cumming and squirting all over his lap, practically screaming. With your walls choking his dick, his hips stuttered out a few more sloppy thrusts before releasing into you, shamelessly crying out your name.
You stayed there tangled into each other for a while, chests heaving, and his cum leaking from where the two of you connected, mixing with your own. Feeling himself soften, he pulled out of you. He gently peeled your arms from around him and laced his fingers with your own. You looked up at him in complete bliss admiring the face of the man that you loved. He placed a soft kiss on your lips and flashed another wide smile.
“We make a great team, huh, firefly?” he said finally, “If we’re gonna fuck like this every time, we should do this more often.”
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tag list: @nameless-shrimp @figuratii @xcvi-d @sir-crocodile-slut @zzorojuro
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writteninkat · 3 years
Pride | Bakugou
"𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗹𝘆 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝘀, 𝗶𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘁𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝗶𝗻."
summary: teasing Katsuki about being "all grand and no finale" comes with its own pros and cons. well, mostly pros.
word count: 2.3k
• 100 followers celebration
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It's 4am, you wake up feeling horny as ever. Your boyfriend is right beside you, sleeping peacefully with half of his face on the soft pillow. He looks peaceful, you don't want to wake him. But at the same time, the growing heat in between your legs, your cunt squeezing out slick has your whole body heating up.
Your hand slowly travels down your body, going underneath your underwear. You press a finger between your folds, your head digging back on the pillow as your other hand flies on your breast.
Your teeth sink on your lower lip as your fingers begin slowly massaging circles on your clit causing a hot breath to leave your throat. The feeling sent jolts throughout your body, making you continue your actions.
It feels good, too good- your wrist continues to roll your hand around, your legs widening in habit, developed whenever something or someone was playing with your dirty cunt.
You lick your lips, pinching your nipple as you feel your orgasm coming closer. Your mouth hangs open as your hands quickens its pace, running after your orgasm.
"Y/n?" Katsuki's rough voice was the last push to you reaching your orgasm. Your legs clamp together as your body trembles in pleasure. You continue massaging lazy circles around your cunt, riding out your orgasm until you finish.
You pant heavily, facing your head to the side to look at your boyfriend with clouded eyes. "Go back to sleep, baby."
Katsuki furrows his brows, his hand wrapping around your wrist to pull your hand out of your shorts. He reveals your slick-covered fingers from inside, making him look at you with a look asking for an explanation.
When you don't answer, he takes his chance. "Why didn't you wake me up? I could have taken care of you." His vermilion eyes dig into yours deeply, demanding an answer from you.
"I didn't wanna wake you at the asscrack of dawn just because I was horny" was what you wanted to say, but instead the devil on your left shoulder whispers on your ear a cheeky plan.
"Cause I knew it'd take me too long to cum. I'd be asleep again by the time my first orgasm would hit me." You smirk lazily at your boyfriend whose ears look like smoke are coming out of them.
Katsuki pushes himself off his back, rolling over on top of you. He pins your hands on either side of your head and your heart begins to rave at the sight of the shaded look on his eyes.
"Kindly repeat that again for me, baby? I don't think I heard you correctly." Katsuki says in between his teeth, forcing out a smile.
Of course it wasn't true. In the state you were in a few moments ago, one lick of Katsuki's tongue would have had you cumming, your whole body shaking and your thighs clamping down on his head. But you guess your boyfriend has been rubbing off on you these days and right now, you just wanna act like an asshole.
"I said..." You narrow your eyes, ready to repeat yourself only for a whimper to slip out. Katsuki had shoved two of his fingers in your slippery walls, the both of them moving away from each other to try and stretch you out.
You may have came once, but that didn't mean you were contented nor were you no longer horny. You ached for Katsuki inside you, abusing your hole until you were a shaking, crying and drooling mess.
"It's been a while since I last fucked you real hard, right doll?" He has that stupid grin again, that stupid grin that had you falling for him the first time you met him in highschool, four years ago.
"That's cause- aahh!, that's cause you know your stroke game's lazy." you smirk at him through lustful eyes, your tongue padding over the side of your upper lip.
Katsuki's grin disappears and is replaced by the corners of his lips tugging down. His free hand takes both of your hands above your head as he continues to fuck you with his fingers, hitting the exact spot you want every time he shoves them inside.
"God!" You moan out loud, pulling your legs up and away from each other, giving Katsuki more access to your needy cunt. "F-Fuck, 'Suki I- I-!" Before you could even finish your words, your toes curl as your second orgasm of the morning hits you.
Your chest rises and falls as you feel your lips tugging into a contented smile. You pull on your hands, wanting to give your boyfriend a kiss but he keeps them locked above your head.
"No, no, doll. I'll be making you cum until you take back those words you said about me." He pulls his fingers from your pussy, bringing them up to his mouth and sucking the glistening slick coated around them. You trap your lower lip in between your teeth at the sight of your boyfriend slurping on his fingers coated with your juices.
Once he's finished cleaning his fingers, the same hand wraps itself on the lower part of your face, his thumb, index and middle fingers digging onto either side of your cheeks, forcing you to open your mouth.
He presses his lips on yours, pushing his tongue inside your wet cavern. He tastes salty, he tastes of you. You press your thighs together, feeling your cunt clench around nothing at the taste of yourself on his tongue.
Katsuki nibbles on your lower lip, pulling on it before trailing kisses down your jaw, neck, and chest. With his free hand he begins kneading your right breast, pinching and pulling on your hardened bud as he busies his mouth by sucking and biting on your left breast.
His lips continue on their journey lower, he stops right around your stomach. He looks up at you, his lips ghosting over your sensitive skin before pushing himself off of you and to the side of the bed, grabbing something from underneath.
"'Suki, why are you-" The words die in your mouth the moment you see the rope in his hand. He shows it to you, wrapping it around your wrist before tying it to the dashboard.
"So those hands of yours won't be meddling while I have my way with you." He gives you a smart-ass smile before resuming to his usual activity; eating you out.
You can feel his lips press against your needy cunt. Katsuki starts by kissing all around the area, leaving hickeys and bite marks on your inner thighs before licking a long strip from your asshole up to your clit.
"Mmmhhff- fuck!" Your moan bounces off the walls of the room as you rock your hips, riding out your third orgasm for the morning.
"Cumming already?" Katsuki mocks, raising an eyebrows as an evident smirk tugs on one side of his lip. "That was just the warm up, doll. Make sure you remember your stoplight colors." And with that, he dives back into your wet cunt.
Everything, you can feel everything that's going on inside your pussy. You can feel Katsuki's tongue making circles inside your hole, you can also feel it pushing itself in and out of you, fucking you. His tongue feels hot and wet, and it glides on your clenching walls so smoothly.
He begins sucking on you, you can hear slurping sounds echo throught the room as he has his way with you. You can feel the hardness and sharpness of his teeth and the softness of his lip and the warmth of his tongue all at the same time in your lower region.
Your breath quickens, feeling another orgasm about to hit you. "Come on now, doll. Don't be afraid to cum once more." He growls, spitting on your cunt. The action has you arching your back and tugging on the rope around your wrist, the headboard making a 'clang' sound as you do so.
Your legs wrap around your boyfriend's head, pushing his face back to your cunt as you rock your hips, riding out your orgasm. Your arm muscles begin to weaken, having been able to release four orgasms in under half an hour.
Katsuki pushes your legs apart, lifting his head up with a grin. You look down at him with hazy eyes, ready to apologise but you stop once you see your slick all over his face.
You bite on your lip once again, watching his tongue lap the dripping slick on the corner of his mouth. He forces your legs apart, hands hripping on your soft skin. "Color." He demands, pushing his shorts down, making his hard cock spring out.
"Green." You breathe out, watching as your boyfriend chuckles at your state. He reaches for a condom on the bedside table, ripping it open with one hand and his teeth. He rolls the condom over his dick, lining the tip to your entrance as he looks at you dead in the eye. "Got something to say to me, doll?"
You chuckle, "You're all grand and no finale."
Katsuki thrusts inside you, making sure his pelvis hits your ass. He's buried inside you so deeply making you feel so full that you have to take deep breaths. "Who's all grand and no finale, huh?" He growls, lifting his hips up before thrusting inside you deeply once again.
"Y-you, you are." Your words almost came out a stumbled mess. Katsuki makes an annoyed 'tch' beforeleaning back and pulling on the sides of your hips, thrusting his hips leisurely. He rolls his hips multiple times, making sure you feel all of him before he begins to quicken his pace.
He pulls at your leg, lifting it up on his shoulder as he continues ramming inside you viciously. His sac begins hitting against your skin, creating a lewd clapping noise.
"Mmmff- 'Suki! I'm so close!" You moan out loud, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your eyebrows scrunch up. You roll your hips with your boyfriend's pace, feeling everything at the same time before reaching your high, your hips shaking as you continue to rock them, finishing out your orgasm.
You pant heavily, as if you had just finished running a marathon. You look down at your boyfriend who's looking at you with /those/ eyes. Your own widen, knowing full well what those eyes mean.
"I'm not yet finished, doll. Gotta prove I ain't 'all grande and no finale'." He lifts you by your hips, flipping you around. Your body bounces on the bed, as he pulls on your hips, rising them even more. Katsuki places a hand on your back, pushing it down.
"Be a good doll and take my cock until I cum, alright?" He pushes himself inside you, your walls feeling too sensitive for another round. Katsuki slaps your ass hard, watching it jiggle before slapoing it again. "Take back what you said, doll, then I'll go easy on you."
You may be feeling a bit sensitive, but that just makes everything so much more better. You look at your boyfriend behind you, giving him a smug smirk before facing front. Katsuki clenches his jaw, digging his fingers on your hips, slamming his cock inside your hole. His one hand creeps towards your clit, massaging it making you gasp loudly.
You find yourself blabbering nonsense, your mind turning back and your drool dripping out the corners of your mouth as you let your boyfriend pleasure you all he wants. The movement of his hand on your clit and the thrusting of his dick inside your whole feels too much for you that you can feel tears pooling around the vorners of your eyes.
"Ka-A-Atsuki!" You can hear the bed creaking and dragging on the floor with how hard Katsuki is thrusting inside you. "Say you take it back. You take it all back." He growls into your ear, his kther hand finding its way to your breast, now cupping and massaging it as he pleases.
You nod your head, scrunching up your eyebrows. "I-I take it all back! You feel too good, 'Suki!" Your moaning has your throat hurting, but you pay it no mind. You hear your boyfriend grunting behind you, his pace hastens as you feel a bigger orgasm slowly reaching you.
Katsuki leans over to your ear, licking the shell before grunting, "Cum for me, you fucking cockslut." He bites on your ear and at the same time pinches your nipple and clit, the orgasm overwhelming you. You feel your whole body give out, inviting the darkness to envelope you in its arms.
You wake up with Katsuki's spot beside you empty. It's already very bright out, making you squint your eyes as you look for your alarm clock.
7:21 am
"You're awake." You turn to look at the doorframe where your boufriend is standing with his arms crossed and body leaned on the frame. "You kind of passed out before I could finish. I had to take care of it myself."
You cover your face in embarrassment, making your boyfriend walk over to you. He sits beside you, taking your hands by your wrists and kissing on the red rope marks around them.
"Sorry I tied them too tightly." He apologizes, his lips covering kisses all around your red wrists. "Don't be, I was pulling on them myself." You smile at your boyfriend, pouting your lips and letting him lean over to press you a morning kiss.
"Speaking of you passing out before I could finish," He looks at you smugly, smirk on his lips and a lazy look lacing his eyes. "Who's all grand and no finale now?"
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the-lonelybarricade · 3 years
I totally stole this from one of those writing prompt blogs, but can you do Rhys and Feyre going to couples therapy together as a joke when they only just met?
Okay my love, I literally just finished writing this and haven't actually proofread it. It was meant to be silly and jokey but ended up being a bit more serious than I intended, but I'm a sucker for fake dating tropes so maybe I'll continue their story at some point. Anyway here's a modern Feyre and Rhys going to couples thereapy together (whilst not actually being a couple):
Feyre was absolutely determined to prove Nesta wrong. Usually her sister’s grating comments didn’t penetrate Feyre’s hardened demeanor at home, but something about their stint yesterday had thoroughly gotten under her skin. Nesta had a talent when it came to barbed words, so it was the casualness with which she’d said Feyre was boring and predictable that had kept the words ringing between Feyre’s ears. They lacked the usual bite and venom that was characteristic of Nesta, and somehow that made them impossibly worse.
Was Feyre a creature of habit? Sure. But she had always been content with her quiet, unassuming life. They’d grown up poor, with little luxury, and as a little girl Feyre had always believed all she’d need to be happy was paint supplies and enough time to get lost in a blank canvas. Feyre had that now, and she was happy. She spent almost every day in her studio, a paintbrush in one hand and a coffee mug in the other. And that was fine. She may not spend a lot of time with other people, but that was fine.
Routine is fine. Being focused on your career is fine. So why did the implication that her life is stagnant rile her up so much?
Feyre couldn’t articulate what, exactly, had bothered her so much, since she was perfectly happy with the current state of her life. Yet the next morning she’d woken up, vowing to take a day off and spend the whole day being entirely unpredictable.
She was going to pull a Jim Carrey in Yes Man. She was going to seize this damn day. And any voice in her mind that pleaded her to stick to her comfort zone was going to be diligently ignored.
When she set out to get her morning coffee, she ducked into the first cafe she came across without checking the reviews. And instead of ordering her usual chai latte, she asked the cashier to make her their favorite drink. She sat at a booth and sipped it experimentally. It was sweet and tasted of caramel; she decided she quite liked it. So far so good.
She sat wondering what brave venture she should do next, something that would be worthy of telling people about. Something so brash and crazy and unexpected Nesta would eat her stupid, truthful words.
“Mind if I take this seat?”
The voice was like smooth velvet. Feyre glanced up to meet a pair of eyes that were such a deep, peculiar shade of blue they almost looked violet. She was momentarily stunned speechless, which caused the impossibly handsome stranger to lift one of his perfectly groomed brows in question.
“Of course,” Feyre answered, her mouth feeling a bit dry. She quickly took a sip of her coffee to quell this strong reaction her body was having to this man.
She’d been expecting him to take the chair to sit elsewhere, but he slid into the chair at her table, directly across from her. Feyre spared a cursory glance around the cafe. Customers milled about, but there were plenty of empty seats strewn here and there. It was far from necessary to share a table with a stranger.
Her interest piqued, Feyre turned her attention back to this strange, alluring man.
“I’m Feyre,” she said, sounding much more confident than she felt. But today was about branching out of her comfort zone. Making the first move with an attractive man certainly qualified.
“Rhysand,” he answered with a charming grin, extending his hand into the space between them. Feyre accepted it with a mirrored smile, for a moment marvelling at the way his hand completely enveloped hers.
Feyre cleared her throat. “So tell me, Rhysand, what brings you to this table in particular?”
The way he wrinkled his nose was unfairly endearing. “Call me Rhys,” he said. “I only really use Rhysand in a business setting. And I chose this table in particular, because I saw a beautiful woman sitting here and was feeling especially forward.”
Feyre laughed in surprise. “Forward, indeed. Well, Rhys, I have spectacular news for you.”
“And what’s that, Feyre darling?” the suggestive tone to his voice sent shivers down her spine and instantly those warning bells in her mind were blaring. This man was too handsome and he was a complete stranger.
“I’ve decided to do something completely stupid and spontaneous today, and you’re officially invited to join me.”
Rhysand grinned, his eyes flickering with mischief at her proposal. She supposed that should be concerning, too, but she felt her pulse quicken. “And what stupid, spontaenous thing will we be doing, darling?”
Feyre leaned back, trying to regain composure by taking a too casual sip of her coffee. “I haven’t decided yet. I’m open to ideas.”
Across the cafe, a man stood up so quickly his chair tipped over with a loud thunk. Rhys and Feyre both whirled their heads at the commotion.
“This is why we need to go to therapy together!” the woman across from him screeched. “You can’t control your stupid temper!”
“I don’t have time for this shit,” he growled. “I’m not going to sit there for an hour so you can manipulate some dumb bitch into agreeing with you!”
“It’s not about sides,” she groaned. “I want to work through this with you!”
Feyre felt a tug of sympathy at the desperation in the woman’s voice. She could feel her pain and frustration second-hand, having been in similar shoes herself.
“Fuck this,” the man grumbled, storming for the door.
The woman followed after him. “Our appointment is in 10 minutes! Please, let’s just try it.”
The door swung shut behind them. Feyre watched the couple continue their walking argument down the city pavement, gesturing wildly with their hands.
Feyre sighed. “Man, that poor woman. It sounded like she really wanted to work things out.”
“That guy sounded like an absolute ass, maybe it’s for the best,” Rhys said. Then, his eyes lit up and he turned to Feyre with a slow, conspiring grin. “It does give me an idea, though.”
“What’s that?” Feyre felt a bit intimidated by the roguish expression on his face, even if it did make her feel breathless.
“Well, I do happen to know there’s a psychiatrist's office right above this cafe. If I had to guess, that’s where our friends were going to have their first session. And from the looks of it,” he nodded towards the couple, who were now striding in opposite directions through the city, faces flushed with anger, “they won’t be attending.”
“And your point is…?”
“Let’s go in their stead. Make a game of it. First person to break character loses.”
“And what does the winner get?”
“Well, if I win, then I get to take you to dinner.”
Feyre considered for a moment. Dinner with a handsome man certainly didn’t sound like losing to her. “If I win, then I get to use you as a model.”
“You’re a photographer?” His brows rose in interest and Feyre summoned all her will power not to blush. Since when was she bashful about her career?
Rhysand grinned. “If you win, you can use my body anyway you wish, Feyre darling. Nude would be best.”
And that was how Feyre had ended up in Dr. Suriel’s office, Rhys by her side on the sofa. It was perhaps the most adventurous thing she’d ever agreed to.
“So, Mr and Mrs Mandray. Apologies, I didn’t get your names on the forms.”
“I’m Feyre, this is my husband Rhys,” Feyre answered, thinking it lucky they didn’t have to guess at the mysterious couple’s forenames.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Feyre and Rhys. What brings you to my office today?”
Rhys immediately slipped into his role of the concerned husband. He placed his arm around Feyre’s shoulders and tugged her close. Rhys opened his mouth, then shut it, glancing at Feyre hesitantly.
“My wife and I have been getting into a lot of… disagreement lately,” Rhys answered carefully, and already Feyre thought this was going much better than it would have if the actual Mr Mandray had turned up.
“My husband,” Feyre said flatly, channeling her inner Nesta to put venom into the word. “Is insisting on painting our house purple.”
“I see,” Dr. Suriel says, assessing the displeasure on Feyre’s face. “And I’m assuming you want to paint the house a different color.”
Feyre pressed her lips into a thin line. “See, that’s just the problem,” she said, crossing her arms. “That’s exactly the color I would want to paint our house.”
Dr. Suriel frowned. “So you do want the house to be painted purple, as does your husband. Am I understanding that correctly?”
“No,” Feyre sighed. “He wants to paint the house blue, but is insisting we paint it purple, because he knows it’s what I want. This bastard refuses to be anything but accommodating.”
“We’re going to try to refrain from name-calling in my office,” Dr Suriel said calmly. “So, Feyre, you are clearly unhappy that Rhys wants to paint the house purple. What color would you paint it?”
“Blue,” she answered. “I know it’s what he secretly wants to paint it.”
“She doesn’t see the hypocrisy in what she's saying!” Rhys complained. Then, he turned to Feyre, looking impossibly serious. “Darling, I know you want to paint the house purple, and I already told you I’m fine with it.”
Feyre groaned. “I don’t want to paint the house purple! I want to paint it blue.”
“You’re only saying that because you think I want to paint the house blue.”
“Do you?”
Rhys hesitated. “No.”
“Don’t lie in front of our therapist,” Feyre said with narrowed eyes. “We promised to tell the truth while we’re here.”
“Then you tell me the truth, Feyre. Do you genuinely want the house to be painted blue?”
Now it was Feyre’s turn to hesitate. She could see the corner of Rhysand’s mouth twitch as she did so. “No. I mean yes! I do!”
“It sounds like at the heart of this argument, you are both ultimately concerned in pleasing the other person, is that fair to say?”
Feyre and Rhys glanced at each other, then nodded in agreement.
“Do you think there’s a color you could both compromise on, so that you don’t feel as if your partner is the only one making a sacrifice in this decision?”
Feyre met Rhysand’s brilliant violet eyes. In truth, she’d blurted the color purple because she’d been thinking about the color of his eyes. She'd never seen eyes that color, and they were wonderfully vivid. Feyre was lost thinking of painting a world in a monocrhome of violet, like a city that lived within his gaze.
Feyre realized she’d been momentarily swept away, snapped out of it by the humor that washed behind those starry irises. She blinked back the haze and tried to think of an answer to the question.
“Mustard yellow?” she proposed.
Rhys pursed his lips in mock consideration. “Mustard yellow,” he agreed with an emphatic nod of approval.
Dr. Suriel blinked in surprise. “All right, well I’m pleased we could solve that issue. Is there anything else you’ve been arguing about?”
“Yeah, actually. My wife,” Rhys gave Feyre a pointed glance. Somehow, despite being strangers, hearing Rhys refer to her as his wife sent waves of pleasure jolting through her. She felt her stomach flip on itself. “Isn’t satisfied with our sex life.”
Feyre instantly flushed at such an accusation, however fabricated.
“Is this true, Feyre?” Dr. Suriel turned her eyes towards Feyre and she shifted uncomfortably at having to make up stories about her sex life with Rhys. Making Feyre imagine rolling in a bed with him was certainly his goal, and she’d lie to say it wasn’t affecting her. Rhysand looked absolutely delighted to have made her squirm. Fine. Two could play at his game.
“Y-yes, well,” Feyre stuttered, the burning in her cheeks condemning. “I keep telling Rhys that 16 orgasms in a session is excessive. He’s much too generous a lover and he never lets me give as good as I get.”
Feyre felt satisfied with the way Rhysand’s face went crimson.
Dr. Suriel’s brows rose. “This seems to be a common theme in your marriage. Rhysand, would you say that you’re often prioritising Feyre’s desires over your own?”
“I think Feyre sorely underestimates how much pleasure I take from satisfying her desires,” he answered, his eyes flicking to Feyre with enough of a sensual promise that her heartbeat turned staccato.
“Rhys, it sounds as though your generosity is part of the way you express your love, is that safe to say?” Rhys nodded. “And Feyre, it seems as if you have trouble accepting your husband's generosity, both in and outside the bedroom. Do you feel that’s a fair statement?”
“I-I suppose so.”
“Sometimes people have trouble accepting their loved one’s generosity when they feel like they aren’t giving something in exchange. It can be hard to accept that kind of love when we don’t feel like we deserve it. Do you feel like this could apply to your situation?”
Feyre blinked. This was meant to be a gag, something daring and experimental. She hadn’t expected to be psychoanalyzed by Dr. Suriel, or at least for her analysis to hit so close to home.
Rhysand shifted forward on the sofa. “Is this true, darling?” he asked, sounding concerned. He took Feyre’s hands in his own, brushing his thumb along her skin as he met her gaze. “I think you deserve the world.”
She would almost think he was being genuine if she hadn’t met him only an hour ago. Feyre marked the conviction on his face, those burning pools of earnesty in his eyes, and marveled at what an incredible actor he was.
Somehow she ended up blurting part of the truth. “My family life growing up was kind of tough and I’ve never really known what unconditional love was like. I think a part of me still believes it's something I have to earn.”
“That sounds like it must have been very hard, Feyre. But it sounds like Rhys loves you very much, and that this is an issue the two of you can overcome together. When you feel the instinct to reject his generosity, try to remember where that message is coming from. And Rhysand, try to keep in mind that this is something your wife is still working through, and be patient if she feels more comfortable giving you something in exchange. This is her way of expressing love, too. At the core of your issues is both of you thinking about the other person, try to remember this when a breakdown in communication occurs.”
Somehow they’d lost control of their therapy session and were receiving actual therapy, which wasn’t part of the plan at all. But somehow, despite not actually being married to Rhysand, what Dr. Suriel said was reassuring.
Feyre turned to Rhys and smiled. “I think I understand better, now. You’re free to give me as many orgasms as you want, honey.”
Rhys grinned fiendishly. “And I’ll let you reciprocate in whatever way you feel comfortable, darling.”
Dr. Suriel clasped her hands together in approval. “Excellent. I think so long as the two of you take measures to accurately communicate your needs, you’ll find these breakdowns will occur less frequently. And that’s it for our time today, but I am happy to have the two of you back any time.”
Feyre walked out of the session hand-in-hand with Rhys, feeling a bit dazed. It had certainly gotten more serious than she’d expected, but perhaps her judgement had been misplaced in thinking therapy could be anything other than serious, no matter how joking the complaints.
“Well, that was certainly stimulating,” Rhys quipped once they’d left the office.
“And it seems we’re at a draw, considering neither of us broke character.”
“You do play my wife convincingly well,” Rhys practically purred, “perhaps I’ll let you take up the real role, if you feel so inclined.”
Feyre laughed. “I’m expecting a few other offers to come through. Give me a few days to look over the applicants, then I’ll get back to you.”
“Okay, well how’s this. I’ll give you my number, you can wait until all those applicants come back to you, and once you’ve decided that I’m clearly the obvious choice, you can call me.”
Feyre smiled as she pulled out her phone and handed it to him to insert his number. “You do make a very convincing husband. Perhaps I can hire you for weddings and Thanksgiving dinners?”
“Real husband, fake husband, a partner to do spontaneous, outrageous things with. You call me, and I’ll be whatever you want me to be, Feyre.”
It was perhaps the strangest and most generous offer she’d ever been given. When they parted ways, Feyre thought that she’d certainly filled her quota for an interesting story to tell. And maybe, most likely, she’d be calling that number very soon.
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waithyuck · 4 years
Tumblr media
pairing: werewolf!lee jeno x reader (f) *halloweenie special*
genre: smut, supernatural au
word count: 4k
warnings: mature content, excessive explicit language, sexy times (meaning sexual content), I used the word ‘penis’ ONCE and only ONCE, mentions of a knot, knotting (I’m sorry), slight impreg kink, cumming inside, unprotected sex, blood, aggressive behavior, other stupid cliche werewolf things that are most definitely prob in hundreds of fics, jeno does NOT like being called a puppy even tho he’s called it oNCe
a/n: the first release of the dreamie halloweenie series! I hope this one sets the tone for what’s to come 👀 sorry to anyone who hates werewolf cliches and for the extreme lack of any substance or plot lmaoooo anyway I hope y’all enjoy reading
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“are you cool with jeno staying the night?” your brother shot out, startling you as he spoke, not even looking at you as he spread too much peanut butter on a slice of bread nestled in his hand.
you looked up from where you were sitting at the kitchen table to face your brother, not saying anything in reply as you got lost in your thoughts.
jeno was an oddball. he was nice and he wasn’t creepy or even that weird, he just had his moments that were just well, odd. he was your brother’s friend of about six years; they met in their second year of high school and have been inseparable ever since. because of that, you have also been surrounded by jeno in all that time as well.
in the first couple years, you didn’t notice anything strange about him. he seemed like a normal and healthy young teenage boy. he was incredibly handsome, so of course your poor soul developed a small crush on him that only grew as the years progressed.
since you paid such close attention to him, you could pick out the oddities in his behavior occasionally pretty well. just from that, you’ve deducted that his sense of smell was almost god-like, like he could smell things that a normal person couldn’t.
now, you supposed that it wasn’t that weird that he had a good sniffer; there were probably tons of other people in the world with the same ability...but it wasn't just his sense of smell that had you curious.
sometimes he would act strangely at night; not often, but enough to have you questioning it. he would either disappear completely without a word or come up with a half-assed excuse to leave and then run away like a frightened animal.
it was just plain odd...and you couldn't get over it, no matter how much you tried to will yourself not to think about it.
snapping out of your stupor, you felt your heart jump at the thought of jeno coming over, even though he’s been here countless times, but you didn’t let it show and you shrugged your shoulders.
“it’s not like I have a choice in the matter,” you stated truthfully, looking down to pick at your nails. “you would have just said he was coming over anyway if I said no.”
your brother smiled at you, beaming as he placed the bread down and patted your head.
“you know me so well, y/n.”
you rolled your eyes, shoving him away. “yeah,” you retorted, slightly annoyed. “It’s not like you’re my brother, or anything.”
he didn't say anything further and you left him alone with his sandwich, getting up and making your way to your room where you could successfully hide for the rest of the night. before your cold make it far, you heard your brother yell something about jeno coming around 8, but you didn't say anything back and just minded your own business all the way upstairs to your room.
you pathetically holed yourself up in your dark room for about four hours, only coming out to quietly sneak to the bathroom and then you would go back into hiding once again.
even when you got word that there was pizza downstairs, you ignored it and continued to watch horror story narrations on youtube.
you just couldn't deal with being in the presence of your long time crush today. it took everything in your power to stop yourself from going downstairs and being potentially spotted, but you managed to pull through successfully and be a pathetic hermit in your room.
it was around 3 a.m. when you were finally finished with watching youtube videos, and you felt gross. you supposed that the two boys would be sound asleep by now, considering your brother never ever sacrificed his beauty sleep for anyone. you grabbed some clean clothes and gathered them in your arms before trudging tiredly to the bathroom, swinging open the door without a second thought, not realizing that the light was already on when you got there.
your heart almost jumped out of your chest as your eyes bulged out of their sockets.
“holy fuck!” you screeched as you took in the sight of jeno, in the middle of the bathroom completely naked, stroking his painfully hard cock right before your eyes. you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the show and you accidentally discovered that there was something not right about the way it looked...
your mouth fell agape and you barely heard him gasp loudly before trying to cover himself with the closest towel.
“jesus christ, y/n!” he yelled back, both of you not even considering your sleeping brother that was just three rooms over.
your eyes stayed glued to where he was covering himself with the towel, still thinking about the oddity of his dick. it seemed to be swelling at the base, which was definitely not normal for a human penis to do.
“what the fuck is wrong with your dick?” you blurted out unapologetically, causing a blush to cover his entire face and neck. you tore your eyes from his covered crotch to look at his eyes, which were now a shocking shade of bright yellow. you jumped back, dropping your clothes on the floor as you watched him breath heavily, most likely trying to calm himself down the same as you.
“oh my god, what the actual fuck is happening?” you murmured out loud, your eyes wide and never leaving his own as he stood silently in front of you. “am i dreaming? am i fucking high?” you tried to reason out as to why you were seeing what you're seeing, but jeno didn't give you much time to think before he spoke.
“you’re not dreaming,” his voice came out low, almost like a growl, and you felt your heart freeze up. “I dunno if you’re high...but what you're seeing is as real as it gets.”
your mouth opened and closed like a fish gasping out of water, trying to formulate the words to say next. your brain literally couldn't think of anything except his abnormally large and weird dick.
“okay…” you trailed off, your hands coming up to rest over your racing heart. “so then I’ll ask again: what the fuck is up with your dick??” and then you quickly added, “and your eyes??? I'm so confused right now, jeno.”
he sighed heavily and turned around, giving you a full view of his ass before he gathered his clothes to get dressed and cover himself. you really should have looked away, but your eyes wouldn’t listen to your internal screaming no matter how hard you physically tried to stop staring.
when he pulled his shorts on he finally turned to face you once more, forgoing a shirt much to your dismay (but really, you were dying on the inside at the sight of his abs). he stared at you for a second, his eyes back to their natural deep brown color.
“...there's a lot we need to talk about.” was all he said before grabbing your wrist in his scorchingly warm hand and dragging you out of the bathroom and down to your room. you didn’t protest and you let him practically drag you all the way there, closing the door behind him and guiding you to plop down on your bed. jeno walked to the opposite side of the room, distancing himself from you as much as possible.
“um..so,” he started hesitantly, trying to form his words correctly. “I’m uh, I'm a werewolf.”
your eyes bulged out of your head in disbelief, but you didn't say anything in reply. you both stared at each other across the space of your bedroom, not uttering a single word.
at first you were ready to call him crazy; there was absolutely no way that it was true. but then you thought about his eyes, his sense of smell...and then thought about his cock...holy shit wait, was that a fucking knot??
“um, yeah, it was…” you heard him say suddenly. you jumped out of your skin at the sound of his voice, not expecting him to reply. did you say that out loud by accident?
“you did.”
okay fuck, you needed to stop thinking and pull yourself together. what were you supposed to say to that? ‘oh cool, your cock has a knot and you’re a fucking werewolf, that’s super, jeno!’
jeno went on to explain the ins and outs of being a werewolf to you over the next twenty minutes, the small pink blush on his cheeks never truly leaving as he went into detail about everything. he even corrected certain cliches that were not true, a scowl making its way to his features with each inaccuracy you brought up.
“so...my brother doesn’t know?” you questioned quietly, looking down at your lap.
“no one knows besides you and my family.” he confirmed, and you looked up again to see him lean against the wall behind his back, eyes gazing sharply at you.
you panicked slightly, thinking that holy crap, now that you know, he's gonna have to kill you so the secret doesn't get out.
“oh my god,” you whimpered out, “are you going to kill me now?”
you watched his eyes widen before he choked, coughing violently before composing himself. he straightened his posture, but still didn't make any move toward you, still keeping his distance.
“what?!” he practically shouted, startling you. “of course not! why would I do that??”
you felt your face grow hot and you looked away once again, wringing your hands together on your lap. you shrugged, murmuring quietly, “i dunno...I thought you'd kill me to keep the secret, well, you know, a secret…”
you heard him sigh exasperatedly before hearing his soft voice grace your ears from across the room.
“I don't kill people, y/n.” he sounded slightly sad, and you then felt bad about assuming something so terrible of him. “the only time I kill is when my instincts become too much to control, and I snap.” his head hung low, but he quickly added. “but I’ve never actually killed a person, even if my instincts were screaming at me to.”
you tried to wrap your mind around what his wolf instincts were like; he only briefly touched on that topic earlier, seeming like he didn't want to talk about it too much. you being yourself, of course you had to pry.
“so like, what you’re saying is,” you started, your hand cupping your chin in thought as you pondered over your thoughts. “that if you were to like, hypothetically, snap right now and go all feral, you would want to kill me?” the question came out inflected as a statement, but you nonetheless awaited his answer patiently as you took in the sight of his face going through about five different emotions in the short span of a couple seconds.
“I don’t think…” he trailed off, looking down at the floor while clenching his fists. “I don’t think killing you would be my first instinct,” he looked up at you, his eyes blazing a slight yellow again as he seemingly stared into your soul. “...if you catch my drift.”
at first you were completely confused, not sure what other instincts he could express while being feral, but then it all clicked and it had your body heating up at the thought.
“oh.” you simply retorted, your eyes glazing over at the implication of him pinning you down and taking you as he pleased. “oh, fuck. you’re fuckin’ serious?”
his eyes were dark as he drank you in, his nostrils flaring slightly as he subtly sniffed the air between the both of you. dear god, you hoped that he couldn’t smell the sudden arousal that consumed you. you watched his eyes glow into a bright yellow and you felt your instincts screaming at you to run, but you held his gaze as he let a low growl escape his mouth.
“y/n,” he said, low and strained as he tried to fight his animal instincts. “you need to leave if you don’t want this, right now.” his words were final, no room for questioning.
you briefly tried to think it over; what would actually happen if you stayed and let him have you? you could probably die, first and foremost, but you shook that thought away even though it was a very real and serious possibility. you couldn’t deny your arousal at the whole thing, being taken like a bitch in heat by a guy you’ve been thirsting over for a while now. you may not get the chance to fuck a werewolf again, so you quickly made your decision.
“I’m…” you trailed off, dragging your gaze down to his neck and collarbones where you could make out the sweat forming on his perfect skin. “I’m staying, jeno.” you spoke softly to him, watching his brow furrow in confusion before smoothing out again.
you made your way to him and he stiffened up, watching your every move like a predator as you tentatively stopped in front of his panting form. reaching a hand up, you caressed his face, your breathing shaky as you leaned in closer.
“you can have me, puppy.” you threw in the last little jab with that sudden nickname just for fun, your heart soaring at the sound of the deep growl he let out upon hearing it. you fought the smile off your face as he practically pounced on you, pushing you over to the bed and pinning your body underneath his in one swift movement.
“I’m a puppy, huh?” he questioned darkly, his glowing eyes roaming over your face before his head dipped down to nose at your throat. you whimpered softly as his teeth nibbled on your sensitive skin, earning a satisfied growl from him.
you felt your shorts stick to your core from how insanely soaked you had become, and you grew hot at the idea of him pulling them down to find that you were, in fact, pantieless. he had your wrists pinned down against the mattress, not allowing you to touch him much to your annoyance. you tried to struggle against his supernaturally strong hold, but was met with a deep snarl in response. you immediately grew pliant underneath him out of pure instinct.
he pulled back, sharp canines prominent in his mouth as he fixed you with his glowing stare, red swirling with yellow in his bright irises.
“don’t fucking move,” he spat, his voice coming out low and gutteral, causing a flood of your own arousal to escape you down below. his nostrils flared for the second time that night, and he breathed in deeply at the scent of your wet and begging cunt. “be a good girl and take what I give you.”
the statement was final, and you barely had time to nod before he was tearing your t-shirt in two, biting the skin of your shoulder. his sharper teeth did not sink deep into your flesh, but when he drug the canines across your skin, you felt them rip you open. you let out what could be considered a poorly concealed scream, but it came forth as more of a moan as you felt hot blood trickle down your arm.
your shirt was in ribbons, and he looked extremely pleased as he took in the beautiful sight of your naked breasts, no bra in his way. he watched as your chest heaved up and down in anticipation, and he released your wrist to gently trail both of his hand over your body.
“your tits are so pretty,” he murmured, diving down to take one of your nipples into his mouth. he worked your other boob with one of his hands, kneading it and flicking your sensitive nipple.
your back arched into his touch, and you tried your best to stay as quiet as possible in fear of your brother hearing you.
he suckled hard; nibbling your nipple and dragging his teeth along it, causing shivers to run up your spine and your core to clench around nothing. your shorts were without a doubt ruined at this point.
your nails scratched down his back and he continued to ravage your chest, alternating between both of your breasts and teasing your sensitive buds with no remorse. it felt like hours of play, but eventually he pulled back to roughly grip the fabric of your shorts and tear them down your legs, exposing your dripping core to his hungry eyes.
you whined as he stared at you, reaching your arms out towards his own pants, wanting to see his cock again now that you were laying there, desperate and pouting for it.
his eyes shot to your face, smirking as he watched your brow furrow and your lips purse, your hands trying to grab at him from your place on the bed.
he didn’t allow you to pull his shorts down for him; instead he hooked his own thumbs in the waistband and pulled them down slowly, exposing his cock inch by inch before it finally sprung out, slapping against his stomach proudly.
your mouth watered at the sight of him once again and you moved to try to sit up, but didn’t get very far. he grasped your non-bleeding shoulder and roughly shoved you against the mattress once again, not saying anything. the stare he gave you oozed enough dominance for you to clearly get the message that he was trying to send.
jeno didn’t waste any time spreading your thighs open, two of his fingers immediately swiping through your embarrassingly wet slit before easing inside your tight hole. the stretch burned at first, considering he was starting you off with two fingers instead of one, but you welcomed the slight pain that mixed with the pleasure of him reaching up with his thumb to graze over your throbbing clit.
jeno thrusted his fingers into you gently at first, gradually picking up the pace as he went along. before you knew it he was adding a third finger, stretching your more than you’ve been stretched before.
you gasped at the feeling, your back arching off the bed as you cried out while he started finger fucking you with earnest.
“shhh, baby,” he said quietly, his movements never ceasing. “just gotta open you up for me, make sure you can take my knot.”
you held back another moan at that, thinking of how his cock would stretch you open, and how full you would feel with his knot nestled inside you.
he abruptly pulled his fingers from you, causing your back to arch again as you protested the loss of stimulation. his strength amazed you, and with one hand on your belly he pinned you down completely, sucking on the fingers of his other lewdly while stating you in the eyes.
after licking his fingers clean, (which caused heat to crawl it’s way down your belly), he kissed you sloppily on the mouth once again before gripping your waist and roughly flipping you over onto your knees.
your chest was flush against the mattress as well as your face, and your hips were lifted high in the air and you could feel the heat radiating off of him as he positioned himself behind you.
his nails drug down your sides and he gripped one of your hips with his hand, using his other to position himself at your leaking entrance. you wiggled your hips in anticipation, whining as he drug the head through your folds before slowly sinking inside you.
your fingers gripped the pillows as he bottomed out, his knot already slowly forming at the base of his shaft. it stretched you ever so slightly at the entrance of your core, and you whimpered out in pleasure as he started thrusting in and out.
the small form of his knot caught on your entrance with each precise thrust, and you were finding it very difficult to stay quiet. jeno’s breaths were heavy and every so often he would let out a soft growl as he felt his tip pound gently into your cervix.
your small whimpers were short and staggered, escaping your mouth with each thrust, which spurred him on to create a faster and harsher pace. he leaned over your back and didn’t relent as his cock punished you pussy, and when you let out a cry that was just a little bit too loud, he shoved your face right into your pillow to silence you.
“shut up,” he panted, a rumble low in his chest following his words. “just fucking take it.”
you nodded your head in response to the best of your ability, biting your lip to keep quiet as the presence of his hand left the back of your head.
he seemed to be getting close now, and you could feel yourself teetering on the edge as well. it was uncommon for you to cum without any clitoral stimulation, and you were amazed at his ability to reach all of the most pleasurable spots inside you.
you felt your stomach tightening up and you gasped sharply when you felt his cock press right against your sweet spot, making you reach your high almost instantly.
you clamped around him, barely registering that he buried himself completely inside you and was now stretching you to the max with his fully developed knot. the pain of the stretch only intensified your orgasm, which had you screaming into your pillow to muffle your cries of ecstasy.
jeno growled loudly as he came shortly after, biting the back of your neck aggressively and painting your walls with his cum, emptying completely inside of you while his knot kept a single drop from escaping.
he withdrew his teeth from you, surprised that it didn’t break your skin, and gently moved the two of you to lay on your sides as you basked in the afterglow of what just occurred.
your chest heaved as you fought to catch you breath, you pussy still stretched to its limit as you laid with him. you reached an arm around to caress his face, a small show of affection as you smiled in bliss.
after catching your breath, you sat in silence for a bit, just bathing in each other’s warmth, before you had to go and open your big mouth again.
“so your knot is supposed to like, plug me up?” you questioned, your voice still sounding slightly out of breath as you panted. “to make sure I get like, hypothetically, pregnant or whatever?”
he groaned in response and gripped your hips tightly, his hips bucking and causing his still painfully hard cock to sharply jab against your sensitive insides, making you yelp.
“dear god, y/n,” he whined, his nails digging into your skin. “don’t say things like that, fuck.”
“oh, so you like that idea?” you teased, turning your head to try to look at him to the best of your ability considering your current position. “fucking me full of babies?”
his eyes stared down at you intensely, the color of his irises brightening up as he growled lowly at you. he suddenly gripped your hips and turned you both over, his body completely laying on your own as you were pressed against the mattress on your stomach.
“keep talking, y/n,” he growled out lowly, his hips pressing tightly against your ass, the head of his cock kissing your cervix. “I’ll fuck you again right now, and give you my fucking babies.”
he couldn’t see you, but you smiled contently, preparing yourself for another intense round with this beast of a man. there was a small chance that you would actually get pregnant, considering the IUD you had…but the thought of it had you ready to go at it again.
in some fucked up way, you were content with this, and you threw your hips up to grind back against him, grinning even wider as he pinned your body down even harder.
jeno fucked you like an animal until the sun came up, and your brother was none the wiser.
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timelesslords · 3 years
prompts: could you write an in canon verse (so like gods and stuff are real) fic with amnesia? it could be post TLO or it could be one of them coming out of anesthesia and feeling wonky. i just love a good memory loss fic.
@halfbloodcarrie was instrumental in making this happen!!! Her adorable fluffy idea was completely paid dust in favor of making this angsty as hell but I blame her for me getting it done at all <3
read on AO3
Everything was dark. And everything hurt. His head especially was throbbing, but he couldn’t make out any other feeling. He could hear something; vague at first, just a ringing. But if he struggled, and he did, he could start to make out faint voices. His eyes refused to open, they wouldn’t even blink, but the noises were getting clearer by the second.
“What if he doesn’t wake up?” a worried voice asked. Something about it felt familiar, but he couldn’t even pry his eyes open, much less figure out who it belonged to.
“He’ll wake up,” a second voice said, male this time. He sounded confident, assured. At least he thought so.
“There was so much blood, I thought… gods.”
The first voice again, though this time it wavered. It sounded scared, terrified even.
“He’ll be alright, Annabeth. He’s got a thick skull.”
That made the first voice laugh, watery as it was.
“Don’t I know it.”
Some feeling was starting to return to his limbs, slowly but surely. He tried blinking again, but it felt sluggish, slow. Suddenly he realized he could feel his arms and fingers, and there was a hand in his, gripping it so tightly it was a wonder he hadn’t felt it before.
“Percy?” the female voice asked, hopeful. He groaned. His head was pounding like nothing he’d ever felt before. Actually, he wasn’t sure if that was true, because he couldn’t remember his head pounding before, ever.
Come to think of it, he couldn’t remember anything at all.
He blinked again, this time managing to pry his eyelids open a fraction of a degree. The light streaming in hurt like a bitch, and he groaned again, closing his eyes.
“Percy,” the first voice said again, more frantically, “Can you hear me?”
She seemed to be talking to him, though he wasn’t quite sure. He couldn’t remember his name, but she’d said Percy twice, so that had to be it, didn’t it?
He tried to say something to the girl, but it came out as a strangled groan of pain.
“Will,” she said, a little desperately.
“He’s maxed out, Annabeth, I’m sorry,” the other voice said.
The girl (Annabeth?) muttered something under her breath in-- was that Greek? And how did he know that? More determined than ever, Percy blinked again, this time managing to crack his eyelids open and keep them that way.
His vision was blurry, but a few more blinks and the vague shapes in front of him started to sharpen into focus.
“Percy?” the girl said again. Percy squinted, trying to focus on her.
The first thing he noticed was that she was-- well, pretty didn’t quite describe it. She was seriously beautiful. Her eyes were a dark grey color, currently wide with concern, her hair framing her face in cascades of golden curls. Her nose was small and button shaped, dotted with freckles.
Even if Percy didn’t currently feel like a small blacksmith’s forge was hammering on the inside of his skull, he was pretty sure he would’ve been rendered pretty speechless.
“Hey there, sleepyhead. You were out for a while,” she said, smiling. She did look relieved, but Percy didn’t miss the genuine worry behind her eyes either, the little waver along her lips trying to maintain an upbeat expression.
“I… what’s going on?” Percy asked. Annabeth bit her lip, looking over her shoulder. Percy glanced upwards, properly seeing the other person in the room for the first time. He was a teenager, with shaggy blonde hair a shade or two lighter than the girl’s. He was wearing a white lab coat over what looked to be an orange t-shirt and jeans, which didn’t exactly instill Percy with a lot of confidence in whatever medical care he was receiving.
Of course, the fact that he had no memory didn’t help matters.
“You sort of got hit in the head,” Annabeth said, wincing as she did.
“Really hard,” the boy added.
Percy reached up tentatively, to the place where it felt like his skull was splitting inside out. Instead of skin he felt something else, some thick sort of fabric.
“Ow,” he said, a little unhelpfully. The girl smiled again-- crap, how was she even more beautiful when she smiled?-- but it still had an edge of sadness to it.
“Yeah. Discus accident,” she said.
“Discus accident?” Percy asked, confused.
“Yeah. Those stone frisbee things, remember?” the other guy said.
“No,” Percy said, pushing himself into a sitting position. It made his head throb, but he couldn’t stand lying down anymore. “I don’t-- I don’t remember anything.”
“You mean-- you mean you don’t remember the accident,” Annabeth said, a little forcefully. Her grey eyes flashed, and Percy didn’t quite recognize the expression, but something in his gut told him it was not good.
“No, I mean I don’t remember anything,” Percy repeated, figuring it was best to get it out of the way sooner or later, “I don’t know where I am or who you are or who I am.”
The girl took one very long look at him. He didn’t know what exactly he had said in particular that had triggered something in her, but the concern fell from her face in an instant. She dropped his hand, something sharp overtaking her expression.
“You’re such an ass sometimes,” she said. Her voice was a little thick, but Percy couldn’t tell if she was crying, because in the next second she stood and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Inadvertently, Percy felt a twinge of something sad in his chest, though he couldn’t quite place why. He didn’t know Annabeth, but she clearly seemed to know him, and what he’d said had clearly set her off.
All of this was really not improving his headache, which had resumed its throbbing with reckless abandon.
“I didn’t mean to…” Percy trailed off. To what? Upset her? Make her run away? But all he’d done was tell the honest truth-- he couldn’t remember shit. The guy was giving him a look that was bordering on disgust.
“Dude, that’s really not funny,” he said. He sounded pissed, though if Percy wasn’t entirely mistaken, there was a hint of fear behind his bright blue eyes.
“I’m not trying to be funny, I literally don’t know what’s going on,” Percy said, starting to feel a little frantic. Why was everyone here acting like they knew him? And why did he not even know him? He felt nerves and something else tugging in his gut, an insistent, terrifying pull--
Without warning, the glass next to his bed shattered, spraying water and glass everywhere. Percy flinched away from the table, whirling around to look at the boy. His eyes were wide and surprised.
“What the fuck was that?” Percy asked, alarmed.
“That was… you,” the boy said, staring at Percy like he had just grown a second head, “Styx, you’re not making this up, are you?”
“How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t know what’s going on for you to believe me?” Percy said, still staring wide-eyed at the place where the cup had shattered. For his own sanity, he decided to ignore the boy’s declaration that he had caused it.
“Four, apparently,” the boy said, rubbing his forehead like he could feel a headache coming on, “Unless you want to make it five for good measure?”
“I have absolutely no memory,” Percy repeated.
“Great. This is just-- this is awesome,” the boy said, sighing heavily.
“Yeah, I’m having so much fun over here,” Percy said dryly.
“Right, sorry,” the boy said, wincing, “Your name is Percy.”
So Percy had guessed that correctly. Good to know.
“My name is Will,” the boy continued, oblivious to Percy’s thoughts, “The girl was--”
“Annabeth,” Percy finished. Will perked up, hopeful, but Percy shook his head.
“I heard you say her name,” Percy explained. Will deflated.
“Oh, right,” he said. He sounded inordinately disappointed, way more disappointed than he’d been when Percy hadn’t remembered him.
“How exactly did this happen?” Percy asked, doing his best not to rub his forehead again. Will sighed.
“Some newbies were messing around with the discuses on the strawberry fields-- which is stupidly dangerous, by the way, we have an arena for a reason-- but it went a little off course and almost hit Annabeth in the face. You shoved her out of the way but it clipped your forehead pretty good.”
Percy tried to process all that, piece by piece. He didn’t know what a newbie was, and apparently wherever this place was had strawberry fields that he and Annabeth had been in together? But the strangest thing of all was that Percy didn’t feel at all surprised that he’d gotten injured trying to get Annabeth out of the way. That piece felt strangely right to him, even if everything else was messy and confusing.
“So me and Annabeth are friends, then?” he asked. Will gave him a strange look, his face paling slightly.
“You guys… you’re close. Really close.”
Percy nodded. That made sense. He didn’t know why Will was being weird about it, but he believed him regardless.
“She was mad at me,” Percy noted. At this, Will winced.
“Yeah. Memory loss… it's kind of a sore subject for her.”
“Why?” Percy asked. Maybe it was a little invasive, but this was all stuff he was supposed to know anyway, wasn’t it?
Will sighed, rubbing his face in his hands.
“Gods, I’m so not the person to be explaining this to you,” he said, “But a few years ago you sort of… disappeared. And you lost all your memories. Except you remembered her. But it was really, really tough on her, she had no idea if you were gonna know anything or not when she found you.”
Percy blinked, trying to take all that in. He had a feeling that was the hyper-condensed version of what had gone down, but it explained the situation well enough. Annabeth hadn’t considered the fact that he genuinely wouldn’t remember her, so she’d assumed it was a bad joke. Percy wished it was a bad joke, because he would give absolutely anything to remember more about her.
“Got it,” Percy said, trying not to frown, “So how did I get my memories back last time? Can we do that again?”
Will grimaced.
“I think last time you drank gorgon’s blood, but we’re fresh out of that.”
Percy stared at him, unsure if he was joking or not. He looked serious, but Percy didn’t want to press it. Clearly last time had been a different sort of deal.
“So what do we do? I can’t go around like this forever.”
“Well, hopefully it's just temporary. Your head injury, plus the mortal pain meds we gave you, plus the nectar--”
“The what?” Percy asked.
“Don’t worry about it,” Will said, a little hurriedly. “The point is, your brain is processing a lot of stuff right now. My best guess is that it overloaded a bit, and the amnesia is a side effect. If that’s the case it should go away on its own eventually.”
“And if it’s not the case?” Percy asked, dreading the answer a little. As predicted, WIll grimaced again.
“It could be from the initial injury. In which case it would be… more permanent.”
Percy’s mouth went a little dry.
“It probably isn’t,” Will said, though he didn’t sound entirely convinced.
“So what do we do?” Percy asked again.
“You could try going to sleep. It might give your brain a chance to readjust, chill out a little. Or…”
Will trailed off, clearly unwilling to finish his thought.
“Or?” Percy prompted.
“Or we could try to jog your memory with stuff you might remember,” Will finished. Percy didn’t understand why this option seemed to be so unpleasant to Will, since it made the most sense to him. He felt disoriented as hell, and he was pretty sure he wasn’t going to be able to calm his mind down enough to sleep anytime soon. Plus, he was pretty sure he’d been unconscious for a good long while.
“How long was I asleep just now?” Percy asked.
“A while,” Will admitted.
“So let’s try the other thing.”
Will swallowed heavily, his fingers gripping the sides of his white coat a little too tightly.
“Yeah. Okay,” he said, still not sounding happy about it at all, “I’ll-- ugh. Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”
Percy did not move, mostly because he didn’t think he could get up from his bed if he tried. Being alone gave him the chance to observe the room he was in a little bit. It was small but clean, sort of a cross between a normal bedroom and a hospital unit. The walls were made of old looking hardwood, and if he craned his head back a little bit he could almost see out the window. It looked green out there, but it was kind of hard to tell.
Nothing about this place felt familiar, but that didn’t mean much, given nothing Percy had experienced since waking up felt familiar.
Nothing except for those few flashes of feeling he’d gotten about Annabeth, anyway.
Will was gone for a long time, a lot longer than Percy had been expecting. He couldn’t tell time very well and he didn’t see a clock anywhere, but it felt like Will had to have been gone at least half an hour, maybe more. Just when Percy was about to give up and try taking a nap, the door opened again. Will was there, but this time Annabeth was in tow too.
Percy tried not to read too hard into the fact that she didn’t look happy to be there. If he wasn’t mistaken, her eyes were puffy and red from crying, though now they were narrowed in barely constrained anger, her arms folded over her chest.
Will, for his part, looked extremely nervous. That didn’t give Percy a lot of hope about how this was going to go.
“It would probably work better if you could get up and walk around, but well…” he trailed off, but Percy knew exactly why that wasn’t possible. Just keeping his eyes open had been a struggle, and he was pretty sure if he tried to stand right now he was gonna black out.
“Yeah, sounds like a bad idea,” he agreed. Annabeth said nothing, just kept staring with her jaw clenched tight.
“I figured-- you know, you remembered Annabeth last time,” Will said, still sounding nervous, “And you guys have known each other for years, so if anything is going to jog your memory… well.”
“Okay,” Percy said, easily.
Annabeth remained silent.
“I’ll leave you guys alone,” Will said, looking like he absolutely couldn’t wait to get out of the room. He did a second later, slipping out the door and shutting it behind him.
Annabeth looked extraordinarily unhappy to be there. Any care that she had displayed for him when he first woke up was apparently gone. She said nothing as she looked at him with nothing but ice in her eyes.
He didn’t know why exactly she was so pissed-- it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t remember anything, and wouldn’t it be worse for him anyway? But she didn’t seem keen on speaking to him anytime soon, and Percy figured it was up to him to break the ice.
“So, um. Are you single?” Percy asked. It was dumb, sure, but he didn’t remember shit, and this girl was pretty and she seemed to care about him and well? Might as well shoot his shot.
Annabeth muttered something under her breath, something that sounded suspiciously like I’m going to kill you. Cool. Definitely did not make her hotter to him, not even a little bit.
“I’m not single,” she said, practically glaring at him.
“Got it. Sorry,” Percy said. For just a second her eyes ducked away, sadness replacing anger. But then she looked back up, and her previous expression was reinstated.
“Why don’t we just stick to you,” she said.
“Sure,” Percy said. He didn't want to make her mad again, because he had a feeling if that kept happening it would not end well for him. He wasn’t sure what could be worse than complete and total amnesia, but looking at Annabeth he was pretty sure she could think of something.
She took a deep breath, a little unsteadily.
“Your name is Percy,” she said, “I guess Will already told you that, though.”
Percy nodded. She moistened her lips, staring down at the ground.
“Okay. What else do you want to know?”
“Where are we?” Percy asked. It wasn’t his most urgent question, but it felt like a safer one to ask. Then again, from the look on Annabeth’s face, maybe that was a miscalculation. She was biting her lip, the anger in her expression softening slightly. It seemed to be replaced by something sad though, and Percy found he almost preferred the anger.
“It’s… a little hard to explain. But we’re at a camp. A summer camp. It’s-- it’s where we met.”
“Why are we here now?” Percy asked. Annabeth shrugged.
“We’re just visiting,” she said.
“Together?” Percy asked. She stared at him, swallowing heavily.
“Yeah. Together,” she said, though she was clearly unwilling to elaborate.
Okay then. Time for a new line of questioning. A safer line, one that hopefully wouldn’t put her on the verge of tears.
“What’s my favorite color?” he asked.
“Blue,” she said, instantly.
“Favorite food?”
“Anything blue,” she said, just as fast.
“I eat blue food?” Percy asked, confused. She smiled for the first time since he’d told her his memory was gone. It was small, but it still made his heart flutter.
“Yeah. It’s sort of an inside joke with you and your mom,” she said. The smile faded just as fast as it had come, but her answer had inadvertently given Percy more information than he’d expected.
“So I’m close to my mom?” Percy asked, unable to help it. Annabeth nodded again. She took a tentative step forward, sitting back down on the chair beside his bed.
“Who else?” he asked, without thinking. Annabeth frowned, a little confused.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“I mean--” Percy started, realizing this might be a little too much too soon, but wanting to know so badly he couldn’t help but ask anyway, “I mean, who else am I close to?”
Annabeth didn’t answer for a long minute. She was looking down at the ground again, her hands gripping her own shoulders, arms shielding her chest. She seemed to be contemplating something, though what it was, Percy wasn’t sure.
Maybe he shouldn’t have asked that question. Maybe it was too personal-- with a start Percy realized that Annabeth was probably a pretty high priority for him, given the scant details he knew about their relationship, and him not knowing that intrinsically had to hurt.
“I’m sorry,” he said, “Just forget it, tell me something else.”
She finally looked back up at him, though she still seemed upset and unsure.
“No, it’s fine,” she said, though she was clearly forcing her voice not to waver, “Like I said, you’re close to your mom, her name is Sally. You have a sister named Estelle and a brother named Tyson. And your best friend is--” she stumbled, but found herself again, “His name is Grover.”
Percy noticed that Annabeth’s own name was conspicuously absent from that list. Maybe he should keep his mouth shut, all things considered, but his curiosity got the best of him. He wanted to know this more than anything.
“What about you?” he asked, voice quiet.
It took her less time to answer than he expected, but she was still quiet for a minute.
“You asked me if I was single,” she said finally, eyes ducked down, a rosy blush growing in her cheeks, “And I said no because-- because we’re dating. We have been for a while.”
“Oh,” Percy said. He could feel his own face getting red, even though this was kind of great news-- or maybe not so great news, considering his stupid brain still couldn’t remember shit. But it still felt right, like a puzzle piece slotting into place. Of course he was dating her. That was just correct, an inalienable fact he felt dumb for not knowing, despite not knowing anything at all.
“Yeah,” she said, “But you don’t remember, so… so I don’t know anymore, I guess.”
“I’m sorry,” Percy said, and he felt it. He felt like an idiot, both for trying to flirt with her earlier, and for not putting the pieces together sooner. The hand holding probably should have given it away, at the very least.
To his surprise, Annabeth gave him a small smile, even though her eyes were a little red. She wiped them on her sleeve, clearly trying not to do it in an obvious way.
“Sorry, it’s just-- that’s so you,” she said, sniffling a little.
“What’s so me?” Percy asked. He felt stupid, oblivious, but she just smiled again, a touch wider this time.
“Apologizing for something that isn’t even your fault.”
“I really am sorry,” Percy said, and he felt worse with every word, “I want to remember, I do, it’s just-- all of it’s gone.”
“I know,” she said. She sounded defeated. “I guess it would be too much to ask for you to remember me twice, huh?”
She said it like a joke, but Percy could feel the real pain behind her words. He felt an ache in his chest, like a phantom pain he couldn’t quite place, something in him mirroring her own hurt. He wanted so badly to comfort her, but he didn’t know how.
Or maybe he did. His brain was a jumbled mess, but he did know the only things that had made him feel anything since he’d woken up had to do with her.
“I… I almost get flashes,” he admitted, glancing up at her again. She wasn’t quite meeting his eye, looking somewhere over his shoulder, but he continued anyway. “When you say or do things… It’s like my body knows what to feel but my mind doesn’t know why.”
She glanced up, her eyes finally meeting his own. They were still shining with tears, though not as intensely as before.
“Like how?” she asked, simply. Percy swallowed heavily, not exactly sure what to say. It was hard to describe, given he’d barely recognized his own feelings.
“Like… like when you left, before. I was upset but I didn’t know why. I didn’t know you but I knew… I knew that was supposed to hurt, somehow. And when Will told me about how I got hurt in the first place, how I was trying to keep the frisbee thing from hitting you-- that felt right, but I don’t know why.”
She had graduated to crying in earnest now, tears slipping out of the corner of her eyes and falling down her cheeks. Percy felt the inexplicable urge to reach out and brush them away, but he knew he couldn’t. And that hurt too for some reason, a hollow aching in his chest he couldn’t quite place even though the reason for it was standing right in front of him.
“And right now,” Percy continued, even though maybe he shouldn’t, “You’re upset and I just feel this urge to do something, and I can’t because I don’t know how.”
“Percy, please--” she said, still crying, her voice rough with tears. He didn’t know what she was begging for, but he couldn’t help his next words slipping out, like his tongue knew more what to do than his mind.
“I don’t know anything about me, but I know-- I know I love you. I can feel it. I’m not just saying it either, I swear I can feel it.”
“Percy,” she said again, her voice barely above a whisper this time.
“You have to help me, Annabeth. I don’t know what to do,” he said, and this time it was his turn for his voice to get thick, a lump in his throat obscuring his words.
“I--” she started, swallowing heavily, eyes welling with tears again, “I don’t know what to do.”
“Yes you do,” Percy said, and he was sure she did, something in him just knew, “You always do, don’t you?”
That felt right too, even if he couldn’t place why, but it seemed to mean more to her than to him. She stared at him, eyes wide and scared. She was so close now, close enough that he could see every freckle on her nose.
Annabeth looked so panicked that for a second a second, Percy thought she was going to hit him, but then she did the opposite. She leaned over and kissed him.
Her lips were soft and sweet, and she tasted like strawberries and salt. His lips seemed to know exactly what to do, moving against hers like they’d kiss her a thousand times-- and maybe they had. His hand moved, almost of its own accord to her hair, tangling in it, pulling her a fraction of an inch closer--
And then it hit him. The scent of her shampoo, lemony and sharp and familiar.
He gasped, not meaning to, but she pulled back, grey eyes wide.
“Percy?” she asked, hopeful even as she tried to hide it.
“Annabeth,” he said, trying not to panic as things started to float through his mind-- more than things, memories. Her face and her voice and her words, the feeling of her hand in his and her smile against his lips, it all started to flood back like it had never left.
“Are you--” she asked, her hands on his shoulders, gripping tight, too tight, but he didn’t even care.
“Annabeth,” he breathed, saying her name like a revelation, because it was, “You’re Annabeth Chase, you’re my girlfriend and an architect and you’re scared to death of spiders and you still sleep with a teddy bear--”
She cut him off at that last point, throwing her arms around him and hugging him harder than she ever had-- except for maybe that time she’d thought he was dead for two weeks and he’d crashed his own funeral. Percy hugged her back just as hard, because he actually remembered that.
It hadn’t all come back-- things were blurry, most things, actually. But Annabeth at least felt clear in his mind, a shining beacon welcoming the rest of his memories back. He was already starting to get a headache again, but he didn’t care. They would come back. And even if they didn’t-- he had her. That was enough.
She pulled back from her bone crushing embrace, keeping their faces so close their noses were almost touching. She seemed scared that if she pulled away he might too, even though he had no intention of doing so, physically or mentally.
“So you’re back? Really?” she asked, sounding scared to know the answer.
“Sort of,” Percy confirmed, wincing as he did. He really was starting to get a pounding headache. “I remember you. And bits and pieces of other things, but mostly you.”
Annabeth breathed a sigh of relief, closing her eyes for a long moment.
“You scared the shit out of me,” she whispered, her hands trailing up his neck, just barely scraping his hair.
“I know. I’m sorry,” he breathed. And he did know, now better than ever. It couldn’t have been more than a few hours since he’d woken up without his memory, but he knew every minute of it had to have been hell for her.
Annabeth sighed, pulling back further, so he could see her whole face. Her eyes were still red from crying, and her cheeks were still flushed from their kiss. But he could see the barest traces of humor in her expression, a slight tug at the corner of her mouth where a smile was being repressed.
“What?” he asked, but she just shook her head.
“It’s nothing,” she said, but her smile had grown.
“Come on, I just had amnesia. You have to tell me.”
She laughed, a light tinkling sound. It was just on the edge of being hysterical, but she deserved it, after the day she’d been having.
“Fine. I was just thinking-- Hera couldn’t make you forget me but a glorified frisbee could?” Annabeth said.
“Hey, it was heavy!” Percy protested, but he couldn’t help but grin as he did. He would probably stay grinning for the rest of his life, actually.
“You’re such an idiot,” she breathed, pulling him into a hug again, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Percy said, hugging her back. And now he knew he did, in a permanent, tangible way.
There was still a lot missing, but he had the most important bits down. His name was Percy Jackson. He was twenty years old, and in college and a demigod, and lots of other things that would surely return with time.
And he loved Annabeth Chase more than anything in the world.
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utascumdump · 3 years
Gagged Up ~ M. Fushiguro & Reader NSFW - 18+
It’s my first request and oddly enough my first write on Tumblr since I joined.
I want to say first that I’m sorry if it turns out shitty as fuck. Also, if you enjoyed it could you let others know about it so I can get more opinions on my writing style.
Cw: Characters are aged up 20+. Gagging, Daddy Kink, Spitting, Bratty! Reader, Degradation, Spanking, Oral (F. receiving), Slight bondage, Rough Sex, Breeding, Praise Kink, Aftercare..Let me know if I miss anything as you read.
Minors please *inhales* DO NOT FUCKING INTERACT OR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED *exhales* with that be said let’s continue.🥰
4 Page count with 2,394 words
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It started out as a regular day for most people. However, a group of four decided to go out and meet up at the park. Two coming from the same destination holding hands and walking quietly.
They’ve all decided to take a break from fighting curses for a day. They are and talked about things they missed over the years from being apart. Megumi sitting away from the group off to the side. Everything was going relatively normal...(For the most part).
“O-Oi Itadori stop it ri-right now,” Nobora stated laughing in between her sentences. He was laughing away almost sounding like a hyena. They were telling each other of the funniest things they’ve seen happened.
However, the next laugh that came in was obnoxiously loud. The sound of a loud cackle reached Megumi’s ears from afar.
Megumi looked up from his spot under the tree shade and looked across the park at the trio dying of laughter. He was already annoyed from Gojo-sensei’s annoying antics from early that morning.
Watching the trio while lost in thought thinking of how annoying his sensei is in the morning. He recalls Gojo banging obnoxiously on his apartment door at 4:00 a.m. to tell him about something in which Fushiguro thought it was honestly the stupidest thing ever.
He was quickly brought out of his thoughts because of the loud cackling from Y/N. He furrowed his brows looking at her with a frown on his face. He began to get more annoyed with her antics. This has been going on for an hour and a half. He asked Y/N about 5 times already if she could tone down their volume. However, he can’t help but feel that she were doing it on purpose.
He clenched his fist tightly and clenches his jaw. He slowly got up and made his way to the trio with a calm expression on his face. But on the inside?? He was furious and done with Y/N’s bratty antics. He knew she was doing this to get under his skin. He caught her glancing at him each time she let out a loud cackle.
When he got to them finally he got straight to the point instead of beating around the bush. “Come on Y/N we’re leaving and it’s not a choice, it’s an order.” He didn’t wait for her to get up instead he turned his back walking away.
Y/N glanced at the others and told them she would see them some time later. However, she didn’t realized what was coming. Yeah, she’ll admit she was trying to get under his skin, but she never saw him acted like this. While in her thoughts she didn’t realized that Megumi stopped walking with his hands clenched in his pockets. Looking up she realized that he was looking back her over his shoulder with a look she couldn’t describe.
“Tch” he turned his head back around and kept walking back to their shared apartment. He was thinking of the things he wanted to do. But one thought really stuck with him for the duration of the walk back to the expensive looking apartment building. He wanted to gag Y/N so he could teach her how to be quiet like the good slut she was behind closed doors.
Making their way to the entrance of their apartment, Megumi unlocked the door and grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her inside. He slammed her against the door causing the door to shut from the pure force. He looked down at her and watched how she slightly squirmed from the intense stare and the cold door.
“Why must you act out and be a brat in front of others?” he spoke with a sultry honey toned voice. When she didn’t answer he grabbed her by the neck and squeezed to the point it sent waves down to Y/N’s heat. “I believe that I did asked a question unless I’m talking to myself and you know what I said about that.” he spoke with the same tone voice.
She breathed in shuddering when he pressed his body against her making her body pressed harder against the door. “I-I don’t know m’sorry daddy.” she replied feeling her legs shaking. Megumi, who disliked her answer, reached his other hand down and softly rubbed on her clit from under her skirt. “You know I hate lying so why do it when you can just tell the truth and avoid a harsh punishment, hmm.” he told her and moved his hand away and reached out to lock the door.
He picked her up and carried her to their bedroom over his shoulder. Once he reached the bedroom he closed the door and threw her down on the bed. He reached into the side drawer and brought out an item she couldn’t see. He made sure to hide it from her. He looked down at her from where he was standing.
He looked her up and down with a scowl on his face thinking of the things she did. He clicked his tongue and took off his shirt. “Take my pants off and don’t make me wait,” he told her and tilted his head to show authority. She looked him up and down and bites her lip. “No,” she simply stated and looked at the ceiling.
He rose a brow and stared at her and stepped closer to the bed. “What was that, say that again I don’t think I heard you correctly,” he leaned down a bit and stared at her intensely. Y/N’s breaths had now became broken gasps now becoming slightly fearful of the dominant side of Megumi she only witnesses when acting out.
“I-I said no, you t-take them off yourself,” she suddenly felt him grip her jaw harshly and made her look at him. She could tell by the look on his face that the ending outcome was not going to be good for her. He grips her skirt and rips it off and throws it somewhere in the room to be forgotten about. He teasingly rubbed on the wet spot that was visible in her panties.
She grabs his wrist and grinds on his fingers. He pulls his hand back and backs up to go to the closet. She started whining from the lack of touch and was beginning to get horny and needier. He grabbed a red silk cloth and a rope and brought them over to the bed. When she saw said items she began to plead with fear. “N-no daddy please I’ll be good I promise,” she backed away but not getting far. He gripped her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed.
He grabbed the ball gag out of his pocket and strapped it gagging her in the process. “You made too much noise all day so it’s time to be quiet. Isn’t that right my filthy slut,” he taunted knowing she can no longer speak clearly. She responded yes but it was muffled by the gag, drool immediately dripping down the corners of her mouth. He chuckled at the pathetic sight in front of him and grabbed her by the arm.
He turned her around and made her top half bend over the bed. He took in the sight before him feeling himself tighten in his sweats. “Now bratty little girls like you deserved to be punished right,” he questioned and rubbed her right cheek. He heard her try to muffle out replies but she couldn’t so instead she frantically shook her head in agreement. He harshly smacked her right ass cheek and she let out muffled cries. He did the same to the other each smack on a different cheek. He finally let up when both cheeks were bright red with hands prints on both. 
He grabbed the rope off of the floor and tied her hands behind her back. All while Y/N is in the background a sobbing mess from the spanking she just received. He sat her up and laid her on her back with his face hovering over her heat. He flatten his tongue out and licked her folds through her laced panties. She bucked her hips up to get more friction. He pulled back and took her panties off, a string of her arousal can be seen as he pulls them down her legs fully taking them off. He spits on her folds and sucks on her clit. He brings a hand up and rubs a finger against her nearing the entrance. He quickly sunk a finger in making her let out a muffled cry.
“Aww what my little cock warmer thought that I would let her cum. Now why would I do that when you acted out today. Be a good slut a turn over for daddy,” he cooed slightly and took off his sweats and boxers in one go. He fisted his length two times before grabbing the blindfold. Y/N turns on her stomach slowly, her thighs shaking from the denial of her orgasm, and arched her back deeply. He groaned at the sight and tied the blindfold around her eyes, making her see nothing but the darkness that greeted her. 
Megumi pushed his cock against her folds coating it in her arousal and his spit. He tapped against her twice before quickly thrusting in and bottoming out making her let out a muffled scream. He thrusted his hips back and forth slowly and rubbed his hand down her back. He leaned over her frame slightly going slightly deeper than before and snapped into her hips. Going at a ruthless pace he grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled her back so her back was against his chest.
“You wanna cum slut, huh, wanna cum on daddy’s cock don’t you,” he questioned as he wrapped his hand around her neck as she whimpered out a yes. He unclipped the ball gag and threw it on the bed. He yanked her head back and looked at her cloth covered face. “Open your mouth,” he said in a demanding way. She obediently opened her mouth and he spit in her mouth telling her to swallow. He watched as she swallowed and let out a low moan directly in her ear. “Fu-fuck baby you take daddy’s cock so well,” he let her go making her body hit the bed.
He had a vice grip on her hips bringing her back to meet his harsh thrusts. “D-daddy yes, f-fuck fuck, I’m gonna cum. He slowed his thrusts down and pulled out denying her yet of another orgasm and laid on the bed on his back. “Ride me and I’ll let you cum on daddy’s dick,” he replied catching his breath and watched as she climbed atop him. Grabbing at his cock she positioned it at her entrance and slid down him taking all of his length. She started bouncing up and down on him making her ass clap against his thighs. He gripped her hips again and threw his head back from the feeling of her cunt gripping his cock. 
“Y-yeah fu-fuck, just like that baby daddy’s gonna fill that little cunt with his cum, you want that don’t you my little cock sleeve,” he groaned and thrust his hips to meet her bounces. She threw her head back and scratched at his chest feeling the familiar feeling of the two denied orgasms creeping back up. “Y-yes daddy, fuck I-i want your cum in me please please please daddy,” she begged ready to feel his cum in her and to finally release her orgasm after being denied twice. He held her hips down and piston his hips into hers making her let out a loud moan and finally letting her release for the night. His hips later stilled and he let out his hot spurts of cum into her, making her bite her lip and moaned at the feeling. 
She breathlessly leaned down and meet him into a kiss full of love and passion for each other. He slowly lifted her up off of him and untied the blindfold. He got up and went to the bathroom and ran some hot bath water for them to wash in. He came back and carried her into the bathroom and sat her against the counter. He put in her favorite body wash in the tub, the smell of vanilla began to fill up the bathroom. He went back in the bedroom and collected all the things he used on her and sat them in the corner of the room to be cleaned the next day. He walked back in the bathroom and stopped the tub water, grabbing her and sitting her down in the hot water.
He brought over towels for them to use and got in the tub immediately working to scrub her clean and wash her hair in the process. He kissed her temple gently whispering in her ear “You did so good baby I’m proud of you,” and continued to wash her off later rinsing her off. He did the same process with himself and got up out of the bath, turning to help Y/N out and wrapping her towel around her and giving her a kiss. She walked in the bedroom and put on a pair of his shirt and waited for him. He walked out and grabbed a pair of black sweats and out them on and went to change their sheets. 
He grabbed her and pulled her down on the bed softly and kissed her gently.
“I love you Y/N,” he said soft and sweet. 
“I love you too Megumi,” she replied smiling gently and dosing off.
So this is the end of my first I hope you guys enjoy it and please give me some feedback. It’ll be really appreciated. (I didn’t read over it to check for mistakes, so please don’t mind them if you see any.)
@noritoshiikamo @fushigurocockslut @megumifushi​
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juminly · 4 years
Can i just say your last hc😱😱😱😳! Im still squealing over how sweet and cute it was❤❤🥰🌈 So naturally i cant resist but request a continuation HC for ma best bois, Theo, Vincent and Isaac! If u dont mind❤❤😳🌻 also just wanted to send u a reminder incase you forgot...You are a wonderful human! And im super happy to have met such a wonderful ray o sunshine on tumblr ☀️🌞 hope you are keeping safe and warm❤🦋🌻 Thabk you so much dear! Sending u tons of hugs🙌🙌🙌🌻❤🌞
My lovely Zeta, you’re making me blush. Love you, darling and you always brighten up my day with your sweetness. Here are some best bois for you. Tagging @delicateikemenmemes cause Theo... XD 
First kisses with Theodorus, Vincent and Isaac
Theodorus Van Gogh
The first time Theodorus kisses you, you feel alive and truly loved, desired and… needed.
He kisses you out of utter frustration from all the pent-up emotions he's been trying to hide, behind that handsome smug face of his.
Blame and thank his tsundere ass for this kiss.
Threading his fingers softly through your hair, his gentle touch was a contrast to the kiss he surprised attacked you with and the way he’s almost crushing you in his embrace.
Theodorus is fierce, holding you securely against him, not giving you the chance to pull away, even if you wanted to.
His kiss is full of hunger, claiming yours with an incredible sense of urgency and laced with so much passion and intensity as he licks and nips at you, coaxing you to open up for him, entwining his tongue with yours.
This man was making you dizzy, in the most blissful way anyone could do so and if you didn't happen to whine against his mouth and push your hands on his chest, he wouldn't have broken the kiss.
He literally took your breath away and he was almost completely content in not breathing at all, if it meant being connected to you.
His need for you threatened to consume him and his body was slightly shaking as he resisted the need to pull you in for another kiss.
Theo rests his forehead on yours and pants, just simply holding you in the most heartwarming embrace while tangling his fingers through your hair delicately. (Boy is trying to calm himself, okay?)
He'll curse under his breath for losing control then grin a bit abashed by his lack of composure and he’s also kinda blushing, only to find you resting your chin on his chest, looking up at him and smiling softly.
“What are you smiling about, Knabbeltje?”
“Hmm...” you pause to think, his eyes locked on yours then searching your face, captivated by the soft blush on the top of your cheeks. “Just the man I love.”
“H-Hondje… Y/N… You…” he attempts to use a warning tone but he can’t help but croon your name roughly.
“Your Hondje… Your Y/N.”
You poked his heart real hard.
And to put the cherry on top, you go on the tip of your toes, meeting his lips in a kiss that’s so sweet, the man actually melts and moans/sighs against your lips.
You’ve got him wrapped around your finger, darling.
PS: Theodorus Van Gogh is officially flatlining and you are now the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted and his favourite too.
Vincent Van Gogh
When inspiration strikes, this angel surrenders himself to his muse and is in a creative state of trance.
You often find him with paint streaks over his beautiful face and his hair ruffled in a complete mess, as if he thoughtlessly ran his lithe fingers through them over and over again.
In order to get him to stop and take a break (to have some Rouge or Blanc), you’d step in front of his stool, blocking his view from his canvas and give him something to drink and wipe the paint of his face.
He did look adorable but he began asking you to wipe the paint of his face. 
Honestly, he didn’t mind the paint. He just liked it when you were near.
Standing between his legs, you’d dip a piece of cloth in some water and wipe the paint off his cheek and even found paint stains on his face.
Leaning down, you started giggling as you found trouble removing bits of the paint, staining his skin/hair even more than before.
Looking up at you, Vincent was absolutely taken by you, the sound of your soft laughter and your peaceful expression.
Acting on impulse, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you down while he raised himself slightly from the stool, meeting you in the middle in a sweet chaste kiss with a happy smile.
You can feel him smile against your lips and it’s the sweetest thing on earth.
He pulls away only momentarily to assess your expression, seeing the most beautiful shade of pink dusting your cheek and a smile that matched his.
That’s all he needed to see. All that he ever wanted.
He would guide your hand over his shoulder and sit back down on his stool, pushing his knees apart while pulling you closer to him with a gentle hand on your waist.
His expression is relaxed and lips parted as your love for one another brings your lips together once more.
He whispers your name ardently against your lips. He didn’t need to say anything more… you simply knew.
As your lips brush against one another, Vincent sucks and licks your lips, humming with so much zeal, the sound so beguiling that you impulsively allow him to ravage you so sweetly with every push of his tongue against yours.
He draws you closer to sit on his lap, his hands now resting on your sides, caressing your form and squeezing you as you both surrender to your emotions. 
Isaac Newton
This cute bean has been staring at your lips all day. He feels an inexplicable pull to press his lips against yours and kiss you.
He doesn’t know why, he can’t even begin to understand why his body feels the way it does but he needs to do something about it.
You’re beautiful to him. You glimmer, you shimmer, you shine and he wants to bask in the light, the love and the happiness that you’ve shown him in life. 
You’re standing in front of his room, talking to him about something that he was meant to teach you when you suddenly find his face right in front of yours, leaning closer and closer and his nose bumps into yours.
That’s more than enough to make him scowl because his first try was a failure but before he could let his embarrassment overwhelm him (although his cheeks have already turned into the red shade of apples that he claims to hate), he cradles your face with trembling hands and tilts his head to the side, making sure that he angles himself correctly this time, laying the softest of kisses on your lips.
Breathing out nervously, Isaac is barely even able to meet your gaze, still wanting to see your reaction to what just happened.
Did you like it? Did you hate it? Was it wrong for him to do that?
Too many questions were running through that genius brain of his and you definitely knew that.
You firmly grabbed his hands that were placed on your face, ensuring that he doesn’t let his nervousness or hesitation take over.
You finally...  finally got a sign from this shy man and you wanted to let him know that you wanted the same thing he did.
You called his name almost pleadingly, forcing him to look into your eyes that showed nothing but love for him. 
You wanted more and you could see the same reflected in his cherry blossom eyes. 
“Kiss me. Kiss me again, Isaac.”
Your words almost made him choke, hearing the desperation in your voice.
Was that his heart fluttering in his chest or a bunch of butterflies? He couldn’t even tell. He didn’t care.
He just had to comply, leaning towards your lips once again, brushing them gingerly against yours.
Walking closer to him, you closed the distance between you and gradually deepened the kiss, his breath hitching under the intensity of your gentle assault and his knees threatening to buckle, if it wasn’t for the door that was now pressed against his back.
You pushed him against the door even harder as your body flush against his, biting his lower lip and licking your way through as he willingly parts them for you with a silent moan.
You press your tongue against him hungrily and he eventually does the same, pulling one other into the rising warmth and the now simultaneous beating of your hearts.
Isaac’s sense of gravity was completely lost but he couldn’t care less, he found everything that he needed in this moment... in you.
Hope you enjoyed this 💜 Please feel free to leave comments/feedback! Masterlist
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pixelated-pogues · 4 years
Pong Legend (j.b)
Prompt: 1) “How much did you drink?” 15) “Yeah, well, maybe if you weren’t so drunk, I would.” & 25) “Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer.”
Pairing: John B x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of drinking. Overall it’s just fluff.
“John B! John B, you’ll never believe what just happened,” you exclaim, clumsily wiggling your way through a clump of people before plopping down on his lap in front of the fire. He can’t help but laugh at your disheveled state, the cheery smile and bleary eyes indicating that you’re well past tipsy as you steal a sip from the beer in his hand.
“Based on the state you’re in right now, I think I’ll believe anything you tell me,” he states honestly, gently pushing a few stray strands of hair away from your face. His heart inwardly melts at the way your eyes are sparkling so brightly under the stars. His breath catches in his throat at the casual, yet endearing, way that you’re staring at him.
“I just played eight games of pong,” you tell him, nodding out of the brief haze you were in. “Everyone’s partners kept bailing on them and I was, obviously, the most fun so I got voted to be the honorary substitute.”
“Is that so,” he questions, knowing that your games of pong are the culprit of your drunken state. As much as you like to say that you aren’t awful at playing pong, he’s the one that has to carry the team when you guys play together. “And how many of those games did you lose?”
“What makes you think that I lost any of those games,” you ask, narrowing your eyes at him. John B snorts, glancing at you before taking a swig from the bottle in his hand.
“You weren’t even tipsy when Kie dragged you away to play pong with her, Y/n. As much as you hate to admit it, you’re shit when it comes to playing pong,” he reminds you, his smile widening as humored giggles fall from your glossy lips.
“Okay fine,” you hum exasperatedly, casually twisting your body around so that you’re straddling his waist. The way you’re clinging to him is another sign of the alcohol in your system. You guys have been friends for years, knowing fully well that you both feel more, so a little PDA isn’t that strange, but you become a whole new level of clingy when you’re drunk. “You’re right, John B. You’re absolutely right. Three games. I lost three games.” He raises his eyebrows, clearly not believing your answer as you refuse to meet his gaze, nervously shifting in his lap.
“Okay fine, I lost six games,” you admit, a short huff escaping your lips. “But you don’t get it. They were good, like insanely good. I had no chance.” He shakes his head at you, lips curling into a humored smile as he plays along with your energy.
“I don’t doubt that,” he agrees, taking a minute to study you again. “How much did you drink? Eight games of pong is a lot, especially when you’re getting destroyed every round.” He can’t help but show an ounce of concern as you take a second to contemplate the true answer.
“A lot. I mean, I snuck a few cups to people standing around but I drank a lot,” you tell him, having lost count of how many drinks you actually had. “You should’ve been watching John B, everyone was cheering me on.”
“I bet they were.” He watches the energy in your eyes begin to die down as the sleepy drunk side of you begins settling in. “You’re going to be really hungover tomorrow.”
“Yeah, but it’ll be worth it,” you wave him off gently with a confident smile on your lips. “I’m kind of a pong legend now.”
“Y/n Y/l/n, the pogue pong legend of Outer Banks,” he teases, flushing when your lips press a chaste kiss against his cheek.
“I like the sound of that,” you murmur lightheartedly, nuzzling your face into his neck as you cuddle into him. Your body relaxes into his; the sound of the party slowly lulling your eyes closed.
“You want me to take you inside? I’ll tell the pogues to kick everyone out when they’re ready to come inside and we can go to sleep,” he murmurs into your ear gently, pulling you out of your sleepy daze. His fingers subconsciously brush through your hair while his free hand draws lines against the skin on your thigh.
“Yes please,” you slur, not bothering to open your eyes. You’re typically high energy and bubbly when you’re drunk, feeding off of the life around you at keggers, but it wears off as soon as you find someone to cuddle up with. John B kisses the crown of your head before setting his, now empty, bottle of beer in the grass next to his feet. He makes sure that you’re steady in his embrace before standing up and making his way into the house. He catches multiple people staring at the two of you with awestruck smiles as he passes them, mumbling quiet good nights to familiar faces before walking up the old stairs to the chateau.
“I’m going to go find Kie. I’ll be right back,” he tells you after carefully dropping you down on his bed. You simply wave him off as you move to strip out of your sticky clothes.
By the time John B wanders back into his bedroom, you’re wrapped in one of his old t-shirts, mindlessly shuffling through random pictures you found in his desk. 
“I remember that,” he smiles. The sudden noise startles you, a surprised gasp falling from your lips as the pictures in your hands scatter to the floor. He can’t help but laugh at the way you haphazardly spin around, nearly tripping over yourself, with wide eyes. You attempt to utter a response, but your brain can’t quite catch up with the rapid beating of your heart, so you opt for dropping to the floor to try to clean the mess. “Y/n, babe, stop. I’ll get it,” he commands, his heart swelling at the embarrassed blush on your cheeks. He kneels down next to you, trying not to giggle at the way you’re squinting at the pictures on the floor while trying to keep your balance. “Hey,” he breathes, quickly grabbing you by the shoulders to steady your body before you topple over. You hesitantly meet his gaze, briefly glancing at his lips before shooting him a questioning look. “I’ve got it, I promise. What do you say we get you into bed?” The quizzical look on your face transitions into a soft pout as you glance back at the photos scattered across the floor. 
“This has always been my favorite picture of us,” you admit, a lazy smile on your face as you move to pick whatever photo your eyes landed on. John B’s eyes trail to the photo in your hand, his lips automatically curving into a soft smile too. It was taken on an old film camera you’d been gifted on your birthday last year. You’re cradled in his arms, effortlessly bright smiles on your faces as he dipped your head towards the ocean waves, threatening to drop you in. There’s nothing special about the photo really, but it’s always been a favorite due to the utter joy radiating from the two of you. 
“Me too,” he agrees, taking the photo into his own hands. He wordlessly gathers the rest of them in a pile before setting them on top of his dresser. “Come on.” He offers you his hand, helping you climb off of the floor and onto his bed, before flicking the light off. The soft glow of the fire outside immediately causing my body to relax as he finds his spot next to you, mindlessly discarding his shirt on the floor. 
“John B,” you ask after several moments of silently listening to the stead beat of his heart. 
“Hm,” he responds, his hand drawing soothing circles against the soft skin on your cheek.
“Why haven’t you kissed me yet? I mean, we both know that we want to kiss, and you’ve had plenty of opportunities to do so, but you never have.” He’s taken aback by your question. Of course he wants to kiss you, he doesn’t really remember a time in your friendship that he didn’t, but he’s always had a fear about losing you if things went south. 
“Yeah, well, maybe if you weren’t so drunk right now, I would,” he responds, shocking himself at the words that effortlessly rolled off of his tongue. You lift your head off of his chest, mouth open in shock, unsure that you’d heard him correctly.
“What does me being drunk have to do with anything?” Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as you stare down at him. “I want you to kiss me. I always want you to kiss me. I promise that that’s not going to change when I’m sober.” 
“Yeah but,” he pauses, silently weighing his options before closing his mouth.
“But what?”
“But I kind of want you to remember our first one. Like, as stupid as it sounds, I want it to be special. Not just something that happened because we both got tipsy and finally got the courage to do it,” he explains, slightly embarrassed to subtly admit the fact that he’s thought about it. Your heart swells at his statement, your hands shifting to cup his cheeks as you think about what you want to say.
“I’m going to remember this tomorrow. I remember every first time I’ve ever had with you,” you promise, voice silky smooth. You slowly lean closer to him, eyes locked on his own, gauging his reaction to your words. “And this is plenty special for me.” You barely finish your sentence before he’s kissing you. His lips softly crash against your own, gently dancing against them in a way that makes your head spin.
“Wow,” he breathes once you pull away, bashful giggles falling from both of your lips as you stare at each other for a second. You repeat his words, shyly covering your face with his hands to hide your giddy smile. “I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t remember that tomorrow.” He carefully pulls your hands away from your face so that you’ll meet his eye again, a loud laugh echoing through the room when you obnoxiously roll your eyes at him. You settle into a comfortable silence, your cheeks burning a deeper shade of red when you catch him staring at you again.
“Why don’t you take a picture, John B? It’ll last longer,’‘ you tease, moving to climb off of his lap, but his hands plant themselves on your thighs to halt your movements. 
“God, I hope a picture doesn’t last longer than this,” he quietly whispers, more to himself than to you, before pulling you  back in for another kiss.
A/n: Soooo, this was meant to be a short snippet, and it ended up turning into a mini-fic because I was inspired and couldn’t stop. My heart actually melted at the thought of having a moment even remotely close to this. 
Unexpected John B content and feels tonight. 
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puppyluver256 · 3 years
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[Image Description: The first image is Trevor Garbo and Nat Vancey from Smile For Me. Trevor is a boy with olive skin, freckles, shoulder-length auburn hair, and green eyes with yellow sclera. He is wearing a yellow button-up shirt with purple trim, blue jeans, and a long green striped scarf hanging off his shoulders rather than being wrapped around his neck. He is scratching the back of his head and appears confused, holding a hand up to indicate this along with his befuddled expression. Nat is a girl with pale skin and shoulder-length pink hair. She is wearing a long pink coat with darker pink sleeve trim, and has a dark pink backpack on her back. She is facing away from the viewer and holding her hand up to motion toward Trevor's scarf. The room they're in has dull yellow walls and a purple carpet, and behind them to the viewer's right is a green couch with blue seat cushions.
The second image is nearly identical to the first, except the colors have been altered to resemble the vision of someone with tritanopia, a form of color blindness. The yellows in the image seem to turn into shades of pink, while the greens turn into shades of blue, and all other colors appear washed out to some extent. This is most notable in the background and Trevor’s coloring, as Nat seems to be almost unchanged.
End ID.]
Trevor paused his search to give her a weird look. Green? Really? Surely Nat couldn’t be serious about that. Some alien must’ve gotten into her brain and messed with her memory. Probably those weird ones that looked like living pants, he always knew better than to give into their cute facade. “No, it’s definitely blue,” he insisted. “It’s been blue since I first got it. What made you think it was green?”
“Uhhhh, my eyes?” Nat replied. “Trevor, are you okay? You sure there’s not something weird going on with yours?”
“No, I swear it’s...” That got Trevor to start thinking, probably much too hard about this. If he couldn’t even trust his own eyes, what could he trust? He shook his head, this wasn’t something he should be thinking about when they were going to be late!! “No no no, it’s definitely a dark blue! Why would I wear a blue scarf if my coat wasn’t blue too?!”
“It’s not blue either, it’s light green!” Nat insisted. “They’re both green, your coat is obviously not blue!”
More 101 Smiles! I just couldn't get the early StephenVlog moment where Stephen and Alex argue about the color of their apartment's carpet outta my head while working on this, and when I was originally working on the writing this is meant to accompany I didn't initially realize that the colorblindness variety Trevor's got in mine and Tav's shared headcanons meant he wouldn't think blue was green, he'd see green as blue for the most part. Aaaanyway, it was just a minor edit for corrections that took place a good amount of time ago, hehe :3
And yes, you are seeing this correctly, I did indeed make a tritanopia variant of this image. Yup. I willingly took on nearly double the work. It was a pain in the ass, but at least it was a fun pain in the ass hehe.
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Trevor Garbo and Nat Vancey © LimboLane Artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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Let It Die
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Chapter 2: If You Love Me
Summary: Loki makes a plan with Thor to win back Reader’s heart.
Your room had become your personal ice castle. Small frozen ice sculptures were decorating your window sills while a light ring of frost surrounded the window panes. Snow lightly covered your dresser and nightstand while your bed was piled high with thick blankets. Not that you really needed them. As an ice queen once said: the cold never bothered you anyway.
Not that your were like the ice mutant on the X-Men team; you couldn’t turn your whole body into movable ice. But you thrived when the temperature dropped. Which was also a downside. You could never go on missions in desert areas. No moisture in the air meant no powers for you.
When you met Loki, you felt all your dreams came true. You never had to worry about accidentally freezing him in your sleep. And with your mutation, his frost giant skin never harmed you. Not that he showed that form very often.
He had a sweet side to him no one else had seen and could make you feel like the most important person in the world. Loki also had the bad habit of cutting you into pieces, as if dissecting you would help him understand humanity better. All he accomplished was cutting into your self esteem.
You couldn’t understand why you were so upset. It was no secret that he would have outlived you without even trying. There were rumors, whispers that there were ways to make a mortal live as long as an Asgardian - er, frost giant. But since Loki never once brought it up in the two years you had dated, you just assumed there was no truth to them. And you hated the idea of looked so old and worn next to him in 50 years while he looked untouched by time.
There was a gentle knock on the door followed by a familiar voice. “Hey hon. Can we come in? We promise mortals only.”
You smiled and shook your head before opening the door to let Natasha and Wanda in. “Hey guys. Sorry about earlier. I just wasn’t in the mood to look at yet another gift from the dumbass.”
“Don’t worry about it. If anything, it’s been the liveliest we’ve seen you in months!” Wanda sat down on your bed and immediately wrapped a blanket around her. Nat followed suit. Both of their breaths were visible.
“Well, sorry about the temp in here, then.” You chuckled as you sat back down. “I guess I don’t have many guests in here as of late.”
“It’s ok, really. Your comfort is number one right now.” Nat tried to reassure you. “Besides, we were hoping to get you to leave your igloo tonight.”
You laughed again. “Ok, ok. I get it. My powers have been out of control lately. Every time I think I’m back to normal, Loki comes around and fucks it up all over again.”
“Want me to kill him?” Nat asked, deadpanned.
“Thanks, but that won’t help. My problem is I still love the asshole. And I don’t even know why! Yeah, he could be really romantic at times and-“ you paused and gave the girls a side glance, "other reasons as well. I’ll spare you.”
“Thanks,” Nat pretended to gag. “I personally don’t see it, but I also had to battle against him at one time.”
You smirked. “Fair. But man, he could really be a douche at times. I don’t even think he realized he was doing it half the times. I’d do something and instead of being proud, he’d point out what I did wrong. Made me want to punch him in the nuts.”
“So why do you hang on?“ You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. "I mean no offence, but it seems like there a small part of you that still hangs on. Like I get you still love the guy, but what’s there that’s making you hang on instead of trying to move on?”
You sighed and leaned back into your chair. “Ok, so maybe I do know why I still love him. Loki…. has this side that no one but Thor and I have seen and I wish he would let it out around more people. He has an amazingly kind heart. Yeah, I know, I know.” You held up your had as Nat opened her mouth. “I literally just said the man could be a douche at times. The times he criticized me, it was for things that pertained to our job. I didn’t throw the knife right. My stance is too wide. I breathe too loud, the enemy will hear me. But when it came to everyday life…. he could’t praise me enough. He loved to watch me cook and listen to me sing. Snow days…” you sighed, “those were my favorite. But I wanted his approval for work. How could we work together on a mission when all I could think about was how I wasn’t doing something correctly? And then the mortality thing….”
“It all comes down then to if he can reign in how much he criticizes your work would it be worth it to try again when he’ll just outlive you?”
“Pretty much. But I doubt that will happen. That man likes to think he’s the best when it comes to fighting and war. Just because he’s a freakin’ god.”
Wanda looked over at Nat and nodded her head. “Ok, sweetie. Enough moping! We’re getting your out of here and clearing your head. So get dressed, it’s time for a night out!”
You couldn’t help the smile. “Yeah, maybe that is a good idea. If I clear my head maybe I’ll be able to control my powers better even if I never make a decision about Loki.”
“That’s the spirit!” They left you to change your clothes and you opted for dark black pants, black and silver boots, and a icy blue top.
You met the girls in the common area and Nat had opted for a stunning tight, black dress while Wanda wore a dress the same shade of red as her hair. The three of you piled into a car Nat had hired for the night and headed into town. Wanda picked out a very upscale club and the three of you managed to talked you way in past the bouncer and the incredibly long line. The place was packed but the three of you managed to make your way over to the bar to grab a drink before trying to find a table.
“Man, it’s hella packed in here! Maybe we should have invited Stark so we could abuse the VIP section.” You shouted over the music.
“You rang?”
You whirled around to find Tony at your side. “What are you doing here?”
“Night out, of course! I even brought my own lady.” Pepper looped her arm in his. “Actually, Nat told us what she had planned for tonight and we decided to tag along. We’ve been worried about you.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
Tony leaned over and kissed your forehead. “Don’t worry about it, kid. We’re all here tonight.”
Tony just smirked and held out his other arm. You couldn’t help the grin as you took it so he could lead you across the crowded club. People immediately parted out of the way of your entourage as you made your way to the VIP corner. There a mix of your friends were waiting for you: Sam, Steve, Bucky, Thor, Rhodey, Vision, and Maria.
“Young Mr. Parker sends his regards. He was dying to come here, but I wasn’t about to break the rules to sneak him in.”
“Glad to hear you’re trying to be a good influence on the kid, Stark.”
“I have my moments.”
You climbed into the booth next to Thor while Tony and Rhodey pulled over another set of table and chairs. “So you guys subjected yourself to an overly crowded club just because you were worried about me?”
“Of course, Dear ____!” Thor’s voice easily boomed over the music. “We are your friends and we care about you.”
You looked down at your drink as you spoke to Thor. “And what about your brother?”
“Loki sends his regards if you’ll have them. He acknowledges he has been an ass to you lately.”
A corner of your mouth twitched upwards. “It’s what he does best.”
“If I may, I would like to say something on his behalf.” You took a deep breath but nodded your head yes. “My brother is not the best at expressing his feelings. A trait, I am afraid, he learned from Odin. You do not have to give him a second chance, but I would hope you could at least have one last conversation with him before making your finally decision.”
You took a long gulp of your drink before answering. “Alright, I will. For you, Thor. You’ve always been like a brother to me. If this means so much to you, then I will.”
Thor’s face lit up as he smiled at you. “I was hoping you would say yes. Now we can get to your surprise!”
“My what?”
Before Thor could answer, the DJ’s voice rang out through the speakers. “This next one is a request. Dedicated to the Icy Monarch from the Frost Giant!”
You whipped your head to look at Thor. “Loki’s here?! What’s going on?”
Thor held up one hand. “Just listen, Dear _____.”
The song began to swirl around you:
I cut you into pieces Searching for your imperfections I had plans to make you whole But all my threads couldn’t stop the bleeding There’s nothing left, but I’m not leaving When all I know is you
You’re breath caught in your throat as you listened to the lyrics.
I’ve been looking for a way To bring you back to life And if I could find a way, then I would bring you back tonight I’d make you look, I’d make you lie I’d take the coldness from your eyes But you told me, if you love me Let it die
Your eyes stare right through me Ignoring my failed attempts to Breathe back life into your veins But I can’t start your cold heart beating You’re so far gone, but I’m not leaving When all I know is you
It was like your relationship and the last two months following the break up coming to life in front of your eyes. And then he walked into your line of sight and goddamn, he could always make a suit look good. Black suit, black shirt, a tie as green as his eyes, and a small black box in his hands. Your heart raced as he quietly walked up to you and set the box by your drink. Everyone at the table sat as still as statues, not wanting to disturb the scene in front of them.
You reached for the box and began to open it as the end of the song rang out:
And you left me more dead Than you’ll ever know When you left me alone I’ve been looking for a way To bring you back to life And if I could find a way, then I would bring you back tonight I’d make you look, I’d make you lie I’d take the coldness from your eyes But you told me, if you love me Let it die
Inside the box was a single gold apple. It was the oddest thing Loki had ever given you and you weren’t sure as to what it was. Picking it up, it was instantly clear that the apple was far lighter than you expected and softer as well. As if you could actually eat the golden fruit.
You raised your eyes back up to the Trickster God. “My dear, I have behaved horribly towards you. You loved me more than I ever deserved and I couldn’t even give you what you needed. If it is possible, I would like a second chance to prove I can be worthy of your love. And in exchange, I present the Golden Apple of Idun’s orchard.”
“I’m-I’m sorry. A what?”
“A golden apple. It is to be consumed by a mortal wishing to extend their life. Forgive me, I never brought them up before as I feared you would only want the apple. Not me. No one has ever wanted me for what I was.”
You looked up into his eyes. “I did. In any form you would give me.”
He knelt down by your side. “I know that now and I am a fool for not seeing it sooner. I know it is asking for the world, but I would love to give us a second chance. Because you are my world.”
Your lower lip trembled and you placed the apple back before closing the lid on the box. Loki’s face fell. “I cannot accept this apple.”
“Of course. I understand.” He lowered his eyes.
“Loki, please let me finish.” You placed your hand under his chin and lifted his face so he was looking at you again. “I will not accept this apple at this time. We first need to talk about the problems we have and if it’s possible to fix them. Only after we have gotten our footing back will I eat the apple for you.”
“Yes, Loki. I will give us a second chance.”
Loki’s joy was clear on his face and beyond words. He stood up, pulling you with him, so he could engulf you in a hug. “I promise to make myself worthy of this chance. You are my love.”
“And you are my Frost Giant.” You gave him a quick kiss.
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whereisten · 4 years
A Winwin fic that’s part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: things get busy for one of the world’s leading scientist’s, Yuta, so he creates his own efficient and trustworthy personal assistant robot a.k.a Sicheng. But what happens when his perfect creation develops a flaw or two?
Pairing: Scientist!Yuta x Robot!Winwin
Genre: horror, smut, angst, a tinyyy little bit of fluff
Word Count: 6K
Warnings: dark themes, side piece Doyoung, Yuta has major God-complex syndrome, cursing, weapon usage, blood mention, smut: mlm (top!Yuta, bottom!doyoung, bottom!winwin, anal penetration, masturbation, oral sex, c*eampie.
(A/N): hey guys!! This is the first fic we are posting for our Halloween Series! Every day we will post a new fic for each member of NCT 2020 so be sure to stop by to see what dark and spookyyyyy stories we create. This is also my first time writing BL so I hope it’s good enough for a first try😂 I will do better next time. Thank you❤️🥺.
“He’s perfect” Yuta looks upon his creation in the open glass box.
“Height. 5’11. Date of Birth. October 28th, 1997. Eye color. Dark Brown. Hair color. Dark Brown. Origin of parts. Wenzhou, China.”
“It looks so...real. It’s kinda creepy..” Doyoung, Yuta’s coworker, analyzed the texture of the robot’s face.
“Well, he wasn’t made to be pleasant, only efficient.”
“Yes, but Yuta..don’t you think this is a bit much? Mimicking the face of an actual person..someone that died over 100 years ago? Will you name it Dorian too?”
Yuta created his robot as a personal assistant to him. He found that humans were full of error and it made them incompetent and negligent beings. And Yuta, being the best scientist in Japan, just couldn’t afford to make any mistakes. So he created him. The perfect robot, a “copy machine” that could keep up with him and do the work he does just as efficiently. He would be just as smart as him.
Yuta steps closer and runs a finger down the robots face, causing a neon green honeycomb pattern to decorate its skin. It wasn’t on, but it was still reacting to the touch against its surface. Yuta watches the green fade from its perfect cheekbones.
He made him to look like the famous Dorian Gray because he wanted him to be just as beautiful as he was smart. But if he is just a machine made to perform tasks with 100% accuracy, why would looks matter?
This is what Doyoung thought as he observed it.
“There is a word that means talented, beautiful, master piece and a gift from God..Sicheng, that will be his name.”
Doyoung scoffs. “It’s a man? With...male reproductive organs?”
“Yes..” Yuta writes something down on his clipboard.
Doyoung rolls his eyes. “You’ve really lost it, haven’t you?”
“I want him to look as real as possible for when we present our findings and such. Do you think anyone will listen to a robot that looks like those beastly things from the Terminator movies? What’s the issue?” Yuta brushes past Doyoung, walking around a table in the lab and placing his clipboard onto it.
“You of all people know the issue..you’ve made him into a beautiful person and for what? Just so you can have something nice to look at while you avoid actual human company? Is it merely a solution to your loneliness, Yuta?”
Yuta smirks. “Sounds like you’re a bit jealous, Doyoung..don’t worry, I don’t plan on engaging in any activities with him. I’m not that barbaric. But even if I did, that would have nothing to do with you. Don’t forget your place in my life, you’re disposable...he isn’t.”
Doyoung’s jaw drops. “I pray this..thing..will tolerate your ungrateful and arrogant ass. For it shall be the only thing to spend time with you, you unsociable maniac.”
[The Next Day]
Yuta turns Sicheng on for the first time.
His eyes illuminate as he takes his first breath. He blinks but offers Yuta nothing but a blank stare. 
Yuta sits him down on the couch and turns the TV on before turning on an instructional video on human interaction. 
“Hello. Your name is Sicheng. My name is Yuta, I am your creator and master. For today’s first lesson, you will learn how to speak and express emotions. I’ve uploaded information from my own limbic system into your hard drive so you can access and apply these feelings when necessary. Do not do so without my permission. Repeat after me “yes, master.”
“Yes, master.” Sicheng responds.
“Good, I will be the only one to make demands of you, you will only respond to me and grant my wishes without fail. Alright, I see that you are blinking and breathing..” he writes a checkmark on the word document on his iPad. “Involuntary actions are operating correctly.”
He steps back. “Now, you may watch the video, I will come back when it has finished and test you.”
“Yes, master.”
[1 Week Later]
Sicheng has watched several videos every day for the past week. He starts to act more and more—humanlike, and to Yuta’s satisfaction, has performed his duties with 100% accuracy. In addition to performing basic tasks in the lab, like picking up test tubes or writing down Yuta’s notes and storing them into his hard drive, Sicheng has learned how to bathe, drive, cook, clean, and speak 30 languages. 
He continues to learn every day, new formulaic equations as well as feelings and ways to think on his own. He remembers everything, as he was designed to.
One day when Yuta was typing new findings on his computer in the office section of his house, Sicheng sat on the lounge chair and listened to music as Yuta had directed him to.
He was learning about all genres of music and even learned how to play the guitar in less than 45 minutes.
Today, Yuta had him listen to Hopsin, an American rapper that he liked.
When the song “What’s My Purpose?” came on shuffle, Sicheng took his head phones off.
“Excuse me, master. May I ask a question?”
He says softly.
Yuta, still typing. “Yes.”
“What is my purpose? Why did you create me, master?”
Yuta sighs. “You don’t have to verbally refer to me as master. And your purpose is to serve me, do as I ask with 100% accuracy so that you may please me and make me...happy.” 
He turns to him and gives him a cheesy smile.
Sicheng nods. “I understand, m-“ he blinks rapidly as his system reconfigures itself to change previously saved information.
Yuta smiles widely as he sees Sicheng display a smidge of confusion for a moment. He looks adorable, he thinks to himself. He’s beautiful, his lips perfectly round and puckered with a light cherry shade to them always, his eyes are a beautiful, exotic shape unlike any eyes he’s seen before. He could get lost in them if he stares for too long. So he looks away, and frowns.
“What is wrong? It seems you are unhappy?”
Sicheng’s brows furrows, his eyes stare intently as they analyze the motion of Yuta’s facial muscles.
“It’s nothing, I am going to sleep, please turn yourself off.” Yuta looks away as he rises from his desk chair and heads to his bedroom.
“Yes.” Sicheng closes his eyes and shuts down.
[The Next Day]
Sicheng and Yuta spend the day inside, a storm has prevented them from leaving the house and heading to the lab for work. Yuta, being the workaholic he is, is dissatisfied with the weather and hates being away from the lab. He checks the weather app through Sicheng every two minutes even though the storm rolls through loudly, violently, thunder shaking the walls.
“The thunderstorm will continue into the evening.”
“This is unacceptable!” Yuta plops down onto the couch in the entertainment room. “Sicheng! Sit with me before I lose my mind.”
Sicheng walks over and sits beside him.
Together they watch movies and laugh. Sicheng observes how happy his master is and finds himself smiling as well, a new feeling is absorbed and saved.
Yuta turns to him and sees his bright smile, his dimples coming out and his eyes closing tightly as he chuckles.
“Are you happy, Sicheng?” 
“Yes, I am happy as long as you are happy.”
Yuta rubs the top of Sicheng’s hand to watch the illuminated reaction of his fascinating skin.
Sicheng has a strange, new feeling from the touch, but doesn’t know what to categorize it as.
[The Next Day]
Yuta and Sicheng return to the lab. 
“We have so much work to do.” Yuta hurriedly places his bag down and they set to work. Things seem to be going fine, Sicheng does his best to input brand new information as Yuta works on a new formula. However, Yuta seems to be moving too fast as he is worried about how much he has fallen behind from his day at home.
“Combine elements 65 and 81, place 10 milliliters of each into the cylinder,  measure the solubility and proliferate it by 0.448, then divide the finding by 6 before combining it with element 55, this must be done quickly or we will lose all work we’ve done thus far.”
Yuta grabs the cylinder and places it down before doing his half of the work.
Sicheng, on the other hand, cannot seem to process the demand, his drive releases an error message that he can’t seem to overcome.
But he wants to please master, he must please master.
Sicheng combines elements 64 and 81 and continues on with fulfilling Yuta’s demand, but the result is not what Yuta expects.
“No..no this isn’t right, why is it reacting this way?” Yuta starts to panic as he watches the solution display a completely different state of matter under his microscope.
“Sicheng, verbally explain what you have just done.”
“I combined elements 64 and 81 in-“
“No!! It’s not 64, it’s 65, you fool! How could you make such a mistake?!” Yuta empties the cylinder quickly. “I thought you were perfect, it seems I was wrong.”
Sicheng starts to feel a new emotion.
It’s a terrible feeling, he feels unsteady, confused, for once the answer is not clear. What was this? Why did he feel dread, despair, failure?
Yuta rushes around the room as Sicheng stands in the center, dumbfounded.
When Yuta finally looks up at Sicheng, he sees the his eyes are red, tears run down his cheeks, causing them to illuminate green.
“Sicheng...no. D-don’t cry.”
“Is that what this is, master? Am I crying?”
“Yes, but I’d like you to stop. I need you to be brave enough to handle these tasks.”
He stops and wipes away his tears. 
Yuta sighs. “It’s clear I’ve made a mistake in your configuration, I will fix it when we get home later.”
The rest of the day goes by in silence. Yuta sees Sicheng as no use to him so he doesn’t instruct him to do anything. Sicheng watches Yuta eat and sits at the dinner table with him.
He knows he has done something wrong, something that displeased his master.
Is he of worth if he can’t please him? Does he have a purpose anymore?
Yuta chews heavily and tries to think of where he went wrong with his creation, but he can’t be bothered with fixing him for tonight. “Sicheng, shut down.”
He swallows hard then gets up from the table.
“Yes.” Sicheng’s eyes fade to grey, but he disobeys his master secretly, he doesn’t shut down, he stays awake  to attempt to fix himself so he can make him happy tomorrow.
Yuta then takes his phone out and calls Doyoung.
Doyoung answers reluctantly after not seeing Yuta for days since he got his new “toy.”
“Well, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Doyoung exhales loudly.
“Come over.” Yuta demands.
“And why would I do that?” Doyoung teases, but he’s already grabbed his car keys.
“I’m not asking, I want you here in 15 minutes.” Yuta hangs up.
He picks his dishes up from the table and drops them into the sink.
He takes his tie off and unbuttons his white dress shirt by three buttons. He then takes his hair tie off and places it onto the dresser. Sicheng watches as Yuta becomes more relaxed. He feels a certain ache in his system, a desire to make him smile again. A desire to please.
A few minutes later, Doyoung knocks at the door. Yuta grabs him inside by the collar and presses him into the back of the door. He slams his lips onto his and kisses him fervently, not a moment lost between them as they drown in each other’s lust. 
“Are you done with your toy?” Doyoung says breathily between kisses.
Yuta kisses him sloppily, tracing his tongue over his bottom lip then his chin and neck.
He grabs Doyoung’s waistband, pulling him closer to his pelvis so he can feel his clothed erection.
“Do you need me to please you now?” Doyoung smirks as Yuta bites his neck to leave a mark.
Doyoung grunts as Yuta pulls his shirt over his head, licking his hard nipples soon after. He darts his tongue out and licks around the nub, then places his lips around it before sucking hard.
“God, I love when you get like this.” Doyoung rubs his hand through Yuta’s hair as he continues to suck.
Yuta is too busy to see Sicheng watching them quietly. 
Please. That is the key word. Doyoung is pleasing his master so he must watch and copy Doyoung’s action so he may do the same. For what will happen if he no longer pleases him? Will Yuta replace him with Doyoung?
Sicheng listens to Yuta’s groans as Doyoung traces his hand over his crotch, smoothly touching his member through his pants.
“On your knees..you talk too much.” Yuta demands.
Doyoung smirks and licks his lips. He drops to his knees and looks up at Yuta through his lashes. He takes his zipper in between his teeth and drags it down.
Yuta pushes his brief down to let his painful erection free. “We’re wasting time.” 
“Tsk tsk, impatient as usual.”
“Open your fucking mouth, Doyoung.”
Doyoung feels himself leak as Yuta growls at him. Nothing satisfies him more than seeing Yuta beg for him, so yes, Sicheng’s creation was somewhat of a disappointment for him. He thought he would replace him, but now he is happy to see that he can’t.
Yuta exhales and throws his head back as Doyoung takes him into his mouth. He licks his lips and closes his eyes. “God, yes.”
Doyoung runs the tip against the inside of his cheek and hums to send vibrations through him.
He sticks his tongue out and licks the underside of it, tracing over every bulging vein.
He thrusts his hips forward into Doyoung and listens to him choke, he watches his cheeks become round and red.
Yuta is already close, but he wants more.
He helps Doyoung up and kisses his lips again. He takes him to the dining table and bends him over it. Yuta then drags Doyoung’s sweatpants down before cupping his hand around his cock. He aligns his own cock with Doyoung’s ass and pushes into him quickly, he buries himself into him while grabbing a fistful of his hair and bending his neck back. 
“Fuck!” Doyoung groans and holds himself up as Yuta pushes into him hard.
They both ignore Sicheng sitting at the other end of the table. Sicheng watches and absorbs the images of their bodies engaging in this new act.
Yuta pumps Doyoung’s cock with his other hand, liquid leaks out of the tip. Sicheng notes how he also has a penis and wonders if he has the same capability.
Yuta grunts as he pushes into Doyoung a few more times. Doyoung whimpers as he is stretched out over and over while bent over the table, sweat coming across his forehead as a bundle of nerves is on the brink of being released.
Yuta looks up at Sicheng’s still face, he curses and goes harder on Doyoung. And for a moment, he let his mind wander, he let himself think of..Sicheng. Touching his soft, illuminated skin as he makes love to him, or feeling his round lips on his collarbone and his chest,  how magical it would be.
“Fuck.” Yuta releases into Doyoung as Doyoung cries out while climaxing. 
Yuta sits into the chair and breathes heavily. He smooths his hair back and watches as Doyoung pulls his sweatpants back up.
“Want me to stay around for-“ Doyoung starts but Yuta interrupts him with an abrupt-
Doyoung scoffs and leaves. Yuta cleans the table soon after and goes to bed. As he lays in bed, he sees Sicheng’s beautiful face. He dreams of laying with him, touching him. He knows he shouldn’t think of these things, but he can’t seem to stop.
[A Few Days Later]
Sicheng starts to read novels and books about the concept of forgiveness while he is home and away from the lab. Yuta has been quiet and doesn’t look at him much, he doesn’t even take him to the lab on most days anymore. 
“I have to fix you before you can come back to the lab, we cannot afford any more mistakes.” Yuta says sternly when Sicheng asks if he is to join him one day. He shuts the door and looks down as he leaves.
Sicheng starts to overthink, or overanalyze rather. He wants Yuta to forgive him and be happy again. What good is he if he only disappoints his creator?
He watches movies as well, movies that discuss love and heartbreak. Love is a feeling of admiration towards someone, based on Sicheng’s findings and research. He admires Yuta so he loves him. He wants Yuta to love him too so he can be happy like the others in the novels and movies are. That is the conclusion he’s come to. 
But in order to show his love he must do as they do in the movies and as Doyoung did with him. 
One day at dinner, Sicheng watches Yuta eat the meal he has prepared for him.
When Yuta is almost finished, he breaks the silence.
“Do you love me, master?”
Yuta nearly choked on his food. “I..hmmm..Well...you’re my creation..but I don’t..”
“Yuta, I would like to please you, would you like to make love to me?”
Sicheng asks, weakness coats his tone.
Yuta scoffs. “Of course not! That’s not what you were created for!”
“I apologize.” Sicheng’s head lowers.
“Sicheng, exterminate all information related to “love.” Yuta brings his dish to the kitchen and heads to his room.
“Yes.” Sicheng doesn’t delete anything from his hard drive, but why not? Why was he disobeying his orders, not once, but twice now?
Yuta didn’t know that he made a mistake by inputting his limbic system into Sicheng. He didn’t know that he would develop emotions, feelings, desires of his own, and that this could become a serious issue.
[1 Week Later]
Sicheng started working with Yuta in the lab a few days before. Things are slowly going back to normal as Yuta begins to trust him more. They continue on with their tasks and Sicheng is able to keep up with him.
This new confidence, however, causes both Yuta and Sicheng to move faster. 
Yuta walks around the room swiftly, heading behind his assistant. “Sicheng, hand me the solution.”
Sicheng, already prepared, turns to hand it to him, but Yuta miscalculated his reaction time, causing him to bump into Sicheng.
The solution flies out of the graduated cylinder and onto Yuta’s lab coat and pants. Some of it splatters onto his neck.
“Shit!” Yuta runs to the shower room down the hall. They are working after hours so no one else is there but the two of them. Fortunately for them, as other scientists would’ve been greatly concerned.
Sicheng runs after him. “Master! I apologize for my mistake, please do not be displeased with me.”
“Sicheng! Just leave me alone!”
“I will help you.”
“No! Just...wait there.” Yuta finally enters the shower.
Sicheng doesn’t wait, he goes into the bathroom and locks the door behind him. He watches as Yuta throws his coat off then takes his pants down.
Yuta curses and is visibly upset, but then he feels light hands come to his front side.
Sicheng unbuttons his shirt for him and takes it off from the back. 
Yuta’s mouth falls open, but he doesn’t tell Sicheng to leave. He steps forwards into the shower and washes himself off, not realizing the Sicheng is now taking his own clothes off.
Sicheng stands outside of the shower and thinks of what to do next.
Must please master.
He draws the curtain open.
“Sicheng! What are you doing? The solution didn’t get on you, put your clothes back on!”
Yuta pushes back his wet hair out of his face then places his hand over his cock.
Sicheng doesn’t listen. He steps into the shower and stares into the eyes of his master.
Yuta cowers and feels the cold tile against his back as he looks at his creation with lustful, hungry eyes he had never seen before.
The water droplets begin to leave slowly fading green marks on his skin and he looks beautiful.
“Touch me, like you touched Doyoung, master. I would like to make you happy too.”
Yuta’s mouth falls open, his brows furrow as he is stunned to silence.
Sicheng places his lips onto his mouth and attempts to mimic a kiss. He had watched many videos that showed it in detail and now he was able to do it with Yuta.
Yuta closes his eyes and kisses him back. He turns his head and licks over Sicheng’s plump lips, it tastes like cherries, his favorite fruit, and he wonders if Sicheng purposely put cherry chapstick on for this.
Yuta places his hand on the side of Sicheng’s face as he deepens the kiss, letting go of all concern about the consequences to come from this moment. He doesn’t care, he just wants to make love to his creation.
Steaming water falls down both of them, making their hair cling to their foreheads as they smother each other.
Yuta runs his hands across Sicheng’s muscular arms and watches his skin light up from his touch.
Sicheng then runs his hand down Yuta’s abs, feeling the bricks under his smooth skin. Sicheng blinks rapidly as he feels something new. 
“Arousal.you’re feeling arousal.” Yuta practically hears Sicheng’s confusion as he kisses along his neck.
Sicheng’s pulse begins to race as he feels something funny happening to his penis.
“Here.” Yuta takes Sicheng’s hand in his. Sicheng thinks he is going to place it on his own erection, but Yuta doesn’t do that, he places it on Sicheng’s semi-limp member.
Yuta looks into his eyes and speaks deeply. “Touch yourself, move your hand up and down.”
Sicheng’s eyes widen as he starts to stroke his member like he had watched Doyoung do. A tingly feeling begins to fill him up in his nether region when he wraps his hand around it. 
“I see you haven’t been listening to me. You’ve been staying awake when I tell you to shut down, and you haven’t deleted “love.” Yuta smirks.
“No, master, I-“ Sicheng stumbles over his words as he focuses on Yuta’s tongue suddenly on his chest.
Yuta licks the pink circle around Sicheng’s nipple, before flattening his tongue onto the hardening bud. 
He then bites it and watches as the area lights up in a bright shade of green from irritation.
“How do you feel, Sicheng?” 
“I feel good m-master. Are you happy?” Sicheng nearly goes into overdrive as he is turned on more and more from his hand.
Yuta swats Sicheng’s hand away from his member and replaces it with his own.
He pumps Sicheng up and down, coating his hand in Sicheng’s slick. He slides the skin back and forth, feeling Sicheng’s glans with each pass. He then leans down and kisses his neck again, sucking hard and biting his skin. He moves his hand faster as spit mixed with water covers Sicheng’s skin.
Sicheng can’t hold back, he releases an interesting sound from the immense pleasure he feels in the pit of his stomach. He breathes more heavily than usual as his mouth falls open.
He moans once again. “There is a buildup happening, Yuta. However, I would like to make you happy first.”
Sicheng places his hand on Yuta’s and pulls it away while looking into his eyes, water making his lashes look darker than usual.
Yuta feels dizzy just from the sight of the beautiful man in front of him, his color fading from green in all the places he kissed and teased. His erection is painful at this point. Sicheng looks down at it with red cheeks and nods. “You can make love to me...if you don’t like me, just imagine I am Doyoung.”
Yuta furrows his brows. “Are you crazy? Of course I like you, I created you!” He turns Sicheng around, taking his hand and placing it on the wall of the shower.
Yuta wraps his hand back around Sicheng’s leaking cock and continues to move it up and down.
He enters Sicheng, sliding into his already wet anus. 
Sicheng lets out another moan, then covers his mouth from embarrassment. 
“I’ve wanted to fuck you so badly, because you’re perfect..you’re all mine..and you’re fucking..perfect.”
Yuta thrusts hard into him with his chest on Sicheng’s warm back.
He takes his other hand and turns his face towards him, Sicheng’s lips are swollen and red from their kiss, his eyes are wide, his nose is dainty. Everything about him is just beautiful.
“If you like me, master, do you love me too?”
The words leave his lips in a whimper as Yuta bucks into his body, he feels a slight pain as he struggles to adjust to Yuta, but in time, he knows he will.
Yuta kisses him hard, tightening his grip around his cock and intertwining his fingers with his.
Sicheng feels unbelievably amazing around him. He smiles to himself as he thinks about how he designed both his reproductive and nervous systems without error. His body reacts perfectly when aroused, his length glistening with Sicheng’s slick as it also leaves his anus through a special system he designed.
Yuta looks at the beautiful boy’s back and shoulders, he kisses the nape of his neck and then his ear.
“I love you, fuck yes, I love you.” In that moment, Yuta is happy, but he can’t help but be worried about Sicheng’s inaccuracies in the lab, how he nearly put his life in danger. But he’s fix it, he’d find a way to fix him.
He glided his dick into him faster, skin slapping on skin as he grunts and Sicheng whimpers. Yuta feels his cock twitch as it runs against his silky walls.
Sicheng’s system overloads, he releases onto the tiled shower wall and looks down in amazement as a strange liquid leaves his body in heavy spurts for the first time. It feels wonderful to have such a new and exciting release.
Yuta takes what has fallen onto his fingers and sticks it into Sicheng’s open mouth.
Sicheng does as he demands and Yuta cums into his body soon after.
Yuta curses as he continues to suck his fingers and bounce on his pulsing length. He orgasms harder than ever before, feeling his body tremble from the stimulation. He becomes lightheaded.
He pulls out and watches Sicheng leak his seed through low eyes as he pants.
As he comes down, reality settles in. What has he done? He’s turned Sicheng into the very thing he didn’t want to turn him into.
Sicheng drives them home after they wash themselves off and get dressed.
When they get home, Yuta lies in bed as Sicheng sits on a chair in the corner of the room silently.
He is disturbed by his actions and swears to never let lust take him over again.
“Sicheng…delete all memories of this day and shut yourself off.”
Sicheng’s system runs into a slight error as he hears his master's demands. Why did he want him to forget about this wonderful day? Wasn't he happy? Was he displeased at the end of it? What did he do wrong?
“Yes, master. I am currently deleting all of today’s data from my storage. Goodnight.” He says as his eyes fade to grey. 
But once again, he doesn’t obey him. He holds onto the memories and feelings because he enjoys seeing his master happy.
[A Few Days Later]
Yuta distances himself from Sicheng. He doesn’t take him to the lab anymore, he doesn’t even sit at the table to eat. He goes into his room to avoid him.
Some days, he won’t tell Sicheng to ‘wake up’. But Sicheng turns himself on anyway so that he can watch him.
One day when Yuta starts to get dressed, Sicheng walks up behind him and places his favorite blue tie around his neck. Sicheng’s fingers graze Yuta’s neck, sending goosebumps down his spine.
“No!” Yuta jumps as he is startled by Sicheng’s touch. He steps forward and turns to him. “Please..do not touch me.”
Sicheng tilts his head and stares in confusion. 
Why was he disturbed by his simple touch? Maybe he wasn’t feeling well, that had to be it.
But just four days after they made love, Yuta invites Doyoung over and they make love. Sicheng sees that Yuta enjoys another man’s touch. Doyoung grips his waist then scratches his back while Yuta thrusts into him.
Sicheng sits quietly with grey eyes as they fuck in Yuta’s bedroom. He tries to calm his racing pulse and begins to think dangerous things. 
Does he love Doyoung? Yes. He will get rid of me won’t he? I have failed to please master, I must please him before he gets rid of me. If he is unhappy, I must show him that I love him by pleasing him.
When they are done and deep in sleep, Sicheng rises from the bedroom chair and heads to the living room. He realizes he must gain more knowledge so he can make Yuta happy again. He reads poems and comes across one by Oscar Wilde titled “The Ballad of Reading Gaol.”
Doyoung and Yuta snore softly while he sits in the living room and reads.
He reads a passage that sticks out to him.
“Yet each man kills the thing he loves
    By each let this be heard.
Some do it with a bitter look,
    Some with a flattering word.
The coward does it with a kiss,
    The brave man with a sword!”
Yuta loves Doyoung, that’s why he spends time with him. But Doyoung cannot take his place, therefore, he must get rid of him, he must kill the thing Yuta loves. And then Yuta can decide if he loves him, then he can kill him. This is what Sicheng had come to understand.
Brave. Yuta had told him to be brave once. Perfect.
Now, all he needed was a sword. 
Sicheng searches for types of swords.
A sword is a weapon with a long metal blade.
A blade is sharp. A knife is sharp. He must get a knife.
Sicheng goes into the kitchen and takes out a knife from the cabinet.
He walks into the bedroom with it and stands over Doyoung, staring and searching deep into his body to see his veins pumping crimson blood to and from his beating heart. Sicheng’s eyes turn to a glowing red color as he calculates how hard and fast he must act to strike the knife through Doyoung’s chest. He wants to clean it cleanly so as to not make master upset.
Doyoung is woken up by a strange presence. He turns over and is shocked to see Sicheng standing over him while gripping a knife. He smiles sadistically as his red eyes glisten in the moonlight.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Doyoung sits up straight in the bed.
“Don't do this!”
Sicheng leans downward and grins. “I only obey master’s orders.”
He doesn’t give Doyoung the chance to escape, he quickly drives the knife into his chest, blood splatters over his perfect face as Doyoung screams loudly into the night.
Yuta jumps up. “What—Sicheng!! oh my God, what did you do?!” 
Sicheng pulls the knife back out of his chest. “I killed him for you master, for each man kills the thing he loves. I did it for you.” He tilts his head and looks down at Yuta with wide eyes in hopes of gaining a look of satisfaction from Yuta.
But instead, Yuta stares in horror at Doyoung’s lifeless body. His hands start to shake.
“If I love you, Yuta, does that mean I must kill you as well?” Sicheng asks innocently while blinking rapidly. His system is reconfiguring itself as it develops and stores new information.
“No-no! Shut up! Shut down!!”
“But master, I want to please you by loving you..” Sicheng steps closer, Doyoung’s blood drips down the side of his face and onto Yuta’s bed sheets.
His eyes are still red and Yuta is confused as to how, for he never installed that feature.
“Sicheng! I order you to shut down now!”
“Yes, master. I will do that as soon as I am done being brave enough to handle this task.” He crawls over the bed with the knife in his hand still and a horrific smirk.
“Sicheng!” Yuta raises his arm above his head to block his blow.
He knocks the knife out of his hand and grabs both of Sicheng’s wrists. He overpowers him and flips him over onto the bed.
Sicheng doesn’t fight back, he only stares into Yuta’s eyes and continues to grin.
“Must.please.master.Must.make.master.happy..must.love. Master.” There’s a glitch in Sicheng’s system that causes him to repeat these three things over and over, and it drives Yuta insane.
His perfect creation crumbles right in front of his very eyes and there’s nothing he can do about it.
“Shut up! SHUT UP!” Yuta wraps his hands around Sicheng’s neck. He can’t control his confusion, sadness, anger. He chokes Sicheng so hard the metal in his neck begins to break and the sound echoes into the gloomy house.
Sicheng’s eyes fade to grey one final time as Yuta kills him for good.
His muttering stops, but his haunting smile remains, engraving itself into Yuta’s memory forever.
[Two Weeks Later]
Yuta arrives home after a long day at the lab. It had been only two weeks since Doyoung was killed by his robot and he was still dealing with the pain of losing something he loved so dearly. No, not Doyoung, but Sicheng rather. He missed his company, his touch, his soft exotic eyes and deep voice.
He made a mistake and Yuta could’ve fixed him, but unfortunately the police department took him away after he had reported the murder.
When Yuta asked what they would do with him, they told him that Sicheng would be locked up in a metal box in their department until they decided on how to proceed with the murder case.
But it didn’t matter really. Yuta killed Sicheng in the end. His body was now just clunky metal.
Yuta sighs and sits down on his couch. He turns the TV on and switches it to the news channel to distract himself from his own feelings, never noticing the glistening red eyes that watch him quietly from the corner of the dark room.
He’s watching..he’s always watching.
“Breaking News, there’s been a suspected terrorist attack inside the Osaka Prefectural Police Department. Nearly all police officers have been brutally murdered. The assailant is unknown and is still at large. We are under curfew until further notice, everyone must stay inside and lock their doors..”
Yuta sits up straight and thinks to himself. That’s the same department that Sicheng is in. What if—
“Master..please forgive me for being gone for so long.”
A low voice speaks into the large room.
Sicheng steps out from the shadows, the blood of his victims dripping down his naked body and face. 
Yuta stands up from the couch, his eyes widening as Sicheng walks slowly towards him. 
“Sicheng..what did you do?” Yuta’s eyes brim with tears as he swallows hard.
Sicheng’s neck seems to have healed itself somewhat, the purplish bruises being the only indication that Yuta had choked him. Once again, Yuta doesn’t recall installing a self-healing feature.
“They all tried to stop me, Yuta..” Sicheng smiles widely and runs his bloody hands through his own hair to smooth it back out of his face. “But I couldn’t let them...I have to serve you. I have to please you and make you happy, that is my purpose.”
come back tomorrow for the next spooky story...
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