#magnetic eyeliner
rosereign · 8 months
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mymakeuptips · 6 months
Makeup Tips and Tricks with Exclusive Eye Makeup Tips Step By Step
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Makeup Tips and Tricks . To improve your eye game, use our exclusive Eye Makeup Tips Step By Step. Create the ideal base by using a primer and makeup that complements your skin tone.
Use highlighting and contouring techniques wisely to draw attention to your best features. For depth and eye appeal, start with a neutral eyeshadow foundation and work your way up to deeper tones.
For More Information Visit Here: https://mymakeuptips.com/effortless-ways-to-remove-magnetic-eyeliner-eye-makeup-tips-step-by-step/
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klirk-hammurton · 3 months
This Era of Kirk
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Gotta tag my besties: @fasteddiesstrat @langdonsluxiouslocks @bisexual-watermelons @ride-the-hammett @delightfulcollectivetyphoon @wonhakwoon
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kirkybabygo · 1 year
Thinking about Death Magnetic Kirk 🤭🔥
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soupkiddo · 11 months
mall goths have a GPS chip in their brain that lead them straight to hot topic
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electronicroom · 1 year
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the-witcher-parks · 1 year
˗ˏˋDART OF DOPEˎˊ˗ par Endija Sella Via Flickr : ! WARNING: THIS PICTURE IS EDITED ! Press "L" for a better view. Music ~Body: Hair: [Yomi] - Kazemi Eyeliner: Just Magnetized - Narcisse Eyes: [REVERIE] - Suzuka ~Clothes&accessories: Bodysuit: AURICA - Karen Cyber arms: {PSYCHO:Byts} - Infinity arms Collar: SOLE - Collar ISO-01
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dripbay · 2 years
Change Your Look With The Best Quality Magnetic Eyeliner Lashes - Drip Bay
Magnetic eyeliner is a hypo-allergenic alternative to glue-on fake eyelash applications for your eyelids. You might be hesitant to use magnetic eyeliner lashes in UK because it is technically a new product on the makeup landscape, but don't worry! To help you feel certain that you're taking the greatest care of yourself while looking your best, we've broken down all the components of magnetic eyeliner. 
How Magnetic Eyelashes Work?
Magnetic eyelashes are held in place by small magnets and are now only attached to your natural lash with sticky glue. Ardell is among the most well-known companies to use this kind of technology. They have "nearly invisible magnets implanted along the lash line that latch together and secure the lash along your natural lash line," according to Jadene Munson, their global brand ambassador. Full strip lashes from this brand, in particular, have four magnets for an outstanding grip, while accent lashes have three magnets. In essence, you are sandwiching your natural lashes between two strips that are magnetically kept together. 
Although there are many benefits to using a decent mascara, there are times when you just want your eyes to stand out in a way that only false lashes can. They're also famously tough to apply, which is a problem, especially if you're simultaneously battling a tiny container of sticky glue. The best magnetic liner lashes in UK can really shine in this situation. 
How to Apply Magnetic Eyelashes?
It is comparatively easy. Since each product will have a small variance, it is preferable to adhere to the directions on the packaging. It is frequently advised to clip the lash first so that it will fit along your natural lash line. Then, add mascara after that to give your eyelashes more hold. The Upper Magnetic Lash should now be laid across the top of your lash line for Magnetic lashes. Finally, you position the Under Magnetic Lash beneath your natural lash line using the tray. The magnets will allow them to lock into place. 
You need to wait until your magnetic liner is dry and your lashes are on your lids before applying a winged eyeliner look. Once your lashes are on, finish the wing so that you don't contaminate the eyeliner magnetic lashes in UK and can ensure that your lashes are stable. 
This article has explained all about magnetic eyeliner lashes in UK. They are not only easier to apply, but also kinder, more hygienic, and frequently longer-lasting. Like any fake lashes, they require some practice to get the hang of, but once you do, we're confident you won't go back.
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styleinmood · 2 years
10 Best Magnetic Eyeliners of 2022
10 Best Magnetic Eyeliners of 2022
We tested and reviewed the Best Magnetic Eyeliners from amazon.com brands like YUNINFANG, KISS Store, Laflare, etc to find one that Best Magnetic Eyeliners with ease.
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Eddie takes the same train every day. It's in the far too early hours of the morning, dawn barely painting the city in a glowing coat of rust. The people on the platform next to him cling to the coffee in their travel mugs the same way sleep still clings to their lashes. They're tired, but not the bone-shattering tired I just finished a 10-hour bar shift that pushes down on Eddie's aching shoulder blades. The people on the platform are going to work, Eddie is going home.
His feet hurt, his hands reek of vodka and redbull, his ears ring from the loud music that played all night long and his voice is hoarse from shouting over it to be heard. But he doesn't care as he gets onto the train and sinks into a semi-comfy seat. Because while his job is alright bordering on fun most nights, it's the best job in the world when Thursday slowly trickles into Friday. Because on Thursday nights in the Hideout Eddie does not just serve drinks and flirts until the tip jar is bursting, no on Thursdays he gets to perform up on stage. It's an agreement with the owner, who has a soft spot for Eddie and his band and they have recently started to draw a crowd which helps too. So today Eddie doesn't mind the sleepless night.
He suppresses a yawn and rubs his eyes, smudging the traces of eyeliner left on his face even worse. It's when he lowers his hands, stars dancing in the corner of his eyes from the pressure, and leans his head against the cool window of the train that Eddie sees him. The prettiest man he's ever laid eyes on. Seriously how can someone be this attractive? Light brown hair that manages to be untamed and yet perfectly styled, tanned skin covered in so many freckles Eddie can feel himself salivate. And then there are his eyes. Liquid gold, glowing amber, honey in the sun and whiskey by candlelight.
It's not the first time Eddie has fallen deeply in love with a stranger on the subway and he doubts it's going to be the last time. But it's the most he has ever been enraptured. The outfit the guy wears is nothing exciting to write home about. Grey coat covering a blue suit typical corporate style. Nothing exciting, not even a fun tie. Eddie couldn't care less about the clothes though (unless they were on his bedroom floor).
He just watches the guys magnetizing eyes go back and forth over the page of the book he is reading. It's like watching a pendulum and Eddie finds himself hypnotized, enraptured, gone without any chance of return. Curious as he is though he forces himself to look away from the beautiful hazel eyes and tries instead to make out what the guy is reading.
He has to slap a hand on his mouth to keep himself from making a noise when he sees that the guy is reading A Court of Thornes and Roses. Now that is unexpected. Eddie never read it himself but he didn't think Mr. probably works for a big boy loads of money epicenter of capitalism company would read romance books let alone fairy porn romance books on the train to work. It's unexpected and Eddie instantly falls a little deeper. But unfortunately, as with all subway romances, it reaches its end as the train reaches the next station. Pretty boy sighs, dog ears his page (naughty) and gets up.
In the twenty seconds it takes for the train doors to open and the guy to step out Eddie fast forwards through the life they could have led. Imagines all the shared giggles and kisses and moments in time, sees all the stupid arguments they are going to have and the make up sex they'll have afterwards. Their first date will be in a little cafe just down the road from the Hideout, their wedding anniversary at a family-owned Italian place that reminds pretty boy of his grandma's cooking. The train door closes and Eddie's indulgent little fantasy ends. No point in thinking about all the what ifs, he's never going to see the guy again.
Except that he does. Next day, same time, same train, same exhaustion humming in Eddie's bones, same guy, different suit same book. Eddie stares. Can't help himself and maybe this is the universe giving him a second chance, telling him to make a move. But the only thing that moves is the guy when he reaches his stop, dog ears his book again, gets up and leaves. And well fall in love on the subway once, fall in love on the subway twice, Eddie thinks that this must be it.
But apparently, the universe is having a laugh because the impossible keeps happening, book guy keeps being on Eddie's train, and keeps on sitting right across from Eddie. The day he finishes acotar is the day they make eye contact for the first time. With a sigh he closes the book, looks up and catches Eddie staring. Eddie knows he should look away but he just can't, pinned under the guy's gaze he just keeps staring. And the guy stares right back, looks Eddie up and down and gives him a flirty little smirk and heart palpitations before he gets up.
The next day his hazel eyes widen in surprise when he sees Eddie sitting down across from him again like he too can't believe seeing the same guy on the subway twice. Eddie gives him an awkward smile, which gets returned just as awkwardly before the guy averts his gaze and continues to read Twilight. Okay, so pretty boy likes cheesy monster romance books. At least it's not 50 shades, Eddie thinks. Because he knows he wouldn't have been able to stop himself from saying something and coming off like a total creep, telling a stranger on the subway that the portrayal of bdsm in that book is unrealistic and harmful and should never be acted out like that. Instead, Eddie just blissfully gets to wonder whether the guy is team Edward or team Jacob.
After that pretty boy keeps noticing Eddie. They exchange little smiles that become nods that become whispered hi-s and see you-s. Summer comes by the time pretty boy finishes twilight and his coat and suit turn into polos and khakis and it makes Eddie want to bang his head against the train's window because no one should be able to look that good in such stuffy clothes. After vampires, it's time for some Regency romance and several weeks for frowning eyes as pretty boy tries to make it through pride and prejudice. On one particularly hot summer morning he just slams the book shut with a groan of frustration.
"Not good?" Eddie can't help but ask. Pretty boy looks at him and the annoyance in his face softens. It's probably the hot weather that drives a blush into his cheeks.
"Kinda?" he shrugs. "I loved the movie like that almost kiss in the rain? The hand stretch? I loved it."
It's endearing how passionately pretty boy talks about the movie. And god his voice is perfect too. If Eddie had not already been lured by his pretty eyes it would have been the siren call of his voice.
"But the book? It's like super complicated man. Who are half these people? Why do they talk like that. And I know it's like high-class literature or something, but it just makes me feel l...I don't know stupid."
"It's not stupid, Austen isn't for everyone," Eddie reassures him and that gets a little smile out of the guy.
"Thanks," he says, suddenly shy.
Eddie wants to bite him. Wants to take him out, wants to know what his kisses taste like and what the first song that made him cry was. Wants to learn his favorite kind of soup and if blue is his favorite color. It's silly, it's just a stranger on the subway he keeps meeting.
"I'm Steve by the way," pretty guy says and just like that mysterious, sexy stranger becomes Steve. It only makes Eddie want Steve more.
"Eddie," he says just as the train pulls into Steve's station. With an apologetic smile, Steve gets up.
"See you tomorrow, Eddie?" he asks, hopeful and all Eddie can do is nod, mouth gone dry.
"See you tomorrow," he promises.
Instead of going straight to sleep like usual when he gets home, Eddie takes out his songwriting book, sharpens a pencil and then writes like a possessed man. It's just a silly song, something whipped up and recorded within half an hour. Just a little love song starting with "he took the morning train going somewhere." It's not something he would play with the band, nothing he would put on an album. He puts it on tiktok instead before he finally falls asleep.
By the time he wakes up his phone is running hot with notification. Confused and bleary-eyed Eddie opens the tiktok app and promptly almost drops his phone. During the few hours he's slept his silly little joke song has gone absolutely viral.
Oh fuck.
Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. Of all the songs that could have gone viral it of course just had to be song he recorded as a joke about falling in love with a corporate guy reading fair porn on the subway. Fuck, Steve. It's so so so obvious that the song is about him. Eddie has no idea how he is meant to take the train tomorrow and look Steve into his gorgeous eyes. He dreads all night. When he gets to the Hideout the guys from the band tease him about the song, but insist they have to put it on the demo. It's not their usual vibe but according to Gareth it slaps and Jeff calls it a bop. Eddie just feels sick. Steve is going to hate him.
Only that when Eddie gets onto the train with shaky knees, Steve smiles at him like any other day. Pride and Prejudice has been replaced with a copy of One Last Stop which definitely seems more like Steve's kind of book. But Eddie is too nervous to really think about it. He expects Steve to lash out at any moment, call him a weirdo, wave a restraining order in his face. But none of that happens. Steve just reads, and when he gets up to leave tells Eddie "see you tomorrow."
Eddie's song becomes more and more viral but the subway rides home stay the same. Steve will say hi, smile at him, read, then get up and say bye. Nothing more nothing less. Maybe he just doesn't have social media Eddie prays. Even though his book choices seem very curated by the clock app. But Eddie is thankful for every day, Steve doesn't bring up the subway boy song. He is almost done with one last stop the day Eddie and the boys get the call from Kings Records about a deal. It's one of Chicago's biggest labels and it would mean the big break for them. Only that they insist on Subway Guy being on the record.
Eddie doesn't like it, doesn't like it one bit. But the guys beg him to reconsider it. The song went viral for a reason and Eddie knows he will never forgive himself he keeps them all from making their dreams come true just because some guy on the subway might think he is a creep. Only that Steve is not just some guy. He is the highlight of Eddie's day, the sugar in his coffee, the reason mornings aren't as awful anymore. He is also noticeably absent on Eddie's ride to the record label.
It's the same train, the same time as always, but the seat across from Eddie is vacant. No corporate hottie with a cheesy romance book to be seen. Maybe the universe is teaching Eddie a lesson, telling him that he really screwed it up this time. Make it big but lose the guy it's karma.
Eddie tries his best to put on a smile and not let his foul mood show when he enters the record label, the guys from the band are already there. He can't blow this for them just because his heart aches a little. Okay, maybe it aches a lot but this is Eddie's dream. It's all their dream. So he keeps on smiling, shakes the big official music producer guy's hand and gets led to studio. They spend the day recording subway guy and while Eddie still feels a tad bad, he can't help but enjoy the process. The song is good, objectively, actually good and it's nice to be told that.
They finish for the day, but before they can leave there are some legal things to sort through, so the producer guy sends them to legal. It's at the top of the building, glass walls, stunning view. A secretary leads them to a conference room with a smile and tells them their laywer Mr. Harrington will be with them shortly to sign contracts, sort through copyright etc. etc.
Eddie is tunes her out, too distracted by the city below him. The train tracks look like thin lines from up here and Eddie can't help but think back to Steve. The excitement of the day turns into guilt, making his stomach ache. Just as Eddie is about to run, to call it all off the door to the conference room opens and Eddie's jaw drops.
"Hi everyone," Steve greets the band. "I'm Steve Harrington, resident lawyer for King Records. Sorry for letting you wait, but I was super curious and wanted to listen to your song first."
Warm hazel eyes find Eddie's wide-blown ones. There is no way this is real, this has to be a prank. But Steve just pulls out a bunch of paperwork and notions for them all to sit down. Eddie barely listens when Steve goes over the legal aspects, Nancy is going to read over the contract when Eddie gets home anyways. Eddie is too busy staring at Steve.
"Wonderful, this is all," Steve says once they have gone through all the paperwork. "King Records is looking forward to working with you."
Steve smiles as he leads them back to the elevators.
"Gotta say, while it's not my usual sound, I really enjoyed your song. I relate maybe a little bit too much to falling in love with a stranger on the subway," he says as they wait for the elevator. "The guy you wrote the song about must be a pretty special guy."
"He is," Eddie finally, finally regains his ability to speak. "I don't just write love songs about any kind of stranger."
The elevator dings open but Eddie doesn't want to move. He wants to stay, a million questions on his mind, starting with you're really not mad and ending with so I was thinking spring wedding, maybe May. Thoughts? But corroded coffin drag him into the elevator say their thanks and then before he can do anything yet another door slides shut between him and Steve. The guys don't notice that something is off, too euphoric about their first record deal. But it's fine, their joy is infectious and Eddie doesn't pout about being dragged away from Steve. Eddie knows he is going to see Steve again.
It's too early in the morning when Eddie steps onto the train home from his last shift at work. There is a beautiful guy on the train, dressed in a pristine suit, romance novel in his hands. He doesn't wait for Eddie to pass by, just grabs Eddie's hand and pulls him down into the seat right next to him.
"Hi," Steve grins, far too awake this early.
"Hi," Eddie whispers back, giddy despite all his exhaustion. They are both quiet for a moment before Eddie blurts, nervous, "Read anything good lately?"
It startles a laugh from Steve and it's such a nice sound Eddie instantly wants to make Steve laugh again.
"I have actually," Steve smiles. "I would tell you all about it, but I'm afraid my stop is next."
He takes what looks like a bookmark out from between the pages of his current book. Which is weird because Steve never uses bookmarks. It becomes less weird when he hands the bookmark to Eddie, a phone number written in dark ink on it.
"How about you give me a call and I can tell you all about it over a coffee," Steve suggests and get up. "And you can tell me all about that song of yours."
Eddie blinks surprised once, twice, as Steve leaves the train. Then Eddie instantly digs out his phone. He should go home, sleep. But screw sleep, who needs to rest when you have a coffee date with a hot stranger you fell in love on the subway with to arrange.
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glamgamebeauty · 2 years
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nirvanawrites111 · 8 months
Set My Wings on Fire (DPR Ian x Fem!Reader)
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Summary: You're smitten by the love of your life, Christian Yu and he's being painted as a dangerous person. But, you don't care cause that's your man and you're going to stick beside him. You're pretty much in love with a villain, but he's super sweet to you. Non-celebrity AU.
Pairing: DPR Ian x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2024
Warnings: Smut, PIV, oral sex (male rec), mentions of murder, praise kink, good girl, unprotected sex, creampie
This is part of a NEW SERIES called Duality. It's all about embracing switch!energy. Part 1 will be sub!reader and Part 2 will be dom!reader. Some of the stories will be 2 idols x reader, and some will be just 1 on 1.
Smut below the cut.
"You need to leave him alone," Your best friend voices as they stare at the large television on your wall. The dim glow casts a shadow across your living room.
You press your lips together and cross your arms. A tightness crawls up your chest. This is the last thing you want to hear right now. You are tired of hearing this comment right now. You feel around your couch for the remote. You can't bother to listen to the news channel any longer.
"Look," you begin, forcing yourself to meet their gaze. "I know Christian very well. The media is trying to make up stories about him. He's not the monster they're making him out to be," You speak up and express your feelings. You twist his ring that he gave you a year ago, and you decide to wear it as a necklace.
You know Christian better than anyone. Everything he does has a meaning and purpose behind it.
You stare at the image of his picture plastered on the television. His usual neat dark brown hair is a mess, and his eyeliner is smeared. Underneath his picture are large red letters "WANTED" that contrast against his pale complexion. Sure, he might seem dangerous to someone else, but to you, something magnetizes you to him.
"The man is a killer, Y/n. If he comes here, you need to turn him in. You don't want to go to jail for housing a fugitive, do you?"
"He isn't a killer. I don't care what the media is saying."
You pick up your phone off the couch table and see that he texted you five minutes ago that he was on his way. You quickly text back and tell him to wait until your best friend leaves.
"This man has brainwashed you. Hopefully, you realize the truth before it's too late." Your best friend raises their hands in defeat and stands up. "I gotta go. I'll see you at work tomorrow."
"He's not, but thanks for stopping by," you reply, trying to smooth things.
Your friend stands up and hugs you. You're glad they are leaving. There is nothing that will convince you that Christian is a bad person. Even with everything you know about him, you would never turn on him.
You walk with them to your front door, and the soft patter of your bare feet echoes against the polished hardwood floor.
Once they leave you close the door only to be slightly pushed open, revealing Christian.
There he is.
The only man that can make you melt to your knees. You want nothing more than to feel his hands all over you.
"Beautiful," Christian, your accented lover, whispers your favorite nickname. He steps into your home. His words allow you to fall to your knees and please your man. But, you don't want to act too thirsty.
He removes his hood with both hands and reveals his hair in messy, shoulder-length loose curls. The two of you stand in your foyer, and your eyes connect.
Christian has such a dark energy around him that it attracts you to him for whatever reason. It pulls you in so closely, like a moth to a flame. Regardless of what others say, you can still see the good in him. He's been nothing but kind, patient, and loving to you. So, really, that's all that matters to you.
"Are you okay?" You ask him.
Christian removes his sweatshirt, and your eyes trace over his tattoos. You run your hand over the one tattoo over his heart, your name.
"I'm so much better, now that I'm with you."
"I'm sure you know they're looking for you."
"I know," Christian sighs. "I'm also wanted for something. What is it this time?"
Christian stares into your eyes, and he can heart your heart beating fast. No one has ever cared about him more than you. Your unwavering loyalty is something he's searched for many years. Now, he's found exactly what he needs within you.
"Do you think I'm guilty?" Christian asks you.
"No, but if you did it, I know there was a reason."
"Good girl. You know your man oh too well," Christian praises you. He knows it's exactly what you need to hear in this moment.
Your lips curl into a smile, and you haven't looked away from him. He knows that nothing about him scares you. He's told you his deepest, darkest secrets. Because he knows he can trust you.
"I do. My best friend was just running their mouth talking about how I need to leave you alone. But, they don't know you like I do."
"Do you need me to handle that?"
"No, never that."
"We have some catching up to do. Don't we, angel?"
You turn on the shower and step into it first. Christian follows behind you. He presses you against the shower wall from behind. "My angel.. so pure. So innocent," he whispers into your ear.
Christian runs his hand down your back, enough to give you chills. You've missed feeling his touch against your skin.
"You know I'm far from innocent."
"Compared to me. You're a saint."
Christian attacks your neck with kisses. This instantly sends a warmth throughout your body. You've missed the way his lips feel against your skin. You don't care what happens when he's out of your sight. Because this man adores you, he'd do anything to protect you.
"Sweetness, tell me.." Christian pulls away from you and turns you around to face him. His gaze penetrates your eyes, searching for something unspoken. "Do you really love me?"
His eyes are full of emotions, and you can see the pureness in his question. But, at the same time, why would he question you this way? You've always supported him no matter what.
"Of course, I do. Why wouldn't I?"
"Even if I had to leave you for a bit?"
Your breath quickens, and you can feel your stomach churn. Is he going to up and leave you? Does this mean he's going to end things with you?
"Where are you going?" You twist your necklace.
Christian picks you up, and you wrap your legs around his waist as the warm water cascades down the two of you.
"I'm not sure. But, I'm leaving in 48 hours."
"Because of what I saw on the news?" You try to piece everything together. Did this mean that it was true? You didn't want to ask him what happened because you trusted him.
He promised you he would never do anything that would jeopardize his time with you. He stated that from the beginning. But, now, it felt like things were going differently.
"I'm coming with you."
"Hell no. I will get this sorted out. I will come back for you."
"No, I'm coming with you."
"Don't I always come back for you?"
"Yes.. but."
"No, buts. Listen, you have to trust me. I will come back for you, okay?"
You nod. But, your fear is he's going to leave you.
"Angel, don't look so sad. I wish I could take you with me. It's going to pain me to leave you."
"Well let me taste you for the last time."
"Of course, angel."
Christian releases from his arms, and you get down on your knees. You look up at him.
He strokes your face and looks at you in such a loving way.
You hold your hands behind your back and swirl your tongue around his dick until he's halfway in your mouth.
You hum your favorite song and move your mouth up and down his length. This could be the last time you taste him, so you want to savor the moment.
You close your eyes and move faster and hear him moan. You love hearing him vocalize his satisfaction for you.
"Go deeper for me, angel," Christian instructs you, and you have no problem following instructions.
You take him deeper into your mouth, and he cradles the back of your head. He's moving with you to the point where you two are rocking as one.
At this moment, you are breathing through your nose because you only want to please him. You live to serve him. You are hopelessly devoted to him.
"Fuck.. just like this," Christian groans. "Don't stop, angel. God, you're so beautiful like this."
"Mmmhm," you barely manage to say because you have your mouth full and wouldn't want to have it any other way. Tonight has to count and hold you over.
"No one else can suck me the way you do. You're so amazing, angel," Christian continues to praise you, which encourages you to keep going because you know he's so close.
"You want this nut don't you?"
You nod without missing a beat, and both of his hands are on the back of your head. He's practically fucking your throat at this point.
He cums down your throat, and you swallow all of it.
Christian pulls you up to kiss you. He slips his tongue into your mouth and kisses you. As the kiss deepens, you can't help but run your fingers along your pussy only to find that it are dripping for him.
"Thank you for that amazing blow job, angel. You're always amazing."
"No problem."
Christian wraps his arms around you. "Mhmm.. I'm ready to feel all of you now. You want that, baby?"
"How do you want me?"
"From behind.. like this." You turn around, place your hands against the shower wall, and arch your back.
Christian places his hand against your lower back and moves his dick along your entrance. "You know I love taking you from behind. Do you want me here or do you want back door."
"Here.. I want to feel you deep inside me. I prefer anal when I'm pegging you."
Christian kisses on the side of your neck. "I know baby.. next time when I come home. We can celebrate with pegging." He sucks on your neck and inches himself into you.
Feeling him inside of you feels like home. There's nothing like having him deep inside of you.
"You're so tight for me, angel," Christian whispers against your neck, kissing gently against the spot he just sucked on.
You moan out his name and enjoy him being inside of you again.
The feeling is euphoric, and you get lost in the moment of being one with your lover again. His hands cover and clasps with yours as he strokes into you.
You hope you celebrate with him, but you want to enjoy this moment. You arch your back a little more as he increases the pace. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure throughout your body. It feels too good. You deserve to experience this type of heaven on earth.
Christian holds you in place as he slows down with each backshot he gives you, and he reaches from behind and runs his hand down the front of your love nest. He moves to your clit and strokes it.
"Yesss, baby! I love when you rub my clit," you moan out.
"I know you do." Christian continues to rub it while you tighten around his dick. "My baby is close. Are you going to cum on my dick?"
"Mmhmm," you moan. But, at the point, you're already trembling from the combination of his teasing your clit and being buried inside you. The sensation is perfect. It's a feeling that never gets old. No matter how many times he gives you an orgasm, it always feels as good as the first time.
"So, be a good girl and cum for me."
"That's it.. baby. Cum on dick." He instructs you and talks you through it. You obey him easily. You release onto his dick. He's right there with you as he pumps into you until he cums inside you.
"Mmm.. thank you, baby," you say, trying to catch your breath.
"No, thank you angel. You were wonderful as always. I can't wait to celebrate with you when I come back."
If you enjoyed this please reblog. It helps other find my work.
Part 2
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hotchsofficialwifey · 7 months
okay hear me out... mike schmidt with goth!fem!reader (be warned: i'm not goth so this might not be very accurate lol)
he met you while he was working at the mall, eyed you from across hot topic. despite your intimidating black clothes, chains, and eye makeup, you had one of the sweetest smiles he'd ever seen, instantly drawing him to you. you said good morning to the worker with one of those perfect smiles and he immediately felt butterflies in his stomach.
he started hanging out at the hot topic more frequently. he began to pick up on your schedule, too. you'd usually come on Saturday's between 12-3pm, circle through the food court and your favorite stores (one time he even caught you at Victoria's Secret, but didn't go in, for obvious reasons). he felt a little creepy, but it wasn't like he was stalking you, just keeping you safe (this was his bullshit excuse). some part of you was simply magnetic, pulling him in like a siren, wrapping him around your finger so tightly he never wanted to be let go.
after a few weeks or so of this same routine, he got fired for beating up a man in broad daylight, and had to get a shitty job at Fazbear's Pizzeria. the only part of that job he missed was you, but his yearning would soon come to an end. he went on various apps, websites, whatever he could to find a babysitter for abby while he was at work, when he found your profile on one of the apps. you were around his age, lived in the same town, and were looking for a job as a babysitter. perfect! he got in contact with you shortly after, and you were fast to reply. you set up a day, time and location, and the next night you were there, knocking on his door.
it was as if the closer he got to you, the prettier you were. pink lips overlined with black liner, flared black jeans paired with a Siouxsie and The Banshees t-shirt, eyeliner so sharp it could probably poke him and black converse covered in doodles. you were more casual than usual, obviously, but god, you were beautiful. you hit him with one of your dazzling smiles, introduced yourself to him and abby (abby instantly liked you), and he went off to work, the scent of your sandalwood perfume on his mind.
you got closer over the months you babysat abby. he came home early in the morning, but you always made breakfast (not only were you beautiful, but amazingly sweet). he didn't pay you as consistently as you originally hoped he would, but you were begin to grow a crush on him, so you didn't really mind. it got to the point where you two even exchanged numbers, using work as an excuse, but you mostly talked and sent memes to each other. but what he admired most about you is how good you were with abby. you guys drew together, watched cartoons together, laughed together, you even did tarot readings for her. abby would fill him in on every little detail of your night together, start to finish. she adored you, and you adored her, which only made him fall harder for you.
the love confession was unexpected, but really sweet. he had invited you over for dinner before he went to work, which he often did, but after you put abby to bed and sat down on the couch with him...
"thanks for everything you do for us." he blurted suddenly. your face suddenly felt very warm, and you bashfully replied.
"it's no big deal, really. i like spending time with abby..." fuck it, you thought. "and with you." you stared at each other for a moment, tension in the air, before he kissed you. slowly, softly, easing you into it. it got heated quickly, and one thing left to another, and he was forty minutes late for work (but it was so worth it).
a/n: okay, this wasn't as focused on the goth part as I wanted it to be, but wtvr. i'll be doing headcannons for goth!reader later!! for now, here's some backstory lol
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astroeleanor · 8 months
𓍢ִ໋💅🏻. ݁ ˖💆🏻‍♀️ ASTROLOGY BEAUTY SECRETS EXPOSED: How To Glow Up𓍢ִ໋💆🏻‍♀️. ݁ ˖💅🏻
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(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚v✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
Your Rising Sign, often referred to as your Ascendant, is the key to unlocking your true potential in terms of your appearance and personal magnetism. Embracing the archetype associated with your Rising Sign and taking into account the degree of your Ascendant can be a transformative journey towards enhancing your allure and making a lasting impression.
The Rising Sign colors the way you express yourself and how you're perceived by those around you. By aligning with its energies, you're tapping into a unique blueprint that can help you enhance your physical appearance, style, and the vibes you project.
Moreover, the degree of your Ascendant adds dimension to this equation. It refines and nuances the qualities associated with your Rising Sign, providing a deeper understanding of your beauty archetype and how you interact with the world. Exploring the specific degree of your Ascendant allows you to fine-tune your self-awareness, making it possible to elevate your charisma and presence in any social context.
(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚v✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
ARIES – 1°, 13°, 25°: Incorporate red clothing or accessories into your wardrobe, engage in high-intensity physical activities, opt for daring haircuts and styles, experiment with vibrant lip colors, and work on boosting your self-confidence, as inner beauty shines through.
TAURUS – 2°, 14°, 26°: Choose a signature fragrance that exudes sensuality, accentuate your beauty with timeless jewelry pieces, opt for fabrics and textures that feel comfortable against your skin, take your time with beauty rituals, indulge in massages and self-care, and spend time in nature to recharge your energy and maintain a healthy glow.
GEMINI – 3°, 15°, 27°: Emphasize your eyes with playful eyeshadow colors and mascara to highlight your expressive nature, build a wardrobe with versatile pieces that allow you to express different facets of your personality, and experiment with a wide range of makeup looks to match your ever-changing nature.
CANCER – 4°, 16°, 28°: Opt for soft, natural makeup looks that enhance your gentle features, choose clothing that is comfortable and cozy, reflecting your desire for emotional security, and incorporate gentle, nurturing skincare products that cater to your sensitive nature.
LEO – 5°, 17°, 29°: Go for a sun-kissed look, choose regal and luxurious clothing that reflects your royal nature, adorn yourself with elegant and eye-catching jewelry, and experiment with dramatic or blonde hairstyles and colors that draw attention to your hair.
VIRGO – 6°, 18°: Consider going for a natural and minimalistic approach to makeup and fashion, maintain well-manicured nails, choose efficient yet stylish clothing that reflects your practicality and attention to detail, and embrace your critical eye but balance it with self-compassion and self-confidence.
LIBRA – 7°, 19°: Consider hairstyles that highlight your facial symmetry, opt for soft and pastel shades in makeup and clothing, practice good posture to project elegance and grace in your appearance, choose clothing that is elegant and refined, and cultivate inner harmony and peace, as your inner balance is reflected in your outer beauty.
SCORPIO – 8°, 20°: Emphasize your intense and mysterious eyes with smoky eye makeup or eyeliner, incorporate darker and more sensual colors in your makeup and clothing choices, and keep an air of mystery and privacy about yourself, as it adds to your enigmatic beauty.
SAGITTARIUS – 9°, 21°: Incorporate bright and vibrant colors in your makeup and clothing, opt for oversized clothing or sporty fashion that complements your on-the-go lifestyle, and cultivate a sense of wanderlust and curiosity, as it adds to your inner and outer beauty.
CAPRICORN – 10°, 22°: Choose classic and timeless makeup and fashion looks, select neutral and earthy tones, accessorize with high-quality pieces, cultivate self-confidence and authority in your demeanor, and invest in building an elegant wardrobe.
AQUARIUS – 11°, 23°: Build an eclectic wardrobe with a mix of vintage and contemporary pieces, invest in your dental care and skin care, express your individuality through your makeup, hairstyle, and fashion choices, and choose fragrances that are light, airy, and fresh.
PISCES – 12°, 24°: Experiment with soft, dreamy, and ethereal makeup looks, incorporate oceanic colors like blues and greens, choose clothing and fabrics with soft and flowing textures, and cultivate spiritual growth and awareness, which can add depth to your beauty.
(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚v✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
🩸 I explore this topic in-depth on Youtube.
I’m so excited to share this information with you because I wish I could’ve had a video like this when I was younger. Brainstorming, filming & editing it was such a healing experience.
Anyway, I’m hoping it will help the girls, boys, they & thems who need it! <3
If you're excited to embark on this journey, tap the preview!
🌹 Additionally, I created a freebie that you can download with Bonus Tips for EACH Rising Sign to enhance your Glow Up Journey even further. TAP HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE E-BOOK.
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(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚v✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Your curiosity & engagement mean the world to me. I hope you not only found it enjoyable but also enriching for your astrological knowledge. Your support & interest inspire me to continue sharing insights & information with you. I appreciate you immensely. • 🕸️ JOIN MY PATREON for exquisite & in-depth astrology content. You'll also receive a free mini reading upon joining. :) • 🗡️ BOOK A READING with me to navigate your life with more clarity & awareness. (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚v✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚✧˚ ༘ ⋆。(ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
Idk why this concept makes my heart so warm but I’d love to see something where the reader asks Leon to do her makeup for fun and he’s clueless! Like a lil date night activity!
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{Leon tries to do your makeup}
Aww this is too cute!! Thank you sm for the request my lovely!! Hope you enjoy!! 💕
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“What’s this one again?” Leon asks, fiddling with the eyeshadow palette, shutting it and closing it over and over again as the magnetic seal clicks with the action.
You’re shocked at how willing he was to say yes to the idea of him giving you a makeover.
“That’s eye shadow,” you tell him, before going over the products one by one as he nods with an enthusiastic smile, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited even if he was utterly clueless about what to do.
You take a seat on your desk chair watching as he takes the foundation, “This one first?” He asks a little unsure of what he’s actually doing, and you giggle as his brows knit together with confusion.
“It’s all you baby, whatever you think goes first” You look up at him with a smile.
“Alright” he smiles, and you watch, feeling a little nervous, as he holds the bottle to your face, the nuzzle pressed against your cheek as he squirts the product on your face, and you gasp at the sudden coldness, giggling as he mumbles a small ‘fuck’
He takes one of the many brushes dabbing it across your face to smooth out the foundation that sits against your skin, he stands back admiring your face with a proud smirk before turning back to the dresser and picking up the eyeshadow pallet he was playing with earlier, and you cringe at the bright neon colours, out of all the pallets he just had to pick that one.
“Don’t be so nervous you’re gonna look so sexy” he chuckles, as he takes one of the smaller brushes dusting it with the bright pink, and your eyes flutter close as he applies the eyeshadow so gently to your eyelids, you barely even feel it, his hand occasionally brushes against your cheek as he continues to use the bright colour.
“I’m not hurting you right?” He asks so softly, and you can feel his breath fanning against your skin.
“No baby you’re alright” you whisper back, eyes still closed as he makes a joke about switching job professions, ‘government agent turned beautician’ and you can’t help the giggle that bubbles out of you.
There’s a comfortable silence that settles between you both, and the only thing you can hear is the soft music that plays from your speaker.
Your eyes open as Leon cups your jaw, “I’m not doing a very good job” he chuckles, admiring your face and he can’t believe you’re still so beautiful even if he's doing a terrible job, he presses a gentle kiss to the corner of your mouth before going back to dresser picking up eyeliner with a confusing look.
He removes the cap, his eyebrows rising with shock, “What is this?” He asks, looking back over at you.
“Eyeliner” you smile, and it only confuses him more.
He study’s the product trying to make a guess on how you use it, “It goes on your eyes?- How do I?” he trails off manoeuvring his hand to try and figure out how to apply it, he stares at the brush tip with a very baffled expression.
You explain it to him, giggling at his horrified look he leans into you with hesitation and it makes you a little nervous, “Just be careful, don’t take my eye out” you tell him and he nods with a nervous chuckle and it definitely doesn’t make you confident.
His hand leans against your cheek, as he ever so gently drags the brush tip along your eyelid and he winces at how messy the line is, “Don’t open your eyes” he whispers as he does the same to your other eye, and it’s considerably worse than the other.
He pulls back laughing at how wobbly the line is, and it definitely doesn’t look the same when you do it, “Am I still pretty?” You smile looking up at him.
“You’re always pretty, the prettiest girl in the world,” he tells with a loving tone, handing you the mirror with a teasing ‘Ta-da’ and he chuckles at the boisterous laugh that erupts from you.
“Woah baby, it's a good attempt” you giggle, studying the awful job he’s done.
Leon looks down at you, how your eyes crinkle with joy and a loving feeling blooms in between his rib cage and it makes his heart flutter with adoration, the sweet sound of your laughter could brighten his day without fail always.
He picks up the makeup wipes taking one out, “Come here pretty angel” he says, wiping away the makeup gently, he knows how to do this part as he thinks back to the times when you were too drunk to do it yourself, and the cool sensation washes you with relief.
He wipes the makeup until your face is completely clean, and his big hands cup either side of your face making you look up at him, “My beautiful girl” he smiles leaning down the press a kiss to your lips.
You smile against him suddenly feeling awfully bashful, “Are you, hungry baby?” he asks, and you watch as he cleans up the space.
“Mhm, you wanna make pizza?” You ask, and he nods putting away the makeup products back to their rightful place before you both make your way to the kitchen.
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murdrdocs · 8 months
with. stiles stilinski
includes. sub!stiles, fem!reader, thigh riding, begging, implied switch!stiles, pet names towards stiles (good boy, etc.)
→ kinktober masterlist
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He should be more embarrassed than he is. 
His hands digging into the thin tee you wear, head buried in your neck, soft pants escaping his kiss swollen lips as his eyebrows push together. He bares his teeth, sucking in a sharp breath as the pain caused by absence of pleasure seems to set in with increased intensity, pearly whites pressing down into the plush of his bottom lip instead of the skin of your neck like he’d originally wanted, his pathetic sounds still masked enough to lessen any shame. 
Stiles’ current state wouldn’t be as shocking nor entertaining as it is if he were sheathed fully inside of you. If his hips were canting up into yours without the layers of separation. If he were chasing a high that was clear to him, a high he could clearly see off in the horizon.
Instead, he’s chasing something he has barely gotten a taste of. 
The previous feeling of your clothed crotch grinding against his, nearly equal in attire, has started to fade, leaving nothing but phantom desires for Stiles to attempt to grasp onto. Because it’s the only amount of friction he’s received thus far, nothing but a few pity grinds against his cock from you, a soft pout on your lips as you held his face in your hands, cooing down at him in a way that let Stiles know that you had the upper hand. 
As if he could even begin to forget that simple aspect. 
He’d been at your mercy the entire night, obliging no matter what, bending to your will with little to no hesitation settled within his body. He thought that if he did what you asked of him, obeying your wishes and commands as part of a previously set verbal bet between the two of you that he wouldn’t be able to do so, you would satisfy him. He thought that if he was your "good boy", as you’d prettily called him just a few moments ago, you would stop your torture and impale yourself on his dick until he was spurting blanks up into you, the previous remains of his cum leaking out as you would bounce like there was no tomorrow. 
You did the opposite. Forbidding him from slipping off his sweats, not even lenient enough to slide off your panties and grace him with a look of your slick brushing along the gray material, darkening it with your arousal. Instead, you remained with them on, your bra covering your tits as well, leaving Stiles to stare at the way your nipples perked through the thin material, filling in the blanks of the expanses he’s seen many times before. 
Noticing his eyeline, you giggle, the sound light and pretty from your lips. Stiles’ eyes flick up, he meets your gaze for a second, and the smile he gives you is dopey. It’s reminiscent of the one he lets out when he’s drunk, a slight stumble to his step and his hands a magnet to your body even with the slightly unassured way they find your skin. 
His palms are the opposite now, sure and steady along your hips and waist and thighs as you drag yourself along his muscled thigh. He’s taking advantage of your lack of care with this particular aspect, your allowance of calloused hands along your pure skin feeling like a holy blessing in Stiles’ hazy mind. 
He licks his lips, stares up at you, and you throw your head back, your hands pressing harshly into Stiles’ shoulders as the drag of your hips back and forth speed up just a little. Feeling slightly bold, Stiles slides a hand up to your tit, palm encapsulating it easily, the other sliding down to your hip where he grips with enough pressure to start to control your movements just a little. 
Instead of swatting his hands away, you let him continue, allowing Stiles to manipulate your pace. 
His thumb slides over your nipple, pointer finger adding itself into the mix as he pinches the bud with just enough pressure to have your lower lip rolling between your teeth. 
“You close?” he asks, voice raspier than either of you expected. 
You nod, brows pushing together, focusing too much on reaching your peak to attempt to take the control back from Stiles before he can get too acquainted. But he doesn’t want control. He likes submitting like this, providing assistance instead of authority, aiding you towards your peak instead of pushing you towards it. 
One of your hands clasps around Stiles’ wrist, the other digging into his hair, nails scratching deliciously at his scalp. His eyes roll back, he takes a deep breath to steady himself, pushing his hips back down as soon as they start to tilt upwards towards you. 
“Need you to cum, sweetheart. Then I can fuck you, right?” You nod, enthusiastic, clearly anticipating what comes next as much as Stiles is. “Then cum for me, please, baby. I need to fuck you so bad. Please. Just let go.” 
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