#lum’s babbling
nocandnc · 1 year
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He seemed so entranced before the attempted makeover, I’m pretty sure she could have just kissed him right then >///<
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delphi-shield · 2 months
contact high // leon s. kennedy
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Leon x Reader Pointless Fluff wc: ~1.5k this fic was just an excuse to practice dialogue. [insert kermit 'its not fucking weed you piece of shit stoner' meme here] i think getting obliterated and falling asleep on leon could fix me.
summary: You're gone. No text, no voicemail - disappeared off the face of the earth. or Leon forgets you're at a party and finally has an excuse to practice those breathing exercises his therapist recommended.
content: drugs, leon's POV, gender neutral reader. intended as post-vendetta, pre-death island leon. bro's in therapy and he hates that it's working.
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The door's unlocked.
Leon's brow furrows. He stands in the doorway a moment, turning the key again just to be sure he's not falling asleep on his feet. No such luck.
He steps into the apartment and calls your name, a hint of scolding sharpening the edges. How many times has he got to remind you? "Babe, you can't leave the door unlocked. Seriously, I could be anyone."
His own voice mocks him, bouncing back off the empty halls of the apartment. He pauses, shutting the door quietly behind him. He listens for the telltale sound of your presence - your voice drifting from the back room, loud and raucous laughter on a call with your friends, the drone of your latest period drama on TV - anything.
Worry overpowers exhaustion. He doesn't think to check his phone, gets right to snooping instead. Minds like his jump to the worst case scenario first, first responder born and bred.
Start from the top. Leon lets the evidence guide him around the room. Your shoes are in disarray by the shoe rack - not as if they had been disturbed in an altercation, but in your usual, messy way. Indecision, not foul play. The blanket on the back of the couch is wadded up and left in a heap on your side. A half-empty water glass drowns in its condensation, leaves a ring that won't come out later. You’d been in a hurry, but was it forced or absent-minded?
Leon’s hand curls over his sidearm. He's not taking any chances. He's already blown his cover by calling out. Stupid, he thinks. Getting slow in his old age. He spins into the kitchen, checking corners before he checks countertops.
Your keys lay in a heap on top of the mail.
It doesn't mean anything, he tells himself. Not yet, anyway. He scans the rest of the room, looking for other traces of you. Your bag, your phone, anything. Dinner hasn't been left out. The dishes have been put up. There's no sign of a struggle anywhere. It's entirely possible you just stepped out. But at this time of night? It’s almost two in the morning. No - it must have been someone that you had trusted. He flips through every friend you’ve ever introduced him to. Every ex, every bad date –
His therapist's voice nags at the back of his mind, babbling about jumping to conclusions, about assuming the worst case scenario and turning every uncomfortable moment into an operation, clinging to control through procedure, through swift, decisive action.
Deep breath. Look for alternative, easier answers. Not everything is life or death. Taking a hammer to every problem will only break things.
He fishes his personal phone out from his jacket, flips through messages. No new texts or missed calls from you. Not encouraging. Breathe in for four, hold for seven. Breathe out for eight.
Can’t believe these stupid breathing exercises work.
He should just call you. What the hell is he thinking? If he calls and you don't answer, then he can give himself permission to panic.
The phone rings. Once. Twice. By the third time, he's already pacing back to the front door, ready to take his investigation from top to bottom again. He’s already crouched by the shoe rack, searching for anything he could have missed, when you answer.
"Hey!" Thank fucking god. It sounds like you're in the middle of a warzone, but at least you picked up. 
Not a warzone, he reminds himself. That’s laughter, not the wail of the dead and dying. He tries to speak past the lump in his throat, but the words get stuck. Breathe, he reminds himself. He tries again.
The noise of the crowd dims, the latch of a door shut a little too hard - where the hell are you? 
"What's up? How was work?"
Are you serious? It’s nearly two in the morning and all you can say for yourself is how was work?
"Fine," he says, trying his best not to be curt. He presses his fingers to his temples, massages the headache away. "Where are you?"
"Jen's birthday."
Shit. That was right. You had that party. Leon marches back into the kitchen, stares at the whiteboard you had plastered to the fridge. You insisted on writing your schedule out for him. He'd thought it was stupid, at the time. He didn't need help remembering.
There it is. Your spidery handwriting haphazardly circled, confetti and noisemakers poorly drawn around it - B-DAY PARTY, 8PM
He drops his head against the fridge door, tries not to sigh into the phone.
“We talked about it last week.”
“I know.”
"I left you a note."
"Yeah, I know."
"Sorry, baby. I would have invited you but there's, like, so much weed here," you laugh. It lights his chest up with warmth - or maybe that’s relief. “In good conscience, I couldn’t invite a fed.”
In good conscience, you say. He snorts, bonks his head against the fridge again. Yeah. You’re high, all right.
“You forgot your keys.” “Fuck!” You’re pouting. He can hear it over the phone. “Sorry. Can you leave the door unlocked for me? I’ll get an Uber. Party’s kinda over anyway.”
Like hell you will. He doesn’t trust those things. A cute little thing like you, getting into a stranger’s car in the middle of the night, high off your ass?
“No, no.” He slips his shoes back on, fishes his keys from his pocket. “Send me the address. I’ll come get you.”
It’s the same roulette wheel of questions you ask him every time he offers to do something for you. Are you sure? Yes, of course he is. I don’t want to bother you. He was literally made to be bothered by you, that’s what he signed up for. Can we watch a movie? Sure, why not. He’ll probably fall asleep, but he knows you’ll beat him to it. Probably won’t even make it past the first scene.
You’re waiting for him on the curb, hands tucked into your armpits to keep warm. Your face splits into a grin when he pulls up to you. There’s that damn warmth again, spreading down his limbs. He leans over to pop the door for you. You’re a little wobbly on your feet, got him worried for a moment that you might have the spins, but you plop into the seat and kiss him in lieu of hello, and his worries evaporate.
“Goddamn,” he murmurs against your lips. Before you can give him your smug little reply, he straightens up, puts the car in gear. “You’re gonna give me a contact high. Gonna fail my drug test. Lose my job.” “Yeah, right. You could be on, like, mega-coke and they’d keep you around.”
“Mega-coke, huh? That the big new thing with kids?”
“You didn’t hear it from me.”
You babble at him the whole ride home, catching him up on the latest drama, pausing for him to interject with no, she didn’t and what a bitch at the appropriate moments. He has to fend off your encroaching hands at stop lights, knowing damn well you want more than just to rest your hand on his thigh. You laugh every time he moves your hand back to your side, your nose scrunching and the corner of your eyes creasing, and he knows there’s no staying mad at a face he’s mapped out countless times before bed, whether he was right next to you or half a world away.
By the time he pulls into the parking lot, your head has knocked against the car window, your babbling slowed. He nudges you gently, big palm splayed against the point of your shoulder.
“Want me to carry you in?” He asks, his voice low. He meant it to sound teasing, but his heart’s not in it.
You stir, fumbling with your seatbelt. “Neighbor’s are gonna see.”
“It’s almost three in the morning.” He reaches across the console and unbuckles your seatbelt for you. You pop the door open and stumble out on your own two feet before he can round the car. He settles for looping his arm around your waist, keeping you close to him.
He guides you inside, makes a teasing joke about locking the door – now, this is called a ‘lock’, you put your key in and turn it so no one can get in. That way your stuff doesn’t get stolen and your boyfriend doesn’t freak out - just to hear you grouse at him and smack his shoulder.
After making a show of locking the door, he drops you off on the couch. He presses a kiss to your hair and trots off to get you a glass of water. He can’t have been gone more than a handful of minutes, but when he returns, you’re crashed out against the arm of the couch, mouth open, snoring softly.
“Didn’t even make it to the movie,” Leon muses. He pulls you to lean against his chest and unfurls the wadded up blanket, draping it over the both of you.
The arm of the couch jams into his back at an awkward angle. He tries to shift down, but you whine and cling to him tighter. It feels like kicking a puppy. He’s going to regret this tomorrow, but he lets you rest. You’re home. That’s all that matters.
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misteria247 · 1 year
Ataru I swear to God-
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This boy he's so gone for Lum like it's unreal like look at this! Ataru's literally fighting tooth and nail for Lum, and he ends up getting into a situation that let's be real could possibly kill him. Like Ataru could have died during this, he could have died while trying to save Lum and he did it anyway. And the kicker???? He still holds onto her until he's unable to and Lum just like Ataru did for her risked her life to grab him with her fangs to keep him from falling.
Lum and Ataru are so damn gone for each other to the point where they're willing to throw themselves into dangerous, life threatening situations just to protect the other and it makes me wanna scream and throw things like a babbling buffoon, fucking hell I love these two idiots so much don't touch me right now I need a minute-
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brandonwayneb · 2 years
💪🏽 Sir Tan Lee (Certainly Elite)
🎃 Pumpkin Repeat 🔂
Healthy Tan, Sand, and Land
Gock at feet 🦶🏽
Talk at taco 🌮
Car Park 🚗 🚙 at toys r us breakroom pendulum (Pen Jew Lum)
🐸⚙️ Leapfrog toy at
Barbie Desk Babble 👱🏼‍♀️⌨️🐝 💾🗃️🗄️
Homeless Camps ⛺️ War Revamps 🧛🏼‍♂️🧛🏼‍♂️🧛🏼‍♂️
Slander Camps ⛺️ slander campaigns
Death ☠️ Rollercoaster 🎢 Psy Show, Sideshow Circus 🎪 Clown 🤡 Hospital 🏥
X O X O XOXO death hugs 🐻 🧸 🤑
Storm ⛈️ Run Hurricane 🌀 Rod Slave Ron, “Micro Wave Work Arrons”
“Baby Bid Bib Babs Babble Bunny 🐰 bibs”
Corky Wine 🍷 Raffle Ticket 🎟️ Dollar 💵 Bills Nut Number Money 💰 Euro 💶 Rope Velvet Vatican’s Popes by the throats.
Make them think of an “old billy goat 🐐”
Make them think of an “old ham bone 🦴”
Make them think of an “old dolly lama” 🐪🦙
Make them think of an “oak mill momma” 🐄
Make them all a “PIE OAK TEA” hebrew basket
Paper Islands 🏝️ 🤑💲💸
Goose Factorties RE SET 🦢 “Micro Foe Bets”
"pringle chips" 🍪 🤖 ☠️🦮👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯👩‍🦯🙈
"celery sticks" 🍾🥒 green pizza 🤑🧩🪲🍕
“work over stage actor down codes”
🤡🧢 pringle chips 🍪
🤡🧢 celery sticks 🥒
towels 🧼 🚿 🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏽‍♂️🧖🏽🧖🏽🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏽‍♂️
towels are for heads
“tow truck pow sights”
Vows dont "total" 🙏🏽
Vow’s Life Vows
ALWAYS TWO types of vows.
✌🏽🙏🏽💞🙏🏽 ✌🏽
not for talcum powder ❌🥤❄️🍧
not for baking soda ❌🥤❄️🍧
"Tow Cum Powder" 👩🏾‍🍳👩🏾‍🍳👩🏾‍🍳👩🏾‍🍳
"Bake Soda" 🧑🏿‍🍳🧑🏿‍🍳🧑🏿‍🍳🧑🏿‍🍳
Tow Truck "VOW TOTAL" tricks
Office BreakRoom Rubber Slipper Water Cooler
🥿 🩴🛼👟👡 💧🚰
Chit Chat 💬 📍📌🧷🦀🦆🤏🏼
Office Water Coolers. 🥸🚾🚰
Seals 🦭🌪️🪵
Sharks 🦈 🌪️🪵
Dolphins 🐬 🌪️ 🪵
Statue of Liberty, swimming pool 🏊‍♀️ 🍕🌭🗽
🍌🏦 Bloods Bank Brooklyn New York 🅱️📚
Brooklyn Baby Chair Sitter New York 👼🏽💺
“Sitting The Statue Of Liberty In A Chair”
asian sushi Yorky husky minx cash spa sinks
“The Three Horsemen”
Hay Bell 🍴🛎️
Hate Bell 👺🛎️
Meet Bell 🥩🛎️
Burger Bell 🍔🛎️
Excel Axe Cell Gang Desk Crew
“Except, Axe Ace Front Desk Holding”
Hotel 🏨 Holding Desk Tricks
“Hotel Management Teams”
“Creating Multiple Paper Front Clone Companies”
“Hotel Super Mall Complex Spreaders”
Corruption sources
“Tow Truck Fruit Markets”
“Hotel Micro Mega Management Malls”
Truck 🛻 Farm 🚜 Stolen Life Resources
Through Corrupt Business Front Line SILVER DISH LINES
Service on “a silver platter” dome head
“cell retarding TAR RAT GLUE GOOSEBUMPS”
white blue yellow, cell a fella
TAR, RAT, devert blame to Japan 🇯🇵 and Jamaica 🇯🇲 PAY RIOT PARROTS 🦜
🥧 🐀 💩
WINDY SAILS Cash Boats 🛥️ 🚤 🛶
Blame a black “rat shit axe ratchet hatchet”
“black harassment”
“envy in voice”
“invoice receipt PIE 🥧 recEIPt 🧾”
Paper Puppet Office Pets
💃🏽👫🧍🏽‍♂️🪡🧾 PEN DAY HOSTS
Velvet Ropes Wet Newpaper 🅾️🅱️🅾️🩸📰🗞️
white covers
“bioluminescence ectoplasm”
“episode napkin fanny pack raffle ticket eater”
Reviving Health Ethics
🦜 Parrot Veterans (NON Pirate slanders)
🦜 Parrot Truth Speakers
🦜 Parrot Boy Scouts, not “COT” abuse
Reviving “Pet Parrots”
or of “Pay Rabbits”
Parrot 🦜
Rabbit 🐇
Additionally Inclusive RABBI, 👁️ 🐰 👂🏽👂🏽
Rabbi Healthy Prayers 🙏🏽
Dj Rabbit 🐰 With Armor Headphones 🎧
Emerald Teal Green
Ruby Roxy Red
🍀 ☘️
Clover Irish Welsh Celtic
Distinguish RED health, separately than “WHITE” X parties
Such as DENOUNCE racists “white only”
“america germany england”
“blue white yellow”
Sarcastic Sar Cast Stick 🐟 ironic ion RON tick
“WHITE NOISE” “Stereotype foam”
White Micro Management Genocide Systems
“Micro Management”
“Micro Mysteria Hysteria”
“Micro MICE Hysteria”
“Micro NICE MICE” 🐁 Head lice Snow Globe
“Micro His Stare ER area”
“Micro Management STARE ER”
“MY CODE, Micro”
“Micro Code STARE ER AREA”
“Hysteria Mysteria”
Stare at hostile hospital victims with “sub”
“subtle” “sub til” knowledge…
“Micro My Code Mike’s Skull”
“america germany england”
1 hop, and two skips, down blaming “jumbled bumbled history inaccuracies, cover ups”
jumble bumbled
belongs to, “open the jungle book”
not “blackjack casino front backdoors”
change “blackjack market” into
“white backdoor trip wires”
and then you open “black ectoplasm”
“play puss at them”
“murders and cats fighting old women”
“black EVE”
“black ECHO STOW”
“black echo STOVE”
“black echo X COVE”
“black TOW TRUCK”
“black etch-a-Sketch shuffle soundboard”
that should help, the “black lions roar”
“getting past WHITE ONLY CELL LAB doors”
Yellow Cat is white money sick cat…
dont so PAN THORE 〰️⚫️
pants 👖 naked black ass
Pan cat is white money sick bed cats
Beds and FOG THORN firsts…
and work over criminal activity that relates to
“rats, hamsters, gerbils, and GOOSE GEESE.”
and “bears, polar bears grizzle frizzle bears”
Reject “rats, hamsters, gerbils, geese goose, and bears.”
and theres no longer white proceedings if we ALL keep healthy ProLife99.
And reject the “false white elitism biological public genocide narratives.”
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koro-is-moved · 4 years
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I...just think the picture is funny
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prettylittlelyres · 6 years
First Language Acquisition and Child Speech
First Language/Native Language Acqusition
Our native languages surround us from birth. Babies start acquiring them as soon as they start crying, and then cooing (usually around six 6 weeks). Babbling ("mamamama, dadadadada") doesn't generally start until around six 6 months. Language acquisition occurs fastest around the age of two 2 years, when a child learns most at once.
Most children pass language milestones at similar ages. However, some children pass some milestones earlier or later than others. Even so, they pass milestones in the same order as most other children.
 Babbling (6-12 months)
More or less all babies babble, even Deaf babies (with some exceptions). In the earliest stages of babbling, babies will use sounds that aren't part of their native languages' systems, as initial babbling comes from the baby, not from the baby's linguistic environment (the language(s) being spoken at home).
Babbling becomes specific to a hearing baby's native language between six 6 and twelve 12 months. After this, a hearing baby will only use sounds that are found in their native language(s). At this stage, Deaf babies will often stop babbling. However, if their caregiver uses a sign language, a Deaf baby will often start babbling in that sign language, repeating particular signs where a hearing baby would use combinations of vowels and consonants.
At the babbling stage, a baby will say, "Mama," "Dada," "Baba," and "Papa," which is why words with these sounds are used for parents in lots of languages; they're sounds that stick to a particular figure in a child's life, often present in the earliest stages. Parents tend to reinforce this by referring to themselves in the third person when talking to the child, e.g. "Do you want Mama/Papa to read you a book?", "Dada's taking you to the park this afternoon."
 Holophrastic/One‑Word Phase (12‑18 months)
In the holophrastic phase, a child will begin to speak in individual words. At this stage, these words are used in the places of whole phrases (holo‑=whole, ‑phrastic=phrase), and their meanings can vary with context, as well as from child to child.
"Milk" may really mean "I like milk," but it may also mean "I want milk," or "I don't want milk," or "Have some milk." You really need to know the child and the context well in order to understand properly.
At this stage, children may also overextend the meaning of a word, so that "milk" refers to all liquid. Meaning may also be underextended, so that "man" only refers to the child's father, and "dog" only refers to the family dog; other dogs aren't called "dog", and other men aren't "man".
A child may also pronounce words differently in the holophrastic phase, contracting consonantal clusters like "pl" [pl] into "p" [p] or "l" [l] to make "plum" into "pum" or "lum".
Combining the different pronunciation heard in the holophrastic speech with the overextension/underextension of meaning, and the use of single words in place of phrases, "lum" might be a child's way of saying, "I would like a plum" (whole‑phrase speech and consonant contraction) or even "Where is the fruit bowl?" if the child overextends "lum" to mean all fruit, not just plums.
 Two‑Word Stage (18‑24 months)
The two‑word stage is present in the acquisition of more or less all first languages. This stage is similar across different languages, and all children will use the right syntax (word order) for their native language.
Japanese and Korean word order is Object‑Verb ("store go"), and English word order is Verb‑Object ("go store"). Children acquiring their first languages get syntax right automatically, and don't have to sit down and learn it like in a second‑language lesson. They observe speakers around them, and mimic their syntax. Grammar is usually missing at this stage, but word order is usually accurate.
At this stage, auxiliary words (such as "will" in "I will go", "to" in "go to playgroup", and "can" in "can I go?") are omitted. So are articles ("the", "a/an", etc.) and pronouns ("she", "him", "their", "your", "we"). Therefore, an English‑speaking child between 18 and 24 months will say "go store" rather than "I will go to the store".
Semantics at this age are very simple. A child at the two‑word stage won't have a large vocabulary, so will call all shades of blue "blue", rather than specifying "turquoise" or "cerulean" etc. They might not distinguish between "cat" and "kitten", "walk" and "crawl".
 Telegraphic/Multiword Stage (24‑30 months)
This stage is also called the telegraphic stage because children speak as if they're writing a telegram. This is because 24‑30 month‑old children don't use auxiliaries. They say things like, "I want go park" when they mean, "I want to go to the park". Little grammatical words are missing, like they are in a telegram. Only words that carry real meaning are used; sentences can still be understood, but an adult will think of them as having gaps.
Gradually, a child at this stage will start adding functional words, such as pronouns, as well as inflections (for the ends of words), like "‑ing" and "‑ed", so that "Holly walk" becomes "Holly walked" and "Joey swim" becomes "Joey swimming" (to mean "Joey is swimming").
 Complex sentences (30+ months)
Complex sentences have two clauses, e.g. "I know that she likes toffee" and "This is the bus which broke down yesterday". Children will start to produce these sentences from about 30 months.
Questions and negative statements are grammatically complicated, so many children still struggle with them at this age. "Where has she gone?" requires the inversion of "she has" as seen in "she has gone." "I don't like peas" requires the auxiliary "do", which the positive "I like peas" doesn't. Most grammatical structures like this will be in place by the time a child reaches three 3 years, so having a child older than that speak in telegraph or holophrase will seem odd to a reader unless there's a reason for it, explained in the story. Most children won't speak in telegraphs past 30 months.
At this stage, some children will still have trouble with irregular past tenses, saying "I swimmed" instead of "I swam", and "I runned" instead of "I ran". However, they're not likely to confuse "I swim" with "he swims" and say "I swims" or "he swim" at the complex sentence stage.
Children hypothesise rules to produce words and sentences that they could never have heard. They might overregularise language, hearing "happy/unhappy" and assuming they can also say "sad/unsad", or "fat/unfat". A child might hear "can you butter my bread?" and produce "can you jam my bread?", because they think that "jam" can be a verb in this context, as "butter" can.
 Correcting Grammar
Linguistic input has an important role in first language acquisition, but direct teaching or covert correction by adults is generally fruitless unless the child is cognitively ready to understand what's being said to them. You can't teach a two-year-old how to make questions or relative clauses, because they're not old enough to understand your corrections.
For @sins-virtues and @givethispromptatry From university lecture notes, organised by Hilary Hale, AKA @thorlokibrother.
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pata-hikari · 6 years
Ryuunosuke x Shinobu?
who is more likely to hurt the other?
I think Ryuunosuke. She’s a bit dense at times and Shinobu can be sensitive.
who is emotionally stronger?
Shinobu, not being raised by a crazy idiot dad does that for you.
who is physically stronger?
Shinobu, again. Somehow. How that girl’s so strong is a mystery.
who is more likely to break a bone? 
Ryunnosuke. She gets into fights a ton, after all.
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
Shinobu. She’s much more socially aware then Ryuunosuke and could say some nasty things.
who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? Ryuunosuke. She’d feel super guilty like five minutes after an argument while Shinobu’s more the “forget and don’t mention it again” type.
who treats who’s wounds more often?
Shinobu, with all the fights Ryuunosuke gets into
who is in constant need of comfort? Ryuunosuke. She’s a mental wreck after the way her father’s treated her all her life.
who gets more jealous? 
Shinobu, she has Ataru flashbacks over how popular Ryuunosuke is with girls. Her tendency to flirt with them to attract them to her business does not help.
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? Shinobu. When she gets mad she just wants to get away.
who will propose? Neither. Through a wacky series of circimstances they’ll get pulled into a double wedding with Lum and Ataru. Ataru will hit on Shinobu one last time, be punched and shocked by all three girls, and they’ll live happily every after.
who has the most difficult parents?Since one of those parents is Fujinami senior I think we know the answer.
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? Ryuunosuke. Shinobu would get too embarrassed about holding hands in public to start.
who comes up for the other all the time? Shinobu.
who hogs the blankets? 
Ryunnosuke. She’d keep curling up into blanket balls.
who gets more sad? Ryuumosuke. Her life is hard
who is better at cheering the other up? Shinobu, she almost feels it as her duty.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?Shinobu. This being Shinobu her playful slaps send Ryuunmsouke through a couple walls.
who is more streetwise?Ryunnosuke, she’s had to live on the street a few times
who is more wise?Shinobu. Her experiences aren’t stunted
who’s the shyest? Shinobu. Shyness isn’t really something Ryuunosuke was raised with.
who boasts about the other more? Ryuunosukem, definately. She’ll babble on about her girlfriend for hours.
who sits on who’s lap?
Shinobu~ She finds it cozy,
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nocandnc · 1 year
But if you’re gonna fight then do it for me
Just maybe… AtaLum……
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literateape · 6 years
The Downfall of Busey
By Don Hall
I wrote and performed this for The Paper Machete back when Nixon was a Senator. Yes, it’s fiction but in a “This Could Be True” sort of way. The image of Gary Busey doing anything to get in on the “We Are the World” recording just strikes me as realistically funny.
Stories of Gary Busey out of control are as common as horrifying side effects of anti-depressant medications, but rarely do any of these stories get to the heart of why Busey has been so erratic. Some attribute his behavior to his 1988 motorcycle accident and the subsequent brain damage that was the result. While the accident is an obvious and convenient way of excusing the fall of a promising talent, the event that caused the true damage was due to ego rather than asphalt.
In 1978, Gary Busey was on top of the world.  off of his Academy Award nomination for portraying Buddy Holly, Busey was set to rise, meteor-like, out of a humble beginning that began as a drummer on a Tulsa, Oklahoma television comedy show.
Both a musician and an actor, Busey enjoyed mixing the two artforms as often as he could. Busey’s Wikipedia entry fills us in on his desire to combine the two. In The Buddy Holly Story, not only did he sing the role, he even changed some of the lyrics of classic rock songs to include personal in-jokes. In D.C. Cab, his character Dell is heard singing along with a cassette recording of Busey's own recording of Why Baby Why. He insisted on singing Stay All Night as a host on Saturday Night Live in 1979.
Gary's acting career was all but assured, but he could not let go of his musical ambitions. In the mid-1980s, something happened that changed the upward trajectory of his stellar rise to mega-stardom and flushed it into a downward spiral that at one point featured a broken, babbling Busey on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew.
That something occurred on January 28, 1985 in Hollywood. It involved a song. It involved rejection. Busey was never the same.
"What the fuck? Do these people know who I am!?"
"I'm sorry, Gary. They only wanted recording artists."
"Really? What's fucking Dan motherfucking Aykroyd fucking doing on the list?"
"He's one of the Blues Brothers, Gary. C'mon. It's not that big—"
"DON'T. Do Not. If Tito fucking Jackson is singing on it, I'm singing on it. Make it happen."
The number one song during Christmas 1984 was Do They Know It's Christmas and was written by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia. Called Band Aid (and based in the UK), the song boasted the talents of everyone from Phill Collins to Simon Le Bon to Paul McCartney.
Geldof was repeating the charity in the States with a new single, co-written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Ritchie, entitled We Are the World. Quincy Jones was producing the recording under the moniker USA for Africa. Jones enlisted 45 recording superstars that included Stevie Wonder, Willie Nelson, Steve Perry, Ray Charles, Bruce Springsteen — but not Gary Busey.
What is established by sources ranging from Vanity Fair to Rolling Stone is that Busey was not happy about this snub. That Busey was actually furious. What is not established is how far the man would go to be a part of the recording.
Busey sat in a cab, across the street, fuming. He had managed to snag a copy of the guest list and found the heavily guarded location (Jones knew that artists might bolt at the sight of a mob of fans so the location was made secret; the recording was scheduled for late in the evening). Busey had arrived at 6 p.m. and tried the door. It was locked tight.
The sign on the entrance read "Please check your egos at the door."
It was signed "Q. Jones."
Busey's ego was all he had. He would check it only if he made it into the building. So the man who was Buddy Holly waited.
Michael Jackson arrived at 9 p.m. He had taken the challenge of writing the song with Ritchie but chose to crank it out in one night, by himself. It was the first time Jackson, who was a nearly religious figure in the pop world, branched out into using his talents for a political cause. According to accounts written in Premiere Magazine, Ritchie was less than enthused by Jackson's song and tried to meet with the elusive King of Pop to write a true collaboration. The unconfirmed rumor continues that while he and Jackson share an equal credit, Ritchie contributed exactly one line of lyric.
Four days earlier, Jones had sent out cassettes of the song, recorded by Jackson and Ritchie, with a directive that they should listen to them and return them on the night of January 28 entreating them that "In the years to come, when your children ask, 'What did mommy and daddy do for the war against world famine?,' you can say proudly, this was your contribution." Busey had managed to steal a copy of the cassette from Waylon Jennings' mailbox, and had memorized every part.
At 10 p.m., word was sent that Prince would not be participating because Geldof had called him a "creep." Busey, now hiding in the shrubs just within earshot of the security guards, heard this. He ran, arms flailing, to a nearby payphone and called his manager.
"Prince is out."
"Gary. Seriously. I spoke to Bob myself. You just aren't..."
"Did you HEAR me? Are you LISTENING? Clean that crap out your ears, son! PRINCE HAS FLOWN THE COOP! There's an opening! They NEED ME!!!"
"Gary. I'm done with this. Let's focus on the part that Oliver Stone offered you—"
"Gecko? That's bullshit. I can't play a Wall Street guy!? And I'm RIGHT OUTSIDE the studio! C'mon, man!
Busey had screen tested for the role that ultimately won Michael Douglas an Oscar; Stone offered him the role. Until this very moment, no one knew why.
Undaunted, Busey decided he had to take matters into his own hands. He mussed up his hair and strode to the entrance, behaving as if he had been invited. He was, after all, an Oscar-nominated actor.
"Excuse me. Can I help you."
"I'm Huey Lewis."
"Huey Lewis. I'm here to sing on We Are the World. To help the hungry children."
"You're Gary Busey, right?"
"No, sir. I'm Huey Lewis!"
"I'm very sorry, Mr. Busey. That's very funny but..."
"Look me in the eye, son."
"Say Hello Huey Lewis."
"Say — Look! It's Huey Lewis!"
"Mr. Busey, really..."
"CALL GELDOF! I'm HUEY FUCKING LEWIS!!" and Busey stormed for the door.
The security guard pulled out a large flashlight and was prepared to bean the raging actor but Busey turned on a dime and sprinted off in the other direction, knocking both Cyndi Lauper and Paul Simon sprawling on the pavement.
Inside, Jones was rallying his troops. At one point, Stevie Wonder suggested that a bit of nonsense syllable singing be replaced with Swahili. Waylon Jennings left in a huff, claiming he wasn't there to sing Swahili, still annoyed that he was never sent a cassette tape. There was a great deal of discussion and neither the Swahili nor the "sha-lum sha-lin-gay" originally written was recorded.
Outside, Busey continued his quest.
"Telegram for Kenny Loggins."
"Pizza delivery for Diana Ross."
"Seriously, I actually AM Huey Lewis."
Busey tried everything but the intrepid security staff was on to him. And he could not get in the door. And he could not join the chorus.
In March 1985, We Are the World became the fastest selling pop single in history. It was the first ever single to be certified multi-platinum and raised over $63 million for the Pop Star Charity. Unfortunately, the effort to do-something-for-the-war-against-world-famine was a disappointment. Aside from flying Harry Belafonte over to Sudan with a planeload of food, medicine and t-shirts, the $10 million actually raised by the single for use in Africa was a paltry sum in the face of both the country’s famine and the duel foreign policies that prevented the hungry from being fed.
Busey was a broken man. In his rejection from participating in a project with the best intentions, his disbelief that he was not considered a musician by the pop establishment careened in his mind like a bullet. He could not check his ego at the door. He began drinking excessively and developed a cocaine habit. He recorded a cover of We Are the World but Harry Belafonte, Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson refused its release.
In a rumor that was completed fabricated for this article, in 1991, at the premiere of Point Break, Busey encountered Huey Lewis for the first time and, before hitting Lewis with a bar stool, was heard to scream "You look NOTHING LIKE ME, Jackass!!" Lewis had no idea what he was talking about.
0 notes
theliterateape · 6 years
The Downfall of Busey
By Don Hall
I wrote and performed this for The Paper Machete back when Nixon was a Senator. Yes, it’s fiction but in a “This Could Be True” sort of way. The image of Gary Busey doing anything to get in on the “We Are the World” recording just strikes me as realistically funny.
Stories of Gary Busey out of control are as common as horrifying side effects of anti-depressant medications, but rarely do any of these stories get to the heart of why Busey has been so erratic. Some attribute his behavior to his 1988 motorcycle accident and the subsequent brain damage that was the result. While the accident is an obvious and convenient way of excusing the fall of a promising talent, the event that caused the true damage was due to ego rather than asphalt.
In 1978, Gary Busey was on top of the world.  off of his Academy Award nomination for portraying Buddy Holly, Busey was set to rise, meteor-like, out of a humble beginning that began as a drummer on a Tulsa, Oklahoma television comedy show.
Both a musician and an actor, Busey enjoyed mixing the two artforms as often as he could. Busey’s Wikipedia entry fills us in on his desire to combine the two. In The Buddy Holly Story, not only did he sing the role, he even changed some of the lyrics of classic rock songs to include personal in-jokes. In D.C. Cab, his character Dell is heard singing along with a cassette recording of Busey's own recording of Why Baby Why. He insisted on singing Stay All Night as a host on Saturday Night Live in 1979.
Gary's acting career was all but assured, but he could not let go of his musical ambitions. In the mid-1980s, something happened that changed the upward trajectory of his stellar rise to mega-stardom and flushed it into a downward spiral that at one point featured a broken, babbling Busey on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew.
That something occurred on January 28, 1985 in Hollywood. It involved a song. It involved rejection. Busey was never the same.
"What the fuck? Do these people know who I am!?"
"I'm sorry, Gary. They only wanted recording artists."
"Really? What's fucking Dan motherfucking Aykroyd fucking doing on the list?"
"He's one of the Blues Brothers, Gary. C'mon. It's not that big—"
"DON'T. Do Not. If Tito fucking Jackson is singing on it, I'm singing on it. Make it happen."
The number one song during Christmas 1984 was Do They Know It's Christmas and was written by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia. Called Band Aid (and based in the UK), the song boasted the talents of everyone from Phill Collins to Simon Le Bon to Paul McCartney.
Geldof was repeating the charity in the States with a new single, co-written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Ritchie, entitled We Are the World. Quincy Jones was producing the recording under the moniker USA for Africa. Jones enlisted 45 recording superstars that included Stevie Wonder, Willie Nelson, Steve Perry, Ray Charles, Bruce Springsteen — but not Gary Busey.
What is established by sources ranging from Vanity Fair to Rolling Stone is that Busey was not happy about this snub. That Busey was actually furious. What is not established is how far the man would go to be a part of the recording.
Busey sat in a cab, across the street, fuming. He had managed to snag a copy of the guest list and found the heavily guarded location (Jones knew that artists might bolt at the sight of a mob of fans so the location was made secret; the recording was scheduled for late in the evening). Busey had arrived at 6 p.m. and tried the door. It was locked tight.
The sign on the entrance read "Please check your egos at the door."
It was signed "Q. Jones."
Busey's ego was all he had. He would check it only if he made it into the building. So the man who was Buddy Holly waited.
Michael Jackson arrived at 9 p.m. He had taken the challenge of writing the song with Ritchie but chose to crank it out in one night, by himself. It was the first time Jackson, who was a nearly religious figure in the pop world, branched out into using his talents for a political cause. According to accounts written in Premiere Magazine, Ritchie was less than enthused by Jackson's song and tried to meet with the elusive King of Pop to write a true collaboration. The unconfirmed rumor continues that while he and Jackson share an equal credit, Ritchie contributed exactly one line of lyric.
Four days earlier, Jones had sent out cassettes of the song, recorded by Jackson and Ritchie, with a directive that they should listen to them and return them on the night of January 28 entreating them that "In the years to come, when your children ask, 'What did mommy and daddy do for the war against world famine?,' you can say proudly, this was your contribution." Busey had managed to steal a copy of the cassette from Waylon Jennings' mailbox, and had memorized every part.
At 10 p.m., word was sent that Prince would not be participating because Geldof had called him a "creep." Busey, now hiding in the shrubs just within earshot of the security guards, heard this. He ran, arms flailing, to a nearby payphone and called his manager.
"Prince is out."
"Gary. Seriously. I spoke to Bob myself. You just aren't..."
"Did you HEAR me? Are you LISTENING? Clean that crap out your ears, son! PRINCE HAS FLOWN THE COOP! There's an opening! They NEED ME!!!"
"Gary. I'm done with this. Let's focus on the part that Oliver Stone offered you—"
"Gecko? That's bullshit. I can't play a Wall Street guy!? And I'm RIGHT OUTSIDE the studio! C'mon, man!
Busey had screen tested for the role that ultimately won Michael Douglas an Oscar; Stone offered him the role. Until this very moment, no one knew why.
Undaunted, Busey decided he had to take matters into his own hands. He mussed up his hair and strode to the entrance, behaving as if he had been invited. He was, after all, an Oscar-nominated actor.
"Excuse me. Can I help you."
"I'm Huey Lewis."
"Huey Lewis. I'm here to sing on We Are the World. To help the hungry children."
"You're Gary Busey, right?"
"No, sir. I'm Huey Lewis!"
"I'm very sorry, Mr. Busey. That's very funny but..."
"Look me in the eye, son."
"Say Hello Huey Lewis."
"Say — Look! It's Huey Lewis!"
"Mr. Busey, really..."
"CALL GELDOF! I'm HUEY FUCKING LEWIS!!" and Busey stormed for the door.
The security guard pulled out a large flashlight and was prepared to bean the raging actor but Busey turned on a dime and sprinted off in the other direction, knocking both Cyndi Lauper and Paul Simon sprawling on the pavement.
Inside, Jones was rallying his troops. At one point, Stevie Wonder suggested that a bit of nonsense syllable singing be replaced with Swahili. Waylon Jennings left in a huff, claiming he wasn't there to sing Swahili, still annoyed that he was never sent a cassette tape. There was a great deal of discussion and neither the Swahili nor the "sha-lum sha-lin-gay" originally written was recorded.
Outside, Busey continued his quest.
"Telegram for Kenny Loggins."
"Pizza delivery for Diana Ross."
"Seriously, I actually AM Huey Lewis."
Busey tried everything but the intrepid security staff was on to him. And he could not get in the door. And he could not join the chorus.
In March 1985, We Are the World became the fastest selling pop single in history. It was the first ever single to be certified multi-platinum and raised over $63 million for the Pop Star Charity. Unfortunately, the effort to do-something-for-the-war-against-world-famine was a disappointment. Aside from flying Harry Belafonte over to Sudan with a planeload of food, medicine and t-shirts, the $10 million actually raised by the single for use in Africa was a paltry sum in the face of both the country’s famine and the duel foreign policies that prevented the hungry from being fed.
Busey was a broken man. In his rejection from participating in a project with the best intentions, his disbelief that he was not considered a musician by the pop establishment careened in his mind like a bullet. He could not check his ego at the door. He began drinking excessively and developed a cocaine habit. He recorded a cover of We Are the World but Harry Belafonte, Quincy Jones and Michael Jackson refused its release.
In a rumor that was completed fabricated for this article, in 1991, at the premiere of Point Break, Busey encountered Huey Lewis for the first time and, before hitting Lewis with a bar stool, was heard to scream "You look NOTHING LIKE ME, Jackass!!" Lewis had no idea what he was talking about.
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koro-is-moved · 4 years
Now why do I Think that Kazuomi’s voice is Knuckle’s Voice from the SA2 Fandub
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nocandnc · 1 year
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#is your translation team allergic to japanese specific terms with cultural and religious significance????
My Top Posts in 2022:
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They got the old VAs for Lum and Ataru to voice their parents guys 🥹
229 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
I was rewatching episodes again (as you do) and noticed something during The Hormone-Iums which I haven’t really seen anyone mention specifically?
So we all know the dream in which Tina is attending the red carpet where Jimmy Jr and Zeke fight over the chance to marry her, much to her delight. But on this rewatch, the first interesting thing I noticed is-
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At the start of the dream, the first dialogue we hear clearly is Zeke calling out to Tina, trying to catch her attention. Asking her to look his way. I found this interesting because normally in a Tina fantasy it might be JJr who first speaks to her, maybe by dashingly offering her a hand out of the car - but this isn’t one of Tina’s normal daytime fantasies. She’s dreaming, and therefore more susceptible to the thoughts and will of her subconscious. Here, she is acutely aware of Zeke’s focus on her and more willing to tune into his voice.
See the full post
292 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
literally this is what happened though
338 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
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Oh, how did that phrase go…
There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.
819 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I’m Not Sorry for what I’m going to become over the next few months.
1,956 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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koro-is-moved · 4 years
Picks you up* no. You no trash girl. You are 100% fine cuisine girl, we talking Ratatouille levels of good.
Thanks really appreciate it homie, in Quote of that Vine “I’m like a sweet treat, I’m a fricking delight to around”
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koro-is-moved · 4 years
“WhY aRe YoU cRyInG aBoUt (something)”
Bitch, can I cry about Something?
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koro-is-moved · 4 years
I want to learn Japanese, but I can only learn like 4 phrases and that’s all
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