#luke's gucci gang
oneartsygeek · 2 years
just read “luke’s gucci gang”
i have posted a lot more in one of my server’s out of context channel than usual . a feat in and of itself considering how much i use that channel.
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keef-draws · 4 months
Heh... hello kitty scissors
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Yes...- but heyy.... :) this is a scene... From a fun story "Lukes Gucci Gang" by @/cleo-n (I think I wrote her User right...) go read it if you haven't on AO3<3
(PS: I'm not Certain whether the story is finish or not because this art of mine is a repost)
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void-speaks · 2 years
I was in the process of reading the chat fic (yk luke's gucci gang one). I was laughing like an idiot. And then that one begining of a chapter I completely missed the number of just threw a big giant rock at me. Just ran me over with a fucking truck. For some reason, seeing the ending of cuw used as a dream hurt way more than it should've. And by hurt I mean in a sad way. By hurt, I mean physically hurt. And now not only I have to deal with the worrying amount of pain in both of my legs and my back, but also the literal physical pain in my heart. For the sake of my own being, I beg all of you, never do something like that again.
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poppedpins · 6 years
for my dumb dumb brain in the future: never forget myt holmdel 
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duncestream · 6 years
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MC's DDD contact list
Lucifer: Tom Lucitor
Mammon: Gucci Gang
Satan: Hail Satan
Levi: Senpai
Beel: Burger King
Asmo: Laito
Belphie: Moo
Diavolo: Prince Ali, Fabulous He
Solomon: Crocs
Simeon: AAAAAA
Luke: Skywalker
Barbatos: Barbados
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twohearts-hs · 4 years
‘Two Can Play That Game’ - Harry Styles Imagine
Words: 5.8k
Pairing: Gang Leader!Reader x Gang Member!Harry
Warnings: Swearing, death, smut
Summary: She rules a deadly gang, he has a price on his head. He works for the enemy, she is the enemy. What happens when Harry begins working for Y/N when really he is working with her rival.
|| Masterlist in bio }}
He caught her eyes the moment he entered the room. The way he presented himself, dark suit and little curls. She was in awe. His eyes held a mystery to them as she made contact with his. There was something about him that she was intoxicated with, possibly his heavy cologne, the lust in his eyes or the muscles that were hidden under his shirt. She was infatuated with him at that very moment. 
The mysterious man shook hands with her father. A smirk plaster on his face as he nodded towards the stranger. Y/N watched, standing next to him; she knew the mob was a messy job and she hates that she was brought up in it. Yet, here she was about to take the reign from her father.
“Mr Styles, this is my daughter Y/N, she just took over, so please get comfortable,” the older man told me, “Mr Styles will be our new right-handed man since you know what happened, darling,” he winked at her. She smiled but felt the deep shiver in her body from what happened to the last man.
Her father walked away, heading to his office as she stood in the living room with this new stranger.
“Call me Harry,” he said, taking the whiskey cup he was offered and sitting on the couch. She smiled.
“Call me Y/n then,” she replied, cocking a brow as one of the server handed her a glass of Merlot. “My father told me that you use to work with the FBI,” she began making conversation.
“Yes, I did. I didn’t enjoy following the rules, working for the government to look into people like us. I like the freedom than the constant breathing down my neck. With a job like this, I can do what I please,” he said, moving his hand from his side to sliding it on top of the couch. Y/N stayed still, keeping her movements clean and proper. 
“Fair enough,” she mumbled.
“Why is a lady taking over London’s most dangerous mob?” he asked.
“Why isn’t a lady taking over London’s most dangerous mob. Maybe unlike you, I have been raised in this world. I have seen people dying since I was born, saw blood from the moment I was conceived and I know pain before it was shown to me. I am lady, I am wealthy, yet most importantly, I am deadly. So please, Mr Styles do not offend me or else you won’t be calling your mother on Mother’s Day to apologise how anti-feminist you are,” she told him, looking him up and down as she got up from the white leather couch.
“Y/N,” Harry began, placing the glass down on the golden side table in the lavish, French traditional home to follow the beauty he now calls his boss. “I am sorry, I have been in this business for a while, therefore I was simply shocked, darling,” he said, grabbing into her arm to turn her around. 
Eyes meeting eyes as they locked. Of course, there was some sexual tension but both were too stubborn to recognise it.
“Don’t touch me,” she said sternly, raising her eyebrows to the curly-haired man.
“My apologies, madame,” he said. She was different, standing there with curled hair and a white dress; so odd for the mob. In his eyes, she was innocent, young and dumb...like Bambi. 
Y/N watched the man across from her, she pressed the glass to her plump glossed lips as she looked at the exotic creature. He was different, seen the dark world, mysterious, full of lust and just plain intoxicating.
“How much has my father told you about my mob?” she asked, keeping the distance between them.
Harry, standing in the black Gucci suit, rings at home on his fingers and whiskey glass in hand began walking up to her. “Not much. I am just here to protect you,” he began, her feeling his breath from the closeness, “protect the mob, sell drugs,” his breath moved to over her ear. His lips were so close, and a shiver went through her body. “Kill some people on the way,” he backed up, a smirk on his lips, as he filled his glass.
“I am your boss,” she placed the glass down and grabbed the whiskey that was his. She walked away as he stared at her ass, and she sat on the leather couch. “You do what I say and you don’t question it,” she began as he leaned against the bar in front of her. “There’s a second mob on the other end of London, we don’t talk to them. We aren’t at peace but we aren’t at war, so don’t fuck up,” she states, raising her eyebrows at Harry.
“Got it,” he nodded towards Y/N. 
“No, I am not done, Styles,” she stated, “No funny business with anyone on the team, that makes things extremely awkward for you. Nobody is allowed to talk to me unless I direct them to. You are to give me messages, no one else. If I want something, you get me something. If I ask you to do something, you better fucking do it,” she says. “Finally, mi casa es su casa, Harry, make yourself at home.”
Then she just walked out.
She was a stunner. He knew it and she knew it. The way she acts, she knows affects every person in the room either gender. Y/N was sex on wheels. Harry had a job to do and he was bloody good at his job. He had never let feelings get in the way before, therefore this would be easy. 
“Y/N, the Fester’s are here,” Harry said, entering her office. It has been a few weeks since their initial meeting. He went to Spain for a few days, she went to New York, therefore it has been a while since they saw each other.
“Thank you, Harry,” her hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail as she walked out with a feminine suit on.
“What’s the deal with the Fester’s?” he asked, as they walked down the hall to the dining room.
“Christian!” she smiles, walking in to see a tall, broad, blonde man. The two of them hugged one another and placed kisses on each other’s cheeks. Harry watched with a frown on his face. 
“Harry, this is Christian. He is my arms man, my assassin,” she said with no hint of remorse in her voice. “Christian, this is Harry, my second man.”
Harry nodded towards the blonde with multiple tattoos, yet he ignored him the whole time. The two were friends, he noticed. Yet, he hated the way the Italian touched Y/N like that, the gentle touches on her arm or the chuckle that escaped from her lip from a stupid joke he made. Harry just watched from the corner.
“I have someone you need to deal with,” she began, “remember Luke? Luke Harrison?” “Didn’t you fuck him?” he asked. Y/N rolled her eyes.
“He is a Harrison, I had to get information from someone and touching him made it happen. Anyway, he placed his nose somewhere he shouldn’t and I need him gone.”
“He is a Harrison, Y/N, you are gonna start a war,” Christian said.
“Kill him. He found out the route of my sales to America. I need him dead and once doing so, thirty million will show up in your bank account.”
Then she walked out. 
“Harrisons?” Harry said catching up to her.
“The Southside mob, Harry. Keep up, you should know this stuff,” she said, walking towards the black car outside. 
Y/N got into the black Range Rover, closing the door as Harry spoke, “Where are you going?”
“To deal with some business. We have a snitch, Harry, and I, of course, have to clean up after those idiots like their mother. I’ll see you when I get back.”
Harry rode up to the mansion he was very familiar with after all these years working with the Harrison’s. His motorcycle stopped in front of the golden doors to the London bound home. He knew he shouldn’t do this to her, but it was his job. He worked with the Harrisons, and he has for a while.
His ringed hand pushed open the big wooden door to the grand foyer, dark, dirty, mysterious, unlike her. Two sides - so different - he learnt. Y/N was an angel, or so he thought; dressed in white, a charming smile, bright home, yet Caleb Harrison was the opposite.
“Harry!” a booming voice came from the stairwell and a broad, muscular man emerged...Caleb.
Caleb Harrison was a twenty-eight-year-old mobster, his job was the oldest out of the town. His family has been doing this since time and law existed. Everyone had a hidden truth, both Y/N and Caleb do, Harry knew. He knew that once upon a time they lived in peace until Y/N did something, that thing Harry has yet to figure out due to the harsh whispers of even mentioning the beauty’s name.
“How is she?” he smirked, patting Harry on the back. Harry managed to get a smile out as he was handed a glass of whiskey. “My finest, aged twenty years, I only bring it out for celebration so tell me something good.”
“She,” he tried to say, “She is going to kill one of yours,” he managed to say. It was hard, he has never had this issue. He brought down multiple mobs before, whether female or male-led, but she, she was something in her eyes.
“Of course she is. The Devil always likes throwing a fit,” Caleb said, pushing back his dark hair. The Devil that name echoed in his brain, he never heard people call her that before.
“The Devil?”
“Born and raised by Hell itself,” he said, taking a sip from the glass, “Don’t be fooled by her looks, she always gets what she wants. That is why I put you on this case, you are just like her. Harry, you always get what you want. Yes, Y/n is a looker, her personality is out of the world and damn, that body will keep you moaning for ages, but she’ll ruin you in a snap of her manicured fingers,” Caleb said, moaning with the mention of her name.
“You love her,” Harry spat out, Caleb’s eyes widened.
“I did, but who doesn’t? I just need her brought down. Who is she going to kill?” he asked, sitting down at his desk. Harry leaned against the wall, looking out to the distance, red velvet couches, black wallpaper and a musty smell lingered. Her home was gorgeous, traditional, clean and French with a rose smell lingering. He preferred her home to his.
“Luke,” he muttered. Caleb let out an echoing laugh.
“Let her kill him. He is a drug addict, hasn’t done any good for me.”
“She screwed him,” Caleb shook his head and let a nasty smile grow.
“I thought you were smarter than this, Styles. That woman screws anything that walks as long as it benefits her.”
Harry let out a puff of air, “She is paying this man thirty million because she was believed he found out about her trade routes in America.”
He didn’t like Caleb, the self-righteous, narcissistic, self provoking asshole, but he made a contract all those years ago when he made a bad move with the government and he still has to pay it off. 
“I know about those trade routes because she told me five years ago as we fucked. She isn’t as smart as you think. Sometimes dancing with the devil gets you something, try it sometime, Harry,” he winked, getting up from the leather chair and patting him on the shoulder on the way out. “If you want to fuck her, go ahead. Just don’t tell her your dirty secrets. She’s fun though, enjoy it while it lasts. I’ll see you next week,” he said, walking out of the room.
Harry let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding as he moved out of the dark and gloomy room to his bike. He didn’t like the way men talked about her, like an object, a feared and loved object. Something to pass around. The blood in his veins began to boil as he thought about the words of Caleb over and over in his head. Anger had to come out. Therefore he left with a hole in Caleb’s gross black wallpaper.
“They call you The Devil,” Harry said, walking into the greenhouse, seeing her in her robe and hair down. It was nine in the morning on a Sunday. Sunday was her day to do nothing. \ He leaned against the doorway in the famous black suit she began to love as she smirked to her book. Her sunglasses perched on her nose, designer, expensive, is what screamed from just looking at her.
“So I heard,” she replied, charming being spat at you the moment she opened her glossed lips. “It is a Sunday, Harry,” she muttered, turning the page.
He walked up to her, hands in his pockets as he sat next to her. “I know.”
“Sundays are my day off. Not your day off, how come you aren’t in the meetings I assigned you?” she placed the book down on her lap.
“I cancelled them, moved them to tomorrow,” he calmly said looking out the open window. “Beautiful view, by the way, look at that pond,” he winked.
“You did what?” she raised her eyebrow.
“I thought you and I should get to know one another, so I booked this day off to play with one another,” he smiled, nodding his head to her.
A chuckle left her lips, a chuckle like honey due to him initiating that chuckle. “To play?”
“To play. I thought we could go into town, get some coffee, go for a walk, shop maybe, whatever you like to do on your days off with your friends.”
“I don’t have friends,” he rolled his eyes.
“Of course you do, what am I to you?”
“Fine. Give me half an hour to get ready,” she said, placing the book on the side table and walking out of the greenhouse.
Harry knew she was hard to get to. The girl never opened up, she was witted, stubborn, charismatic and she tended to always be ten steps ahead. And he hates to admit it, but he was falling for her. 
The two of them were walking down the streets of London, ending up in the shopping area then sitting in a café looking over the busy streets they call home. She was beginning to loosen up, her ‘leader of a mob’ vibe was slowly beginning to fade as chuckles were exchanged over a cup of coffee.
They sat together, on a booth looking onwards to the street. She was so close, touching thighs then hips and now he threw his arm on the back of the sit. 
“I heard a little rumour,” he said, looking at her as she pursed her lips and locked eyes with him.
“Did you now, what is that rumour?” she raised her eyebrows and letting a smile come to her face. 
“What’s the history between you and Caleb?” he asked, no more flirting, just straight forward. Her eyes instantly stopped looking at his as she placed the mug down.
“Who told you about that?”
“Y/N…” he tried.
“I loved him until he came and almost killed me. He wanted my empire. That’s it,” she told him, refusing to look at him again.
“Y/N, I am sorry,” he began, “you truly don’t deserve that—”
“Kiss me,” she interrupted him, looking at those emerald eyes and just whispering the words that both of them wanted to hear.
“You heard me, Styles, kiss me,” she states again. He keeps his eyes widened, not knowing how to respond to her. She leaned in closer, “and here I thought you weren’t a pussy. So kiss me,” she mumbled into his ear, trailing her breath across his jaw to his lips.
Their eyes locked as a smirk appeared on his face. “You are a tease, my darling,” he states. He moved his hand to her hip, cupping it and pulling her closer and ramming their lips together and letting them lose control.
Her hand went to his jaw, cupping it as his fingers began brushing against her exposed thigh. Seconds later, heavy breaths filled the room as they pulled away. A laugh interrupted the silence as she let out a chuckle. He began laughing too as she placed her head on his shoulder. 
“Why are we laughing?” he asked as she still silently chuckled for a second.
“I don’t know. I kissed you,” she says.
“And that’s funny?” he asked amused.
“No, I just never let my emotions run wild, but you change me for the better, Harry.”
“Well, I am glad I do,” he said with a beaming smile, “now let’s head back.”
“Mr Y/L/N,” Harry said walking into Y/N’s house as she saw the man in a suit and tie watching him. The older man smirked, a chuckle erupting as he welcomes Harry in. The Italian man sat down on the white couch he knows so well as he tsks his teeth trying to find the words.
“My daughter, you would say she runs the mob well, eh?” he begins, getting up and pouring himself a scotch at the bar. He walked back, handing one to Harry as Harry took a deep breath.
“She is amazing, sir,” Harry said, nodding towards him, appreciating the beverage. 
“It is hard, watching her run it when I am back running the other half in Italy. She does it so well, just like her mother. She is beautiful, intelligent, stubborn and a bit of a bitch, my daughter, wouldn’t you say?” he asked.
Harry bit his lip, “I can only say good things about her.”
“She likes you, Harry,” he states, turning his head to him, “I have never seen her so fond of a man before. She isn’t even that fond of me. The only man she had remote interest was Caleb and I am ready to punch that bastard’s brains out,” he told him. Lorenzo patted Harry’s shoulder, looking into the Brit’s eyes, “You like her back. You’re a good guy, Harry, I would love to see you take over the business, but if you break my little girl...there will be some consequences--”
“Father,” Y/N walked in, seeing her father and Harry together. Lorenzo got up, placing his cup down and kissed his daughter on the cheek. 
“Just talking to Harry, my dear,” she smiled, watching him exit her home.
“You don’t like him,” Harry said walking up to the girl and placing his hands on her hips.
“Who doesn’t? He practically stole me from my mother, and then placed me in this business,” she said, placing a kiss to his cheek. She began walking away, but Harry grabbed her hand spinning her around.
“We fucked last night,” Harry said, with a stern face. Y/N raised her eyebrows. He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her in, “I don’t fuck around, Y/N.”
“Aww, I’m honoured,” she winked, bopping his nose.
“I am being serious, what are we?” he asked her, glaring her down.
“You are my partner?” she innocently said, giving a wink and a smirk.
“Partner in crime, bed or in life?” he asked, she laughed getting out of his grip and skipping down the hallway.
“All three, now help me with this idiot in the basement.”
Y/N wandered into her bedroom, wrapping the white silk robe closer to her body as she placed the glass of red wine on her bedside table. It was time to relax and rewind, it hasn’t been a pleasant day in her eyes. She looked at herself in the mirror and a little smile came to her face as she brushed her fingers across her shoulder. He left marks on her and for some odd reason, she loves it.
“What are you doing?” Harry walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and whispering in her ear. Her fingers held onto his hands as she melted into his touch. A little smile came to her features as he whispered in her ear sweet nothings.
‘I’m admiring the marks you made,” she said as he began kissing her neck, turning her rapidly and placing his lips back on her plump ones. Their lips worked as one, as they fumbled towards her bed. 
Harry rid his t-shirt as she dropped her robe, leaving him in just his jeans. His hands gripped her waist as he littered kissing on her face. Harry kept pushing her closer to the bed as her little hands compared to his underdid his belt, pushing his jeans and underwear done as she fell on the bed. Giggles erupted the silent room as she kissed his shoulder.
“Are you ok?” he asked, rubbing his hardened cock as she mumbled a yes into his neck. He smiled, pulling back, straddling her as she smiled. He didn’t know what it was but every time they met eyes, he fell more in like with her, possibly close to love. Her hands ran over his shoulder, tracing the tattoos lining his toned body. He pushed forward, kissing her again as she wrapped her body around his. Y/N’s hands gripped his butt as they made out, sexual tension increasing by every second. Their hunger for each other was too much now and Y/N pulled away, grabbing a condom from her bedside table and taking a sip of her red wine as she crashed her lips back on his, more than just needy for him.
Harry took the condom from her as he opened it and rolled it on his cock. She looked into his eyes as he looked up.
“Ready?” she mumbled, he nodded as he grabbed her hip, pushing her down on the bed as her legs opened. He lined himself up with her entrance as he slowly slid in. A slight moan came from her as he pushed himself in. Y/N grabbed him by his face and placed a hungry kiss against them as she slid her hands down his hips to his butt, grabbing it as he began to move to a steady movement.
Moans and groans escaped their lips as they fucked in her bedroom. The sound of slapping of skin and light little huffs, as well as pleasure sounds, were now heard in the once quiet room as they fucked the shit out of one another.
Y/N’s hands moved from his butt to his hips, grabbing them as she pulled away from their quick kisses to one another. She mustered the strength as she pushed him over, swinging her legs over his thighs, riding him and wrapping her arms around his neck.
“You are so cheeky,” he muttered, pushing her sweaty locks of hair as he smiled to her, trying to not let too much noise escape from his lips as she rocked her hips against his swollen and hard cock. 
Y/N smirked, kissing his cheek as she whispered in his ear, “I am only cheeky for you, mister,” he moaned at her words as she moved her hips faster. She pulled his hair, letting his head push back as she captured his lips once again.
“Grab my hips,” she muttered as his ringed hands gripped her hips, pushing her harder on his cock as they fucked. Both bodies covered in sweat as they moaned each other’s name.
“I’m going to cum soon,” she muttered in his ear as he nodded.
“Me too, cum with me,” he whispered back as he pushed her body back on the bed and towered over her.
Harry’s ringed hand grabbed her thigh, wrapping it around her butt as he fucked her harder. Y/N couldn’t take it anymore, so close to her finishing that she just let sounds out. He was truly amazing at pleasuring her and she thanked him.
They finished together, heavy breaths exchanged as he rolled off of her, snuggling himself against her body. 
“I know we have known each other for only a few months, Harry, but I think I am falling for you,” she said, playing with his hair as he placed his head against her breasts and wrapping his arms around her.
“I think I am falling for you too.”
“Why the grin, Styles?” Caleb asked, walking out from the corner to him. Harry stayed quiet.
“I can’t work for you anymore,” he stated, placing the phone given to him down on the desk.
“You have a debt to pay, Harry,” Caleb said, clicking his tongue as he pulled his suit jacket back, showing a gun.
“I have been working my debt for a while. I think I’ve cleared it,” he pushed back.
“You’re fucking her, aren’t you?” Caleb responded, rolling his eyes, “Here I was thinking that you’re the smart one here, Styles. You are fucking The Devil.”
“It doesn’t matter what I am doing, all I know is that you’re the bad guy here, Caleb. I am done,” he responded, turning away.
“I take it back. You aren’t just fucking her, you are in love with her. Stupid Harry Styles, he’s gonna get his heartbroken by that slut,” Caleb responded. Harry instantly turned around, walking quite fast to Caleb, raising a fist.
“Don’t talk about her like that,” he said glaring down the man.
Caleb snickered, rolling his eyes and shaking his head, “You’re in love with her. I sent you on this mission six months ago and you’re like a lovesick puppy. It’s funny in all honesty,” he pursed his lips, Harry lowered his hand.
“I want out of this, Caleb. I may be in love with her, but I paid back my debt and if you refuse to let me go, I’ll tell her about our history--”
“So she can fix up your mess? You humour me, Styles,” Caleb said, “You’re not off the hook. Here’s your next mission.”
Harry sat on the couch at her house, as she walked around the room talking about her day and grabbing herself some snacks and a glass of wine for the movie they are about to watch. He loved seeing her like this, in her natural state as she expressed her feelings, her words and what was in her head. Y/N wasn’t calm, collected, stern or cold when she was with him anymore. She was soft and every second, she was falling for him and him for her.
“You’re not listening to me, H,” she said, sitting next to him as he wrapped his arm around her.
“Of course I am, love,” he told her kissing her temple.
“I am meeting Caleb tomorrow,” she said, kissing his lips, and looking up to him.
His eyes widened, “Why?”
“Because, my dear, I have a plan,” she said, poking his nose and winking.
“Now, why are you being so quiet?” she asked, kneeling in front of him and cupping his cheeks. He smiled gently at her, looking away as he tried to form the words on his tongue.
“I lied to you,” he said, she stopped rubbing his cheek as he pulled away and ruffled his hair. “I lied to you, Y/N.”
“Lied to me about what Harry?” she responded to his frazzled voice. Harry still couldn’t look her in the eye as he tried to form the words he desperately wanted to say. “Harry, baby, I love you, remember? Nothing is going to change that,” she said, “I’m getting worried,” she grabbed his cheeks and pulled him to her. “Look at me, tell me,” she pleaded.
“I lied. I had a price on my head and Caleb helped me to pay it off as long as I worked for him. I, Y/N, I was a spy. I was hired to tell everything about you--”
She pulled away instantly, “And did you tell him, Harry?” he nodded.
“Not everything, just in the beginning. The moment I got feelings for you, I stopped. Please, love, forgive me. Let’s move past--” “Stop,” she said, pulling away from his embrace as she walked out of the living room. “You broke my trust, Harry. I fucking trusted you, I fucking trusted you. I fucking love you and this happens. Get out!” she said, looking at him with such anger that he didn’t recognise her orbs anymore.
“Please,” he pleaded, walking towards her to try again to grab her hand.
“No. I love you so much--”
“Then forgive me. I have been feeding you information for months.”
“Why haven’t you told me sooner?” she asked, rubbing her temples. 
“Because I was afraid of this, darling,” he said, taking a piece of her hair and twirling it.
“Just get out. I’ll call you when I am ready to see you again, Styles,” she told him, walking past him, bumping shoulders as she left. Then she was gone.
She sat, biting her nails as she looked around the darkroom. Y/N recognised her bodyguard by the door as she waited for the man she loathed so much. The man that was truly a snake in disguise and an artist of vileness. A man who crushed her heart and spread rumours around that she’ll open her legs up for anyone and they call her the Devil. They call her The Devil when really it was him who was the devil.
She was supposed to meet Caleb a few weeks ago, but she refused to go when she was in that emotional state. Its been three weeks since she saw Harry and it was the hardest three weeks of her life. The beauty felt lifeless, lost and sad without him and she just wanted him back. Yet, she couldn’t, she had a business to run and she had a plan.
“Why’d you cancel?” The Devil walked in, she rolled her eyes, looking at the bloodstain on his cheek.
“You have a little something,” she said, rubbing her cheek.
“It’s for you to lick off later, you love it when I get all down and dirty,” he winked to her and she just gagged in the inside.
“Oh, you wish. I am here on business, let’s talk.” Just then, her Harry walked in. Suit on and hair fixed perfectly as she watched him sit next to Caleb. He was hurt, she recognised. She could see it in his eyes.
“My associate and I have come with a proposition, we’ve seen how you run your empire and we’re impressed. But there is room for approvement and we’d like to offer our services,” Caleb said, lighting a cigarette and placing it to his lips.
“Hi, Harry,” she said, raising her eyebrows. “We all love a traitor,” Y/N said, standing up and walking across the room, brushing the chairs with her fingers types as she pulled a chair out and sat on it. She leaned forward, forehead almost touching with Harry’s, yet pulling back.
“So, you think you’re so superior. With your little suit and tie and the Rover on the driveway. You really thought you could just take my empire, like that,” she said, snapping her fingers. Y/N placed her palms on the table, “You’re wrong and here I thought you’re so smart, Caleb. Don’t make a deal with the Devil, is what they say, huh? How come you wanna mess with that shit?” she smirked to him, glaring the man down.
“Do we have a deal?” he asked, voice stern. Y/N turned her back on him, placing her hands on the hip.
Three men were stood behind Harry and Caleb; three bodyguards. Y/N turned around, whipping the gun from her holster as she took three easily shots to the men. “No, we don’t,” she mumbled, blowing the smoke from her gun. “Didn’t your mother taught you to play nice? If you play dirty, two can play that game.” Harry stood up, fixing his suit jacket as he walked towards Y/N.
“You nasty piece of shit. You bitch,” Caleb said, pulling his gun out and pointing it to her. Harry pulled his and pointed it to Caleb.
“You may have street smarts, but at least I know what the fuck I am doing,” she told him, “Shoot me, my gang won’t go to you. Shoot Harry, that won’t change anything except make me really sad. We don’t want me sad, last night, I killed your brother. So, make a smart choice here Caleb. If you don’t kill me, we could forever be in this fight where everyone knows you love me. You won’t kill me. Kill Harry, I’ll kill you. Make your decision,” she said, no hesitation in her voice.
“You were also smart,” he told her.
“I know,” she told him, as he lowered his gun.
“You two will make beautiful babies,” he said again, looking at the floor as he tried to buy time.
“I know that too. I wish I could send you an invite to the wedding or the baby shower. I have an old friend who wants you, Caleb and not in a good way. He’s standing outside. What is going to happen, is Harry’s gonna open the door and you’re going to not resist. He’ll take you away and we’ll never have to see each other again. Harry and I can move on, and you will be dead. There are some people who actually know how to make a deal with the devil, sugar, you just aren’t one of them.”
Y/N walked out of the bathroom, silk robe wrapped around her as she made her way to bed. Harry sat, with a book in his hand. Its been six months since Caleb was taken to Japan where he made a bad deal with a gang leader there. They have been happy since. 
“You’re so badass and beautiful,” he cheekily said, as she climbed in bed and met him with a kiss. She giggled in between the kisses as his hands drifted to her butt. “Here, I thought you hated me in the beginning,” he said, kissing her cheek as she pulled away.
“What?! No! I never hated you when we first met,” she said, cupping his cheeks as she straddled him with her knees in the queen size bed.
“You so hated me,” he told her, smirking and dragging out the “oh” sound. 
“Yes, no kiss me you little bugger,” and she gladly did.
“I really love you,” she mumbled, against his lips. He hummed in agreement.
“If you really love me, bug,” he kissed her again, “then marry me.”
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3 am thoughts
If Grogu joins Luke’s Jedi academy, does that mean he’s part of the Gucci Gang?
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itsthebiiii · 4 years
A messy summary of Ikepri Yves’ route from chap 16
Hey so it's me again lol. I know I'm SUUUPER late to the party and Nokto's route is out mah boiiiiis, but I finally finished one of the endings and I'm here to deliver them delicious spoilers so... here they are under the cut. Also, somehow more detailed than the last one but it's still as messy don't worry
also, sorry if there are any errors or inaccuracies!
So about that plot, well, some shit is going down that requires the princes to go to battle so they do that (once again, breezed through that part 😅). MC's quite worried bout Yves but he promises he'd return so they gucci.
While on the battlefield, everyone's all exhausted and full of blood on their hands, well, except for Yves. Leon and the gang noticed how he doesn't kill any one of the Obsidian soldiers and he just kept pushing them down. I think Yves was doing this because he doesn't want to kill one of his own because, no matter what he's got some Obsidian blood in his veins. Anyway, they notice a soldier about to attack Yves from behind, but before anyone could bat an eye, Licht comes to his rescue and gets injured. And yall know the drill, Yves feels guilty, yada yada.
After three days, the princes return and MC welcomes them. She noticed everyone looked messed up except for Yves, and when she called him it seemed like he didn't even hear her. MC is concerned bout what happened out there, but before she could ask some more, Jin asks her to take care of Licht's wound. She agrees, and while tending to his injury, Licht tells her what happened. He also told her there's one thing MC can do for Yves, but before he can say what, Jin and Clavis barges in the room with impeccable timing and some booze, announcing that they're gonna drink up for getting out alive so they gather everyone up lolol they rowdy af. Yves doesn't show up tho which makes MC even more worried
MC immediately comes to a realization that Yves might be blaming himself for what happened to Licht so she searches for him until she finds him in the kitchen. He still looked like he wasn't himself, so MC tries comforting him until he snappedt and tried pushing her away (I swear these two) Yves was like "yo wtf why do you even care for me I don't deserve that shit" and then that scene from the PV happens. Yves cried bout how much he hates himself more than anyone does and he wishes he was someone that ain't him. MC just stayed silent and listened to him pour his heart out ugh poor boi
Some time later, the princes gathered up again because they received a letter(?) from Obsidian. It said they want Rhodolite to send Yves back to Obsidian or else some shit will go down. They obviously think it's a trap of some sort but Yves agrees anyway so... that's decided. MC doesn't know of this until she hears from Luke. She rushes to Yves' room and saw him packing up. MC was also apprehensive about him going (or returning?) to Obsidian, but Yves just smiled and told her not to worry or smth. Also he was like "remember all that crap I told you that night at the kitchen? Sike, those were L I E S" and MC's just like "ye right" but because she was unable to form a response to any of that, she left the room teary eyed, with Yves also equally sad. MC returns to her room and while crying her heart out she realizes one teensy tiny detail: she's in love with Yves *insert surprised pikachu face*
So the day came for Yves to depart, but MC decides to stay in her room. Rio sees her in her state and told her "the MC I know and love wouldn't sulk around in her room smh go out there and chase yo mans" and after some persuasion MC heads out. She managed to catch up to Yves and talk to him for like 3 minutes. Also in those 3 minutes, she finally confessed her feelings and kissed him (Yves: 😲 guards: 😳😳😳) She's like "ye remember when I said I won't fall for u? Ye that kinda happened so I guess I'm yours for all of eternity" She also says she'll be waiting for him and gives him her memo pad before he leaves.
In the carriage, Yves reads MC's notes, there were some notes written about the princes but later they soon become notes about what they had done together: going to town, eating sum food, etc. He realizes that she turned it into a whole ass diary and it was mainly about him 😭 Yves was like "girl don't even know this ain't a diary... baka na no??? *sad princely sobbing*"
Back at the castle, the remaining princes gathered up again, this time with MC, and they talked about Obsidian's real motives. They talked about how Yves shouldn't have gone to Obsidian because the moment he interacts with them, he could or would get killed. MC was worried as she listens to them making plans and when Licht decided he would go first to retrieve Yves, he drags MC along with him because he's good at reading expressions and our girl MC here really wants to be useful to the story.
Meanwhile, Yves' carriage suddenly stops and one of his soldiers alerts him that there's a fuckton of Obsidian soldiers ahead and Yves realizes they've been set up. He instructs his men to return to the castle and leave him, also he warns them that there miiiight be some more Obsidian peeps on their way back so he commands them to get out alive. Despite their apprehension, well they had to obey Yves so they did just that.
MEANWHILE meanwhile, Licht and MC go to Obsidian (I don't recall if they bumped into Yves' army but meh) and they stay back a bit to watch stuff unfold. There, they see Yves talking to some Obsidian leaders or smth and the leaders were talking shit to him bout how worthless he actually is and all that crap. They were like "yo you're cursed with sum bad magic huh" Yves was like "Ye, I thought so too. But ya know what? I met someone who kept looking at me straight in the eye and focused on all my good aspects. That person made me stop denying myself. (MC: oh shiz he's talking about the stuff I told him before he left) So no matter how much I didn't want to accept myself, no matter how much I wished to be someone else, I mustn't deny the me that she believed in, I mustn't give up on myself! So ye. I'm Yves Kloss, the 5th Prince of Rhodolite!" YES my boi gain that confidence!!!
So the Obsidian peeps were like "btch u done with ur last words? Just so u know the men u let escape are prolly dead anyway so, how bout u die too aye? Pls die" and when the Obsidian soldiers point their blades at him, Licht decides it was a good time to show up
So ye, before Yves could take a blow, Licht blocked it with his sword. Yves was like "wtf r u two doing here???!" And MC replied with "we're saving you, duh" and Licht backs her up with "ye what she said" the Obsidian peeps were all ???? but they decided to kill them two as well. MC's like "ye no we have back up otw" but the Obsidian peeps thought she was just fronting. So Yves and Licht decides to buy them more time by fighting (but not killing) them. They may be strong but they're exhausted as well, then one soldier finds an opening and aims for Licht. Yves sees this and gets in front of Licht, getting his arm injured in the process.
They try stalling for a few more minutes until the gang finally arrives and they're relieved Yves and Licht are still alive. Jin was like "yo wtf we didn't agree to send Yves here just to get our princes killed in a place like this" and the Obsidian guys are like "we just wanted to welcome Prince Yves until he pointed his sword at us 👉👈🥺💦" but Jin and the other princes obviously ain't buying that crap.
So playtime's over and after all that political stuff, Leon's like "aye Yves, since u have Rhodolite and Obsidian blood, ur technically our bridge, so wtf do we do now?" And Yves says the four kingdoms should sign a peace treaty and also form an alliance to end all those beef. MC's happy for him because he finally achieved his dream of uniting Rhodolite and Obsidian through him. And ye, everybody agrees so everybody happy
BUT WAIT! Sariel announces that Belle needs to choose the next king at that very moment (like wtf couldn't they wait until they get home?) But hey, since they're forming alliances anyway. So MC's pressured and all until she realizes, ayo wait up... ya'll know what the kingdoms need? Not one, not two, but EIGHT leaders! "Ye fam, I appoint all 8 princes to lead the kingdoms... momentarily until I make my final decision." Sariel's like "That ain't allowed" and MC responds with "I know fam. But the kingdoms are in a pretty unstable situation, and we need these 8 dudes to support the kingdoms... after everything is settled and stable again do I choose the king" and they were like "if that's what Belle says, then aight smh" Then everyone finally goes home, but not before Yves and MC shares a moment and Yves faints or falls asleep due to exhaustion
Back at the castle, MC is summoned by Sariel and he shows her there is only one petal left of the rose. He tells her "I know you've technically done your job, but until you choose A KING, will you stay in the castle?" Of course MC agrees and Sariel tells her that he thinks she made the best decision for the situation.
After MC leaves, Yves enters the room and asks Sariel if he has seen MC. Sariel has half a mind to tell the truth, but where's the fun in that right? He tells Yves that MC's preparing to leave since she has done her job and according to the Belle clause, 'once the king is chosen, Belle can't interact with or see him forever' or smth like that and Yves was like "Screw that bs!" and ran to MC's room immediately, leaving Sariel to laugh in evil 😏
In her room, MC was worried about Yves' wounds so she decides to pay him a visit, when she hears knocks on her door that she recognizes was Yves'. He wasted no time entering the room and pinning MC to her bed (SQUEAAAAL) and she was like "??? ya good fam?!" And Yves replied "WHERE TF DO U THINK UR GOING HUH??"
(Ya know what I think imma put a bit of their convo here lol)
MC: To see you?
Yves: And what? So you can say goodbye and tell me we won't see each other forever? BAKA
MC: ...Eh?
Yves: I don't care what Sariel or the others decided. I can't accept this! MC, I can't even take it when you're not beside me... what will I do if we can't see each other ever again? Just thinking about it makes me crazy... You said you'll be mine forever, didn't you? Then I... I'm yours forever as well! Because I was the one who fell (in love) first!
MC: !!!
Yves: I love love LOVE you, you idiot! So don't go saying we won't be together! The Yves Kloss won't allow that even if the world turns upside down! (not sure about that last part)
SO YE. As much as that warmed MC's heart, she was like "i ain't going anywhere. Bruh Sariel's messing with u" and Yves is EMBARRASSED but he doesn't deny it anyway. He decides to say some more cute stuff so lemme put it down here xD
"MC, a lot of unexpected things happened in my life. But the most unexpected thing that happened to me is falling in love with you. Even though I swore I would never fall for you, I noticed I have. You said you were the first one to fall for me, but I think my feelings for you are bigger. MC, I'm stupidly in love with you."
And they argue about who loves the other more lolol then they do the deed 🤭
So some time passed, and the other princes were throwing MC some pickup lines (they were teasing Yves about taking the crown and the MC lolol) and Yves just stood there like "fam?? Aren't yall a lil too close?? Sariel help!!1! Licht and Chevalier too???" And he whisks MC away to his room. The other princes just smiled fondly at the two and Leon comments, "Maybe just meeting someone can fill up the gaps in a person's heart" and he recalls how they tried filling Yves' loneliness but somehow could not fill up the last piece. Until MC shows up and did just that. Jin was like "heh, that sounds like destiny" and Leon confirms that it is 🥺
Back at Yves' room, he has MC pinned down again and he declares that he needs to do his best to continue staying by MC's side. And MC says "me too fam" then she asks him a very important question: "Do you still want to be someone other than you?"
And he replies with:
"It's because you showed me my good traits and loved me for who I am that I don't hate the me I am now. Besides, if I were someone else, then I wouldn't be able to fall in love with you like this. It's because I'm like this, that you found me. That's why, from the bottom of my heart, I'm happy I'm me; I'm happy I did my best to live" ugly sobbing in the background 😭😭😭
So that beautiful CG appears, and Yves tells MC that line, "When I fell in love with you, it's as if the bad magic disappeared. Thank you... for teaching me what true love is."
A few days later, the two were at the library and Yves tells MC that before, he never knew what love is. But of course it's different now, because he tells her, "For me, the meaning of love is... you, MC."
YALL I'M STILL SOBBING BRUUUH 😭😭😭 this whole route was a blast 100/10 would read again (after I finish Nokto, I guess lolol) But ye. Yves is my best boi in IkePri because I'm a sucker for these tropes it's just so sooooft.
So I'm still undecided whether I should read the epilogue or nah because I need like 20 more affection pts? and I really wanna do Nokto's route... idk man
Well this was longer than I expected, so if you reached the end, have some more leFtOvERs from Yves! 🥧
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sagittariuswritings · 3 years
star wars characters as actual things my friends have said
luke skywalker: what if we held feet
han solo: don't leave me on read ahaha you're so sexy *strokes my chin*
leia organa: i'm the final boss that he has to fight
poe dameron: anyway i'm hotter than kylo ren
finn: honestly why are my nipples cold
rey: tentacle ren is superior
obi-wan: technically your legs never end they just keep going until your head
anakin: the baby just had a punchable face
threepio: don't be sharkphobic
din djarin: that's not very gucci gang
kylo ren: bitch i'll drink your spinal fluid !
CREDIT / INSPIRATION: @dameronology
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softforcal · 5 years
Writing Tips
I get a lot of asks about tips on writing so i figured i’d just make a huge ass post for ya’ll :)
this shit covers: character, plot, motivation, past vs present tense, 3rd vs 1st verson, oneshots vs multi chapter fics, moodboards for character building, dialogue, oc’s vs reader inserts, face claims, the grocery store test, the meme test
okay i want to start by saying: i used to write imagines so writing in character was like MY THING for like 6 years so i have a LOT OF PRACTICE with watching something and picking up on characters and i’ve spent THOUSANDS of hours watching shows. so like, i’ve spent a lot of time on this you know? so don’t feel bad if you have a life and havent had as much practice :)
so at the moment, i’ve been doing character mood boards to help figure out a character? but the thing about that is im picky about face claims and it can be hard so this is an easily skippable option and i’m not even sure if i enjoy it yet you know?
so first: i think of a story. i think of the type of OC that’s involved, i think about what they’re like, (i sometimes find a face claim), i give them a name
for me, as soon as they have a name and sort of a face in my brain, they take on a life of their own. a character knows when you’ve found the right name and face for it and it comes alive when you do. like for me, Birdie was originally ‘Cherry’ but she was like ‘bitch no’ and wouldn’t let me write her until i found her name.
to be honest. i don’t plan things. like. when i write, the character just takes over. i have no control. they do what they want. fucking Valentina and Harry in Trouvaille, i had a whole angst scene for them and these assholes decided to go on the terrace and tell each other they like each other instead and then the story just ended. like. i had a pLAN and they RUINED IT.
you can’t be afraid if letting your characters do what they want to do. when you plot, a loose outline is good but i just throw my characters into a situation and see where they go.
like for my final gang au chapter, did i want Michael to leave town? no. but he needed to take Dove and get the fuck out of there you know?
i don’t make playlists really, sometimes certain songs stick to people, like one of my characters, his song right now is Girlfriend by Anderson East and that song was sort of inspiration.
I don’t know where my inspiration comes from. obviously i write a FUCK ton so let me see if i can explain a few past stories and where they came from.
Gang AU was born from a post by @hereforlukescruff​ about the song ‘Or Nah.’
Cromulent was based off a tumblr post about enemies fake dating
Wild one was legit just me figuring out how to work all of @glitterprincelu​s fav things into one fic
Floral was based off of looking at my favourite tattoo artists floral tattoos
Trouvaille was originally pompous New York! Calum but as i developed it, it was Harry and i couldn’t stop him from pushing Cal out of the way and being like ‘this is my apartment you wanker get the fuck out of here and let me smoke and paint in peace.’
Noise was originally based off an idea by @palliddark​ that i was blessed enough to receive, she also had influence in Cromulent because months ago she requested a post about the boys recording having sex for a song.
So i think what we’re realizing here is a lot of it comes through interacting with other creators. one of my new pieces is based off of 2 5sos songs and one is based off of a person in Love Island. so inspo can hit from anywhere
the fic im working on now came from me talking to @harryforvogue​ about the new Gucci ads Harry did.
i started a Greaser Cal that i dropped cuz im a whore, but it was inspired by @calsangel​ and hopefully it gets completed sometime soon
like. talking to other creative people is just a breeding pool for ideas. people you trust and love, people who you can bounce off of. listen for stories in music, study people and characters and who knows where it might lead you :)
i hope this helps. but yeah. my number one piece of advice: talk about writing, talk about stories, talk about the guys you want to write about and inspo WILL hit.
also to all the people i have tagged i hope you know how much you guys mean to me. like. i really appreciate all you guys do and how much support you’ve given me and continue to give me. i hope i can offer the same support in return and i love you all with my whole heart.
****** Moodboard and Character (final thoughts)
So basically since i wrote that OG advice, i’ve begun to realize: moodboards are a good tool because if you can easily come up with 9 pics for a character they’re pretty well thought out. 
for example, my easiest moodboard to make was for Birdie in my gang au
Birdie: likes scrunchies, reading, classic stories, ice cream, bubblegum, lollipops, acrylic nails, having her hair in a bun
my worst moodboard was for a character named Annabelle from Noise
i started and was like... who is Annabelle: she’s blonde... she uhhhh is doing psychology?
and that’s all i could get because Annabelle was a mostly dialogue driven character with no actual mentioned likes or dislikes, in my eyes, Annabelle was not a well thought out character.
so moodboards can help because they show you how well you’ve got your characters figured out.
so plot is tough. i tend to gravitate more to character driven plot because characters are my #thing. i’m going to start by going through some of my plotlines and going over the good and bad and hopefully have an answer at the end of it after picking apart my writing. should be FUN.
long fic plots
Noise plot: Annabelle gets a new neighbour and he keeps fucking girls and waking her up and they have banter, he’s a hothead and invites her to psychoanalyze him and it leads to some tension but he is soft for her right away and they a little awkward with each other but finally give love a try.
Floral plot: would renowned tattoo artist Calum chooses a new apprentice, socially awkward and anxious Lily, they’re attracted to each other but the confines of a boss and pupil relationship are tight and evident, creating tensions. Calum struggles with being professional while falling for the cute apprentice, especially when pressure is put on them by their friends, after slow burn and anxiousness they finally get together.
Cromulent plot: Calum has a new PR relationship with Chlo and he hates her, he thinks she’s fake and does everything he can to piss her off, finally deciding to fuck with her emotions by being a GREAT boyfriend which ends up hurting her and he realizes maybe she’s not so bad after all, things are a little confusing but they finally sit down and talk it out and address some of Calum’s insecurities about her past relationships and PR stunts, they agree to give love a try.
so, from these 3 long fic outlines we can see i usually go for character based turmoil which works well for fics between 10-15k (or longer, Trouvaille fits this format and it was 19k) I just think, relationships take time and people struggle to figure themselves out enough to enter a relationship. if you have some fiery characters and banter (Cromulent and Noise) or perhaps awkward anxiety and tip toeing (Floral and Trouvaille) shit works out you know?
for smaller oneshot fics plots can be easier and more situational i think.
Movie Snack plot : Cal goes to Luke and his GF’s place for movies and Luke gets bored and eats the reader out in front of Cal which leads to sex.
Road Trip plot : Luke and reader are dating and on a road trip they’re horny but end up having to share a room with Cal who has always had a thing for the reader, smut ensues. 
Stay Still plot : Tattooist!Cal is the readers fuck buddy and she goes to get her tits pierced, ending up with Luke as her piercer, but Calum shows up and angst leads to smut.
so yeah, for smaller 1-5k little smut pieces it can be more relaxed, smut is just smut, not love, and sex is a hell of a lot easier than love you know? 
yeah, so that’s all my plot advice
3rd person, 1st person, what the fuck person
when it comes to HOW you write your fic (what person, what tense, etc...) that’s up to you. it’s honestly whatever you feel best in. i’ve dabbled with a bit of everything. you just have to find what feels the most natural to you :) that’s the only advice i can give on this because no one thing is better than the other, it’s up to you.
one tip for 3rd person i have is to generally focus on one character. i’m a fan of doing the thing where for example, in Cromulent, we focus on Calum and why he doesn’t like Chlo. if we switched to Chlo a lot it would take away from the unreliable narration and bias Calum has. the good thing is to stay with Calum and be angry at Chlo and realize with Cal that she’s not so bad.
but that’s just me.
you can do switching when characters are together or on a phone call, like if you’re with Calum but he’s calling (for example) Chlo and then you want to see her reaction you can do
Calum groaned, staring at the ceiling, “bla bla cal saying shit”
“bla bla Chlo answering” she held the phone tighter etc...
and just like that you’re now with Chlo not Calum. 
*********** OC’s vs Reader Insert
i’ll be real here: for some reason, i feel like reader inserts are more read on tumblr and i started out doing reader inserts to build a following. 
personally, i prefer writing OC’s because you can go more in depth with EVERYTHING. 
it’s honestly up to you what you want to do. i’ve decided to do my short smuts at reader insert and longer fics as OC but it’s whatever works for you at the end of the day.
I’m a fan of dialogue driving story, Noise was so much fucking dialogue it’s insane. finding your characters voice is important and sticking with that makes a huge difference. if you’re character can kind of be seen based JUST on what they’re saying, thats a good sign.
i hate to say it but imma say it: when doing 5sos it’s important to know they’re Australian. some countries have different mannerisms and such, for example, i’m Canadian but i can’t have Calum out here saying “it’s a nice day eh?” you know? so, i would advise to try to get a handle on accents and word choice specifically to make them more believable. as is said in the iconic movie Tropic Thunder 
Tumblr media
so this is probably one of the biggest issues writers are facing and i’m about to get REAL AS FUCK.
on tumblr, it can feel like once you gain a following you CONSTANTLY need to be pumping shit out for them.
back in the day, i was posting a HC a day and a lot of it was for hogwarts!5sos. it felt like a job, which wasn’t anyone elses doing per se, i just think a lot of fic writers get caught up in this pressure whether it’s imposed by anons or not (im lucky that i’ve never had anon pressure and i’m very grateful for my amazing followers tbh)
Tumblr is not a job. if you’re writing, write for you. you are blessing tumblr with you’re writing. please don’t feel pressure to put stuff out or write a new chapter or anything.
if you ever feel like you’re under a lot of pressure, take a few days away, find the root of your writing joy. always do what you want to do. if you have to turn off asks to feel sane, do it. if you gotta block mean anons pressuring you, do it. you don’t owe anyone anything.
your writing is a gift graciously bestowed on this hellsite and this site shouldn’t make you feel pressured to write and give content FOR FREE. it shouldn’t make you lose your passion and make writing feel like a chore or job.
motivation can be hard. i’m a fucking psycho so don’t use me as a base for what you should be doing. i put out a fic a week which i really shouldn’t be doing, it’s not practical. but i can type fast as fuck and writing 1 or 2k in 10 minutes is normal for me so don’t use me as an example you know.
go at your own pace. write what you love. write au’s or for the characters you love and hopefully the rest will come.
******** Multi Chapter vs oneshots
ok more realness, pros and cons of each
-its one and done, no need to worry about putting out more
-they can be fun
-it’s all in one place which a lot of readers like
-can be long af
-take longer to write since a oneshot is probably like 10+k depending on who you are as opposed to perhaps 5k chapters of a multi chapter fic 
Multi Chapter
-people are excited for more
-cliffhangers are fun
-people interact with you more about chapters to come
-more pressure to put out new chapters
-with each new chapter you’re probably losing likes because people get bored or forget about it because people sometimes don’t have the attention span or whatever to continue reading whenever you update
-usually tend to be longer than a oneshot (5k chapters means that in 2 chapters you have probably surpasses a oneshot length of 10ishk)
So i will be real. i prefer oneshots. i adore my gang au which was long as fuck and super multi chaptered but it’s tough to see the likes go down and down. plus, i wrote all of Penumbra (the main multi chaptered part) before i started putting it out so i had no pressure to write more cuz that shit was done before i started posting.
which does help. if you want to write the whole thing before you start posting it takes off the first con but you’re still left with the other 2. 
Face Claims
i feel like for some characters they’re born without a face claim but i totally get it if you want to use a face claim before you even start. finding face claims can be hard so you have to get ready to go creep on insta and look at models and figure out who you like. a lot of insta models follow each other so once you find a model you like, look through their following list or recent likes to see other models.
another thing you can do is go for brands or photographers who link their models. Fashion Nova for example, if you’re scrolling through and like a girl the link is there. and the same goes for some photographers. there’s a lot of accounts that are just for hot girls with links to their instas so (even if it feel weird) you should go check those out :)
The Grocery Store Test
next, for making characters, i think for me name is a big part of it. once a character finds their name that character comes alive in my mind. i was thinking about this yesterday and i said to myself, ‘you know you have a good grasp on your character when you can imagine them in a grocery store and know what they’d do.’
for example:
Birdie (from Gang AU) would go look at nail polish and candy, Luke would legit have to put her in the cart to get her out of there and if there’s a book section? good luck man
Valentina (trouvaille) is just gorgeous. she and Harry would go and he’d push the cart and she’d have a nicely written notepad of things to get and she’d look so pretty, head bowed, crossing things off, and Harry would be such a melt for her. he would crash into things cuz he’s so busy paying attention to her. she’d be a fan of picking up boxes and reading out nutritional values just to point out to Harry that eggos are not good for him.
so, Valentina and Birdie are probably my best OC’s if i’m being honest and because of that, these were easy.
now, take a character i didn’t work on as much and suddenly it’s different
Annabelle (noise) never really talked about anything but school and shitting on Calum so, i mean, i guess i can think of what she’d do in a store but.. like, i’d have to think about it you know?
so to me, we can see the difference between a fully fledged OC and one that needs to be worked on.
but, Noise still got a lot of likes so i dunno, i’m just self critical i guess.
i think, when it comes to characters, everyone has flaws. Annabelle is too critical of Calum and has a stigma about wealth, Valentina… she’s flawless not gonna lie but she’s a little too afraid of stepping on other people’s toes and she should probably be less anxious, Birdie is way too sentimental and cries over everything, plus she’s way too trusting and naive at times.
it’s balance. but once a character is born in your brain, you just gotta give them love and hopefully others will as well :)
The Meme Test
my most recent advice is: if you can meme a character or dynamic between characters, you know you’re gucci. imma leave a meme here for a fic i’m working on and ya’ll will have no clue what it means but whatever it’s a point
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so hopefully this has answered any questions you have. this is all just my opinion and if you disagree with what i’ve said thats chill. at the end of the day this is what works for me and i urge you to find what works for you. there’s no one clear way to write.
good luck writer bubs :) 
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vampiresfeltmyvibe · 6 years
A playlist of everything and anything
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Ghosted;Kamille - Get Some
Harlœ - More Than Ever
Post Malone - Leave
H.E.R. - Losing
Zara Larsson - I Can't Fall in Love Without You
Witt Lowry;Tori Solkowski - Let Me Know (feat. Tori Solkowski)
The Chainsmokers;Emily Warren - My Type
Machine Gun Kelly - Let You Go
Russ - Cherry Hill
Dua Lipa - Thinking 'Bout You
Paramore - Tell Me How
Jordan Bratton - Drugs You Should Try It
Ruelle - The Other Side
Ariana Grande - Why Try
VÉRITÉ - Somebody Else
Luke Christopher - Lost
Jez Dior;Danny Score - Bleach
Julia Michaels - Worst In Me
MUNA - Crying On The Bathroom Floor
Chris Brown;Kendrick Lamar - Autumn Leaves
Martin Garrix;Dua Lipa - Scared to Be Lonely
Chappell Roan - Good Hurt
Naaz - Can’t
Dua Lipa - No Goodbyes
Julia Michaels - Don't Wanna Think
Daniel Caesar - We Find Love
Michael Bernard Fitzgerald - Temptation
FOURS - Tell Me in the Morning
Lewis Capaldi - Fade
Billie Eilish - watch
EXES;Jome - Better Better
Demi Lovato - Tell Me You Love Me
Clean Bandit;Julia Michaels - I Miss You (feat. Julia Michaels)
Lewis Capaldi - Mercy
Morrissey & Marshall - I Need You
Aimee Mann - Good for Me
Sam Smith;YEBBA - No Peace
ZAYN - fOoL fOr YoU
Ruth B. - Mixed Signals
Sam Smith - The Thrill Of It All
Tove Styrke - Mistakes
Janine - Unstable
Camila Cabello - Never Be the Same
Kevin Garrett - Little Bit of You
The Neighbourhood - $TING
Jalen Santoy - Foreplay
XXXTENTACION - Jocelyn Flores
Kendrick Lamar - HUMBLE.
Lorde - Green Light
Machine Gun Kelly;Hailee Steinfeld - At My Best (feat. Hailee Steinfeld)
Years & Years - Breathe
Childish Gambino - V. 3005
Junior Senior - Move Your Feet
Khalid - American Teen
PLVTINUM - Come My Way
DJ Khaled;Rihanna;Bryson Tiller - Wild Thoughts (feat. Rihanna & Bryson Tiller)
Logic;Alessia Cara;Khalid - 1-800-273-8255
Molo;Benny Jamz;Gilli;MellemFingaMuzik - Bølgen
Quintino;Cheat Codes - Can't Fight It
FO&O - So So Good
Alexander Oscar - Ocean View
Paramore - Hard Times
Snakehips;ZAYN - Cruel
Flume;Vince Staples;KUČKA - Smoke & Retribution
Frank Ocean - Pink + White
Chris Brown - Questions
J. Cole - Wet Dreamz
KESI;Benny Jamz - Mamacita
A$AP Rocky;Rod Stewart;Miguel;Mark Ronson - Everyday
Childish Gambino - IV. sweatpants
Scarlet Pleasure - Deja Vu
Frederik Leopold - The Payback Song
Lil Uzi Vert - XO TOUR Llif3
ZAYN;Kehlani - wRoNg
Why Don't We - Something Different
Drake;Future - Plastic Bag
Chris Brown - Fine China
Joel Adams - Please Don't Go
JP Cooper - September Song
Skrillex;Poo Bear - Would You Ever
Mura Masa;A$AP Rocky - Love$ick
Joe Hertz;Amber-Simone;Cabu - Stay Lost - Cabu Remix
Duke Dumont - Ocean Drive
Scarlet Pleasure - Good Together
OutKast - Ms. Jackson
J Balvin;Willy William - Mi Gente
Machine Gun Kelly;X Ambassadors;Bebe Rexha - Home (with Machine Gun Kelly, X Ambassadors & Bebe Rexha)
Blackbear;FRND - anxiety (with FRND)
Post Malone - I Fall Apart
DJ Khaled;Justin Bieber;Quavo;Chance the Rapper;Lil Wayne - I'm the One (feat. Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper & Lil Wayne)
Years & Years - Take Shelter
PRETTYMUCH;French Montana - No More
Jeremih;YG - Don't Tell 'Em
Future Animals - Ask For It
VAX;Teddy Sky;DIMA - Fireproof - DIMA Remix
Drake;WizKid;Kyla - One Dance
David Guetta;Afrojack;Charli XCX;French Montana - Dirty Sexy Money (feat. Charli XCX & French Montana)
Eminem;Ed Sheeran - River (feat. Ed Sheeran)
Major Lazer;Justin Bieber;MØ - Cold Water (feat. Justin Bieber & MØ)
Lil Pump - Gucci Gang
Travis Scott - goosebumps
Eminem - Mockingbird
NF - If You Want Love
NF - Let You Down
XXXTENTACION;Trippie Redd - Fuck Love (feat. Trippie Redd)
XXXTENTACION - Everybody Dies In Their Nightmares
Jaden Smith - Batman
Stefflon Don;French Montana - Hurtin' Me
Maximillian - Strangers
Logic;Rag'n'Bone Man - Broken People (with Logic & Rag'n'Bone Man)
Xander - Spild Tiden
Ericka Jane - Bad Like You
Young Thug - Wyclef Jean
Maître Gims - Est-ce que tu m'aimes ? - Pilule Bleue
Nothing But Thieves - Sorry
Martin Garrix;David Guetta;Jamie Scott;Romy Dya - So Far Away (feat. Jamie Scott & Romy Dya)
ALMA;French Montana - Phases
Skinz - Malibu
Arlissa;Jonas Blue - Hearts Ain't Gonna Lie (with Jonas Blue)
Machine Gun Kelly - Habits
Young Thug;Travis Scott - pick up the phone
Lost Kings;Emily Warren - Phone Down
Rak-Su;Wyclef Jean;Naughty Boy - Dimelo - X Factor Recording
SZA - The Weekend
Troye Sivan - My My My!
Ansel Elgort - Supernova
Dua Lipa - IDGAF
FOOL - Outcast
FOOL - Strapped
Khalid - Another Sad Love Song
Lauv - I Like Me Better
Bon Iver - Holocene
Sigur Rós - Hoppípolla
James TW - Say Love
dvsn - Think About Me
Dagny - Love You Like That
J. Cole - Intro
J. Cole - KOD
J. Cole - Photograph
J. Cole;kiLL edward - The Cut Off (feat. kiLL edward)
J. Cole - ATM
J. Cole - Motiv8
J. Cole - Kevin’s Heart
J. Cole - Once an Addict - Interlude
J. Cole;kiLL edward - FRIENDS (feat. kiLL edward)
J. Cole - Window Pain - Outro
J. Cole - 1985 - Intro to “The Fall Off”
Khalid;Normani - Love Lies (with Normani)
FO&O - If I Had
Shawn Mendes - Where Were You In The Morning?
Daughter - Youth
Big Sean;Miguel - Ashley
Parachute - Forever And Always
Shawn Mendes - Nervous
Shawn Mendes - Why
Kodaline - Shed a Tear
ELI - Change Your Mind
SZA - Broken Clocks
Charlie Puth - The Way I Am
Ruel - Say
Jeremy Zucker - all the kids are depressed
Florence + The Machine - The End Of Love
Years & Years - Don't Panic
Ruelle - Hold Your Breath
Panic! At The Disco - Old Fashioned
Bazzi - Dreams
Bazzi - Soarin
Bazzi - Myself
Bazzi - Star
Bazzi - Why
Bazzi - 3:15
Bazzi - Honest
Bazzi - Mirror
Bazzi - Gone
Bazzi - Fantasy
Bazzi - BRB
Bazzi - Cartier
Bazzi - Beautiful
Bazzi - Mine
Bazzi - Changed
Bazzi - Somebody
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reviewmonkeyreview · 5 years
2018 Year End: Ranked
1.     Lemon-N.E.R.D., Rihanna
2.     How Long-Charlie Puth
3.     Be Careful-Cardi B
4.     One Kiss-Calvin Harris, Dua Lipa
5.     no tears left to cry-Ariana Grande
6.     Nice For What-Drake
7.     Stir Fry-Migos
8.     Young Dumb & Broke-Khalid
9.     Finesse REMIX-Bruno Mars, Cardi B
10.New Rules-Dua Lipa
11.Love Lies-Khalid, Normani
12.Feel It Still-Portugal. The Man
13.Sorry Not Sorry-Demi Lovato
14.Taste-Tyga, Offset
15.All The Stars-Kendrick Lamar, SZA
16.I Get The Bag-Gucci Mane, Migos
17.Eastside-benny blanco, Halsey, Khalid
18.I Like It-Cardi B, Bad Bunny, J Balvin
19.Marry Me-Thomas Rhett
21.Delicate-Taylor Swift
22.King’s Dead-Kendrick Lamar, Jay Rock, Future, James Blake
23.The Middle-Zedd, Grey, Maren Morris
24.Havana-Camila Cabello
25.God is a woman-Ariana Grande
26.IDGAF-Dua Lipa
27.This Is America-Childish Gambino
28.Too Good At Goodbyes-Sam Smith
29.No Limit-G-Eazy, A$AP Rocky, Cardi B
30.In My Blood-Shawn Mendes
31.Ric Flair Drip-Offset, Metro Boomin
32.Boo’d Up-Ella Mai
33.Heaven-Kane Brown
34.Pray For Me-Kendrick Lamar, The Weeknd
35.Happier-Marshmello, Bastille
37.Powerglide-Rae Sremmurd, Juicy J
38.Sky Walker-Miguel, Travis Scott
39.Trip-Ella Mai
40.Say Something-Justin Timberlake
41.Lucid Dreams-Juice WRLD
42.Bartier Cardi-Cardi B, 21 Savage
43.God’s Plan-Drake
44.Bad At Love-Halsey
46.LOVE.-Kendrick Lamar, Zacari
47.SICKO MODE-Travis Scott, Drake, Swae Lee
48.In My Feelings-Drake
49.rockstar-Post Malone, 21 Savage
50.Dura-Daddy Yankee
51.Outside Today-YoungBoy Never Broke Again
52.Mi Gente-J Balvin, Willy Williams, Beyonce
53.Better Now-Post Malone
54.Let You Down-NF
55.Call Out My Name-The Weeknd
56.FRIENDS-Marshmello, Anne Marie
57.Whatever It Takes-Imagine Dragons
58.You Make It Easy-Jason Aldean
59.Plain Jane REMIX-A$AP Ferg, Nicki Minaj
60.Bodak Yellow-Cardi B
61.1-800-273-8255-Logic, Khalid, Alessia Cara
62.Youngblood-5 Seconds Of Summer
63.Mercy-Brett Young
64.BIG BANK-YG, 2 Chainz, Big Sean, Nicki Minaj
65.One Number Away-Luke Combs
67.MotorSport-Migos, Cardi B, Nicki Minaj
68.Wolves-Marshmello, Selena Gomez
69.Plug Walk-Rich The Kid
70.Never Be The Same-Camila Cabello
71.No Brainer-DJ Khaled, Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance The Rapper
72.Shape Of You-Ed Sheeran
73.Psycho-Post Malone, Ty Dolla $ign
75.Perfect-Ed Sheeran, Beyonce
76.Thunder-Imagine Dragons
77.Back To You-Selena Gomez
78.X-Nicky Jams, J Balvin
80.Simple-Florida Georgia Line
81.Gucci Gang-Lil Pump
82.Wait-Maroon 5
83.Believer-Imagine Dragons
84.I Fall Apart-Post Malone
85.Te Bote-Nio Garcia, Casper Magico, Darell, Nicky Jam, Ozuna, Bad Bunny
86.Walk It Talk It-Migos, Drake
87.Yes Indeed-Lil Baby, Drake
88.Get Along-Kenny Chesney
89.Look Alive-Blocboy JB, Drake
90.What Lovers Do-Maroon 5, SZA
91.Him & I-G-Eazy, Halsey
92.I Like Me Better-Lauv
93.I’m Upset-Drake
94.Natural-Imagine Dragons
95.Tequila-Dan & Shay
96.Girls Like You-Maroon 5, Cardi B
97.Meant To Be-Bebe Rexha, Florida Georgia Line
98.Freaky Friday-Lil Dicky, Chris Brown
99.Lights Down Low-MAX, gnash
100. FEFE-6ix9ine, Nicki Minaj, Murda Beatz
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westportroleplay · 6 years
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Georgia's largest music festival returns Friday with some new features and a lineup expected to draw 100,000 fans each day to the beaches of Lakewood Shores in Westport. Chance the Rapper, Blackbear, Milo Callum, All Time Low, and Lorde are only some of the acts slated to headline the first day of Lollapalooza, which runs Friday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. More than 170 acts are booked among eight stages.
The three-day format was introduced last year, and this year organizers are touting some new amenities, including a spot for attendees to don roller skates and play arcade games; larger video screens at the Callahan Records and Bud Light stages; sound system and restroom upgrades; and a new "visual experience" at Perry's stage.
General admission passes and hotel packages quickly sold out, but an official ticket exchange was introduced this year via ticketsmaster.com that allows people to buy and sell passes. Single-day and four-day VIP and platinum passes are also available, as of present time. All attendees must wear their wristband on their right wrist. Besides the main festival entrance, there is a north entrance at Columbus Drive and Main Street. Security will check bags before entry. Pass holders can re-enter the festival three times per day after their initial entry if their wristband is scanned when they exit. 
Tis the season to get wasted and regret your life choices at festivals. Thanks to Anthony Callahan’s connections to the music world Westport is home to one of the largest summer musical festivals in North America and Westportians either love the chaos that ensues from it every year or consider it to be extremely overrrated. Whatever the case may be as an apology for what happened at the charity gala Westport natives have been given free admission to all three days of Lollapalooza. 
Everything will be taking place within a three day time period in character FRIDAY, MAY 25TH to SUNDAY, MAY 27TH. Out of character however everything will be happening on the dash for a five day period in order to ensure everyone gets a chance to enjoy the event. It’ll begin SATURDAY, MAY 26TH at 6:00PM and come to a close THURSDAY, MAY 31ST at 6:00PM.
Day 1: Arctic Monkeys, Travis Scott, Khalid, Milo Callum, Chvrches, Chance The Rapper, Galantis, Camila Cabello, Lorde, Rebelution, Tycho, Franz Ferdinand, Blackbear, Billie Eilish, A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, All Time Low, Lany, the Wombats, Kayzo, Stars, Shiba San, Terror Jr, G Herbo, Tyler Childers, Basement, Cuco, Lond on da Track, Madison Beer, Curtis Harding, Allie X, 4B, Space Jesus, Slaves (UK), Supa BWE, Nick Mulvey, Valee, Jesse Baez, Virgil Abloh, Gashi, LZRD, CKY, Wes Period, DJ Taye, Larkin Poe, Jack White, Bazzi, Lil Uzi Vert, Portugal.the Man, Loyle Carner, 
Day 2:  Bruno Mars, the National, Post Malone, Unmasked Inking, Tyler the Creator, Walk the Moon, Dillon Francis, James Bay, Brockhampton, Borns, Rovazzi, Greta Van Fleet, Malaa, the Neighbourhood, Jungle, Alina Baraz, Lizzo, Bebe Rexha, Parquet Courts, Alan Walker, Rusko, Dermot Kennedy, Big Wild, Lauv, Valentino Khan, Lewis Capaldi, Taylor Bennett, Gang of Youths, Two Feet, Post Animal, Welshly Arms, Goldfish, Alex Lahey, Matt Maeson, Dream Wife, Clairo, Kuuro, Buddy, R.Lum.R, Chase Atlantic, Oshi, Noizu, Nothing,Nowhere., Cleopatrick, Fletcher, Mainland, Excision, Gucci Mane, Lykki Li. K Flay. 
Day 3:  The Weeknd, Vampire Weekend, Logic, Demi Lovato, St. Vincent, Zedd, Dua Lipa, LL Cool J feat. DJ Z-Trip, Perry Farrell’s Kind Heaven, Catfish and the Bottlemen, Tash Sultana, Illenium, Luke Combs, Lil Pump, Daniel Caesar, Zomboy, Goldlink, Hippie Sabotage, Daya, Jessie Ware, Arizona, Bomba Estereo, Ghastly, Autograf, Tank and the Bangas, K?D, Pale Waves, Wallows, Yungblud, Loudpvck, Sir Sly, Charlotte Cardin, Amy Shark, Brohug, LovelytheBand, Femdot, Droloe, Melvv, Vera Blue, Blackgummy, Davie, Morgxn, Bones (UK), Grace Weber, Emilia Ali, Chromeo, Playboi Carti Mikky Ekko.
There’s not a lot of information that’s needed for this event since we’re going for a very relaxed one. There won’t be any major plot drops during the music festival. we want everyone to get a chance to plot among themselves! The sky is the limit when it comes to what kind of shenangians and mishaps you want your muse(s) to get up to during the wild three day weekend. All we ask is that if the plots involve major things that will effect your muse and other beyond the event, that you run it past the admin team first! Other than that we can’t wait to see what you come up with! And can’t wait to get this party started tomorrow!
wrp.plot drop
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onecountrycom-blog · 6 years
2018 Billboard Music Awards Complete List of Winners
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The Billboard Music Awards took place Sunday, May 20, live from the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas.  Music's biggest stars, from Taylor Swift and BTS to Janet Jackson and Jennifer Lopez, took the stage throughout the night. Amongst the outstanding performances, a few awards were given out. Ed Sheeran, Bruno Mars and Kendrick Lamar won big in their respective categories. On the country side, Chris Stapleton  was the big winner taking home 3 of the 5 awards for which he was nominated. Taylor Swirt took home Top Female Artist and Top Selling Album for reputation. Full list of nominees can be found below. Congratulations to all the winners.
Country Winners:
Top Country Artist: Kane Brown Luke Combs Sam Hunt Thomas Rhett Chris Stapleton - WINNER Top Country Male Artist: Sam Hunt Thomas Rhett Chris Stapleton - WINNER Top Country Female Artist: Kelsea Ballerini Miranda Lambert Maren Morris - WINNER Top Country Duo/Group Artist: Florida Georgia Line - WINNER Old Dominion Zac Brown Band Top Country Song: Kane Brown ft. Lauren Alaina, “What Ifs” Sam Hunt, “Body Like A Back Road” - WINNER Dustin Lynch, “Small Town Boy” Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line, “Meant To Be” Brett Young, “In Case You Didn’t Know” Top Country Album: Kane Brown, Kane Brown Luke Combs, This One’s For You Thomas Rhett, Life Changes Chris Stapleton, From A Room: Volume 1 - WINNER Brett Young, Brett Young Top Country Tour: Luke Bryan - WINNER Florida Georgia Line Tim McGraw & Faith Hill  
Full List of Winners:
Top Artist: Drake Kendrick Lamar Bruno Mars Ed Sheeran - WINNER Taylor Swift Top New Artist: 21 Savage Camila Cabello Cardi B Khalid - WINNER Kodak Black Billboard Chart Achievement Award: Camila Cabello - WINNER Cardi B Drake Sam Hunt Ed Sheeran Top Male Artist: Drake Kendrick Lamar Bruno Mars Post Malone Ed Sheeran - WINNER Top Female Artist: Camila Cabello Cardi B Halsey Demi Lovato Taylor Swift - WINNER Top Duo/Group: The Chainsmokers Coldplay Imagine Dragons - WINNER Migos U2 Top Billboard 200 Artist: Drake - WINNER Kendrick Lamar Ed Sheeran Chris Stapleton Taylor Swift Top Hot 100 Artist: Imagine Dragons Kendrick Lamar Bruno Mars Post Malone Ed Sheeran - WINNER Top Streaming Songs Artist: Cardi B Drake Kendrick Lamar - WINNER Post Malone Ed Sheeran Top Song Sales Artist: Imagine Dragons Kendrick Lamar Bruno Mars Post Malone Ed Sheeran - WINNER Top Radio Songs Artist: Halsey Imagine Dragons Bruno Mars Charlie Puth Ed Sheeran - WINNER Top Social Artist: Justin Bieber BTS - WINNER Ariana Grande Demi Lovato Shawn Mendes Top Touring Artist: Coldplay Guns N’ Roses Bruno Mars Ed Sheeran U2 - WINNER Top R&B Artist: Chris Brown Khalid Bruno Mars - WINNER SZA The Weeknd Top R&B Male Artist: Khalid Bruno Mars - WINNER The Weeknd Top R&B Female Artist: Beyonce Rihanna SZA - WINNER Top R&B Tour: Bruno Mars - WINNER Lionel Richie The Weeknd Top Rap Artist: Drake Kendrick Lamar - WINNER Lil Uzi Vert Migos Post Malone Top Rap Male Artist: Drake Kendrick Lamar - WINNER Post Malone Top Rap Female Artist: Bhad Bhabie Cardi B - WINNER Nicki Minaj Top Rap Tour: J. Cole JAY-Z - WINNER Kendrick Lamar Top Rock Artist: Imagine Dragons - WINNER Linkin Park Portugal. The Man Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers twenty one pilots Top Rock Tour: Coldplay Guns N’ Roses U2 - WINNER Top Latin Artist: J Balvin Daddy Yankee Luis Fonsi Ozuna - WINNER Romeo Santos Top Dance/Electronic Artist: The Chainsmokers - WINNER Calvin Harris Kygo Marshmello ODESZA Top Christian Artist: Elevation Worship Hillsong UNITED Hillsong Worship MercyMe - WINNER Zach Williams Top Gospel Artist: Anthony Brown & group therAPy Travis Greene J.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise Tasha Cobbs - WINNER Tamela Mann Top Billboard 200 Album: Drake, More Life Kendrick Lamar, DAMN. - WINNER Post Malone, Stoney Ed Sheeran ÷ (Divide) Taylor Swift, reputation Top Selling Album: Kendrick Lamar, DAMN. P!nk, Beautiful Trauma Ed Sheeran, ÷ (Divide) Chris Stapleton, From A Room: Volume 1 Taylor Swift, reputation - WINNER Top Soundtrack: Black Panther The Fate of the Furious: The Album The Greatest Showman Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 Moana - WINNER Top R&B Album: Khalid, American Teen Bruno Mars, 24K Magic - WINNER SZA, CTRL The Weeknd, Starboy XXXTENTATION, 17 Top Rap Album: Drake, More Life Kendrick Lamar, DAMN. - WINNER Lil Uzi Vert, Luv Is Rage 2 Migos, Culture Post Malone, Stoney Top Rock Album: Imagine Dragons, Evolve - WINNER Linkin Park, One More Light Panic! At The Disco, Death of a Bachelor Portugal. The Man, Woodstock U2, Songs of Experience Top Latin Album: Nicky Jam, Fenix Christian Nodal, Me Deje Llevar Ozuna, Odisea - WINNER Romeo Santos, Golden Shakira, El Dorado Top Dance/Electronic Album: Avicii, AVĨCI (01) The Chainsmokers, Memories…Do Not Open - WINNER Calvin Harris, Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1 Kygo, Stargazing ODESZA, A Moment Apart Top Christian Album: Elevation Worship, There Is A Cloud Hillsong UNITED, Wonder Hillsong Worship, Let There Be Light Alan Jackson, Precious Memories Collection - WINNER MercyMe, Lifer Top Gospel Album: Anthony Brown & group therAPy, A Long Way From Sunday Travis Greene, Crossover: Live From Music City J.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise, You Deserve It Tasha Cobbs, Heart. Passion. Pursuit Marvin Sapp, Close Top Hot 100 Song: Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber, “Despacito” - WINNER Kendrick Lamar, “Humble.” Bruno Mars, “That’s What I Like” Post Malone ft. 21 Savage, “Rockstar” Ed Sheeran, “Shape Of You” Top Streaming Song (Audio): Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber, “Despacito” Kendrick Lamar, “Humble.” - WINNER Lil Uzi Vert, “XO Tour LLIF3” Post Malone ft. 21 Savage, “Rockstar” Post Malone ft. Quavo, “Congratulations” Top Streaming Song (Video): Cardi B, “Bodak Yellow (Money Moves)” Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber, “Despacito” - WINNER Lil Pump, “Gucci Gang” Bruno Mars, “That’s What I Like” Ed Sheeran, “Shape of You” Top Selling Song: Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber, “Despacito” - WINNER Sam Hunt “Body Like A Back Road” Imagine Dragons “Believer” Imagine Dragons “Thunder” Ed Sheeran “Perfect” Top Radio Song: The Chainsmokers & Coldplay, “Something Just Like This” Imagine Dragons, “Believer” Bruno Mars, “That’s What I Like” Charlie Puth, “Attention” Ed Sheeran, “Shape of You” - WINNER Top Collaboration: Camila Cabello ft. Young Thug, “Havana” The Chainsmokers & Coldplay, “Something Just Like This” Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber, “Despacito” - WINNER French Montana ft. Swae Lee, “Unforgettable” Post Malone ft. 21 Savage, “Rockstar” Top R&B Song: Childish Gambino, “Redbone” DJ Khaled ft. Rihanna & Bryson Tiller, “Wild Thoughts” Khalid, “Young Dumb & Broke” Bruno Mars, “That’s What I Like” - WINNER Bruno Mars ft. Cardi B, “Finesse” Top Rap Song: Cardi B, “Bodak Yellow (Money Moves)” DJ Khaled ft. Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance The Rapper & Lil Wayne, “I’m The One French Montana ft. Swae Lee, “Unforgettable” Kendrick Lamar, “Humble.” Post Malone ft. 21 Savage, “Rockstar” - WINNER Top Rock Song: Imagine Dragons “Believer” - WINNER Imagine Dragons “Thunder” Linkin Park ft. Kiiara “Heavy” Portugal. The Man “Feel It Still” The Revivalists “Wish I Knew You” Top Latin Song: J Balvin & Willy William Ft. Beyonce, “Mi Gente” Becky G ft. Bad Bunny, ”Mayores” Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber, “Despacito” - WINNER Maluma, “Felices Los 4” Wisin ft. Ozuna, “Escapate Conmigo” Top Dance/Electronic Song: The Chainsmokers & Coldplay, “Something Just Like This”- WINNER Cheat Codes ft. Demi Lovato, “No Promises” Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul & Ann-Marie, “Rockabye” Kygo & Selena Gomez, “It Ain’t Me” Zedd & Alessia Cara, “Stay” Top Christian Song: Elevation Worship, “O Come To The Altar” Hillsong Worship, “What A Beautiful Name” - WINNER Lecrae ft. Tori Kelly, “I’ll Find You” MercyMe, “Even If” Zach Williams, “Old Church Choir” Top Gospel Song: Anthony Brown & group therAPy, “Trust In You” Travis Greene, “You Waited” J.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise, “You Deserve It” - WINNER Tamela Mann, “Change Me” Charlie Wilson, “I’m Blessed” Read the full article
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inmagazine · 6 years
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The 2018 Billboard Music Awards take place tonight (Sunday, May 20) at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas. Top New Artist: 21 Savage Camila Cabello Cardi B WINNER: Khalid Kodak Black Billboard Chart Achievement Award: WINNER: Camila Cabello Cardi B Drake Sam Hunt Ed Sheeran Top Female Artist: Camila Cabello Cardi B Halsey Demi Lovato WINNER: Taylor Swift Top Duo/Group: The Chainsmokers Coldplay WINNER: Imagine Dragons Migos U2 Top Billboard 200 Artist: WINNER: Drake Kendrick Lamar Ed Sheeran Chris Stapleton Taylor Swift Top Streaming Songs Artist: Cardi B Drake WINNER: Kendrick Lamar Post Malone Ed Sheeran Top Song Sales Artist: Imagine Dragons Kendrick Lamar Bruno Mars Post Malone WINNER: Ed Sheeran Top Radio Songs Artist: Halsey Imagine Dragons Bruno Mars Charlie Puth WINNER: Ed Sheeran Top Social Artist: Justin Bieber WINNER: BTS Ariana Grande Demi Lovato Shawn Mendes Top Touring Artist: Coldplay Guns N’ Roses Bruno Mars Ed Sheeran WINNER: U2 Top R&B Artist: Chris Brown Khalid WINNER: Bruno Mars SZA The Weeknd Top R&B Male Artist: Khalid WINNER: Bruno Mars The Weeknd Top R&B Female Artist: Beyonce Rihanna WINNER: SZA Top R&B Tour: WINNER: Bruno Mars Lionel Richie The Weeknd Top Rap Artist: Drake WINNER: Kendrick Lamar Lil Uzi Vert Migos Post Malone Top Rap Male Artist: Drake WINNER: Kendrick Lamar Post Malone Top Rap Female Artist: Bhad Bhabie WINNER: Cardi B Nicki Minaj Top Rap Tour: J. Cole WINNER: Jay-Z Kendrick Lamar Top Country Artist: Kane Brown Luke Combs Sam Hunt Thomas Rhett WINNER: Chris Stapleton Top Country Male Artist: Sam Hunt Thomas Rhett WINNER: Chris Stapleton Top Country Female Artist: Kelsea Ballerini Miranda Lambert WINNER: Maren Morris Top Country Duo/Group Artist: WINNER: Florida Georgia Line Old Dominion Zac Brown Band Top Country Tour: WINNER: Luke Bryan Florida Georgia Line Tim McGraw & Faith Hill Top Rock Artist: WINNER: Imagine Dragons Linkin Park Portugal. The Man Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers Top Rock Tour: Coldplay Guns N’ Roses WINNER: U2 Top Latin Artist: J Balvin Daddy Yankee Luis Fonsi WINNER: Ozuna Romeo Santos Top Dance/Electronic Artist: WINNER: The Chainsmokers Calvin Harris Kygo Marshmello ODESZA Top Christian Artist: Elevation Worship Hillsong UNITED Hillsong Worship WINNER: MercyMe Zach Williams Top Gospel Artist: Anthony Brown & group therAPy Travis Greene J.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise WINNER: Tasha Cobbs Leonard Tamela Mann Top Billboard 200 Album: Drake, More Life WINNER: Kendrick Lamar, DAMN. Post Malone, Stoney Ed Sheeran ÷ (Divide) Taylor Swift, Reputation Top Selling Album: Kendrick Lamar, DAMN. P!nk, Beautiful Trauma Ed Sheeran, ÷ (Divide) Chris Stapleton, From A Room: Volume 1 WINNER: Taylor Swift, Reputation Top Soundtrack: Black Panther The Fate of the Furious: The Album The Greatest Showman Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 WINNER: Moana Top R&B Album: Khalid, American Teen WINNER: Bruno Mars, 24K Magic SZA, CTRL The Weeknd, Starboy XXXTentacion, 17 Top Rap Album: Drake, More Life WINNER: Kendrick Lamar, DAMN. Lil Uzi Vert, Luv Is Rage 2 Migos, Culture Post Malone, Stoney Top Country Album: Kane Brown, Kane Brown Luke Combs, This One’s For You Thomas Rhett, Life Changes WINNER: Chris Stapleton, From A Room: Volume 1 Brett Young, Brett Young Top Rock Album: WINNER: Imagine Dragons, Evolve Linkin Park, One More Light Panic! At The Disco, Death of a Bachelor Portugal. The Man, Woodstock U2, Songs of Experience Top Latin Album: Nicky Jam, Fenix Christian Nodal, Me Deje Llevar WINNER: Ozuna, Odisea Romeo Santos, Golden Shakira, El Dorado Top Dance/Electronic Album: Avicii, AVĨCI (01) WINNER: The Chainsmokers, Memories…Do Not Open Calvin Harris, Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1 Kygo, Stargazing ODESZA, A Moment Apart Top Christian Album: Elevation Worship, There Is A Cloud Hillsong UNITED, Wonder Hillsong Worship, Let There Be Light WINNER: Alan Jackson, Precious Memories Collection MercyMe, Lifer Top Gospel Album: Anthony Brown & group therAPy, A Long Way From Sunday Travis Greene, Crossover: Live From Music City J.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise, You Deserve It WINNER: Tasha Cobbs Leonard, Heart. Passion. Pursuit Marvin Sapp, Close Top Hot 100 Song: WINNER: Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber, “Despacito” Kendrick Lamar, “Humble.” Bruno Mars, “That’s What I Like” Post Malone ft. 21 Savage, “Rockstar” Ed Sheeran, “Shape Of You” Top Streaming Song (Audio): Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber, “Despacito” WINNER: Kendrick Lamar, “Humble.” Lil Uzi Vert, “XO Tour LLIF3” Post Malone ft. 21 Savage, “Rockstar” Post Malone ft. Quavo, “Congratulations” Top Streaming Song (Video): Cardi B, “Bodak Yellow (Money Moves)” WINNER: Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber, “Despacito” Lil Pump, “Gucci Gang” Bruno Mars, “That’s What I Like” Ed Sheeran, “Shape of You” Top Selling Song: WINNER: Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber, “Despacito” Sam Hunt “Body Like A Back Road” Imagine Dragons “Believer” Imagine Dragons “Thunder” Ed Sheeran “Perfect” Top Radio Song: The Chainsmokers & Coldplay, “Something Just Like This” Imagine Dragons, “Believer” Bruno Mars, “That’s What I Like” Charlie Puth, “Attention” WINNER: Ed Sheeran, “Shape of You” Top R&B Song: Childish Gambino, “Redbone” DJ Khaled ft. Rihanna & Bryson Tiller, “Wild Thoughts” Khalid, “Young Dumb & Broke” WINNER: Bruno Mars, “That’s What I Like” Bruno Mars ft. Cardi B, “Finesse” Top Rap Song: Cardi B, “Bodak Yellow (Money Moves)” DJ Khaled ft. Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance The Rapper & Lil Wayne, “I’m The One French Montana ft. Swae Lee, “Unforgettable” Kendrick Lamar, “Humble.” WINNER: Post Malone ft. 21 Savage, “Rockstar” Top Country Song: Kane Brown ft. Lauren Alaina, “What Ifs” WINNER: Sam Hunt, “Body Like A Back Road” Dustin Lynch, “Small Town Boy” Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line, “Meant To Be” Brett Young, “In Case You Didn’t Know” Top Rock Song: WINNER: Imagine Dragons “Believer” Imagine Dragons “Thunder” Linkin Park ft. Kiiara “Heavy” Portugal. The Man “Feel It Still” The Revivalists “Wish I Knew You” Top Latin Song: J Balvin & Willy William Ft. Beyonce, “Mi Gente” Becky G ft. Bad Bunny, ”Mayores” WINNER: Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee ft. Justin Bieber, “Despacito” Maluma, “Felices Los 4” Wisin ft. Ozuna, “Escapate Conmigo” Top Dance/Electronic Song: WINNER: The Chainsmokers & Coldplay, “Something Just Like This” Cheat Codes ft. Demi Lovato, “No Promises” Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul & Ann-Marie, “Rockabye” Kygo & Selena Gomez, “It Ain’t Me” Zedd & Alessia Cara, “Stay” Top Christian Song: Elevation Worship, “O Come To The Altar” WINNER: Hillsong Worship, “What A Beautiful Name” Lecrae ft. Tori Kelly, “I’ll Find You” MercyMe, “Even If” Zach Williams, “Old Church Choir” Top Gospel Song: Anthony Brown & group therAPy, “Trust In You” Travis Greene, “You Waited” WINNER: J.J. Hairston & Youthful Praise, “You Deserve It” Tamela Mann, “Change Me” Charlie Wilson, “I’m Blessed”
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