#luckily its a p informal one
mossy-covered-bones · 3 months
Oh i am gonna Suffer today
1 note · View note
asumofwords · 5 months
Midpoint - Michael Gavey x Reader
Synopsis: The semester break came along quicker than you thought it would, and you decided to stay on campus for the break to get ahead in your studies. What will happen when you go head-to-head with a certain ill-tempered maths student in a war of pettiness?
Warnings: This fic is 18+, readers discretion is advised. Arguing, pettiness, name calling, low blows, tension, degradation, ripped stockings, finger fucking, rough fucking, fucking in public, p in v, creampie, cum eating.
Word Count: 8.7k
Notes: Hello my angels, Happy New Year, heres to all the filth that will continue to come from the cesspool that is my mind. Thank you all for your patience, I have been so excited to write for Michael, and so I hope you enjoy this as much as I have writing it !! heheh ;) <3
Part 2
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There was a soft amber glow that cast over the library, the dark wood warming with the golden light that peaked through the windows, patches of wooden floors illuminated in some spots with coloured lights from stained glass windows.
For the most part, the library was empty bar three other students who had stayed behind for the break, getting ahead on their work for the next semester.
You were one of them, and with the sheer size of the library, you wouldn’t have known there were others inside if you had not seen them when walking down the endless isles of books in search for the ‘British Working Class Movements’ for your history course. 
It didn’t take long for you to find it, and by the time you settled into a secluded corner down the back, the sun had already begun to set. You flicked on one of the green and gold table lamps and began to read, periodically taking notes on a page as you went.
It wasn’t that you needed to study ahead, it simply gave you something to do whilst the break droned on, few students having stayed behind making it lonely, but a bit more bearable than making the long trip home.
You loved the library, the stained wood, smell of old books lining the walls, and the quiet of the place was a nice haven to get away from the usual hustle and bustle of college. Everyone always seemed to be in a rush to either their next class or their next party, and although you weren’t a loner per se, you didn’t always feel like being in the constant lights and sounds that came with socialising. And so the library was the one place, besides your dorm, where you could have a nice piece of solitude.
Settling over the page, you gained a steady rhythm. Read about one movement, then write anecdotes as you went, taking the time to pause, re-read, and really absorb the information as much as you could. It was fascinating, and you enjoyed learning as much as you did.
By the third hour of continuous reading and note taking, your hand began to cramp, and so you decided it was time for a short break. You stood up from the desk, stretching your arms above your head, a small sigh escaping your lips as your back cracked and muscles pulled. You twisted your upper body to each side, softly grunting as you felt your back click again and again, sighing loudly as a particular pop took away an ache that had settled between your shoulders. You continued on with your languid stretches, trying to get some of the stiffness out of your body from being hunched over the desk for so long. 
You wondered how much more time you should spend writing notes, or whether you could go back to your dorm and laze about on the bed. Luckily for you, you didn’t have a roommate, and were able to make the space feel much like your own. You didn’t have too much furniture, the room not allowing for it, just your essentials and a few trinkets here and there that you had collected. Your real pride and joy however, was a Peace Lily that you had saved from sure death. Now, it sat proudly on your study desk, growing dark green leaves and flowering its soft white flowers.
The idea of going back to your dorm seemed tempting, after all, you didn’t really have to be studying, and you had just recently bought the new Harry Potter book and wished to read some more of it, make a nice cup of tea, sink into your sheets and get lost into a fantasy world.
A soft jangling came from between one of the large book shelves, and soon a man peeked through. His icy blue eyes caught yours and you watched as he assessed you from where he stood, albeit awkwardly, gaze dragging up and down your body.
He was tall and lean, with sandy blonde hair that sat messily atop his head. He had a sharp aquiline nose, and lips that pulled up naturally in its corners.
You recognised him from somewhere, but where you couldn't be sure.
Perhaps he was in the same classes as you?
He continued to stare at you, shirt tucked into his pants, small carabiner attached with a USB dangling from a belt loop, his tongue pushed into his cheek.
“You right?” You asked, shifting on your feet, wondering if he needed something from you.
His lips pursed as he looked at you from down his nose, “Are you?”
You furrowed your brows, “Huh?” 
“You've been moaning in the back of the library like a tart.” 
You bristled, “I beg your pardon?”
Who the fuck-
“Some of us are trying to study.” His arms were stiff by his sides, and before you had the chance to reply, he spun on his heel, shoes squeaking loudly in the aisles as he marched away.
“What the fuck?” You whispered to yourself, feeling angry and also slightly embarrassed about the encounter.
Had you been making a lot of noise? 
You didn’t think so, especially since the library was essentially empty anyway. You had even chosen the furthest corner of the floor as well, tucked away behind rows of books and out of sight. 
You sat back down at the desk and tried to continue writing notes, but instead, you found yourself feeling far too self conscious, and wondered if you were even breathing too loudly. But before you got too self critical, you remembered that the library was practically empty, and you had specifically chosen a spot the furthest away from the other three students.
If your stretching and little sighs had disturbed him, he was either hanging around your area, or had the hearing of a bat. 
So after about an hours more of study attempts and a half a page more of notes, you decided to call it a night, packing away your belongings before taking the book with you, not bothering to check it out. 
As soon as you got back to your dorm, you headed straight to bed, not feeling in the mood to make a cup of tea or even open your new book, no longer looking forward to enjoying yourself and settling in. Instead you laid on your back staring at the ceiling, stewing about how the man in the library had spoken to you, and vowing that if you saw him again, you'd give him a piece of your mind. 
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And by your luck, you did see him again. 
The very next day.
You got to the library around midday, deciding that you weren’t going to do a late night of studying, deciding to have a relaxing night in to pamper yourself, maybe even watch a movie in the common rooms if the tv free, or do as you had intended the night before; a cup of tea and your book, and maybe even some ‘me’ time.
The library, despite all its windows and the suns rays peeping through, was cold, and as soon as you stepped foot into it a chill ran over you. You walked through the endless rows of books, not seeing a soul as you climbed the stairs to the second floor, dust settled into the crooks and corners of the staircases and bannisters, the smell almost overwhelming, until finally, you saw him. 
He was sat in the centre of the room at one of the large study desks, multiple books opened around him as he furiously wrote down notes and equations. His head didn’t lift at the sound of your footsteps, too busy in his own little world studying for God knows what, so much so, that it was a wonder that you had even managed to disturb him the day prior, which now only seemed to fuel your anger.
You were never one to back down.
You walked straight to him, toes almost kicking the leg of the table as you looked down at his neat writing, his hand flying across the page in rapid succession, no calculator in sight despite the lengthiness of the equations.
It was impressive, you noted begrudgingly, the way he worked so swiftly, and just was you were about to gain his attention, he spoke to you, hand not once slowing as he worked. 
“What do you want?” 
It wasn’t rude, just as it wasn’t polite. If anything, it was abrasive, like the rough cobblestones outside, and not once did he look up at you.
It caught you off guard.
Your mouth opened and shut as you tried to think of something to say.
Was it really worth being hot headed and saying something the day after?
Would he even remember?
Or would you be embarrassing yourself further?
Ultimately you gave up, deciding that there was no point to saying anything anymore, sighing in resignation as you walked around the length of the table continuing to yours. 
You got about three steps away before he spoke again.
“Remember that you’re in the library this time.”
You spun, staring daggers into the back of his head, hand gripping the strap of your bag, “What the fuck is your problem?” Your chest heaved in anger, waiting for him to turn around or answer you, but he didn’t.
The sandy haired man continued his endless equations, leaving you standing behind him as though you had spoken to a ghost. It was maddening, the rush of your blood loud in your ears drowning out the steady scratch of his pencil.
How dare he?
He was just like all the others, like every other man on campus who felt they could speak however they like at any woman as though you were beneath them. 
You stood there for what felt like minutes, but was mere seconds.
Realising that you weren’t to get an answer from him, you continued on your way to your secluded little table, stomping through the aisles, your footsteps echoing loudly in the space on the wooden floor.
When you got to the table, you all but threw your bag down, the heavy textbook slamming onto the wooden surface, making a large bang.
Never in your life had you been so agitated, ripping the chair away from the desk, letting the legs scrape on the mahogany floor. 
One after the other, you yanked your books out of your bag, your notebook and pens, throwing them onto the table without a care. You could feel the heat of your anger creeping up your neck and into your face, and despite your attempts to calm yourself by studying, you ended up just re-reading the same paragraph over and over again, not once absorbing it. 
By the time you decided to give up, the sun had begun to set, and so you hastily scrambled to shove your things back into your bag, not even bothering to tuck your chair in softly, throwing it against the desk and storming out the way you came.
He was still in his regular spot when you stalked past him, his head turned down as he read through his notes, multiple empty chocolate wrappersw spread across the table. 
“Fucking asshole.” You muttered as you walked past him, not bothering to spare him a second glance as you huffed and stormed away, hoping to find some peace in your dorm. 
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When you got to your dorm, you were so hungry that you began to feel sick. Realising that in your anger you had forgotten to eat, you wandered down to the pub not far from campus and got a cheap little meal, eating quietly in the corner, a telly playing a soccer game on the screen in the back. 
There weren't many patrons that night, but you could hear the pool table being used in the distance, the loud clacking of the balls being sunk, drowning out the soft sound of the telly. The pub stunk of stale beer and cigarettes, ring stains on all the wooden surfaces from sweating glasses.
It was still early when you finished, and so you made the decision to check out the commons and see if a tv was free.
The night air was cold as you walked back to your dorm, your teeth chattering in your skull as you sped walked, wrapping your arms around yourself to get back into the warmth of the old building. Lights illuminated the old stone walls in a yellow light, casting shadows on the cobblestones and bare trees around you.
It would have been spooky if you weren’t used to it by now, and could understand how first years would become spooked at night alone, walking through the courtyards.
As you made your way towards the common room in your building, you couldn’t help but think about the man in the library. His sandy hair, blue eyes, sharp features and sharper mouth. Who needed a heater when you had this man to fire you up? You could almost hear his grating tone as he mocked you, his glasses shining in the library as he looked down his nose at you.
He made you feel small, unwanted. But you had worked hard to get into Oxford, and you, whether he liked it or not, had earned your place. 
It wasn’t unlike the men you already knew in STEM to be somewhat assholes, especially towards women or any degrees they deemed ‘unfit’ or ‘unworthy’. You had heard many scoffs and sneers at the Arts students, or English Literature kids, especially if it was women, from the STEM boys who seemed to hoard together like a bunch of flies. Or better yet, like a Rat King, unable to break the connection between each other despite how much they fought it.
It was, to follow the pun, a rat race.
The hall was dark as you walked to the commons, but from the window of the door, you saw the tale tell sign of the telly being on. You wondered momentarily if it was anyone you knew that had stayed back, perhaps one of the girls.
Maybe you could settle down with them and watch whatever mind melting soap opera was on, and lull yourself into a stupor. 
The prospect of talking to someone almost dissolved your sour mood, and by the time you opened the door, peering into the flickering light illuminated room, a small smile had begun to pull at your lips.
But that smile was short lived as your eyes met a pair of pale blue ones.
You watched as his lips pulled down in recognition of you, his head turning to look back at the telly. Your heart began to race in your chest again, the door clicking shut behind you, the soft sound of Doctor Who’s theme song filling the room, the screen reflecting off of his rectangular lenses. 
It didn’t help that the small drinks you had at the pub seemed to ignite your previous disdain for the man, as well as dampening your, for a lack of a better word, cognition.
In that moment, you were at a loss of what to do. You wanted to watch tv, but the idea of being anywhere near him infuriated you. Yet, at the same time, you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction by leaving, indicating to him that you had given up, and that he had won.
“You going to stand there all night?” He teased cruelly, eyes not once turning back to you, locked on David Tenant as he ran through an abandoned warehouse.
You bristled, teeth grinding down against each other as you stormed past him, “Fuck you.” You dropped down onto the cushion on the other end of the couch. 
From the corner of your eye, you could see his lips purse slightly, obviously hearing you.
No matter how much you tried, you could not get comfortable on the couch, and it wasn’t because the couch had a natural groove from the many people who sat in it, or the obvious stains on the covers and arms, some recognisable, others dubious, nor the permeating cigarette smell that emanated from deep within the foam, but rather because he sat all too comfortable beside you, watching a show you wished you could watch alone.
You shifted against the arm again for the umpteenth, huffing softly in the room. Your ass had fallen asleep because you sat ramrod straight and refused to relax, tucking your legs beneath you not leaning back. No matter what you did, you could not settle, body gearing up for a fight.
When you shifted again, it seemed to pull his attention away from David Tenants doctor.
“You gonna keep huffing in the corner like a baby?”
Your already fragile thread of patience snapped.
“What the fuck is your problem? Have I done something to you? I don’t even know who you are.”
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say to him. The man sneered, leaning towards you on the couch, “My problem is vapid little cunts like you. Getting by on mummy and daddy’s money whilst the rest of us have to work to stay here. You just party and fuck each other like rats.” His cold eyes razed up and down your body, watching as your face morphed from anger to offence, and then, to rage.
You shot up from your seat, moving to stand over him as he looked up at you, face barely containing his hatred. 
“I don’t have ‘mummy’s and daddy’s money’, I’m here because I worked hard to be here.” You hissed, hands clenched into fists at your sides, “You know nothing about me.” 
“I know you’re friends with Felix Catton and every other vapid, useless cunt that hangs off of his every breath.” His voice lowered, hatred simmering behind his light illuminated glasses.
Your brows furrowed, “Felix and I have a class together. Assigned seating. We walk there together. If-” You straightened, looking down at him before it hit you.
A laugh of disbelief flew from your lips, and soon enough the cocksure anger melted away from his sharp features, replaced by confusion.
“Wow.” You huffed, a bitter laugh filling the air, “You’re jealous.” His eyes narrowed on you, “You’re jealous of Felix.” You watched as his mouth snapped open, “Maybe if you weren’t so-“
“-I’m not fucking jealous of those nobodies.”
Snorting, you shook your head, “Nobodies… Yet people know their name. I don’t even know who you are.”
You waited for him to give you his name, to finally tell you who this infuriating man was, the credits of Doctor Who playing in the background as you stared at each other. Your chest heaved, but all you felt looking down at him was irritation.
“Your anger is misdirected." You growled, "I thought you would be smarter than that.”
The man's jaw ticked, “I thought you didn’t know who I was.”
“I don’t.”
You turned away, suddenly drained from the whole interaction. You didn’t bother to turn back and look at him, or even say another word. You wanted to go to bed, no, needed to go to bed and get away from the man on the couch before you tore your hair out.
As you opened the common room door, his voice called out to you.
“Y/n L/n.” 
The way he said your name sent goosebumps rising on your skin, each syllable pronounced slowly, as though he was savouring your name on the tip of his tongue. Your hand paused on the door as you pushed it open, looking back at him. 
“And who are you?”
Before he could answer, you left, slamming the door shut behind you. You marched straight back to your room, hands in such tight fists that your nails left half crescent moons in the flesh of your palms.
You lay awake most of the evening staring at the ceiling with the interaction on your mind.
He knew you by name, even thought you were friends with Felix, and whilst you weren’t not friendly with him, you wouldn’t say you were closely acquainted. You drank at the same parties sometimes or saw him down at the pub, but the only one-on-one time you had with him was in class. 
Whoever this man was, and whoever he thought you were, he was wrong. And now he was going to regret it.
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You knew he would be there, in fact you betted on it, getting up extra early to go to the library to do the one thing you planned on doing that day.
Piss him off.
If there was one thing that men hate the most in the world, it was not being in control, and that was doubled if it was with a woman.
You sat at the table he always did, spreading your textbooks and papers, pens, notes, snacks, water bottle, and even IPod Nano on its surface. You had brought extra things with you today in your bag to spread across the table, some things not even needed to study, but used to take up more space and soil his little territory.
The sun had barely even risen by the time you laid it all out, but you knew it would all be worth it.
And it was, because not even fifteen minutes later, he arrived to the sight of you at his desk, humming as you looked at your notes.
His feet stopped not too far from your (his) table, watching as you met his gaze, devoid of emotion. You bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from smiling, watching as he clenched his teeth in irritation.
He was almost shaking with anger.
Got you.
You kept the image of innocence, looking back down at your notes as you tapped your pen against the tables surface loudly. You could see his fists clenching in your periphery at his side, his pale green button up shirt with long beige pants shifting side to side as he stood angrily watching you.
“What are you doing?” The blonde’s voice cut through the quiet of the library, irritation evident in his tone.
You didn’t bother to look up, pen still clicking rhythmically against the table, “Hm?”
“You think you’re clever, don’t you?”
Placing the pen on your page delicately, you looked up, “Pardon?”
The mans cheeks flushed an angry red as he stared down at you, lips pulling into a tight line, “Whatever you think-“
“-I’m sorry,” You interrupted him, leaning forward to look up into his eyes sweetly, “Do I know you?”
The man leant forward and sneered, “Gavey.”
“Gavey?” You titled your head, biting your lip softly in thought.
Why did that name sound so familiar?
“Yes.” He grit through his teeth, looking down at your spread notes and gear.
Then it came to you.
“Gavey! Michael Gavey!” You beamed up at him, leaning slightly forward on the desk.
Now you knew why he was so familiar.
“You’re the maths genius.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. Anyone who had heard about Michael Gavey knew about his stellar intellect when it came to maths, and unfortunately for him, they also knew about his little antisocial outbursts, “You yelled at Oliver on O week.”
You watched with delight as the anger fell momentarily from his face, and embarrassment replaced it. You leant further forward, putting both elbows on the table as you rested your chin on your hands, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Is it true then? You can do any sum just in your head?”
If it was true, he needed to be studied by a team of scientists.
And maybe a behavioural therapist.
Michael stood taller, proud to have been recognised for this part of him as he watched you bat your eyelashes at him. His shoulders rolled back, eyes glimmering with determination behind his glasses.
Men were so easy.
You just stroke their ego a little and their guard comes down immediately.
“Ask me.” His voice was soft, confident, waiting on bated breath to show off his born skill.
You smiled, “Alright. Seven-hundred-and-eighty-nine multiplied by six-hundred-and-fifty-four.”
Without missing a beat, “Five-hundred-and-sixteen-thousand-and-six.”
“Divided by twelve.”
“Forty-three-thousand point five.”
“Times nine.”
“Three-hundred-and-eighty-seven-thousand-and-four point five.”
You leant back in your chair watching him. It was impressive, and if he wasn’t such a prick, you would have openly praised him. But you didn’t have it in you in that moment to give him anything but a lengthy stare, using the time to get a good look at his face without the sneer.
He was handsome, a long face framed nicely by his ‘devil may care’ hair. You wondered if he even bothered to brush it in the morning. The longer you looked at him the more you could see how his sharp features and soft lips would in fact get him the attention he so desperately craved, if only he wasn’t as insufferable as he was. In fact, the more you thought about it, if things had been different, perhaps you would have pursued him, maybe even asked him out for a drink.
Instead, he had made an enemy for himself, and being petty at this point was a hobby for you that you took great time and pleasure in doing, especially if it was for assholes who made the first move unwarranted. 
“Hm.” You tapped your pen against the table, “How do I know it’s correct and you're not just making it up?”
This seemed to anger Gavey.
“I’m not making it up. I do the sums,” He narrowed his eyes, “In my head.”
“I don’t have a calculator to confirm this. For all I know, you could be lying.”
The anger was back, “I’m not lying. I’m never wrong.”
“I’m a genius.”
“Uh huh.”
Then came the vitriol, his shoulders tensed in rage, “What would you know anything about maths? You’re a History and Philosophy major.” Michael scoffed, seeming to think that his disdain for your degree would upset you in the slightest.
You sighed loudly, pulling the earphones from your Ipod to begin putting them in your ears. You looked at him pointedly, putting a sad little smile onto your lips. 
Show time.
“It’s a shame, you know.” You said sadly.
“What?” Michael responded, over-eagerly.
The earphones sat in your ears and you scrolled down to a song you wanted, letting the music begin to play loudly just to piss him off, the noise turned up high enough for him to hear the lyrics. You didn't show it, but it was too loud, and most certainly hurt your ears, yet it was worth it to see his nose scrunch up.
“That you’re a snob.” Your voice rose over the music in your ears, unable to hear anything but the loud bass line that bounced in your head, “You’re actually cute when you’re not sneering at me.” You let your eyes drop back to your page, ignoring his presence as you strummed the pen loudly against the wood of the desk, unable to hear if he responded, but also not bothered to hear him. You had ended the conversation just the way you wanted.
And it would drive him nuts.
What you hadn’t seen was his mouth opening and shutting multiple times as a blush spread across his cheeks. He stood idly by, utterly unable to produce a single word or sound bar clearing his throat. Michael disappeared from your periphery as he left to sit at the table at the end, dropping into his seat to begin his studies.
But it proved to be fruitless, because as he attempted to settle into the endless stream of equations, all he could hear behind him was the tinny sound of your music blasting from your earphones and the steady grating tap of your pen.
He tried, in vein, for over an hour to focus, before giving up and storming out of the library. It was only then when you lifted your head, smiling at his retreating figure in triumph. 
I win.
Not a word had been written on your page, and not a thing had been absorbed in your head. You lowered the volume of your music, a ringing settling into your ears, before packing up your things to go back to your dorm, deciding that a job well done was deserving of some respite, and in your good mood you would actually read your book.
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You spent the rest of your day and better part of your evening reading, lounging, and snacking on some chips as you snuggled into your sheets. 
Being the creature of habit that you were, you ended your triumphant day going to the pub to have another cheap meal and a drink or two, spending a considerable amount of the evening chatting up another student who had also stayed behind during the break.
He was cute, and funny, and although he hinted more than once that he would like to continue your evening back in either one of your dorms, you didn’t have the energy to entertain a potentially dull night of barely there pleasure. 
He smiled too wide and had too much confidence to really know what he was doing, and you felt immediately that he would be the type to get his and leave you high and dry. So you parted, promising emptily to get another pint together soon enough, though you knew it wasn’t your stellar verbal company that he wanted.
Sinking into bed that evening was an easy and pleasurable experience. You crawled into your sheets, smile on your face and victory on your tongue. Your tit-for-tat was successful, and now you could finally just focus on your work, and not the sandy haired Michael Gavey who seemed to invade your every thought. 
The sun trickled through the curtains by your bed, a warm stream of light hitting your face. You woke with a stretch, body slowly waking up with the day.
You didn’t have much planned after yesterdays success, and didn’t have a want to do much at all, but there was only so much lounging in bed one could do over the many weeks of break, so you decided to go back to the library, at least for an hour to make up for yesterdays losses (despite the personal win). 
You looked around your room and settled on a skirt and some tights with a turtle neck sweater, unable to find anything else as a pile of dirty clothes had slowly accumulated in the corner. You made a note to yourself to take it to the laundromat later with some coins and your book. 
The walk to the library was the same monotonous one as it always was. The same stone walls, the same dark wooden detailing and floor, the occasional beautiful stained glass window, and the ever strange silence of an empty college. There was a light layer of frost on the grass outside, and you wouldn’t be surprised if it would snow. The trees were bare except for a handful of orange and brown leaves, hanging on for dear life, or perhaps, holding on with dead fingers.
Rigor mortus of the petiole.
The steps creaked beneath your feet as you made your way up to your usual spot, the library cold as it always was, causing you to wish you had brought a warmer jacket with you. When you got to the landing, you expected to see him, sandy hair, glasses slipping down his sharp nose, hunched over the same textbook as he wrote out his equations with dizzying speed, but the tables were empty, and the aisles were barren, and all that was in the library was you.
Briefly you wondered for a moment if something has happened to him. Had he gotten sick? Too ill to crawl out of bed, laying in his sheets with a fever and no one to comfort him?
You frowned at the thought. 
Why did you care?
His ego was likely too bruised to show his face, and was hidden in another alcove or other smaller library somewhere else, or perhaps even in his room.
Maybe he even had friends, and decided to spend the day with them, likely another student in STEM. 
You could have sworn you saw him and Oliver Quick in the pub one night together.
You walked past his empty table and continued down the end to where your little nook was, grazing your fingers along the spines of the books as you went. Each ridge another spine, each spine another thousand upon thousand of words that had been read, dissected, and rewritten by many a student. You liked to think about how many hands had touched the pages, how many eyes had skimmed the words, how many bags, beds, tables, couches, cars or trains they had been in over the years, and how many times you had read them, or held them in the same spot.
You emerged from the isles to your nook.
It was not what you had expected that morning.
Certainly not what you had expected any morning come to think of it, but even so, your steps halted and your heart began to quicken, anger slowing creeping up your neck, heating your face.
He was sat at your table.
Your table.
His glasses had slid down almost to the tip of his nose, a long slender finger daintily pushing them back up to the bridge, lips pouted in their natural pout as his hand flew about his notes, writing equation after equation in a speed that would intimidate even Einstein. Michaels hair was disheveled, as though he had run his hand through it multiple times, as he contemplated the pros and cons of sitting there. 
He must have landed on the pros.
“What are you doing.” You bit out, an irritating sense of dejavu seeping into your bones.
Michael didn’t look up at you, your feet almost pushing through the floor, anger rooting you in place.
“Hm?” Came his noncommittal reply.
It set you off.
“You’re in my seat.” You hissed, swiftly stepping towards him.
The light from the window beside him cast shadows across half his face as he looked up at you, he sucked his teeth loudly, “Your seat?”
“I see.” His head dipped back down to his notes, his blue eyes looking up at you from under his lashes as his hand continued to write, “This is a public library. It’s a public seat.”
You stormed forward dumping your bag atop his hand, his pencil scraping across his notes on the paper, “You know exactly what I mean.”
His jaw ticked, steely blue eyes flicking to where you dumped your heavy bag atop his notes and own text book.
“I’m sorry, I’m not tutoring on break.” His tone all too demeaning as he over pronounced each word.
Your hands slammed down onto the desk as you leant forward towards his face, “I don’t need a tutor and you know it, you miserable little cunt.” Anger boiled inside of you, building and building, ready to burst. 
Michael bristled, “Who the f-“
“-Oh, fuck you, Michael. You’re a miserable piece of shit, thinking you’re above everybody else, sneering at anyone who dares to be happy. I’ve seen you, always sulking about in the shadows because no one can stand to be around you.”
The silence was almost deafening.
Oh God.
That was a low blow.
You had taken it too far.
You swallowed thickly, suddenly feeling very guilty, “Michael,” You started, “That was-“
A pale hand lifted in front of your face, the man standing almost near silently in front of you. He went from below you, to towering above in a split second, his sheer size double your own. He stared down his sharp nose at you with a look of contempt, the rage behind his eyes flickering with barely held restraint.
“Do you want to know what I think?” His voice was low, lower than you had ever heard it go, emotion almost drained entirely from it except an icy edge which sent the hairs on the back of your neck on end.
You stayed silent, watching as he stepped away from the desk, chair scraping on the wood to come towards you slowly, your heart beating like a drum behind your ribs.
Though you could step back, his eyes kept you glued to where you were, head craned up to look at him as he came closer, the tension in his jaw growing with every passing second.
It was unnerving, and everything within told you to run, but something made you stay.
Call it guilt.
Or intrigue.
His hand dropped to his side, slow, calculated steps coming closer, each one as silent as the next as his cheek twitched whilst looking you over.
“I think,” He began, a foot away from you, voice low, “That you’re just desperate enough to accept the scraps that they give you, because you fear if you don’t,” Another step, taking him toe-to-toe with you, “That you’ll be a nobody like me.”
Your mouth became dry, lips slightly parted as a tinge of hurt spread through your chest.
You shook your head faintly, “I don’t think you’re a nobody.”
A brow lifted, “You called me a nobody.”
“I was wrong.”
“Wrong because it was hurtful? Or wrong because you have more in common with me than you do with them.”
You shook your head, “Why is it always about them?”
“It is always,” He sneered, “About them. I have watched you take what little you can get from them like a beggar. Talking to Felix in the hallways, doing his homework for him, smiling at him like a dolt.”
Your eyes widened in surprise.
“I’ve seen you.” His shoe bumped against yours as he leant forward, “You’re nothing to them. How long was it before they even learnt your name?”
“Stop it.” You whispered, feeling tears prickle in your eyes.
Michaels head tilted, “Why? It’s the truth.”
“It’s not.”
The sandy haired man clicked his tongue at you, head tilting, “You and I both know that’s not the truth, is it? What did Farleigh call you again?”
A lone tear fell down your cheek, leaving a wet track in its path. Your lip wobbled as you tried to keep your composure.
You didn’t know how he knew.
You didn’t know how he could have known what Farleigh had said to you that night, drinking in the pub together.
You hadn’t even meant to join them, but their table grew bigger and bigger until it swallowed your own and soon enough they were buying you shots. It was never a regular thing, you were never quite in the circle, but not quite out of it either. More-so lingering in the nothingness of neither here nor there. 
Michael looked at you pityingly, not in a way where he held empathy for you because of it, but in a way where he pitied you for being the way you were. It was demeaning. Cold. 
“Parvenu.” His lips pronounced each syllable slowly, darkly, and it made you ache.
Another tear fell as you took a sharp intake of breath, sniffling roughly. 
Shame built inside of you. 
It was humiliating to relive that moment, let alone with Michael. And now that you knew he had witnessed or heard it, you wondered who else may have been there to hear Farleigh’s degrading comment and snort of a laugh followed. The way he would raise his brows at you the rest of the night as if to say ‘See? You don’t belong here, and we can all see it’, ‘We let you here because we can’.
“I don’t understand-“
Michael interrupted you, "-You let them walk all over you, and for what? Parties and accolades?” The corners of his lips turned downwards, “They don’t even respect you. Do they know that you’ve stayed behind on break alone? Do you think they’ll think of you in their mansions? Do you think Felix would ever-“
“-You talk about them as if they’re irredeemable, but they’ve been far nicer to me than you have.” Another tear fell, and your stomach tied itself in knots. 
The anger seemed to simmer in his eyes, “They don’t deserve you.”
Your brows pulled down in confusion, “What?”
“You let them use you, chasing after their fleeting affections. It’s pathetic.”
Anger began to simmer inside of you, “Pathetic? You know what’s pathetic?” You leaned up on your toes, “The fact that you have so clearly been watching me, and everything that I do, and not once have you tried to be my friend. Do you know what’s pathetic?” Your voice began to rise, heat inside of you rising with it, “Your anger and hatred of them clearly stems from jealously and embarrassment because they would never talk to-“
Your eyes widened in shock, his lips crashing against yours as he yanked you forward, hand at the back of your head pulling you in tightly. You were so in shock, you didn’t know what to do, standing stiffly in his arms as the other circled your waist and pulled you against him. 
It only took a second for your brain to come to with what was happening, your eyes sliding shut as you kissed him back roughly, all teeth and vitriol as you bit the soft flesh of his lips roughly. He hissed, pulling you closer, your feet stumbling against his as he backed you towards the wall of books beside the desk. 
Your spine hit the shelf roughly as he shoved you back, both of you panting before you grabbed his shirt angrily, yanking him back towards you. You were so furious, so almost feral that you needed this more than you would have thought.
There was something about him, something about him that made you want to pull your hair out and also sit on his face to silence him. 
His kisses weren’t skilled, but they were filled with passion as his teeth clashed against yours, a fight for dominance ensuing as you let a hand slide up into his hair and pull. A grunt came from deep within his chest as you yanked at the roots cruelly, hoping it would hurt him. Heat built in your gut rapidly, the need for him growing stronger with each passing second. 
The hand on your waist slid down further, pulling up your skirt as his fingers pressed against your clothed core. You gasped into his mouth, hips thrusting forward from the pressure. With the other hand disappearing from the back of your head, it met the other between your legs, hooking into the gusset of your tights before you heard a loud rip, cold air immediately hitting your core. 
You gasped loudly, Michael taking advantage as he slid his tongue into your mouth, flicking it upwards against the back of your teeth. He tasted faintly like chocolate, and it was a taste that you didn’t mind at all. His fingers immediately sought out your centre, sliding impatiently between your folds to gather the wetness from your entrance. 
His movements were sloppy, yet focused, drawing it up to your clit as he rubbed fierce circles into it that bordered on painful. You nipped his bottom lip harshly again, yanking his head back and away from you to look at his face as two long digits circled your entrance. 
The pupils of his eyes were enlarged, almost swallowing the blue of his iris whole. His cheeks were flushed a dusty pink, and lips a deep red after your bites. The glasses upon his face were slightly skewed and lightly fogged, the hair atop his head sticking up in different directions from your rough handling. You didn’t even get to observe him for longer before he roughly shoved the two fingers inside.
“Fuck.” You hissed, back arching towards him, shoulders roughly pushing into the bookshelf.
A mean smirk pulled on his lips as he crooked his fingers against the front of your walls, quickly thrusting his hand in and out with dizzying speed. Your breath caught in your throat, brows pulled down as you looked at him, low whine falling from your lips.
“So wet already.” Michael teased, thumb lightly brushing your pearl, a spark of intense pleasure shooting up you. 
You pulled his head back towards you, moaning into his mouth as he continued to fuck you with his fingers, the sound of your arousal loud in the both of your ears. Michael pulled up one of your legs, hooking it around his hip, the cold metal of his carabiner pressing sharply into your inner thigh. Pleasure began to wind tightly in your gut, his long fingers reaching parts of you, your own couldn’t. 
Panting against his mouth, your hand flew behind you to grip one of the wooden shelves, elbow bumping against the spines of the books.
His pace never once faltered, all those hours of quick equations all day boosting his hand strength and stamina. You were surprised that he even knew what he was doing, but the questions floated aimlessly in the back of your mind, not quite sticking.
Your nails dug into the wood of the shelf, hand falling from his hair to his shoulder as your head fell backwards against the shelf, your peak barreling towards you.
“S’close. Please.” You whined, rolling your hips into his hand.
A mean laugh broke your peace, his fingers pulling out of you sharply, preventing you from reaching your release. Your eyes flew open, brows furrowed in frustration as you looked at him, smug smirk on his lips as he brought his fingers up to his mouth, sucking on the arousal soaked digits. 
You moaned weakly looking at him as he did it, hips rolling towards him in an attempt to get him to touch you again. Michael lips pouted at you as he pulled his fingers from his mouth with a wet pop.
“Touch me.” You breathed, pulling him towards you with your leg, the zipper of his cargo pants pressing against you sharply. You sighed, rubbing your centre against his pants, a wet patch no doubt beginning to stain the front of them. 
“So desperate.” He cooed at you, your core clenching at his words as your eyes fluttered.
The hand that had been inside of you quickly made its way to the front of his pants, the other joining as he hastily undid his belt, not pulling it through the loops, followed by his button and zipper. Michael hastily reached into his pants and pulled out his hardened length, the tip pink and weeping, veins crawling up the sides.
You swallowed thickly as you looked down. 
Oh shit. 
Michael was very well endowed.
You didn’t know what shocked you more, the fact that he had such a sizeable cock, or how he thrust it up into you without warning. The stretch was bordering painful and you cried out loudly, Michaels hand slapping across your mouth to stifle the sound. 
“Quiet.” He hissed, pushing in to the hilt, the tip of his cock brushing against your cervix. Your eyes screwed shut as you whined into his palm, your walls struggling to accommodate him as he slowly pulled out, each vein and ridge catching on your inner walls deliciously.
The slow heat inside of you began to build once more. 
Michael thrust into you sharply, your head banging against the back of the shelves as he kept his hand against your mouth, the other holding your hip against him. He set a brutal pace, fucking into your slick walls without abandon as he chased his own pleasure, punching the air out of your chest. 
“Fuck.” He hissed, forehead pressing against your own as he looked down to where you were joined, the leg you stood on stretched on your tippy toe to meet his height as he fucked you, “Your cunt is fucking tight.” 
“Mmm.” You moaned, eyes slipping shut as the coil within your gut began to wind rapidly, each brutal thrust stretching you wide against him with painful pleasure. 
“You gonna cum?” He panted, his eyes shutting behind his glasses that slid down his nose, “Can feel you squeezing my cock. Fuck.”
You nodded desperately beneath his hand, eyes opening to meet his steely gaze as he pulled his head back to watch you, the book shelf creaking as he fucked you against it.
You were so close, so fucking close. 
“Go on.” He commanded, “Cum on my cock like a little slut.”
Your core clenched around him, blinding white pleasure coursing through you as you came, his hand falling from your mouth as you moaned loudly, the noise echoing in the library.
“Shit, fuck. I’m gonna-“ Michael’s thrusts stuttered as a long moan burst from his lips, the warmth of his cum filling you.
You whined, hands gripping his hair as you crashed your lips against his, kissing him lazily as you both panted, his cock throbbing inside of you as your walls squeezed every last drop from him. 
Michael pushed as deep as he could go, the warmth of his cum beginning to leak around the base and down your thighs as you pulsed around him. Your mind was blank, fuzzy warmth spreading through your limbs in a soporific manner. He broke away from the kiss, breathing heavily as he looked down at you, glasses slightly foggy.
You searched his eyes and his face before a smile cracked on your lips. Michael mirrored it with a lopsided grin, huffing as he breathed out deeply.
Feeling a burst of confidence, you let a hand brush between your legs, swiping some of his cum that had dripped onto your thigh up to your mouth. You licked it off your finger slowly, opening your mouth to let him see the mess on your tongue before swallowing.
Michael’s adams apple bobbed, his cock twitching inside of you, “Fucking hell.”
You huffed another laugh, leaning forward to kiss him again, sliding your tongue into his mouth so he could taste himself as well as you on his tongue. He hummed loudly, dropping your leg to cradle your head in his hands. 
When you broke away once more, you couldn’t help but notice the glaringly obvious. 
Michael Gavey just fucked you in the library.
His tongue wet his lips as he looked at you, “Was that good?” A beat, “For you?”
“Yeah.” You breathed, “You?”
Silence began to stretch between the two of you before you shifted your hips, Gavey took the hint and slowly slid from your walls, causing you to whimper from the overstimulation. He tucked himself into his pants as you righted yourself, looking down at the gaping hole in the gusset of your tights.
“Well this will be an interesting walk home.” You mused, a hum of a laugh tickling the back of your throat.
Michael snorted, “Made quite the mess.”
“You did.”
Michael smirked, “It wasn’t all me now. I can’t take all the blame.”
You let your skirt drop, smoothing it down as you stepped away from the bookcase, looking back up at him.
“I suppose not. There was effort on both ends here.”
“There was.”
You nibbled at your lip, the unspoken words just at the tip of your tongue, “Michael-“
“-27. We’re in the same block.” His eyes searched yours.
Room 27? Why-
“Did you want to get a drink?” Michael blurted, shifting on his feet awkwardly as though you hadn't just fought and angrily fucked against a bookshelf. 
You looked at him closely. There was no sign of insincerity in his eyes.
He was offering an olive branch. 
You let a smile wash over your face, enjoying how his own came to match it.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to any tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! <3
Taglist: @magnificentdelusionr @twglitching @fan-goddess @mydemimonde @itsshizyne @4v1d-m3t4l-3nj0y3r @liv-cole @lcecgg @sepherinaspoppies @marihoneywk @trashy-panda777 @bellaisasleep
1K notes · View notes
neteyamsyawntu · 5 months
Kinkmas Day 12
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K u r u P l a y
Teylan x Human!Reader
Warnings: 🔞MINORS DNI🔞, Slight corruption, hypersensitivity, Teylan being a little subby baby, dom!reader, grinding, interspecies relationship, size difference,
‼️Potential spoilers for Avatar:Frontiers of Pandora‼️
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You had only recently escaped the RDA, having been a botanist on the western frontier at one of the drilling sites. You were mortified with what the RDA was doing to Pandora and its effect on its inhabitants. Luckily enough you were out in the field researching when the site was attacked by the resistance.
It wasn’t long before you found your way to the resistance with that of a guiding hand from one of the long lost Sarentu warriors, and while most of the members of the resistance welcomed you in, a particular member of the remaining Sarentu was almost as curious about you as you were about him, even offering to show you around HQ. He had so many  questions about you and your work, especially the technology you used that he found himself getting side tracked with the tour. 
“S-sorry I’m getting carried away aren’t I?” Teylan said in a soft voice, fiddling with a broken radio that was strapped to his chest, bowing his head slightly, clear embarrassment in his features. “Haha, it’s alright, Teylan. Really I don’t mind the questions.” You muse enthusiastically, instinctively grasping his free hand to grab his attention, which you achieved much faster than you had thought. His tail quickly rose to attention then began swaying back and forth wildly, eyes wide as his shocked expression turns into a tooth grin. “Really? Well if you’re sure do you mind if we sit? I have so many more questions to ask.”.
 You can’t help, but smile wider as he gently takes your hand, guiding you to sit on one of the soft pillows in the living quarters, sitting beside you with large and eager eyes, “Sure, but under the condition that I can ask you some questions as well.”. He almost reminded you of a puppy with how passionate and excited he got when you began to explain about the tablet you used to scan, log, and store information on the plants you studied. He was so cute, so eager to learn. It seemed very evident that Teylan was the odd one compared to the other members of his small clan, wearing more human apparel and taking interest in their tech, while the others focused on finding themselves and their past culture, yet even as you spoke to him, you couldn’t help, but trace his beautiful stripes with your eyes. 
He wasn’t treating you like the little human you knew you were, he was just interested to know of your studies, yet you couldn’t wipe away the idea that he was still nearly 10ft tall. 
“Do you mind if I see your hand again?” You ask a little timidly holding out your much smaller one for him to place his into. Again his ears perk and eyes go wide as his eyes study your hand for a brief moment, the smile that had been on his face the entire time twitching a little bit, “My hand? Sure.”. As Teylan places his hand into yours, palm up, you immediately feel the weight of it, unconsciously bringing your other hand to support it. Your eyes light up as he feel the texture of his hands, “They’re so soft.” You whisper under your breath, giving his hand a gentle squeeze in your own, of what you could fit, making a mental note that it was probably due to living in a classroom all his life, not having to fight for survival and overuse them, You hadn’t even realized you had spoken aloud until Teylan chimed in with a, “Oh- uh thank you, yours are soft too.”.
You are suddenly brought out of your thoughts by the voice, now kicking yourself for being so careless as color rises to your cheeks. “Sorry I didn’t mean to say that out loud.” You laugh a bit nervously, now avoiding eye contact with the na’vi, “It is alright.. I don’t mind if that was your concern.” He reassures you, his tail tapping happily against the pillows beside him. You can’t help, but smile at his body language, releasing a soft giggle as you continue to examine his body, your hand and eyes trialing up his arms, admiring the striped pattern of his skin, not failing to notice the shiver that runs through his body as you run a finger along one of the stripes of his bicep, a small muffled noise coming from his throat.
“Are you alright, Teylan?” You ask looking up at him with a mix of concern and intrigue, “Yes… just a tickle.. that’s all.” He responds is a quick mumbling of words. You simply nod and go back to your thoughts. Of course there were parts of the na’vi that were similar to humans, but the parts that weren’t were so fascinating. The part you feel you envied most was his neural queue. To have the ability to connect with any living organism around the world was almost mind boggling. “Do you mind if I ask a bit of a personal question?” You ask lowering his hand a bit to rest it against your thigh as you continue to hold it in your grasp, “Not at all, ask away!”, “Your neural queue… what is it like? Having one I mean, like being able to connect with everything?”. 
Teylan’s brows crease a bit as he contemplates this for a moment and then shrugs, “It is odd… a little scary if I’m being honest, I’ve only ever really connected to Eywa through the Tarsyu, but I don’t do it very often.” You silently nod in understanding as your thumb absentmindedly caresses over the palm of his hand, sending another tingle through his body, “Erm.. would you like to look at it?” He asks perking his ears up, his enthusiasm being more than contagious, agreeing to him without an argument. You can’t help but notice the small blush on his face as he pull the long and thick braid over his shoulder, holding it gently in his hand, presenting it to you. 
Immediately Teylan has your full attention as he flips the end of his braid up to reveal the pinkish-purple tendrils that swirl and tangle on themselves in the air, waiting for something to grasp onto. “Woah…” you hums in fascination, slowly leaning closer to get a better look at them. “So… what do you think? Is it… weird to see up close?” Teylan asks somewhat hesitantly, coaxing you to instantly switch your gaze to his, offering him a soft smile, “Not at all! I think it’s incredible. It’s actually kind of pretty.” 
Again the color on Teylan’s cheeks seem to darken as you move slightly closer, “Do you mind if I touch it? Just the braid, I promise I won’t touch the tendrils.”. You can hear Teylan audibly gulp with a nod and adjust his position slightly to hold his kuru out a tad closer to you. Time seems to still as you extend your petite hand up toward his braid, you wanted to be as delicate as possible with such an intimate part of his body. Your heart was pounding in your chest as your fingers extend to delicately caress the thick braid of his kuru. The moment your fingertips brush the dark hairs, a slightly broken gasp forced you to retract your fingers, looking up at Teylan’s flushed face with concern, “I- I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you.”, “No! No it… it didn’t hurt. I was just a little surprised, no one has ever touched it before, but me.”. 
A warm smile crossed your features as you nod, placing your other hand in his own, “Here you can squeeze my hand if it becomes too much… just don’t break it ok?” You chuckle a little awkwardly, but it seems to put his mind at ease as she allows you to continue with a second attempt. Again his body stiffens as your fingers make contact with the braid, a shaky exhale leaving his body, closing his eyes as a means to concentrate on something. You watch his body language closely adding his mannerisms and reactions to a place in your brain to write down and analyze later. Of course your specialty was in plant-life, but the na’vi were such fascinating beings. 
“I’m going to move my hand downward, ok?” You state, wanting to make sure you didn't catch him off guard or do anything to make him uncomfortable. With a slightly breathy “O-ok.” You take your granted permission as gently drag your hand down the length of his kuru. Teylan’s ears immediately flatten against his head, his non-existent brows rising and lips parting to allow a faint whimper to escape him. The sound of his tail batting against the pillows more roughly catches your attention as you shift your hand further. You hadn’t expected his kuru to be this sensitive, originally assuming that the tendrils would’ve been the area to coax this much of a reaction out of him, and perhaps to some extent they still would, yet you would never venture to investigate, wanting to respect his boundaries. However that wouldn’t stop your curious nature from experimenting further with the rest of his kuru.
You weren’t even sure why you did it, maybe just caught up in the moment of analyzing his body’s reactions, but before you know it, your eyes had drifted to the tent pitching in his loincloth. The heat in your face rises at an alarming rate as you avert your eyes before he has a chance to notice. Now the gears in your head had shifted to a slightly different approach, however inappropriate the best or worst form of the sense. Cautiously, your palm begins to wrap around Teylan’s kuru, now holding it gently in your hand. Teylan subtly squirms in his seat, releasing another broken sigh, his eyes flutter closed yet again, to which you take the opportunity to let your gaze wander down between his thighs again, just in time to see his cock twitch beneath his garment. 
Your mind now raced as you slowly shifted your body closer to his, positioning yourself between his thighs. Sensing your presence and feeling your body heat, Teylan opened his eyes, watching you with his lips parted, his breath catches in his throat as your hand begins to travel up his kuru, toward his skull. “Y/N… wha- what are you doing?”, “I just want to see if it’s more sensitive at the base of your skull…” you explain calmly, locking eyes with him. A heated look between each of you is exchanged. While your expression was one of allure and confidence, Teylan’s was that of lust and full of trust. A clear submission playing behind his eyes, that he would let you continue with your venture. With the silent exchange giving you further permission, your hand glides up his braid, toward the base of his kuru at the back of his head. His body instantly begins to rock and squirm, his breath hitching with a heavy gasp and a waning whimper escaping him before he can fully hide it by biting his bottom lip. 
The moment your hand tightens its grasp on the base of his kuru, even with it being ever so slightly, Teylan’s large hand suddenly encompasses your back, pulling you flush against his body, his face burying into your shoulder as a muffled whine echoes in your ear. Your eyes widen, heart now rapping violently in your chest as you fear you may have overstepped, your hands quickly moving to push back against his chest “T-Teylan I’m sorry I-.”, yet you are met with resistance as his hand on your back effortlessly keeps you exactly where he wants you, “-No. No, don't stop… please.”. Now breathless yourself, you look up at Teylan and watch as the previous look in his eyes shift to one of aching need, with your pelvis now pressed against his bulge.
He wanted this and you couldn’t deny that part of you, the part that wasn’t a scientist, that part that truly compelled you to the na’vi, wanted this too. Pressing your lower abdomen assertively against his throbbing boner, you snake your hand back around his head, and gripping his kuru with the same cautiousness you had before, taking joy in how easy it was to get him hot and bothered as he rested his cheek against the side of your head, letting another whimper slip from his lips, gently grinding his cock against your body. It was scandalous and outrageously unprofessional, but you couldn’t care less when his lips eagerly met your neck, the bill of his hat bumping against your head as he begins to leave soft, wet kisses along your skin. How long would it be until you were caught? You weren’t particularly in a private area. At any moment someone could walk in and witness a human and a na’vi engaging in such an intimate act… and this fact excited you as you leaned your head back, allowing him further access to your neck, your hand gripping his kuru slightly tighter than before, fueling the fire that was brewing inside of Teylan.
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Tag list: @itchaboi-itchyboy @pandoraslxna @oakbuggy @plooto @xylianasblog @etherial-moon-blog @hikari-michiko @neteyamssyulang @blue-slxt @c-townes @loaksxhoe @xstarsdiary @neteyamswillow @akoyaxs @neteyxmsgirl @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @zafrinaxyz @neteyams-wh0re @neteyamyawne @kiri-tuk @beauitful-brown-skin-05 @akoyaxs @neteyamsstuff @puddleswimmingnerd-blog @ntymavtr @luvv4j4ybe11
407 notes · View notes
keystonepublishing · 8 months
The Saga of Hermitcraft on r/Place (1 April 2022 - 4 April 2022)
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On the 1st of April 2022, Reddit unveiled a white blank canvas where every user had the ability to place one colored pixel in every 5 minutes. At its height, about 4 million people participated in one of the biggest internet collaborations ever made. The ripple effects reverberated into news reports as far away as Turkey, and the final canvas represents a snapshot of the multiple communities, events, memes, and what was popular around the world at that time.
This is a documentation of the Hermitcraft mural on r/place 2022.
Remember what I said about my latest ficbind being a distraction? This is what I wanted to be distracted from.
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After Reddit's API fiasco of this year and the subsequent controversial event that was r/place 2023, I decided to save as much documentation about the 2022 event as I could. Luckily, I remember how there are already a series of posts by @riacte who documented the progress of the Hermitcraft mural throughout the whole event, from beginning to end. Her blogposts form the bulk of this book (like, 95%!) and I cannot thank her enough for preserving the happenings of the block men mural.
With that said, I quickly realized that someone who's not a Hermitcraft fan - or me if I'm older - might not get the gist of who's who on the mural. The solution? Make several pages dedicated to just listing who's who on the murals! Because of the sheer number of heads, the mural was divided into several pieces for easier labeling. As a bonus, I also threw in another mural nearby which was connected enough to the Hermitcraft community.
For consistency's sake and preserving focus, I decided to not label the peeps from Dream SMP or the MCC secondary mural. Wrangling Microsoft Word to create an infographic was hard enough, let alone 3! If I inadvertently left out a few bits of extra context from this decision, mea culpa.
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When it came to typesetting the entire text block, I decided to make some consistent rules. Titles denoting each day or stage of the mural are on their own pages. New sections are titled using the Bahnschrift font and colored blue, while the first paragraph has their beginning lines look Minecraft-coded and topped with a drop cap (aka. those super-large alphabets).
The names of Hermitcraft and Minecraft players in general are bolded when they first appear in the text. Afterwards, they are bolded if they are contextually important to what's being said.
Extra context would be placed in the footnotes section at the bottom of the page. This is also where I dump some background information that would be invaluable for any readers who aren't Minecraft fans, which is why the SpaceX page looked like... uh, that.
My image policy is to go with the flow; I used as many images from riacte's posts as possible, but I also added-in some of my own if more context is needed. Placing them to look smooth with the text was harder - some are small enough to not cause any problems, others are large enough to fill entire pages without any problems, but a few like the Dream SMP mural (hey there! I managed to put you in!) are too wonky to fit perfectly without leaving no empty spaces.
So in that mural's case, I placed them to the side and let the contextual text flow around it. This principle was also used for the Dota2 / Love Live images and in a few other places throughout the book. The biggest case of this are the few images that are just too wide.
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Like this one.
Making double-page spreads is not the easiest thing to do in Microsoft Word, and there are a few r/place images that are too wide to fit perfectly in a single page. Confining them to one page would also mean losing all their details, so making them a double-page spread was necessary.
Didn't make it easy though, especially when there are paragraphs of text and other images that needed to be shuffled around. Mess up the double-page images, and they won't meet in the middle. Mess up the text and other pics? There goes the layout and overall flow!
In the end, making this book took a lot longer than I expected, but I am still grateful to have made this as I have now read through many posts from Tumblr, Reddit, and even Youtube - people expressing joy that they have collectively made something together. I can only hope I have made some justice to them by compiling their work and (even if a small sliver) preserving their testaments.
May this r/place be remembered.
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350 notes · View notes
queenshelby · 8 months
Chemical Reactions (P. 20)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy as J Robert Oppenheimer x Student Reader
Warning: Age-Gap, Infidelity, Smut, Torture
Words: 1,889
Note: The fic is spoiler free and my own fantasy and imagination. It is not historically and scientifically accurate.
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As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, the separation between Robert and you became agonizingly long. The weight of the situation bore down heavy on both your hearts, as you tirelessly navigated through the treacherous waters of uncertainty and danger.
Albeit the fact that you had been moved to more pleasant prison just two days after you had been arrested by Pash, you were still confined to a secure facility which, luckily for you, had medical care.
In this facility, the months dragged on, a never-ending cycle of uncertainty and despair.
While you were away from him, Robert felt as if he were living in a purgatory, caught between his duty and his love for you. The revelation that Kitty Oppenheimer, his own wife, had betrayed him like this was a bitter blow. It shattered any semblance of trust he had left, leaving him feeling betrayed and empty.
It was her who leaked secret information to an agent of the soviet union and the investigation into Kitty's actions revealed a web of secrets and lies that she had woven meticulously.
She had leaked information and tried to divert the blame onto you in order to get rid of you and this, itself, was a dangerous game that she was playing.
It was a twisted and cruel act, one that Robert never thought he would witness from someone he had once loved. The fallout from Kitty's betrayal only complicated matters further. The authorities were now wary of potential moles within the project, questioning everyone's loyalty and motives and despite her partial admission, the investigation into your past continued.
With Kitty’s actions, it seemed that no one was above suspicion, including Robert himself. Every step he took was scrutinised, his every move monitored while he led the project. Desperate to protect you and ensure your safety, Robert used his influence where he could. He pulled strings, called in favours, and pleaded with higher-ups to expedite the investigation so that you could reunite. But bureaucracy moves at its own pace, and justice seemed painfully slow.
The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. Robert could only imagine what you were going through, locked away in a military facility, while the world passed you by.
His heart ached at the thought of you being subjected to the harsh realities of prison life, especially with a child on the way. Time seemed to stretch endlessly, each passing day marked by a dull ache of longing and a gnawing fear of the unknown.
Robert grappled with his own guilt, feeling responsible for the situation that had befallen you. He questioned every decision he had made, wondering if there was something he could have done differently to protect you.
As the months went by, Robert found solace in his work. He threw himself into research and experimentation, channelling his frustrations and fears into the pursuit of scientific breakthroughs. He pushed the boundaries of his own knowledge, hoping that some great discovery would alleviate the pain of his separation from you.
Unable to see each other or communicate directly as visitors were strictly prohibited at the facility, the only solace came in the form of letters.
General Groves became the messenger, reading your heartfelt words and delivering them to each of you personally.
Every letter was a lifeline, a fragile thread connecting your hearts in the midst of an unpredictable and unforgiving world. Through ink-stained pages, you shared your hopes, fears, and struggles, desperate to hold onto the love that had been abruptly torn from your grasp.
The letters were filled with a mix of joy and sorrow, as you recounted each day's events, except those related directly to the development of the gadget.
You described the unbearable loneliness and longing for each other's embrace, the difficulty of trying to remain strong amidst the harsh conditions. But amidst the darkness, there were glimpses of hope as you spoke of the unwavering belief that one day, you would be reunited.
Robert, ever the optimist, wrote poetry to cheer you up and you poured your heart onto the pages, documenting the challenges you faced, both physically and emotionally while being confined.
The uncertainty of your fate weighed heavily on you, but you refused to succumb to despair. Instead, you clung to the memories of your time together, allowing them to fuel your determination to overcome the adversities you faced.
General Groves, touched by the depth of your love and resilience, took it upon himself to ensure the safe passage of each letter. He knew the importance of this lifeline, recognising that their words held the power to inspire and sustain you. With each delivery, General Groves witnessed the unwavering devotion that bound you together.
Your love, tested by distance, confinement, and uncertainty, remained steadfast, growing stronger with each passing day. These letters became a testament to the power of love in the face of adversity, a bond that refused to be broken. And so, the months crawled by, punctuated by the arrival of each letter. They became the rays of hope that pierced through the darkness, reminding you that love could endure even in the bleakest of times. Every word, every sentiment, forged a connection that transcended the physical divide, drawing you closer together even in your separation.
Then, one day, General Groves attended Los Alamos without a letter in his hand, informing Robert that he had something much more exciting to give to him.
Handing him a photograph, he said “Congratulations Robert! You have a healthy baby boy.”
With trembling hands, Robert took the photograph from General Groves. As his eyes settled on the image, his heart skipped a beat. There, captured in a moment frozen in time, was a tiny bundle of joy cradled in your arms. The weight of the world seemed to lift from his shoulders as he gazed at his son for the very first time. Tears welled up in Robert's eyes, a mixture of relief, longing, and overwhelming joy. It had been a year of unimaginable anguish and uncertainty, but seeing the radiant smile on your face as you held their child close, he knew that everything he had fought for had been worth it.
“He is perfect,” Robert declared tearfully, unable to take his eyes off the photo. In that instant, all the heartache faded into insignificance compared to the overpowering sense of pride and love surging through him. This new life embodied the essence of your undying commitment to each other, standing tall against the forces that sought to rip them apart.
Looking anxiously, Robert said, "This baby will change things and all our sacrifices won't go to waste."
"No, they won't Robert," the General said before he nodded resolutely, acknowledging the weight of responsibility resting on Robert's shoulders as well as his own.
"Please, can I see him. He is my son," Robert asked, his voice cracking, but General Groves told him that this was not an option due to security reasons.
Heartbroken yet understanding, Robert swallowed back tears and thanked the General for the photograph.
"I understand, General," he managed to say, his voice hoarse with grief and happiness mixed. 
"When you see her next, can you give her my letter and tell her that she is doing amazing and that I am proud of her?" His voice breaking slightly, he added, "Tell her how brave she is. How beautiful she looks holding our little miracle. Tell her I miss her dearly. And let her know...let her know..."
His voice trailed off as Robert realized he couldn't quite put into words exactly what he wanted to express about his feelings toward you, about their relationship, about their shared experiences - especially after learning about your bravery in giving birth under such difficult circumstances.
"I suggest you write it down, Robert. I will be here until noon," said General Groves, sensing Robert's struggle to articulate his feelings. "Take your time," he told him with a pat on the shoulder. 
Grateful for the supportive presence, Robert nodded and quickly retrieved paper and pen from his office. Sitting down, he began scribbling feverishly, trying to find the right words to convey his thoughts and emotions towards you.
In a few moments, he finished composing the most honest and vulnerable message he had ever written and it was this very honest and raw letter of his that brought tears to your face. 
*** The Letter ***
My Dearest [Your Name],
Words cannot express the overwhelming emotions coursing through my veins as I hold this photograph of our beautiful baby boy. Seeing his innocent face has cast a brilliant light upon the darkest corners of my weary soul. In this single image, I find solace, hope, and an abundance of joy that courses through my every fiber.
I stand here, with tears streaming down my face, in awe of the miracle you have brought into this world. Our son, our precious creation, is a testament to the strength and resilience of our love. He is a beacon of hope, a symbol of our undying commitment to one another and to a brighter future.
I cannot help but think of the sacrifices you have made, the hardships you have endured, and the relentless determination that has guided you through this tumultuous journey.
Our love has endured the trials, the uncertainty, and the immense pressure placed upon us. And now, in this moment, the weight of the world seems insignificant compared to the boundless love radiating from this tiny bundle of life.
As I gaze upon this photograph, I am filled with an indescribable pride for what we have created together. Our love, our bond, has transcended distance, sacrifices, and the devastating impact of this war.
Please tell our son, when the time comes, that his father loves him more than words can convey. Tell him about the countless lives that will reap the benefits of our sacrifices. Whisper to him our story, a tale of resilience, bravery, and the unwavering love that binds us all together.
And to you, my love, I want to express something that words alone could never encapsulate. Your indomitable spirit, your unwavering courage, and your unyielding love have sustained me through the darkest of days. In you, I have found my anchor, my refuge, and my reason.
Please know that you are an extraordinary woman, my love. Your bravery, your strength, and your unwavering spirit during the pregnancy and birth have left me in awe. The thought of you going through such a monumental moment without anyone by your side breaks my heart, but it also fills me with immense pride. You are my rock, my source of inspiration, and the embodiment of everything that is beautiful in this world. Our son is fortunate to have you as his mother, and your love and guidance will shape him into an incredible human being.
When the time comes for us to be reunited, know that I will hold you tightly, for I have missed your touch more than words can express. Until then, my heart stays with you, my love.
Yours, forever and always,
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lighteez · 4 months
Xiao x Lumine
hello everyone! i came back with a xiao x lumine oneshot now! my bestie requested this, so i hope everyone else enjoys this ehehe. p.s. the next chapter is a chapter that everyone has been waiting for 🤭 this oneshot had me blushing so hard ngl, i can't believe i wrote this lol enjoy! MATURE WARNING! 18+
It was a rainy gloomy day today as well, and luckily Lumine had arrived just before the thunderstorm had arrived. However, during her walk to the inn there were small droplets of water falling on her and Paimon, so they got a bit drenched.
As they arrived at the inn, they were greeted by the lady behind her desk as the cat purred at them both. “Hello traveler and small person, how may I help you out today?” The kind lady smiled as Paimon groaned out in frustration.
“Oh, come on, lady! We’ve been here many times, and you still don’t remember my name?! It’s Paimon! P. A. I. M. O. N!” The girl spelled out her name as Lumine chuckled a bit and ruffled Paimon’s hair.
“Calm down, Paimon.” She told her as the tiny girl huffed and puffed from anger, rolling her eyes as the lady deeply apologized to her, “May we get a room? I also wanted to ask if you know how long it’s going to rain for?” Lumine rested her elbow on the counter and leaned a bit to the side, wanting to rest after a long day of walking back to the inn.
“Hm… I’ve heard that it’s going to rain for three days straight, nonstop! It is spring, so it makes sense!” The lady smiled brightly at her as Lumine nodded.
“Then may we have a room for three days? We can’t travel out in this horrible weather, so we’re going to stay here a bit.” Lumine smiled again as the lady nodded and jotted the information down on her notebook.
The quill moved rapidly as the lady wrote down what Lumine wanted. “Separate beds or just one bed?” She looked up from the book as Paimon approached Lumine and whispered into her ear, saying that she wanted a bed to herself.
“Um… how much will it be for two beds?” Lumine asked her mora was slowly running out since Paimon wanted food almost every minute. That’s why they were heading to Liyue to go to the bank and exchange her things.
The lady did her calculations and looked up at her, “That’ll be around three hundred mora! Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be included in it as well.” She claimed as Lumine looked over to Paimon, but Paimon was excited to hear that food will be included in it. Lumine sighed and pulled out her bag of mora and counted it. There was roughly around five hundred mora and by the time they reached Liyue, there would be no more mora.
Lumine sighed in defeat and grabbed the three hundred mora, “Here you go.” She placed the mora on the counter as the lady reached for the mora and placed it in her bag.
“Thank you! Here’s the key to your room!” Lumine closed her mora pouch and looked at the key, grabbing it off the counter, Paimon started floating away to go find the room as Lumine thanked the lady and waved goodbye, following Paimon up the stairs.
When they found the room, they entered and got greeted by two comfortable beds, a desk, a nice window seat, a couch, a bathroom, a small closet wardrobe, and a screen to change their clothes. “I call dibs on the shower first!” Paimon floated to the bathroom as Lumine sighed and nodded.
“Fine, fine. I’ll go at the terrace and just see the rain, it’s very calming to hear the rain.” She stated, dropping her wet bag on the floor and started talking out small change of clothes and set them all out on their beds. “I’ll set your clothes in your bed and I’ll set my clothes in my bed. When I’m back I’ll put them in the wardrobe. I’ll also check in about that dinner for us, okay?” She glanced over to Paimon as the girl nodded and shut the bathroom door behind her.
Lumine took in a deep breath as the candlelight’s happily danced around, illuminating the room with its dim saturated light. It was really peaceful, but soon enough there would probably be thunders rumbling in the sky. As she set out everything, she grabbed her towel and dried her hair a bit, walking out the door as she headed towards the terrace.
As she arrived, there was already a familiar face also watching the rain fall heavily on the balcony. “Xiao, long time no see!” Lumine walked up to Xiao as the yaksha turned around and his eyes glistened at her.
“Lumine… What brings you back to the inn?” His soft voice asked her as a warm feeling started growing within Lumine. He was so gentle with her and so- caring. She really liked being around Xiao, she felt the need to protect him and felt protected around him as well.
“We got caught up with the rain going back to Liyue, so we got a room here for a few days until this rain stopped.” She stood next to him, looking up at him slightly as Xiao nodded his head, humming softly in understanding.
“Makes sense, I hope you don’t catch a cold, why don’t you shower?” He asked, he was clearly worried about her and Lumine smiled brightly at him, causing Xiao’s jaw to drop a bit at her radiant smile.
“Paimon is showering. I’ll shower after her though.” She responded as Xiao nodded, looking back out into the terrace as his mind was occupied with thoughts of her smile.
After a few more second of quietness, he spoke up again, “Do you… want to shower in my room? I mean, I don’t want you catching a cold, and plus you’ve told me before that Paimon takes long showers. it’s okay if you don’t.” He looked at her through the side of his eye and saw her also looking out into the rainy day.
He started admiring her hair, her cheeks, her eyes, her nose, her fit figure and soon enough he turned away and blushed hard.
“Hm… Sure, I don’t really mind, if that’s okay with you!” Her attention went back to Xiao as she saw him blushing a bit, but his hair covered his cheeks so she couldn’t quite see it.
Xiao only nodded and turned around to start walking, “Follow me, I’ll show you to my room. You can change into my sleepwear if you’d like as well.” He stated, leading Lumine towards his room as the woman followed him, nodding her head.
“That’ll be lovely, I’ll wash it for you and give it to you tomorrow, thanks, Xiao.” Her voice sounded so angelic as Xiao liked to describe. His body shivered, gulping nervously as he realized that she’ll be wearing his clothes, showering in his room. Dear Archons, it was truly a blessing to him.
As they arrived at his room, he showed Lumine to the bathroom and grabbed a change of clothes for her. “Here you go, I hope these shorts fit you well, they might be a bit too big on you.” He rubbed the back of his head as Lumine nodded in response, looking up at him with those gorgeous big round eyes.
“Thanks, Xiao!” She beamed happily as Xiao nodded and walked to sit at the couch, as Lumine closed the bathroom door and Xiao was alone now in the room. He was separated from Lumine only through a door, if they had a special relationship, he could’ve showered with her, running his hands through her scalp as he washes her hair. His fingers caressing her waist, her hips, and her thick thighs, washing her body as Lumine shivered with his-
“What am I doing?” Xiao threw his head back and hit himself on the wall, cursing at himself for thinking such things about Lumine. He seemed like a pervert, and he didn’t want to disrespect her at all. Lumine is such a great person, and she deserves everything in the world, and plus, she didn’t need any distractions from finding her brother.
Overall, Xiao also has duties of his own that he can’t ignore. It’ll be a bad experience for the both of them if they don’t have time for each other, but that still didn’t stop Xiao from imagining himself hugging her, protecting her, kissing her, running his hands through her body, wanting nothing more than to make her quiver underneath him while-
“Xiao. Stop yourself!” He claimed to himself again, hitting his head softly against the wall once more as he tried his best to get his mind out of the gutter, but how could he if the woman of his dreams was in the same room as him, taking a shower and will soon be wearing his clothes.
His frustration came to an end after a few minutes. Lumine came out with a towel wrapped around her hair, walking out with his large shirt. That’s when he noticed that his shorts were in her arm. Does she not have any shorts on? Not ever her panti-
“The shorts were too big; do you have something different?” She asked, folding the shorts and leaving them on his bed as she sat down next to the folded shorts.
Xiao couldn’t take his eyes away from her thick growing thighs as she sat down on his bed. His eyes raked her body, seeing her gorgeous curves as Lumine took out the towel from her hair and let her blonde wet hair fall down to her shoulders. He took in a sharp gasp and turned around to look into his closet again, trying to find something else for her to wear. “Uh… I don’t think so…”
His shaky voice made Lumine look up at Xiao, his back was facing her as her eyes glanced at his back muscles, flexing with each movement as her saliva got stuck in her throat. She sucked in a deep breath and widened her eyes, realizing that she was staring at him. Looking away, her cheeks flushed as her fingers ran through her messy wet hair, trying her best to detangle it slowly. Her thoughts kept racing and her eyes stole a few more glances at his back.
Xiao sighed and closed the door of the wardrobe, turning around with one of his sweatpants as he caught Lumine blushing and staring at him. “I found some sweatpants, h-here… I hope these fit you.” He walked to her and handed the sweatpants to her as Lumine coughed and nodded.
“Thanks, I’ll put them on soon.” Her voice became a whisper as Xiao nodded, not knowing what to do except for standing there looking at her with a small smile, but his thoughts were intoxicated with Lumine. His hands itched to touch her and just simply kiss her perfect neck.
What they didn’t know was that both of them started staring into each other’s eyes as the air around them shifted to a more heated and tension filled atmosphere. Xiao gulped as he couldn’t take his eyes away from hers, Lumine wanted to grab his hands and lead him to sit down on the bed so she could straddle him. But both of them did absolutely nothing to make their desires come to life.
Xiao was the first to move around the room. “I’ll uh- give you some space to change.” He walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind him, letting out a sigh or relief. He cursed himself for having such thoughts about the traveler, and it wouldn’t have gone well if he stood there staring at her. She’s perfect in his eyes, and he wasn’t. He knew he couldn’t have her, but just the mere thought of even holding for the slightest moment will have him weak.
“Xiao… The sweatpants didn’t fit me either.” Her velvet voice was heard through the door as Xiao sucked in a deep breath. Turning around, he opened the door and saw her so close to the door, his shirt looks so good on her.
Lumine on the other hand couldn’t stop herself from lying. The pants he gave her fit her nice if she just adjusted the strings, but- she really didn’t want to wear them. Her mind was set on making him blush for just a bit longer. “Oh, um- I apologize that I don’t have any good clothes for you. I could- Uh- I could run to your room and grab some of your-”
“It’s okay, Xiao. Don’t worry, I’ll just wait for my clothes to dry up a bit before going to my room, if that’s okay with you.” Lumine smiled sweetly at him, her aura is so calming and very alluring to Xiao. The way she called his name made his heart race as they stood by the bathroom door, just staring into each other's eyes. Glancing at each other felt like a tango between them, they both just wanted to be stuck together with one another, but dear Archons… They knew they shouldn’t.
Xiao snapped out of it and nodded, “Y-Yeah, it’s fine by me.” He walked past her and went to go sit by the window, staring outside to see if the rain could calm him down, but even the rain reminded him of how she looked like in her drenched clothes.
Lumine couldn’t take the tension in this room, so she sat on his bed, looking up at the ceiling while keeping her mind occupied as long as she could. It may have been cold and gloomy outside, but this room felt like hell. It was hot, stuffy and just- pure desire leaking out of them both.
As Xiao tried to come up with something to tell her, he looked over to her laying down on his bed. Her arms were resting near her head as one of her leg was propped up on his bed as the other dangled on the edge of the bed. Her skin looked so smooth and pretty under the flickering candlelight.
Without noticing, he started moving towards her so slowly and quietly. Lumine hadn’t noticed his movements as her mind was filled with scandalous thoughts, she had a thing for Xiao and he just- he’s a great man. She imagined his hands roaming all over her body, their gazes locking into one another while he worshiped her body. Kissing and leaving secret marks where no one could see them. Her breath was running short as her imagination fogged her mind until she felt a hand on her knee.
Xiao looked down at her as she gasped at the sudden touch. “X-Xiao… Uh- Is there something you want?” Her voice was shaky and low, his mind couldn’t help but imagine her noises underneath him as he completely makes love to her.
“It’s… not a want.” He breathed out, his gaze going to her lips, running slowly to her neck then resting on her chest. An internal groan left his throat as he took his hand away from her knee and ran it through his hair. “It’s a need… I need you, Lumine. Please… I can’t hold back anymore. You’ve been on my mind ever since we met the first day.” His voice was soft and full of need.
Lumine was taken aback with his sudden confession, but she felt the same. “Xiao… I need you as well. I can’t help myself, but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to be a burden to-”
“You’re not a burden, traveler… Just please- let me have you even if it’s just for a night.” He resisted the urge to just crawl into her embrace and fill her with love. Xiao wanted to be selfish for once and have her all to himself for rest of the long awaiting night.
Without a second thought, Lumine nodded, “Please do so. I need you too.” Her sweet whispers made his body tremble as he placed his hand again on her knee, pushing his knee between her legs, looking at her eyes attentively to make sure she didn’t change her mind. Nothing seemed to change as he ran his hand behind her thigh, squeezing it softly as her chest heaved up and down due to her heavy breathing.
Slowly, but surely, he ran his hand over to her inner thigh, stroking it soft while he leaned down closer. His mind was racing so much as he got closer to her, but the second her hands went around his neck, his mind went blank. “Xiao…” The second his name left her lips; he leaned forward and captured her mouth into a deep sensual kiss. It was soft and slow, yet it sent electric shocks running through their bodies. His hand went under her thighs again, raising her leg to wrap around his waist as he kept running his hand frantically over her thigh.
Her small whimpers of desire sent him spiraling into a void of no return. How could he go back to being himself after having a taste of her kisses only. The heat in the room seemed to rise more, as Lumines hand tangled into his hair, tugging on his hair gently as she held him closer to her own body. Kissing him sweetly as their breaths mingled with one another, it felt so euphoric to finally have each other in this embrace.
While his left hand was busy grabbing her thigh, the other hand rested on the mattress next to her head. He brought his forearm to rest against the bed now as he got even closer to her. His knee that was in between her legs grew closer until it touched her intimate part, he slowly rubbed his knee there as she responded back by grinding against it. A low groan left his mouth as his hand ran from her thigh to her hips, helping her grind against his knee. “Archons… You feel so good.” He groaned into the kiss, slowly taking her bottom lip in between his teeth and tugged at it gently before pushing his tongue into her mouth.
Lumine whined at his words. Her tongue met his as they kissed deeper, gasping for air, but all she could inhale was his scent. It was driving her wild, she wanted more as her other hand ran to his back, softly scratching his skin as he flexed his back muscles from the sudden lovely pain she caused. “You’re making me lose my mind here, traveler.” His voice echoed through her mind as she moaned, nodding in agreement. He made her lose her mind as well.
She couldn’t help herself by squeezing his hair in her hand while the other hand traced his back muscles. Her fingernails dragging across his thin, tight shirt that drove her wild whenever she catches a glance of his tattoos, especially the one in his back. Her constant grinding against his knee sent his cock to harden and twitch at such a lovely act she made. Immediately, Lumine gripped his shirt, practically ripping it off of him. He took that as a sign to stop kissing her and sit up right to grab the end of his shirt and throwing it over his head to reveal his toned muscles. She almost moaned at such a sight, his face was red and his eyes were filled with desire and lust as his cock was strained against his pants.
He wasted no time to go back down and push his face into her neck, kissing and licking her skin as Lumine allowed him more access by titling her head to the other side. Her hands went to the shirt she was wearing and took it off quickly, throwing it away as his hand found their way to her chest, taking one of her breast into his palm and began squeezing it softly as she moaned. “More… Please, Xiao.”
The pleading felt like a prayer and he listened to her, kissing down her neck and collarbones, leaving a messy trail of his saliva down her skin until he wrapped his lips around her nipple. He tugged at it gently with his teeth, making sure he doesn’t hurt her, until he starts sucking on her breast. A low growl left his lips as it was muffled by her breast in his mouth, he sucked and licked her nipple while Lumine groaned and squirmed underneath him. She enjoyed this so much as Xiao’s other hand that was on her hip began tugging on her panties, slowly dragging his fingers down her skin as he slowly took off her panties.
She let him take them off before her hand moved to his pants, tugging at them and moaning out, “Take them off, I need you so much… Please~” Her whiny, desperate voice sent a jolt down his spin as he removed his lips from her breast and nodded. Rapidly taking off his pants and realized that her panties were stuck on her thighs, when he took off his own clothes, he grabbed her panties and took them off, throwing them desperately on the floor before he lifted her legs up to rest against his shoulders. His hand moved to touch her wet pussy, rubbing his thumb against her clit as her back arched off the bed.
She’s so sensitive, and just by his thumb, she felt like she going to cum any second. His cock was free and hard as he groaned seeing her enjoy this so much. He leaned back down, taking her into a missionary position as he kissed her lips again. She wrapped her arms once more around his shoulders and kissed him with fever. Even thought it hadn’t gotten that far, they were both sweating so much by such intense feelings they both had for each other. It felt so good, so right. Xiao was melting into her body, wishing there were multiple versions of him to please her and touch her to his hearts content, but fuck- he would get so jealous if other versions of him if they ever touched what he loves.
He brought her hips closer to him until his cock was rubbing against her wet cunt, he groaned into her mouth and the hand that was rubbing her clit left her and grabbed his own cock, stroking it with her wetness. “Please… May I prepare you to take me in?” He asked against the sweet kiss they shared as she nodded in response. Xiao smiled into the kiss and thanked her multiple times, whispering sweet nothings into the kiss as Lumine couldn’t wait for him any longer.
Xiao gave his cock one last stroke and went back to run his finger from her clit and down to her entrance, pushing a finger inside of her slowly, making sure she felt it. Lumine whined in pleasure, her legs trembling and spreading them more to allow him more access. He decided to kiss her neck and his mind told him to leave a few marks on her skin, to show everyone that they made love to one another. It fueled his desire more for her, he wanted everything about her.
His finger went deep as it could until he found the perfect angle that made her scream in ecstasy. She moaned his name loudly as her hands gripped his shoulder hard, her nails digging into his skin as he winced in pleasure and pain. “Does that feel good, darling?” He asked against her neck, grazing his teeth until he softly bit down on her skin making her whine and wither underneath him.
“Yes! Xiao… Xiao!” She whimpered and mewled his name, her body was trembling hard as he moved his finger in and out of her. He spent a few minutes prepping her, adding another finger or two as he thrusts them in and out of her gently, curling his fingers deep into her which made her pussy clench around his fingers. Once she was ready, he took his fingers out teasingly slow. He smirked as he had given so many kisses to her neck and collarbones, wandering his lips to her breasts again, kissing them and enjoying how soft they were.
“Are you ready for me, dear?” Xiao asked as his own cock twitched at the thought of finally being inside of her. Lumine nodded eagerly, needing to finally feel him after a long time of thinking about him and him only. With a shaky exhale, Xiao grabbed his cock and rubbed it against her wet cunt before slipping it inside of her slowly. He stretched her out as he pushed it in gently, his tongue licking her nipples softly as Lumine was losing her mind at how good he felt. She knew that her body will remember ever inch of him and will always be longing for him.
When he was fully inside of her, he brought his hands to her hips, pressing his body against her while her legs folded. Lumine held him and tugged at his hair to pull his head towards her, kissing him passionately while Xiao moaned. He started moving their hips together while he kissed her with such burning desire, their bodies melting into each other. Sweat rolling down their skin and wetting the bed as he thrusts deep into her, pulling out slowly which made her scream in pleasure in their kiss before plunging deep into her again.
Her eyes may have been closed, but she was rolling her eyes back which such deep longing movements that was driving her to the edge. Xiao continued to pleasure both of them, slamming into her tight warm cunt while he held her so close. Her hands couldn’t stop roaming all over his back, dragging her nails across his back, shoulders, neck and his arms. Lumine enjoys him and doesn’t want this night to end.
His hips picked up pace more, feeling so good inside of her as he moaned and whined softly into the deep messy kiss. Their saliva were mixing and dripping slowly out of their lips as they made love to one another. She clenched around him, groaning as her stomach start building up so much pleasure, her clit was throbbing in anticipation to finally cum all over his cock. Xiao on the other hand wanted to last longer, to make sure this moment doesn’t end between them, he wants to keep her in his hold, hugging her and making sure she’s safe.
"X-Xiao! Close, please!” Lumine cried into the kiss as he groaned roughly. The thought of her cumming all over his cock sent him feral with his thrusts, not stopping at all as he went in different paces; painfully slow, fast to the point where her vision blurs, or dragging his cock out slowly before ramming it deep inside of her. Her voice was worth it as he leaned backwards and her hands gripped the sheets, arching her back as he looked at the sight underneath him. He licked his lips and his eyes roamed at the marks he left in her skin; something grew deep inside of him as he enjoyed seeing her come apart under him.
The bed started moving a bit before they heard a familiar voice outside the hallway calling her name out, “Lumine! Traveler! Where are you! I’m out of the shower!” It was Paimon. Xiao grunts disapprovingly as he slowed his movements down to make sure she doesn’t find them both making love in his room.
“Lumine… Paimon is right outside the door… Stay quiet or else she will find you in such a- state underneath me.” He grinned a bit as he went faster, her eyes widened while her hands grip the sheets harder, nodding in response. She bit her lip while trying to contain her noises of pleasure. Paimon’s voice was loud and clear as she called out Lumine's name.
The mere thought of getting caught by her traveling companion set her mind into overdrive as the knot in her belly finally released, cumming hard and gushing around his cock as she arched her back. Her noises almost spilled out if it wasn’t for her quick thinking of placing her hands on her mouth to muffle her screams. Xiao let out a low groan, biting his lip as he felt her warm cum leaking out with each thrust. He was so close to the edge as he couldn’t stop his hips from smacking against her.
“Lumine! Where are you?!” Paimon screamed again. Xiao felt the thrill of getting caught surging through his veins as he pulled out of her, cumming outside of her. He shot his cum on her belly as he threw his head back at the wave of the orgasm he was having. It was so thick and seeing his cock covered in her cum had him twitching.
He cursed under his breath and looked down to stare at a blissful Lumine. They locked eyes again and smiled to one another, knowing that they came at the thought of getting caught. He lets her legs go, and placed them down on the bed before going down and hugging her. “I loved this, Lumine. I’m glad this happened.” He whispered, unsure if Paimon was outside in the hallway still or not.
“Me too, I’m glad, Xiao.” She whispered, kissing his lips tenderly as he returned the kiss back. After a few minutes, they finally came down from their high and looked at each other, “I should go find Paimon before she gets herself into trouble. Um- when she’s asleep, is it okay if I come over to your room again and rest with you?” She asked, her eyes shining brightly as Xiao nodded.
“Of course, you’re always welcome to come over. I… I like you, a lot. I just didn’t want to distract you from your missions.” He kissed her cheek and snuggled into her embrace.
“I like you too, Xiao. I’m glad we both admitted it. You’re never a bother like you said… I hope we can keep seeing each other like this, okay?” He hugged him back as he nodded and hummed in agreement.
Moments passed by and Lumine went to go find Paimon after cleaning herself up and putting on his clothes once more, this time with his sweatpants as she went to find Paimon. Xiao thought about everything that happened between them and he felt so happy that he finally told her how he felt. He couldn’t wait to hug her until they both fell asleep. It was such a big and magical moment between them, and they both couldn’t be happier.
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makeyoumine69 · 2 months
My Lovely Detective I
— PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Detective!OC
— CO-WRITER: @iron-flavored-lipgloss
— SUMMARY: Being a detective in New York was pretty hard, and being a woman detective was even harder, but not for Andrea Moore. Despite the fact that she lived the life of an average American without any luxury or wealth, she loved her job, her life and her boyfriend, who always supported her. One day, her boss — Detective Kimball — assigned her to a case regarding the disappearance of a very rich man from Wall Street named Paul Allen, and her first task became to interrogate the man who was suspected to be connected to it. From that moment on, Andrea would have to reveal what secrets were hidden behind the perfect facade of Patrick Bateman...
— CONTAINS: Swearing, misogyny, mind manipulation, mild seduction.
— WORDS: 2.4k
— A/N: Me and my dear friend @iron-flavored-lipgloss have been working on this writing project for quite a while and now it's finally here! Feel free to share your opinion, we hope you like it!
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Pierce & Pierce
The first impression I got when I stepped into the glass box called P&P office was the unprecedented atmosphere of wealth and elitism I'd never experienced before. It only confirmed Donald Kimball's statements about Wall Street and its special aura that consumes you from the moment you enter the space where arrogant yuppies rush past you without paying attention, even if they push you painfully on your shoulder.
Today, I had to interrogate one of the vice presidents of Pierce & Pierce, his name was Patrick Bateman and Detective Kimball - my boss - had a very strange opinion about this guy and he made me aware to be careful and attentive to the things he would say. And I didn't know why my heart was beating so fast when it was such a common thing for me to interrogate someone, but once I got to the right floor and went into Bateman's office I saw a beautiful blonde woman who was supposed to be his assistant. Her name was Jean and she asked me to wait a bit before she sneaked into Patrick's office to ask him if he was not super busy.
One minute, two minutes...
I was getting more and more nervous the longer I waited, but luckily for me, Jean appeared almost as I was about to start digging my nails into my skin; she politely asked me to come in.
With deliberate movements, I entered the fashionable office to see a handsome man sitting at the wooden desk, his brown hair with a golden hue slicked back, and the moment he raised his eyes to me, I felt a tight knot form in my stomach.
"This is Detective Andrea Moore," Jean introduced me with a friendly smile. "Can I get you some coffee?" She asked immediately, but her question wasn't addressed to me as I noticed her devoted gaze on the brown-haired man who still hadn't said a word.
For Patrick Bateman, there was little to distinguish one workday from the other. Everything went in pleasantly bland and repetitive cycles: arriving at the office (impeccably styled from head to toe like any self-respecting yuppie, but still a little sleeker than everyone else, he reassured himself), the new release by whatever popular band was blaring in his headphones. With world economic news on the TV and a crossword puzzle to complete, he told Jean to cancel unnecessary meetings every morning.
But not today. 
There was a moment of irritation when Jean declared that there was an unexpected visitor waiting outside his office. A detective, she said, but this time it wasn't Kimball, and this additional information was what really started to bother Patrick. 
He had to make an effort to manipulate Kimball, sure that the man would finally believe in his integrity and drop the 'Paul Allen' case.‘Maybe I need to get my lawyer involved, maybe money needs to be paid to solve this.' The door opened again, this time Jean led the detective in, and in an instant a wave of relief washed over Patrick. He dismissed Jean with a smile that was almost natural to him by now. He let her go and then turned his eyes back to the woman in front of him. ‘A female detective... If they exchanged Kimball with her, for whatever reason, my situation can't be that bad.’ Patrick let his eyes glide over her body, his confidence returning with every second. Aside from her sex, this person truly presented a different image than Kimball. Illuminated by the morning sun, her suit shimmered in a way that only cheap polyester could. ‘What a feeble attempt to demand respect,’ Patrick thinks with mild disgust. Despite its loose cut, the suit did little to hide her voluptuous figure. 'Nice tits. Could be an hourglass figure if it weren't for the fat around her waist.' 
Disinterested, he focused again on her face, framed by brown and unruly curls - another flaw in his book. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Miss ...?" Patrick asked in a tone of false pleasantness, but with a face that didn't betray much happiness. He didn't remember her name very well either, even though Jean had said it just a few seconds ago.
"Miss Moore," she replied briefly, taking a seat across from his desk. At first the woman reached out to shake his hand, but then she pulled back. "Detective Donald Kimball has decided to let me continue his investigation into Paul Allen's disappearance," Andrea paused to retrieve the notebook and pen from her bag. "We have another missing persons case."
Though her voice sounded confident and stern, there was a turmoil of emotions raging within her, but the woman managed to regain her composure. God, why was reality so cruel to her? When Kimball had given her this case, he had never mentioned what Bateman looked like, and that had made Andrea think that Patrick was a typical middle-aged banker, but she had been so fucking wrong that now she felt embarrassed and nervous, and her hands were shaking slightly. 
"According to my information, you were seeing a woman named Bethany not too long ago," the detective looked at Patrick while he made some notes. "You were studying at Harvard together. Is that correct?"
‘She has an exotic look to her, despite the last name. A "first generation raised outside East Harlem" kind of vibe, ' Patrick thought dismissively.  ‘Girls like her have a lot to prove, and they always bring that insecurity into the conversation. They cover it up by acting all masculine and bossy.’ 
It wasn't lost on him how her fingers trembled as she reached for the notebook, and that was the only reason the mention of Bethany's name didn't worry him for the moment. Perhaps Paul was having an affair with her? New York's elite is a small world. 
Right now, this interview was nothing more than an inconvenience for him. "That's true. But really, our relationship ended after graduation. I also can't help but wonder how any of this relates to Paul Allen. At least that was the topic of conversation with Detective Kimball."
'What a smug son of a bitch.' The detective didn't flinch, her face devoid of emotion despite the storm brewing inside. "You see, sometimes we work with the police to help find missing persons," she explained, unbuttoning her jacket to reveal a simple blue blouse underneath. "A few weeks ago it was reported that a woman named Bethany Simmons had disappeared under strange circumstances, but before that she had dined with you. Her hairdresser confirmed it."
A sudden power shift in the conversation made Andrea feel a little more confident as she detected a slight tension in the way Bateman frowned.
"What happened after dinner, Mr. Bateman?" The woman asked insistently, pen in hand, ready to catch every word the man was about to give her. "Maybe you can tell us where Bethany is now?"
Patrick couldn't help but feel his body stiffen at Detective Moore's words before he forced himself to lean back in his chair - just keeping up the pretense of casualness. 
"We met for a late dinner, nothing more. After that we parted ways, I would have assumed she went home. But this is really disturbing to hear."
Mimicking a sad expression, Patrick studied the woman across from him intensely. Maybe he needed to be careful. Kimball had a different attitude, one that Patrick already began to miss because of its familiarity. 
‘Why so aggressive with this lack of hard evidence? A hairdresser... Believe a hairdresser over the testimony of a vice president of a leading Wall Street firm! I bet she just hates men.’
And yet his eyes lingered on her now exposed blouse.
The detective was about to check the time, but when she noticed the gold Rolex on Bateman's wrist, she somehow changed her mind, not wanting to reveal her cheap watch.
"Okay," she smiled suddenly and put her notebook on her lap. "May I ask about your relationship with Bethany? Maybe she shared some concerns with you during that dinner? Did she think she was in danger? Maybe someone was threatening her?" Andrea asked with undisguised interest in the case she was investigating. "I know that Mr. Kimball had a conversation with Bethany's fiancé..."
The sudden pause hung in the air like a suffocating rope around Patrick's neck.
'He's lying, I can feel it.' The woman grinned wider and made some notes. "I really hope you'll give me some information so I don't have to deal with your lawyer. People in your circle always like to do that." Andrea fixed her curly locks that tried to block her vision. "But I understand how busy you are."
Hidden under the desk from the detective's watchful eyes, Patrick's fingers began to dig into his thigh. Oh, how he wished it was her neck instead. 
How much information could Bethany's fiancé really have? No, this seemed more like a strategy to make him panic, and yet it was starting to work in a way. 
"Oh, I don't see any need to get a lawyer involved. These questions are only reasonable," Patrick fought to maintain the image of an innocent man and gave the most sympathetic smile his tense muscles could muster. "She didn't mention anything specific, but you know. She had a tendency to meet up casually with different men, so who knows where she went after our dinner. I'm not sure how informed her boyfriend is about that either. As for me and her - we were just catching up for old times' sake.”
At this point, Patrick started to seriously think about what had happened to Bethany's body.
Andrea did her best to catch up with Bateman's comments, writing them down with calculated precision. Then she massaged her temples shortly - a clear sign of her tired state. "You said Bethany was seeing other men...do you think she might be unfaithful to her fiancé?" The detective asked suddenly, arching her eyebrow in a thoughtful manner as cogs began to turn in her head. "Also, do you know her boyfriend? Could he be dangerous to Bethany?"
The woman didn't even notice her foot tapping on the floor, the adrenaline from the current conversation coursing through her veins, and that was the strongest drug for her.
"Have you been having an affair with Bethany behind his back? That can be a motive for him to commit a crime, you know what I mean?" She murmured in a suddenly low voice, her throat was dry from tension, but she didn't dare ask for water. A muffled rustling of city life could be heard in the moment of silence and the woman hoped that Patrick couldn't hear her fast heartbeat.
Maybe it was the way she looked at him (tired? dismissive? annoyed?), but something inside him shifted. Suddenly, Patrick found himself dangerously overwhelmed by irritation at her audacity and bold questioning, more than anything else.
"It was her who invited me, and during our time together she was clearly trying to make a move. Well, she didn't get what she wanted out of that dinner. I'm engaged myself, you know."
‘She thinks she's so smart, but if we had met under different circumstances, in a club for example, she would be throwing herself at me right now.’
"You said it yourself, I have a very busy lifestyle," and with a playful glance at his Rolex, Patrick continued. "But I'm making time for you, willing to prove good intentions. And all I can say is that I knew Bethany better when we were together. I'm unfamiliar with her exact current situation and fiancé."
Beyond the carefully curated faux friendliness, he leaned forward and looked deeply into Detective Moore's dark eyes. 
"But if a woman in a committed relationship looks at other men the way she looked at me that night - her boyfriend can't be good. Wouldn't that be the logical conclusion?"
His unexpectedly brazen remark made Andrea's jaw clench in anger. "Maybe after we find Bethany, you can ask her that question."
The woman tried to hide her annoyance as his words found some resonance within her - Bateman was an utterly handsome man, it was foolish and stupid to try to argue with that fact, though that didn't mean the detective had to admit it either.
"Well, thank you for your time, Mr. Bateman," the woman muttered and tucked her things back into her bag. " I will take some time researching information and discussing it with Mr. Kimball. I think we can meet here in a week or...maybe at a café?" The woman's expression didn't change even when she realized what she had just said. "I don't want to bother Jean and the people in here," Andrea tried to shake off her nervousness. "But this is all up to you."
Patrick raised his eyebrows, taking her sudden desire to leave as a success on his part. "Why do you say you bother Jean? This is her job. But if there is any way I can help you with your research, please do."
He held one of his business cards out to her, his attitude now almost charming.
‘Of course she wants to meet me for dinner. Like all the women I've met, huh?’
 "Call this number and Jean will discuss a convenient time and date with you. I will get us a good reservation at a restaurant, for whatever topic you want to discuss with me. You see, I just don't like unannounced interruptions."
The woman took the business card and, without looking at it, quickly put it in her notebook. "See you soon, have a good day, Mr. Bateman."
With that Andrea picked up her things and got up to leave the office as soon as possible, she didn't say anything to Jean. When she was finally outside, she took a moment to breathe deeply, as if she was suffocating from lack of oxygen all the time. The pedestrians passed her like ghosts, her heartbeat pulsed in her ears and Andrea couldn't really remember being so... shocked and puzzled by any man before. 
Even in the subway all she could think about was Bateman and his pathetic attempts to deceive her and mislead her investigation. Now she had more questions than answers, and she desperately needed to talk to Mr. Kimball. ‘I'm gonna make you talk, Bateman, I'm gonna do more than that.’
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and my amazing co-writer @iron-flavored-lipgloss and turn on notifications to know when we update!
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snowleopardcrk · 3 months
Mermaid AU???
(turns around in my chair) It is time, I am basically a year late to this mermaid AU trend but here we go! Mermaid!Moonflower is here
Also an excuse to draw Mermaid Meringue while I was at it lmao Mermaid!Meringue belongs to my mootie, @minecraftninjerkid
Here's a silly little concept sheet!
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Moonflower hails from the treacherous waters of Beast-Yeast, travelling far after escaping the salt water lake and being chased out by the other shapeshifting mermaids, she set out to find a new home. Yet that journey was tough as she was never taught how to fend for herself properly... After weeks of non-stop travelling, she got caught up in a massive fishing net, escaped from it after ripping a hole in it. Luckily, she was eventually found by a herd of Jellyfish (whom led Frilled Jellyfish Cookie to her) when she could no longer swim properly from the damage caused by the fishing net (including the parts still stuck to her).
She was effectively too weak to shapeshift or communicate for a while there so no one really knew that she COULD shapeshift into a mermaid, or shapeshift into a variety of things!
But when they figured it out, the gem mermaids gladly took her in. Just to note, she is a creation of White Lily Cookie but WL is her ONLY biological parent. She was created as an example of how the process worked for the Faeries. But poor lil' Moonflower does not remember very much, she barely remembered her name!
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Here are some silly interaction doodles. If you're asking about Moonys landform, its not perfect. She HAS to keep herself moist or else shes gonna dry out. So, her exploration is very limited. Yes, I love Tinkerbell movies esp 'The Secret of the Wings'. This is where I drew the land-form inspo from! (particularly Periwinkle! I love her)
I do imagine that Meringue or Moonflower don't discover that they're sister (or half sisters???) until White Lily reveals information about Moony :p I love family drama hehehe~
Note: Moonflower has some trouble with her swimming / walking ever since the fish net hurt her fins and navigational antenna (the ones on her head and back tail!)
Off topic bur I made Moonflower into a skin (Minecraft) and a hat!
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mschimdt · 1 year
5455 words
recom!navi!quaritch x recom!navi!fem!reader
summary: you were reborn into a navi recom inorder to fight for pandora, but soon you ensed up feeling a connection to eywa, and you ended up escaping only to be caught by the colonel and punishrd accordingly, till he find you one dy during your heat cycle
this is a 100 folower special, thank you all so much, yes this is a series now and this is part one out of maybe 2 or 3
warnings: p to v, degrading, mention of injury, embarassment, public humiliation, sex, heat cyle, this hasnt been proof read so theres alot of typos, ill fix them soon when i have the motivation to
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you opened your eyes, a bright light blinding you, you saw blue figures wandering around you, you went full panic mode thinking the navi caught you, you sat up, your head hurt but you couldnt let the dirty navis get away with this, your vision started coming in and one of the blue navis came towards you to attack you "LEAVE ME ALONE!!"
you stood up and attempted to punch them "(Y/N) CALM DOWN" said an oddly familiar voice, you were in a medical room, weird, they must have attacked bridgehead while you were out cold you didnt notice the 'little' humans under you
the blue guys came towards you restricting you from delivering anymore slaps and punches to their faces. you couldnt move, they were all holding you, "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU DIRTY BASTARDS" you said, still not noticing thay youre litteraly navi
you were still trying to set yourself free when you heard the familiar voice again. "y/n its us, stop freaking out, its me quaritch" he said "wha-" he cut you off "lyle, Z-dog" he said pointing at each of them, "okay okay let me go" you said
they let you go and you still hadnt noticed that you were navi, you were the same height as them but you didnt think anything of it, until you looked down "what the-" you said cutting your self off staring at your blue feet
you walked towards a reflective window observing your new look, fangs, a tail, blue skin, stripes, ears, and shit you were even 8'11
some scientists walked inside and told you to sit down so they could take your vitals and make sure youre good before letting you go
they took your vitals and you were infact good to go, they handed you some clothes, the others already left to inform the others that you were okay
you put the clothes the scientists gave you on and walked out of the door, this was a completley new area, not the hells gate you remembered, luckily there was a small map hung on the wall, you stared at it wondering where everyones gonna be
you didnt know where they might be, so you just headed in a random direction hoping youll ens up finding some other blue guys wandering around, after a few minutes of walking you infact did find another navi, it was mansk, atleast thats who you thought he was because of the shades, you walked toward him
"heyy uhh do you know where the others are?" you said regreting your life decisions, sure you knew mansk but this was awkward, "yeah, theyre over there in the lounge" he said, straight face "okay thanks, mansk right?" "thats right, y/n?" "mhm, thanks though" he gave you a little smile and continued walking towards wherever hes going, you headed towards the lounge only to find quaritch awfully speaking navi, you didnt know how to either but atleast you werent speaking gibberish
"we need to look navi, eat navi, hunt navi, the only way were gonna get jake sully is we act, like jake sully" you walked in and leaned against a wall listening to quaritch, then you spoke "they stull didnt kill jake? its been 15 years" you said fully expecting jake to be 6 feet under right now
"unfortunatley they didnt catch him, its our job now" quaritch continued rambling about how were gonna kill jake and how were gonna give humans a "bright future" and get rid of all the savages
before you knew it, you were already out on your first mission, you didnt even have time to observe your body and get used to it before you were sent out to explore, ever since you came back as navi, you felt a connection to eywa, similar to what jake felt
one part of you wanted to be with the people and the other wanted to kill the people, eventually you forgot about this arguement eith yourself when you saw 2 navis walking through the forest, they were omaticaya people, jakes people, or should i saw toruk makto
they were 2 teenage looking navis arguing with eachother, they didnt know you were there so they were screaming random shit in navi, the others noticed the noise and slowly walked behind the 2 kids, they were still arguing, which signaled they hadnt noticed you
suddenly lyle and walker snuck up on them and restrained them by their queues they started fighting them, you walked oit of the bushes along with the others, you had a decent military rank, you were a seregeant, right under lyles rank but higher than the others, so if quaritch and lyle werent there you'd be incharge
you walked up to the kids behind quaritch, as a form of respect, "what're yr' names" he was death staring them at this point, the kid said something in navi and quaritch replied back, both the kids started laughing at his bad pronounciation of words
" i dont like to repeat things, whatre yr names?" quaritch said, it lookes like he was about to fucking explode
"n-neteyam- and loak.." one of them said "neteyam what huh?" quaritch replies forcefully grabbing the other kids hand, noticing the 5 fingers on his hand, "lo'ak and neteyam sully huh, i suppose you know where he is dontcha" you were still standing behind quaritch incase anything happened
quaritch said something into his ear peice, "cuff them" he said turning away, "yes sir" you said walking over to the kids and harshly grabbing their arms to cuff them, when you notices something in the distance, before you had any time to tell the others, an arrow peirced through walkers skull, knocking her to the ground
quaritch stared at the arrow, imediatley recognising the arrow, it was neytiri, sullys woman
you spoke up "is that you Mrs. sully?" you said dragging the kids with you toward a tree, they kept kicking you with their legs, you ended up also having to cuff their legs "listen here little bitches, you stop squirming and trying to wiggle out of the cuffs, or else it wont end too well for you" you said completley fed up with their shit, you heard a scream from behind you and now fike was down too, he had an arrow in his leg, you were surprised about how quick these arrows could kill a person, they must be poisonus, quaritch came over and helped you carry the 2 boys
"cmon hurry up, dont wanna get one in the head" you said as you swung one of them over your shoulders ran for your life
one of the kids ended up activating a tear bomb with their fingers, and they somehow uncuffed themselves and escaped while you got knocked to the ground for a few seconds, you regained your consiousness only to find yourself on lyles shoulder, "lyle im okay you can let me go" you said waiting for him to drop you onto the floor
he let you go and a bright light shone from above, the helicopter was finally here and you could leave this shitty mission and think about what you were going to do about your "connection" to pandora
you got on the helicopter and finally arrived at what now was called bridgehead, walking over to your assigned room, you took your shirt off and stayed in your sport bra not having the energy to change your clothes
you layed in your bed thinking about what you were going to do to stop this awful feeling of emptiness because you werent living freely, roaming through the forest, embracing the culture of navi
after a few days you were fed up with the feeling of having to destroy a place you wanted to embrace so bad, so, you made an escape plan
you were going to leave on the next mission, ans youll turn your comms off aswell as your location so you couldnt be tracked, it was the only way you could do this
you woke up the next morning heading to the bathroom to brush your teeth and do your morning routine, you slipped on some cargo pants and left your room
you were in a shared "apartment" with all the recoms, there was a small room for each recom with a bathroom each, and a living room and a kitchen between the rooms, it wasnt bad just a little cramped
you headed to the living room, lyle laying in the corner of the L shaped couch and quaritch awake drinking a mug of coffee on the other side
"goodmorning sir" you greeted, you knew nott o get on the colonels nerves, hes DEADLY and when i say deadly i mean it.
"g'morning" he said back, not even looking at you, you headed to the kitchen to grab yourself a warm cup of tea so you could head back to your room
suddenly a voice spoke "why're ya up so early?" quaritch said, you couldnt read his emotions, he was basically unreadable
"i didnt realize it was so early, pandora timing is really confusing" you said, you actually didnt realize that ot was early, since the sun was up you just assumed that it was when you usually wake up
"makes sense" he said, still not looking at you, god this man gets on your nerves sometimes
awkward tension was building up, yoh were inpatiently waiting for your water to start boiling so you could make the mother fucking tea because you couldnt handle the overly dominant aura quaritch was giving off
finally, after what felt like an hour of waiting, the water finally boiled and you made your tea as quickly as you can so you could go back to your room, you went back to your room, finally
it was pretty early outside, almost 6am, you wondered why quaritch would be up so early, you took a sip of your tea, it was bitter, god fucking damn you forgot to add sugar
now you had to go back into the room that had the energy of 100 men radiating off 1 man, great
you unlocked your room door for the second time in the past few minutes and headed towards the kitchen again, already feeling the tense atmosphere, you also felt quaritchs eyes burning through your skull
you grabbed the sugar and turned back around, expecting to see quaritch staring at you because you could feel his eyes poking holes into your skull but no, he looked unbothered reading some book about the navi body that he was reading earlier
you entered your room AGAIN and you inhaled a breath, not even knowing you held your breath back there
you were bored so you decided to map out your escape plan on a peice of paper, or aeast write down the steps to it incase you forgot
you heard a loud knock on your door followed by other distant knocks on other doors, you flipped the paper over so whoever was there couldnt see it and you walked towards the door to unlock it wondering who wouls possibly need you at 7 am,
"surprise training, meet me outside in 10" quaritch said to you and the 3 recoms beside your room, going to bang on the other doors inorder to wake the rest up
you wandered into your room again, slipping on a sports bra and a tanktop with camo shorts and headed to the outdoor courtyard to meet quaritch,
"ardmore said theres a mission today at 3pm, they saw some savages running through the forest and ordered us to try and find them, meet me at 2:30 in the helicopter room" quaritch said , ofcourse he had to give us some shit to do for absolutley no fucking reason
training was the worst thing youve experienced in your entire life, you felt like quaritch was torturing you on purpose because he made you run 30 extra laps because your hands gave up mid pushups
you went to the female showers, your muscles were basically torn, you ran almost 6 miles because you failed one singular pushup out of the 40 you did before
you washed off with warm water, it felt soothing to your muscles, quaritch was basically a torture machine that tortures everyone, dying was better than having him torture you then it hit you. this mission was your chance to finally put your escape plan to use
your muscles barely felt like they hurt anymore, you slipped your clothes on and rushed out of the showers running towards your room, tiny scientists gave you weird stares but you didnt give a fuck, you were finally going to leave this place once and for all, forever hopefully
you were leaving, finally going to take care of yourself, you locked your door and flipped over the map from earlier, revising your escape plan before reaching into your closet to grab some clothes, a grey tanktop, you stayed in your camo shorts from earlier
it was almost meetup time and you didnt want to get on quaritchs bad side before making him mad forever, you headed to the helicopter room, this was it, the last time youll be in this place, hopefully
you sat inside the helicopter which is now taking off, no one has mumbled a word, you were glad, youwere never friends with any of them but you really didnt want to start a bond with them before leaving, because it might make you rethink your decision
thankfully, no one said anything the entire ride, it was quiet, atleast as quiet as it can get with raging helicopter flaps buzzing above your head, the aircraft started landing and soon before you even knew it, you were already down in the pandora forest, you were split into teams of two, you ended up with mansk, you knew he wouldnt be hard to distract
you walked off into the forest with mansk, waiting for t he perfect moment to stab him with an anesthetic shot you stole from the medical lab a few days ago
you saw 2 navi figures walking in the distance, it was time, you hit mansk in the back with the needle, he tried to fight you off before landing on the floor with a loud thud, you needed to leave fast, the colonel probably already knows about this, he probably doesnt know its you, you dropped your comms on the floor, you needed to leave now
you started running toward the 2 navi people walking around, it was one of the kids from last time, and another short kid according to your memory this kid was called loak, you didnt know about the other one though, they noticed you and went full alert until they saw you raising your hands up as a universal sign of defeat, "help me please, get me away from them" yopu said desperate to go far enough because if you stayed here they could easily find you, "and how are we supposed to trust you?" the older one said backing away and sheilding his younger sister behind him
"please, i dont know how to prove it, get me away from here before they find me, here you can cuff me just plase get me away from here" you say offering him the cuffs on you which you gladly took, he cuffed your hands behind your back to ensure that you wouldnt be able to do anything to him
"you know any navi?" he asks, "unfortunatley i dont" he says, you followed him "we're going to have to secretlet meet up with my dad first" he said holding the little kids hand dragging her with him, you arrived somewhere "stop here, im going to go call my dad, dont want anyone seeing you" you nodded and watched him walk away, just a few minutes later, he was back with his dad, jake sully
"y/n?" jake said while lo'ak stared at him confused "yes i know her! never expected her to end up liking the na'vis though. you sure this aint a trick?" you were still trying to convince him "i can assure you it isnt" jake was basically shocked now. "the clan isnt going to accept this easily, but imgoing to try my best, if they dont though, i cant reallydo anything so you;d have to find another clan to be with"
"okay"you said, jake uncuffed you and lead you toward hometree, it was a bit hard for the navi at first, but they ended up accepting you
now back to what happened to mansk
quarith found him unconsious on the ground with a needle stillstuck in his back and your comms crushed on the ground, you did this. he thoughtyou were loyal, he informed ardmore of what happened and called you "jake sully 2.0"
they ended up heading back to base, quaritch was fuming, once he reached the recom quarters he broke down the door to your room and destrooyed almost everything in it, when he came to the desk. he found a paper. labeled as "escape plan" and thats when he knew you'd escaped
a few weeks latee you were wandering around hometree, some havwnt accepted you yet but you knew theyd end up accepting your presence
you were still being taught the way of the people and they were trying their best to help you, quaritch was looking for you and yoh knew that, he was gonna come for you at some point, you needed to fight
at this point quaritch scrapped all the plans of finding jake, he doeant care about jake anymore, his only goal was to find you
he wasnt gonna kill you, he was going to torture you and force you to be a loyal member to the RDA so they can finish with the jake sully mission
you were sleeping, when you heard a sound, a sound like a helicoptera proppelers, thats when you kmew, they'd found you, and that was soon confirmed when a bright light shone into your sleepy eyea
you opened your eyes to find the one and only, quaritch, with a shit eating grin slapped on his face
he had found you
"thought ya could run huh?" he said through the grin, you got up to run away, find somewhere to hide untik they were gone, but it was too late
quaritch bent down and cuffed your legs, you still had your hands so you desperatley tried to crawl away but they were soon cuffed too
you found yourself on a helicopter back to bridgehead, you were basically sobbing, "fuck you" you said through your choked sobs "maybe one day" he said followed by a laugh, you soon landed in bridgehead and you were shoved in a cell
quaritch didnt care about jake now, the only thing he wants to do now is torture you, so he begun
he walked into your cell just a few hours after waking you up from your sleep, threw you some clothes, and tols you to get dressed because you were going to go on a 5 hour training
he wasnt leaving though, he stood at the door staring at you waiting for you to change
"turn around?" you said "no"
you kmew tjere was no arguing with him so you got up and changed, he wasnt hiding the fact that he was looking you up and down, you changed and he cuffed your hands and held you while your braid while you walked out of the cell to go to the courtyard
he closed the door that led outside to the courtyard and shoved you by your queue
"alright, 20 laps right now" he said waving his fingers to shoo you off, you actually ran the 20 laps, you were already exausted after but he shoved you by your braid to the ground "50 pushups and for each one you fail 10 will be added" lets just say you ended up doing over 200 pushups
"good job, now we're gonna begin training, that was just warmup, still 4 hours left" he said walking toward a wall with knofes hung all over it, grabbing a knife and handing it to you
he taught you some ways to stab someone and each time you did one correctly he mumbled a little "good job" followed by claps
"this is going to become a daily thing, and we wont stop till you can do 50 pushups in a row without fail"
you knew this was going to be a long week, or month maybe, even year
after a few training sessions, you warmed up to quaritch and you'd have little conversations here and there, he gave you your room back, it was all back to normal other than the training that you had everyday, but you were getting better, you were close to finally being done
you walked into the courtyeard for training, as usual you did some pushups, he ordered 100 and you did them all inna row without fail
he praised you and moved on to combat, you got everything right, he was shocked how fast youve improved
"i guess my jobs done here, you gotta promise me not to run off again, your not allowed into any missions till i say so"
"yes sir" you reply knowing that if you tried to run off again you were going to he in deep shit
you decided to not run off, and serve for the RDA, they wete using yoh as a puppet to track jake down and you were giving them locations, you ddint want to get on quaritchs bad side
plus after hanging out with quaritch you guys became friends, you thought you had feelings for him but you got rid of the idea knowing you shouldnt be inlive with your superior
the next day you were finally allowed permission to go to the gym, showering after the gym, it was the first time youve been in the gym for months, you noticed something change about the shower rooms but they probably changed while you were gone
then you heard a few male voices, the shower rooms looking different made alot more sense to you now, you were in the mens showers, thankfully the rooms had doors, you were going to wait it out till they were gone
you waited for 30 minutes until someone noticed the locked door thats been locked for way too long, without wster running or anything, they could see under the door and saw feet confirming that there was someone in there
"hey whoevers in there u good" you recognised lyles voice, you tried to make ur voice deep and let out a "mhm"
"didnt know we had an extra member huh, thats weirs, the others are outside it was just me, quaritch, and a few girls at the gym" you just stay silent not wanting to embarrass yourself any further
lyle walks away to save you the ebrassasment, he realized it was someone that wasnt supposed to be here, preferabley a woman . so he decided to just leave
but quaritch stayed, he wasnt going to leave till you left, he wanted to know whos in there "whos in there, come out would ya' its been an hour" you realized that theres no running away from this now, you got dressed and glowly peeked through the door to see quaritch with his hands crossed across his chest standing infront of the stall, "why're ya in here sweet 'eart?" he says, a dirty grin smacked across his face
"i didnt realize this was the mens room till i heard you and lyle come in, tried to wait it out but that didnt work well" you said, embarassed you came here in the first place
"well its alright, grab yr' stuff n leave now, shouldnt be in e're" " yes sir" you said, grabbing your things preparing to leave the mens showers, you dont know how you didnt notice this was the mens bathroom, after all theres some urinals in the corner, must've not seen them
you and quaritvh had grown close, you were basically friends now, not normal friends though, you wouldnt hangout or anything, just occasionaly have talks
your feelings for quaritch just grew in the past few months, you had a crush on him, without a doubt, you werent really friends with the recoms, so you'd end up hanging with some scientists, they werent that bad, they were just tiny compared to you
the next day you were in bed, you were uncontrollably horny, it must be the heat cycle, you heard about it but never did proper research about it, you're fucked, litteraly, because from the things youve heard, it lasts about 2 weeks and the only way to stop it was mating, it was mid day and you couldnt handle it, you took a day off and just stayed in bed
you didnt know what to do, but then, an idea popped in your mind, sure you need to mate to get rid of this, but you could try masturbating to relieve some of the feelings you were feeling, you were pretty nearvous because 1- your door has no lock so anyone can walj it, quaritch removed it because he didnt want you making more shitty plans 2-you never touched yourself in this body.
you layed down under the covers, and slipped your shorts to your knees, you slid your hands between your legs, and you started experimenting, your cold hands on your throbbing,warm,wet pussy felt funny but relieving
you rubbed your clit, the way it felt was amazing, you were sure you'd never be able to feel like this as a human, you slipped your other hand under the covers to push a finger inside yourse;f, maybe this could solve your problem, you were pumping your fingers in and out of yourself making sure to keep an eye on your door incase someone opened it, they tend to do that alot
and, it opened, you stopped your movements quickly putting one of your hands above the covers to make it seem more natural, it would be obvious if both your hands were under the covers
and you guessed it, it was quaritch "y/n why're you talking a day off, we need you today" he said, completley oblivious of what you were doing before he came in
"i just.......needed- a little uhhh break" you said, you didnt now how you were going to explain what was happening to you to him, so you chose not to
"ya sure? ya dont look too tired dya, anything going on that i should know about? dont wantcha makin' one of ya' little plans again do i now?"
"o-okay look sir- so basically... youve heard of the heat cycle shit or whatever it is? basically its happening to me right now and i really CANT join training or anything" a smirk appeared on his face only to soon fade away, "why cant'cha tho? dont know anything bout this stuff but ya' surely can join us?"
"not unless you want me to be incredibly fucking horny while training!" you said fed up with him asking questions, you needed him to leave now, you were just getting hornier by the moment, and his strong musk didnt help
"damn so thas what is is, coulda told me earlier, coulda helped" he said, smug smirk plastered across his face "y' want me to help?" you stood still shocked for a moment, the colonels never offered you help in anything, so the first time of him offering you help, BY HAVING SEX WITH YOU was definently weird "u-uh if you could sure..." you said unsure of what you were saying, your hornyness taking over
quaritch walked over to you, sitting himself on the bed right next to you, this is the closest youve ever been with him, the losest you ever got to him before this was when he tried to teach you how to do something with a knife, you didnt quite remember but that didnt matter right now, all that matters is that you need to have sex with the colonel to get this heat cycle shit over with
quaritch stared at you, then he leaned down, joining your lips together, kissing you, holding your chin with his thumb, the kiss quickly turned into a makeout session and every once in a while one would break the kiss to get a clothing article off, until quaritch was left in his boxers and you completley bare, while you were kissing you pushed the pants that were on your knees off your body, leaving you completley exposed
he cupped your breasts, qauritch was now ontop of you, in a plank like position, still making out, you were both under the covers, quaritch reached his free hand that wasnt holding him up down to pull his boxers off, he pulled them halfway off and broke the kiss, pulled them off, "holy shit.." you said not expecting him to be this big, you were looking at his shaft, it was leaking beads of precum, straining against his lower abdomen. you could say he was ATLEAST 15 inches long, thankfully you were navi and hopefully- could take it
"holy shit i didnt expect you to be this big" you mombeled out of shock, "oh yeah? and youre gonna take it all bitch", he didnt know if you liked being called names, but by the way your body responded, he confirmed that you enjoyed being called names
he reached his hand down your torso, approaching your dripping cunt, he needed to prep you, it was necessary because he was aware of how big he was
he stuck a digit inside you, and you let out a moan, it was more of a whimper because you knew you couldnt be too loud, soon enough there were 2 fingers thrusting in and out of you, ocassionaly scissoring you
he pulled out, reaching for his member to line it up with your cunt, he couldnt wait any longer and neither could you, you need to feel any form of release, you knew you were going to cum less than a minute into him fucking you, but who cares, atleast you'll get this over with, then you remembered you heard some scientist speaking about how if someone was in their heat cycle theyd need to form the tsaheylu bond with their "mate" or else it wouldnt work
you werrnt just about to ask quaritch if you could mate, you didnt know how he'd react to that, who knows maybe itll work if you do it without a bond, it it didnt work then you were going to have to suffer through the remaninig days of this torture
quaritch was pounding into you, you couldnt supress your moans and you were now moaning, you knew everyone could hear you "ya' like tha fact that eveyone can feel hoe good im makin' ya feel huh? dirty slut" him saying that was just getting you closer to your release, quaritch ocassionaly letting soft moans out into your ears, you never expected to hear this man moaning even if it was inaudible
"im about to-" you said, not being able to complete your own scentence "go ahead sweetheart" and thats all it took for you to cum all over his cock, helping you ride out your orgasm nearing his own release
you were being over stimulated now, he finally reached his orgasm with a loud groan, filling your hole up with his seed, quaritch's body went limp and he collapsed on top of you, his head laying next to yours, he regained his strength and he pulled out "we should do this more often" "yeah we should"
quaritch kissed your forehead "cmon go get cleaned up for training" "yeah dont think im gonna be able to walk" you said " well, too bad princess because im forcing you, colonels orders" "ugh" you mumbled with a loud groan sitting yourself up "i heard that" he said reffering to your "ugh"
you got up to go shower, unfortunatley for you, there was no shower in your bedrooms bathroom so you had to go use the recom shower
quaritch left your room a bit ago, you dressed yourself and left the room to head to the showers across the hall, your bedroom was right next to the living room you heard some recoms cheering for you, your face turned purple in embarassment as you walked to the shower not looking back, this was going to be a long day....
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celestesblossoms · 6 months
𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼 & 𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 - 𝓖𝓸𝓳𝓸 𝓢𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓾
omg HI BBYS its been so long!! well I'm back (and i have new silly obsessions) currently I've been obsseeeesssed with jujutsu kaisen. and ya girl knows u little hoes love gojo (me too) so enjoy some soft gojo smut bbys <3 I'll mark where the nsfw starts so all my sfw bbys can enjoy some fluff! also im sorry i could NOT be bothered to proofread this im so tired. LOVE U BBYS
pairing: fem! reader x gojo satoru
warnings: (ns)fw, its l o n g, foreplay, breeding, unprotected sex, p l o t
you've been dating your boyfriend satoru for quite some time now, and you had to admit, it was pure bliss. his childish demeanor and carefree personality made him extremely easy to be around and trust with your feelings, and you truly loved him.
However, when the two of you had started dating, you informed satoru of your views on sex, and how you wanted to wait until you had been in a relationship for a while. you believe that sex is a very intimate connection between two people, and how you hate that its so overlooked and discarded.
luckily, satoru happily complied, for he was just happy to call you his girlfriend. he never wanted to risk making you uncomfortable or upset with him. however, that didn't change the fact that he loved to fantasize about you in all sorts of ways. he wanted you so bad, he wanted to have that deep bond with you that having sex with someone creates. so, he would wait for you.
yesterday, you and your boyfriend had discussed the topic of sex, since the next day would be your 1 year anniversary. as you got into bed together, you turned toward satoru. "hey, satoru..? I wanna tell you something, its kinda important.." you said sheepishly, semi-nervous to talk about the topic. "Hm? whats wrong my love?" gojo flipped on his side, facing back at you. you started anxiously messing with the bed covers as you spoke, "i uhm... i think i might.." you stumbled through your sentences. "It's okay, doll, use your words." your boyfriend replied, gently cupping your cheek with his hand. "I'm ready to.. have sex with you, satoru." his face lit up, a smile slowly creeping onto his lips. he was so so happy, he couldn't express his joy through words, so instead he pulled you ontop of him and started kissing you all over your face and hugging you tightly. After he was done with his little love attack, he smiled and looked at you eagerly.
"sooooo does that include tonight?"
"satoru its already midnight, wait till tomorrow I'm sleepy."
He let out a childish 'awwwwwww' and placed you back in your spot on the bed. you turned of your lamp and kissed your boyfriend goodnight.
"goodnight darling." he whispered
"goodnight baby." you whispered back
Its now the next morning, and you are woken up to see satoru already awake, eagerly waiting for you to wake up. you notice a vase full of lucsious pink roses, lilies, and snapdragons on your bedside table, with a little white ribbon wrapped around the vase and a tag that says "to y/n, love your boyfriend~!" in satoru's hands, there was a small bag from the convinience store
"Happy one year, y/n! I don't know what I'd do without you, youve made me the happiest person in the world, my love." he leaned down to kiss you, as you were still laying down. you stood up out of bed and kissed your boyfriend on the forehead, having to get up on your tippy-toes to reach it. "Happy one year, satoru!" you smiled at him. you then directed your attention toward the bag from the convience store. "whats in here?" you asked, as your hand reached out to peek inside the bag. Satoru swiftly stopped you, grabbing your arm and raising it up, preventing you from opening it. "its a surprise for later honeyyyy no peaking!" he exclaimed with a childish tone. you rolled your eyes playfully and he set the bag down next to the table.
he then placed his around your waist, pulling you closer to him, his other hand on your chin. His demeanor was changed. you hadn't seen this side of your boyfriend- the lustful, passionate side that was absolutely crazy about you.
(nsfw starts here) ~<3
"you have no idea how long ive waited for this.." he muttered under his breath, shortly after pulling you into a loving kiss. you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him back shyly, nervous of messing up your first sexual experience with Satoru. he continued to deepen the kiss, picking you up and then sitting down on the side of the bed, placing you in his lap. he grasped the bottom of your shirt, look up at you for a nod of approval to remove it. as soon as you gave him consent, he swiftly pulled your top off of you, staring at your body in pure awe. you were his definition of ethereal, beautiful, stunning and everything in between. he moved his hands from your waist up to your breasts, fondling and gently playing with them. your face was red, as you let out quiet moans caused by your boyfriend's touch. he proceeded to unhook your bra, exposing your chest completely. at first you covered them, still feeling nervous about messing up around gojo. he looked up at you and gave you a reassuring "its alright baby, its just me." you eased up and uncovered them, and satoru proceeded to play with them. "fuck baby... I just love your body so much, I wanna touch you all dayy.." he muttered.
he then flipped the two of you over. Now you were underneath him, and his slim figure towered over you. he proceeded to take his shirt off, exposing his abs and well-toned body. you couldn't help but to stare, and he found that quite amusing. "see something you like darling? hmm?" he teased you playfully. he slowly started moving his hand down your body, gently running hsi fingers against your bare skin, untill he got down to your panties. you didnt have any bottoms on, since you slept in your underwear and a tee shirt. Satoru then moved his fingers in soft little circled around your clothed clit, absolutely adoring all the noises you were making. You moaned softly, inhaling sharply and biting your bottom lip, trying to not wake up the people in the apartment next to you. Gojo then moved his hand into your panties, slipping one finger inside you while using his thumb to play with your clit some more. He went back in to kiss you, to try and muffle your moans. "come on now.. baby.. don't wanna. wake the.. neighborsss ..~" he teased you, muttering each word between kisses.
After using his fingers to loosen you up a bit more, satoru pulled down his sweats and boxers to reveal his throbbing, hard dick. He'd been waiting so so long for this, and it felt like what was happening wasn't real for the both of you. he moved the seat of your panties to the side, rubbing his tip against your entrance. you looked up at him with desperate eyes, "please satoru. I need you so bad right now.."
Satoru didn't know what about that statement turned him on so much, but the next thing you know his entire length is fully inside you. you inhale sharply and moan, trying to contain your noises. "fuck, baby... you feel so good. I can feel you tightening up around my dick." he smirks at you, amused. before you can respond, gojo starts thrusting in and out of you, his hips hitting yours in a deep, steady motion. you grip the sheets tightly, as the burning sensation quickly turns into a feeling of absolute bliss and pleasure. gojo's dick hits your g-spot multiple times and you can feel him slowly start to pick up his pace.
"uhg, I love your pussy so much...I could fuck you all day long baby.." satoru moaned out softly, watching the area between your legs become an absolute mess. "I'm close baby.. were do you want me to cum?"
"cum inside me, please.."
"huh?" satoru questioned your response "baby, are you sure? like your positive.."
you cut him off. "I'm on the pill already baby, I take it to help with cramps! please just cum inside me!" you begged and pleaded him
"whatever you please, princess." he sped up a lot, his stroke getting sloppier and sloppier with each time his hips hit yours. The room is filled with sounds coming from the two of you- moaning, slapping, heavy breathing, grunting. You both reach your climax at the same time, feeling his hot cum fill up your pussy. He pulled out, and proceeded to lay down next to you.
"fuck baby.... I love you so much, you know that right?" he tells you, out of breath. "of course baby, I love you a lot too." He swiftly gets up, putting his boxers on. "Let me clean you up honey. I made quite a mess of you~" he jokes. "I'll start a bath for you baby. Oh! and that bag you were so interested in earlier? Its filled with your favorite chocolates. I thought it would be nice to have during aftercare" he smiled at you, picking up the bag and handing it to you as you sat on the edge of the bed. Your eyes lit up as you looked down at the assortment of chocolate inside the bag, picking out a raspberry jam square. You smiled at your boyfriend as he went to go into the bathroom to start your bath
"hey satoru?"
"yes my love?" he turned his head around
"I love you."
"I love you too, baby."
a//n: bro no joke wrote this on a whim in one night LMAOOO enjoy you guys
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novelcain · 1 year
So about mafia! SWK, I seriously cannot get it out of my mind that whilst the golden cudgel is an accessory, Wukong still uses it when shit gets real and he gets real pissed. Like,,, sure it's modern times and he uses guns since killing with them is quick, easy, and mostly clean,,,, but there are certain occasions that need a point to be made.
So imagine, Wukong falling for florist/baker! reader and they're already courting,,, somehow that information is leaked. A rival mafia, maybe one that's small enough to be disregarded/fly under his radar, or maybe one that's in alliance with him but hates his guts,, kidnaps the reader and holds her hostage to gain leverage against him.
Now, here's a reason why Sun Wukong isn't just the Monkey King, but also the king of the entire underground crime scene.
But maybe people have forgotten that fact and this little rule he has, it's been a couple centuries after all.
You don't mess with him.
And if you do, well, you're gonna wish he used his guns instead.
I absolutely LOVE violently protective bitches so this really made my brain go brrrr
CW for descriptions of violence, gore, and torture below!!
I just imagine him learning that the little baker he's been smitten with has been kidnapped by a small up and coming gang with dreams of toppling the Great Sage Equal to Heaven and taking the place of his gang. And that just won't fucking do.
It would seem that in the past hundred years that he's been mostly under the radar people have become rather bold. They seem to think that he's gone soft. That he's become weak. Well, he supposed they needed a little... reminder of just who the fuck he is.
"P—" sob "P-Please! Just l-let us go! Y-You'll never hear from us again. I swear!"
The ginger monkey demon raised a single gloved claw and the men and women beating the three demon leaders stopped and took a few steps back to allow the Dragonhead room to speak.
"Ooooohoho, you've really done it now~," Macaque chuckled from his spot in the corner without looking up from the game on his phone.
There was a moment of silence across the room as Wukong gently ran his ungloved fingers through your hair while you were passed out in his lap. By the time his gang had gotten there, you had been beaten to unconsciousness. Luckily, the damage wasn't too bad but you'd certainly have a few cuts and bruises—along with a nasty black eye—for a couple weeks.
"Humans are so... fragile," the Monkey King spoke in a soft voice while not taking his golden eyes off of your limp form for even a second. "I learned this a long long time ago. And because of this knowledge, I'm careful about which buttons to push and how hard to push them. Because like I said. Humans are very fragile. And if you push them too hard or too fast... they break."
Wukong carefully shifted so he could lift you bridal style without jostling you before carefully handing you to his adoptive son, MK. The young man immediately took you and left the room to get you somewhere safe to be healed.
The Great Sage reached into his pocket to put his other glove back on and watched as his heir left with you in tow before turning his attention back to the morons who dared cross him.
"But you wanna know something else I learned a long time ago?"
He approached the three demons. Looking down his nose at them while removing the cudgel from his earing.
"Everyone's fragile when compared to me."
With that being said, his staff grew to its normal length and slammed down onto the leg of the leader's righthand man, completely severing it at the knee. The weasel demon shrieked in agony as his companions looked on in horror.
Wukong then effortlessly lifted his staff and struck the demon in the head, instantly ending its misery. The other two flinched back as much as their current injuries would allow and the Dragonhead could see them both trying to grasp the concept that their friend was simply dead now.
The Monkey King flicked his staff to dispose of the some of the blood marring its surface and watched with malevolence as it splattered across the faces of the remaining two leaders.
Wukong then turned his attention to the Dragonhead of the small gang and merely lifted the cudgel and let it drop onto his skull, cutting off his scream and nearly splitting him in two down the middle.
The last executive was now openly ugly sobbing at the viscera of his fallen friends and Wukong just propped himself onto his staff and watched until the man calmed down enough for him to speak.
"Now," the Great Sage paused as he slowly shifted down into a crouch like a predator preparing to pounce on its prey, "You're probably wondering why you're the last one left."
Wukong pressed his cheek to the side of his staff as though this were a normal conversation as he waited for the other to quit sniveling and respond and once the tiger demon finally could he asked, "B-Because you're going to let me g-go?"
Wukong threw his head back as he let out a loud barking laugh. "Wow. You guys really didn't know who you were fucking with did you?" He menacingly leaned closer and the others in the room maliciously giggled at ignorance of the executive. "Allow me to enlighten you."
The monkey fiend flicked his wrist once more but this time to balance his staff on a single claw as though the mighty pillar weighed nothing more to him than a pencil.
"I am the Monkey King."
He spun the staff.
"I am the Great Sage Equal to Heaven."
He spun the staff again.
"I am THE Sun Wukong."
He let the staff fall into the palm of his leather clad hand.
"And I don't. Leave. Witnesses. I leave bodies."
The tiger demon whimpered as Wukong casually pointed the golden end of the cudgel at his chest and there was a tense moment of silence between them before Wukong pulled the staff back to him so he could lean on it once more as if nothing had happened.
"Guess again."
"I-I don't know! I swear I d-don't! H-He was the head of our gang, n-not me!" He nodded to the now deceased lion demon. "It was his decision to go after your girl!"
Wukong sighed and ran his free hand down his face. "You think I didn't know that? Ugh!" He sighed once more. "What did I expect from someone stupid enough to try and take me down," he asked himself before returning his focus to the tiger demon. "Fine. I'll make it easier for you and ask you one last question... Whose idea was it to go after my girl?"
The tiger demon's eye's widened as Wukong's golden one's narrowed. "N—" he gulped "No. You're... mistaken."
"Oh, really!?" A six eared grinning shadow poked out of the wall beside his head, peering down at the tiger in challenge.
"I—. I—."
"You—! You—!" Macaque mocked the shivering gangster. "You should just shut your mouth if you're gonna lie. I hear everything~."
Macaque's shadow then sunk back into the wall with a laugh and he stepped out back where had been previously, except this time without his phone, so he could watch the show that was about to unfold.
Wukong hummed in false contemplation before he once more held the staff over the tiger, but this time the tip of the iron rod hovered over the demon's leg. Right over the center of his thigh.
"Ya know... I understand that my stories aren't as widespread as they used to be. But—" he paused to chuckle "you'd think that if someone were to try coming after me! Then they'd at least read a fucking book, so they could grasp the kind of power I have at my disposal. For example!" The monkey tossed the staff a few feet in the air and letting it spin a couple times before flawlessly catching it just before it made contact with the tiger's leg, making the fiend flinch. "Did you know that this staff of mine roughly weighs a little over eight tons? Do you have any idea the kind of damage something like this would do from simply falling on you?"
He glanced to the crumpled remains of the tiger's leaders and the tiger's gaze followed.
"That's why I did that. To give you a taste of what's to come for you."
And with that, Wukong slowly let the staff slip down and watched in sickening glee as it sunk into the tiger's flesh like butter.
Holy shit this ended up way fucking longer than I meant for it to be but dats fine it just kinda took a hot minute lol
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ma-ri-yana · 7 hours
A/n: good morninggg, hope y’all are able to enjoy this chapter and have a great day :)
Chapter warnings: fictional religious dialogue, verbally abusive family member, fluff, smut toward the end of the chapter, p in v, unprotected sex, masturbation, cunnilingus. I put markers around the smut part in case you’re not interested in reading all dat. MINORS DNI thank yous
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Previous Chapters
1… 6 7 8
You all had crossed into Illinois via south Missouri, carefully avoiding Midwest Brotherhood of Steel strongholds. And you’d mostly managed to evade them. Save for one or two occasions where you’d crossed a few of them patrolling the area. Between the power of your watches, you were able to make your group invisible for a few minutes until they’d safely passed you. You always managed to notice them before they could catch a vision of you, thankfully. You wanted to avoid as much murder as possible. Dimiil was also careful, oftentimes advising you to turn on the feature on your watch during the times that you had failed to perceive the threats. Nikk didn’t care enough to be watchful, it was almost as if he had wanted you to get caught. It would give him an excuse to shed some blood.
Unfortunately for you, travelling around invisibly wasn’t exactly an option for you. The watches only allowed about twenty minutes of usage of the feature before it would inevitably warn you of its rapidly depleting battery. If you didn’t catch the warning on time, the watch would shut itself off and you’d have to wait for it to charge before being able to use it again. Luckily, the watches were fast charging and solar powered, so if these encounters happened during the day, it wouldn’t be that much of a problem. Night time, however, was another story. And all your encounters with the Brotherhood so far had been outside of daylight hours.
You hadn’t quite expressed it to anyone aside from Cooper, but you were affected, emotionally, by the attack from a few days ago. While the actions you had taken were completely justified in the name of protecting yourself and your family; you were still struggling with the fact that you had taken the lives of other sentient creatures. Whether it was ‘justified’ or not, at the end of the day, they were still people. They had their own families waiting for them to come back home, just as you did. Only, they wouldn’t be seeing them again and you still had the chance. Logically speaking, you knew you weren’t in the wrong, but what did it matter? Who were you to decide? But you were losing. There wasn’t another option for you. If you would have let them win, what would’ve happened to your brothers? Your friend? Cooper? Or at least, that was what you were thinking before Wanda revealed that she wasn’t there to hurt you. You were forced to conduct yourself in a way you felt you shouldn’t have. The attack from last week and the attack on your base at home were two big reasons why you hadn’t quite let go of your one sided feud with the woman. Had Wanda not come here with her goons, you wouldn’t have had to kill those people. Had Wanda gotten her superiors to stop the attack on your base, none of the people you had grown to care about would’ve gotten hurt.
As you travelled through the irradiated Shawnee Forest, you couldn’t help but admire the breathtakingly beautiful scenery. It reminded you a lot of home and that brought you a strange kind of peace and comfort in light of your recent trials. Granted, back home, the landscape was more diverse in regard to colour. This was beautiful in its own way. A lot greener and browner, but still remarkable in its own right. The geology was a lot like home, too. You stopped for a second to take it all in from time to time, especially when you crossed what Cooper had informed you was called the Garden of the Gods. You even found beauty in the stairs that were completely covered by overgrown vines from the lack of maintenance. You admired the caves—from the outside, of course— and watched the wildlife as you mostly silently passed them. It made you wonder how it looked before the radiation had mutated the organic population.
Somewhere along the way, you stumbled upon an empty cabin. It was intact, but much like everything else, covered in vines from the lack of maintenance done by their human counterparts. The door had been left ajar. You made a move to walk in but Cooper stopped you, “let us get a look around real quick—make sure everythang’s in order before we get comfortable.”
You nodded and stepped aside, allowing the men to file into the structure one by one. Wanda stayed outside with you, standing on the other side of the porch. “Not going in?” You asked her with your arms crossed.
“They’ve got it handled,” she shrugged, turning her head toward you. “You’re talking to me now?”
You muttered no under your breath and shifted your weight from your right to your left leg, bringing your hand up so you could bite your nails. “You shouldn’t do that. You’ll open yourself up to pathogens,” she warned you. “This place isn’t very sanitary.” She added as she crossed her arms, her biceps practically threatening to rip out of her pale grey skin.
“Thanks for the advice,” you answered sarcastically, continuing to pick the skin around your nails. “Wonder if you thought of that when your friends were cutting us up and tearing us limb from limb.”
Wandala sighed, “listen, I know it may not be worth much but… I really am sorry… about what happened…”
You scoffed and spoke through gritted teeth, “I’m sure you are. Do you regret bringing your friends here to be executed?”
“They’re at peace in Andavarr. They died with their weapons in hand and received a warrior’s welcome.”
“You think they’re okay with the fact that their friend turned on them?”
“They’re in Andavarr, drinking the finest liquors in the universe and feasting with their ancestors. I’m sure that if I’m lucky enough to die a warrior’s death and I meet them in Andavarr, they’ll respect Jovar’s decision to allow me passage into the holy lands.” Jovar was the Anthraxan god of death. Andavarr was their holy afterlife. Wanda paused as she looked you in the eyes, or at least, you’d assumed that was where she was looking. You couldn’t entirely tell because of her lack of irises. “I’m being serious, Y/n, don’t look at me like that. I know you Nembarians believe in a different set of gods, but I didn’t peep you as someone who couldn’t respect a different perspective.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not judging your religion, I’ve always found it interesting. I’m judging you for ignoring the fact that you betrayed your friends’ trust and literally took their lives and started to use your religion to confirm your delusions that they wouldn’t be upset with you to avoid taking responsibility for what you’ve done.”
The pale grey alien sighed, “I’m not…” she leaned back, “I’d like to apologise for my… dramatic entrance,” you raised your eyebrow critically. The woman took that as you giving her permission to continue. “I just wanted to give us all the opportunity to escape all of this—give ourselves a real chance at life without having to take part in a war that has nothing to do with us. Whether we fight or not, we both know this isn’t going to end well and we can’t stop anything. I understand that I didn’t go about things the right way, but I did everything to the best of my ability. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry for what happened to your base… I caught whiff of the plan a few days before it was executed, it was well into effect. The most I was able to do was try and get the three of you to safety.” She reached out to take your hand.
You bit your lip and looked down at her outstretched hand. Your arms remained crossed. You took a few moments to yourself as you thought of what you should say next. What you wanted to say next. You wanted to scream at her, curse her, swear that you’d make her life a living hell, but what good would that do? And why were you so angry with her? What she said was true, after all. They didn’t have the power to change the outcome of this war your planet was fighting. A war that was being fought in vain because their efforts were futile. They were a small planet putting themselves up against the collection of many planetary populations from different galaxies across the universe. Realistically, things were going to change one way or another. Either your home would be blown to smithereens or join the empire. After all, it wasn’t like the populations in your own planet were completely against becoming one with the empire. “What are we except mere specs of stardust in the grand scheme of things…” you mumbled to yourself before taking a deep breath and dropping your arms to their sides. “I’m sorry for not having taken the time to consider your perspective… I forgive you and I hope you can forgive me for my ignorance.” Wanda ran to you and hugged you tightly. You begrudgingly hugged her back, hating yourself for how quickly you gave in but happier that your little feud was over and that you’d befriended the only other woman in the group. It felt strange, having someone apologise to you first for once instead of being the one pushing your pride aside, whether you were right or wrong, practically begging for forgiveness. Cooper had done it a few times with you already and you still weren’t accustomed to being on the receiving end.
“So, I’ve got good news,” you heard Nikk’s voice as he approached.
Dimiil was the first one to reach the porch. “Aw, how cute.”
“Thank goodness the cat fight’s finally over.” The youngest alien declared, earning a snicker from James. Cooper, in turn, exchanged glances with Dim, both of them silently agreeing the joke wasn’t worth a chuckle. Wandala finally let you go as a result of the unwanted attention the two of you had been receiving. “Anyway,” he continued. “This place has got three rooms. Which means… I don’t have to share with you fuckers!” He turned to James and Cooper. “I mean no offence but James, buddy… You can fucking snore.”
“Hey, son, I cain’t help it. I’ve got a lot of mucus buildup in my throat with the radiation and missing nose and whatnot,” the younger ghoul coughed, pulling out a chem and plopping it into his mouth.
“Why don’t we all go inside and make ourselves at home, huh?” The older bounty hunter suggested causing everyone to eagerly nod their heads and file through the door and back into the cabin. “It’s nice, ain’t it?” He asked, holding out his hand, which you happily took, and pulled his hat off his head with his other hand.
“Yeah, looks like we’ll finally be sleeping in a bed again.”
He leaned down, his breath hot on your ear. “Oh, darlin’, we gon’ be doin’ a lot more than just sleepin’,” he whispered, making sure no one else could hear him. He chuckled to himself when he pulled away and caught the blush that had crawled up your face.
You cleared your throat and giggled, “what happened to being respectful, cowboy?”
Cooper shrugged and hugged you from behind and buried his head in the crook of your neck, “no point in beatin’ ‘round the bush, darlin’. We both want the same thangs and this is the only chance at privacy we’ve had in… well, ever.”
“I suppose you may be right…” you agreed, enjoying his acts of affection, placing your hands on top of his after you’d grabbed his cowboy hat and tossed it across the room. It landed on one of the couches. “Ugh, how can you stand to be this close to me? I stink.” You complained.
“You smell very nice, honey bun.”
“I haven’t showered in ages.” You countered.
He took a long sniff out of his nose cavity, “mmm… rustic.”
“There is no way in hell I smell good to you,” you giggled.
“Doll, have you taken a whiff o’ the rest of us? You’re the finest thang anyone could smell or look at in this shit hole.” He lowered his voice once again, “I’m sure you taste even better.” You playfully smacked his hand.
You stopped laughing abruptly, causing the man to look down at you with concern. He’d been the only one you’d opened up to about practically everything. He was worried that you were slipping back into your thoughts; fretting over having killed the Anthraxan invaders. “I wonder if their stoves still work,” you mumbled to yourself.
He chuckled to himself, relieved that your mind had slipped to something else. “Why? You gon’ cook?” He almost drooled at the thought of eating your cooking again.
“Yeah, I was thinking of making some dinner tonight for—“ you hadn’t even finished your sentence when Cooper had practically made a dash in the direction of the kitchen. You giggled to yourself and followed him at a much slower pace.
“I’m just checkin’ to make sure everythang works, now. You stay your pretty self over there. Don’t wanna blow ya up on accident or some.” He told you as he turned the knobs that stuck out above the oven door. He could hear the propane flowing out and pulled out his lighter, holding it close to the stove and flicking it on. As a result, he’d gotten a fire going on the stove top. “Wooooowee! Check it out!” He howled, “it works, darlin’.” He smiled at you with his yellow teeth and dry and scarred lips as he turned the knob all the way to the left, effectively cutting the gas and fire out.
You found it strange that an abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods was so clean and functional. The electricity was working, the gas was working, clean, non-radiated water was coming out of the faucets. Hell, this little cottage even had some a/c cooling it down. Something just didn’t seem right. This was something you could expect from a settlement, not an abandoned cabin in the woods. It was suspicious to you. You expressed your concern to Cooper, to which he replied, “yeah… I think so too, sweetheart. I’ll keep my eyes peeled. In the meantime, let’s take advantage of what we’ve got goin’ on here.”
And you did. Hours had gone by and you were all sitting in the family room of the cabin, chit chatting and laughing away. The first time you had all done this in a very long time; the only difference now was that you were on a different planet and you’d made new friends to add to your circle. You all sat, eating the food you made off the porcelain plates you’d found in the kitchen cabinets with the stainless steel forks you found in the drawer by the sink. The Ghoul was making his way back to the kitchen for seconds.
You only really cooked when you were in a good mood and when you cooked, he revelled in the culinary goodness because he could taste the love you’d transferred from your heart to the plate. James called out to him from where he sat and asked him to fetch him another plate as well.
“You know, it’s been a while since we’ve played together,” Dimiil smiled at you.
“Like what? Video games? You know I suck at those.” You laughed.
“Truer words have never escaped your lips,” Nikk snorted as his fork scooped up another bit of what resembled rice.
“No, that’s not what I meant,” the eldest sibling snickered. “I haven’t heard you sing in a while. I miss it.”
“Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, I miss the aural terrorism too—ouch! Wanda, easy,” the youngest alien rubbed the back of his head. Wanda had hit him there. She had a little smirk on her face, as if she were proud of herself for setting her boyfriend straight. “I was being nice,” he mumbled under his breath.
“What? You’re asking me to sing? All you guys did was complain whenever you’d hear me singing to myself back at home,” you cackled.
“I guess they’re just craving some sense of normalcy,” Wanda chimed in with a shrug. “Nikk told me you have a pretty voice, I’d like to hear it too.”
“He did?” You asked sceptically, your eyes trailing the Ghoul as he walked back into the family room with two full plates. You watched as he placed one of the plates on James’ lap before he made his way over to sit next to you on the floor by the coffee table. “Alright, fine,” you groaned.
“With that attitude, you won’t be selling out any stadiums around the galaxy,” said Dimiil, smugly.
“I think that ship sailed a while ago, dima,” you cackled.
The Ghoul shook his head, “no it hasn’t. You’ve still got a chance. I didn’t hit it big until I got back from the marines. It’s more of a luck thang. You’ve just gotta be in the right place at the right time.”
“I was about to score my first leadin’ role right before them bombs dropped,” James chortled. “I was twenty six. All the ladies loved me,” he sighed. “The good ol’ days.”
“So you’re both over two hundred years old? I thought humans could only live to one-twenty if they were lucky,” you were genuinely surprised.
“Well, the ghoulification kinda helps with longevity, sweetheart,” Cooper chuckled.
“Radiation’s a wondrous thing, huh?” Dimiil commented, placing another fork full of food into his mouth. He chewed with his mouth open and sucked air in because he forgot to blow on the hot food before shoving it into his face hole.
“So, are you gonna sing or not?” James called out. “Gotta see if you’ve got the chops to make us some money in the city,” he laughed at his own joke.
“And what are you? Her manager now?” The Ghoul furrowed his eyebrows, analysing his friend.
“Gotta earn a livin’ somehow, Coop. Our handsome faces ain’t gon’ cut it no more.”
The older bounty hunter rolled his eyes and lightly chuckled. “Mind blank. No song pop in mind,” you answered James’ initial inquiry, plopping another spoonful of food into your mouth. Unlike most in your group, you had elected to eat with a bowl and a spoon for ease.
“Do that one song we like,” your younger brother suggested.
“Thank you for being descriptive,” you munched on the food you cooked.
“Are you talking about that one song she wrote?” It was a wonder to you how well your brothers understood each other. You liked to think that they probably never shut off their telepathic connection and had access to each other’s thoughts at all times. Not to say that you didn’t have the same telepathic ability— but their thoughts drove you nuts sometimes so you mostly shut them out until you needed to use that ability. Nikk nodded enthusiastically.
“Once again, I thank you for being descriptive.”
“The one that we liked so much we actually asked you to sing it for us repeatedly,” Dimiil clarified.
“Are you gonna sing it with me, dobronki?”
“Nah, mera, that’s all you,” The youngest answered, shaking his head.
Kamira fala zhumari nazu
Zanavi kamu ariakazhula lianirava
Smatriana, gazhuvatira
Nama laq tuha varnigalava nizhu riu
Nolaqiya fala kasuma
Kolimirina kamu kasuka gutarigia
You sang the first verse, laughing toward the end of it, partly out of shyness and partly because of the way your brothers and friends were cheering you on. As you continued with the song, you gained more and more confidence to sing without breaking into awkward laughter and got more into it as you thought of the story and inspiration behind the song.
The song was based on a book you read in your literature class that was adapted from the true account of a veteran of the Camis-Velarion war who came from the town of Yara on the planet Camis. The account was of the effect the long war had on a friend, a fellow soldier, he’d made during the war and his friend’s lover. The gist of the story was that a soldier, Marvehl, had to leave his lover, Katya, because he was drafted to fight. The soldier would spend countless nights recounting the time he’d spent with the woman and although he hadn’t seen, heard or spoken to her, his memories of her were enough to keep him going. At one point, he had been captured after his side had lost the last of many battles he’d fought and had been locked up for the better part of three years. Finally, the war was won by his planet and he was set free to go back home to Katya. It was upon his return, he discovered that she had taken her own life because someone in their village lied to her and told her that he had died in battle in the hopes of convincing her to sleep with him. The soldier spends the rest of his short life, lonely and missing Katya, unable to move on. He died of a broken heart within the week. Marvehl was buried alongside Katya. Back during a time where you lived and breathed romance novels, you wrote this song. Back then, you hadn’t loved anyone before. But you liked to imagine what it would feel like to love someone and have them love you back as much as you did.
It wasn’t until now, that you’d met Cooper on a distant and obscure planet, that you fell in love in the way that you had spent your adolescence daydreaming about. It was while you sang your song that you realised that you didn’t want to live a life without Cooper in it. You couldn’t bear to. He meant too much to you. The meaning behind the song as you sang it changed once you had your epiphany. It was then that you decided you wouldn’t be leaving with your family. You were going to stay in that radiation riddled wasteland with him even if that man chained you to that spaceship himself.
Cooper didn’t understand a single word you sang, but he didn’t need to. Your voice gave him chills, it was beautiful yet otherworldly. He was enamoured by your talent and astonished when he heard your vocals split into two, some times three different notes simultaneously to harmonise with yourself. Sure, he’d heard you humming to yourself before, back when you were still at the crash site, spending your days in the lab; but he hadn’t heard you actually sing. At some point, your brothers joined in to sing with you, walking over to you to ruffle your hair and push you around once you’d finished.
And that's how you all spent the next few hours, everyone requesting certain songs out of you like you were a jukebox and singing along with you merrily. You all spent that time laughing and joking and being as noisy as you’d wanted to be, finally being able to just relax and pay no mind to the outside world that wanted to kill you every two seconds. Finally being able to find a little bit of your old lives in the afternoon you had all spent in that cottage.
You all reminisced about having to wake up early on Fridays to go to your local marzha, a Nembarian word for church. Your brothers then joked about how you were all going to have terrible afterlives because none of you had been praying or attending mazhes, the equivalent of mass, since you’d left your planet.
“No, no. Not I,” you retorted. “I’ve been praying.” You had meant it as a joke but you couldn’t bring yourself to laugh when you felt the energy shift in the room; primarily on your little brother’s side.
Nikk scoffed, “you still believe in that crap?”
“What’s so wrong with her having a little faith?” Wanda inquired, crossing her arms.
You looked at her, slightly taken aback that she was sticking up for you in spite of the fact that she was in love with your brother, but grateful nonetheless. “It’s not crap, Nikk. You should be careful with how you speak of Her,” you warned him, not feeling it wise of your brother to offend Yevna.
“Where’s Yevna been, Y/n? Cause I haven’t seen Her since we landed in this shithole.”
“It’s all about perspective, Nikk. I could argue that She’s been here the whole time, protecting us all and keeping us all alive. And She has," you shrugged.
“Our technology has kept us alive. These people have helped keep us alive. Not Yevna.”
“If that’s what you believe, that’s what you believe. It’s not a big deal.”
Nikk wasn’t satisfied with your dismissiveness, you could tell he just wanted to argue with you. “So how do you think Yevna would feel knowing you’ve killed people?”
You crossed your arms, visibly uncomfortable that your brother's crusade against you seemed to be resurging. Cooper squeezed your thigh affectionately in a silent attempt to reassure you. “What? The Anthraxans that were trying to kill us? I mean, I personally don’t feel too great about it, but according to Yevna’s sacred texts, I’m forgiven.”
"And what? I'm not?"
"Nikk, you and I both know that I was just joking around. I wasn't implying anything, seriously. But if you’re genuinely concerned about this topic, as long as you’ve been fulfilling your sacred duties, you should be fine."
"You literally said that I'm going to darfys because I haven't been following—“
"You know what I meant, stop putting words in my mouth. If you don’t believe in this anymore, it shouldn’t be a problem for you."
“You’re saying I’m going to darfys, then.”
“I’m no one to say whether you will or not.”
"You act like you're so fucking perfect. You’re nothing but a fucking hypocrite."
You heard Cooper exhale loudly through the triangle shaped hole in his face and drop his fork onto his plate. You heard him gulp the food he had been chewing down his throat before setting the plate down on the coffee table in front of him. He crossed his arms and leaned his back against the bottom of the couch behind him. "I suggest you shut that mouth of yours. I ain't gon' tell you again."
"Oh look, it's the knight coming to save his little princess. As usual,” Nikk rolled his eyes. He knew the Ghoul wouldn’t do anything. You wouldn’t let him. “Tell me, Y/n, how often do you have to put his dick—" the feeling of a knife stabbing him in the left side of his chest stopped him from speaking another word. Cooper had thrown the knife at him from across the coffee table like a dart.
“Can’t say he didn’t warn ya, shithead,” James chuckled to himself, taking a swig at the whiskey he’d poured himself not too long ago.
You scrambled to your feet, “Cooper Howard!” You scolded him, “what the fuck?!” You exclaimed as you ran over to the room you and the Ghoul had picked for yourselves. You made a beeline straight toward the closet where you kept your medical supply bag and pulled out the bottle you’d used a few days ago.
He called out from the other room so you could hear him, “I’m sorry, darlin’, but I ain’t gon’ tolerate ‘im mouthin’ off to you that way. I already told ‘im to watch ‘imself.” He watched you intently as you ran back into the living room to tend to Nikk’s wound.
You knelt down on the empty space on the couch your brother was currently bleeding on. You took the knife out and applied the drops. Wanda didn’t seem to be concerned, she knew you had it all taken care of. She only glared at Cooper, the one who created the problem in her eyes.
The drops healed Nikkand’r almost instantaneously. He coughed up the last bit of blood that was stuck in his throat. Dimiil turned to your younger brother. “Why can’t you just behave yourself for fuck’s sake? We were having a good time.”
“Me? I’m the one who got stabbed, asshole!” Nikk yelled once the wounds had closed up. He didn’t thank you. This was all your fault, after all. At least, that’s what he told himself. Dim sucked his teeth, rolled his lilac eyes and crossed his arms in response to his comment. “Fuck this, I’m going to bed.” The youngest of the group said begrudgingly, standing up and storming off. Wanda stood up slowly, still glaring at the Ghoul with her arms crossed.
“A ‘thank you’ would’ve been nice,” Cooper yelled as your brother stalked off. He then looked the woman up and down with his hazel eyes. “The fuck’re you lookin’ at?”
“Just another Tom who might get his teeth kicked in.”
He chuckled to himself, “I’d love to see ya try,” he crossed his arms and squinted at her. “You should watch your man before I wring his neck like the little weasel he is.”
You stepped between the two of them, “you’re not knocking anyone’s teeth in.” You told her sternly. Wanda looked down at you, up at Coop, and back down at you before growling and stomping off to meet Nikk in their assigned room.
You sighed, “I’m going to bed,” you walked over to Dim and leaned down to peck your older brother on the cheek. “Good night,” you said to the group before walking to your room.
James whistled once he heard you close the door. You hadn’t slammed it. That wasn’t you. But you did use a little bit more force than usual; something Cooper had not failed to notice. “Well, y’all thank she’s mad?” The older bounty hunter glared at his friend as a result of his remark and exhaled loudly, making his irritation known. “Relax, buddy. She’ll forgive ya.”
The Ghoul ignored his friend’s assurances and raised an eyebrow at Dim, “will she?”
Dimiil chuckled as he stood up and shrugged, “sure.” He began, walking over to the older human and placing his hands on the Earthling’s shoulders. “The real question is when, my friend.” He then started to pick up the empty and half empty plates of food that were scattered around the living room. The two ghouls followed suit. “I’ve got the dishes tonight. You’re already in enough trouble as it is.”
You heard the door open and close. You didn’t bother looking up from your tablet. You didn’t need to, you could hear his spurs jingling up the hallway. You heard him sigh and throw his duster onto the sofa that stood against the window from across the entrance of the room. “I’m gon’ close the blinds. Don’t need nobody lookin’ in here,” he said, more to himself, to chase the silence out of the room as he walked over to the window. You didn’t answer him. He heard the little noises, the chirps, your tablet made as you tapped on the holographic ‘screen’ while he leaned over to grab and pull on the chain to close the blinds. He then closed the curtains. The lamp by your side of the bed was on, dimly illuminating the small room.
You heard his shoes jingle some more as he walked to the tv set that sat the entertainment center that stood against the wall by the door. “Oh ho hooo! Lookie what we’ve got here, sweetheart. A good ol’ Radiation King tv set!” He called to you. He knew you weren’t going to respond to him but that wasn’t going to stop him from trying to get you to talk to him. “I wonder if this baby works,” he muttered as he pressed the power button. He cheered as he saw the screen light up with a Please Stand By message illuminating the glass. He then started to open the cabinets in the entertainment center, “I wonder if they’ve got anythang good here.” He pulled out the holotapes that were hidden in the cabinets and looked through the stack, until he found a title that caught his attention. His eyes lit up when he found one of his favourite movies, Touch of Evil. He made a mental note to suggest that the two of you watch it once you’d made up with him. He quickly put the holotapes back into the cabinet and closed the small door before he stood up. He then unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it in the same spot he’d discarded his coat.
You felt the bed dip when he sat down at the edge of it to take his boots off before he climbed into the bed. “Darlin’,” he started. You remained silent, trying to focus on the game you were playing on your device. You had been stuck on that level since the last time you were able to take the time to play— which was almost a month ago.
When you didn’t respond, you felt him gently move your hair out of your face and caress your cheek. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry.”
You scoffed, “no you’re not. You’ve been dying to do that for a long time.”
His head tilted to the right as he spoke, “I ain’t gon’ lie to ya, I ain’t sorry for tossin’ my knife at that shit head.”
“You’re doing an amazing job at this whole apologising thing.”
“What I am sorry for, is for not allowin’ myself to stop and thank about how you’d feel if I went through with it the way I usually do.”
You clasped the tablet closed loudly. “Oh, so you wanting to hurt my brother is a common occurrence?”
He made a move to take your hand but you pulled it away. He felt his stomach churn and swallowed the feeling down as much as he could. “Sweetheart, I can’t stand the way he treats ya.” His voice was low and raspy.
You crossed your arms. “That’s between him and I. Siblings fight. It’s normal.”
“It ain’t normal when it’s at that level for long periods of time.”
You scoffed, “we’re fine. I can handle it.”
Cooper sighed, lowering his head, clasping his hands together and bringing them up to his mouth, thinking quietly to himself. You heard his breath enter and exit his body for a few seconds before you heard his voice again. “I know you think no one can hear you cryin’ to yourself in the middle of the night every so often. It breaks my heart every time I hear you sniffle. Every time I catch a tear rollin’ down your face… Every time—” he paused and looked up at you. “Ya can’t keep lettin’ ‘im walk all over you and not expect me to wanna step in and help.”
“I don’t need your help.”
“I didn’t say you needed it, darlin’. I know you can handle yourself without my assistance. That don’t mean I ain’t gon’ try to make your life easier any which way I can…“ He sighed, “sweetheart, if he keeps behaving this way and keeps disrespecting you… I hate to say it, but—“
“Ya might have to let him go… maybe not now. Do it whenever you’re ready. Fix that lil’ spaceship of yours. Go back home. Then go your separate ways. He gon’ keep draggin’ you through the mud so he can keep feelin’ better ‘bout himself, so he can feel like a man. He gon’ keep tryna dim your light because he feels like he ain’t bright enough on his own.”
“You didn’t have to stab him,” your voice shook and your lips trembled. You felt your eyes sting as blue tears welled up and started to flow down your cheeks. You weren’t crying because you were sad. You just felt frustrated.
Cooper’s heart started to hurt. He hated to see you cry and hated the fact that you were crying because of something he had done even more. He looked at you with shame flooding his eyes as he reached up to wipe your tears. “I know, doll, I know. I’m sorry… I should’ve held myself back.”
You looked away. “He wasn’t always like this…”
“Sometimes people take a long time to show who their true colours. This place… The wasteland… it gives people the freedom to do thangs they would never have done otherwise…”
You nodded and looked into his shame ridden eyes, “just… don’t do it again, okay?” You didn’t want to accept that reality, he could tell.
“I’m an honest man, I won’t make any promises I can’t keep, doll,” you glared at him and he gave you his soft, lopsided smile. “But I’ll try my best. I hope that’s good enough for ya...”
You leaned over to him and squinted your eyes at him for five seconds before softening your gaze, “yeah, that’s good enough.” You leaned back and picked your tablet back up, sliding the edges apart to turn it back on and start playing your game again.
Cooper blinked at you, “that’s it? Just like that? I’m forgiven?”
You shrugged, “yeah, pretty much.”
He sighed in relief and grinned up at you. You shook your head and tapped away at the screen, holding back a grin of your own. That smile of his was infectious. “What’re you so smiley about?” He slowly took the tablet out of your hands and reached over to carefully place the device on your night stand.
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He stood up and walked around the corner to stand at the foot of the bed. He leaned over, grabbed you by the ankles and dragged you closer to him. You sat up and giggled, grabbing him by the shoulder and pulling him down to meet your lips. The way he kissed you, it was almost as if his life depended on it. His tongue dragged across your bottom lip before he slipped it into your mouth. You moaned softly as you felt his tongue dance with yours. You took his hand and brought it up to your clothed breast. He could feel your hard nipple through the stretchable fabric and groaned, trailing circles around your covered teat before pinching it. The sensation sent a jolt down to your bud.
The man pulled away and looked into your eyes as he brought his hand up to the zipper of the jumpsuit. You brought your hand up to meet his wrist and helped him pull the zipper down. He slowly slid the top of your uniform off your shoulders and down to your hips. His left hand travelled up your inner thigh, while his right hand caressed your cheek with his thumb. Your heart beat quickened with anticipation as his hand drew closer and closer to where you’d wanted it. You slowly pulled your legs apart. He smirked to himself.
Cooper’s hand then made its way back over to your hip and continued trailing up your side before his hand met your breast again. He knelt down to the ground and brought his lips to one of your nipples, “be patient, darlin’,” he said before playfully flicking your nipple with his tongue and taking it into his mouth; sucking on the mound while he pinched and flicked and played with the other with his calloused fingers.
You groaned, partly in frustration. You attempted to squeeze your thighs together to release some of the tension you were feeling; only to be stopped by Cooper’s torso. “I’m trying,” you whined.
He chuckled and licked your neck from the base up to your ear, you shuddered as you felt his hot breath and his scarred lips press against your ear, “lie back.” You felt both his hands on your breasts, groping you as he gently pushed you down. You obeyed his command and let your back fall against the sheets below without putting up a fight. He slowly pulled the rest of your uniform off. You tried to help him take it off faster but he wouldn’t let you; he said he just wanted you to relax and that he enjoyed taking his time unwrapping his presents.
“You’re so beautiful, baby,” he bit his bottom lip as he took in the sight of you, lying on your back. Your pink nipples hard, your round breasts exposed for just him to see. It was his first time seeing the markings that covered most of your body—he hadn’t known that they’d run all over. His eyes slipped down to your thick thighs and then up to your dripping womanhood. His tongue poked out to wipe the drool off that had escaped his scarred lips as he ran his hands up your inner thighs and spread your legs. “So fuckin’ juicy,” he chuckled as he planted kiss after kiss from your ankle to your inner thighs until he was dangerously close to your honey pot.
Cooper leaned over, his mouth inches away from your pulsing bulb. You lifted your hips up in an attempt to close the space between you but he held you down. “Sweetheart, I’m gon’ take my time,” he looked up into your eyes sternly before looking back down to the sight before him. He sighed, he couldn’t resist you. The way you looked while you were at his mercy, your sex in the air, taking over his olfactory receptors. All he could think of was eating you up, “fuck it. You’re lucky you smell delicious and I’m up for some dessert.” He licked a trail from your inner thighs, to your lips. You lifted your hips once again, this time, he smirked to himself and let you. His tongue found your swollen clit and swirled around it. You let out a gasp and gripped the sheets beneath you.
He continued to lick and suck at the bead and you couldn’t help but let out a moan. He paused to warn you, “darlin’, ya might wanna keep your voice down if ya don’t want the whole house to hear ya,” and immediately went back to work. You heard his belt unbuckle and the ruffling of his pants as he pulled them down; not once did he take his mouth off you.
“How can I when—ah,” you moaned again when he slipped two fingers into your entrance as he started to pump himself with his other hand.
“Damn, baby, ya taste like a good batch o’ honey. I just wanna dip into your jar and eat you all day,” his own moans vibrated against you as he curled and uncurled his fingers and pulled them in and out of you. You squeezed your thighs against his head, but it didn’t bother him. It brought him joy knowing he was the one that was making you unravel like this. “Fuck,” you whined as you felt yourself succumbing to your first orgasm. He pumped himself faster, chasing his own high and came into his hand shortly after.
You propped yourself up by the elbows and watched him as he licked your juices off his fingers. You leaned over and took the hand he’d used to touch himself and licked it clean. You then took his index and middle fingers into your mouth and sucked on them. The sight and the feeling of you sucking on his digits—he felt himself beginning to get hard again. You reached over, wrapped your hand around his prick, moving your hand up and down while your other hand cupped and fondled his balls until he was hard enough. Cooper licked his lips as you then placed his hand back on your breast and spread your legs wide for him again. You wrapped your legs around his hips to draw him closer to you. You gasped when you felt his hardened length brush your slit, “I need you.”
The Ghoul groaned as his hazel eyes met your violet irises. He moved his hips and rubbed his head against your clit a few times, gathering your juices on his stick before dragging it down to your entrance; aligning himself with it. “I’m all yours, doll,” he whispered before he started to press into you.
You let out another low moan as you felt yourself stretch around his shaft and he stilled for a few seconds before pulling himself out and slowly sheathing himself back in. His hands met yours and your fingers intertwined. He did this a few more times before you urged him to move faster. He happily obliged.
The Ghoul thrusted in and out of you as you directed his hands to play with your bosoms. You then pulled him down to kiss you. Both of your lips pulled open as your tongues wrapped around each other; moaning loudly into each other’s mouths. “Fuck, honey, you feel so good,” he groaned.
“Harder,” you whimpered before you sucked on his tongue.
Cooper growled and brought his hands down to cup your plump ass as he put more force into his thrusts. “Like this, doll?” You only moaned loudly in response. “Use your words, darlin’,” he hissed, trying to keep himself quiet.
“Yes, like—ah! Right there! Don’t stop!” You whined as he hit your spot. “Keep going, don’t stop!” He took in the sight of you unraveling beneath him, your breasts bouncing and moving all over the place as his hands dragged you to and fro; your teeth catching your bottom lip to try and keep yourself quiet to no avail. It was pointless, the both of you were already been so noisy anyway.
“Don’t go quiet on me now, baby,” he leaned down and buried his face in the crook of your neck, licking and biting and sucking on the skin; leaving his mark on you as he continued to thrust exactly the way you’d asked him to as you dug your nails into his leathery back and buried your heels into his buttocks as he squeezed yours.
You hadn’t realised it, but he was a slave to your every whim. Anything you wanted, he’d give it to you. He’d give you all of him; mind, body, soul, it was all yours to take.
You demanded that he move faster again. He caught your lips again and moaned loudly as he sped up his movements, reaching his hand down between your sweaty bodies to find your bud and rub circles. You could feel yourself reaching your peak, and apparently, he was too. “Fuck, sweetheart,” he panted, “if we keep goin’ like this, I ain’t gon’ last long.”
You whined and whined, moving your hips to his rhythm as he continued to rub you; listening as he clapped against you and vocalised with you. He almost crumbled when he heard you moan something in your native language but he managed to hold himself off. You were starting to shake, your eyes filled with tears, your orgasm started to take over. “Cooper!” You screamed, your juices leaking and your walls clenching all over his sheathed cock as blue tears rolled down your cheeks.
“Mmm,” he groaned, licking your tears and burying himself deeper and deeper inside you, moving faster and faster until his milk ejected into you. He growled, “oh God.” He brought his hand up to your cheek and leaned in to place a kiss on your lips. You kissed him just as delicately as he kissed you. He pulled his face back slightly, his now flaccid dick was still inside of you as he watched your chest move up and down as you caught your breath. You loved the feeling of being full of him. His seed, his length. It was another form of your connection to him. It was the physical manifestation of your love for one another. You whimpered when he pulled himself out. He couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as he walked over to his duster to pull out one of the moulds of radaway you’d made for him. He made his way back over to you and running the tiny object against your lips, prompting you to open your mouth so he could feed it to you. You opened your mouth and felt him place the radaway inside, against your bottom teeth. “What, doll? Miss me already?” You blushed as you sucked on the anti-radiation drug. He smirked to himself as he climbed into the bed and pulled you against his chest, away from the edge.
“Maybe,” you giggled, covering him and yourself with the comforter, tracing circles around his bare chest as you looked up to him. His eyes caught yours as he looked at you once again with nothing but adoration behind them. He stroked your soft periwinkle hair.
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“I love you, Y/n,” the Ghoul admitted in a soft whisper. He hated himself for being unable to resist you. He knew you weren’t going to be with him for long. The moment that spaceship got fixed, you’d be gone. Even still, knowing this, he wasn’t able to keep his heart from your magnetic pull. And it killed him; he hadn’t let himself get attached to anyone like this but he slipped into your orbit without putting up a fight, without question. The thought of you eventually leaving dried his throat, stopped his heart from pumping and his blood from running. He couldn’t allow himself to get worked up about this, not when you had just finished sharing something so special with one another. He just wanted to enjoy the moment.
“I love you too, Cooper,” you moved up to place another kiss on his pouty lips.
The Ghoul continued to stroke your hair with his calloused hands. “I don’t want you to go,” he confessed, his eyes widening at the revelation he made as he choked on the lump in his throat. He couldn’t believe he’d let that slip out. He hadn’t meant to say it out loud.
“I won’t. I don’t want to go either,” you disclosed. “Not if you’re not coming with me.”
“You can’t— you need to…”
Your eyebrows knitted themselves together, “you just said you didn’t want me to go.”
“I…” he paused, “I don’t wantcha to regret your decision and stay someplace you have no love for just because o’ me. You’ll grow to resent me.”
You pecked his cheek and got out of the bed, “get dressed, ahatni.” He sighed and followed your command. You both picked your clothes up off the floor and got dressed. You grabbed one of the blankets you’d used for sleeping out in the wilderness and used your other hand to hold his as you led him out of the room, down the hallway, and out of the cabin.
You took the steps down the porch and set the blanket down on the ground before sitting on the blanket and patting the space next to you. You watched as Cooper followed your prompts and sat down next to you. “Why’d you bring me out here, hon?”
“You call these ‘crickets’, right?” You asked, “the little bugs that make these noises at night?” He nodded, “we have some of our own on my planet, they’re called chapunkoi.” You then looked up, “we’ve got a different set of stars and two moons, Dyoni and Minyra, that we look up to in our night sky. But they’re stars and moons nonetheless. The sky may not be exactly the same as the one I grew up staring at but it’s beautiful in its own right.”
The man didn’t look at the sky at first, he only saw you. Eventually, he gave in and started gazed with you. He hadn’t looked up at the sky to admire it in ages, yet you had gotten him to stare up at the wonders of space as his mind tried to imagine what home was like for you. You told him one of the oldest love stories that have lived on your planet for ages. The story of your two moons, Dyoni and Minyra. They both started off as regular Nembarians millions of years ago. Back when your religion wasn’t the main religion of the land and most believed in a different set of gods. You told him how their love for each other rivalled the love of Hymara and her husband, Zoferaq. Hymara got jealous because her husband lusted after the two women. Zoferaq was offended because neither of them wished to go to bed with him and fought him when he tried to climb into their beds. Both gods felt slighted by them, their pride wounded; as a result, they punished the women to an eternity in the sky. Doomed to follow each other in Nembaria’s orbit and never to touch each other again.
“That take of yours sounds like it could be another fable from Greek mythology,” Cooper chuckled.
“Well, with all the planets in the universe, I highly doubt any of us are really all that original,” you teased, continuing to look up at the night sky. That is, until a glow green light whizzed past your face. Your eyes lit up when you saw the lightning bug fly past you. “It’s a nebbie!” You exclaimed excitedly, ripping him from his gaze into space, “look!” You pointed at the flying creature as more started to fly around. Cooper smiled softly and stood up, quickly making his way back inside the cabin and running out with a jar.
“Wanna catch one, doll? I’ll help ya,” he offered, holding out the jar to you.
You shook your head with a smile on your face as you stood up, “no thank you. I think it’s better if I just watch them from afar.” You placed another kiss on his scarred cheek, “thank you for the offer, my love.” He nodded at you and placed the glass jar on the ground before standing up straight once again. “There are a lot of similarities between my planet and yours, you know? In regard to the animals, the plants and the geology, the mythology...” You giggled and paused, turning to look at the flying light bugs around you. “We have nebbies of our own back home. They’re my favourite creatures. They bring light to the darkest of nights…” He listened to you quietly, taking in your every word. You turned to him again and wrapped your arms around his neck. Instinctively, he placed his hands on your hips. “I don’t need to go back to Nembaria or Zamira or Anthraxus or wherever they’re going. I don’t care,” your thumb caressed the back of his hairless head. “As they say, home is where the heart is…” you looked up at him, into his eyes and held his cheek with your right hand, your other hand stayed at the back of his head. “And my heart is with you.”
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Random glossary because why not?
Mera- sister
Dobronki- plural version of the word brother
Dima- older brother
Ahatni- hunter
6 notes · View notes
lvenha · 2 years
SUMMARY: Partying is not your cup of tea but not when there's your childhood best friend, lee heeseung that will protect you. What if heeseung suddenly receives a call from you who wants him to help about something. You're not taking dr*gs are you?
🍒 PAIRINGS: bestfriend!lee heeseung x fem!reader
🍒 WARNINGS: SMUT! teenagers partying, use of viagra, reader is under influence of dr*gs, mentions of alcohol, unprotective s*x, p*netration, oral s*x - f receiving, nipple play.
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"Jay, punta muna ako sa baba" Paalam ni heeseung sa lalaking pinaglalaruan ang lollipop niya as an alternative for cigarettes. Jay just nodded at his older friend flashing a smile that looks like a smirk because of the lollipop's stem between his teeth.
The music became loud as heeseung descended the stairs to the first floor of sunghoon's house. He sighed, he was always a party person pero minsan nakakasawa na.
This should be more enjoyable if Y/N was here, he thought looking around hoping to see some familiar faces from his friends. Heeseung started to walk toward the living room and luckily, he spot jungwon sitting on the couch in the center of the room.
Natawa si heeseung nung makitang nakaheadphone ang bata at nakapikit pa, badtrip na naman siguro 'to. He tapped his young friend on the shoulder which made the boy look back at him, Jungwon was annoyed at first. He thought it was someone he doesn't know but when he sees it was heeseung, his facial expression calmed down.
"Ubos na battery mo?" Tanong ni heeseung bago sumalampak ng upo sa tabi ni jungwon. "Ubos na ubos na." Jungwon replied getting his hyung's metaphor, his eyes involuntarily rolled around his skull.
Heeseung's forehead draw lines as he looks at the younger, "So, bakit di ka pa umuuwi?"
"May inaantay ako pero di na ata dadating" Jungwon replied that made the older one think. Ah, badtrip nga.
Heeseung was about to ask when someone abruptly sits on the other side of jungwon which made his words got cut. "Hinihintay niya crush niya, hyung. Loverboy na pala si jungwon" Niki said before plopping down beside jungwon and snaking his arms to its shoulder. The latter on the other hand glared at the youngest seemingly giving warning, not really sure if it's about the mentioning of his 'crush' or the way niki called him informally.
The glare made the youngest shut his mouth and heeseung released a chuckle, "Is this about that cute student council secretary?"
Hindi nagsalita si jungwon but niki nodded his head aggressively still not saying any words, afraid that it will push his cute hyung's buttons.
"Don't worry, won. If you want, tulungan kita na mayaya mo siya ma date?"
"It's not about that hee hyung. Badtrip si jungwon hyung kase nakita niya na dikit ng dikit yung P.R.O natin dun sa crush niya and then nagselos siya-"
"I'm not!" Sigaw ni won.
"Kung hindi, so tell us the reason bakit mo siya pinapunta dito sa party kahit alam mo naman na never siyang naging party person?"
"Wala... gusto ko lang iparanas sa kanya yung paraan natin ng fun"
"Eh ano naman sayo?" Tanong ulit ni niki. It was obvious that the youngest gain enough confidence to push won's buttons, lalo na ngayon, Jay is not around. If nandito pa si jay, niki would never do this.
Hindi na sumagot si jungwon but niki is still staring at him, a teasing smile on his lips. Pinalipat-lipat ni heeseung ang tingin niya sa dalawa, "Eh bakit? Nagseselos ka, niki?" Tanong niya sa kaibigan.
"Luh, asa ka hyung!" Niki immediately replied which made jungwon smirk, "Bahala nga kayo dyan, hanapin ko muna si sunoo hyung" He added before walking away and never look back even once to his friends which caused Heeseung to laugh.
"Siraulo talaga yun" The older whispered making jungwon nodded his head.
"Nga pala, hyung. Nandito si Y/N kanina ah..." Jungwon said changing the topic. The sudden mention of heeseung's childhood friend's name made his ear twitch. "Nandito si Y/N?"
Jungwon nodded, "Oo, di mo alam? I thought kanina pa kayo magkasama since hinila siya nila sunghoon hyung sa taas para maglaro and di ko na siya nakitang bumaba."
"Eh kasama ko sila sunghoon kanina eh. Kelan siya pumunta?" Heeseung asked who's standing up now ready to run to any rooms upstairs just to find you. Jungwon, on the oher hand, looked at his wristwatch. "I think... almost 1 hour ago na?" Jungwon answered, making heeseung whisper a 'shit' before shouting a 'thank-you' to jungwon and bolts towards the stairs and into the 2nd floor.
Fuck, bat di ka niya nakita kanina? Sunghoon was there in the room playing some games nung dumating siya and you are nowhere to be found. Heeseung did invite you to the party but you said you need to finish an output first that is due next week- which Heeseung didn't really understand, so akala niya hindi ka pupunta. Hindi naman sa wala siyang tiwala sa mga kaibigan niya, he did trust them but not sunghoon, most especially not the DRUNK sunghoon.
Jay looked at heeseung wide-eyed when the older suddenly stormed from the door, "Hyung, gago-"
"You saw Y/N?" Heeseung cutted jay, if it was a normal conversation and Heeseung didn't frantically looking for you then for sure, makakatikim si jay sa muntikang pagmura neto kay hee but this is not the case. He needs to find you, he needs to ensure that you are safe.
Kumunot ang noo ni jay, "Si Y/N? Nandito si Y/N?" Heeseung didn't answer, he seems impatient from the way his wide eyes stared at Jay and how his hands grip the door handle as he peeks into the room, ready to run again once he got the answer.
"No, hyung. Magkasama tayong pumunta dito kanina, right?"
Heeseung muttered a silent 'thank you' kahit na hindi naman talaga nakatulong yung sinabi ni Jay sa kanya. He runs towards the other rooms na katabi lang ng kwarto kung nasaan si Jay. Heeseung was about to open the door of the last room to the end of the hallway when he felt his phone vibrate.
Inis niyang tiningnan ito para i-reject but then he saw your caller ID. Heeseung pressed the answered button and immediately put his phone to his ear. "Fuck! Y/N, where are you?!" Sigaw na tanong ni Heeseung. Y/N didn't answer, he just heard some shuffling and heavy breaths. Tangina, are you fucking someone right now? Kumukulo ang dugo ni Heeseung sa naiisip niya.
"Y/N, answer me right now. Where are you?" Heeseung's voice was strained, it was full of worry, care, and... jealousy? May karapatan ba siyang magselos eh hindi naman kayo? But at this moment, Heeseung didn't really care. He needs to find you and know that you are safe. If you're really fucking someone nga then, so be it. He can deal with his heartbreak later after he knows you're safe.
"Heeseung..." You called, heavy breaths were heard after that. "Yes, Y/N?!" Heeseung almost shouted, he was getting more impatient. Almost like he's on the thin thread. It's a good thing that he's at the end of the hallway and hindi na masyadong rinig yung music sa baba but his feet can still feel the soft vibrations of the floor, that's why he can hear you clearly. "Help me please... so hot"
"Nasaan ka ba?"
He heard another sound. Did you just moan? You moan on the phone with him and he's not the one who's making you make that sound. Damn, He was so fucking offended.
"T-third floor..."
Heeseung didn't even wait for your sentences to finish, "Don't you ever move from there and wait for me. Papunta na ko." He replied before running towards the 3rd floor, the one that is restricted from outsiders other than sunghoon's circle.
"Y/N?!" He shouted before barging into the nearest room. Heeseung was ready to throw his hands on the man but there was no one other than you. There you were sitting on the floor at the end of the bed. Your back was resting at the end of the bed, legs folded as you hug your knees close to you. Your head was bent over, covering your face with your hair. Heeseung heard a muffled sound from you, "Y/N?" He called, walking closer and sitting beside you.
Tinapik niya ang ulo mo that causes you to look up. You are so red, so flushed and your breathing was heavy as you look at him. "What happened? May masakit ba sayo? Should I take you to the hospital?" He asks voice full of concern and worry. You shook your head as an answer. "S-sunghoon, made me drink..."
"He made you drink what?" Tanong ni Heeseung, his brows are furrowed. Ano na namang kalokohan ginawa ng kaibigan niya?
"I finished my o-outputs early and... decided to go after y-you. I met won and d-decided to wait for you to... together with him. Sunghoon saw me- and told me an nandun kana so s-sumama ako." You released a heavy sigh before continuing, "But w-when we got there, wala ka dun. I don't want t-to be kj kaya naglaro ako ng isang round ng truth or dare, n-napili ako for a truth na a-ayoko sagutin and ayoko din namang uminom ng alak so si-sinabi ko kay hoon. H-he told me to drink milk na lang so I did, after 30 minutes of waiting for you... I felt something di-different so I hid in here" Y/N added, she looks like in pain which made heeseung worried more. Her eyes have some tears as she looks at him.
"That's- ha!... that's when I realized... sunghoon put viagra on my drink. It's been an hour, hee and I can't... I just can't, please help me"
"Let's go to the hospital" Heeseung was about to lift Y/N into a bridal style but she stops him. "No, hee. I wanted YOU to help me out"
Heeseung's mouth opened for a minute. Believe him he wanted to but you're not in the right state of mind. Kumbaga, you can be compared to someone who is drunk and should never decide on something like this. In short, your consent is not valid.
"But Y/N as much as I wanted to, you're not on the right state of mind. Hospital ang kailangan mo, hindi ako."
"Ikaw ang kailangan ko!" You shouted at him. "Just fuck me good, hee... please?" You said voice feels like a whisper as you look at him with pleading eyes. Heeseung can feel his blood rushing down until at the very tip of his dick.
"You're saying that you don't want to but... that, says otherwise," You said nodding at his pants causing heeseung to look down at his pants. Tangina, tinayuan na nga siya. Paano bang hindi? Ang hot mo kaya.
"I don't want to take advantage of you, Y/N."
"You're not! Believe me... you're not. Please, take me, Heeseung."
Heeseung can't stop himself as he groaned, pulling you up before gently pushing you to the bed. "Are you really sure about this?" You nodded as Heeseung got on top of you, kissing you on your forehead before sealing your lips with his. You moaned in between you making out that made heeseung smile. You pushed heeseung on top of you causing him to lay on his back beside you, his eyes are wide as he looks at you get on top of him before sucking the sweet spot on his neck making him moan.
He loves this new you. Heeseung can't even imagine that he can be a witness of you being so bold and hot as fuck. You press your lips on him again. As you two make out, your hands travel down before grabbing his clothed dick. Heeseung groaned as he looks into your eyes, "Do you want to suck it?" He ask and you nodded, heeseung hummed, "Maybe, next time. This is about you and your pleasure, Y/N." He said pecking your lips and angling his head to suck at your neck that surely will leave a hickey tomorrow.
"Hee... nakikiliti ako"
"Tiisin mo, I need to mark you up real quick." He said, his tongue wetting the spot that he had just bitten. Heeseung's hand came into your top, grabbing your breast over your clothes. "Let's get rid of this" He whispered, unbuttoning your crop top and then removing your bra in front which made your tits fully exposed to him. Heeseung licks it with his soft tongue before pulling you into his lap making you strangle him. Your undone crop top and bra are messily hung from your arms.
Heeseung didn't waste any second sucking as he enjoyed playing with your tits while you hissed in pleasure. You can't help but to completely remove all your clothes from your body.
Fuck, it feels so good but the throbbing pain on your pussy made you need heeseung more. "Hee, quit teasing..." Heeseung chuckled and muttered a 'sorry'. He lays you on your back again before standing up and undressing. He remove his striped turtleneck before completely removing his jeans and boxers leaving him entirely naked. You watched him as he did and you unintentionally, swallowed your saliva when you see his girth and length.
Heeseung gets on the bed as he pulls your skirt and panties, you didn't even wait and just spread your legs to him which made heeseung laugh as he shakes his head. He didn't say anything and just pulled you in a kiss, "I'll make you feel good, Y/N." Heeseung whispered to your ear before his lips traveled south to your body, mouth not separating from your skin as he left soft butterfly kisses on you before kneeling on the floor, face in front of your pussy.
"Fuck, ang basa mo" He said, his hot breath making contact with your cunt. You were about to complain when heeseung lick your folds before completely drowning his face on you, mouth sucking your clit while you moan. Both of his arms, wrap around your legs to lock it.
You can't help yourself but snake your own hands under your own legs to try to steady and spread you further for heeseung. You felt him smile on your folds, pinching your nipples as a sign of thank you, now that his hands are free. It travels on your pussy again, getting some of your juices to spread with his index finger before shoving it.
Heeseung felt your tightness, your walls didn't want to let his fingers go. He pumped it a few times before adding second then third, you moan in response as heeseung shushed you. Departing his lips from your clit, "Shh... I need you to be ready for me" Bulong ni heeseung bago ipinagpatuloy ang pag pleasure sayo. The only sound na maririnig sa apat na sulok ng kwarto ay yung wet noise from your pussy and your heavy breaths.
Heeseung was like in heaven, you're voice sounds like heaven... you felt like heaven. It was just a fantasy nung una, he was just imagining you writhing from pleasure under him... the pleasure that comes from him. "Ah, fuck!" Another rush of blood came in his dick as he heard you moan. Your voice became loud as your walls clenched his fingers.
He look up to you, you were so fucked out. Hands turned white while gripping the pillow under your head, and your face was tilted to the side as if you want to hide. With one swift movement of heeseung's fingers, you finally came. Back arching as you squealed trying to catch your breath.
"Fuck... ugh...." You whispered as you close your eyes. "You okay?"
"Yeah, i-i still feels hot so... just please fuck me now." You breathlessly said before removing your wrist over your eye to look directly at heeseung. "Mas lalo akong natuturn on sa pagiging straightforward mo"
"Pansin ko nga..." Sagot mo at inilipat ang tingin sa boxer niya. You're face is so sexy, you're glowing and you look like a goddess.
Heeseung followed your line of sight and there he see his own weapon, looking so good and red as precum ooze from its head. It was obviously screaming for some pussy to suck him off that's why heeseung give in. He turns you around making you lay on your stomach before getting on top of you. "You ready?" Heeseung asks and you nodded then you felt him stretching you up to the fullest. "Fuck!" Both of you groaned.
"Tangina ang sikip mo!" Sabi ni Heeseung as he tried his best to fill you. Siguro dahil na rin sa fact na you just cum kanina ay mas nag double yung init at sikip ng puke mo, idagdag mo pa na it's been almost 6 months after your last sex. "Fuck, hee..." You whispered, your eyes closed as you whimper in pleasure. Heeseung kisses your lids allowing you to adjust to his length.
"Ha... you can move hee" And heeseung gratefully heed your plead. He pulled his hips back until tip na lang yung natira and then pushed inside again slowly, which made you sigh in satisfaction.
"Sarap?" He whispered on your ear. You hummed before nodding, "Masarap"
Tangina, hindi mo naman first time pero dahil sa laki ni heeseung ay parang ganun na lang din ang nangyari, though it was not a painful feeling. It was weird but more on the pleasurable side.
As much as you want heeseung to be rough with you dahil na nga rin sa effect ng viagra ay hindi rin pwede. You don't want heeseung to be burdened with guilt after, just for your pleasure. Alam mo na, in the first place it's your safety that he thinks and nothing else.
After some time, heeseung picked up his pace when he felt you relax around him. As his thrust escalated so are your cries of praise for him.
"Ah... Ah! Fuck, Hee! Yes! Please faster, baby!" And again heeseung heed your demands pleasuring you to no end while you moan for him. He suddenly pulled out of you which made you whine and before you even process it, he suddenly turn you again making you face him into a missionary position. Walang sabi sabi ay ipinasok niya ulit ang tite niya sayo na naging dahilan ng pag sigaw mo, not in pain but in pleasure.
"Tangina, Heeseung!" Sigaw mo as you felt him thrusting in and out again. He adjusted himself, putting both of his hands under your leg before pushing it to spread you even further as he fastened his pace.
The stunt made you scream in pleasure, you even bet that you are slowly but surely losing your sanity as he fucks your brain out m. Heeseung looked at you, you are so lost in the black hole of glee. Your eyes are closed, and your mouth was opened as you moaned.
He then takes it as a chance to grab your breast, squeezing it. His hands left your legs as heeseung felt that you were spreading it yourself. Heeseung's lips came in contact with your neck, as much as he wants to kiss you ay ayaw niyang mawala ang tunog ng ungol mo. It was turning him on so much.
"Open your eyes, baby..." You tried but you can't, it was so good that your eyes can't help but be glued together tight shut. Nilakasan mo ang ungol mo in response, hoping na makukuha ni heeseung ang message mo but he didn't, "Open your eyes for me, Y/N" He said, voice strained as he release a groaned. After some seconds your eyes were slightly opened but you're still having a hard time, "Now, scream my name, baby. Let people hear how good I make you feel, how good I fuck you as you look at my eyes."
You compose yourself, opening your eyes more than before as you look at heeseung's eyes still moaning. Your face was contorted with pleasure all over it, "Ah! Fuck, Heeseung! Ah!" You screamed as heeseung released a low moan. The intensity of pleasure, heeseung's presence, and demands doubled your bliss as you moaned his name nonstop, still trying to look at his eye while tears came down from your lids. "Tangina, it feels so good, heeseung! Ah!" You were trembling, your whole body trembled while heeseung change his thrust. It became more faster and shorter, sobrang feel na feel mo siya sa pinakadulo ng pagkababae mo and it made you feel so fucking good. Para kang nasa langit, feeling mo sasabog kana.
"More! Heeseung! Ah! More please! Faster!" Heeseung did as he felt your walls clenched around his dick together with the feeling of a knot inside him. "Come inside me, heeseung!" You moaned to his ears which made both of you let go and cum. Heeseung's hips didn't stop as he rides his high, cumming inside you. When he felt that he was done, he then finally collapsed beside you pulling you closer as he spoons you. You two are still trying to calm your breathing. Heeseung kissed you on top of your head and you felt yourself calming under his touch.
"I'm gonna kill sunghoon tomorrow. Good night, baby" That's the last thing you heard before sleep comes for you.
You hummed as you slightly shift and felt some arms around you that also shifted together with your body. Your eyes looked up to see heeseung sleeping, his breath and heartbeat are slow. His other hand is behind your head pulling you closer to him.
"Morning?" He said in a raspy voice na ikinakunot ng noo mo. "Hoy, bat hindi mabaho hininga mo tuwing umaga?"
Halatang nagulat si Hee sa sudden outburst mo but he finds it cute, "I just did you last night tas yan yung unang sasabihin mo sakin?" He said smiling, you can't help but remember all the things he did last night that made you blush.
"I think it's because I drink so much water everynight?" He said not really sure. "Pero bakit ba hininga ko pinag-uusapan natin?"
"Ano ba dapat nating pag-usap-"
"Yung tungkol sa'tin, ano ka ba?" Kunot noong sabi ni Heeseung sayo, "Did I fuck you so good that your brain isn't fully functioning?" dagdag niya habang nang-aasar. Parang sira.
"Wag nga masama ugali, Hee. Napaka naman, ang aga aga."
"Ano?" Heeseung rolled his eyes, "I like you, ever since highschool." Upon hearing those words your world seems to stop. He likes you? You? Prank ba 'to? Heeseung noticed that you freeze, his lips parted before averted his gaze. "I-I don't care if you don't like me-"
"I like you too, Hee!" Sigaw mo sa kanya as both of you panicked. "Sabi ko nga- Wait... Really?!!!"
You rolled your eyes at him and said 'yes' again. "I can't believe that you like me all this time. Ang dami mo kayang girlfriend na pinapakilala sa'kin"
"Masisisi mo ba ko? Sa gwapo kong- ARAY!" Sigaw niya nung hinampas mo siya sa braso. "On a serious note, I tried to move on that time kase as cliche as it is, ayoko masira yung pinagsamahan natin. You remember those times na umiiwas ako sayo...?" You nodded at him as your remembered those times in your highschool time. Bigla na lang umiiwas si Heeseung sayo, biglang nawawala and then after a week magpapakita na parang walang nangyari.
You didn't confront him about that until now since that time, you wanted to give heeseung his own space. You thought na ganun lang talaga, na nagbabago kayong dalawa. Hindi naman kailangan na porket magbest friend since you two remembered ay need niyo nang sabihin lahat sa dalawa. Of course, you two will have your own world.
"...I tried to forget those feelings by avoiding the person who I felt those feelings for pero di ko pala kayang di kita nakikita or nababadtrip sa isang araw. The next thing I knew, my feelings grow ng walang pasintabi." Heeseung explained as he carresed your hair. "Tayo na, ah! Wala ng bawian!" Sigaw niya na parang bata. Gusto mo mang umirap sa pagka-childish niya ay tumawa ka na lang at tsaka yumakap sa kanya. Buti na lang gwapo ka.
You two stayed in the bed for some time, both are engulfed in a comforting silence as you lay your head on heeseung'a chest while his hands draw small circles or pinch your arm while the other was scrolling through his phone. All of the sudden, Heeseung get up, leaving the white sheet for your naked body since nakaboxer na siya. He stands up and started to walk towards the door.
"Saan ka-"
"Dyan ka lang. Kukunin ko lang yung breakfast..." Kaya pala nagscroll kanina, sabi mo sa isip mo habang nagsusuot ng tshirt si Heeseung "And I'm gonna kill someone"
"Huh?" Nagtatakang tanong mo sa kanya, you were about to add a question but your voice was cut off with the sound of doors closing. It was silent for a moment until you heard a pterodactyl-like scream was heard from downstairs.
"Sunghoon..." You muttered as you laughed. For sure, Heeseung was the reason why he screamed. Medyo naamazed ka pa since nasa third floor ka pero rinig na rinig talaga. Suits him right.
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"Y/N! Ikaw na!" Sunghoon shouted pointing at you before he chugged his drink. Lasing na nga. "Okay, so truth or dare?" Sunghoon asks, eyes boring into you. "
"Truth" The whole circle shouted, "Okay, so do you like heeseung hyung?"
Natigilan ka. You won't be surprised if one of your most observant friends, sim jaehyun, knows about your budding feelings for your childhood best friend. Halata na yung feelings mo but you are hardheaded, you refuse to confess your feelings to people that is not heeseung.
"Ey, Y/N. Wag na tayong maglokohan dito- oh shit, wait may tumatawag sa akin." Medyo nakahinga ka ng maluwag when jake excuses himself. "If you don't want to answer the question, then do the consequences" Sunghoon chimed in before sitting beside you.
"And? What is it?"
"You drink milk" He answered, his hands giving you a glass of white liquid. You sniff it and wala naman siyang kahit an among amoy, that's when you chugged it in one down.
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"Hoon, musta ka na?" Sagot ni Jay habang nakangiti, "Masakit pa rin... ang kirot." Sagot niya habang inaabot ang ulam.
"Siraulo ka kase." Heeseung chimed habang nilalagyan ng kanin ang pinggan ko.
"Do you know that viagra is dangerous? Buti na lang at gatas pa yung pinainom mo kay Y/N at hindi beer. Lagot ka talaga kay Heeseung hyung if nagkataon" Dagdag ni Jake.
"Wala akong excuse, it's my fault naman talaga... sorry ulit, Y/N" I smiled at Hoon, "Okay lang..." I felt heeseung's eyes on me as if tinubuan ako ng buntot. "But... ililibre mo ko for the whole month" I added as I doubled my smile, heeseung laugh together with the boys as he looks at me as if he was proud.
"Mamumulubi ka, sunghoon hyung" Sabi ni Jungwon habang tumatawa.
"Wait, teka nga... so ano na status niyo?" Sunoo asked as he point at me and heeseung. "Kami na" Sagot ng katabi ko at naghiyawan ang buong barkada. "Congrats lods di kana torpe" Sigaw ni niki na nakapagpatawa sa akin.
"Let's celebrate!"
"Sige ba! basta ikaw magbayad, jay. Ikaw nakaisip eh" Heeseung told as we all laugh again.
"Teka... curious ako, anong palang ginawa ni heeseung hyung kay sunghoon hyung? Ang lakas ng sigaw niya kanina ah" Niki asked as I looked at heeseung also curious.
"Kinurot ko sa nipples" Walang pasintabi na sagot ni Heeseung that causes jake to spill the water that he was drinking on jay's face that made us laugh. "Tangina, pre ang baboy!" Sigaw niya habang kumukuha ng napkin.
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heaven-s-black-box · 1 month
Team Pt.1- Ensemble & @/crystalkat6747 OCs
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Recovery date: May 4th, 2024
Description: Hello I just got an idea from rewatching the Xianzhou quests, what if my OC's, Kesshou and Kakeru arrived on the Loufu, the specific time when they arrive would be after the abundance deer was defeated but just before Phantylia revealed herself, Kesshou was originally going to visit the Loufu to visit someone very important to her, but when Kakeru received word of the stellaron he decided to go there as well because he already close to the Loufu, and the two of them meet up with Tingyun, the trailblazer, March, and Welt Yang when they got to the alchemy commission. Most believe that Ali's were extinct and the few that did were sworn to secrecy, luckily since Ali's can conceal their wings they can somewhat pass as normal humans.
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with @crystalkat6747, we thank them for their contributions. If you want more information on these characters there's this post on Kesshou and this one on Kakeru, but you should be good to read without them.
Pt.1 Pt.2 N-P Pt.3
Word count: 1 522
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Kesshou leaned over her cousin’s shoulder as he brought the ship down into Cloudford.
Her eyes darted across the approaching landscape. There were cloud knights patrolling and mara-struck corpses strewn about, along with thick branches and smatterings of golden leaves. It looked like a wreck.
She straightened up and pointed to a spot a bit away.
“There’s Yanqing,” a sense of urgency saturated her tone.
“I see him. Go wait in the back, I will be there in a moment.”
She steadies herself against the wall as the ship shudders upon landing, squinting at the harsh sunlight that pours in when the door hisses open. With her free hand shielding her eyes, she can make out Yanqing waving at her as he stares behind her. The door barely finished its descent to a ramp when Kakeru strode past her, leaving her to follow on his heels.
He may no longer be the heir, and it may be proper for him to be following her as the current heir, but old habits die hard.
Yanqing greeted them both before leading them towards a starskiff, his pace was brisk, and taking them to the Alchemy commission.
“What happened here?” Kakeru asked, face set in a stern expression.
Kesshou and he were sat across from the Lieutenant, their royal upbringing obvious in the way they held themselves.
“There was an incident with a stelleron and the Ambrosial Arbor, the crew of the Astral Express is helping us handle it.”
“Why did you not ask us for aid?” Kesshou pressed, concern written across her face. “I, at least, could have come.”
Yanqing shook his head, turning to look out the window. The cousins followed his gaze to see the lingering glow around the still blooming Ambrosial Arbor. It would be a lovely sight if they didn’t know what it did, what it was. An embodiment of the abundance, and the curse placed on the people of the Xianzhou alliance.
Kesshou swore that in her reign she would repay the alliance for all they’d done for her people, her kind. She swore she would try and lessen their suffering, be it by finding a way to help with mara or remove their curse of longevity all together. And yet they wouldn’t even call her for something like this.
“The General only asked for their help because they were already looking for the stelleron,” Yanqing said, seeming to catch on to her thoughts. “I’m sure he would have called you if they weren’t here.”
His eyes drifted to Kakeru as he finished, though the other man was still staring down below.
A great warrior, though perhaps his teacher was rubbing off on him.
The starskiff slowly came to a halt and opened up. Yanqing waved them out and followed, directing them towards the meeting point.
Madam Yukong had been the one to hail them upon entry. At first she had simply tried to send them away, citing internal matters that prevented them from accepting visitors for the time being, but once they’d identified themselves she’d sent for Yanqing to pick them up. He’d been on patrol in the area.
Kesshou had been on her way to the Luofu to visit and run into Kakeru on a planet nearby– her ship was in desperate need of repairs and so she’d been forced to travel with merchants. He’d informed her of a transmission from the IPC he’d caught about the recent situation, and offered to let her catch a ride. That was how they’d arrived here, together, despite being on two very different paths of exploration.
One of them was on a mission to find his father, and the other was on a mission of betterment for her people. Somehow their paths always seemed to lead them back together, back to the Luofu.
The three soon met up with Fu Xuan, who dismissed Yanqing and took the two Ali the rest of the way.
Something in the air made their wings bristle, but Fu Xuan only promised to explain once they met up with the Trailblazers.
Thankfully they didn’t have to wait long.
“Master diviner, you’re back!” A knight greeted the three as they entered the makeshift camp.
The greeting caught the attention of who must have been the Trailblazers as they didn’t look familiar. One face, however, was familiar.
“Tingyun,” Kesshou greeted the Amicassador.
Tingyun looked towards her instantly at the sound of her name, though there was a lack of recognition in her eyes. She did not light up instantly like normal, only smiling and waving once Kesshou’s face twisted slightly.
Where she might expect a twisting feeling in her chest, Kesshou instead found the crystals of her wings prickling.
“Wow,” a pink haired girl gaped in awe, “Ali? I didn’t think there were any still around!” An older man with a cane next to her cleared his throat. “Sorry.”
Fu Xuan ignored all of it.
“I have kept you waiting, but the deceit of the Disciples is laid bare to me now.”
The Trailblazers were just as out of the loop as the two Ali, something they were grateful for as it forced the master diviner to explain everything. They were caught up on the Sanctus Medicus and the happenings with the Ambrosial Arbor before the pink haired girl took a stand about doing the Luofu’s dirty work.
“The Cloud Knights assault was to demonstrate our power to the enemy head-on… now it is time for the unexpected. Please, come with me.”
She led them towards a spot overlooking the Elixir Crucible, explaining that the Disciples were using it to disperse smoke that caused the Xianzhou natives to lose themselves to the mara. 
As Fu Xuan spoke, Kesshou slowed her pace and fell into step with Tingyun. She leaned in slightly and dropped her voice to a whisper so as not to disrupt the others.
“Are you alright?”
Tingyun turned to her with a gentle smile.
“A little tired, but my dear benefactors have been excellent bodyguards.”
There was something off about Tingyun, something Kesshou couldn’t quite put her finger on. Whatever it was made her wings bristle, and Kakeru was clearly picking up on it as he kept throwing glances at her.
“It seems we’ll have to reschedule our plans.”
Something in Tingyun’s eyes seemed to glint as she replied, “yes, we will.”
“Caelus, Mr.Yang, what do you think?” March 7th asked.
“We will join you,” Kakeru said before they could answer. “You would not be handling this alone.”
That seemed to make her perk up a bit, and ease any hesitance the other two had as well. As the Trailblazer’s discussed their answer, he turned to Kesshou for her answer and received a nod. He was confident he knew the answer anyway.
The group set out towards the Crucible and quickly handled the smoke.
“That arrow of yours is remarkable,” Kakeru commented as they dispelled the last bit of smoke. “It is not too dissimilar from my daggers.”
“Thank you!” March chirped. “Your daggers are pretty cool too, and that thing you did where you flew up and then zapped that one guy, so cool!”
A small smile crossed his face and he nodded. “Thank you.”
“Making friends I see,” Kesshou hummed.
Though the light hearted mood quickly vanished as they approached the main Crucible and spotted the leader of the Sanctus Medicus. Kesshou’s wings flared out, wrapping everyone in a shield as she raised her sword and Kakeru redrew his daggers.
The fight was… too easy, even with the master diviner’s help.
Something was still horribly wrong.
“The Ambrosial Arbor’s descent… will bring us undying bodies…” The leader groaned, struggling to her feet. Her words earned varying responses from the group ranging from disgust to annoyance. “The one who gave us the Stelleron… said that…”
That piqued their interests and put them back on their guards. There was definitely another attack coming. They just didn’t expect it to come from behind them.
The woman’s ramblings trailed off as she pleaded for her master’s aid, every word putting them more and more on edge. 
“Tsk, tsk,” Tingyun’s voice cut through the tension, only Kesshou pulled her eyes off the enemy to look back, “little pawn, must you force me to intervene directly?” She shrugged. “I’m loath to flout my philosophy of destruction. Never mind.” She crossed her arms and let her gaze rest on the back of the Master Diviner. “It would seem the time has come for other means of dismantling the Xinazhou from within…”
Her heels clicked against the stone ground, echoing through the tension. She brushed against Kesshou, sending her a wink.
“Tingyun!” Kesshou yelled, dashing forward and sliding to her knees as the Foxian collapsed. The sickening crack of her neck echoed through the Ali’s head as she pulled her head into her lap.
“Benefactors… allow me to reintroduce myself…”
Kesshou was yanked back by Caelus, and she stumbled to her feet behind him. She drew her sword and brought up shields around everyone once again as monsters from the anti-matter legion appeared from nowhere.
“I am Lord Ravager Phantylia.”
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steele-soulmate · 4 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 574, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby
WORDS: 1167
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“One, two, three, four!”
An off key rendition of Black No. 1 (Little Miss Scare All) began to wail from the speakers, making me giggle as I was helping Peter get situated with the triplets in their cradleboard back papoose.
The girls were onstage- Elizabeth on bass, Katie on electric guitar, Aria on keyboards and Evie on drums- just rocking out and clearly having the times of their lives.
“BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK NUMBER ONE!” chanted the audience, clearly enjoying the off key opening act as everyone rocked out. “BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK NUMBER ONE!”
Evie suddenly screamed, dropping her drumsticks and clutching at an eye. Peter automatically left me, rushing onstage to sweep her into his arms and whisk her offstage. I automatically knew what had happened- Johnny’s drumstick had yeed its last haw and had shattered, some of the partials getting in her eyes.
“I think her eye needs to be flushed,” Josh told me. “I can check with the paramedics on scene and see if they have an eye wash cup.”
Little girl was toddling all around the backstage area in her electric green leg braces and Baby Tommy holding onto one hand and Baby Eve the other hand. The trio were busy scampering about, getting into baby mischief and looking utterly adorable in their bitty sized Type O Negative band t-shirts.
“Black black black black numbee one!” babbled little girl as she led the other two babies all over the backstage area, bringing sunshine and cheer with them.
“OH MY GOD IT’S THE TRIPLETS!” screamed someone before everyone just went absolutely bananas.
“Thank you everyone!” And with that, Peter tore into the first song of the night- Black No 1. (Little Miss Scare All)
“Mama We Wen?”
I turned and smiled at little girl.
“Uppie up ups?” she meeped, her arms outstretched as she made her demand clear as day. I quickly scooped her up and perched her onto a speaker, letting her cling to me in a loving hug. The bubbly four year old child would be entering kindergarten the next school year, and had grown to be such a big girl- even though she still looked like she was about three year old, she still amazed me with her sentence structure and ability to retain information. She wasn’t saying fuk as often as she was when she was little (much to Peter’s relief)
“Mommy’s little girl isn’t so little anymore!” I bemoaned. “Little girl, you are growing into a big girl!”
True in more ways than I would care to admit, she was now at a weight that tiny boned me couldn’t comfortably lift up. I could do it in a pinch, but she just weighed too much. Baby Tommy had long since surpassed his big sister in weight and Baby Eve was getting there in size. Luckily for me, Peter was always more than happy to pick up the babies and carry them around, acting very much like the beefy studmuffin that was one Peter Thomas Ratajczyk.
I lifted little girl off from the speaker and the both of us went to the band’s shared backstage room, where Evie was resting on the couch, her head in Aria’s lap and her shoes having been moved and set off to the side against the wall. Katie was brushing Jing’s hair and Elizabeth was reading a book on forensic sciences. Baby Tommy and Baby Eve were both sitting next to their big sisters, their baby dollies in hand as they both babbled out little stories.
“Hey kids!” I announced myself, Elizabeth frowning as she exchanged her book for her phone.
“MOMMY!” she screeched all of a sudden, leaping out and racing over to trust her phone up against my nose.
Hello Elizabeth! my name is Cara, and I am the head of marketing here at the American Girl company! I am reaching out on behalf of the company to ask you if we could model our 2028 Girl of the Year© doll after you. please respond to this message at your earliest convenience.
“Mommy, can I be an American Girl dollie?” she demanded, jumping up and down. “Pretty pretty please?”
“Can we wait until tomorrow to discuss it?” I asked her, brushing my thumb along her naked brow line. “Your father needs to agree too.”
“Can Katie be a doll too please?” Elizabeth begged. “Please please please please?”
“We need to wait until your father and I both have a chance to talk about it!” I told her in a firm voice. “We can talk about it tomorrow, okay? When we get home again, your father is going to want to go straight to bed!”
“Alright!” she agreed happily, going over to whisper to Katie, the two girls giggling quietly together.
“Mama Wen Wen?” little girl asked me just then, toddling up to me. “Meseies wantsie drinkie drink?”
“Is apple juice okay with you little girl?” I asked her as I peered into the small refrigerator. I plucked out a bottle, shutting the door with my hip and then having the happy little child take a seat before handing her the bottle. “Be careful now little girl!”
“Hey sweetheart!” Peter greeted me just then, stooping down in near half to avoid clipping his head on the doorframe. “I have an interview that I’m doing in a second. Do the kids want to be here when Louie Bluefield comes in?”
I chuckled as the kids automatically clung to the Ratajczyk patriarch, getting a rumbling chuckle out of him as he took a seat on the couch and was swarmed with by love in the form of cuddles and hugs.
“Well then, I guess the kids had spoken.”
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Breaking And Entering: Electric Boogaloo A Sequel To First Meeting
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~We Have Such Sights To Show You!~
Rosaria is extremely confused about why you, a kind and respectable person with a good job and a kind heart would have a crush on HER of all people, someone who is as rude, crass, and strange as her someone who is… broken goods.
“Stop pacing Rosaria you’re going to burn a hole into the carpet” Barbra told Rosaria in an attempt to placate her.
Rosaria promptly ignores this and continues to wear a hole in the probably very expensive carpet.
Why, why, why, why? Why would someone like you have a crush on someone like her!
She needs to find out!
She WILL find out!
Directly from the source!
So you know what time it is right?
Breaking and entering along with looking through your private possessions: electric boogaloo
“It’s decided” Rosaria stated to herself.
“What is?” Barbra asked, already deeply concerned with where this is going.
“I’m going to break into their house… again” Rosaria said as she opened the window.
“Rosaria nO!” Barbra yelled as Rosaria hopped out the window.
Rosaria made a beeline for your house over the roofs of Mondstadt with a thousand questions in her mind.
Most importantly when and why.
When and Why did you develop a crush on her.
Well either way she is going to find out.
Rosaria easily broke into your home while you were out for the day and immediately set to work.
The first thing she did was flip through the journal from last time but that left her with nothing besides the information that this was your tenth journal. 
So Rosaria did the natural thing and read through the nine other journals starting with the first. Inside of the first the handwriting was barely legible but she could luckily still read it.
The first passage that mentioned her read “Grandmaster Varka brought a girl who looked the same age as me back to Mondstadt. She looked sad. I tried talking to her. She was rude. I don’t like her all that much. Her name is Rosaria”
Rosaria vaguely recalled you attempting to talk to her and make a few horrible jokes to make her laugh and give her some Sweet Madame, Rosaria also recalled that she made several rude remarks to you for your trouble.
The next passage that mentioned her still had atrocious handwriting and read “I saw Rosaria tonight. She was feeding the Cats. She looked very pretty! 
How late do you stay up!? She only feeds the cats when it's very late or… early, AND PRETTY! No one has ever called her pretty, a bitch sure, but PRETTY!
The final passage that mentioned her had a drawing of a small familiar stone.
The same stone that she has above her heart right now.
As she continued to read entries in your journals she realized you were a large part of your life and her apart yours.
Almost like a pair of dancers who never touch twirling around the streets and plains in this land of freedom.
Wait a goddamn minute.
If she has your blind Windblume gift… that means…
Rosaria whipped around and scanned your room for the Item she had hoped to never see again.
And yup.
There it was.
A small lopsided sculpture made of wood depicting the legendary creature known only as rabbit, in the old times it was feared for its destructive power and love for carrots.
And for the first time In her LIFE Rosaria blushed
The next thing she saw however was you.
Standing in the doorway.
Looking at her
Part Two DONE! GOD I really hope that part three comes to me a bit easier.
In Other News
I haven't been able to carve out the time I need to go through sumeru but if I'm lucky I'll have time this weekend if I do you guys can start sending me requests for those characters!
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