#love this dude (platonically)
steddielations · 2 years
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and if I say Joseph Quinn has the same effect on men as Andrew Garfield then what
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clementartz · 4 months
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unspoken truth
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formosusiniquis · 6 months
any cosmo girl would have known
“Oh she did it for sure.”
“Ten bucks, Bobert, don't give me that look last time we agreed double or nothing.”
“No,” Nancy insists. “This isn't Murder, She Wrote or Scooby-Doo or Columbo-”
“You saw who did it in Columbo at the beginning,” Eddie reminds.
“I know it's an awful show.”
Robin and Steve remain in sync enough to each get a hand on his shoulder to keep him from getting on the coffee table to defend the only good cop show in existence.
“I'm only pointing out,” she rewinds the VHS taking it back the two or three minutes they'd talked over before stopping it completely, “that this is a movie, not a drama with a repeated format that Steve can pattern recognition into predicting.”
“You haven't seen it already, right?” Robin asks. “The one rule of Monthly Middle-Aged Movie Night is you have to pick a movie none of us have seen.”
“No, I haven't seen it already. If you'll all remember when I asked you each to go see it with me I got,” he points to each of them in turn. “‘Wouldn't you rather see Tomb Raider?’ from double VHS, prestige cinephile and ‘That's too much pink for me, baby, you know I have that intolerance, maybe Rob or Nance will go?’ from my emo-isn’t-a-phase husband. And ‘I'm a little busy with this new story, Steve,’ from Nancy, the only one of you with a real excuse.”
“Some feminist you are, Birdie.”
“I don't want to hear it from you. I watched two of the blandest men alive pursue Renee Zellweger while the screen writers tried to convince us she was homely because you ‘forgot’ you had band practice.”
“You said you liked it!”
“It grew on me, but sometimes you just want to see a woman in a tank top. And I won't be shamed by the same man who cried during Beauty and the Beast.”
“I went with my sweet baby Lucy Joan, you miserable hag,” Eddie says, “and they turned that hot werewolf into a boring looking man.”
“You weren't into that? Look at who-”
“Why am I getting made fun of? Can we finish the movie?”
“No, I'm not going to let this be another Sixth Sense situation,” Nancy says, holding the remote hostage, she knows no one will try to take it from her.
“Ugh don't even bring that up,” Eddie groans, “Dustin still mentions it in at least one letter a year.”
Nancy nods, prim and proper, “Exactly, so tell us right now why you think she did it, then we'll play it again.”
“Chutney, the daughter,” Steve corrects, “have you even been paying attention? Her hair's permed.”
“And press play,” Eddie shouts.
“No,” Robin smacks his hands as he makes his ballsy play to reach around her for the remote. “Show your work, Dingus, even I didn't follow that one.”
“I don't always like the movies everyone else picks but I at least watch them. Her hair is permed, she said she was in the shower. She would have had to have been washing her hair if she didn't hear the gunshot and she has a perm.”
“You can wash your hair with a perm,” Nancy points out.
“You would know.” Eddie snarks, fingering the ends of his own hair.
“You can't wash a fresh perm, you'll fuck up the ammonium thioglycolate. Then you're out forty bucks and you've got limp hair. She killed her dad and lied about being in the shower.”
“Press play,” Eddie decrees again, leaning in close to Steve's side to purr, “it's pretty sexy when you go all hair care detective.”
His hand starts to slip below the blanket. “This is how we ended up with Lucy in the first place,” Steve reminds him, just under the sounds of the courtroom drama picking back up. It doesn’t stop Eddie’s hand from wandering until the movie’s climax starts getting closer, and Eddie’s attention is captured just like Robin’s and Nancy’s.
“Unbelievable,” Robin says, when Elle cites the perm salt.
“Never again,” Nancy swears, when Chutney screams her confession.
“Lucy’s been asking for a brother or sister,” Eddie flirts, as Elle reveals that any good Cosmo girl could have solved it.
No more movies with mysteries or twist endings for a while, they all agree, Robin can’t afford to keep betting against Steve.
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dawnatlas · 2 months
i just feel so so so spoiled and grateful for tsc right now. every single thing i wanted to see was in that book. a deeper look into jean and kevins relationship, jean having people to rely on + the veeery slow but sure curve towards healing, the trojans being a walking pride parade, crumbs of neil and jean interacting, every single jerejean interaction,JEREMY CATALINA AND LAILA, UGH IM JUST SO HAPPY. like yeah i felt like jumping off a ledge every other page but GOD IT'S SO GOOD AND IT DELIVERS SO WELL
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Watching "In the forest of the nightmare king" and Fig and Kristen are sobbing over Ayda and Tracker. Fabian asks "Is this what it's like when you fall in love?" as if he didn't freaking eat glass.
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meraki-sunset · 6 months
When CSAU is rollin
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xXHey fish boi. Is this you?Xx
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I know that like, no matter what by the time the end of the game rolls around v has lost enough ground to johnny where their body isn't "theirs" anymore bc speed of plot, but it's fucked up to consider that being friends with Johnny, doing stuff for him and being kind to him is exactly what kills V.
Alt directly references the consumption of psuedoendotrizine being one of the direct causes of Vs body rejecting them, at the very end of the game it gets thrown back in their face that maybe if they hadn't been a friend to Johnny, if they'd fought against each other for real then maybe they would've gotten their body back for real. If V didnt help johnny get closure, help him tie up all the loose ends he had when he died, then just maybe.
It's literally their love for each other that dooms them dude
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All of the bad kids guys (+ Ragh) are in a QPR and all the bad kids girls are in a QPR
The guys QPR is basically just an insane bromance polycule with a sliding scale from “bromance in an insane platonic+ way” to “bromance in the literal bro platonic romance way” where gorgug and riz are at one end and Fabian and Ragh are at the other lol
The girls is just deep love and care for each other and wanting to protect each other and be weird together lol
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revenantghost · 1 year
I love the idea of Wolfwood stealing Vash’s coat for season two of Tristamp in general, but I also adore it because he could spout some bs like, “Well of course I took it, it’s bulletproof. Absolutely no other reason, shut up,” and no one would buy that excuse
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liquid-queer · 3 months
You know when you think for a really long time about how romantic and sexual attraction are a spectrum
And then you realize you’re like- romantically in love with your s/o?
Because, aroace is defined as “little to no” and I think I just realized I’m the little-
Anyways I had thirty minutes of pure adrenaline cleaning yesterday lol
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aloneinwintrr · 14 days
i have a hc that aren leans on something like a wall or desk or like slightly bows when he’s talking to shun to kinda get down to his level
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nofacednerd · 8 months
finished watching the first 3 episodes of Gen V. I was super hesitant at first because honestly I don't watch The Boys for the supes and I was worried that the whole show was just going to be "everyone is a terrible person and they're all doing terrible things to each other as a spectacle" but I am SO glad that it's not that.
I was especially expecting Cate to be a huge asshole to everyone and Marie to be edgy and standoffish to everyone so finding out that they're both genuinely kind people that are struggling with the social dynamics that come with being a superhero was such a welcome suprise. Same thing with Luke tbh, I expected him to be a Homelander clone but he's so much better than I expected.
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parabol8 · 8 months
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kruxband · 2 months
its april fool's day!!!!
imagine pulling silly pranks with your platonic f/o!! do you do elaborate pranks or simpler ones? do you come up with any original pranks or do you stick to the classics? are you two pranking someone else or are you pranking each other, like in a prank war?
imagine telling dumb and goofy jokes to each other!! is it easy to make your platonic f/o laugh? when you tell them a funny joke, do they burst out in laughter or do they giggle/snicker? or do they just roll their eyes and sigh? do you have any inside jokes with them?
i hope you all have a fun and funny day with your platonic F/Os :D
[pro/comshippers DNI]
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avemstella · 6 months
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I want Furina and Venti interactions sooooo bad. They can gush about their dragons and music and overthrowing the heavens together.
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mrfartpowered · 1 month
speaking my TRUTH: randy can throw around “babe,” “honey,” “sweetheart” all day long for the bit and to tease ppl. but the MINUTE his romantic partner even suggests pet names he’s stuttering and fumbling for words
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