#love my children equally
danafromunderarock · 2 months
one thing that will always be funny to me about batfam is that jason is forever convinced that dick is bruce's favorite child while all of his siblings know for sure that bruce's favorite child is actually jason
some random reporter: who's your favorite child?
bruce: how DARE YOU imply that i play favorites, i love ALL of my children equally
dick, without missing a bit: oh he absolutely plays favorites, it was jason
tim: rest in peace
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l3anansidhe · 9 months
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hitwiththetmnt · 7 months
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Profile pics for all the homies
Feel free to use them, with proper credits of course (〃ω〃)
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suffersinfandom · 1 month
"Season two ruined OFMD"
Season two was beautiful with three of the most heart-wrenching episodes of television I've ever watched. If season one rewired my brain, season two rewired my entire body. Season two took both of my hands, looked into my eyes, and told me that it loved me.
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lyrring · 6 months
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My D&D pcs that i've played over the past few years. My friends and I just had our, like, fifth anniversary of playing together. :)
The """cast""":
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doradorabobora · 8 months
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Hello fellow weirdos. I know Tumblr is the snark site, but for the past several years I've been the producer on a time-looping RPG called In Stars and Time by @insertdisc5, and it has been one of the best experiences of my career. We're launching November 20th on PC, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4 and 5.
It has:
A character-driven story with comedy, drama, and found family
Time loop puzzles and shenanigens to surprise, confound, and maybe even creep you out
A story that made our Japanese localizer cry
Secrets, surprises, and the fish head
If you were so inclined, please check us out at the link above for a trailer and more info. It would mean a lot, and then I can stop being earnest and genuine on here and go back to reblogging niche Star Trek memes and shitposts.
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pastelpaperplanes · 1 year
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rinpenrose1900 · 6 months
every time you think i've forgotten about this account, boom. i re-emerge . this time i come to you with Secret Knowledge. this one's for you, my 1,107 tumblr followers.
there will likely be a new Gin Stream next month. don't say i don't feed you guys well. the people who follow rinpenrose1900 are my favourite children
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bertoyana · 24 days
this fuckass shot in x-men 97 is SO funny to me LMAOOO
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charles is telling and SHOWING erik that there are people who are struggling with the same grief and pain he's struggling. and he shows him rogue and ERIK'S CHILDREN!! and the only person he focus on is ROGUE
he doesn't even ACKNOWLEDGE pietro, wanda and lorna😭😭 it'd be funny if it wasn't also so tragic. he's never beating the world's second-worst father allegations i fear (the first one is charles)
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blueteller · 1 year
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achromecoveredclone · 5 months
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Wearing these to any upcoming arctic monkeys gig to let ppl know that appreciate both their new and old sound
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acewizardinspace · 2 years
I think the 'the jedi use child soldiers' thing is stupid for a lot of reasons, but among those is that this is a complete misunderstanding of how children's media works. Kids want to see themselves doing amazing things and giving that an in depth analysis that boils down to 'all these adults are evil' is poor, bad faith, media criticism.
That being said, if you compare Star Wars to just about any other YA work, the jedi are miles better as far as child care goes. Canonly every single one of these 'kids in danger' has a dedicated adult who is ideally supposed to be with them to teach and protect them. Very uncommon for the genre.
So if people are mad at the jedi for this, I can't fathom what their reaction to other YA literature is. And if they hate YA literature, idk, maybe they shouldn't be reading YA. Just a thought.
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bogunicorn · 11 months
i'm bored so it's time to throw rocks*, here are the types of reality tv/game shows i think the inquisition companions would watch
cassandra would watch one of those romance ones, like too hot to handle or love is blind, and get really, really invested. she's active on the reddits for her favorite shows. all of the cheesy, painfully heterosexual-but-strangely-sanitized reality TV horniness works well on her, she's the intended audience 100%. she's genuinely sad about it when couples break up after the show ends.
varric likes interpersonal dramas and gossip and backstabbing, he watches the vh1 dating shows. he knows most of it is fake, but that's what he likes about it, and he appreciates the classics. anything with "of love" in it, he loves it, he's there. he thinks newer shows work too hard to convince people they're actually real because he thinks embracing the fakeness makes it more fun.
solas has been watching reality tv since the OG: survivor. he's seen every season. he has very strong opinions about play strategies and a personal ranking of the best players of all time just ready to go if you just ask. he's convinced he would win if he was on it, but deep deep down he knows he would never get the votes to win at the end because he'd be seen as a villain and won't apply.
vivienne thinks she's above this kind of garbage tv, but she actually really likes the masked singer. she's pretty good at guessing the celebrities, but she doesn't put much effort into guessing after a point. she's in it entirely to relax and quietly fantasize about being on it herself, because so much of her life is about playing games of intrigue and survival and perception. she records the episodes and skips most of the judging because she doesn't think the judges are funny and gets annoyed when they make stupid guesses.
sera likes the obstacle course-type shows like wipeout and the floor is lava. anything where people have to come up with creative solutions and also might get hit with a giant thing made of foam and get smacked around like a rag doll. sera has been trying to convince people to team up with her and apply for this type of show for ages and it never works out. she also likes the really weird off-brand ones that only ever get one season, like who wants to be a superhero or opposite worlds.
blackwall likes the circle. he always quietly roots for the catfish. no reason.
iron bull is a drag race superfan. come on, one of them had to be. he's been watching since the season 1 vaseline filter days. he approaches each new season with the masculine seriousness of a suburban dad planning a fantasy sports lineup and correctly predicts every winner three episodes in. he would absolutely volunteer for a makeover episode if he could. his favorite queens are usually the pageant queens; he likes the sparkly ones, and the pageant queens always end up covered in rhinestones.
dorian loves innovation and being judgy, so he loves shark tank and anything similar. he enjoys episodes with absolutely terrible inventions just as much as the good ones, and is the kind of viewer who actually will go ahead and buy something he saw on the show -- including the really stupid ones, because he gives them to his friends as joke gifts.
cole watches those shows that are equal parts talent competition and sappy backstories, like american idol, x-factor, the voice, stuff like that. he always cries a little when someone does a ballad. he never votes because he can never decide who deserves to win the most, and he doesn't watch the results shows because they make him too sad.
cullen watches HGTV and gets belligerent if you point out that house hunters is fake. unclear if that's because he thinks you're being a wet blanket or because it was news to him and he doesn't want to admit it.
josephine likes strategy and competition, but the grime, physical danger, and "eat this gross thing" challenges of survivor aren't fun to her. instead, she's really into big brother. josephine is convinced that she would win big brother if she was ever on it, and she's correct, but she can't take the time off work.
leliana is an OG ANTM fan. she'll dabble in other shows that center on makeup and fashion, but she always ends up going back to the classics and the older seasons, as she feels like the current era of ANTM is too gimmicky and self-aware. the human rights violations are allowed if they make good TV.
*this is for fun don't actually throw things at me please
**also if you like this and think "i'm gonna give this fine person a follow because they're so funny about dragon age", i made a new DA sideblog at @skyholdstarbucks where i'd post anything similar to this in the future
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seriousbrat · 4 months
imo it's not so hard to accept that SWM takes place after the prank. I mean it is canon so too bad but it makes complete sense to me. there's no evidence the prank was some big life-altering character development moment for any of the characters involved and that they all learnt their various lessons. in fact we see that they don't. in SWM the marauders are clearly still tormenting Sev. In Sev's conversation with Lily post-prank he's still just as obsessed with the marauders and exposing their secrets as ever, if not more. he doesn't consider what lily's saying at all because he's too focused on his hatred towards them.
my hc is that sirius (rather masterfully) used reverse psychology on sev to get him to go down the willow. Sev isn't stupid, he wouldn't have let himself willingly be led into a trap by his worst enemies. I think Sirius probably "let it slip" and then "backtracked" and acted like Snape wouldn't be brave enough to go down there anyway and that he should just forget it. I doubt Sirius directly told him to go down the willow, I think cleverly he told him not to, knowing that Sev would do so anyway (not that this makes a difference ethically bc his intent is still clear, but anyway. this isn't about who is morally better because idgaf honestly lol, I'm just trying to work through their mindsets)
the marauders received no real consequences for the prank, so why would they learn their lesson? Objectively you can't really punish someone for telling someone not to do something if they do it anyway. Not particularly fair, but still. Which brings me to Sev's responsibility in the matter (which yes, does exist imo) we're shown that he was obsessed with finding out what the marauders were up to and particularly obsessed with Remus's secret. Yes, this is understandable given how they treated him, but absolutely not healthy and he still chose to go down there, whether out of pride, greed, curiousity, vindictiveness. He obv was manipulated but there's a reason he was so easily manipulated. As I said previously, his obsession with revenge is what causes him to be blind to lily's feelings.
James rescuing him wasn't some moment of epiphany about how bullying is bad actually. It was just a fundamental part of James's character already. He would never have let him die regardless of how he felt about him.
All of this makes SWM the PEAK moment of hatred between Sev and the Marauders, which explains a lot of their responses. Sirius and James hate Sev more than ever for trying to expose Remus. Sev, justifiably, hates them more than ever for trying to kill him (and he ropes James into this, which is incorrect but understandable in his position)
James "deflating his head" probably wasn't just based on one event in particular. He just grew up and learned what was more important- being a good person, fighting against voldemort. But Sev also had growing up to do of his own during this time. As I talked about in in this post yesterday I think post-swm Sev was beginning to realise that his lack of control over his emotional responses (calling lily a mudblood out of humiliation, for example) was dangerous both to lily and to himself.
Yeah they still hated each other and attacked each other in seventh year. There's too much bad blood there to do anything else. I've talked about the dynamic between Sev and James here and how that might have developed as they grew older. I honestly find it extremely interesting, I could go on about these two for hours rip. My point is that the development of these characters into adults wasn't instant or linear, it was messy and rough. people don't usually change overnight, it happens slowly over time because they have to.
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jaegonsmoon · 1 year
After Rhaenyra's Coronation, Alicent wants to marry Omega!Aegon and Beta! Helaena desperately with any noble that is Alpha.
And as always Aegon, even though he doesn't want to, he does what his mother wants, but at the engagement announcement he gets very drunk and ends up having sex with Beta!Jace.
Aegon get pregnant, and his mother tries to hasten the wedding but like a spoiled good boy Jace cries a little to his mother that he's first love is pregnant with his child and she works things out and gives Aegon her hand in marriage.
And Aegon is just like: how did I ended up here? I can't even remember what the fuck happened
When I tell you I’m a sucker for Aegon bearing Jacaerys’ bastards and ruining everything single plan and scheme Otto and Alicent Hightower ever had for him. It fuels me.
I love Rhaenyra being a Viserys 2.0 with her sons. Jace and Luke fuck shit up? No worries, mother knows best. Best is whatever you boys want! Lmao.
I love it when she loses her mind over Luke doing unholy fucked up shit though, her precious angel being like… *gasps* her???! scandalous, unacceptable. Meanwhile Jace does the same thing and she’s like *thumbs up* went to the North and fucked a lord? well done, son. Went behind everyone’s backs and fucked and knocked up your older than you crazy ass uncle who everyone wishes will usurp her crown? You are doing amazing, sweetie!!!
​Jacaerys has sired like three bastards with Aegon and Rhaenyra doesn’t bat an eye. Lucerys is caught making out with Aemond and the seven is suddenly feeling her wrath.
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tackledkey · 9 months
Local person rewatches their old hyperfixation and is forced to realise that it's actually not as great as they remember. More news at 9
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