#love how the meaning is being objectified by men and she got it SO RIGHT
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Don't we all love her deep deep down
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anti-porn-unicorn · 3 months
My ex classmate got popular on tiktok for being half naked/being sexy etc. Later on she made an OF because she gained quite a lot of followers (around 10k). I was really shocked when I saw her tiktoks because at 18 she was more "mature" (by mature I mean the way she acts) than at 27.
In her tiktoks she's using this fake high pitched voice, trying to sound like a little girl. When she makes tiktoks with her bf she calls him "cousin" and she makes her tiktoks really sexual (then she advertises her porn saying "if you want to see my spicy movie with my cousin visit my OF"). I'm very disturbed how she plays into this incest fetish. The way she dresses it's almost like ddlg style... she seems so proud that many men are "sliding into her dm's" and she is really proud of the fact that many men who are subscribed to her are in relationships.
I always thought she is intelligent it's kinda sad to see her that she plays this dumb over sexual character online. When I saw her tiktok comments she seems very upset when men are commenting weird things and disrespect her. Her replies are sometimes very rude because she seems to be fed up with such comments. Which kinda tells me she doesn't really want to do this (in my opinion). I just hope she can get love and support she needs. But since her bf is also a part of her OF is kinda worrying... makes me think how their sexual acts are just business most of the time I don't think this is healthy in a relationship.
I haven't seen or spoken to this ex classmate in years. I can only hope she will get the right people around her... I truly feel bad for her. But since she says she earns 5k per month... idk if this is true but this is what she says (our average wage here is a little bit more than 1k... it's around 1,200€) I think she is tempted by the money. And her bf brags on his tiktok how much money they spend so it seems like they are not saving for the future either.
This sounds complicated. Like maybe she started it herself but her bf got involved and is pressuring her?
Either way, it’s creepy that there’s a pedo/incest undertone. That’s probably why it’s so popular.
And even if she makes that much money now, who knows if it will last. Men will move on to the next girl who looks younger and more childlike. Ugh.
All I can say is if you do ever reach out, just give her your unconditional support. It sounds like she might need a female friend who won’t objectify her
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The importance of Marinette complimenting Mister Bug's eyes in "Passion", and regarding Marinette's love for Chat Noir from 5x07 to 5x12
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I honestly have to say I genuinely, truly dislike how this moment is perceived as "Lady Noire hilariously catcalling Mister Bug because Marinette is so insanely thirsty for him" by the majority of the Fandom. That is the furthest thing from what I see in Marinette’s intentions here.
I personally view this as Marinette realizing on the rooftop that this is now only the SECOND time that she's able to possibly see what Chat Noir's actual eyes look like and therefore she took the chance to comment on that, which merely came out as too directly and that made it awkward.
The following is not really what the rest of the post will be about underneath "Read more", but I just need to talk about this detail and it's implications because it's driving me crazy. It is part of the main points and the overal post's theme of Marinette's love though and will lead right into it while providing more context for it, so don't worry. Also, head-up, I had to get creative here and there to work around the 30 images limitation. I did not think that would get so complicated at times lol So, long post ahead x3
Unfortunately, the way this moment is shot in the end leaves out a crucial aspect of it and I don't understand WHY they did that:
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When you watch this moment in normal speed and without being able to pause it then it looks like Adrien is reacting so uncomfortably/ irritated either only because Lady Noire is not moving and keeps looking at him OR because she IS doing something (negatively) he's uncomfortable with/ irritated by and we merely don't get to see it.
Also Adrien's head being placed in the upper right corner when he's alone on screen basically forces you to look at him next when the camera pans out, which means you are absolutely gonna miss where Lady Noire was before she quickly stands up.
And that's the thing:
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THIS is what Adrien was reacting to. Instead of standing up to go into battle with him Lady Noire dreamily leaned forwards a solid bit to look at him more. But most importantly, especially regarding the "catcalling" line, Marinette is leaning forwards to see Mister Bug's FACE. His REAL eyes. You know, the part of his appearance she just complimented him for.
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Looking into someone's eyes is the LEAST objectifying thing you could possibly do. In fact, other pieces of media deliberately utilize this method in scenes where a woman purposefully sexualizes herself and flirts with a man (for one reason or another, y'all know the trope) so the show/movie etc can showcase that the man is "not like the other men" and doesn't see her merely for her physical beauty by having him only look into her eyes.
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It is BAFFLING to me that the show went out of its way to HIDE the actual reason for why Adrien is reacting like he does because by never letting us see that Marinette only leaned forwards because she wanted to she Chat Noir's real eyes and then got distracted by them and him, it really does Marinette no favor at all.
What she did in this moment was incredibly cute and wholesome and it's a shame the episode didn't used the wide shot earlier so the audience can properly put into perspective that, while Adrien's discomfort/irritation is valid because he is not at all used to Ladybug behaving like this towards him and doesn't know what to make of it or how to read it, WE at the very least would immediately know that Marinette did NOT just do something bad here that truly deserved such a reaction. But the way the episode basically hides that Marinette moved at all and HOW is giving room for understandable bad readings which in turn can be twisted into sexist double standards in both directions.
And I don't like that. I don't like it at all.
Because when you look at the overall situation and how Marinette now sees Chat Noir and so many things about him by the time of season 5, there are so MANY reasons for why her pointing out his eyes not only is incredibly wholesome, it also makes perfect sense WHY it's his eyes she points out and WHY this little compliment is actually very VERY meaningful in the wider context of how Marinette's love for Chat Noir develops in season 5:
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With one exception, she has up until now only ever seen her partner as Chat Noir or in a miraculous unification that included the Black Cat miraculous, so he was never without the Green Cat eyes she knows him with. Never except for the one time in "Reflectdoll" where she didn't took notice of it and then it didn't happen again.
That one time she let go by without appreciating it because she probably didn't even pick up that there was something special she missed because for all it is nothing too much changed. Adrien still has green eyes and his regular blond Chat hair as Mister Bug.
But that is actually the point, in that her point of view changed.
By the time "Passion" comes around in season 5 Marinette let's herself embrace her feelings for Chat Noir and REALLY regrets having pushed him so far away until the end of s4, and yet she still has not a single clue if even any of the physical features she normally associates him with truly reflect his civilian apparence. She knows NOTHING.
Which while it absolutely does NOT in any way excuse her almost turning into his enemy in "Elation" to demask him as akuma bc he didn't wanted to be with her as Marinette anymore or her being.. VERY hypocritically upset about him "keeping secrets":
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It does in my opinion at least give a very understandable reason for why Marinette spiraled down so hard as she did until it all escalated in "Elation" and blew up; and why she then snapped back to put full effort into platonic love with Chat Noir in "Perfection":
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Her ending up in a massive emotional extreme in "Elation" where by the time the date happens she.. well, basically completely stops acting in anyway in Chat's interest too so he isn't hurt or forced into something he doesn't want (her knowing he has no idea that she's Ladybug), her then giving up her earrings in "Kwamis Choice" and from then on not acting on her previous crush on him anymore, does come across as rough and kinda as her merely rebounding on him, but frankly, no, it is NOT at all "proof" that Marinette's love for her partner is not and was never genuine.
in "Passion" her love for him really is still pure but by "Elation" Marinette had to accept that 1) Chat Noir doesn't want to love her anymore, and 2) she isn't what he needs. He needs a (romantic) partner who is with him as civilian because it MATTERS absolutely who is underneath the mask MARINETTE:
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The way the show handles Marinette's crush on Chat Noir in how "Elation" turns out in near the end through the emotional extremes, and all of that then leading into "Kwamis Choice" is.. we all know that it wasn't good for both parties, so I'll leave it at that.
"Elation" leads into one serious low for Marinette and in it comes Adrien to help her, which from then onwards has Marinette find the love and happiness she was really looking for. But the fact that Marinette then found her happiness and love with "someone else" and not Chat doesn't mean that her feelings for him were never real and that she in all of this never truly hoped for him to find his love and happiness too:
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And that is were we go on from "Perfection" onwards. Marinette's love isn't meaningless rebounding and we didn't get here for no reason. Marinette's emotional extreme that escalated so hard was neither irrational selfishness nor was it justified blamelessness.
It was rooted in her genuine feelings for her partner, her fear of hurting him further, loosing him and her wanting the both of them to get closer, be bigger parts of each others lives after everything that happened in s4 and just be happy.
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You know, the happiness that Adrien as Chat explicitly named towards Ladybug in "Passion" when they exchanged their miraculous' and he very openly asked her why they cant make a wish themselves to finally put the fighting behind them. And Marinette in turn treated her partner's feelings and ask for help with all the seriousness and care he deserved.
Marinette too wanted this for the BOTH OF THEM. And what set this off so badly by this point no doubt was her trauma copying mechanism of having to know everything about the person she loves to keep herself save, cause that clashes BADLY and in several ways with her realizing for good that she knows very little about Chate for sure. Not even how he actually looks like.
As if Marinette by now doesn't know exactly that a miraculous transformation can changed most of a person's appearance. She knows who every Miraculous holder in her team is and where this already occurs - most importantly Alya as Rena Furtive-
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but of course we also have the obvious cases of Hawkmoth, Mayura and now Argos too where it's to be expected that they massively changed their appearance to hide their identities.
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Plus, Marinette's own eyes and even CatWalker's that one time are the same as Chat Noir's (which are by default actually Plagg's eyes) and Zoe having the Tiger eyes (for some reason?) as Kitty Noire really would put it into perspective for Marinette that she actually doesn't know anything about her partner's appearance for sure.
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Cause apparently the Black Cat miraculous automatically gives you Plagg's green cat eyes or let's you take on Roaar's Tiger eyes if you wanna spice it up.
And let's add the fact that Chat Noir has blond hair, CatWalker's were green and now Marinette saw that Kitty Noire had blonde hair with green highlights; while Kitty and herself as Lady Noire also have a leather outfit and CatWalker shared Chat Noir's chivalry tendencies and turned them up to an eleven & every single Black Cat miraculous holder (including Marinette herself now) has depicted the same flirty and or romantic tendencies for the Ladybug miraculous holder.
Man, at this point I would not at all doubt it if Marinette were to genuinely question if the things she always thought she knew about Chat Noir are actually truly like him as civilian at all. She has no real reverence to ANYTHING. The only Black Cat miraculous holder Marinette knows the identity of is herself but even she is very well aware that she is acting even more "unhinged" as she already did.
So yeah, tell me what is there NOT to appreciate for Marinette in "Passion" about seeing Mister Bug again?
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In "Reflectdoll" she most likely didn't even notice that she just received confirmations about a few things she already assumed about Chat's appearance and therefore took it there for granted. But now in s5 it turned into a case of "Phew, I DO actually know the most BASIC things about Chat Noir. I'm so GLAD!"
The Ladybug miraculous on itself up til now (Monarque Bug doesn't count that's a unification) has always keep the holders normal eye color and even if Alya as Scarabella changed her hair style, her hair color stayed the same. If anything it merely got a bit more vibrant.
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Meaning that Mister Bug IS the only possible reference Marinette has to draw some conclusions on how Chat would actually look like as civilian. And secret identitiy be damned, at this point I would want to have at least SOME clarity too.
Which btw, yes, this means Alya's statement in "Elation" was correct:
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Just because Marinette says otherwise doesn't it mean that her behavoir also reflects that all the time, and when it does, it doesn't mean that Marinette is morally anywhere close to RIGHT.
Anyway. She may still not know for sure if Mister Bug's appearance can truly clue her in on how Chat looks like as a civilian but at least through seeing Mister Bug again Marinette had the opportunity to put things into new perspective and narrow down the chances.
Marinette now knows for example that even if Chat Noir's hair doesn't exactly look like this civilian hair style-wise, his blond hair does have to be/ most likely is an accurate reflection of his real hair.
Plus, another VERY nice detail in my opinion: Marinette may know through especially Alya as Scarabella (but also through alot of other miraculous transformations) that the hair styles can differ from their civilian counterpart, but the fact that the boy behind the mask chose the same hair style as he always wears as Chat Noir does tell Marinette that the hair she associates him with is the hair style he personally prefers the most because he always comes back to it over and over again without fail.
That IS information about him (as it also provides information for us the viewers that unlike Félix for example, Adrien genuinely LIKES to have his civilian hair more messy and would probably prefer to go even a bit further but knows better and remains in the middle about it) and in my opinion, it's very wholesome that Marinette now got a confirmation that she knows how her partner prefers to do his hair. Idk, I find that cute <3
And of course the aspect Marinette herself puts the most emphasis on because, duh, eyes are the doors to a person's soul:
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I don't know about you, but I personally cannot see any thirsty "catcalling" intentions in Lady Noirs compliment. Even if she voiced it too bluntly and it therefore got a bit awkward.
Wouldn't YOU be happy to finally get as close to a non-verbal and non-reveal confirmation as possible that you indeed were always right about what you assumed your dear friend's (for whom you also have feelings for) EYES look like?
Isn't it rather SAD that this is something Marinette felt the need to point out and compliment him for, one year into their partnership?
Cause can you imagine how much it would have hit Marinette in the face if suddenly Mister Bug showed up the second time and out of nowhere he had brown eyes? Sure, it probably would have stung too if he suddenly had brown hair, but especially with a miraculous transformation that is a secondary priority.
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Why WOULDN'T Marinette be gleaming and starring happily while commenting how the red outfit makes his eyes stand out? Thats literally the truth! The Mister Bug suit is the only one she has ever seen her partner wear that make his eyes stand out FOR HER. Chat Noir's regular transformation magic Cat eyes are just that for her, the regular Transformation Cat eyes she associates with him. Adrien's real eyes are the RARITY here.
And seemingly, Marinette realized this by the time they reached the rooftop and this second chance to make up for her obliviousness in "Reflectdoll" very clearly meant alot to her because if there is one thing I learned about Marinette's body language it's that if she can't or has trouble looking a person (especially Chat Noir and Adrien) into their eyes she either feels bad about something or for what she is currently doing.
Marinette's eyes give her feelings away more often than not, even if she isn't ready to voice them out loud or face her mistake:
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(I still find it remarkable how people are seemingly not picking up on how hard Marinette is projecting her guilt towards Chat Noir onto Kagami where most of it is badly missplaced and therefore caused the same problems as in the Ladynoir conflict [same with Luka in "Migration" but elaborating on that would implode this post that already starts lagging while writing and editing lol Kagami and "Perfection" are much more important imo]. So Marinette's/ Ladybug's dialogue that episode, especially around Chat Noir, more often than not very clearly doubles to appliy to both Kagami AND Chat. How else was especially the way Ladybug just pours her heart out about and TOWARDS Kagami/ Kagami's akuma form - who can't hear her ANYWAY - supposed to check out secret identity wise if the episode wasn't written in a way where Adrien understands that Ladybug is opening up about her s4 guilt towards him after they both left in "Kwamis Choice"? Like, the episode and Marinette's behavior, words and fears around Kagami don't make alot of sense in the intensity Marinette is displaying if you don't apply Ladynoir to it:
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Sure, there is the obvious Chloè influence here, but Marinette's fear of her dear - but very blunt - friend she treated badly in the past calling her out and mocking her for not being able to face her love for Adrien and TALK when she basically got it served to her on a silver platter? [notice how without a pronoun you don't even know for sure if I just talked about Kagami or Chat. Hint: it's both.] And Marinette feeling extremely guilty about what Kagami had to put up with at the ugly end of her and Adrien’s love after Marinette treated her not exactly kindly until "Ikari Gozen" so she doesn't want to talk to Kagami at all until Marinette figures everything out?
Yeah, nah, this is clear-cut Marinette projecting her insecurities regarding Chat Noir onto Kagami. Kagami’s bluntness is what she fears from her and also from Chat - because she's doing the same hurtful communication inablility again with Adrien (or the boy she told Chat about in season 2, who she is in love with. Hence why the rebounding is hurtful bc Adrien knows that Ladybug loves someone else but is BAD at facing her feelings, so he's aware that she redirected her love to HIM as Chat because that's easier. Sorry, but that's what happened.) when it's very important, but she doesn't want Chat to know that [he knows though lol]- and combined with the similarities between Kagami and Chat Noir for Marinette in their history with her regarding treatment, love life [and an abusive/ bad home, which Marinette absolutely picked up on by now regarding Chat Noir, which is yet another thing “Passion” silently showcased aplenty, but that’s a topic for another post] yeah, Kagami ended up being the prime ‘target’ of having Marinette project all her CN insecurities on, which then escalated the situation in the Kagaminette friendship in a similar way Ladynoir did in s4.
That's straight up almost the entire episode.
You can't just say "That's Marinette's trauma talking" about everything and leave it at that. Trauma isn't irrational. If a traumatized person "overreacts" to something and it genuinely doesn't fit well at all to the situation at hand [like with Kagami] than that's because your emotional trauma is hooking itself onto a dynamic/ person similar enough as an outlet to deal with said emotions when you can't or don't want to channel your emotions at the person it is rooted in [for good or bad reasons]. Trauma on it's own is NEVER irrational and when it comes across that way that means the other person either IS doing something bad to you [intentionally or not] which merely doesnt look like that to other people from the outside, or your own trauma is misdireting itself to something/ someone else that shows a similar pattern that make your alarm bells go off)
So if Marinette struggling to look someone she hold dear in the eyes means she has hidden guilt, then the opposite applies for when she looks them (but particularly Chat Noir after season 4) deep into their eyes and holds the eye contact:
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The key to Marinette's guilt and genuineness concerning vunerable topics is hidden in her eyes, if she dares to look and if yes, then how deeply, how long and how open to said vunerablity is she? Cause Marinette can, will and absolutely HAS dealt with emotionally important and vunerable topics while she herself didnt actually let it reach her own vunerable core and remained on defense.
So explain to me again what exactly was shallow and inconcidered catcalling about this moment:
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Yeah, that's what I thought.
Oh. And do me a favor, will you?
Everything I just said, that it is understandable for Marinette to feel desperate at this point to know.. well, ANYTHING about Chat Noir as civilian because she loves him so much and he means so much to her - and especially her who has sworn in the past to know absolutely EVERYTHING about the person she loves to feel save falling in love - and at this point so many informations around them clash with each other that it would take away any certainty Marinette has about what she always thought she knew and liked about Chat Noir?
All of that and so much more I mentioned? Yeah, let's stop cherry-picking through double standards for a second and apply all of that good-will and understanding for Marinette literally even going so far and being willing to turn into Chat's ENEMY to demask him, get to know him and get his love and apply just HALF of that to Adrien.
And I'm not asking you to do that for no reason. Cause if you do that then
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You also get your actual reason for why Marinette said this at the end of "Passion".
Cause this isn't just Marinette romanticizing Chat Noir seemingly being able to flawlessly do for her now what she herself has unsuccessfully tried putting her self through with Adrien two times already - entirely stop acting like she loves him to the point where Adrien or anyone else wouldnt pick up on any absolutely still existing feeling in her anymore. All so she isnt distracted or tempted anymore to do any kind of bad choices for romantical or emotional reasons -,
Cause this questionable moment at the end of "Passion" IS Marinette massively appreciating how strong her partner is. Even if she isn't properly there yet morally-wise.
Marinette's crush on Chat Noir is on full display from episode 6 til 9 and in these 4 episodes she is literally going further and spiraling down harder than Adrien ever did for Ladybug in 4 seasons. This questionable moment is later payed off by THIS in "Perfection":
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At the end of "Passion" that was Marinette gushing over how Chat Noir is emotionally strong enough to not only pull something off she herself knows she could never do - fully stop acting like she love Adrien for the greater good - it's also her gushing over him BECAUSE she knows exactly that by the end of season 4 Marinette as Ladybug pretty much reduced the Ladynoir partnership and friendship down to "Chat Noir I want you around but don't ask anything of me, don't expect me to tell you anything or that you have any voice or status in my team besides being my favorite minion and MY emotional support."
Cool that YOU don't agree that that's bad, but Marinette herself is literally gushing and squealing in "Passion" while being in hard-core denial that her partner has actually already moved on from her (as she said he has to do) because she doesn't want to face the reality that it wasn't only bad, it was BAD and now Chat is trying to protect his heart while still wanting to be with her as friends but she was making that..really difficult for him:
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It was a necessary development from episode 6 til 9 that Adrien as Chat Noir learned to assert himself against Marinette / Ladybug and reject her too and actually have it stick even if she is sad, because Marinette herself is indeed aware now how MUCH she asked of her partner to put up with, go through for her and to what little amount of certainty about anything around them and her - whom he loves/loved dearly and with all his heart - he had to settle and adjust to with no choice in the matter bc she didn't let him have any choices
(I swear, if you make all of the season 4 Ladynoir conflict out to be "just" about Adrien's LOVE for Ladybug and completely ignore how much her friendship and companionship means to Adrien I will break into your house at night time and eat your broomstick right in front of you while keeping eye contact. And I promise you, we are both not gonna get out of that one without receiving psychological damage)
Minimize and disregard it however you want. MARINETTE is at least emotionally fully aware of what she did and knows she - who has/ had to know everything about her crush and control as much as possible with barely any compromises - could not have gone through what she asked of Chat Noir while also leaving him all isolated. Which, again, is something she knows she couldn't do because she literally brought Alya/ Rena in fully on his expense while keeping it a secret (and 14 other team mates, bc that was oh so vitally necessary).
The difference between the end moment of "Passion" and the beginning of "Perfection" is that in the later Marinette is past her denial that her asking so much of him she couldn't go through herself actually caused him pain and that is costed him so much emotionally that it did leave him wanting to protect his heart from Ladybug romance-wise and look for his own happiness and love somewhere else for his own sake.
And for the record since I mentioned it earlier: Yes, Adrien noticed the entire time that Ladybug flirted with him ever since "Determination", how is this still a hot take? The development hardly makes any sense if he was just too oblivious to breath. Besides, the entire time Ladybug making a move on Chat Noir always resulted in him running and pulling away from her and Adrien making himself take the next steps in facing his love for Marinette and persue her. No, that wasn't a mere coincidence for like 7 episodes in a row. Gosh...
All of this is literally pay-off for season 4. Marinette's love for Chat Noir coming to light and compensating for her regrets for their partnership, friendship and especially romance-wise; him rejecting her too and persuing civilian Marinette as Adrien and Adrinette finding a healthy love while Ladynoir gets comfortable around each other again.
What have y'all been watching?
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CBS Ghosts - Pilot - Library Scene - Part 2
Warning: Spoilers may appear.
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Going to pause here for a second - Thor always suggests killing them, and the funniest part isn’t that it isn’t right to kill them to Alberta, it’s that Alberta straight up says “We can’t do it - physically”.  Like they have this conversation more than once.  At least here & in Jay’s sister.  
It’s interesting because Thor & Alberta have a rather opposite sort of dynamic.  Like not rivals, but they definitely have this - can’t agree with you dynamic.  And they’re sort of the first pairing to show this dynamic.  Although not the last.
Side note - Hetty / Trevor's faces here are interesting.
Trevor's like 'why would you suggest that', and Hetty's like 'hmmm, perhaps'.
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Love Pete assuming that Alberta’s objection is because it’s wrong.  It’s like he doesn’t know her at all. Meanwhile, Alberta's like "We're ghosts, there's nothing we can do."
I like how Trevor's like "you know - that's a good point." But I doubt he really wanted to kill them.
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OMG I love that Alberta goes into SPECIFICS of the types of deaths she’s been aware of or a part of, and Trevor and Hetty go from agreeing via nods to “WTF are you talking about?”  And Alberta shrugs and says “you hear things”.
LMAO at Hetty being “cartoon evil” per Sam earlier and then Alberta’s murders are definitely “cartoon evil”- esqe.  
Damn, Alberta.  Also, totally love the moment between Trevor and Alberta here because he doesn’t say anything, but he’s supportive until he questions where she’s getting her ideas.  Like, girl?  What did you do in life - serial killer?
Also, side note about Hetty - do we think that given she knows who murdered Alberta that she doesn't think it's a big deal to hide it since Alberta also seems like a killer? Like it's okay since their families (of the people that she may have put in cement and drop off a bridge) don't know that it's okay that she doesn't know? I mean, probably not, she says 'she heard things' so she probably didn't actually do any of this but I would LOVE to see if she had. It could explain part of way she's a ghost.
OMG - I just realized, she mentions 'dropping someone off a bridge' and Trevor was literally dropped in the lake. She also mentions hiding bodies in the lake when Thor's body appears and that thing with Eric, so I wonder if this was intentional. I wonder if the relationship between Trevor and Alberta is affected by this once he found out about the situation with his body. We know they're close (of course not until later on), but I do wonder if this impacts him.
Anyway, I digress.
I like Pete’s expression, too. He's concerned, he's surprised, and it makes me wonder - he's known Alberta for 40 years and is surprised at the things Alberta got up to in life?  What draws him to Alberta?  Opposites attract? 
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I wonder about these things Isaac says a lot.  Do we think he knows he’s into men, but trying to hide it or convince himself otherwise?  Because it seems that way here, but later on, it’s almost like he’s completely unaware and only realizing it in Thorapy.
Also, I love Isaac, but a major beef for me is that no one brings up him objectifying Jay while everyone gives Trevor crap for it whenever he says someone’s hot. Like he backs up and everyone just ignores what just happened.
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I love that it’s the “Baby” of the ghosts that comes up with this plan.  It makes sense that he would do it considering he’s watched movies like “ghost busters” and he’s probably been into scary movies in life.  
It’s interesting to me that he reminds them that “we’re ghosts, we can haunt” because I often wonder, especially as we see Trevor interact with the living world if he FORGETS that he’s a ghost at times.  (Like the whole Dating Profile thing).
I also love the support he gets from Alberta and Hetty.  Alberta is nodding along with the idea, while Hetty seems impressed.  I do think that it’s interesting that he’s so excited about having an idea and being taken seriously.
We KNOW from later episodes that he DOESN’T get taken seriously due to his pants issues, so it’s GREAT and exciting for him to be taken seriously to the point where his idea is implemented.  
It shows a lot about the group as well.  
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He's so excited that Alberta's Supporting him, Hetty's Impressed, and then that Flower seems to think it's a good idea - until, of course, Flower's like 'naw, I wasn't pay attention'. He deflates slightly.
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Okay, I love this right here.  You can see that Sass is being listened to and given that he’s the second oldest ghost, it makes sense.  He’s combating the youngest ghosts’ probably rash plan and being listened to.  It establishes a lot in the dynamics.  We see Isaac as the “commanding officer” but Sass seemingly has more authority just by the way everyone seems to listen to him.  Is it his age as a ghost?  or is it his ability to tell a great story?  Hmm-mm.
I also love that this is the SECOND pairing to establish a rivals/don’t like to agree set up from the pilot - Sass & Trevor.  Trevor comes up with an idea that Sass says feels wrong, and as we learn in LL, Sass DELIBERATELY chooses the OPPOSITE side to Trevor’s whenever he can.  
We see this especially later on in Season 1 where there are SEVERAL episodes of a brotherly dynamic, that I will get into later on, but this is the first instance and it’s in the pilot - so I LOVE it.   I love that it gets established and followed through. I do have to wonder if it’s because they’re different in many ways - Sass is reserved about sex/Trevor is open about it.  Trevor is fun loving, party bro/Sass is the quiet writer.  Ect.  
Also, I wonder how this dynamic happened given that Sass was actually impressed by Trevor knowing his secret all those years.  I want more on these two.
I really wish we got more into the opposite (not close) relationships like Sass/Trevor and Alberta/Thor.  
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Sass is the 2nd to get walked through and he gets it twice!
This is so great, we see some interesting reactions to Sass getting walked through.  
A) there’s Isaac protecting himself, hands up and all - how does this do anything? - (and not trying to get Sass out of the way) - that’s another interesting dynamic while 
B) Hetty/Alberta (and Pete?) cringe away and then there’s 
C) Trevor/Flower (and Thor?) are yelling to warn Sass about Jay walking through him again.  
This is interesting to me because they all know how much it SUCKS and HURTS, and yet, those in close proximity to Sass don’t try to save him from it, and it’s two of the younger ghosts trying to warn him.  
Also WTF, when did Sam and Jay leave the scene?  The way the ghosts are standing - this would’ve already happened, no?
Lastly, Rough reactions.  Trevor looks like he’s going to be sick.  Poor Sass.
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So, Sass breathing heavy here, and he's like "it's not worth it to be against Trevor at this point" so he says "Let's get rid of them" - it's a quickly turnaround, but I think it comes from realizing that A) there will be a higher chance of it happening again and B) that Trevor's idea might be the best way to get them to leave.
Sass is smart enough to KNOW that Trevor's got the right idea, and to realize that he has to put the good of all over wanting to be opposite to Trevor.
Last I do find the reactions interesting. Hetty's like assuring herself, Pete's got a 'ouch' face, and Isaac is still looking him over like 'you sure you're okay'.
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Okay, they’re all pretty excited about Sass agreeing (and as the second oldest ghost if he hadn’t relented, I wonder if they wouldn’t have done it), but I love Trevor’s response the best.  Everyone is like “yay” and there’s Trevor jumping up and down like a puppy excited for a walk.
He and Alberta are having a freaking party in their little corner and I love it!
Also, interesting similar hand gestures with the older ghosts.  
Anyway, this is fun - Puppy Trevor to the rescue with a plan.
Although, I get the Ghosts being like “fuck they have to leave” after the hotel vision that Isaac gives - I have to say, hindsight is 20-20, they would’ve been so bored very quickly & probably WISHED someone lived there, BUT without the haunting, Sam wouldn’t know they exist so would that have been better?  
It’s all very interesting.
Thanks for reading :)
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arcxnumvitae · 11 months
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your muse have any physical and/or mental conditions?
@soulsxng || details about ocs!
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💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
Right now? No one. Previously? Her son and her former lover-- though her love for her son trumped all. I mean, she still does care for her son even with his passing, so I guess if we wanted to split hairs we could still say he's what's most important to her now. He's not present in her life currently at least I guess is how I'm trying to word it?
But past her son, Soon-hee has no genuine ties to anything anymore. Even aside from people, there's no thing or object in existence she cares about, even her title and position as the Sin of Envy. She's essentially wandering through the world without a tether.
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your muse have any physical and/or mental conditions?
tw: talking about grooming, csa
Nothing physical. As for mental, Soon-hee has CTPSD and PTSD, both stemming from her initial mortal life. Basically, Soon-hee was taken advantage a lot as a young teen to her adulthood by noble men inappropriately older than her who had "a relationship" with her. Not explicitly romantic, but many of the men had generally made it seem as if their interest was romantic in nature.
She believed she was in genuine relationships with men who cared for her when in truth, all they wanted from her was sex. She believed at the time that they were relationships of equal power, that she was just as in control as her partners in what she wanted and what they got from her. At times, she convinced herself of that after the fact. Basically, a case of "I'm mature for my age so this interest by this older person is indicative of that and something that I am proud of."
She experienced a string of I guess "soft breakups" when their interest waned and they moved on to the next newest thing. Each time she thought she had finally found "love".
Since then, she has realized the ways that she was objectified and taken advantage of by these men through her desire to be loved, and this continuing childhood experience is where her CTPSD comes from.
It's because of these experiences with relations that Soon-hee in general has a whole host of things regarding the way she views intimacy, sex, romance, and men specifically. It is why she is generally distrusting, and will snap into a violent and literally bloody mood if she feels she is being objectified for her body, or if someone's unwanted advances becomes overly pushy. Also if it feels as if someone is acting in a way that makes it seem like they feel 'entitled' to any aspect or part of her-- be it her time, energy, or any part of her physically.
As for PTSD, her and her son's execution at the betrayal of her final lover is the cause of her trauma, guilt, and nightmares. It's a scene she has often constantly relived.
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thestupidhelmet · 2 years
Has it ever occured to you that maybe Laurie was abused/objectified/taken advantage of by much older men when she was young and maybe that's what fucked her up so much? I just this epiphany- she got involved with her much older and sleazy professor, a bunch of married men that were definitely older than her and she was still like 19-20 and there was even a joke about her having had an affair with the mayor of Point Place. In the flashback of boys smoking weed at 13 Laurie's birth control pills are brought up. The age difference between Laurie and Eric is about 2 years meaning Laurie could have been around 15 then and she was already on bc. She must've lost her childhood innocence very early.
Another thing that made me think that this could be true is what she did to Kelso. People that have been abused tend to continue this trend and abuse someone else. Or maybe her understanding of consent is just skewed because of how she was repeatedly taken advantage of by older men.
Everyone treats Laurie as a punchline for being slutty but if this is true, Laurie is kind of a tragic figure. But we can only speculate since this is a sitcom and these kinds of storylines don't belong in sitcoms
Has it ever occured to you that maybe Laurie was abused/objectified/taken advantage of by much older men when she was young and maybe that's what fucked her up so much?
Yup. Laurie is three years older than Eric (she's twenty in 1977, as established in "Laurie Moves Out" [2x11] and he's seventeen). She very well could have experienced childhood trauma. Unless she's sociopath caused by issues withl brain development in the womb or acquired through physical trauma to the brain as a child, her adult behavior is likely explained through experiential trauma.
She suffers from low self-esteem, which is revealed subtextually and textually throughout the series. She doesn't seem to have any confidence in herself beyond sex and her ability to manipulate people sexually. In the first two-thirds of season 1, she's portrayed as smart, tuned-in, and into "free love" (aka an enjoyment of sex without commitment). This characterization shifted in "A New Hope" (1x20) when she became a full-on antagonist rather than a foil for Eric and his friends.
Before that episode, she shows no interest in Kelso whatsoever. It's a recurring joke, but in "A New Hope," her attitude does a one-eighty. She knows he's been dating Jackie almost a year, and destroying that relationship -- causing Jackie and Kelso both harm to boost her self-esteem -- becomes her goal. This change in character and behavior coincides with her doing badly in college, which we discover a few episodes later.
Everyone treats Laurie as a punchline for being slutty but if this is true, Laurie is kind of a tragic figure. But we can only speculate since this is a sitcom and these kinds of storylines don't belong in sitcoms
While I disagree that childhood trauma (and other serious issues) doesn't belong in sitcoms (see: All In the Family, the show that created the paradigm for sitcoms exploring heavy issues thoughtfully while still fully being a comedy. Some of the best comedy comes out of tragedy), I do agree that the T7S writers didn't think deeply about Laurie's characterization. They wrote her as a villainous antagonist without grounding her malicious behavior in anything substantial. Not much time would've been needed to do so, either. Here's an exxmple of how the show did it right:
Kelso's impulsive, self-entitled, sex-addicted, boundary-invading behavior can be substantiated by the fact he's one of seven kids, causing him to feel neglected by his parents -- perhaps particularly his mother, which planted the seed of misogyny in him ("They always blame the mother"). Eric's states in "Stolen Car" (1x14) to Kelso when they're in the police station, "Your parents have seven kids. They won't even notice you're gone.”
Kelso clearly felt deprived during his childhood of attention, love, and maybe his own stuff (i.e. toys, clothes) due to hand-me-downs. This feeling of deprivation turned into a sense of entitlement to pretty much everything, including women's bodies (him groping Donna, and his attempts to, consistently throughout the series are proof of this; as is how he continually paws at Jackie for sex despite her many nos).
None of the motivations for Kelso's bad behavior is explicitly stated, but enough details are provided during the show that one can easily draw fact-based conclusions.
Had the show filled in Laurie's background, we would've at least understood where her malicious behavior stemmed from. Her parents' treatment of her does not account for it. They paid for her to go to college, which means they both encouraged her academically.
Red does, unfortunately, make a misstep when he essentially tells Laurie that her greatest asset is her beauty and that her ability to be a successful adult depends on her marrying well. I doubt, though, that Red consistently gave her this message while she grew up. Yes, he holds antiquated views about gender roles. But he married a well-educated nurse and has no compunctions about his wife working.
Fortunately, this -- perhaps one-off -- conversation doesn't stop Laurie from going to cosmetology school, which Red and Kitty not only pay for but actively participate in by letting Laurie practice hair and nail techniques on them.
To be sure, however,, none of this explains the origin of Laurie's harmful behavior. Again, her early characterization has her being someone who'd grown up during the '60s, where women no longer held themselves to the double-standard set for them by society. She enjoys sex freely, which the show slut-shames her for through other characters. I'm not sure the original intention for Laurie was for the audience to view her as a "slut" (a concept I don't believe in; a woman who enjoys sex simply enjoys sex. Same as a man who enjoys sex is a man who simply enjoys sex. Doesn't make either of them bad, impure people).
For more, see my metas:
Laurie Forman and Being Slut-Shamed: Enjoying Sex Is Not Her Shameful Behavior
Laurie’s Motivations for Being a Homewrecker
How I Would’ve Improved Laurie’s Portrayal and Treatment on the Show
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tuiyla · 1 year
I was reading the reasoning behind why you chose Quinn as Catherine Parr for your Glee Presents: Six the Musical gifset and you said she has a brand of white feminism. Why do you think so? 🤔
Oh man that's kind of a big topic that definitely deserves more of an answer than I'm able to give right now, but if I save this ask for later I'll just end up never getting to it. So I hope you don't mind me giving a sort of half-answer with the potential of further elaboration in the future.
To be fair, in my mind I conflate Quinn's brand of pop feminism with more specifically white feminism a lot. But what I mean is that Six's well-intentioned but ultimately kind of flat message conveyed in Parr's song reminded me of how Quinn gets "woke" after getting pregnant. You know, the "boys objectify us all the time" and "women earn less than men" sort of thing. And to be clear, those are correct statements. The Glee guys objectify the girls all the time. The show does too, in fact. And women do statistically earn less for the same work. But these are the sort of "water is wet" generic statements that teen shows attempting some sort of feminism would say in 2010 without actually exploring patriarchal issues in any sort of depth.
The way I see it, Quinn became Glee's spokesperson for feminist phrases that often aimed to do one of two things. A) genuinely try to highlight an issue or B) poke fun at pop feminism and use the rich white girl who always ends up centering her life around men to do it. The problem with A), like in The Power of Madonna, is that Glee doesn't even get close to saying anything useful about issues it highlights and solves sexism with the boys singing What It Feels Like For a Girl. Okay? Now, that isn't on Quinn, but when she's so often the mouthpiece for meaningless buzzwords and generic statements of the kind of #girlbossery that 2010 took seriously but we make fun of now, it's hard not to associate it with her. And in the case of B), such as her wild Gloria Steinem spiel in I Do, well it just feels disingenuous for a number of reasons, and this is the part we probs don't have the capacity to get into today.
But what I'm trying to say is that Quinn was given so many of these #girlbossery lines and, when I rewatched season 1, I realized just how many of them also reeked of what we'd now recognize as white feminism. And far be from me to downplay Quinn's trauma and struggles, but she just ain't the girl for intersectionality with her WASPy background and distinctly feminism 101 approach to things. Maybe this is more of a vibe I get from her, and to be clear I blame the writers entirely, but I've talked to others who got this same vibe from her statements. I think any sort of feminism Glee attempts is also white feminism, though, so again I'm not blaming Queen Bee Quinn the ch. It's just the vibe that she'd point out the wage gap, something that doesn't actually affect them in high school, but ignore racist made at the expense of Santinacedes. I also get the vibes that, in-universe, even her feminism 101 only comes post-pregnancy when she experiences just some of the discrimination women like Mercedes have always faced. I mean, I love Quinncedes do not get me wrong. And this whole post feels like I'm dragging Quinn when I'm not lol. But they explicitly make the parallel of being black and pregnant in Quinncedes scenes and it's like, girl.
It's a Man's Man's Man's World, basically. Watch that performance. That's what I mean. And like I say it's sort of intentional on the writer's part but it's also sort of just how Glee operates when it comes to gender dynamics and (the lack of) intersectionality.
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wrestlezon · 2 years
liveblog containment zone for aew rampage 5/20/22
starting with house of black vs dark order + fuego... i like the dark order. i also like watching the dark order wrestle i love it when wrestlers steal each others special moves. calling out pentagon jr like this... oof what a lariat tombstone... :O rip house of black
lmfao oh no i did not see the dark elevation! bowens!! your leg??? i love New Son Max Caster. i love the rapport between the gunn club and the acclaimed. its good
ftr please tell me youre gonna agree to fight roppongi vice yay!!! confirmed for fight!! none respect for rocky and trent... mean to them... u_u
shawn spears has such a cool intro... i just wish he had a different haircut. his muscles look very good. nice body. im objectifying men right now sorry
i think the undisputed elite are funny villain guys. i'll be patiently waiting for omega's return, whenever that may occur in the distant future
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my friend asked me to pause for this screenshot. kyle. please
dark statlander vs heel velvet!!! i think statlander is cool. i miss the goofy element because in my heart of hearts im a fan of goofs but i understand. i understand. i know hirsch pushed her to the darkness and that hirsch's injury kinda brought that whole feud to a dead stop but i wish there was more. jesus lord she held up velvet with one arm. so strong... red velvet using her a stepstool to get back in the ring... Cool while i would normally say you shouldnt pit two bad bitches up against each other i will make an exception here. cool fight
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bruh rampage commercial jumpscare got me yet again. right in the middle of velvet's rope leg attacks velvet yelling at statlander calling her a stupid alien?? im taking these scraps and holding them so close to my heart. statlander alien gimmick real yaaaay statlander won!! oh no! enemy beatdowns!!! yay!!! ruby and anna jay!! oh!!!!! i forgot ruby and kris are up against each other at the owens... drama....
i love training montages and i especially love everything thats going on in here between tony nese and mark sterling and danhausen and hook
dan lambert alert... i wish scorpio sky and ethan page were fighting instead of more sammy but ok nevermind this sledgehammer bit is funny i guess. im glad reservoir dogs kazarian is here
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this bit made me laugh out loud btw and if im laughing then that justifies it. i love being amused by entertainment and im glad dan lambert didnt say misogyny words
matt sydal!! im glad hes back. he does flips and is a bit of a weirdo and i love flips and weirdos
did they announce that hangman page vs cm punk match twice oh my god there are SO MANY matches at the ppv... SO MANY
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"and to my left is jericho the wizard and..." [long pause] "............ jake hager" LMFAO excalibur i love you
KILLING dante martin. murdering him!!! get him sydal! use your flips and kicks my god what a twisting backflip oh no! matt sydal's kicks are doing zero damage against moxley! except for that one. nice yesss! dante martin big splash oh no! dante martin is on his own now... look, it made sense for them to turn yuta into a violence pervert. but dante?? no... dante would never leave behind his flips mentor yeah!! sydal big whirlwind kick!! honestly i expected bcc to win this but with how good a fight sydal and dante are putting up now i dunno!! oh he got piledrivered hes done for-- oh! nevermind! wait its the combination beatdowns. bcc trademark ending.. now they gotta win yeah there it is! what the! whats jericho up to-- oh yeah the bcc are supporting eddie. right
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izloveshorses · 3 years
here’s a thought: anastasia was the embodiment of what it means for a story to be told from the female gaze and a lot of its criticisms were about those exact characteristics 
actually, u know what, i had a lot of cherry moscato and i talked about this for hours with leah the other night as i typed the above paragraph, and the more i think about it the more there is to say. so i’m gonna write this essay now instead of later when i think i’m more coherent. here’s a quick summary of my rationale and the expansion of my thoughts will be under the cut because i got a little wordy, as usual :)
listed below are characteristics that fall under the female gaze theory:
the main lead is one of the most complicated characters out there and yet her desire is so simple and therefore so universal: she wants love. she wants to belong. she wants to figure out who she is.
the main lead is looking for a matron, whether she’s aware of it or not, and the matron is looking for her.
the other women in the show are also complex and are allowed to have relationships with one another.
it’s implied that anya endured a lot of trauma, not just from the massacre but from her years on the streets, and yet we don’t need to see any of that stuff to understand and feel empathy for her.
the hottest man in the world wears a tank top and his sleeves rolled up and other slutty but not slutty looks. a win for all boytoys out there.
the love interest is also a three-dimensional character that exists for his own journey but he learns and tries to better himself because he knows it’s the right thing to do, not just to ‘impress’ the lead with a temporary fix.
the romance story, arguably the most important relationship of the show, isn’t about physical attraction or being good enough for the other, it’s about mutual respect and learning how to communicate.
her other traveling companion is a lovable father figure who supports her through their whole journey together.
the other man of the show exists to show why this breed of a man, the authoritative figure who uses political ideals and expectations of his patriarchal figure to justify violence and specifically violence against women, is... well, scary.
in the musical at least, anya’s appearance is never mentioned at all, and she’s never expected to change how she looks to “appear” like anastasia. the only time her appearance is sexualized is by the resident villain.
all of that being said, a lot of the critical reviews of the show stem from the above aspects, which says something about the demographic of theater audiences and who controls what gets higher remarks (which,,, does this affect ticket sales?). do with that what you will.
many think the female gaze is just the reverse of the male gaze, which means it’s just objectifying men (à la magic mike). which, honestly, could be true. but according to my whopping 3 minutes of wikipedia research, the female gaze is “the perspective a female filmmaker (screenwriter/director/producer) brings to a film that would be different from a male view of the subject... The films are meant to represent the desires of female protagonists and, therefore, are to represent the desires of the female movie-viewer.” Jill Soloway has a really neat talk about this subject and she says stories told with the female gaze are formatted with the heroine’s journey as a template, which is more about feelings and internal emotions and stuff inside bodies and what it feels like to be seen, than their outward actions. it’s about people’s impact on the world and on each other. this theory applies to three different viewpoints: the writer/creator, the character portrayed, and the spectator.
that was a really long-winded definition of something y’all probably know and it still doesn’t quite capture everything about the subject lol but now that we’re on the same page... how does this apply to anastasia?
other than like, idk the obvious stuff like the main character is a woman and she doesn’t exist as a visual or physical prop for the male costars, there’s so much more to it. anya was written for girls. but not just for girls, she was written for anyone trying to find themselves or seeking love of any kind. she is complicated and three-dimensional and messy and real. but, still, her desire and goal for the show is relatively simple. she’s looking for someone to belong with, and in turn thinks that will help her discover who she is. which, honestly, is pretty universal. it’s about the internal feelings! lead characters under the female gaze theory are about being relatable to the audience, not being an idealized, flawless caricature. 
not to mention, whether anya is aware of it or not, the home she is looking for is the matron of her family. so the core relationship of the show is about two women wanting to find each other again! how rad is that!
it’s also implied that anya endured a lot of trauma before the show starts. i mean of course there’s the trauma of surviving the massacre that killed her family, the emotional toll of being alone for so long, etc, but there’s still the implication that she had a lot of unpleasant encounters on the streets in the ten years between the murder and her entrance. even so, these implications are just that. implications. because we as an audience don’t need to witness her being assaulted or attacked in any way to feel empathy for her!
the three most influential male figures of the whole show represent simplified versions of the type of men women experience: vlad, the found father figure. dmitry, the love interest who grows on his own accord. and gleb, the man we are afraid of. 
yes, dmitry has sex appeal™ and linda cho put him in all these thirst outfits for us, which... thanks queen <3 (and even so, this is a period piece so his costumes are still period appropriate, and not unjustifiably revealing, which says something about the female gaze’s taste in what women want to see men wear vs the opposite, but i digress), but in this perspective, he as the love interest has a responsibility. he takes care of her, but maintains boundaries. he senses danger when they encounter the ruffians and doesn’t get offended when she says she doesn’t like them, he just tries his best to remove her from the situation entirely before it escalates. yeah, she proved she didn’t really need protection, but when we’re walking alone at night or something don’t we all wish we had someone there to use their privilege to protect us? and sure he was rude to her at first but he always sees her as an equal and as a partner in this dangerous task of escaping russia together. it’s mutual. they look out for each other and learn how the other communicates along the way. the more he learns to respect her the more vulnerable he becomes (aka the more he feels!). when he realizes he has feelings for anya he doesn’t put her on this unreachable pedestal and mope about it (we could argue he does brood, but in a handsome angsty way, not in a self-pitying way), he tries to better himself by making choices he’s learned are right and still prioritizes her happiness. and finally, he leaves it up to anya to pursue a relationship, because he doesn’t want to distract her from her individual goals, even if his own priorities and desires have changed. mmm. top tier man.
in all of gleb’s scenes with anya, he always has the higher ground, the higher authority, the upper hand. he infantilizes her in his solo songs (“she’s nothing but a child, a waif who needs protection”) and his infatuation is clearly one-sided. his whole motivation is about filling his father’s shoes, and more broadly, the shoes of patriarchal expectations. he makes his Politics™ and War™ his personality, blinding him to the nuances of individuals and how his Outward Actions affect the underprivileged lives. the confrontation moment is so alarming not because we’re afraid he’s actually gonna shoot her, it’s scary because it’s something out of a woman’s worst nightmare. like you’re left alone for One second and you turn to leave and a man who is obsessed/infatuated with you is waving a gun around and using his political ideals to justify his violence against you. and the show portrays this as bad. rightfully so! i mean it’s obviously not great, and they still take the time to make sure the audience understands his motivations with careful writing, but he’s ultimately portrayed as the villain. gleb’s violence against women, no matter how “unhappy” he is about it and no matter how dramatic his monologue is and no matter if he doesn’t follow through, is still a villainous action. that being said, he is still a complex character with many layers and motivations. not a top tier man at all but a well-written one for the most part. 
anya’s physical appearance is never mentioned in the musical. i think dmitry compliments her at some point, but other than that, it’s never a plot point that she’s “just as beautiful” as anastasia or has to alter how she looks to appear like anastasia, other than buy finer clothes and take a shower lol. when they get to paris she’s glammed up, but it’s not presented as a ~transformation~ where the girl takes off her glasses and suddenly she’s beautiful and worthy of the journey she’s on. her blue and red dresses are gorgeous and a little more revealing but they’re period appropriate and more about her getting to go on this exciting and emotional journey, not about what dmitry will think when he sees her or whatever. (while we’re here, i think it’s worth noting that none of the other characters are sexualized beyond what’s period appropriate. even the hussies aren’t sexualized!) but you know the only time her appearance is sexualized? it’s when she’s in front of gleb. he grabs her arm and then he grabs her chin and says “your eyes, a man can look right into them,” and he sings “she trembles like a flower” (ew aslhjkdf). his infatuation is clearly presented as one-sided and the narrative tells us this is more than uncomfortable. 
the romance between anya and dmitry isn’t about physical attraction. they’re both very attractive people but the root of their relationship is about learning to communicate. it’s about being vulnerable and letting someone else heal with you. it’s about seeing past the presuppositions of a person and choosing to find the other again. it’s about swallowing pride, a character flaw for both of them, for the sake of expressing feelings. it’s about mutual respect and seeing one another as an equal. all of this is internal growth, not external action. the ideal romance.
all that being said... how does this apply to my claim that the root of most of the show’s criticisms lies in criticizing the female gaze?
someone who knows more about the inner workings of broadway and how reviewing shows affects ticket sales and stuff can probably articulate this better than i can (and should, please consider this an invitation to drop stuff in the comments!), but i mean... when you read the negative reviews of a show whose whole heart beats with female influence, they follow a pattern. the majority of the audience is made up of women in their teens to around their thirties, but i imagine, like hollywood, the majority of producers and reviewers are older (white) rich men. the few reviews i read said stuff like, “it’s only good if you like fairytales,” “this show has no identity and turns from cinderella into the princess diaries to every other princess story,” “it’s too sentimental,” and other things that criticize what’s geared towards female audiences. songs like crossing a bridge, which expand on the heroine’s emotions, are slashed away because “it’s too boring and doesn’t push the plot forward.” all of these characteristics are what make the show fall under the female gaze theory, and all of which are what were criticized the most.
i’m not here to preach to y’all about feminist theory or whatever. but these are just some characteristics i noticed recently and the connections were too good to not discuss. thank you for reading this far <3
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wonlouvre · 3 years
Hii can I ask for boyfie!Mingyu x reader where he just wants to spoil you because HE JUST LOVE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH AND THAT READER DESERVES THE WHOLE WORLD! 🔥🔥However, reader dont wanna receive it because she’s independent. Idk how to escalate the story from here, imma leave it to you, my fav author. PLS MAKE IT AS FLUFFY SMOOCHY FLUFF AS POSSIBLE! 🥺🥺🥺🥺
p/s: DRINK LOTS OF WATER AND DONT SKIP YOUR MEALS! Pls take care of yourself, and have a good day!🥰🥰🥰💝
pairing: non-idol!mingyu x non-idol!g.n. reader genre: fluff!! warnings: none (please tell me if i missed anything!) word count: 936
💌: “my fav author” (ಥ﹏ಥ) thank you so much! i hope you like this one anon, also don’t forget to drink your water and eat your meals <3 i’m going to finish requests soon and hopefully post a drabble/oneshot of all my love in between :’)
Being in a relationship with Mingyu makes you often ask if it is really possible to love someone so much. It’s not because you’re questioning your love for him or his love for you. You just can’t help but look for the answers on how lucky you are to finally be with someone that loves you and your stubborn and independent personality. 
You met Mingyu at a photography contest as a spectator. You got free tickets from your company and it piqued your interest plus you don’t have anything to do on a Friday evening anyway, so off you went. Mingyu was a contestant and his exhibit caught most of your attention. His entries were mostly photos of different men hanging out, eating, drinking and going crazy at karaoke night. You assumed that they may be the photographer’s friends. You liked the photos though. You agree with their title “Friendship” because it did capture the meaning. 
Mingyu approached you with a question of what you thought and when you gave him your answer, the conversation naturally began and continued until he found his way to your heart.
Mingyu didn’t win the contest but he could care less because he got you instead, the best prize he could ever ask for. You told him it sounded objectifying, but he just shushed you with a kiss on the cheek. 
These days, Mingyu has been spending an awful lot of time with you. You have been working from home because the company’s building is under renovation and it won’t be done for another two weeks. You only visit or stop by when needed but other than that, you’re currently home based. Your boyfriend was the happiest when he found out that you’d be home all day and everyday. 
You’re not sure why you’re surprised by his affection and babying. He has been like this from the very beginning and although you’re not used to it, he makes it work like a piece of cake. Maybe he got sulky and upset one time because you hissed at his touchy hands, but that never made him stop, especially when you apologized and finally relented when you showered his face with kisses. 
“Baby, this is not due for another week,” Mingyu grumbles against your shoulder as he latches on to you, big and toned arms around your waist. “Take a break.”
Needless to say, Mingyu is not surprised that you're glued to your laptop while a bunch of papers and folders surround your supposed dining table. But he’s a man with conviction and he sticks to his principles and that includes taking care of you. He brought you breakfast when he arrived, your favorite bread and tea from the bakery nearby. And yes, he also brought you flowers which he placed on a vase, throwing the wilted ones away from yesterday. 
You glance at him before patting his puffing cheek softly. “I’ll be done in a minute. What do you want to do after?”
“I want to cook and eat lunch with you,” he whines when your eyes go back to the keyboard. “I even bought the ingredients because I’m sure you don’t have any inside your fridge or cabinets. We’re going grocery shopping tonight by the way and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
You didn’t have the chance to refuse because he’s already staring down right at you. You narrow your eyes at him and he just smiles innocently. Your head shakes in disbelief, a smile looming its way back to your lips as well. But you jump when he suddenly plants a kiss on your cheek, making your heart skip a beat. You ignore him and just continue with what you’re doing. 
But Mingyu is relentless and lets his lips continue its way down to your jaw, neck, ear, shoulder and any form of bare skin he can reach (you should have worn a sweatshirt instead of tank top). Not a second later, he’s nipping on your shoulder, making you gasp. 
“Stop it,” you groan and fail an attempt to push him away. 
“No, you stop working.”
You’re not saying you’re not a big fan of affection, especially his for you. You love it actually. What you’re not used to is him running his way around to take care of you and do almost everything for you. Once, he brought you lunch at work, making everyone at your department know that you’re taken. The next one, he fixed your window sill because cracks were already forming because of how old the wood is. Another one, which almost made you fight him but didn’t because you knew you were falling in love with him, was when he bought you an expensive custom made mattress because he remembered you mentioning once how your back hurts. 
That’s why you ask how can you love Mingyu so much when it’s impossible because you think what you’re giving is not enough compared with what he gives and does for you. 
You sigh defeatedly and shut your laptop close. Mingyu’s face brightens evidently with how wide his grin is and giggles. You face him and he tugs your arms to make you sit on his lap. 
You smile when he rests his face on your neck, his nose tracing the skin. You wrap your arm around his neck and let your fingers gently play with his hair. He breathes out a contented sigh and wraps his arms tightly around your hips and waist. 
“I thought we’re going to cook lunch?” You ask.
Mingyu just hums. “Later. I just want to hold you right now.”
inbox is closed for requests!
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
whiskey business - john shelby x reader (part 8 of ?)
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gif by @thesoldiersminute can i send you a cake or something cause fuCk!!!!!!!!!!! he's beautiful
a/n: to everyone still reading this fic, my sweet angels, ily!! this fic is so near and dear to my heart and @stxdyblr-2k has just done such an amazing job with it i can't even thank her enough. as per the last part, this one is also mostly her, just me editing but i hope you guys love it as much as i did!!! don't worry, there's gonna be a lot more :) and i apologize for being not as active, i'm gonna try to get a couple of requests up that i'm really excited about this week tysm for being patient with me <3
love, abi xxx
read part one two three four five six seven | my masterlist
prompt: ada has some talking to do, and you're not about to deny her.
warnings: fluff, semi-angst, tommy being the cocky mf he is (let's be real, it's only acceptable cause he's so damn fine), john being cute and in love and jesus i am head over heels
tagging: @datewithgianni, @mayaslifeinabox, @deepdonutkid, @springsoulofengland, @lilymurphy03, @operation-spot
You had planned to go to Ada's after work, but she obviously had other ideas. She didn't even bother walking in and asking to speak to you; instead, choosing to bang on the window closest to your desk and yelling at you to "fucking hurry up!" Your boss opened the door for you expectantly, not offering you any protection; he was firmly in the Shelby's ever growing pocket and as long as he could go home to his children, his sickly wife and their six bed in the country, with a full time nurse and nanny, he had no interest in crossing Thomas.
"Ada, I was coming to see you after work, I swear."
"I know. I was going to let you but..." She trailed off. "We need to talk. I don't know what the fuck is going on with you. John said he'd seen you last night and you asked after me."
John had indeed seen you last night. It was strange waking up with him, used to leaving almost immediately after he was finished with you. Your small bed could barely comfortably fit you both, having to intertwine your limbs with John's to not fall off the edge. You had awoken to John pressing a kiss to your forehead before lazily trailing his fingers between your legs, waiting for you to open your eyes before settling between your thighs, tongue swirling around your clit, making you cum before sunrise.
"Do we have to do this in the street?" You practically begged, the shouting having attracted onlookers.
"I wanted to talk to you before anyone else in the family gets to you because I need you to be honest."
"No, I'm doing you a favour here, so you fucking listen. Right now, between you and I, no bullshit. No tactics. No white lies. You have to tell me exactly what we're dealing with." She looked frantic, scared for some reason.
You nodded, walking her down the side street, careful not to link arms with her. You knew she was doing you a favour; this wasn't about forgiveness or friendship, much more was at stake here.
"To what extent was Thomas involved?"
That took you off guard. Ada read the confusion on your face and sighed impatiently, her subtle plea for you to keep up.
Shit. You remembered your conversation with John, how she thought this was her brother's way of pushing her out of the company.
"Don't spare my feelings. What did my brother say to you?"
"He said it was in our mutual interest that you didn't find out. He didn't care who John slept with but cared who you trusted so I had to trust him. He said there was no point in upsetting you over one of John's conquests who he'd tire of in a month."
"That all?"
"Pretty much, I didn't know Arthur knew. He never talked to me about it, did laugh at Thomas' digs now that I think on it-"
"Did you know Isaiah and Michael knew?"
"I thought they were aware but no one ever talked to me about it."
"Of course they wouldn't." She hissed, frustration causing a nerve on her neck to jump.
Ada and you had spoken for years about the rampant misogyny of her brothers and any men you two came into contact with. Although you were both far more reserved than you used to be as rebellious and adventurous thirteen year olds, you'd both grew increasingly angry at how you were treated. She'd long written off her brothers as womanisers, who saw women as purely sexual and entertaining, objectifying them. You both long despised how they dehumanised women. She was amazed that Thomas had attempted to settle down and managed a somewhat loving marriage, but resented him for his carelessness and need for power which inevitably killed his wife.
"Ada, I just want to say..." You licked your lip nervously, unsure of how to continue.
"You need to talk, Y/N. No bollocks."
"Before last night, he'd never been to mine or called. I always went to him."
The muscle in her jaw tensed.
"You slept with him last night then?" You met her question with silence and she rolled her eyes. "The second he said he saw you I knew you had, he wanted to tell me that he was going to continue seeing you and that he hoped I'd be able to accept it one day."
"We never intended to hurt you. It was meant to be fun at first, but now..." You cut yourself off with a sigh, unable to admit you'd fallen for her brother.
"Isn't fun for me. It's fucking embarrassing." She paused, lighting a cigarette, nervous to offer you one, conflicted within herself. She raised her eyebrow, prompting you to continue, the mannerism so similar to her brother’s.
"It should never have happened. I am never going to be able to fix this, I'm so fucking ashamed for doing this to you, Ada."
She sulked, silently drinking in your words.
"Obviously it's not going to be the same, yeah? I'm really fucking upset. I'm so fucked off with you but Poll's really worried about a coup. She thinks you're being used as blackmail against John to keep him on side with Tommy while he expands."
"Makes sense."
"You're part of a much bigger game, you know?"
You nodded. "Yeah, and I knew I would lose from the start. Fucking tragic, Ada."
"My brothers keep pushing, keep growing the business. They keep chasing this prize but I don't think it even exists."
"If it does, it isn't worth it if this shit is the cost. I didn't mean to play into his hands."
"You couldn't have known." She said with a shrug, " 'Siah thinks John loves you."
"He told me last night." Several times, this morning also. You would never tire of hearing him moan those words into your neck or being yelled from your front door as he left for the office.
"You love him, don't you?" She said bluntly, a statement more than a question, your face suddenly hot with embarrassment.
Everything you'd suppressed for months, everything that you'd hidden, every time you lied smiling, every knowing glance from a stranger, every degrading comment from under Thomas' breath.
"I do, an awful lot."
She pauses, relighting her cigarette, "The worst thing about the entire situation is it could've been fine if someone told me. I wouldn't have loved it, obviously, but-" Ada sighed, rubbing her temple with her free fingers.
"I thought you'd hate me."
"How could I? I'd be more angry that you'd drop your standards for my brother. Seriously? Him? Mate…."
"Come off it, I've always thought he was charming. He's funny, smart-"
"Don't gush over my brother, it's grim. I'm just so fucked off you all lied to me." She peered at you through her cigarette smoke. "If you love him and he loves you..." she pressed her lips together as she tensed her jaw, "I could get over it. If it'd make you both happy. But that's going to take a long time. A long time."
"Look I have meetings and shit to sort, I have to run." She interjected, checking her wristwatch, adjusting the cap which sat atop her trendy short haircut. You caught her arm before she could turn away.
"Thank you. For understanding."
She shrugged you off, "I don't get it, I'd never do that to you. But you also don't get to choose who you're attracted to. I'm really hurt, but I do love you and John a lot. He mentioned that after last night you helped him, got him cleaned up. I have to believe that you both do love each other. So I have to believe that this is a good idea for you both and not stand in your way."
"I love you, Ada. Can we hang out soon, just us two?"
She shook her head. "I need some time, I'll be in touch, yeah?"
You nod, stretching out your pinky finger. She sighed and linked it with hers, as you'd done since you were children, a silent signal to each other after a fight that you still had the other's back.
"Right, I've got to get back to this meeting, Tom is getting done by Polly for nearly getting John killed. I need to be there in case one of the lads needs patching up."
"Your aunt has a nasty left hook, I'll give her that."
"She'll be pleased you think so, she wanted Tommy to slice you to bits for crossing me."
"Fuck’s sake, thanks for the warning, I'll keep my head down. Good luck with the meeting."
Ada nodded and you watched her walk away, a Blinder suddenly appearing by her side seemingly from nowhere. This city was crawling with them. They clambered into Ada's car as you watched the car disappear into the distance before walking back to work. Thankfully, with your head still attached to your shoulders.
Ada arrived at Thomas' estate, following the swell of shouting voices to his exquisite library. It was eye roll worthy and typical Tommy to choose the location of his post-fuckup debrief to be where he had the best view of the gardens, river and rolling hills. She could bet he'd sit in a corner and stare at the view, zoning out their aunt's lecture.
An armed blinder she vaguely recognised opened the door. Thomas was making a statement today with the armed guards, she noted. Her brothers really were fucked up. Arthur was an alcoholic killer who couldn't understand that Thomas would betray them all eventually, Finn was letting the tokyo and the razor chasers that circled him distract him from keeping the family together, John was apparently in love with her best friend, and finally, Thomas nearly got Arthur and John murdered last night with his foolishness. At this point only herself and Polly were holding everyone together, keeping everything silently moving along.
The door opened, and she was the last to arrive, Polly glaring as she murmured an apology, standing next to Finn. His eyes were bloodshot, grey-purple smudges under his eyes, he'd obviously had a heavy night. The last thing the poor lad needed was Polly's shrill yelling and the blinding sun streaming through the large immaculately crafted windows, which he'd tried to block with the brim of his cap. John caught her eye, acknowledging his sister with a nod, which she returned with a small tight smile.
Ada couldn't bear to think about the reasoning behind her brother's smug interjections in between Polly's rant to Thomas who was listening wordlessly, smoking.
Y/N and John? It didn't make sense. They had a similar sense of humour, sure, but she was far too intelligent for him. He also had a swarm of children, while Y/N preferred a wild night out only staggering home at daybreak.
It made far more sense for Y/N to end up with Michael, or if it had to be a brother, Finn. They were younger, so had less responsibilities and commitments so they could keep up with her. But John? Of course she knew he was believed to be the Casanova of her brothers, he was kind, he was an excellent father, yet he could never keep anyone around long, usually John was chasing someone new after a month or so. That's why the revelation that John had been involved with her best friend for almost half a year had taken her completely by surprise. Maybe that was why she was open to them being together. That had to be it. This relationship was completely out of character for John; she needed to believe that he was serious about his feelings towards Y/N and wasn't going to fuck her over. Because if he did, John would be a dead man.
"I don't know why you're all bleating at me. Yeah, I overlooked some details in the planning of last night's meeting-"
"Such as warning us that they were really fucked off because you'd helped bomb their warehouse." John pointed out.
"What do you want me to do? Apologise? Grow up, John." Tommy snapped back.
"They had loaded guns against their heads, they deserve an apology." Ada interjected, John giving her an appreciative flash of smile. She did love her big brother. Despite the fact that she'd pretty much only been yelling at him for the past month, John never dismissed her feelings and only apologised. It was confusing to admit to herself, but when Isaiah told her that he was confident John loved Y/N, she felt a wave of relief. At least he cared about her; it was the bare minimum but the Shelbys were notorious for not even meeting the bare minimum for acceptable social interactions.
"They didn't fuckin’ get shot." Thomas stated, his voice matter of fact and condescending.
"Do you ever hear yourself speak?" Polly spit back at him. "They didn't get shot this time. But it was too fucking close."
"It won't happen again, Polly." Tommy sighed. "What else can I say? Sorry lads, take the weekend off?"
"It's a good start." Arthur countered, "You're also paying for the extension on my house and my wedding."
"Fuck’s sake Arthur I was joking. But fine. Sure."
"You can't buy your family off." Polly scoffed at him.
"Think of it as compensation, a settlement." Thomas coolly corrected his aunt. "What do you want, John? A fucking farm?"
John hesitates while Finn whispered suggestions to him, Ada meeting his stare, John raising a brow to her in question. She sighed and nodded her approval.
"You can pay off my mortgage Tom, give me the kids' birthdays off-"
"So you'd never come into work then?" Finn cut in, Ada elbowing him in the ribs. She usually enjoyed Finn's remarks but she knew where John was heading; she could barely breathe.
"Tom, you're also to leave Y/N completely alone. If you have a problem with her, you come to me about it." He said firmly.
Arthur and Tommy traded knowing looks, obviously more aware of the ins and outs of his relationship than Ada was.
"Also if you're paying for Arthur's wedding I want the equivalent in cash." He adds.
Tommy shrugged. "Whatever. As long as we can move past last night and focus on today's order of business."
John nodded, satisfied. He knew Tom wouldn't care, but just saying out loud that he was involved with Y/N and having his family aware was a relief. He hadn't realised until he finally admitted how stressful keeping his relationship a secret was. Now, he could stop worrying about Tommy interfering.
Polly rolled her eyes, lecturing the brothers on their lack of moral backbone to allow themselves to be bought off, but dismissed them. She caught Ada's arm in hers on their way out, pulling her far from earshot.
"So Y/N and John are together now?" She asked, her face firm and scowling.
"Polls, I talked with her, she's aware of what she's done. She apologised and meant it. What more can I ask for?"
"Her not to have fucked him in the first place."
"She said that. Look, Polls, they're happy right? John seems happy-"
"He always is when he gets a leg over."
"You know she looked after him last night? Fixed him up after the meeting."
"Meeting? It was a fucking set up." Polly hissed but her face had softened. "She cleaned him up?"
"Antiseptic, bandages and all."
Polly looked subtly impressed, although she'd never admit it. "He went to hers? Not yours?"
"He wanted to talk to her." Ada shrugs, "I saw her this morning and-"
"What do you mean? You bumped into her?"
"I went to her work." Ada admitted, her aunt shooting her an exasperated glare.
"Why do I bother? Nobody listens to me."
"I had to talk to her, I'm glad I did. She reckons she loves him, he told her last night that he loves her, so..."
"We are talking about John? Our John?"
"I know Polls, I'm as amazed as you."
Her aunt huffed, unimpressed. "Are you okay with it though?"
"I guess, I just want them to be happy. I've told them to give me time with it."
"She was a good friend growing up, but people change, sometimes for the better, often for the worse."
"Poll, it's Y/N; she's my best friend. At the end of the day, we'd do anything for each other."
"Sweet Ada, you're going to be so miserable if you keep letting people walk all over you." Polly said wisely, kissing her goodbye affectionately. "I hope you're right. If she makes you cry again I'll kill her myself."
"Thanks, Polls."
She knew her aunt wasn't joking.
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hi hi! I hope this message isn’t too late or anything, since I only just seen the one you send me this morning! Also I accidentally deleted your messages while trying to reply 🤦‍♀️
But if it’s still alright, may I request an Armin Arlert x slightly thicker/chubby reader? just something soft and simple! maybe he’s noticed that the reader doesn’t eat very much anymore, and is skipping meals, and he confronts her about it, because he doesn’t want her getting sick or something happening. She obviously gets a little upset about it, and like, tells him she’s been having a hard week and has been super insecure lately. She just doesn’t like the way she looks, and Armin comforts her and stuff! All the love and cuddles! 🥰 I’m in need for this rn honestly 😭
I hope i did it right!! Things are more internalized due to my own self indulgence, i hope you like it!!
Tw: self harm(starving) 
Another day passed, and you hated being in the corps more and more, with the men objectifying you and the women with their fake smiles and judgemental looks, aside from Mikasa that is. You felt her hand on your shoulder, staring right back at them as you passed.
She was the only girl-friend you’ve ever had, which makes your bond with each other especially strong, she called you her therapy stuffed animal( in a good way) with how loving and kind you were when she came home to eren’s house. You were always there, you gave her her first jacket, you bear-hugged her when she was at her worst and missed her parents, you stood by her and never faltered. Even going as far as telling off Eren for being tactless to her feelings, poor boy has no social cues.
Eren loved you for how truly different you really are, despite being an only child, you were his sister, as much as a pain in the ass you are. But this called for you being apart of his and Mika’s friend group with no doubt. Being part of erens tight knit group of friends means you were automatically loved by eren, mika…. And armin.
You always had a fondness for the shy blonde, his all bark and no bite nature stole your heart. You met at a young age but only connected through Eren, he always tells you to thank him for that introduction despite your efforts to play off your crush being in vain. You loved how… pure he looked, how in a world full of death and violence, he could always bring light into your day with a smile or a story. No matter what you could count on his smile,you could count on him.
That’s why you hated today with a passion.
“We have extra food, which one of you dumbasses didn’t eat all your shit?” You sighed, walking away from the situation you caused. It wasn’t a good day, their comments bugged you today for some reason, and Armin wasn’t there to perk up the atmosphere of this gloomy day. Making it unreasonably difficult for you to focus on your own health today, this isn’t even the first time this has happened. It’s been a week of irregular meals, constant moving, and titan stress. It wasn’t like you were trying to starve, you just didn’t have the time.
And you didn’t notice till today.
“Lookin’ thinner, bunny… are you eating well?” You ignore eren’s concerned comment, pressing forward with the group in disturbed silence. This was the fifth comment today about your looks that you’ve gotten. You weren’t a small person, you had extra meat, and you had curves, paired with your adorable tiger stripes, but you know for a fact that starving this little would not affect your appearance that much. It irritated you, and you vowed to tell off the next person who said anything.
“Y/n can-“ “Oh my GOD, are you SERIOUS? I’ve been eating! I havent lost that much weight and i don’t want to hear your Perverted FUCKING Mouth say anything! It’s idiotic for you to continue to act like a jealous schoolgirl and make your ‘sly’ comments! So just Shut up!”
You finally open your eyes from your rant, regretful as your irises meet two bright blue eyes on a horrified face. “I was just going to ask if you can slow down and walk with me-“ Guilt floods your mind as you ear him squeak out his words. You lower your gaze and nod, moving to the back of the group with the boy. It didn’t matter how long this would be, you knew Levi would make you set up for camp soon.
“ ‘m sorry armin, you didn’t deserve that, I’m just-“ “Don’t apologize, you didn’t mean it to me but it was still valid. But never mind that, are you ok? Yes you haven’t been eating but you’ve been…. Cold lately..” You wanted to tell him, just say, ‘ I’m so in love with you that even a few days without your voice makes me angry as shit’ but you knew it wasn’t the right time…. And besides, would he even accept a girl like you?
“I’m fine, just stressed, tired, and overwhelmed…. It’s a lot you know?” Armin nods walking closer to you and letting your answer settle before your group sets up for camp and your pace continues to slow.
“You’re beautiful no matter what, I’ve read articles that said starving is actually terrible for your body, unintentional or not, it won’t end up good. If i have to,” He flushes, continuing to look ahead,” I’ll stay with you all day to make sure you’re eating and drinking water.” You freeze, feeling flushed as you watch him walk away and realize that he just offered to be around you all day just for you to be healthy.
You shake it off, keeping his words at the forefront of your mind before you get ready to retire for the night. You find a note on your blanket, asking you to meet armin at his tent with water and a blanket. Curious as to what it means you do as the note says, waiting at armin’s tent before he opens the zipper with a happy smile, welcoming you inside.
“You got the water?” You lift up the container, making him nod and turn away to a covered pile in his room. He takes the cover off, revealing the food he gathered for you two. “You didn’t eat again, so I didn’t either. And before you say anything, i got some of everything  so you have to eat SOMETHING! I told you all day didn’t I?” You look at him with teary eyes, your emotions of the week spilling out at his gesture.
Sobs wrack your body before he pulls you into his form, engulfing you in a warm hug. You feel him draw soothing circles on your back, rocking you and letting out slow shushes in attempts to calm your mind. You feel him kiss the top of your head and rubbing your back more before he pulls away and guides you to the setup of food.
He grabs you a plate of everything, making you sit and eat with him. You nibble at your food, uninterested in grossing out the guy you like by eating in front of him. But that only made him take your fork and feed you himself, he was determined for you to take care of yourself and love yourself as he loves you. You notice him watch you eat with admiration, happy to see you finally giving yourself some nourishment. You hear him sigh and hesitate, but you leave it untouched before he breaks the silence.
“You know…. I’ve loved you for years, ever since you punched out that kid who threatened me for speaking up, and how you always listened to me talk about the books I’ve read and things I’ve heard-“ “i know, i love you too armin.” “No not like that, I’m IN love with you, like i want to hold your hands, kiss you everywhere, curl into you at night, i want to love you.” You stop mid chew, maintaining eye contact as you swallow and stare at him.
“Are you serious?” “Yes.” “Like you’re not-“ “Y/n L/n I am completely and utterly in love with you.” You push the food aside, crawling between his legs and curling up onto his chest and wrapping your arms around his torso. “I love you so much it hurts armin. It hurt me so badly when you wouldn’t talk to me, i don’t know what i did but i was so mad that i pushed you away.”
Armin tilted your chin up, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before he grabbed onto your soft form with a passion. “I’ll never do that again, I’m so sorry beautiful.” You hold onto him tighter pressing your ear to his chest to hear his heartbeat. “You really think I’m beautiful?”
He pulls away, reaching over you to grab your blanket…. Man he really plans things out, before he wraps it around you both and presses a kiss to your temple. He lets his hands sink into your skin, loving how your soft skin feels on his fingertips. His lips pepper kisses on your neck, pulling slightly back to press a kiss onto your hairline. You loved how gentle he was with you, you already knew the answer to to your question before he even opened his mouth.
“More then you can ever know, my love.”
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fairy-serigala · 3 years
Are you forgetting that gray stalked lucy, by trying to follow her home?. Then getting caught by natsu. Then he broke into her apartment and stripped nude. It really shows that men can't be seen as stalkers while women characters like juvia are easy targets because she is an important side character. I literally don't understand the logic?, they did the same thing but nobody cares because gray is the tall dark and handsome guy everybody gloats over.
Look, there are other blogs for this kind of discussion, and this isn't one of them. This is the only butt-hurt gr///uvian I'm responding to, because it's the first, but from here on out I'm going to be deleting any and all messages like this.
(This ended up being much longer than I was anticipating so here's a cut so you don't have to see it all. TW: Mentions and discussion of abuse, stalking, gaslighting, sexual harassment & assault, double standards & misogyny, abuse apologism, and a single mention of rape culture.)
Let's get this over with quickly-
Gray stalked Lucy by trying to follow her home - Gray followed Lucy home because she said she thought she was being followed. He followed her to make sure she got home safely. He said this, even when he was caught by Natsu and Happy.
He broke into her apartment - So did Natsu and Happy and Erza and many, many other characters. No, it's not right when Gray does it. But it's also not right when anyone else does it. Either punish all off them or none of them, you can't cherry pick Gray because you don't like him.
He stripped nude - Yep. You're right. Go get yourself a cookie.
My friend runs the blog @absolutezerotolerance and I've heard all about you, Anon. I get it, you don't like Gray, you think he's an awful person who deserves all the abuse he endured, but here's the thing because you refuse to listen.
Just because Gray has done some shitty things, does not mean he deserves to be stalked and abused.
If you think he does then I hope to GOD that we never meet because you are an abuse apologist and I do not need to know someone like you.
Men who stalk women should be held accountable for their actions, it is not acceptable. Women who stalk men should be held accountable for their actions, it is not acceptable. There should not be a double standard, but unfortunately there is, and it doesn't go the way you think it does.
We hear all too often about men and masc. folk who get abused and stalked and hurt and no one believes them, because men are meant to be strong and tough and hide their emotions. I've seen on this very website people who believe that men are incapable of being abused because of some made up genetic component.
Men and masc. folk need to be listened to. This is not something that can be brushed aside, it is key and it is crucial. The wellbeing of men and masc. folk cannot be ignored.
And this is what's happening here, with Gray and Juvia and Lucy. No, it's not okay when Gray does it to Lucy. But Gray has suffered more at the hands of Juvia. That's all.
Gray should be held accountable for his actions, but Juvia's actions are simply further reaching and far more detrimental. They are indicative of a problem that makes me so, so sad to see.
Juvia isn't an easy target because we're looking for someone to hate. That isn't how this works, Anon. We hate Juvia because she gave us a reason to. Because she stalked Gray multiple times, including across several countries to Isvan. Because she has emotionally manipulated and gaslit him multiple times both after Ultear sacrificed herself and saved Gray, and on top of Gray's parents' grave after his father died a second time. Because she has a history of sexually harassing him - including touching him without permission and refusing to let go, and asking him to spank her when they a) aren't a couple and b) he makes it clear that he isn't comfortable with that. Because she objectifies him to such an extent that everything in her room is Gray-themed in some way - from multiple stuffed plushes, to a bar of soap that she uses to wash herself with. Because she admitted to sexually assaulting him during the one year time skip. Because he does not consent to what she does to him and she doesn't listen. Because she drugged him in an attempt to make her love him - removing consent from the equation all together.
What Gray does to Lucy isn't okay. But Juvia has a much, much longer list of crimes. This isn't okay to ignore. Especially when it's romanticised to this degree.
Your reasoning for ignoring everything Gray has gone through is the exact same reasoning that abuse apologisers and devil's advocates use to ignore women when they report abuse against them. "They're too pretty" or "this person did [x] to [third party] so they deserved it". It's a couple steps to the left of rape culture. Going to absurd lengths to ignore and dismiss Juvia of all wrongdoing and instead putting all the blame on Gray.
When I, or my friends, talk about GrUvia, we don't have to talk about Lucy. If she isn't relevant to the discussion, we don't have to bring her up and say "oh but don't think Gray's perfect because xyz". It doesn't cripple our arguments and it doesn't suddenly make everything we say redundant.
There are parts of Juvia that need to be discussed critically because they're a microcosm of a much bigger issue with today's society and the way it responds to abuse, abuse victims and abuse survivors.
We need to be able to look at situations like GrUvia and recognise that they're dangerous. Otherwise, how are we meant to do that when it comes to the real world? How am I meant to trust that if someone comes to you, Anon, saying they've been abused that you'll believe and help them?
This isn't about who's done worse, this is about the victims of stalking and abuse.
Laser focusing on the perpetrators only makes it more likely for victims to fall through the cracks without justice. And some, like Gray, may end up giving into their abusers and that isn't okay on any level.
Suffering isn't a competition, Anon. Gray is able to do shitty things and still be a victim, his right to health and safety can't be taken away because he isn't flawless. No one is flawless, but everyone deserves to be safe. This is all about empathy and listening to victims and having the ability to realise when a piece of media is perpetuating an idea that hurts and kills real people.
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bleachhaven · 3 years
Young reader (appearance 21-27 range) seducing Shunsui and wanting to be his girlfriend. Reader pursues and is somewhat shameless about her feelings on his chest and butt.
A/N: There’s nothing I love more than Shunsui being showered with adoration! Thank you for your ask!
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Kyouraku Shunsui being blatantly pursued
Newly recruited into the ranks of a squad, you were still a lower seated officer with barely any experience — battle or otherwise.
Sure, the Gotei 13 was full of very attractive men. I mean Kuchiki Byakuya was so attractive that the only thing that kept all the women at bay was his prickly personality. But you...you had eyes only for one man — Kyouraku Shunsui. To say you had it bad for the Soutaicho of the Gotei 13 would be an understatement.
Trust me, no one would blame you. He’s so sweet, and easy going but with a dangerous aura around him. Respectful and flirtatious and charming...the modern world just didn’t make them like that anymore. You could just tell that Shunsui would treat his woman right. And you were hoping beyond all odds to be that woman. Even if you weren’t even a blip on his radar. He was the Soutaicho and you were the youngest recruit, fresh out of the world of the living.
The first time Shunsui finds out about your ridiculous infatuation is purely by chance. He was at the pub all of Gotei 13 spent nights away indulging in sake and other spirits from the World of the Living. He didn’t frequent them as often as he used to but it was Matsumoto-san’s birthday and he couldn’t really miss his drinking buddy’s big day for anything. He was actually on his way out when he heard his name being mentioned by someone he didn’t know. So he stopped. He was drunk and curious enough to eavesdrop.
“Shunsui...” you sighed. You were surrounded by your friends. “How could I want any other man but Kyouraku Shunsui? Have you seen him? He is just so freaking hot!” You gushed completely unaware you were overheard by the object of your affections himself. So of course you carried on with the gushing and the sighing. “He is so muscular! He looks so strong! Like he could maybe lift me with one hand. Wouldn’t that make for some interesting bedroom activities?!” You winked making your friends laugh at your crazy crush on the Soutaicho...while Shunsui stood there listening in and found himself contemplating if he really was that strong. He shook himself out of his thoughts so he could focus on what you were saying.
“That ass. Those shoulders! That hair! Gosh! I just want to run my hands through his gorgeous brown curls and drag him down and just...I don’t know! I just want to kiss him. Oh heck. I just want to eat him up like...” Shunsui’s eyes widened in surprise. He hadn’t been so blatantly objectified and lusted after in a very, very long time. Not since his academy days...and that was literally a thousand years ago.
But before you could continue entertaining your friends with your ridiculous crush on the Soutaicho, one of them spotted just who was standing close by listening in to their highly inappropriate drunken conversation.
Finally caught, Shunsui offered the group a sheepish smile. You were red as a tomato, gasping in shock. “Soutaicho! Oh my god! I’m so so sorry!!”
But Shunsui simply smiled in that lazy way that made your heart flutter. “I don’t know if I am strong enough to lift you in one hand but I am flattered. Very, very flattered I must say.” Then with a wave he was gone, leaving behind a laughing group of friends and you embarrassed beyond belief
Shunsui was not going to take you seriously! He had absolutely no intention to. I mean compared to him, you were practically a baby with your whole life ahead of you. Why would you actually want to settle for an old man like him? Not that he has insecurities about his appeal to women but he can’t take your flirtations too seriously. So he doesn’t.
Except that incident at the pub opens the floodgates for you. Sure you were shy and embarrassed at the moment but it also sort of made it easier for you to make your interest known. And oh boy! Did you make your interest known or what?!
Every time you saw him out and about, you found yourself giving him the nod with a wink and a “hey there, handsome!” Nanao was scandalized of course. Shunsui on the other hand didn’t know whether to laugh or feel flattered by the compliment. Honestly he didn’t know what to do with you.
You got bolder as you went. If you caught him alone, you wouldn’t be too inappropriate but if it was around people, you would sidle up to him and say things like “ooof look at those guns!” Or silly pick up lines like “Are you tired from running around my mind all day?” Honestly it was ridiculous and Shunsui absolutely loved it. Who wouldn’t love being complimented so publicly?
You never held back words when it came to letting him — and anyone else who happened to be around you — know just how much you appreciated certain aspects of him. “I definitely could bounce a quarter off that booty! Damn!” Or “It should be illegal to show off that manly chest on a day to day basis!” Once, it went far enough for the words “Damn I’d tap that” to slip out.
Nanao, being the pragmatic individual she is, calls you a stalker but stops when she notices that he’s actually looking forward to seeing you as he goes about his day.
Eventually Shunsui decides to call your bluff, thinking you would back out of the whole thing if he seemed to reciprocate your feelings and actually asked you out on a date. He couldn’t think you were serious after all.
Except you don’t! And Shunsui ends up going on a date with you instead.
He honestly doesn’t expect to fall for you or have anything in common with you considering how different you two were but your love for the arts and beautiful things keeps the conversation flowing so easily that he finds he doesn’t want the date to end!
In the end, he’s the one to ask you out on a second date.
ASK BOX is open for requests!
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vivithefolle · 3 years
I just wanna ask, and don’t get mad at me cause I’m genuinely curious, how do you stan Ron? Like, I like him, but he is definitely misogynistic (slut shaming Ginny, treating hermione like she owes him something and being mad that she kissed someone years before, always objectifying Fleur, and acting like girls who aren’t pretty aren’t worth much). Like, by DH I feel like he definitely has mostly grown out of it, but still 6/7 books he’s kinda unbearable IMO
how do you stan Ron? 
Like this:
Ok and then.
he is definitely misogynistic 
No. And here’s why.
slut shaming Ginny 
Yes, that was wrong. And guess what, that’s also something he probably - scratch that, definitely - picked up from his mother. And also his brothers, recall how Fred and George too don’t like to see Ginny go around with boys. There’s also something to recall: Ron was there when Ginny was taken into the Chamber of Secrets and learned later that it was because she had trusted an older guy. You seriously wouldn’t be paranoid about who your sister dates after that? It was wrong. Yeah. And he more than learned his lesson when Ginny clapped back by virgin-shaming him and basically told him that he was childish because he hadn’t have a relationship yet. So would that make Ginny sexist too? Or is it just for Ron?
treating hermione like she owes him something 
..................... uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh... when? When the fuck did anything like that happen?
He made a prat of himself at the Yule Ball, that much is obvious. But he didn’t tell her anything like “you should be with me” or didn’t insinuate anything of the sort. He was a jealous bitch but kept attacking Krum, not Hermione.
If you mean in sixth year when he treated her with “icy, sneering indifference” for the course of two weeks, yeah that was bad but that’s not “treating her like she owes him something”, the fuck?
being mad that she kissed someone years before 
Yeah. I know. And that was bad, ooooh you got me to admit Ron did bad stuff, that’s what you want to see, right? And I reckon he was also mad that she hid it from him, and that he had to learn it from his sister of all people. We see Ron handles what he considers betrayals terribly. I have some meta discussing the possibility that he has a form of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.
always objectifying Fleur 
Um... no, he doesn’t. He makes a stupid comment about her once in GOF then stops. Let’s also fucking remember that Fleur is a Veela, she literally makes guys stare at her as part of her powers!! I’m not blaming her because she’s literally born that way, but you can’t blame someone who is under magical compulsion either.
acting like girls who aren’t pretty aren’t worth much 
So tell me why he was friends with Hermione then?
Because Hermione wasn’t Emma Watson the super hawt sexy model goddess. Hermione was Mrs Generic. Until this once at the Yule Ball when she got the pretty princess perfect Mary Sue makeover but then stopped because she had to remain ~relatable uwu~.
Again. Ron made stupid sexist comments. But it’s actively shown that he doesn’t follow up on them. If he did indeed live by the motto “girls who aren’t pretty aren’t worth much”, explain to me why he wasn’t simping and drooling all over Padma Patil who is explicitly stated to be one of the prettiest girls at school when she was his date? Why exactly did he ignore her and was a miserable twat the whole evening instead of basking in the joy of having snagging a girl that was “worth it”? Well surprise, it’s because HE ACTUALLY ISN’T LIKE THAT AND WHAT HE SAYS IS MAYBE SHIT HIS “COOL OLDER BROTHERS” SAY AND HE THINKS THAT BY EXTENSION IT WOULD MAKE HIM COOL TO REPEAT IT. MIMETISM, THAT'S BASIC FUCKING HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY FOR FUCKING TODDLERS MY FUCKING GOD.
Like, by DH I feel like he definitely has mostly grown out of it, 
so. so why. so why wouldn’t you. use that. as a reason. to stan him.
fuck all the “hurr durr ron weasley the boy who made it out of the friendzone!!!!” bullshit, let’s start going with “Ron Weasley, the Boy who became a Man, and not one of those 'uugghh im such an alpha male’ ones but one that’s got the balls to say ‘hey love, I’ve got an idea, what if you kept doing that job you love and feel passionate about while I support you and do the majority of the childcare while also working a smaller job on the side so we’re never short on money’“
Why you people gotta be “yeah I like Ron BUTT” when you know full-well this fucking awful fandom will rake him over hot coals over the slightest mistake he does - worse, will actively go out of their way to interpret his positive moments in the most negative way possible??? Fuck off with that bullshit. Ron dared to say bad stuff omygah big deal, he was forgiven for it all and you’re just all cowards looking to feel “pure” by telling yourself “oh yeah but he was problematic once uwu”. FUCK. THAT. NOISE.
but still 6/7 books he’s kinda unbearable IMO 
And IMO he’s not, funny how that works
I guess it’s impossible to stan Ron because he was problematic uwu.
Then I hereby decree that it’s impossible to stan Hermione Granger because:
“I’ll bet you wish you hadn’t given up Divination now, don’t you, Hermione?” asked Parvati, smirking. [...] “Not  really,”  said  Hermione  indifferently,  who  was  reading  the  Daily Prophet. “I’ve never really liked horses.” She turned a page of the newspaper, scanning its columns. “He’s not a horse, he’s a centaur!” said Lavender, sounding shocked. “A gorgeous centaur . . .” sighed Parvati. “Either  way,  he’s  still  got  four  legs,”  said  Hermione  coolly.  “Any-way, I thought you two were all upset that Trelawney had gone?” - Order of the Phoenix, ch 27
wow casual use of a racial slur yay!!! A+
And it’s also forbidden to stan Harry Potter either since:
It was raining hard now, and she was nowhere to be seen. He simply did not understand what had happened; half an hour ago they had been getting along fine. “Women!”  he  muttered  angrily,  sloshing  down  the  rain-washed  street with his hands in his pockets. “What did she want to talk about Cedric  for  anyway?  Why  does  she  always want to drag up a subject that makes her act like a human hosepipe?” - Order of the Phoenix, ch 25
“Harry! There you are, thank goodness! Hi, Luna!”  “What’s  happened  to  you?”  asked  Harry,  for  Hermione  looked  distinctly  disheveled,  rather  as  though she had just fought her way out of a thicket of Devil’s Snare.  “Oh,  I’ve  just  escaped  —  I  mean,  I’ve  just  left  Cormac,”  she  said.  “Under  the  mistletoe,”  she  added in explanation, as Harry continued to look questioningly at her.  “Serves you right for coming with him,” he told her severely.  “I thought he’d annoy Ron most,” said Hermione dispassionately. “I debated for a while about Zacharias Smith, but I thought, on the whole —”  “You considered Smith?” said Harry, revoked. - Half-Blood Prince
Victim-blaming! Nice Harry, nice. Always classy.
Ok, Ginny stanning is already cancelled because she virgin-shamed Ron, right, so who’s left, who’s left... ah yeah:
“There you go,” said Fred proudly. “Best range of love potions you’ll find anywhere.” - Half-Blood Prince
Selling date rape drugs proudly ouh là là. Bye Fred.
"Do they work?” she asked.  “Certainly they work, for up to twenty-four hours at a time depending on the weight of the boy in question...”  “...and the attractiveness of the girl,” said George, reappearing suddenly at their side. “But we’re not  selling  them  to  our  sister,”  he  added,  becoming  suddenly  stern,  “not  when  she’s  already  got  about five boys on the go from what we’ve...”  “Whatever you’ve heard from Ron is a big fat lie,” said Ginny calmly, leaning forward to take a small pink pot off the shelf.
Assuming that only girls use love potions, and only on boys. Men never rape in JKR’s world, only women do, you heard it from George Weasley here folks, I’m just passing on the message. Ah and I hope you’re also starting the Fred And George Hate Club given how he’s also slut-shaming Ginny.
“What’s this?”  “Guaranteed  ten-second  pimple  vanisher,”  said  Fred.  “Excellent  on  everything  from  boils  to  blackheads,  but  don’t  change  the  subject.  Are  you  or  are  you  not  currently  going  out  with  a  boy  called Dean Thomas?” “Yes, I am,” said Ginny. “And last time I looked, he was definitely one boy, not five. What are those?”  She  was  pointing  at  a  number  of  round  balls  of  fluff  in  shades  of  pink  and  purple,  all  rolling  around the bottom of a cage and emitting high-pitched squeaks.  “Pygmy  Puffs,”  said  George.  “Miniature  puffskeins,  we  can’t  breed  them  fast  enough.  So  what  about Michael Corner?”  “I  dumped  him,  he  was  a  bad  loser,”  said  Ginny,  putting  a  finger  through  the  bars  of  the  cage  and watching the Pygmy Puffs crowd around it. “They’re really cute!”  “They’re  fairly  cuddly,  yes,”  conceded  Fred.  “But  you’re  moving  through  boyfriends  a  bit  fast,  aren’t you?”  Ginny turned to look at him, her hands on her hips. There was such a Mrs. Weasley-ish glare on her face that Harry was surprised Fred didn’t recoil.  “It’s none of your business. And I’ll thank you” she added angrily to Ron, who had just appeared at George’s elbow, laden with merchandise, “not to tell tales about me to these two!”
Ah, good on you for defending yourself, Ginny, but remember, Ginny stanning is prohibited because she’s been problematic in the past and is gonna be problematic in the future and that’s baaaaaaad. Careful kids, don’t get ideas. It’s problematic to like people who’ve done problematic things.
So I guess nobody can like anything or anyone now. Sorry guys. Liking things is evil, what if the thing you liked had, OR USED TO HAVE, *gasp* flaws, can’t take that risk, ohmygah.
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msgrumpygills · 2 years
Oh please. I'm trying not to start a fight here, but the cockles fans do not love Danneel out of any respect for Jensen or his marriage. They don't respect him, or even see him as a person, it's absurd to think they respect his marriage. To them, he's just an object they use to make Misha relevant for two minutes, I think they've proven that by the way they treat him, in the way they insult, demean and objectify him, the way they slander him the moment he dares to "invalidate" destiel or cockles (I.e., stays true to his work of 15 years and not act like he's having an affair). Frankly, this whole shipping business, at its core, is pretty disrespectful to him as a human being, when it involves spreading unsubstantiated rumours about him, talking about how he's out not just banging Misha, but also just any breathing man in his vicinity even though he's never said or done anything to suggest that he's into men or into breaking monogamy, and always talked about being loyal to his family. This whole paradigm also involves demeaning and degrading him in their fantasies, and just trying to ruin his reputation in general, with all the false phobics, since he doesn't do what they want. But I think we've established that the shippers just hate him, so we can move on from that.
As for Danneel, they stan her because they've decided she's on their side, that she ships cockles as much as they do, nay, more. With their "he was so repressed and misogynistic and she FIXED him and pushed him to be with Misha" and their "queen D loves Misha because that's her sister wife/lover" and their "Danneel needs to get on stage and tell Jensen he needs to let Misha have his way with him", which, no one is entitled to force someone to be with someone else, not even a spouse, but I'm sure, them being as woke and socially conscious as they are, they know (they just don't actually care).
And they stan her because they like to use her to degrade Jensen. "The best thing about JAckles is his wife." "JAckles who, I only know one Ackles [because she posted a photo of him with Misha's book." "I hope Anael and Cass bang, right in front of Dean's face, she should put Dean in his place." "Jensen's so lucky to be with her, she's too good for him." All these bad takes come from shippers, destiel and cockles stans, I've never seen an actual Jensen fan act like he's some sort of leper and she did him a favour by marrying him.
And they do it to seem superior to the J2 tinhatters, which seems to be working on some people. I've got no love for that side either, they're also extremely disrespectful to Jensen and only care about Jared. But the cockles fans do the same thing, they only care about Misha, and hate Jensen. I vividly remember seeing posts on that Oscar's night like "don't say you ship Misha and Darius, it'll ruin Darius' reputation." Where is this energy with Jensen? Oh, that's right, they actively WANT to ruin his reputation and career (Misha obviously doesn't have a reputation to ruin, so I guess any publicity is good publicity). So, acting like they're any better than the tinhatters is a bit absurd, they're both awful and disrespectful. At least the tinhatters are straight-up about how much they hate Danneel and Gen, not this fake respect crap. The tinhatters are blunt about their hatred. They absolutely think Jensen and Jared don't love their wives, and yet, they say it straight up. The cocklers just say it in different ways, to seem so harmless and respectful. And somehow, even with all their "we love her, she's our queen", her value to them is what she can provide to them, about their ship. She's great when she praises Misha. She's great, when she posts a photo of Jensen with Misha's book. Her for her own sake means nothing to them, no value, which, no one is obligated to care about a celebrity, but caring about them for what they can provide in relation to someone else....... that's, in my book, the opposite of love.
And if Danneel decided one day to put Misha's fans (because that's what they are. Everyone who ships destiel or cockles, they aren't doing it for Dean or Jensen's benefit. Because it doesn't benefit him in any way) in their place, everyone who seems to think they're respectful and amazing and definitely not dangerous, would see exactly how much they respect and love her. They respect and love her, as long as they can use her to make their delusions seem more "valid" and "not hateful" and "inclusive and woke". As long as they think they can actually get her to make their ship canon (which, Jensen is an actual person, not a plot device, so that's fucked up, but we already knew that). In summary, as long as they can believe she's on their "side", one of them. The moment that's no longer the case..... well. (There's also the fact that in their fantasies, instead of this being some sort of committed relationship, they're all still also banging anything that moves, which is an interesting juxtaposition with the forbidden love and wholesome family narratives, but the cockles fam's obsession with sex is a different story).
I honestly don’t have anything to add here because I think you hit the nail on the head. These shippers who will change their loyalties at a moment’s notice if they get called out, remind me of my toxic family members. They’re all for you and think you’re amazing but the moment that you call them out on their behavior, you’re the worst. 
Preach, anon!
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