#literally the same hairstyle and birthday??
snow-at-twilight · 7 months
Honestly I think one of the only things that separates me from Ena is the fact I like carrots.
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lilyrachelcassidy · 1 year
Birthday Buzz
Mattheo Riddle x Reader 
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A/N: hi! loving your feedback and constructive criticism, so if you feel like sharing your opinion, feel free to do such! love ya 
Summary: How birthday day can go in such a different way than initially planned. 
Warnings: oh yes! language, some mild graphics (make-up lol), bitchy Pansy, and... have I mentioned language??
Word Count (bruh): 5.1k 
No one would have convinced Y/N in the morning that what had just transpired was coming around, in such a slapdash rapidity as it had. Even so, with that clear-cut fact smacking her right across the face was it still so damn hard to believe that... that it was true.  
She must be hallucinating. Or dreaming. Even the phenomenon of swines with the wings in the air would have been more feasible than... what was that exactly?  
It all started with Y/N descending to the Great Hall, the walls woven with the luminant sunlight of the spring. Entering the room, humid and somewhat irksome (it was Monday, everything is irksome on Mondays, alright?), she instantly noticed a few details: McGonagall's new insipid hairstyle, the plate with her go-to breakfast already stowed in her regular sitting spot, Pansy’s huge grin tacked on her lips, and Blaise missing. The latest part surprised Y/N the most because she knew that Blaise would never skip a breakfast, and these were his usual hours of arriving; maybe he had already eaten?  
Also, what’s the Pansy’s deal with smiling like a madman who overdosed on the crack?  
What in the world...  
“Haiya you!” Pansy scrambled to her feet, without giving Y/N a chance to query. “Guess what! Or no, you are so bullshit at guessing anyways... Slytherin is throwing a party today!”  
The last part of her sentence came out in a feverish murmur, so that the Teachers’ Table wouldn’t overhear their conversation, and only loud enough for Y/N to hear. Still, her excitement was speaking volumes and Y/N wondered quickly whether Pansy really hadn’t dosed on a shot or two before the breakfast. Not that she wasn’t like that on a daily basis.  
“What? It’s literally the beginning of the week.”
“But not every week does someone have a birthday!” As Pansy’s elation gently receded, was then Y/N able to finally to abscond herself at the table and munch on the already-prepared food. Upon seeing Y/N frowning, Pansy let out a shrill shriek which made a few people nearby glance crabwise at the two. “You didn’t forget, did you?”  
“About what?”  
Another shriek followed. “Mattheo’s birthday!”  
An awkward grimace popped on Y/N’s face, brows knitting together. “Well... if you haven’t noticed, we are not precisely on the friendly terms.”  
Pansy made a fish-like O with her mouth, obviously about to say something appeasing, but the grunt next to Y/N interrupted. Promptly, she looked for the owner of the voice and was astonished to learn that the rest of their group was siding just next to her and Pansy, ostensibly listening to their exchange from the starters.  
“Well, well... just look who has finally decided to acknowledge the rest of her friends. Good morning to you too, Y/N.”  
She smirked. “No need to be so bitter, Theo. A few more years of practice and you may replace Snape in his disgruntlement.” A snort issued at the table and Y/N, complacent, grinned cheekily at Theo who only huffed. “Oh, don’t be like that, Theo, you know I love you.” Laying her head against his shoulder, she patted him at the top of his head. “There, there...”  
“So... party you say,” spoke up Draco for the first time. He was chewing on his morning toast, evidently amused by the entire scene, but his eyes had a ghost of a question in them. Y/N already knew that this topic wasn’t going to slip by as easily. “Have you really forgotten about Mattheo?”  
A smear of naked embarrassment splattered on Y/N’s cheeks. A part of her wanted to tell everyone to back off and just let her be, but at the same time, she knew she had blundered. It didn’t matter if they were close with Mattheo or not; they belonged to the same coterie, so it entangled some commitment. Even if that indicated associating with the bombastic entitlement of Mattheo for longer than the ideal time.  
“Mhm... Yeah. You know. How was I supposed to know, really. We barely talk.” While saying so, Y/N made sure to perform the best glower she could pull off. She felt extremely petulant while doing so, but she wanted to fend for herself and not let anyone manoeuvre her into culpability.  
“I told you about that, like two days ago!” Pansy had a distinct air of displeasure, as though personally offended by the occurrence. “I specifically highlighted ‘please, try to remember, it’s important’ and you said ‘fine’!”
“Well, I did not remember. And so, what? Don’t make such a big fuss about that. It’s not like he cares anyways,” Y/N said that with a nose in her breakfast plate, trying to avert the gaze from the rest, especially from Pansy who seemed to be at the brink of incredulity.  
She should have remembered though. She should have.  
Shit, shit, shit...  
Theo grunted again. “It’s not the end of the world, Pansy, we only have to find a way to... make Y/N appear like she’s not an ignorant brat who forgot about her friend's birthday.” A beat. Theo peeked at Y/N goadingly, but she was already shooting daggers at him; that made him smirk. “She can pin her name on the present we got with Blaise.”  
“Thank you, that’s really sweet,” said Y/N, making a U-turn and smiling gratefully at her friend. Gosh, she didn’t know what she would have done without this insolent arse. In order to take the limelight off herself, Y/N continued: “Why did you decide to organize the party so last-minute, anyways?”
“We didn’t know till now if we would be able to smuggle the booze,” said Draco through the half-full mouth.  
“And how ar--”  
“Don’t ask,” interjected Pansy with the look that explicitly indicated that Y/N wouldn’t like to know that piece of information. “Blaise is fixing everything.”  
In response, Y/N merely nodded.  
“So here is a deal,” Pansy continued after a beat. She lowered her timbre as if revealing a top-secret gossip to a bunch of nine-year-olds. “When Mattheo comes down, we are going to pretend like we don’t remember about his birthday. He is going to be sulking all day long and stuff-”
“Highly doubt th-”  
“However.” If the looks could kill, Theo would be surely laying prostrate, French-kissing the floor. “At around...” She looked at her wristwatch. “8-ish, Y/N will ask Mattheo if he could help her out, at the same time hauling him to the Common Room. And that’s when all of us will jump out and hold a fucking “Surprise” banner right in front of his pretty face. Clear much?”  
Y/N exhaled, with one nagging thought in her head. Why was she always the one to be arranged in such a setting with Mattheo? Her friends were acutely aware of the enmity between the two, yet they always impelled them to work together, both if it came to the school projects or even the group hangouts when everyone – beside her and Mattheo, obviously – would suddenly mingle out of the gathering last-minute.  
As if sensing the ongoing dissension in Y/N’s head, Pansy critically eyed Y/N and furrowed, precisely addressing her concerns: “Something to add, Y/N?”  
“No, I love the plan,” she replied quickly, after a moment of contemplation. “It’s that I’m not sure about the latest bit. I—I don’t know if he will accede, you know, with helping me out. We aren’t that friendly, so it may seem a tad suspicious that all of the sudden I’m asking him for a favour.”  
No one said anything for a couple of seconds, but everyone seemed to be having the same hardwired thought as they threw each other the same bemused look, chewing the silence away. The tension of the message, so palpable it was, that it made Y/N snap out of the anticipation; she turned to Pansy, catching the waft of her strong double expresso, and then ogled each of her friends with an expectant eye.  
“What?” Her tone seemed brusque, even to herself. “Why are you all acting so... meek? Is there something I don’t know about?” And then, the thought dawned at her: “Has Mattheo said something about me?”  
Another round of chary looks followed, but before anyone was able to lodge a definite answer to the barrage of Y/N’s questions, the voice from behind echoed:  
“Morning, everyone.”  
Y/N whirled so abruptly, it almost cost her a whiplash, but when she saw the way Mattheo suited himself today, it most definitely caused her that whiplash. He was clad in a button-up shirt, the last couple of buttons undone and exposing the cleavage; his hair of the usual dark-brown curl was tumbling in its usual haphazard style and accentuating his prominent cheekbones; most definitely, the vague scar across his face did not make Y/N anyhow randy. Anyhow!
What struck Y/N the most, however, was the halo above his head – sunlight seeping through the Great Hall’s windows and highlighting Mattheo’s figure. The image was so angelic, so lofty, it suddenly caused the dryness in her throat. She thought she must be melting under those caramel-brown eyes like a humongous puddle of sweat and adoration.  
No, she most definitely did not develop a crush on her frenemy, that couldn’t be right.    
Y/N suddenly realized that she might be gawking, so she promptly returned to her previous position, all her aptitude to eat and breathe gone. Sidewise, she also noticed Pansy grinning knowingly at her, and when Y/N gave her an evil eye, she merely shrugged in a manner of “you know what I mean.”  
Mattheo, instead of occupying his usual spot at the table, squeezed in between Y/N and some Slytherin second-year. Y/N had a vague impression that he was awaiting his friends to suddenly burst singing “Happy Birthday” or bestow him with wishes, because his lips were pressed in a thin line, and he was silently scooping the porridge from the ornamental bowl.  
“So, what’s new, Mattheo?” asked Theo which felt so widely inappropriate that Y/N suddenly had an urge to boot him.  
From this proximity, Y/N could perceive the brief flash of hurt across Mattheo’s features, but that was only for milliseconds. He plastered a sham smile on his face, and only tipped off with a short: “Not much.”  
“We were actually talking,” started Pansy, carefully. “That Y/N needed some tutoring in Potions.” This time, Y/N seriously contemplated booting someone. Namely, Pansy. “Maybe you could help her, Mattheo? You are good at Potions, right?”  
Dismissing Pansy’s last question, Mattheo finally eyed Y/N who was maxing out the redness of her face. She gave him a bashful smile. “Really? I thought you were good at Potions.”  
The blankness overcame her. Y/N, clearly at whom the question was directed, tried to contrive a blatant lie but failing more and more as the seconds elapsed. Panic-stricken, she looked at Pansy who was witnessing the entire fall with a pained expression.  
“I-- I have a problem with this n-new topic. Something connected with Pepperup Potion,” she finally spluttered out, after what felt like forever. Once more, she glanced at Pansy who gave her the thumbs-up (that crone!), but she made the point of averting Mattheo’s gaze. “But sure, if you don’t want t--”  
“No problem,” he broke off Y/N’s exhausted ramble. “Around 6-ish then?”  
“Actually,” said Pansy. “Me and Y/N are headed to the Hogsmeade at that time. Girly things, you know. Maybe you can meet up, afterward, like 7-ish?”
“Mhm, yeah, why not. As long as it’s okay with Y/N.” He shortly looked at her but she, mortified, merely responded with a nod of agreement.
“It’s settled then!” Pansy exclaimed a coda with a sort of exuberance which, apparently, nobody else shared. And Y/N couldn’t help but think how interesting her one-to-one with Mattheo is going to be.  
Precisely two minutes before the appointed time, Y/N was at the foot of the library, taking in deep breaths.  
She didn’t know why she felt so overwrought. She thought she must be overreacting. It’s not like her and Mattheo hadn’t been alone with each other before.  
Rather, the opposite – they had been. Plenty of times.  
The worst part was, or the funniest -- Y/N wasn’t sure in which terms she should regard that case – she constantly kept recollecting the same printed image of Mattheo from the morning. In his unbuttoned shirt, with that tousled hair which really gave him a look of a lead vocalist from the “Weird Sisters.” And the weirdest bit was that Y/N found that immensely attractive.  
Maybe there was something wrong with her? Maybe it was her hormones butting in, her pre-period thirst for what’s been chucked by the universe? And again, why would the universe be afflicting her?  
Deciding that she would probably not find any answers to those unabating thoughts, Y/N thought that there was no longer point of dangling in front of the entrance like some kind of mule. She pushed the door, treaded through a couple of book sections before finally localizing Mattheo with his usual cavalier aura. He was scribbling something rather intently on the piece of parchment in front of him, so much was he absorbed that he didn’t even flinch when Y/N strode over to the table.  
She cleared her throat, announcing her presence. “Hey.”  
He ultimately quirked up, and gosh was he so unbelievingly charming. Even after a day of meandering in the same clothes, he still made an impression of impeccable, and when his eyes met Y/N’s irresolute gaze, he smiled at her softly. Something flittered in Y/N’s stomach, and she only hoped that it was that sketchily-looking croissant that she had eaten.  
“Hey,” he spoke in a stoic manner, simultaneously gesturing at the chair next to him. “Take a seat.”
And so she did; from that distance she could smell the scent of his cologne – cedarwood mixed with an enticing trace of bourbon. Damn him.  
“Huh, so shall we start?” he asked as Y/N’s eyes were transfixed on his face. “Or will you just keep staring?”  
At once, Y/N tore her gaze away from his face, a blush blotching her cheeks; she felt positively mortified, warmth venturing from the chest to the nape of her neck. Well, it will take her some time to recover from that... “Yeah,” she laughed out, breathlessly. “Sorry.”  
He merely shook his head, then plucked the course book from his satchel, and dragged it between the two of them. Without further ado, he commenced explaining the topic to her (“Pepperup Potion is quite a facile topic” Yeah, no shit, Flamel) in his calming voice, tracing his finger over the ingredients and elucidating their cruciality in finalization of the potion.  
And while he was explaining all of that, composed and unbothered as if it were his daily lark, Y/N was on the other side of the spectrum – never had her body undergone something like that: her brain muddled, thoughts garbled, heart doing cartwheels whenever she looked up at Mattheo. She even noticed those little things about him, like the way his fingers smoothly flipped the pages, the way he pursed his lips whenever he was deeply immersed in his thoughts, or even that he had this sweet, little habit of raking his fingers through his hair.  
Y/N, at the same time, absolutely detested herself for having those thoughts – superficial, distractive, unnecessary, delusory, egregious, and...
She was staring again and, from the peripheries of his vision, Mattheo had noted that because he was eyeing her again in the matter of seconds, clearly saying something but Y/N couldn’t string those words together. Only after a couple of seconds did she parse what he had asked.  
“Yes, I’m fine...” she answered, swallowing the pit in her throat. Then, she inspected her watch – 7.47 -- and decided that it was a high time for them to bestir. “I’m just feeling... tired. Maybe we should get going, you know.”  
Mattheo eyed her for a few more jiffs before finally nodding. Y/N had a dim impression that something in terms of acrimony flashed across his face for a split moment, but that was quickly gone, and he was already shoving his belongings into the satchel.  
Once they were out in the corridor, Y/N started: “Thank you for your help, you know. That means a lot.” She thought it a good idea to pass over her gratitude by touching his shoulder but boy was she wrong. The reaction was immediate: Mattheo stiffened under her touch and, like a scalded cat, took a stride backward; his breath hitched and even in a dull lighting as it was, she could discern how his pupils dilated; he raked his hand over his hair like he had done before.  
Y/N froze, halting just as he had. Not sure what else to do, because she hadn’t done anything wrong really, she simply waited how this debacle was going to progress; she could have anticipated many things -- him throwing cusses at her, him laughing the entire situation off, even him casting curses at her. What she hadn’t expected, however, was Mattheo suddenly rushing in a different direction than the Common Room and leaving her lingering in the spot, not able to process rapidity of the shebang.  
Maybe she should have felt contrite at the moment, maybe she should have given up, and simply informed her friends that the plan clearly hadn’t worked out, and that Mattheo was a prick, leaving her hanging like some kind of scum in the middle of the corridor. But she would be lying to herself then and poorly attempting to talk herself into believing that she didn’t care.  
Yet she did, that’s why Y/N suddenly felt like the blood was curdling within her. Without administering that the words were spewing out of her mouth, she was already shouting after him:
“What’s your problem?” Mattheo stopped in his track, not turning around nor snorting at her, but simply standing still. He was waiting for her to continue. “Every time we are supposed to hang out with each other, every time I try to initiate the conversation with you, every time I smile and you ignore me, every time... I try so hard to be nice to you, try to act... civil, at least in front of our friends. But you always bring me down.” She didn’t even fathom how she had come up to him, but here she was – standing in front of Mattheo Riddle and cannoning the grudges that she had been keeping for years at him. It felt so... emancipating. “Even that one time when I cooked the brownies for Christmas, especially for you, and later you gave them away to Blaise. You know how humiliated I felt? That I spent time doing something for you, and you... so carelessly dismissed that? And, and... by the way, how much of the psychopath do you have to be as not to like brownies, on Merlin’s Beard!”  
Her voice sounded so reedy in her ears, but she knew that she was just poorly trying to outshout the quiver in her voice or the prickling tears in her eyes. When a tear tumbled down her cheek, not wanting to unveil any accompanying emotions, she angrily wiped it away with a sleeve. Her gaze travelled downwards because she felt more waterworks coming about.  
“I realize that you might hate me bu-”
“I don’t,” interjected Mattheo. For the first time, he shifted in his spot and when Y/N scrutinized his countenance, his lines had a note of desperation in them, earnestness that clearly stressed the truthfulness of his words. “I don’t hate you.”
“You don’t have to lie, Mattheo, I-”
“I don’t hate you,” he retaliated, sounding stern. And angry, in a way? Y/N must have misheard.    
“Listen, Mattheo, I appreciate you trying to patch things up, but there’s no poin-”
But her sentence spiralled into the distant corners of the corridor, and Y/N piped down as Mattheo took a step closer, curtailing the distance between the two. Y/N cast her face downwards under Mattheo’s intense stare, but his hand travelled to her chin, forcing her to look at him once more. His thumb swiped over her cheek where the tear stain was, and it seemed like he was contemplating her dejection with a sour expression. For a moment, Y/N could swear that the air in her lungs disappeared altogether, and she just kept waiting for his next move, her eyes turned into the deer-in-the-headlights expression.  
With the intent look, he bent over her, Y/N’s nostrils catching the scent of his cologne yet again, and he was leaning over to her ear. One of his hands moved over to her arm, clutching it lightly as if she was the most exquisite dainty porcelain set, and his mouth was just centimetres away from her earlobe. Y/N’s body went entirely rigid.  
“I. Don’t. Hate. You,” he spelled out every syllable of his sentence, gravely, gutturally, slowly.  
Something clicked in Y/N. No longer was she standing there spellbound, but maybe because of his intoxicating scent, maybe because of the intensity with which he had uttered his words, she was tugging him by his collar with both of her hands. She normally, a brief thought crossed her mind, wouldn’t have enough nerve to do something like that, but she kissed him -- her desperate, parched mouth travelled onto his.  
For a moment, she asked herself if maybe she might be out of her mind for doing that or if Mattheo felt the same way she had this morning, or if he had ever considered her as more then... well, whatever they were. She soon found out the answer, however, because his lips momentarily detached themselves from her skin, and he was scanning her face with dilated pupils.  
Instantly, Y/N pulled away and put her hands on the level with her head in the defensive mode like a child who had been caught red-handed while sneaking out the chocolate bars. The air was sucked out of her.  
“I’m so, so sor-”  
“It’s not the way I envisaged that...” His voice sounded positively berserk, feral even. Her hands pending mid-air, Mattheo drew them back to their previous place. In the middle of that maelstrom, Mattheo capitalized Y/N’s confusion by placing his hands on her lower back, flipped her so that now her body was positioned against the wall, moulded against him.  
“And how have you envisaged that, exactly?” she muttered, her voice barely audible. She blinked a couple of times, disorientated, observing as a smirk curved on Mattheo’s lips.  
“Let me show you how...”  
His lips smashed against hers, and Y/N was happy to note that her feelings were requited after all. At first it started off gentle, but that quickly morphed into this voracious battle for dominance. They were devouring into each other's taste (Mattheo’s peppermint toothpaste), and he slid his tongue over her bottom lip, silently soliciting her for deepening the kiss.
She permitted, of course she did, parting her lips ever so widely, deliberating that if she ever were to die, that’s probably the only way she would have accepted the Grim Reaper in her warm, hospitable embrace. Much to her surprise, Mattheo took her by both of her wrists, pinned them above her head while his other hand was caressing the skin underneath her shirt.  
His kisses were so fierce and zealous, Y/N couldn’t help it but feel the sudden yearning to be as close to him as possible; she draped one of her legs around his lower waist, aligning his body with hers as if they were the unity. It felt like they belonged together the whole life, just like yin and yang, and it was so ludicrous that they hadn’t realized that before.  
His tongue flicked over her lips a couple more times, making the want pool around her abdomen, before he finally dipped lower and lower, reaching her neck and planting the sloppy kisses on it. It was as if though he couldn’t get enough of her taste, so ardent in his actions he was, and when he finally discovered the weak spot on her neck, he started sucking on it ever so roughly. Not quite able to quell it, she let out a small moan which apparently must have worked marvels on Mattheo because Y/N could suddenly sense the bulge of erection ramming against her thigh.  
She was torn. From one side, she wanted to do this so badly, the knot in her lower parts specifically betrayed that, but she knew that it would be so wrong and thorny if they elevated that to another level.  
Yet, it was so hard to focus with Mattheo’s lips leeched to her neck, signaturing her skin in the most conspicuous way.  
“Don’t... you think... that we sho...uld talk this over... first?” Y/N rasped out with an evident difficulty.  
“What’s there to talk about?” he muttered in between the kisses, his hand still circling on Y/N’s belly and dangerously nearing to her bra. “I’ve wanted this since forever. And clearly, so did you.”  
Y/N released an amused, hoarse chuckle but that silenced her only for a few seconds before she finally deciphered his words. Particularly, the one resonated in her mind: forever. A paroxysm of joy sprung up in her.  
“So, you felt like that for a long time?”  
Mattheo, apparently cognizing that Y/N wasn’t going to relinquish the topic easily, halted. He withdrew both of his hands, instead placing them on each side of the wall where Y/N was residing. His chest was still moving rapidly, hair rumpled, and pupils almost entirely replacing the irises of his eyes. As Y/N examined him briefly, she thought she must be out of her mind for ceasing their make-out in the first place.  
Too late for reversion, anyways.  
After a few inhales, he finally started: “Well, haven’t you noticed? This entire time, that I-” With a small gloss of hesitation, he looked her in the eyes, assiduously. “I have been crazy about you. For so long. I don’t even remember how it feels to be sane, because whenever I’m around you I just... want to grab you and kiss you senseless.”  
Y/N balked. Things got another notch inexplicable, and Y/N wasn’t sure anymore if she was dreaming and perhaps was stuck in a different universe where cats were the heads of the Ministry, Pansy was Gryffindor, and Mattheo was besotted with her. That would be more possible, from all Y/N could think of.  
“Really?” A blush suffused her cheeks. “I thought you hated me! All those signs – always avoiding me, never talking to me... This didn’t necessarily appear to me as... what you just said.”  
“Listen.” His palm covered hers and he squeezed it lightly a couple of times. “All of that was just a game. I didn’t want to weird you out nor did I know if you reciprocated my feelings. That’s why I tried to... avoid you, if you will.” He stopped for a moment, just staring Y/N, enchanted, as if there was nothing else in the world, both of them captured in slow-motion where nothing else around them mattered. The silence between them was only raptured by their quick breathing and the hammering in their chests. “In truth, the way you... move and talk, it’s all driving me mad. Fuck! I want to be with you, be able to kiss you whenever I desire, want to touch you and be there for you whenever you feel down... Y/N, I want to do so many things with you, and you don’t even know that. But how could you, right?”  
As if pained, he closed his eyes with a microscopic grimace and he licked his lips, as if reminiscing the tastes of her on his skin. With guilt flaring up, Y/N cupped his cheek in her palm and stroked over it again and again. He seemed to be enjoying that as he leaned into her touch, his frayed nerves somewhat tranquilized.  
“You know, I like you too,” Y/N said, and before Mattheo was able to protest as he opened his mouth with the clear intention of doing so, Y/N proceeded: “I really do! It was just that... I was trying to tell myself otherwise because I wasn’t sure of how you would react. And when you waltzed into the Great Hall today, looking like that, I realized that... I’ve been lying to myself. And- and are you mad?”  
He furrowed. “Mad? What for?”  
“For screaming at you earlier.” Y/N pursed her lips.  
Gently smiling, he smooched her lips shortly, and Y/N fleetingly missed the heat of his body on hers. “No, I was a dick.” Another smooch. “Although, I would specifically like to highlight that I didn’t give these cookies away to Blaise. He stole them.”  
With poorly faked disapprobation, she shook her head but soon enough, a grin adorned her features. “That shithead.”  
Mattheo chuckled and he was about to kiss Y/N again when...  
“There you two are, I was looking all over for you two and--” Pansy prowled from around the corner, clearly with annoyance painted on her face but when she discerned the view right in front of her, with Y/N positioned against Mattheo, she smirked. “Well, well... Y/N, I told you to sneak him into the Common Room, not to woo him.” Y/N palm-faced herself but Pansy, not taking on the social hints, continued: “But have it your way, I guess...”
“Pansy, I think we would like to be left alone for now and if you could-”  
“No,” Pansy interposed, folding her arms together. “It’s your birthday party, Mattheo! It was supposed to be a surprise, but someone...” She leered at Y/N with a pointed look. “...clearly can’t control themselves and restrain her animalistic instincts, irrespective of the plan that her other friends set up.”
“In her defence--”  
“And I’m not going to be a shitty friend who forgets about her best friend’s birthday! So, collect yourself a little and schedule bumping uglies on a different time.” With that, the pitter-patter of her stilettos faded away, while both Mattheo and Y/N stood stunned in their spot.  
“That’s not how I planned it,” Y/N explained quickly. “Especially the “bumping uglies” part.”  
Mattheo chuckled with hilarity sparkling in his eyes. “I know.”
“And I’m sorry about your birthday, we were supposed to act like we have forgo-”  
“Doesn’t matter.” Mattheo smiled finally at her, covering her mouth with his. “It’s still the best birthday I have ever had.”  
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errihaienx · 1 year
HQ CAPTAINS : when someone tries to flirt with them ♡
(pre-timeskip , aged up characters)
quick disclaimer: these scenarios don't affect the original plot of the series. any information or events that contradict the original plot are purely fictional. (i do not own any of the characters)
warning: could be suggestive (Terushima's) and some inappropriate/cuss words
ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ: ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ, ᴜꜱʜɪᴊɪᴍᴀ, ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ, ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ, ᴋɪᴛᴀ, ᴅᴀɪᴄʜɪ, & ᴛᴇʀᴜꜱʜɪᴍᴀ (ɪɴ ᴏʀᴅᴇʀ) ꜱɪᴛᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴀᴄᴛ ᴡʜᴇɴ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴛʀɪᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜰʟɪʀᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇᴍ
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Doesn't really notice that someone is trying to flirt with him, or to be blunt he doesn't care. 
But he will unknowingly embarrass the girl
"Eh? Why are you clinging your hands– Oh! Y/n is always like that to me omfg she's so cute."
Your name can be heard all the time, so the bitches won't stand a chance. Every person he sees and interacts with fails to grab his entire attention since all he can think about is his woman.
If a girl comes up to him he'll think of: "Woah that hairstyle doesn't look good on this girl, OMG DID I JUST IMAGINED MY BABY WITH THAT HAIR?! SHE'S SO DAMN FINE IM GOING NUTS" he'll be smiling and the girl might think that it was because of her :/
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But okay, if someone will approach him he will walk out. But of course, if it's an important matter he will respond. And his response will be very dry
"I do not give my number so easily for Y/n's peace of mind, I shall take my leave."
Then he'll march his way to you, giving you a little smile acting like he didn't broke someone's heart just a minute ago.
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He's a cute flirt only to you though
So girls be throwing themselves at him, but he doesn't give a fuck.
If someone will talk to him especially when it's a girl, openly showing their attraction towards him, he will converse with them and if they'd confess or ask him if he's available he will politely reject them.
"You always look hot Kuroo-san..."
"How about we meet–"
"I am already deeply in love with someone. please excuse me."
He then turns around smirking, he's thinking of bragging it to you. He just wanna see your annoyed jealous face, he assures you that you're the only one for him. 
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Oh please the guy literally have fans
His supporters actually knows about his relationships, like every girl's name that he dated has their name and 'stats' on his fans' memos. The fans also concluded that his typical dating period with someone is 2-3 months.
He's very alluring, and he's also welcoming and so people think it's okay for them to flirt with him. 
You had a couple of arguments with him about this matter. And because he doesn't want that, he will try his best to avoid them.
"Oikawa-san! My birthday is coming could you go out with me?"
"Ohoho, Happy birthday! But I don't want to sleep outside so.......I won't. You can have Iwa-chan right here-"
*/got punched by hajime
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Despite of being straightforward, blunt, and gives off idgaf-with-your-feelings vibes he's still popular with girls
Even if the girl isn't done talking he'll leave immediately
He will simply tell them that he's in a relationship already, but that doesn't solve the situation. It ignites the girlies' desire to have him even more. He then eventually thought of a way on how he'll get rid of those kind of situations by involving one of the twins.
"You can ask me to be your date when Atsumu finally decided to leave volleyball alone."
"B-but Kita-san isn't that i-impossible?"
"That's the point."
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The man is fine as  fuck so the girlies love him
He will politely turn down them, you know. Your man is good 😌✨✨
"You are the karasuno's Captain, right? Oh my! The whole team's hot but of course the captain is way more-"
"Ah, no... Please spare me."
Some even visit his afternoon club practices just to interact with him, taking advantage of the fact that you are not in the same school as him.
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This mf is a chick magnet
He has a habit of sticking out his tongue, and that's where his piercing prevails and with that girls flock around him. 
He kinda likes the attention but of course, he's only yours. you two had arguments about this too but with terushima's personality you just gave up and told him that as long as the girls respect his boundaries as someone's man it is fine for you. 
"OhmYgOsh tOnGuE pIerCiNg!?!? I bEt tHaT pIerCinG cOulD dO sO mUcH~ iT's  sO cOoL!"
"I know right!?! I can make Y/n scream with just this!"
"Lucky Y/n!"
"No no no no! I'm the lucky one, heck I love her so much!!"
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svt-nari · 1 year
cheolri giving a f about being discreet !
a compilation of them exposing their relationship without caring about anything else.
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the sleepy nari video
while waiting for their time to pre-record the performance, seventeen was in their waiting room. they all had woken up early due to the recording time, so everyone was a bit sleepy — including nari.
so, she decided to sleep for a bit. she found a throw blanket around and used it to cover herself, got comfortable and boom: fell asleep. everyone just ignored, some took pictures but that was it. everyone but seungcheol.
he took out his phone and decided to film the girl, calling her ‘yeobo’ and ‘cute’ because of her adorable sleepy face. nari ended up waking up and got flustered, hiding underneath her giant blanket to protect her image — and her blushing face — from her boyfriend.
on her birthday, coups posted the video with a little ‘happy birthday! ❤️’ which is his most famous and most commented weverse post. from then on, everyone was pretty sure that those two were either dating or already married.
the vlog incident
nari was filming a vlog peacefully while seventeen was in paris for their tour stop. she filmed herself eating, walking, buying stuff and even interacting with fans she found along the way. then, she decided to go back to her hotel and give the fans a little tour before she did her skincare routine to go to sleep.
to show that it wasn’t too late and that she was just tired, nari decided to show the hour on her phone. turns out that her wallpaper was of her and someone holding hands, the hairstyle a little too similar to the group’s leader one. when she realized, she just shrugged and kept on talking.
while editing, they decided to blur the wallpaper part and just show the hours. nari, being a little shit, when asked about it on weverse, just posted a picture of her lockscreen with the same wallpaper with a little ‘☺️’ emoji.
everyone went crazy, trying to theorize who it could be. nari never answered, but everyone is pretty sure that they know who it is, since the man himself has already shown a picture in the same outfit, with the same hairstyle and background.
the family vacation
seungcheol had flown to his hometown to spend some days with his family for the holidays, fans were super happy and while he was doing a live when he got back, they started asking stuff about his trip.
cheol just answered them all while with a big smile on his face. then, someone had the brilliant idea of asking him to show pictures he took while there. then, a picture of him holding hands with someone was shown and, this ‘someone’s hand was exactly the same as seventeen’s only female member. the same rings, nail design from that time, the bracelet, etcetera.
when people asked who it was he just shrugged and gave the camera a playful smirk, mumbling ‘you know who it is…’
people went crazy on the internet since they were literally confirming their relationship to the whole world without a care. also, because they were the first idols that confirmed their relationship without their company and indirectly.
the super promotions
while they were behind the cameras adjusting everything for the mv shoots to start, there was a cameraman following seventeen around.
nari was getting the last touches of her makeup when it approached her, showing nari with a blanket around her body and coups’ hands around her waist with his head on her shoulder, his eyes closed while they hummed a song together. everyone else just ignoring while doing their own things.
fans were so shocked when the company just posted the video without editing this part out because of all the rumours, just making their relationship be even more confirmed than before. people were starting to realize that they aren’t hiding, they just weren’t directly saying it.
the in the soop phone call
their second visit to in the soop was just as relaxing in nari’s eyes, she loves the vibes and the calming feeling of just having to relax and do whatever she wants — thats is allowed, obviously.
so, while laying down around the lake to enjoy the calm breeze, she decided to call someone. nari took out her phone and dialed her mom’s phone, talking to her for a while and then laughing when the woman told her she thought nari would be calling her other ‘mom’. nari denied and said she would do it later.
when they hung up, nari went back to her contacts and called someone else. when they picked it up, nari immediately exclaimed a ‘mom!’ on the phone, smiling brightly when the person called her ‘my daughter-in-law!’. they talked for a long time, then, cheol approached her and nari said on the phone ‘your son is coming, want to talk to him?’.
this clip went viral from how casual they talked about this on camera, as if they literally couldn’t care less about being exposed to the public. just feeding into the dating allegations. especially now that people knew that even cheol’s mom called nari her daughter-in-law and how comfortable that nari was with her, even calling the woman just to chat.
the instagram stories on valentine’s
on february 14, nari posted a picture on her instagram story of a flower bouquet and also tagged cheol with a heart emoji. soon after, she also posted a picture of a breakfast on bed on her stories as well, her hand completing the heart of another hand — a man’s hand, to be specific.
people quickly assimilated the hand to cheol’s own hand, since the ring on it looked exactly like his. this story was posted everywhere with the proof of it being his hand.
fans went wild for this, nari literally just confirmed with a picture, on valentine’s day, that they were literally dating. there were never words, these two pictures were enough.
all rights reserved © svt-nari, 2023
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niko-sasaki-dbd · 15 days
Queue Interview with the Dead Boy Detectives Cast 👻🔎
This is going to be a long post! (These are my favourite parts from the interview!)
George Rexstrew as Edwin Payne
Acting Inspiration
Oh, gosh. Well there are so many. Meryl Streep, obviously. Viola Davis, obviously. More recently, I was blown away by Enzo Vogrincic in Society of the Snow. And Eden Dambrine in Close.
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Cast Camaraderie
I loved working with all my co-stars. I’m practically related to Jayden [Revri] and Kassius [Nelson] at this point. Yuyu [Kitamura] is a dream. Jenn [Lyon] is mother hen. Bri[ana Cuoco] is the cool older sister. Josh[ua Colley] is the cheeky cousin. Ruth [Connell] is the godmother who gives you a card and £20 for your birthday. It really is one big happy dysfunctional family. I’m grateful for all of them, on and off camera.
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Jayden Revri as Charles Rowland
Dressing The Part
These heads of departments, and Monique and Kelli, [they’re] unbelievable. They were so collaborative. We went through different hairstyles and different things we could do with the makeup. We added a bit of eyeliner for [Charles] just to make it feel more 80s. And then Kelli, I mean, it was like she did her research on me. She added badges to the jacket which kind of represented me as Jayden, before I even got there. It wasn’t until I got the haircut, put the makeup on, put the costume on, and I was like, Okay, this is Charles.
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Cast Camaraderie.
The vibe was just incredible. Me and George, we really wanted to set the tone for the series and make sure that everyone’s having fun and it’s an environment where we could all talk about how we’re feeling. We were just such a big support blanket for each other. If there was ever a time that somebody needed space, or they wanted to prep themselves for a certain scene they were going to film, we all respected that and we were each other’s cheerleaders the whole entire time. And it’s still the same to this day now. I think it really shows when you watch the series that we all knew what we were making and we wanted to make something that we would want to watch, which we’ve all done. I cannot shout out my castmates enough. Forever grateful.
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Kassius Nelson as Crystal Palace
Acting Inspiration
I watched a lot of animation. I used to watch the Addams Family, the black-and-white one, because I didn’t have Disney Channel or anything. Monk, Murder She Wrote, I was watching those things, so maybe I was actually destined to play a detective, now that I’m thinking about it. I watched a lot of cartoons and animations. I just liked the idea that I could be engrossed in another world. And I always wanted to know what happened next, or when the film finished, I would be like, “Okay, but then what? What happens after that?” And now I get to be part of that question or that answer (...).
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Dressing the Part
We have a fantastic costume designer, Kelli Dunsmore. I always say that she literally wove the story into the fabric of the clothes, because there are things that she foreshadowed in the clothing that happened episodes later. Or, if characters start to get in some sort of relationship with each other, that will be reflected in the clothes that they wear or the colors that they have. Or, if they’re feeling any type of emotion, (...)l. Crystal wears these massive platform boots that must be about four or five inches. They’re huge, very heavy, but it’s funny because they change the way that you walk. (...) She’s not very light, which makes sense with the things that she’s going through and the experiences that she’s having. Practically, it helped, because Jayden and George are like six-foot-something. So, if I film a scene and I’m at the bottom of the lens and they’re up there, that helped. I’ve got a good couple inches on my feet.
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Yuyu Kitamura as Niko Sasaki
Acting Inspiration
Sandra Oh is a woman that I will forever be indebted to because who she was on Grey’s Anatomy was so formative for me. The most interesting thing about her character was not that she was Asian, but that she was such a fully fleshed person with flaws and amazing qualities. And her work ever since I think has been iconic, so she’s a woman that I deeply look up to.
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Landing the role in Dead Boy Detectives
I auditioned from Hong Kong and my dad was my reader because all of my acting friends were in New York. My dad was able to carve out time and be an amazing reader. And in that audition side, it’s the scene where Niko gets to see the “Dead Boys” for the first time, and there’s a line in there that was something along the lines of me talking to Edwin and asking, “Do you two make out with each other?” And my dad stopped the tape and he was like, “What are you reading for?” And I was like, “Don’t give me notes, it’s fine!” And so that was the audition process! I think within a month I found out I got the part and it’s been an absolute dream ever since.
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Dressing the Part
(...) I think on paper Niko can seem like a certain type of character, but even in the choice of every costume we did, every color that she wears, every meticulous little piece about everything from her nails to her room, it’s so well curated and thought out. Through her journey, we also find that she’s a woman that wears what she feels. On the surface, she might seem like the most joyful, young, optimistic girl, but it’s the inner confidence and bravery where we find that she’s layered, and she is very much a young woman coming of age.
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van-yangyin · 3 months
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Bennett's Outfit and Hairstyle (Genshin Impact) [Male frame]
没有传说中那么夸张啦,不过就是走路经常会掉进猎人打猎用的坑里,或者被突然倒下的树干砸到脑袋,都很平常嘛,对吧? ~ It's not as bad as the legends say, but it's normal to fall into a hunter's trap on a walk, or to be suddenly hit in the head by a falling tree, right?
Sul sul, today is his birthday and to celebrate it with all of you, here you can download his outfit and hairstyle to do him in The Sims 4!
【Everything shared below, has been tested by @lea-heartscxiv and me in Ultra quality (non HQ) following our needs, if you find any problem let me or him know. ⚠️Also we don't have the game updated, Lea and me are on version (October 31th, 2023), so I can't assure that it works correctly in higher versions. Use it at your own risk. Thank you⚠️】
I'm back from the darkness! Since Simblreen I got burned too much with so much CC I did for that same event and it made me stay away for a while together with a pain I have in my arm where is my skilled hand. Now I'm more recovered and also I know how to control the pain in my arm (literally when it hurts too much I stop doing everything I was doing), so without further ado I leave you with CC I've been preparing for today.
Download under keep reading ↓ 
If you download my CC it means your agree with my T.O.U (English/Español/日本語).
General Info:
one piece outfit (clothes)
gloves (2 versions, HQ and non-HQ)⁽*¹⁾
boots with socks
arm bandana (upper right bracelet)
body scars drawn on sim by me from scratch (two types, real scar and painted scar on scars or tattos) [Painted scars is for those who want a more drawn style, like original color of Bennett's model]
band-aids on face and left forearm
hairstyle with glasses (24 EA Swatches + Bennet swatch) [Male and Female Frame]
hairstyle without glasses [⚠️ Not avaliable yet. Coming in a week or so due to time constraints. I'll reblog this post with update if you follow me here and/or you download from SFS. In case you're following me on Patreon, my Patreon will notify you that is update⚠️]
Bennett eyes recolor
all LOD's
normal, specular and emission maps included
custom thumbnail
HQ compatible (only gloves have non-HQ version)⁽*¹⁾
~Bennett's outfit~
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Outfit Info:
one piece outfit (clothes)
boots with socks
gloves (Painted and adapted on hands with Blender. Left bracelet is disabled since a part of gloves uses that texture location)⁽*¹⁾
arm bandana (upper right bracelet)
all LOD's
normal, specular and emission maps included
custom thumbnail
HQ compatible
All is opposite frame compatible tho there are deformity on Female Frame
Compatible with higher and lower game sliders
There are small bugs with some parts of clothes
⁽*¹⁾ Only download HQ version of gloves if you have "HQ mod" if this isn't the case, download non-HQ version. Gloves in non-HQ version have less pixelation than when use HQ version without "HQ mod" that I don't know how to avoid (if someone know, feel free to tell me)
LODs Info: Complete Clothing: LOD0: 11229 poly LOD1: 5827 poly LOD2: 3003 poly LOD3: 1457 poly Gloves: LOD0: 930 poly Boots with socks: LOD0: 2136 poly LOD1: 1214 k LOD2: 733 poly LOD3: 470 poly Arm bandana (Upper right bracelet): LOD0: 264 poly LOD1: 210 poly LOD2: 168 poly LOD3: 83 poly
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Lower and higher game sliders:
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~Bennett's body scars and band-aids~
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General Info:
body scars drawn on sim by me from scratch (two types, real scar and painted scar on scars or tattos) [Painted scars is for those who want a more drawn style, like original color of Bennett's model]
nose face band-aid (placed on Left Nose Piercing) and left forearm band-aid (placed on Socks) with mesh made by me from scratch and texture used from Bennet's model [Original + 84 swatches from Crystallum Palette]
custom thumbnail
HQ compatible
Opposite frame compatible ※except for left arm scar which I've disabled as it's misaligned with UVs female frame, if you want me to do it also for female frame don't hesitate to send me an ask on my Tumblr, I mainly don't need this scar specifically for any of my female frame OCs for that reason I've put it aside.※
LODs Info: Left arm band-aid: LOD0: 152 poly Nose band-aid: LOD0-1: 236 poly LOD2-3: 118 poly
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
~Bennett's Hairstyle with Head glasses~
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Hairstyle with Head Glasses Info:
24 EA Swatches + Bennett swatch
Texture located on Head accessory, so hat cuts are disabled for this hairstyle
Base game compatible
Hat not compatible
All genders and agender
Teen to elders (Child, Toddler and Infant version eventually)
Texture hair and hair mesh made by me from scratch
normal and specular maps on glasses included
Split hair compatible (Patreon/SFS) [Extra info: I'm currently making changes in this option and expanding considerably the offer of colors and palettes (besides placing it in other places so that it doesn't cause problems as it happens with version located in piercings, although this time it won't only be for split hair color, but it will have many more options available. I will also make a special palette with all Genshin Impact hair colors of characters that I made and will make (as I'm doing with eyes) so that all my hairstyles can use those colors too.]
Custom Thumbnails
LODs Information: Hairstyle with glasses: LOD0: 10108 poly LOD1: 5053 poly LOD2: 2525 poly LOD3: 1261 poly
※Choose download only one version of each frame or choose download between "M-F_Merged" where two frames files are together.※
!!UPDATE!! ⚠️Fixed a bug in CAS swatch 25 for Female Frame Hairstyle that made it impossible to change color because it had the same swatch value as number 16, if you have this version or the Merged version, please re-download it so you can use the last swatch of Female Frame.⚠️
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Preview in CAS:
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Split hair color:
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~Bennett's Hairstyle without head glasses~
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24 EA Swatches + Bennett swatch
Base game compatible
Hat compatible
All genders and agender
Teen to Elder
Child, Toddler and Infant version eventually, this post will notify you that is update if you're following me
Texture hair and hair mesh made by me from scratch
Split hair color compatible [Extra info: I'm currently making changes in this option and expanding considerably the offer of colors and palettes (besides placing it in other places so that it doesn't cause problems as it happens with version located in piercings, although this time it won't only be for split hair color, but it will have many more options available. I will also make a special palette with all Genshin Impact hair colors of characters that I made and will make (as I'm doing with eyes) so that all my hairstyles can use those colors too.]
Custom Thumbnails
LODs Information: Hairstyle without glasses: LOD0: 10848 poly LOD1: 5372 poly LOD2: 2684 poly LOD3: 1341 poly
※Choose download only one version of each frame or choose download between "M-F_Merged" where two frames files are together.※
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Preview in CAS:
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Split hair color:
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~Genshin Impact Eyes~
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color eyes of characters as non-default
color eyes of characters as make-up face
!!NEW CATEGORY!! color eyes of characters as occult eye lid [YOU NEED THIS MOD TO UNLOCK THIS CATEGORY CAS]
⚠️ Important: At the moment both only have swatch of Razor and Bennett's eyes, but I'll add more as make other characters, which in that case will be notified in corresponding post so that if you wish you can download or re-download it with new swatch (if you downloadi it from SFS), for those on Patreon I'll simply modify the file and make it notify the update of that post
※Choose the one that best suits your needs or choose the three of them with MERGED file.※
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (Patreon ~ Always free, no adfly)
✨DOWNLOAD LINK✨ (SFS ~ Always free, no adfly)
Let me know if you find any problem. 🙏❣️
Next Genshin Impact character will be 珊瑚宫心海 (Sangonomiya Kokomi), soon I will share a WIP. As general information, from now on I will upload content at least once a month, but without a fixed date. So that way at least once a month you will have content, and in this way I will also have a regular schedule, because before I used to publish everything I finished at the same time and left you with months without content due to I get burned.
Happy simming! 🍀
🛹 You can find me also on Patreon | Pinterest | Ko-Fi | Blogger (Shared with Lea) | Instagram | X (Twitter) | My F.A.Q. | My T.O.U. | MORE DOWNLOADS 🛹
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pininghermit · 7 months
Being Nanami's Younger Sibling
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Genre: feels and angst
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Sibling Reader (platonic ofc)
Summary: Admiring your older brother's every move was your birth right.
⚠️Spoilers ahead!⚠️
AN: I haven't read the manga. I've watched season one and I do not have the heart to watch season two without multiple breakdowns. So, please ignore plot holes, I am doing this because I googled the plot for fun (┬┬﹏┬┬). I want to do this series for some more jjk characters lmk if you guys are interested. P.S. I cried writing this.
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Born out of a cryptic pregnancy, you were an unexpected addition to the family. Your brother, Kento, was just eight years old when you came into the world, and your life from day one revolved around him. Those tiny hands of yours reached out with joyful gurgles the moment your mom handed you to Kento.
He was always the cool sibling even when he kicked you out of his room or didn't take you on his friend's birthday party.
Like a devoted shadow, you were a clingy sibling with a tendency to follow your brother despite the stern looks or eye rolls thrown your way.
Maybe that was the reason that in order to stick by your quiet brother, you learned to fill the silence with your rambles. Even adapted to the shamelessness of ignoring your brother's apparent annoyance with you.
Your phase of copying him did not come as a surprise. Subtle side eyes, peaking over his side, waiting for him to pick something, all to know your brother's choices and making them yours.
Much to your rare embarrassment, you did end up copying your brother's high school hairstyle which remains a tragedy for both of you.
However, it wasn't your insistent following that endeared you to your brother or so you thought. Rather it was your failing grade in mathematics and a traumatic homework session with dad that led you to your brother.
Just when your eyes were full of tears as your tried to please your dad, scared of angering him further, your brother Kento looked up from his book. Sat next to you and taught you gently. Since that day, your brother became your tutor. A respite from your dad's hell tutoring.
That evening you promised to love your brother the most. Give him everything he wanted. Make him proud. You didn't say it out loud, those thoughts were too sweet to be said even by a loose tongued you. Laying in your bed, you looked up to your brother, quite literally, his bunk bed was above yours.
Sneaking you video games he had no interest in, asking for presents that you had been drooling over and he just ended up not needing, asking for your favorite foods on his special days your brother showed love in the most subtle but beautiful ways.
And when he became a sorcerer, your brother became your hero quite literally. For the first time in your life, you found yourself researching something with such passion.
He liked it. Your brother was noble. His heart found joy in saving people. He himself did not realize it for the longest time.
But then he left it all. You remember the ending years of your high school, when your brother took a normal job. Working fixed hours of the day. He needed it. Yet, it was not what he wanted. You could see it.
His eyes no longer gleamed at the end of the day. He was present. Yet, lost at the same time.
During the initial years of college, you lived with him. His apartment was conveniently close to your university. In those peaceful times, you spent evenings taste-testing his cooking, dragging him to college bars and then carrying him back because he drank more than the entire bar combined. Maybe an ordinary life suited Nanami yet, it was missing something as if an amazing cookie without a pinch of salt to bring out it's sweetness.
But it returned. The spark in his eyes came from the bloodied arm on Tuesday evening. Just like that, your brother went back to being a sorcerer.
So, despite the lingering bruises or rare injuries you supported him. What else could you do? You only followed him whatever path he went. Even the days when his blood scared you, you merely helped him with first aid or drove him to the nearest hospital.
You did not burden him with your fears, or your anxiety. His job was to protect the people, and your job was to worry for him.
But your tears did come. On instances when, you sat alone in a silent hospital corridor, you allowed yourself to be scared for your brother. You cried your heart out before wiping your tears and helping your brother with a simple soup that you cooked.
Maybe that day your brother sensed your sorrow. Perhaps that was the reason why he hugged you so tightly. Or simply ignored your soft sobs while hugging you.
But now, everything in the world feels different, foreign. It's as though the tether that once held you to this world has been severed. He never returned, and you were never given an answer. So you waited, evening after evening at six, but he never came back.
Your parents held a funeral, but you couldn't bring yourself to believe it. How could he be gone? He'd been by your side since your first breath. How could your world possibly exist without him?
Huddled in your childhood bunk bed, you'd look up at his empty bed. "Come back, please," you'd whisper, closing your eyes, hoping that when you opened them, it would all be a bad dream. You waited for him to come and take away the nightmare, just like he did on the nights when you couldn't sleep after watching a horror movie.
It became increasingly difficult to find joy in the world he had saved, as it felt so wrong without him. Did he know how much you treasured him? Did you hug him before he left that day? Was he wronged, was he in pain? You could never know.
You could have stopped him. He left in front of your eyes and you let him. Now you couldn't find him. No matter how hard you tried.
"Don't go where I cannot follow," your whispers were loud echoes in the quiet apartment.
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ilovewritingfics · 8 months
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Shoutout for @moongurl95 for sharing the wonderful HL October list for me to enjoy. :)
In honor of Hogwarts Legacy October month!
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(In-game look and artwork version drawn by me!)
But first, get to know her creator:
I first started playing HL since May. I was a 2nd year college student when me and my older sister decided to buy the game on Steam. I'm a girl who loves Harry Potter world for its unique fantasy with a mix of real-life. So buying the game is a dream come true to achieve all my wishes to explore Hogwarts and be the witch of my dreams!
And that's all for facts about me, its time to introduced to you my HL MC: Anais Ainsley!
Born on Scotland, Anais is a half-blood daughter of two farmers, her mom is Carmila Ainsley, the half-blood while her father is Harold Ainsley, the pure-blood of the family. She is a neighborly child who gracefully respects her adults and polite to her peers. She loves books and her countryside life. She found out that she's a squib much to her dismay of unable to experience magic like her parents and her childhood friend, Owen, but they didn't love her any less. From their unconditional love and support, Anais decided to have a future as a farmer like them.
Unfortunately her life, since her birthday, turn into a series of multiple tragedies when she lost her father to a drunk pure-blood supremacist, Owen to the Unforgivable curses and left her in pain, and her mom becoming the shell of her former self. Home is never the same until she receives hope in a letter on her 15th birthday.
And how could Anais say no to her second chance to start a new life?
About her:
Her boggart is Failing her duties and everyone suffering as a result
Finding out her magic in 5th year, she now dreams to be a Healer.
She is the most beautiful student of Hogwarts due to her natural Victorian standards, much to the jealousy of her rich and pure-blood schoolmates
She has one mole under each eye.
Anais has a classic length hair
Sorted to Hufflepuff and roommates with Poppy and Adelaide
Best friends with Natty and Poppy
Her wand is Spiral, Willow wood, Phoenix feather, 12 inch, Unyielding and uses the brown and gold botanical wand handle
Her Amortentia is warm meadow, floral perfume, and afternoon tea
She is a sweet tooth and flexitarian (although the term is not coined till 1992), due to her parents being farmers and meat is expensive for their budget.
The only candy she eats is Elephant on the bicycle
Her favorite subjects are Potions Class, Care of Magical Creatures class, Herbology Class, DATDA, Flying Class
Her least favorite subject is Divination
She hates the Unforgivable curses due to what happened with Owen
Her hobbies are playing her lyre, singing, embroidering, cooking, baking, Summoner’s Court, sketching, reading books, pressing wildflowers, foraging, swimming, flying, kite flying, riding her beast companions
A literal badger: kind and innocent at first until her love ones are threatened
She is an ambidextrous
Learns Braille for Ominis
Loves to watch Quidditch thanks to Sebastian
Anais is easy to give gifts to as long as its pretty and thoughtful like beautiful rocks or homemade sweets.
She abhors being called stupid, and gets angry to cover her fear of being incapable 
Anais never discriminated against all magical beings
Anais loves to sneak into the kitchen and steal some sweets and bread, much to the house-elves’ amusement
Anais works part-time in the Three Broomsticks to help her mother
Anais has a soothing and soft voice
Her barn owl is named Soren
Her favorite Hogsmeade shops are Steeply and Sons, Honeydukes, and Zonkos
Hogwarts Castle is alive and loyal to Anais
Always seen carrying a different book
She loves long warm baths and braided hairstyles
Professor Fig teaches Anais how to apparate and bits of magical theory in their free time.
So that's all I could share about my MC, the rest I just have to expand in my story which I still debate if I should share it to everyone.
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honeylikesyanderes · 1 year
I’m sorry but.. FEMALE YANDERES CAN JUST TAKE MY HEART 💗💗💗 -a hopeless bisexual
but all jokes aside I want to see Florence, and Angel first meeting the new member joining the corp please 🙏
ask and you shall receive my dear!
18+ mdni
contains: yandere and semi-unhealthy behaviours, genuinely lovesick women and other stuff
(sorry if this is bad, writer's block has been on my ass recently)
likes and reblogs are very very very much appreciated ♡
angel matthews
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age: 27
birthday: july 16th
physical attributes:
pale skin
small and petite (5'1)
light golden blonde hair
deep blue eyes
mole under her right eye
usually had painted nails
very sweet and feminine voice
usually smiling
has a couple of ear piercings
golden glasses
personality traits:
is super smiley and sweet
cheerful and kind
a ray of sunshine tbh
very mature tho
is rarely ever angry
very open minded and non-judgemental
is a good listener and all in all is a sweetheart
is playful and fun
can be calculated and analytical when necessary tho
meeting you:
angel would first meet her darling during orientation
yan corp had just hired about 15 new staff members and you were one of them
during orientation, important members of staff were introduced to the newbies
to be honest, you kind of blended into the background
everyone was there with new shiny clothes and fancy hairstyles
and you were just there in your regular clothes, vibing away
and you didn't really care if you got noticed or not
you were literally just here for the money
angel, on the other hand, couldn't keep her eyes off you
she was so used to seeing staff dress in fancy clothes and be so vain about their appearance
and there you were, in regular clothes, yet you were still the most attractive person in the room to her.
you looked bored, as if you were tired of corporate bullshit
she was tired of it too
could it be that you were just the same as her?
she could imagine running her hands through your (h/c) hair and looking into your (e/c) eyes
holding your soft hands while talking to you
you could be the one for her.
you look up and notice her staring at you, to which you give her a shy smile before going back to the presentation.
angel almost passed out
yeah. you were the one for her.
her brother priest noticed she was staring at you with red cheeks and he immediately knew that his sister had found her darling
and you just happened to be assigned to his department.
he would keep an eye on you for her
are they aware that they are yanderes? are they bothered by it?
angel is aware but it doesn't really bother her because she knows she had your best interest in heart and she just wants to love you. she'd do anything for you and she doesn't see that as a bad thing
yandere tendencies:
is a clingy/obsessive yandere
loves to be around their darling all the time
can and will manipulate the system to give you a promotion to her department
its literally so she can spend more time with you
angel is super sweet and is always caring
if you ever get in trouble, she'll always bail you out
she wont tolerate bad behaviour or you acting out tho
you will probably start dating angel before finding out that she's a yandere
she wears her heart on her sleeve so you'll learn quite early on that she's into you
and naturally, you'd fall for her too
she's genuinely sweet, caring and kind
and she's really pretty
why wouldn't you fall for her?
plus, at yan corp, its permitted for coworkers to date
its even encouraged!
she's always texting and calling and checking up on you throughout the work day
one time when you were typing a report, she videocalled you so she could watch you type
on days when angel isnt at work, priest watches you for her and takes pictures of you to send to his sister
angel keeps a framed picture of you on her desk
and she has some strands of your hair in her desk drawer
and she has a shirt of yours hidden in her office somewhere
it has your scent on it and she likes to smell it on occasions where she's feeling very clingy
although she's clingy and obsessive, angel would never hurt her darling, whether verbally or physically
she's not above using her power to influence your relationship tho
fun facts/trivia:
angel is bhodi's cousin and they grew up together
her favourite colour is green
she avoids playing office politics as much as possible, but when she does, she's extremely good at it
angel can also be unknowingly manipulative sometimes
she has a pet chameleon and a pet snake
angel has her own charity that works to feed and shelter homeless people as well as finding them proper (non-exploitative) jobs
she also regularly donates blood
florence douglas
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age: 25
birthday: sept 5th
physical attributes:
fiery red hair
pale skin
bright green eyes
average-ish height (5'6)
rosy cheeks
dimple on her left cheek
basic lobe piercings
usually wearing her glasses
either smiling mischievously or not smiling at all
THICK scottish accent
personality traits:
ambivert but more on the quiet side
can be judgemental, especially when it comes to work
extremely hardworking
can be snarky and sarcastic sometimes
also very determined and willing to play dirty to get what she wants
literally is the humanised form of ''gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss''
is highkey scary af
meeting you:
you had one job as an intern.
get coffee for the bosses that are in the middle of a meeting
one cappuccino, one americano, one latte, 2 strawberry teas and one black coffee
unfortunately you forgot the black coffee
and knox thought it was okay to verbally berate you in front of everyone
over coffee.
you really needed this job so you figured it was best for him to scold you and afterwards you'd just apologise and leave
unfortunately, he was being extremely mean and tears started welling up in your eyes
florence didn't want to interfere initially, but when she saw the tears in your eyes, she decided that knox had gone too far
it wasn't that serious, it was just a cup of coffee
and there was something about you that she liked
she knew it would be torture for her to watch you cry
(plus she would never miss a chance to go against/defy knox)
so she stepped in and put knox in his place
she then apologised to you on his behalf and dismissed you
everyone in the room was shocked
florence doesn't usually defend anyone, talk less of apologising to them
you must be important to her
more important than they would ever understand.
are they aware that they are yanderes? are they bothered by it?
florence doesn't really see herself as a yandere. she just perceives herself as a very invested and caring lover.
yandere tendencies:
is a stalker/possessive yandere
the second florence decides that you're her darling, she will go out of her way to let everyone know
even if you're not aware of it yet
her game plan is to isolate you slowly and use that time to get close to you
but initially, she makes it pretty clear that she's into you and she will employ the help of angel and quinn to woo you
the plan will eventually work (her plans always work) and you two will begin dating
florence is the type of yandere to buy you a necklace with her initials on it and make you wear it all the time
like you're literally not allowed to take it off
and she's not above killing love rivals; whether its someone at work or somewhere else
but apart from that, florence is a pretty standoffish yandere
she prefers to watch and manage her darling from afar
only stepping in and interfering when he needs to
she's basically a ''chill gf'' (if you overlook her murderous tendencies).
in situations when she does need to interfere, she would rather not do it herself
florence usually prefers to use/manipulate someone else to do the dirty work for her
she also has a fuck ton of blackmail about everyone she knows (you included) and she doesn't mind using it to her advantage.
florence loves giving her darling gifts and will give her darling a gift every single day.
it can be something as small as flowers and a keychain to something as big as a new car
she keeps a folder of your cadid pictures in a private drawer in the office
florence will 100% defend you in any workplace arguments (even if you're the one at fault)
she can be a bit hard to please tho
and she doesn't tolerate a lot of mistakes
because you should know better darling. ♡
fun facts/trivia:
florence was raised Christian but is no longer practicing, hence why she wears the cross necklace
she's a bit insecure about her accent, especially because its so heavy and she gets flustered when someone compliments it
her favourite colour is red
she dislikes most men but there are some men she really cares about
florence used to be in a relationship with knox but things didn't work out between them
she has a tramp stamp tattoo and hip dermal piercings
her favourite meal is ramen (preferably made from scratch)
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 2 years
The Devil in Disguise
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Requested: naurrr
Prompt: You feel like you know him, this strange and mysterious man. He's so familiar to you and, yet, who exactly is he? From the moment you lay eyes on him at the Masquerade Ball, you have to know. And, apparently, he feels the same about you. [ Fem!Reader ]
#25 Scenarios - Masquerade Ball
TW: None!
Rating: Pg-13   ||   Word Count: 3688
A/N: i have always wanted to go to a masquerade, like literally my entire life lol. also masquerade from POTO was repeating in my head literally the entire time i was writing this help 💀
🦋 mila
“God this stupid mask is so annoying,” you say, readjusting the damn thing for what feels like the four-hundreth time that night. “Remind me why we have to wear this tonight?”
“Because,” your best friend responds, stepping behind you to help your tangled fingers out of the knotted ribbon, “it's a masquerade ball. That’s the whole point of a masquerade.”
“That everyone’s uncomfortable?”
“That everyone’s wearing masks,” your friend responds, bonking you gently on the head with an open palm. “It’s a tradition that dates all the way back to the fifteenth century. They’re also pretty spooky and perfect for Halloween. Plus, it’s Dottie’s birthday and you know how particular she is about everything.”
“Ugh, Dottie. I forgot about her,” you say, referring to a girl you’d gone to school with since kindergarten.
Dottie is…spoiled, for lack of a better word. She rarely doesn’t get exactly what she wants when she wants it and, apparently, this masquerade party is no different. Not that you really mind. The thought of attending the party is actually sort of exciting. After all, how many times in one’s life does a person get to go to a real masquerade ball?
You can hardly believe you’re even doing it for real as you stare into the floor-length mirror in your friend’s closet. You can’t help but laugh out loud at how silly you look, standing in a pile of jeans and sweaters wearing a deep red ballgown with black lace and flared sleeves. You figured most guests would dress as princesses or queens, so you decided to do something different. The second you laid eyes on a deep red and gold painted mask with horns, you knew you’d found the perfect costume.
“Are you almost ready? I’d like to get it over with as fast as possible,” you say, tucking a rogue strand of hair back into the hairstyle your best friend has helped construct for you.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” she replies, shrugging on a jacket and grabbing her keys from the dresser. “Got everything you need?”
“Unfortunately, yes. Hey if we arrive early, we can also leave early!” you say excitedly, tugging on her sleeve as you turn to exit her apartment.
She laughs but you know there’s little to no chance of her agreeing with you. Nope, you’d be stuck at this party for the next three hours. Three hours of your life that you’ll never get back.
The ride to Dottie’s mansion passes in the blink of an eye and the next thing you know, you’re climbing out of the car and walking down a faux red carpet that Dottie had laid out on the driveway leading up to the massive wooden front door.
“Are you joking?” you ask, rolling your eyes as your best friend laughs.
It feels like years by the time you reach the door but as soon as you enter the house, there’s a pair of butlers standing at the ready to take your coats and accessories. You feel heat creeping into your face, embarrassment settling as you realize how ridiculous everything seems. The butlers show you into the living room which will serve as the main ballroom for the evening’s festivities, according to the invitation, which was also unnecessarily fancy.
As you pass under the doorway, your eyes widen and your mouth drops open. It’s absolutely beautiful. The entire space has been totally transformed into something that resembles a mix between a 19th-century ballroom and a 60s club. You don’t know how to explain it other than that it sort of feels like a speakeasy, with mahogany floors and velvet red drapes hanging on the big rounded windows. There are several tables set up to the side of the main dance floor, many of the seats already filled and tables littered with half-eaten plates of charcuterie snacks and half-empty wine glasses.
You also spot a bar in the back left corner where a large group of guests is waiting for their drinks to be mixed and served. The lights are dimmed to give the room a surprisingly dark, spooky feeling, perfectly suited to the Halloween season. Candles, whether they're real or fake you can’t tell, glimmer around the room on the walls and tables. To bring the entire scene into the current era, Elvis Presley’s ‘You’re the Devil in Disguise' is currently booming around the room through the loudspeakers that have been placed everywhere. It’s amazing, but everywhere you look, all you can see is a fat stack of dollar signs.
Waiters dressed in black suits are circling around the room with silver trays of small snack food and glasses of champagne and punch. As one passes, you deftly swipe a glass of punch from the tray. He moves through your action as though you never even touched him. You glance at your best friend and shrug.
“This is icnredible,” she says and you nod.
“Yeah, I have to admit that Dottie’s really outdone herself this time. I shudder to imagine how much her parents spent on this little party of hers,” you respond, a little shiver accompanying your words. “So what does one even do at a party like this?”
“I guess the same thing you do at any other party. Find your friends and get dancing?”
You both shrug at each other and wade into the crowd standing on the sidelines of the dance floor, which is already overcrowded with couples and friends turning in dizzying circles of flashing color. It only takes a few minutes of awkward wandering before your friend, the utmost of social butterflies, finds a familiar face for you to talk to and drags you over to do introductions. You chat for a few minutes with the woman who stands before you dressed as some kind of princess.
When the song changes, the princess latches onto your friend and suggests they hit the dance floor. Your friend looks to you for permission which you gladly give.
“Have fun, you two!” you shout as they waltz away onto the floor.
While you wait on the sidelines, watching your best friend swirl around the dance floor, you absentmindedly swish your punch in its fancy stemmed glass. Your eyes lazily drag across the ballroom, evaluating the people dancing around in circles with their various partners and costumes. As you observe the scene, your gaze freezes on one man. He’s dressed as a prince. Prince Charming, perhaps? It somehow feels ironic, considering you're dressed as Satan's spawn.
He’s tall and nicely built with quite an impressively intricate costume. It’s comprised of perfectly fitted creamy-white breeches, dark navy socks, and a matching navy jacket with golden buttons and braided details spread across the fabric. You can’t quite see his face, just his jet-black hair which hangs longer in the back and is brushed off his forehead. Long, thick sideburns almost blend seamlessly into the black mask that covers the top half of his face.
Before you can catch up with yourself, he’s met your gaze and realized that you’re staring at him. You jerk yourself away, gulping down the shame and taking a large sip of the punch. When you dare another peek at the man, you look over to the place you last saw him and find the space empty. You do a quick double take and then sweep the area, searching for where he ran off to. With so many people crammed into the space, it’s like a search-and-find book. And you can’t find shit in this place.
Your friend’s laugh fills your ears as she clumsily makes her way back over to you, half-turned to wave goodbye to her friend. When she meets your eyes, she’s smiling happily.
“How was it? She seems nice.”
“Oh, she’s…lovely. So very lovely,” your friend responds and you think you can detect the smallest blush on her cheeks.
You’ve known for a while that your bestie is attracted to women, although you would never say anything until she’s prepared to tell you herself. It doesn’t matter one bit to you. At the moment, you’re just glad to have her back beside you.
“So, what do we do-”
“Scuse me, Miss.”
You turn at the sound of a man’s voice behind you. Your breath catches in your throat as you immediately recognize him; the man who caught you ogling at him from across the ballroom. His hand is outstretched toward you, palm up and waiting expectantly for you to take it.
“Can I have the next dance, darlin?” he asks. His voice is deep and raspy with a country twang that’s unmistakable.
“Uh…” you stutter dumbly, totally caught off-guard by his charming proposal. “Y-yes, of course. I’d be honored.”
You offer a small, nervous smile as you place your fingers gently into his. His long fingers curl around yours and he pulls you onto the dance floor. The music immediately changes, as if it was waiting for you both to step onto the floor. He swings you into his arms, one curled around your lower back, his fingers outstretched over the fabric, and the other holding your fingers firmly in his own.
“We met before, love?”
You find yourself unintentionally smiling underneath the mask as he spins you around. When you return face to face, you shake your head as elegantly as you can muster.
“No, sir. I don’t believe we have,” you reply and he spins you around again.
“You seem,” he pulls your body back into his and your chin raises instinctually. He runs his hand up the silk of your costume, tickling the skin of your back that the fabric doesn’t cover. “so familiar to me.”
“I can’t imagine why,” you respond as another spin comes. “Maybe we’ve met in a dream.”
“A nightmare’d be more like it,” he responds and your heart thuds against your chest.
“What?” you ask, both embarrassment and fear seizing you.
“Considerin ya costume, honey,” he clarifies and the pain of panic melts away from you.
“Oh,” you nod and laugh awkwardly.
His hand dances across the bare skin of your back, his warm palm pressed flat against the skin as he pulls your body into his own. You gaze up at him, your eyes trying desperately to somehow pry off the black mask that covers his face so expertly. His eyes sparkle mischievously through the two eyeholes, impossibly blue even in the dim lighting of the ballroom. Your eye traces down the curves and minutiae of his face, taking in the way his cheekbones cut sharply across his face, the way his straight and thin nose curves at the tip, the way his angular chin slices around his face, the way his plump red lips rest so comfortably against each other.
Before you have a chance to take in any more, he’s spinning you again. This time, you pause at arm's length from each other, your fingers holding on just by the fingertips. But, somehow, your grip on one another is strong, unbreakable. He pulls you back to him again and you resume your gaze for the quick moment which he dares to hold it.
“Maybe. But some things’re too good, even for dreams,” he responds, the corner of his mouth twitching up into the semblance of a smile. You laugh.
“I assure you, sir. I’m not one of those things.”
“Oh I beg to differ, honey.”
Again, he spins you out and holds you at arm's length.
“But if we don’t know each other,” he stops dancing abruptly, jerking you to a stop, also. You glance from side to side to see the other couples on the dance floor continuing to sway in circles and dance to the music. But you and he are stopped, paused in time, in the middle of the dancefloor. His hands are wrapped around yours, holding your fingers tightly in his own. You stare up at this mysterious man.
“I sure would like to,” he finishes, raising a hand to your cheek.
As soon as he touches you, you find yourself leaning into that feeling, craving more. Your eyes flutter closed against your will and you breathe him in, the faint smell of cigarette smoke and cologne tickling your nose. His thumb brushes against your collarbone and barely shifts the mask. Your eyes blink open with an idea.
You gently move your palms to cup both sides of his face. You stare up at him, tilting your head as you try to get a better look at him. He looks familiar, like you’ve seen him somewhere before. It’s on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t for the life of you figure out where. Your fingers gently crawl toward the mask and curl under the edge, starting to slowly lift it from his face.
He jerks away from your touch, evidently startled by the situation. You have nothing to hide under your mask but now you’re wondering if he does. Something about this mystery is too good to be true. It all feels like an illusion, one that you’re desperate to sustain for as long as possible. You stare up again into his eyes, your heart pounding in your chest for a reason unknown to you. His fingers suddenly latch onto your wrist and he starts pulling you away from the dance floor.
“Come with me,” he says gruffly.
Before you have a chance to question him, you’re weaving through crowds of people and dancing couples dressed in a wide variety of costumes and masks, all of their identities obscured. It’s like wading through a crowd of strangers, of faces in a dream, some familiar but somehow unplaceable. It’s suffocating, so much so that you physically breathe a sigh of relief when you burst through the double french doors onto the balcony. The doors slowly close behind you and take with them the loud murmur of the crowd inside.
“We can get some privacy out here,” the man mutters over his shoulder.
The fresh air is brisk and there’s a steady wind. You move to release his hand, but his fingers just clutch down harder onto yours. Your breath catches in your throat for yet another time tonight and you turn to face him, leaning against the banister at the edge of the balcony. A few moments of silence pass as you try to figure out what to say. The awkward quiet is suddenly broken by the mysterious man’s laugh. A healthy, hearty laugh sounds from deep in his throat. You quirk an eyebrow at him, unable to resist the urge to smile.
“Did I miss something?” you ask with a quiet chuckle.
“Nah, honey, I just thought of somethin funny, that’s all.”
You take a step closer to him, the privacy inspiring a new boldness within you.
“Oh please, sir, pray tell,” you say in your deepest, most seductive voice.
He glances over at you with a smirk resting on his mouth. Your eyes drop down to his plump red lips and you take a quick moment to appreciate them before he responds.
“I’s just thinkin bout how you’re the devil in disguise,” he says, another snicker rising from his throat.
Your eyebrows furrow for a moment as you try to understand what the hell he’s talking about. Glancing down at your dress it suddenly hits you.
“Oh…like the Elvis song? Yeah, I guess I am,” you agree with a chuckle. A few moments of silence pass. “So…are you gonna tell me why you dragged me out here? Or am I just supposed to read your mind?”
He laughs again before turning to face you, leaning his elbow on the top of the balcony banister. His eyes quickly track up and down your figure, lingering on your lips for a moment long enough to make your heart flutter.
“I told ya already,” he says. “I wanna get to know ya better.”
“Alright. Ask me something, then. Rapid fire. You go, then I go.”
He runs his tongue over his teeth while he thinks of his first question.
“How d’ya know Dottie?”
“We went to school together for a long, long time. How do you know her?”
“We used to date. A long, long time ago.”
“Wow…I’m sorry,” you respond. You try to hold in a laugh but it comes spluttering out anyway. He laughs along with you. “Your turn.”
“Aright. What’s your name, darlin?”
“Y/N. What’s yours?”
“Damn, honey, you gonna keep stealin my questions? I can’t tell ya my name.”
“Maybe. And why not?”
“Okay,” you reply, narrowing your eyes. “That’s cryptic. Um…what’s your costume?”
“Ain’t it obvious? Prince Charming. My turn. You gotta fella?”
“A fella? As in a boyfriend? No,” you reply. “Why’d you cringe when I tried to take your mask off?”
He does a double-take, raising his eyebrows.
“Damn. Noticed that didja?” he asks and sighs.
“Yep. That doesn’t count as your question. But I’d like you to answer mine.”
He clears his throat and glances around
“Cause I don’t want nobody to know who I am.”
“Uh-uh, mama, it’s my question.”
You huff but let him ask anyway.
“You live round here?”
“Yep, about twenty minutes down the road. Now, why don’t you want anyone to know who you are?”
“It’s complicated, baby. It’d take me all night to explain.”
“I got time.”
“Goddamn, you’re persistent.”
“I just wanna know. You seem familiar to me, too. I’m just wondering if we’ve met before, that’s all.”
He shakes his head and then blows a puff of air onto his forehead, shifting the curled lock of hair that rests there.
“Alright, fine, fine, fine. I’ll tell ya, but you cannot tell a single other soul here, y’understand?” he says firmly.
You still can’t see his face but something about his tone and the sincerity in his eyes makes you immediately nod. He sighs one more time before leaning in closer to you.
“This may be hard to believe but…I’m Elvis.”
“Elvis?” you repeat slowly with a quirked eyebrow. “Elvis…Presley?”
He nods. You tilt your head to examine him more closely. As soon as you gaze back into his eyes your mouth pops open and you nod.
“Holy shit…you really are, aren’t you? I knew I knew you from somewhere. Wow…you know you could have lied. You could have told me any old name and I’d have believed you,” you whisper.
You know you must look incredibly smug right now. By his reaction, you can tell that he hadn’t even thought about it. Integrity. You like that.
“You know I’ve had a major crush on you since I was little. I bought your first record when I was in high school. I have almost all of them now.”
“Really? Well, I know this ain’t the same but if it makes any difference, I’ve had a crush on you since I saw ya walk through that door tonight,” he says, tilting his head.
His eyes drop down to your lips and you couldn’t miss him biting his lip if you tried. The hint of a smile tugs at the corners of your mouth but you resist the expression. Instead, you step even closer to him, draping your hand over his on the balcony wall. His warm scent fills your nostrils again as you stare up at him with your best doe eyes.
“I’d like to see your face if you don’t mind.”
“I’d like to see yours, too.”
“On three,” you agree, raising your fingers to the edges of his mask. He follows suit, his large slender fingers attaching themselves to the ribbon at the back of your head.
“One,” you start.
On cue, you both slide each other’s masks up and over your heads. Your eyes immediately fall to his, taking in his features which were hidden by the mask before, familiar features. His eyebrows curve gently over his eyes, framing them handsomely. You can also see the full form of his nose, slender and straight all the way down to the tip. As your eyes bounce back and forth on his, you can tell that his eyes are doing the same to your exposed face. When you finally meet his gaze, he’s smiling sweetly down at you.
“Goddamn…the most beautiful woman I ever seen,” he says quietly. “The devil in disguise is really an angel underneath, ain’t she?”
You just giggle, curling your fingers around his. He tilts his head and his eyes drop quickly down to your lips again. You sneak a little peek yourself. His free hand moves up toward your face. He gently cups your face and strokes his thumb over the hollow skin of your cheek. With a raise of your tip-toes, you press your lips against his. At first, softly and then hungrily. As your lips move together, he intertwines his fingers into yours and shifts his grip onto the back of your head and neck, pulling your mouth harshly against his own.
Your fingers find their way onto his shoulders, gripping at the velvety fabric of his costume and adhering his body to yours. Elvis turns his face to the side to kiss you deeper, tracing your bottom lip with his tongue. You giggle into the kiss but open your lips for him. His hot, wet tongue swipes along yours and you hum quietly in satisfaction. Your stomach begins to turn uneasily and your heart beats frantically in your chest. When you feel your lungs begin to run out of air, you push gently against his chest to separate yourself from him. You pull apart, both panting for breath, but your foreheads remain pressed against each other. Silence falls between you as you try to catch your breath.
“You got one more question if you wanna use it,” you whisper against his lips. “I asked the last one.”
He doesn’t miss a single beat before responding.
“Whatcha doin later?”
You chuckle breathily and lift your gaze to stare up into his sparkling blue eyes. You smirk.
“Not a damn thing.”
“You wanna get a hot dog or somethin? I’m starvin. You hungry?”
Reblogs, likes, comments + feedback are extremely appreciated! Please help support your content creators!
**If you notice any triggers or grammatical errors that I missed, please let me know! :)
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private-bryan · 7 months
Get To Know Me
Thanks for the tag @queer-cosette
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
Niet - I've never really wanted to get one either. If I was forced to at needlepoint it would probaby be the inscription from the One Ring around my bicep
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Royal Blue
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
A bowl of Kellogg's Special K (gotta get that fibre in)
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
11:06 - I'm meant to be doing a security review, but that can wait for the more important Tumblring
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Libra. And I've got no clue on anything more than that
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
Canadian (just in case the missus is listening), but from the UK/Ireland it's any of the Scottish, Welsh, or Irish accents. They're extremely sexy (most of the time) compared to the bland Home Counties accent in my area
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
My dumbest are the ones on my knuckles. It wasn't from a fight, but from slipping down an icy set of concrete steps, and not realising I was bleeding copiously from all the knuckles on my left hand until I was halfway to work (on a Rail Replacement Bus, no less)
I also have one on my palm from where it was cut by flaking paint (on the handrail of the same set of stairs!)
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
The Road to El Dorado
"Did you ever imagine it would end like this?"
"The horse is a surprise."
📺 - Favourite show?
Derry Girls. Also Taskmaster
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Yes, but the freewheeling elbows that follow usually disuade people from trying again
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
I already am. Unless I divorce I'd rather not commit bigamy
😳 - Do you like your name?
I don't dislike my name. It's just... a name. My surname is quite rare though, so I've got that going for me
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
Magnolia (we rent)
🤓 - How did you get your name?
I don't think there's a reason my parents picked it, unfortunately.
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
I never went to Uni, but I left college (UK definition) in 2004
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Nope. Again, fairly bland in how I want my body to look. Aside from the beard (which was mainly an excuse not to shave every day) I basically just think of it as a slightly crappy vessel to live in.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Brown. Quite dark, in fact, so that from not too far away they look almost black.
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
Cut short twice a year (grade 3 all over), then I just let it grow until it gets too curly. I don't do anything with it, not that you could do anything with it anyway.
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Not really. I was a/am nerd, and didn't really go past shandy until I was 18
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Just twice - I don't really like how it makes my head feel. Once was after a funeral of a schoolfriend. I can't remember the other one
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Physical fear is either heights or dogs. But my biggest one is that one day I'll be alone and forgotten.
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Too cold. I'm an overweight man, so I don't like almost literally swimming in sweat. And with cold weather I can just chuck on another jumper or t-shirt (I'm currently sat here in my dressing gown)
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
Pissing it down. So long as I'm at home and can listen while reading in bed
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
Autumn. Cool, colourful, and has my birthday in it!
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
The Alpaca. I made the missus go to an Alapca farm on the Isle of Wight when we were over there for our 10th wedding anniversary
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
Three cats (Penelope, Irene, Helen). The wife has a dog called Fritz, but I don't interact with him
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Just over two days.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Writing, gaming, bookbinding, sewing, model making, 3D printing, procrastinating
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
I'd like to tour the UK - Have a hoke around Scotland, revisit Wales and Northern Ireland, go and see some history in York or Nottingham or something.
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Currently, it's foiling techniques for my books - the missus bought a second hand set of the LOTR books, and I've got designs on rebinding them and want to make the edges gold
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
Tumblr. Close second for NYT Games (gotta get Wordle and Connections in), and Duolingo
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
I'm a suburbs person. Or at least a town person.
I like some people around, and being in close range to a supermarket and stuff, but I don't like being in a really big city (like London or Belfast) for too long - something like Portsmouth or Derry is ideal actually
Tagging: @areseebee @carouselunique @imstressedx if you feel like you'd like to have a go too :)
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viatrixtravels-a · 8 months
🛏️ [for xiao :3c or Ei bc do they even sleep xD]
Send 🛏️ for a headcanon about how our muses would sleep if they shared the same bed!
// I agree that Xiao probably doesn't (or rarely sleeps) but I'll write some HCs anyway because it's Xiao and I love him. >3
As an adeptus, Xiao rarely ever sleeps. So I imagine he is simply staying by her side after she subconsciously called his name while being haunted by a terrible nightmare.
Lumine would try to convince that she is fine and that it was just a bad dream but he is not having any of it.
Especially since she was literally in tears when he arrived. (And Xiao knows better than anyone that mental or emotional pain can be just as bad if not worse than physical pain)
She might ask Xiao to tell a story from his past, since he has been alive for so long, he sure has many interesting tales to tell. uwu (This depends on which dub you play the game in but Xiao's Chinese VA has such a soothing voice. ;w; There's this video of him reading Xiao's birthday letter and UGH. I can't. Imagine this voice talking to you as you fall asleep???)
Once she has fallen back asleep, he might gently pat her head. Of course, he would never admit it, haha.
When she wakes up in the morning, Xiao would be gone, but she will find a couple of Qingxin flowers on her pillow. uwu
Lumine introduces her to the concept of 'a slumber party' -- and with party it's really just the two of them haha.
Ei has never worn a modern-day pajamas in her whole life so she's very much confused by the concept at first. (Lumine gets them matching ones >3)
They try out different hairstyles together, eat a bunch of sweets and they might even gossip a little. <u<
Ei tells stories about the past while Lumine fills her in on how much has changed in Inazuma (and the other regions) while she kept herself isolated.
The night ends with a pillow fight but Ei takes it a bit too seriously and no pillow makes it out in one piece. (the whole room covered in feathers xD)
Neither of them got much sleep that night but they had fun. uwu
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yutopia-eleftheria · 1 year
Partinus Family Headcanons (Christmas 2022 Special)
This one will contain OC’s. They are visible in the drawing below.
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- Edgar has three siblings, more specifically three sisters ; he is the only boy among the children.
- He has a twin sister named Melody, and she was born before him, making her the oldest sibling.
- Loreena is a year younger than Edgar and Melody. Their last sister, Milly, was born seven years after Loreena.
- Their parents’ names are Finley and Victoria. Edgar’s second name, Arthur, comes from his uncle. Moreover, the children are said to look like their mother, as she also shares blue hair, with different tones. The only one that doesn’t share the same hair tone as their mother is Loreena, as the combination with Finley’s dark hair made her hair look darker than her siblings.
- They are really close with their cousins David and Elizabeth, nicknamed Lizzy by her family.
- Their parents were very loving, but they were always with their mother since their father was often away because of work.
- The family was happy until a plane crash occured and their sister Loreena went missing. She was believed to be dead (She was 3 and her siblings were 4).
- Despite all of that, they tried their best to live on with that loss. The parents were strong together.
- Unfortunately, one day, Victoria died some time after Milly was born, leaving her husband alone to take care of the three children.
- Since he was almost never home, he started to freak out as he thought he could never be able to do it alone without his wife. He thought he could do it one day with her, but she was gone way too soon...
- Finley lost his mind and ultimately decided to experiment on his children, starting with his only son Edgar. As he was taught to be a gentleman, he protected his sisters as he did not wanted his father to experiment and harm them, especially considering Milly was just a newborn.
- He got experimented on endlessly for an entire week. Thankfully, he was freed by his best friend Philip who was heavily worried of his absence. His family reacted quickly and brought the girls to safety. they were all alone when they find them, as their father was at work.
- Some time after that horrible discovery, Aaron Adams adopted the Partinus children. However, Melody was very distant and even mean to him.
- After everything that happened with her father (literally everything at once), Melody grew hateful and violent, the perfect opposite of her brother. She was even in really bad terms with Edgar. It was said by the doctors that it must be a trauma about her father’s doings that made her that way.
- What might be another proof of that “mental illness” is the fact that she always do different hairstyles everytime, showing her possible different levels of violence according to the doctors. She even smokes without her brother and foster father ; she said it helps her calm her nerves.
- She may seem hateful towards her twin brother, but in reality she loves him. Deep down Edgar knows that too, and he was never mad at her because he knew her condition. However, he can’t stand the fact that what his father did made her so different to the point of violence due to trauma.
- Loreena was taken care of by a loving family in Italy after she was found and saved by them from the crash.
- She doesn’t like her eye color ; she is envious of her siblings’ beautiful eyes.
- Loreena was the opposite of Melody ; she was pretty mean when she was young, but she grew a lot calmer over time.
- Edgar never thought at any second that she was dead, he kept on believing that she was safe wherever she was and that they would hopefully meet again one day.
- Despite her young age, Milly loves make up and stylish stuff.
- Their birthday dates :
Melody and Edgar : July 24th (Leo)
Loreena : November 20th (Scorpio)
Milly : March 1st (Pisces)
Elizabeth : May 17th (Taurus) {She shares the same birthday as Byron Love)
David : March 3rd (Pisces)
Aaron : December 17th
- Not all family members play football : Edgar plays as a forward, for the others :
Melody : Defender (n°3)
Loreena : Defender (n°2) and Manager
David : None (He doesn’t play football but he loves watching his family playing football.)
Elizabeth : Midfielder (n°16) and Manager of Knights of Queen
- Edgar taught Excalibur to Elizabeth.
- Melody wants to be a Math Teacher when she grow up.
- Both twins are Demi : Edgar is a Demiboy whereas Melody is a Demigirl.
- Since she lives in Italy for quite some time, Loreena really like the Italian team too. She even fell in love with one of their members, Raffaele Generani.
- Melody, on the other hand, fell in love with Joseph King’s brother James.
- Edgar has different relationships throughout his life :
He was with Thiago for a year.
He was with Sue but it didn’t last long because of their opposite personalities.
He stayed with Camellia for a fairly good amount of time.
He ultimately ended up with a woman named Elieth who is also from England. (She is German too !)
-Their mother got their first children at a fairly young age : She was 21 when she had Edgar and Melody, and she had Loreena a year later. However, she met her demise a few moments after giving birth to Milly. Which unfortunately means that she died way too soon, being only 29 years old. Moreover, she was born on February 3rd.
- Some of the IRL football players exists in this world too. Harry Kane exists in this world and he was like a mentor to Edgar. It was also him that helped him come back to football after what happened to his father. Considering Aaron Adams had a lot to deal with those 3 children and training the children, Harry often took care of Edgar and that made him better and give him more confidence about his capacities. He is like an idol to Edgar. Harry saw his younger self in Edgar too. People even associated a song for their relationship since Harry helped Edgar to get through this “shadow of him” ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_FkM0S-PgY&ab_channel=lyricmaker102 
- Because of her mental illness, Melody can also be rude and violent towards her cousins, but also towards Harry Kane. But since they know about her condition, they don’t reply or do anything, otherwise this could be worse.
- Their heights and weights :
Edgar : 5′6″ (166cm) and 101lbs (46kg) ~~~as a 14 years old.
Melody : 5′3″ (160cm) and 112lbs (51kg) ~~~as a 14 years old.
Loreena : 5′1″ (153cm) and 93lbs (42kg) ~~~as a 13 years old.
Milly : 3′10″ (116cm) and 46lbs (21kg) ~~~as a 6 years old.
David : 5′8″ (173cm) and 137lbs (62kg) ~~~as a 16 years old.
Elizabeth 5′0″ (150cm) and 104lbs (47kg) ~~~as a 13 years old.
Aaron :  5′10″ (178cm) and 159lbs (72kg) ~~~as a 39 years old.
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Victoria Partinus, Edgar and the girls’ mother
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tardytothesimspardy · 11 months
Four Birthdays?!
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In Which There Are Many Birthdays Held
Soon after Flo got pregnant, it was Flat and Ruby's birthdays. I'll admit, it was a bit hard to see Flat age up into an elder, and harder still to,, ugh,, cut his hair ;-;
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This isn't even his new haircut, this is just the party outfit from the whole 1940s/1950s thing I did.
I only did it because he has short hair in The Sims 3, but it probably was a needed change, since he's literally had the same hairstyle since he was a teenager. (Honestly though Flo is no different)
With Flat's elderhood newly begun, he now gravitates toward the rocking chair fiercely, and can no longer go for a simple jog with almost dying, despite having maxed out the athletic skill a while ago, and have gone on daily morning jogs for quite some time now, but whatever it's fine I'm not bothered by it in the least.
Ruby has taken it upon herself to spend her young adulthood to the fullest, and frequently conventions in San Myshuno regularly. She doesn't live there, and isn't sure if she particularly wants to, but it sure is fun seeing all the things there is to see.
One thing in particular that was fun to see was not in San Myshuno, however. Ruby was in Brindleton Bay to visit her uncle, when she browsed the museum and came across a cat, something she doesn't really see in Newcrest.
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She adopted Pumpkin with only the hastiness that a newly-young adult Sim could. (To be fair, Pumpkin became fond of Ruby very quickly, and I—I mean she couldn't resist)
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Back home, I am learning in real time how infants work, and it's not terrible. They seem oddly large, but some infants are like that. In any case, Flat and Flo love their son desperately, and cannot get enough of him.
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(that's not how potty training works, even if skip was old enough to start learning, but okay)
Buck eventually came over for a visit, to meet his nephew, which leads me to three pictures that honestly make me a little emotional.
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Like I'm not tearing up or anything, but I feel like that,, flutteriness? in my chest. Like if a few things were already going on, and then I saw these pictures, I might start crying. That kind of emotional.
About a week after Skip aged up to an infant, it was Flo's birthday, and I once again had to confront my weird conflicting emotions about a Sim that I have played for months becoming an elder, but at least she had a nice party.
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(Unrelated but also included: the perils of owning a cat, and also the fantastic perks of owning a cat)
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And before you ask, the bassinet in Ruby's house doesn't mean she is going to have a baby herself. For some reason in The Sims 3, Ruby's trailer has a crib, despite her not being pregnant, or even having a romantic relationship indicating that she might soon become pregnant. Idk. It's weird.
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cirusthecitrus · 2 years
2 and 9 for the ask meme (its ok if 9 is a no because of worldbuilding spoilers) for anilis and hec-tor
Thank you for the ask!
2. What is their grooming routine?
My precious little princesses need their daily 12345 step skincare routine or they'll explode uwu And that includes taking care of their claws to keep them all nice glittering and sharp, tending to the facial markings, checking the ears and putting some moisturizing cream (cause spacebats' ears are very sensitive)
Then goes the hair. And while Hec-Tor is fighting for his life every morning trying to straighten his hair, Anillis is just chilling with his current hairstyle for 1-2 months before asking his brother to redo it, which in one sitting can take up to 8 hours
Oh but sometimes, when both have nothing better to do they like to play hair salon all day^^
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+Specific things each twin does:
Hec-Tor takes multiple smoke breaks throughout the day. He does this almost religiously, but won't admit that he's addicted, instead he insists that it's somehow good for him. Even Anillis doesn't know why he thinks that. And because of the smoking Hec-Tor always smells like mint :p (yup it has flavours)
Anillis spends his days trying to get rid off his discoloration scars. He understands that no amount of showers, healing creams/oils and scrubbing will change anything, but at least this relaxes him and stops him from wanting to peel of his skin
9. What is their favorite holiday? (Gonna list least favorite holidays too, cause it's more interesting)
Favorites: the boys enjoy every seasonal festival. They're fun they're easy to prepare to, there's good food and everyone gets a day-off which is always a win
But the very best holiday (in their humble opinion) is their birthday! National holiday, everybody :D
Least favorite: there are 2 of them
The first one is Remembrance day, on which spacebats commemorate their people lost to the war and celebrate peace and joys of life they're able to experience thanks to the efforts of their fallen friends and loved ones
Now then, why the twins don't like this holiday? Because they're disrespectful little egotists, of course~ This day is not about them, plus the war happened more than a century ago and seemingly had nothing to do with them, plus everyone around is being melancholic or crying and it makes them uncomfortable. The boys simply can't empathise or feel anything at all and it's hard to pretend they do. Though they still try
The other one is the biggest and the most important religious holiday on the planet which takes place in spring, on the last day before the rainy season. Can't say much about this one because spoilers, but it used to be the worst day of the year for them back when Anillis and Hec-Tor were still a part of the community. They don't celebrate it anymore but still recieve million calls and messages from people from the temple every year
And now the fun part: it so happened that this year these two holidays fall on the same day! So it was decided to hold both events in one of the main temples. And literally all the important figures are going to be there for this occasion: the high priests, the royal family, the imperial council, nobility from all across the planet, their old teachers, many colleagues and friends - the Kur brothers have no choice but to go there, it's too important. But they already feel like they're going to hate every second of it :/
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solarstellarstar · 2 years
#Muse answer to basic Q&A ✨
Made by @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat - thank you vv much for tagging <3 (tagging @vynsloveblogger and @the--igarashi--family to do this WOO)
Lets go~★
What's your name? Is there a meaning behind it?
"I was born with the name Setsuna Fumika. My surname comes from my mother! ...I heard that 'Setsuna' can mean star, I think that's totally fitting!~"
Any prefered Alias or nickname that you'll like to be called as?
"I chose Solar as my stage name and to be honest, I prefer it a teeny bit more than Setsuna. It's not that I hate the name or... the person I used to be but I feel more comfortable as my idol persona Solar."
What kind of person do you think you are?
"I have a lot of potential to rise as an idol! And I consider myself extremely lucky because if it were for any other circumstances... I probably wouldn't be here. Oh, that's what Lunar said. I don't wanna seem cocky or anything."
When is your birthday? How do you celebrate it?
"The sixteenth day of May! This means I'm a Taurus! I honestly don't know a lot about astrology but it sounds pretty cool. When I do have enough funds, I could hold a massive celebration but for now it's just a small party in my room with my closest friends."
What's your age?
"Everyone needs to hear this: SEVENTEEN. Because if I get asked one more time to act like a literal baby just because it seems 'cute' I'm going to LOSE IT- Come on... why can't you all understand I'm grown? I'm... not a child anymore..."
What's your gender?
"I really love expressing my feminity with different outfits such as dresses, miniskirts and high heels... but I don't mind wearing a suit and tie from time to time."
How tall are you? Are you satisfied with your height?
"Listen closely: a hundred and seventy-nine centimetres. Aha!~ It's such a blessing being so tall, I wish I got a picture of Subaru-kun's face when he realised I was one centimetre taller than-
What you looking at? I-"
[Scrambles to hide her shoes]
"My height is natural! I'm not cheating! Stop it!!!"
Where did you come from?
"Dunno. I guess I just... spawned."
// solar that's probably not what they meant
"OH! I meant- I was born somewhere in Japan but my dad forgot to tell me which city. We didn't move into Kaminishi until I was thirteen."
What charm do you suppose that you possess?
"Don't you think I'm adorable? Look at me- absolute cuteness!~"
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// admin is currently cringing. wtf solar you literally said you weren't a child four questions ago
Do a voice impression, will you?~
"Ehh... my voice is significantly higher than those I know- it's worth a shot. Ahem!"
"Please... can you... step on me? It's going to... hurt... and I like that... a lot."
[Immediate regret.]
Name one of your favourite activities, can you?~
"Other than singing and dancing, I do love picking outfits out for myself. Seriously, my closet is really large! And I do have a huge collection of shoes."
How do you greet someone in the morning?
"Uhm... I wake up extremely early. Early as 5am because... I am really busy and I'm sure no one would like to talk with me at 5am, ehe."
What's the last thing you say to someone before going to bed?
"Sweet dreams~ Maybe... I'll appear in them!-"
"Eugh... that was incredibly cheesy..."
Favourite possession (item)?
[Sets her feet onto the table, proudly showing off her high heels.]
"Saying I love them is an extreme understatement. They're really fashionable and even though they might look tall, they barely change my height! I'm pretty much the same height without these."
// admin: 🗿
Why not talk about your hairstyle a little?~
"These? These are totally real."
[Places both hands on both space buns]
"A lot of people assume that these are just hair extensions- they're not! I guess I just do have long hair... and I have to use a lot of hairsprays. Also, space buns became a signature thing for me ever since I was seven years old! My dad didn't know how to style longer hair so I did it myself. But... it wasn't until I got to school that these actually got fixed and tidied. My hairstyle now is just a combination of that and my hair down. I really like how I look in both, so why not combine?"
Any unique characteristics on you?
"I don't really know... because I don't wanna come off as cocky. But other people do say I'm... airheaded? Is that really true?"
Do you have a special nickname to call someone?
"Only Lunar and Hiromi knew this- but I do refer to someone 'Kamineko' from time to time. It's a codename... aha! The reason why is a secret!!"
What's your favourite colour and why?
[Stares blankly at interview camera]
"It's flipping burgundy."
[Obvious sarcasm.]
What do you enjoy doing?
"Running through the rain together with someone that's close to me. Yeah, it sounds like something straight out of a movie but the adrenaline rush is super fun!"
What's your special skill?
"It's super useful during dance routines, I think my skill makes them look even better!"
Demonstrate a short love confession! I dare you~
*Cue slow music*
"You're a giant inspiration for me and for some reason... I can't think straightly when I'm around you. You just have been so caring from the start and you were always looking out for me."
[Clasps both hands together]
"Please give me the honourable chance of becoming your girlfriend! I promise... I can make you the happiest person in the world!"
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"You mean everything to me... Senpai!"
[Record scratch]
"...Wait. Please cut that ending out of the final recording! You're not going to show it- are you?! I just got carried away- it's only a hypothetical situation!! I'M NOT CRUSHING ON-"
Your favourite food, and why?
"Purin. The reason is simple: it's yummy."
Your favourite drink, and why?
"...strawberry soda is nice."
Any favourite book?
"Does this count? It's technically a play but I absolutely loved studying A Midsummer Night's Dream!"
Any favourite genre of movie? Hmm, why?
"A good romance drama is the best type to binge-watch! Even if they're just fictional, romance media actually give me a lot of inspiration and ideas-"
Favourite music? Why?
"It's too difficult to just settle on one music genre. There are so many I adore and I personally love to scream sing songs in my room... but the main type I perform is jpop."
What's your weakness?
"Why would I reveal that?"
// admin here. her weakness is loud noises and obviously: fluffy romance.
Anyone that you respect?~
"Lunar, Hiromi and Kou-senpai all have aided me in different ways on my journey to be an idol. They're all so talented and... personally, my talent can never even come close to theirs. I wanna know if there is a way that I could repay them..."
// admin here. i wish i could list my entire follower list here but fortunately there is so many of you that I cant fit you all into one post <3
Do you have a wish?
"I guess... debut as an idol and become a star? Becoming an inspiration to others with bravery and confidence sounds ideal for me. Perhaps I could use that confidence to reveal how I really feel..."
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