#like. gently take their shoulders. have you heard of a 'heel'.
theminecraftbee · 10 months
god i really feel like the mcrp fandom and the wrestling fandom are cousins. we should hold hands. we both have to deal with people not quite understanding the idea of keyfabe ("don't you know wrestling is FAKE?"/"they're using their real names so clearly it's all the real youtubers"), with ao3 tagging nightmares (did you know the wrestling fandom still has the rpf tag problem the mcrp fandom had for years because apparently ao3 doesn't understand keyfabe either?), with people who don't understand keyfabe but from the other side (yes it's not real but i should still harass the player/wrestler about it right?), with complicated plots with goofy characters, with outsiders being dead convinced that the people inside are writing rpf, even if we explain it's not real... i'm just saying. we're cousins. buddies. we should hold hands. we should understand each other. that's all i'm saying,
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saerotonins · 5 months
in a world full of boys, he's a gentleman
ft. nanami kento x fem!reader
— in which kento unintentionally proves how much of a husband material he is.
content warnings: fluff, smut, light angst, suggestive, making out, nanami kento being a certified hubby, fiancée!kento, weddings, mentions/implied slut-shaming, reader has horrible relatives, reader is described to be non-traditional, riding, p in v sex, creampie, breeding kink, daddy kink, choking, hair pulling, curses still exist but nobody dies (yay!) and geto is mentally fine and a teacher at jujutsu tech <33, im so in love with him, some can be considered bare minimum and subtle but idc if he does it he's the standard, kento loves it when you're checking him out, just kento being a gentleman, kento is so in love with you, you you and you in his mind, reader is just as the same btw, corny ass vow (idk how to write one srry)
wc: 5591 (holy shit lol)
note: im!! so!! head!! over!! heels!!! with!! this!! man!! (it's really not that obvious, right?) he's so dreamy he deserves a lot of kissy kisses and a ticket to malaysia <33 also!! just realized this is my first piece for 2024 tehehe happy new year, everyone! 🎀🎆
best enjoyed with: slut! - taylor swift
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that time when you both went out for a picnic
the sunset paints the sky with the most vibrant colors as you and kento bask in each other's presence and sit on a picnic blanket, surrounded by the quiet sways of the green grass, accompanied by some people who decided to hang out around the vicinity.
it's one of those days that kento is blessed by once in a blue moon break from being a jujutsu sorcerer. kendo's always grateful to have this kind of day because it would mean that his hands would spend their time stealing soft touches against your skin instead of fighting curses.
a faint clink can be heard when you and kento toast your glasses together, half filled with your favorite champagne. it's a tad bit sweet to kento's liking as he is not good with sweets, but he opted to bring it to your picnic instead of his favorite whiskey because he knows you love it. 
kento watches you put your lips on the champagne flute and drink your sweet alcohol with glee. he takes a small sip from his as he stares at you with admiration. 
satisfied with your drink, you set it aside on your coaster as you lean your head on kento's shoulders. "such a lovely day, isn't it?" you say while you close your eyes, soaking in the remaining rays of the sunshine before it sleeps, allowing the night to take over the sky.
kento hums in approval as he puts his free hand on your head, giving it gentle and loving pats as he rests his head against yours, but not before giving you a quick peck. "we should do this more often," 
"i agree; you should ditch gojo more and spend more time with me," you joked, and you heard your fiancée chuckle, "that wouldn't be so professional of me, darling," it's your turn to let out a chuckle.
"it's gojo; being professional is already out of the window." 
"you're right, maybe i should," kento jested back.
the two of you just sat in comfortable silence until a slightly strong gust of wind blew in your direction. caught by the shock of it all, you close your eyes and hold your sundress down to avoid flashing the strangers. but before you could even do it, a strong pair of arms wrapped around you.
kento had covered you, so any speck of dust blown by the wind wouldn't be able to get into your eyes. your sundress is also held down by his knees between your legs. when you opened your eyes, you were greeted by your fiancée's face close to yours, assessing you. you suddenly feel your stomach tumble and fill with butterflies.
"are you okay? didn't get anything in your eyes?" he says gently, eyes observing you with worry. you give him a slight nod, "mhm, i'm fine kento, how about you?" kento answered with a hum as he tried to fix your dress and some parts of the picnic blanket that was slightly blown away by the wind.
"i think that's the cue for us to pack up, or do you want to stay for a while?" kento asks you while he starts to pack up some of your stuff into the picnic bag. "we should stay until the sun completely sets, it's a shame to leave while the sky looks pretty." 
kento nods and finishes packing before he sits beside you, looking at the view. he then makes your head lean on his shoulders once again, his hands caressing the top of your head. "yeah, i agree, the sky looks pretty." he states.
he feels you nod and continues, "but you're prettier to look at," he says as he looks down at you and to his surprise, he meets your eyes on him. "i could say the same to you, kento," you say before capturing his lips against yours.
kento smiles on your lips before reciprocating your gesture, slightly tasting the remnants of your sweet champagne earlier. 
and at that moment, he thought, it doesn't matter if his tongue tasted something so sweet, as long as it's from your lips.
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that time when you went christmas shopping
the mall filled with bustling crowds is not a perfect way to spend time with your fiancée. but when this is the only time your schedules align to go for a last-minute shopping to buy gifts for your loved ones, you don't really have a choice.
kento especially noticed how much you were on edge today despite being excited to buy gifts for everyone especially his mentees. you weren't the type to enjoy a busy crowd, so he knows how to elevate your stress.
store after store, he gave you every opinion he had (that you asked for) ever so gently and thoroughly but not too much to overwhelm you since you're technically a ticking time bomb now. kento was attentive at every store you went to and immediately picked out gifts you thought were best to give. he stood up in the busy and long line as he let you sit on the lounge chair present in the store. 
by the time you're done shopping, he carries all the bags and refuses to give you any (even the small ones). and when you insist, he gives you an offended look, telling you he can manage. 
while you're walking to leave the mall, your stares don't go unnoticed by your fiancée as he sees you mindlessly gawking at his arms that flex every time he has to fix the bags while walking. 
and that makes carrying your shopping bags even more worth it to him.
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that time when you got drunk at a new year's party
gojo has set a new year's party that includes everyone in jujutsu tech in one of his vacation homes in japan. it was supposed to be a reasonably small party but this is gojo satoru we're talking about; he's going to be extra about anything and everything.
the party is semi-formal and requires everyone to dress up nicely. kento does not enjoy parties, but seeing you dress up in a pretty dress that enhances your assets makes him think that attending this event has benefits too.
the party wasn't uneventful per se, but despite the semi-formal wear that everyone was rocking, the event itself was casual. the house was filled with laughter and noise, mainly from the students and everyone else sharing stories and conversing. an hour or two into the party, you and kento decided to part ways as you go on your way to interact with gojo, geto, and shoko.
kento trusted you enough to be alone with them so he opted to talk with some of his colleagues whose presence calms him (obviously not gojo). he spent his time talking with higuruma, sharing ideals and mundane stuff they both enjoyed doing. it was a calming conversation for both men, who wanted peace and tranquility.
"there's this store that sells rare vintage vinyl; i think you'll love to shop there," higuruma suggests as they talk about collecting vinyl, a hobby they share. kento was about to reply, but even before he opened his mouth, he heard a very loud— 
"nanamin!" which made both men turn their heads in the direction where the sound came from.
the voice no doubt belonged to itadori, his face painted with concern as he rushed to kento's area. "what is it itadori?" he asked the young man the moment he arrived while panting.
"your wife! she's—" before itadori can even finish his sentence, kento's already sprinting to where you are, itadori following suit.
kento doesn't need to know what he needs to say; the worry on itadori's face, accompanied by your name, is enough for him to look for you.
turns out you're drunk of your mind. 
when kento arrives in gojo's kitchen, it's just you and him having a very drunk and heated argument about whether cereal or milk comes first.
"no! that's so stupid, cereal should come first, think about it you stupid idiot, if you pour milk first, you'll miss the chance to fill the bowl with so much cereal!" your fiancée sees you standing on gojo's kitchen island alongside him, slurring your words as you sway the glass of wine in the air, threateningly spilling as you keep on moving.
gojo scoffs at your argument, "maybe t'was the point! it's all about ratio, how else can you enjoy cereal when there's too much cereal and little room for milk!" he barks back, holding a—
is that a massive cup of sunrise tequila? no wonder he got so drunk, kento thought as he sighed.
"there's no such thing as ratio for you, gojo! you're the same person who adds too much pineapple on pizza that it becomes disgusting!" you shouted at gojo's face as you continuously pointed at his chest with your index finger.
across the kitchen island stood geto and shoko with unamused faces, looking like they were just waiting for everything to die down on its own. kento sighs and asks them, "did they have an alcohol-drinking battle again?" and all they reply is a solid nod.
"gojo got too competitive and drank that sweet poison, which led to this... argument," shoko adds, looking at both you and gojo incredulously. "they immediately started gulping down the alcoholic drinks right after midnight," geto said, a chuckle threatening to leave his lips.
"please help me break them up," your fiancée kindly pleads to geto and shoko. they immediately showed empathy to their former junior and decided to hold gojo back together while kento held onto you.
it took almost half an hour to break you and gojo apart, not to mention the commotion and your silly drunk discussions that blew out of proportion because the both of you are just so passionate and no one would back down without a fight. after successfully separating the two of you, kento immediately guided you away from the party and to your car, not without leaving shy goodbyes to the people he would face along the way.
the drive back home was thankfully not chaotic, but it was definitely filled with your drunken chatter as you slur words kento can barely make out.
getting you to your shared home was relatively easy; you were patient enough to let kento walk you off to the front door and remove your heels before gently placing you on the couch. 
he was about to let go and grab some water until you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to your face; kento felt his heart race. "hey there," you whispered against his lips, distance threateningly close.
kento could smell the alcohol on your breath, probably a mixture of beer, wine, and then some. still, he couldn't bring himself to care when he knew your lips would probably taste slightly sweet. "have you ever been this handsome, kento?" you ask, your voice dripping honey despite being out of your mind, trapped in your own drunken bubble.
"maybe that's just the alcohol's doing, darling," he jokes.
"no no, i think i already saw this face years ago."
"really. you look even more handsome now, you should give me a kiss," you say as you pucker your lips, slowly leaning towards his.
kento couldn't even say no even if he didn't want to (not that he will ever not want to kiss you). he decides to give you a swift peck just to entertain your shenanigans, but when he is about to let go, you deepen your kiss, tightening your wrap on his neck, forcing him to lean forward and straddle you with one of his thighs digging on the couch.
he can taste the red wine you had recently drunk, and he's confident he can get drunk with your lips alone. kento's mind went hazy as he moved against your lips languidly, letting himself drown in your kiss. he wanted this to last longer, even take it further, but alas, kento has always been a man of self-control, so he lets go of you, not before giving you one last kiss on the forehead before heading to the kitchen.
the whole night, kento tends to your every need that you couldn't do. he had prepared you a warm bath, removed your makeup, and did your skincare for you that he knows at the back of his hand. he had lathered you up with your favorite lotion, dried your hair (not without a fight since your drunk self found the hair dryer too loud), and kissed you good night before tucking you to bed, leaving a pack of aspirin and a water bottle on your nightstand before sleeping.
the morning after, you woke up to the smell of your favorite soup and your fiancée insisting on feeding you even though you told him you could manage.
you make sure to pay him back really well that same day.
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that time when you attended a family reunion 
it's always this dreaded day you always wanted to avoid but couldn't. 
you would rather stay home with kento rather than attend a gathering that will just piss you off, but your mom had pleaded with you to come— "so that they won't gossip about you," she said.
you know that's a lie; whether or not you attend, they'll always find a way to talk about you anyway; there's no winning. but since you wouldn't want to let your mother down, you suck it up and prepare for it regardless.
what makes you nervous is that this is the first time Kento has come along— or more like you let him come along. 
you had heard complaints from your relatives about not meeting kento when he was still your boyfriend, and now that you're engaged, you should've at least let them meet him. you begrudgingly agreed, but it doesn't mean you're not nervous.
your relatives have been annoying throughout your life, always meddling with things they shouldn't even care about. 
it always started with asking about your weight change, school activities, grades, chosen course, and relationships, not to mention the ever-so "you should do better" undertone in all aspects of your life. and for some reason, always making you feel small is included in their mandatory list to piss you off. 
you know that once you let them meet your now fiancée, they would bombard him with questions and annoy you and him for the rest of the day. you only keep up with the tradition because your mother is too kind to tell them off, laughing awkwardly when they berate you and always giving you a silent apology through her eyes.
it wasn't her fault; you just wish she'd shut them off.
kento had noticed your change of behavior ever since this morning while preparing in your home. you had been silent and spacing out, only replying when he had finally snapped you out of your daze. he doesn't know what the deal was with your relatives, but all he knows is that your mood drastically changes whenever they're involved in the conversation, and that's enough for him to tell you that they're not really good news.
"are you sure you want to go, honey? we can always drive back home," kento said with worry, cutting through the thick tension in the car. "it's fine; I can handle it; we're almost there anyway. it would be a waste if we turn around," you tell him with a smile that doesn't quite reach your eyes.
Kento replied with a small smile, taking your hand to his face and kissing your knuckles, "just know that i'll always be there, alright?"
you nod, feeling slightly relieved, before looking out the window to drink in the scenery as you pass by. 
it turns out you can't handle it.
you thought your relatives would be a little tamer because you have someone over, but you were totally wrong.
ever since you both arrived, your aunties had surrounded kento and bombarded him with questions. from his age, degree, university he graduated from, where you met, wedding date, monthly income (which is incredibly embarrassing), to how many children he plans to have.
most of it wasn't a problem, but your blood boiled the moment they asked about what he saw from you.
this would've been such a sentimental moment if it weren't for your auntie's sarcastic tone, as if the question was meant to belittle you, to make you feel like you're not worthy of him.
when kento was about to open his mouth just to pour out how much he loves you and how he's lucky to have you, one of your aunties butt in with their loud mouth.
"well, she isn't really a traditional partner isn't she?" she said, a smug smile forming on her ugly and wrinkly face. "yeah, i mean, i assume with a fine man like you wouldn't be attracted to someone like her," another one added.
kento clenches his fists as he felt fury fire inside of him. how dare they think about you like this and talk about you like this, like you weren't just in front of him, seething in pain and anger.
he was about to give a proper and calm response when your uncle had spoken, "besides, she dresses like a... you know," then an ugly cackle. "a what?" your auntie had joined, taunting him to say the word.
"oh, you know, like a sl-"
that was the final nail in the coffin. his words are cut off when kento angrily smashes both palms on the table, seemingly angry, forming an angry red aura you have never seen. "i've had enough," he started, while all eyes are on him, including yours.
"i will not allow any single one of you to disrespect my wife any longer. i will not tolerate your old and immature ways of talking about her. i've been patient enough, but this bullshit is something I will not allow," kento's vulgar choice of words has made everyone's eyes at the table grow wide, shocked.
"i would say this respectfully, but you guys weren't to my wife either, so please, i'll say this once," he inhales, trying to calm himself down. 
"fuck off," kento declares before taking your hand and exiting the venue.
during the walk to the car, he had been slowly calming himself down. once you reach it, kento holds your face gently, "i'm sorry for the outburst there; i just couldn't stand them disrespecting you any longer, so I had to." he says before putting a gentle yet quite long kiss on your forehead.
once he lets go, he sees your face. your eyes had been filled with tears, and it broke his heart. "that's fine, i've been wanting to tell them to fuck off for years anyway. if anything, i should thank you," a smile spread through kento's face before opening the car door to let you in.
once the both of you are finally settled in your seat, you ask, "by the way, I just noticed you called me your wife; what was that all about?" you ask him out of curiosity. he knows you're happy about that based on how happy your voice sounded when you asked him.
"i'm just so sure you'll end up with that title anyway, unless you're having cold feet?"
"oh god, no! i'm just touched, 's all," you shrugged as you settled in your seat, a smile stretched across your face. 
kento chuckles and leans forward to kiss your cheek before starting the engine and driving off.
your mom visited you and kento later that week, saying she was happy she was finally not invited to the next reunion. she then made you your favorite dishes as an apology for that day.
you don't mind what gossip they would come up with next, not when you have the kind of man kento is. 
their little toxic gossip train had nothing compared to the love that kento gives you every single day anyway.
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that time when you asked him to be rough
the night is still young and cold but kento does know how to make it hot.
his hands fumble the plush ass as you keep on taking his cock, sloppily riding him as you let your hips and thighs do the work. your cunt meticulously takes all of him, molding your walls just like it was made for him. "hah, faster darling, please," kento pleads, voice broken and desperate for release.
his calloused hands caress your body gently like you are someone sacred, a figure that shouldn't be harshly touched or you'll be condemned, the same hands that used to exorcise and kill curses without a single thought. and yet with you, he carefully carries them lightly, holding onto your waist, not too tight enough to leave you in pain. 
you feel your stomach tie into a knot, slowly feeling yourself come to a climax, "shit, kento, you're so big, mngh, make me feel so full," you say through gritted teeth, further speeding up your pace. the sound of your thighs slamming against his echoes through your bedroom, accompanied by your ragged breaths and kento's broken moans of pleasure.
your fiancée's hands then find their place back on your ass, squeezing it tight, but not too much, guiding you to bounce on his cock more as he feels himself closer. "s'good for me, yeah? taking me like a good girl?" kento looks at your eyes lovingly, his brown orbs touching your soul. you nod, not finding the words to say, mind too hazy to answer as you keep on taking his dick, taking him in like you always do.
"yes, oh god, yes, kento— please, inside— me," were the only words you managed to let out as your movements kept on getting sloppier and sloppier each moment passed by. he knew what it meant, and who he to deny such a polite request?
kento let himself release inside of you with a groan, making sure every drop of his cum is given to you. 
your pants envelope the room as you both try and catch your breaths— then a beat of silence.
you take kento's face in the palm of your hands and caress his cheek, "you know, i sometimes wish you could be rough," you say as you observe his sexed stupor, "i occasionally get rough on you, don't i?" he asks, eyebrows raised with confusion.
"no, like i mean, rough rough," you emphasize, "you're always so gentle. you don't think i can handle you?" faux sadness evident in your voice, one that your fiancée can never say no to, not when you're asking this nicely. "oh darling, i'm sorry, i will do it next time," he coos, fixing the loose strands on your hair by tucking them behind your ear.
"we can do it now?" you suggest, making the corner of kento's lips perk up, "oh? you sure you can handle it?"
"i know i can handle it," you say as your voice rang with confidence.
you knew kento had it in him to be rough, but good god, you never expected him to be this good. 
he had given you a more than good fucking, which leads you drooling on your sheets, with your back arched, ass up, and your hands held behind by kento as he drills his cock into your sopping cunt. his hands left prints on your ass and thighs, which left a delicious burn on your skin. "want to take my babies, don't you?" kento says as his hips meet your asscheeks.
"mnghh, yes, daddy! full— 'f your babies!" that was enough for him to unload himself inside of you, burying himself deeper to make sure you'll take all of it before he pulls out.
you were about to sit up, panting, when you felt kento's large hands wrap around your neck from behind, squeezing it while the other was pulling your hair.
"who said i was done with you, pretty?" the deep timbre of his voice went straight to your pussy.
this side of your fiancée is undoubtedly a pleasant surprise.
the following day, though, you were treated again like a queen, a bath ready for you by the time you woke up, surrounded with fresh flower petals that he had taken the time to buy from your nearest flower shop, and your favorite candle burning alongside your bath products. kento also insisted on giving you a full body massage to ease any tension and muscle ache.
you asked for it anyway, but you also don't mind this kind of treatment from him every now and then.
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that time when you had a cold
you woke up feeling like absolute shit.
you don't know when or why it happened; it just did.
your head was throbbing the moment you opened your eyes, squinting at the sun rays that peeked through your windows. your body felt heavier than usual, and your shoulders felt sore. kento had taken notice of this as soon as he woke up, tending to your every need.
it pains your fiancée to see you in such a state, voice hoarse, your sniffles meet with a crumpled-up tissue near your nightstand, a mucus-filled cough every now and then, and an occasional "my throat hurts" whenever you speak. you had begged him to bring you some slightly cold water along with your food because lukewarm water doesn't hit just the same. but being the ever-responsible adult that kento is, he says no, leaving you sulking as you begrudgingly eat your food with a frown.
taking your medicine, though, is a different kind of task.
you stall every single time, finding it hard (or hating) to swallow the pills. even more so if he gave you water with a dissolved effervescent tablet, claiming it's too gross to drink, even if it doesn't really have any flavor. whenever you're sick, this is always the obstacle he has to face.
"please give me some juice or candy kento; it'll help when i drink the medicine," you begged, adding a touch of cooing pleases to make him say yes.
"i think the sweets you ate are what led you this way, darling," he says, which practically means no. 
a pattern he noticed is that whenever you eat too much salt or sweets without drinking the right amount of water, it always leads to you getting this sick. "it'll just be a little sip, please? baby?" you had finally hit a new low, busting out the occasional nickname when you need something from him.
"you're a big girl, honey; you can drink this. here, i'll cover your nose for you," at this point, you just let him do it; there's no way you'll be able to convince him. you reluctantly nod and decide to drink the medicine instead.
kento pinched the sides of your nose together, effectively covering the smell, or lack thereof (he doesn't even know why he covers your nose, he just knows you'll take it if you don't smell anything). your face scrunched as your tastebuds are met with an unfamiliar and unwelcome taste, but you drink it anyway, your throat desperately chugging it so you can be done with it right away.
once you felt that you had finally consumed all of the medicine, you immediately let go of kento's hold on your nose, quickly reaching out to the glass of lukewarm water on your nightstand. after you drink enough to allow the aftertaste of the medicine to go, you place it back and let yourself lie in bed.
"i'll prepare you dinner, and i'll be back, alright?" kento takes away your glasses and places them on the tray he had brought them with. he was about to leave the room when he felt you tugging on his shirt "hm? do you need something?"
you shake your head, "no, just... thank you," 
a small smile spread on his face, your fiancée takes his free hand on your head and gently ruffles your hair, "this is nothing to thank about darling, i'm just doing my job," he bends down and gingerly places a long kiss on your forehead, "i love you, get some rest." 
you nod, but not before giving him a small smile back.
that night after you had eaten your dinner and drank your medicine (albeit hesitantly), you spent the night with kento caging you in his firm, warm arms. 
you feel yourself get better by then.
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that time when you got married
when you walked down the aisle, kento looked at you like you had hung the stars for him. his eyes sparkle as he sees you wearing the gown you've been working on for months; even kento himself can't believe he's seeing an angel.
is this what heaven is? is this a dream? are you even real? how lucky is he to be with someone like you?
kento always believed you're out of his league, someone out of reach, and like the stars from the sky, the only way to capture your beauty is through his eyes. but he couldn't believe that the universe was on his side, fate working its way to make him yours, and he happily obliged. 
cupid had shot him through the heart, and you stole it, and he can't even be mad at it. he'd happily give you all of him at the snap of your fingers. let himself be bare to you; let himself mesh with you. your soul, senses, beliefs, and love clouded onto him. 
he consumes every single aspect of you within him, lovers stitched together by fate that no one can even cut. 
kento sees himself becoming one with you, so he will never regret the time he got on his knees to present you with the prettiest ring he could ever find, but nothing can compare to the beauty you carry, not even this ring. 
when you accept him with a delighted "yes," kento swears he's the luckiest man alive ever, blessed by your whole being.
so when you finally reach his side, everyone becomes a blur, his eyes focused on you the whole time, soaking in your beauty; he can't believe this is the face he's going to see every morning for the rest of his life. 
"hey handsome, you look great," you say, holding kento's hand. "i could say the same to you, pretty," he replies, and he had to stop himself from kissing you right there and then.
and comes with the exchange of vows; kento feels slightly nervous but proud because he gets to declare his love for you in front of the people you both cherish most.
he clears his throat before opening up the letter in his hands and looks at you with such love and contentment.
"to the person who helped me see love in your form,
you've always painted colors on my blank canvas, and i cannot thank you enough. you shed light when i'm in my darkest days, have been with me through my stormy nights, and share my gloomy days.
you have been the compass to my lost soul, guiding me to the destination i know as love. you give harmony to my life as your laughter always brings music to my ears; your voice reminds me that you're here with me. you had composed the greatest symphony that sang its way to my heart, making me bare my soul, something that i will never regret," kento pauses, his voice croaked, words stuck in his throat as he tries to stop his tears from spilling. he fails to hear the audience coo in awe, focusing on you.
he continues, "loving you became my eternal pursuit, my garden whose roots are planted deeper than the sea where my endearment continues to blossom. 
every step with you feels like a dance, one that i will not get tired of swaying my heart with. your hands had made a map of my body and soul, imprinted the images of love one couldn't see, and only i could feel.
and the only time i get to call something home, i stare into the deep abyss of your eyes and see myself tangled with you.
with you, i am willing to get even our souls intertwined, dancing through life as we face the uncertainty together, with love ink deep within my veins.
to my anchor, my only solace, the only anthem my heart will forever sing,
i hope the warmth of your arms will forever embrace me, even after death." the attempt to keep his tears falling fails, so does the audience, and so did you.
your eyes filled with tears, but one that's full of love. your heart feels so full that it's threatening to spill out of you. you love kento so much that it hurts; it aches to the core that someone could ever love you this much.
and you're forever thankful.
that day, your promises to each other are officially sealed with a kiss so intense and wedding bands that even evil couldn't break, that no trespassers shall get into and rip your bond away.
when kento's lips met yours, it was soft, it was warm, it was sweet, it was comforting. 
finally, your husband thinks.
that day sealed the chapter to your newfound forever.
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another note: i'm not so proud of the vows i made but i hope it captured kento enough lol srry 😭
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starkeyisthelastname · 5 months
smut with dealer rafe 😩😩😩
“Can I help you princess?” He asked nonchalantly as you slowly walked up to the couch, hands resting behind your back as he glanced up from counting the stack of cash in his hand. His blue eyes pierced into you, glancing over the small dress you wore before letting out a soft laugh. “I know you don’t do coke.” His tone amused. Rafe Cameron was his name or so that is what your friend had told you. She had warned you that he was an asshole, but gave the best deal on weed if you wanted some that bad.
“No- I don’t.” You told him quietly. “I need weed and I heard that you have some.” You watched as he stopped counting the money, wrapping a rubber band around it before leaning back against the couch on the upper balcony of the mansion.
“I do.” He said his voice in a low rasp.
You swallowed hard, watching his muscles flex as he stretched his arms against the back of his head. You bounced on your little heels, biting your lower lip as you waited for him to tell you how much it was. He was rather intimidating but gorgeous to look at. Buzzed hair, a strong jawline and stunning blue eyes that were staring into you.
“How much?” You finally asked him, opening your little Gucci purse. The money was between your fingers, when you felt a ringed hand pull you closer.
“I don’t want that shit. I want something else.” He told you, his other hand coming out from behind his head to rest on your hip. You felt the goosebumps rise on your smooth skin making you shiver as his fingertips traced over your flesh. “I wanna put my dick inside you. You are fucking the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
You really didn’t know how to react, no man ever have telling you this before. The embarrassing thing was is that you felt your cunt pulse with want. This man quietly possibly having the sexiest voice you’ve ever heard. “I- I don’t know.” You whispered, the party below still going on. While it was dark up here, you didn’t know if anyone else wanting drugs would come up here.
Rafe removed his hand, grabbing his phone off the table. His thumb moved quickly, before setting the device back down. “Don’t worry about anyone. This is my fucking place.” He reassured you, his hand reaching for you again. “I got something that might change your mind.”
He pulled out a blunt, lighting it and taking a long hit as he pulled you down to sit next to him. Your eyes watched as he held it in his mouth, his hand working down towards button of his pants where he reached into his boxers. Your eyes widened as you saw his cock and just how big it was.
“Come here.” He rasped out.
Dress lifted up and lace panties to the side, you sunk down onto him. The way you were immediately filled up made you let out a moan, gripping his strong shoulders for support. “Oh fuck-you are big.” You said, throat tight as you didn’t even have words for how good it felt.
“Shit..” His voice hoarse as your pussy wrapped around him. “You can fucking take it.”
He placed the blunt up to your lips which you inhaled the best you could while gently rocking back and forth on his cock. The man was huge and impatient apparently as he gripped your ass roughly. You squeaked out a moan when his cock jackhammered into you, piercing your cervix with each thrust. “Fuck- fuck.” You whimpered, becoming limp against his strong frame as he made you take it.
“Shit- princess.” Rafe grits out, your cunt squeezing the fuck out of him. “This slutty pussy taking my big dick like a good girl. All because you are feenin for some weed. Fucking pathetic.” He spat at you while one hand came to your throat.
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blueberryarchive · 3 months
jk & th fucking you in the subway
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(smut, degrading, dub-con, stalking, taehyung talking like he gets paid for it) shorts for the sleepless
The most sudden cold passed in the city that night, both hands inside his jeans and his shaky foot waiting to hear the squeaky reels of the subway.
The alcohol didn't help at all, what's more, his body felt more sober than when he started the night, and God knows that after seeing your smile directed at one of the bartenders, sobriety would hit him in the face like the night wind. 
You, on the other hand, were wearing the shortest dress in your closet, the highest heels, and the most dopey face. You were juicy red meat in the middle of a concrete jungle, your hair moved with your staggers, and you laughed as you heard your babbling echo down the long, desolated hallway.
It wasn't worth arguing with you and your promiscuous ways every time you drank. He would have preferred to stay home and prepare dinner for you, good wine, good sex. But you and your forms of showing off would destroy your poor boyfriend.
Those thighs shaking gently, your breasts glistening with the sweat of a night of dancing.
"We should take a cab, Tae."
"It's here. Come on, baby." His sweet, low voice indicated that you had done something wrong.
The rails shook under your Moschinos, his hand settled on your waist guiding you to the open door. You grabbed the metal pole and spun around several times, your squeals and laughter didn't seem to amuse Taehyung.
You looked in the direction where his pupils were directed, in the other corner was a man, alone, his eyes went up and down in your direction nervously.
"Could you stop being such a slut for a moment?" Taehyung muttered, squeezing his eyes.
Your chest hurts, the burn of the alcohol rising to your face.
"I thought we were alone. God!" You rolled your eyes, preventing tears from ruining your makeup.
"You always act like you're alone."
"What does that mean?" You stammered, gripping the pole tighter, losing your stability.
Taehyung didn't say anything, shaking his head. A sarcastic laugh.
"Taehyung." Your voice was higher than normal, your boyfriend looked at the stranger and then back at you. "What does that mean?"
"Let's leave the topic for when we get home, 'kay?" Your boyfriend mumbled, getting up from his seat to support your useless body. "Anyway, you're so fucking drunk that I don't think you'll even remember how you got home."
The way he spoke, the way his eyes looked at you: they burned with dangerous playfulness. You didn't understand, you didn't like it.
"Stop treating me like that." Your voice trembled.
"Like what?"
"As if I was a whore."
The subway lights disappeared for a few seconds when they returned, you could only see Taehyung's shoulders shaking in silent laughter.
"Tae, what's wrong?"
Tears accumulated in the two wrinkled lines that served as eyes, and the laughter continued.
You looked at the crestfallen man. His hands twisted anxiously, and he swallowed as he felt your gaze on his arms. He was quite strong, you could see it even under the hoodie.
"Oh, so do you wanna fuck him too?" Taehyung grabbed your hair, winding his fingers through the strands until he arranged a good portion so that you were looking at him instead of the stranger. "Are you such a whore that you want to fuck the weird fucks on the subway, too? You make me sick."
"He's not even looking at me, you're paranoid."
Taehyung let go of your hair, and you fell to the ground shaking as you watched your boyfriend approach the man. The stranger opened his eyes and stammered something intelligible when the cell phone was taken from his hand.
"Oh, this is perfect." Taehyung laughed, his finger flicking from one photo to the next. "The motherfucker has been taking photos of you from afar since the club. Freak." Taehyung brought the phone closer to your face, showing one where you were bending down to fix the bow on your heel, your pussy bulging under your underwear.
"See what you're causing, you fucking whore?"
"Tae, please. Stop this."
"I'm sorry." The man said, he was a little taller than your boyfriend and stronger, but he looked like a stupid giant in front of Taehyung who only smiled cruelly.
"You're sorry? Can you believe this guy, baby?"
You lowered your head, the alcohol tickling your stomach as the stranger looked at your breasts shamelessly.
"Oh my God, she's blushing now. That never happens when she's with other men, you should be proud, dude." Taehyung hit the stranger in the chest.
"M-my name's Jungkook." It was just a trickle of voice above the metallic noise.
Taehyung opened his eyes in pure disbelief. He couldn't believe how stupid he looked. Broad shoulders, tattoos and piercings, all meant nothing.
"You are pathetic, Jungkook."
Jungkook's hands hid in his hoodie, eyes evasive, sweat rising on his forehead. Taehyung put the cell phone in his pocket, sighing.
"Come on, baby. Sorry I left you on the floor, it wasn't very nice of me." Taehyung offered his hand, and you took it. Your surprise was when by sheer force you were pulled onto Jungkook's hard chest.
"Sorry." Jungkook tried to stabilize your body with his sweaty hands.
"Don't touch me!" You squeaked, but Taehyung pushed you into his chest again, this time with your back to Jungkook.
"Don't move. Neither of you." Taehyung put his index finger on your chest. His eyes traced every curve of your body with a sly smile. "Be a good girl and let the man have a little touch, hm? He looks starved."
You could feel his cock throbbing in your ass, nausea churning in your stomach. It was big.
"It's like that toy you have in your cabinet but attached to a huge, pathetic piece of meat. Ain't that right, baby?"
Taehyung's tongue ran across your chest until he reached the piece of fabric that was poorly covering your breasts. You screamed as you felt your boyfriend destroy your top until your tits were exposed.
"Stop!" Your voice grew weaker until a huge hand covered your mouth, the smell of cheap perfume and sweat causing a headache.
Jungkook's free hand went to your breast, squeezing without caring about the pain it caused you. Starved he was.
"Was this what my princess wanted?"
You shook your head as you watched your boyfriend undo his belt.
"You shouldn't feel bad about it, I know what you need."
His cock bounced out of his jeans and landed between your legs. His eyes widened with a devilish smile.
"Oh my God, you're dripping."
Jungkook hurrief behind you to imitate Taehyung and let his sweatpants fall to his knees.
"Fuck." He breathed as he spread your ass with his hands, nails leaving jagged edges on the soft, ripe skin.
Taehyung tore the delicate fabric until he left your pussy at the disposal of both cocks. You could feel the veins of your boyfriend rubbing against the skin between your thighs. How Jungkook poked your clit every time he tried to move without shaking.
The juice from your pussy comes out hot until lubricating both. The overwhelming pleasure of two men moaning in your ears.
Taehyung held your face to spit into your mouth, his fingers guiding you to kiss Jungkook behind you. His bitter, cigarette-tasting saliva making you wrinkle your nose.
"Stop complaining." Your boyfriend's hand bounced off your ass.
"Sorry." Jungkook looked into your crystalline eyes before wrapping a thick, tattooed arm around your neck. "Please, let me-"
"You don't ask a whore what she wants, do you?"
Your boyfriend held your hair until you sat on top of him, his wide cock parting your lips to find space, the sweet burn of his veins throbbing in your walls.
"Take his cock in your mouth, baby."
Jungkook approached and let your delicate lips be adorned with the pearls that fell from the tip of his dick. 
You were so angelic, so good, Jungkook knew you would do anything for a stranger. He can't forget the time you accidentally brushed against his cock during rush hour on this same subway.
How you smiled, apologizing as if it were your fault that you were so tasty, so small under him, looking up at his drooling and stupid face while he tried not to think about raping you in an alley when you two came out.
And now, here was your throat open for him and the mascara falling black on your blushing cheeks. He couldn't stand much if you looked at him that way, with your nipples in the air and that fruity perfume emanating from your hair.
"I can't, oh god." Jungkook was breathing sharply, one hand resting on the glass window and his feet on tiptoe, passing from station to station.
Taehyung abused your pussy, both thighs squeezed by his hands until they were pressed against your shoulders. Eyes drooping and hot tongue grazing your earlobe.
"Tell him where you want him to cum, princess," Taehyung whispered, his hand stroking your hair.
You threw your head back for air, and like a good girl, you took Jungkook's cock to your clit, pulling the tiny skirt up.
Jungkook looked at you, you thought he was going to cry at any moment. His body bent down until he could touch the swollen nub with his leaking tip.
"Yes..." You whispered, burying your head in Taehyung's neck. Your boyfriend looked at the stranger with a proud smile.
Jungkook couldn't believe how your pussy started dripping all over his face and his hoodie with your squirt. He ran his tongue over his wet lips, and the saltiness of the fluids was the last thing he needed to push him over the edge. His broad back hunched over you, your pussy painted white.
He stood up and slumped his body until he fell into the seat in front of you.
"Did you cum, baby?" Taehyung cooed, you agreed. "Was it good?"
Taehyung lifted your weak body to your feet, his arm hugging your breasts and a hand on your neck while he pounded into you like an animal in heat. Your agitated eyes and divine overstimulation.
Jungkook just watched, sweaty and grateful for the spectacle. Your moans and your pain, the fat milky drop that fell between your legs when Taehyung came.
The subway stopped, opening its doors to another desolate station. Taehyung took out Jungkook's cell phone, and with a couple of touches the photos of you had disappeared, throwing the device to the ground.
"Fuck off."
Jungkook swallowed before picking up his phone, fixing his wrinkled clothes, and leaving. Your body embraced in your boyfriend's arms trembled watching the stranger leave.
He stopped outside, both hands returning to the pockets of his hoodie.
You wiped away your tears and before closing the door you saw the small smile on Jungkook's face.
header by: @florietas
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winterrrnight · 2 months
reader x bsf!rafe when they have a small argument but make up with lots of cuddles :((
oh saying I’m in love is an understatement. I could NOT come up with any idea on what the argument can be about so I’m so sorry if this feels so vague 😭😭 imagine whatever you want LOL
bsf!rafe who just cannot see you mad… <3 listen to dreams, fairytales, fantasies by a$ap ferg, brent faiyaz & salaam remi, I heard it on repeat while writing this hehe <3 cw: suggestive content (no actual smut!), lots and lots of tension between them (when is it not there?!) <3 for: @viawritesstuff (I love you to the moon and back ml 🤍) <3 pictures are only for reference!
part of this little universe <3
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“Oh come on I said I was sorry!” Rafe sighs as he follows your footsteps, as you’re rushing up the stairs of Tanneyhill. You don’t say anything, just quietly rush up the stairs with your back to him as he keeps on following you, him right at your heels.
“Come on, you know I’m sorry,” he sighs as he sees you enter his room. You’re about to close the door right at his face, but he jams his foot in at the right moment, causing the door to be just slightly ajar. You shut your eyes close and intake a deep breath, your back still facing him as you realise the door didn’t close properly.
You’re standing in the middle of the room, your body tensed and Rafe just simply watches you as he leans against the doorframe. The warm rays of the sunset outside glow inside his room through the flimsy, white curtains. He takes a deep breath and enters inside silently, letting the door close with a soft click. With hushed steps he makes his way to you, standing right behind you. You can feel him breath down on your neck, the warm air causing the hair behind your neck to stand up.
“Hey…” he whispers softly, one of his hands coming up to gently graze across your side. “Listen to me, yeah?” He breathes into the side of your ear, his lips subtly skimming across the shell of your ear. He can’t exactly see your expression, but god, if he can, he’ll see just how your breath is caught in your throat, your eyes fluttering momentarily.
“You know I didn’t mean any of it that way yeah?” He whispers, both of his hands now gently grazing your sides, his touch now becoming more firm, more… present. “I could never say anything like that to you and you know that…”
His arms now wrap firmly around your waist, and you can feel him gently pull you closer to him, your back now pressing firmly against his chest. He moves his head to the side of your face, resting his chin on your shoulder, his cheek pressing against your hair. He takes a deep inhale, letting his eyes close for a moment as he lets the scent of your shampoo and your perfume fill his senses and devour his mind completely.
You ever so subtly lean your head in the other direction, letting him rest his head comfortably on your shoulder. Your hands land on top of his; which are resting right on top of your stomach.
“Can never upset my favorite girl hm?” He whispers, pressing a soft kiss on the side of your head. “Can never see her sad… can never let her ever be upset with me…” he continues to softly coo in your ear. He slowly trails his lips down from your temple to the side of your neck, hovering over the soft skin for a moment.
“The…” kiss “sweetest…” kiss “girl…” kiss “ever...” kiss
His voice is reduced to dulcet tones, his kisses velvety against your skin. A soft gasp leaves your lips as the repetitive kisses are layered across your skin, your body automatically leaning back into him. Rafe brings his hands to the sides of your waist and gently turns you around so you are facing him.
Your eyes sink into his soft, blue ones, your mind starting to feel just a bit dizzy from the slightly amorous bubble you’re both fitted into.
Rafe only softly smiles at you as he lets his fingers slip into yours, your hands intertwining tightly as he leads you to his bed. He helps you sit down, and starts to take off your jacket, pulling down the zipper. You move your hand to remove it yourself, but he gently pushes your hand aside, saying something about how he’s making up to you right now. He takes the jacket off you, draping it on the back of his desk chair. He gets down on his knees and carefully takes your shoes off, gently placing them at the side of the bed. With a gentle push on your shoulders, he lets you lay down in his bed, covering you with the duvet.
He himself takes his own jacket and shoes off, and slips under the duvet next to you. He’s quick to let his arms wrap around your waist again, pulling your head onto his chest.
“You forgive me yeah?” He whispers softly, your own arm draping across his torso as you get comfortable against him.
“Yeah…” you mumble, nodding against his chest as you nuzzle your face into his chest. He smiles softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. His fingers gently thread to your hair, causing your eyelids to get heavier with each moment.
“My sweet girl…” is the last thing you hear him whisper to you before you’re pulled into a deep slumber.
— —
send me any of your thoughts for this specific universe if you have any! <3
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buckslvrz · 2 months
oblivious - evan buckley x fem!reader
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summary: buck and reader are both so stupid they can't realize they're in love with each other.
genre: fluff 
warnings: swearing 
pairing: evan buckley x fem!reader
word count: 803
note: omg not me in my writing era,,,, no but fr if this sucks, please spare me because it's my first time trying to write in years! please like n reblog if you like it! if u don't, please leave constructive criticism. i can take it, i'm not a little bitch :P
In the bustling firehouse atmosphere, Buck and I were rushing up the stairs after a call, hoping to get a bit of peace before the alarm went off again.
I throw myself down on the couch with Buck following suit, both of us still clad in our gear but finally catching our breath. I lean my head back on the couch and close my eyes, but Buck just had to ruin the silence with his big, fat mouth. "I think you might have scared the flames away for good with that one," he quipped, a playful smirk on his lips.
I rolled my eyes with a laugh, picking up a pillow and throwing it at his head. "Oh, please. Like you're one to talk, Mr. 'I Can Handle Any Blaze,'" I retorted, glaring at him with a smile on my face.
We continued back and forth, but our teasing was interrupted by the rest of the 118 walking over to the couch. Hen had a small smirk on her face and I knew she was about to say something stupid. She made it her mission to tease Buck and I every day. "Hey, lovebirds, save the flirting for after the shift," she joked, earning a chorus of laughter from the group.
Buck and I exchanged embarrassed glances, both our cheeks flushing slightly. I just huffed and stuck my finger up towards them, hoping to play it off like I didn't care. "Come on, guys, we're just friends," Buck protested, his tone slightly defensive.
"Yeah, we're friends just like the rest of you, fuck off." I added, feeling embarrassed as they all laughed at us. I turn my head slightly and glance at Buck, my eyes meeting his immediately.
They continued to tease us as they walked over to the kitchen area. Buck and I were still staring at each other. It felt like he was trying to say something but nothing was coming out. "Anyways, they're annoying." I chuckle nervously, trying to play it off as I stand up and walk towards the stairs.
I made my way down them but heard footsteps behind me. I glanced back and saw that Buck was following me. "Do you hate the idea?" Buck asked. His face was red and he was biting the inside of his cheek.
"What do you mean?" I asked curiously, my head tilting slightly. He sighed and grabbed my arm gently, tugging me behind the firetruck.
"Do you hate the idea of us being together? Does it gross you out? Would you like it? I mean give me something y/n." The words tumbled out of his mouth, his hands flying everywhere. He was looking anywhere but at me.
"Buck," I sigh softly, "Of course not. I wouldn't mind being with you." My eyes widen at the words that leave my mouth, watching his face snap towards mine as I begin to panic.
"I mean if that's what you want too!" I exclaimed, my hands shaking as I laughed nervously. My face felt like it was on fire. Oh god, I couldn't do this. I didn't wait for a reaction, I just spun on my heels but his arm stopped me.
Buck wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest as he looked down at me, smiling with a small blush on his cheeks. "I knew you couldn't resist me."
I roll my eyes and hit his chest with my hands, letting them rest on his shoulders. "You're insufferable, Buckley," I smile up at him and watch as he glances at my lips before dragging his eyes back up to mine.
I save him the effort and lean up, grabbing the back of his neck and slamming our lips together. My stomach felt like it was on fire as I run a hand through his tousled hair. His lips move against mine with hunger as I giggle into his mouth. "About damn time!"
We both pull away from each other startled, and look up to see Bobby and Hen standing on the balcony looking down at us. They both had huge smiles on their faces. "Eddie! Chim! You will not believe what you just missed!" Hen yelled again as Bobby whooped and clapped his hands. I laughed loudly as Buck slipped his arms around my waist again, pressing a kiss to my temple.
"We should have done this sooner," He mumbled, bumping his head on mine gently. I hum in agreement, "I know, we're too stupid." Buck shook his head and chuckled, pressing a small kiss to my lips. "No, we're smart, we just procrastinated," he whispered, his lips brushing against mine. I pull away, my cheeks flushed as I shake my head. "Well, at least we did it now," I say, my voice barely above a whisper.
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thebearer · 3 months
love, i found you |carmen berzatto x reader|
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prompt: how anchovy berzatto came into your and carmen's lives. or the story of anchovy berzatto, dumpster kitten turned spoiled cat.
contains: mentions of animal being abandoned/ stray kitten. small, malnourished anchovy but nothing graphic (i won't do that to you i promise). mainly fluff. language. richie being a hater a little lol.
word count: 2.9k+
“Chefs, keep the stations clear-” 
“-Has anyone seen Richie?-” 
“-Jeff, I need more branzino for the seven fishes-” 
“-Heard, Tina. There, uh, I think there’s some-” 
“-Carm, have you seen the books for tonight?-” 
“-Has anyone seen Richie? Richie! Where the fuck is he?” 
A chaotic melody of screams meshed together in some kind of disarray of harmony, one speaking over the other, the sound of pots and pans clashing, hisses of sizzling food in them a backtrack to the madness. 
“I’m right here, Sugar.” Richie scoffed, buttoning the front of his jacket. He patted your shoulder in passing, cheek pressing lightly to yours, muttering, “How’re you, sweetheart? Doin’ good?” In passing. 
He was the first to notice you, even over Carmen. The rest of the staff bustling through the kitchen prep, trying to squeeze everything in before the family meal. Carmen had invited you to family, but you were starting to regret agreeing, feeling useless and in the way in the face of the hectic nature. 
“Where have you been?” Sugar huffed at Richie, heels clacking in a stomp towards the office. “I have a million fucking things- oh, hey.” She paused, eyes lighting in a greeting when they landed on you. 
“I didn’t know you were here. How are you?” Sugar hugged you, a soft side hug in greeting that you returned stiffly. 
“I’m good. How are you?” You muttered, eyes still scanning the kitchen. 
Sugar let out a dry laugh, pressing a hand to her forehead. “Ask me in about an hour.” She shook her head. “I have a million fucking things to do as I was telling Richie.” She turned, eyes narrowing pointedly at the man. “Only two dishwashers showed up tonight.” 
“You’re shitting me.” Richie groaned. “That fuckin’ jagoff- take a chance on me, bullshit.” 
“Yeah, so Neil needs to wash utensils tonight between the floor, ok?” Sugar jabbed a manicured nail into her clipboard. 
“Is there anything I can do?” You squeaked, much smaller than you meant it to. Richie and Sugar turned to you, both blinking, like they’d forgotten you were even there. “Carm invited me to family, but I can help. I can wash dishes if you need me too. I don’t have anything else to do.” 
“That would be-” Sugar nodded in a sigh, a small smile spreading across her face. “Did I ever tell you I love you? Seriously.” She turned to Carm, who was passing behind her. “Carm, don’t ever fuck this up with her, you hear me? I’ll kill you.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Carmen muttered, and you knew by the drone in his voice he wasn’t listening, too consumed with other things, discarding vegetable scraps into the trash. 
“This thing is fuckin’ full. Can they not- Oh, hey.” Carmen’s features softened at the sight of you, spine straightening gently. “When’d you get here?” 
“Just a few minutes ago.” You leaned forward, his lips brushing your cheek softly in greeting. “I didn’t want to disrupt. You seemed… busy.” 
Carmen snorted. “Yeah, uh, that’s a word for it. Busy, out of my fuckin’ mind because this trash is fuckin’ full!” He boomed at no one in particular. 
“Now, I gotta take this out and replace it, and that puts us back, and every second counts, does it not, cousin?” Carmen rambled, glaring at Richie, yanking the sides of the trashcan off the rim. 
“Look, I didn’t know that the two didn’t show-” 
“-No, of course you didn’t. Can’t pay attention to shit-” 
“-Alright, let’s bring it down.” Sugar lifted her hands, eyeing Carmen with a slight nod of her head towards you. 
“Sorry.” Carmen muttered, eyes lifting to you. “Sorry, cousin. I-I’m just, we’re fuckin’ booked, an-and I’m so far behind-” 
“-I’ll take it.” You squeaked, a little too eagerly. Carmen’s brows furrowed, you cut him off before he could finish. “No, seriously, you’re all busy. I’ll go take this out and then I’ll help make sure the utensils are ready.” 
“N-No, I can’t ask you to do that. That would be shitty.” Carmen shook his head, pulling the trash bag out of the can. 
“Good thing you didn’t ask me. I offered.” Your hand wrapped over his, squeezing his closed fist gently with a tiny grin. “Go, I got it.” 
Carmen beamed, cheeks tinging pink. If he wouldn’t have been in the middle of the kitchen prep rush, he would’ve kissed you, pressed you right up against the wall and smooched you sloppy. Instead, he let you take the trash. 
“Gary!” Richie called behind you. “Make sure you let her back in, alright? Just knock and he’ll let you back in. You’re a fucking life saver, y’know that?” Richie beamed, pushing the heavy steel door open so you could duck under his arm. 
It was surprisingly warm- well, warm-ish for Chicago in the winter. No snow, no need for a heavy jacket but brisk enough for a chill. The dumpster lid was already flipped over, and you were thankful for that, slinging the bag over the edge, turning to go back inside. 
You stopped, halting just as you’d turned. The tiniest squeak of a cry, desperate and alert. You turned scanning the alley walls, the corners by the dumpster until you heard it again, that same pitiful whimper echoing off the metal of the dumpster- inside the dumpster. 
You hesitated for a moment. You couldn’t leave it, whatever it was, it sounded pathetic and in pain. Your eyes flickered back to the building, you could see Gary in the small window, head turned towards the others. They were so busy, you couldn’t ask Carmen or even Fak. 
“I’ll be right back.” You cooed towards the dumpster frantically. “Just hold tight for me, ok? I’ll get you out, one sec.” It was silly, but you felt the need to say it, even if just for yourself. 
Sprinting towards the door, you knocked on the glass rapidly. Gary pushed it open. “I need your help.” You stopped him before he could walk away. “J-Just for a second. I promise.” 
Gary’s brows furrowed. “Yeah, are you- you’re ok?” 
“Yeah, I mean,” You turned towards the dumpster. “There’s something in there. I think it’s a cat? I think it’s hurt.” 
“A cat?” Gary’s eyes widened, still, he followed your furious pace towards the dumpster. “Wait, I-I don’t think- Lemme get Carm-” 
“-No, he’s busy.” You shook your head. “It will just take me a second. I just need you to help me get down.” 
Gary paused, watching you in complete awe- maybe horror- push off a discarded crate towards the ledge of the dumpster. “This is- no, this is fuckin’ crazy, I’m sorry. You don’t know what that thing has-” 
Your small gasp cut him off, eyes rounding in awe. There in the piles of trash, a fuzzy blip of orange fur nestled into the black bags- a tiny, scraggly kitten, mewling helplessly. 
“Oh my God,” You muttered. “It’s a baby.” 
“A baby?” Gary gawked. 
“A kitten baby.” You corrected, lip jutting. “I have to get it.” 
“I really don’t think you should be doin’ this.” Gary looked back at the door then to you. “You can’t go in the dumpster, c’mon.” 
“You want to go in instead?” You huffed, eyes rolling at his disgusted snarl. “Just- I’ll do it.” You leaned to the side, taking a deep breath of fresh air, swallowing down a gag at the expected smell. 
Holding your breath, you let yourself fall into the dumpster, the squishy bags of trash uneasy under your feet. The small kitten whined, crying at the shift of your weight. 
“This is fuckin’ insane.” Gary muttered, shaking his head. 
“Aye, Sweeps, what the fuck?” Richie’s voice boomed, the slam of the door making both of you jump. “Take your smoke break later, you jagoff, I need your-” 
“-I’m not-” Gary huffed in annoyance. “She’s in the dumpster.” 
“Who?” Richie asked. 
“Me!” You swallowed a retch, the pungent stench of the trash filling your senses as you crouched closer towards the kitten. At least it wasn’t summer. 
“Why the fuck is Carmen’s girl in the dumpster?” Richie roared. “Carmen! Get out here now, cousin!” 
“Why is she in the dumpster? Why the fuck are you in the dumpster?” Richie’s furious stomps were muted from the outside. You cringed, still trying to hold your breath, coaxing the small kitten into your hold. 
The poor thing, so small- so fucking small. Shaking in your hold, crying and whining, but turned into the warmth of your palm. A cry bubbled from your chest, mixing with a gag at the smell. 
“Cousin, what? What the fuck is-” Carmen bounded outside, stopping when he saw the top of your head pop up, out of the dumpster. “The fuck?” 
“Your girl’s in the garbage.” Richie shook his head. 
“Yeah, why the fuck- Baby, w-why are you- What are you doin’?” Carmen jogged towards you, hoisting himself over the side of the dumpster, arm extended for you. 
“She found a cat.” Gary rolled his eyes in annoyance. 
“A cat?” Richie repeated. 
“A kitten.” You showed Carmen, pulling the small thing from your chest, where you cradled him close to you. 
Carmen blinked at you. “You went in the dumpster f-for a cat? A cat?” He shook his head, confused. “Baby, that thing could have diseases a-and rabies and shit-” 
“-He’s starving.” You countered, lip jutting in a firm pout. Carmen hated the way he could feel himself melting. The determination in your glare, ferocious yet soft. 
“I could hear him crying, a-and I couldn’t leave him.” You shook your head, petting the tiny kitten’s soft fur. 
“So you climbed in the trash?” Richie snarled in disgust. 
“Climbed right in the dumpster.” Gary nodded. 
“Alright.” Carmen looked over his shoulder at them, a pointed glare on his face. “Just- Lemme get you outta there, alright?” 
“Here,” You handed him the small cat, carefully cradling him. Carmen hesitated, a grimace in his scowl. Your eyes narrowed at him, a warning. “Hold him gently.” 
So he did, of course he did, it’s what you wanted. Passing him to Richie with the same snarl of instructions, pulling you out of the dumpster, a firm hold on your waist as you climbed back over. 
Richie was passing you the kitten with a grimace of disgust, dusting his hands off dramatically. “There. There’s your garbage cat that can not come back in the restaurant. Cousin,” He glared at Carmen. “We don’t want another fuckin’ C. Get shut down for havin’ fleas or shit.” 
Carmen glared at him. “No, he’s right.” You nodded. “Can you bring me my purse? I’m going to see if I can get him checked out. I’ll be back.” 
“Let me come with you.” Carmen offered, motioning for Gary to go get your things, untying his blue apron. 
“Carm, no. You’re busy. I can do it.” You shook your head. 
Carmen rolled his eyes. “No, I’m comin’ with you. Last time I let you do somethin’ alone. End up in the fuckin’ garbage.” He snorted playfully. “Besides, I think there’s a place down the street. The vet has been in a few times. I’ll see if I can, y’know, coerce him to squeeze us in.” 
“Coerce?” You lifted your brows playfully, petting the tiny kitten gently, trying to still his quivering. 
“Yeah, coerce.” Carmen rolled his eyes, swapping his apron out for his jacket, handing you yours. “Give ‘im a free dinner or somethin’.” 
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“No fuckin’ way, no.” Richie shook his head. “Cousin, you’re already late- Sydney is pissed, and you’re not bringing that fuckin’ flea bag in here.” 
You held the small cat close to your chest, still damp from his bath at the vet. Carmen’s coercing had worked, Dr. Vallenti had took the bribe happily, squeezing you both in for a check up. The tiny kitten, barely two pounds, malnourished and positively pitiful. You didn’t even have to ask, Carmen knew from the way you held him close to your chest, eyes rounding just barely when the vet asked if you’d be keeping him. 
“Of course,” Carmen nodded easily, squeezing your knee gently. “Just give him whatever he needs for right now, and what we need t’get. We’ll get it.” 
“He doesn’t have fleas, Richie.” You sneered, cradling the small cat in your jacket to keep him warm. His shake was down to a soft tremble, not as constant but still there. 
“Yeah fuckin’ right, rabies then-” 
“-Cousin.” Carmen sneered. Richie stopped with a huff, throwing his arms up and muttering something as he stormed away. 
“Here,” Carmen muttered, a hand on the small of your spine, pushing you into his office. “I’ll grab you a bowl and a plate for his food, alright? You just, just stay in here, ok? Richie’s right, he can’t be out.” 
“I’ll keep him in here.” You nodded, sitting in the small chair. “Do you have a towel?” 
“Yeah, I’ll grab that too.” Carmen slung his jacket off, running a hand through his messy curls. “I, uh, I gotta get scrubbed up and put my stuff on, but if you need anything just yell, alright?” He ducked out to the small closet, snatching a towel and two dishes off the drying rack. 
“I’ll be alright.” You hummed, fingertip tracing down the kitten’s tiny head. He purred under your touch, made your chest burst with warmth. 
Carmen’s lips pulled in a smile, putting the dishes on the ground for you, shedding his own shirt. You were entirely enamored with the cat, that was for sure, not even a sideways, ogling glance at Carmen’s shirtless figure. 
“Shit.” Your head snapped up, wide eyed at Carmen. “I forgot the dishes. I-I’m so sorry, I can-” 
“-It’s alright, baby.” Carmen dropped his pants, biting back a smirk at how your eyes did drop this time. “Tina got her son and his friend to come in. We’re good, baby.” 
“Oh.” You nodded, eyes lingering on his boxer clad ass, before back to the kitten. “Good.” 
Carmen shrugged on his chef’s coat, walking over to you. “It’ll be kinda a late night.” His eyes softened in apology. “I’ll have someone run you a plate when we get outta the weeds, alright?” 
“Thank you.” You muttered, head tilting back for a kiss. Carmen obliged, your lips pulling him in for a longer kiss than he expected, sweet- left his body burning with heat. “Thank you.” You repeated, eyes shining sweetly. 
“C’mon.” Carmen whispered gently, shaking his head at you. “You know I would do anythin’.” He pressed a kiss to your head, looking down at the small kitten before he left. 
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“I think he likes it?” You whispered, on your stomach next to Carmen. 
It was nearly two in the morning, the two of you just returning back to the brownstone you called home. Lying on the freshly laid tile of the kitchen, you watched the small cat explore the space. 
“Yeah, think he’s gettin’ used to it.” Carmen muttered, shaking the small stick so the feather danced over the kitten, grinning when he’d scrunch and bat at it clumsily. 
You pressed your head into your hand, watching the kitten prowl, ears finally perked up instead of flat back in fear. “We have to name him.” You blinked, looking up at Carmen. 
“Yeah,” Carmen grinned. “Yeah, that-that would be a good idea, right?” He beamed playfully. 
You smiled, gently petting the kitten’s back, smiling at how he arched into your touch. “I think it should be something kinda with the restaurant.” You suggested. “Since that’s where we found him.” 
“Yeah? Like Bear?” Carmen muttered. 
Your nose crinkled gently. “He doesn’t really look like a Bear.” 
“No,” Carmen agreed, shaking his head. “More like a Garfield.” 
You snorted lightly, rolling your eyes. “That’s such a gimme name.” You shook your head. “Maybe not the restaurant, exactly, but… similar?” 
“Yeah? Like Trash Can?” Carmen muttered, lips curling playfully. 
You gasped lightly, smacking his leg playfully. “No.” You huffed. “Something maybe with food?” 
“No.” You pouted lightly, head tilting towards the small cat, occupied with Carmen’s sweatpant strings. “What about, like, Anchovy?” 
“Anchovy?” Carmen snorted in amusement softly. 
“Yeah, like the fish.” You shrugged softly. “And cats eat fish- well, in the cartoons they do, y’know?” 
“Yeah, I know, baby.” Carmen grinned softly down at you. “You think he looks like an Anchovy?” 
The small kitten turned, perking towards Carmen, padding happily over to him. Your face lit, glowing with beaming pride and adoration as Carmen scooped up the small kitten, let him rub his face into his chest sleepily- sweetly. You thought you might melt into a puddle on the floor at the sight. 
“Alright.” Carmen laughed lightly. “Think you’re right. Think he’s an Anchovy.” 
“Anchovy Berzatto.” You hummed, crawling between Carmen’s spread legs, petting the tiny cat. You smiled so brightly at Carmen, his own cheeks burned, flaming under your radiant affection. 
Your lips caught him again, pulling him in for a sweet, longing kiss over the small kitten’s head. Your hands in Carmen’s hair, pulling him closer and closer, kissing him like a lifeline- it made his head swim, chest swell with adoration. 
Anchovy chirped, teetering on a meow and yawn, little paw stretching in Carmen’s hold. Your forehead pressed to Carmen's, you ducked down to coo at the small kitten, moving to sit in between Carmen’s legs, your back to his chest. 
Home with your little family, complete with the little kitten, Anchovy Berzatto.
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topgun-imagines · 10 months
No Worse Pain
Requested: yes
Summary: Bradley has been extremely stressed at work lately. You don’t want to add to that by telling him about the pain you’re in.
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: periods, cramps, pain.
Pairings: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x fem!reader
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Stupid fucking period cramps. In your entire life, you couldn’t remember another time when you wished for the pain to dissipate this badly. You felt like sobbing. For the past three hours, you had been curled up on the couch, hands clutching your lower waist desperately. You hadn’t had period cramps this bad for years. While you weren’t exactly sure what caused the pain to be this intense, you were silently praying that it would disappear soon.
Another wave of pain rolled through you, causing you to curl up even further and hiss quietly. Normally, Bradley would be curled up right behind you. Only, this week, he was conveniently so busy at work that even as the clock struck 11:00 pm, he was still nowhere close to coming home. So, you were left to find a way to deal with the cramps yourself.
However, nothing was working. You had taken painkillers and had a hot water bottle pressed against your lower stomach. And yet you still couldn’t find any relief. There was a random show playing in the background, but you couldn’t focus enough to make sense of it. You were so out of it that you didn’t even hear the crunch of your finance’s tires as he pulled into the driveway. Nor did you hear the door open with a loud creak.
It felt as if there was a 100-pound weight on his shoulders as Bradley stepped through the door and into your shared home. He hated the fact that he was only coming home to you this late at night. Usually, he was home in time for the two of you to share dinner. Lately, however, he had been coming home later and later. Over the past few weeks, Bradley’s workload had increased tenfold. He had stacks upon stacks of paperwork, plus training, and he was up for a new promotion.
The added stress had put a small strain on your relationship. A few arguments had been caused by Bradley’s newly added stress. However, they had been small and had quickly blown over. Now, as he kicked his heavy boots off and dropped his backpack onto the floor, all he wanted was to be with you.
He walked around the corner, ready to be greeted with the sight of you with your hair tossed up in a messy bun, pyjamas on and binging some new show that he had never heard of. But what he saw had him freezing for a second. The show was playing, just like how he had imagined, but you were balled up on the couch, whimpering quietly and turned away from the TV.
“Honey?” The second you heard his voice you were trying to hide the fact that you were in pain. With everything that Bradley had going on at work, you didn’t want to add more to his load. He immediately rushed forward and crouched down beside you. “Is everything okay?” The soothing feeling of his hand gently caressing your side had you wanting to burst into tears. Your emotions really were a wreck right now.
After taking a moment to compose yourself, you rolled over with what you hoped was a reassuring smile. “All good, baby. How was your day?” You silently pleaded that changing the topic would work. He hesitated for a moment, searching your face for any sign of pain before he relented.
“It was alright. Stressful as usual,” Somehow, that only made you feel worse. Knowing that Bradley had such a terrible day, the thought of him having to come home, expecting to relax, and having to deal with your pain instead made you feel uneasy. He noticed you wince when you shifted, your hand grasping your lower stomach. “Are you sure everything’s okay?”
Regardless of the pain, you plastered a smile on your face. Bradley seemed to accept your single nod and dropped the subject. Wordlessly, you stood from the couch and made your way to the bedroom, Bradley hot on your heels.
Getting ready for bed was a hard task when you were trying to mask how much pain you were in. You could tell that Bradley was still suspicious, but you were grateful that he didn’t say anything. You disappeared into the bathroom, popping a few more painkillers into your mouth and finished your business.
Bradley was sitting on the bed when you returned. You could only smile at him, kissing his cheek as you climbed into bed. The soft cry that escaped you as you sat down had Bradley’s head snapping over to you. He cooed softly as he wrapped his arms around you and held you against his chest. You began crying softly, hating the fact that you were putting additional stress on your fiance. “Honey, it’s okay.” He attempted to soothe you quietly, but your tears only fell harder.
“Darlin’, please,” Your fiance pleaded quietly, asking, begging you to tell him what was hurting you. “Just let me in.” His forehead knocked against yours and you could feel the love and sincerity rolling off him in waves. He wanted you to open up to him. He wanted you to share that with him. So you nodded.
You took in a breath and began explaining yourself. “I got my period this morning. You were already at work,” You noted when you saw that Bradley was confused. “Everything was fine until this evening. Then I got really bad cramps and nothing I did worked. It really hurts.” You whimpered quietly. Sighing, your fiance hugged you tighter and ran his fingers through your hair gently.
Even though you had told him what was hurting you, he knew that there was something you were still holding back. Bradley simply held you, waiting for you to open up on your own. And when you spoke, Bradley was shocked at the words that came out of your mouth. “But even though it hurt that bad, the hardest part was not telling you.” Your head was resting on his chest and the room was so quiet that you could hear his heartbeat pick up at his words.
Given the promotion that he was up against, you really didn't want to draw his focus away from his work. You knew how much Bradley wanted this and you would never be able to forgive yourself if you were the reason that he didn’t get it.
It took your fiance a few seconds to form a response. “I’m sorry that you’re in pain, princess. Lay down, let me help you.” You obeyed, shuffling under the covers and letting Bradley maneuver you. He moved you until you were laying on your side with Bradley spooning you from behind. The feeling of his warm hands sitting on your lower stomach had you almost moaning in relief. Even though you had tried all night to dilute the pain, the second Bradley’s hand hit your skin, you felt a thousand times better.
There was a silent communication between the two of you as you both drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms. No matter how busy or stressed Bradley was, you could share anything with him. It didn’t matter how big or small the problem, he wanted to know.
a/n: Hope you all enjoy! Thank you for reading and requests are open :)
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bombuni · 21 days
hiiiii, can you do reader being obsessed with seonghwa’s waist and him being shy? it can be fluff or smut i dont mind.
have a good day!!
contains: dd!seonghwa x drunk!reader, mmm implied fem reader, fluff, pining, idiots in love (but they don’t know it yet!)
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Seonghwa flicks the lights on to your apartment kitchen, eyes squinting at the intense fluorescent lighting. It’s hard to maneuver in your mess of a home, a blurry of you covering every corner of this room, but he knows your place like the back of his hand by now. What with him spending every waking moment here. You hobble over to where he’s grabbing a glass of water for you, tripping over your tall heels on the way.
Seonghwa giggles at your state. You’re completely depending on the kitchen counter for balance, hair messy, and sober you would definitely be pissed with the way he’s letting you walk around with your makeup half-ruined. He makes a mental note to wipe it off for you when he’s given the chance.
He brings the glass to your lips, “You’re so drunk,”
You push him away like a toddler, shaking your head, “‘m normal,”
He chuckles and the sound of it clears your mind faster than any other relief could, “Are you hearing yourself?”
Seonghwa kneels in front of you and you straighten up quickly, “What are you doing?”
He looks up at you with a raised brow, “Taking your heels off? You can barely stand, doll.”
Your hum lets him continue. He delicately raises your ankle, as if you’re made of glass, and you feel more light headed than ever. Seonghwa’s touch is lovingly overstimulating, like he’s trying to tell you everything he feels with his fingers. He makes a show of removing the shoe, presenting it to you from below like you’re a kindergartner and this is the first time you’ve ever heard of footwear. He smiles when you pout at his teasing.
He holds you up as you get used to the new height and waits until you get your bearings. He’s going to let go when he realizes it’s you that’s holding on to him, your arms somehow finding their way under his coat and around his waist. He blushes at your showy affections, his body growing hot where your arms rest. Your touch makes him just as drunk as you. Seonghwa wraps his coat around you both and lets you stay where you are, sending tingles down your back as he rubs it tenderly.
He tuts at the tired look on your face, “You drank too much,”
Your head drops onto his shoulder and your arms squeeze tighter, “Why are you so slim thick?”
His hand stutters and he huffs a laugh at your absurdity, “What does that mean?”
“You’re…you have a nice body,” your hands run down his sides and his breath catches, “A very nice waist too,”
Seonghwa tries to gently coax you off of him. He knows how embarrassed you’d be if you had any self-awareness right now, and he cares enough to preserve your dignity. Still, he can’t help his giggles at your drunken confidence. And it’s not like he’s not liking the compliments.
He holds your arms as you stumble without him to lean against, “You have a nice body too,”
He whispers his words, growing shy at the fact he’s speaking his innermost thoughts out loud to you. Seonghwa will say these words to you now, so an unconscious part of you can embed his love into your thoughts. So at least some part of you knows how he feels.
You hum, “Yours is nicer.”
He lets all his love pour into his smile now, putting all of it on display for you. You won’t remember it.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.”
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bom note: this was the cutest silliest idea ever!!!! i love seonghwa. So much.
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oizysian · 4 months
Part II: Daddy Issues
I Set the World on Fire masterlist
Warnings: non-con touching, talk of sex, slapping
Word count: 2.3k
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My breath was shaky as we exited the car, my hearing and smell the only senses I could rely on. The blindfold that covered my eyes soaked up my tears, my hands were tied behind my back and my footsteps were tentative as I walked with the woman who had kidnapped me. She had a tight grip on my arm as she led me along and I tried my damndest to pick up some sort of clues with my remaining senses.
Leaves crunched beneath my feet as we walked and the air smelt crisp. The only sound to be heard was birds chirping and our footsteps, so I had nothing to go on to identify where I was.
We stopped and I heard the sound of a large door opening, creaking with effort and age.
“Let’s go.” The woman said and gave me a nudge, and I started walking again.
The crunching of leaves changed to clicking of heels as we entered. There were multiple people now and it felt as though we were walking forever when I heard another door open and then close behind us after we entered.
“Now what do we have here?” The voice was smooth and sensual and it sent a tingling down my spine.
“Surprise! How’d I do, Natasha? Delivered with no damage.” The woman next to me said and I scoffed, inching away from her. “Don’t worry, she’s friendly - not trained, but friendly.”
“Fuck you.” I spat and I heard the women laughing.
“She’s a real charmer,” the other woman commented, a hint of amusement in her voice. “Take the blindfold off of her.”
The blonde woman sighed and did as she was told, removing the blindfold and stuffing it in her back pocket. I squinted at the sudden brightness of the room, trying to make out the image in front of me.
A woman - a very beautiful woman - sat on a very expensive looking couch, lounging in a pencil skirt and a button up shirt that showed way too much cleavage. My heart sped up at the sight of her, fear overtaking me for the most part, but I couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t attractive.
“You’re even prettier in person.” She said softly, getting up from where she was sitting and approaching us.
She ran one of her long fingers down the side of my face, then grabbed my chin gently and tilted my head from side to side so she could see all of me.
“What do you want?” I finally voiced, trembling in her powerful presence.
“Leave us.” She looked at the blonde from over my shoulder and when she didn’t move, the woman spoke again. “Yelena. I’ll call for you when I’m done. Go.”
I heard her huff from behind me and she walked out with whoever else accompanied us. Once the door slammed shut, the redheaded woman looked me over once more, a hunger in her gaze.
“Just beautiful.”
“What do you want from me?” My voice wavered, my breath getting caught in my throat.
“Isn’t it obvious?”
I shook my head.
I backed away from her, almost losing my footing as I attempted to escape. I made it to the door and banged on it with my shoulder, feebly trying to break it down. I could hear her laughing and I did my best not to cry as I realized I was completely trapped - there was no escape.
“Maybe it would help if I untied you.” She teased and I grunted, slumping against the door as she approached me. “I’m not going to hurt you.” I looked up at her, my bottom lip trembling as I accepted my defeat.
She helped me to my feet and smiled.
“Let me start again. I’m Natasha Romanoff.”
I stayed silent. This woman had me kidnapped and was now trying to be my friend?
“And you’re Y/N.”
I panted softly as she spoke, my eyes hard with defiance.
“Lena was right. Not trained at all.”
“I’m not a dog.” I snapped and she laughed.
“No, but that’s how you’ve been treated, isn’t it?”
Her words hurt and I’m sure it was very visible on my face that she had hit a sore spot. She cupped my cheek, lifting my head up to look her in her eyes.
“I won’t treat you like she did.” She stroked my cheek with her thumb. “I’ll give you the world.”
“You’re a monster.” I said, trembling.
She blinked at me, her breathing heavy.
“You want to see a monster?”
Fear shined in my eyes at her words.
“I can show you a monster.” She said, turning me around so my face was pressed against the door. “Let me demonstrate,” she said, pausing to grab at my hips and tug down my pants. “How a monster gets what they want.”
I screamed, wriggling under her weight as she held me down, her hand threading through my hair, grabbing a fistful and tugging on it.
“Monsters just take.” She hissed in my ear, giving my ass a slap before running her hand along the swell of it. “If I want this,” she grabbed at me and I cried out in pain. “I’ll just take it. That’s what a monster does.”
“Please!” I squirmed under her, unable to control my body’s reaction to her. “Stop!”
“A monster,” she continued. “Wouldn’t ask for your consent. A monster doesn’t listen to ‘stop’.” She brought her lips to my ear and panted softly against it, her breasts pressed up against my back. “A monster would rip your panties off and stuff three fingers inside your cunt whether you wanted it or not.”
She brought her hand around to cup my sex, undoubtedly feeling the heat through my panties.
“You like monsters, don’t you?”
I shook my head, tears still cascading down my cheeks.
“Oh no?” She pressed her hand against me and I jerked back into her, my ass grinding into her crotch. “You’re telling me no, but your body is screaming yes.”
I thrashed underneath her, no matter how I moved I was pressing myself against her. I couldn’t escape and I couldn’t control myself. I bit my lip and tried to control my breathing as her hand released my hair, but trailed down to the nape of my neck, grabbing me and holding me against the door.
“You’re wet for me. How would Wanda feel seeing you like this?”
“Fuck you!” I screamed and she let out a soft chuckle.
“Take a look over there, printsessa.” She directed my gaze over to a video camera that was set up in the corner of the room, watching us, following our every move. “I’m gonna send Wanda this video and she’s gonna hear you cumming for me over and over and -”
“You bitch! Wanda!” I sobbed, still struggling against her.
“I’m not a bitch. I’m a monster, remember?”
I could feel the ropes burning my skin as I struggled, my legs spread apart and shaking as I tried to keep myself standing.
“And if I can do this to you,” she snarled. “Imagine what I can do to Wanda.”
“No, please!” I cried. “Don’t hurt her!”
I stopped moving against her, and she let me go. I slid down the door and fell in a heap at her feet, still crying softly.
“What do you want me to do?”
She knelt down next to me, brushing the hair from my face gently.
“Give in to me. That’s all you need to do.”
Several Days Later
“You bitch! Wanda!”
Wanda gritted her teeth as she watched the video sent to her of Y/N, visibly shaking with rage.
“No, please! Don’t hurt her!”
Her heart broke as she listened to her plead for her safety. She had been such a bitch to her and here she was sacrificing herself to protect her.
“Find that Romanoff bitch.” Wanda said to Dimitri, her voice low and dangerous. “I’m going to kill her.”
“Do you think that’s wise, Wanda?” He spoke to her softly, gently.
“She has Y/N!” She yelled as she stood from her desk, barely holding back from the temptation of destroying everything in the room out of white hot rage.
“Exactly, she has Y/N. We’re at a disadvantage. We should see what she wants.” Leo suggested and Wanda stared daggers at him.
“She wouldn’t have gotten to Y/N if you were doing your goddamn job!”
Dimitri gave Leo a look, one that Wanda did not fail to miss, and sat back down in her chair, rubbing her face with her hands.
“I don’t care what she wants - whatever she wants she can have it.” Her breath hitched. “I just need Y/N back.”
“We’ll get her back.” Dimitri spoke with determination in his voice.
“Go.” She said softly, not even bothering to raise her head. “I don’t want to see either of you again until you have some news for me.”
Leo turned and left without a word, but Dimitri lingered, clearly having something on his mind.
“I said go, Dimitri.” She said as she finally looked up at him and she saw the odd look on his face, nearly causing her to go pale.
“Wanda …” he started and she interrupted him before he could finish.
“You know something, don’t you?”
“No more tears, printsessa,” she cooed softly, stroking her thumb along my lower lip. “She’s not coming for you.”
I jerked my head away from her, still unable to believe that.
“That’s not true.” I whimpered softly, sniffling as she grabbed hold of my face again so I would look at her.
“She’s not coming. So open that pretty mouth for daddy. Just like before.”
Defeated, I opened my mouth and she slid her fingers inside. I wrapped my lips around the intrusive digits, my tongue swirling along the length of them, just like she showed me.
“That’s my good girl.” She purred, stroking my hair with her free hand. “Get them nice and wet.”
Tears trailed down my cheeks as I sucked on her fingers, my mind wandering as I did as I was told. What if Wanda wasn’t coming for me? What if she didn’t care and did leave me here with Natasha?
She pulled her fingers out of my mouth and before I could react, she slapped me across the face, knocking me back onto the bed.
“Stay with me, printsessa. I want you here with me.”
“Yes, daddy.” I cried, scrambling to my knees so I could ask for her forgiveness.
I hated giving into her, but I didn’t have a choice. It was either me or Wanda and I didn’t want to imagine what she’d do if she got her hands on her.
I would daydream that Wanda would come for me, get me out of this hell and we could be together again. But, she hasn’t come yet, and I’ve lost count of how many days I’ve been trapped here with Natasha.
Days blended with nights and now I wasn’t sure what time or what day it was. She kept me in a darkened bedroom with no windows, and I wasn’t allowed to leave the room under any circumstances. I was a prisoner and she made sure I knew it when I acted out of line. But when I was good, she treated me more like an equal; letting me feed myself, not being tied to the bed, and being allowed to go to the bathroom by myself.
So, more often than not, I obeyed her, let her have me in all the ways she wanted me just to hurt Wanda. It wasn’t always entirely unpleasant. Some nights she was gentle with me, and some nights she just wanted me to cum to hurt Wanda. I fought her so many times, struggling against my body to not cum for her, but I couldn’t control myself and every night she won.
Natasha was an incredibly powerful woman, and everyone she surrounded herself with knew it and respected her. To me, she was just a monster. She didn’t feel, she didn’t love, she just wanted and took. I didn’t know what she wanted from Wanda, and I couldn’t imagine what she could’ve done to this woman to have her go to these lengths to torture her.
Was she even suffering? Did she even care about what was happening to me?
She reached behind me and slapped my ass hard, causing me to fall face first into her, her other hand steadying me before I toppled us both over.
“This will be easier for you once you stop thinking about her. She doesn’t care about you.”
“Stop.” I cried, rubbing my face against the softness of her shirt.
“She doesn’t care like I do. I’ve taken care of you - fed you, bathed you - I’ve even made you cum.”
“Stop it.” I sobbed against her.
She stroked my hair gently, almost soothingly.
“She gave you to me. You’re mine now. She doesn’t care about you.”
I knew she was saying these things to test me, to see if I’ll disobey her and be defiant, but I didn’t have the strength. I was completely drained of everything. It was beginning to seem real, the fact that Wanda gave me to Natasha. The reality that I would have to live like this forever and that this was my life now began to sink in.
I cried, my tears soaking into the fabric of her expensive shirt. She shushed me softly, brushing the hair back from my flushed face.
“Once you give in to me completely, things will get easier for you here, I promise.”
She knew I would give in, it was only a matter of time. I didn’t know what she wanted from Wanda, but it was clear that Wanda wasn’t willing to trade it away for me, and I belonged to Natasha.
“Yes, daddy,” I whispered, taking her hand in mine and bringing it up to my face, rubbing my cheek against her palm. “I’m yours.”
“Say it once more for daddy.”
I looked up into her darkened eyes, swallowing roughly as I pushed back the tears that threatened to fall once again.
“I’m yours.”
@marvelogic @casquinhaa @mathxa @oh-thats-cute @ornorr @milkeeteaa @souanick @nothanksbye07 @romanoff101 @dracarys8287
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yo-yo-yungi · 4 months
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Seonghwa x AFAB!reader
Genre: smut
Warning list: Fuckboy!seonghwa, Virgin!reader, dom!seonghwa, sub!reader, established relationship, fingering, pet names (sweetheart, darling, pretty, baby), degrading (slut), let me know if i missed anything!, not proof read
Word count: 1,393
Summary: Your boyfriend was a fuckboy, so why won’t he just fuck you already? Are you too gross, too ugly? It’s time to find out…
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He was a fuck boy, past tense, was. Now he'd landed himself dating you, the girl who is known for being a virgin.
He was hot, and would fuck anyone whenever he wanted. You were gorgeous, but wouldn't let a soul even touch you, until you met each other...
You were complete opposites when you looked at the surface, but once you dove past stereotypes and reputation you discovered that Seonghwa liked all the small things you did, you were perfect together.
You both felt honoured to have broken the others "norms" but... you'd be lying if you didn't feel like you had to give yourself to Seonghwa now. He slept whit everyone, but he hadn't even tried to sleep with you, he was taking things slow.
That only left a bitter feeling eating away at your belly. Are you not pretty enough for Seonghwa? Are you not good enough for him to want to wet his dick?
Gritting your teeth you set in motion a plan you'd saved for the perfect moment. You'd finally decided you craved Seonghwa, and you needed him to want you back.
- call him over, and have him say he will be there: check.
- Hide the outfit you want to change into in your bathroom : check.
- Once Seonghwa is over, manage to slip away into the bathroom to get changed: check.
- Once in the outfit, seduce and fuck that man: in progress.
Now in your sexy outfit you hesitated, you were flustered. Your body burned red with pure embarrassment. What if Seonghwa thought you were ugly? What if he was just dared to date you? No, no, Seonghwa seems honest with you....
Looking in the mirror you saw the sexy lace bralette decorating your skin, the matching fingerless gloves coming far up your arms. Strapy little panties showing off your perfect body, Thigh high socks digging into your plush thighs, stiletto heels making you seem intimidating, you were anything but. You were positively shaking at the thought of trying to seduce your boyfriend, who had been with a variety of sexier girls, you stood no chance…
A knock sounded on the door "sweetheart are you okay. I could hear lots of shuffling and now you are silent, please don't be dead" he joked, and that sent a smile onto your face. He always made you smile.
"No No Hwa, I'm okay. Just sit back down I'll be out in a second" you giggled. He shot back agreement and waited, lazily looking at his phone as he waited for you.
It took you another minute but you eventually opened the door, and before he could even look up, you were sat on the edge of the bed, back turnt to him, eyes glued to the wall.
He hummed, and the sound of him shuffling behind you reached your ears. He leant up on his arms head peeping over your shoulder as he gazed over you, and you swore you heard a small groan slip from his lips.
As the idea of standing up and leaving danced through your mind, you felt one of his hands gently climb up your arm and rest on your shoulder, fingers lightly tapping at your skin. "You do this for me darling?" He slurs, voice slightly deeper than before. He sounded so fucking hot, but you couldn't bring yourself to turn around.
You hummed and he smirked, you could hear it in the way he spoke. "And what do you want from me?" He teased. He sat up further and his other hand dragged up to the other shoulder, both hands now rubbing at your shoulders.
You didn't answer him, you were too busy looking at your hands. One of his hands strayed from its place on your shoulder and grasped your cheek ever so gently and turnt your face towards his. As you looked at him you saw the pure desire in his eyes, he was absolutely hungry.
His hand slipped to the back of your neck and he grabbed lightly. His other hand slipped onto your lips, rubbing your pretty lip gloss around with a chuckle "so fucking pretty, aren't you baby?" He groans. His eyes flick away from your lips and up to your eyes, clearly expecting an answer. He shoved two of his fingers into your mouth and the pure lewd expression you gave him in return made his dick throb. You nodded, desperately trying to get your message across as you licked his fingers.
Releasing his fingers from your pretty lips with a pop, he leaned in towards you. The gap between your lips almost minuscule. "Do you actually want this darling? You don't have to do anything if YOU don't want to?" He reminds you.
In return you smile "I really need you Hwa". It comes out so pathetically desperate, and he could imagine you begging like that for years to come.
He leans in, the distance diminishing until your lips joined together in a kiss Seonghwa dominated. He was teaching you, and fuck would you let him. His lips glided against yours perfectly, tongue prodded into your mouth amazingly, moans slipped out so filthy.
He pulled away and stood up, pushing you backwards on the bed and climbing onto you, one knee on the outside of your leg and the other placed firmly on the ground. This is it, he'd ease you into it as carefully as he could when you looked so fucking delicious. He'd hold himself back... as difficult as it was... because he didn't want to break you straight away... you were to precious.
You slowly leant back, using one arm to cover your chest slightly as you realised how much of your cleavage was actually showing. Seonghwa tutted, grasping your arm and pushing it to the bed, setting an unspoken rule, 'don't cover yourself from me'. "My perfect girl..." he whispered eyes locked with your own as he crawled further up you, his other leg now on the other side of your legs, straddling you. Growing nervous you pushed yourself further away from him but he only grew closer.
He chuckled at you as you stilled "stop running darling, I promise I'll make you feel good. Just tell me if you want to stop and I will". He leant down and placed a sweet kiss to your lips then looked down at your chest. He used one hand to hold him up and the other to trace between your tits, watching as his finger got consumed by your cleavage. He ran his fingers over your tit then grasped it, squishing your nipple perfect with his thumb as he grabbed. You let out a small moan at the feeling, surprised he simply knew where your nipple was through your bra. He slid his hand over and did the same to the other tit, then ran his hand downwards to your stomach.
You began to sit up at the loss of contact and he only pushed you back and begun kissing your neck. He bit and sucked on your supple skin, knowingly leaving pretty pink marks that will remind you off him. His hand continued to run down until he got to your clothed cunt. Two fingers skilfully rubbed circles against your clit, getting you squirming and moaning as he continued to mark you.
He slipped your panties to the side and ran his fingers through your desire, absolutely coating his fingers. "Such a wet cunt~ all this for me sweetheart? Do you like being touched that much?" He teased.
You moaned out a small yes, learning to respond to him by now.
He chuckled at your desperation "awww such a slut. Tell me you're a slut baby. Tell me you're a slut all for me!" He groans in your ear, pulling back to look at you as you say it.
You whine "yours- I'm your slut Hwa... fuck. Please just fuck me".
Seonghwa was not ready to hear your beg like that, he'd imagined it sure, but hearing it was different. You were just too fucking perfect. "That's right, my slut" he whispered, then went back to kissing your neck. His fingers slipped into your begging hole, curling to hit the parts not even you knew you had until Seonghwa touched you like that. He really was good at this, a fucking sex god.
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fanartlover1234 · 26 days
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Y/n and Mattheo aint the best of friends but when they f(u)ck at a party she sees a different side of him
(Tbh mighy make it a story on my wattpad or here if it blows up)
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Y/n and Mattheo their 'friendship' was known in hogwarts, for their constant bickering but also their weird care for eachother.
For example, Mattheo would call Y/n a bitch but oh god if someoen else dares to call her a bitch.
Y/n can be fighting with Mattheo before he gets into a fight or even still yell at eachother while he fights but she will always take care of his bruises.
Everyone knew Y/n was off limits and well so was Mattheo.
In third year Y/n started having a huge crush on Mattheo but during fifth year Y/n got her current boyfriend thinking she sould move on as shs woulf never have a chance.
Y/n was off limits for two reasons, first being she had a boyfriends second being that everyone knew Mattheo would be after her the minute they broke up as he liked her as well.
Well enough of that, lets get to the fun part.
Slytherin new years party was the biggest party of the year, for the first three years the profesors tried to stop it, but soon gave up after realising it would happen anyway.
Y/n was making her way downstairs when Mattheo noticed her from the bar and they soon locked eyes so he waved her over.
As she made her way towards him he looked her up and down, her black silk dress and heels fiting her perfectly as she flashed one of her beautiful smiles towards him as she said a quick hi to Theo who was making a drink for her already flashing him a smile when he handed her the glass.
"Y/n, beautiful as always"
"But yesterday i was ugly?" She sarcasticly questioned him making him roll his eyes.
"Dont push it L/n" he said leaning closer to her.
"Red code" Theo said as he pointed to the staids to Francis who was your current boyfriend also in high line at the Deatheaters so you werent able fo break up with him for your parents sake as they wished for you to be with some pure high line guy, bonus if he is a deatheater.
"Can you guys stop mocking him?" Y/n said rolling her eyes as she took a sip of her drink when Francis noticed her and begam walking over to her.
"We just dont get why you are with him, like"
"You kno-"
"Yeah yeah, your parents" Mattheo cut her off before begining to speak again " i know plenty of guys who are in higher line than he is"
"Babe" Francis spoke.
"Hey!" She said avoiding eye contact with him as she shifted uncomfortably.
"Lets go, i have something for you" Francis said squizing Y/ns ass as she pulled back.
"Francis i really dont feel like it tonight" she said pulling back but Francis pulled her back.
"Hey dude, we were talking actually"
"Yeah well i feel like fucking her"
"Well she doesnt"
"Yeah and who are you to tell me what to-"
Mattheo swung a punch at Francis making you drop your glass in fear, Theo made his way to them both as you screamed for them to stop fighting.
After a few minutes they were finaly pulled back as you just left annoyed after screaming at both of them that they are assholes.
Mattheo after few seconds went after you and Francis tried as well but Theo steped before him placing a hand on his shoulder "dont even think about it"
"Out of my way" Francis said but everyone steped around him.
"No one messes with our Y/n" Lorenzo said as he stood behind Theo.
Meanwhile Mattheo knocked on Y/ns door.
"Y/n c'mon open up"
No respone.
"I know it was dumb to fight him but he was being a complete shit"
Mattheo heard soft steps towards the door before they opened up and y/n stood there.
She pulled him in without saying anything to him, sitting him down on the bed before going into her bathroom and coming out with a first aid kit sitting down next to him.
She took his hand as she began cleaning it carefuly.
Mattheo looked at her hed brows furrowed as she cleaned it, her hands gently around his as she tried not to hurt him before she looked up at him, her eyes looking at his brown ones before she brushed her hand over a bruise thay was begining to firm on his cheekbone.
He took her hand in his.
"I know just"
"Matt, we can't, you know that"
"No i dont know that, you dont even like him"
She looked down before collecting the meds and placing them down on the table as she walked towards her closet.
Mattheo followed her, holding the door as he pulled her towards him as she tried steping back but he grabed her waist.
Suddenly all thoughts left her mind as she kissed him.
One thing leading to another before her roommate walked in and Mattheo used magic to shift them back to his room.
The next morning Y/n woke up and began to sit up but Mattheo placed a hand on her waist sitting up next to her when she sat back down after she couldnt walk, last night was fun, Y/n had to admit to herself that it was the best she ever had.
"Where are you, going, your legs ar still trembling, if you need bathroom ill take you" he spoke as he handed the girl on of his shirts before she wore it.
"Uh no im going to my dorm, y'know" she said taking her phone but Mattheo stoped her.
"No, no you arent and i dont know, you cant even walk" he said taking her phone and placing it on the nightstand as he leaned to the table he could feel Y/n squirm a little bit " let me take care of you" he said laying her back down, sitting between her legs as he rubbed them up and down his hands going on her hips as he saw her wince.
He looked concerned and Y/ns eyes went wide as she let herself slip.
"Mattheo dont" she said but Mattheo had already pulled up her shirt revieling not only a big bruise but also a cut.
"Is this from me" he asked refering the bruise but Y/n shook her head.
"Him? Is he making you leave after sex, leaving cuts and bruises on you?"
Y/n silance was all the answears he needed to know it had been him.
He wanted to leave but Y/n grabing his wrist stoppef him as she looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears as she sniffled a littlw before hugging him, he felt her teatrs drop on his chest as he relaxed a little his hands hugging her, caging her in a protective way as he kissed the top of her head.
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m00nlight-ramblings · 7 months
The aftermath of Elminster's visit created an implosion between Gale and Tav, but their love will help them pick up the pieces.
Pairings: Gale x female Tav/Reader
Requested: yes
Warnings: hurt/comfort, swearing, mentions of suicide. 18+ MINORS DNI.
Word Count: 1.7k
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The crickets chirped brightly, their noise matching with the twinkling of the stars overhead. The air around camp was thick, heavy - weighted in a way that only came after dark knowledge was discovered. This knowledge was dropped like a bomb - which, for this situation, was an apt metaphor.
"Tav..." Gale started, his back to you. He watched as Elminster - fucking Elminster, with his awful news he brought with a smirk - left camp, no doubt happy to have his belly full with our cheese, and our bread, and our wine.
"Don't," You interrupted him, the anger rising in you. Like a simmering stew, it boiled in your heart, causing you to hear the pumping of your blood in your ears. Your hands shook slightly as you ran them through your hair, taking on a life of their own. "Don't you dare say anything."
The other companions stood around the campfire, a few feet away from you both. The news of Gale's new "mission" that Elminster delivered to us - to blow himself up for the sake of possibly all humanity - hung between you all. Gale...the kind, goofy, open-hearted wizard that filled our nights with laughter and friendship, was now expected to kill himself. Which, he agreed to.
Gale...the love of your life. The man who held you countless nights, who celebrated your victories in battles and who made you scream and tremble with pleasure.
Willingly agreed to die.
Imagining a future where he no longer existed - dead by his own hand - caused tears to spring to your eyes quickly. And not delicate, lady-like tears...hot, blobbing, uncontrollable tears. Unable to deal with the reality of the situation, you turned on your heels to take off to the woods. You heard Gale call your name, followed by a stern (but gentle) Karlach try to diffuse him.
The small stream on the outskirts of camp babbled lightly, as you finally stopped and broke down. Not only in tears, but also physically - you found yourself on your knees, a groan escaping your lips and turning into a wail, uncontrollable.
You sobbed into your hands, tears and snot mixing on your face. You hiccupped through the sobs, strangling your throat and echoing off of the trees. A few moments later, the sound of footsteps mixed with your sobs.
The only two sounds in the woods.
"Tav..." Gale's voice was low, barely above a whisper. You didn't look, but you felt him sit next to you, immediately wrapping his arms around you. You fought him, trying to push him off of you, but his strength held on strong, and he didn't let go.
"Stop! Stop it!" You tried to pull away, wriggling underneath him, "How could you?! How could you agree to this? This-this...suicide mission!" Your voice sounded like a caricature of itself as you beat your fists into Gale's chest. He allowed it, letting you strike the weak blows to his body.
"Tav, Tav - stop. Listen to me," He said gently, shaking you slightly to break your erratic behavior, "Stop it. Look at me." He slipped his arms off of you and held your cheeks in his palms, your hands instinctively wrapping around his wrists. You were mere inches from each other, and while you were a mess, you felt your face turn to stone as you looked into his eyes.
Your anger - or rather, your hurt that you didn't want to show - pulsed through your body as Gale searched your eyes, running his thumbs of your cheeks. The air stilled - suddenly, you noticed tears in Gale's eyes, his mouth turned downward into a slight frown.
You broke down into tears again, leaning into Gale's shoulder. Again, he wrapped his arms around you and let you sob in his nook as he stroked your hair, murmuring in your ear.
"How could you do this?" You asked again, in between sobs, "How could you agree to do this? Was it because of Mystra?" You pulled back suddenly, jealousy somehow pushing past your grief and anger, "Fuck, did you agree to do this so that Mystra would forgive you? Do you still-"
"If you are about to ask me if I still love Mystra, I'd advise you to not," Gale said, wiping your tears gently. A playful smile quickly appeared on his face and disappeared just as fast, "After all the nights we've spent together? All the words, and kisses, and moments we've shared, and you think I could possibly have love in my heart for her still? When you've taken up all the space there possibly is?"
"Then why, Gale? Why did you agree to this?"
Gale sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. He paused a moment, pulling away and looking up into the sky. He looked back at you, searching your face.
"My entire life, I've dreamt of something...more. I always thought I was destined for greatness. Not only because I felt it, but because I was told so. I worked so hard for everything...and wanted to do things no other man has done," He sighed, shaking his head slightly, "What a fool I was. Look where it's gotten me," Looking at you, he smiled sadly and absentmindedly felt the marking of the orb on his chest, "A mistake that easily has cost me my life in many regards. But...if I could do something to stop all this...I must try."
His words hung in the air as you looked out, past the stream and through the clearing. Tortured by the idea of never seeing Gale again, you grabbed his hand and held it tight, giving it a quick squeeze.
"I can't let you do this," You said, whispering, "I refuse to let us come this far for it all to be for naught. I refuse-" You voice caught in your throat, breaking as you spoke, "...I refuse to live in a world without you."
"Darling-" Gale started, but you quickly interrupted him.
"I refuse to live in a world where you, and me, and Tara aren't living in your tower in Waterdeep. I refuse to believe I won't have a life watching the sun set with you, a life where I don't wake up next to you. A life where you don't cook me your famous dinner you've talked about so much-" You heart lurched, seeming to break into a thousand pieces, "You promised you'd cook me dinner." The last words came out as a cry more than a sentence, causing Gale to grab you fiercely and hold on to you.
Soon, you realized you weren't the only one sobbing. A strangled, wet cry landed in your ears as Gale held you close, and now it was blaringly obvious he wasn't doing it just for your sake. You wrapped your arms around him, clutching on to his back just short of digging your fingernails in.
"Your life is not any less important than anyone you would save," You said, gently kissing his neck, "Please remember that. Please remember that you aren't alone, and all of us are here to find another solution. I am here to help find another solution."
"I cannot fail," He said, gently pulling back and looking at you. His eyes, red and shimmering from crying, were mournful. "...I cannot be a failure."
You shook your head gently and took both of his hands into yours, causing him to look down, "You are not. You are a hero....you..." You trailed off, trying to find the words. Were there any words that could encapsulate Gales heroism, the painfully wonderful mark he was already making on the world?
"You are so much more than The Wizard of Waterdeep." You finally said, smiling gently and tucking a piece of hair behind his ear. He slowly looked up at you.
"What can possibly be more than The Wizard of Waterdeep?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Leaning in, you touched your forehead to his.
"Gale," You spoke, "Being Gale is so much more than being The Wizard of Waterdeep."
A small breath escaped his lips as he chuckled lightly, a tear escaping his eye. He kissed you - passionately, his hands finding the back of your head and burying themselves in your hair. His tongue gently opened your mouth as your bodies pushed closer, your hands resting on his chest.
Your heart beat rapidly, the butterflies caused by the kiss fluttering at the same speed as your pulse. You loved this man so ferociously that sometimes it hurt. You'd do anything to protect him, to help him...to save him.
Eventually, he pulled away and looked into your eyes.
"We will find another way," He said finally, gently. "I...will find another way."
You nodded encouragingly, a smile playing on your lips, "We will. The world cannot lose you because the 'Mistress of the Weave' says so. I won't allow it."
Gale laughed at his, running a thumb down your cheek, "Bold words."
"Bold words that I plan to force into action, if necessary." You spoke, matching his smile.
"You are fierce, my love," Gale said, gently rising and offering a hand to help you up. You accepted it and he pulled, wrapping you in his arms, "You are a fierce thing. There is no one like you."
"And there is no one like you," You retorted, inhaling his scent as he held you, "World famous or not." Pulling away, you took his hand and started to lead him back to the camp, "Life will not be complete until we are back in Waterdeep. Together. Forever."
Gale nodded. "You're just saying that because you want me to cook you my famous roast dinner."
Laughing, you looked at him, his eyes twinkling. You felt at home as you searched his face, the familiar lines causing your heart to speed up.
Gale was your heart, your home. Your present and your future, and where there was him, there was joy. Notoriety or not, nothing on this planet could make you happier than him.
Elminster and Mystra be damned, you would fight this thing tooth and nail.
The two of you. Together.
Thanks to the anon who requested this! I'm an unabashed Gale lover (tm) so I was so glad when this popped into my inbox!
Reminder: my inbox is open for requests!
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garfunklefield · 2 months
can i request a toji!bodyguard drabble w/ hate fucking and transactional sex since hez like broke? i really think hed do this bcz like hez super poor XD he needs the money
Cash Cow (drabble)
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18+ viewer discretion is advised
fem!rich!reader/bodyguard!Toji Fushiguro Warnings: A little dub-con, degradation, lowkey hinted at your dad is a mob boss, railing, public sex, bathroom sex, overstimulation Word count: 803 DESC: You figure out the perfect way to get your bodyguard to fuck you
Hiiiiiii I'm super excited to be writing a whole lot today!
“Darling, meet Toji Zenin, your new bodyguard,” your father spoke to you delicately, motioning to the large man before you. Your eyes trailed over to the man before you, god he was hot. You’d never seen such a man before. He was tall and perfectly sculpted by god. You could just imagine his hands trailing over your body as he fucked you from behind. That was all you needed because you knew exactly what you were going to do: You were going to fuck your bodyguard. 
He was a rude and selfish man, calling you a brat and an annoying pain in his ass whenever you so much as spoke. But god you loved it. You wanted him to degrade you so badly. You wanted to hear his gruff voice slur all those degrading names into your ear as he pounded your abused little cunt. Toji was damn good at his job though. He followed you around like a little puppy, always at your side to scare off anyone whom your father wronged. You didn’t mind the extra muscle coming to your rescue when you needed it the most. And you didn’t mind the stares from other people when he did so.
“Zenin,” you spoke gently, looking over your shoulder to a very annoyed Toji, who held your shopping bags with one arm, “Do you want a raise?” You quirked an eyebrow as you spoke, smiling innocently. You knew the man was motivated purely by money. He’d do anything just to make an extra buck. So you knew he’d have to agree to whatever you cooked up.
“What is it, princess?” He asked, looking over at you with narrowed eyes. Fuck… you needed him to moan directly into your mouth as he fucked you raw. But patience is a virtue, and you’ll be getting it all soon. You turned on your heels, letting your skirt bounce up to reveal a bit of your legs as you did so. With two hands on your hips, you sized him up. You could take him. Even if he was incredibly bigger than you. 
“Fuck me,” you spoke, confidently. 
Toji’s eyebrow twitched and he stared at you blankly, “Cuse me?”
“Fuck … me,” you repeated, looking away with impatience rising in your voice. Was he really acting like this was the worst way to get a raise? It was simple transactional sex. He’d get to fuck your pretty pussy and you’d get filled up with his large cock. Who wouldn’t want that?
“I heard you,” he grumbled, walking forward and grabbing your arm with his free hand. You frowned and attempted to struggle out of his grasp but it was no use, he had you in a chokehold. And he had you in a choke hold when he pushed you up against the wall of the family bathroom, pulling down your skirt and panties with one movement. He wrapped his arm around you, elbow bent to arch your back against him as he slid himself inside you. You both were upright and you felt your insides stretch. A whine escaped your lips and he pressed you against him tighter. It was so uncomfortable but you loved it. 
“Shut the hell up,” he mumbled, thrusting his hips into. It wasn’t slow either. He started off strong just to get his check. And god that turned you on. He didn’t care about you and you didn’t care about him. All you wanted was to be fucked and then go back to shopping as one did. You nodded your head a few times and bit your lip to suppress more pathetic moans escaping. Toji didn’t make much noise as he fucked you. Maybe a groan here and there, but you could still tell he enjoyed it. As one arm held you in place by your neck, the other gripped your hip, smacking it a few times just to see you twitch. He laughed as you tensed and came for the first time on his cock, but he wasn’t done. You wanted to fuck him right? Well, then you should’ve realized Toji Zenin didn’t just fuck. He fucked. 
“T-Toji…” you gaped, trying to curl your body inwards but getting stopped when you felt your neck getting squeezed by his beefy arm. He slapped your hip again and you felt your clit ache with sensitivity. It was too much. It was way too much. But you relished in it like the whore you were. You were a slut for his cock, instantly becoming addicted to his sweet member. 
“Thousand dollars for this cock, kay?” He moaned into your ear, leaning forward to let his hot breath linger against your skin. You nodded again, dumbfounded by how good one singular cock could be. Trust me … you weren’t coming out of this unscathed. 
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wand3rlustm3 · 1 month
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Warnings: sub!reader, fem!reader, brat!reader, dom!Beomgyu, car sex, drinking, degradation + praise, unprotected sex (pls use condoms), beomgyu is so mean
You knew that it was really stupid to get so drunk that you couldn't even call yourself a taxi. Thankfully, you were at a party hosted by five of the most trustworthy guys at your college, or there was a large possibility of something terrible happening to you. The music was bouncing off of the walls, and the bass was deep enough to make your soul tremble. Not to mention the fact that your head was spinning, and you felt fuzzy and numb but in the best way possible. That's what Soobin comes up to you with some water to contrast the harsh alcohol you've been drinking, he walks up to you with worry and suggests that you go home. But to that, you slur out, "Soooo– biiiin....I'm okayyy! I can call my- myself- a taaaaxiiii..."
Soobin would let out a small chuckle, but he's too worried about you to think the situation is funny. "Y/n, please let me tell beomgyu to drive you home. He's ready to leave as well." You were friends with all of the party's hosts, so you were in luck when you heard that Beomgyu would be willing to drop you off. As you said your goodbyes to Soobin and the other hosts, Beomgyu chuckled at how childlike you'd gotten after a few drinks. "Gyuuu...everything's s- spinning...hahah" you slurred some more, and finished up your sentence with a cute little giggle.
"Come on, y/n, let's go, I got you." Beomgyu decided to support your staggering form by putting your arm on his shoulder and his hand ghosting on your waist. Beomgyu slightly lifted you bridal style into the seat of his red Ferrari, gently placing your legs into the car and taking your heels off. As Beomgyu started the car, the sound of his exhaust was almost like the music at the party. The little black dress you were wearing was so uncomfortable and tight, and your bra was so stuffy. You just wanted to be relaxed now that you were in his car. So you chose to take off your bra from under your dress. Beomgyu noticed you reaching at your back, but focused on the road. He wanted to be as respectful to you as he could while you were drunk, so he chose to ignore the situation.
Until your whiney voice cut the silence in the car, "gyuuuuu~ please help meee!! I wan' it off!!" Beomgyu was naturally flustered, it's not like he was inexperienced, but it was more of the fact that you looked beautiful and he hadn't come to terms with the fact that he did have a crush on you. "ugh y/n, can't you wait till I drop you home?" said Beomgyu as he tried to focus on the road once again, instead of the headlights of oncoming traffic shining onto your breasts. "Nooooooo gyuuuu! I wan' it off right now. Help me pleaseeeee" you demanded as you writhed in his passenger seat trying to reach your bra hooks.
"Tch.....fine y/n, I'll do it." Beomgyu said as he reached for your bra clasp while one of his hands remained on the steering wheel. It took him very little time to undo the clasp on your bra, but his warm hands on your back were so pleasant that you had mewled while he was doing it. Beomgyu felt all his blood rush to his core as soon as he heard you make such....interesting sounds. "Thankkkkkk you Gyuuuu", you passed him one more drunken smile as you took off your bra and threw it by your legs. Your house was now 5 minutes away according to the GPS, and those 5 minutes felt like 5 years to Beomgyu because of how flustered he was. As soon as his car pulled up in front of your house, he got up from the driver's side and opened the suicide door to the passenger side.
He gently wrapped his hand around your wrist as he led you out of his car, and carried you up the steps with your heels in his hand. Both you and Beomgyu had forgotten the bra in the car, but the plus side of this was the fact that he can make fun of you for it for the rest of your friendship. After he had seen you walk into your house, he made sure you'd lock it and go straight to your room. He didn't know he'd have to think about you the entire car ride home, and neither did he think this would become a ritual for you both whenever there's a party.
It's not that you didn't have a car yourself, but it's more that you were used to looking at Beomgyu in the driver's seat after every party. So when Beomgyu pulls up in your driveway with you expectantly waiting outside, you're not surprised.
"Need a ride, y/n?" he asked as one of his lip corners raised into a half smile. You happily opened the door to his car and took a seat, "Gyu, of course!" But you don't know why you even responded to his question that you both knew the answer to. He played some of his favorite songs on the music system. The leather of his car seats felt a little too familiar and cozy. Most of all, the coziest was the fragrance that Beomgyu sprayed his clothes with each time he picked you up. You couldn't deny the fact that each time you stopped at a stoplight, the red reflecting off of his perfectly etched features turned you on. You were soaking wet, and your panties were getting sticky and uncomfortable. So, as you did a few months ago, you were going to ask Beomgyu to take them off for you even though you weren't drunk this time.
You suddenly snaked your hand around his wrist and pulled it into your lap. "Gyu...can you take my panties off? I'm so uncomfortable..." You whisper into his ear as you lean into his side, as the center console armrest digs into the side of your rib. "Y/n, stop fucking with me." Beomgyu spoke as he let out a sigh. You put your hand on his thigh and slowly brought it closer to his cock. You can hear the car accelerate as he drives a little faster, almost as fast as your heart's racing. "Gyu, I'm not fucking with you, I need you.." You speak as you focus on the way his jaw clenches as he pulls into an empty parking lot.
"Get in the backseat right now, y/n, we aren't going to that damn party." Beomgyu says to you, but you can sense the anger in his words. "Okay gyu.." You smirk as the thoughts of what he's going to do to you flood your mind. As you crawl into the backseat, he opens the door and gets in with you. With his hand squishing your cheeks, he scolds you as he says, "You've been a slut since I first drove you home, haven't you? Wanted to fuck you so bad since that day, but I had to go home and rut into my hand." Beomgyu spoke with no filter, and that only made you even wetter than you already were. "Gyu...please. touch me, strip me, I'm losing my mind." Beomgyu took no time in crashing his lips onto yours in a fiery kiss, he couldn't take it anymore and slipped his tongue into your mouth as his hands roamed around your body. He kept kissing you, until he finally bit your lip and you moaned. "Fucking slut, riling me up all the time...do you even know what you do to me?"
Beomgyu unzipped the back of your dress and threw it somewhere in his car, and pulled you into his lap as he sat down. He made sure to pay special attention to your beautiful tits as he left several marks on them, leaving open-mouthed kisses, as he switched between sucking your pebbled nipples. He slapped your breasts and watched them jiggle, as you yelped and jumped a little bit in his lap. "Gyu..." you spoke his name with tears in your eyes. "Not such a brat now, are you?" said Beomgyu as he smirked. As he finally took your panties off, along with his underwear, you sat on his lap with his cock sliding between your folds. You couldn't help but move your hips against him, to which he stopped as he smacked your ass hard enough to leave a handprint. "Brats don't get what they want, you'll not move your hips an inch until I tell you to." Beomgyu demanded.
Beomgyu laughed dryly, "Is this what you thought when i asked if you needed a ride? Fuckin whore." He asked. "Beomgyu please, i'm going insane!" You felt tears running down your face as you begged him to be inside you finally, you didn't need much prep to begin with simply because of the puddle of slick you'd left on his cock from simply grinding against it earlier. As soon as he slipped inside of you, you started crying even more. As soon as he saw tears leaving your eyes, he had this cocky expression on his face. "Crying over my cock, are you now?" Beomgyu taunts. You can't respond, so you simply sniffle and hide your face into his neck. So Beomgyu slips his hand into your hair and yanks your face back, "I need to see you cry, pretty. Such a beautiful little slut for me."
Beomgyu thrusted into you from the bottom, the sounds of your ass slapping against his hips was so erotic that you were going lose it. He brushed against your sensitive spot each time he thrusted into you, and you felt the knot that was about to unravel. "Ahh— mmmh g- gonn' cummm gyu..." You moaned as he sucked more marks into your neck. "You gonna be a good girl and cum for me finally? Cum for me, you slut." Beomgyu said as he hissed into your ears.
"Fuuuuuck, I love you. Can't be without you, need to rut into you just like this." He said between grunts and whines. "C- c— cum inside me, gyuu, p- please!" As you feel his warm cum leak into you, you cum and your walls suck him in even harder as you milk him dry. He pulls you onto his lips by wrapping his hand around your neck into one long and passionate kiss as you both ride out your highs. "Did you mean that gyu? When you said you loved me?" You said as you hid your face in the crook of his warm and soft neck.
"Meant every word, darling. If this is what you meant by me picking you up for a ride, you better be prepared." He said as he kissed up your neck, licking over the dark spots blooming on your neck in colors like violet and red.
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togament · 5 days
Togame's undercut 😩🤌🏻🤌🏻
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oh I have thoughts about his damn haircut 🥵 tysvm anon
a/n: i headcanon togame with an extremely sensitive nape. like, achilles heel type shit. he first discovers this weakness with you.
spicy stuff under the cut. 18+ stuff. MDNI.
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first time you’ve ever heard togame giggle was when you ran your fingers up his nape to the back of his head, getting a feel of his new cut.
“what d’you think, baby?” he asks, looking down at you so lovingly with his hands clasped around your waist. he gently sways you while he’s waiting for an answer. he just got his haircut and— fuck. if he looked good then, you’re ready to devour him right now.
might as well.
“lookin’ like a fucking snack is what I think,” you purr, eyelids heavy with need as you snake your arms around his shoulders with one hand grazing his fresh cut. you swear you can feel his hand grope your ass as you do, pulling you flush to him. his clothed bulge already pressing against your heat. he was always fast with it.
“hm. someone’s hungry,” he teases, pressing kisses along your cheek, leading down towards your jawline.
“t-that’s rich coming from you,” you manage to stutter, rolling your hips against his to regain the upper hand. little shit- you can feel him smirking against your skin.
his face is hidden in the space below your neck and he softly giggles before it dies down into a soft growl, playfully dragging his teeth along your skin.
“tryna eat me, doll?” he responds playfully. his hands are behind your thighs now, effortlessly hoisting you with your legs now wrapped around his waist. you were about to respond with some clever quip before your back hits the wall behind you gently his larger hand further softening the blow. you can feel him gently rut his hardness up into you.
“why won’t you take a bite.”
౨ৎ ˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
a/n: snuck in a sleep token reference lol kisses u if u get it
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