#like zemo
six-demon-bag · 1 year
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deputyrook · 15 days
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Deputyrook's Five Fav Fictional Fellas -> I'm not sure how to describe my type, but I sure do have one
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illicien · 1 year
Every so often I see... interesting takes about Zemo that leave me questioning if we... all saw the same stuff.
Like, you know he commanded a death squad before his fam even died, right? This man is not a good dude. Sure, maybe it was in the name of his country but also... his country was a shit show and he said as much.
So I am absolutely perplexed by the number of "he wouldn't do x" and "why does everyone make him so toxic" kinds of things. He actively waterboarded Vasily Karpov like one of the first times we saw him. He was put in the RAFT because he is a fucking terrorist.
This feels like another one of those things I guess that reminds me of Hannibal. Him being polite doesn't make him any less of a cannibal. You can be both polite and a bad person.
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maybe it's bc I grew up seeing (and can still see from the outside) how cis men play/joke/fake gayness as a display of domination but yet all somehow knew to avoid actual gayness like the plague (bc the it's so real how cishets manage to know what we are b4 we ourselves do) but I see that exact same "locker room" idea of playing gayness for laughs (usually by violating of sexual boundaries) + treating actual gay love like an unmentionable replicated by the cishets making media
like, look at marvel's iron man thor and gotg movies littered with writing that might nominally be considered "gay" jokes abt men being placed in sexual situations each other (again, often by laughing at the idea of sexual assault/nonconsensual sexualization) but cishet norms don't consider this gay in any real sense. it's the "accepted" way of portraying "gayness" in a way that signals to the audience that it's there to poke fun at the characters and knock 'em down a peg for comedy
This is part of why I rolled my eyes at ppl claiming queerbait at tfatws (completely not knowing what the bait part of the word means). Those "gay" moments in that show were the most classical homophobic dudebro locker room comedy that I've grown to recognize as an extension of the homophobic rough housing culture growing up among cishet boys. Every "moment" was just a Gunn-esque laugh at the male characters being degraded by being put in a position that seems gay against their consent, either by literally falling/rolling into it, by purposeful taunting by a malicious (and shoehorned) character, or literally by the force of the state(state as in governing body). it's meant to be funny in that the cishet culture the comedy comes from dictates that violating men's boundaries with a superficially "homo" act is a way to enforce hierarchy within the group. the jokes come from homophobia (which is why the creators were baffled at the idea of shipping in that show, they recognize the difference between real gayness and their homophobic lockerroom-culture jokes)
This is also why we never see anything even remotely like that between Bucky and Steve, they have genuine love for one another, the same cishet "gay" rough housing culture recognizes that between them it wouldn't be a joke, it'd be actually gay, so they avoided it like the plague. That's why we hardly ever see Bucky and Steve's canon platonic friendship portrayed, it holds actual love for one another that can't be played off by stoicism or homophobic lockerroom-style comedy. They can't do Gunnisms to make it a haha hehe, so the marvel franchise opts to not show the best friends inseparable from playground to battlefield as actual friends. Actual factual, sincere, earnest friendship between men is considered to approximate to gayness by comic book dudebro culture, so they don't show it and then blame gay ppl for "ruining" the platonic make friendships that they were too scared to show because anything more than hooking up with a bunch of interchanging women and meeting up one a year at a bar to talk about the women they've hooked up with is considered to gay by cishet men who still haven't grown out of that homophobic (& misogynistic) locker room culture.
Anon you're so right, and this is also how Tony can be cracking jokes about holding Rhodey's dick in the Avengers movie and no one in the execs room has a gay panic about needing to separate them!
Given that it also had Sharon mocking Bucky for being 'Mr America' tfatws especially seemed to revel in these nasty little homophobic digs. 😥
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moodysullie · 1 year
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"𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭."
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femb0y-joker · 5 months
Can we, PLEASE, agree that
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are Variants and not necessarily the same character?
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the-jovial-jester · 11 days
I love how marvel villains are either
He was so dead set on revenge he had only to use his brains to defeat the avengers. only a man who had seen his wife and child's dead faces looking up at him could have such a raw desire for blood shed
And then you have
Yeah he's a giant fucking lizard....we're not really sure where to go with that
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daniel-bruehl · 2 years
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Daniel Brühl as Baron Helmut Zemo THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER | 1x03 - ‘Power Broker’ pt.II (pt.I)
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cas-backwards-tie · 7 days
WIP Tag Game
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how nondescriptive or ridiculous. let people sent an ask with the title that intrigues them the most, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it.
I was tagged by @vgilantee ! Ahh, thanks so much for tagging me 🥰🙌🏻 I absolutely love these things. I have like… 95 drafts so, I have a lot that’s in the works… but so many I’ve given up on, etc. that I’m just gonna put the ones I’m currently working on.
Trials & Triumphs [Chapter 4: Strength United]
The Long Road [Chapter 2: ____] (I haven’t picked a title yet)
Heiress of Gotham [Chapter 7: Uncharted Territory]
The Family Name [Chapter Two: Revelations]
The Missing Title [Chapter 3: Fate Rewritten]
What A Waste (Simon Ghost Riley x Reader)
Untitled (Johnny Soap MacTavish x PlusSize!Reader)
The Omega Pack Plan (Poly!Taskforce141 x Omega!Reader)
Untitled (Vladimir Makarov x Reader)
Just Like Me [Chapter 4: Mission Awry]
tagging: @void-my-warranty , @waves-against-a-cliff , @glossysoap , @brewed-pangolin , @sprout-fics , @blingblong55 , @lxvvie , @stargirlrchive , @wordstome
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little-cereal-draws · 25 days
Sometimes I forget my elaborate web of headcannons isn’t real
Like what do you mean not everyone knows that Sam and Bucky live down in Louisiana with Bucky’s service dog, Bucky’s cat, Sam’s falcon, Bucky’s wild alligator, the alligator’s fifty babies, and Zemo? Isn’t that canon?
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six-demon-bag · 3 months
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look at my little freak baby!! i am turning him into a sad vampire
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johnwalkerhater · 8 months
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lavenderpanic · 2 months
I NEED FIC RECS PLSSSSS i need some professor/student stucky there isn't a tag for prof/student on ao3 (just teacher/student) and it's all high school and i want college where they're both ADULTS
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kyo-gen · 1 year
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I'm going to need another scene of him getting choked by bucky or not
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I'm like so surprised that avengers earth's mightiest heroes Baron Zemo is not a Tumblr sesyman... like... have you guys just know Zemo because of his MCU adaptation???
Because let me tell you, that version is nothing compared to what he is in the comics and cartoons pre-disney!!!
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Just look at him!!! This man has a glare so cold like hot!!
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He not only has a sword but also a gun!!!
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But he can also be so pathetic!!!
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3AM Thoughts: Benedict Cumberbatch x Daniel Brühl
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It makes so much sense to me that amongst all of the Hollywood A-listers Daniel Brühl got to work with in his career, only Benedict Cumberbatch attended/was invited to his wedding. (Referring to something mentioned in "A European in Hollywood", an Arte documentary about Brühl. The video with English subtitles is no longer on YouTube but for those who don't need translations, you can see it HERE.)
I can picture them animatedly conversing for HOURS over wine and tapas, phones ignored unless it's family calling, totally present. They just have so much in common: the curiosity, warmth, and depth that come across when they speak and reflects in their eyes; the sharp wit and self-deprecating humor paired with their goofy and playful nature; the effortlessly refined, cultured, and self-assured manner they carry themselves with; their talent for languages and voiceover work; their passion for acting and the likeability and vulnerability they bring to their characters however morally questionable; the sense that they can't comprehend the good fortune they've been dealt with (and despite their gratitude feel embarrassed by it); the way they always persevere to use their platform for a humanitarian cause (perhaps related to previous item); how grounded they've remained despite everything and the boundaries they've drawn with their private lives.
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Their rise to worldwide fame also has a similar pattern. Though both have been around for a long time, doing chameleonic work with their roles, they were often overshadowed by the bigger names in their Hollywood projects. For Cumberbatch, it was his role as Sherlock that changed everything. Overnight, the pedophile in Atonement became a sex symbol... just like that. For Brühl—who's had a golden career in German and world cinema since his 20s—it was his role as Helmut Zemo that made him recognizable and beloved to a mainstream audience. After his playful take on the Baron in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, rabid fans were more than willing to forgive and/or forget that he bombed a UN conference AND tore the Avengers apart in Civil War.
I even see a parallel in how they've mostly had long-term relationships and only got married in their late 30s. (If Wikipedia is to be believed, both at age 39.) Unlike celebs who marry and divorce all throughout their lives, you get a sense they take commitments seriously.
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And what about their names?? You thought Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch was a mouthful? Try reciting the litany that is Daniel César Martín Brühl González Domingo.
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