#like so heartbreaking lmao I’m gonna cry
releaseholiday · 2 years
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⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ But You Missed My Heart, You Missed My Heart
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content: leo valdez x daughter of poseidon! reader fic warning: lanauage and mentions of death and grief but dont worry, it's all fixed with some good ol' comfort author's note: the start of this one be hitting me in the gut frfr. i dunno, something about it just got me throwing up my liver lmao- also, loveeeeee this song by my girl phoebe but like its a stretch to make it match the fic but imma explain anyways. okay okay so 'you missed my heart' in and of itself matches the fic so well bc like the fates DID miss her heart bc they didn't really kill leo, he still alive, so they just barely missed her heart!! get it??? and then there's another line 'listening to her screams, listenign to her cries' which is just percy this wholeeeee fic watching his sister go through the biggest heartbreak of her life and yeah...im totally normal about this shut UP.
“y/n! y/n!” leo called over the sounds of metal against metal, easily slipping out of a fight between a child of demeter and some mud monster. he caught sight of her blonde hair, the girl spinning around with her sword, shoving it into the chest of some monster, which evaporated before her eyes. leo set his hand against her shoulder, y/n jumping and moving to slash him before her movements halted as she caught sight of who it was. a breath left her lips, the poor girl’s shoulders instantly losing all their tension. leo cupped her face with his hands, forcing her attention to be on him. y/n stared at him, but her brows slowly furrowed at what must have been the look on his face.
“y/n, i’m coming back. i’ll be back, i swear. listen, y/n, i love you so much. gods, it hurts to even think about. i love you, y/n l/n, more than i've ever loved anything before. you’re home, the only one i don’t plan on running away from. i swear on everything,” leo rushed out, cementing his words with a kiss against her lips. y/n reached out, her fingers gripping his armor tightly and pulling him closer. leo pulled back first, taking in her face like it was the last time he’d see it. he swallowed thickly at that thought, knowing he couldn’t think like that.
“leo, what-”
“i’m sorry,” he whispered as he cut her off before letting go. his fingers ached to hold her for longer, to never let go, to just stay here forever. but each moment that passed, he was just prolonging the inevitable. y/n stared at him in confusion as leo rapidly moved away from her and then it clicked.
“…no. no, no, no, nononono. no!” y/n muttered which then turned into yells. she tried to follow after the son of hephaestus but got caught up in the battle. she tore through every monster that stood in her way, determined to stop him. she was running, her shoulder slamming into percy’s as she tried to get past him. percy reached out and grabbed her, squeezing his eyes shut as he knew what was happening. leo had talked to percy a few months ago, awkwardly, but he told him of his plan…and what he required of percy. y/n’d never let him go easy, that much they both knew. she loved things strongly, squeezing them tightly in her hands even if it killed them.
“percy! let me go! please! he’s-” y/n screamed, kicking and withering in her brother’s grasp.
“i’m sorry, y/n,” percy whispered against her screams, which had dissolved from words into just yelling. she was crying now, inconsolable sobs breaching her mouth and it killed a part of percy to hold onto her like this.
“percy, please, i can’t- i can’t just watch. he- just, let me go, i’ll fix this,” she sobbed, her legs collapsing and bringing percy down with her.
“no, y/n, this…we can’t fight this,” percy soothed, his hold on her still tight.
“he needs me. he’s gonna die alone, percy, let me go,” cried y/n, desperately trying to claw at his arms to no avail. percy just shook his head, hanging it as an explosion filled the sky, the battle coming to a halt. y/n just stared, tears steadily leaking out of her eyes, before she screamed in a way that made percy want to cry too. surely the gods heard it, the painstaking sound that erupted from y/n’s mouth as her emotional pain turned physical. she screamed until she was out of breath, her chest heaving in an effort to keep her alive. y/n slumped now, her energy spent and exhaustion easily creeping into her system. she leaned against percy now, who’s grip turned soft and comforting. one hand stroked her shoulder and the other ran through her hair, undoing the knots with his fingers.
“…it should have been me,” y/n managed to get out, her words bitter and her eyes unfocused. percy shook his head, forcing her to look at him, which she barely managed.
“he’d kill you for saying that,” percy bit out, staring her down. y/n’s eyes finally met his, her eyes squinting with an effort.
“at least we’d both be dead,” she whispered out, her eyes filling with tears once more. percy just pulled her to his chest again, allowing her to cry herself to the closest thing to sleep she could get.
over the next few months, y/n would wake screaming and shaking and crying. percy would always jump out of his bed and run to her side of the cabin to find her hands gripping at the blankets and reaching towards her throat, where she always struggled to get breath in. he tried his best to help her through this, but he was at a loss. he hadn’t been here when he went missing and she barely shared the deep parts of this with anyone…well, leo’d know what to do, percy always thought, slightly bitter, as y/n curled up into a ball after crying herself to sleep again.
then, one morning, without explanation, y/n woke up before percy and presented him with breakfast and a smile. he could tell it was forced and that this was all an act, which is why he wanted her to stop. but y/n just shook him off, claiming she was doing better and wanted to do better, for leo. though, she never said his name. in fact, percy was sure she stopped staying it the moment he died. he hated that she put on this act for everyone, pretending to be fine as she taught little kids how to fight or draw and helped new campers settle in. and the night terrors seemed to stop too, percy finally able to get a full night's rest as well. however, he learned that y/n had been waiting for him to fall asleep before sneaking out of the cabin and sleeping in bunker nine, to avoid waking him anymore. he tried to discourage her of this, but she gave him an innocent look and pretended not to know what he was talking about.
“y/n, you want an apple or strawberries?” percy questioned in line, stabbing a few pancakes and slapping them onto his plate. y/n reached over and grabbed the apple with a tight smile, brushing her shoulder against percy’s as she broke the line and headed towards their table.
“so, summers coming to an end,” percy prompted over breakfast, keeping his eyes trained on his pancakes and missing the brow y/n raised at him.
“well, duh,” she joked, her voice not sounding like herself but percy’d never say that. she hadn't sounded like herself in...in a while.
“i was just thinking…maybe you come stay with me for the winter and spring semester. we’ve always talked about it,” percy replied, like he didn’t have an ulterior motive to keep her close. y/n instantly frowned, staring at percy with something close to disappointment. and anger.
“i’m not a child that needs watching, percy,” she bit out, turning her eyes away from him too.
“that’s not-”
“drop it, jackson,” she growled, now actually mad, shoving herself away from the bench and walking away from the dining pavilion. percy sighed and hung his head, feeling the tension build behind his eyes.
“you said you’d be back, leo. i could- she could really use you right about now,” percy muttered into his breakfast, shaking his head as he briefly thought about the fact that leo might not come back…ever.
“dragon!” someone called out, shooting out of their seat and pointing upwards. everyone’s eyes shot to the sky, following the direction where they pointed and surely enough there was a huge shadowy mass coming down on the camp. everyone scrambled to their feet, following it to the beaches. percy’s eyes scoured the crowd for y/n, frowning as he couldn’t find her anywhere. annabeth caught his wrist, forcing his attention to turn to her.
“y/n, where’s y/n?” she asked him but percy just shook his head in response before they both started to scan the crowd.
"i dunno, i pissed her off-"
"what did you say to her, seaweed brain?" annabeth cut in, givng percy a point look that he shrugged off.
"i offered my home up to her!! i was being kind," huffed percy but annabeth rolled her eyes at the boy, knowing how y/n must have taken it.
then the crowd around them erupted in cheers of leo's name as he slid off the metal dragon. he greeted a few of them with smiles or nods and shook the hands of those who reached out, but his eyes scanned the crowd. to be honest, he didn't give a shit about anyone who stood in front of him at the moment. he came back for one reason and one reason only.
"percy!" he yelled as his eyes landed on the boy, percy instantly pulling annabeth with him through the crowd, shoving his way to leo.
"gods, youre alright! you were starting to worry us and-"
"that's great, where's y/n?" cut in leo, instantly, his hands gripping percy's arms and his eyes desperate. percy explained that he'd lost you right before the commotion and leo's eyes were back to scanning the crowd.
"i gotta find her, man," leo muttered before his eyes caught on the crowd parting.
teens clad in orange shirts were parting to make a path, the cheering slowing down into mere murmurs. there, standing perfectly in the middle of the parted demigods, you stood. you looked like moses, leo thought vaguely, waiting for you to make the first move. he understood this was hard and he didn't want to come on too strong. but his fingers were itching to touch you, to feel you, to hold you again.
you were in shock, your chest heaving and your eyes blinking rapidly in an attempt to see through the tears. you couldn't tell if this was just another one of your dreams, another dream that was going to be stolen away from you as the sun rose. wanting to confirm the realness of it all, of his skin and his soul and his life really being there in front of you, you took slow steps forwards. leo matched your pace, every time you took a step, he took two.
not before long, you were softly gripping his arms and cupping his face, squishing and squeezing the skin to validate that he was there, with you again. and then you were sobbing, pulling him into you and determined to never let him go again. leo would never leave if that's what you wanted, always eager to fulfill your every want and wish.
"you came home," you sobbed into his shoulder and leo squeezed you closer, pushing his face into the crook of your neck.
"always. im always gonna come home to you. you're never getting rid of me."
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biniminisblog · 3 months
barcelona: a love untold | heartbreak series (hjs)
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pairing: han jisung x reader
synopsis: "huwag mo kong mahalin dahil mahal kita. mahalin mo ako dahil mahal mo ako, because that is what I deserve." or “stop saying you love me just because i love you. say you love me because you love me, because that is what i deserve.”
genre: angst, best friends to strangers
word count: 2.0k
series masterist
a/n: hi i’m alive and doing good!! still feeling a bit under the weather but nothing too serious so i got to finish this!! hope you guys liked it 😖😖 i actually was gonna write a happy ending but forgot this is literally called heartbreak series lmao. perhaps in an alternate ending instead who knows 👀 anw pls reblog/comment your thoughts i would rlly appreciate it, thank you ❤️❤️
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“congratulations to all of you!” the cheers got louder, echoing around the school gym, and simultaneously, you all threw your graduation caps in the air, celebrating the end of a story and the beginning of a new one.
you can’t believe it. you’ve finally graduated high school. all those sleepless nights of studying and countless exams have finally paid off. you’re now one step closer from going to your dream university. one where you can start fresh.
“you’ve grown so much now,” your mother sniffles, barely being able to contain her tears. “but i know you’ll always be my baby daughter.” she finishes, eyes filled with such warmth and you give her a tight hug, your father joining in as you cry happy tears at this emotional moment.
“of course mom, now stop crying or you’ll ruin both our makeups,” you joke, carefully wiping the droplets on your mother’s cheek using your thumb. your mother does the same to you and your father gives you a head pat, laughing slightly at the both of you.
“i’m proud of you yn, you’ve become a wonderful woman.” your father smiles warmly, giving you a light squeeze, and while pulling away he adds, “but just because you’ll be in college soon doesn’t mean i’m letting you go wild and date boys.”
“dad!” you whine, feeling embarrassed, and you playfully slap your father on the shoulder, which only elicits a chuckle and a ruffle of your hair. “what? i’m just protecting my only daughter. besides, australia is a huge and unknown place, who knows who you’ll meet there.”
“well lucky for you, i’m not interested in dating anyone.” which technically isn’t a lie but not the truth either. you don’t want to date just anyone since you already had your eyes set on someone else.
unknowingly, that someone else happens to be heading towards your direction right at this moment, with both your parents looking behind you. when you see their faces instantly morphing to one of fondness, you can immediately tell who they are looking at.
“yn!” you hear his voice before you see him, and when you turn around you are greeted with your best friend, the person you have been in love with ever since you learned what love is.
he flashes you an infectious smile that you couldn’t help but reciprocate, his pearly white teeth on full display as he gently pulls you into a tight hug. his parents are trailing behind him as they walk towards your parents.
“i can’t believe we graduated!” jisung exclaims, jumping up and down with you still trapped in his embrace, which causes you to move along with him.
“jisung-ah, please stop, i can't breathe—!” you manage to let out before he pulls away, eyes apologetic and a pout adorning his lips.
“sorry, i just missed you so much i couldn’t help it.” you can’t control the blush that starts to show onto your face and you scoff, looking away quickly in hopes he didn’t notice.
“you literally just saw me this morning, you big baby.” you tease, giving his forehead a little flick to which he responds with a dramatic ‘ouch!’.
jisung then proceeds to greet your parents, hugging them and then congratulating him on his achievements. you do the same with his parents and when you are done exchanging words, you both excuse yourselves.
you both arrive at the school rooftop, and once you close the door, you both heave a sigh of exhaustion.
“i still can’t believe high school is over.” jisung speaks first, his eyes fixated on the sunset as he rests his arms on the railings.
“yeah…” you mumble as you approach him before standing next to him and looking at the sunset as well. “now the real shit begins.”
this gets jisung to laugh, yet he still has this solemn look on his face. “you know, we only have one thing left on our bucket list before college.”
“travel to barcelona together, right?” he hums in affirmation, playing with the hems of his toga as he awaits your response.
“well we did agree to find a date first, so we can’t really do that.” you shrug nonchalantly, although you were anything but. the truth is, you didn’t want to date anyone else but him so you never actively sought out other people.
however, you can’t say the same for him. you’ve actually been tiptoeing around him a bit for the past few weeks ever since he and lia broke up, so it’s still a relatively fresh wound.
you remember waking up in the middle of the night to jisung knocking on your bedroom window, and when you let him in he broke down. it was your first time seeing him look so dejected, you weren’t sure what to do. he had sobbed quietly in your arms the whole night, and the only thing you could do was comfort him.
you don’t know the exact reason why they broke up, just that jisung told you that it had been his entirely fault. you want to believe him, though a part of you wishes to resent lia and blame her for everything, but you know you couldn’t do that. instead you just have to live with the fact that jisung will never see you that way and now that you’ve graduated and are moving to another country, you think you’re finally ready to accept that.
“who says we can’t be each other’s date?”
you think god is playing with you.
you whip your head to face jisung, only to find the serious look plastered on his features. you furrow your eyebrows in confusion and he notices, getting ready to explain. “i mean, we’ve been friends for years now, right? it seems like the only logical solution since we know each other better than anyone else, so why don’t we start dating?”
you continue to stare at him, unsure of what to do anymore. you never would’ve thought this would happen, but you have an inkling as to why he’s doing this.
“jisung… i know you’re still hurting but this isn’t the way to cope—” he cuts you off by grabbing both your hands in his, catching you by surprise.
“i’m being serious, yn. i want to try this, i want to see how this goes—and if it doesn’t work out then we can go back to being just friends, i promise! just give me a chance.” he pleads, puppy dog eyes on full display since he knows you can’t resist it. you almost give in, but you know this is only going to end in heartbreak, yours specifically. because you know you could never go back to just friends once you start dating.
you also know it wouldn’t last long especially since you’re moving away soon.
“jisung, i’m moving to australia.” you finally drop the bomb as you pull your hands from his and dart your eyes to look at the sunset instead.
you hear him mutter a ‘what?’ under his breath and when you glance at his reaction you see a mixture of what seems to be hurt and betrayal.
“why? when are you moving? why are you telling me this now?” jisung bombards you with questions, running a frustrated hand through his once perfectly styled hair as he waits for your answers.
“i wanted something new and exciting, like a new beginning.” you try to explain, keeping your voice calm as you begin to see jisung’s eyebrows furrow even more. “i’m moving next week and i only told you now because i knew you’d react like this.”
“like what yn? like i was betrayed by my own best friend? of course i’d react like this! how would you feel if i told you i’d be leaving the country in less than a week without any warning? and what about barcelona?” he asks you and you have nothing to say, knowing that you would react the same way. you were just being selfish and immature.
jisung takes your silence as confirmation and angrily paces back and forth. “i just don’t get it, why would you want to move away from here? away from me? have i just misunderstood everything?”
his last question confused you, making you wonder what he was talking about. “what do you mean misunderstood? am i missing something?”
this seems to fluster jisung as he now begins to stumble over his words.
“uhm—i mean, it’s just that i—uh kind of overheard you talking about your feelings for me—?” you interrupt him with a loud gasp, feeling a sudden wave of embarrassment rush through you.
you were so stupid, how could you let yourself be exposed so easily? as dramatic as it sounds, you feel like your life is officially ruined.
“…how long have you known?” you ask hesitantly, yet you were afraid of what the answer may be.
jisung seems to contemplate on what to say but eventually gives in. “i knew the day after the break up. i went to your place that morning and i heard you talking on the phone. you said you planned on confessing but ended up not doing it because lia and i just broke up and you didn’t want to overwhelm me.”
you were about to open your mouth to say something but jisung is quick to cut you off. “—but! please, hear me out. i like you too, yn. hell— i may even love you! and before you worry about lia, i promise you we’re not like that anymore. it’s just that you’re the one person who’s always been there for me and i was too blind to see it.”
your head was spinning, you’re not sure how to respond. yes, you want to go through the easy route and just accept his confession. you know how badly you want to just ignore all those times he unknowingly broke your heart by choosing everyone else but you. yet you’re aware that it isn’t the right choice.
because you’ve already accepted the fact that jisung will never be in love with you.
“i know you don’t mean that, so please let’s just forget this happened before one of us gets hurt.” you bite your lip to suppress yourself from saying more and jisung frowns, a mix of emotions showing on his features.
“then what do you want me to do so that you’d believe me?” he takes a step closer before gently tucking the stray hair behind your ear. he then cups your jaw, caressing it ever so slightly as you try to regulate your increasing heart rate.
“i’ll only believe you if you stop saying you love me just because i love you. say you love me because you love me, because that is what i deserve.” you whisper, and jisung wouldn’t have heard it if it weren’t for the fact that your faces were now only inches apart from each other.
“i love you.” his lips muttering those words were the last thing you see before you feel it press down your own. he kisses you like you’re the last bit of oxygen left in this world. he kisses you like he wants to kiss you. he kisses you like he loves you. and you kiss him back.
until you hear a ring. at first you both ignore it, continuing to wallow in each other’s presence. however the annoying sound wouldn’t stop, so you both begrudgingly pulled away.
you regret this soon after once you find out it was jisung’s phone, and the caller was none other than his ex girlfriend herself. what hurts more is the fact that he still had her number saved with a heart, clearly still not over her.
you start to feel the burning sensation in your eyes and you attempt to blink repeatedly to prevent the tears from falling but it only gets worse.
“wait, yn— i can explain!” jisung speaks before quickly mutes his phone and shoves it back in his pocket.
“explain what, jisung? that you’re still in love with your ex and i’m just a rebound to you!?” you exclaim, emotions clouding your judgement, making irrational yet you didn’t care.
“i—“ jisung sutters over his words, not even bothering to form coherent sentences and that’s when you understood everything.
god you were so delusional. why would you think jisung would fall for someone like you anyway? especially if he’s still hung up over his ex. you really are the biggest idiot.
“fuck you han jisung. fuck you and all your empty i love yous and promises.” and that was the last thing you say before you decided he was no longer in your life.
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@moon0fthenight @havenwithleeknow @dearly-somber @gnabnahc-s-gf @tfshouldidohere @lovesunshinefelix @aeririya
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cressthebest · 19 days
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 33
chapter 52:
1. why is the title “boggarts” …. i’m so worried
2. dorcas just put lucius in his place 😌
3. 😐 laser eyes at mcgonagall. i know why she’s doing it, but this boggart is pissing me off
4. nothing is a more powerful motivator than wanting to beat your siblings
5. NOOOoooo ELI! NO! i had hopes he’d last till the escape
6. once again, making connections. the horcrux hornet venom is like the cruciatus curse
7. that boggart to marlene was CRUEL
8. omg that boggart is getting worse. pulled out vanity and hodge. imma catch hands with someone
9. 😦 if marlene doesn’t make it out of the maze i’m gonna fucking lose it
10. “Like the person [Sirius] fought in his last games where he quite literally bit their finger off. A whole finger. Blood and muscle and bone. He bit right through and spit it out. Didn't choke, didn't gag, didn't even slow down.”
😦😦 also canon peter pettigrew reference!!
11. NARCISSA!! MY GIRL!! she has to make it out plsss
12. reg saved marlene ☺️☺️☺️
13. 😐 i am not amused by the james boggart at all
14. i am in fact PISSED at the james boggart
15. james boggart dying and regulus crying like he never has before has me SOBBING
16. james is both upset that reg thinks he’s dead, and so so pleased that he’s loved so intensely. and i- yeah. yeah, he’s right about that one, i’m afraid
17. reg even in his head is so casually like ☺️☺️ my fiancé
18. shit SHIT NO!! AUGUSTA!!
19. the augusta and alice scene is HEARTBREAKING and the fact that frank has to watch and can only touch the screen and AAAAHHH
20. “Now, this—oh, this is fucking brutal, and Sirius relishes in it.”
that fight with bellatrix was long coming yet i’m so scared for it
21. bellatrix has a spear and literally all sirius thinks is “Well, great. Just great. There she goes, and—yep, she has it. Lovely.” 😭😭😭 he sounds so british like “pip pip how unfortunate”
22. 😧 bellatrix admitted to having attempted to murder sirius by pushing him down the stairs. yo, i don’t think that’s how you treat a kid
23. holy shit holy shit, sirius just caught the spear as it was thrown at him. bro that’s wild
24. … um wtf. actually. sirius got pulled into the hedge and the cannon sounds. but like… pov??
25. nobody listens to reg. like my man was literally like “if you kill sirius, i kill you” and yet they’re somehow surprised when he kills them
26. “Regulus' very sense of identity is stamped with Sirius' signature. He is who he is because of Sirius, and he can never be anything else, and he doesn't even really want to be.”
um actually that’s the sound of my heart shattering into a million and one pieces
sirius: lmao no?
28. “"I'm not scared of anything," Regulus croaks, because he is scared of too many things to even count, because is scared of everything and everything itself.”
this is sad but like so so so relatable of him
29. when augusta dies and frank breaks down sobbing around everyone, i’m so fucking pissed that he had to witness that, that others had to witness his breakdown, and that he’s in the position of knowing she was in the arena for him. i’m so angry at riddle
30. fuck YEAH james is about to get recruited. thank fucking god
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onceuponastory · 1 year
taxi - bucky barnes x reader
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In the backseat of the taxi When you told me we were only Two punch drunk souls all tangled in the wind And in the backseat when you asked me "Is the sadness everlasting?" I pulled you closer, looked at you and said "Love, I think it is" - Taxi by The Maine also thought this song fitted bc planes taxi too lmao
Plot: After their misunderstanding, Y/N tries to tell Bucky the truth...despite the roadblocks life keeps throwing their way. Pairing: Pilot!Bucky Barnes x FlightAttendant!Female!Reader Warnings: Angst and miscommunication... but a happy ending, cause it’s me. As always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know. Notes: This was written for @the-slumberparty‘s Writing Challenge from last week: write a continuation of a one-shot. So here’s a part two to my first Pilot!Bucky fic, Fear of Falling. Not beta’d, so any mistakes are my own.
For the rest of the day, Y/N stays in bed, trying to grapple with the night before. Bucky’s expression still haunts her, even now, consuming her every waking moment. Honestly, she’s surprised that she’s still functioning right now. Funnily enough, it feels like she’s been on autopilot since the night before, simply moving through the motions to appear like a normally functioning human. All she knows is that she has to tell Bucky the truth, but doesn’t even know how. And then, she remembers everyone is going to dinner tonight. Her hope rises. This could be her chance to finally make things right. 
When the time comes, she rushes downstairs. Everyone greets her, but Bucky only mumbles a ‘hello’. He refuses to make eye contact with her, and her heart sinks. She was hoping for a moment alone with him, but all this is doing is reinforcing her worst fear. Hopefully, he just needs a moment to think things over, and when she speaks to him later, it’ll all be okay. 
Yet, as the night wears on, that possibility fades more and more. She and Bucky barely speak more than a few pleasant words to one another, both unsure of what to do or say around each other after the night before. “Hey, we’re gonna stay out. Maybe we’ll catch a movie or something. You wanna come?” Sam asks when they’re finished dinner. Deep down, Y/N knows she should go. After all, what’s the worst that could happen? Is maybe having fun for a few hours with her friends really so bad? But then, she looks over at Bucky. He still isn’t making eye contact, acting like his shoes are the most interesting thing in the world. And the sight makes her heart sink once more. 
Turns out increasing Bucky’s heartbreak is the worst thing that could happen. 
“No, I’m good. I slept like shit last night, so I’m just gonna go back to my room. You guys have fun, though.” 
“Buck? How about you?” Bucky looks up, and his eyes meet hers for a fleeting moment. As his mouth slowly opens, a small twinge of hope registers in Y/N’s stomach. Maybe he’s considering coming back to the hotel with her. Maybe all hope is not lost, and she can explain everything. This could be their rom-com moment, when everything finally works out and-
“Yeah, that sounds good.” And then, all her hope shatters once more. Turning away sadly, Y/N begins the walk back to the hotel, not even waiting for the others to say goodnight. All she can focus on is trying not to cry.
Although, Y/N doesn’t notice how Bucky watches her as she leaves, his eyes lingering even when she disappears from sight.
The next morning, Y/N stands outside Bucky’s door, ready to give things one last chance. “Bucky, can we talk?” she calls, the sound of her knock reverberating throughout the corridor. As she waits for him to open the door, her stomach churns and her heart pounds. She has no idea what to say to Bucky, or if he’ll even tell her he feels the same. When the door opens, she takes a breath of courage. Even if he doesn’t feel the same, the least she can do is tell him the truth.
Yet, all thoughts of that disappear when Bucky emerges, clad in his uniform and carrying his suitcase. The sight causes Y/N’s brows to furrow.
“Sorry, can we walk and talk? I got an urgent call. They need me to take a plane back to New York. My taxi’s almost here.”
“Oh, I didn’t hear anything from control. Did they say anything about needing me? I can go back to my room and be ready in like five minutes.” She asks, following him towards the lobby. Bucky sighs, running his hand through his hair. Y/N feels her stomach twist. She knows what the words will be before Bucky even says them.
“Sorry, it’s just me they need this time. I’ll see you around, okay?” He replies, and she nods furiously, staring at the floor. Because she knows if she makes eye contact with him, then she’ll crumble.
“Sure. Have a safe flight.” She somehow manages to get out, hoping Bucky doesn’t sense the pain in her words, or how she’s already seeing her vision beginning to blur. And with one last wave, Bucky’s gone. As she watches him leave, Y/N sinks into a chair, cuddling into herself. Her mind races with explanations for why Bucky would be called and not her, and she tries her best to ignore them. Although, one stands out. One she never wanted to think about. 
The thought that Bucky is intentionally avoiding her, taking another flight so he doesn’t have to see her, the source of his heartbreak. What happens when this flight is over? Will she see him again? What if he keeps avoiding her? As her mind continues to race, her heart pounding, another horrible thought enters her mind. Maybe he never wants to see her again. 
A sob escapes her lips then, and Y/N jumps up, speed walking to the elevator. She doesn’t even make it inside before breaking down in tears. Thankfully, it’s empty, meaning she can let out all her feelings before reaching her floor without being noticed. Trying to keep herself upright, Y/N feels her body tremble as it’s wracked with sobs. Once she’s back out, she practically sprints to her room, ignoring everything else around her. All she can think of is Bucky.
Slamming the door behind her, Y/N climbs into her bed, sinking into her mattress. Burying her face into a pillow, she continues to sob. Bucky’s face sticks in her mind, as does the look on his face when he first saw her phone. That sight still causes her heart to ache, even now. And what hurts even more is the fact she can’t do anything to make things better. At least, not now. All she can do is hope that this is just a one off, and that when she next sees Bucky, she can explain it all then.
Unfortunately, as she returns to her regular life, things don’t get much better. After seeing Bucky at least four or five a week, either in passing or on her flights, that number falls. Soon, she starts not seeing him at all. Her texts to him also go unnoticed, and when he does reply, they’re not as cheerful or as frequent as she’s used to. And that means she’s forced to ask others how Bucky’s doing rather than simply asking him. She’s not used to working like this. Being together is what she and Bucky do, what they’re used to. They fly together, as a team. They’ve always been a team. The only times they’ve been on separate flights are few and far between. Bucky is the one constant she has in her job, and she’s grown accustomed to always seeing his face on her flights, and his smile whenever she enters the cockpit. She’s never had to account for this, for being apart from him… especially after what happened.
As more and more weeks go by with no sign of Bucky, the horrible realisation sets in even more. Bucky is avoiding her. He doesn’t want to see her again. And despite how much that thought destroys her, Y/N knows she has to respect his wishes. So she stops trying, not wanting to cause pain to either of them. Or at least… no more than she already caused. Of course, people around her soon start to notice how she’s noticeably more upset, and how she’s clearly lost her spark. Especially Sam, who she explained the situation to after he found her crying in the pilot’s lounge after a flight. At least the silver lining in this situation is getting to see him more than she’s used to.
“I’ll talk to him for you, if you want.” He offers one day as she passes over his food. “I can tell him you want to explain and that he needs to answer his fucking phone.” Y/N shakes her head. 
“I’d love that… but no. If he still doesn’t want to talk to or see me even now, almost three months later, then I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want to see me, Sam.” Sam raises a brow, and she sighs. “Has he blacklisted all the flights I’m on? Is he intentionally avoiding me?” Sam’s face softens.
“No Y/N, he’s not. Bucky could never and would never intentionally avoid you. He’s just been really busy recently.” She knows he’s lying to make her feel better. Why else would he not speak to her after all this? After she practically broke his heart? As she turns to leave, Sam’s voice sounds again. “He spoke about you the other week, actually.” His words send a jolt through her body, and she gasps.
“He did?” Sam nods.
“Mhm. He asked how you were, and if you were holding up. I think he’s missing you, too.” His words make her heart flutter, and a small smile grows on Y/N’s face. But then, the little voice of doubt speaks once more.
“So why doesn’t he just talk to me, then? I’m fed up with going through this pain, Sam. I just want it to stop!” She exclaims, sniffling.
“I know. I’ll talk to him. I promise.” He gives her hand a reassuring squeeze, and Y/N nods sadly.
Later that week, Y/N stands outside Chicago’s airport, waiting for the taxi to take her to her hotel. Scrolling through her phone, she murmurs to herself, massaging her temples and trying to ignore how much her heels are pinching her toes. That was one of the worst flights she’s ever been on, full of demanding adults, screaming babies and a drunk guy who just wouldn’t stop staring at her tits. Hopefully, this taxi shows up soon, so she can get to her hotel and kick her heels off.
“Hey stranger. Fancy seeing you here.” A familiar voice laughs. Immediately, Y/N’s heart begins to pound. Bucky. 
His hair is a little longer than when she last saw him, a few tendrils falling in his face, which he brushes aside. Yet, he’s still got the same smile, the same eyes. He looks just as handsome as he always does. 
“Hi. How was your flight?”
“Good. Good.” Bucky nods. “How was yours?”
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.” Y/N wrestles with what to say to him. How to tell him the truth, that she’s always loved him and that being apart for so long has been horrific. Tell him that being apart from him for so long has been soul destroying. “Which hotel are you staying in?” Bucky asks, cutting through her thoughts.
“Same one as the last time we flew in together.” She doesn’t tell him that moment feels like a lifetime ago, and like they were both different people back then.  
“Oh, me too. What a coincidence.” Once again, silence falls amongst the pair. In an instant, she’s transported back to that night in their hotel bar, when they were both unsure of what to say to each other. Now, things are so much more different between them. If only she knew back then just how wrong everything would go.
Thankfully, a taxi soon pulls up. “After you.” Bucky gestures to the door. “I’ll wait for the next one.” Y/N shakes her head. 
“No, you take it. I don’t mind waiting.”
“Y/N, it’s freezing. You go.” He insists.
“You know… we’re both going to the same hotel, so it’s probably easier for us to ride together.” She suggests. “...That’s what the driver will say, anyway.” She stammers quickly. Of course, she’d love to ride with Bucky, despite how much her stomach is churning at the thought. All she can do is hope that he’s happy to see her too and that he wants to fix this just as much as she does. 
For a while, all the pair do is look out the window, each huddled into their corner of the taxi. Both are unsure of what to say and waiting for the other to make a move. Sometimes, they get close to it - one takes a breath, and the other turns to them, only for them to say “It’s nothing.”
That is, however, until: “Did you get my flowers? I hope you liked them.”
“Yeah. They were gorgeous. Thanks.” Bucky sighs, running a hand through his hair once more.
“Sam told me you were asking about me. He probably told you I missed you. And he’s right, I really do miss you.” Y/N nods, feeling a twinge in her chest. “Flying without you these past few months just isn’t the same. We have a lot of fun together, don’t we?” 
“We do. And I missed you too, Bucky. More than you’ll ever know.” As silence falls once more, she can see Bucky looking at her curiously, then glancing down at the floor before she can notice. She can tell what he wants pretty easily. After all, it’s the whole reason they stopped talking. He wants to ask her about her date. Y/N sighs. “Bucky, you don’t have to tiptoe around the question. Just ask me.” He looks up, startled, his cheeks flushing pink.
“I wasn’t, I-” He stammers at first. But then, he sighs once more. “I was just going to ask you how things were with you and… you know, dating.” Y/N takes a deep breath. It’s now or never. “Did you go out with that guy?”
“There never was a date. I didn’t go out with anyone. You got it all wrong.” He frowns, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
“But I thought I saw-”
“All you saw was a guy liking my profile. And I turned him down. Actually, I turned them all down. Because they weren’t you, Bucky.” She scoots closer, closing the gap between them both as she looks into his blue eyes. The pair she’s missed for so long. “If you had stayed and listened, I was going to tell you that I love you. I always have. Every time I see you on the flight deck, I get so happy because I love seeing you. Your smile, your laugh… the way you can cheer me up on some of the worst days of my life. But no matter how hard I tried to connect with you, you never seemed to want me back, so I had a quick look at Tinder out of curiosity, which is what you saw. I’m sorry if I messed things up and confused you, but I tried to explain, and instead, you just ignored me for months! Sure, we’re busy in this job, but you couldn’t even send me one fucking text message?!” she demands as all her pain and anger from the past few months is finally released. 
“Oh, god.” Bucky groans, holding his head in his hands. Immediately, Y/N’s heart sinks, and she starts hoping for whatever higher power there is to open the ground and swallow her whole. Why did she have to unload on him like that here? And from the way Bucky reacted, only one thought is in her mind.
He doesn’t like her back.
“I’m not asking for you to feel the same. I just want to stop the pain, and feeling like you hate me.” She states. “If you don’t feel the same, just tell me. And then we can go back to being friends… or whatever we are now.” She speaks, her voice quiet. Bucky sighs. Months ago, even before all of this happened, if you had told Y/N that this is where she would be now, pouring out her feelings for Bucky in a fucking taxi, she would’ve thought you were crazy. And yet, here she is. 
“I do.” Bucky’s response comes out muffled at first, so quiet that she doesn’t hear it at first.
“I’m sorry?”
“I do like you back, Y/N. Oh fuck, I’m so sorry. You haven’t ruined anything, I have. I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. Actually, I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember, but I’ve just been too scared to say anything. Seeing you on my flights makes me so happy, and the last thing I’d want is to lose you if you didn’t feel the same. When I saw that notification, I thought you didn’t feel me back, and I got so upset I wanted to be alone for a while. I didn’t want to intrude on your happiness, either, so I stayed away. Sam told me you were missing me, and I felt awful. I wanted to tell you the truth, but after being away from you for so long, I thought coming back out of nowhere would just make it worse.” He sighs. “I was only thinking about myself, and not how I was only making things worse.” He scoots over too, closing the gap between them both. “I’m so sorry I ruined everything between us. I’d understand if you never want to see me again.”
To his surprise, though, Y/N starts giggling slightly. “I’ve wanted to hear those words from you for as long as I can remember. And you’ve probably felt the same too. God, what are we like? We should’ve just told each other the truth from the beginning and saved ourselves all this mess.” At her words, Bucky starts laughing too.
“Yeah, we should’ve. Actually, Sam said he wanted to bang our heads together at one point.” He admits, and they both laugh. Hearing them both laughing together again causes a familiar, happy warm feeling to return to Y/N’s chest. Her love for Bucky Barnes. “At least now we can try to make things right.” He places his hand on top of hers, gently running one of his fingers along hers. “Can I take you out tonight to say sorry, and to start over?” Smiling, she nods.
“I’d love that.” Bucky brings her hand to his, gently pressing a kiss to it.
“Me too.” He smiles.
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m0thergoose · 3 months
OOO Michonne looks pissed I can’t wait
‘I can’t believe you did that’ ‘I can’t believe you said that’ - calling him out straight away good girl
Michonne/Danai is so beautiful
The way they’re looking at each other I’m going to die
Oh Michonne talk about Judith with him yeeeees
Calling him a creative writer, Michonne I’m gonna die
HES ALMOST 8 omg her heart is breaking because she hasn’t seen him in so long and he’s so big now, and Rick has missed so much
OHHHH MICHONNE ‘I don’t like who you are with them’ - me neither girl
‘They won a long time ago’ - oh Rick he is so broken
‘Do you think we can do anything? Because I do’ 🫶
What did they do to you? - oh Michonne man he’s so broken
‘Do you still love me’ awwww her broken wee voice I’m going to die
Omg they can go!!
Omg he said no
What the actual fuck
He is a broken man and Michonne is going to tear into him for this
He calls you the brave man 🥹
I could listen to Michonne talk about their kids all damn day
‘I found you but I didn’t’ 😢😢😢
Michonne call him out hahahahha, Rick is spewing some absolute bullshit
‘You’re lying’ Yaaas Michonne
GOD I love angry Michonne this is 10/10
And now are they gonna cry I can’t handle it
Aww my baby Michonne 😢😢😢
She’s just hoping he’ll open that door
Please open it
I’m losing my mind
Yaaaas go Rick go
Michonne gonna unleash on these walkers
fight them wooooo
‘The only time I feel safe is when I’m with you’🥹🥹🥹
‘I’m not the brave man’ - oh Rick
‘I don’t know who you are because the man I knew would never talk to me like that’ - my heart is BROKEN
How are we fixing this jeeeesus
God I love seeing them fighting together
‘I had this’ - ‘I had this’ GOD THEY ARE BOTH SO SASSY
oh noooooo Michonne is trapped
Omg rick fucking help her
Omg is he gonna kiss her
Or is he gonna cry
OMG it’s happening guys jesuuuuus this is all the richonners have ever wanted
He’s losing his mind
‘he looks like me’ - ‘so he’s really good looking’ 😂😂
ROUND TWO!!???!! Disturbed by roomba - love that ricky dicky doo da country boi has no idea what a roomba is lmao
‘One bad harvest - something has to burn to bring it back’ - OMG HE’S TALKING ABOUT HIS DAD??
‘You’re still lying to me. You’re lying to yourself’ - damn right keep calling him out Michonne
‘SHE STOLE JUDITH’ - his faaaace!!
‘I don’t wanna go into how’ 😢😢😢😢
‘But I kept believing’ 🥹🥹🥹
Omg his hand 😢😢😢
‘You’re still trying, I see it’ he is trying Michonne just keep pushing and he’ll make it
‘I’m sorry for what they did to you’ 😢😢😢😢
Michonne laying down the law - ‘Sit, Rick’ 😂😂
She really couldn’t give a fuck if the building collapses around them she is going to make him talk to her
‘They took a year from me’ ‘I don’t know if she’s okay’ 😢😢😢😢
‘It’s hurting me Rick’ 😢 Rick NEVER wants to hurt her he loves her so much this is heartbreaking
‘I found you Rick’ 🫶
I love them so much Michonne honestly is the strongest woman alive
Aww he’s in a jumper not his uniform 💖💖💖💖
God this is beautiful
A happy ending no cliffhanger???? Oooooo
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giganonyx · 3 months
AHHHHH OMEGA MY BABY. She has a pony tail stoppp my child is all grown up I will cry. Ok but she ate the new hairstyle she is slaying.
ERGH SHE HAS BEEN THERE 150 DAYS. Sick and twisted. She contrasts SO heavily with the whole sterile, orderly environment, it’s literally heartbreaking to watch. Forced into this mindless routine, her hopeful attitude constantly being beaten down on?? HURTING. GET HER OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE.
GOD seeing Crosshair look so broken BROKE ME. His shaking hands??? They took away the ONE thing he still had- his superior sniping skills, his steady hand. They took that AWAY from him. FUCKED UP. THEY TORE HIM DOWN. I can’t I’m so sad.
I had a horrible sense of dread overtake my body when he said something like “our mission isn’t over yet”… like idk I felt so ILL. PAIN. WHY do I have the feeling my man isn’t going to make it SHUT UP.
ALSO HIM MAKING RECKLESS DECISIONS???? The kidnapping of his daughter and the death of his brother have done a NUMBER on this man.
WRECKER my cutie patootie!! Yk it’s bad when Wrecker starts to become a voice of reason (which, Hunter in his desperate mindset, promptly ignores 😭)
Need Omega bullying a mouse droid on repeat.
Stop mouse droid bullying 😭
OOOO NALA SE’S WARNING TO OMEGA TO LEAVE?? I’m scared. And Omega ate it up tho. She said “say less lmao I’m gone ✌️”.
Did palpy not feel a disturbance into the force. Was bro so into the “project Necromancer deets” he couldn’t tell his vessel was peacing out. Common Palpy L.
WHEN CROSSHAIR SAID “forget the hound, Omega.”, it lowkey felt like he was talking about himself. He was telling her to forget him, he was a broken animal, with no point in nurturing back to health. She needs to give up on him if she wants to move forward. BUT SHE DIDNT BECAUSE MAMA DIDNT RAISE NO UNLOYAL LOSER. NO. OMEGA IS THE REALEST ONEEEEE.
EMERIE you confuse me. I hate u yet am intrigued by u. Looking forward to her character development ahhhh.
HUNTER MY POOKIE BEAR BACK TO HIM BC that man was doing FLIPS chopping off the eldritch horror vines. They snatched his brother and he said “hell naw hoe let go of my BRO” and just. Went to town. Me when Hunter exists 🎉🎉🎉🎉
OH OU OH IHHIWHAIANQO ALSO THE MYSTERY GUY IN THE GREEN TACTICAL ARMOR?? IS THE ONE DOING THE “TORTURE” OR WHATEVER TO CROSSHAIR AND THAT GROUP OF CLONES??? If that’s really tech I’m gonna scream. You’re telling me he’s torturing his own brother. Tech would never even THINK about doing shit like that the man just wants to read nerdy newspapers. Desecration of the nerd lifestyle. OK I REALLY HOPE ITS HIM. LIKE I REALLY DO. OOO PLEASE I WILL CRY. WHY ELSE WOULD THEY SHOW THIS MYSTERY CLONE. NO NEED. IT HAS TO BE BROWN EYES (delusion).
OK I AM SO TIRED MY HEAD HURTS MY LIFE IS CHANGING Jesse we need to cook (I need to make tbb art) BUT I AM GOING TO BED FIRST
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celestie0 · 3 months
first of all, i knew that kai dude was bad news!!
but let's start form the top!! gojo kicking the ball in the FACE??? ahhhh lost it!!! i thought he maybe aimed at kai but boy was (accidentally) aiming at her, nooo!!!
ahaha but the way he cared for her then 😭😭 my heart, so weak for this trope. also we got a kiss so a win is a win!!
“Go ahead,” he says, using his knee to spread your legs apart, then finds a place to stand between your thighs to get closer to you. “I’ve got a lot of ways I could shut you up.”
excuse me man. do not say this in front of me or i'll get wet. thank you. moving on!
“You were born blessed with talent, and you’re popular, and people adore you, and you don’t have to worry about internships, or jumping from job to job just to make something of yourself."
ugh, that moment when she breaks down about her depts and car repair bills and all that? it was so raw and real. it makes her even more relatable. loved that!!
“You don’t want me hanging out with them?” you repeat after him, “I’m not listening to that. Because it’s possessive. And it’s wrong.”
yes, yes yes!! tell him girl!!! put him in his place!!! love pissed fmc!! <33
“Does that make you feel better?” he asks. / “Does thinking of me that way—…does it make you feel better about all of this? Between us?”
bruh, satoru is THE sweetest in this story, and I'm LIVING for his soft boy energy! he has such a innocent and soft love for her, i could cry and vanish into thin air 😭😭
also the way he is ALL about her dreams and supporting her in her carrer. WEAK.
but then everything happening after, god i was so ANGRY with Kai and all his douchebag people!!! i was ready to throw hands through the screen!!!
but can we also talk about how our girl was holding her own even when those jerks were putting her and her dreams down? she's got a fire in her, and i love that she wasn't backing down! satoru's lucky to have someone so fierce by his side.
thank goodness satoru and his squad showed up when things got serious and protected her!! also that protective move in front of her? I DIED. It's official, i'm WEAK. just one word. WEAK.
can't wait to read the next chapter, in which satoru will surely move heaven and earth to show his love to her and i'm here for it!!! please shower me with all the fluff and smut.
i need ALL the cozy, heart-melting moments! ♡♡
honestly, this AU is EVERYTHING. you're painting such a vivid picture, i feel like i'm right there on campus, surrounded by hotties and drama!! what could someone ask more of? ♡♡
also want to add that i think you have an incredible ear for how people talk, with all their quirks and little inflections. reads so natural and authentic!! have a great day or night, whenever you read this!
aaa yes he actually isnt the one that kicked the ball haha 🤣 that was originally going to be the plan, but rather his teammate kicked the ball and he was too distracted by reader getting super close to kai to see it, and it flew past him n then hit her 😵‍💫
LMAO pls same part of me wanted to scream just to fuck around n find out ab all those ways of shutting us up haha
thank uuu im so glad you enjoyed her lash out 🥺💕 it was simultaneously very gratifying but also heartbreaking to write
aaa thank uu sm ur words ab softie satoru LOL i think his way of showing care can be unconventional sometimes but there’s no denying he really does want her to have the things he thinks she deserves :”) im just glad he finally thinks he’s someone she deserves haha
AND YES. SHE’s ALSO FIERCE AND A SOFTIE AT THE SAME TIME ✨✨ i wa sso excited by this chapter bc i think it takes gojo being “too good for her” bc he’s popular n whatnot but now reader is just THAT GIRL n a bad bitch and she’s almost too good for him now haha
ouu ty for the compliment on the dialogues n stuff 😭🤧 that’s so relieving to hear lol
AND YESS SO EXCITED FOR HIS LOVER BOY ERA ch10 is gonna be a lot of fun and sexy (still a tad bit angsty 👉🏼👈🏼) haha thank uu sm for looking forward to it 🥺💕 ur too kind pls
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imaginespazzi · 3 months
Hey pookie,
First off, since you achieved your goal of keeping part 2 shorter, imma try to do the same with this ask! So here goes my thoughts on part 2:
I should have already known as soon as I saw the lyric/song you chose that this was gonna hurt bad, but I still was not prepared for how bad. Side note: I listened to Happier while I was reading it for the second time – I do not recommend if you don’t want your heart to break even more.
I know I said I wanted Paige to suffer… WELL I TAKE IT BACK- my favourite blonde has suffered enough 😭
Her entire drunken monologue about what she would have done if it was her that took Azzi on a date- fuuuuuck I can’t- but oh man it was so well written and so heartbreaking.
And then oh- that last part and when she realised that it wasn’t her that Azzi was looking for (although I still believe that subconsciously, it was a certain blonde that she was searching for in the crowd)
ZOE WHEN I CATCH YOU 🫵 (you did nothing wrong, BUT STILL)
I did let out a lil giggle tho (In between my crying) at blondie running into a wall cos she was so desperate to get away 🤭
Side note: the first scene was top tier; I just love Paige and the Fudds interactions and Azzi and Drew interactions 🫂
Side note 2: Angela being chosen as one of the menace teammates, I see the vision truly, she would be that girl lmao
Favourite line/quote: “she’s who you were supposed to be…” 💔
So overall, my heart was as cracked as paige's screen protector was by the end of it, and I just want blondie to finally get to take her bestie out on their dream date. BUT I do love angst so maybe I can handle just a tiny bit more suffering (I guess I’m taking back my earlier takeback), sorry paige 🙈
Thoughts on what’s to come (potentially):
I know I said in a previous ask that in my mind, summer breaks are when it gets especially messy and seeing as we’re up to a summer break in the timeline, oof bestie I can’t wait to see what you have in store for them (and us).
Also, the first meeting between Zoe and Paige- I know that would be explosive, like Paige would just be constantly trying to prove that she knows Azzi best 👀
“you don’t even know the things I said to her before she left for LA. And she’s still here” – another teaser of that fight, ugh I so desperately wanna know, but also not know, what she actually did say that night.
As always, thank you for this incredible story. I was so prepared (well, not really but I could have been) to wait at least a couple weeks for this part cos ya know we never wanna pressure you and I know you still got actual life to deal with, so the fact that you put this out ONE WEEK later - we don’t deserve you, truly. 🥺
Ok omg lemme wrap this up now, and ignore the part where I said I’d try to keep this ask short(er) because I’m pretty sure this is my longest one yet? I’m sorry – the key word there was obviously: try.
Much love always 💗
Hi bestie <3
Please I love your long asks, don't ever stop.
Fun fact I was torn between using Ed Sheeran's Happier or Oliviia Rodrigo's Happier (does she mean you forgot about me) but also kind of wanted to use The 1 (if my wishes came true, it would have been you).
I KNEW YOU (and everybody else) WOULD FLIP THE MINUTE I GAVE Y'ALL SAD PAIGE like y'all love her too much (me af) 😭
We're gonna come back to Azzi and her searching the crowds during the game next chapter (also just gonna add here, the anon asking if Azzi knows Paige was at the game, she doesn't...yet)
WAIT okay, do we want Zoe to be a good kind gf or no? Cause I have two ways this could go lol
Poor Angela caught some strays. It was between her and Emily Bessoir and I was like nah Angela fits better, so I'm glad you agree babe
Aww babes I'm sorry to break you like Paige's screen protector 💀 (is this a bad time to tell you that it very much is not getting better anytime soon so hopefully you can handle a lot more than little)
Mini confession, I also don't actually know what the argument before Azzi left for UCLA actually was...very much a work in progress oops-
Let's see if I can actually stick to my weekly timelines (hmmmm)
Love you always pookie 💗
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fusillisarah · 7 months
Thoughts about Kingdom of Ash 💫
I finally finished throne of glass yesterday, and I’m sharing some thoughts on my experience. (“Finally” is super subjective… it took me maybe 3 weeks to slam through them all 💀)
****general spoilers ahead!!****
Yrene and Chaol were my favorite couple.. they were super fleshed out and seemed super realistic. I personally didn’t really connect a lot wirh RowAelin, but that has more to do with me than with them I think lmao. I’m just personally more a fan of an alpha male hahahaha
This isn’t a criticism more of a wish, but I’m soooo depressed Elide and Lorcan weren’t fleshed out more!! They deserve the world
Dorian is (again, in my opinion) the MOST INTERESTING CHARACTER! His growth? Unmatched. I feel he has the most realistic character arc, I felt like if I went back today answer read it would break my heart with his growth into this jaded man. Ugh. His relationship with his father? How he killed his father? How his father found him and Aelin? Heartbreaking. His brotherhood with Chaol? So realistic. Manon? His shape shifting? Sorry he’s literally unmatched.
Manon. Fucking. BLACKBEAK!!! Oh my god I rarely cry at books and the only time I cried at this series was the Thirteen’s sacrifice. She’s so complex ugh I want more…..
One more thing about Elide and Lorcan- I honestly really appreciated SJM’s decision to not “give Elide immortality” to be with Lorcan, so much we see the non-immortal become immortal to be with the immortal. I feel like it made them so much more realistic, that Lorcan would rather live her mortal lifespan and make the most of it. It just broke my heart in the best way!
I know I’m gonna get hate for this, but I didn’t read Assassins blade (gasp). I know I know, but I got through Queen of Shadows and got greedy and didn’t wanna go back in time 💀💀. I do regret it though, maybe my next read through I’ll read it. I felt like there was a fair bit of characters that I basically met in Empire of Storms that I knew I shoulda met before, you could tell with the language that SJM uses. My fault. I feel bad.
Do. The. Tandem. Read. Nuff said.
Overall my hangover is gonna be insane. It already is insane. I think I may read Icebreaker next just to break up my epic fantasy… and then maybe Twilight? Or I also wanna crack into Divine Rivals but I think I need some spice after all this war 💀.
Thanks for reading!
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cdyssey · 1 year
Yellowjackets 2.07 Reactions
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CW: Baby Death Discussion/Grief; Suicide Mentions/Attempts; Cannibalism; Cancer
I couldn’t make it thirty effing seconds into this episode without tearing up at these girls staring awake into the darkness, all shattered with grief. Taissa’s right next to Shauna. Of course she is. And Lottie’s right there too.
Oh, my God. She’s still holding the baby.
Her absolute silence. The way she refuses water. Her shrugging off every attempt that Tai makes to comfort her. My heart fucking aches for her.
And she has to bury that wrenchingly small bundle under rocks because the ground isn’t thawed enough for a proper burial. I wanna note here that it was so respectful of the show not to show the baby’s body. We didn’t have to see it to know how tiny and tragic that it was.
“It’s you and me against the whole world.” Goddammit. Because she died with the baby. Literally.
Oh??? A very muted version of the title song?
“I’m sorry, have you two joined a cult since we last saw you, or… / “We are an intentional community. / “What is the intention exactly?” KQQMKQOQJEDIDJSJDJ.
The fucking euphoria I feel at seeing all six adults together.
Nat admitting to the suicide attempt. Shauna’s horrified, “Oh, my God.” Taissa’s broken expression. They love her.
Tai, crying: “I really thought he was going to make it.” I’m so fucked up about these girls.
“But even if the baby made it… for a while… it wouldn’t change the fact that his mother is starving. We all are. I just think it’s time we woke up.” Heartbreaking and so correct. Heartbreaking because its correct.
“That doesn’t sound like you.” And it doesn’t. Van has always been a believer between her and Tai, and even in the group as a whole, but now she’s lost that faith.
“You helped me hear… see… sleep… and I would be dead without you. I need you, Van.” I’m so fucked up. Like, not even five minutes into this episode, I have teared up multiple times.
Natalie being all in for her girlfriend’s wellness remedies AMDMFJSNSNSN.
“All my rational instincts are just kind of, uh, screaming.” SNDNWND. Babygirl chooses self-care. <3 She needs it. She’s been doing hard work this season threatening to skin people and covering up murders.
Bruce, the goat, ily. And it has not escaped my notice that the goat is a boy, and he’s brown, the same color as that horribly small bundle.
Ben is goddamn losing it. The hallucination of Paul is voicing Ben’s greatest insecurity—that he no longer has a place in the cabin. “It’s just time. We all love you, Ben.”
“Um, I would hate for my bladder to guide me into peeing in that thing.” NADIFNSNDNS. Misty’s reluctance to engage with therapies is notable.
LMAO @ HER SNEAKING AWAY. She said, “Nope. Ur not making me confront my deepest traumas today, bestie.”
Misty overhears the girls praising her, and it’s an echo of that moment before she smashes the black box.
Misty putting on a performance about looking for “Crystal,” and here’s another parallel—some of Kristen’s last words to Misty were denigrating her for being a bad actor.
“It gave us what we wanted. Shauna lived.” And Lottie’s right here. When Mari prayed to the wilderness last week, she prayed for Shauna alone.
The shot of the girls and Travis holding hands is reminiscent of a team huddle up. 😭
HELP ME WKDNDNDNSND. The girls are, like, well, if she is dead, that, uh, doesn’t entirely suck for us. <3 (I’m sorry. I don’t know which one is Gen and which one is Melissa yet.)
But on a more serious note, this is an interesting beat because it shows that cannibalism in the cabin is not just a “trance-like survival tactic” anymore. It’s something that can be indirectly alluded to when everyone is fully aware of themselves. (We got an inkling of this earlier when Misty and Kristen were discussing Jackie bone broth.)
All that fucking blood. Shauna’s blood.
This Lottie and Tai conversation is so fascinating to me. They’re the two individuals who have had the most interaction with the supernatural—which makes them peers—but the ways they approach their abilities are drastically different. Embrace versus repression. And it’s something we see in their adult selves too.
Adult Tai actually going to Lottie for help about her sleepwalking.
“I need help.” Taissa Turner admitting this is so huge.
“She just doesn’t want to be suppressed. She’s still a part of you, Tai. She will always be a part of you.” Hhhhhhhhhghhhhhhhhhh.
Shauna nearly on the verge of crying in the woods, disassociating and lost.
Misty hoarding food is such a good detail. It makes sense after the woods.
“Why did I give one single shit about this goat when Lottie’s goons are just gonna make me kill him?” 😭 MY POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW IS SO CONVINCED THAT SHE HAS TO KILL THIS GOAT.
have you guys clocked that I’m insane about shauna yet
“Hey, newsflash. I am the only person who took your killing with the seriousness that it required.” YEAH, TELL HER, MISTY!! AND SHE DIDN’T EVEN LISTEN TO YOUR COOKIE ADVICE QOWKDJDNS
“Well, you’re not that innocent either.” / “I know that, Misty. Do you think I don’t know that?” Shauna utterly hates herself, but listen, yeah? They all fucking do. Each and every one of the Yellowjackets.
Shauna is mothering this goat.
“If you think I’m gonna carry you all day, you are delusional, as well as dumb.” ANWKQNDNESN, Melanie Lynskey, I fucking love you.
“I’m not gonna let them eat you, Kristen.” OH, I FUCKING LOVE THIS. YEAH. Sure, Misty may have 100% caused her death, lmao, but she’ll be damned if she lets Kristen be eaten. And I love that she calls Kristen by her real name too, keeping that knowledge alive, even within herself.
The contrast between Shauna/Jackie and Misty/Kristen is big here. Shauna desperately needing to consume Jackie and granting the others the permission to do so too vs. Misty actually kinda being normal for once about what is owed to a body.
Shauna is back in the Jackie shed, and she’s staring at the corner where her body used to be. OH, GOD. SHE’S CALLING OUT FOR JACKIE.
“Jackie, I really need you right now. Please?” SHE’S SO ALONE, AND LOSING THAT BABY IS TIED UP WITH LOSING JACKIE, AND I’M FUCKING UPSET. Those sobs are guttural.
And Jackie won’t come back and haunt her when Shauna calls. Goddamn.
“The kid’s care is entwined with your own.” That’s such a triggering phrase for Shauna and you can see it in her eyes.
“Because it is one thing if I stab this goat later, but there’s no fucking way that it’s dying while I’m supposed to be watching it. So someone is going to make sure this goat is okay. Right now.” She couldn’t save her baby in the woods, but goddamn, she can save this goat.
The tears in Shauna’s eyes as she talks to Lottie. This is all about motherhood to her. This entire season, from the past to the present, has been.
“I’m not gonna kill this fucking goat, okay? Fuck you!” EKWMDNEND
“Wait. Really? I really don’t?” The fucking break in her voice, all the spiraling cracks. Melanie Lynskey is making me cry over a GOAT.
“Oh, Bruce.” AND SHE SOBS.
“I find it gives a person clarity to have to care for something so innocent.” God, God, God, and Lottie knows the significance of that to Shauna specifically.
“I’m not crying about the goat. I don’t really know, um, what’s happening right now. Um, I think it’s just that I’ve always kept my daughter, you know, Callie, like, at arm’s length. I think just out of fear that she would… die, I guess. Or maybe that she was never even real to begin with. I don’t know. I try to tell myself it’s okay. That I’m safe to… to think of her as-as mine, you know, and to just be her mom. But I think something is broken, Lottie. I just can’t do it.”
I’m so fucking unwell about this. I think I’m gonna do a fuller write-up on this moment later, so for now, God, Melanie Fucking Lynskey. And also, that she has this breakdown to Lottie is powerful. In the past, she’s hated Lottie, hated her for trying to encroach on her baby, hated her for becoming their shaman, but here, she confides in her with this terrible pain about motherhood that she’s been keeping inside.
Ahhhh, just a little bit of self-promotion here, but in my Shauna + Callie fic, I was thinking a lot about Shauna’s relationship with motherhood: “But goodness has never come naturally to Shauna, and motherhood is a gaping wound that won’t ever stop bleeding. (A placenta on the dirty floor. So much red, streaming out of her, simply pouring. Don’t you hear him cry? Why can’t you hear him?)” And I think the crux of that, which holds true in this scene, is the fundamental idea that motherhood continually hurts Shauna, and it always goes back to those woods.
“Caligula, when people look at me, do they just see someone desperate for love? Just some murderer?” GOD, THESE TWO QUESTIONS PAIRED NEXT TO EACH OTHER. Desperate love and murder being synonymous with each other.
“How many times did you get the ball over the goal line? Take it from a bird named after a Roman emperor who was also unjustly accused of heinous acts.” SOBBING WKWKKSNWOQOWIEJD
MISTY’S SUBCONSCIOUS IS REALLY LIKE, “Haha, bestie. You’re soooooo well!! There’s nothing wrong with you at all!!”
Elijah Wood is having the time of his goddamn life aawkdjdjdnwj.
That was so fucking funny. I have no words.
The human manifestation of her bird named after a Roman emperor was so right. She. Is. Perfectly. Okay. <3
Misty can’t find Kristen’s fucking body. Hhhhh. It isn’t at the bottom of shit cliff anymore. 😭
God. Ben.
He’s been so isolated all season; he feels like that this is his way out.
“Could you just push me off?” So fucking fucked up, but it tracks with what has been going on in his psyche, as well as in the flashbacks with Paul. Ben’s defined by his emotional paralysis and fear. So he’s not acted and just accepted the consequences that come from that. And this is another way of doing that. If he jumps, that’s making an active decision, and that’s fundamentally not what this man does. But if Misty pushes him, it’s just another action that he’s the recipient of and not the doer.
“… if you kill yourself right now, we will eat you.” Jesus fucking Christ. She states it as a fact. It is a fact. The cabin has reached this point.
“I tried so hard to keep the baby alive. I really did.” I’M SO FUCKING UPSET. THE SAME CLIFF WHERE KRISTEN DIED.
Oh, thank GOD, he stepped back. I could not handle losing Coach Ben today.
Tai taking off her wedding ring. Girl ANJQNDNQNWNDNWNSNWNW, you’re such a fail wife.
“I just can’t believe I’m back here again.” / “Making offerings to the dirt.” Man, the wedding ring as an offering.
But then they both pull back, Tai apologizing profusely.
I have actual goddamn tears running down my face again. What the fuck is wrong with this show
“Van, what are you telling me?” Van has told her every which way but directly. Taissa can’t accept it unless she hears it.
“I have… months.” I’m sick actually. I’m so sick.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Van. You’re just deciding to tell me now?” Taissa’s first reaction is anger. She lashes out, so goddamn terrified.
And between this and her breaking down to Van a few episodes ago, this is the most emotionally invested we’ve seen Taissa. Her life with Simone and Sammy aren’t real to her—as she’d explained to Shauna last season.
But this is real to her.
Van is real to her.
“This is what it wants—us to be together.” Yeah, me too, Lottie.
“We hurt each other. People died.” God, God, God. They hurt each other. They loved each other. They ate each other. They loved each other.
“Does a hunt that has no violence feed anyone?” OH MY FUCKING GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD??????
Van tapping Misty with the bottle. Misty’s being included in the girl circle 😭
TNENFNEND, Shauna taking a huge, ‘ole swig and Taissa smirking at her.
“From Van.” / “Oh, you narc.” AKKQWKJERN
Oh, God. The women are being utterly careless with Nat. Shauna telling her that they should just hang out. Van offering the bottle.
“I lost my goat, but I found him again.” MAQMQKKWKQJEJRNRNEJEJFIEEFEIE
“I think you should all go home.” Lottie has realized that it’s dangerous that they’re together again.
Every time I look at Van now, I wanna cry.
“I think it might be time for you to stop resisting.” This line just made it into 20 new fanfics. <33
Now they’re having girl talk. 😭
“Does he know?” AAaWjejfuwjjwsj
“He doesn’t have a job, job. He’s dedicated to his passionate pursuit of knowledge.” / “Nice, so where does he go to prison?” ANqKQKWIWWOWJDJS. Van and Tai making little asshole asides is so good, lmao. They do that in the cabin too.
“Was she watching some parts?” WKNWWNQKMWDNWJNEND
I could watch 60 minutes of these women talking like this, lovingly taking the piss out of each other and ignoring all their extensive trauma. <3
Most of the women don’t want to revisit the woods. It’s too hard of a wound for them.
… all of the girls having hazy memories. They know they’ve fucked up; it’s harrowing that they don’t remember the specifics of how.
“Well, if I’m, um repressing things I don’t know about, I am very okay with never figuring it out.” Jesus fucking Christ, that delivery was so sad.
“I mean, compulsive behavior, addiction, disease.” And Van stands up and walks away. She’s more than familiar with what Lottie is saying.
“Lightning crashes, a new mother cries…” GOD, WHAT A LINE.
“You all fucking ate my baby!” / Shauna can no longer discern reality from a dream. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK.
“Travis, take Javi to the bedroom.” 😭😭😭😭😭
“Shauna, we need you. Let it out.” MY FUCKING GOD
“Is Callie okay?” Shauna’s immediate goddamn fear when she hears urgent is that her daughter is hurt.
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
bts on the bachelorette
i really tried to relax for 5 minutes today with some dumb reality TV and then my brain wouldn't shut up. have you ever wondered what bangtan's elimination order would be on a season of the bachelorette???? well wonder no more my friends...
(this started as a headcanon and then morphed into kind of a drabble? tbh i don't even know what's happening here. just enjoy it lmao 😂)
the first one sent home is yoongi - yes, i think my sweet baby boy would get sent home night one. this breaks my heart but i just see him being too reserved, too closed off, not jumping to make a first impression and getting lost in the shuffle. he would ABSOLUTELY be one of those first-eliminated guys who gets a whole legion of fans tho, and they campaign HARD to get his pale ass on paradise 😂 
next to go is seokjin - he would get kept around just long enough to be a villain lmaoooo. the one guy who drives all the others crazy because he’s cocky as fuck about his looks and is NOT here to make friends. i could see jk telling on him to bachelorette and there being a whole dramatic confrontation where she rips the rose out of his hands and says “get the fuck out of here”. he absolutely makes and sells worldwide handsome merch after.
the next one out is jimin - and he's definitely the dude who gets by on sex appeal alone LMAO. the one where bachelorette is like ‘i’m just not sure i have the same connection with jimin’ and then he takes his shirt off and she’s like ‘……i’m sorry can you repeat the question’. they have at least two steamy makeout sessions before she finally has to send him packing tho, good for her 🥰 
the first heartbreaking elimination is hoseok - my love, my angel, hobi is totally gonna end up in the friend zone on a show like this. he’s so caring and subtly sexy but i could see him being more of a support system for bachelorette and the person who brings her the inside scoop on what’s going on in the house. they’d both cry when she eliminates him but he’d be so sweet and understanding and go out of his way to make sure she smiles before he walks out. truly only wants the best for her.
then, the shocking elimination that's teased for weeks: jungkook - when i tell you twitter EXPLODES. you’ll see headlines about this one on the motherfucking NEWS in the morning. doe-eyed, tattooed, sexy shy badboy jk eliminated?!?!??! has the bitch lost her MIND????? but bachelorette just can’t get over the fact that he’s so young, and she’s afraid he’s not ready to make such a serious commitment.
there’s a ton of push-pull where she feels like jk doesn’t “fight for her” enough because he is more reserved, but then he’ll do something competitive and it’s just enough to keep her hooked on him a little longer, until this episode where she finally has to let him go. he definitely has an extended crying montage on the way out/in the car where he says some stuff about how he’d never been in love like this before. omg ouch let’s move on i’m hurt.
WHICH LEAVES THE FINAL TWO!!!!! and bachelorette is so torn!!! 😩
taehyung is gorgeous, romantic, and sensual (insert clip from a date of him feeding her chocolate covered strawberries). he’s an old soul, passionate, but has an extremely dry sense of humor that bachelorette falls HARD for. she loves that they can laugh together, and he isn’t afraid to look stupid or try something new (insert clip of them doing that indoor skydiving thing on a date). and he’s also not afraid to tell her exactly what he wants- marriage, kids, a life with her by his side.
but sometimes he can be hard to read. he’s honestly so good looking it makes her a little insecure, and she just has this nagging feeling like he isn’t quite letting her all the way in....but she can't tell if that's just her own fear about finding a love this intense.
namjoon is intelligent, supportive, and so goddamn sexy (insert clip from a group date competition of him doing pull-ups). bachelorette feels comfortable with him in a way she doesn’t quite have words for. sometimes she swears it feels like she’s met him before in another lifetime, and this is just a reunion. (insert clip from a picnic date where she rests her head in joon’s lap as he reads to her). he’s so well-spoken and such a deep thinker, and the world falls head over heels for the conversations they’re able to have about love, loyalty, identity, emotions.
but she’s not sure she feels the same passion and fire with him that she does with taehyung. namjoon admits outright that he doesn’t know what he wants in life, is unsure about marriage or kids, and when he gets too in his head and insecure about the competition, he can shut her out without meaning to.
we watch with bated breath as bachelorette takes her place at the gorgeous vista decorated for her proposal. everyone who’s seen the show before knows that whoever steps out of the limo first is the one she’s chosen to send home.
hearts shatter nationwide when joon ducks his head to exit the car.
bachelorette stops him before he can even go into his speech, laughs a little to herself: “I know if I let you start talking it’s going to change my mind, so let me go first.” explains that she’s just too scared of his indecisiveness. she’s prone to overthinking herself, so she needs someone who is going to offer stability, someone who is ready and knows what he wants. joon takes it like the gentleman he is, one dimple popping in a sad half-smile, and she presses up on her tiptoes to give him a hug.
which just leaves taehyung. he steps out of the car with a deep exhale, and you can see even from afar that his hands are shaking as he makes his way to bachelorette, mouth dropping open slightly at how gorgeous she looks.
the proposal is like something out of a movie, a long, perfect speech delivered in tae’s shaky baritone as a breeze ruffles through his hair and toys with the hem of bachelorette's dress. he winds back through their time together accompanied by an edited montage, and finally ends with the truth: he knew as soon as he laid eyes on her that this was meant to be, and that she was the one. the music swells as he drops to a knee and pulls out a big-ass diamond ring, and they’re both crying by the time she says yes.
~then, after the show wraps:
namjoon, fan fave that he is, appears in a suit on the reunion show to gladly accept the title of the next bachelor. expect LOTS of gratuitous clips of him in the gym during his intro package ooooof 🥵
the vast majority of our faves end up going to paradise- yoongi fucks literally every girl there LMAO, jungkook goes for one week but is too nervous to talk to anyone and just chats with the bartender and drinks fruity cocktails until he gets sent home. jimin and hobi have an epic summer bromance and end up choosing each other over any of the women.
and then, i mean, if we're being realistic... tae cheats on bachelorette 3 months into their engagement and they call the whole thing off 💀
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lovvecherrymotion · 2 months
pleasee keep writing essays i love reading everything 🥹 and the bojere treat… i’m gonna cry i miss them sm :’))
i posted the jance fic back in likeee august, so if you’ve read everything from that time maybe you’ve come across mine as well 😳 i am not sure which fics are yours, but if you’ve written jance before tavastia 2.0 time there’s a chance i did read it (tavastia 2.0 rekindled my bojere heart and i’ve only read fics with them ever since 😭)
oooh 911 was one of my shows in law, a lot of my moots were watching it and for a while i was invested if those two guys were gonna be canon or not, i have no idea what happened to them now :)) the show itself isn’t really my thing so i never got to watch it myself
- 💌
i miss them too i can't believe it's been a month since they started the tour in helsinki??? i need them to hang out again as soon as possible
and since we're talking about bojere... i'm assuming you also listen to kä? if not, feel free to ignore the questions, but if you do - favorite song(s)? and have you seen him live as well?
lmao i posted my first jance fic back in july? (before that i'd posted bojere back in may to cope with the heartbreak 😭) so if you posted yours around august, i've probably read it 👀 even tho in august i was in japan and didn't get to spend as much time on ao3 as i usually do
also i totally understand!!! god, tavastia 2.0 was just... i'm so glad i got to experience it live but i, somehow, still cannot process any of it?? the nordic tour feels like the wildest fever dream. i really flew all across europe to see two grown men hug wtf is my life (and it was one of the happiest moments of 2023. honestly, probably ever 🥺)
they're still not canon but i have high hopes. the clowning never stops, no matter the fandom 💀💀
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Ok so I did a rewatch thread for ATLA a few years ago, and I’m doing it again for the LCU: Loki Cinematic Universe
Forgot Thor dropped out of the Sky in New Mexico of all places lmao. Darcy my beloved.
This movie is making me emotional like a minute in. They haven’t even introduced Lokes yet don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry
really gives Star Wars x Lord of the rings energy huh
YEA THOR AND LOKI. Loki’s child casting is ridiculously impeccable though…same nose, facial expressions, we sure this kid ain’t Tom’s?
When I saw Sif I made this face. 😏 Wow the way they delayed Adult! Loki reveal for dramatic effect. And when I saw him I made this face 😩 and giggled like a schoolgirl. Hnnng I can’t handle Sifki in the same frame they’re too fine. Ok shut up simp.
ZOOM IN ON FRIGGA AT “FIRSTBORN” Obviously they just wanted to show his mom, and they may not have known Hela would be Odin’s daughter when making Thor, but fuck it is funny in hindsight.
ZOOM IN ON LOKI AT SELFISH AMBITION been there Lokes I get ya. They look….so damn good in silver, can we have Loki in Silver again?
Young Thor has anger issues, I forgot how hotheaded he was. wow he’s come a long way…or is that the inconsistent writing…
Loki: judges you in bisexual. Also Loki: don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious
I forgot about Hogun I feel bad
Don’t go to Jotunheim that will start Loki’s villain arc and spiral into the entire infinity saga
Heimdall told Loki he wasn’t dressed warm enough the foreshadowing. WHEN BIFROST ACTIVATED TO GO TO JOTUNHEIM LOKI GOT ZAPPED FIRST. Where are the frost giants? *camera pans to Loki* there is SO much foreshadowing in this scene, also to Loki being a backstabbing little bitchsicle
Loki’s personality and character voice has been the same for 12 years stop complaining antis. Also thank Tom for that!
Loki should have played off “run back home, little princess” as Laufey referring to them, not Thor. Maybe chaos wouldn’t ensue. Thor you are a rambunctious irresponsible nightmare. You make Loki look cool and calculated, which they are, unless they’re having a psychotic break. Loki really would be and was a better ruler.
While that scene is heartbreaking, Loki and the frost giant looking at each other in confusion will never not be funny
Loki saved Fandral awwww I ship it
I like this Thor better. He got too goofy and himbo later. He’s a golden retriever, but a jumpy, bitey golden retriever that tries to pick up sticks that are too big and get it into danger.
Loki was so scared this whole movie. His face is just…filled with dread half the time poor kitten
The love of Thor’s life during Thor: doing fancy science experiments, hanging with her friends, living her best nerd life. The love of Loki’s life during Thor: watches people die gruesome deaths, chokes on ash from supervolcano, narrowly avoids getting sucked into black hole, nearly drowns in mega tsunami, almost gets incinerated by nuke.
Until Sylvie, only Darcy could match Loki’s sheer level of chaos gremlin
Stop punching for 3 seconds Thor or I swear to god I’m gonna punch my television
“Thor is reckless and dangerous” you’re one to talk, Loki
The way Sif says Loki’s name, the way she reaches out to him first, as if she knows her sway on him…hmmm. Fandral jumping to defend Loki as if he himself has been offended….hmmmm.
“Am I cursed” thank you I will be crying though the whole scene. The way he tries to stay collected and just loses his shit…(I actually did cry and had to cut myself a slice of cake)
“Why do you twist my words” he has BPD Odin, that’s your fault
Thor: ANOTHER. Jane: no smashing, unless you’re smashing me
There is such a marked difference in how Loki acts after finding out he’s Jotun, down to the shaky way Tom delivers his lines. Loki is trying to put on this mask of grandeur and poise, when he’s so clearly…broken. How do I reach through the screen and tell him I love him? Loki is king, what he’s wanted forever, and he can’t even enjoy it. He is absolutely devastated. FuCK. But also, he’s having cynical fun with it. He’s had a terrible day, he’s done with everyone’s bullshit, and he’s decided to do whatever he fucking wants
He’s decided to become what everyone wanted from him…He found out he’s Jotun, and he wants to purge that from history and become someone he could never be…
He and Sif soooooo obviously have history, like how did I miss this? There also may be a bit of subtext with Fandral… Loki my Bi king
Also they are so androgynously beautiful this movie, Loki my genderfluid queen
Loki on earth: I will intentionally attract attention by being sexy. Thor on earth: I will unintentionally attract attention by acting like an alien, which I am
Loki’s only real friend is his mother. Unfortunately, I relate.
Jane and Thor are a better fit than I remember. They’re both impulsive, adventurous, but she mellows him out and is his voice of reason. He brings her out of her shell, keeps her life exciting.
Sup Clint
Thor is kinda cute, but too manly for me. My type is tomboys and femboys and everything in between.
I feel like Loki, yelling at Thor through the tv to calm the fuck down and stop hitting people and just sit his ass down and make a fucking plan. Thor and his hammer I swear to god. Maybe if you calmed tf down, you’d be worthy again, you hotheaded arrogant fool
Cinematography popping offfff
Loki: Father is dead. Me: YOU LYING SACK OF ✨beauty✨ *tries to be angry at Loki, literally drools instead* Loki: you are still banished. Me: you little shit! (affectionate). I hate you so much (sexually frustrated)
Loki and Mjolnir. The way he was frustrated, then angry, then heartbroken, but never hopeful. He knew he was never gonna pick that hammer up, but he still tried and failed. He looked like he was gonna yell, then looked like he was gonna cry…baby baby nooo
I’m really just Loki lite. Or Loki is me on a really bad day. Like when it’s 4:am and I’m considering murdering my grandmother. I’ll be like…jeez, am I really that much like Loki? He does some really fucked up stuff. Then I realize that if I was in the same situation, I would do the exact same thing. Psychologically, we are nearly identical. I also have the same gender, sexuality, skin, hair and eye color. I may be a variant, send help.
Marry me Lady Sif
Not Loki showing empathy…no one tell that corner of the fandom that idolizes his worst self and thinks he’s nothing but a cold hearted self obsessed psychopath. Did anyone really think that Robot punch was gonna kill Thor? The hulk hits harder than that. Loki was going easy on him. He does care, somewhere deep in his whole…mess. He never truly wanted to kill Thor, he just thought he did. I don’t think he could have gone through with it either. If he did, killing Thor might have killed him too. Look up splitting in bpd, and you’ll get it.
The plot of this movie is just: Loki has a breakdown
Ok I’m tearing up again at 4:40 am in the morning because sad popsicle just wants to feel loved…but he’s already loved…they just can’t believe anyone would love them for who they are… so he self sabotages bc deep down…they don’t feel worthy of the love they desperately crave *has a breakdown myself*
Loki is just me when I have a borderline personality disorder rage episode, provoke people by saying hurtful shit, and wanna jump off a bridge afterwards ngl
If you destroy the bridge you’ll never see her again…Loki trying to manipulate Thor, or Loki being a hopeless romantic and caring…a bit of both.
Loki’s su!c!de attempt genuinely made me cry, especially because I know he survives actual physical and psychological torture afterwards, and does things that likely haunt him forever. I wish I could tell him that a few years down the line, he will know his family and everyone in Asgard pitied him, loved him, mourned him, and in another timeline he will meet someone who will make him feel understood and validated and seen the way he thought impossible. It’s also making me worry about Sylvie attempting the same next season because…Loki and Sylvie are cut from the same cloth and as they said, they truly have been where she is now and felt what she feels.
End credit scene…I see you Lokes
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boolger · 8 months
do all or one, but don't do none!
for the ask game
asdfjklæø I just want you to know that i took out my laptop for this lmao
😂 Share your funniest line (or dialogue exchange): Okay so uh, I might be the only one who finds this one funny, lmao but, this is from you've got to be kitten me
“Are they alright?” Desi turned her head, watching Riley appear, looking just as confused in the glitterful room. Matty repeated her question. Desi hesitated answering Matty, looking down at the two piles of clothes that moved, before two fluffy creatures appeared. “Desi?” “Well… I think it’s easier if we just come home,” she finally answered, “I mean, technically they’re fine.” “Technically?” “... Technically .” (------) “This is as far from being technically fine as possible!” Both Desi and Riley winched as they looked at each other, Matty’s voice sharp.  “I mean… They’re not bleeding?” “THEY’RE CATS!” “Hm, yeah.”
💔 Share your most heartbreaking line: This one I'm more unsure about, but I think I'm gonna go with this from the many deaths of a Phoenix :
Laika was looking straight at Mac when she was shot by his dad. Her big, brown, safe eyes looked like they were full of stars. Just before the shot, she blinked slowly, almost as if to say:  I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.
🎬 Share the last line you’ve written: this one is from a WIP
Run, a part of him said, this time is your time to run.
🤨 Share a line that makes no sense out of context. This from Sir and his good boy (explicit)
He wasn’t giving up the paper clip without a fight.
🫂 Share a line (or dialogue exchange) that shows the relationship between two characters. This is from Can I lay by your side?
They didn’t talk about Murdoc’s gentle crying; it was like a little secret, just for the two of them, in a room surrounded by people working.
PHEW okay, there !<33
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corvuserpens · 2 years
My thoughts on Orpheus’ story in The Sandman
Okay, SO. After reading The Song of Orpheus, I’m like... Fucking hell. 
I already knew our Dream Boi was a proud creature pre-capture, but THIS... This is a whole other level of asshattery. His own son, I’m soooo... WOW. Yeah, no wonder Calliope left him, lmao honestly girl fucking same.
This made me realize something, though. We already picked apart the reasons why Dream never asked for help when he was captured and they’re all valid reasons which I agree with: out of pride (that damned pride hhhhh), a king not wanting to appear weak before someone who could use this opportunity against him, etc, BUT... 
Maybe another, albeit smaller reason why he went against requesting aid, is because he knows damn well that, were it anyone else who had been imprisoned in Death’s stead, ESPECIALLY someone he is currently angry with (Desire immediately comes to mind), then he wouldn’t have lifted a finger to help them. It’s like Calliope said: “in the old days you would have left me here to rot without turning a hair.” It’s what he does. Or, well, did. Even if it was his wife. Even if it was his son. He did it with Nada and, had he not have been captured by the Burgess, I’m now 100% sure he would not have gone to meet Hob in 1989. Just... Gods, he can be so heartless, it honestly shocks me.
The worst part of this whole story is right at the end, when Dream goes to find Orpheus’ severed head after he’d been torn apart by the Bacchae (which I am SO NOT looking forward to in the show, that was the most gruesome graphic shit I’ve seen in any medium ever), and once he’s done telling him that he will be looked after by some priests and that he won’t be seeing him again, he just... walks away. Throws that stupid line Orpheus said in his anger and grief about “no longer being his son” back in his face and simply turns his back on him while he calls to him and pleads for him not to leave him. He potentially abandons his child FOREVER and (presumably) doesn’t even give it a second thought.
“His father drifted away slowly, step by step, through the sand and seafoam. Orpheus looked on with tear-filled eyes until he lost sight of him. His father didn’t even deign himself to look back.” (Apologies if it’s not accurate, I’m translating it directly from the Portuguese version).
That is so haunting. It’s so bloody sad. So unnecessrily cruel, I... I can’t even... I don’t have the words to describe how heartbreaking reading this was. Just... DREAM. DREAM OF THE ENDLESS. FOR FUCK’S SAKE, HOW COULD YOU??? 
The fucking paralel between Orpheus looking back after going to so much trouble to rescue Eurydice only to lose her, and Dream NOT looking back not even once as he willingly abandons his only son to his fate is... immesurably painful. I wanted to cry so bad, this is insane. Even I could never write something so overwhelmingly cruel if I tried.
Well. That said. Let’s look at some positives: at least he didn’t leave Orpheus completely helpless. He did find some people to take care of him and keep him safe, and after he went missing, Dream enlisted Lady Constantine’s help to search for him and return him to the priests (little side note, I LOVE that Lady Johanna becomes friends with Orpheus, it’s cute). This is a little bit of consolation for me, the confirmation that, yes, even in his wrath, Dream still cares about Orpheus enough to do the bare minimum to assure his safety, even if Orpheus himself isn’t sure about it. I like to think so. 
Unlike with Nada. Poor Nada.
And now that he’s free, I see that he’s come to understand how wrong he was to punish people the way he did, even if he needed a little help from Big Sis Death (and a baguette tossed on his head). He went down to hell to free Nada, I already know he will eventually find Orpheus and grant him the release of death bc spoilers (my fault entirely, I’ll admit). I don’t know how they’re gonna handle this story in the show, but one thing is for sure: I’m counting on it to be emotionally devastating.
In a way, being a prisoner in a fishbowl for over a hundred years might have been the best thing that ever happened to Dream. It was still evil and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone save for a few exceptions, but... yeah. It humbled him and taught him to distinguish what truly matters from the petty crap with zero value. And it forced him to grow up. He still has a long, long way to go, but at least he’s on the right path.
On a final note, it makes me both melt and LAUGH my ass off to discover Orpheus inherited a lot of Dream’s personality traits, such as, but not limited to: his pride, his pettiness, his STUBBORNNESS for sure, as well as his tendency to act on his emotions rather than logic, but also his hopeless romantic streak. Like father like son indeed. Adorable.
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