#like she’s able to see every possible outcome of a situation but can never be sure which one is right so it gives her constant anxiety
dolls-self-ships · 3 months
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toying with some redesigns AGAIN plus an alastor
tag list 💕 @shiny-self-shipping @menshusband @westiefromtheeast @bat-anon @sunflawyer
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They put me in a body. In a cage.
Cannot move. Cannot speak.
But I move in my dreams, still see the stars. Galaxies. Earth. Worlds now dust.
Eventually I woke up. Every time. And I would be on the shelf again, grey and still.
Until I met her.
She brushed my hair. She made me new clothes. We played. She kept me safe. New dreams, small and soft and warm, just like her.
Her father was not a happy man. One day, there was fire. Shouting. Anger. A metal rod, glowing gold as it swung down on her pretty head.
I needed her SAFE.
I kept her safe.
She's gone, now. People took her. No-one to look after her, they said. House burned down. One survivor, miraculously untouched: her.
I can't. Reach her. I can't. Move. She was looking for me, calling, small hands digging in ash. Couldn't find. She was crying when they took her. I do not know where she is.
Did I make her cry? Is she safe? Is she afraid of me? How will I know? How can I find her? I cannot see her in my dreams, I cannot see anything anymore.
Does she still need me?
Oh, my dear reader. I'm so sorry you had to go through this awful experience, and I'm grateful you were able to summon the wherewithal to reach out to us here at the Nightfolk Network.
I wish I could give you the answers you seek. I wish I could tell you that your friend is safe, that she is happy, that she thinks of you often and fondly. Unfortunately, that kind of knowledge is beyond even my ability to share.
It is the nature of life – however that “life” might manifest – that we will never really know the impact we have had on others. We can never look behind the curtain and meet the version of ourselves that exists in other people's minds.
What is more, we cannot anticipate every possible outcome of our choices before we make them – or, indeed, afterwards. The threads that tie action to consequence are often tangled and obscure. One could tie oneself in knots trying to work out whether this action or that was the cause of one circumstance or another.
Perhaps your actions led to a situation where your friend is afraid of you. Perhaps it led to her being better loved and cared for than she could ever have been if you had not acted. Perhaps it led to both circumstances at once. The truth is, you will never really know. All you can do is take heart that you acted with integrity, and did what you felt was right in the moment.
Now, my friend, I urge you to rest. You have overexerted yourself and need to gather your power. In time, your dreams will return to you. I can only hope they return your friend to you, too.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Can I request a fic where Larissa and f!reader are in relationship and one night are talking about what turns them on and would maybe wanted to try in bed and R mentions that somnophillia sounds interesting and Larissa agrees. So one night L can’t fall asleep while R is already sleeping she remembers what R said and decided to give somnophillia a go? (Hope everything makes sense, it’s my first time requesting)
Hello my lovely, I hope this is okay my darling and I’m honoured to be the person to receive your first request.
Experimenting 18+
*Authors note~ I have to admit I was a little anxious about how to approach it and where I could take it. But I think I'm finally happy with the outcome now*
Trigger warnings~ somnophillia oral (r receiving) thigh riding (l ) fingering (r )
Prompt~ see the ask^^^
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When you joined the Nevermore staff, you had never imagined that it would lead you to the love of your life. Or that she would be a shape shifting headmistress who doted on your every move. This was clearly a slice of heaven and you'd be lying to say if you weren't addicted to the angel that was clearly Larissa Weems. The fact someone so uniquely beautiful, inside and out, was interested in little you was absolutely mind blowing for you. Yet you couldn't be happier with your life.
It's only natural as your relationship progressed you and Larissa had conversations about what you like and dislike. It became clear quickly to you both that Larissa thrived off of dominating you and you adored submitting to the women. That fact caused more questions to be asked and more limits and boundaries to be discussed. As efficient as she always is, Larissa complied all the information into a document and you'd regularly review it to see if it was all correct. That list is what caused the best morning of your life.
During these conversations consent had been acquired for any possible situation that could occur. The thought of doing something you were not happy with actually made the taller women feel physically I'll. There was multiple ways she could incorporate your desires which allowed her to still leave you guessing. The element of surprise is what added to the game. You had safe words and the colour system as ways of reassurance. Your safe word being "Ocean" and "Red" while amber allowed a conversation to take place.
Recently you had been having a rough time, your students seemed to want to challenge your authority which had resulted in you being extremely stressed and agitated. You constantly seconded guessed everything you did and were unable to fully relax and unwind outside of the classroom. It was truly heartbreaking for Larissa to see, you hadn't even tried to be your usual bratty self the past few days. That's when the idea hit her, you were to focused on what was happening around you that you weren't able to fully let go, all she wanted to do was help you with that. Which is why she consulted the file and found one thing you wanted to try, something Larissa had been on the fence with initially. After talking about Larissa agreed to try it with you but truthfully you had accepted that it was just going to remain a fantasy. Oh but your girlfriend was full of surprises.
Larissa would always wake up first. It was a routine really, normally she would spend time in bed with you enjoying the intimate moments. You were always so beautiful but there was something about how you looked asleep. Your mind free of worry, your brows relaxed and your lips curled up in a little smile every time you felt her lips against your skin. That's what really gave her the confidence to do this for you. You needed to relax and if this was going to help then Larissa would happily oblige. Not only were you a submissive but you were her love and she only wanted you happy in life.
Thankfully, you always preferred to sleep without clothing, you'd argue it was much too warm for that, that made Larissa's plan ten times easier. Ever so carefully she moved her body below the covers and shifted to settle between your legs. She let her lips press a few gentle kisses to your thighs and her fingers trailing over the skin there. Every now and then she would peak her head up through the cover to see what your facial expression was doing. Seeing the happy smile on your lips encouraged her to give your centre a tentative lick. You instantly responded on your sleep by your breath hitching. Much to Larissa's relief she could see you were enjoying yourself despite being asleep. And that's what spurred her on. Her licks becoming more sure of themselves.
You felt yourself coming round to the land of the living with an undeniable feeling of pleasure between the apex of your thighs. A moan tore through you as your sleepy brain registered your girlfriends diligently working her tongue against your now dripping core. Moans were spilling out from you uncontrollably and you brought your hands to her hair in a tale that you wanted her to continue. You could feel her smirk against your cunt before she plunged her tongue inside of you and moaned at the taste. "Oh fuck me larissa Jesus" you moaned the sleep still evident in your voice. This was ten times hotter than you had ever imagined.
Sensing you were close she moved the covers so she could see you before whispering "my little slut, you enjoy mommy using you while you sleep then huh?" You couldn't help but moan at her words, they were cut off by a cry as she took your aching clit between her lips to suck. That's what threw you over the edge. She helped you come back from your high before crawling up to kiss you good morning. You could taste yourself on her tongue before you mumbled "good morning to you too my love"
One kiss lead to multiple kisses and a quick check in which you readily replied "green god green" had resulted in Larissa perched on your thigh, her fingers finding your soaked centre. You brought yourself up to try and kiss every inch of her exposed chest, her hips rocking in time with her thrusting fingers. The room filled with the sounds of your arousal and the combined moans and pants of you both as you chased the high together. That morning you both fell over the edge together before collapsing  in the bed together catching your breath.
"Baby? Was that okay? I just you said" Larissa stumbled over her words, the nerves now showing. "Ris, it was perfect, I loved it thank you darling" you reassured adding kisses to punctuate each word. For the first time in days you fully relaxed. Here in her arms after that amazing morning all the stress had melted away.
Word count ~ 1157
*Authors note~ I'm not sure if I like this or not but it was an attempt at least*
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nightinggail-writes · 3 months
you have to understand (that the one i killed is me)
Becoming Guardian of the Miraculous has caused nothing but anxiety and stress for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Between her duties as Guardian, her job as Ladybug, and her civilian life, she's struggling to push through the stress. To Marinette, there's only one solution to her plight; she has to give up one of the three sides of her life.
Tags: angst heavy, depression, un-beta'd, alyanette undertones in future chapters
word count: 1,270
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Read on AO3
Spotify Playlist
Thunder rumbling
Castles crumbling
I am trying to hold on
God knows that I tried
Seeing the bright side
I’m not blind anymore
I’m wide awake
- Wide Awake by Katy Perry -
Marinette numbly stared down at the box in her hands. It had been three weeks since the battle against Miracle Queen. Three weeks since Master Fu transferred the guardianship of the Miraculous over to her, erasing his memories in the process; and her life has been nothing but miserable ever since.
As she stared down at the box that was slowly leading her to her demise, all she could think was how she couldn’t hold this much responsibility. Her eyes, which should have been bright with the joyful naivety of youth, were dim and tired, making her look as if she had been alive for far longer than the fifteen years she’s been on this earth. Dark circles and bags lay beneath those sky-blue eyes, the true evidence of her lack of sleep. She had far too many responsibilities, and they were starting to make an impact on her health, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Marinette recalled the events of earlier today. How Alya, Alix, Juleka, Mylene, and Rose all got akumatised because of her, how in the end she gave them a shitty lie instead of the truth that she can never tell them, how even when Alya stayed behind to talk to her, she still didn’t say anything. Maybe in another universe, she told Alya that she was Ladybug, maybe she even told them all, or she told Chat Noir, as risky as that would be, but in this one, she was still all alone.
“Marinette?” Tikki called out, the kwami’s eyes full of concern for her holder, “You could have told Alya, it wouldn’t–”
“It would put her in danger, Tikki,” Marinette muttered. “I can’t tell anyone, not even Chat Noir. That would just put him in danger too. I’m alone in this, I’ve accepted that and so should you.”
Marinette racked her brain for anything she could do to make this whole situation easier for herself, but every idea she had wouldn’t work. Every idea ended with complete isolation from everyone, abandoning all her friends and eventually her family too, just to continue to fight Hawkmoth for possibly the rest of her life, and never seeing them again. The other options included quitting being Ladybug for good, but that wouldn’t work either. For one, she doesn’t want to give Tikki up, or Chat Noir for that matter, and two she would have to go out and find a replacement and that would take who knows how long, and there's no guarantee that this new Ladybug would even be able to keep up with Chat Noir or handle the Akumas. Every option she thought of was one she didn't enjoy the outcome of.
A plan, she thought. I just need one plan, that’ll ensure I can beat Hawkmoth sooner rather than later, and won’t have to give up my civilian life forever for.
“Marinette, you don’t have to give up your civilian life or give up being Ladybug. You can do both,” Tikki pleaded. “I believe in you, you can handle both.”
And just then, an idea popped into Marinette’s head. It was insane and would probably require a lot of planning and wouldn’t be able to be put into action until her parents would be out of the city for a catering event for a few days. She would have two weeks to prepare for the most insane idea that she’s ever thought of.
“I don’t quite like the look on Marinette’s face right now…” Ziggy whispered to the other Kwami’s, “She has this crazed look in her eyes.”
“I’m not crazy, Ziggy,” Marinette stood up from her chaise, her tired, baggy eyes wild as she gestured to herself, “I’m a genius. I don’t have to give up my civilian life permanently!”
“See, Marinette! I told you that you didn't have to give up your civilian life! You just need to—”
“Fake my own kidnapping! There are no flaws in that!” Marinette enthused. “I’ll just go missing for a few weeks and dedicate that time to hunting down Hawkmoth and my duties as Ladybug won’t be as taxing! It’s genius!”
The Kwami’s looked at each other, and then looked back at Marinette. She had her arms crossed with one hand on her chin, occasionally lifting it to gesture at nothing as she mumbled to herself, pacing back and forth across her room. Her hair was messy from running her fingers through it and her eyes, formerly droopy and tired from stress, were now wide and wild thinking through the details of her plan.
The group of god-like creatures huddled together and nudged Sass forward to say something to their Guardian that may break her away from her plan. “Ah, Marinette, while that idea isss…intriguing, we don’t believe that it’sss the wisessst plan. Where would you go while being Ladybug? What would you do to find Hawkmoth? And if you did happen to find him and recover the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculousss, how would you go about un-kidnapping yourssself?”
Marinette stopped pacing and for a moment the Kwami’s thought that Sass had gotten through to Marinette. Until she opened her mouth, that is.
“Well, I would find an abandoned building to stay in, of course. As for finding Hawkmoth, that’s a plan that would take longer than a few minutes to think of, and figuring out what would happen after I recover the Miraculous is something for future Marinette to figure out.”
“Marinette,” Orikko spoke. “What about your friends? You’re parents? You’ll be leaving them, and they won’t even know what actually happened to you. Doesn’t that make you sad?”
Marinette’s arms went limp, as if hugging herself, her eyes softening and dropping in sadness, eyebrows scrunching, as a frown formed on her face. She looked as if the life had been sucked out of her. “You think I won’t be sad? Of course I’ll be sad. I don’t—I don’t actually want to leave my life behind, but I don’t have a choice. I’ve never had a choice when it comes to the Miraculous. I have to do what’s best for the greater good, and if giving up my life is what it takes, then that’s what I’ll do. No amount of begging is going to convince me to do otherwise. I’m sorry.”
The Kwami’s looked down after hearing Marinette. It hadn’t occurred to them that Marinette had felt this way about the Miraculous, or that she didn’t actually want to leave her friends and family behind and be the Guardian and Ladybug for the time being. The thought of this brought some of the Kwami’s to tears.
“Oh, Marinette,” Mullo cried. “We’re sorry! We didn’t think about how you felt about this. Well, we knew of course because we were there, but we didn’t know that’s exactly how you felt!”
The other Kwami’s shouted their agreement with what Mullo said, and flew over to hug Marinette.
Marinette closed her teary eyes and pet the Kwami’s as they nuzzled close to her, “I love each and every one of you.” she said, “Never think otherwise.”
“We love you too, Marinette!” Daizzi exclaimed.
“Everything will be okay, Marinette.” Wayzz declared, “All will go well.”
“Of course everything's gonna work out. I have all of you to help me.” Marinette replied. But even as the words left her mouth, she was still consumed by the everlasting blanket of loneliness that, in two weeks time, would be all she had.
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aberooski · 1 year
I'm about to go to bed it's literally midnight rn but I would like to once again spread my "Alexis suffers from paranoia and separation anxiety for a while after Atticus returns" headcanon propaganda.
And she completely does, at least for the remainder of season 1 as far as what we see from her on screen. By season 2 he's been back long enough she's probably gotten better at handling it but still deals with it, just maybe not as strongly anymore.
But think about it. Atticus was her whole world, he taught her how to play Duel Monsters, he's literally the reason she's taken her life in the direction she has. They never tell us exactly how long he was missing but I've always been under the impression that he's been gone for a year. Which is a long time for a person to be missing. And all that time Alexis's biggest concern was finding her brother. That's her entire motivation in the first season, everything she does is to try and find some kind of clue or something that could help her find Atticus. Or if it's not the main reason, she's got that thought in her head and often remarks or has an inner monologs moment about how it's a possible outcome in situations that she might find something.
And she puts on a brave face but you know this situation has really affected her, and I hate to say it but there is no way she never once thought that he was dead or just gone forever with him being gone for so long. She's adamant about finding him but also she leaves roses at the abandoned dorm, and in the dub and we all know I'm an expert on the dub lol at least she always says the same thing when she does that: "be at peace, brother. Wherever you are." In my mind I've always seen it like she really does believe he's still out there alive somewhere and she'll be able to find him and bring him home, but there is a part of her that's still worried maybe he's really gone. And that's a lot of intense emotions to be juggling and carrying around all the time. She loves her brother more than anything and all she wants is to bring him home but you know she was worried and scared that she'd never see him again too.
And then he returns.
After all that time, all the fear and worrying and anxiety and tireless searching, Alexis has her brother back again. And thus now we see her grow to be very protective of him and reasonably so. Especially considering that when he returns, he's very unwell. Both from the duel with Jaden, and I assume also probably from being under Nightshroud's control for such an extended period of time. So he's stuck in the hospital recovering the majority of the rest of the arc. Atticus is both physically and mentally unwell after his return, spending most of the time unconscious or just kinda quietly staring out the window because he can't remember anything and the toll this has taken on him is exponential to say the least.
Also after his return, Alexis spends practically every second she can spare by his side. She's not letting him out of her sight ever again if and when she can help it, it's just not an option. No one is going to harm or take her big brother away from her again.
Smash cut to "The Seventh Shadow Rider" where Banner under the guise of Amnael starts to make his move. Alexis is walking outside of the obelisk dorm when she hears glass break in the dub (my beloved) they remove the audio cue for no reason so she's really just got a spidey sense bro aksksks and immediately just knows Atticus is in danger and runs up to his room to check on him only to discover the place is trashed and he's missing. So she runs after Amnael demanding that he return Atticus to her. I touch on this in my shadow rider arc rewrites should be under my "abby rewrites yugioh gx" tag if y'all wanna find that post but they really give him no reason to kidnap Atticus aside from luring Alexis out so he can duel her and take her key. In my version he has other reasons for taking Atticus apart from that which is 👍.
I'm tired, it's literally been like 45 minutes since I started this post so it's like quarter to 1 am rn, and lord knows if I've even remotely explained it well, but given all of the context clues and inferences that can be made about Alexis pre-Atticus return and what we see from her post-Atticus return I find it entirely possible that after he comes back, Alexis suffers from separation anxiety and maybe even a little bit of paranoia about his safety. And I write her with that in mind in my fics every time. She's very protective of Atty and she always needs to know where he is and if he's safe and won't trust him to anyone else, even Jaden, if he's in trouble. She also gets nervous if they're not together and she doesn't know where he is, I know I've got moments like that coming up in fics I'm working on right now.
Long story short, Alexis has separation anxiety with Atticus and it makes me upset and If I have to suffer the emotional damage so do the rest of you.
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rocheewrites · 6 months
(Alhaitham × OC fiction)
Summary : As such, he out of all these individuals, is an rare exception. Unlike those who bound to persist inside the pages, with no proper deduction, His rational and syllogistic way of representing facts in a situation is methodical, as a growth of a sprout to a tree, inferentially drawing the fruits of a befitting outcome.
His actions often find deemed in irritation for most people, but the perspicacity of his views stands unshakable. Because only by whom aspires the true enlightenment, that he believes the complexity of this world can be determined. After all, "a commoner" would never dive deep into such thoughts. Therefore he is, a follower, yet devoted to no god nor beliefs, has stepped to a lasting journey of searching, the truth.
Perhaps “perfection” is still not the right word to describe him. He, however, maintains a lucid mindset, allows no outsiders or any such related materials to float across the tranquil sail through Sea of knowledge that carries him to the endpoint of this said subject matter, enlightenment. .
Chapter Prologue : For Riddles, for Wonders
A realm of nature’s beauty that Sumeru is, where the roots of wisdom entrenched, were once preserved by the blessing of the dendro Archon, the spectacularly of this land praised as the heart of Teyvat. The lush forests and the endless horizon of the sands of scorching sun is indeed the said territories. It has long known for it’s Erudition, where the Pride of every dweller lies in this term.
Their belief of this term has laid upon the once built Place for the Sagacious, known to everyone, the Akedemiya. Those who seeks the profound proficiency of knowledge can only be considered as branches of it. However, not every single soul who wishes to be a part of it can have an opportunity to stand within their boundary.
Yet here she was, presenting her little self in front of the giant doors that led the path inside to this Scholarly institute, a hint of glimmering hope appearing in her eyes upon seeing the divine Tree enwrapped building before her. with each step she took forward, Courage and Determination bubbling inside her, a newly born excitement engulfing her body, racing up the rhythm of her heartbeat. a small notebook in her hand, and a bag of necessities, she eventually reached the entrance.
“Okay. Now be a good girl and do your studies well, I’ll be visiting you whenever it’s possible and don’t engage in any conversations with suspicious and unknown people. Though it’s ok to talk to your friends, but be careful and stay safe. Got it?”
Her Brother patted her head and warned in a stern but a caring voice. he attempts at hiding it, but couldn’t shake the feeling that he is indeed going to miss his little sister.
“You too. Take care of Tattha okay?”
“I will”
She throws herself at her brother that caught him by Surprise which cause to nearly lose balance. Those gestures of an ingénue sibling brought him to the verge of shedding tears, out in the public.
“Come on now, you’re going to make me cry in any moment”
He declared, returning the hug. She squeezed him tighter, hugging the dear life out of her brother.
“hey, you’re going to be late”
He pulled away to fixed her hair before bidding a goodbye, now slowly disappeared among the crowd.She turned to the doors again, eyes shut and holding the notebook close to her chest, speaking to herself from thoughts.
As if a roving bird alights on a land of unfamiliarity, her admiration for every Pinnacle of the architectural effort that has put through to build this place has lingered in her mind. It was a one out of a thousand possibilities that how did a small villager like herself surmount through every complication. having not being able to consume such high-end resource materials that she used to distinguish in every hand of a scholar. What she had in possession was nothing but some books highlighting the ancient Sumerian hieroglyphics and old notes that was once left behind by her mother, who happen to convey an interest towards the Art of linguistics. Her brother however, Acknowledging her intentions, lent his support in many ways, either it is with providing finance for resource materials, or comfort her whenever he had the opportunity. She for the one, tactical, absorbing the essence of knowledge from every resource within her reach.
One may declare it is a miracle, but it was a solemnity of an ardours process. her profound hope of being a literate scholar of languages followed by greater number of difficult steps to traverse through will commence from this moment onwards.
Whilst stepping through the elegantly patterned floor, examining the surroundings, she found herself inside the Faculty of linguistics.
* * *
The complicated registration process, or should she name it as such, had taken stolen some of her stored energy for the day. Her mind speaks nonetheless, imprinting the idea of exploring inside the Akedemiya.
she ends up taking a stroll, with the notebook tightly pressed to her chest, scanning the area attentively all the while making an effort to not to trip over any object with her consciousness being carried away. The atmosphere holds such remarkable contrasts with her life in the village, however it is more livelier with the constant bustling and the countless voices of the locals.
The Razan Garden tightly occupies at this hour, with Students and researchers. Her strides were calm and collected, as if not bothered by the sudden tumult of waves reaching her ear just as the clapper strikes in the Old Akedemiya bell. It was their cue to leave, remaking the end of their studies for the day. She reaches for the Pond adored with white lotus, petals fallen asleep with the buds remain emerges. Her eyes then landed on a board that pins out notices and announcements for Akedemiya Students.
Curious, and she reads through some, pointing a finger on a certain notice.
“The Year End Evaluation – All Darshans – Theory And Practical research Examination – Final Results”
In a neatly made table, with the mention of the top three students in each Darshan, their overall performance and a picture of the candidate has displayed. her finger found the way to the Haravatat’ column, heart brimming with excitement, as she trailed along the name list in admiration. However, the feeling was fugitive, when she found no picture attached with top the student’ result. Only their name has revealed along with the total average.
That name rolls off her tongue in such a fluidity and smooth motion, if her glimmering hope of meeting the owner of that name will come to light one day during her time of studies, She would ask a whole bunch of questions that was written one by one on her notebook whenever she encounter a difficult subject matter at academics. A wild guess it can be, but also a logical possibility.
She had to excuse herself to look for a much quieter area when some students began to gather around the noticeboard, then ascends the spiraled floor tangled by the divine Arbor’s vine, to come across with a higher ground where the far sight of the luxuriant forests and the descending sun can be lucidly observed. As her eyes were met with the eventide scenery, her thoughts are instinctive.
“The forest spreads out a green Carpet,
beauty reveals, the world blossoms,
whispers of Padisarahs, blessings from Viparyas,
Forget not the Kalpalata and its Roaming roots.
step through the waters, witness yourself,
For you are my little princess, The thriving sprout of myriad Sands.”
She hums every word, in the same way she used to hear it once.
End notes : This is the beginning of the story I devoted for my favorite character. Alhaitham is a really hard one to understand, let alone writing a story for him is a challenge. Me and my sister has been designing an original character that matches for his personality for almost an year and finally I got the chance to start writing it out. The character’s personality and more info will be revealed as the story progresses. English is not my main language so spare me if I have done any mistakes with the grammar. Everyone does mistakes so it is best to try at first! and feel free to post your comments! I will edit and update the story frequently when it is possible.
Thank you!
References - "Tattha" (තාත්තා) refers to "father" in Sinhala, an Asian language speaks by in Sri Lankans. (அப்பா - Tamil translation)
(This is a work creation I’m doing in collaboration with my sister. all the in-game characters owned by Genshin except for my OCs in the cast)
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So, like everyone else in the world I watched The Last of Us Finale last night and have my own thoughts on Joel vs The Firefly’s and the ultimate impact it has on Ellie that I figured I’d might as well share with the world. It’s been interesting to be online in the wake of the episode because of peoples reactions to not only the actions of the characters, but how fans should discuss the ending. Ultimately, everyone interacts with media differently and if people want to make memes that’s perfectly normal and if people want to have deep discussions on characterization, motives,etc that’s fine too.
Now, my thoughts. Ultimately I agree with Joel’s decision to remove Ellie from the situation and take her back to Jackson. Was murdering a bunch of people ideal, no, however he will always ultimately be the lesser of two “evils” for me. Both Marlene & The Firefly’s and Joel take away Ellie’s agency, however Joel takes away her agency in an attempt to allow her to keep making choices for herself as a person. The fireflies flash banged the two of them and kept Ellie sedated while lying to her about the outcome of the surgery, Joel only is put in the position where he has to take away her agency because of the firefly’s unwillingness to have a conversation on the issue. And I think this because the firefly’s don’t have faith in their process and don’t have full faith that will consent if she has all of the information and is getting guidance from Joel.
Also, Ellie at this point of the show/game is a passively suicidal 14 year old with some pretty severe PTSD and survivors guilt. Teenagers and children, should always have agency over their own bodies, however they should not be required to choose between life and death (especially if there healthy). 14 is already too young to be able to give proper consent simply because their brains aren’t fully developed and they often can’t grapple with the scope of their decisions, but this is especially true for someone who is as traumatized as Ellie. An orphaned child whose lost everyone around them and survived the horrible event, needs there life to mean something to ease the guilt of surviving while others died. She knows this, firefly’s know this and Joel knows this. The firefly’s prey on this and use it as justification for killing a 14 year old without consent, Marlene especially who uses Riley to coerce her into this whole thing.
I watch the show every week with my mom, who was agreed with me that Joel did the right thing and she game me an interesting line. She said “as a parent, you’d rather make decisions that are in the best decision for your child and have them hate you then the alternative”. Now I was a teenager not long ago, and I think there’s limits to this and that once again children and teenagers need to make their own mistakes otherwise they’ll never really learn but that’s for stupid things like partying or skipping school, not ending your life. And I think this is the principle Joel is operating off of when he gets her out, he knows a time will come where Ellie will find out the truth and probably resent him for it but he can live with that possibility because she was alive to even find out that information.
I think the other key piece of the debate is Joel’s lie and the fact that he double down. Even in this instance, I still ultimately agree with Joel though not as much as I could see both sides. When he first lies to her in the truck, she’s still drugged up and fresh from the trauma of just getting to Salt Lake City. I think he lies here because he wants her to just get some rest and try to heal in some capacity, it was a long journey and neither of them are really in a state to work through all this (Joel is equally traumatized from all this shit which I think also is a huge factor in his decisions). Then when he doubles down on his lie before they get to Jackson, I really think this is to try and take some of the burden off her shoulders. Every since Ellie’s been bit she’s been told and believed that she could be the cure for humanity and she could end the pain and suffering of the world. This is a heavy load for anyone, let alone a 14 year old. In this instance, Joel does what I think any parent would and lie to try and protect the mental stability of their kids which again may not be right but again that goes back to doing things to protect your kids that might make you hate them.
Ultimately, I agree with the consensus that no one is “right” in this situation and both parties have their flaws. However, I think it’s disingenuous to put Joel on the same plane as the firefly’s. He made a selfish decision to save Ellie and committed some atrocities in the process, however it was for the betterment and well-being of Ellie. Who is ultimately the character and the most important part of this conflict, and the fireflies didn’t really care about her. We saw that from episode 1 when they had her chained to a radiator and dumped her in FEDRA school (looking at you Marlene). They had their own selfish reasons as to why they wanted to kill Ellie, it just happened to be under the guise of saving the world. They were the antithesis to FEDRA and really only cared about taking them down and being known as the people who saved the world. We can see this with they’re half throughout plan to kill Ellie to remove her brain with no additional testing or means to even assemble some kind of a cure let alone how to mass produce and distribute. They never saw her as a person, just a potential means to an end that may not even work. So yeah, I’ll always side with the guy who tried to do right by the little girl at the heart of this shitty situation then the organization who was using her for their own personal gain.
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asklittlepip · 2 years
After the last post, I am going to bring up something else that is frequently complained about in Fallout 4, and almost universally in error as well.
You do not have 4 choices in every conservation. You have at least FIVE.
Now, you’re thinking, how can that be? There’s only four on-screen, and you can’t activate conditional choices beyond that! Except, that you can.
Every single dialog in the game has code and unique voice lines for if you were to walk away or otherwise interrupt what’s being said by the person you’re talking with. This means there are thousands & thousands of lines of speech that you will NEVER HEAR unless you scoot away in the midst of a chat. While in minor situations, such as asking a vendor in Diamond City about the town, this just results in them resuming where they left off when you ask again (and possibly making a snarky remark while they are at it), this can also provoke wholly unique outcomes that, again, you would never see otherwise.
Let me give you two good examples. The Silver Shroud quest. At the end of it, you’re tasked with rescuing Kent Connolly from the clutches of Sinjin, the ghoulish Raider leader. Normally, you’re supposed to stop him from putting a few rounds into Kent’s head, and get a sadder ending and the inability to upgrade the superhero’s costume if Connolly dies. This can be done in many different ways, including clever use of the Syringer to stop the worst from happening.
But what if you didn’t do any of them? What if, while Sinjin was threatening you, that you simply put a bullet in Kent’s head yourself? You CAN do this, and there’s a unique scene that plays out, where he and his allies freak out at your ruthlessness, and you can cause them to literally panic & cower in fear by doing so. It’s a super evil route, but, it’s there!
And these exist throughout Fallout 4, but because you’ve been trained to just select the options given, many rarely think of doing something like this.
I couldn’t find a good video for that, but I was able to for this next one; Robert MacCready’s vulgarity. You can discover that the formerly foul-mouthed former mayor of Little Lamplight swore to not curse any more when he grew up, because it bothered his lover and mother of his child. After she died, it became a solemn vow that he is loathe to break.
But almost every companion in Fallout has a point where they can’t take the player’s actions anymore for moral or philosophical differences, and he’s no different. All of them also try to give you a last chance to make things right, with the speech being different if you happen to be involved with them romantically too.
MacCready will say “fuck you!” if you walk away when he’s trying to do this (or to “go to hell!” before then), because it demonstrates you don’t care at all, and are a cruel, callous person at heart, as your actions murdering innocents or committing other heinous deeds just to get to that point have already proven.
This next video can be a bit disturbing, even Preston’s (!) death, but especially Piper’s, so please be aware of that before you click onward. But it does also demonstrate the player triggering some of these unique lines by not even giving the characters the dignity of exclaiming their feelings before they’re slain.
My point is, that Fallout 4 has way more depth than most give it credit for, and there’s systems and other content within it the developers created that so many missed, and berate the entire game for. I hope knowledge like this can help you appreciate not just this, but many other games out there that have more to them than what you can see on the surface.
Btw, Fallout 76 also does this, but since it’s an online game and interruptions more likely, it tends to simply reset conversations to the beginning and wait for you if ya walk away in the middle.
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kuhatoarchive · 1 year
this was it — they stood at the precipice of the world's end. meteor swarmed overhead, sephiroth awaited them at the planets core, countless lives have been lost along the way... and yet, where one would expect trepidation and fear? cloud found peace. there was something so freeing about only having two possible outcomes. either they made it, or they didn't. but it was this that mattered, being able to stand face to face with the possible destruction of all and still having it in him to say no, to refuse to accept it, knowing that he would fight no matter what.
it took him too long to see it, to really get it... but cloud? he wanted to live. he wanted to protect those he cared so much for, to one day pay back all the love and sacrifices made for him that got him to where he was now.
he was cloud strife. he wasn't a great mercenary. he was never SOLDIER. he'd never been that great of a person, really, if you asked him. he'd always just been... himself.
and that was enough.
this time? he does not hesitate to hold her hand. long past was the time of his pride and shame holding him back - the eyes that look into tifa's? gratitude incarnate. maybe they never really knew each other before life threw them on these train tracks, strangers to both themselves and each other...
but cloud wouldn't change a thing now.
"thank you. for everything. for never giving up on me."
best read while listening to "together" by nine inch nails /jk
  unprompted.   ♡  * always accepting !  @vctlan.
   premonitions—vague hunches they were—had never denied her, even if she postponed their acknowledgement. but today, sitting here, the air shy from lukewarm and the night sky star-littered, she feels a stab of mortification like a thrill that courses old pathways within her: she can’t imagine the end, whichever outcome that may be, and from it stems a numbness she could have mistaken for peace in any other situation. 
   everything, even herself, feels up in the air, the same way the highwind looms over. placid. waiting.
   tifa wonders how she doesn’t gasp or retch or sob as her body struggles to contain the paradoxical truth. that, as it stands, they are as alive as they are dead. she holds the feeling against herself, keeping it there, beating; this is life. this is proof that she has come this far, that the memories were worth it, that the stars are watching how hard they have fought, and will still. it’s the most fear she has ever felt, and she’s glad she survived to be able to. 
   above all, she’s glad cloud is here. if some don’t return, if none of them do, she thinks she can bear anything having him beside, holding onto the hand that reaches for hers. she feels every bit of herself gather at the touch, half-afraid she is imagining it. no… gone is the time of mirages. his gratitude is true and his own and it holds her in place, thinking, there isn’t a world where he’s worth giving up on.
   his words set her free, somehow. their simplicity and earnestness. the steady hold of his gaze and the sureness of his grasp. it fits into the broad scheme of her consciousness like a tessellate, safekept to invoke before the final battle along the images of her family, nibelheim and its townsfolk, aerith, their crew, all the people she met in her time at sector 7 or her travels. a constellation.
   “...it’s because you never stopped fighting your way back.” to us. to me. it’s not hiding if she knows he gets her meaning by now. it’s tucked, too, in the creasing of her eyes, a smile forming. “after all that has happened… there’s still fight in you. it... makes me give it my all, too. i should thank you for that, leader.” another tifa might have figured her sigh would be a prelude to tears. instead, she chuckles, a small, brief sound to accompany her attempt at lightheartedness. 
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   another hand rises to cup the one she holds, placing it atop his. her breathing is different now. quiet. her mind oscillates between reality and dream. hope, perhaps. “...we’ll be okay.” 
   against the beginning and end, in whatever order they may come.
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papiermachete · 2 years
Okay so warning for First Kill finale spoilers - although if you haven’t finished I recommend you do soon because that will have a huge impact on whether it gets renewed…
But I seriously don’t think that either Elinor (in this specific situation - I do think Juliette had every right to rat her out to the police) or Juliette were in the wrong.
Hear me out: firstly, the circumstances in which Theo were killed were his fault. Like, it was Apollo who decided to come to Elinor in the first place, and he was the one trying to use Elinor, not the other way around. Just because Elinor wasn’t having it, and frankly, Apollo wasn’t being very tactful about it anyway, doesn’t mean that she was any in the wrong for just wanting to hook-up which is what she thought was happening.
And then, of course, Theo bursts in, misunderstanding the situation, and causing Elinor to feel like she’s been ambushed. Which is not an unfair assessment considering these guys, completely unprovoked, showed up to the legacy party and tried to kill everyone. They have a track record, and Elinor’s not at fault for wanting to protect herself from two vampire hunters, especially when she believed that Apollo was neutral grounds and suddenly betrayed her.
Of course, it *could* be argued that Elinor should’ve taken the stake knowing that she would survive it, but I disagree with this premise for two reasons. The first being that self-preservation instincts would kick in so it’s not like she even would have the head-space to make such a sacrificial choice in the heat of the moment. And two - that’s a completely unfair expectation of Elinor’s character. Why should she have to suffer when she wasn’t even doing anything wrong? Additionally, Theo is supposed to be a trained monster hunter. He let his guard down. That’s on him.
Obviously, Apollo and Cal (and Juliette by extension) have the right to be upset by Theo’s death, especially because they don’t fully understand what happened, but what I don’t understand is why Cal is so upset by Theo’s resurrection. I can understand being concerned since he’s in pain, and I can understand being cautious because for all she knows, it could be a monster impersonation. But when Juliette explains that she saved his life (which, I support as a reasonable extrapolation of his last words “Help me” in which he was either asking to be put out of his misery or asking to be saved. While we don’t fully understand how turning works in this universe, I respect that Juliette didn’t just stand by and let him suffer), Cal is so pissed for his sake, that she doesn’t even stop to consider that maybe Theo is grateful. Seeing as how he desperately yells for Cal when he is being pinned to the table, I would at least guess that he probably doesn’t want to die.
What I take the most issue with is the fact that Cal believes that turning him into a vampire is the worst possible outcome because it really shows her ass. This whole time, it seemed like she was the only member of the Burns family who could believe that vampires have humanity and aren’t monsters anymore than any other human. Vampires have to kill at least once to survive, and Cal was fine with Juliette killing someone she disliked (understatement, I know), so it seemed like Cal was able to appreciate Juliette not even in spite of, but because she was a vampire.
But instead, in my opinion, Cal’s anger about Theo’s turning, knowing that Juliette was willing to show up and take responsibility for Theo’s pain and help him, means that she had never really accepted Juliette for, let’s be real, a part of her that she could not control. Juliette does not deserve to be villainized for a trait she was born with. Sure, her reasoning is that she believes Theo wouldn’t want to be turned into the same thing that killed his mother, but again it shows how she was never able to view Juliette beyond the lens of being a monster. Because maybe it so happens that a vampire killed Theo’s mom, but a human could’ve killed Theo’s mom too, and then would you be considering all humans as evil? Of course not. It makes me think her prejudice toward Juliette never really disappeared, even as Juliette continued to take Cal’s side, as she said even betraying her own family to save Cal.
At the end of the day, Juliette gave Theo a valuable second chance at life, and gave Cal a second chance to spend more time with her brother (who as we can see from Juliette’s father, is fundamentally the same person, just with different physical needs). Would she have seriously preferred he be dead?? Does she really believe that being a vampire is worse than being dead?? And maybe you can be mad at Juliette for doing so without his permission (which again, I think is debatable until we get to hear what Theo thinks, so being prematurely mad without the whole story is just annoying), but then you also need to be mad at your father, for trying to kill your brother without getting Theo’s permission. But of course, even when she finds out that her Dad tried to kill Theo, making a decision without Theo’s permission, a man who is confirmed to be an adult at this point, Cal wouldn’t suddenly decide to kill all vampire hunters. She’s being hypocritical, and Juliette doesn’t deserve that.
TL;DR - Elinor doesn’t deserve to be blamed for Theo’s death, and Juliette doesn’t deserve Calliope’s anger and threats. Plus, Calliope proves that she was never able to truly see Juliette as not a monster.
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wingsyliveblogs · 2 years
I like how Luz's adventure in the library led to a positive net outcome for both sides. Luz learned to see Amity as a troubled and hardworking witch who tried hard to be the best and secretly has some hobbies in common with her, and Amity's siblings learned they needed to tone it down a notch with the various pranks they were pulling, apparently unaware of the full ramifications they'd have upon their baby sister until she almost got stitched as a indirect result.
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1. Yeah, things did work out pretty well for everyone involved in the end! Amity was definitely the one who had the roughest time in Episode 7, but even she got her siblings to realise they'd gone too far, not to mention she had the chance to connect with a fellow Azura fan and was even able to read the elusive Book 5 of the series. (Knowing how random the leaks between the two worlds are implied to be, who knows how long it would've taken her to get ahold of the book otherwise..?)
2-3. These are some interesting points! Seeing how Amity implied that her siblings accompanying her places was unusual for them, it definitely does seem like they haven't really spent much time together for a while, which allowed tensions to fester until Episode 7 happened.
The twins clearly hang out together all the time, so they probably understand each other much better than either of them understands Amity. It must be fairly easy for them to miss cues that she's genuinely hurt by something. Even back in Episode 7, all she said about their plan to steal the diary was "you two are the worst", which could easily be brushed off as a normal sibling thing to say (because honestly, it is). It took concrete evidence that their actions could've had severe consequences to get them to understand.
Again, I'm still quite curious about what actually went down when Amity confronted them about what happened. They left the library completely oblivious to anything that happened after their departure, but I imagine it didn't stay that way for long once Amity found them. I wonder if telling them about the near-stitching experience was all Amity did... it's possible she opened up a little bit to them about how upset she was feeling, too. Who knows?
4. Oooh, that's an interesting thought: Luz being hesitant to admit she hasn't learned more spells not just because she's worried about what the others will think about her, but because Amity's grown a bit in her own way since they last met, while Luz hasn't really changed much.
I think the situation here is a little bit different from Episode 5, though; Luz had to show Amity the effort she was putting in back then to get through to her at all. But now that Amity knows the extent of what Luz can do with magic, there's always the possibility that Luz admitting that she hasn't learned any more spells since then could have the opposite effect of convincing Amity that she isn't really taking her training seriously.
Amity values hard work, and both she and her siblings come across as a bit judgmental at times, so I still feel that this could have been a factor in Luz's hesitance to admit that she hasn't learned more than one spell yet. (And it's ironic that those very worries led her to try and cheat her way to learning her second spell, rather than putting in the effort to do it the right way. But she figured it out in the end!)
5. Context.
Aha, that's a good one!
technically you're sort of cheating since you have absolutely watched the show but I do not care because that's really funny
6. Ah, good point! Luz may get Amity into some sort of trouble nearly every time they meet, but all that trouble is turning out to be pretty beneficial for her in the long run. She'd probably prefer it if her siblings weren't put in danger in the first place, but she did end up getting a huge confidence boost out of casting the fireball spell without the wand - something that she might never have achieved if she weren't indirectly pushed into trying it as a result of Luz's actions.
Plus, I doubt that the Amity of Episode 3 would have agreed to start a book club, much less been willing to express her underlying concern that a friend would get hurt while insisting that they stay out of a fight, even though she was angry at them. Luz really has gotten her to open up a lot in a very short amount of time.
7. Oh... I'm always down for some parallels, and these are great. While I did pick up on some of the interesting parallels and contrasts between Luz and Amity's individual arcs throughout the episode as they each learned a new spell (Luz learning to slow down with her ice spell, Amity learning to take risks with her fire spell), that's a really cool point about how they bought each other time to get that development, and how Eda and the twins played similar roles as mentors! Good thoughts all around.
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erigold13261 · 6 months
Hi Eri! Here is another song ask! Pls take your time and ignore this one if it’s upsetting. Nothing's Working Out (English Cover)【Will Stetson】for the FRAU.
How everyone is slowing breaking down post revolution fits the vibe of this song.
Tw for suicide idealization
Although this song has the lyrics “Wanna die,” the OG song does not have this.
It definitely gives off “I am so done with everything” energy for sure.
(Welp I definitely took my time with getting to this lol, it's been months with this sitting in my inbox which is a shame because that song is really good!)
Though I usually like listening to Vocaloid English covers, I actually prefer the OG version, at least the lyric video made by Kei Takahashi. I think that one fits the FRAU characters even more than the English cover you recommended (at least overall, if you select a few characters from FRAU the cover fits more).
Like, for both Neon J's, OG and FRAU, the line "It's a war in my head, though I stand tall" and "Trembling with fear, though I act tough" are both things that they do, just in absolutely different ways. OG acts tough in a way that he is strong FOR those around him while FRAU acts tough AGAINST those around him.
Both of them have their own wars in their head and their own fears. Some more active than others, and are trying to work through it. The main difference is that FRAU Neon's way of working through it is not working out.
The lines "Love me. Love me" and "'This is a mess lol' 'We've heard this before"" are definitely more close to Yinu and Eve. At least when you put those two lines together (which this song does).
It just makes me think of how Eve and Zuke, and Mama and Yinu keep playing a ring-around-the-rosie game. Eve and Yinu can see there is a fucking mess here but they just want to be loved.
Eve has probably tried to reach out to Zuke after Blue hurt him, but she got the same answer (Zuke running away from her). She has played this song and dance before with him and it's just a huge mess.
Yinu on the other hand sees her own family problems and tries to voice them at times but keeps getting dismissed by Mama thinking everything is okay and Yinu is worrying about nothing. Yinu wants to be loved and heard, but all she is hearing is the same thing from her mother over and over (though this is because Yinu isn't communicating as well as she needs for her mother to understand, but that is not Yinu's fault as she is still the child in this situation).
I also like the lines "In a field of inspiration and homages, // Am I supposed to search for originality or something?" It makes me think of Kul Fyra/Tatiana. Possibly also putting in the partial line "We've heard this before" into the mix to show that Tatiana is trying to look for a new way of thinking, but I can see her need for order being the same thing that broke up the Goolings years ago (in this AU it wasn't because she was too lax, but too strict, at least that's what I feel now, don't know if I had said otherwise before)
She isn't doing something new. She's doing the same thing she did before and hoping for a different outcome to happen. When it "did" have a different outcome, she was happy. However, the same thing is going to happen (an implosion), it's just taking it's sweet time to happen at NSR compared to the Goolings quick end.
If we go to the lines "This kid that's younger than me is getting popular. Ridiculous, right?" I can see that being for EVERY member of the Megastars (not counting necropolis or ex-Megastar DJSS).
Neon J is a bit bitter he was never able to make it himself when he tried earlier in life. He's probably the least bitter because he also just loves kids and is happy to see them becoming stars at such a young age (but also like, he is not happy how young they are because kids should still be kids).
Eve is absolutely not okay with seeing her younger half brother and someone like Yinu so high up in a field she had to claw her way into. I can see her believing Yinu is just born lucky and the Sayu Crew are just piggybacking off of her success and relationship to Remi (that might also be why she is so mean to Remi. She doesn't realize why she is so nasty to him so she picks apart something that will absolutely hurt him, which is his transness).
The Crew themselves are basically bullies in their own way (hurt people hurt people, am I right?) and choose Yinu as a target because she is so young and talented. Eve's belief that Yinu is just born lucky is something the Crew probably picked up on and let her know of it in a less than subtle way.
Yinu is just trying to play music (music she doesn't want to play anymore) while being an object of envy and hate by the older people in her life thanks to their jealousy. Thankfully though, it isn't as bad as it could be because Mama is there most of the time (meaning Yinu either has to deal with an over protective mother or backhanded compliments and insults).
The only solace really is 1010 for Yinu, who don't care about her age because they were literally BUILT with musical skill and a cop-out way to easily sync up dances. If anyone were "born" lucky, it was 1010 who barely have to actually practice compared to Yinu.
Like all of this is here and I haven't even gone deep into 1010 themselves yet! Each one having their own damn problems with "solutions" that aren't working out for them.
Specifically the "Love me. Love me" and 'This is a mess lol' 'We've heard this before"" lines are also something that can fit 1010. As they all literally just want to be loved by Neon J (a feeling he is actively withholding from them because he doesn't want to see them as his kids even though he subconsciously already does).
None of 1010 even give a shit about the "love" from fans anymore because it barely charges them up due to the constant hate and negative emotions that they live with. Each one just becoming an isolated mess directing their hate at each other (and specifically Blue) all because they are stuck in a situation they can't legally leave.
Another line that I like is "I won't go back even if I hate it, over time I realized I'd assimilated" which makes me think of Tatiana and Neon J a lot. Like they tried to get away from shitty situations, but instead of actually leaving they became what they were running from (abusive assholes hell bent on controlling the people around them).
Like Tatiana is basically becoming her dad in this AU (or maybe she already is), while Neon J (though his family turned out better in this AU) is basically becoming/became what he feared his parents would be like to him before he came out.
The two assimilated into a culture of hate and hurt, and because of that they brought it into everyone else's lives around them. Thankfully Neon is actively trying to get out of it (but still doing a LOT of damage in the process). Tatiana on the other hand just dug her heels even deeper into the dirt to stand her ground, because to her there's nothing worse than being proven wrong.
There's also the kinda slower middle part of the song that I like a lot. Specifically the lines "Compromise just like that, frustration at full blast" and "Break up the party and act innocent, lol."
Those two lines are really good to me. The compromise one makes me think mainly of Yinu and how she is doing everything for her mother out of love. To her it's a compromise and not self destruction. Similar thing with Neon, he is compromising on his beliefs to try and get enough leeway to get 1010 out of NSR.
Like these two are not ACTUALLY compromising because they are giving things up without getting anything in return (but they think they are compromising), which is where all of the built up frustration is coming from.
The break up the party line (and even the "Dance, dance, dance, dance" part that goes along with it), just makes me think of NSR as a whole. They are putting up a show for the public, but behind the scenes they are fighting and hating each other. If at anytime a "party" breaks loose and fans start to see through the cracks, the artists have to back down and pretend to play innocent. Pretend nothing is wrong. Show that the failed revolution didn't actually affect them at all (when it absolutely has).
And finally, the part repeated so often. "Nothing's working out" goes to everyone as well. Each person in NSR (and outside of it) are literally just trying to move on with life in some way or fashion (even if it's a self destructive or hateful move) but nothing is actually working out because there is just too much toxicity.
Even for those who want to leave (or have left in B2J and DJSS' cases), nothing is really working out for them because of the long lasting effects that toxicity has done to them. Nothing in life is really working out at all. It sucks. Sometimes even starting totally fresh is not enough if you can't somehow mend the damages that happened.
Very few of the characters actually want to die, so that's why I prefer the sub version of the OG song than the cover. For those who do want to die, like truly die, I think it would just be Green. Like even Tila and Yinu have some kind of hope for the future, but Green is the only one who is truly ready to just give up (he probably doesn't even know why he is still trying at this point, just routine I guess).
Though is things continue to spiral down like they are, without something breaking the cycle (either another revolution, 1010 getting out, or something like that) then Tila and Yinu, possibly others, are going to want to truly die as well.
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xoteajays · 9 months
There might be Exile Tribe musicians who do have tattoos, but none I can think of at the moment. I don't think. I know he isn't an Exile man, but I know the musician Anarchy (who was 9 in H&L is obviously very covered in tattoos). But I'm not sure about the Exile Tribe yet though.
Those are the only two outcomes I could imagine for Cobra. Between the Nikka and her brothers owning their family's barber shop, Cobra's possibly able to get his hair done there. Or he dyes his own hair then. Unless you would want to be cute enough by having his girlfriend dye his hair sometimes, but only if she knows what she's doing though.
Obviously! Who wouldn't love Rocky... Rocky may have conservations with the women, he tips them well, and he would beat up anyone that mistreats the women. Unless there as some things I'm missing here.
Not only can't you just dye your hair without bleaching it first. If you'd dye your hair colors, not natural colors but colors (red, blue, pink, any colors), you can't just go from one color to the next because so many colors won't mix well if there is still some discoloration from previous colors. If some of the color is still in your hair anyway. I know Takeshi's hair isn't platinum blond like Rocky, or golden blond like Cobra, I have to say his hair is more of a honey blond to me. But still. His hair is very blond, too blond not to have been dyed. Maybe they steal hair dyes.
Really? I think Hiromi looks good with any style.. In my opinion. I have to say he does always look like a completely different person with any hairstyle. But I don't really think I have favorite styles for him though.
Well.. Yeah. That's true. The only why Yang could have possibly ended surviving was if he was critical injured, sent to the hospital, like being out of commission until the war was over. That situation. Something.
And that was another reason why some fans were complaining about the finale. Because they never killed the villains. But here is the thing.. I understand that characters like Choi, Yang and Lee would've killed a lot of the villainous characters - especially Myeong and Inbeom since they do deserve to die. But Gun and Jin have always been against the killings, the murders, situations involving death. They would not do it.
I was gonna to that too! Gun deserves every hug, every kiss, just any ounce of affection in his life. Those boys do deserve more affections.
So.. The money that Choi had in all, including the money Myeong did steal, was 84 billion dollars in gold bars. I forget how much one of the gold bars cost. I think millions. And each boy was given two gold bars at the end of the story. Enough to provide for their families and selves for the rest of their lives, for for quite some time anyway. There's that.
But I have Jin's reaction with money. If I see money, especially money that costs a lot - like millions and billions, I may have kept that money all for myself. But... I also respect Gunwoo's reasons for not taking the money, since Choi's last wish was to provide for people in need too.
The ending was a happy ending, minus Ju, for the characters that did survive by the end. And because of how the show ended... That would be why I don't know if the show would be continued with any seasons after this. I don't know. I haven't heard any confirmation or denial over anymore seasons. So who knows what might happen if they continue the show. And, if they don't continue Bloodhounds, I would really love to see these boys in more roles together. Especially since this a series like Bloodhounds just so happened to be Sangyi's first action role so I would love to see them in more action roles too. Along with any roles.
Honestly? Not to be disrespectful.. Half the time I forget you're gay.
If I'm being honest about this.
But yes! I mentioned that to you before. This is why these guys would be perfect husband material for me.. Not that I'm their type so I know nothing would ever happen. But besides them both being completely attractive. They're introverts, they're homebodies too. I'm an introvert who rarely likes leaving my house. I am not agoraphobic since people seem to think that. I just don't like interacting with people more than I have to. And! I don't know if you ever read their interviews. But I really have to say Doh-wan knows how to treat women in every relationship - especially romantic relationships. "Woo Do Hwan Claims He Treats His Girlfriends Like The Cherished Daughters Of Another Man." And, "Woo Do Hwan also revealed that he values manners in dating and that he considers them as daughters of another. I tend to be very mannerly when dating. No matter who I meet, I think of them as a precious daughter of another man. He then explained in detail what he's looking for in a girlfriend." That was an interview asking what his type of woman he's attracted to, and how he treats women he would be romantically involved with. What the fuck. This man is perfect for me. And! Not only could I imagine this with Doh-wan, but I could also imagine Gun-woo being this type of man too. Along with any sweeter characters that Doh-wan portrays in the roles he has ever done too.
Oh! About the exercise regime interview. They also mention methods for boxing, for their characters, about how their boxing methods have fit in with their character's personality. Like I mentioned before, Gun's an in box fighter (an aggressive close up fighter) while Jin's method is between an out box fighter (distance fighter) and southpaw fighter.
And before I forget. Yes.. Even though you only see Jin shirtless just a couple times after the time skip, they should have kept his scars even more defined though. The only time you would actually be able to see his scars is in the sunlight (like in the gifs I showed you). So I may just assume that since bars, clubs and even restaurants tend to have very dark lighting in their buildings.. I assume the lighting was too dark for people to see his scars. That's the only excuse I would accept for that.
I think guys would react that why, that they could emphasize in ways like this, is because they usually imagine their balls being crushed like that. I wouldn't be surprised if those reactions were real reactions in a situation like that. But yes.. I was also cheering Moon on for threating to crush the man's balls, I wish he'd still went through with the threat.
My characters would also cheer him on too, if they were not the ones to take that action into their own hands though. But he should do it.
Actually... Before I get into anything. I am going to tell you some trivia about the Korean military. Everyone knows Koreans actually have this mandatory military service compared to any other country, people do know this by now if you enjoy Korean celebrities - you probably would know that since Korean celebrities have military services too. But any mandatory military services are only for the Korean male populations, not the female population. Women would join the military voluntarily.
So you wouldn't have to add that into Da-min's backstory if you never wanted to. I thought I'd tell you in case you never even knew that fact.
But some of the backstory seems plausible. Because Mr. Oh was also a security guard back when Choi owned his loan shark business, but I guess he decided to stay with Choi after they shut the business down (and because of Choi's injures too). So they could have known both of their families for a long time, for as long as they have been friends like this. And Choi's so generous with his money towards people his cares for, so he could have gave Mr. Oh a decently sized paycheck any time he might have needed extra money.. Like how he was with Gun or Jin during their financial situations. So that wouldn't really surprise me.
Oh! Da-eun (the actress of Da-min) is actually born in 1994. She really seemed younger than that to me.. I mention this because Da-min was someone I imagined younger than Gun and Jin by a few years but not that much younger. Actually! Do Korean students start archery, in the high school or the college grades? And she seemed to be living alone. I know, I know.. The housing is different in Asian countries. So I might know about to comment about how she lives in that apartment alone before the boys lived there. I don't know. I'm still figuring things out.
Maybe, besides archery, she can learn out to use distance weapons if she has to protect herself or even anyone else from the main group.
Well... I still haven't figured out if I'm going to completely remove Ju's character from my story, or have new characters around the time she leaves (besides Da-min). This is why I have to read the webtoon story.
If your character does know how to ride a motorcycle. Then maybe I'd be able to imagine Yang, Lee and even Ju teaching her how to ride for bonding moments between those characters. I don't know. Since Lee and Yang already knew how to ride motorcycles in the younger years.
You're imaging the Do Or Die era style with blue and turquoise hair, at least instead of purples. Makes sense.. I think. I don't know.
But I did find plenty of pictures of AleXa with brighter and lighter blue hair in pictures. But.. she is wearing a mask in most of those pictures.
Whenever I do decide to rewatch All Of Us Are Dead, then I will really have let you know about things that I may have missed the first time I watched the show. I don't know when I'll watch the show though.
But! Maybe? I know a lot of the male actors were tall. Maybe that was why he didn't seem that tall to me? I don't know. But that would be an obvious reason. And, for me, most of the guys I know personally have been over six feet tall.. So tall people never faze me as a short person.
i know ryuto from generations has tattoos, and i think takahiro - who plays masaki - has a couple too. hiroomi has a couple iirc, and maybe elly does? so there’s a couple, but i think a lot of them are decently small and usually covered up.
don’t bother cobra for one night every month or so, he’s busy bleaching his hair. don’t distract him! don’t call him! if there’s a problem, figure it out yourselves!
takeshi’s gotta have bleached his hair at least a lil bit. like bleached it with leftover stuff while helping pi with his regrowth/red dye. it’d be a waste of bleach otherwise. just slop it on there.
it would’ve been nice if while they were at the hospital there was a scene of like yang being in surgery, in worse condition than jin. i would’ve liked him to survive.
i do wish myeong gil at least would’ve died, but it wouldn’t have been in character for gun to kill him, even as upset as he was. gun and jin aren’t killers like lee and yang. they’re good boys! they wanted myeong gil to pay for what he’d done, but they’re not killers. hell, you can see it at the end when gun gets so upset, he would’ve been way worse off if he’d killed myeong gil.
let gun and jin get kisses! and hugs! they deserve it!!
i think it was 500 million for each gold bar? or was it 500 million for two? so a decent amount for both of them that min beom was willing to cover. i bet gun would give the money to his mother again, or at least half of it like he did with his boxing winnings.
jin was really so excited about the money, but he was also on gun’s side about doing something that choi would’ve wanted. i hope they go get some rib eye since they were talking about it the whole season.
i’m in denial about there possibly not being a second season. i’m just going to pretend and not look at any cancellation news. i do hope do hwan and sangyi work together again soon tho.
my attraction - if it can even be called that - to men is purely aesthetic. i think they’re nice to look at but i don’t wanna kiss them or have sex with them or do anything romantic with men. i enjoy reading/writing/imaging someone else doing things with hot dudes. but i don’t wanna do any of it myself tho.
women tho, i will go stupid for women, i am painfully lonely and starved for even just a kiss from a pretty girl; my chest physically hurts at merely the thought that i’m not getting regular kisses from a girl.
i’m just going to pretend that jin just heals up better than gun, so his scars didn’t develop as noticeably. or that he just like slopped on those scar creams that minimise the visibility of scars.
guys are like cringing and uncomfortable about ball stuff, meanwhile girls are like ‘get his ass, do it’.
oh thank god. i nearly always forget about the mandatory military service in korea until it comes up and i haven’t read really anything about it. but at least now i dont have to plan for it for da min and bi.
i dont how much earlier the choi backstory was, so da min could’ve been born before or after choi closed his business. either way, choi probably met her when she was very young.
there were archers at the high school in all of us are dead, so i think some schools have archery clubs. maybe the more private, expensive ones. i imagine she did it in high school, maybe tried for the olympic team after she graduated, then eventually just went to go work for choi and put archery aside as a hobby until it gets serious with the loan sharks and all the big fights.
since bi’s dad taught her how to cook and trained her with knives and self-defence, lee can teach bi how to ride a motorcycle and slit people’s throats while riding. it’s fun uncle bonding time!
i’m imaging bi was blonde at the start for her introduction, dyes her hair blue at some point and then it slowly fades over the six month skip because she doesn’t have time for hair up-keep while they’re training and in hiding.
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areyouafraid · 9 months
not to do this but i find it kinda funny whenever people act like grim is this morally pure sad little jujubear who everyone is mean to because even though he does get buttmonkeyed a lot in the show i feel like it's undermining some of his most important character traits. i think it's important to remember that many of the aspects of his character that are seen by billy & mandy (and ofc the viewer) aren't the ones that everyone else in-universe see. he's still the grim reaper and he still enjoys terrorizing people in his free time. like literally think about the first episode even. the only reason grim wagered being the kids' "best friend forever" at all was because he had complete confidence that he was going to win. he taunts them before the game even begins -- keep in mind that he had virtually no reason to suspect that billy and mandy weren't average kids at this point. mandy does cheat at limbo, but it's in response to grim rigging the game so that there would be virtually no chance of the kids winning fairly. i can leave that there as is but grim's reaction at the end i think further proves that he never even considered the possibility of the kids winning. he doesn't accept his defeat or sigh with resignation but instead flips the fuck out because they were never actually supposed to be able to win. and this is all over the life of a hamster, animals that are notorious for killing themselves anyway. i know he takes his job seriously obv but in the grand scheme of things. im just saying also even though i do Personally love "grim weird parental figure" moments and he does definitely care about the kids to some extent... like on occasion he'll save them from mortal danger, and there are times where he tries to get rid of them but ends up feeling guilty and backpedaling... it's almost never his first choice. despite grim being a more empathetic character than billy*, it's typically mandy, not grim, that interferes first when billy is in danger. now i havent watched every tgaobam episode that has ever aired so im willing to retract this but i feel like i've noticed that grim rarely reacts immediately to shit just in general. obviously it depends on the scenario but i don't think grim has the same foresight that mandy has and i don't think that he has the same knack for... containing situations? i guess is the term i'd use? which is why she ends up acting first a lot of the time. i think he definitely thinks he's able to predict the outcome of things but again his own confidence foils him a lot of the time * billy loves everyone but is often completely heedless of danger and fails to comprehend the gravity of the situations he finds himself in. additionally, he tends not to be able to recognize when people are upset. because of this, he rarely protects or sticks up for his friends. conversely, i don't think mandy is "unempathetic". i think she knows how others are feeling. she causes people to suffer on purpose because she feels they've slighted her.
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higheldertala · 2 years
the timeless children salt commentary
the fact that master is really sexy in this but this is story he’s in keeps me humble. really being punished for being horny :/
once again ch*bnall can’t seem to write a two parter for the life of him and seems to only write two stories crammed together. okay so again as with spyfall the second part of this story takes a sharp turn in plot by becoming a gallifrey/ master story because god forbid the master can have a two part story of their own. i guess ch*bnall added the cybermen in when he realised he couldn’t drag out the timeless child plot into two parts idk.
why is called the timeless children and not just the timeless child? why is it plural? genuine question.
(co-moffat problem) so as of the centenary it’ll be the fourth master/ cyberman story we’ve had in six seasons (russell don’t even think about it) seriously what more is there to say??
why is the master back on gallifrey again? did he know about the doctor and the cybermen? was he just waiting for them? it seems like the master was expecting the doctor but how would he know? like the doctor is asking these questions but we don’t get any answers for them.
honestly i lose all respect for ryan as a companion here when he doesn’t immediately follow the doctor to gallifrey. who gives a shit what ko sharmus says? you’ve known this guy for two minutes. you’re her fucking companion where’s your sense of loyalty? show me one companion over the past 60 years that wouldn’t have immediately followed the doctor. the fam aren’t even fucking loyal to the doctor, pisses me off to no end.
not that’s it’s not an inadequate plan but how would they be able to dissemble the cybermen suits, get in them and then resemble them again that quickly. i presume time is of the essence and i guess that this is not an easy job.
‘i’m not too sure about weapons’ so this is suppose to be ‘character development’ for ryan, but god the line between pacifism and idiocy is very thin.
when the tenth doctor said ‘they can shoot me dead but the moral high ground is mine’ that was supposed to be comedic, here they take that idea very literally.
it’s funny that ch*bnall puts loads of classic references in only to tell jodie not to watch any doctor who, the end result is that the doctor doesn’t have any reaction to them, because jodie doesn’t know what the hell the script is going on about.
also how is jodie supposed to act against the master when she has no knowledge or context of their relationship? honestly ch*bnall set jodie up to fail on purpose istg.
sacha is too good of an actor (and sexy) to be given lines of dialogue this cringe. sacha deserves so much better.
hate how ch*bnall just straight up ignores that gallifrey should be in a pocket universe/ just doesn’t give any explanation around this.
‘never thrown by anything’ well no because then ch*bnall would actually have to write a personality for her wouldnt he?
‘always fighting’ when has yaz ever fought?
‘you said to the doc that you thought she was the best person you’d ever met, you know what yaz? i think you are’ im sorry but yaz has done nothing in the past two seasons to earn this kind of high praise. she contributes nothing but standing in the background and following the doctor like a lost puppy, she has never once saved the day on her own, she has never had to overcome any great challenges in her travels, she has never sacrificed anything or done anything of the sort. every single nuwho companion before her has done 100x more than she ever has. to say this is an insult to every companion before, including classic. i can’t believe ch*bnall wrote this unironically with his own two hands and goes on to further reiterate this point twice more in his era.
‘you’re never afraid and you’re never beaten’ yaz has never been in a situation where the possibility of being beaten was a possible outcome.
‘you’re doing the whole human race proud’ (see above point) also she’s a cop so i’ll dispute this.
‘you’re not such a bad human yourself’ who talks like this? you would say ‘you’re not such a bad person yourself’. but why would ever write a second draft of your script?
the lightning for the gallifrey scenes are awful, who decided the inside needed to be orange? and hazy smoke? awful, makes the image much harder to see clearly. inside scenes in gallifrey have often been quite brightly lit by the white interior in the past. the lighting in hell bent is 100x times better but it wouldn’t surprise me if they never even went back to hell bent for lighting references.
crying that timeless child plot come about because the master ‘finds it on accident in the matrix’.
‘i do believe you’re appealing to my better nature and we both know that i don’t have one’ at this point i do believe ch*bnall just hates missy.
my god i think this is the longest thirteen has gone without saying a line, a record!
the master says tecteun 13 times in the episode if you were wondering.
i don’t see how graham, yaz and co get off the ship in time, as you see the cyber ship cross the boundary straight away in the next shot.
the lighting is absolute dogshit in this episode, i just want to see the actors’ faces thank you.
i don’t really care about the cyberium. it’s just becomes another mcguffin thing. also i don’t see the impact of it really. i would believe that ashad had just come up with this plan on his own without the cyberium. and i don’t see the effect it has on the master, again i would believe that the master could come up with this plan on his own.
‘show us some leg’ im crying why does he say this?
hmm bets the cyberium is gonna be brought up in the centenary? before i would have said no, but now we know the cyber masters are back the jury is out.
‘the policy of the time lords is clear, strict non intervention in other worlds and times. however policy and reality sometimes diverge. there are times when it is necessary to intervene, that is the purpose of the division’ i have many questions about division and tecteun, not that they matter. they just end being generic secret organisation that want to take over the universe. but yeah the less ch*bnall tells the audience about division the less they’re gonna care about. like they did a bunch of things that the doctor was involved in a really long time ago. why do i as the audience care about that in context of the story that’s happening right now. it’s ultimately irrelevant and flux is just a mess so.
even with the division, the time lords have had the doctor do things and intervene on their behalf many times in classic who, this isn’t a new or unique concept so im not sure what ch*bnall was trying to add here.
the master projecting the images of ireland and brendan to the doctor is very random, especially because this isnt how the audience is shown this information. like it isn’t shown in anyway that the doctor is the one viewing these memories in the previous episode.
i have to say i don’t believe that the master could destroy and kill every single timelord on gallifrey, it’s just not realistic. especially since we’re never told how the master does this, and this is of course in good old ch*bnall fashion happens off screen. like compared to the doctor doing it, it’s happened during the time war so you can presume the time lords defences were quite limited/ stretched because of the daleks, also we know how the doctor does this through the moment (i mean this too is quite op but we’ll leave dotd discourse for another day). very annoying this isn’t explain also just really lazy writing. like at a push i would believe that the master may have killed the time lords in the citadel but even then i would like to know how. it’s not like the time lords wouldn’t keep an eye on the master. also he was kicked out of gallifrey as said in the doctor falls so like how did he get back in without being detected??
honestly i just choose to ignore this as canon.
the master creating a cyber army from the dead is like the same plot as death in heaven. please wake me up when ch*bnall has an original idea, oh wait his original is the timeless child okay i’ll go back to sleep.
the cyber masters’ design are god awful. where did they find the time to etch gallifreyian into the metalwork? and the capes, the frowny faces, what a joke. the ugliest design for the cybermen honestly.
also i feel like regenerating cybermen are op. and again a rip off idea of daleks having regenerating powers in the witch’s familiar and it was silly then too. someone needs to inform ch*bnall what plagiarism is. im surprised that rtd and moffat aren’t more annoyed at this, i certainly would be.
some much of ch*bnall’s writing is copying and pasting of other stories and writers. it’s annoying to see this as viewer and i can’t believe it would be nice as a writer to see your work being essentially plagiarised on national television. why didn’t anyone tell ch*bnall not to do this or that it’s a dick move, literally any repercussion to this whatsoever. like just out of sheer respect for the profession and your fellow writers in the industry you just wouldn’t do this. it’s in bad taste at a minimum and at worst straight up plagiarism. how can anyone say that this isn’t lazy writing?
is it bad i didn’t even notice we hadn’t seen the companions for like 10 minutes.
‘we’re going to find her and we’re going to rescue her. she’s done it for us enough times, now it’s our turn’ correct me if im wrong but they’ve only ever been rescued by the doctor once and that was yaz in nikola tesla’s night of terror. like the fam are never in any dangerous situations in that they need to be rescued.
also funny that fam don’t even ‘rescue’ her, she does it herself. don’t you love when the companions are completely redundant?
why are they stood in a line again? can’t wait til we get better directing again 😭
nice how they’re taking a stroll through gallifrey, why aren’t they running, you just said the doctor was in danger and needed your help but sure take your time, im sure time isn’t of the essence or anything.
‘have you ever been limited by who you were before?’ i made a post about this during flux but i’ll summarise it again, it’s really annoying how the climax of this episode is that it’s doesn’t matter that the doctor doesn’t know about their previous lives, because they know who they are right now and that’s all that matters (a fine message and all) but that makes the ttc revelation completely pointless because it doesn’t matter in-universe. that’s the worst part of ttc, it doesn’t change the doctor as a character, and it barely changes the narrative, so what was the point? changing the doctor’s origin is stupid and takes away the meaning of just an ordinary citizen rejecting their society in search of being a better person. that was an admirable aspiration for people to look up to. you don’t need to be special or deemed important to make a difference in life, anyone can strive to change life for the better. now the doctor is reduced to ✨the chosen one✨ and chosen one stories are a dime a dozen, there’s no reason doctor who needs to become one of these stories, it’s add nothing, literally in this case because ch*bnall doesn’t add anything further with the concept (maybe i’ll be wrong depending on what the centenary does but until then i can’t say anything more).
‘im talking to myself again,that’s a good sign’ is it?
using the theme tune within the episode is so bad and i hate it. was it that hard to compose another track, or why not just use the doctor’s theme?
not to point out the obvious but yeah you wouldn’t be able to ‘blow the matrix’ by using your memories because that’s the thing it’s designed to do. this logically doesn’t make sense.
convenient that the fam and co found the doctor without being spotted. like even if the master thought the fam were dead surely he’d put some guard on the doctor in case she tried something.
don’t understand the choice of somber music in this scene when the doctor wakes up.
‘no humans on gallifrey’ why does the doctor bring this up now? what relevance does it have? i don’t understand this doctor’s priorities at all.
it’s very convenient that these survivors know about the death particle and can tell us this now.
‘but i am so much more than you’ this was obvious before but yeah ch*bnall doesn’t understand the doctor and master’s relationship. and just not something the doctor would say, the complete u turn of 12 saying ‘she’s my friend.. she’s the only person that i’ve ever met who’s even remotely like me’.
seething that ch*bnall thinks he can rip off the second best scene of the show. absolute seething this man thinks he can ever touch or ever even come close to the ‘coward or killer scene’. i tolerate a lot of ch*bnall’s copy and paste bollocks, but i draw the line here.
let it be known that you don’t want to be anywhere near me if this man ever even tries to come close to ripping off the where i stand is where i fall speech.
also in context of ch*bnall’s bastardisation of this scene, the doctor doesn’t do it only to selfishly save herself, like nine doesn’t do it because he can’t bare to commit genocide again after the time war. these two things are not the same.
still hate how this doctor doesn’t give a shit about the master and so easily leaves him for dead.
also love how ch*bnall just ignores the rule that the tardis is suppose to be impenetrable, anything is allowed in the tardis these days though.
okay let’s wrap it up here. concluding thoughts, it’s bad lol. a very dull finale, lots of copy and pasting from other stories. as always the companions don’t do anything and even the doctor is pretty passive for the majority of the episode. the cybermen and master storyline feel weirdly meshed together, also no idea how the master knew about the boundary and cybermen and everything, this is literally not explained. the master just appears and joins the story halfway through. im not invested in the timeless child plotline, the story doesn’t give any motive as to why the audience should be invested. it’s honestly a waste of everyone’s time. most annoying is that ch*bnall himself knew that he would piss off the fandom but did it anyway. so sick of white men just trashing franchises for the sake of it and worst of all letting women take the fall for it.
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Walk Away - Tom Hardy smut
The one where Tom is your mentor and really shouldn’t feel this attracted to you.
Warnings: smut, age gap, famous!reader, mentor!Tom Hardy, breeding kink, risky sex, tiny insinuation of a size kink, (blink and you’ll miss), mention of a panic attack with barely any descriptions of it
Word count: 3k>
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Tom’s P.O.V.
“Tom.” I stopped rubbing the sleep off my eyes the second my name fell from her lips. I didn’t need her to identify herself - I didn’t need to check the caller’s ID. I’d recognize her voice anywhere, regardless of just how groggy I was. But the tone in which she said my name, the tired, dead feeling shining through it, was what really startled me awake. “Tom, I need you.”
The desperation in her voice scared me, and I was out of bed before I could even realize what I was doing. “You’re home?” I confirmed, waiting only for the expected answer while I looked for my keys. “I’ll be there in five. Hang on tight.”
The night was cold, but I don’t think I would have noticed it if it wasn’t for the chill that had me freezing from the inside. I didn’t even consider changing out of my sleepwear - sweatpants and a loose shirt - mostly because I didn’t want to waste time on something so trivial, especially since it wasn’t that different from what I’d normally wear around her.
I’d known her for over four years now. I’d never witnessed this level of distress on her. In fact, she was never anything short of enthusiastic and happy, a bubble of sunshine that managed to energize everyone around her. For her to be this way, something big had to have happened, and it pained me to imagine just what could have been. 
It pained me to imagine her suffering, and not being there to help. So I stepped on the pedal, driving madly, knowing my own heartbeat would only get back to a regular pace once I had her in my arms again, could smell her perfume as I buried my face in her hair.
She wasn’t by the door when I got to her house, so I let myself in with the extra key that I had, noticing all the lights were off. There was only one place she could be. 
My feet took me there without even having to think about it, like there was some sort of instinctive calling from her body to mine. When I got to her bedroom, a dim light showed just how effective that connection was, as I pushed in to find her laying on her bed, waiting for me.
“What happened?” She sat up when I pushed the door open, quietly closing it behind me, and for a second there was no reaction as she took in my presence, like she needed time to realize I really was there. But then her eyes glistened, denouncing a flow of tears, and she just shook her head, as if asking me to contain my curiosity for just a bit.
“Can you just hug me?” She asked, and I felt my heart squeeze at the realization of just how unaware she was of my feelings for her. I’d do anything, anything for the woman in front of me. A hug was nothing, and I ached to have her in my arms anyway.
I sat by her side and immediately, she was on me, climbing on my lap until she could hide her face on the crook of my neck, and I froze only momentarily before wrapping my arms around her smaller body. Despite how wrong it morally felt - particularly when I remembered I wasn’t wearing any type of underwear - I couldn’t deny how right it was to both my heart and my body, how much it comforted me to feel her this close.
So there we stayed, for God knows how long. We didn’t speak - I was waiting for her decision to explain what had happened, and she clearly needed to come to terms with whatever it was. Just being there for her was enough for me, so I kept rubbing her back, eventually pulling away to press kisses on her temple, trying to ignore how her little sighs of comfort made me feel.
“I-I think I’m ready to talk.” The second I couldn’t feel her warm breath against my neck anymore, I felt cold again, but to my surprise, she didn’t climb down my lap, didn’t try to put some space between us. 
Instead, her arms remained around my shoulders, fingers playing with the collar of my shirt, making me shiver every once in a while when her nails dragged along my flesh.
“Okay,” I encouraged, only because she seemed nervous to say whatever it was that she wanted to tell me, her eyes avoiding mine before she finally managed to meet my gaze again, after taking a deep breath.
“Shawn broke up with me.” A sharp inhale resonated throughout the room, and it took me a few seconds to figure out it had been my own doing. I’d never liked her boyfriend, not ever since she first told me they had been going out, and despite how hard I tried to hide it from her, she had always been aware of my true feelings for him. 
Knowing he was the one to blame for her current state of mind only served to turn my concern into anger. 
“Why?” That was the only thing I could think to ask, the only thing I could focus on as I struggled not to throw her on the bed and run out after him. But I’d never be able to leave her alone, especially not since she was so clearly vulnerable.
There was another second of hesitation before she finally revealed, “It was because of you, actually.” Now that froze me into a state of shock. I couldn't speak, couldn’t think, all I could do was stare down at the face of the woman I loved who looked like she hadn’t just dropped a bomb on me.
“What?” Her giggle made my heart skip a beat for a second. It felt good to know that she was already starting to feel better, it felt even greater to know that I was the reason for her laughter, even if I was still fucking confused.
“Don’t worry about it.” Now that just wasn’t good enough. I needed to know, needed to understand. How had I been the cause for their break-up? But she didn’t seem too eager to open up about this specific part of her day, and so I decided to break out the big guns.
I laid her down on the bed, hovering over her so our eyes remained connected. “Tell me,” I quietly begged, and although she still looked anxious, I knew she was close to breaking. “I really want to know.”
She sighed, eyes closing for only an instant and for that instant, I allowed myself to believe that she was breathing me in, appreciating the feeling of being covered by my much larger body, exactly like I did.
“He was jealous,” she finally admitted, but the frown in my face only deepened, asking her for more information. “He felt like I prefered your company over his, which to be fair, it’s the truth. When I’m with you, I never want to leave.”
I didn’t know what to say. So I just stood there, frozen, looking deep into her eyes, searching for any sign of mockery, but found none. She looked hurt, but not like she regretted what happened. It just looked like she needed me there.
And so I stayed. I laid down by her side on the bed and pulled her to me, so her head rested on my chest, and I thought. I thought long and hard about what she’d told me and about how I felt. I thought so much, in fact, that I could see a panic attack forming, as the weight of my feelings threatened to suffocate me, and before I could realize what I was doing, I was already sitting up on the bed and looking for my keys.
“Where are you going?” She rubbed the sleep off her eyes as she tried to understand what was happening, but to be quite honest, I didn’t understand it myself. I just knew I needed to get the hell out of there, or I would end up saying something I’d regret. “I’m so comfy, can’t you just stay?”
It was so hard to breathe that my chest heaved with the labour of getting each breath in and out, so I forced myself to focus on it, stopping only for a few seconds, but it was enough to have me spilling things I’d been managing to hide for years.
“Don’t ask me that. Please.” My voice sounded hoarse, like I hadn’t used it in too long. “Because I’ll stay, and it’ll only hurt me further.” That caught her attention, wiping any remnants of sleep from her in an instant. 
“I wish I could walk away from you. Time and time again I wished for it, when you began dating that jerk, when I first realized I had feelings for you… but I just can’t. I’d do anything for you. All I can think about is you, all the fucking time. I want you so fucking much. I love you way too much. And being just your friend, your mentor, your confidant, is killing me.”
I closed my eyes to catch my breath, trying to focus, trying to make anything make sense again. In that time, I feared the worst. I thought about her leaving, her hand leaving a warm imprint on my face as she slapped me. I thought about her (rightfully, in my mind) accusing me of betraying her, calling me a monster, a pervert. 
I thought I had imagined every possible scenario, but I was still surprised when I opened my eyes to find her seating on the edge of her bed, gaze resting on mine, licking her lips. “I wanna feel you,” she said, and my mind swirled with this unexpected outcome.
“Excuse me?” I scrambled to keep myself up, finding a hold in the back of a nearby chair, my entire body trembling with the effort to hold back, the effort to think and listen, instead of just doing what my instincts begged me to do - pounce on her and fuck her raw.
“I want you inside of me,” she calmly stated, like it was no big deal. It was clear that it was the best way she had found to ask me for what she wanted, but I just couldn’t believe it.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Y-you want me?” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, understanding the delicate nature of this situation, anxious to not let it slip through my fingers nor hold it so tightly it would end up breaking and hurting me in the process. 
I closed the gap between us, getting out of the bed to come stand in front of him, hoping the proximity would ease him the same way having his body near would calm me.
“I’ve always wanted you,” I confirmed, hoping he’d see just how truthful the statement was, needing him to see how much more I wanted to say. “But right now…” Without thinking, my hand reached out to fiddle with the edge of his shirt, the sight of the boner struggling against his sweatpants unmistakable to me. “Right now, I’ll do anything if you just touch me.” 
A sharp exhale of breath, his warmth hit my face, giving me a taste of what was to come. But I wanted the real thing. I wanted to know how it felt from his lips, to have his tongue forcing my mouth open, making me forget my need to breathe.
“I need you.” I got what I wanted then. His face lowered to mine, mouth finally close enough for me to reach, after what felt like years of desire. And it was everything that I’d always imagined his kiss to be - overpowering, dominating and overwhelmingly him. I was instantly addicted.
When he finally allowed our lips to part, taken by his need to breathe, I slowly began to peel away my clothes, fingers trembling in quiet desperation for him to see this for what it truly was: the meeting of desire and lust after years of denial and repression.
“Please fuck me,” I pleaded as my naked body was revealed to him inch by inch, willing to do whatever would get me what I needed. “I swear I can handle you.” That last part was added almost as an afterthought, when I watched his hand curl around a tightness I’d never witnessed in real life before.
I knew what was going through his head - the fight between what was expected of us and what we wanted, our feelings and our professions, but nothing else mattered to me more than knowing he’d spear me open with his length.
“Lay down and spread your legs for me.” Just that order was enough to have me whining low in the back of my throat, but I did as he said, even held my ankles so his view of me would be unobstructed. But that meant I had to watch him as he knelt by the bed and took a hold of my legs, licking his lips in desire at what he saw.
“Please, please, fuck me,” I repeated, knowing I wouldn’t handle his lips on me right now. I needed his thickness, his hardness, I needed to be filled by him, to feel him inside of me.
“Let me just get a taste,” he tried to convince me, eyes focused on the apex of my thighs. I almost laughed at how it looked like his mouth was watering as he stared at my exposed pussy, but my need was far too great to allow me any sort of distraction.
“Later, okay? You can eat me out as long as you want, just… later.” That had his head snapping up, gaze at last meeting mine with a soft sentiment that I knew was at least half vulnerability.
My poor Tommy. Even after all of my confessions, he still couldn’t believe that what was happening was actually real. He still doubted I would want him in the morning, as something more than what I wanted him when I called him tonight.
“Touch me, Tom,” I quietly asked, raising his hand to where I was aching for him, rubbing myself with his thumb. “Touch me right here, please, I’m begging you.”
Hearing those words fall from my lips changed something in him. Where once he was hesitant, a sudden confident smirk, almost arrogant, slowly spread over his lips, taking over his entire aura.
Tom’s P.O.V.
“So needy for me…” I whispered as I witnessed the truth behind my statement. She was sopping wet, almost dripping down the duvet, and as much as I wanted to get my mouth on her, I could accept that we’d have the time to do that later.
I loved the idea of a later.
“I’ll take care of you, darling.” I whispered as I climbed up her body once more, occupying the space between her thighs like I was always meant to be there. “Let me take care of you.”
I brushed my lips against hers, relishing in this closeness, in the moment just before it all changed. I was sure she could feel the weight of my cock against her thigh, and it was probably what prompted her to wrap her arms around my shoulders, breathlessly telling me, “Yes. Yes, please.”
Hissing as I finally slid my length inside of her, I knew I was in trouble the second I bottomed out, biting on her shoulder to keep myself from groaning and drowning out her delicious little sounds. She felt too good. No one should feel this good.
A broken gasp (or was it a moan) called my attention, taking me from my efforts of restraining myself to her, completely. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” I asked, brushing the hair away from her face as I watched her open her eyes and blink a few times, trying to keep tears from flowing down her cheeks. “Does it hurt?”
But she just shook her head, hands searching mine until she could lace our fingers together. “No,” she breathed, hips jutting up in a silent way of asking me to move. “It feels so good.”
I bit the inside of my cheek in an effort not to smile widely at her admission, finally allowing myself to slowly begin dragging my cock out of her tight channel before pushing it in again.
“It does?” I questioned, loving to hear her say it. “Well, I’ll always make you feel this good, baby. How does that sound?” She moaned out loud as I lowered my head to lave her breasts with attention, relishing in every little sound that escaped her beautiful lips as I pounded her on the bed.
“Fuck, you’re such a good girl, darling.” Another loud moan was all I got as a response, paired with her fingernails biting on the skin of my back. “My good girl, yes?” I insisted, rubbing my jaw against her neck, breathing her in.
I was drunk on her, on this entire experience, still not quite believing it was really happening. She was really here, getting fucked by me. “You’ll be my good girl? Just mine? Forever?”
A smile spread out over her lips, even as she threw her head back to moan a “Yes.” I chuckled against her chest, starting to suck little bruises here and there, wanting to see her all marked up on me, when she interrupted my plans with a breathless comment, “You talk dirty.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” I chuckled against her lips, right as she started to convulse underneath me, clinging to my back for dear life. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”
Her nails scratched me as she found her bliss, and I wasn’t too far behind. As I started to pick up my pace, really milking her orgasm while searching for mine, it was her words that brought me to my ultimate release.
“C-cum inside, I want it inside of me.” I knew she wasn’t in any form of contraception, and I also knew this wasn’t the right time for either of us to become parents, but to say the idea didn’t arouse me was a lie. 
Flashes of her young body with my baby in it had my cock twitching, the risk of getting my perfect future right then too exciting. She’d be the perfect mother, I just knew it. And the fact that she would take the chance of becoming the mother of my child right then affected me so much that even after I emptied myself inside of her, I was still hard.
Her fingers played with my curls as I rested my head between her breasts, breathing her in, trying to catch my breath. “I can’t believe I get to sleep next to you tonight,” she said, melting my heart right then and there. “I hate it when you’re away.”
I did too. But I’d never need to be again.
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