#like maybe they figure it out offscreen idk
lenaboskow · 3 days
hi hello, I just want to share my thoughts...
if an offscreen break-up is imminent (which I doubt will happen because popularity and ego strokes) I kind of want Buck to be in a relationship with another man instead of the popular choice of Eddie and I need there to be more mundane scenes like with Taylor and Abby and Ali heck even Natalia because I'm not seeing those in BuckTommy in canon.
its still feels like tokenism, at least the portrayal and execution is tokenism I'm not erasing the more nuanced Michael X David and other mlm couples in the show
then if Season 9 is a thing, I want Buck to be in a relationship with a woman. Because my main fear of bi buck is bi-erasure or heaven forbid the "phase" categorization of his relationship with Tommy.
tldr: If BuckTommy has an offscreen break up + Buck gets only one relationship per season
Season 8 - relationship with another man that's not Eddie
Season 9 - relationship with another woman
Season 10 - maybe canon buddie.
i could see this, but i genuinely think eddie is getting his gay/demi arc in s8 and once he figures it out, i don't think either one of them will date any other person, even if they decide to wait while eddie goes through therapy (i'm also convinced that buck's breakup with tommy will lead to realizations but that's a different story)
now... what i could see is potentially buck casually dating in s8? not hookups, but just going on various first dates. equal number of men and women. it wouldn't be a whole episode, maybe just mentions of it, to show he's getting back out there.
idk, i can't see them waiting till s10 for buddie. too much can happen
sorry if this is disorganized, i have so many thoughts about the timeline and none of them are coherent
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port-trash · 2 years
hear me out:
eddie munson lives AU where he just like, loses his leg and has a prosthetic or smth that he decorates with his fave metal bands
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radioconstructed · 4 months
// Slow burn radioapple where Al keeps being a menace because that's the best way she knows how to cope with being in crisis, her local Lucifer pushes back bc he shouldn't have to deal with this shit, they keep getting into beef,,, if he's not aware already, he becomes aware that she doesn't get this triggered by anyone else and wonders what the fuck her problem is with him,,
maybe he'll ask her. maybe she'll tell him half. she won't tell him the other half.
maybe he'll figure it out.
#// just thinking as I'm trying to fall asleep. idk if im gonna do an offscreen ship tho idk.#the half of her problem with him she WILL talk about is that he greenlit the extermination (she lived through like 90 and lost friends!!)#he talks to disparagingly of sinners like he's better than everyone else when he's down here too. you're down here too motherfucker.#it took him five months to show up at charlie's project. after CHARLIE invited HIM. charlie may be delusional to Al but at least she's#trying to do SOMETHING for her people! unlike her dad who greenlig a genocide! people don't have to be perfect to deserve not beiny#genocided by a belligerent military power wtf. Al's not a Believer in redemption but she HAS been with Charlie from the beginning#and she has helped A LOT! Regardless of her intentions she's materially helped and invested her time & effort into the hotel! And then#Lucifer WALTZES IN with OPINIONS? and wants to help NOW that its a functional hotel? That's how Al sees it. Like joining a group#project that's mostly done and hijacking it. BITCH! That's HER project! Her + Charlie + Vaggie. And THEN it takes Lucifer ages to show the#fuck up to battle and only for his daughter! So go worry about her don't act like you care about the hotel!! That's how Al feels.#The part she WON'T share? She's intimidated. She's always been. She's aggro to him because she's intimidated.#And she's SCARED. Of being replaced. He can fix up and staff a hotel too. He's more powerful than she is! Everything she has going for her#that makes her Useful as a facility manager? He can do 1000x times over. Charlie doesn't keep Al around for her PERSONALITY!#And NOW? She got her ass handed to her by Adam. She lost a lot of her power. Lucifer kicked Adam's ass. That's HUMILIATING.#(The only saving grace is that her babygal Niffty ended Adam.)#SO YEAH AL is MAD at her local Lucifer for legitimate extermination & hotel stuff but she's also super on edge and easily triggered by him#specifically because she's intimidated and scared and humiliated and grieving her loss of power. So she lashes out.#maybe he'll figure out why.#mun post.
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 month
Can I hear your thoughts on this panel?
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I feel that Hyrule looking at Legend as Four says that is important somehow... What do you think?
Well one thing I’ve noticed in the last couple of updates is Hyrule and Legend have been around each other A LOT
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Practically ever since Hyrule finished healing Twilight and helping Four they’ve been hanging around each other. In close proximity too. Which, given that Legend usually only stands close to the people he trusts (principally Sky) is a big deal.
If Dawn pt. 5 is any indication, it seems that Hyrule is mostly initiating this lol
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But Legend is letting him
Excuse me while I fangirl over the downfall duo for a moment. ALDNDLSDJSLDNSL THE BROTHERS EVER
Ahem ok let’s continue
Now, I’m overdue for a LU reread so correct me if I’m wrong BUT I seem to recall that they’ve never stayed this close to each other before. Could just be that they take comfort in one another’s presence. Seeing the panel you shared, though, I’m gonna say it’s more than that.
Idk if they’ve figured out their place in the timeline yet (I’m assuming not due to how everyone acted in Timeline Talk pt. 1). That doesn’t mean, however, that they haven’t begun to guess. Jojo has hinted at many interactions that the Links have had offscreen. Plus, Legend and Hyrule met up before they ran into the others. They’ve had time to get to know each other. I guarantee they’ve got suspicions about their places in time.
Which leads me to believe Hyrule is afraid of losing Legend. He must have figured out that Legend was a hero sometime before his journey began. Meaning, somewhere along the way he perished and the darkness he struggled so hard against spread over Hyrule anew. With Twilight just having escaped death (plus the cryptic comments he continues to make regarding Time’s fate), I’m sure untimely demises are on Hyrule’s mind.
I don’t think he knows Legend’s fate (unless there’s something in his games that hints toward the previous hero’s fate). But I believe he wants to. I can’t be the only one who sees the striking similarities between Legend and Time. He likely came to the realization that a guy like Legend will most likely die a wanderer or a warrior (doesn’t mean he did. I don’t like to think he did. One blorbo with a tragic end is enough XD But still). And being a hero and Legend’s friend he’s wondering if maybe, just maybe he can change that.
If it’s possible to know a future occurrence, it could be possible to transform it, right?
All image credits to @linkeduniverse
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Alright, *cracks knuckles, back, pussy, crack, etc* more trailer to break down.
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Mirror image of the shot in the teaser? Was it flipped for a reason or are we getting more than one scene like this? What boat are they on? It's not the dinghy, not the revenge (I don't THINK?), and they're not dressed the way they are with the Chinese pirates. (Red scarf presence noted.)
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Speaking of: Is this 'Susan' he's talking to? This has to be early on, he's not got his cunty little earring yet. (Just trying to nail SOME of the timeline down, you understand.)
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Scarf. Feeling more and more sure it's Ed's silk.
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Oluwande 💚. The way this dialogue is cut seems like they're skipping something, the way Olu says 'you dumped him' doesn't flow with the conversation the way it would if it was a immediate response to Stede's 'no, why would he do that?'
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Presented without comment.
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They're eating the wedding cake. :)
This is presumably happening while Ed is throwing knives at Izzy's head. :(
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Anyway. This looks like they're definitely trying to get Blackbeard to stop -
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- doing this so they can get through the storm or tell him something's gone wrong. Maybe Izzy's foot/leg gets real bad during the storm? Could be a lot of things.
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Initially I thought this might be a precursor to him menacing Frenchie in the one shot in the EW article, but that's in the galley not Stede's cabin and this is a bucket full of bottles (alcohol) and with Frenchie it's a box with bottles (containers, possibly food but I think it looks more likely to be medicine)
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(for reference)
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I think this is in the auxiliary wardrobe, bride figure in the top right.
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Izzy looks MISERABLE here. Whether it's the idea of him knowing EXACTLY why they're at a wedding or because he's in a hell of a lot of pain (foot still present and infected and all that) or some unfortunate combination of both (likely both), I want to wrap him up in a blanket burrito and give him forehead kissies. Also, wider shot here lets me update who's where on the topdown, so:
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Unnamed bald one with the studded bracers behind Izzy in the previous shot
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Ed. Ed you are like. Consistently seen smoking from a pipe. You can't handle a blunt? Or is the weed too dank? Also, pretty sure this is him and Anne and/or the person she's with in the shots a bit after this.
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This is why I thought it might have been the shot from the EW article but again, different container with different miscellanea and different room. He. Does seem to be. Interacting with Frenchie a lot though. And. This instance seems very specifically similar to. To him interacting with. A certain someone else. In season 1. . . I'm not saying Izzy's out with a case of Leg Gone and Ed's leaning on Frenchie in the aftermath. . . but.
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I feel this so hard. We've all been there Ed. Anyway I'm pretty sure this is the same place he's smoking with mysterious, mostly offscreen, light skin-toned hand person who may or may not be Anne and/or her friend. (No scarf.)
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Genuinely I feel like the nose staying on his face would look more believable without the ribbon. Lucius didn't need a ribbon for his finger. Maybe if it was horizontal as opposed to diagonal? It looks LOOSE and that makes it seem like it's not secure enough to be staying on his face like it is.
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Deserved (the punch). My baby's leg tho. :'(c It's not even the right height for him. Look how he's gotta bend his other leg just standing.
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Olu fighting someone???
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Bracer looks like guy number 6 from the wedding raid but this doesn't look like it's on a ship. This guy also seems to have a beard or something that the other guy didn't so idk.
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Cracked the code here thanks to @tizzyizzy pointing out something in my server. I was right about this not being during the storm. I was wrong about it being a possibly mutiny. I'm gonna jump a bit ahead in the trailer in a sec to explain but: Ed's got a rock tied around his waist here. You can see the rock at the bottom of the screen.
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You can see the line go taut and pull him down.
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You can see the rock continue to pull him down. (The rock is right at the bottom of the screen.)
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Jumping ahead in the trailer and. Well. Rock with some rope tied around it. (Once again, thank you Tizzy 🙏 you eagle eyed hero) The lighting certainly matches better than the storm did. The question is: Is Hornighost trying to talk him into it or out of it? (And. Yknow. Is he a ghost at all, even?)
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Back to where we jumped from. Are these guys wearing the same clothes as the guy Stede 'did a punch' to? Looks like it. *Black Pete voice* What IS this fucking timeline!
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Love that Izzy is the only one who doesn't duck away. Also 👀 Lucius spotted. Is he holding hands with Jim? He certainly seems comfortable positioned right between the two little killers doesn't he? ;3c
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'Oh no my boat :'(c' Is anyone still on board or did they take a dinghy and get outta there after the storm?
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(New promo pic.) This.
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(Skipping ahead in the trailer.) And this, are all the same version of Stede. The outfit (weird little arm flappies, red sash) and location are the same. This is absolutely a dream sequence. Stede is dreaming about being the kind of pirate he wishes he was. I'd also venture as to guess this is the extent of his 'revenge on Izzy' that Some Of You are all so clamoring for.
[Out of allowed images, please hold]
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nikadd · 20 days
911 7x09 speculation based on the stills
ok im gonna do this thing for fun where i try to predict the order of events of 911 7x09 from the stills that were released bc there were MANY and im just trying to figure out how they are gonna fit everything into the episode. obviously everything is going to be under a readmore.
for clarity's sake, it is 11pm pst on 5/22, the episode airs tomorrow 5pm pst, so the sneak peek clip into the episode has not been released yet.
and i will come back to this post later to see how close i got. there are definitely going to be scenes where i got their order relatively to each other in the same storyline, but maybe the way they intersect with the other storylines could be offbase.
we are most likely missing scenes to have full context of everything, but this is the closest i think i can get to without having seen any sneak peeks or anything else. feel free to let me know what yall think!
1. 911 call
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i think we are going to begin with a cold open of a call, just like many other episodes. from the pictures released, there's only one known call, so i'm not 100% sure that it's going to be the first one.
if the call is actually in the middle of the episode, then the first scene would be:
2. the award ceremony
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it makes sense to have it happen earlier rather than later because it sets up both bobby's and hen's storylines (and also im assuming eddie's)
it's probably gonna begin with a few speeches and then a sequence of scenes happening around the same time.
3. athena and maddie
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athena and maddie celebrating their husbands' medals (with a quick emphasis on bobby's convo in the corner and maybe athena's reaction)
4. henren + surprise guest
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hen and karen and their kids also celebrating, but then this guest actress character shows up and somehow affects the whole adoption storyline (911 instagram earlier posted stills from 7x02 where the son of a councilwoman died while hen was interim captain, so im assuming it's either the councilwoman or her agent). this scene could also take place later within the sequence, maybe right before we switch to another location.
5. buck, eddie, christopher, and marisol
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a quick moment with buck, eddie, christopher, and marisol. maybe there is a line that directly addresses eddie's lie in a dramatic irony kind of way, like the audience knows what's going on but the other characters don't.
6: henren and tommy
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not sure if henren and tommy talking happens before hen's storyline or after and whether it happens before the buck/eddie scene or after. also would be interested to see if this scene is tommy apologizing for past behavior (it was implied offscreen). or maybe it's some kind of a mlm wlw conversation. or maybe even some kind of "if you hurt him we hurt you" conversation. IF this happens after the buck/eddie scene, then maybe tommy asks henren about the nature of that relationship and buck's connection to chris. basically, idk if it's gonna be a conversation about buck or not, but chances are, it is.
7. back at the grant-nash house
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this scene was in the promo. basically, bobby still has a lot of survivor guilt and doesn't like being called a hero. athena is worried. the ad break probably happens right after here.
8. eddie and kim's date
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absolutely zero idea how this is going to go. kim might do something that is very shannon-like, or maybe she does the total opposite. they might get caught, they might now. actually, i think it is too early in the episode for the secret to be fully revealed, but there is a chance that buck might run into them, and so maybe they have an awkward scene. we are promised a buck x kim scene, but it's unclear if it's gonna happen in this episode or next.
9. hen figuring out the adoption issues
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(unsure if the meeting with madney is gonna happen before the first still or not, but im assuming after.)
hen is disappointed with some kind of bureaucratic bullshit she is being put through, so she needs advice.
10. athena seeks out amir's help
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in the promo, athena is at the hospital when she says that bobby needs help. amir also has survivor guilt, so it's smart for athena to ask him.
it's cut closely with a scene with henren and madney, but it's definitely a misdirection. the way that athena says it, im assuming there is an ad break or a scene switch right after.
11. henren and madney figuring out the adoption stuff
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they are making a plan!
WILDCARD: marisol and christopher
okay so these pics were posted a while ago so i'm assuming they are for these episode, even though there is a chance it's for the finale.
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this scene could be happening closer to the end of the episode, but i feel like it might be a scene where eddie actually has marisol babysitting christopher because he's out with kim. or something like that. like i think maybe here we have marisol suspecting something? now, the second pic does look like it's in a hospital, so MAYBE it's not from this episode, but we'll see.
12. amir and athena
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they are continuing their previous conversation outside.
13. firehouse
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next day? later same day? hen is working on the documents. probably some kind of thematically important conversation with bobby. transitions into:
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a fun little sequence of the 118 crew working together to make a meal and then enjoy it together. very much a bobby focus. maybe he's considering finally retiring?
14. more henren and madney
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later that day, i'm assuming. the bottom image has somebody in the right corner, and i'm assuming it's karen, sharing an update on the situation.
15. amir, athena, and bobby at athena and bobby's place
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not sure if the images are in the correct order, but i'm assuming that the plot here is that bobby shows up in the house as athena is talking to amir, so bobby finds out they've been working together behind his back.
16. eddie and christopher
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this conversation seems very important. the bottom pic makes me feel like it's closer to the end of the episode than the beginning. i think eddie either realizes something here or at the very least decides to do something, as he's reminded that christopher is the most important person and he shouldn't hurt him.
17. buck and ...?
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same as with the previous scene, the bottom pic makes me think it's in the end of the episode. could be a scene with tommy? maybe it's them breaking it off, or maybe just having an important conversation. buck does look like he's experiencing Something.
(there IS a chance that this scene happens before the eddie and christopher one. maybe it's between buck and eddie.)
18. the fire
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okay so there IS a chance that this fire is a dream. if it is, i'm assuming it happens in the beginning of the episode, like a cold open instead of the 911 call. BUT... i think it's in the end of the episode. i think the fire is how the episode ends, and that's how bobby ends up in the hospital in the finale.
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lizziethat · 1 year
I think the reason people are getting worried if Jiara is still together is they had all the other couples hold hands or wrap their arms with each other yes Jiara did give heart eyes to each other but it's easy to miss it's like a what is going on? maybe it was to tease us idk I also had a worry because some shows have done the offscreen break up and I don't want Jiara to ever break up. Now I want to talk about her Parents I hate them so much and I hated them all happy and clapping.
Knowing TV the way I do, I'm pretty sure what happened was: the final cut for the finale was too long. They packed a lot into the episode. So they cut everything they didn't think we needed -- and after a season of Jiara, they didn't think we needed any obvious confirmation about them being together, because of course they're together. They figured Kie's smile was enough. That's a fond "looking at MY dumbass" kinda smile, after all.
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Her parents? Now, that's unbelievable. I'll take Topper being there over them. I don't even know how Kiara goes back to having a relationship with them. And if they suddenly changed their tune after finding out Kiara wasn't lying and JJ now has money, well, that doesn't really say good things about them. In fact, they're probably the worst thing about the time jump for me and if S4 just expects me to forgive and forget, they got another thing coming.
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
I have this crossover idea that i call Alterity (Alternity was taken by a Transformers toyline, but Alterity propably also works).
All canonical Shockwaves (and maybe a few closely related people/creatures like Driller and Cyberverse's spider drones) scientifically end up in one place where there isn't anybody else around and they can't leave. Conflict ensues because many of them are not in fact compatible.
I'm not extremely familiar with many of them, and a few of them (ex. Cloud) i haven't read/watched/played at all or are outright inaccessible to me, or the character only appears very briefly or barely exists, so i'm not sure about the differences between them and the other Shockwaves. Because figuring out how they all are different from each other is the key here, obviously.
Also they know need nicknames to call each other, because it'd get extremely confusing otherwise. Shockblast would call everybody something insulting, but i can't think of anything for their "official" nicknames. Ideas?
The Cast
Funpub SG Shockwave — The one who looks exactly like Shockblast. Accompanied by his assistant Fistfight? Not a actually a scientist, because G1 Shockwave wasn't.
SG Animated Shockwave — He appeared in SD SG. Idk if TFA Shockwave is an actual scientist.
SG IDW Shockwave — From the IDW'S 2021-2022 Shattered Glass comic. I don't think it was a good decision,
IDW Comics Shockwave — As pre-Dark Cybertron or post-Unicron? Or immediately after Dark Cybertron? Or as the slightly dodgy senator?
Sunbow G1 Shockwave — That incompetent Megatron simp. Not actually a scientist?
Marvel G1 Shockwave — The competent backstabber who kept trying to overthrow Megatron. As pre- or post-Regeneration One (where the epilogue gave him, Starscream, and Ravage some kind of offscreen redemption arcs)? If it was post-Regeneration One, Starscream and Ravage could end up there too or are there too many people who aren't Shockwave in this? Not actually a scientist.
TFA Shockwave — Another Megatron simp, but also a shapeshifter. Did he really have a personality in the show or is most of it the fandom filling in? Is he actually a scientist?
Cyberverse Shockwave — I like to think he's actually a beastformer with an alien bug altmode. Accompanied by the spider tank drones?
IDW2 Shockwave — I haven't read, but apparently he's weirdly chaotic and fought in a Cybertron vs eldritch abomination war on the eldritch abomination's side?
Bee Movie Shockwave — Tfwiki says it's the same continuity family as Bayverse but it's obviously not.
Bayverse Shockwave — Accompanied by Driller?
Dreamwave Shockwave — Also haven't read. I think this was the first continuity where he was a scientist.
Netflix Trilogy Shockwave — The powered-up cannibal mode whose eye spontaneously changed color?
Transtech Shockwave — Don't know the guy at all.
Cybertron Shockwave — The one whose name is actually Shockblast and who doesn't act like Shockwave at all, but was only called Shockblast because of copyright issues. Could have Sixshot with him?
Cloud Shockwave — Also don't know the guy at all.
Earthspark Shockwave — They did my boy dirty and the series is still ongoing, but every Shockwave is every Shockwave.
TFP Shockwave — Post-Predacons Rising, accompanied by Ripclaw who was the clone in the tube? I'm thinking about Emperor Kumqyat's analysis video...
I know they canonically are the same, but should i treat TFP as a separate continuity from the WFC games and the other Aligned material because of the characterizational differences TFP had from the games and the Covenant of Primus in regard to Shockwave?
Honestly i think how the tfwiki calls it the aligned continuity family tells us so muchhh
Tfa Shockwave was actually a science! He was working on the Omega Supreme clones that ended up taking after Lugnut! He just was also a spy. I think.
I think? They're calling it Knightverse now? I call it beeverse but that's probably not gonna catch on
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Just when I thought they couldn't do EJ more dirty, I was proven wrong… They really made him look like an "I peaked in high school" character… Was it that hard to show him happy and hopeful? He looked so depressed and stuck in the past. He'll probably be in the last few eps but until then, offscreen, they couldn't have had him figure out his future, so onscreen, we could see him being excited about it? The only good thing I see coming out of this is if he sings Scream bc he seems to still relate to the song. If I were to bet, maybe it would be a duet with Ricky bc in that scene where he talks, he is with Ricky and they both relate to not having a plan for the future. Idk, I won't get my hopes up for that tho… The writers made it pretty clear that they didn't care about EJ…
You're so right about that. He's probably not going to be in most of the season and when he does show up it'll be to give somw advice to ricky or something, about high school being the greatest thing that happened to him. I'm so sad/mad because if EJ is anything, he's a "my life got 100 times better after high school" character, not a "i peaked in high school" kind of character.
I think at this point his purpose was served. He was made to be Nini's bf, and after that Gina' bf, so when he's no longer that, the writers don't know what to do with him. Which is sad because obviously he's much more than that, but from what I've seen it doesn't look like they can appreciate that.
I'm not gonna get my hope up with Scream, they'll most likely give it to ricky.
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Grief in all its Strangeness
Heyyyy so today has not been a great day. I was wondering if you could write something for Merlin or maybe the Avengers about that feeling when someone has died (by suicide, but you can ignore that if you'd like (you can ignore this whole ask if you'd like)) and you didn't actually know them, or even interact with them ever but you crossed paths occasionally and now they're gone and it just feels wrong. And somehow you also feel guilty? Idk. Your stories are always a comfort for me :) – anon
Read on Ao3
Warnings: suicide, one of the knights (not a main character) commits suicide offscreen, it is not shown/recounted but the fic revolves around the grief after the incident
Pairings: gen
Word Count: 2146
One of the knights is dead.
Merlin didn't know it at first; that would explain why he'd barged into Arthur's chambers and been surprised that the Prince was already out of bed—granted, not dressed and out of bed, but out of bed nonetheless—and why Arthur had been even snappier with him than normal. And it wasn't one of those 'fun' snappy moods either, the ones where Arthur's getting a bit overwhelmed with the pressures of being a prince and all that came with it, and he needed to mess around or he'd go insane—Morgana's words, not Merlin's. No, this was one of the moods where Merlin figured out he needed to put his head down and get out before it escalated to one of them saying something they really didn't mean.
He finds out from Lancelot what's happened.
"One of the newest knights was found yesterday," Lancelot says, taking Merlin off to a side corridor where no one ventures often, his hands hidden beneath the swaths of red fabric and his voice too low to tremble, "I imagine the Prince is taking it harder than most."
"Why would Arthur be taking it harder?"
"This knight was one of the youngest Camelot ever trained. And he was found with…" Lancelot's breath stutters and he quickly coughs. "It's quite obvious what he died from. Why he died."
"Oh, no," Merlin mumbles as Lancelot nods solemnly, "I'm—I'm so sorry."
"Thank you," for how could Lancelot not be grieving too? "I—hh. It was a surprise, to be sure. It seemed like he was…well, like he was fine. I suppose we never really know for sure, do we?"
Merlin nods. His head spins with the idea of one of Camelot's knights, his body found by his brothers-in-arms, and then not even able to find the thing that killed him because, well…
"I don't mean to muddy your day with—"
"You're not muddying anything," Merlin interrupts quickly, "I asked, you told me. Thank you. And, um, I'm sorry for your loss too."
Lancelot smiles ruefully, nodding once more and clapping his hand against Merlin's shoulder. As he turns to walk away, Merlin's hand shoots out and grabs his wrist. He stops, turning back, and Merlin swallows.
"You've got me," he says in a rush, "you—you know you've always got me, right?"
Lancelot's brow furrows for a moment, before realization dawns and his mouth opens a few times, trying to form words. Merlin just stares at him, waiting, until another smile forms on his face, sweeter than the last.
"I do," he says, stepping back into Merlin's space and taking Merlin's arm too, "of course, I do."
"Is this—do knights hug, or—?"
And he actually gets Lancelot to chuckle as he opens his arms, letting Merlin give him a hug and whispering another thank you into the space between them before he pulls away. He watches Lancelot walk away, red cloak billowing out behind him, and looks down at his own ruddy hands to see the calluses and blisters that have started to show a similar color.
That does explain why Arthur was in a mood, and despite himself, Merlin feels a pang of sympathy for him. It was one thing to be a knight right now, he supposes, to have lost one of your brothers, but quite another to be the Prince: responsible for his training, for him, and still for the rest, and not able to talk to anyone. For who could Arthur talk to who would listen? The other knights—well, if they could get over the power imbalance between knight and prince, that would be miracle enough. Then there might be those who blame Arthur for the knight's death, or who could be placed in an equally volatile situation. And none of the other nobles would have the same emotional weight that Arthur would, he was the only one who was a knight, who trained and lived and breathed with them.
And the King…
The day Uther Pendragon cares about something, not as an extension of himself, but for it and it alone, Merlin will walk into the lake and never emerge again.
So: who does Arthur have? Well, he has Merlin.
Not that Arthur would ever really admit it, not in front of anyone in any way that matters, but he does have Merlin. And so, Merlin will be there for him, in any way he can.
He orders Arthur's favorite foods from the kitchens for dinner. It's a massive platter—but then again all of Arthur's meals tend to be—and he staggers into the wall a fair few times going up the stairs, but he gets it on the table before Arthur can look up from his desk. He turns his back and picks up another chore before Arthur can see what he's done, scrubbing at a determined spot on Arthur's gauntlet.
He keeps his ears pricked for the pause in the scritch-scratch of Arthur's quill, waiting until he can peek over his shoulder at the scrape of Arthur's chair.
"These are…" Arthur clears his throat. "Thank you."
Merlin hides a smile. "You're welcome. Figured you'd be hungry."
"You saying I'm fat?"
"I'm saying that it must take a lot of energy to do all that work without taking a break."
A soft huff but it's a laugh—he made Arthur laugh, just a little. He looks over his shoulder again and sees the remnants of a smile on Arthur's face as he tucks into his dinner, and he allows his own to bloom again as he goes back to scrubbing at the metal. Arthur's chambers fade back into the quiet sounds of their coexisting as Merlin's hands go bright with exertion, until everything gets suspiciously quiet and he turns just in time to catch a roll of bread flying at his face.
"Thought you looked a bit peckish," Arthur grins, getting up and going back to his desk, and Merlin gnaws off a bite and sweeps the crumbs onto an empty plate.
This…this he can do.
He doesn't order Arthur's favorite every time, but he makes sure he orders the things that he likes. He does his worst chores when Arthur isn't in the room, or at least keeps the obnoxious ones to a minimum and makes deals with the other servants to have them taken care of while they're out during the day. He plays the fool, the jester, the easy target when he needs to, and if he can send Arthur off to bed with a smile more nights than not, he counts that as a win.
It's not…easy to check in on the knights as well, but it's easier than it should be. Arthur trains the knights, after all, and Merlin would be lying if he said he hadn't noticed the way he's being a little softer, a little kinder with them in the wake of the death that's occurred. A few of the senior knights lend themselves to their brothers as well—he sees Lancelot comforting two squires who have tears in their eyes, he sees one of the sword-master's regular demonstration partners speaking softly to a young knight whose hands won't stop trembling, he sees Leon holding who he later learns was the knight's beloved, letting him cry into his shoulder without saying a word.
He happens upon the three of them in the armory later that evening and wordlessly returns with a tankard of the finest wine he can lay his hands on, three goblets, and a small plate of pastries. He doesn't speak to the third knight, but both Leon and Lancelot find him the next day and pass on their thanks. After that, well, it becomes a habit to walk past the armory to see if there's anyone else waiting there.
He's thinking about how many plates of cinnamon pastries he'll have to ask the baker for when Gaius yells in shock and he looks down to see he's burned his hand.
Gaius frets and scolds him for not paying more attention as he carefully wraps up his hand, but Merlin can't stop looking at the red, red, red skin beneath the sickly pale bandages. He doesn't pick at it, but he tugs them down just enough so he can see the bright color again. Arthur gives him a curious look when he sees the wrappings and he mumbles some excuse about being clumsy that Arthur laughs at. He finds himself looking at it throughout the day, the bright red skin.
It is a strange thing to be surrounded by grief.
Merlin didn't know this knight. He didn't know their name—well, he knew their name now, his name was Larkin—he didn't know what he liked to do in his spare time, he didn't know his favorite food, he didn't know what Larkin wanted out of life. And yet as he watches the knights grieve, watches Arthur grieve, his chest fills with a selfish desire to know, so that he might grieve too.
The first time that thought crosses his mind, he balks at it. Who is he to wish for grief? Who is he to want to steal the pain of others and hoist it onto his own shoulders? Is it not enough that he is here for the ones he does know, the ones he does care about, while they grieve in their own ways?
The burn blisters.
He thinks of Larkin, cold in the middle of the night. He thinks of his body on a smoldering pyre. He thinks of the acrid smoke in his throat and eyes. He thinks of Freya at the bottom of an endless ocean.
He thinks of his own shaking hands, red and blistered, and spends a thoughtless night awake and alone in the dark, staring unseeing at his own grief.
Distantly, he realizes that this is selfish too, in its own way. If he should mourn, should he not mourn this loss? Why is he mourning a loss that could only be his own, when he could make his suffering communal? But he could no more wish his own grief away than he could unburn his hand, which aches and itches under the bandages as it glows red and warm. He thinks of the strange numbness in his gut when he sees the knights grieve, and of the burning guilt in his chest that no one else shares his.
He lets Gaius change his bandages and goes up to Arthur's chambers.
When he opens the door, Leon and Lancelot up from their seats at the table and he instantly turns, going to fetch the mead, the ale, the wine, but Arthur's voice stops him.
"Merlin, come sit."
Merlin sits. Leon looks at him for a moment, then down to his hand, and holds out his own. After a moment, Merlin lets him have it, the other clenching in his lap at the twinges as Leon examines the burn.
"Nasty thing," he says quietly, "how did it happen?"
"Wasn't paying attention. Got distracted."
Leon hums, looking back up, but he doesn't let go of his hand. Merlin's brow furrows, mouth opening to ask what's happening, when there comes a knock at the door. On instinct, he rises to answer, but Leon's hold keeps him seated as Lancelot goes instead. He returns with a platter of baked apples, still slightly bubbling, and Merlin's eyes widen. Over the last of the steam, he sees Arthur smile just a little, coming to sit across from him. He feels Lancelot's hand settle in the crook of his shoulder, still slightly warm from handling the platter.
"We're here for you too," he says softly, and Merlin's eyes fill with unshed tears.
Arthur's chair scrapes across the floor. His boots thud as he rounds the table and strong hands pull Merlin up from the chair and into a solid chest. The wind leaves him at the sudden rush of solidwarmArthur around him and the gasp jars the tears from his eyes. The last thing he smells before his nose closes is the slightly toasted spice of the apples and the faint trace of polish from Arthur's armor. Arthur's chin hooks over his shoulder.
"Go on," he murmurs, "it's okay."
Grief is still strange to Merlin. Comfort doesn't have to be.
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noddytheornithopod · 9 months
So I have seen through to the end of Master Detective Archives: Rain Code, so time to post random spoilery thoughts
First of all... I quickly figured out the Homunculi twist. Especially when I saw the meat buns being made. I did jokingly suggest weeks ago maybe they’re made of Homunculi or something... I just got who is eating who wrong. Now if you’ll excuse me, if I see anywhere offering meat buns, it’s gonna be a while before I feel okay trying them.
I also had a feeling Makoto was running this totalitarian city to protect the Homunculi. Interesting that even while many of the cases don’t have more sympathetic culprits, we actually have our central antagonist be someone with sympathetic motives.
This is of course a spiritual successor to Danganronpa, but it especially follows up on V3′s themes, so it’s even more a spiritual successor to that game specifically. V3 ended on a more ambiguous and existential note, but probably because the stuff they were dealing with in that climax was more abstract and well less applicable to real life. I do kind of prefer that still, but I do like what Rain Code ended up doing even if comes to a somewhat different conclusion to V3 (truth being more subjective/the idea of emotional truth vs there’s one truth even if it sucks and we just have to choose how to face it, again I think the difference comes down to V3 exploring the idea of fiction itself and why we tell and care about stories, so different scenarios). Still, wonder if this is Kodaka just exploring different ideas, or if there’s an evolution in his thinking going on here.
Oh yeah, speaking of Danganronpa, the pink blood aesthetic choice becomes an actual plot point cuz that’s now Homunculi blood. I have a feeling there’s already lots of wild crack theories about how the Danganronpa universe is now populated with Homunculi or something, lol. That being said, it could be a fancy way for Team Danganronpa to keep making a cast for more seasons... okay okay stop Noddy
When the other Master Detectives died, I thought it was pretty anticlimactic. It was a relief to see they were alive not just because I wanted them to be (even resident fuckboy Desuhiko), but because if they just unceremoniously died offscreen like that, it would’ve been extremely underwhelming (seriously, at least Halara would’ve made it out, there weren’t THAT many Homunculi in one place, Makoto :v).
I’m really happy we ended with a nonviolent solution - reaping the souls of murderers was no fun and clearly took a toll on Yuma. I’m sure some people are gonna be rolling their eyes because IDK Steven Universe made them allergic to villain redemption stories (also Steven Universe is one of the best cartoons in recent memory and its unique take on justice is a positive, shut up don’t @ me). I’ll still need to think about how this progressed overall and if Yuma could’ve been challenged even more, but I like that it ends with Yuma deciding “no I’m going to spare you because you helping everyone will benefit more”, and IDK he probably also empathises with Makoto cuz y’know he’s basically a clone of him so he understands how he thinks.
Not surprised Makoto was a Homunculus, nor was I at the Yuma connection, but I didn’t quite expect Yuma being Number One. Like, it’s not THAT surprising when you think about it, but it’s not something I was actively thinking about, especially since well... look at him! He’s a fucking baby! How is HE in charge of the world’s most important detective organisation??? Look I know he’s actually like 19 or some shit and character design means fuck all for ages in these Spike Chunsoft/Too Kyo games but you certainly could’ve fooled me.
I felt more with Shinigami than I expected, especially when they said goodbye. Like, it actually makes me see their previous interactions differently. Was Shinigami this rough and rude all the time just so that she wouldn’t let Yuma be attached to her, and thus making vice versa unlikely? Was she TRYING to be unlikeable just so that when the time came for their pact to end (and well it has to, he was using her to solve the big mystery), saying goodbye would be easier? Also to actually see some growth from her too surprised me, always insisting he should learn to be self reliant and stuff (obviously not noticing the hypocrisy lol) but then realising Yuma’s strength was that he could trust others and work with them (and like, that’s the whole point of the coalescence Forte, it’s that trait manifested into an actual ability). I had a feeling the game was going here along with its truth vs lies thing, but it’s nice to be vindicated.
I think there’s certainly stuff to analyse from a socio-political aspect too. I will say that it is kinda bullshit to say there’s objectively a smartest human, and all the weird eugenics-y stuff that came from that (though let’s be real, the Unified Government and Amaterasu might as well be doing eugenics, trying to find “ideal” specimens to grow Homunculi from). Okay, that aside, so the idea for creating immortal humanoids was... for military purposes. Yeah, seeing how much governments would rather invest in the military industrial complex than helping people, that tracks. I do wonder if there’s any influence from Japanese issues too, because I am aware that the Japanese government has been militarising more over the past years despite appearing “pacifist”. I also am sure one could find allegories with Homunculi, like they definitely feel like they would’ve just been eliminated in whatever way they could if Makoto didn’t intervene and blackmail the government. But the idea of a bunch of what might as well be sick/diseased people waking up after a massive disaster... part of me wonders if there’s any Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombing parallels that could be drawn. I don’t know enough about what happened to make any solid comments, but I do wonder if there’s something here, or allegories one could draw to anything else. Also yes yes of course we still technically have Amaterasu Corp in charge and yes okay Makoto did change but the anarchist in me is still kind of shaking my fist that they’re still run by a corporation lol. At least there’s referendums now so maybe they’re slowly trying to break it down and decentralise it? That’s just wishful thinking though, I have no clue what the politics of the people at Too Kyo and Spike Chunsoft are, lol.
So there’s probably gonna be more in this series, I wonder if we’ll follow a different detective in each entry? I think it would be tiring for Yuma to keep making pacts with Shinigami and then forgetting her after each game, lol.
This might be recency bias but I got serious Star Wars Rebels vibes from the end. Yuma fucking disappearing on everyone, and the girl close to him going “I’m gonna find him someday” and going on a big journey to do that? Yeah. All we need is IDK a Danganronpa character popping up to fill in the Ahsoka role (though honestly I’d prefer the universes be separate for now, I’m just joking around). :P
Okay so we’ve figured out stuff like how Homunculi can eat without needing to consume human flesh (yay for not just excessively executing criminals), but what about all the “dead” ones? Are we going to figure out a solution for them so they don’t stay in that zombie state forever? They’re basically immortal because even after “dying” the artificial cells regenerate into something technically alive. Look, if they’ve made skin cream to protect them from that deadly UV radiation, they might eventually find something too.
Also are they functionally immortal? Like, I think they said they don’t age because they look as when the DNA was taken, but what about all the kids and stuff? Do they ever grow up? Do those girls in that cutthroat all girls high school (which is now hopefully less cutthroat now they’re not isolated and don’t need to carry the entertainment industry in Kanai Ward lol) have to go there forever? I guess they can graduate, but what if you’re eternally a teenager? Do they just stop growing once they reach maturity like humans? I have too many questions.
Can Homunculi reproduce? What happens when they get busy? What if say Kurumi and Yuma decide to settle down one day assuming all goes well, what happens if a human and a homunculi want kids? Can half-homunculi exist? I’m asking too many questions, lol.
Anyway, had a blast checking this out. I don’t think it will ever be what Danganronpa was for me, those games got into a really unique part of me, but overall I did like most of what we got here. Now if only they’d release it on more than the goddamn Switch...
More thoughts post OP:
So the humanoid race who fears the Sun and risks going berserk reminds me of what I’ve heard about I am Legend/The Omega Man, especially the idea of treating the supposed monsters as sympathetic and having humanity too? Would track for Kodaka and all his pop culture references.
I also like the implicit commentary on the prison systems. Like taking criminals and turning them into food? Yeah, I bet the prison industrial complex would try that if they could get away with it. :V Resident fascist Yomi is of course the embodiment of the Law and Order criminal punishment ideas. But yeah, stuff like Yuma deciding not to just reap Makoto’s soul, the guilt of reaping the murderer’s souls in general, etc does track because I think even Danganronpa has themes like this when you think about it, with Monokuma’s eye for an eye mentality. But yeah, even with endings where people seem to be more cooperative with society, and are trying to rehabilitate or redeem people seems to be a thing here, not just with Makoto but Martina too. Granted, it seems the Peacekeepers still exist from what I can tell, but whatever, you can’t win them all. :v
Once again gotta love how in the end despite all the crude humour and edginess, Kodaka at his heart is a sentimental softie in his work, lol.
There’s a lot of angst you could do with Homunculi killing their human counterparts, eg Kurumi killing her grandfather. On a similar note, sequel idea if they go there: survivors of The Blank Week Incident who escaped Kanai Ward who are convinced Homunculi are dangerous and want to eliminate them, even thinking they “stole” their lives? Maybe even reveal Kurumi’s grandfather survived, he wouldn’t have to face his duplicate so that dilemma would be gone, but the dilemma of facing his granddaughter who thinks and feels exactly as she did her human progenitor but also isn’t and possibly killed her?
So Makoto taking over Amaterasu... good intentions to try and save everyone, but even if it focuses more on the whole creating mysteries aspect at least in the dialogue, there’s something to be said in what a monster he became in the name of these good things. Almost like you can’t just elect the right people to fix what is already a system designed to screw us over, hmm... yeah, see this is why I wish something more radical happened to Amaterasu at the end, lol. The seeds for it are there! Also him saying he’d be fine with Yomi’s totalitarianism as long as he didn’t try to expose Homunculi to other researchers and thus the outside world? I didn’t think about it much initially because I was more focused on how despite everything he did it all started from a good place, but damn, he really did get fucked up. Being afraid and alone is one massive bitch.
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Just when I thought they couldn't do EJ more dirty, I was proven wrong… They really made him look like an "I peaked in high school" character… Was it that hard to show him happy and hopeful? He looked so depressed and stuck in the past. He'll probably be in the last few eps but until then, offscreen, they couldn't have had him figure out his future, so onscreen, we could see him being excited about it? The only good thing I see coming out of this is if he sings Scream bc he seems to still relate to the song. If I were to bet, maybe it would be a duet with Ricky bc in that scene where he talks, he is with Ricky and they both relate to not having a plan for the future. Idk, I won't get my hopes up for that tho… The writers made it pretty clear that they didn't care about EJ…
no because i’m laughing. why does he look like he spent the last four months in the wilderness. (me personally i’m a fan of scruff on matt so i’m okay with it but it’s still sooooo)
like idk man making it seem like he loved high school and had a family there and can never find something better,,, that’s just not true? that is only true for like maybe his last semester of senior year. before then he was so worried about social status and sports and grades like. they’re fr just making things up.
but yessss scream duet !! im a big fan of caswen singing scream together i think it would be so good. they both could use it i think. just two bros being dudes singing about their daddy issues, what’s better than that.
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likehandlingroses · 11 months
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@sensicalabsurdities 💖 you will regret this!
so in season 6, there’s a set-up where Emma gets taken into an alternate universe where she was never the Savior. So of course she’s a princess, the Evil Queen was defeated, etc—and one of the plots is that Hook just became a washed-up, pathetic man. And it was sort of played for laughs, but it was also very much “see how he never found love/happiness bc he didn’t find you?”
So when season 7 started, Jennifer Morrison chose not to renew her contract, so Emma was written out. But the show did not want to lose Colin O’Donoghue as Hook. So they did some hand waving, and Wish! Realm Hook was suddenly a real character, who existed alongside the others. This allowed Hook to effectively be on the show, while keeping OG! Hook safely offscreen with Emma.
But now Wish! Hook isn’t as funny as presented in s6-–we find out he has a daughter, and his heart is cursed so he can never see his daughter again. He has searched the realms for True Love to break it, and it’s never happened. So he gets invited by our heroes to join up with them, and maybe they can figure it out together.
So!! meanwhile—again through some hand wavy things—Rumple (OG! Rumple) has lived a whole lifetime with Belle after finally overcoming his Issues, and now he’s looking to break his curse once and for all so he is not burdened by immortality.
Along the way, Rumple meets Wish! Hook’s daughter, who is named Alice. They immediately get along super well, and want to help each other, which her dad does Not Like (because he believes The Crocodile—any version—always has ulterior motives).
But then Rumple proves he genuinely cares about Alice and her happiness over his own, prompting a tentative friendship between himself and Wish! Hook.
There’s also curse—of course—which makes Hook and Rumple both detectives in Seattle. Detective Weaver (Rumple’s cursed persona) is a leather/denim kind of guy, as opposed to the suits Mr. Gold always wore.
Rumple—of course—wakes up from the curse earlier than almost anyone else, and he spends a good portion of the rest of the season looking out for Hook and Alice and bringing them together.
And the show ends with Rumple breaking both of their curses simultaneously by putting his heart into Wish! Hook’s body. Which idk, I guess everyone can decide for themselves what that means!!
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caatws · 11 months
Doesnt seeing and understanding mean two different things? Like if she sees it she feels it? I am not saying she is necessarily in love but to at least like him like him you know?
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answering these together since they’re like the Same
idk if y’all are understanding my point rly? and i’m not sure how else to say it…like you can definitely *logically* and *objectively* understand how you could do something, under different life circumstances, without wanting to do it or even doing it yourself. gamora can see and understand that if her life had gone differently, specifically in the way she knows original gamora’s life went, she could be happy with peter/the gotg/etc, even if she herself does not wish to pursue that at that very moment. whether or not the way her life has gone differently and where’s it brought her now would allow her to arrive at the same place original gamora is something she’ll have to figure out for herself, presumably offscreen post-vol 3 and thus depending on our own personal interpretation. gunn seems to personally believe this is where gamora and peter’s paths divert and maybe won’t intersect in the same exact way they did before (romantically) again
for me, personally, i can see gamora being interested to get to know peter more and maybe pursue something with him after where the story ends (and i would love that!) but that isn’t necessarily a guarantee or objective, canon fact
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wolfcrunch · 2 years
I was thinking maybe Monoma could be the one to heal Bakugo (like he happened to have some kind of healing quirk copied, maybe they figured out how Eri's quirk works offscreen and he was able to copy that?? idk) but ofc the catch would be that he'd have to turn off the erasure quirk, so it would be incredibly risky and not just an easy deus ex
no way monoma heals him unfortunately unless he went through some sort of awakening... eri's quirk is in part a stockpile of sorts, and monoma can't properly copy quirks with that kind of stockpile/stored resource component (iirc he uses fatgum's quirk as an example as to why he can't use eri's).
he even says that his quirk is incompatible with those kinds of quirks, since he copies at the base form (so even if he copied eri's quirk, he would have it at its base without any stockpile, rendering it useless)... and in general, letting monoma turn off erasure in order to heal bkg would be a dumb move anyway, right now its the only thing holding shigaraki back...
monoma lets erasure go and it wont matter cus they'll all be dead or mortally wounded anyway
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bdslab · 4 months
Currently trying to figure out what happened to Cockroach that makes him feel kinda… less like a gross bug in Sallie and Où est donc Arabesque Idk he’s still got bug energies in that he is somehow still kicking but he could’ve been worse in both stories? The fact that in Sallie his superiors gave him a job to do and were HAPPY with him??? What happened to his random Yeking while losing his mind at the prospect of murder I’m just saying he used to go into a blind desire to end Blutch & Chesterfield’s lives to the extent his peers are like “wtf dude stop” but this is simply not a thing in either of those more recent stories What happened to the guy who heard Blutch say a sentence to him and then immediately jumped down a tree throwing apples at him because that’s the nearest thing he could grab I’m not sure if he recognized Arabesque or not… I could try reading closer into it to see if there was something I missed. But god he could’ve done worse. Not saying he should’ve, the writing was great, just that he used to be a shittier man… what happened to him offscreen Or maybe it was onscreen Idk I don’t read them in order.
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