#like lando and all his mechanics but something more about those two
f1-birb · 9 months
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something something a boy and his mechanics who love him so very much
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norrisleclercf1 · 10 months
Just The Beginning
Pairing: Lando Norris x Reader
Words: 2.2K
Requested: Yes / No
Request: Hey! First of all i love your writing like every time you post I go WILD anyways.. I’ve been thinking a lot about kind of a prequel to the mini lando series in which Lando and reader have been trying for a baby but haven’t been successful and as they loose hope, reader gets sick so lando goes to the pharmacy to get reader some medicine and when reader wakes up he calls him like “maybe bring a pregnancy test too” and lando is like “omgomgomg it can’t be” and he gets like super excited and anxious and everyone at the pharmacy is like “first time?” Anyways, turns out reader is finally pregnant with Aiden?!! 😭😭😭
Rating: R because of difficult topics
Warnings: Difficultly getting pregnant, losing hope, feeling of failure and not good enough, relationship difficulties, ANGST, fluff, I'm sure there are more warnings, please read this carefully if you have trouble reading this topic
Synopsis: Lando and you have wanted to be parents for the longest time, but maybe it just wasn't meant to be
Mini Lando / New Addition / Mini Lando Masterlist
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"Lando, don't get your hopes up." Hands placed over your mouth as you watch the timer on your phone. Lando nods, but you can't miss the excited smile he tries so hard to hide. 
"I won't. I promise." You refuse to look at the white and blue test on the counter before you two. Three years married, Carlos and Charles having children, and the two of you getting baby fever a year ago have two of you trying to have your own children. "Lando, stop." You snap, placing your hand on your husband's bouncing leg. 
"Sorry." He stops, rubbing sweaty hands on his jeans. He knew you didn't mean to snap, but the tension was intense after multiple negative tests and tears. The shrieking beeps of the timer have you jumping, head dropping as you can't look at the test. "Want me to look?" Lando's voice held no excitement. 
"Please." Standing, he grabs the test. How was he to tell you it was negative again? It was already a thought in your mind that you might have problems. "It's negative, isn't it?" Lando turns, your red eyes boring into his sad ones. "That's okay, though. We can try again." He places the test down, reaching for you. 
You stand, leaving the bathroom, heading to your office, and slamming the door. Lando flinches, hearing the soft echoes of your cries. He wanted nothing more than to hold you, yet for the past three months, you shoved him away every time that negative popped up. Sliding down the counter, he buries his head in his arms, his own tears slipping down his face. 
Wiping his face, he sniffles and stands, heading to your office. "Y/n, please open the door." He begs, just wanting to hold his wife. "Go away!" You scream something thumping on the door. "Okay." Lando whimpers out. "I'm going to.....I'm going for a driver. I'll be back." You let out a chest-rattling gasp hearing the soft thuds of him walking away. 
You don't know when you stopped crying. The feeling of being hollow was all you could make out. Lando was still not back; you wouldn't blame him if he never returned. He wanted to be a father so badly, and while you could give him everything, you couldn't give him this. Lando wanted to talk to you, but you couldn't voice those dark thoughts you kept having. 
How could you tell the love of your life you felt like a failure? The man who loved you more than driving that he should leave you and find someone else who could give him children. The terror that gripped you at the possibility of Lando doing that left you sick. The empty promises you two whispered to one another, the baby names, the pictures of the future that were slowly slipping away. 
The mechanical whirl of the garage door opening gets you moving. Heading back to the bathroom, you throw the test away just for it to join the rest of those false hopes and dreams. The garage door opens and closes with keys jingling as you clean your face. You plaster a look of calm. You mastered the look and act of you're fine. 
"Baby?" Lando's voice carries through the house, drawing you out of the bedroom. "I'm here." A loud sigh as he rounds the corner. Those doubts rile up hearing that sigh. Was he sighing because you're still here? Because he came home? Regretting marrying you? "Hi." His soft smile greets you. 
"Sorry about earlier. I need to start dinner." Lando watches as you sidestep him, heading straight for the kitchen. "Forget dinner. Let's go out, get some fresh air." Closing your eyes, you try hard to clamp down on the anxiety that creeps into your bones. "No, I want to stay home. I'm tired." Lando nods, swallowing hard as he walks away. He always walked away, never wanting to fight with you anymore. 
He was giving up. Lando would leave you soon, and you don't blame him. You failed. 
Dinner and the house were silent for the rest of the day. 
"She refuses to talk to me." Carlos hums, sipping his beer as the two watch Y/n play with little Santiago. "Have you tried therapy?" Lando bristles, as mentioned. "If she would talk to me, Carlos, I would mention it." He hisses, tearing the label off his beer. 
"Don't get snappy with me. You two are made for one another, and this is just a....rough patch." Carlos smiles, waving at his little boy, who Y/n bounces, talking to Carlos's wife. "This isn't a rough patch Carlos. She wants children, and I....I can't even give her them." Carlos's smile fades, turning to look at his dearest friend. 
"Have you two ever been to a fertility clinic? Tested? Anything?" Carlos knew what Lando was like. If anything went wrong, he put all the blame on him. It doesn't matter if it's an outside force. It was automatically his fault. "No, I'm terrified to mention it. What if she feels like, I'm placing all the blame on her?" Lando pulls his eyes away from you, and you look so damn happy. 
For the first time in 4 months since that day in the bathroom, you looked like a shell of yourself. Holding Santi, you look alive. "Lando, you two clearly haven't been talking. Talk to your wife, and I know it's terrifying. But, what if you never talk, and this breaks the both of you?" Lando shakes his head no. "No, no, that's not possible." Carlos sighs, patting him on his shoulder.  
"Did you have a good talk with Carlos?" Lando jumps, hearing your voice as he drives the two of you home. "What? Oh, yeah, it was fine." Lando shrugs, and you sigh. Carlos's wife had told you to start small and that it was best to start a conversation with your husband. "What'd you talk about?" Lando cringes at the question, not wanting to talk about it. 
"Nothing, just the upcoming season and all that." You nod your head, anger bubbling in your chest at him, avoiding the conversation. "Nothing? Did you talk about nothing for the entire day?" Your husband's eyes slide over to you, the anger evident in your voice. "No, we didn't talk about nothing the entire day. But you wouldn't know that as you refuse to talk to me." Lando snaps, and you blink, shocked at his raised tone. 
"Refuse to talk to you? I'm always talking to you, Lando! You're the one who refuses to even look at me!" Lando adjusts himself in his seat, trying to calm himself down. "Really? Really? Y/n, the last time we had a real fucking conversation was the morning you took that test. After that day, you refuse to let me touch you. I can't even approach the topic without you shutting down. My wife is gone and refuses to let me help, much less know the problem." Lando slams the car into park as you stare at him, shocked at this anger. 
"I'm furious with you, dammit!" Lando throws the door open, storming to the front door as you follow, watching him reach a specific door. "Don't you dare go in there!" You scream, trying to stop him, but he throws you off. "Don't!" He throws it open as you stare at the empty room, with only one object in the middle. 
"You can't even walk in here. This is our baby's room, and you keep that door closed. Why? What is it that you can't talk to me anymore? I'm your husband, and we've......do you not love me anymore? We haven't had sex in months; tell me that you blame me. I know you think it's my fault. Say it!" He screams at you pounding his chest as you stare at one another, crying. 
"Blame you? Blame you!" You laugh, stepping foot into the nursery Lando built and decorated himself for the first time. "You want to be a father so damn bad! Do you know what it's like to hold Santi or Anthoine when we're with our friends? To see that look in your eyes and then the one of disappointment when you look at me?" As you step deeper into the room, you wipe the tears from your eyes. "Every damn test, that look grows with more hatred, and I know you hate me. I'm the wife that is failing at giving you children, Lando. I'm the reason why!" You laugh. 
"I don't blame you, Lando." Spitting out the words, you stand inches from one another. "I'm scared I'll wake up one day, and you're gone. You left me because I'm a failure as a wife for not giving you children. I'm terrified that....that." Lando stops you, hugging you tightly as you collapse in his arms. "I don't think you're a failure. You are the strongest person I know, Y/n." Hearing those words, you gasp out loud as you cry loudly. 
"I love you, and we will have children. One day. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but we will have children one day." 
One Year Later
Therapy was going well for the two of you, and you could finally talk about everything. Lando how he felt he was to blame and not good enough. You, how you felt like a failure and that Lando would leave you. Everyone could see the change in your relationship, how you both looked lighter and happier. Your therapist suggested taking a break from trying to have children, and you did. 
The two of you talked of the pressure it put on both of you, that it was a weight on your chest. Lando agreed that waiting would be best, and if the two try again, talk to a specialist first. Traveling around the world and just enjoying yourselves as well was communicating was important now. The nursery door was kept shut, but you added small things here and there. 
Except right now, you've been bedridden with the flu. Everything smelled horrible, and the food tasted gross. You've been throwing up and just wanting Lando next to you the only time you've felt a semblance of being your healthy self. "I'm going to the pharmacy. Be back." Lando whispers as you wave him off. You can't do another day like this. 
Laying in bed, you can only think everything over for the past month. Month. Maybe it was your period, you've never really had to go through this often, but it did happen. Except..... 
Eye flying open, you scramble to grab your phone calling Lando. "What, is something wrong?" Lando's panicked voice fills your ear after the 2nd ring. "No, um...you remember last month when we got a little careless?" Lando chuckles, the memories very clear as he thinks about you and where he- "Wait? Do you think?" Lando's eyes widen as he tries so hard not to get excited. 
"I...I don't know. Pick one up. Please." Lando agrees as a soft ding of the pharmacy lets the workers know someone has walked in. "Hi, can I get some anti-nausea meds and a pregnancy test?" He can't help the giant smile that fills his face. The lovely older lady behind the counter smiles at him. "First time, sweetie?" He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. 
"Kinda? I mean....this is." She raises her hand, stopping his stutters. "I understand; I hope it all goes well." Lando slaps the money on the counter and rushes off with a wave. Running home, no need to announce he's back as you're there grabbing the test. 
And here you are again, sitting on the same tub ledge. Watching the seconds tick by, the same hope and feelings of doubt cover you both. Neither of you says anything, both jumping out of your skin at the shrieking timer. 
Reaching for the test, Lando snaps your hand down. Holding it. "Wait, just wait." He breathes, staring at you. "Whatever it says, it doesn't matter. It's not my fault nor yours. We're not failures, and we will have children one day. It doesn't matter how or when, but we will love them no matter what. And I'll love you until I die. Okay?" You nod, swallowing as you stand, grabbing the test. 
Your hands start to shake as tears begin to fall; Lando sighs. "Hey, it's okay. We should make that appointment, huh?" He laughs, trying to lighten the mood as you shake your head no. "It's positive." You whisper, his head snapping up, not believing your words. "What?" Standing up, you laugh, showing him the test. "It's positive." You repeat as he covers your shaking hand, trying to read the test. 
"It's positive? It's positive!" He laughs, scooping you up as he spins you around. The two of you laugh and cry. "We're going to be parents," Lando whispers, holding you close. "We're going to be parents." You repeat, neither of you believing this; Lando giggling. "Aiden." You pull back, confused why he'd say that name. "Aiden, if it's a boy, Odette if it's a girl." You smile, kissing your husband gently. 
"It's perfect." He nods, hand lying on your stomach. "I will love you for the rest of my life. You have no idea how loved you already are." 
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leclercings · 2 months
Adrenaline Rush | Lando Norris x Reader
Genre: Blurb
Pairing: Lando Norris x wife!Reader
A/N: another request! This is the first time I've written something about actually driving a car and the race. Apologies for any mistakes.
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tagged f1
liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, georgerussell63, and others
yourusername: It has been a tough journey, but worth it. Thank you to everyone who supported me. All those ups and downs- what a rollercoaster. Can't believe I have the honour of being the first female driver to win the World Championship, and I couldn't have done it without my family, my team, and most importantly, Lando, my sweetheart.
view 5423 comments
landonorris: congratulations babe!
↳yourusername: I love you!
oscarpiastri: congratulations!
susie_wolff: well deserved!
racerbia: what an icon!!
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“What the fuck was that?” You scream in the radio as you exit the pit lane.
Adrenaline surging high, twenty more laps to go. Yas Marina hasn't been your favourite circuit but it's the last one, and you're pushing towards the world championship.
You and Max have a difference of just a few points, and if you win today- you will be the first female driver who has won the world championship.
There's a lot of pressure.
You drop down to fifth in the grid, with your teammate, Charles ahead of you.
“Charles will make the way for you.” You hear on the radio as your overtake Charles.
Sitting in a F1 car, driving at the speed of 220mph, all you can hear is the sound of the engine over your own breath.
It's super hot. You can feel your body burning and sweat trickling down your face.
You push the car a little more to see Lando ahead of you.
“Two tenths of a second to catch up with Lando.”
“Copy.” You reply.
You're in the DRS zone of Turn 7. You push yourself as much as you can. Lando defends his position, but you're determined. With a few milliseconds you find yourself ahead of him.
“Good job, mate.” You hear on the radio.
You've climbed up to third. Ahead of you are Max and Checo.
“Checo will be pitting in this lap.”
Checo goes in the pitlane and you climb up to the second place.
A few laps later, you see the yellow flag.
“Hope… everyone's okay…” You breathe heavily in the radio.
“Yes. Debris at Turn 13.”
Everyone slows down. You can see Max right in front of you. This is your chance.
A lap later, you can see the safety car moving.
The race is about to begin again.
You take a deep breath in, ready to push yourself to the maximum.
Green flag waves and you accelerate the car. Max is in front of you, defending really well.
You’re about to reach Turn 7, ready to overtake Max. You try to go into the left corner and he comes ahead, and then you push yourself a little more before overtaking him at the edge of the track.
You whisper a silent thank you.
“Well done, mate.”
Max tries to take his position back. But you stand firm.
You're defending really well so far. You focus on building up a race pace.
It's the last lap of the race.
You've been warned that Max is behind you, trying to overtake.
You push a little further, and you can almost see him coming to the right but you accelerate the car and within a few milliseconds you're ahead of him, just as the chequered flag waves.
“Congratulations!” You hear on the radio.
“Oh my god.” You scream.
You can hear cheers in the background.
You slow the car down.
You won.
You freaking won.
You see Max sliding up next to you, giving you a thumbs up. You respond back with a thumbs up.
You take the car towards the podium area where the Ferrari mechanics are waiting for you.
You park the car, getting out and standing up on it.
“Yes,” you shout loudly as you take your helmet off.
You see Max and Lando coming from behind.
You smile at Lando, before he runs towards you and kisses you.
You won. And your husband stands third.
“I love you, babe.” You tell him and he smiles at you.
You wave at the audience as you walk up the podium right next to your husband. There are cheers. Everybody is super proud.
You're the World Champion for 2023- an inspiration for every girl out there. People like you set an example that dreams can be achieved, so don't be afraid to dream big.
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f1goat · 7 months
more than friends + lando norris x part five
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In which your best friend wants to help you so you get more sexual experience, but he discovers quickly that he never wants to share you and your new sexual experience with others.
masterlist - playlist
warnings: smut with a plot or a plot with smut? :) minors dni! i never proofread so probably grammar or spelling errors
requested: yes, based on: something with a driver sister that’s still a virgin & lando (her bestfriend) suggests to teach her things (ofc pretending for it to bot mean anything), while he’s actually in love with her
part one / part two / part three / part four
You can’t help yourself and stare at Lando, just like a lot of others are doing right now. He’s absolutely glowing and taking in the attention he’s getting. After his deleted lap time from yesterday, he came back stronger then ever. Right now he’s standing on the podium claiming his well deserved trophy for the second place in the race. You smile while staring at him. Podiums look good on him. Insanely good. 
“You did so good!” You almost scream when Lando comes to you later day afternoon. He’s still glowing from his podium. You can smell the faint odor from the champagne. You wonder about kissing Lando, will you taste it then? Lando doesn’t talk at first, he just hugs you. You continue to praise him in the mean time. 
“You know what this means, right baby?” Lando eventually whispers into your ear. You think back at his words from yesterday. Is he serious? “I want you to get into my drivers room, so I can get my celebration right after debriefing,” Lando tells you. 
You feel your cheeks heating up and reddening. Fuck. 
“Can you wait there for me babygirl?” Lando asks you. You can only nod as response, if you even knew what to say right now you’re sure the words would get lost on your tongue. Lando makes things even worse by pressing a kiss against your forehead. You wish you could feel his lips on yours right now, but you’re fully aware of all the cameras around you. Tomorrow - or maybe this afternoon already - you will see this fragment of your life all over your socials. 
Lando walks away from you. You know what to do now. Lando was clear about his wishes, and who are you to deny them from him? Without giving it a second thought, you walk towards the McLaren motorhome. It’s not hard to get into Lando his drivers room, probably because everyone around you knows who you are. Instead of talking to the mechanics who are still here instead of getting ready to party, you walk directly towards Lando his drivers room. They let you. 
In Lando his drivers room you suddenly start to feel a bit nervous. What does Lando expect from you? He made his wishes clear yesterday and today. Apparently he wants to eat you out? The thought alone makes you feel more nervous. Although you have no idea why. Lando is probably pretty good at it, so it will be more of a celebration for you then him. Right? Maybe it’s the thought of Lando coming this close to your private parts. What if they don’t look good enough? You try to shake off those thoughts. 
You know that a debrief can cost some time, so you try to kill the time by scrolling on your socials. You like every post about Lando his podium. When you see a notification from Lando popping up on your screen, you almost drop your phone on the floor. Is he serious?
Lando: 5 minutes babe
Lando: maybe you can already lose some clothes ;)
The thought of waiting for Lando while being in your lingerie only - or maybe even naked, makes you feel all kind of things. Your stomach is tightening by only the thought already. You don’t even realize that you’re already kicking of your sneakers. It feels like everything is happening on some sort of automatic pilot. You don’t even think about the possibility of other people walking in to this room. Even though the possibility is kinda high. You don’t care about things like that right now. In no time is the floor covered in the clothes you were wearing earlier. The only thing left on your body is your lingerie. It’s a black set, nothing to exciting, but it does look nice. You doubt a bit if you want to keep it on or off. Eventually you decide to take it off as well. 
Thank god for the warm weather today, because you’re already shivering from only the thought that Lando can come in any second. It feels weird to wait here for him while being naked. You realize that Lando never saw you naked before. All the cons are weighting up, but you can’t stop thinking about Lando finding you like this. Will this be what he expected? Or will this be a surprise for him? 
When the door opens you start to feel extremely aware of your surroundings and your own bareness. You’re relieved when you see that Lando is the one to open the door. He is quick to close the door when he sees you waiting for him. After that he’s even quicker to get towards you. 
Lando can’t tear his eyes away from you. He realizes that he’s staring and that there’s a chance that it makes you feel uncomfortable right now. But he really can’t look away from you. He never saw you like this before. All the things that happened between the two of you before, happened with you in clothes. He can’t say he didn’t imagine about your body before, but in some way it’s even more beautiful then he already thought. He lets his gaze go over every small detail of your body. 
He looks at your breasts and notices the way your nipples resemble small pebbles. He wants nothing more then to shower them in kisses right now. He wants to take your nipple into his mouth until he felt the hardness of it on his tongue, only to switch over to your other nipple after that. He lets his stare slide towards your most private part. You’re sitting with your legs crossed over each other, causing him to imagine the way your pussy will look. 
It can’t be right that you’re without a doubt the girl who has the most impact on him. Seeing you like this has made him rock hard in only seconds. His dick is throbbing painfully. He remembers himself that this is about you - and not about him. You’re the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, with and without clothes.
You feel uncomfortable when Lando doesn’t say anything. Was it a mistake to undress this far already? When you start to think about questioning him about it, Lando lets out a soft sound. You look at him. Lando is still taking in your body. You notice that he’s looking at you full with adoration, or are you making that up? 
Lando comes closer and closer to you. When he’s finally close enough, he eagerly puts his mouth onto your lips. He gives you a soft peck on the lips before moving the two of you towards the couch in the drivers room. Lando pulls you onto his lap, instead of normally this time he makes sure you face him. He doesn’t want your body to get out of his sight right now. 
He presses a kiss against your neck. “Fucking hell babygirl,” he finally mutters. Then he presses another kiss against your body, this time it’s to your collarbone. “I didn’t expect to walk into you being naked already,” Lando continues to say to you, “Such a beautiful surprise,” he adds before pressing his lips against your body again. He presses multiple kisses against your body, at first closely to your collarbone again but after a bit he moves his lips down. He’s getting close to your breasts. 
You’re already trembling under Lando his touch. Lando grunts. “Can I touch you babygirl?” He asks you. You’re quick to tell him yes. Lando takes on of your breasts into his hand, he kneads it while looking at you. 
“You’re such a good girl,” he tells you.
Your stomach tightens. You feel your cheeks reddening. Why are those small words doing so much to you? You’re glad that Lando isn’t paying attention to your face, because you’re sure that it’s reddish from blushing this much. Lando is busy paying attention to your breasts. He lowers his face to get closer to your tits. He is still kneading on of them. You almost jump up when you feel his lips against the other tit. He presses soft kisses against it, before sucking on the skin. You quietly follow Lando his movements with your eyes. It doesn’t take him long before pressing a kiss against your hardened nipple. After that he takes your nipple inside his mouth. Softly you feel him suck onto it. 
When Lando pulls back, you let out a soft whimper. Lando switches his movements. He moves his hand away from your breast, to put it back onto the other one. He presses kisses against your tit that he was kneading earlier. Before you realize it, your other nipple is in his mouth. 
It surprises you when you feel your pussy clenching. It amazes you that you even start to feel that you’re getting pretty wet. Lando his mouth is doing all kind of things to you, but you can’t complain about one tiny part of it.
Lando removes his lips and hand from your breasts again. This time he moves his hands downwards, he is quick to get close to your private parts. It annoys you when he doesn’t touch you where you need him, but keeps a bit above of the place. Suddenly without realizing it, you let out a soft whine. 
“What’s wrong babygirl?” Lando asks you. You notice the small smirk on his face. It makes you realize that he’s doing this on purpose. What a tease. You can’t tell him that, every word that leaves your mouth is begging Lando to do something about the way you’re feeling.
“I need you,” you softly whimper.
Lando lets out a low groan. Fuck, what you just told him makes him even harder. That’s actually insane. He moves his hands away from your vagina even further. He softly lifts you up and puts you next to himself onto the couch. Only to get of the couch himself after that. He takes your legs into his hands. Slowly he spreads your legs for him. 
You look at Lando. He doesn’t look back at you. All his attention is onto your slit. Before you can feel uncomfortable about it, Lando starts to shower you with compliments about it.
“Such a pretty pussy,” Lando tells you with a low voice. He lets his hand slide around it carefully. He makes sure that he isn’t already touching your clit or entrance, he focuses himself onto your lips. He enjoys teasing you a bit. This is his celebration after all, right? He looks at the frustrated emotions that you’re displaying on your face. He realizes that you really need him. Lando never wants you to need anyone else. 
He softly spreads your lips a bit with his hands. 
“So beautiful,” he continues to tell you. 
This time he slides his finger through your slit. It surprises him how wet you’re already are. He coats his finger in your slick. 
“So wet already,” he murmurs to you.
He presses a soft kiss against the inside of your thighs. 
“Is that all for me babygirl?” He asks you.
“Yes,” you tell him eagerly.
“Who’s the one who made you this wet?” Lando continues to ask you. He needs to hear you say it. He needs to hear it that this is all because of him. 
“You Lando,” you softly confess, “It’s all for you.”
Lando lets out a soft moan after hearing your words. He presses a few more kisses against your thighs. He moves a bit closer to your pussy, but makes sure that he isn’t coming closer then your lips. You let out a frustrated whine. 
“I need more Lando,” you tell Lando a bit ashamed. 
Lando presses a soft kiss against your clit this time. He’s quick to move away from it after making his move.
“More,” you whimper.
Lando grins. He softly slides his finger over your clit a couple times, but makes sure that it’s not enough. He presses more kisses against your inner thighs. Suddenly he starts to think about you begging him. The thought is making him even harder. He looks at you. How hot would it be if you ask him to lick you? 
“What do you need baby?” Lando asks you. 
He makes sure that his finger is laying dangerously close to your clit right now. Almost onto it, but still a bit too far away. 
“You,” you whimper.
“No, no,” Lando tuts, “I asked you, what do you need? What do you want me to do babygirl?”
You stay silent for a bit. Lando moves his finger even closer to your clit. Softly he touches it. It makes you tremble under his touch. It’s unfair what he’s doing to you. It’s even more unfair how fast he can make you feel like this. For a few seconds you wonder if anyone else can make you ever feels like this, you highly doubt it.
“If you don’t tell me baby, I can’t make you feel any better,” Lando teases you. 
“Fuck,” you groan, “Tease.”
“Just tell me babygirl,” Lando continues to tease you. 
“I want you to, fuck,” you stutter, “I want you to lick me.”
Lando doesn’t reply verbally anymore. He presses a soft kiss against your clit before starting to do what you asked from him. Slowly he licks around your pussy. He makes sure to lick every tiny part of it, before coming back to your clit. He presses another kiss against it, before using soft licks onto it. He makes sure that he’s not going to fast, but also not to slow. He wants you to enjoy this as much as he’s enjoying it right now. He increases his pace a bit after hearing you letting out multiple moans. 
In the mean time he slides his finger around your slit. He slowly brings it to your entrance, but doesn’t push it inside. Yet. Lando knows it’s teasing and maybe even a bit mean, but he needs to hear you beg even more for him right now. He has fallen in love with the desperate voice you used earlier with him. He wants to know that he’s the one who makes you feel like this and that you need him to come. 
You buck your hips. Hopefully Lando gets the hint. You want his finger inside of you. Maybe even more then one now that you think of it. Lando doesn’t response to your movement. You open your eyes to look at him. To your surprise he’s already looking back at you. Before speaking up, you admire the way he looks between your legs. 
He’s still making short licks onto your clitoris. Sometimes he switches and licks around your whole slit. But the things he’s doing to your clit right now, are the things that feel the best. Although, you can use a bit more.
“More,” you softly say. 
“More?” Lando asks you. You let out a soft whimper when he removes his mouth from your pussy. He looks at you. His finger replaces the movements his tongue made earlier. It still feels good, but not as good as before.
“Please,” you beg Lando. 
“Tell me what you want baby,” Lando states. He increases his pace with his finger. He likes looking at you while you look like this. You’re shaking underneath his touch. Moans are falling out your mouth like they’re your new language. Lando wishes he could save this memory so he could look back at it to see all the small details, again and again. His cock is throbbing even more painfully then before. He needs release as well. 
“How longer you take, how longer you will miss my tongue onto your pussy,” Lando tells you. He hears a soft whine leaving your lips.
“I need your fingers,” you eventually confess. 
“Ask me,” Lando tells you sternly. He can’t help himself. He has fallen in love with your pleads.
“Can you finger me?” You ask Lando softly with red cheeks, before Lando can say anything you add another word. “Please Lan?”
His boner almost explodes when hearing the soft please Lan coming from your lips. He doesn’t say anything anymore, he’s quick to move his lips back to your clit and to move his fingers to your entrance again. This time he licks your clit even faster. He hears moans coming from you. Is it bad that he’s getting addicted to that sound? He realizes that he wants to hear you like this forever. No one else should ever hear you like this he even thinks. 
Lando pushes one of his fingers softly inside of you. He feels your walls clenching around his finger. Easily he pushes in and out of your pussy. It doesn’t take him long before using another finger. He starts to finger fuck you with two of his fingers. In the mean time he focusses on eating you out. He softly sucks onto you clit. It makes you almost scream. 
“Lan,” you loudly moan when he sucks a bit harder onto your clit.
He doesn’t response verbally, he just keeps increasing his pace. Waiting for you to come. Your walls are starting to clench even more around his fingers. Lando feels how your clit is starting to throb inside his mouth. You feel your stomach tighten. Moans keep coming out of your mouth. You can’t stop yourself. 
“I’m close,” you tell Lando. He reacts by sucking harder on your clit. He moves his fingers faster inside of you. He notices a soft spongy spot inside of you and gives it all his attention from now on. You let out a hard moan. 
“Can I come?” You suddenly ask Lando.
He’s overwhelmed by your question. Fuck. It’s insane how it feels that you’re asking him for permission to come. In the mean time you have more trouble with holding back your orgasm. You feel waves of pleasure hitting over you. 
“Lan?” You quickly ask. 
Lando removes his lips from your clit for a couple seconds. No longer then necessary. “Of course babygirl,” he tells you before sucking harshly onto your clit again. He repeats his movements from earlier, but his eyes are focused on your face. He looks at the way you close your eyes when the first waves of your orgasm are washing over you. He notices the way your lips are partly open, only to let out a couple of soft moans. When you press your legs closer together, Lando stops his movements and pulls back. He doesn’t want to overstimulate you. At least, not today. It would be a nice thing to do in the future. 
Lando waits for you to say something. In the mean time he sucks your slit of his own fingers. He takes place next to you on the couch. You quickly lay down against him. 
“Fuck,” you mutter, “that was really good.”
“Glad that you liked it,” Lando replies with a small grin. His cock is still throbbing inside of his racesuit. “You tasted better then that champagne,” Lando tells you. You let out a laugh. Without thinking about it you press a kiss against Lando his lips, he is quick to turn it into more. When his tongue slides into your mouth, you taste the faint taste of yourself on his tongue. 
“Do you want me to do something for you as well?” You ask Lando softly.
“I wished,” Lando grunts, “but we have a dinner and a party to get ready for.”
“Maybe later tonight?” You suggest.
“I like the way you’re thinking babygirl,” Lando replies to you. 
“I just want to feel your lips on my clit again,” you confess laughingly. 
“Next time I won’t stop after your orgasm.”
“You think I can come more then once?” You ask surprised.
“You can add a lesson about overstimulation to the teaching plan babe,” Lando tells you jokingly, but none of his words are a joke. He wants to spend a whole evening between your legs and pull everything orgasm out of you that you have.
part six
this is my favorite part so far :)) hope everyone liked it!
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39oa · 8 months
top 3 landoscar moments <3
miss risa you have no idea how difficult this was i think this is like 20x the acceptable length of what this prompt called for.
honorable mentions: not one specific moment but any instance of 1) lando constantly giving oscar the opportunity to win in the final round (see winner-takes-all during summer games + 100-point ultimatum in mini golf), i think if we tallied all their wins by round over the course of mclaren pr videos he'd honestly be above oscar by now, 2) lando being obessed with saying OSCUHHHH like it's an actual filler word he's ingrained into his basal speech patterns instead of his legal name, and 3) obviously oscar hearts-eyeing lando's entire existence in general though i think one great moment is the virgin radio uk appearance because why were they still managing to exchange extremely charged eye contact throughout 14 minutes of zak brown sitting between them. brah
other hms include ice bath video just because them making those sounds at each other was objectively hilarious, the cricket match-up (lando getting all worked up like "nice and easy oscar or else i'll take you off in the next race!!!" "i'm just worried about oscar, i feel like he's a silent killer you know" "oscahhh ): let me get you out mate ))):" and then oscar nonchalantly going Well it's only lando bowling i'll be fine. and immediately decimating him with his aussie schoolboy cricket prowess lmfao), suzuka in general but more specifically oscar not being prepared in the slightest to get absolutely doused by lando on the podium after he foksmashed his champagne, and also underrated landoscar moment is definitely oscar submitting the lando P3NI5 photo to a neural network image guesser.
ok let me get onto the actual list but thongs debate too just because lando obviously Knew but was doing it to be a little shit... in general i think what's fun to me about landoscar is that they've become quite natural in a sort of quiet domestic way so i like any moment that shows off their wordless communication, or alternatively oscar's endless level of patience + tolerance toward lando (listening to whatever pre-race music he blasts / silently giggling at his antics during the cake decoration video). like it's kind of funny when lando pretends in any way that he's miles more hilarious than oscar is because 1) he literally has the exact same sarcastic sense of humor, 2) 80% of his humor is a defense mechanism anyway, and 3) he's probably even more baseline introverted than oscar is (omg i could write a thesis on their social media presences but i won't.) and whenever people talked about how carlando were So Funny as teammates and mistakenly ascribed effusiveness to lando's character in response to their dynamic it quickly became apparent later on that carlos was always the one bringing this out in lando and not the other way around so... like i think their humor matches up well just in subtle moments aka the post-double podium video where oscar is like eyeing the way lando is holding his trophy at the start and then lando gets embarrassed and they start giggling while poor andrea is trying to make his speech like If you two don't stop!!
🥉 twister: not really because it tells me anything wrt aspects of their dynamic but just because it's SO RIDICULOUS AND UNHINGED. first of all it's such a stunning instance of lando being better at something than oscar is but then the something is literally just being flexible so that's already a large enough indictment there (why are you as a man only good at golfing and being a little gaybo... i won't). but like [face-to-face with oscar's ass while folded up like a little pretzel] "what a sight that is" / "OSCUHH" x5 WHILE HIS VOICE IS LITERALLY GOING HOARSE IN THE PROCESS / and of course the most formative "YOUR LEFT FOOT IS NOT GOING BETWEEN MY LEGS!!!" actually dynamics-wise this WAS informative in that it proved to us that oscar will always be the first to lose at gay chicken. amen
🥈 sportbible green flag video: i think this video deserves to be slotted in at #2 because it's from when their teammate dynamic was still somewhat fresh but it proved to me that oscar was capable of Handling lando... like lando was clearly On One here and saying the most genuinely unhinged shit and somehow oscar still managed to find him funny and charming?!?? which i think is important because as much as oscar has always been characterized as chill and accepting there have been instances of him being genuinely flabbergasted and/or frustrated during his prema days which is of course also a reflection of age and natural maturity, but i still feel like specifically with lando he is SOOOOO TOLERANT of all his particularities and FOR WHATTTTTT. but also you can see during the >LOOK AT YOU WITH YOUR STUPID GOATEE ON moment that this was when lando was starting to understand that oscar wouldn't bend to everything he said and could be witty and incisive (silent killer) when he wanted to be and i think this is important as well in determining the equal footing of their dynamic. tbh my favorite moment here is the entire astrology question because of lando confidently assigning oscar piscesisms when that couldn't be any further from the truth. go off king of rejecting logical reasoning
🥇 LANDO'S BIGGEST FAN INCIDENT: this is #1 to me for so many reasons aka 1) i think this was formative to landoscar taking off as a ship in general because it spanned multiple fics but also 2) this was Personally what convinced Me to actually invest in 814 ship stonks because beforehand i was like "ok clearly oscar likes lando as a teammate and lando thinks oscar is a little lame and dry (in a mildly derogatory instead of fond way) and also oscar is just an attentive listener in general so his heart eyes disposition is mildly exaggerated" but then i watched this and it rewired my brain chemistry. the way we were still skeptics in august... 
this whole fanmeeting is insane for several reasons but basically it boggles my mind because the entire exchange starts from the moment oscar is DESCRIBING HOW LARGE HIS NECK HAS GOTTEN which means lando is like sitting there quietly cataloguing the size of his body while oscar gets mildly flustered by the nature of the conversation and then lando deliberately cuts in like mate i'll buy you a new shirt and you can tell you can TELLLLL he was sitting on that response making sure it read well in his head. also it's doubly insane because when oscar responds that he'll get him a smaller shirt to strangle him they're both clearly interpreting it in bad faith like "you just want to get rid of me because i'm your competition xD" but then for whatever reason lando decides to make it Exceedingly weird 5 seconds later and his VOICE LITERALLY CRACKSSSS WHEN HE SAYS HE'LL BUY HIM A SEE-THROUGH SHIRT???????? like what's all this then. why did he essentially call oscar fit. why did he default to his little fantasy of seeing Known Bad Dresser oscar piastri in a shirt detailing lando's possession of his affections. genuinely calamitous levels of embarrassing for everyone involved i don't even know what to say.
ok i'll stop but hopefully this was informative <3 i'm so sorry
edit: omg i forgot to mention this but also the iconic silverstone fan stage side-hug and lando's whole face lighting up when he realized oscar was the one initiating physical contact!!!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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nicolesainz · 6 months
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Within The Limits (Ben Chilwell x Jenson Button x OC) Chapter 3
next chapter
Warnings: angst, fluff
Author’s note: it’s most likely gonna be more than 15 chapters but we’ll see. anyway, happy holidays and hope you guys enjoy!
"I suppose he hasn't taken the whole transfer thing too well, right?" Lissie asks, looking around before we discuss this topic.
"Not really. He hasn't told me anything straightforwardly but I can tell from his mannerisms. He kept googling all the players from Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool only to see who is more likely to hit on me." I sigh and look at my notes for today's race.
I am waiting for Lando to give me a call so I can go to the Mclaren garage and start the tour with Mason and Ben. Jenson is nowhere to be found, although once he sees me with those two, he won't be very pleased.
"He's almost 45, why is he so scared of committing to you officially? You guys have been seeing each other for two years. I don't think anyone will care who he's dating, unless he was Charles." Lissie points out the obvious, just like the conversation me and Jenson had yesterday.
If he is so afraid of losing me, why not officiate what we have and are? What is stopping him?
"I don't know Lissie. I have been trying subtly to ask him the same thing but he keeps on swerving the topic to something else. It's getting quite annoying." I look behind me, only to see from the corner of my eye Jenson talking with Nico. Once he realises I have been watching him, I face the other way and back to Lissie.
"Well, one way or another, one of those young footballers will try and get with you. I have heard some of them are really good people. Especially those two that you are waiting. No one has said anything negative about them." She playfully winks at me and a small grin is formed on my lips.
Suddenly, my phone buzzes inside my pocket and once I pull it out I read a message from Lando, telling me to stop by the garage. My heartbeat quickly picks up and I cant tell whether it's the nerves of making a good impression or even meeting Ben for the first time.
I wave Lissie goodbye for the timbering and head towards the garages, greeting all the mechanics and drivers that go past by me. This Grand Prix is always a joy to be at.
Once I finally made it to the Mclaren garage, I spot Lando behind Zak but I can't see either Mason or Ben. Before I even manage to squeeze myself past some of the guests, I feel a hand tapping on my shoulder lightly. I turn my head and come face to face with the two footballers.
"Oh my goodness, Mason, hello. How are you?" He pulls me into a quick hug before removing his sunglasses and gifting me the kindest smile on earth.
"Doing very well Chels, what about you? Thank you so much on agreeing for this tour. I know it's not your responsibility but I trust you when it comes to Formula One explaining." Ben's eyes widen once he realized Mason was the reason behind this guided tour.
"No problem at all. I love showing guests around the paddock and the track. I will even try to squeeze in a hot lap for you guys." The moment the words 'hot lap' escape my mouth, Ben blushes so intensely that his only excuse is nothing else but the temperature.
"Oh I am sorry, I didn't introduce the two of you. Chelsea, this is Ben, as you may know. Ben, this is Chelsea. Formula One and Premier League commentator." I flash my biggest and purest smile to Ben and I receive a soft but small smile, followed by a firm handshake.
"Lovely to finally meet you. I was wondering why I had never spotted you in any of the Chelsea games, given your name is the same as the team." Ben says funnily, trying to make a conversation.
I have to admit, he is very handsome. He is the opposite of Jenson but Ben is truly gorgeous. Mesmerising blue eyes, kind smile, breathtaking accent, gentle touch. I truly hope he is as good as Lissie said he is, otherwise it would be a pity.
"Actually, my father is a massive Chelsea fan, hence the name. And it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Haven't watched you much in action but from the bits and clips I have seen you, you are incredible!" That's a lie. I have watched him play. From his Leicester days.
I was always keen on football as much as Formula One. I even once tried to get into my school's women's football team but wasn't as good as I thought I would be, so I gave up on that dream easily. I follow Chelsea closely due to my dad, so when Ben's transfer was announced, he was over the moon. Making a great partnership with Reece James, I was replaying all their games and especially the ones I was missing due to commentating on others simultaneously.
"See Benji? She's a fan. No need to feel like you're being judged." Mason says comfortably but afterwards earning a hit on the ribs by Ben. He is more shy compared to Mason but that's just maybe because we don't know each other very well.
"I will become an even bigger now, given I am permanently being transferred to the Prem. Well, for the next two years at least." I say to both of them and Mason's grin gets bigger and bigger. Ben is surprised to hear this, certainly joyed by the statement.
"Really? How come? Will you be commentating on more games or?" Ben asks quietly trying not to pry.
"Sky sports told me that the views of the games were higher when a woman was commentating along and it made female viewers feel more inclusive, so they want to enhance that at the Premier League as well, not just Women's Super League."
We walk towards the exit of the pit lane and onwards to around the paddock. As I am pointing out what each building represent, we chitchat about multiple things. The boys are really interested into Formula One, so I am thankful to all the money I have spent on books about mechanics and history regarding the sport.
Ben looks fascinated by the amount of knowledge I have for this sport and keeps on asking more and more questions every time, which I am more than happy to answer. Mason on the other hand, remains quiet as he watched from the third point of view me and Ben's conversations.
And if I wasn't in a bad mood from the start of the day, Jenson spies on me by sending me dodgy texts and following us around the paddock but from afar.
'Guy with the hat is seriously close to you. His friend needs to get ahold of him'
'Why are you always smiling at what he says? What can be that funny?'
'Okay now his friend is taking pictures of the two of you. What is going on? What are you hiding from me?'
I ignore every single one of Jenson's texts. He sound and acts like a five year old. So what if I am having a nice time with the boys? I will be seeing more of them, I might as well get to know them a bit better.
"Everything okay, Chelsea?" Ben asks curiously, placing his hand on my shoulder softly. His touch is calming but at the same time electrifying. Soothing to whoever feels it.
"Of course. I am so sorry. I lost my train of focus. Where was I?" I shake my head and put on a fake smile, trying not to ruin everyone else's mood as well.
"You were telling us about the Brawn-Mercedes transformation. Also there's a guy coming our way in a very fast pace and he seems to be looking for you Chelsea." Mason says weirded out and when I look behind me, Jenson is coming towards us.
"Besides Lewis, Max and Fernando this weekend, you will have the honor of meeting another Formula One champion, Jenson Button. 2009 world drivers champion with none other than Brawn GP. Their first and last champion." I say as I welcome Jenson into the conversation before he gets to say anything that will expose the both of us.
"Hello boys, very nice to meet you, I am Jenson." Jenson shakes both Mason's and Ben's hands, looking more intensely at Ben although thank god he doesn't notice.
"Would you mind if I took Chelsea away from a moment. Won't be too long." Jenson asks kindly even though he doesn't wait for a reply from either of the three of us.
He grabs my hand and take us a few steps away from the two footballers but in a distance they can't hear us. He looks very pissed and jealous like I have never seen him before.
"Already ignoring me and you haven't even let yet huh?"
"Jenson, I don't have time for this, I am working. I need to show the guests around. I will be back soon."
"You really can't tell that this Ben guy is hitting on you? He's so focused on whatever you're saying that he's almost hanging from your lips."
"He is interested in what I am saying because he wants to learn more about the sport. He is a fan. Can you stop acting like a paranoid man?"
"I'm not. He clearly has the hots for you and I can't look at the two of you. I am sorry, but you're my girl and if he dares to make a move I will make sure he never plays football again."
"You said it yourself, I am your girl. You have nothing to worry about. Do you trust me? Hey, look at me." I say, holding his hand secretly, caressing it softly, wanting to calm him down.
"I do, I just-uh, I am sorry Chels. I don't know what has gotten into me. I know you are loyal. You are the sweetest woman on the planet. I trust you blindly. It's those boys I can't trust." Jenson's voice has gone softer and quieter thankfully.
"I will prove later to you how much you mean to me and how much I want you to trust me. For now be patient. The tour will be over and once it is I will come and find you, deal?" I give him a puppy eyes look and immediately a smile is formed on his lips.
"Okay. I will leave you to your peace. Let me know when you're coming baby. See you soon" He knows he can't kiss me in public eye so he just holds onto my hand one last time.
Oh dear, what am I getting myself into?
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hamilgodd · 9 months
This feeling
—Is driving me crazy.—
Pairing: Lando/Oscar | Mention of Carlando
Word counting: +800
Warnings: Slight jealousy, self doubt, not a lot of dialogue.
Oscar is proud, not only of having climbed ten places; but that Lando had achieved second place. A race that had left them breathless, that had brought out the best in each of them and that in the end, everything had paid for their effort.
He feels his hands tremble and his face begin to hurt a little because of the smile he knows he carries; he observes with eyes full of happiness the podium where, bathing in champagne and with the trophy of the second place Lando celebrates. His partner, friend, confidant, boyfriend... has made a spectacular career and all his effort has borne fruit leading him to be on that podium, being admired by the whole world.
The mechanics next to him celebrate, the camera flashes blind him for a few seconds; he can hear the screams of the fans behind him while waving pennants with the characteristic orange color and Lando’s number. He deserves it; he deserves to be celebrated, loved, admired and recognized; he deserves the brilliant trophy, the kind smiles, the soft hugs; he deserves everything and Oscar is sometimes afraid.
Fear of not being enough, of not being up to his height; that at any moment the other will get up one day and realize that Oscar is not the one he wants by his side.
He can see the way they look at each other, or at least how Carlos does it. With tranquility, with tenderness, warmth, love... so much love that it is impossible to overlook it. He observes him with longing and a little mixed sadness that can be seen in the way he passes his arm over the shoulders of the lowest, in the way he attracts him and sticks him a little more to his side. It’s too much, too much; it’s painful to see because it feels right. The two of them are like pieces of a puzzle that fit perfectly, and Oscar feels like the card that no one knows where he is going.
Know the story of both of them perfectly, what they lived in their days as companions; those dreams that they never realized, that longing that was never said out loud. Lando has had no qualms about telling him, because for the Briton it is nothing more than a memory that has remained in the past, something that will never be and that no longer has a chance of happening. But Oscar can see the moment when his gaze wanders, in how he clings to Carlos with a little more strength than necessary, as if for a few seconds he misses what they never had.
The media add wood to the fire that slowly burns his heart, photograph after photograph is published on every social network you can imagine. Under the bright lights of the podium and their smiles that are reflected in the trophies they hold, they look incredible, magnificent; two potential world champions. Talent overwhelms them and Oscar feels like a zero to the left. The statements they both give at the post-career press conference, the way they end each other’s prayers or how they seem to share little jokes that only they understand don’t help either.
Everything is too much and he doesn’t want to be the person responsible for ruining the spirits.
He walks to the garage where silence reigns because the team, eager to go to celebrate, has already abandoned it. The lights are turned off and his footsteps that resonate around the place calm him slightly. He doesn’t want to think about anything he has seen, he doesn’t want to let doubts consume him for something that hasn’t happened and isn’t going to happen. But it’s tiring, living under the shadow of a ghost that lives everywhere is exhausting.
“I was looking for you everywhere” he jumps a little when he hears Lando’s voice coming from behind him “I saw that you were for the award on the podium, but I couldn’t find you after that” there is a stop of happiness still in his voice. Oscar does his best to smile without his negative emotions being present.
“Congratulations on that P2” chooses to answer instead “you made a wonderful career” there is not a trace of a lie in that statement, there is nothing more than love and adoration that seeps into his voice.
“It’s incredible, I still can’t believe it” he slightly raises the trophy he’s been carrying with one of his hands “it’s not a first place, but it feels like it is”
“Soon, I am sure that you will soon be able to win” Oscar knows that Lando is waiting with excitement and anxiety for that Grand Prix where he is proclaimed as the winner, where all the lights of the spotlights are on him to celebrate his victory. “Shouldn’t you be celebrating?”
“The mechanics have gone to dinner and Carlos has invited me to the party with his team” the Briton can see the almost imperceptible grimace that Oscar makes and the way in which it is removed uncomfortable. They haven’t been together for long, but he is proud to be able to say that he knows him almost perfectly;
He doesn’t like to see him that way, hiding what he feels so as not to overwhelm him. Lando wants to tell Oscar that he has nothing to worry about, that there is no one else; that he could never have. That those moments of uncertainty are a thing of the past and that they are going to stay there no matter how much others want to relive them. There is no space in his life for the years that have already left, there is only room for the present that he lives and the future that he longs for.
“You should go celebrate” the Australian tries to convince him but Lando has other plans in mind.
"I don’t want to leave you behind” he promises that he will do everything necessary to show Oscar how much he loves him. In addition, spending a night with the minor in his arms in that hotel room where they are staying; it sounds like the best celebration you can think of.
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So this was a bit difficult to write cause I keep wandering into the angst side and I really wanted to be cute(? So, i think this is a very acceptable middle ground. I am wondering if I should do a second part(?
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leqclerc · 9 months
The thing is when Charles starts on pole they can’t do those strategies because either Carlos refuses or he is not great enough and it fails.
Because still right now while Charles is a bit behind in quali (no confidence in the car) he is still better in race pace. And his race craft help tremendously for Carlos to keep his position.
So everytime it’s Charles race that has to be compromised. Already in 2022 we could see that.
Now Carlos who needs confidence in the car but also in himself can be on a high. And I agree Charles might stay behind in the standings. Could have been different with no mechanical failures and Ferrari fumbles that caused him two penalties for impending but… 🙄 Carlos is lucky I guess (i would say his side of the garage is just better because I don’t believe luck is a great explanation for 99% of what goes on at Ferrari). Charles lost some points when he tried too hard or not enough a few races back, we could sense he was frustrated with the year and the car. But after Monza and even today the faith he has in the team still… I guess he knows something we don’t.
I just need Ferrari to listen to his feedback and listen to him more than Carlos. We know Carlos prefers a car that will be slower. The field is coming together now so they need to be able to extract everything and that mean not an understeery car.
I fear Carlos recent form will get us back to 2021-start of 2022 : no first driver, Carlos resisting orders … the situation needs to be clear right away. Or Charles needs to be more like Carlos and do his own thing, but he won’t. Like today you’d think Carlos came up with the strategy, while Charles is barely acknowledged but he is the one who started on softs and who asked for the free pit stop but was denied. (Ooops I’m a bit mad again, the lack of ambition in this team. Yes let Carlos take p1 and don’t do a 2019 again but maybe trying to get both car on the podium for a top team is not completely out of reach?)
(In my wildest dreams Ferrari and Carlos would also acknowledge Charles work today, because without him we would be looking at Lando 1st win or Merc back on top that’s a given. We really need to work on teamwork and recognizing it, it’s crazy).
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You're so right 📣
This is why I'm so frustrated—it's less about this one singular win (although, assuming Red Bull bounces back like nothing ever happened in Japan and this remains the one and only non-RB win in the entire season then obviously the optics will be massively skewed to Carlos's benefit) and more about what this means on a larger scale in terms of how Ferrari operates and their future long-term trajectory.
Carlos's own ambitions and ego have gotten in the way of maximising results in the past. I don't see how that's going to change any time soon, especially now when he's buoyed by recent events. When the same is asked of him there's always an excuse and/or bargaining, "don't ask this of me," "stop inventing," "I can go faster just give me [x number of laps]" etc. I mean, we all remember Silverstone, and at that point the championship was still technically on the table even in spite of all the setbacks. Having seen what we've seen over the past few seasons I frankly don't trust him to go above and beyond in the team player game in a high stakes, high pressure scenario, like how Checo worked with Max in Abu Dhabi 2021.
Ngl it was so funny to see the team be so deathly afraid of an undercut they pulled off completely inadvertently back in 2019, lmao 😭😭😭 Fall back 3 seconds behind, 5 seconds... And yeah, failing to pit Charles under the VSC when he was willing to go for it... still feels like they're struggling to make decisions under pressure and are unwilling to gamble even when 1. it's what the driver wants, 2. they're not risking losing a win because Charles was already at a disadvantage after the initial hold-up in the pits. If it had been the wrong call then it would've been on Charles, but seeing how quickly the Mercs closed up on him and successfully passed him on fresher tyres... Feels like they're committed to making the exact same mistake over and over again with him. I've lost count of how many times he's made the right call, was denied/overruled, and then it turned out they lost out that way.
And yeah, it sure seemed like it was Carlos and Lando who were the Ferrari teammates that day with their little agreement. Like, I get it, they're friends off-track, and they can celebrate however they wish, but in terms of on-track happenings... 🤨 Don't think I've ever seen Carlos help Charles out like that tbh.
Disappointing from the team for sure, but as for Carlos, I've long gotten used to the fact that Charles is little more than an footnote when he's high on his own success 🤷🏻‍♀️
As for Charles and still having faith in the team... Idk, it's hard to tell what's going on at the moment. Recently we've had quotes about how the team seems to have "figured out" the weaknesses in the car and they pointed to Monza as a sort of breakthrough weekend, but they certainly weren't expecting 1. Red Bull annual Singapore stinker, 2. to be competitive at this track. So I'm not sure if whatever they're doing at the moment is actually helping any—or rather, helping Charles any, since he's still vocal about struggling with the handling of the car while Carlos is on cloud nine with how the car feels for him—or if this is just Charles cutting his losses and looking forward to a clean slate in 2024.
I do find it interesting how he was willing to fight down to the wire in Monza over a third place spot on the podium, but then here in Singapore he's sitting discussing pre-race strat with the team and seemingly agreeing to be used for Carlos's benefit. Was he that disappointed with himself in the Q3 mistake that he figured, okay, let's at least do what's best for the team even if it puts me at a disadvantage (possibility of a win sky-rocketing after Red Bull's flop era was confirmed in qualy) or... Because he did comply, but he also had to point out that if they slow him down too much they're going to just back him into George, and that it would be more beneficial to ask Carlos to pick up the pace since he was at the front controlling it.
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mcl38 · 2 years
new lando article just dropped! its fun that hes not following a strict schedule, writing (or dictating - jury’s still out) this column before the singapore gp means this is less of a race report and more of a fun update of his life. it also means that he spends a decent portion of it talking about pissing his pants (hypothetical, never happened). make of that what you will. anyways as always i am reminding you not to subscribe to the telegraph or even give them ad money by visiting their website, because i will be posting every single article in full as soon as it drops. u can find them all under the hashtag ‘lando’s columns’. this one (as always) will be under the cut, enjoy the read!
[photo of lando looking at some telemetry, jose and will blurry on either side of him. he’s wearing the black singapore fireproofs] 
Imagine a street circuit like Monaco where one little mistake can put you in the wall. Now add speed. Marina Bay may not be the fastest street circuit in the world. But it’s bumpy. And hot – 30C plus and over 90 per cent humidity, meaning a tropical downpour is never far from turning the track into an ice rink.
Yep, for overall toll on the body and all-round intensity, I would say Singapore is right up there as the toughest race on the calendar. It’s not as hard on your neck or your core as, say, Miami. But it’s just so energy-sapping. So intense under those lights.
I have actually only ever raced here once, in my rookie season back in 2019. So I’m by no means an expert. But I well remember just how draining it was. Literally. You have to drink so much before the race that you begin it 2 per cent heavier than normal. Then you sweat so much during the race you not only lose that 2 per cent but at least another 2 per cent on top of that.
It’s brutal. Taking on so much fluid, and constantly topping up the levels, leads me to a question we’re sometimes asked as F1 drivers: do we ever pee in our race suits?
I can honestly tell you I never have. I love my race crew too much to do that to them! I wouldn’t be surprised if it has happened in the past, though. 
[photo of the special livery MCL36 looking soooo sexy in pink guys i love this car so much u dont get it]
Sometimes, particularly in a race which involves a safety car, we can be out there for well over two hours. I was absolutely desperate for a wee at the end of the last race at Monza for instance. But I haven’t yet been so desperate that I’ve just gone in my race suit.
Most of the time, you are so focused on the race itself you don’t actually notice that you need to go. It’s only when you finish, or like I say, when a safety car comes out, that you sometimes realise how desperate you are.
To be honest, in Singapore pretty much all of the fluid you take on is secreted out through sweat. It is so hot inside your suit and helmet that one driver said he used to put a woman's sanitary towel inside his helmet to try to soak up the sweat while he was racing, so that it wouldn’t drip into his eyes.
I have never gone that far, but I do prepare a little differently for the race at Marina Bay. I train on an indoor bike wearing extra layers of clothes: a hoodie, a jacket, a hat. It’s horrible but it makes a big difference when you come here. I even have a couple of electric heaters which I put in the room with me while I’m cycling to try to get me really cooking.
The other thing I’m going to do this weekend, and which I don’t do anywhere else, is drive with a drinks bottle. 
Generally I don’t tend to drink during a race. It’s just not something I’ve ever felt the need to do. I think Barcelona in May this year, when I had tonsillitis and needed to keep drinking on every lap to stop myself from going downhill, was the only other occasion I’ve needed a drinks bottle. But as I say, taking on fluids in Singapore is just a non-negotiable so I have asked my mechanics to put one in the car for me. 
I’m looking forward to the weekend though. I’m feeling good and ready to go. I arrived out here quite early this week and I feel as if I’ve acclimatised pretty well. I’m a night-owl anyway so staying on European time is not a problem for me. It’s what I would choose to do. I’ve also had a lot of fun this week with my new toy: a digital camera which I bought out here on the recommendation of my photographer (who is now very jealous of it).
[photo of beloved with his face covered by a digital camera. this camera has been the bane of my existence and also a source of constant entertainment, much like this column. much like lando himself]
I’ve had a lot of fun exploring Singapore and experimenting with what it can do. I’m not very good with it yet, but I’m really enjoying it.
I just love documenting my life to be honest. I’d have someone with me documenting it all if I could stand for that person to be following me around all the time. Which I cannot. Hence why I’ve got myself a camera I suppose! I just like to look back and record cool things. My summer golf trip for instance. It would have been really cool to have a digital record of that. I like to throw myself into new things generally. 
You might notice that I’m wearing a slightly different helmet this weekend. It’s actually one inspired by Master Chief’s helmet from the Halo games to celebrate my esports team announcing we’re joining the Halo Championship Series [HSC] partner programme.  Quadrant, my team, is something I’m very excited about. So far Halo is our only esports title, but we have big plans to grow the Quadrant brand and expand into other titles. Watch this space! 
For the next few weeks, all my focus is on Formula One. I finished P7 here in 2019. I’d love to go better this weekend. It will not be easy at the toughest race in the world. But we’ll give it everything. Now, where’s my drinks bottle?
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It makes very little sense and I probably won’t ever have the motivation to create content for it, but nonetheless: Star Wars Original Trilogy x 70s era Scooby Doo! It’s a similar setup to Scooby Doo--young people chasing down crooks, meeting all sorts of strange creatures and getting involved in all manner of wacky hijinks along the way--but there’s some space-y elements involved (I’ll elaborate a bit on that later)! I’ll introduce the characters here, and if there’s some interest, I might write some more!
So, without further ado:
Lando as Fred! He’s the confident, friendly leader that usually gets the gang involved in these messes, but he’s also very good at getting them out! Much like Fred with his traps, Lando is an expert at creating elaborate little schemes to stop the culprit once and for all (which are usually constructed with Han and Leia’s help; Lando may be smart, but he’s not an ace mechanic). 
Luke as Daphne! Surprisingly, these two clicked immediately for me; both are a tad bit ditzy, but disarmingly perceptive; the team really wouldn’t be the same without them! (This is where Luke’s Force-sensitivity comes in. He isn’t by any means a Jedi in this AU, or even quite aware of his gift, but come on, he’s accidently discovered waaaaay too many trapdoors/secret entrances for it to be coincidence). Also, both are undoubtedly “the pretty friend”. Trendy scarves and Chanel boots aside, Daphne’s been flirted with by at least a dozen one-off male characters, and you cannot convince me that Luke would be any different; he’s got a different hunk on his tail every other day and he’s absolutely enjoying it! 
(Also, yes, Luke is wearing the purple blouse and matching miniskirt in my mind, no, I won’t be elaborating or taking constructive criticism, thank you ;)).
Leia as Velma! The vital braincell of the group, Leia is definitely the most grounded. Her first impulse is to figure out as much as she can about the current threat, though she’s certainly not above swinging a blunt object if things go awry! Because she’s the most thoughtful--or as Han likes to complain, a buzzkill--the others tend not to hear her out right away, more focused on their overdramatic, overcomplicated solutions than a conveniently missing piece of evidence or strangely timed encounter that she notices along the way. (Again, Leia’s Force-sensitivity shows itself in a similar fashion to Luke’s, but even more subtly; where he tends to sense physical disturbances, Leia just feels when someone or something isn’t quite right. Again, it’s not so much a power like in the original films as it is an odd quirk, but it’s definitely there!) Seriously, things would wrap up so much faster if they just let her handle things for once! 
(Unfortunately for all of us, those instances are few and far between. Her boys are very lucky that she loves them as much as she does; they’re so much trouble).
Han as Shaggy! Alright, I know this one is a little strange but here me out: same aesthetic, but entirely different vibe. I always interpreted Shaggy as someone who seems very useless and cowardly but when he gets himself together enough to play along, he’s surprisingly adept and a real asset to the team, maybe even brave! Get it? Okay, now imagine Han as the exact opposite of that. He’s reckless and hotheaded on the surface and is usually running after the monster without a plan, a weapon, or any information before the rest of the gang can so much as blink (think canon Han, but a little more awkward and less outwardly cocky). Granted, he actually manages fine when he stops to think--he can be surprisingly cunning at times and brings Lando’s schemes to the next level!--but usually, he’s a mess and a half that the others are constantly rescuing. 
(Note: the idea that actually spawned this AU was a quiet scene of Lando, Luke, and Leia researching this week’s monster while Han goes looking for more clues. Leia grumbles in response to Lando’s confidence in his friend, “I just hope he really can handle this on his own”. Smash cut to Han screaming at the top of his lungs, running from about half a dozen more monsters than we were aware of 5 minutes ago (???), and just all around Not Handling It Very Well).
And good ol’ Chewbacca as Scooby Doo! As the token furry mascot, poor Chewie is constantly saving somebody from something. He’s very clever and intuitive, and his miniscule observations, much like Scooby’s, are usually what save the day (when he can get his lovable but idiotic human friends to listen, that is!). Just a good bro, with a big brain and a bigger heart, Chewie is the glue that holds the team together :) 
(And yes, he absolutely picks up Han bridal style and carries him out of danger while said idiot throws a tantrum--”It was fine, Chewie, I could have handled it--I was not screaming like a little girl!!”--at least once every episode :P).
So, that’s about it for now! Obviously, this AU isn’t super fleshed out, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask them! I’d love to hear your thoughts :)
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f1-birb · 2 months
ugh those "oscar" fans (in inverted commas bc as i said to you the other day i don't believe they're real oscar fans - easy to tell from the fact they invariably have certain other drivers' numbers in their bios that are "coincidetally" the fanbases who cannot leave lando alone).
they've even recently tried 'lando doesn't care about mental health, he never posts about it, x,y,z driver posts about it more'. no, he doesn't post shallow tweets occasionally paying lip service to it, nor does he do 'i went to discover what this mental health thing is all about' pr drivel like certain others do on the odd occasion they remember they claimed to care about it.
instead he has put his efforts into effecting real change where he can irl. he talks honestly and frankly about his own ongoing struggles on live tv and in interviews like the one he did with jon last year. it's well-known how much impact famous young men speaking openly about their struggles has on other young men who are struggling, a group who have such a high rate of mh issues and suicide. like your other anon said, by being open and honest he steered mclaren toward taking mh seriously starting when he was only 19 years old, is the reason they were the one team that got their team members proper mh support during covid, is the reason they have the partnership with mind, and his work bts has led to them now having a trackside psychologist for the team and having recently hired a second, have a proper mental wellbeing team at the mtc. he is one of only two drivers who spoke out in the media as far back as 2021 about the worry of the mh impact of the increased calendar on the trackside teams, zak has also said lando spoke to him about his concerns for the crew and that was one of the things that made him act accordingly - mclaren started rotating their trackside team as far back as early 2022, increasing that more through 2022 & 2023, since early last year have been running test sessions to train new engineers and mechanics so they can be added to the rotation and have recently completed another round of recruitment for working toward them having 3 people in every position that they can rotate across the year to give their staff a proper rest. a couple of people who work at mclaren have also said that lando took it on himself to talk with them and care about them when he heard on the grapevine they were struggling and i doubt they're the only ones he's done that with. he has used his position to push for change & lead by example in the place he is most able to, his own workplace, where it has had a real and meaningful impact on people's lives. and that has spread out across the paddock with other teams starting to follow mclaren's lead. (seb also had a similar impact on mh work within aston martin once he joined them in 2021) it is so much more than lip service or a bit of pr. effecting change is not about how much you post about something on social media.
a lot of people don't realise how much he's done within mclaren because he doesn't blow his own trumpet about it 24/7 but zak, andrea and other team members have let out bits here and there about how much he really cares. andrea has also spoken at length about how much lando did to help him keep the team's spirits up in 2023 when things were bad (and andreas seidl said the same of him in 2022). there is also someone who works at the mtc who posts in the mclaren sub on reddit occasionally who said early last year that whenever lando was at the mtc he took the time to go around every single department individually and talk to them and encourage them and thank them for all their efforts and assure them things would come good, and the mclaren guy said how much that meant to people who work there. (he posted in response to some fans saying lando must make mclaren workers feel like shit because he talks in interview about the car being bad)
also oscar going to the great barrier reef is fantastic. i'd imagine they reached out to him to help with awareness and he was very happy to do so while he was able to be in australia for a while. he and lily were in queensland over the break (he posted a pic of them in noosa) so maybe he got talking to people then that made him want to be involved. and honestly how dare those "fans" turn it into something to bash lando with instead of recognising the great initiative oscar himself has taken and the platform for awareness of the work being done there that it is.
sorry this is really long. these people make me go into rant mode every time.
anon I knew all of that and you still made my eyeballs very very wet 🥺
no notes, this is perfect
and what you said about Oscar echoes what I said before, using things to bring down Lando diminishes the praise for Oscar
like celebrate what Oscar is doing and has done, let him have that without having to bring up other people
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We always get to see Carlos taking care of Lando or cuddling him the most in your stories - don’t get me wrong here, I love it! But do you think it’s possible for you to write something, maybe something small, that shows Carlos being the one that gets taken care of? Lando cuddling him and pampering his Spaniard after maybe a bad race? Or because Carlos is missing Lando so much that he needs some extra attention. It would be nice to see this.
I exactly know what you mean, anonym!
As much as I love to read/write about caring, protective Carlos, I also really enjoy to see it, when Lando takes care of him as well!
This one right here turned out a little longer, maybe because we barely see it in stories - I hope you will like it, anonym! 😉
It didn’t often happen, Lando could actually count those days on just one hand. The days his boyfriend wasn’t his usual self, the days the older one wasn’t in a good mood, because also Carlos did have bad days sometimes.
Days he did barely smile compared to usual, days nothing seemed to work no matter how hard he tried it, days when his usual calm and reserved being even turned into temper and anger, so that also he finally shows his frustration openly and in front of everyone.
One of those less days seems to be today. Already yesterday evening, when they had finally been able to be together again after almost two weeks of being apart, Carlos had been in a bad mood.
He hadn’t been very talkative at all, not like usual and he also didn’t show it last evening how glad he actually was to finally spend some time with him together again, even when Lando knew that he was indeed happy about it.
Carlos had only told the younger one about how sorry he was that he hadn’t able to see him for such a long time and how bad he had missed him while being stuck all alone in Italy the past few weeks, while he was clutching onto him with his arms wrapped around him all tightly and his head resting on top of his belly, rising and falling with his breaths.
Lando knew the older one hadn’t paid any attention to the movie playing there on their laptop, he was way too thoughtful and upset for that. But finally Carlos had still managed it to find his rest, while his boyfriend let his fingers slide through his dark mane, lulling him into sleep.
Even when Lando had already told the older one last evening that he should stop thinking about the past two weeks and that they hadn’t been able to see each other, even when Carlos had tried to get back to the UK to see his boyfriend and spend some time together so badly, he still knew the older one blamed and hated himself for how things had turned out lately.
Lando knew it wasn’t even Carlos’ fault, he hadn’t done it on purpose to stay in Italy for almost two weeks straight and he also wasn’t mad at him for it, even when he had also already looked forward to finally spend some quality time together with his boyfriend again after he had missed him pretty much as well.
But still Carlos also seemed to think and feel bad about it the next morning, even when they had lunch together the Spaniard still wasn’t his usual self, why Lando gave him some extra cuddles and pecks on his cheek, before they had to prepare for FP2.
Fitting to how shitty Carlos already felt the whole time long, also his practice turned out to be, when he crashed his car in one of the last minutes of the session. Between the end of the FP2 and working out the collected data, Lando had gone over to the Ferrari motorhome to quickly check on his boyfriend.
By the way Carlos was sitting there in the corner, he could already tell that he was damn frustrated and also angry at himself for making such a stupid mistake and causing so such big damage on his car the mechanics probably have to work at the whole night long.
“Carlos? Are you alright?” Lando carefully dared to ask, when he saw his boyfriend all down and furious like that, while Carlos still hadn’t even noticed him entering his driver room with being deep inside his thoughts. The Spaniard shook his head by his words to come back from his trance, before he looked up at the younger one, who eyed him all worried through the half opened door.
“Now I am.” He told him with a half-hearted smile, before he opened welcoming his arms for Lando to come closer. “Come here, mi amor.” Of course, he didn’t let himself tell so twice, before he stepped into the room, sat down beside his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around his neck.
While Carlos always knew what to say whenever he felt that way after a bad day on the track, Lando didn’t know what Carlos needed to hear at the moment. The young Brit was just never good with words, compared to the older one. He never knew what to say or how to cheer up someone with just words.
He felt sorry for that, but Carlos still seemed to enjoy his presence, even without saying just one word, when he pulled him even closer and buried his face into the curve of his neck, inhaling his scent, which seemed to calm him down.
Words still failed him, when the Spaniard finally pulled away of their embrace and their eyes met. Lando felt so sorry for his boyfriend, he just hated it to see him all down like that, making himself the biggest accusations and being so hard to himself for making such a mistake only once within years of being a F1 driver.
Carefully Lando reached out to frame his cheek with his warm palm, before he gently caressed with his thumb over the soft skin and through his stubbles, causing Carlos so to lean into the touch. And because Lando still didn’t know how to cheer up the older one with words, he finally tried to do so with a soft smile, the Spaniard finally tried to return after taking a deep inhale. Maybe not talking about it or talking at all was what his boyfriend actually needed at the moment.
And even when Lando really hadn’t said anything the entire time, Carlos still kissed his wrist in gratefulness in the end and hugged him for once more, before they had to separate their ways again for the rest of the day.
And even when the younger one had managed to make his boyfriend feel at least already a little better, he still wanted to do more for him, especially because Carlos was always there for him, when he had a bad day or when he was in a bad mood, and he also already exactly knew how he wanted to cheer him up tonight.
Lando had just finished preparing everything, when the Spaniard finally came back to their hotel room after a long day. Exhausted he got out of his off his jacket, through it over the next best chair and finally he dragged him over to their bed, where he let himself fallen on top.
Tired and washed out after today’s happenings, Carlos rubbed over his face, before he threw his arms next to his sides and exhaled long and loud. Lando had pity with him and he also really hoped that he will finally feel better after what he had planned to do with him to give him some comfort.
Lando let him lie like that on their bed to calm down for some moments, before he got over to take his hand and squeeze it softly to get his attention. First hesitant, Carlos finally still sat up and for one quick moment his boyfriend thought he would tell him that he didn’t want to stand up and follow him wherever he wanted to bring him, but in the end he still got onto his feet after a long exhale.
The young Brit brought him over into their bathroom, only the already before prepared candles around the bathtub gave the actual dark room some soft light. “Lando.” Carlos said his name, almost like he wanted to tell him that he really wasn’t in the mood for taking a bath with him together, but when their eyes met Lando got it what he was actually trying to tell him. That he really didn’t have to do this all just because he had been feeling stupid lately and it also wasn’t his fault why he was feeling that way and had a pretty shitty day at the track.
Lando was aware about that, but still he had wanted to do something for his boyfriend and this was actually only the beginning of his plan for tonight. “Just let me take care of you like you always do by me, alright?” The young Brit whispered up at him, while he took both of his hands into his and stroked with his thumb over the back of his fingers in admiration.
He wanted to give him something back, because Carlos was just always there for him whenever he needed him and right now had come the time for Lando to comfort his boyfriend in return and make him feel better. It was the least thing he could do for him and he also did so with pleasure.
Carlos finally agreed to his plan with nodding his head and gifting the younger one a small smile in return for trying so hard just to make him feel better. Lando smiled up at his boyfriend as well, before he got onto his tiptoes to peck a quick kiss onto his finally smiling lips again, after he had missed to see them like that over the past few hours.
While the Spaniard got out of his jeans, Lando made quick work with his own clothes, till he was only standing with his boxers on in front of the older one any more. He showed Carlos to take place on the edge of the already with warm water filled and with rose flower oil prepared bubble bath, so he could step between his legs and get him out of his Ferrari shirt, even when he actually liked that colour on him a lot, something he had never thought he would admit volunteer in front of his boyfriend.
He left Carlos’ dark mane behind in a mess, after he had got rid of that shirt, causing him to smile down at him like the love drunk dork he still was even after all this time. While Lando leaned down to chase after another kiss from those pretty lips, he could feel Carlos’ hands resting on his hips, drawing little circles into his flesh with his thumbs.
The young Brit’s cheeks had already begun to lightly burn because of the affect those kisses had on him, when they finally pulled apart and rested their forehead together to take each other in. After a few moments looking at their own reflections inside the other one’s eyes, Lando pulled away but couldn’t resist to move his hands through his boyfriend dark hair. Letting those thick hair strains slide through his fingers and leaving an even bigger mess behind than before, causing him to giggle in adoration.
“And now let us get you out of those Spanish boxers.” Lando told him with a wink, before he leaned closer for one more time to place a soft kiss onto his boyfriend’s forehead. After they had both wiggled out of their last layer of clothes, Carlos just wanted to get into the bathtub, when the younger one held him up from doing so.
“Tonight I’m the big spoon.” The Spaniard raised his eyebrows at him, but still he held on with a smile playing on his lips. “Whatever you want, big spoon, who actually looks more like a teaspoon.”
Lando chuckled and rolled his eyes, before he climbed into the tub first and Carlos finally took place between his legs and carefully leaned back to lay against his chest. “Don’t I squeeze the big spoon too much here?” He asked over his shoulder, but the pressure against Lando’s chest actually felt good, the closeness they shared right here in general, when the young Brit wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s belly and hugged his middle with his legs from behind.
“Nah, it’s perfect. And now stop talking, I want you to enjoy this, little spoon.” They both had to giggle about his comment, before their laughs quieted and their smiles slowly but sure faded away, when they both tried to make themselves even more comfortable and they closed their eyes to finally calm down after today’s stress and happenings.
Lando let some more warm water into the bathtub, producing so also even more bubbles than before, while the two of them just enjoyed each other’s company. At one point Carlos had moved his head, so he had it now rested onto his boyfriend’s left shoulder and his cheek pressed against the spot his heart was beating in a steady rhythm inside.
Lovingly Lando nosed the older one’s hair, calming so his own nerves he hadn’t noticed before how tensed they had actually been as well. With the tip of his nose the younger one gently brushed over his boyfriend’s forehead, alternately placing little kisses there as well in fondness.
Through is half lidded eyes, Lando could see the smile rising on the Spaniard’s lips, enjoying his caresses and also the affection he received. Happy about that his try to make him feel better really seemed to work, the younger one also added his hands, roaming over Carlos’ broad chest and also stroking over the length of his arms.
The older one made those sound in comfort in response, before he told him with a lowered voice “That feels good, you are actually doing a great job as a big spoon, cabron.” Lando smiled into the shell of his ear, before he told him softly to shut up and keep on enjoying.
Carlos began to pure like a little kitten, when he also added that sponge he had already prepared as well to rub over his trained belly, chest and shoulders. “Such a good big spoon, I could really get used to this.” The Spaniard hummed, before Lando placed a kiss onto his cheek from behind in return.
When Lando was satisfied with rubbing his boyfriend’s body clean, it was his dark mane’s turn. After he had first wetted Carlos’ hair, he gently massaged his shampoo with the already so familiar smell into it, always making sure that nothing got too close to his eyes.
Lando let himself time with it, massaging it all the way into his mane he admired and adored so much, also adding his fingernails from time to time to cause goose-bumps on his boyfriend’s arms and he also tried to ease the headache Carlos had told him he had since days with massaging his tremble gently.
After Lando had quickly washed his hair as well and they had both got rid of the shampoo again, they kept on laying all quiet and peaceful for some more time, till the water became too cold and their fingers and toes already looked like little raisins.
Carlos already looked way more relaxed than before their bath, when they dried their bodies with those soft hotel towels and Lando even rubbed his hair dry, which caused the Spaniard to giggle. “Thank you, carino. That was really nice.” He told him honestly, after he had rubbed his curls dry as well.
“Nothing to thank for, but that wasn’t already all for tonight.” And just in that moment, someone knocked at their hotel room door. “Who is this?” Carlos wanted to know, while he still got into his pyjama, while Lando already got over to answer the door. “Just the dinner I have ordered.”
The Spaniard looked impressed, when he saw the amount of food there on top of their bed, when he finally stepped out of the bathroom. Lando had ordered his favourite food in the hope to cheer up his mood so even more, he had also ordered some delicious desert, their trainers didn’t have to know about.
While they were watching Carlos’ favourite movie, which Lando knew just always made him smile, they ate their dinner mostly in silence. But even when the Spaniard’s mood was already better than when he had stepped inside their hotel room, Lando could still tell he was a little thoughtful and reserved, because he didn’t laugh by the scenes of the movie he usually did. He only smiled a little, if even.
Later, after they had shared that delicious chocolate cake and Lando had even feed his boyfriend all caring, they finally made themselves comfortable inside their bed, cuddling and snuggling even the rest of Carlos’ sorrows away.
“You know, I could get really used to this.” The older one purred with closed eyes, when Lando had once again told him to take place between his legs and lean against his chest. Also this time, he did hug his middle from behind and places little kisses onto his shoulder, cheek and the sweet spot behind his ear.
But Lando wanted his boyfriend to be finally happy again, he didn’t want him to fall asleep still thinking about today and being upset. And because he already knew the Spaniard well enough and he had also already saved him a few whenever he saw them on the internet, just in case for such moments, Lando finally showed Carlos those saved, cute videos of his favourite animal.
After just three videos he finally smiled again, a real smile and he even laughed from the bottom of his heart, when Carlos watched those little meerkat videos. How much Lando had missed the sound of his giggles and see him all happy like that again.
The Spaniard was finally his old self again, when they were laying on their sides, facing each other, after the movie was over and ready to fall asleep. “Thank you for tonight, mi amor. It was exactly what I have needed. Actually it’s only you I need to be happy. You are really the best.” Carlos whispered, before he leaned closer to also thank his boyfriend with a long, tender kiss.
“Nothing to thank for, really. You would have done the same for me, you actually already do so every time. It was just my turn tonight, besides I did it with pleasure. I’m happy it succeed.” Lando told him, while he cuddled closer against his warm body.
“It really has, mi amor. I just have to love you, I actually don’t have another choice than to love you dearly, my precious love.”
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drivindrivin · 4 years
He has emerged a more rounded driver and there is a sense of how personal this is for Norris. In the office of the McLaren chief executive, Zak Brown, a water bottle sits centrally on his desk, incongruous among the model cars that decorate his workspace. It is not there by chance.
“Lando got these for all of the team, water bottles for everyone and put their names on them,” Brown says, displaying his own in burnished chrome. “That’s over 800 people. He did that off his own bat.
It would be really easy just to take some money and give it out but he really thought about this, it was his idea. That’s stuff the team feels. It’s special, those types of moments bring everyone closer together.”
Norris plays it down as “just a little something to say thank you,” but it was an act that is indicative of the part he and Sainz have played in the transformation at McLaren. The pair brought enthusiasm and energy. Before the pandemic, Norris, who lives nearby, would go to the factory in Woking two or three times a week, use WhatsApp to take photos with mechanics, and go karting and playing golf with them.
This is no tactic gambit to get his team onside, rather an element of the role that he genuinely likes. “It’s part of a driver’s job to get everyone motivated, not just to be someone who turns up, drives and goes home, but at the same time I enjoy it,” he says.
“In 2018 when I was at the races [for practice sessions], I always flew with the mechanics and engineers and I would stay and help pack up, take the cars apart, take the garage down. I would stay and help out not because I wanted to look good but because I enjoyed it.”
Much is made in F1 of the concept of drivers building a team around them, often as a box to be ticked, but with Norris and McLaren it feels like a mutual commitment. It is a refreshingly uncynical attitude from a driver still learning but delighting in the challenge of what is likely to be a very competitive fight in the midfield for fourth place. Norris may be relaxing into his role but the intensity, the determination is as fierce as ever.
“I love what do and I wouldn’t go racing if I didn’t,” he says. “I want to have fun and enjoy everything, which is what I do as much as I can, but I am still critical. I can be happy but I am never satisfied until I feel like I have done the best job I can. Every time I do something I want to do it better.”
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siempre-pedro · 4 years
Into You
Din Djarin x Reader | Hella Fluff
Summary: The Razor Crest is in dire need of repair, landing in Cloud City, Mando feels threatened when Y/N and Lando re-connect., making him admit to an unspoken attraction. 
Wrod Count: 2.8k
A/N: Happy Birthday mi amor. Here’s this dumpster fire of a fic! 
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The Mandalorian was, in every sense of the word, a confident man. He could walk and talk his way out of a situation, enter a cantina full of jealous bounty hunters in new shiny beskar armor and hold his head high.
Mando’s also had confidence with the ladies, the bounty hunter could wine and dine, flirt, and talk to any woman he fancied. He had been around the galaxy a few times, experienced in the opposite sex but those women were never her. She was on another level, it was basically love at first sight and Mando was hook, line, and sinker.
Mando sat in his chair, twirling the silver ball the kid loved to play with in his gloved fingers, his brown eyes watching the stars fly past him through his visor. A loud bang from the roof above shook the cockpit, a single panel fell to the floor with an alarming thud “Alright,” a woman grunts in satisfaction as she hops down from the ceiling, “That should hold up when we come out of hyperspace,” she explains, shoving a wrench in one of her brown boots.
Mando stiffened, rotating in his chair to face her “Are you sure?” he questions, his voice modulator concealing the nerves brought on by her presence. Of course, he could talk to the woman of his affection, she’d been a part of the crew for a over a year and a half, meeting her at a repair base shortly after helping on Sorgan. He became speechless at times like this, she looked beautiful glancing down at him with a confused look on her face that was splotched with dust and oil from the repairs.
“I was the best mechanic in the Rebellion, do you really want to ask me that?” she retorts, wiping her hands with a dingy cream-colored cloth and moving stands of loose hair off her forehead. Her hair was parted in the middle, French braids going down her head, two messy buns at the nape of her neck, small strands clinging to her dirty face.
The man hums and turns his attention to the monitor “We’re almost there,” he spoke. Y/N loved space, flying in the Razor Crest was a dream! The only part she didn’t enjoy was the jerk coming out hyperpace. “Are you going to be ok?” he asks kindly, his hands working the controls.
Y/N takes in a sharp breath and sits in the cold seat behind the bounty hunter, her dirty fingernails digging into the arms of the chair. She closed her eyes and the stars halted along with the ship with the sharpest jerk they’d experienced, causing her to fall forward into Mando’s chair. “Ow,” she complains, rubbing her forehead.
Her complaints made the man turn around quickly, making sure she was ok “Are you alright?” he asks simply, what a charmer. She rubs her forehead and looks up at the ceiling.
“Y-Yeah,” she groans, “I just hope the ship isn’t destroyed." She takes a final look before returning her eyes to the front window, beautiful white puffy clouds collide with their ship as they descend. Cloud City was in the distance.
Y/N smiles brightly, admiring the beauty of the clouds. Her smile didn’t go unnoticed by the Mandalorian. Din wasn’t always graceless around her, he would feel a wave of confidence and comforting familiarity. He wraps one arm around her waist and draws her close to his side, her arm draping over his broad shoulders in response. The unspoken attraction was in their small gestures, neither of them had to say their feelings it was these moments that said it all. Or so they thought, their minds swirled with questioning, was its genuine affection or just a friendly touch of knowing they were safe for the moment.
The city was bright, a large contrast to what the man was used to, it was a nice change. The Razor Crest landed on the landing strip, guards ready to help them deboard. Y/N eagerly put the child in his basket and stood in front of the door, waiting for Mando to join them. Mando knew who would be greeting them outside, General Lando Calrissian, a notorious ladies man. The thought of now would be a good time to say something pokes the back of his mind.
Standing in front of her the words are caught in the back of his throat, her Y/E/C eyes looking up at him in question. Mando reaches up and wipes away a splotch of grease from her forehead “Y-you had a spot,” he says lowly.
She giggles and touches the spot he wiped “Thanks,” she laughed, wiping her fingers on the leg of her dark down pants. Mando nods and presses a button, a large gust of wind comes as the latch opens. Y/N was the first to rush out, her eyes squinting from the brightness.
“Y/N!” Lando greets with glee, opening his arms to hug his old friend. Y/N laughs and hugs him back, slightly patting the space in between his shoulder blades. “It’s been a while, my ships haven’t been the same.” Mando and the child stood a safe distance away, his eyes never leaving his partner as he watched Lando hug her. He didn’t like it, his hands were moving lower, the lost point of her back covered by his greedy hands. A place he just touched, and he should be the only one to do so. He growls lowly, the helmet modulating his voice, making it darker and more of a warning. Lando soon lets her go and she turns to look at Mando with a wide smile “You must be the Mandalorian. Lando Calrissian pleasure to meet you,” he greets with a confident chuckle and sticks out his hand for him to shake.
Mando firmly shakes his hand, and was he squeezing a little too hard? Possibly. Y/N gives him a warning look and shakes her head.
“Thank you for helping with the ship, you have more supplies and hands than I could think of,” Y/N says, trying to cool the room.
“It’s no problem, you got that one hunk of junk to actually fly for Han. It’s the least I can do, come in I’ll show you around and you can get settled and changed.” Y/N and the others followed, the child flying by her side while Mando stood back a few paces to make sure no harm came to Y/N and the child. He watched the way her hands stayed near his side and how their host’s purposely bumped into hers. He wasn’t pleased.
What he hated, even more, was that he had to talk with the man, looking at what would be their shelter for the next few days and listening to Lando talk about all the security they had. It was good and he knew the child would be safe, but he didn’t have to like it. They walked down the hall, Lando laughing at a joke he made and Mando rolling his eyes at how awful it was when he heard giggling coming from the distance. The way his head perked up didn’t go unnoticed from the man next to him.
The laughter got closer, revealing Y/N rounding the corner the child babbling next to her as his basket floated. She twirled in a long white gown with large billowing sleeves, her hair was down and only pulled slightly back with a white barrette. Her eyes caught the sight of the men and Mando’s heart nearly stopped.
She and the child rushed over, tucking the other side of her hair behind her ear, blushing at the sight of the Mandalorian “What do you think?” she asks, picking up the sides of the skirt.
Lando chuckled responded “You look divine! I’m glad everything fits alright.”
Divine? Divine! Mando mentally scoffed at the word…he could do better. “Mando? What do you think?” The corners of her lips turned upward nervously, her heart pounding at what he would say to her. You can do better than divine, Mando thought to himself, he had to do better. “You look,” he starts, he couldn’t find any words to describe the beauty she possessed “clean,” he ends up finishing like an idiot. Her smile didn’t fade but her eyebrows lowered in confusion.
“Thanks,” she laughs, “I feel clean.” She looks past the men and starts to walk off “I’m going to check on my ship, I’ll see you at dinner.”
“You’re supposed to be relaxing!” Lando calls, causing her to roll her eyes. “I know!”
Once she and the child were out of sight Lando bit his lip and looked over at Mando who was still looking in her direction “So uh… you sweet on her?” he asks.
Mando quickly looks at him “Excuse me?” he questions gruffly. “Do you like her?”
Mando pauses and thinks carefully if someone was going to know he loved her it was going to be Y/N herself… no one else. “I’m very fond of her,” he replies simply before walking off, leaving Lando there with a puzzled look on his face.
The clouds turned from a brilliant white to a mix of purple and orange as the sun was beginning to set. Mando paced along the room length window in his quarters, his beskar reflecting the beautiful colors. His mind was moving faster than the clouds, he felt nearly helpless imagining Y/N eating with Lando. The images of laughter and him holding her hand fondly made his blood boil. He wanted to take off his helmet and eat the food that sat on a silver platter at the foot of his head but he had to make sure his fears weren’t true.
The dining room was filled with laughter, reminiscing the two’s past in the Rebellion. Y/N helped the child with the tough parts of the meat in his favorite stew and smiled down at him. “Remember when the engine burst and it took five men to figure out how to fix it?” Lando laughs in between bites.
“How could I forget!” Y/N exclaims, “they had no idea until I told them to change a couple of wires.” Lando started to cackle at the memory, making Y/N laugh along with him. The joyous laughs ceased when the door slid open violently, revealing a stoic Mandalorian. Now Lando couldn’t decipher his posture or the emotions radiating off of the bounty hunter, but she could.
Her eyes lower, he looked briefly at the child and then at Lando who was across from you. He wasn’t happy, his chest was rising and falling rapidly as if he rushed to the other side of the building. Which he did! Whatever it was, it wasn’t good.
His fears started to calm, they weren’t sitting side by side and he wasn’t touching her…but he still hated the image of the three of them. They looked like a family at dinner with their child, it should be Mando in the general's spot. “Mando?” Her voice brings him out of his thoughts, her concerned expression melting him “Are you alright?”
“I just wanted to check on the child,” he answers her.
“They made his favorite stew, he’s having a good time,” she tells him happily. The green child grinning, his large eyes blinking up at his ‘father.’
Mando nods and starts to back away “I’ll leave you to it.”
Y/N sighs as he leaves, rolling the fabric of her dress in between her fingers “Y/N be honest with me,” Lando requests, her joking tone molding into a more serious and concerned tone. Y/N looks at him and hums in confirmation.
“You and the Mandalorian… are you seeing each other? Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.”
Y/N looks down and bites her lip, her heart swelling at the thought of being Din’s, more than just a mechanic and a helper with the child. “No we're not,” she answers shaking her head. Lando crosses his arms and leans back in his metal dining chair.
“But you have feelings for him?”
“Since I met him,” she whispers, “I’ve loved him for a while now.”
Lando reaches over and holds out his hand, she offers a half-smile and takes her friends hand “Maybe it’s time you tell him,” he encourages, patting the top of her hand with his free hand. She nods and pulls away to pick up her fork.
“Maybe after dinner,” she lies. There was no way she was going to tell him, they had a good thing going. She fixed the ship and she had a place to stay and credits here and there, and he got well, of course, a fixed hunk of junk and someone to help with the child. She didn’t want to mess with the unspoken attraction in fear of ruining everything with him.
The cloud turned dark, puffy and angry with water as the sky transitioned to darkness. The rain was inevitable and Y/N hoped the child would sleep through the close thunder. She leaned against the headboard of the bed that felt like the clouds outside, her hands fiddled with a small part to the engine and a screwdriver. One of the thin straps to her long white silk nightgown slid down her shoulder but she was too focused on getting the screw to fit “Fucking go in,” she grunts, shoving the screwdriver in harder.
Suddenly, the door slides open violently startling the mechanic. She tosses the part and tool to the side and gasps “Mando?” she breathes heavily. The bounty hunter stands at the entrance with his hands nearly shaking. Y/N slowly stands up and crosses her arms over her chest to cover her barely covered breasts.
He looked different, a way she had never seen him look before. The beskar was gone, he wore a simple dark drown tunic and a pair of matching pants that capped mid-calf, his helmet still covering his face.
The amount of skin drew her to stare, he was so tan and the veins of his hands made her knees weak. Her eyebrows furrow as he crosses the room, standing in front of her by the large window “I’m not good at these things,” he admits nervously. Nervous, that was another thing she had not encountered with him.
“With what?” she asks in almost a whisper, looking at the dark parts of his helmet where his eyes would be.
“Telling…you how I feel.”
“A-and how do you feel?” He didn’t answer, his brain was moving too fast, he knew his words would have to have more meaning than you look divine. Saying I love you sounded so easy in his head, but his lips wouldn’t move, they were stuck in a tight line.
Y/N took a step closer to him “Din,” she whispers. Din. She hadn’t said that name since the incident, it felt really good to say his name.
“I adore you, Y/N,” he finally says. The woman breaks out into a soft smile, tears starting to well up as the rain begins to tap on the window.
“You do?” Din nods and places his warm hand against her cheek, his thumb swiping her soft skin. She leans into the touch and unfolds her arms. Her finger tips cautiously trail up his exposed forearm, feeling his skin against hers until she placed her hand over his. “I love you.”
He lowers his head and places his forehead against hers, sending a cold shiver down her spine “I love you too,” he responds, closing the gap between them so that their chests were touching.
“I wish I could kiss you, Din,” she says, moving her forehead.
“I’m not ready to take it off.”
“I know… I understand.” Din senses the sadness in her voice, he moves his hand and wraps her in a loving hug, purposely touching her lower back. She was his and he was hers “Come to bed?”
“I shouldn’t leave the kid.”
“He’s next door, he’ll be on for a few hours,” she persuades and backs away from the hug, taking him by the hand and leading him to the bed. He reluctantly agrees and gently pushes her back, leaning in he removes a lock of hair from her face and cups her cheek. A spoken attraction.
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redschillzone · 4 years
I Can't Help Falling In Love With You (Iden Versio x Reader)
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(Gif found here!)
Pairing: Iden Versio x (Gender Neutral) Reader
Word Count: 3.0k Words
Warnings: None
Summary: After defecting from the Empire, Iden and Del join the Republic. It’s there that Iden begins to catch feelings for someone she once swore to be her enemy.
A/N: My first request! I hope I did okay. :3 Enjoy!
“We don’t even know how to fly x-wings.” Iden spoke as she followed the general into the hangar bay, where life just seemed to be teeming. She couldn’t help herself as she shifted her gaze every so often to inspect the area. Nearby pilots were getting ready for takeoff, mechanics working on the last few patches to the various ships littered in the area, and droids scurried about to join their respected pilots. It kinda reminded her of the Imperial hangars, only more messy. Various crates and tubes were scattered around the area and even though everything seemed in disarray, everyone knew exactly where everything was.
“Should be easy for special forces.” Lando spoke as he turned to face her and Del, placing a hand on his belt as he shifted his gaze between the two. Del was still on edge about this, but at this point what other choice did they have? They had seen what the Empire was doing, how wrong it all was. All the good they were told they were doing, the good they believed they were doing, turned out to be nothing but a bunch of lies; They were doing more harm than good and the two had enough. So, here they were, talking with a general about possibly joining the Republic. 
“What’s the alternative, Iden?” Del spoke, watching his commander carefully as she hummed and turned away from him, putting her hands on her hips as she inspected the hangar around her, her eyes occasionally landing on your form as you worked on your ship, your droid beeping at you every so often beside you and you couldn’t help but laugh as the two of you made conversation, but she couldn’t make it out. 
“So, what’s it going to be?” Lando asked, putting a hand on his own hip as he watched Iden think carefully. They didn’t have much choice, they could try and run for the rest of their lives but eventually they’d get dragged back into this war one way or another. Plus, she was certain Hask was on their tail, hunting them down so he could bring them back to the Empire for a proper punishment.
“We’ll do it.” She spoke, turning to face Lando who couldn’t help the grin that appeared on his face. A laugh rang out from the man as he held his hand out to Iden, who took it and shook.
“Well let me be the first to welcome you to the Republic.” He spoke, to which Iden gave a small smile as she shook his hand. He was far too happy for her liking. I mean, a war was raging on, and he always seemed to have some smile on his face. Well, from what she saw at least.
“Let’s get you out of those uniforms, hm?” He questioned before he turned and called out for you.
“Commander! Come here!” He called out to you, which you looked over. You gave your droid a small nod as you turned away from the x-wing and made your way over, dropping off the tools you were using on a nearby crate. The top half of your pilot suit currently hung around your waist, showing off the black, long sleeved shirt you had on under. Iden couldn’t help but watch your form, an eyebrow raised. You were a commander? To her you looked just like any other x-wing pilot, especially as you were working on the ship just a few moments ago. But then again, things did run differently in the Republic. She and Del were going to have to learn quickly.
“Yes General?” You asked, tilting your head as he put a hand on your shoulder.
“I’m placing these two under your supervision and in your squadron. Get them suited up and in any spare x-wings we have. Is that understood?” Lando told you, watching as you shifted your gaze to the two ex-imperials. Lando was putting them under your watch? You couldn’t help but let out a breath as you gave a small nod. You had enough on your plate as it was, but if this was what the general wanted then you were going to listen. You weren’t one for disobeying direct orders after all.
“Of course sir.” You spoke, facing Iden and Del once more before you gave a nod. 
“Follow me.” You instructed before you made your way past them and headed deeper into the ship, the two following behind you. Iden watched your form quietly as you all walked, her mind racing at a thousand thoughts per second. She would have to learn that she was no longer a commander, but just a pilot. A soldier for the Republic now; She could no longer give the commands, that was all your call, but you could bet that she was going to speak her mind. She would have to work her way back up to that title of commander again, and she was going to do just that. 
She let out a breath as she followed behind you, glancing around as everyone continued to go about their business, almost paying no mind to them. It was weird, she would admit but she just shook her head and continued to follow you until you reached the armory of the ship. You opened the door with the code required and made your way inside, she and Del following along before they watched as you dug around, finding the spare clothes and pilot outfits before you placed them out and looked at them.
“Go ahead and get dressed, I’ll be waiting outside this room. Don’t try anything funny, got it?” You spoke, waiting until they gave you a nod before you left the room so they could change. Iden watched as your form left the room and let out a breath before she grabbed her set of spare clothes and moved to the other side of the room, beginning to get changed as Del did the same.
“Did we make the right choice..?” Del commented as he changed, to which Iden gave a hum as she threw her imperial pilot suit to the side and began to get changed into the orange pilot suit that labeled her as a rebel now.
“I think so.” She spoke, glancing back at him for a short moment before she returned her gaze forward. It was going to take some time, but she believed they could get used to this.
“Destroying that factory had a bigger impact than we thought.” Iden spoke as she watched the holograms appear on the console before her. In just the span of a few months she had grown used to how everything in the Republic worked, how everything ticked and she was honestly a bit surprised. She didn’t think she’d fit in so well here, and Del was just as surprised at how welcoming the Rebels actually were to them. But if anything surprised her more, it was how hard she was beginning to fall for you. The day they arrived and you led them into the fight to destroy the satellites around Naboo, she felt something she didn’t feel with very many people. She was beginning to care for you, and it began to scare her. She was afraid that if she grew close to you, she’d lose you. She’d have to see you eventually die to the side she was once on, and it scared her to death. So, she repressed those feelings for you. She kept them locked away and shoved them to the deepest corners of her mind.
But whenever she’d walk in the hangar or the debriefing room, she’d see some hotshot pilot flirting with you; Some officer showering you in compliments that you politely thanked them for before you continued with your work. She couldn’t help but feel that spark of jealousy fill her chest whenever she saw those engagements happening. Del could tell something was going on with her whenever he would catch her eyes lingering on your form a little longer than it should whenever you gave your debrief of the mission, or when you were talking to your squadron right before a mission in the hangar. He had tried several times to get a confession from her, but she remained tight lipped and didn’t spill a word. 
When the new Inferno Squadron was made under Leia’s command, Iden couldn’t help but feel a little upset about it. She would be the commander of the squadron, and she didn’t mind that, it was the fact that she’d see less and less of you; Of your smiling face whenever she’d come into the room, of your conversations you two would have as she watched you work on your x-wing, of hearing your commands whenever you two went into battle together. She would miss it all, but she knew that they were getting closer to the end of this war, and maybe when it came to an end she’d tell you how she really felt.
“Admiral Ackbar is calling all Republic ships to Jakku.” She spoke with confidence, watching as Del and Shriv listened to her talk. She missed when you were there with them, when you would jump in at random points to add your own bit of information and it would bring a bit of laughter to the room. She couldn’t help the small sigh that escaped her before she continued on. 
“The whole Imperial fleet is there, minus the equipment they would have received from Sullust. I expect my father to be there too, but catching him is no longer our priority. This battle could end the war…” She spoke, a hopeful tone to her voice as Del listened to her, his arms crossed as he watched the holograms change with almost every word she said. They were so close to ending this war, to having the freedom they all craved. This battle would determine it, and by the Maker were they going to give it everything they had.
“Let’s get in, and do what we can to help.” She finished, looking between Shriv and Del who both nodded and made their way to their respected positions. Iden watched the hologram of the Imperial fleet quietly, letting out a breath as she went ahead and turned the table off. Slowly she began to make her way to the hangar, glancing around quietly as she did so. She swore to herself that if they made it out of this battle alive, she’d make her move on you. She’d tell you everything she felt about you, how you made her feel, how she wanted to live a long and happy life with you. She’d tell you it all.
As she made her way into the hangar, your voice was the first thing that hit her ears. You were informing your squadron of the plan, to strike hard at the Empire with everything you all had. She couldn’t help but smile as she walked over, listening quietly.
“If this battle goes according to plan, we’ll have won the war. We can all go home and live happy lives. So make sure to give it your all, got it?” You spoke with confidence, it dripped from your words and your squadron gave a ‘Yes commander!’ before breaking apart. Only one squad mate stayed behind to talk to you, and you raised an eyebrow as they made their way over; Iden on the other hand could already feel the jealousy starting up as she watched.
“So Commander, I was just wondering if.. Maybe when this is all over, if you wanted t-” They started, but the words never came out as you gave them a stern look.
“Pilot, is now really the time to be asking me on a date?” You barked at them, to which they tensed and quickly gave a ‘Sorry’ before rushing to their ship. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at their attempt to flirt before you turned, stopping once you saw Iden and gave a small smile.
“Ah, Commander Versio. A pleasure to see you again.” You smiled, to which Iden chuckled lightly.
“Commander. I uh, came to wish you good luck.” Iden spoke, standing with her hands behind her back. You couldn’t help but chuckle lightly as you put your hand on her shoulder. She could feel the blush rising on her cheeks, but she did a great job of keeping her face neutral.
“Iden, I don’t need luck.” You grinned, patting her shoulder before you pulled away from her.
“I’ll see you when we’ve won the war!” You spoke, rushing over to your x-wing before you climbed inside. She watched your retreating form, a small smile on her face. Maker, she really did fall hard for you. Your determination to win this battle was something she admired, and your courage was something she loved. She gently shook her head, as much as she loved thinking about you, now was not the time. There was a battle to be fought, and as you had told her, you two would see each other again soon.
The hangar was alive with the cheers and laughter of the Rebels who fought a lifetime for this moment, for the moment that they had finally won the war. Iden glanced around the hangar with a small smile on her face, Del standing beside her as they watched the celebrations ring out through the bay. But as they watched, neither of them saw you, and it began to fill Iden with fear. Did you die during that mission? No, there was no way you died. You were an ace pilot, an amazing soldier and an even better commander. There was no way a mission like that would take you out. You had told her you’d see her again, you wouldn’t let that die with you, would you? 
Letting out a breath, Iden began to wander, her eyes scanning each face she passed. None were yours, and the feeling began to grow, festering inside her as she continued to walk. People were hugging their friends, kissing their loved ones, and overall just celebrating what just happened. It began to make her feel sick; If you had died on that mission and she didn’t get to tell you what she felt, she could never live with herself. Tears were beginning to form as she continued her search; You weren’t dead. You couldn’t be dead. She had so much she wanted to tell you, how you were one of the most amazing people she had ever met, how much she loved you and wanted nothing more but to hold you in her arms as you guys finally settled down on some planet, watching the night sky and just talking as she ran her fingers through your hair. 
It wasn’t until she heard your laughter that she began to relax. She whipped herself in your direction, watching as you were hugging your squad mates, tears in your eyes at the fact that the very thing you had fought for just about your whole life was finally happening. 
Slowly Iden began to relax as she made her way over, but stopped midway as the same squad mate from earlier hugged you, only they held you a little too long. Their hands placed a little too close to your ass and that jealousy sparked in Iden once more. 
‘You swore to yourself you’d do it, Versio. Better now then never.’ She told herself before she began to cross the hangar to you, watching as you and your squad mate pulled away before you noticed her, a grin appearing on your face.
“Iden I’m so glad you’re al-” You started, but the words were quickly snuffed out as Iden crashed her lips to yours, her eyes shut tightly as she pulled you close to her body. You were frozen to the spot, but it didn’t take you very long to return the long awaited kiss. Your eyes slowly fluttered shut as you placed your hands on her cheeks, gently rubbing your thumbs across her skin. The kiss was passionate, slow even as Iden was trying to put months of yearning for you into one kiss. You were the first to break away, panting heavily as you opened your eyes to look at Iden, a chuckle leaving your form.
“J-Jealous, Commander?” You grinned at her, to which she chuckled and held you as close as she could.
“You have no idea...” She told you, holding you as close as she could. She finally had you, she was holding you in her arms and she swore to herself she would never let you go. She would watch over you with each passing second, and you swore you would do the same with her. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you before you kissed her once more, this one sweeter than the other and Iden gladly returned it. It didn’t take long for the kiss to grow a little needy and heated, but a throat was cleared nearby which caused you two to pull away and look towards Del, who was shaking his head lightly at the two of you.
“Save it for the bedroom, would you?” He joked, going over to give you a hug once you pulled away from Iden.
“Oh shut up, Del.” You said as you smacked his arm once you pulled away from the hug, a blush appearing on your face as Iden smiled. He chuckled, looking towards Iden and gave her a hug as well before he left to find Shriv and the others. Iden watched his retreating form before looking at you once more, going and taking your hands in hers.
“I love you.” She spoke, her grip tightening on your hands as you stared at her with wide eyes. You felt the tears beginning to prick at the corner of your eyes before you pulled her into a tight hug, to which she gladly returned as she wrapped her arms around your waist tightly. You were never going to let her go, not now that she was safe and in your arms. And she was never going to let you go. You were hers now, and she didn’t have to fight with some hotshot pilot to talk with you, some officer to give you compliments. Oh no, that was all her job now. And she couldn’t be happier to hear those five words leave your mouth.
“I love you too, Iden…”
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formula365 · 4 years
We will always have Portimão
For a moment, during the Portuguese Grand Prix first lap, Kimi Raikkonen must have thought he had jumped into the wrong car. After all, he was supposed to be driving an Alfa Romeo, one of the slowest cars on the grid; he had started P16, a regular occurrence this season, and had only finished in the top ten once in the whole season. So how was it possible that he was breezing past Ferraris, Racing Points and Renaults? He had gained 10 places in the first lap and was glued to the Red Bull of Max Verstappen and the Ferrari of Charles Leclerc down the main straight. If indeed he was wondering about what car was he really driving, he wouldn’t have been the only one. A bit further up the field, as Kimi tussled with Verstappen and Leclerc, Carlos Sainz had just taken the lead of the race. The Spaniard must have been as surprised as everyone watching, as he left Bottas and Hamilton behind him; that was a sight he had surely not expected to see in his rearview mirrors when he woke up on Sunday morning. You would have been forgiven if you thought you had time travelled to 2012: a McLaren leading, another in P4 and Kimi in P6. Alas, it wasn’t to last - of course. There had been some light spats of rain just before the start, and the difficulty of warming up the mediums had thrown the field into pandemonium. Once those tyres were up to temperature, the natural order returned, with the Mercedes on top and Kimi moving backwards (although not as much as expected, the Finn finishing an impressive P11). Nevertheless, the first handful of laps of the race were as exciting as anything we have seen in a merry long time. The history books will tell you this was another typical 2020 podium with Hamilton, Bottas and Verstappen, the seventh time it happened in 12 races. Hamilton annihilated the opposition with a blitzing pace. There were some good races from midfield drivers: Leclerc had another strong weekend to finish P4, Gasly bossed his way to P5, Sainz faded from his early lead but still managed sixth, Checo stormed through the filed to get P7, Ocon stretched the medium tyres to last more than two thirds of the race. Plenty of praise can be spread through the field, but the highlight of the race can’t be an individual performance. The chaos of the early rounds, with drivers out of position and unexpected drivers at the front, felt like what F1 should aspire to be. The reduced grip of the early stages transformed the race, levelling the playing field and allowing race craft to come to the fore. Sainz and Kimi, perhaps with some rallying mindset to help, managed to master the conditions better than most, and it was fascinating to witness the trouble an expected lack of grip in a relatively unknown track brought to the grid. Of course, F1 can’t recreate these conditions, nor should that be the aim. But what these conditions provided was an ideal: a vision of what we, as fans, would love to see this sport become. After all, this is why we love wet races: the unpredictability, seeing frontrunners struggle and back markers shine. This is not something that can happen in a constant manner, and at the end of the day some teams and drivers will be better than others. We should, however, expect to have a more balanced field, and more opportunities for teams to evolve and grow and challenge those at the front. Fans went nuts for the opening laps of the race not just because it was crazy and it was fun, but also because deep down we know we just had a peak of the F1 we want to see. Just like Vettel, I don’t have a crystal ball, so I can’t know if the new regulations can deliver something like this, but in the meantime we can go back and re-watch the early laps of the 2020 Portuguese GP, to have a taste of the F1 we dream of. We will always have Portimão.
Talking points * I dedicated the main text of the Nurburgring review to Hamilton equalling Schumacher’s record, so I decided not to repeat myself in this race, but my oh my did he mark the occasion with a brilliant performance. Hamilton didn’t set out just to win the race, he was out there to show how much better he is than anyone else. Having lost the lead early on, he let Bottas open a small gap for a few laps, but once he turned it on, there was no stopping him. He made light work of Bottas’ defence and, once in front, disappeared into the distance. There were brief complaints about his tyres, and a cramp hampered him close to the end. No matter: he set fastest lap after fastest lap, showing his true pace in a way that, due to tyre and car management, we don’t get to see every weekend. This was pure, unadulterated Hamilton, and it was devastating. At the chequered flag, he was a massive 25 (twenty-five) seconds ahead of this teammate. This wasn’t just a win, or even a record-breaking win; this was a statement. * Watching the post-qualifying and post-race interviews with Valtteri Bottas can be heartbreaking at times. The Finn is a fantastic driver, specially on Saturdays, when he is able to push Hamilton hard for pole. Yet, no matter how hard he tries, he still has no answer to Hamilton’s true pace. When he needs to, the champion-elect switches to a gear above, one that Bottas simply cannot match. Having to face that reality right after he jumps from the cockpit has to be tough: you can almost see the light in his eyes fade weekend after weekend. * After retiring with mechanical issues in the first race in Spielberg, Lance Stroll embarked on the best run of his career, with seven consecutive races in the top 10, including a podium and two P4s. But since the heights of Monza, he has failed to score. After retiring twice in a row, and then missing the Eifel Grand Prix due to catching COVID, he must have been raring to show his pace once again, but never really seemed to show up. He crashed with Verstappen in FP2, was nowhere near the pace in qualifying, had been warned about track limits by lap 12, crashed into Lando Norris in a - let’s use a euphemism - ambitious overtaking attempt, and ended up bringing up the rear of the field until his retirement. His seat is obviously not in danger, but he is now behind his team mate in the standings, who has one less race start. After Monza he was fourth in the championship; after this weekend, he is eleventh. * Renault’s rollercoaster season continued in Portugal. After a mighty impressive run of results between Spa and Nurburgring, they seemed to go backwards again, with Ocon failing to make it to Q3 and then with both drivers failing to challenge the Racing Points and McLarens, or even the AlphaTauri of Pierre Gasly. Without the crash that took Stroll and Norris out of points contention, they would have left Portugal with just one point and their hopes of clinching P3 in the championship a bit dented. * There are several drivers on the grid racing for their futures, whether that is to retain their seat, claim a better one or just grab one of the last remaining ones. Of these, Gasly and Checo enhanced their claims enormously with tremendous drives. Checo would have probably been P5 had it not been for the team’s strategic mistake of putting him on the softs for his last stint; impressive in and of itself, but even more so given that he was spun by Verstappen on the first lap and ended up at the back of the field. This result continued his streak of finishing every race in the points; Spa and Monza aside, he has known nothing but the top 7. Gasly, on the other hand, continues to make Red Bull management look ridiculous for not wanting to take him back. Another brilliant drive saw him clinch P5 and climb to P9 in the championship, only one point behind Alex Albon. He must have stepped on some mighty toes for Red Bull to refuse to give him a chance… * Albon, on the other hand, might have just lost his seat this weekend. To start P6 and finish P12 on a Red Bull, without crashes or mechanical issues, is not up to the level required, and something has to give. He looked to have turned a corner after Mugello, the relief of finally making it to the podium obvious on his body language, but he has collected only one point in the three races since. I feel for him, as it is obvious that that seat is never going to have the full support of the team, but when you are being lapped by your teammate when he finishes regularly on the podium, something is not working. Albon is a great driver and I hope his landing will be soft, whether in F1 or elsewhere; he deserves another break.
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