#like it makes more sense the blue cult and twin reveal
so-bitya · 2 months
sorry no....I would attempt drastic measures if kuro ends soon lol.
like I know yall keep insist it'll be over but stop it!!!! 😭 like we still have the main mystery with ciel's parents, the queen, whatever undertaker is doing, the unresolved mess with lizzy and soma, o!ciel reuniting with the servants, confrontations with many other characters and what??? yall hoping it'll end on his birthday???? no!!!
and even if some of plot threads can be tied at once, imagine how rushed it all be. didn't we spend 6 years on the servants alone!!
and to be fair, I'm side-eyeing yana more than yall. I honestly believe this all could have been more steadily approached. which is why I'm hoping the blue arcs is actually just the start of kuro's shippuden era, not the beginning of the final act. so please yall please....
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allsebaciel · 20 days
Thanks a lot for answering my question!
Some people says that the Brighton arc might be one of the last chapters but I have a hard time to believe it as we still need the confrontation between twins and the revelation behind ciels parents death (except if it's undertaker all along) .. what do you think?
Also, do you think Yana is going to give us some sebaciel content in the arcs to come?
Thanks again
Hello again!
I don't really know about that! Brighton might be a cumulative arc for a lot of events but I don't think it will be long enough to cover the whole thing with Ciel's family getting targeted, or have enough runtime to conclude Ciel's story. It might close the chapter on Undertaker's human experimentation done under the facilities connected to the Blue Cult, and overall reveal a lot of details but I don't believe it will be last.
I have noticed that Yana loves symbolism, so it would make sense for BB to end where it started: at the manor. Perhaps she will release 5~ or so more arcs to fully complete Ciel's story? BB has lasted for nearly twenty years, and we were deprived of Sebastian and Ciel for at least, what, a couple? Three?
So, to answer you: I think it will be important and feed us with ship content in the same way that Circus and Murder did, when the main characters also had to share living space and be rather intimate with one another.
Do I think it will be the last arc? Not really! Do I think there will be more pandering in later arcs? Likely! The closest she got to showing us Ciel's demise was the Green Witch and that arc was... very sexual. I can't imagine how sensual the actual scene of Ciel's death will be.
Come around again!
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majorsoapfan · 3 years
Umbrella Academy Season 3 Wish list
This is a long one so buckle up:
Let Klaus and Allison take centre-stage this season in leading the plot. Both are incredible characters and deserve the chance to shine. And I can think of several reasons why they deserve the chance to take centre-stage: out of the whole Academy their powers are some of the most fascinating and in Klaus’ case he has so many that haven’t been revealed yet. They’ve both suffered and lost a lot as well, particularly in season 2 and their hardships tend to get ignored by others. Their relationship together is already really interesting and supportive and they would be an awesome team up. There’s more but I’ll be here forever if I tried to list them.
No Apocalypse. The world ending in eight days was a great plot driver in season 1 and again in season 2 with the reveal that the end of the world actually followed the Umbrella’s back in time. But if the same thing gets repeated over and over then I’m worried that the show will lose it’s edge as a result. In order for the characters to develop new crisis's need to take its place.
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Let Five have a rest. Even if it’s just for an episode or two so he can get a solid eight hours sleep if nothing else. For the last two seasons Five has been running around non-stop trying to stop the end of the world and save his family. Without that Five can grow as a person and get a literal break that he really hasn’t gotten in 45 years.
Oh course that doesn’t mean I want Five out of the drama entirely and I do expect to see Reginald and Five scenes in season 3. Five is the only one of his original children that the bastard seemed to tolerate and he did seem to have some form of twisted respect for Five as well. And I wouldn’t put it past the monocle monster to have some twisted plans in store for the eldest member of the Umbrella Academy. He’s had fifty years to plan for the Umbrella’s return after all.
The Sparrows. I just saw the line up of the Sparrows for season three and I am honestly so interested. I can’t wait to see what their powers are like and I already have some ideas. They have so much potential and hopefully they’ll be done well. And so far they seem to be written as the Umbrella’s foils. Marcus is a natural leader who loves his family, while Luther forces himself into the role and alienated his family as a result. Both Ben and Diego long to be the leader but while Diego is more emotional, Ben’s more strategic. Five is driven by his love and desire to protect his family, while Sloane feels held back by hers. Vanya was treated as an outcast and betrayed her siblings trust while Christopher, a literal Cube, is said to be loyal and is treated as a loved family member 
That being said though, I don’t want the Sparrows to be the main focus this season or have the attention split between them and the Umbrella’s. Because while I do want to see the Sparrows and their family dynamic and how they interact with the Umbrella’s, I would prefer to see how the Umbrella Hargreeves’ cope with their existent and how this impacts them and how they move forward with this. Or a team up between Sparrows and Umbrella’s would be fine. Or multiple team ups, I’m not picky.
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There is a really good fan theory out there about Klaus and Five being twins and while I know that in the comics it’s Luther and Five, the fan theory in season 3 would be so much better in my opinion. And in all honesty it makes so much more sense. Physically they are strikingly similar, especially as children. Their powers both concentrate in their hands and emit a blue glow when they use them. Their powers themselves are literally time and death, which are linked and they have additive personalities, which can be inherited between family members. And I can’t help but feel that this moment:
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lends a new level to their relationship then what we see with them as adults. Look at how alike they are! And that fond smile that Five is giving Klaus? Making them twins opens up a wide range of possibilities for Klaus and Five both character and plot wise.
Give Luther a proper love interest. And I can’t believe that this even has to be said but his sister does not count! Literally all of siblings have have romantic interests, all of them so important in the Umbrella’s life in some way or another. It would be nice too to see Luther form a healthy romantic connection for the first time in his life.
While I’m on the subject of Luther and healthy relationships, it also brings me back to the Sparrows and how their number one Marcus seems to be Luther’s foil. And it would be interesting for the show to explore just how seeing the Sparrows and someone so similar to Luther might just affect him. He did spend thirty years of his life after all being Reginald’s little solider and believing that his position as Number One made him the family leader only to find out it was all for nothing. Only Marcus seems to be respected in his position as leader and loves his family dearly, while Luther was mocked and seems to have driven all of his siblings bar Allison away from him because of it. This has incredible potential for Luther’s character arc this season especially if it makes him acknowledge his behaviour to his siblings as they were growing up; particularly to Klaus and Vanya who probably got the worst of it. Allison after all was his closest companion, Diego was his rival (more or less), Ben seemingly got on with everyone and Five would have bitten Luther’s head off if he tried anything. But Reginald’s disappointments Klaus and Vanya? Luther, wanting to impress their dad and follow his orders probably didn’t treat them the best. And I want Luther to admit that and apologise and make the next step in becoming a better person and brother. He’s made incredible progress in season 2, but I don’t want his past treatment of his siblings to be swept under the rug. It needs to be acknowledged and Luther needs to admit it was wrong so he can grow. 
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Can we get Diego’s season one hair back too? I wondered just how it got that long considering that he was only in the sixties for around three months. Klaus makes sense as he was in the sixties for years. Plenty of time for him to grow it out, not really for Diego. But I really prefer his season one hair so can it make a comeback please?
What I want to see for Vanya this season is for her to realize that she doesn’t need powers to be special. I kinda noticed that she seems to have defined her worth on her powers and that’s not healthy. So a potential scenario: Reginald seems to have made the power-suppressing drug himself, so he may still have it in season 3. Imagine Vanya getting a dose of it that knocks her powers out for a good chunk of time and in the meantime some of her siblings are in danger (I’m picturing Luther and Diego here the himbos) and she ends up saving them. Not with her powers but because of her intelligence and other skills that she has and she realizes that she doesn’t need her powers to be special or to save the day. A logical step in character growth.
Getting some closure on season 2 character like Sissy, Ray, Grace, the Cult (which I really didn’t like) and the Swede and what happened to them once the Umbrella’s left the sixties. And maybe finding out what happened to season one’s characters since the Umbrella’s didn’t exist in this timeline: Agnes, Patch, Leonard, Pogo, Claire.
For Klaus and Umbrella Ben to talk about their issues and make up. I know that our Ben is now up there with the little girl in the sky but that has not stopped Klaus from visiting heaven before. And I think that if Klaus and Ben do not get at least one final conversation to talk through their issues next season then I will sue. They both did crappy things to each other in season two but they both love each other dearly and they deserve the chance to get the closure they both need. I think that Klaus will definitely need it in order to move on completely.
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I know I said no Apocalypse but I’m still going to be expecting some major crisis to happen during the last few episodes. An alien invasion or Sparrows trying to kill the Umbrella's maybe? But no matter what the problem is, I really want Klaus to get his moment to shine by being the one to save the day. Reginald said himself that Klaus has untapped potential and we know thanks to the comics what other powers he has. And thanks to Ben’s antics at the family dinner the old bastard has probably written him off as useless and not a threat when making plans to deal with the Umbrella’s. Which means nobody is going to be looking at Klaus or considering him a potential threat to their plans, leaving Klaus relatively safe to start exploring and enhancing his powers. He was supposed to be the one to have done it in season one with the moon and his abilities were brushed to the side completely in season two or used for Ben’s benefit so I think he’s long overdue his moment to shine. And maybe then will the rest of his siblings stop seeing Klaus as a joke.
Lila. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of her, her story felt unfinished and she does have a briefcase. She could pop at any moment in the story. She has so much potential and I did love her actress. Imagine her and Five forcing to team up or something? Or maybe her and Allison?
Another character I’d like to see return is Hazel. He’s someone who really grew on me. And there is a chance that he could return and maybe team up with the Umbrella’s this season. Potential scenarios: Five on the hunt for allies to help him restore the timeline hunts down Hazel who in this timeline is working with the Commission and because the Umbrellas don’t exist hasn’t met Agnes yet. Maybe something happened to her because of the Sparrows?
Finally Dave. I’m a huge Dave fan but I really don’t want him to show up in season three. Or if he does then for the smallest amount of time possible just to give Klaus some ‘closure’. Time travel is in the Umbrella Academy universe after all and it’s possible that by Klaus warning Dave about his faith and causing him to enlist earlier and in a different branch as a result he’s saved Dave and opened up the possibility of seeing Commission!Dave later. Which is the perfect storyline for season 4. Season three is only 10 episodes long and there’ll be a lot going on already so shoving Dave into what will already be a pretty packed season won’t give Dave the attention he deserves and will take away from the other focus. Not only that but Klaus’ motivation for the last two seasons is doing something for either Dave or Ben. I want to see Klaus train his powers either for himself or to help someone else. Also, Dave deserves the chance to grow as a character as well and making him a part of season 3 would take away from the main focus of the Umbrella’s and Sparrows. Making him a main focus in season four instead if we get one will give a great opportunity story-wise to develop both him and Klaus as individuals and as a couple.
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mythgirlimagines · 3 years
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Now that today is Tuesday, I’ve conjured up a fresh new talentswap! Give a warm welcome to Myth, Former Ultimate Child Caregiver!
Myth’s parents work at an orphanage, and as such, she was born and raised around little kids. She may have 3 biological sisters, but emotionally, she has close to 53 siblings. Myth bonded especially with a rough-and-tough street rat the same age as her. However, when Myth started to get older, the orphanages funds began to falter. Myth’s parents had no choice but to send their strongest orphans to ”aikido training” in order to earn them money. And sadly, Wyre was amongst the strongest orphans. Myth was deeply hurt by the loss of her childhood friend, but she had to remain strong for the rest of the orphans. Many other Ultimates also visit Myth’s orphanage in order to assist her in caring for the children. She claims she can do it all by herself, but deep down, she appreciates the extra helping hands.
Wyre Anon, Former Ultimate Assassin Aikido Master
Wyre has been Myth’s friend ever since Wyre was first brought flailing and screaming into the orphanage. Myth is only one able to calm a little Wyre down from her outbursts, even to the present day. Myth is also the only one who knows of Wyre’s secret identity as “Ryuuken”, a highly dangerous and violent assassin, and regularly controls Wyre in case she can’t fight her violent nature.
Anon Scar, Ultimate Adventurer
Scar, or “The Crusader Of The Mortal Realm” as she refers to herself, is well-known for traversing across dangerous terrain and through precarious situations. Scar is also a big hit amongst the kids at Myth’s orphanage for her bombastic anecdotes regarding her travels, abliet with Myth and Fusion translating the more complex parts of her speech. Scar will never admit it, but she has a soft spot for the ”Spawn of Heart”, as she calls them.
FU5-10N (aka. Fusion Anon), Ultimate Robot
Originally built for the purpose of being a science museum’s tour guide and mascot, FU5-10N has since being upgraded to look after little kids as well. While some more skittish kids may be a bit unnerved by this 6,3 metal man, the fear quickly dissipates when said 6,3 metal man starts telling dad jokes and science trivia. Myth quickly got along with the metal man for their shared love of puns. However, FU5-10N is also the only one besides Myth who knows of Wyre‘s true talent.
Fusion Anon II, Ultimate Cosplayer
Fusion II is well-known across conventions for her impressively accurate craftsmanship regarding her costumes. Fusion II regularly acts sarcastic and ”too cool for school”, but Myth and the kids quickly busts down her snarky exterior to reveal a massive nerd deep down. Because of Fusion II’s talent, she can not only repair the orphan’s torn clothes and plushies, but she‘ll improve them and make them at least “20% cooler”. She’ll never admit it, but she lives for the orphan’s smiles and words of gratitude.
Just Anon, Ultimate Artist
A natural prodigy when it comes to all sorts of art forms, Janon very quickly establishes himself as a cynical and lazy jerk. Or at least, around adults and kids his age. When around people younger than him need his help, he’d always there for them in a pinch. Unfortunately for him, Myth regularly teases and praises Janon for his soft spot towards the orphans, claiming that he should start working here full-time. This usually earns her paint splashed in her face.
Sparkle Anon, Former Ultimate Magician
Sparkle, or “THE SPECTACULAR SPELLCASTER, SPARKLE“ as she refers to herself, might just hold the record for the most bombastic and elaborate magic tricks ever performed on stage. Myth’s relationship with Sparkle goes back more than half a decade. In fact, Sparkle got her start entertaining the kids at Myth’s orphanage. Myth regularly volunteers herself to assist Sparkle in her magic shows. Even as an adult, Sparkle still hasn’t lost her sparkling and eccentric charm. She lives for the thunderous roar of applause and the tsunami of smiles from her loving audience.
Egg Anon, Former Ultimate Supreme Leader, and Wet Sock Anon, Former Ultimate Astronaut
While Myth normally would allow anyone to help out at the orphanage, these two are the exception to this rule, and it’s not hard to see why. Egg has but one goal; to brainwash children with cursed thoughts and indoctrinate them into their cult. Their twin, Wet Sock‘s main goal is to extend the reach of their cult to outer space. Myth speaks for everyone at the orphanage when she says that Egg and Wet Sock’s cursed images and concepts  are hazardous to a child‘s mental health.
Curious Anon, Jr. Ultimate Anthropologist 
Just like with Scar, Curious’s stories of their worldly travels entice the children of Myth’s orphanage. And Curious as a person is an equally pleasant experience, for they are tranquil, mild-mannered and easy to get along with. Myth regularly tries to set up Curious with Janon, knowing that Janon has fallen hood-over-heels for them. But despite Curious’s knowledge on the foreign aspects of humanity, romantic feelings seem to be foreign even to them. 
Anon Nerd, Former Ultimate Tennis Pro
Unlike other Anons, who frequent the orphanage for the kids, Nerd is after the adorable caretaker, not that he’ll ever admit it. However, Myth knows her romance and would stop at nothing to get Nerd to admit his feelings for her. Not even getting her lip busted by a Mach 2 tennis ball or getting bashed in the head with a tennis racket would stop this girl. She can and will get this tsundere tennis champion to confess, even if she has to suffer scouter burns in the process.
Eldritch Anon, Ultimate Detective
Years of working in law enforcement has left this diminutive detective panicky, hostile and distrusting of just about anybody. Ever since Eldritch heard of an assassin hiding out in the orphanage, Eldritch will stop at nothing to find the assassin hidden among the orphans. But in the meantime, Eldritch has to shake off pesky kids who think he’s one of them. Myth has to save Wyre‘s bacon on the daily from this paranoid detective who wants her incarcerated. 
Dream Anon, Ultimate Pianist
Having been attracted to music ever since she was a baby, Dream dominates piano competitions year after year with her energetic and triumphant tunes. She regularly wheels her piano around town looking for places to perform at, which is how she happened upon Myth’s orphanage. Performing for the orphans gives Dream a rush of euphoric feelings that winning competitions could only hope and dream to achieve. And the cute detective that frequents the orphanage with her isn’t half-bad either.
Iris Anon, Jr. Ultimate Inventor
Despite her clumsy and goofy demeanour, Iris has a 7-year winning streak at her hometown’s regional science fairs. Famous for inventing and marketing a new and improved version of Moon Shoes called Astro-Uggs, Iris regularly shows off her inventions to the children of Myth’s orphanage and even donates some of her inventions to Myth in hopes of improving the living conditions of the orphanage. Iris hopes that her inventions would make the world even better and more awesome then it already is.
Purple Anon, Ultimate Maid
With a selfless attitude and an overly formal vocabulary, Purple regularly comes to the orphanage to assist Myth in caring for the children. Despite Myth claiming that she doesn’t need the extra help, Purple insists that it’s the least she can do. Purple always tries her best to help the kids, but most of the children have no idea what she is saying due to her old-fashioned and complex vocabulary, which requires Fusion to translate for her.  
This series revolves around Myth and Fusion trying to prevent the other Anons, Eldritch in particular, from finding out about Wyre‘s true talent. However, Wyre doesn‘t do a very good job at hiding her true nature and soon, everyone else but Eldritch finds out. So now, it’s Everybody Else vs. Eldritch.
Myth wears glasses and has undyed hair in two low and long pigtails, held up by green scrunchies. She has a matching green headband with yellow stars and pink hearts and a heart shaped ahoge, designating her as the protagonist. She wears an oversized pink hoodie with yellow details and a smiley face on each pocket, over a blue shirt with multicoloured shapes on it. She also has a necklace with a green clover in the center. She wears a red belt that holds various stuffed animals and a yellow belt that holds a first aid kit. Her long and light blue skirt has various patches sewn in and on her feet, she wears red Mary Janes.
Despite what ChildCaregiver!Myth’s fashion sense would suggest, ChildCaregiver!Myth is more serious and almost monk-like in her tranquilty. Being surrounded by children since birth has caused ChildCaregiver!Myth to grow into a caring, calm and empathetic soul. She is also known to offer sage-like advice on how to deal with loss and abandonment, having dealt with abandoned and parentless children. However, ChildCaregiver!Myth has a bad tendency to overexert herself and spread herself too thin, something also caused by being surrounded with kids. She can be a bit stubborn on insisting that she doesn’t need help and can deal with this all by herself, much to the concern of the volunteers. If I had to compare ChildCaregiver!Myth to a canon character, I’d compare her to Kirumi.
Finally! I’ve finished ChildCaregiver!Myth! Let me know what you think of this talentswap!
-Fusion Anon
Well the kids I babysit sure seem to like me, so this is a good talent haha!
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gizkasparadise · 5 years
kdrama rec: arthdal chronicles
Master Kdrama rec list.
Series: Arthdal Chronicles/Chronicles of Arthdal Episodes: 18 (with an opening for another season) SEASON 2 IS ON! (one..day) Genres: fantasy, pseudo-historical, politics, romance, action/adventure/Quests Spoilers in the Review: yes regarding one character :/ they’re a main and their existence is a spoiler If You Like, You’ll Like: spartacus, REVERSE HAREMS, villain couples with functional macbeth realness, male characters with hair better than the female characters, but female characters generally being far far more competent, moon lovers but not as sad, dictatorships for the Aesthetic, blood+, anything with Mystic God Priest Power, Destiny
Rank: 10/10
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“owning the land is equal to owning the sky and the wind.”
Premise (spoilers for the first episode and the existence of a major character).
in the pseudo-Bronze Age, two races of people (the sarams and the neanthals) live in an uneasy co-existence. the sarams want an alliance for the neanthal’s lands so that they can farm and mine, the neanthals are like lol we don’t need any of that because we actually have survivalist skills so keep your agriculture you nerds b y e.
the leader of the saram is Not Having That, and sends an envoy (asa hon) to allegedly act as a diplomat. what she actually does is unknowingly carries a plague that wipes out a huge chunk of the neanthals. because that is not enough, the leader sends his son (tagon) to wrap up the rest of this genocide.
asa hon is betrayed and upset and doesn’t return to the sarams. instead, she shacks up with a surviving neanthal named ragaz and they have spoilers twin boys spoilers, hybrids known as igutu. based on Prophecy, any children born under the blue flame comet are Destined to bring calamity. so, doom babies. they are two doom babies.
after killing ragaz, tagon snatches one of the babies For Reasons, and asa hon flees with the other
flashforward about a decade.
the neanthals are extinct OR ARE THEY we get a pretty Quick understanding of who tagon is as a human as he’s re-introduced drinking out of one of their skulls before being surrounded by his hypemen who chant his name Gaston style. he’s joined by taeahla, and they are a Match Made in Hell. it’s quickly revealed that taeahl is raising the other twin baby, who is kept hidden because he’s igutu. and, like, tagon’s famous because he killed all of the neanthal, so having one of their hybrid babies is ngl
asa hon makes it to a land beyond the saram’s influence, where she and eunseom come across a tribe called wahan. they’re lead by a ten-year-old tanya, who had a dream that eunseom would arrive. which is a big deal, because sarams can’t dream. it turns out tanya was also born on Blue Comet Doom Prophecy Day. asa hon dies from the injuries she obtained saving her son, and eunseom is raised by the wahan tribe. it’s a very idyllic existence for them.
until tagon and his men invade in a manifest-destiny-realness bid to capture slaves and conquer land and ruin wahan’s coachella festival before enslaving all of them and bringing what survives of the tribe to arthdal.
the plot then centers around eunseom trying to rescue the wahan tribe, the wahan tribe trying to survive arthdal, and something about gods being reborn, political backstabbing, a church cult being absolute dicks, and a lot of interchangeable evil old men
it’s a fucking awesome show.
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eunseom’s been a part of the wahan tribe since he was ten, but everyone (especially him) is aware he’s Different From The Rest of the Reindeer. the only one who treats him the same is tanya, and it’s clear these two are joined at the hip. he has dreams of being locked away in a tower, has a bunch of ~strange~ ideas like trying to ride horses, and is totes crushing on the soon-to-be village wise woman. once the wahan village is attacked, he makes it his mission to save the tribe and his One True Love tanya
pure. does not think things through. just wants to believe in people, god damn it.
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my wife daughter of the wahanian version of “crazy old maurice,” and apprentice to the Great Mother of the Tribe. as another child born under the Doom Comet, she’s been known as the Prophesied One since birth (the One Who Will Break the Shell). we meet her as she’s struggling to follow in the Great Mother’s footsteps, and her journey is grounded in uncovering her mystical destiny. naive and a fish out of water, she leads her people in surviving arthdal after their enslavement
moves like jagger. center of a reverse harem. by her pretty flower crown she can end you
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this bitch but also that bitch. almost single-handedly responsible for the genocide of the neanthals, tagon’s grown into the leader of an army that is the definition of ride-or-die for him. he has a 100% approval rating in arthdal due to defeating the neanthal, defeating the ago tribe, and defeating the will to live for the thousands of slaves he supplies for arthdal’s terrible economic system. he starts the series off with Pure Intentions, in that he wants to rule but he wants to do it by The Love of The People. because that works out well for people who habitually wear black cloaks
poster child #1 for arthdal’s fantastic hair products for men, will smirk you to death, you feel sorry for him a lot and you’re like why?? but then yeaaah, can only stare in heart eyes at his partner in subterfuge...
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MY WIFE said partner in subterfuge. i cannot spell her fucking name ever. her and tagon have been Not Together for over ten years. she’s the heiress to the hae tribe, who are known for their inventions and are the only tribe that knows how to smith bronze into weapons. therefore she’s hot shit. and also just hot. she seems like the character You’re Not Going to Like but she became one of my favorites after the first episode.
she wants to help tagon in his ambitions, but she also v much wants to see his ambitions help herself. her and tagon made an Oath to never sacrifice their survival for the other and that’s the most metal thing i’ve ever heard. she wears couture. would get a pre-nup. can and will fuck you up. and she also raises the Hidden Igutu Twin Doom Baby...SPOILERS
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so at this point you’re probably thinking a few things: this show needs more beautiful hair and pro fashion sense, a complete shit stirrer, and a morally ambiguous pretty boy.
well well well
saya is eunseom’s twin brother, although neither of them know about the other’s existence. because of their neanthal blood, they can see snapshots of each other’s lives in their dreams. as his existence would lead to death, and would DEFINITELY garner tagon some bad PR, saya’s been locked away in his princess tower for the majority of his life. he views tagon and taeahla as his father and mother, and that’s not necessarily a good thing.
daddy’s boy. wants to kill birds for fun. has the hots for the girl who can teach him how to kill birds for fun. surprisingly religious???
Other support characters selected by how much they are my favorites.
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mubaek. an OG warrior and tired wine uncle
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chae eun. daughter of the somehow singular doctor in arthdal and the only one who actually wants to help people. INCREDIBLE knit wear
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yangcha. like. just look at him. you already know he was your favorite character in the 923840923 angsty anime you watched in 2010. Ultimate Warrior for tagon who has Taken a Vow of Silence and Wears A Half Mask So You Know He’s Actually Hot. the mask is torn off his face dramatically at least once. there’s a quota for that kind of thing, you know
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this horse.
it’s very much an Ensemble show, which means if you’re only watching for 1-2 characters you’re likely going to get frustrated. there’s several plot lines going on
there’s a lot of Interchangeable Evil Old Men and i dont care about any of them
Reasons to Watch.
WORLD BUILDING. im a huge nerd for world building and the lore in this makes me so happy.
AESTHETICS. find me a more beautiful cast with more beautiful scenery and costumes. you can’t.
i love?? all the leads???? like normally i get frustrated with the second leads in dramas, but i genuinely love all of them and was interested in all of their stories. this show has an incredible cast/set of actors and they bring it home
im a sucker for romance. there’s some great ones. and omg do you know how rare it is to see a reverse harem?! get it, tanya
the time era is cool!!
Gods doing Mystical God Shit
so many female characters!!!!!! AND NONE OF THEM FIGHT OVER A MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THEY’RE ALL BETTER AT THEIR JOBS
Final Thoughts.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
WandaVision: The Unanswered Questions From the Marvel Series
This article contains WandaVision spoilers.
After two months and nine episodes, WandaVision came to a close. One of the more unique projects to come out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the show mixed mystery and horror with sitcom pastiche and understandings of grief under the superhero umbrella. The first step in both Phase 4 and Disney+’s Marvel lineup came out a success and built towards future projects.
Then again, its mysterious nature worked against it at times. Figuring out answers on a weekly basis meant trying to stay one step ahead of the show and sometimes it got viewers going in the wrong direction. There was no Mephisto or X-Men or Fantastic Four. On one hand, you can say that people are getting angry about stuff that they were never promised, but there is a feeling that when combing over the details of the show, they did cause us to ask some questions that never quite had a satisfying answer.
After all, even Agnes’ joke story about being out of town due to her mother-in-law visiting proved to be an important detail down the line.
As we sit back and wait for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness to pick up where our power couple left off, here are some lingering questions we’re left with from WandaVision.
What happened to the beekeeper?
The beekeeper was the first truly haunting moment of the series. Sure, “Stop it!” and the exploding radio were creepy in their own ways, but the idea of Wanda and Vision walking outside at night to find a lone beekeeper sneaking out of the sewer and quietly looking at them was outright nightmare fuel. It was a major instance of wondering what in God’s name was going on, and that’s even before Wanda simply noped out, hit rewind, and retconned the scene from happening.
We later discover that the beekeeper is SWORD Agent Franklin and his appearance is just Wanda’s reality making sense of a man in a hazmat suit. We see him crawling out of the sewer from his point of view, but then…nothing.
While the reveal of his identity doesn’t lead us to AIM henchmen or Swarm (star of Broadway’s Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark), it does explain the nature of Wanda’s neighborhood. That still makes it weird that we never hear from him again.
Or do we? While it’s never made explicit on the show itself, supposedly the guy playing the ice cream man in the episode 5 intro is the same actor as Agent Franklin. Perhaps the beekeeper didn’t die, but was just assimilated into a happier role.
Who was in Witness Protection?
FBI Agent James Woo gets the story rolling by coming to Westview in search of someone in witness protection. The complete lack of anyone having any information or even memory of this person is what gets SWORD involved and Monica Rambeau sucked into Westview. In the end, the identity is just not important.
But it feels like it should be, right? Having Woo go from coast to coast to follow up on this person seems pretty major. You would think it would have come up here or there, but nope. If anything, I guess it just goes to show that Jimmy Woo is a true professional for keeping his trap shut.
Who is the aerospace engineer?
I can understand that throwing Evan Peters’ Quicksilver at us was a good way to distract us from everything Agnes was doing, but the aerospace engineer? Come on! That was definitely more deliberate than the witness protection and they know it.
Monica brings up a friend who is smart enough to get her to break into the Hex all over again. All that’s missing is a smile and wink to the camera. The writers gave us something so blatant that it would be ridiculous NOT to speculate who she was talking about. This had to be an important cameo leading to something major down the line. Would we get Reed Richards? Blue Marvel? Beast? Dr. Nemesis? NFL Superpro?
Even when Monica’s dream vehicle didn’t do the job, it was still believed that this aerospace engineer would still get a dramatic shout-out down the line or a post-credits scene. Nope. At most, this throwaway friend is like that scene in Thor when Erik Selvig was talking up his gamma scientist friend who went missing because of SHIELD.
What did the commercials really mean?
It isn’t hard to figure out that the commercials were based on Wanda’s trauma: the bomb that killed her parents, her time with Hydra, the events of Captain America: Civil War, and her inability to deal with her grief in a meaningful way that didn’t involve torturing and enslaving innocent people. While it isn’t really important to see how the sausage is made, I’m left wondering what the commercials actually were.
From the fourth episode, we do know that the commercials were part of the transmissions. Darcy was able to see the one for the watch, but was focused on something else. Otherwise, I’m sure she would have been wondering about the inclusion of the HYDRA logo. The way everyone in the SWORD collaboration just glossed over the commercials is rather weird.
One of the popular theories was that the man and woman featured in all the live-action commercials were going to be revealed as Wanda and Pietro’s parents. That turned out not to be true, so…were they also Westview citizens? That would be disturbing because to make sense of the commercial narratives and the sitcom narratives, that family would have to be forcefully separated from the rest of the town.
Did Agatha magic up the stop-motion commercial for Yo-Magic? Because that was about her too much to be something Wanda’s psyche came up with.
Is there more to “Fake Pietro” Ralph Bohner?
“Fietro” was the big red herring of the series. After all that wondering of whether he was the first true step in bringing mutants into the MCU or if he was literal Satan in disguise, we discovered he was Agnes’ hypnotized “husband” whose payoff was nothing more than a dick joke.
Then again, he was already called Peter in the Fox universe, so it’s not such a hard stretch to make him a Bohner.
Read more
Will The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Become a Victim of WandaVision’s Success?
By Kirsten Howard
A Tale of Two Pietros: Explaining the MCU X-Men Problem With a Mutant Speedster
By Gavin Jasper
Monica’s ability to see energy in its various forms allowed her to figure out that Agatha was controlling Ralph with a mystical necklace. Once she tore it off, Ralph immediately gave up and that was the last we saw of him. But what does that mean in terms of his powers?
I imagine Agatha gave him the speed powers so he could play the part of Pietro in order to get intel on Wanda’s magic. Just because she no longer controls him, does that mean he’s physically back to normal as well? Because, hey, he might not be the Quicksilver from the X-Men universe, but he could totally play the role of Quicksilver if Marvel ends up doing a cinematic version of the Thunderbolts or Dark Avengers.
Where did White Vision go?
Vision’s Soul fought Vision’s Body and after we got enough lasers and explosions, the two talked out their differences. Hex Vision convinced his pasty counterpart to stand down and did him the favor of unlocking his dormant memories (that he asked permission was such a nice touch). White Vision recalled everything from the moment of his creation to Thanos pulling out the Mind Stone. Accepting who he is, White Vision flew off and was never referenced again.
I supposed the real question to ask is when will we see him next? Obviously, he has a lot to think about. He’s an emotional husk with lots of data to work through. Does he love Wanda in this form? Can he still love Wanda in this form, knowing what she’s become? As someone who was pro-government oversight, how will it affect him knowing that the government outright betrayed his wishes and memory? Where does someone like White Vision go from here?
Maybe we’ll see him in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Perhaps, when a new Avengers movie finally happens, Vision will show himself again. Or if they go in the direction of Young Avengers, he could be the wise father to the sons he’s never met.
It would be pretty wild if White Vision relearned how to convey emotions by watching Simon Williams movies.
What are the twins, exactly?
“FOR THE CHILDREN!” is what the neighbors echoed like a brainwashed cult, culminating in Wanda’s very unusual pregnancy. It could have been Wanda’s subconscious telling her to have kids. It could have been Agatha testing out her ability to create life from nothing. It also may have been the children themselves.
We never did fully get a grasp on what Billy and Tommy were. Wanda had a very unnatural birth and, outside of being able to age themselves a couple times, the boys seemed fairly down to earth and good-natured, while also still capable of questioning Wanda’s reality. There was nothing ominous about them outside of the weird nature of their very existence.
When Wanda relaxed the Hex, they started to disappear. When she ended the Hex completely, they once again vanished. Simply saying that they were two kids Wanda conjured up out of thin air would have been an acceptable answer.
Read more
WandaVision: What Wanda’s Kids Mean for the Future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe
By Gavin Jasper
Will The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Become a Victim of WandaVision’s Success?
By Kirsten Howard
Instead, when Wanda fully accepted what her reality was and that it had to end, she thanked her children for “choosing” her to be their mother. She was able to explain what Vision was in the grand scheme of things, but she remained silent when it came to those kids. They were an outside force that sought her out. That’s what her final conversation certainly implies.
The post-credits scene had her studying the Darkhold while being alerted to Billy and Tommy screaming for help. They still exist, in some form, somewhere. Their true nature probably won’t be better explained until the Doctor Strange sequel.
Speculation on this one is a pain in the ass because even the comics explanation is a whirlwind of confusion.
What really happened to Agatha Harkness?
Wanda doesn’t kill Agatha, but does punish her by forcing her to be stuck in the living Hell of portraying Agnes the nosey neighbor. It’s a harsh punishment, but her intent doesn’t jibe with Agatha’s post-Hex status. People know about her. Even if the last few in-universe episodes of WandaVision weren’t on the SWORD airwaves, she was still playing the role of final boss and having magic fights in the sky. The people of Westview saw that.
Wouldn’t this mean that she can’t just go back to her “nosy neighbor” role and that she’s likely destined for a cell? She’ll be lucky if the government isn’t doing experiments on her, which is extra messed up when you imagine her acting like Ned Flanders.
At least she’ll be kept subdued for when the Scarlet Witch needs her. Or maybe she too will join whatever Thunderbolts/Dark Avengers team we may see down the line.
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Just give us more Kathryn Hahn, damn it!
The post WandaVision: The Unanswered Questions From the Marvel Series appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2OFQ8yB
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bettersafethandicks · 5 years
hey i went digging in the landfill again and check it out its twince x reader
oh my god i did this too much i wrote too many word oh shit oh fuck im sorry
like a 75/25 split of troy : tyreen attention to the reader
a spiritual successor to my last troy/reader fic now that like, the games actually out.
contains: 0% sex
contains: CANNIBALISM yuck, nonsexual nudity on reader’s part, gender neutral reader, biting, blood stuff, drugging, kidnapping/getting a lil tied up, monster troy, getting touched n pampered like a nice spa day :), petstuff
5746 words jesus FUCK
It wasn’t the best job.  Sure, things could be worse; things could always be worse on Pandora, and one should count any second spent not prying their arm out of a skag’s mouth as a blessing.  Still, sitting up in a poorly-lit office perched over an eridium mine was so boring.
Officially, you were supposed to be here to oversee outgoing shipments and supply purchases; making sure the weight matched what was on paper …not that you knew what to do when it didn’t match.  That wasn’t your problem, though; you reported it in the daily logs and it was someone else’s corporate war after that.
“It’s time for our Flay of the Day!”
The little screen beside you cheered out in Tyreen Calypso’s energetic voice; the COV-sponsored ads had slowly begun to take over the Echonet recently.  They were always interesting, at least, certainly better than the Hyperion trash that was playing a few years ago.  Even if you didn’t tune into their dedicated channel, you didn’t mind the interruption of the background noise of Space Ghost Adventures.
You looked up from the spreadsheet to watch the short clip. Sometimes the Calypsos themselves would be on, usually if they had a recent raid or some ceremonial murders to show off.  Those were always the most entertaining, seeing the terrible, awesome power of the two of them; they were cool.  Tragically, today’s clip was user-submitted.  Bandits killing bandits- this was Pandora what else was new?
You turned back to your work, listening to the comical dubbed-in sound effects and Tyreen’s gleeful mocking.
Ear-splitting warning sirens jolted you upright.  You groaned, spinning around on your chair to the door.  Someone had pulled the stupid fucking alarm again and-
Screaming.  Yelling. Gunshots that weren’t coming from the screen.  Before you could even stand up to look out the window overlooking the mines, the door to your cramped office slammed open, and a burly, armor-covered bandit stomped toward you, gun drawn.
Your hands were in the air before you could even process it. Instead of the bullet between the eyes you were braced for, the guy was yelling at you to get the door to the safe; a second of hesitation to understand his words earned you a strike to the side of the head with the pistol.  After that you were at the safe, punching in codes and letting the tech scan your biometrics to disable the locks.  Shouting and gunfire was still audible from outside; you pressed your back to the wall of the little office as members of Pandora’s Official Welcome Committee filed in and emptied out the roomful of refined eridium and cash.  The bandit seemingly in charge kept his weapon trained on you, making sure you didn’t try to call in backup or reach for some hidden gun of your own.
It was stupid to think you’d get out of this, in hindsight.
A rather embarrassing yelp escaped you when the human wall holding you at gunpoint reached out to grab your arm.
“Take this one, too, ‘n be careful not to bang em up too much. The soft ones are great arena-bait.”  He grunted, handing you off to another bandit who yanked you effortlessly off your feet.
“Wait wait waitwaitwaitwait-“  You whined as you were dragged out of the room.  
Your begging fell on deaf ears; you looked at the mines as you were hauled off, seeing a few casualties on the ground, but not as many as you expected.  The workers had probably fled when the raid started, the lucky bastards.  Shackles were clamped onto your wrists before you were shoved roughly into the back of a technical with the rest of the loot, landing painfully on a brick of eridium.
The bumpy ride was lit by the soft purple glow of the alien mineral.  You knew you probably shouldn’t be this close to it, people got sick from this didn’t they? On second thought, eridium probably wasn’t the biggest threat to your health right now, you could worry about that later.  If you got a ‘later’.  
It was far too soon that the technical stopped, and the harsh light of the sun was blinding you again when the doors were yanked open. You were unceremoniously slung over some marauder’s shoulder and carried over to a cage and locked in without a word. The cages were stacked three high, and you were on the second ‘story’.  Not quite tall enough to stand up in, vertical bars, exposed on all sides, and generally as uncomfortable as possible; thankfully, the cages were in the shade, probably something they learned after finding some prisoners well-done in the Pandoran heat.  
“Hey!” You cried to the departing bandit “Wait!  I’m still- …” Your wrists were still bound; he was already back to unloading the technical.  With a huff, you slump against the bars.  
No one paid you much mind as they sorted through the spoils, which apparently included you.  Maybe someone nice would buy you.  Maybe one of them would have a change of heart and free you.  Maybe a rakk would fly over and start talking to you.
You had almost dozed off when the familiar sound of chaos started again.  Thugs rushed past you toward the gate of the camp, guns drawn and shouting to their fellow bandits to follow.  You stood as much as the cage would allow, craning your neck around to get a look at what was happening; you heard a psycho screaming before you saw anything-
The Children of the Vault were here.
Everything slowed down.  Gunfire had started in earnest at this point; this was a real fight, unlike the sweeping takeover of the mine.  You’d never interacted with the cult in real life- you didn’t even know there was single a bandit clan on the planet still opposing them, nevermind that you’d get the shit luck to get kidnapped by one.  You weren’t really sure which side to root for- the bandit maniacs or the other bandit maniacs.
A stray bullet whistling past your ear snapped you out of it.  You sprang into action; namely collapsing to the floor of the cage and pretending the crossfire had hit true.  You played dead.  
The winning team was quickly apparent, with the COV’s terrible power quickly creeping through the camp.  A mixture of morbid curiosity and shock let you keep your eyes open, watching the carnage.  A feral cheer swelled among their ranks, but you didn’t dare sit up and look toward them to see why- not that it mattered, it was clear soon enough.
The Sirens.  
Your heart jumped.  Adrenaline rushed uselessly through your blood, catching a glimpse of the figures you had only ever seen executing heretics and raiders on screens. Tyreen was striding a path through the chaos, outstretching an arm and draining the life from those running away, and a few fools who tried to run toward her as well.  She laughed, called out taunts and praised her followers.  A cambot whirred behind her, swooping around to get the best angles of the dead and dying.  Seeing her in person, physically there only a few meters from you, leeching bandits into frozen husks in seconds; it was suddenly too real.  She was real and she was here she was devastating and she was enjoying it.
You were so transfixed by Tyreen you almost forgot to wonder; where was-
A screaming bandit slammed into the bars of your cage.
You couldn’t help but jolt- but he wasn’t facing you.  Troy Calypso was on him, huge prosthetic hand gripping the man’s head and bashing it against the bars a second time, stunning him. Troy’s face shifted.  You watched in primal fear as that arrogant smirk grew into a grin, and kept going.  Gold glinted on inhuman fangs, ever more revealed as his cheek cracked open along the lines on his face, metal clips coming undone.  His bottom lip split in the center, and all at once the rumors that Troy Calypso’s mods went further than just his arm were confirmed.
The jagged show of teeth disappeared as he jerked his head forward, sinking his fangs deep into the poor bastard’s throat.  You were frozen, lying there like a cornered rabbit, not even having the sense to shut your eyes.  Some primitive part of your brain was telling you if you didn’t move a muscle, you’d be okay, that moving would only attract the predator’s attention.  
Troy’s eyes were closed, blood pulsing out over his face; his nose wrinkled as he tightened his grip with a growl, something in the man’s throat giving way and letting those jaws slice deeper in.  He was inches from your face.  The poor bastard made a sickening gargling noise, and then was quiet.  For a few seconds, all you could hear was your own deafening heartbeat racing in your ears, the clamor of the vicious raid was so distant; unimportant.  
A wet, tearing, popping sound brought everything back as Troy pulled away, taking the mouthful of flesh with him.  His jaws flexed asymmetrically as he swallowed, letting the limp body collapse to the dirt, Troy’s face and chest coated in red.  The siren let out a pleased sigh, expression hazy as a too-long tongue lapped over the grotesque skag-like maw, doing next to nothing in his effort to clean the blood from it.
Icy blue eyes, suddenly lucid and striking and predatory snapped to yours.  
You stopped breathing.  Troy’s jaw slid together, enough that you could make out the sharp grin.  
“Ohh, playing dead, huh?”
You could barely hear the question.  
He leaned in, nose almost touching the bars, eyes searing into you.  
“Cleveeer.” He slurred; mouth still broken at the seams.
Troy winked at you, and turned to revel in the massacre with his twin.  
The rest of the fight passed by in a blur; all you could think about was Troy’s eyes, so blue against that mask of red, the blood falling from the edge of his jaw in slimy bright red strings and you could swear you could hear it patter on the ground, the way the alien tattoos flowing over his face gave off such enticing light-
Had you ever seen someone die so close before?  Sure, distantly, but it was always over there. You had dried blood on your cheek.
You hadn’t even realized the bullets had stopped flying.
“That one.”
“The dead one?”
“Yeah.  Bring it to me.”
No- nonononononono- no no Troy Calypso was not talking about you the heavy footsteps of a bandit fanatic were not getting closer he hadn’t just ordered you to be brought to him you’re dead you aren’t worth anyone’s time you’ve been dead this whole raid just leave just get out no no no please-
           You heard the lock crack under a sharp blow.
“Eww, what, you’re a scavenger now, Troy?  I thought you liked them kicking?”  Tyreen, her voice so clear when it wasn’t sent through a speaker, so close-
Your still-shackled hands were locked around the metal bars the moment the bandit took hold of your clothing, springing to life in a blind terror. You realized you were screaming, wailing for help you knew wasn’t out there; you were plucked from the cage, grip broken like it was nothing.  Tyreen and Troy got nearer with every step as you were hauled over to them, struggling and begging.  
Tears were stinging your eyes by the time the fanatic stopped in front of the sirens; you curled up in his grip, squeezing your eyes shut and bracing yourself to be leeched or shot or something.
“Heh, y’see?  Already all wrapped up and everything.”  You cracked an eye open, heart in your throat.  Troy jerked a thumb toward a massive war technical.  “Put ‘em in the carrier, we’ll get shots at camp- better lighting n’ sound.”
Tyreen caught your eye as you passed by, head tilting and siren markings glowing softly; your blood ran cold when she gave you a deadly smirk. Tyreen smiling was the same level of bad news as Tyreen frowning; maybe worse.  
Still reeling, you were shoved into an empty barrel attached to the side of the technical. A metal grate had been fitted to the front on a hinge, and just like that you were in another cage.  The barrel titled back, rolling you to the closed end and you had no choice but to sit in the cramped little container while they finished raiding the camp.  
You couldn’t see much more than the darkening sky on the drive to…wherever you were going.  It felt like they had given the wheel to the most erratic psycho in the cult, and you were battered around the metal tube like a cocktail shaker.  By the time the vehicle pulled in to some kind of garage, you were positive you were going to vomit or pass out or both.  
Heavy bootsteps approached, and the barrel was tilted 180 degrees while the door was flung open, dumping you roughly to the ground.  You curled up, letting out a strained whine of pain.  
“Aaand here’s our new project!  Wanted to get some ‘before’ shots of it.”  Troy poked you with his boot, turning you over onto your back.  A cambot flitted around you, zooming in and out. “Grabbed this treat at the last heretic cleanse, you can see highlights of that party right here- “ He pointed up and to his right, where he’d presumably be editing in a link to the massacre you had just been a part of.  
On your back, wrists bound in front of you, bashed up and terrified, the sight of Troy Calypso towering over you made you certain you were about to die.  When he reached down with that brutal mechanical to grab your wrists you couldn’t help but shriek, trying your best to scrabble away from his touch.
Troy barked out a laugh, easily catching you and pulling you upright.
“Tch, aww, lookit this sad little stray.”  His tone was mocking, amused.   His normal hand wrapped around your jaw, firmly tilting your face this was and that for the camera.  You got a quick view of your surroundings, a massive technical bay, surprisingly organized for the chaotic exterior of the cult.  Devotees were scattered around, working on vehicles and otherwise giving Troy a wide, cautious radius.
“Yeah, this’ll be nice and fixed up.  You guys won’t even recognize them by the end of this one.” He rubbed his thumb across your cheek, and you realized you had been bleeding.  “Alright, that’s the end of introductions, I wanna get this thing started.  See you in a bit!”  
The cambot gave a chirp, and its red recording light blinked off at Troy’s cue.  Troy lifted his blood-smeared thumb to his mouth, and licked it.  
“Hoo, wow.”  Troy exhaled sharply. “Yeah, ah, get them goin’ for me, make it good.“  He motioned to two robed figures standing off to the side, seemingly waiting for this invitation.  “Mmh, behave for them, hm sweetheart?”  Troy gave you a flash of sharp teeth in a crooked smile.
Cultists guided you away in a fog.  By this point you had been through way too much for the past however-many hours, and you obediently stumbled along for them.  You just wanted to lie down and wake up.  The noise and bustle of the compound began to thin the deeper into the building you were led, and your chaperons weren’t exactly talkative. This was all probably very secret and important, and maybe you’d be looking around in wonder at the magnificent décor if you could keep your eyes focused.
Heavy, ornate doors pulled open at the end of a particularly holy looking hall; a tiled room, decorated in mosaic patterns of red and blue, twisting snakes and wide starburst eyes, designs leading off along the floor into different rooms.  The sound of water running came from somewhere, echoing off the tile.  The room smelled sweet, vaguely floral but not overpoweringly so, and the air was heavy and humid.  Now you were staring around in wonder, too much to even notice the additional attendants had begun to undo the buttons and straps of your clothing.  
You tripped back, yanking your shackles from the hands of an acolyte you hadn’t seen.
“Calm yourself, Lamb.”  A priest rasped; the first time you had heard one speak.  “No harm will come to you here, you are protected under the power of the godking.”
“W-what does that mean?”  Your voice cracked now that you had finally found it, and it struck you how thirsty you were.
A cultist took your hands once again, working at the mechanism on the shackles.  “You are being readied for Troy Calypso, as He has requested.  The cleansing process is not a painful one, simply relax.”
The lock jolted, and the heavy metal fell from your wrists with a thunk.  Another fanatic carried it off, and you realized just how many figures were bustling around the room.  You tensed up, jaw tightening as an attendant resumed undoing the many straps and laces of the clothing necessary for the desert planet.  A lump formed in your throat as you fought the urge to tear yourself away.
The discomfort must’ve been radiating from you, because one of them spoke up.  “You need not be so uneasy; we have no desires of our own, only to serve the Twin Gods.  To act out from their wishes would be deserving of an unholy death.”  Nodding and soft murmurs of agreement sounded out around the room.  
Literal and figurative armor was pulled from you, the warm air now more welcoming than stifling.  A white towel was wrapped around your body, and you got the feeling it was for your own benefit.  
“Are you familiar with washing?”  You’d feel offended if you were on any other planet; here it was a reasonable question.
“Uh, yes.”  
“Very well.  Come along, Lamb.”  
The room you were led into was even more warm and misty than the antechamber, a slight fog hanging in the air from heated water.  Opulent mosaics on the wall depicted the twin gods lounging in golden robes, light rays shining out from them.  A stonework shower was built into a corner, and you were guided toward it, a washcloth and pitch-black bar of unscented soap waiting in the hands of a cultist.  You hesitantly took the objects, and handed over your towel with some reluctance.  
A glass door provided some barrier between you and your audience, who thankfully really did seem uninterested.  Being exposed was not something you were used to on Pandora- or, at all really.  Two silver knobs in front of you were self-explanatory, and you turned on the water-
Hot water.  God, how long had it been since you had a hot shower?  You let out a gasp, shoulders slumping as you turned your face up to the stream.  You opened your mouth, filling it with water and swishing it around, drinking some when you realized it tasted clean.  It felt like pounds of dust was being rinsed off your skin, and you rubbed at your face, reveling in the stark difference between this and standing under a freezing hose for a few minutes.  
The black bar of soap lathered nicely, and you set to work scrubbing off your battered and dry skin.  Wisps of red swirled down the drain as you washed all the cuts and scrapes you had accumulated, as well as some blood that probably wasn’t even yours. You washed yourself less out of submission to the COV, and more because you just wanted to feel human again.
Reluctantly, you eventually stepped out of the shower, not wanting to leave but also not wanting to keep a bunch of vicious cultists waiting too long.  Instead of handing you a towel though, the robed acolyte took you toward a large clawfoot tub on the other side of the room.  You’d only ever seen those in movies- the edges curved out gracefully, and the bath was already filled; petals of a flower you couldn’t identify floated in the purple-tinted water.  The cultist held their hand out, offering you help getting in.  
Taking the hand, you dipped one foot in.  The water was hot, on the edge of being too hot, but not quite.  You slipped into the bath, sinking into the enveloping heat; you felt like you could drift off. Fingers wove into your hair, making you jump-
“Shhhhh, relax.”  The cultist soothed.  
You obeyed, figuring it was a little late to start resisting now. Gently, they worked the tangles out of your wet hair, brought on mostly by your recent experience as a twice-over prisoner.  More cultists appeared, pouring softly-scented liquids and powders into the bath, and you become aware of a not-unpleasant tingling feeling creeping over your skin.  You let your eyes slide shut, listening to the quiet shuffle of the cult members echoing on the tile and the low, (admittedly pretty) hymns playing from somewhere.
A depression in the bath’s edge provided a perfect fit for you to rest your head, feeling the hands working through your hair hanging over the edge, massaging your scalp and working some kind of shampoo into it.  A handheld sprayer rinsed the lather from your head, and you were released to fully recline in the tub.  You let your ears dip under the water, outside sounds gone, leaving you alone with your heartbeat.  Your body bounced ever so slightly in the water as you breathed, the bath large enough for you to float without touching the bottom or sides.  You could fall asleep here.
In fact, you did.  
You had no idea how long you had been unconscious, only that someone was pulling you from the bath, hooking their hands under your arms and lifting you out.  The water had cooled significantly, but it wasn’t yet room temperature.  You mumbled softly.
“Apologies Lamb, but we cannot allow you to soak any longer.” A cultist was at your side, wrapping a fluffy, deep red towel around you the moment you were out of the bath.  “The next step in the process awaits.”
Your legs felt heavy as you were led out of the bathing room and into another gorgeous space.  When they guided you to a cushioned, slightly reclined chair, you didn’t question it. If they wanted to treat you to some weird spa day before…whatever happened, then fine.  The small room was lit dimly, mostly with candles.
The dirt was scrubbed from under your nails, hands given a light massage once clean.  
“Eat, Lamb.”  You opened your eyes to a cultist offering you some kind of food.   They held the bite out to you from a fork, but didn’t object to you taking the plate yourself.
You had forgotten how hungry you were, after being kept for however many hours in the sun and rattled around in two separate bandit vehicles.  The food was…some kind of meat, you’d seen more suspicious.  You’d seen less suspicious too, but it smelled good and wasn’t burned to charcoal; it actually seemed seasoned and prepared, imagine that.
Eating with so many eyes on you would normally have made you uncomfortable, but you were too starved to care.  Almost immediately, a priest was there with another plate, this one carrying an assortment of fruits; some you had never seen before.  Normally you had to fight off scurvy with vitamin tablets, fruit was a rare luxury here, even when it was in season.  The COV must’ve had it imported in from off-planet…
You picked out a few grapes, not yet brave enough to try one of the glowy things.  A reddish tinted drink was given to you in a wine glass; you half expected some alcoholic burn, but it was cool and sweet and made your mouth feel a little fuzzy instead. Hands rubbed at your shoulders, slowly easing the knots out of your muscles, a cultist occasionally encouraging you to try another bit of fruit.  Eventually you were taken to a cushioned table and made to lie down, the towel removed and replaced with a warm blanket laid across you.  
Years-worth of aches and soreness was slowly worked out of your back, spine cracking in a satisfying way every so often.  Oils and lotions were rubbed into your skin, your joints being stretched gently by several hands at once, all the while you felt more and more dazed.  
After a soothing lifetime of being massaged and tended to, you were pulled to your feet.  You weren’t even concerned with being exposed anymore, and they led you back out into the main lobby of the area where an especially-holy-looking acolyte stood with a drape of shimmery fabric laid across her arms.  A lower-ranked cultist stood holding a smoking container of incense, and they approached you, mumbling some prayer you couldn’t pay attention to if you tried.  You obliged them, allowing the priest to pull the white shawl over your body.
Once the priest had finished muttering the praises and blessings or whatever she was doing, a particularly large cultist came forward and simply picked you up.  You limply allowed it, now just along for whatever ride they decided to take you on. You were carried down some halls; you couldn’t really pay attention to the surroundings anymore.  Eventually, you reached your destination, and they laid you out on an altar in the center of a temple-like room.  After a few more prayers and responses from your entourage, the cultists all left you, heavy doors creaking shut and leaving you in silence.
You felt distant, lying there on the chilly gilded altar.  No doubt due to the strange drugs that had been soaked and rubbed and fed to you, but…it felt okay.  You couldn’t remember ever feeling this relaxed, this peaceful.  The now empty room was beautiful from what you could see, all stained glass and candles and regal draped fabric, the spicy scent of incense hanging in the air.  The silky robe the attendants had wrapped you in feeling so soft on your skin, yet another a luxury you’d never experienced before.
You couldn’t even find the care to pick up your head when you heard the huge doors open.  A cambot whirred into view, and you could hear Troy before you saw him.
“Leeet’s see the finished product!”  The siren came into view, towering over you, appraising his servants’ work.  “Ooh, goddamn would you look at that.” His fingertips grazed over your jaw, and you felt compelled to tilt your head to the side, letting him continue down the side of your throat.  “Aww, see? So obedient.  All that fear just-” he gestured with his mech hand, as if waving something away.  “-gone. So committed to your blessed purpose now.”
Troy leaned down, nudging his face under your chin, close enough that the tip of his nose ghosted over your skin.  You shivered a little at the touch, but had no instinct to recoil; he inhaled deeply, exhaling through parted lips.  A rumbling noise, something between a purr and a growl, buzzed ever so softly from his throat.  
 “Ah-“  He stood straight again, running a hand through his hair and visibly unfocused.  “Uh- heh, right, hang on I gotta get some shots for the unpaid version.”  
The cambot bobbed back around, and you shifted slightly, feeling almost sleepy under the gaze of this apex predator and his billions of followers.
Soon enough, it seemed Troy had gotten the shots he needed, and moved in again.  His hand, warm where the glowing siren tattoos snaked over it, slid the robe from your shoulder.  Troy nestled his head up to the exposed skin, and you gasped a little when the wet heat of his tongue slid over your collarbone.
Troy gripped your sides, and bit.
You twitched at his sharpened teeth sinking into your shoulder, but couldn’t muster more than that.  
A deep groan rumbled from the siren’s chest, his jaw tightening on you; curiously, it didn’t hurt as much as you expected.  Some pinching and a deal of pressure were there, but the drugs you were full of seemed to be keeping you nicely distant from your nervous system.  You could feel Troy’s jaw moving as he took blood, and he pulled away with a huff before licking over the wound.
“Gh, f-fuck-“  Troy’s face split open as he spit out the word.  
Troy was on the altar, hauling himself up to straddle you in one easy motion.  He looked down at you, arms caging you in on either side of your body; pupils blown huge, monstrous jaws hanging open.  All at once his head jerked downward, and he snapped his teeth into your torso with a wet cracking noise.
You body jumped a little at the impact, and you felt the crunch of bone vibrate through your chest.  Troy pulled back, jagged teeth raking through your flesh easily, and you could see broken shards of white in the gore he held between his fangs.  He snapped his jaws, getting a better grip on the meat to swallow it, barely a second passing before he was burying his face back in your ribs. Troy ripped and tore like a feral animal, panting for breath between mouthfuls of you; all the while you could do nothing but lay there, impassive; obedient.
“Weeeell look who’s having a good time!  Hope you Elpis-tier followers are enjoying my brother chowing down on this snackrifice we’ve got here today!”  Tyreen.  You tilted your head to the side, vision bouncing a little as Troy ate.  She was swaying in, speaking to the cambot that had pulled out to get a larger shot of her apparently-scripted entrance.  “Sometimes, you just want a break from the howls of agony- hard to believe, I know! But who doesn’t love options!  And really, who can argue with a sweet little offering who knows how to give their flesh so well?  I mean, just look at that!”
Tyreen strolled closer, giving you a smile; your muddled brain couldn’t tell if it was soft or mocking.  She put her hands on the altar, and Troy let out a snarl from somewhere inside your chest.
“How’re you doin, sweetie?”  She cooed, leaning over your face and ignoring her twin’s predatory growl. “Fuck you smell good.  Cut that last bit out Troy.”  
He gave an agreeing mutter in response, before pulling up, exhaling sharply.
“Ahh god Ty can you f-feel how much energy they’re gi-giving off?”  His speech was almost incomprehensibly slurred between the split jaws and the blood and muscle dripping from his mouth.  
“Mhh, yeah.  They’re from that stripped eridium mine, right?”  You could feel Tyreen probing at the deep bite in your shoulder.
You mumbled softly, unable to form words. She raised her fingertips to her mouth to lick your blood from them.
Troy’s too-long tongue slid over his left jaw, long enough to wrap around the edge.  He groaned quietly, a strange purring vibration to the sound.  “They gotta be.”  He dipped back down, unable to keep his fangs off you for too long.
Tyreen was leaning in too, eyes drifting shut.  Her lips made contact with the blood still pulsing from your shoulder in a soft kiss, before she too was running her tongue over your skin. Her fingertips met your chin, tilting your head to the side to give her some room.  Teeth, less sharpened than her brother’s but still capable of breaking skin, bit into an untouched spot with a satisfied hum.
“Hhhg, ffuckin get your own.”  Troy’s voice was muffled, barely lifting his head from your body.  
She didn’t respond, but they both seemed content to stop bickering and lose themselves in your blood.  You were drifting, detached.  It wasn’t how you thought you were going to end up dying, but all things considered, it could be a lot worse.  At least you got preened and pampered before being torn apart by some monstrous sirens.
The distinct pressure and sound of another rib crunching away brought you out of your musings.  It struck you how far up he was; how many bones he had already snapped through. You mustered enough strength to open your eyes and look down at the surreal sight of Troy, half his face buried in your cracked open chest.
His eyes, thin rings of pale blue around dilated pupils, met yours. He lifted himself, blood hanging in strings between his face and your torso.  
Troy spoke.  You couldn’t hear a word of it.  Just a muted drone of sound as your vision wavered in and out of focus.  You were so tired.  He reached to your face, running a hand over your cheek.  He was so warm. You couldn’t help but let your head flop to the side, into his touch.
Tyreen- you had just about forgotten she was there until she pulled away from you, feeling like she had always meant to be at your throat, draining the life from you so gently.  She said something.  Even so close to your ear, you couldn’t understand the deadly-sweet words.
You let your eyes close.  You let go.
 Awake.  You were awake.  You shouldn’t be awake.
You were lying down, on a…a bed.  You shifted around, shocked to find all your limbs attached and no gaping hole in your abdomen.  
“Ha!  Bet you’re surprised to be alive!  I try to keep the healing stuff on the down-low, don’t really want the whole fam asking me for favors.”  Tyreen’s voice made you bolt upright.  Something around your neck jingled.
You reached up, grabbing at the source of the noise-
“You like it?  Troy’s idea, thought it was cute.”  A little bell was hanging from the collar around your throat.
You brought your eyes up to Tyreen, almost scared to look directly at her.  You’d heard about how she liked to toy with people, how volatile she could be, and it felt like you were being tricked right now.
“You, uh, you aren’t gonna…kill me?”  You said something to her you spoke to this godlike siren-
Tyreen grinned.  She reached out to you, tattoos flaring light, and you squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation of being drained to a crystalline husk in a second.  Instead, Tyreen Calypso booped your nose.
“You taste too way good to only have once, pet.”
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vaulthunter426 · 5 years
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Borderlands 3 | What we know...
Just because I’m not sure the best way to present this information, prepare for a long list of new features in Borderlands 3 with my comments because.... well this is my blog. I will not be discussing the two Vault Hunters we’ve seen gameplay of in terms of their action skills and skill trees.
Quality of Life improvements!
Borderlands has aged quite well, BL2 more than BL1 but we can go back to games almost a decade (and actually a decade) old and they still feel great and are tons of fun. After taking about a year hiatus from all Borderlands games, I came back after the Mask of Mayhem trailer and I found myself trying to roll or slide out of the way of charging enemies and merely crouched in front of them. After so long of this, I knew what I wanted out of Borderlands 3...
Sliding, Grappling, Ground Slams - A feature that I was hoping for beyond almost anything else were movement upgrades and boy we got them. The sliding adds a whole new dynamic to fighting a mob of enemies and the grappling opens up a plethora of verticality options. Be sure to be looking up high for hidden chests! The ground slams seem to be an upgraded, more visually appealing version of the ground slams from TPS. Zane cocks back an arm with a Digi-claw before slamming his fist to the ground while Amara leaps into the air slamming both fists to the ground (not to be confused with her Action Skill).
Vending Machines - Instead of manually purchasing each ammo type by spamming our select key on them, we can now purchase the max amount of ammo by pressing a key as we approach the machine, without ever entering the UI.
“Claim Lost Loot” - A new “vending machine” in Sanctuary III collects all the loot we didn’t pick up and store them until we access the machine. Once we activate it, all the loot comes spilling out onto the ground in front of us for us to check out and make sure we didn’t miss anything. No more lost Legendaries!
Sanctuary III is the first hub in the Borderlands franchise that features a unique room for our Vault Hunters! Our room will be tailored to the Vault Hunter of our choice with possible customization options. The wall holds a number of “mounts” where we can showcase our favorite guns as well as a couple spots for a relic, shield, and grenade mod.
Loot Instancing and Level Scaling - Is your buddy ten levels ahead of you? No problem! If you join the game of a friend who is a higher or lower level than you, your damage output will scale accordingly so no one is over or underleveled! Along with this will be loot drops. If you open a chest to a blue and purple rarity pistol, they will be at your level and ready to loot. Your friend will also see a blue and purple rarity pistol, but different manufactures and at their own level. You both can take both pistols from the same chest. All of these options have a toggle feature if you preferred the previous games style.
Claptrap as a General of the Crimson Raiders - It’s nice to know that the Crimson Raiders are continuing on after the death of Roland, but their priorities may be a bit askew if Claptrap is a general... then again maybe his title holds no responsibilities... all about the ego boost.
Lilith as Commander of the Crimson Raiders - Not all that surprising although I was speculating that maybe she had ditched our friends to deal with some of that pent up anger post-Jack. It seems like she has been broadcasting across the galaxy searching for new Vault Hunters, and maybe even “broadcasting” directly into Siren’s minds as a comment by Amara upon meeting Lilith went something like “Oh so you’re the voice in my head.” Sounds like our Guardian Angel...
Marcus - I have no doubt Marcus will be buying and selling us guns, but we do see that in person he will be our go to for SDU’s. This go around the currency used is money opposed to Eridium, similar to our BL1 days.
Moxxi - She still has her bar, this time with four different slot machines, possibly activated by a unique currency each, or rewarding different pools of loot.
Tannis - “Tannis’ Lab + Infirmary” read the sign pointing us toward our old friend, which leaves a noticeable lack of Dr. Zed on Sanctuary III. Was he a fatality of the ill fate that befell Sanctuary 2? Or is he on Pandora?
Ellie - Ellie takes position as our lead engineer / car provider for Borderlands 3, as we no longer have our dear friend Scooter with us (nice decal of him on the outside of the ship though).
Unlockable Vehicles - It looks like we will unlock vehicles as we progress through the story, similar to the Bandit Technical in BL2, but there seems to be World Event / Side Missions that allow us to come across unique vehicles parked across the maps that we can get in and return to a Catch-A-Ride station so that they are available to use any time we like! This means if your vehicle blows up before you can get it registered, you may be out of luck!
Alternate Firing Mode- Initially inthough a couple of gun manufacturers would have alternate firing modes but it almost seemed like every gun during the gameplay reveal had an alternate firing mode.
Hyperion Shields- I’ve been wondering how the shields would work for the Hyperion weapon and it looks like they are ADS activated.
Unique Dialog for our Vault Hunters - A feature introduced during some of the DLC for BL2, as well as through the entirety of TPS was character dialog unique to each Vault Hunter. It is most definitely returning for BL3 and I couldn’t be happier.
Unique Looting for our Vault Hunters? - When Amara opened a chest (really a repurposed car trunk) she punched it open in a similar fashion to Kratos in God of War. Although punching a chest open definitely seems like Amara’s style, I wouldn’t say the same for the other Vault Hunters which makes me wonder if certain chests will have unique opening animations for each VH.
Location: Ascension Bluff - This was the location title card that was on the projection screen after got the initial reveal demo which makes me wonder if the Children of the Vault Propaganda center(?) is on a map called Ascension Bluff. I could be wrong in thinking that, however I’m pretty positive that all of that was on Pandora.
Location: Meridian Metroplex - Some interesting reveals about the city we’ve seen from the trailers! The Meridian Metroplex is on Promethea, and has become an Atlas controlled city. For some this is great, for others not so much. Maliwan seems to be attacking the city with their new ally...
Locations: So far we have Pandora and Promethea listed as worlds we can visit but I believe it was Paul Sage also confirmed an Asteroid(?) map that will feature low-gravity similar to (but not quite the same as) TPS.
Tyreen + Troy Calypso / The Calypso Twins- These two are fucking Borderlands equivalent douche twitch streamers. They’ve leveraged this position (or vice - versa?) into being Cult Leaders for the Children of the Vault.
They have broadcast stations scattered around the galaxy that we can destroy / turn off as a world event style challenge.
Tyreen is a Siren who can leech the life and power out of other living beings. Being a Siren, she’s convinced her followers that she is their God - Queen. Troy is merely piggy-backing off the fact that she has all the influence, or it seems that way to me.
Tyreen has streamed her ability of sucking the life out of beings to her many followers, and to the Vault Hunters who she calls her most loyal follower yet.
What’s a cult without its followers? Instead of our typical “Bandit” enemies, it seems like the main enemy faction of that caliber has been rebranded to Fanatics.
Tyreen has struck a deal with the Head of Mergers and Acquisitions for Maliwan, a guy named Katagawa (some dweeb who hates / envies / is jealous of Rhys, but also makes sense why he wants control of Atlas) and so mobs of both the Maliwan Assault Troopers and the Fanatics will be fighting you at the same time.
Randy Pitchford has let on that Tyreen is using the bandits, and probably her Maliwan allies, as a tool to find the Vaults so that she can gain the power of the Vault Monsters.
Zer0 has left the Crimson Raiders and is working with / for Rhys under the Atlas corporation, at least while the money and weapons are good.
Crimson Lance became the Crimson Raiders after Atlas fell and they joined Roland’s cause in Sanctuary. Now that Atlas is being ran by CEO Rhys, they are called Atlas Soldiers.
New Element : Radiation - Irradiated enemies will take damage and are also more susceptible to other damage types. An irradiated enemy can spread the effect to other enemies surrounding them. Upon death, an irradiated enemy will reach critical mass and explode.
Barrels - Elemental variety barrels can now be melee’d to launch at enemies before shooting them and causing them to explode.
Pipelines -Certain pipelines can be shot to cause radiation spills, or oil slicks that can then be ignited to cause an AOE of damage.
Enemies / Mini Bosses - There will be more mini bosses in Borderlands 3, and the weapons they use against you can be dropped so that you can use that gun on future enemies.
NPC - Certain NPC’s will assist you on missions, like Lorelei and Zer0, and then can also be downed. You can revive NPC’s and they can also revive you.
Paul Sage (Gearbox Developer?) - Paul made the comment about the low-grav environments as well as stating that if you “beeline through the story” it will take around 30 hours. Upon questioning if the guns in the reveal were better than what we will find (because of the basically non-existant recoil) he stated that in the past they’ve worked there way up to really good guns in terms of level progression, but this time they wanted to know if they could “start good, and make it fucking awesome.” So yeah. Guns are gonna be fucking awesome.
And that wraps it up! A nice guide to catch you up on things you’ve missed or to remind you of some things you’ve forgotten. I make no claim to have covered everything we’ve seen, but these were some things that I took note of. Feel free to add your own bits and pieces I missed in the replies! Borderlands 3 looks amazing, happy hunting.
- VaultHunter426
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toxicfucksaround · 5 years
Big ass art dumb, scroll through at own risk
Hello guys! It has been absouletly forever since the last time I posted anything here, I’m sorry. I kinda forgot I had a tumblr for awhile. But I’m back, with a whole new, much, much better artstyle compared to before.
So, in honor of this, I decided to start posting again, starting with an unbearably long art dump going from oldest to newest art on this computer so, scroll at you’re own risk.
Here is my first attempt at Pixel art in awhile, my girl Zoey when she was younger and being bullied or something.
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Next is art of Marina and Mark, her awful ex, brought to you by the song Show and Tell by Melanie Martinez.
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Next is my flower bab Mono, a skeleton who became the unwilling host of a parasitic like flower, which loooves sunflower seeds for some reason. The flower doesn’t hurt Mono, rather it protects him, as without a host, the flower will die.
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Now meet Adelaide and Juniper, Mono’s moms. One is a stay at home mom that grows fruits and vegetables in their large backyard, and the other one is a flower scientist who studies all sorts of strange and gorgeous flowers, as well as experiments with them.
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Meet Green Pearl, half of a permi-fusion based off a really pretty gem I saw, the Watermelon Tourmaline.
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Meet Star Ruby, the other half of my Permi-fusion.
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Next up is the fusion itself, Watermelon Tourmaline.
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After that comes an OC I made named Matthew. He was made after I listened to Honey I’m Home too much and decided to make a character who’s a sweet christian trans boy who’s dad beats him because said dad is an asshole and an alcoholic.
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Next two is a Hazbin Hotel OC before and after she died, who in life was a cannibalistic serial killer and in death became even worse. She’s not actually a vampire, I just remember reading somewhere that butterflies drink the blood of dead things and I thought it was cool.
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Next up is Marina dressed in three outfits heavily inspired by the GHOST songs in this order; Apetite of a People Pleaser, Honey I’m Home, and Happy Days.
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Next is a Blue Spinel OC I made, simply because the idea of entertainment gems is too fantastic to not make twenty versions of, come on. Besides, Spinel’s are great. This is my Blue Spinel, who’s gem is on her back like lapis. Her entertainment is mostly singing as well as a few smooth jokes.
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After Blue Spinel is Liliac Spinel, one I plan to redesign in the future,I wanted to give her a more clowny apperance, and she acts a lot like the Spinel we got to know in the movie before Pink abandoned her, except that she can actually read social clues and knows when to calm down and give people a bit of space,
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Next is my Blue Moonstone, and don’t worry I just recently redesigned her so, she looks better.
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Next is criminal Marina and criminal Zoey, who I won’t get into right now but maybe I will later.
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Next is Moth Zoey and Snake Marina, part of a mate au that I won’t get into right now but I will at a later time.
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Next is my little Sally Face OC Tabitha, known affectionatly by her dad as Tabi Cat. Tabitha is... definetly one of my weirder OCs, as she’s obsessed with demons and ghosts, and actually isn’t scared of seeing demons or ghosts around the apartments. However, she is unbelievably angry at all the poor, innocent deaths that take place thanks to the cult, expressing her outrage often. She exists in two different timelines, one where she dies to the cult, and the other where she lives and through it and backs up Sal in court, effectively keeping him out of jail.
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Next is a fursona I made. I’m not a furry, I just thought it would be fun to draw, although there is nothing wrong with furries anyways but whatever, here’s Mouse! Inky.
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Here is the Moonstone redesign I promised. Now, when it comes to Moonstones in Steven Universe, we really don’t know anything about them. But I like to think that they are rather high up gems, by more of a theory then anything. See, you know the Moon Goddess statue that was supposed to save the Lunar Sea Spire? I like to think that the “Moon Goddess’s” are really just Moonstones, who are rather rare to come by but extremely valuable gems. Bismuth revealed that Spires are made for important gems to think in, and I believe that this particular spire was made for moonstones or other oceanic gems. As a ‘goddess’ like gem, she is calm, quiet, and wise, but very compassionate for others. My Blue Moonstone fled from homeworld during the rebellion, after hearing of a better place for gem kind, as well as their plan to protect the humans that occupied earth. Her Black and Gold Pearl, who belongs to my friend Luna, joined her. By the time they finally escaped to earth, the gem corruption had already taken place, and they were safe from it.
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Next up is the Fell/Edgy version of Zoey, who is honestly one of my favorite versions of Zoey I’ve ever made.
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This is Kelly, Marina’s youngest sibling and honestly the most mature out of the four. She’s 18, and rather sweet, does most of the cleaning and cooking at home because her siblings are all lazy shits, and she has a very good sense of judgement when it comes to people. However, she is very frail and spends a lot of time indoors to stay safe. She’s Asexual and straight, but supports her siblings even when they make her wanna gouge her own eyes out.
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This is Aurora, the second youngest. She’s twenty one and currently working as at retail, having quit her stripper job the year before. She’s really into fashion, and wants to design her own line one day, for now she’s just making clothes for her siblings.
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And Jonah, honestly I have mixed feelings about him. He’s a huge piece of shit, and I kinda hate him but I also love that he’s a dick, I don’t know why. He’s Marina’s twin brother, and the oldest of the four, and is just, very overprotective and mean to everyone.
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This is Baby Doll, a Hazbin OC of mine that’s one of my favorites, personally. In the 1950s she was trapped and manipulated as the perfect housewife, bending over backwards to do everything her husband ever wanted. But about 5 months after she gave birth to his baby, he killed it while he was drunk, making it seem like it was an accident. Baby Doll was heartbroken, and blamed herself for the death, and was pushed over the edge when she returned from grocery shopping to find her husband cheating on her with a younger woman. She snapped, killing her husband and his mistress, before realizing what she did and killing herself.
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Time to meet Coco, and boy he he one of my favorite Hazbin OCs. In life he was addicted to cocaine, and when offered a nice supply of it for sleeping with a drug dealer, who was he to refuse? So he totally slept with her, and the two made it a regular thing, getting closer to each other and falling in love. The got engaged, and that’s when things went to shit. The Drug dealer got into a drug war, and during said attacks, Coco was killed horribly. His fiance, distraught, gave up her life of crime and worked towards becoming a better persona, and later died, going to heaven since she had repented and become better. Coco himself had went to jail, and never got to see his fiance again.
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Troy’s Crystal Necklaces are IMPORTANT AND IDK HOW and other insane ramblings
No matter what happens from here on out, I think those crystals are important and I GOTTA know what they’re for! At the very least, they’re important to me. So cool... So glowy... *o* I want one...
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So there are a couple possibilities for what they could be used for and my main guess is Stealing/Storing/Transferring Siren powers (Yes, I know, that’s probably Tyrene’s power, but, hey, humor me! I think it’d be an interesting twist to something we already know.)
Troy being able to steal siren powers and possibly keep them in the glowy crystals around his neck? Hell yeah! How? I have no fuckin’ clue!
Since his tattoos are red they could be derived from the crystals and, if this is the case, he is probably the one who stole Lilith’s tattoos during the trailer and possibly transfers them to Tyrene. (I’ll get more into this later as to why I don’t think he kept them) I lowkey kinda think they’re like raw seraph crystals or smth bc male siren goes against all the lore (maybe he’s like a seraph himself or some bullshit? yaknow, red vs blue... or he just used the crystals to steal a siren’s tattoos and put them on himself...) unless he’s actually trans which I'm afraid they wouldn’t have the balls to do. but oh mama if he is, that representation will be like nothing we’ve ever seen
Troy having gotten Siren powers from his sister Tyrene stealing them and giving them to him? I mean,,, yeah that’s probably what happened but GLOWY MAGIC CRYSTALS THE ERIDIANS DIDN’T LIKE BECAUSE SERAPHS COULD THEN STEAL THEIR POWERS AND USE THEM AGAINST THEM IN WAR (THAT IS [APPARENTLY] COMING)??? Now that’s some good reintegration shit mhmmmm. The Eridium buffeth and the Seraph taketh away.
Also, a siren being able to steal another siren’s powers seems kinda counterintuitive. Her power is useless unless she meets other sirens (THERE ARE 6 IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE - despite what the games want us to believe, that’s pretty fuckin’ rare!) and what is it even used for? All the other sirens we’ve met have very powerful, combat-oriented skills (even w/ Angel, while I’m still not sure what her power was exactly tbh. technological integration? (Phaseshift-ing of the bits???) that’s p powerful with Eridian tech I'm sure). If the Sirens were created by Eridians, they were probably made to be on the same side. If that’s the case, wouldn’t it make a lot more sense for something that didn’t want the Sirens around to have the power to steal theirs and redistribute them to their own forces?
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I mean, after all, “their return is to be feared” and Seraph crystals only started appearing after the opening of the second vault on Pandora (which could be triggering the return of the Seraphs... thus causing them to want to plunder vaults/kill Sirens? who knows lol). Also, the cultists leaving Pandora and heading to Promethea could very well be bringing back Seraph crystals. Shit, the guy you sell the crystals to in order to get some seriously powerful gear could have been shipping them off to Promethea. 
My only problem is they’re pink, not red, but it might be a product of activating them/”storing” the siren powers in them/some weird bullshit. I know raw eridium is a shade or two darker than processed Eridium, so it could possibly be some bullshit like “raw seraph crystals are redder while processed seraph crystals are pink” or something.
Actually, now that I think about it, the only way to get Seraph crystals is through Seraph Guardians. Disregarding the Dragons bc its a DnD Campaign, the Seraph Guardians are all hopped up on whatever the seraph crystals did to them. Maybe the crystals are drained of their power once we kill the Seraph Guardians and that is why they are that shade of pink. Maybe when they’re charged up they’re a more saturated red color. I mean, Hyperius is able to grow to the size of a skyscraper and Gee can absorb elemental damage so 👀
This is all a huge reach, but I’m having fun, so let’s continue.
Now there is this tidbit from the Battleborn Easter Egg: “VISIT PROMET[H]EA CHILDREN OF THE VAULT. WE ARE NOT ON PANDORA ANYMORE. TANNIS IS NOT WHAT SHE SEEMS. DO NOT OPEN THE VAULTS”. Ignoring the Tannis bit, I’m very curious why they don’t want the vaults open. Maybe it would bring about the return of the Eridians and they don’t want that? I mean... technically the Watcher is already back after opening only 2 vaults (Pandora1 and Elpis). Which is a whole nother thing that I could totally get into if the twins (either of them) are actually stealing people’s Siren powers lmao, be it with just the magic crystals or their own magic alien powers. The war the Watcher mentions could 100% be against the Calypso twins. I can’t help but wonder if it should be something bigger though lmao... sounded so ominous... 
Now of the theory that Tyrene is the one who can steal powers and gave Lilith’s to Troy: Totally possible. Boring, but possible. There is that screenshot of her holding a really glowing lookin’ orb (AND THE INSIDE IS GLOWING REDDISH: THE SAME COLOR AS TROY’S CRYSTALS OHHHHH-) which is probably someone’s Siren powers. My only way to dispute this is to say she also doesn’t have any facial tattoos like Lilith does, (Angel doesn’t have facial tattoos either) though Maya and Steele did have tattoos on their faces, and Troy totally does have a unique facial tattoo that wouldn’t match up with Lilith’s at all (I mention this because it could hint that she is the one to get the powers transferred onto her, not the other way around). Also, immediately after the scene with the image below, there is a shot of an area being absolutely BLITZED by fireballs and Lilith is usually associated with fire (Firehawk).
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I do think this snapshot happens right after they steal Lilith's powers. Tyrene looks so smug like “oh, let’s see what this baby can DO”. So either she just got Lilith’s powers, or she’s about to shove her glowing ball into her brother and idk which is worse lol
Now, I mentioned before that Troy has facial tattoos, which don’t match up with Lilith’s tattoos at all. You would think transferring the powers would transfer over the same tattoos. But Alas, to disprove this part of the theory, Tyrene actually has a unique set of tattoos as well, as far as I can tell. 
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Her tattoos. I can’t tell if Troy’s are similar or not because of her jacket, but you can catch a glimpse of them here! (At least, I think those are his tattoos. His arm is kinda a weird gray color...  🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 Maybe the transference did an ouch of some kind)
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AFAIK neither of these match Lilith’s.
Also, fun fact! Tyrene is the only Siren we’ve seen to not show off her chest tattoos. IDK if its a Siren thing or if they just want to show off their cleavage or what, but unlike the others, her clothes are not revealing whatsoever (in fact, she seals up her neck and stuff? Is weird). Troy, on the other hand, looks like he went on a shopping spree with Macklemore and V from DMC5. He’s also showing a fair bit of abdomen lol (Have you seen his ab tattoo that says Calypso? Neat). Interestingly enough, his red tattoos don’t seem to go down the left side of his abdomen like Siren tattoos do (easily seen on Lilith), nor his chest, and although they could be hidden by his jacket, I don’t think that’s the case. 
Also, I kinda wanna go on a tangent here and talk about his face? At first, I thought he had maybe gotten some Glasgow scars, but if you look up where his sideburns are, that is way too clean and almost mechanical to be scarring (plus, its super symmetrical, he has one right down the middle of his chin as well- which interestingly enough is not visible on his bust in the Mask of Mayhem... then again neither are Tyrene’s scars. Worship at its finest). My first thought after that was that he peeled someone’s face off and stapled it to his own 😅 I mean! He works with psychos, right? It’s not too far fetched? right? (tbh the placement of the metal bits (cheekbones, cheeks, one on his chin) gives me a huge Jack vibe, so maybe it's just his homage to the man, the myth, the legend)
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Maybe the tattoos are fake/implanted technology in order to keep the cult in check and the crystals are there to keep them powered/working. Maybe he had to get a face stapled back on after whatever took his arm ripped his face off too. Who knowwwws. Maybe he had to have head implants for his arm to work (if its a prosthetic like Rhys’s, it could just be a huge exoskeleton arm) and being on Promethea (Pandora for a while before they left as per the easter egg I guess), they probably don’t have the greatest medical expertise, unlike Hyperion. Also, the crystals could totally just be a power source for his arm. That’d be super badass, just rip it off his neck and shove it into that ring looking area and power up. I’ll be honest, we’re throwing theories at the wall here to see what sticks!
But back on the topic of Power Stealing! For either one having the power of transferring (be it magic crystals or magic alien space superpowers), they could already have taken another siren’s power and are just adding onto it. Could be the reason Troy has 2 crystals (one for lilith, one for another siren), could be the reason both their tattoos are different from all the sirens we’ve seen so far. 
Personally, I like the theory that they stole the new little girl character’s siren powers and we’re going to help her and Maya get them back. Somewhere in the process, Lilith probably loses her powers to them. It would explain why he has two crystals instead of just one. Maya probably knows all this smart shit about who the twins are and what their cult is and has a plan but needs our help getting to the twins. 
I also just came up with this now, but I like the idea that the little girl is either actually working with the Calypso twins or being manipulated by them in order to get Maya and Lilith to show up on Promethea. Think about it. They need/want to collect Siren powers, right? What better way to do so than to jerk at the heartstrings of two super powerful sirens with a huge connection to their own powers by sending a little girl out who “got hers stolen by some big bad cult leaders”. In the Mask of Mayhem trailer, we see the little girl a few times. At one point, in the top right, right next to Troy and Tyrene, we see an unfamiliar smoll character who looks like this (below) and has the beginnings of what I think are growing wings at her back (meaning Siren) although her left arm is covered, which might mean she probably doesn’t have tattoos. Yet.
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Maybe she was promised her own powers if she lured the two Sirens to the Calypso twins. I was going to use her earrings and gages to see if they were the same character but the girl below just so happened to be conveniently wearing a pair of headphones lol. Maybe its just coincidence. I do think their hair is different, the statue has a bun/ponytail, but that could be solved by her chopping it off with that huge knife or keeping it in a bun and keeping her hood up. Maybe the two characters are twins themselves and one joined the cult and the other wants to help her leave. Who knowwwwwsssss
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I don’t trust her lies.
Also, one more thing, during the scene with Lilith on the floor, when they’re locking arms, Troy pulls away first, while Tyrene slowly retracts her hand like she’s unsure of what to do. Not the greatest of proofs indeed, but something to think about. Perhaps he’s just impatient to try out his new powers. Maybe he’s done this before and knows what he’s doing. She could just be annoyed and is giving him a death glare behind that fabulous collar. We may never know. There are plenty of ways to read into it.
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Of course, Tyrene seems like to big boss type out of the whole thing anyway, so its more than likely she is the one that has the power to take and transfer Siren powers. She is the one in the Mask of Mayhem with the wings, and I find it interesting that they made it a point to have Troy’s left arm (the arm Sirens have their tattoos on!!) to be “under construction” during the video. It’s very likely the reason is because he gets his tattoos through his sister during the game. If that’s the case, well fuckin’ played Gearbox. Foreshadowing 100.
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Shit, idk, maybe it's all just some weird shit that happens when your twin is a Siren. You get like... negative siren powers. it would explain his Shadow the Hedgehog color scheme smh. She stole all the blue pigment from him in the womb so he’s just red in the places her tattoos are lmao
Maybe his crystals are just Promethea’s version of Eridium, after all, the Vault key here seems to be producing a shitton of red light. be weird tho, since eridium didnt exist until we opened the vault so... maybe tannis just grabbed one of them siren-power-holding-crystals you just brought her after beating the shit out of an emo biker fuck and shoved in the vault key and prayed it would work while t-posing to assert dominance
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who knowwwwwsss 
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flowercuco · 5 years
Fiasco! - Transatlantic.
This weekend me and some friends played Fiasco, specifcally the Transatlantic playset by E. Tage Larsen.
The premise is that we’re on the Leviathan a boat that’s speeding across the sea to secretly win the Blue Riband, the award for crossing the Atlantic the fastest. Nothing could possibly go wrong as a result of the captains desire to win the award and there’s no way that anyone on the boat opposes him. (Note: this is a joke)
Our star studded cast are myself and @jacquerel cheating, allowing six players in this game, via playing a pair of identical non-binary fancy lad children, Barry and Berry Knight, mischievous fourteen year olds with a variety of skills they shouldn’t have.
We have @mimicdog​ as Belén Santiago Durand, a sweet cook, soft spoken and low key he/him lesbian who definitely isn’t stressed and definitely isn’t afraid of the water.
Seedy presented us with Clothilde Devereaux, a former battlefield nurse from the Great War with ulterior motives and plenty of tea.
@augmentalize​ gave us Vasily Dmitriovich (he/they), who swam to western Europe from Russia and is probably some kind of fish man.
And finally, rounding our our cast is @foursight​‘s William "Billie" Blackwell, a trans man aristocrat who just wants to settle in a new life in America, and hopefully get laid at some point before then.
The web of relationships we weave have the twins being mischievous friends with Belen, and paint Billie as an eccentric uncle, as well as establishing Belen’s fear of water and an interesting trunk, delivered to the wrong address.
Clothilde and Belen share a mutual suspicion of their respective false faces, while the nurse and Vasily are cultists trying to stop the Deep God from rising, with a sacrifice of course.
Finally, Billie is of course, a Confirmed Bachelor and Vasily is his bachelor companion. Wink.
We start off with a scene in which the twins are in their cabin, inspecting a mysterious suitcase that is similar to theirs, but not theirs, while we do not see the contents of the case, it is enough to make Billie want to take charge of it, despite initially trying to push it on as something they can do to build character. As Billie leaves the scene with the case, the twins look to each other and reveal a wicked, seashell knife, a prize looted from the box prior to their calling of their guardian. 
Belen’s first scene is one in which he meets Clothilde and Vasily, having a moment in which we establish Vasily’s wet feet and need of... hydration, as the two discuss their plans to delay the ship, catching the ear of Belen at a less than critical moment. The cook comes over and while the two manage to ease his suspicions, the nervous cook takes to them, believing them to be... friends. 
Clothilde’s scene involves her, Billie, and the captain of the boat playing bridge, a card game almost none of us are familiar with, passing cards around or whatever and establishing the captain’s odd dreams. He has never dreamed dreams like these before, shocking Belen, the fourth player of the game, as he has never dreamed anything real, but this feels more than his dreams have been. Clothilde tries to ease his worries, implying that she might help later...
Vasily is in the lower decks, in somewhat of a disguise, when he stumbles upon the twins, toying with something shiny, hearing them comment on how it looks like the ocean on there. When he makes his presence known to them, they deflect, saying that its a pocket watch, which very much does not reflect the ocean. Vasily tells the twins of a tale involving a child who fell into a train furnace, which excites them, asking Vasily what that would be like. Vasily offers to tell them if they go find the furnace, but they do not manage to find it, as the twins get lost.
Billie’s first scene involves him inviting Vasily to a party the next night, which the captain insists on throwing. Vasily comments on the scandalous nature of it, but ultimately accepts the invitation. Additionally, Billie comments on the chest the twins found, and Vasily claims it belongs to a friend, after observing it, he realizes that something is missing. Billie promises to get the twins to give it back to him.
The twins go bother Belen the next day, wanting to trade the knife for a cool skull ornament thing that he... acquired... Belen asks about the knife and the twins comment on its similarity to the ocean. Belen begins to get a little scary, and asks for the knife. The twins give him the knife, hoping that the chef thinks about giving them their desirable skull in return. Belen uses the knife and gets cut by it, accidentally, leading the cook to go to Clothilde for help, saying that he has been... cut. Clothilde is obviously suspicious, but tries to calm Belen down, saying that its fine, and not to worry. Later, the nurse speaks with Vasily about what’s going on with Belen, and that they need to recover the knife and possibly prevent the party. Clothilde lends Vasily her parrot to aid him in recovering the knife.
Vasily once again finds the twins, bird in tow, threatening them lightly in that adult way, and asking them where the knife is. Though the twins consider Belen their friend, they are more concerned with the bird and offer to assist in retrieving the knife. The final scene of act one involves Billie and Clothilde speaking about the party and the captain, with Billie asking her to help the captain, as the ships doctor seems to not have done that great of a job. After becoming a bit suspicious, Billie goes to the captains quarters and sees something which causes him to faint. When he wakes up, Clothilde is pouring him some brandy.
The tilt, chosen by seb and seedy, consists of Tragedy, someone’s life is changed forever, in a bad way, and Failure, a tiny mistake leads to ruin. 
Act two begins with Barry and Berry once again near the engine room of the ship, finding a wrench in a pivotal place and pulling it out, undoing one of the cultist’s sabotage. Vasily calls upon them now to distract Belen, and they succeed, distracting the cook while Vasily sneaks around, eventually getting the knife from under his nose. Belen notices the knife being missing, and finds the twins in their room, asking for where the knife is. The twins think about whether or not to sell Vasily out before just agreeing to. Belen insists on having them help him get the knife back despite them asking and begging him to take a nap or something, only for Vasily to come on in and knock Belen out, and then lock the twins in their room, for their own safety at this point.
Billie wakes up and Clothilde tells him he had a fall, and to not worry and have some brandy. Billie takes some but then starts to remember, saying that theres problems, that they need to do something. Clothilde tries and fails to convince Billie to step down, eventually feeling the need to act, getting out a syringe and stabbing Billie, who faints. Vasily brings Belen in a potato sack to Clothilde, hopefully solving their sacrifice problem as she reveals an unconscious BIllie. The two converse and decide to trade captives, having a bit of a spat but deciding that stopping the deep one is more important. When he comes to, Billie questions Vasily about the cult and the other things going on in the ship, Vasily admits to it, saying that he was going to tell him when they got to shore, shocking Billie, as it meant someone would have been sacrificed and he would have been none the wiser. He needs some space and he leaves Vasily for now, needing to think on the events of the night.
The Knight twins escape their room and find themselves in the captains quarters, concerned and dismayed at the unseen horrors inside, getting the sense that it is as if it is getting filled with water, and the two deciding they need to get Belen, their friend, and an adult. Belen is taken to the captains quarters, now increasingly more... fish like, and obsessed. Belen goes to the captains quarters and the resulting event makes the twins run away. Clothilde takes to drastic measures to sabotage the ship, breaking into the boiler room and rigging it to explode. Vasily chases Belen into the captain quarters, and the two fight over the knife, Belen desperately needing it while Vasily tries to finish the ritual to stop the deep one from rising. In the conflict, Belen is stabbed, bleeding a far more viscous ichor and unknowingly ending the ritual. Billie finds the twins as people are evacuating the boat, he tells them to go to the liferaft despite the two of them asking where he is going. Billie leaves them after ensuring their safety and takes out his gun from its locked box. Billie goes out and finds Vasily still struggling with Belen, sharing a tense conversation before Billie puts the gun down and lets Vasily go, swimming down with the ship as Billie turns away, leaving with the other evacuating people.
In the epilogue, here is the state of the game.  
William "Billie" Blackwell, ends with White 10, not too shabby, having a comfortable life for a time, but constantly drawn to the events that occurred on the ship. He does more and more research before eventually turning into a supernatural investigator.
Vasily Dmitriovich ends with a White 6, a weak ending, going in and out of cults over the years, trying to do what he can before eventually being found by some sort of suit clad cult group and shoved into a car for unknown purposes...
Clothilde Devereaux ends with a Black 14, awesome, an ending that is better than anyone else’s. She changes her name, gets a new life, starts to work in a hospital and eventually has an entire hospital as well as another wing named after her. She is last scene retiring with a beautiful wife driving a convertible.
Belén Santiago Durand ends with a Zero, a fate worse than death, and finds himself on an island with various fish people and normal people, having fully been converted into some sort of jellyfish person and trying to adjust. After some time, having, some friendship? or something to the effect, he changes back, leaving the cultists and fish people and staring down at himself, saying that he can never go back. He can never go back. He doesn’t know if he can go back.
Barry and Berry Knight end with White 7, a second weak ending, they land with the others, finding it a bit more difficult to speak with each other and with Billie, watching the boat sink along with their stuff. As their life goes on, they are reprimanded for their behaviour and eventually forced into a boarding school for troubled children, where one night, after curfew, they find a dead body, the start of another mysterious event.
Fiasco’s great!
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kaeyas-beloved · 5 years
Mint Eye Madness Ch. 6
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 ~ Coming Soon
Took too long to make this, been losing the will(?) to write recently but I still want to... make sense? Real qucik, (N/N) means nichname for all you readers who didn’t know or needed a refresher^^ Hope you enjoy!
*TW Swearing, Mentions of Weapons/Blood/Drugging (?) Mention/Implied Torture (?), Slight Violence, Name calling*  
List of Triggers COULD be added and some I’m not 100% certain of so please be wary while reading this series, Thank you.
Loud knocks on the wooden door of the cabin stir me from my slumber and I awaken to, not only panicked faces of Saeyoung and Vanderwood, but also Saeran walking over and opening the door, almost like he was expecting them. When the door is fully open, from what I can make out with my blurry vision from just waking up, are 6 Mint Eye Believers and a man with mint blue hair. Wait a minute… that’s V! I jolt up at seeing all the people who have entered the semi-cramped space of the cabin’s living room and hiss in pain from my wounds. Attention is drawn to me from everyone, all eyes are now on me. I sit up a little better and try to stand up but I’m gently pushed back down by Saeyoung. I look up to him, about to say something when he shakes his head. I get the message, he wants me to not say anything and, probably, wants me to not stress myself further.
“You can take me and Vanderwood, just leave her here.” Saeyoung says without looking away from me. My eyes widen. He’s really going to sacrifice himself and Vanderwood just because I have a couple scrapes!? Ha! Yeah right! I stand up, startling Saeyoung a little, causing him to take a step back. I bite my tongue, suppressing the urge to voice my distress, although I’m sure my face portrays my pain anyways. Just as I open my mouth again to argue, V interrupts me.
“Get her too” He orders. The Believers nod and start to advance towards us three. The room isn’t that big so they reach us quick. One Believer goes to each Vanderwood and Saeyoung, grabbing and binding their arms behind their backs. I, unfortunately, get two Believers to restrain me, which they do rather harshly. They bind us with thick rope which is sure to dig into our flesh if we struggle enough, well, from how tight they tied me, I’m not sure about the others.
“Saeran as well” V says after awhile.
“What!?” Saeran growls at him. The remaining two Believers grab and tie Saeran too, but not without a fight from Saeran.
“Let go! Now!” He yells while squirming, trying his hardest to escape the circumstances that Saeyoung, Vanderwood and I are in now. Saeran was unfortunately unsuccessful and ended up getting bounded like the rest of us. We start filing out of the cabin and into the forest, heading in the direction of Mint Eye. I’m in the front, followed by Saeyoung, Vanderwood then Saeran. Specking of Saeran, it seems he’s given up on fighting, for now at least. I sigh quietly, not sure what lies ahead for us. The one thing I know is that it’s in no way good.
 It sort of blurred together, the walk I mean. It seemed to have taken no time at all but I know that the walk from that cabin to the M.E headquarters takes a couple hours. Our surroundings such as the sky have changed colour, also proving that a long time has passed. As we all approach the front entrance, V chants the password to get in. Shroud your vision, and you shall be saved. After saying it so many times and it being practically drilled into your head, there’s no real way to forget that sentence that would give access to the whole building, like now. After being granted entrance into the cult, we walk through hallway after hallway to finally reach what I’ve been dreading.
A bookcase at the end of the hall.
Not just any bookcase though, pulling the right book forward will open one of the passage ways that can lead to the basement. Yes, there are more than one. The Believer on my right reaches over and pulls on one of the books in from of me, or rather it’s a play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Funny how the play ends in a tragedy and the basement is full of those too, makes you wonder if it’s actually a coincidence or not.
After the play is pulled a small click is heard and the book shelf moves forward slightly. The same Believer that pulled the play pulls the shelf forward revealing a winding staircase that travels down. The walls are made of a sort of tan coloured brick and it’s a little stuffy. The Believer returns to my right and I’m roughly shoved forward, a sign that I should start moving my ass or else. Knowing that if I did get free, even with a gun, it’s 1 against 6 where all 6 are armed with guns too, and I’m injured. Maybe if I wasn’t injured, I could take them down, but right now I can’t. So, begrudgingly, I start to descend down the staircase.
Our footsteps echo around us as we walk through a hall that’s lined with cells, both small and big, before finally making it to a large one at the end of it. Our bindings are cut then the twins, Vanderwood and I are practically thrown into the cell.
“You too traitor” one of the Believers states in a deep voice before pushing V in too. V was caught off guard so he wasn’t prepared for it and ended up stumbling in. He would have fallen to the ground if I didn’t catch him at the last second, and I grunt a little in pain at the use of my arm. I wasn’t able to stand for that long though, so I suppose I only delayed and cushioned V’s fall, bring myself down too along the way. I landed on my butt while V landed over of my legs. V realized after a while and quickly got off and apologized and I told him it was okay. I stand up, walk right up to the cell’s metal bars and glare at the Believers, continuing to do so even as they all walk back down the corridor. Well, except for one who remained in their spot in front of us.
“It’s good to see you again (N/N)… I’ve missed you” a small male voice said. I recognized the voice almost immediately.
“Louis? Is that you?” I ask in a whisper, not believing my ears. But I am right. The cloaked figure grabs their hood and flips it over their head to reveal Louis, a blond haired, brown eyed guy. Louis is about 5’9 with a build like V’s. I smile at Louis, new hope filling me that there might actually be a way out of here.
“I’ve missed you too Louis. I would give you a hug, but I’m sort of locked in here,” I say with a nervous laugh as I motion to the bars separating us. I lower my voice to a whisper, “how about you let us out, I’m sure you have the key Louis! Please, then we can all get out of here!” I say with hope in my voice. What he does next surprises me, he chuckles. A somewhat dark chuckle.
“Oh, you mean this key,” he asks, holding up a set of keys that dangle around a ring. I nod my head up and down vigorously.
“Yes, yes, oh my god yes Louis! I knew you’d have them! Now can you-” I was cut off by Louis thrusting his free hand through the bars and his hand wrapping around my neck. My eyes widen at the action and I immediately start to struggle. He pulls me closer to the bars so now the side of my face is pressed up against them. Louis leans close to my ear and whispers in it.
“You’re not getting out (N/N), I won’t let you…” he lets go of my throat and I quickly back away to look at him in disbelief. I look him over and then my eyes widen for a second time. Louis’ eyes, which are suppose to be a brown, are right now shine a bring green minty colour like Saeran’s eyes. Realization hits me, he’s under the influence of the Elixir.
“You’re not the Louis I know!” I say while pointing an accusing finger at him. He merely raises his hands in mock surrender.
“Guilty as charged” he replies with a smirk that’s laced with a mixture of amusement and malice, I growl and hang my head, looking at the ground and trying to keep my tears at bay.
“Nothing to say, hm? Well, then I’ll be going. It was nice seeing you again (N/N)” before he can walk all the way down the hall and out of sight I speck up.
“How long?” The footsteps stop and by the sound of it he didn’t turn around.
“How long?” He echoes back in question.
“How long have you been like you are now?” I clarify. Louis is silent for a small time before he starts to talk again and says the words that I was praying to any god that would listen to a sinner like me that he wouldn’t say.
“When you left me, a year and a half ago” moments later his footsteps start up again, and I know that he’s walking away now for good. When I know he’s far enough away I let some of the tears spill over and run down my cheeks, also wetting my hand in the process because I cupped it over my mouth to muffle the pain, the pain that I feel in my chest right now. The pain of leaving a friend behind when you know there was nothing you could do and yet you still blame yourself. The pain of knowing what happened after they got caught and you got away. Or that you promised you would come back for them and yet it was proven harder than you thought, therefore making it take forever.
“(Y/N)…” Saeyoung starts, walking over and placing a hand on my uninjured shoulder. I turn around and burry my head into his chest, wrapping my arms around his torso too, sobbing the pain away or at least hoping to numb it. Saeyoung wraps his one arm around me while taking the other and rubbing soothing circles on my back. After a while I calm down and start to doze off a bit, but one comment was able to make me wide awake.
“She’s like you, abandoning people who don’t really mean anything to them, only acting like they do.” That came from Saeran.  
“Shut up” I mumble into Saeyoung’s chest.
“What?” I heard Saeran ask in a quiet voice. I lift my head up and look over at him.
“I said ‘shut up’. You don’t know the circumstances at the time” I retort but maybe a little to harshly. Saeran looks at me blankly for a little bit until he rushes forward, ripping me from Saeyoung’s hold, and, holding me by the collar of my shirt, pushing me up against the cell’s bared wall.
“I don’t know the circumstances, I don’t?! HA! I don’t need to know all the details to know that you left Louis just so you could get out. Why you’d even want out is beyond me. How about you tell me why! Hm? Why’d ya leave!? Leave two of your ‘friends’!?” Saeran roughly pushes me into the bars which also means he’s digging his balled fists into my shoulder joints, right where my one wound is located.
“Ah!” I yelp in pain and Saeran drops me to the ground. I sit up against the bars, not really wanting to stand up. I bring my left hand to my right shoulder where the wound is and place it on top of it. On contact, I feel wetness but I pray it’s not blood. I pull my hand back to look at it and sure enough it is blood. There isn’t that mush so I don’t think its bleeding that much. It’ll probably stay that way too, not bleeding that much, since there’s no reason right now for my blood to pump fast through my body.
“To answer your question Saeran, if you got off the Elixir then maybe you’d see it yourself, but this place isn’t a paradise, it’s a goddamn horror show! You know this but your so called “Saviour” brainwashed you, she manipulated you to thinking she’s helping you, when really she’s making you worse!” I say with anger laced in my voice. Saeran whips his head to look at me again but this time it’s already showing anger. He storms back over to me and delivers a swift kick to my stomach making me fall to my side and clutch it.
“Saeran!” Saeyoung shouts but is ignored. Vanderwood starts to walk over to grab Saeran but one look from me has him stopping in his tracks.
“Don’t you dare talk about The Saviour like that you worthless, pathetic traitor!” Saeran leans down close to my ear and whispers, “you know, I think you’re a bigger traitor than both these jokes behind me and I know you know how much I hate them. So, knowing that, how much do you think I hate you hm?” I look into Saeran’s eyes and see pure hatred so I look down to the ground, not being able to look him in the eye knowing that he really does hate me, truly hate me. “Nothing to say? Well okay.” Saeran walks to the corner of the cell and sits down, his head hanging down. I remain in my spot. There’s this awkward silence after, no one specks, we just sit or stand. Saeyoung’s made his way to my side by now, and has pulled my up so I’m laying on his lap though I don’t pay mind to it, too busy thinking over my past mistakes and a way to get out too.
“He’s asleep” Vanderwood’s voice rings out after awhile. We all look towards him but all he does is nod his head in Saeran’s direction. We all get it, well probably not V, he blind, that it now means there isn’t anyone to really stop us from doing something to get out.
“We have to find a way out now” I say and sit up slowly, with a little bit of Saeyoung’s help.
“I may have a way” V answers then pulls out a phone, “there’s not much battery left so you’ll have to be quick.”
“Okay, Saeyoung.” I say then look at him and he nods, knowing that I want him to do it. Saeyoung reaches out and grabs the phone from V. He leans back down near me and I can see him access the messenger and send the coordinates. Just after it sends, the phone dies.
“Let’s hope Jumin gets it” Saeyoung whispers before pocketing the now useless phone. I hum, agreeing, and lay back down on his lap, awaiting what will happen to us next and thinking about how I’ll have to explain what the conversation between Saeran and I means. In the process of thinking, I end up falling asleep on Saeyoung’s lap. I’ll have to enjoy it though, because I know it’ll be the only peace I get before all hell breaks loose.
Not much action I know, but you did get a little bit more info on your background (I hope)! Again sorry this took so long as I mentioned at the beginning that I’m not really writing as much these days but I still want to write! Don’t know when the next chapter will be, might take forever again sorry :( Hope you still enjoyed tho^^     
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ben-j-man · 6 years
Secret War- Chapter 1
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Gunfire. Las and solid projectile alike ripped down the corridor, stray rounds punching holes through the wooden walls, showering us in pouts of exploding dust, which engulfed much of the hallway in a thick, white haze. Forcing my colleagues and me into cover. Two of whom, Jarvus and Callague, never made it. A Las round burned through the side of Jarvus' skull as the ex-guardsman desperately dived. Callague was dead before he could even move, the poor bastard almost cut apart by the intense fire.
Cursing, I blindly fired my auto gun from the corner, Into the dust obscured corridor. "Spray and pray" is the technical term and wondered for the hundredth time why I had joined this line of work. No way in hell could I get a clean shot; my only hope was to pin the assailants.
With a quick-fire signal to Garrakson behind me. I slipped back, and the ex-guardsman took my position.
"Fire in the hole!" he sang out in his oddly melodic voice, and with a grunt, the middle-aged man hefted a tube-charge down the hall.
The explosion's deafening roar preceded by the hefty clatter of falling debris.
Without hesitation, Elandria and I slid into the corridor. Side by side we sprinted through the dust and debris, firing our auto guns from the hip. Two unfortunate gangers buckled and collapsed under our withering fire. A pair of darkened figures stunned by the grenade's force.
At the last moment, we dropped our weapons and fell upon our enemies. Elandria drawing twin monomolecular enhanced blades from the sheaths on her back. I drew my mono-sword from its hip scabbard. Elandria let out a spine-chilling cackle and dodged a ganger's clumsy blow then countered with a deft slice, relieving him of his head.
Not in such humour. I parried a ganger's stabbing knife and kicked my boot's knife into his shin. The man's agonised scream became gurgling as I stabbed through his chest and I kicked the convulsing idiot off my blade. Immediately, I was forced to duck the next Hammer's wild swing of the butt of his Las gun. My blade arced into his left hip and through to his right shoulder. The man gurgled blood then fell onto his back.
Beside me, Elandria also finished her last attacker, disembowelling the ganger with a quick slice of Setsukia then decapitated him with Katrina.
She and I worked well together, but our combat styles could not have been more different. I was taught the way of the combat pragmatist: to do anything and everything to win, to fight with quick, brutal and practical techniques.
She fought like a gymnast, with acrobatic and fanciful techniques I found at first contemptuous. But I could not deny that she was skilled, very skilled.
She had yet to reveal what school of assassins she was taught in, but I could hazard a guess.
Elandria enjoyed killing. To such heights, it disturbed me and her obsession with decapitating her victims, unnatural. Hence why she wielded twin blades: Setsukia, for blocking and wounding. Katrina, specifically to decapitate. She fought while amped on combat drugs, which I was taught to do too, but detested. If you relied on enhancements, what good would you be without them? I supposed that was why her fanciful style was so effective.
I do not enjoy killing; I do it because needs must, in a professional manner and pride in my work. I am Attelus Xanthis Kaltos, I am a mercenary, and that is that.
Despite her ruthless, bloodthirsty nature, Elandria was an attractive young woman. At times her beauty held me in awe. Her skin, deathly pale and her straight brunette hair, jaw length. But I was wise enough to know a girl like her was only to be looked at, not chased being so indoctrinated by her cult, all she would ever know was the mindless urge to kill. It was quite depressing really.
The four that fell to our blades were the last; another three had taken the brunt of the blast.
'Good work you two' said Garrakson, his heavy boots crunching on the debris as he approached our backs.
Elandria and I turned to our colleague. Elandria was tense, shaking and as she spun she almost toppled over. Fortunately, Garrakson was smart enough to stand out of range of Elandria's blades; she was hugely unpredictable when in such a state.
I shrugged. "All in a day's work," I said, trying to sound nonchalant. "We must be getting back before the local Magistratum arrive."
Garrakson grimaced slightly, "or the damnable Arbites."
"C-cut the chit chat s-shall we?" said Elandria her voice was painful, needy. "Our master will be wanting, to hear of our exploits.' She was twitching madly now, another reason I kept off stimms; the withdrawal was intense.
"What?" said Garrakson. "Our exploits being that we lost even more good men chasing yet another dead end?"
I sighed, Garrakson's words rang true. I had been part of Taryst's personal army for half a year now, and so far this had to be the most horrible, thankless job I've ever had.
Taryst, a famous Rogue trader, well known throughout the Calixis sector as a master of trade and business. Who, for an unknown reason, was waging war against the gangs of this Hive world: Omnartus. So secret this struggle was any mercenary who joined had their mind blocked from psyker intrusion. That was over two thousand men and women. Emperor only knows how even he could afford it.
"What are we to do about Callague and Jarvus?" I said; starting down the corridor and past Garrakson, although already knowing the answer.
Garrakson sniffed causing his scarred, square-jawed face to contort. "Do what we always do," he said, shaking his head. "Leave 'em; we don't have the time, kid."
"Just for a change huh?" I sighed. "Poor bastards. I hope that the Magistratum treat them well."
"Why does it matter?" asked Elandria, despite a drug-induced withdrawal approached she with such feline grace she seemed to float. "The dead are dead; it does not matter how well you treat them."
I sighed again. No matter how many times I explained it, she still didn't understand.
Garrakson sniffed again but this time he hawked up a wad of phlegm he unceremoniously spat to the floor. "Okay kiddies, we split up," he said, "Elandria go south-west-"
"Yeah, yeah," I interrupted. "We know the drill: I go southeast, and you go south, meet at the base at eighteen hundred, we know."
Garrakson shook his head with a bemused smile, "how long has it been now?"
"One hellish half of one hellish year," I answered, though I was not sure either.
"Hellish? Hellish?" said Garrakson. "Now that's the damned understatement of the damned century. Alright then, just move out now, if you know the bloody drill so frigging well."
And we did it, yet again.
I ran out of the building and into the polluted, darkened streets. My black flak jacket is whipping and snapping in my wake.
I did not need to check my wrist chronometre's compass to know I ran south-east. Ever since I was a child, I had an innate sense of direction. I could find my way through the thickest of bush on my homeworld, Elbyra with only my wits.
As I silently moved, my thoughts wandered. Half a year ago our squad numbered ten, but with the losses of Callague and Jarvus, now we're reduced to four.
The fourth was Torris, an ex-Arbitrator. He was wounded in our last incursion; the poor bastard lost an eye then got knifed in the guts. His condition was still uncertain. I was not into praying, but I was tempted to for Torris.
It was quite depressing really; seeing your colleagues killed off, one by one. Was it like this to serve in the Imperial Guard? Perhaps I should ask Garrakson one day if I ever remember to.
Better do it sooner rather than later, Garrakson maybe the next. Or perhaps me.
I shook away the morbid thought. The morale of Taryst's personal army was on an all-time low. We maybe mercenaries, throne gelts were a good incentive for us. But Taryst expected us to give up our lives without ever telling us why.
We were human as well if we had a cause, a meaning! It could make us fight all the harder.
Anger started to well, my jaw clenched. What was the point of implanting us with psychic blocks if you don't give us any of any information to protect?
But I was no stranger to secrets and sabotage. Everyone has an ulterior motive. I had learnt my of lesson "trust" from my dear old dad, my dear old frigging father.
I sighed, too many memories suddenly flooded back. I shook it away, now was not the time for sentiment.
There was never any time for sentiment.
I turned a sharp corner, out of the alleyways and into the main streets.
We were meant to meet at the base at 1800 hours, but I intended to get there sooner. I felt I needed to speak with the employer; a mother-figure to us and was more of a mother than my own ever was. Her name was Glaitis; she saved me after my first, futile, assassination attempt. Glaitis taught me the way of the assassin in more detail than my father ever would. And she knew my father, my real father.
My brow furrowed and I sped up my already fast pace.
She never looked up, and she never seemed to need to as I entered her office.
"Ah! Attelus Xanthis Kaltos. What is it that brings you to my humble abode, my apprentice?" said Glaitis. She was a tall, harshly beautiful woman and I couldn't help my gaze gliding over her. Glaitis sat at her desk, long legs crossed. Her cold blue eyes studied a data slate intently.
My jaw clenched. I hated it when Glaitis used my last name, and she was well aware of it. It was part of her constant testing which drove me nuts. It was to anger me so I could learn to control my anger- I almost always failed.
I swallowed the anger, and nervousness replaced it. A nervousness that overtook me when in her presence.
'I-I am here to advise you of-.'
The sharp snap of the data slate suddenly shutting interrupted me and she fixed me with her piercing gaze.
"No stuttering young one, unless it is an act! You are to be confident! Precise in your words and your demeanour and stand up straight! Your posture is utterly horrendous!"
I did as told, holding back an annoyed sigh.
"Now, Young Attelus, you may start again."
"I am here to advise you that we have lost two more members of our squad."
"And who were they?" she said, her gaze falling to her data slate, uninterested.
'Callague and Javus.'
'They are of Taryst's ilk,' she stated.
I nodded, already knowing what she was about to say.
"If they are not part of our own organisation. I do not care, and you know this as well as I. come out with it then. I know you, child, tell me the actual reason you are here."
I let out a heavy sigh, hoping that it didn't sound too fake, right now I was testing myself to see if I could hide the exact reason why I was here, 'the men are losing morale-'
"I am well aware of the state of the morale, my apprentice," she interrupted. "You are just here to seek guidance for your own melancholy. Am I correct in my assumption?"
I hissed air through clenched teeth, hesitating my response. Damn it, outwitted yet again!
She smiled a steady and starkly rare expression.
"At least you have learnt from my teachings the value of deception young Attelus but yet not the proper technique. As I told you when we first began your training your father had taught you well in the basics; close quarters combat, swordsmanship, ranged weaponry. But he had neglected the more subtle arts of an assassin's trade."
My jaw set at the mention of my father.
"Do not do that!' she hissed. "That is one of your many tells young one. You do when you are annoyed or angered. Remember, I have taught you time and time again: 'give nothing to your enemies or your allies.' That proverb was handed down to me by my master, and now I hand it down to you. Do you understand what it means, child?"
"Yes." I barely said rather than sighed. I started regretting coming here.
"Good!" she sat back in her chair. "Now, tell me. What troubles you young Attelus."
Her voice softened; she seemed legitimately interested. That had always taken me back, how she could change from harsh, berating teacher, to tender and kind-hearted motherly figure in the blink of an eye.
My heart skipped and suddenly found words hard to form; when she changed like that, it would always give me a strange tightness in my chest. I had no idea why.
"I- I hate this!" I managed to blurt. "We have been here for six months, and we have nothing! Nothing! Just more corpses and questions! It's hard every frigging day is the same! A new lead we are sent to track down and- and! We are only to find a new dead end!"
"I know," she said softly. "I know it is hard."
"But you know what else?" I snarled. "I get the suspicion that frigger Taryst knows more than he lets on! That he could give us information that would allow us to do our jobs but for some, idiotic, selfish reason, he holds it back! I don't know why but I have my ideas!"
Glaitis placed her elbow on her desk and cupped her jaw in her smooth, tender hand. A slight smile played over her full purple lips. "Really, young one?' she cooed. "And pray tell, what are these 'ideas'?"
I stiffened, I said more than I should have. But I did not stutter. I looked her straight in the eye and said: "That the information would damn him, that he is desperate to keep it secret so much, that if it was even slightly leaked out, his life would be jeopardised. That he could be branded as a heretic and a traitor." I sighed. "That's why."
My attention dropped to the carpet and waited for her response.
After what seemed an eternity, she finally said: "I have to say my young one, I am impressed."
"What?" I said, looking back up. Of all the responses that were the last, I had guessed.
"Yes, that you would have at least a little tact to figure out makes me believe that finally, my lessons seem to be getting through to you. I, myself, had come to suspect Taryst for quite some time but for you to figure it out all alone," she laughed.
I stood, seemingly frozen to the floor. Never had Glaitis complimented me like that before.
"That, young one. Is the true key to survival in our...line of work," she said. "The first rule, 'know your enemy'. It is a very simple and obvious statement, but you have learnt it's true meaning."
I winced with a curse, finally realising...
"You have it, child."
Her smile turned cruel.
"Everyone is your enemy."
I Leant on the wall of the dirty, smoggy alleyway and smoked a lho stick. My colleagues were yet to arrive, but I did not mind. I was early, and it allowed me time to do what I do best; think.
It was frigging typical of Glaitis to retract a compliment. After her words filtered through my numbed mind, pride started to well within me. My posture straightened, so straight, I stood taller than ever before, but then she said.
"But do not let it go to your head young Attelus, Xanthis Kaltos. For though I am not sure when you began to suspect Taryst. In all likelihood, it would be far too late."
"What?" and I was back to being hunched again.
She stood and approached me from around her desk; I could not help my eyes running up her lithe, full figured body.
Glaitis shook her head, she knew, she always frigging knew, "by now Attelus if you were alone, working out in the field and it took you this long to suspect your employer? You would be dead; you did well young one in this endeavour but next time..."
"Frig!," I snarled and sighed: "Try doing it a little quicker.".
"Indeed, and remember this piece of advice, young one and remember it well: 'trust nothing, suspect everything.'"
I nodded, wide-eyed.
"I will," was all I could manage.
"And Attelus, as much as I try to encourage you to try...think a little less. Do think on my words now," her face turned dark. "Think on them long and hard, now leave. I have much work to do."
I took the Lho stick with index finger and thumb.
"Trust nothing, suspect everything," I said. The irony was Glaitis meant herself too.
Is this what it meant to be an Assassin? Being some paranoid, psychotic, schizophrenic, trusting no one; not even yourself?
I sighed out smoke; it reminded me of my father. How he would act when some slightly suspicious stranger walked past our home. How he reacted when anyone but me came close. For the first time in a long time; I felt something other than anger at my father. I felt sorry for Serghar Kaltos.
Was he the product of this 'training'? No, I was beginning to think it was brainwashing. Was this why my father neglected to teach me the 'subtle arts?' He did not want me to be a lonesome monster like him?
I took the Lho stick and eyed it; I used to be a chain smoker. They helped me in my darker days. At Galitis' instruction I had quit (which seemed hypocritical as she encouraged the use of potentially deadly combat drugs) but since we came under Taryst's employ, I drifted back to the dirty habit, a coping mechanism indeed.
Was the life of an Assassin what I truly wanted?
I tapped ash off the Lho stick and put it back in my mouth.
I didn't know what I wanted anymore.
I inhaled the sweet smoke, took the dying smoke between index finger and thumb. Exhaled and flicked the stub onto the rockcrete ground.
I kept leaning against the wall, not moving to step it out. Elandria did it as she emerged from the shadows.
"Lost in your little world once more, eh?" she said.
"Not lost enough to miss your clumsy approach."
I could not see the expression on her face behind that cold, featureless mask but I could hazard a guess.
Elandria was many things, but socially intelligent was not one of them.
She stood for a few seconds; trying to make a coherent comeback and the best she came up with was: "why is the son of Serghar Kaltos smoking Lho? Does he think himself too good for the rules?"
My jaw set. I tried to keep my father's identity a secret, but Glaitis had to go and tell Elandria. Perhaps it was yet another "test" but what that bloody woman wanted to test exactly was a mystery; was it my patience? Or my skill at combat when I lost my patience?
I sighed contemptuously, and that riled her up.
"What does that mean?"
"It means what it means," my tone insultingly melancholic.
"Yeah!" she snarled. "Well let us see what it truly "means" when I separate your head from your shoulders!"
And she reached for her blades.
I grinned then in a blink, slid into a combat stance and drew my sword.
Then Garrakson suddenly seemed to appear between us.
Elandria and I yelped in fright and leapt back.
"That's enough kiddies," he said. "I think that we've had enough violence for today."
Then he turned to me, "and kid if you want to sheath your blade in her may I suggest using your "other" blade instead."
I felt my face go hot.
"What?" demanded Elandria, her wide, beautiful green eyes switching back and forth between Garrakson and I. "What is this 'other blade' you speak of, Garrakson? Attelus Kaltos only wields one. Is-is it the knife in his boot?"
"Try a little higher missy," said Garrakson and I blushed even worse.
But she still didn't get it.
Garrackson sighed, "alright let's get moving, kiddies. We've got exploits to report."
My face still seeming on fire and Elandria still confused. We slipped south, toward the "back way." The entrance designated to us dirty dogs of war. We were not good enough for the public entry.
Elandria and I walked on Garrakson's flanks; into the dirty, barely six-metre wide alleyway. We were aware of the cameras watching us. Thirteen of them, perched about five metres up on the grim, grey walls. I reminded myself of them every time; just in case.
We came to the entrance, a well-hidden set of double doors. Garrakson tugged open the panel hiding the keypad, and typed the access code.
Elandria and I kept watch. Which was fine with me. My back was to the gorgeous assassin. In my immature embarrassment, I could barely at look her and counted myself lucky. Her indoctrination had given her a naiveté of such personal matters.
Actually, on second thought, I was not lucky at all. Luck had abandoned me long ago.
I hissed a curse. Then could not help grin and shake my head.
Abruptly, I was brought into reality by the slight hissing of the opening doors and we silently slipped in.
We walked into what was once a maintenance entrance, now was a highly secure, fortified maintenance entrance.
If there was a literal embodiment of Taryst's paranoia: this was it. Mercenaries crawled throughout the ten metre wide, hundred metre long walkway. At every three metres: were waist high rockcrete walls. It was on a sharp incline, so each wall overlooked the last and twelve small balconies jutted from the walls: ten metres overhead. A sniper crouched in each; their Long Las rifles tracked us as we walked.
I hated the place. I would always try to find some way to sneak or fight through without getting evaporated by billions of las, solid projectile and high-velocity hot shot rounds; besides stealing a uniform or complete camouflage. I came up nil; it was as close to impregnable as I knew. It would take hundreds, perhaps thousands of Imperial Guardsmen to storm it and their casualties would be horrendous but it would work...eventually. That or an entire company of Space Marines but even they would suffer: a high yield hotshot round punches through power armour with ease.
Elandria and I silently walked through the crowd of highly armed and armoured mercenaries. But Garrakson seemed to greet each frigger in frigging turn. He knew them by name and stopped for idiotic small talk with them. I was almost glad at Callague's and Jarvus' demise; the walk would have been even longer with them.
After twenty long minutes, we arrived at the end. Here two servitors both with an autocannon for arms stood constant vigil at the doors.
They slid open, and Colonel Barhurst walked out. The grizzled old bastard approached with a warm grin and outstretched arms. But he was contradicted by the ten grim, faceless Storm Troopers escorting him.
"Ahh! Garrakson my good friend!" Barhurst exclaimed. He was well into his two hundred but the use of extensive and expensive rejuvenate treatments kept him looking in his mid-thirties. Though a heavily scarred and beaten man in his mid-thirties. According to my research, he was one of Taryst's longest-serving allies. He abandoned his duties as colonel in the Tamarsk 30th to join the rogue trader; so was wanted by the commissariat and the Inquisition for dereliction of duty. But thanks to Taryst's goodwill and huge influence he eluded justice so far.
I never liked Barhurst, the man was sycophancy incarnate. Taryst was the true commander, all Barhurst did was carry on the Rogue Trader's commands and when asked to do anything himself, he would pass it onto others. He was charismatic, friendly, but it was an obvious facade. How Taryst couldn't see the incompetence of his second was quite beyond me.
"How goes the hunt?"
"Another dead end," said Garrakson, the contempt in our squad leader's voice was well hidden, but not from me. "And we lost Callague and Jarvus."
Barhurst made an exaggerated frown; it was like an alien making a sick parody of human emotion. 'Sorry to hear my friend. Master Taryst is up in his grotto waiting for you."
Then Barhurst turned to Elandria and I, smiling smugly, "and you two know the drill."
I sighed, yes I frigging know, do you need to remind me every single time? I thought and my teeth clenched.
Hesitantly, I unstrapped my sheathed sword, placed it on the nearby table and slipped off my wrist mounted throwing knife compartments. Took my auto pistol from my shoulder holster then lastly and most hesitantly: my right boot which contained the hidden knife.
Elandria did it with even more aversion than I: letting go of her twin swords, her auto pistol and knife.
"Good!" said Barhurst. "You can head on up now."
And just to make sure, we had to file through a metal detector.
Every single damn day for six months we went through this shit. Saying it was quite depressing was a frigging understatement.
I might have to start on Obscura just to get over this monotony.
I shook away the thought. I have seen the damage that the drug can do. I have been through the damage it could do, and I will never go through that again.
In silence, we rode the up elevator the three hundred stories of Taryst's tower. On a hive world like Omnartus, buildings of such excessive calibre were almost a given. I was from an Agri world, though it was not without great cities of its own. Varander the capital of my home country: Velrosia was a bustling, beautiful metropolis. Varander sat on the north coast of lake Varander. A lake was so large it could be classed as a sea. I spent the majority of my teenage years living there.
I missed Varander. The last I had seen the city, it was reduced to rubble.
Then there was Varanier, the capital of Elbyra's largest nation: Maranger. That was a fantastic city, harsh and sparse. It was a metropolis of granite and grit an embodiment of its people.
Neither city was on terms with even the smallest of hives. Many packing ten times the population of Elbyra into an area the size of a Varanderian suburb.
Omnartus was dead. Millennia of intense colonisation, mining and pollution had destroyed its ecosystem. But when we rode this elevator, it would make my dreary days worth it. As we rose high enough to emerge from the pollution, I would glimpse the might of nature. That despite humanity's wanton destruction here still held a beauty of its own. The sun dominated and in the distance, the peaks of Omnartus' many mountains broke through to the clear air; like icy white islands in a sea of black and brown. But despite everything each mountaintop contained life: a one in a million plant, had the sheer power and audacity to survive in below zero temperatures. That it thrived despite the odds, was a testament.
Of course, I kept this romanticism private; no self-serving mercenary should be like this. Despite having seen so much death and grim darkness, I still held onto slight aspects of my sixteen-year-old self. The foolish, naive me before being forced to find out how horrible it is to live in this galaxy. That was why I was having second thoughts; I was beginning to doubt whether I could handle the damage this life could cause; physical and mental.
No, the damage it will cause.
I sighed, attention stapled to the world outside; hoping like hell my back facing to Elandria and Garrakson was enough to hide my emotions.
Then it happened, what I dreaded most: the end of the journey.
"300th story; Master Taryst's living quarters," said the elevator's pre-programmed, monotone voice as the ascent abruptly stopped. "Restricted access, retinal scan required."
My jaw clenched, and I looked up, seeing the three cameras crowding the elevator with their damnable presence.
Surely Taryst was watching the feed? Surely over the dozens of times, we have been up here, the rogue trader could discern who the hell we were?
I could tell Garrakson shared my teeth grinding frustration; the ex-guardsman stood and waited for about half a minute. Then with a heavy sigh, he pushed his face into the scanner.
"Employee 568; identified as Jeurat Garrakson," said the computer. "Access granted."
The doors slid open, and we filed out.
We entered Taryst's lavish living quarters. Elandria in the middle; Garrakson and I on her flanks. Red dominated Taryst's little world a deep, bloody crimson.
The windowless corridor was five metres wide and about fifteen in length. At the end was a thick crimson and gold curtain. I had never been through those curtains. Taryst would always meet us out here. I knew Garrakson had and I was sorely tempted to ask the ex-guardsman but could not pluck up the courage. Well him and Glaitis.
Two straight-backed guards stood in front of the curtains. They were in golden, ostentatiously emblazoned carapace armour,. They held equally fancy hell guns. I had never seen their faces nor talked to them, but I could not help admire their discipline and stoicism.
Curiosity ate at me. What was beyond the curtains? It could be anything: a secret shrine dedicated to the Ruinous Powers? Or perhaps a den of sin and hedonism? (That could be a shrine to one god, but I would rather keep from uttering its name)
But I was not sure if I wanted to know. No, I wanted to see, but whether I should was an entirely different question.
I was finding Ignorance was very much bliss, in this galaxy (which is ironically against Glaitis' teachings)
I sighed. It was far too late for that; I had long passed that event horizon. Short of having myself lobotomised, there was no going back.
Just like my dear old damnable dad.
"GREETINGS MY DEAR FRIENDS!" The deep voice abruptly boomed, and the boss himself flourished out of the curtains.
I winced; not in fright but contempt. Every time he would greet us this way. And it every single time it smacked of utterly forced, fake enthusiasm.
In all honesty, I had come to suspect Taryst of withholding secrets right from my first week of employment and how could I bloody not? Even if I had told Glaitis' then, it would have been too late in her lofty opinion.
"My friends!' he echoed as he approached us, "my friends!"
Taryst stood over two metres tall. Was big boned and corded with muscle; he cut an intimidating figure.
His strong-jawed face was plain. His tanned skinned, complemented by a finely maintained black moustache and goatee. His smile glaringly bright and like his greeting, fake.
During the months, I noticed Taryst had aged; now there were bags under his eyes and a wrinkle here and there. Being utterly paranoid all the time would do that.
I wouldn't trust him as far as I could frigging throw him.
"Attelus, Jeurat!" Taryst cried as he came close, his two guards in tow. He paused at Elandria and with surprising dexterity eclipsed her hand in his, then lightly kissed the back it. "Mamzel Elandria, what news have you brought me today?"
My jaw set as I saw Elandria's pale skin blushing like mad.
Garrakson cleared his throat; he was the only one used to the Rogue Traders over the top extroversion. "My lord, we have arrived at yet another dead end."
Almost violently, Taryst let go of Elandria's hand. Stood and turned on his heels, so his back faced us. "And Callague, Javus?"
"I am not sure sir."
Taryst spun on Garrakson, "and what does, 'I am not sure,' mean?"
Garrakson shrugged, "I don't know sir, meaning that they are either still lying in the pools of blood we left them in or in a Magistratum mortuary either/or."
His dead tone shocked me so much my jaw dropped.
Taryst grimaced slightly and for a second, looked his three hundred years.
"I-I am sorry to hear that."
Garrakson stayed stoic, kept his gaze locked to Taryst's.
Taryst flinched away, "and as well as no news on your target?"
"Zilch," answered Garrakson. "No sign of this Brutis "Bones" yet sir he is quite the enigma."
Now that is the frigging understatement of the millennia, I thought.
"Then what exactly happened?"
Garrakson sniffed, "they went immediately hostile sir. Ambushing us as we entered their base of operations, even with our cover. We managed to fight our way to their cogitator bank but found the memory all wiped. I haven't seen such ferocity since I fought in the guard sir. From what I gathered if we captured and tried to interrogate one of the hammers we would be wasting our time. They were like cultists, sir. This Brutis "bones" must be getting very influential in the local gangs if they will fight for him like that. The crazy bastards."
Taryst looked desperately at Elandria and I.
"And you two agree?"
Elandria nodded and blushed to the floor. My jaw set again and said simply: "yes."
I could not bother with more detail; I just wanted to get away from Taryst.
Taryst grimaced disapprovingly.
"Alright another dead end it is then!" he exclaimed with forced humour. "And quite literally too!"
The only one laughing was Elandria, both Garrakson and I, not so amused.
"Okay then and I thank you all for the update, and I apologise for Callague and Jarvus, they were good men." Then he turned away and began back to his curtains. "Dismissed, all."
"Oh, and young Attelus," he said, suddenly stopping his tracks and making me halt in mine. "Come! I very much wish to speak to you!"
That was the last thing I wanted to hear.
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housebeleren · 5 years
Ravnica Allegiance Mechanics First Pass
Now that the mechanics for Ravnica Allegiance have been previewed, I’ll take a first pass at looking at them to see how they might play out for Limited.
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I really like the looks of Spectacle. It has a surprisingly large number of ways it can play. First, as with Light Up the Stage, it can be a cost-reduction mechanic, allowing you to cast powerful spells at a discount. Second, as with Rafter Demon, it can be an alternate casting cost that opens up a more powerful effect. A Vanilla 4/2 for 4 is mediocre filler in most draft decks, but one that also eats a card on ETB is a 2 for 1.
A third possible mode for this mechanic that we haven’t seen yet (so it may not be used), would be a way to avoid a drawback. Something along the lines of “When X enters the battlefield, discard a card unless you cast it for its spectacle cost.” The cost could be the same or similar to its normal CMC, but available to avoid the drawback. It’s also possible that there will be cards with this type of text, but without the keyword.
With Spectacle, I’d expect a lot of minor damage-dealing effects to help turn it on. Cards like Twin Bolt or Arc Lightning would be perfect inclusions in this set, and if the certain Cult Guildmage doesn’t have one effect that causes loss of life, I’d be shocked.
Spectacle strongly favors aggression. In some ways, it’s likely to play along the same lines as Raid in Ixalan. If you’re attacking, your opponents will be forced to accept the trades you set up for them, or risk you hitting them and getting your Spectacle bonus. How big of a deterrent that is will depend on how good the bonuses are. Also, small evasive creatures (like 1/1 Spirits, perhaps?) will be excellent in these decks, as will creatures with Haste. This means Spectacle will play really nicely with both Afterlife and Riot, making it a particularly synergistic mechanic. Overall, I think this is a really well-designed mechanical fit both for Rakdos and for the set as a whole.
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Afterlife feels like it can really go either way, depending on the other synergies in the guild. There are a few possibilities.
The most direct would be an aristocrats strategy with lots of sacrifice outlets and death payoffs. This would make the most sense, as death triggers would play really well with Spectacle on the Rakdos side. And an aristocrats theme can be surprisingly deep for limited, so I’m hopeful that this is the direction they go.
A second direction would be a go-wide attack strategy, depending on how big the Afterlife numbers get. Given that this is the Orzhov, however, I’m not thinking aggression like this is super likely, but even a single Inspired Charge type of spell could be a blowout with a pile of flying spirits.
The last possible direction this could go would be to have some amount of spirit tribal in the set. Again, I don’t think this is going to be a major direction, but it’s possible there will be a minor spirit sub-theme that. The one thing that makes me think this is a possibility is that it would allow for some mechanical overlap with the Azorius, who otherwise don’t particularly synergize with the Orzhov otherwise.
Altogether, my best guess is it’ll be an aristocrat-style theme with minor spirit synergies to tie it all together. If so, this mechanic could be pretty fun in Limited, and even prove to be fairly deep. Without those interactions, the mechanic on its surface is pretty one-dimensional. No matter what, I expect Afterlife creatures to generally be pretty good value.
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Addendum is basically a keyworded version of the Time Spiral mechanic seen on Return to Dust, Might of Old Krosa, and the rest of the cycle. It’s an interesting design tactic, taking these old one-off card designs and keywording them (like Afterlife did with Doomed Traveler). 
Addendum is the narrowest mechanic in the set, as it only goes on Instants (and maybe a few permanents with Flash). So really, what’s most interesting here is what’s not expressly printed on the card. To design enough cards with the keyword, there have to be an above-average number of Instants in White & Blue in this set. That means the guild will probably play a controlling strategy, similar to some builds of Dimir in Guilds, which can often operate almost entirely at Instant-speed.
It’s going to be hard to evaluate Addendum as a mechanic overall, since how valuable the bonus is will depend almost entirely on the individual card. It will be especially interesting to see if they have any payoff cards, such as an enchantment that says “Whenever you cast an Instant spell during your main phase...” Or maybe they’ll just allow for any spell during your main phase, if the bonus is incremental enough. 
No matter what, however, it does mean that activated abilities and mana sinks may prove to be more useful than usual, to ensure you always have something to do with your mana. For this reason, I can see a subtle synergy with the Simic, whose creatures will have mana sinks attached. 
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People are dumping on Adapt left and right online, and I honestly don’t understand the hate. Wizards has been super upfront that this is a rework of Monstrosity, but some seem to be pissed off at that fact. Personally, I liked-not-loved Monstrosity, but it’s exactly the type of mechanic that helps glue sets together.
Adapt as a redesign comes with one advantage and one disadvantage over Monstrosity. First, the disadvantage. Since Adapt checks for existing +1/+1 counters on resolution, it means if counters get put on the creature any other way, it shuts off the ability. This means if you have other ways to put counters on your creatures (say... Simic Ascendancy & similar cards yet to be revealed), you need to activate the Adapt ability before using the Ascendancy. That won’t matter much for small creatures like the Homunculus Mutant above, but it would be a real shame to miss out on Adapting Zegana.
The advantage over Monstrosity is that, for Adapt, the counters can be removed from the creature, then Adapt can be activated again. This seems to be the direction that Wizards is thinking for the Simic this time around, so I’m expecting a number of cards to be previewed with the ability to remove counters from your creatures for a benefit.
Overall, I think the design possibilities enabled by Adapt far outweigh the occasional ordering issues, and I’m really excited by this direction. I predict that Adapt and the associated synergies in the set are going to play incredibly well, so fuck the haters.
As for synergies, while I think there’s some potential for Instant-speed shenanigans with the Azorius, the most direct will be with the +1/+1 counters in the Gruul mechanic. 
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Riot is a slam dunk. It’s exactly what Gruul wants to be doing, and allows for a ton of flexibility if you’re on either the attack or defense. And which one you choose will also depend a lot on if you’re drifting into three colors at all.
If you’re leaning into the Green from Simic, the +1/+1 counters will be your best bet, since there are almost certainly going to be good ways to make use of them. If you’re more the Red from Rakdos direction, having your creatures come in with Haste will do wonders to help you sneak damage in and activate your Spectacle cards.
Riot is straightforward, but I have a feeling it will play out really nicely. You’ll never be safe against a Gruul player, since they’ll be able to come out of nowhere just about anytime. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see a Charging Monstrosaur impersonator in this set, and that’s no laughing matter.
Overall Impressions
In general, I like the looks of these mechanics, at least on the surface. Many of them will depend just on how well the synergy pieces are developed. Without good sacrifice outlets, Afterlife will be simply a little extra value. Without some ways to utilize counters for value, Adapt will disappoint. In general, I trust that Wizards has done a good job fleshing out these mechanics and giving them the environment they need to thrive. That said, they’ve disappointed me before (see Convoke from, I dunno... right now.)
The format looks like it will also have a similar distribution of archetypes as Guilds does. So far, I’m anticipating that Gruul will take the helm from Boros as the aggro deck of the format, though I’m guessing there will be highly aggressive builds of Rakdos available as well. Simic will likely take the role of tempo/midrange, and Orzhov will play the midrange value grind. Azorius will almost certainly be the primary control strategy, similar to how Dimir plays now. 
That said, given how few previews we have now, it’s really a guessing game, and a lot can change once more cards are revealed. Either way, I’m cautiously optimistic by the looks of Ravnica Allegiance, and look forward to breaking in the format!
I’m picking Simic for my prerelease guild. What are you picking?
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skvaderarts · 4 years
Apocrypha Chapter Twenty Eight: Remedy
Masterlist can be found Here! Thanks!
Chapter Twenty Eight: Remedy 
 Note: It took me entirely too much willpower not to mention what was going to happen in this chapter when I was talking to a few of you about two weeks ago about something. You'll know what I'm talking about as soon as soon as you get to that part!
The peaceful evening silence that enveloped Magnolia’s sleepy tree-lined street suddenly subsided as a low hum filled the air. Within seconds, a glowing blue portal opened up at the foot of her front steps and out stepped Sparda’s descendants, slightly disoriented and unsure of their location at first glance. Nero’s eyes darted from side to side as he took in the area that surrounded them in an attempt to reorient himself. Nothing looked familiar to him until he caught sight of a familiar Apothecary, nodding to himself in silent recognition. How could he forget those stairs? Sometimes he swore he could still feel the indent they’d left in his body the very first time they’d come here.
Dante took in the quiet streets, seemingly recognizing where they were as well. He didn’t vocalize this, but it was evident nonetheless in the way that he relaxed and put his sword away. Explaining that sort of thing to any possible onlookers wasn’t something they intended to do anytime soon, especially after what had happened in Redgrave City. The only saving grace of that incident was the fact that people tended to close their windows and stay inside after dark. And something told the youngest Son of Sparda that something similar might happen to the quiet little beachside town they’d just vacated if they didn’t return sometime soon to make sure that conduit wasn’t functional. From what Dante could tell, it seemed somewhat similar to a Hellgate. If it was possible to destroy it, then they should probably go about doing so.
Moments later, Vergil passed through the portal with V, the portal finally closing behind it’s master as the Darkslayer carried the somewhat disoriented summoner towards the stairs quietly. There was a sort of cutting discomfort that came with the silence, indicating to Dante that his older twin might be more concerned than he was letting on. Vergil was focused on a task, and that task was making sure that V was safe. Anyone or anything that got between him and that task was in for a rude awakening. If there was one thing that Dante knew for certain about his twin brother, it was that when he set his mind to something, it became his only focus until the take was completed. That single minded drive was admirable in some cases, but the things that Vergil tended to focus on were, well, less than ideal most of the time. To say that it was a pleasant change of pace to see him focus on something or someone dear to him instead of staying behind to do battle would be an understatement. Dante just wished that something wasn’t his wounded nephew. It seemed that the young white haired summoner simply couldn’t catch a break.
Just before Nero reached the front door, it suddenly slammed open and out stepped Magnolia, weapon drawn and ready to fight. She looked as fierce and determined as ever. Nero felt a strange sense of dejavu pass over him as the alchemist lowered the long rod in her hands and sat it down against the inside of the doorway, letting out a sigh of relief as she shook her and blinked slowly.
“Well, it’s quite the surprise to see you here, love. But a pleasant one, to be sure. How did you manage to return so quickly…” Her eyes traveled away from Nero and down towards Vergil, widening slightly as she trailed off. The horror in her face was subtle but apparent as she caught sight of V, the back of her hand traveling up towards her face and covering her lips.” That’s a lot of blood. Please tell me he’s not…”
Vergil shook his head as he approached, the summoner in question shivering slightly and letting out a soft cough as if in response to her inquiry. “No, but I can see why you would think that. His condition doesn’t exactly inspire optimism.” 
She met him halfway, placing the back of her hand on V’s shoulder to try and see the injury. With a disapproving scowl and a shake of her head, she gestured towards the front door, back away from them and towards the house. “Come with me. I’ll see what I can do. If everything goes as planned, then the others should arrive in just over two hours. I can work with that.”
Nero and Dante followed closely behind as Magnolia led them into the house, heading down a hallway adjacent to her staircase that Nero honestly hadn't noticed was there the last time he’d visited. The space contained three doors, on either side of the hall and one at the very end. She entered the door at the end of the hallway, passing the one closest to the living room. Upon entering, she turned on the light and stepped out of the way, allowing Vergil to enter. 
At first, Nero was surprised to find that it was a bathroom, but then the logic behind the decision occurred to him. He was soaked in blood. This would probably be the easiest place to remedy that situation and to clean up after the fact. Nero could only hope that the majority of the blood his older brother had came from his kidnappers and not from him, but he silently acknowledged that that was more than likely wishful thinking. V wouldn’t have looked so weary and hurt if things had turned out any other way. But in spite of the fact that he had no idea where V was even injured, he couldn’t help but notice that he’d been limping rather heavily when they’d found one another.
“I think his leg might be hurt or something. He doesn’t seem like he can stand up, and I’ve seen him walk off worse injuries than that before.” Nero said quietly as Vergil placed V into the bathtub. Although there was no water in the tub, V shivered against the cold surface of the porcelain edging, showing that he was still more coherent than his physical state might have alluded to. He blinked slowly for a moment before closing his eyes again and breathing heavily, clearly exhausted but not one to complain about it even when he had every right to do so.
Magnolia nodded in recognition of Nero’s statement before leaning over V and snapping her fingers in order to get his attention. He opened his eyes slightly, only moving his vivid green pupils in response to her presence. Anything more was out of the question at that point. “Sorry, dear. I’m afraid that I have to touch you. I get the impression that’s not something you normally go for. Do forgive me.”
V blinked in a way so slow and deliberate that it could only be taken as a sign of conformation. She then turned her attention to his leg, quickly locating the puncture wound that had caused him so very much trouble. With a sympathetic wince, she sat down on the floor and opened the doors to her sink, pulling out a sizable clear container filled with a number of jars and other miscellaneous products. One could only assume it was a first aid kit of some sort, but they had no way of truly knowing until she actually used it. “That’s quite the stab wound. Some sort of crooked or curved blade if I was to make an educated guess. Nasty piece of work, that one.”
Upon leaning over to silently observe magnolia’s handiwork, Vergil nodded to himself subtly, making a mental note of something. “It seems you were correct, Nero. How observant of you.” Vergil said in an almost impressed tone.” Any ideas as to what kind of blade could inflict such a wound?”
In an action that surprised everyone present, V shifted slightly and reached into his back pocket, producing the very blade in question. The curved dagger glistened in the dim light, raising questions as to what it was composed of in the first place. Even in his weakened state, he found the energy to smirk in self satisfaction at his handiwork. “It’s nothing compared to this,” He said tiredly as he used the same hand to pull back the collar of his shirt on the left side to reveal the deep stab wound Agreus had inflicted upon him,” But I like to think he’s enjoying the matching hole I left in his leg in whatever part of hell he currently resides in.”
Magnolia gestured towards the blade, quietly requesting to hold it. V obliged, more than happy to not have to look at it again for a while. She turned it over in her hands, examining it in earnest with a look of confusion and fascination plastered across her face. She then passed it off to Vergil, the oldest Son of Sparda clearly displeased that such an instrument had found itself embedded into one of his children. Nero gritted his teeth at the sight of the blade, more than happy to pass up an opportunity to get hands on with it. From what he could tell, it was quite sharp. And he was willing to bet that it had been extremely painful to have lodged inside of such a sensitive part of V’s body. It made him want to kill the cultist responsible even more than he already did.
How could someone do that to someone else?
“That blade is exceptionally old, wouldn’t you agree, Vergil?” Magnolia said as she assessed V’s neck wound with a look of sympathy on her face. How dare someone do this to her newfound companion! He was such a gentle soul.” I can’t imagine where a cult would obtain such an artifact. It seems demonic in origin, and last time I checked, there wasn’t exactly a museum they could steal this from.”
Vergil held the blade up into the light again, turning it over his hands. Yes, there was most certainly something demonic about the blade. It seemed to almost absorb the blood that it was coated in, and a quick rinse under the faucet revealed that it was actually hydrophobic aside from that. How truly fascinating. And concerning.
As the eldest of the Dark Knight Sparda’s twin sons examined the blade, Dante stepped forward and shot it a glance, his brow furrowing slightly at the sight of it up close. He grabbed it as Vergil was in the process of looking it over, giving it a quick examination, and then immediately handing it back to him before he had time to become irritated about the fact that he’d just snagged it without asking to do so first.
“Is there something you’d like to add, Dante?” Vergil inquired almost sarcastically, his arms folded. He placed the dagger down on the counter, now finished with his studies. There was nothing more he could glean from it, at least not without further context and reference materials. That could be a problem. But right now, they had a list of those longer than Magnolia’s house was tall. And as soon as V recovered from his injuries, they needed to start addressing them. If the cultists had been telling the truth, then they had much bigger problems than a few deranged summoners having meet and greets in the wilderness outside of a derelict city. Belial was an especially unkind demon, the likes of which even the demon emperor Mundus didn’t enjoy interacting with. As demon princes, they were both constantly vying for power, but Belial was nothing like his king. No, he was much more cunning. Much more covert in his operations. Much more intelligent. His ruthless machinations knew no bounds, and anyone who stood between him and his goals tended to suffer immensely for their insubordination. And from what he could tell, the dark prince seemed to have a goal in mind. V.
How unfortunate for Belial.
“Actually, I do.” Dante said as he leaned against the back wall. Nero shot him a curious look. A situation where Dante knew something about the Underworld that Vergil didn’t? Now what was a rare thing to behold.” I’ve seen this thing before. It was about ten years ago now.” 
Vergil waved him on as if to tell him to continue while Magnolia tended to V’s injuries to the best of her abilities. Things had suddenly become much more interesting. “How can you be so sure?
Dante sighed, glancing over at V as the young summoner shifted in discomfort. It was at times like this that he was exceedingly glad he healed so quickly from injuries. The prospect of having something stuffed into such a raw wound to help stop the bleeding wasn’t favorable to him. “Because I helped kill the guy who stole it in the first place, Vergil. He was going to use it to unleash some demon named Argosax, so this secret order of supposedly part demon guardians that… You know, I still don’t know what they really do?” Dante scratched the back of his ear, genuinely trying to remember and failing miserably at it. He’d honestly never really asked or paid that much attention in the first place.” My point is that they guard these things called Arcana, and that’s one of them. I gave them back to a friend of mine there and left it alone. Wasn’t trying to get wrapped up any further into whatever dad did with them way back when. They’d probably like that back.”
The oldest Son of Sparda stared at his younger twin blankly, clearly taken aback by this revelation, and not hiding it nearly as well as he probably would have liked. Vergil took a moment to compose himself before speaking, not at all used to being so far out of his depth.”... You found a secret order composed of others that are similar to us that were aligned with our father and never thought that mentioning that might be a good idea?” Vergil said gesturing firmly with both hands as though he were contemplating strangling the life out of his younger twin then and there.” Do you have any idea how long I searched for something like-”
Magnolia sighed, catching their attention. “Fight about that on the way over there, dears. You should go see them about this. Blades like that can sometimes be sacrosanct and cursed. Between that and whatever this fluid is that V is covered in, an order of guardian warrior priests might be just what the doctor ordered.” The alchemist brushed her hair out of the way and reached for the shower faucet, fully intending to try and remove said liquid off of her hapless patent.” This doctor, that is. Well, this Apothecary. I can’t claim the title. My point is that I’m doing everything I can, but I can’t account for that kind of magical interference.”
Nero nodded in agreement. “She’s got a point. We should probably do that. It’s their knife, right? Maybe they could tell us what’s going on with this cult and why they’d need it?”
As the three of them considered this, V practically jumped out of his skin in response to being sprayed with cold water from Magnolia’s shower. He bumped his head against the wall, shooting her a weary and perplexed look as if to ask her why she would do something like that to him. Magnolia gave his right shoulder a soft pat and ruffled his now damp hair, causing the not quite closed cut in his head to sting. There were so many individual parts of his body that hurt that it was genuinely hard for his brain to wrap itself around them.” I do enjoy traveling. And maybe this time there will be less cult activity since their leader fell into that conduit.”
Magnolia visibly paled. “Wait, is that what you're covered in?! They had access to a conduit and a ritual blade?!” She looked startled as she doused V with yet another layer of water.” That makes things considerably worse, all things considered. I can only imagine what they would have done should they have succeeded in finishing whatever sinister ritual they were obviously working on!”
Vergil nodded in agreement. The very thought of it was… unpleasant. “Especially considering the fact that we now know that Belial is in league with them. Nothing good ever comes from any dealings with him.”
The middle aged alchemist stared at her longtime friend for a moment, a look of blank horror on her face as she shut off the water.” … Belial? Oh, how I wish you were just joshing. Why couldn’t you have a sense of humor so that I didn’t always have to take you so seriously?!”
Dante scoffed at her statement. 
He asked himself that same question every day.
With a shaky sigh, V turned to face the rest of them, nowhere near foolish enough to attempt standing given his current state. “I can only assume that was the demon who spoke to the cult leader before I…” V stopped dead in his tracks, his brain suddenly ceasing all function. He’d completely disregarded the gravity of what he’d done down in those caves.” Oh, that’s right. I may have done something I wasn’t aware I was capable of doing.”
Dante and Vergil both shot one another a curious look before turning their attention back towards V. Nero looked several shades more baffled than they did somehow. Magnolia simply looked at all four of them like she was about to commit murder if it was anything else bad. “Yes, we felt that. To be honest, I was doubtful that you were physically capable of triggering in the first place. Color me surprised.”
Nero decided to disregard Vergil’s pathetic attempt at humor in favor of staring at V like he’d grown a second head. That had been the energy he’d recognized when they were down there! It had reminded him of that day in the laboratory underneath Fortuna Castle when Agnus had nearly ended his life. Had V’s injuries triggered something similar within him? And if so, why hadn’t he recovered from his injuries yet? Did it have something to do with that blade, or was what had happened to him a one off in of itself? Nero had no idea how Dante or Vergil had managed to transform for the first time. And now that he knew that V was capable of doing so, he was genuinely irritated that he’d missed the opportunity to see him do that for the first time himself.
V gave the three of them an incredulous look. He wasn’t entirely sure how to process everything that had happened that evening. It all seemed surreal and painful in a way he was not equipped to deal with. All V wanted to do was rest at that point and recover from his injuries. He had a sneaking suspicion that he might undergo the same sort of rapid regeneration that he’d benefited from the last time he’d been hurt and gone to sleep. At the very least he wanted to know if that was the case.
Dante laughed slightly.” Yea I bet that was a rush. That cultists probably had no idea what hit em’. Kinda mad I didn’t get to see the look on his face now. But at least he’s probably dead, right?”
V gave his uncle a vapid look. Probably? “Do you think he could’ve survived something like that?”
The youngest Son of Sparda shrugged. “Can’t say. Don’t know much about how those things work. Brother?”
All they received in response was a shrug from Vergil. He himself wasn’t entirely sure. Conduits were relatively rare, and the one they had just visited had been utterly decimated by V’s attack. Still, he would look into it. V didn’t need to spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder in anticipation for yet another stabbing. That had to be bad for his mental state. “I cannot say. Although I am curious as to how you heard Belial speak in the first place on account of how he has no mouth.”
The young summoner blinked in surprise, wracking his brain in an attempt to try and figure that out for himself. Had that been inside of his head? Was it an unwanted side effect of being so close to a conduit? V could only speculate. And the severe amount of exhaustion and pain that he was currently suffering from didn’t help very much in that regard. “... I do not know.”
Magnolia shook her head and gestured towards the door nearest to the living room. “For now, let’s not trouble him about it. He needs to rest while I tend to the rest of his injuries. Don’t make me spray you with this. Because I will.”
Vergil raised an eyebrow, intrigued as to why she thought he’d back down from such an empty threat. “Yes, Magnolia. Because water is such-”
Without warning she switched the sprayer back on, hitting Vergil dead in the face. The look of genuine shock and confusion that crossed his face in response to her actions was truly something. Dante ducked out of the way, not eager to be soaked as he scurried down the hallway like a kicked puppy. Vergil backed off, staring daggers at his longtime friend as he did so. He would find a way to get her back for that one.
For his part, Nero simply laughed at them both while V shook his head in exhausted disbelief. The short haired devil hunter turned to his brother and extended his hand, more than willing to help him up. After all the blood he’d gotten on himself from helping V, he could use a shower himself. “Need some help, V?”
V looked up at him, genuinely unable to find the strength to move even a finger. A small, appreciative smile crossed his face as he blinked slowly in response to his younger sibling’s generous offer. “Yes. That would be advisable.”
This was such a fun chapter to write the dialogue for! OMG! Here’s a link to the art that inspired my idea of what V’s DT looks like in this fic. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it! Go check them out! I’m sure you’d love their DMC art! Don’t worry, I asked first! They are super nice! See you in the comment section!
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ebaeschnbliah · 7 years
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Revised and updated version and under the cut .... because it's a bit longish. :)))
July 2017 _______________________________________________________
THE RETURN OF BASKERVILLE  .......  Baskerville revisited in S4
HENRY KNIGHT  .......  The story of a very interesting character and a mirror for Sherlock
THE RAINBOW CROWN  .......  The vitruvian man, the rainbow crown and Sherlock's ‘I love you’
THE GOVERNOR AND HIS WIFE  .......  The first task of Sherrinford - Reichenbach all over ... with a touch of TBB
DAVID DAVID DAVID  .......  A comparison of the three David's in Sherlock BBC
FIVE FUNNY STORIES  ....... The stories Sherlock mentions at the wedding in TSOT and their  possible connection to each series of Sherlock BBC
THE ONE IN THE COCKPIT  ....... About pilots and drivers, flying and driving, aeroplanes and cabs, queens and serial killers
MOVIE WATCHING IN MYCROFTS HOME CINEMA  ....... The movie Mycroft watches at the beginning of TFP and the manipulated part of it
A COFFIN FOR LOVE  ....... The third task of Sherrinford - Sherlock and love
A SMASHED GLASS OF CHAMPAGNE  ....... Screen caps of the falling glass of champagne in TSOT
WHEN SHERLOCK LIES DRUGGED IN A CAB  ....... Musings about the strange parts of the PILOT
COVERED IN BLUE  .......  Blue from the end in TFP to the beginning in ASIP
June 2017 ______________________________________________________
THE THREE GARRIDEBS OF SHERRINFORD  .......  The second task of Sherrinford. Who are the three Garridebs?
ONE OF A KIND  .......  Sherlock is Eurus - what an image reveals
SHADOWS ON THE WALL  .......  Musings on the shadows in Faith's memory who are almost going to kiss (TLD)
ANOTHER SIGN OF THREE ?  ....... Sherlock, John, Mary - different facettes of one character
JIM'S SONGS  .......  Are the songs mirrors for Sherlock's own past?
THE NOTE IN THE BOOKCASE  .......  A piece of lost information
FATHERS AND SONS  .......  David Welsborough and Major Barrymore
A DOG BARKS IN THE NIGHT  .......  When John wakes from his nightmare in ASIP
ELLA THOMPSON  .......  The changeable therapist
May 2017 _______________________________________________________
TWO TIMES CHARLES  .......  Carl Powers and Charlie Welsborough
THE IMPORTANCE OF LITTLE THINGS  ....... Boomerang, hairpin and hairband - are they connected?
EXPLOSIVE - IT'S MORE ME  .......  A metaphorical reading of ASIB and Irene Adler
MAGIC AT SPEEDY'S  .......  The 'vanishing' mirror behind Mycroft and 'endless mirroring'
MRS. WENCESLAS  .......  Good king Wenceslas and a Chrismas song
April 2017 _______________________________________________________
SOME MUSINGS ON DAMP COATS .......  Faith's coat - a possible connection to the pink lady from ASIP?
STALKING THE DEERSTALKER  .......   The silly hat throughout the series (used as a port key to change levels in the Mind-Palace?)
THINGS COMING IN PAIRS ....... It started with the kidneys - but didn't end there
SHERLOCK, THE STAG AND THE SKULL ....... Colors & symbolism in TAB
I DON'T WANT TO KNOW HOW  ....... Asking for an explanation
A . N . Y . O . N . E  .......  One word throughout the story 
ABOUT DETECTIVES AND DOGS  ....... A name and its history
March 2017 _____________________________________________________
AN INCANDESCENT MIND BEING USED ....... Genius, brother, prisoner (Sherlock = Eurus)
UNDER THE SIGN OF FOUR .......  A.G.R.A.  Alex, Gabriel, Rosamund & Ajay - Who are they?
ADDITIONS to UTSOF  .......  A.G.R.A.  and the 4 assassins from TRF
LITTLE ROSIE - THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM  .......  An interpretation
PLAYING WITH COLORS AND THOUGHTS  .......  Not the common color code
ONE  -  TWO  -  THREE  .......  Three players, three bombs
AROUND THE PATIENCE GRENADE  .......  What images are telling
WHEN THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE THROUGH ....... Touching the glass that isn't there
VIVIAN NORBURY  .......  Who is the person who almost outsmarted them all?
February 2017 ___________________________________________________
A E R O P L A N E S  .......  The importance of aeroplanes throughout the story
A STRANGE PERSPECTIVE  .......  Eurus cell - shot in different angles
THE ROADS WE WALK  ....... From 'headless nuns' to sisters turned into 'ghost stories'
THE BLOOD CARPET .......  Like a puddle of blood on the floor
ON THE ROLL OF A DICE  ....... Mary's hiatus in TST - really neat?
DEATH & CHESS & MANY CASES  .......  About the appearance of death in each episode
FOUR STAGES & FOUR CASES    ADDITIONS  .......  Stages inside stages
TALKING ABOUT THE FINAL PROBLEM  .......  Steven Moffat, BFI Screening Q&A  01 2017
AJAY - SHERLOCK - JIM  .......  Characters with similarities
OH HAVE YOU  HAD SEX  ....... How I reed that scene
A STUDY IN MIRRORING  .......  Eurus/Sherlock vs. Eurus/Jim
January 2017 ____________________________________________________
THE FIVE HOSTAGES  ....... Connections between TGG & TFP 
YELLOWBEARD'S HAIRBAND  .......  Eurus, Victor & Sherlock - Symbolism
THE SYMBOLISM OF EXPLODING BOMBS  .......  221b hit by explosions - TGG and TFP
RIGHT UP YOUR STRASSE  .......  DI Lestrade using german language
HOLMES FAMILY PICTURES  .......  Mycrofts manipulated movie from TFP
IT'S AN EXPERIMENT  .......  More thoughts about the PILOT theory (EEMP)
THE FINAL PROBLEM  .......  First impression - symbolism and subtext
A DETECTIVE LYING DOWN  .......  Throughout the whole story
SHERLOCK is ANYONE  ....... Sherlock fighting his demon(s) - drug addiction
THE STAGE IS SET (once again) .......  Possible startingpoints for EEMP
HE'S STILL NOT MOVING  .......  The bloodhound and John
THE APPLETREE ON THE GREEN WALL  ......  Apples and roses - symbolism
ON THE TRESHOLD OF SAMARRA  .......  Sherlock will be epic
JUST LOOK - HOW BEAUTIFUL  .......  Mirrors of the special kind - buildings mirrored in car roofs
ACTION MAN & GINGERBREADMAN  .......  Burned to a crisp - parallels
WHERE IT BEGAN - WHERE IT ENDS  .......  Carl Powers & Charlie Welsborough
THE MASKS ARE CRUMBLING DOWN  .......  Sherlock's facade is falling
PORKY PIGS AND LOTS OF BLOOD  .......  Dead pigs throughout the series
NORBURY  .......  The yellow face in TST
AMMO STRIKES AGAIN  .......  Parallels and the Urban Dictionary
December 2016 __________________________________________________
WHAT MIGHT HAVE HAPPENED ON JANUARY 15th ... (first post of it but Tumblr 'ate' it - restored in January)
THE STAGE IS SET - THE CURTAIN RISES ... (first post of it but Tumblr 'ate' it - restored in January)
THE BAFTA CYMRU MONTAGE  .......  A very special kind of montage 
TPLOSH or TILOSH  .......  Somtimes silly thoughts arise ... or maybe not?
November 2016 __________________________________________________
A DOCTOR IN HIS NATURAL MILIEU  .......  Two surgeries and their very different lightning
PRETTY GRIM FAIRY TALES  .......  Following the trace of media
A MIRROR HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT - EDITED  ......  More parallels between Sherlock & Mary
A MIRROR HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT  .......  Parallels between Sherlock & Mary
READING INFORMATION  .......  Sherlock and Magnusson reading people - a comparison
SOME COURTROOM DEDUCTIONS  .......  Courtrooms and Hearing rooms
A LITTLE GIRL, BLOND WITH BRAIDED HAIR  .......  The traces of hair, hats and pigtails in Sherlock BBC
DRESS MEETS BELL  .......  The doorbell of 221b and Mrs. Hudson's dress
October 2016 ____________________________________________________
THE EMPTY HOUSES  .......  Three different Empty Houses in Sherlock BBC
UNDERGROUND NETWORKS INVISIBLE ENEMIES  .......  Cults, agents, terrorists in TEH & TAB
A SHADOW OF MASSIVE PROPORTIONS  .......  Magnusson & Mycroft - another comparison
THIS DOESN'T MAKE SENSE .......  'Impossible' cases - in TEH and TAB
THE EMPY HEARSE - THE EMPY HOUSE  .......  The Reichenfach Fall - a comparison between Sherlock BBC and ACD canon
THE GAME IS AFOOT  .......  Shoes, feet and footprints throughout Sherlock BBC
I'M ALWAYS THERE FOR YOU  .......  Mycroft & Moriarty - another comparison
MOUTH LIKE A CRIMSON WOUND  .......  The trace of lipstick throughout Sherlock BBC
BOOMERANG  .......  The boomerang-effect, backfiring, the back of heads and blunt instuments
IT'S YOU MAJOR SHOLTO  ....... A perfect Sherlock mirror
September 2016 _________________________________________________
THE ONES AND THE OTHER ONES  .......  Musings about the different tenor of episodes - are the middle episodes revealing the Holmes family history?
MYCROFT AND MAGNUSSON  .......  A dark comparison
STRANGE SIMILARITIES  (edited list here) .......  ASIB revisited in HLV - recurring motivs and situations
THE BOND AIR CONUNDRUM  .......  From the rehearsal to the cancelled 'Flight of the Dead'
NEAT - DON'T YOU THINK  .......  Reichenbach and Bond Air under the lens - not as neat as one would think
CONNIE KENNY AND RAOUL  .......  Mirrors for Mycroft, Sherlock and John?
August 2016 ____________________________________________________
OH! IT'S CHRISTMAS!  .......  In each series of Sherlock BBC it is Christmas at some point
PLAYING WITH MIRRORS .......  Ricoletti, Carmichael and Sholto  
DREAMS ARE TRICKY  .......  The 'Bride' is aiming at a bakery
THREE TIMES JIM  .......  Three times Jim brings Sherlock back from the verge of death
LIFTING THE MASK  .......  Extended Mind Palace Theorie - a possible version
MARY MARY QUITE CONTRARY  .......  Different faces of Mary Morstan
JOHN - MARY - SHERLOCK  .......  Comparison of the three shootings - John/Hope  Mary/Sherlock  Sherlock/Magnusson
JOHN MOVES HIS ARM  .......  A closer look at Magnussons assassination
COMING BACK - GOING BACK  .......  Sherlock coming back from death to go deeper
July 2016 _______________________________________________________
MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL  .......  Dark Mycroft and his possible motives 
OF KINGS AND QUEENS  .......  Who is the 'King' in Sherlock BBC?
MORE THAN JUST A TWIN  .......  Who could be 'Sherrinford' - a speculation
AM I SENSING A PATTERN THERE  .......  The antagonists of each episode in Sherlock BBC
June 2016 ______________________________________________________
THE BUS STOP SCENE  .......  A Harry Potter connection?
AT THE REICHENBACH FALLS  .......  About Moriarty's motives to kill himself
THE GREAT GAME  .......  Carl Power's shoes starting the Great Game and even more shoes at setlock
A STUDY IN SHERLOCK  .......  Pictures from each episode and setlock
A STUDY IN JOHN  ......  Pictures from each episode and setlock
May 2016 _______________________________________________________
ABOUT AGENTS AND EX-AGENTS  .......  The CIA agents of ASIB vs. Mary
April 2016 _______________________________________________________
IT'S NEVER TWINS ... UNLESS IT IS  .......  Mummy Holmes - the secret twin?
March 2016 _____________________________________________________
THE RUG-PULL EXPERIMENT  .......  Dark Mycroft - the secret puppet master? 
VICTORIAN GHOST STORIES  .......  Thoughts about Mark Gatiss's statement
MAGIC IN SHERLOCK BBC  .......  Real magicians involved in Sherlock BBC
January 2016 ____________________________________________________
WHAT MADE HIM LIKE THIS  .......  Hints at Sherlock's past in Sherlock BBC 
THE MYSTERIOUS CULT  .......  The disguised women in the crypt
THE CARMICHAEL CASE I  .......  Connections to THOB
THE CARMICHAEL CASE II  .......  Thoughts about different mirrors    
About EMP and EEMP
Extended Mind-Palace Theorie - Starting point at the CAM Tower shooting
Extraordinary Extended Mind-Palace Theorie - Starting point any time before the CAM Tower shooting
EMP-Masterpost ....... Collected works of the fabulous EMP-Group
Reasons for EEMP  (24.11.2016) .... About the possibility of an extended Mind-Palace going further back than CAM Tower.
A possible EEMP-Structure  (30.08.2016) ....  First post about the possibility of EEMP
SCHWANENSEE  .......  Tatort Münster - Thiel & Boerne (a lot of Sherlock-like visuals)
SHERLOCK HOLMES (2010)  .......  Octopus, dinosour & dragon combined with a deadly feud between brothers (Sherlock vs. Mycroft)
YOU CAN'T KILL AN IDEA  .......  'V for Vendetta' in Sherlock BBC (an Underground full of explosives ready to blow up parliament)
NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN  .......  'V for Vendetta' in Sherlock BBC
SHERLOCK HOLMES IN NEW YORK  .......  Roger Moore as Sherlock Holmes (Moriarty, bank robbery, tons of gold, tunnels, Irene Adler)
WILLIAM SHERLOCK SCOTT HOLMES  .......  Excerpt from 'SH in New York'
YOUNG SHERLOCK HOLMES - THE PYRAMIDE OF FEAR  .......  How Sherlock Holmes and John Watson met at school and their very first case (AU)
JUST A MAGIC TRICK  .......  The magic trick in 'Sherlock jr.' the silent movie
SHERLOCK JUNIOR  .......  Silent movie with Buster Keaton (solving a crime while dreaming of it)
THE GOLDEN YEARS - TV Series with Christopher Lee as Sherlock Holmes
THE LEADING LADY  -  Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson on a Viennese adventure with bombs, anarchists, 'Die Fledermaus' (the bat), Dr. Freud and Irene Adler
'Undercover in Eastern Europe'     
'Un Ballo in Maschera'      
'Digging for gems'      
'Detective, doctores and trains'
THE INCIDENT AT VICTORIA FALLS  -  Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Waton on an African adventure with hidden treasures, secret twins, elephants and rainbows
NEW RUSSIAN HOLMES - Igor Petrenko, Andrei Panin ... by Andrey Kavun
GRANADA HOLMES - Jeremy Brett, David Burke, Edward Hardwicke
VALIANT SHERLOCK HOLMES  .......  The Eligible Bachelor - Granada Version (recurring nightmare, ghosts from the past, facing demons)
OMNE IGNOTUM PRO MAGNIFICO  .......  What happens when mysteries get explained (The Redheaded League - Granada Version)
CHISWICK .......  Connections to 'The Six Napoleons'  Granada and ACD
OH ... IT ISN'T 3G ... IT IS 3G  .......  'Three Garridebs' vs. 'Three Gables'
LA BELLE DAME SANS MERCI  .......  'The Three Gables'  in Sherlock BBC
DEATH IN THE CLOUDS .......  Detour to Agatha Christie's Poirot (eyes with clocks in it)
ABOUT SMOKE AND MIRRORS  .......  Poirots 'The big four' in Sherlock BBC (when a big terror network turns out to consist only of one man - who is an actor)
THE MYSTERIOUS BELLYBUTTON  .......  House MD 'No reason' references (investigating inside the head)
A BABY IN 221b BAKER STREET  .......  Episode with Ron Howard 1954-55 (Tony .... is it a girl's or a boy's name?)
ROBERT BALDWIN ROSS  .......  The man who loved Oscara Wilde
IT WAS WORTH MANY WOUNDS  .......  Poem by mrspencil
THE SACRED BAND OF THEBES  .......  Gay warriors in ancient Greek
NORTH GOWER STREET & HS2  .......  'Baker Sreet' and HighSpeed 2
IT'S FORTUNATE THAT I'M NOT A CRIMINAL  .......  Canon reference
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