#like i might be able to just message my cousin and go 'have you heard of adhd perchance' but the others? mmm harder
corvidiss · 1 year
Dear Tumblr,
How do I tell my family they're all most definitely and noticeably neurodivergent without causing a huge steaming mess?
A guy surrounded by people who say things like “It's literally out of sight out of mind” and “I get distracted while writing a sentence and eventually I just put a full stop” and “I cannot sleep with a hot water bottle that has a bumpy cover,” and who struggle or have struggled significantly socially and with executive function and who often seem oblivious to the big neon signs for ADHD, autism and dyslexia
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ladykailitha · 16 days
Across a Crowded Room Part 5
Here we go! The last chapter of this short story that was only supposed to take a couple hours and be absolutely light and fluffy.
*checks notes* yeah this thing was none of that!
But I hope you like the ending!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Eddie found a table quickly. That was the best part about going in the morning on a week day. While the colleges were out, the school age kids were still in class so the zoo was practically empty.
He pulled out his phone to check any messages he may have gotten, when his phone lit up with Nancy’s number.
He sighed, wondering if he should just let it go to voicemail, but he figured he might as well rip the bandaid off.
“Hello!” he said.
“Eddie!” Nancy said. It was clear she was already irritated. “Did you hear that Robin is staying with some stranger when she moves out to New York?”
Robin had in fact called him after she called Steve because she was avoiding calling Nancy.
“It would be no different if she was moving into the dorms,” Eddie reminded her. “The girl she’s staying with is the cousin of one of her friends so she’s not a total stranger. Plus they talked first to see if they could tolerate each other enough to be roommates.”
Nancy sighed. “It’s just I was really looking forward to having her on my couch, you know? After Jonathan left me, I really wanted the company.”
Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose. After Steve opened his eyes last night, he was starting to see a pattern to Nancy’s relationships. She was in a word, a serial monogamist.
“Yeah,” he said instead. “But it’s good she has a place to move to right off the bat so she isn’t living out of a suitcase, like she has been all this week.”
Another sigh. “You’re right, of course. I just worry about her. She’ll be on the other side of the city and we won’t be able to see each other that often.”
Eddie silently cheered. “That’s too bad. Look, I’ve got to go, Steve’s due back any second.”
“So how is Steve these days?” Nancy asked. “I heard he graduated from college.” But the way she said it, she made it sound like a fucking miracle.
Eddie chuckled. “Things are great! We went apartment hunting yesterday and decided to go to the zoo today.”
There was silence on the line for a beat too long before she said, “It’s good you two are reconnecting.”
“Oh there has been a lot of connecting all right,” Eddie said with a smirk. “With our hands, our mouths, our dic–”
“What?!” she shrieked. “You and Steve are dating?”
He puffed out his chest in pride. “Yeah. We finally got on the page on Monday after I got into Chicago. It’s been really great.”
“And you’re already moving into together, isn’t that fast?” she asked, her voice quivering.
Eddie looked up to Steve smiling down at him. “Look, he’s here. I’ve got to go.”
Nancy didn’t get to finish his name because he had hung up on her.
Steve rolled the cooler over to the table and hefted it onto its surface. “Nancy I’m guessing.”
Eddie blinked at him for a moment. “How did you know that?”
“Robin called me,” he muttered. “Said she was really upset that Robin was moving in with Cassie–”
“Chrissy, love,” Eddie gently corrected.
Steve snapped his fingers. “That was it, yeah. Chrissy. Anyway, Robin said Nancy was upset that she wasn’t staying her because she wanted ‘girl bonding time’ or some shit.” He started unpacking their food. “Like Nancy didn’t recently come out as bi.”
Eddie sighed as he got to work, too pulling out the plates and utensils. “You said we shouldn’t call Nancy last night to blast her, so I called Jonathan. I wanted to know what he said about their break up.”
“Mhmm,” Eddie hummed. “He told her wanted couple’s counseling because he felt like the relationship had become more unbalanced lately and he wanted to make it work out.”
Steve opened their sides and sat down next to him. “I’m guessing that went over like a lead balloon.”
Eddie took a chip from the bag and munched. “Pretty much,” he said around the chip. “So he gave her the ultimatum and she chose to break up.”
“I give her three weeks before she goes running back to him.”
Eddie snorted. “I bet she thought with Robin coming up to New York she could scoop up a new girlfriend.”
“I wouldn’t put it past her.”
They settled into a comfortable silence as they ate their food. They cleaned up and walked back to the car.
“This was a fun idea,” Steve murmured. “Even if Nancy decided to call and put a damper things a bit.”
“Yeah,” Eddie said. “But I’m glad you had fun today.”
Steve chewed his bottom lip. “Would you like to go to dinner with me to that Italian restaurant I was telling you about yesterday morning?”
Eddie’s eyes lit up. “Like a proper date?”
“Hell yeah,” Eddie said, pumping his fist. “I’ll drop you off at your place so I can shower and change. And maybe tonight you could spend the night with me at the hotel?”
Steve grinned. “That sounds like great idea Eds. I’ll pack an overnight bag and bring it with me to dinner. Is that okay?”
Eddie pulled him in for a deep kiss. “I’m game.”
Steve showered and shaved. Whistling a happy tune, dancing to the song to the music in his head.
His phone rang and he walked over to the counter to see who it was. He rolled his eyes when he saw it was Nancy.
He sighed. It seemed that she had gone the rounds with Eddie and Robin and having gotten no where with them, decided to go to Steve.
“Steve,” Nancy said, her voice clipped. “Eddie spends two days in your company and suddenly everything has changed. And certainly not for better. So I have to ask what the hell did you say to them?”
Steve threw his head back and laughed. “You’re afraid I told them the truth about us.”
“There is no truth, Steve,” Nancy hissed. “You believed one thing and I believed another.”
“You can keep telling yourself that,” he said. “And Eddie and I got together when he got into town. We were to meet up for drinks. Originally he was supposed to get in around three and meet us for drinks at seven, but because of a tropical storm, his flight was delayed three times. So he got in, came to the bar, and kissed the hell out of me. I had barely got a hello out before we were kissing. So I literally didn’t have time to tell him anything.”
He could feel her brooding on the other end of the phone. “And as for Robin, when we met up for dinner after a disastrous apartment hunting her and Eddie commiserated about having to find a place in a new city. I suppose she was still feeling that when she spent the night at Kendra’s and told her all about it.”
The brooding intensified.
“Is there anything else you would like to accuse me of or can I go on my date with Eddie now?”
“That’s all,” Nancy huffed. “It just seems so sudden.”
“Life is like that,” he agreed. “And oh, never call me again. I’m blocking this number.”
He hung up and proceeded to do just that. He felt lighter than he had in days.
He grabbed his stuff and left the apartment with a smile on his face.
Eddie tapped on the wheel as he waited for Steve to come down. He was glad that things had smoothed out after that disastrous second day in ole Windy City.
The zoo was just what they needed to take their minds off of things.
When Steve came thundering down the stairs, Eddie wolf whistled. Holy fuck.
Steve was wearing a grey vest over a light blue button up, first three buttons undone, sleeves rolled up, and messily tucked into the tightest blue jeans Eddie had ever seen.
In other words, Eddie was doomed. He would be writing songs about Steve’s ass in those jeans for years to come. The boys were going to murder him, but god it would be worth it.
Steve opened the door and slid into the passenger seat, throwing his pack onto the back seat.
“You ready to go, baby?” Eddie asked brightly.
Dinner was amazing. The conversation flowed as easily as Steve’s wine. Since Eddie was driving, he only had one beer that he nursed throughout the meal.
When they got back to the hotel, Eddie was relentless in his pursuit of Steve’s pleasure. He loved mapping out every freckle, every mole. Finding out which parts made him moan and which ones made him giggle.
Finding out he was ticklish under his right knee was a revelation to Eddie, because Steve would scrunch up his nose when he giggled and god, did that melt Eddie’s heart.
Sex was less intense then their first time, but more enjoyable for it’s learning of each other’s bodies.
They cleaned themselves up and got ready for bed. Eddie licked his lips when he saw that Steve didn’t bring any pajamas.
“Is this how normally sleep or is this a show just for me?”
Steve looked down at the one scrape of clothing covering his body and shucked off his underwear. “I usually just wear briefs to bed because our apartment is awful. It’s freezing in the kitchen and front room, but ass hot in bedrooms.”
Eddie eyed Steve’s body as he thought about joining him in the naked sleeping thing. “Why don’t you go full frontal?”
Steve snorted. “Robin.”
Eddie’s eyes snapped up to Steve’s. “Oh. Right. Roommate who doesn’t like man bits, not wanting to see said man bits even accidentally. Got it.”
“And depending on my next place I might need to sleep with five layers and twelve blankets or nothing at all,” Steve said with a giggle.
“Can I vote for nothing at all?”
Steve laughed.
They crawled into bed. Eddie had chosen to at least put on pajama bottoms because he didn’t like the idea of having his balls touch those sheets.
Once they were cuddled up in bed Steve murmured, “Nancy called me right before you showed up.”
Eddie sighed. “Because of course she did. What did she want?”
“To blame me for you two turning on her,” he explained.
Eddie frowned and moved back enough to look Steve in the eye. “What? I don’t think Robin and I said anything to that affect.”
“Oh I know,” Steve agreed. “But she thinks I tricked you into dating me and conjured Chrissy from thin air all to ruin her life.”
Eddie snorted. “Once you told me about the cheating I told Uncle Wayne about it, and he said that there were a lot of things off about Nancy that he had noticed over the years and wondered why I hadn’t seen them, too.”
Steve let out a long sigh. “Because she didn’t want you to see them. I don’t blame you for it.”
Eddie kissed him. “Thank you for that. But anyway, the point is that once he said that, it was like someone had turned on the light and could see everything so much cleared and everything was only ever for her benefit, she was just really good at making you feel like it was for yours too.”
He pulled Steve in close. “But the blinders are off, babe. I’m one hundred percent yours.”
Steve smiled. “That’s all I could ever ask for.”
Eddie kissed him soundly and then they settled into sleep.
Steve rarely slept in, but sleeping in Eddie’s arms apparently made his internal clock line up with Eddie’s instead.
He woke up and groggily looked at the digital alarm clock on the bedside table and blinked at it. He wasn’t sure, but he could have sworn it said 10:54am.
That couldn’t be right. He picked up his phone and nope. Apparently that was the correct time.
Then he realized what had woke him. Eddie came out of the bathroom with a fond smile on his face.
“Morning, sleepyhead,” he greeted, bending down to kiss Steve on the lips. “I’ve ordered us some food, but alas it has to be lunch at this point.”
Steve chuckled and slid out of bed. “I blame you entirely for that, by the way. I never sleep in like that.”
“It’s good for you,” Eddie grinned. “Especially after the roller coaster of emotions that has been the last few days. Your body needed rest, so you got it.”
Steve nodded. “I figure we can go out today and look at more apartments, if you’re up to it.”
“Sure thing, babe.”
There was a knock on the door and Eddie went to go answer it as soon as Steve was in the bathroom.
Eddie tipped the guy and they settled down to eat their brunch, such as it was.
While they ate, Eddie and Steve pulled up several different apartments that could work for them with their budget and made a list of out of the links based on how close they were to Eddie’s hotel.
Steve showered and got dressed. He packed up his stuff and threw it in the back seat of Eddie’s rental.
The first one was a bust. Literally. A pipe had burst the night before and the owner had been working on getting it fixed, so he hadn’t updated the site. It wouldn’t be livable for two months. Well past when Steve or Eddie needed to be moved in by.
So they moved on.
Crumby landlords, obvious signs of pests, and high prices struck again.
They stopped for dinner.
“Fuck,” Eddie groused. “I’m going to be making a fair amount, but not enough for these prices.”
Steve nodded. “It’s why I was living with Robin. Everything is just too expensive these days.” He chewed on his lip for a moment.
“Move in with me!” he blurted.
Eddie looked up at him with wide eyes.
“We both loved that third apartment we saw,” Steve explained. “It had two bedrooms and two full baths. It had a nice kitchen and was already wired for internet. Neither of us can afford it alone, but...”
Eddie gulped and pursed his lips. “And you’d want that, with me?”
Steve nodded.
“Yeah,” Eddie said with a fond smile. “Let’s do that, then. You can move in right away and get things set up and then when I move to Chicago at the end of the month, I can just slide right in.”
Steve kissed him fiercely and then called the landlord.
Two hours later they were the proud renters of a brand new shiny apartment.
A lot of their friends thought that they were moving a little too quickly getting an apartment together, but Eddie and Steve knew it was the start of something wonderful.
And really that was the best outcome either one of them could have hoped to dream for when they had made plans for Eddie to come out to Chicago.
Robin and Chrissy got along so well, that before classes even started in the fall, Robin had moved into Chrissy’s bedroom and they turned the second bedroom into a dance studio for Chrissy.
Nancy tried getting back with Jonathan a month later as Steve predicted, but he told her to get therapy and moved back to California to be with his mom, who had retired out there.
Steve didn’t know if she ever got the therapy she needed, but he hoped she did.
Eddie’s band was making lots of great progress on their album and the company was getting ready to release their first single. A little song about finding love right when you needed it most.
Steve had gotten a teaching position at a middle school as their basketball couch and US history teacher.
He was happy with the life he had, he didn’t need to worry about the life he’d lost when he broke up with Nancy all those years ago.
It was too soon to think about marriage, but Steve had a ring that he had bought years ago that he thought would look good on Eddie’s hand. But they had time.
And wasn’t that just amazing.
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cherry-holmes · 7 months
MIRACLE - Javier Peña x F!reader
Glimpse of a life with Javier Peña
Chapter —
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Summary: After been married for a while, you and Javier have struggles to conceiving a baby. Would it affect your relationship?
Pairing: Javier Peña x Female Reader
Word count: +5k
Warnings: Angst and comfort. No smut. Lots of crying. Mentions of infertility, pregnancy talk and health issues. Mentions of sex. Brief mention of pregnancy sex but nothing explicit. Brief mention of premature birth but nothing explicit. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: ok here we go again! Thank you so much for your love to my previous work, I hope you like this too!
I’m open for requests!
You wrapped the test in a piece of toilet paper and threw it in the bathroom trash can. You told yourself that it didn't matter, that you would try again next month, but as you sat on the toilet, you realized that you had been saying that for nearly a year now. And what's worse, Javier had been telling you the same.
Then, you were crying again. You couldn't help but feel useless and a complete failure. You were supposed to be able to carry a child in your womb, to be a mother, but your body just wasn't cooperating. It felt like it was all your fault, and that burden weighed heavily on you.
After four months of trying to get pregnant without success, you had a sinking feeling that something might be wrong. You insisted to your husband that you both needed to see a doctor to find out what was happening. After undergoing tests, Javier's results came back favorable, but yours didn't. So, you were the problem. Your doctor recommended a treatment to help your body do its job, and you followed her instructions to the letter, taking your medication and eating healthily. It has been a year now.
Javi tried to reassure you, telling you to be patient and that there was no need to rush. But you wanted a baby so much that it hurt. You saw his cousin's babies and children, your coworkers' families, and you couldn't help but wonder when it would be your turn. Also you knew just how much Javier wanted to be a father and how he thought about his own father's age, wishing he would live long enough to see his grandchildren grow and play with them.
The baby's room was already built, it just needed the baby.
You were getting ready for Javi's cousin's wedding, Samantha. You didn't really want to go, but you were one of her bridesmaids.
Finishing your makeup at your vanity, you were lost in your own thoughts and didn't hear Javi calling you until he came close and squeezed your shoulder.
"Hey, baby, are you okay?" he asked with concern, finding your gaze through the mirror.
You hadn't actually heard what he said, but you recognized that familiar look in his expression – he was worried about you.
You nodded and tried to force a smile. "Yeah, I was just thinking about what Samantha said about the problem with the florist," you lied.
He made a noncommittal sound, clearly not convinced. Kneeling beside you, he took your hand and caressed your freshly painted red nails.
"You know I was a DEA agent, don't you?" he asked, and you avoided his gaze, knowing exactly what he meant. "And, most importantly, I'm your husband."
His unspoken message was clear: he knew you were lying, and he knew you better than anyone.
"What's the matter, honey? What's tormenting that wonderful mind of yours?" he insisted.
You didn't want to lie to him, but you also didn't want to burden him with your worries or make him feel more concerned for you. "I... It's nothing, Javi. Don't worry about it."
"Please, baby, you know you can tell me anything..." he tried again.
He just was being supportive and caring, and you had been feeling so down and sensitive. It started to feel like mixing water with oil for you– the emotions were overwhelming. You had spent a long time feeling terrible, and you couldn't handle Javi's condescending behavior any longer.
"I already told you it was nothing," you exclaimed, removing your hand from his abruptly and raising your voice a notch.
Javi was taken aback for a moment, unaccustomed to such a reaction from you. He could see the anger on your face, but he also noticed that you were holding back tears. Without saying anything else, he stood up, picked up his suit jacket from the bed, and left your shared room.
You watched him leave through the reflection in the mirror. A single tear trickled down your cheek, but you quickly wiped it away, determined not to ruin your makeup.
Now, you didn't even feel like going to the wedding anymore, but you caught sight of your bridesmaid's bouquet, and you continued getting ready. She was not just part of your political family; she was also your friend, and you couldn't let her down.
When you went downstairs, Javi was seated on the couch, watching a soccer game with a glass of whiskey in his hand.
"I'm ready," you announced.
He looked you up and down, thinking you looked stunning, but he felt a bit hurt by your earlier reaction, so he didn't say it. Instead, he turned off the TV and grabbed his keys. He opened the passenger door for you as he always did, but didn't say anything more as he started the engine.
As Javier drove in silence, only the pop song of the moment playing on the radio, you couldn't help but feel guilty for being rude to him. He didn't deserve it, especially when he had supported you through the most challenging moments of your life. He had been there for you when you cried, and you knew he wanted to become a father just as much as you did. Even when you felt like a burden, he never complained.
"I took a pregnancy test this morning," you finally confessed. You didn't look at him directly, but you noticed from the corner of your eye how his fingers clenched the steering wheel, a sign of his nervousness. "It was negative again."
He remained silent, his eyes focused on the road. You could feel the weight of his silence, and it made the car ride feel longer than it was.
"I'm gonna give up, Javi. I just... I can't do this anymore," you admitted, your voice quivering with a mix of frustration and despair.
Javier glanced at you, his brow furrowing with concern. "Baby, don't say that. We knew this wouldn't be easy."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you turned to look at him. "But it's been a year, Javi. A whole year of trying and nothing. I feel like such a failure."
Javi pull over, turning off his truck. He reached out and gently wiped away a tear that had rolled down your cheek. "You're not a failure, bonita. This is something we're facing together, as a couple."
You shook your head, the weight of your emotions bearing down on you. "I see all our friends having babies, and I can't help but feel jealous and broken."
Javier sighed, his fingers still caressing your cheek. "I know it's hard, mi vida, but we can't compare our journey to anyone else's. We're unique, and so is our path to parenthood."
You let out a shaky breath, feeling vulnerable and exposed. "I just want to give you a family, Javi."
His eyes softened as he looked at you with unwavering love. "And you will, my love. I have no doubt about that. We'll keep trying, and if we need to, we'll seek more help from the doctors. But no matter what, we're in this together, okay?"
Your heart ached with gratitude for having him by your side. "Thank you, Javi. I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier."
He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "No need to apologize, mi vida hermosa. We all have our moments. We'll get through this, one step at a time."
Three months later
You couldn't believe it. You almost threw the test to the trash without double check, used to the one single line painted on it. But as you wrapped it on the toilet paper, you saw it: the second line.
You felt your blood draining at your feet, face turning completely pale. Your hands trembled as you stared at the test, disbelief washing over you. You had seen countless negative results in the past months, and each one had chipped away at your hope. But now, here it was, a positive result staring back at you.
Tears welled up in your eyes as a mix of emotions flooded your senses—joy, disbelief, fear, and relief all at once. You hastily wiped your tears, afraid to believe it too soon. You had always told yourself that if a test showed a positive result, you would have blood tests to confirm it before telling Javi, not wanting to get his hopes up for nothing.
But now that it is actually happening, you just couldn't contain yourself. You rushed out of the bathroom, clutching the test in your trembling hand, and found Javi in the living room. He looked up at you, concern in his eyes.
You couldn't hold back the tears any longer as you held out the test for him to see, your voice quivering, "Javi, it's positive."
He didn't say anything; he just wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you close and hiding his face between your hair and neck. You hugged him back, tears staining his shirt. You heard him sniff, and when he let you go, you could see his eyes had become teary.
"Let me see," he said, and you showed him the test. His eyes softened as he saw the two vibrant pink lines on it, and you could tell he was holding back tears. At the end of the day, he was still being that tough DEA agent you met.
"I-I'm gonna call doctor Badía and make an appointment for first thing tomorrow morning," you said quickly, sounding as anxious as excited, "I need an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy and blood tests to make sure everything's fine and..."
You were interrupted by Javi, who wasn't actually listening, so eclipsed by the test in his hands. And when he finally reacted, he sought your lips, kissing you with passion and tenderness as his hands rested on your back, softly pulling you closer to him. His heart was racing, his eyes were full of tears, and he had butterflies in his stomach.
When he broke the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours, his arms still holding you with the most protective and gentle touch.
"I love you so, so much," he promised. "You're gonna be the most wonderful and beautiful mother our son could ask for. And I feel so honored and proud that you chose me to be on this journey with you."
Next morning, you and Javi were on your doctor's office. You told her about the tests and she said that you needed an ultrasound to confirm.
You felt so nervous about what if it was just a false positive. You hadn't had morning sickness, but you had a week of delay on your period, which it was usual on you to be honest.
At this point, you had taken so many pregnancy tests that it had become kind of a habit. You took them even if you had a single day of delay. Sometimes even if you don't have cramps or feel sensitivity the morning the day your period usually starts and ended up menstruating that same day later.
The doctor applied gel to your lower belly and began the procedure. You were shaking, but it wasn't due to the temperature of the gel. Javi held your hand firmly, and neither of you could take your eyes off the monitor.
After minutes of silence during which your doctor examined the image, she turned the monitor toward you for a better view. Then, she pointed at a tiny, little bean at the center.
"There it is," she said softly, almost as if the tiny bean would wake up, "Congratulations, mommy and daddy."
"Oh, my God," you cried as you smiled. You felt Javi tighten his hand around yours. He placed his forehead on your hand, then planted a kiss on it. Tears of happiness fell on his cheeks.
"Ho-How many weeks?," he asked, his voice full of emotion.
"I'd say probably between three and four weeks," she answered.
"Oh, my God," you repeated, not quite believing it yet. Javi leaned in to kiss your temple. "Look, Javi, it's our baby," you laughed, pointing at the monitor.
"It's so beautiful, amor," he praised.
"Everything looks fine so far, but we'll need to do blood tests to check on mommy's health and rule out any problems with the fetus," she explained as she gave you a paper to clean yourself, "A nurse will be here in a moment to take your blood, and I'll also leave an ultrasound photo with the receptionist for you to take home."
"Thank you so much, doctor," Javi said.
"You're welcome, and congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Peña," she said as she left the room.
"I'll do it, baby," he said as he took the paper from you and gently started cleaning you. Then, he leaned in on your belly to kiss it and talk to his baby for the first time. He whispered sweet words and promises to your growing bump, "Hello, corazón, I'm your daddy," he said. Your cheeks burned cherry red, and you giggled shyly. He looked up at you, also blushing but with eyes full of tenderness, "It took you so long to come to us, ain't you, baby?" he joked. His expression changed afterward, becoming more serious, mature, and determined – the Javi you knew was about to make a promise. "We're so glad you came, baby; we have been waiting for you for so long. We love you, mi amor chiquito."
Your hand reached for his face, cupping his cheek and caressing his features. He kissed your wrist, absorbing your touch, his happiness and peace evident.
Javier's heart ached every time he witnessed the pain you endured due to your inability to conceive a child. The weight of your shared desire for a baby was a heavy burden, but what pained him most was seeing your tears and knowing he couldn't immediately make things right. It was a time filled with helplessness, and only the two of you truly understood the depth of those emotional struggles.
Now he saw you as happy as he hadn't seen you in so long, and he felt peace once more. He would never forget the look on your beautiful face and the sparkle in your eyes from the moment you told him you were carrying his baby. He wanted nothing more than your happiness, and if that meant giving you beautiful sons and daughters, he would gladly have hundreds of children with you.
"So, Dad, we have a surprise for you," Javi said as he stood up from the table and went for the box you had prepared and hidden from sight.
"Really?" your father-in-law asked immediately, forgetting about the delicious flan you had made for tonight's dessert. "Is it what I think it is?" he asked as he looked at you with eyes full of joy and tenderness. You had seen those brown eyes so many times in your own husband, and you were hoping that your baby would inherit them too.
You couldn't answer him because Javi quickly returned with the box in his hands and placed it in front of his father. Don Chucho had spent the last twelve weeks eagerly anticipating the news of his grandchild's gender, just as much as you and Javi had.
"Ábralo, papá," you encouraged him as he wiped his hands with a napkin to avoid staining the beautiful white wrapping paper you had used to decorate the box. The old man was so excited, and Javi was almost teary-eyed from seeing his father like that.
Don Chucho opened the box quickly and started to look inside when he saw the color of the tiny pair of shoes and the baby's bodysuit.
"¡Lo sabía, lo sabía!" he laughed as he took the clothes out of the box, tears in his eyes like his son's. Then he looked at you, directly in the eyes. You felt your heart swell with warmth and tenderness. "I knew it from the look in your eyes," he said. "It's the same look my Ceci had when she was pregnant with Javier. I was sure it was a boy, and I didn't fail!" His voice cracked, but he was so, so happy. "Thank you, mija, for giving this family such a blessing."
You tried to say something, to thank him and your husband for becoming a family for you, for taking care of you and accepting you into their lives. But you couldn't, overwhelmed by the surge of hormones that made you cry all the time. Javi took your hand and placed a kiss on its back.
"I couldn't ask for anything better than this," you finally managed to say between tears. "I know my baby boy will have the best role models in life. Bringing another Peña boy into this world is a pleasure for me."
"I'm the luckiest man in the world, I truly am," said Javi after kissing your temple and wiping a tear with his thumb from your beautiful face.
He had always seen you as the most gorgeous woman he had ever met in his entire life, but during your pregnancy, you became even more stunning. It suited you perfectly. He was infatuated with your pregnant body—your swollen breasts, your curvier hips, and your growing belly. He just couldn't keep his hands off you. He loved how sensitive and needy the hormones had made you.
Javi treated you like a queen during your pregnancy. He let you sleep as long as you wanted, cooked for you, and gave you feet massages. He would even drive around Laredo at midnight just to satisfy your pregnancy cravings, whether it was hamburgers, nachos, donuts, ice cream, pizza, or even things you didn't used to like, like pickles. He also took care of you on your worst days, when you had morning sickness and headache in the afternoons.
You were indeed surrounded by so much love, from Javi and Don Chucho taking care of you and your baby, to the rest of the Peña family. Javi's female cousins and aunts offered you advice and gifts, listened to your concerns, and made you feel like you weren't alone on this sometimes scary journey of becoming a mother. It was comforting, especially since your own family lived far away, although they stayed in contact, especially your two sweet older sisters.
Of course, you had Javi, who never left your side. He protected you and did everything to ensure you felt comfortable and supported. However, the truth was that he would never truly understand what it felt like to have a baby growing inside you—experiencing the symptoms, the hormones coursing through your body, the physical changes, and the fears about giving birth. You were grateful for the empathetic and caring female circle around you, including your friends at work and even Connie Murphy, who despite the distance, remained attentive to your pregnancy and provided valuable recommendations.
Your pregnancy was a beautiful stage that you enjoyed immensely with Javier, who was as in love with his son as he was with you.
No one around Laredo could believe that the infamous Javier Francisco Peña, the one who left a woman at the altar years ago, had now actually married a beautiful young woman and that he was about to become a loving father. The rumors about the two of you were always terrible and cruel, saying that he would cheat on you in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately for them, none of them were true.
The baby's room was finally ready at the beginning of your eighth month. You and Javi had put your hearts into making and decorating the room, giving it a farm theme. As you stepped through the doorway, the warm and inviting color palette enveloped you, painting a picture of the countryside itself. Whimsical wallpaper had come to life, featuring farm animals in their finest moments. Cows grazed peacefully, sheep frolicked, pigs played in the mud, and chickens strutted.
The most endearing thing in the room was the crib, fashioned from weathered wood. It was a gift from Don Chucho, who revealed that it was actually Javier's crib. You obviously couldn't help but gasp, bringing a hand to your lips while your eyes filled with tender tears. The man had kept the crib guarded and protected in the basement of the house, hoping to one day take it out again to cradle his grandchildren. The crib was beautiful and had been built by Javi's own grandfather, his mother's father.
It was the end of your thirty-third week, and you were well aware that you had at least seven more weeks until the baby arrived... but that wasn't your own baby's plan.
You were peacefully sleeping until you started feeling uncomfortable. Your back ached, and you had a weird sensation in your lower belly. The clock on your side of the bed marked 3:15 am when you stood up to go to the bathroom. But halfway to the bathroom, you felt something pop inside you and then a warm liquid running down your legs. You froze, your heart beating so fast as you tried to turn back to the bed, but you felt so scared.
No... no, no, no– That couldn't be happening now. It wasn't time yet.
''Javi...,'' you cried, your voice filled with fear and despair. ''Javier! Wake up!''
Your husband woke up bewildered, instinctively reaching a hand to your side of the bed to look for you. Javi used to have nightmares stemming from everything he saw during his time in Colombia, and some of them involved you in danger. That's why when he heard you call him with that desperation, he thought he was dreaming. When he didn't feel you next to him, he immediately sat up in bed.
He saw you standing in the middle of the dark room, looking down at your feet and crying. He followed your gaze and saw what looked like a puddle of water, but he couldn't be sure without light.
''Javier, come here!'' you called him, and he jumped out of bed, his bare feet making contact with the cold floor.
''What happened?'' he asked, putting a hand on your lower back and reaching for your hand.
''I broke my water,'' you explained. When you lifted your face, and he saw your worried expression, he felt his heart break. ''It's not time yet, there are still weeks left, Javi. My baby... this isn't normal, I'm scared...'' The first thing you thought was that you could lose him. You couldn't live if you lost your boy.
''It's okay, mi vida,'' Javi said, putting himself together, ''I'm gonna take you to the hospital.'' He helped you out of the puddle and started cleaning your legs to help you change into a pair of sweat pants and a comfy sweater. It was the middle of December, just a few days before Christmas, so the weather was windy and freezing. You didn't have your baby bag ready, and Javi was so nervous that he only packed the first newborn clothes he saw, the warmest blanket he could find, and a full pack of diapers.
He helped you climb into his Dodge truck and secured your body with the seatbelt. He felt your body shaking, heard you sniffle, and noticed you mumbling a silent prayer. His heart ached to see you so scared and nervous, an image he promised himself that he would do anything to prevent. But again, he felt helpless for not being able to do anything else for you.
But he did all you needed from him: he took your cold and shaking hands between his warmer and firmer ones, making you feel safe and protected even though you were terrified. He placed a kiss on your forehead and then a peck on your lips. ''Everything's gonna be just fine,'' he promised, even though he himself wasn't quite sure.
Javier took you to the ER, where a nurse checked on you and confirmed that you were dilated. Apparently, your body was ready to give birth to your son, but you were concerned about whether your baby was ready.
''Everything looks fine with your baby,'' she explained after doing an ultrasound to check on him, ''We're going to give you a room and wait until you have more frequent contractions to start the delivery. Don't worry, Mrs. Peña, we're going to keep monitoring your baby's health very closely. Premature birth isn't ideal, but we're going to do our best to receive your son as well as possible.''
You and Javier spent the next few hours waiting in your hospital room. His father, Samantha, and his aunt arrived at the hospital early in the morning, bringing you all the things you needed for your baby's hospital bag and the car seat Javi had bought. They also brought flowers and balloons.
As time passed, the contractions became stronger and more frequent. Doctor Badía assured you that even though your baby would be considered premature, all the tests and ultrasounds were positive, and she hoped the delivery would be without any complications.
Javi never left your side, comforting you through the contractions, holding your hand, massaging your lower back, making sure you were hydrated and comfortable.
When the moment finally arrived, the birth turned out to be quick and without problems, but it was painful. You cried as you pushed, squeezing Javi's hand as he praised you and gave you words of encouragement.
''You can do it, baby,'' he told you as he kissed your hand. You were too focused on yourself, doing your best to keep pushing and breathe between contractions.
''It hurts so much,'' you cried, feeling overwhelmed by the effort.
''Keep pushing, Mrs. Peña,'' your doctor said as she called the nurses to be ready to hold your baby, ''I can see the head, just one more push.''
''I'm so proud of you, mi amor,'' Javi's voice was the only one you heard. It made you feel stronger, like you could do anything for him. ''You heard that? Just one more push, and you'll have our boy in your arms.''
You gathered all the love you felt for your baby boy, for your husband, for everything you had been through to be here and found the strength to push as hard as you could. And before you knew it, you heard your baby's cry filling the room.
With one last gasp, your body fell exhausted onto the bed, but your eyes searched for your baby. You didn't care about anything you were feeling physically; you just wanted to hold your son in your arms and never let him go. However, they didn't give him to you. Instead, you saw as they took him away from you, and you couldn't even see a single finger. But you could hear him crying so loud that it broke your heart in a way you didn't know before.
''Wh-what are they doing?,'' you mumbled, so weak that you couldn't even keep your head lifted. But you tried to stand up, and if it weren't for Javier, you would have achieved it. He pushed you back gently.
''It's alright, honey,'' he promised, ''They are checking on him, but he's fine. God, he's gorgeous.''
You looked at him, your eyes full of tenderness and trust, ''You saw him?''
''I did,'' he confirmed, ''Now, please, lie down.''
''Mr. Peña,'' a nurse called him as she approached him with a bundle in her arms, ''Do you want to hold your son?''
Javi's eyes lit up in that moment. He nodded almost desperately as he extended his strong arms to his boy. When he finally held his boy in his arms, he felt a wave of pure love running through his veins. He saw his boy's crying features, his little nose, and his little lips, head full of dark hairs. He was so tiny, so beautiful.
He waited as the nurses helped you to sit up on the bed, while Doctor Badía kept working to deliver your placenta and made sure everything was well with you.
When the nurses made sure you were comfortable, you extended your weak arms to Javi, and he immediately helped you hold your baby between your arms as you cried tears of happiness and excitement, meeting your son for the first time.
''He looks so much like you, Javi,'' you exclaimed as he sat beside you, kissing your temple and resting his head on top of yours. ''Hello, handsome boy. I'm your mommy, and he's your daddy.'' You leaned in to him and kissed his forehead, making him stop crying, feeling finally safe with your warmth.
''Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Peña,'' your doctor said as she confirmed that you were fine down there. ''Your baby will be in the NICU area for a few days just to monitor everything is fine with him as days pass, but he's breathing just fine. It's a miracle for a baby to be born prematurely. He will be just fine. Does he has a name yet?,'' she wanted to know.
You nodded, ''Javier Emilio Peña.''
Emilio stayed in the hospital for just one week. His health was perfectly fine, and he ate and breath without any issues. Your family couldn't have been happier. Both you and Javier were completely enchanted by everything he did, and he filled you both with immense pride.
Emilio took to the farm life with great enthusiasm. He laughed joyfully while watching the dogs play in the fields, enjoyed petting the cows and sheep, and loved it when Javier would take him for horse rides around the fence.
Your son inherited his father's bright, big, puppy brown eyes, a head full of dark hair, and the most beautiful smile that Javier insisted was all yours.
Shortly after Emilio's first birthday, you confessed to Javier that you wanted to try for a second baby.
"Are you sure, honey?" he asked, helping you clean up after Emilio's birthday party. "Don't you think it might be a bit early?"
"We struggled so much to have our first one, Javi, so I want to start as soon as possible in case we have difficulties again," you explained.
He agreed, and the following week, you visited your doctor to begin the process once more. What neither of you expected was for it to happen so quickly, conceiving on the third attempt, much faster than it took for Emilio. It was a delightful surprise for both of you, even though you had mentally prepared for a longer journey.
You welcomed another boy into your family, naming him Eduardo Peña. He also bore a striking resemblance to Javier, although he insisted that Lalo had your features.
Then, two years later, when you both thought your family was complete, you found out you were pregnant during a trip to visit your family. Javier's father humorously called it a "se les chispoteó," which made you both laugh. You attributed the "accident" to a passionate moment you had shared two months earlier when you had left your children with one of Javier's cousins while you went to buy a gown for your best friend's wedding. It was a rare occasion when the two of you had been alone in a while, so your desires had taken over, leading to a spontaneous encounter in the back of his truck because of the excitement and novelty of the situation.
This time, you welcomed a beautiful baby girl into your family, naming her Cecilia Peña, after Javier's mother. You affectionately called her Lia for short.
As the years passed, your family grew closer and more full of love. Emilio, Eduardo, and Lia grew up with the love and support of their parents, grandfather, and the entire Peña family. Your journey from struggling to conceive your first child to the surprise blessings of two more had taught you and Javier the value of patience, love, and family.
The farm remained a cherished place, where your children laughed, played, and learned about life and love. The farm animals, once just wallpaper in Emilio's nursery, became real friends for your children.
Every milestone, from Emilio's first steps to Eduardo's first words to Lia's first day of school, was celebrated with joy and tears of pride.
Javier was the most wonderful father you could ever had ask for your children. He was loving and caring, always attentive and supportive. He was also strict when he have to, with the purpose of raising respectful children and guiding them on the right path. Your three beautiful children grew up loving their parents and seeing how much mom and dad love each other.
Your journey had been challenging, but it had also been rewarding beyond measure. The struggles and heartaches had only made your bond stronger, and even more grateful for the precious moments of happiness. You and Javier had grown together, and the love you shared had created a beautiful and loving family that filled your lives with meaning and purpose.
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kyday · 3 months
Solace | Kate Bishop
Summary: It's one of those nights again where Kate disappears and doesn't come back until it's early morning. You have finally had enough. warnings: bad writing (sorry not sorry), few swear words. light angst with a happy ending. enjoy!! wordcount: 1200+ ------------------
Katiee 💘: hey love, i know you’re at work right now, but im just telling you that ill be busy the entire day. I have so much to do today so i might not be able to open my phone as often.
You: hi babyyy, its fine. i get it,  just make sure to text me once everything  is over, okay? love you.
Katiee 💘: of course, dont worry. love you too, mwuah! 9:23 am
It was 11:34 pm, the flickering lights of NYC fluttered outside your window, and the constant noise of cars passing by was nothing new. You had been up all night waiting for a reply from your girlfriend, Kate.
Her last reply was in the morning, after that— radio silence. Her silence was unnerving, although you had gotten used to her doing this, it never was this drastic. You kept opening your phone every time it turned on, expecting it was her message, but still; nothing.
You: babyy, are you free noww? if not, i hope you finish up soon. mwuah. 6:02 pm
heyy, i know this is probably just one of your busy days but are you donee? lucky misses you already.  text me when you get this. 7:35 pm 
kate, Im getting worried. you haven't been answering the entire day. is everything fine? please text me once you see this. 9:00 pm
Kate??? Please tell me you’re okay. I'm worried sick. 9:58 pm
You anxiously paced around your bedroom, at the corner of the room Lucky was sleeping on his bed. He was planning on staying up with you but at 10 pm he accidentally fell asleep. You make your way to the dining room, leaving a light on— you’ll wait for Kate here.
You can feel your eyes slowly giving up, trying to keep yourself up— you try to rub your face to stay awake a bit more. 
This hasn’t been the first time Kate has done this. Ever since last year when she hit that large bell tower, she had changed. There were times you often pretended to not know when she had cuts or bruises— she was a bad liar. You can often see her limping or wincing every time she moves.
You never questioned her about it though. You didn't want to overwhelm her especially since her mother got sent to jail for murdering people. But ever since that— it seemed like she was burying herself in her work more and more. The cuts or bruises were more visible, you remember when she didn't come home for a day and she blamed it on her cousin who was in town and wanted some tour around NYC.
Right as you were about to fall asleep, you heard the sound of keys clattering and curses being mumbled as the person entered the front door. You recognized the voice to be Kate. “Fuck, fuck fuck.” 
She stopped in her tracks when she saw you standing in front of the couch. There was a moment of silence between you, “Where the hell have you been?” You questioned in disbelief. She puts down her bow on the nearest table, you watch her intently.
“The company had me go overtime since there were extra projects due. Look, I sorry-” 
She explains but you quickly cut her off. “Oh my god, then why the hell do you bring your fucking bow or why couldn't you even text me once? Do you think I'm stupid Kate?” She sighs, massaging her temple.
“Y/n, let's not do this right now.” She mumbles, giving you a tired look. “I'm tired, we can talk about this in the morning.” You shook your head immediately.
You stepped closer to her. “No, we are talking about this now. Because in the morning you’ll be gone even before I wake up. Goddamit, I'm not oblivious! I know that your work isn't from seven am to eleven fucking pm!” Kate is starting to become more irritated with you, trying to bite her tongue from saying anything.
“What the hell are you hiding from me? I was worried sick, I waited up until what? Eleve-” You look at the clock. 12:10 am. “Its fucking midnight!” Kate knows she deserves this, but she's tired, way too tired to fight right now.
“Who said you had to fucking wait for me?” She replies, stunning you.
You let out a sarcastic laugh, “Oh my god, maybe because I'm your girlfriend, Kate! Have you ever thought of that?”
As the tension in the room thickened, Kate's expression softened, and she let out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to worry you," she said, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "I know I've been distant lately, and I haven't been completely honest with you."
You can feel your frustration, but you are also worried. “Then why, Kate? Why do you keep shutting me out? Why are you not telling me the truth?” Kate looks down in guilt, her superhero duties have been such a huge thing for her that she forgot her true priority, you.
“I haven't been honest with you..” She starts off.
“No shit Sherlock.” You mumble, earning a smile from her.
She coughs, “I know this may uh- this may seem unbelievable but I've been working with Hawkeye to bring this organization down.” She stopped to see your reaction, but your face was like stone. “And just— today we were so close to getting them but they got away.” Kate continues, her voice turning into a whisper at the end, you can hear the disappointment in her voice.
“But you didn't have to hide it from me, Kate.” You start, tears welled up in Kate’s eyes.
“I didn't want to make you worry, I'm so sorry.” She whispers.
You walk over to her and wipe her tears. “I'm always worrying about you, you know that. It doesn't matter how crazy your story is. Hell, if you told me you were fighting aliens, I would believe you. Because I trust you, Kate. And I need you to put that same trust in me.” You explain, hugging her.
You can feel her nod against your chest. “No more secrets, okay?” 
“Okay.” She mumbles, latching onto you.
You chuckle, “Come on, we can cuddle in bed.” She protests for a second, saying she wants to lie down on the floor. But you manage to convince her into going to the bedroom for cuddles.
She plops down on the mattress, and you follow behind her. “I'm sorry again, I won't do it again, love.” She looks up at your eyes, you smile at her. 
“It's okay now. Just go to bed, okay?” She nods, and she inches closer to you before pressing her lips onto yours. “Goodnight baby.”
“Goodnight love.” Kate mumbles tiredly, cuddling up to you. And for a moment, the loud cars outside quieted down, and the bright city lights weren't so bright anymore. 
Kate realized that she could only have this comfort with you.
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mayhem-neverending · 4 months
The Big Bad Wolf
Part XI
Word Count: 4,228
Warnings: Mentions of death
Note: Lights, Camera, Action! Don't mind the beginning, please and thanks. And Obito is in this part, don't worry.
Once again sitting across from him, Kakashi had the space to collect himself. He was internally reeling from your warmth and delicious smell, the ghost of your touch lingering in his hair. You appeared largely unaffected, but happy with the interaction.
A buzzing from his pocket stole his attention. He pulled it out and opened it, seeing a string of notifications. Two were from Genma, one was from Guy. He opened Guy’s first.
Rival!! I just heard you came to your paramour’s rescue!!! Is it true!!?? You are truly HEROIC!!
Kakashi opted to ignore that for the moment and opened Genma’s messages.
I thought you said you guys werent together
does that mean ur coming to my bday party too?
An irritated sigh exited his nose. His irritation clashed, however, with the excitement he felt from your conversation. He tucked his phone away without bothering to answer and only smiled at your questioning brow.
“How did Obito like meeting Hikaru?” He asked pleasantly.
“I think he was a little unsure at first, but he came around towards the end I think,”
“That sounds about right,”
“I really need you to get him a phone. I would hate for me or Hikaru to be sick and I don’t have any way to get a hold of him,”
“Makes sense. I’ll look into it tomorrow,”
You mirrored Kakashi as he sipped his sake. He looked around briefly before asking, “You don’t happen to have any of that food you were talking about earlier, do you?”
“No, I left it all with Obito. Are you hungry?”
“A little,”
“Well, I’m sure Obito’ll be happy to see you,” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Kicking me out?”
“Never. I just think it would be good for him to see you. He’s been doing a lot better, and I think he’d be proud to show you his progress,”
He thought for a moment. “Not tonight. I’ll make some time tomorrow though, okay?”
You grinned. “That’d be great, Kakashi.”
“And you’re welcome to my fridge, if you want. I don’t really have the energy to cook right now,”
“What do you have?”
You playfully rolled your eyes. “Go look,”
He kept his drink in his hand while he got up to look. You followed him, your own drink in one hand and phone in the other. You set them down and hoisted yourself onto the counter. You settled yourself and opened up your phone. You hadn't heard it go off but you figured you might as well check.
You were glad you did. There was a message from Hina, your cousin… And a missed call from Toma, but you weren’t going to give that one any of your energy.
hey no worries here im with my aunt. the one w dementia near the border. Ill lyk if anything happens but im sure itll all be okay
thanks for worrying abt me tho. r u coming when I give birth still? im due in like 2 weeks
Kakashi looked back at you from where he was bent over, placing a bake-able tupperware container in the oven. “Hm? What’s wrong,”
“A. I forgot I told Hina I would be there when she gave birth, and B. She didn’t take my warning seriously… The upside is that she isn’t near her husband’s compound, though. She’s on the western border, closest to us.”
“You should tell her to stay there. It’ll be easier to extract her in case of an emergency.”
You did just that, and told her you would try to find a sitter for Hikaru so you could be there for her. To her it was just a loving family member there to help her; for you it was an extra set of eyes and capable hands there to protect her. If the Zen’in Clan stirred up trouble, like they always did when things didn’t go in their favor, it would compromise the safety of her and her baby.
“Would I be able to take off for that?” You asked Kakashi, who was leaning against the counter opposite you, his feet crossed at the ankle in front of him.
“For her baby’s birth?”
He tilted his chin down and his thin brows furrowed. “I don’t know, Y/n. It would be incredibly dangerous for you to go into a country that is in such a politically tumultuous state right now,”
You grumbled, but didn’t push the subject further. You would have to play it by ear, anyway.
The next morning your son woke you extra early. He wasn't allowed to go to school until twenty-four hours after his fever had subsided, so you had convinced your grandma to take him for the day before you had gone to bed.
You got up slowly and went about your usual routine. The morning was incredibly bright from the sun reflecting off the surface of the white snow. Before you left, you tried to find a pair of sunglasses, but only found Hikaru’s half-bent ones. He didn’t care for your attempt at putting them in his toy bin and took them from you, smashing them on his face until they balanced enough for him to walk around with them.
Your grandma was closer to the forest than the daycare was, so you had taken a little extra time getting out the door. You styled your hair differently and chose a nicer set of warm clothes - a more fitted sweater and jeans. You wouldn’t admit it, but you knew deep down who you were trying to look nice for.
The walk took longer than you had anticipated since you had forgotten to factor in Hikaru’s desire to stomp around in the freshly fallen snow. You let him dig his toes in and drag his feet and shove his little hands in it in wonder; choosing to be patient and appreciate the sheer joy lighting up his chubby face.
Waiting in the front window, your grandmother watched as you two approached until you opened the front gate. She opened the door and called for Hikaru with a delighted smile.
“My boy! I haven’t seen you in what feels like 50 years!” She exclaimed dramatically.
He wasn’t giving her any attention, opting to plop straight down into the snow and giggle. You shook your head with a smile and hoisted him up, effectively covering yourself in the snow that came with him.
You handed him off to your grandma, told her you loved her and kissed Hikaru on both cheeks, repeating the same phrase to him. You waved goodbye and made a swift exit.
Obito was worried you might not make it But there he was, standing in his window, watching you take dramatically large steps as you trudged through the deep snow. The scene put a massive grin on his face. He courteously opened his front door for you when got close enough.
“Good morning,” you untied your boots on the front step, sliding your feet out and hopping into the cottage.
“Good morning!” He replied cheerily, shutting the door behind you.
“Somebody’s in a good mood,”
He thought you were being sarcastic, but you smiled up at him warmly, even if it didn’t quite reach your eyes. You smacked the snow off your boots and pulled them inside, letting him close the door behind you. Instead of your usual route to the kitchen, you veered off the path and tossed yourself on the couch.
“Walking in that snow really wore me out,”
He playfully rolled his eyes. “So, that means you get to slack off on the clock?”
“Of course,” you patted the seat next to you with a little smile. “Come slack off with me?”
He settled onto the cushion next to you, turning his body so that he was facing you. A comfortable silence surrounded the two of you for a few short minutes. He studied your profile while you stared at the fire, obviously lost in thought.
“I had an interesting evening after I left yesterday,”
“My ex’s new girlfriend harassed me outside of the apothecary, then Kakashi shows up and tells me that Akujia has outlawed all forms of chakra control!”
“Shit, are you serious?” he leans back, his smile slipping.
“That is not good,”
You nodded in agreement. “My cousin, Hina, still lives there, but when I told her she should consider moving here she just kinda blew me off. She doesn’t - I don’t know how to put this without seeming like an ass - but she… lac- has chosen.. not to.. hone.. her critical thinking skills. God I sound like a shitty person, but in short, I’m genuinely worried about her and her baby,”
“Is she a chakra-user?”
“No, but her baby is the heir of the Zen’in clan,”
His brows shot up and he made a face like he was impressed. “No shit? Good for her,”
His comment lightened the mood, and you threw him a playful smile. “I know, right? She’s really got it made. Her husband not only loves her, like, intensely, but he’s loaded, attractive, and with the servants, the girl never even has to lift a finger,”
“Hm, does sound pretty nice,” he rested the side of his head on the back of the couch. “Is that what you want?”
“Which part?”
You enjoyed your view of him. His black hair, which needed another trim, was still moussed up a bit from sleep, and the depth of his eyes was revealed in the stream of sunlight illuminating him. The warmth of the sun softened his sharp features, and he looked absolutely charming the way he was smiling at you. He licked his lips before he spoke, drawing your attention to them. Despite being slightly chapped, you thought they looked awfully silky. You briefly wondered what he would do if you reached out and touched them.
“Attractive, loaded, the servants - is that what you want in a man?”
The seriousness of his tone had you giggling. You shook your head ‘no’. “The love part is the most important to me. I don’t particularly want servants, but money is definitely a perk. I like feeling financially secure, for sure,”
You raised your brow. He was looking at you attentively, like this was a very important conversation. It made you feel a little weird, but you answered honestly, “In general, I find a lot of people attractive, but in an objective way. I rarely find people that I’m attracted to. And that’s what’s important to me. Someone could tell me they don’t think who I’m dating is all that good looking, but it doesn’t matter all that much to me, because I’m attracted to them as a whole person, y’know? Not just their looks,”
He nodded like you had just given him some profound insight. You, now curious because of his strange behavior, turned the question around on him. “What is important to you in a woman?”
You rested your cheek on your fist. He looked a bit scattered at having been asked the same thing. “Uh, well,”
He cleared his throat and looked away from you. In a flat tone, he muttered, “Dunno, haven’t really thought about it,”
A frown tugged at your lips and you looked at him in puzzlement. “In all your life, you haven’t really thought about it?”
With downcast eyes, he replied, “That’s a conversation for another day,”
You nodded, accepting his answer for the time being. You stood and stretched your arms over your head. “Well, it’s pretty late, how about brunch?”
“Whatever you want,” he replied with a shrug, easing back into his lighter tone.
“I love it when you say that,” you winked.
He followed you into the kitchen in his normal fashion, leaning against the counter-top and taking up your precious little prep space. It didn’t matter how many times you had to move him around the kitchen while you worked, he always stayed if he wasn’t preoccupied with anything else.
He made himself comfortable, folding his arms over his chest and leaning heavily into the counter. He looked intimidating like this sometimes; his mouth set in a firm line while he silently watched.
He wore a black t-shirt, rather than his usual long-sleeve, and you wondered once again about his arms being two completely different colors. What really caught your attention, though, was the muscle definition. You had a hard time tearing your gaze away from the well defined-lines; only narrowly avoiding him catching you by quickly reaching beside him to grab a cutting board.
“I’m thinking extra protein today. How about Eggs Benedict, but make it with chicken cause we don’t have ham?”
“Hm, as long as you fry the chicken like you did last time, I’m game,”
“Oh, that was a new recipe. You liked that?”
“Oh, yeah,” he replied mischievously. “I liked it, ‘like a lot’,”
“You little shit,” you said with a grin.
He laughed at your expense, but you enjoyed his teasing. He was absolutely wonderful to be around whenever he wore his goofy grin. For the first time, you blushed when he aimed it at you.
Feeling a little hot and a host of butterflies in your stomach, you looked away from him and busied yourself with starting brunch. He talked to you about a new quilting project he was sketching out while you pulled everything you needed out. He was animated, drawing the shapes in the air with his finger in an attempt to better convey his vision.
You told him to just get the paper he drew it on with a laugh, and he went off into the living room in search of it among the scraps. You shook your head to yourself, wondering how you could be so happy just listening about his excitement over his project.
You were beginning to remove the bones from the raw chicken when your phone started to ring loudly. Your bag was in the living room so you asked Obito to grab it really quickly for you. He trotted over with it and you asked him who it was.
“Uh, Hina. That’s your cousin, right?”
Anxiety flared in your chest, “Answer it, put it on speaker, please,”
He answered and clicked the speaker button, standing close to you and holding it near your face so you could speak clearly into it. You answered, “Hey,”
“Hi,” she answered in an unnaturally high, broken pitch and you immediately stopped what you were doing, your body stilling while your heart-rate increased.
“Hina?” You asked slowly.
“I-” she cut herself off with a sudden burst of loud, uncontrollable sobbing.
You dropped your knife and pushed Obito over with your hip to get access to the sink. You turned it on and called her name again, but it only caused her to let out a guttural sob that pierced straight through your chest. You hurriedly washed your hands and wiped them on your jeans, grabbing the phone from Obito.
“Hey, hey, Hina? What’s going on?”
You heard shaky breathing on the other end and assumed she was attempting to get enough control to speak, but only seconds later she let out another sharp cry. Your wide eyes met with Obito’s. Something bad happened, obviously, and your mind conjured up image after cruel image. Your hands began to shake almost imperceptibly as adrenaline coursed through you.
“Hina, sweetie. I’m right here. Please, can you tell me what’s going on?”
“Take a deep breath with me?”
She made a noise and you started. “In… out…”
After a single breath, she screeched, “They killed him!”
Her uncontrollable sobs were let loose once again, cut up by sharp, ragged breaths. “The. Oh God..-”
On the other end you heard retching, and your hand unconsciously covered your mouth. Your heart dropped into your stomach and your shaking worsened. Your feet were glued to the floor, eyes unfocused on the cabinet in front of you. All of your senses dulled except your hearing, focusing so you could catch any words she tried to get out between heaves. Every noise she made was amplified and rang in your ears.
In between her heaving she breathlessly got out, “The clan… The meeting..”
You assumed she finished vomiting and you listened to her struggle to breathe in and out. “They massacred the clan! Javi’s dead!”
“Where are you?” you asked urgently.
“Still-still with my aunt,”
“Stay there, do you hear me?”
“Stay. There. I will come get you,”
There was complete silence on the other end of the line. You waited with baited breath, staring into nothing.
You had never heard her sound smaller than when she asked, “How long?”
You had to pause for a moment; your mind blanking as her voice gutted you. As quickly as you could, you did the math in your head, your heart aching for her. “Two days,”
She sniffled, and a tremor of fear rang through her voice as she asked, “You promise?”
“I promise,” you replied with sincerity.
After a beat, you calmly said, “I have to make a couple calls, okay?”
“I’m scared,” she cried.
“I’m so, so sorry, Hina. This should have never happened to you, and I know it’s hard, but you need to stay as calm as you can for your baby, okay?”
She cried softly on the other end. After a long pause she finally said, “Okay,”
“I’m hanging up now. I’ll be in contact with you later.” You hit the ‘end call’ button, almost missing from the shaking of your hands.
Immediately, you called Kakashi. You finally regained the ability to move, and paced up and down the room as the phone rang. It rang and rang.. and went to voicemail. You took the phone away from your ear and fervently hit the call button again. Your pace increased as it rang and you held the phone in an iron-grip.
He answered. “Hey, I can’t really-”
“They killed the Zen’in clan,” you blurted.
Before he had a chance to respond, you hurriedly gave him the short version of your previous call. There was muted talking in the background and a short, agonizing silence before he spoke to you again.
“Listen, I can’t just send you out on your own. This isn’t just a matter of family; the Zen’in are important people and your cousin is carrying the last living member as far as we’re aware. I have no doubt that someone will come after her to finish the job they started if they find out she’s still alive,”
“Obito can come with me,” you rushed out before your mind could even process.
“Y/n. I can’t. He’s on house arrest, the council-”
“They don’t have to know. Besides, he’s stronger than the rest of the jounin, and everyone’s busy. Please, Kakashi,” you reasoned.
You looked at Obito out of the corner of your eye, and slowly registered that his eyes were glossed over. He likely wasn’t hearing any of your conversation.
He let out a frustrated sigh. “Y/n,”
Hina’s broken sobs reverberated in your mind, and a sense of desperation rose from your chest into your throat.
Your voice broke as you begged, “Please,”
Silence, and then, “Go home, change into your uniform, and bring your gear. Pack a separate civilian outfit. Meet me back at Obito’s when you’re done. No more than two hours; this has to be done quickly,”
“Yes, sir. Thank you,”
You pulled your phone away to end the call when he asked, “What will you do with Hikaru?”
“Fuck!” You raked your fingers over your scalp.
“Just. Fucking Toma can take him,”
“Are you sure?”
You huffed in frustration. “He won’t listen to me if I try to talk to him, but no one else can keep him for four plus days. Can you- would you call him at work or something? Please, for me? He’d probably listen to you,”
“Okay, I’ll try,”
“Thank you.” You hung up the phone.
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath. When you opened them, Obito was standing in front of you. His face was deeply lined with worry. He hesitantly reached out in an attempt to comfort you, but stopped midway, unsure of himself. You breached the gap, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and burying your face into his chest.
“That was…” he trailed off.
He awkwardly tried to comfort you by patting your shoulder while his other arm circled around your back. The exchange was brief; you backed away and hastily made for your coat and boots by the front door. While shoving your feet in your boots, you vaguely heard him trailing after you.
“Less than two hours,” you said, now slinging on your coat.
“I’ll be back here in less than two hours. Kakashi’s coming, so be ready to go,”
“Ready to go?”
You stopped unlatching the door and looked at him over your shoulder, becoming frustrated as you felt the clock ticking. “Yes, Obito. You’re coming with me. Have an outfit packed, I assume Kakashi will bring the rest of what you need,”
He stared at you with wide eyes and a dropped jaw, but you chose not to respond. Instead, you flung open the door and slammed it shut behind you. You sprinted through the snow covered path to your apartment, and, when you hit the village, you jumped between the rooftops despite the snow, hurrying as fast as you could.
In your apartment, you ripped your closet door open and pulled out a few storage bins that contained all of your shinobi equipment. It was one of the few things from your past you fought Toma tooth and nail to keep, and you could never have been more grateful to your past self for standing her ground.
You found your winter uniform at the bottom of the second bin. You pulled on a black, long-sleeve compression shirt. Over that you wore your kusari gusoku, or the protective chain-mail most ninja wore under their clothes. You pulled on the standard pants with leggings underneath for added warmth, and black boots. You added a thin, but incredibly warm, water resistant hooded jacket that clung to you comfortably.
Taking a seat on your bed, you added white tape to your leg. While rolling it on, you smacked your hand against something hard. You reached into one of your many pockets and to your surprise, found a hidden kunai mechanism; a spring-loaded wire that allows the user to extend and retract kunai from their sleeve instantly. You placed it back where you found it, just in case, and finished the wrappings.
Instead of the regular issued sandals, you pulled on the lesser used, but still military issued, black boots. They formed to your feet perfectly - they had always been your favorite pair of shoes, and the feeling brought in a wave of memories. You had to push them away while you continued, but the nostalgia lingered.
Tying the hitai-ate around your neck was the last piece of the puzzle. The weight of it felt right, a familiar heaviness that steadied your racing thoughts. You wanted to look in your full length mirror, but knowing you would distract yourself, you readied your weapons, tools, and pack first. They were all in one place, so it took only a few minutes to distribute what you needed to your pockets and the rest to your bag. Before you decided to call it good, you went into your bathroom and tossed in some of your first aid stuff, since your old kit hadn’t been touched in years.
Packing a couple outfits (an extra for Hina, just in case), shoes, and basic everyday necessities took up the rest of your time. The apartment looked like a tornado had run through it when you had finally closed the zipper, but you hardly glanced at it. You pulled your bag strap over your shoulder, and an overwhelming sense of anxiety slammed into your gut.
As if in a trance, you went back into your bedroom closet, and pulled out one of Hikaru’s baby blankets and an old swaddle. In the back of your mind you reprimanded yourself for using up space for something that would likely prove useless, but you couldn’t help yourself. Your anxiety had always led you to pack for ‘just in case’ scenarios, and you wouldn’t be changing this time.
Before you put it back on, you allowed yourself one glance in the mirror. The woman who stared back at you was a person you had never expected to see again. Tears welled in your eyes because for the first time in years, you fully recognized the person in the mirror. There was hardly any change, physically. You looked a little older, the dark circles under your eyes a little darker, your hands a little softer, maybe even a little wiser, but all in all, you looked like you, again. Or at least a version you had loved.
You covered your mouth as a quiet, relieved sob spilled out. You blamed your tears on your heightened emotions, and quickly wiped them away. You gave your reflection a watery smile, and waved at yourself like you were greeting an old friend. You tore yourself away before you could get lost in it and headed back to Obito’s.
Part XII
Tag List: @mostlyunsure, @humongousdreamlandbear, @ichaichahatake
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lonely-pcp · 29 days
Alternatives to telepathic communication
hey y’all! I just wanted to compile my own little list of communication methods that aren’t telepathic, as I struggle a bit with that sorta stuff and it’s kinda annoying seeing posts that don’t really go in depth about how many different ways there are to communicate with spirits and egregores. So I decided to make this post for the people who struggle with that as well!
tarot is one of my favorite methods of divination, so I wanted to start off this list with it, of course. It definitely deserves a post of its own on using it for communication, so I’m not gonna go too in depth. Plus, some people have strict parents, but there’s plenty of alternatives. But tarot is definitely one of those things that you should research on your own, because there’s way too much to be said, and I’m listing methods, not doing a crash course on tarot. But a good way to use it for communication is to interpret the images intuitively, and if you get stuck, only then try looking up the meaning of the card. Chances are you might get a feeling that doesn’t exactly relate to the card meaning, but trust your intuition! The best way of knowing what the spirit is saying is by trusting the first thing that comes to your mind. Don’t doubt yourself!
but anyway, if tarot interests you, feel free to research it!
Playing card divination
this form of divination is basically tarot’s slightly easier cousin. It works amazingly for yes/no questions as well! Plus it’s a good start for people who practice in secret. I personally used this method of communication when I first started working with J, and it’s helped me a bit with my intuition as well, as I was able to guess what he was up to without being overwhelmed by too many meanings.
Here’s a chart showing the meanings of each playing card, excluding jokers. I personally use one joker as the fool, and the second joker as the world. It’s up to you if you even want to use them though.
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There’s also an exercise for telepathy that can be mixed with cartomancy if you so choose! It involves drawing a card without looking and trying to intuitively guess if said card is red or black. If you do this with a spirit you can interpret the card after turning it over as well!
This form of divination is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING for beginners and closeted witches, as all you really need is a device that can play music, and most people have phones anyway! A lot of people recommend making a dedicated playlist for this form of divination, but I recommend using your entire music library if possible, because it can take a while to build a perfect shufflemancy playlist from scratch.
I’ve heard of 3 main ways to do shufflemancy, at least with a music streaming service like Spotify or Apple Music:
1: shuffling and skipping - this is the most common form of shufflemancy. It involves putting a playlist on shuffle and skipping a desired number of songs to get an answer to your question.
2: indicator songs - this involves assigning the spirit a song to represent them, and listening to music on shuffle. If the indicator song comes on, the song after will be their message. I use this method quite often since I usually listen to my liked songs on Spotify using shuffle anyway. You can even ask the spirit what they want their indicator song to be using the shuffling and skipping method!
3: asking the spirit - this method involves simply asking the spirit to play a song and pressing play on whatever playlist you’re using and seeing what comes up. If you feel the song relates to the spirit, then you’ve probably contacted them.
The only downside to shufflemancy is that you do have to have a wide range of music to get a decent reading, as it has better results the more variety you have. And another downside is that if you listen to a lot of instrumental music (like EDM, piano covers, etc) then you won’t have lyrics to go by, which kinda makes things a little harder. But it’s still a great method for beginners who want to practice their intuition!
Some general advice
TAKE NOTES! This is something that is definitely needed for this type of work, especially if you forget stuff easily. Take notes on what you ask, what card or song you get, the context and meanings. It will help you in the long run!
adding onto the first point, don’t be afraid to look up meanings! This mainly applies to tarot, as there are pre-established meanings for each card. Take notes on what you find!
Your intuition will always be above the traditional meanings. If you get a feeling that doesn’t align with the traditional meaning of what you’re looking at, it most likely means that you need to know whatever your intuition is trying to tell you. If you don’t get that feeling, that’s completely fine too.
that’s all for now, because I need to get this post out of my drafts. Let me know if you’d like a part 2, as there’s a bunch of other methods that I could list!
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all54321 · 9 months
This has been sitting in my notes for weeks now and I haven’t been able to continue it, but it does contain a good bit of information for the Mafia AU so I’ll post it and make a part 2 if I figure out how to continue it.
A little “disclaimer”: Do not take assumptions or guesses by the characters as facts, because they’re just assumptions. You can choose to believe it if you want, but just know that it’s only the truth if either I say it is or if the people involved in the assumption confirm it.
With the rising tensions between gangs, it wasn’t too surprising to receive a message about a meeting between the Bad Boys, the Clockers, and the Mean Gills. It’s important to have connections in this kind of world, even more important now. Grian had known that the Clockers and Mean Gills were allied for some time now, but hasn’t met the pair personally yet. With how things are going it makes sense that they’d be meeting now. The three groups being on the same page and all individually allied will definitely strengthen their web of connections. Both in general and for appearances.
Grian is definitely interested in meeting the Mean Gills himself, having only heard passing information about them. If their name is anything to go by, he’s betting on at least one of them being a mer. While he’d love to figure that out, outing someone as a hybrid is a surefire way to get yourself killed. Grian understands that more then most, it’s either kill or be killed, at best. Mutilated at worst. Captured and tortured at least.
Grian’s thrown out of his thoughts by Joel entering the room, pushing up his sunglasses to cover his eyes, “you boys ready to go?”
Grian fixes his own, “yup.” Jimmy nods in agreement.
“I’ll drive,” Joel says, already grabbing the keys and heading towards their garage.
“I call shotgun!” Jimmy says, hurrying after him. Grian rolls his eyes as he follows.
It doesn’t take them long to arrive at the house that Grian knows that the Clockers don’t actually live in. He’s not sure why someone would buy a full separate house just to hold meetings in. Joel knocks on the door, with Grian and Jimmy standing just behind him.
Only a few moments later Scar opens the door, his grin dazzlingly bright, “you’re here! Come in, come in.”
“Are the Mean Gills already here?” Grian asks as he steps inside, briefly glancing around. Scar nods, walking down the hallway to the dinning room where they usually meet.
As he follows behind Scar, his mind wanders back to how strong connections are. Connections are important in their world, it equates to trust, more often than not. The Clockers foster this easily by being related to each other. Scar and Bdubs trust Cleo with their lives, as she’s proven that she’ll do anything to protect them. Cleo also has the utmost faith in them, anyone can see that.
Then there’s him and Jimmy, cousins that grew up together for most of their lives. In that brief time where they were apart, Jimmy met Joel, through ways Grian still isn’t fully aware of. Grian didn’t hesitate to join them when he saw Jimmy again.
And then there’s a different kind of connection all together. Love. Grian’s aware that some gangs will set up arranged marriages to form these connections, albeit forcefully. Sometimes it works, many times it doesn’t. If he was allowed to guess, he’d say that Cleo and Etho were originally an arranged marriage. What Grian and Scar have was never intended to be that way, yet Grian can’t help but recognize that it might end up being like that in the end. Not that the others are aware that they’re dating still. That’s their secret to keep for a while longer.
Scar immediately heads to his seat besides Cleo the moment they enter the room. Grian moves to sit across the from one of the Mean Gills, who has blonde hair and blue eyes. What catches Grian’s eyes the most is the headband of coral he wears around his head. Although both of them have numerous coral accessories. Grian looks closer at the other one, something about his teal hair seeming strange to Grian, not that he can pinpoint why.
He looks back to see Jimmy standing still, a light blush on his face. Joel gives him an exasperated look before dragging him to the table as well. Jimmy seems to become even more flustered when he takes the seat next to Grian, directly in front of the other Mean Gill.
As Grian opens his mouth to poke fun, Cleo cuts him off, “now that we’re all here, let’s begin.”
“Right,” Grian replies, turning to look at her, forcing himself to not glance at Scar, who he can feel staring at him.
“It’s nice to meet you three finally,” Scott says, drawing Grian’s attention. “I’m Scott, and this is Martyn.”
“Grian, and this is Timmy and Joel,” he says, pointing to each of them respectively.
“It’s Jimmy,” he corrects, muttering lowly.
Scott raises an eyebrow, but doesn’t comment, “it’s about time we meet since we share allies.”
“Agreed,” Joel replies.
“Are you The Shrike?” Martyn asks abruptly.
Grian groans as he meets his eyes, “that was one time.”
“Still fitting,” Joel says, cracking a grin.
“How about I impale you on a metal pole!?” He hisses, glaring at his fellow Bad Boy.
“It would be an improvement,” Jimmy says, nodding.
Joel raises his hands up in surrender, “okay, okay, I’ll stop.”
“Not much point since the nickname has already spread,” Scott comments, seeming amused.
“Did you actually impale someone?” Bdubs cuts in, sounding surprised.
“Where did you think the nickname came from?” Grian shoots back, before letting out a breath. “Yes, I did. The fight ended up with neither of us having weapons, so I ended up grabbing the closest thing to me and jabbing forwards when he came at me. Guess being in an abandoned warehouse worked out for that.”
“And it was a metal pole?” Scar asks, looking both impressed and in awe.
Grian quickly looks away, lightly blushing from the way Scar is staring at him, “uh, yeah, it was.” He resolutely ignores Joel’s quiet snickering.
“Let’s get back on track,” Cleo says, effectively ending that conversation, Grian can’t help but be thankful for it.
On assumptions, I’ll confirm one: Scott is indeed a type of mer, although not in the typical mermaid way. He can hide his mer appearance when on land/not in contact with water, but the more water he’s in contact with or the longer he is in contact with water, the more mer he’d look. He’s fully turned when in water.
As for what Grian means by “he understands that more than most”? I’ll leave that up to interpretation for now :)
(While I won’t lie about stuff, it doesn’t mean that I won’t be cryptic)
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hussyknee · 1 year
Got out of hospital on Sunday afternoon. I'm supposed to have gone to my cousin's down South today (Tuesday) to spend the week, except her brother, my other cousin, flaked on me for the seventh time.
First time was on Feb 13th when I told him I was getting myself admitted to the govt hospital by myself telling Mum I was going to stay with friends, but I needed someone in the family to know where I was just in case. He was abroad, asked his wife to call me, and when I told her in confidence I needed to be in hospital for suicidality, they told Mum. Hilariously also warned her not to let me know they told her bc I would lose all trust in them (no shit). Mum's version of subtlety was bursting in my room, demanding whether my ex husband had married someone else (?????), forbidding me to leave the house without her permission (I laughed in her face at that), and accusing me of stressing her out by living like a depressed hobo.
I called cousin and told him off. Made it very clear again that she doesn't want me to go to the hospital, has always hated that I'm getting psychiatric treatment, and every time I've been in psychiatric care she's harrassed me so badly we'd had to ban her from visiting me. Cuz was very contrite and promised to help; his wife is a nurse so they said they would help arrange food and necessities while I was in hospital.
Two days later on 15th, I realized lugging my suitcase alone to a govt hospital (which I had never done before) and figuring out the logistics of checking myself in was giving me too much anxiety, and asked for his help that he has offered earlier. He said "we will see" once he got back to the country on Sat. And then never called.
I said "fuck it" on Tuesday 14th, left my suitcase at home and went to the hospital on my own. Was instantly admitted, given the last remaining bed that was broken in the middle, in a small, dingy room where a teenage girl just would not shut up and the bedside cabinet was so filthy I didn't want to put my bag on it. Called and left increasingly frantic messages to my cousin to please help tell Mum and bring my stuff, calls and messages to my doc that I couldn't stay here, and after receiving dead silence in return I had an anxiety attack and just ran out of hospital.
Hospital called Mum when they found out I was missing. Doc told us both she wouldn't admit me if I didn't want to stay there but we'll figure something out. Asked Mum to come see her with me the following morning. She agreed, and then just...didn't.
Cousin sent a message two days later saying he had been busy with a workshop since he got back.
Doc consulted at the general hospital on Mondays, so I waited and went to see her alone again. Hours of queues and waiting later, they told me she was on leave till next week. I started to cry, so they told me to simply come to the ward on Friday and meet her.
By that time I was out of money, out of hope and out of help. I started gathering materials for my exit bag and composed a quasi-farewell note on Twitter. Someone immediately contacted me and offered to fundraise. My other two friends also got on board, wrestled with a write-up for two days, and set up the GFM. Met the target within two days. I already had like one foot in the grave so the realization I might be able to live was confounding.
On Monday 6th I messaged cousin again.
Cuz: How are you? I heard you got admitted and then came back? Felt guilty as I couldn’t help. Was busy throughout that week.
Me: It's fine. Yes the hospital was not in good condition and it stressed me out. A couple of my friends abroad fundraised for me last week and they now have enough for me to try an private hospital
Me: I'm going to meet my doctor this morning so she can advise to on next steps
Me: Again, I didn't tell Mum, I plan to let her know once I have the go ahead. But it would be great if you could help. It's difficult to co-ordinate things on my own and Mum will freak out obviously
Cuz: I will, sister. I had a chat with your mom a few days back. Let me know what your doc says
Doc asked me to come early March 7th. I got late. Hours of queues later, they told me she had left hours ago. I broke down crying. Alarmed, they sent me to wait outside the psychiatric ward for when she'd be back for ward rounds. I sat out there alone for 2 hours, had 3 consecutive panic attacks, decided to kill myself. Send Mum a vitriolic rant that she and her husband should burn in hell and to know I cursed them to my last breath. Mum called and I ignored. She messaged threatening to go to the police. I disassociated and tearfully messaged my former therapist she can't just dump people like she did to me. Started trying to think of ways to kill myself without going home and panicked because I hadn't planned for any of them. Therapist called in concern and I sobbed that I had been waiting 3 hours and doc wasn't here and I didn't know how to kill myself and couldn't go home. Therapist made me give the phone to a nurse (had to find someone who didn't look at me like I was crazy and refuse to take it) and got her to page my doc.
FINALLY saw doc. She gave me a letter and told me which private hospital to get admitted to. I was still half not entirely there so I called cousin and she explained it to him as well. I was going to go directly to hospital and send for my things, but now I was calmer, cousin persuaded me to let him collect me and drop me home. He then told me to shower and pack and wait for Mum to come home, and then leave. I thought he was supposed to take me to the hospital. But he insisted I talk to Mum. But fine. I could do that and take a cab.
Showered, packed. Woman never turned up. Apparently after threatening to go to the police and having histrionics at half the family, she couldn't be arsed to leave work early. Messaged cousin, no reply. Got dark and started storming. I started having another panic attack. Messaged cousin urgently to take me to hospital because I was too out of it to take a cab. No answer. Called Mum. Said she was on her way. Hour passed. I was now screaming at the top of my lungs and bashing my head against the wall begging anyone and everyone to take me to the hospital. Neighbors heard me over the storm and called the house. Was going full on Exorcism of Emily Rose. Unblocked best friend and went on a tirade against her that sounded like a psychotic break of some kind. Instead of getting mad, she called me and listened to me howl and sob and soothed me. Called Mum again. It had been two hours since last call. Said she was on her way. I fell asleep crying.
10pm. Woke up screaming for Mum to take me to hospital. Mum burst in and said I wasn't going anywhere and to shut up and get on the bed so she could pray and apply holy oil on me. Last time I had a horrible colitis flare and begging to be taken to the hospital for an IV also she refused and forcibly annointed me with holy oil. I grabbed her bottle of holy oil and smashed it. She screamed at me that I was in her house and I would obey her. Yelled "IN THE NAME OF JESUS I CAST YOU OUT SATAN! THE POWER OF CHRIST–" and I shoved her out and locked the door. She banged on the door yelling her phone was inside. I opened the door and threw her phone at her head. She yelled that she was the one who had bought me my phone and she would call the police if I destroyed anything else.
At this point I had had four hours-long panic attacks. Was convinced I was going to die here. Made a long twitter thread enumerating the abuse and neglect and religious abuse my brother and I have been enduring at my mother's hands, ending that we would both die here. Friends immediately mobilized. I sent them all each other's numbers. One friend arranged a vehicle, another took it from the ass end of the city to my place. Two more stayed on the phone with me and walked me through getting ready and staying conscious. Snuck out of the house at half past midnight. Was half dead. Friend admitted me to the hospital and spent all night with me. Then another friend took half his work day over and stayed. Another friend I hasn't met in ten years came to see me from work and stayed late. They finally engaged a nursing service because it was hospital policy not to leave patients unattended. They were lovely too. I was so medicated I could barely help with anything, just cried and was so touch-starved I clung to my friends like a burr.
Cousin called me in the morning to ask where I was. I told him I held him responsible and would not be telling him which hospital I was in.
But more than anything I wanted my best friend. She and my closest friends were my real family and I deliberately ruined my relationships with them and drove them away because of years of undiagnosed OCD and because I wanted to destroy my relationships so I could kill myself. Bestie's kindness extended to keeping me company until I was medicated, but then she had to withdraw to heal from what I had done to her.
Spent five wonderful days in hospital. Was fed on time things I liked to eat, medicated, tucked into sleep. No thoughts. Life of a 5 yo basically. Attendants also very affectionate. Desperate for that kind of care for a longer term.
Also the attendants got very attached to me fsr. I'm a natural oversharer but I was also very doped and lonely, so I chatted a lot with them so they got to know about my medical stuff and home situ. And how passionate I was about social justice and animals and stuff. First one straight up wanted to adopt me or something. First one stayed 2 days then had to leave for family emergency. Second one tucked me in like a 5 yr old and hugged me and stroked my head till I fell asleep. She also checked up on me twice after I got home. They were like "I will call you squishy and you will be my squishy" 😂 'Twas very nice. Apparently, for all I am an intimidating menace online, irl I am babie. They were very poor and struggling ladies who needed someone to talk to as much as I did, I think.
Cousin was then supposed to come help me discharge and drop me home. So to nobody's surprise, I ended up doing all the paperwork, paying the bill, arranging a cab and going home by myself. (My beloved friends were unfortunately very stuck that day and I took my attendant with me to drop off at her stop halfway, so if wasn't quite as pitiful as it sounds.)
Nobody was home when I got there, but it was the unanimous conclusion that I need to gtfo. Cousin sister has been insistent I come stay with her bless her. Cousin again promised to drop me off at hers (lmao). Unfortunately the family cat is sick with half his face scabbed over, and the demons here would let him die if it was up to them. But he also keeps fucking off to roam before I can corral him to the vet.
Nevertheless, I was all packed and ready to gtfo today, except to exactly nobody's suprise, cousin messaged he was busy with a leadership conference and couldn't take me till tomorrow afternoon. So now I'm looking up intercity bus tickets because if he actually turns up tomorrow I will take it as a sign of the end times. He also assured me that Mum has called my aunties and accepted that she fucked up LMAOOOOO. I fucking hate these people. She could literally murder us all in cold blood and they'd find some kind of apologism for it. Jesus wept.
Meanwhile, I am still depressed but I am on so much Valium I don't even care.
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I will not expand upon this idea but I need to get it out of my brain and write it down somewhere so here you go
Plagg and Tikki start sensing Weird Eldritch Shit (for handwavey plot reasons) and are like “this isn’t Miraculous magic, we can’t deal with this directly” but they are aware that other types of magic exist within the universe and so they tell this to their holders. So Ladybug either calls an in-person hero meeting or contacts each person individually, idk which yet, and asks if perhaps they’ve experienced anything... weird or unnatural other than akumas. So basically this goes into like testing for ablilities and investigation into people claiming to weird visions of giant tentacled beasts and for a little bit they’re worried that Hawkmoth pushed his power too far and did Something, but it’s affecting both sides during their battles, and they learn there are reports in several locations all over the world, not just France, so it turns into this looming concern.
Finally Ladybug hears from Markov (via Max) of an unnamed contact he and Aeon have been communicating with who claims to have a relative who specializes in this kind of stuff and who has offered their help. Jessica/Eagle confirms she and Uncanny have met this relative, who happens to live in New York state, in person, and that she’s been able to help clear this issue in the affected U.S. areas. Ladybug agrees to have her sent over and tells them to pass along a message: “Be ready to meet at Francois-Dupont.”
Unfortunately, Marinette is incredibly sick that day with a stomach bug, and because of one reason or another doesn’t tell Chat Noir that their exorcist contact will be meeting them nearer the school that day. (It’s not intentional, and she has kept him in the loop about the general might-have-someone-who-can-help-us situation.)
Anyway cue Adrien running into class just in time for role call (he was made late by Plagg last-minute filling him in on Ladybug’s situation). After Mme Bustier calls his attendance, Adrien notices the seating is slightly different. He half turns to look at the back row on the other side of the classroom and sees a new girl with short pale hair and piercing eyes in... the strangest shade of purple? He doesn’t sense any danger, but now that he’s checking there’s a weird veiled aura of power around her. Mme Bustier calls Rose for attendance and the new girl answers as well. Bustier asks, “Rose L?” The girl gives a small wry smile and says, “no disrespect meant, dear teacher, but that doesn’t bring to light what must be revealed.” Bustier just kind of looks at her weirdly and then squints at her attendance sheet. Adrien is wondering if this is some weird sort of lower-key akuma and is trying to subtley plan escape routes and possible battle contigencies. Bustier just gives up and calls, “Rose Lavillant?” a quiet “Here.” She turns to the new girl and says, “and how did you end up in my class, young miss?"
The new girl says, “Pleasure to make the acquaintance of your class, Mme Caline.” (Bustier startles. Did she not give the girl her name, Adrien wonders?) “My name is Rose Lalonde, and I’m cousins with a friend of Markov’s, but I have a few other... friends, visiting in France.” And she turns her gaze straight to Adrien’s in a look that sends icy shivers down his spine as she says with a sweet, knowing smile, “I’ve heard so much about all of you.”
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
legimately feel bad for gen z, never grew up with privacy and stuff like that. I know that one anon ofc very clearly stepped outta line n I made the joke anon msg about how u gotta tell me all ur info so I can call u a faker, but like legimately it's sad seeing kids put all their info online and when they're available or not etc etc, lotta gen z didn't grow up with properly privacy and the newer generation has it even worse. I hope the kids will be alright n we can push them into having more anonymity and privacy.
I said this in the tags but honestly if someone genuinely asks me a question about myself, I will answer, honestly sometimes even if it’s something I want to keep private. Recent events have reminded me that literally anyone can see this blog and follow me and I have no idea who they are. My Instagram isn’t private when a lot of people I know have theirs private but also I don’t really tag anything from where I live, the most I do is post pictures from my house but not with the town or anything. But I mean you can easily find where I work on here (like the exact store) if you tried, I’m pretty sure I’ve posted my full name multiple times on Savvy’s blog because I think I also grew up in that era where online privacy wasn’t a thing. I mean of course I got the “creepy men might be behind the computer screen catfishing you” but like idk I’m not saying I haven’t done things like that, they’re just mentioned conversationally not in a pinned post. I mean you can find my full first name on Savvy’s blog, obviously I don’t go by that and she prefers to go by Savvy because both are a bit more gender neutral and just more comfortable for us but. I have absolutely learned how to manipulate people to call them out for things I don’t like about them… mostly when they’re like exclusionists but if I really tried I’m sure I have the technical skills to like “cancel” someone for something they didn’t even mean out of context. I learned that by growing up in the internet age. How to take things out of context. That’s not really what you’re talking about but just another thing that came to mind. Like how much easier it is now to fake things and how 1. we are less trained to spot them and 2. they are deliberately made to be harder to spot as fakes. I mean I have had penpals though, I did just send out a shirt to someone who Savvy is mutuals with so like I have their address and they have mine. It’s a fine line. But I mean I used to listen to a stalker podcast (and by this I mean a literal podcast where two people interviews victims of stalking and told their story) and some of the stuff I heard on there was WILD. Just listened to a case I finished like half an hour ago about a woman who catfished a man into thinking he was dating her dying niece who the government and doctors were trying to kill and people ended up dying from the situation all from her charade of having multiple phone numbers and being able to fake personalities of characters she made up really easily. Just wild stuff. Had an assignment due last night that was a discussion board in biology and someone brought up technology and I was like we have the technology to literally change your bone structure and shit. Not the same as social media obviously but just like wild shit. Even at thanksgiving hearing one of my cousins was constantly talking to a boy in her class but my family said in class they like never speak to each other and I’m like that’s so wild. You don’t speak face to face but you see him every day. But you talk to him for hours every night. Just stuff like that is such a cultural shift. Such a fine line too as a parent between not trying to be overbearing and like read your kids text messages but also make sure they’re being safe. Can’t imagine how to navigate that as a parent. Like how do you know your child isn’t sending photos of themselves on Snapchat. Without like invading their privacy and reading their messages and stuff. Just wild.
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jmaster13 · 2 years
The Case of the Ghostly Carnival
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“Captain Cutler, thank you so much for coming," Alastor said. "I have a job for you." The deputy mayor gestured to building plans on the wall behind him. "I'm sure you have heard of the plans for the new skyscraper for our city?"
“I heard a few things,” Tony replied.
“Good,” Alastor said with a smug look. “We are going to bulldoze Gotcha-land to make way for it.”
“I remember that place,” Tony exclaimed. “My cousin and I used to go there all the time. It was a big part of our childhood.”
"It's an eyesore," Alastor said coldly. "It's been abandoned for years, and no one wants it. That's where you come in. I want you to take your police force and sweep the area for squatters and chase them out."
"What makes you think there are squatters there?" Tony asked.
"There have been reports of movement and lights in the park," Alastor explained. We can't bulldoze the place while people are living there; get them out."
"Well, I don't know about sending my force into the park," Tony said. "That might be too much. Maybe I should inspect it myself and see if there are really people there. I'm sure you don't want the bad publicity of sending the police into an empty place and wasting taxpayer's money." Alastor leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. He glared at Tony with disapproval. Tony scowled at Alastor; he knew what Alastor was all about.
"Very well," Alastor said. "Go in and scout the place; if it's empty, let me know. If there are squatters, get rid of them." Alastor waved his hand, rudely dismissing Tony.
Tony left city hall and got into his car. He didn’t like the idea of destroying Gotcha-land, but his hands were tied. Tony went to the station to get some things from his office. As he walked into the station, the place was buzzing with activity. It was a typical Friday night with drunks, robbers, gang members. Tony passed by his secretary Lara typing reports.
"Get Ricky for me; I need him for a job." Tony barked at her. He paused in the door frame and turned back to her. "Please," he said in a more pleasing tone. Tony shut his office door and went to his desk. Just as he sat down, there was a knock at the door. Lara entered the office and shut the door behind her.
"I hate to tell you this," She began. "But Officer Preston is gone for the weekend." Tony sighed and facepalmed himself.
“I forgot,” he said, "Ricky was going to meet Zach's family in New York this weekend." Lara stood in front of Tony's desk, holding a note. Tony was busy rifling through his draws for something and didn’t notice her. Lara cleared her throat and placed it in front of Tony with a smile. Tony sat up in his chair, clutching a flashlight. "What is this, your letter of resignation?" he asked jokingly.
"In your dreams," She chuckled. "We both know you couldn’t find your desk without me." She chuckled a bit at her joke. "It's a message from your cousin. He was here earlier looking for you. He left that for me to give to you." Lara turned to leave the office but paused and turned back to Tony. "At least he knows how to smile," she said with a wink and left the office. Tony shook his head in disapproval.
Tony picked up the note from his desk and read it.
"Tony, I heard that they are going to bulldoze Gotcha-land. We can't let that happen; that was our childhood. Think about all the fun times we had there as kids. You taught me how to throw darts and toss rings to win. Not to mention all the fun we had on the rides. Please contact me; we need to think of a way to stop the destruction of Gotcha-land. Keith."
Tony thought for a moment. "Maybe I should have Keith join me," he thought to himself. "I won't be able to stop, Alastor, but we could have at least one last goodbye to this place." Tony grabbed his keys off his desk and left his office. Lara was putting on her coat, getting ready to leave as well. "Do you need a ride home, Lara?" he asked.
"I'm fine, thank you," Lara said. "I have a date tonight; I don't want my boss showing up and scaring him off with his stern face."
"A date?" Tony asked, trying not to seem jealous. "Does he have a record?" Lara just finished covering her typewriter and shook her head.
"Big, strong Tony," She said, tugging his chin. "I can take care of myself." She picked up her purse and tapped Tony on the arm with it. "But thank you for caring." Tony watched as Lara walked down the stairs out of the station. Tony almost let a grin upon his face.
Tony made it to Cameron Tucker’s car lot just in time to see Keith mounting his bike. Tony beeped at Keith to get his attention. Annoyed, Keith stomped over to the car, not knowing who was inside it. He beamed a bright smile when he saw Tony in the car.
“Did you get my note?” Keith asked.
“I did," Tony said, nodding. "Look, I can't stop the park from being demolished, but I do have access to it tonight." Keith's eyes lit up. "Alastor told me to patrol the grounds and chase away any squatters. What do you think about joining me tonight and we walk the park together?"
“Yes, most definitely,” Keith exclaimed. “Let me follow you there." Keith hopped on his bike and started it up. It was a ten-minute drive to the abandoned park.
Tony unlocked the gate as Keith secured his helmet to his bike. Keith joined Tony at the entrance and was handed a flashlight. "Let's go!" Keith said eagerly. He raced into the park, with Tony following behind at a slower pace. Keith was darting from one attraction to the next like a five-year-old. “Look the Tilt-A-Whirl,” Keith screeched. “I remember throwing up on that seven times.” Keith’s eyes grew wide with delight. “Oh man, the Tunnel of Love. Do you remember when we went on a double date and rode that?”
“How could I forget,” Tony said dryly. “It was so dark we made out with each other rather than our dates. Monica teased me for the rest of the night. At least we did kiss on top of the wheel.” Tony gazed up at the Ferris Wheel. It was dirty, and a few of the seats were loose. "It's such a shame no one took over after Old Man Withers died." Tony heard some laughter. "It's not funny that he died."
“I wasn’t laughing,” Keith said with a puzzled look on his face. Tony searched around the area, searching for the source of the noise.
“Tony, it’s the Terrible Toro," Keith said, pointing to a red and yellow canopy. A mechanical bull rested underneath. "I wonder if anyone ever beat your record?"
“I doubt it,” Tony scoffed. “A minute thirty is pretty hard to beat.”
"I bet you I can," Keith said with a smirk. Keith raced over to the mechanical Bull and jumped on its back.
"Keith, get off that!" Tony ordered. "I highly doubt that thing works anyway." Keith waved his hand, brushing Tony off, and searched for the on switch. Tony heard the laughter again; this time it was more menacing. The bull began to jerk violently. Keith wasn't ready for the bull to be active, but he held on for his dear life.
"HELP!" Keith cried as the bull bucked around. Tony ran to find a way to shut it off but discovered the bull had no power.
"Keith, jump off!" Tony yelled. Keith went to loosen his grip and was about to jump off when the bull gave a huge jerk launching Keith into the air. He landed on the Strength Tester, sending the puck up the tower ringing the bell. Being old, the bell broke off and landed on his head.
Tony rushed over to Keith. "Are you okay?" Tony asked. He helped Keith to his feet, who was a little dazed.
"I'm fine," Keith responded. "But can you please answer the phone?" Keith's eyes rolled up into his head, and he fainted onto the ground. The menacing laughter started up again. Tony frantically shone the flashlight all around, looking to see who was laughing.
After a few minutes, Keith was back on his feet. Tony was inspecting the carousel, and Keith went over to join him.
“What are you doing?” Kieth asked.
"I thought I saw movement over here," Tony replied. "You may like to reminisce, but I have a job to do." Keith crossed his arms across his chest and shook his head.
"Sorry to be a burden," Keith snapped. "I guess I will just leave then." Tony shined his flashlight in Keith's eyes.
"Don't be like that," Tony whined. "I am happy to share these memories with you, but my job does come first. I need to do a good job, so Mr. Doyle will not make things hard for me." Keith sighed and leaned against one of the horses.
"It seems that Alastor is more of the mayor than Mayor Franklin," Keith stated. "I heard through the grapevine that he has got his hands in dirty pockets."
"Can't argue with you there," Tony responded, looking up at the ceiling of the carousel. Suddenly the lights of the carousel came on, and it started to spin. The pipe organ music played slowly and picked up speed as the spinning got faster. Tony and Keith each grabbed onto a horse as the carousel spun faster and faster. The menacing laughter could be heard over the sped-up music. Tony started to feel the centrifugal force pushing him into the horse he was holding on to. If the carousel sped up any faster, he and Keith might become part of the horses.
The laughter stopped, and the carousel shut off, slowing down. Tony heaved a sigh of relief when it came to a complete stop; Keith just heaved. Tony slumped to the floor of the carousel until he got over his dizziness. The laughter started again, but this time it sounded like it was moving away from them. Once Tony could stand, he followed the laughter down the midway that leads to the funhouse. Keith followed Tony, staggering a bit from being dizzy.
Tony stood in front of the funhouse looking through the windows, lights flashing on and off inside while laughter bellowed through the building. The funhouse was the main attraction of Gotcha-land. Once a mansion, Old Man Withers turned it into a funhouse, and then he built the park around it. Tony had not such fond memories of the funhouse. He once got lost in it for two hours when he was a kid. Tony took a deep breath and walked up the stairs to enter the house. Keith stayed close behind him.
Tony turned the doorknob and slowly began to push the door open. The door fell off its hinges and fell to the floor with a thud. Dust scattered in the air from the crash. Tony turned to look at Keith, who looked a little nervous. The house seemed to have gotten quiet when the door fell. Tony and Keith walked through the doorway on top of the fallen door, when suddenly the door was lifted, causing the cousins to fall to the floor. Keith landed on top of Tony; they both looked back at the door, back in its proper place in the door frame.
“What just happen?” Keith asked.
"I don't know," Tony answered. "Now get off me!" Keith got to his feet and helped Tony off the floor. The house was all dusty and full of cobwebs. The cousins shone their flashlights around the dark foyer, trying to figure out if someone was hiding in there.
“Welcome!” an eerie voice echoed through the room. “It's been so long since we had any visitors. We have been so lonely." Keith and Tony darted their lights around the room to find the source of the voice. "Here, let me help you with that." the voice continued. The lights in the house turned on. "There, isn't that better? We can't wait to have fun with you two. Come and find us, if you can." With that, the room was filled with menacing laughter. Tony could tell that at least four different people were laughing.
"Look," Tony began. "We don't want any trouble. I was sent here by City Hall to make sure this place was clear of people so they can bulldoze this place. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are going to have to leave."
"LEAVE!" one of the voices shouted. "This is our home; how dare you try to take it from us! Boys, let’s pull out all the stops."
“I think these squatters mean business,” Keith said. “You better bring in the troops.”
"No," Tony snapped. "I can handle these clowns, come on," Tony remembered the layout of the house and trudged forward out of the foyer and into the hallway. "I was stuck in here once for two hours; I remember every inch of this place. There isn't a single place they can hide."
The hallway was made to look like it was never-ending. Tony walked slowly as if he was anticipating something. "There’s a conveyor belt here on the floor," Tony informed Keith. "It goes in the opposite direction, making it hard to get to the other end." Tony pointed to the wall. "There's a hidden railing there to hold onto." Tony took a big step and held onto the invisible railing, and sure enough, the conveyor belt was there. Tony pulled himself along the invisible railing with Keith copying his every move. They were almost to the end of it when a voice echoed through the hallway.
"Well, that's no fun," the voice said with disappointment. "Let's turn things up." With that, the conveyor started to speed up. Keith lost his footing and held onto the railing.
"Tony, help!" Keith cried. Tony turned around and tried to grab Keith to pull him up. Keith lost his grip on the railing and went sailing back down the conveyor belt. Unfortunately, Keith got sucked under the conveyor. Tony heard Keith groan, followed by a squishing noise. Soon Keith passed by Tony, flattened to the conveyor belt. Tony was able to maintain his grip and made it past the belt.
When Tony made it to safety, the belt slowed down and stopped. Tony could see his flattened cousin still stuck to the belt. Tony was able to peel him off without the belt restarting. "How am I going to fix you?" Tony asked himself. Suddenly Keith popped back into shape, causing Tony to jump backward.
“What just happened?” Keith asked.
“I think I know what’s going on,” Tony said. “I think we are dealing with toons.”
“Great,” Keith sighed. “Let’s get out of here and call those detective guys that handle toons.”
“NO!” Tony shouted. “I can handle toons too you know! There is no way I will ever call those people for help.”
“Okay,” Keith said sheepishly. "Sorry to have brought that up. Now, where do we go from here?" Tony pointed to a narrow passageway.
"That leads to the mirror room," Tony informed him. Tony saw some rope lying on the floor and picked it up. He tied one end around his waist and handed the other end to Keith, instructing him to do the same. "There, that way we won't get separated in there; it's a maze." Tony slowly lead Keith through the narrow path to the mirror maze.
The room was quiet other than the occasional bump Tony made running into a mirror. Most of the mirrors were in perfect condition and clean. It was clear someone had been taking care of them. Tony memorized eighty percent of the maze, so navigating was somewhat easy. Halfway through the maze, a pair of ghostly hands protruded from the mirror and cut the rope between them. Keith heard a tapping on a mirror behind him, so he turned to see what made that sound. Nothing was there, so he turned back to find Tony was gone. Keith began to panic and bumped into mirrors left and right.
"Tony!" Keith cried, "Where are you?" Keith began to hear the laughter again. His heart was racing as the laughter grew louder. Just then, something grabbed his shoulder. Keith whirled around and punched Tony square in the jaw. The laughter stopped, and the room went silent. Keith's eyes grew wide in terror. "I'm so sorry!" Keith apologized. "I got confused with all the laughter and got scared when you grabbed me."
"Forget about it," Tony scoffed as he held his jaw. "I know what this place can do to a person. Let's go; we're almost out of here." The cousins made their way out of the mirror maze and were ready for the next room.
The next room was the library. The way to get out of it was to solve the clues and find the hidden key. The clues were always the same, so Tony knew exactly where the key was. He went over to the keys hiding place but stop dead in his tracks.
“What's wrong?" Keith asked, "Why did you stop?
"I can't move," Tony announced. "I think I'm glued to the floor." Keith did a double-take and ran over to help Tony get unstuck. The glue was hard to see, and Keith stepped into it, getting stuck as well. Not long after the pair got stuck, the room echoed with laughter again.
“I knew that would work,” one voice said.
"Now, what are we going to do?" another voice asked. Tony's eyes grew wide in terror as the two voices' bodies appeared in front of the stuck duo.
"It's worst than I thought." Tony cried. "Not toon ghosts." The ghosts laughed and pointed at Tony and Keith.
"Hey, Jasper," one ghost said. "I got a fun idea." The ghost whispered something into Jasper's ear."
“Boo, that’s a great idea!” Jasper shouted. The ghost vanished into thin air. Keith and Tony frantically looked around the room to see where the ghosts went. Without warning, a lasso roped Tony and Keith together. The Ghost reappeared laughing joyously.
"Hoist them up, Boo!" Jasper ordered. Boo pulled on the rope, and Tony and Keith were lifted right out of their shoes. They were suspended about four feet off the floor. Boo held the rope and gave a thumbs up to Jasper. Jasper chuckled and pulled a cloth from his pocket and tied it around his head, covering his eyes. "I wonder if there is candy inside?" Jasper asked as he picked up a wooden plank and began to swing at the helpless men. Boo would yank on the rope from time to time when Jasper would swing, narrowly missing Tony. "Come on now, hold still," Jasper cackled.
Keith and Tony kicked their legs, hoping that would cause Boo to lose his grip. Jasper took a big swing and made contact with Keith's knee. Keith cried out in pain. Both ghosts laughed manically and jumped up and down. This caused the pair to bob up and down on the rope. Boo, let go of the rope sending Keith and Tony crashing to the floor. The ghost vanished into thin air again, and the room went quiet. Tony was able to loosen the rope and free themselves. He took the key from its hiding place and unlocked the door to the next room. Keith was desperately trying to free his boots from the floor.
"Leave them," Tony ordered. "That's toon glue; our shoes are stuck there until I can get the anti glue solvent." Keith sighed and left his boots stuck in the glue next to Tony's oxfords. The men went into the next room in their stocking feet. Tony groaned when he saw what room it was, the upside-down kitchen.
“Isn’t this the room where people get wet?” Keith asked. Tony nodded.
"Just avoid the sinks, and we'll be dry," Tony instructed. "Also, look out for the ghosts." They crept through the kitchen slowly, trying to avoid getting wet from the sinks on the ceiling. The sinks on the ceiling seemed to pour water with every other step they took. Keith soon realized that the floor had a black and white checkered pattern, and every time someone steps on the white, the sinks would release water.
"Tony, stop," Keith said. Tony froze in his tracks. "Only step on the black tiles." Keith started to hop from black tile to black tile. The sinks stopped releasing water. Tony nodded and followed Keith.
"I can't believe I never noticed this pattern." Tony said, "I'm usually very observant."
"Well, there's a first time for everything," Keith quipped. They hopped safely across the room bone dry. Just as Tony went to open the door, a ghostly cry could be heard.
"Well that's no fun," The voice cried. "You guys didn't get wet; let's fix that." Several sinks turned on full blast, and the room started to fill with water. Tony pushed hard on the door, but it wouldn't budge. The water was now up to their waist and showed no signs of stopping. The fridge on the ceiling opened, and one of the ghosts popped out with a fishing pole.
"You better get out of the water soon, guys," The ghost called out to them. "I hear these are shark-infested waters." Keith and Tony looked at the ghost, confused. To their surprise, two shark fins appeared in the water and started to circle them. By now, the water was at shoulder level.
“Tony," Keith whined. "I think this is a bad time to tell you, I can't swim." Tony turned back to the door and went under the water to pry it open. He felt a tug on his pant leg and was whisked backward and up out of the water. The ghost caught Tony with his pole. The ghost made a proud pose holding his pole with Tony hanging upside down from it. Another ghost appeared and took his picture with a camera. When the camera flashed, the ghosts disappeared, and Tony dropped to the floor with a thud. The water had vanished, and both he and Keith were bone dry. The door leading to the next room creaked open. Tony scrambled to his feet and raced to the door, thinking it would slam shut, it didn't.
They were now in another hallway, but it was dimly lit. The pair made their way along the corridor with the floor began to rock back and forth. They were able to maintain their balance and scurry across the floor. "I almost forgot the quake floors," Tony chuckled. Just then, something mechanical whirled to life, and monstrous laughter filled the hall. Tony turned sharply and drew his pistol. He fired four shots into the dark towards the laughter. The lights flickered on, and standing at the end of the hall was a mechanical laughing lady. Sparks shot out of the bullet holes as her laughter went deep and slow. She wound to a stop and slumped over.
“Good jog Tony,” Keith jeered. “You just killed the Laughing Lady.” Tony slowly placed his pistol in its holster.
"Sorry," Tony said sheepishly. "She scared me, and this was out of habit."
“Sure it was,” Keith said. Keith walked past Tony and the Laughing Lady. Tony scowled at her as he passed by.
"I've always hated you," Tony whispered to the robot. The Lady stood up with a sudden jerk, and Tony yelped and took off like a shot.
He joined Keith in the next room where it was filled with enormous balls.
"Is this the ballroom?" Keith asked.
"No, Billiards," Tony replied. The giant balls were all made to look like billiard balls. "We have to navigate our way through this forest of balls to get to the other side," Tony said as he pushed one of the balls away. Tony and Keith pushed their way through until they found an opening. One cue ball sat between them and the doorway. One of the ghosts appeared and smacked the cue ball with a mallet. The giant ball rolled towards the men. Tony pushed Keith out of the way and ran back to the rest of the balls. The giant cue was hot on Tony’s heels when he tripped and fell. The ball rolled over Tony with a squish. Keith gasped at the sight of his cousins stuck to the floor like a sticker. The ghost rolled on the floor with laughter holding his stomach. Keith charged for the ghost in anger. The ghost saw him coming and stopped laughing. Just as Keith was a few feet from the ghost, he leaped to tackle the toon. The ghost vanished, and Keith went face-first into the wall.
Keith heard a groan behind him. He turned to see Tony was back in his solid form and getting up off the floor.
“Are you okay,” Keith asked.
"I'm okay," Tony sighed. "Come on; we are almost out of here." Keith opened the door, which leads to a staircase to the cellar below. The men slowly descended the stairs. Tony hoped the stairs would stay firm and not turn into a slide. His hopes were dashed when the stair dropped out from underneath them, and they slid down the rest of the way. Keith rolled across the floor and into a rug. Two ghosts appeared and rolled up Keith in the rug. His head and feet stuck out at opposite ends. Tony was on his feet and dusting himself off when he heard Keith call for help. Tony found Keith trapped in the rug. Tony was about to unroll Keith when a ghost appeared in front of Tony with a loud "BOO!" Tony lost his balance and stumbled backward. He fell into a trunk, and the lid slammed shut.
Tony could hear Keith laughing and begging someone to stop. With all his might, Tony used both his feet to kick open the lid to the trunk. He crawled out of the trunk to see two ghosts tickling Keith's feet. Keith was in tears laughing, he saw Tony and begged him to help. Tony stomped over to the ghost. They saw he meant business and vanished with a pop.
Tony unrolled Keith, who was gasping for breath. "Thanks," Keith panted. "I almost wet myself."
"We need to get out of here," Tony said. "The sooner they bulldoze this place, the better." Tony and Keith made their way to the stairs on the other side of the cellar but were stopped by the four ghosts. They weren't laughing; instead, they had sad faces.
“Why do you want to destroy our home?" One ghost asked.
"Why wouldn't we?" Tony snapped. "Since we have been here, you have done nothing but torture us. Besides, the city has plans for the land here; you can haunt those buildings.
“But we were left this house by Old Man Withers.” Another ghost stated.
“What do you mean?” Tony asked. The ghosts pointed to a wall and Tony went over to inspect it. It sounded hollow when he knocked on it. “There's a secret door here," he said to Keith. Keith came over and helped Tony look for a way to open it. Keith found an unusual looking doorstop and pulled it. There was a clicking sound, and the wall opened. Tony and Keith entered the secret room to find what looked like living quarters.
The ghost joined them in the room. "Old Man Withers would stay here sometimes." One of the ghosts said. "He loved it here so much." There were blueprints and schematics of the house on a draft table. "We actually helped him designed this place." Another ghost stated. "After we were scared out of our last house, he let us stay here. He was our friend."
“I don’t understand,” Tony said. “If he let you guys stay here, why didn’t he protect you after he died?”
"He did," The third ghost chimed in. The ghost went over to a desk and picked up a document. He handed it to Tony.
“What is that?” Keith asked.
"It's Old Man Withers' will," Tony answered as he read it. "It says here I Rusty Withers, leave the fun house mansion of Gotcha-land to my best friends and partners Jasper, Grubb, Boo, and Moss, the lonely ghosts. They will keep the house maintained and running. The rest of Gotcha-Land I leave to the city in hopes that many generations can enjoy its splendors." Tony looked up from the will. "This is real, and legal. Does anyone know about this?"
“Well,” Boo began. “His attorney showed up not long after he died to go over things.”
"He told us not to worry, and we would be taken care of." Jasper chimed in. "Then the park closed. We assumed it was out of respect, but then it never reopened."
“Now you want to destroy our home.” Moss cried
"We don't want to destroy this place," Keith said. "We loved it here when we were kids. If anything, we should try and save it, right, Tony? However, there is one thing I don't understand. If you wanted this place to reopen, why did you torture us like that?"
The four ghosts looked at the floor in shame.
"Well," Grubb said. "We haven't seen people in a long time, and I guess we got carried away. We're sorry for all the trouble we caused."
"Well, you should be," Tony chuckled. "You flattened us and almost made my cousin pee his pants."
“DUDE!” Keith shrieked with a horrified look on his face.
Tony brushed off Keith and looked over the will again. "It seems to me that you own this house outright, and the city can’t bulldoze it without a legal battle, which I'm sure they don't want. What was the name you the attorney?"
"He said his name was Alastor Doyle," Jasper replied.
"Now it all makes sense," Tony said. "The deputy mayor knows the city doesn't have a right to this place, so he sends in the cops to chase you out. Then he will quickly bulldoze the place without anyone being the wiser." Tony got a smirk on his face; it frightened Keith a little. "I think we need to have a little fun with Mr. Doyle."
Monday morning, Tony went to city hall to meet with Alastor. The deputy mayor eagerly greeted him.
“So I take it that the park is clear of any squatters?” Alastor inquired. “The wrecking crew is all ready to go.”
"Well, we seemed to have hit a little snag," Tony said. A well-dressed man burst through the doors to Alastor’s office.
"Who are you?" Alastor demanded. "You can't just barge in here." The man ignored Alastor and stood next to Tony.
"My name is Walter Desk," the man began. "I'm an attorney representing some clients that are saying you are trying to seize their property illegally." Alastor's face became flushed.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Alastor snapped.
"Oh, I think you do," Walter jeered. "I have here, the last will and testament of one Rusty Withers. It says here he leaves the funhouse mansion of Gotcha-Land to the Lonesome Ghosts." Walter paused as Alastor started to sweat. "Now it has come to my attention that you are trying to knock down Gotcha-Land to make way for a new building, however seeing how the mansion is smack right in the middle of the park, which would make it extremely difficult for construction.”
"Would you gentlemen excuse me for a moment," Alastor said. "I have to take this… pen to the mayor, and I will be right back." Alastor raced out of his office. Walter turned to Tony and smiled.
“Do you think it worked?” Walter asked.
"You did great, Keith," Tony said. "I have a feeling Alastor is on his way to the park as we speak. One thing that bothers me, Walter Desk?"
"The first things I saw were the wall and the desk," Keith said. "I needed a name quickly."
Tony was right; Alastor jumped into his car and rush over to Gotcha-Land. Tony may have failed to get rid of the ghosts, but Alastor wouldn't. When Alastor arrived at the park, he stormed the gate and marched straight to the funhouse. Just as Alastor was reaching for the doorknob, the door opened. Alastor, without hesitation, stomped right into the house. He was greeted immediately by the ghosts. Each one was holding a bat, and they didn't look very pleased to see Alastor.
"Now listen up, you four," Alastor barked "I want you out of here! I've put a lot of time and planning into this project, and I'm not going to let some cartoons ruin it for me."
The ghost looked at each other and nodded. They slowly stepped towards Alastor, waving their bats in the air. Alastor knew he was in trouble and darted passed them into the Funhouse. The ghosts started to cackle about the fun they were about to have.
Alastor ran down the hallway and was caught on the conveyor belt. He tried to run faster, but the ghost slowly increased the speed to keep up with him. Alastor started to tire, and it looked like he was about to collapse when the ghosts turned off the belt. Alastor fell forward, landing flat on his face. The ghosts took extreme delight in his misfortune.
Alastor scrambled to his feet and went to hide in the mirror maze. He thought he was safe in the brightly lit room, but he was wrong. One of the ghosts appeared in a mirror behind him and grabbed his pants. With a mighty tug, the ghost gave Alastor a massive wedgie. Alastor screamed in pain and fell to the floor. He looked up to see another ghost in front of him holding a giant mallet. Alastor knew what was about to happen and tried to talk his way out.
"Now listen, fellas," Alastor begged. "I didn't mean any harm; it's just business."
“You tried to take our home away from us!” Boo shouted.
“Yeah,” Grubb chimed in.
"Hurry up and finish him, Jasper," Moss yelled. Jasper got a wicked smile on his face. Alastor's face went white with terror as the mallet came crashing down on him. When Jasper lifted the hammer, Alastor was flattened into a disc. His terrified face was frozen on the top with his hands looking as if they were trying to stop the mallet. Jasper and the rest let out a roar of laughter that echoed through the entire house.
Boo peeled the flattened deputy mayor off the floor and tossed it to Moss. Moss then proceeded to toss Alastor to Grubb. "You know," Grubb said. "This would make a fun game. Jasper, go over there." Grubb pointed to the other side of the room. Jasper floated into position, and Grubb gave a mightly flick of the wrist, sending the disc soaring through the air. Jasper missed catching the disc, and it sailed right out an open window. The four ghosts watched as the Alastor disc flew deep into the city. "I guess I don't know my own strength." Grubb chuckled. The rest of the ghosts laughed at the remark.
A couple of months later, Gotcha-Land was reopened. Alastor's building plan fell through when Old Man Withers's will was leaked to the press. The city took control over the park and hired Keith to care-take the park and make sure the rides run smoothly. People clamored to get into the park, and it was always busy. The funhouse was the star attraction, with a few new features. It was now called the haunted funhouse. Jasper, Grubb, Boo, and Moss treated the guest to a scary good time.
Tony decided to take Lara to the park one night to check things out. He won her a stuffed bear in the bottle can game and wowed her with the strength bell. As they were enjoying their candy apples, they bumped into Jacob and Lavender. Tony was not pleased to see Jacob.
“Hey, fancy seeing you here,” Jacob said. Tony sneered at Jacob. Lara and Lavender hugged as they greeted each other.
"Lara, you look great," Lavender stated. "Is that a new dress?"
"Why yes, it is," Lara answered. "Do you like it?"
"I do," Lavender said. "I wish someone would draw it on me." Lavender and Lara laughed at the joke. "Hey, you know what would be fun? We should go on the tunnel of love together." Tony's eyes grew wide in terror. Lara could read his face.
"That does sound fun," Lara said. "But I think Tony and I will have to pass. After all, that would be weird going on that ride with you, boss." Lavender giggled.
"Okay, I guess we will see you around," Jacob said. He and Lavender waved goodbye and went to stand in line for the tunnel ride. Lara turned to Tony, looked him straight in the eyes, and said.
“Would it kill you to smile?”
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flitzibun · 23 days
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This is long, and getting longer (That's what she said! *high five*), and the more I write, the more I remember.....
(..back to the frame of mind I was in when I first started writing this.. Breathe.)
What kind of shitty person do you have to be, that your weed delivery guy *bans* you. All you had to do was text them, and put money in your mailbox. What the hell did you do to the nice man?
Overtexting, I bet you fucking hounded them like you hound everyone else in your life. I bet they had to block your number, and thanked their dear stars that you don't know where they live, but they know where *you* live.
Oh, and didn't you "introduce" your brother and I to this delivery service when your daughter was not even out of school yet? She brought a weed vape to our house and was using it. She was underage. I hadn't had breast cancer yet, so she was definitely under 20.
Oh. I bet you pestered them about having referred us (and probably others, like your daughter's boyfriend and your niece) and wanted free edibles or something every single time you ordered. And when they refused, then you barraged them with hateful texts.
I was there. I saw what you did to your brother. With my own ears, I heard you say vile, hateful things to him, curses which he took to heart. He didnt have to put you on speakerphone, you were fucking loud and particularly evil. I saw your text messages, the ones he would let me see. Some of them he sent me screenshots. I have so many screenshots.
I saw your manipulation of your mother. And when she passed, your manipulation of her estate lawyer. Of the mediation group we had to bring in because you would not leave that poor woman alone. And then you filled their voice-mail and text and email inboxes with so much putrescense that they refused to speak to your brother, even.
And so he was in the dark for everything that was going on. And you poisoned your daughters' and niece's minds with how *he* was the reason the estate was getting fucked up. When it was you. You have wasted three YEARS.
Your all-out Battle against your little brother possibly turned the girls' hearts, but you definitely wore them and your poor husband out.
The days spent with you were either familiarly horrifying (you and/or your husband, falling asleep after an angry rampage [and a sulk about how everyone's out to get you] in some drug induced haze on the oxblood couch, after spending hours in the bathroom putting on makeup, or turning your niece into a clown with a pearly nose), or you having a decent time and everyone smiling through their teeth, unable to relax because any old thing might set you off on a months-long Hate and Vengeance cycle.
Thank goodness you could only sustain your vitriol for a few days in a row, of drug-fueled (meth?) wakefulness. I can't imagine if you had been the teeth-gritting, voice-screeching, worst insult finding, horrible, shitty person at ALL times.
Your niece said that you "get manic" when you "don't sleep" for three days in a row. Then when you "rest", you'd actually talk about him being a great brother.
The beautifully calligraphed letters, raving about how awesome he was, thanking him profusely for the cigarettes, and money, and soda, and plying him with suboxone to keep him dependent on you..... You're disgusting.
Oh, and niece? Kid? If you're reading this, what the hell is wrong with you. If I had known that you prompted your cousin's girlfriend to accuse him of SA? That you made fun of *him* because she wanted to call him Daddy? That you exacerbated the whole situation? You wouldn't have been able to sit for a fucking MONTH.
Although, now I see that's a kink of yours. You're just like your mother. It's a miracle that you haven't gotten pregnant yourself and subjected an innocent baby to the kind of childhood YOU had.
Yes, I have heard lots of things about your mother and about how you were scarred for life. I can see the anguish in your eyes in the photos that your grandmother kept on that disc.
But instead of rising above your mother's filth that she left you in, you gave in to it. You dove headlong into acid and pornhub and insex and OnlyFans, all before you had even graduated high school... And used the same usernames over and over and over...
You posted so very much publicly.
And you told me that you felt like your uncle "treated your family" poorly or something. And you couldn't give a solid answer about what the issue actually is. I told you that he remembered taking you in as a little one, keeping you safe, fun times playing.. And you said yeah, but then you didn't see him for a long time and couldn't connect with him.
What the shit does that mean. How poorly could he have treated your "family"? Your mother, who ditched you with your father, to allegedly go on to kill one boyfriend, and get another boyfriend arrested with her for swinging a katana at a gazebo? Who killed her body slowly with alcohol and then finally more quickly by strangulation? (Yes, dear, confirmed. Not just an OD. But you knew that. Clever girl. 🦖)
Your father, who ditched you with your grandmother as soon as he could, and then kept collecting from the state in your name? Who said out loud so you could hear him that he wished you hadn't been born?
What did your uncle have to do with their fuckups? Who blamed him? Your mother, your aunt?
People cared about you. But you became this revolting thing. And you revel in it. And you revel in hurting people who care about you, just like your mother, just like your aunt.
You said how profitable your grandmother's death would be, right here on tumblr. I have a screenshot.
I am so tired of being plagued by thoughts of the both of you. This blog is to purge my brain. My phone. My computer. I don't want you anywhere near me anymore. Both of you are shitty people. Especially you, Queenie. People deserve to know the REAL you. The viper.
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alyjojo · 6 months
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Love Reading 🤼‍♀️ - November 2023 - Sagittarius
Overall energy: 6 Cups rev
How you will meet: Wheel of Fortune rev
How they will treat you: 4 Swords
Long-term Potential: 7 Cups
Ick. I��m sure you’re aware. You know this person well, chaos and destruction follows them wherever they go, and they’re a known manipulator. Probably an ex. They’re coming back around to drown you in their emotions, they want closure, answers, they want you to heal them, fix them, and you can’t. It’s that simple. This is a karmic for you, they’re a lesson to learn, and you are the same for them. Both of you had a toxic & painful karmic experience together, you have stepped off the wheel of madness and they seem to be getting more comfortable on it, claiming it & keeping it.
How they treat you is nothing at all really, healing after you blew up the friendship, or you did something that caused everything to fall apart. I assume you. Wherever this went, or didn’t go, it was meant to not go. Painful circumstances seem to have affected you both, and it might not have been their fault either, but they’re still stuck & you’re not. Either way I keep getting “not your problem 💯”, that’s being made clear. Long term, no. Right now, no. There are other people, options, and directions, and holding back from this person is the best thing for you. They have an energy of like…guilting, emotionally weakening, manipulating, heavy emotions, and latching their claws into you, but you have more of a lighthearted & free, unbothered, maybe a little naive spirit. It’s not mean it’s just “no”. You either know this already or Spirit will just bring down another Tower, I keep hearing this is lesson, you know this, and “nope, keep going” 🙏
Messages -
Their side:
- Too Little, Too Late
- Manipulation 😕
Your side:
- You are TOO much for me
Oracles -
Their side: NOT TODAY 😒
- Boundaries & Hurt
- Avoiding Conversation
- Not Dealing
- Still Upset
Your side: THE DRAGONFLY 🪽
- Lighthearted & Adapt
- Finding Out & Change
- Things Coming to Light & Heal
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Scorpio, Leo & Aries
Overall energy: The Chariot
Current: 9 Cups
Challenge: Page of Cups
How they feel about you: 10 Cups
How you feel about them: 2 Pentacles
Outcome: Wheel of Fortune
Your reading has a whole Christmas Vacation vibe. This 9 Cups has a Christmas tree 🎄on it, and when I laid it down I heard “Home for the Holidays” by Perry Como…I think, they’ve all been remade so many times idk anymore. I’ll add it at the end, because I know you won’t hear it otherwise…every five minutes. In the US anyway. I’ve never gotten holiday songs before 😆 If not that, pick your holiday, it’s got the winter celebration vibes. It’s probably your/their Mom, Grandma, Aunt, they have sibling drama, could be a sibling. Or all of the above, but a mom is highlighted. This could be the first time the family is meeting your person for some, or you’re engaged/pregnant now YAY, and want to spread the good news. You’re overjoyed to be traveling back, I get travel/distance, even if it’s not literal - you’re just away from them, doing other things most often, and that you haven’t seen these people in some time, haven’t talked much and haven’t been able to for whatever reason, so it’s a joyous occasion 🎉
That could be switched too, it could be Mom moving to Florida to retire, and she’s the one coming back, or traveling to you, apply it however it fits. Hopefully you know this is happening, I feel like most of you do, you’re excited for this, but there could be some rogue mom out there that just pops in Cousin Eddie style. Or you do. Why am I getting that movie? Idk but it’s one of my favorites so, I’m laughing 😆
So the dynamic between you and your person…it’s like you two have been off in your own little world, creating your own routines, your own favorite things, memories, like life is completely different now than it ever was. Okay so, when past people (or family) come back around, they tend to still treat you how you were when they knew you or had you around all of the time. I get that being the hardest obstacle for you both. Mom is over here talking about when you were 10 and liked mud pies and you’re like omfg I haven’t done that since I was 10 can we not? It’s hard to clearly see you as you are now, for those that knew you as someone different. And you’re not around all of the time now, so they can’t really learn or get to know “present you” either. You and your person are the ones that know each other best now, and I feel like these are your people, because your person is mirroring you. What you do, they do. What you accept, they’ll accept. If you laugh, they laugh, like they’re more out of their element with these people, but they love you and that’s all that matters. When it comes to past topics it’s like someone is like “oh yeah haha” ok next subject, because that person is long gone now, but that’s who Mom remembers.
Your person sees you as 10 Cups, very happy, with family, you’re everything they want & dream of and they’ll do anything for you. They’re trying not to be defensive over reminiscing or “good old days” vibe, probably before them, depending on the subjects idk. They’re letting you handle this but sometimes feel a way about certain people or topics, doesn’t say why that’s just how it goes. Or they just see you struggling not to get defensive. You go back and forth between two different worlds (old and new, past and future, childhood and adulthood), and are trying to be gracious and generous, appreciative and loving. No one is stirring up drama, because that’s not necessary, it’s more like “just enjoy the moment, because soon will be back to business”. And you love your family 💚
Outcome for mid-Dec is back to business, and Wheel of Fortune shows shifting circumstances, things are changing, it feels positive. This can be showing you feel even closer to this person once you get back, or they do, whoever is visiting or traveling. You’ll definitely feel more of a “purpose”, definition, spiritual understanding of things. The Star is here with Wheel of Fortune & The Hierophant, it’s like faith is being restored and you feel more aligned with your path than you have in a long time, you’re ready to take the world on. Or something inspires you to feel this way, your path is shown to you, other people in your life or things they’ve said, memories they’ve brought up. Something very positive comes out of all of this, and could be relating to work or where you want to go with that. A business, career, religion, marriage & relationships even. It’s all for the better. Like say you’re some hot shot big city person, and you travel back to the farm you were raised in (drastic example). It irritates you at first, but getting back to your roots actually makes you feel really good in the long run. Then, feeling whole, you’ll make some really positive changes to your big shot life 💚
Messages -
Their side:
- Sibling Drama
- Marriage Material
Your side:
- You’re my best friend.
- Short hair
Oracles -
Their side: MIRROR 🪞
- Mirroring Each Other
- Self-Reflection
- Introspection
- Inner Wounds
Your side: SOULMATES 💕
- Soul Connection
- Partnership
- Soul Contract
- Life Partner
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Pisces & Taurus 💯, Leo, Aquarius & Sagittarius
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otteranha · 1 year
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I posted 520 times in 2022
That's 520 more posts than 2021!
41 posts created (8%)
479 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 174 of my posts in 2022
#stranger things - 62 posts
#steve harrington - 60 posts
#steddie - 51 posts
#eddie munson - 40 posts
#stranger things hc - 35 posts
#stranger things meta - 20 posts
#stranger things au - 13 posts
#robin buckley - 5 posts
#dustin henderson - 4 posts
#wayne munson - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 110 characters
#it’s only in character for dustin because he’s at that age when most people are dicks even to people they like
My Top Posts in 2022:
Even at his douchebro worst Steve never pulled the “Do you know who my father is?” card. He took a secret pride that while the Harrington name might have smoothed his path, he’d never been the one to throw it in anyone’s face when he had a problem (unlike Tommy H. who brought up his cousin who worked in the governor’s office about once a day).
In fact Steve only ever resorted to such things once. The day they all came limping in to the hospital for medical treatment post- Vecna; Dustin with his sprained knee and ankle, Robin with the deep bruises where the vines had wound like ligatures, his day old bat bites starting to reopen, and Eddie with his fresh bites where Steve and Nancy had only just been in time to keep the creatures from biting deeper. Eddie, who the nurse on duty took one look at and told flatly that this was a Christian hospital and they wouldn’t help any devil worshiping psycho killers.
In the eruption that followed of Nancy shouting about due process, Dustin loudly proclaiming Eddie a hero, and Robin angrily reciting the Hippocratic oath, it was ultimately Steve who had the trump card. Because his father had served on the Board of Directors and his mother was a wiz at getting other rich people to cough up stupid amounts of money for charity dinners, and that might be the most useful they’d been to him in the past ten years, because all he had to do was narrow his eyes at the staff and ask perfectly calm, “Excuse me, do you know who my father is?”
2,098 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
Carrying a badly injured Eddie out of the Upside Down, on the frantic drive to the hospital, Steve is the one who asks Dustin to radio someone to contact Wayne Munson so he can meet them at the hospital. There’s only one person still home clear, with access to a walkie, who’s willing to help them with no questions asked. Dustin radios his mom and asks her to find out where Mr. Munson is. Claudia calls every motel in Hawkins until she finds him and gives him the message.
That’s how Wayne comes to be waiting for his boy when they arrive at the emergency room. Because, holding Eddie together with practically his bare hands, Steve heard the softest whimper for his dad. And Steve knows what it’s like when you’re scared and in pain and what you want most in the world is your mom and dad. And he might not be able to give Eddie anything else but he can give him this.
2,104 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
Whomst must I beg or bribe for Eddie being the one to find Steve and Robin wandering around Starcourt high off their asses?
Like, he knows Robin from band and they’re friendly, and he’s not going to leave someone so obviously under the influence unsupervised, especially a teenage girl who is definitely unfamiliar with hard drugs.
And he’d absolutely assume that Steve is to blame for the whole situation except that Steve looks like he just lost a fight with a cement truck, but he’s still threatening to throw hands with Eddie if Eddie messses with Robin, and they’re both babbling about Russians and secret elevators and alternate dimensions and goddamit Eddie just wanted to smoke some weed and watch Back to the Future.
2,197 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Their first Christmas together Eddie expects he and Steve to have the Great Unspoken American Socioeconomic Class Christmas Debate:
White lights vs colored lights
And he is prepared to die on the hill of rainbow lights, (though generously prepared to concede no tinsel or garland if Steve insists). Except Steve is 100% on board for rainbow lights, tinsel, handmade ornaments, whatever Munson Christmas tradition calls for. And Eddie and Wayne are appalled to learn that Steve actually never decorated a tree before because his mother always hired a professional to make sure everything looked perfect. But if you ask Steve, this is the most perfect tree he’s ever had.
3,041 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Steve’s always been told that the string of pearls from his grandmother would one day belong to his girl of his dreams, perfect accessory to compliment a wedding dress. When he’s getting his birth certificate and passport out of his father’s safe on the day he leaves for good the pearls in their velvet case catch his eye and on a whim, he takes them along. Leaves a note explaining that it won’t be a white wedding but they’ll be going to the person he loves most in the world.
It may seem incongruous on paper, but when Corroded Coffin plays their first big gig, everyone remarks about the total badassery of frontman Eddie Munson’s look, pairing black mesh shirt, frayed black jeans and combat boots with a string of flawless white pearls.
12,244 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rowanaelinn · 3 years
word count: 1,3k
warning: some mild nsfw
i might write part two of this if you’re interested in it! i wrote this in thirty minutes right before posting it so i’ll be honest i was a bit lazy to write everything, so just tell me if you’d be interested in a part two!
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Aelin Ashryver Galathynius knew she was a tease. She had been told so her entire life, and she took great pride in it.
She loved to make jokes about her family, to laugh of her friends whenever she could, and to annoy the shit out of everyone around her when she was in a mood.
But, she wasn’t only that way with people she loved dearly but also with the ones she hated with a passion.
Not a lot of people could fit in that category since she never considered herself a very hateful person, only Rowan Whitethorn could. It wasn’t exactly her fault, she just couldn’t ignore him when he was in the same room as her, she had to pick on him. And he returned the courtesy so she didn’t really feel bad about it.
But after two years of knowing each other, something changed. Aelin didn’t know how their banters went from snarky remarks to angrily making out in closets, but she was willing to admit she didn’t mind.
Not that she had stopped teasing him, but it was funnier now. For the past two months, she couldn’t count how many times her hand had accidentally brushed the top of his thigh, how many times her skirt rode up around him and she just didn’t notice or how many times she had to wipe the side of her mouth as she maintained eye contact with him.
They had made out for hours and they had also sometimes crossed a line, but they were both in silent agreement to never speak about it even when it was only the two of them. So, whenever she could she’d tease him about how bad he kissed (which is the biggest lie that ever came out of her mouth) but she’d never brought up that time they had drunk and he made her scream of pleasure just with two fingers.
And he would tease her on the way she always pulled his hair too roughly, but he’d never spoke about that time she took him so deep in her mouth he came down her throat, chanting her name as he fucked her mouth.
Never had they crossed that final line and Aelin wasn’t sure they would. She didn’t know whether to feel revealed or disappointed. Normal people don’t make out with people they hate, so they’d definitely wouldn’t have sex with them. Maybe she wasn’t normal, she liked the sound of this.
Aelin was having so much fun tonight.
They were all out in a bar to celebrate Fenrys’s birthday and instead of being by her best friend’s side, drinking and partying, she was in a dirty bathroom, her legs around the man she hated’s waist, her hands in his hair, and her tongue playing with his. He was pressing her against the wall, both hands gripping her ass.
“What about ‘never doing this again’?” Aelin asked, pulling back to take back her breath but she didn’t catch a break, Rowan’s lips assaulting her neck. Every time they kissed, one of them promised it was the last time, even if they both knew it was a goddamn lie.
“Shut up,” he groaned, taking back her lips. She just giggled, trying her best not to break the kiss. She was annoying him, she knew it, it’s exactly why she was doing this.
Aelin didn’t know how they ended up here tonight, they had been fighting over what sport was better between football and baseball, and the next second, she heard him lock the door and she was kissing him roughly.
“I’m still right.”
He groaned, pressing his body closer to hers in hopes it would shut her up, but if he really believed this he didn’t know her at all. He went to unbutton her shirt, but she stopped him right there, shaking her head.
He looked at her, a brow arched and Aelin hated how beautiful he looked right now, his long hair in a mess because of her, his lips swollen and eyes darker than his usual shade of green. “Tell me I’m right, then you can take off my clothes.”
Aelin smirked, taking her hands off his hair. “Hands off, then.” She smirked but Rowan didn’t let her go. “Come on, three little words. You are right.”
“I’m not going to lie.” He said, his hands massaging her butt. He really was shameless.
“But you’re going home with blue balls.” She winked and used all her strength to push him back, settling on her feet once again. She ignored the ache between her own legs and walked away from him, accentuating the sway of her hips because she knew it’s where he would look.
She sat back with her friends, ordering her second drink of the night as she laughed with Lysandra.
Five minutes later, Rowan sat at the same table, looking normal as if he hadn’t almost fucked someone in the bathroom. He ordered a new drink and spoke with Aedion who was sitting to his left, but not one single time did he look at her, which annoyed her.
She tried to attract his attention by laughing a little loudly, by interrupting his conversation with her cousin because she needed to ask Aedion something or because she was recalling a childhood memory, but nothing worked. Never once his gaze settled on her.
With a smirk on her face, Aelin pulled her phone out of her pocket and quickly found her message app. She took advantage of Lysandra wanting to dance with Fenrys to take the time to scroll into her picture to find what to send.
Happy with her choice, Aelin pressed the “send” button and put her phone on the table, her eyes focused on the silver-haired man at the other side of the table.
He opened his phone the moment he got the notification and she could see the moment he saw her text.
Rowan had just received a very explicit photo of hers truly, she was laying in bed, with lacy red lingerie on and one of her hands disappeared in her underwear, not letting what her fingers were doing to the imagination. She had been thinking of him when she took this, and had felt a little embarrassed about it when she came down from her high, but now she was glad she took the picture.
His knee, which had been shaking since he sat down, she didn't need to see it to know, he did it all the time, tapped the underside of the table, drawing everyone's attention.
His head snapped up toward her, his eyes hard. Aelin grinned like a fiend, proud of herself. She brought her glass to her lips but she before rose it toward him, mouthing “cheers”.
Her phone buzzed, showing a new message. Stop with this attitude before I fuck it out of you.
She bit her lip, fighting the blushing coming on her cheeks. When she looked up, Rowan seemed proud of him as if he knew what she was feeling right now. Maybe he did. They had never spoken about this so outrightly, this was dangerous territory.
Not sure you would be able to handle all of me.
His reply came in immediately. Willing to bet against it?
She was, but she didn’t want him to win her so easily even though she had fantasied about him fucking her for months now. You miss my mouth?
Yes. Oh, good gods help her. She didn’t dare to look up, feeling the weight of his gaze on her. Feeling the same about my fingers?
I don’t know. It wasn’t that memorable.
She looked up to see him frown and she internally smiled at it, finding the image funny. She looked quickly at her phone. Join me in my car in five minutes and allow me to refresh your memory.
Rowan didn’t wait for an answer before excusing himself for the night. She didn’t have to think about it twice, her mind was already made.
taglist: @sheharahu // @morganofthewildfire // @thestoriesyoutell // @fromthelibraryofemilyj // @swankii-art-teacher // @itsforeverinnocent-blog // @becarefuloflove // @imnotsogoodatthis // @rowaelinismyotp // @a-court-of-milkandhoney // @feysand-loml // @themoonthestarsthesuriel // @live-the-fangirl-life // @story-scribbler // @loves-books // @fangirlprincess09 // @theysayitscrazy // @hellasblessed // @danibutterr // @endlessdaydream // @thegreyj // @gracie-rosee
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
What did he say? - Daniel Ricciardo one shot
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Update: I just realized it's Carlos' birthday TODAY! I'm so so sorry hahaha I feel like a jerk, but it's just play pretend ok?
Guys, this is based on a dream I had but listen, it’s so weird cause I KNOW this is not like Carlos AT ALL. He’s kind of the vilan in this one... Please don’t be mad if you’re a Carlos fan, it’s just for fun, I swear. I’ll even try to write something with him later to make it up to you guys! Also, I clearly don't know how vacuum works in racing, so again, just humor me and pretend I got it right, ok?
As always, please take the time to let me know what you think, means a lot to me (even if it’s constructive criticism)! And thank you so much to everyone that always does! 💕 Your lovely messages always motivate me to keep writing!
Warnings: angst, jealous Daniel, kind of a dick Carlos (again, sorry! I know he’d never)
I was in the “side stage” at the press room for the Austin GP, the first I ever went and of course, the first with Daniel, as his girlfriend. He was answering questions along with Pierre Gasly on stage. There were a few people besides me, including some of the drivers, waiting for their turn to face the press.
"Coco, ¿quién es?" I heard Carlos Sainz whispering to his cousin, nodding his head in my direction.
"No conozco. ¿Creo que es periodista?" his cousin answered looking at me. I just acted like I wasn't listening, or understanding, not sure why though.
"No, si fuera periodista estaría allá fuera, haciendo preguntas" Carlos continued.
"Sí, pero no me parece estar perdida" his cousin commented, they kept whispering but I could hear them very clearly.
"Qué pena, no me importaría darte direcciones" Carlos said with a smirk and I felt really uncomfortable at that, which only made me stay even more frozen in place and wish Daniel came back sooner.
"Si no te conociera, diría que acabas de romper una relación. Ni siquiera puedes ver a una chica alrededor" his cousin said hitting him playfully in the head.
"¿Y te parece esta una chica cualquier? Siempre debes andar con supermodelos, ¿no?" Carlos joked back.
"Vale, tienes razón" his cousin answered him and I was counting the seconds for Daniel to come back now.
"Pero sin duda es nueva aquí. Me recordaría de algo como eso. Tampoco pienso ser americana, ellas no tienen esta-" Just then someone called him.
"Sainz, you're up next" Daniel walked out, coming by my side. "Hey" he said to me and I smiled. "They just asked to wait 5 minutes, something about changing the batteries of the mics" he said looking back at Carlos, his cousin, and Kimi, who was going to be pairing with Carlos in the press conference and was just hanging in the corner by himself this whole time.
"Alright, thanks mate" Carlos answered.
"Hey, have you guys met (y/n)? Carlos, Carlos, (y/n)... (y/n), Carlos, Carlos" Daniel made the introductions grinning like a teenager, probably finding it super funny that they had the same first name.
"¡Hola! Mucho gusto en conocerlos, soy (y/n). ¿Como están?" I extended my hand to greet them, feeling much more confident now that I had a 5' 9" Australian by my side. They looked startled at me and then at each other.
“¿Hablas español?” Carlos asked me.
“Sí, y compreendo muy bien también” I told him and my tone made it clear I knew exactly what they were talking about earlier and didn’t like it a bit.
"Carlos, Kimi, they're ready for you" an assistant called.
"Good one kid" Kimi said to me when he walked past us, winking at Daniel. Carlos followed him to the stage and since I didn't want to just stand there in the remains of the awkward situation with Dan and Carlos’ cousin, I just walked in the opposite direction, outside the press room. Not too long after, Daniel walked after me.
"Hey, what was that about?" he asked, still smiling. Boy, he wouldn't be smiling for too long after I told him what that was about.
"What?" I asked, trying not to make a big deal. He reached for my hand, taking it in his.
"You know what. Come on, what happened back there? Did you guys know each other?"
"No!" I have to tell him now, or he'll think I have something to hide. I took a deep breath. "They were talking between themselves before you come out, in Spanish. And I don't think they thought I could understand" he looked at me confused but then it hit him and his expression changed from confusion to rage.
"What did they said?"
"Nothing, it's not a big deal ok? I just wanted to let them know I could understand, so I just said 'hello' in Spanish, that's all" I said, walking away from the place where we were standing and pulling his hand. God knows I didn't want to be there when Carlos walked out, or better, for Daniel to be there.
"I figured that much. But what did he said? Just tell me" Daniel looked at me.
"Let's just go? Please? It's not worth it. What are you going to do? Sucker punch him?"
"Do I need to sucker punch him? Is it that bad?"
"No! Dan, please, let's just go. This is not going to lead us anywhere"
"I'll tell you. Promise. Back at the trailer, okay?" I tried to negotiate.
When we stepped back inside his driver's room, Daniel closed the door and looked at me.
"Alright. Spill it"
"Promise me you won't do anything to him"
"Absolutely not. The longer you stall me, the more pissed off I get"
"Okay” I knew I had no choice and honestly, why should I protect him really? I’m just worried about how this might make Daniel feel. “They were wondering who I was, his cousin was teasing him saying he was only interested because he just ended a relationship"
"That's not all" he said and I didn't answer, just looked away, shaking my head. "Alright. I'm sorry you had to hear that. But you can tell me these things ok? I want to protect you baby" He said stepping closer to me and hugging me.
"I don't want you to cause trouble for something stupid"
"Hey!" he said pulling away a bit to look at me. "This is not stupid. Nothing about you is stupid. It's a big deal baby, that’s plain disrespectful. I want you here with me, always. And I want you to feel comfortable here, okay?"
"I feel comfortable now" I said hugging him closer. He smiled and kissed the top of my head.
"Fuckers" he whispered to himself.
"Promise me you won't confront him. He'll deny, or start a fight. Or both. And besides, it’s not so much what he said, it’s more like how they were eyeing me. And I don't want you to get involved in a scandal" I said pulling away and sitting down in a chair. Daniel leaned against the table, looking at me.
"A scandal?" he laughed.
"You do know gossip is the major product of motorsports, right?" I smirked at him.
"Fair enough" he agreed. "Fuck baby, the things I have to deal with for having a goddess as a girlfriend" he was joking now, so the mood seemed lighter, but knowing Daniel, I knew he hadn't completely let that go yet. I just rolled my eyes at him. Hopefully, the events of the weekend would be enough to get his mind out of it.
Friday and Saturday kept us busy enough so that we didn’t touch the subject anymore, but I could still catch Daniel staring at Carlos here and there. And I could definitely see Carlos staring at me too, which I tried to avoid at all costs, staying out of his visual field. If Daniel saw that, I don’t know if I’d be able to hold him back again.
On Sunday I’d be watching from the garage with Michael and Blake, which was super exciting, to see all the action from the front row. But I didn’t want to disturb Daniel’s routine, so I tried to stay back a little. Yet, he kept coming to steal kisses and joke around. He seemed really relaxed and confident. He was P5 and I took the care to see that Carlos was P8, so I knew they might race each other eventually but I also knew that Dan would be much more preoccupied doing what he does best and overtaking the 4 in front of him to even think about whoever was behind. Everything was going to be fine, no harm done.
“Alright. Time to go” he announced to me. “Kiss for good luck?”
“Good luck. Just go and do what you do best, okay? And try to come back in one piece” I smiled through the kiss and then watched him take his helmet from the table, wink at me, and turn to walk towards his Mclaren. My chest was tight but I could only pray and hope now.
The cars were already outside the garage for some reason, so Dan was walking out when Carlos passed in front of the orange crew. He stopped to greet some of them and that would be fine, except he was not paying any attention to the people he was talking to. He was looking inside the garage like he was looking for something, or rather someone, cause when he saw me he nodded like he was greeting me and checked me out, head to toes. Dan saw it and looked back inside just in time to see me step aside, behind Michael, clearly uncomfortable with the whole thing.
“Hey... man” Carlos greeted Daniel. And his tone made me sure that it wasn’t even about me anymore. Carlos knew how much it must be bothering Daniel and was clearly using it to try and get him pissed off and unfocused. The thing is, very few things were capable of getting Daniel out of his “all good all ways” vibe, but when they did, you definitely don’t want to be on his way. I’m actually a bit worried about the other drivers now, Carlos included, because Dan just turned back to his machine, like he knew exactly what he was going to do and nothing would stop him, getting inside the car a mere formality. He didn’t even bother to take a second look at Carlos.
“Oh boy” I commented.
“Yeah, I saw it” Michael said to me. “What was that about anyway? I thought they got along fine”. I don’t say anything else, and from that moment on my eyes are glued to the screen in front of us, following any micro movement Daniel makes.
They go for the warm-up lap, which feels like it takes forever, and then, finally, Grid formation. That sign must be broken cause the lights also took hours to change.
3, 2, 1... there they go. Thank god we’re wearing masks, otherwise, my nails and fingertips would be long gone.
The first turn is a sharp one and Daniel had an opening to overtake Perez, the first driver in front of him, we could see it clearly from the drone view, but he didn’t take it. What is he doing?
“What is he doing?” Somebody in the garage voiced my thoughts.
“You had an opening Daniel” the engineer said on the radio.
“All under control. I know what I’m doing. How far are the others behind me?” Daniel answered.
I hoped he wasn’t doing what I thought he was doing but I already knew he was. Being the risk-it-all-idiot he was, Dan was waiting for Carlos to catch up to him. Knowing him, I knew he wanted to race and beat him personally, which was crazy stupid, but wouldn’t take long since Carlos had already overtaken Gasly and Alonso, and was now only a few nanoseconds behind Daniel.
“Come on Dan” I said to myself.
“Come on Daniel” Blake practically yelled at the screen.
I feel like throwing up. He’s gonna get hurt and jeopardize all the work the team put into the weekend just to... to what? I don’t even know. If he gets out of this race alive, I’ll personally kill him.
The race’s still going, no major changes after the first turn. Then suddenly Daniel seems to remember he had a gas pedal, finally getting speed in the big straight and leaving Perez behind. Carlos followed him, seeming to use the vacuum in his favor. Everybody in the garage celebrates, but I’m too focused to cheer along. He’s so close to the podium now. Just keep it up, baby. Carlos is still on his tail.
“Good job mate” the engineer says on the radio. “Watch for Sainz on your right. Bottas’ next”
“Keep me posted on Sainz’s time” it’s all Daniel says.
A couple more laps go and he’s really trying to overtake Bottas, not playing games anymore. Carlos doesn’t seem to try to overtake him even once though, he’s too far behind still.
More laps go by and I can’t standstill. When they’re in the 19th lap, with Max and Hamilton battling each other and taking turns in the lead, Daniel’s voice comes on the radio.
“Let’s be the first to box” I’m not sure what he’s playing at, as it’s still too soon to box, but the team seems to agree.
“Copy that. I’ll let you know when. Let’s get a couple more laps in. Keep this up for now” his engineer answers.
“Understood” Daniel’s voice come through the radio. “How’s Sainz time?”
“At least 1.5 seconds behind you” the engineer informs him.
“Understood” Daniel says.
He’s planning something. Not sure what, and I don’t know if I even could, not knowing much about racing strategies, but it definitely has something to do with Carlos and what happened earlier.
“Ouch!” I hear Michael say and nod towards the screen, making me focus on the race again, and not only on Daniel. Max and Hamilton had touched tires. “They're really going at it, definitely using way more tires than necessary"
"If Dan box before them..." I begin to ask.
"He needs a fast box, gaining speed later and for their box to be slower, but yeah, that's his best shot at them" Michael explains to me.
"Come on baby" I whisper to myself.
Daniel seems to finally get close enough to Bottas, but the Finnish guy won't make it easy for him. Turn 11 on sector 2 will be his best shot now and it's getting closer.
The garage and the radio go silent. Feels like the whole world is holding their breaths while Daniel smoothly overtakes Bottas from his left. And then I almost go deaf with all the cheering around me, it's a podium for Daniel, for now.
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to last too long, cause once he comes to the box all the other drivers will pass him. It's just so frustrating.
"Good job mate. Spectacular time. Box now" the engineer informs on the radio.
"Box confirmed. We need to ace this, boys" Daniels says.
Not even a full minute later, I hear his car and see it on the screen. I look outside to see the orange machine with the big 3 in front of it, but I don't even have time to try and take a look at him, cause 2.3 seconds later (or at least that's what the TV tells me) there he goes again. The good news is, only Bottas passed him. The bad news is he almost crashes into Carlos when he comes out of the Pit Lane.
Some of the crew were still celebrating the fast pit stop when they realized what happened. I let out a gasp. They touched tires but Carlos seemed to have managed to get away from Daniel, quickly returning to his side a moment later but struggling to keep it up. Dan, on the other side, seems unbothered. He keeps gaining speed, even though the pit exit is right on the first turn.
"Take it easy now mate, even if Sainz passes you, his time is not enough to stay in front" the engineer informs Daniel, clearly worried that the risk doesn't justify the ends.
"Understood" Daniel responds.
We're on lap 30 now and just as the engineer said, Carlos is a full 2 seconds behind Daniel. Bottas still in front of him (which is frustrating for me because he had just overtaken him before the pit stop), then Hamilton, and finally Max.
"Daniel" the engineer calls him. "How're the tires?"
"All good"
"Good. Ready to race, mate? Hamilton's going to box now"
"Before Bottas?"
"Yes, that's confirmed"
I listen to the conversation between Daniel and the engineer closely, but I can't say I know exactly what the implications are.
"Bottas' going to second, Daniel to third again. Let's hope for a slow pitstop for Hamilton, so when he comes out, he comes in third and races Daniel. That's the best-case scenario, so he needs to gain speed now" Blake explains to me.
"Got it" I confirm to him. "What about Bottas? He should box on the next lap right?"
"Yeah. If Daniel overtakes him still on this lap, the difference will be too big for him to recover after his pit stop. Hopefully" He tells me.
There's a lot of 'hopefullys' and 'best-case scenarios' in this conversation, but I'll take it. I start to silently pray right away, eyes glued to the screen to see exactly what Blake predicted unfold: Hamilton pit stops, Bottas and Daniel are the firsts to go up on the positions, then Carlos, Alonso, and Gasly. The first turn comes again and Dan seises the opportunity to overtake Bottas, who, to his credit, is fighting real hard, but Dan isn't letting him take back his position.
Dan is P2 now. Max is almost 3 seconds in front of him. Hamilton comes out of the pit lane behind Gasly, it should take him long to again his positions.
"Bottas to box on this lap mate" the engineer announces.
"Not worried about Bottas. What about Max?" Daniel answers. A few moments of silence follow.
"Box confirmed for Max on this lap as well. Just get closer to him" the engineer instructs.
"Understood" Daniel answers.
"Come on, baby" I cheer silently again.
"Fuck! He's gonna make it" Michael yells. "Come on Daniel!"
Bottas is 2 seconds behind Daniel, and on the big straight Daniel manages to shorten his time difference to Max to 1.8 seconds. The next thing I know, Max is coming down the pit lane, quickly followed by Bottas. Daniel is P1. I can't believe this. Carlos is P2, but he hasn't boxed yet. Surprisingly enough, Alonso is P3 and, not so surprisingly, Hamilton is already P4 and gaining speed.
"Alonso hasn't boxed yet" Blake comments. That's bad news if we were hoping for him to defend his position against Hamilton. I take a look on the TV and they're showing the conditions of his tires, which to me doesn't mean anything.
"Will he be able to hold him?" I ask Blake.
"Not sure, he's tough though and doesn't want Hamilton to win, that's for sure" Blake answers me.
Then we hear Max passing outside, had almost forgotten about him.
"That took him longer than normal" Michael comments and we look at the screen, his pit stop was 3.6 seconds long. An eternity for the Redbull team. But awesome news for us. Bottas had already left the pit lane, his pit stop was 2.4 seconds long.
The grid is now Daniel, Carlos, Alonso, Hamilton, Bottas, and then Max. Alonso is still holding Hamilton back. Normally, I'd guess Carlos would box soon and maybe even Alonso, but since I know Carlos has some personal motivation against Daniel, I feel like he's going to hold on the longer he can and the same goes for Alonso regarding Hamilton.
We're at the final 10 laps now and nothing has changed, except Carlos is dangerously closer to Daniel now. Alonso still hasn't let Hamilton go by him, repeating the Hungaroring events. I hear the signal of the radio, indicating we're about to hear some communication between Daniel and his engineer, and my chest tightens. It's Daniel's voice that comes on then.
"Something wrong. I'm losing power" Fuck. No.
"Sainz is at your tail. Can you hold on?" the engineer asks.
"I don't know. Fuck. It's just not working. How much's the difference?"
"Less than 1 second"
"Fuck. Why hasn't he boxed yet?"
"His tires are in real bad condition. But I don't think he's going to do it now"
"I'll put some pressure on him"
"Negative. Negative. Stay away"
"Not going to touch him. Pinky promise" Bastard. I can hear the smirk in his voice, even though this is extremely dangerous and insane pressure, Daniel's still having the time of his life.
9 laps to go.
8 laps to go.
Carlos almost overtakes Daniel.
"Engine's not good. Can you do something?" Daniel asks.
"Negative. 7 laps to go mate, just hold it"
On the big straight of the 51st lap, Carlos overtakes Daniel, but then on the next turn, Daniel takes back his position. The sequel of turns that follows is the most nerve-wracking thing I've ever seen in my life, they're so close to each other, and at such a high speed that if they simply touch tires they would fly off the track and everything would be lost to both of them, maybe even their lives.
"Hamilton passed Alonso, mate. Watch out" the engineer informs him, and I look at the screen. Fuck.
"Fuuuuck" Daniel says on the radio.
It's the 52nd lap now, only 4 more to go and Carlos doesn't even signal a pit stop. He's going to try to make the whole race without it.
"Ferrari is not happy with him" Michael laughs a dark laugh. I knew he had a history of being stubborn but this is too much.
"His tires are at less than 10% integrity. How is he still going?" I ask.
There's the big straight again and Carlos falls a bit behind Daniel, but I've watched enough to know that that doesn't necessarily mean a good thing. Just as I predicted, he tries to use Daniel's vacuum to gain more speed and overtake him, Daniel doesn't let him through and get in front of him, making him almost go off track. That would be a "normal" movement, except Hamilton was using Carlos' vacuum in his favor and, when Carlos is forced to change directions, Hamilton hits his back left tire, which makes it blows off and it's a mess from then on.
Daniel is far from the whole ordeal by now, safe and sound, thankfully. But Carlos spins in the track, taking Hamilton with him. They both go off track and Max flies by, followed by Bottas, Charles (where did he come from?), and then Alonso.
"Are they alright?" It's the first thing that comes up to me to ask.
"Fuck! That was crazy. Is everyone ok?" Daniel asks on the radio.
"Positive. Everyone's ok. Keep going, mate. 3 more laps to go" the engineer informs him.
"Who's behind me now? Bottas?" Daniel asks.
"Max. But he's at least 2 seconds behind, we should be fine" I hear the engineer say and it's like I can almost breathe again. Daniel's going to win this thing. He's so close now.
"It wasn't Daniel's fault, was it? Can they punish him in some way for the accident?" I ask Michael.
"Don't know. He was defending his position, but he's been closing in Carlos ever since the begging of the race. Depends on how Ferrari and Mercedes spin this, they'll try anything that favors them" Michael explains to me in a worried tone.
They're in the final lap and Daniel's been clearly losing speed. Something's wrong with the engine. But it's the final lap, just a few more moments, come on baby, you can do it. Max is so close to him though, I wouldn't be surprised if the winner was declared based on the replay of the finishing line. The big straight comes up and Dan has to stay out of Max's front, so as to not give him any advantages.
I can barely see it, but at the same time, I can't take my eyes off the screen.
"Full force now mate, final sector. You can win this" the engineer says on the radio but Daniel doesn't respond. Max is right by his side, he's going to pass him.
There's smoke coming out of his car, the whole thing is going to blow off any second now. Oh my god, please just a few more seconds.
5 turns to go.
4 turns to go.
3 turns to go. Max overtakes him. Shit.
2 turns to go. Daniel wins his place on the podium back.
Final turn. Daniel's in the front, barely. They cross the finish line and the whole garage explores with cheering. There are people running outside to wave at him. I can only smile and hold my own head like it would fall off otherwise. He did it. He fucking did it.
"Woo-hoo! Yes! Yes! Fuck yes!" I can hear Daniel on the radio, screaming his lungs out.
"Good job mate. Spectacular work. First-class, really! Well done!" the engineer cheers on.
The next thing I know, Michael is hugging me and lifting me from the ground just to puck me back down and Blake lift me up again. I can only laugh at their excitement. I'm so happy for Daniel I can barely grasp it!
"Let's go!" Blake puts me down and runs outside the garage. I follow him out, to the place where Daniel is stopping the car, a bunch of smoke coming out and some people with fire extinguishers around it.
He's got his fists up, celebrating. But is still inside the car. Then he takes off the steering wheel and handles it to one of the mechanics waiting outside. He gets out of the car and stands on top of it, smokes still coming out from behind. It's a nice picture. I just hoped he got away from that thing before it explodes, but it's a nice picture, can't deny it.
Then he jumps down and run towards the crew, jumping over them, helmet still on. Everybody is celebrating and cheering, I can only laugh and clap at the scene before me. So much joy and happiness going on, the energy is amazing! Then I can see Daniel looking around, but since his helmet is still on, I have no idea what he's doing. Somebody seems to understand though and they wave at me, calling me to come closer. I approach, but I'm still unsure, don't want to get in the middle of the team's celebration. But Daniel grabs me, pulling me closer and hugging me. I just laugh, can't barely see him with the suit and helmet still on. He's saying something, but I can't understand a thing.
"What?" I laugh at his attempts to communicating with me. He opens his helmet visor and repeats.
"I fucking won baby!" He yells laughing.
"I know! I know! You won Dan! I'm so proud! You're the best baby!"
"I need to get this thing off" he says struggling to get the helmet and the balaclava off, when he finally manages to do it, he jumps over the fence that was separating us and hugs me again, lifting me in the air and kissing me deeply, making everyone around us cheer even louder and I smile against his lips. I wrap my legs around him and he keeps kissing me, only after a few seconds do I pull away to breathe and he touches our foreheads. I laugh again, just enjoying the feeling of pure happiness for him.
"I'm so proud of you. You were so good. This is crazy" I whisper to him.
"Get used to it, cause there's more where it came from" he answers kissing me again.
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