#like i feel like this whole time i've been like “the mcu will get better when...” and only just now did i realize it literally will not
bloodymarymorstan · 7 months
This might seem like a really dumb thing to make a post about but I have spent the last approximately 8 years waiting for the day when Marvel creates a well-written and satisfying queer relationship and I just came to the absolutely groundbreaking realization that that is most likely never gonna happen, not even primarily because of homophobia but more so because Marvel has basically never had a well-written and satisfying romantic relationship of any kind, ever.
Like, I think right now the main reason that there aren't any major queer couples in the MCU is because of homophobia, but if Marvel keeps making shit for several more decades, which they realistically will, I'm sure at some point they will actually start writing queer characters/relationships. The thing I've only just realized is that even when they do write those relationships they probably won't be that fun to watch because Marvel literally never chooses to do anything remotely interesting or nuanced with any of their relationships. They are all boring as fuck.
I honestly feel like I've seen the light now that I've realized this. Maybe now I can stop waiting for a Marvel project to truly satisfy me and accept the fact that the fanfiction/headcanons we come up with will always be better than what is canon in the MCU, and that will remain the case even when there is better queer rep.
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lunarspiral1127 · 1 month
X-Men 97 episode 8 *SPOILERS*
Not gonna lie, I busted out laughing when I watched his origin story. This is the second time an antagonist had to wait for a couple to make a child and use said child for their plans. Nimrod was lucky that the guy he infected was in a relationship. Plus, I thought it was gonna make Bastion sympathetic due to his childhood flashbacks, but nope.
So, he made a Utopia for humans, but the mutants are enslaved. Saw old Polaris and the Phoenix. But, what bugs me is that he claims that many of the humans consented to be turned into Prime Sentinels without knowing all the details and won't have any memory of being turned. I find it hard to believe that every single one of them would've consented, especially his elderly mother. Dude omitted many details and I'm pretty sure he turned some of them without them knowing. Plus, I'm still mad at him for killing Gambit.
Cameos of Dr. Doom and Zemo (hydra n@zi Zemo, not the MCU version). Wasn't expecting to see them being members of OZT.
Mr. Sinister's just in it for the mutant experimentation.....y'know what? I shouldn't be surprised with that reason why he "teamed up" with Bastion. More test subjects.
Summers Family
Not gonna lie, I was really annoyed with the drama between Cable and Scott. If this was comics Scott, I can understand why Cable's giving him the cold shoulder. But, this Scott didn't wanna abandon Nathan like his dad did to him! It was Madelyn that gave him to Bishop. So, if Scott was there with her, things would've been cool?! God, I'm so sick of this drama. Thank goodness that it didn't last long and that Jean stopped them from escalating it further.
Summers family vs. Prime Sentinels was pretty cool. I like that father/son fistbump, which means things will get better between the two.
It's funny that Jean's being the mom at Cable who's like this big man in his 50s.
Also, Jean and Scott's relationship is getting better which is a relief.
Once again, precious boy and MVP. What he said to Jean was really nice. He's always been there as someone's shoulder to lean and cry on. When he talked about Mystique, I felt so bad for him. Honestly, I hated what she did to him just because he was born that way. In the 90s show, she did feel guilt for what she did when Nightcrawler talked to her. But, I still didn't like her for what she did to him. However, with all the words and hugs he's given to others, I hope he has someone who'd give him words and hugs too. He also needs a shoulder to lean and cry on too.
SWASHBUCKLING NIGHTCRAWLER HELL YEAH!!! I've been waiting to see him use swords and it was worth the wait. Him teaming up with Wolverine was really cool. Plus, seeing how his teleporting works was cool too. Love that he was protecting his sister, and I'm glad that we got something with him and Logan cause we haven't had anything like that since he first appeared.
Why the hell would he let the reporter stay in?! Even if she's not doing her job, she's shouldn't be involved! It has nothing to do with her, plus, I'm pretty sure he revealed a lot of classified information that only the X-Men should be allowed to hear and see. Dammit, Beast. And, dammit Morph for letting her in too.
*sigh* Anyone else think, he's been done dirty in this episode? Cause having her stay in there got his butt kicked. Sure, he didn't know that she was a Prime Sentinel, but they do know the possibility that any human could be one, right? Now, Beast is knocked out along with Rogue, who hasn't woken up still.
Jubilee and Roberto
Okay, so they are gonna be part of the main plot, good. I was worried that they were gonna be sidelined, especially Jubilee.
His mom is a beech. She sold her son out to the Prime Sentinels and didn't believe him and for what? Her reputation?! Man, f**k this beech, she sucks. Poor Roberto though.
Finally using his powers more than once! I counted four times in this whole series so far of when he used them. It's also something that annoys me about the character. He said that he was training in the Danger Room to surprise Jubilee, but why couldn't we have seen that?! Why couldn't we have Roberto training with one of the X-Men's help and see him develop his abilities?! Hell, have Jubilee be there to train him! That way we could've seen more of his abilities and see him grow more and have him interact with other characters, bonding with them. Not just Jubilee. Maybe have him open up to when he first awakened his powers and why he wants to hide them, instead of just telling us.
On the plus side, they should be okay thanks to Magneto's magnetic EMP ability. Speaking of which....
I'm glad he didn't get turned into a Prime Sentinel, but I still don't understand how Bastion and Mr. Sinister got his hands on him from Genosha. That blast should've killed him along with the Morlocks. I don't even think it's gonna be explained how they captured him.
His prisoner numbers....yeesh. 😬
The one good thing that Cooper did. Letting him go and realizing that he was right. Aside from that, f**k her. Seriously, was the only good human (regular human, not enhanced) shown in this was Moira?! Cause that's what it feels like.
Now, I was confused at first with what Magneto did, but I think he went to the North or South Poles and used the Earth's magnetic field which is strongest there to cause a worldwide blackout, disabling all the Prime Sentinels. Not killing them, mind you. All while in his underwear, too.
Honestly, I wouldn't blame him if he wages war. He tried to be good. He tried to respect Xavier's dream. But, look what happened. So, I wouldn't blame him if he did this.
HOWEVER! I like that Magneto was good. Part of me doesn't want him to go back to his old ways cause that's gonna be more conflict between him and Xavier. Plus, only Logan claimed that Magneto waged war. If he did, he would've killed the Prime Sentinels, but he didn't. If anything, he'd be waging war on Bastion since he's the one responsible. But, yeah, I'm sorry Xavier. You're cool and all, but Magneto was right.
I mentioned Zemo, Doctor Doom, Future Polaris and Future Phoenix. But there were much more.
Omega Red and the Silver Samurai, but one that made me so excited to see......SPIDER-MAN!!! I was so happy to see 90s Spider-Man. I know many would want a sequel to the animated series, but we'll have to wait and see.
The rest I wanna talk/rant about
Professor X shows up finally, but I got miffed when he said "I hope I'm not too late". CHARLES! YOU ARE VERY VERY LATE!!! I know space travel takes time, but COME ON! He better do something real quick to help stop all this crap that's been happening. Dunno how, but it better be something good.
By the way, I'm still annoyed with that black hole excuse. Why couldn't he just contact Scott and the others and stay in touch with them right when he was fully recovered or was well enough?
WHERE THE HELL IS STORM?!?!?! I know she's with Forge, but you'd think the moment she heard about Genosha, she'd head back home flying. She'll probably show up next week, but it's been like two episodes since she got her powers back. Is her not being there sooner a choice the writers made cause if she was there, the fight with the Prime Sentinels would've been over quicker? *sigh* I just wanna see one of my favorites come back and kick some butt like she used too.
I dunno if Forge is gonna come back with Storm, but I hope he does. I want him to help with this Bastion mess. Plus, he did take a photo with him, which has me worried that he was connected somehow but I hope not. It also would be cool, if he contacted the rest of X-Factor and meet up with the X-Men and team up. But, I don't think that's gonna happen.
So, Bishop is definitely out of the picture for the rest of this season, which is bullcrap. It would've been cool to have him and Cable work together again like before along with the X-Men. But, instead, the excuse was they got separated from the time stream. So, we don't even know if he's okay or if he's lost again, or if he actually made it back home. God, I feel like his character's purpose of the show was to help create another characters origin.
Okay, I think that's pretty much it. It was a good episode, even though I did rant on a lot of stuff. We'll see how parts 2 and 3 play out in the next two weeks and hope that the finale will stick the landing.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 4 months
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a/n: Hello, my fabulous Readers! It's been a hot second since I last wrote a fic. And I can honestly say, that I've been distracted by the whole Chris Drama and Fiasco. But that doesn't mean that I haven't been writing fics. I actually have a few lined up, that are definite WIPs, so stay tuned. In the meantime, I hope y'all will enjoy this fic.
Which I'm happy to dedicate to @cutedisneygrl, Happiest Birthday to you, girl! Thank you for always lending an ear, and also happily sharing your fics with us. You're awesome, and I hope you enjoy this fic. Sorry if it's a little late.
And to @royalwriteroftheuniverse, for being one of the best friends, I could ask for on here. You're one of the best, and honestly, you both deserve the best. ❤❤❤❤❤
Yes, this will be a thing now. Some of my fics will be dedicated to my friends, family, or even the fans like me, who are writing this. 😆🥺 So, without further ado, enjoy this fic. Hopefully it isn't too cringey.
Steve Rogers x civilian!Reader
Requested: Yes
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WARNINGS: None really... No mention of Y/n, Steve is a big softie, Y/n is kind of sad for most of the fic, food(?), feelings of loneliness...
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I'm using this gif, because it's the one with my most favorite button-up, that Steve wears in the entire MCU. Feel free to comment what's your most favorite Steve casual wear in the entire MCU.
*Y/F/C/D = Your Favorite Cold Drink
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The clock continued to tic the hours away, as you laid on your bed. Trying to will it to move faster, and end the long day. Time always seemed slow during the tough days. Even longer lately, what with Steve being out on seemingly endless weeks of missions.
You really couldn’t complain, considering that that is his job. And it was all for the good of the future. Your future, together. Steve has been open about building a safe and happy future. And being able to secure it, one bad guy at a time.
You chuckle at the thought. Remembering the night Steve said those very words to you...
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You had called an hour before, needing to vent. Your work day was one of the worst you’ve had in a while, and Steve, hearing the frustration, and weariness in your voice, took it upon himself to try and make it better. He arranged the pillows to frame your bed, pulled the curtains closed, put the lamp on its dimmest setting, grabbed the comfiest blankets, and made a little love nest for you two love birds.
He nervously looked over every little detail. Fluffing up the pillows, smoothing down the bed sheets, pulling at the curtains, double and triple checking everything. Luckily, you announcing your arrival, broke his intense focus.
Steve rushed off. Tripping and stumbling on his own feet, regaining balance, and taking another look around, before stumbling once more, and finally hopping down to you. Not that you were having any of it. Immediately assuming that Steve had prepared something romantically sexy. Which, in Steve’s opinion, was sweet but nothing romantically sexy about his plans.
But at Steve’s insistence, and puppy dog eyes, you were, albeit begrudgingly on your part, lead upstairs to your converted room.
“You sounded so sad on the phone earlier, I wanted to do something special. Try and make your day a little bit better.”
You smiled as tears slowly filled your eyes. Jumping into Steve’s arms, as he picks you up, and puts you on the bed, to rid you of your work clothes. Slipping you into your favorite button-up of his.
You’d stay in the love nest for hours. Snuggled into the love of your life, except for the few times, he’d get up to get food and water. Insisting that he should get them, not wanting you to get up and leave your little bubble.
Few minutes into your meal of a shared bowl of chocolate covered fruits, Steve’s phone rang. Causing him to step out, to answer it. Not coming back until a few minutes later. His expression crestfallen, but trying his best to keep up a mask of happiness so as to not drag your already down mood. Ofcouse,you knew him well.
“They’re calling you away on another mission?” You asked, after a few minutes of silence.
“Yes. But it’s a necessary evil, if I want to build our future.” Steve sighed, giving you a weary smile.
“And I do want to build it, one bad guy at a time.” He continued, taking both of your hands in his.
“Are you proposing to me right now, Rogers?” You laughed.
“Believe me, Doll. When I propose, you’ll know...” Steve smiled.
“Well, until then, I’ll take a few of your shirts. But even after you ask, you might never get them back.” You declared teasingly, grabbing a strawberry and running off, as Steve gave chase.
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You sigh and get up out of bed, deciding to go down to your living room to watch a rom-com with your over-sized stuffed bear. But not before grabbing your favorite button-up shirt, that Steve left at the foot of your bed just before he drove off to the compound for his mission, a few days ago. You pressed it to your nose, inhaling the comforting scent of aftershave and wood, something that was uniquely Steve. And changed into it, buttoning up most of it, and leaving some undone.
You made your way down the stairs and into your kitchen, grabbing some leftovers stored in tupperwares, in your fridge, and preparing to heat them in your microwave. You stepped into your living room, turning on the TV. and arranging the throw pillows, blanket, and your bear, so that your couch has prime comfiness, all before the microwave dinged to signal that your dinner is warm.
You quickly grabbed it, utensils, and Y/F/C/D from the kitchen, carefully carrying them in your arms, and using your elbow to turn off the light in your kitchen. Leaving your living room lamp, and your TV as your only remaining light source. Creating some sort of ambiance that allowed for optimal comfort once you wrapped your shoulders in your blanket, placed your bear on your lap, and pressed play on your movie, before grabbing your food and settling in for the night.
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A few hours later, the roar of a Harley can be heard in the distance. A bit toned down, due to Steve knowing that most, if not all of the residents of his neighborhood were soundly and safely tucked in their beds.
The mission was shorter than expected, and for that he silently thanked God. Because he was able to come home to the woman he loved sooner than anticipated, and will be able to surprise her with the best gift he could ever give her. Him.
He shut off the engine, as soon as he arrived and parked on the driveway. Removing his helmet, grabbing his things that he had strapped to the back of his motorcycle, and grabbing his keys to unlock the front door.
The first thing he noticed was the TV was on (hard not to when he noticed the dim glow coming from the living room). The one thing he didn’t expect as he was reaching for the remote was the sight of you holding your bear, the very over-sized bear that he had won for you at the Fair last month, close to you, one of your cozy blankets draped over your shoulders, and the collar of his button-up peaking from under the blanket.
He chuckled at the adorable sight, but sighed softly. Knowing you well enough, that you had a rough day, just by needing any semblance of him near, and needing every aspect of your cozy cocoon in order to feel better. He knew what was needed, and it was something he definitely needed for himself too.
And so, he put his bag and shield down to the side of the recliner to the right of the TV, out of the way, so that none of you would trip on it the next morning. Removed his leather jacket, and placed it on the arm of the couch by your feet, before kneeling down by you, to get on the proper position to be able to pick you up, and carry you bridal style. Hopefully without fully rousing you from your sleep.
You were half awake as Steve slowly made his way up the stairs, to your shared room. The blanket still wrapped around your body, essentially wrapping you up in a burrito. You felt the need to find more warmth and comfort from the solid wall of muscle that you were resting against. And so snuggled needily into it, much to Steve’s amusement.
And that is why he decided to remove his shoes, before going into bed with you a minute later. Not wanting you to spend even a minute without your human teddy bear. He could change and take a shower in the morning, he just knew you both needed the other near.
“I’ve got you, Doll... And I’m not going anywhere...”
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a/n: Hope y'all enjoyed it. I'm kind of nervous uploading this, and I'm also worried that it's cringey. Love y'all, Bookies! Stay sane, especially with things coming up in the Fandom soon.
Steve Rogers Masterlist
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sciderman · 4 months
Hey sci! I don't know if you've noticed but in the Deadpool 3 trailer it looks like Vanessa and Wade broke up! He said that it has been challenging few years and there is a shot of him grabbing his head next to Vanessa that looks in other direction. Heck! Almost throughout the entire trailer Vanessa doesn't even look at Wade! She also calls him "buddy"! Maybe, they are doing it to get rid of 'Ness leaving her in the fox universe to have more screen time for some gratuitous cameos... Or maybe, being more optimistic, now, after this whole time travel shenanigans they want to make their story more accurate to the comics. It could make Vanessa more of a real character in the movie and not just some plot device! And it would be interesting to see how Wade feels in this situation considering, that he did so much in the previous movies to be with her... who knows... I hope they are going to make this plot line. It got me more excited, but, for my own well being.., I'm trying to be as neutral as i can towards this movie and not get my hopes too high. It's better to be pleasantly surprised than furious and disappointed. Anyways, what are your thoughts?
i've heard credible rumours about that too! and i like the idea of it, i do. honestly, for them to do anything with vanessa that extends beyond her being a trophy for him, that's great. that's great. please, dear god. give her her own life and agency and motivations. please god. but also feeling suspect that even if they do go that route it's more for manpain fodder and it probably won't feel satisfying when they (inevitably) get back together by the end of it.
i feel dubious about how the movie will handle vanessa (because historically, the movies have not handled her well.) and the mcu has a women problem in general too.
i was watching the venom movies on valentines (obligatory) and was kind of taken aback about how. annie was a much better written female character than literally any female character in the mcu. how could venom do what the entire mcu has failed to do. write a woman.
venom movies > deadpool movies. not even a controversial take i don't think. deadpool truly wishes.
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elpis-simps · 5 months
Okay I just found out something. So we all know Captain Marvel. (BTW this post is for marvel fans) and her movie. I've watched that movie multiple times. Love it, I think it's written fairly well, great CGI, funny script, good lore and story, love how everything ties in, overall its a really good movie; and captain marvel is one of my favourite superheroes, and one of the most badass.
WHY THE F*CK do people think she's a "bad movie and bad superhero" like it's one of the really good B.E movies! (Before Endgame)
**I'm using B.E as Befoee Endgame because A.E (after endgame) is arguably the worse marvel era. Don't get me wrong, it has some great stuff in A.E, but B.E is just better overall.
Anyways, back to what I was saying. I think k Brie Larson was a great actress and did really well portraying the character Captain Marvel. Not to mention captain marvel was one of the overpowered superheroes in the B.E era, before they started making everyone OP to defeat big CGI villains and to make their movies more action packed to get more views and stuff. She had good plotline, good powers, cool backstory, funny, and genuinely one of my favourite female superheroes.
I would love to see her as the new face of the MCU, A.E. considering they killed off what was generally considered the "face" of the MCU, Iron Man and Captain America, they haven't put much focus on one or two specific people to be aforementioned face.
Captain marvel hasn't been killed off, she has amazing potential, and she's personally one of my favourite 'Big Badass Backup To Fight Big Strong Villain" in those "No hope left" moments.
I don't understand the hate on her. May e its because she was, along with Natasha Romanff, one of the first female superheroes on-screen in the MCU. Sexism is a big thing in movies and stuff, but I have some reasons why I think she and another person- who I will mention later- should be the next 'Face of the MCU'.
1: the previous 'face' duo was Iron man and Captain America. So it sta ds to reason, along with what marvel has been doing to be more racially and gender inclusive, that we should have 2 female superheroes.
Yes I know the whole 'really overexaggerated feminist film superhero plotline new budget annoying superhero to earn more money and get higher ratings' thing is annoying; but hear me out.
Point 2: I have a few options, but to continue off of point 1; I feel like a good combo would be The Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel. (Wanda Maximoff and Carol Danvers)
They are both powerful, badass, good storyline, great actors behind them heroes/characters. They could make for a good duo to contrast from the B.E duo of men.
Point 3: yes u know that Wanda is 'dead' BUT before the rocks fell on her, you could clearly see a flash of RED MAGIC in the rocks. After the entire Dr Strange MoM (multiverse of madness) plotline was 'Scarlet Witch has grown in power she's following us into DUFFERENT DIMENSIONS and was prophesied since the DAWN OF TIME, and has unlocked much more of her powers, I HIGHLY doubt some normal old rocks would kill her.
It's just unlikely considering how obscure some of marvels foreshadowing has been, we know that they foreshadow films that come out like 3 years later.
Point 4: moving away from Captain Marvel and Wanda, how about a new duo.
Bucky Barnes and Yelena Belova. Its similar to the old duo of Captain America (man out of time, from 1940, soldier) and Iron Man (normal human, with special training/ gear that is one of the only things that makes them super.)
This duo would be interesting, especially as we've seen both bucky AND yelena on an official marvel movie poster together.
I personally love both characters;and it pays homage to the golden age of marvel B.E.
Bucky is homage to Captain America (obviously) and Yelena is homage to both Iron Man AND Natasha Romanoff.
And it could allow for more opportunity of the old age to come shining back through the new age, in the form of two humans, who have a rivalry,
(I think it would be interesting to have bucky and yelena to have a mild rivalry at least, considering we chose them due to there similarities with the old duo, cap and stark)
Who are also enhanced in ways that gives them an advantage in fighting, and it could give a lot of opportunity to save marvel. And bucky is a fan favourite character, so considering marvels reputation going down now their movies are getting worse COMPARED TO B.E, I think this could be a great way to bring the nostalgia of the old movies back.
So my original rant was about captain marvel being hated. Sorry for making you read all this, and if you have read everything here, I thank you immensely for giving me the time and chance.
I really miss the B.E era, and hate how they kill off all the OG great characters for new, sh*ttier superheros like Kamala Khan.
So here is just some ideas in my passionate rant which I would love to see. I love Wanda and Captain marvel, but personally I think I would prefer the Winter Soldier and White Widow duo because it would need less fancy magic CGI, and give the film(s) they appear in a more B.E and better quality feel then just a bunch of CGI that takes away from the quality of the movie and storyline, and the lack of CGI ( I mean the bright magic flashy stuff they constantly use in A.E, not the general cgi they more often use in B.E)
Would give the film(s) a better, more enostalgic, more authentic, emotional, just overall better film quality and plotline.
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bedlamsbard · 10 months
this whole thing about the Ahsoka show just makes me existentially sad in a way that's hard to articulate without sounding like a lunatic, and I think it's also the reason that I eventually had to leave Star Wars.
like, yeah, Star Wars had been making me angry for years and I hadn't been having a good time for a very long time by that point (June 2021), but NOTHING fucked me up like the way they were just aggressively rewriting canon while openly pretending they weren't. I could deal with it when it was just the films, because those teams weren't really related and that sort of thing is normal anyway, not to mention that I came out of the PT-era EU when TCW was just treading gleefully over the EU. that's fine. the books and comics doing things? not great, but like. the EU's always been that way. (though even before 2021 it was messing me up because Lucasfilm was swearing -- and is still swearing -- that everything is equal levels of canon. it is blatantly untrue.) Mando made me feel like I was being gaslit, made worse by the fact that it was a lot of the same team that had done TCW/Rebels, but there was still the live action/animation distinction. TCW S7 and then finally TBB was the thing that finally made me snap, because then that live action/animation distinction had collapsed and they were still doing it, and it was worse. it made me feel like I was going insane.
I'm aggressively avoiding everything about the Ahsoka show because it brings all of that up again, only worse and more hurtful, because it's just...this thing I really loved chopped up and made palatable for someone else because ~it wasn't good enough. look, I don't know what's going on in this show, I don't want to know, I won't watch it, I don't want to hear about it, but everything about it, the overwriting of everything that came before on every level, MESSES ME UP. it's wildly destabilizing. it's not a logical reaction, I'm well aware of that, I'm not having fun with it either.
(I have everything related to That Show blacklisted, but things about it sneak through on various socials, so I still know a fair amount and I've seen stills and such-like.)
there is something existentially horrifying and destabilizing, and downright cruel, about the canon itself, the cast and crew, telling you that the story they told, the thing you loved, isn't good enough as it is. I can't get over that.
(this is about Star Wars but the MCU isn't immune to it, it's just honestly better at handling it. it's one of the reasons I find the Time Heist in Endgame and portions of Phases 3-5 unbearably sloppy, but by and large it doesn't feel as abjectly cruel as Star Wars does. there are exceptions, of course.)
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Oh My God What Theory # Is This, I Don't Care
Spoilers for Loki and Loki: Agent of Asgard okay let's crack into it because it's late when I'm writing this and my brain is breaking.
Theory: Loki the series has been an adaptation of Loki: Agent of Asgard this whole time.
I've been complaining about this since season one, namely because Ewing does an amazing job with genderfluid Loki, and the Loki writers, well, you know. But actually story-wise, I think they actually did do their research. Let's break this down.
In the book, Loki takes on a job with the All-Mother to work for Asgard to do missions in exchange for expunging past sins.
In the show, to prevent himself from getting pruned, he takes on a job to work for the TVA to help with their missions.
In the book, he inadvertently hunts down and captures a future version of himself. In the show, he's been hired on specifically to help hunt down and capture an alternate version of himself.
Both selves (unwittingly) serve to provide him with the tools he needs to become a better version of himself and reach his true potential, outside of what the narrative (Asgard/Marvel comics and the TVA/He Who Remans/MCU) says he needs to be.
An unlikely ally (Verity in the comics, Mobius in the show) gives him the compassion and trust that he needs to believe in himself and his capacity for becoming whoever he wants to be.
Loki transitions into the void in the book in flames. In the show, he's pruned.
In the void, he meets his others: Kid Loki and Old Loki (not the future Old Loki, but the Loki he was) and a magpie. In the show, he also meets his others in the void: Kid Loki and Classic Loki (both of whom are similar in name and/or appearance to their counterparts in the comic scene), among others (not a magpie but a crocodile).
The show differs here, taking Loki out of the void but not yet concluding his arc of ego death. Because Loki in the show is still learning to believe in himself, to identify what he cares about, to become a hero and what that means. He's still too wrapped up in Sylvie--in himself--and also in being incapable of separating the fact that she is his variant but that she is also her own person with her own opinions and feelings and needs that differ from his. She wants to be free of the TVA's influence, but she also doesn't really want anything to do with him. Loki is still, at this point, at the equivalent in his personal growth to Kid Loki in Journey into Mystery, with the magpie version of himself, Ikol, as his companion (Kid Loki doesn't always listen to his advice, but he chooses to keep him around for guidance and company anyway). MCU Loki is fascinated by Sylvie, to put it kindly, and wants to keep her close to him as he figures out what she means to him and for his personal development. So ego death does not end when he leaves the void in the show, as it does in the comic.
Because in ego death, this happens:
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Loki is focusing on his reasons to grow and change, rather than remain in the void or possibly actually die, or even say fuck it all, and become the person Old Loki (pretends he) wants him to become. His brother, his friend (Verity), and his capacity for change, his determination for change.
This feels very much like his conversation with Sylvie in episode five, and his ultimate realization at the end of the episode. "I want my friends back. I don't want to be alone." And even what he tells Don/Mobius about their relationship: "You saw something in me that I couldn't see in myself." They are his why, his reasons to finally finish the cycle of ego death and become the person he is meant to be, the person so many people have been speculating he's moving towards in this season's arc: The God of Stories.
Which is who they are in the comic when they emerge from the chrysalis of ego death and return to reality (and Verity).
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In addition to grappling with his why and discovering it's a who (which I initially thought was himself, but in recalling that panel from AoA when he's in the void, I think it refers to himself AND those he cares about), in addition to finally admitting to himself and out loud that he cares about his friends and is afraid of being alone (WHICH LOKI BASICALLY ALSO SAYS IN THE COMIC)
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We come to discover that the original ally, the original first friend, the one who in the source material gives Loki the courage and confidence to undergo ego death at last (the magpie has been heralding this event's approach throughout the comic), has been with him from the very start of his journey in the show as well.
We discover that B-15's true name is VERITY WILLIS.
In the comic, after he returns from ego death, he saves Verity by learning and collecting her STORY. In episode 5, he collects each of his friends and discovers each of their life stories on the timeline. (I worry this similarity to the comics may not yet be concluded in the show, but I'll get to that later.)
So there is something Loki does after ego death in the comics, in addition to being christened God of Stories
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This is not the first time she has physically shifted gender in this comic, nor is it the first time she explains that this shape is also her. This does, however, mark a change in how characters in Ewing comics refer to Loki. In Defenders Beyond and The Immortal Thor (and I think Loki: The Liar? But that isn't a Ewing comic), Loki shifts to using they/them pronouns instead of he/him pronouns. This is very very subtle, and we have been badly burned by Marvel lying about canonizing Loki's genderfluidity in the MCU just last season. However,
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this moment ultimately serves as a coming-out moment to Verity, since it's the first time she sees Loki presenting as a gender other than a man. So explicitly in the text, it is possible that we will get a similar moment in the finale or the next time we see Loki after the episode (either in a potential season 3 or another movie/series), since so much has to happen in this episode to wrap up the season/series.
The comic concludes with Loki rescuing Verity and their family by collecting their stories and stepping outside of the narrative until the world restarts again. I'm afraid Loki will not be able to save the multiverse before the end of the episode, and the only way forward will be to collect the life stories of his friends in order to save them and walk out of the narrative. Alternatively, this may not happen until a potential season 3. The reason I think this is because in the comic, they save their loved ones from an incursion. At the end of Doctor Strange 2, we watched the beginning of the incursion. We haven't heard anything about it since. The movies in the phase may need to establish this situation before Loki can do anything about it, and he's going to need to figure out how to save his friends and literally walk out of reality. (Please can we get Cloud in the MCU in a couple phases??? That's the natural progression of things, if we ignore everything that happens to Loki's character between AoA and DB, and frankly, we should.)
And finally, as I've been demanding since before season two aired, upon realizing that this show has been AoA Loki's arc all along, merely reimagined to fit the moment in the MCU's arc we are at right now, I am once again asking Marvel
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sugarygxodness · 11 months
i know hobie age discourse is annoying and frustrating. i've been watching from the sidelines ever since atsv came out and tiktok is being absolutely insufferable about it. i've also seen the plethora of arguments from both sides about it. but i wanted to put in my two cents about hobie's age because it has been yelling for attention inside my heart and i need an outlet for it desperately.
so here is my official warning. ⚠️ if you don't want anything to do with the hobie age discourse, please ignore this post ⚠️ (i doubt anyone is going to see this post anyway)
first of all, i ship punkflower. i respect chaipunk as well, though i do not ship it. when i was watching atsv, it never occured to me that hobie would be older than the spidergang by any more than 2 years. so it boggles my mind that people left their theatre thinking hobie was any older than 19 years old??
second, as i've mentioned, i have seen the plethora of arguments coming from both sides. i have heard (incessantly) about the director talking about early concept hobie being 19/20 years old. i always always take early concepts with a grain of salt because that is what they are - early concepts. from the conception of the spiderverse trilogy, a lot of stuff can change. we know that even though early concept hobie was 19/20 years old, his age is now "up for interpretation". all of us were not in the writing room when they came up with hobie. none of us can say for sure what hobie's age is. so let's leave it at that - hobie's age is up for interpretation. i have also seen people talking about hobie being bitten at 16 years old in the comics and in the movies he says he has been spiderman for 3 years. quick maths - that makes hobie 19? well, maybe. it is also important to note that movie adaptations of comics very often leave out or change information. they do this all the time. they even did it with miles. in the comics, miles morales gets bitten at the age of 13. but in the movies, miles get bitten when he was a freshman in visions academy, 15 years old. if they changed that fact about miles from the comics to the movie adaptation, who's to say they did not do the exact same thing to hobie or any other character? using comic book canon to apply to movie canon is always iffy. across the mcu, there are many many comic details that get changed or left out for the movies. this is just something i want everyone to keep in mind.
third, this is my main point. i'm going to talk about hobie's age from a storytelling point of view. keep in mind, i am not a writer. i do not have any experience writing or making original characters. i just like overanalysing creative aspects of media that i consume and i also briefly studied literature in school. if there is anything you would like to counter about my upcoming argument or add to it, i would love to see it.
from a storytelling point of view, hobie being old than 18 years old makes absolutely NO sense. if we look at miles' conflict during atsv, his whole thing is that he feels betrayed by the adults in his life because all of them view him as this incapable clueless kid who needs to be protected. his parents, while being unaware of his identitiy as spiderman, are too protective of him and doubt everything that he does. while they eventually start to accept the idea of letting their child grow up, they only start doing so when miles is already stuck in another universe. the adults in the spider society betray miles too. miles, upon meeting more spiderpeople, probably thought that they would understand him more than his own parents could. however, the adults in spider society still look down on him and treat him like a child. this is especially evident in peter b, who constantly emphasises that miles "doesn't know any better". miles is 16 (in atsv) and while that IS technically a child, those rules don't really apply to spiderpeople. after all, though he is technically a child, he watched his uncle aaron die right in front of his eyes, he saved the multiverse, and he saves brooklyn from crime every single day. as unfortunate as it is, miles has had to grow up a lot faster than the average kid. miles views himself as an extremely capable spiderman, but it feels like nobody else agrees with him. that is miles' conflict throughout atsv.
so it makes no sense that miles feels constantly betrayed by the adults in his life, yet one of the members of the spidergang that he is surrounded with in atsv is an adult? the whole point is that he feels he cannot depend on the adults in the spider society, so therefore it makes sense that his closest allies (gwen, pav, hobie) would be teenagers. making hobie an adult completely throws this theme out of balance.
furthermore, i hear people say hobie holds a mentor role in miles' life. i disagree. peter b held a mentor role in itsv. this was when miles was newly bitten, had no idea how to use his new powers, and had just lost the only other spiderman he knew. in atsv, miles has grown very well into his role as spiderman. he developed his own spiderman techniques, learned how to use his venom shock and invisibility in an effective way, and successfully saves brooklyn from crime every day. this miles does not need a mentor. this miles feels betrayed by the people he thought he could trust. this miles needs allies. that is what hobie is to miles in atsv.
to me, the r/s between hobie and miles in atsv is very reminiscent of the r/s between a new transfer student in highschool and an upperclassman. imagine this - miles just moved to a new unfamiliar environment and is a transfer student in a highschool where he knows nobody. hobie spots him, somehow decides to help him out, and gives him the ultimate tour of the school. not the proper "this is the gymnasium, we hold our pep rallies here" tour that the student council body would give miles. nah, his tour is more like "this is the best place to smoke weed without getting caught. this bathroom is almost exclusively for hooking up. this teacher once called me out for plagiarism, so he sucks." then he pats miles on the shoulder and tells him that he's got his back. if anyone tried to give him shit, hobie will not hesitate to make their lives hell. this is how i interpret hobie and miles' r/s in atsv. he is not a mentor!!! miles is capable enough to be spiderman without a mentor!!!
lastly, this isn't exactly my place to talk about it, but i have heard a lot of black people talk about how a lot of people place harmful stereotyping and adultification on hobie. and the infuriating tendency for people to be against poc ships rather than white ships. and that is A LOT of food for thought. that's all :)
i ended up writing a lot more than i thought i would. clearly i care too much. oh well atsv brainrot era go brrr
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forevertrueblue · 7 months
Another parallel between my experience with Loki Season 2 and Endgame that I've noticed is how I've been feeling about what they're doing with Mobius.
I've known since middle of Season 1 with the big variant reveal that there was a decent-to-strong possibility Mobius would end up leaving the TVA, likely returning to a family he left behind. I've been afraid of that happening for the past two years and feeling the possibility hanging over us that whole time. And now it's looking like it's probably going to happen.
I remember when speculating about Endgame my big fear was Tony dying, but talking to people about theories beforehand I came up with a sort of criteria for it, stuff that if they included, I'd probably be okay with him dying in the movie. And then all of it was there, essentially.
The same thing has been happening with Mobius so far this season. I thought he was gonna be more sidelined this time around, but he's gotten a ton of screentime! I'd grown really attached to the idea of him being reluctant to see his timeline memories to the point I had to talk myself down from getting my hopes up for it to be canon...and then it became canon! I thought it was kind of unlikely but wanted him to be a single dad on the timeline (I think him having a spouse - ok LBR a wife because that's all they would have done - was giving me too many flashbacks to a certain OTHER Endgame ending) and lo and behold...!
And most of all, Loki's relationship with him is prioritized. He clearly isn't ready to let Mobius go (and neither am I lol) meaning it'll be an important moment if and when he does. It's not just gonna be some la-dee-dah happy thing (and there's one other aspect of it briefly shown in trailers that's making me giddy haha). While I'm disappointed at them likely writing Mobius out of the MCU this early, I'm not that upset about how it's being handled. They've really been giving me everything I wanted with him in order to make it okay...well, as okay as it can be.
Also this may be the healing I need from the trauma of Steve Rogers's ending I still experience 5 years later. Like they're already handling this way better than that travesty was. Can't wait to write an article about how all the ways this one puts it to shame and get paid for my fandom woes lmao.
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cinnamon-ginger · 7 months
Which mcu movie do you think gets closest to doing their hero "right"? I feel like it might be Captain America but he even feels not quite there. (Sorry if this a weird question, but I've been thinking abt it and you're the only person I know who has kept up with the films somewhat)
Story wise I think the one they got the most right is well none of them? Because early mcu, they got the genre/tone right but they could NOT decide if they wanted to use the ultimates comics or the 616 comics for their stories and instead opted for a gross baby of the two leaning towards the ultimates which most marvel fans agree sucked big time. Honestly the Netflix shows did the best of matching tone and genre to the characters of the 616, but the shows are honestly better most of the time for that anyways.
Now in terms of genre early Thor and Captain America movies matched pretty well (iron man too but he’s a true superhero nothing else so yeah) with the black widow movie festering back and forth between trying to be a spy movie and trying to be a superhero movie. Doctor strange as well does that whole teetering of being a superhero movie and being a fantasy/magic movie. Eternals did excellent in matching tone and genre even though I haven’t read the comics for those characters. (A part of problem for this question is that I’ve only actually really read xmen comics and not much else but I still have an idea of the others)
I think the true winner of the mcu tho had to be the guardians of the galaxy franchise. It was a group that wasn’t all that popular in the comics to begin with tbh so they had more a free reign to change them and reimagine them in the mcu without much push back, it had a good beginning and an actual end to it and were able to mesh well when they had to, to the rest of the mcu universe while still being standalone when it came to their own stuff. They kept theirs sci/fi genre aspect to their superhero movie very notably in every movie- as in I could go immediately from watching Star Trek or Star Wars and just as easily go into guardians as I would if I were just in a marvel mood if that makes sense? However they’re still their own thing and yeah they match their comics now because they changed their comic counter parts a lot.
So I’d say that the characters the did the most justice is either the Netflix mcu characters or any character they basically reimagined/made up for the mcu (coulson or the guardians)
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brw · 4 months
I've read avengers inc. #5 so I can be an informed hater and while the issue was Bad (why did all of that happen in janet's book with her narrating the moment hank met nadia? why did he already know of her? the whole thing was underwhelming), I can see ewing writing a good hank with a little more research. The comment about hank and nadia being geniuses who are driven to the point of destruction annoyed me because I can see what's being said but what did nadia even do that warranted that? have a manic episode? but since it's janet saying it, I'm not too upset. I know jerwhit wrote her as mental health ally #1 but she was consistently not great about her husband's mental illnesses & there's no point in getting rid of that part of her character, I think, without actually addressing it. Other than that comment, though, hank wasn't the worst-written character in that book and I reluctantly found myself a little interested in what ewing's take on him would be if he were to write him again. What do you think?
He wrote a good Hank in his Ant-Man series (imo), so the strange characterisation of Hank was just odd. Like, yes we're having a different time tonally than 60s Ant-Man–but he is ultimately the same person at the end of the day, and the characterisation mixed with the art did feel very MCU-lite. I do agree that I think he could do better by Hank, he just needs to. leave Janet alone because holy hell he cannot write that woman. He has done better by Hank. I just generally think that this series was not his best work at all, like even his Vision, who's writing I loved in Ultron Forever, did not feel right and felt disjointed and out of character.
And yeah Nadia has never really been "driven to destruction" in the same way that's at all comparable, and certainly not in the same way that affected Janet specifically, so it's a bit weird of a line, but as you say, Janet has historically not been great around mentally ill people, not just with Hank but with Wanda Maximoff too, which I think is a more interesting personality trait than "patient to a fault Step-mother for Nadia" but writers are allergic to Janet being flawed in an interesting and realistic way so I guess we're stuck like this.
Anyway. I do think there's hope for a good Hank under Ewing, he just–needs to not include Janet until he can understand her core personality traits, that she's 1) someone who is determined to enjoy life and to enjoy herself, 2) that she's passionate specifically about being an Avenger, that she loves being on that team, working with other people, having that group dynamic and is not terribly interested in working solo, 3) is not good with feelings. She often says the wrong thing or can come off as incredibly dismissive. She tries her best, and does employ a more gentle persona around the people she loves, but she does not think before she speaks largely and can upset people often. 4) Is a massive control freak. She does not trust enough people other than herself to do certain jobs right and prefers to do them herself, even if her help might not be needed or appreciated. She doesn't stop to ask for another opinion, she's confident in her own ability to go ahead and do it, even when it comes to incredibly important decisions in other people's lives. She's an incredibly nuanced, complex character, who's as much a flighty fashion designer as she is someone who needs some amount of control in every facet of her life as an adult. Ewing's Janet just has been extremely frustrating to read and I'm annoyed his lack of understanding for her dragged down Nadia and Hank's first interaction and made everything feel odd.
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just some thoughts i have on (mcu) toomes.
i saw a video of a channel i really admire pointing out that most mcu antagonists genuinely want to make the world a better place, mostly in terms of oppression like racism and social inequality. but suddenly the villains act completely out of character, usually by killing a lot of people or causing unnecessary destruction and chaos. and all of that is likely done on purpose because you're supposed to side with the characters who defend the system, who defend the status quo, so the antagonists who actually want to change things are seen as evil for it.
i can agree with all of these points. but then the video showed toomes' speech and basically said that he's right. and this isn't the first time i've seen folks agree with toomes, because he criticizes the powerful rich people that exploit the small ones like peter and himself. but since peter is close to tony stark, everyone claims that mcu peter has "betrayed" his own social class.
okay. my thoughts.
toomes is a family man, an ordinary worker, true. but from the very beginning, he's completely on board with selling alien weapons that are incredibly lethal. dare i say, toomes is a lot similar to walter white: two white, middle class family men that resort to the criminal world so they can provide for their wives and children. however, their gigantic ego is what drives them further and further into crime, so they no longer hesitate to commit atrocities such as killing people who get in their way. in the end, walter admits that he did all that for himself, not for his family. i know toomes is not as awful as walter, of course, but they're very alike in terms of backstory and motivations.
to emphasize: toomes does not hesitate to kill people. he killed one of his own crewmates, but even if he claims he thought the weapon wouldn't actually vaporize the guy, toomes doesn't feel one smidge of regret. he just shrugs and moves on (the moment is played for laughs even).
but most importantly, toomes tried to kill a fifteen-year-old teenager. his whole dad speech wasn't actually genuine, toomes was just preparing to drop the entire warehouse on peter. also, do people forget the scene where he talks to peter in the car while holding a fucking gun? he uses the whole family speech here, too. "nothing is more important than family". he lets peter go, but he also threatens to kill him and everyone he loves in case peter tries to stop him.
that's toomes' entire character! at no point in the movie does he act out of character; he's always been an egocentric dick that uses his family as an excuse, even if he does love them. he's not a good guy, he has never been a good guy.
but the issue here is that people take toomes' speech out of context to prove that he's correct and that peter is an idiot or a bootlicker for not siding with him. except peter doesn't fight toomes because of tony, he fights toomes because that's the right thing to do. because toomes is a criminal that is willing to do anything for his own benefit, not caring at all about any lives lost to him and his weapons.
again, i agree that the mcu is a huge police and military propaganda that demonizes activists who fight against them. i agree that most mcu antagonists deserve better. but toomes is not the case here. his speech isn't genuine. he's willing to kill a teenager and everyone else to keep his business up. you guys take out the context to make him look great, and to hate on mcu peter.
you can have your grievances with the mcu, like i do myself. still, toomes is not a guy to look up to, and peter is not a bootlicker. you can stop distorting the whole movie now.
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thompsborn · 24 days
Don't want to end up oversharing, but I've been following homeward bound from chapter 3 and so much has changed in my life for the better ever since then. I weirdly feel like I've been maturing alongside the fic. I'll be getting my bachelor's degree in two months and I started reading during my first year. You have no idea how special this piece of work is for me and I'm very thankful you've decided to share it with us. I absolutely trust your process cuz each chapter you release is just perfection, whenever you're ready to release more I'll be there to read it. Now getting on with the actual question (sorry for writing so much ijbol), what do you think Harley and Peter think their dream home would be? What style, is it an apartment or a house and all that stuff.
oh my god i ?? i am lowkey crying omg
homeward bound is so special to my heart, i could write pages upon pages about my emotional attachment to this fic, but that would take a whole lot of time and i wanna try and answer your question, but just !! like i know logically people really care about hb too, like i’ve read so many comments and gotten asks and i know it but getting new asks or comments still sends me reeling because it’s so mind boggling and i’m just like?? damn!! thank u sm i’m glad that my post nwm coping mechanism turned general life coping mechanism has been with you like this <3
also! congratulations on getting your bachelors!! hell yeah!!!
okay, okay, okay, so to answer your question, i think it varies on the era of their lives, so like
peter growing up probably always thought it would be nice to have a house one day because he knows his parents had a house that he could very vaguely remember living in, but he was pretty open to home being anything. harley, on the other hand, grew up in tennessee and probably always assumed he’d live in a house because he’s always lived in a house. it probably wouldn’t have been until after meeting tony and thinking about maybe going to new york one day that he even considered the idea of living in an apartment, but even then, he couldn’t imagine it being permanent
by the start of homeward bound things are different. harley is living in the city for the first time, living in a dorm and sharing close quarters with harry, and he’s mourning tony and his life before the snap, still struggling to a world that’s so different from the one he remembers, so for him the concept of a dream home feel irrelevant. like, he’s focusing more on just making it to his classes and his shifts at late night and the unexpected social life that he sort of develops with the friends he was not planning to make, so picturing his future doesn’t extend further than getting through his first year at ESU and signing up for classes, yk?
peter, at this point, has entirely lost his sense of home and assumes he’s never going to get it back (which is why he has not once referred to his apartment as home, outloud or in his head) so he has no dream home because he doesn’t think he’ll ever have a home
i’ll keep this as light in spoilers as possible, but i’ll tag it homeward bound spoilers and give a warning here that this is future hb stuff butit doesn’t actually give away the plot if that makes sense?
the series is called homeward bound for a reason, basically—it’s following the theme of home. the mcu trilogy is titled with home becoming inaccessible (homecoming, far from home, no way home) so i want this series to explore an idea of finding it again
as the series progresses, ideas of home and what it is and what it looks like are going to change and adapt, but in terms of your question specifically, harley and peter are going to wind up with the same idea of a dream home: a small cozy house, not in the suburbs but not in the heart of the city either, within a reasonable driving distance from their friends.
(bonus: harry loves the idea of a penthouse, but in reality would like a house like his moms, or a nice apartment if the location is worth it. gwen grew up in apartments and likes the idea of a house but wouldn’t care if she never moved into one.)
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aparticularbandit · 2 months
20 Questions for Fanfiction Writers
tagged by: @andtherewerefireworks. THANK YOU. <3 <3 <3
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
206, apparently. O.o I didn't realize it was that much. Whoops. >.>;;;;;; ...when did I end up with 55 fics in the MCU. I knew I had a lot in JTV, but when did I end up with that many in the MCU
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
3) What fandoms do you write for?
Uh...currently? ...uh...let me check my pinned post. Uh. Danganronpa (not DRV3 because I haven't finished it yet; specifically Junko etc. I like rewrites and consequences more than...crossovers...right now. I would rather play with canon...ish). MCU (specifically Wanda-related etc. re: Wandavision and DSMOM, but also add the Ancient One and also add Viv Vision because I love her). JTV (because yes, I can be persuaded to write more Roisa stuff). Miscellaneous Kathryn Hahn etc. (frequently referred to as Hahnverse, specifically beyond Agatha I will also write Eve Fletcher and Claire Debella). Who Framed Roger Rabbit (because yes, I can also be persuaded to occasionally write more Jessica Rabbit stuff, although it is often highly specific to my Jess). Puella Magi Madoka Magica (just because I haven't in a very long time does not mean I can't). Noir (the 2001 anime; just because I have very little posted doesn't mean I won't write for this). The Haunting of Bly Manor (specifically Dani and Viola and we pretend that most of the last episode didn't happen because I love Viola and I like looking at the complications of that whole situation). ...probably others that I can't think about at the moment, honestly.
4) Top Five Fics by Kudos:
By kudos? 1) What Dreams May Come. 2) Finding Family. 3) Lost Causes. 4) Make Life Worthwhile. 5) Take A Sad Song and Make It Better. Surprised by that last one, honestly, but not by the other four. The top two on my stats are pretty much always Bly Manor Fix-It Fic and FF; they just switch places every now and again.
5) Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes. I respond to comments if I feel I have a response or if I want to continue the dialogue or if I'm asked a question and don't put it off for a while (I'm really bad at this, actually). But I feel like a lot of comments...don't need...a response? And have been running into the weird situation lately where responding to comments...feels like...it keeps people from commenting? Which is? A weird feeling?
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Timeline canon doesn't count (I see you out there reading this) because that's not fic, that's rp. And, I mean, technically that had a happy ending. Technically. the day her line went flat. hands down. i've got some other angsty stuff that comes to mind, but like. nothing like that one, i don't think. ...but if I ever finish it all happens so quick, that may take it.
7) What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
...uh. Hm. I think probably Finding Family, because it was nearly 375k of build up (385k if you include the Holiday Special) and character development and relational development just to get to that ending so that it felt well earned and deserved and still not expected even though set up and just. I knew the ending of that one when I started it, and it was exactly what I wanted it to be, and I think it's the most happy because it's the most right and complete and just.... I don't know how to put words to it, but that one.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten bot hate on my MCU fics by bots who want me to switch to a different fic website, which I don't think really counts. I haven't gotten hate as comments on AO3 fic, BUT I DID have a period early last year and some the year before of A LOT of Anon hate, some of which was fic hate. Specifically character interpretation. But that felt more like a campaign of hate against me and that was just the avenue they were deciding to use at that particular time because there was so much other hate they were sending, so like. ...yeah, that was a thing.
9) Do you write smut?
10) Craziest crossover?
Heart in Motion aka the JTV/ODAAT crossover that no one asked for and then everyone asked for and then I never went back to. XD
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Partly! Someone started translating Finding Family into Russian! With permission! You can find it here!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Room for One I co-wrote with @butimnotasexyrussian! IT WAS GREAT.
14) All time favorite ship?
Honestly, I don't think I have one. I love Jess/Scully and Jess/Regina. I love the Valentines. But my shipping favs are flexible at best.
15) What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
What Dreams May Come. I don't think I left it in a good spot, as opposed to If You Lived Here, You'd Be Home Now, which is unfinished and will probably stay unfinished but at least stops at a good spot.
16) What are your writing strengths?
Consistency. I'm very consistent in terms of world-building and maintaining exact specifics through a fic. I keep my through threads, usually, and if I set something up, it's probably going to pay off later.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS SO LONG. WHAT IS WRITING SHORT STUFF, I DON'T KNOW HER. But also plot. And description. And setting. I suck at all of these things. Oh, also, having characters have distinct voices. All of my characters sound the same. -shrugs-
18) Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I don't have a problem with it, but I very rarely do it. I'm worried I'll get something wrong!
19) First fandom you wrote in?
Tales of Symphonia. I was in, like, middle school, and I did not post it. Fortunately. (This does not count RP, which I was doing earlier than that. That's not the same. And to be honest, I'm not sure I would know the answer then. Teen Titans or Inu-Yasha, maybe? I'm not sure.)
20) Favorite fic you've written?
It's a toss up between Luisa and the Fox and Surrogate. Probably there's something else I'm forgetting but will remember after I post this. But honestly? It's probably one of those two.
tagging: @adhdavinci (FINALLY I CAN TAG YOU BACK BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T TAG ME FIRST! HAHA!); @captaintoomanybattles; @auburnlaughter; @eriquin
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tarnishedxknight · 5 months
Happy New Year!
{out of dalmasca} Happy 2024, everyone! I just wanted to thank some folks, while I'm here, so excuse me while I get mushy for a second.
@illbringthechaosmagic - I have so enjoyed writing with you, it's not even funny. You are an amazing writer, and the life your pour into your muses makes every story we write better than the last. I'm so happy we have become good friends in addition to being writing partners, and whether its screaming about our muses in messages, writing threads, or having fun with asks, I've truly enjoyed every moment. You're not only an awesome writer, you're a sweet and wonderful person too. My rp experience just wouldn't be the same without you and your muses. Here's to another year of writing and gabbing together! <3
@starcchild/@disillusionedjudge - You are a very gifted writer, and I have always been so incredibly impressed with the level of thought and detail you pour into your OCs. You make them seem so alive, and whatever canon they're meant to fit into, they always do so seamlessly, to the point of me forgetting they're not really part of the canon. Carter is absolutely canon for me for the MCU! Each of your OCs is so engaging and three-dimensional that from writer to writer, I'm very impressed with what you've been able to do with them! I've enjoyed writing many of my muses with many of yours, and I've definitely enjoyed our OOC conversations too. I'm happy to call you my friend, and I hope we can continue writing together for a long time to come. =)
@tarnishedxjudgement - I'm so glad to have found a kindred spirit who loves FFXII as much as I do! It has been wonderful screaming about all things FFXII with you, and I will forever be impressed with your deep understanding of Noah/Gabranth. You write him in a way I can only aspire to, and it has been so much fun writing my other FFXII muses with your Noah. You capture his motivations, his personality, his emotions, his mannerisms, everything perfectly. And developing our more realistic, more detailed Dark!Ivalice AU together has been so rewarding, breathing new life into a game I already loved so dearly. =)
Mantis-mun - Okay, so I know you're the only Mantis-mun I write with, but even if you weren't, I'd still say you were the best. From the little I've seen of Mantis, you write her so well, not just her dialogue and personality, but the whole feelings she gives as a character. You make her seem like she truly is one of a kind, or the last of her kind, with such a unique perspective on life, the universe, and those around her. It's been so interesting and fun to write some of my muses with your Mantis, and I feel privileged that you take the time to do so, even if you don't always have a ton of love for this hellsite! XD
Thor-mun - I admire your ability to come up with so many different AUs, worlds, times, and scenarios for your muses! Thank you for all the interesting interactions on this blog and others, and for putting up with how badly I keep up with all your ideas sometimes. Even if I'm ridiculously slow to answer them all, I read every single one, and your creativity is always inspiring. You've caused me on several occasions to really think outside the box with my muses and stretch my own skills a bit as a writer, and for that I'm truly grateful. It's always wonderful to not only find great writers to write with on here, but to also grow as a writer myself because of the interactions I have, so thank you for helping me to do that! =)
I hope all of you have a wonderful 2024, and I look forward to writing more with all of you! <3
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justmeinatree · 2 months
i love talking about my writing so i do not mind all the questions 😂 i've been part of too many fandoms to name here but some of the ones i was the most involved in include Supernatural (still love the show, just don't engage with the fandom much anymore), the MCU (stopped watching the movies after Endgame, went to see Eternals because Harry was in the post credits scene and then fell asleep halfway through and missed him), Star Wars (was more into this when i was younger, these days the only Star Wars media i really care for is Rogue One and nobody else seemed to like that movie lol), Star Trek (mostly TOS), Doctor Who (same thing as Supernatural, still love it just not in the fandom anymore, and the 12th Doctor is my favorite <3), Community (still love the show, probably going to be getting back into the fandom when the movie drops), Les Miserables (i've read the book, seen the Hugh Jackman movie too many times to count, and saw a performance of it a few years back! still love the musical but the fandom feels like it's mostly dead now), Harry Potter (for obvious reasons, I have distanced myself from this one as much as possible but I was a Ravenclaw if anyone was wondering), the Throne of Glass books by Sarah J Maas (actually planning to reread this over the summer! may get back into the fandom, we'll see) and I've been active in the fandom for just about every mainstream horror franchise (and plenty of the more obscure ones too lol). I could probably spend hours creating a comprehensive list of fandoms but i think this is enough for now, unless you're just dying to know more 😂 i started writing in first grade, so around 6 years old. i've known i want to be a writer almost my entire life. i think the first bit of fanfic i ever wrote was for Harry Potter actually, but i don't remember anything about it. and i don't actually know what got me into reading fanfic...i just kind of always remember it being my go-to form of entertainment when i was bored. i am SO sorry for putting a whole novel in your askbox...apparently we're both in very chatty moods today lol
dialogue is the hardest thing for me to write because i always have to rewrite the conversation ten times before i feel like it sounds the way two people would actually speak. i'm much better at giving overly flowery descriptions of the space, and of character's appearances, emotions, etc. i tend to try and limit dialogue as much as i can when possible. my other writing crutch is semi-colons...i simply cannot go a paragraph without including one.
now the pressure is on to keep the fic good for the two of you 😂 i think this is the first time i've been told that two of my readers were talking about my fic beyond the comments section.
i think she's 3 years old? but i always forget. i'll have to ask my mom next time i call her, she's the one that keeps track 😂
wow, i cannot comment on any of the fandoms 🫣 don’t rip me apart or anything but i’ve literally never watched a single movie or episode related to any of them 😅 to be fair though, i rewatch the same like 10 tv shows on repeat and i’m not much one for movies 😬 but still that’s so impressive ! HOW did you find so many things that you enjoyed enough to join a fandom ? honestly love all of that for you, and apparently i need to broaden my horizons 😅
that’s crazy how it’s so opposite for us ! conversation is so easy for me to imagine. i wouldn’t even know how to avoid it 😅 semi colons !! never use those bad boys but i’m told i use too many commas. love me a good comma 😂
SHE’S SO CUTE !! i’ve seen the photos you sent and omggg she’s seriously adorable. i don’t know what i was picturing but honestly she’s surpassed the image ! such a fkn cutie 😍😍
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