#like how do u even recover from that bro
padfootastic · 2 years
randomly thinking about- james potter had a posture so great that even voldemort commented on it hours
like everytime I see that line knowing i just laugh at that detail and the audacity in voldemort's voice.
it's tied to the "my father didn't strut" as top tid bits we got about jfp
hehehehe james was such a top tier character is it rly a wonder we have an entire cult for him? like, it’s so funny that the literal big bad’s kryptonite is the potter family 😭
also lol @ poor harry always getting this kind of info from his enemies. like he knows nothing about his dad except he looked like him, strutted around the castle, and had great posture. is it rly a wonder he has daddy issues?
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
Hi I rlly rlly love your fics so if you don't mind can I request aonung x reader where the reader is disappointed with aonung bcs of what aonung did to loak (when he left him) so reader ignor by not giving him cuddle and kisses and it's killing him (he already said sorry to lo'ak) but still reader ignore him until he cried infront of the reader and the reader felt bad and hug him and then they cuddle each other and the reader pets his hair until he falls asleep basically a fluff ending, thank u and sorry for the long discription
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summary: disgusted with what your boyfriend did to the poor forest boy, you cannot speak to him, driving him crazy.
1.2k words fem!metkayina reader
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You were horrified. The pit of disgust bubbling in your stomach as you watched the scene in front of you. Ao’nung, your lover, sent some poor boy out to a death trap. Fiery depths of your emotions recoiled inside you. Eyes burning with disappointment as you stared at Ao’nung from a far being scolded by his father.
It was after all the chaos had happened but now you watched closely to his scolding. Witnessing the winces on his face when ever his mother chimed in. But you didn’t feel bad, you were disgusted with him, the least he deserved was a reprimanding.
“I’ve had enough with you Ao’nung, your punishment will be decided tomorrow.” Ronal hissed at him before leaving the pod with Tonowari. You supposed they were going to the Sully’s.
You watched Ao’nung as he crouched on the ground, his face stiff to stop any emotion he was experiencing to be shown. You looked down at him, a loud sigh escaping your mouth. How could he be that stupid? How could he do that to the poor boy?
“Ao’nung.” His head immediately turned to face you. He saw the look in your eye, the glimmer of disappointment and it killed him. The way you scowled down at him, the look you gave him would take him years to recover from.
“Y/N you have to understand, I am sorry. I should- I should never have done that to Lo’ak.” Rolling your eyes and scoffing it made Ao’nung feel small under your gaze.
“I’m disgusted with you, I love you Ao’nung but I am ashamed to be with someone so cruel.” The rasp and the way you said it so quiet. Quiet enough for it to feel the ever-most hurtful.
“Please Y/N, I apologised to Lo’ak… don’t say shit like that.” Ao’nung was on his knees now looking up at you. It was in the spur of the moment but he was ready to beg and plead for you to take back your shame.
“I don’t want to talk to you right now. Bye Ao’nung.” Walking out fast you heard Ao’nung’s breath tremble. You knew your words were harsh, but he was a bully, a conniving, cruel person today and you couldn’t be around him.
It had been days since you had talked to him. You’d see him give you longing looks across the shore while you built sandcastles with Tuk. You thought about forgiving him, but he had truly disappointed you, it made you wonder if he truly deserved to be forgiven.
“C’mon Y/N… he’s staring so hard right now.” Lo’ak laughed as you all sat in a circle with Tsireya and all his siblings. “I’ve forgiven him, you should too.”
“He doesn’t deserve it.” A blunt statement that made everyone shocked, Tsireya even letting out a small gasp.
Even Kiri who truly didn’t like Ao’nung was shocked. She knew that Ao’nung was sorrowful about his actions and seeing his pleading eyes edge closer and closer to where you all we gathered was torturous.
“He has tried very hard to make amends with us Y/N.” Neteyam chimed in. He was sick of hearing Ao’nung’s complaints about your absence and just wanted you to forgive the boy.
“We’re bros! C’mon Y/N, he’s miserable without you.” Lo’ak smacked your shoulder with his free hand. The other occupied as he held onto Tsireya’s arm.
“He is your lover Y/N, you must miss him too.” Tsireya softly said, her voice calming.
“I just don’t know if I can love someone who can be so cruel.”
You didn’t think what you said was that shocking but the way everyone’s faces had fell made you second guess yourself. Turning around to where everyone’s gaze laid was Ao’nung. His face blank, his eyes averting your gaze as his lips trembled just slightly.
You knew he heard you, it wasn’t like what you said wasn’t true, but it was slighty exaggerated.
“Shit.” Lo’ak whispered out earning a harsh glare from his brother and a light slap from his sister.
You couldn’t get any words out, the time moving slowly as you watched Ao’nung start to walk off, towards his marui. His usual cocky stride replaced with a fast paced walk, like he was trying to race the emotions about to spill out of his body.
Tsireya put her hand on your thigh, looking into her eyes she motioned to her brother. It was her subtly telling you to go, to follow after him. You could ignore him no longer.
As soon as you got up your legs were moving. Following Ao’nung in his pod. The sounds of his sniffles were heart shattering, maybe you let your disappointment go too long, you were stuck in your own head you didn’t think about his.
Pulling the curtain back you looked at Ao’nung, the way his hands were balled into fists as he crouched in the centre of the room. You slowly walked over to him. Crouching in front of him, his heavy breathes and shaking fists made you feel overwhelmed with guilt.
“Ao’nung-” His eyes shot up to look at you. Glossy and bloodshot. He’d been crying?
“Do you not love me anymore? Because if you don’t you can go.” His voice was quiet but still piercing, filled with hurt.
“No Ao’nung. That is not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean? Huh?”
“I just, I was shocked. I didn’t think that was something you had in you. And I wanted no part of it.”
Ao’nung’s eyes averted yours, he knew it was all his fault. But he didn’t think he’d lose his love over it, he couldn’t lose you.
“I’ve tried so hard to apologise Y/N, I’ve done everything. Please can you forgive me too.” His voice was laced with desperation no he gripped your arm with both of his hands. The possibility of losing you was becoming more and more like a guarantee, making his emotions pool in his eyes.
“I know you have Ao’nung.” That’s when you noticed the tears rolling down his cheek, a small gasp was let out of your mouth as you used the hand he wasn’t holding to wipe the tear off his face. “Don’t cry Ao’nung please.”
Ao’nung’s lip quivered rapidly, he felt so weak in front of you, letting his emotions out. He was being so vulnerable in front of you, it made him want to never look you in the eye again. “Forgive me baby please. I’m so sorry, I don’t want you to hate me.”
Pushing him into your chest, you rubbed a hand up and down his back soothing his shaking body. “Oh Ao’nung, I don’t hate you. I see you.”
Ao’nung’s body stiffened before immediately embracing you tighter than before. Laying down he rested his head on your chest, listening to your breathing. He longed for your touch for so long, he longed for you, to now be resting upon you again felt like a blessing.
“I am sorry Y/N” You smiled down at him, a hand caressing his head as he held onto you tightly.
“I know baby, don’t worry about it any longer.”
──── ⑅*❀*⑅ ────
authors note: kinda ooc but we didn't get much of ao'nung so its basically like character building
taglist: @aonungmybf @melovehiddlestan @goodiesinthecloset21 @dngnmtr-blog
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lorre-verie · 1 year
i NEED more recent neteyam content from you, the 5 stages of love thing was just- UGH mwah mwah i love it
can i request neteyam x reader where neteyam's jealous bc reader has been hanging out with other people? but please make the ending happy, i beg (im recovering from your aonung series antics 😭)
everything else is completely up to you i trust ur judgement so much 🥰
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tysm anon AAAAA made me smile so much after reading this, i hope dearly that it doesn't disappoint!
“I will always love you.”
🗝 oneshot summary: seems you’ve been paying other people a whole lot more attention lately, and it’s making your dear boyfriend feel uneasy (jealous) inside. blablabla sweetie pie stuff happens, by the end of the night u two are cuddly lovey dovey again 💗
🌿 the lovely couple: neteyam x reader
📓 notes! - reader’s gender is not specified + no implications + no given name (used: [Y/N]) - takes place in the forest
🎞 word count: 2.3k
“Yo bro!” Lo’ak waved towards his older brother, Neteyam’s hair whipping around with his head as he turned to see what Lo’ak wanted. 
He was in the middle of rebraiding his hair in his family’s marui, something he would’ve asked you to do if he could even find you in the first place. 
Lately, you’d been really absorbed with developing your hunting skills, something he respected and never thought twice about, until now. 
“Did you and [Y/N] break up?” 
“What would even make you think such a thing like that?”  He completely abandoned his delicate ministrations through his hair, looking at his brother like he was insane. But deep down inside, he kinda wondered if you did too.
He rarely saw you these days, except for those fleeting moments where you two would wave at each other when passing by, and whenever he visited your tent you were never there. If he asked your friends they would constantly say you were out hunting, and he dropped his attempts at trying to find you. 
But seriously, hunting for almost the whole day for almost 3 weeks? There had to be SOMETHING else you’d been doing. 
“I never see you together anymore. N’ I heard from their friends there’s someone called Akxyeì in the picture. But if you did, there’s no shame in it bro, it’s all goo—”
Neteyam kicked him out of the tent. 
He huffed as he finished braiding his hair, not bothering to give it a last look before stomping out in search of you. Who the hell was Akxyeì?? 
Deep in his chest came a mixture of doubts and emotions regarding your relationship— had he not been showing you how much he loved you? How come you had to hang out with some other stupid dude? What if it was even worse, what if you were beginning to lose your interest in him? He would die without you, honestly. 
Or what if it was even worse, what if this Akxyeì character manipulated you into falling for him? He didn’t know whether what he was feeling was anger or sadness. But I’ll sum it up for you. 
Everyone stared at him as he stormed into the forest, the expression on his face taut and unreadable. The gossipping elders immediately got into their little groups, discussing what could possibly happen to the two of you in great interest. 
Not mud nor rain stopped him from tracking you, crouching along the forest floor, sniffing through the strong smell of rain in order to pick up your scent. The moment he found it, he bit back a growl; an unfamiliar scent was there with you.
He placed his hand on his forehead, taking deep breaths before heading in the direction you were supposed to be, reaching what the omaticayans dubbed the ‘lovers lake.’ He frowned remembering the nickname. 
Lo and behold, his love was crouched under a large leaf just near the opposite edge of the lake, a lovely smile on your face, like always, as you looked at the rain splashing in puddles on the dirt in front of you. 
Just the sight of you made his heart soar. But his mood quickly plummeted back down once he saw a na’vi boy crouched down behind you, also laughing at the predicament you were both in. 
He had half a mind to take his bow and shoot him in the crotch to ensure he wouldn’t ever be able to clone himself, but he had to bite back the urge. Instead, he resorted to letting out a heavy sigh. 
Just then, you looked up, eyes meeting with his as he stood far across the lake. A pang of guilt ran down your body, but it wasn’t like you were doing anything wrong, right? So then why did your heart drop fifty feet into the ground? 
Akxyeì’s laughter stopped once he saw the deathly stare Neteyam was giving him, which your boyfriend was satisfied with. But not satisfied enough. 
He turned his back on you both, disappearing into the thin fog that was starting to cloud the forest.
“..I have to go.” you whispered to Akxyeì, before diving head first into the lake to catch up with Neteyam. 
The only thing you thought about besides holding your breath was how angry Neteyam must’ve been with you. He totally misunderstood the situation, and it pained your heart to think of what he was thinking right now. You had to explain yourself as soon as possible. 
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You frantically searched through the camp, your heart racing with worry and fear. Light pitter patters of rain land on your face, causing you to wipe it every few seconds in order to be able to see. You called out Neteyam's name in every spot imaginable, even his own family’s marui, but he wasn’t there.
As you made your way from tent to tent, you couldn’t help but feel a sinking feeling of worry weighing down on your shoulders.
You checked the hunting groups, but Neteyam was nowhere to be seen. You asked the elders if they had seen him, but they claimed to not know anything. 
You were drenched from head to toe from your swim earlier, and the wind didn’t make it any better, shivers threatening to stop your search. The nosy elders murmured harshly at the sight of you this way, according to them you always seemed so put together. 
You finally make your way back to your own tent, hoping that maybe he might have gone there. Although it was unlikely, it was the only spot in camp you hadn’t checked. But as you pushed aside the flap, you were met with your empty home, no sign of your boyfriend anywhere. 
Panic began to set in as you realised that he was truly gone. You sat down, fingers pressed to your lips as you took in a deep breath, thinking of all the possible places he could be. 
He wasn’t anywhere in camp, so that would have to mean he was still out in the forest. But where? You couldn’t possibly— 
He might be at you guys' spot.
You hadn’t been there in what felt like years. It was where he asked to be your boyfriend. It was so silly of him; a smile crept up on your face as you hopped up through the trees, reminiscing the day. 
You were both admiring the night sky together, counting the stars, and he suddenly whispered, “Can I be your boyfriend?” 
Even now, he denies ever uttering those words, claiming it was a figment of your imagination, and that you heard what you wanted to hear. But you remembered vividly the way he nearly fell off the trunk of the tree when you said yes.
The grass underneath you turned into soft clumps of moss as you continued, the rain slowly stopping as eclipse took over the sky. Finally, you reached the two intertwining trees, standing underneath the archway. 
You didn’t have time to look up before you heard his voice among the cricketing insects. 
“[Y/N].” he said, his voice as low as a sigh, your ears flattening once you heard the utter distress from his throat.
You said nothing, instead climbing up the slanted tree, crouching and setting aside the leaves covering your view. 
And there he was, in all his glory. 
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan.
His feet dangled over the edge of the tree trunk, his hands planted firmly at his sides. He was hunched over, staring blankly at the ground at which you stood before. 
“Neteyam—” you were barely able to finish saying his name before he interrupted you. 
“Did I do something?” he croaked out, his gaze fixed downwards. 
“What?” you blinked. What was he saying? 
“Of course not,” you said softly, sitting on a spot on the tree just inches from him, you looking directly at his crestfallen face. 
A tear ran down his cheek, reflected by the lights of the stars in the night. He wiped it away quickly, now looking to his left, so that you were met with only the back of his head. 
Your heart dropped at the sound of his sniffles. “Neteyam, Akxyeì is just a friend,” you started, trying to formulate the best way to try and explain the situation to him and then beg for his forgiveness. 
“It’s not about that.” he sucked in a breath in attempt to calm himself down. 
“Why have you been avoiding me?” 
Your heart felt like it was splitting into two. 
You’d constantly been reassuring yourself that you weren’t avoiding him, you were just hanging out with your own separate group of friends, but in truth you basically had been. 
“I’m not avoiding you,” you paused, sighing as you faced the fact that you were going to have to be truly honest with him about your feelings now. 
“I just…wanted to be seen.” 
At those words, he turned towards you, eyes glistening with tears. “Wh…What do you mean by that?” 
“With them, I feel like what I always wanted to be— A strong, brave warrior with talent. With them, I feel like I can just truly be myself, and I don’t have to hold back.” 
He looked at you, beckoning you to go on. 
Your eyes flickered down, unable to meet his eyes as you continued, “Sometimes when I’m out with you I feel like I have to keep up appearances. You’re the next olo’eyktan, the next leader for our people, and I feel like I’m always in your shadow.”
“I get comments from the elders like, “How is it dating the next in line for Olo’eyktan???”” you mocked their shrill voices with a face as you quoted their exact words, the corner of your boyfriend’s lips twitching up in amusement. 
“So..I don’t know. When I finally was seen as a leader myself, with Akxyeì and the others, it felt like I was…free. Free from the expectations that other people put on me.” you bit your lip, imagining how selfish you must’ve sounded to him right now. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Neteyam part his lips slightly.
“..I never knew you felt that way,” he half whispered, looking down at his hand and yours, suddenly aching to intertwine your fingers together.
“It’s..not that I didn’t like being with you, you make me so happy,” you let a small smile appear on your face, “It’s just that it makes me feel worse about myself when people only care that I’m your partner. They don’t see me.”
“So…that’s why I’ve been hanging out with my other friends,” the air felt awkward after you finished, and you felt like you had to add on to your words so that the atmosphere didn’t feel so..empty.
“ I’m sorry I didn’t tell you anything before.”
“.....So I take it you’re still in love with me?” 
You looked up at his totally unserious response, slightly baffled. He had a childishly wide grin on his face. The tears from earlier had already dried up, leaving no trace behind. 
Your mouth was open in surprise of his lighthearted reaction. Had he even heard anything you just said? 
“Just so you know, Akxyeì is totally not more attractive than me,” he pushed on, determined to see one thing and one thing only. 
Your beautiful smile.
And his not-so-cunning ploy worked, as a little grin made its way up onto your face. 
He placed his hand on top of yours, slightly gripping your fingers. “But in all seriousness, I’m sorry too.” 
His mesmerising eyes were widened ever so slightly, as if he was trying to take in more of the sight of you. 
“For what?” you mouthed, the volume of your words barely above a hum. 
“For not noticing how you felt. I’m supposed to be good at gauging other people’s emotions–” he sighed, before you stopped him mid sentence with one of your fingers to his lips. 
“That’s why I didn’t want to tell you anything. I was worried you’d feel even more pressured with having to worry about me too, besides everything else already going on,” you tilted your head downwards, glancing once more at the barely illuminated bark you sat on.. 
You wanted to tell him more, to explain further, but the doe look in his eyes as he gently took your finger off his mouth with his free hand told you he’d already understood everything. 
He flipped your hand around, placing a soft kiss on your wrist, maintaining full eye contact with you as he did it. The motion sent butterflies raging frantically in your stomach, the thrill causing you to blush slightly. 
“So. Tell me more about your friends.” he smirked, knowing the full extent of his charm and what it did to you. 
You breathed out, nodding before sitting directly next to him, your hips touching his. You began to recite to him all the fun little adventures you had with your hunting group, and the stupid things Akxyeì would get himself into. 
You couldn’t help but smirk a little bit whenever you felt Neteyam’s hand tighten its grip around yours whenever you mentioned the other boy. 
“And then, one other time- Teyam?” you felt his head weigh on your shoulder. Was he…asleep? 
A small pause followed as you stopped talking, and you just froze completely before narrowing your eyes. 
“..You aren’t asleep, are you?” you rolled your eyes, feeling a chuckle vibrate on your shoulder from his throat. 
You always knew how to read him, and he found it amusing that you were the only person he could never fool. It just added onto his everlasting appreciation for you. 
You watched him as he pulled his head up off your shoulder, smiling as he looked at your face with such fondness that it made you feel weightless. 
“I love you, [Y/N].”
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aw how sweet 😊 isn’t that so sweet?? i'm so sorry if this genuinely sucked ass cause i have no clue how to write sweet stuff..but thank u so much for your req anon! thank u all for 500+ followers, it truly means so much to me guys 😭🙏
i hope you guys enjoyed this! as always, thank u for stopping by my blog 💗💚
much love, lorre.
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valentine-writes · 10 months
Hello hello! Been downright dying over how much I love your AtSV work!! So I thought I would feed into it >:) If you're feeling up to it, whats been brewing in your mind about The Spot x reader? Take it platonic or romantic, either has so much potential for fun in my opinion and I guess I'm just interested in what ideas you might have?? Not a lot to work off of from what I'm asking but I hope you're able to have fun with it anyways ^^; Whether youre able to get to this request or not, thanks for reading! Love what you do :)
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「 tws + notes: possibly ooc, unedited, he's kind of pathetic little meow meowified im sorry, first bit inspired by @//submurged-into-clouds !! <3 」
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↳ ft. the spot
「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
author's note: first, AUWJHEJSBS thank u so much!!!! im glad u like what i've written so far– and i am SUPER excited to write for the spot becuz im gon b real,,, there was a momentary lapse of insanity where i was scouring for any content of him at all. SO TY 4 UR REQ!!!! ( /)u(\ ) i hope this is ok!!! i got carried away and stuff so,, i hope this is at the Very Least coherent! leaned for platonic stuff with romantic undertones that intensify throughout so,, read it how u like ^_^
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▸ we're going to start this by establishing that bro has literally No Friends anymore. you met him after the collider incident and by some miracle, some sort of mercy from a higher power in the multiverse– you ended up becoming friends with him
really, meeting him was an accident. wasn't supposed to be anything more– just him messing around with his new abilities and slipping into a random universe with no idea where he was.
and there was you.
just you. out, alone at night. just taking a walk– disrupted by someone falling out of a weird portal from the sky.
this is the day your paths crossed, the day your fates intertwined, the moment that your world collided into his.
to put more literally: the day he crashed into you very unceremoniously.
im now re-reading the title and remembering his backstory and giggling at my unintentional joke. he is not catching a break. even from me.
▸ after recovering from a random stranger from another universe tumbling into your own, you began to talk.
now– you don't remember how the conversation started, but you were glad to listen. the way which he rambled to you, words tumbling out of his mouth like they'd been on his mind for a while– you felt like he needed someone to hear him.
he's surprised. you're not bothered. not frightened. not even weirded out. but you're not indifferent. you nod along, you comment on things here and there– but you listen. you actually listen to him.
eventually, when he leaves, you're sat there for a moment. just frozen– processing whether that had really happened or not. you see the indent his body left in the grass where the two of you sat. it's evidence enough for you.
a few weeks pass and you're certain that you were just fated to meet once and never again. you were fine with this.
▸ until he randomly popped up in your living room one day.
yes, he had been actively trying to find your universe again– and as casually as he can be, is now peeking from out the portal he created, head leaning in to get a better look at you.
you're not sure how you can tell considering he has no face,,, but he's definitely smiling.
he waves to you, awkwardly, (noticing that you're just staring at him while not saying a word), "thought i would say hi, so– ...hi."
you blink at him tiredly. "dude, it's 6:30 in the morning–"
he's treating this like it's normal for people to just show up in your house. he missed you– and it's very evident.
▸ no matter what type of relationship you're in with him: you GOTTA set boundaries. being one of the only people who cares to hang around him anymore means that you're gonna be seeing a lot of him.
while he certainly hasn't completely lost grasp on the concept of privacy, it's definitely been altered by the fact he's got powers that allow him to pop up wherever he wants. he's just a teeny bit invasive.
"hello!" he'll greet, randomly poking his head through a portal he made to your bedroom.
on instinct, you throw the closest thing to you. he's just glad you reached for the pillow and not the alarm clock also at your arms reach on the bedside table.
definitely a good idea to remind him that if he wants to hang out, he should probably message you, and if he wants to show up at your house for whatever reason, he should give you a heads up.
he has nearly walked in on you changing. and has apologized a million times every time it's brought up. it fr keeps him up at night.
▸ everyone in his life leaving him def messed him up a bit. he can deny it all he wants, but he's terribly anxious that you're gonna grow tired of him and leave.
constantly like "oh my god what if they leave for someone who has a face" and itz like,,, boy,,,, stfu itz 3am
he needs reassurance, even if he never explicitly says. but you're kind to him. patient. you're pretty much an angel in his eyes.
which is why he feels comfortable texting u in the dead of night like:
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(im gonna b real i dont even know why i have this image)
▸ he's dismissed by most people around him– but you've given him your time. you've shown him that you care. he's doing everything he can to be certain you'll still care for him.
the random waves of "oh no but what if they hate me" hit him HARD. especially if he hasn't seen you in a while, if you take longer to respond to his messages, if you haven't been answering his calls– bro will jump to a conclusion
"hypothesis: they dont love me anymore :("
☝️🤓 SORRY HAKJWOENDOEND he would NOT say that. im just clowning on him itz a part of my luv 4 him </3
needs to be needed. wants to be wanted.
eventually you have a long talk about this. he's got a bit of an ego after realizing how much power he truly possessed– but you gently encourage him to let it down. a simple heart to heart. and while you're certain these things aren't going to dissipate with a single conversation, you've let him know he doesn't have to deal with it alone.
▸ physical contact is a need for him. bro's touch starved. he likes linking his pinky with yours or just intertwining your fingers together. if you ever let him rest his head on your shoulder or hugged him he'd actually have to fight tears. he hasn't been given affection in a while :(
▸ he doesn't really feel like he has to hide anything around you. he really doesn't have much of a filter when you're talking to him which makes for some amusing conversation. he finds your laughter the sweetest sound in the world– he likes making you laugh :] it makes him feel like he's accomplished something
▸ the alterations to his body have caused some weird little changes that most people don't notice. one of them most noticeably to you– he'd cold. not frigid or like icy, but a lot colder than normal people tend to be.
you first notice this when you're hanging out in your bedroom. you're sitting on your bed, while he paces back and forth, rambling about another failed villainous act
(you haven't questioned his whole obsession with villainy considering that he seems pretty harmless with what he's been attempting– no matter how much he tries)
"and then– ohh, and tHEN THEY JUST—" you notice how he's gesturing frantically, exasperated, annoyed– and out of instinct to provide some sort of comfort (or at least calm him down) your hand grasps his wrist
there's a moment of silence.
his voice dwindles into a more soft, subdued tone, watching as your fingers wrap around his wrist. "wh– if you wanted me to stop talking, you could've just... just said or...."
his mind is going blank, trailing off at your touch. he doesn't remember the last time someone has held his hand or even brushed up against him without freaking out.
"you're cold." you comment, now taking his hand between both of yours, as if you were trying to heat him back up. you don't meet his eyes, simply staring at his hand.
"oh– yeah, yeah, it's just– a thing with now. came with the holes–"
the sensation of your hands gently squeezing his shuts him up. you raise his hand to your lips and gently blow hot air onto it.
your brow furrows, nose scrunching up. "you're still cold..." you mutter, more to yourself than to him. quietly, your gaze returns to his face.
"does that bother you?" you ask him, after a beat of silence.
he shakes his head. your hands let go of his– but he quietly reaches back to hold it again.
"hold on a second. why don't you try again?" he suggests. you laugh softly, knowing it's obviously just an excuse. still, you humor him.
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otakusheep15 · 21 days
Hi there! I recently got diagnosed with discoid meniscus and I have an MRI and a surgery soon (as well as physio)
This hurts a lot and walking up stairs or a 10 minute walk is dreadful for me
Could you do it with the obey me bros pls? I don't see a lot about my condition much or at all, so it would be nice if u could bring some light to it :33
I actually have a pretty similar condition to you Anon! I've had about three surgeries to reconstruct my knees, so now I have a bunch of metal in them. I completely get the pain, and I'd be more than happy to write about it!
I am gonna try and keep this a bit more generic, but the reader/MC will have a major leg injury. Talks of surgery and injury will be included, but the reader/MC has not yet had any surgeries, just considering it.
Unlike most of his brothers, Lucifer is more practical about your injury. He's the only one who knew about it before the exchange program started, so he took the necessary precautions before you even showed up.
His biggest contribution is that he modified the stairs in the main hall. If you have a wheelchair/mobility aid, he cast a spell on the stairs so that they'll turn into a ramp so that it's easier for you to get up. He also added extra handrails/grips along the stairs so that you can hold on if needed.
He's very protective of you out in public. He constantly has his eyes on you, watching for any signs of discomfort. Constant reminders from him to take breaks when you need, and he punishes anyone who makes fun of you for needing a break.
If your legs ever feel sore, Lucifer is great at massages. He also regularly studies up on physical therapy-type exercises to help strengthen your legs. He never pushes you, but he does encourage you to do these exercises when you can.
If you ever consider surgery, Lucifer will help you look for the best doctor possible. Money is no obstacle for him, and he offers to pay for any and all expenses. He also stays with you in the Human World while you recover, as he doesn't want to risk you being down in the Devildom while you're still healing.
If you're ever injured, such as your knee popping out of socket or pulling a muscle, he's the first to look after you. Plenty of medicine and attention, and he makes sure to keep his brothers away so that they don't bother you while you rest. He's hesitant to use magic to help you, as he doesn't want you to become reliant on it for help, but if it's an extreme injury, he'll make an exception.
He most likely is not aware of your injury unless you tell him. If you have a strange walk, such as a limp, he might make fun of you for it, not realizing it's because you're injured. After you and/or Lucifer explain to him how stupid he sounds, he apologizes, and he does genuinely feel bad.
Now he is your scary (adorable) guard dog. He's constantly going with you if you need to run an errand, and he gets upset if you ask him to let you go alone. Truthfully, he's scared for what might happen if you go out by yourself. He knows how cruel demons can be, and he'd hate it if he wasn't there to protect you. Still, if you're adamant, he'd agree to leave you be.
Definitely the type to bedazzle your mobility aid if you have one. Of course, he asks permission first, but if you let him, he's going all out. Stickers, glitter, and tacky, plastic jewels now adorn your mobility aids, and Mammon is very proud of himself.
Mammon is for sure the type to pick you up and walk you up the stairs himself. If you don't like it, he'll stop after the first time, but if you let him, he'll do it every time. If there's a set of stairs you need to go up, he's already picking you up before you even ask. Do his brothers make fun of him? Yes. Does he care? Absolutely not.
If you ever plan on having surgery, he's a bit afraid for you. Mammon has a tendency to overestimate how fragile humans can be, so when he hears the word 'surgery', his mind immediately jumps to the worst. Just reassure him that you'll be okay if you decide to go through with it, and he'll be fine. He definitely studies up on the best ways to help someone recover from a surgery, and he's a surprisingly good caretaker for you.
He's also good at caring for you if you get injured. If you hurt your leg somehow, he's immediately bringing you to the nearest private space and checking to see how bad your injury is. His first instinct is to use magic to heal your leg, but if that doesn't work, his next plan is most likely to call Lucifer and ask what he should do. He's mostly just panicking because he hates seeing you injured, but when he does manage to calm down, he is a lot better at caring for you.
As someone who experiences chronic pain, Levi gets it. He's in constant pain nearly all the time, so if you need help with finding ways to get comfortable, he's your guy. But beyond that, he's not much help with anything else. He barely takes care of his own pain, so the chances of him being able to help much with yours is slim at best. He does his best though.
If you feel sore, he's got lots of spaces to chill out and rest your legs. He has many different types of chairs, beanbags, the bathtub, and even his floor, which is surprisingly comfortable. He'd totally be down to build you a makeshift nest so that you have somewhere to rest and prop your leg up.
Out of all the brothers, Levi is one of the best at distraction and comfort. If you're feeling a lot of pain or soreness, his room is the best place to be. He can distract you with anime, games, manga, and more. Sometimes, you're just in pain and there's not much you can do about it, so having a distraction is usually the best option in these instances.
Still, despite what you may think, even Levi knows that there's a limit to how much you can distract yourself before you actually need help. His brothers have had to pull him out of his cave many times because they know he's in pain and ignoring it. If he ever sees you starting to develop the same destructive tendencies as him, he'll do his best to pull you out of it.
If you ever plan on getting surgery, his room is the best recovery zone you could ask for. There's a lot to do in his room, and none of it requires much physical activity, so your legs can heal while you hang out with him. He also knows a lot about how to work out your leg to keep it from stiffening up, even if he doesn't utilize these exercises himself all that much. Any pain meds you might have are tucked away in a secure location with all of his medicine, and he sets extra timers for you so that you remember to take them if needed.
If you injure your leg, Levi is not the best help unfortunately. He panics immediately, and there's not a very good chance he'll get himself out of his panic in time to help you. In cases like these, it's best to have someone else on speed dial, such as Lucifer or Barbatos. After your leg is healed, Levi is very apologetic that he couldn't be very helpful. He tries his best to overcome his own panic so that he'll be better able to help you in the future.
Out of everyone, Satan is the most likely to do actual research about your disability. Like, I'm talking hours in the library reading every medical journal he can find so that he can fully understand what you go through. He also asks you questions if you're comfortable answering them. He won't pressure you to answer though.
He will definitely get mad at anyone who makes fun of you or tries to make your life harder. If you don't want him to confront them, he won't for your sake, but he really wants to fight them. Please let him fight them for you.
If you have any mobility aids, he will help you modify them to be better suited for the Devildom, if you'd like him to of course. It's mch different down here compared to the human world, so having modified aids would be helpful to you during your stay. If you don't want them modified at all, he'd be more than happy to buy you some alternative aids instead.
Satan is very good at giving massages if you ever feel sore. Maybe you've been walking around all day, or maybe you just woke up sore. It happens, and he'll never judge you for why you feel sore. If you'd like him to, he has no problem giving you a massage. His room is not the best for relaxing since he has so many books piled everywhere, but he tries his best to clear a path for you so that you won't have to step over all of them.
If you ever plan on having surgery, Satan is your best bet for a caretaker. He's calm and patient, and he always knows what you need to feel better. He's a great cook and he doesn't mind taking care of chores. he also makes sure you take all of your prescribed medication and that you get enough rest. Satan would prefer it if you stayed in the human world during your recovery, as he believes it's safer and less stressful than staying in the Devildom, but if you'd rather stay in the Devildom, he'll gladly stay at the House of Lamentation with you.
If you're injured, Satan is one of the better demons to call on. He has a lot of medical knowledge, so he'd know better than most of his brothers about how to take care of you. He'd try to fix it on his own if he knew how to. He can fix a dislocated knee no problem, and he's fine with other small forms of injury. If it's a bigger injury, he'd be tempted to use magic to heal you, but only as a last resort.
He may not know everything about your disability, and he may not be the best caretaker of all time, but Asmo is the best at hyping you up and making you feel good. Any insecurity you may have about your disability is gone when you're around him.
No one dares to insult you in his presence. If he even suspects that someone has been bullying you for having a disability, it's on sight. Or, more accurately, he's sending Satan and/or Beel to fight for him. Either way, that demon is dead.
If you let him, Asmo would absolutely bedazzle any mobility aids you might have. He'll design you a leg brace that's colorful and sparkly, all while still being fully functional. Any canes or walkers are covered in fun stickers and glitter, and wheelchairs are not spared either. If you'd rather he keep them plain, he'll be a little pouty, but he doesn't mind. Instead, he'll focus his efforts into creating a new line of fashionable mobility aids. He thinks it's fun to design something that's actually useful along with being cute.
He's also very good at helping you coordinate outfits that fit with your mobility aids. Leg braces tend to be hard to style around, and he knows that. Sometimes they can be bulky and stiff, meaning that picking out what to wear with them can be nearly impossible. If you ever need help finding something to wear, Asmo is your go-to. He won't judge you for needing help, and the two of you spend the whole day shopping and looking around for cute outfit ideas.
If you plan on having surgery, Asmo is not the best caretaker, but he tries his best for you. If he needs any help, he'll most likely call Satan or Lucifer and ask what he should do to help you. Most of his care involves him trying to keep you entertained. Resting all day can be boring, and he knows that he wouldn't enjoy being stuck inside all day. He finds movies and tv shows to binge with you, finds silly games you can play, and even puts on cute little fashion shows for you. Asmo is still a fairly responsible caretaker, but maybe have Lucifer on speed dial just in case.
If you're injured, maybe don't call Asmo right away. More likely than not, he'll freak out and panic instead of helping you. Instead, call someone else to help you with your injury, and then call Asmo after so that he can fawn over you. He'll act all offended that you didn't call on him first, but deep down he knows he wouldn't have been much help to you. He does try his best to work on himself so that he can help you more in the future.
Beel may not be the most informed about human world disabilities, but he is also the most willing to learn. All he wants is to be helpful to those he cares about, and you're one of those people. If he needs to sort through every medical journal he can find to understand how to help you, he will. He may not understand most of the medical nonsense listen in the journals, but he tries his best for you, and he actually learns quite a lot in the process.
Most likely to carry you around if you need it. All of the brothers are more than capable of carrying you just fine, but Beel is most used to carrying others around. He does it for his brothers all the time, so it's no different for you in his mind. If you can't get up a flight of stairs or you broke/lost your mobility aid, Beel is right there to haul you to wherever you need.
Beel is also very good at caring for you, surprisingly. He deals with a lot of injuries because of how often he gets hurt during games/practice, so he knows a thing or two about first aid. He's not the best at it compared to an actual doctor, but if you need anything bandaged up, or perhaps a brace of some kind, he's got you. He's also got plenty of ice/heat packs if you feel sore, plus tons of muscle relaxers and other such drugs, although he's more hesitant to give anything like that to you since he's not sure what kind of dosage you'd need. If you have your own medication, he'd be more than willing to hold onto some for you in case of emergency.
If you plan on having surgery, Beel is a decent option as a caretaker. Not the best, but certainly not the worst either. He may be easily distracted by his own hunger, but as long as he's well-fed, he's good at taking care of you. Like I said, he knows a good amount already due to his own injuries, and anything he doesn't know he can just research. During recovery, you will not have to move an inch because he'll just get everything for you. If you want food or a drink, he already has it, and he doesn't mind running errands if you need anything specific. He's also good at helping you with physical therapy.
If you get an injury, he's a good option to call. Beel is best at short term solutions, like bandaging you up until you find a more permanent solution. Maybe not the best for serious injuries, as he can only do so much with his limited knowledge, but small injuries like a popped knee or sore muscles are where he can help the best.
If nothing else, Belphie is very good at helping you relax. If your muscles are tense or spasming, he's arguably your best go-to. He's shockingly good at massages, but his specific brand of magic is also good for relaxation, not just putting someone to sleep.
He's also the most understanding about how tired you must be all the time (besides Levi). Having any kind of leg injury is tiring and painful, and he knows good and well that you need breaks. If you're ever feeling tired or worn-out, his bed is always open to you, and so is the attic. He'll also fight anyone who makes fun of you for needing to rest, as he's most likely dealt with similar comments for how often he falls asleep.
He's not the most experienced with mobility aids, but he is good at making things comfortable. If you specifically wear any kind of brace that makes you uncomfortable, he's your best bet if you want to find something better. Maybe something with extra padding or something that sits on your leg better. If you wear one of those bigger braces that prevent your knee from bending, he's also good at helping you prop it up on some pillows. Basically, if you have a hard time getting comfy, go to Belphie. He's more than happy to help.
If you plan on having surgery, he's a fairly decent caretaker. I can't promise that he won't fall asleep in the middle of caring for you, but he's not bad while he's awake. He's the best at helping you find comfortable ways to place your leg while you sleep or rest, and he's also good at helping you relax after physical therapy. As for anything else, he has no problems running errands for you for food, but it might take him a while to get around to it.
If you're injured, maybe don't call Belphie. To be honest, he has no clue how to deal with major, or even minor, injuries, so you're better off calling for someone else to help you. However, he is good at taking care of you after your injury has been properly dealt with. If you do get majorly injured, he'll most likely feel bad that he couldn't help you, so he'll do his best to learn more about how to help you in the future.
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g-xix · 10 months
Can you do a headcanon for dating zerkaa? 🫶🏼
Dating Zerkaa Headcannons
Uhm hello YAS ofc u can get that bc Josh has been in his FINE ARC RECENTLY!!! Bro looks so hot... proof:
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Ugh, gorg. Now time for the headcannons:
-Date night merchant -Organises date nights every fortnight -Prefers to stay in than go out -Favourite date nights are little indoor activities like movie nights and painting experimenting -You always ask whether you should plan the next date but he always says no -Loves making fun little plans and surprising you with them, esp when he knows you absolutely love them
-Often uses the Sidemen card to plan out extravagant holidays for the Sidemen videos, and brings you as well -Just has you come on the journey on his "neutral" team and explains all the bait he's laid whilst you're on the way to the good hotel... You're shocked the entire time by how intricately he's planned this -You always joke you're just one date away from being put on a bad team and shipped off to the shitty hotel -He uses the good holiday as a holiday for you two- he sets the other sidemen off in their tasks and takes you to all the tourist destinations you've always wanted to go -Fans always comment about how wholesome it is that he brings his gf on the trip -Fans also made a compilation of all your reactions to Josh explaining his evil mastermind plan for the bad team... Video is basically just eight minutes of you just smacking a hand to your mouth with wide eyes...
-Gets the BEST holiday pics of you- you don't even need to ask, he's already saying "look over there-" and taking the best pics of you -All your Instagram pics have Josh tagged for picture creds -Josh comments on every post with heart eyes emojis and commenting that he's just too lucky to have you -Fans absolutely love you, went feral when the two of you posted a kiss pic - edits absolutely flooded your tagged section, and you liked every single one
-Likes kissing whilst you have lipstick on -Gets slewed by his boys when he shows up to Sidemen shoots with lipstick-reddened lips, having been unable to wipe your lip tints off -On nights out you two are massive on PDA when you have a few drinks down -He has so many lipstick kisses all over his face at the end of a night out because of how frequently you just lean over and kiss anywhere on his face when you're on your happy-intoxicated-high -Took a picture of him with kiss marks all over his face + he put it on his insta story.... The fans never recovered. 
-Feel like he'd play fight sm -Starts as play fighting, ends with having to truce before one of you seriously hurt one another -Both of you prefer the right side of the bed, so when you get to the hotel room it often becomes a pillow fight whilst clambering onto the bed and fighting for the favoured side -Joke about the fact Josh only wins because his head's so big no matter what velocity at which you pillow-slam him he's never affected -One time he got too goofy and jokingly went to bite you -He literally bit into your arm. -The two of you kinda paused in shock-horror-confusion-wtf -Examined and realised Josh litr left bite marks on your skin -Were bleeding slightly from where his canine teeth imprinted your skin -Didn't rly hurt and you couldn't tell whether to laugh or just be genuinely concerned as Josh profusely apologised despite his laughs -In the end it never matters who won the fight for the right side of the bed anyways, bc you sleep sprawled over Josh's chest on top of him.
Your songs (songs you listen to together and play with one another): Collard Greens, ScHoolboy Q + Kendrick Lamar Jimmy Cooks, Drake + 21 Savage Rich Flex, Drake + 21 Savage Do You Realize??, The Flaming Lips Ladbroke Grove, AJ Tracey Man Don't Care, JME + Giggs She, Tyler the Creator
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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writingsbychlo · 11 months
Okay I was thinking about this the other day but how do we feel about a tamlin redemption arc? I personally think sjm has so much potential with him as a character but I also know what he did was messed up so it’s just something I think about a lot and always want other people’s inputs
what he did was messed up yeah but my guy was also fucking traumatised himself after 50 years of being responsible for literally every single person in prythian. HE was the one who was supposed to break that curse. EVERYONE was waiting for him. HE was the one who spent 50 years sending his friends to die and trying to fall in love with their killers to save everyone.
he didn’t handle it well, but like, who could he expected to? honestly like yeah it was wrong but it was a trauma response, all he ever wanted was to keep feyre safe and alive and protect her.
my real beef is the fact that for personal revenge feyre destroyed an entire court because someone gave her a panic attack. babygirl we’ve all been pushed to the point of panic attacks but we don’t actually ruin the lives of thousands of innocent people as a result.
like the people of the spring court? who just wanted to rebuild their homes and recover from the poverty? and she ruined every chance they had. she destroyed their economy and infrastructure and reputation for what? she left them vulnerable to attack and conquer for what? ridiculous behaviour. far more villainous than anything tamlin ever did.
and that nonsense about the tithe? like yeah okay it’s a shitty old tradition that needs changing. but hello where was rhys changing shitty traditions when he kept Velaris a secret from the majority of people in the night court who might’ve needed it? “the people from hewn city are savages though” right but did Mor not come from there? and we’re just gonna overlook entirely the fact that she’s supposedly the only acceptable one with absolutely no explanation for that? alright. and the Illyrians are brutes. but we’re just gonna overlook cassian and azriel and emerie and barth because it’s convenient? like all I’m saying is that these reputations are obviously generalisations and he’s in the wrong too.
if I’m being so for real right now, and I say this as somebody who fucking loves rhys, he’s not even top three best high lords.
helion, thesan and tarquin. no fucking cap these three genuinely wanted what was best for the continent at any given time. thesan hosted the high lords meeting and was pulling up ready to share technology and antidotes?? he fixed luciens eye after he saw what happened and I’ve never seen even a speck of debt for that.
tarquin really got manipulated and robbed when he would’ve been willing to help had they just asked and been honest and willing to trust, and still he didn’t declare war or march across borders which he was entitled to, he sent blood rubies. it was basically a text that said ‘hands on sight if i see u again bro’ and called it a day. he fr didn’t want beef. he opened his home to spring court people instantly after feyre had her petty revenge moment.
helion lives for the vibes and i stand by it the man was ready to fight ready to help ready to show up and show out. perfection. an angel. i see where lucien gets it. an unbothered king.
so like, tamlin. yeah. I think he got done dirty for what happened. all in all what did he really do? accidentally played a role in killing rhys’ family by spilling a location detail? alright but rhys and his father intentionally killed tamlin’s family.
locked feyre up? yeah after being abused for 50 years himself those 5 months he didn’t handle his trauma right, damn yeah he really got what he deserved 🙄
that comment at the high lord’s meeting? he was a man wounded and scarred and embarrassed and tbh it wasn’t even that bad. rhys and feyre fr overracted. azriels lil comment was quite enough. they wonder why he keeps acting up like they don’t keep making a mockery of him??? like??? I KNOW we’ve all said and done mean/petty things like that when we’re hurt, don’t deny. I’ve never brought an entire kingdom to its knees but pop off ig.
so yeah. I still love all the characters. feyre is still great. I still adore rhys. I still like tamlin.
I just think tamlin gets the most insane amount of hate compared to the actions of the other characters. he deserves his redemption arc massively.
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allisonlol · 2 years
Hello! Can I just say, how much I love you writing and such, it’s just perfect like I mean it
But could I possibly have what different BSD characters (dazai etc etc) would do to like help their s/o and such who has gotten out of surgery and in pain? Like how they would help etc.
Thank you so much! Take your time with this and remember to stay hydrated and all that! :)
a/n: tysm anon ily!! i got ur other ask too and, good luck with ur surgery!! i promise everything will be ok <33 picked some of the characters that i thought would be the best for this :0 also, thank u all for 1.6k??!?! was just celebrating 1.5 a week ago?!? plz ily all sm
warnings: surgery, descriptions of pain, but tons of fluff
(Dazai, Yosano, Ranpo) When Their S/O Gets Out of Surgery
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so first of all, dazai stayed with you for the entirety of the hospital visit
from the consultation, to the surgery itself, to the recovery afterwards
he wasn't allowed in the room during the operation but stayed in the waiting room (probably blowing up your phone with memes for you to see when you woke up)
speaking of when you wake up, expect to see this mfs face the second you open your eyes
hovering over you like (•◡•)
goes all "good morning belladonna~" while you just stare at him like O_O because you're still loopy from the anesthesia
^he thinks it's the most adorable thing and records a video to send to the agency group chat
once the effects of the anesthesia have worn off, dazai helps you to the car and brings you home to rest
is literally so doting?? and surprisingly responsible for once
makes sure you take any medications for recovery and picks up food from ur favorite place
his heart breaks to hear you complain about the pain so he'll lay with you and hold you until it feels better <3
meanwhile you're wondering why ur phone is blowing up with messages from the agency group chat?? (dw, they're just commenting on how adorably lost you looked)
then there's the one message from kunikida that's like "they look horrified. but i would be too if dazai was the first thing i saw when i woke up" based asf
she's literally a doctor, therefore the best one for this situation
tries to convince you to let HER do the operation?? you gotta refuse because getting cut up with her mf chainsaw sounds even worse than the surgery
despite the fact that she won't be carrying out the operation, she MAKES SURE it all goes smoothly
drives you to the hospital, checks you in, and leads you to an operation room??
you don't have to lift a finger
the other doctors are just like "....." but let her do her thing since they'd heard about her work from the agency
yosano demands to be allowed to stay in the room during the surgery and you best believe she is not denied
keeps a careful eye on every movement the surgeon makes (plz they were mad stressed)
waits by ur bedside until you wake up & holds your hand even tho you aren't conscious
once home, she is very strict with making sure you recover to 100%
deadass sets timers on ur phone to remind you to take your medication
prepares you foods that will be easy on your stomach, and only eats the same things as you so you won't feel left out
shares the latest workplace gossip to distract from the pain as well >:)
bro is all over the place
atsushi probably gets dragged along at one point?? since neither you nor ranpo know the directions to the hospital
once you're in the operation, he does leave the building BUT only so he can go buy a bunch of snacks for y'all to share once you wake up
literally walks in with a shopping bag overflowing
ur not supposed to be eating that stuff after but...no one's exactly looking sooooo >:)
atsushi comes back to pick y'all up and drop you off at home ofc give this man a break
let me just say!! ranpo is the BEST at distracting you from the pain
he does everything from shoving snacks in your face, to putting on five different movies, to going on little story times about past cases he solved and how great he is
bouncing from topic to topic gets BOTH of y'all tired and then you end up falling asleep snuggling or something
but we all know you guys aren't making it to work on time the next morning (if you even show up)
kunikida spam calls at like eight AM and ranpo just answers like "SHUT THEBFUCK UP" before hanging up so you can keep sleeping <33
taglist: @deadmitochondria @miycutie  @scul-pted @exorcisedstraydog  @chuuyasboots @shy-socially-awkward-intovert  @stygianoir @sonder-paradise  @nervousyetconfidentway @beautiful-is-boring @alexaizawa @irethepotato @serenareiss
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Okay no joke if I was Yves I’d be mad as hell too, like you chose this sloppy, forgetful man over HIM??? the same man that literally has your genetic sequence down to the allele by heart?? Knows all of your genetic information so well that it would put 23 and me to shame!! Not only that but like I think there was an ask about how an anon believes that Monty would’ve honestly attached himself to anyone who was just there at the right time meanwhile Yves’ love for his darling is entirely unique and under any circumstances he never feel this way for anyone else. Like UGH with Yves it’s literally all or nothing, if it’s no you, he doesn’t want it. But with Montgomery, if another person showed up he would’ve been acting the same with that person and not you!! Like his love isn’t “unique” I guess in a way.
Ooo I’d be so upset too. I wonder like has he ever at least THOUGHT about trying to do some technological fuckery to end the relationship between his darling and Montgomery? Like perhaps, doctor some text messages, do voice impersonations or create a voice impersonator so that he could make it seem like Monty was cheating on his darling, causing her to run into his arms. It would b EUREKA 💡 as f because he wouldn’t have to kill Monty bc he actually didn’t do it, and she’s no long with him. But RATS he probably wouldn’t want to bring that sort of pain onto his darling especially with the harsh feeling of betrayal, that can mentally scar someone for years, a feeling that Yves probably is quite familiar with :(.
Buttt at the same time we do have instances (such as if the reader was really old or suffering from terminal health issues) where he would lean more towards being selfish as long as you stay with him, so in certain circumstances he is selfish enough to let you go through pain as long as you’re with him. But dang now that I’m typing this, I’m like that’s probably not that good of a comparison, one’s a relationship and the other is your life.
Also he probably wouldn’t want to take away any of his darlings happiness either, but dang like what if it was something more subliminal maybe like you unconsciously hearing subliminal messages telling you to leave Monty and that all you need is Yves because he’s the only one that can make you truly happy Mann I don’t know 😔.
But at the same time I’m ngl!! I can kinda see why some of y’all like Monty. I think it was Chapter 39?? When he busted through the door of the house and essentially mollywhopped everyone. I was like wait,,, why is he kinda,,, I guess like some of the guilt of not being there for the reader coupled with what he heard was just enough to make him snap and go into a rage. And some people are probably more comfortable around someone who’s like Monty as compared to Yves.
But also like really quick! Does Monty have the same level of unconditional love as Yves? Like I think I remember reading somewhere that you could essentially try anything you want and Yves will NOT leave you, like he has permanently cemented himself to your side literally FOREVER like it’s almost cosmic in a way. I wonder if Monty has that same level of patience but in his own way.
Zhats enough of my unintelligible ramblings and questions, your last post really did it 4 me ooo I wanted to bite my phone!! Love your work!!!!!
the other ask in question
Holy fuckin shit anon thank u so much for ur thoughts i would love to hear moar feel free to ramble more in my asks!!1 these are the types of stuff that also keeps me going with my writing
also i got like newest installation where yves interacts with yan older bro
naw YVes wouldnt like paint monty as a cheater because the pain fuckin HURTS man, he would rather be cucked like indefinitely than let you go through the horrors of recovering from such betrayal, plus there is a chance that you get so hurt that you didn't want to be in a relationship anymore or even ASSOCIATED with men anymore, so Yves just shot himself in the foot
He's only selfish when it comes to keeping you with him, so too bad if you are facing horrors of the mind, you are getting revived
Yves is defnitely using the subliminal messages to his advantage. you would probably be all like "ewww" to Monty after the first few days, weeks if you're particularly into sad, dirty men. but true love can really work past that and there really isn't much he could do without devastating you
Oh yeah Monty's love is fr unconditional, if you are abusive to him, he will take it. Altho he would cry in secret, praying to god that you will one day change your ways and stop abusing him, he will never leave even if everyone around him tells him to. He would stay until he's dead or police actually caught you beating him into a pulp, but even then, he would say it was his fault for provoking you -- he would try everything in his power to get you out of trouble.
He isn't like YVes in a sense that he tries to change you, he will just beg pathetically and get fucked over and over without learning his lesson.
If you're dead, he's dead. Simple as. Nothing will get in the way of Monty's quest to be by your side as soon as possible.
thanx 4 reading my stuff anon ur analysis really made my day i love reading yalls thoughts
18 notes · View notes
huffle-dork · 12 days
Glitch into the Hufflverse Chapter 8: Darker Seas
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs | Read Septnautical | Darker Seas AU
Read SITCV | Read SATCV | GITHV Masterpost
When they’re dumped out- they find themselves still underwater? What?
In fact… it’s not that it’s just underwater… they’re back by the Ocean’s Arms base. But… why does it look like it’s been abandoned?
There’s broken windows and crushed sides of it- looking like several kinds of creatures tried to break in.
What the hell?
Alt shakes himself out and then blinks in confusion. “…what?? We’re back- huh??!”
Bro swims upwards and gapes at the destroyed base. “H-How long were we down there…? Was that e-even a rift…?”
"H-huh?" Jackie looks around. "This--this is the same place, right? But it's... different? Why is the base all ruined?"
"The base is ruined?!" Schneep gasps.
Looks like it's been ruined for a while, too, JJ says.
After a moment, Jackie hesitantly swims closer. "It's definitely the same... what happened?"
"Perhaps... we are in a slightly different version of that world?" Schneep says. "In the same way the three of us are from slightly different versions of a city called Mirygale."
“I mean… m-maybe?” Alt says nervously. “That… did happen to us the first time we encountered the rifts…”
“…I can’t believe… there were so many people in this base… Danan and Zara and Jack- those kids… w-what happened to them…?” Bro whispers, looking at the base sadly.
Suddenly, something lashes out from the creepvines surrounding them and tackles JJ to the sea floor. A cloud of sand obscures them for a beat before the sand clears and JJ is being pinned to the ground by a familiar pair of blue claws. Marvin is pinning him to the ground but… there’s a horrible white mask strapped to the lower part of his face. …not even that- it looks like it’s been stuck into his skin by his jaw. His cat one is nowhere to be seen- and the absence of it exposes a second pair of eyes under his normal ones- all 4 glowing a bright terrifying pink.
Something crackles to life in the water- and they realize it’s a radio strapped to Marvin’s neck on some kind of collar. A robotic distorted version of his voice drones out. “Unidentified hybrid secured. State your designation number and base of origin.”
JJ gasps, horrified, frozen and feeling sick at what he sees.  He shakes his head dully, trying to sign but unable to with his hands pinned. "I don't—u-understan—" He coughs as pain wracks his throat.
Schneep spins around. "Marvin?!"
"Hey! Wh-what the hell?!" Jackie immediately charges at this new, masked Marvin.
The masked Marvin’s head snaps up and then sends a projectile warp towards Jackie, throwing him off course as the water swirls him in a confusing direction.
Alt gasps, “M-Marvin what are you-?!”
“Let JJ go!” Bro growls.
Marvin floats up and keeps one of his tails pressing down on JJ’s throat. He slowly turns to eye the rest of the group before the robotic voice says. “Detecting a total of 5 unidentified hybrid life forms. Sending out call to other agents for capturing procedure.”
“C-Capturing procedure?!” Alt whispers in fear, floating back as electricity courses down his tail.
“Do not resist. All hybrids were made to serve Alterra. All hybrids will be assimilated or eliminated.” Marvin says, turning his inhuman eyes to look straight at Alt. Alt feels like he can’t breathe.
JJ chokes, grabbing at Marvin's tail and trying to push it away, his own tail flailing wildly. Not there! Not there! The pain from his outburst of words is just increasing with the pressure.
Jackie tumbles head over tail for a while before recovering. "What the fuck is this place?!" He cries out. "Did they make him a fucking robot?!"
Schneep tries to attack next, leaping out of sight and reappearing behind Marvin, trying to grab him.
Marvin tries to dodge but Schneep grabs him and pulls him off JJ. There’s no emotion on Marvin’s face but a warp gate opens up behind him, making the water swirl around them and cause a type of pull. Something big with sharp teeth lashes out of the warp gate and drives Schneep into the sand, snapping its jaws.
Alt is spiraling- it’s like Marvin got brainwashed! He can’t stop the panic that’s gripping his heart. He’s frozen in place.
JJ immediately gets up and swims away as soon as Schneep gets Marvin off him. He looks at Alt panicking, and swims over. Alt! Wake up! We have to get out of here! He shakes him a little by the shoulders.
Bro yells as the thing attacks Schneep and tackles it off him. He then is a bit surprised- this fish looks just like his tail!
Schneep cries out, pain bursting in his shoulder as the creature bites down—and then Bro appears to help. He gets up, breathing heavily. What the hell was that?! He reaches for the damage, feeling it out, wincing as he assesses it. The bite probably could have been much deeper—he got lucky.
Something else darts out of that gate though with crazy speeds and tries to tackle Jackie to the ground… another familiar face- but he looks so different he’s almost unrecognizable, except for his signature stalker tail. Henrik growls ferally with sharp teeth protruding from his mouth and blazing yellow slitted eyes. He doesn’t have his goggles on- making the scar on his nose even more pronounced.
Jackie dodges the attack, doing some strange spiral motion that keeps him completely safe but causes him to drop the bag with all their clothes inside. He looks back at who attacked him and gasps. "H-Henrik?! You too?!" He swims over to Schneep, protecting him from this other Henrik's feral gaze while he recovers.
Henrik snaps his teeth at them ferally and growls deep, no recognition in his eyes. Just deep primal animal hunger. He screeches and dives towards Jackie and Schneep. 
Jackie dives forward, intercepting Henrik's course. He successfully protects Schneep but gets tackled himself, landing hard against the ground. "Snap out of it!" Jackie growls. "If you can't—I won't be responsible!" His mandibles snap at the sides as he tries to push Henrik away.
Henrik just roars and digs claws into Jackie’s arms- wait claws? He never had those before! In fact the way Henrik acted before… you’d hardly know he was a predator. It’s like his most suppressed traits have been brought forth.
Two more figures come out of the wrap gate before it fizzles into bubbles. There’s a sharp whistle and the boneshark Bro has pinned roars and headbutts him to get him off. Bro yells and tears back, blinking spots out of his eyes. It swims back over to where the portal disappeared, looping around familiar black and white tentacles. Jamie floats there- the same awful white mask that’s on Marvin’s face also stapled on his. His eyes also shine with a sickly yellow light. A corrupted robotic version of his voice sounds out as he pets the Boneshark’s head. “Support RL-006. Incapacitate the targets.”
The other form next to them then lashes out in a burst of speed and tries to barrel into JJ and Alt, mandibles striking out to try to pin them to the ground.
Alt takes a second to register JJ is there but by the time he gets his senses back it’s too late- he yells and tries to warn JJ and push him out of the way only for Mandibles to skewer him in the shoulder and part of his tail. He screams bloody murder. Reaper Jackie giggles with sharp teeth as he leans in by Alt, his pure black eyes unnerving him to his core. “You smell tasty already~!” He laughs.
“ALT!” Bro screams trying to get over to him. But Marvin grabs him by the wrist and digs claws into his skin. “Do not resist. Capture is inevitable.”
The boneshark zips after mer-Jackie and tackles JJ to the ground, trying to bite at his face.
JJ spins through the water, only to get pinned by this shark. He quickly conjures a shield in front of his head, protecting it. He tries to look at Alt, catching sight of this other version of reaper Jackie. No! He has to help! Concentrating, he tries pushing the shield outward to send the boneshark away. The shield manages to push back the boneshark as it screeches and freaks out.
Schneep snaps his head up, hearing and sensing all the commotion. What does he do?! Where does he go?! Alt—Alt screamed, he's clearly hurt. He pushes through the pain and leaps over towards reaper Jackie, attacking from behind like he did with Marvin.
Reaper Jackie snaps his head towards Schneep and lashes out his claws to scrape across his face. Alt takes the second of the reapers focus being drawn away to concentrate then send a blast of electricity into him. Reaper Jackie roars in pain- and for a second you can see a bit of blue eyes peek out. Then he rockets back and spins back to growl towards Alt and Schneep. The pain is a lot for Alt and he slumps to the sand, holding his shoulder and biting back a whimper as his vision spins.
Bro yells and tries to get out of Marvin’s grip but he’s really really strong. “L-Let me go! Alt’s hurt!” He tries to beg.
Marvin slowly turns towards Jamie and nods. Jamie pulls out a metal pair of shackles and clamps it onto one of Bro’s arms then tugs the other behind his back as Marvin drops him. As soon as they’re completely snapped on his wrists, an electric shock goes through them and Bro screams until he’s shocked into unconsciousness, his eyes rolling up into his head.
“1 out of 5 targets captured.” Jamie and Marvin say at the same time.
“CHASE!” Alt screams. 
JJ gets up, breathing heavily, and looks around. Alt and Schneep are injured! He rushes over to them, grabbing Schneep as he backs up through the water, and starts to conjure a spherical shield around them. Before it fully closes he reaches out for Alt, intending to grab him and pull him into the bubble. But then he stops, distracted by Bro's screams. He looks towards him as Jamie and Marvin speak in eerie unison. Schneep shudders at the sound of it.
Reaper Jackie snarls and lunges forward, grabbing Alt by his mandibles. Alt cries out and tries to find some way out of this but then Jamie rockets down and clamps cuffs on Alt too.
“Say night night~!” Reaper Jackie giggles madly.
Alt jolts and screams, his tail lashing out and striking wildly with extra electricity but then he slumps completely into the sand too. Once he does the reaper lets him go.
“2 out of 5 targets captured.”
JJ lunges for Alt, but he's too slow. And now that they're so close to enemies—because it's clear that they are enemies—he quickly closes the shield around him and Schneep, making it smaller so he can conserve magic, forcing him and Schneep up next to each other. What are they supposed to do?! These other hybrids—he doesn't feel right hurting them.
Jackie looks down at Henrik's hands in surprise and annoyance. Then he grits his teeth. "Let—go—of—me!" He shouts. The mandibles snap out, clamping onto Henrik's sides in turn as Jackie struggles to escape the pin. 
Henrik doesn’t flinch at all as Jackie’s mandible clamps onto his side and just holds him there, snarling.  Marvin then warps over and tries to grab Jackie’s wrist to put a shackle on.
Jackie's eyes widen. "No! Fuck off!" He flails widly, managing to pull his wrist free and punch Marvin right in the mask. He has to get out of here! He can't let himself be caught again!
Marvin’s eyes flicker a bit as the mask is punched, showing a hint of his eyes. For a brief second- he looks scared. But, that moment fades quickly as Reaper Jackie yells out and tackles Jackie into the sand on his stomach. Allowing Marvin to slip the shackles onto both of Jackie’s wrists. He has only a brief second before the shocking starts-
Jackie's eyes widen. There's no time left! His head whips over to JJ and Schneep. "Guys! Run!" Then he cries out as the electricity courses through his body. "R-run!" It takes a bit longer than expected, but it still sends him to unconsciousness after a few seconds.
“3 out of 5 targets captured.” Jamie drones once Jackie falls unconscious.
JJ covers his mouth in horror. Schneep flinches at the sound of Jackie's cries. He grabs onto JJ. "H-he said to get out of here, so we're getting out of here!"
We can't leave them! JJ protests.
"I don't think we have a choice!" He can feel the hybrids closing in on their little bubble. If they leave anything behind he can grab it later. For now, Jackie said to run, and so they're going to. He holds tight to JJ and leaps, taking them both out of sight.
Marvin looks out at where Schneep and JJ disappeared. “…remaining targets have left scanning area. Unidentified power detected. Sending Agents RL-006 and SH-003 for collection.” He turns towards Reaper Jackie and Henrik and growls. “Find them before the rebels do.”
Henrik and Jackie snarl in response, Jackie’s eyes briefly flashing yellow before they both dash through the kelp to start looking around.
Marvin grabs Jackie and tosses him over his shoulder- then swims over to grab Bro. Jamie grabs Alt. Another warp gate is opened as Marvin drones. “HQ: 3 targets ready for assimilation.” And then they all swim into the purple blue water and disappear from sight.
 Schneep and JJ appear a bit farther past the kelp forest and towards the safe shallows. They can hear the familiar roars and snarls of Reaper Jackie and Henrik hot on their tails.
J shudders at the feeling of Schneep's transportation—it makes him nauseous. Why?! he asks Schneep.
Then, something grabs them from a nearby cave and drags them inside. Clawed hands grab their faces and cover their mouths as a gravelly voice whispers. “Don’t make a sound and they won’t look here…”
Schneep immediately cries out and starts struggling against the hand, but JJ doesn't. He's still thrown off by Schneep's leaping them through space. And besides, his throat hurts too much to talk even if he could. He grabs onto Schneep's arm and makes a muffled shushing sound, then looks back at who dragged them into here.
The dark green hair and blue and green eyes with black sclera give it away. It’s Anti. But, he’s… different too. He doesn’t have that big spiral of a scar on his face anymore. He doesn’t look down at JJ just pulls Schneep more into the dark with him and presses down harder on his mouth.
Right outside the opening of the cave, there’s the flicker of a blue reaper tail- and a loud roar that makes the cavern walls shake and rattle, bits of sand and rock falling on them. The two of them can feel Anti’s hands trembling.
Then, a giggle, followed by a sing-songy gravely voice. “Come out come out, little fishes~! We just wanna play!!!” The words sound friendly enough but the threat lingers behind his growled words.
Schneep immediately freezes and stops struggling. His head turns towards JJ's direction, eyes flicking wildly.
JJ takes off the robotic gloves—the robot fish didn't get pulled along when Schneep leapt, but just in case—and signs, Schneep, it's Anti.
Schneep nods as JJ's sign-voice echoes in his head. Now that he's concentrating, he can sense Anti's soul.
We're in a cave, we need to be quiet, JJ says.
And Schneep nods again, a bit irritated. He wasn't going to make noise after hearing that roar.
There’s a couple more tense beats and another frustrated roar before Jackie’s tail kicks off bubbles and rockets away- his roar echoing farther down the landscape.
Anti finally drops his hands and backs up curling in as small as he can in the cave. He eyes them suspiciously, though he seems on edge and a bit scared as his tails seem to quiver. “…who are you guys? I-I thought you might be one of t-the botched hybrids they send out to train these guys but… y-you all just appeared out of nowhere… a-and not like M-Mar… WH-5 does…”
"It is a long story..." Schneep says slowly. "Were you watching us? Did you see that--that whole fight? Or just the two of us?" 
“… I was… in the area. I was coming to see then.. then they came and…”  Anti looks away, holding his hands to his chest.
Schneep  turns towards JJ. "Ah, do you need help speaking?"
JJ nods. The robot didn't come along.
"Right. Ah, one second, A—one second." Schneep started to call Anti by his name, but decides that'll probably freak him out too much. "I am going to do something that seems impossible." He reaches out to the side with both hands and pulls back the little fish robot JJ got in the last world. He hands it to JJ, then reaches out and grabs the bag with all of their clothes as well.
JJ puts the gloves on and starts speaking, the robot translating. My name is JJ, and this is Schneep. We're from somewhere far away... and we have strange abilities.
Alt balks as Schneep pulls stuff out of nowhere and he hits the back of the cave in his attempt to get farther away. “W-What the hell?! How- how did-“ He blinks slowly at JJ and settles back down into the sand. He narrows his eyes and hunches himself up defensively. He doesn’t seem to care too much for JJ’s name but looking over and hearing JJ call him Schneep- his eyes widen and turn he snarls and tries to tackle Schneep to the ground. “I-I knew it! You’re one of those sick clones they send out to-to try to lure me in too! Y-You sick fuck-! Im gonna send you back to fucking Alterra in pieces!”
Schneep yelps and leaps out of the way just as Anti makes contact, reappearing next to JJ, who quickly conjures up a shield. "No no no no, w-we are not! W-we don't know anything about these clones!"
JJ shakes his head. We're not with the company! I promise! We came here with three other friends by accident!
"Y-yes, and our friends were captured!" Schneep adds. "We—I-I am guessing that whatever clones you're talking about... wouldn't be taken like that?"
Anti snarls and turns to look back at the others and stops when he sees the shield. His eyes widen and he scoots back. "...c-clones wouldn't be able to do that... h-how are you doing that?!" At hearing about their friends Anti looks away and grits his teeth, but there's pain in his eyes. "... I-I dunno how you guys got here o-or how you're hybrids... but if you all have powers like that...? ...I'm sorry... I-I don't think you're getting your friends back."
"Wh-what? No—no that cannot be—w-we are not going to just—" Schneep stammers.
JJ blinks. Not all of us have magic... that's what this power of mine is called. But all of us have abilities of some kind. Well, except for one of them, one named Jackie.
"What do you mean by that?!" Schneep demands, swimming closer to the shield separating them. "A-are you saying—what are they going to do to them?!" He has a feeling, but... he doesn't want to acknowledge it. He doesn't want to.
Anti can’t look at them as he hugs himself and curls his tails close to his chest. “…if they have useful powers… they’re gonna turn them I..into weapons… a-any hybrids left that are useless are… are hunted down and destroyed.”
JJ and Schneep stare at him in horror. We... we can't let that happen! JJ says, shaking his head furiously. He looks at Schneep. We have to do something about this!
"If we do, we are going to have to be very careful about it," Schneep says. "We cannot get caught as well. A-and turned into—" He shudders. "We—we have to find where they took them. There has to be a main base of operations. Then—then we plan around that, a-around the defenses and such."
We can't waste too much time looking for it! They could be doing that right now! JJ looks at Anti. What's your name? He asks despite already knowing the answer—it's just polite. Do you know anything that could help us?
“…Anti.” He says quietly and then digs his claws into his shoulders. “…they’re probably already down in HQ… i-in the lava zone… I… I know where it is. But its defense is…” He shakes his head and whispers with a bit of choked up voice. “…I’m sorry I… t-there’s nothing that can be done… when Alterra wants something… they get it. I-I’ve only survived this long on sheer luck… and… and a group of humans but I… I don’t know if they can help you. …not with this.”
Schneep and JJ look at each other—or, JJ looks at Schneep, and Schneep turns to face him. "A group of humans...?" Schneep repeats slowly.
Anything that could help would be good, JJ says. They both have the same suspicion. Perhaps the Ocean's Arms aren't entirely wiped out in this world, or at least, not as wiped out as the abandoned base would imply.
"Exactly." Schneep nods. "We are not just going to abandon them. We must try at least."
Anti, can you take us to these humans? JJ asks.
Anti seems hesitant. “…they can’t save your friends…” he says hollowly. 
Schneep nods slowly. "Well... w-we have to try," he says slowly.
But then Anti sighs and goes to push over a rock at the back of the cave, which seems to lead to a smaller tunnel. “…but… yeah I guess. …yer the first hybrids I’ve met in a long time that are… actually close to how …they used to be.” He flicks his tails and shakes his head. He then gives them a look and disappears through the tunnel.
As the two of them follow, JJ says, So... those hybrids back there... you knew them. Well, they know that. But JJ doesn't want to freak Anti out by revealing that he and Schneep know all about his brothers. And... the company did that to them? I'm... so sorry.
Anti is quiet as he swims ahead of them. He almost acts like he didn’t hear JJ for a few beats before he whispers. “…they’re my brothers… were my brothers…” He’s quiet again for a couple more meters before he speaks up again. “…i-if there was a way to save your friends I’d… I’d tell you… but we have no idea. …it’s been… a year? Two? …honestly I’ve lost track… I’m just… trying to stay alive. …that’s what I tell myself that they would want… for me to keep going.”
Schneep nods. "I... I'm sure you're right, that they would want you to stay free and alive." He pauses. "I... I cannot promise that you'll get them back. But... there could be a way. A-a way for you to continue on. Maybe even a way to find them. I-I was in a space, once, where everything felt hopeless. But we got through it. I'm sure you will, too."
JJ nods in agreement. It was the same for me. Even if something seems so hopeless, there could be a way.
“…that’s a nice thought.” Anti says bitterly. Then he just continues on. Further down into the dark water of the tunnel- the water going from green to a dark blue. 
When Jackie, Alt and Bro open their eyes, they’re in an underwater lab. And unfortunately they’re all very well acquainted with the white sterile walls of a lab. And worst off, they’re strapped by their arms and tails to medical tables. Scanners and monitors are setting off around them, collecting information.
Alt feels the tug of the straps and starts to freak out, easily starting to hyperventilate as he tries to pull or get out of the binds- even trying to glitch but he seems to get shocked or some kind of reaction while trying that has him cringing and biting back a cry of pain.
Bro blearily opens his eyes to the sound of his brother’s panic and gasps, trying to pull at the metal binds as much as he can.
"Oh fucking hell—!" Jackie immediately starts to struggle. "Twice?! Fucking—what the fuck?!" He sounds angry, but he's really masking his fear with annoyance. His head darts around. "Y-you two! A-are you okay?! Other than—than the obvious."
Bro grunts and lays down his head when he doesn’t feel any give. “I..I’m okay… you okay J-Jackie? W-Where are the others…?”
"I-I'm fine," Jackie says. "I don't—I don't see the other two. I-I told them to run, th-they might've gotten away." 
“Good good maybe they-“ Bro jumps in surprise and calls out, “Alt c-c’mon breathe!”
Alt is on the verge of panicked tears as he yells and struggles and pulls on the restraints. “I-I can’t go through this again! I-I can’t! What the fuck?! Fuck!!”
Jackie turns to look at Alt. "D-deep breaths, Alt! D-don't panic!" His voice breaks a little as he continues to fight against the restraints. He couldn't tell Alt to not panic—this was a panic-worthy situation!
“H-How?? How can I not panic right now?!” Alt screeches with tears flowing from his eyes as his tail tries to spark with electricity. “T-They’re gonna- gonna-!!”
There’s a window just slightly above them that suddenly has movement and what looks like a shock of blonde hair. A cool female voice laughs over the intercom. “Hello Gentleman… my~ isn’t this interesting? I don’t remember making specimens like you… where are you all from?”
Bro hears the voice and feels himself freeze instantly recognizing it. “…mum…?” He breathes with wide eyes.
Jackie glances at Bro. "Mom?" he repeats, confused. Wait. Don't tell him that—
The reaction is almost immediately drowned out by Alt yelling and thrashing against his binds. “f-fuck you!! Let us go!!”
Jackie snaps his attention back to the voice. "We're not going to tell you shit! Don't even try asking, you'll get nowhere!"
Bro looks freaked out of his mind, having a silent panic attack. He looks absolutely terrified.
The voice chuckles and sounds amused. “Oh… I really do love a challenge… it’s been boring around here lately~”
She leans further into the window to show her face. She’s a tall Caucasian woman with blonde curly hair pulled into a tight ponytail. She smirks cruelly and leans on her module.
“We can do this the easy or hard way, boys~! The easy way is you just share what’s happening here… since my agents already reported you all appearing out of nowhere. Orrr we can do it the hard painful way~!”
"Painful coercion gets you nowhere, you know!" Jackie shouts. "It's been scientifically proven!" Oh, the irony of him saying that. But he's going to take that as a good sign. He struggles some more. Then he looks over at Alt and Bro. The fear and panic evident on both their faces, "Y-you guys...?" He whispers. "A-are you...?" Are you okay? Stupid question. "I-I'm not going to talk to her but—you two—I-I wouldn't be... upset..." He shakes his head. "Not like they can do anything with it, anyway."
Alt looks angry- not at all phased by the look of this woman. Even if she looks… familiar. But Bro is petrified.
“I’m not gonna t-tell you shit!” Alt growls.
Bro looks over at Jackie and just shakes his head, curling up as tight as he can while strapped down.
The woman laughs, “Is that so? Because I’ve found it’s worked so very well for me~” She does hums in thought and taps the table. “However… I do have another method we can try…”
She’s quiet for a second before she sighs, “Oh- might as well. Less fun but.. a chance for it.” She grins and then clicks on her comm. “WH-5? Can you warp RR-01 into lab 12 please?”
There’s a beat and then a warp gate opens and the others recognize Chase swimming through. Though- his eyes shine with a sickly yellow light and he has slick black discs attached to his earlobes. He looks back towards the white suit in the window and smiles. “Yes, Dr. Demerci?”
Bro inhales sharply.
Jackie stiffens. "Ch—" No, this isn't his Chase! He has to remember that! It's not—even if it looks like him, it's not his friend relapsing again. But it is a Chase. It's someone being controlled. And that's still terrible. He feels sick just looking at this.
“RR-01 can you help me relax these new hybrids and run the Mesmer program for me?”
“Of course Dr. Demerci!” Chase says as he turns towards the others. He smirks at them and then closes his eyes and starts to sing a haunting melody that starts to weave and worm their way into their brains, trying to force them to relax.
"H-huh? Mesmer?" Jackie shakes his head. "N-no, I—you can't—!" He tries to cover his ears, but of course, with his arms strapped down he has to try and press his shoulders against his ears. He struggles for a moment, but... the song... what is that? It's like... he can't put words to it. So strange... so beautiful... His movement slows gradually. He can't help it. He wants to listen to this music...
The music is gorgeous and Chase’s voice is lovely. It doesn’t feel malicious at all. It almost feels like being home.
That false sense of security is what pulls Bro under, his fear falling off his face and being replaced with peaceful bliss.
Alt doesn’t fall for it though, he growls and tries to fight more- especially as he hears Demerci mention mesmers. That’s when screens starts to lower and pulse with beautiful flowing patterns of green blue and purple, like light dancing on top of waves. Alt tries to close his eyes but with both the song and the lights… his eyes start to glaze over really fast and he slumps.
“There we go… very good.” Demerci hums happily. “Now then, I’m gonna ask you some questions and well~ you’re free to try to fight all you want but… you’ll find it feels much better just to say it~!” She giggles.
“Now then… where are you all from? Who made you?”
"Where are we... from?" Jackie repeats absentmindedly. "It's... far away from here. Hard to explain. But we weren't made. I mean... technically... Didn't the magic make us? Or at least... turn us into this? But we weren't made like your hybrids were."
“I… I made us.” Alt whispers, “with my magic… but we’re… we’re human…” He laughs dazedly, “We could s-show you if we went on l-land…”
Demerci looks fascinated by this, “Magic…? Huh… interesting….” She looks like she doesn’t believe a word of this but she continues. “What are your designations?”
Bro laughs, “…that’s a big word…” When he laughs but doesn’t answer the question, Demerci presses something on her table and Bro gets shocked. He yells out and blinks in confusion before the Mesmer lights and song drags him back under. “Are you refusing to answer or do you just not have them?”
"We don't have them," Jackie says. "Unless you mean our names? I'm Jackie. Jackie Parker." He smiles a bit dazedly. "I-I chose it myself."
“Hm… names are fine then…” Demerci says.
“Alt.. Brody…” Alt whispers.
“C-Chase Brody…” Bro pants.
“Interesting…” Demerci muses. “Alright, let’s hear your abilities then?”
“I got super strength and stuff… think this fish body has good armor and shit…” Bro breathes with a dazed smile.
Alt’s eyes twitch and try to flicker before he mutters out, “I can… glitch… and use electricity and.. and electric magic…”
"I don't really have anything special," Jackie says slowly. "I'm strong, a-and I got these pinchers now, and the armored tail. But I think I'm durable."
“Oh that’s more than enough for us to use, dear…” Demerci chuckles. “Now… I can’t help but notice you look so similar to the other hybrids and even share their chosen names… even if we don’t use them. So… hm.. maybe you’re experiments from another company we can’t detect here… the only question is how they got McLoughlin’s DNA…” she then shrugs and grins, “no matter! This is an Alterra owned planet so- anything we find here we can keep~ but before we get started on that… do you boys know SD-004? He also goes by… Anti.”
Saying that name has Chase’s song faltering ever so slightly, his eyes flickering. Then, he gets back on track.
"I... guess?" Jackie says, frowning. "W-we haven't met him here. But... we know about him." He blinks, struggling for a bit, trying to sit up, but then the song brings him back under. "He... shoots fireballs and stuff, right?"
Demerci chuckles, “In a way.” She then frowns. “SD-4 has been a pain in our sides for too long… him and those rebels he’s somehow aligned himself with.” She then smiles sweetly and increases the brightness of the Mesmer screens.
“I need all of your help to reunite him with his family… we all miss him so terribly~ so… hybrids… will you help us?”
Alt answers almost immediately, “…yes.”
"Family?" Jackie repeats. Yes, the hybrids were all a family, weren't they? Why was Anti apart? They needed to be together. "S-sure."
Bro seems to struggle a bit, something trying to fire off in his foggy brain. “Y..yeah…”
The mesmer colors start to flash brighter and faster- words and phrases hidden inside them.
“Good. Very good. We need good weapons like you all on our side. We will give you all the purpose you deserve.” Demerci smiles.
You are a hybrid. Not a human. You are a Weapon. Obey. Do not resist . No free will. Let go. Forget. Serve Alterra.
The words flash over and over drilling them into their minds, starting to take away any thoughts of fighting against this. They were right, weren’t they? They’re only weapons… a means to the end. That’s all they’ve ever been.
Jackie blinks. For a moment, he struggles, but... it's so much easier to forget. All he's ever been good at is beating stuff up. Because... he was made for that. He was made for this. Yes, of course. Of course he was. How could he have thought otherwise? Even the memory of thinking he was anything else is fading. Serve Alterra. Serve Alterra.
Alt’s eyes glaze over rapidly as the words settle in. Serve Alterra… yeah… he wants to do that. He needs to.
Bro is trying to struggle, but it’s not getting him very far as his eyes get drawn back to the screen and fall back to the words. Spiraling down down into his emptying head. He starts to slump.
“You know… I thought it was strange to see a Chelicerate hybrid on this side… but then again they can survive in warmer waters. You are going to make the most fascinating study, Jackie Parker~” Demerci giggles. “Once your tasks are done… I’m gonna enjoy studying you.”
Now their monitors zone in and move closer to their faces, showing more personalized messages through the colors.
For Jackie: Chelicerate. Predator. Aggressive. Feral. Driven by instinct. Hunter. Powerful mandibles. Crush our enemies. No thoughts. You are not human. You are a weapon. Serve Alterra.
For Bro: Boneshark. Predator. Aggressive. Feral. Driven by instinct. Hunter. Powerful jaws. Armored defense. Incredible speed. No thoughts. You are not a human. You are a weapon. Serve Alterra.
For Alt: Ampeel. Predator. Aggressive. You will be our eyes and ears. Tactical. Find their weaknesses. Electric. Incapacitate. Capture targets. No thoughts but our objectives. You are not human. You are a weapon. Serve Alterra.
And as these words start to sink in and change their thoughts- something clicks from underneath them on the tables. And soon something round and sleek seems to clamp onto their ears. Like… gauges. It sets their bodies alight- feeling foreign and right at the same time as it emits waves of energy that seems to take control of their entire systems. Starting to rewrite them completely. The more the words and waves start to set in, the more the boys eyes start to… change. Reflecting different colors- closer to the species they embody. Not completely yet- but the shift is seen brewing at the surface.
“We won’t need those human names anymore- since you never were more than our tools, hybrids.” Demerci smirks.
“Now you are BS-008.” She says to Bro. He shudders and stiffens as a slight shock from the gauges cements this in his brain.
She looks to Jackie. “You are CE-009.” She commands- and a shock from the earrings make it so. It seems silly to think it was anything different.
And finally she looks to Alt. “And you are AE-010.” Alt’s body and tail ripple with electricity as he forgets his former name.
Something tickles at the back of Jackie's mind—some last struggle, a primal fear that spikes when the gauges are attached. He gasps for a moment... but then... then it... fades away...
CE-009's mandibles snap. He struggles a little against the bonds—and then looks towards the woman. She's Alterra. Serve Alterra. He blinks slowly. A noise echoes in the back of his throat, some sort of wordless screeching sound.
Demerci blinks in mild surprise then grins wickedly. “Impressive CE-009… usually we don’t get results like that until after memory deletion… you must not have had that big of a mind~” She giggles. “That’s perfect.”
She clicks more stuff on her table. Something else starts to snap onto the boys’ faces now- two suction cups that stick to either side of their foreheads. An arm makes sure to rip Bro’s hat off so it won’t get in the way.
“You’ve done so great for me, loves.” Demerci coos. “One final push and it’ll allll be over~ and you’ll be ready to serve Alterra like you were always meant to!”
She pushes a lever up- and electricity starts to fill their minds- their bodies. Alt, Jackie and Bro scream- the electricity and pain make them forget everything they knew before. Who they were. Where they’re from. Why they’re here. Their families, their friends. That they were ever anything more than Alterra’s tool. The electricity completely molds them into perfect Alteran weapons.
As they scream- their voices turn more feral and guttural. BS-008’s voice deepens and roars. AE-010 becomes more high pitched and crackles like static. Now their eyes fully change to their species’ own, glowing with unnatural alien light.
And then- it all stops. Their minds wiped, their purpose secured, the new hybrids fall to the beds, exhausted, panting but… complete. The monitors shut off and stow themselves away. The suction cups fall off- the restraints are removed. Demerci waves her arm at RR-001. “Thank you RR. You are dismissed.”
“Yes, Dr. Demerci.” RR-001 says and a warp gate opens to let him out.
Another arm pops out and goes to force a white mask like Marvin’s and Jamie’s—WH-5 and CH-7’s—onto AE’s face. It clamps around his jaw, inserted into the skin and he doesn’t even flinch. Another arm rips off his mask and replaces it with a collar with a speaker that goes around his neck.
“You can rest for now, hybrids… settle in and let me know when you’re ready.” Demerci smirks.
CE-9 turns over, shaking himself and blinking a new purple-and-white eye. He makes more of those screeching noises—quieter than the roars they can grow to be-- and tries swimming around the room. He goes in circles around, silent for the first little while, getting used to the environment. And then he starts to get restless. "I--I w-want—" His voice shakes a little—not with nerves or fear, but with that same sort of restlessness. "I--I n-need—prey." His head darts around, looking for anything he can tear apart. He swims across the room a couple times. "Where—where is it? Where is it? Something." He needs a target of some kind. He needs one. He looks at the other two in the room—but no, they're like him. They're for Alterra. He makes another sound and continues to swim circles around the room.
BS-8 shakes his head and slowly pushes himself up, looking dazed. Then, he starts to giggle a bit, feeling an unhinged bubble in his throat that he can’t calm down. He feels the itch too. The itch to fight- to tear into flesh and rip it apart. That’s what creatures like him are made to do right? He looks over at CE-9 and growls almost playfully, whipping his tail and sinking claws into the table he’s on.
AE-10 takes a while to process. His blood feels electric, his tail sparks and flickers with electricity. It’s hard to wake up his empty head and get it firing again. Then- like a computer starting up, he feels thoughts forming. Get the directive- start your mission. He sits up robotically then floats upwards, going to look at Demerci through the window. The radio on his neck crackles to life, a static robotic imitation of his voice coming out from the speaker. “Ready for orders, Dr. Demerci.”
CE-9 follows AE-10's gaze and swims up to the window as well. Orders? Prey? Where? Now?
BS-8 frowns as he’s ignored by CE-9 and whips his tail in an annoyed manner.
Demerci grins wide, “Excellent. And while I’m eager to get you all on SD-004’s trail… WH-005 told me there were other strange hybrids around. We need to capture them too… and why don’t we see what you boys are capable of, hm? I see some of you are already showing that bloodlust..  that’s good.”
She presses the comm on her console and says, “WH-5? Warp to the training tank please.”
A warp gate opens down at the bottom of the tank- into an aquarium filled with rocky terrain and bright flora.
“I’ll get you boys some nice prey to get you warmed up with hm?” Demerci giggles.
AE-10 nods and in a flash glitches down and into the warp gate. Demerci looks surprised by this- but then she watches him hungrily. Short terming warping? …that’s valuable.
BS-8 peeks up at seeing the warp gate and bares his fangs in a wide feral grin and rockets to get to the other side.
CE-9 whirls back around and charges right through the warp gate.
The warp gate closes behind them and they find themselves in a way larger tank with plenty of strategic places to hide and swim through. There’s a few whirls of gates opening and then- a river-prowler hybrid darts out and tries to attack CE-9.
CE-9 screeches—in surprise, at first, as the river prowler grabs onto him. And then louder, the sound growing into a disturbing roar. The mandibles on his back shoot out and grab onto the hybrid and his head darts forward, biting into its skin.
The hybrid looks young- younger than CE at least. It screeches in surprise and there’s a slight look of more human-like fear in its eyes as it’s grabbed in CE-9’s mandibles. They start to crush on its tail and it’s arm and then- the bite happens and he rips into its jugular. The river prowler screeches and thrashes as the orange hybrid blood clouds around it until it finally falls silent.
BS’s eyes sparkle with sadistic joy. He licks his lips and whacks the ground with his tail. “My turn… my turn…!”
A swarm of bonesharks are released next, each one going for one of the hybrids.
CE-9 is so focused on the dying prey that he doesn't notice the bonesharks until it's too late and one barrells right into him. He goes flipping through the water, letting go of the river prowler's body and slamming into the tank wall. Then he shakes his head and looks at the boneshark again. Armor—difficult. But not impossible. He screeches and charges headfirst at the boneshark in the same way it charged at him. The boneshark and CE-9 hit each other in the middle of the water, but CE-9 turns out to be slightly stronger, pushing the boneshark down into the ground. The mandibles shoot out again, holding it in place, and CE-9 starts prying at the armor looking a weakness where he can attack.
There! Behind the head and start of its armor- a fleshy bit of muscle most fish can’t get to. The boneshark shrieks and tries to wriggle free but then the mandibles start to crack and pry at its armor and it screams in pain. CE-9 darts forward, digging and clawing into the exposed flesh, snarling as he does so. Until, finally, the boneshark's pain is ended and it goes limp.
AE-10 tries to prepare himself for the prey coming towards him but it dives at his tail and drags him down. In surprise AE shocks it and they both tumble into the sand. Once he has his bearings, AE wraps his tail around the softer underbelly of the boneshark and tries to shock it.
BS-8 is overly eager and grins manically as the boneshark approaches him. Then it plows him over and chomps on his arm where he has no armor. BS screams in rage and then lashes out to try to claw it off him.
AE-10 seems to have a bit of difficulty but after enough tries fills the boneshark with so much electricity it shrieks and then burns bloom across its belly and it falls half-charred to the ground. AE-10 shakes himself off and away from the dead boneshark and looks down at it emotionlessly.
BS-8 and the boneshark struggle in a wrestling match against each other. But, BS knows this things weakness- he knows his kind. He pushes himself up onto the top of the boneshark and sinks his into its fleshy neck, ripping and tearing at flesh until the poor thing finally expires in a heap on the sand. BS-8 giggles and licks the blood off his face, his own blood pumping. 
A clap is heard over that comm and an amused Demerci calls out, “Well done boys! Do we want another round or… are you ready to find your real prey?”
CE-9 backs up, breathing heavily. "Real prey?" he repeats, eyes going wide. "This tastes real enough." A smile flickers on his face and he glances at BS-8. "Right?" Then he looks back at the comm. "But yes. Yes yes yes."
“Hehehe yeah- tastes good-!” BS agrees. But then he spurs up and grins wide at the comm. “But, if you got better fights then yes!”
AE-10 nods. “We’re ready, Chief Demerci.”
Demerci chuckles. “Good. WH-005 will follow you and be on standby with his other agents should you need them. But this will be your chance to prove yourselves to Alterra. Capture SD-004 and any other strange hybrids you see.”
A ring of yellow flashes in AE-10’s eyes as he nods. “Yes, Chief Demerci.”
BS-8 grins wide, “Fuck yeah. Let’s get these guys~!”
CE-9 flicks his tail, giggling in a strange, scratchy way. "More prey. Let's go let's go!"
Demerci laughs. “Good luck then!“
A warp gate opens to the open ocean. AE-10 goes in through with BS-8 following close behind. CE-9 hurries after them, rushing forward.
Time to find the trail…
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wttcsms · 2 months
okay, so just yapping and sharing lots of notes & minor spoilers & extreme details of what i have planned/going on for balancing act (which WILL see an update this month, trust 🤞🏻)
please please please, if u read this, lmk your thoughts & if ur picking up what i'm putting down or else i have to revise my outline LOL
what's fun about balancing act is that we get to see my take on gojo's character; i've received comments and asks saying how they like how i've written not just gojo, but all the in-verse characters we have & i'm excited to expand more on gojo's friendships with everyone around him bc as a fanfic writer, it's a fun challenge to see how in character we can get these people when they're thrown into a wildly different universe.
so, talking abt "my take" on gojo's character: he's a goofy guy. he's cocky; he's a flirt. he knows he's Got It All, and he definitely drives a fancy sports car w a custom license plate that reads SIXEYES (bc this is a finance bro au, everyone claims he must have six eyes w the way he never seems to watch the markets but knows exactly when and what to go all in with). BUT !!! i love balancing act bc gojo is not reduced to "cocky womanizer and then u 2 fuck despite claiming to not like him" we get to see gojo's character shine through in his actions, not only in how he treats reader but also in how he interacts with all the characters. he's silly, he plays pranks, he sometimes (almost always) is annoying, but the things he does for them is always stemming from genuine kindness 🥹 like, i have this thought (my finance girlies will understand what i mean/it'll be explained in the fic) that yuuji is interning at the firm for a summer but he's from a non-target school & doesn't come from the same circles as most of the people in finance; knowing that yuuji feels a bit alienated from his peers, gojo goes out of his way to make dorky company merch and requires that all interns wear it & OF COURSE, it's one of those vests with the firm's name monogrammed on it & it's so pretentious but it's a finance bro right of passage and he did this so yuuji would have that status symbol but he also didn't want to single him out. things like that 🥹 he's thoughtful and we need to talk abt it more and we will explore this more within the fic!!!!
and balancing act is so special to me because it's all about loving someone so much that the mundanity of life suddenly seems exciting; suddenly, the boring, not so glamorous parts of life are an opportunity to showcase how much you love someone. MINOR SPOILER, but a scene that's so sweet and exemplifies this is the fact that you live in a luxury apartment building. authorizing/registering a specific vehicle to your apartment's parking services is a pain in the ass, and it's even more annoying to take off a car from the car registry list. that's why any past boyfriends, u rarely let them into ur apartment (bc it's ur safe space, where u can just be urself entirely) and the ones who do make it to ur apartment always use guest parking, which has a time limit. we, in typical romcom fashion, get the adorable "you're sick and he takes care of you" trope!!! so you have a bad flu and gojo drives you to ur apartment and takes care of you, but he's not registered as an authorized vehicle so he has to go to guest parking. well, he spends days with you while u recover, and he sees all the parking fines on his windshield. it's $100 per every hour he goes over the time limit. it's been days. your doorman is a sweet man who is always looking out for u and never likes any of the boys u take home, and he beefs with gojo (for comedic purposes, i promise. it's a fun dynamic) and gojo knows it's the doorman who reported him to parking services. gojo ofc is returning to the apartment building, holding the stack of tickets in one hand (using the same hand to wave cheekily at the doorman), and goes back in ur apartment to show u all the tickets.
he doesn't hold it against u though. what he says is, "your doorman hates my guts." all pouty and whiny. you tell him that the doorman hates the guts of all the boys u bring back & that he shouldn't feel too special, and that this is his way of saying gojo's overstaying his welcome, which u find hilarious. and gojo is like "well, he's saying you're only worth $100 an hour." blah blah blah, BUT !! circling back to the mundanity of life and how it serves as an opportunity to show our love for someone:
you go through the trouble of registering gojo's vehicle under ur apartment. even though u keep saying gojo is annoying and a pain in the ass and that this fascination he has with u will eventually fade, even though u claim there's a time limit to his affections and you KNOW how much of a hassle it is to unregister his vehicle if things do go south for y'all... you still go through the trouble of registering his vehicle, a sign that you like him. a sign that you're hoping things will be permanent.
and that's basically a major point of the fic!!! that our actions, our silly, simple, boring actions, can all have special meanings 🥹 if you look for it, you'll see that love really is anywhere
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frenchfrywrites · 2 years
I don’t play TWST but after reading the Russian roulette and fear pissing headcanons, I was wondering if I could request that with the demon brothers and barb? Idk if your comfortable with this, but I was wondering if the brothers and barb could be afab! I’m okay with whatever tho:) take ur time and make sure to chug some piss in ur free time
Russian Roulette and Fear Pissing with the bros + Barb
Knows that you can’t and won’t actually hurt him so that takes away a little of the experience
But he loves how dominating and intimidating you look with the gun in your hand
He’ll be in subspace in no time if you play your cards right, and get a lil rough with him ;)
If you want him to wet himself though you have to get him prepped for that (i.e. get him to drink lots of water beforehand)
Because he won’t piss from fear alone
He’ll wet himself if you nudge the gun against his urethra 
The shock from the cold metal is what gets him to release it
And boy is he embarrassed and surprised ! (and horny!!)
I can def see Mammon being the most into this
Like,, our man def gets fear boners even though there’s no point in him being scared 
There’s just so many things that make it fun for him (his masochism, the feeling of the cold gun against his hot n wet pussy, pissing, etc)
Like all of it is deeply arousing and exhilarating in his book
He shakes and squirms and whimpers and cries- the whole nine yards
Even though he’s scared he ends up pissing himself from excitement
The anticipation gets to him lmao, like it’s so random
He might beg that you continue even with him relieving himself
He just can’t get enough of how good (and scared) he feels
We all know this guy totally underestimates himself.. so he might convince himself the gun will actually hurt him 💀
That being said he starts out anxious and only gets more anxious as you shoot more and more blanks
He’s the only one I could see actually hyperventilating and sobbing because he deludes himself so well lmao
That being said he wets himself quickly
And then gets even more scared, because he thinks you’ll be mad at him for that
You gotta fuck him soft n sweet after so he calms down
Even though he was so dramatic and scared, I can imagine him really liking it- and wanting to do it again (because omggg u looked so cool and dominating down there it makes him all flustered and hot thinking about it)
He LOVES having you aim something so dangerous at him (well.. Something that's dangerous to humans at least lmao)
Part of him thinks the situation is hilarious, but at the same time he’d be pretty quick to get into his subspace
He barely shows that he’s scared but oooh you can absolutely pick it up if you’re paying attention
His breath picks up and hitches at each click, especially if you’re random with each round
I think he’d wet himself from a mix of anticipation and fear
Because unlike mammon he’s not really into the hurt that comes with being shot- so he’s actually kinda scared
Also LOVES if you degrade or dumbify him after he’s wet himself
Is super open to doing it again
I think he’s mildly scared tbh
Like he knows you won’t do any real damage or even hurt him at all
But he also knows he’s def not as powerful as his older bros and it’d take him longer to recover
Plus the clicks of the gun are so loud
However scared he really is, he likes to show his fear so he’ll be shaking early on, squirming around under you and whining that you put it away and fuck him already
He pisses himself out of fear if you do a couple of quick rounds
The shock of each one coming after the other with no break between gets to his head
Very conflicted because he feels good emptying his bladder, but also you’re still holding the gun to his pussy and that’s still kinda freaking him out
He’s a bit scatter-brained and having you fuck him dumb (and being all sweet with him) will def making him feel better
If he’s scared or nervous about anything it’s due to the fact that he’s never done something like this 
He doesn’t know what to expect and that’s got him a bit on edge 
After a couple of rounds the anticipation and anxiety gets to him
He shakes a bit under you, his bottom lip wobbling and his eyes scrunched closed
Wetting himself is def his favorite part of this scene by far
He’ll want you to coo and comfort him for getting so scared that he wets himself
He gets way more turned on from pissing than he does the gun
(However he can’t deny he likes it when you touch him with the barrel of the gun.. The cool metal feels very nice against his pussy)
Overall he didn’t mind it and is open to doing it again if you want
I think he’d be pretty scared.. 
It’s going to hurt, he’s going to take a bit to recover, and you look really serious down there
He’s not as dramatic as Levi or Mammon but it’s obvious he’s scared
What’s cute is that he keeps saying that he’s not scared
And yet his voice quivers and his body squirms under you
His thighs totally shake from him trying to keep them open
He wets himself after a short while, and it’s obvious that made him feel a lot better
He’ll want you to fuck him lovingly and he’ll (surprisingly) be a very well-behaved sub for you while you do it
Oh he doesn’t have a scared bone in his body
But he does feel more submissive and small with you holding the gun to him
Eventually he can get himself in the mindset of being scared and then he’s having a good time
It takes a bit though so the first few rounds are really boring
He might even smirk or giggle a bit.. He’s not trying to be cocky or bratty! but cmon both of you know he cant be hurt by a silly lil gun 
He’ll start twitching and squirming as you do more and more rounds
It’ll also take him a while to piss out of fear. But he’ll get there (especially if you press on his bladder)
Like Lucifer I think if you prodded at him with the barrel he’d be more on edge
By the end he’s definitely in subspace and very aroused by the idea of you being a threat.
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snickerzanddoodlez · 7 months
So uhhhh fun fact!! I’m a Christian!! Who hates how so many Christians act nowadays!!
First off: Can we normalize like…asking questions?? Without being seen as disrespectful? Like there’s a difference between “UGH WHYYYY” and “why?” but like….questioning commands we’re given and questioning belief systems.
Like why are we trying to stigmatize questioning authority?? No, normalize questioning authority
As well as this, I feel like it’s a big stereotype that religious people hate when you question their religion, and like- in a disrespect way? Yeah. Fair- but as a Christian like….no!!! Question your belief system!! Question what you’re taught! I’ve had the pleasure of being surrounded by lovely people who are more than eager to answer questions and admit when they don’t know something! Heck, so many times they go research it themselves so that they can come back to me like “HEY that was a good question here’s what I found!!”- like- THEY ENCOURAGE ASKING QUESTIONS
MY BIBLE TEACHERS ARE ALWAYS LIKE “YES THANK YOU QUESTIONS ARE GOOD.” Half of our Bible classes are debates. It’s awesome. My current Bible teacher- first of all, a sarcastic king. We love him. He’s an icon- HE LIKE- TRIES TO DISPROVE EVERYTHING WE PUT FORWARD SO WE QUESTION THINGS.
DO THAT!!! Questioning my faith has only ever made it stronger!
And also just like- generally respect people? Like, yeah, some people are going to have SPICY opinions…but like…I don’t care what your political leaning or religious views are or whether you like pineapple on pizza!!! Respect people!! Respect their opinions!! (AS LONG AS THIS OPINION IS NOT HURTING ANYONE…like, I’m sorry, but we do not condone p3d0phillia in this Good Christian Minecraft Server™)
Like, so many Christians are like “OMG!!! WHY R U WEARING THAT!! UR GOING TO HELL >:C” when like- boy no that’s not what the Bible says at ALL where the frick did you get that from??? Yunno Paul?? Yunno everyone else in the Bible??? Calm down, I know my ankles are sexy but that’s no reason to yell
Anyways, uh- ask questions! Normalize that! Do your own research! Also like- stop being so judgy, Christians. Jesus was like a chill guy, I think we forget that?? He was super sarcastic sometimes, he answered people’s questions, he was like the most humble guy in history- so Christians, even God is more chill than you. Broskis. My mans.
Can we chill? Let’s chill.
Question authority love your neighbor respect others byeeeeeeeeeee
-sincerely, a fantasy-loving neuro-divergent recovering-from-clinical-depression Christian :]
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
ik u just posted the aurora x paul imagine (which is amazing btw 😻) but could i request something where driver!yn, kimi n paul are like a best friend trio? 💖 and the fans love them sm and stuff ahsjidkdnen
summary: y/n, paul and kimi read fanfictions about them.
pairing: kimi antonelli x driver!reader x paul (entirely platonic)
word count: 618
warnings: none
lowercase intended!
y/n couldn't breathe of laughing so hard.
her and her two best friends, paul and kimi were currently laughing at her phone, where a fanfiction about them was projected.
look, they didn’t normally read that kind of stuff, but when she was answering dms and stumbled upon it, she had to show them.
the title read ‘wars for y/n’ and she quickly realised it was about the two boys fighting for her. she found that to be the funniest thing someone could ever tell her, because the guys would never see her that way, they were all basically siblings at that point.
“y/n is mine, kimi, and i recommend you to back off if you don't want something to happen to you on the race” paul read in between laughs, trying his best to sound serious. “never, that pretty girl is mine!” the three of them exploded in laughs as kimi read “pretty girl?” paul asked, going red with laughter “who talks like that?” y/n questioned, trying to breathe.
pablo passed by them, looking at them funny for the way they were laughing. the three sat on a couch that was barely big enough, y/n in the middle and the two guys on the sides, close to her to be able to see the phone. the engineer laughed, pulling out his phone to record the interaction.
“okay, okay, keep going” kimi said as he regained his breath “i’ll be damned if i let you have her” paul continued, making his best ‘book man voice’, how he described it earlier “you will not let me, as she already is mine” kimi tried to deepen his voice “i do not belong to anyone!” y/n read dramatically, swaying her arm and accidentally hitting paul’s face, making them laugh once again. “b-b-but y/n! i burn for you!” kimi exaggerated the stuttered “not the bridgeton quote” y/n wheezed, making them laugh harder.
“you are the object of all my desires!” paul exclaimed, making a recovering y/n explode again “bro this is just plain plagiarism!” the girl rolled off the couch, hitting her head on the floor and causing the boys to laugh even harder.
they continued reading for a while until they all got the same notification.
‘prema_team tagged you in their story.’
y/n opened it on her phone, smiling at the screen once she saw the video of them laughing.
‘only laughs at the prema headquarters @paul_aron @kimi.antonelli @y/nthecoolkid’
later that day, the trio sat on the same couch. both of the boy’s head rested on each of her shoulders as she scrolled on tik tok, liking and commenting on edits that the fans made.
she moved onto instagram, answering dms and sending them a picture of the three, knowing that edits would come out of the recent content.
“you do not burn for me and i'm not the object of your desires” y/n defended, shedding a tear at the confrontation. “you only want me because you do not want each other to have me” her words struck them like lightning. was she right?
“b-but y/n, i-” kimi was cut off by the sound of a car roaring next to them. sebastian climbed his way out, taking his helmet off as a gust of wind moved his hair. “y/n, i’ve come to save you from these greedy men!” his voice made her smile as she climbed into his car “goodbye, boys! i hope i can see you again.” sebastian handed her a helmet and as she put it on, he drove into the sunset, leaving paul and kimi standing by themselves, looking longly into the distance.
authors note:
i have no idea what this is but i laughed while writing it so thats good.
hope you like it<33
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getsojaded · 2 years
part iii: non-refundable || calum hood
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word count: 3.9k+
warnings: swearing, people are drunk, briiief mention of weed, tiny tiny underlying mention of sex lol
a/n: hello, me again :) this one is def a bit longer than the last two and nowww we finally have some slight action from cal and y/n (ik it was a slow start for this story i am soz). i hope u guys like this one! xo
“So, you’re just gonna go with him?” Gab questions through Y/N’s headphones, as she walks through the aisle containing all the little travel-sized necessities. Her (not-so) anticipated trip with her ex-boyfriend was now less than a week away, Y/N coming to the realization that she should probably get her shit sorted out before it’s too late.
“I mean, there’s nothing else we can do. We tried getting our way outta it Gab, trust me,” Y/N responds as she grabs the first toothpaste that catches her eye. “Are you not fucking terrified?!” Gab asks. “If I were you, I’d be straight up shitting myself and crying. Aren’t you like, still in love with this guy?”
Y/N sighs at Gab’s response. Gab knows everything about her, and most definitely saw her at her worst when she left Calum. Poor Y/N couldn’t even get out of bed for at least two weeks, only listening to her favorite songs of his, and scrolling back to the thousands of photos they had together – she hadn’t deleted any of them.
After all, how does one recover from a three year, intensely loving relationship? All crashing down because of a lack of communication?
“Yeah, but… he doesn’t need to know that. It’s only a two and a half week trip. I don’t need to mask my feelings for that long, no?” Y/N asks not only Gab, but herself as well. “You’re right ; it’s not that long of a time period, however it’s two and a half weeks of spending the majority of your time with your ex, staying in the same room, potentially in the same bed, pretending like you wouldn’t take him back in a heartbeat if he asked.” Gab states, and Y/N groans at her amazing logic. As much as she hated to admit, Gab was completely right, doubting herself at how long she can keep the act up of being moved on.
“I fucking hate you bro,” Y/N starts, frowning at her best friend on her phone. “Why do you have to be so - oh fuck!” her sentence gets cut off by her walking to a broad figure. “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to run into… Calum?” 
“Lovely seeing you here, Y/N.” Calum responds, with a small smile on his face. Y/N’s heart jumps, flutters, and sinks all at the same time as she quickly tells Gab that she’ll call her back later, before ending it and putting her attention back towards him. “Sorry for crashing into you, I was totally looking at my phone.”
“Was that Gab Gab?” Calum asks Y/N, her slightly giggling at the old nickname he used to call her best friend. “The one and only,” she sighs, picking up some small, empty plastic bottles for her shampoo and conditioner. “I’ve missed that insanity of a human being,” Calum responds, remembering how rowdy Gabriella was at their gatherings. She had always had a strong, outgoing personality, and it didn’t help that she was the most lightweight person ever. Two shots in, and the girl was gone for the night. “Anyways, I’m assuming we’re both here for the same things?” 
Y/N takes a quick glance at Calum’s shopping basket, and then hers. It’s practically the same, tiny sized items, Y/N having just a bit more than Calum, but that was totally expected. Calum always told her on their trips that it was overpacking, but Y/N countered his statements by saying “it’s called being prepared!” 
“Why’d you get the shittiest mouthwash? You know Listerine is the best one.” Y/N jokingly shits on Calum, receiving an offended look from him in return. “Listerine is two dollars more! I’m trying to save some money here,” he scoffs, pointing to the two different price tags. “You say that as if you’re not a multi-millionaire, bab- Calum..” 
Y/N fucked up. Y/N let that stupid, basic slip out of her mouth and she immediately feels heat rush to her cheeks as she realizes her little slip up. But Calum’s not dumb, he hears that switch up of names all too well, his face almost falling once he hears his full name. To save her embarrassment, he pretends to not hear it and continues the conversation, ignoring the fire starting in his chest. 
“Money is money, I could totally be using those two dollars for something extremely important. What if we’re short two dollars for touring and I need to pitch in the extra?” 
Now Calum has fucked up. He knows he was trying to make a lighthearted joke out of everything, but the topic of touring was always a sensitive one, for the both of them. It’s practically the whole reason they were no longer together — constantly being away from each other. Calum and Y/N both take notice of the tension almost immediately, as she tries to blow the whole thing off.
“You’re such an idiot,” she quietly laughs, looking down. Calum’s about to reply, but he feels a vibration in his front pocket. “Hold on, Mike’s calling.” Y/N looks back up at the sound of Michael’s name, her eyes lighting up. Not only has she missed the boy standing right in front of her dearly, but his three brothers as well.
“Hey, what’s up? .. I’m at Walmart .. I ran into Y/N. … Tonight? Yeah sure .. You want me to? … Yeah, I’ll ask her. … Alright, I’ll see you later. Love you,” Calum’s conversation is short and sweet, ending the phone call less than a minute later. He looks back to Y/N, who’s currently inspecting the two small bottles of mouthwash. 
“I know this is a bit odd, but Mike’s headed to Australia for a little bit and today is his last day in LA. We’re gonna spend a little bit of time with him at his place tonight, and he asked if you wanted to come along.” 
Y/N doesn’t think twice before responding. She loved spending time with all of them, and she’d love to reunite with all of them. “Yes! I’ve missed them so much!” She excitedly responds, before her smile turns into a frown. “But I didn’t drive, I walked here.”
“I drove, I’ll t-take you.” Calum stutters, internally facepalming himself at the nerves that instantly filled his body. “O-okay, thank you,” Y/N responds, feeling the exact same things that Calum does. “I’m finished here now, can I grab a small snack to bring to Michael’s though?” She asks. Calum gives her a quick of course before he follows her to the bakery aisle. “Chocolate chip or oatmeal chocolate chip?” She asks for his opinion, holding up the two plastic boxes contained with cookies. 
“Well, safest option, regular. But for you and I, hundred percent oatmeal.” Calum responds, thinking back to the countless amount of times they’d devour a 12 pack of oatmeal chocolate cookies a joint or two in. Y/N flashes a grin at Calum, and he swears that he breaks a sweat. So fucking beautiful, he thinks to himself, before his thoughts get cut off by her voice. “You’re right. I’m the one paying for these anyways.” 
After quickly making their way to the checkout line and paying for their items, Calum and Y/N make their way back to his car. “I’m a bit nervous,” Y/N admits, as Calum opens his trunk. “You are? Why?” “I mean, I haven’t seen them in what — six months? What if they think I’m all weird and annoying now..” she trails off, and Calum’s hands find their way to her shoulders as he forces her to look her in the eyes. 
“Hey,” Calum begins, and he struggles to continue his sentence the moment she looks up at him, all doe-eyed with a scared little look on her face. “There’s no need to worry ‘bout that shit. They’ve always loved you and loved having you around, and they’ve missed you dearly.” Almost as much as I do, he thought. “Mike’s the one that asked me to bring you along as well, no? Don’t you worry, okay? They’ll be very happy to see you.” 
Y/N’s nervous face immediately turns into a soft smile once Calum’s reassuring words fill her body with warmth. That’s one thing she had always adored about him throughout the entirety of their relationship – his way with words. Calum can barely contain his smile once he sees her grin up at him, softly responding with an “okay” before he lets go of her shoulders and lets her walk to the passenger seat of his car, unaware of her tiny smile that has now turned into a big one as she buckles her seatbelt. Y/N’s also unaware of the cheeky grin he makes after letting go of her body, the stupidest smile planted on his face while he closes the trunk. 
As Calum starts the car, he passes Y/N his phone. “Take it away, Miss Aux Cord.” The both of them laugh at what he says, as they both remember that was the one sentence Calum had always said to Y/N as they were about to head off on a drive, no matter the distance. Y/N was always great with music, having the best playlists on her Spotify account and always being given the aux at functions. “Let’s hope I’m still good at this.” She giggles, going onto her account and clicking one of her random playlists, settling with The Sound by The 1975. “Straight banger!” Calum exclaims, as they sing the first few lines of the song.
“You’re so conceited, I said that I love you. What does it matter that I lie to you?” 
“I don’t regret it, but I’m glad that we’re through. So don’t you tell me that you just don’t get it ‘cause I know you do!”
The two of them get to Michael’s place not too long later, Y/N’s cookies in one hand as she knocks on the door with the other. In the car, Calum said that she “should knock on the door and be the first one that they see so it’s more meaningful”, in which she happily obliged. 
“Hey Cal what’s u- Y/N!!” Ashton greets at the door, immediately giving Y/N the biggest hug. She giggles into his chest, as he sways the two of them back and forth. “It’s good to see you, Ash!” She exclaims, Ashton pulling away to dap Calum up. 
“No fucking way Y/N is here,” the three of them hear a voice call out from the top of the stairs, seeing an extremely excited Sierra run down. Y/N runs towards her, engulfing her in another big hug once Sierra is an arms length from her. “I’ve missed you so much!” Y/N groans, and she feels another body to the side of her. “What’s good, little miss thing? I’ve missed you.” Luke happily says, patting the top of her head. 
“Aw, I wanna get in on this!” Michael exclaims once he walks out of the washroom, rushing towards the little group hug that was forming in the centre of his living room. Ashton had already gotten his but, but he didn’t want to miss out on it either. 
Calum watches the little group hug about three feet away from him, admiring the sight. All his friends loved Y/N so much, and it’s safe to say that that hasn’t changed. His heart feels full, and he’s glad to see all of them get along as if she’d never left. 
His thoughts are cut off by Luke’s voice saying “Cal, get the fuck over here!” and Calum happily partakes in the hug, groaning in contentment. “Happy reunion!” Y/N’s happy voice echoes throughout the room, the rest of the group cheering in union. 
After pulling away and getting settled, Y/N places the cookies on the little table that the couches are surrounding, taking a seat in the only available spot — in between Calum and Michael.
Sierra gets up from her seat, opening the bottle of champagne and pouring everybody a glass, passing the first one to Y/N. “Take it girl, I think you need it.” Y/N laughs at the underlying jokes within that statement, gladly taking the glass from her. “You have no fucking idea.”
“So Y/N, how have you been? Update us on everything!” Luke says, all eyes darting on Y/N. All her nerves have dissolved by now, immediately feeling comfort with the group she had once been in. “Everything’s been pretty well, for the most part! Came back from a business trip in Wisconsin about two weeks ago? Now I have a month and a half off, thank God,” she exclaims, leaning back into the couch, which happened to be where Calum’s arm was laying. Ashton and Luke take notice of what had happened, winking at each other and dapping each other up. 
Three bottles of champagne and two hours of conversation later, it’s safe to say that everyone was pretty drunk. Everyone except for Calum and Luke, that is, being designated drivers for the night. Y/N and Sierra had taken over the TV, running their fifth game of Mario-Kart, and Ashton and Michael rummaging through his kitchen, after eating the majority of the cookies and still being hungry. 
Luke takes a seat next to Calum on the couch, who’s currently playing with Petunia. “So, pulling up with Y/N? What’s up with that?” Luke asks in a low voice and smirking, resulting in Calum groaning and throwing his head back. “It’s not even like that, mate. Ran into her at Walmart buying some stuff for next week and Mike called while I was talking to her. Asked her if she wanted to come as well.” “You gonna make this girl yours again by the end of your trip? I know you want to.” 
“Of course I do, there’s nothing else I want more than to do that. But, we haven’t talked about anything in that sense and quite frankly, I’m not sure if I want to, I’m scared. We broke up for good reason, we couldn’t see each other as much as we wanted to. And from the looks of it, she seems happy. We’re both happy. Don’t wanna fuck that up.” Calum responds honestly, glancing at Luke who has a frown on his face. 
“You guys didn’t break up for good reason, because you guys couldn’t see each other. You broke up because you two didn’t bother acknowledging the problem. You broke up because you gave up the moment things got hard, without trying to fix it. Now’s the time to make things right! You’re gonna be with her for almost three weeks, just the two of you. You have all that time to show her you can be a better man for her. Why pretend like you don’t love her when you still do? And don’t give me that we’re happy now bullshit. You haven’t even bothered looking in a woman’s direction since Y/N had left. You still want that girl more than anything.” Luke responds, and Calum hates him for being right. Calum’s never one to cause problems, constantly walking on eggshells in certain situations. But he loves her with everything in him, he always did. He doesn’t want to start any issues on a trip that’s supposed to be carefree and laid-back, but Luke’s right ; it’s the perfect time and place to show her the love he failed to do so, before she left. 
“Yeah, just DO IT!” Michael yells, bent over where his head is in between Luke and Calum’s. The two boys sitting on the couch jump, snapping their heads towards him. “Mate, how long have you been there?” Luke asks, grabbing his heart that was currently beating irregularly. “Long enough to know that Cal’s gonna try and get his ex back. Wish you the best of luck mate, text me when it happens!” Michael drunkenly responds, a little too loud for Calum’s liking, causing him to shush at him. “Sorry sorry, forgot she was there for a sec.”
“YES!!” Sierra screams as a sulking Y/N sits back at her spot on the couch, arms crossed with a pout on her face. “What’s wrong?” Calum asks her, wrapping his arm around her. He locks his eyes with hers as she leans her head into his chest. “I keep losing! I’ve lost the last three times against Sierra. I need to stop using Pink Yoshi! He’s bad luck!” She complains, visibly upset. “Guess I gotta beat up Pink Yoshi now,” Calum whispers, running his fingers through Y/N’s hair. “It’s okay Y/N, don’t be sad, it’s just Mario-Kart.”
“I HATE PINK YOSHI!” she yells, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. “No no no, don’t cry. I’ll make sure that Pink Yoshi never makes you lose another game again, okay?” Calum responds, him and Luke trying not to giggle at her drunken distress over her choice of Mario-Kart character. “You gotta use Red Yoshi, love. He’s the best.” Luke says to Y/N. She looks up at him from Calum’s shoulder, intrigued. “Red?”
“Yes. I use him every time, and I win everytime. Ask Michael, he can’t beat me.” He responds, and Y/N shifts her eyes to Michael, who’s eating a bag of chips. “Heeey,” he groans, “Red Yoshi just has a bunch of superpowers that Toad doesn’t have! You just cheat!” Y/N giggles at Michael’s statement, pointing at Luke. “Cheaaater.” Luke scoffs with a smile on his face, “It’s not my fault you suck, Mike.”
Calum just sits there and scopes out the situation, wondering how the hell he’s kept up with these people for so long. Luke and Michael continue their argument about if Red Yoshi or Toad is better, and Ashton has replaced Y/N’s spot in Mario-Kart, switching to Red Yoshi after eavesdropping on their conversation. Calum stays put with a soft smile on his face, stroking Y/N’s hair and softly rubbing her scalp. He almost doesn’t realize that she’s dozing off in his arms, lips slightly parted and breathing a bit heavier than usual. 
“You tired, sweet girl?” Calum asks the girl comfortably laying on him, not even caring that he let one of the pet names he called her slip out. She nods lightly, nuzzling her face into his chest. “I’m sleepy, Cal.”
Cal. He’s heard that nickname millions of times, but he hasn’t heard it from her in what feels like ages. He hasn’t heard her call him that in a while, and he fucking loves it. He smiles at her, slowly getting up from the couch and bringing her up with him.
“Let’s go home, Y/N.” 
Him and Y/N quickly say goodbye to their friends, wishing Michael a safe flight back to Australia tomorrow. 
“Thanks guys. You two have one as well, alright?” Michael jokes around, earning a snort from Ashton and Luke clapping his hands together. “Oh fuck off,” Calum laughs, giving Michael a hug before they take off. 
Y/N stumbles her way to the car, Calum rushing over towards her and grabbing her by the waist, trying to stabilize her. “I got you,” He whispers, opening the door for her and helping her get inside. He jogs to the driver’s seat, starting the car and passing her his phone. “Take it away, Miss Drunk Aux Cord.” 
She giggles at the change of sentence, clicking Softcore by The Neigbourhood.
“I’m always gone, out on the go. I’m on the run and you’re home alone. I’m too consumed with my own life, are we too young for this?” she sings softly, sighing. Calum only now realizes how much the song she played resonated with the both of them. He wonders if the reason she sighed is because she had also come to the realization of that, as well. 
Calum gets to Y/N’s place less than ten minutes later, parking in front of her house and assisting her with getting out of the car. She wraps her arm around his waist, hoisting her up. “Drank too much,” she groans, stumbling towards the door and clutching her stomach. 
“Just grabbing your keys,” Calum reaches into her jacket pocket, taking her keys and unlocking the door. They kick off their shoes, as Y/N frowns at the sight of the multiple stairs she has to go up. She is way too drunk and tired for this. To her benefit, Calum notices her frown at the stairs and decides to pick her up bridal style, making his way up the stairs. “I got you, don’t worry.” “Second door on the left,” she whispers once he reaches the top of the stairs. He kicks the slightly open door, placing her lightly on the bed. She smiles at the comfort, turning to her side as Calum removes her hoodie. “Hey, we’ve seen each other for a day since we broke up. Not yet,” She half jokes, Calum immediately letting go of the hoodie. “I’m joking, can you pass me that shirt over there?” She asks, pointing to the shirt laying on her desk chair. 
Passing the shirt to her, he realizes that it’s his Nine Inch Nails shirt, smiling at her once she puts it on. “So that’s where the shirt went.” “Never asked for it back.” She responds, getting under the covers. 
“I’ll head out now, it was good to see you Y/-“ “Wait,” Y/N cuts Calum off, extending her arm to reach for his hand. He walks back towards her, grabbing her hand and interlocking it with his. She doesn’t know what’s come over her, and she’s a little nervous to ask. But she’s drunk, and she has nothing to lose. “It’s late, Cal. Stay here tonight.“
“Are you sure?” He asks her cautiously. Everything in his body is telling him to stay, but she’s drunk and he doesn’t want her to regret it the next day. “It’s late,” she repeats, “And we’ll be sleeping in the same bed at the same time next week. Come here.” She pats the empty spot beside her, flashing him a tired smile.
He walks towards the empty side of her bed, taking off his shirt and crawling into bed with her. She shuffles closer to him, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck, wrapping her arm around him.
It’s quiet for a few moments, and Calum’s about to doze off, before her quiet voice speaks up again. “Missed this… missed you, Cal.” 
His eyes widen, and he whispers a “what?” in response but by the time he asks, she’s fallen fast asleep. He looks down at her, caressing her cheek before he hears the door open softly.
“You home - Cal?!” Gabriella whispers softly, walking over towards him and giving him a slight side hug. “It’s been a while, Gab Gab. How’ve you been?” He whispers in response. “Been good, just getting by, really. What about you? Is Y/N okay?” She asks. 
“I’ve been okay, as for Y/N… she had too much to drink tonight. Ran into her at Walmart and asked if she wanted to spend some time with everyone at Michael’s and next thing you know, she almost broke into tears over losing Mario-Kart while using Pink Yoshi.“ he explains, Gabriella facepalming at her sleeping friend. “I’m assuming she asked you to stay as well.” She states, him nodding in response. 
“Alright, I’ll head off to bed now too, goodnight Calum.” 
“Night, Gab Gab.”
Gabriella starts walking out of Y/N’s room, turning back around before closing the door. “Oh, and Cal?”
“Get your girl back already.”
taglist: @someinsanefangirl @lucyjafari @i-s-a-b-e-l-l-a-o @valesnicks @juhvette @perfctcalum @bohemianhargrove @fobodob @wldflwrbby @wiiildflowerrr @fangirl-candy @asmilinghopefullromantic @jazzymariexoxoc @caramelcalum @imightcry-blog @leomoonbaby @dreaded-awakening @mytlrh @noraskaar
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theatlasrealm · 2 years
—-Kai visibly Looks shorter than the rest of the ninja however he looks taller than Jay only because of his hair gel but in reality he and Jay are the same exact height
—-I said this before and I will say it again to reach kitchen cabinets or any high place kai either does one of two things :
1) airjitzu’s and sets the entire place on fire 2) becomes an Olympic gold metal gymnast
—- Kai doesn’t get bothered much that cole and Zane are taller then him bc they are older… but the fact that his YOUNGER SIBLINGS are taller than him keeps him awake at night..
—-sometimes when nya or lloyd wake up in the middle of the night, scared and shaking, they go to the same person they’ve been going to all their life for nightmares: Kai
—-kai influenced/helped Lloyd a lot. And I mean a LOT, just as much as he helped nya. hair care routine? yeha kai showed Lloyd. how to deal with panic attacks? kai helps him breathe, and taught him how to handle it in case Lloyd is ever alone. Also someone else also said this btw but Lloyd’s weapon is a sword gee I wonder why
nya: Kai if I was in your shoes
Kai: first of all my shoes are pieces of art second of all you shouldn’t even be in those shoes good lord we need to go shoe shopping I can’t have my dear sister walking around like that
—-guess who’s holding all the shopping bags when the trio goes shopping! Ur right it is nya and lloyd
“kai please stop we don’t need more clothes”
“lloyd, life is a runaway what do you mean we don’t need more clothes”
“kai that’s it we are going home if I have to carry one more bag-”
—--nya and Lloyd can’t hide crap from kai he just knows
Lloyd, thinking: I hate myself
“hey Lloyd u okay buddy??”
Kai brother instinct triggered
Kai pulls out weapon: abominable hug
weapon was effective lloyd is feeling better
—-kai is a good liar/actor to most people except nya girl sees right through his facade
nya, “hey kai everything okay?”
Kai,” yeah don’t worry everything’s fine!”
nya gently hugs kai and Kai has an emotional breakdown: a sequel
—-kai,”how’s the weather up there”
nya and Lloyd,” we weren’t aware garden gnomes could talk”
—- when any one of them is sick the remaining two know exactly what to do.
Nya is sick? Give her some soup ! Give her some space! She’s independent and isn’t a fan of being taken care of (lloyd respects that!) but yk kai….Kid isn’t scared of nyas rages 💪
Lloyd is sick? give him some soup! make him laugh! hug him! Thankfully he’s smart enough to stay in bed and recover because he knows if he does that the recovery process will be faster! the real question is if kai knows that…
Kai is sick? Code red full lockdown bro is gonna go try and discover a new species while burning at a high temperature. um kai isn’t scared of nyas rages but when she yells at him for not resting while sick she’s like ten times more scarier someone save the poor boy oh look savior lloyd has arrived oh wait nope false alarm he’s yelling at Kai too
—-they all casually share hoodies, graphic tees, etc. but for Kai it looks little too big.. um…. don’t tell him that though…..
—--if things are too overwhelming for Kai he goes to nya and Lloyd. everything seems to melt away when they look up and smile at him
—-don’t insult nya or Lloyd in front of Kai or Kai’s gonna do a full sailor moon transformation and then into a VICIOUS garden gnome.
—-whenever nya’s inventions/ideas don’t work out, she gets angry and frustrated at herself due to her perfectionist nature. Kai always manages to make her feel better
“hey don’t worry nya, you have wonderful ideas and such a smart brain! you created so many things and I couldn’t have been more proud. how about we go eat a snack and then you can come finish this project later! I’ll even help!
—-Kai is really good with ‘feminine’ stuff like sewing (he probably used to stitch up ripped clothes when him and nya were kids) and hair. he knows 7384377348 different hairstyles and does nya’s hair whenever he can. he also tried to teach Lloyd but the poor kid became jumble of confusion. he managed to teach him braids though!!!
you think this is it? naw shawty I’ve got part two coming out soon.
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