#like What the Fuck
gleefullypolin · 1 day
Anyone else stop functioning after that trailer? No just me. Ok cool cool cool.
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everyone-calm-down · 6 months
Yeah yeah yeah, The Boy and the Heron was amazing. The themes, the art, the Robert Pattinson. I AM going to choose to focus on the fact that this guy waited seemingly less than a year after his wife died to get his sister-in-law pregnant tho.
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mikakuna · 3 months
i see this jason todd who actually looks his very young age (instead of the 30yr old man that comics like to portray)
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and feel my heart breaking just imagining bruce beating him up, almost killing him, mind-breaking him, and just overall being a total piece of shit father towards him.
a huge chunk of the reason why people don't view bruce's actions towards jason as abusive or wrong is because jason doesn't look his age. he's drawn to be this 35yr old father of three who looks even older than dick (and way too on par with bruce) that people see their fights as one between batman and any of his regular rogues. when they fight, it just looks like batman is fighting a man his age and not an actual young person. it doesn't look like batman is fighting his son who's barely even drinking age (and who def wasn't drinking age in utrh). their fights are portrayed in a way that eliminates the very real power struggle between them.
this applies to jason's entire character as well. a lot of people don't sympathize with how he died or his actions as robin or his fights with the other bats because he doesn't look his age. he always looks older and scarier than everyone else. tim has many sympathizers from the titans tower incident because jason just looked like a grown man fighting a 12yr old (even tho i disagree, tim was built and like 17 lmfao).
anyways, i just wish comics would actually draw jason to look his age, which literally ranges from 19 to early twenties. he's young- so young, and it's so annoying to see him drawn and written as someone older than even bruce.
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the-kipsabian · 3 months
saw a take so fucking rancid on twitter i almost deleted the entire app from my phone jesus fucking christ
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first of all ao3 is an archive site. this is like going to the library and saying "oh i dont like this" on every piece of media you find that you dislike and thinking they should be stamped with some sort of a marker just cause you didnt like it
you can always click back and leave. fic writers owe you nothing to explain themselves and their creations. if they have mistagged or miscategorized fics, then i understand, however there are report tools for that instead of yelling at the artist tbh
im not saying free works arent necessarily above criticism. but this is just. fucking wild. its common courtesy to just enjoy stuff (or fucking leave if you dont, the back button is free) and if the artist specifically asks for critiques, then give one - constructive that is, shitting all over someones work is not proper criticism, mind you
i just find it fucking wild people are treating art and archive sites as social media these days like this and everything needs to be policed and ~catered to the algorithm~ like. no. ao3 doesnt have an algorithm. you should be able to fucking tell what you like and what you dont like and steer away from that kind of content and let people fucking be with their art. they dont owe you anything (except trigger warnings i'd argue, but i know some people disagree with that as well for some reason), and imagine how much more energy you'd have if you only engaged with things you liked and spent time looking at instead of going to places where you dont enjoy yourself. let alone spending time telling other people you dont enjoy what they enjoy. what a fucking life
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matchestopetrol · 3 months
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TMAGP episode ten mood
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danandphilcatboys · 5 months
not to be that person but dan and phil in this video give off MARRIED energy (not that they didn't before it's just the vibes are EXTRA strong here) cause like what do you mean they facetime each other ? what do you mean dan sends countless selfies to phil when he's away ?? what do you mean dan fell asleep with phil's glasses on and HOW and WHY ??? what do you mean dan burned himself from the shower in the hotel and phil CALLED HIS MUM ???? what do you mean dan went to the same place in sweden that phil has been to a million years ago and EVEN ordered THE SAME THING ?????
(literally lord if you're reading this i am so tired can i just have a piece of what they have pretty please i am so lonely)
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valyrfia · 7 days
glad to report @tsarinablogs and i have discovered that the Red Bull Energy Station naval callsign is none other than Perceval
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watchyourbuck · 2 months
New 7x04 drinking game: take a shot every time Buck invades Tommy’s personal space before he even knows he’s attracted to him
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I love Suguru Geto.
Suguru loves to fuck you in the doggy style position. He would have his long hair down, swaying back and forth with each one of his incredibly powerful thrusts. While he had your hair pulled back and wrapped around his left fist he's holding your body close to his while his right hand bares down on the bed to keep you both upright.
Suguru would tighten his fist pulling your hair so that you have no other place to look other than up into his eyes. The lovestruck look he gives you makes your heart do flips and makes your cunt tighten around him. He would softly moan at the reaction you gave, feeling you tighten again at his vocalization.
Suguru would release your hair and allow your body to fall into the bed, still inside of you his thrusts wouldn't falter at all. In fact they would only become harder and more defined. With your chest pushed into the plush blankets that line his bed you can feel him reaching for something above you.
Suguru would wrap his arm around your middle and with precision, find your neglected clit almost immediately. The soft, slow, gentle motions back and forth on your clit compared to the rough, calculated, assault on your g-spot brings you to the edge of orgasm quicker than you imagined.
But Suguru knew, he casually pressed record on his phone that he must have reached for earlier and set it to where the camera was facing you dead on. Your head is smashed into the pillows but your noises could probably be heard from the apartment next door.
Suguru's next actions are more calculated than you can comprehend, as he wraps his long fingers around the bottom of your chin he pulls your face out from the shadows. You make eye contact with yourself in the camera and suddenly you feel even more lustful than before. Behind you, you see Suguru's toned body and long hair swaying back and forth, the upper part of his face isn't showing but you can see him biting his lip behind you and you feel his cock pulse inside of you.
Suguru's fingers that had wrapped around your face are now entering into your mouth as his thrusts become slower and the fingers massaging your clit become more rough. You can feel your toes curling and your eyes begin to close. Suguru encourages you to suck on his fingers while you wait for his permission to come.
With three of his fingers taking up all the room possible in your mouth Suguru drops his head to whisper into your ear. "Do you wanna come baby?" His voice is like liquid silk, washing over your body. You whine around his fingers, softly biting on them to signal to him that's exactly what you want.
The short chuckle that Suguru releases doesn't go unnoticed by you, but you're quick to forget about it when he suddenly removes his fingers from your mouth. Slimy fingers now holding your face forward so that you have no choice but to look into the camera. Again you can see Suguru's body behind you and you can see him start to lean into you.
"I want you to thank Satoru for letting you come, can you do that baby?" Suguru's eyes find yours on the screen and he can tell that was the final push you needed. Your eyes cross before they squeeze shut, a small whimper leaves your lips in a hurry.
"S-Satoru, thank you-u letting me coOme" your voice is uneven and loud as you squeeze around Suguru. His hands find home on your hips as he thrusts through your orgasm. Suguru getting a similar type of euphoria hearing you moan his best friend's name in his bedroom.
Leaning over and pausing the video, he pulls out and watches his come drip out of you in small trails. He reaches over to pick his phone and is quick to send the video to Satoru. Your body is still limp on the bed when you hear a small bell noise coming from your boyfriend's phone. His hand slowly starts to run over your ass cheek as he laughs while reading a text he just got.
"Stay just like that baby, Satoru will be right over." Suguru leans down to kiss you on the ass cheek and in the matter of minutes you're faced with Satoru and Suguru walking into the bedroom together.
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skigg0 · 2 months
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art vs artist 🤔
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pissditching · 10 months
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oh sweet depravity beyond my wildest imagination
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
No because, the gay firefighter blorbos might not be fucking, but the canon is so wild. Eddie really woke up one day after almost dying, drove to his attorney, and added Buck to his fucking will. They had known each other for what? Two years? When Eddie literally signed a legal document tying him to Buck in a moment that was officially talked about as Eddie's way to say "I love you to the core" and then Eddie just didn't tell Buck about it until a year later. How much more wild can a ship get? Sure, we have easy stuff like the casual touches, the bizarre synchronization, and we have pretty intense stuff like the way Buck clawed at mud because he was ready to dig through 40 feet of it to get to Eddie, or how Eddie climbed a wet lightning rod to get to Buck, and how Buck has tasted Eddie's blood, and how Eddie literally brought Buck back to life, but they have a legal document tying them together for the past 3 seasons. WHAT THE FUCK. Like, for the love of God, what were the writers thinking when they decided on that particular plot. That's just fucking wild.
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abattre · 3 months
It kinda kills me that we don't know what happened to the bodies after the Uchiha massacre. Like what did the village do with them? Danzo got his hands on some of the Uchiha to steal their eyes but like,, the clan was pretty big. They ran the entire police force themselves which would be at least like 100-150 personnel just in active duty; this plus their spouses, the Genin/Chuunin still in training, civilians that ran the shops in the district, retired workers/Shinobi, the elderly, and the children,,, there would've been hundreds of corpses to deal with. If they all died the same night and Sasuke was their only next of kin but also a 7 year old child who was hospitalised while the compound was cleared out,, who got to decide what happened to the bodies? Did the council just get to do whatever they wanted with the clan's remains? You know, the council that planned the massacre?
The Uchiha had their own religion and they would have had funeral rights for their dead so,,, did they get those rights? We never see Sasuke at any sort of memorial or grave for his family, and for someone who clearly loves their clan a lot, Sasuke would take care of their resting place if they had one. It's just so upsetting that after slaughtering the Uchiha so the village wouldn't have to take accountability for you know,,, treating them like absolute shit, no one in Konoha even cares enough to give them the bare minimum respect in death. They what? Just let Danzo take the ones he wanted so he could harvest their eyes and just dumped the rest of the Uchiha in an unmarked mass grave somewhere? The whole village had a state-wide memorial when the Kyuubi attack happened and the same later on when Orochimaru invaded but they couldn't even bother with some sort of funeral service after the genocide of one of their own clans? The genocide that they ordered themselves?? Like it's just so fucking insulting.
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 2 months
Me: I don't care about people that aren't actively harming others
rando: oh, so then why do you care about endos then?
Me: *stares at the amount of misinformation in the endo community that actively harms systems*
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veyronvenus · 3 months
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serve of the century I'm afraid
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faeriecinna · 3 months
I have been WRESTLING with writers block this past week. I mean, I must have stared blankly at my damn laptop screen for like 24 hours combined and wrote about 6 words. Today I thought "fuck it" and decided to try writing with pen and paper again like I'm sat at the back of my highschool geography class co-writing fanfic with my sister and I just WROTE THE WHOLE ASS CHAPTER THATS BEEN BOTHERING ME THIS ENTIRE TIME?????
Science side of Tumblr explain this sorcery
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