#like SIR thats so unfair
eldritcheden Β· 2 years
listen we knew Eliot & Paul were more than friends .we knew. they didn't have to add the laughably romantic candlelit terrace scene but honestly props to them for doing it anyway
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mickyschumacher Β· 8 months
NGL I LOVE UR WORK... ive been hopping thru ur m.list since the last hour.... its currently 1 am and i have an essay to finish before 8 am(im sure my prof will give me more time ik dey love me) anywasy i was wondering if u could do an enemies to lovers with Lewis((like really hated eachother)the reader could be a driver its oky don mind what she does) and then they were arguing abt sumting lewis says something thats completely out of the line and she starts crying in front him then he just kinda leaves her be, a few days later he would go on then apologize to her abt wat he said and then more fluff. (just ignore this if ur not into it or not takin a request at the moment. but im actually just hapi i kind of got the courage to ask u for a request also ur stories are soooo good i admire and envy u at the same time.)
π‘πˆπ†π‡π“ 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 π˜πŽπ” 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 πŒπ„Β  .ೃ࿐
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π’π”πŒπŒπ€π‘π˜: as lewis's former teammate, there are lines that shouldn't be crossed. but a bad move from lewis puts him completely out of line.
π–π€π‘ππˆππ†π’: enemies to lovers trope!, poor humour, some fluff, in depth moment of an alternated 2021 wdc (apologies in advance), therefore ANGST, bad race jargon, horner and masi discussed :(, mention of intermittent explosive disorder, misogyny, allusion to racism (not from the reader ofc!), shitting on the fia for a bit, lewis kinda being a dick for probably an unfair reason lol, a proclamation of feelings from sir lewis himself
ππ€πˆπ‘πˆππ†: lewis hamilton x red bull!driver!fem!reader
π–πŽπ‘πƒ π‚πŽπ”ππ“: 3k+
𝐀/𝐍: you're too sweet to me! 🀧 i couldn't tell if you wanted this to be romantic but i went that way in the end! hope this was good! β™‘οΈŽ very very loosely based of swift's 'right where you left me'. but if you argued it wasn't, i would be inclined to agree. proof-read...ish?
⋆  β€’Β°.Β  。  .Β°β€’Β  ⋆
No one ever truly understood your move to Red Bull. It was in 2019, far from when Max was practically living on pole, so Red Bull wasn't exactly a threat to Mercedes, your previous team. Toto had even put a three-year extension on the table several months before your contract came close to expiring.
Yet you had chosen to sign with the devil.
When the commentators, journalists, and fans took a closer look at your decision, the only thing they could all collectively agree on was that you had moved to Red Bull because of Lewis Hamilton. Because you both couldn't keep your differences aside and Lewis had finally struck your last nerve.
While you weren't quite sure about the last part, the first was true. You had Lewis had never ever exactly met eye-to-eye. Every F1 driver had a specific style of driving. You liked to call Lewis' the 'calm before the storm'. He raced with a composure and maturity that most drivers did not hold. He was particularly calculative and the everyone loved him.
You, on the other hand, had given yourself a new nickname along side 'Flash 13' because you did everything in a flash: you overtook ruthlessly and calculated, you pushed the car till it was undrivable, and you were decisive to the very nanosecond. But you had also garnered yourself the name 'IED', after the behavioural disorder.
In part this nickname was due to the misogyny you faced as the only current female driver in F1 but also due to the sheer anger that bursted out of you whenever you encountered Lewis.
The amount of warnings Toto had given the both of you was simply endless. He had even resorted to putting you two with the team therapist.
The source of your hatred for each other was as clear as day. You hated Lewis' arrogance because somehow it was even worse than Rosberg, Alonso, RΓ€ikkΓΆnen, and Verstappen. And Lewis hated you for your 'perspective'. You didn't know what he initially meant by that but you regretted asking him. He said you needed to be stronger to be in F1 and that you were far too soft-hearted. Right after you had gotten your first ever pole.
It was ridiculous, to say the least.
No F1 driver was soft-hearted. You were all, simply put, a bunch of dicks. Not literally, of course. Naturally, following that comment, Lewis had pissed you off. He hadn't even had a second to know you before even making that judgement. It was ironic as well, considering your nickname that labelled your anger.
After watching Lewis win several championship titles with you following multiple places behind and seeing you only get angrier with each other, you had decided to call it quits for Mercedes. If people were going to take your annoyance and frustrations with amusement, you were going to head to the angriest team of all and leave your former team fuming.
Two years later, in 2021, you had finally gotten the perfect opportunity.
You hadn't really a clue how exactly Red Bull had made the 2021 car so well that you were matching the speed of Mercedes' car but you didn't care. You were matching Lewis. And Christian Horner was a happy man. A sexist prick but a happy man nonetheless.
Pole was either Lewis' or yours. Either he was a Grand Prix winner or you were. It was a game of cat and mouse, always in a constant pursuit of each other. The same went from your team leaders, Toto and Christian, who practically had the race director, Masi, on speed dial.
And by Abu Dhabi, you were equally tied, locked at 369.5 points. It hadn't been easy after getting penalised for multiple incidents against Lewis, but you were here. Lewis was trying to get his eighth championship and you your first.
You weren't sure how this was going to end. Heck, no one could've predicted what happened that day. But all you knew was that you were not going down without a fight.
You secured pole in Abu Dhabi which had put the entirety of Mercedes and F1 on edge. After a discussion with your engineer and several strategists, you had opted for soft tyres to further your advantage over Lewis.
Despite all of that, it was Lewis who had led the first corner after those red lights had gone out. It was only by turn six did you even get a lead. But it was a moment too short as your former teammate regained his top position by going off into the damn run-off area of the track.
You didn't need to scream in annoyance. You couldn't hear Horner, but deep down you knew he had already called up Masi, demanding an investigation. Your engineer reported to you that the stewards had dismissed it. The gap between you and Lewis was getting bigger, the race was coming to and end, and you knew you needed a miracle towards the end of the race if you wanted to win.
And that miracle was called Nicholas Latifi. The poor guy had crashed into Mick and the safety car was out on the tracks. Thankfully, they were both okay, but the timing of it was simply impeccable.
You had pitted to get new soft tyres and Mercedes was on the fence about heading to the pit lane in fear of the race restarting. So Lewis didn't pit. Miracle 2.
You re-joined the track with five lapped cars in between you and Lewis. And soon enough, Race Control had given the dooming message: lapped cars were not allowed to overtake.
The taste in your mouth was bitter. You had cussed out Horner, asking why you were even seeing these lapped cars in front of you.
Then came Race Control again: only the five cars in between you and Lewis were allowed to overtake. Miracle 3.
But of course, F1 had a flair for the dramatics. Because you were fucking restarting. Putting you and Lewis on a tight show-down for the final lap.
The bad news? Lewis hadn't pitted yet.
The good news? You could overtake Lewis. Miracle 4.
And the headline? You won.
You fucking won.
You were F1's first female champion in history.
You made history... or, well, herstory?
Yes it was controversial. Yes it was dramatic. Yes, questionable decisions had been made.
But you won.
By the time you had gotten out of your car and finished with screaming and crying in pure happiness, you had finally caught a glimpse of Lewis.
A small part of you felt bad. You knew for a fact, that these decisions weren't 'human error' as the FIA would go on to claim the following year in Bahrain.
It was entertainment. It was business. It was money.
You had both worked so hard this year. But the fight between an F1 driver breaking the record for the most championship titles and the first possible female champion in F1 was too good to resist.
Things between you and Lewis after Abu Dhabi hadn't gotten worse. You just talked far less than you normally did. You barely argued with each other anymore. It was disconcerting to say the least. Especially now that you were struggling to match Max's pace, always coming second or third as per the instructions of your engineer. For a moment you thought, what was the point of winning if you weren't going to win again?
You were still determined. Beating your own teammate would be hard. But you weren't a stranger to the idea. You had spent years trying to beat Lewis while purposely being the support for him to win. They were two actions they didn't go together but it had happened.
That being said, the venture was proving to be more difficult than you anticipated. In fact, it had caused a full collision with Lewis in the first lap of the Qatar Grand Prix.
You were so focused on beating Max you hadn't taken a second to look around you.
"What the fuck was that?" Lewis' voice invaded the air as he barged into your driver's room, ridden with sweat and still in his racing gear.
"Look, I'm sorry okay. I didn't see you. It was my fault. End of story," You told him curtly, not really wanting talk to Lewis any further.
"Damn right, you didn't see me. You could've taken me or anyone out! Are you so fucking stuck up your ass that you couldn't see me?" Lewis asked incredulously.
You scoffed at his accusation. It was true. But you didn't like when the truth fell from his lips... especially not when they sounded like that.
"Lewis, drop it. No one got hurt. Let's just move on okay?" You queried, annoyance dripping from your voice.
"Why? Can't handle the truth, L/N?" He laughed gently, almost mocking you. "Right... you were always like that."
You snapped your head towards him, raising a sharp brow. "Excuse me?" You spat as if to say he was becoming dangerously close to crossing a line he did not want to cross.
Lewis folded his arms, shrugging nonchalantly. "What? You don't like the truth. It's simple. I told you that you need to be stronger because you're too soft-hearted. And you hated that. And now that I'm telling you that you're selfish, you obviously can't handle it."
"Oh my God, you are one to talk. Lewis, you are so blinded by your arrogance that you can't see anyone else win. That's why you can't accept that I won right?"
"Not Abu Dhabi, aga–"
"Yes, Lewis, Abu Dhabi again. You are so fucking sour about losing that even when the hate targeted me, you let it. You let them say that my win was due to race and gender. Me, Lewis, out of all people, me."
No matter your differences, you had stuck up for Lewis on many accounts when it came to the FIA, 'fans', and haters. But he wasn't there for you.
You could see dark expression fall onto Lewis' face. "That's not true, Y/N."
"Then what was it Lewis?" You flailed your hands in exasperation. "Because you sure as hell didn't come to my aid."
"Because you didn't deserve it!"
You blinked blankly, arms falling to your side. Your mind took a minute to process the words that had fallen from his lips in mere seconds.
Lewis' face dropped as realisation struck him. What the fuck did he just say? "Y/N, I–"
"Get out," You grumbled.
Lewis did a double-take on the fresh line of tears accumulating on your waterline. He took a step closer to you, hands reaching out. "No, no, no, Y/N, I–" But your words made him stop.
"Lewis, get the fuck out of here before I start screaming like the bitch everyone thinks I am."
You watched Lewis return his hands to the side, clenching his jaw tightly as he made way to the door of your room. He stopped briefly, hesitating to open the door, taking one last glance at you before leaving.
Four days.
You had pondered in deep thought for four days. And after 72 hours, one thing had become obvious to you.
Lewis wasn't with you or any of the other drivers. He was still in 2021, right where you had left him. Not a second had gone by for Lewis where he hadn't thought about Abu Dhabi.
What if he had just pushed for Bono and Toto to get him in that pit lane?
What if he had veered the car a little to the side and you didn't overtake him?
Lewis was still reliving the worst moment of his career and his life and everyone had moved on. Sure, every fan and commentator talked about it time to time. But it was something of the past.
To say you didn't deserve your championship title... you had heard it from several 'fans' and insignificant others. But to hear it from Lewis? It fucking killed you.
You cared about his opinion more than anyone in the world. And he knew that.
You would've never said anything as shitty as that to him or anyone for that matter.
You had worked your ass off to get to F1. Fuck, you had won F2 two fucking times because no one was willing to let a girl on their team... into a man's sport. Every driver worked hard to a certain degree. But you were a girl who didn't grow up with the means of driving yourself to your death every day. If everyone worked hard, you had worked ten times harder.
Everyone knew that you and Lewis had fought. And by the looks of it, they also knew it was far worse than your normal fights. You wouldn't look at him, you refused to speak to him, you spent minimal time in the same room, you had even paid your media fines in full to avoid everyone...
Max had even become some sort of bodyguard, telling Lewis to turn back around when he neared the Red Bull garage.
All of this protection, and yet, he had still found you in your favourite place. The one you both came to when you needed to become level-headed. The top stand of any empty Grand Prix, in this case the MΓ©xico Grand Prix, where the air felt a little bit cooler against your heated skin and you could think for even it was for just a second.
You sucked in a sharp breath, seeing Lewis in your periphery while you were firmly seated. He looked nervous, chewing on his bottom lip and taking cautious glances at you.
"Hey," Lewis greeted, making you raise a brow at his lame entrance.
You forced yourself to look at the rest of the empty seats in front of you. "Hey," You mumbled back, trying to swallow the bitter taste in your mouth.
An unsettling silence enveloped the both of you. You were sure Lewis was here to apologise. But you could also tell he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Not in a selfish way. But in the most guiltiest way possible.
You sighed. "How are you?" You asked gently, peeking out of the corner of your eye.
Lewis winced at your question. Leave it up to you to still be this kind after what he had said to you. "Sorry. I'm so so sorry," He rasped, voice raw with the pain that had been gnawing away at him ever since those god forbidden words had left his mouth.
You nodded slowly, taking another deep breath. "I know you're going to call me soft-hearted but what you said really fucking hurt, Lew," You jested with a brief smile.
Lewis grimaced at your poor humour, before his ears perked up at the old nickname you had given him when you first started getting on each other's nerves. "I know. I'm an idiot for saying something like that. Or that you're soft-hearted. You've worked so hard for all of this. You absolutely deserve everything and that win was only the first of many, I'm a hundred percent sure of it. Your Dutch shortie doesn't really know what's coming."
You gave him a tight-lipped smile after huffing in amusement at his diss towards Max. "Thank you," you told him earnestly. "Although, I am quite positive he is like almost ten centimetres taller than you. But, thanks anyways."
Lewis rolled his eyes. "Have you seen me? You don't think I give off tall energy?"
"You mean tall in insults?" You joked, grinning at the blank look on Lewis' face.
Lewis sighed. "I really am sorry. I didn't mean any of it. And by 'it', I mean all of the insults and fights. I was just disappointed in myself. Even more so that I didn't stand up for you. I'm so sorry."
You drew your eyebrows together, turning your body to face him. Confusion filled you. "Then why did you say it at all?"
"I–" Lewis blew out a small laugh. "Are you sure you want to know?"
"Lewis, can you not see me dying here? Like a whole kitchen set of knives in my back?" You deadpanned.
Lewis rolled his eyes again. So dramatic.
He brought his hands together, staring at you briefly before looking at the empty stand. "Well, obviously, I heard of you before you joined Mercedes. I thought it was ridiculous that you had to get two F2 championships to get a seat, but anyways, I digress. Toto told me, he was considering you even though you had never been in the junior team.
And I remember just being so fucking jealous of you. Toto was consumed by you. He and Horner had been fighting for your seat for so long and now that they finally had an open seat, it was chaos. Toto won, obviously. And then we met each other in person for the first time and I thought you were the most beautiful woman in the world."
You felt your heart begin to race and your skin heat at the sudden proclamation. "You... you what?"
Lewis smoothly glossed over the compliment. "And then we had our first quali together and you beat me. You got pole on your first race. So you were talented and beautiful. A crime, might I add.
And so when you came to tell me, you were so excited with all your talent and beauty, I was pissed. Because out of all things in the world, I had gotten an amazing competitor I was bound to feel for. I thought that by saying you were soft-hearted and all, it would get on your bad side and it would make me less attracted to you. It didn't. It got worse while it got easier to pretend to hate you."
You blinked blankly at him, cheeks aflame. Lewis Hamilton liked you. Your stupid teammate? The same one who's eighth championship you arguably took? "I'm sorry... hold up, we've been fighting for years because I'm a hot, talented, gifted, smart driver and you're a simp?"
Lewis squinted his brown eyes at you. "I did not include all those adjectives."
"I mean... that's basically what you said," You shrugged, flickering your eyes to the setting sun.
Where did all the damn cool air go? You wondered, pressing your hands to your flushed cheeks and feeling your soft palm absorb the molten lava known as your skin.
Lewis chuckled, picking up your flustered reaction quickly. He watched as you suddenly stood up. "Okay, well I'm... I'm going to meet Hugh and find a way to beat Max. See ya!"
Lewis paused, grabbing your wrist. "Wait? What? You aren't going comment about what I just said?"
You eyed his hold on your wrist: it was searing you. You turned to him, lowering your head to meet his gaze. You briefly looked down at his lips before looking back up. "I think I prefer hating you."
Lewis felt you press your lips on his cheek before walking past him. He watched your retreating figure, your kiss feeling heavy on his face, putting him right where you had left him: absolutely and utterly smitten.
Β© πŒπˆπ‚πŠπ˜π’π‚π‡π”πŒπ€π‚π‡π„π‘
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konigsblog Β· 1 year
Hello! Absolutely love your writing!
Could I please request Soap/Price NSFW alphabet? x
aw thank you!! of course, price's will be out later today or early tomorrow
soap mactavish NSFW alphabet
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warnings: nsfw obviously, cum, spanking and ass slapping, mentions of blowjobs, sir kink, breeding kink, degrading, teasing, power kink, mirror sex, mainly m recieving masturbation, wax play, doggy style, matting press, knife kink,
a- aftercare, whats their aftercare like?
johns aftercare is gentle and loving, placing little kisses aa he cleans you up with a towel before running a shower for you both. you clean eachother up and wash eachothers hair.
b- body part, do they have a favourite body part?
your ass, its a cushion. big or small, his head will rest this. he digs his fingers into it, occasionally slapping it when he sees you. he can't help it! you just look too good.
c- cum, anything to do with cum
he likes cumming on your face after you suck his dick. seeing it drip down onto your tits drives him wild.
d- dirty secret, do they have secrets?
whilst on deployment, he takes either; a bra, your lace panties or a nude in polaroid form. he thinks you don't know but when you see him unpack you see a tent in his pants staring at whatever he's taken.
e- experience, how many times?
he's scottish (just like me) so you can expect experience, what can i say? everyone wants that scottish dick...
f- favourite position, any positions they prefer?
doggy style, matting press... mainly he prefers anything where he can see your ass jiggle as he slams his hips against it. both of you moaning in unison.
g-goofy, are they sarcastic or serious?
i see him being more serious, but then again i see all task force members being serious. i don't see any to make jokes, maybe they'd mock you, but jokes are off the table when in the bedroom.
h- hair, are they well trimmed? does thr carpet match the drapes?
he usually cuts it while he's with you, trimming it down enough thats comfy for both if you. yet, when he's on deployment he lets it grow. it's a waste of time that he could use training.
i- intimacy, how romantic are they?
mainly degrading you, he isn't the lovey-dovey type until after the sex. he'd call you a brat or mock your moans at the slightest of touch and actions.
j- jack off, how often do they get off?
fairy regular, a normal amount i'd say. he doesn't really jerk off while on leave because he has you. deployment is fairy often but not too much.
k- kinks, any kinks?
degrading kink, power kink, he likes fucking you infront of a mirror, seeing the look on your face and forcing you to watch. knife kink and wax.
l-location, do they like public or privacy?
i mean, he'd prefer private but if you both can't wait you'll find the nearest bathroom and fuck eachother stupid.
m- motivation
teasing, he's such a tease. slowly going up and down your thigh, stopping when you make noise. "quiet for me, lass."
n- no, what wouldn't they do?
anything that would seriously harm you, he likes to use a knife but only grazing. never enough for you to actually bleed of cry from pain.
o- oral, receiving or giving?
preferably recieving. doesn't mean he wouldn't eat you out. but he likes the way your lips wrapped around his dick, slowly sucking him. giving little licks to the tip to tease him back.
p- pace, how fast are they willing to go?
starting off slow, gradually getting faster. he only starts slow to build you up, then rips you apart as he speeds up. his dick hitting that sweet spot.
q- quickies, what do they think about quickies?
he'd rather take his time, if your at a party and suddenly horny he doesn't mind taking you in the bathroom... but then he can't tease you, and you know how unfair he likes to be.
r- risk, are they a risk taker?
regarding the fact he'd do it in public, i guess. but, he'd never take you if you weren't in birth control and weren't ready for a baby. thats not happening at the moment.
t- toys, do they experiment with toys?
sure, some toys here and there. just like when hes on deployment, he understands that you might want to get yourself off. he'll get a dildo that looks similar to his own cock so you can imagine him every time.
u- unfair, how much do they tease you.
read above, he's a tease for sure. edging you until you're in tears and whining from touch. only whining will make him stop though, being more and more unfair.
v- volume, how loud are they?
occasional grunts and moans, not as much as you but still enough to show that he's enjoying himself.
w- wild card, your own headcanon?
i think he wants you pregnant, a breeding kink maybe. or a sir kink, he knows its not the time and prefers not to say anything about the sir kink because you know he gets called, "sir" at his work.
x- xray, whats going on under those clothes?
5.3 inches flacid, 6.1 inches hard. a thick vein across his shaft and uncircumcised.
y- yearning?
definitely more horny, he initiates most of the time. other times you do. him being horny gets you horny.
z- zzz, how quickly do they fall asleep?
not until your cleaned, had a shower, in a comfy shirt and massaged will he fall asleep. your needs matter more than his, he thinks.
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rzyraffek Β· 2 years
Hiiii I do like to request slashers with a really calm reader that as a kind and calm aura and talks their way out of situations and for some reason just makes however is trying to fight or attack them vent, cry on their shoulder without even noticing that and when they point that out the reader is just like Isn't that how it goes with everyone? "πŸ€”πŸ§β€β™€οΈπŸ§β€β™‚οΈ" (male or G/n reader would be coolπŸ₯²)
YAaas😈 Will go will he/him pronouns
Request open as always have fun reading
Micheal Myers
S/o was vibing making tea in kitchen when micheal just spawned in hallway
So he either had to runaway or try to talk him out of this situation
"Eee you want some tea? I heard that the guy that thats chasing(DrLoomis)you isnt very kind isnt he?"(yes yes s/o trying to make micheal wanna kill somone else but not him yess)
Micheal enjoys smell of tea (bruh I love white tea with hint of rose/strawberry) and he for sure would enjoy taste of it but hes shy and nono dont see his face pls.
S/o wont make him vent mostly due him being mute and non comunicative at all but He definitly will vibe and think about how much he would rather be stabing Loomis rn
But ig he wont stab him? S/o makes nice tea, keep up,king, he might come again and again just to lisen him ramble about daily life and steal food from fridge
Brahms Heelshie
This one is opposite of Micheal. Brahms will probably instantly vent and cry. He wil talk about how lonley it was and how alone he felt and how everything was unfair
He will hug him, he wont stop for a while
He accualy never intended to kill him, never but He thought that he has No choice. But now He loves that he didnt kill him!
S/o is a great lisyner and great person to talk to! He is so matture and smart!
Easiest way to calm him down is giving him glass of water or cup of tea AND hugs of course dont forget about hugs
Brahms is a big babi he is emotional he will cry a lot
Asa Emory
"???Qhat you talking about??" Look nothing personal but He came here to like??? Kindap you?? Im mean yeah he would love to tell him how much kindaping people and putting them into huge jars is tiring but like??? Sir?? You gonna be in jar next??
I mean its more intresting than average screaming and begging for helpπŸ₯°
He will start with "lmao this loozer thinks hes gonna talk me away from killing lol" to "yeah sometimes its so hard you know? Once one of them stabed me and I still have scar :( " and "oh you wanna see🀨😳 i mean yeah?😳" and takes his shirt off
He will kinda forgor he suppose to kill him and just vibes ESPECALLY if s/o likes bugs HE WILL BE LIKE: :D omg u like mothsπŸ₯ΊπŸ˜Š? Wanna hold hands😳😈
He will eat his dinner and then ask for recipie
Billy Loomis
This guy already talks more than he should have. One question and he will do a monologue about his traumatic past and everything
Ofcourse not litteraly, he speaks in weird sentences (yall seen the movie) Nothing is said streight forward
He will hug them looking for support and probably falls asleep due to crying and huge amount of emotions
Then he will woke up and think "😳 did? Did I Just got laid? Noo its impossible wtf happened here??? Is he dead or???" " hi billy did you sleep well? Are you better now?" "AAAAAAAAAAAAA"
He is shocked, first of all he just vented, second of all he slept on somone with their consent, and third of all ??? He feels better now?? Yep s/o is definitly a wizard, yep no way it could possibly help, he just did some magic
Thomas Hewitt
I- Im not sure He ever expirienced somone just being nice, just being nice, without some plan to gain anything from it, without hint of manipulation or plan to use him
He wanted to kill him but He Thomas acually felt guilt, he didnt seem to deserve it. He helped his friends even when he himself was in danger.
Thomas broke when s/o started talking. Again Thomas is mute he wont magicly start speaking like eminem RapGod song
But he will akwardly hold his hands together and be shy (Thomas is shy guys)
S/o just seems to understand him so well
He wont kill him and he probably will be like "LudaπŸ₯Ί theres this little goblin creature in our basement can we keep himπŸ’–" "No way in hell imma-" "he knows how to cook and do chores!" "Yeah sure we can keep him"
Cool his alive now!
Now just preapre for being thomas therapist for rest of life
Hopefully u like it, didnt really have idea what to write
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simpfordemetri Β· 2 years
Jasper Cullen NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare
He always makes sure you are fine,checking on you looking for bruises.
He will let you one of his shirts to sleep,letting you take a bath while he brings you some snacks.
You can be sure he will cuddle you to sleep
B=Body part
His favourite body part of you are your eyes,they can see how you feel through them,if he is pleasuring you well and how stimulated you are
C = Cum
He adores cumming on your ass,only if you are okay with it
D= Dirty secret
He wants to make it in his car,,having the risk of someone catching you both
He has experience,he knows how to make you scream and beg for more.
F=Favourite position
Usually doggy,seeing how your back arch for him
G = Goofy
He dont like to makes jokes while having sex,he wants you to see he is serious about it and respect you
He has some hair here and there,for him is something completely normal and he is not ashamed about it
He is slow and passionate,wanting to make you enjoy that moment and trying to make it last as long as possible
J = Jack off
He does,but you wont know about it.When you are too busy with exams and cant come over for days he will pleasure himself,however he prefers to do it with you
K = Kink
Calling him sir,he absolutely loves it,will make you call him sir or he wont let you cum
Even if he wants to try something in public places,he respect you too much to put you on risk,so usually in his room
Touching his hair,he has a soft spot for it,he loves when you grab his hair while doing it
Hurting you,or having sex before he goes hunting,he always makes sure to please his thirst so he doesnt loose control
O = oral
The king of oral tbh,he will sit you on his desk with your legs open while he makes you cumΒ 
Slow,making sure you feel all about it
Q = Quickie
Hates them,as i said he likes to take his time with you
Doesnt like them,even if he thinks about them,he refuses to hurt you
Can long forever,but if you are human usually 4 rounds
He has some vibrators which will use with you in some ocassions
U = Unfair
He doesnt like to tease you,he will make you beg sometimes but thats it
V = Volume
He moans in your ear,making you shake from just hearing him
W = Wild card
He likes when you dom him just wont admit it
X = X-ray
He is big ,21 cm
Y = Yearning
His sex drive its not so high,maybe 2-3 times a week
Will make you sleep in his arms after it
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agentplutonium Β· 5 months
Percy Jackson and the Olympians Live Blog: watch this PNO book obsessed nerd watch ep three of Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Spoilers under the cut. You’ve been warned.
- β€œand a bag of these things. I think they’re canadian. or from Chucky cheese, I don’t know” PLEASE WHY DID THAT TAKE ME OUTTT
- THE SHOES!! GOD THEYRE SO PRETTY (and so is Luke, but we don’t dwell on that because that’s the point and i have read the books i know where this goes)
- oh god we’re talking about Thalia i’m gonna cry
- β€œAnd you. Are not. Thalia.” YOU TELL HIM GIRL
- β€œForbidden Child” is such a metal sentence actually
- Leah is killing it in this role i’m so in love with her acting she’s such an amazing Annabeth
- β€œThey smell fear.” β€œThat’s bees πŸ™„β€ I LOVE THEM
- oh god it’s dodds
- well that was disappointing/lh
- this forest is so pretty wait-
- β€œwe don’t need help. we’re fine.” i love her
- β€œwhy are you so afraid of who you are?” β€œwhat?” DUDE
- β€œExcuse me?” GIRL. LEAH’S ACTING. TOP NOCH.
- β€œFirst? What do you mean β€œfirst”?” uh oh
- β€œhamburgers” man we are FLYING through this plot
- β€œnot today, friends, not on my doorstep.” oh god. why is medusa hot. this is unfair.
- β€œi think we can trust her” white boy is at it again /j
- β€œwe’re not our parents, after all.” oooo tie in to percabeth ???
- β€œSo you’re not a monster, then.” β€œA survivor.” OOH. SO THIS IS HOW WE’RE PLAYING IT /POS
- β€œDo you know the story of how I became to be this way?” β€œI do!” β€œDo you?” Medusa love you’re gonna make me fall head over heels.
- Are we using Medusa as a metaphor for the reforged bond between Athena/Poseidon with Percabeth
- β€œMy mother is Just. Always.” Girl idk how to tell you this-
- β€œShe’s going to betray you. Sooner or later, people like her, always do.” GIRL YOU BETER STFU-
- she’s still so pretty, i said what i said-
- the hat on the head that’s p cool
- ooo that’s smart
- β€œHe doesn’t look afraid.” *DISTANT SOBBING*
- grover speak your truth bb !! god i love him
- β€œBecause the Oracle said one of you would betray me!” NOO PERCY
- β€œI’m feeling so alone! I don’t know what to think or who to trust.” *MORE DISTANT SOBBING*
- β€œThey will see this as impertinent” β€œi am impertinent” PLEASE
- β€œyou guys are not gonna believe this-β€œ HAH
- fuck the preview makes the next ep look so good i’m so excited
OKAY THATS THE END IF THIS EPISODE guys i’m so in love with this show you don’t understand. i’m so. the autism is coming out. pray for me.
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fallingforel Β· 11 months
Spencer reid imagine- broken
i have just watched the episode where maeve just died and watched the next part where reid is on the floor and is not okay. so I had inspiration to write so here it goes.Β 
summary: Your super close to reid and maeve has just died, you go over to his to give your undeniable support and some words between the two of you are exchanged. Oh and your dereks sister
words: 1,305
Tumblr media
β€œCome on Y/n, you know maeve has just died. He’s not going to be okay” Derek says through the phoneΒ 
β€œI know, but I feel helpless. Can you just come over, bring ice cream. You know the one mama used to buy us, when we were good and deserved a treat. The one she bought us lots of us when dad passed” 
β€œyes. yes. I’ll bring it over. But we have a case first, get your ass over to the bullpen now.” 
β€œpretty boy will be just fine, we’ll go after we’ve finished this case” 
β€œokay okay. Love you bro.” 
β€œlove you too sis.”
β€œthere’s my favourite morgan sibling” Penelope says as I’m walking into the roundtable and sit down next to Derek.Β 
β€œERR, Hey babygirl. What about me?” 
β€œyes, yes. well, she’s You know-” Penelope, quickly gets cut off by Hotch walking into the room.Β 
β€œGarcia, we’re all here on with the case please” 
β€œof course sir,Β  Meet who was formerly Gary Porter. He was found d*ad outside a San Francisco night club last night. And Pamela Hurd-- she was found near a cable car stop in San Francisco's Mission District.” 
β€œThey were both found wrapped in clear plastic.” Jj says looking over the case file on her tablet β€œIt says here they were d*ad only a few hours before they were found.That's not long enough for the elements to have made them that pale” I say from where I’m sitting next to my brother pointing it out.Β 
β€œCause that's where we enter the town of weirdville on the corner of eew and icky-icky, girl morgan. Both victims were almost completely drained of their blood. Less than a pint left.” 
β€œHe's exsanguinating them.” I say with question, trying to get all the details on the unsub we can from the MOΒ 
β€œWhile they were still alive.” hotch finishes for me.Β 
β€œIt might be utilitarian” derek says from besides me.Β 
β€œHe needs them alive so they can pump out the blood themselves. Draining a body like that is extremely hard to do. Once the heart stops pumping, it's difficult to continue to extract the blood.” 
β€œSo the question is, how is he doing it?” I ask.
Β β€œOh, I wish you wouldn't have asked that, lovely 'cause now I gotta show this picture.” Garcia says from the right of me.Β 
β€œThere are large bore holes in the femoral artery of each victim.” Hotch says from the back of the room.Β 
β€œOur unsub could have medical knowledge.” JJ says from where she’s satΒ 
β€œIt's possible. We'll know more when we get there. Wheels up in 30.” Hotch says before leaving the room.Β 
it didnt take no more than a few days to catch the unsub, it was pretty easy. he was obsessed with painting with blood though, taking the blood out of the victims. but with all of ourΒ intelligence as a team we managed to put another unsub away.Β 
β€œder, I’m worried about reid. he hasn’t shown up at all I would’ve at least thought he’d have shown and help us catch the victim” 
β€œY/n, you can’t blame him. someone he loves, just died. right infront of him, thats unfair of you to say that. We’re all worried about him. Come on, let’s go and get that icecream and bring it to pretty boy” 
β€œReid, your favourite morgans are here. We bought Ice cream too. the good kind” I said after knocking on his apartment door.Β 
β€œpretty boy, we’re both here for you open up reid. don’t make me kick your door down.” derek talks through the door, after a few minutes of silence.Β 
that soon makes Reid open the door.Β 
β€œI knew that would make you open the door.” 
β€œhmm, well if you had kicked my door down. You’d be paying for the replacement” 
β€œYeah, well. I would’ve done it myself. Now let us in, we’ve come over here to cheer you up” 
β€œwhy’d you even come anyway. It’s not like I need any company anyway, can’t be the best person to hang around at the moment.” Reid says to me putting the empty Ice cream tub down along with both our spoons. Derek had soon passed out, he always does within the first 15 minutes of a romantic movie.Β 
β€œYou’re always the best person to hang out with Spence. You just get me you know. Was weird not having you on this weeks case I won’t lie to you” 
β€œmmh, yeah well. My girlfriend just died. And infront of me too.” 
β€œI know I know. Trust me I know more than you think.” 
β€œI highly doubt that” 
β€œyeah well, not many people know this. Not even my brother. My boyfriend of 6 years died, right infront of my eyes. shot at and killed by a known serial killer In the area, we we’re trying to catch him for months, then when I got the call. I couldn’t bare to face the town anymore, the very same town that I was chief of police of, the very same town, my fiance was shot and killed in. I Quit my job I wouldn’t go out for weeks. Stuck in my apartment for days on end, wouldn’t talk to anyone, I just sat in silence most days, slept on the sofa. Then Der, he told me he was coming down. I had to pull myself together, If not for my own sake. Then for dereks, cindi had just gone missing I couldn’t let him see me like that because I just knew it would break him. So I pulled myself together, there was an opening at theΒ Bureau and I just had to take it, little did I know it was for the very same department that would help me catch my boyfriends killer my very first case at the bau, give me a chance to get some closure, Garcia asked me if that one of the victims was my boyfriend, I said no that we had broken up before then, that he had moved out. It was a complete lie, but it kept my heart safe.” 
β€œY/N I had no idea.” reid says
β€œLook reid, all I’m trying to say is that take the time you need, but living like this is not going to fix the pain thats going on in here” I say pointing to my heart.Β 
β€œbut we’ll be here every step of the way with you, whether that be donating our holidays so that we can help you get the closure you need. Because in the end the pain of losing a loved one wont go, but you learn to move on and whether that takes one week, one day, one month, one year. she’ll be with you always.” 
β€œthank you Y/n, I think I needed that.” 
β€œDon’t worry about it reid, I love you always pretty boy” and he goes into kiss me but I duck backΒ 
β€œshit! I’m sorry. I’ve read all this wrong haven’t I.” 
β€œNo, No. You haven’t read it all wrong. I just don’t think it’s the right time reid, your girlfriends just died. I’ll wait though. I can wait. I’ve waited 8 years, I can wait 8 more. I’ll wait for all the time in the world for you” 
β€œthank you Y/n” 
β€œNo worries. I’m gonna go now, it’s not to do with you. I have to get back to sergio. I promised em, I would take care of him when she left for england. Keep me company. defo should not have told her about what happened with michael.” 
β€œso who knows then, You, emily and my therapist” 
β€œnothing, you should take derek with you” 
β€œyeah, yeah okay. I’ll wake him up” 
β€œder, der” I say shaking him
β€œyeah yeah. I’m up, coming, Bye reid.”
the endΒ 
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samsspambox Β· 1 year
hi sam its been a while!( Β΄ βˆ€ `)γƒŽ, the reason being i was nominated by the WHOLE FRIGGIN CLASS to join a 3 CONTESTS(╬`η›ŠΒ΄),it was stressful but i did have fun learning more! And tomorrow well be having our christmas party and then finally a break from school! which got me thinking what party games are the tot boys good and bad at? thats all, have a wonderful day sam!!! (β™‘Β°β–½Β°β™‘)
heyo cute nonnie! honestly i've been busy af too with all this finals nonsense, so don't sweat it!! i hope you had fun in your contests tho!
but, party games! i don't go out often enough to say i'm a party animal, but i know my way around musical chairs (i'm, surprisingly, much more familiar with baby shower games! the woes of an older sibling)
Party Games with the NXX!
Vyn would be very good at cup pong! he's got the aim and he's got the alcohol tolerance to go with it. Dr. Richter will not hesitate to demolish you in cup pong and make you drink your weight loss in beer. he's really bad at telephone. he just can't understand when someone is whispering super low, it sounds like mumbles to him! he always fucks it up.
Luke would be very good at musical chairs! fucker would get hella competitive tho. will pull the chair right from under you so you fall on your ass just so he can sit on it. once yeeted a chair just so someone else wouldn't have gotten to it. he's bad at tug of war, not bc he won't win, no. it's bc he doesn't know his own strength. the opposing team will go flying and eat shit. no one wants to play tug of war with him like that.
Artem is strangely good at charades/heads up! i think it only took him like, a singular try to guess 'Ash Ketchum' once. people thought he was cheating. he's really bad at hide and seek, though. he just always picks the obvious places and he has this... air about him. the vibe always changes when he's in the room, he's too intense sometimes. you can point him out in a room LMAO.
Marius is stupid good at limbo it's unfair. he's so tall he should've toppled over ages ago, but he can drop low. like sir, are your ankles okay? he's really bad at aiming, though, so add a blindfold? he's bad at trying to hit the piΓ±ata. he genuinely wants the candy tho, so that's a problem. oh my god he has the worst luck with piΓ±atas too, once got whacked with the stick someone let slip. he was so far away from it too!!
thank you for your ask cute nonnie!
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hyunverse Β· 1 year
hello my sweet loveeee i hope ur day has been good :)) i just woke up and i’m about to go grocery shopping and i’m hoping they have my favorite pastry πŸ™πŸΌ what’d you get up to today ? :)) anime names for cats are always so fitting yk ?? like it just works with cats so i completely respect that. i will be sure to give them kisses for u when i get home hehe. and yea dude the rats here are NASTY. people’s dogs can also do some reallyyyyyy questionable things 😭😭
YEP THE BACK LINE UR SO RIGHT i love that dorito shape on men πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ. i feel like out of all the kpop idols in 4th gen, sunghoon, chan, hyunjin, and mingi have like the broadest shoulders i’ve seen so far like i literally think you could lay across them and just be fine (which like yes sign me up pls). YES VICTORRR so dead and sweet and gorg he is prime dead example πŸ™πŸΌ i also wish i had long fingers. i’m always shocked at seeing the size diff of jeongins hand to his phone 😩 talk about sexy. god i just love hands i could talk about them for days it’s like embarrassing atp
sushi all day every day !! i will pick sushi over anything always 🀭 nachos are def up there too tho i love a nice loaded nacho. also thank you for your input thats so good to know. i will definitely be trying it out then :))) i love thai food so much as well so that’s good to know too ^_^ thank u love. SAME my heart beats so fast and i get the shakes 😭. it also oddly makes me break out rly bad ?? but it’s like painful acne too ?? idek. asian dolce latte sounds soooo good rn. i bet our starbucks menus are so different (tbh anything but americas seems better for all food chains). the christmas specials are always so good too, i love when they actually come up w new stuff here
SOOOOO SMOOCHABLE even for todays concert he just looked so so good. i was so mesmerized by felix and jeongin from the clips i’ve seen. something about the tight black jeans just does it for me every timeeeee 😩 MINHOS THIGHS don’t get me started again 🀭🀭. they all looked so good and i love the new dark blue outfits, it’s so sexy 😩
- πŸˆβ€β¬›
sweet love is so cute i’m melting. hello angel baby <3 my day has been super good ^__^ i just watched an anime film called suzume, almost teared up im ngl ☹️ i have a tendeancy to cry during films πŸ˜” it’s the sensitive heart in me 🀝 aaaa i lovelovelove grocery shopping sm <3 the cereal section makes me happy eventhough i don’t typically buy them </3 i hope they have your fav pastry, babe! whats ur fave? i love bagels, or any pastry that has meat in it, really. what do the dogs do there, help 😭 i think malaysian dogs are pretty normal 😟
DORITO SHAPE I CACKLEEEED. U DIDNT JUST CALL THEM DORITO SHAPED 😭 chan’s back mmmm. esp that one performance, i think wolfgang where he took off his shirt ISBDKWJS MAKES ME FERAL ‼️ also maybe its just me but sharp collarbones... delish.
victor is the man them e-boys wish they were but arent. they could never be victor. he is far too beautiful. unreachable visual πŸ’― talking abt animated characters... how are we feeling about howl pendragon? so sexy πŸ˜‹ JEONGIN’S HANDS ARE SO BIG LIKEEEE?? /:+"!+ THE SIGHT OF THEM MAKES ME MALFUNCTION?? SIR PUT THAT HAND IN MINE RN ‼️ HIS PHONE BE LOOKING LIKE AN ERASER IN HIS HAND BCS HOW BIG HIS HAND IS. HRJFHEHF R GRTRR
coffee is so good it’s unfair that its bad for us 😭 why r bad things always so good. smh. i think our starbies menus are deffo different, actually, a lot of our fast food menus are different me thinks. esp with the fact that malaysia is a dominantly muslim country, so a lot of chain restaurants have to be halal (muslim friendly) β€” therefore they don’t serve food that contain pork or alcohol. i think that's the main reason why malaysian menus are super different compared to america’s!! i know there are certain recipes available there which aren’t here </3 also!! ik most americans typically customize their starbucks β€” compared to that, malaysians usually opt for whatever that’s on the menu. i rarely customize my order tbh ^__^ and whats up with American mcdonalds constantly having a broken ice cream machine? istg i go for a mcdonald's ice cream run every week and its never broken 😭 oh and u mentioning thai food is making me crave for pandan leaves chicken </3
concert vids are always so good. THE HYUNE DANCING VIDS CONTAMINATING MY TIKTOK FYP RN IS CRAZY. CRAZY I TELL U!! someone said that hyunjin flirts through his dancing and oh god. . . it’s so true. now i can’t get the thought outta my head. FELIX BEEN ACTING UP A LIL TOO MUCH LATELY BABE... WHATS UP WITH THE CONSTANT SHIRT LIFTING 🀨 HES IN HIS S WORD ERA ISTG ‼️dark looks fit them sm πŸ˜‹ they look so πŸ˜‹ nomnom able πŸ˜‹ minho’s thighs in them leather jeans doe. . . think abt it...
it’s like 4am rn i shud sleep. have a good day my baby, kisskisskiss <3
0 notes
brok3n-gl4ss Β· 1 year
it’s so unfair:((
β€œshut up lilly, you don’t want someone to hear you, do you? or do you want someone to see how much of a slut you are for me?”
why’d he say that to me. that’s not fair.
thats not even my name.
β€œyou need to be quiet for me, okay?”
it was so sweet sounding, if only it didn’t mean what it meant.
β€œim sorry.”
β€œOne more fucking time, little girl?”
β€œi’m sorry, sir.”
i remember every word they all said to me.
β€œyou wanna play a game? how do you feel about.. cars? yea? what about firetrucks?”
..i was four. how was i supposed to know?
β€œstop YELLING. their all drunk. they don’t care. be quiet.”
then again, when i was nine.
β€œcmon! it’s fun in here!”
β€œβ€¦are we even allowed in here? isnt this teachers only?”
β€œwell, yea, but i have a special game for us, lilly!”
thats not my fucking name.
please, spare me.
β€œlilly…. please.”
stop grabbing my hand. stop it . stop it stop it stop it.
could she not tell i was uncomfortable?
stop moving my hand, please please please please.
β€œyea.. that’s nice, yea. yea.”
why did it keep going.
why didn’t she care about me?
why did i feel like that after? did i enjoy it? im disgusting.
everything’s so unfair.
when i was ten.
β€œoh come on, pretty girl, it’ll be okay. just stay quiet.”
β€œyea! the teacher can’t do anything, it’s after school!”
i just. let them. i didn’t even try. there were so many of them.
i just. stayed quiet. like the good girl they told me i was.
then it happened AGAIN.
in that fucking gym.
behind the bleachers.
i could of stopped it all.
when he out his hand uo my shirt, when he grabbed my waist.
he talks to me so casually now like he didn’t say those things.
β€œplease, lillian. please. cmon. it’ll be fun. nobody’s even gonna know!”
why? why why why why.
0 notes
tobesoalive Β· 3 years
Sam Kiszka NSFW Alphabet
hello everyone welcome back! sorry I've been behind on posting, I've been struggling to find inspiration and motivation between school and work but I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things! Thank you all for your patience and enjoy these steamy headcanons :)
WARNINGS: Smut (basically everything lol)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After sex Sam will collapse next to you and proceed to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest as he sighs in satisfaction. This is usually accompanied by kisses on your neck and his voice praising you for doing such a good job for him. After a few minutes he will get up to bring you to the bathroom and fetch you a glass of water while you wait for him in the bath.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Sam’s favorite part of his body is his nose. He thinks its a pretty nose, nice and slim with a perfect point at the end. He loves how it pokes at your clit when he’s eating you out or burying it in your hair, taking in your scent as his hips relentlessly slams his hips into yours.
His favorite part of your body is your thighs. He loves to nip at them to tease you, loves gripping them while he pumps in and out of you, lifting them so he can pound into you at an angle.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
While he does like cumming deep inside you on occasion, what Sam really loves is to pull out and paint either your stomach or your face with his cum. He thinks you look so beautiful with his release dripping down your skin.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Sam loves giving and receiving hickies. To some it may seem juvenile but he loves that he can leave his mark so everyone knows your his, and vice versa.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Despite what many may think, I feel like Sam has very little experience under his belt. Sure he’s had partners in the past but only 2 or 3. That doesn’t mean he has no idea what he’s doing, he’s a natural in the bedroom.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Sammy is game for any position, but he really loves missionary because it allows him to look at your face and watch your reactions while he’s fucking you, which turns him on extensivley. He also enjoys pounding into you from behind because it allows him to go deeper which drives you crazy.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Sam takes your sex life very seriously, and he usually prefers to keep it that way, but he has been known to crack a joke or make a cheeky comment while he’s fully sheathed inside you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Unlike his other hair, sam prefers to keep the hair in his nether regions rather cleaned up. He still keeps a small patch of curls above his dick, but overall he likes to keep it more clean shaven.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It really varies with Sammy, sometimes he can be romantic and sweet, taking his damn time worshipping every inch of you, but he will also fuck you into oblivion whe he’s in a mood.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I think Sam can’t keep his hands off his dick. Like seriously every night he’s on tour your phone rings and on the other end you can hear him breathing heavily before asking you to talk dirty to him. You aren’t complaining by any means though!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I think Sam has a big dominance kink, he always likes to be the one in charge and lets you know that. Sometimes he wants you to call him names like daddy or sir and he’ll call you his princess. I also think this bitch is super into edging and tying his significant other up. Also he loves to see his fingers in your mouth or wrapped around your throat.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere around the house tbh, but with his height he likes to have you on a surface like the kitchen counter or the bathroom sink so your cunt is at the perfect level for him to pound into you.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Lots and lots and lots of things turn this man on, but the one you know will always get him is if you act really bratty or give him attitude, there is nothing he wants more than to show you who’s in control right then and there.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Sam is game for a lot of things but I don’t think he’d ever want to do something that would cause you actual pain. Sure light spanking and choking he’s okay with but nothing beyond that.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Sammy loves to wrap his lips around your clit and prod at your entrance with his fingers, watching you come undone, he especially likes it when you tangle your fingers in his hair as you write from the feeling of his mouth.
He REALLY loves seeing your lips wrapped around his cock, gently guiding your head to bob up and down on his length, it will have him cumming in no time.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Like I said before Sam can do either, it really all depends on what mood he’s in.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
While he will pull a quickie every so often if you guys are on a crunch for time, he doesn’t prefer them. He’d rather wait until your schedules are clear so he can really take his time with you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
If you propose an idea to Sam he is literally in the bedroom before you can finish telling him. Most of the time he’s down to try new stuff.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Sam can go a solid two rounds at most himself, but he makes sure you cum at least three times.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You and Sam have a few toys that you bust out every so often, some silk restraints and a little bullet vibrator that he likes to press on your clit when he fucks you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Unfair should be this man’s middle name. Samuel is one of the biggest teases in the book, but it turns him on so much seeing you grow more and more frustrated.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Sam will let out soft moans and groans but he loves dirty talking to you, always telling you how good you feel and how good you take him.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
One of Sam’s favorite things to do is make you ride his thigh. He might be reading or working on a song while you beg him to fuck you, and he’ll say some shit like β€œwell babygirl you know how to get yourself off if you really want it that bad” before patting his thigh.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Sam is longer than average thats for sure, he’s about 8 inches, probably even a bit over, and he’s not too girthy.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He has a very high sex drive but he knows how to control it. He just tries to go off how you’re feeling and whether you’re in the mood or not
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Within five minutes that man is out like a light. He’ll do his aftercare duties but the second his head hits that pillow he’s gone. But that’s okay, he works hard and never forgets to tell you how much he loves you before closing his eyes.
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rythen Β· 2 years
"Why do you like Volo so much?"
Well for one his resemblance to Cynthia even has my lesbian ass going "hot damn" but for two
There's so much to explore.
On the surface he's a standard twist villain done well with plenty of hints that are easier to see in hindsight, but when you dig deeper you get so much more.
This is a man with at least two friendship evolving pokemon (three if he caught Roserade as Budew) who puts off this "pokemon are just tools" front as he threatens the PC.
He gives so many hints to a backstory that we haven't gotten (yet? GF please) through his wording and comments about the world being unfair.
We also have no idea how the fuck he even made contact with Giratina, which is something that seems like it'd be rather difficult to do.
And he has the blood of the ancient people of Sinnoh in him? Please explain, sir. Please?
My thoughts are a bit scattered but thats the gist of it.
He's a funky little blorbo man, what can I say?
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mydekuacademia Β· 3 years
Can I get A-Z nsfw for kacchan?
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A: Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
I feel like he can go one of two ways: hes either a big baby and just wants to hold you until you both fall asleep, or he does everything from running you a bath to making you some delicious food to massaging your sore muscles
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner)
His favorite parts of his own body are his shoulders and chest. Hes muscled af and is proud of it
On you, he is absolutely an ass man. He wont touch it in public unless he knows nobody can see, but in private? Hoo boy
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum)
He likes to cum on your ass, back, or face or in your mouth. And his pull-out game is immaculate, so count on getting cummed on
D: Dirty Secret
Hes thought about having a threeway with you and Kirishima. He decided against bringing it up and was grateful for that later on when he realized he didnt want to share
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Not experienced at all. He never really saw sex as something he needed or even really wanted until you came along. That being said, he still knows what hes doing for the most part. Plus, hes observant as hell, so he'll learn soon enough
F: Favorite Position
As we've established, hes an ass man, so he prefers having you face away from him. If hes really pent up, he'll bend you over a counter. Otherwise, reverse cowgirl is his go-to
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
Absolutely not. Hes not goofy in normal life, and that carries over to the bedroom
H: Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He trims his pubes really short, but not shaved. He likes that he feels closer to you that way
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
I mean, as intimate as Katsuki can be. He probably wont call you a dumbass, which translates to true love in Bakugou language. He does, however, take extra care to be gentle with you if hes feeling sad or sappy
J: Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Another thing he didnt really have the desire to do until he was with you. Prior to dating you, he masturbated only when completely necessary. But now that he knows how good the release can feel, he does it maybe once a week or if hes really pissed and cant be with you
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Katsuki. Is. Daddy. He loves when you call him daddy, or even sir. It gives him a huge power trip
Quirk usage - in place of spanking, he'll set off small explosions by your ass. Not enough to hurt you, just enough to get his point across and see your ass jiggle
Orgasm denial and edging. You can cum when he says you can, and he'll bring you right to the edge over and over until he decides youve had enough
Brat taming. Hoooo boy he loves when you act up so he can tame you
L: Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Honestly, any place you wont get caught. Bedroom, kitchen at night, couch, etc. If its a quickie, he does not care about comfort, so literally any surface works. If it's proper sex, he prefers the bed or couch
M: Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Mostly when you act bratty towards him and when you get a little too friendly with someone else (even just hugging them for what he deems to be too long)
N: NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He will not share, even though he used to fantasize about it a bit. Youre his, dammit
He wont do anything that will actually hurt you or leave marks that last longer than a week or so
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Prefers receiving over giving, but still gives you oral sometimes. He just doesnt really know what to do and wont ask for help, so he only really does it if youve had a bad day or something
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Katsuki is 100% fast and rough. He'll slow down a bit if you ask nicely, but he prefers going at a damn near impossible pace
Q: Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He honestly loves quickies. He often doesnt have the patience to wait until you two have more time to go at it, so quickies are perfect. Of course, he loves being able to take his time, but hes not too picky
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Some stuff, hes more than willing to try. Different positions, bondage, sensory deprivation, etc. Other things he wont try unless you bed and/or give him something in return. So like, if you wanna try pegging, you're gonna have to beg for h o u r s and maybe blow him too
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He typically lasts 2 or 3 rounds max, but he can last a pretty decent amount of time, especially if hes teasing you. You best be ready for hours of edging if hes in the right mood
T: Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Nope. He wants to be the only one to make you feel good. The only thing he might have is a pair of handcuffs, but thats iffy
U: Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Bakugo is so unfair. He will tease you mercilessly until youre shaking and crying and begging to cum. He, however, cannot handle teasing. He'll either get mad right away or end up begging within minutes
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He isnt really that loud. The most youll get from him are low grunts and groans. If he's really, really pent up, he might let out a whiny moan when he cums
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon)
He didnt watch porn until being with you. He knew it existed, he just saw it as pointless and trashy. But now he watches it every once in a while if you arent around to help him out
X: X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Hes a bit longer than average with an average girth. Being decently big was a big ego boost for him tbh. It curves slightly up and is uncut
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
A little lower than average tbh. Hes so focused on hero work and one-upping midoriya that sex doesnt really cross his mind that often
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He likes to hold you for a while afterward, so unless he goes all out with aftercare, he stays awake for about half an hour.
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spinster-sisters Β· 3 years
Crush. PSH, JYN
TW: dom! Seonghwa, sub! Yunho, sub! Reader,threesome, exhibitionism,Β degradationΒ (use of the words slut and whore), bondage (male receiving), Sir kink, overstim (kinda, idk how much counts as overstim but im putting it here anyway), excessive use of the word wet, panty kink, buldging, k so heres the deal, in this thing yunho has a crush on both the reader and seonghwa and seongwha is probably also attracted to men based on the way i wrote this but there is no actually mxm interaction PHYSICALLY, also fun fact at no point anywhere in this is there the letters Y/N cuz i have decided i hate that shit and istead u get excessive pet names.
WC: 4k
AN: this is 4k words of pure smut, like plot if you SQUINT right at the begnining but even that is pretty smutty. ngl its prettyy shit. im sorry lol. also this isnt specifically idolverse or nah, it could kinda go either way so thats that i guess.
Yunho had always had a crush on you, that much everyone knew, but when you and seonghwa began dating Yunho had decided to put his own feelings aside out of respect for both you and seonghwa. Maybe it worked for a while, a few months of being genuinely happy for his two friends finding love. Yeah, it was hard seeing one of his best friends get to touch you and talk to you in the way he wanted to, but the smiles that never left either of your faces were well worth it.
But then that night came.
He hadn't meant to see it. All of your friends had gone out to a crowded club, there was dancing and a lot of drinking. But with all the chaos of the night, nobody noticed when you and seonghwa slipped into the bathroom. A while later Yunho found himself needing to pee and made his way to the back of the club as well, but when he pushed open the door all thoughts of his original plans had left. There you were, spread out on the counter, chest heaving, tiny drops of sweat making their way down your neck. And there was seonghwa, standing between your legs slamming his hips into yours and a brutal pace, absolutely RUINING you. His back was to the door and your eyes were screwed shut, Yunho had only opened the door just far enough to see in so neither of the two of you had noticed him yet.
Yunho's first reaction was to close the door and pretend he hadn't seen anything, but he couldn't move, not once he heard the filth spewing seonghwas lips.
"My baby girl got so needy she needed me to fuck her with all of her friends around? What a little slut"
That was the first thing Yunho heard, and then whine that the words pulled out of you was damn near-pornographic, and it went straight to his dick. He only stood there for a few more moments before closing the door, but the damage had been done.
Did you guys fuck like this all the time? It felt so wrong, the perfect lovey-dovey couple Yunho had come to know were hiding such a dirty side to themselves.
Ever since that night, nothing has been the same. Yunho's thoughts of you turned more and more sinful than they had ever been, but there was something else. At first, Yunho thought it had just been the embarrassment of seeing such a private moment, but Yunho was now having the same amount of trouble meeting Seonghwas eyes as yours. Every time Yunho's mind drifted back to that moment Seonghwas figure was just as clear as yours, and although he didn't want to admit it, it was seonghwas words in the bathroom that made Yunho hard.
And that is how Yunho had come to discover that he had a crush and not one, but both of you. And almost every time Yunho took time to relive himself all he could image was seonghwas sharp and defined features manipulating your soft and supple ones into increasingly compromising positions, his calm voice eliciting those same desperate whines from you.
He knew this was fucked.
Yunho doesn't know at what point seonghwa became aware of his infatuation with himself and his girlfriend, maybe he had noticed him in the bathroom and chosen not to say anything, maybe mingi had told him one night in a slip of the tongue, maybe Yunho had told seonghwa himself while drunk. Either way, it all lead him to this moment. He was sitting in your bedroom with his back pressed into a wooden chair with seonghwa standing behind him binding his wrist together with a soft scarf you had lying around.
You sat on your bed observing the scene. This had all been seonghwa's idea, but you were more than willing. That being said watching your perfectly composed boyfriend secure the taller boy who had been stripped down to his boxers to a chair facing your bed was enough to have your face burning in the chilly room.
Seonghwa finished with the restraint and made his way in front of Yunho, who was already damn near star-eyed. Seonghwa reached out and clenched the man's jaw, forcing his eyes up to meet his own.
"Remember Yunho, you are here to watch. Not to touch. No matter how much you want to," seonghwa spoke in that calm domineering voice he reserved for moments like these. Yunho nodded eagerly as well as he could while his face was still in seonghwas grasp, his cheeks puffing out a little at the pressure.
Seonghwa let go of his face and ran his hand once through the younger boys' hair approvingly before both of their gazes fell on you.
You had been waiting patiently in the sweetest little lingerie set you could find. Seonghwa was still fully clothed, but he had a thing about having you look as pretty as possible before fucking you so hard you cried. With both of their attention now firmly on you, the cold of the room couldn't seem any further away, and with every step, seonghwa made twords you, you couldn't help but clench your thighs together in anticipation.
Finally, he stood before you, looking so beautiful it was unfair, close enough you could reach out and touch him. But you didn't, you knew better.
Seonghwa gave a wicked smirk at your sweet expectant face. The stage was finally set, and it was time for the show. He looked contemplative for a moment, before deciding on his first move.
"Lay back for me, baby"
You did exactly that, allowing your head to hit the soft blankets. Never breaking eye contact, however hard it was as your boyfriend looked ready to absolutely devour you. Careful not to block anything from Yunho's view seonghwa slowly climbed onto the bed on top of you using his hips to keep your legs in place and his arms coming down to cage your top half. He moved his head to your ear and spoke in his smoothest softest voice.
"Remember to be good sweetheart, we have a guest and I don't want to waste time punishing you tonight."
You whimper out a quiet "ok" before seonghwa placed a soft kiss on your temple. And he didn't stop there, your boyfriend only pulled back for a brief moment to observe your flushed face before diving back in.
Seonghwa was organized and neat in most aspects of life, but kissing was not one of them. His kisses are hard and wet. His exceptionally plump lips forced yours to follow his lead, prying your mouth open, nipping, and sucking at anything he could. Wet was the perfect word to describe it. Wet and amazing. Normally you would have waited for permission to touch him before swinging your arms around his neck pulling him closer but when his tongue found its way into your mouth toying with your own you needed someone to ground yourself.
To your surprise seonghwa had no objection to this instead threading his left hand through your hair pulling your head close as well, letting out a deep grunt in the process. His lips began to travel down to your neck and jaw, and now the sloppiness turned a little rougher. Seonghwa took a small break to speak, barely lifting his lips off your body but his voice still carried loud and clear.
" Don't hold back your sweet little cries, I'm sure Yunho would love to hear them"
Your mouth now free to cry out little by little at the way the cold air made contact with your now burning skin every time he moved. He was covering your skin in small red patches that would surely turn dark purple by tomorrow. You braced yourself on his shoulders when his lips came to rest of the swell of your chest. Seonghwas right had found its way under your knee lifting it a bit and caressing the underside of your thigh. You had finally become used to the sensation of his mouth on your body when he bit down. Hard.
You damn near choked. You threw your head back as a deep whine spilled sinfully out of you much louder than you intended. But it wasn't just you that was making noises, a deep guttural groan could be heard in harmony with your own from across the room. It was only then did you finally dare to turn your head to where Yunho sat. And you almost wished you didn't. The tall boy sat as hunched over as he could be, positively panting with desire his eyes staring, unblinking, and where you and your boyfriend were tangled together. Your eyes locked, Yunho was staring at you with so much hunger your heat throbbed, and your thighs clenched together. Seonghwas words cut through the tension bringing your attention back to him.
"My baby is so eager, looking so pretty as wrapped up for me. Just waiting for me to pull her apart."
You instinctively nodded.
"Yes, please. I'll be good I promise" you pleaded vacantly, still gripping your boyfriend for support. Seonghwas's right hand began to slide its way up the underside of your leg before moving around till he was palming the inside your leg.
"I know darling, I know you will"
A knowing smile graced his lips before he unhooked the clasp on your pretty bra, sliding it down your shoulders. You held your breath as he pulled himself back to sit on his heels still caressing your leg dangerously close to where you were currently making a mess of your nicest panties.
Seonghwa would never admit that he had a panty kink, but seeing you laid out for him in nothing but the thin little soaked scrap of fabric was scratching an itch that he didn't even know he had. He just had to take a moment to appreciate it.
Seonghwa turned his head twords Yunho. And speaking in that same clear strong voice.
The boys eyed shaped up to meet seonghwas. Yunho, aside for the occasional moan or groan and been relatively silent up until that point. He looks at seonghwa expectantly. Your boyfriend sighed. Shaking his head for a moment.
"Yunho, when I talk to you I expect words." As he spoke seonghwa tightened his grip on your thigh, you let out a tiny moan. Yunho's eyes flashed to your thigh for a moment before realizing his distraction then flying back to seonghwas face. It was like he couldn't get the word out fast enough.
"Yes?" The word tumbled from his lips haphazardly.
"Yes, what?" Your boyfriend responded, clearly unamused, a scowl making its way onto his face.
Yunho visibly panicked, eyes darting around the room quickly. He didn't know what he missed. He looked at you for help. You knew what he missed, but you had no way of telling him.
"Umm," he began, still searching for the answer. Just when seonghwa looked like he was about to cut in a look of realization hit Yunho. He remembered the night not too long ago that he had come home from dinner, expecting the house to be quiet only to hear a specific word scream from your lips as he passed seonghwas room.
"Yes, sir?" Yunho asked, his eyes wide and pleading.
Seonghwa couldn't help his look of satisfaction.
"Good boy,"
The words made Yunho's face light up.
"Now Yunho, what would you like to see?" Your boyfriend asked. This question clearly took Yunho by surprise.
"Come on, I know you have been imagining me and my doll doing all kinds of things," as he spoke his hand finally slipped inside your panties. Two cold fingers sliding between your folds. You shudder out a gasp. You were wet, unbelievably so. It took so little for his fingers to slip through your slick, toying with you like he had done so many times before.
Yunho momentarily lost his focus on seonghwa instead looking at the imprint of his hand through the fabric. He looked starved. But his eyes returned to seonghwa once again.
"So, what is it. What was your favorite thing to imagine when you touch yourself." As he spoke his fingers began to make slow tight circles to your clit. You moaned out again and grasped wildly for a moment to ground yourself against the blankets.
Yunho once again looked at a loss for words, this time unable to peel his eyes away from the dark stain in your panties and the forearm connected to the hand in them.
Yunho licked his lips slowly before tearing his eyes away to look at seonghwa. He spoke slowly, his words were shaky but certain.
"Please, just fuck her. Hard, like you, always do." He looks embarrassed by his choice, but your heart leaped at the idea, you wanted seonghwa inside you right at that very moment. He was slowly working you into an orgasm and he had barely even done anything yet.
"Really? Is that all you want?" Your boyfriend asked. "No special requests?" The circles on your bud speed slightly as he spoke. Your legs began twitching with every stroke. You had been so wound up this whole time that along with every jerk a small whine was seeping past your lips.
"Please, just," Yunho took a moment to gather his thoughts " please, I just want to see what you both look like when you ruin her."
Seonghwa looked at the boy pensively for a moment.
"Ruin her?" Your boyfriends intense gazed finally made its way back to you "that I can do" and almost exactly as his sentence finished your first wave of orgasm crashed over you. You were now spilling whines freely and rocking your hips into your boyfriend's large hands. You closed your eyes tight for a few moments. Before thinking about the exchange that just took place. Ruin you? Seonghwa was a serious man when he wanted to be, and if he promised to ruin you, you knew he would. And honestly, it was a little scary.
Finally, you opened your eyes. Your boyfriend had been watching you through your high, not stopping his hand and now that you were coming down a dull pain replaced began to radiate up from your core. You reached down to grab his wrist
"Wait. Please-" you began to plead, looking into your boyfriend's eyes, but your words were cut off.
"Well, Yunho. If I'm going to ruin her I'm going to have to prepare her. Wouldn't want her to break" you whined at his words as his hand began to speed up once again over your extra sensitive nub. He then glanced over at the boy who seemed just as transfixed by your pleasure-filled face as seonghwa. "unless you want that"
"Please," was all Yunho could force out "I just want to see"
Seonghwa finally pulled his hand out from the ruined fabric. Despite the numbing pain that came from his handy work you were already missing the sensation and your hand on his wrist tightened again.
Seonghwa let out a sigh.
"Sweetheart, how am I supposed to let Yunho see what I can do to you if you still have these panties on," he asked in a disappointed tone. You reluctantly released his wrist.
Seonghwa finally found the time to pull his sweater over his head, tousling his hair in the process. Now it was both you and Yunho gawked. It was something both you and Yunho had seen a thousand times, but there was still something awe-inspiring about the way he looked kneeling over you with his bare golden honey skin on display.
If seonghwa noticed the stares he didn't address them as he moved to pull your ruined panties down your legs. The anticipation was clear on Yunho's face as the wet fabric slowly made its way down your legs. Finally, he pulled them off the tip of your toes. Because of you and seonghwas position, Yunho still couldn't see your heat. To your surprise, seonghwa stood up quickly from the bed. Your panties still between his fingers. He looked at Yunho.
"You want them?" He asked letting them dangle from his hand that was still glistening with your juices. Yunho choked out a "yes, sir"
Satisfied with his answer seonghwa walked over to the man, leaned over him, and slipped the fabric into his bound hands.
Your boyfriend then returned to you on the bed, but instead of climbing on top of you, he sat down beside you.
"Open up baby"
It may be a bit late in the game, but you were finally coming to terms with what is happening. Yunho, one of your closest friends is about to watch you get fucked by your boyfriend, you had to look away from the man at the sudden realization. Slowly, you opened your legs and you heard the sharp intake of breath that could only be from Yunho.
"What do you think?" Your boyfriend asked pulling your legs apart even more. You shut your eyes tight, feeling embarrassed.
"It's pretty" was all Yunho could Say. You flushed even deeper.
"I know, isn't it? My baby has such a pretty pussy" you choked.
"Open your eyes sweetheart, I want to look at you"
Slowly you opened them, still keeping your gaze firmly on your boyfriend's face.
"No need to be embarrassed sweetheart. You look so cute" seonghwa said in a coo.
Seonghwas hand slipped further between your legs, spreading you open for Yunho to see. You couldn't help but sneak a glance at the man. He was almost drooling, as he licked his lips.
"She tastes amazing," seonghwa says dipping a finger into your still sensitive heat. You felt yourself twitch.
"Normally I would spend hours eating her sweet little cunt, but that wasn't what you wanted to see" seonghwa spoke with false regret. Honestly, Yunho looked right now like there was nothing else in the world he would rather witness but everyone knew he had already made his choice.
Your boyfriend finally decided to push 2 fingers into you all at once. You whined out at the sudden intrusion.
"I have to get her ready first, I hope you don't mind" seonghwa spoke with a chuckle. Because no, with a view like that how could Yunho mind watching your boyfriend's two long fingers push in and out of you over and over again each time bringing a little more wetness out of you.
At this point you were gone, the pleasant stretched of the familiar fingers moving inside of you was like a mantra pulling small noises from you like a song. Seonghwa was brushing the inside of your walls oh so perfect if was unfair.
"She is always so wet, pulsing around my finger with so little work. What a little slut." Your eyes shot open with a moan at his words. His pace quickened. With your still heightened sensitivity, you already felt your stomach tighten.
"Oh. Do you like that? Like it when I call you my slut?"
"Yes, sir"
"Do you like being a little whore for me?"
"Yes, sir"
"Do you want me to fuck you in front of our friend, just so he can see how much of a slut you are?" At that, you locked eyes with Yunho across the room.
"Yes please sir, please show him how much of a slut I am for you" Yunho lurched forward for the first time, his dick straining so hard against his boxers it must be painful.
Seonghwa leaned down to give you a quick kiss on the forehead,
"Good girl"
Finally, seonghwa focused all his energy on bringing on your next orgasm. Pressing deliciously against that special spot inside you while his thumb returned to your pulsing clit. You were already so far gone that it only took a few more direct strokes for you to come tumbling down once again.
This one lasted much longer than the first. And once again seonghwa prolonged it as long as possible by not stopping his hand once throughout the whole time. The pleasure came on waves, washing over you with so much intensity it was all you could do to keep moaning so loud the neighbors could hear you.
Finally, when he pulled his fingers out you took a moment to catch your breath. But it wasn't long before it was stolen again by seonghwa sticking each finger in his mouth one at a time a sucking them clean, never once breaking eye contact with the boy in the chair.
"Hmm, sweet" was all he said, before standing from the bed once again and undoing his belt. Seonghwa pushed his hair back before undoing his jeans and pulling them down his legs. At last, he stood in nothing but his black boxers. If you weren't struggling so hard to keep your eyes open after your climax you would have ogled but Yunho's hungry eyes were wide and fixed on the impressive size of the tent in your boyfriend boxers. Seonghwa spared him a glace before chuckling.
Your boyfriend turned completely to Yunho and pulled down the boxers as well. You knew what was there, so you understand the feeling Yunho was having to lick his lips like that. Yunho's arms once again lurched forward.
"Remember, no touching" was all seonghwa said before turning back to you. He says down on the bed beside you once again
"Come sit on my lap baby,"
You almost groaned. You felt like you could barely move and you would much rather he take you just as you are, but you know better than to fight him.
Seonghwa positioned you both facing Yunho, so he could have the perfect view of you both.
You tried to keep your self as steady as possible as lined himself up under you. Your muscles protested as you held yourself up. Finally, seonghwa took hold of your hips and pushed you down onto him all at once. The two of you both let out a satisfied groan. Your pussy felt used and abused but at that moment all you could think about was how nice it felt to be full. Your head fell back onto your boyfriend's shoulder almost immediately.
"Awe, do I make you feel that good, baby? You like it when I fill you up that much?"
"Yes, sir, I love being full. Love it when you fill me up." Your words were slurred together but loud. Seonghwa, using his grip on your hips. Helped you lift yourself only to be pulled back down again.
"Holy fuck" Yunho spoke in a quiet tone, watching where your boyfriend's dick was now disappearing inside of you.
"Don't use that kind of language" seonghwa spat out while staring to set a fast and deliberate pace, his focus instead on fucking you to tears.
"I'm sorry sir, it's just-" he seemed to be at a loss for words. " I can see you in her tummy"
At that seonghwa chuckled again. He took your hand and lead it to the spot on your stomach you could feel him inside you.
"I know, my baby is such a slut she isn't satisfied until I fill her up this much."
All of these words were filtering in and out of your ears but all you could focus on was the feeling of seonghwas dick moving inside of you. You were so sensitive after two orgasms not so long ago that your body felt utterly spent but every single time seonghwa trusted up into you felt like you could cry at how good it felt. It hurt, yes it hurt, seonghwa was big, that's why he spent so much time working you up, but even with that, you could still feel him stretching out your wall in the most delicious way. Every time he pushed all the way into you could almost cry at the sensation, not to mention how he rubbed against every spot inside of you in the perfect way. You were a mess of whines and cries and tears.
"She's crying" Yunho spoke in a shaking voice.
Seonghwa brushed your hair away from your face, looking at the tears streaming on your face. Your boyfriend placed feather-light kisses against your cheeks where the tears streamed down. A stark contrast to the brutal pace he was drilling his hips into your cunt.
You were clenching madly against him and he couldn't help but chuckles, though it was now somewhat airy as he was nearing his own climax.
"You gonna come, baby?" He asked.
"Mmhmm" you whined, head still rolled back as he fucked into your relentlessly. You were so close, every time he pushed back into you you cried out wanting him to make you come so fucking bad.
Seonghwa took told of your chin with one hand and forced your head forward making you lock eyes with Yunho. He looks almost as fucked out as you probably did. Forehead sweating, chest heaving, dick twitching. The sight made you clenched down hard.
"Who knew my sweet little baby, want people to watch her get fucked like a whore." you clenching tears streaming down faster than ever. The hand not holding your chin found your clit and once again began rubbing slow but rough circles onto the bud. You were so full and so close, and knowing that Yunho was seeing you like this, looking him in the eye while seonghwa fucked you almost made you come.
"What do you think Yunho? Should I let my little slut come?" He asked pinching your bud and delivering a particularly hard thrust. You gagged on the drool spilling from your mouth.
" yes, please sir, please make her cum!: Yunho almost shouted, looking crazed.
"You heard him slut. Cum."
And that was all it took. You were shaking and writhing on top of your boyfriend, head and eyes rolled back and your eyes saw stars. Waves don't even being to describe the way pleasure was moving through your body.
"Sir, it feels so good" was all you could say between the cries, and yes you were crying for real now. Short of losing consciousness, you were gone to the world. Lost in the feeling.
It took you several minutes to realize that seonghwa was still fucking you. But once you did you jerked painfully.
"No, no please" fell past your dry lips. As you moved to sit up. But seonghwas had kept you in place.
"You're not going anywhere baby, I still haven't cum yet and I am going to right in your little pussy."
It hurt, and you were crying, but all you wanted to do was be a good girl for seonghwa so you stayed put, letting him use you. You looked up at Yunho, your eyes glossy, mouth hanging open, probably covered in bruises as you always were when seonghwa fucks you.
Yunho moaned out, straining against the fabric keeping him tied to the chair.
At that moment seonghwa finally came. You could hear his groan through his chest and feel the cum spilling into you. Nice and full.
With a few more thrust seonghwa finally stopped. Allowing you to rest a moment before pulling you off him. You collapsed into your blankets. Feeling moments away from sleep, but you kept your eyes open. Seonghwa took a moment before standing pulling up his own boxers before moving over to where Yunho sat panting. He looked down at the boy and laughed.
"You came untouched?"
"Yes sir"
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Part 1 because I didnt want it to get to long
Fives x reader romantically but theres love for all the clones and you all know Krells an ass anyways so-
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"Master Krell. Please. I know these men they're strong but-"
"You're overthrowing my judgement?! I am the master! You are the Padawan!" Krell shouted at her as she stopped.
"Apologizes Master." Y/n responded.
The young woman bowed her head in response and left, she was 19 years of age and still was a Padawan. She was embarrassed at that, not even aloud to go and ask to be tested by the masters.
Returning to the group of exhausted clones she sighed.
"General Y/n!" Rex saluted.
"At ease." She responded exhausted herself.
"At attention!" Her master corrected causing her to wince along with the clone.
"Sir yes sir!"
Y/n sighed looking at the exhausted group.
"This is embarrassing..." she whispered to him.
"You are not friends with my padawan, and you will speak at attention at all times!" Krell demanded.
"Rex here has the same- even more exiprence than I do. He deserves to be called General more than I do." Y/n prasied.
"He is a clone! And nothing more! Isnt that righr CT-7567!" Krell demanded.
"Yes sir." Rex spoke loud and clear.
"Now! I want a full leged attack! Now!" Krell responsed.
"I will take one group then." Y/n spoke.
"No! You will stay behind and follow my orders!" Krell deamnded.
Y/n sighed mental but nodded, "Yes sir."
"Now get into formation!"
Krell turned his back, walking onto the cliff as the clones did as ordered, Y/n managed to slip by and talk to what she considered to be close friends at the bottom of the ridge.
"Your masters crazy." Fives told her.
"I know." Y/n spoke, "This is unfair to all you and your brothers."
"Maybe it'll be fun?" Hardcase tried to persuade.
"Its not fun watching you all get shot down." Y/n responded, "Your all tired."
"I agree with Y/n." Jeese responded, "this is a suicide mission!"
"General. What are you orders?" Kix asked.
Y/n looked to the floor and then around, shes second guessing herself again.
"Go ahead with the attack."
"What!?" Fives asked shocked.
"I'm sorry- I. My masters orders are the best possible route."
She turned to walk away, going to climb the ridge, Fives caught up to her grabbing her hand.
"Y/n. You can't agree with this. It isnt you!" He defended.
"Fives what am I suppose to do?" She asked.
"Stand up with us! This is suicide!" He argued as she looked back at him.
Fives only frowned, he's seen that look in her eye before, the doubt, the guilt, she knew it was wrong but her Master held a tight grip on her mind.
"Love don't let him guilt trip you like this anymore." Fives pleaded, "he's keepin you under his boot. Don't let him."
"Fives...I..." She responded, "Im just a Padawan...Im not even a Jedi Knight..."
"He's doing it again Y/n! He's using rank to degrade you! And your believing it!" Fives argued, "Please. Y/n don't let him do this to you."
She looked away from him, "Good luck..."
She pulled away from him walking away from the group.
"What happened to there being no such thing as luck!?" He called to her.
Y/n only contuined forward as Fives watched her leave.
"Its okay Fives." Kix tried to comfort a hand on his brothers shoulders, "She'll snap out of it one day."
"Thats what Im worried about." He explained, "How hard she'll snap, and what will happen when she does."
Y/n walked back onto the cliff, standing next to her master.
"CT-5555." Krell spoke.
Y/n frozen in her spot, "You are close with him are you not?"
Y/n gulped, "Inspiring motivation Master. They'll need it."
"Motivation for who. Him? Or for them?"
"Master I have no idea what your talking about." She explained.
"Stop spreading your legs for clones." He demanded, turning and leaning down to her ear, "No one likes a clone cock sucker. Or I will decomission all of the clones belonging to 501st and you will never see rank of a true Jedi."
She was frozen in place as he walked away from her, her face both socked and morfited. Tears welled up in her eyes as she silently cried in her spot. No one deserved to be treated this way.
She stayed silent the rest of the time, watching men die from higher ground, her brothers. They took her in out of everyone, and were actually friendly to her, so when victory of the air base occured she was both happy and guilt ridden, her master would pin the deaths of all the men on her.
She walked into the base, side by side with her master, clones tailing both of them.
"Congratulations Rex." Y/n spoke bowing her head, "I am sorry for your loss..."
"Thank you General." He told her, "It was an honor to serve under you."
"It was an honor to see the best in action."
They both bowed there head in respect to one another but Y/n was shoved to the ground on her knees infront of the Captain, her own master had pushed her.
"General!" The clones spoke worried for her, Kix rushing over to her.
"I told you once! And I will not tell you again!" Krell argued.
"Master I was simple congratulating them."
"Since you want to be a clones whore you will be at your knees!"
"They lost family! Don't you have decency!" Y/n shot back, but instantly regreted it, as his saber ignited as Y/n looked up at him worriedly.
"You will always be a Padawan! My padawan! And you will listen to what I say!" He argued his saber raising up as Y/n pushed the medic and Rex out the way, bracing herself for the blow to the head but no pain or death.
Opening her eyes most of her hair laid on the ground and a searing pain across her cheek and nose she felt.
"Next time it will be your head!"
He turned around walking away, the clones following him as the clones stood there shocked.
"Y/n! Are you alright?!" Kix spoke rushing back to the spot he had her in.
"I-Im fine." Y/n spoke, Fives by her side along with the other clones surronding her.
"You'll need stiches even though itd cartirized." Kix told her, "the wound is to wide."
"R-right..." y/n spoke still shooken.
"Give her some space! Come on guys!" Fives deamnded the group backing up as Fives helped her stand.
"This way." Kix spoke as Fives helped rush her over.
"Im fine." Y/n spoke a bit more calm now as she was sat on some crates.
"Rex! Grab my medical kit! In the barracks!"
Rex ran off to do as told, Five's worried sick about her.
Soon rex returned with the kit and Kix started.
"Fives. Fives you have to move!" Kix spoke pushing him out the way.
"Im not leaving!"
"You dont have to but you have to move!" Kix spoke pushing Fives completely out the way and starting on the stiches.
"Grab onto my belt keep yourself stedy." Kix told her, Y/n doing as told, "dont move."
Within a few mintues Kix had carefully stitched Y/n back together.
"There..." he sighed in releif, "try not to move your face too much...you're lucky they wont be in for long."
"Thank you Kix." Y/n thanked, Fives soon taking his place.
"Fives please-"
He quickly kissed her deeply anxiety had racked his body.
"What the hell!" Kix demanded shoving Fives off her, "you'll pop her stiches!"
"Kix. Fives please." She spoke.
"Apologizes." They spoke as Y/n stood up.
"Tup can give you a quick haircut." Rex spoke.
"Oh...right..." y/n spoke feeling the back of her head, her hair uneven and smelt burnt.
Tup did just that, and carefully. He tried to be creative with it. He had never really done a womans hair. He had ended up shaving most of it off. She now with a mess.
"Uh...how about we just shave it all off?" Y/n asked.
"Uh..." tup spoke,"Yeah sure."
She exited the Barracks with a barely visible buz cut. Tup had left two long pieces on her side burns which he braided and decorated in thin glowing vines the planet had.
She walked out of the barracks, Tup by her side as she looked around finding Jesse and Fives over by the ships that were highjacked with Rex and the others.
"Its the general-" one clone muttered.
Y/n walked over.
"Oh thank maker its just general y/n..." another one muttered.
"Hello boys." She smiled.
The boys were shocked at her new hair cut.
"What are you all doing?"
"Uh..." Fives spoke still shocked by how his love looked so badass, "We're trying to see how these buckets of bolts work."
"Wow General! You look Badass!" Hardcase told, "All you need is a tattoo and you'll really be one of us!"
Y/n smiled at the group as they contuined to conversate.
"General Y/n."
She turned her head seeing a clone run up to her.
"General Krell request you in the main tower."
"Oh." Y/n spoke, "Of course. Please. Take me to him."
Y/n walked off with the trooper. The group watching her as she walked away.
"Damn I feel bad for her." Jesse spoke, "Krells an asshole to her the most."
"Asshole isnt even a close enough term to how shes treated." Fives spoke, "She'd be better than him as a Jedi Master and as the Main General."
"Makes you wonder how someone as nice as her got stuck with him." Hardcase spoke.
"You think?" Kix teased as Hardcase rolled his eyes.
"I mean come on! You know you've compared her to all the other jedi before. She should be on there high council or whatever they call it!" He argued, "We've seen her with and without Krell shes two diffrent people."
"Hardcase makes a point." Jesse spoke, "Shes selfless with us, but when shes with krell its like shes forced to be Selfish."
"Shes just following orders." Rex told them, "but we cant take that against her, we know she knows there wrong."
"Exactly is why she should stand up with us." Jesse told.
"Yeah but your not understanding the hold Krell has on her." Kix explained, "I've asked her multiple times to let me take her blood pressure and heart rate after talking to Krell. She won't because then we'll know how anxiety ridden she really is. If she contuies to take constant pressure- we'll Ive never seen another person put someone into cardiac arrest by just stress inducing."
"What?" Hardcase asked.
"Yeah dumb it down." Tup spoke, "For Hardcase."
"Her health is suffering but not from the war. From her master." Kix told.
Y/n stood in the elevator the doors opening as she walked into the room.
He turned around as she kept her stance.
"Master." She spoke his back towards her, "Master. You called for me."
"You'll lead a group of men in a frontal assult."
"Master thats suicide!" Y/n defended.
"You've spoken enough for today! So be quiet!" He demanded as she went silent.
"When the first hour hits of the day you will be marching those men into battle! Do you understand!" He shouted.
"Yes Master." She spoke.
"And if you are going to shave your head, shave it all you look idiotic." Krell spoke, "Those clones are affecting both your judgement and emotion-"
"Sir. We have a disturbance in hanger 4-B."
Y/n walked as Krell rushed over.
"Trooper! What is going on!-"
That was fives voice alright.
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bontens-new-executive Β· 3 years
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RAN. RAN HAITANI. RAN FUCKING HAITANI. LOOK AT THIS MF. HE IS SO FINE OMFG HIS HAIR HIS HAIR HIS HAIR HIS HAIR- IM- AND THAT GRINN? HIS EYES? THE WAY HE HIT?? EVEN HIM WEARING FUCKING GLOVES IS HOT???? IM??? PLS. "easy indeedβ™‘" ykw. Down horrendous. Down astronomically. On my knees right then and there,, Praying to God to gift me a Ran for Christmas.
Ran: back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck upβ™‘
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Also, we love and stan shinichiro bc he is a legend and he's an a n g e l. He's the best and whoever says otherwise is wrong. I do not take constructive criticism. Bc there isn't any <3
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