#lightning elementals
authorkrysejay · 4 months
Phoenix Awakening Worldbuilding pt5
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Phoenix Awakening is a romantic fantasy novel releasing February 2nd 2024 and the first book of the Hiraeth Song series.
The world is separated into five kingdoms and two territories separated by walls and the Alcross Ocean. Magic is represented through gifts and centered around elements.
The kingdom of Vexus (Vex-us) revolves around innovation, or more specifically Inventing.  There is always a race to the next best improvement.
The Griffin (with its lion’s mane, curved beak, wings and serpent’s tail) that graces the kingdom's banners showcases their strive for excellence. Debates and rumors have circulated for centuries, stating Vexus was once a part of Ignis but later separated. Whether or not that was the case, Vexan’s have done everything in their power to keep themselves separate and unique. 
Krevishire (Krev-ish-ire)  the capital city, is run by the Illustrious Inventors. Odd tinkerings, large mechanical geared clocks, horseless carriages and flying contraptions are only a few of the mystical creations hidden away within the kingdom’s borders. On occasion, they share their inventions to the other kingdoms such as indoor plumbing and electric based lampposts but only as a means to brag. Specialized conventions travel to the other kingdoms for much the same manner. They see no other reason to leave their kingdom's borders.
Top hats, pocket watches, monocles and corsets adorned with wires and gears are always in fashion. The drab browns and muted colors do shift on occasion to navy blues, mustard yellow and pumpkin oranges when one needs to be noticed, or is of some importance. 
Everything in Vexus has been modified to fit their needs, including the plants and wildlife. The frequent violent storms are used to harvest electricity, which they use to power their inventions as well as the rivers and streams. As the only kingdom cut off from the Alcross Ocean, clean water from the skies, various lakes, rivers and ponds are essential. Pollutants such as coal and oils were restricted a half century ago, most of their machines not running on electricity now run off steam. 
Vexans tend to be along the paler side with blond hair and gold eyes being the prominent striking features. 
In death, the deceased is carefully dressed and posed before their flesh solidifies into stone. The color and type of stone varies per individual. Statues are placed within the household estate until the spirit within is freed with a lightning strike from the next oncoming storm. 
The main exports of Vexus are new inventions, black powder, clocks, music boxes and on the rare occasion harvested electricity. 
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wyrmswears · 5 months
bit of a ninjago art dump! happy 13th birthday ninjago :D
jayyyy (and cole)
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source dragons designs for a small au
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xynczachrome · 6 months
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Elemental of Lightning
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melimelotus · 3 months
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entertaining the idea of eeveelutions as survivors of their own type. evolving when struck by lightning or caught in a fire/explosion as a way to survive
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aroaceleovaldez · 4 months
chewing on big 3 kids being capable of absolutely devastating natural disasters and apocalypse-level outbursts of power.
Percy who creates hurricanes complete with lightning that pummel titans and flooding and whirlpools that can trap god-powered crocodile kaijus. Earthquakes that erupt volcanoes. Hazel who sunk an entire small island entirely on her own with her final breath, against giants and a primordial goddess of the earth.
If Nico dramatically wilts plants and cracks the ground when he's mildly stressed, and disintegrates enemies down to their skeletons with a single touch or rips their souls out of their still-living bodies, and can command armies of the undead, what happens if he tries to cause destruction? Even outside of total zombie apocalypse or insta-killing a crowd, he's shown enough geokinesis to absolutely be capable of the same destruction Percy and Hazel can manifest.
What about Jason? He can control the winds and storms. There's no way he can't create the most destructive tornadoes with casual effort that he can never justify using for the collateral damage they'd cause. With a single thought he can rip up a town and launch the remnants 50 miles out. (Jason in the center of a Dead Man Walking tornado, vortexes responding to his movements like an avatar...)
And what can anyone do to combat it? How can you fight the wind lifting everything you know and love into the sky, or floods sweeping you away, or the ground giving way beneath you? The Big 3 kids are scary because they are forces of nature, and their whims are the only thing preventing you from witnessing that at any given moment.
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unknownsigils · 5 months
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living in obscurity
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aldermoth · 3 months
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Proto Kal II
Posted using PostyBirb
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writer-room · 2 months
Obsessed with Jay fully knowing he has lightning powers, but tucking that shit so far back down it's right next to where he keeps all his insecurities. By which I mean I know damn well he is SO bad at hiding his element. The toaster in the break room is on the fritz and he goes over to fix it and winds up sparking it back to life on accident. Someone bursts into his office when he's playing video games and he startles so bad he sends an electrical shock through the controller and blows a fuse. He's out on a mission in the middle of a storm and whenever anyone touches him they keep getting zapped with weirdly powerful static.
He insists no one knows. The truth is that most people don't know because the Administration would have to do too much paperwork if Jay actually had powers so they live in blissful ignorance. The few that do know keep their mouths shut and decide it's just a quirk of their weird manager. Jay's humming the mission impossible theme under his breath every other day, which is probably why he never even bothered to get to the "huh, I wonder why I have these weird powers" stage. And he will continue to not think about it until he dies. Or Nya finally finds him and has a meltdown over her greatest fear coming true. One of the two
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spinjitsuburst · 7 months
no cuz i'll never stop thinking about how the element of lightning was the one to make the destiny's bounty an airship. the one so connected with the sky is the one to bring the destiny's bounty up to meet it. maybe it was a conscious choice. maybe jay felt the sparks running up his arms the higher he went and knew that's what he needed to do. or maybe he just felt a pull, a need to be closer to the clouds. he didn't know why. he just knew that's where he needed to be. and he acted accordingly.
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tempelbeast · 1 month
God the Ba Matoran, De Matoran give me nothing to work with. Anyways, Here are some secondary element Matoran. The names are made from Maori words like lightning, or iron, or gun etc. or are the word itself. I did this to make the names fit with the other Matoran names.
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Pehaan, Taumah and Taika the Ba Matoran archaeological team.
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Villagers of Bo Koro Huaa, Kaiw and Taiiao, with Huna Jaga’s.
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Villagers of Ce Koro Iinen, Mohio and Mahaara and her Swamp Bat.
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Villagers of De Koro Waahan, Paoroo and Komu, featuring Beaked climbers.
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Villagers of Fe Koro Terino, Maroa and Nynrah Ghosts Heepu.
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Su Matoran construction workers Kirika, Anana and Kitere.
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Villagers of Vo Koro Hiiko, Uirra and Whatiri.
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The Fa Matoran Aukum with his Ussal Ceaba, Autio and Haurua.
Any thoughts?
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personostient · 9 months
heya, still doin the emoji monster thing? if so, this might be cool;
have fun bud, love ur art btw
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"And as always. This has been your local TLE news with Virga, bringing you... The weather."
yeah i like her 👍
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wyrmswears · 2 months
its only been a day since the new episodes dropped and im already making a libber centric au out of it
anyway, heres some doodles of if libber was in super-hell all these years and thats why we never see her
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sky-ham · 5 months
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saw that Cleric was the least played class so I decided to play it for my Honor mode run and it's the most fun I've ever had in this game so far
with the right build not only can you can hit like a truck and lock down an area, you can also debuff / damage enemies regardless if they hit or miss you
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don't touch the cleric challenge
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tourneys-by-me · 11 months
Welcome to the Element Specific Character Tournament!
This is a tournament is to see which character that specializes in a specific element is the best!
There will be 10 different elements represented in this tournament, and they are:
Pyromancy (fire)
Aquamancy (water)
Aeromancy (wind, air)
Geomancy (earth)
Phytomancy (plants, vegetation)
Electromancy (lightning, electricity)
Cryomancy (ice)
Ferromancy (metals)
Umbramancy (darkness, shadows)
Luxomancy (light, holy)
There will be 10 different brackets to decide which characters of each element is the best of their respective elements. Then there will be a final showdown of all ten characters to see who is the best overall!
Be nice and respectful please. I don’t want any insults thrown at anyone.
Characters have to use the element that you submit it as (ex you submit Zuko as a fire character, not a water character).
If the character uses multiple elements, submit them under an element they’re best known for/most proficient at (ex Soren fire emblem can use multiple elemental tomes, but he is a wind mage and only he can use SS rank wind tomes).
You are allowed to submit as many characters as you want but it has to be one form at a time please.
No submitting the same character multiple times please.
Please specify where the character is from and please no acronyms!
Propaganda is allowed and encouraged but no anti-propaganda (aka character hate).
My time zone is EST and I won’t be active all the time to answer questions (sorry I got real life stuff to do).
There will be certain guidelines on certain characters and media (I’ll get into more detail later) this is because specific media can be weird on how they classify what power is what element. Especially with certain elements being more vague and loosey-goosey.
I don’t particularly mind who you submit as long as they stick to the guidelines, but I might have polls if I’m unsure about a certain character.
Anyways I’ll edit this post as it goes on if more questions are raised.
Elements, Characters, and Media clarifications
Do they have to be magical
Toph is going to be put as a geomancer. I know she invented metal bending but she’s better known as an earth bender and I don’t want her on both earth and metal brackets.
Since Aang is the avatar, he can use all four bending styles, but he started off as an air bender and the show is literally called “the last air bender” I’m going to put him under aeromancer.
Korra on the other hand, won’t be in this tournament at all. Even though she is apart of the water tribe, she doesn’t really have a bending style that’s she more attached to (I mean she was able to do three of the four bending styles much earlier than Aang).
Todoroki won’t be in this tournament. His fire and ice powers are basically on the same level of importance.
I’m going to in-act the same rule I did for Korra and Todoroki for characters like Kirby and Arceus. Just because they can do/become that element, doesn’t mean they are going to be in the tournament. Their whole shtick is they can be any type (arceus) or copy abilities (kirby).
The exception to this rule is Ben 10 with his alien forms. This is because the aliens will be considered as a representative of their species, since 1. people are more familiar with Ben’s names for the aliens 2. Not all alien species have an official canon name.
NO DEMON SLAYER CHARACTERS WHO USES THE BREATHING STYLES! The breathing styles aren’t actually summoning elemental powers, it’s a visual metaphor. Submit only those who can summon actual elements!
Both rock and ground type Pokémon will be considered geomancers
Umbramancy regarding dark and ghost type Pokémon
Luxomancy regarding psychic and fairy type Pokémon
Aeromancy regarding flying type Pokémon
Ferromancy and robots
Magnetism: Ferromancy vs Elctromancy
Why I am also calling Luxomancy “holy”
If the character is a god that doesn’t mean they are inherently a Luxomancer. They have to have something holy about their attacks.
Please don’t submit necromancers as umbramancers. Being able to raise the dead≠umbramancy, if the character can raise the dead ON TOP of general shadow/darkness manipulation they are allowed.
Have fun and let the submitting begin!
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toastingpencils37 · 4 months
In "All of Nothing" Jay uses lightning to travel down an electrical pole (as the lightning himself) at the beginning of the episode, and then never does so again.
Which is sad, but why doesn't he? Is it dangerous/painful/draining for him to do so? Or is it something limited to the Nunchucks of Lightning that the Elemental Master of Lightning alone cannot do without merging with it?
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chernobog13 · 7 months
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The Legion of Super-Heroes circa 1973-74, including its only (at the time) deceased member, Ferro Lad. Technically Bouncing Boy and Duo Damsel were no longer Legionnaires because they had just gotten married, and the rules at the time did not allow married members.
This is a compilation of the figures Dave Cockrum drew for the Legion Fact Files (a precursor to Who's Who in the DC Universe) that appeared in Superboy (vol. 1) #202 and 205, which were both 100-Page Giants.
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