#i didnt really know what to do with jay tbh
xynczachrome · 6 months
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Elemental of Lightning
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roseworth · 6 months
vote in my poll boy but also im gonna skew my own results by giving my opinion. here’s my personal ranking of rose writers
sean mckeever: FRESH HELL <3 literally THE rose book. also tt03 #57 slayed. he ALMOST gets knocked down on the list because a) the fucking shitshow that was terror titans and b) he backtracked on like 3 different character arcs as soon as he started writing tt and it pisses me off. but he redeemed himself with fresh hell
geoff johns: i hate johns so much. but he solidified sooo much about rose as a character that he has pretty much the definitive rose. what he did completely defined rose's relationship with her father and her attitude towards the titans/being a hero in general. whether they realize it or not, every rose writer after johns is writing his version of her. as much as i hate him he is one of the best rose writers and i will stand by that
christopher priest: i have not made it a secret that i love ds16. there are some aspects of his characterization that i dont agree with but for the most part he killed it tbh. hating her dad but still coming back to him, loving her brother but still keeping him at arms length, HOSUN!!! HER HMONG FAMILY!!!!!!! ily priest
ed brisson: SLAY. the only reason he's not higher is because i dont like the fact in general that she chose to be on stormwatch (she would not do that), and he used baby rose in ktr and didnt even mention lili (and DID mention that foster family. im still mad). other than that!!! everything about her struggle to be a good person in batb was soooo good, and so much about ktr was so good for her <3 thank u mr brisson
marv wolfman: i feel a little bad not ranking him higher given that. he created rose. but she doesnt really do much in the issues he writes. which is fair given that she was a new character that was just made to hang around on the sidelines at the time, so theres not a lot to judge in his writing. but he definitely laid the foundation that johns expanded on, and he was the one that made her so uh thnx marv
jt krul: i wish he had gotten more time :( i wish he had gotten to do whatever he was planning with lili, i wish we could've gotten to see more of his rose. his rose was def a different take than before given that she was more... mellowed out ig? it was a lot more lighthearted, just her hanging out with the team, being an older sister to damian (<3), and looking for her mom. hes not my fav just because i like it when shes a crazy bitch instead of a normal girl, but i completely understand why people like his rose. not to mention tt03 #77-78 slays so unbelievably hard
jay faerber: NANNY ROSE <33333 i love love love rose in titans 99 <3 this version of rose is DRASTICALLY different than any other rose, which is the reason hes in the bottom half, but i like it in the sense that its nice to know that she was just hanging out in between the two worst things to ever happen to her (her mom dying & slade drugging her). rose with roy and lian lives rent free in my head every single day of my life i love it so much, also that issue with rose & toni was so fun. titans 99 rose you will always be famous
adam beechen: he is going to hell for what he did to cass but for rose? he was fine. he helped with that one really good wilson family arc (tt03 #43-46), and wrote the only pre-52 rose & jason interaction (#47) so he gets points for that. and batgirl 2008 was pretty good for rose. but unfortunately he just didnt make enough of an impact on me to be ranked any higher
matthew rosenberg: unfortunately im mentally ill so i have a detailed explanation of what i think of rosenberg's rose but the short version is: i like him, he writes a good rose. its fun, shes well-written for the most part, but there are some :/ parts about it to me. i think if he continues writing her he'd be ranked higher but for now hes sitting pretty near the bottom of the list
devin grayson: i used to really like devin grayson's rose but. i have since changed my mind. it doesnt feel like rose. this is NOT the rose that stabbed her eye out because she thought slade was disappointed in her! shes too Quirky Girl here even though this is theoretically during the period where shes being drugged (honestly. i dont think grayson actually knew about the super soldier serum. and if she did it does not show) and we've seen rose in this era in tt03 and bg00, and this arc does not read as the same character at all. it was a good arc for her, and she had a lot of good moments here! but the characterization overall wasnt great
joshua williamson: i won't go on a whole tangent about the way williamson writes but. he has no sense of character voice, his characters all feel like blank slates to get the plot across, there are no character decisions being made besides what's needed for the plot. theres not a lot that i can put my finger on and say that its bad, but there are so few choices being made that its hard to say anything about his rose. to put a completely different character in rose's place in robin 2021, all you'd have to do is switch a few words around. williamson uses a vague idea of who a character is to guide what he wants them to do, and all his characters come out shallow. his rose wasnt BAD but it wasnt good at all
scott lobdell: every day i blow on a dandelion and wish for scott lobdell to kill himself
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toffeacademia · 1 year
Random Ninjago Thought #3
Jaya was kinda...toxic in its early stages.
I remember the scene in Skybound where the two of them are in the tower, and it mad eme realize, Jay was really stepping over the boundaries. Nya even said that they discussed it in a comment in Rebooted. But the beautiful thing about Skybound is that Jay learned that his way of showing affection to Nya was actually making her uncomfortable and even unhappy.
In my head, Jay's way of showing affection is very outward and I doubt he knows alot about boundaries, but I think that's purely because of the way he's been raised. He's raised alone in a junkyard, and from Snakebitten in Rise of Snakes, its clear that he didnt have as much privacy. Essentially, he's always shared his life with his parents, sort of where they shared with him and he shared with them. I don't think he was in a situation where someone didnt share with him in a relationship until he met Nya.
He learned what boundaries are when he met Nya. Nya's grown up without parents, and the only parental figure in her life wouldve been Kai. Knowing Kai, he probably was very protective (still is tbh) but he knows his sister has her own interests and life of her own, I think he realized that when she was revealed to be Samurai X.
Now what happens when you put Jay and Nya together?
At first, its sweet. They barely know each other, but both are attracted to one another. Plus, they start caring for one another.
I think at some point Nya realized that Jay was invading her personal space, and they wouldve had the conversation about it.
Then throw in the love triangle (that's a discussion for another post).
But anyways, this fight about boundaries, independence and respect results in their breakup. However, Jay doesn't let her go, and even worse, Nya is at a tense point in her life where she's struggling to find herself.
Ocen she's fully open with Jay, letting go of the anger, and she tells him how's she's been feeling, Jay realizes what he's been doing to her. Nya hasn't felt like a proper part of the group, and from then on, he doesn't refer to her as just "his girl" but also as "a ninja". (I remember a specific line from The Way Back - finale episode of Skybound).
Thus, this sort of bond of respect and love for one another makes them both a much better couple and an even better match for one another. Nya learns that she can be herself and still be respected as a ninja just as much as the other ninja while still being in a relationship with the guy she loves; Jay learns that boundaries are necessary, and aren't necessarily a negative thing, but can make a relationship stronger.
Plus, watching the seasons after Skybound just make seeing them so much more heartwarming. Just look at how far they've come now.
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blessedshortcake · 9 months
My opinion on the finale episodes below the cut. Obviously spoiler warning lol
First of all. I see people say it was really underwhelming and i kinda have to agree? It wasnt a Bad ending or a lazy one or whatever words have been thrown around tho imo. I feel like with all the hype about how "painful" and emotional itll be from the VA and from everyone, we all just expected more tragic outcomes or something.
I am dissappointed because of that as well. I liked how Simon finally reflected a bit and had some self awareness about their situation with Betty. I loved that he didnt become Ice King again or that they didnt do some actual time travel to "fix" stuff. I also liked that they didnt necessarily made him a bad husband (?/boyfriend?) he kinda just never realised that Betty has been putting more into their duo than he was.
That doesnt make him innocent tho b4 someone comes at me. He was a bit too self absorbed but i dont think he was entirely selfish either. He was a person who made mistakes and didnt realise them. The line where he said smt like "i wish we could have talked like this before" also makes it pretty clear to me that Betty never really spoke up about these things either. Golbetty had to make him aware and tbh? I think that was more Golb than Betty.
The whole Scarab ordeal felt a bit. Ehhhhhh I dont know. His anger reaction to things suddenly becoming "canon" (lmao) was very nice to see but him being allowed to wreck havoc like that for a good while felt more like an excuse to bring the others into this world. I dont have a problem with it btw i just dont see the point why we need Farmwold Jay and Little... I forgot her name damn. Also whys Babyworld Finn here 😭 (i get it, he was in the tank, i dont mean literally i mean Why)
As much as i was soooo mad when LSP freed the scarabs it was very in character. I like how it was a thing that he likes animals from the start so it wasnt senseless stupidity, it was something he would do even tho it was the wrong thing to do. Made me pause and lay down to stare at the ceiling in frustration for a solid minute i cant lie, still in chacter tho.
But alas. I like how in the end it all didnt turn magical (completely since ig its partially magical with Cake and everything else) and how Cake finally cooled down about the crown. IM ALSO SO HAPPY THEY KEEP IN TOUCH WITH SIMON OVER THE PHONEEE!! But yea him wanting to move was so real and I hope he does lmao he deserves it.
I only kinda wish they made him reconnect with Marcy a bit more. I am actually pretty dissappointed that we dont know if he ended up reaching out to her more or not. I understand his situation with not wanting to spook her, i actually feel that bit in a soul connecting level good god, but idk. Im at least happy he is Literally in therapy now
(Kinda makes me wonder tho if he spent the time between the end of AT and the start of FC with no like therapist or psychologist. Just rawdogging his mental illness about everything. Mood tbh but like did he? Did he??)
Anyway despite my slight dissappointment i am actually pretty happy with the outcome. I really liked the theories and the ideas of how Simon may make FC magical or what he will become but tbh this is probably the best outcome. Everyone got a happy/hopeful ending (minus Farmwold Finn ig who im atp assuming is dead. Also Star Marceline and PB) which i am really REALLY happy about.
I gotta say I already wanna write fanfic about these guys so inspirational effect granted. Woooo.
I was kinda dissappointed because it was overhyped about how emotional it will be when it really wasnt but other than that I am really happy about how the ending turned out save for the alternatives staying in FC
Also Simon had like 10 minutes to get closure with Betty which was horrifically rushed but again, when your wife turns into Basically God you kinda dont really have a choice to chit chat. Still not happy about it but again, could have been worse. Could have been much worse.
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lovecatsys · 10 months
David Alleyne has pretty much lost all of the original appeal he had as a character in his modern appearances which is so damn frustrating. Ultimately everything that he should be, that makes him such an amazing character who deserves a spot on the X-Men already, is stuff that hasn't been utilized in over a decade for him.
Prodigy originally and historically was:
An awkward nerd who gets picked on by many of his peers
A driven, motivated kid who's always thinking about his goals and his future
A kid who was raised in a politically knowledgeable loving home who knows how to point out bigotry in his peers and has no problem with it
An incredible tactician on the battlefield who's too good for his damn age group, an awkward leader of his team but a GOOD one
An overthinker, he spent weeks ignoring his crush because he felt guilty for something that DIDNT EVEN ACTUALLY HAPPEN and ended up coming off like an asshole to her
A protective older brother
He was never really "nice" tbh, he wasn't a fully blown asshole like say, Josh or Nori or Julian, but he definitely wasn't as nice as Jay. He could be rude if he thought the other person (*cough* Josh *cough*) deserved it. But in general he never really came off like a very emotional person, always kind of cold and tactical.
A mutant whose powers seem inherently non combatant in nature but actually grant him the ability to copy the fighting skills of every single person he's come in contact with, includining Mr Logan Wolverine himself, and Kitty Pryde who was trained by a ninja, even after he lost his powers he was still extremely useful in combat because he had all these skills at once!
He even managed to be a fucking leader of all the youth on Utopia as a depowered mutant!
But in these past few years he's been portrayed as this sort of nice, generic queer kid. and its really bland and in poor taste tbh I don't like it at all. I don't entirely want to blame YA volume 2 for this (though it absolutely had a hand in it) because he wasn't.... entirely like this yet, honestly I kind of want to blame Leah Williams tbh. But YA definiitely had a hand in it.
I really do like David and Tommy as a couple, unlike some of my friends, but the way it's been written so far really isn't how I see it happening for them at all, or how I think they are as a couple.
If David ever does end up on the X-Men, I really hope at least SOME of these old aspects of his character will be used, even if they stick with this new personality I really fucking hope they'd utilize his skill set properly because what's the point of having him on there if they're not going to? Lol.
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cheolhub · 1 year
how would u take ur moots on dates?
@ncteez letting her paint me like one of her french girls (joking, im taking her to chili’s and paying for it and then im giving her dessert 🙈 ) and then we will go to vegas and get married fr
@hwanghyunjinenthusiast OMG my bff!!:)/ rj and i are going on an adventurous date. ill drive us to a city neither of us have been to before and we’ll do all the touristy shit bc BEING A TOURIST IS FUCKING FUN IDC WHAT ANYONE SAYS. id also let her talk to me ab skz cuz idk anything ab them
@toruro TO THE MALL we’re going shopping bc i feel like that’s something we’d both enjoy + i hate shopping alone so the company would be so nice :> and i think mika and i are pretty compatible so we’d have a lot to talk abt (i.e. how minghao is being shared between the two of us)
@lovelyhan my kai 🫂 a botanical garden just bc you remind me of flowers (idk if thats weird lol) but ur the greatest so u deserve the cutest date
@heesbaby CINNA!!!!:)2)2 i dont know why but i need to take you on a platonic yet romantic candlelit dinner??? will you accept??? ill make u a jay cardboard cutout if u say yes
@majestyjun i wanna take mills on a cute date like fruit picking or something 😭 but realistically, just a simple lil coffee date and like maybe walking arnd the city and getting to know each other :3
@luvrkives anywhere with a roller coaster tbh, i feel like we’d have so much fun even tho im the most annoying person at amusement parks hehehd
@bowmonde MY LOVELY LU, id want to do everything in a day with you ^^ cafe, museums, shopping, dinner— you would actually be so tired of me at the end of the day lololol
@gyulovly im taking daisy out to the city and we’ll eat at a hole-in-the-wall type of restaurant and then we’ll walk around downtown till our legs start to hurt lol
@hyuk4ngel I WOULD TAKE U TO THE FAIR!!!!! i love the fair so much even tho its like super overpriced and there are children (🤢) walking arnd, but we could eat fair food and take pics and if you like rides, we could do that too :>
@shua-s A DRIVE IN MOVIE SO I CAN ANNOYINGLY STATE MY OPINIONS ABT THE FILM WE ARE WATCHING WITHOUT GETTING SHUSHED AT. i would buy u food after to say thanks for putting up with me
@onlyseokmins i kinda wanna go on a ghost tour with you? LOL idk i get scared really easily but i feel like it’d be really fucking fun 😭 we could get ice cream/any desert after tho lnbshs
i didnt get all my moots, just the ones i talk/interact with the most 🫡 and once again these are platonic (not hon’s, i was being fr there) BC I DONT WANT TO MAKE ANY OF U UNCOMFYSHGSG
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elflock-magician · 3 months
Hey, Yo! its Jay again lol, uhmz so, that Nagito x Jay fic you made is like, my favourite ever, so i came here to humbly ask (if that alright) if i can have another one? ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ
Uh, somethingz changed so let me give ya some updates you might need
So, yk how Nagito has two sides right? like his usual Self loathing, Hope obsessed self, and his chapter 5 Sarcastic and Passive-Agressive side?
So, Jay actually has something like that too, they like acting rebel-ish/Tough and jokester/Playful while sometimes being very shy and tsundere or just plainly shy tbh
They really like Emo/Scene music, and fashion, though their talent is the ultimate fan (danganfan actually but no breaking the 4 wall shh XD)
Oh, and their appearence changed a bit too!
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Any fluff scenario, preferably Hope's Peak Academy with established dating would be so hecking coolz!
funsie fact: october (the month you used in that jayito fic, is my birthday month XD)
Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH! i really like seeing things about jayito that i didnt do so i can have a surprise, and the way you write is PERFECT *happy cries*
A/N - Omg hiii!!! Thx so much!!! It’s so nice to see you again. Ngl I’ve missed writing Jay, even though the other fic was pretty brief, lol. But yeah, here it is!! :3
Summary - Jay’s attendance record was absolutely horrific. They so often skipped class to go waste the day in the gym closet to read fanfic or listen to music. Nagito was really the only one who knew of Jay’s habit. He considered it something special.
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Nagito had noticed something about Jay. Specifically being that usually, Jay either showed up to class pretty early or just didn’t bother at all. So when Nagito noticed Jay’s absence that morning, he knew that Jay would not be around for class.
Before the two of them had officially started dating, Nagito had noticed their lackluster attendance record, and chosen to leave Jay to their own devices. He figured that the ultimate was just bettering their talent elsewhere. But then, one day pretty early into their official relationship, Jay had texted Nagito something along the lines of ‘Heyyy, I’m in the upstairs gym clozet skipping, drop by? ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ’ and Nagito wasn’t about to pass that chance up, no matter how undeserving he saw himself of it at the time, and it became something special. Nagito quite liked it, actually, as selfish as he may have seen it back then. He liked how it was something uniquely special between him and Jay.
But regardless of how, when Nagito noticed Jays absence that morning, he figured he should check the gym closet for Jay.
And, surprising no one, Nagito was correct. He entered the empty gym, and then climbed the stairs to where the nearly empty closet was. The upper gym closet wasn’t often used, which made it an easy to access place of skipping class. Nagito approached the closet door, and opened it.
“Jay, are you in here?” Nagito called out into the dark closet as he creaked the door open, his hand slightly to the side of his mouth to project his pretty raspy voice. 
“Oh, hey Jay.” Nagito replied curtly, not at all startled. Nagito was very numb to most forms of fear, but that never stopped Jay from trying to get Nagito to call out in surprise.
“Gah, you’re no fun to try and scare!” Jay murmured as they shoved their hands into their jacket pockets.
“Maybe one day,” Nagito responded with a shrug. “What are you doing in here this time?” “Welll, you know! The usual. Wasting time. Anything is better than class at this point…” They added and stretched a bit. 
“Sure, but if you are going to do this so often, it would be best to find a less cramped space… This can’t be good for your posture…” Nagito commented as he slightly tilted his head to examine Jay’s posture a bit before slightly tapping Jay on the back. “Sounds like a future problem to me,” they responded nonchalantly. “And hey, this is technically bettering my talent as Ultimate Fan, ‘cause I come here and read fanfic sometimes! So Hope’s Peak can’t not let me graduate for my absences.”
Nagito sighed, since technically Jay was telling the truth. Hope’s Peak had some strange policies.
“Well… fair enough,” Nagito replied.
“Since you’re here~” Jay began as they took Nagito’s hand and pulled him a little closer, “You should stick around for a little bit!”
“Hmmmm,” Nagito pretended to contemplate, teasing Jay in his own joking way, “Should I?” “Oh c’mon!” Jay shook him a little bit. Nagito laughed. This was one of the many reasons Nagito loved Jay. Despite Jay being a real ultimate, he managed to never make Nagito feel like he wasn’t enough. Like he could laugh and joke, cry, and every other emotion, too, despite everything. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll stay!” He surrendered and smiled. Jay reached down and intertwined his fingers with Nagito’s. “But when it turns summer, we can’t be here. The air conditioner is already on its last limb, and knowing my luck, when it comes summer, it’ll be done for, and this room will basically become an oven…” Nagito deduced and shook his head in disdain of the coming future. 
“Well, it’s not summer yet, now c’mon, I have some stuff I wanna show you!” Jay exclaimed eagerly and pulled Nagito further into the closet where they spent their time. Jay led Nagito to the far corner of the dark closet, the only light illuminating it was Jay’s phone. The corner was wedged behind a shelf, which was stacked with boxes of useless and old gym equipment that Hope’s Peak didn’t use anymore. It was a discrete corner but it gave enough space that they wouldn’t be claustrophobic or anything.
Nagito and Jay sat down next to each other, so close that their legs were touching, and their shoulders were together. Jay wouldn’t bluntly admit that they liked being so close to Nagito.
“Here, this is a new song I just found. It’s pretty cool. I’ve been listening to it, like, nonstop.” Jay put one of their earbuds into their right ear, and then handed Nagito the left earbud, so that they could both listen to it, Jay holding the phone out in front of them both.
“The genre you usually listen to is ‘Scene’, if I’m not mistaken?” Nagito asked as they put the earbud in. “Yeps, that’s the one.”
“Right. Well, if you like it, I like it. What’s this one called?”
“It’s called You’re so Creepy, by Ghost Town!”
“Ahah, ‘you’re so creepy’, where have I heard that before?” Nagito said jokingly. “Oh please, if someone’s saying stuff to you again, tell me, and I’ll give them a good knock upside the head to leave you alone.” Jay punched their hand into their other as a little demonstration. Not that Jay was the most athletic, but they’d find a way, they figured.
“A-Ah, that’s not necessary!” “Oh, but it totally is! I’m not gonna just let anyone talk down at you! You deserve so much better than that!” Jay replied. Jay knew of how Nagito was a bit of a target among students due to his frequent prolific rants about hope and the like, which made his peers often think he was, well, creepy. Nagito couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“Ah, well in any case, what is the song?” 
“Oh, right! The song,” Jay went ahead and clicked the play button on their phone, the song starting on the earbuds, Nagito listening attentively while Jay slightly nodded their head. Nagito was very supportive of Jay, some could even consider it to a fault, but he also enjoyed the music independently from that as well. He respected it because Jay liked it, but also just thought it was neat.
CREAK! Slam!
The door to the closet suddenly opened. Nagito and Jay collectively stiffened, their eyes widening. Why was anyone coming here? Literally no one ever used this closet! Not only was it up stairs, which most of the teachers couldn’t be bothered to climb, but the closet had literally nothing of use in it!
While it was true skipping class was excused if it was improving their talents, this technically could be considered trespassing to some degree. They really didn’t have an excuse to be there except that they couldn’t find any other private place to loiter. And the fact that the closet had almost nothing in it made it extra difficult to lie and say they were getting equipment or something. The two immediately panicked.
The light was flicked on by the culprit of the sudden door slamming, it being Ms.Yukizome. If they got caught by her they would be cooked. She would never let Nagito live it down, either. She already didn’t like the attendance excuse as it made most of the students lack other life skills. So? 
Nagito and Jay were still in the dimmer part of the closet, but if they stayed upright, they could still be seen. If they were smaller, then they could not be seen behind the boxes, but they were not that conveniently shelf sized. However... It was in the split second that Nagito pushed Jay back to where Jay was laying on their back and Nagito was on top of them, keeping himself up by his elbows which were on the ground, keeping him from putting all his weight on Jay. The two of them were face-to-face, and were in… very close proximity. If Nagito leaned himself down even a little bit more, their noses would be touching. They silently held their breaths, not daring to breathe as they heard Ms.Yukizome rummage through a box. In this position, they stayed hidden behind the boxes on the shelves. 
Jay silently started to become flustered, their heartbeat increasing at how close Nagito was. Though Nagito didn’t seem to pick up on the flustering feeling (he would probably start freaking out in the middle of the night when the feeling finally hit). But regardless of how flustering or embarrassing the close proximity was, the two were pretty perfectly hidden. But–
Ah. Just Nagito’s luck.
He knocked over some deflated soccer ball from the shelf with his shoulder when he ducked Jay onto their back. Because it was deflated, it didn’t roll to far, but it was still noticeable. 
“Huh?” Ms.Yukizome said beneath her breath, looking over at the deflated soccer ball.  “Is someone in here?” She shouted accusingly, putting her hands on her hips and looking over to the corner where the sound of them moving originated. But, due to their position, she didn’t see them. “Hm.” She hummed, before picking up the deflated soccer ball, though still not seeing them. She shrugged, before putting the ball back on the shelf and going back to what she was doing. 
She sighed as she apparently didn’t find whatever she was looking for in the box, and she shut the light and left the room, a satisfying clunk heard as she shut the door behind her. Nagito and Jay collectively sighed in relief once she was gone. 
“Thank gosh…” Nagito murmured.
“Okay, okay, get off now!” Jay called out and shoved Nagito’s chest a bit.
“Oh! Sorry about that, by the way,” Nagito chuckled a bit awkwardly as he sat up.
“‘S fine… That’s the only reason she didn’t see us…” Jay shut their eyes to evade eye contact. Jay picked up their phone, which had fallen forgotten onto the ground when Ms.Yukizome entered. The phone lit up at the touch, displaying the time.
“Oh, it’s lunch. You mind going and getting us something?” They asked, looking over, “I don’t feel like going myself~” They whined and leaned against Nagito’s shoulder.
“Sure thing,” Nagito replied and stood up, his knees cracking a bit as he did so. “Oh oh! Get the Strawberry soda and some straws so we can share it. I’ll chip in a lil!” Jay rummaged through their pockets before finding some coins in their pockets, which would effectively be able to pay for the one dollar, fifty cents soda, and maybe a bag of Chex Mix, while then Nagito could buy the actual food.
“Sounds good, ah, the strawberry soda is the best…” Nagito said and took the coins. Nagito had given up denying letting Jay pay in some part, as Jay was very insistent about not ‘taking advantage of Nagito’s kindness’ as they often said. 
Nagito left to go and get the lunch, though giving a little peek to see if anyone was in the gym before leaving. Nagito liked this window of time he got to spend alone with Jay. It felt like something special. Like no one else in the world existed except for them. Well, except for when Ms.Yukizome interrupted and killed the mood, but whatever. It was something that Nagito valued. Something unique between him and Jay.
A/N - Hope you enjoyed :DD Sorry I kinda vanished for so long? School started dunking on me. Call me Gundam with the way I've been getting trampled. But heyy spring break guysss!!
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theatlasrealm · 2 years
warning spoilers ahead ( kinda)
we love ninjago. and I’m posting bc this needs to be brought to attention: NINJAGO, WE NEED MORE SIBLING CONTENT. romance? it’s good, I SWEAR I don’t have ANYTHING against jaya. but sibling relationships? Kai and nya? we need more.
hear me out: so many people are saying our poor traumatized green ninja that we all know and love is going to turn evil and lose it. valid theory, and quite understandable, and would make the remaining of season 16 quite interesting.I would LOVE another morro- like season, with Kai doing anything and everything he possibly can to bring back his little brother. If that happens, I want a scene. A scene where Kai is upset and nya comforts him, asks him what’s wrong. kai being kai blames himself for Lloyd turning evil, and suffocating himself in self hatred. Telling her it’s happening all over again ( like how he lost nya before, etc) I want kai to get UPSET and tell her he is sick of losing people, not being able to protect them. I want nya to comfort him like he always comforted her.
And if the whole lloyd-turns-evil thing never happens, then I STILL just want an episode ( another time twin-like season would be awesome tbh) just dedicated to them, for Kai to tell her how he felt when losing her to the ocean, how bad of a brother he felt and that he failed to keep his promise of protecting her.I want to see scenes of kai dealing with grief and why he even started teaching martial arts.
I want ninjago to stop just showing nya and jays bond. I want ninjago to show that the importance of kai and nyas bond is just as important, or even more so. I want nya to realize how much kai did and still does for her, and that the only reason kai even joined the ninja was to save HER. ( we really need to talk abt this more ). I want nya to realize what boundaries kai crossed to keep her safe. I want more scenes of their childhood that show Kai’s sacrifices and nyas upbringing. I want nya to realize all of this and thank kai and hug him and tell him she loves him.
I want her to tell him that he is the best older brother anyone could ever ask for. i mean seriously; nya seemed only worried about jay when the ninja were in court. WE DIDNT EVEN GET A SIBLING HUG WHEN NYA CAME BACK. IN CONCLUSION: WE WANT MORE KAI AND NYA.
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Hi again
Just chatting atp(mb 😢)
Not being able to pick a character is SO valid, like THEY FR ARE ALL SO GOOD. I can't decide between Choso and Junpei.. Though with Choso it's a different kind of Favorite.. Like I want to have a type of romance that a movie would have yk? MARRY ME AND HAVE MY CHILDREN CHOSO!!!
But yeah atp characters written by gege in general is just so tragic, and unfortunate 😔
Also your choso priest makes me feel the relief of someone scratching a really difficult itch on like my back or smth, it's so good I can't stop looking at it 😭 Permission to make it my wallpaper?? (I'm just jay kaying.. Sorta)
(Sorry I'm typing so much fr but I'm abt to type more so just buckle up, relax and accept your fate. I had finally figured out how to use the anon ask last night and I am going to ABUSE this power)
So I was curiously looking for your other smau stories, and I noticed a question you left on a spellbound chapter. I think, and this is me personally, a character who would smoke weed would be like idk, Toji cause he's a bum, but like the loml bum. But I also think of Sukuna and how he'd DEFINITELY smoke weed just for the hell of it 🤷🤷 I'm not sure what other things you write on, SO I MAY BE BACK WHEN I FIND OUTTTTTT.
(I'm also going to be lurking around your profile a TON, and going to be living in these asks rent free so I hereby sign my asks, cause I know I WILL be back)
Xoxo 👽
i need to marry all three of my fav characters... they do smth to me... they make me feel like those wolf memes
if i was a character written by gege id just have to die tbh. but by my own means not his 😒😒
EHEHEH THANK U SO MUCH IM SO GLAD U LIKE PRIEST CHOSO... ive never posted my art on here b4 so that was scary ngl! 😍 also u can make it ur wallpaper if u want i dont mind lol !!
omg idk how i didnt think of toji for smoking weed??? im a fool and you have opened my eyes.... he would FOR SUREEEE smoke weed... im moved... im a changed man...
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eddie-rifff · 1 year
Okay, so, I've been scrolling through your Tumblr profile for like an hour b/c I, too, am obsessed with Yes (specifically Chris as well), and like... YOU'VE MET THEM?!?! HOW?!?! What were they like?!?! I am so insanely jealous tbh and I NEED TO KNOW!!! That is all, have a good day :)
putting this under a read more because it got long
lol VIP tickets bro! before covid Yes and a lot of other bands would do meet n greets after the shows. i also went on the first cruise to the edge where i ran into chris outside of a meet n greet and we met that way initially. but yeah i just do a ton of meet n greets. its expensive but for me very very worth it. chris seemed to like me right away which is nice, but steve ive had to work on. now he smiles when he sees me but again bc of covid im not sure Yes at least will ever do meet n greets again :(
what were they like? well it was obvious to chris that i was batshit insane for him so like i said he took a liking to me right away. he was very big and gave good hugs. he was a complete sweetheart and the one time (the last time i ever saw him actually) i turned up without my dad at a meet n greet he immediately said "WHERE'S YOUR DAD???" and i was like ITS OKAY hes waiting for me. but yeah he was a perfect gentleman. he was the first person to ever kiss the back of my hand :')
jon anderson was also very nice but i only met him once. i asked if i could have a hug and he said "of course!" and i have pictures of that on my blog somewhere, but yeah he was delightful as well.
rick wakeman was nice, not a lot to say about him.
steve didnt care for me at first lol but after i brought him his solo albums to sign we got to talking about roger dean's artwork and stuff and he warmed up to me a lot.
geoff and alan are/were similar in that they seemed not to give a shit about the meet n greets but were both perfectly polite, occasionally they could be really funny together. i once brought alan a picture of himself to sign and geoff said to me as he was signing it "you should keep that by your bed at night" and alan laughed and said "yeah, keep it under your pillow!" and i was like LOL ok!!! its in a frame now but for a while i did keep it next to my bed lmao.
tony kaye was also great, just a silly ol fellow. kissed my cheek! and along with billy and jon d once stayed after the meet n greet to hang out with me and my sister, very nice funny guy
jon davison is super sweet, it might seem phony to some people but im autistic so idk LOL. that one show where he tony and billy stayed after, me and my sister were sitting on a sofa next to each other and jon pointed to the space between us and said "hey, that's my spot!" and wedged himself in between us lol
jay schellen is just a very nice genuine guy. i havent spent much time with him but he seems really delightful and very appreciative of his fans :)
billy is great too, i got to be friends with him outside of Yes shows! i think he just thinks im pretty. when he didnt have a girlfriend we would talk occasionally, and even though he does have one now he still lets me into shows for free hehe
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xiaojaan · 3 years
the way this is becoming billie eilish downfall era
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eternallyhyucks · 3 years
annoying things enhypen would do
pairing: enhypen x gn! reader
word count: 617
genre/warnings: fluff , none
—note: sorry for not writing in so long!! i have break soon, so hopefully ill be able to write then :)
— also these are all jokes, i mean no harm by anything i wrote here!!
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𖤐 ྀ
smirk all the time.
all the damn time.
have u guys seen that one video of him at a fansign🙄let me beat him up rq one sec😇/j
i can imagine him coming home after a while and you’re all excited to see him bc he’d been gone for so long
and when u go to hug him, hes all
“😏😏😏missed me😏😏😏”
simply just walk away and he’ll run after u like “wait y/n😩i was joking ill pretend ur not obsessed w me”
u love him nonetheless
buy too many things for you
i was watching hometown cha cha cha and this reminded me of the police guy buying the main girl’s friend a bunch of gifts LMAO
it would start off as cute and ur like “omg jay u didnt have to” and then hes like “it’s okay i like buying you things😁”
but then it’d be a random tuesday and he will pull out something you casually said u wanted 2 months ago and ur like ???????????
“jay why”
“u said u wanted it”
u have to give him a pep talk
“jay i love u AND will continue to even if u dont buy me so many gifts”
laugh while ur trying to be serious
ive been thinking about this since niki did the heartbreak anniversary thing & jake broke into a smile for a second when niki got close to him LMFAO HELP
you could be telling him off for smthg and this mf would be like🙂
“idk ur cute when ur mad”
u would wanna give him a nice punch in the face but also sit and give him a fat hug bc hes so freaking adorable
either way he’d win tbh
tease you
for everything.
similar to heeseung but instead smirking, he’d run away or dodge u if u go to hug him
i already know he’d be the type to lean in to kiss you and then smile and move away as soon as you lean into him
“oh my god u want me so bad”
“do it😏”
hes too nice
it’s not annoying but sometimes u need someone to tell you that you look like an ugly rat but he wont do that
smfh sunoo
“hey how does this look”
“u look amazing as always☺️”
and u appreciate it but DAMN
at some point you’d do ur makeup ugly or dress in a weird and random combination just to see if he says anything
and he wont
so u yell at him to tell u when u look ugly so u dont walk out looking all gross
outsmart u
with anything
he seems like the type to brag ab getting a 98 if u got a 92 but i feel like he would also end up helping or giving you answers later
he would also do ANYTHING to prove his point
you could be in an argument and he would end lives just prove that he’s right
just let him, he’ll never stop
making ur mom jokes
at everything
i do this all the time so is it really annoying🤨🤨
“hey can u pass me the remote”
“ur mom passed me the remote last night😏”
“niki what does that even mean”
ur mom joke supremacy
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@overthemoonbae , @yejicrossing , @baekswoons , @igsana , @renjunn1es , @junityy , @pr0dbeomgyu , @gyuuss , @sungsunnie , @fiantomartell , @wccycc , @jscvpid , @koishua , @changminurheart , @rainbowglitteramythyst
!! unable to tag bolded
—send an ask if you would like to be a part of my taglist!!
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sunookkii · 3 years
Hi! Can I ask Enhypen's reaction when their child asks "how are babies made?"
a/n : LMAOO get ready for this one,, lolol hope you enjoy this 😭 also this isn’t proof read so I’m sorry before hand if there are mistakes!!
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.enhypen imagine ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
How Enha would react to their child asking “how are babies made”
Genre : comedy? Fluff idk what you call it, crack?
Pairing : Enhypen x Fem. Reader
Warnings : mention of children
Requested : yes tyty <3
Master list : here / requests are currently open!!
Would probably most likely freeze up because he wouldn’t know how to answer them in that type of situation 💀
Probably either one change the topic to something else, or two make up some random shit like “oh you buy them at the store when you become a certain age”
The child just responds with,, mmhh okay!
^Does NOT want to deal with this convo rn TT
Probably wants to die every time this convo comes up
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Probably gets flustered by the sudden question and asks why his child wants to know such thing TT
Either freezes up a lot and says “uh uh uh” or laughs it off like he usually does 💀
“Why do you wanna know so bad honey?”
“So i can make one when i get older!”
Probably responds with, “well first you need to love someone a lot first, like your mom and I. And then suddenly a baby appears”
“Ohhhh Ok!”
Would feel absolutely relieved if the child didnt ask any further questions-
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Would freeze up and not know what to say. Probably wants to die right then and there
his face would look something like this -> 😀
“Eheheh why do you want to know?”
“Idk i just want to know! Now hurry up and tell me!”
“Well……….. yougetthematthegrocerystore”
“Yeeah” 😄
“oh okay!”
like jay he felt so relieved that his child didn’t ask further more questions 😭
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Thinks he heard wrong.
He’d be like “s-sorry w-what?”
Literally wants to run away right here right now.
“Uh uh go ask your mom”
He’d be the type to not even answer, and then hand you the problem instead-
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Sits the child down on his lap like a old grandpa
“Well you see…” pats child’s back aggressively
“That is for you to know when you are older” 😄
“But i wanna know now!”
Probably laughs internally and sighs a lot trying to figure out how to tell the kid. In the end he’d probably reply with “no no i can’t tell you yet you’re too young.”
So then the child is forced to let it go bc they got bored of asking-
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Once he heard that phrase his mind would completely shut down
Kind of like sunghoon he wants to pass down the problem to you but since you were no where to be found he was stuck 💀
Probably laughs a lot because of the child’s curiosity and keep asking them why they wanna know so bad
“Why why do you wanna so much”
“Because i want one when i get older!”
Probably the type to drift away from the convo and change the subject “well you know having a child is a lot of responsibility..”
^^has his ways to make the kid forget about what they asked in the first place
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Would want to curl up into a ball and disappear
^Tbh i feel like while the kid was asking him that question he probably took that time to run away and hide 💀
Would hide until the child forgot abt what they were curious about, but if they didn’t forget and get nagging niki to tell them it would go kinda like this.
“AhhhhHhhh (*niki whining) why do you wanna knowwwww, i dont wanna tell you.”
“Please please pleaseeee”
“No, goaskyourmom!!”
“But mommy’s not here!”
“Okay fine ill tell you..”
“YAYYY, okay hurry and tell me”
“They come from a baby vending machine, and you can only play it when you’re at a certain age. Then you wait 9 months and they ship the baby to your house”
“Oh. That’s it?”
“Why was that so hard to say 😒”
^Child walks away *niki wipes off forehead sweat
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Please this was really funny to write I hope y’all enjoyed 😭
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simluvbot · 3 years
how enhypen hyung line spoils you
a/n: okay so the only reason im writing this is because heejay went on tmi news and heeseung said jay is probably the richest enhypen member.. plus jay spending 6k on a hotel for heeseung and the fact that jay’s dad owns a travel agency got me thinking so 😁  yeah here’s a headcanon on how hyung line spoil you :D — also reminder that this is a work of fiction and I wrote this based on what I think would suit with their personalities !
hee will also spoil you with his undivided attention !!
it sounds simple but whenever he is with you, he is not focusing on anything but you. he feels like he doesnt spend as much time with you as he wants to, so moments with you are so precious to him and he is always listening and responding. its really relaxing </3
(open to read more <3)
i dont really think heeseung is the type to buy you lots of materialistic things but since i feel he is really attentive he’ll instead just randomly gift you things that you had said you needed around him and just ended up forgetting about.
you complaining about it being so hot lately and needing to buy a small fan to carry around? heeseung will randomly gift you a portable fan he bought you the other day, oh you know, just ‘casually’ as he says. you saying how youre so hungry and dont have time to go get food during your lunch break?  you have food delivered to your work.
 also !! heeseung is so sO unbelievably talented !!
plus he knows how much you like his singing, so how else does he spoil you? with his voice.
it sounds cheesy but ); how could you not drop everything right that second when heeseung starts singing for you 
so,, you both chilling in bed together and relaxing? he’ll start humming softly or singing quietly because he knows how much you enjoy it, especially when youre stressed out ):
You’re so lucky because he literally voice records him singing cover songs in English too and send them to you, just for your ears only
Also will show you snippets of enhypen’s new songs or choreos because he knows you’re an engene too hehe
tbh he doesnt even bat an eyelash at the prospect of buying you something expensive
i mentioned this before but if he is out shopping, travelling, etc and he sees something he thinks you would like, need or look good on you? he buys it with no second thoughts !
loves buying matching outfits with you <3
he likes to spoil you as well in terms of quality time ):
he’ll rent a small yacht for you both to enjoy a relaxing evening together, rent a restaurant out just for you both, etc just so you two can spend a relaxing time together privatley <3
WILL pull a lee young joon on you from what’s wrong with secretary kim and rent out a whole theme park just to surprise you with 😋
also uses the fact his dad is the owner of a travel agency to his advantage and often books hotel and resort stays for you both whenever he can 😋😋
i think jay would also be the type to spoil you with cheesy couple gifts during anniversaries and on dates lol
so you HAVE started to build a small collection of stuffed teddy bears on your bed..
ofc he spoils you with materialistic things !! he likes it but with jay your comfort and happiness is ALWAYS one of his top priorities with you so he also always makes sure to make some time in his schedule whenever he can, just to spend some time with you <3
I think jake wouldnt spoil you that much, at least he wouldnt make it explicitly obvious
more the type to spoil you with surprises during anniversaries or special occasions 
will be all shy like, “y/n youre not busy for the two days after your birthday, right? just saying please leave your schedule free for then.”
you’re confused but do what he says anyways, and when he surprises you with plane tickets, you have to pretend to act surprised hehe
often pays for expenses such as café or restaurant bills for you (EVEN if you tell him you can pay it yourself 🙄)
i think he would spoil you with random gifts that he gets for you, and over time they accumulate and each little thing he gives you is a reminder of one of your many dates with him <3
that picture frame on your bedroom wall over there? oh jake surprised you with it. the necklace youre wearing? oh jake bought it for you. that blanket on your bed? oh jake didnt want you to get cold at night, so he bought it for you to make sure youre warm ):
he is also very thoughtful so he always considers your health! and he spoils you in the sense of making sure you have the necessities he thinks you need !
when you both went out on a date and he noticed you didnt have a scarf and was complaining about how cold it was he went and bought you a new one rIGHT that second. jake wont dare let his y/n catch a cold 😠😤
jake is also so so sweet ): so he ALWAYS is showering you in compliments and praise
lowkey youre spoiled by his kind words like you could be doing the bare minimum and he’ll be telling you ‘yes thats my baby! youre doing so well!!”
overall jake just wants to make sure youre healthy and happy !! he is always noticing the small things about you hehe so he ends up spoiling you in his own ways unintentionally (:
okAY so youre literally dating him but he’ll be telling you how lucky you are to even be receiving his attention in the first place 🙄
but lowkey he does spoil you too
I see sunghoon making beaded bracelets for you and gifting them to you ):
Another one of the #teddybeargivers™
Spoils you a lot on special occasions. Will buy you roses, candles, chocolate, teddy bears etc. the typical boyfriend-y gifts on days like valentine’s or your bday </3
I feel like sunghoon is very subtle about spoiling you but when he sometimes does spoil you it’ll be something low-key expensive
Like uh sunghoon ?? An apple watch for Christmas?? i don’t think I can accept this
But he’ll look at you like 😐 y/n I went out of my way to buy this for you and it was expensive u better be grateful
Idk if this makes sense but he spoils you in his hoodies 😋
He always have a bunch that he separates ready for you to steal hehe
Also you know how I mentioned the gifts on special occasions? Well he will also write these long, detailed cards and give them to you and since sunghoon isn’t the best at conveying his emotions when he puts down all of his feelings down on a piece of paper,, you always feel so spoiled and flustered in his love ):
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bvvllg · 3 years
Enhypen reaction on you cooking for them for the first time
Notes: gonna make this for hyung lines first 🤭
U tried to cook him ramen for the first time
The reason u didn’t cook ramen for him bc he didn’t want to eat ur burnt ramen LMAO
When u cook it u make sure u put every delicious ingredients
U heard the door sounds open so u quickly put ur last touch on the food
“ hey hee look what ive made 🤭☺️” u told him but ,he just stood there like a statue
He didnt know if he should eat it or not
“God i didnt put any poison in here dummy😒” he just says okay and tried to eat ur ramen
Suprisingly he likes it LOL
“U should make me more” “the thing is i only do good things at first try😶‍🌫️”
And he just look at u 😲😒👌🏻
U never cooked for him bc ur lazy
Plus hes a good cooker for himself and u
So as a good girl u are u dindt wanna make him tired so u decided to cook for him
U decided to make a simple dish
When u finished making for the dish u packed it nicely and went to his dorm
U rang the bell and he was surprised seeing u at the dorm bc its hard to convince u to go there
“ hey i cooked for u haha” “REALLY😲”
His eyes almost fall pf from their sockets LMAO
U both never touched the kitchen at ur guy’s apartment
The thing is u guys always ended up burning the kitchen jsksjs
U get bored waiting for him bc he went out walking with layla
So u decided to be more productive and tried to cooked
U decided to cooked his favourite meal which is tbh idk
When u finished the meals he came home
With layla ofc
“Hey wht r u doing?” “Cooking us a meal?”
He only stared at u bc he couldn’t believe his eyes ksksjk
He went ice skating without u
U felt sad but its ur own fault since ur too sensitive to the cold 😐
U decided to suprise him with ur superior cooking and decided to chop chop
U didn’t realise tht he came home and flinch a bit when he hold ur waist
“Oh my u suprised me dude😒” “wtv y/n btw wht ur cooking?”
U told him wht untrying to cook and he helped u
U declined at first but seems like tht cooking needs a lot of hands so why not 😕
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ronpatrash · 3 years
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oh boy i am gonna talk about my experience with danganronpa v3 and the ending. tldr i loved it and am incredibly haunted by it! now where do i begin
First off, if you wanna get your friends into danganronpa, stream the game on sporadic discord/zoom calls with everyone (my friends and i were a group of 5), and get everyone to narrate the characters. trust me. It may take you guys months but prolonging it makes the brainrot last longer! It's crazy how quickly we formed attachments to the students too because we're all having fun with these destructive teenage characters, and we all get to hang out and goof around again like we did in college irl before early 2020 went down
did i also mention drv3 is my introduction into this bonkers series? yea. what a great way to start! I was really rooting for kaede from the start....after class trial 1 i was hooked on the series and then prozd and jay started their dr1 playthrough, so it was a great time to get started on hyperfixating on this series in may.
also after class trial 1, i went on the danganronpa wiki page so i could read more about kaede. No new fan...should do what i did. i read like one sentence about everyone's memories being fabricated and i just. stopped and tried to purge it from memory cause i really didnt want to get spoiled further ahjfjdjfdkj
also do not look up their sprites on the wiki page, or google i guess. i looked up tsumugi and.
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right there. it was unavoidable. i knew tsumugi was the mastermind and had to try purging that memory too. fortunately, it happened to most of my friends too while they were looking for refs of tsumugi to draw hAHA
so. by the time we finished class trial 5 (and ho fucking boy. class trial 5 took us till 3am on a weekday cause we all desperately wanted to know who the fuck was in that exisal and what really happened), I had known these spoilers:
- everyone's backstories are fake, flashback lights created false memories
- rantaro's title is the ultimate survivor (idk. what it really meant. i just thought he was like bear grylls or smth)
- tsumugi is the mastermind
we were all already playing along that tsumugi was the mastermind and calling her out on her pretend bullshit during investigation for chapter 6, it was very fun
class trial 6...we were all already unsurprised when tsumugi revealed herself to be junko. but we didnt expect that she was still,,, cosplaying. we didnt expect the entire thing to be cosplay, or the previous dr games to be fictional within this fictional universe...or that everyone pregame were volunteering themselves for this truman show killing game.....or the whole undertale-esque breaking the 4th wall gameplay. that was siiiick all of that was so fucking cool
anyway. danganronpa v3.......what a nice send-off. I feel like the ending was a warning for fans who get too immersed in any form of media, but it kinda makes it funnier to think about pregame characters now. they were all huge weebs!!!!! they might've been wanting to throw away their lives cause they needed an escape! the ending leaves a lot to think about too, like how shuichi, maki and himiko are gonna cope with the knowledge that everything they thought they knew and were was a lie. i wanna draw...so much fanart. i get why people love this series now.
cant believe i thought danganronpa series was a meme cause of all the komaeda x sans memes my friends were sending. this series is great. drag more of your friends into it tbh, but uh. make sure everyone's like college-age lmao be safe with this heavy stuff
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