#let lucas sinclair have screen time
cepheus3 · 2 years
sure byler may be advancing with the new book, whatever, but please don’t forget to appreciate how it’s about Lucas, about his life, his journey, HIS experiences— and that should be the main focus because he deserves to be the center of his story. Lucas Sinclair deserves his story to be viewed as his.
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Steve has never really let himself care about Halloween. In high school he was too cool for that dorky shit – it was just an excuse to throw a party; to choose whatever costume would make him look hottest and ensure all eyes were on him; to savour the weeks of, 'Are you going to Harrington's for Halloween?' and, 'I can't believe you missed Steve's party!' overheard in the school corridors. And then he discovered the Upside Down, and out went the parties and the notoriety and trying so damn hard to be someone he's not, but by then it was too late. Halloween kind of loses its appeal when you know the monsters are really out there.
It's a shame, really. The things he's seen in the Upside Down could have inspired a Halloween party that would get everyone talking.
But instead of music and drinks and everyone who's anyone filling Steve's living room, he's playing host to, well, everyone who's not; the very people who'd have never set foot inside Steve's house had the course of all their lives not been radically altered. They're sprawled out on and around the couch in front of the TV, the kids arguing whether or not to fast-forward the ads at the beginning of the movie, 'cause according to Dustin the trailers are the best part, while Eddie and Robin are trying and failing to throw popcorn into each other's mouths from six feet away.
Steve just watches the quiet chaos for a moment, a fond smile on his face. He's long past pretending he doesn't prefer this life to his old one.
He picks his way between the bodies on the floor to set down another bowl of snacks, dodging the handful of kernels that go flying through the air towards Robin. She misses every one of them, and only narrowly avoids giving herself a concussion on the side of the coffee table in the process.
"You guys are gonna waste all the popcorn before the movie even starts."
Robin pulls a face at him as she tries to right herself, but if she says anything in return Steve's not listening, his attention already turned to Eddie. It's hard to pay attention to anything else, sometimes. Most of the time, to be honest. He's looking up at Steve with those huge brown eyes, the picture of innocence where he's sat on the couch, knees tucked up towards his chest, trying to balance an impossible amount of popcorn in one hand. Steve can't help but follow the movement as Eddie picks up a kernel and brings it to his lips.
"You're blocking the screen, Steve," says Dustin, swatting at Steve's legs and making a show of trying to peer around him.
"Yeah, 'cause you're really missing a lot." Steve gestures back to the TV, bands of static obscuring the picture as Mike fast-forwards the tape. Evidently Dustin lost the battle over the ads. Still, he clambers over Dustin, holding onto his head for balance and making sure to tread on him as many times as possible, towards the seat Eddie's saved for him on the couch. "Shift over, Sinclair. You're hogging all the room."
"If you didn't have such a big ass you wouldn't need so much room," Lucas shoots back, but he scoots over to the other side of the couch for Steve to plant himself directly in the middle, far enough away from Eddie to avoid suspicion but not so far it looks like he's trying not to sit close to him.
"Hey, it's that big ass that gets King Steve all the girls," says Eddie, with a grin that only stretches wider when Steve glares back at him. "Show it some respect."
From below them Steve hears Robin snort loudly.
"You guys are assholes." He turns his attention to the TV as the opening credits start to roll, some schlocky B-movie Robin picked out that Steve's never even heard of. "How can you even want to watch scary movies after everything we've seen?"
"What's the matter, Harrington?" says Eddie. "Worried you're gonna have nightmares?"
"Yeah!" He's only half joking. To be honest, there probably aren't many horror movies that could scare Steve more than the Upside Down already has, but they make for a pretty compelling reminder of the decidedly non-fictional monsters Steve would much rather forget.
Eddie knocks his shoulder against Steve's. "Need me to hold your hand?" he says, and his tone is so brazenly flirtatious Steve would be worried about the others starting to suspect something if Eddie hadn't been this way for as long as Steve's known him. He could probably plant a kiss on Steve right in front of them and they'd dismiss it as just Eddie being Eddie. Steve's not about to voice that thought though, just in case Eddie decides to test it.
He just nudges Eddie in the ribs in response, careful to avoid the scar tissue that still gives him trouble, and with a laugh Eddie turns back to watch the movie.
But maybe watching's not the best term for what they're doing. Mostly they're all just mocking the crappy effects and loudly predicting each twist they can see coming a mile away; the kids reacting with noisy, gleeful revulsion at the grisly deaths that Steve really shouldn't be letting them watch, Eddie and Robin yelling at the screen each time the characters trip into yet another dumb horror movie cliché.
As the next cry of, 'Just run, you idiot!' fills the room, Steve stretches his arm above his head and slowly, subtly curls it around the back of the couch behind Eddie. It's an old move, but Steve's a master at it by now. From the corner of his eye he sees Eddie fall still, lips twitching into a smile as he waits for Steve to make his move.
But Steve doesn't do it just yet. He watches the others for a moment, and only when he's satisfied that they're all too wrapped up in the movie to pay attention to Steve and Eddie does he slide his arm around Eddie's shoulders, fingertips brushing against his bare skin.
There's a scream from the TV and a chorus of 'eww's around the room, but Steve's not looking to see what they're reacting to. He's focused on the slow rise and fall of Eddie's chest, the subtle shift of his body as he presses himself back against Steve's side. His hand sneaks up towards Steve's, threading their fingers together, and he looks back to meet Steve's gaze. They share a secret smile.
Eddie's body is warm against Steve's. It's familiar by now, the gentle weight of Eddie against him, the heat of his skin beneath Steve's fingers, but Steve's not sure he'll ever get tired of it. Usually the only time Eddie manages to sit still for more than five minutes is when his mind drifts back to the Upside Down, so the moments like this, when they can just enjoy being curled up together watching crappy movies without Steve having to pull Eddie out of his own head or falling victim to a wildly gesturing hand, are worth savouring.
And while they might not have the place to themselves like usual, it's dark enough in Steve's living room that he braves to shift a little closer, lets his hand trail down the length of Eddie's arm as he noses at Eddie's hair. It still smells faintly of Steve's shampoo, and he breathes it in with a smile.
Steve's fooled around with girls in the back row of the movie theatre enough times that this shouldn't be thrilling – especially since they're not even doing anything, just sharing gentle little touches that could be so easily explained away if any of the others did notice them – but his heart is still thudding insistently against his ribs and his fingers itch for just a little bit more.
They brush the frayed edge of Eddie's t-shirt, the sides sliced open deep enough to give Steve easy access to the skin beneath, and Eddie's breath hitches when Steve's fingers ghost over his nipple. His hand settles on Eddie's side, as if the touch was completely accidental, and he keeps his eyes on the TV, fighting a grin as Eddie looks over at him.
But Eddie can give as good as he gets. His own hand curls on Steve's knee and slowly slides higher as Steve squirms beneath him, the touch just innocent enough that it can be explained away if anyone catches it while still managing to drive Steve to distraction.
Steve takes a steadying breath and tries desperately to keep his attention on the movie.
"Jesus, Steve, would you stop fidgeting?"
Robin's voice cuts through Steve's racing thoughts, quickly followed by her elbow colliding with his shin as she tries to reposition herself on the floor in front of him.
"Yeah, Steve," says Eddie. His hand has disappeared from Steve's thigh, and his eyes glitter with amusement at the look Steve levels him with. "Some of us are trying to watch the movie."
"As if you haven't already seen it, like, fifty times."
"Would you shut up already?" says Dustin.
"All right, geez." Steve rolls his eyes, but he finally pulls away from Eddie, and this time he's able to watch the rest of the movie without distraction.
They're halfway through another when Steve's eyelids begin to droop, and the next thing he knows there's a gentle nudging at his side stirring him awake again. The room is quiet, nothing but static on the TV.
"Steve," Eddie breathes against his ear. "They're all asleep."
"Think we can slip away?"
Eddie looks down. Dustin's sprawled right beneath Eddie's feet, taking up just about every inch of space between the couch and the coffee table. Maybe they could clamber over the back of the couch without disturbing anyone, but to be honest Steve doesn't trust Eddie's coordination that much. And if he goes tumbling to the floor in a cacophony of jangling chains and swearing, the two of them definitely won't be able to escape to Steve's bedroom tonight.
"Screw it," whispers Steve, his hand on Eddie's jaw as he pulls him in for a kiss. Eddie makes a tiny, muffled noise against his lips that just makes Steve grip him tighter, and Eddie's hand curls around Steve's wrist like he never wants him to let go.
It's not exactly comfortable, nor can things get half as heated as Steve would like when they're surrounded by sleeping friends, but it's Eddie, and Steve hasn't been able to kiss him since first thing this morning so he's not gonna stop until he absolutely has to.
"Quiet," Eddie grits out between kisses.
"You be quiet."
Steve's just starting to really sink into it, the press of Eddie's mouth against his, the faint scratch of stubble beneath Steve's wandering palm where Eddie didn't bother to shave this morning, when he feels Eddie freeze in his arms. He pulls back from Steve's grasp, his eyes wide.
Steve follows Eddie's gaze across the room.
Robin's sitting up, looking over at them with her mouth agape and eyebrows creeping up to disappear beneath her bangs.
Shit. Shit, shit, shit. But before Steve can move far enough past that thought to pull some kind of explanation out of his ass, some reason that him making out with Eddie is definitely not what it looks like, Robin's expression melts into a broad grin.
"I knew it!" she hisses in delight.
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judasofsuburbia · 11 months
something something nancy wheeler as spider 2099 and robin buckley as spider-woman and lucas sinclair as spider-man. (slight spoilers for across the spiderverse below)
“i don’t want to talk to you right now,” nancy grumbles as robin slips into her office.
“i know,” robin says cooly.
“then see yourself out,” nancy snaps, whipping her head around to face her. there’s a million screens open behind her, all with different universes and calculations. different spider people capturing villains or being bit by spiders for the first time. numbers that made robin’s head spin. the noise is completely overstimulating. she doesn’t understand how nancy deals with it all day.
“i’m gonna stick around actually. try and talk some sense into you,” robin says as she steps closer, scanning the walls for a volume button.
“excuse me?” nancy asks, exasperated.
“you were really harsh earlier,” robin states.
“i don’t remember asking for your input,” nancy practically seethes. she hops up from her desk chair and puts herself between robin and the screen she was about to touch.
robin pouts dramatically and can’t help but feel like she’s winning when nancy is this close to her. nancy’s arms are crossed over her chest as she stares daggers into robin’s eyes.
“can you not touch anything please?” nancy commands. her voice is exhausted.
“fine. you need to go apologize to lucas,” robin says.
nancy lets out a mean scoff. “like hell i will.”
“you went too far. the myriad of canon events just thrown at him earlier? c’mon wheeler, he’s just a kid.”
“he was about to ruin everything,” nancy spits, her fangs bearing a little under her lips.
“he’s a kid,” robin repeats. “he needs time to understand.”
“he’s reckless,” nancy breathes.
“we were reckless once,” robin responds. “you were reckless once.”
nancy’s lips purse and she leans her face in closer. “don’t start with me, buckley. this is not the same and you know it.”
robin’s helpless to nancy’s beauty even as she’s spitting fire in her direction. she knows her eyes have to look like two big hearts right now but how else is she supposed to look at her?
“maybe not. but it’s a canon event that we messed with and ripples happened because of it. lucas is scared to lose his father. just…” robin reaches out and plays with the end of nancy’s curls. she’s surprised when nancy doesn’t slap her hand away. “just go talk to him, okay?”
nancy’s eyes soften as she starts to look conflicted. robin is bold to move her hand from nancy’s hair and caress nancy’s cheek instead. robin swallows her gasp as nancy leans into her touch and closes her eyes.
“i can stop it from happening this time,” nancy whispers, voice trembling.
“stop what?” robin asks.
“losing lucas’s universe. i can save people.”
“you save people every day,” robin hushes. “you do so much important work, do you understand? you’re vital to all of this. but you can’t treat people like that. especially our people.”
“how will he learn?” nancy’s eyes open again. if robin’s not mistaken by the glow of the computer screens, she’d think nancy’s eyes were brimming with tears. “how will he learn if i’m not the big bad guy? he would’ve walked right out of here and caused absolute, irreversible damage. he’s not even supposed to be spiderman—“
“but he is,” robin interrupts. “he is so we have to help him along however we can.”
“i—“ nancy groans and leans forward, resting her forehead on robin’s shoulder. robin goes stiff. she hasn’t had nancy this close since…since the incident.
“i can’t i don’t—“
“shh,” robin soothes, cradling the back of nancy’s head. “camera’s off,” robin commands to the room. she can’t risk the spider people seeing nancy fall apart like this.
“i turned them off when you came in the room,” nancy chuckles darkly. she sniffles and tucks her head into robin’s neck.
“why?” robin whispers with a mischievous tone.
“because you’re chaotic,” nancy defends as she does the chaotic thing of wrapping her arms around robin’s waist.
they’re not supposed to be together. as anything other than colleagues, at least. nancy was supposed to fall in love with mary jane. robin was supposed to fall in love with gwen stacy. they didn’t.
they found each other by accident. they fell for each other and caused inexcusable ripples and harm to the multiverse. nancy’s predecessor yanked them both out of their universes and planted them at HQ years ago so they could keep an eye on them.
it didn’t stop them from slipping but each slip left them even more heartbroken.
ever since nancy started running the show, she took everything very seriously. never succumbed to robin’s flirty remarks and ignored her attempts at seduction. put an arm in between them and made them strictly professional.
until now.
“your new suit smells nice,” nancy whispers against her neck.
robin gulps. “t-thanks. new laundry detergent from max’s universe.”
nancy hums, holding robin tighter. robin holds her back.
“i don’t want to be this way,” nancy says sadly.
“i know you don’t. that’s why i came in here. this position…you’re great at it but it’s making you cold.”
“fuck,” nancy sighs, rubbing the material of robin’s spandex between her fingers. “i can’t go see the kid right now i really can’t.”
“okay,” robin relents, softly stroking nancy’s hair. “as long as you talk to him tomorrow.”
they stand silently for a moment just holding on.
“it’s all so much,” nancy admits softly.
“i know,” robin sighs. “i know.”
nancy removes her head from robin’s shoulder and tilts her chin up. robin’s heart feels like a hummingbird. she almost lets go of nancy completely but nancy digs her nails into the small of robin’s back, desperate and hopeless.
“help me forget?” nancy mumbles.
“help me forget. please. just for tonight,” nancy begs so quietly.
“please don’t call me that.”
robin takes in a stuttering breath. she searches nancy’s eyes for clarity. all she sees is genuine helplessness. robin clears her throat. “baby, are you sure? do you understand what you’re asking me for?”
nancy nods. a tear slips from her eye. “you’re the only one who can ever make me forget. it’s you, you know it’s you.”
robin kisses the tear from nancy’s cheek before she can think about it. nancy gasps. their bodies go completely still. their faces remain close. just a whisper away from kissing for the first time in entirely too long.
“i need you,” nancy mumbles and robin can feel the movement of the words against her lips.
“okay but if the walls come tumbling down—“ robin tries to joke but is interrupted by nancy kissing her fiercely and passionately.
they slip again. farther than they have since before they landed at HQ with their tails between their legs. they slip in shedding their suits. they slip in roaming hands and greedy mouths. they slip in bated breaths and small moans. they know it will sting tomorrow. they couldn’t stop themselves if they tried.
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farahsamboolents · 9 months
WIP Wednesday Game
I got tagged in WIP Wednesday by @eriquin ! thank youuuu my dear
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
File Names:
what if eddie was on the periphery of s4
On Birthdays (Sarge Series)
On Nicknames (Sarge Series)
We Don't Have A Minute (Sarge Series)
aaand snippet of Eddie being on the periphery of S4:
“Your boy really thinks it might be Creel, huh?” Eddie hummed in acknowledgement, refusing to take his eyes off their tiny television set. Lucas Sinclair’s face, smiling bright for his yearbook photo, had been plastered on the left half of the screen all morning, only ever briefly replaced by a family photo of the Sinclairs. “Your eggs oughtta be cold as ice by now, Ed, you should eat.” Said Wayne, reaching over to poke at Eddie’s plate. Eddie leaned around him so he could continue to see the TV as he did. Wayne sighed. “When was the last time you talked to him?” He said. Eddie shook his head minutely. “Never really talked to him.” He said, words falling out of his mouth in a mumble. “But Steve says he’s a good kid.” “I meant Steve.” Eddie’s responding sigh was shaky. “Couple days ago.” He’d given in and dialed the number for the Wheeler’s last night, but nobody answered.
and i tag @dreamwatch, @shares-a-vest, and @eddiequinns !
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watchmenanon · 1 year
Exclusive: Noah Schnapp, Gaten Matarazzo, Caleb Mclaughlin & Sadie Sink Spill Stranger Things 3 Secrets
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Classic, gory, fun, sad, bigger – those are just some of the words used by the young cast to sum up “Stranger Things 3” on Jimmy Fallon’s “The Tonight Show”.
The last time we left Hawkins, it was set in late 1984 and things have somewhat become normal once again. Well, as normal as it gets considering there are killer creatures from the Upside Down that can access our world.
When “Stranger Things 3” premieres on Netflix, the storyline will fast-forward to July 1985. There are new villains and a whole new threat . Having said that, the biggest obstacle that the group of wannabe Goonies are facing aren’t just Demogorgons but something more unnerving – puberty.
As producer Shawn Levy points out, “Our tagline is that ‘One summer can change everything’, but the reality is that growing up doesn’t happen at a constant or consistent speed. People develop in very different ways and at different rates“. To echo SFX, while some might be content playing “Dungeons & Dragons”, others are starting to feel that the kiddy stuff are well behind them.
As part of their Asia promo tour, Hype got the chance to sit down with Noah Schnapp (Will Byers), Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin Henderson), Caleb Mclaughlin (Lucas Sinclair), and Sadie Sink (Maxine “Max” Mayfield) to talk about the exciting Netflix series.
Prior to our roundtable interview, the cast of “Stranger Things 3” made an appearance at the Stranger Things Summer Festival event held at Akiba Square.
During the Q&A session, the young actors got to interact with popular Japanese celebrities Ms Yuko Oshima (former group member of girl band AKB48) and comedy duo Speed Wagon (Jun Itoda and Kazuhiro Ozawa). They were also gifted with custom traditional Japanese outfits called HAPPI.
Fans who attended the event got to experience zones and game stalls that were inspired by elements of Summer in 1985 Hawkins, Indiana, and more. We were geeking out real hard but our highlight was, of course, our exclusive interview with the quartet.
How is “Stranger Things 3” different from season 1 and 2? 
Caleb: It’s different from the last 2 seasons, which had like a fall-wintery vibe. This one is bright and fun. We see the kids hanging at the Starcourt Mall… It’s essentially the same formula but you can’t tell as a viewer because the storyline is different and there are new characters.
What were your first reactions when reading the script? 
Sadie: Usually before reading the script, we hear rumours about what’s going to happen. Especially if there’s something big like a death.
Do you just get your own parts? Or are everyone’s parts included in the script as well?
Sadie: Yeah, we get the full script. It helps us get into the characters.
Gaten: Some people choose not to read everybody’s parts. They just go into their scenes.
Sadie: It make sense too because how is your character supposed to know what is going on with other characters.
Caleb: Sometimes I do that. It helps because I’ll have a natural reaction to the situation, especially when everyone is back together.
What would you say is the biggest change about your characters compared to the last season?
Caleb: I feel like Lucas faces battles differently; in a more composed way.
Sadie: I think Max is now more established in Hawkins. She’s not the new girl anymore. She’s earned her place in the group. She’s not letting Billy push her around anymore. She’s also super confident and that’s why I was drawn to her.
I like that we’re getting to see some girl power through Max and Eleven’s friendship too.
Sadie: Yes, we get to see this strong female friendship when Max kind of takes Eleven under her wing and shows her what it means to be your own individual self and teaches her to have her own style. It’s cool to see Max become her role model in a way.
Of course me and Millie have a genuine relationship off screen as well so I think that chemistry really shows.
Gaten: I think it’s great that the girls aren’t necessarily just the girlfriends.
Sadie: Yeah, they have their own storyline. Max’s purpose wasn’t to be Lucas’ girlfriend. She has her own thing going on and she’s very independent.
What is the craziest rumour or fan theory you’ve heard about your characters?
Sadie: In the beginning, there were a lot of rumours floating around about Max before you’ve seen her on season 2. People were like, ‘who’s this red head chick’ joining the show. Many assumed that she was going to have superpowers like Eleven.
Caleb: Or that you were going to take Mike away.
Gaten: We’ve been there from the beginning. So there’s not much for them to speculate, caused they know the characters already. Coming in later in the show, I can imagine (it being harder for Sadie). Every new addition, fans are going to be skeptical about it.
Sadie: One of the weirdest thing I’ve heard someone say was like ‘Oh, the character is supposed to be tough. But she has red hair, she can’t be tough’. People say the weirdest things.
Eleven is the only one with powers. If you could possess one in real life or as your character, what would it be?
Sadie: I want to be able to teleport. Max will probably like invisibility so she can steal stuff.
Caleb: For Lucas, maybe like Hawkeye in Avengers or something. It’ll be cool to see him be a sharp shooter. Or like Green Arrow too.
Noah: I guess for me, I’ve always wanted to have invisibility cause then you’d get to do anything you wanted. It’d be so fun! Like maybe just walk up into the plane and skip all the queues.
Gaten: For me, I’d like to be a shape-shifter and change into different animals. For Dustin, I think he’d be really cool in manipulating technology. Say there’s a bad guy attacking with missiles, he could just reprogram them with his mind. If a car is coming towards him, he could just turn off the engine.
Noah, your character has gone through some pretty dark encounters. How do you detach once the director yells cut? What about the rest of you guys?
Noah: I separate the two things as much as I can. So usually, after an intense scene, when the director yells cut, I’m never really sad.
Sadie: You can just snap out of it?
Noah: It’s just two different worlds, you know.
Gaten: I think it’s good that you’re able to shed it so quickly cause there are so many performers that hold on to it. Especially when a character that deals so much as Will does.
Sadie: It depends on the scene too. If it’s really emotional, it’s harder.
Gaten: I feel like after those big emotional scenes, everyone is usually very quiet afterwards.
Do you have a favourite storyline for “Stranger Things 3”?
Caleb: I’d say that my favourite parts in this season are the last few episodes.
Before we end this session, can you leave us with a little tease ?
Noah: The ending is very sad.
Gaten: It’s an emotional season and there’s heartbreak.
Sadie: It’s very different from the season two ending. Tears will be shed.
Gaten: More than previous seasons, I feel.
Caleb: The first two seasons were very dark and eerie, while season three is more comical and light-hearted. It is still dark, but it’s different from what I was used to… There’s a really good cliffhanger too.
“Stranger Things 3” premieres on Netflix on 4th July 2019.
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vivika-ka · 2 years
now that i am done torturing myself and finished season 4, i’m not going to explain why the last episode made me pause multiple times to pace in my room because i was so angry lmao because i reblogged plenty of well explained posts already.
but i’ll talk about other stuff that stuck with me, and people might hate me for it but…yeah, ain’t that the life of anyone that doesn’t enjoy popular characters.
grammar might be shit because english is not my first language. fyi, this is fairly big and it’s very negative, so if you want to skip, feel free.
[i mean it, if you read something you don’t like to the point you want to send me threatening messages or cyberbully me, keep scrolling and leave me tf alone. thanks.]
1. dustin had waaaay too much screen time. why are we supposed to accept him as the certified genius of the group when all of members of The Party are “nerds.” all i’m asking is maybe instead of dustin always being the one figuring the upside down out, give some of those ground breaking discoveries to lucas. but also, it got to the point of being so annoying. i know it’s supposed to be a running gag of “maybe some humility will do you well,” but all the time? shut up.
2. everything and everyone revolving around nancy. i’m not joking. robin is scrambling to get on her good side and make nancy like her, which season 3 robin would’ve cared less. the whole stäncy thing, i just…please move on. the fact that she expects jonathan to be the one to drop everything to be with her, when he’s been doing that for every season, like maybe nancy can make some effort too? idk. the expectation that jonathan has to be the one to absolutely change the trajectory of his life because of what she wants (point is, he shouldn’t be afraid to decide the trajectory of his life, this is a relationship which entails two people, not one). the portrayal of every character being annoying, stupid, and incompetent sometimes, while she is always portrayed as someone incapable of mistakes. the same old self righteous and superiority crap that i don’t like. (but that’s on me because i never liked the wheelers since season 1, so i admit i’m biased).
3. going from stäncy fiasco, it still is technically tied to the overt attention to nancy, but steve was supposed to grow up. when she says he’s grown, i could only laugh at that point. part of growing up is realizing that maybe, just maybe, you have to learn to live with yourself instead of desperately seeking for a lover, which is what steve had been doing. being in a relationship isn’t going to fix all of your problems (this applies to mïleven but i’m not even going there). we had moved on from steve being in love with nancy, but the duffers act like that’s all there is to his personality, and let’s be honest, they were obviously out of ideas for steve’s character because they don’t know how to write characters other than relying on their superficial and stereotypical lenses. it would have been interesting to maybe see steve realizing that he is convinced he needs nancy in his life because he is lonely as fuck—so it’s not about “being in a relationship with nancy would change your life for the better,” there’s no such thing, it’s about “you’re seeking what is convenient and familiar because you are terrified of ending up alone.” but whatever, steve will always love nancy because that’s all he is there for.
4. the overt attention to karen wheeler. why am i supposed to care about this woman? why are we getting karen and ted’s reactions so much, and not the sinclairs or mrs. henderson? they are the ones watching their kids run towards danger right in front of them, why are they panning to karen constantly? “she’s worried about nancy,” yeah it’s been established again and again, but i am interested about the parents who are at that moment watching their kids turn their backs to them instead of asking for help. but then again, why should i care about her? to me she’s nothing but a woman who was flirting and willing to have sex with a 17-year-old in seasons 2-3, so, y’know, i’d much appreciate the sinclairs’ outburst about trust given they seem to be the most stable family in this show.
5. max’s “he made my life a living hell” after episode 4, but also after season 3 when it portrayed both of them as not super close but on the way to a better relationship. (i could go on about this but as i said, plenty of people did already). + the scene of billy breaking the sauna door portrayed as though that was all him and not him possessed by the mind flayer, me poupe. + “you’re much braver than your brother,” and the scene didn’t cut to said brother standing up to the mind flayer? ME POUPE.
6. the whole papa redemption arc. just get the fuck out of here. yeah, eleven didn’t forgive him, but the whole “i love you, you’re my family.” are you kidding me? the man ripped kids from their families, experimented on them, without a doubt killed and got them killed, all for the sake of winning an ideological war. ME POUPE.
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tryskomys · 2 years
Eddie Munson x OC
Chapter 6 - Burn
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Summary: The Hellfire Club is wrapping up a long campaign with a surprising guest. After a thunderous victory, Eddie and Maia’s awkward exchange messes with both of them. The fateful night approaches.
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Notes: a longer chapter this time! i just realized during writing this that i fucked up the timeline, because tammy the muppet thompson came to sing during the basketball game, not the rally…oh well, let’s act like it was all in my intention please❤️this was fun…too bad it won’t last…see ya next chapter, buckle up❤️
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When Eddie scolded the boys for bringing Erica Sinclair as a substitute for her brother, Mairi was leaning against the wall with folded arms, not mixing in the confrontation. From what she knew about Erica, she’ll be able to put him in his place without much trouble, which turned out to be true.
Eddie’s pathetic ‘level one dwarf’ joke was swiftly pushed back and while everyone was nervous about his reaction, Maia just knew he won’t be able to resist adopting this confident little lady. When he broke into a grin and shook her hand, Maia chuckled, pushed herself off the wall and walked back to the table.
“Welcome to Hellfire.” he blessed Erica with dimples in his cheeks, she reluctantly accepted and then walked up to Maia, shaking her head.
“Is he always acting like an entitled nerdy bastard?” she questioned with a raised eyebrow while Eddie was preoccupied with the rest of the gang excitedly flattering his decorating skills.
What a prick, he didn’t even acknowledge my help.
“Uh, yup. You’re lucky you only got the dessert though, I was forced to eat a whole supper before you guys arrived.” she shrugged and looked at Erica, who’s smirk twisted into a scowl.
“I know these types of men. They just force their frustrations upon you and make you clean the shit after them.” she stated as a matter of fact, making Maia raise her eyebrows and give Erica a confused smile.
“Bloody hell, you know your shit, lady.” she chuckled and sticked out a hand.
“I’m Mairi, pleasure to finally meet you.”
Erica smiled and nodded her head, taking Maia’s hand and shaking it.
“Erica. Nice to know some nerds have a brain.” she shrugged, making Maia snort in laughter.
“Wouldn’t count on it.”
“Your accent is kinda weird, so is your name, actually. Where you from?” Erica folded her arms and leaned against the wall. Maia grinned at her forwardness.
“I’m originally from Scotland, but I moved to Hawkins during middle school.”
Erica widened her eyes and frowned.
“Why would anyone want to move into this shithole?”
“Glasgow isn’t much better, believe me.”
The younger girl giggled.
“And what should I call you?” she asked nicely, clearly wanting to make Maia her accomplice.
“Well, it’s pronounced My-ree, but it’s Maia or Mai to everyone, so whatever you like…some assholes,” she nodded in Eddie’s direction, “call me various nerdy shite, but I usually block out everything he’s saying.”
Erica giggled. “Okay Mai, I like you.” Maia grinned at the girl.
“I like you too, Erica. Better than Lucas, actually.” she whispered, making the girl giggle.
“Alright, enough chit-chatting girls, time to go.” Eddie suddenly appeared next to them, pointing his thumb at the table.
Erica rolled her eyes at him and walked by, sitting on her chair. Maia threw him a scowl, reminding him of his previous behavior. He sighed, rubbed his eyes a bit and then made his way behind his screen. He sat on his throne facing Mairi, who’s chair was at the other end of the table, perfectly centred opposite of him. The chatter between the club died out as Eddie raised his hands, silencing everyone.
The candles behind him were shining through his hair, creating an otherworldly halo around him and the toned-down light fell on his most prominent features. Maia stared at him in awe. He was a wizard sent upon this earth to bring them an unforgetable adventure, an eternal pilgrim stopping by a group of travelers to teach them about the worlds beyond our understanding. The session has begun.
・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
“…he’s not only missing his left arm… but his left eye!” Eddie’s loud revelation echoed through the room.
The table errupted in gasps and loud groans of confusion.
“What the fuck?”
“That’s fucking impossible!” Maia yelled, her head in her hands.
“Vecna’s dead!”
“He was killed by Kas!” Mike exclaimed, wildly throwing his arms around. Eddie grinned.
“So it was thought, my friends, so it was thought…” he reached for a figurine behind his DM screen.
“…but Vecna…LIVES!” he exclaimed and slammed the figurine of a skinless creature in a cloak right in the centre in front of his throne. The whole party was hanging on a thread by now, everyone battered, nearly out of spell slots and exhausted.
“I say…to the death!” Dustin exclaimed.
“To the death!” Mike joined him, and suddenly the whole table including Erica was chanting, laughing and raising their cans in the air, full of hope and expectation.
Eddie sat down on the throne with a satisfied smile, meeting Maia’s eyes in the middle. Her mischievous gaze filled him with strange bliss. There it is. The passion. The determination. With a blink of an eye, he saw the ethereal warlock she portrayed sitting right in front of him, almost in his reach but so far away…swallowing him whole with her ancient eldritch magic, luring his heart into her grasp in a secret ritual of her own.
“To the death.” she mouthed his way, raised her can to beckon his way and took a swig, smirking. He cleared his throat a bit and blinked a few times to snap himself out of his thoughts.
The rest calmed down, few of them cracking their knuckles. Erica wiped her sweaty forehead with her american-flag cape, loudly exhaled and sat down with the others. Eddie looked around the table silently, relishing in the tension and then clasped his hands.
“Roll initiative.” he whispered menacingly, sending an excited shiver down Maia’s spine.
Fuck, 6…that’s not good. Eddie rolled his own dice, his facial expression not giving away any sign of emotion.
“Shit.” Erica hissed at the dice taunting her with a 3 and rolled her eyes, leaning back on the chair. The deadly silence was only disturbed by distant cheers from the gym.
“Well?” Eddie asked silently.
Everyone rolled higher except for her and Erica.
“God fucking dammit!” Erica exclaimed loudly and Maia just pinched the bridge of her nose. Eddie broke into a sly grin.
“You’re lucky, ladies, for Vecna is out of luck with this dice. He rolled a 2.”
Erica and Maia both gasped, clasping each other’s hands and exhaling with relief. Eddie’s dark smirk just grew wider and he wiggled his threatening finger at them.
“Tsk tsk tsk, I wouldn’t be so cheerful…I’ll make sure to use a different dice when it comes to attack.” he punctuated the threat with tilting his head to the side and standing up from his throne. He motioned towards Dustin.
“You’re up, my wise druid.”
・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
“How many spell slots do you have left, Gareth?” Mike asked the boy to his right.
“Two…level one though…and it doesn’t matter, I’m Exhausted, I don’t have an Action this round…” he said, head in his palms. Mike sighed. Eddie flickered between them.
“Metagaming boys, watch out.” he threatened, folding his arms.
“Sorry. I have one left. Okay…I cast Magic Missile!” Mike exclaimed, throwing three dice on the table.
12 altogether.
“Yes!” The table errupted in laughter and clapping, then quickly shutting up and focusing on Eddie.
“Three glowing orbs flow through Vecna’s decaying body, barely making him flinch. Although…he seems to be slightly taken aback by your fierceness, my friends. 12 damage.” he nodded his head and scribbled something in his notebook. He looked up from it with a thoughtful frown.
“Vecna grows frustrated with your antics, as if he cannot believe four of you are still standing…” he paused.
“…but he’s realizing that his wrath is making him all the more powerful!” his deep voice menacingly boomed through the theatre walls. Mike gulped.
“He turns his disfigured face to Gareth the Great, raising his hand, trembling with anger far beyond your understanding. Suddenly…you feel…” he paused and slowly started clawing at his throat, acting confused.
“…your throat is starting to close. Your lungs burning from the inside…you cannot breathe, Gareth the Great! Constitution saving throw, please.”
“Wait, it’s not Vecna’s turn.” Maia questioned. Eddie smirked.
“Legendary action, halfling.”
Gareth sighed and rolled a d20. He then raised his head to look at Eddie, his face pale with fear.
Eddie cackled menacingly. He looked behind his screen and threw a few dice. He stopped for a second and then eyed the rest of the table with a smirk, stopping at Gareth. He gulped.
“40 fire damage.”
The table errupted in swearing again, Gareth just started banging his head against the table.
“I’m down.” he muttered and nudged his figurine to fall on the map. Everyone except Eddie sighed, he just took a swig out of his goblet and stretched.
・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
Mike’s wizard just fell on the table, shot down by Vecna’s necrotic curse. Eddie chuckled, hiding his face under a curtain of hair.
“Time-out!!!” Pete exclaimed and Eddie tapped on the table a few times, thinking…
“If you weren’t in such a desperate situation, I wouldn’t allow it, but you need all the help you can get right now. Go on.” he waved his hand to them all and they got up, standing in a circle.
“I hate to say this guys, but we gotta flee.” Gareth shamefully whispered, clearly defeated.
“Are you kidding? He only has 15 hit points left, don’t be pussies!” Dustin hissed at him.
“Run? Didn’t we just agree ‘to the death’?” Erica narrowed his eyes at him.
“That wasn’t literal! We can’t kill him with two players!”
“I say you’re cowards.”
“Because we’re not delusional???” he asked Erica furiously and she just shook her head.
Eddie just turned to them and kindly suggested that maybe backing out of the fight isn’t a bad idea. Actually, it’s a really good idea.
“There is no shame in running.” he waved his hand, his face calm and collected. “Don’t try to be heroes…not today, okay?”
Maia frowned.
“Give us a second.” she put her arm around Erica’s shoulder.
“How many hit points do you have?” Dustin questioned impatiently.
“I mean, it’s just you two on the field, your decision.” Mike nodded, not sure what to think. Maia turned at Erica.
“What do you say, Lady Applejack?”
“Do you really gotta ask?” Erica snickered, patting Maia’s back. She frowned and closed her eyes for a few seconds. I’m not fucking letting him go.
“Fuck this.” she exclaimed and turned around with the rest of the group. She looked Eddie dead in the eye.
“What’s your decision, Mairi the Enlightened?”
“I’ll Eldritch Blast this motherfucker back to hell.” she said through gritted teeth, hearing something about odds in her ear but didn’t pay attention to anything other than Eddie’s stare.
“Give me the 20.” she extended her palm.
Eddie smirked, clearly happy with this turn of events and threw her the dice. She deeply inhaled, kissed her closed fist and started shaking it.
“Don’t give up on me darling, not now.” she whispered as she threw the dice. It rolled through the table, bouncing off various objects in the way, then it finally stopped.
“THAT’S. A. MIIIIISS.” Eddie yelled in her direction, wildly cackling in her face.
“FUCK! Fucking fuck!” she screamed and threw her figurine out of the map. All eyes were on Erica now.
“Lady Applejack? If you hit him, he’s down.” Eddie stated with a hint of excitement in his voice.
“I sneak up on that bastard and stab him through the head with my spear!” she said proudly, not wanting to let the nerves get to her.
Eddie just smiled and beckoned to her. She sighed and took the dice and started shaking it, everyone around her yelling as if they could make the dice do what they want. When she let it go, everyone stopped breathing, Eddie stood up on his throne and crouched to have a better view.
The whole room was filled in screeching, laughing, yelling. Maia hugged Erica from the behind.
“Crit hit!” she repeated over and over again, jumping up and down.
Eddie jumped around, acting confused and then broke into a joyful laughter.
“That’s why we play!” he bowed to Erica when they looked at eachother, making her smile proudly. Maia caught his eye, skipping on her way to him and he grinned. He caught her in the air and spun her around, both giggling like kids. He wouldn’t have let her go if the rest didn’t join them, jumping around in a big group hug.
・○・●・○・●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・
The crisp fresh air of Hawkins at night was refreshing to everyone, they jumped out of the school door, still pumped from the meeting. Everyone split their separate ways with many hugs and goodbyes, it was too late to go anywhere with the kids and the other boys were too exhausted to do anything else but go to sleep. Eddie and Maia were both rambling on their way to his van.
“I thought the red-eyed cultist was going to smite me off the map!”
“No, you were good, good thing you put the breastplate on this time, could’ve ended badly.” Eddie chuckled and she punched his arm.
“You were really good today, you know?” she said silently. He turned at her with a massive grin.
“Was I?”
“Oh no, I shouldn’t have said anything, now you’re going to float around Hawkins because your ego will be fucking inflated beyond limits.” she groaned, giggling. He smirked at that.
“I always knew you admired me, you just confirmed it.” he shrugged and they reached his van.
Maia leaned on the door and put hands in her pockets, nonchalantly humming.
“Wanna go for a cold one, my wise master?” she grinned and bowed to him.
He suddenly went silent, making her think she fucked up. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, he interrupted her.
“I’d love to but uhhh, I gotta go…” he contemplated lying to her, but that would make everything worse. I’m not doing anything wrong.
“It’s just…when I met up with Chrissy, she wanted some stuff I didn’t have with me, so I offered her to…you know, drop by my place and get it.” he tried to say without any hint of emotion, struggling to look into her eyes.
Her grin slowly faded but she quickly put it on again.
“Oh! No problem then, I was just asking. I gotta run anyways, I have an early shift tommorow.” she giggled nervously and patted his arm. Fuck, that’s not good.
“Okay, see you tommorow then?” he asked softly, he didn’t want to apologize for anything because that would be just even more suspicious. Lady Macbeth was a smart girl. She backed away from him, nodding way too enthusiastically.
“Yep, thanks for tonight!” she waved at him and quickly turned her back on him.
No handshake, no talk about the handcuffing situation, nothing. He cursed under his breath and punched the roof of the van.
He snapped his head at her, hoping she’ll come back so he can explain everything to her, hoping she’ll say something, question him about it, anything.
“Just…wrap it before you tap it!” she tried to let out a genuine laugh and gave him thumbs up, turning right back and walked away before he could say anything.
He just banged his head on the roof and kicked the tire, angrily getting inside the car.
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Tag list: @kik51199 @preciousbabypeter @sebby-staan
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creelby · 1 year
if the rosewood gang watched stranger things (( this took me ages for some reason 😭 )) :
lottie: absolutely terrified of it, shaking in her disney princess pyjamas, loves nancy though, and will watch it to make the others happy
jamie: “yeah, it’s an alright show i guess” is actually secretly the biggest fan ever, bi mike truther and byler analyst
ellie: laughs at all the gory bits much to everyone else’s annoyance, elmax shipper and “everyone is gay” truther
anastasia: max mayfield kinnie and elumax shipper, likes the show a lot more than she lets on
saskia: yells “lesbian” every time el comes on screen. which is quite annoying. because. el’s on screen quite a lot. nobody disagrees with her, however.
binah: analyses every episode frame by frame, byler and lumax shipper, points out all the tiny details and references to 1980’s things that nobody else notices
lola: sits in complete and utter silence with her bag of fudge and nobody knows if she’s terrified or loving it (she’s loving it)
mickey: also sits in complete and utter silence with his bag of fudge but everyone knows he’s absolutely terrified. he’s also a will byers kinnie but he doesn’t know that since he’s too scared to watch
percy: he is for byler if byler is for byler and he is sure as hell that byler is for byler. 50/50 split between mike and will and has decided that him and mickey are the definition of byler (i wrote byler way too much here)
raphael: “lmao they’re so gay” “she’s a lesbian” “look me in the eye and tell me that man is not bisexual” has been kicked in the head (by ani) multiple times for talking too much, lucas sinclair kinnie and byler shipper
ollie: him and raphael have a stranger things tumblr account where they just post memes and copy and paste binah’s byler analyses, byler and elumax shipper, has to sit on the floor when they watch it as a group because nobody cares enough about him to save him a seat 😭😭😭😭
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Lucas Sinclair is the heart of the season 4
Lucas joining the basketball team as tension is lazy, but there was so much there that could have been explored.
He tells his friends that he's tired of getting bullied and in order to avoid being bullied, he joins the basketball team to be popular. The writers should have been braver. Let Lucas have a moment where he says it for what it is. He's experiencing racism in a small town in Indiana in the 80s. Indiana loves basketball. The state breathes it. By joining a beloved sport, Lucas is seeking an escape from the outward racist attacks he's been experiencing as a nerdy shy black kid in town. It's also the only moment we see him with any other black people in town besides his family. Kids who, presumably, might understand Lucas's lived experience in a way Will and Dustin never will because they can't.
For them to shift blame to Lucas when they meekly try to bring up changing the DnD night is just awful. They don't support their friend. They don't understand their friend.
For Lucas to not get a moment with Patrick is disgraceful. When the other players were getting ready to go on their Eddie hunt, I was expecting Patrick to pull Lucas aside with a "hey, this shit isn't for us. Let's get out of here."
Throughout the season, you see how deeply Lucas cares about Max. Always, even when she pushes him away. He understands, on some level, that she's going through something. In a way none of her other friends seem to get. She bristles and people back away but not Lucas.
He cares about her as a person first and foremost, regardless of their romantic status.
For him to be with her in phase one of the plan and watch her willingly be used as bait is emotionally difficult. To hold her so tight like that, begging her not to go. Helplessly calling for his sister for help. Lucas is the heart. He approaches everything with such a level of understanding. If he saw Max break a girl's nose, I think he would be shocked but I think he'd seek to understand what prompted her to do that. I also don't think he'd sit by while he watched Max getting comically bullied by an entire crowd for half a song.
Erica may give Lucas a hard time but they love each other. You can see it on screen and feel it in their delivery. Will and Nancy always feel like an afterthought to each other, but the Sinclair siblings never do.
Erica going to all the games except the last one? Lucas calling her out on it saying that their parents can't make her do anything she doesn't want to do. He and Erica taking care of phase 1 together. Erica making that comment to Jason about Lucas downgrading from Max. She loves her brother. She cares about the people he cares about.
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munsons-maiden · 2 years
Reading your response should have been enough it's almost like that anon didn't watch the same show as us, and got confused bc the entire time eddie was on screen he was nothing but kind to everyone around him. the only time we saw him kinda upset is when they want to postpone hellfire, but I can understand why he's the dm who put a lot of time and effort into that campaign. Them wanting to postpone last minute I'd be upset too. I truly believe that anon has some how gotten it into their heads that THEY are not pretty enough or whatever so they projected that onto the characters of a show. Numerous amount of blogs got the same anon just different variations of it. Makes me wonder if this discourse came from twitter and they brought it over here or something.
Hard agree with everything.
Yes, Eddie has flaws like everyone else which makes him realistic, but his flaws are flaws, not moral shortcomings.
He's genuinely kind and respectful, he's genuinely caring and empathic and he's inherently a good person. Being petty because he doesn't want to postpone the game he was so excited to play for an extracurricular activity which's players are the very symbols of the system which has been mocking and ostracizing him for his own interests and looks is a flaw, but a relatable one (and he doesn't know how important it is to postpone for Lucas because to him it's just an overlap of activities because Dustin and Mike don't communicate the actual reason for why it should be postpones, I wrote a whole essay about it).
Yes, he judges people prematurely - not for their looks like they do with him but for their social standing and clique - but as soon as he's proven wrong, he corrects his mindset towards them and lets his defense mechanisms slide to show them the same genuine kindness like he does for everyone else.
Yes, he can be revved up and loud and brash and get carried away but that's because he's an eccentric dork who's passionate about everything in general, not from a place of arrogance or malice. He could have been rude to Chrissy in the woods because she's a symbol of the system which has been hurting him his whole life, yet even when he thinks she's scared of him he shows her genuine respect by trying to calm her and putting her in control of the situation until he realizes it's not against him and that she's kind and he immediately lets his guards down and tries to make her laugh and cheer her up despite everything she embodies - not because she's pretty, but because she's kind.
Yes, he sells ("harmless", non-dangerous) drugs, but he does it because he's a poor trailer park kid using the extra money to finance his hobbies (so he probably won't have to ask his uncle for money, who already works nightshifts to provide for them).
All of those are flaws that make him relatable and change nothing about how genuinely sweet, kind, caring, self-reflected, gentle, empathic and pure of heart Eddie Munson is.
The people who don't see it don't want to see it, because it's evident, the subtext and context as well as confirmation via interviews don't leave room for other explanations/interpretations on the matters the antis keep bringing up.
I've seen so much hate directed at Chrissy, who was written and intentionally acted to be sweet and kind and subvert the Evil Prom Queen trope, just because she's a pretty cheerleader as if the actual message just evaded some people.
So yeah, I completely agree with you. I think with some people, seeing Eddie being kind to Chrissy and the cheerleaders, they ignore that he's kind to everyone else as well - I cannot emphasize enough that jump-scaring the other girl wasn't unkind or impolite but a joke he would've pulled with everyone else, his friends included, and wouldn't have minded being pulled on him the way he's happy about Erica Sinclair absolutely roasting his ass - they feel like Eddie would treat them with less kindness because they don't feel pretty. When in reality, Eddie being unkind to Chrissy and these cheerleaders would have made him genuinely unkind so it's a super twisted mindset some people possess. I don't know whether it's true media illiteracy or simple ignorance or a mix of both but it's canonically wrong and I won't stop pulling out the receipts until the day I'm six feet under.
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Some rules are made to be broken
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Stranger Things Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Anonymous asked: Lucas Sinclair x fem reader, where Dustin walks in on them making out and is scared for life!
A/N: Love this idea, thank you for requesting! Hope you don't mind if I added a few things. Feel free to request anything else!
Summary: Dustin has one rule when it comes to the group, don't date his sister; aka you. Of course, you and Lucas grew to like one another as you got closer over the years. It started with glances across the room or making excuses to hold each others hand, and the occasional cuddle session during game nights. When your brother is at summer camp, you and Lucas used that time to get to know one another. Little did you know, your brother would intrude on your moment with Lucas Sinclair
Set during season three
You are Dustin's sister
Warnings: none
Lucas Sinclair x-reader
The summer sun seeped through the curtains, letting out little slivers of light across the carpet. Blue birds sat outside my bedroom window as I laid on my bed. Their cheery songs bounced off the walls, leading down the hallway outside my bedroom. Dustin was away for the summer at a science camp.
Fortunately, I didn't have to hear him constantly knocking on my door to wake me up. Over the summer, Lucas and I have gotten closer then ever; to the point where one person slept over and we stayed up all night talking or just listening to music. Dustin doesn't know or need to know about my relationship with Lucas Sinclair.
Lucas and I had been keeping our relationship a secret this whole time, the only person that knew was Max; my best friend. She promised to not tell my brother and so far she's kept that promise.
After laying on my bed for the past fifteen minutes I started my next summer day full of relaxing and spending time outside with my friends. I yawned as I stood from the bed, quickly getting changed into a pair of blue shorts and a patterned shirt.
I opened the door to find Lucas sitting at the kitchen counter with a bowl of cereal. He grinned at the sight of me and waved. "How did you-" I started, looking at the front door then to where my 'boyfriend' sat. It felt weird to think that, hopefully Lucas felt the same; which seemed plausible.
"The key under the front mat," he interrupted and pointed to the front door. Lucas turned back to me with the smile as he sat the counter. He leaned over the counter to grab a napkin then sat down on the stool with a grin still on his face (GIF Above). He watched me as I walked over to the kitchen.
"You could've just called," I stated.
He shrugged his shoulders and finished his bowl of cereal before setting it into the dishwasher. I put some soap into the dishwasher before starting it, knowing that my mother would want me to start it prior to when she arrived with Dustin.
Lucas leaned against the counter with his arms crossed, watching as I cleaned up the kitchen. "Dustin should be here late this afternoon," I said, "So we've got about about three hours of quiet." The two of us walked over to the living room hand in hand to enjoy the next three hours by ourselves.
After finally deciding on a movie, Lucas and I sat back and relaxed. His arm draped over my shoulders while his free hand held mine. A fleece blanket sat over our legs as the two of us watched Lucas' favorite film. He occasionally mentioned his favorite line or a scene in the movie.
Lucas lightly kissed the top of my head before looking back at the television. I leaned my head against his shoulder and took a sip of my water before setting it onto the coffee table beside the sofa. Lucas snickered at one of the characters as they pranced across the television screen.
I glanced up at Lucas and smiled. This summer topped all of the ones before that. Lucas, Max, Jonathan, Nancy and I had driven to a lake in Hawkins that we had discovered one day. The five of us camped over night and watched the sunset then in the morning we swam for hours.
It was the best time I've had in awhile, especially after all the Demogorgon bull shit. My friends and I managed to sneak into the movie theatres using the employee only halls with the help of Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley.
Lucas looked at me and responded with a smile as well. I reached up to kiss him on the cheek. However, he was quicker and kissed me on the lips. Lucas cautiously set his hands on my waist as he lightly pushed me down onto the couch.
The kisses we shared over the summer were never filled with affection and passion like this one. My - hopefully - boyfriend accidently dropped the bowl of popcorn onto the carpet. I pushed him back slightly and looked down at the plastic bowl. I shrugged my shoulders, turning back to Lucas.
He smiled and kissed me again, a little rougher this time. I'm not gonna lie, Lucas was a pretty good kisser. Despite my brothers refusal with me dating anyone, Lucas and I debated if we should tell Dustin; he was going to find out one way or another. "Holy shit! Holy shit!" Dustin suddenly yelled, "Oh my god, my eyes!" Lucas and I pushed apart from the sudden outburst.
"Why? Of all people! Why my sister?"
Lucas and I looked away from one another to find Max, Mike and Will standing there with priceless expressions painted about their faces. Max stood there with a hand covering her mouth, trying to hold her laughter. Soon enough, she bursts into a fit of laughter. Lucas reached behind him and threw a pillow at her. She jumped back still caught up in her laugh.
Lucas leaned back, sitting against the arm rest of the couch while I propped myself up using the cushion of the couch. "Saw that one coming," Mike commented with Will nodding in agreement from beside him. Dustin glanced at the two boys then to Lucas and I who sat stunned on the patterned couch.
"Welcome back, Dusty!" I exclaimed, my arms extended on either side of me. My boyfriend glanced back at me with the corners of his mouth lifting. Lucas tried not to smile from the feeling of Dustin's glaring eyes landing on the side of his face.
Taglist: @midnightstar-90 @ramaalkayyali @b-ritney
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shmaptainwrites · 3 years
“you told me you were okay! you promised!” And hotch or Morgan if you are so inclined. Thank you!!
Of course anon! I got you :)
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader
Warnings: injury, creepy unsub, hospitals, blood, stabbing...lots of stabbing, angst so much angst
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Your eyes flicked down to the flash of light on your screen, your phone was on silent, you didn't need it to make any noise, not now of all times.
Checking who had sent it your heart lept to your throat.
Is everything okay? You didn't come to work today
Technically, everything was okay, but if you said that and Hotch found out otherwise you were in for a talking to.
But right now you didn't have the luxury of telling him the truth. That would let Lucas Lowry slip through your fingers just one more time and you wouldn't let that happen.
I'm fine, just caught a cold
A white lie. Maybe a little more than that.
You pressed your lips together and looked down at the screen and thickly swallowing you typed your answer and hit send.
Slipping your phone back into your pocket you looked back up to where you had last seen your target and cursed internally when he was no longer there.
Your eyes quickly scanned the crowds, looking for a sign, for someone, but there was nothing until a sharp pain hit your back, sending you to your knees and another hit to your head before you could even reach for your gun.
"You keep underestimating me (Y/N)," he spat, digging his foot between you and the pavement of the alley, rolling you over so you were looking up at him and kicking you a few times for good measure before unholstering your weapon and tossing it to the side. "Lying to Agent Hotchner seems like a bad idea,"
"Fucking scum," you spat at him. "Do what you're going to do, leave him and my team out of this,"
"Ah yes," he grinned, pulling a knife out from one of his inside jacket pockets. "Just you and me, like I always wanted,"
He bent down over top of you and pressed his knee into your sternum making you wheeze for air, trying to get him off you, but the lack of oxygen wasn't on your side.
The cool feel of the metal brushed against the exposed portion of your chest and you sucked in a sharp breath of air, making sure no fear was showing in your eyes. He would feed off that.
"You know," he whispered. "I always liked your skin, it's too bad it's going to be ruined when I'm through with you,"
"Then do it," you hissed. "Kill me, you coward,"
"Oh, you thought I was going to let you have the easy way out?" he laughed. "Not a chance, sweetheart," his voice turned into a growl just as you felt your phone buzz in your pocket again and Lucas must have felt it too because he fished it out for you, looking at the message. "Look at that, good ol' Agent Hotchner wants to run you by some soup. Did you tell him you were sick (Y/N)?" he asked with a sadistic smirk on his face. "You know you shouldn't lie. Such a bad girl,"
You felt the knife press into your chest and you groaned in pain as he dragged it along, slicing through your skin like butter before removing it and admiring the blood on the blade.
"You know I don't think you really appreciate him, do you? I mean come on (Y/N),"
Without another warning, the knife sunk near your stomach and he twisted it causing you to let out a scream.
"The man's in love with you and you lie to him?"
He pulled out the knife again, more abruptly this time and you thought the pain might just make you vomit.
"He talks about you all the time, you know? (Y/N) this, (Y/N) that. Honestly, I don't see the appeal, but something about you does it for him. Enough to make him admit it out loud,"
He dragged the side of the blade across your face, creating a streak of red before turning it and slicing lightly across your cheek.
"Nothing to say? Hmm?" he asked. "What if I told you I knew where he was? His house, what is it 712 Sinclair, apartment 20," he leaned down whispering close to your ear before jabbing the knife into your arm.
At this point you were losing a lot of blood, you could feel yourself drifting in and out of consciousness, but you mustered up enough strength to say,
"No, hurt me if you want," you hissed. "Don't touch him,"
"No promises princess,"
You felt the knife go into your leg as he slipped off you confident that you couldn't fight back and he was right. The pain became too much to bear and you could feel your eyes roll to the back of your head.
You couldn't tell how much later it was when you woke up, but you were no longer in the dark abandoned alleyway.
The fluorescent lighting of the hospital was one that had become too familiar along with the unfamiliar faces of doctors and nurses who hovered over you.
You tried to push yourself up, but a hand came to hold you down.
"Ma'am you need to relax," one of the doctors told you, but you shook your head.
"N-No, who brought me here, did you see him? Where did he go,"
"Ma'am," the doctor continued to hold you down and you stopped fighting so you could get your answers. "He's right outside," she explained, pointing past the glass sliding door of the ICU room.
You blinked a few times so your eyes could adjust, but outside of your room wasn't Lucas Lowry. Instead, you saw Hotch, suit shirt stained heavily with blood, your blood.
He seemed to be arguing with a nurse, trying to get him to let him in to see you.
"Sir you're not family you can't be here," you could hear the nurse say.
"I've been trying to tell you she doesn't have any family here," he growled. "Can't you make an exception?"
"Do you know him?" the doctor asked and you nodded your head. "Would you like him here?" she asked further.
"Yes please," you confirmed, only knowing it would bring you grief later if you said no. You had already lied enough.
Only a few nurses stayed at your side, making sure your bandages were down nicely and the IV was giving you the proper amount of fluids.
A few moments later they cleared the room, giving you a moment alone with Hotch who had just walked in.
He still hadn't cleaned himself up since he had brought you here, his hands stained red, not to mention the large streak across his cheek.
You sat up a little higher before making eye contact with him.
"How did you find me?" you asked quietly.
He didn't say a word, only pulling out his phone and clicking on a few things before coming closer to the bed and showing you what was on his screen.
From your number, he had received an image of you laying in the alley, bleeding onto the ground with an address attached underneath.
"I got to your apartment and no one was there, then I got this," he said.
"Y-You have blood all over you," you whispered. "Your-," you pointed to his cheek.
"You don't remember that?" he asked and you shook your head. "You woke up while I carried you into the hospital and grabbed me and said Tell Aaron I'm sorry,"
You looked down at your feet, guilty. You shouldn't have lied, you should have told him what you were doing, the lead you had, but you just had to go investigate yourself.
"You said you were okay (Y/N), you promised," his voice was strained and you fought back tears.
"I know," you choked. "I know Hotch I'm so sorry,"
You thought he was going to lecture you, tell you how they could have helped, how you could have had the full force of the Bureau behind you if you wanted, but he just looked hurt and distraught.
"(Y/N) your heart stopped beating," his voice was so quiet you barely heard it over the faint beating of the monitor. "You coded,"
"Stop calling me that," he winced. "Please...just..." he shook his head.
You pressed your lips together and looked up at him with watery eyes. You never meant for things to happen this way, but that was always the case wasn't it.
He stepped closer until he was at the side of your bed, glancing at the empty spot next to you as if he was asking permission to sit there. You gave him a nod and he sat down, his bloodied hand coming to hold the side of your face, wiping away a stray tear with his thumb.
You leaned into his hold while he brought you forward slightly pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, one of the uninjured spots on your body.
You shook while his lips were against your forehead, grabbing his other hand in yours, apologies spilling from your lips while you cried, letting everything out.
"I'm sorry I lied," you started with. "I'm sorry I didn't call for help, I'm sorry I let things get this far before you found out,"
"Hey, it's okay," he whispered. "I...I'm just glad you're safe now,"
"Will you stay?" you asked. "I-," you shook your head, no even wanting to admit the painfully obvious. Enough shame hung over your head for a lifetime.
"Of course," he nodded. "As long as you need me,"
Your mind couldn't help but drift back to Lucas and what he had said, what he told you.
"Aaron," the sound was like music to his ears, hearing his name come from your lips.
"I-um..." you paused, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug despite your many wounds. "I love you, okay?" you whispered into his shoulder.
He gripped you a little tighter within the limits that would be comfortable for you, pressing another kiss to the side of your head.
"I love you too," he breathed. "So much,"
You weren't sure how long you stayed like that, but it was clear you both needed it. And despite the injuries, the looming threat of Lucas Lowry hanging over your head, at that moment you didn't care, because you felt safe in Aaron's arms and you would stay in that moment for as long as you possibly could.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
I have a headcanon that Billy doesn"t really know how to apologize like most people do. To him, the words are kind of empty so he just does things for people instead. Things like replacing all of the dishes with better quality ones for the Byers, making the girliest clothes Max hates disappear and replaced with things she likes, a new slingshot showing up in Lucas's locker, breaking into a car to fix it. Steve is weirdly charmed by it.
These may both be you? But here’s a combo since they’re p much the same idea
anonymous asked: Billy has forgotten how to actually connect with people so he shows affection through acts of chaotic good, like planting catnip all over the yard of the lady who allergic for yellomg at Max or breaking into a car so he can fix the engine. Steve figures out Billy is the one doing all these oddly kind things but he is still kind of intimidated by the blonde so instead of thanking him out right he just leaves things like cigarettes and baked good for him in his car. Have fun with that one!
This got pretty long so I put some of it under the cut.
Billy didn’t believe in the words I’m sorry.
They just didn’t make sense  to him. He had never heard the words when someone actually meant them, and fuck knows he’s never actually meant those words before.
But that does not mean there aren’t things in his life he regrets.
For example: beating the shit outta Steve Harrington.
He felt like absolute fucking garbage about it. 
Harrington hadn’t deserved that shit. Billy was just runnin’ hot that night, and Harrington had been unlucky enough to have bad timing.
But he didn’t know how to fix it.
So he started leaving snacks in Steve’s locker.
He noticed how he would always be giving his friends the food off his fucking plate, so he would shove granola bars, candies, even made him a sandwich one day.
He watched as Steve would eat whatever it was Billy had left for him, just fuckin’ chowed down without question.
He would look into classes, find out where Steve sat and leave little treats on his desk.
“Mr. Harrington, I think you may have a secret admirer.” Steve flushed a little at the cupcake, and shoved it into his mouth in two bites at the beginning of history class, but he wasn’t gonna look a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak, and figured whenever this chick came forward, he would thank her for being so thoughtful, and let her down gently.
After leaving Harrington alone with all his snacks, Billy set his sights on his other regret.
He had Max hadn’t always fought and bickered. True, Billy wasn’t the warmest, when they first met, but once he got his car they would drive around together a lot. He’d take her to the arcade and the boardwalk. They both didn’t like being home too much.
So when Billy’s informed he’ll be watching Max for the weekend while Neil takes Susan to the city, he forms a little plan.
There’s one Chinese restaurant in Hawkins. It’s totally not authentic, not like the dim sum they used to get wandering around San Fransisco, but they had steamed pork buns and Billy picked up eight.
He let Max do whatever she wanted that weekend, figured they would have better luck with one another if they both acted like outdoor cats, coming and going as they pleased, but come Sunday evening, all the pork buns were gone, and there was an unopened pack of cigarettes on his nightstand.
Regret number three: Lucas Sinclair.
Billy probably felt the most fucked up over this kid.
He’d gone after him, a fucking child, in his blind rage.
He had figured that out when he came to on the floor of that weird house, sitting up empty and alone, realizing I’m just like Neil.
He had seen all those kids with their nerdy toys, went out to RadioShack, early Sunday morning, leaving with a light wallet and a new idea.
Dustin was arguing with Mike over the realism of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, like there was anything realistic about it.
Lucas rolled his eyes, opening his locker, his mouth dropping open when he saw something inside.
He pulled the bag out, peering inside.
There were six brand new walkie talkies inside.
They were better than the ones they already used, had further range and more channels.
Everyone went silent.
“Um, these aren’t mine.”
Max’s eyes went wide. She snatched something up from the top shelf of Lucas’s locker.
The new Wrist Rocket had a note attached to it. She knows this handwriting, but couldn’t place it.
Enjoy the new gear. Don’t quit saving the world.
“Do you think they’re from Steve?”Max furrowed her brows at the note.
And then everything clunked into place.
The boys were tearing into the new walkies.
She got two cokes from the vending machine at lunch, handing one quietly to Billy when she got in his car after school.
Billy doesn’t really know what he’s doing here.
He had driven Max to one of her nerdy little friend’s houses, and somehow he got roped into staying? He doesn’t even remember.
But now he’s standing with a short kind woman, in the exact kitchen he beat the shit out of Harrington in, with Steve himself leaning against the other wall, watching the kids like some kinda hawk.
Billy’s hands were shaky, and he inserted himself into washing dishes from dinner.
He noticed most of them had chips, and all of them were mismatched. He put them away quietly, and drove to the nearest home goods store he could find.
Ceramic plates didn’t run too much, and he got a nice set of three different sizes, twelve plates of each size, light blue like the one he broke.
He left them on the porch, parked his car down the road a ways.
He rang the doorbell, sprinting and diving into the bushes before anyone can see him.
He watched as one of the sons, the one his age, the one in his English literature class, opened the door, his brow furrowing at the box of new plates.
“Um, Mom? Somebody left us a set of plates?”
He closed the door, but the took the plates with him.
Billy was sitting on the lawn, had just finished raking up all the damn leaves, and was taking a well-earned smoke break as he watched Max skating up and down the street, practicing her kickflips and ollies.
She cut into the driveway across the street, the only one on the entire block that was well paved, no cracks in the cement.
“Get out of here!” Max started as Mrs. Reynolds, a mean old woman was shouting through her screen door. “You little hooligan! You’re going to leave marks!”
Max bit her lip, trying not to laugh as she boarded back over to their house, standing next to Billy.
“I’ll be having a word with your father!” She rolled her eyes as Billy ground his jaw.
Cat nip was way more expensive than Billy was expecting, but he bought plenty of packages, returning home just past sunset.
He waited until about three in the morning, when Mrs. Reynolds’ sprinklers had finally turned back off before he climbed out his window, spreading the cat nip through her yard.
He flipped her house the bird.
Max was awed at the cats the next morning as Billy drove them both to school.
There must’ve been at least a hundred.
“Isn’t Mrs. Reynolds allergic?” Billy tried not to laugh.
“Damn. That sucks for her.”
Billy was sitting on the hood of his car, reading one of his lit books while he waited for Max to get out of her nerd club.
He startled a little bit when someone knocked on the hood.
And it was Harrington, smiling sheepishly at Billy.
“The Byers got some new plates last night. You know anything about that?” Billy tracked the thin scar on Steve’s head. It disappeared into his hairline. Billy wonders how long he had sat in front of a mirror, picking glass out of his thick hair.
“Who’re the Byers?” Steve huffed a laugh.
Max was standing in front of the mirror looking like a grumpy old cat.
Susan had bought her a lovely new dress, and Max fucking hated it. Susan was fussing over it, saying I ordered it from the Sears catalog! and can you believe it was only fifteen dollars?
Billy slipped a five and a ten into Susan’s purse later that day, taking the dress to the Goodwill downtown.
He found Max a couple crappy t-shirts there, bands she would hum to on the radio, shit like Journey and Foreigner, and slid them into her closet where the dress used to be.
She wore one the next day, blinking slowly at him over breakfast.
He avoided all eye contact.
Steve has long legs.
this was of course something Billy always knew, but watching him stalk in all his righteous fury down the street towards the high school really solidified that fact for Billy.
He was stomping, his strides long as he hustled to class. Billy thought about offering him a ride, didn’t think they were there yet.
Billy found himself in Steve’s driveway later that night, popping the hood of Steve’s dead car and searching over everything with a flashlight.
Billy rolled his eyes.
Steve had probably always paid someone else when his car broke down, didn’t realize if your oil was low, your car wouldn’t work.
Billy kept a few cans in his trunk, refilled the bad boy for Steve, making sure that was it.
He found nothing else wrong and Steve pulled into the school parking lot the next morning.
Billy could feel Steve staring at him when he walked into school.
He found Steve sitting on his car at lunch, holding the sandwich Billy had snuck into his locker, and a loaf of bread wrapped in cling film. .
Billy raised an eyebrow.
“I saw you last night.” His cheeks went hot. “Thanks for fixing my car. And all the snacks and stuff. And for the Byers’ plates. And for all the stuff with Max.”
“Nothin’s happened with Max.” Steve appraised him for a moment.
“She said you’re being nicer.” He held up the bread. “Homemade banana bread. Made it while you were being not at all stealthy fixing my car.” He smiled at Billy, one a’ those perfect sunshine smiles Billy had only ever seen Steve direct towards his kids.
“I just changed your oil. Car won’t run if you don’t got oil.” Steve furrowed his brow.
“My gas tank was full. I had just filled it.”
“Nah Pretty Boy, oil. It’s different.” And Billy took a deep breath. “Could show you, if you like. Teach you some basic car shit. How to jump, how to change a tire.”
Steve beamed at him.
“I’d like that! I don’t know shit about fixing cars. Always figured it would go way over my head.”
“It’s pretty easy. There’s usually only a few major things that go wrong in nice cars that are easy fixes. You’ll figure it out quick.” Steve slid off his car, and Billy lamented that for a minute, liked how Steve looked perched on Billy’s car, wondered how he’d look in the passenger seat, in the backseat-
Steve pushed the bread into Billy’s hands.
“Y’know, I forgive you. For that night.” Billy tightened his jaw. Steve’s eyes were a little green in the sun. “There was a lot goin’ on, and I was being sketchy. I don’t hold it against you.”
“I, uh, thanks, I guess. I’m sorry, about it.” Steve smiled at him again, the corners of his eyes crinkling just a bit.
“Yeah, I know.” Steve took a bite of his sandwich, his cheeks all cute and full. “And I’m more of a ham and cheese fan.” Billy rolled his eyes at Steve, taking with his mouth full of turkey sandwich.
“Sorry man, you get what Susan buys.” Steve laughed, his mouth still full. Billy was uncomfortably endeared by it.
“Don’t be surprised to find some lasagna on your porch one night soon.” And Steve winked at him, walking backwards towards the school. “You’re not so bad, Billy.”
“Tryin’ not to be.” Steve gave him a stupid little finger gun. Billy’s heart melted.
“You’re doin’ a good job.” And Steve set off back into the school.
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rejectofsociety · 3 years
Reject’s Masterlist
Fics are under the cut so I don’t crowd your screen.
Very inconsistent when it comes to updates
Will write just about any request
Fandoms (so far) include: Spider-Man, Moon Knight, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and Stranger Things
Ships (so far): Peter Parker/Michelle Jones, Peter Parker/Ned Leeds, Bucky Barnes/Sarah Wilson, Lucas Sinclair/Max Mayfield, Nancy Wheeler/Eddie Munson
Stranger Things - 
every time it rains, you’re here in my head
Ms. Kelly thought it would be good for Max to be busy— by running the concessions stand at Lucas’s basketball game 
Rated: G
Anxiety, Referenced Character Death
Word Count: 2.7k
unstoppable force meets immovable object
Steve doesn't feel as tough or confident as he lets on. In fact, more often than not, he's terrified— and Robin doesn’t blame him
Rated: T
PTSD, Referenced Character Death, Mild Gore 
Word Count: 2.4k
stories written of ghosts, for ghosts, by ghosts
Eddie was a lot of things: a freak, a metalhead, an unstoppable fighter— and a storyteller
Rated: G
Grief, Referenced Character Death
Word Count: 1.1k
free, in the west hills
Eddie trusts Wayne more than anybody else, and on nights like this, he needs Wayne more than anyone sense
Rated: T
Referenced Child Abuse, Relapse
Word Count: 735
Rise of the Banished
Abandoned in the Upside Down, Eddie finds help from an unlikely, sinister presence who seems vaguely familiar
Rated: G
Briefly Referenced Alcohol Abuse, Referenced Character Death
Word Count: 1.8k
barbarian with a pretty face
While on tour, Eddie pays his girlfriend, Nancy, a visit in her college dorm
Rated: G
No Warnings
Word Count: 2.1k
Marvel -
The Cure To Pain (wip)
Michelle and Peter are skilled criminals but, with an unplanned baby on the way, it’s time for some life adjustments.
Rated: M
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Chapters: 2/?
Here Lies Peter Parker (wip)
Michelle and Ned have always been fascinated with a river in their town and it becomes a lot more interesting when an undead boy by the name of Peter Parker comes crawling out. 
Rated: T
Major Character Death, Underage Smoking/Drinking
Chapters: 4/?
In Search of Solace
Life hasn’t been treating Michelle kindly for some time now, and she is (quite literally) sick of it. But, just as she feels as though she’s hit her lowest low, she receives a text from a mysterious number that turns everything upside down.
Rated: T
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Chapters: 1/?
Misadventures of Steven Grant and Peter Parker
Part One: Keeping Someone Around
For the first time in a long time, Peter feels as though he has a friend
Rated: G
No Warnings
Word Count: 1.2k
Part Two: Ramblings of Two Lunatics
After nightmares awake him, Steven takes a moment to give his new friend a call
Rated: G
No Warnings
Word Count: 1.7k
So, We Got Detention 
Michelle and Peter attempt to make conversation on their way to detention
Rated: G
No Warnings
Word Count: 1.2k
Roses Are Falling For You
Michelle used to drive Peter absolutely insane. Now, he can’t get enough of her.
Rated: G
No Warnings 
Word Count: 1.2k
Don’t Flirt With My Sister
While helping the Wilson’s fix their boat, Bucky gets a brief break and Sarah decides to join him.
Rated: G
No Warnings
Word Count: 1k
We’ll Get Old If We’re Lucky 
After Peter comes home with a bullet in his side, he and Michelle discuss growing old, and if they’ll be lucky enough to get there.
Rated: T
Discussions of Death, Cursing
Word Count: 2.2k
I Will Make You Hurt
Ned and Michelle assure Peter they’ll never leave his side, while he promises to never let them get hurt. He just hopes he can keep that promise.
Rated: T
Cursing, Implied Death 
Word Count: 1.7k
almost remembered
Michelle begins to remember Peter, but under the worst circumstances possible
Rated: T
Cursing, Amnesia 
Word Count: 2.6
so much déjà vu
There’s something not right today, but Michelle’s not sure what
Rated: G
Word Count: 2.3k
Fell In Love With a Girl
How Peter Parker finally kissed his childhood friend, Michelle Jones
Rated: T
Cursing(?), Discussed Character Death
Word Count: 12.5k
trails and tribulations of love and loss in every form 
Spider-Man finally feels free
Rated: G
No Warnings
Word Count: 540
Spiders Don’t Get Cold
Michelle offers Spider-Man a helping hand on a cold night
Rated: G
No Warnings
Word Count: 3k
Hands Off, Otto
Seems like Otto has a little crush on May
Rated: G
No Warnings
Word Count: 1.2k
A Dream That You Can’t Quite Place 
Peter can handle himself, really. But, that doesn’t stop Tony from protecting him
Rated: G
No Warnings
Word Count: 3k
every spark of friendship and love will die without a home
Peter just walked away from the fight of his life— but he can’t say he won.
Rated: T
Grief, Character Death
Word Count: 3.8k
Febuwhump Masterlist
Spideychelle Week (2021) Day 1
Spideychelle Week (2021) Day 2
Spideychelle Week (2021) Day 3
Interwebs Week (2021) Day 1
Interwebs Week (2021) Day 4
Miscellaneous Prompts 
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pappydaddy · 3 years
Top 5 stranger things characters
Oooh, this is a good one. Prepare for analysis of each character I choose lovely😂!
1. Steve Harrington
So, I don’t think it’s a secret how whipped I am for Steve. But this is different than just being attracted to Steve. This is his character development. Like almost everyone, I started out hating Steve, but when he stood up to Tommy and Carol and we learned about his shitty parents, you kind of see that under all the asshole actions, he was just a lost teenager who is in way over his head. After the Halloween episode of Stranger Things 2, I was in love with him. He really dropped everything to help Dustin then instantly bonded with him. By the end of Stranger Things 2, he was my all-time favourite character. 
 2. Dustin Henderson
Okay, just a disclaimer, he used to be my favourite character until Steve took that place. First of all, his cheeks are so adorable that I just want to squish them (especially in season one)! Second of all, he is so sarcastic and nerdy, he reminds me of myself. He is just so Dustin (idk how to explain it). He gets so passionate about things, he cares so much about his friends, he is the sweetest thing ever. He’s pretty much comedic relief, but he’s so much more than that to me. He’s insanely smart, but he also has so much chaotic stupid energy (a lot like me) where he doesn’t really think before he does something to says something (I do that all the time), but is the first person to look at you weird or call you out when you say/do something without thinking  Bottom line, I would die for Dustin and that is a fact. 
3. Robin Buckley
I cannot have Steve and Dustin without having Robin. The moment we were introduced to Robin, I fell in love. Not only can Maya Hawke step on my throat and crush my windpipe, but Robin is the queen of sarcasm (if you hadn’t noticed, I love sarcastic characters). And, despite not being in the popular crowd at school, she didn’t let that stop her from being herself and being happy. 
4. Lucas Sinclair 
Like Dustin, Lucas was one of my very first favourite characters. Though he turns down a lot of the other boy’s ideas and is a bit of a nay-sayer, he’s still a precious little baby (and let's be honest, his little spats with Mike and Dustin are amazing). He gets so rilled up when he’s trying to prove his point and if he can’t he doesn’t admit the other person was right, he just goes silent and I love it. I also love how he’s never afraid to speak his mind, call his friends out, or make his opinion known.  
5. Erica Sinclair
This was a toss-up between Will, Max, and Erica, but our sassy queen won. In the beginning, didn’t really like Erica because I have dealt with customers that are adult versions of her when she was terrorizing Steve and Robin and I had flashbacks, but it was the first elevator scene that pushed me towards being her fan. Much like her brother, she doesn’t let people not consult or ignore her. She knows how to get what she wants and she gets it. She will not hesitate to give you the brutal truth nor will she hesitate when calling you out. In conclusion, the only reason Erica is so low is that she’s tied with two other people on my favourite character list and that’s only because of the lack of screen-time she got. I fully expect more Erica next season and if I don’t get it - I will throw a fit. I also love the Lucas/Erica sibling duo and dynamic. 
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willel · 4 years
Random Season 4 Wishes
Here is a random list of things I want to see in season 4 in no particular order. Some of these are more like predictions than wishes, but at this point, any prediction made is just a wish. 
A break from all out romance. The romance wasn’t really handled all that great last season. Other than the looming monster danger, it was the forefront of season 3. I would like a return to a season 1/season 2 formula where while there is still romance, it is never the focus. Stranger Things excels with subtle tender moments and meaningful physical contact. 
Character growth over character drama. Another issue season 3 had is too much conflict between character. Hardly any of it really contributed to character growth. The only character growth to be seen is Mike being a little less clingy and El being a little more independent. Nothing else noticeably changed, not on screen. Conflict is important... but it should be pushing our character forward, not locking them in place. 
Recapture the importance of family. Our cast has been divided in two. The Byers + El are somewhere new while the others stayed behind in Hawkins. This leaves an excellent opportunity to revisit old threads long forgotten. I would love to see Nancy and Mike actually interacting. Not just one conversation or exchanging a glance. Full out brother and sister duo. I feel similarly about Jonathan with his own family. I would like to see a plot where all the Byers + El are in it together. 
Return of Kali. Kali, I feel, is a very important piece of El. While season 3 would have us forget her influence of El, I hope next season doesn’t completely ignore her presence. It would be interesting if Kali’s prediction comes true, that no matter where she hides or who she’s with, “they” will never let her live in peace or have a normal life. Not because I want harm to come to El, but because I don’t for a second believe the government is done with her or the other experimented children.
Proper strategist Michael Wheeler and proper action man Lucas Sinclair. I would like to see the return of the strategist Mike who always seems to have a plan and can get everyone on the same page. In season 3, he was fumbling around distracted. I feel normally, Mike would have set a trap for the Mind Flayer or would’ve formulated a proper plan to escape the mall or the cabin. In Lucas’s case, they did ok with him in season 3 actually, but it was really out of character for him to freeze up while El was being choked out. I want to see a more forward athletic Lucas. 
Will to make new friends. In season 3, we saw at least 2 of the 4 boys interests changing drastically and the other was all too eager to go off and hang around new people. Given Will’s situation (new town, new house, new school, distant old friends), I’d like to see Will gain some new friendships. That’s not to say he’d drop the old ones. They’re the OG after all. But, before all the drama of next season picks up, it would be nice to see Will being happy and acknowledged by new friends.
US Government becoming a threat again. Personally, I did not enjoy the Russian plot. Everything seemed like a joke. When the US government were the bad guys, everything felt more dangerous and dire. You never knew who was listening. Who was watching. What would happen if they found El or if they would hurt the boys and their families. Next season, I feel they could make the Russians feel like as much of a threat as the US government if both governments are clashing and in a race to the bottom. By that, I mean the government should become a major foe again racing against the Russian government to do bad things. Open a gate? Control a demogorgon? Allow the Mind Flayer in again? Both these governments should screw up equally. 
A slow return of El’s powers. I want El to get her powers back, but I want it to be a slow daunting process. It’s like she starts back at square one. She can move and pick up small things, but even that has taken her months. She’s stuck between being seemingly normal with no powers, but also missing the power she once had. 
Casual power training. As we know, Will is really into comics. El might be too since Max introduced her to them. A classic of comics is the super hero training to regain their strength or to become stronger. It would be really interesting if Will contributed to El slowly regaining her powers by setting up obstacles and challenges just for her. Maybe on the weekends, he designs a building and she must use wooden blocks/legos to make it with her powers. Or, build a house of cards. A game of darts using powers only. A game of catch. (I was going to say Jenga, but it looks like that didn’t get released in the US until 1987) Anything Will can creatively come up with that he thinks will help her regain her strength. (whether it does or not is up for debate) It’s mostly casual fun. Some bonding opportunities. Who doesn’t enjoy training the hero/super hero? (basically, it’s roleplay) 
Will’s power expanded. I am writing a proper theory page on Will’s/the Byers’s powers, but let me explain exactly what I mean here. It’s clear Will has powers, but they severely limited them in season 3. Examples:
Instead of only sensing the Mind Flayer when it’s nearby, he should be able to close his eyes, concentrate, and locate the center of activity
Will should have great insight into the Mind Flayer’s intentions even if it’s just honest guesses on what the Mind Flayer wants and what he’s trying to do (like in season 2)
Will’s danger senses should happen immediately, not delayed like we saw in the hospital or in the mall. He should be able to tell the Mind Flayer is coming for them from miles away or even across dimensions.
Will should retain true sight, the ability to see into the Upside Down. A dangerous ability to be sure, but can be useful if we’re going to have gates popping in and out around the world like what’s been implied.
Karen possibly discovering the truth. Honestly, Season 1 Karen is such a good mom. And in season 3, that discussion with Nancy was superb and beautiful. I would love for Karen to learn a little more what her two eldest kids have been up to. If not that, I’d like for her to at least give more guidance to her kids. I’d like for Nancy and Mike to vaguely come to her for advice and she’d grant it, no questions asked. (ok, Karen used to be very nosy so maybe she does ask questions, but takes a step back and respects their privacy)
Joyce to be believed right away. I honestly do not understand why people doubt Joyce, you know? She’s been right 3 years in a row now (Nancy too). I swear if anyone questions her intuition next season, she should give them her classic Joyce sneer until they realize how silly they’re being. In order of “alarm bells”, I think it will go like Will >> El >> Joyce >> Jonathan in quick succession. All 4 family members should be very sensitive to weird things as this point. 
Jonathan gets a plot. I want to see things from Jonathan’s perspective again. After season 1, we’ve barely gotten anything. I want to see Jonathan putting forth plans or leading the charge, at least for a little while. There is a great opportunity for this next season since he’s the man of the house about to graduate from high school if he hasn’t already. (*sobs remembering Will is taller than him now, officially). Heck, if we want to switch around the order of “alarm bells”, maybe Jonathan becomes alert of something wrong before Joyce does this time. 
Less product placement. In season 1/season 2, there was product placement, but that was because they were really setting the scene. It was 1983. This is what products used to be like. This is what was popular at the time. But season 3? They cranked that dial up 2000% when they didn’t need to. It really made it feel less serious and set in reality. Don’t dare use Lucas to spit out a damned Coke ad ever again. 
Genuine friendship moments. I’ve mentioned this earlier, but with less romantic drama and stuff, I’d like to see genuine friendships return. The El and Max friendship was great and all, but it’s really a shame it was so heavily focused on Mike. I hope in the future, these two girls are able to share screentime without the boys being mentioned or thought about. Same with the guys, it would be nice if they could hang out like before without splitting off into pairs or focusing entirely on their romantic lives. They don’t really feel like a friend group anymore, just a group of double dates (hence why I’d like for Will to make friends outside the original group.)
Proper use of the supernatural. Season 3 was weak when it came to the Mind Flesher imo. They had this whole idea of the Flayed who seemed to be totally normal (and sweaty) just walking around town living their lives until a flip was switched. Whyyyyy in the world weren’t they used to try to get at our cast? The only time they did it was in the hospital, but we saw dozens and dozens of people who could’ve served the same purpose except it could happen anywhere. Maybe there were other ‘patients’ in the waiting room that also turned on the kids that they had to fight off? Maybe strange people came to all their houses trying to find them or break in? They could’ve gone full creepy like season 1/2 but they didn’t. I’d like to see them fully use the horror aspects next season. 
That’s what I got off the top of my head. 
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