#lei is here... her arm at least LOL
eiseryn · 7 months
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We can have a yandere Vail, as a little treat. :3
To give more context for this AU, Lei is an underground doctor and Vail is apart of Lexi's (this cool AF NPC) Red Dragons which is I guess an organized crime group. Lei cooks sleeping pills from him in this AU because he has trouble sleeping from trauma, probably. But they don't work well anymore so he asks for something better and she suggests an experimental drug she's been working on. They find it works pretty well... but they are unaware... that one of the reagents is contaminated with a drug that makes people yandere... yeah... a yandere drug. So yeah that's why he became a little (JUST A LITTLE!!!) yandere for Lei :3 That is in fact her arm that he is gripping. She's wearing black nitrile gloves.
The concept for this drawing (which you might see in the notes I'll post sometime soon) is that he is her bodyguard for the time being for plot reasons, and a patient she has is being sleazy. So she asks Vail to escort him out and Vail decides to kill the guy :D wow what a normal response, right? (/s) So this is after he gets rid of the body and returns to her with blood stains and she realizes those aren't his. He reveals that he has killed the one who has "touched her" and asks to be praised 😳😳😳 Which would be hot if y'know the situation wasn't so messed up. This is why Lei starts suspecting something is wrong....
I will be releasing the mafia AU notes soon. Maybe after the post epilogue story XD so certain NPCs (not my OCs again) will have more context for who they are rather than being just names. But yeah it's a very SPICY and DRAMATIC AU (I don't write the full thing though) with lots of foreshadowing and an ending... that is as tragic and sad as they come... It hurt me to write it but it was so angsty it had to be done. You shall see. You shall see~
As a final note yes that collar he's wearing is a gift from Lei 👀👀👀spicyyyy
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cutegirlmayra · 2 years
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We’re back to this again lol
I love the Babylon Rogues, so this is PERF XD
-reads both- I know exactly what to do...
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(NOT MY ART! Support the original Artist, found it here: (x) )
“NOT AGAIN!” Jet cried out, twisting his Air gear to build momentum and more juice for his speed but Sonic darted by with insane aerials, “He doesn’t even have wings!” he cried out, “How does he-!?” he landed and his board wobbled slightly, so he spent a minute expertly correcting his balance before the confetti was fired out the crowd went wild over Sonic’s racer card appearing on the screens.
“Better luck next time, Jet!” Sonic winked and saluted him as he Jet tore off his goggles and started to biting firecely on one of their eyes.
“Cool your jets, Jet.” Wave flew up to him and curved her board to break gently, as though upon a shoreline... “You know you get upset when you get beak marks on it...” she gestured to his goggles which he grinded his beak against, still staring at the gloating Sonic as he waved to the crowd and graciously smiled when given a huge lei for the victory.
“What is he? A prized stallion winning the race!?” Jet grumbled but Storm just scratched his head, looking confused.
“Uhh... Boss?” He leaned down, whispering in his ear and holding his hand up as though it was private. “I- uhh... think he’s a hedgehog...”
“You wouldn’t be upset if it was you getting all the praise.” Wave folded her arms, “You just have to be so immature...”
“OooooOOHHH! Don’t act like you’re not upset, too!!!” He threw his goggles on the ground, “Ever since Babylon we’ve been rivals! He’s been WINNING. When did he get so good at the wind!?” he gripped his head, shaking it wildly around and then stomped his head in a tantrum.
Wave shook her head with a sigh, then assumed the position of scolding and advising, but before she could go off, Jet stopped to blink his eyes at Sonic interacting with his friends.
“What does he have that don’t!?” He narrowed his eyes, seriously searching between the interactions... Wave was like Tails, Knuckles like Storm... but then...
“Oh?” He stopped leaning and crouching so much to stand up straight, seeing Amy rush onto the field and jump into Sonic’s unexpecting arms.
She showered him with affections, crying out, “Oh, Sonic! I knew you’d win, I just knew it! You’ll always win with me cheering you on! Won’t you, Sonic?”
“Sure will, Amy!” Sonic gave her a wink, “Couldn’t have done it without your support!”
“H-Huh?” Jet looked between the two, still puzzled by that response.
“Thank you.” Sonic gently eased her off of him and gave her a thumbs up, “Your race is coming up, right?” he stated.
“Sure is!” She cheered, “You’ll be returning the favor, won’t you, Sonic?” She jumped a leg up and threw up a fist, excited for her own challenge.
Sonic smiled sheepishly and scratched behind his head, “You know... in spirit.” he gestured out a hand, “Sorry, Amy, but thanks to this win, I get to go into the finals.” he gestured back to Tails and Knuckles, “While the Single Matches that your in are going on, we’ll be competing in another Team Round, meaning...”
He trailed off a second and Amy looked down, pulling her fist up to her chin, “O-oh... Right... of course, I forgot you have to do them back to back... like this.” She knew the tourney was tough on competitors, but...
“I’ll... miss you.” she smiled to them all, as they nodded back to her.
“Be safe, Amy!” Tails cheered.
“And have fun.” Sonic narrowed his eyes and smirked.
“Give them no hope, Amy!” Knuckles punched a fist in the air a few times, trying to get her motivated.
“What are you saying, Knux?” Sonic turned around, playfully to him, “Amy’s too good at inspiring hope..! She’ll have to make the other competitiors at least hope for Second place.”
Everyone chuckled at his humor, as Amy nodded, feeling much better about it now.
“I’m lucky to have you all say that, I’ll do my best!” she held up her fists again, and the boys all fist-pumped her back.
“Yeah!”, “Right!”, “Heh!”
“... Hmmm...” Jet put a hand to his chin, folding the other one underneath it. “I don’t have an annoying girlfriend that cheers me on unconditionally...” He smirked with a devious grin on his face.
“Wave!” he turned to look at her, “What time is the Single’s Round?”
“Wha?” She looked at bit surprised, “W-Why do you want..?”
“It’s time to spoil Sonic’s cute ‘good luck charm’ with a bit of rotten cheating... heheheheh... quite literally.” Jet puffed up his feathers, ruffling his chest up a bit to get them to stick out more, and slicked back the top of his head. “Time for some mischeivous thiefing through some smooth, sly moves if you know what I mean...” He strut along with confidence as Storm and Wave just looked at each other... clueless.
“All racers to there marks! Any last minute entries, you better step up!” The announcement blared, as Wave and Storm handed back Jet’s glasses, which he secured on his head.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Wave warned, “If you compete, we might not make it to the Team Rounds.”
“Peh, leave it to me! I’ll win this puny round--and the stupid pink girl’s heart--all before the second race even starts!” he snickered.
“It’s literally going on right next to each other..!” Wave was incredious at his optimism. “How are you gonna compete in two races... at the same time!?” she held the side of her hand in front of him, as though about to give him a whack at his stupidity when he sneered and pointed to the sky pavillion above him. “See that dock?” He stated, “I’ll jump down and act like I’m in the Team races, before jumping off the track and going back to the Singles. When I win, I’ll just finish the Team races, so you two make sure your placements are high so we can get the final score and I’ll be getting first place!” he shoved a thumb into his chest, showing just how sure he was about his plan.
“Gosh, Boss, that’s a lot of racing...” Storm worriedly bent down and put a finger to his mouth. “J-Just see to it that you don’t forget which track your on...”
“Or where your head is! Hmph!” Wave put her hands to her hips, leaning forward towards him in frustration at his stupidity, and then folded her arms and leaned back, swiping her head away from him. “If you want to jeopardize the whole tourney for your little coup against Sonic out of spite... I’ll never forgive you...” she looked down, speaking softer.
“Huh? What was that, Wave?” He raised an eyebrow, not hearing what she muttered. He stepped forward and turned his head to her, trying to hear better. “Did you say something? On that last part?”
In her heart, she thought he was being so petty and immature... but if he needed someone to cheer him on... 
Hasn’t she supported him from the start? The very get-go? When this team first formed and grouped up?
She just took a deep breath, and gave off a large bird cry into his head.
When he went onto the Single’s track, which did dip down towards the Team’s track and kinda dolphin’d up and down near the end of each other, Jet had one foot on his board and the other limps in the air as he tetter-tottered on his board from the vibrations of his aching head from her screech.
‘Whats gotten into her?’ he wondered, before moving his board up to Amy and smirking.
“Huh?” Amy turned to look at him, also having drifted into her spot and then jumped down with him, since you have to start at a run. “Oh... Jet, right?” she didn’t really know why he was talking to her... again.
“Yep, that’s me.” he tried to lift his chin up and give her the best expression he could muster, but it was having no affect on her.
“... Um, well.” she shifted her eyes a bit, “Hi?” She waved lightly and went into her spot. He quickly darted up after her, turning a shoulder.
“Heey~” he tried flirting. (Author’s note: If you’ve played Fable,... Yes. It’s that XD)
Amy just tilted her head, “You should see a doctor about that sore throat.” His deep voice didn’t work on her and he immediately grabbed his throat. “That’s pretty bad, you know, you really should think about your health. I know I would force Sonic to go if I heard a frog croaking that badly in his throat.”
She moved along the line to find the best positioning as Jet was absolutely deveasted.
Who wouldn’t be?
The countdown began and Jet looked up immediately, having not been able to recover from such a statement by her when she raced by and jumped on her board.
“Shoot!” he chased after her, getting on the board and darting ahead.
Skating easily ahead of her, he looked back with a smirk, “Ehem, excusing the hoarseness earlier, your Sonic’s friend, right?”
She just lifted her head up in confusion, “We’re in the middle of a race!” she cried out, but he ignored her.
“Wouldn’t you rather be with someone a bit more... how should I put this..?” He tapped his beak, then moved up a ramp and did some tricks before flying down and speeding off ahead of her, “Impressive?” he laughed.
But the laughing was quickly cut off when she did a double-handstand on a railing, balancing with her feet and spinning around on it before dismounting ahead of him. “Me and Sonic can only be with the best of the best.” she looked behind her, winking charmingly, “Sonic knows he’s got the best team, do you?” she purposefully slowed down directly ahead of him to tilt her board and lean directly into his face with one of her eyes staring straight into him, thinking he was just trying to intimidate her.
She pulled ahead and he gritted his teeth, ‘Cheeky, little-!’ was about to go after her when he saw the lanes rise up and the Team rounds below him.
“Hmph, catch you again in a minute!” he flew off the side and she gasped.
Jet landed in the Team Round’s track, though it was heavy-duty on his legs, he managed to stay ontop of his board. Wave had invented a ‘prop-dummy’ of Jet and quickly deflated it when he arrived, scooping it up to hide it. “Where in blazes have you been!?”
“Enough chatter, having a bad day, what place are we in?” He looked to Storm, who frowned a bit.
“Third place.” he stated.
“And that’s the best times for both of us.” Wave added, “They add time penaties in this one.”
“What?” Jet looked ahead, seeing Knuckles and glaring. “Storm, you take out the big guy.” he bend himself forward to gain momentum. “Wave, take out the pipsqueak, I’ll go after Sonic..!”
“He saw you cheating, Jet.” Wave warned him, “He looked up and saw you use the ramp, and Amy rail-riding.”
“Great. But he didn’t see or hear anything else. I can use that to my advantage...” He grinned, doing some tricks off another huge ramp and gaining some air.
“Sonic!” Jet cut him off while landing down, as Sonic frowned deeply with his teeth at his arrival.
“So, you really are playing both races!” Sonic’s hunch seemed accurate, “That dummy wasn’t fooling anyone!”
“Heh, I just wanted to see how well your little girlfriend did, Sonic.” Jet looked behind him, snickering, “She’s quite the flirt on the road... if you know what I mean.”
“What?” Sonic seemed taken aback by that random change in topic. His board lost his steady balance and he quickly regained it momentarily, but Jet saw the slight wobble.
‘Heh, so it is working...’ he then saw Sonic jump into his jetstream and frown, “Heh, gotta admit, I was surprised she’s doing so well without you, Sonic... Seems you’re not as ‘needed’ as she let on.”
Sonic just got up close from zig-zagging through the jetstream, pulling ahead to then become paraell with Jet, looking at him funny.
“She seems to not need you cheering for her, she’s moved on to bigger, badder dudes...” He tilted his chin up as though arrogantly trying to convey it was a matter of fact.
With that, Sonic just smiled, “Great!” he cheered, “I knew Amy had it in her, she must be doing really well! To get such praise from you, Jet.”
“Wha-WhAt!?” Jet completely lost his balance on that, as Sonic just scooted on by him, waving back to him.
“For her to have your feathers ruffled up, she must be putting on quite the show up there! Tell her we’re proud of her!” he went on as Jet had to jump to the Single’s Track quickly, grinding his beak’s end together in agitation...
‘They trust each other so much!!!’ he was getting really angry now, landing back and looking up at the score board for Team Races.
He had gotten his team through a check point, giving them added time, but still...
He looked to Single’s and ‘tsk’d, ‘I need more seconds...’ he sped up, looking for Amy who seemed to be pulling towards the higher rankings, but had lost first place somewhere along the way.
Wave looked down to see him back in Singles and pulled up the inflated dummy again, but Storm just looked at her as though it wasn’t really helping, but she shrugged anyway.
“Get the red boy.” she stated, and he nodded and went in to roughhouse with Knuckles.
Wave looked down to see Jet swerving around the younger competition and Eggman robots, who knew nothing else in their programming then to race, so kept doing so, even when Eggman had given up on the tournaments,... they kept signing up for them, espeically against Sonic or his friends.
She wondered if that was their fate now... Just an inflated ego going into countless races due to her bloodline being the best of the best...
She would never admit it... but her hurt her to see Jet so fixated on ruining Sonic in any way he could... that he thought something as silly as going after his female friend was something that would throw him off...
“He’s an idiot.” She looked ahead, seeing Tails and pulling out her large wrench, “But he’s my idiot...” and still going with the plan... focused on nothing else.
                    “Our idiot.”
Jet finally caught up to Amy, attacking a robot next to her, “Back off!” he spat out and then slided up next to her, “You’re really not all that good, you know.” he stated, figuring she didn’t see him cheating. “You think Sonic really thinks anything of you? He isn’t even thinking about cheering you on! He’s focused on his own race!” He gestured a hand out and swiped it firmly, but Amy didn’t give him the time of day, not even looking at him. “What makes you think he cares if you win or lose, Pinkie?”
“You’ve clearly never met, Sonic.” She drifted harshly as Jet noticed her weak footwork and smirked.
‘Got her,’ he thought, deciding to knock her off the track the second she drifted too close to the no-wall edges of the platform... ‘This is it!’ he rose his head up, about to elbow her off the track when...
“Sonic... he cares about his friends.” Her smile... her eyes... “He wins so we can all celebrate, and he pumps us all up when we win, too... To Sonic, our success is his own too, and we all share in a loss together. It’s probably the same as your team, Jet.” she looked gently back to him, her lashes lightly waving in the wind of her drift... “When your team looks to you for that support, you all celebrate an exciting race you won together... right?”
He saw she wasn’t looking.
“Amy, look out!” he cried out as Amy turned and gasped.
At the end of the race, Sonic raced up to find Amy, only seeing on the screens that she was down and hiding one side of her face, her hand pushed up against it as she was crying, hurt...
Jet... was on the screen, holding a hand up...
Sonic’s eyes bent to a deep glare...
Back on the track, Amy touched the pole she had hit as the other races sped by, “You weren’t even trying to look!” Jet cried out, hearing the confetti canons and cheering as he looked up and noticed the Team Races were already over... and now... the Singles were done too.
“What?! No! Drat! This is all your fault!” he had willingly gotten off his board when she was hit, grabbing the edge of her dress to pull her away from the edge of the curve she was about to go flying off of when her board spun out of control... from the side of her face hitting the steel pole...
She could barely say anything, just sounds of aching as he took off his goggles and was about to throw them down... before stopping to look worriedly at Amy.
“... Oh, for the sake of chivalry..!” he cursed, walking over to her and helping her up, “Did you hit your eye?!”
“Y-... Yeah...” she winced, barely able to speak through the pain. “Jet, it hurts... it really, really hurts...” she leaned into him, not even wanting to fully stand.
“Well, don’t be a crybaby about it..!” he knew she couldn’t drive with her board going off the side of the non-existant railing and looked around to see what he could do. “Ughhh... get on the board!” he lifted her by her armpits and put her on his wobbling board, steadying it for her as she kept silently crying.
“Quit that!” he handed her the goggles, “Put these on! No one wants to cross a finishline looking like a sad little girl!” he started to push the Air Gear towards the finishline, “And if anyone asks, no, I don’t care what happens to you!” he clearly did...
She removed her glove, and he suddenly lost his haughty attitude when he saw red smudges of blood on it... Then, putting on the goggles, he couldn’t tell the extent of the damage...
“Thank you... Jet.” she placed her hands down on the board, her legs dangling off the side, as he continued to push it from behind.
He frowned, but turned his head away... ‘I was gonna push her off...’ he told himself, ‘She shouldn’t be thanking me... I could have done a lot worse than what that pole did... Landing on the Team Track took a lot out of my legs... If she can’t even drift perfectly right... I can’t imagine what would have happened if I-’ he shook his head, ‘No, don’t do this to yourself, Jet! You ARE the best of the best! And you DIDN’T push her off! She hurt her dumb self all BY herself! It has nothing to do with-!’
He rose his head up to see a blur of blue coming his way down the track, and before he could blink, Sonic’s fist reared back and Jet only saw the justice of his face as he slammed it between Jet’s eyes.
He went flying back, rolling along the track as Amy cried out, “Sonic, stop!!!”
Sonic skidded his feet to a halt, not even bothering with a board anymore, and heaved his chest up and down...
“What did you do to her, Jet!?” His voice... He sounded like a justified hero.
Jet felt himself get pulled up by the scruff of his feathery chest as Sonic held him before him. “I... didn’t do anything...” he spoke through gritted teeth.
‘I’m not lying,’ he told himself, his eyes flinching more than just with the pain of Sonic’s highspeed punch... but from what he could have done to Amy... He didn’t think she wouldn’t be able to recover, but what if her legs weren’t strong enough? What if... ‘No! I can’t allow myself to beat down on something that never happened!’
He opened one eye to Sonic, slightly able to put a hand on his own gripping his feathery fluff near his neck. “You care about your crew... so do I!” he stated as passionately as he could.
Sonic... slowly let him go and turned around to help Amy down off the board.
“Why are you wearing his goggles?” he asked with a defensive ring to his voice, as though still being there for her but also somewhat protective.
“I... Jet helped me... He... said you shouldn’t cross the finishline crying...”
That’s not quite what he said, but he appreciated the abbreviation for his sake.
Sonic looked over his shoulder at Jet, who was getting up and coughing, wiping his beak on his arm as he tried to fight off the dizziness from the punch. 
Sonic took a calming breath, “May I see..?” He asked, lifting his hands to the goggles...
“N-no...” she put her hands on the goggles, “I... want to cross the finishline... smiling.”
She then looked up at Sonic, “Did... you win?”
They were both speechless.
Jet and Sonic, on either side of the board, as Sonic explained they did win, and she shared in that joy even through her pain.
Wave and Storm came up to Jet later as he watched Sonic carry Amy bridal-style off his board... her goggles remaining on through the pictures and press, the crowd not truly seeing the damage done.
“...Jet?” Wave saw that he seemed somewhat changed.
“She seems happy... but...” Storm poked his pointer fingers together awkwardly, “She... is actually really hurt, isn’t she?”
“... But her team won.” Jet let the sounds slip out as though accepting his own defeat with a sense of noble humility. “Hey, sorry about the loss fellas. I wasn’t there for you all. I was... being selfish.” He turned around and wrapped an arm around each of them, “I’m not the best leader... but I will be...” he closed his eyes, as though feeling the pain in his eye still from where Sonic had punched him, a echoed reminder...
“... The best of the best.” Wave returned the hug, “... At disappointing us.”
He slumped in their hold as Storm just laughed, “Y-yeah, but we got third with Dummy Jet!”
Jet glared up at Storm.
“Guess we’ll appoint him the new boss, eh, Storm?” Wave teased, resting the back of her hand on her hip.
“Ohhhh, okay, I get it. Lay it on me and let me have it.” He folded his arms and pouted as the two laughed... but together... they had shared in their sorrows.
After that, Amy tried to return the goggles, and when she did, Jet threw a gift at her and told her to leave him alone, stop acting like a crazy fangirl just because he showed a little bit of courtsey to the weak and unskilled.
She opened the gift to find a small, cute little whipped cream cake with strawberries and wonderfully sweet frosting in it.
she enjoyed it very much.
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beelatsstuff · 5 months
hi, so i made a story back in 2020-ish I think; it’s a story that i wanted to transcend to something more than me, more than itself… but I ended up not finishing it because i was embarrassed of the fact that i was “dreaming” of making it as a novel or such
im also not really open to sharing it to my friends because some of them can be pretty condescending and I don’t want them to give uh weird faces or grimace when they read my stuff (so it means they’re really not my friends. ?)
and this is where i thought i’d share the story i made
*please be nice*
here it is, please leave a review or feedback to what you think about it!
*first page
.G. A. N. Y
*first page
She wasn't always like this; no one knows exactly what happened to her. She was an angel sent, a well-nourished child, a dreamer. She was happy. It wasn't anyone's fault but hers. She turned into this half-dead creature, forcing everything to connect on her side. She did this to herself. And there she was, broken into chunks of glass, with an unarmed wound. will take a long time to heal, but will or will not.
CHAPTER 1 “Highschool”
10:00 am *alarm phone rings buzzes*
Gany: oh man, son of a hot fudge eater I don’t want to go to school AARRRRGGHHHHHHH
Lei: dude, did u finish ass on ap
gany: what ass… N O ?!?
Lei: BRUH alr im not doing mine lol
Gany: Man, this shitty high school is filled with dumb teenagers. You can do this; you can walk alone and come in; it's not that hard.
Lei: Oh shit Gany, please shut the fuck up. People are starting to stare at you. Stop talking to yourself, dumbass.
Gany: Lei I can't help it, okay. I know that we're walking together to class. But sometimes I just feel really closed and alone. I can't control it.
Lei: Okay, chill. I'm here with you. I'm going to squeeze my arms into yours. You can stop shaking now.
Lei: Geez Gany, your palms are wet as a pussy.
Gany: SHUT UP let's go, were gonna be late.
Unfortunately, me and Lei don't have classes together, but he keeps me company. He is all I have after all.
Oh well, fuck life. always fucking me hard.
My favorite color is dark red; it reminds me of my blood. It's the only thing I like about myself. I have at least 10 liters inside of me, which is very convenient for vampires.
"Gany, Gany? Hello? Earth-a-Gany, are you there?" I heard Ady screaming his lungs out because I was daydreaming.
Ady is my seatmate in class, and he's gay
"Jesus Christ, Ady, it's 11:00 in the morning let me be, and besides the teacher is not here yet." I said. People always tend to watch me like how they would watch their pet. It annoys my soul, truly. I would love to be a shadow. They can see me, but they wouldn't do anything about it. I don't know why, but I always loved the idea of being known but having this barrier of privacy; unfortunately, this doesn't exist in the real world.
*bell rings* "Gany!" I heard someone yelling my name outside and it was Lei "Ayo bitch what's up" I said, "what you mean what's up?, Uh we're going to the cafeteria right at this moment." Lei insisting "bruh I'm not that hungry maybe I'll just stay here." "Oh please Gany, I know you've been waiting for my shadow to come up in your room so you could escape hell even just for 45 minutes" "Alright fine! Let's go, and after we eat we should go to the library," she says. "Sure, Gany" lei agrees.
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ahtsumu · 4 years
again and again and again ; ushijima wakatoshi
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pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x f!reader
synopsis: every august 13th, a void opens in your chest. the universe is one sick bastard.
tag(s): soulmate!au, very angsty, equally fluffy, reincarnation!au, prince!ushijima, rebel!ushijima. android!ushijima, dad!ushijima, pro-volleyball player!ushijima ; warning(s): lots of death n dying, suggestive themes, light profanity ; wc: 4.8k
a/n: happy birthday ushi!!! inspired by cloud atlas and the raven cycle but you don’t have to have seen either to understand this fic. tbh it’s just a bunch of different au’s tied together by the strings of fate lol. a thousand thank you’s to @dorkyama​ for beta-ing!
It’s another August 13th and Ushijima Wakatoshi might die today.
Glumly, you push away the plate of breakfast in front of you, cross your arms over the new space, and rest your forehead down as if in front of a grave.
“Please,” you beg with eyes shut. “Let Ushijima Wakatoshi live today.”
(You’ve whispered this phrase infinite times–– so often that it has a home in your mouth like a cavity.)
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When you first meet Ushijima–– the first first time–– it’s evening and you’re lost in a meadow somewhere in Washington. Where exactly doesn’t quite matter and, even if it did, you wouldn’t be able to remember. At least, not at this moment. Because you see something most peculiar.
Under the half-lit sky, in the glade of overgrown sweet vernal grass and marigolds and daisies, a figure stands paler than the moon overhead.
The body belongs to a young man dressed in a sweater and slacks. His dark hair parts on the side, stopping right above a pair of firm dark eyes. Thin lips press in a perfunctory line, sharp nose radiates an aura of authority.
And yet, he looks lost.
“Hello?” you call out. The boy doesn’t respond, only continues to hover in the middle of the clearing with the same confounded expression on his face. So you ignore the pounding of your heart in your chest and inch closer until you’re just feet away, shivering. It’s a strangely cold day for July, you think.
“Can you tell me your name?” you ask. Seconds pass in silence as he stares past–– no, through–– you. With your thudding heartbeat and shallow breaths still the only sounds in the meadow, you realise that you may have to try something else.
Gently, you touch the pads of your fingers to his shoulder. A fresh wave of ice floods through your veins, raising goosebumps all over your skin. More curiously, though, your fingers fall through said shoulders. It feels like plunging your hand into a bucket of ice.
Eyes wide, you lunge backwards. A ghost?
No, ghosts aren’t real.
(If that’s the case, then what is he?)
At your touch, the boy’s head jerks up. Life floods his gaze. Blinking, he says, “Ushijima.” His voice is low and smooth, but quiet. Firm. He looks around the meadow as if seeing it for the first time.
“Is that all?”
Ushijima’s focus returns to you, this time with the addition of furrowed brows. His eyes are fixed on you in a way that makes you feel as if he’s reading your soul.
“That’s all there is.”
A million questions race through your mind and before you can decide which to ask first, his incorporeal figure vanishes from the meadow.
And you’re alone again.
Oddly enough, the way back to your aunt’s house comes naturally to you. Once inside the ancient wooden manor, you realise that the feeling that guided you back was the same that had led you to the meadow in the first place.
Then, you wonder, had you truly been lost?
Aunt Risa’s an eccentric woman in her thirties, always yabbering on about Mercury in retrograde and events that are yet to happen. Grandma had been the same. Clairvoyance, or what everyone claims is “clairvoyance”, supposedly runs in your family. You wouldn’t know, though, because apparently it skipped your mother. Coincidentally (or not), she’s extremely proud of her normality. And she’s also extremely proud that you, supposedly, are normal, too.
It’s safe to say that you don’t see your mother’s family often.
Still, she sent you here from New York to “connect with your roots”. And even though you know that’s a cover for “raise hell somewhere else for one summer”, you let yourself consider that it means getting acquainted with the mystic mumbo-jumbo you’ve ignored all these years. After all, nothing normal can explain what just happened in the field… right?
Good thing Aunt Risa isn’t normal.
“That’s Glendower’s Meadow you were just in,” she says with a twinkle in her eyes. “Lies atop a very powerful ley line.”
Ley lines, you learn, connect places around the world through electromagnetic forces. They are also able to transcend time, gravity, space… all forces that cannot be seen.
Aunt Risa adds that they do more than just connect places. “Soulmates countries apart can step on any point in the same line to see each other. It’s been said that the power ley lines emit is so strong that even soulmates worlds and years apart can meet in these little pockets of energy. Guess it tides you over til you’re destined to meet.”
Somehow, everything she says makes sense and doesn’t at the same time. Soulmates? Magic? None of this is real, is it?
“Now,” she continues, “it’s odd that you can use ley lines, though. Remember how you couldn’t tell a black jackal from a swan the last time you read tea leaves?”
You frown. At seven years old, you hadn’t exactly been trying.
“I guess there is something supernatural about you! You can’t deny how magical it is to have a love that transcends lifetimes…”
You don’t hear the rest of what she has to say. “Lifetimes?”
“Yup. Soulmates are the only people in this universe who go through reincarnation. The Universe is a hopeless romantic, letting her children fall in love again and again and again.”
And this explanation satisfies you because you’re sixteen, a little naive, and the Universe has never failed you before.
(She will.)
July passes in a honeyed haze: you spend every day with a content curve to your lips, thinking about a boy with eyes and hair dark as night.
Aunt Risa doesn’t have the heart to tell you that she’s seen his future in this life. And when you step out the creaky wooden door for the last time, ready to go back to the bustling jungle that is New York, she calls out to you with an expression you don’t yet recognise. “Don’t you worry, hun. You’ll see that Ushijima boy again.”
But not like this.
You’re about to get out of bed and dress for the first day of school when an out-of-control eighteen-wheeler runs his driver’s black SUV off the road. Ushijima Wakatoshi dies on August 13th in his timezone.
As it happens, you feel a strange sense of loss settle in. It’s like you’d been driving on the highway and just missed the last turn home.
(You’ll learn in the next life that you, in fact, do not have the gift of foresight. But you do have the curse of memory.)
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The year is 1749 and sunlight pours through the windows of Ushijima Wakatoshi’s second-floor bedroom.
In this life–– your second life–– you are a brilliant composer. The Universe, as you’ve guessed, follows no rules, no directions. Doesn’t even spare a glance at a linear timeline. Or perhaps, it’s time that isn’t linear. Either way, you try not to think about things out of your control. Life is good now.
At the sound of your fingers waltzing across ivory and ebony, Ushijima slowly sits up in the king-sized, soft linen sheets falling to reveal his chiselled torso.
“Good morning,” he rasps, a content smile tugging at his lips. “You look enchanting as always.”
The melody stops. Between the lid and music rack, your eyes meet–– his gentle, yours mirthful. “You flatter me,” you deny with a cheeky grin. Still, you rise (wearing his robes, Ushijima notes) from your seat and stroll over to your lover, pressing a gentle kiss to his mouth. “Happy birthday, darling.”
“Thank you,” he murmurs against your lips. “I live another year just for you.” Ushijima really means that–– in fact, he believes with his whole heart that he was made for you and you him. There’s no other way to explain how your bodies mould so perfectly together, how you understand each other without even speaking, how time feels like it doesn’t exist whenever you’re around. Your meeting at Duke La Trémoille’s ball could only have been the work of Fate’s nimble fingers.
(It was. A ley line runs underneath the Duke’s family château.)
You hum, thankful that this time you have the privilege to love him as he lives. Your last life was spent agonising over the only memory you had of him. “And what does this day have in store for the man of the hour?” The words that leave your lips morph into bubbling laughter as he moves aside on the bed and pulls you into his embrace. Still giggling, you kiss his bare chest, relishing in how secure his arms feel around your waist.
“Mother is hosting a ball tonight in my honour,” he says. That you are not invited to, he doesn’t add. He doesn’t have to, though, because you know that she doesn’t approve of you. Not being French is the main reason why, but there’s also the fact that you’re a musician. A talented, accomplished, royally recognised musician, sure, but that doesn’t change how at the end of the day, all you have to your name is inked paper.
And Ushijima Wakatoshi is first in line for the throne of France.
It’s hardly fair for you to feel slighted–– you knew what you were getting into the second the Crown Prince, notorious for his aloof nature, invited you to Versailles to perform for him and his friends.
(In his defense, Duke Tendou had forced his hand by threatening to throw a fit in front of the Queen, but only after he’d seen the painfully restrained wonder in the prince’s eyes.)
Still, you yearn for something more.
Ushijima feels your body stiffen in his arms and knows the moment has soured. “You can never be Queen of France,” he murmurs into your neck. Shivers crawl down your spine the same time tears prick at your eyes. “And I can never give you a throne.” It’s not the throne you yearn for.
“I know.” You curse whoever the lucky girl will be. And you curse Ushijima for reminding you that she will definitely not be you.
“I can only promise you my heart.” He presses his lips to the side of your neck. “My undying devotion.” A kiss to your exposed shoulder. “And my soul in every life we meet.” His hand slides under your chin and turns your head towards his. Soft lips move against yours while the pads of his fingers wipe away the tears that had spilled over your cheeks.
“Toshi, I must say that the literature tutor your mother hired is doing a marvellous job,” you murmur once you pull apart.
A short breath of amusement leaves his nose. “He’s only polishing a gem that already exists,” Ushijima counters.
You smile slyly, another witty remark ready to launch from your mouth, when three sharp knocks at the door cause both of you to freeze.
“My friends, the Devil approaches.” Tendou’s faint voice travels through the opulent front door.
Sighing, you slide off the bed and tug your day dress on. Without being asked, Ushijima ties the laces in the back together. “Tell your mother I said hello, won’t you?” you tease, kissing him deeply on the balcony.
“I’d prefer not to think about my mother with your lips pressed to mine, darling,” he replies.
You giggle softly, and with one leg dangling off the balustrade, say, “And careful not to wear yourself out dancing, Toshi. Expect a visit from me later.”
His sonorous laughter rings through the air as you jump and land deftly on the freshly cut grass below, running the whole way back to your humble apartment in the eleventh arrondissement.
Regrets of not sneaking into the ball will burn into your brain after Tendou arrives at your door later that evening with a faraway stare on his face.
Towards the end of the ball, Ushijima Wakatoshi is led away from the dance floor and into the gardens by his scheming younger brother Goshiki.
He doesn’t return. The beloved Crown Prince of France dies on his twenty-first birthday with a dagger in his chest and poison in his veins.
With two lives under your belt, you reach the cruel understanding that in every life you live, August 13th is the day that Ushijima Wakatoshi dies again and again and again.
In a sense, memory is foresight.
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Tomorrow, the Union Revolutionary Group exposes the government for their crimes against your people.
But tonight, your head rests against his chest–– a habit you picked up sometime after Germany, 1943, even though you are presently in Neo Seoul, 2144. To be honest, you’re not sure if it’s even 2144. Neo Seoul’s calendar isn’t like the one you went through your first few lives with and you’re certain one year here is equivalent to two back on the Earth you knew… or something like that. Either way, every August 13th passes under your nose without detection. Every day passes uneasily, because although you never truly know when anyone dies in any life, you really don’t know when he will in this one.
But hearing Ushijima’s heart beat firmly manages to take the edge off yours. Every pulse is a murmured confirmation that everything is still okay.
You jerk back when he stirs from sleep. Disorientated, Ushijima blinks at your dimly lit figure before registering that it’s you. A confused expression crosses his features. What had you just been doing?
“Is everything alright?” His voice is raspy with drowsiness but he sits upright against the headboard anyway.
“No, it’s not. Tell me what’s wrong.” Nothing ever slips past him–– at least, not when it comes to you. Still, you bite your lip and contemplate if it’s worth mentioning. Three years of working alongside the renegade Commander (and hundreds more from other lifetimes) have taught you that words of comfort do not belong in Ushijima’s vocabulary. But it’s the night before you, the only known freed Fabricant working with the Union, are going to expose the Unanimity’s enslavement of Fabricants to all inhabitants of Neo Seoul. And…
“I’m scared, Wakatoshi.”
He thinks you’re talking about tomorrow. His eyes dart to the holographic digits floating throughout his room. 12:02 AM. You’re talking about today, then. He’s not wrong–– you are afraid of today. But you’re also afraid every day.
Ushijima pauses, wondering what to say. He’s never felt fear the same way others do. Others might only see a myriad of ways they can fail or die but he simply sees a chance to prove himself. A chance to emerge victorious. “If you let yourself be scared,” he says, “then you lose without fighting. Fear is a wasted emotion. Even at your last breath, you should never be afraid.”
As you mull his words over in your head, a section of your hair falls in front of your face. Ushijima’s fingers twitch. Would it be too much to––
“Then what should I feel instead?” He stills.
The question hangs in the air, thickening until the spacious room feels suffocating. Normal people–– people you knew a couple of lifetimes ago–– would probably say something like “love” or “hope” or even “don’t”. You think Ushijima might, too.
But when Ushijima speaks, he says, “Feel right now.”
A shift in the moonbeam pouring through your surrounding glass walls casts a muted glow over your features, breaking through the darkness of the room. Ushijima’s olive eyes flash and fall to your shining lips.
His Adam’s apple bobs. Anticipation bubbles in your stomach.
You think that you might die tomorrow. He might die any day. What are you waiting for?
Feeling a fiery rush of blood surge through your veins, you close the distance between your bodies until the tips of your noses touch. Gently, your hand comes up to the back of his neck, feeling his pulse speed up under your fingers. He instantly reaches out, grips your waist firmly. Hot, uneven breaths fan across your face.
“I know it’s forbidden between Fabricants and pure-bloods,” you breathe out, “but––”
Ushijima nudges his lips against yours. They move stiffly, unsurely, but it’s sincere. It’s his first kiss and it’s your… you’ve lost count by now. It doesn’t really matter, though. Past, future, or present, every one of his touches feels new.
Both of you might die tomorrow. But tonight, you both are so very alive.
And when his heart pounds, unmuffled, bare against yours, you are reminded to live now.
Twenty-one hours later, a laser beam whizzes past your ear.
“Go faster!” you shout over the wind, tightening your arms around Ushijima’s waist. “We have to get to the broadcast station now.”
“I’m trying,” he grits out, pressing his foot harder against the hoverbike’s pedal. You speed up, but only a little. “Fuck. Remember what I taught you about the laser pistols?”
“Always aim a little higher than you want to.” From the mirrors on the side, you see the corners of his lips quirk up. You reach for the gun in his belt.
Not a single police officer remains on your tail when you step foot into the broadcast station.
“We don’t have much time, miracle girl,” Tendou, a fellow Union soldier, says once you arrive. He punches the elevator button. Instantly, the chute opens. “Cameras have picked up on at least five Unanimity squads headed our way from the city.”
The sinking feeling that today out of all days might be August 13th suddenly weighs on your stomach. A shaky breath leaves your mouth.
Ushijima stops you before you can step in. Cupping your face with his large hands, the brunet gazes deeply into your eyes. “I believe in you,” he murmurs. “I believe in you.” His fingers brush against your cheekbones. You let your eyelids close, relishing in this stolen moment between two new lovers.
Ushijima presses his lips against yours, kissing you as if he’s trying to carve a message into your bones. He whispers his conviction one last time before stepping back and allowing Tendou to push you lightly into the elevator. The thought that Ushijima’s words allude to more than just faith nudges your brain as the two men grow smaller in your sight.
Halfway through your revelations, the Unanimity cuts through the metal doors of the station. Behind the glass panels encasing the radio room, you watch the shootout begin. Every bone in your body screams for you to join your comrades, but you remember what your orders are. No matter what happens, do not stop the broadcast. If the truth doesn’t come out now, the Union will have sacrificed everything in vain.
You will your voice to steady when Unanimity soldiers take out the Union soldiers hiding behind Tendou’s barricade.
You will your hands to unclench when Ushijima deftly slides over his squad’s barricade and tosses a plasma grenade towards a cluster of enemy soldiers, then picks off the survivors with his Union rifle.
You will your breath to endure when the brunet is blown back by a grenade tossed by another squadron. Ushijima’s cranium collides with the floor. His body stills; blood red as cherry wine pools around his head like a cruel halo. Swallowing, you push forth. You’re a soldier.
But you can’t help the way your throat dries or hands shake or lungs tighten when you see his head turn ever-so-slightly in your direction.
He smiles in his last breath.
(The Archivist asks if you loved Ushijima before you are taken away. You tell him you always have, do, will.
The Unanimity guillotine doesn’t scare you like you think it should. Knowing what and who waits ahead, it feels more like a kiss to your neck.)
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As you step out of the metal carriage, the ground beneath you begins to vibrate. This, as you’ve learned, can only mean that you are standing atop another ley line.
Olive eyes stare at you impassively when you look up. A dazzling array of awards and medals is pinned to his chest over a white military uniform. Compared to all the other soldiers around him, you gather that the deep purple cape over his shoulders means he’s someone important. Possibly your betrothed? You briefly recall another lifetime in which he’d been the crown prince of somewhere, and you, by a spectacular stroke of misfortune, had only been a composer then. Fighting back a smug grin, you muse that this time, you are a princess.
“Ushijima Wakatoshi, Captain of the Qaasuuri Royal Guard, at your service,” he says with a low bow. “King Washijou appointed me to ensure your safety during your courtship with the prince, your highness. These are trying times, especially with the war against Ibis.” Your heart falls. So it’s one of those lives.
Mustering the warmest smile you can, you curtsy and say, “Thank you, Ushijima. I hope we can get to know each other better.”
You do.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the Qaasuuri are a race more android than human. But nothing about him feels artificial. He is as real as he was in Berlin. Atlantis. Cairo. Camelot. Hanoi. Olympus. Tallahassee. He feels as human, too.
You get to relearn the way his cheeks flare up when you call him Toshi and not Ushijima for his first time (force of habit)... and every subsequent time (at your pleasure).
You get to relearn his wry humour, how every-so-often his stony demeanour breaks after one of your quick jabs, usually in response to his agonisingly blunt remarks. (“You should have brought a coat, princess,” he notes with disapproval when you shiver in the chilly spring air. You promise him that you look better with hypothermia than in any Qaasuuri coat. An amused breath blows out from his nose. And though he doesn’t say a word more on the subject, his white jacket over your shoulders speaks more than enough.)
You get to relearn how his hands feel on your skin. The first lesson is your mistake: missing a step down the spiralling staircase on your way to dinner. Automatically, his hand grips your arm to pull you back. He uses a little more force than necessary, though, and tugs you into his firm chest. Neither of you can look at each other for the rest of the evening. The second is his mistake: reaching out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you read in the palace library, somehow knowing it’s one of your pet peeves. Both of you freeze when his fingers accidentally brush against your cheek. Ushijima thinks he’s never felt skin softer than yours–– you think it’s been too long since he last touched you.
The third is neither a mistake nor just one of your doings. It happens on a cool autumn evening as the two of you walk through the palace gardens with your hands dangling haphazardly at your sides, knocking against each other again and again as if begging for an opening. Finally, you acquiesce. You slip your hand into Ushijima’s cold palms. And though nothing shows on his stony face, his heart whirrs like an overheating engine for the rest of your walk. He doesn’t let go until the iron palace comes back into view.
“We should stop,” he pants between fervent kisses, “before this gets out of hand.” You nip at his neck. “You’re betrothed to the prince––” you suck on the skin between his collarbones and throat, drawing a low groan from his lips “––and I can never give you a throne.”
You pull back, knees on either side of his waist, and stare down into his eyes. “I don’t want a throne.” Ushijima watches you with rapt attention. Sometimes you wonder if maybe, just maybe, he remembers. Slowly, you repeat his words from lifetimes ago. “I only want your heart.” An unreadable expression crosses his face. “Your devotion.” It’s not recognition. “And your soul.”
It’s conviction.
By now you’ve seen many breathtaking things: entire cities built from ice, the end of the ocean, a Venusian sunrise. None compare to Ushijima Wakatoshi with his pupils blown wide, hair tousled, lips flushed. Red with love.
None compare when he promises, “You have that and more.”
A pause.
“Show me.”
With an effortless flip, Ushijima’s muscled body hovers over yours, olive eyes flashing wildly in your dim chambers.
Amid fast breaths and guttural moans, amid steely olive eyes and parted lips, amid the subatomic space between your bodies, you feel it cloak your skin like armour.
(The Ibis storm the Qaasuuri castle one month before the wedding. Ushijima fights the invaders valiantly, superhuman modifications undoubtedly being of help. But there’s just too many of them. The last thing he tells you is to run. The world burns when you look over your shoulder, only to see a Ibisian sword drive through his heart.
The Qaasuuri are a race more android than human. But they still bleed the same.)
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The oldest you ever witness him live to is thirty-two years old.
It’s the morning of August 13th and you walk into the kitchen to the sight of Ushijima Wakatoshi lifting your daughter up into the sky, spinning her little body around in circles, the pancakes on the stove slowly bronzing to a mouthwatering shade of gold.
“Mommy!” she giggles when she sees you. Leaning against the doorframe with your arms crossed, you watch your husband set your daughter back down on the ground with a soft smile on his face.
“Sleep well?” you ask, ruffling her hair. She nods happily and bounces back to the stove. Her latest obsession has been cooking in the kitchen, though you’re not sure when exactly she moved on from “potion-making” in the backyard.
“Morning,” Ushijima murmurs, wrapping an arm around your waist and pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Happy birthday, handsome,” you tease, leaning into his chest. As the words leave your mouth, the sunny morning haze cools into desaturated blue. But it’s been thirty-two years, you reason with a hard swallow. Maybe the cycle has broken. Your eyes dart to your daughter’s little figure on the stepping stool, her small hands gripping the spatula flipping a bronzed pancake over to its pale side. How would she…
You steel yourself, though a small fissure can’t help but open in your heart from the force.
She isn’t your first child and she won’t be your last. Time, you’ve learned, likes to play games, likes to set you on the same storyline again and again just to see if another ending will show itself. There will be more tomorrows and more yesterdays. There always is.
But that doesn’t make todays hurt any less.
Ushijima tilts his head to the side, olive eyes peering into yours. “Is everything okay?” He never misses (or missed) anything–– not when the two of you were heisting in Switzerland or revelling in Alexandria like Dionysians, not when you were crammed in the same codebreaking room during World War I or sailed across the Atlantic to your doom in 1912. Not now.
But you’re tired of carrying each bygone lifetime into the next. Willing yourself to forget the fact that you’ve seen him die again and again on August 13th, you put everything into the lie that slips your teeth: “More than okay.”
You choose to cherish the present.
“Order up!” your daughter exclaims, proudly presenting the plate of pancakes to you and Ushijima. “I even made one shaped like a heart for Dad for his birthday!”
With a grin, you come closer to inspect the heart-shaped pancake. “Excellent work, sous chef!” you compliment, tapping her nose lightly. It’s sharp like her father’s. She, however, inherited your eyes. You turn around to face your husband. “What does Head Chef Ushijima think?”
Smiling softly, he takes the plate from her hands and, without a second look, says, “It’s perfect. Thank you, sweetheart.”
Breakfast passes in a blur of laughter and honey.
(You think you have gone through another August 13th unscathed when night falls and all of your friends exit through the cherry wood doors of one of Tokyo’s finest restaurants. On the car ride home, however, your white SUV swerves to avoid a deer in the road and flips once, twice, three times.
You wake up neither a mother nor a wife.)
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A subtle sigh of relief exits your lungs when Ushijima Wakatoshi enters through the front door at 12:01 AM, red Team Japan suitcase in hand. He’s back from the airport. More importantly, he’s alive.
“Did I make it?” he asks with an upturned corner of his mouth. His olive eyes are half-closed from the exhausting transatlantic flight and his muscles are still a bit sore from how vigorously he played the game against Argentina (Oikawa’s team, for god’s sake)... but he’s here.
And he can’t be any happier.
You know that he’s talking about the time, probably hoping to joke that coming home to you is the best birthday present he can imagine. In that regard, he technically hasn’t made it.
And yet, you leap into his arms and press kisses all over his face as you repeat “yes” again
and again
and again.
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lyranova · 3 years
Heyooooo Lyraaaa 😘!!! I was wondering if um hehe👉👈😅, if you could make a yamichar fic where they accidentally traveled in time and accidentally meet their future child (or children lmao) lol😂, it's okay if you don't wanna do it 🙂 no pressure 😘
Children of the Future:
Chapter 1: Hikari
Of course Lei! I’m sorry this took so long IRL has been busy 😅! But i hope you like this, also I just realized you wanted Yamichar to be the ones who time travel, and instead i made it the child who goes back in time oops. But i hope this is ok! Also, Hikari belongs to the lovely @eme-eleff (thank you for letting me borrow her for this Ilysm 🥰💕!)
Edit: This is Chapter 1 of my new series ‘Children of the Future’, instead of reposting it I decided to edit it and reblog it haha!
Word Count: 1,701
Warnings: None
Yami couldn’t stop grumbling, he had been summoned by Julius to come to his office, he claimed there was something important he needed to see. Yami had been confused at first, but he wasn’t really allowed to disobey a summons from the Wizard King. So he walked through the halls that he knew like the back of his hand, deep in thought, when he saw a flash of blonde out of the corner of his eyes. He turned and noticed it was the Prickly Princess herself, Charlotte Roselei. He watched her look up in surprise at him and her face turned a shade of pink.
“ Y-Yami? What are you doing here?” She asked as she came to a stop, she hadn’t seen him for a while, since everyone had been training in order to battle the Spade Kingdom. She watched him tilt his head and do a half-shrug.
“ The Wizard King summoned me, said he had something important to show me. You?” He asked as he also came to a stop.
“ Same here, I wonder if he summoned the other Captains as well.” Charlotte said curiously as she folded her arms, it wasn’t unusual for Julius to call them suddenly, but when it did it usually meant trouble for the Kingdom.
“ I didn’t see any of them, and I don’t sense their Qi, so I think it’s just us here.” He told her with a thoughtful scowl, Charlotte hadn’t seen any of them either, which made this meeting even more curious.
“ C’mon, let’s not keep him waiting.” Yami said suddenly as he began to walk away, she blushed even more as her mind raced ‘H-He wants to walk there together?! Won’t that give people the wrong impression?!’ Her mind screamed, but she shook her head and followed behind him. They could always say they met outside the door or something.
Charlotte watched as Yami knocked on the door, they heard Julius say something on the other side to signal to them that they could enter. Yami pushed the door open, allowing Charlotte to walk inside first, and closed it behind them.
“ Ah good you’re both already here.” Julius said with a warm happy smile, Charlotte and Yami walked up to the desk. It was still hard to believe that the Wizard King was now back to his original self, they had gotten so used to seeing him younger that they would sometimes forget this was him.
“ Why are we here Julius?” Yami asked as he crossed his arms, he wasn’t really in the mood for chit chat, and he assumed Charlotte wasn’t either since she had a small scowl on her face as well. They were both trying to train their squads so they could face the Spade Kingdom, and this was distracting them from doing that.
“ Well,” he said with a sheepish laugh, that only made the two Captains scowl further. “ I went down stairs where we keep the forbidden magic items, and I stumbled across this portal. I don’t think it’s ever been used, anyway, I went down there looking to see if there may be an item to help me change back to my proper age. Well, instead I found her,” Julius moved out of the way and behind him sat a young girl around 19 years old.
She had long dark hair, bright blue eyes, and a small scowl on her face. Charlotte looked her up and down, she was wearing a deep blue top with a pair of dark brown pants, wrist length gloves, and dark knee length boots. But what caught her attention was the cloak she was wearing, Charlotte’s eyes widened as she looked at the insignia, it was a Black Bulls robe, she looked over at Yami and saw he recognized it too. But if he was surprised he didn’t let it show.
“ Why did you give some random kid my squads robe Julius?” Yami asked as he suddenly grabbed a cigarette and put it into his mouth.
“ I’m not just some random kid! Also, if you’re going to smoke it’s best to do it outside or, even better, stop smoking. It’s bad for you.” The young girl remarked as she stood up from the chair she had been sitting in and walked over to stand next to Julius’s desk.
Charlotte and Yami blinked, this kid had quite the mouth on her. But he did as she asked and pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and put it back in it’s case. The young girl smiled in triumph, that's when Yami frowned. That smile, it looked familiar, but where had he seen it before?
“ Anytime I ask you to smoke outside you always ignore me, but when a child asks you too you listen and do it without a second thought.” Charlotte commented with a small laugh and a shake of her head, Yami rolled his eyes a bit, of course he was going to listen to a kid. He wouldn’t admit this to anyone, but he could be a big softie when it came to kids. He looked over and noticed Charlotte had a small smile on her face, he paled slightly, that was the same smile the young girl wore just a moment ago.
“ Hey kid, what’s your name?” He asked, hoping beyond hope that his gut feeling was wrong, that her Qi wasn’t what he saw it to be. The young girl glanced over to Julius who nodded, she turned back to them, her head held high as she announced.
“ My name’s Hikari, Hikari Sukehiro.” Both Captains paled, Sukehiro? As in Yami Sukehiro?! Charlotte turned to look at him, he wasn’t able to hide the surprise on his face at this revelation.
She felt a small pang in her chest, as though someone had just plunged a dagger into it, he had a daughter? With another woman? She shook her head, they weren’t dating so what right did she have to be hurt and upset, at the most they were just colleagues. Nothing more, nothing less. But it still hurt to think of him being with another woman, of him having a child with another woman.
“ This isn’t funny Julius.” Yami growled, he knew this wasn’t a joke, just from the way she stood he could tell she was his daughter, also from the way she had no problem telling him off about smoking. The only thing that confused him though, was why she had the same smile as Charlotte.
“ It isn’t a joke Yami, she came here from the future, at least according to her. I had Marx use his memory magic on her, everything she has told me is the truth and her memories prove it.” Julius said as he leaned back against his desk, Charlotte couldn’t help but glare at him slightly.
“ Why did you call me here then you majesty? Just so you could have a witness in case Yami tried to murder you?” She asked, a little more ice to her tone then she had intended. It didn’t go unnoticed. Julius blinked a bit before looking over at Hikari.
“ Um, I think you need to explain your parentage a little more, Hikari.” He stated with a nervous laugh, the young girl nodded.
“ Yes sir. It’s true, my father is Yami Sukehiro. But my mother,” she turned to look at the blonde haired woman. “ is Charlotte Roselei.”
Charlotte blinked at Hikari. Her? She was her mother?! No, no, no, that made no sense! How could she be this girl's mother? She and Yami weren’t even dating! There was no way Hikari was their daughter!
“ That makes sense,” Yami said suddenly, she whipped around to face him, her face brighter than the sun, and she gaped like a fish out of water.
“ H-How does this make sense?!” She suddenly shouted, she watched a small smirk tug at the corner of his lips.
“ Her Qi first off; it’s a mixture of mine and yours which is why I didn’t recognize it at first. Second, the way she carries herself is the same as you, her eyes are a similar shade although they’re a little lighter than yours, and her smile, heh, that smile; it’s exactly the same as yours.” He said the last part so softly, so warmly, it made Charlotte not only turn redder, but it made her heart melt. He...noticed how she smiled? Of course he did, he was very observant. But what she didn’t expect to see was how his smirk had changed into a warm loving smile, how his eyes had softened.
Charlotte had to be dreaming, she just had too!
“ So, umm...until we can get Hikari back to her own time, she’s going to have to stay with one of you or, if you want my opinion, both of you. Since she is your child and it’s probably what she’s used to, I’d suggest you all find somewhere to stay that’s close enough to each of your respective headquarters. I think it’ll be easier for Hikari to adjust that way.” Julius said with an innocent smile, both Captains couldn’t help but frown, was he trying to subtly get them to move in together? Yami suddenly sighed.
“ Fine, I guess we really don’t have much of a choice huh. Especially since that was an order.” Yami stated, causing Charlotte to gap at him even more, he wasn’t even going to try and convince the Wizard King that them moving in together was a very bad idea?! But as much as Charlotte wanted to argue, she could tell by the tone of the Wizards king's voice that it was, in fact, an order. She also couldn’t disagree, it would probably be better for the young girl if they all did live together. She suddenly chuckled humorlessly at the situation.
Finding out she had a daughter and now being ordered to move in with the man she was in love with who, by the way, was completely oblivious to her feelings for him? This was not how she was expecting this meeting to go!
Ah i’m sorry if this isn’t very good 😅! I couldn’t really think of how to end this but I hope some of you enjoyed this and I apologize if you didn’t! Also I hope you like it Lei 🥺💕! Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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Teaser to Triumph Games
Okay, so maybe I will go through with the Hunger Game AU for Descendants. I thought I’d tease it up a bit more and see if anyone had any opinions or comments. Here is part of two scenes labeled by the year. I’d appreciate any comments or feedback, lol:
October 1992
“You cannot be serious, Adam,” Aurora fumes turning to look at the older king before switching her gaze to his quiet wife. “Belle, you can’t tell me you support this.”
The French Queen opens her mouth, but a pat from Adam has her closing her mouth and Aurora frowns. Helplessly, Aurora scans the rest of the council room feeling Phillip’s hand come to rest on her lower back coaxing her to settle down. It does little to dissuade Aurora, hazel orbs piercing her fellow rulers—Jasmine matches her gaze headstrong, as do Mulan and Tianna, but Duke Weselton sneers in her direction and Prince Florian and Prince Charming glare while Ella and Snow shrink away. Megara clears her throat, but Hercules shakes his head and pulls her away despite the Grecian woman’s glare.
“This is inhumane,” states Aurora, sinking back into her seat at the silence of the room. Suddenly she feels so much wearier than any eighteen year old should ever feel. Glancing at Adam again Aurora frowns, she can see the lines around his eyes—the markings of sleepless nights marring a twenty-eight year old’s face. The weight settling in her shoulders as she takes into the lack of arguments from the rest of the ruling monarchs. Despite it all, she pushes forth: “You asked us to come under your reign for the betterment of our nations, not to imprison part of our population.”
“They have caused unimaginable suffering amongst us all!” Naveen exclaims and Tianna winces at the loudness of her husband. The Prince chest heaves in exhaustion and it takes all that Aurora has in her not to shout back at the man. “This is taking pity on them.”
“I agree with Prince Naveen,” nasally Duke Weselton intervenes and this time the blonde scoffs in the back of her throat. His hair is plated back, suit pristine with gems and stich work only the wealthy could dream of affording. It nauseates the blonde at the utter lack of sense the Duke carries and blatant hypocrisy he spews. “They are guilty of unspeakable crimes.”
“Should you join them?” spits Aurora crossing her arms and taking pleasure in the bristling of the older man. “We all know you’re not exactly a poster-image for a hero or good citizen.”
“That is enough Aurora,” quiets Queen Ingrith next to her son and Phillip offers a squeeze on his wife’s waist as an apology. “The Duke speaks the truth and you may not be aware of the full extent of these crimes. I support King Adam’s decision and we all should.”
Clearing his throat the King Beast stands his posture rigid. Taking a deep breath, Adam sweeps across the room eyes boring into Aurora’s. Slowly he speaks: “We are a land of democracy. A country of many nations; we all have a voice. Let’s put it to a vote, we’ll start with House of Cinders.”
Prince Charming and Princess Ella glance around skittishly and Aurora’s heart cracks when Ella avoids her gaze.
Charming clears his throat and nods: “We agree to the terms, we stand behind House of Beast.”
Adam nods, shoulders slacking a bit before continuing: “House of Li.”
Mulan faces Shang, a silent understanding passing between them before Mulan opens her mouth to speak. “We abstain from participation.”
The drone endures down the line of remaining rulers and as each one answers, the fissures in Aurora’s heart break open. Auradon nation of many, but controlled by seventeen houses and led by one man casts the future—a future held by ancestral beliefs. Standing again, Adam nods his head as he recites the ending vote.
“It is decided,” says Adam, his eyes locking onto the sheet of paper with the final tally. “The houses who abstained from answering and forfeit their vote are the following: House of Li, House of Atlantica, House of Kingsleigh, and House of Pan. The houses who denounce the proclamation are: House of Frost, House of Olympia, House of Smith, House of Agrah, House of Radcliffe, and House of Moors.”
Aurora matches Adam’s glare despite the pit growing in her chest—the vote still against her. Breaking away to look around, the princess nods in gratitude for those who stood in solidarity with her and thanks them for their attempt. Sultana Jasmine nods minutely, Aladdin offering a pained twist of lips, Anita sobs quietly and Roger does his best to comfort her, the others offer saddened looks Aurora does her best to ignore them.
“Those in favor of the proclamation,” reads Adam, voice projecting across the room, “House of Beast, House of Cinders, House of Maldo, House of Blanche, House of Ulstead, House of Trenches, and House of Fae. Seven to six—the proclamation will go through.”
“You’re bringing people back from the dead, Adam,” Aurora growls, throwing her last futile attempt for a change. “You’re using dark magic to rebirth them only to imprison them in a land of no magic. How does this make us any better than their unspeakable acts?”
“Phillip,” Ingrith mutters, nails tapping the table. “Control your wife.”
July 2013
Despite the thick fog englobing The Isle of the Lost the crisp horns ring through the heavy layer. Children and beggars alike scatter to darker corners—seeking cover. The singular large screen that hangs above the Isle’s Court in the main square comes to life. The Auradon Crest proudly on display—a countdown appearing underneath marking forty-seven hours fifty-nine minutes and fifty-eight—fifty-seven—fifty-six (and so on).
From the top of the Bargain Castle, a group of teenagers glower at the square, dread filling the pit of their stomachs. The horns dim to distant rings, but the echo plays out inside all of their ribcages. It shakes them to their cores as they trickle back inside—each falling into a place around the crumbling room.
Turning with the knob, Carlos curses quietly—nimble fingers working quickly to procure an image on the decades old television. Behind him Freddie hovers watching the youngest boy fiddle with wires, taking a knee when Carlos shifts to offer her a better view.
Jay leans against the decaying counter, eyes honing in on the monitor. “Who do you think will be chosen this year?”
“Clayton is unbearable,” Harry groans, plopping himself next to the oldest boy. “He would be better off dead. My bet is on him and hopefully Scar.”
“The adults are dwindling,” Uma chimes in, braids swaying as her gaze hardens. “Anyone above ten is fair game. We saw that with Anthony and Mei Lei.”
The room sobers at the names. At the echoes that accompany the weight of those lost.
“I don’t understand how a land full of heroes can convince themselves that this is a good idea,” hisses Mal, watching how the cracked screen flickers an image of King Adam, Queen Belle, Prince Ben, and Fairy Godmother over a burning ember. Behind them a royal blue banner waves against the sky, bold letters painting the number thirteen in gold.
Evie hums from her spot against the wall, lipstick slipping into her pocket. She eyes the group critically—sensing how they all turn to look at her. Mal may have been the gang’s de facto leader, but Evie was the second in command and the oldest of them making her in some cases the wisest. 
Swallowing, thickly the older girl toys with the hem of her skirt—mulling over the words in her head. “It gets rid of threats while providing entertainment and painting them as victors. In a sadistic way its genius.”
“Fuck, I get it with some of our folks,” Freddie huffs, “but they’re letting kids in it too.”
“It’s not like we’re innocent,” sighs Carlos, falling back onto his heels as sound begins to pour from the busted speakers. “Or that they would even care.”
Without further ado our Auradon Hero to honor his ascent to the throne Prince Benjamin.  
Mal’s lip curls in disgust and Uma’s brow quirks. Jay and Harry chuckle lowly at the nervous glint playing out across the Prince’s gaze. There’s a pause from the screen and unconsciously the teenagers draw themselves closer to one another.
Now for the remaining tributes …
Collectively, the tenseness in their shoulders diminishes. Four more spots, there was hope.
“Well there’s one at least, mate,” whistles Jay bumping his shoulder against Harry. The pirate nods hesitantly, but his heart hammers. Three spots left.
“Three more to go,” Uma whispers, fingers twitching on the hilt of her sword. Mal’s shoulders draw up and Evie glances out the balcony. 
“We should head to the square,” Carlos murmurs, drawing to a stand, his hand settling on the scabbard attached to his left hip.  “The guards are bound to start appearing and we just fixed the door.”
Deftly they rise and begin to trickle out, sticking to the shadows each armed. Evie’s trusted bow swung behind her shoulder hand interlinking with Mal’s for a moment before letting it fall away. Projected across the dome of the Isle Fairy Godmother’s voice carries out continuing to drone.
The Court Square draws closer and despite only one slot remaining the heaviness of the situation dawns on all of them. At the forefront lines of guards in blue decorate the steps of the only building not riddled in graffiti or broken windows. Behind them on the platform a hologram of the Royal Family alongside Fairy Godmother stand looking over the growing crowd. 
“Now for the last tribute,” Fairy Godmother begins hand reaching into the chalice in front of her. The older woman’s eyes sadden and her voice embraces an empty echo. Reluctantly, she clears her throat. “Drizella Tremaine Jr.”
The chatter seemingly stops and Dizzy’s piercing cry shatters the noise of the Isle. Freddie’s arms wrap around Celia feeling her younger sister begin to shake in sobs. Carlos pales considerably and Jay’s hand slips from his sword while Harry swallows and Uma turns to look for the girl. Mal’s mouth hangs in horror turning to face Evie (knowing that the older girl would do anything for the youngest Tremaine).
“E, no—“
But Mal’s pleas fall on deaf ears, because before she knows it there’s a loaded bow. An arrow knocked back that misses the Auradon Guard (just barely) who drags a wailing ten-year-old to the stage over the fifth stand. Loading a second arrow—the guards raise their own weapons pointing them to the daughter of the Evil Queen.
“Well it appears that this is a first. A willing participant in place of another. Evelyn Grim daughter of the Evil Queen (defeated in the tenth annual game) will take Drizella’s place. Thus, it is with our great honor to announce the thirteenth annual Triumph Games. Where five Villains will be picked at random against each other and one champion from Auradon to survive. May the odds forever be in your favor.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What Rhymes With “AY”? Warning: This survey has 114 questions
1. Do you enjoy listening to reggae music? I haven’t listened to much reggae music.
2. Have you ever rolled in hay before? No. I’m actually allergic.
3. Has anyone ever broken a promise they made? Of course. 
4. Last time you went to a café, what did you order? Coffee.
5. Have you ever been to a matinee performance before? No.
6. Would you like a chance to ride in Santa’s sleigh? Why or why not? Would it be like the one in The Santa Clause that had a hot chocolate and cookie dispenser? ha. Swap the hot chocolate with coffee, though.
7. Have you ever taken ballet lessons before? How about any other type of dance lessons? No. That was actually something I wished I could do when I was a kid and in high school. I thought the dance team was cool.
8. Do you own any sexy lingerie? Nope.
9. Have you ever caught a bouquet of flowers at a wedding before? Nope.
10. Do you know how to do the Whip/Nae Nae? I do, actually.
11. Have you ever played croquet before? Nope. 
12. Has a horse ever neighed at you before? No.
13. How much do you weigh? I’m not exactly sure, but I am definitely underweight. 
14. Do you ever wear a beret? No.
15. When’s the last time you’ve been to a buffet? Back in February. There was a breakfast buffet at Disneyland where you got to visit with various characters while you ate. It was cute.
16. Have you ever attended a cabaret? No.
17. Have you ever eaten at Swiss Chalet? No. Never even heard of it.
18. Do you know how to crochet? How about doing macrame? No.
19. Do you have a duvet on your bed? No.
20. What was the last thing that ricocheted off of a surface? My phone did.
21. What do you put on your ice cream sundaes? I’m good with just vanilla ice cream and strawberry syrup, but sometimes I’ll add chocolate syrup as well. Bananas and whip cream are also great additions. Wow, it’s been yearsss since I’ve had one but that sounds really good right now.
22. Have you ever woken up to the “Reveille” bugle wake-up call at summer camp? No. I’ve never been to summer camp.
23. What is your favorite entrée to order at your favorite restaurant? My favorite restaurant is Wingstop and I always get the garlic parm and lemon pepper boneless wings.
24. Is crème brulee your favorite dessert? I don’t like actual creme brulee, but I like the creme brulee latte at Starbucks that they offer in the winter.
25. Do you know anyone who wears a toupee? I don’t think so.
26. Have you ever made a soufflé before? Was it good? Nope. I like the spinach and artichoke breakfast souffle from Panera, though.
27. Do you prefer ice cream or sorbet? Ice cream.
28. Do you know anyone named Renee, Jay, Clay, or Ray? I know someone whose middle name is Renee if that counts, and I also know a Jay and a Ray.
29. Have you ever had café au lait? Yes.
30. Have you ever gone to a restaurant called “Chez ______”? No.
31. Hey, how’s it going? It’s almost 730AM I should be going to sleep. My medicine I took a bit ago is making me feel a little nauseous, too, cause I took it on an empty stomach. That wouldn’t have been a problem if I just went to bed, but nooo. :/
32. When’s the last time you wore a lei? It’s been several years.
33. Did you obey your parents when you were younger? Yes.
34. Who do you want to hunt down like prey? No one.
35. Have you ever had whey before? No.
36. What message would you like to convey to someone right now? Nothing at the moment.
37. Whose survey did you take last? I don’t know who made it.
38. Have you ever been to a bay before? Yes.
39. Do you have a bae? “Or nah.” Ha, old Vine reference. Anyway, no, I do not.
40. What’s your favorite day of the week? They’re all the same to me, really, since I’m not in school nor do I have a job.
41. Have you ever had to read “The Cay”? Nope. That title doesn’t ring a bell.
42. Are you feeling okay? I’m feeling tired, hot, and kind of nauseous. 
43. Do you know anyone who is gay? Yeah, a few people.
44. Do you like the acting of Tina Fey? Sure.
45. Have you ever listened to The Fray? Yes, I like a few of their songs.
46. Do you have any frayed clothing? No.
47. Do you prefer bluebirds or bluejays? Bluebirds.
48. Is May your favorite month? No. I only like saying, “It’s gonna be May” haha. You know, the NSYNC/Justin Timberlake meme.
49. May I ask you some more questions? Sure.
50. Have you ever voted “nay” to anything before? What? Yeah. I was a board member for a club in college and there were things we voted on. 
51. Have you ever wanted to make someone pay for something that they did? I’m not a revengeful person.
52. Do you ever just lay around all day? That’s all I pretty much do everyday. 
53. Are you a happy little frickin’ ray of sunshine? No. I’m a little black raincloud. 
54. Is there something that you would like to say to someone? “There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don’t know howwww.” 
55. When’s the last time that you were so excited that you exclaimed (or at least thought) “yay!” ? I said that the other night when my brother said he was making his bomb spaghetti. haha.
56. Have you ever felt like you’ve lost your way? I’ve been feeling that way for the past few years.
57. Do you ever wish that people would just go away? lol I’ve felt that way in some situations.
58. Have you heard an animal bray before? What animal was it? Yeah, a donkey.
59. What’s the last thing that you made out of clay? Nothing.
60. Are you starting to go gray? I’ve found a few here and there. D: It was like the minute I turned 30 I found my first one, ha.
61. Are you feeling okay right now? No. I still feel how I felt earlier when you asked how it was goin’. :/
62. Do you pray? How often? Yes, but not nearly as much as I ought to. 
63. What’s the best play you’ve seen before? The Phantom of the Opera.
64. What did you like to play with when you were younger? I was obsessed Barbies, I could play for hours. I also liked playing house and school.
65. Do you know how to sashay? “Sashay away.”
66. Would you like to slay dragons? Nah. I wouldn’t want to mess with a dragon.
67. Have you gotten your pets spayed? All my dogs were fixed/spayed. My doggo was spayed before we could take her home from the adoption shelter.
68. Have you ever begged someone to stay with you? Not begged, but I didn’t want them to leave.
69. Has the room ever started to sway before? I hateeee that feeling. 
70. When’s the last time you ate a meal on a tray? Uhhh. I don’t recall.
71. Do you know how to do math arrays? You’re speaking math so no. 
72. Have you ever experienced a delay of any sort? Yeah.
73. Do you have any tooth decay? No.
74. When’s the last time you wrote an essay? What was it about? Back when I was still in school, so it’s been 5 years now since the last time. 
75. When’s the last time you competed in a relay race? I participated in a few wheelchair race events when I was a kid.
76. Have you ever wondered how you could ever repay someone? Yes. I wish I could spoil and take care of my mom one day for everything she has done and continues to do for me. She deserves so much.
77. What did you do today? So far just Tumblr, surveys, and listening to ASMR.
78. Would you ever take in a stray animal? We don’t really have room for another pet, but I’d want to help in some way. Once we had a stray dog wander in our backyard and we took care of him until we were able to find him a good home. We also once had a cat who often went into our backyard and she ended up having kittens, so we cared for them and found them all homes, including the mama.
79. What’s the last cleaning spray that you’ve used? Lysol disinfectant spray.
80. When’s the last time you splayed your fingers? I’ll do it right now. 
81. Has your airway ever been blocked before? Yes. Such a scary, traumatizing experience. It’s why I can’t take pills now at all unless I can crush them.
82. Has anyone ever led you astray? In some ways.
83. When it’s hot out, do you sleep with blankets anyways? Noooo. 
84. Have you ever felt betrayed? Yep. Not a nice feeling.
85. When’s the last time you listened to a DJ? My cousin’s quince a few years ago.
86. What’s the last unfortunate thing that happened, to your dismay? This pandemic.
87. When is payday? The 1st of the month (disability). 
88. Do good moments or bad moments replay through your mind more often? My mind likes to dwell on all the bad stuff instead. 
89. Do you prepay for anything? I typically like to pay all my bills at the same time each month instead of waiting until the day each of them are due.
90. Have you ever walked on a runway before? No.
91. Do you know a runaway? No.
92. Have you ever ridden the subway before? How about driven on the skyway? Nope.
93. Have you ever used an ashtray before? No.
94.How do you feel about public displays of affection? I don’t mind a little bit, like a quick kiss, hand holding, arms around each other, or a hug. 
95. Where would you like to go for a getaway? I wish I could rent a beach house and have my own private beach area.
96. Do you do any gateway drugs?  Some say weed is a gateway drug, but I personally never had any interest in try anything beyond that.
97. Have you ever felt like someone wasn’t meeting you halfway? Yes.
98. What were you doing at midday? I’ll be sleeping.
99. Have you ever stopped midway through a survey before?  Yeah, I did that with this one. I started it last night, but got too tired to finish it.
100. What’s your favorite holiday? Christmas.
101. Do you like to drive on the highway/thruway? I don’t drive, but yeah I prefer taking the highway over driving through town and hitting all the red lights.
102. Have you ever put something on layaway before? I haven’t, personally, but I’ve gone shopping with my mom and added stuff of my own along with her’s that she put on layaway.
103. Have you ever been cornered in an alleyway? No.
104. When is your birthday? July 28th. 
105. Do you know anyone who was a castaway? No.
106. How long is your workday? I don’t have a job.
107. What do you typically do on the weekdays? I do the same things everyday.
108. Is there a walkway or a pathway to your front door? Yeah.
109. What do you want to be someday? A functioning adult.
110. What is something that you do everyday? Drink coffee.
111. Do you park in your driveway? Do you even have a driveway? I don’t have a car, but yeah my house has a driveway that my parent’s use for their cars.
112. Have you ever won a giveaway? Yes.
113. How important is foreplay? I wouldn’t know.
114. Hooray! You’ve made it to the end! What are you going to do now? Eat my ramen. I was waiting for it to cool a bit.
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babybluebex · 5 years
The Beast
here’s josh! i love until dawn and i love poor little josh, so here’s this! (lol remember in eighth grade when i’d post a chapter every day??? can you say unneeded stress??) ((also this has mentions of s*lf h*rm and s*icide so sorry about that)) (((was gonna post this tomorrow but i’m posting it today whoops)))
Tumblr media
“You can go as slow as you need to, Leila. Nobody’s rushing you at all.”
I sighed deeply and hung my head into my hands. It had been a year; I thought it would get easier. Grief never seems to get easier. I saw that for myself with my father after my mother’s death, my husband after his sisters’ deaths, and now me with my husband. It hurt. Waking up with an empty bed, only making one cup of tea, not being surrounded by his heavy music from the moment I woke up. It was the smallest things that I missed about Josh. He used to have a habit of loading the dishwasher wrong (the plates face the side of the machine and not the front, who raised this man?), but my heart hurt every time I thought about how I would fix it and get fake-mad at Josh. He would kiss me and call me a bitch for being so anal-retentive about dishes, but I knew that he meant no ill will at all. 
“Start with the facts,” Dr. Hill told me. “Things that have proven to be true.”
I took a deep breath. “Umm…” I began. “My name’s Leila Washington. Last year, my husband Josh and I went up to his family’s cabin on Mount Washington for Christmas. Last year was one year since his sisters disappeared. I…” My arms secured snugly around my body to keep the tears in, and a whine burst forward from my throat. “There was a noise outside. A hurt animal or something. Josh was always such a… A good guy. He loved animals, and he wanted to go help it. He left the cabin, and… He was gone.”
“Gone?” Dr. Hill repeated. 
I sobbed into my sweater sleeves. “He didn’t come back,” I mumbled. “I-I called the police and they came up the mountain and… Th-They found blood. They couldn’t prove whether it was Josh’s or not, but they said it was human.”
“What do you think happened?” Dr. Hill asked. He was a nice man, older with a dusting of fine hair on his head, and he had never given me a reason to be uneasy at all, but his watery blue eyes gave me pause. I felt like they were staring directly into my mind, seeing my thoughts and sorting them out before I could say them. 
“I refuse to believe that someone hurt him,” I said swiftly. “He-He got hurt helping the animal and got lost getting back, it was really snowing hard that night. I know realistically that he’s dead, but I don’t want to think about if he was in pain or not. I… It’s easier for me to think that it was sudden and that he had no idea what happened.”
“And that’s a fate better than being able to come to terms with his death?” Dr. Hill offered. 
“I hope he didn’t suffer,” I mumbled. “That’s my biggest fear: he got hurt and was alone when he died. He had to have been scared. In pain. God, I… Jesus Christ.”
“What was your biggest fear when you and Josh got married?” Dr. Hill asked. “Losing him?”
I nodded. 
Dr. Hill nodded as well, and he said, “I know that you’ll fight me on this, Leila. You’re a fighter and that’s what makes me think that you can do this. I want you to go to the cabin within the next week and stay one night. Only one night. It’s called exposure therapy; only once you confront your troubles can you begin to understand and resolve them.”
My breath caught in my chest. “No,” I mumbled. “I-I can’t. I can’t go back to where my husband died. That’s crazy to even suggest that! I- No!”
“Leila, there is a brick wall between where we are now in your recovery and where we need to be,” Dr. Hill told me gently. “Going to the place where the trauma occurred will help tear down that wall, or at least chip a hole into it. We need an opening, Leila, and this how we get it.”
I chewed my bottom lip hard enough to bring blood to stain my teeth. “One night?”
Dr. Hill nodded. 
“Can I bring someone with me?” 
“If you wish to.” 
I sighed. I was crazy for agreeing to this. I was wishing bad things onto myself. I had lost it. “I’ll do it.”
“Jesus Christ, another documentary?”
“Yes, Josh,” I grinned. “And you’re gonna watch it with me.”
“What makes you say that?” Josh asked me. He was a good looking man, shaggy black hair and bright blue eyes with olive-toned skin, and a smile played at his lips as he teased me. Ever since we had known each other, we always liked poking fun at each other; it was just who we were. None of it was ever meant in malice, but our friends still thought we were crazy for teasing each other so often. 
“Because you love me and you’ll do anything for me,” I told him and batted my eyelashes. 
Josh clicked his tongue. “Got me there, Lei,” he said, and he leaned back on the couch and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “What’re we watching?”
“Nature doc,” I said. “David Attenborough-type stuff.”
Josh lifted his chin as he hummed in understanding. “I’ll be right back,” he said and swiftly got up from the couch, earning him one of my lengthy groans.
“Josh,” I moaned. 
“Just getting a drink!” Josh chuckled. “Chill out, boo.”
I started the movie without him, since he wanted to test my patience in the best way that he could, and I said, “Hey, fun fact! Did you know that the human body has literally millions of nerve endings?”
I heard the ice dispense dump out a few cubes into a cup, and then my husband said, “Did David Atta-Lama-Ding-Dong teach you that?”
“Okay, anyway, the human body has millions of nerve endings,” I continued, unfazed by Josh’s heckling. “Some are really small and really hard to find. So, it surprises and amazes me that you manage to find and subsequently get on every single last one of my nerves.”
“Ooh, zing!” Josh chuckled as he sat back down next to me. “How long did it take you to come up with that?”
“I’ve had that puppy in the vault for a long time,” I said. “Just to fuck with you.” 
“Clever girl,” Josh smiled. He took a drink from his cup, then furrowed his eyebrows. “Did you hear that?” 
“Hear what?” I asked. 
Josh stood up quickly, shifting me away from his warm chest. “Hear what, Josh?” I asked again. 
“I’ll be right back,” he said. He began to pull on his winter coat and hat, and I stood up and grabbed his arm. 
“Are you okay?” I asked. “It’s practically a blizzard out there.” 
“I’ll be right back,” Josh told me and kissed me softly. He had a bit of facial hair growing and it scratched my cheeks, and I watched in silent awe as my husband left the house, slamming the door with a curl of snow sneaking in. 
The night passed. After about ten minutes, I began to worry, but I trusted Josh. He was a bit of a bonehead at times, but he knew his limits. By the time an hour had passed, I was shaking and sick to my stomach. There was a niggling thought that Josh had been hurt, but I pushed that down. Josh was smart. He wouldn’t do anything to get himself hurt. The sun began to show through the clouds, and that’s when I decided to call the police. Guilt always punched in my stomach when I thought about how I could have called earlier and the police would have had a better chance of finding him, but I had been told that what happened obviously occurred for a reason. Wyrd, they called it. Fate. I had an ounce of hope while the police were examining the grounds around the cabin, and everything flooded out of me when they carefully escorted me to a small swell of snow and pointed out frozen clumps of bloody snow. 
I screamed. I cried. I vomited and shook and shut down completely. That was my husband’s blood. Everyone told me that it might not be his, but I knew. People called me crazy for being so steadfast, but I knew that it was Josh’s. I was never sure about what made me so confident that my version of events was true, but I called it a wife’s intuition. 
People gently suggested to me that maybe Josh had done this to himself. He had a history of mental health and self harm, and I knew that, and they always offered that the one year anniversary of his sisters’ deaths was maybe too much for him to handle. In fact, that seemed so likely that the police officially closed the case with the theory that Josh had purposefully gone out into the weather to commit suicide. I knew that that was probably what had happened, but I harbored hope, solely based on the fact that I even had the wherewithal to try to differ. I didn’t believe in God— neither did Josh— but I know that She wouldn’t have put the idea in my head if it wasn’t for an inkling of truth. 
The aftermath of the night was cruel. There was a funeral, complete with yellow freesias, Josh’s favorite, and people who kept telling me how sorry they were. Eventually, the faces blended together and I couldn’t tell friends apart from family. Sam was a constant for me and I was so thankful for her, but I became sick at the sight of her. My anxiety had always manifested myself in my stomach. Whenever I was scared or nervous, I always became sick. 
The quiet moments were the hardest. The ones where I knew Josh would be talking about something and filling the silence, but there was nothing. I cried into his pillow late at night and tried to remember our last night together. It was our first night at the cabin, and he had gently patted my hair and sang to me to help me fall asleep. I had never felt more in love than I did then, and I held onto the memory and pressed it deep into my chest. I would never let it go. 
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ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x16 Reaction / Commentary
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Alec “Proud Puppy” Lightwood
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THAT FACE HAHA. Also crêpes man I'm jealous.
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Rude man, don't rip him away from his hard earned waffles.
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This is so hilarious to me, okay, this prompting hand flick Alec does (which you can't see here because I can't gif, only screenshot ahahaha) man I love it. Sadly I didn't find a gif of this yet, so I can't put one :( I can't even put into words why it's so hilarious to me. And Magnus's sceptical gaze hahaha.
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I mean we all knew this was fake, not least because it implies Magnus is wearing the same outfit two days in a row and obviously this would NEVER happen, but also because in no universe does Alec have smooth dance moves. It's a law of nature.
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lol is this an innuendo or something because I don't get it, pls help
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Tiny waist touch is spotted and highly appreciated.
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That scene transition was brilliant and there is nothing else to say about it. I lost count of how many times I've rewatched it because it's awesome. The way Alec's voice sounds slighty off, the way Magnus gets heavier in his arms, the way everything spins out of focus, and Alec's last “Stay with me” sounds almost hard with urgency.
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When I first saw this I was legit yelling at the screen why the hell Alec is just shaking him instead of, idk, doing CPR but I did him a grave injustice there because he actually does and I really appreciate that. (Though, if he learned first aid I wonder all the more about 3x12 (or was it 3x13, I lost count lol) where he just lets Sentry Guy die without even trying to save him.)
That being said, I'm really happy we got to see the immediate aftershocks of it because I was half afraid this episode would just start with Magnus in the infirmary bed. Still, I have a question. Who called Catarina? Izzy? Because why is she then so shocked when she learns Magnus is not breathing? When she presumably first entered the room to receive the instruction to call Catarina, did she not... wonder why Alec was cpr-ing him? Or did Magnus not immediately stop breathing after collapsing but just, faded slowly while Alec had already told Izzy to call Catarina? I kinda wanna know the mechanics here.
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I mean, no surprise there if you keep killing them?? Ahahaha.
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My fangirl brain: What, General Amaya from the Dragon Prince is gonna appear? Sign me the hell up!!!! My rest-brain catching up: No this is not a crossover and no, r is not y and just, no. My fangirl brain: :<
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........ignoring the fact that summoning her is super stupid, there's also the tiny detail that they don't have leverage why would she help them are they just gonna say “pretty please”?? I can't believe them.
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lol Bohemian if you see this, this panel is only for you to haunt your dreams XD hehehe sorry sorry but I just couldn't resist XD
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Wtf I can't believe those words just came out of his mouth. Jace, you're gonna start with a pep talk? You were possessed and forced to do things against your will, you should know better than this. Honestly.
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The way his voice goes up, just kill me now.
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I absolutely loved this scene, in terms of acting it was perfect and it was painfully in character for Alec to blame himself for everything that's not going alright with someone he loves. The problem I have however (because come on, there's always a problem with me) is that they genuinely want to tell me that Alec didn't realize Magnus was faking it? Magnus loses his magic and he “doesn't think twice”? I mean, that's either really really insensitive or really really stupid. And Alec might be insensitive sometimes, but not like that and he surely isn't that stupid. So, uh, I don't really like that bit. Again, if he was secretly happy that Magnus's immortality is gone that's one more thing to feel intensely shitty about, I get that, but being secretly glad how things turned out and not realizing the other person is suffering from how things turned out are two entirely different things. And just, tf Alec. He can't possibly be that dense, can he, that he genuinely thought Magnus was okay with this. Even if he thought this was something Magnus could get used to in the long run, he didn't expect him to need some kind of settling-in period? Really??
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HELL YEAH I STAN CAT SO HARD IN THIS SCENE. And I'm so glad she's the voice of reason in this.... after deigning to appear at long effing last ahahaha sorry not sorry for that dig XD Look it's not her fault, it's the screen writers'.
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I got a soft spot for Simon calling her Fray. Also, high-key loving how they're all sitting there waiting for news and finally acknowledging that something's up with Magnus.
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LOL CLARY TELL US HOW YOU REALLY FEEL. Kidding. It was the Evil Rune at work again, even though she's nowhere near fire. Maybe it was the hypnotic neon lights? In any case, this is becoming a real problem lol. (No, tbh I found that outbreak totally hilarious XD)
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.............................*sigh* I mean, your fierce determination doesn't change the fact that this plan is doomed to fail and you still don't have any leverage over Lilith, but sure. Go off.
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YEAH BECAUSE AS SHE PROVED SHE HAS COMMON SENSE. Though I really hope she also told Alec about this dumb-ass request by his dumb-ass parabatai so he can intervene. But, tbh I don't really expect that to happen. *sigh*
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Kill herself and then revive herself, hoping a short moment of death is enough to severe the connection? Or maybe, uh, try to use her rune power to cancel her Evil Rune instead of summoning Lilith??? Just for starters.
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“See, I infused it with a strong dose of Plot Convenience, so that shouldn't be an issue.”
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“Why? Why do you hate him so much?” “It's simple. All my life I've had to sit by and watch...”
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Thanks for 100% confirming my headcanon, I do love that :)
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I really like the detail that he's so out of breath from the magic, it shows that it was probably more harmful that just a shove back? Oh the questions I want to ask.....
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Bitch you're 484 don't round down so much hahaha
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Is Lorenzo actually gonna be swayed by this????????????????????? uh
Edit: Ahahaha we later learn he actually is and obviously I had to write a ficlet about it, so uuuuh whatever I'll put it at the end with all my other shameless self promo I'll include in this thing XD
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OH YEAH I remember the “Different outfits for different occasions” comment from 2x19 I wonder what she'll wear? The same, or even older??? Btw why does she share a smile with Meliorn as if this is a private joke? Because, like, it isn't.
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I mean that's touching and all, but that doesn't change the fact that Lilith loves you and seeing you dead would absolutely tear her apart, thus making this a fitting revenge. Wtf Jonathan this is no sound counterargument.
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Hm. Tbh I liked her youngest self best? But she's still cast very well. And I recognize that her talking face to face with Jonathan would have been a little ridic if she only reached his navel XD
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Ugh, Bohemian, can you see me rolling my eyes?
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lol at least this was funny
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OMG Luke could you be any more dramatic, are you actually kidding me. I'm gonna be sick soon if you don't cut the bs.
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Wow the first sign of Sizzy that didn't suck, yay! XD this was actually pretty sweet.
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Oh you mean that time that Raphael was feeding on her and they were indulging in mutual addiction? Because as soon as Izzy was clean she steered clear of Raphael.
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..............................................what happened to “scumbag ex”? Why am I even asking?
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?? Yeah? What happened to “While Saia lasted it was the best thing ever?” Then again that was what, three episodes ago? Can't hold him accountable for something that happened so long ago, right.
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Hahaha okay that was cute.
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1) LOL how hilarious would it be if they summon Lilith and just get her corpse plus Jonathan holding the sword still sticking out of her chest. 2) Jonathan is a true sadist, making her wear those heels. 3) Who's that wheelchair for? I mean, Lilith designed this apartment for her disciples, right?
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.................which she doesn't need, since she's no warlock and her powers come from her angel blood, not ley lines. So, points for trying, show, but please don't mix up your races. Makes you look so unprofessional. (Except if this is a hint that shadowhunters also run on ley line energy, have ley line magic flowing through them etc. but honestly I'm not even entertaining the thought because then I'd have a conniption.)
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Wtf it's literally standing twenty seconds of intense mindnumbing pain, why the hell would you need a coach for that? Just hold it together and endure it. Also, if they attempt it, 20 bucks say he'll die for some dramatic Sizzy “Oh shit you could really have died, too” moment.
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Awww you can really see the love in that touch. <--- sarcasm.
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Awww you can really see the love in that touch. <--- no sarcasm.
Honestly, Magnus's touch is natural and familiar (btw love the uncoordinated grabbing) while Alec turns Magnus's chin as if he's trying to make as little physical contact as humanly possible. Is a hand on his cheek really too much to ask for? *sigh*
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lol you'd think he'd start with that immediately after Magnus wakes up instead of taking risks (it's what I would have done) but whatever.
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He's.... actually there to help? For free? Or is Alec gonna have to hand over the Institute's keys to him when the job is done? Lol. (Also that suit jacket could be straight out of Magnus's closet.)
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Oh my God Alec just say he could die. Why sugarcoat it? Say it how it is, and Magnus might listen to you.
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.........yeah. This is so relatable and I love how he delivers this line. The desperation is clear, but he's also determined about it. Also, quick question, why didn't Alec get Catarina to be there when Magnus wakes up instead of Lorenzo? I'm not saying it would have changed the outcome but it might just have made Magnus feel less shitty about being exposed to his nemesis in this weak state. Then again I get it, Alec is running on panic and instinct, so consideration is the last thing on his mind.
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This scene was amazing. Or, lol, this part of the scene. Magnus's performance is stellar and FYI the next thing he says, the “Look at me! Can you honestly say you like this?” was improvised and that's just ugh so good. Coincidentally this is also where my issues with this scene begin. They're not about how the characters act, I found that part very very fitting; it's meta.
The issue Magnus is having isn't about some fear that Alec won't love him anymore now that he doesn't have his magic anymore. Magnus is projecting. His issue lies within himself. He feels differently about himself, he can't say he likes this, and it's only in conclusion that he assumes it must be the same for Alec. But Alec isn't the root of this issue. But of course it's easier to pretend it's about Alec than to openly admit his severe self-image issues, so that's what Magnus does. Perfectly ic to me. The problem I have here is that if we take what Magnus says at face value it appears that Magnus only wants his magic back so Alec will keep loving him (sidenote: even more if you cross out Harry's addition and just focus on the “You fell in love with the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Can you honestly say you don't feel differently about me?”) and the solution to that is clear: Alec drops some wedding vows, problem solved.
But that's not the problem here. Magnus would literally rather be dead than without his magic and no amount of Alec waxing poetry about him is going to change that. And honestly, I'm so grateful for Harry's addition because that made it abundantly clear to me that Magnus is projecting. His bewildered “Can you honestly say you like this?” is an admittance of “I see what I am now and I can't bear it, so how could you?” If that scene had been about Alec, that would have been so uncalled for.
And also loooool but uuuuuuhhh I found Alec's speech less than impressive? I'm sorry, I know he tried but it just didn't work for me? I felt like it really wasn't up to his usual par. Lol I honestly rolled my eyes when he started about the spark that lights up the room XD It felt impersonal, kinda. It's hard to describe. Of course I can cut him some slack on that, because he was emotionally severely overchallenged in that moment and had to make it up on the fly, but uh. Yeah.
Anyway what I really didn't like was his closing line because it kinda sounded as if he was making that decision for Magnus and that's not his place. It might be dangerous and stupid and “not worth the risk” but Magnus isn't in a place where he should have his authority revoked, so. Kept from gambling with his life, yes. With sound arguments and empathy, yes. With dictation, no. So that didn't go over too well with me. Anyway I channeled that into a ficlet already, too, which I'm also advertising at the end.
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......has she just been sitting there for six episodes? Btw I wonder, if Jonathan is happily manipulating Lilith by faking positive emotions towards her I don't get why he totally fell for it every time Clary did the exact same thing to him.
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2) Why hello there Plot Point XD srsly why tf would Asmodeus use Magnus's magic instead of his own if, need I remind you, his own demonic magic is stronger than Magnus's, Magnus's wasn't even enough to destroy her demonic possession on Jace.... so why would Magnus's magic be enough to bind Lilith, the mother of that possession, to a room? Uh, lemme guess... Plot Convenience? So when, theory time!, Lilith is slayed he has no need for it anymore and can return it to Magnus?
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“...to kill you while you were weakened.”
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........I gotta be honest, I was really confused at his submissive behavior but then I realized... they have a 10 year history of these mechanisms, and slipping back into the pattern of things must be so easy. Also, I mean, that paints a really wonderful and peaceful image of his formative years, right?
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Jimon Shipper Moment <3 ;) Look I don't even ship it, but their bickering is high-key amusing to me.
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Instead of just standing between them from the get go? Why?
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?????? I guess the incest runs in the family, pun not intended?????? Btw Jonathan's weird incest-y obsession makes so much sense now. If this is literally the only way he ever learned how “familial love” (Lilith Greater Demon Edition) is expressed I have no questions anymore. Seriously, he's so screwed over by everyone and it's just unfair. (On that note, glad we never had to see him make out with Valentine. Some things are just too terrible to envision. Damn, why did I say that, I should just shut up for all of our sakes.) Anyway, back to our favorite tortured soul here, I'm honestly not even sure if I can hold the incest thing against him any longer. His entire life consisted of being raised by Valentine, who kept him in a hut in the woods where he never got to see anyone but him, and then Edom where there was Lilith and demons. It makes a horrifying amount of sense that normal human norms mean nothing to him. He's never lived them, he's never witnessed them and maybe he doesn't even know them. So yeah. I guess I'll just add the incest thing on the long long list of things that are due to the stellar parenting he enjoyed, and not entirely his fault.
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Damn so close to see my prognosis come true. Then again, I guess this was just the perfect timing because who knows if Lilith won't even help them now kill Jonathan because betrayal bla bla.
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1) No need to twist the knife, then again this is Lorenzo so what am I even expecting.
3) If it's like a transplanted organ being rejected by the body, just, idk, look for a different warlock whose magic fits Magnus better? There must be tests for that kind of thing? And even if there isn't, if you go slow and don't immediately portal all over the world plus end an encanto-coma you should be able to tell the magic doesn't fit pretty quickly without going into cardiac arrest. Magnus only got some nosebleed at first, remember, and it got worse only because he didn't slow down. I'm just saying, there would be Ways.
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Wow I never realized before that he's actually got an undercut. Makes his hairstyle look even stupider.
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Wow I believe this even less now than I did in 3x12.
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“Let's hug in these trying times, but please make sure your face doesn't touch mine, otherwise people might draw the absurd and outrageous conclusion that we're in a relationship or something.”
Honestly. Their portrayal of casual intimacy is abysmal and I hate it.
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1) The infirmary is very weird and open space for a place that should be easily closable if you need to contain, idk, sick people and their viruses and keep it sanitary. 2) I've been wondering since the start of the episode, did Lorenzo's pony tail get shorter? Wasn't it longer before? 3) At least Malec managed to make their feet intersect minimally, so yay for small mercies.
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“One dose of Plot Convenience, coming right up.”
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They're just.... gonna torture her? Really? I don't even have words for this. Oh no, I do:
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Seriously. It's as if morality isn't a thing, and torturing a sentient being isn't always and under all circumstances a Wrong and Bad thing to do. Because clearly if the person receiving torture is just Evil Enough then it's okay. Thanks for standing by and doing nothing Simon, this is exactly the reason I hate your inconsistent streak on this matter. I don't even expect better from the born shadowhunters, and Clary is way to un-reflected to even twitch but. Ugh. Why am I even wasting my breath (my typing capacity?) on this. It's pointless.
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Wow this is pointless, too. I mean, why is Izzy not interfering? She literally just fell down. She shouldn't be out of comission by this. Ugh.
Also ugh to Izzy slinging her whip around his hand instead of, idk, his whole upper body and his arms.
Also ugh to Simon waiting to attack Jonathan until the last second as a heroic saving move to save Izzy which, ugh.
But this here
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I'm honestly lol'ing so hard right now. Hahahaha this is just hilarious to me. Then again, who knows, maybe now they'll team up with Jonathan to kill Lilith and I'll get my hopes up again for a redemption arc XD
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......................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Btw I bet you she copied that move from Doctor Strange.
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lol another thing I didn't see coming.
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1) Hello Hannibal lol 2) Who went in there and put restraints on him? 3) Who's gonna pay that Seelie actress now??
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This scene was actually nice? I know, I'm surprised myself.
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How convenient. I mean, good thing he didn't say “Glorious” otherwise Izzy might have thought he was asking for that one ESC song to be played at his funeral.
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Please, Maryse, don't flatter yourself, all you had to do was scratch Elliot's corpse from the floor boards, the rest was already completely furnished.
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Look, while part of me is undeniably thrilled at the prospect – because while I was totally rooting for a Malec Wedding I was pretty sure it was an unachievable dream, just like hoping for Sheith – this is exactly what I mean with taking things at face value. Alec takes Magnus at his words (that he has doubts Alec will still love him now that he lost his powers) and so he thinks that a grand gesture of commitment will fix it.
But it won't, because that's not the problem. Or at least I hope it's not the problem, I mean if I lost my arm my main worry would be “Holy shit how am I gonna cope without my trusty appendage” not “What are the neighbors gonna think? Will I still be able to rock my favorite outfit without that limb?”
Anyway. I don't think this'll go over too well at this point in time. And honestly, Alec just realized at the beginning of this episode that he was fooled by Magnus's coping facade and tricked into thinking Magnus would be fine without his magic. And now Magnus has lost is magic again and Alec just... makes the same mistake again, blindly believing the words coming out of Magnus's mouth instead of taking a look for himself and seeing how Magnus is faring? Did he learn nothing from this? Alec. Why are you like this.
Anyway, conclusion time: This episode was way more reasonably paced than the last, the shit decision making was kept to a minimum (except for the part where they, y'know, summon Lilith back to earth) and Jace gets a diligence starlet for displaying common sense.
And now, self advertisement time! I wrote three ficlets: a) a continuation of the scene with Alec and Lorenzo b) a gap-bridging Malec scene set after the “I won't lose you” line and finally c) a what-I'd-like-to-see-happen-in-3x17-fic where Alec tells Izzy about his proposal plans.
I'd be thrilled if you checked one of them out. Until next time XD
(Gif Source)
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thebitchofdathomir · 6 years
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Chapter 19: Home | Part III is up!!
Lorelei is seven months old:
It was dinner time but Ben and Rey had yet to eat. They were occupied getting Lorelei fed first.
They had been introducing more solid foods to her lately. An addition spurred by the arrival of teeth. Chewie had brought a massive supply of baby food last time and it was an interesting collection of mush in various flavors. They realized quickly enough that jogan fruit was Lei’s favorite.
Lorelei gave a soft coo along with a slight smile, recognizing the flavor as the one she liked, “Yummy, huh?” Rey says to her. Said smile, however, made it difficult to keep the food inside her mouth and not on her face.
Ben held Lorelei around her middle while they had her sit on the edge of the table. He would keep her back supported and to keep her from moving around while Rey fed her with a spoon. They didn’t have a high chair so it was really the best they could do.
Rey made funny faces as she tried to mimic the motion that she wanted Lorelei to copy as she fed her the spoonfuls. They had found that she tended to copy them when they made the biggest fools of themselves. Of course, they didn’t mind, but they always teased the other who held the duty for the day. Today was no exception as Ben laughed, especially once Rey accidentally got baby food on her own face.
Lorelei’s head turns at her father’s laugh. She reaches for his face, her little fingers dancing over his grin, traveling to brush his goatee.
Rey waits with her arm extended with a spoon full of jogan fruit surprise, “Lei,” she calls to her. Instantly, her head turns back to her mother, mouth open and ready for more. She knew her name now, or at least when they called her by her nickname.
One of her little hands is still holding on to Ben’s face, the tiny fist now gripping his hair tightly and he winces as he tries to pry her hands free. “Lei, that hurts daddy. Try to go easy on his face, he’s only got the one,” Rey says.
Ben laughs. “Go easy on my face? You’re one to talk,” he gestures to the scar that runs down his features. Rey helps Lorelei finish off what was in the bowl as she looks to the shining traces of silver and pink that are forever embedded into his skin. Her handiwork.
She knows he’s just kidding. He’s admitted to her before how he rather likes it...and Rey can’t help but agree with him. She’s always been fascinated with it. Her gesture of tracing it with her fingers or lips was always so meaningful to both of them.
“It makes you look all the more daring,” Rey reminds him.
“What? That I dared to piss you off?” he asks her and Rey gives a real laugh. That was actually not an exaggeration.
I tried to do one of those chapter mood board kind of things but there are not enough pictures of Lah’mu so it looks mediocre (blame it on the limited pictures and not your shitty editing skills, lol)
Read Chapter 19 here!
Or start from the beginning!
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abadpoetwithdreams · 7 years
Nirvana in Fire Episode 6 Reaction
I have now mostly adjusted back to my current timezone after all that globetrotting, so I can use some free time to watch NiF instead of just sleeping. Yay!
Episode 6 starts–once again–exactly where we left off last time. At this point I should accept this as the given startpoint for every episode, but it also means I’m sort of worried that they’ll throw me for a loop and start an episode with a flashback or time jump or something just to mess with me at some point. Consort Yue is getting her comeuppance and I’m totally fine with revisiting that moment, obviously. But then the Emperor asks Jing Do you know what you did wrong? and I’m just oh, wait, no, I didn’t want to see this. That’s right. I was outraged when I finished the last episode, not happy. Time to see what Jing has to reply, I guess.
(Also: another scene with lots of Prince Jing close ups, another scene where I keep getting distracted by eyebrow envy. Seriously. From now on just assume that whenever there’s a close up on Wang Kai’s face I’m feeling a double-pang of jealousy and admiration.)
To my disappointment but also relief, Jing does not answer with “nothing.” Instead, he says he did wrong in holding the Crown Prince at swordpoint. Which, eh, debatable, but it looks like that’s the answer the Emperor was looking for. He asks Jing how did he know to go into Zhaoren Palace to save Ni Huang, when he has never gone that way before? Jing, bless his heart, freezes up and you can see how hard he’s thinking, haha. He can’t say who told him–I’m unclear if he knows the word came from Mei Chang Su or if he just thinks it was Meng, but regardless he can’t namedrop because the Emperor will then want to question THAT person, plus he doesn’t want anyone to know that he and Chang Su are in league. At the same time, though, this is Jing. There’s no way he can come up with a convincing lie on the spot like this. He’s stuck.
But just then: Prince Yu to the rescue! Wait, what?? Yep, our favourite moustacheless Jerk Prince has arrived with his usual flair to worm his way into the narrative in the best light possible. So THAT is what Mei Chang Su was doing last episode! He was sending Yu to save Jing before Jing even went to save Ni Huang, lololol he knows Jing so well. I’m in love with how far ahead this man thinks. His whole mind is a chessboard. It speaks to a rather unhealthy level of singleminded obsession and focused energy, but never mind that for now; let’s just bask in his brilliance.
The Emperor somewhat impatiently asks Yu what he is here for this time (aha he really is just done with this whole afternoon isn’t he? Well, good. I hope this gives you a headache, Emperor). In response, Yu tells the Emperor that HE is the one who told Jing to go save Ni Huang. HAAAAA.
This is such a clever move! Of course Yu will be eager to help Jing out here because Chang Su will have presented it as a chance for him to look good in the Emperor’s eyes, ESPECIALLY in contrast to the disgraced Crown Prince (aka moustache Jerk Prince), and even more, now he’s probably going to feel like Jing owes him something. But this is also the perfect cover for Jing, aka the prince Chang Su is ACTUALLY looking out for. I love it. But it’s a very good thing that no one was looking at Jing’s face when Yu said that, because this boy has no poker face whatsoever and his utter confusion and surprise is sooooo obvious, lolll.
Ni Huang’s skeptical-dagger sideeye is much more subtle. I say this every episode recap, but: be more like Ni Huang, Jing.
The Emperor demands details, and Yu very confidently tells this whole story of how he was on his way to visit his mother (filial piety: check!), and his route took him past Zhaoren palace where he noticed the Crown Prince, because how could he not notice such an important personage (respect to his higher ranking brother: check!), and the Crown Prince was letting Sima Lei into the palace. He thought it inappropriate to let an official into the palace (ooh, he’s so conscientious about propriety! Check!) so he had his men investigate and when they reported Ni Huang was also there, he thought that strange and sent for Jingyan. As the Emperor points out, this keen observation and quick putting-together of all the clues also makes Yu look very intelligent. UGH Prince Yu must be grinning like a cat on the inside. Jing looks almost as impressed as the Emperor as he listens to this rigamarole, albeit he also looks increasingly disgusted. Control your beautiful face, Jingyan.
The Emperor looks very approving of his sneaky son, but also wants to know why Yu chose to send Jing in instead of going himself? Yu smoothly answers that he thought it would be wrong of him to enter the palace, considering it is heavily guarded so he would have to take his own guards with him, too. Jing happened to walk by, so that’s why he picked Jing to go instead. Since Jing is a prince, it would be within his rights to go in, and he could just apologize if nothing was amiss and be on his way. I guess as a lesser ranked prince and one who is highly skilled in martial arts as well, his entering the palace alone wouldn’t be as aggressive and dangerous an act as Yu entering accompanied by armed men.
Huh, says the Emperor, I’m surprised you just obeyed Prince Yu and went, Jing. You’re usually not so obedient. (Which made me instantly envision how this actual scenario would really go down, preferably along the lines of
(Yu: Hey, Jing Yan, do me a favor, I need you to go into Zhaoren palace and–)
(Jing: Do it yourself. *doesnt break stride*)
Jing has caught on to the ploy by now, thank heaven for small mercies, and says since this concerned Ni Huang’s safety, he did not have the luxury of ignoring his brother’s order, lol. Yu pipes up and praises Jing for acting so bravely and saving Ni Huang in time, and then goes one step further and accepts the blame for threatening the life of the Crown Prince, saying he himself did not hold the sword, but Jing was only there under his orders, so it’s his fault really. If the Emperor plans on punishing Jing, then Yu demands that he also share that punishment, because that is only fair. Aw, what a noble, righteous, good prince this Yu is NOPE WAIT A SECOND HE’S NOT GOOD HE’S JUST GOOD AT LYING AND PLAYING HIS CARDS RIGHT. I see you, Yu, I seeee youuuu.
The Emperor chuckles, good humor restored, and accepts this whole story, wryly saying that well, he does know Yu keeps close watch on the Crown Prince, after all. Sanctimonious Prince Yu humbly responds that of course he does: the Crown Prince is both his superior in rank AND his older brother! He looks up to him and strives always to follow in his footsteps and he always has! Enough of such talk, the Emperor cuts him off, saying what we are all thinking. He knows this last, at least, is utter hogwash, but he also decides to believe the rest of Yu’s story. While this doesn’t excuse Jing for his crime (at this, both Ni Huang and Yu interrupt to beg that Jing be shown clemency, which, aw (even if Yu is just doing this for himself)), the gracious Emperor will allow the merit of his good deed in saving Ni Huang to cancel out whatever punishment he earned. How nice.
Prince Yu, however, gets rewarded with pearls and brocade and all sorts of fancy riches as well as his father’s praise, so that’s unfair. We get to see both Yu and Jing make deep bows and thank their dad, but we sadly don’t see the Crown Prince’s face when Yu gets all that reward, because he must be losing his MIND. Also Ni Huang doesn’t look that pleased, but she is composed nonetheless. The Empress looks VERY pleased. She came out of this best: her hated rival was shamed and punished and demoted, her son earned himself so many brownie points, AND she got to watch both of these events go down. It’s just a really good day for her.
While Jing is storming away from the palace–he doesn’t look more grumpy than usual, he just always looks like he’s storming places when he walks–Ni Huang chases after him.
She tells him he left too quickly; she hadn’t even finished thanking Prince Yu when Jing was already gone! I don’t blame him; I’d want to get out of there as fast as I could, too. But then she continues and tells Jing that she knows that Yu was lying; she knows he didn’t send Jing to save her. Did Mister Su send you? she asks, a little self-consciously; she does not meet Jing’s eyes as she asks the question. Hey hey heyyyyyy
What does Su have do do with anything? Jing asks, looking truly perplexed. Commander General Meng was the one who approached me. (Ok, so I guess our poor brave Prince really did have no idea Su was involved. Oh, precious.) (Also the blessed people who do the music for this show had a chime or somesuch instrument ring really loudly as he said this and started talking it out, it was like an audible version of a lightbulb suddenly clicking on as he starts to work things out, I laughed)
He says he was skeptical, but hey, he trusts Meng and since the order concerned Ni Huang’s safety, he figured better safe than sorry. Why would she think Su had anything to do with it? Ni Huang looks taken aback, then disappointed, then a little irritated but mostly determined. Well, she says, I clearly have some questions for Meng.
(Uh oh, Meng. Start running now. Or at least I hope you have been coached on what to tell her. I feel like you aren’t really up to the task of improvising a convincing cover story that would be good enough to fool the Princess.)
Meanwhile, Prince Yu and his mother are enjoying a celebratory Drink and Gloat together. As one does, when your political, romantic, and fraternal rivals all shoot themselves in the foot on the same day, right in front of you. The Empress gleefully congratulates her snakey son. Said snakey son responds by grinning and basically saying Hey, mom, just in case you thought I was being nice? I wasn’t. I was being sneaky. Just thought you should know. Which is to say, he tells her how he wasn’t really defending Jing, he was just stealing all the credit for Jing’s bravery and good deed, and he actually had nothing to do with saving Ni Huang at all. This probably makes her even more proud, sighhhh. Something I do like about this show is what mama’s boys these rival Princes are, even while being genuinely terrible human beings. Prince Yu is reeeally basking in his mother’s praise.
Yu points out an additional bonus he gained that I hadn’t considered until now: Ni Huang might not have considered herself indebted to the Empress for her intervening, since the Empress seemingly showed up by chance. Ni Huang would probably have felt grateful towards Jing instead, because, duh. But by taking credit for sending Jing in the first place, Prince Yu has ensured that Ni Huang has ended up indebted to him after all, in addition to Jing also owing him now. Verrrrry impressive. Sure enough, the Empress LOVES this, but then she stops to ask: Yu might have taken credit for sending Jing, but since he didn’t actually do it–what is the real reason for Jing being in Zhaoren palace?
Yu flashes back to his meeting with Mei Chang Su, where Su told him where to go and what to do. Thinking out loud, in some awe, Yu remarks that he isn’t the biggest winner of the day after all; when the Empress asks what he means, he explains: Mei Chang Su was the real winner of the day. He orchestrated everything, on such scant evidence. Yu really, really, REALLY wants Mr. Divine Talent on his team now. The man is just so brilliant! (Yes he is, Yu. More than you know.)
While this is happening, Ni Huang has tracked down Meng, with Jing tagging along. She evidently piqued his curiosity. Meng has this wonderful “oh no” face when he greets them; he’s smiling but also he definitely knows he’s about to be grilled. And thus begins the Lang Ya Bang Sherlock Holmes AU, starring Princess Ni Huang as Holmes and Prince Jing as her silent, stalwart Watson. Under questioning, Meng tries his darndest but ends up folding extremely quickly, loll. Meng tries saying he got news that Sima Lei entered the palace because he’s a Commander General responsible for the Emperor’s safety, he knows about stuff like that! But even Jing CLEARLY isn’t buying that. Ni Huang very sweetly marvels at how incredibly insightful and quick thinking Meng is (she is smugly triumphant as she says this because she knows all three of them know that isn’t Meng at all lolol her happy expression and lifting of her chin is so cute) and he immediately gives up the ruse because he’s honest and knows that she has him.
The trio move their conversation inside where Meng presumably confesses that the rescue was all Mei Chang Su’s doing. Jing is skeptical about how Mei Chang Su could deduce Ni Huang’s peril so accurately from so little information. Meng opens his mouth to answer, and looks surprised when Ni Huang answers first, and of course she isn’t speaking from any Su Script: she’s speaking for herself. She tells Jing about how she has evidence that Su knew something was wrong even before Sima Lei arrived: Mei Chang Su had warned her himself to be wary of the harem. Jing does NOT look happy at this revelation. Ni Huang is not that happy either, to be honest, because she has to make certain to present Yu with a lavish gift and abundant thanks the next day, but she is so SURE that it is Su she should really be thanking.
Meng asks why Ni Huang must thank Yu when it’s so obvious he had nothing to do with it and was merely out to steal glory? Oh, Meng, you innocent. Ni Huang reminds him that, well, Yu does technically deserve thanks because he prevented Jing from being punished–no matter how selfish his motives were–but she also reminds him that the Crown Prince, though somewhat disgraced, is still the Heir and still possesses all the power that entails. If she is abundantly thankful to Prince Yu and ignores Jing, then it is less likely that the humiliated Crown Prince will target Jing and persecute him for his role in Consort Yue’s downfall, and more likely the Crown Prince will focus his hatred instead on Yu–who, let’s face it, has already been established as his hated rival, so this ploy should work to focus his rage. She’s using her social duty to trick the feuding Princes into keeping their blinders on and attacking only each other, forgetting Jing. Awwww, she’s protecting our Jingyan, I’m so proud. Jing (who has been looking pretty deep in thought this whole time) looks a little self-conscious, I think. I’m betting he hadn’t stopped to consider he might be targeted by the Crown Prince.
(Sidenote: Wang Kai’s face is very distracting in this scene, because the lighting is juuuuust right for shining off his carefully highlighted cheekbones and his skin is very shiny here like good lord lol. He’s just so beautiful it’s hard to concentrate on what he’s saying. It’s probably a good thing that Jing doesn’t smile very much in this show so far, because if he ever did look genuinely happy I don’t think I could handle it on an emotional level.)
Jing remarks that Prince Yu had seemed very pleased. Understatement, much? Ni Huang says of course he was pleased! She lays out all the reasons why Yu is winning at life right now, and then pauses: Yu must have a wonderfully clever mentor, she says, slowly. The look of sudden dawning disgust on Jing’s face is glorious to behold. He is DEFINITELY NOT happy. Wow, he says, this mentor really IS something, isn’t he. He’s causing so much chaos in the palace; none of us, seemingly, can escape his machinations. He’s playing ALL of us. Meng looks really unhappy to hear Jing talk so coldly about Mei Chang Su, but of course he can’t say anything in our favourite plotting scholar’s defense! Aaaand fade to black. I have a hunch that Jing is suddenly not feeling so thankful about the whole saving of the slave kid thing.
Next scene, after an undetermined jump in time (I’m guessing it’s the same day since Jing is wearing the exact same outfit, but then again maybe he just likes that outfit idk), begins with Jing approaching Mei Chang Su. Uh oh.
(I want to take a moment here to compliment the lighting on this show because it’s always so clear and cold, there’s always this natural-frozen-winter lighting on everything and it’s wonderfully atmospheric and gorgeous to look at. Ok carry on.)
Su bows politely because he’s so polite and proper always (pfft) and asks why Jing summoned him during bad weather (it’s on the cusp of a rainstorm apparently? Considering that Mei Chang Su is ill and everyone’s usually making such a fuss about him being out in the cold and damp, this is yet ANOTHER red flag about just how Not Happy Jing is. Jing does take an instant to look a little guilty, but then shakes it off because he’s still righteously angry.
(Hey Lin Shu, where’s your furs, you brat? Somewhere Fei Liu is fuming for sure.)
Your Highness seems angry, says Su. Jing gives him this wonderful “oh DO i?” deadpan glare, and then has out with it: He wants to know if Chang Su is happy with how the Ni Huang crisis turns out. The heavy implication is that Jing thinks Su orchestrated the whole thing, setting up Ni Huang so that Jing would have to save her, so that Jing would thereby earn her powerful family’s loyalty and also the Crown Prince would be destabilized–all this makes sense from a standpoint of cold logic, of course, and Prince Yu would definitely have arranged something like this if he could. We know as the audience that this isn’t actually what was going on, but then again Su DID turn the situation to his advantage. He did gamble somewhat with Ni Huang’s safety. But I’m certain that was not deliberate on his part: remember he did try to tell her not to visit the palace, she just ignored him.
Anyway, Jing is FURIOUS about this. He tells Su that in future, he demands that Su tell him BEFORE something like this happens. He doesn’t want to be Su’s pawn if they are truly collaborating to put Jing on the throne. If Su is going to be playing games with good people’s lives to attain his endgame, then Jing wants to know about it in advance or the deal between them is done. In fact, he’s going to take it even further and say Su is not ALLOWED to use good people like that, period. Jing says he does not want people like Ni Huang to end up as “stepping stones to my success,” which, awwww. HE IS SO GOOD. He is also SO ILL-SUITED TO THESE POLITICS.
Su listens to all this without interrupting or defending himself, but then he just says he did not expect Jing to think this of him and awwww he’s so sad. Jing starts telling Su about how good Ni Huang is and how she isn’t one of the bad people in court, one of the people squabbling for power; she’s sacrificed her life to the military to protect her people, she deserves better than to be a pawn in a strategist’s scummy games. Poor Su looks pretty haunted for this entire speech, but then he says he understands: Your highness is here today to set the rules.
(The way the power dynamic is constantly fluctuating between these two is fascinating, btw. Jing rightly saw in the Ni Huang case how Su is controlling the action, so now here he comes to control Su. We the audience know that Su can’t reeeeeally be controlled. But we shall see how it goes moving forward, I guess.)
Then there’s a tiny scene basically letting us know that the Empress is using all her influence to make Consort Yue’s life hell, but I don’t have much to say about that because this Mei Chang Su and Jing scene is THE scene of the episode and maybe even the entire show so far. What we get here is the most important monologue Jing has had so far, where he really tells both us and Su exactly who he is (here copied out in full, because it is That Important):
I have met many strategists. I have witnessed the most despicable and malicious acts they performed. The stabs in the back; not even the strongest person could withstand them. My eldest brother. My best friend. Both of them died from such unscrupulous schemes. I will not have them see me become a ruthless person who will stop at nothing. I don’t ask that you understand what it means to be iron-willed and tough in battle. But there are some people who mustn’t be hurt and some methods that mustn’t be used. If you can’t even respect those warriors who risk their lives in battle, then I, Xiao Jing Yan, will never associate myself with you.
1. Jing hates strategists. Now confirmed that he hates them because he saw what they did to the people he loved best. Now confirmed that his disgust for Su stems from his anger at what people like Su did to Shu who is Su and just STOP SHOW STOP
2. Mysterious Eldest Brother Qi is mentioned yet again. When will we find out exactly what happened twelve years ago. Whennnn.
3. Hard to imagine a Jing who actually liked one of his brothers, this is very sad
4. Jing has felt all this time that he has to live up to his dead brother and dead friend’s expectations of him, he’s been haunting himself with their judgemental ghosts all these years so even if Su gives him a way to avenge them by taking the throne himself he won’t let it be at the cost of becoming that thing that killed them to begin with good GRIEF Jing *takes a moment to cry a little more*
5. Jing of course assumes that Su does not understand the martial way of life and code of honor because he’s just a scholar strategist whose battlefield is the political arena (aka he’s manipulative trash) but also we know he is So Wrong and if he just stopped being angry a moment and really looked at Su’s face while he’s telling him this maybe he’d have second thoughts because Su looks CRUSHED
6. LIN SHU PLS JUST TELL JING WHO YOU ARE AND GRAB NI HUANG AND MENG AND JUST LEAVE JUST FIND A NICE HIDEAWAY SOMEWHERE WHERE YOU CAN BE HAPPY TOGETHER also Jingmum and Mu can come too just stop hiding and be safe and be happy look how broken Jing is just UGHHH
7. (Also since our Lin Shu is, of course, going to stay pretending to be Mei Chang Su, then even if he swears transparency to Jing it’s still a lie. Even if he brings Jing in on his plans in future, Jing is STILL just a pawn being played. I hate this I hate this I love this I hate this)
The drama knows we need some breathing space and time to restock our tissue boxes after that scene, so now we have another Empress scene, this time her talking with Prince Yu again.
I forget if we had explicit confirmation before that Yu is only the Empress’ adopted son, not her birth son (though I guess the fact that he isn’t the heir is sort of a giveaway), but she clearly says it here. I wonder if he was evil even before she adopted him or if he only developed all his snakey traits after. The Empress asks about Jing, and Yu says Jing left quietly and hasn’t said anything about Yu stealing credit, so they disregard him as a threat, figuring if he didn’t flare up angrily about it now, then he’s not going to ever bring it up again. The Empress apologizes for not managing to make her son the Heir when he’s so superior to the Crown Prince; Yu says that’s fine, everyone knows the Emperor favors the Consort anyway so it made sense he’d pick her son as heir. I don’t see how this should make the Empress feel better, but ok Yu.
The scheming mom and son team decide they have to take advantage of Consort Yue’s disgrace and house arrest (oh yeah, the Empress is trying to make sure no palace news reaches her rival too) to supplant the Crown Prince and replace him with Yu. Yu says here he feels very confident this will work, especially because he knows now that the Divine Talent is on his side.
Back to Jing and Su! Su agrees to Jing’s terms, but then asks if he can lay down some rules of his own. Jing looks grumpy, naturally, but concedes by sitting down with Su at table (previously he was still stubbornly standing).
(Sidenote: THE MUSIC T_T)
Su tells Jing he won’t cross the boundaries Jing has set, but also: they’re up against the Crown Prince and Prince Yu. If they are to win against those two, then Jing WILL have to be willing to be more ruthless than them. In addition, since Jing and Su are a TEAM, there should be no more secrets between them (OH THAT’S RICH). Secrets like … Ting Sheng, for example.
Uh, Ting Sheng? What could possibly be secret about Ting Sheng? Jing asks in the least innocent way possible. (Sidenote: remember what I said about how the power is constantly being passed back and forth between these two? Here comes Mei Chang Su taking it back after that verbal and moral drubbing from Jing.)
Su isn’t holding back: I’m talking about his real identity, he says. Jing looks guilty and distressed at this development, then confesses: this is his only secret, the only thing he will not speak of. How did Su figure it out? Su takes some pity on him and doesn’t say “because you are THE worst liar ever, Jingyan”; he sidesteps and says that isn’t important. What IS important is he had this knowledge and didn’t use it against Jing. HE IS ON JING’S SIDE. TRUST HIM. Also, Jing NEEDS him on his side, because once they can’t stay under the radar with their grab for the throne anymore, both the Crown Prince AND Yu will go after Jing, and does Jing think he could survive that without Mei Chang Su’s help? Nope, didn’t think so.
Jing concedes this but then starts reiterating that still, there are good people in court who are not involved in politics and who he does not want drawn into this, and THIS time Su does cut him off, saying that it doesn’t matter: he WILL still use those who can be used to further Jing’s rise in power. Jing looks taken aback at this. But Su continues, saying that though he will use people, he will do his best not to hurt them. That’s the best he can promise. I think this honesty and openness gets through to Jing a little; it’s a compromise anyway and it comes across as Su not trying to lie to him and not WANTING to hurt people, or at least not being entirely dispassionate about it. Jing nods and rises, looking very conflicted, and then pauses as he leaves.
I still have to thank you, he says, for rescuing Ting Sheng. Then he walks out. So I guess he still has to thank him. Hm.
Next scene: FINALLY MY GOOD PURE BOYS ARE BACK. Their arrival is well-timed because after all that angst I am so emotionally exhausted and they revive me.
“Hey, Jing Rui, isn’t that man who just went by your brother Zhou Qing Yao?” OK NEVER MIND THIS DOESNT MAKE ME FEEL ANY HAPPIER AT ALL
Jing Rui says it’s impossible that Yu Jin saw his brother; his brother couldn’t have returned home without Jing Rui being notified! Guys, I have such a bad feeling about this. Such a bad feeling. Even the music is like “UH OH WATCH OUT.”
But our two favourite Good Besties shrug it off and decide to visit Mei Chang Su. Apparently he’s started looking for a house of his own (remember he’s still living on the Marquis’ property atm)? Hm. There must be a Reason for this.
Cut to–sure enough–Zhou Qing Yao talking with the Marquis. He’s reporting on Xia Dong, the intelligence woman who dislikes Jing and who was sent to investigate that Duke of Qing from episode like one or two. It’s been a while. He says she’s found enough evidence that the Duke is sunk if she gets back to the capitol to report. This is all well and good, because the Marquis wants Prince Yu weakened, but Xia Dong also found out stuff that could implicate the Marquis–she’s just too good at her job. (She also looks amazing while riding across that river with her hood up, I love deep dramatic hoods.)
Xie Bi, Jing Rui’s brother and the Marquis’ son, has all this time been supporting Prince Yu. He, Jing Rui, and everyone think that while he has taken a political side, his father is noble and neutral. In actuality, though, the Marquis supports the Crown Prince. This way the family wins no matter which prince ultimately takes the throne! But Xia Dong now has evidence that will prove the Marquis supports the Crown Prince. So he tells his aghast son in law basically that he’s arranging to have Xia Dong killed before she gets back to court. WELP
Cut to nighttime at a brothel, yayyy. That’s a sarcastic yay. The subtitles say it’s called Red Sleeves Brothel but also showed subtitles for Heavenly Music House, so is the brothel near the music house or are they connected or what. I thiiiink they’re just near each other???? But in the Red Sleeves Brothel (I think) we find Yu’s strategist, that woman with the red eyeliner! She reads and then burns a note that apparently informed her of Duke of Qing’s situation. She admits she can do nothing for him now and wonders aloud what the Divine Talent could do. Is she jealous? I think she is, a bit.
Cut to what is probably the next day, and Jing Rui meets with his Marquis dad who apparently summoned him. The Marquis inquires about how Mei Chang Su is doing and exhorts Jing Rui to keep looking after him well. Jing Rui says he will, but also that Su is looking into moving out into a house of his own. He looks so sad when he says this, awwwww, no. Don’t feel bad, Jing Rui! The Marquis meanwhile looks alarmed. He tells Jing Rui to keep him updated on if Su needs anything.
Cut to Jing Rui and Yu Jin hanging out at a riverbank, where Jing Rui looks like he’s kind of sulky and moody but more importantly HIS HAIR IS DOWN. I like loose-hair Jing Rui! Anyway, Yu Jin asks him why they’re there. Jing Rui says he just wanted to get out of the capitol; after his time away it seems so stifling, and everyone has changed, poor boy. He says he feels like both his father and Su have changed. Yu Jin says but your father was always like that! and Jing Rui shakes his head with the saddest pensive pout, I feel so bad. He doesn’t even know. DONT LET HIM FIND OUT SHOW DONT DO IT PLEEEEASE.
Yu Jin just shrugs and says that, to be fair, Mei Chang Su was always unfathomable, and he could tell Su never really considered them to be real friends of his. Jing Rui says nothing but his whole expression says BUT I WANT TO BE HIS REAL FRIEND THO.
(Jing Rui is wearing THE prettiest dark blue and silver outfit, btw. It’s very House Fingolfin. I love it.)
Jing Rui just looks sadder and sadder so Yu Jin switches gears and starts trying to cheer him up, suggesting a visit to the Heavenly Music House (some names are dropped so I’m guessing they’ll be important but I don’t care enough to remember them yet) and a nice boat outing and stuff, and see, Jing Rui, you already have a best friend in Yu Jin. Just be happy with that, don’t worry about Su! Yu Jin’s cajoling works and Jing Rui does cheer up, and they go back to their horses. But then they are startled when a Mysterious Cloaked Figure emerges from behind a tree!
I recognize her instantly: it’s Xia Dong. She’s missing her horse though, which can’t be a good sign.
Now we go back to Prince Yu, where the Duke of Qing is pleading for help. Yu has no more help to give, though, the Duke is done for at this point. Also Yu keeps punching himself in the face because he’s so frustrated and, like, more of this please I’m living. Yu says he needs to find out who escorted the old couple accusing the Duke (remember earlier the Marquis said it was his people I think, the son-in-law and his pugilist dad?) because he’s freaking out that the Crown Prince seemingly has secret pugilist allies.
Also Yu throws a fit here, an actual finger-wagging, mimicking-the-Duke’s-voice sort of fit, and it’s the best. He wants to know where Xia Dong, the investigator who knows too much, is.
Well, she’s with Jing Rui and Yu Jin at the river, that’s where. She calls Yu Jin over and he is hilariously frightened of her (apparently because she was his mega-harsh martial arts teacher when he was tiny) but he does approach, and she pretends to be bullying him but it’s just a cover so she can get close and whisper for him to help her back to the main road. Once he’s close he notices there’s blood running down her hand. Ohhhhh dear. She tells him to relax and pretend nothing is wrong.
To his credit, Yu Jin does this very well, no hesitation. He’s very sunny but he isn’t a fool; I love how he is always very capable, even if he enjoys larking. Jing Rui notices something must be wrong as they approach, and he also switches into serious mode, grabbing his sword as he rushes over. As long as I don’t fall over they won’t dare to come out, whispers Xia Dong, which is one of THE coolest lines ever given to a female character, I love itttt. She says there’s men hiding in the woods.
Soon enough, those men attack anyway! Can I just say all the shots of them sliding down the trees were great, btw, that looks like so much fun. Jing Rui tells Yu Jin to run ahead with the wounded Xia Dong and then proceeds to take out like twenty guys all by himself I love him so muchhhh. (Sidenote: I love all the shots of our boys hurrying through the tall grass while carrying the skirts of their robes, it’s so funny ok but also relatable) There’s a cool Jing Rui’s sword POV shot at some point and yeah the whole fight is majorly fun. This actor’s swordfighting is A++++ aesthetic.
Some assassins do surround Yu Jin and Xia Dong despite Jing Rui’s heroics, but our heroes fend them off unarmed, and they’re also awesome. Major props to whoever did Yu Jin’s series of backflips in all those heavy robes, goshdangggg. That was impressive. Also Xia Dong gets a blade and starts just DESTROYING all the assassins, what a fantastic woman. I also am beginning to suspect she wasn’t QUITE as injured as she was making out. My suspicious are confirmed when she fakes being weakened and hurting to lure out the leader of the assassins, who she then easily takes down. Then she casually PUNCHES THE POISON CAPSULE TOOTH OUT OF HIS MOUTH I love her so muchhhhhh
Good pure Jing Rui is a bit distressed by this, but Yu Jin tells him to just let her be. I think he is still scared of her. Xia Dong asks the assassin who sent him to kill her. His response? Prince Yu.
Annnd end episode! Is it really Prince Yu who sent the assassins? I don’t think so, because he told the Duke he could do nothing more for him AND that he didn’t know where Xia Dong was. Meanwhile, we know the Marquis was sending an ambush. The Prince Yu answer is probably just a coverup to misdirect. Does that mean Jing Rui just killed like a score of his dad’s own men? Oh, dear.
This is maybe my favourite episode since episode two! Fast-paced, no longer tied up with the Ni Huang marriage subplot, the story’s focus is now reverting more and more to Jing and I’m so here for that. Plus the story just keeps getting deeper and deeper, adding new levels to everyone’s motivations and relationships and oh it’s so good. It’s just so good. I’m so scared.
Also! Here (with permission) is a supersmart, superhelpful, and superhilarious graphic for this episode made by glimmeroo! It’s great and you should check out their work. I’ll try to keep linking to their graphics in each recap post I make from now on, as we are both recapping episodes just in different formats, so I think our posts compliment each other nicely ^_^
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livtries · 4 years
love at first... flight? c.h pt 2
love at first... flight? part two
parings: calum hood and female reader
summary: your friend asked you to be a bridesmaid out of nowhere, so now you have all of these extra things to do. you think you’re crazy, because you think you see calum around... maybe you aren’t as crazy as you think...
warnings: swearing, and mentions of partying and talk of drinking.
a/n: so so sorry that i’m posting this now! i just haven’t been able to find time to sit down and actually be able to write the second part, but it’s finally here!!
I got my luggage from the baggage claim, and went off to my hotel for the next week.
i went outside, the fresh air slapping me in the face harder than i thought it would.
a small child came running up to me. their parent wasn’t far behind.
“hi, ma’am. would you like a lei?” the little girl babbled to me, holding a pink flower lei up to me.
“hi, honey. thank you.” i cooed and smiled at the little girl.
“you look like a disney princess.” she beamed at me.
“oh, thank you.” i bent down to be eye level with the child as she wrapped her arms around my next, giving me a hug.
her mom had finally caught up to up.
“honey, don’t bother the nice lady. she’s probably tired.” her mother spoke. i looked at up her and smiled. i had some candy from my flight that i didn’t open.
i bent down and handed her the candy.
“thank you, ma’am.” she smiled at me.
her mom smiled at me as i got up and walked away, turning around to wave to the little girl.
i went to my hotel, and got my stuff settled, but i kept thinking i saw calum around… i was probably just tired from the long plane ride.
i went into my room, and crashed. i took a nap at around 4 and woke up around 7:30. i had a missed called from emily, so i got up and called her back.
“hey, y/n! i have a huge favor to ask you.” emily spoke, as i was walking into the bathroom to check out my hair.
“ok, what’s up?” i smile a bit.
“one of my bridesmaids got really sick, and she doesn’t think she’ll be able to make it to the wedding… i know that it’s two days from now, but i just was wondering if you would fill in?” she asked me, she sounded desperate.
“em, of course i will. I’d love to!” i smiled a little, and waited for her response.
“Really?? Thank you so much, y/n. I truly don’t know what i’d do with out you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” she thanked me, and i smiled again.
“When are we all getting ready on friday?” i asked her.
“Around 3-ish.” she responded, her voice audiobly more giddy.
“Ok! Sounds good. I’ll be there.”: i smile once again and hung up the phone.
At this time, it was almost 9, so i figured i should probably get some comfier clothes on, and try to get some sleep. The rehersal dinner was tomorrow, and the actual wedding was the day after, so i was definitely gonna have an eventful few days…
I went to go get some pjs on, and then climbed into bed, not long after, falling asleep.
In the morning, i woke up around 8ish, and laid in bed for a little while. All of a sudden, calum pops into my mind. I had convinced myself that i was never going to see him again. I mean, did i get his number? Yeah. but, he lives in australia. I live in LA. thats wayyy too much distance, if we even decided to talk more. I laid there and thought about him, about the way his hair kept falling out of the hood he had on, and how he swore when it annoyed him enough to the point where he had to fix it. The way that he snored softly when he fell asleep, about the way he sowre that he didn’t snore when he woke up and i told him about it. I pulled myself from the thoughts, and got out of bed to get ready for the rehearsal dinner.
I arrived at ther ehearsal dinner, i saw all of the quests, and the bridesmaids, and groomsmen. I looked around for emily, and she came running to me.
“Hey! You made it!” she smiled and hugged me.
“Hi! You look amazing!” i smiled at her, looking down at her dress, and her makeup.
The rehearsal went great, and everyone was super tired after. We were all walking out of there like we were all just hit by a semi. I went back to the hotel and took a LONGGG nap.
I woke up in the middle of the night, around 2am. I wasnt tired, because i had just slept for nearly 10 hours.
“Well, shit.” i looked around, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. “What am i gonna do now?” i said to myself, looking around.
I decided to try to burn some of my energy, and get myself to be tired again by running from one end of my hotel room to the other.
I did that for nearly 15 minutes and then crashed again, until aroubd 8am. I, once again, laid in ebd for 20 minutes, thinking about calum. It definitely wasn’t healthy, and frankly, a little creppy. I barely know the guy, and im thinking about him every moring when i wake up…
I got up and got ready, and decided to go get coffee, and then go over to emilys.
I arrived at emilys place, and knocked on the door, waiting for a response.
“Hi! You made it.” she squealed as soon as she opened the door and saw me.
I hugged her and she let me into the house.
Her mom rounded the corner, and looked shocked. I had been childhood friends with emily for as long as i could remembe,r but when we started getting older, we grew apart, but now, we’re back together.
“y/n, oh my goodness. I havent seen you in forever.” her mom hugged me.
I hugged her back, and we talked for a second. After we finished our conversation, i went into the living room, where all of us girls were getting ready,
I looked around, seeing some girls with towels wrapped on their head, their hair wet. Some girls were doing their makeup, and some were just talking to each other. We were all telling some stories, just about random stuff, and then i decided to tell them about the whole calum thing.
“Ok, guys.” i started telling the story.
I settled in and did my makeup. I finished my makeup after a few screwups and maybe a little too much champagne.
Emily handed me the dress, and i went to go put it on. I looked at myself in the mirror of the bathroom. “Damn, i really do look good.” (a/n - positivity ladies. You gotta hype urself up every once in a while. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL) i spoke to myself, and opening the bathroom door. I felt so different, i had never felt like this before. I was going to a wedding, and i was a bridesmaid,,,
All of us girls went to the venue, and got situated. you looked around and saw the same face that you saw on the plane only a short while ago.
“well, hello stranger.” he spoke, sitting down next to you.
“well, hey. fancy see in’ you here.” i side hugged him, and the dinner started.
“hey, hey. wanna get outta here?” calum whispered to me.
“shh, this is your friends wedding. you have to stay at least a few hours.” i smiled and whispered back to him.
around an hour and a half later, we were still at the wedding.
emily was throwing the bouquet as i turned around and saw it flying at me.
“umm…” was the first thing i said. calum was standing behind me, and cheered along with everyone else.
“wooo!” emily said, walking over to me.
“i’m so glad you guys could be here!! and i’m so thankful that you were able to be my bridesmaid.” she hugged us both and hugged me after calum again.
around 11:30, i was starting to get tired and decided to say my goodbyes, and make my way out.
“hey, wait!!” i heard a voice behind me and turned around.
“um, i was wondering if you wanted to, maybe go back to my hotel? have some drinks, and talk? it’s just that i think your really cool and-“ i cut him off.
“of course, calum. i’d love to.” i got in my car and drove back to my hotel, which also happened to be calum hotel.
i got out of my car and calum was nearly inside.
“cal!” i yelled and he turned around and stopped.
about 10 minutes later, we were in calums room, watching a movie and sipping on some drinks i made.
we were about three drinks and 4 shots in, and he was about passed out. we finished the movie, and he laid down.
the next morning, i could’ve sworn i was in my own hotel room. i could’ve sworn i walked back, but turns out i stayed in calums that night.
“holy shit.” i rolled over and saw calum sprawled out next to me.
“huh?” he mumbled, half awake.
he opened his eyes “jesus.” he said. “why are you in my bed?” he asked me.
“i must’ve not went back to my room last night. go look in the kitchen and see how much alcohol we drank last night. i’m surprised i even woke up this morning.” i joked and he got up out of bed.
“yknow, havin’ a bed partner isn’t the worst thing in the world.” he said from the kitchen/living room.
“oh yeah? i wish i could say the same. you about knocked me out of bed last night with all the thrashing you did.” i smiled and sat back down on the bed where he was sitting once again.
“hey, uh…” i started to speak, but was quickly interrupted by him kissing me.
“that was uh- definitely unexpected.” i pulled away, trying my best to read the expression on his face.
“i’m, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to her too forward…” he said.
“hey, no no. it’s okay. i was actually kind of hoping that something like that would happen…” i admitted, smiling at him.
“who knew, a 7 hour plane ride and a wedding would bring two people together, huh?” he said to me, and went to lean in again.
a/n (ok, i know the ending wasn’t all the great, but it’s the best i could do. i’m just happy that i was able to finish this lol, hope you guys liked this! lmk what i should do next!!)
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