#its the classic yandere red heart eyes
hotyanderedaddies · 4 months
Blake Gives You a Valentine's Day Gift
[Yandere Bully]
[Here's a short oneshot with Blake which takes place before he claims you! And Happy Valentine's Day!]
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[Yandere! Bad Boy x GN! Nerdy Reader]
Valentine’s Day: the day for couples to express their love to one another.
Sometimes you felt a little annoyed about the over-commercialization of a holiday that was meant to celebrate love… but a little part of you also knew deep down that you said that because you were single on Valentine’s Day.
Sighing, you tried your best to ignore the scores of lovey dovey couples walking down the hallways of the crowded school. 
All you wanted to do was get home as soon as possible so that you could spend the night just lounging around in bed— binge watching tons of crappy reality TV shows while eating a whole box of parmesan Cheez-Its.
It sounded perfect!
Your locker door slammed shut, jolting you out of your envious stupor and making you jump back.
Standing there, his large hand placed onto the front of your locker door, was Blake: the ultimate school bully, and someone who you tried your hardest to avoid at all costs.
“Here,” Blake grunted as he forcefully shoved something at you.
“Wha—?” you wondered aloud as you examined the stuffed animal that had been thrusted into your hold. It was a classic teddy bear with a cute little red bow around its neck. You looked up at the bully with confused eyes.
A pinkish hue formed on Blake’s face and he averted his gaze from yours for a brief moment. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he muttered.
Before you could say anything, Blake turned around and disappeared down the hallway, swallowed up in the crowd of other students.
You examined the teddy bear in your grasp, wondering why on earth Blake would give it to you of all people. You barely even spoke to the guy! Why would he want to give you a gift on Valentine’s Day?
You kept puzzling over it for the rest of the day, and even when you got home.
You placed the teddy bear on your desk in your bedroom, which was positioned across from your bed. You kept eying the teddy bear, still confused to no end. 
Blake was the scary school bully who never spoke to people, unless it was to tell them to fuck off. So why would he want to give you a Valentine’s Day present?
It made no sense to you at all.
But still, you couldn’t help but smile the tiniest bit that you had your very first Valentine’s Day gift from a guy… even if that guy was Blake.
Chuckling a little to yourself, you quietly muttered, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Blake” to the teddy bear before returning your attention back to the TV…
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Blake,” you said, your audio being caught perfectly by the hidden camera in the teddy bear.
Blake eagerly watched the video feed on his phone, staring hungrily at the image of you sprawled out on your bed. Even though you were clad in a hoodie and sweatpants, Blake was still rock hard as he imagined himself wrapped around your form, securing his arms and legs around you so that you couldn’t leave his side.
His heart raced faster when you said his name, and he grew desperate for you to say it again.
Buying that teddy bear with the hidden camera was the best idea he’s ever had, he truly felt. Now instead of having to wait all night and through the tortuous weekends to see you, Blake could get a glimpse of his darling any time he wanted.
Blake’s been madly in love with you ever since he first laid eyes on you.
He knew from that moment that you were made for him — meant to be his, and his alone.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my love,” Blake whispered, his fingers caressing your image on the screen. “I love you so, so much. And I promise we’ll be together really soon.”
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𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚘𝚕𝚖 - 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷
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Pairing: Blackpool Combat Club x Fem!Reader
Warnings: +18, adult content, semi-erotic content, harsh language, dub-con, mild psychological torture, yandere vibes.
Tags: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @adamjf , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @moxkindagirl , @sunshinevirus , @im-just-a-mississippi-girl , @ripleyswhore
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She had been placed inside a bedroom now. The secluded cabin in the woods was rustic, built of wood and with the classic decor of animal fur, leather armchairs, and red plaid fabric. It was cozy, even under the circumstances she was currently in. “It could be worse”, she thought, “I could still be tied up to a chair inside that basement”.
She caught herself staring at the deer’s head on top of the bed. Its black eyes called for her, it whispered something, perhaps it was a warning? A message? She couldn’t quite understand what it was saying, what it was trying to tell her. Its words we’re getting unclearer the more she stared at it. She tried to piece the message together, but something wasn’t quite right…
“It’s fake” A deep voice stated from behind her, making her squeal and rapidly turning around to see the perpetrator of her almost heart attack.
Blue eyes gleamed with amusement at her, much like the playful smirk he had cemented to his thin lips. The lollipop stick danced around his mouth as he continued:
“Bryan is vegan, so he didn’t want any real dead animals inside the cabin. He likes the visuals of the decor aspect of it, but ‘no real corpses’!” Moxley mocked Bryan’s way of speaking and the small joke earned a faint giggle from her. He considered that a win, one step closer to make her fully trust him.
“You got the coolest room. I’m jealous” Mox teased, pointing with his chin towards the deer head on the wall.
“Oh! The youngest man just shoved in here. I didn’t have much of a choice” She shrugged
“Yuta?” He asked and she nodded in return. “Well, would you like to check out the other rooms? You can choose the one you like the most”
“N-no!” She was quick to answer, too quick for her own liking. She needed to be subtle, play possum for now until she could figure a way out of here. “Thank you. I don’t want to upset anyone”.
Moxley frowned at her statement. She seemed distressed, back into her shell, suspicious. “Fucking Yuta and his stupid teenage-like hormones! He’s fucking ruining everything!” Mox thought to himself before he focused his attention back on her. “Are you hungry?”
“Yes, a little bit”
Upon her statement, Mox cupped her face in his hand and began to rub her cheek back and forth with his thumb, “I’ll have someone bring you a snack or something, so you won’t starve until dinner”.
She saw it in his eyes, there was something inside the blue orbs that demonstrated some level of vulnerability, and that she could use in her favor.
“Thank you” She whispered, casually leaning into his touch, testing the waters to see how far she could take in this first round. “Mox? Can I ask you a favor?”
“Of course, kitty cat” His thumb now moved to her lips, brushing the rough pad of his finger against her bottom lip.
“Could you please not send Yuta? I-” Her eyes darted down to her feet, a sign of uncertainty, fear. She needed to play the victim perfectly in order to have him buy it. “He scares me” Her eyes focused on the baby blue orbs again. “When I was in the basement, he kept doing and saying things that made me uncomfortable and I…I don’t want to be alone with him”.
Something shifted in Moxley’s eyes, a flash of rage sipped through before being replaced with calmness.
“I’ll send someone else, kitty cat. Don’t worry about him, ok?” Mox pulled her towards him, engulfing her in a tight hug. Her head was placed under his chin as he played with her hair, her eyes stopped at the deer on the wall and now she understood its message. If she wanted to get out of this place alive, she would have to turn the predators into the preys.
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She had finished showering when she heard the bedroom door opening. Footsteps made their way toward the bed and then came to a halt, the old bed springs squeaked as the man’s weight settled on top of the mattress. Damn, she wished she would’ve brought her clothes inside the bathroom with her! Now she would have to step out of the en suite bathroom, and be eyed like a piece of meat by whoever was across the door.
She took a deep breath in, in order to control her gag reflex, and slightly opened the bathroom door, peeking her head out to see who was on the other side.
“I was wondering how much longer would you stay inside the bathroom after the shower went off” Claudio smirked, pointing over to the silver platter on top of the bed “I brought your snack, come eat before it gets cold”.
Every instinct she possessed screamed for her to stay inside that bathroom, but her rational side knew that would bring up suspicions. So swallowing her fear and uncertainty, she stepped out of the bathroom and made her path to the opposite side of the bed from where Claudio sat.
“Come here” He beckoned her closer with his finger
God, would she like to just tell him to fuck off! Licking her dried lips, she carefully approached him. Claudio’s hand caressed her exposed thigh, he allowed himself to enjoy the feeling of her smooth skin against his calloused palm before he slid his hand up underneath the towel.
Her eyes slightly widened in shock upon feeling his hand traveling up her hip. Claudio continued to explore her body, rough fingertips now gently drew circles on her waist, only stopping underneath her breast.
“I think we need to have a little chat, don’t you?”
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lemon-bat · 4 months
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Affection: How do they show their love?
He's very touchy feely with you, and he loves to cuddle and kiss you.
Brutality: How do they handle rivals?
Rayman is surprisingly violent, he tries to be polite with the rival and ask them to back off nicely. But if they persist he can't help hitting them.
Cruelty: Do they mock you after abduction?
Difficulty: How hard is it to escape them?
Its not too hard but he will go through basically anything or anybody to get you back.
End: Would they ever stop loving you?
Fight: How would they feel if you fight back?
Upset, he loves you so much. Why are you fighting him?!
Guilty: Do they ever feel bad about kidnapping you?
Yes he does feel bad, but he just can't let you go you could get seriously hurt without him!
Hurt: Would they hurt you?
Only when he kidnaps you, he had you hit you on the head.
Ick: What's the grossest thing they do?
He usually cuddles you in nothing but his boxers. Which is kinda gross I guess.
Jewelry: Do they get you gifts?
Sometimes he'll give you some fruit as an apology.
Kill: How many people have they killed?
Not very many. At most 10 people.
Love: On a scale from 1-10 how much do they love you?
TEN words cannot express how much he LOVES you.
Monday: What's your worst experience with them?
One day you were walking around In your home village and you hears a weird noise from an alleyway. So you walked over and looked into the alleyway and saw a crazed bloody Rayman. He turned to face you with absolute hearts in his eyes. You ran for your life, but soon everything faded to black.
Names: What pet names do they use?
My sweet, Lovely, Darling, he loves to use these 3 pet names specifically.
Oblige: What's their favorite thing to do for you?
He likes to make you food, he'll always ask what your craving and do his absolute best to make it happen.
Patience: How patient are they with you?
Very, he's pretty good with keeping calm when you're upset. But his patience has limits.
Question: How many questions do they answer?
He'll answer every question you have! After all he's your BOYFRIEND you shouldn't have anything to hide!
Red: What's one way to make them angry?
Tell Rayman you hate him and that you absolutely despise his cooking.
Stoop: How low will they stoop for you?
He stooped pretty low. Since he's committed like 6 counts of 1st and 2nd degree murder.
Talk: Do they lashout or talk it out?
Rayman would definitely prefer to talk it out. But no promises.
Unique: Are they any different from the classic yandere?
Hes alot sweeter and not violent with you.
Victory: How would they feel if you escaped?
Really REALLY upset, was he really that horrible? Rayman will look for you for probably around a year. Just hope he doesn't find you, because this time he won't be as nice.
Why: What made them fall in love?
Your lovely attitude your scent your looks your EVERYTHING!
Xoanon: How much do they worship you?
ALOT you are truly his everything.
Yearn: How long do they pine after you before they snap?
A few days, he just can't get you out of his head!
Zenith: Would they break you?
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daisys-gard3n · 2 years
okay i’m back with more love cavities thoughts because i’m sick with the flu and i’m out until wednesday :/ at least i’ve got plenty of time to think!!
anyways i really like the idea of formaggio being a bit of a domestic yandere. like he’ll keep you in this little cabin in the mountains, keep you fed and warm, he’ll do all the hard work, don’t worry about a thing! all while he’s just thinking about getting married in a few weeks and you two having a gaggle off red-and-white haired babies with your eyes. its given him a lot of hope. like doppio, i imagine he doesn’t see much of other people. it’s safe to say he fell head over heels.
so when you want to leave? no. oh, no, no, no, that won’t do… you broke his big dumb heart, darling, and he’s got an axe. good luck worming your way out of this one.
- 💙 anon
I would say he's the classical take on a yandere - sweet and doting to you that blurs the line of acceptable and creepy. You don't really know the traditions of the Peppermint Alps, you're the outsider here in this situation. He'll buy you things (like a nice warm coat, why the hell are you walking around in the cold without warmth?!), he'll show you around the snowy areas, maybe show you around his work, let you stay in his cabin, and prepare meals to you (to the best of his ability or just get takeout). He barely lets you do anything by yourself, you can't even shut the door without him coming in and asking if everything was alright. He's very much a helicopter lover.
Formaggio isn't as socialized as other people - of course, he knows his co-workers and greets them politely, there's his sister he basically takes care of, and then there's you. His parents died a while ago and he was forced to work from an early age, which is sort of the reason why he has such a childish and laid-back attitude. Sometimes he'll drink cider with his co-workers but other than that, it was work and home. When you came into his life, you were far different that the other peppermint people. You didn't look like him, you didn't have the same customs like him, and just seeing you look around his home in wonder sent butterflies to his stomach. He's never had a crush until now. Much like he protects his sister from scrutiny while she runs the lodge, Formaggio intends to keep you in check and make sure you won't get hurt...You first appeared to him without a coat and wandering the winter woods, you were bound to get yourself hurt!
But like a classic yandere - he's delusional and rather violent. Trying to tell him that you need to leave, to abandon him after everything he did for you...
"Darling...Let's talk about this...You shouldn't be doing such silly things...Your husband is gonna get worried, y'know." He'll mutter, picking up his peppermint-striped axe that gleamed dangerously in the light. "Why worry so much?...You got everything here...Let me take care of you."
Why...You never agreed to marriage. Formaggio decided that for you, as your husband.
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May i request some yandere HC for 2p FACE fam reacting to their s/o getting sexually harassed at work?
This just happened to me and its been a few months. i ve tried to put up w it but eventually just quit since my boss is a disgusting asshole. And he’s a doctor (im the med assistant). I also talked to previous assistants there and they all wanted to report him anyways since he has anger issues and makes the enviorment v hostile to work in🙃
That sucks! I'm glad you got away from the slimeball, hopefully, justice comes for him soon.
France: François would have discovered this through the use of his cameras. He had the program opened to ensure you arrived home in a timely manner. What the French man didn’t expect was for you to be sobbing when you walked through the door.
The crystal tears caused his stone heart to crack. He leaned closer to the screen as you called your closet confidant. The tale you spun caused the man to break the wine bottle he held in his hand.
The frumpy French man would not waste time having his men gather information on your boss. Within twelve hours of giving the orders, François has everything.
Due to the severity of his crime, François will not kill the man. Instead, destroy everything around him. Leaving your boss destroyed in all senses of the word.
America: Allen preferred stalking method really helps him out here. Instead of having to discover the abuse, you tell him yourself. The moment you do, the world bleeds into a red. His breathing picks up as his mind races with images of the blood he is about to shed.
It is your voice that brings him back to the moment. The concern you express at his tight fists and clicking of his grinding teeth. His muscles relax and Allen shifts the focus back to you. Ensuring that your needs have been met before stalking off into the night.
With bat and gun in hand, Allen goes about torturing the man. Driving him made from subtle threats and horrifying mind games. It's not until the man is about to do something drastic that Allen steps in and finishes the job.
England: Oliver’s discovery comes in the form of overhearing your coworkers discuss the work environment. It strikes Oliver as odd since he’s never heard you make any complaints. So instead of asking, Oliver sends FSB and FCB to do some on-the-job snooping.
Their reports anger Oliver. His own mask begins to crack at the thought of his Poppet enduring that type of abuse. His flighted lagomorphs’ movements cause Oliver to reset his mask. The smile is wide as he tells his duo to gather a specific list of ingredients.
Once all are gathered, Oliver concocts a special trio of cupcakes. Each one holds a piece of the abuser’s demise.
The first one is a dark chocolate cupcake with a red cherry frosting. This delicious weapon contains the summoning spell for hell hounds. Once ingested, it causes a hell hound to hang around the man. Slowly driving him mad as the unseen beast creates a sense of doom and attempts to survive the attacks.
The second is a strawberry sponge cupcake with a whip cream frosting. This cupcake holds a spell called The Innocence Lost. This spell causes the affected to experience a series of hallucinations that put them in the place of those that they’ve wronged. Many days will leave him paralyzed as he sees the view of his victims.
The final cupcake is a classic red velvet cupcake. Though it carries a slight metallic taste which leaves your boss confused on the flavor. This cupcake is the final nail in the coffin with its slow-acting paralysis poison.
By the end of three days, the cupcakes will do their work. Allowing the man to have a time in hell before the hound finally finishes the deed.
Canada: Matt was ‘visiting’ you at work when he witnessed it firsthand. The lumberjack defended you and left an open threat in the air of more harm coming.
His eye twitched as your boss brushed him off. Matt was ready to drag him back when you called to him, thanking him for his aid. He just nods and tells you not to think much of it. To him after all, your smile was the best reward.
With that he leaves, at least you think he does. Matt actually hangs around, waiting to follow your boss home. At that point, it’s a simple kidnapping. Dragging the man into his truck and driving off to nowhere.
Now that there were no witnesses, Matt throws the man to the ground. Tells him to run.
He cackles as the man scrambles to run. Scared of the weapon-wielding Canadian.
Once he is out of sight, Matt begins the hunt. Debating whether to stuff the man or to skin him alive.
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yanderesimps · 3 years
Destined torture
Yandere Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
(Warnings: Unrequited love, forced relationships, forced intimacy, angst, obsession, soulmates AU)
It wasn't easy to avoid the blonde when you're the childhood friend of one of his main targets for bullying. Izuku Midoriya, the boy from across the street with a somewhat concerning all might addiction.
You two met in the park one day, stumbling over as you loomed over the greed haired boy as he played in the sandpit. The two of you had sat in awkward silence for a few minutes, always keeping about a meters distance between yourselves as you eyed each other quietly as shy children do.
Until you mumbled about how you liked his all might action figures and his eyes lit up like the night sky, filled with unimaginable excitement. It had all gone up from there of course but now instead you'd both graduated from harmless kiddies to slightly less harmless adolescents.
That of course meant that you had the pleasure to often have deal with the rampaging temper and relentless bullying of a certain Katsuki Bakugou. That wasn't to say that he'd always be such a brat, only ever giving you the brunt of his lashings when he would spy you with Izuku in the school halls.
For years he mercilessly hassled Izuku and it had only ever gotten worse when your classmates had begun to develop their quirks. Izuku, much to his dismay, had to face the bitter truth that he was indeed quickless.
You were almost afraid that your quick would've widened the divide between you two but it somehow in a weird way brought you two even closer if they was humanly possible. By all means, your quick wasn't flashy and explosive like Bakugou's but it had been noteworthy, nothing that get you into UA but respective nevertheless.
When Bakugou would begin his precise schedule of tormenting Izuku, you were steadfast in defending your best friend much to Bakugou's annoyance.
But when you spied Bakugou in the halls today, you'd expected the worst. Your lips twisted into a blatent frown which could make even Endeavour's fire run cold.
Bakugou approached, his hands shoved into his baggy trouser as he stood in front of you, his delinquent friend thankfully no where to be seen. You two stood in raging silence that seemed to ring louder in your ears that your thoughts of contempt for the boy in front of you.
Pulling a hand out of his trousers, you almost expected a bloody nose but soon found yourself staring at a crinkled envelope. You stared at the letter for a few moments before darting your unimpressed glare back to meet the red pupils that stated right back at you.
"Is this a new tecnique? Come to defeat me through the power of paper cuts?" You tittered, resisting the growing earge to swat the paper from his hand.
The blonde clicked his tongue at your sarcasm, thrusting the letter closer to you. "It's an invitation, dumbass, my birthday is next week and the hag made me give you this since she thinks we're friends or whatever"
"Oh my goodness! Why didn't you just say so? I'll make sure to put this in my files, right in the "remember to burn" section" You sang in fake glee, your mocking joyful expression soon falling back into its usual scowl when in the company of the blonde.
Bakugou's eye seemed to twitch slightly at your works and you could practically smell the caremel scent in the air heating up. Surprising, he didn't even say anything and simply turned on his heel to leave. "Well that was...boring" you said with almost a huff. In the past, making bakugou angry was something you actively avoided like the plague but now? It was nothing more than a fun family activity.
So when you didn't feel the flesh of your cheeks burning from 3rd degree burns it was nothing less than a shock. You could almost felt the bright heavens radiating down upon you. Had katsuki bakugou finally developed an actual personality that didn't involve being a dick?
Of course not.
But that still didn't explain why he was inviting you to a fucking birthday party.
It practically struck you like a brick when you realised what this meant.
Bakugou was now one year older
It was the day that everyone seemed to yern for. The day of the mark. A mark that would tell you the name of your soulmate. A mark that would appear on your 16th birthday.
It was bakugou's birthday.
He was turning 16 in one week.
And all that was just more gloating material.
There were quickless people which was bad enough. If you were quickless, you were seen as weaker, lesser and not normal but having no soul mark? It was practically a death sentence. You were seen as unlovable, unlikeable and unwanted. You were abnormal and disgusting. And ever since a certain blonde had developed a knat for explosions and Izuku hadn't, never having a soulmark was the first bullet in Katsuki's rifle when it came to his conquest of making Izuku's life a living nightmare.
And now for the next few months until your birthday it was all you two were going to hear about.
Heaven's gates swung closed right then and there and the pits of hell threatened to swallow you right there.
You suddenly snapped out of your inner dialogue to see Deku approaching you with a slightly worried expression. Perhaps you'd been spending too much time standing silently while imagine your future months of torment from bakugou.
You pulled an eneasy grin and rubbed the back of your neck nervously. "No it's fine! Just fine!"
The boys face lit up with his classic smile that made your own heart warm. "great! Wanna get lunch then?" Clasping his arm you nodded with a stark grin. "Let go. I'm starving"
"What's you favorite type of coffin, Izuku?"
There was no amount of pleading that would have gotten you out of this situation, no matter how hard you pleaded to your mother. She didn't even care that your funeral would be expensive.
So now here you were.
In a dress.
Your hair dolled up.
Planning out your 13th reason why.
Standing outside bakugou's home with a present clasped in your hands, the decently loud chatter within taughting you like the drums of War but then again you were practically about to dive into the trenches.
Your numb finger pressed the doorbell, your heart seemed to stutter at the sound of a nearing voice.
"Katsuki! Open your presents later!!" screeched a voice of whom you could only assume was miss Bakugou. The door opened the woman in front of you visable brightened as she glowed down upon you.
"Y/n, what a pleasant surprise, get in here! Katsuki's in the back garden" The woman's mood had practically done a full 180° at a mere glance of your slightly shaky form. "I'll take that, now go in and have fun with the others" She hummed with a wild smile as she took the neatly wrapped present from your sweaty palms. You merely nodded in response, finding that your throat had closed in on itself making it impossible to even swallow down your initial fear.
You could hear the distant cheering, chatting and occasional parent's voice as you walked further into the house, closer to the clear glass slide door that revealed the decoration littered back garden.
There only kids you could see were the possy that would always surround the blonde haired boy, the occasional guy you'd know from class and almost ever girl that would drop to their knees in the hope of katsuki bakugou noticing them.
Most never glanced at you, some glared at you in disgust but one particular pair of red eyes were fixated on you the moment you stepped in the garden.
You nearly cried tears of joy that the make up had taken so long since it seemed you'd actually missed the majority of the festivities. "In and out. This'll all be over soon" You hummed, trying to pathetically console yourself.
You'd made a beeline for the corner with the least amount of people, seating yourself on a lawn chair before quickly pulling out your phone, ideally hoping that you'd allowed to spend the next hour just lazily scrolling through your phone before grabbing a slice of cake and leaving.
Sadly, that wasn't what fate had instore. You looked up from your phone screen as a shadow suddenly loomed over you. "What? Not even gonna give me a happy birthday" Bakugou sneered, glaring down at you. Your own expression twisted into the perfect rendition of what the word "hatred" meant. Your eyes narrowed, your nose crumpled and lips fell into a neat frown. "I'm sure you'll find a way to survive without my half heart congratulations"
The boy above you nearly smiled at your words as he clicked his tounge and sat on the chair next to you. "Not even curious to find out who my soulmate is?" You raised and eyebrow but your expression remained the same. You took a mere glance at his wrist, only to see it covered before returning your gaze. That seemed to satisfy the boy in front of you as his grin widened visably.
"Don't flatter yourself, I'm just praying for the poor soul that is destined to be with you for the rest of their days"
Bakugou just laughed and then left, leaving you in a puddle of confusion. He should've already gotten his soul mark, so why wasn't he parading it around like he did with everything?
You didn't give it another though, returning to your phone for the next while and brushing off the unsettling feeling the crawled up your spine.
It wasn't surprising that they waited for the big reveal after bakugou had blown out his candles. You were just mildly aggrivated that such torture was continously being forced upon you rather than just letting you go home.
Everyone had crowded around the table where the cake sat. You, for some reason, found yourself stood at the corner of the table nearest to bakugou who stood in the center alone as the other surrounded the other sides.
Ms Bakugou had placed a hand on your shoulder and who you looked up to ask her why she was so clingy, she merely silenced you with a toothy smile.
She seemed to be excited about something.
Everyone had begun a countdown as katsuki raised his hand to everyone, lightly gripping his sleeve that hid the name of his future beloved.
You simply joined in hopes that the scene would go by faster, you didn't even look when he pulled down the arm of his jacket. You only notice the silence that followed after.
Then you noticed the eyes burrowed upon you.
The tightening grip on your shoulder.
Bakugou's glare.
How he was lightly smiling.
Then you noticed your first name neatly written into the flesh of his wrist.
The world seemed to slow then it had all soon went by like a blur just like you. Reality seemed to slip away at the seems and all you could do was slightly nod at the voices of congratulations and bright smiles of bakugou's parents. Disoriented, eyes pickled with tears as your dry throat struggled to find words.
Why was Katsuki still smiling?
You'd been branded that day.
"Katsuki's girl"
Always finding a firery arm latched around your waist or shoulders as you were paraded down that halls like a spectacle for the ages.
You weren't allowed to speak to Izuku anymore or any guy for that matter. It wasn't like any of them risked their necks to talk to you anyway ever since Katsuki claimed you, broadcasting his mark like a trophy, a fitting collar that was locked around your neck.
You found yourself seated with the popular girl at every lunch when Katsuki didn't cling to you, people who you once years to be next to and chat with. Now it just felt empty. Empty conversation. Empty smiles. Empty happiness.
You would sometimes catch Izuku's eye in the hallways as a river of words went unsaid between you two. Then katsuki would tell him to "fuck off" before dragging you to class.
Life wasn't fun anymore. It wasn't even livable.
You barely realised how the month passed and your birthday was right around the corner. In fact, it was tomorrow.
"We'll have matching pairs then-? Hey, idiot, you listening to me?"
"Yes, Katsuki"
"good. I would hate to think you were ignoring me again" His palm gripped your chin like a face, tilting your head before he smashed his wet lips to yours. It was clumsy. It made you feel disgusting.
A hand sorely gripped your thigh, snaking up the helm of your school skirt. You didn't even bother to swat him away there days when he got handsy. It just encouraged him more to discipline you.
"I'll make sure to get you a great present, you'll love it" You knew what he meant by that, it made your heart drop and stomach threaten to heave.
Bakugou soon got up to leave with a group of his friends, leaving you to wallow in you own desperation. You glanced at your wrist. Katsuki had been baring down upon it every day to see if there was even an inclination that his name was appearing.
In reality it didn't really matter, it was just gloating privileges for him now, a way of bragging that you two were destined and you would be hs fine piece of ass for life.
You stroked the reddened skin, it had been sore lately.
"Please...anyones name...just as long as its not his"
"Come on, Y/n!"
"Show us!"
"Its obvious what it is gonna say"
You didn't even bother to check what your wrist said when you woke up this morning. Katsuki made you promise that you wouldn't and that you would wait for school.
So here you were, seated in the cafeteria with the majority of the class surrounding you a Katsuki. You could practically feel the pride radiating from him right now.
"go ahead, babe, show em"
And so you did, jutting out your arm and revealing the name to all around.
It was silent again. You expected squeals of jealously, congrats and awe.
Silence. It was louder than any sound imaginable at that moment .
You looked up from where your listless glare had fallen onto your lap to the wide eyes all baring down upon you.
"Oh...hard...luck, Bakugou"
Your eyes fell to your wrist.
Perhaps fate wasn't so cruel after all.
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
requests are open!! a yandere little merman please? like the one who gave up his voice to become human to be with his pirate princess darling :3 thank u !!
I never thought I would end up writing about, what is essentially, a gender-bend disney one-shot, but I love desperate mermaids struggling to show their love for their hesitant human Darlings too much to pass this up. Consider this a version of the ‘mermaid drags a drowning royal to land only to discover they’ve fallen in love with the person they think saved them’ trope. I’m a sucker for the classics.
Title: The Little Mermaid.
TW: Violence, Blood, Emotional Manipulation, Mentions of Drowning, Implied Lasting Trauma, and Jealousy. 
Rielle liked to visit you, at night.
It’d been a habit since the first day he spent in your palace, when bruises were still spattered across his pale skin and he carried the smell of sea-salt and sand as if it was a second-nature, the latter of which took much longer to fade than the former. You couldn’t say you blamed him. He’d been rattled, and he was still in a state of shock, unable to utter a word about his home, his tragedy, anything beyond a few disjointed syllables you’d been forced to assume were his name. He hadn’t asked to sleep in your bed, nor had the curled up on your rug like a puppy still getting used to its new owner, but he’d tentatively rested his hand on your shoulder and listen to your stuttering attempts to fill the silence until he saw fit to return to his own chambers, thanking you for your time with a smile and a boyish blush. When he’d come back the next night, you hadn’t refused him. You were fond of him, and of his nightly visits, too. And even if you weren’t, he wouldn’t be turned away.
You’d never had the heart for that kind of thing, not when it came to Rielle.
He didn’t even knock, tonight, he didn’t really have to. Even if you were the heir to the throne, your kingdom was small and peaceful, and any guards you employed were more to soothe the minds of your weary parents than out of any genuine paranoia of your own. Rielle slipped in without a sound, only bothering to announce himself with an arm wrapped around your chest and a face buried in the dip of your shoulder, as much of a hug as your chair and desk would allow. He didn’t seem to mind, though, only letting a mess of violent, auburn hair linger in your vision as he slumped against you, the energy he’d had during the day just beginning to fade. It hadn’t been anything out of the ordinary, only a few meetings with your advisors and a trip into town to break up the monotony, but when Rielle clung to your side and approached everything with the same determined, prying amazement, it was hard not to let him take you by the wrist and lead the way, even if that ended in missed appointments and sore feet more often than not. It’d taken as much of a toll on you as it did on him, but while he’d be free to collapse onto the comforter of your bed as soon as he pulled away, you had paperwork to toil over, letters to write and bills to sign and corrections to make to plans you could swear you’d corrected the night before. The work of an heir, not a boy who’d washed up on their kingdom’s shores little more than a week beforehand.
“You couldn’t sleep?” You asked, if only out of formality, because it was what you asked every time he came to visit you. He didn’t try to sleep, not when you weren’t around, not when he couldn’t yawn at the lecture of a councilman or rest his head on your shoulder in the back of a slow-moving carriage. Out of routine, he shook his head, and in a merely performative response, you sighed and reached up, running your fingers through the hair that cascaded over your collarbone, as a result. “I suppose that’s my problem, isn’t it?”
A nod, this time. Non-committal, but in the eager, restrained way that lent credibility towards the contrary interpretation.
“And I suppose I’ll just have to let you distract me until you’re tired?’
This time, he didn’t play at coyness, only squeezing you toward his chest and pulling away, a grin painting itself over his lips as he made himself comfortable propped against your desk, seated on the spot you left unoccupied just for him. He took a moment to survey your arrangement before plucking an unused quill from its inkwell, twirling the tip against the center of his palm and smearing back across his skin. That, in particular, earned a half-hearted frown and a lax effort to wipe the excess on the dark material of his pants, but the inconvenience was forgotten as his eyes found what you were working on - a nearly blank piece of parchment, only a name and scrawled out greeting marring its barren surface. You’d have to start over, but you’d have to figure out how to start, first. Rielle tapped a finger against the corner, leaving an unignorable blot of ink in his wake, but you didn’t scold him for it. You could never get mad at Rielle, not without feeling too guilty to stay mad at him.
“It’s supposed to be a letter,” You explained, leaning back in your seat as you stretched, working the kinks out of your spine. You were empathetic to Reille’s situation, anyone would be, but part of the reason you were willing to offer a supportive hand has to do with a more personal type of sympathy, one that wouldn’t belong to just any shipwrecked man you happened to discover. “While sailing here, about a month ago, my ship was caught in a storm. It was a bad one, too, and… I was thrown overboard. The rest of my crew was alright, but for all they knew, I’d drowned.” You paused, biting down on the side of your cheek, as you always did during this part of the story. You were uninjured, so the incident shouldn’t have bothered you nearly as much as it did, and yet, Rielle’s presence alone was enough to prove that you weren’t fully past it. “I hadn’t, obviously, but by the time I washed ashore, there was more water in my lungs than air. It’s like... those fairy tales about mermaids swimming sailors to land. Have you heard them?”
Rielle winked, gesturing to his chest, and you chuckled. Of course he had, who hadn’t? Every child born along the coast was raised on that kind of story, and you couldn’t say you hadn’t considered it, when you first awoke, delious with fever and desperate for a plausible solution.
“I’m just lucky there was a temple nearby. One of their acolytes had to nurse me back to health. I just…” You trailed off, this time, closing your mouth completely. Rielle rested a hand on your arm, urging you gently to continue. It was all you could do to nod, sending a small smile in his general direction. “He’ll never know how thankful I am,” You admitted. It was more than that, but you couldn’t seem to force yourself to voice what exactly more meant. “I want to make it up to him. I want to show him that I haven’t just forgotten. I… I think I’d like to see him again, if I’m being honest.”
Rielle went tense, and somehow, quieter than he usually was. Curiously, you glanced in his direction, only to wish you hadn’t. He wasn’t grinning, anymore, and his eyes were wide, but they weren’t full of amazement, they weren’t full of anything.
Suddenly, they were empty.
Suddenly, he was empty.
You flinched back, moving to voice your concerns, but for all his naivety and reckless abandon, he’d always been faster than you, always been stronger. In less than a second, his hands were in your hair, his nails digging into your scalp as he rooted you in place. With his free hand, he gestured furiously, but his motions were senseless, frustrated, mad, all sharp angles and pounds at his chest without any meaning to be found. His features contorted, scrunching into something irritated and unpleasant, the kind of ugly seriousness you’d begun to think Rielle wasn’t capable of. Again, you tried to interrupt him, tried to reach out and soothe him, but as soon as your attention shifted away from his abrupt outburst, his grip tightened, clamped down, ripped and clenched and tore until something hot and vibrant was running over his fingers, dripping down his forearm until you could see it pooling on your lap, staining your clothes with a mixture of red and black, blood and wet ink.
Your blood, Rielle’s ink.
That was when you screamed.
You decided that, in the morning, you’d request to have a guard posted outside your door, maybe two, maybe three, if they had that many to spare. Maybe you would, but maybe you wouldn’t. Having guards outside your door probably wouldn’t have made much of a difference, not when the sound was cut off so quickly, your breath hitching in your throat as you were wretched out of your seat, thrown to the floor without a spare moment to catch yourself. It was all you could do to catch your breath, to remember how to inhale as something heavy slotted itself against your chest, lean arms wrapping around your torso as another body settled over yours, holding you, clinging to you, pulling you so close, you could feel Reille’s cold breath against your neck, his warm tears against your skin, a shapeless mess of auburn hovering in the corner of your vision, unwilling to move. Not wanting to move.
You could’ve pushed him away. You wanted to. You were stunned, but you knew you should yell, you should fight, you shouldn’t let him cry into your chest like you’re the one to blame. He’d hurt you, he’d lashed out and he’d hurt you, but...
You could never be mad at Rielle. Above all things, you could never bring yourself to be mad at him, not when you could’ve so easily been in his place.
You’d just have to remember to lock your door, tomorrow.
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flowesona · 4 years
The Anarchy AU
Pairing: Yandere! Jungkook x reader
Warning: Graphic Threats of Violence
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All Jungkook could see was red. Not that he was angry, but that his eyes were shut tight defensively. He couldn’t peel them open, not even when he heard approaching footsteps.
“Is he alive?” The voice of one of his friends, laced with melancholy.
“Doesn’t look like it. We don’t have time to wait.”
“We can’t leave him-“
“Yes, we can. Survival is key. Friendship is secondary. Let’s go.” Jungkook wanted nothing more than to make some sort of noise or move to let them know that they were wrong, but in the blistering pain over his body he couldn’t even muster up the slightest whimper. With their decision made, the footsteps echoed into the distance.
For a while, all he could do was lie still, his body working as hard as it could to keep him working, no matter how tempting it was to slip away.
Then he felt a weathered hand on his forehead, and another around his wrist. Checking for a pulse.
Jungkook’s perseverance had broken through, as he felt someone put an arm under his shoulder to lift him up to his feet, and he blinked for a second. Through his blurry vision he saw the outline of his saviour before everything faded away.
A warm sunlight awaited Jungkook when he finally woke up, sitting up and letting the cold towel on his head flop to the ground pathetically. His sudden momentum alerted the other person in the room, who turned towards him.
You could have told Jungkook that he really had died and gone to heaven, because she was an angel. Her (H/C) hair was highlighted and glowing in the patchy sunshine that streamed through the boarded up window.
“I was worried you were never going to wake up.” He didn’t realise he’d been staring until after a while she spoke and woke him out of his daydream.
Jungkook opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.
“I’m sorry, you must be thirsty.” She offered him the water bottle sat next to her. It was warm and tasted musty, but Jungkook couldn’t help but to gulp it down as if it were liquid gold.
“W-why?” was all that he could croak out.
“You were badly wounded, but not dead. I couldn’t just let you die.” She smiled. He looked down to see a few patchy beige bandages on his chest, and a green bandana tied around his arm. When he looked up again, he met her gaze.
“Do you have a name?” She asked, offering her hand for him to shake.
“J-Jungkook.” He managed to stutter through his newly regained voice.
“I’m (Y/N).” She took his limp hand and gave it a mock shake, whilst Jungkook just stared at her, enamoured.
Before he had met (Y/N), Jungkook was certain he was destined for an early grave. Sure, he had the fighting skills necessary to survive, yet he had nothing to live for but his friends, who had left him for dead. But after he was saved, he found a purpose to his life - to be with (Y/N). Gone was the sentimentality and loyalty for the people he’d spent years with and in its place was a enamouration with the girl who’d given him salvation.
He was able to recover quicker than anticipated. Within a matter of days he was walking again, only with a slight stagger from the pain in his side. Still, he still simpered and asked for her to care for him and ease his pain, which she did so with a kind smile. Not once in that week did they leave their shelter, and supplies were starting to run thin.
“Just stay here and rest. I swear I’ll be back as soon as I possibly can.” (Y/N) pressed the handgun into Jungkook’s hands. “Don’t go looking for a fight and you’ll be fine.”
“Please don’t go, (Y/N). What if…” He whimpered, eyes downcast to evoke as much sympathy as he could. (Y/N) just sighed and pressed a kiss into his forehead, leaving whilst he was still frozen with glee.
“Stay behind me.” Jungkook commanded, peering out from behind the corner. After he was completely healed, he hadn’t even given (Y/N) a choice in the matter of him accompanying her when she had to adventure out. It made his chest swell with pride to see her behind him, letting him protect her should they encounter anyone violent.
“Coast looks clear.” He muttered, still keeping his half empty gun in his hands, not prepared to give anyone the slightest chance to hurt (Y/N).
“Who’s there?” Suddenly, a voice called out. The duo immediately pressed their backs to the wall, praying that they hadn’t been noticed.
“Hello?” There was an audible crunch of gravel from torn up tarmac under the strangers feet. But all that Jungkook could hear was the beating of his heart in his ears. He wasn’t ready to fight again, but he would have to do so for her. For (Y/N).
But when he came face to face with the stranger, he lowered his weapon immediately.
“Tae?” A smile spread across his face at meeting his long-lost friend.
“You’re alive?” Taehyung lowered his weapon and pulled him in for an embrace.
“(Y/N) saved me.” Jungkook replied simply, but when Taehyung made eye contact with her and offered her his classic boxy smile, the younger man felt a weird kind of sickness in his stomach.
The leader of the gang offered his hand to (Y/N) with a grateful expression.
“Thank you for saving him, (Y/N). It wasn’t fun to leave him behind like that.”
“It’s okay!” She smiles, taking his hand and shaking it. “He didn’t deserve to die, so I made it my mission not to let him.”
Her words made Jungkook’s heart soar. They really were the perfect couple, at least in his mind. Maybe she saw him as an angel too, on that day?
“Do you have any plans for what to do now that Jungkook’s back with us?” He tuned back into the conversation, interest piqued.
“Yeah, there’s a place I need to go.” Panic flooded Jungkook’s brain, bile building up on his stomach at the thought that she would be leaving.
“You’re sure we can’t help you with anything?” Namjoon persisted, noting the look on the maknae’s face.
“It’s best that I don’t disturb you any longer.” (Y/N) said simply with her everkind nature.
Jungkook couldn’t bear such a conversation any longer.
“Stay here for tonight (Y/N). It’ll be much safer if you leave in the morning.” Luckily with just the right tone and expression (Y/N) agreed to his offer.
By the way the room was nearly blanketed in darkness with the exception of some moonlight peeking through the window, Jungkook could deduce it was midnight.
As much as it pained him to do so, he detached himself from (Y/N) to stand up, feeling warm at the sight of her sleeping peacefully, despite being devoid of his previous warmth.
Yet there was a bigger issue at hand. He stalked through the corridor with light steps until he reached the room at the end, tapping on the wood twice until he heard a deep voice say “come in.”
Namjoon looked up from his map, a stressed expression on his face. Jin was equally perplexed, but nonetheless beckoned Jungkook to join them.
“Is something the matter? You’ve been antsy all evening.” Jin was the first one to speak.
“Hyung, why won’t you let (Y/N) stay?” Jungkook’s voice was quiet yet it could be heard loud and clear by both men.
“We asked her if she wanted to and she said that she has other plans.” Namjoon answered simply.
“Bullshit. You didn’t offer to let her stay.” The harshness of the young man’s voice shocked both of the elders. “You didn’t give her the choice to stay with me like she wants to.”
“It’s not like that-”
“Why are you trying to keep us apart?!” Jungkook growled. “Do you hate her? Is that why you’re trying to throw her out, so that she can be ripped apart by all the other savages?”
“Calm down.” Jin snapped. The red anger in Jungkook’s eyes faded, and his fist uncurled for a second.
“If you’re so pent up about this, we’ll ask her in the morning. But if she says no, there’s nothing we can do about it.” Jungkook sniffled, reaching into his pocket to find the one thing that could comfort him in this situation. (Y/N)’s green bandana, which he rubbed between his fingers as if it were a security blanket, so he could tell himself that she would stay.
“She’ll stay. (Y/N) loves me, so she’ll stay. And I don’t want to see either of you even try to talk to her after trying to kick her out like this.” He clenched the cloth tighter.
Neither of the older men responded.
“Right?” Jungkook withdrew his hand from his pocket, ready to use whatever force necessary to get compliance.
“What’s that?” Namjoon asked, taking note of the cloth clenched in his fist.
The boy didn’t reply, still tense.
“Give it here, Jungkook.” Before, he would have complied instantly. But now he just glared.
“You want to take another part of (Y/N) away from me? Why, do you have some sadistic lust for her? I’ll break your fucking knees.” Jungkook growled, holding his fist to his chest.
“That belongs to (Y/N)?” The young man nodded tersely.
“Get out.” (Y/N) was awoken by the harsh stamp of a boot mere centimetres away from her head. Opening her eyes groggily she saw Taehyung.
“What…?” She slurred, still drowsy from sleep.
“You’re a filthy rat. Hoxton’s sent you to spy on us, huh?” He grabbed her arm and dragged her to her feet.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about-” (Y/N)’s heart was pounding out of her chest. When she’d found out Jungkook was in BTS, she’d felt a horrible anxiety in her stomach that they could have found out about her background, but now the nightmare was coming true.
Outside of the room she could hear a scuffle. It was at that precise moment that she realised Jungkook wasn’t in the room, as she heard his cries outside.
“Don’t you dare hurt my (Y/N)! If you so much as touch her I’ll rip your head off, I’ll break every single one of your fingers, I’ll gouge your eyes out-”
She wasn’t quite sure what was more terrifying, her predicament or the previously sweet boy’s violent threats.
Taehyung didn’t seem to be affected however, his resolve hard as he dragged (Y/N) out.
When Jungkook saw her arm held tightly in his “friend”’s grasp, he started struggling against the hold of his elders with a fresh passion, ugly tears streaming down his face.
“Don’t hurt her Tae! She saved me, she means so much to me, you can’t hurt her!” He begged, trying to appeal emotionally when threats were redundant.
“Be quiet, Jungkook.” Jin snapped, only being rewarded with an elbow to the face. He let go of Jungkook’s arm to clutch his now bleeding nose, letting Jungkook shake Hoseok off his other arm.
Mere seconds passed before Taehyung was being held in a choke hold, struggling against his friend’s iron grip with a whimper.
“What are you doing Jungkook?” His attention was stolen away from strangling Taehyung to his angel, watching from the floor frozen in place.
“He was going to kill you! I can’t let that happen!” Jungkook was flushed with rage but also an embarrassment from how (Y/N) was looking at him.
Naturally everyone else in the gang was horrified at what was happening. Two of their members fighting over the fate of a traitor. But something had to be done before Taehyung was choked to death.
“If you let him go, we’ll talk about this with you.” Namjoon negotiated, breathing a sigh of relief when Jungkook complied. Taehyung was dropped to the ground, where he started to breathe heavily, pupils wide with adrenaline.
“(Y/N), can you explain this?” The leader turned his attention to the girl, holding up a slightly grubby green piece of cloth. One that spoke a thousand words.
“I… I don’t want to be in any gang. I just want to help people.” She couldn't meet anyone’s eyes, head hung in shame. “I’ll leave, and I won’t ever even think about you guys again. I’m done with everything; All of these fucking gangs just keep fighting for power and I don’t want any part in it!”
Jungkook searched her face desperately for some sign that she was lying. Surely she wanted to stay with them? Surely she couldn’t leave him so easily?
However, he was proven wrong as she stood up, brushing off the dust clinging to her clothes.
“No, (Y/N)! You… you can’t leave!” Jungkook pleaded.
“I’m so sorry… for ultimately hurting you Jungkook.” With a heavy heart she turned away.
Only to be stopped dead in her tracks when a knife was raised to her throat.
“You aren’t going anywhere.” The rest of the gang looked at Jin incredulously.
“You know enough about us to be a threat should you leak it to your buddies. We’ll decide what to do with you later, but for now you’re staying with us, whether you like it or not.” His eyes flashed over to Jungkook. Whilst he feared a violent response, he was relieved to see to the reaction he’d been aspiring for: happiness.
Sure, it wasn’t the best solution to the argument, but if it kept the youngest happy and prevented fighting, Jin was prepared to sacrifice one girl’s free will.
The heavy scent of blood lingered in the air. A few years ago, such an atmosphere would have made (Y/N) wretch, but experience had hardened her stomach.
“(Y/N)! You’re not hurt, are you Angel?” Jungkook tutted, examining her face quickly. He found a graze on her cheek, and it was as if she had been shot. “I told them you shouldn’t come with us, why did you? We need to get back to base to treat it!”
Too tired to protest, she let him tug her away from the fight. Until she heard someone shout her name. A familiar voice calling out to her.
“(Y/N)! Oh my God (Y/N)! You’re alive!” Tears welled up in the young woman’s eyes at the sight of her brother. He was breathing heavily, clutching a wound in his side, but at the same time he had a ten-kilowatt smile on his face.
“Are you-”
The boy had mere seconds before he slumped to the ground, the loud ‘bang’ of a gunshot echoing through the desolate area. The few seconds that seemed to last an eternity were only filled with Jungkook’s heavy breathing.
Jungkook lowered his gun, huffing.
“We need to go.” He said simply, glowering.
“Are you insane? Jungkook, that was my brother! My family! You just killed him, you sick-” (Y/N) sobbed. She wanted to scream, to fight, but she was too shocked to do anything but mourn.
“Your brother? Glad I got rid of him then.” Jungkook’s scowl didn’t let up. “He would’ve taken you back to that gang, away from me. He deserves this.”
For a moment, (Y/N) took his words into consideration. She didn’t want to rule that he was a sick monster, a murderer, a maniac. But the smoke wafting from his gun was enough to overcome all her
She tugged her hand out of his grasp, glaring and taking a few steps away from him.
“(Y/N)? Please, understand me Angel! You can’t leave me! You can’t!” Jungkook’s emotions were changing like a weather, going from moody to tearful in a heartbeat.
(Y/N) couldn’t find the words to reply. Surely this was a nightmare? Surely she’d wake up and her brother would be safe, and the name Jeon Jungkook would mean nothing to her?
She room another shaky step away. Instantly, his face contorted with despair. He raised the pistol to point it at her leg before pulling the trigger.
Pain blossomed in her leg. (Y/N) collapsed onto the floor, cradling her now injured limb as Jungkook stalked towards her, smirking.
“I’m so sorry, Angel. But now I can return the favour, right? I’ll save you, I can nurse you back to health! Then we can stay together!” His eyes sparkled with joy as he spoke, scooping her off the ground gracefully, being sure to be tender with her leg as to not cause excess pain.
“We don’t even have to stay here! If you don’t like everyone else in BTS, we can just leave! Yes, that’s perfect! We’ll leave and find our own place to settle in, away from all this chaos in the city!” Jungkook babbled, sighing happily. “We can grow vegetables and raise a family in the countryside! Ah, I’m so excited already!”
As (Y/N) rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes, she knew she had no greater regret than offering Jungkook a chance at life.
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an-ambivalent · 5 years
A Crown That Bleeds [Yandere! Ceo! Shouto Todoroki]
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A/N: This is like a ceo au kinda thing?? It doesn’t have to be a ceo au it could be pro-hero or whatever, the bottom line is its the world of the corrupted rich. I was thinking about Jumin last night and I was like they’re sorta similar?? if you squint. So yeah, here to deliver you a plate of atrocious writing 
Warning: As this is yandere fiction, this deals with violence and other harmful behaviours that can be uncomfortable and triggering to read. Read at your own risk. This work is purely fictional, I do not condone this behaviour irl. 
The atmosphere reeked off sophistication and music notes that were shimmered with an opulent grace, cavorted throughout the extravagant room that housed the wealthy; with each classical song that began anew, it started mellowly, and gradually faded into sharper violin strokes, and higher piano notes. While it began with a pleasant sound to it, its’ peak in the middle, was loud and haunting -- it reminded [Name] about the very situation she was in. 
Dressed in a full-sleeve mermaid dress that was absolutely fitting, the high halter neckline of the dress was akin to a turtleneck. Just below the top of the neckline to the part right before her breasts, it consisted of cowls. Following this, there was a triangular cut that exposed her cleavage slightly. It was a dress that Shouto had chosen personally for her and it was a symbol that somewhat summarised how he viewed her. The fact that it was covering her entire body (with the exception of her face, cleavage, and hands) was because he loathed others looking at her. Due to his possessive and primitive nature, he believed that not an ounce of her skin should be shown to anyone else but him. However, at the same time, he relished in humiliating her publicly in the most subtle ways. The actions of her promiscuous past, he always held it over her head as a leverage, and never failed to remind her of it with every chance he got. 
Despite how he kept her isolated, Shouto was in a position which required that once in a while, for the sake of avoiding gossip and unnecessary media coverage that would only erupt an uproar, he had to have [Name], his wonderful wife with a rather scrumptious background, make an appearance in public. Granted he did despise the fact that he could not keep her to himself the way he should be able to, instances like the present one they were in, also had their upsides. For example, this was the perfect way to remind her of what she used to be, and what she would be again if it were not for him. It served as a reminder of how grateful she ought to be for out of everyone, he chose her to rescue out of the kindness of his heart, he chose her to be his sweetheart--a privilege that many would die for. And not to mention, others of his league were nothing but prudes who not only kept their wives caged, but disregarded them off their respect completely -- they would have mistresses, hookers, younger woman, and more -- they cheated on them relentlessly. 
Shouto never did that to [Name], he would never do that to her just like how she would not do that to him. Their relationship was far from perfect, and evidently, just like every other relationship, they had their ups and downs. For instance,  [Name] could never leave the house, she was not allowed to work, interact with anyone else except for Shouto and his few trusted men. Sure, these were some red flags in their relationship that dehumanised [Name] akin to the way others did, but it was not the same. He was loyal to her with all of his heart and would never toss her aside like trash the way others did even if trash was what she used to be. 
[Name] [Surname], it was a name that was notorious in its own way, before it became infamously known as [Name] Todoroki. She was someone who was known widely on the streets for her bedding skills. Due to those bedding ‘skills’, she made a name for herself amongst those who sat at the very top of the ladder. On a daily basis, she served as an entertainer and appeased to their lustful demands. 
Her first time with Shouto was merely meant to be a swing; a night like any other where she was only meant to sleep with him, collect her payment, and then leave. To some extent, it was like that except there was no sexual sleeping part. They did lay beside each other in the bed, and Shouto did pay her for her time. However, there was no kissing, no removal of clothes, roleplaying of his kinks, muchless heat or sensual arousal. It was just him and the emotional baggage he had carried in his heart for a long time. In that night, the bag had finally become too heavy and his strength had reached its breaking point -- he could not hold onto it for any longer. She was the person who had happened to be there, and who he chose to confide in. 
Living a life full of tragedies and angsty experiences despite her young age, it was easy for [Name] to sympathise with him, listen, and give meaningingful insight. Their conversations gave that night a particular value that neither had anticipated. For [Name], it was refreshing to have a night where she did not have to sell her body for a living and simply got to relax. For Shouto, it was a night where he presumed he would relieve his stress on another typical gold-digger. However, that was not the case, and the night had been one where he got to let go off all of his burden, and meet someone who despite the disparities in their status, surprisingly understood him. 
It was an experience he needed to relive, and [Name] was someone he had to have. In contrast, [Name] never expected to see Shouto again -- it was a nice night where she received the chance to get a break from her usual work and offer her wisdom. But she should have known better -- she should have known that for the very reason that night was nice and different, was going to be the same reason for why her time with Shouto would not be the last or end up well. After all, it was always the emotional men with baggage and daddy issues who never let go. 
Once they returned home from the lavish party, [Name] wore an anxious look on her face. Meanwhile Shouto, with an aggravated and displeased expression on his face, took off his tuxedo coat in anger. Then, his heterochromatic eyes, narrowed into a glare, and shifted towards [Name]. 
“I absolutely hate how they look at you, I hate how each and everyone of them has seen you naked before. You just had to be a whore didn’t you?” He hissed, and [Name] inwardly winced, before averting her eyes to the floor. She pressed her lips into a thin line, and refused to let any words slip past her lips. This was because she knew that only unpleasant things would be spoken, and the situation would escalate to an infuriated Shouto she would rather not deal with. 
Then, abruptly, the sound of a zipper being unzipped resonated in the entirety of the room. This caused [Name]’s eyes to widen, and shivers ran down her spine. 
Even though this used to be her line of her work, and she had slept with clients that one would consider to be less appealing than Shouto, some even being gross, no one was as nerve-wracking as Shouto; and this was because albeit being unhealthily attached to her and insisting that he gave her the best life she could have, he still dehumanised her like all of the others, simply because of her past, and his own jealousy he failed to control. 
Shouto threw a bulk of money at her which hit the back of her right arm hard, and caused her to wince in pain. She looked up and Shouto was staring at her intensely with an eyebrow raised. 
“Don’t just stand there, I’ve paid you. So get to work and pleasure me you slut.”
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captain-jinguji · 4 years
Yandere alphabet for Syo and Cecil? Ó3Ò
Yes 😏 I'll do Syo in another post so for now, im sorry for messing Cecil up ~
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He worships them. Literally has a shrine in his room dedicated to them and prays in front of it every day, asking the Gods to grant him his wish of being with them forever. He's very clingy and always has to be around his darling; never lets them go anywhere alone. He even went as far as to bring them to Agnapolis and put the castle in lockdown for a while. 
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
He, personally, doesnt let himself get messy. He has servants do his dirty work so his darling never has the chance of thinking less of him because how can they hold him accountable for actions he never did? Just don't go into the lower parts of the castle.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
No mocking here, surprisingly. He quite honestly treats them like a Queen/King, well, at least, if you can ignore the golden chain that connects them to him at all times. All their wishes are fulfilled, as long as they're reasonable and don't include the fact that they want to escape him 
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He'll get their affection one way or another, even if it means drugging them just so he can hold them without them squirming around. Almost grooms them to be like a cat; soft, independent, and loyal
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He's actually quite secretive. Like he shows affection and the love he wants from them, but he doesnt open up his thoughts and most certainly never lets them in on his plans or next steps. They might be a Queen/King to him but a King can rule without one.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Laughs at their attempt. First of all, even if they did manage to hurt him in any way, the guards would restrain them. No one is to touch the future King of Agnapolis, not even the future Queen/King that rules alongside him. Second of all, he'll just tell himself its the heat and the new environment making them go crazy and think irrationally 
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Its a game of cat and mouse. He likes to chase them, almost like kids do on a playground, but he will never let them escape from within the castle's walls. Sometimes he even sends his pet panther LuLu after them to ~play~ a little bit. 
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
When he ordered Lulu to attack. He doesnt quite remember what they did to hurt him this bad, because he already forgave them for it, but he does remember seeing red and sending his panther after them. They needed stitches and to be hospitalized for a short period. 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Oh they will rule together of course. The Kingdom already loves their future King and Queen/King. Of course, they're also expected to keep the blood line going and believe me when I say that he's been working on that. 
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Doesnt get jealous; he gets sad. Theres no one better than him right? They wouldnt leave him, right? Because if they did, they will never see the outside world ever again. 
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Like a cat. Sly, calculated, but still affectionate at times. He tries to keep the peace between his darling and him as much as possible but sometimes his claws come out and puts them back in their place. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Much like Ren, he would charm his way into their heart and present himself as the most best possible choice in a partner. He has everything from looks to fame to wealth, and they wouldn't want that? Let him make them believe that that's what they NEED. 
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
He does a whole 180°. His usual soft caring attitude turns into that of a killer. He knows everything about them and more. Has taps on his darling at all times and is known to act out violently at times. But who is to defy the future king? 
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Torture. Remember how I said dont go into the lower parts of the castle? Yeah not only does he torture people there that treated/looked at his darling wrong, but he brings his darling there to emotionally and physically torture them himself as well. Theres no escaping him. He's everywhere. 
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
A lot. See it as a traditional "wife obeys husbands every wish" kind of scenario. What he says goes and his darling has absolutely no say in it whatsoever.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Again, he tries to reason with himself that its hormones acting up or the new environment, but he knows that that's not it and his patience tends to run thin. They might be the future Queen/King of the country but beside him, theyre just another pretty face that needs to be quiet in the public eye. 
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
They cant escape. Not only is the castle on full lockdown at all times, but they are also escorted everywhere they go by several guards. If his darling died, he would absolutely break. He'd lash out at anyone and anything, maybe even going as far as killing part of his Kingdom, maybe even himself. 
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No. He becomes extremely obsessive with them and sees them as THE perfect mate. Nothing could replace them and nothing can take them away. 
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
As a child, he always had everything, and that followed him into adulthood. The traditions his country kept over the years taught him that HE is the sole ruler and HE calls the shots. It's about control and obsession more than it is about love. 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
If his darling retreated from him or cried, he'd see it as one of their temper tantrums and let them be. He would try to make them feel better with little gifts and such, but if they retreat for too long, he just forces them back into his bubble.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Well he didn't just abduct them, he literally took them outside the country meaning that Japanese laws dont apply. In my opinion, he took it a step further by making a smart move. 
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
None. He's quite literally, always on his guard, and has guards around him. They cant get to him. At all. 
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes and hes done it before. He will admit that sending a wild animal after his darling was a bit harsh, but the torture is still going on. 
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Again, he has a whole shrine dedicated to them and adds pictures of them and him all the time. He proudly displays it to his darling and acts fake hurt if his darling calls him out, successfully making them feel guilty and comfort him. Emotional manipulation is a big part of his. 
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He takes a while. Mainly because he has background checks done on them just to ensure that they are the perfect darling for him. He finds out everything and stalks them like prey for months, maybe even years. 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Yes. Thats his ultimate goal. To have a quiet, non-opinionated pretty face by his side that bends to his every will and desire. 
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