#kinda lmao i should just tag it when characters from it appear even in AU form
eiseryn · 7 months
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We can have a yandere Vail, as a little treat. :3
To give more context for this AU, Lei is an underground doctor and Vail is apart of Lexi's (this cool AF NPC) Red Dragons which is I guess an organized crime group. Lei cooks sleeping pills from him in this AU because he has trouble sleeping from trauma, probably. But they don't work well anymore so he asks for something better and she suggests an experimental drug she's been working on. They find it works pretty well... but they are unaware... that one of the reagents is contaminated with a drug that makes people yandere... yeah... a yandere drug. So yeah that's why he became a little (JUST A LITTLE!!!) yandere for Lei :3 That is in fact her arm that he is gripping. She's wearing black nitrile gloves.
The concept for this drawing (which you might see in the notes I'll post sometime soon) is that he is her bodyguard for the time being for plot reasons, and a patient she has is being sleazy. So she asks Vail to escort him out and Vail decides to kill the guy :D wow what a normal response, right? (/s) So this is after he gets rid of the body and returns to her with blood stains and she realizes those aren't his. He reveals that he has killed the one who has "touched her" and asks to be praised 😳😳😳 Which would be hot if y'know the situation wasn't so messed up. This is why Lei starts suspecting something is wrong....
I will be releasing the mafia AU notes soon. Maybe after the post epilogue story XD so certain NPCs (not my OCs again) will have more context for who they are rather than being just names. But yeah it's a very SPICY and DRAMATIC AU (I don't write the full thing though) with lots of foreshadowing and an ending... that is as tragic and sad as they come... It hurt me to write it but it was so angsty it had to be done. You shall see. You shall see~
As a final note yes that collar he's wearing is a gift from Lei 👀👀👀spicyyyy
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sherifftillman · 9 months
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@cheerscoopscentral's cheerscoops week 2023 | day 3: social media-specific AU
Title: A Discordant Romance Pairing(s): Steve Harrington x Chrissy Cunningham, some background Gareth x Will Byers if you squint Tags: Stranger Things (series), fluff, modern AU, streamer AU, chatfic (set in Discord) Word Count: 5.7k Summary: When Eddie Munson gathers all his streamer friends from all the walks of his life, sparks fly for two in particular. A/N: I don't know why I thought making a chatfic based in DIscord was a good idea, but formatting this was a nightmare lmao. Still, I think it paid off. Other than the fact I've had to replace the usual @-system with "@." in the preview so that this hellsite doesn't' tag random blogs, even when I explicitly remove their tag links from the HTML editor. Love that sooo much.
read on ao3 here! preview under the cut:
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Server: eddie’s minions - #general
EddieTheBanished @.everyone figured instead of wasting a good server for a one-time event, i’d keep this up in case people wanna stream together again
aguywhohatesparties really? that’s what you came up with?
EddieTheBanished it’s my server i can name it what i want to 🙂
madmaxmay making a new server where everyone’s equal, who’s in [☝️13]
EddieTheBanished 🙁
Server: better name pending - #general
EddieTheBanished there, is that good for now?
madmaxmay i actually kinda dig it permanently
CallMeTheFreak Same. Should also be our next album name.
madmaxmay i want writer royalties
EddieTheBanished why?!
CallMeTheFreak Deal. [🤝3]
EddieTheBanished et tu with the reacts, @.GarethTheGreat @.JeffWithAJ? what is this mutiny
madmaxmay lol you guys are great. you should come back on tud sometime
lilmisschriss ooh, could a certain bat-wielding orc also make an appearance there?
kingsteve oh no
madmaxmay OH YES
you’ve been watching us?!
@.JaneTheEleventh !!!!!!!!!
JaneTheEleventh i am glad you are watching @.lilmisschriss. i like watching your streams too, with max. you are very friendly with your chat and it’s very nice. [❤️4]
madmaxmay pleasepleaseplease join a campaign with me and el!!!!!!!!! @.lilmisschriss
lilmisschriss you girls are so sweet, but i don’t know the first thing about this, i’m just learning as i’m watching and there’s so much to catch up on!
madmaxmay i’ll teach you everything. if we can get @.kingsteve to play through a whole oneshot without his character dying, we can do anything
ToothlessBard sorry, remind me, who is this WE you’re referring to? because i’m pretty sure I’M the one who taught steve everything he knows
kingsteve you know i can still read that, right? [🤷1]
okay fine. i’ll do another one of your stories ONLY if @.lilmisschriss does it too. and if henderson gets off his high horse
madmaxmay @.WiseWilliam GET WRITING, WIZARD BOY WONDER [🫡1 🧙1]
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sky13can · 1 year
I don't know if I actually should add the game's tag to this
My thoughts are usually born being inspired by some media but they can kinda elevate into original stuff
Sometimes I have OCs that can be transfered anywhere, which sometimes happens
I had some thoughts on my way to work today
I've been really into Fire Emblem lately, especially Engage, also starting to get into Awakening, planning on trying out other games
So I made up some OCs for Engage
Weird unfinished thoughts but it's how it happens in my mind
Can be called an AU prob
Also I'm still playing the game so don't know everything yet
But know who's Alear's dad is
Like, it's some AU (probably?) where Lumera had a child but then adopted Alear and sad this one is her child while the original kid was hidden away
(It's gonna be funny if Alear is actually adopted lmao)
And since Veyle has a stone that will break if Alear is dead my brain gave this idea that Lumera gave a similar stone to her kid so that they know if something happened to her
I don't have kid's name and have only an approximate appearance of the male version (yeah, the gender is the same as Alear's) but they are here, in my head
Prob won't be given name, I rarely give names to the characters in my head
So Alear at some point of story stumbles upon them, on deserted set of islands with ancient ruins, completely abandoned for some reason, because there is some rumored item that can aid Alear
Thought about a ring but dunno who's (pick your fave character that is not in a ring?)
The kid (okay, not really a kid in age, but just it's their name for now) happily joins Alear
Like they accept their step sibling even not knowing too much about them
Here comes my problem with transferring my thoughts outside
Lumera never loved fer actual child much, but cared, the kid knew it of course, it saddened them but they accepted it, then Alear came and the kid was sent away, they never blamed mother
This experience brought something good to their life
While living in the ruins the kid was alone but they were pretty much used to it, from time to time they wentured to where people live disguised as some animal
At some point they found young man/woman (again depends on the Alear gender lmao), they were also alone but also in danger, the kid helped them out and managed to take that person with them through persuasion
And thus they lived around each other, still giving some space but like there are whole islands theirs, they ended up groving very close to each other, even romantically
Uh, they joined the kid when they joined Alear, don't want to leave them alone
I have an idea of a guy, even name, but yet to imagine a girl, haha
So if Alear is male this character is also male (I'm sorry, I can't think straight), his name is Sebastian, his place of birth is unknown but it was destroyed long time ago so he's been on his own since childhood, also was an orphan who everyone hated even before the tragedy struck, he's mute, pretty high and fit (? some muscles), with long curly brown hair, hmmm, maybe tanned? (please help me find a better word, I'm sorry, English is not my native language and I'm a dummy), also pretty androgynous, tbh they're both androgynous
They're kinda similar to each other, but the kid is softer and kinder, Seb is pretty sharp
They pretty much stay away from everyone, not eager to get into contact
I think that's all so far
If you read this
Thank you and I'm sorry
Welcome to my chaotic head 🥲
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deadlysoupy · 4 months
Would you do a basic tutorial on how to create your fanfic on AO3? without a user from Latin America getting exhausted from being without a guide trying to make a fanfic @_@
ye sure! ao3 may be hard to get used to, but all the "?" in the sections do help a lot, and there's a detailed faq page on ao3, check this one if you have any questions. i'll do one anyway though
first, you'll want to click on the "new work" button here (assuming you already have an account!)
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then you'll see this section, we'll gradually get into each one, but for more info you can just click the "?" button
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honestly the rating and warnings are a bit of a doozy for me too, but the general ideas behind them are explained in the help buttons. if you've read fics on this website before i think you'd have a foggy understanding of ratings, they aren't too complicated. i really can't explain it any better than the help buttons do, it's just spitballing a lot of the times for me
but! fandoms! i've seen people who list their fandoms in relation to how prevalent they are in a story (ie when you have a mostly, idk, cyberverse-related fic with lots of references, you should put it first), with or without the general tag for all media, that depends, i guess, on the audience you want to attract, or in case some things reference other things from a media. the tags DO auto-fill when you type a few words (be careful about the spellings and wording in general)
categories are pretty linear and expected, dunno how to even describe them. again, the help button helps lmao
relationships is an important part - they can be skipped, but a lot of people browse for specific relationships and not fandoms. i put them in a tier-list of sorts to the importance in the story - similar to that of fandoms. don't overdo it tho! it gets muddy fast (you'll be able to see stuff better once we finish making everything pretty). again, most of this can be auto-filled!!! in case it's very obscure and rare
characters shouldn't be listed wildly - put only the ones you KNOW are important, a tiny cameo may not count, it gets kinda annoying when you look at a character tag but it's just one line (speaking from experience lmao)
additional tags are what people usually call regular tags. you can list a genre, what people could expect beyond a summary, a few popular tags that fit (hurt/comfort, angst, that sort of stuff). don't overdo it tho! ao3 does have a limit, and it's easier for the reader to read short and concise tags. you can see a list of most popular tags here, in case you get stuck
now then! the preface! just learned what it's called and that's pretty cool!
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work title is pretty self-explanatory - the name of your story. das it
co-creators are a thing for people who make works with someone else - don't tic it if you aren't doing that (i have no experience so i have no idea how it works)
summary is a short description of your story. shouldn't be too long, but i've seen people do long ones, that's not the topic of this post
notes are the creator's place to yell, tell something cool, promote stuff, whatever. i love to talk to my readers through there, explain some out-of-story context or aus in mind. it's not mandatory and can be totally skipped
this weird stuff
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collections and challenges are wacky. i'm not explaining that, there are way more knowledgeable people out there for this section
"gift this work to" is used for... gifting a story to someone! who knew! but for real you just type a username and in the title it would say "(work name) by (username) for (username)", it would appear in the giftee's profile. or something
these other things are... complicated.
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i've never filled this cause i never did this, but it seems pretty straight-forward
part of a series is easy! it's like collections but so much simpler. your personal hole to put stuff in. order doesn't usually matter. if you have created a new series, you can put it there, or you can create a series, its literally two buttons
multiple chapters is a thing in case it's not a one-shot. if you don't have an idea about how many chapters there could be, you can just leave it with a question mark. no need to name the chapters, either, they'll just be listed as "chapter 1, chapter 2" etc, or name it whatever you want
haven't used the publication date i have no idea what this magic button does!!!!
choosing a language is mandatory. just pick a language from their list and that's it!
i have no idea how work skins work
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privacy is filled unless you're anxious about a guest (an unregistered ao3 user) seeing your work (sorry that's just a description of me. my bad). it's pretty clear though
now, let's get into the m e a t
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html version of the text is the one where everything is filled with a command, but it's really complicated and i'm not a programmer, so i always use the rich text version
now, you can write your fic in the ao3 textbox, but if your website crashes - say bye-bye. people write in different apps i'm not listing here, so you can copy the text over and edit there however you please
there are a lot of nuances regarding the text editor, but you can test it yourself with anything, a bunch of things do cool stuff, like italics and bold text that can enrich your writing. i rarely use it for.... reasons (a bit of a ramble but i want my text to convey all these choices without me using them, but sometimes italics help)
the final stretch!
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i always preview my works before they get published. period. you never know when an italic messed up your spaces, you forgot to delete a space inbetween paragraphs, and whatever
previewed works go into drafts, which you can publish once you check if everything is a-okay. if you take too long though..... ao3 will think that the date you made the draft is the day you basically published the thing. so be careful with that! don't rush it, but don't leave it for more than a few hours, you'll have to start over. maybe it's a me-only glitch, maybe it's not, i'm not willing to check
and there you go! once you do all that, and you've checked your tags and the text (preferably more than once lmao), you're ready to post it! should take about 5-10 minutes to appear in the tags and fandom. you're all set!
i do hope this was somewhat helpful bc i'm not a tech-savvy person and i just do things my own way. there are a bunch of posts on tumblr to help you post on ao3, so look for those in case there are questions
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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ryuichirou · 3 years
Lord God Savior of All Ryu, I ask for but one noble request. lol i just wanna see all your AUs. Like, I always here about them in replies and stuff but I've almost never seen what they actually look like. So if you could just tag pics of them or doodle (they can be super bad 30 sec doodles too, it don't matter to me) them, I would be the happiest, most joyful little shit ever.
Anon!! Thank you for being so interested in our AUs and wanting to learn more about them. It was a very good excuse for us to go through the list of the AUs, doodle them, revisit some of the older ones, etc. So yeah, your wish is granted lol
Here’s the majority of them, we decided not to include those that we’ve barely talked about and thought out... I’ve put tags for those AUs where we have at least something posted. Most of them are something we haven’t even talked about at all and they don’t have a single sketch, but I liked drawing chibis for them way too much. Sorry, I used your ask lol
We have a general tag for our aus and specific ones for some of them, but sometimes an au from here is not tagged separately, so you might have to use this general tag...I tried to fix it, I don’t think I missed anything, so it should be ok now! ;w;
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1. Space AU. It’s a story about a space expedition.. which turned out to be not exactly what everyone planned thanks to Erwin. What a commander! 
2. Tribal AU. It’s a story about Eren becoming a part of the tribe where Erwin and Levi live. 
3. Babysitter AU. Levi is a babysitter to Eren and Zeke, unfortunately for Zeke, who’s 17 and not exactly thrilled about being babied. Sometimes there’s kid Erwin too. We’ve never posted anything related to this AU, I think, and I don’t think we will. There’s another AU related to this one, but 19yo Eren from the paths (he has the memory of the manga events) keeps kid Eren company as an invisible ghost, while others think that kid Eren is cursed or something.
4. SnK AU. A classical one, where Eren has dreams about the plot of SnK, but when the story stops progressing, he decides to kidnap Levi to make the plot go on. Erwin finds out later... and keeps Levi in the basement because he wants to know the ending too lmao plus it’s hot.
5. Mines AU. Erwin gathered a team for his wonderful plan to find a treasure, but it’s not like the rest of the team needs to know where they’re really going. Zeke’s particularly terrified to find that out. Despite its name, they spend the majority of time in the forest. Also, there’s a timeskip of 11 years. 
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6. AU with Neetwin who’s a history teacher. We don’t tag this one though, it’s not like it’s our AU. So now it’s a Neetwin tag, although one of the drawings is with adult Levi... eh, who cares. 
7. CC AU (cleaning company). Levi works in a cleaning company and cleans up Neetwin and hobo Eren’s apts. They need a lot of work. Yes, they make their apts even dirtier to make Levi spend more time there. 
8. Prison AU. Damn this one is good... we came up with it before reading the timeskip in the manga, so Eren’s appearance doesn’t really match his age, he’s 17 lol Levi is a mafia member who goes to prison because he need to kill one of the inmates (who later became Zeke) on Erwin’s (Levi’s boss) request. Eren’s his personal guard, although Eren works as a regular guard too.
9. King Kong AU. It’s an AU where the Beast Titan is King Kong lmao Zeke is having fun killing dinosaurs... Levi, not so much. Thank Erwin for his wonderful plan of going to this island.
10. Rus AU, basically just characters living in Russia. Because ofc we will have this type of a setting... Damn, I thought we drew this one more often, huh. 
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11. Sea AU. Mainly our modern AU, we use it as a base for other modern stuff for the most part. Levi’s getting two boifrond rings, he lives with Erwin, Eren visits them often, Zeke bitches a lot, fun times with and without Zeke, stuff like that. There’s also a subplot (11.5) where Eren gets “kidnapped” by a witch, so Zevi have to find him and bring him back. Titans exist in this AU, Eren and Zeke are titans, and all of them have military training, but Erwin and Levi retired some time ago. We don’t have a tag for just a modern setting, though. 
12. Cult AU. Eren lives on a farm and has a whole village of his followers. He also has cursed animals... and I think we’ve told about some of the plot points in replies. Erwin’s really into all this cult stuff because it affects reality for real, so he asks Levi to follow rituals, although Levi came to ask Eren to go back to normal life and finish the fucking school. 
13. Serial killer AU. Eren’s a serial killer, duh. Never posted anything with this one, unfortunately, but Eren got disappointed in the police when he was a child, so he decided to fix the situation himself, while Erwin and Levi, as a part of a special department, investigate his “fixing”. It also has a time skip. I really need to redraw at least one sketch...
14. Hospital AU. Levi gets into Marley trying to make Eren go back, but it’s not that simple because Eren doesn’t want to lol Basically canonverse with this small change.
15. Hobo AU. Eren and Levi are hobos, Zeke wants his brother to stop living under a fucking bridge. Later Erwin takes both of them under his roof because he really likes Levi, but he can’t leave Eren alone.
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16. Doggies AU. AU where Eren’s a wolf and Erwin’s a doggo. Levi got Erwin because he was a retiring trained dog and sniffed enough drugs in his life, and Eren... his “owner” found him on the streets and lied to Levi about Eren being a dog. Later Eren turned into a magnificent beast and now he doesn’t want to leave. There’s also Zeke, but he belongs to Xavier. 
17. AU where Eren wants to become a mangaka. The first post is self-explanatory, although I’d probably make some changes now if I cared enough. There’s also a time skip where Eren ditched his manga and became hobo!Eren. His editor was pissed lol 
18. Scolopendra Eren AU. You know the drill, and I’ve talked about the plot in some of the replies. 
This post doesn’t show up on the tag for some reason.
19. Ghost Eren AU. I should’ve named it combini AU... Anyway, I’ve talked about this one a lot, although poor Erwin gets neglected a little bit lol it’s hard to compete with a ghost when you’re just a mere stalker... but a very invested one. Eren likes Erwin here, they’re vibing on the same malicious-towards-Levi wave. 
20. Shark Eren AU. It’s just for us for funs, Eren’s a shark, and Levi’s there to help him fight depression. Eren later escapes into the sea.
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21. Midsommar AU. Levi and Erwin get an invite to go to the village from Yelena, Eren’s a part of a cult who is kinda attracted to one of the newcomers... Such a good movie, we need to draw them properly. Both Yeagerists and Eldians are a part of the cult, they don’t have any specific rules by which I categorised them... Although not all characters are present, and some of them (Jean, I think) are newcomers who will join the cult later. Sorry, I don’t remember much. 
22. Silent Hill AU. It started with Erwin peeking into Levi’s apartment, but now there’s Eren too... We haven’t thought out this one, I’m bad with Silent Hill AUs for some reason. 
23. House Eren AU. Eren’s a house, and we’ve explained how it works too, so just check out the tag. Levi actually lives there with Erwin, but I don’t remember if we’ve mentioned it or decided to skip this info. 
24. Eren pack AU. It’s an AU where Erens of all ages (6 of them, I believe) are a little bit feral, and they have wolf ears and tails, and they live in a specific place and Levi visits them every day and takes care of them. They love Levi. Here’s the only post that survived, and here’s a link for a twitter post which I never got back on tumblr after it got deleted. 
25. Trailer AU. The story is about Levi who has to live with Zeke for a month as his slave because Erwin lost him in a game of cards lol To be fair, Erwin lost a lot of money and their whole flat, and Zeke gave them a choice between that and Levi (he’s horny ok), and Levi agreed. Zeke even put Levi on a chain, although Levi doesn’t even try to escape...
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26. Flower shop AU. Eren’s a plant, and he brings death to the whole planet. He keeps Levi alive though, as a treat for himself. We’ve explained some of the stuff in the replies. 
27. Blair Witch AU. It’s pretty much explained in this post, and if you saw the movie, there’s nothing for me to tell you. Everything that’s different from it is in the post lol 
28. Corpse AU. Eren’s a corpse, Levi’s a pathologist who works on difficult and mysterious cases alongside the police. Eren later comes to life along with a couple of other bodies...
29. Antichrist AU. Zevi adopt baby Eren, but Eren’s a fucking satan. He loves Levi, but Zeke... not so much. Zeke loves Eren to death, though. Eren would love to organise that, but first he needs to grow up a little bit. It doesn’t mean that he won’t torture his parents during his journey. And everyone else who interact with them.
30. This one doesn’t have a title, but it’s an AU where kid Eren went missing, and Levi goes into the forest to find him. Levi owns Erwin who’s a good doggo and helps him find Eren. It turns out Eren killed two adult dudes, and he has paths!Eren telling him what to do and how to do it... Paths!Eren has the memory of the canonverse.
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31. Zombie apocalypse AU. There’s only one drawing with it though, but basically Levi builds himself a wonderful place to survive the apocalypse, and he keeps Zombie Erwin in the basement in hopes of Hange finding a cure. Then Eren joins just because he can and because Levi’s very awesome. Eren has a boner for the apocalypse and enjoys every second of it. 
32. No title, but Eren was casted away from the canon universe for the rumbling, and now he’s a mythological giant wolf who lives in a deep very old forest. He was very surprised to find out Levi exists in this universe... So he kidnapped him ❤️
33. Halloween AU. You’ve seen this one, it’s a story where Jean, Connie, Sasha and Eren get into the wrong house and find a ritual instead of a Halloween party... So after saving the child who, as it turns out, is not really a victim, they decide to ditch him at Eruri’s place.
34. Okusan AU. Levi’s a housewife, Erwin is a cuckold who’s really into adultery. He invites both Zeke and Eren from time to time to act as Levi’s husbands, and they (Levi and Erwin) almost get caught because the “husband” suddenly came home... Sorry, we’ve read too many doujinshis lol
35. Island AU. Erwin loves sending Levi to dangerous places to get souvenirs for himself, and now it’s time for Levi to get a crystal from a very isolated island full of strict rules in terms of interacting with outsiders. We have a cool idea for a two part drawing (like with our flower shop au), but it’ll take us ages to complete anything at this rate... I have like two sketches on Patreon for now, but damn this AU has so many cool visuals we wanna draw... It’s another cult AU with people living on Paradis (more like one village in the middle of the island), isolated from the rest of the world. They don’t welcome strangers, and Levi has three months to find and steal that crystal, although it’s not that simple.
36. Erewan. Not exactly a full AU, but Erewan’s a cursed animal plushie who kills people and loves Levi a lot. 
37. Cat AU. Everyone’s a cat (duh). Not really our AU, but it has its own tag, and it’s only asks. 
38. Tiny founder Eren AU?? Again, not really our AU, but now it has its own tag. 
I’ve also found the reply where I talk about how characters’ relationships work in some of the AUs, you can check it out too. I thought it was fitting for a master post. 
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tsainami · 5 years
wip prep tag #2
tagged by: @isherwrites​ tysm!! sorry it took this long to get to.
rules: answer the questions and then tag as many writers as there are questions answered (or as many as you can) to spread the positivity! even if these questions are not explicitly brought up in the novel, they are still good to keep in mind when writing.
last time i did this it was for cheat (which you can find here), this time i’ll do grave mercy.
1. describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch).
a girl against a theocracy (but for its religion) and a boy against its religion (but for the theocracy) who have very ? confusing ? backgrounds ? (and are vampires) somehow end up meeting while investigating a cannibalistic angel. they end up doing something ridiculous together: unraveling ‘god.’
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
as far as i can see where the plot’s going, probably a trilogy.
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
vampires. religious ones! in priestly/nun-ly (not a word) clothing! which comes in mostly white or bright colors because they’re not fans of black vestments. black armor yes, black clothes no. and since there’s vampires, there’s blood. but also gore. and also cults. and devils, angels, monsters, conspiracy! plus a lot of french gothic architecture.
4. What other stories inspire your novel?
book of the ancestor trilogy by mark lawrence. if you’ve read it, it’s probably obvious.
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel.
i haven’t done any edits for this a whole either rip. it’s not much right now, but here’s its pinterest board.
6. Who is your protagonist?
my main protagonist is a girl called ines nenci. she’s a novice at a convent known (or, unknown) to reform young girls whose faith are tainted.
7. Who is their closest ally?
her closest friend is this younger novice named dafne who she constantly worries about and is very protective of. she views dafne as her closest ally, and throughout the story she retains that sentiment. objectively speaking though, it’s probably reuven. after they meet and her fight or flight response when it comes to him calms down lol.
8. Who is their enemy?
the theocracy. namely the ava santi who sits at its head. and also herself.
9. What do they want more than anything?
this is going to sound anticlimactic maybe, but emotional comfort and security. ines really just wants to stop having to be scared all the time. stop having to hold on to anger and allow herself to finally express her hurt and pain after all the years she’s spent oppressing it. she wants to depend on someone and be able to trust them instead of just being the one depended on while in truth she’s just being manipulated. she honestly just. wants. inner peace (lol).
10. Why can’t they have it?
there are many reasons. let’s start with a few minor obstacles in the shape of people who keep her alive solely for the purpose of using her to further their ambitions: 1. the abbess of the convent. this chick keeps ines in her house only to serve as a tool in her plot of overthrowing the theocracy. the convent’s pretty much a facade for this group of heretics to eventually hold some sort of rebellion. but they’re being really dirty about it. 2. the ava santi (aka ye olde pope). he killed her dad. he was also supposed to kill her, but this amazing idea popped up in his brain and he decided “nay, send her to the convent dear men o’mine.” reasons for this is because a) he hates that fucking place and has wanted it dead for years and b) he can’t touch that fucking place because politics and also One Deep and Dark Secret that would cost his position and probs life should it be exposed. 3. the so-called cannibalistic angel she meets, whose reasons for using her are too spoilery to share at the moment. but it’s got something to do with the one ‘god’ of their faith.
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
that she’s cursed. it’s repeated a lot in the first chapter, actually. her dad’s death and some of his last words really drilled it in her. and it makes sense, because her existence is scorned by the faith and she learns more and more about this (with the misfortune of having to witness her papa burn ffs as lesson 1 of all things) as she grows up.
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
she’s got thick, wavy black hair. pretty long (goes up to mid-back i think) and it’s always braided and then tied up into a low bun. she’s always wearing her habit (which is white) and even if she isn’t she tries to wear something close (usually white too) because it makes her feel secure. she has a black cloak she wears when she goes walking around the capital or the woods (that she really and i mean really knows how to work, especially when she’s killing something so not too much of nasty stuff stains her clothes). usually armed to the teeth. hidden blades everywhere. though you can’t really see that i guess. 
sometimes, she carries a sword.
13. What is the internal conflict?
ines is moroi, which is a race that is treated little better than rabid dogs are in montevena. there aren’t many moroi in existence any more because of wars that involved genocide long ago + the fact that as moroi all you have to do to get sentenced to death sometimes is to accidentally bump into someone. anyway, her internal conflict mostly revolves around her struggle between hating what she is and yet having to depend so heavily on it. she wants to separate herself from being moroi, but that’s impossible since she has to face it everyday. even if people weren’t there to remind her, her body can’t lie. she really, really hates it but there’s no other choice but to live with it.
14. What is the external conflict?
everyone is against the theocracy for their own reasons and the theocracy is against everyone. the teams switch up sometimes though and things get wild when a cannibalistic angel appears and the OG residents of the world, the devil-gods, get weaved into the mayhem (did i mention this takes place in an au hell? because it does).
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist?  
if ines is put through what she went through as a child, having her world break like that (it wasn’t only her dad’s death, it was all the things about the world she was totally clueless about because up until then her dad had limited her knowledge of it, so her whole life was a big fat lie), it would be B A D. the people currently capable of hurting her that way is an older nun from the abbey named sister aura and dafne.
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
huge spoilers so i’ll be vague. something monumentally of relevance to not just ines or reuven, but the whole world is a total sham. also if you can believe it or not, aliens are involved (but it totally isn’t what it sounds like lmao).
17. Do you know how it ends?
a little, but not too well right now.
18. What is the theme?  
there’s an absolute truth to everything. but a lot of the times it gets corrupted by people with ill-bred intentions. that doesn’t mean the truth itself is horrible, though. so it’s always good to discriminate and keep in mind that, just like that guy who yells about global warming but clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about while he goes ‘round the world in private jets that secrete shit tons of shit, sometimes we don’t know everything either.
19. What is a recurring symbol?  
i have no idea. (yet)
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!)
a city-state called montevena which is loosely based off of vatican city but much more french gothic and kinda creepy. later the story moves through parts of canza, one of the three sanctified states that reuven is from.
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?
yes. predominantly one that occurs in a cave.
22. What excited you about this story?  
the development of the characters. particularly ines, reuven, gabriele, dafne, hazael, mirta and other supporting characters (including the abbess and the ava). it’s just... so interesting. i low-key had a mindfuck about it.
23. Tell us about your usual writing method!  
a copy paste from my previous post on this:
my method is freak out! write a sentence. think about useless things (why would a pigeon be at the city square at night? that doesn't make sense? is it a normal pigeon? what is the purpose of its life?). try not to get distracted (i always do though) and write another sentence. 
the day i’m 92 is the day i finally have two fully written novels with my name plastered all over them in my arms.
TAGGING: @brekkerings @pilipalea @apollchiles (if you guys haven’t done this yet) and anyone else who wants to.
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jngukie · 7 years
i was tagged by @floofyeol! idk if this is a blessing or a curse let’s find out.
some of these fics have been in drafts for ages? so tbh i don’t even know if i will post them but hey we’ll see. (so assume for now that none of these will be posted—except when stated otherwise with an *)
the first couple will be ships. the later ones are reader-inserts. all are still protected by the Creative Commons license.
slide it up in here: chapter 10* pairing(s): jikook, namjin, yoonseok genre: humour, crack, drama, angst tags/warnings: texting, college au, slightly filthy, innuendoes, Awkward Jeon Jungkook™, slowburn, self-esteem issues, self-hatred, implied/referenced homophobia, everyone is a mess™
gguki: [image attached] gguki: what should i do with it chimothy: um chimothy: dude idk if i’m entitled to give you suggestions but chimothy: i mean you could always just stick it in the ass???????
or jungkook accidentally sends a stranger a picture of his roommate’s brand new dildo
the (9)7 wonders of the world
tol: ok here’s the plan dabs 24/7: yugyeom no offence but your plans kinda suck muscle pig: ^^ what bambam said muscle pig: i don’t trust you anymore tol: wow that hurt tol: but i promise you this one will be better dabs 24/7: don’t do it kook tol: it won’t backfire in any way
untilted vhope pairing(s): vhope, namjin genre: humour, fluff tags/warnings: college au, skype dates, profanity, neurobiology/pyschology major!namjoon, ra!jin, music major!yoongi (i think), some major!hoseok, and high schooler!tae, tbh idrk bc i haven’t finished writing it lmao
When Jung Hoseok signed up for college, he didn’t think he’d end up on academic probation so soon. Hell, he’d never guess he’d have friends who would use him as a fucking lab rat for their atrocious experiments. He definitely did not expect to fall in love with his resident advisor’s little brother—and then proceed to sneak into said resident advisor’s room and hack his computer just to have one more Skype date with the little brother. Without getting caught by said resident advisor. Yeah—he’s a little stressed, to say the least.
→ a continuation of It’s Burning Up in Here.
He didn’t sign up for this. He thought college would be a great idea—who would pass up the opportunity for ultimate freedom and youthful stupidity? No, he was ecstatic for college—but he definitely hadn’t signed up to be the fucking victim for his resident advisor’s boyfriend’s experiments.
“Hoseok-ssi, please stay still or otherwise this will hurt. A lot,” Namjoon begged as his friend Yoongi tried to hold him down on the fragile coffee table.
“That’s not what your needle’s saying! You said it was a harmless experiment! You said I’d be fine!”
“You will be! I just need practice drawing blood once—”
“You’ve never even done this before?” Hoseok shrieked, writhing some more. Yoongi growled in frustration and flung his entire weight onto Hoseok’s body—and thus effectively snapping the legs of the coffee table and sending them down towards the floor.
His advisor ran into the room then, eyes wide in alarm while holding a skillet filled with half-cooked meat, his creased white apron reading World’s Best Dad! in pretty cursive pink. “What the hell is going on here?”
untitled taekook* pairing(s): taekook, yoonjin genre: fluff, angst, humour, crack tags/warnings: restaurant au, running away, mentions of nudity, exhibitionism, does getting caught dancing naked in your room count as exhibitionism idek, mention of mpreg, but there’s no actual mpreg, i mean it’s the sims it’s not real, many many references to the male organ, but sorry folks no smut (A/N: this is literally what i have in my docs wow i’m such a nerd for preparing ao3 tags LMAO)
The last thing Jungkook expected after running away to Seoul is to score a private live viewing of Naked_Neighbour_Dancing_In_His_Bedroom.mov—and then proceed to bump into him when he’s not-so-naked. And then also manage to greet him with a slap. It also probably doesn’t help that Nude Neighbour is his new boss. All in all, Jungkook just maybe kinda wants to die. (But of course Seokjin isn’t gonna allow him, so he’s just going to suffer—for now.)
He sighs, turning his head to gaze out of the window, only to freeze when he realises his view isn’t exactly the most… decent.
Because across from his small studio apartment window is a perfect view of a larger apartment in the building across, and currently, the tenant (he hopes the boy’s the tenant) is enthusiastically dancing through his room completely naked, dinglehopper fully on display. He’s mouthing the words to some song, throwing a finger up in the air as he shuts his eyes and nods his head as though the music (Jungkook thinks there’s music) blasting in his room is speaking to him on a spiritual level.
Jungkook’s face is bright red when he finally breaks out of his trance, and he wishes he wasn’t so bad at reacting appropriately to inappropriate situations so he could at least have saved himself from adding a thirty-second clip of Nude Neighbour to his collection of non-digital memories. He rushes to the window and pulls the curtains close, fingers stiff as he tries to rid his brain of such scandalous images.
At least he was hot.
His face is redder now—if that’s even possible. “Fuck me,” he whispers, and then flushes even more. “Wait, no. Don’t fuck me. That’s not what—why am I even talking to myself. Agh.”
take these words out of my lungs (and set them free) pairing(s): vmin genre: angst, fluff tags/warnings: major character death, suicide attempt, depression, body image issues, depressed!jimin, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, ambiguous original character that appears for like five seconds, high school au
three pounds. that’s how much he’s gained since he last stepped on the scale, the dictator that rules over his life. he stares at the numbers again, frowning at the digits glaring up at him. perhaps there was a mistake; maybe the scale is rigged or jammed or simply broken. he couldn’t have possibly gained three pounds in a span of two days. hasn’t he been walking around his neighbourhood enough?
he sighs, stepping off the scale and turning around to flush the toilet before washing his hands. even the cold water burns his skin, and he wishes he could melt through the cracks on the floor. would he slim down then? would he finally be skinny enough?
“jimin!” he hears his mother call, and he forces his way from the sink, sneaking out his parent’s bathroom and into the living room outside. their apartment is small but cozy. jimin hates it.
untitled kim seokjin* pairing(s): platonic OT7 genre: fluff, angst tags/warnings: anxiety, depression, eating disorder, negative body image perception, lapslock (lower case)
honestly, he can’t remember what it’s like to live anymore.
breathe in. breathe out.
three lucky charms. four cereal pieces. seven bits down the drain.
he smiles, staring at the milk-stained sink as the spoon clatters against metal, bowl turned upside down. it’s ugly—white ink staining burnt grey like liquid cobwebs feeding on rust. it looks exactly as how he feels: dirty, wasted, trash. one-seventy-nine centimetres down the drain.
untitled kim taehyung pairing(s): Kim Taehyung/Reader genre: fluff, humour, probably angst bc knowing me tags/warnings: (sor far) nudity, profanity
Kim Taehyung has no regrets. Sure, he probably should’ve thought twice before he spent all of his money on BIGBANG merch just to show Jungkook that yes, he’s the bigger fanboy, and sure, he definitely should’ve listened to Jimin when he warned Taehyung that no, he shouldn’t eat three whole pizza pies by himself, but that doesn’t mean he regrets any of his decisions. Even though blowing all his earnings on people he’ll never meet did cause him to starve for a good or so month.
(Thank god for ramyeon.)
So, no, Jimin, he doesn’t regret running out of the shower butt naked when he heard her singing on her way to the second floor of their co-ed dorm, doesn’t regret shouting, “I love your voice!” before she screamed, “Oh my god, you’re naked!” And he definitely doesn’t regret yelling, “Oh, shit!” into Oblivion before sprinting back into the bathroom to resume the hot shower he abandoned.
“For fuck’s sake, Taehyung,” Jimin says to him once Taehyung’s finished recounting the story, the two of them lying side by side on Jimin’s bed. “You’re going to get us kicked out.”
“I should probably say hi,” Taehyung muses, blinking at the ceiling. “Do you think she remembers me?”
Jimin glances down, and snickers. “With how small your dick is, she probably does.”
untitled park jimin pairing(s): Park Jimin/Reader genre: fluff tags/warnings: (so far) blind!reader
He is an angel; and she doesn’t need to see to believe. She fathoms his widespread wings as he gently picks her up, worriedly and urgently asking for her health, voice so soft it touches her skin like silk on smooth glass. His eyes must be crinkled in the corners, a smile stuttering through apologies, heart too warm for the human hand to touch. She imagines what he looks like, faintly deciding through his rapid Korean that he must be chesnut if not vanilla, not in skin but in connotation because he sounds and smells and feels like home.
Her pause is a millennia long, and she hears him repeat himself again, the sound of melting marshmallow oozing out of beautiful lips: “Are you alright?”
She produces a smile, feathery and light, eyes glassy and the world continues to remain black. “I’m fine,” she replies, and her voice is cracked from its lack of use; she hasn’t met anyone worth talking to in what feels like a century. Another smile reappears, much strained than what she’s used to, and she picks herself up from where the concrete lay, the dust falling from her voile skirt. “No damage done.”
untitled kim taehyung #2* pairing(s): Kim Taehyung/Reader, platonic OT7 genre: fluff, angst tags/warnings: i think it’s schizophrenia?, mental illnesses, depression
There is a moment when time stands still. It’s fleeting, escaping the moment your fingers curl around it and pull. But it is during this moment happiness enraptures you with its warm hug as your heart thunders against your chest—the steady thump, thump, thump of a snare drum awakening. It is during this moment pain ceases to exist.
But after, everything will come rushing back.
i have more but these are the ones that are decent, at the very least.
to pass the torch on, i’ll tag @minmelly @kinky-koreans @pasteljeonggukk @haneulismykoreanname @rnjmnster and anyone else who wants to do it! (if you don’t, no pressure. good luck to you and your writing!)
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2towels · 7 years
Roll Initiative [V:LD]
A Voltron: Legendary Defender fic, Klance.
Theme: DnD AU, KlanceWeek2017
Pairings Klance (Keith/Lance)
Rating: Rated E for Everyone, swear warning
Words Total: 2520
Tags: mutual pining, living vicariously through dungeons and dragons characters, dungeons and dragons dating lmao, lots of dialogue, coran’s a snack mom, everyone’s there, even matt!!
“Holy crow,” Lance shot up, excitement written in the way his face lit up, “Are you going to propose to me, Keith?”
The gang plays DnD. Klance Week 2017 Day 1: Free Will vs Fate
Alternate Title: Shut up and ask him out roll the dice
Read on AO3 (please)
Tired eyes stared down all around the table. Pidge pushed her glasses up her face, past her bangs to rest on her head, and gave a long, suffering sigh. From beside her, she could see Matt look up and glance her way, having heard her pull a signature Shiro sound, but she couldn’t help it. Not anymore.
Lance, as usual, was the first to verbalize his complaints. “Allura,” He whined, shifting in his seat so he could lean forward, “You always make your campaigns so long . Can we just go to a tavern or something? We’re still recovering from the giant nest!”
Across the table, Keith nodded in silent and rare agreement, his eyes flicking around as he scanned his papers.
Allura clucked. “I’m afraid not. We’ve got at least two more hours tonight, so stop complaining and get yourselves in order.”
“You’re just trying to make your campaign last the longest because Shiro has the record!” Lance accused. Their dungeon master bristled, but didn’t comment or correct him.
“Alright.” Shiro sighed, “I’m sure, on appearances alone, the group of bandits…you’re calling them Galra still, right?” At Allura’s nod, he continued, “The Galra have no interest in trying anything with us. I think we should carry on.”
“No.” Keith grunted, “Red’s gonna be suspicious.”
“You mean you’re suspicious?” Lance snorted, ducking down as Keith throw a chip at him.
“I told you it’s not a self-insert.” The other boy growled.
Hunk cut in, “I agree with Keith.” and swirled his mug of hot chocolate contemplatively.
“With Red !” Keith threw his hands up, leaning back in his chair.
He continued on, though Hunk did have the decency to look sheepish, “Right. Saffron would agree with Red. Kinda. He’d be nervous, but only a little suspicious.”
“Alright then. So, Red’s awareness would give an advantage, of course, but Saffron gets nothing from his general fear.” Allura dictated, shuffling papers mysteriously from behind her partition.
“As usual.” Pidge grunted, “Foxglove ignores the bandits in favor of staying focused on that strange dwarven thing she’s going to figure out soon.”
“Is it time for her to roll for that again? What did we say she had to get over?” Matt wondered aloud, glancing at Allura from his own papers. “I’m just following Nero’s lead, by the way. Shiro’s in charge, after all, Red.”
“Over a sixteen.” Allura hummed, nodding at Matt’s instruction, “and five minutes.”
“Which is bullshit because of my–”
“I did the math twice , Pidge.” Allura brought out her overly-authoritative tone, “At your request, and it is still a roll over sixteen.”
Before Pidge could even retort, acid on her tongue, Coran wandered over from the kitchen, all smiles and completely unaffected by the argument and tension brewing. “How are all you adventurers doing? Kill any goblins today? Has Azulle been kidnapped again?” He tweaked his mustache as he leaned over Allura’s side, humming a little.
Lance’s head shot up, face alight. “Coran! The gorgeous man! I’ll ignore that jab for now. Did you make any space juice?”
Hunk made a face from beside his best friend, shifting to see Coran from around the lankier boy. “More important question: how are the nachos coming?”
“Adventure’s going great, Coran!” Matt finally responded for the group, cheerful, “At Allura’s pace, we’ll be here for a few more weeks under your hosting!”
“Well,” Coran mused, moving in on the table further to observe their work up close as well, “That’s no trouble. I’m just glad you little rascals are all interested in these old antiques of mine.” He plucked up one of Allura’s hidden books (ignoring her soft “Wait, they don’t–”) and hummed more as he revealed it to browse.
“Is that the monster guide? We just left the town! To go to one less than a mile from here! This is a basic retrieval quest!” Pidge huffed, “Damn it–”
“We need to get Plaxum and Swirn back over, we do so much better with rogues like them.” Shiro commented thoughtfully.
“ Without Blumfump. Man, he’s exhausting.” Hunk rubbed his face.
Lance straightened his spine a bit. “Hey, come on, he means well. Besides, he doesn’t like to do campaigns unless he’s the DM. That’s why he and Slav only play Magic down at the Post.”
“Oh, good.” Pidge began, weirdly excited seeming, “So we can re-invite them without the other.”
“Please don’t let Slav back in your house, Allura.” Shiro whispered.
“He was very informed about potential campaign outcomes when I discussed ours with him last week at the Post, I’ll have you know,” Allura defended, “but yes, I don’t think he’s interested enough to join us again.”
“So, space juice for Lance? Anyone else?” Coran set down the book with a smile, counting as Keith, Pidge, Matt, and Allura’s hands all flew up. “The nachos will be done in just a tick or two as well.
A murmur level of cheers followed, and Allura straightened up as Coran parted, ready to set back to the quest. “Let’s see…Oh, Lance?”
“Azulle follows Red’s suspicion, but way more lax about it.” Lance said smoothly, switching papers in his hands, “Does anybody have my purple highlighter?”
Keith handed it over, ignoring their brushing hands fluidly. “Azulle should know to trust Red’s intuition from the supply raid alone, let alone the countless other quests they’ve done and he’s been right.” He mumbled, pressing his elbows into the table as he leaned forward. “He’s always good about this stuff.”
“Hold the phone.” Lance spread a hand as he idly highlighted a section of his personal notes with his other, “Back up. Azulle is well aware that Red has great intuition, but he’s a total hothead, too, adn that supply raid was only so much of a shit show because Red charged off, anyway, regardless of whether he was right or not.”
“Yeah!” Matt laughed, “I wouldn’t have died if we took things slow like Lance suggested.”
Hunk laughed along a moment, “No, dude. You would have died. You sort of always die.”
“You and Shiro have death records .” Pidge snorted.
Allura rolled a die without preamble, stilling everyone as they looked to the sound. “The bandits pass by, taking in the party, and notice Keith’s–”
“ Red’s. ”
“Red’s glare. They’re disgusted, and advance on the bold group.”
“Azulle flies to the front and tries to charm them!”
“He does not –” Keith said immediately, “Red’s glare intensifies as Azulle moves to flirt.”
Sliding down in his chair, Lance groaned, “Jealousy, thy name is Keith. My charm skill has saved us so many times!”
“Lance, roll.”
He followed suit tensely, without readjusting his seat. The dice rolled almost lazily, prolonged as the group watched. “Eight.”
Allura laughed plainly. “They notice that you smell like cow and see Red’s background glare. The charm is wasted.”
“They never like Kaltenecker.” Pidge commented, a lightness in her tone.
“I smell nachos!” Hunk sang, listening as Coran came back with drinks in hand.
Lance huffed, his foot brushing against Keith’s from being so far under the table. “At least Keith likes cow.”
“ Red .” He stressed in return, not moving his foot.
“Keith and Hunk have initiative. the Galra advance with a scoff.” Allura narrated.
“Red pushes Azulle behind him, draws his sword, and makes a strike for the leader. Rolling.”
“My hero!” Lance cooed, making prolonged eye-contact with Keith while the die bounced.
“You never said how many there were, Allura.” Matt murmured, glancing at Hunk as the boy rolled as well.
“Drat.” Allura murmured back, flipping a curtain of hair over her shoulder and beginning to tie it up as Coran set her drink before her. “There are three. Would you like to hear their names?” Her voice became almost gleeful.
Pidge laughed, flipping pages frantically. “Yes. I’ll add them to our Worst Names Ever list.”
Allura was not deterred. “Plytox, Plyrox, and Sendak. Sendak’s the leader, missing one eye, and his roll beat yours, Keith. Hunk, What is your action?”
“Uh,” He groaned a moment, giving a wary eye to the sludge concoction Lance was downing almost frantically. “Saffron lets Red rush ahead and casts a barrier on whoever Matt is right now.”
“Whoever Matt is right now thanks you.”
“Roll again?”
“Eighteen! Woo!” Lance cheered for Hunk, throwing him a high five and not noticing Keith’s close gaze while he pumped his fist.
Pidge’s phone timer went off, and she jumped. “I’m using this turn to perceive this fucking relic again. You guys can battle on your own.”
“So, Matthew’s character is protected sufficiently, Sendak laughs at Keith’s–Red’s, I know, don’t start–Red’s attack and sends him flying back into Azulle with a hard shove. No damage necessary, he’s just being a little stinker while he tries to rough you all up. He then advances on Shiro due to his natural leader appearance.” Allura explained, as she always did in these events, with a pleasantness of a ruler, completely in control of all outcomes no matter the situation.
Shiro grunted, “If I sacrifice myself this turn can I go watch whatever Coran is in the den?”
“Azulle pleasantly cradles Red as he fumbles through that fall.” Lance cooed again, still engaged in on-again, off-again eye-contact with Keith that might last too long.
Allura narrowed her eyes at their leader. “No. I’m sorry you dislike this campaign so much, Shiro, but you can complain about it with Pidge when the night is done. Sendak draws a short dagger.” Mindlessly, she pulled the new bowl of nachos Coran delivered more towards herself and Hunk, shoving a handful into her mouth.
Keith picked at his cheese-less personal bowl of chips with fake nonchalance. “Red stands and sends Azulle a meaningful smile, preparing for his opportunity again…”
“Aww. Azulle kisses Red’s cheek and moves away to draw his bow and aim for the farthest Galra from Sendak’s flanks.”
“Plytox. Roll?”
“Seventeen. Oh my god, we are on fire tonight!”
“i’m gonna swing my spear into Sendak to try and distract him from Nero, because Shiro’s participation sucks when Coran’s got a good movie on.” Matt assured, rolling his die before he was prompted. “Six. Welp. Never mind.”
“No, that’ll do.” Allura nodded, “Not much, but Sendak is affected by such a bug bite. The goon Azulle hit is without the use of a shoulder.”
“Nero is tired but draws his sword and humbly requests Wemb to move over before he dies.” Shiro sat up a little, reaching for a nacho, “Also, I’m very focused on this game, I just appreciate Coran’s outlook on other activities.”
“Is that who I am right now? I picked the name Wemb? I’ve been loosely following Yuv’s character outline this whole time.” Matt complained, squinting at his papers.
Lance threw his head back in a laugh, “You need to get a better organization system. Hunk teaches, look at how pretty his binders look.”
“I think Shiro wants to retire from DND. I bet he’s going into LARPing.” Pidge snickered, “Can I roll for Foxglove yet?”
“You may.”
“Fifteen. Fuck. One day.”
Allura didn’t even bother to look sympathetic. “You’ll have better luck soon. Let’s see…The goons each knock an arrow at Saffron, recognizing his status as a healer. Roll for avoiding those, Hunk.”
“They always underestimate my dexterity.” Hunk laughed and Allura swore quietly, also having forgotten, as Hunk’s roll was modified into well past the necessary range.
“They miss so far that everyone, your party included, is embarrassed for them.” Their dungeon master begrudgingly narrated, “Sendak, however, is not deterred. Lance, you’re fastest, go ahead.”
“I throw another arrow at cold shoulder goon.”
“And my roll is a beautiful thirteen. Are you proud mom? Is mama out there somewhere realizing my DND worth?” Lance elaborated, all smiles as he drank his sugary space juice.
Shiro glanced around the table, but Pidge beat him to commenting. “I’m sure somebody’s proud of you.” She laughed, adjusting her glasses so they were fixed on her face one more and glared in the light. “Red’s swooning by now.”
“Actually,” Hunk began, “When are Azulle and red getting married? Can we have a badass quest wedding? Wedding quest? We need closure.”
“They’re married through the spirit of battle. They don’t need fancy clothes or rings or ceremonies. It would be complicated.” Keith colored, sending a fleeting glance towards Lance.
“Well, I mean…” Lance laughed, glancing away too, “Azulle wouldn’t mind, anyway.”
“Foxglove was with Red in that market after the stupid retrieval quest we did for the Yalmor innkeeper, and Keith, you spent a lot of time whispering to Allura about what you were buying, so Foxglove should know.” Pidge explained slyly, scrutinizing her papers with a false casualty, “Can’t withhold information, you know.”
“Holy crow,” Lance shot up, excitement written in the way his face lit up, “Are you going to propose to me, Keith?”
Keith’s own face flared immediately, though he didn’t flinch under Lance’s beam and gaze. “I’ll text you what I bought, Pidge.” He gritted out.
“Why, thank you.” She said mercilessly.
When a strange silence fell over the table, unrealized only by the still excited Lance, Keith stood abruptly and moved away from the table. “I’m going to the bathroom.”
Allura sighed, though she didn’t look like she truly had any objections. When Keith was out of sight, she and the rest of the table turned to Lance collectively, watching him smile down at his character notes almost bashfully.
“I can’t believe you’re going to marry Keith.” Hunk said lightly, all smiles.
He laughed in return, moving his bright eyes to meet his best friend’s own. “I know, right? Who thought we’d get here ?” After another chuckle, he stopped. “Wait.”
“There it is. We can all go home.” Pidge threw her hands into the air.
“Lance…” Shiro started, eyes on the hallway that led to the den where Coran was comfortable, “I give you my blessing.”
“Please don’t do this.” A flush raked up Lance’s neck to the tips of his ears, and he groaned as loud as he could. “They’re just characters.”
“Dude.” Hunk began, only to be cut off by Lance’s own standing.
“What’s that, Coran? More space juice for me in the kitchen? Be right there!” And he was gone.
Pidge rested her head in her arms on the table. “End this. Why did we even introduce them? Introduce this game ?”
“Without this game,” Matt decidedly sagely, resting a hand on his sister’s back, “We wouldn’t even know the extent of how sad they pine for one another.”
“They’ve contaminated dungeons and dragons by being in love.” She whined, squinting at Allura when she laughed from behind her partition.
When Keith returned from his fake bathroom run, he immediately asked, “Where’s Lance?” much to his own dismay at his train of thought.
Shiro looked towards him, soft mirth in his tired eyes. “Keith,” He began seriously, “Please, ask Lance out.”
Keith’s face gained color quickly, and he downed his space juice as he sat, fluster only amplified when Lance returned from the kitchen with a refill for the two of them.
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herkingdomcome · 5 years
all the odd numbers :|
honest meme // accepting only the even numbers apparently
What would prevent you from following someone?
Well immediately if they have no rules then I won’t follow unless they’re someone I know or follow on another blog. For oc’s no bio. And if both of those things are there then I really look at the mun’s vibe in the rules. If they post call outs a lot and things like that then I’m not here for it. If I read some of their writing and it feels like we won’t mesh then I won’t follow. 
What current rp trend do you hate?
Uuuuuh I dunno, I’m not a fan of like the super tiny stuff or when the links mesh into the blog to the point where I have to go full Nancy Drew to find them. Or like the super aesthetic writing because sometimes that can be really hard for me to read. But yeah tbh I don’t care much about trends as long as shit is readable and accessible like do whatever makes you happy lol.
Do you prefer interacting with male muses or female more? Why?
I genuinely don’t have a preference. I think all muses can bring something unique and fun to the table regardless of how they identify :3
What’s your opinion on call out posts?
They suck ass. While I do think some can be necessary like warning people about someone who is predatory and genuinely harmful, I think there was a minute there where it just became a way to bitch about people you didn’t get along with. I had one done about me, though it was more of a long vague, but it was like four paragraphs saying I was ungrateful literally because I politely let them know that I wasn’t sure how to reply to their starter but I’d still be happy to write with them. Which was just such a shitty feeling. So really I think a lot of them are just unnecessary. But I am okay with the ones that come with genuine warnings because we all know tumblr won’t do fuck all about reported people lmao.
What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not?
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. Some of my muses just connect so deeply to another one that writing with a duplicate would just feel wrong. It does kind of suck in smaller fandoms. Like I had a muse I wanted to write and legit most of the blogs I found in that fandom were exclusive with the same one of that muse and it was really unwelcoming. But at the same time I can’t fault anyone for doing what they want to make their experience the most fun it can be!
What do you know now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started?
This is a weirdly hard question… I guess…I dunno I can’t remember specifically but I was told by an ex friend all of these etiquette things that really were just kinda bullshit. So it made my initial experience kinda stressful. Sooo yeah I’d just wanna know that it’s not so uptight and rigid lmao.
Have you ever thought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind?
I actually did leave for a while. Someone decided to be really horrible to me because I wasn’t smiley and friendly to them after they’d mugged me off. That whole experience was so painful and stressful that I couldn’t open tumblr without feeling like I couldn’t breathe. So I left. It wasn’t fun and I no longer felt safe. And it was the best decision I could have made because when I did come back it was on my terms, there was no pressure, and I felt a lot better. I did end up having to leave again though because of real world stuff and I did’t know if I’d be able to come back which sucked. But I was able to and honestly I’m happier than ever and feeling so much better about being here :3 ( mostly thanks to @manichaeisms who’s the fucking best even tho she sent me all of these which is rude af )
How has rp changed you personally?
I don’t know. I mean I think it’s given me a good outlet and space to explore which has made me a happier person. Especially when my mom passed away, the whole world felt broken, but I had a place to turn which was really important. And now it’s still a really good outlet because my life is so weird and I don’t get out much but I have such a lovely place to turn and it’s given me the chance to meet quite a few wonderful people. So yeah, happier, it’s made me happier lol. 
Have you ever sent a message to yourself on anon? Why?
Nah, I can’t even really imagine doing something like that. Plus I think if I did do it I’d then just be so panicked that someone would find out it would just be a stressful ordeal. And like…so embarrassing?? I dunno, seems like a silly thing to do lmao.
Do you delete anon hate or post and address it? Why?
Well thus far I’ve actually been quite lucky not to receive very much. I can’t remember what the first time I got some was, but I’ll never forget someone being a dick to me because I said Lev Grossman isn’t great at writing people. Even though I did say he was great at world building. So I did reply to that mostly because it was like just so ridiculous. And then they forgot to hit anon on their last message and outed themselves which frankly was funny karma. So I guess if it’s something that’s not like just cruel hate I’d probably post and address it. As for cruel hate I’d like to think I would delete it but I guess I won’t really know until faced with it.
Have you ever followed someone because you felt like you had to, not because you wanted to?
Kind of? I mean if it’s a small fandom and I’m writing a main character from it then I’m more likely to follow. But I’m not like that anymore. If I followed you or followed you back it’s because I have a genuine interest in writing with you.
Have you ever stolen something from someone else?
Absolutely not. I’ve had little things taken and that felt like shit I can’t imagine doing that to someone. It’s a shitty practice and I just don’t understand people who do it tbh.
Are you open to duplicates? Why / why not?
I absolutely am! I completely understand why people feel insecure with them, and even I do sometimes as well. But I think it’s so rad how so many people can write the same muse and still bring something different to the table. And I’m 110% here for twin au’s and shit like that because it’s just fun to bond with someone over their good taste.
Do you follow people even if they don’t follow you back?
For a bit. But like I take not following back as a sign that they don’t wanna write with me which it totally fine. I’ll unfollow though because I’m not writing with them which like I would assume people would do the same with me as well so it’s not a big deal at the end of the day.
What is your opinion on “reblog karma” and do you practice it?
I have pretty mixed feelings about it. Personally I believe that if you can send in a meme then you should if you’re gonna reblog it. Otherwise just reblog it from the source. But also it’s not like I’ll unfollow or freak out if someone doesn’t send it in. Though I do follow that, if I can send it in then I will. 
Is there something you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone because you think it’s supposed to be general knowledge? Was there ever something you had to ask someone to explain?
I’m sure there has been but I can’t think of it rn. Most rp terms my friend kind of just laid out for me in the beginning so I wasn’t too lost. And google usually has my back as well. But since nothing has happened super recently I don’t have a proper example lol.
How do you feel about personal blogs following your rp blog?
I don’t love it. But I’ll usually just soft block and move on. It’s nothing against personals, they just don’t know the etiquette usually, and also don’t necessarily think to look at rules or anything like that because most personals don’t have rules the way rp blogs do.
Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own?
Sometimes I read other people’s but not all the time cause keeping track of my own threads is hard enough with trying to keep track of other’s to see what’s going on lmao.
How do you feel about tagging triggers? Do you tag them? How do you determine what is triggering content and what isn’t?
I think it’s great. I do my best to tag them but I also don’t think I post too much that’s triggering. The only things I won’t tag are ones that are common to my muse. Like alcohol and drugs wouldn’t get tagged because it’s something that a muse partakes in. But again, I’m not reblogging stuff like that very often. And if someone asked me to tag something specific that doesn’t appear often and I missed then I will happily do my best to do so and remember in the future that someone needs it tagged.
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kkukkung · 7 years
Im crying in the school bathroom rn I seriously love wonho so much I'm in pain why is he my ideal guy in every way he's so amazing and handsome and sweet but whO CARES BEVause he don't kno me haha am I right
big mood all the time im always in pain bc he rly................ doesn’t KNOW i would let him shave off my eyebrows if he wanted 2
tardy replies as usual under the cut!
(sorted from oldest to newest)
I wouldn't even care if wonho was a high maintenance boyf tbh I'd just sit and comb his hair all day and tell him he's pretty
hdjkfh this was so long ago but i think i was mostly kidding abt him being a high maintenance bf... like he would do so much giving? but i guess the only thing he’d need is constant reassurance that his s/o loves him imo jfdhgjk... i also think he’d b someone who either doesn’t settle down ever or does it very late in his life!
annie 🌹literary queen ❤️ literally crowned with a laurel wreath! not be drum attic but this midsummer nights monsta au is so!!!! give me sistar as the four star crossed lovers then drag me to h*ll and give me this doctor faustus au i'm itching for with kihyun as faustus and k.will as mephistopheles bc i love to watch my faves s*ffer but don't let me rip until i get my much ado about nothing au with the entire cast of starship ent and a lil cameo from giriboy!
(in refence to this monsta x as shakespearean archetypes ask!) fjdshgkjs shh i lov u... why is k will as mephistopheles so Accurate esp no.mercy k will lmao. um u should write all of these? in fact if... if anyone has mx literary aus.... hmu...... i’ll n*t
another thing about that incident is that it seems like the fan doesn't think Changkyun and Jooheon undersood them?? (an extension i guess they assumed they don't understand english very well) and that's pretty problematic. it seems to me that when they didn't respond the fan assumed they didn't understand and kept repeating it, as a joke. but they literally did That to the two with the most proficient english in the group... it's rly a mess all around. it's disrespectful through and through
(in relation to that gross “d*ddy” incident from a while ago) ik i feel like some intl fans think korea is a land completely culturally and linguistically alienated/divorced from the rest of the world or something and while cultural relativism is real to some extent... the idea that koreans are completely unaware of ~outside~ things is deeply racist. like mostly white ppl think that diasphoric poc are completely Different from them? when my mum went to the states 15 years ago some ppl literally asked her if there were newspapers in china lol...
i just randomly thought of monsta x as sesame street characters mostly bc i wanna see kihyun and wonho duke it out as bert and ernie (kihyun w/ the waste paper bin on his head and wonho asking 'where's the waste paper bin' and kihyun saying 'ask me that again and look into my eyes') and also minhyuk being elmo tbh...
JKGHKJDF PLEASe!!!! when will something like this b photoshopped... minhyuk as elmo is... spot on... i remember once elmo appeared on a now-discontinued late night talk show program i used to watch when i was in primary school and he was like “elmo likes wasabi, that’s why elmo has no eyebrows” and idk why ive never been able to forget this????? very lmh. also this made me think of a monsta x muppets au n minhyuk is the pic of ass-gape kermit.... next post of mine will b monsta x as kermit reaction pics
Hyungkyun is such an under appreciated ship. Like, they just get each other so well? Why do people overlook it. ㅠ.ㅠ Do you have a moment that made you ship them? How would you describe their dynamic?
it’s bc they’re intp x intj they don’t rly... Understand each other with minimal effort/real communication lmao it’s very efficient. both quiet lil darlings who aren’t emotionally That Open but enjoy their own little space together sometimes?? their dynamic is like... they’re weird in different ways but they’re v chill together. u can tell hyungwon is super fond of changkyun like he has this Expression when ck does anything at all.... i think these two rly love each other’s personalities bc they’re both kind/gentle/peaceful types and their overall ?? vibe is just highly compatible... they’re absolute darlings... v soft together... i can’t think of a favourite moment but i rly rly love their birthday messages for each other last year like changkyun’s message for hyungwon was like “ur rly cool bruh ur rly such a great person” and hyungwon’s message for changkyun was rly... just him obviously doting on him n finding him cute jksfdhg i lov them a lot :(
soyou: i know how to make hair pretty :))) knetz: dirty fckn iljin why can't she be out there being being PRODUCTIVE in society by having babies and learning how to be a good wife for her future husband ://// smh how dare she be successful now when i'm stuck doing what society wants me to do but also anonymously attacking ppl i don't personally know on the internet bc THATS respectable the irony of ugly knetz is so transparent
The whole thing about Knetz and wonho's "scandalous" past reminded me of something. As a PSA to those people who are so insistent and pushy that idols aren't allowed to have sex/date/be anything but straight: Fuck all of you. You do not own these people, and if you really cared about them you'd be happy if they were happy. Like tbh, if anyone that famous and busy could also balance out a relationship at the same time, I'd be so happy for them. It really bugs me how all idols are supposed (1/2)(2/2) have this squeaky clean innocent image where they have to look and act a certain way and have these stupid fucking dating bans because once they don't meet up to that image their success suffers. Idols already give up so much privacy, and the last thing they need is millions of people scrutinizing every little thing they do. I don't even know where I started this rant from, but basically, GIVE IDOLS PRIVACY AND DONT JUDGE THEM FOR THEIR PASTS OR FOR BEING IN RELATIONSHIPS OR WHATEVER
yeth ty for highlighting the gross obsession w purity and productivity (like the first anon said -- a very confucian sort of ideal)... i don’t rly have anything else to add here i think. also i would fight for soyou i fact i would fight lmh who said she was his ideal type in no.mercy era... she’s rly one of my faves and the way she was slandered for the hairdressing thing was one of the most ridiculous things knets ever did lmao honestly yuk
u a kihyun stan now👀👀👀
im a @fhiz​ stan it’s the same thing tbh
ahh so i saw your tags on that jh gifset! as one of the few jh stans (or maybe there are way more than i think there are lol) i rly love his "reversal charm." he has a lot of what i lack as a person: a strong presence and a lot of confidence! i respect him so much as a person alth i rag on him a lot LMAO. sorry if this is a bit long winded but i just rly wanted to put this out there ;;
this is rly cute i lov hearing ppl talk abt their faves lovingly it rly... Heals Me. i think it’s strange how underappreciated jooheon is in this fandom especially bc he’s usually the one who catches ur eye first bc he’s so hyped by starship as being a one-in-a-million talented rapper u know? and he rly shines in mvs and no.mercy but............. y does he have the least fansites jkfhdg ?? you’re v right abt the reversal charm thing but i feel like sometimes it’s very overdone like... on lots of shows he’s asked to do aegyo when rly he should be asked to... idk... rap or dance or something?? i actually think jooheon is the most serious member of monsta x sometimes bc he seems to have a sense that he’s.. the pillar of mx if that makes sense? and that’s why he’s always pushing himself and working tirelessly like he feels very Responsible for this group, more than anyone else. idk if that makes sense!!! i love him and i want him to... unwind a bit bc sometimes he looks so stressed and tired but he still feels the need to pretend to be energetic like my heart rly hurts for him :/ this got so emo im sry i do rly love to hear that u respect him sm i love jooheon stans :(
i can see what u mean about jooheon being 1 of the most masculine. (iirc u also talked abt kihyun being that in a post a while ago) like with his face and his physique he really is striking; his body=like that slim,upside-down Y that you'd learn to draw men w/ in Anatomy 101 , but i think.. ,--not that u asked, but,, i think the jury's still out on if he's comfortable w his masculinity with the way he acts feminine lyk misogynistic comedians Can sound like dead ringers for women,? idk & i take +
(not sure if there was a 2nd part to this? there’s nothing else in my inbox so i’m sry if there was and tumblr ate it) yeth i think i meant that his demeanor is the most ~~masculine~~ whereas i think kihyun is still the most... idk... mature-masculine?? if tht makes sense, and i definitely agree w u on that second point! i didn’t think of that at the time but now that i... do... think abt it... ur right and also the way he comes back from it by putting on the >swag demeanor again in an attempt to polarise it is definitely a bit 👀👀👀 he probably doesn’t want to risk his Manly Rapper Image for real u kno? that said it’s ingrained in kpop that behaving cute --> “girly” entails that sort of “comedic” high-pitched voice + compact body language etc.... like i’m not condoning that ofc but i definitely think it’s broader than this particular case! :/ hm
maybe i'd be doing better in school if i could major in kihyunology ;~; i stan him but i def think we still don't know much about him even after all this time after debut. especially when i look at him compared to wonho who wears his heart on his sleeve (bless him i love wonho sm, gotta protect this bun at all costs!!)...but ya it just makes me wanna learn more about him like who is the real kihyun??
i want to write a kihyun meta when i have time... i feel like i Get him a bit more these days but it’s also very hard to put into words bc u kno when u kinda sorta mb get some1 but it’s a feeling rather than anything conveniently expressable gkjdhfjk.... idk if anyone wants to send in some Kihyun Thoughts + Meta feel free! :>> i don’t think he’s actually... as complex as we sometimes make him out to be lol like his behaviour is actually kind of predictable? more on his later
wait is the february comeback actually true? ugh i'm so conflicted cuz on one hand i'm excited if there's really gonna be a full length album, but i also think they need more rest but then there's the matter of getting their first win and idk i'm super psyched but i'm also worried that the boys are being overworked
i still feel like they had a comeback like yesterday lol like looking at their schedules stresses me out bc they do so much..... im glad wonho got to go to his mum’s cafe recently tho! all we can do is have faith in them rn and when it’s time... stream, buy things if ur able to, spread the news and the hype etc. i am definitely Worried abt some things like the competition they’re up against but.... gotta have faith u kno... and i feel like all active idols are kind of... permanently worked very hard but i think currently only jooheon and shownu are a bit Overloaded. also has the date been confirmed yet... it’s february already...
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