#kwon eunbi fluff
iznsfw · 1 year
People say that everyone is connected by a red string of fate. The people we are destined to be with could be close by while some cases the string stretches out.
You have the ability to see other people's red string as well as your own, but in your case you haven't found the person at the end of the string. Time passes and you see that the color red started to fade away, which you didn't mind.
One day while you're working the late night shift at the convenience store when a girl suddenly entered the convenience store. When she reaches the counter she places two bottles of soju and a couple cans of beer. You catch a glimpse of her face, even in that small period of time you saw how beautiful she is. She then hands you her card, and right then and there the two ends of the string meet.
"Sorry, but can I ask what's your name?"
"Kwon Eunbi."
Now, how would you tell Eunbi that both of you are bound to fall in love at the cost of one of your lives?
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i'm looking right at the other half of me
[ IZ*ONE's Eunbi x Male Reader Fluff & Angst ]
4540 words
This took so long... and finally it's out! Thank you @brokennightmares01 for such a great idea, and I'm sorry I took so long to reply </3 This was difficult emotionally to write. I guess I'm just too attached to Eunbi lmfao
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"The fuck are you looking at, cunt?"
Ah, welcome to South Korea, one of the many places in this miserable world where you can just be an adult fresh out of teen years trying to make a living, yet still be bothered by people like this one. You never should have agreed to this ridiculous night shift. There were less of these freaks in the daylight.
You look away from the musty man and give no response. It's how you deal with ninety-eight percent of these situations. It's the safest way to go around it, but also the most dangerous. You never know when you looked or said nothing the wrong way.
11 PM on the clock. Just five more hours to go and you're good, you reassure yourself. Remember, the pay will be much bigger if you go through this shift.
"That'll be a total of 17000 won, sir," you inform the man, looking nowhere but down. Down as you collect the change and the receipt. Down as you pass the money to his hands blackened from dirt and grease.
When he leaves, you feel the relief come back to you. Oh, you're thankful just to live another night. You may hate this world and all the miserable little fuckers in it, but it's no good lying and saying you thought death was the best escape route. No, death would do nothing at best. You have no family, you have little friends. Being dead changes absolutely nothing. Because of that, you just have to hang on the best you can.
It can be pretty hard sometimes.
You hope that there won't be any more customers. You don't have the mood to deal with more rude individuals who don't see you as an individual. You're just a servant to them. Although that's kind of your job, it hurts to see how differently people look at you if you had a different job, looked a little differently.
The bells to the 7-11 ring. A woman enters.
Strange how you knew it was her from the moment she entered. From the moment you caught an eyeful of her pretty face, her pretty smile, you know now that you've finally met her.
It's ruining you. She's ruining you. It should have been a moment of evangelization, finally meeting the supposed love of your life. But what good is there in having one when you know just by looking at the red string, that you could die at the climax of your meeting? That she could die? It's like an indie film with a poor plot twist.
When you ask her her name, she's blunt. Straight to the point; no poorly composed giggle or attempt at conversation. She looks tired—her eyes are swollen with red, from what you guess isn't sourced from just lack of sleep. What was she doing, you wonder, during all the time she hasn't found you? How was she doing?
"Well?" she prompts, rather impatiently.
You realize you've been staring at the red thinning thread between the two of you for too long. The more you gaze at it, the more fear you feel for the two of you. But there comes the love, too; she's like living deja vu. You've seen her before, you're sure. You just can't place where. But she reminds you of a good memory nested in a photo album, a sweet puppy love crush in middle school years. Eunbi is nostalgia, sweetness, affectionateness—all rolled into one pretty girl you meet by chance, who also happens to be your lover.
(Not yet, anyway, but soon.
Soon? You can't love her! If you fall in love with her, she could die. You could die. If you went ahead with this, one of you could just drop dead during a normal date. One of you would be left alone, heartbroken for life. This is a world where there would be no other one for you. No, the crush you had in middle school for whom you tried desperately to match your string with isn't your destiny. Neither was that one-night stand. There's only one for you, molded by whatever came before the world, and she just told you her name. You can't just move on to a rebound.
But you can't just... stop this from happening, can you? It's fate; there's no easy way around it. You're made to fall in love no matter what happens, no matter how short the time you have left is.
So, what should you do?)
"It's on the house," you tell her.
"Don't test me, please," she says tiredly. She's supporting herself by one arm perched on the counter, gazing at you with unamused pupils. "I've had a long night. I just need the beer and you can go your merry little way out of this underpaying convenience store."
Ouch. "Are you usually this straightforward, Kwon Eunbi?"
"Are you usually this desperate for a good fuck?" she counters smartly.
"Y-you're pretty and all," you admit. You have to admit you were not exactly just admiring her gorgeous face, but also her gorgeous body. But you have your morals, and she has hers. You have no intention that strays from wanting to settle this out. "But I don't want to fuck you. I promise."
"Huh." Eunbi smiles, crossing her arms on top of her green sweatshirt. "That's a first."
You push back her credit card, sliding it above the smooth cashier counter-table. "Do guys not, like, do stuff for you without wanting a 'favor' in return?" you ask.
Eunbi shrugs. "I guess. They just think I'm a pretty face with a pair of tits. Nothing more." She slides back her card. Her forced, sarcastic smile warns you to not play this losing game with her—you're tired, she's tired, you both want an easy way out.
"Well then let me be the first."
"And why would you do that for me," Eunbi leans over the counter, looking up at you with a sweetly challenging smile, "mister Nice Guy?"
She's right. What proper answer can you give her without sounding like a creep? What were you supposed to do, anyway? Tell her you're the love of your life who needs to spend all hours of the day with you now before it's too late?
"I guess we'll have to find out," you say steadily.
It's definitely not an answer she expected, but hey, she's smiling. It must mean something.
"You left your shift just like that?" Eunbi asks, looking back at the 7-11. It's a dark, pitch-black night, and the forest surrounding the area doesn't look too safe. You've ventured in scarier places before, though, so they can give as good as they can, and you'd be unbothered. Working in retail gives you that immunity.
You answer, "Yeah." Unscrew the cork from the soju while Eunbi pops open a can of sizzling beer. The smell mixes in with the natural scent of leaves and ground. Your 7-11 is set in a rather rural part of the city, as ironic and contradicting as it sounds, so the smell of gasoline and smoke is much more distant than one would think.
"Wish I could say that for myself," Eunbi says, shaking her head with a smile. God, she's pretty. She has the cutest, most mischievous-looking smile in the world. And yes, you're pushing through Korea and setting that record for her. Her smile is contained and small, not as wide as your friend Jiwoo's or as timid as Hyewon's, but her eyes slant upwards, adding to the cuteness factor. "Should have ditched that exam the second I saw Professor Bae was in the class."
"You're still in school?"
You can't remember the last time you stepped foot into a college. There's a reason you've been working at 7-11 ever since the first semester: you couldn't pay for it. You saved every penny and dime you could find, yet never got to the needed amount. This girl's lucky to even be attending classes.
Beer drapes Eunbi's plump lower lip as she takes it all in, bottoms up. You can tell she's been drinking for most of her life—she barely struggles for air while she downs the intoxicating liquid.
The can goes down, and her head remains tilted downwards from the back as well. Her eyes are a different story, though. They're hidden far back her eyelids. " Fuck, that always feels so good," sighs Eunbi.
"Careful," you add helpfully.
"Fuck you. Why do you care?"
Because I already love you. Okay, let's settle for "like," just in case you want to take things slow. But I know I love you because I've been searching for you my whole life. Because that's how it's supposed to happen. Because you're so pretty but so fucking lonely that it makes me want to protect you. Because I don't want to leave you when we both need each other, when you probably need more help than I do. Because—
"I don't know," you say. Shrug. "It feels right. Don't you think?"
Eunbi giggles a little. "Yeah, you're right. It sure does."
Suppose since Eunbi's drinking straight from the can, you can drink straight from the bottle. It's been a minute or more since you had soju. And it's... good. Weird, but still good. Drinks like these are on your neither-good-or-bad side. They're just something to fill your stomach when food becomes scarce, or when strength is so scarce you can't eat food around the house.
You would offer some to Eunbi so she can finish it instead of you, but she doesn't look like the type of girl to be able to stomach down a mix of liquids, no matter how "similar" they are. So you hold yourself back.
The forest has streetlights, so you safely go through there. It's not a typical wilderness kind of forest, but one you just like to call as one for the mass of trees. There aren't any animals—just you, Eunbi, and the pregnant moon.
Minutes pass filled with nothing but silence (except for twigs snapping), and finally Eunbi speaks up. "Yeah, I'm in school," she answers. It's probably just to fill the awkward silence, but it's already a step.
"How'd you know?"
Lucky guess? Lover's instinct? You-or-me-can-die-at-any-given-second-if-we-fall-in-love instinct?
You force a grin. "Just do. Is the drinking because of the exam thing?"
Eunbi's shoulders slump. "Yeah," she says. "But I've been drinking even before that, so don't you worry. I'm an experienced alcoholic."
"Gotcha. I wasn't planning to, though."
Wrong words. Wrong delivery. You picture the frown that would darken her features, but once you look into the bigger picture, all you can see on her face is an entertained smile.
She bumps you, driving you sideways of the road. Shocked, you do the same. But she's stronger than you thought. If she put all her might into it, she can knock you down and send you rolling down the hill. And she almost, almost does, if it weren't for your grab at her arm. From there, you maneuver the force she exerts into nothing but air, pulling her to you. It ends up with her back against your front and her small face right below your chin.
And now, you're staring each other down. Great. Way to go for the first meeting. You got drunk and bumped into each other on purpose then you wrestled her to stay calm. To finish it off, there's this staring contest.
Her long dark hair rounds her face, which displays a challenge: keep your front strong. But it's not easy to when you literally have the prettiest girl you've ever seen pinned to your chest, with her back and bum pressed firmly to your front, and her pretty face looking arrogant and smug in the moonlight.
Stare her down. She looks deeply into your eyes.
One. Two. Three? Four. Then, five—
Eunbi's blink signals defeat. Still looking up at you, with her head tilted backwards, she smiles. "I like you, mister Nice Guy," she says.
"You're not so bad yourself, Kwon Eunbi."
"Hm," she chuckles. She pulls away. "What's next?"
"Mall?" you offer.
To your surprise, she laughs. "The mall? At this hour?" she asks you, just to make sure you aren't kidding or anything.
"Why not? We're both depressed kids trying to survive. Can't we call this a cheat day?"
Eunbi considers this. "As long as I ride shotgun."
"Wait," you say, holding up your hands, "how'd you know I drive a—"
Cold metal meets your palm. Eunbi's holding your ring of keys in place with your hand. Your fingers are curled around each other. Your breath feels nonexistent.
Eunbi bumps the signal button with the heel of her wrist and looks deep into the woods expectantly. Your car then beeps to life, sending a red signal to the darkness and blaring its lights. Your mouth is sore from it being wide open the entire time.
"Lucky guess" is all Eunbi is able to offer as an answer.
Okay, so the love of your life pickpocketed your car keys and you didn't know until she chose to tell you herself. Wifey material? Probably.
You're on the road, veering through a clear path on the way to your local mall. It's known for having a twenty-four-hour open time, so it's sure to have a majority of its stores open, even at this hour. You can probably spend a lot of time there doing fun stuff.
Eunbi's beside you in the passenger seat. The wind whips her black hair back. She's smiling; that gives you a bit of fulfilment. But then she says:
"You're a terrible driver."
"Oh yeah? I bet you can't drive for shit either!" You have to yell over the gusts of wind entering your rolled-down windows.
Grasslands and trees say hello and goodbye to your side point of view. When you were younger, you tried to say hi to them and goodbye as quickly as you could, knowing the speed of the car your father drove would make it impossible for you to have a proper time with the view. Your dad drank and drove like a maniac, hence your driving.
But you aim not to become the person your father once was.
"Okay, dad!"
Great timing. "I'm not your daddy, Eunbi!" you shoot back. "I'm just saying—"
"Nobody said you were! I said you were my dad! "
"Nothing!" Eunbi tosses the empty can outside the window. The world is already polluted as it is. There won't be any harm in littering. "I said you were a shit driver!"
"No, I heard you!" Take a left. The soju bottles almost crash. " Dad and daddy are completely different things, Eunbi!"
"For your porn-addicted self, maybe!"
"I'm... I'm not addicted to porn!" you say indignantly. You've watched some before, but it never grew to an addiction. It's just an occasional source of dopamine on lonely nights. "Just... watch your wording, is all!"
Eunbi scoffs, smirking in disbelief. "Daddy issues?"
The car slows down, but you aren't even near the mall yet. Your shoulders tense. The mention of your father, or anything related to that, makes you feel ill.
Every day that passes, you try to convince yourself that your father only wanted the best for you. That was why he was like that. But you can't come up with a fitting justification, which probably should have made clear to you your father's heart wasn't pure at all.
What's left of it lies in a small urn back at your apartment. You didn't know why you bothered taking home an urn containing the memories of the man who hurt you, who did not look at you as if you were his own flesh and blood.
"Yeah, I think so," you mutter. You start up the car's pace again. No use trying to cover it up; the red is already fading.
Eunbi smiles tightly. "Same here. More on mommy issues, but dad... he was something else."
Laugh a little. "Tell me about it, huh?"
In a fucked up way, you and Eunbi are meant to be. Both of you are tired, both of you have (or had) horrible parents. They say that opposites attract, but love and fate can easily shoot that misconception down, because when you look at Eunbi, you can see your reflection, your self, looking back at you. The swollen eyes, tired face... they all scream you. You wonder if she knows that the two of you are bound to be together. And if she has no idea, how would you tell her?
You get off the car at the local mall. It's a lonely Friday night. Nobody is out here except the store owners and the like. Nothing and no one else.
You walk in, still in your 7-11 uniform: a white polo shirt and a green vest, complete with your name on a golden tag, and Eunbi in her green 1987 sweatshirt.
"Baskin Robbins?" you offer, spotting an ice cream stand just as you enter the building.
"I'd rather get some Sprite," says Eunbi. "But go ahead."
You purchase a birthday cake ice cream in a cup, pay the owner, and sit with Eunbi at one of the tables in front of it. She had bought her Sprite already. She's downing it like water, just like she did to the beer. The owner looks on with obvious concern.
"Are you a sodaholic or what?" you chuckle. You've never seen someone buy so many soda cans.
"It's better than continuing being a miserable drunkard," Eunbi explains. There's a cut on her lip from the sharp metal rim of the can, but if it bothers her, she doesn't show it.
Eunbi leans forward and licks her lower lip. "So."
That can't be a good sign. She looks suspicious. But you pretend that you're not anxious yourself about what would follow this conversation.
"What's your deal?" she asks.
"What do you mean?"
"You didn't just buy me drinks on the house without a motive. What's going on here?"
She's smart, you'll give her that. But you have no doubt about her intelligence, although you've only met her an hour ago. There's the folks' tale going around that you know how and who your soulmate is, even if you've never met them before. Maybe the grandmas and grandpas were right.
But the death of the soulmate if they haven't met earlier was not just a mere myth. You've read cases about it. Lost a friend's friend's sister's friend to it. The string isn't exactly strong enough to hold for eternity.
But how can you tell her that? She might not even notice; her end of the string looks strong still, but the rest that connects you to her is already fatally weak. If you're apart for more time, it wouldn't be able to handle it.
"Because you look like you needed it," you say. That's the half of it anyway. "Everyone needs a helping hand sometimes."
Eunbi quirks a brow. "Nothing else?"
Bite your tongue and shake your head.
Eunbi juts out a bottom lip thoughtfully. "Huh." It hasn't occurred to her that it's possible for men to be like that with her. They go feral for her in the classrooms. It's nice to have someone who didn't want to do a nice gesture for her without her body playing a role in that for a change.
"You wanna know something, mister Nice Guy?" asks Eunbi.
"Enlighten me."
"That's the first time I ever felt safe with a guy at night. And yeah, I know about all that BS: 'not all men are the same.' But it's..." She squints emphatically. "Relieving, you know? You don't look like a pervert, you don't look like a fed. You don't look like you'd stuff my body down an acid pond. I feel safe with you."
"That's really flattering, Kwon Eunbi. Thank you."
"No problem," she says kindly. Her smile is a genuine bright lamp that fills the nighttime mall. She gestures to your cup of birthday cake ice cream. "Can I have some?"
And that's where it all began: a 7-11, a broken-down car, and a talk over ice cream and soda. That's how you made Kwon Eunbi yours.
Fast forward to a two years and five months. You're still working at a 7-11, a thing you wished would have changed. You still meet up with Eunbi, but this time, it's about something more.
The door bells jingle. She comes leaping in with dance in her skips. "Hey, hotshot," Eunbi greets you in the most unorthodox boyfriend-girlfriend manner.
Chuckle. The strings meet again. But this time, you don't worry about it. You have been with Eunbi for this long. Nothing can take her away from you. The string may be thinning by the day, but the two of you and wake up in the same bed everyday, and it seems like you've beaten all the odds. You're okay. She's fine. All is well.
Eunbi's kiss makes your cheek flush, as if the red on her lips infected the area. "Hi there yourself, Eun," you say. Yep, you're on a nickname-basis with each other. It grew after months and months of playful loving.
"I was thinking we go to the Han River tonight?" asks Eunbi hopefully. Her hands push down on the hard counter while she raises a lower leg to the back cutely. "Just you and me?"
"Why not?" You brush a kiss on her forehead. "After I finish this hour, we can go."
Eunbi smiles. "You know I love you, right?"
"Of course. I love you, too."
Looking back, you should have said that more. You really should have if you knew how the world loved to toy with you. It has to at least be expected, but you trust that everything would go well. It's been a long time since the string of red bothered you; why would you stress over it now?
Because of this:
One day, you'll die. You'll die alone. Whether from the fate of the string or natural cause, the only sure thing that will happen to you is death. One day, you'll have to leave her alone. If it's not you, then she will have to leave you.
But you forgot all about that. Right now, you've brought your mic and laptop to the side of the river, and you're both singing your hearts out.
Well, she is. Eunbi is an amazing singer. You found out about that when she volunteered to sing at the bar. She sang a self-composed song she sold to Woollim Entertainment, one of the leading mid-sized companies in Korea: Amigo.
"You seriously don't know how this song goes?" asks an offended Eunbi, glaring at you when you blank out halfway through the tune. "I thought you loved me!"
"Shut up and do the rap part!"
"I'm not Babysoul, you little shit!" Eunbi says, panickedly looking at the upcoming lyrics of the rap break. Rapping is not her forte.
"But you are my baby," you point out. "Now go do it, baby. Rap for me."
Eunbi cringes. However, she's laughing. "You're so ridiculo—"
Her words never find their way out.
Eunbi starts to choke. You immediately go over to her, trying to keep her steady. But she's already fallen to the ground, unable to get up. Her eyes look straight to the empty, dark blue sky, but never at your face floating above hers.
"B-baby—" she chokes out. Coughs and gags squeeze their way out from her chest. "I can't, I can't, I can't—"
"Did you swallow something, hon?" You're stuck. You don't know what to do. "Look at me, look at me, Eunbi. Please."
You hold her face in your hands and lift it up. But then you see the string that once connected the red thread from you to her. Your lifeline. It's snapped; blunt yarn-like strands disconnect your thread from hers. It can never be tied up again.
Eunbi hasn't choked on anything. She's simply dying, just like how the fate of the string has foretold. It's her time to leave. You were let go, while she's taken in your place.
Somehow, she knows that, too. "I want to live," Eunbi confesses. Her eyes are two dark oceans of sadness. "Please, baby, I can't die yet. I want you here with me. Please."
You shake your head. "You're not going to die, Eunbi," you lie through your teeth. You lift up her black hair to your thigh so she can breathe properly. "I'll call the doctors, you want that? Just hold on for me, please."
"No, don't go!" sobs Eunbi, grabbing your thigh. She's crying loudly. She climbs onto your lap and hugs you with her shaking frame. She suddenly feels worryingly thin and light. "Don't leave me, don't leave me, please don't leave me."
"You're going to make me cry, pretty girl," you sob. "I can't call for help if you don't let me go."
"Please, please stay with me. I don't want to die. But everything..." Eunbi blinks twice. "Everything is so dark. I'm so alone."
That strikes a chord in you. Eunbi has talked and joked about death plenty of times, but now that she's on the brink of it, she doesn't want to give in. She can't give in.
You pull her closer and hug her hard. You begin to rock her like a doll as she grows more limp in your arms. "You're not alone. You have me, remember? I'm here. I'm going to take care of you. Remember when we first met, baby? You do? We went to that mall, right, and ate ice cream? You want to do that again?"
"Oh... oh yes, please," whispers Eunbi, nodding. But she's still not looking at you. Aside from that, her voice is incredibly weak. Her shoulders indicate the effort it takes for her to speak.
"Then you have to fight for me, Eunbi. You have to stay strong. You have to let me go so I can call someone who can help and we can do that."
She starts whimpering. "Why is this happening?" she sobs. "I just want to be okay. Why is it... why is it..."
Why is it like this?
Why does it have to be like this?
You don't tell her. Not at her last moment. On her last seconds left, you cradle and kiss her. You tell her of all the things she does and is that make you smile, of the funny moments the two of you shared in this lifetime. You tell her that if there is a next life, you'll be there with her. It wouldn't matter if you were a worm and she was the bird; you'll find a way to make it work. And oh, Eunbi, I love you so, you tell her, from the moment I first saw you. From the moment you sassed and insulted me, I knew we were meant to be. You're forever mine.
But you're wrong. The breath leaves her lips. Her soul has left. She's in another world now, where she's no longer yours.
It's over.
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torotauri · 9 months
Another Gym Buddy (18+) | Kwon Eunbi
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Waring Sexual Content (18+) Read At Your Own Risk
Hyewon Gym Buddies Here
1436 words
Ever since your encounter with Kang Hyewon in the gym, you have been going out with her. Hyewon was the "It girl" of your university and you were very lucky that you can go out with her. It was nice to get back on the dating scene and most importantly gym sessions are more fun, especially when Hyewon gave you some incentives.
Moving towards the start of another year in university, you went back to the university so you can get a few gym sessions under your belt before university starts. However, your usual gym buddy Hyewon wasn't around campus this week which means you will have to hit the gym on your own this week.
Gym sessions alone were boring, especially when you are now used to having Hyewon around. There aren't anyone around because the semester hasn't officially started yet. However, it was something that you had to do so you plugged your earphones in and did your normal routine. After a while, you were finally done, sweaty and tired. You were prepared to finally go home, take a shower and have a break.
As you were heading out the empty gym, someone came in. It was Kwon Eunbi, one of the more open and popular girls in the university. She was always looking for fun with a very naughty side. Most importantly, Kwon Eunbi was famous for having the nicest rack in the university.
You can't help but stop and stare at her for a bit, especially when she was wearing a Calvin Klein sports bra.
"Like what you see?" Eunbi joked as she caught you staring at her.
"Oh hi Eunbi, didn't know you'd be here this early" you greeted back.
"Empty gym is my favourite place to be" Eunbi replied to you with a smirk.
Instantly you knew what she was up to, she was the famous Kwon Eunbi who knows how to use her body to get her way and today she was planning to use it on you.
"Well I'm going now, enjoy the very empty gym" you said as you were to leave.
However, as you were leaving, Eunbi grabbed your hand.
"Come with me sexy" Eunbi dragged you into the girls changing room.
You haven't been here for a very long while, but you certainly have fond memories from your last time here. It was in this very changing room that you first had sex with Kang Hyewon, where you started dating Hyewon. Despite the two of you not being exclusive you weren't so sure about what Kwon Eunbi has planned.
Eunbi sat you down on one of the changing benches and stood back up.
"Enjoy the show while it lasts pretty boy" Eunbi told you.
Eunbi then stood back a few steps and slowly took off her sports bra exposing her naked chest to you, before cupping her big boobs to making your already semi hard cock twitch inside your gym shorts.
"Do you like them huh? All the guys I've been with says I have nice big tits" Eunbi said in a seductive voice.
You can't answer, all you could do is nod and adjust your seating position so that your crotch area doesn't feel uncomfortable as your erection continued to grow.
All of a sudden, Eunbi then sat on your lap, her big tits right in your face. You were trying your hardest to not compare her rack and Hyewon's but it was not easy when both of them have a generous sized chest. But it wasn't really a fair comparison, Eunbi's boobs were way bigger than Hyewon's and you were desperate to give them a feel to make sure.
"Go on, you can touch them" Eunbi gave you the green light.
Immediately, you were let loose. Grabbing a handful of her breast before licking and sucking on the other. The sudden touch on Eunbi's breasts caused her to moan.
"C-careful, ah- they're sensitive" Eunbi moaned softly.
You ignored her as you continued to attack her tits with your hand and your mouth. Sucking and squeezing her nipples causing Eunbi to moan louder and louder. The more you feel her breasts, the more you feel how much bigger Eunbi's boobs were bigger than Hyewon's, it wasn't really a fair competition.
"W-w-wait, s- ah- stop" Eunbi suddenly moaned.
Reluctantly, you stopped all your actions wondering what Eunbi has planned next. But she didn't tell you, she used her actions to let you know what was coming up next.
Eunbi then kneeled down in front of you and slowly pulled your shorts down as she clumsily fished your cock out of your pants.
"Oh my, I think I'm going to enjoy this" Eunbi said as she smiled smiled and slowly stroked your cock.
"Fuck, yeah stroke it Eunbi" you said as you enjoyed Eunbi touching your already hard cock.
"Oh don't you worry. I'm going to so much more than just stroking it sexy" Eunbi said seductively.
With that Eunbi started kissing the tip of your cock and licking the slit causing you to jolt in pleasure before spitting and taking your whole cock into her mouth.
"Fuck that's so good" you moaned out as Eunbi started giving you a blowjob.
Eunbi's blowjob was sensational, the way she took your cock in and out of her warm and wet mouth. Occasionally licking the slit of your cock causing you to jolt in pleasure and never leaving the tip of your cock unattended by swirling around your head. It was magical and you were trying your best not to blow your load in Eunbi's mouth prematurely. As much as you wanted to cum, you also wanted to enjoy this blowjob as long as possible.
"F-fuck Eunbi, that thing you just did with your mouth nearly made me cum" you said as Eunbi swirled her tongue around the underside of your cock.
"Not so quick yet hot stuff" Eunbi said after releasing your cock from her mouth making a pop sound.
Your cock was already coated with Eunbi's saliva which acted perfectly as lubrication for what Eunbi was going to do next.
Eunbi shifted her body closer to you before spitting on your cock a bit more and trapping your cock in between her cleavage preparing to give you a good titty fucking.
"If you've enjoyed my mouth, let's see if you enjoy this" Eunbi said as she started moving her tits up and down your shaft.
"F-fuck it's about t-time you put those tits into good use" you moaned out as you started fucking Eunbi's tits.
The previous saliva from the blowjob made your cock well lubricated which means it was able to slide up and down Eunbi's tits smoothly giving you a sensation of pleasure as you continued to fuck her big tits.
Occasionally as your cock head poked out of her cleavage, Eunbi would lick the tip of your cock to give you just that little bit more pleasure trying to take you over the edge.
However, despite her big boobs, fucking her tits doesn't feel as good as her mouth. Nevertheless the constant rubbing of your cock in and out of her cleavage just provided enough pleasure to send you near your orgasm.
"Fu-f-fuck Eunbi I'm going to cum soon" you moaned out as you were very close to your peak.
Suddenly Eunbi stopped and took you back into her mouth. This time using her hand to stroke you whilst sucking you off. The pleasure of her stroking, her warm wet mouth and her tongue swirling was too much for you and shortly you were ready to blow your load inside Eunbi's mouth.
"F-f--fuck cumming-g-g" you moaned as you reached your orgasm.
As the first shot of semen shot inside Eunbi's mouth, Eunbi wrapped her lips tightly around your cock welcoming the next spurts of semen that your shot out from the tip of your cock. Eunbi took all the thick white liquid in her mouth like a champion. Once your orgasm died down, you pulled out of Eunbi and Eunbi opened her mouth to show you what you deposited into her mouth before closing her mouth swallowing the load in one gulp and showing that she has swallowed everything you gave her.
"I hope you have another load of that tasty semen prepared because I'm not done with you just yet pretty boy" Eunbi said after swallowing your load as she cupped your balls.
"Fuck that was so hot Eunbi" you said trying to gather some strength.
After that intense session, Eunbi put her clothes back on and pulled your pants back up.
"You're coming with me now" Eunbi said as you followed her out of the gym.
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alcoholfreenayeon · 5 months
Eunbi x Jihyo? Just because they're both leader
Sfw and nsfw please ;)
A/N: I’m sorry this took ages to do😭. I just struggled to find any content with these two together and the one video I found had no subtitles 🥲. Anyways, I hope you like this. Once again I’m sorry for the long wait😭.
Jihyo x Eunbi HCs
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They met for the first time at a radio show. Their dynamic was immediately quite unique since Eunbi felt a bit intimidated by Jihyo while Jihyo couldn’t help but feel quite attracted to Eunbi and found her really cute even though Eunbi was older than her.
Jihyo kept becoming progressively more confident and flirty while Eunbi despite not feeling intimidated after getting to know Jihyo a little bit did feel quite shy due to her flirting.
Jihyo had suggested that they go to a hot spring and sauna to bond. Eunbi was a bit surprised at the forwardness of Jihyo but she still went along with the idea. After that they were in regular contact with each other, growing close very quickly.
Jihyo showing up with flowers while Eunbi was shooting for her comeback was the moment Eunbi realized that she actually liked Jihyo.
Fortunately, Eunbi didn’t have to figure out how to convey that since Jihyo did it instead after the shoot.
The two are quite happy with each other and their friends were quite surprised to hear about them dating.
Their relationship was revealed to the public after their fans noticed that the two girls always seemed to be in the same places or in the backgrounds of each other’s pictures and put two and two together. However, instead of any big outrage the public was really supportive of their relationship and loved that they were together.
They often cook together and got better in skills. Even though Eunbi was better at cooking, she wanted things done in a specific manner and was a bit frustrated when that didn’t happen but she improved in that aspect and became more understanding. Jihyo on the other hand improved her cooking skills greatly, learning a lot from Eunbi.
They tease each other often.
The girls sometimes recreate their favorite drama scenes but Eunbi always ends up laughing at the important parts.
While at the hot spring, Eunbi couldn’t believe that Jihyo was so bold as to undress herself in front of her.
She was further embarrassed when Jihyo encouraged her to do the same to build a bond and trust between them but she did follow through.
While in the spring there was a moment of awkwardness and silence while they were soaking till they got to the Sauna. Where for the first time it was Eunbi who took the initiative and began to flirt a little.
Jihyo smirked and said if she really meant it then she should give her a kiss, turning her cheek. What she didn’t expect was Eunbi to instead turn her face and kiss her lips instead.
After the initial shock wore off, one thing lead to another and the next morning was difficult for them after a very sleepless night.
When Eunbi is stressed she sometimes becomes a bit cranky and haughty, mocking or annoying Jihyo to the point where Jihyo loses her patience, pins Eunbi down and edges her till Eunbi is begging, like near tears begging for release, promising to not behave like that again after which Jihyo finally relents and makes her cum her brains out.
Eunbi prefers sex to be quite slow paced and passionate since she is sensitive but when Jihyo is horny and rough she cant help but get overstimulated easily.
Jihyo loves how gentle and loving Eunbi is when eating her out, the build up feels almost as amazing as an orgasm. In fact the first time Eunbi had eaten out Jihyo, Jihyo wasn’t expecting such a long build up so when she finally came, she also ended up squirting really hard.
Jihyo likes to drag her off to secluded places for a quick make out session or even a quickie.
Eunbi likes to make something for them to eat to recharge whenever they have sex.
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darkstar225 · 9 months
Twice's 10th member is babysat by Kwon Eunbi
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend LyraHarris8 who gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)
The request: Hi I want to request can you do where the members have to go away for a day and they ask eunbi(kwon eunbi) to look after y/n as y/n were still a minor and eunbi adore y/n. Eunbi play with y/n all day and at night y/n ask eunbi to cuddle and she thought it was adorable. Y/n really love her eunbi unnie. Thank you ❤️
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the bustling city of Seoul. It was a rare day off for TWICE, the K-pop sensation that had taken the world by storm. But even on their days off, there were responsibilities to be met, and today was no different.
Y/N, the youngest member of the group and still a minor, had been left in the care of Kwon Eunbi, a former member of IZ*ONE and a close friend of the TWICE members. Eunbi adored Y/N like a little sister, and she had eagerly agreed to look after the young idol for the day while the rest of TWICE attended various appointments and meetings.
Eunbi arrived at the luxurious apartment building where Y/N lived with her older sisters, her heart fluttering with excitement. She had planned a day full of fun activities to keep the young idol entertained. As she stepped into the lobby, she was greeted by Y/N, who was dressed in comfortable loungewear and had a bright smile on her face.
Y/N - Eunbi unnie! 
Y/N yelled as she rushed over to hug Eunbi. 
Y/N - I'm so glad you're here!
Eunbi returned the hug warmly, her heart melting at the younger girl's enthusiasm. 
Eunbi - I'm happy to be here, baby. We're going to have so much fun today!
TWICE's honey nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation. 
Y/N - What are we going to do first, unnie?
Eunbi pulled out a list of activities she had prepared. 
Eunbi - Well, first, we're going to start with some arts and crafts. How does that sound, love?
Y/N's eyes lit up. 
Y/N - That sounds amazing, unnie!
They spent the morning crafting together, making colourful friendship bracelets, painting pictures, and laughing as they got paint on their hands and faces. Eunbi was amazed at her dongsang's creativity and artistic talent. She marvelled at how such a young idol could be so mature and talented.
After finishing their arts and crafts, they moved on to baking cookies. TWICE's cutie pie insisted on decorating them with beautiful icing and sprinkles, creating a delicious mess in the kitchen. Eunbi couldn't help but laugh at the youngest's enthusiasm and the way her face lit up with every successful batch of cookies.
As the day wore on, Eunbi took Y/N to a nearby park, where they played on the swings, had a picnic, and ran around like carefree children. Eunbi couldn't help but be amazed at Y/N's boundless energy and joy. She was a reminder of the simple pleasures in life that Eunbi sometimes forgot in her busy idol schedule.
As the sun began to set, they returned to TWICE's dorm. Eunbi had one more surprise in store for the young idol. She had set up a cosy blanket fort in the living room, complete with fairy lights and fluffy pillows. Y/N's eyes widened in awe as she stepped inside.
Y/N - Wow, unnie! This is incredible! 
Eunbi - I thought you might like it, hon. Now, what do you say we watch a movie and have a little snack? *smiling*
Y/N nodded enthusiastically, and they settled down in the blanket fort with a bowl of popcorn and a stack of DVDs. They chose a heartwarming animated film and snuggled under the blankets, their laughter filling the room as they watched the movie together.
As the movie neared its end, Y/N turned to Eunbi with a shy smile. 
Y/N - Unnie, can I ask you something?
Eunbi turned to her, curious. 
Eunbi - Of course, darling. What is it?
TWICE's lovebug hesitated for a moment before speaking softly. 
Y/N - Can we... cuddle?
Eunbi's heart melted at the girl's request. She had always seen her as a little sister, but in that moment, she realized just how much the young idol looked up to her and trusted her. Without hesitation, Eunbi wrapped her arms around Y/N and pulled her close, cuddling with her under the soft blankets.
Y/N let out a contented sigh and snuggled closer to Eunbi, resting her head on Eunbi's chest.
Y/N - Thank you, unnie. I really love you.
Tears pricked at the corners of Eunbi's eyes as she held her little sister close. 
Eunbi - I love you too, sweet girl. You mean the world to me.
They stayed like that for a while, watching the stars through the window as the night grew darker. Eunbi couldn't have asked for a more perfect day with Y/N. She cherished these moments when they could just be themselves, away from the glitz and glamour of the idol world.
Eventually, Y/N's eyelids grew heavy, and she yawned. Eunbi gently tucked her in, making sure she was warm and comfortable.
Eunbi - Goodnight, angel. *whispering*
Y/N - Goodnight, unnie *murmuring since she's already drifting off to sleep*
Eunbi watched over Y/N for a while, her heart full of love and gratitude. She knew that being an idol could be challenging, but moments like these made it all worthwhile. She was determined to be the best unnie she could be for Y/N and all the other members of TWICE.
As Eunbi settled down to sleep herself, she couldn't help but smile, feeling truly blessed to have Y/N in her life. It was a day she would cherish forever, a day filled with love, laughter, and the sweetest cuddles from the youngest member of TWICE. And this made her have only one thought:
We all love our dear maknae.
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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maemisnippets · 2 years
We All Need A Hug Sometimes (Choi Yujin & Kwon Eunbi)
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On a cold February night, Eunbi rests despairingly on their couch. The TV playing whatever show came after what she was watching, an uncleaned table in front of her with trash all over. She seems like a mess, which is highly unlike her.
Amidst her slumber, her roommate arrives. Judging by the messy eye makeup, she seems as much of a mess as Eunbi. She doesn't even bother to close the door silently, which awakens the sleeping beauty.
"Unnie." Yujin calls for her half-awake Eunbi by the foot of the couch. "We broke up."
"Really?" Eunbi asks as she rubs her eyes. She then sits up. "Come here."
Yujin sits beside her while maintaining a teary-eyed frown. But before she speaks, Eunbi wraps her arms around her. "My baby tokki, it's gonna be alright."
Despite Yujin's situation, she notices the table in front of them. "Unnie, how did your tests go?"
"I failed," Eunbi voices out, trying to hold back any sort of emotion.
"Unnie." What gloom Yujin has on her face turns into a concerned look for her roommate.
"It's okay. I might just have enough points to pass," she reassures Yujin.
"That's still a huge part of your grade."
"Well, I can't do anything now, can I?" Eunbi, clearly distraught, still shows a tough side to her baby tokki. She lets go of her embrace and resumes to her supine position on the couch.
Yujin, wanting to comfort her unnie, lays on top of her, wrapping her arms around her chest and under her shoulders. She buries her head on Eunbi's neck as Eunbi holds her. It's a gloomy night in the tokki dorm, but at least they have each other.
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wontheworld · 23 days
❝홀려가듯 내 목소린 널 휩쓸어❞
BYF/DNI: I don’t write smut (obvi! maybe in the future), I mostly write for enha but I’m willing to write for boy and girl groups!, no weird asks ifykwim, no xenophobia, homophobic, anti-Palestine, group hate allowed!
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vex91 · 1 year
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Pairing: Kim Chaewon x Female Reader x Huh Yunjin
Summary: Chaewon getting a lover was a shocking but happy news to everyone at Le Sserafim's dorm, until the news came out to the public and Yunjin found out that it was her ex-girlfriend, Kwon Y/N.
Warning(s): Language, cringe stuff, suggestive
Tags: Idol x Idol, crack, fluff, angst, idol au, smau
Featuring: NMIXX, Le Sserafim, Eunbi (Soloist), Sua (Dreamcatcher), Yuqi ((G)I-DLE), Yena (Soloist), Yuri (Soloist)
Start: 05/01/2023
Updates: Whenever I can :)
Profiles: Mixers, Fimmies, Crack Gang, Others
2. What in the hell?!?!?!
3. Side eye
4. The tension is real
5. Pain
6. Here for you
7. Confusing
8. Loser
9. A broken promise
10. You want to?
11. That's suspicious
12. Caught
13. Only if you knew
14. Y/N what the fu-
15. We need to talk
16. No killing rule
17. Coward
18. Eunchae don't look
20. Moment
21. Way
22. Another chance
23. DONT. HURT. Y/N.
24. Sus you say?
25. Fool
26. Epilogue - The right lover
Taglist (Closed): @awkwardtoafault @pandamiswifey @hyukasverse @myjaeyunn @jisooftme @lauxymy4 @wondering-out-loud @dream-chasers-things @edamboon @urfriendlylocalidiot @bzeus28
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yenqa · 10 months
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APPLE CIDER (bedroom sessions)
Sparkling apple cider. Once a sweet, refreshing drink you could easily enjoy. Now everytime you’re reminded of that cursed drink all you get is the sour memories that came with it. One memory including the fallout of yours and (now ex) boyfriend, Jay's relationship. But, it just so happens Jay is determined to win your heart back once again. Will he be able to restore the sweet taste? Or will apple cider ruin your life once again?
read part one here!
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genre : exes to lovers, written fic, angst, fluff, dual pov (but more y/n, highschool au
featuring : enhypen, chaewon of lsfm, kwon eunbi, ocs : hyun-woo, mrs. lim
warnings : swearing (lots), ignorant parents (only mentioned), crying, food, parties, groveling??? idk, reader has the same bad habits, blood/injuries
wc : 7k
pairing : jay x fem!reader
YENQA : i worked really hard on this and im really happy with the outcome!! i hope you guys like it as much as i do :) also!! everyone thank @yeokii and @redm4ri for proof reading this!!
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000 FIRST HEARTBREAK (prologue)
It was junior year when you first met him. Just last year (2022), Hyun-woo walked up to you in the library with a charming but sweet smile, he sat next to you and introduced himself. At first you were skeptical, unsure of your new friendship. But his stupid cute smile and his enchanting eyes lured you right in.
That night you had left with his number and a smile on your face.
The next few weeks he barely ever talked to you, sufficing with a small wave in the hallways or small talk about classwork. But when spring was just around the corner, that had immediately changed.
Hundreds of messages came through in the span of two months. You two would talk for hours and hours on end about anything really. His sweet smile would stay throughout all those facetimes, sometimes you wondered if his face would fall off if he smiled any longer. 
After months of talking, you figured out you were hopelessly falling for him. And there was no way out. But you also figured he must’ve liked you back—I mean those hundreds of calls weren’t for nothing were they?
At first, they weren’t. He eventually asked you out in May and you dated happily for three months. 
Since he was your first you didn’t know how a relationship should work, or how one should act in it. You thought him ghosting you for weeks on end was normal, and that everyone went through it. Even if it wasn’t normal, he came back to you, showering you in gifts such as stuffed animals and gold jewelry. So, you continued on with the relationship, knowing he would come back to you anyways.
But then, he didn’t come back. It was September and you hadn’t talked to him all August—to say the least you were confused. Where had he been all this time?
The first day of school you had immediately ran up to him, you remembered you had said, “What’s wrong? Why have you been ignoring me all last month?” 
And he laughed.
He laughed straight at your worried expression. 
And you want to cry.
It was all a bet, he said. One that involved completely playing with you to win some money.
You couldn’t cry in front of him, nor could you run away from him like a fucking loser (which you really wanted to do but you wouldn’t want to see the pleasure on his face). All you could do was say “Okay,” and walk away. That’s all you did—So hopefully to him you seemed unfazed. But that facade didn’t last long.
You almost tripped over things or even people on the way to the bathroom, sobbing your eyes out until they had wrung dry.
You were sad—Yes, but you were also frustrated by how stupid you were.
He didn’t even talk to you half the time, he barely even knew what you liked or disliked, he didn’t even pay attention to the kind of jewelry you wore—he bought a gold necklace for you as a loyal silver wearer, and overall you were just stupid. Stupid to fall for the role he put on.
Crying usually didn’t take long for you, usually an half an hour at most. But that day you had sobbed and sobbed in that stupid toilet stall for one hour and you didn’t feel like going back to class with your crusty eyes, so you accidentally skipped your first three periods. 
You remember that day as vividly as possible. Your parents were furious that you skipped three classes—So angry they didn’t even look twice at the dark circles under your puffy eyes or the red tint that had covered your face.
One thing you knew was that you never told them, the only thing telling them would get you was a scolding because you skipped three classes over a boy. A boy who was your “first love”. And as stupid as it sounds, they wouldn’t understand. Honestly you wouldn’t be surprised if they told you that they thought your feelings were just little pranks you were playing on them.
If your parents thought that, everyone probably thought that. So, you put on a happy face for Chaewon, even if she knew you were sad she probably didn’t even care. I mean if Hyun-woo didn’t even like you, who would?
Jay never thought he was stupid. Actually, he found much pride in how smart he was. He was always the kind of person to think before they say something. He was never impulsive—Well until he met you that is. But that didn’t really end well did it?
It made it even worse that nobody seemed to care. Sunoo didn’t even send a sad look his way (which by the way—Was totally deserved even if he did mess up).
“Why the long face, Jay? You lose another cute girl?” Jake teases, a grin appearing on his face. 
“Who was it again? Hyun-woo’s ex-girlfriend?" Sunghoon's smile grows, “Finally played her?”
Jay groans, “Yeah, i did, but i messed up, bad.”
“What- did Hyun-woo threaten to jump you again?” Jungwon's eyebrows furrow, almost worried that Jay would lose in a fight with him—which he definitely wouldn’t.
“God, you guys are so ignorant, think about the poor girl for once.” Sunoo sighs, rolling his eyes at his friend's fuckboy-ness.
Jay almost rolls his eyes at Sunoo's comment. Were you thinking about Y/n when you blurted his secret out? But he knew he had to take accountability, whether he liked it or not.
“No way. Does the Park Jay feel bad about a girl? The Heartbreaker Park Jay?" Jake asks. And Jay wonders why he’s even friends with them. “Okay, I do feel bad. How do you apologize to a girl? Also Sunoo?" 
He tilts his head.
“Never get drunk again.” Jay warns.
He scoffs, “Weren’t you planning on telling her anyways? I just ripped the bandage off for you.”
The group of boys burst into laughter but Jay couldn’t seem to figure out what was funny. “I didn’t come here for you guys to laugh at my misery.”
Niki gasps, “Jay, you’re actually serious about this one? This is a first.”
This time Jay actually rolls his eyes, “No dumbass- I’m just mad I can’t play around with her anymore.” The group seems fully convinced, some nodding their heads in expectancy. Jay’s eyebrows furrow seeing them be so blind to his problem, “I was kidding.” He deadpans, “I’m serious about her.”
His nose scrunches ever so slightly, “Oh. Well then you’re in huge trouble.”
“I know.”
“Okay—But seriously,” Jay asked, “How should I apologize?” A sudden wave of silence washed over them, looking at each other and shrugging.
Apologies, apologies, apologies was what went through his brain that night. What could he do that could fix the mess he had made?
People say real apologies came from the heart, but what even came from the heart? It’s an organ.
Jay’s mind felt like it was about to explode. It’s been an hour but his mind was empty, completely hollow. How could he fix this situation? Well first he could say sorry—Not that you would forgive him easily but it was a crucial part to his fix.
Until it finally clicked.
Last week you couldn’t bear the thought of coming back to school after the party, but here you were, driving yourself to school after a very sad three week mid winter break. A band aid now covering the tip of your finger that you had picked off. And—Of course. You forgot your water bottle again.
You sigh, fixing your silver necklace, you brush your hair behind your hair and open the car to—Oh fuck.
Why did Jay just happen to look like a fucking angel fallen from heaven at 7am in the morning?
And why was Jay here so early at school? You usually arrive much earlier than him.
You compose yourself, walking past him. Holding yourself to not even slightly slow down or look back. 
Finally arriving at your locker you open it, looking at the light pink bag in it, one that you never put in it. Your eyebrows furrow as you pick it up, opening the mysterious bag.
You smile at the small snacks inside. A small bag of your favorite chips and a few of your favorite candies. That smile drops when you see an apple shaped sticky note with familiar handwriting inside. 
Some gasps behind you, you jump,  quickly turning around to see your beloved friends. “Someone’s got a secret admirer?” Eunbi teases, both Chaewon and her walking up to you.
You sigh, “It’s from Jay, do you want it?” You offer to both of them. They both grab it, sharing whatever snacks are in there. 
“Oh!” Chaewon lights up, “Here’s your coffee.” She smiles with guilt. You smile back, gladly taking a sip of the slightly bitter drink to quench your thirst.
“Did the note say anything?” Eunbi pulls out the slightly crumpled sticky note in there. You glance at it, noticing Jay’s very asymmetrical heart.
You unconsciously laugh, quickly covering it up before grabbing the small note, reading it.
To My Apple,
I was stupid to use you to get back at him. Honestly the most stupid thing I would ever do and I deeply regret it. I’m sorry. I know you probably don’t want to see me right now and I understand that you want your space from me. I just want to make it clear, I really do love you and I would never ever do something that horrible to you again. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be on good terms even if you don’t fully forgive me for what I did to you. I truly am in love with and honestly I can’t live without you. Fuck I just miss you, you don’t have to respond or anything I just want to make it clear that I’m sorry, and I love you so much.
And your lips tug up just a bit.
“Y/n are you okay? You’ve been quiet since you’ve read that. What’s on there?” Chaewon asks, moving next to you to read from the flimsy paper.
Your eyes widen slightly, “Oh—It’s nothing.” you fumble with the paper a bit, “Nothing important.” 
Eunbi laughs, “You’re such a bad liar, Y/n. But if it’s from Jay then you have to tell us.” Chaewon nods.
“No! I mean, it’s not from Jay. Let’s just go to class?” You smile at them shoving the sticky note into whatever pants pocket you have.
“You’re lucky you have your first period alone Missy.”
Throwing them a cheeky smile, you quickly walk to the nearest trash can, quickly tossing it in before looking around. You make eye contact with Jay and quickly look away again.
God—Why was the universe never on your side?
Though you try to ignore the small frown on his face, it runs through your head all day. Until, suddenly you're walking to your math seat again.
“Y/n you’re lucky that this is the only period I have with you, and that we spend all of lunch with our mouths stuffed” Eunbi groans, unpacking her notebook. She places it down neatly on her desk, before leaning forward to you.
“So, was it from Jay? Weren’t- like apples your thing?”
You let out a sigh, turning around “Apple cider was our thing. And maybe.”
She frowns, “Maybe? Y/n tell me, yes or no.” 
You shrug again, turning back to the front making eye contact with the man himself again.
Does this man ever stop looking at you? Because you were almost certain his eyes were glued onto you. You look down at your notebook, trying to act as unbothered as possible—Which doesn’t really work since you hear Eunbi snickers..
You roll your eyes even though Eunbi can’t see it, she can read you like a book, whispering “If you keep rolling your eyes they’ll fall to the back of your head.”
Leaning back, you whisper, “I don’t think that’s how it works, stay in school Eunbi.”
Getting out of the car the next day you hope and pray to every fucking god you know that you won’t see his familiar face again. But nothing ever seems to go well for you, because you see his sad smile through the window of his car.
You repeat what you did yesterday, walk away as quickly as you can without looking weird. But your legs quickly pick up because of your nervousness, speed walking to the entrance doors instead. You lean on the door, pushing to open it before walking in the same pace to your locker.
Then you finally slow your pace, opening your locker to see another light pink bag.
This time, the same snacks but with a plastic water bottle inside, with a little note saying “Make sure to drink lots of water <3”. You subconsciously smile, fishing out the piece of paper neatly tucked in.
Unfolding the paper, your jaw drops at the pencil writing that manages to cover the whole page.
Apple, my love, I might not be the best at words but I think seeing your lips tug up at my other small note motivated me to write this. Did I ever tell you that your smile brightens up my day? As cheesy as it sounds at night I used (I still do btw) to think about whatever stupid joke I made when we were on a date and how you would laugh happily at it, even if it was the worst joke ever known to mankind. And as embarrassing as it is to admit it I would giggle about it. Before and after we started dating. But you always cover your mouth when you laugh. but you shouldn’t. Your smile makes me feel like everything going wrong in my life will fix itself. When I was with you I had no worries, you made me feel free. But I’ve only brought you worries. I’m sorry. 
Recently, I’ve been noticing you’ve been smiling less and yesterday you forgot to bring your water bottle to school. Please stay healthy and eat well, okay? Even if you hate me, I still care for your health. Don’t skip meals and drink lots of water, please. I’d do anything just to have a five minute conversation with you. I understand that what I did was unforgivable and that you shouldn't trust me again but please, put your trust in me one more time and please come to Azalea park at 3pm tomorrow and I’ll explain everything. I know you're angry but I beg that you be angrier at a closer distance. I’m sorry for the mess I’ve made, and I promise I’ll fix it.
Your eyebrows furrow. Was he serious? Was he trying to publicly embarrass you? Why did you want to go so bad?
Opening your phone to quickly text up Eunbi and Chaewon, who mysteriously hadn’t shown up yet.
bitch jay just wrote me a long last letter abt how hes sorry and how he truly loves me and wants to meet up and make things right????
where tf are yall btw
eunbi mlll
also chae cant drive me so bus it is…
sorry ill be late to school 2day bc doctors lolsies
but r u sure eunbi????
y/n i love u but idk if this is a good idea
wait what did he say
eunbi mlll
but let us see the letter to confirm if hes sincere
im not about to show U guys the letter
Omfg guys i almost giggled reading it. this is Bad.
he said that he would do anything for a five minute talk with me and that he knows im mad at him but to be mad at a close distance???
now… i am Nawt your strongest soldier.
shit if he wrote me that i wouldve folded too
changed my mind i say do it
so…. 2/2 votes yes?
thats kinda nerve racking idk if im ready to face him
eunbi mlll
y/n i am ready to get down on my knees and beg for u to go
you got this girl!
worst case scenario u slap him and embarrass him
or maybe slap him when you get there, saves you the time
Just Kidding!!! Hahaha
Not funny at all.
hate u all
FUCKK now i have to text him and say im going
eunbi mlll 
why not let him suffer???????
ill feel bad
i mean did jay do that when you guys met??
fuck u
You exit your group chat, looking several spots down and spotting Jay contact, wincing at your last messages.
i’ll be at the park by 3. don’t fuck this up park
wouldn’t even think about it 
Why did I agree to this again? 
You glance at the clock, 2:58, I should head out now. 
Sighing you open your door, walking to—From what you can distinguish from his back, Jay. you walk around the bench, brushing whatever dirt was on it and taking a seat.
Jay gives you a relieved smile, glasses framing his face perfectly-
“Glasses?” You blurt, studying the frame of them.
He coughs awkwardly, “Yeah- I um—I got them yesterday, forgot to wear them to school.”
Awkward silence washes over you two. Well was he going to say something or not?
And it’s almost like he can read your thoughts, because he starts, “Look—Apple. I just wanted to apologize in real life. It was a shitty move of me to use you-”
“Yeah- very shitty.” You interrupt, “Sorry, go on.”
“Oh okay, um- it was a terrible decision I made and I totally messed with you at the beginning, and never told you, I’m sorry.”
He pauses, choosing his words carefully.
“And—I regret it so much. I mean, you were the best thing that ever happened to me and I didn’t want to fuck it up, which would’ve happened anyways. I should’ve told you earlier on before I asked you out but I was afraid. Afraid that the only good thing in my fucked up life would vanish. So I ran away from the problem instead of talking to you about it like I should’ve. I’m sorry for running away and I swear, I would never hurt you—ever again. You don’t have to give me an answer yet, but just know that I still love you with all my heart.”
You take a deep breath, Fuck—what do I say? Should I ask him what he had against Hyun-woo?
Deciding to ask, you look at him with a hint of disappointment, “So why? What do you have against him that made you play with me?”
His eyebrows raise slightly, surprised you didn’t slap him and leave. 
“Oh— it’s kind of stupid.” He says, pushing up his glasses slightly.
“I mean he both kinda fucked us over, right? I won’t judge, I hate his guts anyways.”
Jay lets out a breathy smile. “I used to be on the rugby team, remember?”
“Of course I do.”
“Well—I sound like such an egotistical jerk when I say this, but he took the captain position from me by sweet talking his way to the top. It wasn’t mine to begin with, but everyone thought that I deserved it the most, but of course, he took it from me. I wasn’t super mad or anything, I actually thought I was too cocky for um—thinking I deserved the position. It didn’t really help that he also kind of made fun of me any chance he got for not being captain. Blaming me for every loss we had then I just- snapped I guess? I quit then and there and here I am now. Even after I quit he still talked shit about me and I couldn’t really do anything. And I saw you and…” he trails off, “You know what happened.”
You swallow hard, trying to take it all in. “I’m sorry that happened to you.” 
You nervously start picking at whatever skin on your ring finger you could find, looking down so you wouldn’t have to look at his expression.
“It’s not your fault, don’t apologize, Apple. Plus I’m over it.”
He suddenly scowls, grabbing the now bleeding hand. 
“Stop doing this. It’s not good” He pulls out a bandaid from his pocket, carefully placing it around your finger.
You laugh at the sight, “You carry around band aids now?”
“Ever since I met you, yeah.” He slips out and you both go silent.
Was that true? He noticed it?
You clear your throat awkwardly, yanking your hand away after he finishes. “Thank you for the band aid—uh, about your apology, I appreciate it, but I need some time to think about it, if that's okay?”
“Yeah, take your time, I understand.” He gives you a soft smile, which you return. Waving at him while walking to your car.
You sit in the driver’s seat, calling the group chat while backing out.
Chaewon joins first, “So…. How’d it go? Did you slap him? Or did you forgive him?”
Eunbi joins just after, waiting for your answer.
“I don’t know how to feel.” You answer, sighing.
“Hey, you’ll figure it out Y/n! Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” Eunbi gives you a thumbs up with a soft smile.
You nod, returning her smile, and you try to believe it too.
As soon as you were out of view Jay pulled his phone out, noticing the ten text messages from the man himself.
where r u
wait r u two meeting today
so i just want to say sorry for… kinda ruining ur relationship.
anyways.. text me back whenever u can!!
have fun with y/n
hope it goes well
A smile grows on Jay’s face, he presses his contact photo, bringing his phone to his ear.
“Jay! I didn’t think you would answer so soon?”
“It’s been fifteen minutes? I feel like that's a good amount of time to have a conversation.” Did you just want to leave him as soon as possible? Fuck maybe he didn’t have a chance to win you ba-
“Oh! It’s been fifteen minutes? I guess time flies when you’re on your phone right?” Nevermind.
“So! Did you and Y/n kiss and make up? Or was she angry?”
“No, we just talked? Like I said we would?” 
“Are you sure?” Sunoo says in a teasing tone. With that simple sentence, Jay could tell Sunoo was probably giggling to himself about you two meeting up.
“Yes I’m sure? Why would I be lying?” Jay feels the wind pick up some speed, an indication he should go home. He walks himself to the car while talking to Sunoo.
“So you’re telling me, all you did was apologize and she left?”
Sunoo groans, “That’s so boring! Totally thought you would have a movie moment then.”
“I mean the only thing unexpected I told her was what happened with Hyun-woo and me.”
He dramatically gasps, “But you never tell anyone? Why does she get to know and not me?”
“She asked.” Jay shrugs, starting the car.
“But you never told me, I only know that you two hate each other! This is straight favoritism. Can’t believe you.” Sunoo angrily exclaims, deciding to hang up the call.
Jay sighs, driving back home.
Today, you smile as you leave your car. Instead of walking as fast as you can to the doors, you even wave at Jay’s car pulling in. He waves back, a big smile on his face that catches onto yours. You happily walk to the entrance, pushing open the entrance door and walking to your locker.
Getting your first period textbook, and closing your locker, you quickly spot Eunbi and Chaewon walking towards you. 
“Someones happy, did you get a good morning message from your lover?” Eunbi teases.
You take a sip of the coffee Chaewon gave you. “No? Can’t a girl just have a good day?”  You twirl around.
“Okay you’re acting really weird. Is something wrong?” They exchange glances, waiting for your answer.
“Yeah, somethings wrong.” A male voice comes up to you. Your smile immediately drops. Hyun-woo looks at you, standing between you and Eunbi, he grabs your hand dragging you away.
“What the fuck? Get off me!” You exclaim, trying your best to yank your hand away from him. But apparently his rugby muscles could keep you in his hold, but definitely way too tight for comfort. Hopefully you won't get a big ass bruise there.. He leads you to a hallway which is surprisingly empty.
“Can we talk? Y/n?”
You scoff, “Are you crazy? You drag me here and expect me to want to have a civil conversation with you?’ huffing, you turn back around.
“I want to get back together, Y/n!”
You stop in your tracks, turning around at his conflicted face before bursting out laughing. You only laugh more looking at his hurt face.
“Y/n are you laughing? I’m serious! I want you back! And I know you want me back too!” 
You finally stop laughing, taking a deep breath “Gosh you’re funny Hyun-woo. Okay, I’m leaving.” He grabs you again. Does this guy think he’s in a kdrama or something?
“Y/n. I didn’t mean to hurt you, and I miss you. Can we get back together?”
“So… you played me, and you want to get back together?”
“I wouldn’t say played-”
“Oh but I would. And can you get your hand off me? I can feel your odor latching on to me.” Yanking your hand away, you look at him in disgust.
“Y/n please. Can we-”
“You’re insane Hyun-woo. If you haven’t gotten the hint yet—Which I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t, I’m not interested in dating someone who’s a lookalike to the hunchback of Notre Dame. Actually, maybe that would be an improvement to you.” You shrug, walking away. Shivering in disgust at the thought of him grabbing your arm.
How did I even like this guy? Also what is it with men these days? A scowl is very obvious on your face as you walk back to your lockers. Before you get back to Chaewon and Eunbi, someone taps you from behind.
You turn, “I swear to god Hyun-woo if you-”
“Not Hyun-woo, just me.”
You turn to see Jay, a frown present on his face. Your mouth widens slightly and you close it right away. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize for that, but are you okay? Why did he do that?” He checks your wrist for any forming bruises. Tsking at the slight red tint on your arm. “I’m fine, Jay. It was for something stupid anyways.” you answer, grabbing at his hands to stop.
“What’d he do?” You can hear the genuine concern in his voice and you know you’ll feel horrible if you don’t tell him.
“He just,” you cough awkwardly, “asked to get back together.”
His face changes slightly, but you can’t tell how, “Did you agree?”
“Oh god no—oh my god I wouldn’t even spare a single thought thinking about it.” You laugh, squeezing his hand slightly. A wave of relief washes over his face, “I’m glad. Call me if he does it again, okay?”
“Am I supposed to be your damsel in distress?”
“I was thinking we could kick his ass together.”
You let out a giggle, “I’ll make sure to let you know then,” waving goodbye, you walking back to your beloved trio.
“Oh my god, I didn’t know the talk went that well, you guys were flirting so hard!” Chaewon whisper-yells.
“We were not flirting.”
“Oh you so were. You literally giggled while talking to him” Eunbi agrees.
“I did?”
“See it was so natural you didn’t even notice! I wasn’t really a fan of Jay but he clearly makes you happy.” Chaewon admits, putting her hands up in surrender from Eunbi’s offended look.
“I don’t know. I mean he did kinda use me. So who says he won’t do it again?” 
“Me, I do. If he does I’ll literally punch him to oblivion” Eunbi and Chaewon start pretend boxing, the bell interrupting their match. They both groan, giving up mid match.
“I’m glad I’m friends with the next Muhammad Ali, but I’m going to go to class now.” You laugh, waving goodbye and walking to your first period.
Your math class gave you time to think about everything going wrong in your life, because who was actually listening to Mrs. Lim’s blabbering? You doodle little hearts in your notebook, now noticing that you hadn’t written a single note and the whole page was just covered in your drawings.
Does this class never end or something? You wonder, checking the clock. 
Twenty minutes left, you internally groan, how is it that time moves so slow during times like these? You bring your hand to your mouth, biting the nail off your ring finger. Feeling a vibration coming from your phone, you quickly take a look at the board, making sure the teacher was still writing before checking it.
whatd i do???
stop biting your nails
i can see you doing it yk
thats none of your business
it’s not
but i still care ya know
oh really?
fine whatever 🙄🙄
The smile that had grown on your face quickly fades the moment you even notice it was there. Why are you folding so easily Y/n? You have to give him a hard time! You sigh louder than you realize, quickly feeling embarrassment when Mrs. Lim stares right at you.
“Is something wrong, Y/n?” Mrs. Lim asks, a cruel eyebrow raised.
Oh, fuck me. “No Mrs. Lim, nothing is wrong.” You smile as sweetly as you can.
“Then I guess you won’t mind answering one of these questions?” She showcases three equations on the board.
Your smile falls slightly, not this shit again, you complain, walking up to the first equation staring at it blankly while she picks the next two students. Holding the marker up and pretending to think, knowing damn well that you hadn’t listened to a single thing she said that day.
Looking over to the person next to you, Jay, seems to already be looking in your direction, a small smile on his face.
“Looks like you need help this time, Apple? What a twist.”
You roll your eyes, “You didn’t even need help last time. But yes, I do. Could you please—like give me the answer or something?”
“X equals four point five seven.”
You finally return his smile, a small thank you coming out as you write it on the board.
After another long twenty minutes the bell finally rings, indicating that school is finally over. Your usual after school routine was, 1. walk to your car with Chaewon and Eunbi (sometimes you hung out, but today you weren’t) 2. Go home (duh), and start your homework,  3. Eat dinner, and 4. Go on your phone until you fall asleep. You didn’t mind this arrangement, it kept you comfortable knowing that you had some free time later in the day. But today, you were dreading it more than ever.
Why? you ask?
Every couple of days, whenever your phone wasn’t doing your boredom justice you put it down for a good three minutes. And those three minutes entirely made up of you staring at the ceiling and thinking. That was the problem. You didn’t want to think about a single thing that happened today. You didn’t want to think about your upcoming tests that only got you nervous before you were about to go to bed or your love life (which it sometimes went to but you always dreaded even bringing up the topic to yourself).
Tonight was one of those nights you would stare at the ceiling.
The topic you always first thought of was what you did earlier that day. But unfortunately for you, half of the day you had thought about you and Jay basically holding each other's hands. And the other half was thinking about if you forgave Jay yet.
You wanted to say you didn’t. That you would have to take at least two weeks after the apology to even think about the apology. But two days after the apology, here you were. Staring into space about how you think he would react to you forgiving him.
I mean you had basically already forgave him, I mean you wouldn’t have squeezed someone's hand you hated, right? And you definitely don’t miss the voice of someone you hate.
Staring at the ceiling clearly wasn’t a good idea. Because you were already grabbing your phone, looking at his contact. Just above it is your group chat with Eunbi and Chaewon. Maybe you should get a greenlight before you decide to call him.
You glance at the clock, making sure it wasn’t too late to text your friends. The clock hits 11:52 as you look at it. Typing out the texts, you wait until the message sends before closing out of the app.
hey guys lawl
r u awake 
pls say Yes!
Luckily, Chaewon answers just a few seconds after you close the app.
hi im awake
is eunbi awake around this time???
no shes never awake past 10 LMFAO
shouldve messaged u privately
wait so what did u want to talk abt
so uh
do u think its weird that i’ve forgiven jay so easily and should i call him.. lowkey miss him
ok but no??
i mean anyone could literally see how hard he tried to make it up to you
and call him!! Yolo
ok Thx!!!!
yw 😘😘
Closing the chat, you look at his caller i.d, noticing how big his smile was in the contact photo you never deleted. Smiling, you look down at the call button, wondering if this was a good idea or not. You hesitantly lift your finger, hovering over the rectangle before clicking it.
The phone rings twice, before he answers.
“Y/n, is everything okay? Why are you calling at midnight?”
“Everything’s fine, don't worry, but sorry, did I wake you up?”
You can hear shuffling on his side of the call, before he answers, “No no, I was awake. Why did you call?”
“Honestly? I just wanted to hear your voice.”
He lets out a low chuckle, “Really? That’s it?”
“I also think I forgive you and I want to be your girlfriend again.”
A wave of silence washes over you two. Not a single sound comes through your phone, not a single shuffling or anything. Maybe you shouldn’t have called him, this was a stupid idea. Who let you make important decisions past ten o’clock?
Until he starts up again. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“You don’t have to answer that right now if you’re not ready to, I can wait eternity for you.”
“No it’s okay, That’s my answer. Let’s give this thing another try.”
“Thank you, Apple. I’ve missed you a lot, you know?”
You smile, “I’ve missed you a lot too.”
“Jay, it’s a Saturday.”
He has a huge grin on his face, he very proudly presents what’s in his hands. A bouquet of white and purple roses with a mix of some unknown flower sit in his hands, the brown paper wrapped by twine making him loudly announce every move he’s about to make.
“So? I missed my girl.”
You sigh, rubbing your pried open eyes. “At nine in the morning? I wake up at like eleven.” His smile never falters, not a single bit, “I got you flowers.” Jay says, handing them to you.
“Thank you, Jay. But these are so bright they could literally blind me.”
“I put a lot of thought into this, you know? ‘Made sure to pick the prettiest one for you.” He points to the unknown purple flower. “This is called a Heliotrope.” 
“Is there a meaning to it?” 
“You’ll figure it out.” He smirks. Rolling your eyes, you invite him into your house. placing the bouquet carefully on your desk before inviting him to sit on your bed.
You lay back in the spot you were before you had opened the door. About to tuck yourself back in when you realize you have a guest with you, you toss the blanket open, gesturing for him to lay next to you. Jay gladly accepts, laying next to you. Closing your eyes you feel the dip in the bed  right next to you.
You two both move to get comfortable, finding it best when you’re facing each other, arms lazily thrown over each other.
“Did you just come here to cuddle?” You ask, the words barely coming out of your throat. A soft chuckle comes out of him, you can feel the vibrations of his chest when he says, “Would you mind if I said yes?”
You shake your head no, pulling him impossibly closer. He wraps his arm around your head, softly caressing it until you fall asleep.
Later, you wake up to Jay still sleeping soundly. Checking the time you realize you’ve been sleeping for at least an hour. You grab your phone from the bedside table checking your notifications and social media apps. 
In your peripheral view, the bright purple flowers stand out brightly to you. You quickly switch apps to look up the meaning of the flower.
Pressing enter you read the first box you see.
“In the language of flowers, Heliotrope symbolizes devotion and eternal love.”
A smile grows on your face, Eternal love, I could get used to that.
009 TO DRINK SOME APPLE CIDER (extra timeskip)
Sitting down at your vanity, you look over at Jay to see his familiar dyed silver hair, and a nice dress shirt. You turn back to the mirror.
“Can you believe 2024 is over?” You ask Jay, blending out the eyeshadow you’re putting on. He walks next to you, wrapping his arms around your body, laying down on you. “I’m glad I’ll be spending it with my girl.”
You cover your face feeling the warmth grow on it, slapping his arm, and he quickly pulls away, hissing at the contact. 
“Hey! What was that for?”
“For not letting me get ready.” You jokingly roll your eyes, he quickly kisses your cheek before going back to fix his shirt.
Once you finish you showcase your look, you decide to wear a satin green dress, matching Jay’s dark green shirt. You both look at your full length mirror admiring how you look.
“You look so pretty, Apple.” He says, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead.
You smile when he does that, “You don’t look too bad yourself, Park.”
He frowns, “Don’t call me Park.” he says. You smirk mischievously, “I’m sorry, my big baby.” You tease, pinching both his cheeks. A knock to your apartment door sets you apart. You quickly let his cheeks go, a red tint fills them as you run to open the door. Chaewon and Eunbi greet you two, both holding food of some sort.
Later everyone arrives and the sound of the room grows. Laughter and banter fills the air as the clock continues to click to midnight. 
You stand off to the side, wanting a break from everyone for a little bit, taking a sip of the sparkling apple cider you’ve had in your hands the whole night. You look back up to see Jay approaching you with a smile, showcasing his matching cup.
“We both have apple cider!” He exclaims, gesturing to the amber colored drinks in both of your hands.
“What a coincidence.” You laugh, enveloping him in a hug. “Where have you been all night? I haven’t seen you since Jungwon arrived.”
“Sorry, I was just talking with them. Got caught up and then suddenly it’s minutes to midnight! Couldn’t miss my new year’s kiss with my girl could I?” 
The seconds count down as the crowd of friends all join to count down from ten. 
“Ten!” They exclaim.
“Who said you were getting one?”
“Nine! Eight! Seven!”
“I’ve been hoping for one. Would you like to be my New Year’s kiss?”
“Five! Four! Three!”
“I’d love to.” You respond,  he barely hears it before the friends scream in excitement. 
You close your eyes, smash your lips into his, tasting the sweet apple cider from both of your lips. He smiles into the kiss as the whole apartment celebrates. He wraps his unoccupied hand around your waist, as you wrap yours around his neck, being careful to not spill.
You finally pull away and he looks at you with a love sick gaze. You let out a breathy smile, “Happy New Year, My love.”
“Happy New Year, Apple.”
Giving him a huge hug, you look at everyone chug down their champagne drinks, laughing when Sunghoon spills on his shirt. 
“I love you.” Jay whispers.
“I love you too, Jay. I hope we spend the rest of the year together.”
“Maybe even forever.” He replies.
You look back at him, tilting your head slightly. A huge smile still plastered on your face. “Forever and always.”
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taglist : @jwnghyuns @ja4hyvn @trsrina @redm4ri @badmuni @yeokii @enhastolemyheart @softpia @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @flwoie @kjrcrz @hsgworld @boyfhee
yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
319 notes · View notes
xuqijie · 1 year
kim minji x f!reader
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# tw ; none
# genre ; fluff, simp minji, witch!y/n x princess!minji
having stolen a prized jewel from the royal family, you struggle to return it. whilst attempting to, you make the worst mistake of your life. was it a mistake though?
note: part two in the making 😮
“this is completely your fault. did you really think, hey, if i steal the majesty’s prized possession, no one would come after you?” your sister, kang hyewon scoffed. her mysterious shelter in the woods could cover your ass for days, if not weeks. but your sister would kick you out by then, saying that you were infuriating to talk to.
“this is completely your fault. did you really think, hey, if i steal the majesty’s prized possession, no one would come after you?” your sister, kang hyewon scoffed. her mysterious shelter in the woods could cover your ass for days, if not weeks. but your sister would kick you out by then, saying that you were infuriating to talk to.
“this is completely your fault. did you really think, hey, if i steal the majesty’s prized possession, no one would come after you?” your sister, kang hyewon scoffed. her mysterious shelter in the woods could cover your ass for days, if not weeks. but your sister would kick you out by then, saying that you were infuriating to talk to.
“this is completely your fault. did you really think, hey, if i steal the majesty’s prized possession, no one would come after you?” your sister, kang hyewon scoffed. her mysterious shelter in the woods could cover your ass for days, if not weeks. but your sister would kick you out by then, saying that you were infuriating to talk to.
“it was just a tiny jewel!”
“a tiny jewel that costs as much as your head, idiot.”
you shrugged, “it was just lying there. not my fault i’m attracted to shiny things.” hyewon rolled her eyes.
“listen, you can’t go anywhere without that ugly face being recognised, so you should try to restore things. do some weird magic shenanigans and go back in time,” hyewon groaned, “anything to not have you here anymore.” you frowned. if even hyewon told you to do the right thing, perhaps it truly was… better.
“i’ll just hop in and pop it on her vanity or something,” you tossed the gem up and down in your hand before hyewon swiftly snatched it away.
your sister brought the diamond up to her eye level and narrowed her eyes.
“why did you even steal this? it’s useless,” she huffed, throwing it back into your hands.
you shrugged again. stealing could be fun at times, especially when it was a challenge. after all, what type of royal was the queen if she left her diamonds out in the open? it was just laying on the tea table out in the courtyard, her prize jewels unguarded. stupidity was evident in her actions. or was it overconfidence? with someone like you lurking around the royal walls, one could never be too careful.
hyewon checked her stopwatch, “it’s the princess’s birthday tonight. everyone will be celebrating, gives you enough time to sneak in.” you nodded absentmindedly, throwing random potions into your pockets, hoping one of them would come in useful.
before you left, hyewon turned to you, a serious look on her face, “if you get caught, tell the guards you were ordered by kwon eunbi to steal the diamond.” you laughed, you would never betray your eunbi unnie like that.
“i’ll tell them it was you instead, bye unnie!”
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“i heard that kim minji’s looking for a suitor,” the lady whispered conspiratively, “and she prefers women.” your ears perked up. kim minji, the princess, preferring ladies. what a surprise, you could already imagine the shock on the queen’s face when it all gets revealed.
the clearing of someone’s throat caught your attention. you smirked, watching as the butler begans to unroll a scroll. it was time for you to make your move.
“on this day, the seventh of may, our royal princess, princess minji becomes an adult–” you sneaked away from the crowd, staring in awe as the princess descended from the stairs. you had no time to stare, every second was important in your quest. you fished out a rope from one of the enchanted pocket beneath your dress and threw it over the windowsill. the applauds were getting softer, which meant that you were running out of time. after tying the rope to your waist, you started to scale up. the height was taller than you had expected, but all was fine until footsteps approached the balcony.
“oh. what are you doing?” you flinched, not daring to turn around. a split second decision, and you threw one of the potions that you had kept, which kept the witness temporarily stunned. within those three seconds, you had managed to reach the window and toss the gem somewhere on the vanity table.
quickly jumping back down, you widened your eyes.
“prin-princess minji!”
the princess rubbed her eyes wearily before copying your expression of shock.
“you’re the prettiest woman i’ve ever laid eyes on.”
“your skin looks so soft, like a baby’s. could i touch it?” you gaped as minji took your hand into hers, rubbing your hand with hers.
“i… well,” you gulped, already having a sense of which potion you had splattered on her, “are you feeling well?” minji looked up.
“with you here, of course i do.”
great. you ran your free thumb over the engraving on the bottle. philtre, a drink that would arouse love for whoever the drinker saw first.
at least you had returned the diamond.
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luckily, your close friend, haerin, who descended from a line of shapeshifters, would give you daily updates on minji’s condition, making it easier for you to deprive her symptoms.
“she’s been looking out of windows and requesting for the ‘gorgeous woman in blue’, her handmaiden thinks she’s gone mad,” haerin informed before smirking, “mad for you.” you rolled your eyes. today wasn’t the day for you to deal with haerin’s antics. you were working on an antidote that would be done latest by the end of the month. you sighed.
“i have a plan for you, since you’re no longer banned from the castle, how about you go befriend her instead? instead of making a poor feline soul like me wander around the lonely halls of that empty shell of a home?” haerin said dramatically.
“i have a plan for you as well. i reckon you shut up,” you snapped, flipping through books containing vivid descriptors of charms.
“i’m serious, y/n. what if her condition gets worse? hyewon’s potions are pretty serious.”
“that’s why i have you, just keep me updated on her,” you replied.
haerin pouted.
“i actually think she’s going to search every house in the kingdom for you. the queen’s livid by the way,” haerin leaned against the wall before smiling to herself. before you could react, haerin had turned into a british shorthair and jumped onto the wooden table, knocking the purple liquid onto the floor.
you turned to the cat, aghast.
“are you serious?”
haerin’s voice echoed in your head, “oopsies.”
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“inflation’s bad, isn’t it?” you jumped, the familiar voice giggling at your surprise. you felt your heart sinking as minji stared at you, eyes narrowing in recognition.
“you? you were at the party?”
not trusting your voice, you nodded stiffly.
“huh… y/n, was it? stole my mother’s jewels?”
you repeated the action.
minji chuckled, the low voice hitting you straight in your stomach.
“were you returning it? is that why you were climbing that tower?” minji pressed on.
“no more questions… please,” you whispered, “this is an embarrassing moment.” the princess hummed in agreement and dropped the matter but added on, “was that cat your friend? the one that led me here?” you gasped. that brat, haerin.
“ah well, it doesn’t matter, as long as it brought me to you. i couldn’t stop thinking about you after that night,” minji confessed, “i was hoping i could see you again. i almost started a whole search party for you.” you blushed, but somewhere in your heart, you felt a pang of guilt. minji’s feelings were just a facade. they weren’t real.
“can i take you out for an outing? a picnic or whatever,” the princess offered, “i just want to spend the day with you.” with the glaze in her eyes and the adorable puffed out cheeks, how could you reject kim minji? that would be a crime.
“i…” well, you could always tell her later, right? and the antidote wasn’t too urgent… “sure.”
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Updated: 05/08/2023
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Them as jealous bestfriend
A random date between you two
Them taking care of their S/O in hangover
Witch AU - Them as witches
Jisoo as your wife
Jennie as your wife
Rosé as your wife
Lisa as your wife
Their reaction to Reader being a youtuber
Them watching the Reader winning the Champions League
You're my sun (Rosé) (Fluff)
Family meeting (Jennie) (Fluff)
The bet (Jennie) (Fluff)
A surprise in Paris (Rosé) (Fluff)
We're live (Jennie)(Fluff)
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Poly! Relationship with Karina and Winter
Karina as your wife
Winter dating Idol!Reader
Mafia AU! - Mafia!Giselle falling for you (Prologue)
Mafia AU! - Mafia!Aespa kidnapping the Reader (Part 1)
Reader's parents walking in while you two are making out
The Reader stealing a kiss from them
Them as older sister reacting to you dating one of their member
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Your first meeting
Yeji as your wife
Chaeryeong as your wife
Itzy as your classmate (Smut version)
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Yujin as your girlfriend
Xiaoting as your girlfriend
Chaehyun as your girlfriend
Red Velvet:
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A random date with them
Harry Potter AU! - Them as Hogwarts students
Irene as your girlfriend
Seulgi as your girlfriend
Mafia AU! - Reader being fight over by Mafia!Irene& Seulgi
How Seulgi would react to her S/O love language being act of service
Irene reacting to her reserved S/O being touchy with her
Irene reacting to her shy S/O having an hard time opening up
Irene reacting to her idol friend being depressed
Irene reacting to her S/O overworking themselves
Reader being injured while protecting them
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Their relationship with their fifth member (maknae, main vocalist and foreigner)
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Poly! Relationship with Dahyun and Chaeyoung
Poly! Relationship with Sana and Mina
How you became their crush
Jeongyeon as your wife
Sana as your wife
Jihyo as your wife
Mina as your wife
Chaeyoung as your wife
It's Thor's fault (Mina) (Fluff)
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Poly! Relationship with Jiu and Siyeon
Jiu as your girlfriend
The lucky fan (Smut) (Jiu & Yoohyeon) (Part 1)
The unlucky fan (Smut) (Dami) (Part 2)
After sex (Fluff, suggestive) (Sua & Yoohyeon)
Purple kiss:
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Go Eun and Bodyguard!Reader falling for each other
Them reacting to the first kiss with Reader
Healing the Ponzona (OT7) (Fluff)
A Swan in the rain (Swan) (Fluff)
Le Sserafim
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Them as your bestfriend
Vampire AU! - Vampire!Le Sserafim trapped by Hunter!Reader
Sakura as your crush, girlfriend and wife
Chaewon as your crush, girlfriend and wife
Yunjin as your crush, girlfriend and wife
How members react to Sakura telling them that she's getting married with you
Them before and after going on a roller coaster with the Reader
Lunch invitation(Chaewon)(Fluff)
Them getting comfort from their S/O
The trust of the company (Soyeon) (fluff/slight angst)
Family Affair
Taeyeon as your older sister
Yoona as your wife
Taeyeon reaction to the Reader being her new manager
WJSN/Cosmic Girls
Exy as your wife
Gaeul kissing her S/O before a comeback show
Royal Au! - Royal!Reader trying to take back the empire from Queen! Eunbi (Kwon Eunbi)
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russett-pots · 2 years
your fav smut of every group/artist u stan?
Okay. I need to confess two things here. One I only read izone smuts and two I haven't been reading as much as I should. I just get off to the stuff I already know I like. So this is going to be a boring ask this time. Ill try to answer it as best as I can.
Izone (okay there are a ton of fics that I have read and which I loved). -@scherzonatic's exclusive scoop (has both Minju and Chaewon). I think this is one of the first fics I have ever read and my favorite hands down. So it is special in another way.
Ive - @iznsfw's First place (Gaeul).
Lesserafim (if you count stuff pre-lsf)- @writerpeach's High tension (Sakura)
Kwon Eunbi-@closedafterdark's Double Trouble
Kang Hyewon- Anothjer @scherzonatic work. Retaliation. Okay, this is Non-con but it is a prequel to one of my favorite fluffs.
Choi Yena- Okay idk if this counts. But it is more Minju but I loved the Yena scene. @scherzonatic's Daydream
Jo Yuri- Okay this is a foursome but if you like joyuriz then this is for you. Trio (IZ*ONE Yena & Chaewon & Yuri)
Twice- (I have stopped following twice before I read smuts. so I haven't read most of them.) @fillinforlater's Commitment (Dahyun). Lots of emotions when reading this.
Fromis_9-@akibaadmirer's Gyuphoria ft. fromis_9 Gyuri (fromtober Day 4). If you like dub-con and futa. this is for you.
Some honorable mentions for groups that I don't really follow but I have read something from them.
Oh My Girl-@ggidolsmuts's Penpals (Arin). Has a great sequel. Roleplaying
IU- @worldsover's Kinktober Day 16, Gangbang
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fillinforlater · 2 years
One year in the rearview mirror
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On September 12th 2021 I posted my very first k-pop fic. With the encouragement and editing help of my favorite writer @worldsover “Castle of A Thousand Spiders” became the start of my official Tumblr writing career. A journey which has been an absolute blast from the start and my chance to meet lot’s of talented, like-minded k-pop fans. 
Let’s take a short look back (I promise I won’t make this as long as I had planned out in my head. You all have other things to do in your lives xD)
Okay, to be honest, you now tapped the “Read more” line and I, uhm, have no clue what to do now. Like, do I just talk about my accomplishments? My development? Numbers and stats? All those amazing writers, editors, friends I met and made along the way? Do I just give big shout outs to you, the reader, who made this possible? Do I just post the BIG fic I have (almost) ready for you?
Dude, I have no idea xD I’d feel bad to leave out someone, to not mention something big and important or not praise all the amazing fics others have written over this one year span and way before that. I’m basically scrambling to find an idea. Hmmmmm.
I have something. I’ll just do a collection of Top 5′s for certain topics I like and maybe you will enjoy that. This is gonna be fanfic and k-pop focused as fuck and some lists are outdated, but whatever. Let’s get started!
Top 5 favorite K-Pop Songs of all Time
Damn, I love kpop. Of the 2079 Songs in my kpop playlist, hundred are deeply burned into my heart. Luckily, I regularly do lists to rank them and the current one is as follows.
5. Pray (I’ll Be Your Man) - BTOB
3. Answer - ATEEZ
1. We are Bulletproof: the Eternal - BTS
I fucking LOVE all these songs! Literally my favorites ever!
Next one:
Top 5 favorite K-Pop Groups
Disclaimer: this list is old. I will redo it in the (very) near future, so take it with a big grain of salt. This ranking will definitely change, but as of... 9 months ago... this is my Top 5:
5. NCT
4. Dreamcatcher
1. BTS
Up to the next:
Top 5 favorite K-Pop Idols
Those that know me as just the girl group smut writer, seeing BTS at No. 1 twice was probably kinda surprising. This will change now. No male idols in my Top 5! This does not make it easier to rank them... it’s impossible, I just adore them so much:
5. Kim Gaeul - IVE
4. Kwon Eunbi - IZ*ONE
3. Kim Dahyun - TWICE
2. Ahn Yujin - IVE
1. Kim Minju - IZ*ONE
(But that’s basically just two groups---yeah I don’t care lol)
Top 5 favorite Fanfics of myself
It’s kinda fun to ask myself this question and to compare how my own favorites stack up to my most popular pieces. Let’s take a look!
5. You asked for it ft. Yeojin (830 Notes! One of my most popular fics!)
4. Legendary Cookies ft. Yuri, Sakura, Eunbi, Hyewon, Minju (636 Notes! Nice!)
3. Blonde: Chapter I ft. Gaeul (female reader fluff) (155 Notes. Expected, but I really appreciate that there is people who like this :D)
2. Loathing Love: Lucky Loser ft. Eunbi, Hyewon (706 Notes! Insane!)
1. Classmating ft. Minju (689 Notes! Amazing!)
Top 5 favorite Fanfics of other writers
Yeah, no, that’s just impossible. Do not take this list as my ultimate statement on my favorite fics, I’ll just list 5 incredible fics y’all should read.
5. Crybaby by @iznsfw
4. Scoring Position by @writerpeach
3. Movie Night by @existslikepristin
2. Cherry Blossom Blooming and Aegyo Avoidance by @ggidolsmuts
1. Upper Floor Lower by @worldsover​
(ey, those are six---I could’ve only put Levi here, okay?!)
Dammit, it’s after midnight. I missed my own writer birthday hard lmao.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this. From 0 to 3360 in 365 days with one fic over 900 Notes! That’s just unbelievable. Thank you.
No wait.
THANK YOU! <3 <3 <3
I love you all. Stay awesome. 
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krp1x1finder · 9 months
hello! looking for long-term partners. i'm 25+ and only write with others who are 21+, so please keep that in mind! i go by she / her pronouns and live in the cst / gmt-6 time zone. [basics…] » i'd rather write on discord within our own private 1x1 server, but i'm open to writing on mewe and tumblr. » third-person p.o.v only. novella and multi-para are my go-to, but single-para can be used for quick scenes and one-liners are strictly for dm / text threads. i typically write two to six paragraphs on average, but i can write shorter or longer, depending on your preference or the plot / thread. » semi-active. due to work, other hobbies, health issues, and so on, my activity does fluctuate. i can usually write two to four replies a week, but this might dip or rise depending on what's going on. i'll communicate with you if i need to take longer to reply. i'm also understanding if my partner's busy, but i do expect some proper level of communication from you too. » i match my partner's energy. if you prefer to focus on plots and threads with minimal chatting, i can do that. if you prefer gushing about our muses, making pinterest boards, getting into world-building, etc., i can do that too. as long as we're both interested in our threads, i don't care. » continuing with the note above, if it seems like you're not interested or like i have to carry everything, i'm going to drop what we have going on. sorry, not into that. enthusiasm's needed.
[writing…] » i'm interested in everything: idolverse, au, original, and fandom-based plots. when it comes to genres / themes, i have a strong preference for horror, but i also love to write crime, fantasy, historical, sci-fi, and slice-of-life. i also love a heavy dose of angst with a smattering of fluff thrown in. » i have a long list of fandom-based au ideas, but i'll keep it limited to just these few for now: alice in wonderland, dead by daylight, kiki's delivery service, and princess mononoke. » darker topics and toxic dynamics are definitely welcome. we can discuss what we're open to writing, what's off limits, and any triggers before writing together. » mxm and fxf ships are highly preferred. i'm open to mxf pairs, but they do require doubling and matched enthusiasm. smut's welcome, but not necessary, and it can be vague, detailed, or fade-to-black. if smut becomes involved, i do prefer that it's more plot-based, but it's not required.
[faceclaims…] » i use faces from the following groups and soloists (excluding obviously problematic members). ult means they're my absolute favorite to write as and against, with interest leading downward from primary, secondary, and tertiary. — ult: monsta x, twice, wonho — primary: b.a.p, chungha, dpr ian, dreamcatcher, (g)i-dle, heize, highlight, oneus — secondary: bibi, corbyn, exid, got7, girl's generation, hyolyn, pentagon, wei, wjsn — tertiary: aespa, kang daniel, kingdom, kwon eunbi, onlyoneof, park jihoon, purple kiss, red velvet
» i'm NOT interested in writing against the following groups: ateez, big bang, blackpink, bts, exo, nct, stray kids, suju, and txt.
[end…] thank you for reading everything! if interested, please like this post and i'll reach out to you via tumblr dms!
🌸 !
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abby-grace · 11 months
Groups I Stan and My Biases
(I will write for any of these you wish! Feel free to ask anything! However, I will not write smut for any underage members in a group. Fluff and angst are acceptable.)
What I Won’t Write
•Ult Girl Group : Purple Kiss (Ireh)
•Ult Boy Group : Ateez (Jongho)
•Ult Female Soloist : JINI, Younha
•Ult Male Soloist : Eric Nam, Kim Woojin
.•EVERGLOW (Onda & Sihyeon)
•Red Velvet (Yeri)
•LUCY (Gwangil)
•Stray Kids (Changbin and I.N)
•Dreamcatcher (Handong)
•Dreamnote (Miso)
•Mamamoo (Wheein)
•H1-Key (Seoi)
•TXT (OT5)
•Enhypen (OT7)
•KARD (Jiwoo)
•TWICE (Dahyun and Mina)
•(G) I-DLE (Miyeon)
•Aespa (Giselle)
•Crossing Rain (Devin)
•ITZY (Yuna)
•NMIXX (Jiwoo)
•IVE (Yujin)
•Rolling Quartz (OT5)
•Le Sserafim (Sakura)
•VCHA (Kaylee)
•Primrose (Hayun)
•CRAXY (Hyejin)
•Chung Ha
•Kwon Eunbi
•Lee Chaeyeon
•Park Jihoon
Do not be scared to talk to me! I will gladly be friends! I’ll make an anon list too for those who would like it!
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b-na · 2 years
strawberry milk
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PAIRING: bff!yunjin x gn!reader
GENRE: one shot, fluff
DESCRIPTION: Y/N has a crush on their strawberry milk drinking best friend.
PLAYLIST: strawberry milk - zeph, don’t get the deal - beabadoobee, speed of love - kwon eunbi, head cheerleader - pom pom squad
a/n: imagine yunjin actually hating strawberry milk and we all find out after this,, embarrassing. either way please enjoy this fic, i worked hard on it🫶🫶 also the kid was kind of a reference to when chuu danced for those people at the park on their “date”/birthday celebration🤭
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I always see her sipping strawberry milk. Everyday when I enter the classroom I notice the little strawberry milk bottle on her desk. She always chats with her friends laughing at their jokes with the prettiest laugh in the galaxy. The way her nose scrunches mid laugh is probably the cutest thing in the world.
Our teacher had been so kind to seat me next to Yunjin during this term. Today, as usual, I see her sipping strawberry milk at her desk. As soon as she heard the door open she glued her eyes to the door. Her face lit up as she saw me.
“Y/N~ Girl! I missed you. Why didn’t you hangout with me yesterday?” she says as I sit down at my desk.
“I’m sorry, I really needed to study yesterday.” I told her with a small pout adorning my face.
“It’s okay~ We can do something today, after school. Okay?” she says as she envelopes me in a hug. I blush slightly at the contact before agreeing with a small nod.
As class starts I can’t help but get lost in my daydream. Imagining what it would be like if Yunjin saw me in the way that I see her. I spend hours and hours thinking about her lips, they look so soft and plump. I would kill to miss her, I bet they taste just as sweet as the strawberry milk she always drinks.
I stared at Yunjin for a little more before the teacher pulled me out of my daydream. “Y/N can you please tell me what I just went through?” Honestly, no. But being the stubborn person I am, I couldn't tell him that.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Yunjin pointing to a quotation in her notebook with her pencil. “Yes sir, you were telling us how life without gravity would be.” The teacher seemed satisfied and turned back to the board. I smiled gratefully at Yunjin. Oh, could you please notice me.
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I stand waiting by the cherry blossom trees that Yunjin and I agreed to meet at. Mid spring is the perfect time to admire the beautiful scenery of Korea. Or have a picnic, so that's what we are doing. I bought some of our favorite snacks from over the years, umeboshi, yellow kiwi, blueberries, choco songi and, of course, strawberry milk.
“Y/N!” Yunjin called as she sped towards the tree. “You prepared all of this? I thought we were just going to take a walk or something, this is so sweet.” she smiled.
“Well, anything for you.” I replied with the same look mirroring on my face.
As we sit down to eat I hear a little gleeful screech “You brought strawberry milk!” I look at Yunjin to see her face in complete delight. She pokes the straw through the lid of the little bottle. I smile at the scene unfolding in front of me. Cute.
We sat there chatting about everything and anything, schoolwork, music, and sports (Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. Sports? Sports. Yunjin likes them and therefore, I’ll talk about them.) and eating our picnic snacks for a little while before hearing a small “Excuse me.” I look up to see the face of a small child, maybe around 4-5 years old.
“Hi, how can I help you?” Yunjin asks with a small smile painting her face.
“Are you guys on a date? I've heard that two people on a picnic are usually on a date! You guys are so cute!” he quickly spat out with a cheerful tone. “Congratulations on your date,” she yelled out whilst dancing. “Con, grat, ula, ti, ons, on your date!” she danced out whilst punctuating every syllable in the word before running off again.
I sucked in a breath. She didn’t say that, did she? I must be dreaming. “What?” I whispered back looking into her eyes.
“We could be cute together, like a couple. I like you, a lot. And honestly I think I always have. You mean the world to me so, won't you give me a chance? Just one, if it doesn’t work out then we can just be friends but I’d like to try this too.”
It felt like my world stopped. Yunjin likes me. She likes me back and she always has. I really must be dreaming. I quickly pinch myself to see if I was in fact dreaming. Yunjin laughs at my reaction and I muster up a reply, “I would give you my whole heart but you stole it in advance so, yes I will gladly go out with you.”
Yunjin quickly engulfs me in a tight hug. This feels unreal. Life can change so quickly but I guess romance is just so sweet like strawberry milk.
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vex91 · 1 year
IZ*ONE Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff (s) - smut
Kwon Eunbi:
Nothing yet...
Miyawaki Sakura:
- Let's share (f)
- Now you have me (af)
Kang Hyewon:
Nothing yet...
Choi Yena:
- Irresistible (f)
- Things you do because of love (f)
- Taste of a lie (a)
- A little delay (f) (s)
Lee Chaeyeon:
Nothing yet...
Kim Chaewon:
- Lover (smau)
- I'm here (af)
- Let's share (f)
- Lesson (Yandere AU) (f) (s)
Kim Minju:
Nothing yet...
Yabuki Nako:
Nothing yet...
Honda Hitomi:
Nothing yet...
Jo Yuri:
Nothing yet...
Ahn Yujin:
- What's After Like? (smau)
- Matchmaker (smau)
- Dance with me (f)
- I only need you (f)
- More than good enough (af)
- Sulky puppy (af)
- You're mine (f)
- Always have (af)
- Fan (f)
- Knight in shining armor (Royal AU) (f)
- Regular customer (f)
- We'll make this work (Highschool AU) (f)
- A visitor (f)
- Deal (Vampire AU) (f)
- Skater girl (f)
- The best one (f) (s)
- Next time think twice (f) (s)
- I'll make it quick (f) (s)
- Clothes (f)
- Fading future (Non Idol AU) (a)
- Attractive neighbor (Non Idol AU) (f) (s)
- Race (Racer AU) (f)
- I don't want to lose you (Apocalypse AU) (af)
Jang Wonyoung:
- Matchmaker (smau)
- Smile through the pain (a)
- Serious (af)
Nothing yet...
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