#krav maga techniques
tj-crochets · 1 year
What plushie should I make next? I feel like designing a plushie pattern but idk what to make
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think i’m gonna get back into martial arts when i move to japan. maybe ju-jitsu, maybe judo. think it’d be a wasted opportunity to not learn a japanese martial art while actually in japan.
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ejcmedia · 3 months
Self-défense : les femmes ripostent contre les violences
En 2023, Féminicides 2024 décomptait 102 femmes tuées sous les coups de leur conjoint et/ou ex-conjoint. Déjà plus de 14 depuis le début de l’année 2024. La parole se libère, mais les chiffres sont toujours là. Pour pouvoir faire face au risque d’agression, certaines femmes choisissent de se tourner vers la self-défense.  Les adhérents de l’école ESFK de Cannes écoutent avec assiduité les…
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fitdefenseteam · 4 months
FitDefense Krav Maga Training Center
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Website: https://www.fitdefenseteam.com
Address: 869B Oak Street, Ludlow, KY, USA
FitDefense Krav Maga Training Center is a self-defense academy specializing in Krav Maga. They offer personalized training for fitness and self-defense goals under the guidance of experienced trainers. Their programs include individual sessions, small group sessions, and classes that focus on real-world self-defense scenarios, empowering individuals with skills and confidence for self-protection. The center also provides specialized training like women's self-defense and child anti-bullying programs.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fitdefense.fit.selfdefense
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fit_defense
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Krav Maga training
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Krav Maga training near me
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Custom fitness plans
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Advanced Krav Maga techniques
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Krav Maga for all ages
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kravmagamaleh · 4 months
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(via GIPHY)
“Why Krav Maga Maleh effective for selfdefense” Krav Maga Maleh Location: Ramat Gan, Israel 5211401 Contact us: (972) 050-533816 Email us: [email protected] Check our website here: https://www.guykrav.com/
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prosopagn0sis-a · 1 year
Welp, Niragi wants me dead now. My plan of helping him score a date with Kuina failed and now he'll probably hunt me down with his rifle. Please protect me Unmei! Don't let him send me to the Borderlands, I'm too young to die!😭
as long as he keeps you on gunpoint, he doesn't want you dead — if he did, he would've shot you right away. usually the opressor wants something from you, if you're not instantly dead. give it to them. always.
not sure how to protect you from an assault or sniper rifle, but up close i don't see a problem. with his eyes gauged, niragi won't too.
first self-defense lesson i've learned is to run. if you can't run, you hide. if you can't run and can't hide, then you kill. and if i say run, you run. keep that in mind, sabby.
— fate
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kravmagaexpertsnyc · 1 year
Krav Maga Experts offers a comprehensive self-defense training program for kids.
Our program is designed to teach kids how to recognize, avoid, and if necessary, defend themselves against potential threats. Self Defense for Kids is very important, we teach kids practical self-defense techniques that help them build confidence and increase their awareness of their surroundings. Our classes are designed to be fun and engaging while teaching essential self-defense skills. We focus on developing physical skills such as balance, coordination, and strength, as well as mental skills such as focus, concentration, and decision-making.
Our goal is to empower kids with the confidence and skills they need to stay safe in any situation.
Tips of the day:
1. Stay Alert: Stay aware of your surroundings and any potential threats. Keep your head up and walk with confidence.
2. Avoid Confrontation: If possible, try to avoid potentially dangerous situations by walking away and avoiding conflict.
3. Speak Up: Use your words to try and defuse a situation. Speak firmly and confidently and don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself.
4. Make Noise: Yell, scream, and draw attention to yourself if you feel threatened.
5. Know Your Weak Spots: Learn the weak spots on the body so you can target them if necessary.
6. Use Everyday Items: Be creative and use everyday items like keys, pens, or umbrellas to distract and/or defend yourself.
7. Use Your Body: Use your body as a weapon if necessary. Elbows, knees and feet can be used to defend yourself.
8. Practice Self-Defense: Take a self-defense class or practice the techniques you’ve learned so that you can be prepared if you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation.
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shallowrambles · 2 years
Dad - Bruce Lee and the Jeet Kune Do system heavily influenced 60s and 70s military. It taught that real combat is unpredictable and chaotic, and to beware martial arts becoming rigid, unrealistic and flashy like dancing (dancing often looks better on film after all).
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Okay, so I'm kinda loving the thought of the Batfam having their signature fighting style or preferred combat system.
I can absolutely imagine Jason as a boxer; Heavy hitting, fast feet, quick movements, very deeply rooted in his street fighting? Yes, yes, just yes; Jason is a big guy, but he's fast like a mouse and punches like ten men. He learned to box from Catherine
I feel like Dick wanted to put his agility and acrobatic training to good use when he first started as Robin, so the best fighting style foe that would be Muay Thai; It's a precision based boxing style in Thailand. Lots of leg, arms, elbows, oh my! I think Hapkido would fit him well too
Gonna say Kung Fu for Tim simply because it's so inclusive that everyone can learn it, and I feel like maybe he felt a bit insecure about his height at first? But Alfred doesn't polish to be clean, he polishes to Sparkle. Cue Kung Fu Panda montage
Gotta go with Krav Maga for Damian; It's practically one big potluck of kicking ass techniques. It's also the first style he PICKS by himself, and it's very special to him
BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU FOR CASS. HANDS DOWN. ABSOLUTE UNIT. also best fighter in the family. Fight me. Most advantaged, too. Girl is a human Xerox
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baeddel · 9 months
when i was a child i liked combat sports; i took martial arts classes (i forget which form) and i competed in fencing. i had to stop when i went to highschool because we didn't have time for it anymore. after leaving highschool i met a girl who did boxing and i planned to go and sign up at her gym to learn it with her, but i became too ill and it never happened. still, it had reignited my interest in combat sports and i would talk about it with people. i told one guy that i liked the look of Muay Thai; he expressed a common view, which was that martial arts like this sucked, because they were impractical in a real fight. he liked Krav Maga because it was real.
[long-ish post about fighting]
and i always objected to that kind of thinking! look here: it's true that much of the game which is played on the mat is produced by the restrictions placed on combatants. even in a very permissive sport like MMA, the great importance of ground fighting to that sport is produced by the restriction on fish-hooks and head kicks. thus, you can say that even these fights 'aren't real' in some sense. but how often are you ever going to be in a fight where you're willing to rip the other guy's cheek out, gouge out his eyes and so forth? Krav Maga was first developed for Jews to defend themselves from anti-semitic mobs in the 1930s. i know that some of you have certainly been in fights like that; but not all fights are that existentially serious. even in fights where there is such a high level of emnity there are often factors which restrain the fight from becoming an existential one. if you live somewhere that fascists are embedded and you blind one of theirs in a fight you might expect retribution; likewise you would be guilty of a felony and might get in real trouble. apprehensions like this might stay your hand—and already you are engaging in a kind of combat which is to some extent governed by extra-martial rules that produce a to some extent artificial situation.
of course, some martial arts will be more useful to know in the kind of combat games you are likely to play even so, and Muay Thai has not suddenly become more useful than Krav Maga on the basis of what i said. but i think that it is common to 1. underestimate the usefulness of even highly artifical combat sports, like fencing, and 2. overstate the utility of various 'self-defence' techniques, especially blinding, because the artificial, rules-governed nature of real fights is forgotten.
on point one, i would always credit my fencing experience with my success at fighting in highschool. i would sometimes even adopt the pose—one hand back, foot pointed forward—and people would (jokingly) say, 'it's [her] style! [she's] the fencer!' this part was not really useful; these fights were between friends and featured no emnity; we wanted to entertain the crowd, so there was a certain amount of kayfabe. but we were teenagers and behaved badly; once blows began we really hurt each other, and i even sent a few kids to the hospital (one with a concussion and the other with a wounded leg). plus, secret feelings of jealousy and resentment could be awakened during the course of the fight, so more emnity was felt as the fight grew more serious. what i thought really helped me from all the fencing matches was simply the sparring experience. when another living person attacks you without relenting, watches your movements for openings, and tries to stop whatever you do to them, it's difficult not to be overwhelmed and confused. being able to keep a level head, comprehend the situation and make decisions in the moment gave me an advantage over less experienced friends.
on the second point, i had older male friends who gave me a lot of advice that i can now recognize was plainly bad advice. for example, a girl i had a crush on had an older brother who always gave me and her other friends a hard time. i hated him so much i wanted to do something about him. so my friend told me that when fighting a larger and stronger opponent, i should do this... and this... a lot of techniques that had i really gone and done it would have left him permanently blind and disfigured. how do you think my crush would have felt if i went and did all that to her brother? these 'real' street fighting techniques were not useful in a real fight—a fight with stakes proportional to my real situation. when i did end up in situations with existential stakes (you know the stories) these techniques did nothing for me, since i would be alone against multiple attackers, or the other guy had frightening connections, or there was an asymmetry of power (who teaches 'defense against a guy in a car'?). in all cases the only wothwhile advice i ever got was this: you cannot run away in high heels.
similarly, when we had our low-stakes fights at school, the crowd would call out for me to punch the other guy in the face, or to kick him when he was down. afterwards they were disappointed that i didn't 'really go for him.' all this kind of talk really got to me; i would be standing there, facing my opponent and saying to myself, 'do it! do it!' in the end i never punched anyone in the face or tried any kind of dirty fighting at all. for this i hated myself so much. i was furious with myself; i would sit down and be angry at myself for a long time. i considered myself a coward and a weakling because i wouldn't go 'all in.' i didn't 'have the guts.' actually, what i felt was compassion for another person, and it was not a contemptable restraint at all. what was i trying to do—what was i trying to become? i think this is a way you can be misled by the discourse around 'real fighting.'
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thedhampirchallenge · 22 days
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Given Rose Hathaway's character traits and the demands of her role as a Dhampir guardian in the "Vampire Academy" series, her fitness routine would likely focus on strength, agility, endurance, and combat skills. Here's a customized fitness routine inspired by Rose Hathaway:
Dynamic Stretching: Perform dynamic stretches to warm up your muscles and increase flexibility. Include leg swings, arm circles, lunges with a twist, and torso twists.
Cardiovascular Warm-Up: Start with 5-10 minutes of light cardio such as jogging, jumping jacks, or high knees to increase your heart rate and blood flow.
Main Workout:
Strength Training:
Bodyweight Exercises: Perform push-ups, squats, lunges, and burpees to build overall strength.
Resistance Training: Incorporate exercises like weighted squats, deadlifts, rows, and chest presses to further develop strength.
Core Work: Include planks, Russian twists, and leg raises to strengthen the core.
Agility and Speed:
Agility Drills: Set up an agility ladder or cones and perform drills such as ladder drills, shuttle runs, and lateral jumps to improve agility and speed.
Sprinting: Add sprints or interval training to your routine to enhance cardiovascular endurance and speed.
Combat Skills Training:
Martial Arts: Practice martial arts techniques such as punches, kicks, and blocks. Consider training in disciplines like kickboxing, Krav Maga, or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Self-Defense Drills: Work on self-defense scenarios, including escaping holds, defending against attacks, and mastering defensive maneuvers.
Endurance Work:
Long-Distance Running: Incorporate longer runs or endurance-based cardio activities like cycling or swimming to improve cardiovascular endurance and stamina.
Cool Down:
Stretching: Spend 10-15 minutes stretching major muscle groups to improve flexibility and prevent muscle soreness. Focus on stretches for the legs, back, shoulders, and arms.
Breathing Exercises: Finish with deep breathing exercises or meditation to promote relaxation and recovery.
Aim to do this workout routine at least 3-4 times per week, with rest days in between to allow for recovery.
Rotate between different types of workouts to avoid plateaus and keep your routine dynamic and challenging.
Remember to listen to your body and adjust the intensity and duration of exercises according to your fitness level. Stay hydrated, fuel your body with nutritious foods, and get adequate rest to support your fitness goals./
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c28hunter · 5 months
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Okay you're just tempting me to talk about martial arts (pls never stop-) and I actually had to think about it a bit, but here are my thoughts:
For the record I am assuming that before this "sparring" they both had a bit of training
In a scenario where it is Bojan Vs Nace, I honestly assume that Nace would've had at least a bit more advantage to himself.
First of all, Nace has a big range of motion. In this case his height would play to his advantage as he'd be able to keep Bojan at a distance. Then why did I say that Kris would've lost? Because of balance my friends. Nace has strong legs (we've all seen the thighs, haven't we?). This gives him a steadier position and Bojan who is way shorter, would have a lot of trouble trying to bring Nace to the ground. The only problem is that Nace himself once said that he's slow, which could've caused him some problems during the fight. But as long as he'd be keeping a good distance, Bojan wouldn't be a big problem.
Now to Bojan, who I assume prefers fighting on the ground. As someone who is "similarly built" (aka strong, martial arts legs, similar height) I can say that trying to knock someone as tall as Nace over is VERY difficult. You need a good timing and a good technique to be successful. So Bojan would have to try to close the distance (that works for Nace's advantage), which would be pretty risky. Again, on the ground, Nace is stronger than Bojan, or at least bigger, so if Bojan wouldn't have been fast enough and pinned Nace with his knees (knees out on the shoulders, I've been in such position once, you can't do anything in that scenario) Nace would pretty easily flip the situation and be on top of Bojan. Bojan's speed is his biggest hope here. Moving quickly, throwing fast punches. That would've been the best strategy.
And who would win? Well I don't know.
I've seen duels like that and the ending really depends on who makes the first mistake or who is less confident in their abilities. The first person who starts being avoidant, or unfocused is the one to lose and in this scenario I don't know who it would be. I'd watch this fight with a lot of popcorn, really
Bear in mind that it is just my opinion! I could be completely wrong!
And to @flananjan , YOU GO GIRL (gn) GO TRY MARTIAL ARTS! I'd really suggest taking up Krav Maga, because it is like a mix of all martial arts, but with only the simplest and most useful techniques. It really doesn't require a lot of strength (you'll build it up while training). It really brings a lot of good fun and kind of useful skills so, I recommend with my whole heart!
I know nothing about archery tho hah. There is an ongoing joke in my sports club (where we also have archery lessons) that I am prohibited from entering archery lessons after I hit an old, fancy chest with an arrow twice in a row. So yeah, I'd rather not touch a bow
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Bridget Fortuné
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“Life is a wheel of fortune and it’s my turn to spin”
Name: Bridget Bébhinn Fortuné
Nickname(s):  B (by everyone) Love, Dear, Bumblebee, Honeybee, Princess, Sweetheart (By Koushi), BB (by close friends).
Alias(es): Bloody B (in St. Trinians), The Wildfire Beauty, Miss Fortuné (In volleyball).
Gender:  Female
Sexuality: Straight
Ethnicity: Irish and Japanese
Blood Type:  B
Age: 17
Birthday: Nov 1
Hair:  Wavy scarlet hair that reaches to her mid-back
Eyes:  Emerald green
Height: 165 cm
Skin: Snow White
Body: Curvy but athletic
Piercing(s): Just her ears, green drop earrings.
Scar(s):  Numerous faded battle scars
Other: She has apple shaped birthmark on her neck.
Occupation:  Student
School:  Karasuno
Year:  2
Class: 1
Club(s): Boys Volleyball 
Number:  13
Role/Position:  Wing spiker
Attendance Record:  Semi good
Average Grade: B
STATISTICS (out of 5)
Power: 5/5  
Jumping: 5/5  
Stamina: 5/5  
Game Sense (ability to 'predict' or 'sense' the opponents next move): 3/5  
Technique: 4 /5  
Speed: 5/5  
Overall (total): 27/30
Personality:  Bridget is adventurous and bold. She has a strong sense of equality, often understanding and sympathetic when listening to their problems. She's generally honest although not open-ended, she can be blunt and hurtful at times but will do everything to make up to the person she hurt.
She's a passionate individual. Every challenge she does is meet with enthusiasm, something she shares with her cousin. Bridget is forget, forgive, and move on rather quickly, seeing holding grudges a waste of time, but there some exceptions such as disrespecting her. family and friends and cheating of any kind. Her ex cheated on her, she was so furious she was tempt to burn his house if Shoyo didn’t intervene, instead she burned his bike.
Bridget is rather motherly, a trait she gained from taking care of her younger brother and sometimes her cousins. But there are times she can’t help but tease them.
She’s intelligent but can still fall victim in some things, such as spelling eyes.
She’s remarkably persuasive, a talent she uses to get her and her friends out of trouble. But she’ll never exploit it.
Though normally calm, her temper sometimes gets the best of her. This is especially true during games when an opposing teams likes to taunt her and often say degrading things on why she’s on the boys VBC. This makes her spike the ball harder to the point it would break the floor and cause her to get bench to cool off her anger.
Bridget is head over heels in love with Koushi, she’s extremely clingy and overly affectionate towards him and vice versa. Whenever another girl tries to flirt with him, she’ll subtly lay her claim on him by wrapping her arms around him and holding him tight. If they still don’t get the hint she’ll make out with him, it will grow more intense if they still try to flirt with him making others to tell them to back in in fear they’ll have sex in front of them.
Likes:  Her family and friends, Koushi, volleyball, Irish stew, swords, her horse Nightmare, eating, boxing, video games, music, baking.
Dislikes: Her ex, harm to her friends and family, cheating of any kind, girls being flirty to Koushi, guys thinking she’s easy, heels, spoilers, rotten food, wasting food, stereotypes, being called dumb.
Hobbies: Kickboxing, Krav Maga, baking, watching movies, fencing, knitting, crocheting, cooking, horse riding, sewing, hunting, listening to music, singing, playing video games.
Goal(s): To be Koushi’s wife and a stay at mom/baker.
Current concerns: Buying make up to fit her skin to cover Koushi’s hickeys.
Mother(s):  Moira Fortuné 
Father(s):  Daiki Fortuné 
Sibling(s):  Finn Fortuné (younger brother)
Relative(s): Shoyo Hinata and Natsu Hinata (Cousins). Mrs, Hinata (aunt).
Friend(s): Karasuno volleyball team, a few people from other volleyball teams, Yukie Shirofuku, Kaori Suzumeda, Citrine Knight, Aster MacDonnell and some girls from St. Trinians.
Best Friend(s):  Kiyoko Shimuzu, Hitoka Yachi, Heather O’Cleary, Cat Tamami, Irene Song, Teresa Diamandis, Juliette Chaveleir, Skyla Barretto.
Love Interest(s):  Koushi Sugawara
Rival(s):  Wakatoshi Ushijima (in volleyball).
Pet(s): Her Irish Draught, Nightmare.
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ryuzakemo128 · 8 months
The Boys Headcanons Part 1
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Masterlist // Other Stuff I have written
Dividers Used: Link
Trigger Warning: NSFW Headcanons included. Read at own risk. Slight angst.
Author's Note: If you want more of these headcanons for either the female reader or female reader with a character let me know.
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Lineage Headcanons~
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Her parents, Katarina and Ivan were also known as "The Russian Titans" known for their superhuman strength, superhuman durability, and their ability to manipulate and control the elements. Katarina had the power to summon and control lightning, while Ivan possessed the ability to manipulate and shape earth and stone.
Her older brother, Mikhail was born in 1950, born with Superhuman strength, superhuman durability and agility. Mikhail was the golden child who couldn't do wrong.
Much like their second eldest, Aleksandr which was born in 1955, much like his predecessors had Superhuman strength, superhuman durability and agility. He also had the ability to manipulate and control water.
Katarina and Ivan had twin daughters, Yelena and Octavia, born in 1958. Yelena inherited her mother's ability to manipulate and control electricity. She had precise control over lightning, which she could use to devastating effect. Yelena could disable electronics, create electrical barriers, and even use lightning as a weapon.
Octavia inherited her father Ivan's power to manipulate and shape earth and stone. This allowed her to move mountains, create seismic tremors, and shape the ground at will. Her abilities allowed her to create powerful barriers, control the terrain during battles, and unleash destructive earthquakes when needed.
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Back Story Based Headcanons
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Marianna was born in 1966, youngest member of the Volkova family, she got the Superhuman Strength, agility, speed and durability due to a unique combination of her bloodline being carefully selective and enhanced through advanced genetic engineering techniques. However her aging is so slow, appearing to be frozen in time when Vought Corporation discovered her when she was in an exchange student program in 1981 in New York, she was in high school still at the time and she said she'd consider it further once she graduated.
She trained in Sambo, Systema and Krav Maga even after her teen years passed by.
She got into cage fighting because her brothers introduced her to it to hope it would be enough to direct her hyperactivity somewhere else or in their words. "To ensure she would not burn the house down."
Despite her formidable physical abilities, Marianna had always felt like an outsider within her own family. While her siblings possessed unique elemental powers, she only had her enhanced physicality to rely on. This led her to develop a relentless drive to prove herself and find her place in the world.
Up until a fight with her brother, she only knew she had superhuman strength, agility, speed, and durability. But during that fight, something unexpected happened. She mimicked her older brother's Mikhail's powers. Which left her afraid, even after her older brother tried to comfort her. She was terrified when it happened the first time which led to her hiding for three days in her bedroom, refusing to come out.
During those three days, her older brother Mikhail told their parents what happened, and they decided to seek the help of Dr. Jonah Vogelbaum, a renowned scientist and expert in superhuman abilities. Dr. Vogelbaum conducted extensive tests on Marianna and discovered that she possessed the unique ability to mimic and absorb the powers of other superhumans. This ability had never been seen before and was a result of the advanced genetic engineering techniques used on her bloodline.
Driven by curiosity and the desire to understand her newfound abilities, Marianna agreed to undergo further experimentation under Dr. Vogelbaum's guidance. Over the next few years, she trained rigorously to control and harness her mimicry powers. She learned to selectively absorb the powers of other superhumans, allowing her to access their abilities temporarily.
Homelander and Marianna met the first time in 1991, when she was 25 and he was 10, they met the first time during a Vought-sponsored event where Marianna was demonstrating her powers to a select audience.
Between those events she got into wrestling, UFC, and other combat sports, using her enhanced physical abilities and newly acquired mimicry powers to dominate her opponents. She quickly gained fame and became a celebrated figure in the world of competitive fighting.
She became known as "The Silver Devil" in 1994, she was also given another title by butcher as "The Chameleon Warrior.", Frenchie called her "The Shapeshifter Queen,", Kimiko referred to her as "Sister."
Homelander's second encounter with her was in 2005, he was 24 years old and she was 39 years old. During an event which showed off her progress in terms of her mimicry, which was far more advanced than the last time she showed it off. Marianna's mimicry powers had evolved to a level where she could seamlessly absorb and utilize the powers of multiple superhumans at once. This impressive demonstration caught Homelander's attention, and he couldn't help but be intrigued by her abilities.
Marianna agreed to more testing and she was working on a Forensics Pathologist PhD at the same time, which allowed her to contribute to the scientific understanding of superhuman abilities. She became a valuable asset to Vought Corporation, assisting in the analysis of superhuman DNA and helping to develop new methods for enhancing and controlling powers.
Soldier Boy and Marianna met after he woke up in 2022, her statement of, "Welcome back to the land of the living old man." was a playful greeting as she approached Soldier Boy, who had just woken up from a long slumber. Marianna, still in her prime at 56 years old, had become a respected and influential figure within Vought Corporation. Her extensive knowledge of superhuman abilities, combined with her own unique mimicry powers, made her an invaluable asset in their pursuit of enhancing and controlling powers. She also stated, "A lot of things changed since you went to sleep in 84',"
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NSFW Headcanons
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Marianna plays heavy metal whenever she fucks, she specifically plays songs from either Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Metallica or Pantera.
She's a switch when it comes to being a dom or sub.
She has no problem using the safe word "red" if things get too intense.
She watches porn and she isn't ashamed to admit it either.
She has no problem with dirty talk. As long as she is not called a slut.
She is very open minded sexually.
Marianna is rather open with her bisexuality.
She had at least three previous partner's in her life time.
She's not ashamed of what she likes or how she likes it.
She doesn't have any problems with age differences.
She does not have any hangups about size differences.
She knows her limits and she will tell you about them.
She loves to tease men and women.
She loves to be blindfolded during sex.
She is also into hentai just much as porn.
She has a praise kink.
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Homelander x Marianna Headcanons
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Met again during Vought Sponsor event which featured Marianna as "The Silver Devil." For a Vought sponsored event, Marianna and Homelander are on the same team. They must work together to complete a series of challenges during the event. As they work together, they begin to respect and appreciate each other's abilities.
Likes to call him "Blondie" in reference to his blonde hair. Not to make fun of him, it was just the nickname that she felt was appropriate given the lack of information she had about him.
Marianna is the only person who can truly see Homelander as he is, good and bad. She's not judgmental and doesn't tolerate his nonsense.
Homelander and Marianna have a complicated relationship. They are both incredibly powerful Supes. However, they have very different approaches to using their powers. While Marianna is more playful and mischievous, Homelander is often ruthless and power-hungry.
Marianna has a great deal of fun teasing Homelander and poking fun at his ego. She knows that he is sensitive about his public image, yet she also understands that he secretly enjoys the attention she draws to him.
Homelander likes the way she expresses her disappointment in others, the way she raises an eyebrow and looks the human or supe up and down. She would also cross her arms if it was a supe or facepalm if it was a human. The sarcastic comments of "Sure, Let's go with that one, what's the harm in that?" or "I know you're making a mistake, but I'm not going to stop you." or "No, here I thought it would be good idea for your 'brilliant' plan. Go on lets hear it then."
If it happened to be a supe who had drawn her ire, Marianna would also cross her arms, a gesture that exuded authority and dominance. It was a physical manifestation of her disapproval, a non-verbal message that said, "You're not impressing anyone with that display."
7. However there have been moments were she was also rather dark, intimidating and relentless. These moments were rare like the moon's eclipse or a supermoon. In these moments she was well and truly angry. As its more of silent and brooding type of anger that simmers inside of her. Compared to his overt displays of aggression. The louder 'angry' parts were not her actually angry. It was just her pretending to be angry.
An Example of this was the aftermath of a rather bloody fight, Homelander walked in on the aftermath of it rather than the other way around with her seeing it. Her suit was covered in blood, despite the fact that it was black and the blood wasn't obvious due the two shades being rather dark. She wasn't wearing her mask, so her face was covered by it. She would just stand there for a solid fifteen minutes, staring at the bodies around her. "It's a shame it came to this, but at least it is done." she stated after fifteen minutes taking her glaive from one of them.
8. At a party at the home of a Vought executive, Homelander and Marianna are both invited. At the party, they meet a group of Supes who are all in the process of making an impression on each other. Homelander dislikes their superficiality and arrogance, but Marianna enjoys their antics.
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Marianna's Behaviour Headcanons
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To a human who is being cruel to another human, she might raise an eyebrow and give them a once-over, as if to say:
"Really? You're going to pick on someone weaker than you? That's pathetic."
"You're so insecure that you have to put others down to make yourself feel better?"
"You're so pathetic, I'm not even going to waste my time on you."
"You're so brave, picking on someone who can't defend themselves. Why don't you go find someone your own size?"
"You're so pathetic, I'm actually starting to pity you."
"Is everything alright at home? Maybe you should take a step back and look at your own life before you judge someone else's."
"Congratulations! You've just won the award for the biggest jerk on the planet."
"Go home, both of you, before you hurt yourselves."
To a Supe who is using their powers for evil, she might give them a cold stare and say:
"You're supposed to be a hero. What the hell are you doing?"
"Please, don't hurt yourself with that ego of yours."
"Oh, you're so powerful and invincible. I'm sure nothing could ever go wrong."
"Oh, look at you, Mr. High and Mighty Supe. You think you're so much better than humans, but you're nothing more than a bully."
"I hope you enjoy being a monster, because that's what you're becoming."
"You're supposed to be a protector, not a bully. How pathetic."
 "Why don't you go find someone your own size? Oh, wait, you can't, because you're all cowards."
"Oh, that's perfectly normal. After all, you're a superhero. You can do whatever you want, right?"
"You're abusing your power. You should be ashamed of yourself."
"You're making all of us look bad. Stop it."
"You're a disgrace to all Supes."
"Maybe you should go back to where you came from."
To a supe picking on another Supe:
"What's the matter, kitten? Did someone steal your boyfriend?"
"Are you trying to prove something?"
"Is this your idea of a good time?"
"You're not very good at this, are you?"
"Why don't you just give up now?"
"I'm not sure what's more pathetic: the fact that you're picking on someone your own size, or the fact that you're doing it in front of an audience."
"Are you trying to impress your mommy and daddy?"
"Are you trying to make yourself feel better by putting someone else down?"
"Maybe you should stop wasting everyone's time and go back to whatever hole you crawled out of."
"Act your age not your damn shoe size."
To a Supe who is using their powers for evil and is about to kill Marianna:
"Do you really think you're getting away with this? There are people who care about me. They'll find you and make you pay."
"You're going to hell for this."
"I'm not afraid of you."
"You're not going to win."
"I forgive you."
"You're a disgrace to the Vought name."
"You're not a hero. You're a villain."
"You're no better than the criminals you're supposed to be fighting."
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Bedroom Headcanons
Marianna has rubber ducks of different colours in a row on a display shelf. She owns at least 13 small rubber ducks so far.
She also has a poster of a giant duck with the word pathetic on it. On the door outside of her bedroom. [Reference]
She has a three monitor computer set-up office across from her bedroom. Which was consider an extension of her bedroom as there was only a curtain separating the two.
She has a draw full of precious gemstones that she likes the most.
The following were inside of the draw: Black Opal, Fire Opal, Crystal Opal, White Opal, Opalite, Sodalite, Azurite, Larimar, Malachite, Bloodstone, Moss Agate and a few others that are quite rare.
5. She has at least four polar bear faux blankets for winter stuffed into the drawers underneath her king sized bed. Just in case the thinner blankets she usually has on her bed wasn't enough.
6. She has a walk in wardrobe of mostly black clothes, the only clothes that are of other colours used to belong to her older brother Mikhail or Aleksandr.
7. She loves getting men's shirts with graphic prints on them to wear to bed and she has a large collection of them inside her wardrobe.
8. The two lamps on either side of her bed on the end tables are in the shape of one of her favourite flowers called, "Lily of the Valley." [Reference Picture].
9. She prefers to have either silk or satin bed sheets in either the colour burgundy red or black.
10. Most of the paintings in her bedroom are painted by her mother.
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So, Agitation 3.11. That sure was something.
I have to say, I did not expect Amy to randomly be in the bank. Or for her and Victoria to actually be relevant so early. I... don't know what I did expect, really. Certainly not Amy with a fire extinguisher. Or the fatphobia. I assume that's mostly just a wildbowism, right?
Interesting take on telepaths too. It's reasonable, and realistic, but I wouldn't really expect it given the extent of other powers. The real question is though, would Lisa have thought to use that as her deception / stalling technique if Taylor hadn't been talking about Endbringers in the car on the way over? I mean, doylistically it's just a convenient way to drip-feed tidbits about the supposed highest tier of powers over several chapters long before they become relevant, and that's good to do, but things with only doylist reasons aren't interesting.
It is interesting, though, that not only are Endbringers known in general, specific ones are known and they seem to be treated as continuous, long-term threats rather than one-time targeted "fuck this city in particular" disasters. Beautiful angel robot lady my beloved <3 and she's definitely not mind-controlling me to type that. I am simply gay.
Also, just a side note, Amy doesn't necessarily need to actually call Glory Girl in to help. The whole time I was seeing this I was just thinking "oh yeah one handed knife to the throat from behind, I can handle that" and I guess what I'm saying here is, Amy should take krav maga classes. You just reach up the with the same side hand, past the attacker's hand, and use your whole arm to rip downward at the knife hand. That buys you a fraction of a second but it's enough to tuck your chin and bring your shoulder up between the knife and your face, and then you bring your opposite side foot behind and out while your other hand comes up to join the first in controlling the knife, and then you lean forward and to the side to pivot through under the attacker's arm (still holding their hand with both of yours) and then: oh would you look at that, your attacker is off balance and the knife is perfectly lined up toward their ribs! How convenient.
...Sorry, got a bit sidetracked there. I like krav maga. It's fun and useful.
Anyway, New Wave is totally a cult. I don't trust that shit at all. First, that's a really big family Victoria mentions being able to come after Taylor, and if the whole group is traumatized enough to have powers... that's not a good sign. And if they're unrelated (not even by formal adoption) and just call each other familial terms, that's also creepy and cultlike in this context. No secret identities, no privacy whatsoever, that's practically enough to trigger people by itself, and then there's Victoria just casually mentioning that her only limit is what she thinks she can get away with, rather than any actual morals about hurting people... I stand by my earlier assessment in the interlude.
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lord-squiggletits · 9 months
If you're ever curious about how self defense martial arts works, be it out of wanting to learn, needing to write it for a fight scene, or just plain curiosity
One of my favorite lessons from my Sifu was me asking, "So as a short and small woman my wrists are so small that a man attacking me could easily encircle my whole wrist, meaning that there's no gap between his fingers for me to break through. What do I do then?"
He took my wrists in his hands and said, "Here's what you do." And I was fully expecting some sort of secret Shaolin technique or Krav Maga grappling hand movement or something like, pressing on a nerve point or twisting to dislocate their wrist or something.
Then he just mimed a kick at the side of my leg and said "Break his knee."
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