#self defence for girls
theexodvs · 5 months
I don’t know about you, but I will teach my daughters to sock boys who attempt to get handsy with them straight in the mouth.
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stitchtehzombie · 1 year
The tiktok self defence keychains are stupid and dangerous
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Sure, these gadgets are very useful by themselves, and at least youll have something in case of an emergency, but bundling them all onto one lanyard defeats their purpose. A couple things can be combined onto one thing, sure, but when "small businesses" start attaching pompoms, lipgloss, lanyards, sanitiser, no-touch tools and other unnecessary things things to them they become incredibly impractical.
Firstly, youll have to go through your entire keychain to find the tool that you think you need at that moment, which is just a waste of very precious time. Secondly, all these dangly things make it incredibly easy to disarm you and use the tools against you.
Dont get me wrong, I am very happy that self defense tools are being popularised, but it saddens me that people are sacrificing its funtionality for aesthetics. Advertising and selling these is dangerous.
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leveluponabuck · 2 years
There is nothing masculine about saving yourself
Level Up on A Buck
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sunnysunshineyogi · 2 years
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I feel like wonder woman in my own version of gear for battle (life and everything else in between)
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lucina-rae · 1 year
the pharmacy gave me so many extra needles so I'm gonna super glue them to a cricket bat and make the ultimate weapon
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cheerfullycatholic · 2 years
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kravmagaexpertsnyc · 1 year
Does Krav Maga help in developing your overall personality?
Krav Maga is an Israeli combat form that is now more prevalent as a mass self-defense technique. I took personal training from the Krav Maga Experts, and there were tremendous changes in my overall personality, helping me get closer to a better version of myself. I started focusing on my natural instincts and became more confident outside.
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Can someone tell me if this self-defense guide is accurate? Please I am desperate 
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c2martialarts · 2 years
How do you bully proof your children? Martial Arts is the answer!
Choosing a martial art suitable for you?
The choice to train BJJ or deciding which martial art is suitable for the individual, boils down to personal choice. There are stand up martial arts like kickboxing and Muay Thai, Judo does pins and throws and then Brazilian jiu jitsu is primarily ground game.
Whatever martial arts class you decide to enrol your child in, learning any martial arts, is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child and teenagers, as they mature in age and as they journey through life. You, as their parent, won't worry as much in comparison to a parent with an untrained child. Martial arts training is not just self-defence or a sport activity, it's learning a skill that shapes your child mentally, emotionally, physically and psychologically. Training any martial arts can teach children techniques and strategies to use their words, seek help, empathize, and rely on their strength and self-confidence to deal with and neutralize bullying.
A child won't be thinking about their bad day at school when they are in compromising positions during training. Our students have an outlet to release steam, which will help them decompress from the days stresses and become more relaxed in their world outside of training. Martial arts offers a clean lifestyle and builds your child's character. If a child loves the martial arts they're enrolled in, they are less likely to become involved in drugs or excessive drinking as they will more than likely gravitate towards other students in their dojo who are like-minded.
How does C2MA bullyproof our students?
The Gracie Bullyproof program we offer at C2 Martial Arts, is founded on the sport and martial art created by the Gracie Jiu Jitsu family. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or BJJ, are martial art classes, a self defence program and a sport that helps equip your child with the confidence to defend themselves against violent punches, verbal harassment, harmful harassment, physical aggression and physical attacks. Our kids and teens martial arts, BJJ program will build a child's confidence in more ways than just having that knowing they can defend themselves, with the technique and technical skills they'll learn at C2 Martial Arts. They will also learn respect, they will learn mental strength, they will refine their motor skills, social skills, they will develop verbal assertiveness strategies and will overall, become a more confident child, when it comes to bullying.
A Gracie Bullyproof class at C2MA taches your kids and teens and teaches them prevention with less intervention is best, when they are confronted with a threating situation. Without a doubt, by learning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, your children will become a more confident individuals as they mature. They'll also learn to be humble.
When children train in Jiu-Jitsu, they are taught how to defeat an opponent, avoid various types of holds, and use their body to force an attacker into submission. Your child will also learn to subdue a larger opponent without hurting the bully. Your kids will learn all sorts of tricks that can protect them in the face of danger, like when bullies start physically attacking them. As far as self defence is concerned, when a fight goes to the ground, how do you punch your attacker? Think about it, it's pretty hard to punch when someone has their arm around your neck in a choke hold. This is why we focus on teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Your children will be taught how to disarm their attacker if they take their attacker to the floor, so they walk away unharmed.
At C2 Martial Arts, we have found that building a student's confidence is one of the best ways to help your child defend themselves against any type of bullying.
A bully or being bullied? BJJ Boundaries
At C2 Martial Arts, Crimson a Legion 13 black belt, the head instructor teaches kids how to put out fires (hostile situations) with water (level-headedness). One of the rules drilled into our young people when training at C2MA, is to never hurt your partner. That's why, you never have to worry about your child becoming an instigator of trouble or a bully with our guidance. However, if your child is a bully when they start coming to training, we'll put a stop to that too. We train children to not bully others, through discipline and by giving them an unshakable confidence in themselves, so they don't feel the need to prove themselves to anyone else or to hurt others. BJJ is the only bullyproof program for children that teaches children exactly what techniques they can and cannot use. Some moves are for certain age groups, as they can cause some serious damage, if a young person puts the move on quickly. Training is to teach them submissions and attacks if they need it in real life situations.
When someone is a bully towards your child and they're forced to respond to the bully. We'll teach your child to use their words first, to stop bullies' actions from escalating. We also focus on some nonviolent self-defence techniques to stay safe in the event of a physical attack. We find most kids will more than likely walk away or not react, as they have that quiet confidence and that knowing, that they can defend themselves if they need to. They understand they have nothing to prove to the attacker or instigator of trouble, but if they need to use it to defend themselves in real life situations, the skills they learn at training becomes a reflex and they more than likely walk away unscathed.
Crimson, in his years of training, has heard from other parents that their jiu-jitsu trained kids chased the bullies away from hurting other kids and the BJJ student, walked confidently knowing they're fully capable of managing themselves and they have the confidence to help other kids in compromising situations. More often than not, our students try and avoid confrontation. Jiu-jitsu literally means "soft art" and we've had many real-life success stories where older kids bullied our students and they put an end to it without any physicality or the use of their body to attack their opponent. At C2 Martial Arts classes, we teach our students to breathe slowly (calm breathing exudes calm composure) and speak confidently to prevent any immediate threat from a bully.
A good video to watch is the show Jr. Grapplers Gracie Bullyproof, which focuses on 33 nonviolent self-defence techniques, teaches kids to "neutralize and negotiate" with bullies.
How do you help your child fight bulling in the real world and as adults?
As parents, we cannot fully protect our son and daughters from the bullies and dangers of real life. It is unrealistic to assume that our schools can protect our children even with a zero-tolerance policy for bullying. Our primary goal at C2MA is to help parent's fight bullying by helping our sons and daughters learn to stand up for themselves and others by dealing constructively and confidently with a potential bully. While we have made great strides in raising awareness -in efforts to protect against bullying in schools and at work - as parents and educators, we must prepare our children to deal with bullying on a personal level, which can be achieve through education. Self-defence education and self-defence training.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu not only teaches kids the value of success through dedication and hard work, but it is also a fantastic way to harness your child's anger. Children need a way to feel secure, confident and empowered, so they don't walk around with "a chip on their shoulder." At our gym children are not only taught to speak confidently when needed, but they also learn how to use direct eye contact and confident gestures. This confidence and the skills they learn in training, is able to give them the confidence to deter bullies who are targeting them. Bullies usually back off when the other person stands up to them and shows no profound fear. Especially with children in the school yard. Yes, the skills kids learn can prevent bullies from causing physical harm, but Crimson often tells our school aged student practitioners to not use jiu jitsu outside of training, especially at school. This is because other children who don't train in BJJ, don't know how to 'tap'. A tap releases the attacked from a submission and in training, it's a cue for the attacker to release their grip. If a child has their opponent in a choke hold, it can be lethal. This is why, we teach our students to find other ways of controlling a situation than using the art, usually by telling a teacher or a principal. Most students, as they age, have more understanding of the skills and Gracie bullyproof techniques, so if they are put in a compromising position may use BJJ on the street in a real-life fight.
Our Gracie bullyproof program is one of the few jiu-jitsu programs for kids that segregates children by age and experience level to ensure every kid gets the perfect balance of fun, games and challenge in weekly marital arts lessons. Join our BJJ program and take advantage of our introductory free week trial offer. Our BJJ program focuses on character development and a lifestyle change. We also offer adult martial arts classes, adults can also enjoy our kickboxing class with coach Bryan. We are an MMA academy. After you receive a free trial, you will see that we have the highest quality martial arts program!
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defensivearts · 2 years
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Women Self Defense Training Portland
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bryanbarnes123 · 10 months
Tarling Community Centre Kung Fu Demonstration Free Fighting Part 2 Mant... Welcome to our Kung Fu demonstration part 2 at the tarling community centre, in this part of our demonstration we  talk about some of the skill sets you learn developing your Martial Arts skills. We also show you some of our free fighting moves, combining our hands and legs very quickly
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csamartialarts · 11 months
How does Judo training differ from other sports training programs?
Judo training differs from other sports training programs in several ways, encompassing both physical and philosophical aspects. Judo is a modern martial art that originated in Japan and was developed by Jigoro Kano in the late 19th century. It emphasizes the principle of maximum efficiency with minimal effort, making it distinct from other combat sports and traditional martial arts. Here are some key elements that set Judo training apart:
Emphasis on Technique and Skill: Judo places a strong emphasis on technique and skill development rather than relying solely on physical attributes such as strength and speed. The training focuses on learning and mastering various throwing techniques, grappling techniques, pins, joint locks, and chokes. This allows practitioners, known as a judoka, to overcome opponents who may be physically stronger or more agile. The emphasis on technique makes Judo a sport suitable for individuals of different ages, sizes, and fitness levels.
Randori (Free Practice): Randori is a fundamental aspect of Judo training. It involves practising techniques in a realistic, dynamic, and unscripted manner with a training partner. Randori provides an opportunity to apply techniques learned in a controlled environment and develop timing, balance, and adaptability. Unlike other sports where athletes often train in predetermined drills or patterns, Judo's randori fosters spontaneity, reflexes, and the ability to respond effectively to various situations.
Kata (Forms): In addition to randori, Judo training incorporates kata, which are formalized patterns of techniques performed in a specific sequence. Kata is more structured compared to randori and focuses on perfecting the execution of techniques. It helps Judoka develop a deeper understanding of the principles, movements, and applications of Judo techniques. Kata training promotes discipline, precision, and mental focus.
Principles of Judo: Judo is not just about physical techniques; it is also rooted in a set of principles that guide practitioners both on and off the mat. The two main principles of Judo are "jita kyoei" (mutual benefit and welfare) and "seiryoku enjoy" (maximum efficiency with minimum effort). These principles emphasize the importance of respect, humility, and using one's energy effectively. Judo training aims to develop not only physical strength but also mental discipline, self-control, and ethical values.
Falling and Safety Skills: Judo training places significant importance on learning how to fall safely, known as ukemi. Judoka learns various falling techniques to minimize the risk of injuries during training and competition. Ukemi skills are crucial in Judo as they allow practitioners to engage in dynamic throws and grappling techniques without fear of injury. Learning to fall safely also instils confidence and resilience in judoka, as they become comfortable with the idea of taking risks and bouncing back from challenging situations.
Gradual Progression and Ranking System: Judo has a structured ranking system, represented by coloured belts, which signifies a practitioner's level of skill and experience. The belt system provides a clear progression path for judoka to follow as they advance in their training. It fosters a sense of achievement and motivation, as practitioners work towards attaining higher ranks. The ranking system also helps instructors evaluate and guide students' progress, ensuring that they acquire the necessary skills and knowledge at each level before moving on to more advanced techniques.
Competitive Opportunities: Judo offers competitive opportunities at both local and international levels. Judo tournaments provide a platform for judoka to test their skills against opponents of similar age, weight, and skill level. Competitive Judo emphasizes the application of techniques learned in training while adhering to specific rules and regulations. Participating in tournaments enhances a judoka's ability to perform under pressure, develop strategic thinking, and learn from both victories and defeats.
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traditionl · 1 year
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fortresstraining · 1 year
Ladies Safe Zone A great day for Ladies only!
Ladies Safe Zone A great day for Ladies only!
What is Ladies Safe Zone.
Informative & empowering class that provides the chance to learn firearm skills in a safe environment and other less than lethal tools you can use to protect.
Let us see what we will explore in the ladies safe zone?
 1.Have you ever been attacked and used pepper spray to defend yourself? You will this day!
 2. We will also explore with you other options for use of force besides the firearm.
 3. How to use everyday objects for your own safety even a water bottle.
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Lastly we will explore gun handling too.
You Will Learn following things and lot more. a. Rules for safe gun handling. b. An understanding of the different types of firearms. c. Ammunition along with care and storage of your ammo. d. Proper handling of a firearm. e. How to shoot a firearm and learn skills you can practice at home every day? f. How to stay safe in today’s world ?
Fortress Training Mailing address: 841 E. Fort Ave, Suite 224 Baltimore, MD 21230
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horrid111111 · 1 year
biting should be used more as a form of attack. There is a reason children have that instinct. Why do we decide against encouraging it under the right circumstances.
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