#kix is having a mental breakdown
mrsfeiix · 1 month
Most important meal of the day
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awkward-tension-art · 15 days
Darkness on Umbara Chp.8 (Rex x Reader)
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Chapter 7. Chapter 9.
Moment to Breathe
cw: Rex x Reader, Reader is a medic, incorrect military procedure, graphic descriptions of injuries, blood, swearing, death and battle, Spoilers for the Umbara Arc, Pong Krell is an asshole, reader insert, names of non-canon dead clones, Mentions of breakdowns, transwoman clone, Brief mention of inhibitor chips, reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), if i miss a tag LMK
Minors DNI
In the end, you had to be sedated.
When Rex was called to continue the fight at the airbase with the reinforcements, you panicked so badly Kix had to inject you to calm you down. 
Luckily, your mind wasn’t clouded and you still had your wits about you. You were still able to treat the wounded, but you didn’t miss how Jesse opted to ‘guard’ you and Kix as you managed to transfer all the wounded into the airbase’s medical facility. 
It was clear he wanted to keep an eye on you since Rex couldn’t. And, truthfully, this was the first time you’d had such a breakdown in front of the men. Kix had his own, when Tup tackled him, so the trooper most likely thought both medics of the 501st were unstable. 
Even if you were, you did your jobs.
The fight was chaotic as the Umbarans battled for their facility. Luckily, with both Jesse and Kix, you got every injured trooper into the safety of the medical bay before the fighting was even done. 
They didn’t have bacta tanks, but they had much needed supplies you used to save everyone you could. Not nearly enough for everyone if Krell decided to pull another suicide mission, but enough to help those that needed it right now.
Fyre. Vim. Oz. Ringo. North. Gabe. Tro. Tess. Zeb. Sante. Reign. Pheon. Dawn. Nim. Jamie. Hek. Recon. Mav. Zeo. Fisher. Hinge. Trident. Iron. Mesh. Steele. Bruno. Zeke. Jumper. Aura. Dia. Silk. 
By the time Krell had joined the soldiers, you and Kix hadn’t lost anyone else. You got the troopers stable, laying on cots, and sleeping as peacefully as they could. Those who didn’t require life sustaining equipment were sent to the barracks of the airbase to rest. 
You and Kix stepped outside once you both were done with the wounded. Jesse had been keeping a steady guard by the door, preventing anyone uninjured from coming inside and disturbing you.
The airbase belonged to the 501st. 
Umbarans who hadn’t died fighting, were led to prison cells somewhere else within the base. Several squads were already walking around, inspecting the Umbaran weaponry. A few were going through crates of supplies, such as weapons and ammo.
You remained silent as you followed Kix and Jesse through the base. The three of you met up with Rex, Fives and Hardcase. There was pride in your lover’s eyes as he spoke to the heroic pilots, “despite Hardcase’s flying, you two saved us all.” 
Hardcase sounded as proud and energized as always, “It wasn’t so tough.”
“You sure?” Jesse took off his helmet with a smirk, “You looked a little green when you came out of that fighter.” He teased the hyperactive trooper. All of them were in a good mood, finding the shred of happiness after such casualties. 
You wished you could feel the same pride and happiness. But your mental state, as well as the sedatives in your blood prevented it. 
“Mesh’la,” Rex turned to you, “Are you ok?” 
“No losses since we took the airbase.” you responded, blatantly ignoring his question about you, “The seriously injured are stable and resting in the med bay.”
“That's not-.”
“Captain,” His words were loudly cut off by Krell. The temporary General stomped towards you all, looking as displeased as ever. Appo was tailing him along with another trooper, “Report, what is our situation?”
The 501st captain stepped forward, “General, we have taken the base and cut off enemy supply lines to the capital.” His back was straight, standing at attention, as did the others. 
You…remained behind Fives, staying out of the Jedi’s line of sight. If Krell turned his ire to you, you couldn’t promise you wouldn’t do something to get yourself court-martialed.
The besliska raised a large hand and rubbed his chin, “Luck has smiled on you today, Captain.” His tone sounded smug, “Consider yourself fortunate.” 
“It wasn't all luck sir,” Rex kept calm and steady, not letting Krell get to him, “A lot of men died to take this base.”
Too many good men. You thought blankly. A part of you felt hollow and empty as the captain mentioned the lost souls.
The General raised his hands, and looked at the dark sky, “A price for such victory.” He looked back down and crossed two of his four arms, “Perhaps you’ll realize this.”
You didn’t miss Rex’s fist clenching in rage. Your lover’s fury was a rare sight. But dammit, Krell was doing a good job at bringing it out. Instead of lashing out however, he took a breath and lowered his head.
The Jedi turned and began to walk away, “Dismissed.”
You and Fives stepped forward. You placed your hand on Rex’s shoulder as the ARC trooper grumbled, “He’s the one who will never realize.”
You remained silent, only squeezing Rex’s shoulder before letting go. You turned and began to walk back to the medical bay, unable to be around anyone right now. 
At least those in the medical facility were unconscious. 
Once the doors opened, you were surprised to see a trooper. Hana, had been waiting for you, holding a bloody wrist, “Sorry to bother, Doc. One of the bastards were hiding and jumped me.”
You motioned for the trooper to sit down on an open cot, “Are sutures alright?” You wanted to save bandages and bacta. Just in case Krell tried to kill anyone else. 
Hana nodded, resting the injury on one of the small medical cabinets that were placed next to every bed. You pulled a chair, set the suture kit down, and immediately got to work.
During your stitching, you took notice of distinguishable features, since this was the first time you’ve seen the trooper without a helmet. White nail polish, small studs for earrings, hair pulled back into a bun, indicating length longer than ‘military standard’. 
You didn’t want to assume, but it wasn’t unheard of for there to be sisters among the troopers.
“Hana.” you spoke softly, “I like your nails. And your earrings.” It was a small push, one to ask the question without assuming.
Hana’s surprised look then relieved smile told you all you needed to know. She responded quietly, “I know it's not regulation, but…”
“Who cares about regulation?” You returned her smile, noticing that she also wore waterproof mascara, “If it's what you want, then no one should stop you.” Your suturing was almost done.
Hana nodded, looking at her nails on the hand you weren’t stitching up. Impressively, they weren’t chipped, “I might go blue, next time.” She murmured, “so I keep matching the 501st.”
“Why not paint one hand blue and the other white?” You suggested, deciding to use a patch to cover the sutures, “Something unique.”
It was nice, having a conversation that wasn’t about Umbara, injuries, the soldiers lost or Krell. It was just…about nail polish. A good distraction. Something to get your mind off your earlier breakdown.
By the time you were done, she settled on a pattern of half blue and half white. She walked out of the clinic, with a stitched up wrist and small smile. Maybe she needed the mental distraction of the doom and death as well. 
Despite losing so many…at least you made Hana feel better.
You sighed, putting your face in your hands as soon as the door was closed. You basked in the small clicks and beeps of machines monitoring the men's status, taking just a few minutes to breathe. After a second, you heard a shift. 
One of the unconscious troopers turned onto his side to get more comfortable. You inspected the medical equipment next to his bed to check his status. He was alive and healing.
All of them were alive.
The doors opened again, and you looked up. Rex was standing there, helmet off and looking at you with both love and worry in his beautiful eyes, “May I…come in?” He asked quietly, as if not to wake the men. 
“You don't have to ask, you know.” you responded, giving him a small, tired smile. It was endearing, how he’d become shy when you two were in private.
He walked over to you and brushed his hand over your cheek, “How’s your arm?” the captain asked, looking at the bandages you still wore. The bacta soaked gauze were doing their job, as the wound pulsed and throbbed in pain, indicating healing. Whether all your muscles would return remains to be seen, but at least the nerves and veins were being repaired. 
“It’s getting better.” you answered, reaching up to hold his face in your hand. Your eyes narrowed, “You need rest.” 
“We all do.” Rex mumbled, closing his eyes and leaning his face into your palm. He breathed deeply before opening his eyes to look at you, “Mesh’la,” His term of endearment for you slipped from his lips, “You’ve saved so many of my brothers.” 
That's why he was here. Because of your earlier breakdown. 
“I’m alright now, Rex.” you gently reassured him, “I…was panicked. After the battle with the tanks, and getting Silk killed, I was terrified I’d lose you.” 
Rex leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. One of his hands rested at your hip, holding you close, “Silk’s death wasn’t your fault, none of the losses are your fault,” his tone was so soft, so gentle, “You have saved so many of us, not just on Umbara, but on every planet we’ve been to. Every battle, every fight…you’ve done so much. For all of us.”
“I want to do more,” you responded, “I don’t want you to lose any more of your brothers…I know it's war, but…”
He sighed, “We are clones. We were made to fight for the Republic. Die for the Republic, if the situation calls for it.” His eyes held a certain sadness to it, “We are meant to be expendable.” 
“Not to me.” your voice was resolute. He wasn’t expendable. No clone was expendable.
Rex looked at you like you were the moon and stars themselves. He pulled you closer, kissing you passionately on the lips. Your chest met his armor, and he leaned into you, “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum…” he murmured when you broke away, “Gar cuyir ner kar'ta bal runi…” His forehead was against yours, holding you so tenderly.
“Bal ni kar'tayl gar darasuum,” you whispered back, taking in his warmth and love, “Gar cuyir ner oyay bal narser…”
He kissed you again, only pulling away when one of the unconscious soldiers moved in his sleep.
“I have to find Krell,” he mumbled, looking at you mournfully, “He may have orders…”
“Go, be the 501st captain, cyare.” you gave him a peck on the cheek, “Good luck dealing with him.”
He sighed and stepped back, leaving the medical bay. 
You watched him go before checking on all of them men. They were stable still, and luckily, a few were in a good enough state to wake up. A majority of them responded well to your neuro-check. Despite the good response from them, you wanted to keep the soldiers who sustained hits to the head in the med bay. 
However, there was an ARF trooper, Rush, who was still slurring his words. It was a terrible blow to the head he had sustained taking the airbase. Putting him back under the effects of sedatives and painkillers, you wanted to move on to everyone else. But…
Well, the Umbarans were technologically advanced. The life support and monitoring systems were intergalactic basics. All from the same base that you were trained with. However, they had systems and machines you had never seen before. You tried to use some of the more heavy duty equipment, but had no luck. 
One of them was a scanner, that you could tell. It resembled a datapad, but clearly had the technology and structure of the Umbarans. The screen had values and data that exceeded most medical equipment in the Republic. Your fingers toyed with it, trying to get the thing to work in your favor. Such a small but powerful scanner would be useful. 
Your shoulders slumped just as the med bay doors opened again, “Holy fuck you’re still awake!?” Kix’s eyes were wide, staring at you. His helmet was off and he seemed…somewhat refreshed. He probably got something to eat and took a power nap after Krell dismissed everyone. 
“Yea, there's still a lot to do.” you looked at him, holding the scanner, “Plus, I’m trying to crack some of this equipment.”
“The hardware and programming isn’t anything we’ve seen before.” The medic looked over your shoulder to see the tablet in your hands, “Oh? What's this?”
“I think it's a hand-held full body scanner. More powerful than anything in the Republic.” you answered, “I want it. But I can’t get the damn program to behave.” 
He stepped back, one hand on his hip, “Jesse and Fives are in the east hangar playing with some of their weapons,” Kix gave you a soft smile, “I’ll keep an eye on the guys here, take a break.” 
You couldn’t help but return his smile. It was clear the both of you had hit your limits with the losses. But now, after some rest, your spirits were higher.
After you gave an overview of each of the injured troopers, you left the medical bay and went to the hagar. The airbase was more organized now. Supplies were being moved, weapons were being inspected, and patrols were established. The 501st was very efficient. 
The hagar wasn't so organized but definitely had more energy. Several soldiers were on floating platforms, inspecting suspended starships. Others were working on the ships themselves, looking at the mechanics and wiring. It didn’t take you long to find Fives and Jesse. 
The ARC trooper was with Tup, having pried off a metal sheet from the ship he piloted before. The two of them were discussing something, most likely the controls or mechanics, as they inspected the inner workings of the Umbaran weapon. 
Dogma was seated nearby, cleaning his rifle while Jesse was standing at a consol, brow furrowed. He was hard at work attempting to crack the enemy hardware.
You approached, stepping in front of the console, “Hey Jesse,” Your voice was quiet, not wanting to distract the others, or wake up Hardcase who was asleep on the floor, leaning against the ship Tup and Fives worked on, “Are you busy?”
The senior trooper perked up, “Depends,” He leaned forward with a glint in his eye, “I can always make time for you.” you snorted when he winked. 
Dogma scoffed, “That is inappropriate.” 
You rolled your eyes, but handed Jesse the tablet, “Kix told me you were working on the Umbaran hardware, I was hoping you could help me crack this thing.” 
He raised a brow and took it, “What is it?”
“Some kind of scanner, I think.” you answered, sitting down next to Dogma, “But more powerful than anything in the Republic.”
“Might be easier than this fucking thing.” He smacked the console, “Give me a few minutes and I'll-.”
There was a yelp behind you and Fives tumbled off the starship, hitting the ground. The noise woke Hardcase with a jerk, who sat up and looked around confused. 
“I told you not to do that,” Tup looked at the ARC trooper's pathetic form on the floor, “I warned you that if you touched the wire, it would shock you.” 
“I know, I know.” Fives huffed and got to his feet and dusted himself off, “Fucking Umbarans and their…”
“I cracked the hardware,” Jesse raised the tablet, “It says Fives doesn't have a brain.”
“Son of a-”
You laughed softly alongside Tup who had paused his toying with the machine. Once you stepped up to the console, hand open, Jesse looked at you, “Oh, sorry. I actually didn't. I just saw an opportunity.” He chuckled. 
Fives huffed and swiped the Umbara gadget from him, “Give me that. I’ll figure this out.”
“What's going on?” Hardcase slurred from the floor.
“Nothing, go to the barracks and get some sleep.” Dogma mumbled, keeping his eyes down to continue cleaning his weapon. 
Hardcase looked around before he silently nodded and stood up, “Sleep well, buddy.” You bid him farewell as he stumbled out of the hangar. A part of you felt jealous at his ability to sleep right now. 
You…didn’t think you could. Not until all of this was done. 
Tup spoke your name softly, earning your attention, “Are…you and Kix ok?” 
Oh, he’s so sweet. Tup reminded you of a shiny fresh off Kamino, overly respectful, overly polite and overly shy. You hoped that with more experience, he’d break out of the shell, learn that you could be a friend, not just his doctor. 
You gave him a tired yet genuine smile, “We are, just needed some rest and time to breathe.”
The trooper nodded before looking over at Dogma, “Hey, Dogma, isn’t there something you need to tell our good doctor?”
The other trooper flinched before he nodded, “Listen, Doc…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things on the field.” His dark brown eyes were filled with clear sorrow and regret. His apology surprised you, but you appreciated it nonetheless.
“How’s your jaw?” You asked, crossing your arms. 
“Hardcase has a strong right hook.” He mumbled, looking away ashamed, “But it's fine…”
With a sigh you approached and put a hand on his shoulder, “It's not the worst that's been said to me.” you wanted to laugh at his surprised look but remained calm, “Apology accepted.”
He slumped his shoulders and let out a relieved sigh. 
“Got it!” Fives practically cheered, causing a trooper on a platform to visibly jump. The ARC trooper gave the scanner to you quickly before he dashed to Jesse’s side to help him with the console.
You looked over the gadget and began to toy with it silently. After a few minutes, the tablet responded to your touch easily. Wordlessly you stood and raised it to Dogma. 
After a press on the screen, a fan of light went over the confused trooper. He paused, looking at you, “Doc…?” 
The screen blinked, and on it, was an outline of his body. Next to it were values. 
Blood pressure. Heart rate. Blood count. Adrenal levels. Liver enzymes. Nerve response time. Bone density. Hours of sleep.
All important values in terms of health and wellbeing. On the outline there were indicators and when you pressed the screen, there was more information. You pressed the area of his jaw, exactly were Hardcase had clocked him. 
“Are you sore where Hardcase hit you?” you asked him and he nodded. After his answer, you perked up happily, knowing the scanner worked. However, there was another indicator in his head. 
When you pressed it, the information was…off. 
To test it, you scanned Fives, only to get the same result. Then Jesse, then Tup. All of them had the same result.
ANOMALY: right orbital floor, parietal and temporal intersection
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kaminocasey · 5 months
Dream A Little Dream of Me: Part 3
Summary: You get into an accident and are transported to the Star Wars galaxy permanently... for the time being. In the meantime, you get closer to Rex.
Pairing: Captain Rex x f!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Angst, reader gets into an accident in the real world, Hardcase lives though!
WC: 4.2K
A/N: HELLO I know it's been a hot minute since I've updated most of my fics, BUT the good news is, I'm focusing on four of my big fics this year: Dream A Little, Sacred Woman, Bonsoir, and Loverboy. I'll also do small fics and try to update the smaller fics when I can! ANYWAY, I am really excited about this fix it fic <3 (pics from Pinterest) AND A HUGE shoutout to my girl @idledreams for reading over this COUNTLESS times and still hyping me up over it (Along with all my writing) You're the best! <3
Dream A Little Masterlist │ Playlist
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Don’t panic. 
Don’t panic.
“I meant someone else. I’m not confident that I can-”
“Cut the osik. What’s going on?” Kix crosses his arms, his eyes still narrowed at you.
How are you supposed to get out of this? He clearly knows you well enough to know you’re lying. What if you just tell him the truth? He’ll more than likely think you’re crazy. You’re still not entirely convinced you’re not. 
This is all just starting to feel too real for you, so you close your eyes and will yourself awake.
Wake up. 
WAKE. UP. Goddammit. Why isn’t it working? 
Kix sighs your name, making your eyes snap open again. 
“Just talk to me.” Kix sighs, a pleading look in his eyes. 
Clearly the two of you are good friends here in your dream or alternate reality, or whatever this is.
“Do you promise to not think I’m crazy or to not tell anyone if I tell you?” You ask him, your pleading look matching his own. 
He nods. “Of course.”
As the two of you walk in silence to a more secluded spot, you try to figure out how to tell him the truth. Even though he promised to not think you’re crazy, that doesn’t mean he can stop the intruding thought from popping into his head. And you can’t really blame him. Would you believe you if you were in someone else’s shoes?
“Okay…” You breathe out as you find a closet and go inside. “Okay…” 
Your hands start fidgeting, clenching and unclenching as you pace in the small space. Kix murmurs your name again, stopping you so that you look at him. 
“It’s alright.” He assures you.
You nod, wanting to believe him. 
God, why can’t you wake up?
“I’m not from here…” You start.
He laughs, confused. “Okay?”
“I’m not from this… reality?” You still struggle to find the words. 
“What do you mean?” His brows furrow as he struggles to understand what you’re saying. 
You shake your head, still trying to find the words. 
“Do you know how when I first woke up yesterday, I woke up confused?” 
He nods. “I heard about it.”
“That’s because I’d never been here before…” 
You’re still timid to tell him this is all a tv show in your reality. 
You continue anyway. “My ‘real’ life is somewhere that is different from this galaxy…” 
Kix’s face goes from confused to disbelief rather quickly. You still can’t really believe it yourself.
“I go to sleep at night there and then I’m somehow transported here…” 
“Okay…” He murmurs. “I mean, I’ve heard and seen way stranger things happen.” 
“Y-you believe me?” 
“I have no reason not to. I know for a fact that you’re not crazy.” He smiles softly and you let out a huge sigh of relief. “Unless you’re having some sort of mental breakdown…”
You give him a pointed look and he puts his hands up in surrender. 
“Okay. Not a mental breakdown. Got it.” He nods, smiling. 
He believes you.
“Do you not think anyone else would believe you?” He asks.
You shrug. “Maybe Rex?”
It was only a few moments ago that you found yourself wanting to tell him everything. He’s easy to talk to. That still surprises you. 
Kix smirks knowingly and you roll your eyes.
“Focus please.” You try to hide the flustered expression that is inevitably on your face right now.
“I’m just saying-”
All of a sudden, you and Kix are interrupted by a random 501st trooper as the door slides open and he looks between you and Kix, clearly embarrassed and thinking he walked in on something going on.
“I was looking for towels-” The trooper explains, apologetically.
“It’s alright. I was just leaving…” You look at Kix. “I’ve gotta find Rex.”
A bad feeling settles in your stomach as you quickly walk out of the closet, finding the exit to the building with the only thing on your mind being saving Hardcase.
The moment you wake up, you groan into your pillow with frustration and try to will yourself back to sleep. To no avail, of course. “Goddammit.” You murmur, concern automatically coursing through your body. 
All this stuff that’s going on in your “dream world” is starting to take a toll on your body. As you sit up, you feel tense, as if you’d been nervous all night. Stretching your aching limbs, you look over at your clock and realize it’s almost noon. Which means you’re running late for your lunch with your mother. 
With a quick restless groan and one last stretch, you practically throw yourself out of the comfort of your bed and race around your room, throwing new clothes on and then running to the bathroom to brush your teeth and hair. You very quickly pull it back and then grab your coat and bag and head out.
Debating whether or not it would be quicker to walk or catch a cab. It’s only a couple of blocks away, and knowing noon traffic in New York, it probably has to be quicker to walk/run. 
Your phone starts ringing the moment you get into the elevator. When you pull it out of your bag, you see that your mom is calling. Knowing you’re about to get an earful for being late, you debate on sending it to voicemail and just texting her an apology. But then you’ll have to hear about that when you get there. So you answer.
“Hello, mother. I’m so sorry-”
“Should we just reschedule when it's convenient for you?” She snips.
“No, mom… I’m sorry, I just overslept is all…” 
“I’ve been sitting here for thirty minutes. There are people staring at me, probably thinking I’ve been stood up. By my own daughter, no less.”
You roll your eyes. “I didn’t stand you up, mother. I’m literally on my way.”
“How far away are you?” 
This angry, irritable version of your mother is completely different than the one who had been singing to you the last couple nights. If you weren’t used to it, perhaps you’d have whiplash. But nope, this has been your whole life.
“Maybe 10 minutes.” You tell her as you get out of the elevator and start walking out of your building. 
Cool air practically whips you in the face and brings tears to your eyes as you see there’s still lingering snow on the sidewalk. 
“Have a good day!” Your doorman, Frank, tells you.
“Thank you, Frank! You as well. Tell Marla I said hello!” You grin.
“Will do, sweetheart.” He kindly tips his hat toward you and you start practically sprinting down the street.
“Who’s Frank?” Your mother demands.
“My doorman.” 
“And Marla is?”
“Frank’s wife, mother.” 
“He seemed a little too friendly with you.”
“Oh good grief, mom… He’s been the doorman for my building for longer than I’ve been alive. His wife bakes me cakes for my birthday.” 
“Oh good, your father just got here.” She doesn’t even listen to you, which gives you a premonition on how lunch is going to go. “We’ll see you when you get here.” 
She hangs up on you and you shake your head, putting your phone back into your bag and then walking briskly the rest of the way there.
When the restaurant comes into sight, you see your mother and father in the corner window and start to wave, thinking they see you. Luckily the pedestrian sign turns green and you start booking it across the crosswalk.
Unfortunately, the last thing you hear is “LOOK OUT!” from someone behind you and when you turn to look, a car is speeding through their red light. 
And then you squeeze your eyes shut. 
You’re hyper aware of your shut eyes, of the darkness. Everything feels fuzzy. Are you breathing? You take a breath. It doesn’t feel quite necessary though… You need to wake up. You can tell that much. 
So wake up.
You open your eyes but it's immediately too bright. Like a bright white light.
Oh great… I’m dead. Wonderful… You think to yourself. What happened?
You rub your eyes until you can stand the light again, finding that you’re standing.
Weird, but okay. 
There’s a white end table that looks like the one beside your couch at your apartment. On it sits a single picture frame. You stare at it, inspecting the silver frame. It’s a picture of you, your mom, and your dad on your fifth birthday. You look genuinely happy and excited, smiling wildly at the large birthday cake in front of you lined with at least a hundred candles.
Who makes a little kid blow out a hundred candles? Your mother who had to make sure you had the best birthday in your entire pre-k class. 
Raising your hand to pick it up, something stops you. 
No… not something.
Someone. Someone’s deep, soothing voice. 
You’d know that voice literally anywhere. It sounds like he’s right next to you, and you can’t quite understand what he’s saying, but a deep ache fills your veins. You miss him terribly. 
You turn around to throw your arms around him, but find that you’re standing in a familiar, yet unfamiliar doorway. You’d recognize a medbay a mile away.
“Come back to me, cyar’ika…” Rex’s soft voice pleads. “There’s so much I need to say to you… so much I didn’t get to tell you.”
You look at your vitals up on the screen beside the bed you’re lying unconsciously in, confused. Did something happen here to you? You turn back around and no longer see the picture frame. 
Instead, you see yourself in a hospital bed, your parents next to you and then it all comes back to you.
The crosswalk… The car. 
You don’t understand… How are you looking at two versions of yourself? Where are you? Why are you seeing two versions of yourself?
But deep down, you think you know…
You have to choose right now. You don’t exactly know for sure what that entails. If you choose one, would you eventually be able to go back to the other? 
There’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?
You take one last look at your mother and father asleep in a couple chairs next to your hospital bed and then walk the other way. 
When you wake up, the lights are still a little bright. But you can see Rex’s face perfectly next to yours. 
“Rex.” You murmur, taking his hand.
His eyes widen with relief and he swiftly stands up, over you, hugging you to him. You can’t help the warmth that spreads from head to toe at the touch of this man as you notice that he’s not wearing his upper plastoid armor. His chest is so warm and firm that you can’t stop yourself from placing your hand over where his heart is and breathing in his familiar vanilla and warm ocean breeze scent. 
“What happened?” You ask, you look up at him.
He pulls away, slightly, his brows still furrowed with concern.
“Kix said that the two of you had a conversation and then you went to go find me… You passed out again. But this time, you weren’t waking up at all. And then you started to crash, but Kix got you stabilized. That was three days ago…” You can see that it's difficult for him to talk about it. 
It’s beyond clear to you that he really cares about you and you’d be lying if you said your entire heart doesn’t do a somersault at the realization. 
“I’m not going anywhere for a while now… okay?” You try to assure him.
“See… what does that mean?” He scoots down to the chair so he can fully look at you. 
“You’ll think I’m crazy if I tell you.” You murmur, noticing the way his thumb is brushing over your knuckles. 
It's almost intoxicating, the effect he has on you. An effect no man has ever had on you. 
“I could never think you’re crazy.” He flashes a soft, amused, smile and your chest tightens at the sight. 
And with a smile like that, how could you deny him? So, you tell him everything that you told Kix. Every detail, aside from the tv show bit. 
After a few moments, Rex lets out a breath. “Wow…”
You expect him to pull away, call you crazy, and leave. But he doesn’t. He continues brushing his thumb back and forth across your knuckles in an almost hypnotizing manner. 
“I know…” You murmur. “So, you don’t think I’m crazy?” 
He lets out a soft, amused snort. “We live in a world where a certain type of people have powers and run around with laser swords. I don’t think anything is outside the realm of possibility anymore.” 
A soft laugh escapes your lips. “Okay, good point.” 
It’s quiet for a moment before you look around and see that you’re in a medbay somewhere. 
“So, where are we?” You ask him.
“We’re back on the Jedi cruiser.” He looks toward the doors.
“And Umbara…?” 
“We won. Krell is imprisoned.” He smiles. 
“And Hardcase?” 
His soft smile widens a bit. “Hardcase is okay. He has a few burns and bruises, but he’s expected to make a full recovery.”
Relief floods your entire body. 
“And the 212th?” 
“All perfectly fine.” He promises you.
You let out a relieved sigh and close your eyes, bringing your hand to your chest. 
“You’re sweet to care so much, you know… It’s one of my favorite things about you.” He admits and your chest tightens. 
“Rex, I-” You smile, but are interrupted by Kix’s cheery voice.
“She’s alive!” Kix comes to your bedside, opposite his brother. 
“I’m alive.” You nod, a smile still on your lips. 
At least you think you’re alive. You’re still not quite sure, yet.
“The boys have been hounding me about seeing you. I told them not until you woke up and only if you felt like it. I can make them go away, just say the word.” Kix tells you. 
You let out a playful sigh. “Send ‘em in.” 
Kix nods with a playful smirk and turns to walk out.
“I’ll let you visit.” Rex tells you and you start to protest, not wanting him to go. “I’ll see you tonight, I promise.”
He smirks down at you as he brushes your hair off your forehead. And before you have time to process that, he kisses you on the forehead, making your eyes flutter closed for a moment.
A simple, yet meaningful enough gesture that your chest tightens. You’ll never forget it.
He throws you a quick wink and makes his way out of the medbay just as four large men in 501st blue armor come filing in, already rowdy and clearly excited to see you.
“Look at you!” Fives’ voice booms, making himself comfortable next to you as he slings an arm around the top of the bed. Hardcase and Tup sit on either side of your feet while Jesse stands at the foot of the bed, checking your chart on the data pad.
“How are you really?” Jesse asks you, concern laced in his tone.
“I’m fine.” You assure him, a wide grin unable to leave your lips.
You still can’t believe that this is your new life. 
“Thank the Maker.” Tup pats your foot. 
As you look around at the four men, you’re overcome with so many emotions and feelings, with acceptance and belonging coming in right at the top of the list. You feel like you’ve finally found a place you belong. 
But at what cost?
“How’s your head?” Hardcase asks you, grinning.
“I should be asking you that.” You smile as you take in his patches that are covering his burns. 
He chuckles. “My head is always loose, so nothing out of the ordinary here. In fact, I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for you.” He pats your foot, appreciatively.
“Yeah, how did you know about the droid and the missile?” Jesse asks you.
You shrug, nonchalantly. “Just had a feeling.”
“Well, lucky for us that you had feelings.” Fives ruffles your head and Kix throws his hands up in the air with exasperation. 
“Be careful with her!” Kix tells him. “She’s gone through enough-”
“Aw, come on, Kix. She can handle a 501st boy, can’t ya?” Fives elbows you teasingly and you give him a playful glare, going absolutely warm in the face. 
“Alright. Visitation is over.” Kix starts to usher out his brothers. “She needs some rest.”
“Yeah, she does!” Fives grins. “Especially for later.”
Fire creeps into your cheeks with thoughts of a certain captain and his promise of tonight. “Later?” 
“Yeah, when we take ya to 79s to celebrate you not being dead.” Hardcase says, a little loudly.
79s. The clone bar. The bar you’ve thought about many times throughout your multiple watches, always wondering what it would be like to get to see the men you care about let loose after their endless days and nights on the battlefield. They deserve to have fun and be carefree, for however long that may be. 
“Is that okay Doctor Kix?” You smile.
How easy it is to tease and joke with him, as if you’d been friends for a lifetime and not just a mere few days. Now whether or not it has to do with the fact that you’ve watched the show countless times or because you’ve apparently had a whole life here before you “arrived”, you’re not sure. All you can do is go along for the ride, right? 
He rolls his eyes with his signature smirk. “Sure. As long as you get some rest now.” 
“You heard him, boys.” You shrug, teasingly. 
One by one, each man files out after giving you some sort of well wishes. It’s incredibly sweet how each man cares for you, making you feel like you truly belong. You never had this sort of connection with people in your other life. 
When they leave, you lay there for a while, listening to the low hum of the cruiser, still unable to believe that you’re actually here.
You’re in Star Wars… Wow.
The urge to get up and explore is strong. But you promised Kix that you would rest. And you can only assume you’ll be back on Coruscant soon, so there’s no point in upsetting him. 
But still… you’d be lying if you said a part of you wasn’t afraid to go to sleep here… Will you be transported back into your other life? Or perhaps worse?
You lay there for a while, staring up at the durasteel ceiling as Kix comes in with a data pad. 
“Oh, you’re awake.” He comes to the edge of the bed.
You sit up, crossing your legs. “I’m afraid to go to sleep.” 
He nods, understanding. He and Rex are the only ones who would. “I made up this data pad for you. Information about you before you kinda popped into your own life here. And, your bag of clothes. There should be some civies in there.” 
“Non military clothes.” He chuckles.
He hands you the data pad and the bag, and you take them, touched at the gesture.
“Thank you, Kix. This means a lot.” 
“I just… I have one question.” He murmurs. “How do you know what’s going to happen? You never said.” 
You sigh, knowing you weren’t going to be able to avoid this question forever. “This is all a television show where I’m from.” 
“Television?” He looks confused.
“Um… I think they’d be called like holo-shows here?” You try to make him understand.
“Why would anyone want to watch a ‘show’ about us?” He laughs.
You laugh with him. “Lots of people do. Lots of people care about the clones in my reality.”
He sits next to you. “Thank you.” 
You nod and the both of you are quiet for a moment.
“Would you like a tour?” He grins.
“I thought you’d never ask.” You clap your hands together, excitedly. 
Kix lets you run to the bathroom, apparently they’re called freshers, so you can change. You put your bag up on the counter and look inside. Sure enough, there’s a couple pairs of nonmilitary clothes that are your size exactly. 
It still all feels… surreal. 
You try not to dwell on it too much, afraid that you could accidentally go into what Kix called a mental breakdown a few days ago.
A few days… that’s how long you’d been knocked out here. It had only felt like moments…
Snap out of it. Get dressed. Think about something else. Literally anything else. 
Rex comes to mind instantly. Someone who’s given you a sense of calmness in this massive storm. You can’t wait to see him again, you think to yourself as you get dressed and then exit the fresher, finding Kix looking down at his own datapad. 
“Ready.” You smile softly.
He looks up at you, his smile matching your own. “How do you feel?” 
“Better.” You nod. 
“Good. Come on.” He nods towards the door and you follow him out into the hall.
As you walk down the long halls of the cruiser, you can’t help but stare at almost everything in awe. Kix points out the barracks, the mess hall, and the other medbays.
“You know, it might help if you at least try to act like you’ve been here for the last couple years.” Kix teases. 
“I know, I know. It’s just… I’ve dreamt of this moment for… so long.” You confess. 
“So you were… what do they call them?” He snaps his fingers playfully. “A fan?” 
You playfully bump your shoulder into his. “Shut up.” 
“I would ask who’s your favorite but it’s pretty obvious.” He teases again.
“Yeah. Obviously Fives.” You shrug with a smirk as you look in each room in the hall. 
Kix laughs and then looks down the hall. You follow his gaze and see Rex, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano coming this way toward you and it takes everything in you to keep it cool. 
You’d already seen Anakin the first day you were here, but now… it’s different. You know you’re not dreaming, and it feels more real.
It truly is like seeing a celebrity. You’ve looked up to these characters- people for so long. And now, here they are in front of you. Life truly did not prepare you for this moment. 
“Generals. Commander.” Kix nods. 
“Kix.” Anakin nods and then murmurs your name. “How are you feeling?” 
“Much better.” You nod. “Uh- General.”
Kix and Rex share a knowing smirk.
“We owe you a thanks for figuring out that Master Krell was working against us.” Obi-Wan tells you.
You nod again. “No problem.” 
“You know, you might be in the wrong profession.” Anakin chuckles.
“I agree, it seems like you could’ve made quite a career in espionage.” Obi-Wan compliments you with a half grin.
You laugh. “Well if there’s anything I can do for you… just let me know.”
“We will.” Obi-Wan nods and starts to walk away with Anakin.
Ahsoka gives you a wave and you wave back, still practically starstruck.
Rex stays behind and smiles down at you. 
“I’ll see you guys tonight at 79s.” Kix grins and walks away. 
For being told he was part of a tv show, he sure is handling the news well. Probably better than you would. 
“Hi.” You smile up at Rex. 
“Hey there.” He nods for you to follow him. “I want to show you something you’ve not seen yet… personally, at least.” 
“Lead the way.” You follow beside him, unable to hide your smile.
Does he know you’d follow him no matter what? You chose this life not only to help save this galaxy from Palpatine, but also for Rex.
“How are you feeling?” He asks, softly, glancing down at you as you walk.
“I’m feeling a lot better.” You promise him.
It’s true. You don’t feel exhausted for the first time in a really long time. You feel more awake. 
“I’m relieved to hear that.” He tells you. 
You don’t realize where he’s taking you until you get to the flight deck. You look at all of the starships, gunships, and walkers, still unable to believe your eyes. When you walk up to one of the walkers, you feel along the side of it, the cool durasteel making you smile. 
When you look back at Rex, he’s giving you an amused smile.
“What is it?” You ask, taking your hand away, self-consciously.
He shakes his head with a shrug. “You’re like a breath of fresh air.” 
“Was I not before?” You tease.
He immediately becomes flustered, trying to figure out what to say. 
“I’m just kidding.” You grin. 
Rex lets out a sigh of relief and nods for you to follow him. 
“This is what I wanted to show you.” He walks up to the ray shield and that’s when you see it. 
The dancing blue hues of hyperspace. Your lips part and a small gasp escapes as you grab onto Rex’s arm, unable to look away from it. You're feeling something so profound that words just can't convey. 
“Oh my god. It’s even better than I imagined it would be.” You think you practically have tears in your eyes. “It’s so beautiful.”
“Sure is.” Rex murmurs. 
Except he’s not looking up at the hyperspace lights. He’s only looking at you.
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting  @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @idledreams @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover @rebelsriley
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masterjedilenawrites · 7 months
Helloooo :) I lovet to read your work! It's amazing!🤍
I was wondering if you have any idea how the bois and TBB would react if their S/O had a mental breakdown?
Again love your work! And don't forget to take care of yourself hun🤍
Weee mental breakdowns are fun
Cody, Wolffe, and Crosshair may not be the best with soothing words or gentle touches, but they have their own way of making sure you don't stay down for long. They are fighters to their core, so anything that upsets you, be it petty annoyances or devastating breakdowns, is immediately being "taken care of." After the fight is won, then maybe they'll consider a moment of cuddles, if you want.
Rex, Kix, and Wrecker will let you have your moment... but only a moment. They'll pull you away and give you all the space you need to let yourself fall apart, safely in their arms. They have a sixth sense for knowing when to start calming you down and picking you back up again. They're full of encouragements, reassuring you that everything will be okay.
Dogma, Tup, and Hunter hate to see you going through something like this. They feel so inadequate, wishing there was more they could do, when in actuality they are literally dropping everything to tend to you. They fuss and they fret and they're scared out of their minds. They don't want to let you out of their sight, afraid of what may happen while you're feeling this way.
Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase have no idea what to do, so they start crowd sourcing ideas. Ways to calm you down, cheer you up, or just give you a break from whatever is troubling you. And before long, they've gathered a network of clones, friends, family, whoever they can find to come to your aid as well. They'll make sure you get the help you need to turn things around.
Fox, Tech, and Echo remain calm and methodical as they help you work through this difficult time. They are your anchor in the storm. They want you to still have some sense of normalcy, a routine and a rhythm that you can rely on while you work through these difficult feelings. And when you're ready to make some changes, they're at the ready to help.
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Every Character Tag: @dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear
Clone Bois & Bad Batch Tags: @kaijusplotch, @rebel-finn, @lucyysthings, @marvel-starwars-nerd, @nekotaetae, @severalseashellsbytheseashore, @lackofhonor, @flowered-bicycles
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clonehub · 2 years
i think the clones would wrestle with the idea of mental illness and trauma. in the chip arc, both fives and tup make mention of nightmares and the desire for freedom from those nightmares--but at the same time, the idea of Tup having a nervous breakdown is incomprehensible to rex. they're bred to resist any stressors, but they have nightmares?
rex denies the ability for tup to be mentally ill in any capacity but also is aware of and acknowledges that the clones collectively have a specific kind of nightmare borne from a specific kind of trauma. and I think this puts the medics in an interesting (awful) position of, by virtue of their profession, having an understanding of the strain their lives put on their mental states. but not being able to bring it up or talk about it or get help at all because everyone and their sergeant is denying the very possibility that they're not impervious to trauma. yet at the same time, I have no doubt that these clones will reach out to their medics about nightmares, anxiety, the inability to sleep, and physical symptoms of mental distress like chest pain or nausea or chronic fatigue. medics like kix are in a bind for being asked to solve a problem that the asker refuses to even admit exists.
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
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I posted 6,763 times in 2022
That's 638 more posts than 2021!
875 posts created (13%)
5,888 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,295 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#star wars - 4,023 posts
#the clone wars - 3,057 posts
#captain rex - 514 posts
#funny - 460 posts
#humor - 460 posts
#rex - 455 posts
#clone ocs - 433 posts
#commander cody - 412 posts
#the bad batch - 397 posts
#arc trooper fives - 391 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but end up causing a massive problem instead because they didn't consider the fact clones name themselves after either animals or concepts?
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I've seen a lot of people headcanon that Echo would have his iconic handprint tattooed on his chest after joining the Bad Batch, but I personally think if he got a tattoo that's not gonna be visible, it wouldn't be his one link to the 501st. If anything he'd want to display the handprint proudly like he had in the past.
After thinking hard about it, I finally decided on a tattoo that felt in line with Echo's personality specifically. Something personal that mostly stays hidden away but that he knows is there and is comforting to him.
Fives's Rishi Eel design is thusly tattooed on his back, and painted over his spinal cybernetic implants. That way he can, in a way, always have his closest brother watching his back. Even from beyond the grave.
350 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
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Saudade: A deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for something or someone that one cares for and/or loves. Moreover, it often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never be had again.
As much as the Coruscant Guard may have become Dogma's found family, a part of him will always long for his 501st brothers. Especially a certain clone with a teardrop tattoo...
Tulpa may not be Tup, but he sure reminds Dogma a lot of his lost twin... The renegade rookie will make sure his ad'ika grows up to be happy and free.
353 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
The other day I was looking at some screenshots from the Umbara Arc because I was trying to get a lay of the land, so to speak, as I wanted to write about Lich's experiences prior to finding his way back to a now fallen Republic and rising Empire... And three specific frames caught my attention due to very small details.
The first one is when Krell threatens Fives with his lightsaber.
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Lightsabers are plasma conduits. They can slice and cauterise at the same time. Using them to threaten someone into compliance like this is a promise to use them rather than a bluff.
Even with his armour on, Fives can likely feel the heat of the blade against his neck and shoulder. This is more than enough reason to go from mild apprehension around Krell to full on distrusting him, because the clones know the Jedi only use their lightsabers when they need to. And only against what they perceive as hostiles that are unwilling to negotiate surrender.
Krell using his lightsaber to threaten someone was an immediate red flag, and Fives knew it.
The second screenshot that caught my attention was when Rex was holding Krell at gunpoint to execute him.
See the full post
548 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
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Commander Fox on his way to get some caf!
A discussion on discord ended with this lovely image that I had to materialise into the digital plane. Sometimes you just gotta shred it on a board while wearing an animal onesie and severely sleep deprived.
729 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sometimes I think about how Kix had a near mental breakdown in Umbara due to the stress of trying to keep his brothers alive, only to realise he can't do anything to save them.
I also think about how we saw Rex collapse in near tears after he realises Krell tricked the clones into killing each other, just because he could. How, after Umbara, his next destination was Kadavo...
I think about how Dogma went against his own beliefs due to betrayal, and subsequently went into a state of shock because of the weight of the situation he suddenly found himself in. How Rex nodding at him in approval and respect was likely the last kindness anyone ever extended to him.
I think of Slick acting out violently against both Jedi and clones alike, working into the hands of the Separatists because he didn't feel like there was any other escape against the chains he suddenly saw around his neck and wrists.
I think about how Fives struggled uselessly against circumstances well outside his control when it came to protecting his brothers from certain doom, knowing fully well that he had very likely never gotten over the loss of Echo, and that he'd taken it upon himself to be a protector at the expense of his own relatively short life.
I think of Jesse in the aftermath of Maul's invasive mind probing, of how weak and vulnerable he sounded when talking to Rex because he felt like a failure in that very moment. How he was struggling against the chip when Rex was practically begging him to spare Ahsoka and that maybe, just maybe, had he not been captured by Maul his mental shields would have been strong enough to resist like his captain had...
I think of how Echo who was blown up, tortured, abused, left to look like a shell of his former self that he barely recognises, and who's struggling but pushing forward despite having lost almost everything and everyone he once knew and loved. How it's very likely that he'll eventually die never coming to terms with what happened to himself, and that he'll always feel like less than a man because it's how others treat him.
I think of Wolffe, years after Order 66, struggling with intense fear, guilt, and paranoia, trying to keep his only remaining family safe and accidentally hurting them and others in the process, because he's stuck living in a past that's yet to be explored but that we can assume is crushing him. Wolffe who is, without a doubt, a shadow of the former commander that had served proudly besides his Jedi. Who had always been and always will be a survivor of terrible things.
I think of Gregor who's suffered head injuries at least thrice, got blown up and been left with mental health issues, and who was still very willing to extend his aid and kindness to those around him because he took what he got and accepted it with a smile and a defiant spark to the very end...
I think about all these and more. And it makes me wish the clones had had better than what they ended up with...
1,029 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tbb-and-its-orivode · 2 years
How the 501st would react to a pet tooka
Fives: Would be the one to bring the tooka back after the battle with the poor excuse of it followed me home. The only good reason he would have to keep the tooka would be that it would boost moral.
Echo: Would hate the idea of taking in a pet until Fives put the sleeping tooka in his lap. He couldn't help petting it, it was right there. Ended up grudgingly agree that maybe it wasn't the worst thing in the world.
General Skywalker: Would allow the 501st keep it as long as they took care of it and let him play with it. Would buy all the supplies and help them train the tooka.
Captain Rex: Would be too tired to do with this issue and just pretend he never saw it. After doing paperwork for like 20 hours he comes back the barracks and lies down of his bunk only for the tooka to come curl up into his side and purr at him for pets. He starts petting the tooka and it out like a light. Ends up asking agreeing the tooka could and should stay saying how good of a stress reliever petting the little thing was.
Echo: Would hate the idea of taking in a pet until Fives put the sleeping tooka in his lap. He couldn't help petting it, it was right there. Ended up grudgingly agree that maybe it wasn't the worst thing in the world.
Tup: Would not like people seeing how soft he is but would instantly try to spend every available second with the tooka. He would plead Rex to let them keep it.
Commander Tano: Would find the tooka cuddling up to Tup when she wanted to check on the troopers and would immediately come over and bombard him with questions about the tooka and eventually would just be handed the tooka so she could play with it. Would probably end up naming the tooka Rexter Jr. or Goldie depending on the color.
Dogma: When he sees Tup playing with a tooka in the barracks he tries to report it to commander Tano only for her to already be aware with the issue and be fine with it. He ends up going to General Skywalker only to find he approved of the tooka as well. Proceeds to have mental breakdown over why he has the least rule abiding unit and thinks about requesting a transfer until Tup coaxes him over to help him brush the tooka's coat and he ends up loving the little critter and will commonly scratch its chin whenever it comes over to him in the barracks.
Kix: Is originally against the tooka all together for medical reasons but once he finds out that General Skywaker already approved of the furry friend he ends up vaccinating the tooka and running health checks but makes sure no one brings the tooka in the medbay unless a shiny is having a breakdown or its time for the tooka to get a health check or a vaccination.
Jesse: Loves petting the tooka after getting off a long shift and loves it even more when the tooka curls up on top of his stomach when he falls asleep. Will love to race the tooka around the barracks and will sometimes teach the tooka new tricks but it no where near s good at is as Hardcase.
Hardcase: Would want to play with the tooka but would only be allowed to with supervision, preferably Tup or maybe Kix, because of a past accident that severely startled the tooka and caused it to fall off a top bunk. It was unharmed but everyone still fears for the little thing. He always makes sure to have extra tooka treats on hand whenever he's around the tooka and he would never try to hurt it or startle it, and he's perfectly fine with the supervision. He also loves to teach the tooka new tricks which is why he like the supervision because then he gets a test audience.
If a shiny is ever having a hard day, lost someone close to them, or just went through a tough battle then someone would typically hand them a tooka treat and have them call over the tooka to play with for a few minutes so they can feel less alone without feeling like they have to talk to someone.
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kotorkludd · 3 years
Unnecessary and trivial Star Wars Headcanons:
• The people in the Star Wars galaxy watch loth cat and tooka videos on the space equivalent of YouTube.
• Commander Doom listens to heavy metal. And he loves reading comic books. (Kudos if you get the references)
• The Coruscant Guard love gossip. They have ALL the tea.
• Mace Windu has a potty mouth. A VERY big potty mouth. Most don’t know it because he has to look professional, and he’s on the Jedi council. But if you listen closely, you will hear him cussing in almost every language out there.
• Commander Fox’s favorite song is “I want it that way.” His least favorite is “What Does the Fox Say.” He liked it at first. Then everything changed when the Coruscant Guard attacked. They played it SO much, he eventually had a mental breakdown.
• Even though Hunter is only one inch shorter than the average clone, he is the unfortunate victim to short jokes. He tries to remain calm, but in his head he is screaming things like “WHO ARE YOU CALLING SO SMALL THAT CROSSHAIR NEEDS A MICROSCOPE TO SEE ME!?” Think of Edward Elric. One day Hunter snapped, and now the batch no longer make short jokes after an unfortunate shiny got stabbed. He is so pissed that Echo got one inch taller with his new legs. Echo likes it. He is now taller than the majority of the Clone Army. Even if it is by one inch.
• Appo is the brunt of a LOT of jokes. People always ask him “for a lift”. People also like to say “Appo! Yip! Yip!” It gets worse when he has to use a jet pack.
• Dogma was drunk when he got his tattoo. He woke up one day and it was there. He says it was his biggest mistake.
• R2-D2 does not really like Kix that much. Kix tries to avoid the droid as much as possible after he was electrocuted.
• Hunter is ABSOLUTELY certain that Rex and Anakin are in some sort of relationship.
• Quinlan Vos has been arrested more than any other jedi.
• Kix occasionally regrets getting his tattoo. This first happened after he was electrocuted by R2-D2.
• Jesse was with Kix when he got that tattoo. He told Kix to rephrase the words, but Kix sticked to “A good droid is a dead one”. Now whenever a random droid gets offended by Kix’s tattoo, Jesse looks at him with a smug grin that practically translates to “I told you so”.
• Kix and R2-D2’s reunion after 50 years was quite a memorable one. If only Jesse were there…
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Anakin Skywalker Headcannons (Part 2)
Hey there! Welcome to part two of Anakin Skywalker headcannons! Please note, these are all PERSONAL opinions and not to be claimed as fact! Some of them are random so have fun lol!
Some may be contradictory to Cannon but do I care? Not really. They didn’t give me my Anakin angst so I am getting it myself (Cue evil laughter!). 
Part 2 of ???
Ask questions through my ask and I’ll happily respond!
I will be tackling more heavy and sadder Headcannons, and diving into some triggering stuff. You have been warned! Anyways, lets get to the headcannons!
Trigger Warning List
-Implied Non-con
-Mentions of Suicide
-Basically everything that is related to slave/child abuse
-Anakin deep down always kinda of knew what his fate was to be. He’s had visions of death, of burning, of hatred ever since he was a child and it wasn’t until Mustafar, fighting Obi-Wan that he realized that no matter how hard he tried to change things, he ended up exactly where his visions put him. It was too late then, and his guilt was washed away from the flames. Anakin died screaming. 
-Anakin deep down is a massive people pleaser. Him putting on a disobedient front more often than not is just an act. Generally, he will listen and only disobey when he genuinely thinks he’s in the right. That doesn’t mean he isn’t having a mental breakdown over it and has to work himself up before going to Obi-Wan or the council. 
-There was once a time when Anakin was a Padawan where Mace Windu was like “You have greatly disappointed me Anakin Skywalker” and Obi-Wan had to quickly soothe the rising panic that Anakin started feeling. 
-Anakin has a shit ton of panic attacks but he’s really good at concealing them now. At least until he has the privacy to be alone. Obi-wan can sometimes sense it, but its more common to find him hyperventilating over a droid because something came to be a bit to much. However, surprisingly, it’s Rex and Kix who know immediately when something’s up. Sadly, they can’t always be there.
-Anakin often questions Obi-Wan’s love for him. He gets incredibly insecure and sometimes thinks he only tolerates Anakin’s affections for him. Padme tries to tell Anakin that isn’t the case, but she also knows her words do little justice. Sometimes, Anakin just needs to hear it from the source. Obi-Wan is just too stubborn to realize how much he keeps himself from Anakin and Padme and sometimes needs a good wack in the head to realize he’s hurting one of the most important people in his life. Padme never questions, and she never needs too.
-Anakin, despite loving and adoring Ashoka like a little sister, is terrified of failing her. All he wants to do is be a good master, but even more does he want to be a good friend. He’s scared that he can’t be both.
-Anakin on many occasions has genuinely considered leaving the order. Frankly, if Obi-Wan and now Ashoka aren’t there, he probably would have already left long ago. He holds a lot of anger, distrust and hatred to the Jedi Council and its code. He still hasn’t forgive them from the things they have said all those years ago.
-He genuinely doesn’t feel like he has a place in the Jedi. He has to be friendly to the people who bullied him. He has to be kind to the Hutt who sold him. He has to be gentle to the men who whipped him. At least the Jedi never forced him to see Watto again. 
-Anakin knows he’s pretty. Of course he does. He’s been called it all the time, by almost everyone he knows. The only person who never dared to use that word was his mother. Slaves know what being ‘pretty’ means. He wishes sometimes in the war that his face got scarred up more. That he has to suffer a wound so grievous that it forever scars him and makes him look more like a horrifying monster, forced to wear a mask for the rest of his life, rather than a Child of the Sun. However, out of everyone saying he looks pretty, Palpatine is the only one who sends shivers down his spine and make his lips curl up in disgust.
-Anakin isn’t as sexually active as most people think, due to a few experiences he had as a slave. He only participates when Obi-Wan or Padme initiate it, but he never does so himself. He NEVER talks about it, and TBH not even Obi-Wan and Padme know about it. He never talks about it during the private moments with Padme or Obi-Wan that he can still feel the phantom hands, the stinging pain. Its something he truly keeps close to his chest. A lot of painful memories were brought up with Miraj during the Slaves of the Republic Arc, and a lot of new memories were made. Ashoka nor Obi-Wan didn't understand why Anakin didn't want to be touched for a week. They were wanting comfort, and offering it to him. Yet Anakin never approached them. However his dislike for it doesn’t mean he doesn’t find enjoyment in it. Through Padme and Obi-Wan, he learns that it doesn’t have to be painful or scary. So while he doesn’t particularly desire it like Padme and Obi-Wan, he doesn’t mind giving that part to them.
-He knows he wasn’t always going to be staying with Watto. He was being trained on the side lines, he never told his mother. He just hoped he could free her before he was sent to the brothels. He was ‘pretty’ after all. 
-He is probably sometimes over protective of Ashoka, and holds a lot of anger at the council from the Zygerrian mission. The council doesn’t seem to understand how in danger she was, and he is forever thanking the force that she got out relatively unscathed. Not that Anakin did. He still doesn’t talk of that time there.
-He has EXTREME claustrophobia. Obi-Wan has tried to help him through it, but as soon as Anakin gets it into his head that he’s trapped in an enclosed space, he’s immediately freaking out. At least now he doesn’t openly sob or show his panic. Better for Obi-Wan to think he trained it out of Anakin. However Anakin remembers being in a box when he was young, separated from his mother despite feeling her close by. Feeling like he could barely breath, sweltering from the heat of the desert sun and his own body. 
-He can be possessive over his food, and NEVER leaves scraps. He will always eat everything presented to him on his plate, and has many occasions ended up with him throwing up because he ate so much. Obi-Wan just chalks it up to not wanting food to go to waste. He never considered that Anakin once had to go for days without food.
-Anakin's experiences as a Slave were a LOT worse than people think. He doesn't like talking about it, but people can find little things in his reactions to prove it. The widening of his eyes when someone yells at him, the way he sometimes flinches at a raised hand. The way he'll momentarily panic when he's injured and has to tell Obi-Wan.
-The biggest reason why Anakin likes Droids more than people sometimes is because Droids won't ever have the desire to own you. In Anakin's eyes, they are just as much a slave as he feels sometimes
-Anakin has tried to commit suicide once. He doesn't talk about it, and no one knows. He still keeps the letter he wrote in his pocket, just in case he decides to go through with it.
-He has a really hard time wasting water. Same thing with food, he won’t waste water. First time he saw The Room of a Thousand Fountains, he almost had a break down with how much water they were wasting. Now he knows that logically he will never run out of water, doesn’t mean he will use it frivolously.
-Anakin DOES NOT like to be cared for (actually he loves it but he has a hard time accepting it). Accepting help means a price, and he still struggles with the knowing that's not always the case.
-There are times in his life when Anakin does NOT want to be touched. He will actively avoid it, move his body away from people trying to touch him, hug him, anything. He’ll pull away from kisses, keeping his hands in his pocket so he doesn’t have to shake hands, and just obviously ignore signs. This usually lasts for about a week and Obi-Wan can never figure out WHY it happens. 
-He also goes mute sometimes. This lasts longer, and the last time it happened he was mute for a month. Not even Yoda can figure out what’s blocking Anakin from speaking, but sometimes Anakin just doesn’t want to talk.
-He suffers from really serious depression. Times when he can’t even pull himself out of bed. Just curling under the covers and not able to do anything but lay in his misery. First time Ashoka found him like this caused her to panic and run to Obi-Wan thinking he was poisoned. Now she knows better, and instead is just there for him.
-Anakin still holds some bitterness in the Jedi for never letting him free the slaves. Same goes for Padme. She never seemed to truly fight to end slavery. Anakin sometimes wonder just what they think of him sometimes. Do they really not know the horrors of Slavery. He considered once taking Padme in person to see it. And he knows Obi-Wan saw a glimpse, yet still. He had it easy. At least he was in the mines. 
-Anakin knows his anger is bad. He tries so hard to control it, but when he can’t he’ll take it out on himself. Push himself. Tear himself apart. Force himself in situations he doesn’t like, situations he feels the need to throw up from, just to punish himself. Its the ONLY time he’ll ever initiate things with Obi-Wan and Padme. Yet they are oblivious. They always seem to be. 
-Anakin didn’t like how he was constantly forced to cut his hair as a Padawan. Soon as he had freedom, he chose to grow it out because at least then he felt better about it. Felt like he had SOME bodily autonomy. 
-Obi-Wan once used Anakin’s looks for negotiation once. While Anakin played along with it, at the end of the mission he very sternly told Obi-Wan “If you ever fucking do that again, I will NEVER forgive you”. Obi-Wan listened. 
-Anakin has a dissociative disorder, specifically OSDD B1 where all the ‘alters’ share the memories of what happened, but not the emotions that come with it. However, there is only 1 other Alter, to which he goes by the name of Slave. Created to protect Anakin during some of the worst moments and occasionally has come out during his time as a Jedi. Obi-Wan can sense a shift, but never really can tell that Slave and Anakin are different people since Slave knows how to act as his counterpart. He prefers staying dormant. However, he does gain an official name eventually. “Vader’. Brought forth to protect Anakin from Palpatine, and well all that Slave desires is to please the master. He will obey every order to avoid punishment and pain. Anakin was under such emotional and physical duress that Slave was pushed forward and took charge. Anakin vaugely awoke with searing pain watching Obi-Wan leave, before falling back and letting Slave take the reigns now. He hates what they have done. 
-Anakin HATES being drugged. Despises it more than drinking. If Obi-Wan can tell something’s drugged, or if Anakin finds out after he swallows it, he will put his fingers into his mouth and force it back out if its not to late. He’d much rather drink than get drugged because at least drinking gives him a better chance of being aware. 
-Anakin forever has Ashoka’s Padawan beads. Even as Vader, they are tucked safely away in his pocket. Protect and loved. He wishes he could run his fingers along them as he used to when she first left. 
-Anakin personally helped Rex, and quite a few other clones paint their armor. In turn, he’s even let them paint his own. He keeps that set safe in his room, too terrified to wear it cause he doesn’t want to lose something so special to him.
-First time someone genuinely complimented Anakin, he cried like there was no tomorrow. He was complimented a few times before, but for some reason this one really seemed to make him realize that it was a compliment and not some form of back handed insult. He tries his best to compliment people, and prefers teaching Ashoka through positivity rather than negativity. The only time he yells is when he’s scared or he feels like he genuinely needs to (which is more than he would like, especially the first few months)
-Anakin doesn’t actually know his birthday, or really how old he is. He and his mother can estimate, but they don’t actually know for sure. He just said a date for his birthday just to get Obi-Wan off his back.
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zaptrapp · 3 years
Clones as school:
Rex: the popular but quiet one, somehow considered the leader of the group. He stands out in every class but does not brag about it.
Fives: prankster n. 1, does funny pranks without hurting anyone (most of them fail). Would die for his friends, especially Echo and Tup.
Echo: the anxious one, he is afraid of failing tests (even though he probably studied more than 3/4 of the other kids) and gets sick before taking them. Fives helps him getting through it.
Jesse: prankster n. 2, but he actually hurt people’s feelings. Also has too many lovers at once and doesn’t know how to deal with them.
Tup: the sweet summer child, organizes study groups. Probably gets bullied. Everyone loves his hair and keeps touching it. He cries, a lot.
Kix: the mom of the group, has always medicines, bandages and camomile with him. Worries too much for literally nothing. He is also the one screaming if a bug enters the classrooms.
Hardcase: the hyperactive friend who’s favorite subject is P.E. (he takes it too seriously and cries after losing a match). Gave a student a concussion once. Don’t let this kid near sugar, just don’t.
Dogma: the snitch, would 100% call the teacher if he sees you cheating. Enjoys drama and sides always with the strongest one.
Commander Cody: the serious, mature, collected, stoic one. The other kids look up to him but he is almost always on the verge of tears or a mental breakdown. Master of faking emotions.
Commander Fox: the kid always stationed near the vending machine having a coffee whenever he can because he studied too much the night before and can’t physically hold himself together without it. Scares people with his dark circles.
Commander Bly: the one sneaking to the bathroom in the middle of the lesson to meet his girlfriend. Nobody wants to go to the bathroom when he is there in fear of what could happen.
Commander Wolffe: the “what the fuck are you looking at” type of person. Sometimes comes at school wasted. People heard he bit Fox once, no particular reason.
Waxer and Boil: the two best friends that give private lessons to younger students. Boil gets paid, Waxer does it because it’s fun.
Hunter: the kid who prefers biking from the middle of nowhere to school instead of driving his fancy car.
Crosshair: nobody (except Hunter) talks to this kid in fear of getting physically hurt. The bully. Founder of a very fancy and private club for mildly illegal activities.
Tech: he is the one super hyped for the weird science project and does all the work even though it was supposed to be a group project. He complains about it later. Also upset if his grades are lower than B.
Wrecker: the kid who brings way to much food at school.
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soclonely · 3 years
why even bother starting a project with a schedule if you know you won't even update on time? Just like the Tech fic some of us are still waiting to be updated ...
OPE ! Damn you know what? You are right. Lemme just *pencils in dealing with anon between mental breakdown at 10pm and 2am hot tub* I can fit you into my schedule before continuing!
The Clones as Things You Are Not Obligated to Do If YOU Don't Want To
Rex- This
Echo- Answer Text Messages or Calls
Fives- And in return, Make calls or text people
Jesse- Do laundry.
Kix- Update a fic or finish a project for tumblr that you mainly do FOR YOURSELF and merely share with others out of the goodness of your heart
Tup- Brush your hair. Throw it in a bun, its fine if you don't have the energy
Dogma- Cook dinner. If you want to order delivery, thats good! If you want to just eat something quick you have in the fridge? Go for it
Hardcase- Turn down favors.
Coric- Turn the song you have had on repeat for an hour because it makes you feel good.
Bly- You are NOT obligated to be busy. being busy can stress people out. if you want to sit around and do nothing, dont feel guilty about doing so
99- be nice to everyone. its okay to be grumpy and not apologize for it like "oh sorry I didnt get enough sleep/had a bad day" every single time someone tries to call you out on it. This is one of my biggest pet peeves people tend to do.
Cody- Go out to places with friends who have their kids with them because yeah sometimes they aren't for everyone. Do what works for you!
Waxer/Boil- And in contrast, if you have kids you are not obligated to hang out with people who are like the cody's. Do what works for you!
Wolffe- See family you hate
Boost/Sinker- See family you like
Hunter- Go to that after work event for a coworker you don't even know because everyone else is going
Wrecker- Share things
Tech- Buy gifts for people
Crosshair- Take the blame for someone else's fuck up
Omega- Bend your boundaries for someone else who wants to talk about something you are uncomfortable with.
Howzer- Lie for someone
Fox- Basically anything that you don't wanna do.
Gregor- laugh. sometimes you just don't feel like it and so what ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Febuwhump 2022
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7mcHVf8oM
by Chaotic_Dumbass_Rogue
28 chapters of Star Wars whump.
Abandon all hope ye who enter here.
Words: 101, Chapters: 1/29, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Legends: Knights of the Old Republic (Video Games), Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios, Mira (Star Wars), Barriss Offee, Ahsoka Tano, Female Revan (Star Wars), Carth Onasi, Bastila Shan, Hanharr (Star Wars), Cad Bane, Rey (Star Wars), Mission Vao, Kylo Ren, Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor, Visas Marr, Darth Nihilus, Atton "Jaq" Rand, Female Jedi Exile, Cal Kestis, Prauf (Star Wars), CT-6116 | Kix, Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CT-1157 | Stance
Relationships: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla, Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso, Carth Onasi & Female Revan, CC-5052 | Bly/Aayla Secura, Kanan Jarrus & Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger & Hera Syndulla, Cal Kestis & Prauf, 501st Legion & Ahsoka Tano, The Jedi Exile/Atton "Jaq" Rand, Female Revan & Bastila Shan, Barriss Offee & Ahsoka Tano
Additional Tags: Whump, febuwhump2022, Head Injury, failed rescues, Blood Loss, Nightmares, Hypothermia, Torture, Human Experimentation, Broken Bones, Kidnapping, Chronic Pain, spiked drinks, Unconsciousness, Scars, Forced to Watch Torture, Delirium, Restraints, Presumed Dead, emotional breakdown, Mental Breakdown, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, You Have Been Warned, Hurt/Comfort, Buried Alive, Angst, Angst and Tragedy, Angst and Feels, Angst and Hurt/Comfort
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/7mcHVf8oM
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tragedy-for-sale · 4 years
Hello! Could you write hcs like sick hcs, but what chronic pains / phantom pains which clones had to deal with? I adore your headcanons and fics by the way!
Okay, I've been thinking this over cause this is a really good request so I've been trying to come up *quality* content. I did uh, some mental trauma, cause uh, I can't really think of a lot of clones with notable injuries - if ya get me.
Eee- thank you! I really love writing for you guys!
While Wolffe's scar was still healing there have been accounts when he'll stumble back in pain. The first time it happened he was alone in the medbay and he was crying out in pain but no one came. Wolffe stared at himself, he was pathetic. A soldier doesn't cry. So he pushed all that pain down and didn't report it to the doctor. Then it happened again in the middle of a briefing and Plo Koon panicked, had his boy been hiding an injury? He cut off the transmission and went over to Wolffe who had fallen to the floor in agony. When Plo realized what was happening, he realized he couldn't do anything and he couldn't stand it, so he grabbed Wolffe and hugged him tightly until Wolffe's crys had stopped.
Wrecker's giant scar obviously had him in agony for months. Even after bacta tank sessions he still couldn't focus. His brothers really didn't know what to do, half the time because Wrecker hid his pain from them. He'd get a flashback and find himself getting dizzier and a massive headache. But he didn't say anything, he didn't need his brothers thinking he wasn't okay. They had been so distraught and so relieved when he finally woke up from his coma. They didn't realize he wasn't okay until he passed out in the middle of a battle. Afterwards they had him back on Havoc and told him he didn't have to hide anything from them, especially his suffering.
Rex's heart injury hadn't ever bugged him once he healed. But the first day he was back to battle and the first gun shot went off, he stumbled back. An agonizing pain sending his entire body into shock. He found himself on the ground unable to move or even breath. Kix ran up to him only to find no actual injury. He then realized Rex was trying to clutch his chest through his armor. He had to get Rex out of there. Kix cursed himself for letting the damn man slide on the mental therapy. Rex couldn't speak the entire time and his face was really red. Luckily he had the med Kix on his case. After, Rex sat through Kix's mental health speech and a bunch of his dumb little brothers attended. They had brought their Captain candies and gifts so he couldn't complain if they stayed.
Of course no one really looks to see if the medic is in pain. Not a lot physically, but mentally, this boy's got some open wounds. Kix often drowns his sorrows in caf and chocolate. He works and works and the only way his brothers could tell was when they heard him crying as he pounded on his brothers chest. He was having a complete breakdown on the battlefield from sleep deprivation and a bunch of things running loose in his head. They had to drag the man away, and I mean dragged. Kix fought and screamed saying he couldn't abandon his brother! Jesse eventually escorted the poor man to Kix's own med center and laid with him, not speaking until Kix did. They missed out on a big battle but not an episode of The Munsters. So they were happy. When Rex checked on Kix, the two were happily cuddled and sleeping.
Uh; look, Echo is in pain all the cheese caking time. The other batchers don't know how to help him because Echo yells at them because a damn cyborg shouldn't feel pain. I can't really say more, because I won't make you sob today.
Cody's scar, oh haha- bit of a gore warning ya'll. Cody has never talked about the day he got his scar. Like, really talked. All Rex knows is it happened during the first battle of Geonosis, his gunship crashed. That's all. Now, Cody doesn't have pain when it comes to the scar, well, not anymore. He doesn't remember the feeling of burning metal cutting it's way through his helmet to his flesh. He doesn't remember the trauma. Oh, but his body? His brain? His entire body does. His body remembers him trying not to scream so he'd be presumed dead. His body remembers the feeling of sticking a piece of wire in his skull over and over to stitch the wound up. His body remembers, but Cody? No, oh no. Cody only remembers the pain. Of being so hot and uncomfortable he wanted to close his eyes and sleep. He finds his forehead heating up so much that he has to stop what he's doing, take his helmet off and breath. Or him waking up in the night screaming because something was pressing hot irons to his head.
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parkkrys · 4 years
Jesse/Hardcase: Intuitive
Here's another one! We are almost done with this tag aahhh. Hopefully I did this one correctly.
Sorry for any grammar mistakes and I hope you like it.
Jesse wasn’t expecting a relationship with Hardcase, it was sudden for him to see Hardcase as a friend and then seeing him as something more as Hardcase would look at him with a soft look. It made him want to protect him, to hold him when he is feeling down.
Umbara has been hard on everyone. Krell has been making everyone live a living hell, they have lost more soldiers than they usually would and Kix was having a mental breakdown all the time because he was ordered to leave them behind to die. Everyone was affected by it, even Hardcase who would keep the mood up with his jokes and silly antics.
Hardcase was more quiet, keeping his head down as he glared at Krell. Jesse instincts were screaming at him to hold him close because something was going to happen. He can’t lose Hardcase, he just can’t. When Fives asked him to join his mission he didn’t even hesitate, but once he mentioned Hardcase something was screaming inside him.
He didn’t know why but Hardcase had to stay here, he can’t come along for the mission. He just had to make Hardcase understand first.
Jesse paused as he watched Hardcase move about the room, inspecting the cruisers that the enemy used and something in his chest tightened. He knew this was going to be a fight.
“Hardcase,” He called out and he melted as Hardcase looked at him, a smile on his lips.
“These are so cool! I wonder how they work, how they fly. How much damage they do! These bad boys can pack a punch from what I’ve seen, why aren't we using these?”
Jesse couldn’t help but to chuckle at his excitement, he was always adorable once he started rambling on about something that got him excited. He just hoped he could get him to understand what he is about to say next.
“I don’t want you to come with us.”
Hardcase froze before he turned to look at him, “What?”
“You aren’t coming with us.”
“What are you talking about? Fives asked me to go with you guys.”
“Yeah well, he shouldn’t have done that. We only need two people for this,” Jesse sighed.
“Jess, I am going. You can’t just tell me what to do.”
“Technically I can actually. Look I don’t want to order it, just hear me out will you?” Jesse asked as he finally took a few steps towards his partner, he felt hurt when Hardcase took a step back but he took it with stride as he continued moving forward. He only came to a stop a couple steps away from Hardcase, he could see how hurt he was and it made him hate himself just a little bit more.
“I don’t want to lose you Cas’ika, you mean too much to me,” Jesse started before Hardcase interrupted him.
“This is a war Jesse, what did you expect?”
“I know this is a karking war ‘Case, I have been fighting in it longer than you have, But something is telling me to not let you come with us.”
“You are telling me not to go because of some feeling?”
Jesse sighed as he nodded wordlessly. He knew it sounded stupid but it was the only way he could describe it. His instincts were screaming at him and he always trusted his gut, it was how he was still alive.
“Jesse come on! You’re really not going to let me go because of that?” Hardcase asked and Jesse didn’t say anything as he pulled Hardcase into his arms.
“Please Case, please just trust me on this. I would rather you hate me then I lose you.”
He didn’t know what to expect as Hardcase fell silent in his arms, but he was relieved that Hardcase didn’t pull away from him.
“I could never hate you Jesse, yeah I’m upset but I could never hate you.”
Jesse smiled as he pulled back lightly to kiss him, “Do you trust me?”
“Of course I do,” Hardcase said softly.
“Then just stay here and please stay safe. I can’t lose you.”
“I can’t lose you either. Why do you think I want to go so bad?”
Jesse stopped as he sighed. He was so focused on making sure Hardcase stayed here, he didn’t even think about how his cyare felt. Why he would have wanted to go so badly.
“I love you Case, I'm sorry we will talk about it later when I get back but please, please promise me you will stay here.”
Hardcase didn’t say anything as he nodded lightly, pressing another kiss to his lips. They had a lot to talk about and as much as he wanted to go, he would do what Jesse asked. Just this time if it will calm Jesse down.
“Come back to me you hear me?” Hardcase whispered and Jesse nodded as he pressed a kiss to his forehead.
“Of course.”
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lifeofclonewars · 4 years
Time to Fix Some Hives
Also available on AO3. Link on my page so this still shows up in tags.
I’m not sure how this got as long as it did. Part 3 of the Pun Wars, but can be read alone.
Summary: “Hey, was Prime allergic to anything?” Fives asked casually.
“I don’t think so," Kix replied, swiping through a datapad. "But if so, the Kaminoans probably engineered it away. Why?”
“Uh, I think I might’ve gotten it.”
“Fives! Vod!" Kix looked like his blood pressure just skyrocketed. He let out a sound that didn’t quite sound human.
In which Fives gets some hives and Kix has to fix it.
Food in the GAR was something to be discussed. Or maybe not. Ration sticks were varying degrees of bland and dry. The mess hall meals had some flavor but, after weeks in hyperspace or in orbit, had the same monotony as ration bars. If someone wanted good food, they’d have to wait for leave. Unless, of course, they took the method that involved not-quite regulations breaking.
Somehow, though, every once in a while, a shipment of supplies would bring in something to liven up meals. A small bundle of juicemelons here, some shuuras there. Once, somehow, some varos, which had led to a large celebration and special dessert. Whenever command was able to get some brightness to the meals in shipments, it was a cause to rejoice. However they managed to sort it out, they received eternal thanks for it. 
The latest shipment had included such a treat, if breakfast was anything to go by.  Fives grinned when he saw the options for the day. Stacks of space waffles and various toppings were available. Sitting neatly labeled, easy to grab, was muja sauce. They hadn’t had muja fruit before, so it would be exciting to see how this tasted. 
With a tray full of food, Fives plopped himself down next to Tup. “Morning.”
“Morning,” Tup responded, already digging into his food.
Fives spared a peep at his brother’s plate. “How’s the muja sauce?”
“Pretty good. A tad sweeter than I expected.” 
Fives nodded and set to eating, first eating the bland porridge that was required for vitamins or whatever. He and Tup chatted amicably, recounting the pandemonium that had come from a training game Rex had attempted the previous afternoon. It went well until Focus had— unlike his name suggested— gotten sidetracked and blew up a dummy droid; it was all downhill from there. 
Porridge gone, Fives moved onto the space waffles. Tup hadn’t been kidding: the mujas were the sweetest fruit he’d tasted. 
He must have made a face, as Tup laughed. “See? I wasn’t exaggerating.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” Fives said. The waffle itself must’ve been dry; his throat was suddenly a shade scratchy. Eh, so maybe the waffles suffered in favor of the sauce. It wasn’t too big of a deal. A sip of water solved it, anyway. 
He continued his conversation, irritated when the waffles continued to make his throat scratchy. Try as he might, it was hard to ignore. 
“Hey, vod,” he asked in a lull, “are your waffles making your throat scratchy?”
Tup’s eyebrows furrowed. “No. Are yours?”
Grimacing, he answered, “Yeah. I somehow managed to get the one dry one they made. The sauce and some water helped, though.” 
“That sucks.” 
“I’ll live. You know what does suck?” With that, Fives launched into an explanation of what was rumored to be the Captain’s next training exercise. While it was a rumor, you could never be too careful in preparing for them. The less you could avoid feeling like dying while doing them, the better. 
The rumor turned out to be just a rumor. But, that was because the training exercises ended up even more strenuous than the rumor stated. 
Fives took a breather, leaning against a wall. He watched while some shinies seemed to have mental breakdowns, struggling to keep up to pace but still fighting through. 
Faintly, he realized his arms were itchy. Huh, that was odd. Looking down, his arms appeared slightly red. That hit to the mat he'd taken earlier must've given him a burn. It wasn't anything he couldn't fight through; he was an ARC trooper, after all.
"Doing good, Fives?" Rex called over to him.
He straightened off the wall. "Never better, sir."
"Good. You're next." 
A fast-paced but by no means short spar later, Fives found himself admiring the ceiling lights, the Captain standing over him. Exhausted and beginning to catch his breath, the itch in his arms made itself present once again. 
“Still good, Fives?” Rex offered his hand and Fives took it, standing up. 
“Uh, yeah. I think I got a floor burn and definitely some bruises, but it’s nothing I can’t deal with.”
Rex patted him on the back, taking a glance at Fives’ forearms. “Hmm, make sure a medic looks over it when you can, just in case.”
“Yessir.” With that, Rex dismissed him to the cycle of training and called up the next trooper to spar. 
As he made his way over to the next station, which was sure to increase in intensity, Fives checked out his arms himself. The redness appeared to be a scattering of small bumps across his arms. Some of the bumps were larger than the others. But the fact that there were bumps... maybe it wasn’t floor burn after all. That would explain why it was itching more than stinging. But what else could it be? 
He reached the station. The redness-debacle could be solved later. He’d tell Kix later; there was stuff to be done. 
Sometime after lunch, Fives found himself on a patrol shift in the lower levels of the star destroyer. A gaggle of mechanics, squabbling over something or another, were nearby, seemingly working and not working simultaneously. All he had to do was walk the halls. 
With the time available and no obvious threats around, Fives allowed himself to reflect on what was up with his arms. His blaster slung carefully across his back, he took off his left vambrace, gauntlet, and glove then rolled up his blacks to his elbow. 
The bumps stood out brightly against his skin. A floor burn could not have produced them. The ARC trooper had had many before and none of them had ever looked like this. In fact, it almost looked like… a rash. 
Fives thought back to the bit of medical training ARC training had given him. A potential rash with bumps that were itching. And if he counted the scratchy throat he’d had at breakfast as something other than dry space waffles— well, it all added up. 
It looked like Fives had an allergy to muja fruit. 
Interesting. He put his armor back on and continued along with his patrol. That’d be something to tell Kix later. A crash sounded around the corner and Fives pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind. Finally, something marginally exciting was happening. Slinging his blaster around, he took off down the corridor. 
Once off patrol, he headed to the medical bay to talk to Kix. That one crash had led to an action-packed end of patrol involving helping some shinies and forgetting about everything else he’d been thinking about. He remembered he needed to talk to the medic but hadn’t the slightest why. Shrugging to himself, he made his way inside.
Kix was stationed at the front desk for the moment, busy with something Fives couldn’t see over the top of the desk. He paused and looked up as the doors closed behind Fives. “Hey, vod,” he greeted.
“Hey, Kix.”
“You’re not here because you sprained something else, are you?” 
Fives smiled at that. “Not this time. No promises for the future, though.” 
His brother rolled his eyes. “Well, since that’s not the case, feel free to talk about anything. I’m trying to avoid paperwork and also answering Jesse’s comm about how many people a hypothetical stunt he might hypothetically pull he will land in here.”
Fives hummed. Soon enough, the brothers were talking about anything and everything that came to mind. Kix began to flick through some of the datapads stacked high next to him. They talked about the craziest reasons for injuries Kix had encountered recently, what they expected from their upcoming campaign, and more. 
Activity around the bay was low. Out in hyperspace for a few weeks between campaigns had let the majority of the injured to heal. The handful of medics on shift shuffled around between beds, chatting and joking with their patients. One or two visitors sat next to their brother’s beds. For once, the atmosphere was light and easy and not clouded with stress and worry. Fives had no problem leaning against the front desk while talking to his brother. 
With the light conversation and calm, Fives’ thoughts drifted back to what he had discovered on patrol.
“Hey, was Prime allergic to anything?” Fives asked casually.
“I don’t think so," Kix replied, swiping through a datapad. "But if so, the Kaminoans probably engineered it away. Why?”
“Uh, I think I might’ve gotten it.”
“Fives! Vod!" Kix looked like his blood pressure just skyrocketed. He let out a sound that didn’t quite sound human.
“Chill, it only made my throat scratchy for a bit. Plus, I got these little bumps but they’re not that bad. I can deal with it.”
The sound came out again, this time even longer and even less human. Kix shot out of his chair and dove for a nearby container, ruffling through the contents, datapad forgotten. Fives stood and watched idly as his brother began to have a breakdown. “Where are the epi-pens for the nat-born officers? Those are kriffing hives, di’kut!”
Oh. Oops.
Kix found what looked like two hypos. “Finally!” he exclaimed and rushed over to Fives, pushing him by the shoulder to the nearest bed. The few people on the other end of the medbay who had looked over when Kix shouted made themselves look busy when Fives sent them an apprehensive glance. Once seated, the medic set the hypos aside and began removing the cuisse on Fives’ leg. 
Fives jerked away. “What are you doing?!”
His brother scowled. “Stay still! I’m treating your allergic reaction, what do you think I’m doing?” 
Once Fives stilled, Kix finished removing the armor and took one of the hypos. Uncapping it, he took it and shoved it into his thigh. He looked up and scowled at Fives before moving to dispose of the hypo properly and grab a new datapad from a shelf. 
“Now we wait for five minutes to see if you need a second one or not.”
“A second one?”
His response made Kix’s eyebrows somehow furrow even closer. “Yes, a second one. You’re lucky that the reaction didn’t get any worse than that. When you ignore a reaction, the mild symptoms can suddenly spiral and can turn into anaphylaxis. And that can kill you, Fives.” 
Fives grimaced. “Sorry. I didn’t know it could get worse. At least it didn’t…?” he attempted to reconcile. 
The medic took a deep breath. He then took off Fives’ vambrace, gauntlet, and glove. Inspecting his forearm while pushing the sleeve up, Kix took another breath. “See here, Fives? These are one hundred percent hives. You really thought hives weren’t a big deal?”
“I thought it was floor burn at first,” he admitted. “I didn’t realize they were bumps until I was busy and then things happened and it wasn’t my top priority.”
Kix inclined his head towards the arm he was still grasping. “If this ever happens again, this is your top priority.” He released Fives’ arm, grabbing the hypo that was still sitting on the bed. “This is an EpiPen, and it’ll help you with any future allergic reactions, tayli'bac? Keep this in your utility belt. And when I say keep it there, I mean always, always have it there. Since you have this allergy, you might have others. We’ll need to do a test sometime soon to check since Kamino didn’t test for them because they normally don’t need to. We’ll have to teach you how to use the EpiPen then as well. You’re going to take this more seriously now, right?”
“Right.” Fives took the hypo and placed it into his utility belt promptly. 
“Okay, so I have to update your health file to reflect your allergy. Hold on a minute.” Fives nodded and Kix started to flick through the datapad in his hands. 
After a minute or so, a little beep sounded. “Alright,” Kix said, placing the datapad down on the bed. “That was the five-minute timer. Arm.” Fives obediently held his arm out. Kix took it, gently twisting it back and forth. “The hives are already swelling down. You won’t need a second one.” 
“Great,” Fives stated tentatively.
“Great,” Kix repeated. “Now either sit here quietly or help me figure out if Prime had an allergy to mujas you somehow got.” He handed Fives a datapad he materialized out of nowhere. 
“Shouldn’t you be watching the front desk?” Fives reminded. 
“Shh,” Kix said. “Coric got it when I went for the EpiPens, anyway.” A quick look over Kix’s shoulder confirmed that, yes, Coric had indeed taken the front desk while Kix treated the ARC. “Now get to work.”
“What’s up, vode?” Fives announced his presence, plopping down first his tray and then himself at the table. “Turns out, I have a mutation.”
“WHAT?!” came from three of the four people gathered around. The only one who didn’t react vocally was Kix, who just rolled his eyes from where he sat next to Jesse. If Fives had credits, he would bet that Kix had been waiting for him to say that since they concluded their research earlier.
“What do you mean you have a mutation?!” Tup asked, fork halted halfway to his mouth. “And how did you just find out?!”
“You know how I had a dry waffle this morning?” Tup nodded and Kix snorted. “Turns out, my waffle wasn’t dry. I was having an allergic reaction.”
Jesse raised an eyebrow. “I’ve seen you scarf down space waffles before. What changed?”
Fives smirked and waited a beat to see if his brothers would figure it out on their own. When no one said anything, he continued, "There was muja sauce today."
Another beat. "Oh!" came the three reactions.
Jesse began to laugh. "Your mutation is a muja fruit allergy? That's gotta suck, dude." 
A shrug. "Eh, now that I know, not too much. The mujas were a bit sweet for my taste, anyway." 
Focus grimaced. "You still suck at lying, Fives." Fives scrunched his nose at the scout but otherwise didn't acknowledge his words, taking a tentative bite of what looked suspiciously like something’s liver.
"Yes, an untreated allergy is something to laugh about," Kix groused. When Jesse laughed at his attitude, Kix shot a glare his way. The lieutenant only laughed harder. 
"What happened?" Jesse prompted, evidently sensing a story to be told.
“I can tell you what happened,” Kix grumbled, stabbing a piece of lettuce. “Kaysh mirsh solus, Jess. I can’t emphasize that enough.”
Jesse doubled over cackling, clutching his stomach. He set his other arm on the table and buried his face in it. He struggled to form words for a moment, then finally spit out, “The allergic reaction must’ve killed the rest of them.”
“Wow, thanks,” Fives deadpanned. “To both of you.”
“Anytime.” Kix stabbed another piece of lettuce, giving Fives an unbreakable glare. “If you pull anything like this again, I will check if you really do only have one brain cell left.”
“I expected nothing less.” 
Jesse composed himself and rested his elbows on the table and his head on his hands— he was by far the most amused by this. He was going to get stuff out of this for weeks if he played his cards right. His grin was quite possibly one of the biggest ones Fives had ever seen on a brother. His food, which he hadn’t touched since Fives sat down, sat ignored in front of him still. 
“Okay, but seriously,” Focus cut in, “how did you not know you had an allergy to muja fruit?”
Fives swiveled towards the scout. “How did you manage to blow up a training dummy when your name implies that shouldn’t have happened?” he quipped back. “It’s not like I had muja fruit before, and it’s not like that’s something that they tested for on Kamino. None of us are supposed to have allergies!”
“It’s not like we’ve seen anyone have an allergic reaction before,” Tup pointed out. 
“Fine. Fair point,” Focus conceded. 
Fives pointed at Tup. "Actually, he's right. I first thought I had a floor burn from sparring with the Captain."
"I still don't get how you thought hives were a floor burn," Kix griped.
"At first, Kix. I said at first. Once I got a closer look, I noticed otherwise. I just got busy."
The medic shook his head, rolling his eyes slightly and taking a sip from his water. 
"Anyway," Fives continued, avoiding the meat and picking at a blob next to it, "our little bit of research told us Prime wasn't allergic to muja fruit so it really is a random mutation."
"Maybe someone in Prime's biological family had it?" Tup offered.
"Just because allergies can be genetic doesn't always mean they are," Kix supplied. "I wouldn't be surprised either way." 
"Either way, I don't care," Fives said. "What I do care about is that now I have to suffer through an allergy test just to be safe."
“K'atini. You’re an ARC trooper, you’ve suffered worse.”
Fives scoffed. “Just because I have doesn’t mean I wanted to suffer. Or suffer more, especially because of you.”
The group descended into bickering the way only siblings could. Little did they know, a new and improved version of their conversation would take place a mere two days later when it was revealed that Fives was also allergic to yot beans and chando peppers and severely so to zherries after Kix ran the allergy test. 
Mando’a Translations:
Vod: Brother
Di’kut: Idiot
Tayli'bac: Got it? Okay? Understand? (Often very aggressive.) Basically, the Mando'a version of Capisce
Vode: Brothers. Can refer to the clones as a whole or just a group of them
Kaysh mirsh solus: He’s an idiot. Lit. “His brain cell is lonely”
K'atini: Suck it up! Or: It’s only pain! 
Thanks for reading! 
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oceanera12 · 4 years
The Medic
Finn remembers the first time he met the man. It was a little more than a few weeks after escaping Crait. The Resistance was in tatters which meant recruitment was a huge priority. Finn had been sent to Maz’s (or what was left of it) along with Poe and Chewy to try and set up a secure meeting for sympathizers.
The man hadn’t looked like much. His hair was long, draping past his shoulders, his clothes torn and ragged. A few pieces of white and blue armor were on his arms and he carried a blaster (and looked like he knew how to use it). Maz had been talking to him when Finn and friends entered the room. The man appeared almost angry at her, downing his drink before asking for another. Maz had obliged, but was clearly not happy about it. Her attention was drawn away by Chewbacca, leaving the man to his drink.
Poe followed the two of them into the back and Finn had been planning to join them but... Something inside him tugged him away from backroom, to the bar, and to the man.
He doesn’t remember most of the interaction, if you could even call it that. Finn had introduced himself to which the man had grunted and downed another drink and ordered another. Finn tried talking about the weather, rumors about the Resistance and the First Order, the weapon the man carried (”Looks like an older model, ever thought of an upgrade?), but all he received were grunts. Most people would have left it alone and Finn did try to leave several times, but his gut told him to stay, keep trying, this is important.
Poe signaled Finn finally, telling him the meeting was scheduled and he was headed back to the ship (and Finn should too or he’d leave him behind). Finn hesitated but got to his feet and turned to leave.
The words came unbidden and he had no idea why he even said them. They were blurted out, clear as day. “FN-2187.”
The man at the bar choked on his drink, spitting and coughing for almost a minute. Finn didn’t move, something telling him to stay put. The man looked at Finn (for the first time) eyes wide and as clear as they could be with that much alcohol in your stomach. “What?” the question was sharp, confused, and Finn thought maybe a little fearful.
“FN-2187,” Finn repeated. “That’s the name the First Order gave me.”
The man’s eyes turned angry. “I see.” He turned back to his drink and downed another. Finn sensed he was done here at the moment and left without another word.
The meeting took place a week or so later. Poe was the main spokesman with Finn acting as a witness of sorts. He had seen first hand what the First Order did and what it would do. He explained his story and how his friends had helped him leave it behind. Poe returned to the stand, reminding everyone about General Organa’s days in the Rebellion and called anyone able to join the fight.
It had gone surprising well, with two dozen recruitment’s and a few hundred credits in funding. Finn had been thanking one particular generous donor when he saw him.
To be honest, Finn didn’t recognize him at first. His hair had been shaved completely off revealing a head covered in tattoos (One read, “The only good droid is a dead one,” which was weird to have but okay). His armor was cleaner and there was now a chest piece and utility belt that Finn hadn’t seen because of the poncho (which was now gone). The man marched up to Finn (and Poe, but Finn was pretty sure the man was there for him) and stood at a very stiff attention. A stance Finn was all to familiar with.
“I’d like to help,” the man said and only then did Finn recognize the voice and who it belonged to. 
Finn reached out a hand and the man took it. “Glad to have you...?”
“Kix,” the man gave a sad smile, as if remembering something. “Kix.. Fivofist.”
Poe took it from there, asking about the man’s experience and his skills. Apparently, Kix was a field medic and knew quite a bit of combat (he never mentioned names of battles, just described facing a lot of enemies with not a lot of friends). Both Poe and Finn came to the same conclusion about the same time:
Kix was a deserter.
Finn never asked about Kix’s time with the First Order. The medic had a lot of other things going on. 
For one, he was unfamiliar with a lot of the medical equipment, or at least the big machines and what they did exactly. The first time he saw the bacta suit, he had examined it for two hours, mumbling something about how it would have been handy. He also wasn’t up to date on several procedures, using several older methods and personal experience. Sometimes that was better than the “new” way. Other times, it wasted valuable equipment and didn’t make the situation “worse” necessarily, but didn’t make it better either.
Medical had mixed feelings about him. On one hand, he was the only one who could keep Rey in the med bay. Heck, he was the only one who could treat Rey, somehow giving her shots, stitching up a few wounds and even treating some old ones (”I’m sorry? you broke your leg at the age of ten and never had it set?)
On the other hand, Kix was very aloof from most of the Resistance. He spoke very little, only commenting on patients and some medical know-how. He never spoke of his past, never asked about anyone else’s, and politely refused to any kind of therapy that Finn suggested (it had helped him). His relations were strictly professional.
The only person he would “hang” around was Finn. And even then, there was little talking from him. Finn would talk about his missions, Rey, Poe, Chewy, a few stories from the First Order, even some tales about his squad. Kix would only listen, smiling and laughing when appropriate but mostly somber. Finn never asked Kix questions. He was fine with it and happy to have a friend that wasn’t quite so eager to run head on into battle (*cough cough* Rey and Poe *cough cough*).
When the transmissions started coming, everyone panicked. The Emperor? Alive? The Resistance scrambled around trying to find the source, get troops ready, looking for weaknesses. They thought they’d have more time to build their ranks up and prepare. They were wrong.
Finn found himself whisked from mission to mission, chasing every lead he could find. It was several weeks later he was given a chance to breathe and return to base. His first stop was the medical bay to see Kix.
Which was why he was confused when he didn’t find his friend. According to the rest of the doctors, Kix had locked himself in is room and hadn’t come out for several days. Most agreed he was having some kind of mental breakdown or maybe he had been working to hard. They took him food, which had been mostly untouched and a few had tried to talk to him but had gotten nowhere.
Finn found Kix lying on his bed, curled up in a ball, unmoving. He swallowed down the panic that rose up and moved to sit on the cot. “Hey, Kix. Sorry I haven’t been around.”
No answer.
Finn hesitantly told the man about his missions, the stupid arguments he and Poe had gotten into, a few close calls, etc, etc. Kix didn’t move the entire time, his breathing heavy and slow. Finn’s throat was dry from talking after an hour or so, leading to a long space of silence. Finally, Finn let out a long sigh and gently asked, “Hey, are you okay?”
Silence for a moment. “He should be dead,” Kix’s voice was full of venom, spat out in between a growl and a roar. “Why isn’t he dead?!”
Finn swallowed, “I don’t know.” He didn’t need to ask who they were talking about. Those very questions had passed through most everyone in the galaxy mind’s over the past month. “I don’t think we may ever know, but we’ll get him.”
“Kriffing, sithspit--” Kix finally turned around to face Finn, his face streaked with dried tears, eyes angry and gritted teeth. “That kriffing laandur shabuir should be--” Finn was unable to follow the rest of Kix’s thoughts because of the sudden language switch into something he didn’t recognize, but he got the gist of it. The words were harsh, most likely wishing death or worse upon Palpatine. They were growled and spat out for several minutes before the words began to slow down and turn into something more sad and easier to follow. Eventually, it was just a few words repeated over and over again as Kix sobbed into his cot.
“Ni ceta, vode... ni ceta... Ni hutt’un... ni ceta, vode.”
Finn put a hand on Kix’s shoulder, unsure of what to do exactly but wanting to help. Kix placed a hand on top of Finn’s, squeezing it tight, his voice finally breaking. “Ni ceta, Jesse. Forgive me.” And then he just cried.
Finn doesn’t remember pulling the man up and into his arms but suddenly he was hugging the medic, who clung to Finn like his life depended on it. Kix cried and cried, allowing himself to finally break after weeks of the Force knew what was going through his head.
Finn remembers the last time he saw Kix. It was just before he left with Poe and Rey, off to find a way to the world of the Sith (there’s something he never thought he’d say).
The medic looked better. More determined. He was working at the time and Finn determined it would be best to let him stay that way. There’d be time to talk again.
But something in Finn’s gut screamed at him to stop, turn around, and go talk to Kix. So he did.
Kix was happy to see him, hugging him in greeting. Finn returned it, gave a quick run down on where he was going and wishing Kix luck. Kix nodded, told him to be careful and he’d see him soon.
Finn bid farewell and turned to leave--
Finn froze in place for a moment. He turned back to the medic, who forced a smile, a tear sliding down his cheek. “I thought it was time you knew.”
Finn found himself unable to speak so he did the next best thing. He came to a stiff attention and saluted the man. Kix returned it, the smile returning for a moment.
The Emperor was dead. The galaxy was safe. Finn returned to base to the sights and sounds of celebration. Friends embraced friends, families were reunited, and songs filled the air. After finding Poe and Rey, Finn excused himself, racing off the medic tent.
One of the doctors stood waiting for him. She didn’t say anything to him, simply handed Finn a holodisc and walked away. The disc was a list of casualties.
Kix Fivofist - KIA
((Whoops, my finger slipped. This was supposed to be about Kix and Finn talking about their pasts and it was supposed to be fluffy and fun. And then I realized: what would Kix think about Palpatine being alive? ... Oh well. I think I may write Kix’s POV at a later date, what do y’all think? And yes, his “last name” is 501st, so sue me.))
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