#kiribaku hc
mintandcoldwater · 2 years
KiriBaku HeadCanon
Bakugou finds a picture of middle school Kirishima, black hair, thick glasses, braces, and has a BREAK DOWN.
Kirishima thinks Bakugou thinks he’s a loser and is all embarrassed and Bakugou is like, “Yes!! Well..no, you look like an adorable loser. A complete wimp, it’s so fucking-”
He just clenches his fist and makes an aborted choking motion, because he just got the deadliest case of cute aggression
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bakubunny · 7 months
Haven’t shared with the class in a minute but I’m currently quite rotted on the thought of being in a throuple with KiriBaku (no thanks to a certain VA). As in knowing you have two big scary pro hero men always looking out for you (they’re incredibly protective), they love each other as much as they love you, they know when to share and when to give each other alone time with you.
That and they sandwich you in between them in bed. Especially before you go to bed you’re squeezed in between them, one hugs you against him and fucks your pussy and the other fucks your ass or just plays with your clit, tits, kisses you. It’s a team effort to make everyone cum, and they’re very much into aftercare and cuddles. Anyway I’m definitely not..obsessed with them. 👀
hi senpaii 🖤 glad ur back, the class has missed u.
and tbh that sounds like a dream i do not blame you for being obsessed. the nighttime snuggles are top tier, and sleepy morning sex is even better.
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shoutokozume · 2 years
Catching them staring
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Ft. - Aizawa, Deku, Todoroki, Hawks, and Bakugo
Warnings - Swearing, Hint of spiciness in Keigo's, tooth rotting cotton candy fluff.
Aizawa Shota
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° You were the new teacher at UA, you were teaching science to the students which happened to be only a couple doors down from his classroom. Aizawa only heard of you from his students, Kaminari and Mina going on and on about how nice you were. Often helping them raise their grades by tutoring them after classes.
° You were preparing to grab a coffee before your next class arrived, but you noticed Mina's binder was left behind on her desk. You hurried over to class 1a, wanting to catch Mina before her next class. Quietly entering during a lecture, you caught Aizawa's attention immediately. His lecture stopping mid sentence, as his dark eyes gazed at your timid stature.
° Denki greeted you from his seat, being shushed by both Iida and Jiro. You waved to the blonde boy, handing Aizawa Mina's hot pink binder. The one she thought she lost, so she had written on loose pieces of paper instead of her binder for notes. Despite being an introverted person, many students noticed that Aizawa was being quiet for a different reason... They all could see his longing gazes at you.
° His tired eyes never left your lips as you softly explained why you had to intrude his class, he reassured that it was okay and even sent you a soft smile. The class was stunned by his new persona, he seemed interested in your quiet conversation, was often seen smiling, and even laughed when made a joke about someone on the staff.
° The small chat went on for a few minutes, only the students up front were able to hear it. You admitted you had to get back to your class, knowing they'd be arriving soon. So Aizawa walked you to the door, waving a small goodbye before watching you walk down the hallway. God... Were you ever gorgeous, you've made Aizawa completely smitten in a matter of minutes.
"When's the wedding Sensei?" Mina teased, making her classmates laugh as a small tint of blush formed on his cheeks.
"Shouldn't you all be finishing up your papers?" Aizawa pointed out, still hearing small chuckles from around the room.
Midoriya Izuku
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° You sat at opposite ends of the classroom, yet Midoriya never failed to look your way whenever your attention was else where. Many other classmates have witnessed his staring, some even calling him out. You never noticed his eyes on you, too busy on your school work to care about anything else.
° You sat alone at lunch, reading a book as you ate. Midoriya still kept his emerald eyes latched onto you, he sometimes didn't even mean to start staring at you... It just happened. You were magnetic and he was a walking tin can, wherever you went his eyes followed. That is until Iida snaps him out of it, asking why he won't just talk to you already.
° While waiting by your locker, you noticed Midoriya and his friends walking down the hallway. While glancing towards them, you were caught by his shimmering doe eyes gazing towards you. Despite both of you heating up, neither of you looked away, his friends were in their own world as Deku got lost in yours. After what felt like forever, you tore your eyes away as the bell rang.
° Deku gained a bit of confidence after your silent interaction, instead of glancing at you every so often during training... He decided he'll actually talk to you for once. Catching you during a water break, he softly hummed for your attention from behind you. Midoriya bashfully complimented your techniques during training, even though you were only doing basics.
° You thanked him despite knowing he was only finding a way to talk with you, finding his bashfullness cute you decided to continue the brief chat. Both of you talking about heroes, hero costumes, all might, the entrance exam, and new upcoming heroes. Despite feeling relieved that he was finally talking to you, he was also a bit worried since seeing your smile and laugh made him fall even harder for you.
" I should get back to training, thanks for the chat Izuku." You cheered, rushing over to Momo who began waving you over seconds ago.
"You finally talked to l/n, I was close to talking to her for you." Iida commended, adjusting his glasses while he smiled at Deku.
Todoroki Shoto
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° You have caught Shoto's attention since day one, at first he thought your quirk was interesting, then he admired your techniques, then he admired you kindness... And finally he realized that he had a crush on you. Something he personally never thought he'd have until after high school.
° Uraraka was the only one who picked up on his longing glances, and small smiles whenever you were near. Which is why she was the first to tell you about the news, it was her job as your best friend after all. You thought she was overthinking it. Shoto Todoroki zoned out a lot, and he was definitely not the type to have a crush on someone. He was a stoic golden hero in training.
° Uraraka wasn't going to give up on her cupid game that easily though, oh no no no... She was going to gather evidence. With the help of Tsuyu and her camera, they followed around the youngest Todoroki in hopes they will find him being all lovey dovey over you. They found a few nice photos of him blantly staring at you with a shy smile, with his friends, alone, in class, no matter where he was his eyes were on you.
° Tsuyu and Uraraka placed the photos in front of you during lunch, both of them smiling proudly at their work. You were surprised for two reasons, the fact that they practically stalked him around school, and the fact that Uraraka wasn't overthinking it... Shoto was always looking your way. A joyful grin spread across your face, maybe this meant his liked you!
° Just as you were about to speak up about the matter, both of your friends hurried to hide the photos as they noticed a looming figure walking towards your table. Shoto stood beside your seat, looking down at you with soft eyes but serious expression. He gripped onto his gym bag, clearing his throat softly before greeting you and your friends. Shoto looked so cute without his usual cold demeanor, he came off as an introverted softie who was nervous talking to you.
"There is a group project coming up, and I was wondering if you would like to be my partner? You are very skilled in class, so I want to get to know you better." He asked, avoiding your eyes.
"I'd love to." You accepted, watching his heterochromic eyes widen in surprise. His fluffy multy colored hair failing to hide his reddened cheeks.
Keigo Takami/Hawks
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° Keigo was released from the hospital last night, bandages covering where his wings once were. You have been by his side throughout every sob, angry rant, and interview. Keigo couldn't be more grateful to have you in his life, it was touching knowing that he finally found someone who he could walk through the thick and thin with.
° The moment he walked through the door, he needed to repay all of the love you've given him over the past month. Passionate kisses, clothes spread across the floor, and a very sleepless night was what you both needed after such a heartbreaking and tiring month. Keigo took charge for the night, feeling the need to pamper you after all of the pampering he's received.
° 11:30am beamed red against Keigo's groggy expression, his eyes flickering open cautiously as the day light blinded him. Keigo didn't want to get out of the house at all today, all he wanted to do was spend time with you and eat some greasy take out. He turned his messy bedhead towards you, smiling gently at your soft snores against his pillow that you stole whenever you missed him.
° Keigo laid back down, shuffling closer to you so you'd huddle into his warmth. His calloused fingers running against the shape of your face, watching your eyebrows furrow cutely by the ticklish feeling. He's in awe as he looks at the love of his life snuggling into him, he never thought he'd actually find someone. Keigo believed the closest thing he'd get was a hook up.
° But here you were, slowly waking up as you wrap yourself around your muscular boyfriend. Once you opened your eyes, you were met with Keigo's soft warm gaze taking in everything he's seeing. Despite being a couple for two years by now, his loving looks never failed to make you flustered. Especially when both of you are huddled up against each other completely naked. Even if it flustered you, there was no denying that you loved every second of it.
"Kei you're staring." You whispered with a small laugh, only getting a quiet chuckle from your lovestruck boyfriend.
"I can't help it if you're always drop dead gorgeous." He teased, pushing you on your back so he could press kisses all over your face.
Bakugo Katsuki
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° Bakugo hates what has happened, you were Kirishima's best friend and recently one of Bakugo's closest friends. But his heart just had to get in the way of an amazing friendship, he can't help but love everything about you and it hurts like hell. It hurts because he knows deep down you wouldn't want to date the class gremlin, the one everyone was scared of.
° He knew he had a lot of baggage, even if he was strong in missions he knew he was weak when it came to love and affection. You would look better with someone like Kirishima, Sero, or even Denki. Despite loving you dearly, Bakugo thought you could do much better than settle down with a messy explosive gremlin. Which made him sad, and much quieter than usual.
° Kirishima noticed his best friend's odd behavior, Deku got a high score and Bakugo didn't even let out an annoyed huff... Something was wrong. Kirishima asked Bakugo privately what was wrong, begging him to answer honestly. Knowing that Kiri wouldn't let up easily, Bakugo admitted his crush in you. Shocking his best friend, he never would've thought Bakugo go would want to date anyone.
° Kirishima revealed that you may have a crush on Bakugo as well, telling his friend about the many times he's seen you fawn over him. Being the hype man he is, he told Bakugo to take a chance and ask you out. It didn't have to be face to face, it could be through a call, text, letter, or even someone else. He reassured that you would still be his either way, knowing how kind you are.
° Bakugo wrote a small letter with two boxes at the bottom, yes and no. He rushed to place the note onto your desk before class started, his heart hammering in his chest despite his stoic expression. His ruby eyes followed your body as you sat down in front of him, softly taking the note in your hands as you scanned through it. He watched you take out a pencil and scribble something down onto the paper, unable to read your expression since he could only veiw that back of your head.
"I can't wait for our first date then." You whispered, passing him back the note with your address written on the bottom.
"Yeah, me too." He commented, a smirk playing on his lips even though he was genuinely shocked you agreed to take a chance with him.
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nooepkt · 2 years
🌱KRBK HEADCANON : I hc bakugo as very clingy with Kiri once they are in their safe place away from anyone. Like, Kiri can’t do shit without bakugo stuck to him hhh
Even if I enjoy krbk being cuddly in public and bakugo who do not give a shit if there is people around… he is still (in my opinion) someone who keep things for himself, secrets and all hhh he doesn’t want to show his room, so him being clingy to his boyfriend is THE ultimate secret !!
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squad-of-idiots · 1 year
kiribaku sharing their first kiss but it goes like: bakugou leaning in to kiss first and kirishima is about to connect their lips but then all of a sudden bakugou's cheeks are all puffed with air
kirishima doesn't do or say anything cause bakugou wouldn't joke likr about that!! so he must legitimately think thats how you kiss! so he freaks out a little then decides to just copy him and return the kiss so he doesn't embarrass bakugou cause it's his first kiss
and they just keep kissing like that because kirishima doesn't have the heart to tell him and class 1a starts finding out about it and don't say anything either cause it's funny
then there's this other time, say a week into their relationship and their at bakugou's house and they're about to share a kiss but the door is open a tad and masaru is walking in but doesn't make his presence known cause he's just standing there witnessing this like "wth???"
then he just awkwardly leaves and tells mitsuki about it and they have a conversation like:
Mitsuki: did you call them down for dinner?
Masaru: no-
Mitsuki: why, were they kissing?
Masaru: ...well yeah but not in a way you'd expect
Mitsuki: the hell does that mean?
So then he explains it to her and she's just like:
Mitsuki: ...we shouldn't have let him watch that movie as a kid jfc
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finn-imii · 7 months
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Finally redrew this piece and finished it. look at the boys
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plusultrachaos · 1 year
you requested t4t kiribaku prompts!! consider: their first impression moving into an apartment together, or maybe when they both break into the top ten heroes. just something where they’re together and celebrating a Large Accomplishment together!!!
okay so. this went more in the direction of awards ceremony (us bc i. am ignorant and dont have time for research) and the t4t is more subtext/knowledge of my hcs lol
Eijirou has and always will be fond of reflection. He loves the art of looking back on who he was and who he has become. And it truly is an art. 
So when they got the news that Katsuki was the first of their UA class to break Top Ten—that was all it was. He made it to Tenth place in the popularity polls, followed very closely by Mido and Todo—it whirled Eijirou into thinking. Thinking about when they were both teenagers being introduced to the world. The differences between their public coming outs; the way the public responded to their relationship being public news (not to any of their former classmates). 
Katsuki had called him a "fucking sap"and tolf him to get over it, that hed break top 5 in the next year. And Eijirou believes him. He has full belief that his partner can and will break the top 5 soon enough. 
But hearing Katsuki’s name get called while they are seated in front of the stage, decked out in the suits that Bakugou Mitsuki designed for them. Having the startling realization that this man that Eijirou has loved and taken care of through all of his (and their) changes, that he has watched grow from an overtly angry teenager, is making a name for himself, is overwhelming. 
It boils up in him until he is literally dragging a shellshocked Katsuki out of his seat, grabbing his cheeks, kissing him in front of thousands of people and cameras, and shoving him out toward the stage. He knows the cameras focus on his wide, proud smile as Katsuki walks up, but he pays them no mind. 
He pays them no mind because his gaze is stuck on his brilliant partner and the image of their teenage versions—not just Katsuki’s, but all of the infamous Class A—appears on the screen behind Katsuki and the announcer.
"Fuck you, Ei, for that, first of all. Second, this is something everyone knew was happening for months so I want everybody to erase this sight," He gestures to his red face before glaring at the cameras, "from their memory forever. This has been the goal forever. For the entirety of my class at UA. And this is a warning to the old fucks in the top ten right now: Watch your goddamn backs, cause it isn't just me coming for your spot." 
Katsuki doesn't name names, he doesn't say anything further before he exits the stage and comes back to Eijirou’s side. 
"Quit your fucking crying, asshat." 
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st4r-c0d3 · 2 years
bakubowl hcs?? bc i dont think ive done any???
almost everyone in 1-a likes Bakugo (plus Shinsou and Monoma) but there are a few people he just- doesnt accept affection from due to a genuine dislike/discomfort
aka the dekusquad with the exception of Tenya and Todo, Mineta, Koda, Hagakure, and Sato
Mina was the first to kiss him
twas on the cheek but when everyone else found out they were gobsmacked
"He's gay though????" - Aoyama
"It's called queer platonic lovelies." - Mina
yeah hes basically in a qpr with Mina and Momo (Kyoka actually has a shot bc they are nonbinary)
Tenya is the first to introduce Katsuki to his parents
whenever they go on trips that require a bus ride, he usually sits with Jirou
they simply listen together/sync their spotify and do their own shit
Jirou appreciates the intimacy while Bakugo enjoys the freedom to do whatever else he feels like doing
Bakumomo hugs are extremely awkward due to the fact they are the same height
they can never tell who puts their arms where
Sero and Bakugo often go to the Todoroki's for dinner
Kaminari is almost always pressed into Bakugo somehow
Katsuki doesnt mind it and often reciprocates it if he's being honest with himself
Sero and Bakugo often wake up at odd hours of the morning so its not that uncommon to find one of them at the stove with the other pressed into their back
usually swaying together to whatever song is coming softly out of Sero's phone
Mina and Katsuki hold hands a lot mostly bc of their quirks. due to them both burning themselves a tad bit, it doesnt hurt each other if they accidentally set their quirks off
at least not nearly as much as it would hurt a different classmate besides maybe Shoto
whenever the bakusquad trains together, it just turns into who can show off the most
Mina is doing impressive turns in the corner to work on her balance, Hanta is working on the silks or going through some of his contortion (you can pry aerialist and contortionist Sero from my cold dead hands), Denki is working on flips n tricks (i feel like he either did gymnastic from a young age or decides to pick it up near the end of first year), Ejirou is boxing, Kyoka is working on the pole (its a sPORT. AND YOU PHYSICALLY CANT STOP ME FROM THINKING THAT JIROU WOULDNT FUCKING LOVE IT), and Katsuki is doing his normal workout with a small sprinkle of dance conditioning while trying to not get distracted by the five very attractive people in his vicinity
Hitoshi is also sitting in a corner doing basic workouts while watching cartoons and trying to imitate voices from said cartoons
considering almost everyone is doing some sort of performance art, they takes turns on who gets to pick the playlist playing throughout their entire area in the gym
it is indeed the most bizarre thing to see five different people all doing different things while being entirely in sync to the same song and the first time Hitoshi started working out with them he thought he walked into a cult
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bakusimps · 2 years
Headcanon #22
Harry Potter au
I know Bakugou sounds like he should be on either Ravenclaw or Slithering, because he is both insanely smart and ambitious, but hear me out... He is actually in Hufflepuff.
At first just because I know that would annoy him and I live for that, but the more I think about it, the more it fits.
Just imagine that the sorting hat immediately sends him to Hufflepuff and everyone is confused, specially Bakugou, but really that would be the equivalent of his first day on UA and finding out that while he was good, he was not the only one with great potential. The worst part is that his childhood friend (Izuku), a squib that had no magic as a child, now has magic and was sorted into Griffindor, like the greatest wizard of all times, All Might, who happens to be his mentor now.
Then he gets kidnapped by the LoV who are basically the Death eaters and AFO as Voldemort, and they pretty much want him to join them, which he doesn't. Pretty much what happened in MHA canon, but make it magic.
After having a magic fight with Deku that almost gets them expelled, he decides to turn around. He understands that the best way to defeat the dark lord is by helping his childhood friend turned enemy turned friend (?). He also has to tutor his roomate Denki and his cute redhead friend from Griffindor, because he can't stand the idea of them failing. He also fights Monoma almost every single day because he keeps insulting his muggle-born friends and he won't take any of that.
That's how, slowly, everyone understands why he was in Hufflepuff.
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mintandcoldwater · 2 years
KiriBaku Ramblings
(this is a platonic one because i love their friendship as much as i love the ship)
Future Pro-Hero Bakugou time travels and meet pre-UA Kirishima.
He (Bakugou) doesn’t want to go home and risk meeting himself and he doesn’t want to mess things up because it’s not like there’s a protocol for time travel (although there probably will be one by the time he gets back…if he gets back,,,anyway)
Let’s say he crash lands and knocks out and Kirishima saves him and he WOULD carry him to the hospital but the man was determined not to , and now poor Kirishima has to hide this big hulking tank of a man in his parent’s attic for nearly half of the summer and that’s with all the stress that preparing to go to UA has given him but then Bakugou slips up and calls him Red (mind you Kirishima’s hair is black at this moment)
And then, AND THEN, Bakugou might maaaaaybe mention that they’re best friends and no, it’s NOT because he can’t stand to see baby kiri looking so despondent and there’s BONDING and FIGHTING VILLAINS and helping bakugou home and and -
just best friends best friending
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taterztots · 1 year
📣📣📣 speak!
Oh! Oh! Oh! (be warned, you asked for this) Actual content warning tho. Trans!Bakugo. Sex talk, but like professionally. Characters are adults, pro heroes. Also, I know I said I wanted to yell about KrBk babies, but it's more like the lore behind it. You get me? Ok, so KrBk babies right? I've always loved the idea of quirk babies. But like how? Does an infant baby just materialize out of thin air? A toddler? Does a tiny human just goes “pop! I'm here now” or what?! And like, how is it always a combination of them two? How do they know, genetically? And like I know, 'Taterz it’s fiction it can be whatever you want it to be'. I know! But my brain says it has to make sense, somehow. Because one gets really hard, and the other one explodes shits with his sweaty hands, but god forbid magic babies exist. So anyway, I have a scenario that works for my brain that are not magically conjured babies. ----------------------- A quirk.. but not like that. This works best if you’re ok with one of them being pregnant (I was specifically thinking TransMasc Bakugo, but A/B/O Omega Bakugo works too). ----------------------- I was thinking the quirk user is a doctor, a fertility doctor. Their quirk accelerates and enhances the fertility process. If the patient has had unprotected sex in the past 18 hours from when the quirk is activated, there's a 95% chance the patient will become pregnant, even with birth control. But of course, this only works in patients with a uterus. Enter Bakugo Katsuki, who is not publicly out, and Kirishima Eijiro, his partner who apparently has very strong swimmers. And the idiots just happened to do the deed THAT morning. The doctor doesn't know any of this, of course, so maybe during a villain encounter the doctor is present and trying to get away, they push at Dynamight in haste, full palm to his lower abdomen, which is coincidentally all it takes for the quirk to take effect. But it's no big deal because Bakugo holds himself in a way it would suggest he can't carry children, and no one is the wiser, so they don't think about it. That is until the hero is going down on his knees with horrible cramps, dizziness, and nausea. All side effects of the quirk. Cellophane is at the scene with him, and he watches his friend go down, seemingly for no reason, so he calls for help while other heroes take care of the villain. Lucky for them, there's a doctor already there, and they know exactly what's wrong with Dynamight. There's no way to reverse the quirk. Of course, there are options for unwanted pregnancies. Once Ejiro is informed of the situation, they discuss all the pros and cons AFTER he consoles a crying, furious and terrified, Katsuki. Pros: They are married and in a good stable relationship since high school. They have talked about having kids in the future. The baby would be biologically theirs.
Cons: Katsuki would be outed, and he would have to step back from hero work. Is he ready for this? Does he want this? The more he thinks about it, the more the answer is clear. He wants it. A little tiny human, a perfect combination of him and Eijiro, and their love. And Gods, Eijiro, he would be so good as a dad, caring and loving. He does, he wants it so bad now. And, is he ready? Probably not, but he has 9 months to prepare. --------------------- fkjsdfljgjkdg I want to write so much more about this, like about what comes next, the pregnancy and all that, but I've already gone on a long enough tangent. If y'all want me to word vomit some more tho just say the word.
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hxyleswritesthings · 1 year
Poly!KiriBaku Headcanons
Author's note: Just some little things on what domestic life is like with these two beefcakes. Enjoy!
- Bakugou and Kirishima are the exact opposite in the morning. More often than not, Kiri sleeps in as late as possible, but he wakes up cheery. Bakugou, on the other hand, is usually the first one up every single morning but he's liability to be around for at least the first hour he's awake.
- You are the classic grumpy morning person. As long as the guys are home, they're usually the ones to wake you up in the morning, and they both know to give you space until you've finished your first cup of coffee.
- As the first one up, Bakugou likes to shower first and make coffee for the three of you before you part ways. If he has the time, he likes to go on a quick morning run/walk and grab pastries from the bakery around the corner.
- On the rare occasion that you do wake up on time, you like to make a quick breakfast for the three of you to eat, packing them both bentos for lunch as well.
- There was one time Kiri walked in to the kitchen, following the smell of breakfast and coffee, only to find you bent over the kitchen counter, practically drooling as Bakugou relentlessly pounds into you, taking out his bad mood. Bakugou just grins at the redhead when he looks up to find him staring, not missing a beat as he reaches around to thumb at your clit until you're begging for release, thighs shaking as you gush on his cock. Bakugou's not far behind, grunting as he pulls your hips back against him to fill you up, grip hard enough to leave bruises. Kirishima just watches the whole thing over his coffee cup, pants feeling tight from where he sits at the dining table.
- You're weak now, Bakugou's arm the only thing keeping you up as he gives you both a moment to breath before he's slipping out of you and pulling his pants back up. head leaning on the table as bakugou keeps you standing, giving you a moment to catch your breath before he's slipping out of you and pulling his pants of his hero suit back up and tucking himself away. He leans down to pull your leggings up as well, silent as he scoops you up and dumps you in a chair next to Kirishima, serving you both a heaping plate of eggs.
- You're a little dazed from the events of the morning, whining as you get placed down before crawling into Kirishima's lap in need of affection.
- The three of you rarely have any serious fights, but due to his temper and your stubbornness it's not unusual for you and Bakugou to bicker. You love each other dearly, but you've been known to butt heads over the smallest things. It rarely ever gets out of hand. Most of the time one of you breaks pretty quickly and you both laugh it off and move on.
- This courtesy does not extend to game night. You and Katsuki are known for full on screaming at each other and making Eiji play referee to whatever the nights chosen game was.
- You never let Katsuki live it down when you absolutely crush him in Mario Kart.
- I hc that as he gets older, Kiri starts growing his hair out more and he looovesss to sit between your legs and let you play with and braid his hair.
- Bakugou's not big on you playing with his hair but sometimes he does let you paint his nails a solid black, claiming it looks good with his hero suit.
- With them being busy pro heros, getting everyone's schedules to align can be difficult, but you make it a goal for all three of you to sit down for dinner together at least once a week. Most of the other nights, it's usually you with either one of them, or you don't even have dinner together at all.
- Bakugou's not much of a partier, so he's usually the DD when y'all go out with your friends. He does enjoy a drink or two on the nights he's not too tired to stay up after work. When you guys host, it becomes Kirishima's personal mission to get him absolutely /trashed/.
- Bakugou becomes VERY clingy when he drinks and he opens up in a way his friends don't usually get to see. You find it quite endearing.
- Before the three of you formally announced your relationship to your group of friends, everyone could tell with how handsy he was with Kiri. Everything finally came to a head once Shoto walked in on them making out in the hallway. He came back, nervous to tell you how he had caught your boyfriend's infidelity, and you couldn't help but burst into laughter when the blonde in question came back into the room, Kiri in tow, both of their faces bright red at being caught.
- It took your friends no time to warm up to the idea, Mina jumping up with a squeal and shouting at how Denki now owed her money from a bet.
- At night, you guy switch between the two bedrooms depending on the mood. Bakugou's bed is bigger, but there's something extra cozy about how many pillows Kiri keeps.
- The three of you are just a bunch of grown up kids who love each other very much and are doing their best to navigate life together :’)
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thecuriousquest · 7 months
Master List Part Three
Updated 04/08/2024
***My request rules have been updated on 12/11/2023 and can be found here.
<Master List Part Two
Master List Part Four>
💙 = Platonic Yandere
💜 = SFW Yandere
🖤 = NSFW Yandere (I want to make a note that not all NSFW material mentions sex. Some of it is labeled NSFW because of heavy abuse, suicidal thoughts, graphic depictions of whipping or death, etc. Read at your own discretion)
💙🖤 = Platonic Yandere which includes NSFW material such as but not limited to: heavy abuse or abuse mentioned (whether brief of not), suicidal thoughts/tendencies, graphic depictions of whipping or death, etc. Read at your own discretion
🩶 = NSFW non sexual/non consensual spanking (EX: punishment spanking)
🩵 = NSFW platonic spanking
My Hero Academia
Tomura Shigaraki:
Yan!Naga Shiggy HCs 💜
Blurb 🖤
Shiggy Drug Dealer to Yandere HCs 🖤
Shouta Aizawa:
Bratty Girl 🩶
Spicy!Naga Shota 🖤
Kai Chisaki:
Maid Kink Drabble 🖤
Annoying Yan!Overhaul Tips 💜
Keigo Takami:
You Can’t Leave Me 💙
The Scent of Another Man 🖤
Destinations in Life 💙
Baby Bird 💙
Katsuki Bakugou:
Leaving Isn’t Easy 🖤
Daily Reminder 🖤
Blurb 💙
Apologizing 💜
Daily Reminder #2 🖤
Yan!Naga Dabi HCs 💜
What Are You Really Afraid of? 💙🖤
Oral Fixation 🖤
Daily Reminder (Touya-Nii) 🩵
Maybe 💜
Shoto Todoroki:
Thirsty Imagine - Shoto Todoroki 🖤
Stay Home, Imoto! 💙
Izuku Midoriya:
Yan!Dad Izuku Blurb 💙
Hunt and Chase 💜
You Don’t Need to be a Hero 💜
Yan!EraserMic HCs 💙
Pregnant!Reader 💙
Learning Opportunity 🖤
Everything has a Price 💜
Sub!Deku to Dom!Deku 🖤
Caught In Between 🖤
Yan!Twice HCs 💜
Multiple Characters:
Faking Stockholm Syndrome (Bakugou and Keigo) 🖤
Yandere’s Favorite Kind of Toys - MHA Edition 🖤
MHA Spanking Pain 🩶/🩵
Fairy Tail
Rogue Cheney:
Boyfriend Material HCs 💜
Asleep 🖤
Naruto Shippuden
Kakashi Hatake:
Horny Drabble 🖤
The Right to Have You 🖤
Kakashi’s Enemy 🖤
Learn Something New Every Day 🩶
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman:
First Time in the Underground 🖤
Instructions #1 🖤
Instructions #2 🖤
Fluffy Levi HCs 💜
Bunny 🖤
Maid Kink Drabble 🖤
Crushing 🖤
LEON…Whoops 🖤
The Effects of Alcohol 🖤
Missed Texts 🖤
Pregnancy and Punishment 💜
Pleasure Spot 🖤
Opinion 🖤
Demon Slayer
Muzan Kibutsuji:
Mafia Yan!Dad Muzan 💙
Demon Siblings 💙🖤
I’ll Get You There 🖤
Rose Thorn 🖤
Tengen Uzui:
Back to the Beginning 💜
Sanemi Shinazugawa:
The Wind Pillar’s Tsuguko 🖤
This Little Love of Mine 💜
Multiple Characters:
How the Hashiras Spank Their Darling 🖤
Jujutsu Kaisen
Satoru Gojo:
Yandere Dad Gojo HCs 🩵
My Daughter, My Little Girl 🩵
Thirsty Imagine - Satoru Gojo 🖤
Don’t Close Your Eyes 💙
Why, Gojo, Why? 💙
Ryomen Sukuna:
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
Horny Drabble 🖤
Daily Reminder #2 🖤
Sukuna Finds Your Vibrator 🖤
Nanami Kento:
Yan!Uncle Nanami 💙
Home Sweet Home 💙
Yuji Itadori:
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
Yan!Yuji One Shot 🖤
You’ll Learn, I Promise 🖤
Thirsty Imagine - Yuji-Nii 🖤
Yuji Spanks You (Blurb) 🩶
Choso Kamo:
Thirsty Imagine - Yan!Choso 🖤
Tiny Misbehaving Blurb 🩵
Megumi Fushiguro:
Horny Blurb - Megumi Fushiguro 🖤
Toji Fushiguro (Zenin):
Horny Blurb - Toji Fushiguro (Zenin) 🖤
Horny Blurb - Yan!Toji 🖤
Thirsty Imagine - Yan!Toji Fushiguro 🖤
Princess (Daddy Loves You Part One) 🖤
Dirt Bag (Daddy Loves You Part Two) 🖤
Suguru Geto:
Suguru Geto HCs 🖤
Don’t Fuss 💜
Toge Inumaki:
Drabble - Toge Inumaki 💜
Daily Reminder #1 💙
‘Tis the Fucking Season! 🖤
The Darling Shows Favoritism 🩶
Yuji-Sukuna Horny Blurb 🖤
Multiple Characters:
Spanking for Running Away 🩶
Assassination Classroom
Karma Akabane:
Death by Chocolate 🖤
Black Clover
Julius Novacrono:
Tiny Punishment Blurb 💜
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peachsukii · 25 days
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𝓴𝓪𝓽𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓲 𝓫𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
✿ fluff // ✩ comfort // ✶ angst // ♡ nsfw // ⇢  misc. 『 fics 』
⇢  hcs & drabbles // shorts // playlist // old masterlist
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series/multi-chapter ✿✶ hollow heart ⇢  pro-hero au + fem!reader // ~20.6k [ chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 ] - in progress the dynamic duo of dynamight and deku are unstoppable, climbing the hero charts like they always dreamed of as kids. reports have noted people going missing, specifically with rare quirks, and with plenty of other heroes being unavailable, you’re chosen to tag along with the duo for the night operation. everything is going according to plan until the villain lands a surprise attack, resulting in the your kidnapping and whisking you away through a mysterious portal. it’s been a month since your disappearance with no help of the hero agency. bakugo and midoriya take it into their own hands and are determined to get you back - no matter how long or what it takes.
✿✩♡ tangled hearts ⇢  kiribaku x fem!reader // ~6.8k [ ongoing series ] set in the japanese country side, bakugo and kirishima are happily married in their 30s. bakugo’s a successful fashion designer while kirishima is a personal trainer and owner of the local gym, as well as a volunteer firefighter. they’re content in life until the day you show up at kirishima’s gym - a new face to town that he doesn’t recognize. one-shots
✩ tidal wave ⇢  pro-hero!bakugo x pro-hero fem!reader // 1.4k you have your first accident on patrol & run to bakugo for support in the middle of the night.
✩ operation: shut down ⇢  senior year of UA + fem!reader // 2.6k bakugo experiences his first ever “failure” on a supervised patrol during his senior year internship and you’re there to comfort him.
✿ accidental damage ⇢  pro-hero!bakugo x pro-hero support fem!reader // 2.8k you’re looking forward to movie day with bakugo when he gets called on patrol, so you go out shopping instead only to get caught in the middle of a villain attack.
♡ sticky heat ⇢  senior year of UA + fem!reader // 3.1k you & bakugo are studying for senior year exams when you gets frustrated - he has the perfect solution.
♡  behind closed doors ⇢  bakugo x fem!reader x deku // 2.0k you come home to a surprise one night of deku and bakugo making out in your bed!
♡ unexpected treasure ⇢  pro-hero bakugo x ex pro-hero fem!reader // 2.9k when bakugo gets caught up in the office after his patrol, you decide to send him some spicy semi-nudes in your hero suit with one sentence - “bringing you a surprise, stay in your office.”
✿ a special hike ⇢  no mentions of quirks + fem!reader // 1.7k a weekend getaway to celebrate bakugo’s hero ranking reaching number three in japan and his 25th birthday. the perfect time for you to ask him to be yours - forever.
♡ insatiable ⇢  pro-hero!bakugo x pro-hero fem!reader // 3.7k bakugo’s been away for an entire month on a mission and comes home early as a surprise, but little did he know just how much you missed him.
♡ cruel compulsions ⇢  senior year of UA + fem!reader // 2.4k as a new transfer from a neighboring hero academy to UA, class 3A welcomes you with open arms. you fit in with the class seamlessly, with the exception of one person - katsuki bakugo. he doesn’t give you the time of day, ignoring you any chance he gets since he views you as an “outsider.” at least, that’s what he projects and not how he truly feels.
✿ unbreakable bonds ⇢ no quirks + fem!reader // 3.0k a collective of family bonding and little moments between you and katsuki.
♡ on the rocks ⇢ pro-hero!bakugo x fem!reader // 2.6k your week couldn’t get any worse. between a screw up at work and getting dumped out of the blue, you needed to desperately let off some steam. thank goodness the girls were more than happy to take you out for the night in the city and spoil you with a good time. everything’s fine until you receive a text that spirals into an unpredicted hookup.
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♡ last updated; 05/07/24
✩ if you’d like to be tagged when shorts & fics are posted, message/comment to be added! ✩
all tags; @/slayfics @/maddietries @/starieq @/liluvtojineteyam @/jays-adventure3 @/simp-plague sfw tags; @/queenpiranhadon
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heartofjasmina · 3 days
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🌸 Masterlist 🌸
♡ Writing Tag ♡
My Hero (BNHA)
Glorious (All Might x glory hole)
Gardening!AU (Pro Hero!Bakugou x gardener reader)
Gardening AU HCs
Gardening AU 3
Gardening AU 4
Pro Hero!Deku x superfan reader
Breeding Instincts (Multi character: Daichi, Kirishima, Deku, Bakugou, Iwaizumi)
Alpha Bakugou and Omega son
Katsuki praises you when you need it most
Spanking w/ Todoroki
Dom Amajiki 2
Mommy dom x Amajiki
Anal freak Deku
Anal freak Deku 2
Iida and perv little sis (incest tw)
Pro Hero!Deku x bitch reader at high school reunion
Fashion designer Bakugou
Bakugou x bitch reader fluff
Duke!Bakguou x virgin reader
Glassblower Bakugou
Dilf!Bakugou x Todoroki's daughter
Deaf!Bakugou 2
Deaf!Bakguou 3
Shouto and Dabi x reader (incest tw)
Professional chef!Bakugou
Dom nerd!Izuku x seven minutes of heaven
Pirate King!Aizawa
Daddy Dom!Kirishima x tantrum throwing reader
Cookbook author!Bakugou
Kiribaku x reader
Bimbo girlfriend Denki
Bimbo Denki 2
Big Bro Gamer Denki
Daddy Dom Bakugou fluff 2
Iida x slut reader
Iida x bitch reader
Tokoyami x high protocol
DILF All Might
Proffessional Violinist Bakugou
Kirishima's breeder balls
Bakugou x sleepy gf
Bakugou x anxious reader
Underground fighter!Kirishima
Bakugou x crybaby reader
Kirishima x little reader subspace
Professional chef!Bakugou 2
ProHero!Bakugou x nightmares
Bakugou x bitch gf
Bakugou x bitch reader 2
Big Bro Izuku (incest tw)
Facefucking x Tokoyami
Daddy Dom Bakugou fluff
Bakugou x stoner bitch reader
Deku x bimbo reader (tutoring)
All Might and his fans
Ushijima x bitch reader
Ushijima x anal
Daddy Dom Ushijima
Giant!Ushijima 1
Giant!Ushijima 2
Giant Ushijima 3 (op)
Ushijima x bimbo reader
personal assistant!Iwaizumi x boss lady!reader
Nanami x babygirl reader
Big Bro Suguru
Blue Lock
Bimbo!reader x Isagi
Bachira x bimbo gf
Kuroko's Basketball (KNB)
Aomine x tutor!reader
Murasakibara x reader
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kaidabakugou · 9 months
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🕸️ ʟᴏɴɢ ꜰɪᴄꜱ 🕸️
🕸️ ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ ꜰɪᴄꜱ 🕸️
🕸️ ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ 🕸️
asking him to suck your tits
intimate morning sex
thigh riding
witchcraft | crystals | tantric sex
torturing you with his cock
his stuffy nose | example lol
merman bkg snippet | hcs
spooky szn snippets
crime shows & podcasts
angry sex w/ leash n’ collar
calling him after a villain attack
new haircut sex
when you’re getting sick
pinching wars
hospital bed cuddles
first time passion
size kink
winter cuddles
clumsy reader
injured thoughts
engagement thoughts
mafia boss n’ his dog w/ kippen | more
kippen’s sugar daddy thoughts
barista au w/ kippen n’ kat
when he asks to go camping
meeting at a tattoo competition
scent kink thoughts
🕸️ ʟᴏɴɢ ꜰɪᴄꜱ 🕸️
🕸️ ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ ꜰɪᴄꜱ 🕸️
🕸️ ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ 🕸️
beauty appointments together
how he is in his sleep
piss drinking
switching hero costumes event
🕸️ ʟᴏɴɢ ꜰɪᴄꜱ 🕸️
🕸️ ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ ꜰɪᴄꜱ 🕸️
🕸️ ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ 🕸️
69 position
eating you out at the same time
crack moments
katsuki vs. your hairs
working out
villain selfship snippet
when you’re getting sick | more
when they sleep
bartender! kirishima ft. bouncer bkg | full w/ sainty
winter cuddles w/ shouto todoroki
body worship w/ mt. lady
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ᴀʟʟ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ᴛᴏ ©ᴋᴀɪᴅᴀʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏᴜ 2022-2024 | ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇ ᴏʀ ʟᴀʏᴏᴜᴛꜱ | ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ, ʀᴇᴘᴏꜱᴛ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢᴇ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴅ ᴏɴ ᴀɴʏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴘʟᴀᴛꜰᴏʀᴍ
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