#kevin is the cutest…… the sweetest…….
dayurno · 5 months
did you see noras tweet …. of course he’d fawn over jeremy ……
cute cute cute absolutely cute to me that whenever nora tweets something about kevin i get asks asking me if i saw it and agree with it…. you are absolutely cuties and keep me from the noose of having to keep track of what she says
BUT YEAH I HAVE kevin really truly genuinely likes jeremy a lot………. aiya. he’s about to be such a flower to jeremy in tsc and we will have to politely avoid our eyes and pretend that this isnt blatant favoritism on his part. we will have to live with this terrible and lovely truth
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thelaughingmerman · 9 months
"The Minions aren't funny. The Minions are annoying!!"
I had to pause Despicable Me 2 the other day because the Minionese version of 'I Swear' had me in absolute stitches. I hadn't seen the movie in ages and had forgotten about it. It made me so happy.
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kenlvry · 1 year
reader as kennys, tweeks, and butters older sibling!!
an: someone requested this but i accidentally deleted the request i panicked so bad and im sorry!!! butters colour is only on laptop and my laptop is at home rn so for now butters is
gn btw!
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kenny mccormick
you and kenny were inseparable even though you were a year older than him you would still talk to him during recess, even sometimes dropping by his class to annoy mr garrison. when things got tough at home esp when mom and dad is fighting you and kenny would always protect kevin and karen, you two are the most sane people in that house fr.
you were always protective of kenny and would travel to the world and back for him, when he introduced his friend group to you, you were..... shock to be honest. esp the one whos a disrespectful racist sexist person who mocks the jew friend. the others was decent, the most normal friend out of the three of them is definitely kyle, you'd trust your little brother anywhere with kyle. but with cartman? you might have to spy a little.
you sometimes hang out with them! just to protect kenny of course, they dont mind tbh. but you were worried on how stan thinks of you because whenever he sees you he pukes, you tell your little brother but he says to not worry and laughs abt it, you wonder whats so funny about it??
sometimes kenny also follows you around with your friend group, they dont mind, they think hes the most cutest thing ever. they would surround him and compliment him, he definitely likes it.he was protective of karen and you were protective with kevin, you two always try your best to support your other siblings. doing extra shifts just to buy them toys they never got as a kid.
whenever kenny wants to do something you were always there to support it, it doesnt matter how stupid and dangerous it was, you were there to help him no matter what.
you dont remember when kenny dies so whenever he does you'd go livid, you'd cry all day and mom wasn't helping either. who was going to help you support the other two now? who's gonna accompany you when you feel like getting food? you were crying 10 buckets but then just like that you were okay, you didnt even know what you were bitching about.
in conclusion he's definitely your bestest friend. even if he kills someone you'd defend him with your life, you'd do anything for your little bro.
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tweek tweak
ever since tweek was born you'd swore with your life to protect him, he was the cutest thing ever, everyone calls you the perfect older sibling. you were two years older than him, 6th grade.
you were really famous amongst the school, everyone liked and respected you. anyone knows that if they mess with tweek, they mess with you. you'd act all tough infront of your friends but then your lil bro came along and you were all soft petting his head comforting him, giving him coffee candy to calm his nerves. almost every 6th grader loved tweek bc of his older sibling.
at home if he had a panic attack or would get really anxious you'd calm him down with coffee (that you bought yourself so no weird shit in it) you knew what your parents put in his drinks thats why you always tell him to only drink your coffee and not to drink them, he doesn't get it and would still drink it but only if he is realllllyyyy stressed out, he trusts your opinions
he trusts you alot, if he gets worried about north korea attacking again you would def help him.
every morning when he buttons his buttoned up wrong you wanted to help but he'd freak out, boy hasn't had his morning coffee of course he's freaked out. you'd forget to fix it by then so you just let it be.
you love him so much and wouldn't ask for any different younger brother, and he is very grateful to have a older sibling as nice as you.
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leopold "butters" stotch
butters was the sweetest angel and the best younger sibling you could ask for, although you hated your parents you cared for him so much.
whenever your troubling with something he'd always try to help out anyway he can even though he cant help but he'd try anyways. you hated how unfair your parents was towards butters, he'd get grounded for the stupidest shit and you always argue to your dad about how unfair he's being but instead you'd get grounded too.
you always took the blame for him because he's still a kid and needs to enjoy the outside world, not be cooped up in his room. everytime that eric cartman tricks your sweet angel brother to do something stupid, you hold in the urge to murder some 4th grader, you try talking him out of it but he insisted saying cartman was a good person and hes a good friend, oh how naive butters was
he was very grateful to you and whenever he had doubts about something you are the first person he'd go to, it didnt matter how stupid the doubt was you are always trying to help your sweet younger brother <333
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blorbo-adoption-poll · 2 months
Adoption poll round 2 match 12
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Molly Blyndeff (Epithet erased)
Nona (The Locked Tomb)
Propaganda under the cut
molly blyndeff (Epithet erased) Propaganda
She is the sweetest, cutest little bean with The Worlds Worst Family. Being held hostage by a super villain after being forgotten at a museum overnight actually improved her situation. She's like 8 and has to do taxes and nightshift retail. Please get her into a real loving caring home!
Nona (The Locked Tomb) Propaganda
She is 19 years old but also 4.5 billion years old and also 6 months old. She has escaped from barbie jail on Pluto (long story) and has amnesia. She loves all dogs, but especially loves Noodle who has six legs and is king of dogs in secret. She likes eating sand, marker lids and luscious green vegetation and she does NOT like scrambled eggs because she has sensory issues and they are gross. She is not allowed to eat sand, marker lids or luscious green vegetation and she HAS to finish her scrambled eggs because she needs the protein. She cannot read but she is fluent in every single language that exists including body language. She is part of a gang with her friends from school. Her friends are called Hot Sauce, Born in the Morning, beautiful Ruby, honesty and Kevin. She thinks flowers are sexy and likes having agony aunt columns read to her. She’s only had two tantrums in her life and she can’t even remember them so you can’t hold that against her. Just about everyone who meets her wants to adopt her, and she was adopted by three people in two bodies but we can adopt her too because she has plenty of love to go round and honestly she kinda needs the supervision. Or she’ll eat sand.
Nona is getting ready to celebrate her birthday and she wants to invite every dog she's seen in the city. She knows every language. She likes to swim and touch the jellyfish that nobody else can touch because they kill you. She's in a gang with some of the other kids at school. Her family's not sure who she is. The rebellion wants to use her. So does the empire. She's got a crush on one of the rebels. She kisses the emperor's daughter. She's dying. All she wants is a birthday present. Nona loves you.
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lostkidmustnotdie · 4 months
What each lotr character would have for a pet in my professional opinion (idea inspired by @mushroomates)
Gimli: giant fucking great dane or pittbull or some crazy fuck ass dog that he would get home and tackle to say hello
Merry: dog from expensive breeder. White fur crusty eyes. Fugly. He insists its cute. Probably named cupcake. Could also work for Sam. But also i could see merry absolutely hating that type of dog and just having a very normal cat.
Pippin: some sort of beagle mayhaps. Howls so fucking loud every second of the day. Entire shire hates it. He does not understand it does not need as much food as a hobbit and is very confused when it will not eat its 6th meal of the day
Gandalf: perhaps some sort of small bird or alternatively a snowy or gray owl
Sam: sweetest cutest puppy ever. Perhaps some sort of doodle or lab. Medium to small size. Dog is dumb as a rock but is a sweatheart. Or also could have the dog i described for Merry.
Frodo: a big fluffy wavy haired white cat. It does nothing. Frodo sits and reads and drink tea and the cat stares blankly, pondering.
Borimir: TWO OPTIONS. Feral ally cat who he insists hes not attatched to but in actuality considers it his child (think of wybee from coraline). OR. A daschaund that has some horrifically un-dog-like name like Jedediah or Kevin and talks to it like a human.
Aragorn: over-intelligent cat that scratches him on the daily. They understand each other. He knows what the cat’s meows mean like a language. Absolutely no baby talk will occur, the idea is unfathomable. That cat knows what he is.
Legolas: pet rock. Googly eyes included. Alternatively a very small bird like the one from secret life of pets or perhaps a caterpillar
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jonathantaylorthomas · 7 months
For Jake From State Farm, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's love story is straight out of his wildest dreams.
"It's the sweetest thing ever," the insurance company spokesmodel Kevin Miles told E! News' Francesca Amiker exclusively at the 2023 GQ Men of the Year party Nov. 16. "Travis is such the greatest guy. I mean, he's funny. The charisma is just oozing out of him. A great athlete. I'm excited for it. And it just seems sweet."
So yeah, it hits different. As he raved of the duo, "It's the cutest thing ever."
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kwonzoshi · 1 year
Hi!! Top 5 couples of the year, go!
Oh gosh… how will I even choose this.. you’re killing meeeeee. I just did the bracket ranking so imma go based off that.
5.) Win x Team [Between Us (2022)]
I mean, are we surprised by this one? We love them and we love their love. We have waited so long for this and they have not disappointed. Win is such an incredibly patient partner. He doesn’t push. He doesn’t force Team to tell him things he wants to know, he just accepts him for who and what he is, no questions. He opened his heart for him, and even though it scares the shit out of him, he truly loves Team. I’m excited for the rest of their story.
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4.) Vee x Mark [Love, Mechanics (2022)]
Listen, I know it’s crazy but these two snuck up on me. Vee is sincerely the most annoying, spineless, cutest, sweetest absolutely moronic fuck I have ever seen. I mean, he stood up for nothing, lost everything and somehow managed to win in the end. Mark… oh Mark. Crazy in love doesn’t even begin to cover him. He went from being head over heels for one boy to another with the flip of a switch. He was willing to be the “other man” in order to keep Vee, and that shit is so INTENSE. Like.. I thought you hated this man 1 month ago?! Their dysfunction is why I love them and why they’re in this list.
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3.) Kinn x Porsche [KinnPorsche: The Series (2022)]
Dysfunction doesn’t even begin to cover this one. They were messy, crazy and so in love before they were able to admit it to each other. They’d kill for the other and die for the other just as quickly. Their whirlwind romance is really one for the books and it was enjoyable because it was so HUMAN. We got to see them navigate so many firsts with each other and I love how it was done. They have this once in a lifetime love, and it’s palpable.
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2.) Pluem x Kevin [Ghost Host, Ghost House (2022)]
Soulmates. I mean, that’s all I got to say lol From the moment their eyes met you could FEEL the emotions radiating. From both of them. They fell instantly and the nerves and awkwardness just added this charm to their story. They were so into each other and they were swept away by the emotions and attraction so quickly, I got whiplash. Even so, the mature (yet heartbreaking) path was taken and they came back better than ever. Like no time had passed by at all. Their love was patient and lasting, that shit just tugs at my damn heart.
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1.) Payu x Rain [Love In The Air (2022)]
Fated soulmates. Twin flames. Meant to be. Everything under the sun that can be used to describe them. From Rain’s immediate and VERY OBVIOUS “Oh!” Moment, to Payu creating a scenario for them to talk again… their love story has everything. Tension. Communication. Respect. Love. Maturity. Payu took Rain under his wing not only as a partner but as a mentor. He wanted nothing but his success and for him to better himself. Yea, he played some tricks on him but overall Payu only had Rain’s best interest in mind. This couple surprised me the most this year, in the best way.
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tzyuki · 1 year
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IN WHICH ✶ — Everyone thought that after LOVLUSION’s disbandment Suzuki Y/n would have returned back to Japan and debut there but the public was shocked at her disappearance. They were even more shocked to hear that two years later she’d be joining a new subunit of group ETERNAL under SOS (sea of stars) ENT. The public was lost for words at how she was able to rebrand herself in those two years, debuting with a sharp and cold look rather than her cute and angelic look back then in LOVLUSION.
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THE BOYZ IN DA HOUSE 🥶 | profile two.
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• THE BOYZ is a South Korean boy band formed and managed by IST Entertainment. The group debuted on December 6, 2017, with the lead single “Boy” from their debut EP The First.
lee juyeon ; has had an interest in y/n ever since he seen her trip on the carpet of the company building. They had trained for a little while together before Juyeon was preparing for his debut. After that the two rarely saw each other. The last time the two had an actual conversation for more than a minute face to face was the day Y/n was set to leave for GIRLVERSE filming.
lee sangyeon ; literally the father of everyone. thinks juyeon is as delulu as jake stan’s, juyeon will cry if he doesn’t get a daily y/n photo and sangyeon is the one he goes too about it.
bae jacob ; thee biggest luvlusion stan. he was there since the girlverse days 🤞🏽. yelled uncontrollably when he found out lovlusions disbandment was announced.
kim younghoon ; best friends w/ tu and prim from eternal youth, they r thee acting trio. he was so devastated when they left korea to go film in thailand for a couple months.
lee jaehyun (hyunjae) ; bffs with y/n, experiences all her delulu stages with her. fully believes in taehyun birthing y/n since the two resemble each other.
moon kevin ; shaking ass is his personality, him and y/n shake ass to beyoncé and nct songs. if you start playing firetruck by nct 127 at night in the mirror y/n and kevin will appear behind you twerking.
choi chanhee (new) ; hes still wondering when chanel will make him an ambassador. he reps chanel everywhere, everyday, and every-night.
ji changmin (q) ; the cutest ever. he could fit in someone’s pocket if he really really really wanted to try. he adores y/n and misses when the two would have late night talks in the practice room.
ju haknyeon ; thinks everyone is mother. jokes about how SOS ENT finds the most talented and gorgeous people ever. will go to all lengths to defend his fav girl tu tontawan 🫡.
kim sunwoo ; doesn’t know how he lives another day everytime haknyeon fanboys over tu. litersly the worst menace to exist. will never and won’t ever stop clowing y/n about her predebut side quests.
sohn eric ; the sweetest and energetic boy you’ll ever meet. constantly reminds everyone he loves them!
m.list — previous profile — next profile
taglist (open) 𓏸 ͘ ࣭⸰ @yujuyioh @jangwonie @cwsana @luvyrin @amara-mars @ineedaherosavemeenow @mintydayeon @love-4-keum @kpopx-xlover @abdiitcryy @beepjeongie @ox1-lovesick @ja4hyvn @shinsou-rii @winkura @astrae4 @ilovewonyo @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @nyujjan @garbageandhot @ifearjwn @seesaweun @wtfhyuck @rreynca @luveuly @tnyhees @lcv3lies
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winterchimez · 9 months
describe your moots as tbz members <33
hiya anon 👋🏻 im so sorry it took me the longest time to reply to your ask cs me needed to do some ✨thinking✨ on this shdjd but here it goes!
@stealanity as sangyeon
our mother our unnie!!! matty just takes care of all of us so well (i mean the entire deoboyznet might just be her kids by now) and she’s super sweet always making sure we’re doing great & safe & healthy 🥹
@flwoie & @hanniluvi as jacob
no cs these two have literally been nothing but the sweetest ever to me ever since we became moots 🥹 you both have been with me from the very beginning of my writing journey and i def wouldn’t be where im at now without you guys 😭 im always so so grateful to you both truly 🤧💕
@wuahae as younghoon
idk abt yall but cat just screams hoonie vibes to me. despite being really sweet she’s also so so cute and pretty irl!!! and we all know hoonie is the sweetest and one of the darn good looking guys ever 😩
@daisyvisions as hyunjae
ahhh my fav sangyeon stan!!! daisy is just so outgoing and friendly like hyunjae is, and ofc ✨ahem✨ as wild as hyunjae can be 🤪 she’s always sending me some sangyeon ✨GOOD FOOD✨ (with some hyunjae at the side cs we both sangmil girlies 😩) thanks for always feeding my delusions ig 🤧🫶🏻
@juyeonszn as juyeon
fawn is literally just the sweetest and nicest ever!!! and her writing?? OMG. PURE TALENT JUST LIKE JUYO HIMSELF 😤 yall should def check out her works if you haven’t PERIODT ✨ and i look forward to having more convos with you 😉💕
@sungbeam as kevin/changmin
ah there’s my fiery elmo twin!!! 🔥 i mean there’s literally NOTHING this girl can’t do, from making such high quality banners to dropping i dare say THE BEST fics you’ll ever find here we love a talented queen ✨ and also she’s always spitting some random facts and memes and that’s exactly like kevin on weverse/bubble lmao
putting in a sprinkle of changmin just cs. changmin spits fire and she does that to me all the time 😔
@heemingyu as chanhee
sana is just as savage as chanhee is LMAO ive became a joke for her to the point she practically LIVES for my reaction whenever she sends me ✨ahem✨ daddy sangyeon content 😔 (but she can be as sweet and caring as chanhee does so some bonus points ig :p)
@invuwrld as changmin
mona has unfortunately became besties with sana in terms of sending me daddy sangyeon content bcs lemme tell you they’re literally partners-in-crime when it comes to b*llying moi 😔 (i mean the large amount of sangyeon in her album is for me so 😔😔) hence they’re literally just kyunew. i said what i said 😤 (but at the end of the day i go back to loving and protecting mona cs im a very responsible unnie 🤧)
@cupidjyu & @zzoguri as haknyeon
hakkie is the sweetest little bean & literally my comfort person ever & that’s exactly yumi & moni!! yumi is just the sweetest and cutest lil 妹妹 and there’s nothing i wanna do then to give her cuddles and protect her at all cost 💖 and ofc moni. bless your kindest soul ever cs you’re always just so so nice to me :(((( and ofc i bawled my eyes out reading moni’s changmin fic cs i was going through things at that time and i literally spammed moni’s dms telling how much it has helped me loads 🥹 so yes im eternally grateful for that & thank you for listening to my story too 🤧 (which btw yall should check out the fic if you haven’t!!!)
@justalildumpling as sunwoo
my emotional support buddy j!!! 💪 yknow how sunwoo’s the type where you’d just feel so comfortable starting a convo with even tho you’ve just met? j is literally that and im so so glad we hit off so well!! tbh ive seen you on my dash a lot & im more than thrilled when we became moots 😭 and cs we’re both delusional so we can become besties and get our phd from the delulu boy himself 😔 (i’ll forever remember our lipstick convo lmao 💄)
@i520cm as eric
ah the maknae of all maknaes. lmao ipah is just as outgoing as eric is, and she literally pops into the gc and drops some random ass topic which makes everyone laugh their asses off most of the time 🤣 and umm… ipah does overshare sometimes but its good we love that energy and poor kiddo is always being bullied LMAO its ok your kakak’s got your back always 😭😭😭🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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justaredheadf1fan · 1 year
Literally back at Montmeló this year 😎
Hello there from the sunny/stormy/rainy/cloudy, no-one-knows-what-else Barcelona!
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Marina and I are back at the Barcelona-Catalunya Montmeló race track, but unlike last year, we’re now enjoying the view from the first rows of the Main Stands of the track. We thought it best since last year we nearly melted under the 36º sun without any cover on the stands. What we didn’t know is that the Main Stand doesn’t completely cover you from the sun/rain, at least not where we are seating. We might get it right next season 🤣
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Anyway, so this time around we’ve come pretty early plus we’ve actually tried our best to see what was going on around the Fan Zone and we’ve seen a couple of drivers talking…. What a fucking delight. Seriously. Despite the blazing sun, the melting heat (I truly thought my skull was disintegrating) and some truly stupid people, the experience was fantastic. I was honestly surprised by some of the drivers, who we didn’t expect at all to be so sweet and nice and 🥰 Others were as we expected, others we obviously ADORED and there was one I didn’t want to see, and luckily we didn’t. I guess that’s all the luck we’re gonna get this weekend.
Lando and Oscar were meh. I didn’t like any of them. I already didn’t, but yesterday solidified my opinion on them. BUT the biggest surprises for me were Alex and Logan, they were like the sweetest guys ever. Alex already gives that vibe although I didn’t quite like him, but Logan really is like the nicest dude. He might not be the best driver, but they both won me over.
Zhou, Valtteri, Nyck and Yuki made the rest of my day. Not so much into Valtteri (nothing against the guy, he’s just there, he’s nice and that’s it), but Zhou, Nyck and Yuki are the CUTEST. God, how could we not!? Adorable. We even saw Toto speaking right before FP2 and man does that guy have a hold on my heart now. He’s hypnotic.
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Today we saw more interesting drivers in the morning, starting with our favorite Frenchmen, Estie Bestie and Pierre. People were booing at them even to their faces, which was very annoying since none of them deserved it at all, but many of us tried to make them feel the best we could, and apparently we managed so that was good. We had the Ferrari boys just afterwards and saying that Charles is the cutest and a sweetheart is an understatement. How can I love someone that much? I could eat his face when he smiles. He even tried saying a couple things in Spanish and it was so funny and adorable, and Carlos even played along calling him “icónico”. It was a beautiful thing.
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Afterwards came Kevin, Nico and Checo. Yes, only Checo. We manifested, we thought that maybe if he saw how they started treating Esteban and Pierre in the beginning, that he might get a worse treatment than that (and I can confirm he would’ve), so we hoped he wouldn’t show up. Prayers were answered, my friends. Never liked Checo but I have to give it to him that he was fun to watch, making jokes and being super nice. Obviously Kevin and Nico were fantastic. I can’t stress enough how beautiful they’re in person, especially Kevin. It’s insane how gorgeous he looks in person, so ethereal, so unbothered. Absolute winner. They had a very cool moment at the end. Overall, 10/10 would recommend these guys.
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Lastly, we had Lewis and George in front of us. Absolute angel, Lewis. The purest heart. The purest smile. Just grateful for all the support. I can’t say anything that’ll do him justice, because there’s not. Nothing’s enough.”
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I’m not really gonna comment on the FP sessions because watching all of it live and having the big screens so far away this time (further and also smaller than you’d think, believe me) we haven’t even seen most of the footage and we have missed quite a bit of images and details to be able to comment properly. However, it mostly went smoothly except maybe FP3 since it started raining and poor Logan crashed. He looked defeated afterwards when he came back to the pitlane.
Anyway, so I’ll update tomorrow with a few pictures of the straight in front of the pitlane. We’ll see how it goes 🤞🏻
Peace out!
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blueyhuesposts · 1 year
Kevin Barr x reader headcannon/scenario
Warnings: Implied innuendos, making out, touching, grinding...
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─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
►You were Eddy's twin sister
►So of course when you guys were younger the entire cul-de-sac children didn't like you (Eddy's fault of course)
►It was only obvious that since you hung out with the Ed's unluckiness would come your guys way.
►Though your guys biggest bully was Kevin.
►He seemed to relax on you though you never knew why though was never answered
►Your cheeks glowing red everytime he would come along, though you would never let kevin or anyone know (especially eddy)
►Finally as you guys got older and the kids finally accepted you, things were alot easier
►You were one of the best cheerleaders along with nazz
►You started to hang out with the girls on the cul-de-sac, finally feeling at ease
►Though your crush on Kevin never leaving
►Little did you know Kevin's crush started forming once you guys would start hanging out as kids
►Though he couldn't stand your obnoxious brother, you were nothing like him
►Your nature completely relaxing and stress free knowing exactly what to do to make things right after every scam, how you would seem u bothered and always stand up for your brother and his friends.
►That fierce nature of your when you would tell at him back when he was a kid really had blood rushing towards his cheek (and might I say to other places as well😏)
►Slowly but surely he would ask you for tutoring in English, knowing you were on top of your game for that class
►Hanging out in house after school were the light of his day, he'd try making you laugh (succeeding most times) getting you to smile your bright smile
►Most times you would come in your rocking cheerleading outfit when you didn't have enough time to change (though he never minded seeing you support his football team and your bare legs crossed against each other...)
►Slowly it led to getting ice cream after, then taking nightly rides on his motorcycle, to finally him asking you on the cliff where the stars and moon shined their brightest
►Of course you said yes how could you not? Especially when you saw through his cool act, his blushing face and stuttering was the cutest thing you've ever seen.
►Driving back home on the back of his motorcycle, you couldn't help but hold his waist tighter blushing like no tomorrow
►Keeping it a secret from eddy was the hardest thing you could ever do. Going to his house instead of hanging out in yours just so eddy wouldn't see you suck face with his "enemy"
►Though Kevin couldn't stand your brother, he would do anything to see you and hold you. And God did he really want to see you tonight. No matter at what costs...
You sat on your bed, you biker shorts hugging your legs as you criss crossed them. Painting your nails the prettiest color while also being on the telephone talking with nazz. "Nazz I'm telling you, he's the sweetest guy you should totally go out with him!"
"Mmm I don't know y/n what if we don't have anything in common, what if hes everything bad that plagues this earth." You chuckled blowing on your fingers. "You never know Nazz~ he could be the love of your life..." As she was speaking you heard someone climbing up the side of your window.
Eyes wide you looked to see an all to known red hat. Kevin sat on the edge of your window sill smirking. "Hey babe." You smiled wildly quickly hanging up on nazz telling her you'll call her tomorrow. Your boyfriend now sat on the edge of your bed and you couldn't help but hug him tightly.
His arms wrapped around your waist and he kissed your cheek. Enjoying the silence for a moment you suddenly realized what the HELL was going on! You pushed Kevin slightly with a shocked and scared look on your face.
"What are YOU doing here? What if my brother or dad comes in? We've talked about this Kevin!" You whispered yelled, though you couldn't push away the bubbling leap in your chest when he smirked. "What I can't see my favorite doll face?"
You rolled your eyes and shoved him once again. "Yea I better be your only favorite." He laughed quietly. "Trust me when I say your my only favorite." The blush you were holding back bursted throughout your cheeks.
There was a calming silence, you in between his spread legs as he held your hips in tight grip. He brought you impossibly closer towards him with a smirk. "How about a kiss before I go y/n?" Your eyebrow arched in a sarcastic manner before smiling.
"I geuss if you must.." never finishing what you were saying before he kissed your lips surprisingly soft for someone like Kevin. You wrapped you arms around his neck leading his head more closer. The kiss getting heated by the minute, his tongue wrapping around yours.
He carried you in his lap. Grabbing your ass and massaging it. You moaned a little in his mouth. He smiled a bit before you tugged on his hair. He groaned a little before he laid in the bed, dragging you with him. You grinded against his lap as his breath hiccuped from feeling the sensation. You continued till you heard heavy footsteps and an all to known loud ass voice.
You bolted up Kevin still breathing heavily under you. "You gotta go. NOW!" He nodded though still dazed from the kisses as his lips seared smeared with the lip glosses as well as his neck. You pushed him towards the window watching as he carefully slipped out of it.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He said before reaching towards you from one more kiss. Though that's when the footsteps were right at you door. you slammed your window shut hearing kevin yelling and a loud thud. All this while your door finally opened to reveal your brother .
You acted as if you were opening the window for fresh air. "Yo y/n dad wanted me to come get you for dinner." You nodded afraid to use your voice. Eddy looked at you weirdly. "Fix your hair you look like you never bruhsed that shit in years." You rolled your eyes and stuck up your middle finger as he slammed the door laughing and cackling loudly.
You looked out to see Kevin limping towards his bike. Feeling a face his way he turned around and smirked. You sighed a breath of relief before blowing him a long kiss. You closed your window for the night. He blushed a bit and sighed dreamily. His pounding leg, definitely going to be bruised up in the morning...'though it's totally worth it.'
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heartbreakfeelsogood · 9 months
kevin has the sweetest voice and the cutest little accent and i love him i love him i love him 🥰🥰
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avulleonastick · 1 year
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In celebration of flat fuck Friday, I present you with my two babies who are actually not very flat, but I don’t care!
Look at them, are they not the cutest?
The one on the left is Winston! (Who, despite the name, is a girl.) The one on the right is Kevin! (He came with that name, don’t blame me.)
They are the bestest, sweetest cats in the universe, except for how Kevin wakes me up every single day by jumping on me with his full twenty pound size.
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morganupstead · 2 years
There are just a few things keeping me from watching this show every time I get viscerally angry when Voight opens his mouth
Kevin and Dante being partners (specifically Kev calling him ocean)
2. Burzek being domestic + Mack being the cutest sweetest kid
3. Hailey Anne Upton's beauty and intelligence
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dorkofclanlavellan · 2 years
Hello can I have a male matchup for Game of Thrones, LOTR, Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, DC and Marvel?
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬: Muggleborn Ravenclaw with a patronous spirit of Hummingbird, an INFJ (last time I checked at MBTI test), my enneagram is 4w5 and my moral alignment is Neutral Good. I may have a slight introverted tendencies and awkward nature, I describe myself as fiery, swears like a sailor, confident, jokester, and, passionate. Religious, super talkative, sometimes hyper (because of excitement), giggly (I always laugh for stupid reasons), nerdy, actually sweet and nice though I can be aloof, intimidating, and scary when I get so angry. I tend to become really fiesty, stands boldly on what I believe (claiming myself as a realist though some of my views doesn't makes sense), and unbothered to be true to myself, clumsy, stubborn, hopeless romantic, young-at-heart, unfortunate and inattentive. I have "no bs" towards the people that I hate, sarcasam and savagery is my main language. But on the other side, I overthink a lot and cry over small things many times, small mistakes leads me to provoke me even more that sounds like a drama queen, yet recognizes a soft spot for dumb jokes, cheesy pickup lines and prefer people with a good sense of humour who see myself as equal. Chill in academics, but very competitive that manages to the top even for my dreams---I'm very dedicated on what I want for my life, and I display modesty and gracefulness towards some people that deserves respect. One notable feature about her is her multi-potentiality due to being naturally gifted in artistic fields (this includes singing).
𝗜𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗦: Arts, choir, poetry, karaoke, literature, history, makeup, beauty pageants, fun/deep/dumb conversations, expanding my knowledge in Christianity, documentaries (about saints), reading interesting stuffs, talking about social issues, and creative writing, chilling both indoors and outdoors.
𝗛𝗢𝗕𝗕𝗜𝗘𝗦: Drawing, singing, dancing when nobody's around (I'm very bad at it), sharing nerdy or opinionated thoughts, walking like a model (if I ever feel so confident), sleeping, listening to music (from rock to kpop), chatting or browsing on social media, watching videos on YouTube, making terrible jokes/puns, watching cartoons, writing, reading interesting things, and conceptualizing my artworks. I also used to study Italian language a bit
Yep! Sorry for the wait. And sorry it’s so short. It’s been hard for me to focus on anything today lol
Game of Thrones ~ Samwell Tarly. It’s hard for me to explain but I can see you and Samwell being the sweetest, cutest couple. Like your personalities would mesh well. And you’d have the greatest chats.
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Lord of the Rings ~ Peregrin Took. Honestly, there’s never been a more obvious choice for me than to match you with Pippin. Your personalities, some of your interests and hobbies match so well. He’d absolutely adore you.
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Supernatural ~ Kevin Tran. This one was a bit difficult because three names jumped out at me for SPN but I think Kevin is the absolute best one. You would make an adorable couple.
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The Vampire Diaries ~ Elijah Mikaelson. Different route here, sorta. But I think you two would be just similar enough and just different enough that you’d bring out the best in each other. Plus during your clumsy moments, Elijah is always there to catch you and keep you from getting hurt.
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DC ~ Wally West. Specifically the DCAU version. I think that while you two aren’t all that similar, there is enough in common to keep you from butting heads and you two would perfectly contrast each other.
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Marvel ~ Loki. You two would be such an adorable couple, I can’t even think of how to word it properly. Loki would love your jokester, stubborn, aloof and hopeless romantic sides all equally. And he’d definitely enjoy your swearing.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
hiiiiii today's reminder is in two parts because the nct channel has fed us well today
1. the beatbox dance practice vid: pls why are they so cute giggly goofy dream is my absolute favourite. Jaemin twerking, an absolute king. Mark looking scandalised when Renjun took off his jacket. the rap line always unquestioningly following whatever Jaemin does in that one bit when they're walking by the back. Haechan looking very seriously into camera and asking "why am i so sexy". all while dancing like that? i adore them
2. the boxing video: tomorrow I'm gonna see Kun throw some fists and I already refuse to apologise for the person i will become when that happens. Shotaro tearing up (???) because Yangyang teased him, my absolute precious angel. Doyoung looked so fucking good i think i just have a thing for people throwing punches tbh it's always hot as fuck. also i love Jungwoo but he was reminding me so much of my baby sister picking fights for no reason that i got genuinely kinda annoyed at one point and had to stop and come back to it. also everyone in the background throwing salt in the fire, NCT is full of messy bitches. i know we joke about Kun just chilling and having a good little chuckle in these NCT show videos but it was a true joy to see him laugh at their fights and stir more drama.
in conclusion i love them your honour
Hiiii, I wasn't paying attention to the dream video for a second literally the first few seconds when I looked back at my tv I saw a little tushy sticking out behind Jeno didn't even need to do process of elimination or try to remember who has orange hair. It could only be one person. Only one person would randomly start twerking and I love him. Put him on the twerk team with Yeonjun and Kevin Moon from tbz. But I love their goofy dance practice videos the most. Renjun spinning the jacket over his head was the cutest thing ever. Also just realized Chenle isn't Renjun sized any more swear he was just as tiny. When did he grow? He's suppose to be Renjun sized.
I swear I say this everyday but oh my god I love Jungwoo, yes yes he was soooo annoying but its funny. He's so cute, he's literally just like a wound up puppy play fighting. He's so dramatic. But also I can't tell who was telling the truth Jungwoo or Doyoung. Imma be biased and blindly believe everything Jungwoo said. And poor Shotaro just felt left out and yeah if someone calls you out of the blue and you drop everything for them and then they're like guess you were bored like sir... What. But Kun softly assuring Shotaro his feelings were valid was sooo sweet. His tone was so fatherly and warm. But Yangyang not having a single thing to say about Taro and only singing him praises to the point Shotaro was in tears. sweet babies. Theyre so precious. And Shotaro is just a little angel something about his face and voice just makes me so happy. The sweetest baby angel. He was so cute when he said do you hate texting me. My heart. Okay for Taro, I will fight Jungwoo. Dont make my baby sad my other baby. But when Jungwoo said think carefully don't listen these people. I've never laughed so hard oh my god. I've come to a verdict, I love them too.
Also when Hendery asked if they could hit their opponent. Honestly that's what I was hoping for to see them go Teen Top on each other. Chunji took out like five members with a jump kick. They were always fighting it bled into their mvs. Like when they fought on the beach or when Chunji pushed ljoe into Changjo so hard the lockers went back in the locker version of Miss Right. I love Teen Top. Also B1A4, I remember when Sanduel was beating Baro with those leeks. Haechan always reminded me of that moment. Seems like something he'd do. Back when the moment you heard Brave sound you knew the song was gonna be good.
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