#just venting my professional annoyance
Genuinely don't want to get too deep into the whole AI art controversy because - as I mentioned in the tags of that post I reblogged before - I'm personally familiar with the issue in that I build AI as part of my job, but I'm not personally familiar with the issue in that I am not someone who relies on making art to survive (I do art as a hobby but obviously the artists who have more to fear from the development of AI like this are the ones who, you know, do it for a living).
I definitely see why people are concerned and in general I'd say this issue plays into the wider issue of "what happens if a robot/AI/etc takes my job" which is, I suppose, something we as a society have been facing since... the Industrial Revolution? Thereabouts? And it's not my place to speak on that since I haven't done thorough research on the matter, but I certainly understand the concern - hell, there already exist AIs that can write working code, for all I know my job could be at risk one day.
That being said, on a professional level I'm irked at the person who wrote "AI IS EVIL" in the notes of a post on the matter that I saw.
AI is a tool, my dude. Nothing more, nothing less. Whether it's used for good or evil depends wholly on the people who make it and the people who use it.
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tearose26 · 11 months
A Defense(?) of Holly
I’ll be upfront: I do not think Holly has done anything wrong across the books and that Lucy’s contempt can be mostly (but not entirely) attributed to having a huge case of bitch eating crackers. That said, I do think a lot of the friction between the two is exacerbated by the fact that to Lucy, Lockwood and co is her home, while to Holly, Lockwood and co is her workplace.
Lucy’s coworkers are her roommates (and, though this is more unspoken in the books, her family); her work life and private life are intertwined to the point of being almost inseparable. This is not something Lucy dislikes; I don’t have the book on me at hand, but I distinctly remember Lucy at the beginning of The Hollow Boy reflecting on how busy they were but how contented she feels with the life she has. Holly’s introduction feels incongruous in part because her presence is purely professional. She does not move in with them and thus develop the kind of domestic closeness with them that comes from being roommates; she arrives at 9 am, works her contracted set of hours, then goes home.
As such, Holly does not share in the informal bickering that Lucy, Lockwood and George engage in. She, like most of us who work, puts on a professional work persona and sticks to it. It does mean that she is going to come across as kind of fake and insincere, because all professional work personas (particularly of the white-collar, secretarial kind that Holly does) necessarily involve a bit of faking and insincerity. This kind of exactingly agreeable, pleasant and polite behaviour is, coincidentally, something that Lucy is extremely bad at both doing and engaging with.
This is not really anyone’s fault, I would say. Just as Lucy treats her home as a home, Holly, quite reasonably, treats her workplace as a workplace. She sees herself as under no obligation to share her private life and true feelings with her colleagues, and where annoyances/disagreements among the trio are normally resolved through direct arguments/bickering, she does so through trying to come up with for the most conflict-defusing, maximally diplomatic response.
I have to admit, if I were in Lucy’s shoes, I also wouldn’t take to the workplace-ification (so to speak) of my home particularly gracefully. Imagine if you were lying in bed having a nice sleep-in and a work colleague knocked on your door and asked, hey sorry hope I’m not disturbing but I was wondering if you were coming to the 10:30 meeting? I would feel kind of uncomfortable and imposed on! At the same time, it wouldn’t be fun for the person knocking on the door either; it’s an awkward situation for all! I know the example I used is not quite the same as the actual event in The Hollow Boy, but in my opinion Holly’s main sin was being a bit gauche in how she handled it.
While we aren’t privy to Holly’s thoughts throughout The Hollow Boy (worse yet: everything we get is through Lucy’s perspective), I see no evidence that Holly is being deliberately manipulative or underhanded towards Lucy. All I see is Holly doggedly trying to maintain a professional relationship with a colleague who, let’s be real, is being an asshole to her. (In my head I like to imagine she goes home each night and vents to her flatmates about ugh this bratty teen who has decided to hate me for some goddamn reason) When Holly loses it and finally goes off at Lucy, the vast majority of her complaints are (very reasonably!) about Lucy’s unfounded and poorly-disguised contempt towards her.
(On a slightly unrelated note: I do think, strangely enough, that The Hollow Boy may be the book I enjoyed the most. It certainly has the most going on, psychologically, with Lucy regarding her feelings of jealousy, inadequacy and displacement. But you do need to have a certain patience for teenage bullshit, because frankly a lot of it is teenage bullshit. All this drama is really just Lucy not knowing two basic co-worker skills: How To Interact With Colleagues You Don’t Personally Vibe With and How To Use Your Words To Tell Someone That What They Are Doing Is A Bit Annoying.)
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Had A Bad Day - Johanna Constantine x GN! Reader
First fic of Fictober! I’m not used to writing for Johanna quite yet, but i hope y’all like it! Today’s prompt was Magic. Reader is a magic user.
TW: Swearing, mentions of cultists. Use of (Y/N)
Johanna Constantine was no stranger to magic. Her job depended on it. Or, rather, it depended on something going horribly wrong involving magic. Her expertise made it seem like she was the only one who could fix it. She was constantly getting called to deal with the problems others had caused. Recently, most of the trouble seemed to involve a large number of demons. Johanna sighed as she remembered the call that she had received earlier that week. With the damage, the time it took to track them all down, and the sheer number of demons that she had to deal with, Johanna’s normal fee had been been much higher than normal. But, that didn’t begin to make up for how tired Johanna was.
The overworked magician knew of one person who could give her the space to vent and still understand. (Y/n). (Y/n), her partner, was the only person that Johanna ever fully confided in. It helped that they were also a magic user, so they were well aware of the dangers and annoyances that Johanna had to face. Johanna also suspected that she was one of the few other magic users that (Y/N) could tolerate, not that she would ever voice that thought aloud. However, there was one prime difference between them. While Johanna spent her time tracking down dangerous entities and dispelling them, (Y/N) liked to summon and make deals with them.
That was actually how they had met. Johanna had just finished another job when she felt the tale-tell signs of a summoning ritual. Thinking that she had somehow missed something, she went to shut it down. When she arrived, Johanna was astounded to find someone who actually knew what they were doing. All of the proper protections had been placed, and it looked like not a single thing had been overlooked. In fact, in Johanna’s opinion, it might have been a tad overkill. She watched as the summoner speak with the demon, and.....
Wait, were they... haggling with it? Johanna could scarcely believe what she was hearing. What made it even more interesting was that they seemed to be taking it for all it was worth. It was like watching a professional conman at work. Johanna had to admit, she was impressed. She continued to watch as the deal concluded, and the summoner sent the demon back to hell, and removed the protections and wards. Johanna made her way to leave, but the summoner spoke before she could.
“Johanna Constantine. I take it you were here to stop my summoning?”, they asked.
Johanna wondered how they knew her name, and the confusion must have been written on her face, as they continued.
“Those who reside in hell speak of a great exorcist, who goes by the name of Constantine. The name sounded familiar, so I did some digging.” They smiled.
And that was how it began. Johanna learned that their name was (Y/n), and that they were a professional deal maker, making deals with demons on the behalf of those who would have trouble doing it themselves. Though, fewer people seemed to know about them than they did Johanna. (Y/N) ended up asking her out, and one date lead to, well, now.
With the night Johanna had had, she knew that (Y/N) was just the person she needed to see. She made sure to text them before coming over, just in case they were working with a client, or preforming a ritual. The almost instant reply told her that neither were the case, and that she was free to come over. A short drive later, and Johanna was at (Y/N)’s place. They must have seen or heard her approach, because before Johanna could knock, the door swung open.
“Rough night?”, (Y/N) asked as they moved to the side to allow their girlfriend in.
“You wouldn’t believe the bloody mess the church had me clean up tonight,” Johanna replied, flopping down on the couch. (Y/N) could only smile, and went to fix the exhausted exorcist a drink. A few minutes later, they sat down in the chair next to Johanna. She sighed, a sound both tired and grateful, as she took the glass from her partner.
“It was a fucking nightmare,” Johanna continued. “Worst night ever.”
“More royals, I take it?,” (Y/N) questioned as they moved their hand to card their fingers through Johanna’s hair.
(Y/N) briefly pondered how it could possibly worse. They knew Johanna hated dealing with royals when it came to exorcisms. Too much risk, not enough reward. One wrong move and..... (Y/N) dismissed the thought, before remembering that their were even worse things in their girlfriend’s line of work. They took a deep breath to calm themselves before responding.
“How so?”
Johanna sighed, her whole body slumping further into the couch. She brought her hand to her face, pinching the bridge of her nose in an effort to keep calm.
“Fucking idiots. Bit off way more than they should have tried. Bunch of bloody cultists tried summoning Lucifer.”
It was (Y/N)’s turn to sigh. “Let me guess, they pulled the wrong entity?”
Johanna let out a strained laugh. “A whole bloody hoard, actually. What’s worse, they managed to summon some heavy hitters. Took forever to get them all sent back.”
“Lack of wards?”
“How the hell did they even manage to get some of the higher ups? They’d have to be insanely powerful to do so, and if they were, then they would have known to take the necessary precautions.”
“Fuck if I know,” Johanna said, adjusting her body so that she could be more comfortable. “Amateurs, the lot of them. They managed to get lucky. Or, well, unlucky in this case, I suppose.”
At this point, (Y/N) noticed that Johanna was having trouble keeping her eyes open.
“Alright, you’re more than exhausted, and I’m not letting you sleep on my couch. Let’s get you to bed.”
Johanna let out a groan of protest as her partner gently took her glass and helped her up. Nevertheless, she allowed herself to be led down the hallway, leaning against (Y/N) all the while. (Y/N) gingerly helped Johanna onto the bed, and the exorcist sleepily kicked off her shoes. Once she was under the covers, (Y/N) made their way to the other side and climbed in, wrapping their arms around their girlfriend, and pulling her close.
(Y/N) held Johanna safe in their arms, gently stroking her hair to help her calm down. Johanna opened her mouth to launch into a sleepy rant, but (Y/N) was faster. With a small flick of their fingers, they sent their beloved of to sleep. Although they knew that Johanna would be grumpy about that in the morning, (Y/N) didn’t mind. It was well worth whatever consequences would come later, just so that they could see the small smile that crept across her sleeping face.
‘Besides’, (Y/N) reasoned to themselves, ‘Johanna needs all the rest she can get.’
Smiling, they felt contentment fill them. They placed a gentle kiss on Johanna’s forehead. The gentle sound of her breathing further soothed them, and they found themselves growing tired. Relishing in the warmth, they closed their eyes, and joined their girlfriend in blissful sleep.
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mejomonster · 2 years
allow me to vent for a second.
i am really annoyed with Microsoft Office’s new ‘editing’ tool which does tons of style ‘corrections’ beyond just regular grammar and spell check. I would guess grammarly may have a lot of the same issues, but i’m not sure. my annoyance is that... in the new ‘editing’ tool, 1. it is very hard to turn off all the style ‘corrections’ which should realistically only be optional since they aren’t actually a matter of good or bad writing, and 2. these style corrections are very clearly geared toward specific forms of writing (business/school) which means when applying them to say personal articles you write or fictional stories, they can push ‘correction’ suggestions on you which completely ruin the intent you were aiming for. And when all you want to do is quickly double check you made no typos, and made no grammar mistakes, instead it highlights dozens (to hundreds) of other areas that actually need no corrections.
I tried to edit a novel just to check for spelling/grammar errors, and it wanted to correct hundreds of things which were style-only. Like X isn’t good for resumes (no kidding its a NOVEL), maid isn’t gender neutral (yes its not because this is a novel choosing words for specific effects not a work document), trying to change certain comma’d lists from “smart and diligent, cold and ruthless” into “smart, and diligent, cold, and ruthless” which... novels break up sentences in specific stylistic ways to make the writing read/flow a specific way... to move the commas in this case would ruin the rhythm the author wanted you to read it in. Basically... the ‘style corrections’ tool was giving me hundreds of not-real errors to sort through, slowing down me immensely, and these style corrections Aren’t True Errors. They’re useful OPTIONAL features, if you’re writing say a work document or resume and need to word yourself professionally. They absolutely butcher fictional writing, and I’m guessing if you wrote a literary analysis this tool would also be giving a ton of not-real-errors to correct every time you use a quote from the literary work. :c
:c :c :c
On the one hand, I’m very happy such new tools exist to help people figure out how to stylistically word themselves better. The skill of figuring out how to word something professionally in a work setting can be difficult, and its good as a tool to offer. 
But the fact these tools seem to slant that way Mandatorily and require so much tech skill to turn off (I had to go in and dig to turn most of these off and i still have so many accidentally turned on i’m still getting 50-200 false-errors flagged per writing piece I proofread), i cannot imagine is going to have a good effect on people’s abilities to learn how to creatively write moving forward. Or for people to be self-aware of how varied language effects your impression on your reader. And since a specific company, specific software, is the ‘guide’ being forced for correcting one’s writing stylistically, of course that can always lead to new biases in writing overall. The biases the software was made with, that the designers inherently had and were never questioned for, and people will ‘correct’ their work to reflect those software internal biases. And so while to a degree, the ‘style corrections’ will help people write more professional technical less uninclusive writing, the dependency on a software to decide what is correctly those things will mean some biases in the system will reflect into everyone’s writing using it if not proof read for that by the writer personally. TLDR: while such stylistic tools are helpful in the way another pair of eyes are in a writing group, beware of relying on them as the end all be all of correct. The software is inherently biased toward specific types of prose which your writing may not benefit from, and any inherent biases that are uninclusive or unhelpful may bleed into the software corrections so any corrections should always be read over by YOU later to make sure the writing is actually doing what is intended and not something wrong. 
And then, the other criticism: as USUAL microsoft office still flags a lot of grammar as incorrect which is in fact correct, so i still have to double check all of its grammar-flagged areas and fix them myself if they are wrong (since microsoft office at least half the time suggests an incorrect fix). So writers are going to STILL need the skill of understanding grammar enough to proofread their own documents, since these ‘correction tools’ are still not fully reliable in that aspect (except now writers will need to sort through grammar errors they need to fix themselves AND a bunch of flagged-stylistic stuff which may have been completely purposeful and needs no changes). :/ 
basically, critically read, and always proofread your own writing and edits others (and especially Programs) make to your writing. Programs have their own built in biases which you can’t just assume are perfect, and as always at least with microsoft office lol i’m still seeing it tag a lot of things as ‘errors’ that either aren’t errors or need to be corrected in a Different way than microsoft office suggests. 
Anyway. Does anyone have a guide to point me to, for turning off ALL of microsoft’s style-corrections? I only need the spell check and grammar check (and the grammar check as usual I still end up needing to fix but at least sometimes it highlights the weird areas so I can find them faster).
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apex-pest-control · 4 months
Helpful Hints for Squirrel Removal from the Attic
Helpful Hints for Squirrel Removal from the Attic
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Having squirrels living in your attic is a major annoyance. These rodents pose a serious threat to the home's occupants and structural integrity due to their destructive behaviour. Squirrels can be safely and effectively removed from attics by calling in professional pest control services.
As a result of their remarkable adaptability, squirrels in metropolitan areas have learned to live in close proximity to humans. In most houses, you can find their nests in a garage, an attic, or another enclosed spot.
The nesting process can lead to an accumulation of waste, including urine and droppings, which can make living conditions in the house unclean. The chewing they do can also weaken the framework of your home, including the ceilings, walls, and other supporting elements.
Neglecting to take the necessary measures can result in squirrels becoming a major problem. Chewing on wood, cables, and electrical fixtures is just one of many ways in which squirrels can harm your home and belongings.
In addition to spreading disease and destroying gardens and landscaping, they can taint food. Your neighbours may also find them to be a significant annoyance due to the amount of noise and disturbance they cause. For these and all of these reasons, squirrel extermination must be a top priority.
How Much Risk Is Involved in Trying to Catch and Remove Squirrels from the Attic?
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A concern with attic squirrel infestations is that they can seriously harm wiring and insulation. It might seem like a good idea to catch and remove squirrels from your attic, but there are a number of problems with it.
Homeowners should be advised that squirrels can transmit diseases and parasites like fleas and ticks that can infect people if precautionary precautions are not taken. Not to mention that if one attempts to catch squirrels, they can end up trapping young ones or abandoning them in the crawl space of the attic.
Furthermore, the use of live traps for rodent management has a risk of serious damage, so it is imperative that all safety protocols be followed exactly.
In order to safely and successfully remove squirrels from attics, homeowners are advised to engage professionals. Removing squirrels safely and successfully is necessary, and seasoned pest control businesses have the know-how to do so.
How Do I Prevent Squirrels from Entering My Attic?
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One proactive step that can be performed is to keep squirrels out of attics in order to prevent future issues. Contacting a pest control expert is the first step; they can locate any holes in the attic that can point to a squirrel nest. More details regarding controlling squirrels as a pest can be found here.
It is absolutely best to prune trees that are close to the roof line as this will deter them from trying to climb over. It can also be a deterrent to install bright lights on the edge of the roof, since squirrels despise places that are lit.
Furthermore, it is advised that metal flashing or caulk be used to secure all fascia boards and gable vents. This will plug up any openings that squirrels might use to enter the attic.
You may need to install lights in your attic if squirrels are already living there. To stop new infestations, pest control professionals could suggest utilising particular repellents or taking down any surrounding trees.
Which Indications Detect a Squirrel Problem in Your Attic?
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The presence of squirrel activity indicators in the attic may make it easier to identify the signs of a squirrel infestation. Most often, damaged roof vents or soffits allow the eastern grey squirrel, which is the most frequent type of squirrel, to cause damage to attics.
Common indicators include scratchy sounds all day long, holes excavated in the walls, and nibbling on wood, wire, insulation, trails, and droppings. In addition, squirrels may use leaves or insulation to build their nests in your attic.
To get rid of any squirrels that could be residing in your attic, a pest control firm can install strobe lights and one-way doors.
How Can I Prevent Squirrels from Getting Into My Attic?
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A squirrel in your attic can be a significant inconvenience since they can gnaw through electrical cables and other components, severely damaging the structure. Trapping squirrels and releasing them back into their natural habitat is the simplest approach to dealing with them.
It is necessary to take precautions to keep the squirrel from returning to the attic once it has been removed. Installing a mesh screen around any sizeable openings that a squirrel might be able to reach is one of the simplest ways to accomplish this.
In addition to physical barriers, the following chemical solutions can be used to keep squirrels out of attics:
Traps: Traps are one of the most effective methods for removing squirrels in an attic. Various types of traps are available, including:
Live-catch traps
Glue boards
Snap traps
Electronic repellents: These should be placed near areas where squirrel activity has been observed and regularly checked for animals that have been trapped.
Repellents: Commercial squirrel repellents contain ingredients designed to encourage the animals to leave an area without harming them. These typically come in granular or liquid form and should be applied directly at entry points or around potential nesting sites in your attic.
Attractants: Although this may seem counterintuitive, using attractants such as bird seed or nuts can help keep squirrels out of your attic by providing them with food elsewhere in your yard or garden. This will discourage them from entering your house in search of food sources.
Whatever strategy you decide on to keep squirrels out of your attic, you need to act quickly to stop any further damage and health hazards from squirrel droppings and nests.
Keeping a regular eye out for potential access spots on the outside of your home could also assist you prevent encountering these pests in the future.
How Frequently Should I Look for Squirrel Activity in My Attic?
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Several factors determine how often you should inspect your attic for squirrel activity. You should check your attic right away if you've seen any indications of squirrel activity in or around your house recently.
Droppings close to your home's foundation, gnaw marks on the exterior, or noises coming from the attic may all be signs of this.
If squirrel activity is not evident in your attic, you can stop keeping a close eye on it. Three or four months should pass during that time. Look for things like droppings, evidence of nesting materials, and chew marks on wires or beams when conducting your check.
It is imperative that you take steps to prevent squirrels from entering your attic if you notice any of these signs.
Finally, if you live in an area where squirrels are numerous, it is vital that you regularly inspect your attic. By doing this, you'll be able to identify any squirrel behaviour and put a stop to it before it becomes an issue.
Which Attic Entry Points Do Squirrels Use the Most Frequently?
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Determining the squirrels' points of entrance into attics is crucial. Small gaps and openings in the soffit, as well as a hole in the roof, provide squirrels with access to the attic. In addition to nibbling through electrical lines, wood, siding, and other objects, they can also enter an attic.
Gutter guards that cover all potential sources of access can be installed by homeowners to keep squirrels out of attics. In order to prevent squirrels from entering attics, pest management firms also offer termite, mosquito, and wildlife exclusion treatments.
Homeowners should get in touch with a pest control expert who specialises in animal exclusion methods if they have already experienced an infestation. These experts are able to evaluate the circumstances and offer suggestions for keeping squirrels out of the attic.
What Indicates the Presence of a Squirrel in My Attic?
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You need to take the required actions to verify or refute the existence of squirrels in your attic if you have any reason to think they are there. You can check the attic in several places to find evidence that squirrels have taken up residence there.
First, look for any clear indicators, like footprints or droppings. Additionally, keep an ear out for sounds like feeding, running, scratching, and nest construction. Moreover, look for broken tree branches from surrounding trees and chewed wood near potential attic entrance locations.
Finally, but just as importantly, make sure squirrels aren't obtaining their food from multiple sources. You should therefore be on the lookout for any unplanned emptying of bird feeders. The land is covered with bird seed, and the entrances are covered in peanut butter.
Assume that a property has any one of these indicators. After then, it's best to get in touch with pest control experts so they can evaluate the issue and plan a safe removal method for any squirrels that may be residing in the attic.
Additionally, cameras can be utilised to identify the house's entry locations and facilitate the development of a successful removal plan.
Once all access points have been expertly removed, any necessary repairs should be made to safeguard the spaces and keep rodents and other wildlife from entering in the future.
It's also a good idea to help remove any squirrel-related trash and speak with gardening experts about how to keep future infestations at bay by pruning tree branches away from residences and gardens.
What Kind Of Harm Could A Squirrel Cause In An Attic?
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Given their skill at gnawing and eating, squirrels may cause a great deal of damage in an attic. Their habit of chewing through electrical wiring might result in fires. They are also capable of tearing apart insulation to construct dens or using it as nesting material.
Other pests, like flies and mice, can be attracted to their waste and urine. Control organisations should be contacted when the issue is too complex for lawn care providers to handle.
It is possible for squirrels to gnaw through wooden elements like door frames and window sills, causing structural damage to a building. Homeowners can also see grease or oil streaks on surfaces, which squirrels use to mark their territory.
Some homeowners may note that the attic smells bad from the squirrels' urine and droppings, in addition to the obvious damage.
Get in touch with a qualified exterminator as soon as possible to stop squirrels from entering your property.
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It's critical to understand the possible dangers connected to removing and gathering squirrels from attics. It's also critical to recognise the early warning indicators of a squirrel infestation and to take precautionary action.
In addition to using chemical repellents like mothballs or ammonia-dipped rags, homeowners should periodically inspect their attics for signs of squirrel activity.
To stop infestations in the future, they should also recognise and seal common entry points into the attic. It's critical to understand the potential harm that squirrels in the attic may create and to take the necessary action.
These instructions can help homeowners get rid of squirrels from their attic for good.
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marvelousmoose · 4 years
Ok u know what I’ve decided I’m actually going to be properly annoyed at recent events :/
#I’m just here to vent but feel free to let me know that my righteous annoyance is shared lol#so I went to the vagina dr the other day for my first ever pap smear and gettin meself a referral#so I can yeet my uterus into the trash#luckily me and the vagina are on speaking terms and I’m generally p chill abt medical stuff#tho I feel I was understandably a little nervous to get my insides get the ol ‘lawn in fall’ treatment#the nurse was p chill and gave me my flu shot!!!so no complaints there#but the actual dr was just....clearly mildly uncomfortable with the whole trans situation I got going on#kept it professional enough but like....im not stupid#but she immediately said ‘I know the U of Wisc has an excellent gender reassignment center ~’:]’#like first of all I specifically mentioned a hysto second of all never make assumptions about how I want my genitals to look ever again#I did not mention in any way that is something I am even considering and she’s bringin it right out the gate#when I literally only mentioned wanting a hysto ref not only to the nurse but asked about when scheduling the apt over the phone#so I tell her ‘no I’m fine w/ what I have currently I just want my uterus out’#then she asks not once but THRICE if I’d rather have a man or woman do the thing#bc apparently answering ‘it doesn’t really matter either way’ is a statement I needed to clarify#like certainly I can get asking once but if someone says it doesn’t matter that’s when I think ‘okay who do I think would do this well?’#had to literally specify I just wanted whoever she thought could do a good job#AND THEN#says and I shit you not ‘you’ll probably want it done (minimally invasive way) so it doesn’t........scar visibly......that would probably-#cont: ‘be......best....for your situation.’#I almost wanted to just stare at her for a minute like....ma’am.....again with the fuckin assumption that I want to look cis#literally I’m p sure it’s usually done that way anyway just so u don’t have to fucking cut through all the fuckin abdominal muscles#so recovery isn’t a bitch n a half#which is essentially what I said while also being like it don’t care abt scar visibility#so whatever she says she thinks one of the drs who works at the same place would be a good pick so I’m like cool and we get to the exam#and truly the funniest thing is that it reminded me most of the dentist#bc the feeling of someone rooting around your bodily cavities while attempting awkward small talk is very similar no matter the orifice#but at least the dentists I’ve gone to haven’t brought up one of their kids spouses is trans then misgender them in the same breath :/#I’ve run out of tags but tldr cis ppl are baffling what else is new
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
The Silent Treatment - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: slight angst, slice of life, crack(ish?), fluff, cursing
Summary: Bakugou is very much....an asshole. A shithead. A professional dick if you will. And Y/N, being his girlfriend is very much aware of that. So when he takes it too far, she has to make sure he learns his lesson.
A/N: just a quick lil cute thing, totally not spelled check
“Hey babe!” Bakugou said as he walked into the living room to find his girlfriend reading a book. He plopped down next to her and just relaxed in the feeling of the soft cushion. The little shit felt like messing with his girlfriend today.
Y/N had already been having a pissy day. After arguing with her boss, forgetting a few items back at the grocery store, and losing her new pair of headphones, she just wanted some peace with her cup of tea and a good book. Now, she has her loving boyfriend to comfort her as well. This day was surely taking a turn...right?
“Hi love, need something?” You asked calmly with the most melodic voice. Your voice. His favorite sound in the world. The sound of you just put a smile on his face which is a huge oxymoron to what this motherfucker is about to say.
“Nah, just wanted to talk to my princess,” he said while resting his head on your stomach, resting in between your legs and wrapping his arms around your waist. You awed at him but didn’t notice his little devil smile. “I had the best dream last night.”
“About what Suki?” You asked while petting his soft hair.
“Yeahhh. You went mute for the day. Fucking paradise.” Once the words left his mouth you stilled your actions and felt your eye twitch in annoyance. Your hand on his head stilled and slightly tugged at it. In any other circumstance, Bakugou would’ve groaned at the tug (kinky bastard) but he was too busy chuckling into your tummy.
You exhaled roughly through your nose and pushed Bakugou off of you in a very polite way. He rolled onto his back onto the actual couch and watched as you crossed your legs, close your book, and pick up your tea mug.
“Hmph!” Was all that you “said” as you tilted your nose to the air and walked away. Bakugou just snickered as you left. He thought it was adorable when you were mad over tiny inconveniences and thought it was hot as fuck when you were yelling at him, but today, you won’t be doing neither.
About 30 minutes had passed and Bakugou had awoken from his nap on the couch. He fell asleep after you walked away but now missed your touch. He sat up, stretched, and went to find you. He walked around the house until he spotted you relaxing in the jacuzzi in the backyard. He grinned at your relaxed look and went to change.
A few minutes later Bakugou had came out to join you in the hot tub. Your eyes were shut as you relaxed in the bubbling water, and so Bakugou was able to get in without being seen. He relaxed into the water as he scooted closer to you, eventually grabbing a hold of your waist.
“Hi baby,” he said as he attempted to place you in his lap but you looked at him with an unimpressed look as you scooted away. “Y/N?”
You grabbed your towel and stepped out of the tub. You wrapped yourself in the cloth as you walked back into the house, completely ignoring Bakugou as he spoke to you.
“Wha- you’re just gonna leave? I just got in with you,” he pouted. He opted to stay in the nice warm water for a bit but once you closed the door he groaned and sunk deeper into the water. He let the water go just above his mouth and right below his nose as he blew bubbles into the tub out of annoyance.
‘The fuck is up with her?’ He thought to himself.
Time passed and Bakugou came out the tub. He went back to his room to change into some gray sweats and a black long sleeve (and yes he pulled the sleeves up a bit because he knew you found it attractive and if y’all don’t, well I do).
He walked into the kitchen and spotted you seemingly eating dinner. He noticed a plate for him but kind of frowned at the fact that you didn’t wait for him. He saw you placed the plate on the other side of the island, far away from you, and so he pulled the plate over and took the seat next to you.
“Hey, princess? You gonna tell me what’s wrong?” He asked but you said nothing as you just ate in silence. “Silent treatment huh?” No words.
“Baby, is this about what I said? I was only kidding Y/N,” he said as he tried to wrap his arm around your waist but you pushed it off and he groaned. “Fine. Be that way, you’ll get over it. Come talk to me when you’re done acting like a brat.”
Bakugou just grunted as he ate his dinner in silence right next to you. You finished before him and walked away after you washed your dish and this time it was Bakugou who snubbed his nose in the air at you. If it was the silent treatment that you were gonna give then it was the silent treatment that you were gonna get....sorta.
“BABYYYY PLEASSEEEEE!!” He whined while poking at your leg. You were currently in your home office typing away at your computer doing work when Bakugou came in about 25 minutes after he finished his dinner. He couldn’t help himself. He missed you.
You continued to ignore Bakugou as he poked and shook you for attention. You gave him nothing all day and he was getting close to his limit. Please believe he wasn’t getting shit after that brat comment.
“Princessss, c’mon! It was a joke baby, let’s go to sleep, yeah?” He begged. You looked at him with a bored expression and saw his smile as you finally gave him something. You turned back to face your computer and his smile dropped again and was replaced with a scowl. “Y/N, I was just messing with you. I love the sound of your voice and I love you. So quit ignoring me and come give me love!” He demanded.
When he noticed you weren’t budging, he stood from his seat and pinched the bridge of his nose as he mentally counted.
He gave in and forcefully turned your chair and threw you over his shoulder. You didn’t speak to him but you squirmed and shook trying to get out of his grasp.
“Aye, aye,” he smacked your ass to get you to stop, “quit it. I’m tired, and I want sleep, and we both know I don’t sleep unless my teddy bear is with me, so shush.”
You looked at him when he told you to “shush.” As if you hadn’t been doing that all day. He just squinted his eyes as he knew what you were thinking. “You know what I mean shitty woman!”
Bakugou stormed into your shared bedroom and dropped you onto the mattress. You didn’t even try to run away. You had decided that, yes, you are indeed tired but you refused to give a certain blonde any attention. You stretched on the bed and Bakugou was in awe of your cute state but quickly snapped out of his trance when you turned on your side and gave him your back.
Bakugou got into bed along side you and scooted closer. He pressed himself against your back but once he made contact, you scooted farther away. And so, he scooted himself closer again but just like before, you scooted away. This went on about 2 more times before you scooted and fell off the bed.
“Y/N? You okay, love?” He asked as he looked down at you. You popped up from the floor, on your knees and grumbled to yourself as you vented quietly. You stood up and continued ranting as you tried to walk away to sleep on the couch but before you could get away from the king sized bed, Bakugou grabbed your wrist and pulled you on top of him. “Ignore me all you want but I’m not sleeping without my cuddles.”
You sighed as you gave in. You allowed him to hold you but you refused to speak. Bakugou rubbed circles onto your back as he inhaled your scent but he missed the sound of your voice. The sweet sound that was something similar to honey.
��Baby...I’m sorry.”
You looked at him when he apologized and raised your brow. A verbal, genuine, apology from Katsuki Bakugou? This you’ve gotta see.
“I know I shouldn’t have said that to you and even if I was only kidding......it was pretty fucking mean. ..But I hope you know I love the sound of your damn voice. I love you, dumbass. And I would never ask you to stay silent because....*sigh* ‘cuz your voice, you talking to me, you being with me, and just you in general keeps me sane. So I’m sorry. Okay? And I love you..” he said with a growing blush as he stared at you with a flustered face.
You smiled and went up to peck his lips and then give him a loving kiss. He jumped at the sudden contact but quickly melted into the kiss. He smiled as he finally got to revel in the sweet intimate moments like this. The sweet moments he’s been missing all day.
“I love you too Suki.” Oh how he craved to hear your voice. He loved the sweet sound and missed your loving tone. He pulled you in closer and just held you tight. He doesn’t plan on letting go.
“I’m so sorry. I will never make you upset like that ever again.” He bargained but you only shook your head.
“Katsuki, I was just messing with you today. I had an annoying day and that little joke just sent me over the edge but you know I never take your mean quips to heart. You’re rough around the edges but that’s just who you are and I don’t mind it. I love everything about you, even if you’re a jerk sometimes,” you teased and flicked at his nose. You giggled as he whined and tried to soothe the spot you hit. “You don’t have to censor yourself around me. Okay?”
Bakugou smiled even more. He loves you so damn much. Not only did you know he was just a little abrasive, but you accepted him for all his brunt behavior. You truly did love him. “Thanks princess,”
He sealed the deal with a sweet kiss to your temple as you giggled at the warm feeling of his soft lips. He pulled you down to his chest as you both cuddled up for the night. You sleeping is the only time Bakugou will ever be okay with you being silent. But never again will he ever allow himself to get the silent treatment.
A/N: Guys, I’m so sorry. I’ve been in such a slump and I feel like im reaching a writers block. It’s not even like I don’t have any ideas, I do! And I even have multiple unfinished pieces in my drafts but I just don’t have any motivation to finish :( sorry Cubs, don’t worry, I’ll try my best to finish them as quick as I can. Idk, should I take a break?
I’m already in the middle of a story and I don’t wanna leave those who are reading on a cliffhanger.
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mxonigirimiya · 2 years
For @mrskenmakozume's The Home collab!! You can all the other pieces here!
Character: Bokuto
Genre: Fluff
wc: 1.1k
tags: none!
slightly edited!
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Bureaucracy has always been a pain in the ass. Constantly emailing someone only needing to email someone else, and being stuck in constant loops of having to email someone else gets tiring real fast. Even now, you're staring at your laptop screen, having to send your supervisor an email about your current project, because your client was being extremely difficult. They were constantly changing their mind, and never failed to only mention it at your weekend meetings when you were showing them the updated project with the adjustments they asked for last week. And at this point, it was frustrating because they never failed to complain that you're the issue, on the sole basis that you're the project leader. You can't just quit the project either. So you're stuck in meetings that you know will only set you back yet again. This week's setback? They asked for a specific feature, and the details varied based on who they emailed. So now here you are, emailing your team members and your supervisor as well as your client but never getting a clear answer. You groan loudly, and lean back in your chair.
"Baby?" Bokuto's voice sounded from behind you and you spin your chair to see him in the doorway. "What's wrong?"
"I consider being a stay-at-home spouse more and more with every email I have to send out." Bokuto couldn't help but walk to you and plant a soft kiss to your head.
"If that's what you want, I have no problem. I make more than us for the both of us." You knew that well enough. He pays for the bills and covers both of you any time you go out. Even if you're buying your own things, he will insist on you using his card. If you quit, literally nothing would change. Honestly you're only still working because you would go crazy staying home all day. But you're going crazy right now, so is it worth it? The only thing keeping you from going off the edge is working from home. You got to organize your office to make it seem much more professional, which really excited you. But with how this client is driving you up a wall, that excitement quickly died.
"I keep hearing you groan from the kitchen. I know the office door is open, but it's still pretty loud. What's bothering my sweet baby?" You know that Bokuto would have no clue what you were speaking about, but you ranted anyway, and he looked at you so intently. He keeps nodding and letting out little "uh huh"s, "really?"s, and "no way"s. For a second, you forget that this man doesn't have a degree let alone any knowledge of your field, but you appreciate him giving you all of his attention and letting you vent. After you were done, you looked at the time.
"I'm clocking out."
"Are you sure?"
"It's around that time anyway. I came in early today so I get to leave a little early too. I could have left 20 minutes ago, but I really wanted to squash this, but I'm talking in circles and honestly, I'm gonna lose my sanity real soon."
"Cool, I'll go order dinner because I'm not letting you cook. You need to relax. And no, I'm not budging."
"But Kou-"
"Would you rather me cook dinner?"
"Absolutely not!"
"Exactly. So sit your cute butt there, and clock out while I place an order at your favorite place. I'll also start the bath for you okay? With candles and everything."
"Koutaro, I'm so in love with you."
"It's why you married me!" He left you to take care of the things he said he would and he came back only to see you massaging your temples while staring at your screen in annoyance. "Clock out."
"Nope. You said you would. And you're about at the time you clock out anyway."
"Not hearing it! Clock out so I can take care of you." Sighing, you clock out and get up. The moment you stand up, you're immediately picked up and carried to the bathroom. Bokuto wouldn't hear any of your complaints, smiling proudly, soaking in your squeals and giggles.
Once he opened the door to the bathroom, your favorite scent swarmed you, and it was almost like the smell was giving you a warm hug, beckoning you to relax.
"I'll leave you to it." He turned to leave the moment he put you down, and you couldn’t fathom being away from him.
"Wait!" He quickly turned around, an eyebrow raised at your outburst. "Stay with me? You can even get in the bath with me."
"How could I ever say no to taking a bath with my favorite person in the whole wide world?" He quickly got undressed and you followed suit, allowing him to hop into the bathtub before you did, so your back was pressed against his chest. You knew this was supposed to be relaxing, but giggles quickly filled the bathroom as Bokuto placed soft kisses everywhere he could on your face in rapid succession. Little "I love you"s were whispered in between his onslaught and he tried his best to just let you relax, he really did, but you have such a kissable face, and the temptation was too strong. Plus, he has to make up for lost time since he couldn't really come in today since there were so many meetings between the both of you. When he had his fill (for now) he holds you close to him, humming softly into your ear. You easily could fall asleep, but soon enough, the water became cold, and Bokuto nudged you to get out of the bathtub and dry yourself. He drained the shower and cleaned off any residue on the tub before drying himself off. It honestly shocked you, watching him do some cleaning unprompted, but you knew he was doing it so you don't have to worry about it.
As you both got dressed, the buzzer for the apartment rang, and Bokuto quickly put on a shirt and shorts because he doesn’t really think it's a good idea to greet a delivery person in boxers, and ran out to grab your food. You grabbed one of his shirts and met him in the kitchen where the scent of your favorite food filled the room, and you couldn’t help the lazy smile that plastered itself on your face.
"Grab your food and let's eat! Then we can cuddle for the rest of the night."
"Do you want to watch a movie Kou?"
"Up to you. I'm fine with anything as long as I can hold you."
"You're so cute, you know that?"
"Not as cute as you. Now: food time!"
People say that love is all about the little things. That it's not the big gestures that matter as much as the little ones. And with Bokuto, you knew they were right.
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the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Puppy Love
Pairing: Jake Jensen/Fem-Reader
Words: 4684
Summary: You and Jake Jensen work together for the first time on a recon mission. You’re the consummate professional, while Jake is basically a man-child with a heart of gold. Will he be able to soften your cold demeanor?
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sexual content, explicit descriptions of violence, SMUT, 18+
A/N: I ended up be a little later than I had planned with this one as I wanted to do some edits since the first draft didn’t seem quite right to me, but here it is, for day 5 of my birthday week. I actually watched “The Losers” for the first time today and I would highly recommend it. It’s a bit on the cheesy side but Jake Jensen really makes it worth it. I’m going to tag @stargazingfangirl18​ and @starlightcrystalline​, as I know they’re fans of Jake’s. Please enjoy!
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“What’s he look like again?”
“Golden retriever in human form, blond buzz, goatee, Harry Potter glasses.” Aisha instructed you over your phone. “Probably stuffing his face at the buffet. He’ll have a comm for you. Thanks for stepping in for me at the last minute.”
“Well, you didn’t give me that much of a choice.” You said, no real malice behind it. You did owe her after all. “Found him. Talk to you in a sec.”
She had been right, you found your contact at the buffet, balancing two plates on one forearm and loading them with an obscene amount of h’ors douvres. He didn’t notice you walking up behind him, he was so engrossed in the spread.
The man nearly jumped out of his skin, just barely avoiding spilling foie gras on his tux.
“Shit.” He muttered under his breath as he set the plates down on a table and turned back to you. “Y/N? Hi! Call me Jake!” He wiped his hands on his pants leg before offering you one to shake in greeting.
You cocked one eyebrow at him as he gave you a slightly crooked grin and took his hand. “Right, you have a comm for me?”
“Crap, yes, here you go.” He handed the small earpiece and gave you a good look, eyes scanning up and down your body. You were wearing a long sleeve green satin gown. The bodice hugged you tightly down to your hips before flaring into a skirt that had a slit running all the way up your leg. The gown didn’t have a back, showing off the lean muscles moving beneath your skin.
Jensen cleared his throat and took what you thought was supposed to be a nonchalant pose; leaning back on one foot with his arms crossed, one eyebrow lifted in an expression you couldn’t identify. “So,” he said in an artificially deep voice. “Where, uh, where are you from?”
You rolled your eyes and ignored the question as you inserted the comm link into your ear. “Comm test, can you read me, Aisha?”
“I read you, I see you found Jensen.”
“Yeah, where are we heading?”
“Right down to business, I can respect that.” Jensen said, nodding his head as he shuffled his feet and crossed and uncrossed his arms repeatedly, trying to give off an air of confidence and failing miserably.
“There’s a hallway to your left that should lead to the north wing of the property where the entrance to the server room is. Security is pretty lax right now but they’re definitely still there so make sure you don’t look suspicious.”
“Got it.” You turned back to Jensen and put one arm through his, giving him a radiant smile as the two of you started to head down the hall.
“Hahaha, what’s happening?” Jensen laughed nervously at your sudden and extreme change in demeanor.
“Relax, Jensen. We’re just taking a stroll to look at the artwork. Nothing that should concern anyone.”
“Oh, ok. Are you acting right now? You’re really good at it.”
Your smile started to strain. Wasn’t this guy supposed to be a professional? “That’s part of the job.” You grabbed a glass of champagne from one of the waiters before you headed down the hallway. You nodded to Jensen to grab one as well, hoping that if he started drinking, he might stop talking.
You were wrong.
“I always feel so awkward when I have to act on a job, you know? Like, what’s my character’s story? His motivations?” He took a sip of champagne. “Mm, this is good.”
You chugged your glass in one gulp. Maybe if you got a buzz going, the constant chatter wouldn’t bother you as much.
“Wow. That was impressive.”
“Jensen, Y/N is too much of a pro to say so, but you need to shut the fuck up.” Aisha said through your comms, exasperated. You heard laughing from the rest of the team in the background and gave a small smirk.
“Right, sorry. I babble when I’m nervous.” He said, taking another sip of champagne.
You were getting close to the server room now and saw a security guard walking towards you. You pulled Jensen off to the side and stared at a beautiful replica of John William Waterhouse’s ‘The Soul of the Rose’.
“Tell me about this one, sweetie.” You said, your voice sickeningly sweet as you giggled breathlessly and looked at Jensen coquettishly, fluttering your eyelashes at him.
“Uhh, this is a painting of… a woman, um, smelling a rose. From…. Sometime in the past?” He said, painfully.
Fortunately, the guard didn’t stop to analyze the absolute stupidity that was coming out of this man’s mouth. He continued past the two of you and you started to head back towards your destination.
“Fascinating analysis, Jensen.” You said dryly.
“Listen, I can’t ad lib. I need time to prepare my lines.”
“How have you survived in this… fuck.” You drew him back sharply before he had a chance to round the corner. There were two guards posted at the door to the server room. “Aisha, we’ve got two bogies right where we need to be. Is there any other way in?”
“Shit, no. Vents are welded shut and the roof is crawling with security, so the sky light isn’t an option.”
You chewed your lips as you weighed the several different scenarios. “Is there a closet or other sort of storage nearby?”
“Yeah, there’s a janitor’s closet right across the hall.”
“Great.” Not trusting your partner to act the part believably, you figured startling him would get him into a convincing state.
You grabbed his ears and pulled his face to yours, kissing him hard. He gave a small yelp into your mouth as you pulled him backwards with you, into the view of the two waiting guards. You separated from him and he gave you a goofy grin trying to kiss you again as you turned away from him, pulling him by his wrist and giggling.
You staggered drunkenly towards the two guards and gave them a sloppy grin. “’Scuse me.“ You slurred at them. Jensen collided into your back clumsily, panting breathlessly. “We’re looking for the bathroom.”
“You need to move out of this area.” One of the guards scowled at you, his hand moving to the gun holstered on his hip.
“How… dare you?” You whined, stepping forward and poking him in the chest. “Do you even know who you’re talking to? Do you know who my daddy is?”
The guard looked past you at Jensen. “Sir, you need to take her out of here.”
“Don’t you talk over me!” You dug your hand in your purse. “I’m calling daddy right now, you are going to be so fired.”
He rolled his eyes and moved to grab your arm when you pulled the syringe out of your purse and plunged it into his neck. He let out a hiss and slumped against the wall. You pulled his gun out of the holster and whipped the other guard across the face with it before he had a chance to reach for his radio.
“Wait, was that not a real kiss?” Jensen asked with a confused look on his face. He stared at the two guards lying on the floor, his brain trying to catch up with everything that just happened.
“Oh my god, Jensen, get your head in the game.” Aisha scolded through the comms.
“Help me get them into the closet.” You hissed at him after you managed to gag and hogtie both of them.
“Right.” You shoved the guards into the tiny storage area and forced the door closed. Jensen moved to the key pad and connected it to his phone, a look of concentration coming over his face as he got to work.
You rolled your neck loosely as you waited and in less than a minute he made a small triumphant noise.
“Jensen comes in in the clutch and the crowd goes wild!” He made a noise like cheers in a stadium and put his hand up to give you a high five.
You opened the door to the server room and headed in, leaving him hanging. You heard him slap his own hand before he followed you. “So serious.” You heard him whisper over the comms. “ ‘Good job Jensen. And by the way that kiss was amazing, let’s do it again.’ “
“We can hear you, idiot.” Aisha said in your ears, her tone dripping with annoyance.
“Where’s the server we want?” You asked him over your shoulder.
“This way.” He led you down an aisle to your right before arriving at the server you needed, pulling a small tablet out of his tux jacket and connecting it. “This should just take a few minutes.”
“So, um, how do you know Aisha?” he said, trying to fill the silence.
“High school.” You said flatly.
“Oh, really? That long?”
“Of course not. She mentioned something about Finland?”
“So, snowy there, huh?”
“Sure is.”
“Oook.” He felt horribly awkward. He knew he had no game, but dealing with women like you and Aisha really cemented that. He turned his concentration back to the algorithm that was running and started singing Bon Jovi to himself.
You rolled your eyes. You couldn’t believe Aisha worked with this man-child. He must be a genius with computers for her to put up with this bullshit. Granted, he filled out that tux real nice; his broad shoulders stretching the back of the jacket in a titillating way before his torso narrowed in an almost perfect V to his hips. The jacket covered it some, but you could tell he had a nice ass under the slacks as well. Maybe she kept him around for the eye candy.
“Wanted, wantehehed, dead or alive! And done!” He finished up, disconnecting from the server and turning to give you another goofy grin.
You smirked at him and started to head back out of the room.
“Was that an almost smile, Y/N?” he said teasingly behind you. “Are you warming up to me?”
“Please stop talking,” You told him half-heartedly, too mentally exhausted to really scold him.
You turned the corner and ran into three armed guards. You all stared at each other for a second before they drew their guns and brought them up to fire.
You shoved Jensen behind the servers and dove after him as bullets started ricocheting everywhere.
“We’re blown, Aisha! We need an exit.”
“Shit, hold them down while I work something out.”
“Got it. You armed, Jensen?” You looked at him as you slipped out of your heels.
“Fuck, no. I was worried a gun would ruin the lines of my tux.”
“That is so fucking stupid.” You hissed. Of course, you hadn’t brought a gun either, but that was because you knew the venue’s security measures would have gone into hyper drive if you had gotten caught with one. You shoved your shoes into Jensen’s arm along with your purse as you pulled out a ceramic blade from under your skirt.
“Where were you keeping that?” Jensen asked you, eyes bulging as he tried to imagine where you could have been storing the giant knife in your skintight dress.
You gave him a grunt as you edged your way between the servers slowly, moving closer to the gunman as they shuffled forward, continuing to fire at the two of you.
You reached the server next to the nearest gunman and shot your arm out to knock the gun out of his hand. You brought a knee up into his diaphragm and plunged your knife in between his shoulders and then his neck, slipping back between the servers as he dropped to the floor.
The other two guards seemed to remember suddenly that they were in a room full of delicate computer equipment and they stowed their weapons, dropping into fight ready stances as they tried to determine where you were.
You shot out like a whip, punching the first guard in the gut then the throat and grabbing him around the waist to tackle him. You used the momentum to carry you forward and delivered a scorpion kick to the other man’s face, making him stagger back into the servers, clutching his nose. The first man wasn’t going down, so you released him and sprung off one leg to push off a server wall and whip the opposite foot around to drive into his face hard, sending him sprawling as you landed on one knee beside him, plunging your knife into his chest.
“Jesus, Jensen what’s happening?” Aisha yelled over the comms.
“Uhh, Y/N is kicking some serious ass.” Jake watched you stand up slowly from the second body, spinning your knife through your fingers as you turned to face your final opponent.
“Well both of you need to get to the skylight ASAP for extraction, Pooch’ll be there with a chopper in exactly one minute.”
“Got it. You get that, Y/N?”
“Yeah, just a second.” You jumped up to grab one of the pipes running along the ceiling and wrapped your thighs around the guard’s neck, squeezing him hard enough to cut off blood and oxygen to his brain. You didn’t notice him draw a knife of his own from a sheath at his thigh.
Jake hissed when he saw and grabbed the gun the first guard had dropped, shooting your opponent three times in his chest before he had a chance to slash across your femoral artery. You landed on your feet as he dropped between your legs.
“Nice shot.” You told Jake, giving him an approving nod as the two of you started to jog to the extraction point.
“Aww, shucks.” Jake groaned internally at that, not wanting to think about how stupid he sounded.
“We’re here.” You told Aisha over the comm.  “How exactly is Pooch getting us out of here? There’s no room on the roof for a chopper.”
“He’s going to drop you a line.”
“Great.” The skylight was purely for show, there was no way to open it. You pushed Jake back and took the gun from him when you heard chopper blades, and shot the glass out of the window.
A rope dropped through the opening immediately and Jake wrapped his right leg and arm through it before holding you to him with his left arm.
“Hi.” He said sheepishly as he looked at you. “Wait, weren’t there guards on the roof?”
You didn’t get a chance to answer as the two of you were lifted into the air as the chopper took off. You heard gunfire and saw muzzle flashes before you were exposed to the open air.
A bullet ripped through the air less than 6 inches from your face and Jake swore. “Don’t drop me.” You told him as you started firing at the guards on the roof, making sure to pick your shots carefully so you didn’t waste any bullets.
Once you were safely out of gun range, someone in the chopper started pulling the two of you up. Jake gave a melodramatic sigh once the two of you were safely inside, laying back against the floor, still holding you to him, before he let out a whoop and sat up quickly, releasing you. He watched you with one of those ridiculous grins on his face as you settled yourself into one of the seats.
“That was exciting!” He said giddily. “Cougar, you should have seen it. Y/N took out three guys with guns with just a knife and, like, her legs.”
You couldn’t help it, that damn smile of his was too infectious. Your lips curled up slightly as he narrated the fight to a disinterested Cougar, leaning you head back against the chopper. The idiot had grown on you.
“And, hoo, when you kicked that one guy in the face, while you were tackling the other guy. Man, that was fucking ace!” He finished up his narration as you landed back at the warehouse.
Clay and Aisha greeted you when you landed. Aisha let out a deep breath once she saw to two of you step out of the chopper, tension leaving her body.
“You two get it done?” Clay asked.
“We sure did, boss! Backdoor is open for us anytime!” Jake said excitedly.
“Perfect, let’s all get some drinks.”
“Glad you’re ok, Y/N.” Aisha said, handing you a shot of tequila when you arrived at the basic bar set up.
“Well, we’re officially even now.” You told her around a grin before tossing back your shot and pouring another.
“Don’t worry, I won’t ask you for any more favors.” She said through a smile of her own.
“Aw, c’mon, Aisha. The two of us make a pretty killer team! I think she should maybe join our little loser club!” Jensen draped an arm around your shoulder. He had undone his bowtie and the top few buttons of his shirt, exposing a light dusting of dark hair at the top of his chest. He looked down at you and gave you a grin and a wink.
Well, fuck.
You slammed your second shot back, nodded to Aisha, and pulled Jake by his wrist to follow you to one of the side rooms of the warehouse as he gave you a look of confusion.
“Have fun, you two. Don’t break him, Y/N!” You heard Aisha call behind you.
“Um, what are we doing?” Jake asked as you pulled the door to one of the storage rooms closed behind you.
“Stop talking, before I change my mind.” You told him, placing a finger over his lips as you slid his tux jacket off his shoulders.
You stepped into him, your body pressing him into the door as you brought his face to yours for a kiss before he could start babbling again. You teased at his lips with your teeth before running your tongue around the cushion of his bottom lip and he opened himself to you, groaning into your mouth. He kneaded his hands into your hips, pulling you against him close. You felt him starting to harden through his pants and gave him a sigh before you started moving your mouth down his jaw to his neck as you started to unbutton his shirt.
“Shit.” He murmured as you lightly sucked against his pulse point, drawing a soft bruise against his skin as your hands finished their work on his buttons and he shrugged his shirt off. You stepped back to let him remove his undershirt too and gave a moan when his torso was fully exposed, running your fingers over his abs lightly before pressing your palms against the plain of his chest.
“Mmm, who knew you were packing all this under here sweetie.” You murmured before moving your mouth back to his neck before you started slowly traveling south.
“Um, Y/N? Is this just like, a post-mission type thing? Or what?” His voice cracked when your tongue ran over his nipple as you tweaked the other. You kept moving down his abs until you reached the top of his pants and started to undo his belt, kneeling in front of him. “Not that there’s any pressure, or anything, just curio-- mmph.”
You had slipped your panties off as he chattered away and shoved them in his mouth before you went back to undoing his fly.
“Seriously, Jake, you need to shut the fuck up.” You pulled his zipper down finally, and drew his pants and boxers down his legs so they pooled around his ankles.
You gave yourself a little hum as you examined his cock. His swollen head was already leaking pre-cum before you had even touched him. You spat in your hand before wrapping it around his impressive length, giving him a few pumps as you lapped soft kitten licks over his slit. He gave a groan from deep in his chest and leaned his head back against the door, thumping his fist against it at his side.
You took the head of his cock in your mouth and hummed around it, causing him to twitch before you moved him further in and slowly back out, repeating the process to take him a little further into your mouth with each bob of your head.
Jake was using all his concentration to keep from coming 30 seconds into a blowjob like a chump. The tangy taste of your arousal was on his tongue as he bit down on your panties, which wasn’t helping. When you started breathing through your nose and relaxed your throat to swallow around him though, he was lost.
He let out a muffled groan and pressed a hand to the back of your head when he bucked his hips and shot his release down your throat.
You let his softening dick slide out of your mouth as you wiped a small amount of drool from around your mouth with your fingertips. You drew yourself up to your feet and plucked your now saliva soaked panties from his mouth before pulling him in for another kiss.
“Was that good for you, honey?” You asked, giving him a wicked smile as he rested his forehead against yours, panting as he came down from his orgasm.
“Fuck, yeah, that was good.” He said, kissing you again as his big hands pressed into the small of your back before moving their way up to your shoulders.
He slid the shoulders of your gown down your arms slowly and then down your hips once your arms were free. You stepped out of it as it pooled on the ground and he turned you suddenly until he had you pinned against the wall.
Jake took a step back and drank you in. He ran his hand over your hips and up your abdomen until he was cupping your breasts, gently running his thumbs over your nipples until they were raised to sensitive peaks.
“Mmhm, pretty girl.” He murmured as he palmed your breasts, making you gasp. “I’m gonna make you feel good too, baby.”
He removed his glasses and set them on the table behind him before stepping into you and curling his thick fingers over your mound. You bit your lip and moaned as he teased his way between your soft folds, brushing his fingers through the arousal at your entrance as he sank to his knees.
He pushed your lips apart gently, then dragged his tongue over your slit heavily, causing your knees to buckle when he found your clit. He moved one of your legs over his shoulder to keep you from falling as he started licking small circles over the tiny bud.
He shook his head from side to side to press himself deeper into you before sucking gently, making you cry out. His tongue entered your canal and he started to alternate between fucking you with it, and sucking on your clit.
You felt your core tightening as your orgasm built and you ground yourself into Jake’s face, begging him for more. He wrapped his lips around you tightly and sucked hard, and you felt the coil in your belly snap as you screamed his name and your release gushed all over his mouth and chin. You kept grinding against him as you came down and once you had finally finished, he gave you a wicked grin from between your legs before rising back up to kiss you.
You felt your desire stirring again already when you tasted yourself on his tongue and you let out a heavy sigh. He pressed himself into your front and lifted you until you could wrap your legs around his waist. He pressed his face into the hollow of your throat and softly nipped at the skin there. You gave a soft whine and gripped the back of his neck.
“You good with me fucking you against the wall, sweetheart?” He asked against your neck.
“Oh, fuck, yes.” You said breathlessly as he continued nuzzling you softly.
He kept you propped against the wall as he moved a hand between the two of you to line up at your entrance. You felt his tip brush against your folds and let out a sigh, trying to grind yourself into him.
He pulled his head up and gave you one of those grins before lowering you slowly onto his length. You moaned as you stretched over him until he was fully seated in you.
Jake gave a grunt and braced one hand against the wall before he started moving his hips, fucking his cock up into you roughly. His breath was hot against your neck as he panted in time with his thrusts, making you whimper softly in his ear.
“God, sweetheart, you’re so tight. This pussy feels so good.”
He started to pick up the pace then. You screwed your eyes shut and tilted your head back with a low moan, loving the full feeling he was giving you in this position. Jake lifted his head to look at you and watch as you took his cock, your tits bouncing each time he drove up into you. He bent his face down to nuzzle against them and you gasped as he drew his tongue over your nipple.
His cock was hitting your sweet spot each time and the position you were in had him rubbing right against your clit. You could feel yourself building towards an orgasm fast and dug your nails into the muscles of his back.
He felt you starting to flutter and clench around him and picked up the pace, adjusting the hand he had holding you up so your hips tilted just a bit and that small change sent you over the edge.
“Fuck, baby, that’s it!” You cried as every muscle in your body tightened and vibrated while your pleasure released violently. Jake kept his relentless pace up as you rode it out and you sagged against him when you came down.
You felt his hips start to stutter and then his dick was twitching inside of you, his cum filling you up until it was leaking out around his cock.
“Fuck, sorry.” He murmured against your hair as he held you to him. “I meant to pull out.”
You lifted his head up and slowly unwrapped yourself from him, placing your feet on the floor gently and almost collapsing on your shaky legs.
“That’s ok baby.” You said, giving him a reassuring pat on the cheek. You gave him a hungry kiss, painting the inside of his mouth with your tongue before whispering in his ear, “I love feeling your cum leaking out of my cunt.”
He gave a laugh that was on the hysterical side as you started to slip your gown back on. He was sliding into his pants when you turned back to him, and he gave you a sheepish grin. He found your panties as he was drawing his shirt off the ground and tried to hand them to you.
“Oh, sweetie, you keep those.” You told him with a throaty chuckle. “They can be a little souvenir.”
Fuck, that’s hot. He thought to himself as he tucked them into his back pocket.
“So, should we do this again sometime?” He asked awkwardly, not knowing what to say to you now. He definitely wanted to do it again. He wanted to do it a lot. But he was worried this was just a quick fling for you, a release after a stressful mission.
“Aww, puppy.” You pouted playfully at him. “We’ll do it again. Those stupid grins of yours have grown on me. I don’t think I have it in me to break your heart.”
He gave you one of those signature grins now as he pressed himself into your back and nuzzled in your hair. You whipped the door open and held his hand as you led him out to a chorus of whistles and catcalls, and he wore that stupid grin all night.
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Cross the Line- Bakugo X Reader 18+
WC: 3.5K
Warnings: Angst, Anger, Unprotected Sex, Swearing
 “I am pregnant, Kaa-Chan.” You whispered as his hand was wrapped around your throat intent on killing you. He lowered his hands and walked away. You were the enemy, the one he had to kill.
~~~Eighteen Months ago~~~
“Y/N. You understand the mission, correct?” Shigaraki asked.
“You know I am not a fucking idiot? Who do you mistake me for? Chisaki or Dabi?” You retorted back.
“Y/N.” Shigaraki gave you a threatened tone.
“Get close enough to the loudmouth hero to kill him." The sarcasm dripped from your tone.
 "Good girl." He replied and left you alone.
For a few months, you followed Bakugo learned his schedule. You learned where he lived, how often he trained, his shopping habits, but most importantly, you learned that he didn’t have a significant other.
It was easy to become his neighbor, and for you to keep ‘bumping’ into him, but the hardest part would be getting to be part of his agency.
~~~Fifteen Months Ago~~~
“Hi! I am Quiver!” You were standing in front of Lord Explosion Murder in his agency. His crimson eyes narrowed looking at you in your hero suit. It was black and skin-tight with red accents.
“Do you want a fucking cookie?” He asked with disgust in his voice.
“Oh?” You feigned innocence. “Well, I am your new sidekick, but it looks like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I will just leave you alone.” You told him and you walked out of his office. You had heard he was difficult to deal with, but this wasn’t what you were expecting. You decided that if he was going to act like a complete and utter jackass you weren’t going to take it.
“Oi!” He came charging out of his office at you. “What the hell dumbass?” He yelled at you.
“Hm, well if you’re going to take that tone with me, I will come back tomorrow when you’re less stressed.” You told him as you walked out the door. You went home for the rest of the day.
The next day morning you had arrived and entered Lord Explosion Murder’s office again.
“Good Morning! I am Quiver!” You greeted him chirpily.
“Who the hell do you think you are leaving like that yesterday?” He yelled at you again. You turned around and left again. This continued for the rest of the week. He didn’t learn very quickly, but being cute probably helped him, you thought to yourself. By Friday, he had left you a seething voicemail saying how lazy, rude, and entitled he thought you were and that you were fired. You replied with a very short text stating, “K.” You knew it would probably anger him more. You weren’t there to make friends, you were there to kill him. 
When you arrived at work the following Monday, the receptionist's eyes grew wide. She very clearly heard the voicemail and very deliberately chose to ignore it.
“Good Morning, Sir.” You said as sweetly as possible. Lord Explosion just stared at you as if you were a ghost.
“I thought I fired you.” He said as calmly as he could. 
“Oh, you did? I didn’t really listen to the voicemail. I never do, but it seems as if you learned your lesson from last week.” You said with a hint of condescension.
“I don’t have time for you Dumbass. Just leave.” He told you with a huff of annoyance.
“Oh, Dumbass is a pet name?” You asked him. “I know that a sidekick isn’t what you want, but in order to be more appealing to not just the commission, but the general public as well.” You told him. Yes, you were all too well aware of his “image”, but with you working for the enemy, you truly didn’t care.
“Fuck, you’re right” he mumbled under his breath. He looked at you over steepled fingers. He stood quickly, to close the door to his office.
“Alright, Quiver, let’s begin.” He began as he sat back down in his office chair. The rest of the day, he went over rules for the office, his expectations for you, and how often he expected you to train. The rest of the week was tough but doable. The weekend didn’t come fast enough for you. As your patrol finished you got your weekly text from Shigaraki. You rolled your eyes and ignored him. The best thing about this job did not only do you have to stay away from the small hideout, but you could sleep in on the weekends, and you didn’t have to hear Kai or Dabi bicker.
Lord Explosion Murder noticed your smile. He saw how happy you looked after receiving your text.
“What’s got you smiling so big, Dumbass?” He asked you paying a little too much attention.
“Oh, nothing really. I get to sleep in tomorrow. As much as I enjoy working, I do enjoy a day off too.” You replied.
“You sure seemed happy after that text though.” He said with a hint of jealousy that did not go unnoticed by you.
“Oh, that was my annoying ass friend. He is going on about working hard and blah, blah, blah. I swear to goodness, his crusty ass is getting ignored all weekend.” You vented.
“Oh. Well. Okay, do you need me to walk your dumbass home?” He retorted not really sure of what to say.
“No, I am good!” You waved goodbye and ran at full speed to get home. You ran to your apartment in the building, showered quickly, changed, and fell asleep. 
The next morning you awoke to a yell, the voice sounded familiar, but you couldn’t place your finger on it. You walked outside to yell at whoever was causing the ruckus.
“I told you, nerd, that is not in bounds.” The male yelled. Looking down from your balcony, you saw Lord Murder Explosion. You did pick this apartment building because he lived here, but didn’t realize that he was his hero identity 100% of the time. 
“Hey, asshole? Could you shut your mouth? It’s too early for you to be yelling!” You shouted over your balcony to the group below.
“It’s the afternoon, dumbass!” He shouted back to you.
“Kaa-Chan, be nice. She’s your neighbor.” A green-haired man said.
“ You wanna fight? I could take you right now.” You shouted.
“Oi! Get down here and say that to my face!” He said the anger rising within himself. Without thinking, you jumped down ready to fight him. When he gave you his wide smile, your heart stopped for a moment.
“So you want to fight?” He asked with the most curious look on his face.
“Bakugo, don’t do this.” The green-haired man begged him. “The press will be all over this.” You knew with him there was always someone watching.
“Bakugo, don’t.” His friend with red and white hair said holding him back. It was no use though, he was in your face and chest to chest. You felt his warmth. The onlookers continued to gather, many with phones out ready to watch the fight. You knew that there was only one option in this case. 
You grabbed his shirt, and quickly closed the gap between the two of you. His lips against yours, and while his body was tense, he was not fighting it. You pulled back a moment, and looked up at him.
“Well isn’t this something Lord Explosion Murder?” You whispered before turning away and going back to your apartment/
~~~12 Months Ago~~~
The following Monday morning was awkward for Bakugo, but you didn't pay any attention to it, you really didn’t want to bring any attention to you at all. However, that isn’t what happened. You did bring attention to yourself and of course Shigaraki was very upset. The news died down pretty quickly, though, probably due to his one friend being Endeavor’s son.  The next three months though passed quickly and you never thought of the kiss again. 
The nights you patrolled with Bakugo he didn’t mention the kiss, he didn't’ mention anything about you knowing his hero identity, but he did try to get to know better. You were on the last patrol of the night, just before you said goodbye for the weekend, Bakugo spoke to you.
“So, uh. Quiver. Y/N. I don’t know what you want me to call you, but if you’re not busy, I’d like to take you out on a proper date or something.” A light pink dusting on his cheeks as he asked you.
“Is this because we kissed forever ago?” You questioned.
“No, Dumbass. Out of all the people, I hate you the least.” He retorted.
“Oh, how very manly of you.” You laughed at him.
“No. Forget it. It was very stupid for me to ask you.” He said walking away looking dejected.
“Tomorrow. 8PM. Don’t be late.” You told him as you skipped home. Getting this hero to die would be easy, so you thought.
The next day, you woke to a very angry phone call from Shigaraki. He demanded answers for why it was taking so long. If anyone else had done it it would’ve been done by now, and other bullshit you didn’t have time for. You knew that everyone would notice it was you right away. So while you ignored your phone call, you focused on your date this evening. The day flew while you were taking care of errands and miscellaneous tasks that you’ve been putting off for too long. 
Before you knew it, there was a knock at the door, you went to open the door, and saw Bakugo standing there with flowers.
“These are for you.” He thrust the flowers toward you while looking away.
“Thank you, these are beautiful. While I put them in water, why don’t you make yourself at home? I still need to put on my makeup.” You told him.
“Really? I don’t think that is necessary. I mean, you look beautiful the way you are.” His face was getting redder and redder. 
“Thank you, you’re very kind. I will be but a moment.” You told him as walked into the room. A few minutes you were ready.
“Okay, I am ready. What are the plans for tonight?” You asked him curiously.
“Well the stupid nerd convinced all of us that went to UA together to hang out. They want to have a few drinks and karaoke.” He admitted annoyance laced in his voice, but the look on his face told you otherwise. The night was fueled with alcohol, laughter, and memories. You knew that you had to keep it professional, and your job was to eliminate him, at least that is what you kept telling yourself.
The following months went by fast, when you weren’t working, or training, you were hanging out with Bakugo and his hero friends, or just the two of you. Everything was blissful.
~~~9 Months Ago~~~
Angry with the lack of contact and results from you. Shigaraki had enough and was going to take things into his own hands even if you were a casualty. 
“Dabi, I need you to go and see what is taking Y/N so fucking long.” He demanded. “Don’t kill her yet, we will kill her when we kill that loudmouth as well.” 
Dabi just shook his head and walked out the door. Whatever you were doing wasn’t his problem. To him, getting rid of you wouldn’t matter to his plan. So he did as he was told. He followed you and learned your schedule over the next few weeks. 
“She’s so fucking predictable.” Dabi said to himself as he snapped a picture of you and Bakugo kissing. When Dabi returned, he informed Shigaraki of what he found, and together, they plotted your downfall.
~~~6 Months Ago~~~
Bakugo had awoken to a phone call in the middle of the night. He felt you stir in your sleep next to him. He rushed getting his things together and left slamming the door behind him. You turned over in the bed and looked at the alarm clock. The bright red number read 2:43 AM.  You texted Bakugo quickly. He responded with Hero Shit. I’ll be safe and see you soon.
You couldn’t sleep. You got up and paced around his apartment. There was something gnawing at the back of your mind. If it was an urgent matter, you’d be called as well. If it was something more serious, they’d only call in the Professional Heroes. Which led you to believe that this was the case. 
Two hours later, a very tired Bakugo entered the apartment. You ran into his arms, and held on to him for longer than you should have. 
“Were you worried about me dumbass?” He asked you playfully, but the worry was thick in his voice. There was no mistaking it.
“No. Never, but if I didn’t get called in with you, it must be serious.” You told him. You knew you were lying. You were worried, and that scared you more that whatever he was just told. It meant that you had already failed in your mission. That you actually cared.
“Y/N. I need you to know this. I love you, and I will never let anything happen to you. The League threatened us. Specifically, you and me.” Bakugo told you honestly, and openly. “They didn’t give a specific timeline, it was just a general threat, but I thought you should know. Keep your guard up.” 
Your heart leaped at his words. You knew you failed. You knew you weren’t supposed to fall, but you did.
“I love you too, Katsuki. I will stick so close to you, you’ll wanna hurl me off the balcony.” You replied. He kissed you deeply with every emotion he felt. He pulled you into the bedroom to further explain how he felt.
~~~3 Months Ago~~~
The two of you were public, there was no denying it. The Commission felt the transparency was necessary to let the League know that a threat wouldn’t stop anyone from living their life.  The public cheered for you. The threat was always in the back of your mind. You weren’t sure what scared you more, Shigaraki ceasing all contact with you or the calm that had come over the city.
During your late-night patrol, you and Bakugo happened upon a crying child. Bakugo quickly picked up the child. Cradling her in his arms, and trying to soothe her. It was right then you realized, you wanted a family. Life of a villain wasn’t conducive to having a family. Bakugo found the child’s parents within a matter of minutes, and if you weren’t sure before, you sure were in love with him.
You dragged him into a dark alley where no prying eyes could see the things you were about to do. You took him and pushed him against the wall, and kissed him hard. He happily grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer, pressing his hardening length against you.
“What are you doing?” He hissed into your neck where he left a trail of kisses, causing you to shiver.
“I saw you with that child, and I thought why not try right now?” You shot back. You unzipped his pants to free his hard dick. Your eyes grew at his size every time you saw it. You undid your pants and pulled them down, exposing your dirty little secret, that you weren’t wearing any panties.
“Y/N.” He groaned into your ear as he pressed eager fingers into you. “Shit. You’re so wet for me already.” You took him in your hand and started stroking him slowly. 
“You know if we weren’t in the middle of a patrol, I’d definitely take my time.” He told you in between breaths.
“I want you Ka-” He kissed you hard, entwining his tongue with yours. He was so needy for you. He grabbed you by the hips and lifted you on top of him, making sure you and he were lined up. He slowly entered you. The way his hips moved slowly at first to let you adjust and then quickly increased his speed made you moan loudly.
“Keep quiet, dumbass. I don’t want to get caught fucking you on camera. Although that would be pretty hot.” He smiled at you. You were already so close for no good reason. You felt yourself release on him.
“Well, shit. You were already hot for me huh?” He asked you cockily and he increased his speed. You couldn’t deny it felt amazing. 
“Tell me where you want me to come, because if you want a child I will give you one.” He teased you. All you could do was nod at him.
“Oh, did I fuck you stupid?” He asked you smugly.  He didn’t wait for an answer, he released deep into you, painting your walls white with his seed. He kissed you once more before dressing and acting like he didn’t just fuck you in a dark alley. You got your bearing and did the same.
~~~Present Day that Morning~~~
You had been feeling off all day. It wasn’t like you to feel sick, but here you were feeling nauseous. You ran to the toilet and slammed the door behind you. You let all of your breakfast out.
“Dumbass! Let’s get going, we’ll be late for the meeting.” Bakugo yelled at you. You immediately felt better, quickly rinsed your mouth with mouthwash and walked out the door.
The Commission had summoned all heroes and their sidekicks for a meeting due to the increase in League activity. You often wondered what Shigaraki was thinking, but since he was number two, whatever it was that number one wanted he got.  The meeting was boring and lasted a while, and there wasn’t any new information. You were dismissed and were told to continue on your patrol routes as normal. 
You felt that same feeling coming over from this morning. You quickly left and ran to the bathroom. You sent a quick message to Bakugo telling him you weren’t feeling well, but you’d see him on patrol. You went to the corner store where you picked up some medicine. You came across the pregnancy tests. You hesitated for a moment, decided against it and kept going. The gnawing feeling at the back of your mind started up again. It didn’t let up until you had a test in your hand.
You headed back home, took some medicine and ripped the test open. You knew you couldn’t be pregnant. There was only one time you and Bakugo haven't used protection, and you had your period since then...right? You didn’t think twice about it, peed on the stick and waited for the results. 
It was on your patrol route that evening, when you were confronted by the League.
“Hello, Y/N.” You heard a deep voice.
“Dabi?” You replied, he was ready with his quirk with intent to kill.
“I don’t think so.” Bakugo came charging at him with rage in his eyes. 
“Do you think that some pathetic grenades will stop me from killing her? She betrayed us for you.” Dabi confessed. The look on Bakugo’s face changed from rage to utter betrayal. He shook off the words. He didn’t actually believe you’d do that.
“She loves me, you dumb piece of shit. She’s one of us.” He barked at Dabi, firing shots at him. 
From the shadows emerged Shigaraki, he silently walked up behind you and clicked his tongue.
“Such a shame, that boy is a fool.” He left you alone for a moment and went over to Dabi.
“Well, if you are one of us, Y/N, finish the job you were sent to do.” Shigaraki shouted to you. “Kill this hero that stands in our way.”
Before you knew it, you were pinned against the wall. The anger that radiated from Bakugo’s body was undeniable. His hand wrapped around your throat, tight enough to kill. You gasped, clawing at his hands.
“Kaa-Chan, I’m pregnant.” You whispered. He lowered his hands and walked away. You were the enemy, the one he had to kill. He fought back Shigaraki, and Dabi enough until other heroes arrived to help. He walked back to where you were, all of the feelings he felt for you were real. How could you betray him like this? All his hopes of having a family, being a father, being a husband, and a great hero; were crashing down as soon as they were built. The pain in his face was almost audible, it broke your heart. He took a deep breath, got super close to your ear.
“You’re dead to me. I loved you. I gave you everything I had. You’re lucky I didn’t kill you right here and now. Get your shit out of my apartment. I never want to see you again.” The venom dripped from his words. He turned around and didn’t look back.
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timelessduet · 3 years
For Victor: 2nd Entry
I’d like to dedicate this work to @sayumiht, a co-Victor stan who made this suggestion. Hope you like it. <3
Subtle Jealousy
Victor is a serious guy. As a CEO, he exudes intimidating and powerful aura wherever he goes. You can probably say everyone fears respects him. That includes her. But it was only at first.
MC still has high respect for Victor as a boss and investor of her company but things were different now. Before, she was as intimidated and fazed to the CEO of LFG like everyone else. That maybe he was just all business and nothing else. He wouldn’t waste time on nonsensical things especially if it won’t bring him any good or benefit. But now... she doesn’t feel that gap anymore.
It‘s probably because she's the object of his hidden affections and love. At first, he was indeed annoyed and mad at her for doing things wrong or talking back to him. He couldn’t tolerate such behavior. With her though, that he changed. He tried to be more patient and accept such changes to his once constant and uneventful life.
Victor admits he suppressed his feelings for her because he had a promise to fulfill for someone in his past. Who would’ve thought that the person he searched for the longest time was her all along?
The people closest to Victor know he isn’t a vocal person. He never really tells what he’s feeling. No matter who it was. That is until he admitted all his feelings to MC after confirming she also felt the same.
He was adamant to confessing first. It wasn’t because of pride or fear of being rejected. Victor considered her side and what she’d feel if that situation was to happen. Him telling her what he truly felt which was out of his character and her being put in a tight spot. He knew of all people how kind the girl he fell in love was. If anything, she’d give a dumb face out of surprise but in the end smile.
But Victor also thought how it would be in her shoes. He wasn’t the one who’d be dealing with a confession from him. It was her. She’ll have the burden choice whether she’ll accept or reject it. And depending on her decision, she’ll have to face the corresponding repercussions. He was well aware being linked to him meant the scrutiny of the public and everyone at work.
Luckily, she felt the same and they got together. After all those years of waiting, Victor is finally with her. Although there were slight changes after being in a relationship, one thing hasn’t change: he was still unable to convey what he felt into words properly.
Victor: What are you doing? You’ve been texting on your phone for quite awhile now. Don’t even think about complaining to me that you’re feeling dizzy or your head hurts later.
MC is currently on her way to work together with Victor in his car.
MC: Almost done. I’m currently talking to Professor Lucien and asking his advice about the current program we’re doing.
Considering the field of work, Victor understood MC had to meet and talk to different people everyday. Even he had the same thing going on. But he can’t help but feel a sudden distaste upon hearing another man’s name. He kept his eyes on the road but had a change in mood instantly.
Victor: Professor Lucien? You could’ve just come to me for advice.
MC: Huh? Should I ask advice from you regarding a neuroscience topic for a show? You’re being a bit weird today, Mr. CEO. The topic is Professor Lucien’s specialty. Plus I heard from Goldman you have a very busy schedule these past few days so I wouldn’t want to bother you with such matter. It’s all taken care of. Don’t worry.
The girl explained it to him but for some reason that even he couldn’t explain, he was silently becoming more and more irritated. With the looks of it, everyone at work will be his outlet.
Victor: Can you tell me what this is?
Victor said while looking sharply at the department heads. He was already in a foul mood after what happened while going to work and as much as he didn’t want to vent his annoyance to his subordinates, they weren’t being any help.
Department head 1: Sir it’s... we’ll revise the report as soon as possible.
Department head 2: We’re very sorry about this, Sir.
Victor: As you should. Get back to work. You’re all dismissed. Send me the revised report through email by the end of the day.
This wasn’t a great day at all. Victor was used to having tons of work and meetings but today particularly, he felt stressed and fatigued.
Goldman: Sir, MC called and just informed she’d be cancelling her meeting with you today. She said there was a sudden event invitation from her alma mater that she needed to attend to.
For one, Victor didn’t believe in luck. But why did it seem like he was quite unlucky today? He pinched the bridge of his nose before asking his secretary if there were still things he needed to attend to for the day.
Goldman: The last on your schedule for the day is with Miss MC, Sir. Since she cancelled, should we have the teleconference with A Company moved this afternoon instead?
The supposed meeting with MC was business related and her giving him a report but he also considers moments like that as some time off from his busy schedule. But now...
Victor: Don’t change anything. We’ll proceed to having the teleconference as scheduled. I’ll take my leave early so have the car ready.
Goldman was surprised the CEO would leave work very early which was unlike him but he didn’t say a word and did as he was told.
Seeming as to how he’s becoming more and more restless, Victor decided to give her a call. What happened next made him feel like he’s been soaked with freezing cold water.
Gavin: Hello, you’ve called MC’s phone. This is Gavin. I’m taking the call for her since she went for the restroom and left her phone with me. What’s...
Without hearing any further, Victor ended the call. It was rude and very unlike him to do have such behavior considering his professionalism and objective way of doing things but this...
Goldman: Sir, aren’t you going to Loveland High to meet Miss MC?
Victor: Change of plans. I’m tired. Go straight home.
Victor was sure MC wasn’t doing anything unfaithful or of the likes behind his back but what was it he was feeling? It was very unpleasant and foreign to him that he just couldn’t explain.
After reaching his home, Victor did his usual routines and finally rested on the sofa. He wasn’t fond of watching television but since his girlfriend produced tv shows... he bought a tv for the living area. Opening the tv, the program on was an interview with a famous superstar.
Interviewer: I see. This is a question many of your fans are curious about. Can we know what our favorite superstar’s future dream projects are?
Kiro: I think I’ve been able to do many projects thanks to my management and fans. But now, I really really want to have a project produced by MC. MC if you’re listening lets do a program together.
So even this young superstar knows his girlfriend. At this point, he wasn’t surprised. Coming to his senses, Victor thought this was normal. She was a producer earning her own reputation in the industry. He should be happy and proud about it and yet... he can’t keep his emotions in check.
Turning off the tv, Victor let out a sigh. He was lost in thought. Why was he feeling this way? He opened his phone thoughtlessly and flashed was his wallpaper. It was a picture of him and her the day they became official.
The picture was rather candidly taken to say the least. They were both wet after what happened in the pool but because of happiness and the effect of alcohol, she insisted on taking that photo on his phone. It was a selfie of MC’s tipsy self smiling while Victor instead of looking to the camera, had a look of tenderness in his eyes directed to her. There was no doubt that was the happiest day of his life.
With all the things that happened, Victor dozed off on the couch. He woke up to a warm hand intertwined to his.
MC: Victor, you’re up. Sorry... Did I wake you?
Victor: It’s fine. I think I dozed off for a while. What time is it?
MC: It’s 9 pm. I’m sorry about suddenly cancelling our meeting earlier. That was wrong of me. I promise to make up for it by doing whatever you want!
Victor: Dummy, you’re being too loud. It’s already late.
MC: Seems like Mr. CEO is back to his usual self after a good nap on the sofa. You still looked formal while sleeping though. Just a little less intimidating? Hope your back isn’t aching. I did want to wake you and bring you to bed but you seemed so peaceful. I didn’t want to disturb your precious rest.
Victor: Idiot. You were apologizing just now for cancelling a meeting and here you are now blabbering about nonsense.
MC: !
Victor: You said you’d make up for it by doing whatever I want. I want you to just listen to to me and not say anything. I’ll only say or be like this once so listen carefully. Being with you made me into a dummy. You always smile and find meaning in the simplest of things. You’re kind to the point that you’ll unknowingly be taken advantage of. You complain about gaining weight but still heartily eat my cooking. You’re most of the times scared but put on a brave face and stick to your decision until the end. You’re probably the epitome of contradiction to me in every possible way.
Before, I worried how things would be if I told you how I felt. You’d be the object of everyone’s eyes and criticisms. You’d be looked upon differently. The burden of being with me concerned me more than anything else. Who would’ve thought I worried for nothing. You were a dummy who was capable of handling herself without my help or anyone else’s.
You’re probably thinking why is Victor being very outspoken today and if it’s already the end of the world... I know what’s in an idiot’s head that’s why. I felt strange emotions today. At first I couldn’t pinpoint what it was exactly but I think I figured it out. You may be all the things I’ve mentioned MC but you are my equal.
You are the only person who worries me and yet assures me everything is going to be alright. You are the balance in my life I never knew I needed until now.
I’m well aware of the fact that being with me has a lot of weight in it. Still you accepted me without hesitation. I’m sure this idiot will meet people... people far better than me and be fascinated by them. They’ll show or make her realize things I may not be able to. She has so much ahead of her and that I know very well more than anyone else. All I could ever do is wait for her and be the support she needs. She’ll stumble and cry but I hope she knows by the end of the day, she has me.
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MC: I’m not sure if this is what I think it is but... is this Victor’s jealous side? Hmm...
Victor: Idiot. Think whatever you like. And didn’t I say you were only suppose to listen and not say a word?
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[Author’s Note]: The lines above were supposed to be part of the story but since it kinda affects the speech of our dearest CEO...
Anyways, ahhh I hope I was able to do jealous Vic justice. 😭 He isn’t one to talk his emotions so I hope it still fits his character. What’s it like seeing a jealous LFG CEO? It isn’t the usual, right? Of course, he is Victor Li after all.^^
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fuckyeahfightlock · 2 years
I'd like your director's commentary on the Act III fight between John and Sherlock in Boyfriend Material, please? That scene absolutely wrecked me.
So I just went back and reread this (ch. 54). It hits me a little different now than it did when I was writing it. Like, I feel more confident about it now, that it was the right thing for the story at that moment in the plot. I reread it and didn't immediately think, oh, this should have gone differently. It works for the story.
Starts off with the on-ice argument during a tense playoff game in Ch. 53. The first real professional disagreement we've seen in the entire fic--they do the sort of chirping players do, and in their off-time they have some mild, teasing conversations about how Sherlock blows off optional practices and grumbled about some of the team-sponsored charity work, but no serious issues as teammates--and John carrying his annoyance with him back to their hotel after the game starts one of those avalanche-type arguments couples sometimes have, where one or both just unload a bunch of things they've been bothered about. It's never about the first thing, really, is it? John is irritated about Sherlock taking a dangerous risk during the game, for sure, but the game is over and won by the time he brings it up in private, so that's not really it.
What's really behind it is that he feels professionally disrespected by Sherlock, and in all likelihood if they weren't (first) each other's fuck-buddies and then (later) each other's committed romantic partners, veteran player, last chance for a championship, no-nonsense team captain John Watson would not have let that shit go. So that's been building up in him for a long time and Sherlock's risky play gives him an excuse to bring it up.
As he's getting it all off his chest, he's assuming Sherlock is cooking up a cutting, cruel reply that will probably signal the end for them, so at first won't let him get a word in--he sees this as his likely last chance to vent, so he may as well go all in. John lists his faults as a teammate, ending with, "When I say take a knee, you should take a fucking knee!" The whole story is from John's POV, so the reader isn't any more prepared than John is for what this harangue elicits from Sherlock, in response.
Sherlock kneels, gropes, gets sort of vulgar, nosing his face into John's crotch--his own dramatic statement about his dissatisfaction with the status quo--and calls John out for his less-than-stellar behaviour. "Are you sure you want me on my knees? I know you don’t want a nelly faggot like me making you look like less of a man."
Ultimately, both of them feel they are not being appropriately respected--John in their professional life, Sherlock in their (very) private life. Alone together in the hotel suite, the personal stuff feels bigger and more immediate, so the argument quickly and thoroughly turns to Sherlock's dissatisfaction with their earlier agreement, at John's request, to keep their relationship (John's word) "private." Sherlock outlines a difference between keeping things private and what he perceives as John's outward efforts to contradict their relationship publicly--he calls it "building a facade," and points to John's past suggestions about moving back to Canada, furnishing the apartment he essentially does not live in (because he lives with Sherlock), and ultimately gets to the meat of the issue by saying his life is different with John in it, but John's life looks the same as it ever did. What he doesn't explain is how that feels, though the reader gets it (I hope).
John, caught up short by something he thought was a settled issue, but wanting to salvage the relationship, goes for what he knows--trying to call Sherlock back to the common ground (sex) by kissing him, but Sherlock rejects it and goes on to complain about John's not talking about his feelings for Sherlock, although Sherlock has made his feelings plain (neither of them is a pro at feelings, though John probably fools himself that he is, so this further surprises him).
John offers another kiss and is rejected, so forces it, and they start having some high-octane fight-sex--Sherlock putting hickeys on John's neck is an aggressive act, Don't deny me, I won't let you; and John can avoid feelings-talk while getting out some frustration on the man who drives him crazy by not falling in line. Their entire relationship has been centered on sex; this particular episode of inflicting pain on each other, grasping, clawing, during a sexual encounter is a way they can articulate their feelings, in a common language.
When John--who has just been called out for staying closeted--catches their reflection in a window (curtains open; people can conceivably see in), he stops the sex for fear of being seen, which is a devastating blow to both of them. Even if John's intention was to soothe Sherlock about that issue, his actions shout out that his "privacy" is more important to him than Sherlock's feelings about it, in that vulnerable moment. Sherlock takes a beat to take it in, to let John recognise what he has just said without saying much at all, and in his own two words ("Right. OK.") says all he has to say on the subject, and withdraws behind a closed door.
Writing the story, it was important to me that John's desire for privacy about his personal life be respected, and that readers not automatically down him for choosing to be "closeted;" I was very careful about the way I wrote about that. In his position, at his age, in that time (the story is set in the 2010s, so John would have been a teenager in the '90s--AIDS, homophobia, a different experience than a 2010s teenager), I felt it was perfectly understandable that he might not want to be "out and proud," but that being private was not equivalent to having crippling internalised homophobia. I felt his choices were valid, and I wanted readers to feel that, too.
This fight had to happen for John to take his next step, which was to come out on his own terms (although I think it would have been equally valid for him not to, and I think Sherlock could have lived with that, provided John was more expressive about his feelings when it was just the two of them, which was his real point of dissatisfaction). I don't think he would have come out if he wasn't also retiring, but the pressure Sherlock put on him to examine and express his feelings probably pushed him several steps ahead toward deciding to be more open about his private life.
I also thought it was realistic for them to get a little physically violent with each other. It was in character, neither had power over the other such that it could come across as abusive, and it communicated to the reader the level of their frustration and their passion. Again, sex was their common language, so to have angry, violent sex was probably an even more comprehensible way of communicating their emotions than saying the words. They were angry, but still connecting, still intimate.
I actually am less satisfied with the make-up sex in Ch. 56, though I know readers were looking for that kind of scene, dripping with I Love Yous, even though I hate writing those three words together in a row in a romance story, because it's lazy and meaningless BUT. I was well pleased with the fight scene.
Thanks for asking!
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blueroseblaze · 3 years
Devil May Cry INK
New Devil May Cry Nero x GN!Reader tattoo!AU series based on the lovely work by @hennatheantenna​ 
also available on Ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2203587
Please enjoy this first installment
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The shop was quiet, save for the soft sweeping and the low hum of the radio. The Sunday early evening light shining through the windows was blinding if you weren’t sitting in the right spot. The orange lights cascading through the front windows warming the waiting area. It was a nice respite from an otherwise busy day.
Nero sat behind the counter, thumbing through, and counting the stack of cash with practiced speed and rhythm before placing it back in the register drawer. He glanced up at V who was too preoccupied sweeping the storefront floor and being distracted by the sleeping black shop cat on the windowsill.
“When is this new artist coming in?” V asked in his normal low poetic voice, not even looking In Nero’s direction while speaking.
“They should be here in a few minutes, we agreed on 6:30 for the interview,” Nero replied.
“Are you going to hire them? Dante did give you the final say on it.”
“Their portfolio is really impressive, and Nico spoke highly of them. So, we’ll see. We’re short-staffed anyway so I don’t think we’re in the business of being super picky.
“Right,” V hummed before continued his cleaning.
Devil May Cry Ink had been short-staffed for a long time despite being located in a relatively popular area, close to many clubs, shops, and an active nightlife. With only 3 artists and one financial manager, they could hardly keep up with patrons when there were rarely all three artists present. Dante, Nero’s uncle and official co-owner of the establishment was remarkably popular and often traveled to meet in person with more high-end clients rather than have them come to their humble little shop. Luckily, Nero’s Father, Vergil, was more than capable of keeping them afloat handling the financial side of the equation.
Nero leaned back in his chair behind the counter, balancing on the back legs with his feet propped up on the countertop. He shut his eyes and sighed, listening to the low drawl of the radio and the humming of the vents that kicked on overhead.
But soon the young man was shaken from his half nap when he heard a knock on the front door, which had been locked at the end of the day.
“Is that them?” V asked.
“Probably,” Nero replied before standing to answer the door.
Nero approached the door and unlocked it, opening it enough only for him to stick his head out to greet the person and make sure that she was in fact their new possible hire.
“Hi,” they greeted in an excited but polite voice, “I’m here for an interview, I’m looking for Nero.”
“You found him,” Nero replied confidently, “Are you Y/N?”
“Yeah, that’s me,” they said.
Nero welcomed them inside, stepping out of the way of the door so that they could slip through and he could lock the door again behind him. they faced him, waiting for any extra greeting or instruction as V approached the two.
“This is my half-brother, Vitalie,” Nero introduced.
V held out a lanky tatted arm and Y/N took his hand, giving a professional shake.
“You can call me V,” he said.
“Noted,” they said with a smile glancing down as something rubbed against their leg making them jump.
“That our shop cat, Shadow,” Nero explained, “Don’t worry she’s had all her shots.”
After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Nero led the young artist towards the back of the shop where there would be little disturbance. They tried taking in the atmosphere of the shop but found the man walking before them too distracting. Their eyes traced over the intricate blue and red roses that sleeved his arms, all the way up to the ink covering a sizable portion of his neck leading right up to the snowy white undercut he was sporting.
“Hey um, is your…”
“My hair is natural, yes,” Nero replied before they could even get a word out.
Y/N started to internally panic, their face going red as they averted their gaze trying to explain themselves and apologize, stumbling over their words like a flustered cartoon.
Nero chuckled, “It’s ok I get it a lot.”
Y/N huffed in embarrassment as they continued to follow him to the back room. The office wasn’t particularly big, just enough to fit some shelves, a desk, and a couch. It was mostly just a place for Vergil to get away to do work or discuss business, and for Dante to take naps.
Nero took a seat at the desk, pulling out a large portfolio as he instructed Y/N to sit down. He opened the portfolio and began flipping through it for what was probably the twentieth time.
“You can take your jacket off,” he said, “Make yourself comfortable.”
Y/N shrugged out of their jacket, adjusting their shirt as they laid it nicely on the arm of the sofa. Nero glanced up from the portfolio and stared at their bare arms and chest in confusion.
“Do you have any ink?” he asked incredulously.
Y/N huffed out a nervous laugh, hand moving to the back of their neck as they looked away.
“Yeah, I know how it looks. I’m just not a fan of needles is all. But I promise all that work is mine. You wouldn’t be the first to think it wasn’t.”
Nero looked back down at the portfolio. He was surprised at the lack of ink but had no reason to think it was plagiarism. He trusted Nico’s judgment so if she recommended an artist he would trust she knew what she was talking about.
“It’s not a problem I’m just surprised. I mean I was really impressed by your work it was just a surprise that you didn’t have any on you. So anyway, how long have you been tattooing,” he asked attempting to dodge the now awkward tension.
“About 3 years,” Y/N began, “I started getting interested in body art when I was young because my best friend’s dad owned a tattoo parlor in my hometown. I actually did my apprenticeship there before moving out here. I met Nico about a year and a half ago and we became fast friends and she asked me to do one or two pieces for her.”
“You ever been to art school?” Nero asked.
“Yeah! Majored in drawing and illustration,” they replied.
The interview went on with more questions and straightforward answers. Mostly about Y/N’s experience and a walk-through of their best work. A few quips and jokes thrown in here and there. Nero couldn’t keep his eyes off them as they went on and on about their artistic process and what inspires them. He couldn’t deny that they were cute. The way their eyes lit up as they spoke about what they were passionate about.
“So when did you first start?” Y/N asked, turning the questions back around on Nero.
“Pretty long time ago,” he answered, “My uncle started this place when I was like a toddler and roped my dad into it. Once I turned sixteen the old man finally let me get my first one. And when I turned eighteen my uncle let me start working.”
“I see you like roses,” they said, eyeing the expansive work on Nero’s arms.
“Yeah, they’re my favorite,” Nero explained, “Had them done by my uncle.”
The two of them had ended up talking for almost two hours, changing subjects to things like movies and music that they liked, and they found they had a lot in common. It was only when V poked his head through the door and reminded Nero of the time that they decided to call it quits.
“Can you start Monday?” Nero asked.
Y/N’s eyes grew wide and they vigorously nodded, almost jumping in their spot with excitement. They thanked both of them for their time before Nero offered to walk them to the door. They wished him a goodnight and he locked the door behind them. But not before exchanging phone numbers.
“They seem nice,” V said, smirking at Nero’s confused face, “And attractive it seems.”
Nero sputtered a broken response before playfully slugging his brother in the arm, causing the thin man to laugh.
“Just making an observation,” V excused.
“Yeah well keep your observations to yourself,” Nero chided, as he walked back behind the front counter. He reached over and picked up his leather jacket and blue helmet that matched the floral print on his sleeves that were hanging off the barstool. He slung the jacket over his shoulder and tucked the helmet under his arm.
“It has been a while since your last relationship, perhaps something could blossom from this.”
“Work is work, V. Don’t make it sound like I hired them just because they’re hot.”
“Did you?” V asked with a grin.
“No of course not!” Nero cried out defensively, “Anyway whatever, are you good to lock up by yourself?”
“Yes it shouldn’t take me too long,” V replied, “Can you feed Griffon when you get home?
Nero huffed in annoyance at the thought of feeding that little demon chicken.
“Yes, I’ll feed Griffon. See ya at home.”
V gave a subtle goodbye to Nero as he exited the shop and gave one last head pat to Shadow. Still smiling to himself at his sibling's flustered response.
Nero threw on the leather jacket and forced the helmet on his head, rounding the corner to the back of the shop where Red Queen was parked. He paused, letting his brother’s words playback in his head. It had been a while since he was in the dating game. It wasn’t like he was sad after his breakup; it was mutual and they remained on good terms, but he was getting antsy to the point that V had noticed.
Nero huffed, and mounted the motorcycle, kicking it into gear and speeding off.
Hope you enjoyed :)
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imcryingbuckets · 3 years
My Whole Heart "Hates" You
I did it. Ha, yes, I wrote a Bill Hader x OFC fanfiction. Although I write a lot in my spare time, I've never written a fic before so pls be nice :(
It's sorta enemies to lovers, I know y'all love that shit, so I hope everyone likes it. Or at least one person. It's going to be multiple chapters, but I've only written the first one so far!
TW: Swearing, a lot of it (I'm British, sue me), no sexual content in this chapter, but if there is any in future chapters I will be sure to notify you (warnings are already tagged on ao3 just in case I forget to add them later on)
Summary: Violet works at Studio 8H, for Saturday Night Live! But one Monday morning she turns up to work to find out that Bill Hader is hosting. They have a past of getting under each other's skin and constantly getting into arguments and spats all over the office, but will that change when he returns to host this time? Will they put aside their differences? Do they really hate each other or are they just bad at flirting? I'm sure you know the answer to all these questions, but how 'bout you read this anyways! I suck at summaries
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31072760/chapters/76766612
Chapter One: Oh, boy.
I walk into Studio 8H clutching a hot cup of coffee in my hand, in attempt to bring myself some warmth during the surprisingly cold breeze of March. Arriving at the building only a few minutes late (better than usual), I quickly set my things down at my desk and walk over to Lorne’s office with my co-workers to find out the host line-up for the next month. We all file in and find seats, some of us sitting cross-legged on the floor, and we collectively gaze upon the corkboard as Lorne fills us all in. My stomach twists into knots as I read the first blue postcard pinned up, blinking twice to make sure I’m not seeing things. I rub my eyes because maybe I saw it wrong, maybe he isn’t hosting, maybe I just have something in my eye. But when I look back up I know I’m wrong because everybody’s eyes are on me, staring closely with hesitance to watch how I’ll react. Right above the yellow card that read ‘Arcade Fire’ was a blue one, reading
My mind begins to play out a thousand different scenarios and outcomes on what could happen this week, now that Hader would be here. I start getting a light headache (quite the ordinary when it came to working here) and I notice that everyone is still staring at me, some in remorse, and some in fear of how I’m going to react. I decide pretty quickly that I should say something to settle everyone’s nerves.
“Guys, seriously, chill the fuck out.” Perhaps a little harsher than I intended so I backpedal a bit. “I know what you’re all thinking, but stop, okay? It’s not like I’m gonna go batshit crazy when I see him and punch him in the face or something. I intend to keep my job, thank you very much.”
The faces all around the room seem to relax at this and return their attention back to Lorne. Thankfully, no one heard me add ‘As much as he is an absolute cockwomble’. Well, Kate might have as she started giggling on the floor next to me.#
Kate knows of my small hatred towards the man everyone on Earth seems to praise (Hatred is a strong word, annoyance is probably better suited for my feelings towards him but I genuinely just enjoy how the word rolls off the tongue). 4 years ago when Bill hosted SNL back in 2014, Kate was the one that put up with all my complaints and remarks about him, and she was often the one I went to when I needed to vent about anything really, middle-aged-comedian-themed or not. I feel a little guilty seeing as she will probably have to reprise her role as the one who deals with my Hader ‘hatred’ when she actually quite likes the man and has friendly chats and jokes with him whenever he’s around. Normally when I tell people this, they think that the fact that they’re both friends would annoy me. But I actually couldn’t give the smallest of fucks (pardon my French). I think it’s great that everyone gets on with him, good for them! But we never seemed to be able to do that.
See despite our efforts to be professional, we kept getting in small bickering matches across the office the last time he hosted. It was never full on screaming, just very heavily charged snide comments and evil glares to one another.
Back home in the UK, my friends and I would often joke around playfully and poke fun at each other, but it was all light-hearted and we all knew that. Even some of my friends here at work do the same. But when Bill was here, everyone that was unfortunately present to witness our spats and quarrels all knew that it didn’t come from a place of love or admiration as it did with anyone else. No, it came from this annoyance in our guts that we got from each other. It certainly made the entire office largely tense for the whole week leading up to the Saturday, and thankfully he skipped the after party so the terror ended after the last sketch of the night.
I feel bad knowing that we’ll probably put the entire building through the same torment as we did 4 years ago, but I don’t feel an ounce of guilt for Bill. No sir. Every nasty remark I threw at him I meant with 100% intention, and I feel no urge to take any of them back when I see him this afternoon when he walks into the office. Not because I’m some cold-hearted bitch, but because he said some things that were equally as bad as mine. So suck on that, William.
Quicker than expected, the meeting ends. I get up eagerly off the floor, with the intention to get to my office as quickly as possible with hopes to not run into Bill. However, before I get the chance to leave, I hear Lorne call after me to ask me to stay behind.
“I need to talk to you about this week’s host.”
I see Kate give me a small smile that said ‘good luck’ as she left through the door with the others and a wave of her hand. I turn back to the man behind the desk, not knowing what to expect, apart from the fact that it’s probably about Bill. Obviously.
“I’m assuming you’ve seen who the host is for Saturday?” he says.
I give him a small nod with a tight small and a mutter that resembled something close to a ‘yes’.
“Well I know that the last time he hosted, you two didn’t get along very well and had some…”
I watched him for a few seconds as he tried to find the right word.
“…differences.” He decides. “But I don’t want that same thing to happen again, it’s been 4 years now so I’m hoping that you’ve both matured at least a little.”
“Yes well he is like 40 now.” I respond, a little uncomfortable as I feel like a three-year-old getting scolded by their teacher for flicking crayons at the other kid’s head.
“Yes, well… I hope that you both can learn to get along, or at least push your differences aside for one week?”
I nod, “Yes, yes, ‘course.” Wanting the conversation to end before Bill arrives.
“Good to hear, Violet. Although, if I hear any screaming between the two of you, I won’t hesitate to step in and organise something to put an end to it. Understood?”
For a moment I thought he was suggesting firing me, but I caught the slight smirk on his face that told me something different. He was planning something mischievous, but I couldn’t place what. Nor did I care enough to look for it.
I sigh in relief and nod my head for what felt like the hundredth time that day, starting to feel a bit like a bobble-head doll. “Yes, Lorne, I understand. No bickering, got it.”
He smiled with a look that suggested he got the answer he wanted, and waved his hand to say I could go. I gave him a goodbye and made my out of his office and started to speed-walk to my own, crossing my fingers that Hader hadn’t arrived yet.
I thank the mighty beings in the sky that I made it to my desk without seeing him, and shut the door with a click. My eyes fall upon the coffee that I left earlier that morning in the rush to get to the meeting and I frown as I realise that it’s probably gone cold and all icky. I grasp the paper cup and I’m surprised to be met with warmth, I guess the meeting wasn’t as long as I thought it had been. Content with this happy discovery, I sit down in front of my computer and open a script document from the other night, sipping at my lukewarm coffee. I begin to rapidly type away and fall into the rhythm of writing, before I am frustratingly interrupted with a knock at my door.
I pull away from the screen and yell “Come in!” to whoever is on the other side of the door, standing up from my desk to throw my now-empty paper coffee cup in the bin (or trash as these Americans I work with call it). The door opens to reveal Aidy peeking her head hesitantly through to look at me with almost sorry eyes.
“Pitch meeting in Lorne’s office. Got to discuss sketch ideas with…the host.” She smiles kindly at me knowing that I don’t want to go and see him.
“With Bill you mean?” I say knowingly, to which she just nods her head. “Okay, well, best to just get it over with. And besides, maybe he’s less of a dick now?”
She laughs a little in attempt to be supportive. I think.
As we’re walking down the corridor, I think back to when I first met him back in 2014. Obviously I knew who he was, ‘Bill Hader: SNL Alumni, Comedian, Actor, Father, blah blah blah’. At the time, he was also ‘Husband’ but I was told that the fact was no longer true. I make a mental note to not be so harsh on him, not wanting to be that person who bashes him so soon after a divorce.
I remember I was actually quite fond of him at first, I watched most of his stuff and admittedly, he was my ‘celebrity crush’ for the longest time. And when I met him in person, he actually was exactly like everyone described him as: funny, sweet, charming, an all ‘round nice guy. Not to mention insanely attractive. He was cute, even I can admit that. I don’t really remember why we didn’t get along all those years ago. I think it was a mixture of a clash of personalities and the fact that we’re both quite stubborn. Terribly stubborn. From what I can remember, we never exactly agreed on sketches or punchlines or anything really. But like Lorne said, it’s been 4 years. Maybe we’ll get along better.
My train of thought gets lost when we reach the door to Lorne’s office. I see Aidy push it open and walk in as I follow her, hearing that everyone seems to be in the middle of a conversation. Right before I get through the door, I hear him. His loud, obnoxious laugh filling the room. The laugh that so easily gets under my skin and makes my stomach feel all weird and uneasy.
I head into the room and find a seat, and that’s when I look up to see him. Bill. Standing in front of me in a blue shirt and black jeans and those white trainers he seems to wear to every fucking interview. He stands there staring at me with this smirk on his face that make my cheeks go red. He doesn’t say anything, he just stands there by Lorne’s desk and right before he looks away to continue his conversation with Kenan, he winks at me. I look down as not to cause trouble like Lorne said, and partly to hide my cheeks getting hotter and pinker by the second.
I tug at the loose thread of my sweater, looking at the floor to avoid his gaze. I don’t know why I’m getting so flustered, it is Bill after all. The man who so thoroughly annoys and teases me relentlessly. My mind begins to over-analyse everything and before it begins to run any further, I get called on to pitch a sketch idea.
Right before I open my mouth, I see Bill cross his arms in anticipation and looking deeply into my eyes with that stupid smile of his, probably eager to find something to tease me over later. But then I catch him lick his lips suddenly and a chill runs up my arms.
I look back down at my notepad and think, Oh boy, this week will be interesting.
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teroknope · 4 years
hi!!!! could i request a Hux x reader where hux actually does leave with reader and the falcon? thanks bruv ugh they did hux dirty in ros 😔😔😔
AN: Anon, they did do our boy dirty. It’s been a while since I wrote anything so let’s see if I can actually still do it. I’m gonna throw it under a read more as it’s quite long. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting!  Rise of Skywalker Spoilers in here…
WC: 2.9K
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“We have a spy in our ranks,” Ren announced before aggressively slamming the severed head onto the black pristine surface. The clear verdant blood seeping from the jagged neck wound.
All members of The First Order High Command exchanged uncomfortable glances, yourself included. You sat to the right of Allegiant General Pryde, a vicious man with ice-cold eyes and eerily pale skin.
“This spy sent a message to The Resistance”. Ren continued, striding across the room “whoever this traitor is won’t stop us.”
General Hux and General Pryde shared an uncomfortable stare. It was common knowledge that Enric Pryde dispised Armitage Hux. Most gossiped about Hux’s failure with Starkiller base. Older members of The First Order slyly whispered about Pryde’s close friendship with Brendol Hux, General Hux’s father. Although if you heard any of the officers whispering about this during there rest breaks, which you have, you were quick to silence them and threated them with expulsion through the nearest airlock.
No one would insult Armitage Hux, especially in front of you.
Pryde had been a threat to General Hux since Kylo Ren’s accession to Supreme Leader; Ren recruited Pryde due to the sheer amount of reserve forces he controlled. This also qualified him for being a member of The Supreme Council.
Kylo Ren’s ascension had brought nothing but misery into your life, as he brought in with him The Knights of Ren. You often overheard troopers dismissing them, describing them as brutal thugs and heathens. You wondered if their opinions were a bi-product of the child soldier programme which Hux maintained, perhaps they also gained Armitage’s sense of cleanliness. Hux loathed how they left constant trails of dirt on the Star Destroyer, marking the pristine floors of The First Order.
Abruptly, Ren stopped in his tracks. Standing a few inches away from your seat. Pulling you away from your vexed thoughts.
“You seem disconcerted Y/N, I can sense something playing on your mind…” Ren’s distorted voice uttered.
He was dangerously close to you. You took an inwards breathe, thinking you should have tried to hide your thoughts better. Ren continued “I suppose it has been some time since you have seen such a violent display. I know how you despise mess.”
Your alert eyes flickered to the dismembered head that was rotting on the table. He was not wrong, the rank of General meant you stayed safe in the fleet. Not out on the front, not in the dirt, blood and mud of war. You heavily disliked it being dragged into your work.
You knew he liked to play with you, as he knew of your feelings for Armitage.
You slyly responded, “No Supreme Leader, all is well”.
“All is well?” Ren sharply plucked
Krift, should not have said it like that.
Armitage was peering at you, worryingly. He knew you had made a mistake. You dare not even look at Pryde, who was no doubt questioning your obedience to The First Order.
“Even with a spy within our ranks, you think all is well…” Ren lumbered closer to you, one imposing step at a time, hovering over your chair. “Tell me, Y/N. Judging by what you just said, your fellow council members could start to believe that you are our leak…”
Ren sharply lifted his heavy hand, it was inches away from your face. You inhaled deeply as a sharp sensation penetrated your head; the other members of the council averting their attention from yourself and Ren, desperately seeking something else in the hollow chamber to focus on.
Your cold hands clawed at your pressed grey trousers as Ren invaded your mind. It felt like someone was pulling a rope against your skin, Tightening, twisting and burning.
Armitage noticed your straining, your composure giving away the sheer amount of pain you were in. Your normally relaxed shoulders were as stiff as ice, you breathing jagged and your eyes full of fear.
He knew you could not fight Ren’s ways. None of you in that room had the strength to do so. The worst part was, Hux knew he was toying with you. To get to him. 
Ren was petty like that.
“Supreme Leader I can assure you, that I am not the spy” You strained, the pressure in your head increased sharply.
Your voice was hoarse, “I spoke out of term I apologize greatly, Supreme Leader.”
Ren redacted his hand, finding no useful information within you. The pain, the pressure, it vanished instantly. You unclenched your hands from your trousers, one of your hands gripping the table for support. You could feel the cold sweat patterning the back of your neck. You dare not look up at the man who was still ominously glaring over you. 
Ren loudly sauntered to the front of the table, facing away from the high command. The other members of the council turned their attention to him, except for yourself who was still attempting to maintain some sort of composure.
“The First Order is about to become a true empire…” Ren turned his head ever so slightly, sensing another disturbance “I sense unease, about my appearance. General Hux.”
Hux’s eyes were initially glued to you, he could feel the anger building inside of him. Until Ren spoke his name, his eyes hastily turned to face Ren.
His voice was highly strung, but he maintained his composure “About the mask? No sir, well done.”
Once another officer began to speak. Hux’s green eyes returned to you. For the briefest of seconds, your eyes met. Your thoughts were aligned.
You had both had enough, of Kylo Ren.
“I wish he never came to The First Order.” You scoffed, throwing yourself down into the ice blue sofa. You dragged off your leather gloves, tossing them on the sofa and beginning to rub your eyes, noticing how cold and dry your skin was.
Hux scoffed, pacing himself over to the metallic counter in his cramped kitchen space. “which one?”
“Both of the bastards” You leaned into the sofa, taking a small exhale. Your head still thumped from Ren, like an annoying headache. “They just undermine us and Pryde’s comment about Starkiller?”
Armitage secretly smiled, he adored how much you defended him. No, how much you wanted to defend him. He Held two mugs of Tarine tea, the warmth seeping through his gloves onto his slim palms. 
Walking over, Armitage handed you one of the mugs. It’s warm cascading through your skin, A welcoming feeling from the cold sweat you felt earlier.  
“At least Starkiller actually did some damage.” You took a small sip of the tea, feeling the warmth spread throughout your chilly body.
Armitage placed himself down next to you; you both only had a short break during your unbearably long shifts. Often, you spent it together. Most times it was to vent about Ren,
Hux Slyly spoke, “I’m glad someone appreciates my work,” taking a sip of the peppery tea.
“Something is on your mind.” You observed, noticing that Armitage seemed more stern than usual. He would often relax his composure when it was just the two of you, but even now he was unusually uptight in his mannerisms. “I don’t think it’s because of Ren, unfortunately, we are both used to his methods”.
Softly, you looked at Armitage. His eyes narrowly avoiding yours. His were redder than usual, cheeks hollower than usual. 
“You can tell me, you know” You warmly reassured him, “You know nothing spoken in your quarters leaves these quarters”.
He knew that to be true, you had never called him Armitage outside of these doors. You both maintained your professionalism outside of this chamber, where you could just be together. He appreciated that. Trust was very important to Armitage Hux, and it was something you had continued to show him.
“Look, Y/N. I’m just going to come out with it.” He loudly spoke, turning to face you. Then, he quietened his voice  “I’m the leak.”
You could not help but let out a small hearty chuckle; Armitage’s face was full of confusion, and annoyance.
Taking another sip from the warm tea you heartily replied; “Armitage, don’t make jokes like that. You’ll be executed on the spot.”
 Placing the tea on the glass table you continued “Actually, I will as well for collaborati-” Your chuckle disappeared into a serious expression as you returned your gaze to him.
His expression did not change, it was deadly serious. Your expression turned to one of confusion, but you remained calm. Logic started to follow through in your mind.
He never joked, especially about First Order matters. He was telling the truth.
“Since when- What… how?” You couldn’t speak straight, a million questions invading your mind.
But inside, you knew he was telling the truth. He had no reason to lie to you.
The ascension of Ren to the title of Supreme Leader. The appointment of Allegiant General Pryde. Ever since it has been a nightmare for the two of you.
“Well, kriff,” You uttered, he could see the panic envelop your body; you rose from the comfortable sofa. A bit too quickly, finding yourself slightly dizzy. “What are we going to do?”
“We?” He peered at you with sharp emerald eyes. “There is no we in this Y/N, just me and my actions.”
Armitage rose to his feet, standing centimetres from you. Towering over you. He placed his hands onto the side of your shoulders, they were warm.
“But what will you do? Armitage. They will find out.”. You panicked. You knew it would be sooner rather than later as well. “There must be something I ca-”
He would not let you finish. “I will not have you privy to this Y/N, you had no part in this” He firmly spoke.
“But I will not stand too and watch you become beaten, Armitage,” You could feel the emotion tightening in your cheeks, making its way up to your eyes. The tears swelling “Not after how he has treated you, they are not taking you away, not from me, or this world”
Intrusive thoughts often seep through your mind, How defeated he looked once Ren took the title of Supreme Leader. Too often he has returned to your quarters with rough, blotched purple bruising circulating his pale neck. His bloody cut lips, cracked nose, and body scattered with lumps and bruises from Snoke’s and Ren’s abuse.
Not to mention the abuse he endured as a child, something you dread to think about.
Thinking of these moments were your weakness; failing to stop any tears falling down your cold cheeks. He wiped them away with a stroke of his hand, you leaned into his hand, placing your own over it and planting a gentle kiss onto the palm.
“I should be so lucky to have someone like you cry for someone like me.” He faintly whispered, before planting a short warm kiss onto your lips “I do not deserve your kindness.”
Before you knew it, the ship had descended into chaos. Words of an unknown ship docking in Hangar Bay 12. Followed by the spreading news that three resistance members had come to rescue there captured friend.
Time was running out, you knew it. But you had to keep composure, keep in the moment. It was vital for your survival, and his.
Your mind focused back on the task at hand, which was escorting the three Resistance scum there execution. The ancient Wookie, the ex-stormtrooper, FN-2187 and Commander Dameron.
Hux, yourself and three stormtroopers lead the prisoners to a dark room inside the Star Destroyer. it had an overwhelming metallic smell and was uncomfortably warm. The three prisoners stood in the middle of the room; a trooper each parallel to their position.
You positioned yourself to the side of the door, you danced your fingers over the control panel; sealing the door tightly shut. The room becoming ever so darker.
“Actually,” Armitage spoke. “I’d like to do this myself.”
The trooper turned his head, hesitantly handing the General his blaster. The resistance members continued to bicker amongst themselves; ignoring the sound of the charging blaster. 
You wanted to close your eyes, but you kept them open. If they found out you avoided the execution you would be sent to re-evaluation, something you did not desire.
Armitage faced the resistance scum, the blaster was charged.
As quick as a blink, Hux turned his body, facing the troopers. You drew your hidden blaster. it was coated in a dark black resin.
As if you were synced, Hux burst a shot at the trooper that handed him the blaster, a poor decision by them. The other two troopers were distracted by their General to notice you. 
You did not hesitate, firing your blaster into the trooper on the end, they crashed to there knees, body collapsing on the floor. Armitage finished off the middle one, who collapsed on top of his fellow troopers.
The Resistance members darted around to face you both, Eyes darted between yourself and Hux.
“What are you doing?” Hux demanded an answer, his voice loud.
“I told you we’re in this together” You reassured him, putting away your blaster into its holder. “We don’t have time to be talking,” 
“Right, well them” Hux turned to face The Resistance scum.  I’m the spy” 
The Resistance members were released from there metal handcuffs, you all darted towards the end goal; The Millenium Falcon. Hux skirted ahead, skidding on the clean metallic floor over to the control panel. You took a position on the opposite side of the door, blaster, tightly in hand. Although you hoped no one would be heading in this direction.
“You have seconds” He bellowed “Take her too”
“General, where you go, I go” You asserted loudly, turning to face the ex-stormtrooper “Take us with you,” 
“What?” Finn exhaled “Why would we take you.” He darted his eyes towards Armitage
You contained your anger and began to speak calmly “Just let us board your vessel, once we reach the nearest station you can chuck us out. We won’t contact you ever again or mention your names. I can give you credit-” You pleated, still placing yourself in front of the man you loved.
“After all you have you done, why would we help you,” Dameron interjected, a scowl on his face. “We don’t want your blood credits”
“All Credits are blood credits in this war Commander” You snapped back at the commander. “Just because you’re on a different side does not mean there is no blood on your hands”
Dameron ground his teeth, his eyes full of hate. “You honestly think we’re going to-”
You had had enough, of all the games. You raised your blaster, aiming it at FN-2187. You let out a small blast, to the side of his left foot. He could feel the sparks from the floor hit against his leg.
“If you do not let us out. I will close down the access to the falcon and you will die on this ship”. You ordered, “Either we escape or we all die, your move Commander Dameron.”
“We don’t have time for this, once we hit the nearest port we throw you out.” Dameron angrily ordered “Come on, Finn"
Finn shot an angry look at you before following Dameron. You began to follow the metal path to the Falcon, entering through the doorway. But Hux was still standing in the doorway.
“Armitage,” You spoke, “Let’s go.”
“I cant. Y/N” Armitage interrupted, “My entire life’s work is here, I cannot abandon it i-”
“Armitage, please listen to me” You trudged up the path, taking his gloved hand, squeezing it hard. “The First Order now is not what it was, if you stay you won’t survive”
“Y/N” His voice hesitated “… I will be fine” 
He was lying.
he was either going to be executed or face Ren’s wrath. 
Trudging closer to him, the nervousness pilling in your stomach. Dejected, you spoke “No, you won’t” 
Your hand met his cheek, rubbing your thumb over it gently. “Do you think Pryde will believe that three handcuffed, armless individuals beat three troopers? Happening to leave the man who destroys Hosian Prime alive?”
You could see the doubt beginning to well in his eyes; his arms remaining firmly at his sides. He did not want to leave his life’s work behind. Trudging into the unknown, where he was no-one. His feet were still stuck on the pristine black tiles that defied his very life.
“Armitage,” You interrupted his train of thought, his green eyes turned to face you. He focused on the warmth from your hand that rested on his sharp cheek. For the first time in his life, he saw something other than The First Order. Something other than instructions, uniforms and war.
You were afraid he was going to stay, that you were never going to see him again. Ignoring protocol, you assertively kissed the General, his lips were smooth, warm and soft. You could feel him move his lips against yours, returning the kiss. “Please,”
“It’s now or never,” Poe interjected, shouting from the landing panel. “Or we leave you behind”.
You felt his hand grip yours,  you could feel him shaking ever so slightly. Armitage put one foot in front of the other, the conditioned air hitting against his gelled back hair as he stepped through the white hangar door, your hand tightly in his. As long as he had you beside him, he knew he would survive.
643 notes · View notes
calm-and-wine · 4 years
(I’ll give you) the best years
part IV (masterlist, taglist)
Hello and happy monday! I hope everyone is having a lovely day, as you all deserve. I’d like to take this moment to say one more thank you to everyone who voted for my little story for the awards. We got runner up for best sequel (like whaaaaat), that is crazy and I love every single one of you. Here is part IV, hopefully it’ll bring you a little escape. (it’s 9.5k which I think is the longest thing I’ve ever written, but apparently I couldn’t help myself with this one)
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March 2025
Lucy was familiar with Niall in his recording mode. When he was in the studio day and night, having one idea after the other. But Niall working on music for One Direction was a different story. She has never seen him so excited, he was bouncing off the walls, gushing about studio sessions and laughs he shared with the boys, constantly playing her bits and snippets of what they had been working on. But working as a team with three other guys made it much harder to make the couple’s schedules line up. However, they still made it work, as much as possible. Niall made sure to keep his schedule free for all the Grand Slams and he even managed to be with her for some other tournaments on her last tour as well.
She was more than impressed that the band managed to keep their reunion a secret, mostly working in Louis’ little home studio. Even though they definitely weren’t as watched by the public as a few years before, knowing how big of a deal the band was, Lucy was pretty sure that as soon as people would get a whiff of them possibly coming back, they would go crazy for those guys once again. It was just the magic of them, something no one could explain, least of all the men involved.
Her and Niall managed to meet up in Los Angeles for a little over a week. Harry was there doing promo for his upcoming movie, which he filmed early last year, so he could still work on some songs with Niall, while Lucy was supposed to do two magazine photoshoots and interviews, as well as a talk show appearance, before going to play in Indian Wells. She had done a few things like that before, been a guest on a few tv shows back in England after winning her first Grand Slam, then in America after the US Open triumph, there were some magazine things as well. But since January, after she announced this would be her last season as a professional player, quite a few offers came in. Apparently she was the new sports star in demand. She wasn’t the biggest fan of those kinds of things, they always made her nervous, the only place she liked being the center of attention was on court. But her manager and the rest of her team convinced her to do a few of those, assuring her that publicity like that would be good for whatever she wants to do in the future.
When Lucy finally crossed the threshold of Niall’s LA house (which he insisted was theirs, since they were married and all), all she wanted to do was slide her back down the door and curl into a ball on the floor. She was exhausted. The photoshoot ran longer than she expected, and after that she was interviewed whilst having dinner. The reporter was a middle aged man, not necessarily rude, but a lot of his questions were more like assumptions that rubbed her the wrong way.
She just took off her shoes, when her husband appeared in the hallway, looking all soft in athletic shorts and a long-sleeve shirt, his hair growing longer than usual lately, which Lucy kinda loved. He wasted no time in stepping closer to her and enveloping her in his famous hug, even though she often thought he reserved special tight ones just for her.
“Long day?” he asked, still holding her, her arms wrapped around his waist just as tightly.
She nodded, before admitting, “I actually kinda hated it.” Her words muffled, as she nuzzled her face into Niall’s neck.
He hummed, rubbing her back in order to relax her. “Are you hungry?” He asked, but she shook her head, still making no move to let him go. “How about a bath?”
At last, Lucy pulled away slightly to look at him, her eyes big and appreciative. “Yes, please.”
He planted a sweet kiss on her forehead, squeezed her one last time before letting her go, but not completely, intertwining their fingers and leading her upstairs.
He didn’t ask questions, sensing her mood, mostly her tiredness, and simply falling into step with her actions. She went to the sink to remove her makeup, hating not being able to do that right after the last photo was taken, finding the professional make up to be way too much for her. Niall started filling up the tub, adding her favourite salt and scented oil. He truly knew the way to her heart.
“Do you want some tea? Wine?” he asked, turning towards her, their eyes meeting in the mirror, the bathroom filled with the sound of the running water.
“That apple and cinnamon tea?”
Niall nodded at her request. “Coming right up.”
He made a move to leave, but she grabbed his forearm, keeping him in place.
“Stay for a minute, please? It’ll get cold before I’m done with this mess,” she said motioning to her face and hair, which was pinned up, mentally cringing at just the thought of the amount of hairspray that went into it.
To be honest, the main reason behind her plea was just the need for his company, which she thought he must have sensed, because he linked his arms around her waist from behind and planted a kiss on her neck, before stepping back and perching on the edge of the tub.
“Was today awful, then?” he asked, giving her his full attention and concern.
“Well..” Lucy hesitated for a second. “No, not really awful, just…” she sighed, trying to explain it the best she could without complaining too much or sounding ungrateful at the opportunities she had. “The photoshoot was fine, I don’t love those stuff, but the clothes were amazing and everyone was super nice, just quite tiring though. But the interview…” She trailed off, rubbing particularly hard at her eye to remove the fake lashes.
“What happened?” Niall asked, biting his lip nervously. Lucy got her bad days, everyone did sometimes, but she was usually cool and collected, burying herself under a blanket and putting on a feel-good movie or a tv show, preferably cuddling into Niall’s body as well. She didn’t like getting her frustration out, she did that only while working out or playing.
“I’m just so irritated, baby,” she let out an exasperated sigh, giving up on washing her face for a minute and turning towards Niall. “I knew there has always been a lot of unfairness in treatment of men and women in sports, you know, and I’m not even talking about money, just all those headlines, with us it’s always the most unflattering picture on the front page, we’re always criticised about our looks and outfits first, don’t even get me started on the Serena’s catsuit debacle, banning that was just so wrong. Men don’t get that. When a tournament starts people wonder how they’ll perform, not what they’ll wear.” She shook her head, trying to not raise her voice, even though she felt like annoyance and anger were seeping out of her body. “Do you know what’s the question I’ve been asked the most since January?” Lucy asked, but didn’t really wait for Niall’s response, even though he gave her a small shrug. “Whether I’m pregnant. Because apparently that is the only plausible explanation for retiring. Like… How would that even work?” she asked, throwing her arms out in exasperation. “I’m playing my last tournament in September, do they expect me to play heavily pregnant then? Or with a baby on my hand and a racket in the other? What the fuck even is this bullshit?” She was talking fast, all her questions rhetorical, although Niall wouldn’t even dare to interrupt her when she was on a roll like that. “Men don’t have to endure any of it, everyone just automatically assumes it’s a health thing or whatever. With us it’s just constant speculation about our love and family life. And just… Fuck that, I’m honestly so done with this.” She turned towards the sink once more, going back to washing her face, like she was truly done with the topic. She didn’t even expect any reassuring words or anything from Niall, just needed to let her feelings out and vent to someone.
Niall was quiet for a moment, all he could do while she was speaking was look at her with wide eyes and a pull in his heart. She was agitated, angry and annoyed, but there was also so much passion in her words. So much care, not even for her, but for the number of women that had to endure it all as well. He always knew she was superhuman, but in that moment he was even more aware of that. He truly felt for her, just as much as he was in awe of her brain, her compassion and her strength.
He kept his head down for a second, thinking about her words, contemplating how he could possibly help, whether it was even possible. It was usually Niall who got riled up and went on a rant, not Lucy, so it was a new situation, one he wasn’t completely sure how to navigate, but he couldn't say he liked it. Seeing her this annoyed and agitated made his heart give a painful squeeze inside his chest, having this instant need to protect her and make it all better. It wasn’t a very familiar feeling for him, knowing how strong and independent his wife was, sometimes pointing those kinds of injustice, like when she saw a picture of a fellow female player to go with the article, but it was purposely chosen to be a photo with her skirt flying up, or when she saw comments online how “disgusting” it is when women scream on court after a good (or bad) point, but when the men do that they’re just “passionate”. She shared her thoughts about that with Niall, but never let it truly bother her. But this time, it seemed like she had had enough. And he couldn’t really blame her.
He stood up and pulled her into a hug once again, knowing he was in no position to fix the world, but hoping to at least make his wife feel better.
“I’m sorry. Men are dicks,” he said, which made Lucy laugh. It was a real laugh, the sound coming straight from her belly and making Niall smile instantly, just getting that reaction out of her, which was exactly what he was hoping to achieve.
“They really are sometimes,” she agreed, her face all lit up now, finally free of any make up, her eyes regaining their usual spark.
This was his wife, Niall thought, the most beautiful woman in the world, just like that, with her face slightly red after the wash, her hair still in a perfect up-do and her eyes telling him all of her secrets. In moments like that, he could not believe just how lucky he was.
Lucy pulled him in for a kiss, before patting his shoulder and letting him know he can go get her that tea now. There was no need for more words, she knew she had his support, he wasn’t merely a listener, if she asked him, he would do whatever she wanted. But it wasn’t that kind of situation. The patriarchy could not be changed by him, nor her, so she just tried to let it go, already feeling lighter by sharing those burdening thoughts. Tea and a bath in the company of her husband ended up being her safe haven, and that was all she needed.
July 2025
As Lucy fell down, her back hitting the grass, she could not believe what had just happened. There was no way it was real. Apparently, she just won Wimbledon. Fucking Wimbledon. The most prestigious tennis tournament that ever existed. The one in her home country. The one she always wanted to win, but didn’t think she’d actually manage to. It was a dream she let go already. And now it was a reality.
The whole stadium was so loud, she could barely hear her own thoughts. She sat up and saw her opponent coming towards her with a smile. Naomi was the closest person she had to a friend out of other players and she was very appreciative that they could compete at such monumental occasions, there was something special about sharing those moments with someone you not only had respect for, but also genuinely liked.
“That was fantastic, congratulations,” Naomi said earnestly as they hugged.
“It was a great game, you gave me hell,” Lucy said, at which they both laughed.
She spent a minute taking a bow and thanking the crowd, before she went closer to the stand to get to her people. She started up the stairs until she got to her player’s box, where there was a small door on the side, it was installed a few years back, after multiple players went jumping up and climbing the box, now it was much easier. It was only a moment before she was engulfed in a hug by her dad who sat the closest, her mum putting her arms around them a second later, turning it into a three way hug. Lucy could not keep the tears at bay any longer, she could hear her parents saying kind and loving words into her ears, but she was so emotional, still in a state of absolut shock, she wasn’t able to really process them. They let her go after a minute and all she had to do was take one step to be wrapped in her husband’s arms and crying on his shoulder.
“You mad, mad woman,” Niall whispered with a laugh, followed by a few kisses on her cheek, right by her ear, rubbing a calming hand over her back.
She stayed in his arms for probably way too long, seeing as there were thousands of people watching them and even more in front of the telly, the whole thing being broadcasted all around the world. But she didn’t care, she needed Niall, his presence always calming, his amazing hug and the smell of his cologne mixed with a bit of sweat from sitting in the sun feeling like home.
When she pulled away slightly, his eyes were shining. It always amazed her with how much love and pride he could look at her. Even though she usually looked at him the exact same way. She planted a simple peck on his lips before squeezing his arms with a smile and moving along to hug her coach, Mia and Natalia, Niall’s mum who, for three years now, has been coming to London for the two weeks during which the tournament took place to watch her play, then Lucy high fived the rest of the people in her box, including her manager, Niall’s cousin and best mate and their friends, Laura and Iain.
She could stay up there forever, sharing smiles and hugs with the people she cared about, but she had a trophy to pick up, after all. She actually probably took a bit too long already, because as soon as she was back down on court, she was hurried to the side to give a little speech before they presented her with a trophy. But they could wait for her, after all, she was the champion.
“Shit, Niall!” Lucy called out, which prompted her husband to come out of the bathroom running a towel through his wet hair, while the other was wrapped around his waist. “I just won Wimbledon. Do you know what that means?”
He looked at her with an arched brow, like she was mental. “Um.. A lot, I guess? I don’t know what you’re on about, love,” he chuckled.
She threw her head in laughter, looking absolutely beautiful lying on the bed, in a shirt of his, her skin slightly tanned against the white sheets, her body tired, but her eyes bright with glee.
“Well, yeah, but first of all, that means I’m going to be a member of The All England Club, which is super cool and basically I’ll be able to go there to train or just play or hang out and I’ll probably be invited to matches at Wimby in the future.” Her eyes, despite tiredness, were shining.
“You’ll get a plus one ticket, right?” he asked, draping his hair towel over the chair and stepping closer to where she was. “Does being your husband make me like an honorary member or something?”
“Mmm I don’t think so, babe. You might have to win the tournament for that,” she giggled, when he grabbed her calf and made a move to tickle her, but didn’t actually go through with it. “But I will probably get two tickets, so you’re lucky I like you. But the second super fun part is that there’s the Champions’ Dinner going on tomorrow night. And seeing as I’m a fricking champion,” she said with a huge grin, the words still sounding unreal, “we’re invited.” Her face momentarily changed into one of horror. “Oh fuck, Niall!” she exclaimed, completely horrified. “I don’t have anything to wear! What the hell, how am I supposed to get a dress in less than a day?”
Niall’s shoulders shook with silent laughter at how terrified she looked. “Well, you’ve got quite a few dresses you could wear.”
“Niall!” Lucy reached for the pillow to hit him with, but he was too quick, grabbing it before it made contact and throwing it on the other side of the bed, still laughing. “It’s The Champions’ Dinner! It’s a big thing. I can’t just wear any old dress,” she explained, her eyes narrowed.
“I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” he leaned towards her to peck her lips, before going back into the bathroom. He came back a minute later wearing a fresh pair of pants and shutting off the light after himself. “Oh wait,” he stopped in his tracks, looking at her with furrowed brows, “what about the dress you got for The Brits?”
“Ohhh that’s a good idea!” she exclaimed, grinning automatically. She did more smiling today than any other time, her cheeks actually started to ache earlier. “Do you think it’ll be alright?”
“It’s a gown, right?” he asked, shrugging. “And from what I remember it’s really pretty.”
“Yeah, you’re a bit of a genius,” she admitted, looking at him appreciatively. “I knew there was a reason why I married you.”
“Yeah, cheers,” he sniggered with fake offence, sitting at his side of the bed, with his back to his wife and reaching for his phone.
Lucy watched him fumble with it for a bit, probably responding to some messages, before she got up to her knees and crawled over to him, putting her arms around his torso from behind.
“You okay? Seemed pretty quiet during dinner,” she said quietly, putting her chin on his shoulder and looking at the side of his face. After she was done with a press conference and one or two more interviews after her win, they went for a celebratory dinner with their families, friends and her team, where surprisingly, Niall wasn’t his usual charming self, talking only when asked, even spacing out a few times.
Niall furrowed his brows slightly and reached to put his phone back on the bedside table. He hummed before speaking. “Yeah, just tired. I also have a bit of a headache, from sitting in the sun, I think.” He looked at her and when she didn’t seem entirely convinced, he planted a sweet kiss on her lips. “Aren’t you tired? Or are you still buzzing with adrenaline? Will you be able to sleep?”
She rested her forehead on his shoulder, not wanting to put distance between them yet. “Still buzzing a bit, but I think once my head hits the pillow, I’ll be out, cause I am genuinely wiped out. I think I’m getting old.”
Niall snickered at that, maneuvering their bodies so they faced each other. “You are most definitely not getting old,” he said, putting both his hands on her cheeks. “Don’t forget that I’m older than you and I am definitely not anywhere near being old.” He gave her another kiss and for a second Lucy felt like he wanted to convey something with it, something he didn’t want to say out loud, but she had no idea what and she didn’t want to push him with questions. So she just kissed him back, trying to somehow transfer all the love she had for him.
The last two days, since Lucy’s Saturday triumph, were crazy. The Champions’ Dinner was the best party she had ever been to, even though she was stressing about the tradition that was Champions’ dance, during which the male and female winners were supposed to dance together, but seeing that the men’s champion was Alexander, her worry almost disappeared, as he was someone she’s known for years, him being a year younger than her, they’ve seen each other around since playing as juniors, he had always been a laugh. It was actually incredibly nice to share that night with him, as they were both first time Wimbledon champions. Other than that, she had quite a few interviews and tv appearances as the champion.
So in the evening, they were sitting on the sofa, eating takeaway, because when they finally got home, none of them felt like cooking.
“Niall, since when do we not talk to each other?” Lucy said putting her plate down, done with the silence, but it was about more than just this moment.
“Hm?” he finally snapped his head up and looked at his wife. He barely said a word since they left the filming studio. He wanted to tag along today, it was his idea, but truth be told, he had been kind of distant since they came back after Wimbledon final. It was like he had been swallowed by his thoughts, engrossed in his own mind.
“You’ve been by my side for the past two days, but it’s like you’re lost inside your own head. And you keep giving me this weird look, last night at dinner and all through today…” Lucy noticed those things right away, having learned his body language and all the different cues after years together. But now, she was tired of waiting for him to speak up and say what is going on in his mind. “And I don’t know what it is, but you’ve never looked at me like that before. And I don’t like it,” she admitted, although she never thought she wouldn’t like the way Niall looked at her, but it was very far from his usual soft gaze. “It’s like you’re thinking something over or having regrets or.. I don’t know,” she shrugged, feeling a bit hopeless. “I don’t want to push you, but I’m worried and I’d just want to know what’s going on. We’re supposed to be open and honest, always. So please, just tell me what’s worrying you, baby.”
Niall hung down his head once again. He knew she’d pick up on his behaviour, the same way he could always tell when her head was spinning with thoughts. And it wasn’t like he had been trying to keep something from her, he just didn’t know what to say, how to breach the topic. However, he wasn’t aware she had been worrying about him like that.
“It’s just…” he started, but paused right away, licking his lips, putting his plate down on the table, eyes focused on his lap, where he started fidgeting with his fingers. “I think that maybe you should reconsider your retirement,” he said after a beat, lifting his head but still not exactly looking at her.
“What? Why?” she said truly confused and shocked. He had her full attention even before, but now she was looking at him with furrowed brows, trying to inspect everything about him, looking for any clues he might give.
“Well, do you not want to play longer?” he asked, eventually meeting her gaze, rubbing his palms over his jeans, because they began to feel clammy. “You know you could, the past two weeks just proved that.”
She was silent for a minute, trying to collect her thoughts, think of a reason why he would want her to keep competing. His eyes were darting around, like he couldn’t decide if he wanted to watch her or avoid her gaze.
“Are you having doubts about us?” she asked eventually, starting to mindlessly twist the wedding band on her finger.
“What?” Now he was the one completely thrown off, his brows creasing and nose scrunching, which was an expression he had when he was concentrating, and one of her favourites, but not in this situation. At least the question made him truly look her in the eyes, focus on her.
“Now that we could actually settle down, spend most of the time together and not be constantly scattered around the world, does it scare you?” Lucy elaborated, trying to explain her worry.
“No, fuck, Lulu, why would you think that?” he exclaimed right away, almost offended by her question.
“Well, what am I supposed to think, Niall?” She slightly raised her voice as well. “I thought we were both excited for this, to build more of a home together, to not have to miss each other all the time and say goodbye every other week or month. And now you’re basically saying that maybe I should keep going around the globe playing tennis, being away from you, so what should I think?” She started gesticulating, throwing her hands around a bit, shrugging with that last question.
“It’s not that at all, Jesus,” he huffed, his hand going up to rake through his hair. “I don’t know, maybe you should know I love you, huh? I mean, we are married and all that...” His voice wasn’t particularly loud, none of them were screaming, but they were both clearly agitated, their voices rough, almost piercing.
“Yeah, but that’s all we know. Me travelling 10 months a year, you going back and forth between LA and London, or New York, or touring the globe,” she pointed out. “Trying to have little moments here and there, but not being together all year round. Probably not even half of it. And maybe that’s not what you want, maybe you didn’t think about it, when you asked me to marry you. I don’t know,” her voice was becoming more and more thick with emotions, but now that she had all those horrible, scary thoughts in her head, she couldn’t stop it.
“Stop!” he blurted, not even loudly, but sternly, which made Lucy snap out of her spinning state. “Okay? Just stop saying those things,” his face was contorted, almost like he couldn’t listen to the things she had been saying, like he was in pain because of her words. “What about the months when your knee was fucked up? Didn’t we spend every day together then? Was I running away scared? Did I not love having you home? How can you even… Fuck!” Both his hands were in his hair, tagging frustratingly. He closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath, before speaking again, this time much more calmly. “Let’s not even go there, okay? Cause it’s not about that, at all. I’d love nothing more than to have you with me as much as possible. You’ve got to know that, Lulu.” That last sentence was let out as a plea, which made Lucy’s heart squeeze painfully inside her chest.
She did know that, of course she did. And yet, she didn’t know how else she could explain his earlier statement.
“Well, then what is it? Why do you think I should reconsider?” she asked, not wanting to guess again, her first theory leading them into a fight.
“Because you just won fucking Wimbledon, Lulu!” Niall shouted, his hands flying up. He wasn’t necessarily angry, but his voice was a humourless laugh.
“Yeah, I know, I was there,” she said with a smile, not really bothered by his outburst. “It was pretty great, but I still don’t see your point, baby.”
He just screamed at her, but right now she was nothing but calm and level headed. He calmed her worst fears that came with his question, so she wasn’t stressed anymore. But he was exasperated, so it was her turn to get rid of any worries he clearly had.
He took another deep breath, Lucy scooted closer to him on the couch, reaching for his hand and tracing figures on his palm in support and reassurance.
“It was your biggest dream, you always said so. And now you’ve done it and you’re just gonna quit playing two months later?” Niall finally asked in disbelief, looking closely at her, as if searching for something, any trace of hesitation. “Don’t you think of other things you could still achieve? What about French Open? Don’t you want to have all the Slams?”
“Niall,” she said so tenderly, all his previous anger just evaporated hearing her voice like that. She put a hand on his cheek to make sure he will hear her every word and see her true intentions and feelings. “Yeah, I won Wimbledon. It was amazing and I never thought it would actually happen. Do I think I could have another big win? Yeah, maybe,” she admitted with a shrug, at which Niall opened his mouth to speak, but she simply put slightly more pressure on his cheek and continued. “But there’s also no guarantee it will happen. And I don’t want to spend another year or two or three or however long, chasing something that I don’t need. I haven’t managed to win French in the ten years I’ve been playing, so what’s to say I’ll win it now? I’m not the best on clay and that’s okay. Sure, it would have been incredible to win all four Slams. But I want to appreciate the success I had, not think of something I maybe could have had. I achieved way more than I ever dreamt of. So that’s more than enough for me.”
Her words were as earnest as possible, her eyes not leaving his, the corner of her lips gently tugged upwords. She really meant every word and a part of Niall already knew that, but his mind still wasn’t put at ease, he felt like his head had been spinning with too many thoughts since Saturday. It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy about her winning, if there was anyone rooting for Lucy, it was always Niall, he took more pleasure from her successes than his own. But this one came with a lot of doubts.
“I just…,” Niall pulled away slightly, feeling the need to put a bit of distance between them for his next words. He kept his one hand inside hers, but the other tugged at his hair frustratedly. “I don’t want you to wake up someday and regret it. And resent me or our life together or our kids for not playing longer, for not going for more. Cause it would break my heart, Lulu, I don’t think I could live with that thought,” he finally said his biggest worry out loud, his eyes beginning to cloud.
Lucy gasped at his confession. The fact that Niall may have that worry didn’t even cross her mind. She was baffled, instantly feeling sick knowing that he’s been turning it over in his head for two days, when her stomach turned upside down just at the thought.
She squeezed his hand to bring his attention back to her, her own eyes filling up with tears. “Hey, come on, I could never ever resent you. Or our potential future children. I love you, baby,” her voice almost broke at the end and Niall didn’t even wait a second before enveloping her into a hug. She instantly climbed into his lap, hiding her face in his chest, breathing in his scent, before pulling away slightly to continue talking. “And even after winning, the thought to keep playing hasn't even crossed my mind. Which just means I’m ready to go.”
He looked at her, in his arms, both of them keeping eye contact, as if trying to look into each other’s souls or send an unspoken message.
Niall sighed after a minute, unwinding one of his hands from around her waist to run it over his face and rub his eyes.
“I just kept watching you being so happy these past days, and you’ve been asked about it in every interview and just…” he shook his head lightly, trying to take comfort in a hand she was rubbing over his arm and not get riled up again. “I’d never want to hold you back, I hope you know that.”
Lucy bit her lip, her heart soaring and aching at the same time. She was overwhelmed by the amount of love he had for her. There wasn’t a single doubt in her mind that he would sacrifice everything for her own happiness. If only she wanted him to. It was bewildering to know that someone loved you this much. So much it was almost incomprehensible.
She licked her lips, thinking over her answer. She knew Niall had nothing to worry about, that his doubts weren’t even a possibility to her, but she didn’t want to make him feel silly, as it was a genuine concern that he was entitled to. Just because she knew there was absolutely no way that what he was worried about would ever happen, didn’t mean he was wrong for worrying about it. But now it was her job to make those doubts go away.
She grabbed his neck and spoke with a voice so confident that it’d hopefully get rid of all his doubts. “Yeah, they kept asking about it, but what did I say to that, hm? Every time they asked me about it, what did I say?” she looked at him expectantly until he sighed with defeat.
“That you’re incredibly excited for your life outside the court,” he said, pulling her closer, no space left between their bodies now.
“And?” she asked, a smile forming on her lips.
“And that you look forward to spending time with your husband,” he answered, his face finally mirroring hers, the furrow in his brows disappearing, his lips turning upwards.
“And I meant that,” she said earnestly, sealing her words with a kiss on his lips. “Cause I do want to focus on other things. I want to go on tour with you, watch you pour your heart out in front of thousands of people every night and wait for a sweaty hug right off the stage, like you do whenever you watch me play.” At that his smile grew wider, his nose crinkling cutely. “And I want to start working outside the court, maybe even have my hand in training another British Wimbledon champion, who knows,” she laughed at that prospect, because it barely seemed real, but Niall squeezed her waist as if to let her know it doesn’t have to be a joke. “I want to have a somewhat normal house life and yeah, have some children with you,” she shrugged, both of them looking at each other with admiration. “That’s what I’m most excited about right now. Besides, you know my knee’s been starting to act up and I don’t want to risk it getting worse. And I’d hate to have to quit because of an injury, I want to go on my own terms.”
Niall didn’t want to dwell on it any longer, so he focused on the latter part of her speech. “Do you think our child could be a Wimbledon champion? Could you actually imagine it?” he asked with a grin, probably already imagining little blond haired versions of themselves running around with tennis rackets in their hands.
Lucy laughed. “Well, I’d say our child could be anyone they’d want. Even Wimbledon champion.” She leaned in for a much needed kiss, but all he gave her was a peck, his head apparently filled with thoughts he just had to share now.
“That would be quite sick, actually.” His eyes were shining while looking at her, not even really focused, like he was picturing their future. “Mummy and daughter. Or son. Maybe you could even present the trophy!” He got so excited, Lucy could do nothing but laugh. How did they go from nearly fighting to making their potential child a champion, she didn’t know, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. “No, but seriously, would you be okay with our child playing? Professional? Would you like to be a coach?” He turned serious, focusing on her once more to gauge her reaction.
“If they wanted to play, of course I’d be fine with it. I’d worry and warn them about things, but I wouldn’t stop or discourage them. But I would not train them. I mean, I might be like a co-coach. Or an advisor.” How he coaxed her into actually discussing it, she did not know, but it was a power of his, making her want to do anything that got him this happy and excited. “But I wouldn’t be able to draw a line between being a mum and a coach. I’ve seen a lot of this on tour, and it’s not always bad, but not everyone is right for that. I know I’m not,” she admitted, shrugging. “But I would never push our children to play tennis. Okay, I might teach them how to play, but like for fun, not as a career.”
To Niall it didn’t seem possible that there was something his wife wouldn’t be able to do. She was a super human.
“I think once they see how awesome you were on court, they might want to be just like mummy,” he said with a grin, pinching her waist playfully.
“Well, let’s hope they won’t aspire to be like daddy,” she chuckled.
“Heeeeeey,” Niall whined with mock offense.
“Get bras and knickers thrown at them on stage.”
“Hahahaha, it’s not actually the best feeling,” he admitted.
“Okay, let’s stop this talk about children, before you get any actual ideas, because I do still have a few tournaments to play and whatnot.” She patted his chest and made a move to climb off his lap, but he only tightened his hold on her, not letting her go anywhere.
“But you do want to have some, right? Like, sooner than, let’s say, ten years from now?” He asked, genuinely curious as they never discussed it properly. Children had been mentioned here and there, but nothing more deliberate.
“Yeah, I do.” She nodded, a gentle smile gracing her lips.
“Okay. ‘Cause I want that too.” He leaned down to kiss her, properly this time, releasing all the earlier insecurities and frustrations into the kiss.
When their lips parted, Lucy combed her fingers through his hair, before speaking again, the subject of children bringing another thing to the front of her mind. “But first, I was actually thinking of buying a new house,” she admitted. “We talked about it when we got engaged and I think I’d actually want one now. I love this one, but I don’t know, I’d kinda like to get a new one, start a proper home once I’m done.”
She loved the home they were in now, it was the place where most of the important moments happened in their relationship, with Niall having it since before they even started dating. It was here where he said he loved her for the first time. He asked her to marry him here. They came back home to each other time and time again here. But it also wasn’t exactly ideal. The problem was never the fact that it was theoretically his house, not theirs. It just wasn’t a house she wanted to grow old in. She loved it, but it wasn’t theirs, not in the sense of ownership, but in a scene of making it personal. She also wanted a space that would truly be theirs, from the beginning, where none of them ever lived alone.
But it seemed like she didn’t have to even try to explain it to him, his face lighting up with a soft smile, planting a kiss on her cheek before speaking. “Yeah. I actually love that idea.”
Lucy was able to stay home in London for over two weeks, before she had to travel to Montreal. It made her more than happy because it meant she was with Niall for One Direction's fifteenth anniversary, which was also the day the news about the band’s comeback were being released, with their new single coming out two days later. The announcement was planned to go out at 8pm UK time, but they all decided to have dinner and spend that evening together, meeting at Louis and Eleanor’s house. When they arrived, Liam and his wife, Maya were already there, Harry and Ines, his girlfriend of three years, arriving only a few minutes later. They’ve met like that before quite a few times, sometimes with Louis’ and Liam’s kids running around, so Lucy was more than acquainted with everyone, feeling completely at ease.
Even though the meal was delicious, they were all so excited and nervous, they couldn’t even sit still. Lucy noticed Niall’s knee bouncing two minutes after they sat at the table, putting her hand on his tight to at least try and calm him down.
“Fuck, I don’t think I can do this, can we tell the world now?” Louis whined, throwing his head back exasperatedly.
“I am honestly so stressed right now,” Harry joined in.
There was no missing of the group’s anxiety, everyone looking around, checking the time every few minutes.
“The food is delicious, but I think I might actually throw up,” Liam said, his body slacking against the chair.
“How about some stronger drinks to calm down? Or shots?” Eleanor proposed, all of them drinking beer or wine with dinner.
There was an instant chorus of agreement, Louis getting up to fix the drinks. They all moved from the table to lounge on the couches, none of them able to stomach any more food, no sounds in the room other than the soft music playing in the background and a quiet murmur of a few words shared between them.
“Okay, let’s do it!” Louis exclaimed, coming back with a tray full of shots.
“Cheers!” The boys said in unison once everyone grabbed a glass. The alcohol burned Lucy’s throat, her eyes screwing shut for a minute.
“Another one?” Niall proposed, not even a second later.
Lucy shook her head, watching her alcohol intake, as always when she was in the middle of the season, Maya also refused, but everyone else downed another glass, leaving two full ones meant for the girls. Liam and Niall looked at each other, before shrugging their shoulders at exactly the same time and grabbing another glass.
“How much longer?” Ines asked, looking around in search of some clock.
“Twenty eight minutes,” Niall replied after checking his watch.
“Oh, I can’t believe I almost forgot, congrats on Wimbledon once again, Lucy, that was absolutely amazing,” Maya said with a smile.
Everyone in the room either texted or called her or Niall on the day she won, but that acknowledgement face to face was nice.
“Thank you, it was crazy,” she gave a grateful smile, after everyone added their congrats, Niall throwing an arm around her shoulders to bring her closer. She caught the proud look he was giving her and put a hand on his knee in an appreciative manner.
“Do you think we could come watch you play in the US Open?” Harry asked, redirecting his attention to Niall right after. “We’re free then, right?”
“Yeah, I made sure of that,” he confirmed proudly.
“Umm…” Lucy hesitated for a second, trying to explain how it works. “Yeah, I can get you tickets, no problem, it’s just hard to plan it a little bit, because I don’t know how deep I’ll go.” She didn’t want them to be bored at the first round match, but she also couldn’t predict when her last match would be. It still felt surreal, that she would play her last game in less than two months.
“How incredible would it be if you won that one too?” Liam asked with a grin.
“Mental,” Louis agreed.
“I reckon she could do it,” said Eleanor, looking at Lucy with confidence.
Because their bodies were touching, Lucy could easily feel Niall’s body tensing in reaction to the conversation, the memory of their recent fight still fresh in both of their minds. She didn’t turn her head to get a better look at him, but squeezed his knee as a reminder that it wouldn’t change anything for her.
“Don’t bet any money on me, though”, she laughed, before changing the subject. “Are you walking any fashion weeks this year, Maya?”
While she listened to the answer, Niall reached for her hand splayed on his knee, slotting their fingers together in a silent thank you. That’s how they spent the next couple of minutes, trying to keep conversation going, Louis making sure everyone had a drink in their hand. There was a nervous tension in the room, even though they knew what would happen, all the posts queued up, the reaction they would get was a question mark. They could only hope, basing their expectations on previous love they always got from their fans. But it had been years and things changed, yet it was impossible to prepare for disappointment.
“Oh shit, just one more minute,” Louis said, looking at the time on his phone.
“Let’s count it down!” Ines proposed.
So they did, the last ten seconds, just like on New Year’s Eve. To think of it, there were some similarities, looking forward to something new, things changing, entering a new era almost. When they came to zero, you could almost hear a pin drop. It only took a second for all of the guys’ phones to go off, indicating one notification after the other. They were all stood in a circle, their respective better halves right next to them. Lucy had her arm around Niall’s waist, looking through his shoulder to read some of the comments, the whole world starting to freak out. There wasn’t one person in the room who didn’t have a huge grin on their faces. The women look proudly at their men, knowing how hard they worked, how much love and passion they put into the band. It seemed like all the guys looked up at each other at the same moment, taking deep breaths and stepping closer to wrap one another in their famous four way hug. Eleanor wrapped her arm around Lucy’s shoulder, who looked at the other woman happily, noticing tears pulling in her eyes. She reached her other hand for Ines, who also grabbed Maya and they just stood like that for a minute. The band squeezing each other and whispering excitedly among themselves, while their lovers embraced as well, forming their own little group, looking at their loved ones with so much awe, their eyes glistening with emotion.
After a minute, Harry pulled slightly away, looking behind him at the women. “Come on, get in here, girls,” he said, beckoning them over.
So they joined them, each one next to their man, Lucy squeezed between Niall and Ines. They were all holding each other tightly, a one of a kind bond. There was no comparing it to what those four guys had, but they all felt like family. They were all connected and none of them would have it any other way, forming genuine friendships they all cherished.
Niall twisted his head to the side to kiss Lucy on the crown of her head, before she turned her head as well to meet him in a proper kiss. They were both so happy, they couldn’t stop smiling, their teeth clicking against each other. But they were just so ecstatic. There were no words to describe the feeling. And Niall’s happiness was through the roof, because he was so appreciative to share that moment with Lucy. Nothing could beat having her with him, being able to share it, because it felt like a once in a lifetime thing. Having her to support him and calm him down when needed, and now to share that joy with her. He truly felt like, if she wasn’t there beside him, he wouldn’t be as happy as he was. And maybe that was wrong, maybe he shouldn’t feel like that, but he did. Because his wife made everything better. It was that simple. Seeing her proud and smiling, made the whole situation better. Sharing anything with the people you love makes it better. Whether it’s sadness, problems, successes or happiness. And there was no better thing to share than love.
September 2025
It was impossible to prepare for a moment like this, Lucy thought finally walking back into the hotel room in New York. It was after 3am. She finished playing, her last professional match ever, about an hour and a half ago. Even after the little goodbye ceremony after her loss and a press conference, it still didn’t feel completely real. She had quite a few of those farewell moments, almost at every tournament she played this year. She knew what was coming, after all she made that decision in December. Maybe it was because she didn’t know which match would be her last, didn’t know how far she'd go, just happy with every win she got.
She felt such a mixture of emotions, it was hard to wrap her head around it all. The goodbye she got was amazing, the organizers playing a little video of all the years she competed, including her triumph on Flashing Meadows, and messages from fellow players. She felt a bit sad, but she always did when she lost. A bit proud, because she didn’t go without a fight, the match an over two hour, three sets battle. Excited because a part of her was waiting for that moment, when she’ll be able to truly think about the future and focus on upcoming projects. But most of all, she was simply appreciative. That she had such a good season, that she was able to play every tournament she wanted, that she gave it her all and was able to keep playing on a good level, that after finishing this last game, she was able to look out into the crowd (who was giving her a standing ovation) and not only see Niall, but also her parents, Mia, Harry, Liam and Maya.
Once the door to their hotel room closed, Lucy was exhausted. She had a quick shower right after the match, so technically she could go straight to bed, but her mind was buzzing.
“Lulu,” Niall said, leaving his shoes by the door and walking up to her, his hands going to her waist immediately, to bring her close to him, “how are you feeling?”
Lucy rested her head on his chest, quiet for a moment, trying to make sense of her mumbled thoughts. “I… I’m feeling good?” she said, but it sounded more like a question. “It’s… surreal, still. Maybe ask me tomorrow?”
“Of course.” He cemented his words with a caring kiss to the crown of her head.
“But I’m okay, really,” she assured him. “Kinda sad, kinda happy. Relieved?” Her answer was more like a question again, like she was looking for a right answer, but wasn’t sure if it was one. “I don’t know, it doesn’t really seem like it’s the end yet, you know, that I won’t play like this again.”
He hummed, thinking for a quick second before asking another question, “are you going to miss it?”
“Yeah, probably,” she shrugged. “It’s going to be weird, not having to train, no tournaments to prepare for or look forward to. But it’ll be fun to see what’s ahead, you know? Slow down a bit, maybe, explore other things in life. And spend time with you, obviously. Watch you and the band. It’s gonna be good, baby.”
“Will you miss your team?”
“Oh yeah, definitely. But I hope we’ll keep in touch. Maybe work together again, you know, if I open that training centre or if we get someone to manage… Who knows.”
He nodded, “I’m really proud of you, you know? I’m in awe of your decision, to do things your way.”
“Thank you. It was the right call, I can tell. The next few months will be weird, I’m sure, but it’ll be worth it. I’m actually really excited to see what’s to come.”
Tennis was all she knew. In a way, it became her routine. Sure, there were some tournaments changes, but it was also pretty much the same for years upon years, ten months of traveling, playing here and there, hard court, clay, grass, then hard court again. A quick vacation after that before going back to training full force to prepare for the next season. Over and over again. And now, thinking about the future might have been scary, but it was also nice to do something new. Have a fresh mind. Have an option of doing something else, an opportunity to just travel by Niall’s side for a bit. To focus on something other than tennis. To explore what else she might be good at.
“Oh, could you maybe ask Harry and Liam to join us for dinner on Thursday? With the girls, of course. Louis is still in California, right?” She was pretty sure she mentioned something about it when they talked after the match, but her tiredness and emotions made it hard to focus. She also asked her manager to actually organise it, make a reservation at the restaurant and all, so she didn’t know any specifics yet.
“Of course, don’t worry, they know it’s happening, I’ll send them the details in the morning. And yes, Tommo is still there, he’s meeting us in LA.”
They had a few more days off, the guys had to be in Los Angeles on Monday to do some promo for their reunion and second single, Niall made sure to book time off for all two weeks of the US Open, but because she had lost in the quarterfinals, it was just Tuesday, well, very early hours of Wednesday, giving them some time to relax.
“Let’s go to bed, yeah?” he proposed, planting another kiss on her head, her arms still tight around his waist, her cheek pressed to his body, so close she could feel his heartbeat underneath it.
She shook her head slightly, pulling away to look at him. “I can’t, my mind is spinning. I need it to stop first.” She put one of her hands up to tread through his hair, before cradling his cheek. She then raised up onto her tiptoes to join their lips, the kiss starting slow, but growing more passionate with every lick into his mouth. Her hand travelling under his shirt and the other going back to his hair to tug at it slightly, let him know exactly what she meant. “Are you too tired?” she asked parting for a second to catch her breath, before moving to work on the delicious skin of his neck.
Seeing his wife like that always did things to Niall. It wasn’t even about her having very clear intentions, but how he knew she wanted him to take care of her. How she needed him. Lucy was an absolute beast on court, Niall’s favourite text to send her before a match was “go get them, tiger”. But after the game was finished, especially after a tough battle, she was nothing but gentle. In desperate need of hugs, kisses and someone to take care of her. It wasn’t the first time they had sex in a situation like that, her needing to quiet her thoughts, but also to give up control, after having been so focused and alone on court.
And right now was no different, she wanted to get lost in Niall, needing the quiet only he could bring her.
“Never too tired to help you,” he assured, grabbing her neck gently to pull her lips back to his. To Niall, there was no bigger compliment than this, this incredible woman not only counting on him, but giving herself to him completely, body and soul.
And as he grabbed her thighs to pick her up and carry her to the bed, there wasn’t a doubt in her mind, that he would take care of her. In the best possible way.
taglist: @stylishmuser​ @verorax​ @georgiahoranxx​ @exoticniall​
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