#just toss em into the mansion
fbwzoo · 1 year
Poor Joel, I don't why he puts up with us.
He walked in with groceries to me going "hello, we're getting another rat? 👀"
"... what??"
".... well today in Kelsey Looked At Craigslist..."
😅😂💀 New baby at 2 today.
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freedomfireflies · 7 months
Tease Me*
Summary: An extra for Teach Me*
The one where you and your best friend, Harry, are invited to a Haunted House.
But ghosts aren’t the only fun thing about this party.
(For my non-spooky besties, the house isn't actually haunted! Just old and abandoned! There are no jump scares💞)
Word Count: 9.5k
Content Warning: 18+, smut, slight exhibitionism, Daddy kink, masturbation, creampie, slight breeding kink, fluff, subspace, Harry being a simp
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The large mansion looms into view. A tall, skeletal structure that’s brightened by the soft glow of the full moon. Hidden behind tall pines and a collection of dancing shadows, it stands like a sentinel of forgotten secrets. Ivy drips from the rotting wood, and boards cover a majority of the windows. The once grand façade bearing the scars of time.
You can see a collection of breathtaking stained glass windows lining the top story of the house. You can’t exactly make out the artwork from this distance, but you know, undoubtedly, that they’re beautiful. Only imagining what those reflections might look like in the sunlight.
The car sneaks along the gravel driveway, the sound of rocks and crunching leaves following you every inch of the way. You feel your breath hitch as you glance over toward Harry, who returns your look with a cocked brow of his own.
He pulls up next to the only other car on the lot. Rather, the only other car for miles. From the passenger seat, you can see Charlie, Jackie, and Caleb all huddled around the hood, conversing in hushed voices, and waving at you both in greeting.
Harry shifts into park before leaning back in his seat to turn his attention to you. “Well?”
You suck in a quiet breath before nodding once. “It’s…spooky.”
“Thanks, but I meant the house,” he replies cooly, and you can’t help but grin.
“Funny. Honestly, I don’t think this is what I was expecting.”
“No?” He considers this with a nod of his own. “I guess it’s more ugly than scary. Caleb said he used to come here all the time when he was a kid. His brother claimed it was haunted.”
“Ooo,” you tease, and Harry smirks. “Do you believe in ghosts?”
He lifts a shoulder in a nonchalant shrug. “I don’t ever really think about it.”
“That’s fair.”
Now his expression twists into something more mischievous as he leans closer to you. “But…if any ghosts come out and try to steal you from me, I have no problem sending ‘em back to the afterlife.”
You laugh again as you playfully swat your hand across his arm before surging forward to kiss him. “You’re an idiot, baby.”
“Yeah. But m’your idiot.”
He laughs.
With that, you both unbuckle your seatbelts and step out of the car, joining your friends just beside the front steps of the mansion. 
“Well, well, well,” Charlie grins, nodding his chin at the two of you. “Can’t believe you actually showed. Thought Har-Bear wasn’t into Halloween.”
Harry offers another shrug; relaxed but amused. “I’m not. But I wouldn’t mind seeing you get the shit scared out of you.”
Charlie’s expression falls while the rest of you laugh. “Okay, funny. Hysterical. Caleb’s the one that pissed himself when he was here last.”
“I was ten, dipshit,” Caleb snorts. “And I didn’t piss myself, I just screamed a little.”
“Right,” Jackie teases, nudging him with her elbow. “Whatever you say, champ.”
Caleb’s eyes roll, but he’s smiling as the five of you begin to make your way up onto the porch. “You’ll see. It’s spooky.”
“I’m sure we will, bud,” Charlie replies, tossing him a wink. “And after you go running back to the car in tears, we’ll make sure to lock up for you.”
With a soft laugh, Harry looks over at you. “You scared, Bee?”
“Me? Scared?” you snort. “Never.”
“Good.” He tosses his arm around your shoulder and tugs you into his chest. “Nothing to be scared of while I’m here.”
The other two boys pretend to be annoyed while Jackie offers you both a cheeky grin. “You guys are sickeningly sweet.”
“Oh, we know,” Harry answers impishly, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I mean, I do a majority of the heavy lifting. But Bee’s pretty cute, too, I suppose.”
“Hysterical,” you deadpan, using your elbow to shove him away as you all approach the front door.
Your little group slows to a stop, exchanging glances and deep breaths as Caleb slowly says, “…are you ready?”
The air is laced with anticipation and excitement, and the four of you nod before his hand outstretches for the door.
 It opens with a shrill screech as a flock of birds fling from their spot on a nearby branch and take off into the ghostly night sky. 
With a deep breath, Caleb leads you all into the house, head held high, and shoulders back. The mansion is dark and the floorboards creak beneath your sneakers. The air is musky and cobwebs drape from each corner of the doorframe.
Quicky, you all search for your cellphones and flashlights, flipping them on to illuminate the path before you. Revealing a bit more of the corridor as you make your way inside.
“Shit,” Charlie murmurs, eyes wide as his focus flicks from wall to wall. “All right, maybe you weren’t kidding.”
“Told you,” Caleb retorts, peeking his head into the first room. “It’s not exactly scary, but it is cool as hell.”
“No kidding,” Jackie chimes in while you nod. “How many rooms are there?”
“No idea. But there are at least three levels. Plus, the attic, but Zac and I could never figure out how to get up there.”
“I’ll find it,” Charlie declares confidently, and Harry shoots you a knowing smirk. “What? If anyone can, it’s me.”
“I’m sure,” Caleb huffs, slipping in to what looks to be the drawing room. “By all means, go ahead. Honestly, we can split up and check out the other rooms. There’s a lot of cool shit here.”
Charlie nods once, running the light from his phone down one of the walls. Examining the faded wallpaper and dust-covered picture frames.
With a cock of his brow, Harry leans closer, nudging his shoulder against yours. “What do you say? Wanna do some exploring?”
You grin eagerly, nodding as well. “Yeah. Maybe we’ll find the attic first.”
You catch Charlie’s frown out of the corner of your eye, but the five of you can’t help but laugh as Harry leads you toward the next hallway.
The group disperses, with Charlie and Jackie searching the kitchen, Caleb ascending the stairs to the second floor, and you and Harry beginning for some of the bedrooms. 
The house is quiet. Eerily so, with only the sound of your footsteps to accompany you. And even with two flashlights, you can only see a portion of the narrow hallway at a time. From the wooden trim to the chipped paint. 
You fall in line behind Harry’s taller frame, allowing him to guide you toward the furthest room as he strides with a confidence you envy. Unaffected by the sounds, and smells, and ghostly aurora. 
“You all right back there, Bee?” he calls after a moment more of your silence. Seeming to catch your strained inhales and lack of commentary. “Still with me?”
“Yes,” you whisper, but it’s airy. As though your voice has been swept away by the hands of a ghost. “Just…trying not to trip.”
Even without seeing the full of his face, you can tell he’s smiling. “Come on, lovey, you know I’d catch you.”
“Uh-huh,” you murmur, lashes fluttering as you glance up toward the old chandelier dangling from the tall ceiling.
Suddenly, Harry stops, forcing you to catch yourself against him before he glances at you. “Hop on.”
Confused, you blink. “What?”
“Hop on,” he repeats, placing his cellphone between his teeth while crouching down. Allowing you access to his back in an invitation to climb up.
And once you finally understand, you can’t help but smile. Slipping your arms around his shoulders before hoisting yourself onto his body. Legs curling around his hips while his hands reach back to keep you sturdy.
Once you’re settled, you gently pull the phone from between his lips and aim the fluorescent gleam across the room. Providing him a bit more light to see as he straightens up.
“Thank you, baby,” he hums. “You all right?”
“Mhm. Are you?”
“Very. Just make sure to hold on, yeah?”
You grin a bit wider and tuck your chin over his shoulder. “Promise.”
With that, he begins down the hall, keeping his fingers tight around your ankles. “All right, baby dove, where do you wanna go first?”
Vaguely, you gesture toward the closest room. From the small sliver your light catches, you can see that it’s filled with large curtains and furniture draped in cloth. It looks…reminiscent. Calling to you and inviting you to step inside a lost era, a forgotten memory. 
He carries you closer, and as he strides through the murky corridor, you use the height advantage to look around. Taking in the more subtle details of the old house.
The hand railing beside the staircase. The broken floor beneath you. The cracked light fixtures and dusty bookshelves. 
You can’t imagine the life that was lived. The parties they threw, the elegance that sang from every corner, the memories that were created.
You wonder about the people who built it. Wonder what they were like, what made them leave. If they ever reminisce about the old house they used to call home.
“It’s beautiful,” you find yourself saying, exhaling the sentiment almost fondly.
Harry hums again, eyes trailing across the expanse of the carpet underneath his shoes. “Shame nobody ever bought it and fixed it up.”
“Yeah,” you agree quietly. “Maybe we should.”
He smiles at this, squeezing your legs a bit tighter. “Oh, yeah?”
“Mhm. Wouldn’t it be fun? A little passion project?”
“Maybe. Don’t know what we’d do with all this space, though.”
You shrug. “Well, we’d have plenty of room to storm off if we got into a fight.”
He laughs. “Yeah?”
“And we’d have plenty of places for…you know, other things.”
“Other things,” he repeats knowingly, glancing back with a smirk. “I do love our other things.”
You snuggle closer. “And if we ever wanted to start a family…we’d have room for that, too.”
He’s quiet now, his tongue slowly sweeping across his bottom lip in thought. “D’you think about our family, Bee?”
“I do,” you admit, almost sheepishly. “Sometimes. Not, like…right away, or anything. But…I just wonder, I guess. What you’d be like. What we’d be like.”
“Yeah? And how are we?”
“We’re good,” you tell him. “You’re the fun parent. Of course. And I’m the one that makes them do their homework and eat their veggies.”
He grins. “Of course.”
“And they have your hair. Lots of curls, very wild.”
“And they love to sing. They aren’t good at it…but they love it.”
He laughs a bit louder this time, head shaking as he brushes his thumbs across the exposed skin of your ankles. “Sounds about right.”
“And we’re really happy,” you finish tenderly. “And we have two dogs, and one cat. And nothing changes between us. We’re still us, and we still love each other a lot, and we still go on tons of adventures and have really good, wild sex.”
He’s smiling so hard, you can see his dimples. “I wouldn’t want anything less.”
“Me, either.”
You fall silent as Harry finally brings you both into the large room, ducking beneath the frame to make sure you don’t hit your head. You kiss the side of his jaw gratefully before he sets you down with a gentle plop, allowing you both to straighten up and take a look around.
Sizable paintings hang from each wall. Encased behind gold, elegant frames that are layered with a light film of dust. Even still, the artwork is breathtaking. Portraits of what look to be great men and women. Soft brush strokes that are wildly vivid, despite the many years stuck in this dark room.
Harry takes his flashlight from you and aims it toward the green, velvet sofa in the middle of the vast space. Eyes wide as he studies it. “A lot of this stuff is in better shape than I thought it’d be.”
You make a noise of agreement as you gingerly run your fingers along the faded wallpaper. “I wonder what made them leave this all behind?”
“I don’t know. S’probably worth a fortune.”
“And it’s still here? Nobody came and looted it?”
He sports a rather charmed grin at your choice of wording. “Guess not. Kind of strange, honestly. City never reclaimed it, either.”
He glances over, a mischievous glint behind the soft green. “Maybe there’s a reason.”
The corner of his mouth quirks up. “Maybe…the ghosts won’t let it go.”
Finally understanding his joke, you roll your eyes with a snort before striding toward the giant bookshelf. “Ha, ha.”
“Maybe the owners died in the fifties,” he continues, dropping his voice to a lower drawl. Attempting to add a bit of mystique and suspicion. “Maybe they were murdered in cold blood. And they never found out who killed them, so they haunt the grounds of their old house. Until the day their killer dares to come back.”
You pretend to be intrigued, nodding along with faux fascination. “Uh-huh. Which makes us…what? Ghost bait?”
“Mmm…perhaps,” he murmurs, stalking toward you. “Perhaps that’s why Caleb really brought us here. To feed us to his ancestors. Appease the Halloween Gods.”
He closes the distance between you, angling the beam of his light up toward his face as dark shadows dance across his features. “Or maybe Caleb isn’t Caleb at all. Maybe…he’s a ghost—”
Suddenly, he jolts forward, making you gasp as you steel yourself from the sudden movement. Eyes wide and heart racing.
But once you realize he’s merely messing with you, you begin to glare. Scoffing, “God, you’re an ass.”
He drops his cellphone and beams at you. Much too smug with his victory. “Sorry. Couldn’t resist.”
“Yeah, well, maybe I won’t resist drop kicking your ass out that window.”
“Fair enough,” he chuckles, peering down at you with a delicate look of adoration before he’s pressing his lips to yours. “Forgive me?”
You try to pout into the kiss, but he’s too good. Warm and soft and the definition of comfort. “Hm. Fine. Just this once.”
He offers one final peck before returning to his search. Hands sweeping along the grimy bookshelves, fingers trailing down the broken spines. He seems lost in thought, and you watch almost fondly as he reaches out for one particular title.
“Frankenstein,” he reads aloud, tilting it back with a smile. “Used to be my favorite growing up.”
“Yeah. My mom used to read it to me all the time.”
And you feel this undeniable tug on your heartstrings as you settle behind him, arms slipping around his middle. “What did you like about it?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know. I guess I liked the idea of something so…broken being so beautiful. Or maybe it was just the idea of how he was built. And why. You know?”
“Yeah. I think it’s sweet you liked it so much. You never told me.”
“I mean, I stopped reading it as I got older. I think I just liked the way my mom read it to me. She’d do all these voices, try to freak me out.”
You laugh. “Yeah, that sounds like her.”
“It was great. I loved it. S’probably one of my favorite memories growing up.”
And there’s that yanking in your chest again. “You’re cute, you know that?”
He smirks. “Thanks.”
With that, he releases the book, allowing it to fall back into place on the shelf beside the other novels.
But, the moment it lands, a startling and rather jarring rumble explodes from somewhere behind you. Compelling a jump as you both spin around in search for the offending sound.
And there, just beside the old grandfather clock that sits near the door, hangs one of the large paintings. This one of a beautiful woman wearing a stunning, purple grown and a coy smile. Yet, her portrait is moving. Sliding across the wall as if by magic until you’re able to see what lies behind.
A passageway. 
You suck in a gasp as you and Harry both shine your lights into the dark opening. Finding nothing more than a narrow stairway that disappears into somewhere else in the house.
You look to Harry.
Harry looks to you.
“What the fuck,” he whispers, but you can see the excitement weaving through his dimple. “That’s…the coolest shit I’ve ever seen.”
You can’t help but agree, feet drawing you closer, as if compelled by the mesmeric introduction and inviting shadows. “Yeah…”
Footsteps follow you. “Bee, hold on. We don’t know where it goes or if we can get back out.”
Now, you hesitate, considering the rather valid point. “It probably leads to the attic. Caleb said he couldn’t figure out how to get up there, but I’m sure there’s a way back down. There’d have to be.”
“Maybe. Or maybe…that’s where the ghosts are waiting to lure us in—”
“All right,” you hiss, shoving on his arm before continuing for the door. “I will slap that dimple right off your face, I’m serious.”
“Well, you know I like it when you do.”
And even despite his teasing, you feel your stomach flip. Memories calling back to the forefront of your mind as you remember his pink skin and arrogant smirk. The way he’d beg you to keep going – give him more. 
“Can you please be serious?” you choose to say, reaching back for his hand as you approach the entrance. “Because if we die in here, I don’t want one of the last things we said to be one of your shitty jokes.”
He laughs, but intertwines his fingers with yours willingly. Squeezing your palm for comfort. “Sorry, lovey. By all means, please do lead us into the deathtrap. You’ll hear no more jokes from me. I’ll be on my best behavior.”
“Good boy.”
He squishes your hand again knowingly before you take a deep breath and begin up the stairs. 
The walls are about five feet apart in width, providing a rather narrow space for the two of you to slip between as you ascend up into the rest of the house. The path curves like a spiral, up and up until you’re almost sure there’s nowhere else to go. And your head pops right out of the roof.
Then, you come to the last one, and see that it opens up and leads into something else. A vast, empty floor with more light that you’ve seen anywhere else in the house. 
Curious, you move a bit faster, eager to see what awaits. And once you step into the room…your breath catches.
Stained glass windows decorate each wall, the full moon projecting the most beautiful colors and imagery across the entire space. From the floor to the ceiling and every inch in between. It’s like walking into a rainbow. Or heaven. Such a stark contrast from the eerie journey up the stairs in nothing but darkness.
Harry’s shoulder brushes against yours as he steps up beside you. Eyes fluttering as he pockets his phone and glances about the room admiringly. “Wow.”
“Yeah,” you agree in a quiet whisper. Walking toward the first window as your fingers outstretch for the tempered glass. “It’s…it’s beautiful.”
“It is.” He follows you. “They must have loved it up here.”
You feel yourself smile. “I bet it was the perfect hideaway.” You motion toward the furthest wall where a dainty (but somewhat tattered) window seat lies. “Bet they came up here and just read or painted all day. Watched the sun rise and set.”
You feel him staring at you. Observing your profile as you continue to glance around, trying to soak in every little detail. 
Then, you feel him. His touch sweeping across your cheek before he’s brushing a bit of hair from your shoulder. “Did you mean what you said earlier?”
You glance over.
“About us. Having kids, starting a family.” His expression is void of any of his previous taunting. Instead, solely focused on the soft skin of your jaw as he ghosts his thumb beneath your chin. “Is that what you really want? With me?”
And a part of your heart aches because…yes. You’d live a million lifetimes with him. With kids, without kids. Here, there. Fast-paced or easy-going. You’d do it all. You’d do everything with him.
You reach up and slip your fingers around his wrist. Keeping him close as you nuzzle into his palm. “Of course I would, Har. Just want you.”
He steps closer, taking both sides of your face in his hands now as he keeps you in his strong hold. Gazing at you lovingly until you feel your insides twist. 
“I will give you anything you want, Bee,” he murmurs, and you can feel his promise dance across your lips. “Give you kids. Give you a big, beautiful home. Give you the life you deserve.”
You inhale quietly, desperately grasping onto his arms.
“Anything you want, baby,” he breathes, and you know how much he means it. “Give you fucking everything.”
Tears spring to your eyes, dancing along your waterline until one jumps down your cheek. Right into Harry’s waiting thumb where he quickly soothes it away. “You know I would,” you tell him in a timid whisper. “I promise, I would, I just…I can’t…”
His eyes soften when he understands, yet his head shakes as he brings your chest to his. “It doesn’t matter how or why. If we want to start a family, we can. Any way we want to. Any way you want to. Nothing else matters, lovey. Just wanna do it together.”
You stumble over a choked sob, burying yourself in his embrace while he dips down to kiss you. Harder than he has all night and filled with a kind of love that can’t be explained. Only felt through the synchronistic brushing of his lips against yours. 
“My girl,” he exhales, nudging his nose along your cheek before bringing his kisses back. “My fucking girl. Know I love you, yeah? Know you’re my only?”
You whimper, nodding pitifully as you allow him to take the reins. Deciding how far and how deep this kiss goes. 
“Good.” He drops his hands to your hips, squeezing once. “Because you are, Bee. Never loved anybody the way I love you.”
And you know – you know he means it. 
Something clicks in your brain. Something lustful and needy. You’re overcome with this anxious desire to have him. To be with him wholly. You want to crawl into his skin and live there. Be as close to him as possible. 
Show him exactly how much he means to you.
The kisses become hungrier. Sloppier. Rushed and borderline animalistic as you reach down and lace your fingers with his. Guiding him away from the wall and toward the carpet in the center of the room.
He seems to understand your intent. Smiling against your mouth as you move him where you want him.
“Sneaky girl,” he breathes, pressing his mouth to your neck. Nipping below your ear until you sigh contently. “S’that why you really wanted to come up here, hm? Wanted to get me alone? Have your way with me?”
And even though he’s effortlessly putting the power in your hands, you can’t help but feel swayed by him. Drawn in by his suggestion and prowess while your stomach flips in on itself.
“Maybe,” you admit quietly, grinning when he chuckles darkly. “Because maybe I know…you want me to have my way with you. Don’t you?”
He nods quickly, groaning almost to himself before he gropes at your waist and moves his kisses to your exposed collarbone. “Do anything you want, Bee. I meant it.”
Pleased, you take yourself away from him. “Good. Because I want you on your knees.”
And he almost looks disappointed that he’s had to stop kissing you, but the starvation behind his eyes is unmistakable. 
He drops so quickly, your head spins. Head tilted back and hands obediently landing on his thighs in wait. 
“Good boy,” you can’t help but mutter, reaching down to press your palm to his cheek in gratitude. “Always obey me so well.”
“Always,” he repeats reverently. Voice thick as though drunk with longing.
“Can’t take too long, okay? They might come looking for us, and I don’t think we’d ever be able to live that down,” you add, softening your tone some to ease the charged tension.
“I know,” he replies quickly. Almost pitifully, as if desperate to agree and make you happy. “Be quick, I swear.”
A grin splits your face. “Want you to take off your jeans, baby,” you instruct now, nodding toward his hips. “Just your jeans. Don’t want you to get cold.”
So, he does. Fumbling with his belt and button before dragging the dark fabric down his beautiful thighs, revealing his new tattoo. It catches the moonlight and the reflection of the red glass across the room. Drawing in your attention while your mouth nearly waters.
But he doesn’t seem to notice. Instead working quickly to rid himself of the material before returning to his knees. 
“Good. My jeans next,” you tell him, and he extends his hands toward your waist.
Just as quickly as before, he slips, pulls, and tugs until you can step out of your pants and toss them aside. Making sure to hold your hand as you do so you don’t lose your balance. 
It’s these little things that endear you to him. The way he doesn’t even realize he’s done something thoughtful. Instead offering such a gesture out of reflex and love.
“Thank you, baby,” you whisper, squeezing his chin once. “Now…I want you to lie back for me, okay? Don’t want you to do anything else. Just wanna take care of you.”
His Adam’s apple bobs with a thick swallow, and you can nearly see his heart thumping against his chest. He’s on his back in seconds, obediently lying on the carpet with his focus trained on you. Eager to see what you have in mind. 
Truth be told, you’re rather eager, too. Crouching down near his ankles until you can straddle his legs.
He lifts his head off the floor in order to see you, glued to your every move while his breath hitches.
You begin to make your way up his body. Bringing your lips to the beautiful, warm skin of his thighs as you travel toward his hips. Allowing your kisses to guide you.
You hear him release a strained curse. Catching the way his chest rises and falls a bit more rapidly, as if in tune with his racing heart. And you’re going so slow, you think you might kill him. Dragging your tongue along the tattoo before flicking your eyes to his. Making sure you truly have his undivided attention.
His lashes flutter, leg twitching beneath you. “Bee…”
“Yes, baby?” Your coy innocence makes another groan reverberate from his chest. “What do you want, hm?”
“Please,” is all he has the strength to mumble, fingers twitching beside him. Desperate to weave through your hair and tug. “Lovey, please…”
“I know. But I wanna play with you a bit first, okay?” You straighten up and crawl toward the tops of his thighs, just above his dark boxers. “Gonna let me play with you, Daddy?”
Another quick nod before he drops his head back to the floor. Overcome with desire.
And you imagine you know what he thinks you’re going to do. That he’s confident in his guess as he awaits for you to confirm his suspicion.
But there’s something much more thrilling about catching him off guard. Torturing him just a little. 
Because you know he loves it.
Once you feel comfortable in your new position, you allow your hand to travel between your legs. Dancing beneath the hem of your sweater before settling atop your baby blue underwear.
Your light grazes are innocent at first. Soft strokes along the cotton fabric. Enough to earn a shiver while Harry’s eyes cement to your hand. Mesmerized by the way you touch yourself.
You hum at the faint but teasing touches. Feeling almost giddy to quench this flame. Create pleasure for yourself and allow him to watch you. See exactly how good it feels.
Then, you hook the fabric to the side, and allow him the perfect visual of your cunt.
You notice a sharp chill as the cold air nips at you, but it only aids in encouraging you further. Making you grin to yourself while you use your other hand to drag your fingers through your pussy. Slipping between your folds and up to your clit.
“Shit,” he murmurs, eyelids growing heavier. “Shit, Bee—”
You circle the sensitive nerves a few times to work yourself up. Indulging in the feel and the unexplainable relief it provides. It’s like a drug. Addicting and somehow not nearly enough.
“Baby, please—” he tries again, palms finally reaching for your thighs in an effort to touch you. At least somehow. “Fuck—”
“Thought you wanted to be good,” you say, pinching your clit until you gasp. “Thought…thought you wanted to give me anything—”
“I do,” he answers through a rushed breath. “Bee, I do. I do, please—”
“Then, I want you to watch. Want you to watch what you do to me.”
He groans again, and you can see the slight pink in his cheeks from the frigid air and the way he’s so entranced with you. “Lovey, please…”
You slip down, teasing the tip of your finger around your fluttering hole until you can feel the arousal beginning to gather. Humming while you roll your hips in tune with your hand. Riding your own fingers before you’re moving back to your clit.
“Har…” His name slips out before you can stop it. Sighing from your tongue without pause. As if it’s instinct to associate him with your pleasure. To say his name in a desperate plea for more.
You feel him squeeze your legs. Tighter than he ever has. “M’here,” he calls. “M’right here, baby. What do you need?”
Too much. “You, Har. You, always.”
He’s pulling on you now. Palms smoothing up the globes of your ass until he can practically yank you closer. “Just ask. Ask me, Bee, and I’ll give it to you.”
And you’re torturing yourself. Perhaps more than him, and you nearly whimper when you realize how badly you miss him.
So, you remove your hands from between your legs in order to reach for his boxers. Slipping inside and pulling his cock out until he lands against his stomach. Beautiful, and flushed, and leaking pearlescent drops that glisten beneath the light of the moon. 
And once it’s free, you grind down. Dragging your once more covered cunt along his shaft. Close, but not close enough. Just to provide a bit of friction and make him moan as you brace yourself against his chest.
Your nails curl into the dark material of his shirt, scraping down his stomach as you reel. It’s so much and yet not even close to satiating you. Merely taunting you with the idea of what you really want. A type of release that will never be truly satisfactory like this.
“Fuck—” A lewd moan scrapes from the back of his throat. Hands pressing hard into your hips to help roll you over his cock faster and quicker. “Gonna fucking kill me, Bee.”
You’d like to be smug, but you’re too far gone to feel anything but need. “Har—”
“Gonna cum like this, baby? S’this all it takes?”
“Look so cute, lovey. So fucking cute, using my cock to get off. Feels so good, doesn’t it? Rubbing your pretty little pussy all over me?”
Your eyes roll back, head feeling heavy as your chin drops to your chest.
Then, you feel his thumb against the only part of your clit he can reach. Pressing into it just enough to make you whimper. “Shh. It’s okay, I’ve got you. Wanna cum? Go ahead, you can cum, Bee. Make me so happy…just wanna feel you—”
And you hate how quickly it hits you. Hate that you truly thought you’d be able to edge yourself until you made him break.
But it consumes you from the inside out. Blindsiding your dominance until it sweeps you under his current. You become a trembling, shaking, moaning mess above him.
“There you go. Good fucking girl. So good…s’perfect,” he murmurs, continuing to guide you through it until you nearly collapse. “Feel better, baby?”
You nod weakly, cracking your eyes open just enough to catch his look of approval.
“Good,” he replies before a dark look seems to take hold. Hungrier than you’ve ever seen him. 
Suddenly, he’s sitting up. Forcing you to lean back as his arms loop around your waist and he’s hoisting you both into the air. Straightening back onto his feet while carrying you in his arms toward the furthest wall.
You barely get the chance to glance around before he’s dropping you onto the small window seat, right against the painted glass.
With a gasp, you collide with the cushion (which is admittedly much more comfortable than the floor), gazing up at him with surprise and wonder.
He says nothing. He can’t. He’s lost in his need for you – for your pleasure. Crouching down near your legs in order to reach for your panties and rip them from ankles. And once they’ve been tossed aside, he settles his body between your thighs, and surges forward.
His mouth is the closest to heaven you imagine you’ll ever get. Warm and wet and so expertly kind as he drags his tongue between your soaked, sensitive folds. Flicking at your clit before sucking it into his mouth with the kind of sound that makes your chest cave in.
“Har—” you whine, writhing a bit from the overstimulation and intensified pleasure. He’s chasing after your next orgasm before your first has even subsided, and it nearly wrecks you. “Shit, Harry—”
Still, he has no response. There’s no time or room to speak with the way he nips at your cunt before lowering. Letting his tongue slide inside you before pulling it back. Just enough to leave you squirming.
“Harry,” you try again, reaching out to card your fingers through his hair. Tugging with fervor until he does it again. “Fuck…please—”
His hands find your thighs. Pushing them open even further until you can feel the strain on your muscles from such a stretch. 
He’s suffocating himself. Buried in your pussy, he takes whatever he wants. Greedily swallowing you down with lascivious groans and exhales of contentment. Fingers curling around your legs, leaving bruises along your sensitive skin.
He’s insatiable. Ignoring your cries and whimpers for mercy, instead pushing you back to the brink. Making you see stars before you can prepare yourself.
You’re all over his face. Can see yourself glisten off his chin and swollen lips, the stunning stained glass windows painting ethereal pictures of him on his knees. Taking you on his tongue as though his life depends on it.
He captures your clit between his teeth and tugs. Eliciting another wounded, pitiful noise as you slump against the glass.
The second orgasm is just as powerful as the first, if not more. Because this time, he’s actually touching you. Blowing on your clit the moment he sees you begin to unravel, effortlessly dragging you into more pleasure.
You scratch his scalp so hard, you’re surprised you don’t draw blood. Practically pulling him through you while you ride his tongue and the wave of euphoria until you come crashing back down to Earth. 
“Oh, my god,” you whimper, features contorting with bliss. “Shit, H…please…please—”
But he’s far from through. Already licking the remnants of your orgasm from your quivering hole while you attempt to writhe away. The overstimulation almost painful as tears spring back to your eyes.
“Wait…wait, please,” you whisper, trying to recapture his attention by yanking on his curls and pushing your legs against his hands. “Baby, please…I need you. Need more, H…please.”
He looks up, and you see a glimmer of the moon in his eye. “What do you need more of? Hm? Tell me.”
You let your head drop back against the window, chest heaving beneath your thick sweater. “Har…can’t…I can’t, I need…need—”
“What?” he pushes. And you can hear the smug undertones as well as the reemergence of his cocky dimple. “What, baby? Tell Daddy what you need.”
And he knows what you need. He always knows, even before you do. But he wants to hear you say it. Wants to force the words from your mouth. Wants you to beg him for his cock.
With a heavy sigh, you answer, “You.”
“You already have me.”
You whine and toss your leg over his shoulder. Digging your heel into his spine to encourage him closer. “Need you to fuck me, H. Please…please, fuck me.”
His grin grows. “Well, well, well. Look at that. My sweet girl knows how to use her words after all.”
He crawls up to you, hands settling beside your hips as he leans forward.
“Doesn’t she?” he whispers, allowing his lips to ghost across yours. Teasing you with a taste of yourself. 
You feel as though you’re drowning. Unable to capture enough air in your lungs to survive, and you throw your hands around his neck to yank him the remaining two inches. 
 His tongue feels like heaven against yours. A mix of you and him that you swallow greedily. Wanting more than he’s seeming to give you.
“Please,” you try again. Releasing the ask against his cheek before nuzzling your nose under his jaw. Intoxicated by the scent of him. “Harry…”
He doesn’t have much strength to refuse you. His willpower long forgotten as he quickly obliges and grabs onto your waist to yank you to the edge of the seat.
He then lifts your leg and sets it onto the cushion, bending it at the knee to create the angle he wants. Allowing him enough room to work while he grabs onto his cock and removes his boxers the rest of the way.
Hard and heavy in his hand, he guides the tip between your thighs. Dragging it down your clit almost tauntingly before slipping in. And it’s far too easy. He disappears into our pussy almost unintentionally. Allowing your warmth to draw him in and keep him inside you.
You can’t help the smile that stretches across your face.
“Shit,” he whispers when he feels the way your walls squeeze around his length. You might be used to his size, but those first few seconds are always euphoric. “There you go…you all right, Bee?”
You nod wordlessly, reaching out for his shoulders for something to hold onto. 
“I know,” is all he says in response. Able to read your tells better than anyone ever has. “S’all right. I’ve got you.”
Once he’s fully inside of you, he offers a moment of relief. Settling there while his hands return to your hips to lift you up ever-so-slightly in order to use you the way he wants. 
“Go,” you beg, nails drawing patterns down his back. “M’okay, go. Wanna feel you. Need to feel you cum.”
“Yeah?” He draws back before driving in. Hard enough to knock a gasp from your chest. “That’s what you want? Want Daddy’s cum in this pretty pussy?”
A blissful haze begins to cloud your vision. His sinfully sweet taunt ringing between your ears. Inciting an idea and a need you hadn’t thought possible.  
“Oh…” When he realizes, that wicked look returns. “Oh, baby. You do, don’t you? Wanna be full of me. Want me to fill this sweet, little cunt until you’re dripping. Till I’m spilling out of you. All down your thighs. Down to the floor.”
You make another incoherent noise before succumbing to his hard thrusts. Falling mute and limp. 
“Want me to lick it up…just to spit it down your throat,” he continues. “Want me everywhere. In your pussy…in your tummy. Just wanna be so fucking full of me.”
Every word from his mouth is crude and delicious. Designed to torture you and it works.
Because he’s right. You do want him everywhere. Want to feel him across every inch of your skin, inside every pore, dripping from every part of your body. Want to be stuffed with him. His tongue, his cock, his cum. There’s no part of this man you aren’t infatuated by.
“Say it,” he hisses, tugging your body up higher until he can slam into you from a different position. Finding that beautiful spot that makes your toes curl while you cry out and grab onto the seat beneath you for support. “Say how much you want my cum. Beg me for it.”
You can feel the sweat dripping down your back. Can feel the exhaustion in your limbs from having to contain so much pleasure. 
And he’s careless yet practiced. Still gentle, even when he’s ramming his hips into yours. Nearly tearing you in half with the force of his cock, but with a sort of devotion you can’t explain. Even with such force, you feel relaxed. 
Almost as if this is how you were always meant to be.
And then…something faint. Distant and familiar. The sound of voices – your friend’s voices, coming from somewhere inside the house.
For a moment, you worry you’ve been caught. That they’ve found you and are ready to run screaming from the house.
But you catch pieces of their conversation. Vague and somewhat confusing. 
“—well, then, you check. I already tried—”
“—probably just looking around. Maybe they went back to their car—”
“—I’ll text her. They could be lost. This place is huge—”
They haven’t found you. In fact, it seems they’re still searching. Unaware that the two of you found the attic, and perhaps even unaware of the passageway, too.
Harry seems rather relaxed as he pauses just long enough to glance up. A look of understanding forming as he nods toward the ceiling.
You look, too.
The voices are coming from the vent. Echoing the conversation from somewhere else in the house as they walk through.
Your heart races. Because if you can hear them, that means…
He seems to consider this at the same time you do, head cocking deviously as he pulls back. “Shh,” he murmurs, thumb stroking your waist. “Gonna have to be extra quiet for me, okay?”
You take in another deep breath, another whine already bubbling up the back of your throat.
But he realizes this almost instantly. Hand coming up to press against your mouth and muffle your pathetic cry before you can make it. “Uh-uh,” he hisses, attempting to chastise but you can tell he’s amused. “Said no, Bee. Need you quiet or I stop.”
But he can’t stop. You can’t let him stop. You think if he stops, you might die. That you’ll disappear into nothing and spend the rest of your life chasing something only he can offer.
Instead, you grab onto his wrist, and keep it against your lips. Using it as an excuse to whimper against his palm and promise your attempt at silence.
And maybe he’s unconvinced. But he’s just as desperate as you are. To finish and find that serenity. To feel each other in every sense of the word.
So he takes your vow of obedience and continues. Resuming his thrusts as the sounds of voices slowly begin to fade away. 
You’re brought right back to the precipice of pleasure. Reminded yet again of why you’d do anything for him. Why he’s so addicting. Not just because of his body…but because his heart.
Shades of blue, red, yellow, and purple explode across the walls and across your eyelids. The colors rich and vibrant, accentuated by the bright glow of the moon. 
And you can see him perfectly. Can see his stunningly structured face. The ridge of his nose, the sharp edge of his jaw. The damp curls that lay across his forehead and the rosy skin of his cheeks.
You know he’s always been handsome. Not just to you, but to everyone.
But now…he’s ethereal. Because he’s not just some guy. He’s not just Harry. He’s the man you love. The only true home for your soul. Your comfort place, your future.
Your everything.
And that’s what makes him so beautiful.
When he notices your stare, something shifts. He drops his hand, and surges forward to kiss you. Throwing a stutter in his rhythm as he laces his tongue with yours. 
“Shit,” is all you manage to make out of his hushed moans. “Gonna give you everything, Bee. Gonna fill you. Keep my cum inside you forever. Fucking forever, baby. M’yours. Always.”
You can feel yourself clenching down on him. Already approaching your third before he’s even allowed himself a first. It’s a trait of his you’ve noticed he exhibits quite often. Perhaps it’s a masochistic practice or perhaps it’s his nature to want your orgasms over his own. Waiting until he’s sure you’re taken care of before he allows himself to find relief. 
Yet another one of these little things you’d be lost without.
When he realizes just how close you are, he leans back and brings his lips together. Spitting directly onto your clit before bringing his fingers into play.
“There,” he grits, inflicting quick circles against the tender, swollen nerves that make you whine. “That’s all it takes, isn’t it?”
Your body answers for you. You’re nothing but a string of noises and twitching muscles. Dissolving into your orgasm until that’s all you are. Just his victory. His perfect prize to be claimed.
You feel him watch you. Infatuated with the way you tense and squirm before you finally settle back against the glass to catch your breath.
And perhaps that’s what does it for him. Not just feeling you cum but seeing it. The physical proof of your passion written so visibly across your face. The way you soak his cock, the way you drip down onto the seat below, the way you cling to him.
He chases that sensation. Chases the way it makes him feel and the release it promises him. 
It doesn’t take long for him to finish now that he’s not holding himself back. A few quick but hard thrusts and he’s spilling himself into your pussy with a low groan, face burying into your neck.
He holds you still through every second. As close as he possibly can, even after you’re sure he’s finished. 
The emotional orgasm feels just as overwhelming as the physical one. You can’t help but wrap your arms around his body to hold him against your heart. Listening to the sounds of his strained breaths before they slowly even out. 
And he’s so happy. You know he is. Refusing to move as his cum sits inside of you. Wanting to keep it there like he promised.
You want to keep him the same way. 
“Fuck,” you hear him whisper. It seems unintelligible curse words are about all the two of you have to offer in moments like this. It makes you smile. “Think I came so hard, I blacked out.”
You giggle at this, moving to hook your leg around his middle. “I’m glad you came. Feels good.”
He turns his head so his cheek can rest on your shoulder. “Yeah? S’my cum feel nice? All warm inside you?”
And there’s something about the way he says it. Soft but secure. Teasing you and caring for you all in the same breath.
You hum.
“Got it all snug inside your little pussy, baby?” He presses a kiss to your neck. A reassuring gesture meant to reward you. “Gonna keep it for me?”
You nod fervently before clinging onto his body a bit tighter. Feeling a shiver roll down your spine – either from the cold or his response. Truthfully, you aren’t sure. 
“Hmm. That’s my good girl,” he murmurs, slipping an arm around your waist in order to hold you closer. Hugging you, almost, as he settles in your embrace. “Guess we better get going, hm?”
But you don’t like this idea. Already feeling your expression fall into a desolate pout as you suck in a sharp inhale and cement yourself to his larger frame. 
He senses this shift – this refusal – and stills. “What? What’s wrong?”
You don’t have an answer. You suppose nothing is wrong, per se…as long as he doesn’t leave. 
“Bee,” he tries again, a bit firmer. The singular nickname laced with apprehension. “Lovey, what happened, what's wrong? You know you have to talk to me, okay? Have to communicate with me—”
“Nothing,” you whisper, cutting his bargaining short. “Nothing, I just…don’t want you to go, Daddy.”
A brief pause. Silent and filled with an unspoken tension that melts into something tender. “Bee, I’m not going anywhere. Just wanna clean you up and hold you a bit. Like we always do. That’s all right, isn’t it?”
You consider this. You do love when he holds you. Especially when he runs his hands down your sore limbs. Massaging the aches away while keeping you safe in his arms.
The mere thought makes you sigh. “Promise?”
He squeezes your hip. “Always, baby.”
With that, you unhook yourself from his body, and allow him to move back. Taking himself from you almost painfully before he’s putting himself away and moving for your clothes. 
He finds your underwear and both pairs of jeans, bringing them back to you almost respectfully.
He helps you step into them, securing your panties around your waist with an impish wink and a soft, “Gonna save it for later, yeah?”
Once you’re both dressed again, he fits himself between you and the window, and places you in the middle of his lap. Your back against his chest while his palms sweep up and down your arms, easing the pains away.
“Was that okay?” he asks after a quiet moment of reflection. “Did you like what we did?”
 You drop your focus down to his hands. To the way they look on your body. You hum. Say nothing. 
In turn, he shifts, attempting to sneak a glimpse of the side of your face. “Bee, d’you hear me?”
Still, you’re silent. Trailing your finger along his knuckles and over his wrist. Entranced by him. Hypnotized.
He uses this very hand to reach for your jaw. Squeezing it just hard enough to capture your attention and turn your face to his. “Baby, you’re scaring me. Are you all right?”
You feel your frown return, chest tightening with the implication. “Scared? Why are you scared? What…what did I do?”
There’s a subtle pull in his eyebrows. Almost imperceptible but you manage to catch it before it smooths away. “Nothing, sweet girl. But I want to make sure you’re okay. That I didn’t hurt you or take things too far. And if I did, I want to know. I need to know.”
“Daddy, you never hurt me. Ever.” The frown intensifies, nearly taking control of your whole face. “Don’t say that, it makes me sad.”
Again, a flash of confusion and subtle recognition streaks behind his soft gaze. “Daddy just wants to make sure you’re feeling all right. That you feel safe and comfortable with me. Now…and before.”
“Of course I do. Always feel comfortable with you.”
You imagine he should feel relieved to hear this, and yet he sighs as he releases your jaw. “Oh, baby.”
It’s heavy the way he speaks. Akin to disappointment, but there’s a touch of sadness. Perhaps even understanding.
It breeds a constriction in your chest that feels like a snake coiling around your lungs. “What…what did I do? Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” he’s quick to whisper, tightening his hold on you. “God, no, sweet girl. Just realized something, that’s all.”
A tad reassured, you straighten up. “Oh? What?”
He nuzzles his cheek against your temple and pulls you even further into his chest. “Nothing bad, I promise. Just that I need to take extra good care of you right now.”
 He nods. “Mhm. So, what do you think, lovey, hm? Should we go home? Think we’ve done enough exploring for one day.”
Your lashes flutter, a bit startled by the switch. “We…you wanna leave?”
“I do. I wanna take you home and hold you. Properly,” he says gently, laying a chaste kiss to your forehead. “We can take a bath, get all nice and warm again. Know it’s getting cold, isn’t it?”
Truthfully, you hadn’t realized the drastic drop in temperature. But with this mention, you feel a noticeable chill dancing across the room. Can feel your breath grow icier as it leaves your lips.
“And once we’re warm again, we can crawl into bed, and just stay,” he continues. “Watch a movie, eat some snacks. Do whatever you wanna do, baby. S’that sound good?”
And it does. It sounds like heaven. Anything with him always does. “Can we please?”
He grins again before kissing your temple again. “Of course. We’ll head out now. Think you can walk or do you need my help?”
Your legs do feel a bit wobbly, but in all honesty, the idea of having him hold you all the way down is what you really want. To make sure he doesn’t take himself from you, even if you’re merely walking to the car.
Your innocent pout is answer enough, and he chuckles. “Want my help, don’t you?”
Nodding eagerly, you sit up, allowing him to slip back out from behind you and stand. Once he has, he takes your hand and pulls you to your feet, making sure to steady you when you feel a bit rocky before leading you toward the stairs.
You leave the heavenly room behind, bidding the stunning shadows adieu as you disappear down the dark stairwell. 
And you hope, if there are ghosts, that they enjoyed the show.
After you’ve returned to the spare room on the first floor, Harry strides over to the bookshelf, and tilts the Frankenstein book back just like he had before. Prompting the portrait to slide closed in the same manner as it had when it opened. Hiding the secret staircase away for the next wandering couple.
Then, he turns to you. “All right, baby, let’s go.”
He crouches down, signaling that he’d like you to climb onto his back again, and you do rather giddily. Cementing yourself to his spine as you cling to him like a koala bear, allowing him to lead you back out into the main part of the house.
You find your friends already waiting by the door, talking casually until they see you coming out from the shadows.
You feel Harry squeeze your ankles as a sign of encouragement and you sigh to yourself while cuddling closer.
“Where the hell have you been, we’ve been looking everywhere,” Jackie calls. “You just left me with these dipshits.”
Harry chuckles. “Sorry. Got a bit lost and then we started talking. Did you find the attic?”
“No,” Charlie huffs, and he sounds rather offended. “I don’t think there is an attic. Think Caleb’s just full of shit.”
“I’m telling you, it’s there,” Caleb argues. “Other people have gone up, I just don’t know how they found it.”
“Huh. Weird,” Harry muses, and you have to turn your face away to hide your smirk. “Well, listen, I think we’re gonna head out. But this was fun. Thanks for the invite.”
“Aw, really? Already? We thought maybe we’d head over to Waffle House or something,” Jackie tells you. “You know, eat a shit ton of whipped cream and syrup in the spirit of Halloween.”
To this, Harry smiles, glancing back at you as if to check for permission and see if you’re interested. But you can’t really offer him much else except a shy grin, which he seems to understand.
“I think we’re just gonna turn in for the night,” he says instead. “But you guys have fun. We’ll have to do this again for Christmas.”
The other three laugh as you call your goodbyes and allow Harry to carry you to the car. 
He sets you down by the passenger door in order to unlock it and swing it open. And once it is, he’s still ever the gentleman, helping you sit and making sure you’re buckled in before shutting the door and jogging over to his side.
As he fumbles with his keys and gets the engine started, your eyes trail up toward the top of the large mansion before you. Finding those beautiful windows once more as you bid them goodbye as well.
You feel Harry’s hand slip around yours, recapturing your attention as you look over and catch his grin. “You ready?”
You nod and squeeze his palm three times. “Mhm. Always.”
Pleased, he brings your knuckles to his lips. Leaving a lingering kiss that nearly takes your breath away. “Happy Halloween, Bee.”
And your heart has never felt so full. 
“Happy Halloween, Harry.”
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🧡🧡🧡 (or just regular old Tuesday)!!! Thank you so much for joining me for Freaky Fun and for being so kind and supportive!!! You all have my heart!! Have a safe, wonderful night filled with laughs and amazing treats!! 😭♥️
~ Full Teach Me Masterlist
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Amazing divider by @firefly-graphics! 💞
Taglist: @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @keepdrivingkisses @swiftmendeshoran @tiredinwinter @straightontilmornin @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysdaydreams @tiaamberxx @peterparker1sgf @myfavfanficsever @littlenatilda @vamprry @fdl305 @tchalametishot @ssaama @indierockgirrl @likeapplejuicenpeach @vane28282 @lukesaprince @closureesny @lc-fics @0nlythrowharrybeaux @hannahdressedasabanana @onlystylesss28 @winterrays @jessitpwk @aslugforharry @allthelovehes @straightnogayhs @adoringhrry @harrysxcarolina @lillefroe @avasversion @littlelunamoon @harrysgf01 @lexiecamposv @spinningoutwaiting4ya @hs-tpwkrry @vyctorya @b-reads-things @thiyaabs @buckybarnessimpp @whoreforjamesbuckybarnes @cherryluvhobi @mybabyh @xellybellyx @reneemunson @juliatpwk @wolfmoonmusic @buckyssbestgirl @wandasbae616 @imavirginhoe @nuggetdean @chubby-cheek-calum @itsmytimetoodream @scndsofsummer @theofficialprongs
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spider-stark · 1 year
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Our Girl
Harry Osborn x Reader // Peter Parker x Reader
Summary - You're forced into attending a gala with Peter and Harry, where your best friends unintentionally plant a tempting idea in your head.
Warnings - none that i know of. just banter with the boys and some pining on all ends.
// masterlist // forever indebted // send me your thoughts //
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“You're late.” 
PETER'S FEET came to a grinding stop in front of you, finding himself ensnared under the weight of your glowering gaze. The pointed remark had been enough to set his senses on fire, the radioactive venom in his veins having labeled you a threat as the fine hairs coating his arms began to stand on end. 
It wasn’t often that Peter found himself on the receiving end of your current tone, rarely ever being the one to tick you off enough to draw out your more menacing side. Until now, actually, he had been fairly certain that the tone had been specially reserved for Harry. 
He recognized it as a threatening sound, a subtle warning to be used whenever the Oscorp heir would speak too freely of his perverted fantasies about you. Although, now that he was thinking about it, he couldn’t remember a time that it had ever worked on Harry, with little having the capability to encourage the young Osborn to restrain himself. 
Peter wondered how Harry managed to maintain his confidence when he was the target of your irritation, especially considering that Peter’s stomach already felt like it was doing cartwheels. 
“Ah, you know how it is,” a nervous chuckle as he inched closer to your side, leaning in close so you could hear him over the loud music playing overhead, “some guy with a gun wanted to try his luck at City National bank. Figured Spider-Man could handle it quicker than the NYPD.” 
You tilted your head, brows rising slightly in agreement. “Still,” you huffed out, averting your gaze to the golden-hued liquid in your glass, “you swore you’d be here. I was starting to think I was gonna have to deal with these pricks all by myself.” 
Peter chuckled, an action that earned him another icy glare. “I’m here now, aren’t I?” His teasing comment didn’t get a reply as you worked to maintain your sour mood with him. “Besides,” he tried again, lightly nudging you with his shoulder, “even if I hadn’t come you still wouldn’t be alone. Harry’s around here somewhere, yeah?” 
You snorted loudly at his question, the ill-mannered sound causing you to receive a few dirty looks from the haughty individuals within earshot. “Oh yeah, cause he’s so much help.” you droned sarcastically, throwing back what remained of your drink before continuing, “I think I’ve already got enough rich assholes trying to get me in bed when we come to these things.” 
There were many reasons you hated being forced into these flashy galas; the music was always obnoxious, often some type of mind-numbing classical, and the hors d’oeuvres were usually things you wouldn't ever consider eating, which meant you had no choice but to starve until it was over. 
But, the most notable reason for hating them, was that the Osborn name had a nasty habit of attracting New York’s most atrocious men. They were the kind of men that didn’t just think they deserved your time, but actually felt as if they were entitled to it, and it was rare that they were willing to accept rejection. 
To Harry’s credit, though, he was just as good as Peter at keeping prying eyes and unwelcome hands away from you. The only true difference between the two boys was their approach. 
Peter—ever the gentleman—typically opted for the kill ‘em with kindness route. A sweet hand hovering over the small of your back, guiding you through the crowded Osborn mansion. He would toss out an occasional pet name whenever someone overstayed their welcome in a conversation, do you need another drink baby? or I think Harry’s looking for us, sweetheart. 
His actions served as a gentle deterrent for anyone who dared to approach you, a subtle indication that you were taken. Peter fell into the role of the perfect boyfriend with such ease, so respectable and kind. 
Harry, on the other hand, never failed to take full advantage of the situation; unwilling to waste an opportunity to stake some sort of claim on you. 
He was bolder than Peter, thin fingers traipsing along your bare thigh as you sat next to him, slowly letting them dip underneath the fabric of your dress with such jealous intent. Ocean eyes would cage the man that you’d told him wouldn’t take no for an answer, forcing him to watch as his hand slipped higher and higher. 
You had grown used to Harry’s antics, and you were also aware that he’d never take it too far. He knew how far he could go before you’d tighten the leash around his neck, only occasionally pushing past the limit just enough to get on your nerves and earn a rough slap to his chest. 
For Peter—so sweet and gentle—it was a precious moment, one in which he could let himself experience what it would be like to actually call you his. For Harry—so brash, so passionate—it was a show of dominance; an act of war, even, against anyone who dared to act as if you weren’t his. 
You rarely bothered to remind him that you didn’t belong to him—either of them—often too caught up in your own imagination. You had the power to turn both boys into little more than lovesick puppies, and they held that same power over you. 
“Better to be the rich asshole you know than the one you don’t, right?” Peter contended, reaching over to take the empty glass from your hand and place it on the tray of a passing waiter. You only lifted your shoulders at the remark, muttering a small fair enough in response, scanning over the lavish room that was filled to the brim with New York’s most elite. 
“Speak of the devil.” You mused as your gaze fell upon Harry, sauntering through the crowd with ease and making a beeline for you and Peter. 
“There’s my favorite outcasts!” Harry roared as he approached, a wide grin spreading across his face as he lazily slung an arm over each of your shoulders, effectively wedging himself between you and Peter. You hadn’t noticed the way Peter stiffened at the action, the disappointment that glimmered in his dark eyes at being pushed further away from you. 
Instead, you just rolled your eyes at the label Harry had used for the two of you, jokingly shoving his touch off of you. You hardly considered yourself an outcast, though you had to admit that these parties had a tendency to turn you into a wallflower, leaving Harry to schmooze with potential investors all on his own while you and Peter drowned yourself in his finest booze. 
Harry bounced back quickly from your teasing rejection, his hand finding its way to your body once again, this time slipping around your waist and pulling you into his side. “You’re late.” He repeated the same phrase that had left your lips just moments ago. 
Your jaw fell slack immediately and Peter already struggled to stifle his laughter, having anticipated your reaction to Harry’s claim. “He’s late!” You jutted your finger across Harry’s chest, pointing it at Peter, “I have been here for almost an hour, Har.” Another huff as you retracted your hand, arms moving to cross firmly over your chest. “Maybe you would’ve noticed I was here if you weren’t so busy flirting with half of Manhattan.” 
When you had first arrived and realized Peter was nowhere to be seen, you planned on finding Harry, so used to always attaching yourself to one of their hips. But, when you finally found the boy, he was cornered by a few heiresses that were all desperately trying to sink their claws into the Osborn fortune. 
“Aw,” Harry cooed, slender fingers playfully squeezing your side as he spoke, “jealous much?” 
You glared up at him through your lashes, but didn’t make a move to pull away from his touch this time, “Not jealous-” you corrected him, “pissed off. You’re the one that forced me to come to this thing, and then you just went off to galavant with your admirers.” 
“Galavant, eh?” His eyes narrowed, the corners of his lips twitching into a smile as he glanced at Peter. “How much has she had to drink?” 
Peter raised his palms like a white flag, relinquishing himself from any responsibility for your somewhat buzzed state. “I’m not drunk!” You swiftly declared, looking ever so slightly offended by the comment. 
Harry ignored your statement, reverting back to the previous topic, “Well don’t worry your pretty little head,” he let the arm that had been thrown over Peter’s shoulders fall, moving to lightly tap at your forehead as he spoke, finding amusement in the way your eyes narrowed at the teasing action, “you know I’ve only got eyes for you doll.” 
“God,” Peter groaned out, shaking his head at the interaction, “you’re never gonna give up, are you?” 
“And let you have her all to yourself?” Harry’s neck snapped in Peter’s direction, feigning a gasp at his best friend. “Only in your dreams, Parker.” 
“Funny you say that!” 
You lowered your head, cheeks puffing out as you exhaled loudly. “Here we go again.” You uttered to yourself, aware that neither of them would be listening to you now that they had gotten started. 
“Have you told y/n about what’s going on in your dreams lately?” Peter cocked his head to the side with a smug grin. 
It was truthfully a weak attempt to embarrass Harry, seeing as though the boy very quickly owned up to his lewd fantasies. “All the time, actually.” He hummed to himself, his tongue darting over his lips as he tried to push Peter further, “She totally gets off on it, too. Fuck, you’d love to watch the way our girl squirms when I tell her about all the nasty things I wanna do to her.” 
Our girl. 
A phrase that they both used quite often, as if they knew they’d always been forced to share you, despite the fact that each of them wanted to claim you for themselves. 
“Oh yeah.” Peter’s head bobbed alongside his words. “She’s clearly head over heels for you.” He sarcastically reassured Harry, a hand clamping against his forearm. “Not like she’s ignored all of your advances for a literal year now.” 
Of course you had. 
Ever since he returned from boarding school, Harry had tried relentlessly to win you over. While both the boys were both equally obsessed with you, Harry was always much more obvious about his affection. Of the two of them, Harry had always been the most dauntless when it came to getting what he wanted, whereas Peter tended to bottle his emotions up in fear of rejection. 
But, despite his efforts, for every advance Harry made there was a rejection waiting for him. You couldn’t pick between the two of them, couldn’t risk breaking one of their hearts by choosing one over the other. 
“I’m sorry,” a dry chuckle escaped Harry’s parted lips, the hand that wasn’t gripping your side moving to rest against his temple, “I forgot that she tells you everything that happens behind closed doors!” He quipped, smirking as he watched Peter’s brow raise at the antagonizing comment. 
“You should stop by Oscorp sometime after close,” he continued, finding far too much pleasure in the way Peter’s jaw clenched at his words, “let me know if you can hear her choking on my dick from the lobby.” 
Your hand collided with his arm, shaking your head at his perverted comment. It didn’t affect him much, though, only grinning down at you in response. 
“You’re an idiot.” Peter grumbled, shuffling his feet as he attempted to ignore the growing pit in his stomach. 
He knew that Harry was lying through his teeth, just trying to get a rise out of him. It had become a sort of game to them, both of them ruthlessly trying to get under the other's skin. Still, even knowing this, it had planted the image in his mind of you on your knees for Harry, and that was enough to make him feel sick. 
“C’mon Petey, play nice and maybe I’ll consider sharing her.” 
You stiffened at the statement, but only for a second, swiftly working to relax your muscles so Harry wouldn’t feel the way you had tensed. It still sent chills down your spine, though, evoking thoughts of your own past fantasies. 
In the past, Harry and Peter both had played a role in your dreams, their names falling from your mouth with a fervor that would make both of them weak in the knees. You loved them—both of them—and the thought of never having to pick between the boys that owned your heart left your chest feeling tight. 
“You two are being ridiculous.” You coughed out the words, shaking your head as if the action could rid your mind of thoughts coursing through it. 
Your interjection had caused Peter to back down from their little scuffle, his hands raised like a white flag to signal that he was willing to back down from the idiotic banter. He was always so quick to please you, so willing and obedient. Harry, on the other hand, was a bit more difficult, his icy gaze still fixed to Peter—as if daring him to consider the offer he made. 
So, you worked to distract him, a featherlight touch to his forearm, hoping to satisfy his constant need for your attention, your affection. But you hadn’t noticed the way Peter stiffened, unaware of the jealousy that coursed through him at the sight of you reaching for another man. 
It had worked, though, as Harry melted into your touch and let his sight shift back to you instead of his friend. “If you’re gonna force me to drown out the sound of you two being idiots then could you at least play something tolerable? What even is this shit?” You provided a change of topic, hand wildly waving towards the speaker system as you reference the pretentious classical music that blared from it. 
Harry scrunched his nose, shrugging as he spoke, “I don’t know, Beethoven?” 
“You do know that not every pianist is Beethoven, right?” Peter asked, brows raised. 
“Oh my god,” Harry threw his head back, an audible groan leaving his lips, his tone turning quiet as he gestured to the sea of people surrounding us, “who cares? Whatever it is, these old fucks eat it up, alright?” 
You let yourself laugh right alongside the two boys as the conversation shifted to something more lighthearted; your hand still resting against Harry’s arm, your gaze fixed on Peter. Still, though, the remark stuck in your head, replaying on a loop as you considered the possibility of it. 
Maybe, just maybe, they wouldn’t make you pick at all. 
a/n - here's the deal guys. my harry osborn piece i wrote? did trash in the tags cause apparently none of you are thirsting over dane dehaan the way i am. so now that means i'll be forcibly inserting him into all my peter fics because im in love with them both (i'm not gonna lie though i'd pick harry in a fucking HEARTBEAT) anyways hope you enjoyed this short lil best friend/love triangle/desperate pining blurb type thing
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 2 months
Hold onto You
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sum: Emily can’t help but love the one person that doesn’t want her
WARNING: Angst, reader x JJ for bit, jealous!emily, mentions of alcohol consumption, r and Emily live in the same complex, talks of engagement, wedding mentions, y/n injured in line of duty, hospital visits, undercover missions, Emily pretending she moved on, happy ending
(kinda fast paced, it was meant to be a series)
(Not proofread)
Based on Angelina by Lizzy McAlpine
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It had been at least 3 days since y/n had come back to her home across from Emily’s. She’s been spending so much time with JJ that even the team is a little suspicious. Emily couldn’t stop the pit in her stomach that grew with each passing hour. Y/n would always come in around this time and take over the couch while she watched some movies.
Where did you go, Angelina? Why did you take my foolish heart?
Emily had called at least 17 times in the last hour and at least a couple dozen messages. She knew JJ was quite the charmer, but she was scared of losing her, the one person she wanted bad. She’s had this crush for years now, ever since she joined the team she’s never looked at anyone else the same as she saw y/n. Sure, a few flings here and there but nothing could satify her.
She needed only one person. And that person wasn’t here.
Emily should’ve known that in the end it would be JJ. She just hoped and prayed that there would be some miracle that this event wouldn’t happen. But, of course, hope’s what kills you. She stood outside on he balcony breathing in the slightly smoky air. She hated how good you two looked so good together how it looked like they just fit together time two puzzle pieces.
She hated how JJ could make you laugh with a glance
She hated how y/n just tossed her aside
She hated how they looked at each other like they’re in love
She hated.
I should've known, Angelina I was never right for that part
Emily couldn’t stop that nauseous feeling when JJ and y/n walked in and laughed together hand in hand. Now that she was back from Interpol, she was so excited to finally talk to her, but clearly she had other plans. Heads whipped to Emily to see how she would react. But she remained stoic never even flinching. She’s endured many heartbreaks but this one was different.
With each passing day they grew farther apart, with Emily withdrawing the most, of course this upset y/n too. Because she also had quite the feelings for Emily. So, all y/n could do was fall I got the arms of JJ.
“You seem distant, Em, are you sure you’re okay?” Y/n asked, hoping and praying that she wasn’t the problem. The annoyed expression that Emily gave her said other wise though. The dark haired woman just scoffed and walked away, little did she know, she had a chance, and right now she was ruining it. She knew what she lost, she just didn’t know she hadn’t lost it just yet. So, as more time passed, Emily had made even more of a mess, exploding at a few members of the team one significant case.
“I said I got him! Y/n, come with me, I know he’s here.” Emily sternly stated, the team was spread around an enormous mansion, their unsub was somewhere in one of the secret rooms. Every single one was checked except for the one Emily and Y/n were closest too.
“Emily, he will be aggressive once we open that door, he’ll shoot as soon as he sees it move.” Y/n tried to reason with Emily, but she was too focused on revenge. The unsub had tried to target y/n of all people on the team and it pissed the older woman off. a lot.
Emily stood down and nodded her head, “you’re right, we should wait for reinforce-“
Out of instinct, Emily wrapped her arms the younger woman and fired back the unsub behind them. Turns out, he wasn’t even in one of the concealed rooms, he was right under the desk. She shot him straight in the neck, she didn’t even hesitate.
But, y/n was growing limp in her arms and she was growing worried. Looking down, y/n’s mouth was spilling out blood. Her eyes slowly closing with each passing second, Emily cursed at herself and cradled the woman she loved so desperately in her arms. “You’re gonna be okay, keep your eyes open” She screamed in the comms, with out a moment to waste she sprinted out of the office and ran down the stairs, knowing the medics were already outside.
“We have a dead Unsub in the West Wing and an agent down!” She screamed into the comms, they all replied, moving toward the office being cautious of any other partners he may have in the mansion.
Emily felt a lump in her throat as they took y/n away, JJ raced out trying to get to y/n. “Agent, only immediate family is allowed”
“I’m her girlfriend, now, let me in.” They finally agreed, knowing she wouldn’t let it go. Emily felt her stomach drop, her what? No, no, no, this wasn’t supposed to happen! But she expected it from the moment she found out that y/n had been sleeping at JJ’s more frequently. That still didn’t get rid of the dread and anger she felt.
Tara stood behind her placing a hand on her shoulder, when she needed somebody she confided in Tara. With the new promotion Emily got, she seemed to be more on edge than ever. “They’ve been dating since you left for Interpol, but y/n still liked you then, Em”
She fought back tears that threatened to fall. “I’ve never wanted someone so badly” she whispered, as the ambulance sirens grew farther away, the lights soon disappearing. The life she could’ve had leaving with it.
Emily had never felt more alone than when she saw JJ sitting on y/n’s bed, the two looked smitten as they smiled, laughing about who knows what, she stood outside watching as JJ kissed her so sweetly even Emily got a tooth ache. As y/n lifted her hand to JJ’s face, Emily saw a stone glitter under the bright light. That’s when she knew.
Oh, so I guess the wedding I'll never be getting Will live in the back of my mind
JJ had walked into the bullpen second, right after Emily, that morning looking tired, Emily walked up to her and smirked, trying to lighten the mood for her. As much as she wanted y/n she couldn’t get in the way of her happiness.
“Long night with the missus, huh?” Emily chuckled leaning against JJ’s desk, “Yeah, we broke up, on good terms but still hurt y’know”
Emily could’ve screamed, she stood with her mouth ajar, a little hope bubbling in her chest, but she couldn’t do that to JJ. She wouldn’t just sweep y/n off her feet the moment she was available.
“She said it was because of a classified mission she was offered to do” JJ bit her lip, “Plus, we already were looking at other people before so, we’re just good friends” Emily thoughts stopped at the mention of a ‘classified mission’. She wasn’t notified that any of her agents would be going on any projects.
Without saying another word, Emily immediately went up to her office going through her files trying to find some thing, anything that she missed. It was only then when a knock sounded from her door that she felt her stomach drop, it now felt like an all too familiar feeling.
Y/n didn’t need to say anything, she knew from Emily’s facial expressions. She wasn’t exactly the best at hiding it from her of all people. There was no need for verbal exchanges, it was just them, for once, it was just them.
“I’m sorry. I leave tomorrow.” She apologized, lowering her eyes, clutching her necklace to her chest. “I know how much pain I’m causing you, I thought it would be better this way. We would be better this way.”
I never loved you more than when you said goodbye 'Cause maybe I knew that love wasn't honest if you had to lie I never loved you more than when you walked away 'Cause maybe I knew, Angelina, you'd never stay
She couldn’t forget that last kiss to the cheek. The last wave goodbye and the empty feeling once she was finally gone.
The mission allowed Emily to rethink about what has happened since her return from Interpol and her new position as Unit Chief. As much as she loved y/n, she couldn’t live her life in sorrow. So, she moved on.
Much to Tara’s surprise, one night might’ve changed it all. The abrupt phone call wasn’t abnormal especially from Emily. But, it was quite late. “Em? What is so urgent that you FaceTime me at the ripe hour of 11:49?” She questioned, walking into the living and turning on a lamp, her girlfriend, Abby was fast asleep in their bedroom, so Tara had a hushed tone.
“I need to tell you. I’ve moved on, from y/n, I mean” Emily said, but there was a hint of sadness to it. “You’re kidding, right?”
“No, I found someone, she’s sweet and she’s not y/n, but it’s better than nothing” She grinned, it had been almost 7 months and y/n hadn’t returned from her mission.
It had been a grueling 7 months at that, Emily felt like her heart had been ripped out and placed back, every time. Now, it had been ripped out again, but it never came back, she felt an emptiness where it was supposed to be. She’d spend more time doing nothing in her room than actually doing anything. It seemed like she wasn’t there, she was just a fog that wandered the earth.
People would tell her that she can’t be acting like someone just died, but she couldn’t help it. She was grieving the life she wanted to have. All she needed was y/n. She would gladly sacrifice anything for her. There was nothing she wouldn’t do.
She waited for weeks, months, but not a word from y/n. She stayed up at night wondering if she was okay, alive, even.
Are you coming home, Angelina?
She waited for a long time, until she meant Margot. She looked like y/n so it was easy to pretend. She knew it was wrong, she knew that leading her on wasn’t right. Yet, she still did it.
So, they dated, they had a good enough relationship to where Emily started to stop seeing y/n in Margot. She was content, she was okay with what she had.
I think I'm done trying to hold on to you
It wasn’t long after that y/n had returned a couple bruises and scratches, and the first person she fled to was Emily. It was like all the walls she had built up again came crashing back down and Tara knew, out of everyone who was in the Bullpen, she knew.
It wasn’t until then that they realized how much Margot looked like y/n, it was an almost perfect comparison. But in the end, Emily would always pick y/n. It was like their souls were always destined to meet each other no matter where they went, in any universe they’d find each other in life and death. But, it just seemed like in this one they couldn’t work out.
I think you should know, Angelina
The team was out celebrating after a big case, one where everyone brought their beloved, and to everyone’s surprise Emily had brought Margot. They were all throughly impressed at how dedicated she was to moving on, but deep down, Emily would’ve switched in a heart beat. She felt a deep regret about how she was leading Margot on, the void in her heart was too deep to fill.
So, she grabbed what she could and stuffed it in her heart pretending that she was fine with it.
From afar, as she did for the longest time, she watched y/n. Her chest tightening at that sickly sweet laugh. Emily wanted so badly to just walk over there and talk to her, but she felt as if what they had was already too far gone.
That I'd probably fall again if you wanted me to
“You know, Emily, I…I love you..”
And she said I love you so I said it back
“I love you too, y/- uh-, Margot” Emily plastered a smile on her face, one that Margot knew was fake, even she could see it from a mile, even she realized faster than the two combined.
But I wished she was you
“I thought you’d screw up and almost say her name, Em. You love her just say so, I could see it from the moment she’s in the room.” Emily lowered her head, knowing the lecture she was about to receive was too true.
“You aren’t mine. You were never mine, and…I’m okay with that”
“Go love her.”
Emily shivered in the rain, her hair soaked as she sprinted up the stairs and banging on y/n’s front door, she desperately hoped she wasn’t too late. After all, that’s all she’s been doing anyway, desperately hoping.
She wrapped her arms around herself, she could just turn around and walk into her own apartment. But she stood her ground and waited, as she door lock clicked open, it revealed the face that Emily needed to see that whole night.
“Em? You’re soaking! Why aren’t you home? You’ll catch a cold, get in here!” Y/n exclaimed, stepping aside to let her inside and lock the door behind her. “You are home..” Emily mumbled weakly, her tears now mixing with the rain on her cheeks, “what?” “Maybe I should call Margot, are you drunk?” Y/n quipped, placing her on the couch and running to grab some fresh clothes and a towel.
“No! Don’t call her!” Emily pleaded, her eyes bloodshot as she stared up at the woman she loved so dearly.
Y/n simply nodded and gave Emily her peace as she changed. It was quiet in the apartment, it was big, so big in fact it felt lonely. Like there hadn’t been company in a long while. The couch dipped next to her, she didn’t dare look at y/n. “I know that you don’t like me anymore, but you can talk to me I’ve always wanted you”
“Then why date JJ? Why did you leave me?” Emily snapped back
“Because you took up every fiber of my being, so much so that I couldn’t even do my job right! Then, when it got too much, to the point I couldn’t be in the same room as you, unless I wanted to feel like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. That’s why I left.” Y/n voiced filled with anguish, her stomach doing flips as her tears steamed down her face.
“Y/n…I love you..” Emily mumbled, but y/n heard her all too clearly, her breath caught in her throat. “You have Margot..don’t do this to me, Emily. Not now.”
The desperation that Emily felt now was nothing compared to when y/n first got with JJ. “No, I broke up with her, I couldn’t keep pretending she was you! No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep myself from wanting you.”
Y/n sniffled, she wanted Emily so bad, but she’d been hurt so many times. Yet, you could never know if you didn’t try.
“Then, I suppose we could try us”
This was in my drafts for a while! Thought I might as well post!
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metalbvcky · 2 months
Recently I've been in this "we need to find our next big multi-chap WIP" mood since I'm insanely close to finishing up writing Aster, and my brain is torn between two options
1) Doctor Steve + Patient Bucky, Modern AU, rich kid Bucky who's like, "I have an unknown illness that no one seems to understand, a father who wants me to pursue real estate, and a desire to find love in the hopeless shithole known as my own separate wing of my parents' mansion."
2) Post TWS recovery fic, Steve getting Bucky back and the two growing and rediscovering each other, possibly with Avengers missions and Bucky feels and all that
The first I already have a planning doc going (for two years now!!) with several notes and ideas, yet the second I only thought of recently. What's the deal, brain? I've been wanting to write that doctor/patient AU for so long now and I feel like I might be able to tackle it after After (there's also the uh, wedding fic, god knows how long that'll be) yet I'm suddenly in the mood for canon typical violence and Winter Soldier Bucky??? lolol
So yeah. Anyway, this is just a lil brain dump rant because I'm being tossed around with all these ideas and need somewhere to get em out. Toying with ideas is fun, and even though I've never written a TWS longfic (it's on the bucket list), I'll probably stick to reading xD
But while I'm here, I'm a bit curious, even though I stick to writing what the loudest muse tells me to
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fallensnowfan · 7 months
The second half of One Piece Academy Chapter 39 is up!
Chapter begins with Hyouta(Lucci,) is grilling Klahadore about the way he pushes his glasses up, drawing a comparison to the way "Captain Kuro" does it.
Klahadore deflects the Kuro comparison and says it's simply more convenient for him to push his glasses up the way he does. Lucci doesn't seem convinced and keeps pressing the connection.
Zoro, Usopp, and Sanji are nearby and begin saying the connection may be there, leading an upset Kaya to confront them about it and says that there is no way Klahadore could be Kuro.
Cut to some guy showing up, along with Jango, then boldly proclaiming that he is Captain Kuro and that he loves plans. Jango is playing along. Lucci seems skeptical though goes over to Jango and the guy acting as Kuro, greeting them.
Something I noticed with this update, Lucci's full undercover name seems to be Hattori Hyouta. Bwahaha that's amazing.
We jump ahead in time a bit to the Black Cat Pirates meeting up and talking more about their plans, plus what they want to eat for dinner. Seems they decided to go to a place with pasta and a drink bar.
The next day, Class 1-1, Kaya, and Klahadore go to some tower that Kaya used to visit often I believe. The text is very small.
Some big guys are waiting at the top of the tower and attack Usopp, Kaya, and Klahadore. Usopp and Klahadore attack and send em' flying off the tower. The action looks pretty cool. The rest of Class 1-1 arrive soon after, tossing Usopp and Klahadore off the tower as well… not.
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Did I get you? They actually throw them up and down into the air to celebrate in a really fun page.
The Student Council(cp9) head to the tower that night and investigate for clues to connect Klahadore to Kuro.
The next day, Kaya invites Class 1-1 to her mansion where they have a feast, hang out, Nami, Koby, and Vivi do some studying, Chopper is with Marco(who is just casually holding a pineapple, as one does,) and Law.
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Chapter ends with Kuro grumbling about how none of this is part of his plan. Aww don't be such a sour grape, Kuro. Everyone is having fun.
Next update will be the 7th/8th of December!
Bonus edits below the cut, if you're interested in sticking around this post for a bit longer.
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toujokaname · 21 days
Game master / Episode 4
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Author: Akira
Characters: Rinne, Hiiro, Niki, Kohaku, Aira, HiMERU, Tatsumi, Mayoi
"It's sad that you can say that so innocently, Otouto-kun."
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[ Read on my site for a better viewing experience using Ois~su ♪ ]
Season: Winter
Location: Amagi's House
Ten minutes later. In a luxurious mansion at the center of Amagi Village, the guest room.
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Rinne: Well, go ahead and eat your fill ♪
Hiiro: My hometown... Did we decide on calling it Amagi Village? Here's some local cuisine made with the Amagi Village's specialties ♪
Niki: Looks like it's finally time for me to show my true colors.
Kohaku: That's not somethin' ya say with the most serious face of the century.
Aira: Waah, looks amazing~♪ And delicious~♪
But actually, is it safe to eat? No human flesh or anything, right?
Hiiro: Aira's prejudice against my hometown has been intense since a while ago...
Niki: I think it's safe~ *Sniff sniff* Don't smell anything weird in the mix.
HiMERU: You're bizarrely dependable when it comes to meals, Shiina.
Rinne: Sorry to disappoint, but these ain't exactly rare ingredients and dishes, are they?
Tatsumi: Indeed, it doesn't seem like there's anything too unfamiliar.
Hiiro: Umu, so if you were expecting some exotic cuisine, I apologize.
The kitchen really put in a lot of effort, though, since you're our guests.
Rinne: Out here in the sticks, it'd be downright rude not to lay out a spread so big you can't possibly eat all of it.
Anyway, that's how you show your guests that the village and household are rich.
Mayoi: Truly, the amount of food is enormous... I might be unable to finish it.
Niki: If there's any leftovers, just toss 'em into my mouth, Mayo-chan! C'mon, c'mon ♪
Mayoi: Eep, please don't open your mouth like a goldfish right in front of me! It's frightening to think you might eat me too!
Kohaku: Watch out, 'cause when he's hungry, he'll really take a chomp outta ya.
Rinne: Alright, let's cut the chit-chat there.
We'll revisit our current status and talk about future plans.
I know it's bad manners to talk while eating, but I'm the law here, so no one's gonna complain.
Niki: —Seconds, please ☆
Rinne: Fine. We've got plenty of ingredients, but don't go pulling embarrassing stunts like eating up everyone's share, Niki...
Well, it's fine. As long as you're full and smiling.
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Rinne: But first, we need to have a conversation before Akan-san and the other staff, meaning those who aren't idols, join us.
HiMERU: ? What, is there something you don't want the producers to hear?
Rinne: Akan-san's a bit of an airhead, so I ain't too worried on that front. But Anzu-chan, for all her spacey vibes, seems surprisingly sharp, right?
She's one of the top-notch producers at ES, so we can never be too careful.
Aira: Anzu-san might be on our side though, depending on how things play out...
Rinne: I can't trust her that far. No matter how good she is, there are many restraints placed on professionals and members of society.
They can't go against orders from higher-ups, basically.
Hiiro: Umu, orders from authority figures are absolute! So there ♪
Rinne: It's sad that you can say that so innocently, Otouto-kun.
But whatever—bottom line is, things haven't changed just 'cause we changed locations.
It's still a showdown between Crazy:B and ALKALOID to decide which idols are superior—Matrix.
The only difference is whether it takes place in ES's turf or the Amagi Village. The premise remains the same; keep the matches rolling until all ten rounds are up.
Tatsumi: It's disheartening to admit that as ALKALOID, we've yet to win a single battle...
Aira: Yeah... Rinne-senpai pulled some shady tactics to end the first and second matches, and Crazy:B totally owned the dance-off in the third.
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HiMERU: HiMERU deeply regrets what occurred back then.
Tatsumi: Indeed, I never could've imagined that the gift HiMERU-san innocently brought would contain laxatives.
HiMERU: To offer an excuse, HiMERU was also deceived by Rinne and used as a convenient tool.
Kohaku: Rather irksome he didn't use Niki-san or me, since we could've smelled the laced laxatives, but I admit it was shrewd.
HiMERU: Yes. It was all a scheme by Rinne; HiMERU is innocent, as it lacked malicious intent. ...Well, he did have a vague suspicion that it was some sort of setup.
Rinne: Gyahaha, winning feels great, so we just need to win ♪
HiMERU: It is rather gratifying to witness our wins accumulating steadily, however...
If this situation continues, our final victory will be confirmed too early, and the program will be less exciting—That's the dilemma we're facing.
Tatsumi: Hence, the decision was made to relocate the showdown to the Amagi Village. That's our current situation.
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HiMERU: Please don't steal HiMERU's remarks, Tatsumi.
Tatsumi: My apologies...♪
Rinne: Yeah, that's right. For the first time in history, cameras will be rolling in our hometown—in the Amagi Village. And it seems that not just the general public but also folklorists are gettin' real excited about it.
Mayoi: As long as the fans enjoy themselves, that's usually all that matters, in our case...
Hiiro: Umu. Though it doesn't quite resonate with me. I'm wondering what's so intriguing about it.
But is it a problem? Nii-san, did you get reprimanded for breaking the taboo of keeping our homeland secret as per our customs?
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Aira: Customs...♪ Taboos...♪
Mayoi: Aira-san's eyes are sparkling in response to the traditional village words...
Tatsumi: Does this boy like or dislike traditional villages...?
Aira: But, but, isn't there a bit of a thrill in seeing something scary? ♪
Plus, it's not just curiosity, but also 'cause I'm happy to know about Hiro-kun's hometown, which I've always wondered about.
It's unfair that I'm always the one teaching and revealing things.
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Hiiro: Fufu. If that's how it is, you won't have any chance to flex on me this time, Aira. I wonder if you're alright with that ♪
Aira: What was that?! Don't use city slang(?) like "flexing," barbarian!
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sundove88 · 2 years
Shonen Jump Power Linkage: The Republic of Heroes Linkers
Did I decide to make even MORE Shonen Jump Power Linkage characters? Yes. And they all are equally powerful!
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Lucy Carson (Allen Walker): “If you have an Akuma in your body already, why can’t you Just talk to other ones?” (Spectral Business) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Lucy has a good case of PTSD, with her parents dying in a car accident when she was only very young. She survived and now currently lives with her aunt and uncle in Dallas, Texas.
She loves murder mystery books and desires to be like a great detective just like her idol, Sir Donovan Phoenix.
She and Allen Walker linked while she was visiting a bookstore near to her home, and just as it started to rain heavily and show no signs of stopping.
Catherine Luxe (Lala Satalin Deviluke): “Ya know what a rich girl like me does in her spare time? Volunteer and help out around town!” (Heart of Solid Gold) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Catherine is the only daughter of a wealthy businessman, and takes after her father’s philanthropist ways. She and her family live in a mansion in Seattle, Washington.
Although she has a love for the fine things in life, she does often volunteer and help out around the town, spreading her voice for all the right reasons.
She and Lala linked when Catherine was busy organizing her bedroom, albeit putting away some of her fashion dolls and awards that she earned through contests.
Jane Pinkett (Chitoge Kirisaki): “Apparently I do love my waffles with extra toppings and yummy fruits. And for you?” (Most Important Sweets of The Day) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jane and her family run a breakfast cafe in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. They’re known for their extra fluffy waffles with whipped cream, maple syrup, French butter, and fresh berries piled up high.
She created one of the cafe’s best selling products- The Cross-Omelette. It’s an omelette that has all the fillings stuffed into a freshly baked croissant with any type of sauce available.
She and Chitoge linked when the cafe was close to closing, and while she was planning out a new recipe to serve at the cafe- said recipe was a latte, with the foam in the shape of a baby chick.
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Michael Keller (Kenshiro): “This heart of gold has never rusted and never will anyway!” (A Heroic Comeback) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Michael is an adult businessman hailing from Mystic, Connecticut. And since he lives there; not only does he like helping out the folks in his town, but also visiting the aquarium.
He has done weight training, and especially with extra large ones. He prefers 20 ton weights to 50 tons, though; as he can’t handle them that much.
He and Kenshiro linked when he was on his way to work- only for a Despairius to nearly attack him and throw him off guard. Kenshiro took out the fiend and the rest is history.
Jesse Kim (Toriko): “Alrighty! Now you toss' em in- It’s that easy!” (Heir to The Restaurant) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jesse lives in Edgewater, Florida, and he helps his Korean-American family run their local cat cafe. He often helps with the cooking, and loves the pastries best.
His favorite food of all time is Tteokbokki, or spicy rice cakes. He often makes them with extra fish cakes, cheese, and eggs; plus a dash of ramen noodles.
He and Toriko linked when the latter was looking around Edgewater for new foods to eat. Jesse invited him into his cafe to escape the pouring rain, and they immediately formed the bond.
Aidan St. Cloud (Luckyman): “No way! I never get this many arcade tickets! I must be dreaming or something like that!” (Lady Luck on My Side) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Aidan comes from San Diego, California; and he loves the summer sun and everything about it. Plus, his family was lucky enough to win tickets to SDCC, and he’s been there every summer. Plus, he’s on the autism spectrum.
Because his family has been blessed with insanely good luck, ironically he has a pet black cat named Clover. He considers her to be a source of good luck, and even added a Chinese lucky knot to her collar.
He and Luckyman Linked when Aidan felt as if he was unable to win a prize from the claw machine; and as such, Luckyman gave him that much needed boost.
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Gary Limestone (Tatsumi Oga): “I’ve interacted with tons of babies, but Beel is just the embodiment of adorableness!” (Not So Demonic Baby) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Gary hails from Reine, Norway, and often serves as a babysitter for the younger kids of the village. He loves to help them out, play with them, and often give them treats when they behave well (His cloak was inspired by Sherbet Cookie)!
The kids he babysits often leave drawings for him to thank him for his help; and he’ll often put them in his scrapbook so he can remember the kids in the future.
He and Tatsumi linked when he was notified about a family that needed babysitting, but in reality was a call for help from Director Lumi.
Donna Toussaint (Souma Yukihara): “Only the French know the secrets to culinary perfection, but still the sweets reign supreme.” (Parisian Perfection) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Donna is from Southern France, and she has always yearned to go to Paris; but for now she is baking macarons and pastries in the family bakery, albeit with their recipe dating back to the great grandparents of the family.
Her favorite pastry to make is vanilla bean cream puffs, especially since she gets to fill them with tasty whipped cream and her favorite strawberries.
She and Souma linked when she was making the family cream puffs to sell, and Souma immediately took the first one- love at first bite in an instant.
Rex Dennington (Tsunayoshi Sawada): “You’re part of a mafia organization? Because if so, life’s a bit wild.” (Family of Hitfolks) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Rex is from Vancouver, Canada; and he loves reading about Italian mafia drama- his father’s side of the family is Italian; and he often hums The Godfather theme when not busy (His hair was also inspired by Sherbet Cookie)
Speaking of his father’s side of the family, he often goes on an annual trip to Naples, Italy, where that side of the family mostly lives. They often bring back tons of souvenirs.
He and Tsunayoshi linked on one of said trips, and when he was running from some Despairiuses disguised as his family. Luckily, Tsunayoshi stepped in and got him away before the Despisriuses could attack.
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Cara Plitkin (Arale Norimaki): “Say, wanna go to the arcade? I’ll race you there!” (Arcade Heroines) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Cara is from Newton, Massachusetts, and is a very happy go lucky girl. She loves to doodle in her sketchbook, and will often trick her parents into eating the desserts that she bakes herself.
Her favorite hobby is collecting fun stickers, but she loves making them even more with her parents’ sticker machine.
Arale and her linked when Cara was at the mall and she nearly got lost. Luckily, Arale linked with her and she managed to find her parents.
Medusa Arwen (Senku Ishigami): “Ironically, I’m named after a snake lady who turns people to stone. But this is great!” (Set in Stone) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Medusa Arwen hails from Santorini, Greece, and has a love for Greek mythology. She was named after Medusa, a mythical monster with snakes for hair and a gaze that can turn anyone into a statue. (Her hair was inspired by White Lily Cookie)
She actually lost her left arm in a car accident, and thus was given a prosthetic arm that has the patterns of a snake. This also connects to her namesake of Medusa, who is not only half snake, but also has the iconic snake hair.
She and Senku linked when the former was working on a statue of the goddess Athena, and Senku immediately took notice of the girl.
Lance Reddan (Kuroko Tetsuya): “It’s been my dream to play in the All Star League- I’ll definitely seize that chance!” (Welcome to The Jam) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Lance is from Buffalo, NY, and he is a huge fan of basketball and chicken wings alike. Plus, he has driven his team to victory more than one time, earning him the title of “Truest MVP” for the school he attends.
He is a big fan of sports movies such as Space Jam, and it’s what inspired him to play basketball and join the school team as a whole.
He and Kuroko linked when he was taking a break from a game, and Kuroko saw the opportunity to meet him. Lance also took said opportunity, and the rest is history.
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thethrillof · 1 year
sorry about this random ask but i'm finding myself at a loss for tumblr etiquette after a lot of time away and i know that changes for person to person anyway so i'm just buckling down and asking mutuals in the spirit of media exchange: what would you say is your personal approach for introducing people to media you're currently interested in and what is your preference for how other people should approach you with new media? to put it another way, if someone wanted to gauge your interest in something, what would be the best way to test the water?
and for funsies, what are your current media interests you'd recommend or like to share?
no worries! fling whatever you want in my asks, i just can't promise i'll get to 'em fast, lol.
hmmmmmm. i fall in love with things hard and fast, so it's hard to be able to test the waters, especially when it's. kind of random. (ex, the haunted mansion ride at disney! i have never been to a disney park and usually don't care about haunted house shit And Yet somehow i got into it.)
when i'm introducing people to something i literally just infodump, lol. talk about my favorite things from it, and things i think whoever i'm showing it to would find interesting in particular. and i like when my friends ramble to me about their favorite whatevers too!
although the doofiest legit cheat sheet thing is just. roleplay. toss a character from whatever-it-is at one of my muses, even if the scenario's a super obscure au thing that wouldn't make any sense without a lot of handwaving, and it's 90% guaranteed to at least get invested in that other character.
...i don't actually have any general media to recommend, but if you like extremely difficult metroidvanias or don't mind cheating (like i do lol) i've been into hollow knight.
ofc. /gestures to most of my blog/ story of bugs, a ruined kingdom, slowly uncovering a huge tragedy in those ruins, exploring the place and also others' assumptions of the player character and others like 'em. and a lot of angst and room for playing around in hurt/comfort and the like :V
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ravenwitch45 · 2 years
Can you do a part 2 of adopted Amity with Moxxie and Millie?
Okay first of all I am so sorry this took so long to write. I have no excise but I finished it and I'm pretty proud of it to be honest. I hope you like it.
AboM&Mable Family
“Why are we here again? I had a full night of napping planned”King said peeking out of Eda’s hair, looking up at the mansion they were in front of, with a black bow tie around his neck
“King, Amity invited me to properly meet her family and I thought you guys could come along since you know… your my family”Luz explained awkwardly, dressed in her grom attire as it was the fanciest thing she had
“We’re very flattered Luz, I appreciate you inviting us along.”Lilith said caringly, wearing her old black dress paired with a blue blazer “Yeah but we already know the blights, know em and hate em”Eda noted in her usual dress paired with a black blazer
“Edalyn, the children were adopted remember, I’m fairly sure you won’t run into Odalia here”Lilith explained “Well okay then, I don’t think I’ll get drunk on apple blood then” Eda stated with a snort making her dark haired sister roll her eyes “Though I will say this manor is quite familiar, I can’t quite put my finger on it though…”Lilith said, eyeing the manor and it’s many celestial decor elements with suspicion as Eda walked to the glass door “Let’s just knock on the door alrea-”The criminal said but putting way too much force into it making the Glass shatter where she hit it
“E-Eda!”Luz exclaimed in shock��Heh, sorry guess my harpy strength kicked in, but hey, no need to wait we can just come on in now.”Eda said reaching in and opening the door from the inside “Edalyn that’s a crime”Lilith deadpanned, clearly used to her sister’s shenanigans
“So is a regular tuesday, now let’s meet these people”Eda said walking in anyway, making Lilith reluctantly follow her probably to make sure she didn’t get into more trouble, Luz following her aunt nervously
“Oh Amity’s family is going to hate us…”
The Owl gang walked further into the house, coming to a large room with a staircase to the second floor with multiple doorways leading out out into the house, too many for them to guess where to go “Now where are they?”Eda asked looking around suspiciously“Yeah, are you sure this is right Luz?” King, just as suspicious as his mother as he turned to his Sister “It should, I triple checked the address, maybe we’re ear-” Luz said pulling a her scroll out of her jacket to check but didn’t get the chance before a familiar voice yelled out startling her
“Blitz!”Her girlfriend’s voice yelled before a Red Imp with white markings on one side of his face ran out of one of the hallways carrying a mixing bowl and whisk in his arms, followed quickly by Amity herself chasing after them
“I’m making it better and you know it!”The Imp yelled jumping over the stair railing right before Amity could grab onto the end of their horns “But That's too many fairies! Just let me do it!” The young witch said trying to catch The Imp with an abomination tendril, which they avoided by jumping on top of the other railing with impressive balance as Edric walked out from where they came from “Why does this happen every time we come over?”He asked as his mother came out behind him conjuring a mass of abomination goo
“Because your uncle can’t leave well enough alone, now get back here”Millie said sending her creation after the fellow Imp, it launching itself off the ground at them, only for them to roll of the railing to avoid it making the mass slam into a wall “Nope, I am gonna make the BEST fairy pie any of you have EVER had!”They exclaimed proudly pointing at his pursuers“Blitz theres enough Fairies in that dough to form a mob, so just-”Millie said beginning sending her mass back at them before they suddenly tossed the bowl and whisk into the air, before flipping into the air, completely clearing the attack before landing gracefully, catcing the bowl and whisk like it was easy “Nope!” They said before Moxxie came out of the door way looking furious
“Sir, could you make this an easy night for once?!”The bard yelled, which didn’t seem to phase the other Imp, only rolling their eyes
“Dad, you know just as well as us he won’t”Edric stated, making his father sigh, before he just leaned on his much taller son’s leg “I know…”
“Wow, thanks for the workout guys, this is great.”The Acrobatic Imp stated with a wide smile, and Amity’s eyes widened as she took control of her Mother’s abomination mass turning into a grasping hand“J-Just give us back the mixing bowl!” Amity shouted as the hands dived for it’s target, the Imp barely dodging out of the way, the hand slamming into the ground with bang, it quickly turning back to mush as Amity gasped, probably not meaning to put that much effort into it
“Wow your getting really str-AAh!”The Imp began before a shadow zoomed out of the doorway at him, lifting him into the air as it swirled around him before forming into a tall, but more humanoid shape, but before it could fully The Imp frantically flipped the mixing bowl into the face of who was once the shadow, the bowl falling to the ground with a clang, revealing a red eyed owl demon’s face, completely covered in gooey brown batter
“Oh shit! Stolas I am so sorry, It was instinct, I didn-”The Imp said in a panicked tone before the owl laughed light heartedly “It’s fine dear, This will wash right out, though I think you're ‘little experiment’ is a bust”They said still chuckling a little “Oh well,  it would have been great thou-”The Imp said with a smirk before he was interrupted
“Okay, now that that’s settled Let’s just clean up and make something before Luz get’s he-”Amity interjected only to not be able to finish either as her Sister walked up to her “Uh, hate to break it to you Mittens, but-”Emira said pointing out the unknown audience who witnessed that entire thing, The Lilac haired girl’s face turning red “Aah!”
“Luz! Your here, and…Early!”Amity said, nervously walking up to her girlfriend, looking like she was about to combust
“There actually on time dear.”The Owl demon noted via spectral clock, after he had used a handkerchief to clean himself off “Wait what? We don’t have anything, What are w-”Amity panicked, seeming like she was about to hyperventilate before Luz put her hands on her shoulder
“Amity it’s okay, I mean if you came over to the Owl House it would probably be even more crazy.”Luz noted with an awkward chuckle
“She is right, there's chaos everyday in that house”Lilith added with a shrug as the Owl’s eyes widened in recognition “Hold on a moment, Lilith is that you?”They questioned making Lilith turn to them and her eyes did the same “Stolas? Well this is quite a surprise, it’s been so long since…well anything”Lilith said a little awkwardly walking up to him, The owl a good few feet taller then anyone in the room
“You know this guy?”King asked, still in his mother’s hair, Eda rolling her eyes fondly
“Me and Lilith had a bit of a rivalry back in our schooling days, we had a competition to see who could ace their class more”This “Stolas apparently stated proudly “Which I won by the way.”Lilith said even prouder “It was a tie, you only aced one more test cause potions had two finals”The Owl pointed out  “Still won”Lilith insisted making Stolas narrow his eyes in slight annoyance “And I don’t even think I need to assume you know who is still getting into trouble”Eda stated before The Mixing Bowl Thief climbed up around Stolas with ease that only came with experience and exclaimed “You sure don’t!”With a fanged grin
“Luz, King, behold my partner in trouble making crime, The Amazing…”Eda began before her eyes widened, before turning back to the Imp“Wait, didn’t you change your name a little?”
“The O is silent now”They clarified, causing Eda to continue “Ah yes, the Amazing Blitz. You wouldn’t believe some of the pranks we pulled.”The Owl lady said with a snort
“Like replacing the normal cafeteria gunk with potion gunk. The school healer had to work overtime that week”Stolas noted with a fond smirk looking at his partner “Ugh, that was awful.”Moxxie groaned
“Well it wasn’t that bad.”Eda said with a shrug “I was breathing fire, Edalyn.”The Bard deadpanned “But it was funny, you have to admit that, right Mox?”Blitzo said proudly “For titans sake, You two are worse together then apart.”Moxxie relented before his wife pecked him on the cheek significantly improving his mood
“So much Mysterious Past! Why didn’t you guys tell me you knew Amity’s family?”
“Well it was more her Uncles that we knew I guess… You are her uncles right?”Eda asked, receiving a thumbs up from her old friend “They were more friends of friends, and we both kinda lost touch after, well you know.”The Outlaw Witch finished dismissively
“I never really got to know them, I was friends with The Kids Bio father and when his marriage fell through and he wanted someone to take care of them, well what can I say Me and Moxxie made the best decision of our lives.”Millie said pulling in her youngest daughter and husband for a hug “Twins get over here, you're gonna have to kneel down cause it’s hard to hug you since I’m so short.”She continued, the twins doing as they were told joining on the hug in a very wholesome sight.
“Aww… there so happy.”Luz said, feeling like she would faint from the feels, which was simply not what her mother felt “It’s cute but I feel sick, Do you have apple blood here?”Eda deadpanned 
“Oh we’ve got stronger if you need it Eda.”Blitzo said with a smirk
“I don’t want to get too tipsy, so regular should be good, I’ll just have some real quick, King stay with Luz for a bit.”Eda said, making King hop out of her hair and onto Luz’s shoulder, Blitzo hopping down to the ground in a very similar fashion as he led Eda to wherever they kept the drinks
“Guess we better make sure they don’t drink too much.”Lilith said turning to Stolas tiredly “Yes, that’s probably a good idea”The owl said a little awkwardly as he followed the dark haired witch after the two “Is our work never done Stolas?”Lilith asked, a chuckle was Stolas’s only reply.
In the absence of much else, Luz and King turned back to the family hugging it out 
“They seem… really happy.”King noted a little awkwardly, Luz racing up to scratch his chin “I think they are”She said warmly “That hug looks nice.”Her brother said softly and she smirked a little “Well about one for you silly little demon?”Luz said pulling him into a hug and spinning him around, the small titan giggling at the embrace
“Hey Luz wanna join?”Amity’s voice called Luz’s back to the family, them having opened up from a closed circle to see Luz’s response which was simply“Wait really?”
“You make Ammy happy, and the twins too. Your part of the family as far as I’m concerned.”Millie said shrugging “Yeah come on, Join us Luz”Ed said, finishing ominously making Emira tap him in the back of the head
“Ed! don’t be creepy”
“Young lady don’t hit your brother like that”Moxxie scolded making Emira scoff before attempting to defend herself “What! It was just a tap!” 
“T-Thanks guys, That sounds goo- w-wait! King!”Luz began awkwardly before King wormed his way out of her arms and leaped at Moxxie 
“Hug Time!”King said colliding with the Bard startling him, but he laughed soon after followed by everyone else. They sure liked them a lot more then she first thought.
Hope you liked it Anon.
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lizardboyhole · 10 days
Trying to stop the end of the world from a magic super vampire type thing. It lives by sucking the life out of magical beings but when none are around just goes on a massive murder spree to make up for it with the tiny amount everyone naturally has.
I've had this dream several times, things change around but the gist is still the same.
Starts off with me and my goth parents trying to escape this old mansion from a regular vampire that's after us. The mansion used to belong to some super magic lady who loaded the place with secret rooms and passages and messages.
We end up in the basement after several secret passage trips but now they're not my parents or goth they're just two friends. We figure out we're in a crazy old witch's house so we book it to get off the property.
Along the way we meet back up with our dog and also pick up a plush dog made by the witch. It's supposed to work for her but when it comes to life in my arms it runs away with us.
At the entrance to the property there's a little backup of traffic so all 5 of us very quickly hop into this old guy's trunk and hitch a ride.
We migrate from the trunk to the backseat without being noticed, until the old guy just decided to turn around and take a look.
In the panic I accidentally get 3 of his best fishhooks caught on my hands so he doesn't kick us out he takes us to a place to get them carefully removed.
There ends up being some kind of junk yard the old guy gets out of the car to tell em what's happening and the guy in charge comes over and after I hop into the driver's seat I give him my left hand with one hook in it. He pulled it out no problem so I did the same with the other two that were in the thumb of my right hand.
Then I realized we could just straight up steal the car so I took off and we made it out with only a few dents.
Something happens and we're seperated
Two of us manage to get some dude to pull over and give us a lift but he says no to the dogs, we bring them anyway. He got really pissed and stopped in someone's driveway and is gonna kick us out but then the rest of the group shows up and toss the dude out and we're back together and all mushed into one little car.
There's 5 of us now plus the two dogs trying to head somewhere either towards or away from the danger.
L. L. Cool J. was there this time, he had very nice hair.
We keep stealing cars in increasing orders of shittyness for some reason. The last one didn't have any paint at all and the doors barely closed correctly.
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wrathful-reptile · 4 months
So like.
Ora and Goldie definitely have shared ownership over Bucket Joe.
Just. When Ora's got Bucket Joe, the lizard eats bugs and sometimes little fruit treats.
When Goldie has Bucket Joe, the lizard eats faes, veilspins, and insects.
Bucket Joe is missing some toes and the tip of their tail from their previous housing situation (a bucket) but they're healthier than ever now. Still VERY bitey.
Oragan met Goldie when the obelisk went to the casino to try to win something, anything, because her butcher shop was failing due to a change in animal suppliers. Goldie was looking for a new security guard for her casino. Oragan wasn't what Goldie was looking for, because Ora looks super tough and mean but is actually a sweetheart with a very welcoming and warm "country" accent which makes her less scary.
Goldie commented on Ora being a new face to the casino scene and that the obelisk stuck out like a sore thumb with a different type of worry. Ora explained the situation of the failing business and how she couldn't take care of Joe if she lost everything. Goldie was confused, asking if Joe was Ora's son, to which Oragan specified it's just a lizard she found in a bucket out in the cold one day. Normally Goldie wouldn't have cared but she offered Ora a loan, which was refused.
"Don't you want to save your lizard?"
"Yeah, but i wouldn't be able to pay ya back, ma'am."Oragan sighed."My business is failing. The new supplier doesn't bring quality. If I knew how to hunt I'd get the shit myself."
"Well then. I'll cover your debts. I'll have someone teach you how to hunt. And what can you offer in return?"
"Not much, honest."
"Hm.... Can you dispose of unruly guests who have already been taken care of?"
"You mean toss bodies for you? I suppose I could. I know a place that no one'd find 'em."
"No chance?"
"Not 'less you gut a gator in a protected area."
"Oh, splendid. Though I feel the smaller ones might be an issue."
"Well I did have an incident where Joe ate one of them uh... debt collectors. A little fae. You could probably-"
"I'll have the lizard every other weekend, then?"Goldie had cut Ora off.
"Well his care's not easy."
"He'll have a mansion here. I can simply rearrange some slots and make a grand enclosure as a showpiece. It'll stand out, give guests something else to look at when they need a break. A castle for your lizard while he visits."
"If you're sure?"
"How difficult could it be?"
"Alright then. Every other weekend, ma'am. And my name's Oragan."
"Ah, Lady Oragan, nice to meet you. I am Goldie, owner of this place if you haven't figured out."
And Ora never bothered to correct Goldie on the Lady part, actually wearing that with pride once they became close friends due to their meetups to exchange Bucket Joe.
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mannanoo · 11 months
If only you knew
No Warnings Apply General Audiences Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson Dream SMP Word Count: 711 Completed
History will always repeat. But not everything that repeats is sad.
A poem passed through the generations, from Fathers to Sons, from Brother to Brothers, from Children to Adults.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
In a cottage somewhere long forgotten...
"What does it mean though?"
"Well, it means that if you can focus on other people's needs, then people will trust you."
"Why do you keep telling it to me though? I just want to travel and make music."
"Because I think that you'll be a great leader one day Will. I think you'll be able to bring lots of people together when you're older and they'll need someone to lead them."
"But I don't want to lead people."
"You don't have to. But I think, if you did want to in the future, then you'll be a great leader. And even if you don't become a great leader, it could make a great song!"
"Sure dad."
If you can dream-and not make dreams your master;
If you can think-and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
Underneath the L'Mantree, in a time fondly remembered...
"Wilbur! Tubbo's being a bitch!"
"Tommy, you need to be quieter! I'm putting Fundy to sleep."
"But Tubbo's being a bitch and Fundy's already asleep! You're just telling yourself that old poem anyway."
"Well maybe that's because I like it, ever thought about that?"
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
In a therapy office, after years of explosions and anger...
"What's that you're reading Tommy?"
"It's nothing. Just a poem Wilbur had."
"Do you want to talk about it, or Wilbur today?"
"Let's not talk about Wilbur."
"We don't have to. What about the poem?"
"He said Phil used to read it to him all the time. And he used to read it to Fundy when he was a baby. It worked better than the lullaby's Sally taught him."
"Why do you still have the poem?" "I guess it reminds me of when Wilbur was good. Before everything went to shit. Before Dream and the revolution and everything else."
"And you want that back?"
"I don't know anymore."
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And-which is more-you'll be a Man, my son!
In a mansion in the snow, huddled somewhere within a pile of blankets, hiding from the world...
"Where'd you hear that poem Ranboo?"
"Phil gave it to me. He said he used to read it to Wilbur when he was little. Do you know it?"
"Yeah... Wilbur used to read it to me and Tommy before L’Manberg. And he read it to Fundy to get him to sleep."
"I can stop if it's going to give you sad memories."
"No, it's alright. Besides, Wilbur never used to read the whole thing. I've never heard the end of it before now. And Michael seems to like it." "Alright. Do you want me to start it again? So you can hear the whole thing?"
"Yeah, let's hear it boss man."
"Ok. If you can keep your head..."
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ljsstories · 2 years
Chapter One: Arrivals
Rhona Boyle stood at the gate looking up at the extremely old building that had been in her family for over two centuries and felt a lump form in her throat. The last time she stood at this gate and walked down that little path, she was heading to the big city and to a new life, but now? As she lifted the latch and let the gate swing open, her heart felt heavy and she let the sadness she was keeping inside of her all through the long journey home out into the open. No tears, she would not cry as she walked up the path with concrete feet, dragging one in front of the other with difficulty. She would not shed a tear, she would enter that building with her head held high, with dignity and with dry eyes! It was a difficult few minutes up to the car park as she spotted the familiar, comforting figure standing in the huge doorway. The soothing and deep voice called softly to her, "Hullo ma darlin', welcome hame!" And the tears broke through her barrier of strength as she dropped her bags and fell into her father's giant arms.
"Daddy!" She cried as he squeezed her tenderly. He was a powerful man of sixty two, his balding head once sported a shock of carrot red hair but his hair and his beard were more grey these days than they used to be. Although he wasn't particularly tall, Hamish Boyle was a big man, powerful, he could lift one end of a tractor with ease and he was once the caber tossing champion of the county. He could easily crush his daughter but there was a softer side to him as well, and this side was threatening to come out as he held her protectively. His only daughter! Returning home to the bosom of her family, twenty eight years of age and feeling as if her life was over. Hamish knew it had only just begun, but convincing Rhona of that at this moment in her life was going to be impossible!
"Come inside hen, yer mammy's dyin' tae see ye!" Hamish put a protective arm around her and guided her into the foyer. It had been at least a year since she last stepped foot in her family's hotel. A huge mansion, typically Scottish in every way, that housed the Laird and his wife over two hundred years ago and was handed down the generations until Rhona's grandfather converted it into a tourist spot and hotel in the 1960's. His father before him had conducted tours around the big house where the Boyle family had lived all this time. The house was so big that when Rhona was little and she would play hide and seek with her older brother Lachlan, it took her hours to find him! His hiding places were always so hard to locate. The lobby was unchanged, the same brick walls with coats of arms and crests hanging on them, tapestries and portraits of past Lairds. As she breathed in that familiar smell of old building and fresh baking, she heard her mother's excited squeals as she came breezing out from the reception desk.
"Ohhhhhh!!!" Annie Boyle exclaimed, arms outstretched and running towards her. "Rhona ma darlin'!!!" As she threw her arms around her daughter she squealed even more in her ear. Letting go of her and holding her at arms length she frowned and shook her head. "Yer awfy thin!" she sighed, looking her up and down.
"No mum I'm really not!" Rhona replied impatiently as another familiar voice called to her.
"Ho shorty!!!" The masculine voice boomed around the very large foyer. Her big brother came towards her much like her mother did with his arms wide open for a massive hug!
"Hi-ya Lachie!" She giggled and fell into his embrace.
"Couldnae keep away eh?" He chuckled and squeezed her tightly, almost choking her. "Av a mind tae go up there and gi em a piece a ma mind, and ma fist!" Lachie growled and rubbed her back affectionately.
"And what would that achieve?" Rhona mumbled into his huge chest, Lachie was just as big as his father but he was tall with it too. His messy brown hair fell into his eyes as he let his sister breathe and swept it away with a huge paw. After settling into her old room, which remained unchanged since she left for the bright lights of Glasgow, Rhona headed down to catch up with her family and the staff she hadn't seen for a long time. Mary and Agnes, the cook and her assistant, were exactly the same as when she left too. Still griping at one another but with love and affection. They were sisters, cousins of Rhona's father, but they could not look any more different! Mary was the older sister with greying short hair and an old fashioned sense of everything around her. Agnes on the other hand was red haired like her cousin and always made an effort with her appearance, her long hair was tied up in the kitchen but when she finished work she let it hang down around her shoulders and it made her brown eyes sparkle. Mary had never been married and had worked at the hotel since she was sixteen, she was now in her late sixties and showed no sign of slowing down or retiring. Her cooking was famous all over the county and the hotel was busy at meal times with locals alone nevermind guests staying there. Agnes was widowed, her husband passed away many years ago, he was only thirty two. Kenny Douglas was a farmer, much like the Boyles his family had run their farm for generations. He died during the storm of 1977 while trying to move a fallen tree from the main road with his tractor. Another tree collapsed on top of him and he was killed instantly. He and Agnes were expecting Fergus at the time, he was born two months after his father died and when he was old enough, he took over the running of the farm. Fergus now had a wife and two sons of his own while Agnes moved in to the hotel with her sister fifteen years ago and never left. As Rhona entered the giant kitchen and smiled, Agnes gasped and clapped her hands.
"Wee Rhona!" She declared to her sister who was bending over into the oven.
"Whit?" Mary muttered as she brought out a delicious smelling steak pie.
"Wee Rhona's here Mary!"
"Awww, wee Rhona???" It was comical, Mary was deaf in one ear and Agnes had a very whispery voice. As Rhona embraced them both and said hello, Mary began hacking away at the steak pie. "Yer havin' a piece a this, yer rake thin hen!" Rhona rolled her eyes, everyone was saying that these days!
"No Auntie Mary I'm fine!" She tried to laugh but the comments about her weight were beginning to worry her. Was she really that thin? Agnes seemed to know what she was thinking and said with a sympathetic voice;
"Aye, yer a wee bitty too thin darlin'! But dinnae mind that, Auntie Mary will soon huv ye back tae yer wee curvy self!"
"Aye a will that!" Mary piped up as she slapped a great big piece of pie onto a plate and began muttering to herself, "Just a hawndfa a tatties and some neeps tae colour the plate..."
"Auntie Mary..." Rhona began, but realised that for the first time since she left Glasgow, she actually was very hungry! As she wolfed down the amazing food and listened to all the stories her Aunts had to tell her, she realised that the past year and a half had been a waste of time! Why had she ever left? And why did she think that coming back was such a huge disaster? Next stop for Rhona was the laundry room. Terry, Hannah and Elspeth were there getting the sheets and towels ready for the morning.
"Rhona?" Elspeth was pleased to see her old friend and greeted her with a hug much like everyone else had since she arrived. Terry blushed and gave her a brief cuddle before returning to his work, he had always liked Rhona and when she left he was heartbroken.
"How are you holding up?" Hannah cocked her head to the side and looked at her sympathetically.
"I'm fine Hannah, truly I am!"
"That's good, he's an arse and you're too good for him!" Hannah always spoke her mind, it got her into heaps of trouble but sometimes it was needed.
"Well it's great to see you guys again!" Rhona smiled genuinely, "I've had a long journey and I really need to try and sleep so..."
"Well don't be a stranger!" Elspeth punched her lightly on the arm.
"No, I won't! Dad says I can have my old job back in the bar and lounge so I'll be around!" As Rhona finally arrived back into her old room, she looked around at the old posters and the cuddly toys sitting on the ottoman at her window that looked out to the Loch. She'd missed Loch Tavish, she couldn't swim but her brother and his friends would often jump off the jetty and play there as she watched from the shore. Growing up in the village of Tavish Brig, Rhona always felt like an outsider, she never felt like she fitted in. Living in the big hotel was fun when she was a child, but as she grew older and her parents found odd jobs for her to do, she grew bored of the place. Looking out the window onto the Loch, she couldn't imagine ever being bored of the quiet, tranquil place that she called home. As she got into her pyjamas and climbed into her old bed, smelling the freshly laundered sheets that her mother had no doubt cleaned in anticipation of her daughter's arrival, she thought about Jamie. The reason she was back here in the first place! It hurt to think of him, how little she meant to him, as the hot tears ran down her cheeks and onto the pillow behind her, soaking her hair and dampening her ears, she decided not to think about him anymore! Drifting off to sleep she could hear the lapping of the waves outside and she imagined herself sitting on the jetty on a sunny day, in another world altogether!
Lachie Boyle was manning the reception desk the next morning when a young man entered the hotel foyer. He had long brown, shaggy hair, he wore sunglasses and had one suitcase with him, His ripped jeans and loud shirt made Lachie dislike him straight away, that and he was very good looking. When he spotted the desk he gave Lachie a relieved smile and approached him, dropping his case on the floor he leaned on the desk and nodded, "Hey!" he greeted him as Lachie curled up his lip.
"Can a help ye?" He replied as the young man chuckled.
"Yes, yes do you have any rooms left?" He was American, Lachie groaned, tourist! Hideous shirt and grungy jeans, rock star hair, goofy grin with a camera dangling around his neck...the worst kind!
"Aye we dae that!" The young man gave him a confused look.
"I'm sorry, was that a yes?" Lachie let out a huge sigh and attempted to tone down his broad Scots dialect.
"Yes it wiz!"
"Oh good!" The man smiled again, "So can I have a room please?"
"Aye, how long fur?" The young man began to think.
"Um...I dunno to be honest with you!" He shook his head, "Can we say, a week for now? And then I'll see!"
"See whit?"
"A week, yeah, for now. If that's okay?" Lachie frowned and began tapping at the keyboard.
"Right, name?"
"Oz Truman!"
"Okay, fill in this form wie yer address and payment details and a'll get ye a room." Lachie looked the young man up and down, Oz? What sort of name was that? Typical American with a stupid name! He'd be keeping an eye on this one, he had a funny feeling about him!
Next ⏭️
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My Jeff the killer headcannons
-mf is tall, not like tall, tall, like 5'9 or smth
- he's not a complete asshole, he just makes a lot of sarcastic jokes and likes to tease people, but he's not overly rude
-there's been a few times where he just sat down and chatted with a few of his victims b4 being like "oh shit I gotta kill this mf"
-he doesn't get attached to things easily, but when he does holy good lord he's attached. You cant leave him once he's attached, he won't let you
-I don't think he likes what he did to his family, and maybe sometimes he regrets it, but it's not something he thought about a lot until he found out Liu survived
- when he was younger (13-15) he was a killing machine, loved making people suffer and turning their faces into gory smiles, after a couple years, when he's like (16-19 ) he calmed down, don't get me wrong, he still likes it, he just doesn't feel the need to do it so much, only a couple kills a month, it's not an everyday thing anymore.
-he doesn't make his victims suffer as much, psychologically, and doesn't keep them alive to remember the trauma, like he did with Jane
-He kinda feels bad for Jane, and what he did to her family, hed even apologize for it, but her trying to kill him every waking moment, is really annoying and pisses him off, and he's a petty bitch, so he wont apologize until she stops trying to kill him
-his voice is deep and raspy
- he kinda failed at cutting his entire eyelid off, so once the scar tissue kinda like grew, he still had most of his eyelid, so he can close his eyes lmao
- He has bald spots on his head from the fire, so he keeps his hair long and doesn't cut it so he can hide it (and bc he's lazy)
- if we're talking mansion AU, he and BEN share a room with no lock, so whenever they aren't decent or doing smth that they don't want the other to see, they put a sock on the door handle, and they both just know, it was never discussed.
- He likes to climb trees and just sit there for a while
- he howls at smile dog, and smile dog howls back, or vise versa sometimes they sit there and howl at each other (i do that with my dog-)
-smile dog sleeps at the end of his bed, or on him.
- he avoids Nina bc she makes him uncomfortable, not because she likes him, or that she's obsessive, it's just that he doesn't like how he inspired her to do that to herself, he feels bad
- He doesn't work for slender, they kinda work like a favour for a favour, Slender lets him live in the mansion, and Jeff takes out a few targets from time to time, or helps him with relaying information to the proxies when he can.
- He had a raging crush on EJ for a while. He would take the kidneys from his victims and give them to EJ. he would put em in his pocket and just whip em out and toss them to EJ
- His music taste goes from heavy metal to soft sad love songs in one playlist
-he's a virgin, don't even fight me.
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So, in the Seto adopts Jaden au, you've stated that the childhood friends squad stay over at the mansion a lot in the early years. Does that mean they ever saw/experienced Jaden having a nightmare? If so, how did they react? And how do they react to Jaden having nightmares afterwards?
The childhood friends squad mostly hang out at either the Kaiba or Gecko Manor. But any and all sleepovers are at the Kaiba manor.
This is because of Jaden's nightmares.
Nightmares they didn't know he had until they started having sleepovers. And back when he was a kid, Jaden's nightmares were fairly frequent.
So it started as a normal sleepover would... with Bastion and Adrian getting waay to competivite in a game of Mario Kart.
Jaden had fallen asleep, sat up with the controller in his hand. This didn't surprise any of em, Jaden just kinda fell asleep anywhere and everywhere.
So Aster rolled his eyes and with the help of Atticus, moved him to the sofa and got him a blanket.
And for a while that was that, they were all so into their game that at first they didn't hear Jaden mumble in his sleep. Nor him starting to toss and turn.
"Heh, good game wasn't it Bastion?" Chuckled Adrian haughtily "I suppose" sighed Bastion, he hated losing but took the lose with grace. While Adrian smirked, that was until Echo elbowed some humility into him. "Honestly" she sighed, shaking her head.
And that's when they heard Jaden scream.
Everyone paused, game forgotten as they went over to their friend who was crying out in his sleep. Blanket kicked onto the ground that Alexis nearly tripped over. "Jaden? Jaden it's okay, wake up" said Atticus, gently trying to shake him awake.
But it didn't work, and it was at this point they noticed a dark aura pulse around Jaden's sleeping form.
"I'm gonna get uncle Seto" said Bastion, already running out the room to said man's office and reappearing moments later with him and Mokuba. The kids parted away from Jaden to let Seto get closer.
The darkness seemed to almost lash out in different directions, though it didn't hit anyone. Minus one lamp that hit the ground and shattered.
Seto said nothing, the darkness didn't deturr him at all as he marched over and picked up Jaden into his arms. Rubbing his back gently and rocking him in his arms.
What felt like an eternity later, the darkness vanished and Jaden woke up. He got one look of his dad before bursting into tears, "not going anywhere" said Seto, gently wiping them away. Jaden looked up at him with big sad eyes that just broke the hearts of everyone in the room.
The childhood friends squad had never seen Jaden this upset.
"You didn't find me after the contest" said Jaden, he'd dreamed his dad had never adopted him, that he was still with his other parents. Seto smiled softly "sounds scary" Jaden nodded, sniffling and burying his head into his dad's coat. "I found you, your my son. No matter what happens I will always find you and bring you home." He said, ruffling his hair.
That was a promise.
Jaden sniffled nodding, noticing his friends standing away with Mokuba. "Did... I lose?" He asked, almost shyly. Adrian shook his head, the first to recover "you fell asleep so Chazz took your controller. Got you into 4th, Bastion ended up in 6th and I was 1st." He explained.
"Thanks Chazz" Chazz nodded, distractedly. He couldn't take the image of Jaden screaming in his sleep out of his mind. He'd been scared, that something horrible was happening to his friend.
Jaden looked over, seeing the shattered lamp and paled. "It's okay, your aunt Tea got that lamp for me a few years ago but I never liked it." Said Seto, catching his gaze and letting him know that no one was hurt. Jaden relaxed a bit "she's gonna be mad" he said half heartedly, knowing full well his aunt would be fussing over him and not the lamp.
"I won't tell if you won't" that got Jaden to giggle.
That made the group relax a bit, they had all seen the darkness pulsing around Jaden, from within him. But no one had been scared of it, only for him.
Jaden yawned, blinking his eyes sleepily. "Do you, want to stay here or do you want to sleep in my room?" Asked Seto, already knowing the answer when Jaden instantly grabbed onto him with no intention of letting go.
He looked at his friends, trying to find the words to explain himself but stopped at Echo's King but pointed look. "It's okay, we'll be here when you wake up." She reassured, and that's all he needed.
That left them with Mokuba who looked at them all with a soft smile. "You kids alright?" He asked, ussuring them to gather around. "Are we alright? Is Jaden alright?" Asked Alexis, wide eyed. Mokuba smiled sadly "he will be, Jaden's made of strong stuff." He reassured.
Telling them about Jaden's nightmares, that he got them a lot ever since he was adopted. That Jaden had some manor of shadow magic like other members of the family that he was still learning to control. That came out to protect him when he was scared.
The group took this all in, and collectively and silently made the decision to help Jaden. He was their dear friend who had bought them all together and they wouldn't let nightmares keep them apart.
All of them started to try and figure out how to help Jaden when he had nightmares. To varying degrees of success, but as they got older they got better at managing them.
And as Jaden got older the frequency of his nightmares decreased, but never quite went away.
The childhood friends squad are able to deal with his nightmares themselves. Holding him, having a lamp, gathering his plushi's and just comforting him etc. But they always stay at the manor for sleepovers...just in case it isn't enough or they or Jaden need help. It's also where Jaden feels the most comfortable knowing his dad is nearby, so there's that.
During Jaden's years at Dual Academy, Bastion and Alexis would often sneak into his dorm. They always just knew when Jaden was having a nightmare, and than Chazz moved into the red dorm permanently and stayed by his side even with the fake rivalry.
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