#just like Ian intended
wrinkly-fucking-qtip · 3 months
I GUESS!?!?? Listen, sometimes 5 tiers just isn't fucking enough for such diversity in characters. 4th tier is really important for a lot of reasons.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 11 months
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both carl and debbie’s faces in 5x06 when lip says, “it could get worse. it could get much worse.” we all know what day they were both thinking of…
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buttercup-barf · 1 year
You ever forget how to draw your own characters?
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... I do. A lot.
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But it's at least somethin'! These three are very dear to me... Even if they change every time I blink.
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oh to be married to a dragon'ish lady that is super cool and tough outside but also blushes when you tell them they're pretty
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
An Unwanted Promotion
Two Yandere Male Alphas X Male Reader Beta (CW: Noncon, over stimulation, face fucking, choking on cock, tongue fucking, ass eaten like it’s groceries, stalking, kidnapping, musk, scent marking, a/b/o dynamics, big alpha cocks with big alpha knots, threesome, male reader, aftercare, general yandere behavior, reader adopts a child) Word Count: 6k (This was a request from back when those were still open and I have been steadily working on it all week, this is my longest fic and I used it to practice longer/different smut scenes and also my dialogue so it turned out much longer than intended. I REALLY hope you all enjoy this.)
   Eli and Ian had known each other since high school, not only were they natural competitors since they were both alphas but their family businesses were also in direct competition with one another, both selling supplies for alphas and omegas, which only served to fuel their bitter drive to best one another.
 Everything was a competition to them. They competed in class, they competed in sports, they even competed in making the omegas, and the occasional beta or even alpha, fall for them.
 When they finally graduated high school and later college they became the heads of their families' companies and the business competition became much fiercer. These were two young alphas in their prime who had been vying for dominance for most of their lives, so of course their tactics in the corporate realm would be cutthroat.
 But at some point there was a retailer with a large custom order requiring both businesses to come together to fill it. They butted heads but all the tension, and begrudgingly held respect they had for one another, led to them slowly falling in love.
 Eventually they married and merged their two companies into one to dominate the market.
 You worked at this company, as a general assistant to all the employees in a division of sales that the two alphas directly oversaw. You mostly moved paperwork between other employees, fetched food and drink orders, tidied up here and there, and even occasionally took care of phone calls when Barb, the secretary, was unavailable.
 It was more than a bit tiring, especially for someone of your short stature, flitting from one person to the next, completing any odd task that didn't suit anyone else, but you did it without complaint. You really needed this job since you were single and in the middle of the process of adopting a young child.
 After only a few weeks of working there Eli and Ian started taking note of you. They first notice your willingness to serve in you execution of your tasks, so detail oriented and happy to please. And, of course being alphas, the other thing they noticed about you was your sweet delicious scent, like peaches and cream.
 Since you were a beta your scent was not as pronounced as an alpha's or an omega's would be, but you still had a natural smell and it was one that just so happened to entice both Ian and Eli quite a lot, and they had been looking for a third and final partner, one that would be a good buffer and much more submissive.
 Whenever you were in their presence to do tasks, which seemed more and more often as time went on, they always did little dominance displays to try and make you swoon.
 The way they talked changed, they would stare at you intensely, almost hungrily, they might flex subtly, the scent of their musk would get stronger, even strong enough to be perceived by a beta, and they would try to carry stuff for you if you were carrying food trays or stacks of paper.
 All of this would be obvious flirting had you been an omega or alpha who knew this kinda stuff instinctively, but alas, you were a beta. The intense stares of their red alpha eyes, the flexing of their tall muscular bodies, and their amplified scent only served to intimidate you. And when they took heavier things from your grasp and did your tasks for you it made you feel like they thought you were incapable of doing your job.
 It all made you more servile and submissive in your job in an attempt to do better and escape the perceived ire of your bosses, but that only made the alpha husbands want you all the more. They stepped up their flirting to be much more clear.
 They began putting musky, quite thoroughly scented, articles of clothing and other items in your work locker. First plushies, then worn shirts, and then they began resorting to underwear.
 Had you been an omega you would have taken those items as prime nesting material and a clear sign that someone was interested in making you their little cumdump and knot warmer.
 As it was, your nose was not perceptive enough to determine who was doing this and you assumed it to be some sort of weird prank or even a gross hazing ritual of some sort.
 It never occurred to Ian or Eli that you were unaware of their intentions, they were romancing you like any alpha would romance a tiny cute mate. Like an omega. Neither of them had never really consciously attempted to get the attention of a beta before. So they kept courting you in the only way they knew how and assumed that you were just playing hard to get.
 As they became more desperate to have you in every possible way they became jealous of the way you brought others in the department food, drinks, and did other tasks for them relevant to the nature of your job. They wanted you to just have all your attention on them.
 As far as they were concerned you were far too tiny and sweet to just be ran ragged all day as your co-workers worked you to death, you were even smaller than most omegas, you should be stuck in their office with them all day to dote on you, sitting on their laps, livening up the place with your scent, and just keeping them company.
 Of course that would be too distracting for a productive place of business, so they did the next best thing to at least get your attention off of doing tasks for the other employees, they promoted you to being their personal assistant.
 It made you pretty anxious at first, but slowly you became acclimated to their seemingly bizarre behavior around you, though the intense stares were something you never really got used to. Mostly you were just confused, you had never gotten the sense that they were particularly fond of you. They must have been though, right? Why else would they have promoted you to a position that forced you to be near them for the vast majority of the day and came with a significant pay raise.
 But you had more important things on your mind than the peculiar behavior of alphas. With your new pay raise you could finally make enough to scale back your hours and still have enough for the adoption to go through.
 You had decided that you would be able to afford daycare during the first half of the day and then pick up your child and spend more time from home, maybe you could pick up a stay at home job too if you really needed to.
 Ian and Eli were not happy with you cutting your hours, but they didn't show it. They did not want to have less time with you but they also did not want you quitting and being away from them completely. They considered you their perfect little mate, even if you hadn't realized it yet.
 They were pretty terrified though, no adult scent clung to you like a mate's would, but what if you did have a mate and just cleaned really well before work. If you somehow were concealing a mate they would just have to prove how much better they were for you than whoever this mystery mate was.
 And if you didn't have a mate then adopting a child just proved you had the parenting instincts of an omega and needed an alpha, or two, immediately. A sweet thing like you already worked too hard and you had no business working yourself sick to support a child all by yourself!!
 It was absolutely unacceptable. No matter what the situation was YOU should be with THEM, preferably stowed away in their large home making a nice nest out of their clothing to keep you happy and comfy.
 They began carefully having you followed, as well as carefully stalking you themselves when they could manage it. The alpha husbands learned the daycare you took your new son to, they learned he was 4 years old and named Desmond, they learned every little detail about him and you that they had not known previously.
 Most importantly, they learned your schedule. and once they were absolutely sure of it they started planning.
 You had never been aware of them or any of their agents following you. They were too professional and you were too occupied with all the new stresses that came with juggling work and being a single parent.
 It wasn't easy, it was exhausting, but you had no regrets at all. You did not want to wait for some mythical man to sweep you off your feet to start being a parent. And if things went badly you didn't want to deal with a custody battle. Besides, Desmond was absolutely precious and giving him a better life than an orphanage ever could gave new purpose to your existence.
 One night, after getting Desmond washed up and put into bed, you nestled into your own bed and quickly drifted off to sleep, unaware of the two sets of eyes watching you.  When you woke up you had a massive migraine, you were dizzy, and you started to just nuzzle yourself right back into the luxuriously soft covers… until through the brain fog and headache you remembered that you did not own any covers this nice. This… wasn’t even your own bed… or your own HOUSE for that matter!!! Oh god, where was Desmond!?  Despite your head pain and dizziness you bolted upright in panic but someone you had not even noticed before grabbed you by the arm and pulled you close to them. You recognized the voice instantly when they spoke.  “Whoa there, (Y/N) you need to be a bit more careful. We used something special to sedate you, you don’t need to get up so fast darling~” The voice behind you came from Ian, he kissed your neck as he held you close.  “What have you done with Desmond??” You squirmed as much as you could possibly manage in your still weakened state, but you were so small in comparison to the large alpha that your struggles did little to help you. “DESMOND!!?”  Hearing the panic in the voice of one of the two people he considered to be a mate made his body instinctively release calming pheromones, of course even if you had been an omega those pheromones would have been all but useless when you were concerned with the well being of your child.  “(Y/N), calm down sweet pea Desmond is fi-” You cut him off when you grunted in anger and threw your head back as hard as you could, making contact with Ian’s nose and causing him to recoil in pain and loosen his grip on you, you pressed your advantage and slipped away from him but you fell face first on the floor the second you took a step off the bed.  You cried out in pain. God, your body just wouldn’t cooperate, your face and knees hurt from the impact and your ankle had twisted in the fall. Certainly sprained.  But damn it, Desmond was in trouble, who knows what these psychopaths had done to him, so you pulled yourself towards the door, slowly inching your way towards escape. You probably would have realized it was hopeless, but in your panicked desperation you had to try!  Suddenly two feet blocked your exit.  “Really Ian? You cannot handle our little omega? Look, he already injured himself!” He bent down and scooped you up easily, despite your flailing arms.  “I am not an omega, and if I was I certainly wouldn’t be yours! Where is my kid!? What have you done with Desmond you fucking assholes!?”  “Well,” Ian started in an obviously perturbed voice, “As I was explaining before you headbutted me, Desmond is safe and sleeping in his room.”  Eli seemed amused that you had given his husband so much trouble but scolded you nonetheless. “You shouldn’t be violent (Y/N), we are just taking care of you. A tiny little omega such as yourself should certainly not be taking on the trials of parenthood alone.”  “I’m not an-, ugh, whatever, just let me see Desmond!”  Eli laid you gently on the bed and Ian examined your leg and gently wiped your face and knees where you had scuffed them. “Okay, I will go get him, but you have to lay down, you can’t possibly walk on this leg.” You glared at him wordlessly. “Hey, it’s your own fault! You’re lucky I don’t punish you, but I know you’re super protective of our child like any good omega would be.  Ian left and you just stared at him, dumbfounded, as he walked out of the room. What the hell did he mean “our” child!? Why did they keep calling you an omega?  “Don’t worry (Y/N), once you get settled in and make a nice cozy little nest I am sure it will help your nerves calm down.” Eli sat beside you and pulled you into his lap, ignoring your squeak of protest.  “I am not an omega, I don't even know why you have me here. Please just let me go now, I won’t even tell the cops if you let me go, I promise!” You started sobbing as your pleading grew more desperate.  Eli pulled you close to him and nuzzled against your neck to get his scent on you before slowly licking and kissing up from your neck to your cheek in what were meant to be comforting gestures to soothe any sweet omega mate. But you WEREN’T an omega.  “You’re just confused baby doll. Your scent may be a bit weaker and maybe you don’t have heats, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be our omega! Besides you are far too small and fragile to be anything else~” He gently wrapped his arms around you and practically purred with joy with how perfectly your small body fit so perfectly snug against his.  You blushed from the humiliation of being helpless and insulted.  A moment later Ian came back holding a sleeping bundle that was your son, thank god he was safe. You actually allowed yourself to relax a bit in Eli’s strong arms as Ian handed Desmond to you and you hugged him tightly but carefully so as not to wake him.  “Oh, my sweet baby boy.” Desmond was unharmed and snoozing peacefully.  Ian and Eli just watched you with content smiles on their faces. Even on the off chance that you really were not an omega this proved you might as well be treated like one, you clearly had a tender heart and great parenting instincts, you were small and fragile, you smelled so sweet, you were just too perfect.  And their instincts were telling them to keep their omega mate and their pup safe and happy. The only problem was you were not yet scent marked properly, but they could fix that later when Desmond was back in his room. For now they were content with watching you hold Desmond and putting a blanket around you that smelled like them. Surely that would make any omega, or omega adjacent, feel safe and loved, right?  Desmond woke up and looked at you sleepily before clinging tightly and snuggling close. He was back to sleep immediately, blissfully unaware the two of you had been kidnapped by a pair of alphas and added to their family. You kissed him on the forehead and just tried to push your anxiety away as you held him, if you could not escape (yet) then you had to be strong for him.  During the two weeks that it took for your ankle to recover you fought them every step of the way, as long as Desmond was not in the room, you did not want him to pick up on your distress and desperation. He was young and being in another new house did not phase him.  But when he was not in the room you tossed apart the nest they had made in the bed around you, you insisted you were not an omega, you begged for them to release you and you wiped off to the best of your ability the scent marks they kept reapplying all over you. It was so frustrating and you felt so helpless, they never even left you alone, when one absolutely had to be in at the office the other would always stay behind to dote on you while you healed.  At the very least they were good with Desmond and they kept the both of you well fed. Though they did have a habit of literally sitting you in one of their laps and hand feeding you. They also had a habit of getting you sweets “because omegas love them.”  Out of all of their behaviors the insistence that you were a fragile omega and that you had to be scent marked constantly where the two that most aggravated you, it made you want to scream, they made you wear their worn clothing and forced your face in their musky underarms.  Sometimes they even competed between one another for who’s scent was on you more. Late one night when you were all bundled together in bed Ian made you reek of him so Eli added his scent on top of it, which prompted Ian to force some of his overly large clothing on you, which caused Eli to put his smelly blanket around you and after that they just growled softly and glared at each for a solid minute, not even blinking.  Before you knew it they were wrestling for dominance right in front of you on the bed as you awkwardly scooted as far away from them as you could.  They wrestled and scent marked one another to establish dominance before Eli narrowly came out on top as the winner. Sometime during their little altercation they had lost all their clothing but their underwear and sweat covered both of them, the musk was almost tangible.  Eli held Ian down and moved his underwear out of the way to expose his hole before sliding his down to free his large cock. He did not hesitate as he leaned over his husband and plunged his dick in him in one swift motion and started well and truly pounding him right in front of you. Eli’s massive full nuts slapped ceaseless into Ian as if an auditory declaration of Eli’s dominance over the other alpha.  You could not pull your eyes away as the spectacle continued to unfold with the blond knotting Ian as he growled softly and bit his earlobe before filling him with a hot load of cum.  Well… you had at times wondered how alpha couples let out sexual frustrations and urges and how they resolved dominance conflicts. Apparently the answer was fighting for dominance and the winner passionately pumping the loser full of hot seed.  The more you know.  The one good thing about having two alphas seeing to you was that your ankle healed fairly easily with all of your needs so thoroughly attended to. You just had to bind your time and make your escape. It would not be the type of thing you could just do haphazardly.  Ian and Eli had moved all of your and Desmond’s things into their large house and they had told your old landlord you were moving out so you had nowhere to go, except maybe to the police. It was the only thing you could think of.  You decided that you would slowly pack a couple of bags up of clothes and your and Desmond’s most important possessions while gradually acting more cooperative with your captives to lull them into a false sense of security then once you had them fooled and your bags were packed you would disappear with Desmond in the dead quiet of night.  You would not have too much time to bait them into complacency though, the longer you were here the harder it would be on Desmond, they already had him calling them his other daddies.  The next day you began to slowly pack two bags of essentials that you couldn’t leave behind, you added to them daily and kept them hidden securely under Desmond’s bed. All the while you acted increasingly sweet to your captors.  When one of them sat by you in bed, all musky and smelly after work, instead of shying away you would lean on them or put your hand on theirs. No matter how nauseating it was for you. When they kissed you you forced yourself to kiss them back, even if only on their cheeks. On a couple occasions you cooked a meal for them, you were not particularly gifted in the culinary arts, but you were not particularly terrible either. And eventually you even remade the nest on the bed with a lot of their freshly dirty laundry and all of the plushies and blankets they had scented for you.  Every time you leaned on them their hearts melted all over again for you, whenever you graced their cheeks with a soft kiss they were totally reassured that you loved them, even if you were too shy to say it out loud, and when you made them a meal they savored every bite as they were sure it was made with love and they were so proud of their kind “omega” house husband.  Oh, and when their little mate willingly made off with their dirty clothes and made a nest with their smell? That sent them over the moon. The pride and joy they had knowing their new boyfriend was getting comforted enough by their pheromones to sneakily steal their laundry was indescribable.  Your plan was working perfectly. And when the day came where they had both planned on going to work later you knew you had finally received their trust and would have your chance to escape.  When they had left you quickly grabbed your supplies and bundled up your son, you were finally going to escape from this hell.  Desmond looked up at you cutely as you held him, “Where are we going?”  “We are going on a little trip, okay?” You told him gently as you kissed his head gently.  “I wanna go back to sleeeep” He whined, it was about time for his nap, Ian and Eli had left in the afternoon today.  “You can in a bit ok-” You dropped your sentence, the word forgotten as you opened the door and saw Ian and Eli standing there, Eli’s hand outreached as he had been about to open the door. They had actually forgotten it was a holiday and there was no work today or tomorrow. Unfortunately, you had forgotten too.  “Uh, (Y/N), sweetie... where are you going with Desmond and all that stuff?” Eli looked and sounded genuinely heartbroken, his red eyes even threatening to cry.  Desmond’s little voice piped up, “Don’t cry daddy! We are going on a trip!”  “Come here little man, it’s your nap time”, Ian took Desmond from you and put him back in his bed for his nap time before returning to the living room.  You just looked down, guiltily avoiding their eyes, unable to summon any words in your defense.  It was Eli who broke the silence.  “Well, aren’t you going to say something (Y/N)!? Why were you trying to leave? We thought you loved us.” He crossed his arms and looked at you sternly.  Something in his words made you snap.  “You kidnapped me and my son, you keep me locked in here and miserable, I hate you, I hate both of you so much!”  Eli took a step closer to you before responding in utter denial, incapable of believing such claims after you had clearly started to warm up to them. “No! You love us! You were so nice all week..”  Eli’s eyes could not hold back anymore and a tear made its way down his cheek.  “Because I was trying to get your trust to escape, asshole!!”  “Hey, don’t talk to Eli like that! You’re really being grouchy today (Y/N)… do we need to take better care of you?” Ian got close and rubbed your arm. “OH! I know what it is, you need breeding!! You’re acting up because we neglected you and didn’t slide in our knots, of course that is it, you’re just a cute bratty omega too shy to ask for what you needed so you lashed out for attention~~”  At this obvious explanation for your actions Eli perked up immediately.  “Yeah, that must be it, (Y/N) just really needs to mate and was too shy to say anything when his alphas should have been able to anticipate his needs! Well don’t worry sweet pea, turns out today is a holiday, so we can relax and take care of you as much as you need us too~”  “W-wait no! It’s not like that! I really h-” Your words were cut off by an excited Ian.  “Babe, in the future if you need one of our knots just hop on okay, you don’t need to be all shy about it~” And with that Eli took you by the arm and practically dragged you into the bedroom.  You probably would have struggled, but you were too stunned and flustered by the way things had unfolded to do anything. Eli placed you a bit roughly on the bed, a bit too excited to feel you around his knot to treat you as gently as he typically preferred.  Eli took up position on his knees behind your head, his crotch hovering above your face ominously as he began to peel away your shirt.  Ian got in a similar position behind your ass and easily removed your pants and underwear despite your squirming. Your protests only elicited smirks and chuckles. Even now, as you kicked, writhed, and pleaded, they were sure you were just too shy to admit that you desperately needed a forceful deep breeding.  Eli disrobed and his cock bounced free above your face, smearing a bit of precum on your forehead. He pinned your arms down as he began smothering your face with his musky nuts. Scenting you in this lewd manner made him hard faster than anything else ever had.  Meanwhile Ian was between your legs, licking and nuzzling against your own nuts, moaning softly as he inhaled your heavenly scent before moving his attention to your tight asshole. He began kissing and licking it tenderly, a string of drool connecting the two of you as he pulled back before diving back between your cheeks for more.  You redoubled your struggles as you felt him give attention to your hole, but you were no match for an alpha, let alone two of them.  Eli began prodding your lips with his cock, desperately wanting to feel the hot wet insides of your mouth on his dick, but you held your mouth closed and moved your head as much as you could to deny him entry, at the same time you were also clenching your ass closed as tightly as humanly possible to avoid letting in Ian’s overly eager tongue get a taste of you.  Ian slid his long tongue into you anyway, gradually wiggling against you and slipping in, this caused you to gasp in surprise and Eli wasted no time in shoving his massive cock right past your lips and slowly grinding it into your face. “Shit, your mouth is so amazing, (Y/N), definitely made for this weren’t you?”  It was by no means small and you gagged horribly as his constantly dripping precum was forced down your throat, tears began to fill your eyes as a rod invaded you from one end and Ian continued passionately making out with your ass from the other end.  “Don’t feel bad about not making any slick baby doll, I lubed you up with my spit~” Ian knew you still were not quite ready for him though so he slowly inserted a finger into your well kissed entrance, lovingly feeling around your warm folds before finding your special spot.  He knew he hit it when you let out a gagged and muffled moan and bucked your hips involuntarily as he continued rubbing you there, adding another finger to his delicate ministrations.  As you began to see the first hint of stars from Ian fingering you you were gagging and crying more as Eli’s cock began knotting your face as he began grinding himself deeper into your face, his dick imprint now visible in your throat.  And while you were busy worrying about whether or not you would die choking on a knotted cock Ian decided that it was almost time to slide his length into the warm waiting embrace of your insides. He aligned the tip with your hole, adding more natural lube by smearing his precum all over it, just to make absolutely sure that it would enter easily before he eased himself into you. He was being abundantly careful with you, something that Eli was not. |  Eli was roughly fucking your face, stopping only briefly when it seemed necessary to make sure that you did not lose consciousness, though at this point that may have almost been the more merciful of the two options.  At this point two twin rivers of tears were streaming down your face. The violation, the helplessness, the gagging, the unwilling pleasure building inside you with each thrust made by Ian.  Now that you had acclimated nicely to being slowly explored by his cock Ian had picked up the pace considerably and was now focused a bit more on seeking his release than on your comfort. They set up a rhythm for fucking themselves into you, as one thrust forward the other pulled back, using you as a double sided cum dump while you cried uselessly for it to end.  With each powerful stroke came the lewd smack of their balls, one set slapping your ass the other slamming into your face, the sound was so loud and clear throughout your ordeal it was as if it was mocking you further about your situation.  As Ian continued battering your prostate you could not help cumming harder than you ever had in your life, and after you had Ian continued working towards his own orgasm and started fondling your sore nuts and sensitive cock as he did so. “Fuck, babe, you fit so well over my cock (Y/N), so tight and warm for me~”  You were forced to cum twice more, painfully, before the two alphas finally had a synchronous climax, warm heady cum filling you from both ends, forcefully filling you up. You wanted to throw up but you had no choice but to allow it down your throat.    Eli finally removed himself from your mouth with a wet plop as his knot exited your soft, sore lips. You were crying and shaking from the overstimulation and sheer domination that you had been victim of. Eli sat with your head moved into his lap and wiped away your tears and stroked your hair tenderly but you flinched and squealed as he kissed from your cheek to your collarbone and bit down hard, leaving his mark on you. He licked and kissed it tenderly like it was the most beautiful testament to love that he had ever seen, like he was worshipping it.  But Ian was not done yet, his knot was thoroughly buried deep within your hot ass and he intended to fuck you full of at least one more load before stopping. The taste of cum was still on your lips as Eli leaned down and kissed you gently, probing every inch of your mouth with his tongue, tasting himself on your lips, savoring the mingled flavors of your spit and his cum, an addictive concoction created by the shared intimacy between you two.  You were still crying a bit from the continued attention Ian’s cock was so dedicated to providing your ass, but Eli was kissing you and playing with your hair, and trying to comfort you as much as possible. You whimpered into Eli’s comforting lips and clung to his arm as Ian’s efforts made you cum yet again.  Ian increased his pace again, going faster and harder as his pleasure mounted once more. He knew he was about ready to unload in your beautiful body again.  The sight of you being kissed by Eli as you were blissed out with half lidded eyes, your mind temporarily broken as you were swept up in the tumultuous world that existed between the blurred border of pleasure and pain, twitching, whimpering, and moaning oh so deliciously sent him over the edge and his cock throbbed hard inside you, stuffing you to the brim with even more of his love as he shouted, “Oh god, (Y/N), I love you so much!”, Before biting you hard and leaving a big mark opposite of Eli’s, causing you to wince.  Ian’s knot kept him firmly inside you so he pulled you into his lap and held you close to his chest. It was finally over and you clung to him, hiding your face in his neck as you cried. Eli was behind you rubbing your back and kissing your neck comfortingly. “You did so good for us baby doll.”  “Yeah, our good little omega took our knots so well~” Ian cooed softly into your ear.  Both of them were on cloud nine, they had successfully gotten you to live with them and they had actually bred you full of their seed, and now they had you all vulnerable and needy in their arms.  You clung to Ian until you were released from his knot, you had stopped crying but you still felt like any vulnerable needy omega would after such intense breeding, despite being a beta. Your alpha “boyfriends” were going to make sure to give you the best treatment for being a good little mate and taking them both despite your much smaller stature.  They made you a bubble bath and cleaned you off tenderly before bundling you in the softest pajamas that money could buy, they took turns cuddling you in their laps, and they kept kissing and licking your sore neck.  When Desmond woke up later in the day you were in no state to be able to take care of him so Ian did while Eli snuggled and pampered and doted on you non-stop. You just lay by him in bed nuzzled into his hairy underarm, your subconscious had slowly begun to associate the scent of the two alphas with comfort and it was a good place to hide your face in for as long as you wanted to.  He was more than happy to let you get as much of his smell as you needed.  Later that night, when you had recovered more, they fed you all of your favorite sweets and hot chocolate. They wanted to make sure you were filled with all the things that made an omega a happy little mate, not just their thick seed.  You were too tired to refuse, so when one of them pulled you into his lap you willingly nibbled at everything he gave you as you leaned back against his warm chest, they were thrilled with how placated mating had seemed to make you, though they agreed among themselves they had overdone it and that they would be gentler in the future.  You were such a good little mate now, they knew all you had needed was a nice knotting to make you happy. In a twisted way they were not wrong, as they held and babied you you realized you had started to bond with them, it was good that you were, because you certainly would never be living apart from them.
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Ian Millhiser at Vox:
The Supreme Court announced on Monday that it will not hear Mckesson v. Doe. The decision not to hear Mckesson leaves in place a lower court decision that effectively eliminated the right to organize a mass protest in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas. Under that lower court decision, a protest organizer faces potentially ruinous financial consequences if a single attendee at a mass protest commits an illegal act.
It is possible that this outcome will be temporary. The Court did not embrace the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit’s decision attacking the First Amendment right to protest, but it did not reverse it either. That means that, at least for now, the Fifth Circuit’s decision is the law in much of the American South. For the past several years, the Fifth Circuit has engaged in a crusade against DeRay Mckesson, a prominent figure within the Black Lives Matter movement who organized a protest near a Baton Rouge police station in 2016. The facts of the Mckesson case are, unfortunately, quite tragic. Mckesson helped organize the Baton Rouge protest following the fatal police shooting of Alton Sterling. During that protest, an unknown individual threw a rock or similar object at a police officer, the plaintiff in the Mckesson case who is identified only as “Officer John Doe.” Sadly, the officer was struck in the face and, according to one court, suffered “injuries to his teeth, jaw, brain, and head.”
Everyone agrees that this rock was not thrown by Mckesson, however. And the Supreme Court held in NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware (1982) that protest leaders cannot be held liable for the violent actions of a protest participant, absent unusual circumstances that are not present in the Mckesson case — such as if Mckesson had “authorized, directed, or ratified” the decision to throw the rock. Indeed, as Justice Sonia Sotomayor points out in a brief opinion accompanying the Court’s decision not to hear Mckesson, the Court recently reaffirmed the strong First Amendment protections enjoyed by people like Mckesson in Counterman v. Colorado (2023). That decision held that the First Amendment “precludes punishment” for inciting violent action “unless the speaker’s words were ‘intended’ (not just likely) to produce imminent disorder.”
The reason Claiborne protects protest organizers should be obvious. No one who organizes a mass event attended by thousands of people can possibly control the actions of all those attendees, regardless of whether the event is a political protest, a music concert, or the Super Bowl. So, if protest organizers can be sanctioned for the illegal action of any protest attendee, no one in their right mind would ever organize a political protest again. Indeed, as Fifth Circuit Judge Don Willett, who dissented from his court’s Mckesson decision, warned in one of his dissents, his court’s decision would make protest organizers liable for “the unlawful acts of counter-protesters and agitators.” So, under the Fifth Circuit’s rule, a Ku Klux Klansman could sabotage the Black Lives Matter movement simply by showing up at its protests and throwing stones.
The Fifth Circuit’s Mckesson decision is obviously wrong
Like Mckesson, Claiborne involved a racial justice protest that included some violent participants. In the mid-1960s, the NAACP launched a boycott of white merchants in Claiborne County, Mississippi. At least according to the state supreme court, some participants in this boycott “engaged in acts of physical force and violence against the persons and property of certain customers and prospective customers” of these white businesses. Indeed, one of the organizers of this boycott did far more to encourage violence than Mckesson is accused of in his case. Charles Evers, a local NAACP leader, allegedly said in a speech to boycott supporters that “if we catch any of you going in any of them racist stores, we’re gonna break your damn neck.”
With SCOTUS refusing to take up McKesson v. Doe, the 5th Circuit's insane anti-1st Amendment ruling that effectively bans mass protests remains in force for the 3 states covered in the 5th: Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
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sxnshxnxxnddxxsxxs · 2 months
sometimes i just think about bonnie bennett
and how she was never intended to be black. her equivalent character in the vampire diaries novels is white and the only reason she’s black is that the producers of tvd told julie plec that she couldn’t have an all white cast. yet bonnie bennett is the embodiment of the magical negro trope, she’s probably one of the best examples of it in 21st century television. and it just makes me wonder what bonnie bennett would be like if she got the storyline julie plec would have given her had she been white. both joseph morgan and ian somerhalder argued for bonnie to get a romance plot with their characters. i personally would have liked a subplot of kol teaching bonnie magic in tvd season 3 and 4 perhaps with a romantic plot within it. but the symbolism of kol who was taught magic by ayana being the first person who teach bonnie since her grams died and teaching her all these ancient bennett spells from his childhood is something that i think just made so much sense for both their characters.
sometimes i just think about bonnie bennett and who she would be without julie plec’s racism.
oh and this is everyone’s reminder that stefan and damon had nothing to do with the confederacy in the vampire diaries novels they were just 500 year old dudes from italy. the whole mystic falls confederacy lore is entirely of julie plec’s own making.
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beansandsprouts · 11 months
I'm Not Jealous
Dean Winchester x fem reader
Fluff with a sprinkling of angst
Summary: While on a hunt, you and the boys bumped into another hunter working the same case. You decide to join forces, but you and this new hunter get along too well for Dean's liking.
Warnings: descriptions of violence, blood, little bit of angst, implication of sex
Dean watched as you giggled at something that hunter, Ian, had said. His jaw clenched when you touched Ian's arm and moved in closer to him.
He huffed as he turned his attention back to his array of weapons as Sam gave him a knowing look.
"You know she wouldn't be flirting with someone else if you'd made a move sooner."
"What the hell are you talkin about?"
"Come on man, it's obvious how you feel about her." Sam pushed.
"She's our friend, Sam. I just don't want her to get taken advantage of."
"Uh huh."
You were hunting a werewolf, it had killed four people in the last few days and you all intended on putting an end to it.
You'd tracked it to an abandoned farmhouse a few miles outside of town, and were preparing to make a move.
"Y/n! You ready?"
You turned to face Dean, giving him a bright smile and a thumbs up.
"Alright, let's move!"
The four of you walked back out to your cars, the werewolf having been taken down without too much trouble. There would definitely be some bruises but nothing too serious.
You were leaning back against Ian's car, chatting. Dean watched, brows furrowed as he put away his weapons. His blood boiled when Ian reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Dean, you can't keep angrily staring at them."
"I don't know what you're talking about." He grumbled, averting his eyes and slamming the trunk shut.
"Hey! Ian and I are gonna go grab some dinner. I'll see you guys back at the motel, kay?"
"Yeah...whatever." Dean grumbled, not sparing you a glance.
Sam side eyed him before turning to you, "Yeah no problem. Be safe, call if you need anything."
"Will do Sam." You smiled and turned back towards Ian's car.
"You just cannot stand the thought of her with someone else." Sam chuckled.
"I just...shes never been the type. She doesn't do one night stands."
"What makes you think it's a one night stand?" Sam raised a brow.
"You can't have relationships with this job Sammy. It just doesn't work."
"Maybe not with a normal person. But two hunters? That would work better."
"You don't think she's seriously considering dating that...that...prick?"
"Ian's a nice guy Dean."
"He's not good enough for her."
"You don't think anyone's good enough for her." Sam snorted.
Dean glared at him.
"You are seriously oblivious to how much you like her, aren't you?"
"What're you on about?"
"Do you not see the way that you look at her? The way you light up when she walks into the kitchen in the mornings? How she's always the one you check on after a hunt? You've always guarded her against guys at bars. You've always taken care of her Dean."
"She's family Sam. We take care of family." He growled.
Sam sighed, "Whatever you say."
When you returned later that night, Dean was sitting up in bed watching TV next to a sleeping Sam.
"Hey!" You whispered.
Dean glanced at you, "You have fun?"
You smiled, "Yeah, Ian's great."
He grunted in response, shutting off the TV and sliding under the covers. You bit your lip, you'd kinda hoped he'd have more of a reaction to you going out with someone.
You'd had feelings for Dean for years, but either he didn't notice or he chose not to. Eventually you'd resigned yourself to being his friend, his hunting partner. But you'd always wished for me. Maybe that was why you never pursued someone, you'd always kinda hoped something would happen.
But Ian was funny and cute, and you figured maybe it was time to move on. You'd tried to have a good time tonight, but all you could think about was what it'd be like to be with Dean. You'd come clean about it to Ian, not wanting him to get too involved with someone who was in love with another man. But he'd said it was okay, he was willing to wait for you to fall for him instead. He'd even asked you out again next week. It felt good to be wanted, to have someone want to be with you.
A week later and you're getting ready for your date with Ian. He'd invited you out to this nicer restaurant. Definitely a lot nicer than you were used to. You'd put on a form fitting black dress that came down to the mid thigh and accentuated your curves, the neckline plunged, showing off your chest a bit. You'd left your hair down for once, letting it frame your face nicely. And youd put on some nice perfume Mary had gifted you awhile back. You felt good and you looked good.
You walked out into the main room and the boys looked up as you did, Sam and Cas raised their brows and Dean choked on his beer.
"You look nice." Cas said.
"Really nice. I think I've seen your hair down like...twice." Sam said.
You grinned, "Thanks guys. Its definitely a change from what I'm used to but Ian's taking me to some fancy place in town so the usual jeans and t-shirt weren't an option."
Dean was staring at you, looking you up and down, seemingly in shock.
You heard a knock at the door, and shouted for him to come in. Ian came in, a bouquet of flowers in hand. He came down the stairs and his eyes widened when he saw you.
"Thanks." You smiled at him.
He wordlessly handed you the flowers, still staring. You left the room to try and hunt down a vase.
"You better treat her right." Dean said. Not even looking at Ian.
"Oh like you have?"
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Dean growled, standing and whipping around to face him.
Ian had a look of contempt on his face, like he was disgusted by the mere sight of Dean, "Nothing."
"No what the fuck-"
"I found a vase," You said as you entered the room again, "Put them in my-what's going on in here?"
"Nothing! You ready to go?"
"Uh yeah, sure." You said, eyes on Dean's clearly irritated face.
The evening was wonderful, Ian was lovely to be around. And the food was great. You entered the bunker again later that night with a smile on your face, which was quickly gone when you saw the pissed off look on Dean's.
"Dean? You ok?"
"Why are you going out with him?"
"Because I like him? What do you mean?"
"You've only ever needed us. Why has that suddenly changed? What could he possibly give you that me and Sam and Cas and Jack can't?"
You looked at him, shocked. He had stood and turned to face you.
"You can't have seriously expected this to never happen?"
"Why not? We've given you everything you need. A home, protection, family. What else is there?"
You blinked, "What?"
"What does he give you that we cant?" He growled.
You shook your head, "I want to be loved, Dean. I want to be held and kissed," your voice rising, "I want to be taken on dates and brought flowers. And God damnit I want to have sex!"
He just looked at you in shock.
"Listen," you continued, "I love you guys. You mean the world to me. But you all can't give me that. You can't give me what I want." Your voice broke.
"Why not?"
Your face contorted in confusion, "What do you mean?"
Dean's jaw clenched, "Why cant I be the one to give you that?"
"Why not me y/n? I know I'm not the ideal partner, I drink a lot, I'm not the most emotional, and I know I don't deserve you, but I can try. I want to try. I want to give you that. I want you to smile at me the way you smiled at that schmuck."
You took a step back, ran your hands through your hair. You'd wanted this for so long. You'd imagined it, imagined what he'd say, what you'd say. But suddenly it was actually happening and you didn't know what to do.
Dean stepped forward and took your hands into his rough ones.
"Can't you give me a chance to do that for you?" He pleaded.
"God damnit Dean. I finally try to move on from you and you drag me right back in."
He drew in a breath as you looked up at him, teary eyed.
You stepped forward and leaned up, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
Dean felt his heart flutter at the small action, he stared at you wide eyed.
"You just...you..."
"I kissed you Dean." You said with an amused look on your face.
He broke out in a wide grin, "Wow."
"Wow?" You snorted.
"Shut up." Though you could tell he really didn't mean it.
"So are you gonna just stand there grinning like an idiot or are you gonna kiss me?"
"I'm gonna kiss you." He said as he leaned down, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you flush against his body, and kissed you.
You sighed happily, reaching to wrap your arms around his neck, kissing him like you'd been waiting to for thousands of years. And in some ways, it felt like you had.
He pulled back and began pressing kisses to your jaw and neck, you giggled. The feeling of his stubble brushing against your neck sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach. His lips moved down your neck nipping and sucking, leaving marks along the way.
"Dean..." You breathed, your hands gently tugging at his hair.
"You're mine now. And I'm gonna make sure everyone knows it. Especially that wussy little prick you went out with tonight."
"He's not wussy and hes not a prick." You snorted.
"At least he was open about his feelings from the beginning. It didn't take him years to realize how much of a catch I am." You grinned.
Dean groaned, "You're not gonna let that go are you?"
"Oh definitely not. It took you three years to finally tell me you wanted me. Three years and me dressing up to go out with someone else."
"God when you walked in...I just couldn't believe it. I'd never seen you like that. Most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And then when I realized it was for that pr-" He paused when you gave him a look, "For that man. It pissed me off. I wanted you to dress like that for me."
"Oh Dean, you lovely oblivious idiot." You cooed.
"An oblivious idiot that you fell for." He teased.
"Damn right I did." You said and pulled him down to press little kisses all over his face.
As you moved to kiss his cheek he turned his head to catch your lips.
"Now, let me show you something Ian definitely can't do." He grinned, picking you up and carrying you off to his room.
The next morning you wandered out sleepily in one of Dean's t-shirts. Sam looked up at you, taking in the way you looked before grinning.
"Finally figured out his feelings huh?"
"Took him long enough." You laughed.
"Damn right it did. I've been watching you two pine after each other for way too long."
"It only took that long because he's an idiot."
"Who's an idiot?" Dean asked, walking into the kitchen and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"No one." You said as you and Sam shared a knowing look.
Dean narrowed his eyes, "Uh huh."
"Nothing to worry about love, eat your bacon." You chuckled.
Dean shrugged and sat at the table, loading his plate with eggs and bacon.
You smiled, a cup of coffee in your hand. You felt satisfied. And happy, and you knew you'd only feel happier as time went on.
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cloudy-em · 10 months
Hi, that's me again😅
So... my other idea for Lip is: (again with relatively shy reader, because I love the thrope a lot) the reader and Lip are already in a relationship, one day someone teases her a little too much on the sexual theme (they haven't had sex yet so she's a bit insecure about it) he notices, he defends her, and once they're alone he starts to joke around, teases her in a sweet way, to make her feel more comfortable to talk about it. (She is not a virgin, she's just not that experienced)
Hope you like this one, if not. It's okay, I promise😂
another great idea! <3
personally i don't celebrate thanksgiving but i remember an episode from one of the earlier seasons of them doing a thanksgiving meal which is very convenient for this so it's loosely based on that
warnings: sexual comments, innuendos, Mickey's kinda being an ass but his comments aren't ill-intended
The Gallagher household was bustling with activity. Fiona and V were in the kitchen, finishing up some last minute food preparations while Kevin was entertaining Carl and some of his friends in the yard with games. Ian was fixing drinks for everyone, desperately trying to find Debbie to figure out what she wanted (she was in her room, Mandy braiding her hair for her so she could impress Little Hank). Lip was finishing up a project for some sophomore who'd offered to pay him $100, and Liam was sitting patiently in his high chair. Y/N did her best to help out by setting the table, ensuring there were enough chairs and that everyone had all the proper utensils.
Mickey walked in the front door, beer in hand and flopped down, watching as Y/N reached across to the other side of the table to put a fork next to the plate. Mickey whistled like a boy in a 60s tv show.
"Damn, I bet you're used to that position," he quipped, taking another swig or his beer. Y/N looked at him, furrowing her eyebrows.
Mickey shrugged. "You know, cause I'm sure Philip bends you over pretty often." Y/N realized his implications, blushing and looking away. Mickey laughed, much more comfortable on the subject of sex than she was. "I'm sure Fiona's had to schedule time out of the house with the rest of the kids just to give you two some 'alone time'!"
Y/N grew increasingly uncomfortable. She wasn't a virgin or a puritan, but she and Lip hadn't had sex yet. They hadn't had a conversation about it or anything, but she wanted to wait a while and Lip had never brought it up with her.
Mickey laughed, "Look, kid, don't have to hide anything, we've all walked in on Lip with one of his hookups before." He paused for dramatic effect.
"Besides, it's always the shy one's who are the kinkiest!"
Y/N looked away, trying not to pay him any more mind and focus on her task. Lip walked down the stairs having finished with the sophomore's project, and immediately noticed something was off. His girlfriend was shy, sure, but she never bowed her head as low as she had.
"Hey, Lip!" Mickey called, teasing. Lip looked at him, eyebrows raised in expectation. "Maybe you should go out back and have quickie with your girl, get 'er to stop bein' such a priss." Lip realized what was wrong, walking over to his blushing girlfriend and placing his arm around her waist.
"Fuck off," Lip sighed. "Y/N isn't a priss, she just doesn't think the whole world needs to know about her sex life like you and Ian seem to."
Mickey raised his arms in surrender, "'Kay, fuck, Gallagher, it was all teasing, no harm meant!" He got up from his seat and went to the kitchen, presumably to grab another beer.
"C'mon, baby," Lip said softly, squeezing Y/N's waist and guiding her up to his room. He sat with her on the edge of Ian's bed, holding her hand and rubbing his calloused thumb on the back of it.
"I'm sorry he was messin' with you, baby," he whispered. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Anything I can do for you?" He emphasized his apology by pressing a soft kiss to her temple.
"No, just," she paused, thinking about how she wanted to phrase her next sentence. "Do you ever, I don't know, feel like I'm holding you back?"
Lip had a puzzled look on his face. "Whatd'ya mean, hon?"
"Well with like, you know," she sighed, pulling her hand away from Lip to hide her face. "We haven't had sex and I feel like that's my fault." She heard him chuckle quietly, her embarrassment seeping into her soul even more.
"Baby," he cooed, wrapping his arms around her in a hug as she continued to hide her face. "It's nobody's fault. We haven't talked about it yet! That's the most important part of any relationship, and that's taken me a while to learn. I figured you'd bring it up when you were ready. I didn't want you to feel pressured."
She looked up at him, eyes wide and glazed over, on the verge of tears because of her embarrassment. "Really?" she asked.
"Really," he nodded like he had given an order to the universe.
"I thought that maybe you weren't attracted to me or that you thought I wasn't good enough," she whispered.
"Me? Not attracted to you? Aw babe!" he laughed, nose touching hers in a loving exchange. "A pretty thing like you deserves to be worshipped. When we have sex, I'm takin' my time with you."
She giggled at his compliment, rolling her eyes in disbelief.
"Oh, what you don't believe me? I've wanted to sleep with pretty girl forever, I just wanted to make sure she's ready for me," he smiled at her. The more he complimented her, easing in sex references, the more comfortable she felt on the subject. He had waited for her! He didn't think she was a prude or anything, he just had respect for her; he cared for her. She felt warmth in her chest as she processed the conversation. Lip kissed her nose briefly, helping her stand up from the bed.
"And try not to let Mickey get you down. He's just like that and assumes everyone else is comfortable talking about their sex life the way he does. I'll warn him to dial it down when he's around you, though," Lip told her, looking into her eyes to make sure she knew he was serious.
"Thanks, Lip. I love you," she told him, hugging him again.
"I love you, too, Y/N. Now, we'll talk more about us and our boundaries and moving forward later," he told her, trying to help her be more comfortable discussing sex with him. "But right now I think we've got a dinner to be at."
thanks for reading! sorry about me projecting a lil bit in lip and reader's conversation lol, i just think it's really important to have these conversations with your partners and i think lip, despite being all tough and "not sappy" (but he totally is) really cares about discussing boundaries with his partner
have a great day!
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magnifythesun · 27 days
Hi! Are you still taking ianthony prompts? I've had this stuck in my head the time Ian's car broke down and Anthony said he begged Ian 6 times to come pick him up and I just imagine Damsel in Distress Ian who's also stubborn and a bit oblivious to a worried and protective Anthony who's always there for him in different situations.
Thank you sooo much for the prompt!!
This is definitely one of my favorite little details that they've dropped about themselves haha!! I can't believe Anthony had to ask Ian SIX whole times just to come get him 😂 Ian truly must never ask for help! Okay, I'm a little rusty in my writing but I'm excited so let's see how this goes! Let me know what you think! ^_^
(mid writing notes: writing this really made me realize just how many times SIX whole times of asking your friend to let you give them a ride is. SIX TIMES)
Read on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56102110
Leave it to Ian to get stranded in the only 'middle-of-nowhere' spot in LA. Anthony was wearing tracks into his living room carpet, caught up in rereading the messages Ian had sent.
"Car broke 😢" was the first sign of trouble, accompanied by the sad photo of Ian's car half-pulled off of the asphalt into grass.
"Where are you?" Anthony had shot back, confused by the seemingly rural background of the photo. "Got AAA coming to help?"
"In the most barren part of the whole city." Ian replied after a couple of minutes. "I'm taking a look at at it now but yeah I'm probably going to call them. Car sounds fucked."
"Shit, man. Lemme know if you need a ride" Anthony offered. It only took a second for the reply.
"No worries, I'll be good."
There had been radio silence for a while then. Anthony hadn't been too stressed. He figured Ian already had a different person lined up to get him if his car didn't start back up. Still, he kept glancing at his phone for updates that didn't come.
After about forty minutes, and a quick glance at the clock that told him it'd be getting dark soon, Anthony texted Ian again.
"Triple A fix your car?"
The response was prompt. "Nope"
Anthony stared at the message, knowing this man did not just send him only the word 'nope.' It took a minute but more followed.
"The AAA guy's still looking at it but from what I can tell it's beyond his scope. He mentioned I should probably call a tow truck so I've been looking at reviews."
Anthony glanced outside his window, frowning at the rapidly darkening sky. "That sounds like a good idea. after you call whoever, I can drive over so you have a ride once they've towed yours"
Ian responded quickly, "No don't worry I'm all good."
Definitely must have a ride then, Anthony thought. Still, he had to make sure. "Oh good, you've got a ride then?"
There was a long pause, so Anthony set his phone down, glancing at the setting sun again and went to get some water from the kitchen.
Coming back in to his phone, he checked his messages, and-
"No, I'll probably just Uber."
Anthony was flabbergasted. "Why?? Don't worry man it's no problem for me to pick you up. Let me know where you're at." It was actually just straight up dark outside at this point. "Is the AAA guy still there??"
"Nah he's gone. Waiting on the tow truck."
Alone in the middle-of-nowhere Los Angeles? Anthony thought, In the dark? Worry flared up in his chest and the pacing began.
"Ian, just drop me your map pin and I'll head over."
"It's chill, I'm not in a rush to get home." Ian replied, not a care in the world.
Anthony resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands. "that's not really the point??"
Suddenly a picture was loading in on the messages.
Anthony braced himself for a lackadaisical gif (and yes, he pronounced it jif like god and the creator intended) but was greeted instead with a horrendous selfie of Ian holding the phone at an angle an inch from his chin, smiling at him. The artificial light from his phone lit up the interior of his car behind him. Anthony couldn't help but laugh, even as the worry churned in his stomach. Another message followed.
"Don't worry. I'm a big boy now, all grown up and everything."
Anthony considered wracking his brains for a daddy joke, but decided Ian didn't deserve it right now. He grabbed his keys and wallet, flicked off the living room light, and left, locking his door behind him. As he walked toward his car, he jabbed the call button.
It rang only twice before Ian picked up. Anthony heard him take a breath to speak and didn't give him a chance. "Ian, just tell me where you're at, I'm heading to my car now."
"I-" Ian sounded surprised. There was a moment of rustling on the other end, then Anthony was clearly put on speaker as Ian's voice echoed slightly through the call. "Anthony, really, it's fine. The tow truck people have an ETA of like 15 minutes and then I'll call the Uber while they're hooking the car up."
Anthony, now at his car, pressed his eyes closed for a second in annoyance as he clicked his key. He hoped Ian could hear the pointed little beep-beep of his car unlocking in response.
"You really don't have to go out of your way to come get me," Ian continued, undeterred. "I didn't mean to derail your whole night with this," He laughed.
Anthony got in the car and leaned his head on his steering wheel in despair. "Ian."
"What?" Ian asked.
Anthony began to laugh despite himself, "I don't understand," He laughed harder, pushing the words out. "Why won't you just let me pick you up? I've asked you like five times!"
There was a moment of silence from Ian's end, and Anthony knew Ian was processing just how ridiculous this had become. Ian started snickering. Then they were both just laughing, Anthony holding the phone tight to his ear as Ian's laughter poured from it, his other hand ready to turn the car on.
"So," Anthony caught his breath, "So can you -please- drop me a map pin so I can come get you?"
"Alright, alright." Ian said.
Ian's voice was soft and breathless from his laughter. Anthony had spent a long time learning how to properly relish the beautiful moments in his life. The sound of Ian's voice right now, echoing slightly through the phone? That was one of those moments.
Anthony's phone pinged. "There. You happy?"
"Finally, my god." Anthony pulled the phone away to check. "Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes."
"Great," Ian said. "I think the tow truck gets here right about then." Anthony could still hear the smile in his voice. "I'll be here, waiting for you to rescue me."
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threadsun · 8 months
Anonymous Asks: "If ya get the time for it, I really wanna see some pet play stuff with the SDJ boys. More specifically, with us being the pet and the guys being the masters.
(Also, due to Nick's profession, I feel like he'd be WAY better at this than anyone lol)"
Content: petplay, tail plugs, gags,
Tumblr media
He doesn't have an animal preference, but he will default to you being a dog if it's left up to him
He wants you done up all cute, with ears and a tail plug and everything! He wants the fur to match your hair colour as well, so you look like a proper little puppy for him
He'll have you sit by his feet with your head in his lap, petting you slowly while he tells you all the dirty things he wants to do to you
He'll ramp it up slowly, first a collar and a bone gag, then telling you to fetch things or lay down or roll over, and finally fucking you doggy style as he pulls your tail to hear you howl for him
You'd better not be planning to say a word to him all night. Good puppies don't talk, after all! He'll only respond to barking~
Doesn't matter what animal you are, he's treating you like you're the softest and most delicate thing in the world
He won't even think to collar you unless you ask. But he'll spend plenty on high quality ears and a tail for you! Even some cute little paw gloves and socks if you want
If you do want a collar, it'll end up being soft and comfortable and have a little tag with his name on it
Honestly, as much as he'll get horny and fuck you when you're in pet mode, he'll always want to start with cuddles and snuggles. He just wants a loving pet!
He usually goes into it intending for it to be nonsexual petplay, but his dick gets the better of him every time
Please be a cat please be a cat please be a cat! He'll accept any animal, but god does he want you to be a cat
If you're going into pet play with him, you'd best be ready for him to go all the way. A leather animal mask, leather mitts, tying your ankles to your thighs. You'll be on all fours the whole night
Look, he'll go soft petplay if you ask him to, but for him the appeal is making you as animalistic as possible
He'll have you eat from his hand. He'll talk to you like you're really just a pet. He'll show you how to go down on him or get ready for him to fuck you like it's your first time
He gets fully into the role of being your owner. You're his pet, and he'll love you and use you as he sees fit
He's pretty experienced with petplay, and he doesn't really have an animal preference, though he likes rarer ones
He's all about the experience. Both making it a good one for both of you, and making it an interesting one for himself. He likes trying new things, so ask him for whatever you want
Everything takes a lot of negotiation with him. It's one of his favourite parts of sex! So be prepared to tell him what you want
You want a collar? He's got it! Ears and a tail? Check! Leash? Absolutely! Seriously, anything you could possibly want to use, he's got about ten of for you to choose from
Once you're actually in the scene, he's fully into the role of your owner and you as his pet
Joseph has a soft spot for puppies. He'll do petplay with you as any animal, of course, but puppies are his choice
He likes the way you look so happy just to be with him! The way you come to him when he pats his knees and the way you wiggle on your back when he rubs your belly
Seriously, the unconditional love and joy of a pet is something he desperately needs, so he cherishes it
He'll fuck you if that's what you want, but honestly he's just as happy to sit with you on the couch and cuddle while you're in petspace. It's soothing for him
If you do want him to fuck you, he'll be gentle and slow about it, making sure his sweet pet is happy~
He may be soft with his actual pet, but he's not gonna be soft with you, no matter what animal you are
Seriously, he takes great delight in punishing you for everything. From trying to sit on the furniture to talking back to him to anything else he deems "unacceptable for a pet"
He'll impose harsh rules on you and any slight deviance from those rules will have him spanking your ass raw
He loves to fuck you right after a punishment when you're physically and emotionally bruised and off-balance. He'll tell you what a bad pet you are while pounding into you
He lives for the psychological and physical sadism of being your owner. You'd better be prepared...
Any sort of pet is good for him! He's not very high energy, though, so don't expect him to do much active playing
More than anything, he wants a sweet pet who'll curl up with him and shyly grind against him because they're just so needy, and he can urge them under the covers
His favourite thing is watching his sweet little pet go down on him. Something about it drives him wild
Whenever he doesn't need his hands for anything else, he'll pet you. He loves petting you and praising you and letting you know you're the best thing he could ever have!
Seriously, he's horny and sweet with you the whole time! He loves you and wants you so much
It doesn't matter if you're into petplay or not, Barry will eventually decide to turn you into his cow
You don't have a choice in the matter. He's getting you cow print lingerie, a cow bell, some ears and a tail. If it goes far enough, he'll even end up branding you
This is happening during work hours, as well. It's your new uniform, have fun! You're now required to moo in greeting too
Seriously, he gets such a kick out of your discomfort. He'll strap you up to a milking machine, put you on display, and charge people to fuck you if he can get away with it
He might branch out to other animals, but cow is generally his go-to because it's so humiliating for most people
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mickittotheman · 1 month
Maybe #6 ...on a falling tear.
But maybe smut 😅
Ahem. Um. Yes.
Putting this under a read more cut for obvious reasons 😶
6. ...on a falling tear (but definitely smut)
It’s Ian’s day off, the house is empty, the vibrating anal beads they splurged on finally arrived in the mail, and they're having a great time.
It’s obvious, from the way Ian is grinning wide, eyes sparkling, laughter huffing from his lungs, that he’s enjoying this. 
Mickey’s enjoying it too, of course. It’s just that he expresses joy a bit differently than most people. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck you, fuck you, Ian, gonna fucking kill you, fuck.”
Ian laughs again, and his warm breath puffing against Mickey’s spit soaked nipple gets an interesting response, so he follows it up by pursing his lips and blowing out a long, cool stream of air.
“Fuck. Ian,” Mickey whines, voice keening and plaintive once more. 
It’s one of the many, many things Ian loves about his husband: the way his mood flips on a dime even during sex, especially during sex, how he’ll go from growling threats to pathetic pleading to blabbering praises and back again.
“So good, it’s so good, Ian, please, love you, you're so good.”
“Yeah? You like this, baby?” Ian pulls back to get a better view of Mickey’s face. It's quite the sight to behold: skin flushed and brows furrowed and mouth swollen and slick, plush lower lip bitten hard by one sharp little canine tooth. 
Mickey tips his head back against the pillow. Shakes it frantically. “No, I don’t fucking like this, I hate this, fuck, I hate you.”
“Oh? You don’t like this?” Ian hums. Rubs one big hand soothingly up and down Mickey’s heaving chest. “Hm. Maybe we oughta try a different setting, then.”
Mickey’s eyes fly open just in time to see Ian grin as he presses the button on the remote.
“Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck, Ian, Ian, please–”
“Please what? Put it higher?”
Ian presses another button without waiting for an answer. Watches in awe as Mickey’s back arches, as his muscles tense, limbs straining against the restraints, as his cock jerks untouched against his stomach, come dribbling down to join the other spatters in varying states of drying.
Ian clicks the remote again. Drops the strength to the lowest setting, switches the pulse pattern to something steady and predictable.
Mickey sobs, just once, and Ian’s grin widens. 
When Mickey cries during sex, that means Ian is doing his job really, really well. 
It’d freaked him out the first time. Made him panic. Made him think he’d hurt Mickey in a way he hadn’t intended to.
But that was years ago.
Nowadays, making Mickey cry is one of Ian’s favorite activities.
“So good, baby,” he gushes, leaning in to kiss Mickey’s forehead. “You’re doing so good. You were fucking made for this, Mickey. Made to be tied up and pleasured and used all day long.”
Ian can physically feel Mickey’s skin heat up against his lips. Can feel him shudder and shake. Can feel him nod, just a tiny, jerky little motion. 
Ian pulls back again, wanting to drink in the sight of him, wanting to see it forever and ever and ever. “Fuck, baby. I should take a fucking picture. Actually, I should just keep you like this 24/7.”
Mickey’s breath stutters, his eyes fluttering open to peer up at Ian blearily, the tiniest little noise clawing from his throat. 
Ian smiles softly at him. Brings a hand up to cup his face and swipe at his tears with his thumb. “You want that, baby? Yeah. Maybe you’re right about not needing a job. Maybe I should just keep you tied up like this all day instead, ready for me to use whenever I want. Would be a great stress relief, after a long day of work. ‘Course, some days I’d be too tired to fuck you, but that’s okay. I can just leave you like this, right?”
Mickey whines in protest. Shakes his head. 
“Shh, it’s okay, Mick. I’m just teasing,” he soothes, ducking down again to kiss the fresh tear rolling down Mickey’s cheek. “I’d never be able to leave you completely untouched. I’d have to do something. Something like this, maybe.”
He clicks the remote again, ramping the vibrations back up to level five, switching the pattern to an unyielding bzzzzzzzzzz.
Ian laughs. Palms at his own dick, just to take a bit of the pressure off. “We’re almost done, babe. Promise.”
“Yeah?” Mickey pants, melting a bit in relief even as his wrists flex against the leather cuffs fruitlessly.
“Ian! Fuck, fuck you, please please please, I need you, I love you, Ian–”
“Yeah,” Ian assures him. “Just gonna make you come one more time with these in.” He pauses. Cocks his head. “Well, and then of course I’ll have to pull these out of you, one by one, and fuck knows how many times you’ll come during that. Plus, I’m obviously going to have to fuck you at least once. Maybe twice. I’m feeling pretty worked up, y’know?”
This time, Mickey comes with a high pitched whine and a steady stream of tears.
Oh yeah. They are definitely having fun.
send me a number~
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 10 months
there’s something so symbolic about 2x11.
the entire family (not including lip) are together and having a happy time. things are going great, and then monica leaves them with a mess and things go from happy to dark and traumatic in seconds. fiona looks fearfully and expectedly at her father, praying that he’ll do something to help stop their mother from leaving them yet again, but instead, he leaves them to fix everything themselves.
that entire situation has happened to them all far too many times. their parents leave it all up to the kids to fix, especially fiona.
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lowpolyshadow · 11 months
i transcribed the sonadow bumblekast episode so you don't have to
hopefully the formatting isn't really weird lol
Kyle: So this time, for Pride Month, we get to address the hypothetical fandom ship that's probably helped more than a few Sonic fans figure out their sexuality: Sonadow! A lot of straight fans probably had Rouge or Sally be their awakening, so don't throw stones. 
Ian: True, true. 
Kyle: Shadow is not quite in a place where it's easy to imagine him having a healthy romantic relationship. But it is honestly a bit problematic to have one character shift until they're suitable for another, unless it's a mutual situation. How would you execute the character growth for Shadow and Sonic that would most help enable Sonadow? 
Ian: There would have to be an understood vulnerability to Shadow, he would have to open up to a degree that makes him more accessible at a personal level, and it doesn't take much? We've seen hints of it throughout his appearances, it would just need to become established, and that I think is all you really need to build that bridge because Sonic is casual and accepting enough as he is, and he's going to allow Shadow to be who he is which is kind of prickly and standoffish as you would have that occasional moment where Shadow lets his guard down and is more empathetic or emotionally available. But otherwise they would both play it fairly cool and aloof I think (lol). 
Kyle: Yeah, they're together. What of it? So? Big deal. I like it.  There are obviously a lot of different popular ships in Sonic. In order to make one really stand out, you'd probably need to really spark intrigue on it before pushing the two characters together. How would you arrange the first key romantic spark that was intended to drive the fans towards wanting them together? 
Ian: I think it stems more from the characters already having good chemistry. I mean you look at the fandom in general and the fleet of ships that are sailing and all of them are based off of the fact that these characters are fun in their interactions regardless of who we're talking about. So if it were an intention of building something from scratch, for most of the Sonic cast, I think the work's already been done and there's already a great deal of trust and mutual respect between most of the characters. It would just be a matter of realizing that there is more than respect, there's more than kinship, there's a romantic affinity, and for one of those characters to make that realization and start to pursue it in their own particular way.  And then it becomes a question of well, is the object of their affection going to reciprocate? And if they don't, which leads to an interesting story of, now that they are on this path, yeah, they know that this is an option, do they come around to it? Or do they not? Are both characters kind of interested but they don't want to take that first step and so you have that carrot on a stick that is ever so effective for however long you want to run it? 
Kyle: There's nothing that gets, uh, Sonic's motor running more than being called a faker. Apparently. 
(more laughing) 
Ian: Oh, he'll show you how real he is. 
Kyle: Oh, no! This is a family show, sir!
(even more laughing) 
With that idea fresh in our minds, how would you make it official for the two of them? 
Ian: God, if that ever came to pass. (lol) 
Kyle: I feel like it would have to be kind of like, understated? Like it would just kind of happen? 
Ian: Yeah, I've, they're both so cool and aloof in their own way, I don't see them making any kind of dramatic declaration or ... suddenly turning all mushy and lovey-dovey, it's not who they are. Um ... I, you know, the adventure concludes and they're standing side by side on the hillside looking at the sunset and the wreckage ... and they share, you know, a compliment, and instead of like a fist bump or a "see you next time" and, y'know, one of them runs off ... maybe they throw arms around each other or something and just kind of stand there. Again, they're not gonna be all "mweh mehmehmeh" ... tonsil action, it's, I see them being very chill about it all. 
Kyle: Also, keep in mind everyone, this is all just ... 'fan ideas', this is probably never gonna happen, it's very unlikely, we're just having fun here. 
Ian: It's hypothetical situations that I am approaching as reasonably and as authentically as I can. 
Kyle: Yes, yes, just to keep that in mind, just keeping everybody on the same page here. 
Ian: I am not endorsing, I am not unendorsing, 
I am just answering questions. Everybody simmer. 
Kyle: Let's assume that for whatever reason Shadow decided to seek out advice from the following, and whoever he asked has to answer with an honest attempt at the best advice they could offer. How would Professor Gerald, Dr. Eggman, the Commander, and Black Doom advise him? 
Ian: Gerald would be the most wholesome and effective, I think. I think he understands people better than ... certainly a lot of his family. Uh, and would advise Shadow to look inward to ask himself what he really wants, and to ruminate on that and then act with caution, you know, don't be hasty on this particular thing. Like all great research, it takes time to get the results that, you know, you want, or the results that will come to be - don't take anything as a given, but don't be afraid to pursue the truth, whatever that may be.  Eggman would scoff at the notion and, you know, sarcastically offer to set him up on a date, making it quite clear that it would all be a trap and an ambush and whatever. The Commander ... I don't see as being a very romantic individual, but I think he might be direct about that, right. He would say that his partner was someone he managed to find for himself, but that was largely thanks to her, and her efforts, because he was kind of clueless about this, but Shadow is also kind of in the same boat so you know, maybe ... at least be aware of your surroundings? If someone is prepared to make that gesture, be ... ready to receive it and understand it for what it is. How do you do that? He's not quite sure how he figured it out himself but you know, he's not good at this sort of thing.  And Black Doom would again, scoff. Love is a weakness, it is a distraction at best, a malady at worst, it is ... an affliction of the mind. An illusion created by inferior beings to facilitate necessary natural processes. You do not need love, you do not need anyone, you are my Ultimate Weapon now go get me them Chaos Emeralds. 
Kyle: (laughing) Those damn fourth Chaos Emeralds! They're all fourth!
Ian: (mimicking Black Doom) Honestly, Shadow, what's love got to do, got to do with it. What's love but a second hand emotion. 
Kyle: (laughing) Well, we all know Shadow can't resist a dying wish. Let's say in the aftermath of a terrifying evil scheme, Eggman once more had to team up with the heroes to save the world, but he died in the process, leaving Sage and her brothers in the care of his uncle and uncle-in-law. Assuming that if money were real, GUN would pay the kind of money that would keep a classy act like Rouge on staff so the boys don't need to change their heroics too much, how would they do as parents to Sage, Orbot, Cubot, and after a while if she so chose, potentially Belle? 
(THIS IS METAL ERASURE >:( whatever he doesn't wanna be part of this family anyways)
Ian: I'm a little lost in the wording on who is acting as surrogate parents here.
Kyle: I think it might supposed to be Sonic and Shadow ... but Rouge is also there? I think? 
Ian: Well I mean someone would have to look after the kids because it ain't gonna be them. 
Kyle: (laughing) No, I guess not?!
Ian: I mean, Sonic would Sonic would kind of show up for birthdays and events and to check in but he's ... he's not the stay at home dad. He's not the stay in one place dad, he's the dad who gets his steps in, if you catch my meaning.
Kyle: Okay, no, it was more an example of they’re ... willing to pay Rouge ... so they would be willing to also pay them ... so ... but ... I guess Rouge would not be the caretaker. So ... they would have to be the caretakers ... I don't think it would go well! Luckily, I think they're self-sufficient ... for the most part ... (starting to lose it)
Ian: I mean I can't really see GUN letting them off ... interestingly, to anyone. They would be on facility. But it would be Sonic and Shadow weighing heavily saying they're not captives, they're not tech to be assimilated into the greater GUN network, they are wards of your facility, right? Right? Which again, Sonic would be checking in on occasion to make sure that it's going well. And maybe Shadow would kind of become a satellite agent of GUN, just keep tabs on everything, check in on the others to some degree ... but ... we wouldn't have a case of My Two Dads on this one, they're not the parental types.
Kyle: We probably shouldn't trust GUN with child care. Probably not. Even robot children.
Ian: And ... you don't even need them to be a pair to get the kind of ... bickering parental - conflicting parental guidelines in this scenario. Sonic would be very much, ehhh let them stay up, let him eat ice cream, let them do whatever they want, Shadow's like no, they need discipline, you're going to spoil them.
Kyle: Worst fathers ever.
Ian: Belle I ... I, again, I can't really see as a parental role but I could see her as the put upon babysitter. She tries her best to look after them and keep things under control but ... honestly ... they're Egg tech, they're not going to cooperate all that much.
Kyle: ... Yeah ... yeah I guess ... Belle would have to be the older sister and she'd probably end up being the one who does most of the work. Ugh.
Ian: Someone who tried to stop the caper of stealing the Commander's loafer or something. "I'm gonna get in trouble you guys! Stop!"
Kyle: Alright. Shadow is immortal, he will probably outlive Sonic. Unfortunately, given Sonic's lifestyle, that may not be that hard ... although given Shadow's first adventure, it could go either way. Sonic would probably understand that Shadow copes with things like this better when he has a sense of meaningful purpose to focus on. This seems like the type of thing Shadow would project onto his partner if it came to it, so what would each other ... so what if ... so what would each of their dying wishes to each other be?
Ian: Morbid. 
Kyle: (lol) 
Ian: You're going for the beautiful sadness type of thing I think. Uh, Sonic's would be ... what he wishes for everyone, is to be true to yourself and to live free. Perhaps that be true to yourself ringing a little more resoundly in Shadow's case, you know, don't close yourself off ... again. You know, be free to open up to someone else again down the road, and just be honest with yourself and be free to make that choice. 
Kyle: Open your heart, Shadow, it'll be alright.
Dammit! You would do that. 
Ian: Yeah, I absolutely would. 
(more laughing)
As for Shadow ... he would want Sonic to endure, you know, to just continue to carry on ... to not be defeated by anything. To find a way to escape death and just continue being, because, you know who else can replace him? Nobody. He would want that to endure forever.
Kyle: Yep. Good thing Sonic's got extra lives.
So Sonic and Shadow have gotten engaged, and they're trying to figure out how to approach their family name. Would Sonic take Shadow's last name, or Shadow take Sonic's, each keep their own, or each add the other's with a hyphen? Given Shadow's right to certain other last names, there could be a timeline with a Sonic Robotnik or (losing it) Sonic Doom.
Ian: No, they'd go with their current surnames, and as a sign of solidarity, they would just swap them so it would become Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog.
Kyle: Right, okay, okay ... good, good. Yeah, okay, it'll be fine, as long as Shadow doesn't take Maurice or something we'll be good.
Sonic and Shadow the Hedgehog. No relation.
Ian: We could hyphenate it! Sonic the Hedgehog-Hedgehog! (Shadow voice) Don't make me regret my decisions. 
Kyle: Too late, he already does. He already does.  Sonic has a great found family, and presumably in order to get Shadow to a point where he could date Sonic we'd be dealing with a much more Team Dark take on Shadow, who also has that. How would they both adapt to regularly hanging out with each other's found family? 
Ian: Uhhh ... The Sonic side of things is always very opening and it's ... open and accepting. And that's ... hilarious ... to the Team Dark side of things, because you can take such advantage of that. I think there would be attempts made on Team Sonic's side to incorporate everyone into the big happy family and eventually it would come to the understanding that, you know, there's appreciation ... there's respect, but there also needs to be distance. It's okay that they only get together for like, the holidays, and then they all keep to themselves. Nothing against anybody it's just, you know, oil and water don't necessarily mix all the time. And the time Rouge stole the Christmas presents ... Knuckles’s still a little salty about that one. 
Kyle: Aw. Poor Knuckles.  I play a lot of DnD with my boyfriend, he's big into it and happy to have another person for his DnD groups. Meanwhile I always enjoyed the little bit I got to play, but didn't get the opportunity as much in the past. It is unfortunately, for him, very much a ... forever DM for the group he has assembled. With this new little family we've assembled around the Sonadow pairing, who would be their forever DM? Omega is a war forged Barbarian, right? I mean yes. I mean ... you mean in the game? I mean he could be whatever he wants in the game, but in real life, yes.
Ian: I think you could make a case he's war forged Barbarian in every connotation of the word. 
Kyle: Pretty much! 
Ian: Uh ... I can't remember how we ... because I feel like this ties into just general DnD, we've been asked this before ... I would think Tails would be the DM. 
Kyle: Yeah ... yeah, Tails is the one who has the most, uh ... patience, I think, to really learn stuff. Amy maybe. 
Ian: Maybe ... I mean, he would like to construct the campaigns, he would be the better rules lawyer between the two of them. Um, I think he might be a little more of a stickler than Amy, I think Amy would allow for a little more rule of cool, but I don't think Tails would be obnoxious about it, you know. If you roll a one and things have gone very badly, he'd be trying to help you figure out a way around it. It's like, you know, okay, this is a bad situation! What do you see around you that could stop you from being on fire? Or, Amy! Don't you remember you have this particular Scroll of Healing or whatever? I - I haven't played DnD I don't know.
Kyle: I mean, yeah, that exists, it's fine, you got it. 
Ian: He wouldn't be a "rocks fall, everyone dies" DM, but he would be someone who's like, no, you can't fudge the numbers, you miss. "How do you mean I miss, I'm right in his face!" You rolled a two, what can I tell you! 
Kyle: He might think about "rocks fall, everyone dies" for a second, though, once again fed up - 
Ian Every turn, Omega's like "I KILL EVERYONE IN THE ROOM." Even the party? "YES." No, you can't do that! "IT IS IN CHARACTER." I don't care!!!!
Kyle: Oh man, yeah, I mean, I don't know how long it would take for him to get fed up with Monty Python references but ... (lol) Probably not very long. Uh, and it turns out Monty Python is an actual python comedian in their world, and ... (losing it again) I'm here for it. That'd be cool. Time for the coveted Digimon question! I don't know who's coveting the Digimon questions, but alright, I guess Twilord is. In Digimon, there's a concept of DNA digivolution, where two digimon can fuse together. Sometimes this phenomenon creates a mental link between the Tamers and lets them glimpse each other's thoughts and feelings. This admittedly varies a bit so you have a lot of creative freedom on your solution. Assume the two of them were closeted for lack of it having come up yet, from those whose Digimon starters you might've ... you might choose to have DNA digivolve with Sonic's or Shadow's partners ... which partners figure it out from the basic mental connection, and of them how would they handle knowing without being told? I'm assuming that ... like, they have not confessed their love for each other but they somehow use this to figure it out.
Ian: And really ... Digimon ... it's not asking about the Digimon themselves, it's acting as Sonic and Shadow are the trainers, right. 
Kyle: Right. 
Ian: Uh ... The hardest question of this is who is more obtuse between the two of them ... 
Kyle: (LMAO) Yes. That's the answer. 
Ian: Shadow ... in general ... might be a little quicker on the draw ... so he would make the realization and that might prompt him to ... open up ... whereas Sonic just already kind of took it as a given, it wasn't really a realization to him, so he didn't really think much of it. 
Kyle: I guess ... Yeah, I guess that kind of fits. I guess that fits. 
Ian: (Shadow voice) Once we were linked, I cam to a realization ... and well, now that I know it's reciprocated, I guess I can say I'm really into you.  (Sonic voice) Oh yeah, I already knew. 
Kyle: (laughing) Yeah, everyone's into me. No, no that's not what I mean - 
Ian: (Shadow voice) It means you don't have a romantic bone in your body. 
Kyle: (LOSING IT me too dude) I think the idea ... apparently .. I'm getting word that the idea behind this question was that they haven't told anyone yet, and their friends find out this way.
Ian: Ohhh, okay. 
Kyle: Okay. Well here's the thing ... Most people in Sonic's world are very accepting and everything, so I don't think it would ... be a big deal? (lol) 
Ian: Yeah, I mean, if anything ... the biggest reaction would come out of Amy. There might be shock she found out ... Well, shocked at first, but if she found out, and they haven't really opened up to each other yet about it, she would go hardcore matchmaker. 
Kyle: Oh, no! (laughing) 
Ian: Like, if they both feel that way, and they aren't being honest with their affections, ohhhh no no no, she will not let that stand. Nope. She will move heaven and earth to see love realized. 
Kyle: (laughing) Even if it's not Sonic loving her, I guess, huh? (more laughing)
Ian: Disappointed, sure ... but, y'know, fine. What she wants is for him to be open and true with himself, and true with others. Love is a powerful force in the universe, and she will see its will done. 
Kyle: Yeah (lol), she is a true ally, yes. 
Ian: A real intense ally. 
Kyle: (laughing) Kind of frightening. 
Ian: Again, put down the torches and pitchforks, this is a hypothetical, this is for funsies. Let it be. 
Kyle: Yes, let's have some fun. 
Ian: Moving on, he's got a question for you, Kyle. 
Kyle: Alright. 
Ian: So in terms of romantic progression for fictional characters, you would say that after the romcom where the parents get home together in the sitcom where they all have to live their lives together ... can you please pitch me three episode ideas for the up and never coming sitcom, The Hedge Hogs, for me to rate?
Kyle: Oh, no. Uh, I didn't read this before we started! Uh ... hm ... come up with these on the fly ... um ... I'm like, not great at that. Let me think here ... Let me think here …
Ian: Let me help you out. 
Kyle: Okay, hit me. 
Ian: Fast and the Furious ... they both run out to get takeout quickly and they deal with incorrect orders. 
Kyle: Okay - 
Ian: Becomes a conflict of their personalities where Sonic's like hey, I'll take the pickles off! And Shadow's like he said no pickles. 
Kyle: Okay .. ! (laughing) Yeah, that's good. That's good. Um ... Hm ... hmm ... God, I really am bad at this (lol). I feel like there has to be one where they're trying to drive somewhere and they can't decide ... they'd like get lost, and then one of them is like, you don't need directions - it'd probably be Sonic, Sonic would be driving and he refuses to ask for directions, and Shadow's like trying to get him to pull over and ask for it. 
Ian: (Shadow voice) Please, pull over. 
Kyle: (laughing) Yeah, yeah ... I mean, that's another trope of sitcoms. (lol) 
Ian: Here's one for you ... Surprise Control - Sonic and Shadow are each trying to prepare a birthday surprise party for the other, not realizing that, son of a gun, they share the same birthday! No, they've never actually discussed this or put it together. Hijinx ensue. 
Kyle: (laughing) Do they, actually? - No, nono, Sonic Adventure 2's like a few days before ... but, you know, it's funnier if they do. 
Ian: Rouge is the first one to figure it out and she runs interference to make sure nobody clears it up for them. 
Kyle: (laughing) Yeah, yeah, I like that one ... Alright, let's see - 
Ian: Turns into a big blow up where they're both angry that neither of them knew what each other's actual birthday was, and then the tension is broken when Omega pops out of the cake like Marilyn Monroe. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE TWO OF YOU. 
Kyle: (laughing) And then ... he sets off the fireworks. Which are actually just …
Ian: Omega, not inside the HOUSE- !!!! 
Kyle: (LAUGHING) Which are actually just more DAKKA.
Ian: Has to be inside an apartment complex so Eggman can pull a Newman(?). "Hello, Sonic." 
Kyle: (losing it) Ohhh, nooo ... 
Ian: "I hear you've got the prime time cable package. Mind if I come in to play games on it?" ... Yeah, sure I guess, it's fine - "COME ON KIDS, HE SAID IT'S FINE!" 
Kyle: (still laughing) Oh, no .... 
Ian: Orbot ... Cubot ... Tribot ... a few Egg pawns ... 
Kyle: (laughing) Uh, who's the Kramer in this situation? (laughing) Knuckles?
Ian: Big the Cat. 
Kyle: Okay. 
Ian: Exact same mannerisms. 
Kyle: OKAY. (laughs) Yeah, okay. 
Ian: You know, mid conversation busts down the door, (Big voice) Froggy? Froggy, where are you? 
Kyle: (truly shitting it now) Oh, no ... Oh, no ... Oh nohoho ... The episode where Shadow's parents all come over for the holidays ... All four of them ... 
Ian: (cackles) (Shadow voice) Why do I have so many parents ... 
(Black Doom voice) Now, we shall air our grievances on this festivus ... Shadow, finish the bowl. 
Kyle: (losing his mind) 
Ian: (Black Doom voice) Festivus ... is for the rest of us ... 
Kyle: Oh, boy. Oh boy. Terrible. I love it. I love it ... Alright, I think that's enough.
Ian: It certainly is. Happy pride month to all of you celebrating. Be good to yourselves, be good to each other, and we will see you next time.
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starryeyedadmirer · 9 months
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You’re brothers, Cammy… brothers. Nothing more. You’re Ian… he’s Lip… and the two of you are brothers!
Cameron tried his best not to get all mushy with Jeremy once the cameras started rolling again… to get into the headspace of a doting, supportive, non-incestuous younger brother… but keeping has hands to himself during filming was a challenge for him, knowing that — in their real lives — Jeremy was pregnant with his child.
They’d been doing this for years… playing a close duo of brothers onscreen… acting as though they were truly related by blood… but, now that they’re sexually involved with one another off set, and expecting a baby, things have changed. Getting through the day without letting their private romance hinder his performance should’ve been a walk in the park for Cam… and yet, he just couldn’t maintain his professionalism.
Brothers. Ian.. Lip. Brothers.
Ian was supposed to keep his hands to himself… say his line and keep the scene going, the way that it was intended to… but Cameron, seeing an open opportunity to connect with his unborn baby while Lip ate from his messy plate of food, forgot all about the cameras, lights, and crew-members in the room, and planted his palm squarely on his costar’s belly… ruining the shot, once again. “Hey there, little guy.” He said under his breath, so that the sound department couldn’t make out his words. “I’m your daddy, Ian— I mean… Cameron. I’m your daddy… Cam. Hi.” Just like that — with his mind still stuck in reality, and the mere existence of the fetus clouding his thoughts — he spoiled another take… which meant that they’d have to reset everything and call “action” all over.
“Brothers, Cameron! Brothers!” Called out a voice from another room in the house. “That’s what you are! You and Jeremy… Ian and Lip… you’re brothers! Get it right this time! Don’t make us do this again!”
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yassentheassassin · 2 months
there's so many things I'm excited to see/hoping to be answered in season 3:
who killed kyra's parents? not sure if it's an unpopular opinion or not but i don't want it to be yassen it just feels obvious and a little cheap, i can see her jumping to that conclusion maybe but i don't want it to have actually been him
is john rider still alive? thanks anthony for the tweet about that dude now i'm STRESSED
what happened between scorpia and the department? there's been hints in season 2 about the department being compromised (could just be me but it feels like it was more than just wilby), mrs jones' comment about something they (mi6) did in the season 3 trailer, them all thinking yassen was dead - it feels like a slightly different set up to what happened in the books like there's new elements that i'm really curious about
why was ian not surprised to see yassen alive in season 1? and have any changes been made to their relationship from the books? there's no connection in the books between them like there was yassen and john but they way they spoke in that scene suggests they know each other more than just knowing of each other via john, like "i'm sorry ian, i really am" "me too", they seem to know each other properly to some degree, was ian involved with whatever made mi6 think yassen was dead??
why is yassen's scar different to how it was in the books? did john still give him it and if so how? he has the scar in the picture mi6 has on file so it's something he got before or during working alongside john, not like he got it at the end of it all in some big conflict/whatever made mi6 think they'd destroyed scorpia completely
how will alex's time with scorpia change now that yassen is alive during it? will yassen try to do for alex what john was intending to do for him, train him up and get him the fuck out? i just can't see yassen wanting alex to be stuck on the same path as him, unlike yassen alex actually has people around him who he trusts and can help him (sorry john i know you tried but your betrayal cut deep and destroyed any trust yassen would ever have in anyone again so good job pal), he isn't doomed to be stuck working for scorpia to survive so will he try and get alex out?
what kind of dynamic are alex and yassen going to have? look i'm an absolute sucker for found family but idk how likely that will be for the show so i'm interested to see what they do, we have already seen how anthony has changed things up for the fans (i.e. yassen surviving) and the found family is a popular dynamic for yassen and alex amongst the fandom so maybe they'll take that route, maybe not i'm just excited to see what they do!
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whatwouldmickeydo · 9 months
Mickey leaving prison in S10: "All right, here are your belongings: your clothes, your wallet, and your folded-up photograph of a teenager giving the middle finger to the camera."
He hadn’t meant to hang on to it for so long, never intended for that picture to become a staple in his wallet, tucked away behind his license, the edges frayed and faded.
It had haunted him at times, like a green eyed specter keeping watch whenever he’d open his wallet to grab something, that smirk of his staring back as if to remind him of all the ways he’d failed.
Then there was prison, where he thought it was gone forever, relegated to wherever they put prisoner’s belongings while they rot away behind bars. Until he managed to bribe a guard into bringing him his shit, crinkled picture peaking out of a messy bundle of other crap that suddenly didn’t seem so important.
He’d stared at it for so long that night, before tucking it away with a heavy sigh and heading out to the car where Damon stood smoking a cigarette, the moon the only light to see by.
He’d carried it all the way to Mexico, hesitating for a moment before stuffing it inside his backpack at the last minute, refusing to unpack all the loaded feelings that went along with it.
It’s been folded and unfolded so many times, there’s now a layer of tape keeping the top and the bottom half together, thrown in the trash at some point, then fished out five minutes later, smoothing it back over and over to remove the wrinkles. Rinse and repeat.
And then he doesn’t need to look at it because the real thing is finally there again, beautiful and vibrant and fucking alive. Coming together like no time has passed at all, lips and tongues and hands burning the same familiar paths down each other’s bodies on a shitty prison mattress.
He’s got newer pictures now. Better ones, ones with just him and ones with the two of them together, happy and healthy and fucking loved.
And yet.
And yet somehow this picture stays, transferred from his old, ratty, falling apart at the seams, one good rip will tear the whole thing apart wallet to an actual nice leather one that Ian buys him for a birthday one year.
He’s not even sure why he still keeps it there, doesn’t really take it out much but it’s somehow a comfort to know it’s still there, a reminder of all the heavy shit they’ve gone through over the years, both good and heartbreakingly bad. But maybe that’s all the more reason to keep it, something to balance out all that they have in their lives now. Sickness and health, all that shit. Maybe it’s a symbol of hope, that things weren’t as lost as they once were, that it was all worth it after all. That they found their way back to each other in spite of all the cards stacked against them. Then again, maybe it’s just a picture.
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