#jospeh quinn fanfiction
indouloureux · 2 years
i’m not sure if you closed your requests again, and if you did then completely ignore or delete this if you want to, but i have a pretty large burn scar on my left side of my stomach that spreads to like,, half of my stomach and back, and was wondering if you could do something where joseph comforts the reader about it..? recently i’ve been able to wear bikinis only if they’re high waisted, but you can still see the scar pretty well which lowkey sucks.
sorry it’s really self indulgent but no one seems to want to write something like that :/
ah babe first off, i love you. second, i bet you look beautiful. scars are really fucking awesome. i have a burn scar on my right arm and at first i was shy to wear something sleeveless, but eventually i got used to it so don't be ashamed to flaunt them <3
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"you alright, love?"
his voice startles you, and you don't realize he's been standing there since he got home five minutes ago. the hand on your scar leaves, falling to your sides and turning around to face him.
you know he's looking at your body — not just at your scar. at the bare exposure of you in your undergarments, comfortable with his stare from the disposal of boundaries formed long ago since the beginning. but your mind clouds with anxiety, that maybe he secretly hates it. that maybe he prefers looking at other women than you.
because if you prefer looking at other bodies than yours, then maybe he does, too.
"hey," you greet him. joseph takes a big stride towards you to greet you with a quick kiss before he's closing the curtains, which you forgot to do given the fact that you're half naked. "how was dinner?"
he untucks his shirt, unbuttons the first three before he's standing again in front of you, hands carefully settling on the curves of your waist. you feel the invigorating touch of his thumb on your scar, running up and down it's crevices.
"tedious," he says. "just the same old chatter as last month. they invited for drinks but, i wanted to go home to you."
you frown, feeling up the hair on his exposed forearms. "why? you should have gone. i'm fine."
"something's wrong," his voice is soft in concern. "i know because you haven't texted me an hour since i left. which you always do. and you haven't —" he nods to your phone, locked and unused on the side of your bed. "— responded to any of my texts. and i know how much you hate leaving things unread, bub."
you hate the way he knows you. how much he does. but at the same time you love that he has you memorized — shows how much he truly cares enough for you to enlighten your dark days.
the silent words of confirmation tells him enough that you'd been worrying about your scar again. it's not his first time reassuring you, but then again those times was when everything was still fresh, unseen. times where you thought he cared about it but he never really did, his love focused more on your comfort rather than his own.
joseph kneels, and when he does, his face is right on your stomach, nose just gently brushing over the skin of your navel. his hand comes up to splay just above your butt to pull you closer to him, and he leans up to press a kiss just in the middle of your scar.
"what's got that smile upside down lovie?" he murmurs into your skin, hot and burning, delicate lilts that send shivers up your spine. in an act of comfort do you run your fingers through his hair, pushing it up against each other.
"sometimes i think you wished i look different," you whisper into the silent air, quiet but enough for him to hear that he halters. "like, that even though you told me you're with me because of who i am, i can't help but think that you wished i didn't have this."
joseph swallows. "what made you think that?" a question laced in worried disbelief that he first tries to reassure you with his gentle, tactile touch.
"because i thought that maybe since i wished i looked different, perhaps you did, too."
you can feel the short breath of hot air into your skin when he scoffs, not at you but at what you had said. or maybe at himself, because he's thinking of the things that had happened, things that he's done to make you feel this way.
"i don't wish that you look different," joseph looks up at you, slowly inching up but not before he presses a kiss on your scar again, hands traveling into the burn scar across your waist and back. "but i wish you look at yourself the way i look at you."
you sniffle, blinking rapidly to transfer the tears into your eyelashes. you appellate his touch as your remedy; every salubrious caress turns every inner wound bound and fixed, but even then, it still doesn't heal the hateful wound you have towards the scar.
but his hands are different than his mouth — and he hopes what he says next heals that hatred and turns it into acceptance, because it pains him just as much to see you like this.
"you are the most beautiful person in the world," he whispers, leaning down to touch his forehead into yours. but ever the romantic, joseph kneels down once more, lips tracing the edges of the burn. "and this, is the most exquisite scar i have ever seen."
you can't help but smile, letting him venture his lips like he's tracing a map on your skin. "they make you look strong, because you are strong," he continues. "makes you look like a fighter. whether its your battles or mine. makes you look even sexier."
you take his face into your hands and lift him up. "even if i'm imperfect?"
"imperfectly perfect. yeah," he kisses your lips, gentle with a soft rhythm that settles in the air, coating you in his strong arms. "love you still and love you always."
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reblogs and feedback are appreciated <3
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sunflowersstan · 2 years
so what if I told y’all I wrote a one shot for the first time in over a year and it was a Joseph Quinn smut fic inspired by a Harry Styles song
…would you like to see it 🌝
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Wake Up Call
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Summary: Mornings were absolutely divine, especially in the company of one sweetheart of a metalhead— Eddie Munson. Even if he wasnt much of a morning person. You show him just how good a morning can be when you're together.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Warnings: Smut (18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI), fluff, blowjobs, oral sex (m receiving), morning sex, reader loves giving Eddie head, Eddie being a screamer, Eddie's morning voice, established relationship, face fucking, deep throating, crying during sex (not the reader), Eddie being a sweetheart, and a partidge in a pear tree.
Word count: I have no clue, babes, I wrote this on my phone 🥰
A/N: Holy shit. I am so self-conscious about this fic, you guys! I haven't posted a full length one-shot in so unbelievably long. I feel rusty. But! I'm posting it anyways! I still feel really good about this one. Anyway. Let me know what you think! Reblog, comment, send an ask, a carrier pigeon, a fax, a telegram, a kindly worded email— I would really love the feedback 🥰 it's nice to be back to writing, and I hope you love it as much as I do. Ok, I'll let you go now. I love you 💖
Kisses 💋
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The morning was still, a simple, peaceful hush hanging over the town of Hawkins, Indiana. Birds whistled their songs in a gentle voice, the trees barely rustling in the breeze as the world dreamt a little while longer. With the sun peeking over the horizon and Wayne already en route to work, the little trailer was serenity embodied.
You'd been up for a while doing nothing in particular as you waited for dawn to break. You loved watching the sun rise from Eddie's bed, the sunlight always seemed to pure shining through his curtains. With the new light slowly filling the room, you were finally able to properly see your boyfriend. Eddie lies beside you on his back, hands tossed across his chest haphazardly, his hair tossled carelessly around his face in a halo of chocolate curls and locks. The blanket that covers you both hung low on his hips, showing off the tattoos scattered across his alabaster skin, he ran a little hot at night and the summer heat was enough for him to toss the blankets aside. Your eyes trace the lovebites you left all along his exposed throat and the scratches along his meaty shoulder, a pleasant result of last night's vigorous activities.
The familiar surge of desire floods your body at the memory of last night, it sends a shiver up your bare spine. You bring one hand to his warm chest, drawing lazy lines as you scoot closer and closer to him. A smile tugs at your lips when Eddie twitches slightly, goosebumps pricking his skin like yours. Your hand glides lower and lower, you weren't in a hurry, no. There was more than enough time in the world for you two, right now.
As your fingers brush along the light dusting of hair on his tummy, Eddie can't help but shiver. Even in his sleep, Eddie was always so responsive; aching for your touch, your kisses, your love. He rolled his head to the side, breathing peacefully as he sleeps still. You watch his face for any signs of consciousness, when you find none, you chuckle softly. Your hand teases the edge of the blanket the covers his lower half. A prominent tent rests between his legs, the sight of it has you moaning softly. Your mouth watered with a hunger you knew well, you needed to taste him.
"G'morning, Princess," a raspy voice slurs. You heard the smile in his words well before you saw it. His face was soft from his slumber, eyes puffy but warm with love, his annoyingly charming smile lazily strung across his pink lips.
"Good morning," you whisper, bringing your hand back up to cup his cheek, leaning in so your lips brush against his ever so slightly. Eddie wastes no time closing the distance between you two. Eddie hums happily into the kiss when he feels your body melting into his, your legs tangling with his, his nornally bright voice was always unbearably deep and husky in the morning. The movement of his lips on yours distracts you enough from his arms slowly capturing your waist, holding you to him. He needed his morning kiss to function.
Finally, when breathing became a priority, Eddie relaxed his head back down on the pillow with a satisfied grin. Two rough hands slid across the bareness of your back soothingly as he looked up at you, he noticed the gleam in your eyes, even in the low light of early morning. The realization of your desire made his grin grow twice as big, his cock twitching excitedly with his heart.
"Whatcha lookin' at me like that for, pretty girl?" He teases, he knows exactly what you want. He just loves hearing you say it. You bite your plump lip to suppress a smirk, your hand leaving his cheek to float down his throat and chest.
"I wanna taste you, Eddie," you purr to him, not missing the way his pupils dilate at your confession, a shiver racking his body as your fingers tease the skin at the edge of the blanket once more. Your lips descend to his collarbones, sucking at the pale skin in the way you know drives him wild. "Please?"
"F-Fuck, yes. You can taste me, Princess," he whispers as if the air was knocked from his lungs. The devious pleased giggle you make against the curve of his neck is absolutely sinful, but Eddie can't help but grin wickedly with you. He feels your kisses deepen as you dip lower and lower, your hand finally cupping his morning wood gently— you always were a little tease.
The deep groan that rumbles in Eddie's chest when your warm fist surrounds his base echoes in the brightening room. Streaks of sunshine finally cutting through the blinds to illuminate your actions perfectly. Eddie lifts his head to watch your hand stroke him beneath the blanket, the duvet shrouding your movements, making it that much more erotic.
"Oh fucking hell, that's good," he groans, his hips pushing into your hand eagerly.
"Yeah?" You taunt softly, speeding your hand up ever so slightly. A surprised yelp breaks his deep moans when your teeth nip at the black widow spider inked into his chest, you give the demon head just below it a tender kiss with a pleased giggle before dropping lower and lower. The wet kisses you leave along his body has Eddie fisting the pillow beneath his head.
He fucking loved when you sucked him off, especially since you fucking loved doing it. The way you'd drop to your knees and take him into your mouth so happily, so eagerly— Eddie was wrapped around your little finger from now until the end of time.
"Jesus Christ," he sighs when you toss the blanket down and settle between his legs. You drag your free hand down his side, still steadily jerking him off with the other. You hum at the sight of his hard, throbbing dick, your hand slowing down to appreciate the way his shaft pulses. Your mouth waters to taste the beads of salty precum that ooze from him, but instead you latch on to his twitching thigh, biting the flesh there as you continue to teasingly stroke him.
"Mmmm," you moan, your eyes fluttering shut for a moment as you taste his skin, the heady scent of his manhood filling your senses. The strong yet lean muscle of Eddie's thigh tenses as you inch higher and higher. As much as he wants to believe you'll finally take him into your mouth, he knows better. His guess is proved right when you switched to his neglected thigh, opting to decorate it with hickeys and bites as you did the first one.
"Fuck— Princess, please, have mercy," he groans with a smile, his hands gripping the pillow a little harder. You chuckle and answer him with a kiss to the most recent hickey you were working on. Eddie watches as you finally bring your tongue to his head, he watches the pink muscles greedily clear away the drops of precum.
"O-Oh, fuck, yes," he moans as your lips encase his tip, his eyes fluttering. Yours stay on his face, enjoying the way his eyebrows furrow and crease with pleasure. With a slack jaw, Eddie lets out the pretties sounds you've ever heard; deep, throaty moans that bubbled from the pit of his chest and echoed throughout the unclean bedroom. His words slur together as you take more of his length into you, finding a slow and steady pace to bob your head.
This happened every single time, he couldn't believe how fucking good your mouth felt. How hot, how soft, how fucking wet you were. You moan as he fills your mouth, your hand not holding his base strokes his hip and inner thigh, knowing how sensitive he was there. The shivers you get in return tell you that he loves it. The vibrations of your moan has Eddie's hips twitching, stuffing more of himself into your throat.
"F-Fuck! Fucking hell!" He curses through his teeth, his eyes shut tight as he tries to calm down.
"Mmmmm," you moan again, watching as his face contorts once more.
"Jesus!" He shouts a little louder than intended, his eyes opening only to roll as you speed up ever so slightly. The sloppy sounds of his cock slowly fucking your mouth was going to drive him crazy. "Baby, ple— a-ah!— faster! Faster, God, please, faster!"
The rawness of his voice and his begging was more than enough to convince you. With a deep breath through your nose, you speed up. Your tongue flat against the underside of his shaft to guard him from your bottom teeth, and your hand moving from his base to cup his balls. The moment your soft hand comes into contact with his aching balls, Eddie does all he can do to keep from screaming; his balled up fist shoved into his mouth.
"Ohhhhmygod!" He cries from behind his hand as you play with his balls, his body writhes uncontrollably at the onslaught of indescribable pleasure. One, two, three more bobs of your head and you've swallowed him completely, your nose brushing against the patch of dark curls at his groin and his tip nestled deep in the heat of your throat. Unable to fight it anymore, Eddie's hand leaves the pillow to grip the back on your head fiercely, an unintelligible scream pitifully muffled by his fist.
The sounds erupting from your lover above you has arousal practically spilling from your untouched cunt. Your thighs rub together with need as Eddie's thighs tremble and spread for you. The grip he has on your head limits your movements, unable to pull off more than an inch or two, at best. In quick, jerking motions, he fucks your face eagerly as he listens to you gag around him. Your eyes, clouded with tears, flutter shut, allowing yourself to lose yourself in his pleasure.
Soon, you both find a rhythm. It's fast and dirty, primal, frenzied, lustful. Perfect. Eddie's deep moans raise in pitch, now sounding like a pitiful whimpering mess. Your own moans grow in frequency, knowing he's close to blowing his load down your throat, just like you want. The twitching of his cock signals his impending high.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck—!" Water gathers at his lower lashes. He couldn't help himself.
Eddie's head slowly begins to lift off the bed, his abs contracting as the pleasure mounts higher and higher, his voice suddenly gone. His hand leaves his mouth to join the other on your head, his fingers going rigid, his eyes stare up at the ceiling in an unfocused gaze, chin tilted towards the heavens as his pretty brown orbs roll and flutter uncontrollably. The smart mouth that is quick with a joke or a witty comment is left hung open in a silent scream, he holds his breath, his entire body drawing painfully taught when the pleasure is suddenly too much for him to take.
The first rope of his hot seed shoots into your throat as Eddie goes still, tears spilling over. He swears on everything holy that he's ascended to heaven, his vision is white and blinded with bursts of light as you milk him dry. You pet his hip as he cums, swallowing his seed with eager gulps, his lungs burning with the lack of oxygen. Each time your throat contracts around his length, his muscles pull tighter.
Finally, the last bit of his cum is cast out from his body. The strength quickly drains from Eddie, his grip loosens from your hair as he falls back on to the mattress, his eyes drooping shut on their own accord. You release him with a pop, gasping to catch your own breath. Through the water in your eyes, you see Eddie's relaxed face, his body limp above you.
"Eddie?" You call softly, your voice gravelly from your throat being wrecked. When you get no response, you crawl up his body, taking note of his breathing and erratic heartbeat. He's out cold.
You can't help but laugh a little before gently petting his sweaty head, brushing his bangs off his sticky forehead. Eddie comes back to you softly tapping his cheek, his ears ring like a bitch but he can hear your melodious voice over the din.
"Eddie, baby, wake up, come on, open your eyes for me, honey," you sound far away, but your words get clearer and clearer. The first thing he sees is your relieved smile, and he just can't help but tiredly smile back. "Hi, there, handsome. You ok?"
"Huh-huh," he grumbles from deep in his chest, speaking was far too complicated for him right now. You had well and truly sucked him stupid. Sleepily, he nuzzles into your hand that now cradles his cheek.
"Ready for a nap, big boy?" You coo and pull the blanket over you both. He hums an affirmative and weakly slings an arm around your waist, holding you close to him. On instinct, you bury your face into his neck as you settle in beside him.
A nap couldn't hurt.
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Comments and reblogs are always appreciated!
I no longer have a taglist! If you wish to stay up-to-date on when I post, follow @littlelioncub-library 💖🫂🥰
Dividers by the amazing @firefly-graphics
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honey-flustered · 1 year
You’re Not The Boss Of Me (MDNI +18)
Dom!Eddie Munson x Bratty!Sub!Reader
Summary: After showing your true colors to Eddie, you use this to your advantage, being as bratty as you can to get a rise out Eddie. But understand that how ever mean you are to him only allows him to be just as mean…maybe even more.
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A/N: this was in my drafts for some long and now im just deciding to release it even though it’s not exactly what how I wanted it. I’m continuing to have issues revising my work over and over and never publishing so i figured i’d let this go. First part is in reader’s POV then of course goes in second POV. A sequel to Come Again
Word Count: 2.8k+
Warnings: smut, established relationship, hinted bully!eddie, mean!reader, mean!eddie, dom/sub dynamics, fake nice!reader, panty fetish, mutual masturbation, finger sucking, cum eating, handjob, some ass/body worship, reader and eddie are in love but f*d up, tattoo artist!eddie, reader has piercings (nipple play)
Power comes in all forms and positions. Even if you’re a submissive. You’d probably look at someone like me, seemingly so sweet and docile, and think “Awww, she doesn’t have not an evil bone in her body.” But that’s what we, “good girls”, want you to do: underestimate us. That’s what makes us so powerful because eventually we get what we want.
Here’s where I was able to exercise my power with my dear boyfriend, Eddie Munson. Two weeks ago, I was able to break through to his innocent act with me. Call it great minds thinking alike but we’ve both held up this facade of being good when around each other because of the shame to act on our most carnal desires. But quiet mouths don’t get fed and, frankly, I had enough. So I called him out on his shit.
“You’re vanilla as FUCK.” I said.
And that moment truly became the beginning of what’s become of our relationship today:
Two sick fucks who enjoy getting a rise out of each other.
Oh, the power you get from being a pampered brat in public and treated like a whore in bed. It was the best of both worlds and Eddie sure knows how to treat a lady. With him, you could truly be the mean bitch you’d hoped to be. Of course, this was only behind closed doors as you still could see the benefits of being a good girl in everyone else’s eyes. Only Eddie got to see your true nature. You’re a bitch and you made it evident that you didn’t care and it actually got you off being one to Eddie. This was fine, though. He loved it, too. In return, he gets a succubus disguised as a sweet beauty in his arms to dominate as he pleases.
You’d like to think the power’s evenly distributed amongst the two of you. You’re both unfiltered, whorish, and wicked. It was the perfect symbiotic relationship of sexual energy.
At times, you feel like Eddie’s giving you a run for your money as his wickedness proves to outweigh your own. The annoying pervert. He really likes to tease past the point of suffering and what’s worse…he still hasn’t fucked you yet. You were so sure that he’d give in by now after the nights you’ve shared but it never goes beyond second base. Even when you’ve put on your ‘bitch girl pants’ and laid down some rules.
Oh, well. If you don’t get to drain his balls, the least you can do is drain his pockets.
“What do you think of this dress?” You say, twirling around in the mirror in front of you. Currently, you were both in the dressing room of a French boutique. You’ve been shopping all day, hopping from store to store. Eddie’s clearly impatient but he takes it like the good boyfriend he is.
“I think this is the one,” He says, low on energy. “You look hot.”
“I’d like some more poetic-ness to your words.”
“Okay,” He raises to his feet, gripping your hips from behind. “Then, you’re as fucking hot as a thousand suns.”
“I know right,” You beam then quickly wave him away from your personal space. “Buy it for me.”
He examines the price tag attached to the seam of the dress then looks up at you with a deadpan stare. He’s followed you store to store like a mindless zombie all day, receiving zero affection from you and now you’re looking to buy a dress for an even higher amount. If he hadn’t been so distracted by watching your sexy ass try on all these clothes that accentuate your curves, he’d have called it quits long ago. The only thing he held onto was that you’d eventually reward him with your touch in return.
“This would cost me my entire dealer’s earnings for the week!” He exclaims.
“Yeah, but you have that check coming in for the tattoo shop. You’ll only be poor— for what— a day. You want to keep me happy, don’t you? Then you’ve gotta fund your popular angel girlfriend’s expensive lifestyle. It shouldn’t be a big deal.”
“It’s a huge deal! I’ve bought you plenty of dresses throughout the week and you haven’t even worn some of them.”
“And you’re still complaining like you always do.” You say while rolling your eyes.
“You may not be a good girl anymore but I’m going to make it my mission to correct this little behavior of yours.”
“What? You’ll spank me again? You don’t get to touch me unless I get what I want. We have rules for this relationship. Unhappy girlfriend = blue balled boyfriend. But if you’d have just fucked me already maybe I wouldn’t be such a bitch. You scared you’ll cum in one stroke or something?”
“Actually, I’m scared you’ve got teeth down there and, with your personality, it doesn't seem that far fetched.”
“Say what you will but I’ll always be Hawkins’ sweetheart. Even being in a relationship with you couldn’t tarnish that image sadly. Ah, well,” You remove the dress, now in your underwear as you begin dressing in your own clothes again. “Being good has its perks nonetheless.”
“How long do you think that’ll last? What do you think your friends will think of you when I show them all the naughty little footage I have of you in my camcorder? I’m sure they’d love to hear how much Hawkins’ sweetheart loves choking on the freak’s giant cock.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. Depends on my mood. But don’t be sad, you might find out how envious your friends are of you now that you’re with someone like me. I did rock a lot of worlds.”
“You’re disgusting.” You hiss with slightly hidden jealousy for the very fact that he’s slept with other girls. But why not you?
“Maybe I can get you the dress but I’ll want to do something in return.”
“Everything is so transactional with you.”
“Look who’s talking.” He scoffs.
“If you were to simply buy me shit without expecting anything in return, would it really be transactional?” You retort.
“Are you going to accept my terms or not?”
You stare at the hot pink tube dress in your hands. “Fine. What do you want?”
“Let me give you a wedgie.”
“Are you legit high right now? That’s so idiotic, it’s almost comatose inducing. Why?”
“Because it’d be really funny.”
“I’m wearing really expensive underwear right now that costs more than those shoes you’re wearing. Like hell would I let you tear at them.”
“Then, you can forget the deal.”
“Exploitation is what you’re doing. People wouldn’t take kindly to those who participate in such things.”
“Good thing I’ve never been known to care what people think of me.”
He’s right. He’s never given a fuck. That’s what makes him so terrifying… and so very hot.
“Alright,” You pout. “But when I say ‘stop’, your hands should be off me.”
Turning your back to Eddie, you wait for Eddie to begin. He studies the bedazzled words written on the back of your pants of your matching pink tracksuit: “Princess”. He rolls his eyes at this. Could you be any more predictable?
Your thong peeks out at the top of the low rise pants as a style that you’d adopted just enough to show the public the color of your underwear. Also pink.
“A pink goddamn fanatic.” Eddie thinks to himself.
Your jacket is a crop top, exposing the new belly ring piercing Eddie had done for you when you asked via your rebellious stage. Then there’s your silky smooth back that you plan for him to tattoo a tramp stamp onto the lower section. It’s so much skin. Too much skin exposed but he doesn’t mind how you dress. After all, he can fight and honestly he loves seeing you show yourself off while men envy him for obtaining you.
Eddie tugs on the sides of your pants, accessing just enough of your underwear for the top globes of your ass to peek out as well. He bites his lips to keep in a groan, not wanting to give you the satisfaction. His cock is semi-hard and he makes sure to keep his hips at a safe distance so she doesn’t realize his game.
“Bend a little.” He says, voice hoarse from arousal.
You obey, having a slight arch in your back. Massaging the peeked out globes of your ass, he can’t help but to close the gap between your bodies. Your ass was just so soft and round in his hands.
“Hey! You can’t touch me like that unless you get me what I want!” You attempt to wriggle from his grasp but a large hand fists whatever little piece of fabric your underwear has, stilling you.
With a free hand, he smacks your ass causing you to let out a soft whimper. He grinds his cock into the side of your thigh, humping into you like a dog in heat.
Eddie lets out quiet moans in your ear, tugging on your underwear hard after each moan he lets out like following a rhythm. “Unh, ugh, fuck. You’re so damn pretty.”
You grow wet with each tug. The panty strip in the front slips between your labia, rubbing harshly against the clitoris. How embarrassing that you might actually cum from this. He’ll laugh and tease you for sure once you do.
Maybe you should take some power back and make him whimper so you sway your ass a little which earns you another smack on another cheek.
“I didn’t say you could move.” He growls.
Then, you felt it. His bare cock rubbing between the plush globes of your ass, the back thong strip wrapped around the base for further friction.
“Eddie, no. Please…” You put a hand behind you, placing it on the ‘v’ of his abdomen to halt his actions.
“Move it.” He threatens.
“No.” You say defiantly only to shift into a whining hum, when he takes both of your wrists in his hands to pull behind you and brings them beneath the band of your panties. With your hands cupped in a perfect tubular shape, he uses them to jack himself off. You tighten your grip around him, taking control.
“You’re so good with your hands. Why would I need to fuck your greedy little pussy if these could get me off just as good?”
“Unh, fuck…you.”
“Is that always on your mind?” He chuckles.
You're clenching around nothing, knowing that friction on your clit will not be enough to satisfy the aching between your legs. This was purely for his own twisted pleasure but you enjoy it despite priding yourself to be a selfish person.
“I’m so close, princess. Gonna cum all over your pretty hands, your sexy back, and this tight little ass.” He groans.
“Oh god.” You whine, throbbing profusely at his words. You were so close, too.
He notices your hardening nipples poking through your thin jacket and pinches one between his fingers, while the other steadies your hips as he grinds himself into you. You whine almost as if you’re in pain even though he’s not pulling on them roughly. Lowering the zipper to your jacket and one cup of your bra, he pulls out your breast revealing a newly pierced nipple…that he hadn’t pierced. He pulls your hair, lifting your head enough so that you can see his angered expression through the mirror.
“What the fuck is this?” He slaps your breast and you cry out.
“None of your business. It’s not like you’ll do anything about—oh shit!” You scream out as he continues to pull and pinch around the stainless bar. They were so sensitive even after two weeks.
“You're doing things without my knowledge now.”
“You’re not the boss of me.”
“You’re right,” He laughs darkly then pulls so harshly on your underwear you swear you felt the fabric go up inside your core. “I’m not your boss, I’m your master. So go on and beg for master’s cum.”
“I don’t want you to cum on me.” You mewl, knowing you desperately wanted him to.
“I know you want it, slut,” He growls in your ear. “You want daddy’s cum dripping all over you. To getchu all nice and sticky. Hm? That what you want, pretty girl?”
“Yes, please master,” You give in. “I want you to fucking cum all over me and my slutty ass.”
He cups a hand under your chin from behind, stroking faster into your jerking hands. “That fucking filthy mouth of yours will get you into big trouble someday.”
“Shut up and cum for me already. I wanna taste you.”
“Aw, shiiiit,” He’s getting close but he needs to make you cum. Partly because he loves getting you off and another part is because he knows you’ll give him grief if he doesn’t. “Want you to cum, too, princess.”
He pulls hard on your underwear, using an up and down motion to frantically rub against your sensitive nub and your orgasm takes you by surprise. Your mouth flies open and he slaps a hand over it to keep you from screaming and alerting the staff as he nurses you through your orgasm. The mirror image of you cumming along with your writhing against him triggers his orgasm, cumming hard and seeing stars.
He gropes your hips with both hands, the rings on his fingers bite into your skin as he gives his final thrusts. You feel spurts of his cum everywhere soaking through your underwear as well. You feel a tension between your legs then a release. He’d torn your underwear off your body.
“What the f—-“ You began but Eddie shoves a middle finger coated in his cum into your mouth. Your fury dissipates for a moment as you suck on it earnestly like you would his cock, your skillful tongue tracing over the engraved silver of his ring. The salty-sweet taste of him elicits a satisfied hum from you.
“That’s it. Just like that. Just like how your Master taught you.” He coos, petting your hair. When he senses you getting carried away, he pulls his finger out with a wet ‘pop’. The glistening finger held up to his face so he can study it, making sure you suck it off clean.
“Um, Eddie, your cum is starting to get cold. Can you please clean me off? Also, I’m pretty sure we were loud enough for us to get a few stares the moment we leave this dressing room.”
“I’m sure we turned a lot of people on, too.” He says before putting a finger to his lips so that you can quiet down and focus on the shuffling and thudding going on in the dresser beside yours. Your mouth drops in shock and he laughs.
Eddie lifts the torn underwear in his hands, bringing them to his nose to inhale. God, you’re intoxicating. It’s a wonder for Eddie to have gone this long without burying his cock deep within you. But he enjoys torturing you, hanging it over your head despite it being torturous on his end as well. Somehow your suffering far outweighed any pain he felt. He wants you sobbing for his cock even more than you did two weeks ago. He doesn’t care when or where it happens. You will beg for his cock.
Using the torn fabric, he cleans up his mess then helps you fix your hair and adjust your prim and proper appearance as if nothing had happened. Eddie tends to himself last, tucking his third leg back into his jeans. In the corner of his eye, he could see you watching him and the bulge. You play it off, helping him fix himself when you were really looking to get another glance at his anaconda.
“So…about the dress…”
“What dress?” He smirks.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Munson. I want my dress. You said that you'd buy them if I did this.” You narrow your eyes at him.
“I said ‘maybe’.” He retorts.
You seethe, feeling so angry that steam could shoot out of your ears. “You’re a dick.” You turn to leave when he grabs your wrist and pulls you against him.
“I was just teasing you, sweetness. I would’ve gotten you the dress even if you didn’t go through with it. But it’s so much more fun that you did.” He smacks your ass and you let out a small gasp.
“You’re the best,” You litter his face with multiple kisses, your lipstick staining his skin all over. You kiss the corner of his mouth and it makes him hungry to feel your lips on his but he doesn’t pry. “While you’re buying my hot dress, I’m going to the van to rest my aching feet. I had a loooong day.”
You pat his back, unaware of Eddie staring angrily at you once again at your oblivion to his situation.
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
I'm very much into my Joseph Quinn obsession so can I please request these in a fic with him please? Hope its not too much to ask
“Try walking, I hear it helps.”
“Was that a contraction? I barely even felt it.”
Let’s get this show on the road.”
Birth - J.Q
FIRST JOSEPH FANFIC LETS GOOO! omg love please, it’s never too much to ask, i hope this was okay! thank you for requesting, i don’t know if this is what you wanted but i think that with the quotes that you gave me i created my own view, this is SUPER long <3
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you were there, standing over the kitchen island, breathing with each contraction. Joseph was behind you, rubbing your back, trying to calm you down. "you're doing so well love" he said, kissing your head softly. you looked up at him after the contraction subsided and stood up straight. your contractions weren't close enough together for you to go to the hospital and your water hadn't broke.
"shall we try walking, i hear it helps" he said, grabbing ahold of your hand. you nodded your head and started walking. after a few minutes of walking around hold his hand, you felt like you needed to hold onto something to keep yourself up.
"can i hold onto your shoulders instead and then we walk?" you asked, letting go of Joseph's hand. "of course love" he said, he waited for you to walk behind him and put your hands on his shoulders. he started walking again and stopped every time you got a contraction. your head would rest on his back when each one came and he stood patiently, squeezing the hand that was on his shoulder as comfort,
the contractions started getting closer together and Joseph decided, after hearing you groan at each contraction, that it was best to go to the hospital. he helped you up the stairs and grabbed the bag whilst you put on a zip up hoodie and threw your hair up in a messy bun. you grabbed your phone and followed Joseph down the stairs.
he had your blanket and baby bag/suitcase in his hands and you were holding onto his bicep, keeping yourself stable. he helped you get your shoes on and then he slid his on before helping you walk to the car. he opened the door for you, his tongue slipping out his mouth, showing his iconic concentration face.
he helped you get settled in the car before going to the back, putting everything in the boot of the car. you waited for him to get in the car and once he did, he immediately started driving to the hospital. "let's get this show on the road" he said, holding your hand as you cried through the contractions which were coming at a faster rate.
"Joey" you said, eyes screwing shut as another, hurtful,  contraction hit you. Joseph turned to look at you as he turned the corner, road leading up to the maternity unit. your midwife, thankfully, was already there, meaning you would be able to get a room straight away.
"i know love, almost there" he said, kissing your forehead. you breathing quickened as the contraction got worse. he found a parking space and helped you out of the car, he luckily got the bags out first before walking into the unit where he was finally spoke to the midwife at the reception. she led you to a room and helped you get settled in. she gave you a gown and Joseph helped you put it on before helping you get settled in the bed. she put the baby monitor on your stomach and then spoke up. "miss y/n, we need to check how much you are dilated. if you are around 4cm, you are allowed an epidural, just let us know" she said, putting gloves on to check how dilated you were.
"this will feel uncomfortable so i'm sorry about that, we just need to make sure you're ready" Carol, the midwife, said as she lifted up the blanket. she started checking how much you were dilated and it did hurt. “ouch” you said as she kept checking how much you were dilated. Joseph stood next to you, holding your hand, rubbing your forehead as Carol kept inspecting you. after her prodding stopped, she took off her gloves and started talking.
“okay so you are about 5cm. that means you can get an epidural. was that something you wanted to do?” she asked, pulling the blanket back down. you nodded your head and spoke up. “i do want one please.” you pleaded, wanting to be rid of the pain.
“okay lovely, i’ll get that booked in now, i’ll come back when it’s your turn.” she said, leaving the room to book your epidural. you turned to Joe who was smiling at you. “even in a situation like this you’re still so kind to others. i don’t know how you do it, id be shouting” he said, making you laugh at him.
“trust me, i want to be rude but i honestly can’t” you said, closing your eyes as another, painful contraction surged through your body. your hand squeezed Joseph’s as it felt a lot worse than the others. your face scrunched up and Joseph took this chance to sit on the bed, next to you, and press a few small kisses onto your head. “you’re doing so well sweetheart. so amazing, you’re so strong” he said, stroking the hair out of your face.
“can you help me stand up?” you asked, sitting up a bit. Joseph nodded and helped you up. “can we sway?” you said, hands wrapping around Joseph’s waist. he wrapped one arm around your back and the other on stroked your and he bent down, hugging you. he swayed lightly as he kissed the top of your head. after a few minutes of swaying, you felt a gush of water fall out of your water has broke all over Joseph’s trousers.
“i’m sorry Joey, i didn’t know it was gonna come out” you said, a little embarrassed as he pulled away slightly. “hey no it’s okay, don’t apologise sweetheart, you can’t control it” he said, stroking your cheek. luckily, he’d brought a pair of joggers with him as he didn’t know how long you’d be here. he helped you back into bed before he went into the bathroom to get changed. after he was done, he came and sat on the chair which was next to your bed and held your hand, stroking it softly.
Carol and the lady who was doing your epidural, Jane, both came in the room, telling you it was time for your epidural. “so miss y/n. we are gonna either get you to sit up or turn around, which one would you prefer” Jane said, setting up the equipment for the epidural. “i’ll sit up” you said, Joe grabbed your hands and helped you sit up. Jane cleaned your back before giving you instructions.
“you need to keep completely still, tell me of you’re having a contraction lovely and i’ll try be as quick as i can” she said, getting the needle ready. you had a pillow on your lap and your head was resting on it. “okay so completely still, three, two, one” she counted down and then you felt a pinch in your back, meaning the epidural had been put in.
Joseph watched from the chair, being told he couldn’t come to close as he wasn’t in scrubs. after 10 minutes, the epidural was fully in and Jane said you could move. you had three contractions and it was hard not to move but you did it. Joseph got up from the chair and helped you lay back down.
you were told that it took 20-30 minutes for it to start working and you were happy you were finally getting some sort of pain relief. you laid back down and waited for the epidural to kick in. each contraction slowly fading into a tightening sensation instead of cramping. the pain faded and it just felt like there was pressure forming in your stomach.
Joseph looked at the monitor, seeing there was a harsh contraction happening. “Was that a contraction? I barely even felt it.” you said, him turning to look at you. “yeah it was, it was a bad one as well” he said, putting your hair behind your ear. you nodded your head and laid your head back on the pillow, tiredness taking over you.
“can you lay with me?” you asked, moving over a little, making room for him to lay down. he nodded his head and put his arms around your shoulders, pulling you into him. you wrapped your arms around his waist and laid your head in his chest and closed your eyes. he kissed your forehead and rubbed your neck comfortingly.
the neck rubbing and forehead kisses lulled you to sleep, allowing you to finally relax after 7 hours of labour so far. it had started about 2pm and now it was 9 and you were knackered. Joseph didn’t speak for the hour and a bit you were asleep. he just allowed you to relax and he didn’t move, he stayed in that same position as you were comfortable. he would do anything to make sure you were okay and if that meant staying in the same spot, he would do it.
you woke up, that hour and a bit later, and looked around the room. Carol had come back in to check how dilated you were and you were and you were surprised to hear you were finally at 10cm. this was it, you were finally going to have the baby you’d been waiting for your whole life. “you ready to start pushing y/n?” Carol said, putting her gloves on. you nodded your head and got into a more comfortable position. Joseph got off the bed and stood next to you, holding your hand.
waiting for Carol to give you the all clear, you squeezed Joseph’s hand. he smiled at you and bent down to kiss your forehead before standing back up. “okay, are we ready?” she said, smiling at you. you nodded before she started instructing you on what to do. you had you legs spread, chin to your chest as you started pushing, your body sweating as you pushed downward.
you pushed for ten seconds then released, taking time to breathe. “okay y/n another big push” Carol said, wanting you to get straight back to pushing the baby out. you started pushing again, hearing the lovely words of encouragement from Joseph- ‘you’re doing amazing sweetheart’ ‘look at you, you’re doing so well’ ‘keep pushing babe, they’re almost out’. those words pushed you to keep pushing. Joseph bent down, whispering to you as you pushed, kissing the side of your head, brushing the hair that stuck to your forehead out of your face.
after 10 minutes of pushing, you heard a loud cry come from below you. your heart swelled, hearing the babies cry. Joseph, kissed your forehead before kissing your lips, then he looked up over at Carol who was wiping the baby clean. “and it’s a baby girl, congratulations” Carol said, smiling at the two of you. you started sobbing as soon as Carol put the baby on your chest, the feeling of your own daughter on your skin made you emotional.
Joseph had tears rolling down his face as he watch his two girls meet for the first time. he bent down, kissing your head a few times before stroking his babies hair. “she’s got so much hair” you said laughing, looking up at Joseph. he nodded his head and smiled through his tears. “i need to go weigh her, it’ll take a few minutes so just relax y/n” Carol said, taking the baby over to the other side of the room.
you wrapped your arms around Joseph’s neck, pulling him in for a hug as more tears fell down his face. one thing you loved about Joseph was that he would show his emotions and communicate instead of keeping them bottled up. you rubbed his back and kissed his forehead before wiping your own tears. “you’re okay baby, you’re a daddy now. you need to tell everyone” you said, rubbing his back still.
he sniffled before pulling out of the hug, Carol brought the baby back to you and placed her on your chest. “7 Ibs 2Oz. absolutely perfect” she said, stroking the babies cheek. “i’ll leave you two to it. congratulations” she said, walking out of the room, leaving it with just the three of you. “Joey come sit next to me” you said, moving over carefully with the baby on your chest.
he sat next to you, watching you and his beautiful baby girl. “she’s so perfect y/n. you did so amazing” he said, kissing you on the forehead. “she’s so pretty” you whispered, not wanting to disturb the baby in your arms. you stroked her cheek gently, making her grimace at the touch. she opened her eyes, they were a beautiful brown colour, identical to Joseph’s. Joseph watched as you smiled at your baby and realised how lucky he was. his perfect little family.
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strangerquinns · 5 months
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Deadly Reunion| Chapter 28
Eddie Munson x female!reader // a stranger things apocalypse au
summary: You and Eddie have been best friends since childhood. But when the outbreak happened five years ago, you were torn from one another in the chaos. but now you’re left alone, after your group was killed by another radical crew, leaving you to seek out what was once home. // zombie apocalypse Hawkins set in 1993
warnings: angst + adult themes w/ descriptions of violence, blood, torture + other zombie apocalypse related issues (no use of y/n)
word count: 2.1k+
⪻ previous chapter | next chapter ⪼ | stranger things masterlist | chapter one
A few more days passed before you fully came back to Eddie. In those few days he would follow the routine of waking up, making coffee, checking in, finishing his rounds as quickly as possible before he spent the rest of his night by your side. He’d either bring a book and read it, to himself or out loud to you, or write songs or lyrics in his little book. It brought him a small bit of comfort when he didn’t have your voice to hear.
But it wasn’t till an early morning when he was still drinking his morning coffee and going through the motion, that there was a soft knock on the door. Eddie’s back straightened for a moment before the knock sounded again – a little louder this time. He placed his mug down on the counter before walking the short three steps to open the trailer door. The last person he expected to see on the other side of the small metal door was Chrissy Cunningham. She smiled at him.
“Uh…hi,” Eddie spoke awkwardly as he stared down at her.
“Morning,” Chrissy spoke, her blue eyes brightening more, “I-I wanted to make sure I kept my promise…come and get you if anything happened.”
Eddie’s thoughts went negative the moment her words were able to fully settle into his mind. But would she be smiling if anything bad happened?
“She woke up about twenty minutes ago,” Chrissy continued after he stared down at her with a blank look for a long moment. “Uh…when I left to come and get you, Joyce was looking her over.”
It took about thirty seconds till Eddie moved from the doorway. He quickly grabbed his boots and barely slipped them on before rushing back up toward the main building. He didn’t even wait to see if Chrissy had followed up behind him. The only concern and focus on Eddie’s mind was getting to you.
He rushed down the halls and through the double doors before he finally saw you. Eddie couldn’t explain the feelings moving through him when he saw you propped up on your cot, pillows stacked behind you for support. The bruising along your face faded away from the nasty and brutal blacks and purples and instead faded into the muddy greens and yellows. It was like your body knew that he was near, your eyes connecting with his as he came through the door and a small smile lifting the corner of your lips.
“Sweetheart,” He spoke when he got close enough, caressing your cheek and pressing his forehead to yours. Before pulling back and gently caressing along your cheeks, “Are you ok? Is everything ok?”
Eddie looked between you and Joyce who was still standing off to the side checking over a few things. You let out a soft and gentle chuckle as you reached to hold him closer to you, even with him sitting on the edge of your cot he didn’t feel close enough.
“Everything is looking up, from what we can see.” Joyce started “Bruises and cuts are healing nicely, and her ribs are healing back properly.” Her eyes switched over to you, “And we’re going to listen and actually take it easy so they can continue to heal. The last thing we need is a broken rib puncturing something.”
You nodded your head and held tightly to Eddie’s hand, your fingertips running gently along the back of his palm. “I will take it easy; I promise.”
Joyce gave a knowing look to Eddie, “I’m going to hold you to making sure she keeps still.”
“I’m not taking my eyes off her,” Eddie spoke, “You don’t have to worry about that.”
“Good,” Joyce spoke, “Her concussion, head injury, we wanna keep a close eye on the next few days. Make sure we’re not sleeping too long and staying away from strenuous work.”
“Copy, doctor.” You nodded your head, before smiling at her.
Joyce walked away from the two of you and went to check on another in the medical wing.
Eddie looked down at your joined hands before looking back at you.
“Gave me a scare there, baby,” Eddie spoke softly, his thumb rubbing along the back of your hand.
“I’m sorry,” You whispered, causing Eddie to shake his head quickly. “What happened? Joyce didn’t really know when I asked.”
Eddie sighed, “You got to Steve and me after we’d separated. You found Wendy, from what I understand from her, you killed the man in charge of the militia group. Took a beating, because not long after we’d found you, you dropped in my arms. There was blood…I-I didn’t know what to do other than run back here.”
“I vaguely remember that,”
“You’re actually listening to Joyce this time, gonna be sitting and doing nothing for a long, long time.”
“I can’t just sit and do nothing,” You shook your head, “I have to help in some way.”
“You can go back to working on the farm, still have a little of that to do even with the weather changing. The basement gets flipped to a greenhouse.” Eddie shrugged “But no more raids, no more runs.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but seeing the look on Eddie’s face, you quickly closed it.
“I can’t go through nearly losing you again,” Eddie explained. “I can’t…think you’ve aged me about twenty years.”
“I will sit,” You agreed. “I did like being out in the field. Tending to the chickens, so I guess that won’t be so bad.”
“They are gonna need to help, especially after losing Vicki.”
You cringed “How is Robin?”
“Last I saw her; she was a little better. She would come and see you between shifts when she could.” Eddie paused “Wendy is still down at quarantine.”
“How long have I been out?” You questioned.
“A few days, but…it’s not really to make sure she’s not infected. More so cause Hopper doesn’t know what to do with her.”
“She’s trustworthy,” You argued, sitting up straighter and hissing as you felt a pain shoot up your side.
“I trust you; I do. But the rest of the camp doesn’t know her. She’s just someone from the group that has tried to kill us – and has killed many of us already.”
“I’ll talk to Hopper,” You spoke with determination. “What else are we to do with her?”
“Exile her out.” Eddie shrugged “It’s happened before.”
That caused an angry look to cross over your face, “That’s not happening. I’m not losing her again, I won’t, Eddie.”
“Alright, Alright,” Eddie spoke noticing that you were starting to get upset. He placed a gentle hand on your shoulder to calm you. “We’ll talk to Hopper. I’ve been checking on her, she’s been ok. Been taken care of.”
“Thank you,” You spoke gently, before relaxing back against the pillows. “I want out of here, want to be in our bed.”
“I want you back home too.” Eddie paused in thought, “What do you say to officially move into the trailer with me? I mean, you sleep there mostly, can grab the rest of your things from your room upstairs and you can stay with me.”
You smiled slightly, “You asking me to move in with you, Munson? Make this official?”
He nodded eagerly, “That’s exactly what I’m asking you.”
You held onto his hand for a moment and gently fidgeted with his fingers, before bringing his hand up to your lips, kissing it softly. “I would love to move in with you.”
It only took about another day and a half till you started getting restless in your cot. It wasn’t a hidden secret that you weren’t one to sit and relax for too long. Made you even more anxious than you already were. Halfway through the second day since you woke up, you were throwing off the thick blanket and moving to slip on your shoes.
“Woah! Sweetheart, why don’t you take it easy, ok?” Eddie spoke hurriedly as he rushed to stand at your side, grabbing your arm to either steady you or stop you – you weren’t sure which.
“I’m tired of sitting and lying down.” You whined, moving your hand out of Eddie’s grasp. “I need to walk around, stretch my legs, see something else other than these four walls and the same five faces.”
Eddie sighed heavily, knowing it was pointless to fight you, and instead kept close in case you needed him. The moment he saw a stumble, sway in your steps or any sign you were pushing yourself too much – he was dragging you back to bed.
Your steps were slow, but you walked with a confidence that Eddie couldn’t ignore. With the bindings around your ribs, you were a little stiff but otherwise ok. The two of you walked along the halls together till a sign caught your eye that pointed to an elevator. An elevator you were very familiar with. You started heading that way and clicking the down button before Eddie could stop you.
“Do you really think it’s a good idea to go down there?” He questioned.
“It’s been nearly two weeks since everything at the mall, and no one is letting her out. She needs to see a familiar face, and I need to see that she is truly ok.”
“You don’t trust the Hopper, or anyone else for that matter, would take care of her?”
“It’s not that I don’t trust them. But my mind won’t rest till I see with my own two eyes,” You said at the ding of the elevator sung through the mostly quiet hall, the metal doors opening. “You should understand that feeling, Eddie.”
Eddie hung his head, a few curls calling in front of his face, slipping from the messy updo he’d done earlier. You stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button you knew would take you down to the quarantine level.
“You coming or not, Munson?” You asked.
Eddie only hesitated for a second before stepping onto the elevator with you. The ride down wasn’t long till the two of you stepped off and down the sterile white hallway lined with doors. Your heart jumped a little to your throat as you remembered when you were down here. How scared you were, and you had known people within this camp. When Wendy only had you.
Slowly you walked so you were able to peak into every room through the small window. Most of them were empty, only a few held others inside. You turned to Eddie with a confused look on your face when you came upon the first one.
“Scratched during the raid, just keeping a close eye to make sure it doesn’t turn into a full infection.”
“It’s been nearly two weeks, surely that wouldn’t changed already. You saw how fast that bite moved through Mike’s veins before we took his arm.”
“That’s a direct bite, scratches work differently,” Eddie explained before nodding his head to the other end of the hall. “Come on, she’s down this way.”
Eddie led the way down a few more doors till you came to one near the end of the hall. You hurried your steps a little before coming upon the door and looking through the glass. Wendy was sitting on the small bed that was pushed against the wall with a book in her lap. A small gasp left your lips as you reached a hand up to knock on the glass. Almost instantly, Wendy’s head looked up at you before a while smile spread across her face. Your name passed her lips with excitement before she sprung from the bed and rushed to the door.
“What are you doing down here? How are you down here?” She asked in hurried succession.
“I was tired of sitting in bed all day,” You spoke through the glass.
“I’m so glad to see that you’re ok. I was so worried when you fainted, I-I thought the worst.”
“I’m ok now,” You confirmed, “I’m more worried about you.”
“They are taking care of me. Getting food and water, and the big guy isn’t so scary.”
“Hopper? Yeah, he’s the Chief,” You sighed “I’m going to talk to him, ok? Make sure you get out of here soon.”
“Don’t advocate for me if it’s going to affect you. I don’t want to mess anything up.” Wendy spoke quickly, a pleading look in her eyes.
“You’re not going to mess anything up.” You reached and pressed your palm against the glass. “You’re the last bit of family I have left, and I’m going to make sure you’re out of here.”
Only two chapters left, and then this story comes to an end! Please reblog/like if you enjoyed it helps a lot!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Happy 2024
@mopeymopeymouse / @aris-house / @brxkenartt /@akiratoro420
@stylesxmunson/ @aactuaaltraash / @fandomgirl17 / @ches-86/ @chaoticcancer / @munsonology / @bellamy-barnes / @theonlyh3artbreaker / @idkidknemore / @familyvideowithsteve / @eddiesdingus / @thefemininemystiquee / @the-world-is-a-mess-and-so-am-i / @xdarkcreaturex / @lunr-flwr / @cherry-omi/ @im-emma22@munson-enthusiast / @munsonmecrazy / @jupitar-jul / @katiemrty/ @maddie-luvs-eddie /@eddiemusworld/ @ih3artdanielle / @eddiesguitarskills / @hargrovesswifee /@chaoticcancer / @rh1nestonecowg1rl / @atombombbibunny /@munson-enthusiast / @hellf-1-re / @fangirling-4-ever / @corrcdedcoffin /@sidthedollface2 / @emma77645 / @eddiiiieeee /@beep-beep-sherlock / @moldy-khunt / @bokutoswifey /@trixyvixx / @lma1986 / @plk-18 / @sav12321
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lovejosephquinn · 2 years
joe being self conscious about his body because he gained weight back after playing eddie and everyone on social media was commenting on it, so he tries to stealth diet but the reader isn’t having it...he winds up cuffed to the bed while the reader gives him the sloppiest head of his life and rides him lovingly
The filth that entered my head when I read this idea, oh my GOODNESS.
I honestly would be so sad if it really got to him if that was the case but we're all human right???? HE'S PERFECT IN ANY SHAPE TYVM
Thank you so much for requesting x
Warnings: slight angst, fluff and 100% smutty smut
Word Count: 1.6k
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Nobody Compares To You.
Joe had tried everything to keep his weight down from seeing the comments that had been made about him from certain individuals since he'd finished his role as Eddie in Stranger Things, he'd begged you to let him try just one last diet before he gave up completely. It completely angered every cell in your body that he would even think he needed to lose weight, the anxiety it caused him was uncanny.
He was by no means overweight; you knew he'd had to lose a little bit of it for the role originally but how he'd got into his head that he'd put all of his weight on was ridiculous. Joe wasn't usually one to listen to other people's stupidity but being thrown straight into the limelight was something that had seemed to put instant pressure on him to look good. Your man always looked fucking fantastic, and it was obvious that in the end going to be down to you to get this vision of himself he'd got out of his head and stop listening to the people diminishing his self-confidence.
You walked in from work one particular night, and it was the final straw. You caught Joe staring at himself in the mirror, pressing down onto his stomach (which was naturally toned in itself). You greeted him, giving him a soft kiss to his lips. "Hello my love. Did you eat dinner already?"
He shook his head as he threw you a sad look. "No, I didn't eat today, I didn't feel like it."
You threw your bag to the floor in a tantrum, you'd given it a few weeks to see if it had blown over, but now you were truly noticing the effect it was having on his mental health, never mind anything else. His eyes flew to the object that landed with a thud and you finally spoke out after pandering to his needs. "Joe, for the life of me I can't understand why now you choose to worry about your weight, you've never been bothered about what people say, you're usually so confident and now you've truly become obsessed by it. You're perfect, baby, why? You're so beautiful in every way, you look comfortable with yourself. You were like this before you lost weight for Eddie's role. There's nothing wrong with you, I'm sorry if I sound harsh - I'm not just getting it, help me understand."
He was taken back by your words as you took his hand, led him into the living space and pushed him straight down to the sofa, he would get it into his head one way or another and you were finishing this tonight. You moved back and forth in front of him trying to regain your composure. He opened his mouth and then closed it again, clearly thinking about how to come out with what he was about to.
"I'm just listening to them because in the end it all comes down to you, I just don't want you to find out that you're less attracted to me anymore."
Absolutely not, never.
"Are you being serious Joseph" The use of his full name was only used in particular moments, he knew you were upset. "You are such an idiot. If anything, I prefer your natural self, you're toned, you look healthy, and your glow is perfect. I am obsessed with you, how could you ever think that I wouldn't find you attractive, ever?" Your face dropped, you'd have to use your actions, because words were clearly not enough at this point. You dropped to your knees and started to undo his button and zipper on his trousers, there was no time to waste here.
"Love, wait, what are you doing?"
"Showing you how much I still fucking love you, Quinn, if your head won't listen, your dick certainly will."
He head in fact was infatuated by the idea as pushed his hips up so you could take his trousers and boxers off in one foul swoop, chucking them over to the other side of the room, abandoned and forgotten.
You spat on your hand and began to pump his now semi erected cock slowly. It wasn't just Joe's handsome face or his body that wound you up, his cock was just as god damn perfect as the rest of him.
It didn't take him long when he was in the warmth of your hand to get rock hard for you, it's just what your touch does to him. You look up from where you're kneeling in front of him. "You ready for the best damn blowjob, baby?"
His nod was fast as his eyes glared down to what was going on in front of him. "Are you ready?"
Before he could answer you hold up his member, licking a stripe from his balls all the way up to the tip and the delicious whimper that came out of his mouth was captivating, there were no sounds like the ones your boyfriend came out with during times like this. Your lips hovered over his end, making his heart race at the thought of feeling your lips around his cock, you looked up to him and smiled making him bite his lip, he loved nothing more than seeing you cock hungry as you let out that little smirk that drove him crazy. Your hand was holding the bottom, you covered the tip with your lips and sucked slightly, earning another moan out of Joe's mouth.
"Fuck." He threw his head back as you started to take his cock into your mouth, inch by inch, little by little until you found all you could take and sucked at a moderate pace. Throbbing in your mouth, you used the rest of his cock left free to twist your hand around.
"Baby, slow down, it feels too damn good, if you keep this up I'm going to cum soon."
You took his cock out of your mouth in an instant and shook your head, leading your thumb to cover the top of the tip, pre cum leaking onto it. "You'll cum when I say you can cum, Joseph." You removed your thumb and placed it into your mouth to taste the fluid. His bottom lip was being bit so hard by his teeth that he could've drawn blood. Submissive Joe was something you loved to see every now and then, and right now he was caving to your every move.
Without warning, you pushed your head right down, taking a little more than you could handle, gagging and groaning, saliva dripping out of your mouth and more pre cum sliding its way down your throat. Moving your hand down to his balls to massage them tight. He tasted so good.
"Y/N, please, I-I'm so close."
You ripped yourself apart from his erection, standing up and lifting your dress up and bringing your panties down.
"W-what are you doing now?"
He stared at you as you mounted yourself onto his lap, you were soaking through your panties as soon as you'd started to touch him so there was no need to get yourself ready. Taking him into a heated kiss, your mouths were writhing against one another. You took the opportunity to surprise him by pushing your hand between you and sitting down on his cock until he was buried deep in you, the fullness got to you as much as it did him. You broke the kiss and pressed your foreheads together, not taking a second glance anywhere else but at each other while you began to bounce on his cock quicker than you'd ever started too before. This was definitely all about him.
His breathing became heavier as you watched his mouth gaping open, the profanities, the moans, the way your name fell out of his mouth with such desire. His cock hit your sweet spot with every rebound, causing your hands wrapped around the back of his neck to scratch where they sat, leaving trails of nail marks.
"I'm begging you, baby, let me come inside of you, please, I can't hold it much longer, your tight pussy feels too d-damn g-good"
You stopped bouncing suddenly and proceeded to sway your hips in a slow but fierce pace, riding the life out of him. His moans were so loud, the way he held your waist in place and squeezed his fingers when it felt the best, he guided your hips to move you faster. "Cum for me, Joe, right now."
He needn't hear another word as leaking nerve began to explode. You felt it, clenching your walls to get more release out of him, the way you'd built him up and denied his orgasm at first, only made it more powerful and in turn over stimulated the hell out of him. Joe panted for breath; your name cursed out of his mouth as you rode him through his climax.
You climbed off of him, leaving his now softening dick wet against his stomach as his head lay against the top of the cushion, staring into nothingness, clearly seeing stars and too hypnotised to notice you'd gone to clean up. You brought a towel to sort himself out too once he'd regained full consciousness.
You pulled your panties up and handed him back his clothing. You sat by him on the sofa in complete bliss, there no was no other way to feel when you and Joe shared an intense situation like that. His arm creeped around your shoulder and pulled you in for you to lay your head on his chest, you could feel his heart returning back to a steadier pace as you arched your neck up to look at your significant other. "Now do you believe me? That I'm crazy for you and I love you so much, today and every day."
He looked down to hold your stare, his eyes looking a little brighter now. "You proved your point, Y/N. I love you so much more."
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
At Last-RalphxF!Reader (CH 4)
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AHHH IT IS FINALLY HERE!!! Also just a heads up, the next chapter will in fact be spicy 🔥
Summery: After accepting Ralphs proposal the both of you knew you couldn't wait to get married...so a month is long enough to plan a wedding right?
Pairings: Ralph x Female!Reader
Word count: 8,769 (tis a big boy)
Warning: Extreme fluff!! I teared up writing this cuteness! Some spiciness at the start.
This is also on ao3
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5
I also have a Ko-Fi 😊
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
"Ohh yeah yeah
You smile
You smile
Oh and then the spell was cast"
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You sighed happily as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you as you felt his hands leave your cheeks, sliding down to your waist where he held you. Your tongues gently wrestled, neither of you wanting to dominate the kiss, simply bask in the other's presence. You felt his grip tighten as you softly sucked his bottom lip, a quiet moan leaving him before he began the kiss again, this time more eagerly while pulling you closer. You'd be lying if you said that Ralph and yourself hadn't been in this exact position many times in the past week, after that night he would ask to kiss you at any chance he could, even though you told him he didn't have to ask, the sweet boy still always waited for permission. The kissing had been clumsy at first, passionate but clumsy, to which he profusely apologized before explaining, while completely flushed, that he had never REALLY kissed anyone before either. You were each other's first on everything it seemed, including…
"Ah!" He whimpered when he felt you grind down on him, your position in his lap making the movement easier, it also made it easier to feel what you could do to him with just a simple kiss.
"Ralphie" you whined, repeating the motion.
"Darling…we-we can't" he panted, yet his hands did nothing to stop your hips…In fact he helped move them.
"But Ralphie, surely there are other things we could do?" You pouted, Ralph had told you that he wanted to wait until your wedding night for the two of you to give yourselves to each other, he said it was romantic, becoming truly one on the day you promise yourselves to one another.
"We-we should wait" he moaned, hips pushing up to meet yours, dragging a moan from your lips that had a whimper falling from his, you knew this was hard for him, waiting, just like it was hard for you. You had to give him an A for Patience though, because yours was running thin.
"Ralphie" you sighed, leaning in to kiss him again just as you heard the door open.
"Ugh really?on the couch?" Lauren asked in a voice full of disgust as she came into the room, followed by the other's. You quickly scrambled off of Ralph while he grabbed a nearby pillow and pressed it over his lap. Both of you were flushed and breathing quickly as you righted yourself, Jason snickering at the two of you.
"Oh it's young love Lauren" Victoria stated before looking at the two of you.
"But really please not the furniture, at least not in here" you both nodded, slightly jumping as she let the large folder fall to the table with a loud 'thud'.
"Now, we already have the venue, and the food, we also have the band" Victoria started, looking over at your friends who had happily agreed to play at your wedding…well…Horace and Jason had happily agreed, Lauren thought this was crazy but was happy you were happy, and Nick tried to talk you out of it but after you explained the whole "perhaps your past life was actually where you were now" he went on a rant about how that could possibly me true and then he was ok with the idea.
"But we still have much to do. We still need an overall theme, I'm thinking glitz and glamour" she smiled excitedly, of course that's what she was thinking. You looked over at Ralph, your hand coming to hold his and bringing his attention away from the large folder.
"What about you Ralphie, what would you like our wedding to be?" You asked, watching as he smiled at the simple sentence, you had noticed it a few other times, the way he would get both giddy and completely melt at the words "our wedding".
"Oh no my love, anything you want, this is your big day" he told you, and you leaned over to kiss him, him happily returning it.
"No sweetheart, this is our big day, both of us get a say" you explained, you knew he wasn't used to it, you knew Victoria usually planned everything and ran everything, but she wasn't about to do that for your wedding. You appreciated her helping, but her brother would have a say in this.
"I think glamourous would be a wizard idea" he started, making Victoria clap, though his eyes never left yours.
"But instead of diamonds covering everything…we have the colors be black and gold? With a few crystals and pearls maybe" he finished, you could easily see his vision, and honestly it was beautiful.
"That sounds breathtaking," you smiled.
"Why black and gold?" Victoria asked, kind of upset he didn't share her vision.
"Because it's elegant," he started
"And because…the first night we danced together…the first night I fell in love with (y/n), she was wearing a black and gold dress" he smiled…Oh how this boy could make your heart flutter.
"Oh Ralphie" you smiled, cupping his cheek and kissing him gently, a kiss that he happily returned.
"Very well, black and gold it is" Victoria stated, slightly disappointed, but also slightly happy her brother had found someone to marry.
"Well now that we have the colors we can work on the venue decor, the flowers, the cake, the invitations. (Y/n) dear we need to shop for your dress and the bridesmaids dresses, Ralph sweetie you need your tux and the groomsmen tuxes" Victoria rambled. Victoria took her job as future sister-in-law, and maid of honor very seriously. You remember asking Victoria to be your maid of honor, she was pressing you to know who you'd choose, and though originally you were going to pick Lauren, the look on her face said "pick me and I'll kill you" so you quickly chose Victoria, earning an excited cheer and rib crushing hug.
"What shall we check off today?" Ralph asked, slipping his hand into yours, gently running his finger against your engagement ring.
"As much as possible" Victoria started.
"Why don't we go see about the cake, flowers, and invitations, and then we can all meet at the Ritz for lunch, afterwards Victoria and I will shop for dresses while Ralphie, you and the group can shop for suits" you suggested.
"That's a marvelous idea!" Victoria exclaimed, already standing with her folder.
"Wizard idea my love" Ralph smiled, leaning in but pausing for a moment to look at you, after your small nod he gave you a quick peck before standing, pulling you with him.
"Alright, what time should we meet up?" Jason asked Victoria, who then looked at the clock, it was already seven a.m…their sleep schedule was another thing you had to get used to.
"How about one? Should give us ample time to get done" Victoria told him, earning nods from everyone before quick goodbyes were exchanged and you were whisked out of the building. The first stop was the florist, who, after telling your vision to, suggested white Peonies, white Anemones and a beautiful flower he called a black velvet Petunia. A combination which paired with some branches and ribbon he said he could get in black and gold sounded amazing. Pleased with your ideas for the centerpieces and bouquet you all moved onto the invitations. Which surprisingly didn't take long, after telling the colors the woman happily showed you a few options, saying she could get them in your colors and Ralph absolutely fell in love with the script and beautiful envelope, so of course you happily chose those. Next…The cake. You knew this part would take a bit, and it was at this, as you all sat down you realized you didn't even know what Ralph's favorite flavor of cake was.
"What is your favorite flavor Ralphie?"
"What flavor do you prefer, my love?" You both asked, pausing for a moment before laughing.
"I suppose we had the same thought," you smiled.
"I suppose we did," he smiled, leaning over as you gave him a quick kiss, his hand taking a hold of yours.
"I quite like (f/f)" you told him, watching as his face lit up.
"And here I thought you couldn't be even more divine, that's my favorite as well" he told you, watching as your face lit up as well. Ralph enjoyed every time your face did that, light up with happiness due to him, he was quickly finding himself becoming addicted to it. He was pulled from his thoughts though when the baker who they must have went to for their lavish parties walked over.
"My two favorite clients" she smiled, before looking over at you.
"And who is this?"
"This is (y/n)" Victoria introduced before Ralph added excitedly.
"My fiance"
"Oh my God" she gasped, quickly sitting down.
"You're getting married?! Oh Ralph I'm so happy for you!" She exclaimed.
"Your mother would be so happy" she told him in a calmer tone, taking his hand in hers and earning quick nods from him, he didn't speak though, and when you looked at him you could see withheld tears. You gently ran your thumb along the hand that still held yours, earning his attention as you gave him a gentle smile, he smiled back, a small tear slipping down his cheek that you quickly wiped away.
"Mother would have loved you" he whispered.
"I would have loved her too, after all, I have her to thank for bringing you into this world" you told him, hand still cupping his cheek.
"Ok now you are going to make me cry" the woman sniffled, letting go of Ralph's hand and gently wiping her eyes.
"Lucile was a friend of our mother's," Victoria explained.
"She was practically my sister, we grew up together, and I can tell you right now that the love I just saw displayed…she would be overjoyed by" she told you, making your heart clench while you looked over at Ralph. You smiled and leaned in, him quickly following your lead and sharing a quick kiss.
"Ok, before anymore tears are shed, what are we thinking for the big day?"
"Our colors are black and gold" Ralph explained, and you were shocked Victoria hadn't answered, looking over you saw her smiling at her brother as he happily talked to Lucile and you wondered how often they saw this woman as children, she sounded like she would have been a sort of aunt figure to them, maybe that is why she sat back and let him talk…maybe this whole time Victoria cut him off with strangers as a weird way of protecting him?
"Oh, so elegant, do we have flowers?" She asked, looking over at you to bring you into the conversation.
"Oh yes, White Peonies, White Anemones, and Black Velvet Petunias" you told her.
"That combination and color palette are already giving me ideas" she smiled, looking down to sketch out a design. When she finally showed you all the picture, all you could think was how perfect it was. A six layer cake, the first white with a gold filigree at the bottom, the second a black layer with gold interwoven cross hatching, the third a layer covered in gold sparkle, the fourth another white layer with gold at the top and piped white petals, the fifth a black layer with draped gold pearls, and the very bottom layer would be black with gold lacing at the top and bottom. It would also be decorated with your flowers.
"Oh my" you gasped, Ralph looked over at you just as struck by the image and with a shared glance you both knew, that was your wedding cake.
"We love it!" Ralph exclaimed.
"Wonderful!" She said just as excitedly
"Now do we have a flavor in mind?"
"Well (y/n) and I both enjoy (f/f)" he told her.
"But we were thinking about perhaps making each layer different- for our guests" he added
"I do believe Victoria enjoys chocolate, don't you?" You asked, a slight teasing smile on your lips as you looked to your soon to be sister, who for the first time since you've met him, blushed.
"I do enjoy a good chocolate" she smiled back at you, earning a giggle from the both of you.
"We can definitely do that, we can have the top layer as well as the bottom layer be (f/f) and then the rest be different" she told you, before excusing herself to go grab some samples of their other flavors. After trying them and choosing the flavors you wanted she told you she would have it in time for your chosen date, a few shared hugs later you were just about to head out when she stopped you, asking if she could talk to you alone. You nodded to Ralph and watched as he walked out with Victoria.
"I just wanted to have a word. I've known those two since I was young and they were babies, Ralph is like a nephew to me"
"I can definitely see that" you smiled.
"It makes me so happy to know that he's found someone who loves him, I saw it in the way you looked at him today, and the way you interact with him…I know Ralph can be a handful, he's always been a very eccentric boy, but you are patient with him, you let him talk and get his thoughts out and I just wanted to tell you that I truly appreciate that dear. I know that he is in good and loving hands, and I hope you know that you are as well" she smiled, her words making you blink back tears, this woman who had seen your Ralphie as a baby, watched him grow up, was thanking you for something that came so naturally…Loving him.
"You don't have to thank me, I'm just happy I found him. He's unlike any man I've ever met, he makes me feel so seen and…Honestly he makes me feel like a princess, he really is my prince charming" you smiled.
"Then dear, I'm so happy to provide the cake for your fairytale" she smiled, leaning in to hug you, a hug you happily returned before she ushered you out.
"Don't make him wait" she smiled, and with that you left, and sure enough, as soon as you left Ralph's hand was in yours.
"What was that all about?" Victoria asked as you all began to head to the jewelry store since some things had gone faster than expected so you had time, and both you and Ralph needed wedding bands.
"She just wanted to tell me how happy she was, and how she was thankful Ralphie and I are together" you smiled, earning a smile from the both of them.
"She has always been like an aunt or even a second mother to us" Ralph told you.
"Do you remember when you got into the garden at her house, you tore up all her carrots and she disciplined you. Ralph wouldn't stop being upset about it for a week, he thought she truly hated him" Victoria told the story and you looked over to see Ralph blushing as she revealed his secrets.
"Awe Ralphie"
"What about when she caught you kissing the boy down the road behind her garden shed?" Ralph replied quickly, making Victoria gasp, not only at the fact that he brought up the memory, but the fact he stood up to her.
"What about when you put on that play in her living room? The one you wrote yourself and you insisted on playing every part, even the girls, you kept changing between a suit and a dress"
"Are there pictures of this?" You chimed in, causing Victoria to smile and Ralph to look over at you, a small whimper coming from him at you being happy about the embarrassing story.
"Oh you were probably so adorable though, being so happy to play out your story" you told him, looking into those puppy dog eyes, that was what you had come to realize Ralph slightly reminded you of in the time you had been with him, a very happy and loveable puppy.
"It's embarrassing" he whined, looking away from you.
"But it was something you were passionate about, and therefore that makes it adorable" you told him, leaning up to kiss his cheek and watching as he beamed at you, quickly leaning down to capture your lips. The two of you shared a brief kiss before walking into the jewelry store.
"Hello again" the man smiled, after all it had only been a little over a week since you were in here buying jewelry on your shopping trip.
"What can I help you with?"
"We're looking for wedding bands, well, they are looking for wedding bands" Victoria explained, the man looked over at the two of you and smiled.
"Ah yes, the Ruby engagement ring, I'm glad to see it was accepted"
"Happily so" Ralph beamed as you both walked towards the counter.
"Well you are in luck my friends, the engagement ring actually came with a matching wedding band" he told you, pulling out the tray and showing that there was in fact a matching band. A beautiful band with oval shapes that had two Rubies and four smaller diamonds in each. In between five larger diamonds.
"Well we most certainly have to get that" Ralph smiled at you.
"Now we just need to find one for you," you replied.
"I'd be honored if you picked it out" he told you, his eyes gazing into yours with complete seriousness.
"Oh Ralphie, are you sure?"
"Completely, knowing you chose it for me makes it all the more special" he smiled, watching as your gaze softened even more, a look of pure love in your eyes before you leaned in and captured his lips.
"It's me who would be honored" you whispered, your breath fanning against his face and making him dizzy, truly the wedding couldn't get here fast enough for him. He watched you slowly look through all of the wedding bands, giving each one a thorough inspection to find one you felt really fit him. He watched you with such love, getting lost in every detail of you that he slightly jumped when you finally spoke.
"Ah ha! That one" you smiled up at the man from your crouched position, having gotten down to get a better look. He watched you point to a tray and the man pull it out for you, you happily standing before looking over at him.
"This one" you smiled. He looked over at the ring and gasped, it had oval shapes as well, though these ovals were pure diamonds, with triangles pointing up and down in between each oval, and each of the triangles has a smaller diamond. Truly it was a beautiful ring.
"It's beautiful" he spoke still in awe, this was what made you think of him? It was so beautiful and elegant and surely this was too much right? Surely you didn't see him as a diamond?
"A beautiful ring for a beautiful boy" you smiled, his face flushed completely as his eyes snapped to you, beautiful doe eyes wide at your words.
"I think it's perfect," you smiled. Watching as he swallowed, trying to collect himself after your compliment.
"If you think it's perfect than so do I my love" he smiled.
"I'll wrap them up" the man smiled at your little scene. After that you all were off to the Ritz for lunch and to meet up with your friends. The lunch was great, you all chatted happily while you ate, though the one thing you didn't care for was how one of the waitresses kept staring at Ralph. You leaned over and kissed his cheek just as he took a bite, causing the boy to quickly look over at you, to which you simply smiled at him.
"Just cause" you told him, watching as he leaned forward after swallowing, you happily gave him a quick kiss on the lips before hearing your friends pipe up.
"Alright not while I'm eating" Lauren told the two of you, causing you both to laugh. But Ralph slid his hand across the table, taking yours in his before bringing it up to his lips.
"I can't wait to marry you," he smiled.
"Neither can I Ralphie"
"Is there anything else I can get you?" The waitress asked, well, asked Ralph who didn't even bother to look at her, figuring she was addressing Victoria as most people did.
"No thank you, unless you all are ready to go?" You told her, looking around at everyone.
"Yes I think we better go if we want to find you a good wedding dress" Victoria smiled, having seen the woman eyeing her brother as well.
"Oh! You're getting married?" The girl asked, eyes now on you.
"Yes" you smiled, holding up the hand that was still grasping Ralph's but still able to show the ring.
"My, that is a lovely ring" she gasped.
"Thank you, my Ralphie does love to spoil me" you smiled at Ralph, leaning in to give him another quick kiss that had the boy beaming.
"Anything for you my love" he mused. And you watched the girl slightly huff.
"Right, I'll be back with the check" she stated before quickly leaving.
"I think you just broke that poor girl's heart," Lauren laughed.
"Her heart and eyes were in the wrong place" you shrugged.
"What do you mean?" Ralph asked, looking between you and Lauren before looking over at the waitress, completely unaware of what just silently happened between you two.
"She…it's nothing" you laughed.
"The girl was eyeing you, and (y/n) was not so subtly telling her that you were off the market" Lauren explained. Making you look at her, and Ralph to look at you, wide-eyed. Ralph had his own worries in the back of his mind that you would one day wake up and change your mind, saying you didn't want him. But to hear that you were telling other women that he was yours, it made his heart flutter…and his pants tight. Coughing he subtly slipped his napkin onto his lap and leaned forward to try to hide himself from your view.
"Love, you don't have to worry, I'm all yours" he smiled, leaning in to kiss you, lips just inches away when he heard the voice of the waitress again.
"Your check" his eyes opened, noticing yours staring behind him, he quickly closed the gap, hand coming to rest of your cheek as he kissed you, an unspoken "I'm yours". When he pulled away the waitress was gone, and all of your friends were smirking.
"We better go then" Victoria laughed while standing.
"Yes let's" Ralph nodded, standing as well and taking your hand to help you up. You all walked outside and into the busy street.
"Well, this is where we part ways" you told him, watching as he looked at you, the sadness showing clear in those amber eyes.
"You can't see the bride's dress before the wedding, it's bad luck" you told him, cupping his cheek.
"The wedding can't come soon enough" he told you.
"It really can't" you smiled, before quickly kissing him as you let go of his hand. You back away to stand next to Victoria, Ralph still looking at you.
"I won't keep her long"Victoria told him, placing her hands on your shoulders.
"She'll be back in your arms by the end of the day Ralph, she needs to get her dress, and you all need to find your suits" she explained, hooking her arm through yours.
"Now off you go" she shooed him and began pulling you away. You look back at Ralph just as he looked back at you. You smiled and blew him a kiss, watching as he caught it and held it to his chest, smiling as well.
"I hope you don't mind, I invited some friends to help, I figured we could make an event out of this special moment" she said once you both reached the dress shop. You didn't know any of Victoria's friends, but it did make you nervous, Victoria came from money, and most likely so did her friends, you on the other hand did not, you were from very different social classes.
"Oh no I don't mind" you lied, walking with her to where three other girls sat.
"(Y/n) this is Florence, Josephine, and Lillian, my three best friends" Victoria beamed, gesturing to a redheaded woman with a bright red dress on, a blond woman wearing a gray dress with a fur shawl, and lastly a black haired woman with a gold dress.
"Ladies this is my soon to sister-in-law (y/n)" Victoria introduced.
"Hello" you smiled, shyly waving at the women.
"Hello dear" the one named Josephine smiled.
"Hello" Lillian nodded.
"So Ralph actually convinced someone to marry him?" Josephine asked, looking at you then Victoria…oh…this one was going to be trouble.
"It didn't take much convincing, her and my brother are madly in love" Victoria explained.
"Really?" She asked.
"Yes" you piped up, earning her attention.
"Ralph is everything I've ever looked for in a man" you told her.
"Except for the man part" she mumbled, earning a slap to her leg from Josephine. Ok this one was already pissing you off.
"Let's start looking shall we dear" Josephine smiled, standing up and taking your other arm as she and Victoria led you around the shop. It didn't take Victoria long to find a dress she loved for her maid of honor dress, but by the time you went into the dressing room both Victoria and Josephine were holding five dresses each for you to try on.
The first one you tried on was not your style at all, but it was very much Victoria's the slim white dress was completely covered in silver beads and jewels with a matching headband and gloves, you knew this wasn't the one but you came out to show everyone anyways.
"Oh that is absolutely beautiful! Completely not your style dear but beautiful on you" Victoria smiled.
"I think this would be much better suited as your wedding dress Victoria" you laughed but admired yourself in the mirror.
"Victoria getting married? Now that would be a sight to see" Florence laughed.
"I could see her in it though" Lillian added, causing Florence to roll her eyes.
"Let's try on another one" Josephine clapped, you simply nodded and tried on the next, which was a much longer gown, no jewels this time but it did have a lace overlay. Overall it was a very simple but elegant dress, and your crowd thought as much.
"It's a little…Plain" Josephine stated.
"Yeah I thought that too" you said.
"Not sure if it would go with the theme" you added.
"Oh what is your theme?" Josephine smiled
"Victoria probably picked it out since Ralph usually just sits in the back and lets Victoria run the show" Florence laughed..ok why was she here again? She didn't even sound like a friend to Victoria at this point.
"Actually Ralph did choose the theme" Victoria defended her brother.
"Oh no" Florence started before turning to you.
"I would say I feel sorry for you but you did sign up for this"
"The theme is Black and Gold" you stated, turning away from Florence to face Josephine.
"Ralphie picked it because of the dress I wore on the first night we danced together, he said that was when he started falling in love with me" you smiled, hearing a snort from Florence,but Josephine was beaming.
"That is so romantic!' she sighed.
"We definitely need to find you the right dress," she quickly added.
The next few dresses were ok but still not the one, though one you did like that was kind of fun was one that was more of what you think of when you think of a "flapper" style dress. Different layers of beads that moved when you danced, there were also crystals on the bodice down to the hips.
"I think that would be more for the reception, more fun to dance in" Victoria smiled excitedly.
"Oh Ralph would love that, and paired with my tap shoes" you smiled back, twisting back and forth to watch the beads swing.
"Oh he'd fall in love all over again" she laughed.
"I say we get it as a party dress then" Josephine clapped excitedly.
"I agree, we are getting that one too" Victoria nodded before shooing you back into the changing room. A few more dresses and a few more nos, until the very last dress that you slipped into your body. A long fitted dress that flared at the bottom, the neckline was a deep V, showing off your collarbones and the top of your breasts. The sleeves were short but long enough to deal over the tops of your arms, and the best part, it was bejeweled. Not in an obviously overly jeweled sort of way, but in jewels that didn't even look like they were there until you moved and they caught the light. Walking out you knew you had a smile on your face that simply screamed "this is the one". All the women looked shocked,even Florence and Lillian. But it was Victoria who spoke up first as you admired yourself in the mirror.
"You look beautiful" she breathed, you looked at her through the mirror, her hand placed on her chest and held back tears in her eyes.
"Awe, Victoria" you turned, walking over to hug her.
"I'm fine dear but you…This is the one" she whispered.
"It really is" you smiled at her, turning back to the mirror, and suddenly, suddenly it all began to sink in…you were in the 1920's…Getting married to a man you had only really known for a little over a week but were already completely in love with…This was crazy, the few friends you had back home would say you were completely insane, and yet…You couldn't be happier.
"Oh wait!" Josephine jumped from her seat, running off excitedly before quickly returning, she helped you put on the full length while silk gloves, putting large crystal earrings in your ears and placing a jeweled headband on your head, a headband that had a long veil attached to it.
"I'm getting married" you breathed, honestly you didn't think this day would ever come, not for you,not the second choice.
"You're getting married" Victoria spoke behind you, fixing the veil before placing her hands on your shoulders, looking at you through the mirror.
"Ralph will be so in love" she smiled.
"Do you think she's found a dress yet?" Ralph asked as he straightened his suit in the mirror.
"Not sure, you know how women are with dresses," Lauren replied, fixing her tie.
"Lauren, you are a woman" Jason laughed.
"Fuck off" she huffed.
"No she has a point, she's with my sister, she's probably had a mountain of dresses to try on, especially if my sister brought any of her friends"Ralph told Jason.
"Your sister has friends?" Jason asked, instantly intrigued.
"Down perv" Lauren scolded.
"Yes…Well…I suppose you could call them friends. They are more of the, how do you put it"
"Talk shit about you behind your back?" Lauren fished.
"Yes, except they don't wait til you can't hear" Ralph explained.
"Oof, who needs friends like that?" Horace asked?
"Victoria I suppose" Ralph shrugged
"They've never quite cared for me, so I do hope they aren't taking their displeasure for me out on (y/n)"
"I'm just shocked is all" Florence stated, all of them were whispering but we're still loud enough for you to hear.
"We love you Victoria you know that, but your brother is a bit…" she started.
"Overzealous, hyperactive, easily excitable" Lillian listed.
"Honestly…we thought he was…You know" Florence added. You knew what they were referring to. Simply because Ralph took care of himself and presented himself well they took it as him being a "dandy", it couldn't simply be because that's just who he was.
"My brother can be a bit…Much. But yes they are getting married" Victoria defended.
"Does the poor girl know what she's getting into?" Lillian asked
"He'll follow her around like a puppy dog, she'll have no peace"
"If she didn't know him do you think they would be getting married?" Josephine questioned, at least her and Victoria were on your side.
"I'm just questioning her sanity is all…unless" Florence stopped.
"Unless what?" Victoria asked, sounding slightly annoyed.
"Unless…she's only after his money"
What?! How dare she think that was what you were after, sure both he and Victoria both spoiled you, and every time you felt bad about it, but you would never be with someone simply for money.
"Florence!" Josephine started, but you cut her off, having come out from behind the curtain.
"You know nothing about me and yet you sit here and call me a gold digger? I wouldn't care if Ralph didn't have a penny to his name, I would still marry him. Why? Because I love him! Yes he can be intense, but that's just how he shows his love, and yes he can be hyper but only when he's passionate. Yes he is like a puppy dog at times but I'm fully ok with that because I adore him, he makes me feel loved and seen for the first time in my life. I'm not like you all are, obviously, I'm not wealthy, or overly beautiful, I've never had men falling at my feet from a simple look. I know this, and yet even if I had all of that, I would trade it all for him. Because honestly…He's everything I ever wanted, but never thought I deserved" you finished, before quickly adding.
"And having good hygiene, and taking care of yourself and your looks doesn't make you gay! I'm sorry that none of the men you have met have cared whether or not they look like shit" and with that you turned and walked towards the counter, leaving a stunned Florence and Lillian, a laughing Josephine, and a smiling Victoria.
"Well ladies, it's been a pleasure as always, I do hope you show up to the wedding" she smiled.
"I wouldn't miss it" Josephine smiled, but Florence and Lillian stayed silent. Victoria nodded and met you at the counter. She quickly paid and grabbed your arm, leading you outside.
"Can I just say," she started as you walked down the street towards home.
"That that little speech was the bravest and nicest thing anyone has ever done for my brother" she smiled.
"I'm sorry I was probably out of line"
"Oh heavens no, no they needed that…and getting to see Florence and Lillian be completely stunned was absolutely perfect" she laughed.
"Was all of it true?" She asked, looking over at you.
"Of course, every word" you answered, causing her to pull you closer.
"Then I am so happy my brother found you"
"There is the love of my life" Ralph said as soon as you stepped through the door, his arms around you as he pulled you to him.
"Ralph we were only gone for a couple of hours" Victoria sighed, taking the dresses upstairs.
"A couple hours is far too long" he told her, you couldn't help but giggle and lean in to kiss him, a kiss he happily accepted before tucking his face into your neck.
"I missed you so much"
"I missed you too Ralphie, my sweet little puppy"
"Yeah, it came up today, the comparison…I can see it" he gave such an adorable confused look before simply smiling, leaning back into your neck.
"As long as I'm your puppy" he sighed.
"You are, my sweet puppy"
The following weeks were a flurry of finalizing everything and getting things prepared. You all knew that weddings should have taken months to properly get put together, but you all also knew that you and Ralph didn't necessarily want to wait that long…So a month it was. Everything felt crazy, a whirlwind of events leading up to the big day, but here you are, sitting inside a lavish room trying not to cry and ruin your makeup as Victoria finishes your hair.
"This doesn't feel real," you breathed.
"None of this does" Lauren stated from her seat on the couch, you caught her eyes in the mirror and knew exactly what she meant, and your mind flashed back to the day you had told Ralph everything.
"So it's all real" he breathed, looking at your passport that held your birth date.
"Yes, I know it sounds completely bonkers," you laughed.
"But everything I told you was the truth" you stated, waiting on bated breath for him to speak, it was unusual for Ralph to be this quiet.
"Ralphie?" You asked hesitantly
"It doesn't matter where or even when you came from" he stated while looking over at you.
"I'm just simply glad you came into my life" he smiled.
"I think you're ready dear" Victoria smiled at you through the mirror, you stood, going behind the screen to change into your gown and earning a small gasp from them both when you stepped back out.
"Now the gloves and jewelry" Victoria nodded, blinking back her own tears as she hurried to grab your things. Your eyes met Lauren's and you smiled.
"You look beautiful," she nodded.
"Thank you, and thank you for messaging me that day, all those years ago…if you hadn't, we wouldn't have become friends, I wouldn't have come to visit and….I wouldn't be here right now" you told her, truly grateful for your friendship.
"Yeah you do really owe it all to me huh?" She smirked, causing you to laugh.
"Yes I do"
"Well, my payment is you and Ralph going anywhere else for your honeymoon yeah? I don't need to hear…that" she told you, her face scrunching up in disgust.
"Oh don't worry, they will in fact have a honeymoon spot far, far away from us all" Victoria noted, handing you your gloves to put on before helping you with your veil. You slipped off your engagement ring to put it on over the glove.
"I love you and my brother dearly but I don't exactly want to hear you taking my brother's virginity" she told you, causing Lauren to laugh.
"Ok that's fair" you giggled.
"Though it would be a mutual taking"
"Either way dear…there…now you're ready" she told you, and you turned to look at yourself in the mirror, willing yourself not to cry because this was it…You were getting married.
You met Horace at the main doors, you had asked him to walk you down the aisle as he had been your comfort many times in the past when you became overwhelmed or sad, a request he happily agreed to.
"You look beautiful (y/n)" he smiled
"You look quite dashing yourself" you smiled back and straightened his tie.
"Are you ready?"
"Shockingly…I've never been more ready for something, this is where I'm suppose to be, I know it" you told him, taking his arm and waiting for your que. You heard the music begin, signaling it was time, and with a deep breath, you both entered the room. All eyes landed on you with a gasp, but those eyes weren't the ones you were searching for, the ones you sought out were at the end of the aisle. That beautiful amber gaze, glossed over with tears as he watched you walk towards him, you saw him gasp, and try to calm himself as you neared him, his hand quickly coming up to wipe away the tears. By now you were already shedding a few yourself, and you hope you hadn't messed up your makeup.
"You look so beautiful" he breathed, voice shaking as he took your hand from Horace, smiling at the man.
"You look so handsome" you smiled, taking him in, his black and gold suit nothing less than you expected from him.
"I can't believe I get to marry you" he smiled, another tear falling, one which you quickly wiped away.
"I can't believe it either Ralphie"
"Shall we begin?" The officiant asked, without looking away from each other you both nodded.
"Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today to join (y/n) and Ralph in holy matrimony." They said to the crowd while you and Ralph held each other's hands.
"Ralph, we'll start with you, please repeat after me" they spoke, speaking and waiting for Ralph to repeat.
"(Y/n), I promise to cherish you always, to honor and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us." He told you, eyes gazing into yours with the most seriousness you had ever seen from him, you knew he meant every word he said.
"(Y/n)" they spoke, and you repeated the words.
"Ralph, I promise to cherish you always, to honor and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us" you told him, with just as much seriousness, hoping that he knew your words were true.
"The couple has also prepared poems to read to one another, who would like to start?"
"I would…If that's alright?" Ralph asked, looking at you, you smiled and nodded, already trying to hold back tears again.
"I'm so sure that you're the one, with you I feel life's just begun. I feel it when I touch your skin, I feel it in my heart beating within. I look in your eyes and I know your story, I melt for your voice and it's glory. So many smiles, but I live for yours, you're my magic, my heart soars. I can't lose you, you are she, she who makes my life lovely. She who mends my broken pieces, she who smooths out my creases. I just know it, understand, I feel it when you hold my hand. Your laughter truly saves my life, and I wished one day you'd be my wife. I want to wake up in your hair, tangled up with you in there. When you're sick, I'll hug you tightly, and I'll remind you when we're fighting. That you're my princess, and I love you, that I'll do whatever it takes to keep you. That life goes on, that we are strong. That no matter what it seems, that you and I, we are a team. Just kiss me, make me feel young forever, let's laugh, and dance, and live together. Spend your life with me, it'll be fun, let me show you you're the one.So I swear to you, this is real, I promise you it's what I feel. You make me believe that love is true, I have a soulmate, and she is you." He finished, having to take a moment every now and then while reading to clear his throat and hold back tears, you on the other hand, were openly crying.
"Oh Ralphie" you whispered, and he wished he could lift your veil and wipe away your tears. But he watched you wipe them away yourself, trying to compose yourself so you could read your poem, he also took this moment to wipe his own eyes.
"It's funny, we both wrote soulmate poems" you laughed lightly, earning a giggle from him.
"You came into my life unexpectedly, and everything took a turn for the better. Your warm eyes, your laugh, the sincere way you speak. And the kindness you showed me all became a part of my life. As you unfolded yourself to me, I discovered more and more beauty. I have never seen so much gentleness in one person. Without even knowing it you were slowly making a place for yourself in my heart. It used to seem so hard at times, to feel so close in a relationship. But it's so easy to feel close to you, I can't tell you how nice that feels. I realize now that I had never known what it meant to be loved…until I was loved by you." You told him, your voice shaky and breaking at the end.
"My love" he breathed, reaching under the veil to cup your cheek, wiping away the tears.
"Mine wasn't as long, and it didn't rhyme but" you laughed, causing him to laugh as well, both of you trying to blink away tears.
"Shall we move onto the ring exchange?" The officiant asked, wiping their eyes as well. You could see Jason, Horace and Nick all trying to wipe their eyes and faces, and you knew the two women behind you were probably no better.
"Let's" Ralph nodded, Horace handed him your ring and he repeated the words told to him.
"With this ring I, Ralph, take you, (y/n), to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us." With that he slid the ring onto your finger, resting it against your engagement ring. He lifted your hand to his lips, kissing the rings before looking at you again.
Victoria handed you the ring for him before you repeated as well.
"With this ring I, (y/n), take you, Ralph, to be no other than yourself. Loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us." And with that you put the ring on him, deciding to mimic him and kiss his ring as well.
"I love you" you smiled.
"I love you more" he smiled back.
"By the power vested in me by the city of London, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss your bride" and with that, Ralph happily and hurriedly lifted your veil and leaned in to capture your lips, sealing your union, a union that you were more than happy about. You held his face as you two continued to kiss, the sounds of the claps and cheers dying out in your ears as you could only focus on him.
"My beautiful wife" he smiled once he pulled away, eyes staring deep into yours.
"My handsome husband" you smiled back, earning a heart stopping smile from him..husband…he would never get tired of hearing that.
The two of you walked back down the aisle hand and hand, officially married, but you knew the night was far from over.
You quickly excused yourself to change, telling Ralph that you'd only be gone for a moment as his arms wrapped around your waist, his lips capturing yours again.
"Don't wanna part" he whined against your lips.
"Finally have you"
"And you'll continue to have me, I just need to change so I don't trip over my dress while dancing" you giggle against his constant kisses.
"I'll hold your dress" he giggled.
"Two seconds, that's all I need" you told him, your back pressed to the door of the room you were in earlier.
"Two seconds" he nodded, lips catching yours again.
"Two seconds" you confirmed, breaking the kiss and quickly running into the room. You got out of your wedding dress as quickly as you could, hanging it back up before quickly getting into your party dress and tap shoes. You came out just in time to see him emerging from a room down the hall, his suit the same but now there was a distinct tapping when he walked.
"Seemed we had the same idea" you smiled, catching his attention and watching as his eyes widened and mouth opened.
"You like?" You asked.
"You are absolutely stunning my love"
"Wanna see the best part?" You asked. Watching as he excitedly nodded. You stepped further into the hallways, watching as his eyes darted to your shoes upon hearing the tapping, his smile growing even bigger.
He watched you twist and show the layers of beads that swung along.
"Absolutely wizard!" He beamed, coming forward to catch your waist in his hands, a blush spreading to his cheeks at his own actions.
"Shall we go show everyone?" You asked, he nodded, though really Ralph wants to keep you all to himself at that moment. You two walk to the reception area, being greeted with more claps and cheers when you walk through the doors. Everyone is already seated and food is being served. You walk up to the main table, taking your seat between Victoria and Ralph, while Horace sits on the other side of Ralph. All of you eat, playful banter being thrown back and forth as you all laugh. You and Ralph go to cut your cake, absolutely marveling at the beautiful masterpiece that Lucile made.
"I don't want to cut it, it's so beautiful" you gasped, but alas you knew you had to, so you did, each of you feeding a piece to the other.
You tossed the bouquet and watched as Victoria caught it and Jason caught the garter, making you and Lauren both bust out laughing. Finally, after everything it was time for the first dance. The two of you came together just as your friends began to play.
"At last, my love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song"
You held onto Ralph, just as you had the first time you danced, still not believing this was all happening.
"I can't believe you're mine" he whispered, forehead resting against yours.
"I can't believe you're mine either" you whispered back.
"Ooh yeah, yeah
At last, the skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover
The night I looked at you"
"I never thought I would find anyone, I never thought someone could actually…deal with me" he stated, face coming to rest in your neck as he wrapped both arms around you, your own coming up to wrap around his neck.
"I found a dream, that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to rest my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known"
"Oh Ralphie"
"I would never say that I am dealing with you my love. I love you, and I'll show you that everyday" you told him, causing him to untuck himself and look at you.
"I never thought I would find someone either, but I am so thankful to have found you" you smiled, earning a smile from him in return.
"And I'll show you everyday how much I love you in return" he told you, leaning in to capture your lips.
"Ohh yeah yeah
You smile
You smile
Oh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine
At last"
After that the party got a bit crazier, everyone was on the dance floor, and with drinks flowing you all partied until the late night hours. You couldn't stop smiling and laughing as you danced with Ralph or Victoria or both. Even you and Josephine danced a few times. But the night slowly died down, everyone thanked you for an amazing time and you thanked them for coming. Giving an extra long hug to Lucile who confessed she bawled while you two got married. She told Ralph that she knew his mother was smiling at the union and that made both you and Ralph begin crying again. Once everyone was gone you and Ralph looked at one another.
"S-Should we head to our h-honeymoon?" he asked, suddenly very shy,and you knew exactly why.
"We do have to consummate the marriage" you smiled shyly, earning a darker blush from him while your own cheeks were tinted lightly.
"Yes we do…after you my beautiful wife" he nodded, holding the door for you.
"Thank you, my beautiful husband" you smiled, leaning in to capture his lips for a moment before walking towards the waiting car.
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There it is everyone!! The beautiful wedding, next up is the wedding night 😏
Your cake, invitations, and venue.
Your dresses, his tux, and the rings
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Florence, Josephine, and Lillian
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The poems you two read
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551 notes · View notes
icallhimjoey · 2 years
MORE INEVITABLE SPARKS!!! please!! it’s so good!!
(i like how there's a few anons who know i need these asks to post the next part to) Writing this has been a rollercoaster, because not for one second did I feel 100% comfortable, but @mybffjoe planted a seed that grew and I needed it out of my fingers fast, so THANKS for that (ily) (also this is the last part!) (enjoy, my babies) Wordcount: 4.4K
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Inevitable Sparks
part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
Wesley’s anger didn’t falter for a second. It was just as strong leaving your flat as it was when he rang the buzzer of Joe’s. It was the type of rage that would make you bite down onto your lips too hard, squeeze fingernails into the skin of your palm with too much force, and Wesley found himself holding down Joe's buzzer uninterruptedly to inflict maximum annoyance on his friend.
Unbeknownst to Wesley, you'd given Joe a little heads up of the murder spree Wesley had set out on. You could be that person because you didn’t do it for Joe. You sent that text because you thought it would ultimately help Wesley out in the long run.
"showed Wes your text, thought I’d warn you"
When Joe opened his door, he was ready for Wesley, holding up his phone that read your text, immediately deflating Wesley’s puffed out chest a little upon seeing it.
You were too kind for this world, Wesley noted. Too pure-hearted. It made him feel bad for slamming your door, and it unexpectedly released more adrenaline into his veins, a new wave of overwhelming energy, because you really were too kind for this world and now it was even worse that Joe had hurt you.
Besides making Wesley feel even more protective, your text also revealed more to Joe than just its words did. There was lots for him to read between the lines and the fact that you decided to not send it in the group chat Wesley'd made for you, but in a separate text thread, also spoke volumes.
"We should stay friends?" Wesley fired at him as he pushed Joe aside to step into the flat. Joe saw the wine-stained teeth and filled in the blanks.
"Yea," Joe’s head bopped, not really a nod, not really a shake. "We should." he concluded, eyebrows raised high up on his forehead, and Wesley couldn’t fucking believe it.
"If my memory serves me right," Wesley threw his coat onto Joe’s sofa, signaling to Joe that he was going to be over for a little while and turned back to face him. "I told you not to fuck this one up. Did I not tell you not to fuck it up?"
"I didn’t. We’re friends." Joe knew he was lying through his teeth, but it was the only bit of defense he had. Your latest text could be used as proof of it now.
"Are you?"
"Sure," Joe shrugged, having never sounded more unsure in his life. He tried to play it off so casually, to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal at all, eager to defuse the situation because the last thing he wanted was to fight with Wesley.
"Friends don't say, let's be friends, and then don't text or call for nearly a week, do they?"
Joe could only listen.
"Friends apologise for the shit things they do and tell each other about the shi– when were you going to tell me about this?! I would've never sent her that stupid video, I would've– you made me be a bad friend to her! Your idiotic behaviour– you being a bad friend has made me be a bad friend. What the fuck, Joe?! Are you happy?"
Joe knew the question wasn't meant to be answered by him. Wesley just needed to get his drunken anger out, pace around Joe's living room and yell at him for a minute. So, Joe let him.
"And for what?!" Wesley snapped. "For what reason?!"
"I had to! For you!" Joe suddenly defended. "She was eating up my time and it came between us, didn't it?"
Wesley gave him a look of utter disbelief before letting out a loud laugh, and it was bitter, almost more like a sob.
"She didn't come between us – you did!"
Joe didn't pushback, because the second Wesley said it, Joe knew he was right and he'd fucked up in more ways than one. The only people who could wreck a home were the people within it. Wesley shook his head; small, quick shakes that probably hurt his eyes, and then thought a second, unintentionally giving Joe the opportunity to speak.
"You should've seen your face, man. You've not looked at me like that since we were 15 and I fucked off with Emma that and left you alone in that park with all those people we didn't know,"
Wesley scoffed. They hadn't spoken for three months after that night, his teenage trust damaged, bros before hoes the only saying young naive Wesley really stood by then. But that was then. This was now.
"Um, did I not give you wine and tell you to enjoy it?"
The comment was so passive aggressive, it made Joe squint at his friend. It was then that Joe realised Wesley had drank too much alcohol for him to have a reasonable chat about this. And Joe wanted to be a good friend, the very best friend, so he let it go, because he knew there wasn't anyone else to blame for his behaviour anyway. Inviting Wesley on his trip with him and texting you to just stay friends had only temporarily made Joe feel like he'd apologised to 15-year-old Wesley who hadn't ever really gotten an apology from him. After three months of not speaking, a drunken night at a random house party had made them fall back into their friendship like nothing had ever happened and they'd never spoken of it since. But temporary fixes weren't really fixes, were they? Joe'd fucked up, entirely on his own. No matter how drunk Wesley was right now, that he was right about.
"Ugh, I just, I can't." Wesley waved both arms at Joe. "Friends. Friends? She cried for two days and now you just think you can be friends with her?" Wesley held Joe's gaze peremptory, no longer hostile or aggressive, leaving room for Joe to reply, but still stern enough to let him know that he thought none of what had transpired was okay to him.
"She cried?" It was the first bit of true emotion for you Joe dared to show his friend.
"If you claim you're going to be a friend, be a friend." Wesley grabbed his coat. "Fix it. Apologise."
"I'm sorry." Joe said, halting Wesley on his way out.
"Not to me, you fucking idiot. To her. So she can move on."
And with that, Wesley disappeared, and left Joe alone with the worst realisation he immediately wanted to reject with all of his might. Move on. You were going to move on from him. Yes, Joe was going to apologise. He agreed he needed to. But not so you could move on from him. He was going to apologise because he wanted to get you back. Back to that place where you'd been before, where things felt fuzzy and warm and flirty.
Joe reached for his phone and opened your group chat, only to be confronted with the last message he'd sent. It had sat there for days, and he winced at the fact that you'd just been able to read that for so long. You had had far too much time to stare at those words, and he wished he'd never sent them, but there they were, looking at him like they had also looked at you. Abruptly, he didn't want to see them anymore. It was a futile move, but Joe pressed a thumb over his words, selected delete, then pressed the little trashcan and chose "Delete for Everyone".
The next day, late at night, Joe called Wesley and to Joe's surprise, Wesley answered pretty quickly.
"What's up?"
For a second, it was just chipper voices, like there wasn't a problem that still lingered in the air because Joe hadn't spoken to you yet. Oh, he had wanted to. Just wasn't sure how, exactly.
"Nothing much, just checking in to see what you were doing," Joe said casually, and Wesley fell silent on the other end of the line.
"Right," Wesley then said, stretching the word, and Joe could hear something he didn't like in his voice. "So, you're calling me... at twenty past eleven at night, just to see what I am up to?"
It was more than just plain judgement in Wesley's voice. It was like Wesley knew something else, something more.
"Yea, what you up to?" Joe tried to keep up his light and airy facade.
"And this doesn't possibly have anything to do with, oh... I don't know... the fact that you used to call someone else every night just before bed?"
Joe sputtered a bunch of vowels down the line, mind running at a million miles, but unable to come up with any sort of clever reply quick enough.
"I just got of the phone with her." Wesley revealed before Joe could get any proper words out. "Listen, I'm not going to be your replacement late-night-phonecall. Not for either of you. Figure it out." Wesley snapped.
"I..." Joe started, but he had no idea what he wanted to say.
"You're both so dumb," Joe caught Wesley's voice, sounding much further away, like he'd removed the phone from his face to look at the screen before he hung up. And it might have been just Joe, but he swore he detected the sound of his friend's smile as he'd said it.
Should he just call you?
Could he do that?
Maybe not.
Joe put his phone down and stepped away from it, afraid of what he might do if he kept it too close. He needed to think of a way to apologise to you, find a way to show you how he really meant it. How truly awful he felt and how stupid he'd been. It had to be good enough for him to forgive himself for letting you cry over him, although he imagined maybe he would never be able to forgive himself at all for that. But he did need to let you feel that he didn't want to just be friends. He needed to do something that would convince you not to move on, and he had to be quick too, because he knew the longer he waited, the worse it got.
After sleeping on it, Joe thought he had an idea. One that might just work. He just needed Wesley's help, and then he'd be golden.
"need you to invite her over for dinner tonight, your place, but don't tell her it's come from me"
"why" Wesley didn't trust it one bit.
"neutral space. im fixing it"
"what are we having"
"no you're not invited sorry" And with that, Joe was off to the supermarket to fetch everything he needed for your surprise.
You were greeted by the thick, heavy smell of garlic well before you'd made it to Wesley's front door. The whole corridor smelled of dinner, and it smelled good, but for neighbours not a fan of the smell this had to have been a nightmare.
"My God, Wes. The whole fucking building smells of..." you pushed the door open that Wesley had left ajar when he'd buzzed you in downstairs, but when you opened it, you were surprised to see Wesley there, putting on his coat. "What are you doing?"
"This wasn't my idea," Wesley looked over his shoulder into his flat before turning back to you, hands straightening out his scarf. "I'll be back in an hour or two," and just like that, you swapped places; you inside, and Wesley out in the corridor. "Please, let him talk?" and because you weren't moving, Wesley leant in to reach for the door handle and then softly shut it in front of you.
You stood there for a second, staring at the closed front door, until you heard noises coming from inside and turned to take careful steps towards the living room. From the doorway, you could see Joe place a large pan onto a table that'd been set for you. There were two more pans on the table, steaming, and they were all filled to the brim with shrimp.
What the fuck.
Joe turned to looked at you, and for a moment, you just scanned each other. They'd tricked you. These fools had tricked you - and for no reason! Because had Joe asked to meet with you, you would've probably said yes. Even if it was to accidentally step onto a wallabee to leave it a dirty footprint. And you would've arrived late too, but you still would've come over. If not for yourself, then still for Wesley. You could see Joe was about to say something, so you quickly beat him to it.
"Hey, friend,"
Joe grimaced and it was almost as if you had thrown him off script for a second, because he quickly tried to recompose before he spoke.
"I erm... I've got a huge problem," Joe said as if he was reading it from a teleprompter, face displaying panic in a joking matter as he looked at the table full of food before turning back to look at you. He seemed entirely unsure of what he was doing, but it felt like he had rehearsed this, and he was sticking to his plans.
You just stared at him blankly, not reacting.
"Shrimp overload," Joe's voice grew tinier with every passing second. It was as if Joe only then realised what a bad punchline it was and he looked embarrassed as he gave the saddest jazz hands you'd ever seen before scratching the back of his neck and averting his eyes.
"I've got to explain some things," he stepped closer, and you had your eyes on table still, calculating how many fucking bags of shrimp Joe had cooked up. Surely, there were at least five of them.
"I never meant it," Joe started, stepping closer and blocking your view from the table, forcing you to look at him. "I don't think it's best if we stayed friends. I was trying to, sort of, guard, or... shelter my friendship with Wes and-"
"Wesley's explained it," you cut Joe off. "I get it." You still thought it was stupid, but Wesley had defended Joe so well in the chat you guys had had over the phone the night before, you truly did understand.
"No, but, let me–" Joe reached for one of your hands that he folded into both of his.
"He told me, it's okay." you interrupted him again, wanting to step away from the awkwardness that laid in wait within the conversation Joe was trying to have with you.
Joe huffed an annoyed breath through his nose. "Please, let me? I want to– need to get this out. Wesley made me promise it too..."
You remembered Wesley's words, let him talk, and were tickled by how well you realised Wesley had gotten to know you in a short period of time. And so, you let Joe explain. And apologise. He apologised a lot. For so many things. You just listened as you stood there, one palm still pressed between two of his and Joe was impossible because he was all one hundred per cent unwavering eye contact. Just, relentless eye contact. His eyes didn't drift from yours for a second, and it almost made you lose focus, instead concentrating more on how pretty Joe was. Because, fuck, he really was, wasn't he?
"So, I'm sorry," Joe concluded, apologising once more. "I kind of want to start over, if that's okay..." you gave him questioning eyes as he then let go of your hand, stepped back, turned around and then, took a second before he spun back to face you again.
"I've got a huge problem," Joe used his teleprompter voice again, but more alive this time.
And you couldn't believe it, but you laughed. You laughed from the pit of your stomach, and Joe did too. It was the kind that made your ribs hurt and your eyes water. You bent into your laughter, backwards and forwards, and Joe stepped close to you so you could use his body to hold yourself upright. Even then, you saw Joe's eyes look for yours, and you caught his stupid grin because, oh my God, he couldn't believe that worked.
"Joe," you started, bringing a hand up to your eye to wipe at it without trying to disturb your mascara. "I've eaten shrimp three days in a row because of you. I'm kind of good on shrimp for the rest of the year, I think." your laughing picked up again, and Joe laughed too, but he frowned in a wave of more self-hatred and let out a guttural groan.
"I'm sorry."
You both stood and looked at the huge amount of shrimp for a moment, and you wiped both eyes once more. You wondered if you could forget the past week this easily. You'd seen how Joe had removed his message in your group chat, but you had the screenshot of it in your gallery still. Would it be too easy to just step over this hump and leave it behind you? You gave your fingers a quick glance to check, but there was no black residue. Maybe you shouldn't let Joe off the hook so easy, but you also didn't want to hold on to grudges. And Joe was funny. And he looked really good.
"Wanna check if Wesley's got any leftovers?" you suggested, raising a shoulder and realising then that you were still in your coat.
"I mean, if we're counting all of this, Wesley's got a lot of leftovers," Joe joked as you shrugged your coat off, already on your way to the kitchen.
For the next thirty minutes you stood in Wesley's kitchen together, heating up some of his leftovers, pulling open drawers and cabinets to find more food and make it a full meal. You didn't know where everything in Wesley's kitchen was, so Joe would point things out as he stirred a wooden spoon into a pot behind the stove and let you dance around him as you gathered everything you needed. He took advantage and said a bowl he needed was up on a high shelf in a cabinet and he made you reach for it, giving him the perfect view of your bum as he snuck looks at the sliver of skin it exposed above your jeans.
"There's no bowl?"
"Oh, my mistake."
And you shoved him when you saw the glint in his eyes, but you grinned, just like Joe did.
You sat, and you ate, and you talked and you giggled. You filled plastic tubs with shrimp, filled up Wesley's freezer, did dishes and tried to find your normalcy again. You were full of messages you hadn't sent Joe, and Joe encouraged you to get all of it out. "Come on, lay it on me," he'd said, beckoning you with his fingers. But it was hard, because the last time you'd seen or had even spoken to Joe, you'd been mere millimeters and fractions of seconds removed from kissing him and as soon as you remembered it, the thought wouldn't leave the forefront of your mind.
After dinner, you were still in the kitchen, wiping down counters as your last task, leaving the place cleaner than you'd found it, because you and Joe had decided that you were good friends to Wesley. You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and saw that Wesley had texted you.
"Has Wesley texted you as well?" Joe called from near Wesley's seating area, turning the TV on as he checked his phone too.
"It just says '30 minutes',"
"Mine too,"
You turned the kitchen lights off, and heard adverts play on TV as Joe sat down. You hovered by the dining table a second and replied to Wesley's text with a thumbs up emoji.
"I sent a thumbs up emoji," Joe then said, leaning forward and placing his phone face down on the coffee table, and you didn't even dare look at Joe as you tried to hide the shock in your smile, keeping the reason for it to yourself as you scrolled and swiped to see if there was more that needed checking on. There wasn't. When you slid your phone back into your pocket, you looked up and caught Joe watching you with a degree of affection that made you feel all shy. Joe smiled slowly and couldn't let himself manufacture any awkwardness from his corner of the room.
"Come here," Joe said, holding out an arm, all smiles and warm eyes.
You walked over and reached for it, but before you could, his arm dodged yours and instead went for your waist, pulling you forward swiftly. It wasn't a quick move; Joe gave you plenty of space to halt him, to move backwards if you wanted to, but you didn't and instead let him guide you as he pulled you closer and eventually, on top of him.
Your hands found the tops of his shoulders the perfect place to rest them, but Joe reached and moved one of your hands to cover one of his cheeks and leant slightly into it. The way he looked up at you made him look extra dreamy, and without Joe's help, your other hand did the same to his other cheek. You brushed some of his scruff down with your thumbs and took a moment to study his features as Joe's hands rubbed the outside of your thighs slowly. Joe watched how your eyes wandered, and had you not been so focused studying the lines of his face, you would've seen Joe was doing the same to you. You took your time to map his face, so you could maybe remind it later from the top of your head. And Joe let you, using the moment to gaze up at you freely. You used your index finger to trail over freckles near his hairline, and then over the scar on his forehead, making your brows twitch sympathetically. Joe copied it subconsciously and it pulled you out of your trance a little, making you smile.
"I don't think I've ever seen a prettier face," Joe spoke softly, and with the movement of his lips, your let a thumb run across them as you noticed he pulled in a bit closer to you. Joe had beautiful lips. So soft. You felt how Joe took hold of your chin and pushed it down ever so slightly until your noses found each other. You let them nudge and poke until Joe could feel your heartbeat, strong and beating fast against his own and he let his lips catch yours in an open-mouthed kiss.
Joe kissed you slow. Breathy. Took his time to really savour every second that he got with you perched on his lap. Let his head move in tune with yours and breathed you in. It was all you wanted from a kiss. Soft. Tender. Romantic.
But then you felt Joe's hands on your bum, making you push your hips forward, grinding into him and Joe's throat made a noise that he quickly cut off himself.
"Need I remind you that we're on Wesley's sofa?" What Joe meant was, slow down, woman.
"Mmh, fuck Wesley," you quipped before crashing your lips with Joe's once more and pulling him closer to you, if that was even possible, wanting deeply to let all of it grow more passionate. More fiery.
"We could always ask," Joe joked back, and it made you giggle enough to break your kiss completely now. Joe smiled back at you as you sat up and placed two hands on his chest before sighing deeply.
"No," you spoke on an exhale. "We're good friends, now," you said it like you hated every word, and it made Joe chuckle before leaning in for a last, quick kiss.
"Come on, we'll find something good on Netflix," Joe said, using both his hands to lift you and sit you down right next to him. You didn't like it, but it was all right. You got to snuggle into him a little, and once you'd settled on a film, each of you let both your hands rest on each other's bodies. Touching. Feeling. Softly stroking fingers, drawing shapes, scratching and tickling. It only lasted a few minutes, because when you heard a key open the front door, both you and Joe halted all movement and waited for Wesley to walk in.
For a second you imagine the sight of you Wesley was going to get upon entering. Would it be kinder if you sat up and kept your hands to yourself? Would you be better friends to Wesley if you moved inches away from each other?
"Ooh," you heard Wesley take off his shoes. "What are we watching?" and without any other comments, without poking fun and without making it weird, Wesley stepped over your legs that rested on his coffee table and let himself fall onto the sofa next to you.
You turned your head, the rest of you still entirely leant into Joe and you smiled at Wesley until he looked back at you. He gave your shoulder a rough nudge and saw how Wesley looked over you and smiled at Joe.
"Did you eat all the shrimp?" Wesley then said as he saw his empty table at the other side of the room.
"Yep," "All of it,"
You and Joe answered at the same time, both your eyes trained at the TV, no hints of jokes or smiles from either of you and Wesley gave you both a look before shaking his head. All was well, and all seemed fine. The way your heart felt full in that moment, sat between Joe and Wesley on that sofa, only made you realise how empty it had felt all week, and you knew that you were going to need to let yourself have a little cry over it later. This felt right. This felt warm, and fuzzy, and happy, almost like sunshine, and you thought a lot of things, but said precisely none of them.
You weren't sure when exactly you'd fallen asleep, or how long you'd been asleep for, but the harsh sound effect of a camera shutter coming from Wesley's phone woke you up slightly, and you felt movement from something heavy that rested against the top of your head.
"Shh," Wesley cooed softly, but slightly panicked, and you weren't sure if he was talking to you, or to his phone. With your eyes closed you knew exactly what was happening in Wesley's living room, and it made you groan softly as you curled into Joe more. You felt exhaustion tug at your bones and wanted to go back to sleep. "Don't move, it'll be blurry again." Wesley whispered, followed by a silence. "I'm getting your good sides."
"Wesley's an idiot," you heard Joe croak above you, and you realised that you'd both fallen asleep on Wesley's sofa. Next thing you knew, you felt a throw blanket being placed over you, and you cracked an eye open, only to make direct eye contact with Wesley. He looked tired himself too, and you wondered if maybe he'd been asleep for a bit as well.
"Hard agree," you smiled at him and felt Joe's arms hug you into him tighter as you closed your eyes and let yourself drift off again.
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @kiwisa @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @alana4610 @emmamooney @xomunson @sadbitchfangirl @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @eddiemunsonfuxks @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @harrys-tittie @chaoticgood-munson @harringtonfan4 @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @xeddiesbattattsx @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @thefemininemystique @hauntingbastille @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-eddie @alizztor @86smunson @musicmoviestv - (tag list currently full)
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chosovixen · 2 years
How about mean dom Eddie x virgin reader, but afterwards Eddie gets a post orgasm haze that makes him all mushy.
i think i did this wrong *sigh*
Warnings: 18+ only MDNI, mention of blood, squirting, comfort ending, dark theme??
feedback and reblogs appreciated!!
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A few small candles lit the cozy room, and the sweet smell of coconut made your head feel woozy—so close to drifting off to sleep you nearly forgot your hands were cuffed to the bed as you tried to keep yourself awake. "Now listen," Eddie whispers in your ear. "You've brought this upon yourself, so just lay here and take what I give you." he was calm but stern, not a care in the world. 
You and Eddie had not been dating for too long, but you two were comfortable enough exploring each other's bodies. You've told him numerous times that if he wanted to take things further—you'd be more than okay with it since it was him, but he insisted on waiting for a better time, the right time. 
But that didn't last long.
Some would say Eddie is remarkable at holding in his anger or letting simple disputes wither. He honestly didn't let the little things faze him—that was the case until he met your friend Ben, and he could see right through his bullshit. Everyone could but you.
"I knew you were stupid, but fuck baby, how stupid could one person be."
You let out a tiny whimper. Not only were you handcuffed to the bed and completely naked, but you were blindfolded and unaware of what he could be doing on the other side. You felt his warm hands glide across your body, starting from your tits all the down to your exposed cunt. As you squirmed—a harsh sting was left on your thigh, and the sound of the slap slightly echoed the room. He quickly rubbed it—soothing some of the pain. 
"Stay still," he commanded.
"Eddie, please, I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Exactly, you knew what you were doing, you fucking whore." he growled, spreading your legs wide so that your cunt was fully displayed for him. You didn't know why he was upset or wanted you to say sorry, but you went along, considering that you are his obedient little girlfriend. He positioned himself between your legs—one hand holding the base of his cock while the other sat on your inner thigh, keeping your legs open for him. "God, you're so fucking wet," he slapped the tip on your clit, making your hips jerk. "Is this for me, or is it for your friend Ben?" you could hear him grind his teeth as he spat out the name Ben.
"All for you, I promise," you whined, hips now bucking up to feel his tip brush against you once more—the feeling was new, but you didn't hate it. If it was Eddie, you couldn't hate it. He carefully stroked himself using the precum from his tip to lube his length, and then slowly, he poked at your entrance—trying to bully his way in.
"Fuck Eddie, it won't fit."
"Don't worry, I'll make it fit." he chuckled darkly, making you glad you couldn't see his face.
You felt his tip circle your entrance before giving it another go, and he was able to fit the tip in—making you scream in agony as he didn't stop there and forced himself all the way in. You scrambled back towards the headboard, having some of him slip out—thinking it would provide you some relief, but Eddie was quick and slammed you back onto him, forcing you to take all of him again.
"Where do you think you're going," he sounded curious.
"Eddie, please, it hurts." you sobbed breathlessly. 
"Maybe if you were a good girl, it wouldn't have to."
"I am a good girl." you tried convincing.
"I don't think so, or you wouldn't have let that douchebag Ben flirt with you and touch you with his filthy hands."
Eddie huffed out a laugh as he picked up his pace, fucking you harder and harder as he watched his thick cock disappear into your tiny hole. You cried and whimpered as your legs began to numb.
"Fuck, your pussy is so tight," he bent down to kiss your cheek, caressing it as he continued to deep stroke you.
"Please!" you sobbed. "I can't-" 
"You can and you will." He fucked into you hard, not seeming to let you catch a break. The pain began to subside but not as quickly as you wanted it to—feeling the ache ever so often, and you cried as the material that covered your eyes had now dampened. His tip began to reach places you never knew existed, pressing against a sensitive area deep inside you. He repeatedly abused that spot until you felt something build in your lower core—making your toes curl and cunt grip tighter around him.
"Eddie, I'm gonna pee." you cried.
Though you couldn't see, you definitely knew he was rolling his eyes as he scoffed. "No, you're not; gosh, I swear every virgin says that," he complained, ignoring your warning; he started to press down on your clit, rubbing small but intense circles as you cried for him to stop.
"No, Eddie-"
All movement stopped, and you could feel yourself sinking into the bed out of embarrassment. Though a blindfold separated you two, you closed your eyes, not wanting to confront him. Then, feeling the mask lift and suddenly rip off your face—you couldn't help but open your eyes to investigate. Eddie was staring at you, but this look wasn't the usual goo-goo eyes or the reciprocated sincere exchanges. No, he looked hungry; you would even go further as to say greedy. 
He dug into the side of your hips as he trembled—shooting a hot load deep inside you while groaning loudly. You thought he might rip into your skin with the grip he had on you—you whimpered as he moved his face closer to yours, and you could feel his warm breath tickle your lips as you stared deeply into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, unable to stand the tension anymore, you inched your face closer to his before placing an eager yet passionate kiss on his lips.
"Holy shit, baby," he whispered, pulling away as he watched in awe at the little mess you made. 
"I told you," you shyly said.
"That's not piss, or I hope it isn't." he knitted his eyebrows together, debating on whether he should take a whiff, and you cocked your head to the side—wondering what he could be thinking. But then, he suddenly waved his hands in distress. "Never mind, let's get you cleaned up, okay?"
Before he could make it to the bathroom and get a warm wet towel, you shrieked, making him flinch swiftly—turning around to rush to you. "What, what's wrong?" He sat in front of you, checking for anything serious as he held onto your forearms. "I'm bleeding." you sounded and looked terrified as you held your hand in front of your face looking at the blood on your fingertips; he sighed, relieved then, cupping your face, he kissed you dearly.
"You're okay, pumpkin," he assured, patting you on the shoulder.
"Are you sure?"
"Would I lie to you?" You shook your head no; he smiled as he got up, returning to the bathroom.
As you two lay in the bed fitted with new sheets, you played with Eddie's hair, gently detangling the curls with your fingers. His head resided on your chest with arms wrapped tightly around your body.
"Baby, I hope you know I didn't mean any of the mean things I said." he hummed—picking his head up as he stared at your delicate features—you shifted your gaze to meet his eyes. "I thought that was just dirty talk," you admitted. "you know, for bedroom activities."
He huskily chuckled while patting you on the head. "Yeah, pumpkin...dirty talk for bedroom activities."
You flicked his forehead before he could go back to cuddling your boobs, and he let out a small 'ow.'
"And the things you said about Ben?"
He bit his tongue.
"We'll talk about him later."
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mindofharry · 2 years
touch tank
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In which Y/N has a new professor, Mr Quinn. She was expecting an older, frail man… not the guy she slept with the night before.
smut & fluff included! reblogs and feedback is welcome!! happy reading :-)
✧ ✧ ✧
Y/N sat at the bar, waving her hand to get the attention of the bartender who did not look like he wanted to be there. Usually, her and her friends would come down to this bar on a Sunday, but since they’re doing some project for their course, Y/N is on her own. Not that she minds, she’s capable of looking after herself — it would just be nice to not look like a complete loser sitting all alone on Sunday night.
“What can I get you?” The bartender asking, flipping a cloth onto his shoulder and leaning against the wooden bench separating the two.
“I’ll just get a sex on the beach, please,” Y/N said taking out her card. The bartender held his hand up and nodded down the end of the bar.
“He paid,” He said, getting back to work. Y/N flushed and looked towards the end of the bar. And there he was. Dressed in a suit and tie, his hair a curly mess and his hand holding up his head covering up a bit of his patchy beard. Y/N’s breath hitched and she smiled softly, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. The man moved his hand to his chin and then smiled back, but their wasn’t a softness to this smile. There was hunger and passion evident in his face.
Y/N bit her lip, she just couldn’t look away from this man. There was something about him. About his eyes, about his dimples, the way his tongue poked through his lips.
“Here ya go,” The bartender said, bringing Y/N back to reality. She shook her head and smiled at the bartender. She then took a sip of her drink and could almost moan at the taste of it. Y/N needed this. This morning they got an email to say that their professor would no longer be teaching them — which would be all well and good, if it wasn’t nearly exam season. So obviously Y/N is stressed to bits, so this drink was just what she needed to cure this headache.
“Tough day?” A voice said, startling Y/N a little. She looked beside her and there he was again, the man at the end of the bar. She flushed again and shrugged.
“You could say that,” She replied watching him move the seat beside her and sit up on it. Their knees touched and Y/N’s breath hitched once again at the feel of his jeans against her bare leg.
The man grinned and Y/N furrowed her eyebrows sighing, “What are you smiling at?”
The man shrugged, “You,”
Y/N blushed a hot, red colour. The man chuckled with amusement holding out his hand for her to shake.
“Joseph,” He said and Y/N looked down at his hand, biting her lip. She took it.
“Y/N,” She said, the cold from his rings going straight to her core.
Joseph smirked and took a sip of his drink, “Are you here on a Sunday for any reason?”
“Hmm… could ask you the same question,” She grinned, Joseph’s eyes danced around her face and he just didn’t answer, deciding to admire her beauty instead.
Y/N couldn’t keep it in any long — she was so drenched, it was almost uncomfortable.
“Would you like to fuck me, Joseph?” She asked, Joseph choked on his drink, banging on his chest quickly. Y/N giggled, rubbing her back softly.
“I…. Is that a trick question?” He asked and Y/N shrugged.
“I want you to fuck me. But do you want to fuck me?”
Joseph’s tongue peaked out again and Y/N couldn’t help but look down at his lips. So red and inviting.
“You want me to fuck you here? In the bathroom,” He asked and Y/N flushed.
“Don’t go all shy on me now, baby,” Joseph said, placing a hand on her bare knee. Her eyes fluttered closed and she released a breath that she didn’t even realise she had been holding.
“Want me to push you against the wall? Fuck you so good that you won’t be able to walk?” He asked, leaning in to place his lips on her neck. He nipped at her ear making her moan loudly, he placed a hand on her hip and squeezed it.
“Use your words,”
Y/N nodded quickly, “I want you to fuck me in the bathroom. Please,”
Joseph hummed against her neck, “So polite. I guess because you asked so nicely, it’s the least I could do,”
Joseph stood and then took Y/N’s hand, squeezing it lightly. He then pulled her towards the bathroom with a smirk on his face. It was a unisex bathroom, so he made sure to check that everyone was gone. And when all the stalls appeared to be empty, Joseph turned around and then slammed her body against the wall and crashing his lips onto yours. Y/N whimpered as his tongue fought for dominance and won, slipping into her mouth. Her hands were holding on tightly to his suit jacket.
Joseph broke the kiss and then began to kiss your neck, pulling up your dress as he did so. He grabbed her ass and then kneaded it roughly, placing his mouth back onto her lips. Y/N grabbed some of his curls and pulled on them, moving her hips against his.
“Take my panties off,” She moaned against his lips, Joseph didn’t argue pulling down her soaked underwear, leaving her bare pussy. Joseph bit his lip and placed his middle finger in between her folds. Y/N whimpered and her hips shot up.
“Fuck me. Please,” She begged and Joseph nodded pecking her lips, unbuckling his belt and shimming his trousers and boxers off. Y/N gasped at the sight of his cock, leaking with pre cum just begging to be inside of her.
Joseph fondled with her breasts as his cock, rubbed against her entrance. Y/N moaned loudly, but Joseph swallowed the noise with his lips, kissing her like no tomorrow. Joseph positioned himself right, letting Y/N wrap her legs against his waist and slam down on his cock.
She cried out at the contact and Joseph’s eyes rolled to the back of his head, he couldn’t believe how warm her pussy is. It was gripping his cock just right.
“I’m gonna make you cum so many times tonight. This is just the start, princess,”
After two more rounds in the bathroom, they both left and went to Joseph’s apartment for many, many more rounds.
Y/N snuck out of his apartment at around five am the next day, cursing herself for not remembering the lecture she had today with the new professor.
She quickly showered and got ready, having a pep in her step and a new ‘I just had amazing sex’ glow. She rode in to university on the bus and then walked to the lecture hall looking for her friend Anna who promised to save her a seat. Anna smiled and waved at the girl.
“I have so much—“
Y/N stopped talking looking up at the teacher at the top of the classroom.
“Joseph?” She whispered.
Joseph’s face dropped when he spotted her in the middle row.
Anna nodded mischievously, “Fuck is right,”
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sirenkiss444 · 2 years
Mood board II, J.Q
Inspired by the South Heath series that I am currently working on. *not posted yet*
warning: cheesy…
Preview: During your summer vacation to Italy, you and your boyfriend, Joe, attend to a pottery class for couples.
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Waking up late in the day. The windows are wide open, the sunshine and summer breeze invade your suite room smoothly.
Joseph’s hand holding one of your boobs while he’s sleeping. Happens quite often.
You finding it funny and cute.
Brushing his hair soft locks with your fingers in his sleep to comfort him.
Joseph waking up a few hours later, grumpy, because you weren’t on the bed with him when he woke up.
- You know I like to kiss you, first thing in the morning, right?- He asks with one eyeball closed as his eyes try to adjust to the day light. His voice still raspy and cranky from his deep sleep.-
- Ouu grumpy baby.- I say mocking him as I pinch his cheek. He quickly moves my hand, in a comic way making me laugh.- C’mere, love.- I say gently crawling to him and then wrapping my naked legs around his also naked waist. The white sheets of the bed, covering his legs, offer me a refreshing sensation on the back of my thighs. His hands immediately make their way to my ass cheeks, caressing them as I take my own and envolve them around his neck. I give him a smile as I carefully analyse his features, tracing them with the tip of my index finger. He is beautiful. His eyes devour my face at the same time, our gaze dancing together.
- You’re beautiful.- Joseph gently says as he tucks a piece of my hair behind my right ear.-
Joseph being into that cheesy stuff because of you.
You two having a late lunch in a restaurant that is by the beach.
Beautiful, beautiful views.
Having engaging conversations while eating.
Shared laughs.
Stopping along the way to take some photos with fans.
Once you make it to the art shop, you find some other couples, but over all, it’s a quiet class.
The space is beautiful. Decorated in a hippie vibe that you both love. The stunning plants and flowers in the room, make the air smell amazingly good.
Things get messy quickly.
You see that Joe is doing better than you so you decide to mess with him, poking wholes on the clay dough.
- Babe!- Joe says extremely offended and shocked with my action. I can’t help but laugh. The way he moved his arms back and the way he looked at me, made me loose it. - You are unbelievable.- He nods his head with a smile on his face. A giggle escapes his mouth as he takes one more look to his now destroyed piece and my ugly pile of clay.
Him helping you make a jar. Or something alike.
Joseph being a good pottery teacher.
You taking pictures of him with clay of his face.
Your pottery piece comes out looking pretty.
After it ended, you two go for a walk in the village.
The sunset being a paid actor.
As the night falls, you both decide to have something to eat in a small local restaurant and end up at the beach at night.
Late night walk at the beach.
Making out there, because the place was pretty much empty and it was really dark out.
Falling asleep cuddling.
hi guys! I hope everyone is doing okay.
A quick update about the short series I’m working on: Tomorrow will be posted the first chapter, go those of you that interested, of course :) and it will be a long one, letting you know in advance.
Hope you enjoyed this! This is just something quick for you guys <3
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
The first time Princess sleeps at Joe's place: he buys a calming air freshener and those dryer balls to make his sheets as soft as possible so that she sleeps well and stays again, texts her reminders of what to pack, closely watches her night routine in case he gets the opportunity to assist in the future, holds her jaw (and does that thumb rub) to apply her lip balm, and has her stuffy give her a cheek kiss goodnight. He stays up for a bit after she falls asleep, propped up on an elbow and stroking her cheek, to look at her in his bed (but in a not creepy way); it took her a while to fall asleep because she kept shifting to get even closer to him and stealing one last look at her pretty boy.
Hii babes!! So I absolutely love this and I hope you enjoy these conversations between Joe and Princess!🥹💖
-find all things Joe and his Princess here✨
-also the first one is based on my Polar Bear named Frank because all hell will be raised if he touches the floor😂 don’t ask why I’m just weird about him touching the floor🙈✨
Tag List: @rach5ive
*Joe just wants you to be comfortable so you’ll want to stay over again*
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“Did you pack your stuffy my darling?” “I did, you only sent me about five texts reminding me not to forget him.” “I just know you can’t sleep without him so I didn’t want to risk you forgetting him and not being able to sleep well…is that him then?” “Yes…this is Brucey the Bear and he can’t touch the floor or…I will freak out.” “Oh right okay…nice to meet you Brucey…no pressure.”
“Is that lavender?…oh my god how are your sheets so soft?” “Yes I got a little uhm diffuser thing like the one you have at your place…I just use fabric softener and those dryer ball things.” “I’m never leaving this bed…really it’s so comfortable and soft…did you really get a diffuser just for me?” “I just wanted you to be comfortable love that’s all.” “Well you’ve accomplished that goal lovey.”
“So you do your serums first then…what?” “Oh then it’s my face and eye cream…why are you watching me like that?” “Just taking mental notes baby…just in case I have to do this for you one day.” “You’d do my skin care for me?” “Of course…so what’s the last step?” “Uh it’s just my lip balm.” “May I?” “Sure…oh your hands are soft have you been using that lotion I gave you?” “I have…how’s that? Or do you need more?” “It’s perfect…can we go snuggle now?”
“All nice and cozy Princess?” “I forgot my fuzzy socks…” “that’s okay baby I have a few pairs…I picked them out so you’d have some here just in case…so white with purple flowers or white with pink hearts?” “Ohh hearts please lovey…oh these are so soft I love them.” “I’m glad…left foot please sweetheart…good girl…okay now are you all nice and cozy and ready for bed?” “Yes…I just need my boyfriend to come snuggle with me and I’ll be ready for bed.” “Comfy?…do you need anything?” “I’m good…what about you? Do you need anything?” “I’ve got everything I need right here.”
“Love? Are you asleep?” “No…m’not sleep yet.” “Right…sweet dreams baby…Brucey and I will just be watching over you.” “Love you…lovey.” “I love you too darling….she’s quite adorable when she’s asleep isn’t she Brucey?…..right I’m talking to a teddy bear…”
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joekeeryswife · 2 years
Comic Con - J.Q
as we've probably all seen, Joseph went to comic con this past weekend and was treated terribly. honestly makes me so mad when people treat others with no respect like he's a person, let him be. i made up a name for the lady who was escorting him around and i made a cute little fanfiction about him. enjoy <3
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you had never been more proud of Joseph. he'd given up his time, which he insisted on doing, to go meet some of his beautiful fans. you decided to tag along and see how many people had shown up to meet him, let's just say there was a lot. you could tell there was an off vibe the minute you got there with the escort, she had been nothing but rude. you had to keep your mouth closed from how she spoke to Joseph and his fans and you hated hearing her shout at the fans who were dying to get a picture or video of Joseph.
you were kept in the back room with one security guard and was waiting for Joseph to come back from signing fan photos. you could hear the faint chatter of fans and then one loud scream come from one of the workers saying there are no photos allowed of Joseph whilst they waited in the queue which was confusing, why weren't they allowed photos? once Joseph finally came back, you could see the stress on his face.
"you alright love?" you asked as he sat on the chair next to you, finally having a break from everything. "could you give us a minute?" he asked the security guard who gave him a nod and walked out of the room, leaving just you and him alone.
he got up from his chair and walked to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as his head fell into your neck. you wrapped your arms around his neck and played with the hair on the back of his neck, and rubbed his back softly.
"they're so horrible to them all. i can't even hug them when i'm signing the photo. it's weird. i want to be able to hug my fans and tell them how much i appreciate them but i can't, i have no time with them" he said, making you sigh. this is what you didn't want to happen, Joseph feeling guilty even though it wasn't his fault.
"you know it's not your fault Joey. they're just different here. at least you can hug them when you get to do the photos, then you can try talk to them" you said, kissing the side of his head. just as he was about to start talking again, you heard a vicious knocking on the door, making the two of you pull away from each other.
"enough hugging Joseph, you have fan photos now" Kathy, the lady escort said, barging into the room. you sighed and gave Joseph a kiss on the cheek before letting go of him. "can you please try and be kinder?" you said, turning to Kathy. she gave you a mean look and Joseph stopped you from saying anything when he left a quick kiss on your lips and he walked away, following Kathy.
you sighed before sitting back down in the seat you were sat in previously. it was now a waiting game. you had to wait for Joseph to finish and now that you’ve seen the was Kathy just spoke to Joseph, you would believe every words each fan would undeniably say on twitter or tiktok. you were sat on your phone, wanting to be out, watching Joseph interact with his fans but you were kept in the room. you’d finally had enough when you’d heard Kathy and others shout again at the fans. you got up from your seat and walked out, seeing Joseph walking back to the room. “y/n, where are you going love?” he asked, seeing you with your bag and coat in your hand.
“i’m gonna go Joseph, i’m sitting in a room by myself and i just feel like i’d feel better if i was at home. should i come pick you up?” you said, telling him how you really felt. Kathy was pestering Joseph to get into the room you were just in. “can you give me a minute with my girlfriend? i’ve not had a break.” he said, snapping at her. she shook her head and kept the door open for him.
“i’ll meet you at home sweetheart. i’ll call you when i’m on my way home” he said, kissing you quickly before being pulled into the room. you sighed before making your way to the exit, the many fans noticing you and screaming your name. you waved at a few of them and then walked out, making your way to your car.
you drove home and once you got there, you immediately got changed into your pyjamas, you’d thought you were in the most uncomfortable outfit you’d ever been in today so getting in your pyjamas definitely made your day.
you were sat on the sofa, blanket covering you as you watched ‘Orange is the new black’, when you heard the front door open and close softly. you didn’t even realise how much time had passed, one minute it was 3pm and then it was 8:30. you got up off of the sofa and walked to the front door, seeing Joseph with tears rolling down his face.
he saw you and walked to you, wrapping is arms around you, sobbing quietly in your chest. “oh love what’s the matter?” you asked, stroking the nape of his neck. he sniffled and sighed before speaking up. “the staff was so horrible to me all day. and not just to me but the fans as well. i hardly got to speak to them, they came there so i could talk to them, hear their stories but as soon as i signed their photos or took the photo they were shoved away. i met so many people but i never got to hear their stories. it just makes me sad” he sobbed, making your heart hurt for him.
how could these people invite him to an event and then treat him like that? you kissed his head, running a hand through his curls. “this fan, she said a speech when i was doing an interview and i cried in front of all those people. i didn’t feel embarrassed i just felt sad and i wish i could have done something” he said, looking up from your neck. you wiped his tears and kept your hands on his cheeks as a sign of comfort.
“there was nothing that you could have done to change what was going to happen there today, you can’t take back what happened today and the fans know it’s not your fault. why don’t you stand up to them tomorrow if they do it again? spend time with your fans and say something if they push them away.” you suggested, trying to make him feel better. he nodded his head, agreeing with you and then wiped his face.
you took ahold of his bicep and pulled him into the living room. you sat down and then pulled him on top of you. you guys sat in silence for a minute, the low hum of the tv in the background. you kissed his forehead a few times before looking at the tv. he was falling asleep on top of you, the feeling of your hands through his hair calming him down. “love you” he said before falling into a deep sleep. you smiled at him, arms tightening around his waist. you loved him so much and you were so lucky to have him in your life.
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rehfan · 1 year
The Steddie Throuple fic is DONE.
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Below is only the first part. Read the WHOLE THING on AO3 HERE.
Choosing to Be Brave
Pairing: Steddie X Fem!Reader; Steddie X AFAB!Reader
Characters: Steve Harrington X Eddie Munson X Reader (fem! AFAB!)
Warnings: smut talk for this portion — see AO3 posting for full tagged warnings please — 18+ only please — young readers no no no! DNI!
Summary: (from Tumblr post/prompt) Eddie watches Steve eat you out like he’s starved
Chapter One Word Count: 1611 // Entire Work Word Count: 7260 — ONLY TWO CHAPTERS IN TOTAL
“You want to do what?”
Eddie’s soulful eyes burned into you. He knew you would cave. He knew what power those eyes had over you. You felt yourself melt a little and you knew you were done for. Your gut twisted with nerves. You knew he was only asking, not demanding, but the pressure you had put on yourself was overwhelming and you felt a little sick.
Until now, you, Steve, and Eddie had only kissed and felt each other up. Frottage at most was what was happening in your throuple relationship - at least just between you and the fellas. You were the interloper in their already established relationship; or at least, that’s how you felt. Your skittishness toward the physical extended to the point that you only met with them one at a time, per your insistence.
Because they had already been together before you got involved, it had taken you almost a year as their friend, with you contemplating becoming their girlfriend, to come to terms with the idea of polyamory, the concept of which had been totally foreign to you before you met these two and so they had sat you down to explain it to you.
They were both bisexual and had both been instantly attracted to you upon meeting you. When you first met, you knew they were together and had just assumed both were gay, but when, a few months into knowing you, they both approached you and explained their preferences for both men and women - and specifically their preference for you - you were taken aback. You felt totally blindsided by them. After all, they had become good friends with you and it was… weird to be thought of as anything more.
Respectfully, they had stepped back but left the door of possibility open for you at any time. In the meantime, they continued to be your friend, getting to know you better as the days went by and being as patient as they could for you because they were convinced you were worth it.
Now, a year later, you could see the wonderful possibilities of a strong, communicative relationship with both of these men. With Eddie you had wonderful nights out to concerts and clubs, a mutual appreciation of microbrews, and a love of vintage cars and motorcycles. With Steve, you could head off to sporting events and go out dancing in your best dresses and high heels. And with both of them, you had two hands to hold during scary films and wonderful conversations. Everything was fantastic: what one wasn’t interested in, the other was and you found yourself pleased that all of your interests could be engaged with both of them.
And they loved your company. Eddie was teasing and brash, Steve softer and kind. They were adorable together too. Recently, they had decided that you shouldn’t have to cook for your birthday week and had traded off days where each would make something for you. It became almost competitive and absolutely hysterical for you to watch when, on the last day, they attempted to bake you a cake from scratch. You were well out of the line of fire when the frosting started flying and gripping your sides with cackling laughter when they finally presented the sugary disaster to you. You ended up kissing them both deeply in front of each other that day - something that had never happened before. As you broke the second kiss, both men looking at you hopefully, you excused yourself to your own room and had a small mental breakdown. You created that situation and were instantly overwhelmed by it.
The next morning, things were as they had always been. The boys were fine. You relaxed about it. Life went back to normal. Only it wasn’t normal. You had broken a barrier and weren’t sure what to do now but wait it out and see if they eventually got fed up with you.
You thanked the gods above that they had each other to work out their frustrations on. You could only imagine how they were in the bedroom with each other. Well, you didn’t have to imagine — Steve’s bedroom wall was shared with yours and the boys weren’t quiet. But they seemed content with what they had with one another and that gave you some solace.
Even so, you worried that they were becoming frustrated with your lack of participation, but they never said. Each greeted you with a kiss good morning and a kiss good night. Each touched you affectionately throughout the day. Each spoke pleasantly to you and with each other. There were no problems that either one of them were telling you about, even at your weekly check-in meetings - otherwise known as Friday night dinner. You, on the other hand, knew that the more time that went by with nothing from you, the more these boys would reconsider being with you. Men had needs, after all.
The one time you managed to have both of them in bed with you, all three of you had been dead asleep and fully clothed having come from an out-of-town gig for Corroded Coffin that lasted well past midnight, made a packet of money for the boys, involved you and Steve acting as roadies, and ended the evening waylaid by a busted tire on the highway that took thirty minutes to fix and wound up getting all of you back to your shared apartment well after 2pm. You had to admit: the snuggle factor was tremendous with both boys buffeting either side of you as you slept and the added warmth that cold night in January was another high point.
But nothing had happened. Both of them were too exhausted to try, plus they had this incredible code of respect for you. When you woke in the morning, the only sensation was one of warm comfort. Steve had smiled at you through sleepy eyes. You had brushed his hair out of his face and kissed him. But that’s all. He had stretched and yawned and had gotten up to make breakfast, leaving you to wake Eddie. He had slept like the dead. You had peppered his face with kisses until he had started to come around and had wrestled you in the bed, causing you to yelp and giggle. It had been the best morning you had spent in the entirety of your relationship.
But that was January and now it was March. Even though both men had not given you the slightest hint that they were dissatisfied, you felt in your gut that you were on thin ice. You had to conquer your insecurities when it came to the bedroom or you were going to lose them both, you just knew it. You had to choose to be brave and trust they would be good to you. That’s all there was to it.
Friday dinner had been consumed and dishes cleared away when you awkwardly cleared your throat. “Uh, fellas?” Steve was washing the dishes, Eddie drying, and you were wiping down the table. Both turned to you. God, they were beautiful.
Eddie’s forehead crinkled, “What’s wrong, princess?”
“I was thinking, uh…” Jesus, this was difficult.
Steve looked at Eddie and Eddie did the same. Each was just as mystified as the other. Eyebrows raised on both sides, they regarded you again, abandoning the dishes and coming to you. Eddie on your right, Steve on your left, you didn’t feel intimidated, you felt safe and at home. Still, the words to explain yourself wouldn’t come.
Suddenly, you had an idea to take the power out of your hands and place it into theirs. “I was wondering: what’s one fantasy you’ve had about me in bed?”
Steve and Eddie exchanged another surprised look. “Don’t look so pleased, you idiots,” you said, blushing. “I’m just asking because I… I mean. I might be… willing…”
“Oh Steve,” said Eddie, “I gotta hand it to you man, you were right: wait and she will come.” He leaned in toward your ear. “Only question is how hard you want to come.”
You felt yourself blush again and a warmth spread to your belly, wetness to your cunt.
“Jesus, man!” said Steve.
You couldn’t look them in the eye. “I just wanted to know.” Your voice was small.
Fingers were under your chin, pulling your head up and to your left. Steve. His sweet brown eyes met yours. “Are you sure, baby? I mean, we have a pretty active imagination when it comes to you.” You got even more wet than before and you pressed your thighs together to help give yourself some relief.
“Listen,” Steve went on, “we were waiting for you, it’s true. We can continue to wait. We are nothing if not patient. Because we know that when you are ready, you are going to be divine.”
“Completely delicious,” added Eddie, huffing his warm breath against your neck. You closed your eyes slowly and re-opened them. Steve was still regarding you with his thumb and finger under your chin.
“He’s not wrong,” agreed Steve. “But you want to know one fantasy I have? Just to know it? Not to do it, but just to hear about it?” You nodded. “Well…” Here he glanced up at Eddie. “Actually, I’ve always wanted you…naked, splayed out before me, and I want to… eat you out.”
Eat. You. Out. You couldn’t breathe for a moment. Your heart stopped for a full five seconds, you were sure of it.
Eddie’s breath stuttered. “And uh… I know we’re taking things slow and everything, but if you’d let me… watch?”
“You want to do what?”
Want the rest? LINK TO AO3 HERE. Enjoy!
Tagged Folks: @chickensinrainboots / @ali-r3n / @silky-luxe / @harrys-tittie
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stylusmusings · 2 years
Joseph Quinn NSFW ABC
As I'm trying to grow this account, I really do appreciate reblogs, follows and letting me know who else you guys want to see? A - After Sex
He likes to be taken care of after rough sex but after a quicker or normal vanilla stuff, he doesn’t mind just parting ways. A good cuddle never killed nobody though.
B - Bottom or Top
He is a bottom, through and through, with guys at least. He is a sub mainly but will be dominant from time to time if he feels like it.
C - Cum
He loves to be cummed in, not on. Whether you drop a load down his throat or his other hole, he doesn’t mind as long as you don’t do it on his back or something. He doesn’t hate it but it is a bit of a pain as it means less cuddling time.
D - Dress Up
Yes, he will wear the wig. No, he doesn’t enjoy it. However, he does enjoy the rest of the Eddie Munson costume and will wear the clothes if you want him to. He doesn’t appreciate being called Eddie all the time, but if you guys pre-plan it as a post-show or birthday thing, then he’s more than happy to fulfil your Eddie Munson fantasies.
E - Experience
He doesn’t have a huge amount of experience. Most of his experience comes from his fellow cast, Joe Keery, who will be found fucking Quinn to kingdom come in the dressing room.
F - Favourite Bodypart
He loves eyes, not in a creepy way but pretty eyes are essential and he always prefers sex where he can look in your eyes as you rail his ass.
G - Gag Reflex
He does have one, unfortunately. He can take up to six inches of man meat down his throat without a significant struggle.
H - Hair
He prefers to keep himself hairless waist up. It does get him more acting roles for some reason and it is just easier to maintain if he gets rid of all of it. In between jobs however, he might grow out his treasure trail for you.
I - Intimacy
Quinn likes intimacy. That intimacy can involve dates which have been planned ahead for months or it can be a rough and sensual fuck where he gets to stare deeply into your eyes.
J - Jerking
Not the horniest of guys, probably jerks off four times a week if he doesn’t have sex, and perhaps once if he does.
K - Kinks
Pretty vanilla, he does like romance though and while that’s not a kink, rose petals and candle lit rooms get him in the mood pretty quickly. He does like being chained to the bed every now and again.
L - Lube
As the person receiving, he does appreciate that lube has its place if he hasn’t received for a while but if he’s having constant sex then he doesn’t really see the need to remember to get some every time.
M - Massages
Not a big fan of receiving them but he does like giving his partner a massage, although his hands tend to wander around the waist and around the cock pretty quickly.
N - Nopes
Don’t get jealous of his sex with Joe Keery, that’s a dealbreaker. If you want to get in between them, that’s a different thing entirely but don’t mess with good sex.
O - Oral
Surprisingly, for a bottom, he likes receiving head far more than he likes giving it. Especially when he’s being dominant, he prefers lying back and letting his partner do all the work. He does know how to use his tongue rather well though.
P - Position/Place
He’s a bit basic with his preference for missionary and the bed but that’s just him. He doesn’t mind having sex in other places but he feels most comfortable there.
Q - Quickies
Sure, he’s happy for you to blow him or jerk him off but if the quickie involves just his partner getting off, then he’s less happy. Unless it is a preplanned thing to treat him as a cum-dump for the day or something, he doesn’t appreciate it.
R - Risky
Not the biggest risk taker. Sure, he’s had sex with Keery in the dressing room and you in another dressing room but other than those times, not really.
S - Sexts
Surprisingly, a big sexter, especially when he’s away from you. If you’re one of those people who really like his Eddie Munson character, he’ll get into costume and the wig, then get a photo of his cock out or mooning you.
T - Toys
Nope, those just get in the way of good ole sex. He doesn’t want there to be separate things that you guys have to use. The only exception is if his partner doesn’t have the anatomy to fuck him silly, then he doesn’t mind as long as it is the silicone kind.
U - Underwear
Thong, or commando - not really a fan of how boxers are so tight fitting. He hates being called a stereotypical bottom but it is what it is.
V - Volume
Not the loudest. Although, maybe that has to do with his experience coming from the Stranger Things dressing room with Joe Keery. He does like his partner making noise though, hell, he might fake a moan here and there just to try it out.
W - Wrecking Ball
Fuck him until the bed frame breaks, he can afford to buy a new one. Shove everything off the table if you want to fuck him on it - he doesn’t care.
X - XRay
A good 5 inches, fairly thick and cut. He does trim his pubes fairly short but so that they look aesthetically pleasing.
Y - Yeps
Rough, be rough in bed with him and leave lots of marks on him. He does enjoy when the make-up crew have to cover them up as it reminds him exactly what was done to him.
Z - Zest
Not overly sexual, he’s happy to fuck every day, but rarely twice a day unless he’s got a day off and nothing planned. This doesn’t mean a single fuck, but like, multiple fucks in one sitting.
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