#jk i love salmon run but still
altheoctorabbit · 2 years
Man after watching the splatoon direct ive been having different thoughts about the salmonids and their whole deal (cuz i love the goofy little guys). Like dont get me wrong i LOVE salmon run its alot of fun to do (i enjoy it more than turf battles honestly) but it is interesting to see the salmons escalating their attacks against the inklings not only with more big special dudes but THE KING coming on land to beat ass. Also the fact that the salmonids are now just attacking the city outright is so cool to see.
And the thing is the salmonids have every right to attack! The inklings are stealing their fucking eggs!! And giving them to someone who seems to be eating them or whatever mr griz is doing to them. Mr Griz got a bunch of bored squids looking to make some cash to steal from a different species and started a war that HE profits from and the that the inklings and salmonids both suffer because of it. I will say i am a little disappointed that we still seem to be on Griz’s side cuz i would switch to the salmon side so fast cuz we know salmon and inklings can work together cuz of the new little one we work with in the single player story (small fry i think?). And honestly i doubt it would be that hard to make a salmon run mode where we fight with the salmon to get their eggs back. I imagine something like instead of fighting the salmon we fight robots or corrupted versions of them that Griz had made and we collect the eggs from destroying them like in bas salmon run.
Last few things is 1 ive seen a lot of concepts for a salmon player character which im all down for but i highly doubt it would happen but would be cool. 2 im really curious to see what the paid dlc will have i just hope its like the octo expansion cuz i loved that, tge dlc seems to include pearl and marina from the teaser so im curious. And 3 as a little notice the octarians that we fight in the single player mode are covered in brown hair. Hair or fur that is the same color as grizzly bears...interesting
Anyway thats my crazy rant about it im just hoping for more lore on salmonids! And also the idols are great i would die for big guy and i love the 5 head on frye and shiver is so cool (and intimidating to me for some reason??)
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8bit-inkling · 11 months
i always say "good luck" and not "good luck have fun" at the start of every salmon run match because for the game to be fun the devs would have to remove flyfish permanently
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ahundredtimesover · 3 years
Friday Nights and Take-Out (1)
Would I be someone you’d hypothetically hook up with?
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre/Tags: strangers to friends to lovers, popstar/idol!jk, fluff, angst, future smut; this is a dialogue-heavy series so read if you’re into that! Also Jk is a sweet friend
Warnings: foul language, these characters talk alot bc I talk alot, heavy drinking, eventual smut
Word count: 4,300
Series summary: You meet pop star/idol Jeon Jungkook at the cafe, you get close, and as Hyejin says, you’re like friends with benefits without the sex. But you’re bad at feelings and so is he.
series masterlist 
A/N: My recent dive into fanfics compelled me to unearth this thing I wrote 5 years ago for a certain curly-haired brit (luvu harry) but I never finished it so it never saw the light of day but now it will bc i love jungkook so much and idk what this is but let’s see!
There’s a light and unsure knock at the door. As you open it to see who’s visiting you this Friday night, you immediately wish you stayed at least a half hour later at your family-run café so you didn't have to be having this conversation right now. 
But you are having it right now. At your apartment. With your ex-boyfriend who finally decided to give you an explanation as to why he broke up with you five months ago. 
The next thing you know, he’s saying he’s decided to move back to Australia after graduation, he’s saying sorry for the nth time, you’re watching him walk out the door, you’re heading to your room for your blanket, you’re going back to your couch, and then you’re crying as it dawns on you exactly what just happened. 
The break up had caught you off-guard because things were going so well. Your dejected and grieving self wasn’t enough to scare him away and his shy, non-expressive self didn’t sow any doubts on your relationship. You two barely fought, too, too alike in disposition for any disagreements or grudges to fester and hurt you. Things just worked. 
But like many good things, this one ended too. It’s like he just woke up one day and decided it wasn’t going to work out anymore, for what reason, you never knew until now. It hurt you, of course - it was still a memorable 2-year run - but true to form, you were able to dust yourself off quickly and get back on your feet shortly after. 
You tried to reach out though; you were good friends before anything anyway, but he avoided you like the plague and you thought you’d not only lost a boyfriend but a friend too. Tonight felt like the closure you didn’t know you needed. He’s gone, for good. And then after graduation, he will be gone for good, for good. 
You stay lying on your couch until you get a text from Jungkook, your new famous friend and current favorite person.
JK: Ran into Jieun at work, says drinks on her at The Third tonight. You up for it?
Nope, you say to yourself. 
You: I don't wanna go out tonight. 
You immediately reply. On a normal night you’d think about it, or even pretend you’re considering it, but not tonight.
It isn’t one of those nights when you’re sad and you want to be around people and get wasted so you can convince yourself you will be okay. It’s one of those nights when you’re sad and you know you will be okay the next day but right now you’re not and you’ll deal with it until the morning comes. You’ll just have to wait because it is only 7:30 in the evening. 
You try to think of a series you’ll binge-watch, but then your phone rings and it’s Jungkook’s meme face, the one he took last week and saved as his contact photo, lighting up the screen.
“Hey, you alright?” He asks, as you groggily pick up and say “hi.” You think he probably thought something was up when you didn't have a follow up message after you turned him down for something.
“Yup,” you manage to respond after an ugly sniffle. “Except I’ve been ugly crying for the past 10 minutes,” you continue.
“What happened?” 
He seems to have stepped out of wherever he was because you hear the mumbles in the background soften quite a bit and you figure you probably disturbed his dinner.
“Jinyoung came over and said the shit I needed to hear five months ago,” you start. “He copped out cause he got scared, Jungkook. Not of getting hurt, okay, which I always said was a bullshit reason for anything but he got scared of me and my dreams. I mean, come on, how much of a fucking coward can you get?” you blurt, sniffles in between phrases, fingers pressing the bridge of your nose to try and keep yourself from crying even more. 
“But I don't know, I’m pissed but he looked so sad and sorry and now he’s moving back to Australia and I just…” you try to continue, frustration rising up again. You’re a mess of emotions right now, that’s for sure.
“Ah, boys,” Jungkook breathes out, knowing this conversation is too important for it to be had just over the phone. “I could come over with food if you like. I know you probably don't need me but you need the food so…” he trails. 
You smile to yourself. “As long as I’m not disturbing your Friday night plans.” 
“You aren’t. I’ve had enough of the hyungs, if I’m being completely honest,” he replies, voice a little louder.
You hear a mix of scolding and laughter in the background, knowing for sure that the rest of the guys are giving Jungkook shit for bailing out on them for you. Again.
“Sounds good,” you say. “Thanks.”
You hear a knock on the door under the fleece blanket you have over your fetus-laid body on the couch. 
“It’s open!” You shout, as you tuck the soft white material under your chin and move to your side for a more comfortable position. You look at the built, chocolate-eyed, knife-for-a-jawline pop star walk into your place with what looks like take-out Japanese food. 
“What happened to locking doors?” He asks with a concerned and almost terrified tone, brows scrunching under his stray locks, the rest of his hair hiding underneath his black bucket hat. 
“I didn't wanna escort Jinyoung to the door because it felt poetic to watch him leave from a distance…” You dramatically say.
“And you were too lazy to walk 10 steps to lock the door, but were energized enough to find your blanket from your mess of a closet in the far corner of your room?” He continues, blinking continuously at you.
“Exactly,” you say, as you point to him as if giving him props for reading your mind. 
He rolls his eyes but grins as he does, revealing his dimple that you believe is the first line of offense of his charm. You may not be one of those people who get hysterical when they see him — although you did end up embarrassing yourself when you bumped into him at the café a few months ago when you’d met — but you know charisma when you see it, and you can’t deny that it basically oozes out of him even when he’s not trying. 
He sits on the couch, in the area where your feet lie, and he starts unwrapping the food and lays them out on your coffee table. You sit up ready to pounce on the sushi rolls in front of you when he stands up and gets two glasses of water. “Anything else you need from the kitchen?” He asks.
You respond with a no and watch him open the cupboards, and you can’t help but be touched at the effort. Here is a guy whom you’ve only known for a few short months, blowing off his Friday night plans to be with you because your ex-boyfriend decided to show up… and because you needed food and Jungkook knew you wouldn't make your own when you’re upset. You’ll probably just end up with a bowl of ice cream topped with cookie dough and chocolate chips or something.
“Thanks for being here even if I don't really need you to be,” you say after chowing down a salmon roll, legs crossed underneath you as you both sit on the floor and eat from the coffee table.
“You’re overstating that, Y/N,” he laughs, looking at you, as you’re about to have a mouthful of the tuna roll this time. “I’m 200% sure that you would’ve stayed underneath the covers and probably just ate ice cream or gummy worms until morning if I hadn’t come.”
“Fine,” you start, putting the food down, straightening yourself. “Thank you for my happy food and for being here on a Friday night, watching me carbo load on rolls and tempura rice in my jammies under my blanket. It really means a lot.” You flash him a smile. 
He laughs at this. “May I remind you that this is nothing compared to last week? Keeping me hostage here wasn’t the most fun. Except for your comfortable couch that I had the pleasure of sleeping in,” he grins, tapping the empty space on the sofa next to him.
Right, last week. How could you forget? 
Your days-late New Year celebration ended with you being a goner at the bar, Jungkook being the only one available and strong enough to take you home, what with your friends' adventures and misadventures that night. 
By the time you were home, you were completely passed out. Long story short, he had stayed - which you didn’t know he did - you walked out of your room half naked, heard a sound and someone approaching, screamed and grabbed a knife, ready to attack your supposed intruder, who only turned out to be him.  
So yes, skipping out on drinks tonight didn't come close to him having to take care of you the week before and almost being stabbed by someone he was only trying to help. 
“Please don't remind me,” you say, feeling your cheeks turn red. 
“It’s a funny story to tell,” he chuckles and proceeds to get a mouthful of his own tempura rice bowl.  You look at him surprised - didn’t he just have dinner at the dorm? You shrug it off, almost forgetting this is Jungkook you’re talking about and his bottomless pit of a stomach. 
“I could’ve killed you!” 
He laughs. “But you didn’t.”
“And I didn't have an ex-boyfriend knocking on my door to apologize for being a dick,” you say, sounding serious all of a sudden. 
You know that even if you don’t really intend on having Jungkook here, it still means a great deal to you that you have someone you can talk to. You didn’t want to disturb your friends who were busy with their own work and social lives and having him here is really more than you could ask for, especially considering what he does for a living.
“What did he say?” He asks, eyes soft. You’d only mentioned the breakup in passing a few times before because really, what more can you say? Sometimes relationships just run their course; it happens. At least that’s what you thought it all was.
You sigh, readying yourself. “He said that he just started to think about that talk we had about the things we wanted, and he pointed out the fact that I wanted to do so many things and it just scared him—my goals and the fact that I could reach them scared him,” you share, dragging the words and almost shouting at the stupidity of it. 
“I know I always say we shouldn't invalidate anyone’s fears but that’s being selfish and just ridiculous.” You put the chopsticks down, as if to prepare yourself for the flurry of emotions you were about to release. 
“This guy stood by my side when I got injured and when Grandma died and I was a literal mess. But I got myself together and I got better for myself and for him and then suddenly me wanting more out of life, more for myself, suddenly scared him?” You pause for a bit, catching your breath. 
“It’s like, when he realized what I - what we - could become once real life happens, he bolted out the door, out of this country, back to everything he knew before me, before us.” 
You’re emotional again, air catching in your throat as you feel the tears pool around your eyes once more. By this time, Jungkook had paused eating his meal to focus all his attention on you. 
You continue on about that 15-minute conversation you had - if you could even call it that, given that it was all Jinyoung talking, with you staring at the man you once considered you could have a future with. 
Once you’d calmed down, you and Jungkook exchange thoughts about relationships, back and forth with nuggets of wisdom that you don’t really expect from someone you thought didn't have the time of day to maintain a relationship. 
He’d be constantly linked with models and fellow pop stars, which he’d noted weren’t anything serious or factual for that matter, at least those that weren’t part of some PR stunt, yet here he is right now, agreeing with what you’re saying and adding a different perspective to things. 
He is a hopeless romantic after all, that much he’d admitted during one wine-filled night after crying over Titanic while you were both on the phone (“they literally knew each other for just 3 days, Jungkook, they couldn’t possibly be in love,” you’d shouted. “Ah, 1900s romance,” was all he said. “So beautiful, isn’t it?” Another gulp of wine and then he’d fallen asleep.) 
You two find yourselves grabbing the pitcher of Sangria from your fridge and settle on other topics, like what could be acceptable reasons for breaking up with someone, to the ideas of fate and destiny - which you constantly bicker about because you don’t believe in it while he does, oh so passionately - to the afterlife.
“Relationships are so draining,” you say, tipping your head back on the couch, a groan escaping you. “Even after it’s over, it still takes so much out of you.” 
“I can only imagine,” he laughs bitterly. 
“Words of advice from Friday Night Me - don’t get into one. It’s tiring to pick up the pieces once it’s over.”
“Friday Night You?”
“Yeah, the one who’s upset. Monday Night Me will probably say something different.”
This amuses him, but he nods in agreement nonetheless. “Relationships tend to get messy and I’ve already got enough crazy to deal with,” he continues. “That much I’ve seen watching the hyungs get into these things from the sidelines. I’m sure it’s great and all and I can’t wait to be in one too, don’t get me wrong.” You raise your eyebrow at him.
“I mean hello, Jack and Rose?” You roll your eyes. “Allie and Noah?” 
You laugh. Seriously, this guy needs to watch more romantic films. 
“But I don’t know, too much going on with me right now, I guess,” he continues, shoulders slumped, eyes suddenly finding your fur rug interesting.
You dwell on this thought a little longer than you had wanted. 
You get what he’s saying, though. It’s draining enough for a commoner like you, what more for a worldwide superstar like him? You try to decipher if it’s sadness in his voice, maybe frustration? Resignation? Acceptance?
“But I’m sorry you had to go through that, Y/N.” He says, subject of the conversation now back to you, causing you to break out of your reverie. “I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better,” he says, hand scratching the back of his neck.
“Hey, no need to be sorry! I’ll be fully functional again by tomorrow. I just didn’t realize there was more to the breakup so I was just thrown off a little bit.” You flash him a smile. “But I’m good, really. And the food was enough,” you add. “And your presence, of course.” A smile again. You realize you seem to do that a lot when he’s around.
But you do feel better. You hadn’t thought much about Jinyoung since the breakup until tonight, seeing all the other things going on in your life. But seeing and listening to him made you feel all sorts of emotions that you really just wanted to let out. 
You’d kept a lot of these thoughts to yourself the last few months because you didn’t feel like there was more to say after that first goodbye, and it was nice to have Jungkook there to just listen, which is what you said you wanted him to do (“what kind of friend do you want me to be tonight?” He’d asked. “The listening one,” you’d replied.) But you’ve said what you needed to say, felt all that you needed to feel, and now you’re shutting close, under lock and key this time, that chapter of your life once and for all. 
After a fairly long silence, when he was sure you’d already expressed all your frustrations, he let out a breath. 
“Well, this was a much better option than drinking your sadness away at some club, yeah?” he asks, moving his body to his left side with his back on the armrest so he’s now facing you who’s also back on the couch now, sushi rolls and tempura rice all gone, sangria but a sip left. 
“Well, that wasn't an option in the first place, Jeon,” you call out. “I’m not really one who would take advantage of my misery and use it to justify a night of drinking and awkward hook-ups,” you anticipate, recalling the countless times your friends had encouraged you to go out and find someone good enough for a one night stand these past months.
“Ah, so you’re not a fan of hook-ups, no?” He smirks, looking intently at you, clearly curious about your thoughts on the idea. It’s amusing how quickly you could change topics but it was a good try to move on from the somber conversation you just had.
“I don't really wanna have sex with someone I’ll only be sharing fluids with,” you say, blankly. This intrigues him because now, he’s moving closer to you like a kid waiting for his next adventure story. 
You laugh at his movement. He tips his head, signaling you to continue.
“It’s just not my thing, that’s all,” you start, trying to find a way to explain yourself. 
“I want someone to talk and laugh with when it gets sloppy,” you say, “and someone to make me breakfast when I oversleep. A guy for pure pleasure probably wouldn’t be that person for me. He’d probably just focus on getting both of us off and then up and leave,” you shrug.
This amuses him, even if he chuckles and says “I knew it probably had something to do with food,” and being the Jungkook you’ve come to know these past months, he asks you something that catches you off-guard but at the same time doesn't really surprise you.
“Would I be someone you’d hypothetically hook up with?” He smirks again, excited for your answer.
“No, you’re too good-looking for that,” you say almost instantly and you curse yourself in your head.
“So you mean hypothetically if you were to hook up with someone, he’d have to be unattractive?” He asks, seemingly confused.
“Uh, if it would just be for pure pleasure, yeah… I mean I wouldn’t mind but of course he’d have to be like, hot or something,” like that was common sense. “I’d probably be too drunk to focus on his face and it’d probably be too dark for it to matter anyway,” you shrug. You’re hoping this makes sense to him because your friends never did quite get it. 
You just really don’t do hook ups, especially drunk ones, not that you put sex on a pedestal, but you just have a thing for the before and after of it - the gentle fore play, the removing (and not ripping) of clothes, the cuddle and the aftercare that stretches to breakfast or lunch, and the lazy morning sex. Call you hopeless romantic or something, at least this is your version of it, but those were the things you like about sex, the full package. 
“Hmm, I feel honored to be too attractive to hypothetically hook up with Y/N Y/L/N,” he says, feeling proud of himself, smiling like a kid who just got a blue ribbon for something superficial. God, the duality and contradictions of this guy, you think.
“Let’s just say… you have a face and a touch I’d hypothetically want to get used to, so I wouldn't settle for just one night with you, and then it wouldn't be a hook-up!” You say trying to sound nonchalant, thinking about the tinylittle crush your friends claim you’ve developed on the guy in front you but really, anyone with a pair of eyes would agree that the man is beautiful (you’d always deflected though - “have you seen King Namjoon? Now that is the man, you’d say). 
You settle for honesty though, and it’s true. You just don’t delve on the full package thing, because you know Jungkook is exactly the kind of guy to do all that, but you stop your mind from going there, much so with him sitting in front of you. 
“Ah,” he says, pleased with himself. “So you could get used to this, huh?” He teases, lunging on you, his knees just barely resting on your thighs. He’s planting his hands on your face and squishing every surface he possibly could, laughing as he’s doing so while you shout out every cuss word you know and trying your best to hit him with your hands even if he’s just going to block your hits anyway. 
You kick him on the thigh when he finishes his rampage but it is you who squeals of pain because you used your right foot, the one you re-injured after playing a tune-up game of volleyball the other day. 
Naturally he grabs your foot and starts massaging it, as if he’d always been doing that since you’ve met, which he hasn't. And you haven’t even known each other that long. 
“You’re annoying,” is the only thing you could mutter after finally catching your breath. You can’t lie though, his massage is pretty good. You lay your head on your stretched out right leg and can’t help but close your eyes. 
He sees the satisfaction on your face and not long after, he quips, “I bet this is also something you could get used to after a good night of fucking, yeah?” he starts laughing. 
Since last week’s incident, you’d noticed Jungkook being more comfortable and definitely a little cheekier, flirty, even. Perhaps seeing you in your underwear could do that to a person, you think. 
You feel your cheeks heat up, and all you could do is hit his arm continuously so that he had started to flex after a few slaps. You literally were just talking about hook ups, why did you feel so scandalized? (You’re in denial; you know exactly why.) 
“Good? That confident with your abilities, I see.” You tease, as both of you have now settled down and kept your body parts to yourselves. 
A grin starts creeping from the side of his lips and you immediately regret making such a comment. “Nevermind!” You shout, holding out your hand to cover his mouth before he could say anything again. 
“I’m teasing. I wouldn't know, actually. It’s not like I do it often to know, anyway.”
At this you’re pleasantly surprised, not that you expect him to be the kind of pop star who casually and constantly hooks up with women just because he can, but still you know the parties he attends and all the beautiful women in his circle who no doubt wouldn’t mind making a move, or probably already do on a regular basis. 
Maybe you’re just startled that he would be open about this particular facet of his life to someone he hasn't known long. But then again, you two have been open to each other about many things since you’ve met, but that’s still something you’re only starting to get used to. 
“It doesn't matter,” you say, flashing him the same sincere and thoughtful smile that you put on when he started fixing up your dinner for you earlier. He returns your smile, eyes soft, as if grateful for you not asking any more.
“Well, I mean you’re good at a lot of things anyway so if you suck at that, you could always just sing or dance or impersonate someone and that would overshadow whatever it is you suck at,” you say, winking at him. 
He hits you with a pillow. 
“I’m not sure if that’s supposed to make me feel better,” he says, “but thank you for complimenting my impersonating skills because I think that’s being undermined by the media.” 
You both laugh at the humor.
“Tonight made me feel better, though. Thanks for being here,” you say as you finish your glass of wine. 
It’s been hours since he arrived, sleepiness no doubt creeping on the both of you, especially on him who’d spent his day practicing and filming. It’s moments like this that make you happy you met him, that you didn’t freak out or think much when he asked for your number those months ago. 
It’s also moments like this that you remind yourself of what you’d lose if you nurture that tinylittle seed of affection that’s growing in your heart, one unwittingly planted there a week ago. 
He looks at you softly again, as if there’s more he wants to say but instead he replaces his bunny smile with a gentle one, wrinkles forming at the outer corner of his eyes, cheeks just slightly pushing up to reveal the bags underneath those orbs of his. They glisten under the lighting in your living room.
He lets the silence linger a little longer. 
“Anything for you, Y/N.” 
You let yourself bask in this thought, in his presence, just for tonight. Saturday You will get over this. 
As you lay on your bed that night, you decide it isn’t just your past with your ex that you’ll bury under lock and key. It’s also this.
>> part 1 drabble
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oz-the-sorcerer · 2 years
Royalmelody BUT IT'S THE SIMS 4!! (pt.2)
part 1 👈 if you are wondering
Hello, my fellow "I wonder how many AUs Oz has, what the heck" ppl, I have come to feed y'all, again. :D
So; a bit of reminding from the first post and other things (bcs I haven't posted about sims royalmelody since last summer):
-they are famous (Kylan's for music and Brea is for writing, she also sells some of her paintings)((and idk why I made them like that, maybe i thought they deserved it lol))
what goes on now:
-Kylan has become a 3-star celeb while Brea is still 2, she is very close to 3 tho
-I hate their current home. It gives me nightmares, has lots of unfunctional things like their kitchen sink, some chairs, their trash can and bathtub (k word me pls I'm so tired)
-so I'm building them a new one! >:D
-they sometimes T pose when the game glitches and they abruptly stop whatever they are doing to T pose only for a millisecond, but it's too funny so I forgive the Sims for this LMFAO
-NPCs always making stupid entrances and they poof out of existence because it's so crowded
-they give autographs now, those two :D
-they are still dating
-anyways, I guess that's it, thanks for reading!
-jk :D here, have some more screenshots in-game 👇:
-firSTLY, I UPGRADED HOW THEY LOOK!! Those two were literally Kyle and Brianna before, not Kylan and Brea and I am proud of how they look now! (left row is old, right row is the new look)
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-when I found Brea's current hair I literally screamed lol
-and Kylan's face is just...him. u get what I'm saying? *o*
-cooking is good, but... cooking together? even better ✅
-the man's sneezed on a salmon once and decided that was not an important thing smh
-Brea does too many tricks with knives, I'm scared
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-you know damn why I took a screenshot when it involved pink petals and I refuse to explain further😌
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He came home running, heart, beating even harder than before.
"Brea?" He checked if she was at home first. She told him this morning that she would go to the gallery but there she was, probably writing another chapter for The Dew Tree.
She looked up at him from her desk, not expecting him anytime soon.
"Kylan? Hi!" He nearly skipped towards her and held her hands, smiling wide.
"You won't believe me if I tell you..."
"Whaa-AT!" Brea yelled when he started spinning with her in the middle of their colorful living room. He laughed at her shocked face.
"I got the nomination!"
"What?" She stopped him before they crashed into the sofa, not just because she was dizzy or anything but she wondered if she heard him right.
"I got the nomination for The Best Song!"
"Oh my God?!"
He finally did it, she thought. They hugged so tight that she couldn't breathe for a second.
"You are going to get that award, honey." She told him after they separated.
"You really think so? I don't want to get my hopes up, though, this is the first time I am getting a nomination." He was being self-doubtful again, so she just rolled her eyes and giggled. She knew how people loved his song, they even played it everywhere. Then, she pointed her finger to his heart and poked.
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"You, sir, are going to get it."
His smile came back quickly after that, holding her hands again and doing a little dance with her. A bit childish, a bit sweet.
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yeah, that really happened. :3
HE GOT THE BEST SONG AWARD (look how happy he is while giving his thanks speech) ((this also happened: "I couldn't have done this without this amazing woman... who is now waving at me to shut up because she is embarrassed. :D" ))
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-congratulations hug! (AS HE RIGHTFULLY DESERVES!!)
-there was a random sim that got SO MAD when Kylan got the award. She glared at them all evening lmao stay pressed sistah that award is his
notes: sometimes when I stop time to get a screenshot, their position looks like a different interaction instead of what they are actually doing, making the game more fun uwu (like that lil dance above)
Well, I have lots of screenshots however; I will leave it from here for this part because this is already 10 pics lmao.
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kuronekonerochan · 3 years
tagged by @what-breaks-my-heart (told you this is the day, hehe)
~tag 9 people you want to know better/to catch up with~
Last song: Devil - CLC (playlist while I was driving).
Last movie: Le Jeu on Netflix.
Currently watching: (watching is a strong word. some I ff skip watch in 5 mins so it doesn’t really count, right? Also, it’s the holidays so I have a bit more time to spare... *laughs nervously in shame).
Kdramas: Mr. Queen (love the actors but even though it’s competent and mildly entertaining it’s far from the chaotic wtf energy of the chinese original...man I loved that one), Run On (I like it so far, super afraid it will go downhill like Record of Youth/ DYLB/Start Up/ Diner Mate) and The Uncanny Counter (Yoo Ri is a queen). WIll probably check out Sweet Home on netflix.
Cdramas: Twisted Fated love (glanced at the raws already so I’m ff the subbed last episodes); Invisible Life (it’s not good but the premise assures thing should eventually get messy bc mcs are dumb with their life choices so I’m grabbing popcorn); You Complete Me (meh, more like You Fit into boring snack breaks). I avidly watched the raws for To Love (that one I love) and now the only reason I’m not watching the subbed eps yet is bc that drama is so addictive I want a few more out for binging...or maybe even just check it out after it’s completely subbed).
Jdramas: Cherry Magic (just ended); Shanai Marriage Honey (the premise and general vibe could and should lead into naive chick marries abusive psycopath and the only reason it’s not is bc we get the ml’s thoughts voiced over so we know he loves her too); The way of the Househusband (it ended and was a blast);  Kono Koi Atatamemasuka (meh, You Fit into boring snack breaks 2). I really want to check out Alice in Borderland on Netflix.
Western: Black Mirror (ongoing); Dark (so this what the writers of Alice watched...sadly the last season sucked...not as much as Alice, but still); La Desorden que Dejas (binged it); Bridgerton (I read the books, they were fine, almost pg, not amazing but still entertaining...this has more sex per episode than 50 shades and the bgm is instrumental/orchestra versions of 2019- 2020 pop hits. Plus I’m white and even I think the Bridgerton brothers are the blandest most interchangeable and similar white boys ever. Count had a sexy voice and that’s probably my highlight of the show). The Mandalorian s2 (just ended, really liked it).
Portuguese: A crónica dos bons malandros. (Adaptation of an awesome book about a museum heist by a band of quirky misfits. The writing on the book is really good. The actors are perfect but the directing and camerawork fall short of the brilliance of the dialogue).
Currently reading: Manual de Terapêutica Médica (jk that’s what I should be reading and am trying to, but really it’s more like mdzs time travel fix it fanfic on short breaks, lol).
Currently craving: Salmon pasta.
Tagging: @kiironekolady @dangermousie @scoundrels-in-love @kdramastuff @kdramaxoxo @theshmorca @gabycane2 @mahtayyar @overthinkingkdrama and anyone else who wants to
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ON RUNNING AND DIETING (?) ok not really, it’s more body and health stuff. A note-to-self
Blogging on my other iphone, that’s why the caps are in order. I’ve lost about one kilogram even though I’ve been eating supper — which happens when I try to skip dinner but end up ravenous and clearing the fridge and breakfast counter of morsels leftovers — and a lot of dessert. Not sure why that is. Maybe it’s what I’m eating. Generally, if I’m doing a late meal, I avoid/don’t have any craving for carbs. I always want meat or sweets.
I’ve also been doing some light running, which actually doesn’t help at all with weight loss (when I was pushing myself to run further and for longer, I gained weight lmao. So now I keep it light), but it makes you full because you end up drinking a lot of water after a run.
I think I’ve also cut down on eating big meals for dinner. OK, not really. I often do fancy meals at night after work as a way of REMINDING MYSELF THAT IF IM A PART OF THIS CAPITALIST SYSTEM I MIGHT AS WELL ENJOY WHAT IT OFFERS jk (p.s. can we talk about the way non soc sci/arts majors or ppl uneducated on the concepts in general misuse the word capitalism and communism because they want to make some smart, witty comments. I usually don’t correct them; that’s just not my thing because I don’t “know it all”. Though I am laughing at them on the inside because I have my condescending af moments. The only time I ever thought to correct was when this girl doing a presentation in architecture on Impressionism referenced Naturalism and talked about it being a movement of painting nature. I waited for the TA to say something, but she never did)
Wow I sidetracked. Point of this post is I love seeing the numbers go down each time I weight myself, but I’m also not a calorie counter. Honestly i couldn’t give a fuck, I’ll eat what I want as long as I don’t overdo it
But some learning points for myself.
How to eat less
- go to work (I really eat less when I’m working at work because I feel stressed and uncomfortable and am constantly in fight mode)
- buy a heavy lunch; eat 2/3 for lunch and 1/3 for dinner and enjoy a full dessert. You can split the dessert for both lunch and dinner too
- drink unsweetened tea with your meals
- practise eating smaller portions of rice. Eventually you get used to it that anything more than a 1/2 or 2/3’s a bowl seems too much
- it’s OK to not eat on time. Because it depends on what time you sleep anyway. Just be sure not to sleep immediately after eating. You will feel like shit
- trust your body. Does it feel warm? Can you feel the sugar in your blood? GET UP AND GO FOR A WALK/RUN
- eat balanced meals. And I don’t just mean greens and lean meats and a small serving of carbs. I mean a savoury-sweet-smoky sort of balance.
- avoid sweetened drinks. Sweet beverages aren’t a lot of fun anyway. Save the sugar for dessert.
- if you have IBS, yes, I know it sucks. But make use of it to help you cut down on food
On running and why i should keep doing it and how I can keep doing it
- HELPS WITH ANXIETY. Heart no longer pounds like crazy when I spot roaches. I can climb the stairs just fine. What a beautiful feeling.
- sucks that they changed the street lamps to fluorescents instead of the dim orange ones, and now I can feel myself looking like a sweaty, beastly and pasty thing doing circuits at midnight. But ok, I’ll find a route that works ie. I can run up and down that short strip where the street lamps still glow orange
- I will always care about how I look when running. And that’s fine. I’ve accepted that. What’s important is to choose what time I want to run. 10.30pm-past midnight works. Running late doesn’t keep me up at night. In fact I sleep better when I run at night.
- running keeps my hair from being oily. My hair gets greasy easily (likely from years of overwashong and ruthlessly stripping it of natural oils — I used to wash twice a day. I still wash it twice a day because I can’t stand the feeling of unwashed hair, but now I keep it to one shampoo wash and one no ‘poo wash in a day)
- correct your running posture. Try not to lean forward so much. Unclench your fists
- run 1-2 times a week. Keep the runs short and fun, so you don’t dread them
- keep discovering new music to listen to when you run
HOW TO DEAL WITH IBS (?) I’m self-diagnosed lol
- stand up or walk around after food
- consume a light breakfast and drink water in the morning - helps with bowel movement
- bathe first so you don’t waste time wondering if you’re going to have a bowel movement
- a simple zao cao routine helps shout-out to my chinesey high school for introducing this to us
- dont eat a heavy breakfast or lunch when at work; it’ll ruin your productivity and ability to focus for the rest of the day and severely upset your stomach
- bread generally causes you less problems than rice and noodles
- ramen broth is a no no
- raw salmon sashimi is also a no no
- you’re lactose intolerant: avoid milk teas and other milk-based drinks for breakfast and lunch
- try not to eat dry rice
- try not to eat brown/red rice. This gives you constipation
- try to eat cooked veggies as far as possible, bcos uncooked veggies can also cause you constipation
- exercise helps with bowel movements
- Train yourself to have bowel movements only at the start/end of the day
- wake up a bit earlier before work to give your body some time to get used to being alive and awake again lol and also to decide if it has to poop
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dailysarina · 5 years
The Sarina Project
Ok so I gotta put a little A/N at the start of this one beacuse I realized I have to make a litttttllllleee change to this story. Soz. Annyywaaayyyy... I’ve decided to change the POV from first person to third person, which I know is probably SUPER annoying for you but I promise this chapter would work better if it was not just from Karina’s POV. So I hope y’all are ready for some ~e p i c~ punk!Sarah thoughts ^-^
The Sarina Project
Chapter 18: I Hate My Freinds
“Are you sure your ready to do this?” Emily viciously inquired of DJ, who just happened to be sitting next to her. (A/N: Remember, Karina is NOT narrating this she is NOT HERE hehe ^-^)
“Are you kidding??? I’m literally James Bond,” DJ said, popping the p. “I’ve snuck into like 15 classrooms already this year.”
“OMG ME TOO!” Emily said back in response to DJ.
“Ya exactly we snuck into those classrooms together,” DJ unimpressedly said. They both laughed at Emily’s forgetfulness.
“Haha,” she laughed, giggling.
“Ok lets go,” DJ said, immediately jumping into a James Bond somersault and kicking the door to the classroom. Emily crept in behind him, her greenish, hazelish, slightly brown speckled balls of sight gazing over the cold, lifeless, OPPRESSIVE, torture seats... aka... DESKS. (A/N: hahahahhahaha I hate school sum1 halp plz 😭😂)
“There’s no one in here,” Emily said after about ten minutes observations.
“Wow it’s not like I can see the exact same classroom,” DJ sarcastically quipped back at her in such a tone that only DJ could recreate.
“Just get to the desk,” Emily said, deciding to suddenly use her gymnastics skills to backflip across the room and onto the teacher’s desk.
“Wow I, definitely good enough for the olympics if I can do that,” Emily said, obviously very very proud of her recent accomplishments. Ever since she was two days and fifteen hours and 32 minutes old, she had wanted to be an Olympic gymnast. Gymnastics was her LAIFE!! (A/N: Chipotle is laiiifffeee heh XD). DJ rolled his brown orbs he used for seeing almost every day back into his head at Emily’s showyoffiness and walked over to the same teachers desk Emily was standing on.
“I saw Mrs. Bersbedasukeon put the paper with our group project partners on the third drawer from the bottom on the right said,” DJ told Emily, DABBING and pointing toward the correct drawer. Emily pulled open the drawer and grabbed the single piece of paper sitting on there. A piece of paper that could change the life of ALL THE NAMES ON IT. This paper would be the most sacred thing Emily would touch in a long time.
“This piece of paper is so precious,” Emily hugged the paper to her chest while violently popping her p’s.
“Just switch the names!!!!,!!!!!!!” DJ annoyingly said, banging on the desk to gain Emily’s attention back. Emily nodded and started whiting out a few names on the paper with... WHITE OUT; which she had conveniently stashed in her coat pocket and had just pulled out for this specific reason.
(A/N: okiiii idk how to describe this next part because it always plays like a movie in my head... if that makes sense... IDK. But anyway I’m gonna write this next part like a script so it’s easier for y’all to understand. Remember dailysarina cares about her followers!!! ;))
Emily: *quickly runs white out over a few ^convenient^ names*
DJ: *rewrites the new group partners aS THEY SHOULD BE*
“Good. That’s good,” Emily said as DJ forged the teachers’ handwriting. Then the super sneaky spy duo (A/N: “Nice use of alliteration” -Mr. Scoggins, my English teacher haha jk I would DIE if he read this lol xD) left the classroom until the next day.
THE NEXT DAY............,,....
I enter through the doorway to my art class, brushing my newly dyed pink hair out of my eyes and adjusting my lilac colored flower crown. ‘I wonder if Sarah will notice my hair?’ I wonder. Wait. WHY DID I THINK THAT?? Ugh this is so annoying. Sarah is literally the scariest person I’ve ever seen and yet I am CONSTANTLY worried about what she thinks of me. What is up with that?? It probably just because I’m a weird person, and that’s what weird people do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“Ew your hair looks like a fairy threw up on it,” Sarah quipped at me the second I walked in the room, without even making eye contact. What the heck?!??,.! Why is she so MEAN? “You also look like that girl from LazyTown.” OH THAT’S IT.
“Yeah, well... you look like Susie from DELTARUNE!” I screamed back at her, crossing my arms in satisfaction. I can’t believe I actually stood up to her! She didn’t get mad and punch me in the face like I thought she would. She didn’t even yell another insult back at me. She just smiled a bit, and went back to drawing a skull and cross bones on her ripped jeans with eyeliner. I skip over to a giggling Emily and DJ, who were sitting at the table next to Sarah, and sit down, fluffing the skirt of my light pinkish salmon dress as I sit.
“What are you laughing about?” I say to my freinds, who seem to be cackling about something I don’t know about. Are they laughing at me?? I wouldn’t be surprised if they were, considering all my old friends at my old school started bullying me for being weird. UGH! WHy is being weird so hard in high school??
“Nooooiittththhhhhiiiiinnnnnnngggggggg............” the blonde haired girl and the brown eyed boy said in complete unison. Ok, that was creepy, I’m just going to ignore that.
“I will now read out the partners I’ve assigned for this art project y’all will be working on,” our teacher, Mrs. Bersbedasukeon yelled at us. I really hope I get a good partner that doesn’t make fun of my pink hair. And I rreeeeaaallllly hope I don’t get Sarah. ANYONE BUT SARAH.
“The first pair will be Karina and Sarah.”
“Ummm, can I please- but I am cut off by the rudest teacher to ever exist. She just goes on giving out partners like I don’t have a problem with mine. HOW RUDE IS THAT
“Ugghhhhhhh now our project is gonna be covered in rainbows and glitter and pink flowers, gross.” Sarah said, banding her head on the table. I feel like I’m about to cRY. THIS IS GONNA BE H O R R I B L E. why does all the horrible stuff always have to happen to me? My life sucks,
“Well have fun with you Project, you guys,” Emily quips sarcastically, popping the p, but I did NOT think it was funny. She gets to work with DJ, and that’s NOT FAIR. why can’t THEY work with Sarah???” At least they sort of l i k e her.
This is probably all their fault.
I hate them sooooooo much. :( 😭
WHOOOAAAAAAAA CLIFFHANGERRRRRRRR!!! xD. Soz that this chapter was a little confusing but a lot of stuff that needed to happen so the story can finally pick up (I can’t believe I’ve written 18 chapters!!!) I honestly think this is the best thing I’ve ever written, but REMEMBER. I have NEVER written anything before this is my FIRST time trying fanfic and I really don’t want anyone to judge me. Don’t be r00d LOLOLOLOL.
On a different note........ my mom is FINALLY taking our family to Chicago and I’m literally going to be spending all week hunting for my two favorite people EEEEEEEEEE. I’m hoping to see them at least 7 times, maybe more? I mean I know what kind of places they like to eat at and where they hang out with people (don’t ask me how I know I’ll never tell hehehehe) so it shouldn’t be too hard to find them. By the end of the week they’re gonna LOVE ME! xD xD Anywayyyyy because of that I probably won’t be writing another chapter next week, but I will still be posting d a n k memes about our children! Dailysarina is signing off now hehe. Peace!!! ✌️
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changji · 5 years
There’s a limit for when you’re in school but in summer I can do whatever I want bc it’s a Free Country 🤪 u miss are not allowed to get sick u hear me or else I will personally fly to cali & nurse you 😤 A STARBUCKS DRINK FOR $4.85 EYE- THAT’S SO GOOD WTFF I DON’T THINK I’VE PAID LESS THAN $5 FOR A DRINK THERE. You’re really out here like that
Ah I forgot to say how often I climb but I usually try for 3+ times a month bc the gym is pretty far away (by far i mean 2 different buses & an hour of crying). When I first started I was being taught how to tie a figure 8 knot (which is the most important one you need so you don’t die) and i couldn’t fucking get it right so the instructor had to go over it 193837 times & was getting annoyed @ me. LOL I couldn’t look him in the eye at all and my face had never been redder that day lmfao
At least ur teachers like you. I’m like that one student that never says anything and just sits there with an rbf so idk what my teachers think of me LOL. Half the time they don’t know I’m there. I got marked absent a couple times before but i was there in class 😤😤 ohh that’s cool. Band season runs the entire year for my school but that’s probably bc it’s a credit course. Newborn babies kinda are, it’s when they reach a couple months old they become cute
LOL how do you pronounce breakfast? I say salmon with the L & I get hated on by everyone. Taeyomi was great but changji is even better. Like changbin + jisung? Genius. Legends Only. Jkhsdiweiihfew I’m glad my url has an impact on ur daily life 🥵🥵 languages are so hard, I’m literally illiterate in every single one ik. Ikr? Our names are so easy like how do u mispronounce arella? One time  someone spelt my name as Adly and I wanted to Perish
The chance the skip 2 math levels? Once again ur a genius legend. I could never esp w math holy moly. Okay dark ones it is!! I was thinking either the 1st or 2nd ones? Which do u like more? Ah new friends. The first weeks are always so awkward bc you don’t really know them well so you don’t know how much of urself you wanna expose (or it’s just me. I’m too much of a crackhead apparently). Wait a moment. Do you have multiple buildings at ur school like a uni campus??
Make out spots at my school is this one sketchy stairwell where all the scary ppl are. The whole school just smells like weed bc 90% of the school are potheads. Alright that’s the deal if we die we die together 😤 I have never heard of bathroom portables before,, those sounds so Extra. Are they like a porta potty? Omg speaking of older grades a bunch of girls who graduated last year came to my work & I was like “oh shit lol ik u all this is awkward” 
Oof I’m the older sister so like. Favouritism never works in my favour. My sister will literally start a fight w me but I’m the only one who gets lectured in the end. Like. Bitch u started this 😤 I’m on the older side out of my cousins so I’m just Ignored 😪 I’m placing my bet on 2k words right now for our convos 
ah makes sense, i thought there was a time for summer too but it might just be here or i’m dumb 😔 I CANT AFFORD TO GET SICK MISSING ONE DAY OF SCHOOL WILL NOT HELP ME AT ALL ! but thank u for ur concern miss, u should just fly to cali anyway 😪 myb i’ll go to u can i hitchike from here ?? IT IS SO GOOD ITS AMAZING IT WAS SO CHEAP but the drink was super sweet 🤢 i have converted back to normal lattes with no syrup. peet’s is usually 5.20 for my drink and it’s so strong i don’t need extra shots ☺️ 
3 times,, a month,, i go to the mall like 3 times a week, look @ u being so athletic! tbh i sound lame but i’ve never taken a bus (other than a school bus for field trips) before like. buses here are lowkey sketch but it’s mostly college students. i rely on my parents and uber 🤧 sometimes i walk but. i don’t like to but if i have to i will oop. it takes an hour to get there and an hour back then right? i can’t imagine bro omg i’d just die. i know how to knot my shoelaces and never being able to untangle them so i now wear slip ons 🤪 poor ada, were like the same person but that was me when i took a knitting class for some reason and couldn’t do any of it 😪
okay idk if i told u yet but my ap euro teacher asked who’s been to italy so i raised my hand, he asked how it was and i said “the gelato is rly good” and his face was just. utter disappointment. turns out he was asking abt the art but he didnt clarify it and we weren’t even talking abt art so now i’m known as That Girl 😔 it’s hard to miss me oop, if it’s quiet then i’m sleeping & all my teachers last year knew this 😪 how do u get marked absent?? i wish band was a credit course but it’s only extra curricular 😔 are ur teachers snakes i will Step on them. newborns look fake but yeah they get cute when they’re like half a year old. 
like. brek-fust by my friends says brek-fist like it’s more of a u sound than an i but go off u idiots. salmon with the L,, ada,, no,, if u say carmel instead of caramel i’m gonna riot. ugh thanks bro i was lucky someone gave me this url, but nohyuckclub? aka the author of the most legendary mark lee social media au? A Whole Legend, but treerachas? my absolutely fave 🥺 languages are dumb i don’t know english i don’t know spanish my vocab consists of sksk and i oop, and that’s it. HOW DO U MISPRONOUNCE ADA LIKE. when i saw ur name i was like ay-da not ah-da, ppl need to learn bro it’s just said how it’s spelled. AND PERISH LOL I LOVE THE WORDS U USE
i’m actually dumb tho i just hate math oops, i’m more of a lunch kind of person if u know what i mean 😉 JK IM GROSS STOP ME and i like the 2nd one (the red one right? idk it’s all pretty u choose) i don’t wanna expose myself but it happens bc i’m just naturally a crackhead oops. but yeah we have multiple buildings! my campus is pretty small tbh? compared to other schools we’re really small, there’s like 2k kids here and i wanna die. it’s so crowded in the halls like get away from me u smelly thot. we have 3 buildings connected by 3 hallways, and a few other ones like the science buildings, music room, portables, 2 gyms and classrooms. in total i think there are 10 buildings? how’s ur campus like?
do you have one big building or smth? in my middle school had stairs and. stairs aren’t fun i hate them. if people kissed on the stairs everybody would hate them bc they’re blocking the halls LOL. we have our legendary D wing bathrooms where people smoke its so funny how often i got offered a roll,,, people straight up vape in class its so funny. but yeah a porta party. disgusting 🤢 in my head that’s what i call it LOL, a portable bathroom… i hate when i see people from school or just. ppl in general, did they recognize u?
U SPELL FAVORITISM WITH A U THATS SO WEIRD FUCKING AMERICA but im lowkey spoiled (highkey) but i. don’t pick fights, its my brother who does that LOL, he gets lectured tho so,,, not my problem oops i have a lot of cousins but we split it when we were younger so its wrong but teens (now adults but still called teens), kids (now teens but still called kids), and the adult adult cousins (which is the only correct one LOL) but i fit into the kid category so,,,, also we have almost 20k im literally SCREAMING, including this we’re at 20,712 words im-
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gxtsmxt-blog · 7 years
the nudist and the prudist [jk pov]
Tumblr media Tumblr media
❛❛a girl saw me naked on my porch and also witnessed the unholiness that is my exhibitionism kink and somewhere along the line we became sort-of-maybe-not-really friends and i started to like her too but now things are a bit weird im sorry please love me❜❜ AU
COUNT → 6.875
GENRE → angst
PAIRING → jungkook | reader
WARNINGS → mentions of sex | explicit language | alcoholism
note: so some of you requested part of tnatp in jungkook’s pov!!!!! im not entirely happy with this because it’s just so long??? and its basically just recycled material. but if u wanna understand what jungkook was thinking, this is the drabble for you. its not a drabble. i lied. look at the word count. but i still wanna call it a drabble. its a “long drabble thats not really a drabble” drabble. anyway i hope u guys like it and dont think this is too long LMAO
Jungkook was naked, but that wasn't anything new.
A streak of sunlight shone in through a crack in his blinds, alerting him that it was the start of a new day. Unwrapping his arm from around the naked body still asleep beside him, he maneuvered around her so he didn't wake her up, then draped the comforter back over her as he stood to his full height. He ran his fingers through his tousled, black hair thoughtfully, knowing without looking at a mirror that it was a mess after they fornicated on the dining room table, the kitchen's bar, the living room couch, against many walls throughout the house, and finally stopping in his own bed last night.
It was a good thing all his other roommates had been out so they didn't hear them. Out of all his fuck buddies, Jihyo was the loudest—but he liked it when she was loud. It told him he was doing something right, and using his penis was about one of the only things he could do right.
Closing his bedroom door gently behind him, he padded down the hallway in the direction of the kitchen. At the sight of his boxers in a pathetic heap by the stairs, he bent over to pull them past his hips, followed by his sweatpants he'd been wearing last night not even a few inches away. In the past, he wouldn't have even bothered clothing himself—especially so early in the morning—since all his roommates had gotten used to his streaking habit a long time.
But something had changed recently.
That change was you.
The cold kitchen tile caused a chill to run up his spine just as he reached the counter, pouring some of his favorite cereal into a bowl. As he added in milk and retrieved a spoon from one of the drawers, his eyes kept darting over to the clock hanging above the dining room table.
You would be walking by in about five minutes.
Every day, except during the weekend, you passed his house on your way to the bus stop at exactly seven o'clock in the morning. What was funny to him was he learned your first class wasn't until two hours later, but you liked to go to the library to review your notes early. It was a pain in his ass for him to even wake up ten minutes before his morning lectures started, but there you were being the perfect student. He still remembered how nervous you were when he asked you why you always walked by so early in the morning, but he had been so fucking curious—about you.
And he still was.
You were innocent and closed in on yourself, almost as a self-defense mechanism. He knew you weren't doing it out of distrust, though; you simply weren't confident in your own skin. A lot of girls were like that but not so much in the way you were. The few words you two exchanged was no longer enough for him anymore. He would wake up every single morning at a quarter to seven just so he could run out in front of you and pull you into a conversation he knew you didn't want to be having with him. Starting a conversation with you was difficult, but he was a natural extrovert and used his charms to ask you anything. He didn't care if he looked stupid as long as he fucking talked to you.
With his cereal gone, the only thing left for him to do was slurp the milk as it took on a salmon color, then he looked up just as the minute hand on the clock passed by 12 in slow increments. You would be here any minute now and he had to frantically run over to the sink to dump his bowl to clean later.
Just as he passed the couch, though, Jihyo was coming downstairs.
Pausing, he turned around to look at her rubbing at the corners of her eyes. "Hey. Did I wake you?"
"No," she said with a tired smile. "You weren't in bed so I was wondering where you went."
"Oh. I was just—" He looked over his shoulder to see if he could see a glimpse of you walking by through the glass panels of the front door. "I was just eating some cereal."
He knew by the glint in her eye that she wasn't being honest with him, but neither was he.
Although she was wearing one of his t-shirts, she quickly pulled it over her head as she sauntered towards him. Feeling her breasts press firmly into his bare chest, he tried to stay focused.
That, however, did not end up happening.
It felt like only seconds but somehow she pushed him towards the couch, crawling on top of him to straddle his muscular thighs. After feathery pecks turned into a mixture of tongue and licking, he opened his eyes as she pulled away to climb off of him and kneel in front of him.
Easily freeing him from the confides of his sweatpants, he sprung free and she eagerly touched him.
"Babe," he groaned out, head lolling against the back of the couch.
She began a steady pace, spitting in her hand as she pumped him with fast strokes. Her thumb pressed into the slit at his tip and he moaned out, not able to focus on anything but the pleasure.
And that also included not realizing you were already walking by.
In a lust-filled daze, he faintly remembered dragging Jihyo over to one of the windows, giving her no room to move. He knew she wouldn't ever dream of that, though. Her favorite place to get fucked was against the window because it turned her on to even imagine someone else watching—just like him.
He gripped himself and thrusted inside, knowing they'd been fucking for the last twelve hours and didn't need much foreplay to get her going. She was loud from the get-go and that made his cock get even harder inside of her. When he reached around her to rub furiously at her clit, her legs trembled and she let out loud moan after loud moan. He wasn't going to last much longer.
"Jungkook," she managed to say in a breathy tone, "there's someone watching us."
He opened his eyes slightly, the view of her long, black hair trailing past her shoulders the first thing he saw. However, when he moved his head only slightly, his eyes grew the size of two small planets.
You were there, looking at the two of them in horror. In your surprise, you dropped something and quickly bent over to pick it up before you were covering your eyes, fleeing the scene. With self-control he didn't know he was capable of having, he pulled out of Jihyo and looked behind him for his boxers.
"Jungkook?" Jihyo asked, confused as to why he stopped. "Where are you going?"
He didn't answer her, dragging his plaid boxers up blindly, then flung the door open. His eyes followed your figure as you stumbled along the sidewalk in a hurry. Yelling your name several times, he finally hunched over when your figure turned a corner, disappearing from sight. He looked around his lawn, tilting his head back and licking at the seam of his lips in frustration.
All he could think of was you couldn't have walked by at a worse time.
Unable to control himself, he kicked at a rock in his lawn and it ricocheted off one of the neighboring houses' exterior walls, landing in a bush.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he yelled, mostly to himself.
He scratched at his scalp violently, then turned to walk back inside. Jihyo was lingering in the doorway, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows and a deep frown.
"Jungkook?" she asked and grabbed at his bare bicep. "What happened? Did you know that girl?"
Instead of answering, Jungkook simply shook his head and closed his eyes tightly. He brushed past her as he stepped through the doorway and she followed after him, hot on his heels as the door shut.
"Talk to me."
He walked over to the couch, settling against the cushions with a sigh. Jihyo joined him cautiously, sitting far enough away that he could've easily forgotten she was there. She didn't say anything, though, just looked at him as if doing so would make him tell her what was going on.
"Jihyo," Jungkook started to say, "can you go home? I'm really not in the mood right now."
Sensing that he didn't want to be pushed, she nodded. "Just let me know if you want to talk."
As she stood up, she threw a glance over her shoulder at him one more time before heading up the stairs to get dressed, then closed the front door behind her when she left a few minutes later.
He had not been thinking. He had really not been fucking thinking.
When he imagined the pleasure that came with someone catching him in the act, this wasn't exactly what he had in mind. It was like as soon as he used the thing between his legs he forgot about the other thing in his head. Your relationship had been going so well, too. In just a few more weeks, maybe he could've asked you out or even gone to the library with you some time. But not now.
Definitely not now.
What was going on with him anyway? You were just a girl. Not just any girl, but a girl that was impossible for someone like him to go after. It would take months for the two of you to fuck around. Knowing that, though, he was still interested in you.
He really didn't have a good answer. You were gorgeous, so maybe that was all it was; he was simply attracted to you. Though, he'd have to be blind to not be. It couldn't be your personality he liked either because you didn't know how to keep a conversation going, or maybe you just didn't want to. He hadn't felt like this for a long time, but there was just something there.
Maybe he had stared at your ass a few times or his gaze drifted to your chest—although, you usually wore loose-fitted clothing that didn't give him an easy view. If you were anything like his fuck buddies, he'd have already fucked you by the time you even considered it.
With your consent, of course.
Jungkook's head fell against the back of the couch, frustrated with himself.
Maybe he could never do anything right but fuck around, but that was about to change.
He hadn't talked to Jihyo since that night.
Only a few days had passed, but Jungkook knew that whatever it was they were doing had to end. They agreed that if either of them developed feelings of any kind for another person, they would stop; he just never thought that he would ever be the one developing feelings. It wasn't like he couldn't, as he had girlfriends in the past, mostly from high school. But he just hadn't met anyone that caught his interest. All the girls he'd fucked had been beautiful and great under the sheets, but that was all they were. Ironically enough, the girl that did stand out to him was someone he hadn't even kissed.
But he couldn't even count how many times he'd thought about it.
Your features fit your personality, soft and innocent. He'd caught himself staring down at your lips a few times when he managed to talk to you some mornings. One thing he did notice about you was that whenever you spoke, your lips barely parted and you seemed to mumble. Although he knew it was out of anxiety of saying the wrong thing, he found it cute how shy and nervous you were.
A single thumb pressed against the black remote in his palm as Jungkook mindlessly flicked through the channels for something to get his mind off of things. His classes had progressed as usual but he couldn't stop thinking about you and what you were thinking. You hadn't walked by the past few days and he—of course—knew why. It was obvious things weren't going to get any better if he didn't talk to you, but his only indication that you lived nearby was that you were in walking distance to his house.
He now understood your anxiety whenever you talked to him because he was nervous as hell. What would he even say to you? That he was sorry he couldn't stop thinking with his dick for two seconds? Would it even be worth the effort? He was split two ways—he wanted to fix things with you but he also didn't at the same time. Wouldn't it be better for you if that was the last time you saw him so you could get romanced by some guy capable of putting your feelings first? Someone you could marry?
Maybe but he didn't want to leave things like this.
Making up his mind, he jogged to the front door and put on some shoes, then ran out the door. Just as he passed by the two houses separating his house from your apartment building, he recognized a guy from one of his classes in his same major heading to his car.
"Hey!" Jungkook called after him. "Adam! Hey!"
He spun around, scrunching his eyebrows but then grinned at Jungkook. "Hey!"
"So, I was just wondering if you knew a girl around—" He paused to gesture your exact height. "—this height? Pretty hair and big eyes? Shy? I know she lives somewhere around here."
Adam tilted his head back to look at the sky in thought, not seeming to know who he was talking about. When Jungkook mentioned your name, however, a light seemed to go off.
"Yeah, but how do you know her exactly?"
How did he know you exactly?
"Uh... It's kind of a long story..."
Adam snorted. "All right, man. Well, she lives in #10."
Jungkook followed his index finger as it pointed up a driveway of the apartment building. Patting him on the shoulder, they went their separate ways and Jungkook jogged up the concrete past the garbage bin. He heard the sound of a car engine starting, then speeding down the road just as he noticed there was a person lying on the ground with a bottle of vodka gripped firmly in their hand.
It was you.
Your eyes were closed as he looked you up and down, slightly confused by your behavior. He hadn't pegged you for the alcohol type. As that thought occurred to him, he wondered if you were even old enough to drink alcohol in the first place. You had to be a freshman or possibly a sophomore. He hadn't ever asked your age but you had a youthful feeling to you that he could just tell.
Crouching so that he was closer to your figure on the ground, he asked, "What are you doing?"
Your eyes looked unfocused when they opened and it seemed hard for you to speak before you slurred, "Whoever you're d-dialing can't be r-reached."
He blinked in response just as you batted away at him and stood up to take a step back.
"Try..." you trailed off, licking your lips before seeming to forget what you were trying to say.
"Oh, Jesus..."
His eyes wandered down your body. You were wearing one of your usual skirts but there appeared to be leaves and clumps of dirt covering the white fabric to indicate you'd been there for a long time. At the sight of the bottle of vodka in your hand, he reached down to pry it from you and read the alcohol content. His eyes narrowed when he read: 43% ALC./VOL. 750 ML. Sighing, he tossed it somewhere behind him and cringed when he heard it come crashing down on the concrete.
"Where did you even get this?" he asked but kept his voice light.
When you didn't respond, he called your name, repeating himself until he was nearly yelling in your ear. Though, your eyes were closed so he just assumed you were no longer conscious.
Jungkook reached out to grab one of your upper arms in an attempt to pull you to your feet, but he hesitated inches away from your skin. He hadn't touched you before and wasn't sure if he was crossing some boundaries. Although, he knew that he couldn't just leave you there.
"Shit... You're so fucked up," he mumbled to himself.
Your head fell into the crook of his neck when he pulled you up, barely standing on your own with weak legs. Unconsciously, his hands skimmed down the length of your arms and he couldn't help but notice how soft your skin was—softer than he could have ever imagined. One hand drifted past your shoulder to cup your cheek in an attempt to get you to look at him, but you were barely conscious.
"Can you hear me right now?" he breathed, scanning your face.
He stared at you intensely, the dim lighting from both the street light and some lights overhead one of the nearby buildings illuminating your features—your long eyelashes, pouty lips. When you groaned in response, he noted that he barely heard you from how intensely he was staring at you.
Why the hell had you done this to yourself?
His thumb glided against the skin of your cheek before a moment before he shook his head, dropping his hands almost immediately. From doing so, your head fell forward into his chest, and he reacted quickly by holding you against him with a hand under your legs and back. Your weight wasn't the issue but he had to hoist you up several times before he got a firm grip. As he began to walk past the garbage bin and towards the driveway, he kept glancing down at you with a concerned expression.
For now, he would take you to his house to sober you up since he didn't have your room keys or anything. Adam had told him your apartment number and maybe your room was even unlocked, but he realized that he wasn't using logic to power his decision—he wanted to talk to you just for a little bit longer and he needed you sober to do that. But maybe once you were, you wouldn't talk to him.
"W-Where are we goin'?" you asked a few minutes later after he carried you down the driveway.
Jungkook paused, looking down at you. He was surprised to see your eyes open as you struggled to focus on his face, failing miserably. You seemed to slip down his body as he paid more attention to looking at you than holding you tightly in his arms, and he pulled you tighter against his chest.
"My house," he answered, then paused after he began to move down the sidewalk. "Is that okay?"
You didn't respond but instead closed your eyes, seeming to fall unconscious again. He stared down at you for a moment. Would you let any guy take you to his house? Or was it just him? Your nails scraped against the back of his neck without you realizing it—probably—and he shivered in response.
As he continued to carry you to his house, he tried to focus on the sound of cars driving by and drunken conversations of people as they passed you two on the sidewalk. In fact, he tried to focus on anything that wasn't the intoxicating smell of your fruity perfume. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, after all. It was comforting, though, when he remembered he wouldn't be alone with you at the house.
Your grip around his neck tightened suddenly and he froze, holding his breath as your lips brushed against the skin of his neck. Unconsciously or not, he was fighting a losing battle.
Think about that yeast infection that one girl had, Jungkook thought to himself.
At the sight of his house coming into view, he closed his eyes and sighed in relief. It felt like walking the distance from your apartment building to his house was like pushing a boulder up a hill, and then having that boulder transform into you and torment him and his dick on torturous levels.
A blush ghosted across his cheeks as he paused in front of his front door, readjusting his grip on your body to slowly turn the door knob and stumble through the doorway. Gently, he lowered you onto the couch and you instantly curled into a ball. Jungkook bit his lip at the sight and wondered if that's how you slept as well. It seemed fitting—even in an unconscious state, you curled into yourself.
The house was quiet, which reminded him that Jimin was supposed to be home. However, he didn't even hear the sound of the floorboards creaking under his feet. Trying to take his mind off of the idea of the two of you being in his house alone, he jogged to the kitchen sink to get you a glass of water. He looked over his shoulder when the front door suddenly opened.
"’Sup, dude," Jungkook greeted, looking over his shoulder at Jimin. He returned his attention back to the sink, filling the glass to the brim with cold water before shutting off the faucet.
When Jimin didn't say anything in response, he turned around, glass in hand, to see Jimin staring at you on the couch with narrowed eyes. Jungkook followed his gaze and noticed you were still unconscious, so he knew he was about to be yelled at by his roommate.
"Jungkook," he said with a sigh. Jimin dropped his backpack to the floor with a thud, then. "Why is there a drunk girl on our couch right now?"
Standing behind the back of the couch, Jungkook's gaze flickered around the living room, as if doing so would give him an idea on what kind of lie he was about to feed Jimin. He wasn't exactly the most lenient roommate when it came to strangers, especially after the party they threw last weekend and he was stuck cleaning up the mess. From Jungkook's perspective, however, no one asked him to do that. They were going to clean up eventually. Jimin just couldn't handle a messy house.
"You know, it's a funny story," Jungkook replied, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand.
"And you know what else is a funny story? That whenever you say something is a 'funny story,' it actually isn't a funny story at all because you did something stupid."
Jimin was definitely still bitter about last weekend, Jungkook thought with a cringe.
Even if you had to puke, though, he didn't think for one second you would actually tarnish someone's carpeting by choice. You would probably keep it in for as long as possible; you were just too nice.
It was quiet for a few moments as Jimin continued to stare into the most inner parts of Jungkook's soul. Was he expecting a really good explanation? Because Jungkook definitely didn't have one.
Chewing at the flesh of his inner cheek, Jungkook finally said, "Don't you have somewhere to be?"
"Oh, shit." Jimin's eyes widened in realization and bent over to pick up his backpack. "You're right. I gotta get going, but you better not let her puke on the carpet."
And then he was running up the stairs, brushing past Jungkook as he gave him a slow nod in confirmation as if to say yes, there will absolutely be no more puke in this house. He padded up the stairs quickly and then Jungkook heard his bedroom door slam shut behind him as well as drawers opening and closing. Then, Jimin was throwing him a nonchalant wave as he dashed out the door.
Setting down the glass of water on the coffee table for you when you woke up, a dining room chair scraped across the hardwood flooring as he moved it in front of you. He planned on sitting there until you woke up, maybe watching cat videos on his phone if he got bored, but then your eyes opened.
"You're conscious," he said with a smile.
After you seemed to realize where you were and that you weren't in fact kidnapped, you relaxed more into the couch. You still didn't look him in the eye, though. Instead, you seemed to shrink into yourself, as if you wanted to make yourself look as small as possible under his gaze.
"Jungkook," you began, your voice tight, "why weren't you there that morning?"
He knew that wasn't what you were asking. If you were any other girl, you would've asked why he could never think with his head or what the fuck was wrong with him. But he had to remind himself that this was you and you held no resentment towards him—all you felt towards him was sadness.
But he was sad, too. He would never be the type of guy good enough for you. Although he didn't mean to, he had hurt you, and he would do it again and again and again without meaning to. You deserved a guy who was waiting to meet you—waiting his whole life for you. He wouldn't need to change or be afraid that he would hurt you because he wouldn't, not even without meaning to.
Finally, your eyes darted up to meet his and he felt like he'd been punched in the gut.
"I'm so fucking sorry you had to see that." Jungkook swallowed, pausing for a moment. His gaze fell to his hands knitted together in his lap. "I didn't even— It didn't even register that... I'm sorry."
You sat up suddenly, then skimmed a hand over your forehead. Jungkook watched you carefully, trying to read your mind or what you were thinking. He knew that you didn't hold anything against him, but he probably wasn't your favorite person right now. When you wobbled slightly, he reached out to steady you. Instead of accepting his help, however, you leaned more into the couch.
That stung a little bit, he had to admit.
"It's fine," you mumbled. Your eyes stared at a single piece of lint on one of the couch cushions in an attempt to avoid looking him in the eye. "Can you take me home?"
Although Jungkook nodded, he was a little hesitant to send you home, especially when he could tell you still had a lot of alcohol in your system. He also wanted things to go back to normal and he couldn't do that unless you were sober, but he also knew you didn't want to talk to him.
"Y-Yeah," he said, standing up. "Are you sure you're okay, though?"
You looked lost in your own thoughts for a moment, jaw clenching.
"No, but I don't see how that's any of your business."
That caused him to raise an eyebrow, but he knew that he deserved that. If it weren't for the alcohol in your system, he was sure you wouldn't have said anything. Maybe this was the perfect time to talk to you about what happened instead of the worst; you would actually tell him what you were thinking.
He watched in silence as you pushed yourself up off the couch, placing a hand against your head for a moment. He went to steady you again but this time you actually gestured for him not to touch you with a wave of your free hand. Jungkook bit into his lip but held himself back. You managed to stumble over towards the front door before you had trouble opening his front door.
It wasn't exactly the easiest door to open since it had both a latch and a lock on the door knob that made it difficult for even people who were sober. He held back a chuckle as he walked over to you, but you had long given up on using logic to open it and simply used force by means of tugging at the knob. His large hand encased your own, steadying your hand in the process, while his chest ghosted against your back. With a flick of his wrist, he undid the latch and easily unlocked the front door.
You didn't look back at him or even offer your thanks, but he smiled down at you anyway.
The wood of the porch creaked under your feet as the two of you slowly made your way to the sidewalk, turning right to make the slow journey back to your apartment building. You were walking at least five steps in front of him and remained quiet, but he could be patient. He would wait until you spoke to him first so he wasn't overstepping any boundaries.
Although, you had already passed by two houses when he finally opened his mouth.
"Are you sure you're—"
"I said I'm fine."
He licked his lips, continuing to follow behind you nervously. Should he have said something different? Or would you reply in the same way no matter what he said? Before he could even think of something else to say, you were spinning on your heel to face him with an angry expression.
"You know what?" you said, breathing heavily. "I'm not. I'm a little intoxicated right now—" Jungkook snorted, finding your anger cute and charming for some reason. "—and so I'm probably going to say something dumb. Usually I wouldn't even be speaking more than two words to you but right now I don't give a shit. That's right. I know what that word means."
He went to open his mouth, but you just kept going.
"I'm fucking pissed at you. You knew I would be walking by but then I saw—" Jungkook cringed at that, knowing what you were referring to. He stuck his hands in his front jean pockets and looked at the concrete of the sidewalk in shame. "I know we're not even friends. We're complete strangers, but I figured you could at least keep your dick in your pants for even just one second because I thought— I thought y-you l-liked me like I like y-you."
His head shot up at that. That's what you thought? That the two of you were complete strangers? You two were anything but strangers. You had no idea what he was thinking or feeling.
"I do lik—!"
"I am talking right now, Jungkook."
He shut his mouth. It would be better for you to finish what you had to say before he interrupted you. The thought of you thinking that's how he felt about you, though—it was painful for him to stay quiet.
You stepped impossibly closer to him, so much that your breath fanned across his cheeks. "As I was saying... I thought— But I guess I was wrong." You lowered your gaze. It was as if you didn't want to see how he was going to react, as if you believed what you were saying was true but didn't want to believe it at the same time. "You probably only started talking to me in the first place because you wanted to stick your dick in me, right?"
Jungkook's mouth opened again, but then you said in an almost whisper as your voice broke, "Why else would you talk to someone as socially awkward and quiet as me?"
So you had that little respect for him that you just assumed he only saw you as someone he wanted to hump and then dump? He felt pissed at you, too. Before he could say anything back, you were turning back around and storming towards your driveway a few feet away. He kept running over in his head what he should say to you—that you were more to him than just another girl and that he had liked you the moment he first saw you—but then you were walking up the bottom of the driveway.
"Thanks for walking me home," you said quietly, throwing a glance over your shoulder to look at him but you simply stared at a patch of grass near his feet. "I won't be walking by anymore, so you can screw whoever you want wherever you want without worrying about me, if you even did at all."
Then you continued to wobble your way up the driveway and Jungkook's mind was made up.
You thought you were the coward in your friendship—or relationship because he still wasn't sure what you two were to each other. Who's the coward? The one who doesn't know what to say, or the one who knows what to say but is afraid what will happen when they say it? You weren't the coward.
He was.
"Wait!" Jungkook yelled after you. "Will you just—" It was like his legs were moving on his own as he raced up the driveway to catch up to you. "Fucking hold on."
You didn't turn around so he had no choice but to grab you by the shoulders and spin you, but then he really wished he hadn't because your eyes were red from tears.
His gaze flickered across your face, committing to memory every single pour and every single tear that trailed past your cheeks. His mind was made up now. He was done being a coward.
"I do fucking like you. I do but I... I'm not good enough for you."
Maybe that was the fear that held him back. But if he wasn't good enough for you, who was? Would anyone ever be or was that just something he told himself to make himself feel better? And even if you found the right guy, a small part of him knew that he still wouldn't be satisfied with that. Even a nice guy would hurt you somehow, but at least he knew when he was hurting you and he knew it wasn't good that he was doing that. Maybe he was good enough for you. Maybe he was enough.
"No one is good enough for you."
But maybe I can try to be, went unsaid.
He knew he was sounding desperate but that's what he was; he was desperate to meet you halfway.
"Don't you think I should be the one to decide that?"
Jungkook swallowed. "I don't... I don't want to hurt you."
"You already did," you said through a teary gaze, then pulled yourself out of his grasp.
Jungkook's lower lip trembled as you walked away. What the hell was happening to him? His foot took a step forward and then another, but he didn't remember telling his body to do that. He just moved on his own without thinking. He always did things without thinking when it came to you.
And then suddenly, he was shoving you into the fence surrounding the garbage bin.
"You're not..." He paused, eyes glancing down at your parted mouth. When he looked back into your eyes, he noticed you were looking at his lips, too. "...making this fucking easy on me, you know?"
And then his head swooped down to claim your lips—the lips he would kill a person just to kiss for even one moment. And you weren't pulling away. You weren't slapping him, kicking him in the balls for laying a single hand on you. Not that you would do that anyway, but you were kissing him back.
One of his hands fell from their place beside your head to skim down your body, admiring each and every last dip and curve of your hips. From being shoved into the fence, your shirt had ridden up in the back and he couldn't even fucking resist touching your bare skin there. He'd touch so many girls in so many places so many times, but touching you was something else. It was like he knew he shouldn't touch you but when he did, it was like a breath of fresh air. No one had ever touched you like this before. No one had ever kissed you like he was kissing you now. Maybe you had been kissed before but not in the way he was kissing you. With every lick and bite, he knew you could feel it, too.
Even thinking that, when he pulled away to tell you to stop him, all that came out in a raspy voice was, "I shouldn't be..." before it died on his tongue, him quickly reuniting your lips again. It was as if one he got a taste of you, he didn't ever want to forget it. Somehow, you tasted just like honey.
His hands glided up from the base of your spine to just below your bra strap. He pulled at your arms so he could feel all of you pressing against him and could already feel himself getting turned on. He was about to pull away, telling himself this had to stop before it went too far, but then you made a moan from the back of your throat; he was a goner. His lips trailed kisses from the corner of your lips to your chin, descending to your neck to kiss and nibble at the skin there. He vaguely felt your hands grabbing at the fabric of his shirt you could rip it into pieces for all he cared right then and there.
You let out a gasp and he pulled away, his lips hovering an inch away from your skin. His eyes fell to your cheeks that felt hot to the touch and your glistening mouth. He couldn't help himself when he leaned forward to kiss you again and again and again until he had to force himself away from you.
Your eyes were glazed over and, although he was purposefully keeping his lower half away from you so you wouldn't know how fucking turned on he was, it wasn't helping that all he wanted to do was spin you around, palm your breasts in his hands, and bend you over within twenty seconds.
Luckily for him, a car was pulling up the driveway and honking at the two of you. You pressed yourself against the fence, separating yourself from him, and it was like he could finally breathe again.
He pulled you away so he could maneuver the two of you around the garbage bin and let the car drive by, but then its headlights disappeared behind one of the buildings and you were alone again.
"So, um..." Jungkook started to say, "that was... something."
You probably regretted it—your first kiss was with him. In his own selfish way, he was hopeful that was your first french kiss. It definitely felt like it with the way you let him easily take the lead.
"I'm sorry. I—" He paused for a moment. "I've been saying that a lot lately, huh?"
You shook your head frantically at that. "It's okay! I'm fine. Don't apologize."
He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. Were you lying to him to make him feel better? That was definitely something you would do. He had to get away from you as soon as possible because every time he even looked at you, his eyes trailed to your wet lips and his thoughts went south.
"Are you going to be okay on your own?"
"Y-Yeah. I can find my way," you replied with a warm smile. "Don't worry about me."
He let go of your hand when he realized he was still holding it, as if you had burned him.
"I'm... I'm sorry for yelling at you."
He smiled down at you. "I'm sorry for kissing you."
Nervously, you tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear. "Don't be. I... I liked it, so thank you."
His hands twitched at his sides, itching to touch you somewhere or to even move closer to you, but then you were moving around him to get to your building. Once you reached the door, you looked over your shoulder at him and he gave you a convincing smile, but then suddenly it wasn't enough.
He had to see you again.
Once again, his body moved without thinking.
"Listen... uh..." he started to say, scratching at the back of his neck. "Can I make it up to you? For kissing you and for... you know. I'm throwing a party tomorrow night. You should come."
"O-Okay. If you want me to come, I will."
He breathed a smile, then said, "Great. I'll see you tomorrow, then."
You nodded and he nodded back, awkwardly. You waved at him before you disappeared into your building and he turned around, quickly walking down the driveway.
"God, I'm fucked..." he mumbled to himself, already regretting inviting you.
As he made his way to his house, he already made plans to lay in his room and masturbate so hard until he could pretend it was you jerking him off instead of his own right hand. 
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opepin · 7 years
january: week one
02: i woke up late and waited for hillary to pick me up. i decided to go to gyu-kaku with everyone today but aimed to not get the all-you-can-eat. my stomach was feeling weird from the 3 arts club cafe burger. hillary picked me up and we drove to gyu-kaku. we found parking right in front of the place and then we went in and found out that the wait time was 1 hour and 30 minutes. we called up everyone and everyone said they were fine with it. so we met up with mindy and garrick and they got some coffee and we walked over to water tower. it was garrick’s first time there too! we ended up in “the limited” and i was so amazed by the fixtures and stuff. i would have bought some of it but i don’t think i needed anything. mindy, hillary, and ashley got things for real cheap because they were closing out. it was about time to head back and we got a call from them saying that our table was ready. we rushed back and sat down and everyone got $45 ayce because everyone wanted to sit together and just eat. we went for 3-4 rounds. i was the first one to tag out LOL. it was so salty and i just wanted dessert :( hahah. we managed to eat everything plus a lady m green tea cake. we were all dead after.
hillary drove home, mindy and garrick took a lyft, and then ashley and i walked to a starbucks near the red line so i could get on that and she could wait for her ride. hehe, thanks for guiding me, ashley! i got off diversey brown line and walked over to firecakes, where hen was working. i should have gotten off fullerton...because it was closer than diversey, but oh well, it was really nice to walk off some of the food. the clark st. firecakes’ location is so cute <333 hen threw out the garbage, i met her co-worker, and then we commuted home together because we were going the same way. we realized that everywhere was closed because new year is observed today so we just caught up on our ride back home. i’ve missed hen <33333 i love hanging out with her because i feel like she brings out something in me in a way she only can. we’re silly together. cluck cluck cluck. 
hen gave me one of her beautifully crafted milk bottles and a beautiful notebook and a very touching card. i love this girl so much and only wish the best for her <3 so happy that she was one of the few friends i made while at SAIC. i ended the night by exercising because i felt like poop and then talking to kevin because he’s coming back tomorrow~~ tomorrow is a jam-packed day. i can’t wait.
03: i managed to get up at 6:20 am and tom actually picked me up at 6:40 am! go us! the only thing is that it was extremely foggy outside. it was so foggy that i could see it in my neighborhood LOL. we drove out to foster beach and then talked and waited to see the sunrise. we talked about how we’ve been doing and etc and it was really nice. i feel like tom expressed feelings that i’ve been feeling but haven’t really said it out loud. it’s nice knowing that a friend is going through the same thing as you. it hit 7:19 am and it was brighter, but there was no sun to be seen LOL. i think we stayed there a bit longer and then tom drove us to yellow rose cafe in jeff park. this diner is great! our waitress/maybe owner greeted us and took our orders. she gave tom the homemade hot sauce and his reaction was lulz. she made fun of him for a bit. tom and i ate and continued talking. it was one of those deep conversations that i haven’t had in a long time so it was something i realized i needed. the conversations continued in the car on the way back to my house and then he dropped me off. thank you for spending quality 1-on-1 time with me, tom! ((:
it was around 10:30 am when i got back and i ended up napping for an hour. then i put my jacket back on and brought my book bag and stuff and commuted to SAIC to meet up with chewy! we got into the office and talked with kate and nancy! they were the only ones we knew there and apparently, it was their first day back in the office from break. it was nice talking to them and updating them on our lives. i love them so! i’m said vicki and theresa were still on break and i missed them. chewy and i went to russian tea time and got afternoon tea. we got the savory items, tea, and chocolate lava cake (as usual). he caught up, talked, and etc. I’VE MISSED THIS GIRL SO MUCH! she’s been out in LA doing her thing for so long ): it was really great seeing her again. i walked her to the train and then waited for my mom to pick me up. it was like i was in school again lol. we stopped by hong kong market (for an hour, wut) and then drove back home. my mom made dinner, i fell asleep again, woke up and ate, and then we drove to union station to pick up kevin!!! <3333
we talked about his vacation and then kevin gave my family some holiday chocolates, unpacked-ish, and ate dinner. i missed this bear! hehe. we spent the night catching up and making sure that he wouldn’t get sicker haha. we went to sleep pretty late either at 1 or 2 am, but i can’t wait to spend time with kevin again in chicago (((((:
04: kevin and i met up with nluu in ford for lunch. we got lunch at tomate and walked over. i got my chicken quinoa salad with a chicken tamale. kevin got a gordita and a burrito? or a taco? i forget. it was yummy though. we caught up and talked. ryan came by after his class and we talked. they made plans to go climbing every day LOL. we walked with ryan back to tomate and then drove him to tech. then we drove back home and chilled until kevin went climbing. i stayed home and worked out. then i showered and ryan picked me up to go to dice dojo! ryan also was the mvp for ordering and getting our dinner from 527 cafe. we found parking, walked over, and went inside. omg, it’s such a cool place! it’s also much more spacious than i thought it would be. everyone was down in the basement. kevin, ryan, and i ate while watching them play a code/picture game. my popcorn chicken salad was bomb af. i would definitely get this again. i was on a salad streak because i wasn’t eating enough greens x_x i was trying to make up for it LOL.
i played fluxx with winson, ryan, and kevin. michelle came through! then me and the guys headed to a viet restaurant so winston could fill his belly. he got pho, ryan got some spring rolls (he gave me half of one), and kevin got a chicken banh mi with taro bubble tea, which i ate 1/3 and drank some. i got a thai iced tea. ryan’s hate for new york is amazing LOL. i love how he puts it into words. i agree with him but it seems like he was scarred from a past event (he wasn’t), but he is so particular about his reasons for disliking new york. it’s great. winston is planning to get a new job and move out there so that’s what sparked the conversation. i missed everyone <3 we all ran to walgreens and got a pack of water bottles and ran back to dice dojo. ryan ran like he stole it from there or something LOL. winston got hiccups from running with us. it was great lololol.
we passed out the water and then i got strung into playing avalon, which i was confused by and really didn’t like. i effed it up for our team because i didn’t see that kevin was on my team. i thought there were only 3 spies?! so i passed it on accident...sorta, but my team guessed winston was merlin and they were right! yeah, never playing that game. then we paired up and played dix it. jia and i were in last place but oh well haha. peter and nluu were killing it for some reason, ahah. then everyone left at 12 am? i think that was closing time and we said our goodbyes. i was nice seeing matthew and winston again! hehe. kevin drove us home and then we showered and went to sleep. zzz. it’s been an eventful week so far.
05: kevin and i woke up late and then ate some congee. then we drove out to cafe orient 33 to pick up food and eat it while watching pokemon sun and moon episodes. we were going to watch ‘la la land’ but i decided against it because it was kind of cold and i don’t know if kevin would like it. so we ate (i have missed this food -- still so good) and then chilled until i needed to meet hen for dinner and kevin had to meet up with everyone to go climbing. i met up with hen at sabri nihari and the service was great. our servers were so funny. i got to spend more time with hen talking about food and life. the chicken biryani was huge and i sacrificed my stomach for mango lassi. the samosas were so good! the vegetarian one is still my favorite. everything was delicious. we ate wayy too much though. we decided to walk back home in the freezing cold. we walked together until devon and california. hen actually moved closer to me T__T we are so close but yet so far away now! then i toughed it out and walked the rest of the way home. hen had a bit less to walk but we both made it!
kevin was still out so i did an intense af workout. i mixed up videos and did 20 minutes of hiit, 10 min of intense abs, 10 min of blogilate abs, and 20 minutes of hip hop cardio. it felt good but my body feels so weak now. i took a quick shower and then opened the door for kevin. he drank all of the mango lassi i got him when he came back. he ate a lot today .__. he also ate spicy rice cake at joong boo market before climbing. lolool. did he even climb? idk. :P jk haaha. o we digested and then went to sleep after a long day of activity out in the cold haha.
06: kevin dropped me off at cupitol so that i could meet up with michelle and nluu. i got there first so i ordered tea and the gravlax and eggs plate with gluten free bread except that the cashier kept putting in the bagel and i didn’t want the bagel because it had cream cheese and he was confused whether or not i wanted gluten free bread or not. x__x another person helped us out and then i grabbed a seat at the only empty large table so i could save michelle and nluu a seat. my food was disappointing because the smoked salmon was cut so freaking thick and i only got one slice of bread LOL. then a large group of people came and they kicked me out of my seat and then they changed their mind about dining here. .___. finally, michelle and nluu came. i pretty much was anxious the entire time at cupitol. i do not recommend this place. i feel like they are also a bit on the pricey side. so yeah. omg, too many things happening in the morning for me.
we ate lunch together and chilled until nluu had to go back to research. michelle dropped him off and then we drove to ikea. i listened to the moana soundtrack and also showed michelle jay park’s album LOL. i love it so much but i hate the lyrics T_T we talked and stuff and i realized that i was being real oversensitive about things and maybe other things were contributing to how i was feeling about being back in chicago and seeing people. michelle was supposed to figure out what bed frame and sofa she wanted. we did that but also focused on buying kitchen stuff and smaller apartment things. we got matching funnels, ayyy! i also finally got tape measure for my apartment lol. i learned that other ikeas are set up with show rooms first then items unlike this one near chicago. it kind of blew my mind because this ikea is all i know.
we ended the trip with a soft serve and a freshly baked cinnamon rolll. mmm. we also got everyone else a six pack of cinnamon rolls. michelle drove us back and we talked about life lol. it sucks to be in your early 20′s. we stopped by ryan’s and then drove out from there. i didn’t know how long the ikea trip was going to be so i had the house keys so when kevin was done visiting his lab at nu, he couldn’t get his climbing stuff to go with ryan T__T i felt so bad. but he chilled at lab for a bit longer and then met up with ryan at his apartment after. also, sorry ryan! lol he ended up climbing alone. poop. anyway, we all drove to dengeo’s (after getting ashley and winston) where we met up with tom, peter, and honglin. we ate and then michelle went to get terence. then we all drove to the escape room in morton grove. the location is shady af LOLOL.
we had orientation and then we basically pushed into the room and locked in. it was terrifying. there was a butler to help give us hints (helpful or not) and he gave us the backstory. i hear chains in the background so kevin and i move behind some people. then the lights flicker and the zombie actress pops out of nowhere and screams OMG OMG OMG LOLOLOL. kevin and i jumped in the opposite direction HAHAHA. she couldn’t get anywhere though because her chain wasn’t long enough yet... we were all shitting our pants trying to find clues and kevin and winston volunteered as tribute to go into the bathroom area (where the zombie was chained). there were a few seconds of feeding time when the zombie was eating, but that time ended and they were locked in the stall LOLOLOLOL. they “died” (zombie taps you, you’re out but the butler revives you after you do something silly for him) and it’s safe to say that they were scared shitless. kevin was the martyr of the group and he kept dying. i would like to think that she aimed for him because he was the funniest to scare (kevin would literally run backwards to the furthest wall). she also liked scaring peter. POOR PETER! haha.
i don’t think i helped much other than doing the final step of getting the keys. i got a key out with my fingers but the butler didn’t accept it because we were supposed to get the tools hung on the bathroom stall to open the vent where it was stuck...i also got the key from a painting’s eyeball too after helping figure out the morse code via the top planks of wood. we only got 3 out of the 4 keys and then we all died hahaha. it was a pretty great experience tbh. the zombie actress was soooo good! she like threw things (kind of at us but not really) and acted her part real well. she wasn’t so scary after the game ended. we all drove to ford to play telestrations and it was great. sarah can draw so well!!! terence is also a pretty great illustrator. we munched on the cinnamon rolls from ikea and candy that ryan bought. we played until 12 am and then we all drove home. kevin and i hugged everyone goodbye. it was a great end to our trip back home. the escape room and telestrations seemed like they happened on two different days though haha. kevin and i drove back and showered and went to sleep. zzz.
07: you guessed it! our flight got cancelled. that was the first thing i saw when i woke up in the morning. kevin had the option of switching his flight online but for some reason, i didn’t. so i called and waited. luckily, there was a 4:40 pm flight tomorrow so we both signed up for that. kevin went climbing with ryan and i just stayed in bed. i eventually got up and ate leftover chicken biryani for breakfast. then i snuggled with my mom on the couch. she fell asleep and kevin came back. then she went to sleep upstairs because she felt like she was getting sick D: kevin and i just chilled in the bedroom the entire day. my body felt blech too. i ended up dosing in and out multiple times during the day. we did manage to make reservations at sumi robata for dinner so that we would get some outside time lol. i got my mom water from downstairs and my brother was hanging out with his friend in the living room. when it was about time to go, we changed and headed out. i dropped off victoria’s gift at her apartment and then got her delicious peppermint mocha cookies. OMG I’M IN LOVE. THEY’RE SO DELICIOUS. my throat hurt but i kept eating them anyway.
we got a super close spot near sumi and then got seated. it was way busier than the last two times we went. there were some seating issues with another group and service seemed sloppier? we also had to wait for our tea for a while and had to ask for plates. they also no longer have the chopsticks and chopstick holders that we liked x__X idk. haha. overall, the food was great though. the chicken thigh and beef tsukune slider were still bomb af and their kakigori flavor was soo good. it was an orange creamsicle flavor. we also got baked scallops and the sweet potato fries, which were new to us but SO GOOD. we would eat that all day any day. after a day of staying in and eating, we settled back into bed and kevin tried watching a dota game but we both ended up falling asleep at like 1 am, ahahha.
08: we woke up later than i told my parents, but they weren’t really bothered by it. i think they were expecting it LOL. we finished packing and headed out. we went to cai to get dim sum and it was packed af! my mom managed to get us a table quickly :P she has real good bargaining skills. then kevin and i checked off things that we wanted and everyone ate pretty quickly. i obviously ordered the mango tapioca pudding with condensed milk <333 then i struggled to eat everything else we ordered. the mango mochi had a ton of cream inside, but it had chunks of mango in it too, which made me sad because i couldn’t eat all of it. the crab xiao long bao were disappointing...but everything else was fine. my parents drove us to midway and then we said goodbye. we got on the standby list for the 2:25 pm flight straight to boston. i realized that the 7 people in front of us were from the same family so i was hopeful that we’d get seats. gg us because they decided to take all 3 empty seats and split as a family -___-” wtf. we should have called earlier and asked to be put on standby :/
we waited until 4:40 pm to get on our original flight to kansas city. before we boarded, we were told our flight to boston would be delayed about 2 hours...we played pokemon on the flight and experienced some pretty bad turbulence before landing. we were then notified that our flight to boston would be delayed another 30 minutes. so kevin and i went to the nearest restaurant, which was a bbq place and got dinner. i got this less than avarage salmon salad for $17...and kevin got their beef brisket, which only tasted good dipped in bbq sauce. sigh. there was a lady in the same boat as us and she was so nice. we connected through this tragic flying situation and she offered us half of her fries LOL. we went down to wait and i tried walking around but there was pretty much nowhere to walk to because the airport was so small.
we played pokemon to pass the time. they also had boomerang and cartoon network playing on the screens, which was nice. we finally boarded at 9:30 pm and in the air at 9:50 pm. it was a long 4 hour flight (including the time difference). i played more pokemon, we tried napping, etc. we got wheat thins on this flight, which was nice. i sent an email to southwest complaining about my terrible experience all around and i hope they answer me. it’s fucking ridiculous tbh. anyway, we landed at like 2 am and got our bags. then we took an uber back and decided to stay up until 5 am unpacking, opening packages, reading mail, and making ourselves back at home. tomorrow is going to suck for kevin because he wants to go to work but we went to sleep at 5 am. this is my worst experience traveling so far. it was literally an entire day plus some of traveling.
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dontsleepon · 7 years
92 Truths
Tagged by @jeonwonswoon​ sorry for doing this late, I haven’t been active on tumblr cause of assignments. And yes I am both @random-bubble​ and @dontsleepon​
RULES: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: Water 2. Phone call: My dad few hours ago cause I finished my class. 3. Text message: “Oh” 4. Song you listened to: Beautiful By Monsta x (Acoustic Version) 5. Time you cried: Idk but I cry a lot since I get emotional at any given film 6. Dated someone twice: Lol I’ve never even dated anyone once 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nor have I gotten a kiss 8. Been cheated on: yaaaa totalllyy 9. Lost someone special: My cat ;-; 10. Been depressed: Nowadays I feel content with my life.... I mean it’s not horrible. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Not planning on doing drinking
12-14: I love almost every colour, but I guess Mustard, Salmon pink and Sage Green? Let’s be real I change colours every year.
15. Made new friends: Whewww, I sure did. 16. Fallen out of love: I think it’s part of my personality to fall out of love and come back hard (in terms of things I am interested in) 17. Laughed until you cried: Definitely had a lot last year. 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yeah, but it’s all good ones.... I think 19. Met someone who changed you: Yes 20. Found out who your friends are: Damn, it’s like you know me so well 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: kiss? Not in my dictionary
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life? About 85% 23. Do you have any pets? pffftt nooOOoOo... I dont have any pets.... (okay my house is a zoo) 24. Do you want to change your name? I love my name 25. What did you do for your last Birthday? I went to play escape room with my cousins and sisters.... I didnt really celebrate it (on my real birthday) however I did hang out with my friends to an amusement park in the same month 26. What time did you wake up? 7am. Which is early, knowing me. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night? Finishing up school work.. and got to learn things about up10tion at the same time 28. Name something you can’t wait for: I can’t wait til I finish language classes and start going futhur depth into my course cause it sure is hell right now. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom? Less than an hour ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life? I wish I know my mother language fluently 31. What are you listening right now? Usually I wouldn’t be listening to music while chilling but you are in luck. I am listening to AKMU ‘ChocoLady’ 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Probably 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Deadlines 34. Most visited Website: Youtube. Instagram & Twitter (Well do apps count) 35. Elementary: Meh 36. High School: Okay, let’s talk about Middle School though 37. College: WAIT STOP IMMA TALK ABOUT MIDDLE SCHOO-          I’m Dying and why don’t I feel like an adult 38. Haircolor: Black that has an ombre thats fading to brown. I need to redye man 39. Long or short hair? Not too short, not too long. 40. Do you have a crush on someone? Lol, I wish 41. What do you like about yourself? I’m a good listening. I am kinda glad that I learnt how to be appreciative more and realized all the things my parents has done for me. 42. Piercings: One for each ears but I don’t use it much since I use headphones. 43. Bloodtype: O, honestly I don’t know 44. Nickname: Zaza. I was born with that nickname and it has stuck since now. I hear this name more than my own real name (if you call out my real name I wouldn’t respond) 45. Relationship status: Single and wants to mingle but at the same time i don’t so. 47. Pronouns: She/her. or ZAZAZAZA 48. Favorite TV Show: Riverdale, Once upon a time, Sherlock, Devious Maids. For KDRAMAS: I love Webdramas, but Weighlifting Fairy, Healer, Cheer up!, ok the pre-debut astro drama was lit. 49. Tattoos: None, I can’t get one anyway 50. Right or left hand: Right cause I’m always righ- 51. Surgery: None 52. Piercing: .... 53. Sport: lol. anything that doesn’t involve running please 55. Vacation: I went to Korea and Singapore. That was fun whew. I still didn’t have the time to edit and upload a ‘vlog’ though 56. Pair of trainers: Discount ones AHAHAHHAA no seriously.
57. Eating: Pasta is my Life. Oh wait you mean now? Nothing 58. Drinking: Nothing 59. I’m about to: type this down 61. Waiting for: I just want time to slow down so I can finish my work plz 62. Want: To finish this 63. Get married: lol to who 64. Career: Anything involving art. Well not everything but that’s personal aint it.
65. Hugs or kisses: Both, im lonely. 66. Lips or eyes: Personality, jk eyes. 67. Shorter or taller: Taller, well good luck finding a guy sorter than me 68. Older or younger: Older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Doesn’t Matter 71. Sensitive or loud: Depends 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: H-hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… I’m going to show you so many things... I have not done
74. Kissed a stranger: No 75. Drank hard liquor: No 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Losing glasses when I wake up? yes 77. Turned someone down: Yes 78. Sex in the first date: No 79. Broken someones heart: I hope not... but probably? IM SORRY to whoever I did
80. Had your heart broken: I am not sure 81. Been arrested: No 82. Cried when someone died: Yes... my grandmother and my birds akcaowsidvhaois 83. Fallen for a friend: (insert moon emoji) jk no
84. Yourself: Don’t Stop Believing.... that you can fly 85. Miracles: Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesy 86. Love at first sight: eh 87. Santa Claus: No... even as a kid I didn’’t fell for it. 88. Kiss in the first date: I mean what if you knew eachother long before the first date lool 89. Angels: Yes
What do you mean by others lol 90. Current best friends name: I don’t even know if I have one 91. Eye color: Dark Brown 92. Favorite movie: How could I even choose
Tagged: I don’t have anyone I want to tag but @hsxbr
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